#i let him vent to me but i forget sometimes that i don’t have anyone to vent to myself
killuaisaprincess · 3 months
Everyone always whines and cries how everyone ignores G//on
Stg these people wanna act like Ki’s life is so easy and CAA wasn’t hard on Ki CUZ WHAT ABOUT G
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steampunkedemon · 2 years
josh went to see bubs on friday but his ex decided to make it as difficult as possible and i just…….i’m so mad for him
#he’s 19 he shouldn’t have to deal with a 25 yr old manipulating him the way she is#not that he should have to deal with it at any age but i hope you get my point#he just wants to be a good father to his kid and give her the childhood he didn’t get to have#and his ex just!!! she gets pissed when he doesn’t do what she wants. she sends voice messages saying she doesn’t know why she even kept bub#that she doesn’t know why she had a kid with him in the first place#tells him she wants him to move in with her get back together and raise bubs together or else she’ll go for full custody#she uses their daughter as leverage because she KNOWS josh will do anything for his kid#and it makes me so ANGRY#she manipulates him and takes advantage and does everything she can to control him#and he’s stuck in such a messy situation because he wants to be there for his kid#and like. i don’t think she would get full custody to begin with for several reasons#(one being that he was 16 and she was 22 when she got pregnant despite the consent age being 17)#but she keeps threatening him with it and i KNOW it worries him because the thought of not getting to see his kid kills him#and im so worried that if she keeps wearing him down he’ll give in eventually because it means he gets to be in his kids life#and i’m just so angry for him because it isn’t FAIR and he’s so young and he’s a literal angel and he deserves better than this#i’m sorry i just#i let him vent to me but i forget sometimes that i don’t have anyone to vent to myself#so#i’m venting to the empty space that is tumblr dot com#vent tag#me tag
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everlastlady · 9 months
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Boyfriend Miguel O 'Hara.
✰ author's note: Hello my starlights~ Decided to write this and get it out of my system before I start getting to request in my box because there are 11 request. So I hope that you enjoy this boyfriend Miguel story that I wrote instead of sleeping if you want husband Miguel then just let me know or drop it in my inbox with any ideas that you have. If you loved this cute short story then please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging. Remember to always support your local community writers or writers in general. Also don't forget to eat, drink water, take your medicine, and that you are loved.
✰ word count: 874.
✰ story contains: Gender neutral reader, mentions of sexual pleasure, romantic Miguel, and overall romance.
Boyfriend Miguel who doesn’t talk about his relationship with you to everyone at the spider society because he still wants to be seen as a serious and intimidating boss. But once he goes home, he loves to shower in affection. He’ll bury his face into the crook of your neck and inhale the scent of you because he missed you so much. He’ll want to hear about your day while he makes the two of you dinner. He’ll rub your feet from when you had an exhausting day. He’ll listen to you vent about your boss and annoying co-workers. Miguel doesn’t mind taking pictures with you. He’ll even get some pictures or videos of you. When he’s at the society he makes sure that no one is around so he can look at them. Boyfriend Miguel who spoils you by getting you anything you want. He wants you to quit your job so that he can take care of you. He's a man with a lot of money so there is no reason to work. But you don’t mind your job sometimes and you like having your own money. Miguel respects your choice but still spoils you. Boyfriend Miguel who finds it adorable when you wear his shirts, sweatpants, or boxers. Boyfriend Miguel who loves you no matter what size you are and will go at anyone who shames you for your body shape and size, he thinks you are beautiful no matter what scars or marks you have on your skin. Boyfriend Miguel who takes a break from being Spiderman so he can spend time with you and take you on trips. Boyfriend Miguel who cuddles you in bed wanting to feel close to you. If you wake up before him, you aren’t getting out of bed unless you have to pee.
Boyfriend Miguel who eventually introduced you to the spider society. Jess wonders how someone small and sweet as you could date Miguel but she is happy for you both. Peter loves the videos and pictures that you showed him of Miguel and you. You even agreed to watch Mayday which is a blast because now you have something to do when Miguel is busy. Boyfriend Miguel who whenever you both get into an argument, he’ll buy you a rose after every argument and apologize. Now if you are in the wrong and apologize, Miguel will forgive you and kiss your head. Boyfriend Miguel who’s favorite thing to do with you is dance and cook. He loves the way you both dance together, he doesn’t care if you don’t know how to dance he has fun either way. Boyfriend Miguel who lets you cry it out on him and vent. He lets you know your feelings are valid and he’s here to listen. Boyfriend Miguel who let you try his digital suit once and one look he was already on you. Boyfriend Miguel who sometimes wears his glasses but you remind him to use them when he’s at home looking at screens all day, he doesn’t like them but you tell him that he looks handsome. Boyfriend Miguel who lets you touch his fangs he just sits there with his mouth open but after his jaw gets tired he’ll set you aside. He also lets you know that his fangs are venomous so he doesn’t want you to accidentally hurt yourself. Boyfriend Miguel who originally met you at your workplace and was flustered with how you talked with him. Miguel who asked you out on a date when coming into your workplace, Miguel who took you to a restaurant.
Miguel who asked you out on the 6th date. Boyfriend Miguel who takes you to that same restaurant on your anniversary and then goes on a walk with you in the park underneath the stars. Boyfriend Miguel who scolds you and Lyla for pulling pranks on him. Boyfriend Miguel who gets a bit jealous whenever you give Lyla more attention then him. Boyfriend Miguel who is like a walking heater when it’s a cold day Miguel will be sure to keep you warm especially in different ways~ Boyfriend Miguel who appreciates when you place a blanket over him when he falls asleep from working, when you help into bed, or when you bring him food and water. Miguel appreciates everything you do for him even when you tell him to slow down and take breaks. Boyfriend Miguel who loves to pick you up and carry you around the house while he yells loudly how he has the best partner in the damn world. Boyfriend Miguel who loves to take you shopping and likes to see what outfits you try on. Boyfriend Miguel who deals with your plushie collection but sometimes wants to cuddle with you in bed but you're busy cuddling your favorite plushie. Boyfriend Miguel who lets you pack his lunch because when you did the first time, he found it adorable and now looks forward to whatever lunch you made for him. And finally Boyfriend Miguel who gets down on one knee to propose to you in his spider suit on a rooftop where the stars and city lights look beautiful, he is no longer boyfriend Miguel but now Husband Miguel.
📖Taglist/Miguel's Simps: @sukioyakio @quechulitaaa @miguelcvmslvt @homewreckingwreck @tayleighuh @lauraolar14
If you want to be added to the Miguel tag list or removed just let me know.
