#i just mean that we never really saw them interact that much? and sort of knew that they’d known each other back in terris but there were no
titsthedamnseason · 4 months
#i feel bad saying this bc in the forward brandon says that sazed’s character arc gave him a lot of trouble in the back half of the series#but i can definitely sense that#i don’t really love the direction that it took#i mean i actually do think that him losing faith in the one thing he dedicated his life to is a really strong plot#like it’s the most Serious and unexpected but sadly believable thing that could happen to a character like sazed#but i’m unfortunately not convinced that tindwyl’s death would cause this#and i swear im not just being a hater because i didn’t like her a lot as a character#i just mean that we never really saw them interact that much? and sort of knew that they’d known each other back in terris but there were no#flashbacks or anything and so much of the past was tinged with animosity#so imo their love story came on kind of fast and didn’t convince me#which is why i think i can’t by grief for tindwyl as the reason for sazed’s prolonged mental breakdown#and i also feel bad saying this next part because personal grief obviously changes and affects a person more than other objective deaths#but sazed if fr acting like nobody else has ever died before#like sir your nation is in the midst of a millennia long still ongoing tragedy and desperately needs your specific help now#GET IT TOGETHER MAN!#mine#juli reads the cosmere#in his last pov he said something like ‘yes people have been dying this whole time but tindwyl was Different’ well actually no she wasn’t!#the rest of the terrismen are actively being targeted right now. let’s focus on that if you’re so worried babes!
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highlandwhackamole · 3 months
A Grand(ish) Theory of What the Heck
I love the utterly unhinged, super detailed theories about what's going on in Good Omens, especially in season 2. I hope one or more of them turn out to be true, as some kind of glorious puzzle-box-hidden-code monstrosity. And also I think that there has to be a simpler explanation for things, for the people who are at least Somewhat Normal (tm) about this show. (... I assume such people do exist somewhere...) This is what I have been pondering recently.
The thing that started me thinking about this was this post, containing some promotional materials for season 2 that feature main characters with scenes in their heads. Like this:
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Seeing this created a very similar situation in my own head, but with a nice shiny lightbulb.
All the weirdness: the car, the sideburns, the clock, the behavior of the folks of Soho, the vanishing storefront signs. The absence of God. I think this is all because everything we see is in their heads.
I don't mean it's made up. At least not entirely. Memory is already a plot point. Why not explore it on a deeper level? I've read theories emphasizing the minisodes' stories being retold by Aziraphale and Crowley. I think the whole season is like that.
You know that sort of conventional-wisdom-fact-concept that you can only dream faces of people you've seen before (or variations therein), because your brain can't make new faces up? So it just fills in what it thinks is close enough? I think that idea, applied to remembering or recollecting things, could explain so many things that are wonky in this show.
Wonky Things
Crowley parking in an impossible London location? He definitely remembers it was in London, so his brain just stuck some obvious London landmarks in there.
Awkward clattering happening when Crowley throws the stacks of books he's inexplicably carrying around the bookshop? He wouldn't actually throw Aziraphale's books! But he'd like to think he's cool and nonchalant enough to do that, and if he did it would definitely make Some Kind of Noise.
Jim walking toward the bookshop from somewhere mysterious? Maggie and Nina saw him first, and he came from that direction, so he must've walked all that way. They don't know about the elevator in the Donkey.
Aziraphale remembers tartan hills and the Loch Ness monster because he was having a jolly time driving through Scotland, so obviously the scenery must've been whimsical Scottish things.
Nina put the Honolulu roast sign up, so she remembers its presence, but perhaps the occult/ethereal visitors to her shop do not.
Maggie really did text Aziraphale about the rent, but a note through the mail slot is a much more dignified way for a scholarly angel to imagine he received a message.
On the Fallibility of Recall
This season is loaded with unrealistic inclusions. The colors are turned up to 11. Some of the scenes are more caricature than believable interaction. Remembering things never copies or reproduces them with what one might call high fidelity.
Scenes recalled by separate memories will inherently vary. One person's hefty jigger might be another person's dash. Who knows for sure where the sun was that day? You and I might recall an event having different lighting or a different color palette, sort of like viewing something with different lens filters.
According to Neil, Crowley is an unreliable narrator of the story of his Fall. He labels the variations in clock times as a continuity error in a show where Everything Is Meant, but he doesn't say whose continuity error it is. He insists that the Bentley is the same through the whole season; maybe it was the same, but remembered differently. Maybe this is part of why there's more CGI but it's harder to spot.
So What?
Is this all there is to it? I sure hope not. I like my Good Omens with enough layers to put to shame an onion wrapped in a cake and covered in a parfait.
Is this possibly the fancy footwork that's distracting from the real magic trick? I wouldn't put it past Our Gaiman. There are a lot of things one could hide in the narrative of unreliable memory.
Is this going to stop me from rewatching and repondering and remaking theories for the next couple years? Not even at gunpoint.
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jenosbliss · 5 months
hii there!! can i req different tropes with the dreamies please?
🩶⌇ nct dream ! as different love tropes
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pairing. gn!reader x nctdream | genre. fluff, crack | wc. 1.5k | warnings. none
a/n. happy new year guys!! went a little personal on Jaemin's one, also if you want a bigger fic for any of the members with these tropes pls let me know 💖
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MARK. childhood friends to lovers
Mark was the constant in your life just as you were in his. He was the one to pull you in when you experienced your first heartbreak or needed a shoulder to weep on, to rely on, to seek warmth and comfort in. He was the one to cheer you on for exams, to celebrate your achievements and your first relationship. He had been there all along. Hence, when he unexpectedly blurted out, "Do you think we would make a good couple?" while snuggling inside the cover with you one quiet night. You weren't too shocked by it because, in all honesty, you both knew—hell, everyone knew—that you loved one another more than simply as friends. In fact, your friends called you both ‘goners.’ “Is this your subtle way of asking me out?” he giggled trying to hide his oh not so obvious blush. “I mean like you know what I mean c’mon dude… will you be my girlfriend?” "Have I ever said no to you?" you drew nearer to him beneath the cover. “Sure.”
RENJUN. secret admirer
It started recently when small notes began to appear inside your locker and on your desk. At first you ignored them thinking it was some sort of a sick prank because who in their right mind will secretly admire you? Well, Renjun does, and ever since the day he saw you having your own little concert in the classroom after everyone had left, he has never been as certain about someone as he was about you. At first he left notes on a weekly basis afraid you might not like them but when he saw you smiling and saving all his notes he started leaving a dozen of them on a daily basis. He was going crazy because he had so much he wanted to tell you, but there was not enough room on a piece of paper. However, you were driving yourself crazy trying to identify this admirer of yours. This madness continued for a month until one day Renjun himself stood in front of your locker holding a piece of paper, "Here's your note, love.”
JENO. fake dating
You didn’t consider Jeno a total stranger, you have run into him quite a handful of times in the campus cafe and have your fair share of shy glances, very small talks and fleeting smiles. One day your ex followed you to the cafe, at first, he was begging for forgiveness but soon turned hostile, demanding a reason why you don’t want to be with him. Fearing he might do something bad; your eyes fell upon Jeno who just entered the cafe, a sweet smile playing on his lips when he noticed you. Could you have come up with a better response? Maybe but at that moment you couldn’t think of anything else. You approached him begging “Hi, I’m really sorry to put you in this mess but can you please, please pretend to be my boyfriend? My ex there-” at an instant Jeno stood up, grabbing your hand softly in his “Where is that jerk? Did he hurt you?” And with this incident you both started fake dating which soon turned real without either of you realizing.
HAECHAN. sunshine x grumpy
Everyone around you referred to you and Haechan as the opposite attracts couple, well to be very honest you didn’t consider yourself grumpy or mean, you just didn’t prefer the human race and any interaction with them of course except him. He was the literal definition of sunshine for you, the one who lightened you up, the one with whom you can leave your so-called grumpy side aside and be a little ray of his sunshine. Haechan found you in the darkest phase of your life when everyone you knew or had trusted turned their back on you, leaving you to cry alone in a dark corner. It was then when he pulled you into his embrace, radiating a warmth that felt safe and something like home, he became that last ray of hope and light that brightened you up once again. “How can you be this happy this early in the morning?” you grumbled seeing him dance while cooking in the kitchen. Ignoring your comment, he walked around the counter and extended his hand “Will you dance with me? Please, sunshine please!” rolling your eyes at his silly actions you still took his hand as he pulled you in for a little silly dance.
JAEMIN. first love
Love was a scary word for you, the reason you never experienced it before was because you wanted it to be perfect. You wanted to remember your first love with a smile on your face and not an experience which you would want to forget. You have had crushes and a few situationships and an experience of a boy you thought was definitely the one to not reciprocate your feelings when you confessed to him before. But that was it, after the last incident years ago you gave up on the idea of love, thinking it was for the pinterest girlies, those perfect ones who deserved a perfect love. But the day Jaemin came to you on that bus ride asking if can take the empty seat next to yours, the perception of love you had changed. He became your first and perfect love, he showed you everyone is worthy of love, he accepted all your flaws, he cared for you like no one has ever done –babying you included– he never shied away from confessing his love and gratitude for you, he cherished you with every breath he took. You could cry to him, with him, you could laugh with him until your stomach hurts, you could gossip with him, and you could cherish the quietness with him. He was perfect and he was yours, your first love. “OMG y/n I saw this flower growing out of the sidewalk, it reminded me of you princess.”
CHENLE. academic rivals
Chenle didn’t give a shit about studies or grades, if you ask his parents or friends, they haven’t seen so many ‘A+’ on his tests till now. It’s not like he was poor in his studies, it's just that he didn't have a reason to study. Why study if he could just get a scholarship through basketball? It was useless according to him until he met you in high school, the top student in the class if not the school. Was it love at first sight? Nah it was love at first fight for him when he accidentally hit you with the basketball during gym class and you poured a bottle of water on him as revenge (it was freezing cold that day). After that, the more he tried to approach you the more you avoided him. It was the first time when he wanted something, but he couldn't have it right away, and this ignited a fire in him. So, the only way to reach you now was through academics, and boy, he loved pushing your buttons, so he decided to compete with you… fiercely and that’s how after a few months of this rivalry you found yourself pinned against the bookshelf by him in a corner of the library. “Everything is just a competition for you… isn’t it?” you felt his breath on your face “Isn’t it for you, too?” you spat back, not breaking eye contact. “No, I did this because I am in fucking love with you.”
JISUNG. brother's best friend
You met Jisung when you were five and he was seven, he brought Sungchan back home after he sprained his ankle during the game of soccer. You remember watching him from afar, while he was talking to your mother about Sungchan’s injury when he looked at you and passed a smile. Since then, not a day passes by when you don’t think of him. At seven you had childishly asked him to marry you which he laughed at first but agreed later, promising to do so when you grow older. At fifteen he scared off a boy who kissed you on the cheek in school, saying things like you are too young for dating and you can’t date just any boy. That day, instead of crying that your first relationship ended before it could even start, you were happy, it was the day you started liking Jisung. At seventeen you confessed your feelings to him when he said the words that broke your small, fragile heart in pieces, he said you were like a little sister to him. At twenty-two he saw you going out with a man when he arrived at your apartment to celebrate your birthday. He felt something he shouldn’t have, he felt jealous, a burning rage and it was that moment that he knew he had fallen head over heels for you. “Don’t date him.” you scoffed hearing his authoritative tone. “And who are you to say that? I’m not fifteen anymore. It’s my life I can date whoever I want… you’re not my real brother.” he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him “Yes I’m not your brother… so date me instead.”
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masterlist. nct dream | nct 127 | wayv
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hailucy · 8 months
hi! saw that youre taking requests! could i have a theo x slytherin reader, where they both dislike eachother but are part of the same friend group, so pansy locks them up somewhere?
Not Him | t.n
pairing: theodore nott x reader
summary: Theo and you have a strong dislike towards each other which results in you guys arguing about everything. Your friends get tired of your constant arguing and decide to do something about it.
warning: Its not really slytherin reader but they are friends with the slytherin group,bickering and years of unresolved tension(but not for long;), mentions of firewhiskey
words: 1.3k
taglist: @dvarlinggg @bellysbeach @clioscauseforconcernbylovejoy
a/n: here you go!!! it's my first one shot so I hope you like it. I hope I did the request justice! criticism is very much welcome and my requests are open!!
