#i just got to that part and am confused again
daycourtofficial · 3 days
Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor - Part 12
Pairing: Azriel x reader | WC: 3.5k | Masterlist |Warnings: none
Summary: Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door.
Author's note: we are SO BACK BABY.
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Immediately after agreeing to go on this date, Mor whisked you into your room, sitting you down on your bed as she went through your closet. She muttered to herself about your wardrobe not being organized and the two of you argue through her muttering about how you organize your closets differently. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be having sex with Cassian right now?”
She scoffs, moving your hangers about, searching with intent. “No, I want to help you look hot for your date, babe.”
It was your turn to scoff at her as you flopped on your bed, pulling out your phone.
“You’ve never cared before.” You unlock your phone, a bit surprised at her sudden interest in your date. You open your text messages, the last one from Azriel was a few hours ago when he accused you of snoring.
“He’s really cute.” She moved through a few of your dresses, pursing her lips in concentration.
You roll your eyes and your phone starts buzzing in your hands. You decline the call once you see the name ‘dad’ light up your screen.
“Maybe he’ll be so cute that I won’t hear anything he says and we’ll live happily ever after because I can just gaze into his eyes forever.”
Mor chuckles, pulling out a black dress and bringing it to you. “You never know.” You laugh at her antics as she helps you with your hair, her fingers scratching your scalp.
Mor offers to drive you to the restaurant, stating she wanted to be nice. You’re well aware she’s doing it so she can ensure you actually go on the date. The two of you gossip in the car, talking about how Feyre keeps asking you about Rhysand constantly.
“We’re here!” 
You look outside of the car, not having paid much attention to your surroundings, to find yourself in front of a mini golf place. You look around, thinking the restaurant must be somewhere nearby, but the only other stores nearby are a discount tire store and a barbershop. 
“Uh, Mor… I’m not exactly dressed for mini golf.” To further your point, you sweep your hand up and down at your heels and the blue mini dress you were wearing. She undoes her seatbelt, pushing herself across the seat to open your door. She undoes your buckle and starts pushing you out of the car.
“Go, go, go. Be free. Have fun.”
She winks overdramatically at you. “But Mor, I don’t - this wasn’t the plan. Who am I looking for?”
“You’ll know him when you see him - he’s wearing a blue shirt.”
You start to yell her name, but she pulls back on the door and blows you a kiss before driving off, her red car disappearing down the street as you watched, still confused as to how you ended up here.
You turned around, the bright lights of the arcade shining through the windows.
You sighed, ready to get this night over with. She told you she was setting you up with one of Cassian’s friends, but Cassian was friends with everybody. You could be meeting anyone - someone Cassian works with or the guy at the deli that makes Cassian’s turkey sub just right. Then again, the last time Cassian got a sub from there he went on and on about that guy’s arms, so at least he’d be nice to look at. 
You quickly straighten your dress before walking inside. You don’t expect the date to go anywhere, but you still want to look good. Moving through the arcade games, you try to keep your face pleasant, despite the annoyance you feel at Mor. You see a few guys with blue shirts on, and you feel a tad bit ridiculous in your strappy dress and heels, the clicking drowned out by the high pitched whirring and buzzing of the games around you.
None of the guys wearing blue shirts seem to be waiting for anyone, all their focus is on their friends or the games in front of them. Eyes scanning the arcade, a non stop barrage of overstimulation. 
Your eyes meet hazel ones as you smile, a look of slight confusion on your face as you look over to find Azriel playing skee ball, the ball slipping from his fingers as he sees you. You point to him, and he just points back, not paying attention to the tickets spouting from the machine.
You smile walking over to him, and he stands up straighter as you come over to him. Your heels don’t do much to help the height difference between the two of you. You’re peering up at him, not sure what to say. 
You weren’t expecting this.
“Are you my date for tonight?” You tilt your head, and take a second to drink in what he’s wearing. He’s dressed in a midnight blue dress shirt, the buttons undone just enough to get a glimpse of the tattoos on his chest. The shadowy wisps of ink call to you, begging you to undo more of the buttons, begging to be seen. His dress pants hug his thighs deliciously, his belt highlighting his trim waist. You were not being subtle, but neither was Azriel as you finally looked back up and found his eyes roaming your body.
You blush under his scrutiny, and his eyes snap back to yours.
Caught, they scream. 
His ears pink slightly, a smile stretching across his face, “well, maybe Mor can get her matchmaking right at least once.”
You laugh, and he smiles at the sound. “If she’s ever right, she’ll be insufferable.”
He hums in agreement, “but if she’s right about us, she’ll be insufferable with setting other people up, not us.”
“I think she’ll bring it up any chance she gets, thinking she set us up.”
The two of you stroll to the counter. Azriel pays the teenager behind the counter, who turns and grabs putters and balls for the both of you before sliding the blue and red clubs across the counter. He nods at you both before turning away. You grab little scorecards before heading outside, and you write your names on the small line, trying to balance the paper while walking.
“So it wasn’t Mor that set us up?” 
Azriel’s voice shakes you from your concentration, causing the ‘L’ at the end of his name to grow long on the scorecard. You look at him, his arm brushing against your own. You shake your head, “no.”
He smiles, eyebrows lifting, “so our nosy friend didn’t set us up?”
