#i know you're not doing them anymore but pleaseeee just this once
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seangelfish · 6 months
hi! can i ask for mayoi with pink camellia, purple hyacinth and peony pleaseeee 😭!! fem reader please!! thamk you omg
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Mayoi Ayase
🌼 pink camellia: how do they react when their s/o is gone for a week? a month?
– You're always occupied in his mind, so when you tell him you're going to be gone for a week or so, Mayoi is already in shambles.
– He is SO upset, it's like he can't live without you. If he's as clingy as he is with Shinobu, then he's 10x more clingy when he's with you.
– But he understands why you need to go, so he won't be too hung up about it. Of course, he'll start to miss you when he returns home to silence, but he does know that you will come back to him. All he needs to do is be patient.
– He calls you every chance he gets. He's more busier than you are as he's an idol and such, so when he finally catches a break, he grabs his phone and calls you immediately. He loves hearing your voice at the end of the line, and it instantly soothes him from the hard day he's been having.
– However, despite his eccentric personality, he's actually very mature. So, when you finally return home to him, his smile is big and loving, eyes lighting up like fireworks, but he's not going to pounce on you for a hug. Instead, he holds you close and pets your hair, telling you how much he has missed you, and is glad that you came back home to him safe.
🌼 purple hyacinth: how would they react if their s/o died?
– Once the two of you have established your relationship, Mayoi could not see a life without you. He loves seeing your face every day, smiling at him as you give him a little wave whilst you're at work. He loves it when he gets to hold hands with you, squeezing yours tight as you return the gesture. The nighttime strolls around the city is always a beautiful moment when it's with you, and he just can't and won't ever get over the fact that he is completely in love with you. Even when you're no longer here anymore, even when he won't be able to hold your hands anymore, to see your radiant smile or to hear you utter his name. He is still in love with you or merely the memory of you. He won't ever let your memory go even if it pains him to keep holding on.
– He'll shed a lot of tears, sobs and wails that are so ugly as he just can't keep it in anymore. In public, he'll try to act normal, but his eyes will tell otherwise. He seems drained of any happy emotion that is true. He has to force himself to be happier for his unit, but most importantly, you. He knows you well, how sad you'd be if you saw him like this. He keeps going for you.
– Yet your death won't help the way his character is. You were the light to the darkness that dwelled inside of him, but now that you were gone, there was nothing there to help with that anymore. Sure, he has the members of ALKALOID with him, but the love he had for you, and the love you had for him was different, and he doesn't think he'll ever find a person as understanding and loving as you ever again.
🌼 peony: how do they get their s/o to blush? how does their s/o make them blush?
– Mayoi doesn't really put in the effort to make you blush and it's the same with you too, you don't need to make the effort for him to be a stuttering mess.
– However, Mayoi does notice how much more you blush around him when he acts 'cool', when he's a lot more relaxed or quieter than usual. But of course, you still like him when he's his awkward self too. He compliments you all the time whether it be your appearance or how well you handle everyday tasks.
"You are truly amazing, (Y/N)!" he cries, earning a light chuckle from you.
– And as stated before, you don't need to make an effort to get Mayoi to blush. You existing will have his face turn tomato red. He's so grateful to have you, and he promises to cherish you every day.
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ruhorih4ra · 1 year
Hey (⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
The No.1! ❤️
So this one is supposed to be fluff, DiavoloxGn!Mc, grammar mistakes, short and cute! I really love Diavolo and wanted to write something nice for him.
The demon prince loves you, there is no doubt about it. Diavolo is old enough to recognize the symptoms, the constant yearning for you to be in the same room as him, and the hope that arises from his chest when you both lock eyes. His mind going crazy questioning "Do they feel the same?" And his heart throwing itself towards you not really caring for the answer.
Maybe because his heart knew the answer wouldn't change the truth, that is too late to turn back anyway.
"To love a human is to suffer." Barbatos once said. He knew his loyal butler was right, but he didn't know it would be so painful.
He saw you leaving the party with Lucifer and couldn't stop himself, he followed you through the intricate corridors of the castle. He ended up standing behind a wall, hiding in the corner.
“Look, I don't know how to say this, ok? But I have to, I just need to say it.” You sounded quite drunk, the words coming out of your mouth lazily. “I fell in love with you and I know our relation... relation...relationship would be complicated.” Diavolo heard you struggling to get the words out, you were more drunk than he thought.
“MC...” Lucifer spoke and he sounded disappointed. “Shhhh!!” Even when Diavolo felt his heart break, he had to suppress a laugh, you shutting Lucifer up was something hilarious. “You are a pretty preeettyy boy hmm? Give me a kiss, please?” Diavolo clenched his jaw, he heard Lucifer chuckle and a part of him felt guilty because Lucifer deserved to be happy too, yet the prince felt sorrow.
“Mc, stop.” Lucifer was clearly enjoying himself but the Prince got confused, why did Lucifer reject you?
“SHHH!!!” You repeated, louder. “I'm drunk, I know. But you are gorgeous, always. You are perfect with that smile of yours, and your kind eyes, oh how I love them!” You were sniffling and diavolo knew that you were probably crying. “That hope and devotion that you carry everywhere... You are so kind with everyone. So welcoming and smart. So easygoing, honest, modest.” Diavolo's face saddened, he felt sick with envy. Your voice sounded so full of love and yearn and he wished, for the first time in centuries, he desired to be loved back.
“Let's go somewhere more private” Diavolo's blood froze. He didn't want to come between you and Lucifer but then again, couldn't you have a little mercy? “Absolutely no.” Lucifer said, losing his previous gleeful tone “Ouch! What the fuck was that?” Diavolo heard you say. “Just stop this nonsense.” The Prince was getting more and more confused as it sounded like you and Lucifer were fighting over something.
“Let me carry youuu.” What? You carrying Lucifer? “MC, That's enough.” Diavolo pricked up his ears, curious. “Ugh, you are heavy! Let's do it here!” Let's what?! The next King of The Devildom’s face was one of sheer disbelief, if he weren't completely mad in love with you he would be laughing. “MC, what the fuck?” Well now, that's rude Lucifer. “Ugh! Lucifer, leave us alone!” Diavolo's face changed from curious to extremely confused. What in the seven hells was happening?
He couldn't contain his curiosity anymore, he came out of his hiding place just to find you flirting with... a painting of himself, you were trying to kiss it while Lucifer blocked you.
“You're embarrassing me, Mc.” Lucifer said, not notincing Diavolo's presence yet.
“YoU aRe EmBaRrAsSiNg mE, mC” you mocked. “Would you pleaseeee leave us alone?? Let me take him with meee!”
“It's a painting, Mc.” Lucifer emphasized the words. “It's too heavy for you, dear.”
“Then help me!!”
“I won’t help you steal a royal painting, you drunken fool!”
Diavolo stepped closer, the only thing keeping him from his most shrill, relieved laugh was the promise of catching you off guard.
“Lucifer, don't worry, Mc can take whatever painting they want.” Lucifer turned to look at Diavolo, slightly surprised. “Don't spoil them, Diavolo.”
You gasped, looking from the painting to Diavolo. “There are two Diavolos!!" While Lucifer was massaging his temples, Diavolo approached you. “Actually there is only one.” He took both of your hands, gently kissing your knuckles. “Let's go, I'll have Barbatos prepare a room for you.” You nodded but remained still, looking conflicted. “Will you sleep with me?” Diavolo's face reddened, it only got worse when he saw Lucifer trying not to laugh, it must be a funny spectacle to see the future king turn into an embarrassed teenager.