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typhea · 11 months
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﹐♡﹒featuring : izuku, shoto, katsuki, eijirou, dabi, hanta ♡
﹐♡﹒infos : fluff , gn!reader, reader is called a pervert, reader is called kinky, it’s just for fun dww ♡
﹐♡﹒summary : judging you according to ur fav (don’t take me seriously 😭) ♡
i wanna be friends with you.
you’re the sweetest, kindest, and most caring darling and everyone knows it.
you act cute and innocence to hide that you’re a pervert.
you’re the “it’s mean, it’s not funny.” friend.
you have abandonment issues.
you’re either really smart or really dumb, no in between.
you have the prettiest smile like, smile rq? 😍
izuku would definitely love you <3
you overthink a lot.
you’re quiet but you have wild thoughts, like are you ok?
you probably have family/parents issues or you have the weirdest friends.
i bet you got a pretty voice.
you’re sweet but .. nobody knows it?
you have mood swings.
you’re really funny when you want to.
shoto would take a while to confess tbh but he would definitely give you the best signs 🤭
you got serious issues to be liking this type of men.
i bet you would make him shut his mouth sometimes, like in awe with how crazy you are.
you’re not cute i’m sorry, maybe you’re hot? 😏
all your clothes are black.
you’re delusional, like.. really.
you’re cute when you shut your mouth, not in a mean way like you really are. i mean like lost in thoughts idk i’m sorry, dont punch me 😞
you’re sensitive..
katsuki literally hates you but he’s even more pissed when you’re not there like, he loves to hate you :D
hii, i wanna be your friend.
i bet you’re literally a sunshine. like YOU’RE MAKING ME SMILE
no one notices when you’re sad but denki will
you have insomnia! :D
you got the best taste in everything ; clothes, music, food, .. anything!
you’re unable to say no to anyone, scared to hurt them. sometimes you even let them disrespect you or your boundaries BUT YOU SHOULDNT 😫
your handwriting looks like a 6 years old’s, im sorry. are you left-handed by any chance..?
denki would be obsessed with you ngll <33
you’re cute.
you look like a mitski song and a the weeknd song at the same time.
smile more? im obsessed.
you’re the sweetest butterfly in the world, you deserve love and affection 🤭
i bet people be telling you you’re beautiful but you still think the opposite :<
i see you with 7 kids.
you’re so patient and understanding, i know you listen to everyone vent but you never vent to anyone.
eijirou would treat you like the most precious person in the world <3
um .. you’re scary.
you’re kinky.
you get wild murder and bloody thoughts when you’re bored.
you love sweet food.
you’re mentally ill.
you’re manipulative, ahhh.
you got the prettiest eyes, IM SHAKING.
dabi would definitely fuc.. i mean he would enjoy ur company ig..
you got the best vibes fr!
i know you’re a great dancer, you’re just shy.
i bet you’re stunning, like only beautiful people likes him.
you’re kinda nonchalant.
you got a mirroring personality, you love making others comfortable with you.
your cooking skills are amazing like lemme have a taste 🙇‍♀️
you act dumb but you’re really smart.
sero would be your bestest bsf fr with benefits
thanks for reading darlin! don’t forget to like and leave a comment :)
mha m.list | request here!
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xxavengingangelxx · 5 months
Somewhere Only We Know - Epilogue (for real this time)
Alright, ya'll! Final installment, for now. I've started to work on 2 requests I have from @bellgraves and from @unicorngirly1 now that this fic is done...for now.
Not as bad a cliffhanger, I promise :)
Taglist! @shepgurl, @lily-lily131313, @sharksausages
Triggers: None, really. Graves being kind of a jerk and intimidating.
“My name’s Andrei,”
“Don’t hear that name too often,” you replied. You stepped aside to let him in.
“I hear that a lot here in the US,”
Riley perked up from where he had been lounging on the couch, ears perked up in tight triangles. He growled low in his throat.
“Riley,” you commented. “Stop,”
You thought that his response over repeatedly being told his name was unique only in the US was weird but put it behind you. You also noted his accent. Very unique. He was tall, strong. Too tall and strong to fight off if he tried something. You wondered why that thought popped in your head but then reminded yourself that you sized men up automatically since you had your experience with Shadow Company. “Where you from?”
“You’re far from home,” you noted. “What brings you all this way?”
“Work,” the large man in front of you shrugged.
Another growl from Riley, who looked ready to lunge.
“Riley, no, sir,” you said sternly. You turned back to your guest, saying, “He doesn’t like strangers, sorry,”
The man had also given another strange response because why would someone come from Australia for this kind of work? Whatever. You led him to where the heating system was.
“Cute kid,” the man remarked of your tiny sleeping son. “Always forget how small they are,”
You huffed a nervous smile.
After feeding and taking care of your son you were nursing a cup of coffee at the breakfast nook, trying to stay awake. One thing no one had warned you about was how exhausting infants were. Thankfully, infants also slept a lot. You had him asleep in a bassinet next to you because you didn’t trust anyone with your son. Especially not a stranger.
Things had turned out okay, right?
You were alive, Graves was alive. You had Graves and he had you. You were both together. You had a son Sometimes you worried about being separated, but there was a low chance of that, right? No one knew where you were. You honestly wouldn’t know what to do if you were separated from Graves or your son. They were your world.
141 was okay. At least, the last time you’d heard from them. Graves had allowed you enough contact only to know for sure that Soap was going to be okay. That man had survived a shot to the head.
Graves had prevented you contact them after.
At first it had bothered you. Something deep inside had told you to get away, that Graves was only going to get more controlling. But that faded. Any doubts or negative thoughts you had about Graves always faded. So you stayed. Besides, you had a 1-month-old at that time. Where were you going to run with a 1-month-old and weak from recently having given birth?
You’d get random emails, texts, sometimes calls. But once Graves found out who they were from, 141 reaching out, he blocked them.
Graves reasoned that if 141 found out where you were, so could an enemy so you had to stay off the grid. It made sense. Graves did all your thinking for you anyway.
You were on the verge of drifting off into a light slumber when someone approached you from behind.
And placed their hand on your shoulder.
And it made you jump almost a mile high. You gasped and turned around, almost ready to swing.
Andrei held his hands out, as if to show he wasn’t a threat.
“Sorry,” he commented. “I didn’t want to scare you. Just wanted to let you know you’re all set.”
Heat coming out of a nearby vent confirmed what he was saying.
“Let me get my wallet,” you replied with a sigh of relief.
The weird thing was, though, that you couldn’t find your wallet.
You sheepishly had to break the news to which the large man said not to worry, that they could send the bill.
And he left.
Graves got home about an hour after.
“Heater’s back up n’ workin’.” Graves commented, grabbing a beer from the fridge. He leaned over Rett’s bassinet and the tiny thing actually reached an even tinier hand towards his father who grinned.
“How was Rob? He didn’t try any shady shit, did he?” He took a sip from his beer.
“Whose Rob?”
“The heating guy,”
“Oh, they sent someone else,” you said dismissively. You turned to open the fridge, trying to figure out what to do for dinner. “What’s important is it’s fixed, right?” you paused before asking, “Did you get that job?” you closed the fridge door and straightened.
Graves stood in front of you, so close and he’d moved so quickly and so quietly that you hadn’t even noticed he’d moved clear across a large kitchen. He was larger than life, still geared, and looked terrifying.
“What the hell?” you whined. “Scared me!”
“I need to know the name of the person who came here.”
“What’s the big deal, so they sent someone else.”
“I’m going to pull up the cameras, Val,” he stepped closer to you, hovering over you and you found yourself stepping backwards because he…he looked like he did…he looked like he did all those nights ago in Las Almas. “And so help me if you’re lying or had someone else over, we’re going to have a problem,”
“Wh-What do you think, I’m lying to you?” you tripped over your words and you kept walking backwards until your back was all the way on the opposite side of the house at the end of the living room.
“Andrei,” you responded immediately.
Graves’s blue eyes grew darker and you flinched when he stepped closer. Riley raised his head from where he lay on the couch but Riley knew better than to challenge his master.
“Did he say his last name?”
“I don’t…” you raked your brain, trying to remember if he had ever shared his last name. But he had! He had, you recalled told you his full name and told you to put in good word for him with your husband. “Nolan.”
Graves’s jaw clenched. “Pack up as much stuff as you can. I gotta make some calls.”