You blush under his gaze, fiddling with your putter. You step up to the first hole, a fairly straight forward, easy shot. You drop the ball on the putting green watching it bounce to avoid looking at him. “Well, I mean she did, but we were- you know…”
“I actually don’t know, enlighten me.” Your shocked face and stammering make his grin widen.
“I mean we were-“ you clear your throat, using the putter to move your ball a bit, “definitely becoming something.”
A moment of silence passes between you two, making you grow more nervous at his scrutiny. “Right?” You add. You lined up your putter, hitting the ball just enough to overshoot the hole, the ball bouncing off the back wall and coming back only a few feet in front of you. Azriel’s laugh is loud at your poor putt and hopefully only about your poor putt.
He gives you that smile that makes you weak in your knees as he grabs your elbow, pulling you from the putting green, his gaze heavy on you as he says, “yeah, we’re definitely becoming something.”
The night moved more smoothly after that, a tension you didn’t know lifting. You still weren’t sure what it was between you two, but at least he didn’t know either. By the fourth hole, conversation was flowing easily between the two of you, your cheeks already hurting from smiling so much.
He spent a significant portion of the evening teasing your poor putting game, around the seventh hole he stopped you after your ninth attempt to get the ball in the hole. 
“You are truly pitiful at this game.”
“Stooooop,” you drag out the word, a faux shocked expression on your face as you look at him. 
“Here, let me show you.” You roll your eyes, looking up at the obvious pass he’s about to make on you. You expect him to come from behind you, wrapping his arms around you to show you how to putt.
You’re surprised when he grabs your hands instead, pulling you behind him as he wraps your arms around his waist, pulling you close to his back. You laugh into his back, the warmth radiating from him making you want to melt into him.
“I’ve never seen them do this in the movies.”
You feel his hum vibrate through his chest into your cheek. 
“And how well did that work out for those people in the movies?”
You laugh, and you put your hands over his, rubbing the scarred skin with your thumb. “Now, just feel how I putt.” You follow his movements as he pulls the putter back, knocking the ball along the artificial mounds until it softly fell into the hole.
“If only I could use you to putt for every hole.”
You eventually untangle yourself from him and he stops to pick up his golf ball as you two walk to the next hole. The people in front of you aren’t finished, so you two stand off to the side, leaning against some rocks as they play.
“I’m a bit surprised you didn’t take a shot before coming here. Don’t you usually have a drink for first dates?”
You hum, “see I drink a bit on the dates that Mor sets me up on, otherwise I won’t make it through the evening. I didn’t know we’d be here without alcohol until we showed up.”
He laughs, putting his hand on one of the rocks. You quirk your mouth, debating what to do, when your hand moves on its own, resting on top of his. He’s quick to rotate his hand, so your palms are together and he rubs his thumb against the back of your hand.
“Those guys were only semi-interesting if I was two or three drinks in.”
He smiles down at your hands, his scarred one much larger than yours. It surprises him a bit how easily he forgot about the scars, his thoughts consumed with just wanting your touch, not dwelling on how you’d react to the texture. 
“And where am I on the drink-to-interesting scale?”
“Hmmm,” you lean back, tapping your finger to your chin, pretending to think. “Welll, if I had known it was going to be you, I would be at least five drinks in before getting here.”
He fake gasps, placing a hand over his heart, “you wound me.”
The family in front of you finish putting, moving onto the next hole. You throw your ball down on the green, looking with annoyance at the tiny windmill on the green that is sure to thwart your game.
You giggle, “I- um, I do like being around you. Sober, that is. If I knew it was you I wouldn’t pregame this date. Just so you know.”
You hit the ball, watching it bounce off the windmill blade right back to you. You groan, but Azriel’s voice cuts through. “I gotta say, Mor might not be great at setting you up, but she’s only set me up once and she did a fantastic job.”
Your cheeks heat, smile too big for your face as you putt again, the ball going underneath the windmill and into the hole successfully. You quickly turn, sticking your tongue out at Azriel.
“See, I just had to get warmed up.”
You pick up your scorecard, excited to write something lower than a 5 for the first time, peering at Azriel over it. You find him looking at you the same way, moving your eyes back down to read the score.
“Stop looking at me, I’m trying to calculate who’s winning,” you mutter, sticking your tongue out trying to do mental math.
You barely hear him whisper out, “math or no, I think it’s me that’s winning.”
Your eyes meet his over the scorecard and you’re frozen by just how soft he looked in this moment - the ridiculous colors reflecting on his tan skin, 
He looked so kind and full of love.
You quickly look back down at the scorecard, trying to keep the heat from spreading across your cheeks. 
He was winning by a ridiculous amount. You could get a hole in one on every shot and still lose.
Several holes later, you watch as Azriel lines up to putt. His gaze is focused on the ball, and yours is focused on how nice those pants make his ass look.
“I really thought this was going to be disastrous for a first date. At least at dinner I can get food,” you mused, watching him hit the ball. “I don’t understand why people usually go to dinner for first dates. No one looks hot while eating. All of those first dates and they all looked so ugly while eating.”
“You’ve never seen Cassian eat chicken wings then. He could make an honest man out of me.”