“I'm afraid that wouldn't be appropiate.” “Fine! Then I'll take Diavolo No.1.” you said, turning around to grab the painting. Diavolo raised his eyebrows, his words coming out as an offended whisper. “I... I am Diavolo No.1!” The prince held you by the arm. “I'm sorry, Mc. You can't take it. Barbatos would be angry.” Lucifer snorted, his smile showing how incredulous he felt. “Diavolo, are you jealous of a painting? A painting of yourself?” “I... No, of course not.” But there was no point in hiding the obvious, the blush on Diavolo's face made him look younger and more harmless than a demon would ever be.
“I can't believe this sight.” Lucifer commented. “Mc, I’ll help you carry Diavolo No.1, let's go.”
Diavolo's eyes widened and a big smile appeared. “Lucifer you too?! I am Diavolo No.1!!” “Yes, yes, whatever you say Diavolo number... Ah! Forget it, I'll go get some water for MC.” Lucifer could barely contain his smile before leaving.
“What Number Lucifer... What number?!”
“If you're Diavolo No.1 You've to prove it!” You said. “Kiss me!” he turned to you, perhaps a little more eager than you've ever seen him.
“Fine!! You win!” he took your face. “One on your forehead, so you don't forget me... Another in your eyes because I love how they shine.” you giggled before looking at him, expectantly. “And another one...” he kissed you on the corner of your lips. “... that carries a promise.” you sighed. “I love you Diavolo, now and tomorrow too.” The prince cherished that promise too, maybe loving a human wasn't that painful.
Thanks everyone for reading! If you cringed at Mc that's because they were drunk, have mercy. Cringe but free. 🙏🏻
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30, 33, 76, 100, pleaseeee 😈
30. What my last text message says:
"I just got home and I found the jacket's button! It fell on the car carpet"
33. Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
Yes, I did, as a joke or being drunk and loving everybody 😂
76. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
Multiple times. For example, I'd always said I'd never be the one that pretends not to see people in the streets once you're not friends with them anymore. But then, I did and I do.
100. Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
Once I was mopping the floor at work before opening and I was alone and I accidentally hit the bucket full of water and it fell and basically flooded the whole shop. I managed to dry the floor in record time seconds before the first customer got in. And neither the boss nor any of my colleagues ever knew .
Thank you ❤️
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Chapter One 2/2
Sorry I was busy all weekend I'll have chapter two out later this week.
Namora's Pov
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I glanced over to notice the five boys I didn't know staring at me in confusion. Their intense glares made me want to cower away in fear and bust them upside the head all at once. Yet the timid side in me won over all causing me to play with my nails out of anxiety. I move and sit at the edge of the couch my leg now bouncing, still feeling their eyes. I try to speak, but my throat feels like it's closed and I give up.
You still can't even introduce yourself.
It's pathetic really.
Stop, leave me alone.
You can't even introduce yourself you're such an inconvenience.
I tried. Shut up leave me alone.
You can't even stand up for yourself against your own thoughts you're so weak.
I feel my eyes water at the sting of frustration of trying to desperately fight back against my thoughts. 
"Y'all this my best friend Namora, Namora these some bum ass niggas." Malery spoke up for me. Making me feel slight relief and disappointment in myself.
Maybe I am just an inconvience.
"Take the wig off let's see who's really the bum," A dude with blonde hair said, causing me to giggle a little bit.
"WOOOWWW NEVER FUCKING MIND. You are not my stink for real." Malery spoke, covering her mouth and side-eyeing me. 
"How you gon get mad at her for not wanting to lie to you?" The dude who she was sitting next to said.
"Whateva, former stink this is RP, Z, Ghost, Venge, and Depo." Mal introduced them as I just waved.
"Calling me former stink is absolutely crazy." I finally spoke, while glaring at Malery who let out a little laugh. I waved high to everyone starting to feel nervous under their stares.
" You know how to play the game?" Ghost, who stood next to the blond who spoke early, said with a surprisingly deep voice.
I shook my head yes before saying a quick hold on as I went to my room to spark up. I would rather not be all tense and nervous while whopping his ass. 
I gotta calm down, I muttered quietly to myself.
You should just go home now if you want to be calm. At least you would be in the way.
Shut the fuck up. I don't even care anymore. They can leave if they don't like me.
I replied back to myself, honestly fed up with the negative feedback constantly, especially since it was unwanted.
I walk into my room with my purse and pull out my mango dutches and the eight of weed from Adonis.
I play 'Love Yourz' by J Cole in my AirPods as I grabbed my rolling tray and let Cole take me to my calm as I rolled two blunts.
"..There's beauty in the struggle and ugliness in the success." I rapped, really feeling the lyrics hit me. 
I lick and purl my last blunt closed before sparking it to take a pull while putting the rest in my hello kitty sandwich bag, grabbing my lighter, and putting the tray back in its place. Before returning to the living room where I ash my blunt before sitting down in between Malery and the couch at the end.
"I got next," I said letting the smoke out my mouth, watching Ghost and Venge play 2k 2023 and from the looks of it Venge was losing.
I pass my blunt to Malery, only feeling like sharing with her, and grab one of the hookah pipes and take a nice long inhale. I let go feeling my high start to hit me, as I felt myself start to relax I leaned back in my seat.
I started to zone out listening to 'Jennah's interlude' playing into my ear almost forgetting I was around other people. Almost until Malery sprang into a coughing fit and handed me my blunt back making me cack up.
"My bad Ry I be forgetting youn' even smoke like that." I laughed at her. Her baby lung ass was steadily coughing when she hit my shit.
"F-Fuc-k up." She said still coughing while going into the kitchen and I started to laugh at her again.
"Wait can you get me a water bottle pleaseeee." I said
"You asking ME to get YOU water after you just tried to kill me?!" She said looking at me with wide eyes.
"Uh..yeah." I said
"Oh you must be high as hell if you think imma do some shit like that." She said while ironically walking back into the kitchen and coming out with another bottle.
"I love youu." I said cheesing at her 
"Mhhnn.." She replied while side-eyeing me and I just laughed before taking a nice long needed sip of water.
"MANE NAH CAUSE YOU CHEATED BRUH!" Ghost yelled while tossing the controller next to me.
"Nigga you was losing the whole game, like I dead ass went on my phone and all. Like take yo sorry ass L and move on." Venge said shrugging his shoulders.
"Ight bruh." Ghost sucked his teeth and went into the dining room where Yolani and Jania were while I grabbed the controller to play against Venge.
"He so mad, I got some for him tho.." He said muttering the last part I still heard it but decided to mind my business.
"I feel bad." Venge said
"Why?" I looked at him.
"Cause im finna embarrass you yo first time being over here with us." He said and started to smile.
"Interestinging." Is all I replied to his cockiness.  
"YO NAH YO ASS WAS CHEATING ON MY MOMS YOU WAS CHEATING," Venge said after losing 21-56 to me it really was light work.
"AHHHHH SHE BEAT YOU ASS 56-21!" RP laughed all loudly while Venge was just sitting like a mad ass.
"MY NIGGA WHERE TF WERE YOU SHOOTING," Z said laughing and starting to get close to the screen to calculate how he lost.
"Wait. That nigga Venge lost by 35 points? AHHHH! MY NIGGA YOU ASS BRO" Ghost laughed at Venge and you can tell that he was getting tight.
"NIGGA BY 5 POINTS NOT NO SORRY ASS 35." Ghost rebuttal back before falling to the floor laughing like an empty Windex bottle along with Z and RP.
I laughed and went to take a hit from the hooka and I knew I was starting to get the munchies when spaghetti meat sauce on garlic bread sounds good.
"Pootie what you got in here to eat?" I asked walking into the kitchen.