And with that, he turned away.
“If he’s involved with Makarov why didn’t he just take me right then and there?” It had been 12 hours. 12 hours with hardly any sleep and a fussy baby as well as a wound up husband. You thought you were done with black sites but apparently not.
“Makarov likes to play mind games. He wants us to be scared, to the point to where we can’t think straight. Then he lunges.”
“Why me?” you whined.
“Why not? You’re perfect,” Graves replied.
End notes: No, Soap does not die in my fic! <3
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Why would a guy I’m talking to saying he wants to get to know me and a relationship be (it seems to be) only complimenting me swiping up on my stories then be dry otherwise and not be opening up?
Hey bestie 💕
Thank you for trusting us enough to share your situation with us! We love you and are happy to give some perspective on this.
#1 Actions speak louder than words
I feel like as woman we forget this truth, a man who wants to get to know you will put in the effort, period. Just swiping up is not enough; what we truly require is consistency and true attempts to get to know the person past the pretty face.
You deserve more effort 💖
I don't know if you met up with him yet, but I would see if the vibe changes before you let him in your presence. Talk on the phone a few times instead of just texting and interacting on social media. This will avoid any potential discomfort or unpleasant situations that may arise from not being aware of his true intentions. It's always important to trust your instincts and pay attention to the energy someone gives off. Sometimes, people can put up a facade or hide their true nature, so it's crucial to be cautious before inviting them into your personal space.
#2 As a woman, your intuition is a valuable asset! Trust it.
Another thing we do as woman is ignore the red flags & our gut feelings because we get caught up in what we want and what it could turn out to be.
Your gut feeling is often a reliable indicator, so trust yourself. If something doesn't feel right, it's always better to err on the side of caution. This doesn't mean you have to completely shut him out immediately, but it's important to prioritize your peace, guard your heart and well-being.
#3 Learn how to reciprocate energy!
Again, this doesn’t mean you have to completely shut him out but in the early stages of meeting anyone: friends or potential partners, you are teaching them how to treat you! Don’t bend your boundaries or make yourself more accessible to him than he is to you. Keep leveling up, in the meantime, do what you love and try not to romanticize this situation too early!
Hope this helps, please comeback if you need to vent, get more advice or even just an update! We got you!
— The Black Feminine Society 💋
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Same Page
Gally x Reader Oneshot
page breaker credits to @firefly-graphics​
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“How did this morning go?”  You asked Gally over lunch.  It was one of the only times you got a chance to talk to him and you lived for those 20 minutes.  However, you must have caught him on a particularly bad day as he seemed more irritated than normal.
“Just fine?  I know you were worried about this structure since it was a few years old.  Do you think you can still fix it?”
“I don’t know.”  Was all he responded in between bites.  You just kept trying, knowing sometimes he got like this.
“Are you going to try to fix the roof?  Or just take it down?  I know you were worried about that one side that was less stable.  Are you going to fix the beam?”  You could tell he was getting upset, but he never took it out on you.
“Geeze what’s with all the questions, are you thinking I don’t know what I am doing?”  You just looked at him shocked, he never reacted this way to you.  It was always to the other guys or greenies.
“No, Gally, I know you know what you are doing. I am just asking because you were telling me about it just last night.”  He just sighed.
“I don’t know what to do about the side yet so I can’t even focus on the roof.”
“Must have been a lot worse than you originally thought.”
“Obviously it is worse, this is going to take more time than I thought and I already don’t have time to figure this problem out.  I still have to finish the other building before the next rainfall.”
“Just forget this project then, the roof will still be shot when you have time to get back to it.”
“Really, you think I didn’t think of that?”  Gally practically shouted at you.  You were shocked.  He never yelled at you.
“Oh I’m sorry Gally, I am sorry for caring. You vented to me about it, remember? You came to me when you were frustrated, I am just asking how it’s going.”  You matched his tone.
“Clearly not good, right?  So why don’t you stop talking and let me have a minute of peace before I have to deal with it again!”
“Wow Gally really?  I am sorry that me caring about you and your problems is somehow bothering you, when you were the one who asked me to listen so you could figure out how to fix the problem.  I am sorry that I care about what is going on with you, I am sorry that I care about you!”
“Well why don’t you just stop caring about me then?”  He shouted.
“You think it’s easy to care about you when you constantly push people away?  Believe me it would be so much easier if I could just stop caring about you but I can’t!”
“Try harder then!”
“I have!  Unfortunately I love you, you idiot!” You realized you revealed your feelings for him and you did it in front of everyone.  But you didn’t show the shock in your face, you just got up and left.
“Did she finally admit her feelings?”  Minho said to Newt who were both sitting by you both.
“Yep, can’t believe she finally did it.  But it was about time.”  Newt replied.
“I can hear you.”  Gally told them sarcastically in his intimidating tone.
“Good, then it means you probably heard her too.  You know you have been in love with her since she showed up in the cage.  So why are you treating her like you don’t care?’  Minho said, unphased by him.
“I lost it, okay?  This project has been kicking my shucking butt.”  Gally said.
“Sounds like it, but you normally would never take it out on her.  She is the only one who makes you feel better. Was it because you saw her this morning?”  Newt asked.
“Saw what this morning?”  Minho asked, clearly confused.
“Nothing.”  Gally muttered, pushing his fork around his plate, having lost his appetite.
“Gally is jealous because he saw Y/N being nice to the new greenie.”
“That’s not true!”  Gally tried to defend himself.
“Oh really?  You weren’t jealous when you saw her give him a little extra attention solely because she is the nicest person here and is the only one who makes anyone feel comfortable?  Not her fault that she is so great, huh Gally?  Besides he has only been here a week, he is finally starting to pick up on his job and she was just encouraging him.”  Newt said.
“Yeah, she has been doe eyed for you since she got here.  Every other question she had when she first arrived was about you, Gally.”  Minho smirked at this revelation.  Gally perked up.
“Seriously?”  Gally asked.
“You both are so shucking dumb.  You love each other for a year and never say anything when you both are attached at the hip.  I’m surprised it took either of you this long. I am just glad I was able to witness the scene that should have happened the first week of your meeting.”  Minho said.  Newt just nodded.
“I really shucked up.”  Gally mused.  He felt really small.
“I suggest you go talk to her, and tell her you were just jealous cause you are a shucking idiot and beg her forgiveness.  And maybe admit you love her too.”  Minho said, continuing his sarcastic rant.
“I agree.”  Newt still nodded.
“I gotta go.”  Gally said, getting up quickly and heading in your direction.
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“Hey, Y/N.” Gally said, approaching you slowly like he didn’t want to scare you off.
“I really don’t feel like getting yelled at again.”  You stared at him pointedly.
“I feel really bad about that. I shouldn’t have done that, you didn’t deserve it.”
“No kidding.  What got into you?”
“I was already overwhelmed and then I got…jealous.”  He whispered the last part.
“What?”  He sighed, sitting next to you.
“I got jealous.  I saw you with that greenie this morning and I hated seeing how happy you looked talking to him.  Then you gave him a hug and I wanted to punch his shucking lights out.”  You giggled at that.
“You did?”  He just rubbed his face.  “That’s really sweet.”  He stopped to look at you.  “I didn’t think you would ever be jealous over me.”  You told him, seriousness returning to your voice.
“Are you kidding?  I see you talking to any of these guys and I want to punch them all.  I hate watching them talk to my girl.”  His brows were furrowed.  You cheekily smiled.