You shoved him, laughing at the image. Cassian was a notoriously messy eater - a fact you learned very quickly after making spaghetti for the two of you one night. You move to the next hole, having to carefully plan out your steps in your heels.
“Did you know it would be me?”
He turns and smiles shyly at you, “no, I had no idea. Mor told me if I went on this date, she’d never force you to go on another first date.”
You smile back at him as you reach the last hole, making a godsawful putt. “That’s mighty kind of you to do that for me, seeing as I told you before all about Mor’s terrible matchmaking skills.”
He shrugs, his smile growing sheepish. “I figured I’d tell whoever it was that Mor set me up with that I’m a convicted felon.”
“They might be into that.” You move over to where you ball landed, trying to figure out the best angle to hit it. You’ve tried most everything by this point, so you opt for just hitting the thing as hard as possible until it goes in.
“I’d end the date by providing them the address for the penitentiary and tell them they can write to me anytime, but that the guards read it so they should be careful when sending dirty letters.”
Your new plan is disastrous, the ball leaving the green entirely and rolling away. You curse as Azriel runs after it and drops it in the hole for you, watching it disappear.
“I can’t believe you’d receive dirty letters.” 
“Why not? I’d use them as currency in prison.”
“So if I wrote you dirty letters in prison you’d trade them away?” You waggle your eyebrows at him as he moves to putt.
“Absolutely not. I’d keep them hidden away, for my eyes only.”
He takes the last putt, sinking his ball into the last hole, where it disappears to be collected by some employee. You move to mark down his fourth hole in one, grumbling about how this game was rigged as you return your putters.
“Can I see the scorecard?”
“Ha ha, yes my score was terrible, do you want to laugh at it some more?” Your voice comes out deadpan.
“Mmmm, something like that.”
You hand it to him, and he quickly tucks it away into his pocket.
Your gaze is scorching as the two of you walk to the doors, and you forget to ask him about the card when you remember that Mor brought you here, and Azriel rides a motorcycle.
And you’re wearing a dress.
You’re about to ask him about what to do when a dark red truck beeps twice.
“I borrowed Cassian’s truck for the night.”
You raise your eyebrows, but Azriel cuts off your thinking. “Mor told me to.”
“Does Cassian know it’s for a date?”
Azriel laughs as he opens your door before quickly moving to his side and getting in. “No, if I did he would have sent me out with about a thousand condoms.”
You snort, but his face drains of color as he starts stammering, “I didn’t- I mean I don’t… expect that.. Cassian.. I just-”
His voice trails off, and he stares straight ahead as he turns on the truck. Your knee slides across the seat, bumping into his. He pulls out of the parking lot, his hands tight on the steering wheel.
“I’m not a first date kinda girl, even if the walk back to my apartment would be incredibly short.”
His grip on the wheel loosens slightly, and the red light changes to green.
“Third date, though…”
His cheeks heat at your cheekiness, and you watch the cars go by on the road. You turn on the radio, Cassian’s favorite country station blaring through the speakers. You roll your eyes as you turn down the volume, searching through the stations. You stop when you find something soft and slow that sounds vaguely familiar, and you sit back in your seat.
The ride is mostly quiet, save for the radio. You two eventually make it back to your apartment building, Cassian’s small truck idling before Azriel cuts it off. The nerves are back, eating through your stomach as you look at him. The streetlights made his hazel eyes look golden as he watched you.
The silence stretches as you two watch each other, an endless pool of fondness swimming in your shared gaze. His hands move, turning off the engine.
He turns towards you, his arm slowly going behind your headrest, giving you every time opportunity to stop him. Your eyes just follow the movement before leaning back onto his arm. 
“I had fun tonight.”
His voice is soft, his gaze unwavering. 
“Me too.”
You watch his eyes flick down to your lips briefly before coming back up. “We could do it again, if you’d like.”
Your words fail you as you nod, and his smile widens. He fidgets with his fingers, biting his lip lightly.
A second date - his step forward. Now it was your turn to push.
“Can I kiss you?”
His heart is thrumming in his chest, his turn to nod without speaking. You shift in your seat, moving closer to his face. His hands tremble slightly as he places them on your neck. 
“Gods, yes.” He whispers his words into your mouth, his touch leaving an imprint on your skin.
Your noses bump into each other. Your lips meet his and his touch is all consuming. It’s soft, slow, full of trepidation. 
It’s clumsy at first, both of you so unsure and full of nerves. After a moment you get your bearings, your hands finding their way to his cheeks as the two of you keep kissing, unwilling to stop for air.
His lips are soft against your own, his fingers warm on your neck. The two of you eventually pull apart, panting, Cassian’s windows covered in a thick fog. You giggle as you draw a tiny heart in the condensation.
“Do you um wanna come upstairs? My roommate’s gone for the night.”
All thoughts leave his head, but before he can spiral, your voice stops him.
“I don’t want to, ya know. I mean I do- just not yet. Like I said I’m not really a first date kind of girl for that. It’s just not me, but um ya know I figured we could watch a movie or eat like actual dinner…”
He nods a bit too enthusiastically. “I could order us a pizza? I could stop by my apartment, change into some sweats?”
“I could put on some pajamas?”