Not believing him I looked through the kitchen and low and behold he really ain't have anything to eat.
"Bitch ass really don't got no food." I muttered to myself looking in the fridge and cabinets.
"Imma be back." I said to Malery reaching for my phone.
"Where you going?" She asked being nosey and black as usual.
"My business." I said scrunching my face up playfully.
"Don't get shot." She said being completely serious like I wasn't joking with her. Black ass always gotta be violent with someone her mad short ass, just like an angry leprechaun. 
"Well damn, I was joking but okayy. Nah i'm finna go to the store real quick to get food cause ain't shit to eat in this house." I said grabbing my purse and putting my shoes on, anytime I come over here I end up buying groceries all cause he does not home like that to notice. Which ends up with me being here in this house high as hell and hungry, just shameful really.
"Ohh can you get me some gummies please." Ry pleaded with her lip poked out.
"Alright but just know I'm going to the store," I replied sighing dramatically.
It was now 3:41 I had just got back from shopping about 20 minutes ago so we put on a movie to pass some time.  
After halfway through the movies I got bored then a great idea came into my mind. Since we were all high ass shit and bored we should go play manhunt.
"Let's go play manhunt," I said aloud getting a round of agreements
We all got up and the others went outside while I got snacks and water, I turn to grab a lighter for my other two blunts and I saw Depo staring at me again.
"You want snacks?" I asked reaching to grab some more while he nodded his head yes
"thanks" he mumbled lowly
"welcome" was all I said before walking outside to the others with him not too far behind I went in my car and got my spare blanket I keep with me.
the park was about a 9-minute walk from the house so we decide to just walk there instead of wasting gas, as prices are too high nowadays.
I ended up in the back I was just looking at the trees and nature it was really nice to me but I've always been an earth baby. I loved being outside and in the wilderness, it was always so pretty to me like just seeing the life that we live. I noticed Depo had begun to slow down close to me and made me walk on the inside of the sidewalk. 
"Why you not talking with everyone else?" I asked him cause he hadn't spoken the whole entirety of my being here.
he shrugged and then looked down at me with low eyes "Why ain't chu?" he asked back lowly
"Touché," I said and drop the convo altogether and let a comfortable silence roll over us we made it to the park. I immediately lay my blanket on the ground next to a tree and I lay on my back looking at the sky.
I wasn't really thinking about anything in specific just letting my thought go and seeing where they took me. I guess I was deep into my thoughts because I didn't see Depo sitting on the bench in front of my blanket on his phone.
He looked like something was bothering him while deep in thought, knowing how that is. So, I call him over to get him out of his thoughts, he wasn't really hard to read from what can tell.
"you want to sit over here I noticed youn' really like being in the mix?" I asked him taking out his snacks and handing them to him. he just nodded his head taking the food and leaning back on the tree.
I normally don't even talk like this even when high but they're really welcoming and kinda all remind me of my other siblings.
We sat in silence enjoying our snacks and observing the others. I liked how with Depo, I didn't need to talk to just hang with him. He's just really easy to chill with.
I went into my bag, pull out my notebook and drawing materials, deciding to draw the others playing basketball. I looked back, feeling eyes on me only to find Depo peeking at my notebook watching my draw. Simply leaning back so he could see better, not minding him watching me.
"You're really good," he said looking at me. I blushed a little, not used to getting compliments on my artwork.
"Thanks," I expressed smiling, softly at him.
About 27 minutes passed, and eventually, Depo fell asleep on my shoulder. Normally I'd be uneasy about people touching, let alone a guy, but he looked so peaceful compared to how exhausted he looked in the house.
"Yo, we finna leave," Adonis yelled over to us.
I just nodded my head and shook Depo awake.
"Depo wake up we bouta go," I said putting my stuff away and cleaning the trash up
"Ok," he mumbled getting up from the blanket while I threw away our trash. I came back seeing him holding my purse and the now folded blanket.
"Thank you," I said softly grabbing the extended purse from his grasp while he just held the blanket.
We were now back in the house and honestly, my high was almost gone, yet I wasn't anxious anymore, just calm. Being high helped me with handling my nerves. I could see there was actually nothing to be anxious about.
Everyone was playing monopoly, but since I didn't want to play I stayed in the living room. 
I was on my phone when I felt the couch dip causing me to look over to where Depo was now sitting on the couch. He had a hand halfway in his pants and the other over his eyes. It looked like he was going to sleep again, so I gave him a pillow. 
"Thanks," he mumbled.
"You're welcome you want covers I know it be cold in here," I joked.
He nodded, so I pushed some over to him, covering him enough some the cover was shared evenly. After about 5 minutes, I felt him lay his head on my shoulder, looking I saw he was almost asleep. I pulled out my phone to read, not caring to move his head. 
Soon after, I put my phone up as a wave of drowsiness hit me like a ten-ton truck making me pull the covers up closer. I leaned on the corner of the couch, closing my eyes and allowing sleep to take me.
Today wasn't so bad.
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
part 4 of vampire jaehyun pleaseeee!
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Another month has gone by, and you're starting to doubt that you'll be able to save Jaehyun. Hell, you don't even know if he wants to be saved anymore, but you made a promise.
A promise that no matter what happens to each other, you'll always fight, and if this is to be your last battle, you're going to go out with a bang.
On the other hand, Jaehyun thinks that this past month has been the longest of his life. No matter what he does, he just can't get you out of his mind. Your tearstained face is the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes, and the last thing on his mind when he closes them.
Every day is a struggle within himself over whether he should care or not. Most of all, though, why he should care.
Unfortunately for him, both Eunwoo and Irene have noticed, which is exactly how you ended up being held against your will in the woods, Irene holding your arms tightly behind your back so you cannot move. If you didn't know any better, you swear she wants you to struggle, just so she can have an excuse to break your arms.
Of course, both Johnny and Jungwoo came to your aid, only to be compelled to stay where they are off to the side and not do anything to help. Even now, you watch them struggle against invisible bindings to reach you, their limbs snapping back beside them each time they extend them towards you.
"I don't know what he ever saw in you," Irene hisses in your ear just as both Eunwoo and Jaehyun reach the little clearing you're in. Irene huffs as she notices how Jaehyun's eyes widen ever so slightly despite the smug smirk her brother wears. "Pathetic."
"What's the meaning of this?" Jaehyun nearly frowns, turning to look at Eunwoo beside him.
"We've both noticed you've been distracted lately," Eunwoo begins, and in a flash, he's in front of you, harshly gripping your face in his hands as he turns to look at Jaehyun, "so we've decided that disposing of your little problem would be the best course of action."
Jaehyun quirks a brow, seemingly unaffected by their words as both Johnny and Jungwoo cry out for him to do something.
"I don't know why you would think I care about a human like them," he nearly scoffs, and that simple action breaks your already fragile heart even more.
"Oh, but I still think you do," Eunwoo hums. "Even under the effects of my compulsion, you still think about them. They still taint your humanity."
"What humanity?" Jaehyun shoots him a look, his eyes dark and void of emotion.
"The little sliver you cling onto even now. The annoying tie you have yet to sever." Irene spits, throwing you on the ground before his feet as he looks down on you apathetically. "Them."
"They mean nothing to me." There's nothing in his voice that would suggest otherwise as you meet his gaze with pleading eyes, yet for a small spark you see burning through the darkness of his gaze.
Swallowing your fear, along with some of your pride, you push yourself up on weak arms, tears once again lining the edge of your vision.
"Please," you don't know if the plea is more for you or him, but you say it anyways, "come back to me."