“Your girl, huh?”
He let out a nervous breath.  “The truth is I love you, Y/N and I never thought you would feel the same.  Then you said what you said and I couldn’t believe it.”
“I have loved you for awhile now, Gally, I just didn’t want to ruin our friendship knowing that you don’t let people in easily and I didn’t want to ruin that.  You mean too much to me.”
“You mean too much to ME.  I need you around, I need you to still be my friend. Can you forgive me?”
“Of course I forgive you, Gally and of course we can still be friends.  But since we both finally admitted our feelings, does that mean we can also be more?”  You asked nervously, looking up at him.
“We definitely can be more than friends.  I love you.”
“I love you too.”  This was the best argument you had ever had.
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fickle-tiction · 2 years
another random tickletober fic, and a serious throw back.
"Anthony Edward Stark!" The words rang out through all the speakers in the tower. "You are dead." Years of experience was the only thing that stopped the soldering iron from slipping through Tony's suddenly limp grip.
"What did you do?" It spoke volumes about the team's dynamic that Bruce looked amused by Natasha's death threat, seemingly unconcerned for his best friend's well-being.
"I don't know." Tony carefully sat the soldering iron on it's stand so he could lean back in his chair and ponder why Natasha wanted to kill him this time. 
If it were anyone else threatening him he would have Jarvis put the lab in lockdown mode, but he knew from past experience that that would just piss Natasha off and she’d bust in through the vents anyway. It was best to just wait for her to come looking for him and ask what why she was out for his blood. For once he felt his chances were high that he would make it out of this encounter alive, since he had no idea why she had it out for him. 
“He’s lucky I noticed before I got dressed.” Natasha was seething as she filled a laundry basket with the content of her underwear drawer. She was wearing gloves and taking care not to let any of the itching powder spill on the floor.
“Are you sure it was Tony?” Contrary to popular belief, Steve Rogers was no blushing virgin and could stand to be in the same room as one of his best friends while she ranted and disposed of her underwear.
“Who else would be stupid enough to do this?” 
“Clint?” It was the obvious answer in Steve’s opinion. 
Natasha mulled it over on the short walk to the washing machine. “Fine.” She decided, dumping her basket of tainted clothes into the washer. “You deal with your idiot, I’ll deal with mine.”
Steve didn’t even bother protesting that Tony was not his to deal with, knowing it would just fall on deaf ears.
“And Steve...make him regret it, or I’ll kill you both.”
Steve was pleasantly surprised when the doors to the lab opened for him on the first try; he thought he would have to sweet-talk Tony and/or Jarvis into granting him entry. Tony and Bruce were both working at their respective stations, seemingly unconcerned for the death threats a literal assassin was making over the intercoms. 
“Capsicle, what brings you down to our humble abode?” Tony was just finishing up on the section of gauntlet he was soldering. With one final hiss of melting metal he set the soldering iron down on it’s stand and pulled the protective glasses off his face. 
“He’s probably here to protect you from Nat.” Bruce snickered, eyes never leaving his computer--that is, until Tony goosed his sides and made him jump about a foot in the air. He whirled around, hands in front of himself to fend off any future attacks. “I hope she puts bleach in your shampoo.” 
“Actually,” Steve loudly interrupted before the two so-called Science Bros could get into it. “I’m here on Nat’s behalf.” The wiped the smile off Tony’s face, and put a real smug smile onto Bruce’s. “Bruce, if you’ll excuse us.”
“Oh, it would be my pleasure.”
“Bruce, no! What happened to Science Bros before hoes.”
“I’ll be sure to tell Tasha you said that.” Bruce smirked as he tidied up the papers scattered on his desk before making his way to the exit.
“Are you actually trying to get me killed?!” Tony made to follow Bruce out, hoping he could casually slip out before Steve realized what he was doing. He forgets sometimes that Steve is a tactician and was stopped by a large hand clamping down on his shoulder before he even made it two steps. “For the record, Steve is the hoe in that sentence.”
“Tony, quit while you’re ahead.” Bruce advised. “Try not to do any permanent damage. I have grown rather fond of him.”
“Gee, thanks.” Tony muttered as the doors slid shut. “So, what exactly are you going to do to me?” He knew Steve wouldn’t actually hurt him, but if Natasha sent him then he knew he wasn’t going to like whatever was about to happen. “Wait, better question. What does Tasha think I did to her?”
“She thinks you put itching powder in her pan---er--underwear drawer.”
Normally Tony would be delighted that Captain America nearly said the word panties, but he was too busy being horrified by that information. “I did not!” God, the retaliation for that would be brutal, and rightfully so. 
“Really?” Steve’s face gave nothing away.
“Yes, really. Are you crazy!? I don’t actually have a death wish Cap.” Not anymore, anyway. “Barton’s the only one crazy enough to pull something like that.” Seriously, why wasn’t he Natasha’s first suspect. Although, maybe he was and that’s why she sent Steve here.  “You have to tell her that wasn’t me, before she actually kills me.”
“Alright, I believe you.” Steve waited a beat, letting the relief sink in before dropping another bomb on Tony. “But I’m still under strict instructions to make you regret it.” Anyone that truly knew Steve knew that smile never meant anything good. He could be a terror when he was in the right mood.
“But I didn’t do anything!” Tony squawked while stepping out of Steve’s immediate reach. “Wait, what did you plan on doing?” He asked warily, eyes going to Steve’s thankfully empty hands. He wouldn’t put it past Natasha to retaliate in kind if she thought he put itching powder into her underwear, but he didn’t think Steve could be that cruel.
“Funny you ask that.” Tony didn’t find it funny at all as Steve slowly advanced on him with an impish smile. “If you really did do it, I was going to bring you to Tasha and let her have her way with you, which would serve you right.” Tony agreed that it’d be a fair punishment, and he was thanking all the Gods he could think of that he didn’t do it. “But I wasn’t sure what I was going to do to you if you didn’t do it--”
“How about nothing, since I’m innocent.”
“And face Tasha’s wrath when she found out?” Steve asked, eyebrows raised. “But then you actually gave me a great idea for your punishment.”
“Well, I do have the best ideas.” Tony couldn’t keep his mouth shut even when he was nervous and actively backing away from his doom.
“Let me ask you something Tony.” Tony’s knees bumped into the back of the couch and he cursed himself for not looking where he was going. “Are you ticklish?”
Tony froze, eyes going wide and mouth going dry. That was all the conformation Steve needed before he was tackling Tony onto the couch.
“Steve, wait!” Tony yelped, struggling against the Supersoldier straddling his waist that was hellbent on pinning his arms down. “Let’s talk about this!” He pleaded, cursing when Steve gathered both of wrists in one hand and pinned them above his head.
“Oh, I’d love to.” Steve’s smile was all dimples and sunshine as he brought his free hand down to hover over Tony’s stomach. “Let’s talk about where you’re most ticklish. Is it here?” He asked, wiggling his fingers over Tony’s ribcage. His reaction was immediate, head thrown back as laughter started pouring out of him. Steve had been expecting him to put up a front, act like it didn’t bother him, but he broke immediately. “Or maybe here?” He walked his fingers up to Tony’s exposed armpit and squirmed them into the concave. 
Tony shook his head back and forth, frenzied laughter pouring out his mouth as Steve switched between his underarms at random. “nonononono” He laughed, feet drumming on the arm of the couch as he tried in vein to yank his arms down.