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"No, that's wrong! Obviously, Slytherin is gonna win against Gryffindor!"
"Nott, you and I both know that Gryffindor beat the Ravenclaws, all i'm saying is that they're good"
"Not better than us."
"Well... you nearly lost against Hufflepuff"
"Yeah, nearly-"
"OKAY, I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TWO," Pansy exclaims while stomping towards you and Theodore. Her face twists in anger and annoyance as she starts waving her hands around, "Do you two not know how to have a single conversation without arguing?!"
"Yes actually I do, however, I'm not so sure about l/n," Theodore smirks and looks at you in a cocky manner.
"Watch it, Nott, I'm sure you've never been taught manners," you say as you flick your hair back and lean back with a glare.
Pansy watches the whole interaction and realises that something must be done. Then she gets it. One brilliant idea.
She turns towards the rest of the group and loudly announces, "My dorm, 10 o'clock, bring drinks and snacks." She then walks off with a smirk on her face.
"What is she planning?" Mattheo groans.
You're in your dorm thinking about what to wear to Pansy's little get-together. Theodore's going to be there... oh how you hate him, with a raging passion. His cocky attitude and dumb opinions. You hated how he had to argue with every statement you made and how he would tease your every action. You hated his perfect hair and his heavenly eyes. You hated how he made you feel, the butterflies you felt in your stomach whenever you argued and the hotness your face felt when he leaned in to state his point.
Were you ever going to tell anyone how you felt? No. Were you ever going to admit your feelings to him? Hell no. He definitely didn't feel anything towards you and you weren't going to embarrass yourself, especially not in front of him.
Just then Pansy bursts into your room without a care in the world. "Sure Pansy you can come in, thanks for asking" you say sarcastically.
"Boooo whatever. There's a more important discussion that we need to have."
"And what is that?"
"That thing you and Theo have going on."
You face scrunches in confusion, "What are you talking about?"
"You sooooo have something for him and he has something for you and you guys need to sort it out because the rest of us are getting tired of it," she states as she goes to your wardrobe and picks some stuff out for you to wear.
"Wait- what- no- what? I don't have a thing for Theo, I mean he's attractive but his personality ruins that. He gets on my nerves" you stutter as you walk towards your bed and grab the clothes Pansy threw on it.
Pansy stares at you dumbfounded, "Whenever you argue and he turns around you get a dumb lovesick smile on your face. Also, his personality isn't bad, he's the one who gave you that book you were so excited about receiving on your birthday."
You stop in your tracks and turn around. "THAT WAS HIM?" You remember receiving that gift, it just appeared on your bed with no note from the giver. It was a book that you picked up on a trip to the bookshop at Hogsmeade however you didn't end up getting it. Theodore was there but he was busy picking up his own books and arguing about some book that you both had read. You didn't realise that he noticed you put it down after realising that you forgot your money in your dorm.
"Yes that was him, and he's done so many other things that you've failed to notice but I digress. Put on your outfit and hurry up, it's nearly 10." She gives you a kiss on the cheek and, after dropping all that information, leaves the room.
You enter Pansy's dorm and are immediately greeted with the smell of firewhiskey and the sound of music. Lorenzo appears next to you and throws his arm over your shoulder, "Hey! Come on everyone is waiting for you!" He leads you to everyone sitting on the floor and everyone greets you except Theodore who looks at you up and down his eyes clouded with a feeling you have no time to decipher as Pansy pulls you to floor and stands up to announce something.
"Let's play a game" groans are heard from some of the boys " I suggest seven minutes in heaven!"
"Well since your hosting Pans then i guess we've got to," Blaise sighs
"Absolutely right, Blaise," she says as she grabs an empty firewhiskey bottle and puts it in the middle of the circle. She sits beside Draco and flicks her wand to spin the bottle. The only sound in the room was the bottle against the ground, everyone was holding their breath in anticipation.
The bottle slows down and points at... you and Theodore. All the other boys start howling and you look up and see Theodore already looking at you. Your breath catches and your stomach turns as he looks at you with mixed feelings. One specific feeling being longing.
"Fuck," you mutter, trying to find a way out of this situation.
"Something wrong, princess" he smirks while standing up and heading to Pansy's closet. You sigh dreading what was to come but knowing there was no way out. Getting up, you walk past Pansy and send her a glare while she just laughs at you.
You walk into the cramped closet and see Theo looking a little nervous while squashed, which makes you giggle a little. He notices you and immediately removes any emotion on his face and puts on a smug look. You hesitantly sit opposite Theo, knees touching due to the lack of space in the closet.
"I don't even know what they expect us to do," you say.
"Kiss maybe," he says lowly yet holds eye contact with you.
"In their dreams maybe," you scoff yet your heart beats faster and you look away from his searing eye contact. You start picking at your nails but suddenly a hand covers yours, making you look up at Theo's hypnotising eyes.
"Maybe not," he looks down from your eyes and glances at your lips.
"Don't tell me that you don't want this to," he whispers your name.
"I... I do" you look at his soft, pink lips and move slightly closer and he does the same thing.
"Good," and then his lips crashes into yours as he pulls you into his lap. Your fingers run through his hair as quiet moans and whimpers are released by the both of you.
He releases your lips from his captivating touch and pants out, "God, do you know how long I've wanted to do that."
"Oh shut up," you blush as you pull him back into the kiss. His hands move all over and come to a rest on your hips to pull you closer. You bite on his bottom lip which he lets out a groan to.
Unaware of the time that has passed a loud banging on the door pulled you two apart quickly. The door then opened showing the grinning group.
"What happened here?" Pansy said knowingly, elbowing the unfortunate person next to her which happened to be Enzo.
"Piss off, Pansy," Theo said sticking his hand out to help you up which you gratefully accepted after he had stood up and dusted his trousers off.
"Now Theo personally I think you should thank me," Pansy laughs.
Theodore walks by her with a blushing face and you in hand who is equally as flustered. "We're leaving."
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idyllicwillowtree · 1 year
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Vickie's Friend
Genre: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: Robin isn’t the only one chatting up a lady while volunteering at Hawkins High. 
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: swearing, use of y/n, gay stereotypes?, earthquake mention, fluff
Author’s note: I like the idea of Vickie having a friend they could go on double dates with lol let me know if you want another part!
Main Masterlist
Saturday, March 29, 1986
“Okay, then we sort by age,” you hear Marge say. Looking up from the baby clothes you were folding, you see she’s talking to none other than Steve Harrington. He quickly bends down to rescue some fallen clothes, as he follows Marge, “We’ve got infants, girls, boys, men, women…”
You scan the gym with new found excitement. Wherever Steve was, you knew Robin would be close by. They always seemed to be together whenever you saw Robin outside of school. When you spot her, you couldn’t help but let a smile slither onto your face. She was assigned to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, alongside your best friend. You watched as Vickie came out of the kitchen, freezing the moment she saw Robin.
Unfortunately, you were interrupted from watching the rest of their interaction when Marge brought Steve over, “and Steve, this is Y/N. You guys can work together on this new pile,” she said, motioning to the clothes you just started organizing.
You never really cared for Steve. He seemed a bit egotistical for your liking but if Robin allows his company then he couldn’t be that bad. Truth be told, you wanted a chance to talk to him one-on-one to see if he and Robin were dating. Vickie was convinced they must be together since they’re basically joined at the hip, but you weren’t so sure. You’ve seen Steve back when he was in High School all over whatever girl he was dating at the time, always one to show off public displays of affection. But you’ve never seen him do that with Robin so now was your chance to do some investigating.
“Hey Y/N, good to see you,” he said with a sad smile.
“Hi Steve, you too,” you said softly.
You and Steve had a couple of classes together back in the day so you knew of each other but never really had a conversation outside of school before. On any other day if you saw Steve at a grocery store or something you’d probably pretend not to recognize him and turn the other direction. But there’s something about a giant traumatic earthquake that made you happy to see that he was okay. 
As you both work, you notice him glancing over at Robin every once in a while and smiling to himself. 
“Oh wow,” he said suddenly.
Looking over at him, you see he’s holding a piece of clothing with the most atrocious pattern you have ever seen. Patterns were all the rage right now, but this was just too much. Steve unfurrowed it to fully reveal a giant pair of hammer pants with stirrups. Half of it was neon yellow and the other half was black and white checkers. Fortunately, it was missing a huge chunk of fabric in the crotch area so you wouldn’t have to subject it to some poor person who recently lost their house.
“Now why would anyone want to donate this? It had to have been an accident,” you say sarcastically.
“Maybe I’ll take them home. I’ve been meaning to get a pair of parachute pants that’ll actually accentuate my junk,” Steve laughed.
“It’ll make life easier in the restroom, that’s for sure.”
Steve barked out a laugh, his hair moving out of place as he shook his head. Your heart swelled and your palms began to sweat as you chuckled alongside him. Succeeding in getting Steve to laugh left your cheeks feeling warm.
“So you and Robin work at the video store, right? Family Video?” you pry, trying your best to sound casual.
“Yep. You and Vickie rented Fast Times recently, didn’t you?”
You stiffened, “y-yeah, how’d you remember?”
Steve’s movements stuttered, he tried disguising it by scratching the back of his neck. “Oh, uh, just cause Robin and I liked it,” he cleared his throat, “how’d you guys like it?”
“Well, Vickie and I loved it. We happen to be normal,” you say with a laugh, “Dan, on the other hand, did not.”
“Vickie’s boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend.” Steve stood up a little straighter and turned to look at Robin, watching as Vickie said something that made her laugh. “They got into this weird passive aggressive argument about it and I was there to witness it all,” you shuttered dramatically.
“They broke up over Fast Times?” Steve chuckled.
“No, but I’m sure it didn’t help,” you giggled with him. “I say good riddance though, I don’t know what she saw in him. Thank god she’s single now.” Now her and Robin have a better chance, you thought. “Sorry, I shouldn’t be talking shit about Vickie’s ex-boyfriend to you.”
Steve flung a kids t-shirt over his shoulder, “no please continue. I love the drama,” he said, sending you a smile that awoke the butterflies in your stomach.
“What about you and Robin? How’s that going?” 
“Me and Robin? Oh, we're not dating. We’re both very single,” he said.
A victory smile made its way onto your face and you pushed down the instinct to pump  your fist in excitement. You were right, Steve and Robin were just friends. Maybe part of you was happy that Steve was single too.
“What?” Steve said, looking at you head on now.
Steve’s eyes had a sparkle to them as his face broke out into a smug grin, “you smiled. After I told you I was single.”
“Did I?” you turn away from his gaze to continue folding, doing your best to push down the blush that was creeping up your neck. “You also told me Robin was single. Who’s to say I’m not smiling about that?”
Technically, that was true. You were excited that Robin was single, just not for your own sake. You couldn’t help but tease him back a little.
“Hey, there’s no reason to get defensive,” he held his hands up in surrender. “For the record, if you told me you were single I’d probably smile too.”
Your head whipped over to him in surprise. Was Steve Harrington flirting with you? Were you flirting back? 
You smiled shyly, looking back down at the blouses you were folding, “well it’s a good thing I’m single then, isn’t it?”
It was Steve’s turn to look at you in shock before he quickly recovered, looking like the cat that caught the canary. Your eyes connected and it was like all the pieces started coming together. He looked at you like you were the most precious thing on earth. Despite the hardships your town is going through right now, you couldn’t help but feel hopeful for the first time in forever. 
“Our best friends are gonna start dating now, aren’t they?” Vickie laughed.
Robin giggled at the dopey look on Steve’s face, “oh, most definitely.”
A few days earlier…
Friday, March 21, 1986 
“I just feel like if I start trying to date now and I fall in love, or whatever, I’m just setting myself up for disappointment because what if we move away from each other after graduation or something? I don’t know, does that make sense?...Vickie? Vickie, are you listening to me?” you said, turning away from the road to look at your friend in the passenger seat.
Vickie’s mouth was agape as she continued painting her lashes with mascara, “yes, yes, I’m listening.”