"Oh, isn't this cute." Irene coos mockingly. "They're begging." In a flash she's gripping the back of your neck harshly and forcing you to sit up, your throat exposed and vulnerable. "You should be begging for your life."
You can hear both Jungwoo and Johnny pleading for Jaehyun to regain his senses, to flip that switch back on and fight for them, for you, but their pleas fall on deaf ears. Or so it seems.
Ignoring the immediate danger you're in, you decide to try one last time. Meeting his gaze despite the position you're in, you take a deep breath to steady your nerves.
"I know you're still in there; I know you're still you," you begin. "I know this isn't what you wanted, that you only did this to protect me. And I know you have the strength to turn it back on, to come back. For Jungwoo. For Johnny." You pause. "For me." By now, the tears are falling freely down your cheeks, though your voice remains steady for the most part. "So please, if it still means anything to you, if I still mean anything. Turn it back on. Come back to me, because I will always fight for you. I will always be here for you." A shaky gasp as you feel Irene pull your head back. "I will always love you."
"I've heard enough of this shit." Irene rolls her eyes, her fangs elongating as her eyes flash red, ready to tear into your throat.
However, what you don't expect is for Eunwoo to stop her.
"Wait, sister," he grins maniacally, steps menacing as he stalks around you like a predator eyeing his prey, "I have a better idea."
She turns to look at her brother, bewildered, "what the hell are you talking about?"
"Look." With a flick of his head, he motions to Jaehyun.
With what little leeway you can gather, you turn your own eyes, which had fallen shut in anticipation of your death, back upon your lover. What you don't expect, is to see him standing there, hunched over and clutching his head as if his mind is splitting apart this very second.
Jaehyun falls to his knees, a earth-shattering roar escaping his lips as wave after wave of emotion consume his very being. The tremendous weight and consequences of his actions nearly crush him, the countless bodies that lie dead because of him now, blood coating his hands like a river. The lives he's ruined, the atrocities he's committed while on his humanity free rampage. More than all of that, though, is the tremendous guilt, the heart wrenching ache of knowing he's hurt the one he loves most in this world. You.
A moment passes in silence as a white hot rage boils within his bones, his eyes turning the darkest red they've even been as he turns towards the two originals.
"Let them go." He seethes, hands digging into the dirt beneath him as he prepares to lunge. "Now!"
"Ah-ah, none of that." In a flash, Eunwoo has Jaehyun by his throat, pining him against the tree behind him.
Growling at the original, Jaehyun attempts to claw his way free as he watches Irene drag you back onto your feet, holding you hostage with her hand on your throat.
"I'm surprised you were able to break the compulsion," Eunwoo hums, a slight quirk to his lips, "but not this time." You gasp. "Since you want to keep your humanity so bad, you can have it. Only now, you get to live with the consequences." Briefly, his eyes flick to your struggling figure still held in Irene's grip before meeting Jaehyun's gaze once more. "Kill them."
Irene doesn't even need to bother to hold you up anymore as you fall to your knees, your heart constricting painfully in your chest. You had just gotten him back, too. It can't end like this...
Slowly, Eunwoo releases his grip on Jaehyun, stepping back to give him room as Jaehyun slowly approaches you, a pained look on his face.
"No," both Johnny and Jungwoo breathe, and immediately, they attempt to restrain Jaehyun only to each get held back by one of the originals.
By now, Jaehyun stands in front of you, tears slowly spilling from his own eyes as he lifts you by your throat. You can see the conflict behind the pain in his eyes, and you know that he's fighting this compulsion with every ounce of his being. Only this time, he's losing.
"I'm sorry," he sobs as his fangs extend, eyes bleeding red.
"It's okay," you assure him, hand gently clasped over his wrist as you're just able to get the words out. "It's okay."
Your dying words will haunt him for years to come as he tears into your throat, the taste of your blood sitting bitter on his lips as he watches your body slump to the ground.
Releasing their holds on both Johnny and Jungwoo, the two originals allow the three males to surround your dead body, basking in the way they look up at them with nothing but bitterness and hatred shining in their eyes.
"Remember this the next time you seek to defy me." Eunwoo states, and just like that, both him and his sister disappear from sight.
Falling to his knees, Jaehyun cradles your body to his chest, tears now streaming freely from his face as both Johnny and Jungwoo come to kneel on either side of him.
"What have I done?" Jaehyun sobs into your chest, nearly flinching at the comforting hand Johnny places on his shoulder.
How will he ever be able to go on living with himself now that you're gone? Knowing that he was the one to take your life, too, is the final dagger to the heart that shatters his already fragile being.
Tilting his head back, Jaehyun releases another loud cry, this one much more sorrowful and pain filled than before. He closes his eyes.
He doesn't know how long he stays like this, just holding your body to his. It could have been hours, days, weeks, but now that you're gone, the eternity of time only seems to stretch on forevermore.
That is, until he senses Jungwoo shift beside him. "Listen."
Frowning, Jaehyun turns to look at his brother, already straining his ears to pick up whatever sound that has caught his attention. Sure enough, a faint heartbeat can be heard above the stillness of the forest, emanating from right in front of them.
Johnny gasps, "look!"
All three sets of eyes shift to your body, your wounds already having closed on their own.
"Seems like they took our advice," Jungwoo cracks a halfhearted grin, relief flooding over both him and Johnny.
"What are you both talking about?" Jaehyun spares a glance between his two brothers, brow furrowing as he watches your figure intently now.
"Remember when you gave them some vials of your blood in case of an emergency?" Johnny stands, motioning with his head for Jungwoo to do the same.
Realization dawns on Jaehyun's features, his dead heart leaping with hope.
"A shot of our blood can go a long way," Jungwoo says, a quirk to his lips.
"We'll let you two be alone." Johnny smiles. "See you back at the house."
Without another word, the two of them are racing off to give you and Jaehyun some privacy for when you wake up.
"I should have known. You're always stronger than I give you credit for." Brushing some dirt off of your cheek, Jaehyun is quick to wipe at his eyes. A low chuckle escapes his lips as he studies your face, one that he knows he's missed all these passed months, and has longed to see again.
You open your eyes.
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mochiable · 3 years
anonymous request: hi bub, i don’t know if you’re still taking requests but i wanted to ask for a namjoon drabble or one shot about him and reader meeting on the bus and namjoon asking them out. a lot of fluff and cheesiness pleaseeee. thank you sm!
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— rainy route.
pairing namjoon x gn!oc. genre fluff. wc 2.8k
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The raindrops fell heavily, without stopping. They pounded the ground angrily, unleashing all their fury on the dark, wet pavement. People were running, looking for somewhere to take shelter from the rain. You just watched them, scrutinising them with your eyes and pondering why they would escape the rain, it was just water, just that, liquid falling from the sky.
You jumped into a puddle, splashing and getting mud on your shoes. You smiled sideways, wiggling your feet from side to side. Your father was going to kill you when he saw you.
As you got closer to the bus stop, the silhouette of a tall, hooded boy became clearer and clearer. As soon as you recognised him, your feet anchored themselves to the ground, forbidding you to walk any further and bringing you closer and closer to the boy. Now was the moment when you regretted not having taken an umbrella with you, the moment when you were ashamed of your soaked clothes, of your broken, craggy hair and above all of your muddy shoes. God, he must have seen you jump over that puddle.
Slowly your feet revived and you started walking towards the bus stop. Facing your fateful destiny you managed to get under the shelter of the roof, although nothing made sense anymore. You tried to ignore the male presence standing a few feet away from you, but you couldn't help but feel your heart pounding in your chest.