“No?” Steve asked, teasing the muscle just below the armpit and causing Tony’s laughter to kick up a notch. “That’s not where you’re most ticklish? Then where?”
“Fu-huhuhuhuhu-uck you Rogers.”
“Buy me dinner first.” Tony was probably furious that he couldn’t stop laughing long enough to comment on Steve making sexual jokes, which was part of the reason why he did it. “You know, if you’re not going to tell me then I’m just going to have to try everywhere.”
Tony didn’t answer, and Steve took that as permission to try some more spots. ”Here?” He asked, dancing his fingers over Tony’s stomach. Tony’s body jerked forward, and if Steve wasn’t straddling him he probably would have curled into a ball to protect himself. “Ladies and Gentleman, I think we have a winner.”
“Oh my God.” Tony cackled, trying to twitch away from the wandering fingers. “Shut ahaha up!”
“Language!” Steve mock-gasped. “I think that deserves two hands.”
“No!” Tony yelped, his now free hands coming down to latch onto Steve’s wrists as he attacked his stomach with vigor.  “Steheheheheve!” He giggled, trying in vein to push the Super soldier away. 
“Are you sorry for putting itching powder in Tasha’s underwear drawer?”
“I di-hihihihihihi-dn’t!” Tony insisted, squealing when Steve attacked his neck with gently fluttering fingers. “I di-hihihihihihihihi-dn’t do anyth-hihihihihi-ng!” 
“I know that,” Steve was now tickling spots at random, causing Tony to jump each time a new area was targeted. “And you know that, but Tasha wants revenge so she’s getting revenge.”
“How is--steheheheheheve--ohmygod--hahaha” Steve eased up to let Tony speak. “She’s not even getting revenge!” He pointed out, white knuckled grip useless as Steve poked and prodded his torso at random.
“You really are a genius, aren’t you.” Steve was having way too much fun with this. “Jarvis, send Natasha down here please.”
“Steve!” Tony shrieked, trying to scramble out from under him with renewed effort, but to the same affect.
“I’m already here, you doofus.” 
Steve stopped tickling Tony to look over at the redhead that neither of them noticed enter the lab. Tony groaned and dropped his head back onto the couch cushions, his face blushing a bright red color. Natasha was never going to let him live this down. Oh God, Natasha was here. She was going to kill him.
“I didn’t do it!” Tony insisted, hands hovering as though to protect himself. “I swear!”
“I know.” Natasha was smiling, and that was even scarier than if she looked mad. “I had Jarvis show me the footage. Clint’s been dealt with.” Tony and Steve both winced at the implications of that. “I just wanted to see what Steve would do when I told him to deal with you. Interesting take, Captain.”
“I..” Steve realized he was still straddling Tony and now it was his turn to blush as he scrambled to get off. “I didn’t want to actually hurt him.”
“No, you just bruised my ego.” Tony’s dramatic sigh turn into a startled laugh when Steve reach down and tickled his stomach quickly.
“Your lucky it wasn’t Tony, or I’d be forced to punish you for flirting with the enemy.”
“I wasn’t flirting.” Steve replied much too quickly, ears and neck bright red. He missed the momentary disappointed look on Tony’s face.
“Right. And Tony just lets anyone tickle the crap out of him without asking for them to stop.” Tony sat up at that, face impossible to read as he studiously avoided Steve’s gaze. “Tony, he’s really ticklish on his knees and neck.” Steve looked indignant, but Tony looked like Christmas had come early. “Steve, I’ve tried tickling Tony before and he had no reaction at all.” And now he was back to blushing furiously. “Do with that information what you will.” With those last parting words, Natasha turned and left the lab.
“So,” Tony sidled up next to Steve. “Your neck, huh?” 
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withlove-kiddette · 20 days
This is not an entry or anything.
This is just me venting about some heavy topics related to a very specific sexual fantasy I have.
I suggest to skip this, I just want to dump it somewhere so I can’t feel it pressuring my skull whenever I’m hormonal and hella depressed. I wish this sort of topic wasn’t a taboo topic to talk about normally, because then I’ll have more opportunities of getting advice directly. But it’s too…uncomfortable for others and too shameful to talk about, so I’m here instead. I also don’t want to call the suicide hotline again…this is too personal to make a poor person on the other side hear me out.
In here at least whoever stumbles upon this has the decision to read or not.
Trigger Warning: Incest, emotional abuse, mommy issues, mentions of Ana and Mia, mentions of self harm, you get the deal.
I hate my mother, I hate the way she looks at me, I hate the way she sighs when she tells me she loves me, I hate how she asks me for hugs and kisses, I hate being dependent on her. I still love her, but I also hate that I love her.
I wish I could just hate her so I won’t feel that naive, childish, moronic hope that she would one day become a good Mom…
I hate how when she sometimes looks at me, her eyes look empty, and other times she looks at me like she is taking my clothes off with her eyes.
It fuels me with so much fucking disgust is enough to trigger my most primal instinct of fear.
It’s enough to trigger my want to self harm, is enough to want me to tear my skin apart out of sheer hopelessness. Its enough to make me want to be bulimic or anorexic just to express in an extreme way how I feel about her. Like I need to puke everything deep inside me out.
I wish I could have just stayed ignorant, I wish I could just have never had the knowledge and self awareness to notice something was wrong.
I wish I could back into believing we have a sweet and close relationship and not the psychological horror manga I feel like I’m trapped in.
I don’t think she is attracted to me, but I sure have questioned if she is in love with me. And I can’t talk to anyone about it.
I’m glad she isn’t hitting me or touching me. But I sometimes wish the marks she leaves would be way more than only mental ones, maybe that way people would understand better what she is doing to me.
She hasn’t touched me, but I still feel touched in some way.
I love women, but I’ve come to the conclusion I can’t be with another woman…because it would always feel like she is there, staring at me, staring at what I’m doing, staring with rage in her eyes because she isn’t the woman I love the most.
My paternal figures don’t make it any better.
It’s something I long for to. An actual good father that can take me away, protect me from her and not let her hurt me anymore.
I wanna be saved.
I feel so trapped it’s pathetic…I feel stupid for not being a ‘girl boss’ or being strong enough to leave.
I feel stupid for failing for her tricks whenever she holds herself hostage, but I’m scared, I love her and I don’t know what to do.
I want a man, a bit older than me. God even if they just wanted to adopt me and want nothing else I’ll be happier.
But my way of seeing relationships like these isn’t normal anymore.
If an older man treated me right, I know I’m stupid enough to fall in love.
I’ll long for him to have me in his arms and just let me fall apart when I need to.
Just be there, no need for words, just a nice, calming and loving presence.
Someone who could just love me, want me, desire me.
Someone I could give myself to.
Someone who could claim me away from her.
Someone that just makes love to me, fucks me, dominates me and makes my brain melt and forget everything that hurts so much about being alive right now.
Someone who makes me feel like such a precious possession of them that even if something makes me go back to her.
That even something were to separate us, I could still have enough love for them in my heart to feel more at ease. Knowing that I don’t belong to her, she’ll never be able to claim me the same way the man I love could.
That every time she says ‘I love you’ I can just genuinely smile because I did it in a way, I escaped her grasp in some way, I don’t belong to her. And she’ll never know about it.
I’ll belong to myself, by choosing to give myself and belong to someone else. Someone who actually deserves me and loves me the same way I’ll do to them. I hope that day comes one day.