“What did I say?” you challenged.
“Something about…I don’t know, wanting a boyfriend?”
You slapped your hand against the steering wheel in frustration, “No! That’s not, ugh, nevermind.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! It’s seven in the morning and I’m just not built to handle these deep conversations when it’s this early! And now we have to go to this stupid pep-rally and I woke up looking like an actual dead person!”
Glancing over at her you noticed how fidgety she was being. She kept going back to retouch her lip gloss and was tugging at her red bangs, trying to get them to cooperate.
“Ohhhh, I see what’s happening,” a shit-eating grin spread along your face. “You’re nervous about seeing Robin,” you sang, teasingly.
“What? I am not!” Vickie’s fair skin immediately turned a violent shade of red.
“Yes you are! You really expect me to believe you’re freaked out over a stupid basketball game? And you know what else I think?”
“Uh, I really don't care what-”
“You’ve gotta ditch the stick and go after Robin!”
The corners of Vickie’s mouth turned down, “the stick?”
“Yeah, I’m talking about Dan. The stick being his penis,” you said plainly.
“Ew, gross, don’t say penis!”
“The fact that the word itself grosses you out, tells me you’d be a lot happier with someone who doesn’t have one. Someone like Robin!”
“We don’t even know if she likes girls, Y/N.”
“Her favorite movie is Children of Paradise, Vick. I don’t know of any straight girls who can sit through a foreign film, let alone call it their favorite.”
“That doesn’t mean anything,” Vickie said in defiance.
“Okay fine. But we both saw the way she was staring at that Phoebe Cates standee in Family Video. You can’t forget about my ‘Operation Fast Times’ plan.”
Vickie rolled her eyes and scoffed in frustration, “I still can’t believe we did that.”
“It’s the perfect plan! She’ll see you paused at 53 minutes 5 seconds and boom, you’re in!”
Part 2
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jedi-hawkins · 1 month
"Strap in, kid. You're not gonna want to miss this view." - Sgt. Hunter
I've seen a few others make a tribute post for the batch and I felt some words pulling at my chest.
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I was a latecomer to the fandom, I binged season 1 & 2 in July of last year and it's been a wild ride since. I've laughed and cried and everything in between. It's hard to even articulate what this show means to me.
I began my Star Wars journey like many others, with the original trilogy at some point in childhood (you could consider me a zillenial). I liked them, but I was much more of a Harry Potter nerd at the time, my head was at Hogwarts. The prequels, however captured my heart. I don't remember when I first watched TCW, but it's very clear my heart belongs to the times of the Republic.
Like things often do, other fandoms have faded out of my peak interests, Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Maximum Ride to name a few, but any time I've come back to Star Wars, it feels like coming home. A galaxy far far away so vast and full of hope and love and grief and sorrow.
The last year has been far from easy. For the last few years, that feels like all we've been saying, huh? But in all seriousness, I really did loose myself in the past year, but oddly enough, Star Wars was a constant for me, it was an escape. I joined tumblr right after I binged season 1 & 2 of The Bad Batch and immediately fell in love with the wonderful world of fans and writers and artists here.
At first, I was a lurker, just a name that popped into the reblogs, but I began interacting more and more. I've brushed on this with a couple people (so sorry for repeating myself), but it was actually through reading fanfiction, that I came to terms with the fact that I needed to leave a 2.5 year relationship. It's not that I 'fell out of love' with them or anything, I just realized I didn't trust them as much as I should, I didn't want to share as much as I should, I wasn't being fulfilled in the ways I needed. And for that, fanfic authors, I thank you. Please never stop creating.
I also learned a lot about myself, get ready cause I'm about to get cheesy.
Hunter, you brought me a lot of comfort. I saw how heavy the wellbeing of your squad weighed on your shoulders. How you sacrificed and starved yourself, mentally and emotionally for their safety and benefit. I've lived that more times than I can count and with you, I didn't feel quite as alone in that experience. Even though we never talked, and we never will, I feel like you saw me. Crosshair, you healed some of my faith in humanity. That people can change, they can see the error in their ways and turn against a system they just sort of slipped into. You reminded me that healing isn't linear, and that's okay. You reminded me that courage and bravery aren't the absence of fear, but they are going and facing the mountain despite every atom in your body telling you to turn the other way. Echo, you reminded me it's okay to leave a group if your goals don't align. That it's not always an "in or out" situation. They can still be your family, people you rely on and who can rely on you even if you're not sharing bunks or meals anymore. You also reminded me that no matter how dire a situation is, or how grumpy you may be, a little humor goes a long way. Wrecker, you reminded me that people's perception does not define who you are. You can be big and gentle. you can love explosions and destruction and still be very intuitive. You can take some time to process things and still be skilled and intelligent. You reminded me to take joy in the simple things, a Lula, some Mantel mix, an ice cone. Things are always a little better with a full belly. Omega, you brought back some of my childlike innocence. You approached the galaxy with wide eyes full of wonder and always gave people the benefit of the doubt. You never lost hope. Even though you had to grow up too fast, you didn't let it break you, you still opened your heart to anyone who would see it. Tech, dear Tech. You reminded me to never dull myself or apologize for being authentically me. That my interests and skills are a good thing, no matter how niche they are. That I shouldn't be embarrassed or feel annoying for my knowledge or my eagerness to share it. You reminded me that love and humor and kindness and connection come in all shapes and sizes.
I've also made friends in this fandom at a level I wasn't even expecting to. I've made connections beyond the galaxy of Star Wars and found love and support in amazing ways. I was pulled to create more than I have in a long time, writing, drawing, hell even building my own server.
For sake of not clogging people's notifications, fighting with Tumblr's tagging bugs, and inevitably forgetting to tag someone: You all know who you are. Three M's, Havoc Marauder.
I began writing this tribute post before I watched the finale, and I'm finishing it after the finale. I'll end my ramble with this:
Dee and Michelle, thank you for bringing these characters to life over the last four years. You two really were the heart and soul of this project and your voices will forever ring true as Clone Force 99. Filoni, thank you for creating the concepts for this wonderful show that has become such a big part of so many people's lives. Brad, thank you for the immense work you've put into the show, your direction will not be forgotten. Jen, Joel, KinerBros, and Noshir (The Four Horsemen), y'all are a bunch of trolls and I hate you for it. I'm sending you my therapy bills. (I mean thank you for your work too, but you've been playing with my emotions for the past three months so forgive me if I'm a bit bitter)
It has truly been an amazing view. I don't plan on going anywhere, the fandom is just getting started, I am on the edge of my seat for all the wonderful fan creation that are yet to come.
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CT-9901 ~ Sergeant Hunter ~ Havoc 1
CT-9902 ~ Tech ~ Havoc 2
CT-9903 ~ Wrecker ~ Havoc 3
CT-9904 ~ Crosshair ~ Havoc 4
ARC-1409 ~ Echo
Omega ~ Havoc 5
Clone Force 99 ~ Signing off 🫡
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heliomanteia · 4 months
My personal list of criticisms for the series because if I don't put these somewhere I will actually go crazy in my room within the panopticon. I thankfully saw some other people share their lists and here comes mine.
Here I'm looking back at the episodes with the perspective of the viewer who knows what has and has not been properly used.
I rewatched the whole thing so this is EP1 through EP8.
🔱 Episode 1:
The ADHD & dyslexia rep stops episode one like it was forgotten about. It will become a pattern.
I am very, very bitter about the introduction of the "not everyone who looks like a monster/hero is actually one" through Perseus' story because in the context of Percy's life, he is - at least in PJO - a hero. Don't make the boy doubt himself more.
If they did introduce the "looks are deceptive" idea, I fail to see why this was not alluded to later with Luke.
I feel like neither Nancy nor Mrs. Dodds are really given screen time enough to actually showcase how much of an impact both have on Percy's life.
I still hate everything they did to Gabe's character. RIP Sally's Jackson empowerment story.
Blue food. They never really explain why it's significant.
They had budget to showcase Percy's dreams but instead of obvious enough dreams with animals it's Exposition.
Sally knows too much. They messed up her role as a character by taking away her book archetype. She's going from The Guardian to The Knowledge Keeper to The Victim back and forth.
Percy figures out too much too quickly. It has been discussed back and forth, so just putting it down here.
They mention the Minotaur smelling Percy but they never use it to explain Sally's unnecessary marriage? Potential lost.
Looking back at the Big Bull fight, they really don't let Percy act. The luring trick is his thinking, not Sally's. RIP the horn getting stuck and torn away. I can't exactly believe a young teenager had the power to break off a giant horn, in the rain, in the dark. Bad execution, the tree trick is a way to showcase Percy's wits.
🏺 Episode 2:
I wish they let Percy be dark-haired desperately. Hair color swap is bad design-wise because there's already one recognizable curly-haired blond in the series (Will). It's just a disservice to the actor.
RIP blonde 'Beth. Annabeth being wrongly seen as a "dumb blonde" is half of her character's thing. If they thought it no longer worked for her, they needed to play off another "perceived stupidity" stereotype.
Ugh I wish they let Percy be alarmed around Dionysus because in the book his gambling & "familiarity with alcohol" trigger Percy's PTSD.
Percy's PTSD is not a thing.
So, after the entire season: They had no reason to hide Sally's survival from Percy. Them doing it never got mentioned again. Traumatize the boy some more why don't you.
Luke's speech about the importance of glory doesn't work because his failed quest is never mentioned.
I think Clarisse is a miscast. She's pretty whereas in the books it's sort of the whole thing that she's "big, ugly, and mean-looking". She's one of the examples of deceiving looks as we learn in SoM and later on. Making her pretty just makes her lose purpose.
RIP showing friendly interactions or any true bonding with Luke.
All of that talk about Annabeth's wits and strategies in EP2 only to have it never play a major role in the rest of the season. Told you it's a pattern.
🐍 Episode 3:
Annabeth's story keeps getting decimated. There's so much talk about her closeness to Luke, but there's no showing it.
Ugh, I dislike how they keep making Mrs. Dodds so neutral - enough to just tell Annabeth everything? This is a whole new character.
The Medusa reveal still sucks so much, the tension & suspense are just non-existent.
Upon rewatching, I'd say Medusa overall was a decent monster because she barely did anything but it felt like the entire story was offered up on a silver platter and got resolved too quickly.
"You can't ship the head off" makes no sense, none of Athena's arc makes sense in this show. They established that heroes earn glory through mighty deeds (such as killing monsters) and established that Athena cursed Medusa. Percy is for once right.
Overall, this is the episode where Percy's starting to take up the Exposition Character role and I really don't like that.
🌊 Episode 4:
RIP book Sally Jackson I loved you. Sally's starting to go down the "showing visual frustration towards her neurodivergent child" which is a) utterly out of character b) breaks down her arc even more.
The Furies, the Minotaur, and Medusa are not children of Echidna. The monster's great despite looking extremely boring, but her motivation being personal doesn't work in their specific case; they didn't kill any of her kids.
Small complaint but "a temple is a temple" isn't exactly making much sense. We just established Athena-Poseidon rivalry, we just announced that Athena's place is safe for everyone and protected from Poseidon's earthquakes. The idea to call upon a rival God sounds stupid.
Athena's portrayal is just horrible. She was written badly in the books, like most women, but the show's literally saying: Yeah she would gravely endanger her kid for the "mistake" that wasn't even hers. And... it is never brought up again.
Making Athena such a bad mother while Poseidon goes out of his way to save his child from death seems a bit eh.
I. Am. Tired. Of others. Telling Percy. How and what to feel! Please let the guy discover things on his own.
🏛️ Episode 5:
I will die on the hill of "Annabeth is not supposed to be the one to see the Fates and no, her closeness to Luke does not matter" especially when her and Luke's connection has been buried!
It's Percy's quest, it's his prophecy to handle, it's for him to witness the yarn being cut. It's for him to put things together. I do not get why they keep switching Annabeth and Percy's places in the plot.
So, the fugitive twist is abandoned and never handled again. This is a pattern.
It makes absolutely no sense for Annabeth to be talking back to Ares when she knows who he is and how powerful he is. They keep making her play Percy's part and him - play hers.