His name is unknown information. You knew absolutely nothing about him, only that he was damned handsome and generous. You saw him every day when he came to take the bus home. For months you had the opportunity to watch him from a distance, trying to camouflage your curiosity, but not quite managing to disguise it. You tried to convince yourself that it was impossible for him to notice your constant glances, but deep inside you knew there was a possibility that every time he turned towards you it was because he felt your eyes on his profile.
In any case, even if you had never spoken to him, you felt more than fortunate every time he flashed you his cute smile as a greeting. You had the luxury of thinking that those smiles were only and exclusively for you, scattering from your mind the thoughts that that's what he did with everyone.
“It's turning into a downpour, isn't it?”, his voice brought you out of your reverie, startling you slightly. You turned your head slightly and looked at him out of the corner of your eye. He had his eyes fixed on the sky, watching the raindrops over the top of his glasses.
You looked down slightly and with your right hand you pinched your thigh, trying to prove that the boy was really talking to you. You groaned at the pain you inflicted on yourself, causing the boy to turn his gaze towards you and look at you with curious eyes. Noticing this, you raised your head and looked straight ahead, watching the cars pass by and the water on the road being lifted by their wheels. “Yeah.”
And that's how you kill the only possible conversation you'll ever have with the guy you like.
“God, you're soaking wet. Did you fall in a puddle?”, fortunately I didn't notice any hint of mockery in his question, which somehow managed to make me relax. Just a little.
“No,” you let out a nasal laugh and tried to control your breathing, praying to God your voice wouldn't break. “It's just that I didn't bring an umbrella and I found it stupid to stand under some doorway.”
“Stupid?”, now it was his turn to laugh. Holly fuck, his laugh. You had just found your favourite sound. No doubt you could stay for hours listening to it. “You could have made yourself sick. In fact... yes, I think you already got sick”, in less than a second you found him in front of you, to see his face you had to look up. He brought his hand up to your face and with his index finger quickly touched the tip of your nose. "It's red," he informed you, smiling with sealed lips and raising his cheekbones.
The effort you made at that moment to keep from screaming was beyond any physical exercise you had been able to do so far. Your bones ached, and it wasn't especially because of the cold.
You stood still, the air catching in your throat and your pupils twitching as your eyes connected with his. You were about to say something, but were interrupted by the loud sound of a horn. You both turned your heads and both your eyes and mouth widened as you watched the bus swerve around a car and pass the bus stop. You closed your eyes tightly and leaned forward to keep all the standing water on the ground from caressing your back as little as possible.
However, the lashing of the water never came. That tall boy had been quick enough to roll you over yourself, grabbing your biceps and covering your body with his, as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders in a tight embrace. He groaned at the cold sensation of the water crashing against his back, at the same time as you gasped in astonishment, unable to see beyond the grey fabric of his hoodie.
Did he just do what I think he did?
After a few seconds he separated his body from mine and looked down at me with a worried expression. He tilted his head subtly to make sure I wasn't any wetter than I was before. Seeing how my clothes were safe from another dip, he turned and pulled off his hood, shaking out his hair and running his fingers through it.
I must have looked like a fool, but it was impossible for me not to open my mouth slightly at the sight. My eyes had decided to stop blinking just so I wouldn't miss a second of that beautiful sight.
“Why did you do that,” I asked once I had come out of my trance and approached him. I pawed a little at his sweatshirt, inevitably soaking my hand. He looked at me in confusion, as if what had just happened was hours ago. “You're completely wet! Have you lost your mind?”
Still with his head half-bent and with several strands of hair falling over his eyes, he turned to look at you and smiled. You felt yourself melt at that very moment - how could an already naturally attractive person be even more so? Was that even possible?
“You're worse off than I am. Don't worry, it'll dry,” he replied, repositioning his sweatshirt with one hand as he shook out his other hand to look at the time.
The bus we were both waiting for finally arrived and you both approached the curb to get on. He let you pass first, so you gave him a smile as a thank you. While you were looking for the bus card so you could pay for the trip, he went to find a seat. You finally managed to get your card and as soon as you had paid you made your way to your seat.
You had intended to sit in the front seats, but in the distance you saw the as-yet-unnamed boy raise his arm and wave to you, then point to the empty seat next to him. Not believing that he could be talking to you, you turned your head in case there was someone behind you, but obviously there wasn't. You turned again and pointed to yourself with your index finger touching your chest. You heard a soft chuckle from him and saw him nod his head repeatedly. Feeling your cheeks slowly turning pink, you walked towards him while trying to hide your face with the collar of your jacket.
“I hope you don't mind sitting with someone who looks like they've just had a shower,” he joked once you sat down next to him. You couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips. Sitting next to you is a dream come true, you thought.
“That's what I should be telling you. I don't think you're any worse off than I am,” you replied, looking down at your own clothes and wiggling your feet, making the wet soles squeak on the bus floor.
“What do you mean worse? A bus bathed me whole!”, his eyes widened as he shook his hands in exaggerated gestures to prove his point.
“I lied to you. I jumped over every puddle I came across on the way here. I'm worse, end of discussion,” you rebutted, glaring at him with challenging eyes and watching devotedly as two cute dimples formed on his cheeks. Oh, I’d do anything to see them every day.
“Well, look on the bright side. We won't need to shower for a long time,” he joked again pulling a laugh from your throat and getting irritated looks from the other passengers the second he did. You both inclined your heads towards them in apology and laughed softly again as soon as your eyes met.
It might seem strange, but even though you had only known him for five minutes, there was a peace and tranquillity in talking to him that you had rarely felt when meeting another person. As if everything was in its place, as if everything fitted together perfectly.
But the warm interaction was interrupted by the freezing air that forced its way through the doors of the bus. Making your skin crawl and causing a chill that went up your spine. You prayed that the boy sitting next to you hadn't noticed, but he did, and in less than a second he'd already offered you his seat, which was further from the doors, and from which his body could protect you.
“Kim Namjoon,” he said suddenly. You unconsciously turned your head and saw his eyes fixed where the driver was. You stood for a few seconds in silence waiting for an answer until he turned his gaze towards you and showed you his white, straight teeth. “My name is Kim Namjoon, what is your name?”
“I am Ahn Chungae,” you replied quietly, watching in awe as his eyes glistened in the direct light of the moon's rays.
“It's a pleasure, Ahn Chungae,” he repeated in a whisper. You didn't know if it was your imagination, but his face was getting closer and closer to yours, and you couldn't help but wonder what must be going through his mind.
At that moment you turned your head towards the window and stood quietly staring at the foggy glass in front of you. Trying to avoid his gaze at all costs, you drew a sad face on the window, keeping your fingers glued to the glass as you looked through it at the lights of the city. Seconds later Namjoon's hand came into contact with yours, causing you to stop breathing for a moment. He carefully wrapped his hand around your fingers and moved them, drawing what would have been two eyes on the opposite side of the ones you had previously drawn, now forming a smiley face. Then he released your hand, which you placed in your lap, and you watched as his fingers would make their way through the steam from the window, writing two letters: RM.
“RM?”, that question sprang to your lips. Namjoon put his arm in front of your face, resting his hand on the glass. You turned and raised your head, meeting his angelic face, looking at you with a curiosity that made your stomach churn.
“I'm in a rap group, that's what my friends call me,” he laughed as his arm returned to a normal position. He was quiet for a few seconds, staring at you and scanning your face patiently. “Do you have any nicknames?”
“I think the closest thing to a nickname I have is 'Peach'?” you replied after you had organised all your thoughts.
“Why 'Peach'?” he asked curiously, bringing the side of his body closer to yours, coming to brush against your shoulders in a subtle way.