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hiccupbutpurple · 10 months
Mental disorders/conditions (whatever you wanna call it) are an explanation not an excuse
I saw a thing on Instagram today and I already having a bad day and it pissed me off so I’m talking about it to let go. Probs won’t explain it very well but I don’t care. I can’t fucking stand it when people seem to think that someone struggling with a mental disorder automatically absolves them of any responsibility. Because it doesn’t. It is a valid and understandable explanation. It doesn’t mean there’s no impact. It doesn’t mean that the person they hurt can’t be fucking hurt. It doesn’t mean someone is evil for looking after themselves.
Don’t be an asshole, don’t antagonise people just because they have a mental illness, but if someone is hurting you, you can be hurt. If you are in a situation that is dangerous, it doesn’t matter if that person has a ‘valid reason’ to treat you like shit. They don’t. You are allowed to put yourself first. You are allowed to leave. (And I don’t mean just in romantic relationships because people seem to forget other types of relationships exist.) You are allowed to be fucking upset and angry about it.
Giving some context (not really it’s just a vent without much info tbh) below but that’s the main part.
This is the self indulgent vent part but as a kid for probably around 6 years I got treated like shit because of someone who hurt as a result of their mental illness. I’ve now found out that he has a pretty serious disorder which is a very hard and awful thing to for someone to have to live with and I’m sorry he has too. However, he is probably one of the main reasons I have the problems I do. He not solely the reason, but I know I wouldn’t struggle the way I do without him. It took 6 fucking years (while trying to work out what the hell is wrong with my own self, my sexuality, all the other standard teenage stuff and my own home life) to fully stop communication with him and stop feeling responsible.
And it’s been years but I’m still constantly effected by him. I mean for fuck sake I have to deal with fears of him coming to kill me (I know realistically he wouldn’t but the fear is there). All the little ways too, like how he comes up in my thoughts randomly and suddenly I can’t stop (like now) or how apathetic I feel, especially when suicide comes up. Like that word is mentioned and suddenly I no longer care about anyone or anything and I hate that I don’t care, I care when it comes to fucking characters but if a real human being says they are suicidal suddenly my brain just goes ‘nope’ and it’s either anger or numbness and that’s not fair to anyone.
Honestly it’s smaller things that annoys me even more than the big things. The stuff that just bleeds into everyday things, it affects all my relationships and my life overall. I went through so fucking much because I was scared to hurt someone else, that I ended up hurting myself and tbh others as well. Cause guess what, my own issues that came about mostly as a result of that have made me act in ways that hurt others! Thankfully all my friends are in similar boats and it did make us able to have healthier relationships with each other and learn to set boundaries. So there are some positives.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg but now I’m getting tired again but I seriously hate it when people go ‘you can’t criticise someone with a mental illness’ or ‘you can’t blame them cause they have a disorder.’ I think the majority of people know this but sometimes I see stuff that just pisses me off.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Idk if and when you'll start answering benophie asks again but I cant help but notice how all the 🌼 that shit on aofag by saying its classist and elitist are also the same people who don't want to see that story played out on screen. It's such textbook virtue signaling and I'm tired of it. Like just say that you don't relate to to sophie or her story of trauma and abuse, just say that you want a story about two rich people going to balls and falling in love. There's nothing wrong with that. (1)
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Related Ask I got about a week after(?): 
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First off hii anon thank you for sending this in and waiting a while! 
Just a lot of shit happened on this blog and then when you sent this in I was trying to keep my blog ‘neutral’ because some people took offence to my post calling you-know-whos after a old timey disease and decided that we wouldn’t be impartial with our poll results which btw I apologise to everyone who is still waiting for it - I’ve been depressed (I’m fine don’t worry it just be like that sometimes) and my friends all have started school/work so life has happened we’re going to try to compile everything starting this weekend hopefully! Will come back with more updates when we’re ready to post. 
That tangent aside, that’s why I couldn’t answer right away and then everything on my blog happened but now it’s free rein, The Petty Viscountess is here and ready to answer all your anons venting and calling shit out on you know which fandom. Not even gonna bother giving them a cute nickname, they’ll whine. 
Let’s get into your ask, shall we! I don’t have more points to add to be honest - you said it all! 
Sophie saved their book!! And also we have Luke T to thank for making Ben even more likeable! Ben has his charming moments in the books but we all - even those of us who love him - gotta admit he was so creepy at times being so pushy. I think its good for us Benophines to accept that part of him in Book Canon and engage critically with that aspect of him. 
However that being said, you’re absolutely right about the way other subfandom fans can be so annoying about our ships by acting all high and mighty about their ship both being virgins. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that inherently and it can be romantic - but to act like that somehow makes their racist faves a morally better couple??? Do they realise they sound super puritan and like Church Pastors and Nuns who scared us former Christian kids into not having sex cos it was supposedly a sin?? 
It’s funny when you realise now most of them are trying to their couple out to be Kathony 2.0 in order to generate the hype for S3 its pretty sad that they don’t even believe in their own ship to let them be their own people.
To end this ask off I do wanna reiterate two very poignant points you made in your ask: 
I'm disinterested in half the bridgerton ships but I don't go around pretending to have a good reason why.  
They're already getting their season a year early, just leave us to our misery and they enjoy the content you get instead of constantly rubbing it in our faces. Every single ship is annoying but *god* their egos have inflated to the size of a bounce house lately. 
I have no idea why That Subfandom is so hellbent on everyone liking them and their ship so damn much. Like just accept that the show version have shitty versions of those characters and that majority of your fandom are racist assholes so the rest of us want nothing to do with you!! Be secure in yourselves and accept that you don’t need anyone else’s validation - yall have shown yourselves that you’re are deluded enough anyway. 
[I always say this but just a reminder: the only valid ones are most of the time Book Polins who hate the show version and are upset their fave chars have been character assassinated - I actually have a Polin who sent me an ask about this! I didn’t forget you - I’m just putting tgt a list of positive rep for you anon so hang in there <3. Also there is ONE rare person I’ve talked to who does critically engage with Show Pen so they’re okay - I just wish they would be more confrontational with their fandom tho.]
Back to you Benophie Anon: Your last line made me LAUGH OUT LOUD and LOUDER FOR THE RACISTS AT THE BACK: 
They're already getting their season a year early,... enjoy the content you get instead of constantly rubbing it in our face. *god* their egos have inflated to the size of a bounce house lately.
Check yourselves @ you-know-whos!! Another season why we don’t like you, no one likes gloater and we get it Production Loves You so just stay in your corner! Leave us the fuck alone and stop being so self-righteous and trying to make your ship Kathony 2.0, they’ll never be Lord and Lady Bridgerton. Only Mr. and Miss for you. 