I mourn Annabeth's geekiness over architecture. The sole time she seems entranced by something that distracts her is Hephaestus' mechanical wonders which is engineering but not exactly book Annabeth's focus.
I am pretty sure Ares doesn't hate his children in the book, he's just a hard-to-impress dad that lets his children fight their own fights. Making him "hate his kids" added zero weight to his character.
Why is Percy mansplaining mythology to Annabeth.
"Seaweed brain" doesn't work when he just explained a myth to her while she stood there listening as if she has never heard it before.
Ares doesn't really have an impact on the three that he had in the books. This was supposed to be the moment Percy first learns his mom's alive. Since Ares was messed up later on too, I call it lost potential.
🎲 Episode 6:
There's no real reason to suspect Ares or Clarisse in the theft, that scene/realization are lazy cop-outs. They do not begin to suspect Ares unless they literally find the bolt.
Lotus Casino my detested. Worst case of "they already know it" that I've seen in this show. The Casino is meant to be a trap, they are not supposed to know where they are going.
Suspense is nonexistent. They literally figure out the lotus-eaters the moment they step into the place, this is boring!
"Wise Girl" doesn't work when they spent less time letting Annabeth talk the smart talk than Percy.
It has been said a multitude of times but the Casino is boring.
"If you don't know what chances do I have" pretty high ones because they've been writing you off as the wise boy, Percy.
Personal pet peeve: I heavily dislike Hermes' casting.
Hermes' scene is far, far too early in.
Arcades are not too old to put into a 2023 series, VR is lame.
Why is the "is it because of me?" scene so awkward, why are they making Grover feel guilty/implying he's guilty. It was literally not his fault.
Hermes' involvement is so messy, there's absolutely no reason for him to hold them back in any way.
💀 Episode 7:
It has been discussed deeply but everything about Procrustes' scene was done with utmost laziness and letting him live when he was just proclaimed a murderer makes absolutely zero sense.
RIP Sally Jackson's entire character. Show Sally is not above stressing her 9 year old out, getting visibly annoyed by his "outbursts" (they are really tame), putting the blame on him instead of explaining things to him in a calm manner, and raising her voice at him. Not only is this directly polar to her book self, but it also finalizes the show's destruction of her character.
The Underworld: ugly, incomparable with the book's version, boring. All that CGI and they could only pull up a LOTR movie Isengard.
RIP court of Kings, RIP Fields of Punishment, RIP actual Asphodel Meadows, RIP Elysium. The Underworld is done lazily.
Sally Jackson would never let her child think she's getting rid of him. It baffles me that she's not explaining anything to Percy.
This is not Hades and you cannot at a gunpoint make me accept that this is the terrifying, glorious, intimidating God of the Dead that puts awe into Percy Jackson and terrifies his own child. This goofy mf is not Hades, this is clownery. Another utterly decimated character, entirely off-point.
"These grudges go on forever" is hilarious (/neg) to hear from a God whose children are canonically stated to hold grudges as a fatal flaw. They really can't get the single clearly depicted person right.
Percy single-handedly figuring out it's Kronos with no clues is undoubtedly the worst part of the whole season. Go home kids, there's no tension anymore.
I hate how little Annabeth matters in this show. Her tie to Luke is severed, Percy does her job retelling the myths, she's not obsessive about her interests, and she's not even there with them when the biggest revelations are made. Her sole function is carrying the invisibility cap around (and apparently her friends can't even explain that to Hades). The show has killed Annabeth as a character and it's sad.
⚔️ Episode 8:
Sword lessons are far too late in the season, they would do much more impact building Percy and Luke up if they happened earlier.
I know that in the book Ares' curse is largely forgotten about, but they could have easily included it into the fight.
I feel like Percy has never been explained that monsters don't exactly "die" because not once does he seem surprised that Dodds is back.
Olympus is ugly!
The whole Luke reveal is a mess. Percy jumps to the conclusion far too fast, his sole direct argument it is Luke is the shoes, but he realistically has no other reason to assume Luke's the traitor. He has just given Percy the reason why he kept quiet about Clarisse. Percy and his Super Knowledge I guess.
Luke having a portal-opening tool at hand ruins the whole purpose of Thalia as a character and narrative function.
RIP Annabeth's arc.
Oh, Gabe's story line is horrible. We know they purposefully made him non-abusive (c), meaning turning him into stone doesn't really do anything. Like, you just killed a guy; an annoying but non-threatening guy. Lame.
My overall impression was more negative than positive.
My main complaints regard Richard himself for his shameless misleading promotion and poor writing, the casting directors for missing the "vibe" with too many characters (actors have certain types of charisma and this show is hit or miss with them), the producers for slacking off with prioritizing CGI where it doesn't need to be, and for costume designers. Whoever worked on the Camp sets did a decent job, but the Underworld and Olympus suck so much it's unbelievable.
Doesn't work as an adaptation for me. I wouldn't give it more than 2/10 - only for some set designs.
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one-squash-one-end · 3 months
>1.6k words on bi Gansey
Hi! This belongs to my big Raven Cycle analysis, click here for the masterpost.
Today we are diving into all the reasons why I think Gansey is a bi king (and then some more). Enjoy!
(I think there might be mild spoilers up to trk, nothing too bad though, more character interactions than plot)
b) Gansey
Alright hear me out. This man. There is nothing this rich boy can do to beat the fruit allegations. He is a bi king, through and through. Everyone but him knows, including you, because what I have to say is the absolute truth and I am great at convincing. I once saw a tumblr post that said “Gansey has to physically restrain himself from kissing all his friends” and there has never been anything more true.
And it’s important to note that this is really not only reader interpretation. Or, at least, reader interpretation includes other character’s interpretations, which are sometimes incredibly straight(lol)forward.
After doing Adam a big favor, Gansey’s sister Helen (who is aro-ace btw, because I said so) immediately assumes he is sleeping with him, which is a conclusion she jumped to way too quickly if Gansey has never previously shown any interest in Adam or other boys. Like, she seems to know him quite well, and for her to just think he’s in a relationship with Adam says a lot about the homoeroticism prevalent in Gansey’s friendships with both Adam and also Ronan.
Because then we have Kavinsky, another canonically queer character, who thus might arguably have some sort of gaydar, assuming Ronan and Gansey are in a romantic (but most of all, sexual) relationship. Admittedly, this has largely to do with Kavinsky assuming things about Ronan and his sexuality, as is explicitly mentioned in the book. However, you can very easily speculate about someone’s sexuality without knowing their (previous) partners, if there have been any at all, so to correctly believe Ronan is gay does not have to randomly entail relationship speculations. So somewhere, even from not interacting with them so much, Kavinsky must have gotten that idea. That somewhere is the deep affection the two of them share, which is absolutely palpable for everyone around. Yes, I know their relationship is described as brotherly (please note I do not condone incest!), but also somewhere within “they’re bros” lies the implication they are gay. Two bros chilling in a hot tub. They’re having a bromance. Let bros kiss.
Another person who seems to believe in a Gansey romance above bromance is Henry, who at that point of book three had only interacted with him at school very superficially. We can assume the way Gansey behaves with Adam and Ronan at school is very much homoerotic, or elsewise Henry would have no reason to be surprised about seeing Gansey with Blue (“a chick”). He can’t be surprised about Gansey pulling… someone, considering he is apparently super good-looking, he just never had reason to assume Gansey was anything but achillean.
Now this was mostly people who don’t know Gansey that well, or at least people not part of the inner circle, so it can’t mean that much, right? Surely there would not be anyone who truly, deeply knows Gansey, who would assume he is queer. Right? Wrong. I have since forgotten the context of that quote, but Adam, someone who is very close to both of them, thinks that Ronan and Gansey could date. Make of that what you will, but I will it to be homoerotic subtext. (Or text, as what Adam says is what he says, no room for interpretation there.)
Lastly, Adam’s father called him the f-slur. Ok, I will admit that it’s not completely confirmed to be that, but what else would a censored word with f stand for? Again, it’s hard to tell, because my two options would be the slur and just straight-up “fucker”, but both “f*g” and “fuck” are used directly in the following books. The f-slur was used directly in Ronan’s narrative though, in that of a character who talks very obscenely in general, so I have no trouble believing Gansey just wouldn’t have wanted to repeat that word, especially if it’s just a memory.
The line between romantic and platonic interactions is thin enough in this series as it is, but Gansey seems to blur it especially. I am going to touch on that at a later point, but platonic affection is given a very important role, so much that in some parts it carries as much significance as romantic actions do (as it should- relationship anarchy rules), if not more. With Gansey that seems to be especially strong, a lot of the things he does with his friends seeming romantic.
First of all, he is co-parenting with Ronan. Yes, it is a bird, but Ronan loves her like a human daughter so the point stands. The two of them even squabble about it like an old married couple, Gansey’s legendary “this is exactly why I didn’t want to have a baby with you” speaks for itself.
Then there is the insomnia quality time, as I like to call it. We, as the readers, are probably supposed to focus on the late night phone calls and drives with Blue, the fact that “she makes [him] quiet”, and that he can sleep after talking to her. But what I find equally important is the time he spends with Ronan at Monmouth during those sleepless nights, them getting orange juice at three a.m. While it might not be something super comforting that makes them both fall asleep, this routine they seem to have fallen into, just spending time while not expecting anything from the other, is something that means a lot to me; they are very much giving platonic soulmates, but also what if they kissed?
Of course I cannot not mention “While I’m gone, dream me the world. Something new for every night.” That boy is being unnecessarily dramatic about going away for literally one weekend. And why? Because “they had been a two-headed creature for so long, Ronan-and-Gansey. He couldn’t say it, though. There were a thousand reasons why he couldn’t say it.” What are those reasons though? Is it because he is actually in love with Ronan but admitting to that would make the friendship super fucking awkward so he whips out a dramatic, half-romantic metaphor quote? Yeah, that makes total sense.
Staying on my Ronsey bullshit, let’s not forget the glorious, deleted pool table scene. In case you are not familiar with it, or have forgotten the way it sounds (probably the reason it was deleted), I’ll just let two quotes speak for themselves. “There was something suggestive about how [Ronan] wore the suit” Oh yes, of course there was. Sometimes you wear clothing with a certain intention, and in Ronan’s case, that intention is to be bent over the pool table by Gansey. This becomes even clearer here: “Gansey was well aware that Ronan rather fancied the way he looked while he played pool, and the way he reached across the felt now, intentional and elegant and coiled, indicated that he was fancying himself at this very moment.” Once again, everything is super intentional, and Gansey wants to fuck him so badly. Not even kidding at this point, the way Maggie wrote this scene really makes it look like Gansey finds Ronan super hot; even as an aromantic asexual person I have to say, this is a lot more than “bro appreciating his best friend’s glow-up in a completely heterosexual way”. This iconic scene is gay brainrot, which is exactly why we did not get to experience this masterpiece within an actual, published book. The Ronsey shippers would have gone too wild.
[Speaking of which, I’d like to clarify that I do not ship Ronsey in the way some other people do, I do prefer them with their canon love interests, however I clearly see the potential of them having had some kind of mutual attraction in the past, I just think it makes the dynamic a lot more fun and interesting, sort of like how Jesper had a crush on Kaz in Six of Crows.]
Gansey has received at least one (1) dick pic of Ronan. The circumstances do not say anything about either Gansey or Ronan, but I think it’s funny, it builds character, so I chose to include it in this.
Perhaps the strongest evidence for him running with the lgbtq+ is the fact that he goes to an all-boys school. Come on, what is he supposed to do, surrounded by all those guys rich enough to afford good haircuts and a private trainer? Should he just not have gay thoughts? Impossible.
Now all this was mostly evidence for Gansey swinging that way, somehow, but of course he’s one of those doors that open both ways. Yes, he has a girlfriend, but there is even more proof for him being specifically m-spec, just you wait. To begin with, apart from his friends Gansey has two true loves. Henrietta (the town with a female name, who his sister refers to as his girlfriend- the same sister who assumes Gansey is sleeping with Adam; Helen is a bi Gansey truther) and Glendower, the dead, male king. Obviously, this is totally serious business. Additionally, I have talked through to a very full extent how he is in love with Ronan, but of course he is also in love with Henry, I do not have to elaborate on this. He is also very much jealous when Blue and Adam are dating, as is described multiple times, but we don’t find out exactly who he is jealous of. Yes, he likes Blue, and he is sad that his best friend is sort of being stolen away etc., but what if he also just wanted to hold hands. With both of them. At once.