You couldn't help but blush when that question came out of his mouth. “My father started calling me that because when I was little I used to climb on the kitchen chairs to reach the peaches so I could eat them,” you admitted, a little embarrassed, trying to erase the image of you with a completely smudged face from your memory.
“How old were you?” “Two,” you replied with a giggle, eliciting a laugh from him as well.
“You sure were a beautiful baby,” he said bumping his shoulder against yours in an effort to embarrass you further.
“Stop it,” you groaned with laughter bringing your hands up to your face and hiding it from his eyes. You heard his laughter again and felt his warm hands come to rest on yours, pulling them away from your face.
“Don't cover yourself, please. I like your eyes,” he complimented you, unaware that he was causing a whirlwind of emotions to run wild inside you. How could he say all those beautiful words to you as if they were nothing? Did he not have compassion?
With nothing more to say, an awkward silence formed between the two of you. He seemed to be calm, staring straight ahead and humming a song your ears were unfamiliar with. You watched him out of the corner of your eye and tried not to shout. Say something! Talk to him! But nothing came out of your mouth.
“Chungae?” he spoke suddenly, snapping you out of your self-destructive thoughts and making you turn to him. “How old are you?” he asked nervously, fiddling with his fingers trying to slow his heart rate.
“Twenty-two, why?” you inquired back, furrowing your brows in confusion.
Namjoon sighed in what seemed like a sense of relief, which further fueled my doubts. “It's just that I wanted to make sure I wouldn't go to prison for asking you out.”
A smile settled on your face without warning giving away your answer in less than half a second.
“Don't worry, you could always say I made you think I'm of age,” you played along, suddenly feeling more confident.
“While I'm handcuffed and forced to keep quiet? Or better yet behind bars?” he joked, cupping his hand to his chin and leaning in your direction.
“I'd come visit you,” you assured him, leaning in his direction as well.
A smile formed on his lips and he moved closer to me, “Let's have a date, Chungae, tomorrow.”
Again you cursed being wet from head to toe, the shivering it gave you only made your nerves run high. You couldn't look him in the face from the embarrassment that suddenly hit you, so you decided to look over to where a man was sleeping with his mouth open, praying for strength.
“Why should I accept?” you asked in a whisper, rolling the laces of your sweatshirt with your fingers. “I don't know you at all, you could be any kind of freak,” you continued, finally daring to look him in the face.
“Well, I'm a little clueless... and clumsy. Very clumsy, I don't know how I haven't done anything stupid yet with how nervous I am,” he admitted with flushed cheeks. “But we know each other. We've been on the same bus for months and I know perfectly well that you don't stop staring at me until I get off at my stop,” he argues, leaving you in a state of surprise, you definitely hadn't been anything but disguised.
“How can you be so sure?” you asked, playing dumb. You couldn't believe he'd actually figured it out.
“Because I don't stop looking at you until I get off either,” he replied, making your heart skip a beat. What had he just said?
You rested your arms on the back of the empty seat in front of you and then put your head on them. He looked really cute with his cheeks slightly pink and avoiding your gaze. You were trying to look brave at the time, but the truth is that you were waiting to get home so you could scream with excitement.
“So...” as soon as you opened your mouth to speak, he looked at you and froze when he saw that you were also looking at him, and realising that you had already been doing it for a while, “since I'm legal, you can ask me out on a date.”
“I... Sorry about that, maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all,” he spoke haltingly as he looked away again, action that brought a smile to your lips. Oh, how the table had turned.
“Alright,” you blurted out suddenly, facing him and bumping your back against the window. He looked back at you with a confused expression. “See you tomorrow at the usual stop.”
That's how you got a smile out of him, one that wouldn't be the last and which was the author of the future ones.
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all rights reserved © mochiable 2021 | reposts, modifications, translations, or spinoffs of any kind are prohibited.
a/n: hi guys! it’s been a long time. i’m sorry for being so inactive these last few months, but i’m in my last year of high school and i had to concentrate on my studies. anyway, as an apology i bring you this one shot i had unfinished in drafts. i hope you like it, and don't hesitate to let me know what you think, i love knowing your opinion about my work. also, thanks for the 300 notes in jaehyun's two posts, it means a lot to me, thanks for the support. see you soon!
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"No one ever truly gets over the loss of a loved one..."
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*next morning*
You had woken up earlier than expected but you decided to head out and quickly get some food for the two of them and yourself.
"Hi, um can I get three breakfast sandwiches.. with one banana milk and two coffees?" You asked.
"Yes you can! Will that be all?" The kind woman asked cheerfully.
You couldn't help but smile, "Yes, ma'am it will, thanks!" You responded as she told you your total and told you to pull up to the next window.
"Here you go! Have a good day!" She said, smiling as she handed you your card and receipt first, then your drinks and food
"No, you have an amazing week!" She chuckled pulling off as she laughed back.
-Jeonghans P.O.V.-
Slowly but surely I started to stir in my sleep especially when Haru started to kick and push in her sleep, groaning I swung my feet off the edge of y/n's guest bed. Not really sure of what to do next, before ultimately but also reluctantly making the decision to look for y/n.
Trying my best not to wake Haru, I cover her back up kissing her cheek.
"I'll be back honey.." I whisper as I quietly shut the door.
"Um, y/n...?" I whisper yelled, poking my head around the corner into the dimly lit living room. Nothing..
I made my way into the kitchen.. nothing. The bathroom door was open but dark, nothing..
I walked back down the dim hallway and to her room, in which the door was closed. I gently tapped it and got no response.
'She must have left... I'll just leave her a note.' Jeonghan thought to himself, quickly walking back into the kitchen and grabbing a classic yellow sticky note.
'Dear y/n, thank you for letting Haru and I stay the night it was greatly appreciated. - Jeonghan.'
"Haru.. Haru..! Wake up honey.." I wispered to her. She flung her arm at me unconsciously, I barely managed to dodge it. I gently pinched her rosey cheek. A small smile playing on my lips, calling back to the first time I did that to her, while she was wrapped in a pink cloth.
'she was so small then..' I thought to myself, feeling something run down the side of my face.
"Mm... daddy...?" Haru blinked, looking at me. "...daddy why are you crying?" She asked worry on her pale face.
I was shocked, I hadn't realized..
"O-oh.. sweetheart.. no daddies fine, he was just thinking about mommy... But right now we have to go.. okay?" I said wiping my face quickly.
She sat up her raven black hair frizzled almost mimicking a birds nest. However this cute site didnt change the expression that was of worry and sadness carved into her soft features.
"But daddy, it's cold outside and it warm in here... can we stay just a little longer? Pleaseeee.." Haru begged clasping her tiny hands together, looking up at him.
Jeonghan gave a forced smile. "I know honey.. but daddy will figure it out.." he said.
'Eventually...' he thought.
"But for now y/n isnt here, let's go get dressed and leave, we dont wanna be a bother to y/n anymore than we have.."
He muttered before picking his daughter up, and grabbing her clothes,
"Y/n said we're a bother?" Haru said hurt on her face.
"N-no sweetheart.. you're a bit too young to understand..." he trailed off, "Here, go get dressed with the basics.. I'll help you with your socks and shoes.."
"Okay daddy!" She said happily running off into the bedroom bathroom. But not before asking for help for the bathroom light which her father gladly helped with.
•20 minutes later•
"Okay, Haru. Do you have everything?"
"Hmmm, I got my bows, and my pretty pink shoes... and I got my daddy too!" She giggled and Jeonghan picked her up smiling.
"Okay.." I sighed, "..home sweet home.."
I hurried into the building and up the stairs. Once I made my way to my floor, I sat my stuff down on the floor holding the food in one arm while my keys were in the other. Regardless I was shock when the door knob started to turn and the door swung open, I was met face to face with Jeonghan and Haru in his arms, his eyes met mine and were wide and filled with shock.