Anyways last thing: @ both anons who sent in their asks if you’re anti-racist/homophobia/sexist Benophies who don’t send doxxing threats, please hit up my friends Belle aka sophiamariabeckett and Michaela aka minim236 they need more sane Benophie mutuals/friends! We’re tired of finding out some Benophies here and/or Twitters are secret racists or homophobes [this ask got long so I’ll put the red flags in the comments] 
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andypasta · 2 months
rant/vent post (need to get it outta my system before I do something im gonna regret)
Does anyone even actually like me for who I am? Or do they only like the good parts. People get upset and sad over pieces of me that I can’t currently do anything about. I’m sorry I scratch myself until I bleed with my nails and my chipped shark tooth necklace, I’m sorry I can’t stop doing stupid shit, I’m sorry I’m self-depreciating, I’m sorry I’m non-chalant, I’m sorry I’m un-empathetic most times and have no idea how to deal with emotion. I’m sorry I have to exist like this. If it’s an inconvenience to you imagine how it is to be me. To have to sit throught talking with so many people, naturally ambiverted and friendly, and yet knowing that once people get to know me, they’ll leave at some point. They’ll all leave, or they’ll end up with other friends. And I’ll forget to contact first. And we’ll forget about eachother, but I’ll never really forget you, but I’ll feel too awkward to reach out again. I’m sorry I’m not the perfect friend, child, partner. I try, I really do. I just can’t, and I feel more and more tired of trying every day. My grades are falling because I can’t stop putting more and more stress on myself. And I’m sorry I can’t shut up during movies and shows when I wanna tell you cool things, and I’m sorry I can’t stop talking to you about my favorite things. I’m sorry I’m so goddamn annoying, and I’m sorry that I have to exist in your presence. You’re not the first to not want me around. But if I told you the first it’d be so nonchalant, and you’d be worried about me, but for your own reasons. You don’t want to feel guilty if I do anything to myself. It’s not your fucking fault. It wasn’t until you did that. Until you told me not to hurt myself because you would feel bad and I would go to hell. Until you told me that you hated me but only talked to me because I was the only one you knew in that class. Until you told me that you wish you never had me, whether a joke or not. Until you told me I couldn’t be in your group because I was annoying. Until you told me to shut up mid conversation. Until you told me one of my favorite foods looked like vomit and it was disgusting. Thanks for that, by the way. I changed my favorite food because of that. Oh, and let’s not forget the time you promised me you would make me said favorite food on my birdbath, planned out for months, and then decided you didn’t feel like cooking and took me out to a restaurant instead. Sure they had the thing on the menu, but it’s not the same. It’s not the same. It’s not, and it never will be. But you don’t care. My feelings don’t matter because you can play it off as me being an angsty teen and having an attitude. And not that you’re fucking up bad. But I can’t tell you. How would I. You apparently never do any wrong, I’m always the fuck up here. And I have 3 years of this left. Idk if I’m gonna make it. I want to, but the chances look slimmer every time I think about it. Still, I have to keep a straight face and a happy smile. For everyone. Because I don’t want them to feel guilty. And then I see people treating eachother nicely, and I wish we have that. I wish you would tuck me in and genuinely tell me you love me, I wish you would tell me I was doing good as a friend like your sister does in theater. I wish I didn’t have to pretend to be absolutely 100% fine with people jokingly insulting me. It’s fine sometimes, but the constant kys is getting annoying. And then I express that maybe I might, and you suddenly change it up and be like “oh no don’t do that” because your previous friend did, and you want me around because “who else would I draw with”. That’s it. Nothing else. No “because you’re special to me and we’re formed sand I’ll miss you” no. Just “who else would I draw things I make you draw with?” And I get it, it’s my choice and all, but I don’t want him to not like me. Because I’m friends with his twin sister, and I don’t want to ruin the relationship with her or the friendliness with their parents. And I’m so scared, of fucking everything. I don’t even know what I wanna do anymore. Or if I’ll make it there.
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tjsboogers · 2 months
I wish I could just have real life friends like my online ones if I knew people eye are ell I wouldn’t be in the basement I’m so scared I’m going to live in my dads basement forever I do know I want to live near people and just like go places with people and all live in the same apartment I want a roommate really bad I feel like that would be so fun and shit like I need to make plans to live with somebody before I’m 18 or I’ll still be in the fucking basement and I don’t want to live here forever I want to leave as soon as I can somebody please chat somebody live with me I’m so sccaceccrrrrrreedrd to be an adult even though that’s like 4 years away but time goes by really fast and I wish it didn’t and I shouldn’t have taken things for granted in the past and I’m guilty of the things I didn’t do back then because I thought everything would just last forever and okay things are supposed to come into your life and teach you a lesson but I learned nothing and I just want everything back and I don’t think I’ll ever not want those things back and if I do end up fully losing all those things and I pretty much have I will always bring it up I swear I’ve been venting to random people I don’t know what I’m doing anymore I don’t know what I’m doing with my life at all I wish I could have a new life the only reason I’m still here is because my stupid best friend and he’s pretty much gone so I don’t even know what to do anymore I think this is literally my last week ever and I don’t think anyone will care I don’t know why I’m waiting anymore how did I go from talking about wanting to do things with my life to this I’m so stupid 😮😮😮😮I just want to be normal me again and not have to get my feelings hurt by things that don’t happen and I have no friends I just want my one friend back and everything will be okay I feel like that would fix everything ever I know somebody who can sell me a gun because I don’t want to stab myself or hang myself but I have thought about overdosing but I’m still scared about my bestfriend because I feel like he’d care a little bit so I don’t know but I’m scared the gun won’t work because it’s kinda small but I know barely anything about guns so erm yum but if I do end up killing myself in the nextbmonthor so I don’t know if I want to tell my bestfriend or just never ever tell him and just let him think my dad took my phone or something but that’s another thing I need to break up with my boyfriend because he might tell him I’m dead and if I don’t tell him I’m killing myself I dont want it to be him telling my best friend but I’d feel so wrong and I kind of feel guilty for my bestfriend doing so much shit even though sometimes I don’t feel like it’s my fault but I feel like maybe if I cared more or something even though he’s been smoking since the start of time I just wish he didn’t care about me but then again I wish he cares more so we could totally talk again and be bestest of friends like I don’t even know what he foes anymore he’s like somebody I made an aquaitance with and dontevwn talk to at all and I miss all the things we’d talk about and do together and I remember everything ever that we’ve done together that I forget about things that happened in the real world I wish I knew him in real life but I think things would be different then but I miss him and I wish he missed me enough to talk to me every time I talk about him nobody understands I just wish I could talk to somebody and they would care about what I’m talking about like he did but know I need to talk about how I’m like losing him as a friend but there’s nobody to talk to about it because nobody listens like he did it hurts so bad I’m so embarrassed about it too like it makes mt throat hurt thinking about everything and how nobody finds me interesting anymore or special and my problems and shit have gotten so bad that people just don’t care and they know I’m not goingto get better I want my best friend back chat I’ll sell all my organs everything is so bad just because I miss one person why do I care so much about some kid from nevada
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dead--diary · 2 years
I’ve been back for a bit but I thought I’d still do a proper update since I wanna start using this blog again.. kinda
Like.. It really helped me out when I was younger but it’ll probably be used rarely now since I’ve been trying to handle my mental state a little differently.
I use to vent a lot about my boyfriend at the time and to be honest rightfully so.. every fear I had came true and looking back on it now it’s so embarrassing to think about how much I let slide.
The flirting and being close to all these girls and all the people that made me feel like I was being crazy over it?
Always trust your guts and don’t let HIS FRIENDS or THE INTERNET talk you out of it..
I wasted five years of my life (MY TEENAGE YEARS) and put my own goals on the back burner for him 😬 At least I know now not to do something like that ever again??? Hopefully
He made out with a girl who I was considering making my best friend. That shattered me pretty hard.. I had two people I thought were genuine with me and they proved they weren’t actually..
and THEN my dumbass stayed??????????????????????? The relationship was literally over but I couldn’t let it go and that ended in me getting cheated on AGAIN
With someone I found so annoying and who compulsively lied to make me a bad guy. I literally got yelled at by him and his family OVER THOSE LIES? I’m also disgusted by sex now since he slept with her AND THEN ME like the idea of her dna in me like that without my consent had me gagging.