You two just nod softly at each other. A moment passes before you realize you actually have to get out of the car to keep the date going. You laugh, a sound that makes Azriel’s heart swell. You get out of the truck, your body close to Azriel’s as you two walk into your building. The lights of the lobby are bright compared to the night sky outside.
The elevator hums softly as it takes the two of you up to your floor. 
“Just give me like ten minutes before coming over? I’ll leave the door unlocked for you.”
You take a deep breath as you unlock your door, watching him go into his own apartment. You quickly shuffle inside, turn your phone off of do not disturb, and immediately Facetime Mor.
Your face is bright red on your screen as you move through your apartment, discarding your shoes and dress, pulling on sweats. Mor declines your call, and you opt to leave her a voicemail.
“Mor, why didn’t you tellmeIwasgoingonadatewithAzrielyouabsolutebuffoon.”
Your words come out hurried and hushed, checking he hasn’t come in yet. You put on a comfy shirt before saying, “but… Thank you. You’re a lovely buffoon, he’s coming over to watch a movie so keep Cassian away for as long as possible. Preferably three weeks. Love you, bye!”
You hang up, deciding to text her too.
I both love and hate you, I hope you know that.
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 Series taglist: @anotherbook-obsessedhoe @impossibelle @hayrunnwr @just-a-social-casualty-1@thisisew @brieflyclassymortal @glitterypirateduck @marshmummy @bookishbroadwaybish @azsteris @doriansgf @footyandformula @mybestfriendmademe @od-anon @judig92 @luvmoo @marina468 @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @acotarobsessed @maryssong23
Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx
Azriel taglist: @brieflyclassymortal @thisiskaylin
Thanks for reading! 💕
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cursedlovesstuff · 23 hours
Fixing Us. Part 3.
Nat woke up later than usual, the weight of the previous night's conversation still heavy on her mind.
As she stretched out her limbs, groaning softly, she dragged herself off the couch and made her way up the stairs to the bathroom to start her morning routine.
Knocking on the bedroom door, she called out Y/N's name, but there was no response.
"Y/N?" Nat called out again, opening the door to find the neatly made bed, but Y/N was nowhere in sight. Disappointment washed over Nat as she assumed Y/N had gone out with Esther, especially since it was the weekend.
Shrugging off her disappointment, Nat proceeded with her morning routine, brushing her teeth and washing her face before reaching for her phone to text Wanda, asking if she had time to talk.
Shortly after, Wanda messaged Nat back, saying she was on her way back to the tower asking if Nat wanted to meet her there to talk.
With that, Nat grabbed her keys and made her way to the Avengers Tower.
At the tower, Wanda greeted Nat as she sat down at the kitchen table.
"What's up?" Wanda asked.
"I messed up, and I need some advice," Nat admitted.
"When you say that you've messed up and need advice, that makes me worry," Wanda replied, concern evident in her voice.
"It's nothing bad... well, it is bad, very bad, but not enough for you to worry," Nat assured her.
"Okay, so what is it this time? Did you get spotted by Hydra agents or punch someone in the face? Because those are things that I can't help with; you'll have to ask Tony," Wanda joked.
Tony walked into the kitchen, grabbing water. "Ask Tony what?" he chimed in.
"Nat needs advice," Wanda explained.
"Oh god, I can have my lawyer here in 15 minutes. Wanda, call Y/N to let her know that Nat is in safe hands," Tony teased.
"Tony!" Nat exclaimed.
"What?" Tony asked, looking confused.
"Why is the first thing you assume when I ask for help that I'm in some sort of legal trouble?" Nat retorted.
"Because I had to bail you out for getting into a bar fight," Tony replied nonchalantly.
"I was in the bar fight protecting you and your slick mouth, but that isn't important right now. This is serious," Nat countered.
"Right, right, sorry. So, what was the advice you needed?" Tony asked, now serious.
"I think Y/N and I are heading down the path of divorce," Nat confessed.
"You think?" Wanda asked, her brow furrowing.
"No, I know," Nat corrected.
"Okay, so what did you do wrong?" Tony inquired.
"Why do you always assume I'm the one messing up and doing something wrong?" Nat questioned.
"Because Y/N is a literal angel," Wanda interjected, and Tony added, "Just a guess. So, spill the beans. Just between us girls, what did you do wrong?"
Tony earned a side-eye from Wanda and Nat.
"Don't worry about him, continue," Wanda said, brushing off Tony's comment.
Nat sighed. "Last night, Y/N and I got into an argument outside the bar and another when we got home," she admitted. "From what I know, I've spent too much time with Maria for Y/N's liking. I'm not home enough, and at some point in the argument, I may have said something that hurt Y/N deeply."
"You did what?"
"I may have said something hurtful unintentionally. We were outside of the bar, and I asked her if she could tell if Carol was just her friend or someone who wanted to sleep with her."
"I know, it was stupid. I said it without thinking, and I didn't realize how much my words hurt her last night."
"Well, this is a lot worse than I expected."
"It's not just that. I think Y/N might believe that I either cheated on her with Maria or that I am currently cheating."
"Well, are you?" Tony asked.
"No, Tony, I am not cheating on Y/N, nor do I plan on it. But she doesn't believe me."
"So let me get this straight—you and Y/N got into an argument last night because you're never home and you're always out with Maria. You said something hurtful, and now she might think that you're cheating on her?"