"A-ah!" He said in a startled manner, stepping back. "Haru and I were just about to leave.. thank you for giving us a place to stay for the night..." he blushed.
"O-oh, well... I was hoping you two would stay.. even if it's just for breakfast... I-I mean I did buy a sandwich and a drink for each of us.." I said looking down.
"Food! Daddy can we stay?! Please even if it's just for breakfast!" Haru beamed.
Jeonghan seemed a bit taken aback, "um, I'm pretty sure y/n has things to do.. we dont wanna interrupt her life.."
Y/n wasnt sure if she should be offended or saddened by the way he felt.
"No! You're not a bother... I'm off today anyways... and it gets lonely around here... stay all long as you need.. besides, the foods getting coldz I'm getting cold, and its supposed to be another storm to night.. they're expecting at least 12 inches of snow.." y/n consoled.
Jeonghan sighed stepping to the side, "if you say so..." he says defeated but relieved as well.
"So we can stay?!" Haru professed.
Y/n looked down at her "Yes my dear.." she smiled. Walking into her home. Jeonghan caught himself staring at her in a romantic way...
"Um, Jeonghan could you close the door? Heat isnt free you know.." she joked.
"O-oh right of course.." he blushed.
Haru jumped out of his arms and ran to the table where y/n placed the food down.
"Wheres Haru?" You asked.
Jeonghan looked up from his hands. "I put her to sleep.. she was getting whiny so it was nap time.."
"Oh.." was all you could say, but you couldn't help but notice he seemed upset about something.
"Jeonghan, are you okay? You seem.. stressed..."
He let out a deep chuckle. "... because I am... I'm a homeless single father who cant find a job for shit. And a daughterwho looks up at me even in my worst of moments.."
You pursed your lips. "Well I can help you look for one, and in the mean time you and Haru take your time.. okay? And shes you daughter shes gonna do that..."
"Y/n-" he started.
You stopped him, "Jeonghan. Dont. Even. I get wanting to do thing by yourself.. but its January and it's not just you who's at stake here.. So I'm not allowing you to decline my offer."
Jeonghan was taken back by her sudden sternness, he couldn't help but smile as he made the unconscious decision to push aside her coiled locks and lean in closer to her before their lips gently collided with each others.
-3 months later-
Y/n was sitting at the table helping Haru with her homework when a thrilled, but sweating Jeonghan burst through the door.
"I not even a knock or a 'hi'?" Y/n exclaimed in a semi-joking manner.
"Daddy!" Haru beamed running to his side where he picked her up spinning her around.
Out of breath he exclaimed, "I got it!"
Y/n arched her brows. "You got wha- Oh my god! Jeonghan that's amazing honestly!"
"Yes, I got the job!" He beamed holding y/n at his chest.
She smiled kissing Haru on the cheek, and him on his soft pink lips.
"I'm gonna save up for our wedding y/n! I love you so much!" He said.
Haru harshly interrupted, "What about me! And mommy...?"
Jeonghan sighed.. "haru.. I will always love your mother... much like how y/n will always love her husband.. but they've both gone to a better place, and one day we will join them.. but right now, I'm sure they would both want you, me, and y/n to be happy... I hope you can understand that, and not resent y/n for it." He said.
"Nows probably not the best time.. but you never truly get over the loss of a loved one.." you wispered.
Jeonghan kissed your forehead and kissed Harus cheek as well.
A/n: ahhh this took forever I'm so sleepyyyyy but it's done! My thumb hurts! Yall better enjoy this!!! Lmao.
But no really i put so much energy and effort into this, so please dont expect an up date for at least a few months! Thanks for understanding! Platonically Para-socially love you guys! Enjoy! Bye! 💕
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Ocean Eyes - Part 7
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When we finally arrived at Sue's house Chris walked with me to the front door... i nearly tripped at one point but luckily he managed to grab my arm and keep me upright! I had whispered a quiet 'thanks' before knocking lightly on her front door. Sue opened the door ushering us inside and leading the way to the living room where i saw Mason curled up on the sofa. He was asleep but he looked white and sweaty, there was a bowl on the floor beside his head incase he was sick again.
"He hasn't been asleep long, i think he wore himself out crying"
"Chris can you get Mason please? I can't carry him like this...."
"Yeah sure, i got him" he quickly moved forward and scooped Mason up into him arms.
"Mama...." Mason moaned looking around for me.
"Im right here baby, your dads gonna carry you out to the car".
"God you weren't kidding bout that fever" Chris added looking down at Mason in concern.
"Im gonna get him home, thanks for watching him Sue"
"Sure thing hon, hope he feels better soon. Here, take the bowl incase he gets sick on the drive home" she smiled passing me the plastic bowl that had been next to Mason.
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The drive home i had Mason cradled against me as he slept, the seat belt going around the both of us being as we had no car seat in Chris's car!!
God i felt like a crappy mom tonight!
When we got home i sat with Mason on the sofa and stripped him down to his underwear to try and cool him down.
"Chris could you get me a cold washcloth please, there should be some in the pile of laundry on the table"
"Sure" he rushed off to grab the cloth, Mason was just laying against my chest, whimpering slightly.
"Here you go" Chris passed me the cloth and sat beside us "i got him some water too, he should be drinking plenty of fluids"
"Thanks" i smiled before folding the cloth and laying it over Mason's forehead. He moaned at the coldness but soon settled again clinging onto me, it didn't take long until he was asleep. I sighed in relief and carefully moved forward in my seat so i could lay him down.... i was desperate for the bathroom!! Mason stirred and held on tighter, for such a little thing he had a grip on him.
"Can you try taking him i really need to pee!" I looked at Chris with desperate eyes. He chuckled and managed to pry Mason off of me and into his arms.
While i was in the bathroom i wiped off my make up and tied my hair up before getting changed into my pyjama's.... it was gonna be a long night. Once i was done i headed to the kitchen and made coffee, hopefully it would help sober me up a bit more.
"Ah fuck!" I cursed as i sloshed the coffee onto the floor while making my way back to the living room "i made coffee, you might still have some left if you're lucky"
"Thanks" Chris looked up and smiled, i didn't miss the way he looked me up and down either.
"Does he still feel hot? If his temperature doesn't start to go down soon we'll have to try a lukewarm bath maybe give him some Tylenol...."
"Yeah his still hot, but it doesn't seem to be getting worse"
"This is so unlike him, Mason never gets sick. I can literally count on one hand the amount of times his been sick" i shook my head "i'm so close to freaking out right now you have no idea...."
"Calm down sweetheart, he'll be fine"
"Thank you for staying with us, i probably would've been calling my mom in hysterics if you hadn't been here"
"There's no where else id rather be" he said looking down at Mason lovingly.
"Right.... i should probably text Scott let him know we're home" i got up to grab my phone from my purse and started a text to Scott. We had dropped him at his place on the way to collect Mason.
There was a message from Derek on my phone too which i quickly skimmed, he was saying how much he enjoyed meeting me and wanted to know if i wanted to get dinner with him sometime!! I decided i'd reply to him in the morning and put my phone on the table, Mason was the only thing i could deal with right now.
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I applied a fresh cloth to Masons forehead and checked his temperature, slowly but surely it was going down. I sat beside him and Chris on the sofa and sighed in relief.
"Looks like his fever is easing off finally" i said yawning and letting my head fall back against the sofa, we'd been up for hours now keeping watch on Mason.
"Yeah, thank god" Chris mumbled as he carefully tried to move Mason in his arms.
"You want me to take him?"