It’s not only Gansey being in love with all of them, it’s also all of them being in love with Gansey. His bi swagger. It was this: Blue finding him irresistible. It was this: Ronan wanting to smash his fist through a wall because of how hot Gansey is. It was this: Henry saying Gansey is a “Caucasian with great hair”.
Bi Gansey is the truth and I will defend that until the day I die.
However, I will admit that he is absolutely a cis guy, no question. At no point in his life has he had to be afraid to take up space or anything, but that man supports trans rights of course. He would not wear a crop top on his own, but considering how he is in love with them, Blue, Ronan and Henry could bully him into it and he would rock it.
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cocogum · 2 months
Yugo should feel weirded out by Echo.
I am so confused about Echo’s whole deal with Oropo mainly because of what Oropo is supposed to be.
Isn’t she aware that he looks like Yugo??? So many people around her say that he does, even Yugo said the same thing to Adamaï back when they were both stuck in the Inglorium.
Like if people around Echo keep saying that he looks like a copy-paste, then she should be able to know the similarities too. There’s no way she couldn’t have been aware cuz she’s been with Oropo the longest and was practically his diary for all these millenniums.
And here’s why it bothers me so much.
The fact that she and him have been in a relationship too is extremely odd cuz she KNOWS she’s essentially screwing with one of Yugo’s alter egos….
It’s obvious that Oropo and her have done things….cuz like…the bed scene in Season 3 implied it.
I wish Echo could’ve talked to Yugo at least once in Season 3 but the two never interacted. The only two instances where they’ve been somewhat in the same scene were when Eva had given birth to Pin and when they both saw Oropo and Amalia kissing. So even if they were in the same place at the same time, these two never even spoke to each other let alone glanced at one another.
Like I really want Yugo to be weirded out by this lol. To know that a random eniripsa demigoddess has been screwing with one of his copies.
Oropo even says these in S4 EP1: “Here you are, whole again.” And “We are a part of you.”
So when I say Echo has been plowing a part of Yugo this whole time, I’m not exaggerating. She was literally doing that.
Also here’s another thing, when Yugo had finally accepted the eliotropes to be parts of himself, that meant he was able to see what their lives had been like, to know who they were, and what they’d gone through. So wouldn’t that technically mean that he also saw memories of Oropo with Echo? We did see how Yugo got a glimpse of Oropo and Echo’s kiss right before the bomb exploded so that would imply Yugo saw everything.
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How does he feel? Isn’t he weirded out???
I get that Season 4 didn’t have everything explained because of the damn budget but even if they did have it, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ankama wouldn’t dig deeper into this.
It’s just completely random to think about but it still exists. It’s still something that Yugo can think about, reflect on, and try to process what he just understood.
Toross is one thing to have been harassed by but being indirectly harassed by a demigoddess eniripsa is another thing entirely.
Bro technically got jumped by two divinities help-
Like no shade on Echo but girl what are you doing.
Like just picture this and pretend the same thing happened to you:
You’re 21 years old but you came to find out that not only did you accidentally create a whole race entirely composed of fragments of YOUR SPIRIT, but one of those fragments ended up getting into all sorts of shenanigans with some demigoddess who you had never met in your life.
And I know you’re gonna say: “But Oropo is his own person, he has thoughts and feelings too. That’s why he was able to love someone who wasn’t in his creator’s life, making him carve his own path to his destiny! 😫😫”
That’s putting feelings over logic.
Oropo is a PART of YUGO. Oropo doesn’t even disagree with that either. He doesn’t correct Yugo when he tells him that they’re supposed to be the same person.
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Like I said before, he literally tells Yugo that all the eliotropes are parts of him, literal alter egos.
Without Yugo, he can’t live.
Without Yugo, he can’t think.
Without Yugo, he can’t be.
He literally cannot exist on his own because he is a part of Yugo. That’s why the majority of eliotropes can’t live for very long because their main core, Yugo, isn’t with them. That’s why Oropo tried to morph into Yugo so he could live longer.
Also, eliotropes can’t help but feel everything Yugo feels too: “We all cherish them as much as you do but nothing belonged to us." - Oropo in S3 to Yugo. It’s like an instinct, a force that they can’t control, they can’t help themselves but go with the feeling.
So again, Echo, what were you thinking??
Not only did you know Oropo would have a much shorter life span than you if he didn’t have access to the Eliacube and the eliatrope dofus (which would still be a pain to use for him), but you knew that he was essentially an exact copy of a person who had created him by accident, AND has a tendency of leaning towards that very same person’s desires more than he can help himself. Even his freaking name (which means “to rest” in French) wants to be at peace aka join Yugo.
Oropo declared he wasn’t going to see the day when his brotherhood become gods because he will die soon. Echo should’ve known, out of anyone, that the time would have come eventually.
So here’s the thing: since Echo knew he was going to die soon, and he was the last of his kind, she knew that Oropo’s life expectancy would go back to Yugo’s body.
Then what? What would she do?? Do nothing and weep?? She was his second-in-command and she truly did love him, so what would she do after that? Become the Eniripsa goddess without expecting to ever see him again??
I don’t think she planned that far.
She should’ve been more aware that falling in love with the COPY of a person who would die before you never ends well.
Again, the eliotropes are not saying that they want to be their own selves. They are perfectly fine accepting what they are and want to be acknowledged by Yugo.
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That was the sole reason why they all appeared before Yugo when he was getting tortured by Toross. That was the main goal, to be acknowledged.
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So Echo, why???
Like genuinely, did love blind you that much???
Also imagine if she actually ended up joining the others in the Inglorium unwillingly….
What are you gonna do, kneel before Yugo and tell him to bring Oropo back???
Literally what???
Someone has gotta tell me how her relationship works with Oropo.
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lavandaea · 7 months
*inhales deeply*
There's spoilers ahead so, yeah, be careful.
This weekend episodes have actually broken my soul.
He didn't even need his feelings to be reciprocate, HE JUST WANTED TO BE WITH HER.
Dear writers, some things to ask, why so much screen time to second male lead? Why create such chemistry? Such backstory? (Spoiler alert: that will make us sympathize with the supposed villain) To just fuck*ing rip his heart out and pulverize it like Grandma with the cow bones, yes, just like that.
Let me get this straight, after having been raised in an environment of violence, pain and God knows what else for God knows how long, he falls in love. He experiences ✨feelings✨ ,he puts all his trust in her like never before, he shares his past and then he gets betrayed.
I swear I never seen someone cry so with so much meaning, feeling, with so much back there.
We made progress for the last (at least) five episodes TO JUST END IT IN A SINGLE ONE.
This could have been handled a lot better in a lot of ways and about a lot of topics that I could actually write an essay.
Let's begin the the main leads.
So, in order to have some sort of feeling about ML and FL loving eachother you need to put screen time ON them. Yeah, they support eachother, they have known far before Si Oh, they are funny and a lot of things more. They even kissed and very passionately, wow.
Just one thing, Why didn't I even blink during that scene but found myself hitting the pillow and blushing when Si Oh did such mundane things as taking her home, opening doors for her, fixing her purse, hair, looking at her with those "I love you" eyes,👏feeling👏guilty👏about👏making👏her👏uncomfortable👏 with👏his👏feelings👏for👏her HELLO??, WAVING HER BACK WHILE HE WATCHED HER GO, SMILE EVERY DAMN TIME HE SAW HER?
I´ll tell you why. Because I know, thanks to you, that Si Oh was experiencing for the very first time what it's like to have human interaction that doesn't involve violence or having to be wary of everything and everyone all the time.
Even after having lived a life of shit, even after still living a life of absolute shit he still wanted to be connect, to be happy, to make her happy, to love and be loved. Moreover, I couldn't help just to feel happy for him, sad, angry, fucking rageous (not more than him, obviously).
Meanwhile, I barely know Hee Sik aka the male lead.
I remember seeing his mother once and I think that's what I understood about his private life. Sorry, I forgot about his deceased brother, that could have been a good topic to develop if it wasn't just mentioned once somewhere in the sixth chapter and left there to rot. Other than that, I know he is a cop, loves his cops friends and loves Nam Soon, also he is really loyal and good person.
Nice👍, very nice. But that's not personality or backstory, that's a job and some general traits everyone should have to live in a society and have a job where you usually do the teamwork thingy.
So, what else??
Or does the man just exist for his job and girlfriend?
It is just I simply don't understand it, you create a seriously complex character that has any kind of potential and you want us cheer for...Yeah, no. He literally could be an extra with how little and simple information we receive about him.
Even Shi Oh had some time to box being a drug dealer and full time whipped for her.
I'm just saying that you want me to suddenly dislike someone you took a considerable amount of time explaining but I have to like this good guy because you just pointed at him 👉🧍, and said, "here's the good guy, love him".
Sorry, I cant do that.
If you haven't noticed, you just made a character I fell obliged to sympathize.
If you wanted to make him evil and hot you should have just made him evil and hot.
It worked just as well with Jang Han Seok from Vincenzo.
Not have him have "REDEMPTION" written all over his face just to go with "Actually, no. He has no chance. 😃". It's, for lack of a better term, frustrating. (Absurd)
Instead, maybe you should have dedicated that screen time for the construction of the main leads relationship.
Oh, yes. Another thing since we are talking about the matter.
ML and FL relationship progress got weaker and weaker since she had started to spy on Si Oh. And then one episode was like "Oh, yeah, forgot to tell you, they are actually dating by now" Bom, a kiss. If I need a kiss to know they are in love, there's something going on back there. Something lacking.
Scenes of them in love: well acted, nice, cute, cool, okay. But it is like picking a random romance book and start reading it ten chapters ahead, they are in love, but how did this happen??? Last time I saw them, they were in a friends-catching-fealings-zone.
Where's their development?
I know where is it. In the fake relationship, that it was being used just to turn Si Oh into a complete monster with probably not chance of going back.
"You have suffered a lot, yeah, I see. Anyway here's more pain. Suffer more and go cause some trouble because if not, there's, apparently, no plot"
Nice job.
I have been saying this and I will say it again, kdrama writers/directors are not ready for traumatized villains. They are afraid of them.
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humbledragon669 · 10 days
S1E1 – In The Beginning Write Up P3
– Five Years Later (allegedly) and The Present Day
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Alright so let’s address the elephant in the room here shall we? The signpost tells us, in no uncertain terms, that the story line has moved on by five years. I have a serious issue with that assertion, and it’s not just because this is in direct contradiction to the storyline in the book. It goes a little something like this:
I cannot believe that Aziraphale and Crowley have left the Antichrist alone for the first five years of his life.
Even if we’re generous here and say that Crowley steps in to replace a nanny that has been present for Warlock’s early years, it simply doesn’t make any sense that they would have sat back and let him develop on his merry way for the most influential years of his life (sorry Neil, but I will die on this hill). The book’s timeline here makes a lot more sense – that both Aziraphale and Crowley are inserted into Warlock’s life within a week of his birth, Aziraphale as the gardener and Crowley as the nanny. At the age of five, they both leave and return immediately as tutors for him, ensuring that they are both present for his entire childhood. With that in mind, I’m going to do something potentially controversial and adopt the book timeline as fact. It just makes more sense. Also that will make my fanfic ideas not only possible but genuinely really feasible. Honestly, I don’t know why the timeline deviates from the book here – this matter aside, the series is a truly excellent adaptation of the book (judged by the fact that I never said “that’s not how it happened in the book” for the whole of series 1. There are a lot of media writers that could learn a lot from Neil on this point – I’m looking at you Discovery of Witches series 2 creative team).
There are two things I find interesting about the short scene that follows (no, one of them is not how well David carries off a skirt, though I do really appreciate the Mary Poppins reference with that costume). Firstly, the positioning of Aziraphale as a gardener. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised that the idea of a garden is brought up again, but I can’t quite make the connection myself. Perhaps there isn’t meant to be one. That said, I would have thought, given his character, Aziraphale might have been more suitable as something like a butler (it would even give him the opportunity to steal food!), which would likely give him more opportunity to interact with Warlock throughout his childhood, so I do feel like there’s something here.
