#i lasted like 7 months
pokimoko · 11 months
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I can't keep being fundamentally changed as a person by animated movies, it's just not sustainable.
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in-a-bucket · 10 months
oh god i can feel my mcyt fixation coming back uh oh
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egophiliac · 7 months
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I'm wonder if it's going to be broken up the same way? I know Eng sometimes chunks things differently (you guys apparently got the entire back half of 6 in one enormous update?!), so I'm curious if we'll have the same cliffhangers! :O there is...so much that happens...
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electricpez · 11 months
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shockwave staring gleefully at. a 7-11 big gulp ????????
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
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crystallizsch · 1 month
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madebycoffee · 8 days
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Last year I decided to give back for my birthday, and while it was a lot of work- it was such a blast! So let's do it again lads.
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Do you have a need for some deco sims? Is there something you always need but no one has made? Have an idea but don't have the time or ability to make it yourself? Then do I have the event for you!
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What is the event?
Starting TODAY, May 26th, 2024 if you have a deco sim request, please send it to me via the form linked at the end of this post. DO NOT send them to my askbox! I will ignore any requests not submitted correctly! Thank you! If your request sounds like fun/inspires me I will make it, and then release the deco sims on one of the 11 days! Yeehaw!
When will this event take place?
I will begin sharing out deco sims on JULY 1st!! The final day will be my birthday, July 11th!
How many deco sims will you share out?
As many as I feel like! Last year I made 148. I would wager it'll be more this year, but it really depends on how many requests I get that I want to do!
Can I make more than 1 request?
Yes! Make as many as you want! Put them all into one request in the form, or send in multiple. :D Send them in at any point BEFORE the deadline!
The deadline for sending in a request will be Sunday, June 23rd!
Make your request via this google form! Please read the disclaimer on the form before making your request!
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If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask! Anything related to this event will get the tag '#11daysofdecos2024'
If you would like to see the deco sims I released last year, check them all out here!
Other deco sims are linked on my poses & deco sims DL page!
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ambivartence · 5 months
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he's pookie ur honor
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buttercupshands · 30 days
Quick s7 premiere thoughts
Loved the new episode, I sure wasn't ready for Afomura becoming a thing so soon, like that scene is still... that
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But otherwise wow
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also a quick thank you for this scene having THIS track (a bit off from the original version) and voices of both AFO and Tomura mixing in places there
to other things
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little dangerous hand man
I'm in love with the ending... "Believe" and "Sketch" and now this one are like a Holy Trinity of Villain connected endings and this one FEELS like it belongs to MVA or something like that WAY MORE than the ED version of Believe did, even if the song was directly connected to Tomura and Izuku via text
that's just my "I want THIS SPECIFIC WAY" of wishing an ED was and I got what I wanted in a way with everyone from the LoV having their moment to shine (from the current arc aside from Compress) - so Spinner, Toga, Dabi and Tomura all have that. IN BOTH ED and OP
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and then OP is like
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so yeah, happy s7 day
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wellfine · 1 year
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scrunt ass doctor
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planetsandthefates · 7 months
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1989 (Taylor's Version) vault songs + some of my favorite lyrics
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makorragal-312 · 3 months
This might sound crazy, but wouldn't it be something if Chris ended up being a catalyst for Buck and Eddie to have their respective realizations about themselves and just, everything?
Like Eddie's still dating Marisol unfortunately, Buck's still dating Natalia why god why, and Chris kinda begins to distance himself from both of them and it's making his parents concerned as all hell, especially Eddie. And it isn't until Chris ends up in the middle of a Eddie/Marisol and Buck/Natalia double date and storms off that Eddie and Buck can't take it anymore and go ask Chris what's been going on. And Chris just goes off on both of them:
"Before, it always used to be just the three of us! But now, we're barely together anymore and if it's not because of work, it's because of them! Why can't it just be us?"
And it isn't until everything has calmed down, the girls are gone, and Buck and Eddie are in their respective rooms ready to crash that they just stop and think:
"Why can't it just be us?"
And that's when Buck FINALLY recognizes the hamster wheel he's been on and puts a full stop to it by dumping Natalia and Eddie realizes that he's just not into Marisol and breaks things off.
After that, they spend the rest of the season just focusing on themselves, upgrading the Buckley-Diaz family and going through their respective bi/queer awakenings before the end of the season, where either Buck is the one pining or there's mutual pining from both Buck and Eddie.
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averlym · 7 months
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local adeptus doesn't get human phrases
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thelostgirl21 · 5 months
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Okay, I'd always noticed the way Jaskier immediately presses his body into Radovid after their lips make contact, and how Radovid seems to be caught off guard and slightly jolts in response...
But, because of how dark that scene is lit, I hadn't paid proper attention to their physical environment, and the way Radovid somehow "stands his ground" against the sudden pressure (i.e. there's a surprisingly large space between him and that wall behind him that very much stays there).
I'd always assumed Radovid was leaning against a wall, and had always found that sort of "upward pelvic push" Jaskier gives him whilst kissing rather bold (and sexy).
But that "pelvic push" actually has the effect of helping Jaskier "lift Radovid up" - bringing him out of that slightly slouched and defeated posture - to make him stand a bit taller so he can properly meet him in that kiss!
Jaskier is sort of simultaneously pressing against Radovid with his hips, while also bringing his own shoulders and weight backwards, thus forcing Radovid to slightly move up and forward.
And that "slight jolt" in Radovid's shoulders is him immediately compensating by "catching Jaskier" in his arms and steadying them both.
Jaskier basically just gave Radovid the kissing equivalent of a "trust fall"!
Are you kidding me?!
Like: "Here! Stop worrying about your playing, stand up straight very gay and catch me, there's kissing to be done!"
And the second Radovid felt his balance shift he immediately caught Jaskier in his arms and kept them both from toppling over.
Jaskier is simultaneously taking charge of the situation... while putting Radovid in charge.
That boy really wants a partnership, doesn't he?
He's wordlessly going: "Here, I'll help lift you up, but then I need you to catch me and keep us steady. We've got this! "
Also explains why that movement is so synchronized...
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From the first gif, it appears that, when Radovid caught Jaskier, he brought his hands up to his shoulder blades, or very close to them (at least, if you look at the way Jaskier's arm and sleeve move when he grabs him).
So, the moment Radovid relaxes his own shoulders while holding Jaskier in his arms, Jaskier's shoulders should automatically follow his movement, too.
I've paid so much attention to the way that Jaskier is touching Radovid's hair and face in that scene, that I'd totally missed that Radovid caught him and is holding him in his arms while they're just standing there together in an open space the whole time... What is this?!
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maggins · 2 years
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hello fellow inukags, i once again bring you memes
well this took way longer than i thought it would lmao;; still, kinda proud of the bg in the second panel and i tried to give these a 90s animecap look hehe ☺️
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bylrndgm · 7 months
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@bylerween2023 | day vi | october, 31st ↳ prompt: S02E02 | trick or treat, freak? ⨠ concept: crazy together episode x asteroid city inspo
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