"Yeah, that's about right. I forgot to mention the part where if I don't fix things soon, Y/N said I could marry Maria."
"You're screwed."
"Tony, stop it."
"What do you want me to lie and say everything is going to be fine? Nat's marriage is hanging on the thinnest line I have ever seen."
"I know it's on a thin line, and I want to fix it before it's too late. I came here for your advice and opinions, not to be judged."
"Well, I've never been through this situation. I think you're a workaholic, and you're so busy that you forget that Y/N is a person too, not just someone that you just met or started dating. She's your wife, and she needs to feel loved, valued, and cherished," Wanda remarked, to which Nat nodded before turning her attention to Tony.
"How did you fix things with Pepper?"
"Well, we have had our fair share of disagreements, but I'd have to say communication. You can be mad at each other, but you can't fix the problem if you don't know what the other is mad about," Tony shared.
"I tried walking in Pepper's shoes for the day, and it wasn't easy. She manages a lot of things for me, including press conferences. She helps in the lab, and when she and Wanda are taking turns, she helps cook dinner and clean up around the entire tower," Tony continued with a sigh.
"The point I'm trying to make is, don't get so mad easily and understand things from Y/N's point of view. Try and make her day easier. If she cooks breakfast, you wash the dishes. If she washes and dries the clothes, you fold them and put them up. If she's having a bad day, go out and get her favorite snacks or comfort food. Show her that you really care. It's 50/50, not 95/5 percent. Y/N is a good one; don't lose her by being stupid. It's the bare minimum," Tony concluded.
"Where do I start?"
"You can start by taking some time off work and showing Y/N that you really care. What's something that Y/N really likes?"
"She's not really a fan of really public things that are in crowded places or expensive gifts. She likes more thoughtful gifts that took time and effort."
"Maybe you can clean up the apartment, reorganize some things."
"The apartment is always clean. Y/N doesn't even like shoes going past the carpet."
"Maybe you can make her something."
"What if I cook her dinner?"
"You want to cook?" Tony asked, surprised.
"Yes, why?"
"The last time you tried to cook, you almost set the kitchen on fire."
"I didn't know what I was doing back then, but if it makes Y/N happy, I'll do anything."
"What's Y/N's favorite food?" Tony asked.
"She likes shrimp alfredo and homemade garlic toast. That's one of her favorites," Nat replied.
"Okay, shrimp alfredo and toast. What's your plan after dinner?" Wanda inquired.
"To try and get her to talk to me and hope it doesn't turn into an argument. Maybe I can get her some of her favorite things from the store to lighten her mood," Nat explained.
"It's a good start. It's getting late; we should get to the store and make dinner before Y/N gets off work," Wanda suggested.
"Y/N has a job?" Nat asked, surprised.
"Yes, you didn't know? She said she was tired of being in the house by herself all day," Wanda revealed, making Nat reflect on how close Y/N and Wanda had become.
"Well, we should get going," Wanda said after noticing Nat's silence.
"We should head out. Thank you, Tony," Nat said, acknowledging Tony before leaving the kitchen with Wanda.
"Yeah, yeah, go fix things with Y/N before I tell Fury you're breaking her heart," Tony teased as Nat and Wanda walked out of the kitchen.
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Shh! Pt. 2
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Summary: The hangovers are very real for Dean and Y/N. Will they notice the artwork on the fridge?
Pairing/Characters: Dean Winchester x Y/N
Warnings: None. This second part is pretty much all fluff too.
Word Count: 2,693 (This part was a bit longer than the first. Sorry!)
A/C: Okay, so the first part of Shh! was actually just supposed to be a one shot, fic request. But I got a fair few requests for a sequel about the morning after, and I wanted to know what happened too. So, here it is. Lol! I had a lot of fun writing the two parts to this little story. Hope you have fun reading them. ❤️
It was requested that I tag @arcannaa if I made a second part. So, here ya go, lovely. Let me know if you'd like to be added to one of the tag lists linked below. ❤️
Part 1 is here || Main Master List || Tag Lists
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The Next Morning:
Dean's groan was deep and long and ended in one word. “Fuck.”
“Shh…” Y/N held her head in her hands as she sat up. “Why are you so loud?” She asked, and her voice sounded as dry and cracked as the Sahara. 
“No, you're so loud.” Was Dean's witty rejoinder as he sat up beside her.
They both turned their heads to look at each other and groaned again. Y/N looked around the room and her brow creased with confusion.
“Why am I here?”
Dean grunted. “I'm a little too hungover for an existential crisis.”
Y/N pursed her lips, side eyeing him. “No, idiot. I mean why am I here in your bed? Why aren't I in my own bed?”
Dean rubbed his hand down his face. “Well, your bed is about 2 hours away, which probably explains the sleepover.”
Y/N hummed her agreement and pointed at him, conceding the point. “Yeah, I guess neither of us was in the best shape to drive.” She paused and then scowled. “We didn't, right? I mean, we didn’t drive home.”
She squinted at Dean who was shaking his head. “Nooo…” His tone said that was impossible, but then he tilted his head. “Right? There’s no way we would have been that stupid.”
Y/N shook her head and then stopped when the room started spinning. She rubbed her temples with her fingertips. “No, we must have taken a cab. We must have.”