It’s really fucking embarrassing and I’ve been trying to avoid ever talking about all that with anyone even tho the outcome of that was so hard to deal with. I revisited a lot of feeling I hadn’t felt in years and I genuinely felt like I was going crazy like there were times I felt like I was watching myself in third person? And this would go on for hours and sometimes when it stopped I would forget the stuff that I did during the time I felt like that.
I’m pretty sure I had a psychotic break at one point too but luckily that’s gone away.. although I do still feel like I’m going crazy and it’s kinda scaring me. I really just want a better life and I’m working on it I think I finally have an idea of what I want to do? But the lack of luck and motivation and FUNDS is making it really hard..
I feel like my two options are make a better life orrrr enddd-
And I really want the better life
Better life
Better friends
Better self
That’s pretty much it.. I guess
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theblacklupins · 2 years
If comfort was a person, it would be you.
Sirius hurriedly wiped his face as he heard the dorm door open. He picked up a book from next to him and acted like he had been reading. He hoped his eyes weren’t too red and puffy — if they asked, he’d have to blame it on his nonexistent dust allergy. He swore the rest of his friends were still supposed to be at dinner; it was much too early for any of them to have finished eating just yet.
Oh. It was Remus. Sirius looked up to find the werewolf at the edge of the bed, blinking owlishly. His hands were holding a book (typical) and he was staring unashamedly at the other boy. It made his hackles rise.
“What?” he asked defensively, shoulders raising just the tiny bit in a subconscious act of guarding himself. “Why are you staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?”
Remus’ lips quirked up into a small smirk. “Well, for one, I didn’t know you read the History of Magic outside of homework. And you’re holding the book upside down, if that helps.”
Sirius looked down to find that indeed, the book he was holding was upside down, and yes, it was a History of Magic textbook, a book he had sworn loudly to everyone before that there was no other book he hated more than that one in particular. With a scowl, he tossed it back onto his bed and crossed his arms.
“What were you actually doing?” Remus asked, mirth in his voice. “Not jacking off, I hope.”
Sirius scoffed. “You really think I’d be stupid enough not to draw my curtains to do that?”
Remus snorted. “Noted.” He sat on the edge of Sirius’ bed, book on his lap. “Now. Are you okay?”
Sirius’ scowl deepened. “I’m fine. Why do you ask?”
“Your eyes are red. And your voice sounds like you’ve been crying. For a good while now, I’d like to assume.”
Sirius faltered. He had been ready with his stupid dust allergy excuse, but strangely enough, with Remus, he found it hard to lie to him. It was as if he wanted to be honest.
“Sirius.” This time, there was no mirth, no joking tone, no teasing. There was only seriousness, and an abundance of sadness. Sirius bristled.
“You sound like you’re pitying me. Stop it.”
Remus huffed. “I’m not pitying you. I just feel sad that you’re sad.”
“Same thing. And who said I was sad?”
“Not the same thing. And Sirius, you’re forgetting I know you best. Better than anyone else. I know when you’ve been crying.”
Sirius snorted. “No, you don’t.”
He was aware he sounded like a four-year-old throwing a hissy fit, but he was terrified to let Remus know that he’d been crying — it was just another weakness he would hate to have out there.
Remus rolled his eyes. “Oh, you fucking— come here.”
Before Sirius knew what was happening, Remus had him enveloped in a hug, face buried in his shoulder. Sirius tried to squirm away, yelling halfheartedly, but the werewolf’s grip was strong around him. After a while, Sirius admitted defeat and let himself be cuddled by Remus.
“Fine. I was crying.” His voice was muffled, and he was glad — he hoped it hid the crack that had sounded as he talked. It made him die inside a little after admitting it — it made him feel inferior, worthless.
A hand ran through Sirius’ hair, and he started sniffling, weirdly comforted by Remus, enough to make him nearly start crying again.
“I hate that I cried. I’m not a child.” More sniffled, and Sirius tried desperately to reel in a tear that wanted to slip down his cheek.
“Sirius, you’re not a child if you cry. In your case, it was the lack of childhood in that household that made you cry. And you don’t have to feel ashamed about it, not at all.” Remus squeezed reassuringly him when there were more sniffles.
“It sucks. I don’t wanna cry.”
Remus hummed. “Sometimes it’s better to. Lets you vent it all out, you know? And sometimes crying with someone to comfort you there can be better.”
Sirius let a few of his tears escape. He hugged Remus tighter. “Okay. Okay.”
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randomperson351 · 2 years
Mix ups - Venom (Requested)
Summary: Venom makes a joke that goes too far about your speech impediment, but can he find a way to fix it?
Note: Requested by Anon. Also I hate the ending so just ignore that.
Do not repost or rewrite any of my works. Minors and ageless blogs get blocked.
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“Come on, little nibblet. I know you can do this.”
“Take a deep breath, and try one more time for me.”
“We will get there, tiny human, we have all the time in the world.”
The deep voice, despite the encouragement, did nothing to help the repetition of that one stupid sound. Like it was spiting you.
“Can I h-h-h-” You stopped and sighed in agitation, almost tempted to throw the equally stupid symbiote at the wall when his purring started up again to get you to ‘relax’.
Hey! I’m trying to help here.
Shit. You forget he was literally inside your head.
“You’re literally in-inside my h-h-head, you make me t-talk normal. Asshole!”
Of course that’s the word you can say perfectly fine.
Venom felt the rush of shame, embarrassment and fury run through you and felt guilty about what he said immediately. He didn’t mean it to offend you, it was just meant to be a joking thing.
“I’m sorry-”
“Go b-back to Venom- Eddie! Go bac-k-k to Eddie, asshole.” You corrected yourself quickly. Not only were you blessed with a stutter, but sometimes words just would not come out in the right order.
“Nibblet, please, I’m sorry! Don’t make me go back to Eddie, he stinks and never has any food that I like.”
“I’ll be quiet for the rest of the day, you won’t even know I’m here. Not a peep!” He tried desperately.
“Venom! Just f-fuck off for a few-few hours and l-l-leave me be.” You hated being mean to Venom, but sometimes he needed a punishment to understand he couldn’t do something like that again in the future. That it wasn’t something to be taken lightly, or ‘as a joke’.
“Okay, I’ll be back in a few hours for you nibblet.”
Turns out a few hours was long enough for you to take a nap and not hear the gelatinous creature try to get back in your apartment. Venom took a detour through the vents, into the apartment above, down the grill and finally made it into your bedroom where you were resting peacefully.
He slowly sunk into you to wake you gently and started speaking when you were drowsy.
“It’s just me, small one. I’m sorry about earlier, I love your little stutter, it makes you, you. I didn’t mean to make you feel insecure about it, I just wanted to make you feel more comfortable but when I realised it wasn’t helping I panicked. Please let me stay, I brought you some food and flowers and a puppy I found.”
“You stole a puppy?!” All of a sudden you were wide awake and tuned in to the scuttling sound of paws in the kitchen.
“They bring you comfort and the small thing looked so cold and lonely, I thought if anyone could help it, it would be you.”
Running into the kitchen, a little Irish wolfhound was staring right up at you.
“Aww!” You squealed, picking the puppy up.
“So, I can stay?” Venom asked hesitantly.
“Of c-course!”
Since that went so well, Venom was trying to figure out a way to break the news that he bit the owner of the dog’s head off when he found him in an alley trying to abandon him. Oh well, you’d be better than any owner he’d have otherwise.
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