On a tangential (and impossible-to-be-related) note, I saw Nye a few days ago (a play about the founder of the NHS, starring Michael, for those who don’t know what this is) and there was a line in it about Nye and his wife believing their love to be like a garden – he planted the love and she tended to it. It was truly beautiful and touching. I felt like I had a sort of light bulb moment about gardens in GO and then realised that the two productions have nothing to do with one another!
The second thing I noted about this sequence is more something of note than something that has meaning. Having discussed the music/soundtrack for this series in a previous write up, it should come as no surprise that there is a cute little parallel here: the melody Crowley uses for the lullaby he sings to Warlock is the same as the melody for the second motif in the theme tune. It’s slowed down quite considerably, but still recognisable.
Original theme:
I have to say, I’m a little disappointed we don’t get to hear the rendition of “Three Little Pigs” that we’re treated to in the book. I am not ashamed to say that I laughed very long and very hard when I read it – I have a pretty dark sense of humour. Perhaps this was a little too much for the good ol’ BBC?
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Quick item of note from the next scene at Heaven/Hell HQ – this series has escalators instead of an elevator. I had originally assumed that this was the same building as we see being used in series 2 to gain access to Heaven but looking at the background when Crowley and Aziraphale enter the building, it’s clear that it’s a completely different building, which just makes me wonder where exactly the HQ entrance is. There’s a really clever piece of editing at use here too, one which I actually didn’t spot until I was doing this write up.
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I hadn’t noticed previously that the duplicate image of the escalator on the floor of the lobby ISN’T a reflection of the physical escalators. On the left, we can see Crowley’s image on a set of escalators going down, whilst we see no reflection of Aziraphale. We even get to see Crowley approach the escalator in the “reflection” after he disappears through the floor, whilst Aziraphale’s reflection disappears from the floor as he approaches the stairs, and both of these things happen as they walk across an area that ripples like water under their feet. I don’t think there’s any hidden meaning in this, I just think it’s a really cool piece of film.
When we see the angel and demon giving their reports to their respective head offices, it’s made clear to us that neither authority has any awareness of their collaboration. In fact, Aziraphale is still held in high esteem by Gabriel and Michael (though perhaps not Uriel and Sandalphon – those two always look like someone just pissed on their nice suits) and is even given permission to continue on his apparently futile mission. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of Crowley, but as Liggur said earlier in the episode, it would be a funny thing if demons could trust one another anyway.
It’s nice to see that Heaven isn’t so busy that it can’t produce a newspaper for its earthbound agents, complete with weak headlines, worthy of any local rag:
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I do not think it a coincidence that the newspaper has been given the title of “Observer” – after all, it’s pretty much all they do up there isn’t it? Watch people? Other than planning Armageddon I mean…
The short scene on the bus also shows us a little more of the dynamic between Crowley and Aziraphale when it comes to planning. It’s clear that the angel is relying on the demon to lead the way and he looks really worried when it’s made apparent that Crowley doesn’t have a plan for a potential emergency situation.
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Quick note about the Hell Hound – he’s being housed in a room with a number on it – 2549. Does this mean there have been 2548 Hell Hounds before him? Hastur certainly indicates that he isn’t the only Hell Hound they have (but he is the biggest). Where are the rest of them?
The conversation (which takes place in the grounds of Crystal Palace Dinosaur Park - the repeated reference to dinosaurs being a big joke in this scene is not lost on me) on the park bench is the first time we hear Crowley call Aziraphale by the name “Angel”. Neil has confirmed (here and here) that this isn’t anything other than a factual name to use but I can’t help but feel like it’s affectionate. It’s certainly very familiar and it’s interesting to see that Aziraphale doesn’t repay the favour; perhaps this is to do with the meaning of the words – after all, calling someone “demon” doesn’t feel very polite, does it? Or perhaps it’s just that “Aziraphale” is a bit of a mouthful to say. This is also the first time we are let in to the secret of them having their own side:
AZIRAPHALE: And if he does name it? CROWLEY: Then you and I have lost.
The conversation around the potential murder of an 11-year-old boy presents an interesting side of the relationship between the pair. I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that the suggestion that Aziraphale is capable of killing an innocent child (even if he is the Antichrist) is nothing short of laughable, and Crowley would know this. This suggestion is shared with a rare occurrence of Crowley communicating “secretly” with Aziraphale where the angel doesn’t get the message, and the irony is that Crowley isn’t even being that subtle about it. There’s no doubt that Aziraphale really doesn’t get the drift though:
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It’s painful to watch Aziraphale’s thought process here. He knows that Crowley’s logic actually makes sense but he can’t tally that with his own moral compass – it’s a struggle that I think the vast majority of us would go through if put in the same position. Sadly, it’s not like Crowley has much other choice than to suggest Aziraphale does the deed – if he were to do it himself, the repercussions for him would be unthinkable. It’s clear that this is the first time he has raised this idea in the eleven years they’ve been doing this job together and he can’t even say it without his voice breaking (see “one life against the universe”), and once it’s clear that Aziraphale isn’t open to the idea he doesn’t push him or lose his temper. He watches Aziraphale carefully for the whole exchange, without changing his expression, which I take to mean he’s watching for any signs that he’s pushing him too far.  All of this tells me he’s only done it because they’re getting desperate.
Alright, it’s time to move on to the little “magic” routine. I find this whole sequence adorable - can we say 1941 vibes? I do find it interesting just how quickly Aziraphale’s mood changes with the idea of him being able to perform some magic again – he’s gone from the contemplation of the ethics of an actual trolley problem (see here if you don’t know what that is) to a smiling, bubbly angel complaining that his companion is “no fun” in mere seconds. For someone who lives their life in eons of centuries instead of years or decades, he’s a remarkably fickle being! It’s pretty blurry in this shot, but just look how happy this angel is:
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The hidden communication thread is resumed at normal operation here as Crowley knows exactly what Aziraphale means when he says he could “entertain” – he knows exactly what he means by this and is not amused by the implications.
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I also find Crowley’s use of the word “demeaning” an interesting choice here. Usually we might say embarrassing; in fact the dictionary definition of demeaning is to lower the character of somebody, or to make them feel less respected. Whilst I can fully understand why Crowley might be embarrassed by Aziraphale’s pathetic attempts at illusionary magic, I am less clear on why he would find it demeaning. UNLESS. Unless my suppositions about the state of their relationship are correct, in which case they would have already been together (romantically) for almost eleven years at this point. Then it makes a weird sort of sense.
The comic little squabble that follows also makes perfect sense in this context. This couple are in no mood to compromise on this matter; Aziraphale will not be told that he’s a shit magician because he has too much fun doing it (this despite the fact that we know he and Crowley agreed he shouldn’t do magic anymore, but unlike in 1941, there’s no risk of anybody getting hurt if he drops a coin on the floor) and Crowley will not concede that he’s being a killjoy (which goes quite against his character). The spat concludes with Crowley delivering a passive-aggressive threat to Aziraphale, which you can see he instantly reconsiders with a head tilt - probably wise considering how unimpressed the angel is with it.
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Side note: the watch that Crowley is wearing (seen at Warlock’s birthday party) appears to be a Devon Tread 1 A, coming in at a cool 18.5K (dollars). The book does make mention of his watch being fucking fashionably expensive but it was custom made for him, with an extra time zone for “Another Place” where the time is always “Too Late”.
Another side note: how many dens did you make as a child? A fair few I’d bet if you were anything like me. Did they ever look as cool as the one that The Them has? Me neither. I mean, just look at all those guns and skeletons used for decoration:
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Once we’re back at the book shop, I find it interesting that Aziraphale is intending to imbibe (we don’t actually see him drink any of it) whatever spirit he’s given to Crowley. I’ve no doubt it’s good quality, it’s just unusual to see him drinking hard liquor – perhaps this is simply due to the seriousness of the situation he finds himself in. Their conversation about lying in memos to head office also suggests that Crowley might not be the only one lying to his bosses:
CROWLEY: Everyone stretches the truth a bit in memos to head office, you know that.
Is it me, or is there a sense of “I told you so” to Aziraphale’s lack of sympathy towards Crowley’s despair? Some might say it’s reminiscent of the way a stereotypical nagging wife speaks to their long-suffering husband when he’s done something wrong…
In amongst the dark threat of impending Armageddon, we’re still treated to a little comedy (and perhaps another Clue as to the current status of the relationship between the angel and demon). Crowley’s snappy, and ill-considered, outburst in response to Aziraphale’s almost apologetic confession that he’s wearing a new cologne is well worth a word or two. Let’s say for a second that this pair are not romantically involved at this point in time – is it not a bit strange to think that the person you’re with knows you so well that they would detect that you’re wearing a different perfume than usual? I would think you’d have to be spending a LOT of time in VERY close proximity to that person for that piece of information to be anywhere near their radar. And what’s with the angel’s apologetic tone? Why would you feel the need to be sorry about trying out a new cologne? Aziraphale doesn’t look particularly shocked when Crowley announces that he knows what he smells like, and Crowley’s tone and facial expression suggests he thinks this piece of knowledge is a pretty obvious one.
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Here’s my last observation for this episode. Check out just how earnest Crowley is in this delivery:
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Despite Aziraphale’s response that he thinks he obviously would, I don’t really feel like he believes this stance, and he’d do anything not to believe that what Crowley is saying is true.
And so concludes the first episode! If you’ve made it this far through my write-up(s) so far, I commend and thank you. I’ll start work on the next episode over the next few days, but in the meantime I’ll also write a master post that I’ll add to as I go along. As always, comments, questions, discussions and any other engagements are welcome.
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yuikomorii · 1 year
♡Valentine’s Day♡
// I present to you Ayayui Valentine's Day cg because they're adorable together and I really wanted to feed their stans uwu. I got this idea from something my bestie drew last year, and I'm not one to brag, but I love how this one turned out! It almost looks official, which makes me happy! ٩̋( *ˊᗜˋ* )و
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I also wrote a special Valentine’s Day story regarding this cg! Despite being my best boy, I don’t really consider myself good at writing Ayato but I tried my best, therefore… if you’re into fluff and cheesy moments, click on “keep reading”! <3
~Ayayui Valentine’s Day scenario~
Yui: “Limited edition Pocky”
(That’s what I got yesterday when we went to the Demon world. Kanato-kun was surprisingly kind enough to recommend a good candy store, so I’m sure he must know best, right?)
(I can’t believe it’s already Valentine’s Day…)
(If I remembered it sooner, I would have tried to bake something special for it but I suppose these pocky sticks should do the trick as well. It’s still chocolate after all and it’s really interesting how once you finish them all, you’ll get a message at the bottom of the box!)
Now, all I have to do is wait and——
Ayato: Whatcha doing there, Chichinashi?
Yui: Wah…! Geez, Ayato-kun, you scared me!
(And he almost saw the pocky box too—!)
Ayato: Tch… stop screaming, will you?
Yui: Ah… I-I’m sorry! It’s just that… Ayato-kun, there is——
Student: Hey, you’re Ayato-san, right? I was told to give you these. They are quite a lot, you must really be popular, huh?
Yui: …!
(Eeh!? A bag full of chocolates!)
(I know Ayato-kun, as a member of the Sakamaki family, is popular but when this thought crosses my mind, my chest… it somehow tightens…)
W-Woah, the amount is really impressive!
Student: Right? I wish I received such gifts on Valentine’s Day too but haa… not everyone is lucky enough.
Ayato: Y’know, if you really want them, you can have them.
Yui: Wha—!
Student: E-Excuse me?
Ayato: I don’t need them, they can’t satisfy me in any way so what’s the point of keeping useless trash?
Yui: B-But Ayato-kun, it’s the thought that counts! Besides, they spent money on them!
Ayato: If they can afford to attend a private school, buying chocolates will not bankrupt them. Let's go, or what now? Do you prefer to walk home all alone in the dark?
Yui: That’s… I-I’m coming!