It was silent while both of them tried desperately to remember something from the night before.
Dean sat up straight. “Rainbow Connection!” He said suddenly.
Y/N turned to look at him again and one eye brow was raised. “Are you stroking out?”
Dean waved at her. “No, the cab. I remember we took a cab cause I remember being in it and singing ‘Rainbow Connection’.”  He closed his eyes. “I really don’t remember why though.”
Y/N gasped softly, remembering something. “Rambeau.” 
Dean opened his eyes to look at her and his expression was all confusion. “Uh…Rocky II. We just naming Stallone movies?”
Y/N made a sound of disgust. “No, B - E - A - U, Rambeau, not Rambo.” When Dean still just stared at her blankly, she sighed and rolled her eyes. “It was the driver’s name, remember. But you thought he -”
“ - said Rainbow!” Dean finished, snapping his fingers. “Right! That’s when we started singing it.” He nodded, happy with their mental sleuthing, and then he shook his head.
“Man, I hope we gave him a big tip.”
Y/N chuckled and then took a big breath. “K, I need coffee, stat. Like a vat of coffee, like, this is a  hook-it-to-my-veins kinda situation.”
Dean grunted his agreement and they both pushed themselves up from the bed with a painful groan. Dean grabbed Y/N’s wrist as they were leaving the room. “Wait, do you remember…did we talk to Sam last night?”
Y/N just shrugged. “Dude, I have no idea.”
“Huh…I feel like we did.” Dean said quietly as he padded towards the kitchen with Y/N trailing just behind him.
When they got to the kitchen Y/N collapsed onto one of the seats at the table and cradled her head in her hands.
Dean walked to the coffee maker and his face lit up. 
“Oh, thank god for a little brother who gets up at the butt crack of dawn to go running to nowhere in particular. He made the coffee already!” He grabbed two cups and brought them and the pot to the table. 
Y/N inhaled deeply, pulling the aroma of the coffee into her lungs. “Do you have cream?”
Dean made a face. “Cream? God no; this is a black coffee household, Y/N. You should know this.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and smiled. “Yes, of course. Only manly black coffee for the Winchesters. How foolish of me.”
Dean shot her a grin and nodded in the direction of the fridge. “Might be some milk in the fridge.”
Y/N groaned again as she dragged herself up and stumbled blindly towards the fridge. She looked back at Dean as she pulled open the door. “I swear to God it feels like my muscles are about two minutes away from seizing up all together.”
Dean chuckled as Y/N looked into the fridge and shook her head. “There is nothing resembling milk in this fridge.”
“In the back?”
“Dean, there is no ‘back’ to this fridge. You’ve got three beers and leftover pizza that’s harder than the cardboard box it’s in.” She said as she peered inside. As Dean began rummaging around at the coffee station, she picked up a piece of the pizza and banged the crust against the box.
“That’s just sad.” She muttered.
“Score!” Dean called out just as Y/N closed the fridge door. “Found something called Coffee Whitener! Not CoffeeMate, it’s literally just called coffee whitener.”
Dean’s face fell into a frown. “Actually, I don’t know how old this is.”
“Might be from the fifties.” Dean mumbled. “Cause for the life of me I can’t remember Sam or I ever buying -”
“Dean!” Y/N yelled.
Dean grimaced as her shout made his head pound. “What? Jesus, why are you yelling?”
Y/N was pointing at the fridge door. “What the fuck is this?”
Dean set down the coffee whitener and walked over. “What the fuck is what?”
Y/N just kept pointing as Dean came up beside her to see two wrinkled up pieces of paper stuck to the fridge.
As he read the words he felt his heart clench. He read both letters twice.
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He looked at Y/N slowly and couldn’t read what her expression was saying. He shook his head. “I - I mean, I dunno. Where did they come from?”
Y/N shrugged. “I don't know, but that’s my handwriting and…that’s yours. Do you…I mean, do you remember writing them?”
Dean shook his head. “No. I don’t remember. But, I mean…it must have…I mean, it had to be some kind of joke, right? Like we were messing around? Just some kind of drunken joke?”
Y/N was looking away from him, but he shrugged again. “I mean, don’t you think?”
She nodded and her face was scrunched up when she looked at him. “Had to be, right?”
He felt his heart plummet even as he nodded. “Right?”
“Yeah, we were just being stupid, fucking around.” She concluded quietly.
He nodded again. “Yeah.”
They were quiet for a minute before Y/N pointed towards the table. “So, did you say something about 1950’s coffee whitener?”
Dean forced a chuckle. “Yeah, come try it out, if you dare.”
They sat at the table and Dean poured them both coffee. In the end, Y/N just took a bit of sugar in hers, not willing to be a guinea pig for the decades old, mostly chemicals coffee whitener. 
Silence reigned between them, neither of them able to push aside the words in the letters. Finally, Y/N couldn’t take the awkwardness and, pushing her coffee cup aside, she stood up.
“I should probably get going. I gotta shower and change and, you know, try to feel like a human again.” She said with a stilted laugh.
Dean nodded. “Yeah for sure. I’ll drive you.”
Y/N waved him down as he started to stand. “No, no. Don’t worry about it. I’ll just take the bus. There’s one that comes at 11:00. I’ve taken it before.”