"No no, i'm good, my arm has fallen asleep is all" he smiled.
"You sure? i don't mind...."
"We're all good".
We sat in silence with the TV on low for some background noise and i couldn't help but look at Chris and how natural he was at being a dad.
"You should get some sleep, you look exhausted" Chris suddenly said interrupting my internal thoughts!
"You trying to tell me i look like shit Chris?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.
"What?? No!! I didn't mean that..."
"Im fucking with you relax" i chuckled shaking my head.
"You looked beautiful tonight" i heard him say quietly, maybe i wasn't supposed to hear him but i did.
"Its amazing what you can do with some make up and clothes that aren't sweats and t-shirts"
"You look beautiful without make up even wearing your sweats and a t-shirt, i just meant that you looked good. I personally prefer this version of you"
"Haha, now i know your just trying to make me feel better....i'm a mess!"
"Prettiest girl i know" he said giving me that smirk of his.... my god damn weakness!!
"Are you just saying this because you think i'm drunk and wont remember?? Because i'll have you know i have mostly sobered up by this point"
"Im well aware, i just..... never mind. You should try and get some sleep".
I nodded agreeing with him, the conversation was about to turn awkward and i wasn't ready for that!
"Wake me up if Mason needs me...?"
"Of course".
When i woke up again i had somehow ended up cuddled up against Chris! He had his arm around me, my head resting on his chest, Mason still sleeping on his other side. To anyone who saw us and didn't know better we looked like the perfect little family. I felt myself start to panic..... i shouldn't have let myself get this close to him! It was too easy to fall back into that comfortable routine we always had..... but we didn't have that anymore, at least i didn't think we did. I carefully eased away from him making sure he was still sleeping and made a quick exit to the kitchen, he didn't need to know about this!
As i started making some coffee and toast i heard the soft voice of my baby boy. As i stuck my head round the door i saw he was sitting up talking with Chris, he looked so much better this morning thank god.
"Where's mom?" I heard him ask and i stepped into the living room giving him a smile.
"Im right here bud, how you feeling?" I asked as i sat in front of them on the coffee table, i reached over to hold the back of my hand against his forehead "looks like your fever is almost gone"
"Im hungry"
"I bet! But its dry toast for you buddy. You've gotta go easy for a little while.... are you still feeling sick?"
"No, not anymore"
"Okay thats good!".
"Dad are you staying for breakfast?" Mason asked.
"Pleaseeee" Mason begged looking at him with those eyes that were exactly like his dads, Chris looked at me waiting for my say so.
"Its fine with me, if you have time..."
"I do! Yeah of course!" He said quickly nodding his head with a huge smile.
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After we had all eaten Chris took Mason for his bath after Mason insisted he go with his dad. While they were gone i sent a text to Scott with an update and saw a missed call from Hannah, i sat at the kitchen table and quickly called her back.
"Hey! Hows Mace?? My mom said you had to come get him last night"
"Yeah it was eventful, he had a fever and was being sick" i sighed "Chris stayed to help out with Mason... i had had so much to drink Han"
"You let him stay..."
"To help with Mason yeah"
"Hmmm of you say so" she laughed
"Shut up, what happened to you last night, huh?? You disappeared with Troy"
"I know, im sorry but did you see him?? I knew you were okay with Scott. So what about you and Derek?? He seemed very interested"
"He was nice" i nodded "he texted me last night but i haven't had a chance to reply yet"
"But your gonna right??"
"Y/N text him back!! That man was gorgeous!!"
"I will"
"Don't make me come round there"
"Oh god Han, your so pushy" i laughed.
"Only because i love you"
"I love you too, i gotta go though i'll speak to you later".
When i walked into the living room Mason was sat on the sofa watching cartoons and Chris was gathering his things.
"Your leaving already?"
"Yeah i've got a meeting at 11:00am..."
"Okay, well thanks for last night"
"Sure, anytime" he smiled "hey, i was wondering if next weekend i could take Mason to meet my mom? She's been asking when she can meet him...."
"Um.... yeah sure"
"You can come too if you want? I know my mom would be happy to see you" he said with a smile.
"Okay" i nodded "it'll just be us though right? I don't want Mason getting overwhelmed with too many new people"
"Yeah of course, maybe Scott too if he finds out you know what his like"
"Thats fine" i nodded with a smile knowing exactly what Scott was like.
"Thank you, i should go.... can i come by later though? Id like to check in on Mason"
"Sure, i'm sure he'd like that"
"I'll see you later then" he smiled before heading over to Mason "bye buddy i gotta go to work for a bit but i'll come see you later"
"Okay, bye dad".
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina @mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
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orangeyouglad8 · 4 years
what's up orange? so i've been meaning to read TIHIH for a long time now, but just recently got the chance thanks to the quarantine. i'm writing this because you know what i'm overwhelmed with FEELINGS!!!! oh man, i'm literally drowning in feelings right now. you're a genius, your mind!!! i've already reread the whole thing twice (i've also checked your previous fics and didn't know you wrote brittana fics too. lmao we all went through that path didn't we? i'll read them too, i've got time now)
firstly i gotta mention how much i love the way you describe a character’s feelings precisely, but also concisely. like u really made me feel like i was lexa/clarke as if i was going through the exact same thing and the lack of unnecessary words make it a delight to read. it was really easy to imagine them in my head like a movie. also thank u for the adult representation! it was refreshing after so many hs/college fics since im also an adult & i also have very similar struggles at work and life
you said somewhere here on tumblr that they would get married at some point. do you think they would have kids too? would they get a pet as well? like where do you see them 5 or 10 years later? (also we need a sequel think about it pleaseeee)
when did people @ courthouse learn about their relationship? i mean they’ve gotta find out at some point right? how was their reaction like? also were they ever against each other at court after they ‘officially’ started dating? if so, how was it like? because tension!!!! bickering!!! stubborn idiots who are also in love!!!! (i don’t know how clarke’s new job is like so sorry in advance) i would love to see another courtroom scene tbh but with feelings this time
Well helloooo!!! I really want to start off by saying that these messages were a true delight and such a blast of love and excitement that it was quite refreshing during these weird chaos days! I am honored that you’ve chosen to spend some of this downtime with my story :D
Writing fic that includes real adult day to day and relationships and ups and downs and struggles and friendships was and is very important to me. I’m an adult and these are all things that I’m facing as well.  I tell the stories I want to see and I’m happy that so many people agree!
Yes, these two will eventually get married but they’re not really in a rush to do so.  They know they’re in it for the long haul, and with both of them being so busy and coming to terms with where they are in their lives and careers, it’s not a pressing need. Neither of them fear a breakup or that they aren’t endgame, so anything else is just icing on the cake. I’m sure Lexa would love a dog (wanted one growing up but was never going to happen with her parents), but with their apartment living and busy schedules, she may just have to settle for a cat.
Gossip in the legal community, especially with this small knit group of litigators, travels like wildfire, so once they were officially official it was not a secret.  To be honest it was probably more of an open secret for a while even though Lexa refused to even acknowledge the rumors until Clarke switched specialties and was no longer a potential opposing counsel. And, of course, once Clarke switches specialties, she will no longer be litigating anything at the courthouse as she no longer does that anymore!  One of the reasons they did not continue to have cases against each other in court is because Lexa, ever proper and ethical, did not allow it or switched cases whenever she could. There’s no way that would fly and the potential repercussions of it could be not great for both of them.
As for the other questions you’ve asked, thank you! I did a lot of headcanons back right after I finished up.  Feel free to search my blog for the tags: TIHIH, TIHIH!headcanons, TIHIH!headcanon.  There are a few drabbles out there, too!
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