— Timeskip —
Yui: (Ayato-kun… Does he refuse Valentine's Day gifts? But if that's the case, I can't guarantee I won't be rejected as well...)
(Nevertheless, thinking negatively will accomplish nothing. I bought the box with the thought of him in my mind because Ayato-kun is the person I like the most. If I don't take a shot, I might regret it later, so it's now or never!)
Hey, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: Hm?
Yui: (Here we go…!)
Will you be… my Valentine?
— Yui blushes and hands him the pocky box —
Ayato: Heh…
Yui: (C-Come on, is he laughing at me now?)
— Ayato teleports —
Yui: Eh?
(We’re at some sort of dessert shop?)
Ayato: Took you long enough, Chichinashi. I would have much rather preferred to receive Takoyaki but pocky doesn’t sound half bad either.
Yui: Wait a little, so you knew!?
Ayato: Obviously? I noticed you hiding something from me a few hours ago and waited all day for you to make your move. At some point, I even thought you were scared based on my reaction to that bag of chocolates, which… wasn’t my intention.
Yui: It’s alright, don’t worry. I should have guessed you don't like Valentine's Day gifts. I mean, I'm sure there are a lot of disadvantages to being popular. You probably grew tired of receiving gifts from people with whom you had little or no interaction.
Ayato: That too but those chicks also lacked courage. If you're going to make something for me, give it to me face to face. I wouldn't have turned down their gifts otherwise; I'm not that kind of person, y’know?
Yui: (I see, so that explains his reaction. I failed to look at what was actually bothering Ayato-kun but on a positive note, I’m glad I took action, because that’s what he truly wanted.)
Ayato: Besides… I… I would have accepted it anyway from you.
Yui: A-Ayato-kun…!
Ayato: S-Stop screaming already, will you!? Tch… whatever!
Yui: (Am I not seeing well or is he really blushing? Fufu, that’s somehow cute~!)
Ayato: Pocky, huh? Let’s give them a taste test then, hm?
— Ayato puts pocky in his mouth and gets closer —
Yui: Eh? R-Right now? But this is a public place!
Ayato: And? What’s the point in having a Valentine if you can’t show them off ? Now c’mon, open your mouth.
Yui: Uuh…
(He’s lifting my chin!)
(When Ayato-kun looks at me like that… I simply can’t resist anymore!)
F-Fine… Mn..
Ayato: Mn… Mn… Mn…
Yui: (W-Wait, slow down!)
Ayato: *kisses*
Yui: …!
Ayato: Heeh, your face is turning bright red; are you really that easy to heat up~?
Yui: “E-Easy”, you say, but that's a normal reaction when you decide to kiss me unexpectedly!
Ayato: And now that I've done it once, I demand a second round!
— Timeskip —
Yui: (I can’t believe we finished the whole pocky box. Gosh… that was so embarrassing!)
(Thankfully, the people around us preferred minding their own business rather than looking at us.)
Ayato: …
Yui: (Ayato-kun became unusually quiet; could he be sleeping?)
Ayato: …
Yui: (No answer at all? Did he really fall asleep?)
(However, I shouldn't wake him up. We'll be asked to leave when the dessert shop closes anyway, so I'll let him nap for the time being.)
Come to think of it, now that the box is empty, a message was said to be at the bottom of it, no?
— Yui finds a piece of paper and starts reading —
Yui: “Thank you for purchasing our limited edition pocky! In honor of this release, we have a special treat in store for you too: if you share a pocky stick with your beloved, both of you will be able to drown in pleasure afterwards! The reason is simple because our secret ingredient is… aphrodisiac”!?
(N-No way, this can’t— Kya! Something is touching my leg!)
Ayato: Change of plans. Come with me, Yui.
— Ayato picks her up —
Yui: W-Wah, wait, Ayato-kun—!
(Uuh… what will I get myself into?)
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orange-slices45 · 5 months
So I just finished watching Wednesday again for the first time in a whole year right? Y'all I swear to you I swear to you all that Wednesday and enid liked each other through out the show, and to make this even better they realized they actually LOVED each other after the whole crack stone incident.
Anyone who tries to deny the fact that they could potentially like each other is a very concerning person that I would watch out for 🤫
Now I will say that the whole Tyler and Wednesday thing kinda made sense I can see where they are coming from, but like bro in all honestly I literally think Tyler manipulated Wednesday into thinking she liked him, we already know Wednesday isn't like an emotional person, and I would go as far as to say that she's actually emotionally unintelligent quite honestly. I mean it makes sense tho yeah?
She made sure she would never feel any sort of emotion for the rest of her life at the very young age of 6 years old that's like the most crucial time for a child and their emotional development bc they are actually seeing the world for the first time.
I think when Tyler said that she liked him that they were like showing feelings for each other I think she was like well if he says then it must be? Like ik that doesn't make very much sense since its Wednesday and she doesn't let other people tell her what to do or even influence her but like really think about it.
Now Xavier and Wednesday. There was no romantic anything between them at all I saw none, it was one sided with Xavier just liking Wednesday, I could not see one time she showed interest in him. I will admit at the very end when he gave her the phone that could have been like a 'romantic' interaction but it was very little. Plus the boys toxic sorry not sorry he really pissed me off the whole show, bc he tried too act like he was on her side but then dismisses everything she says and tell her she's wrong? 😐
NOW BACK TO WEDNESDAY AND END if they dont end up together then honestly Nexflix or the people making up the show hate gay people and yes I'm pulling that card I've never said this before but I am now bc bro THEY DO HAVE SO MANY ROMANTIC ENCOUNTERS like come on. If they dont end up together nothing will make sense about their interactions.
ENID LITERALLY WOLFED OUT TO SAVE WEDNESDAY!!! SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE COULD AND STILL WENT TO FIND HER!! IF THATS NOT LOVE THEN WHAT IS Y'ALL?? Bc who in their right fucking mind would go save a girl who insulted her, was mean to her, lied and manipulated her, AND put her in danger and not just like law danger like u could go to jail but actual potential possibly die and never have another chance at life danger, fantasy, TV show or not no one in their right mind would do that. Just saying.
And yes Enid and Ajax are like a thing but u gotta understand something not only could she be bi and was with Ajax bc she did actually like him a little more than she liked Wednesday and also bc he was there first plus Wednesday seemed interested in Tyler but theres a possibility she could be with Ajax bc of her mother, I mean the women is a bitch for goodness sake, Honestly Enid and Ajax felt forced and rushed, I thought that when I first watched it and i feel that now.
In conclusion I think Enid and Wednesday are more than freinds and rewatching the show just confirmed that 🤷‍♂️
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khaire-traveler · 15 days
This might be a silly question .. But I’ve been struggling a lot for over a year, and I’ve been neglecting my relationship with the gods more than I’d like to admit.
The most I’ve done is reach out to them for help with managing through things, I’ve barely been talking to them or reading about them (which is hard anyway because my brain barely functions half the time). I’m just struggling a lot and I don’t feel like I can handle much right now.
I think a post I saw the other day really got into my head, where it mentioned respecting your deities and not only reaching out to them when you need something. Now I’m very much dwelling on it because .. well, I’ve been only reaching out when I need help most of the time.
Should I avoid reaching out to them any further until I can do more than just ask for help when I need it?
Hey, Nonny,
I direct you to this post that I just made in response to a similar ask. I feel it answers your question pretty well, actually.
Echoing my thoughts from the aforementioned post, I believe that a deity relationship that is built solely on the expectation of giving to receive constantly is not sustainable or healthy. This is just my personal opinion, but I feel that when we put so much pressure on ourselves to give and give and give, it discourages us from ever reaching out, especially when we are unable to immediately give back. I think it's important to set boundaries for ourselves and make the deity aware that while you may now always be able to give back straight away, you do still greatly appreciate their help.
It's more than ok to ask deities for help during challenging times. I believe they probably enjoy feeling valued and trusted enough for us to turn to them for our personal problems. However, a relationship that is built solely on asking for help and nothing else is likely not the best for us or our deities. I believe it's important to build a relationship, not solely through offerings, but in more personal ways. A deity relationship does not get stronger by only showing them respect through offerings and the like; it grows stronger through time spent, interests shared, and being vulnerable with the deity. We form closer bonds with loved ones through similar means.
If you want to grow closer with deities without the expectation of giving, I recommend doing things like watching your favorite movies or shows with them, incorporating them into your day (listening to a devotional playlist or caring for yourself as a devotional act), and sharing aspects of your life with them. Communicating directly with your deity - through prayer, journaling, or other means - is also an extremely important part of forming a relationship. After all, if we don't communicate, how can we become closer?
The point of all of this is to say that you are not required to give offerings as your sole form of worship, devotion, or showing appreciation. Worship can be shown in seemingly small ways as well. I encourage you to find ways to include your deities in your day. It doesn't have to be anything big; it can be as simple as dedicating a glass of water to them and drinking it. It can even be noticing their presence in the world around, such as through the warmth of the sun or the songs of birds. Along with that, asking for help is never a bad thing. I feel deities actually enjoy it when we ask for help because it shows them that we both trust and value them. However, I will admit that a relationship solely built on asking for help likely isn't a sustainable one. This is why I suggest finding other ways, outside of giving offerings, to interact with them. I think it'll help you feel a lot less guilty about not being able to give a physical offering. It's also a great way to make your relationship feel more personal and deepen your bond with a deity. Again, I want to emphasize that asking for help is never a bad thing, but I do encourage you to explore your deity relationships in other ways as well. There's all sorts of things you can do with and for a deity. Even meditation can be a great form of interaction.
You are not doing anything morally wrong by asking a deity for help. You aren't a bad worshipper or a horrible person for relying on your deities without giving something in return. There's nothing wrong with you for that. It's ok, and I'm sure your deities are capable of understanding your reasons for not giving as much as you'd like to. Try not to beat yourself up so much. Not having the energy or emotional ability to give an offering is both completely normal and entirely understandable. I think it's best if you focus more on yourself and taking care of you for now. I believe our deities don't want us to neglect our own well-being simply to venerate them. I feel they care enough about us to want our health before an offering.
I hope this helps you to hear these things. This is all based on my personal experience, so take it for what you will. There is no single right way to worship. There are no rules. We do what we see fit, and there's nothing wrong with that. I hope you take care, Nonny, and that you feel better. I wish you the best. Have a good day/night. 🧡
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thedragonsfate · 2 months
FHJY thoughts under the cut bc I gotta sort my brain and can't be succinct to save my life
I think there's something interesting in acknowledge like
of COURSE Kipperlily underestimated the bad kids.
She's hated these kids from day 1. I know a lot of people want to acknowledge that it's not unreasonable for Kipperlily and the rat grinders to think the school is run unfairly (and you're right! it's a fair conclusion)
-- but we also gotta consider that this is something that took root in her VERY EARLY. Before the bad kids got really very good. Two bad kids die on the first day of school, they spend a significant amount of their second semester freshman year just. In Prison.
Of course what follows I'm sure spurs that hatred, but she all but declared Riz to be her nemesis with Jawbone freshman year.
She's probably got some good ideas of how stuff should change, but also she saw this random Goblin boy with a briefcase in rogue class and decided she Hates Him, for a reason none of us can fathom when several of the other bad kids give off worst first impressiona
She's a teenager, a kid, with anger issues. As much as their can be important nuggets at the core of her motives, she's a teenager without emotional regulation skills. That combination is BUILT to breed resentment and feelings of entitlement. and it's built to actively ignore any evidence of a different perspective.
We talk about how she doesn't understand them, takes Kristen as entirely uncaring, doesn't expect the bad kids to do so well in the Last Stand
and OF COURSE she doesn't. some of this because she of course is not privy to all of the bad kids interactions that we are as an audience. but a lot of it is probably because she's a teenager who's decided she's being slighted and as a result is never going to take the bad kids actions on good faith. she's doubled down and while I have a feeling she's extremely perceptive, she's also in an emotional place that means she probably is ACTIVELY ignoring any evidence to the fact that maybe the bad kids are just ALSO working very hard, and that the school itself may also work against them sometimes.