Dean frowned. “Why the hell would you take the bus when I can just drive you.”
Y/N tucked her hair behind her ears nervously. She knew she wouldn't survive a two hour car ride, sitting so close to him but knowing she was never going to get any closer.
...it had to be some kind of joke, right? Dean's dismissive voice echoed in her mind.
So, she shook her head at him. “No, it’s okay. This way you can just rest and feel better. I like the bus. You know, I just put my music on and chill the whole way.”
“Right.” Dean said sardonically, trying to keep the hurt out of his voice. “Cause you know, if I drove you, we’d definitely be listening to an audio book about the sixteenth century Christian Reformation. No music in my car.”
Y/N laughed nervously. “No, I know…but…”
Dean just nodded again. “Yeah, okay. Well, have a good two hour bus ride, I guess.”
Y/N smiled. “I will. I’ll uh…I’ll call you.”
Y/N cleared her throat. “See ya.” She said with another plastered-on-smile as she left the kitchen.
“Yeah, see ya.” Dean answered quietly.
About an hour later Dean was still sitting at the kitchen table nursing an ice cold black coffee when he heard the bunker door slam. A minute later Sam walked into the kitchen in his running clothes, sweating and still breathing deeply. 
He went to the sink to fill up his water bottle as he looked back at Dean with a smirk. “You look ill.” Dean just grunted and Sam chuckled as he took a sip of water. “Where’s Y/N?” He asked.
“Went home.” Dean answered shortly.
Sam frowned looking towards the fridge where the letters still hung.  “Didn’t you guys see the letters?”
Dean’s head came up quickly and he stared at Sam. “What do you mean? Why do you know about them?”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Who the hell do you think hung them up there?”
Dean shook his head, anger in his expression. “Why the fuck would you do something like that? Y/N saw them and freaked.”
“I’m telling you. She saw what I wrote and couldn’t get out of here fast enough. Wouldn’t even take a ride home.” Dean said sullenly.
Sam set his water bottle down on the island, hard. “Oh my god!” He growled. “I might actually strangle you both.” When Dean just continued to frown at him, Sam shook his head. “Didn’t you each read the other’s letter? You guys wrote essentially the same thing to each other. Because you’re both so into each other. Jesus Christ.”
He pushed two hands through his damp hair. “I figured once you both saw it written out right in front of you, you’d realize that you’re both a couple of dumbasses!”
Dean shook his head. “No, she didn’t mean what she wrote. She thought it was some kind of drunken joke.”
Sam scowled. “She told you it was just a joke? She remembered writing her letter?”
“No, but I asked if she thought it was a joke and she said yeah, it had to be. Had to be because she has no interest in me like that.”
“Did she actually say that?” Sam asked, speaking over the end of Dean’s sentence, “Or did she just go along with you when you suggested it was a joke, because that’s what she thought you thought?” 
When Dean didn’t answer Sam growled again in frustration. “For fuck’s sake this is ridiculous. I’m just gonna spell it out for you.” He walked over to stand in front of Dean at the table. “Y/N is madly in love with you.”
Dean scoffed, but Sam sliced his hand through the air. “No, shut up. She is in love with you and you are in love with her, and if you asked one single other person who knows you both, they’ll tell you the exact same thing. Because it is glaringly, abundantly, stupidly obvious, you dumbass. Now go find her at the station, tell her the truth and watch how quickly she tells you she feels the same.”
Dean was frowning. “That's not gonna happen.” But he could feel a spark of hope at his brother’s certainty.
Sam just glared. 
He threw up his hands. “Okay, I’ll go.” He stood up and walked towards the door, stopping on the top step to look back at Sam. “But when she rips my heart out and I lose my best friend, you’re gonna be the one who has to deal with me.”
Sam rolled his eyes and pointed. “Go.”
All the way to the bus station, Dean was running through scenarios in his mind. As he parked outside, his watch said 10:50; was she already gonna be on the bus? Would it be like one of those horrible romcom things, where he had to chase her down through the crowd and then confess his love on a bus full of people. And if he did that, was Sam right? Would she love him back, or was it going to end up as - less funny romcom, more tragic farce? 
He had the scenario half imagined in his head, but when he walked through the doors he was reminded that the Lebanon bus station was actually quite small so, no running from terminal to terminal looking for her. There were only two bus stalls outside to begin with, but also, she was sitting calmly on a bench just across from the door.
He walked towards her and her eyes got wide.
Fuck, I can’t do this. Why the fuck am I doing this? Dean thought over and over.
He stopped in front of her and she looked up at him, her face puzzled. “Dean? What are you doing here?”
He jammed his hands into his jacket pockets and rocked up on to the balls of his feet; he shrugged. “I don’t know, I just thought…I really wanna give you a ride home.”
Y/N frowned and lifted a hand towards the small ticket office. “I already bought my ticket.”
“Well, get a refund.”
“Why do you want to drive me home so badly?” Y/N asked loudly, frustration tinting her words.
“Why don’t you want me to?” Dean answered even louder.
Y/N let out a huff of air. “I don’t want you to not…I don’t not want…I want not t -” She broke off with a cry of frustration. “Ugh!!”
She looked up at him and her gaze was confused and questioning. “Dean, what is going on here?”