Add to that a god corrupted into rage (negative in this case) and conquest, and a nefarious faculty member as a potentially directly manipulative adult in her life trying to make something big and destructive happen. Kipperlily strikes me as the kind of person who knows she's smart, and knows she's clever, but is so blinded by her emotion that she is probably missing some of whats clearly in front of her as far as all the Jace business goes. She certainly is about the bad kids.
Jawbone can only do so much to help her in her sessions if he's being actively worked against. Emotional regulation is hard to learn from zero AS AN ADULT and she's probably coming from the negatives if my impression is correct, and is doing so as a teenager.
I guess what I'm trying to say is like
In a vacuum? Sure augeforts comment about trying being stupid or whatever does seem like another slap in the face for Kipperlily, one that justifies some of her feelings.
But not about the bad kids. and not to the extent she has taken them.
And to take that at its word feels weird to me because. To anybody paying attention? The bad kids are and have been trying SO SO hard in class. Them having to take the last stand in the FIRST place is specifically because the school system is treating Kristen unfairly DESPITE her best, GOOD efforts. I'm certain the rat grinders are on some level aware of Gorgugs EXTREMELY uphill battle with schoolwork this season, even if it's just Maryann catching part of a convo with Porter or Ruben hearing about it from his uncle. I HIGHLY doubt that Oisin was oblivious to the way that Adaines academics were affected by her not having the money for the correct materials - she still was able to excel mostly but the effects of that roll being at disadvantage for so long are still THERE. Jawbone pinned down and mentioned to Riz his similarities to Kipperlily within maybe 2 seconds - there is 0% chance he hasn't brought something similar up in Kipperlilys sessions. She may not like it, she may not have the emotional intelligence to see it this way, but his efforts almost certainly mirror hers in a way that makes them equally hard workers, absolutely determined to keep themselves afloat despite it being an uphill battle. Something that she feels she deserves to be rewarded for, and to an extent implies that if just a few circumstances were different she would be able to see equal value in his work.
And sure you can say she may be able to see that and be angry that their work is rewarded and hers isn't, but we see time and time again that she and her party don't always put that same level of work in? Mary Ann at blood rush, absolutely uncaring but doing well specifically because she's got some magical enhancements. The suspicious circumstances of Kipperlily finding the Rogue teacher. Even just the natural advantage of Oisin having more than the funds he needs to excel in wizard class.
But even regardless of that, she seems to refuse to see that any scenario in which others are praised for the same thing she's done, while she is ignored etc, is the sole responsibility of the school here. the bad kids are not her enemies in that fight - augefort is. The bad kids are not going around being consistently given advantages from the school, they're earning the things they get and hitting their own academic road blocks, and they aren't acting better than other people in a way that goes beyond like. Teen stuff. And yet her sights are trained so unblinking on them.
I can see Fabian and Kristen's popularity and personalities coming off like it supports that they're being treated better or feel some superiority. And it's teen stuff to quietly hate those ppl at your school! it's p normal!
But it always brings me back to her SPECIFICALLY hating Riz. Bc Riz isn't a rich kid throwing parties that everyone loves. Hes not sniping out comebacks the way Kristen does, sometimes without even thinking. In a lot of ways he's the/one of the least abrasive of the group to an outsider. Which makes me SO much more inclined to call bullshit that this is truly, honestly rooted in an acknowledgement of any of the REAL problems that come up with their school system.
It's complex, but I feel like we can't exalt their perspective as a Truth of the world like it seems some folks do when these characters themselves do not play fairly. What is fair about the way they interfered with the exam. What is fair about what she did so easily to Buddy Dawn. What is fair about the murder of the couple that owned that farm. Depending on what happened - what is fair from them about Lucy's murder. Certainly what is fair about their hand in Yolandas.
This idea that things are unfair isn't untrue. But not in the ways she thinks, and shes moved so far beyond that notion at this point. Kipperlily probably DOES believe that she's uniquely a victim of this system, or at least that everyone but the bad kids is. But she's moved so far beyond that. Whatever divine rage magic is involved has ensured that, as well as probably some Adult manipulation, and severely underdeveloped emotional regulation skills. and for me that means like. obviously she is unjustified in her actions.
Augefort is absolutely unhinged. his school has never been run in a manner that rewards buckling down in the classroom and the classroom only. It's an adventuring school in truly the most chaotic and violence rewarding sense, and that information is given freely by Arthur augefort at maybe any turn
Saw something about the theoretical being just as important as the practical. and yes! absolutely! a very good point that I'm glad was brought up - going to the classes is important and I think this season has really emphasized the ways in which that's true at least in terms of Staying in School and Honing your Skills
I do think, in the same breath, that that STILL means that the practical is ALSO just as important as the theoretical. It CAN'T be one or the other, it HAS to be both.
and the bad kids are DOING both. regardless of what it may count for, the rat grinders xp leveling by continuing to do freshman level combat in order to excel more on paper ISN'T them really doing the practical part of what theyre learning in their higher level classes. And the bad kids do not get credit for their saving of the world REGARDLESS. Not on its own merit, and to get the credit they'd have to jump a hefty academic bar that sort of invalidates the point of practical efforts in the first place, not to mention works against students like Fig and Kristen.
The school is actively rewarding Kipperlily and her party's cheat code practical use of their skills, over the bad kids putting just as much if not more effort into their LITERALLY WORLD SAVING missions. whatever favoritism shes seeing, or that there may be occasionally, Kipperlily fundamentally takes the bad kids in bad faith. It's not ABOUT what is ACTUALLY unfair to her at this point.
from her perspective every accolade or accomplishment from them HAS to come from favoritism in order to fit how her view of whats actually unfair has been warped. for her it doesn't MATTER that they've been trying because they MUST not be trying as hard as she is. it doesn't matter that they visibly saved the world three times, one of which was livestreamed and included several party members dropping, successfully because surely it's a fluke, or they were given better opportunities than others for no reason, or they're being falsely worshipped for what MUST be a less dangerous quest than it seems (despite us seeing clearly on the first day of school that nobody is putting a pedestal up for their night yorb win)
What could have been a justified spark of frustration with a system has shifted into a vengeful sense of entitlement that to me? fully abandons the good of wanting to change a school system actively working against some (/all?) students.
idk maybe this all sounds like jibberish I just
Kipperlily in her current state is INCAPABLE of not underestimating the bad kids bc that would require some acknowledgement that they have worked and bled and died to reach the level they're at.
You cannot separate the girl who sneaks in to the Last Stand to sabotage another party's chances of passing, of staying at school, of continuing school, of one of them from potentially keeping their god alive, and of being brought back from what she assumes is certain death - from the slighted teenager running for class president to make things "more fair"
you cannot separate the girl who easily slits her own party clerics throat without second thought from the girl who thinks she's been slighted by an unjust system
What she means by unfair is inherently colored by her being that same person
Augefort can say whatever nonsense he wants, and it doesn't really justify her current frustrations at this point because her version of fair is fundamentally unfair now.
Shes a child who's become corrupted, just like Buddy. but unlike him - she's become genuinely nefarious and vengeful. Unlike buddy she is actively plotting. Harming others with full knowledge of it. We don't know how much of it comes from her on her own, or the rage baking underground, or Stardiamonds direct involvement - but I think this most recent episode should make it clear that like
Whatever truth there is to the school being run in a way that is unfair to its students, and regardless of what she says or thinks
Kipperlily Copperkettle is not operating from that grounded perspective. and I don't think she has been for a long time
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owlyflufff · 8 months
not to drop a litle negativity here but I saw a haikyu ship poll to which personally, I don't mind if you like other main ships over bokuaka
if you like iwaoi more than bokuaka? that's valid! because it's your preference
kagehina over bokuaka? also valid! because again that's your opinion and I can respect it and so on for the other main ships
although in the very least, don't downplay/twist the canon material to prove that your ship is superior TvT. Furudate-sensei didn't canonically state that bokuaka were written to be foils to each other, both of them being each other's greatest inspiration in the OFFICIAL character sheet and have a well written dynamic for you to oversimplify what their dynamic amounted to at the end of the series.
for context, the haikyu ship poll that sort of spread caused tension cause they added extra captions like asanoya being a flop ship, iwaoi inventing love over bokuaka and the likes to which they also tweeted this:
Tumblr media
personally I can respect op for liking iwaoi over bokuaka because that's their opinion + I love iwaoi chaotic childhood friends my beloved :'<< but for their argument to not give a proper reason/ water down bokuaka's dynamic is really saddening
so instead of cooking op since the quotes on the tweet are doing it (and I personally don't like starting/insulting anyone cause it just adds fuel to the flame than any actual progress) I'll just drop an actual list of evidence as to why this is wrong:
"They had like 5 moments"
bokuaka had more moments than solely 5 moments as op states and to make it fair I'll be removing bokuaka main moments this would include: iddle fleeting thought, we are the protagonists, give me your 120%.
It's important to note that most of bokuaka's main moments are found in Fukurodani's respective match. However if we remove these 3 pivotal moments than it still manages to disprove they had only 5 moments because bokuaka had a severe number of moments prior to this which would include the following:
a. Training camp arc: naturally bokuaka's introduction, bokuto doing a killer spike and immediately choosing to ask akaashi if he saw it, and of course the most well known moment of bokuto receiving an emo mode and alaashi not only knowing how to solve it but also that he knows bokuto's weaknesses, instills it in his mind
b. Post Training camp arc: albeit briefly, bokuto and akaashi were shown to which bokuto swears that he's been praise and akaashi brushes it off. despite being a brief moment, it shows alone that bokuaka hang out together in lunch or they are each other's company
c. Land vs Sky: it's been a while since I watched this so my apologies if my memory is rusty but I remember nekoma'a attempts of shutting bokuto down to which akaashi noticed + motivated bokuto
d. Nationals arc: this one naturally has the most but to simplify and at least show they had moments would be the little interactions they had throughout karasuno's matches, "THAT'S OUR TSUKI" "He's not ours Bokuto-san", akaashi being worried for bokuto and asking him to go back into the hotel due to the flu only for bokuto to bring it up again later on meaning he remembers akaashi's words, and naturally the entirety of the mujinazaka match that showed their backstories, established firther that bokuto cares about akaashi just as much and is attentive of him and the growth of their characters not solely as a pair but as individuals
With this, tell me then, did bokuaka only have just 5 moments? Even if you take away the moments bokuaka are most known for, there's still a SEVERE number of moments the two of them shared.
And dont get me started on timeskip because that's for the next point-
"bokuto never mentioned that man out of highschool?"
To put it simply, a good portion of the timeskip arc was the msby vs adlers match, this includes bokuto's appearance who mainly is in the story AT THE START OF THE MATCH. Meaning, there wasn't a window of opportunity for bokuto to talk about akaashi because Furudate-sensei had him and his main focus already at the match, there wasn't any slice of life tidbit as both teams went straight into the match after the bathroom confrontation. It would be very out of place if bokuto mentioned akaashi in the middle of a pretty intense match/it wouldnt have made sense for bokuto just randomly bring up akaashi while he's spiking during the match.
bokuto has in fact made a reference to akaashi during the match/post highschool. When hinata and atsumu unleash a killer spike against the Adlers, bokuto shouted "the first strike is always the most lethal!" (or something similar, I forgot the exact quote :'DD) to which is a nod and referencr to the EXACT same thing akaashi said during the inarizaki match. Not only this but mind you that bokuto shouted this WITH akaashi in two very DIFFERENT places. It implies that bokuto still remembers akaashi or references him and the things they tell each other all the way from highschool
the ultimate evidence is of course the post match because bokuto quite literally meets akaashi again when he gets interviewed. how does bokuto react? big smile on his face and invites akaashi to a meat date later on (I don't even mean to write this in a romantic context because the fact that bokuto wanted to hang out and spend time with akaashi in and of itself shows that akaashi is still relevant and important in his life)
There's so much more evidence to simply say that op's tweet is wrong but it would make this post severely long. Simply, it's one thing to choose, disrespect even, another person's ship but it's another to simply discard canon in the hopes of proving another ship is better.
Bokuaka are so much more than what they're iconic moments dictate them for, I mentioned it once but I'll say it again: the fact that they're not even childhood friends or in different years yet still grounded in a dynamic of trust and respect that carries to the years is impressive and just shows why they're a very beloved ship in the community in the first place.
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