Dean shuffled from foot to foot for a minute, until Y/N started to speak again and he cut her off.
“The letter was true.”
He spoke quietly and he wondered if she’d heard him. He wasn’t sure he’d have the courage to say it again; as it was, he was staring at the ground, his stomach in knots.
He shook his head and finally just decided it was all or nothing.
“My letter. What I wrote. It was true. I mean, it was drunken idiocy, but…” He raised his head and looked at her. “It was true.”
He wasn’t sure, but he thought he caught relief in her voice, so he smiled at her and gave a resigned nod. 
“Yep. You are my good day.” He said, paraphrasing his letter. “I want kisses from you.” He paused a beat. “And also sex.” He shrugged a shoulder. “Sorry.”
Y/N’s smile was bright and beautiful as she leapt up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank god.” She bit her bottom lip and then quoted her letter. “I hope you will kiss me. All the time.”
Dean felt like his chest might actually burst from happiness as he grasped her waist and pulled her close. 
“I can do that.”
He pulled her tight against him, capturing her lips in a kiss that he’d waited for for a very long time. 
Y/N felt lightheaded with joy and with the headiness of Dean’s kiss. His lips were soft and searching as they pressed tightly to hers, and she opened to him immediately, reveling in the deep groan that tumbled out of him as he sank his tongue deep into her mouth. 
They clung to each other, endlessly kissing, sharing breath and stealing each other's moans. Neither of them were one hundred percent sure they weren’t just in a very vivid dream, but both of them were determined that if it was a dream, they didn’t want to wake up. 
The loudspeaker came on announcing that Y/N’s bus was boarding, but neither of them heard it, and neither of them cared. The ticket agent who’d sold her the ticket called out to her.
“Miss, your bus is leav-”
But her coworker interrupted her. “Shh! Are you crazy? Do you see the man kissing her? Trust me she does NOT want to be disturbed.”
She wasn't wrong.
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @alwaystiredandconfused @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma @luvr4miya
Dean Fics Only: @roonthelittlespoon920 @slamminmine @zepskies @safiyas-world
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @hobby27 @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @deangirl96
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cassidymb121 · 3 days
OMG It’s You… (Part 6.5)
YouTube! Fem reader x Stray Kids
Summary: Y/N’s YouTube channel is taking off after her reactions to Stray Kids MV God’s Menu. Now she’s making videos nonstop along with working a full time job. What would happen if she got offered a job of a lifetime and met the boys of her succession?
⚠️Warnings⚠️: cursing, crying, confusion, fatigue, Lee Know coming in clutch, Chan admits to being jealous of reader (let me know if I missed anything)
🏷️: @laylasbunbunny @weirdowithaphone (Taglist open)
Third Person POV
Y/N never thought she’d ever be called into the conference room at her own job. Especially when she’s being surrounded by people who she didn’t recognize and knew they weren’t from the States. Yet, here they were on one side of the table while she was on the other side with a stack of papers in front of her. With the word “CONTRACT” written across it.
“So, what do you say? Would you like to work with us?”
Y/N’s POV (One week ago)
I had been staring at my computer screen for too long. Knowing I wasn’t getting anywhere, I pushed away from my desk and collapsed on my bed. I never felt exhaustion this bad like I did now. So much as happened during these past few weeks that I feel like I can’t keep up. Maybe I need to start from the beginning.
Flashback (Two weeks prior)
Pulling up my camera, I press record and wait three to five seconds before starting. “Y’all.” I huff, still trying to catch my breath. “When I made this address, I was expecting to get some packages here or there. The post office called me and told me that I need to come pick up my packages now. Because they were overflowing. I thought….You know what, let me just show you instead.” I pick up a huge draw bag of packages inside. “I have three of these and that’s not including these.” I grab a basket of letters or other small packages. “I had to take my grandfather’s truck because my car was too small to fit everything in it. I honestly thought that I wasn’t going to get this much stuff. Hell I’m afraid that I won’t be able to get through all of these before they call me again saying I have more waiting. I told y’all I don’t need anything, I already have too much.” I start looking around my room. “Where the hell am I going to put all this? I have no room, ugh.” I turned back to the camera. “I love y’all to death but this is way too much.”
Looking around, I let out a big sigh. “I’m grateful honestly. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not mad or upset. I’m more surprised than anything. I don’t want y’all to waste your money on me. I rather you keep that for bills, food, clothes, etc. Though at the end of the day, I can’t stop you from sending anything.” I sit down in my chair, worn out since those bags were heavy. “I know I made a promise to all of you that I will record everything that I open, but then again I didn’t expect to get this much fan mail. I’ll do my best to record what I can. Hopefully. What I can’t, I’ll try to out Thank You letters.” I laugh a little to myself. “I feel like I’m digging myself a hole. Making all these promises and talking about sending out letters. I just don’t want to let anybody down. I want all you to know that I appreciate everything that you do and I don’t want any of you to feel left out if I don’t show me opening up your package or letter.”
I get up and grab one of the big bags. “I’ve got to record an upcoming video, but as soon as I can I will record myself opening up some of these packages. I could do a livestream of me opening some of them too. I’ll have to see how I’m feeling that day. Either way I love y’all and I hope you have a great day. Bye!” I turn the camera off and I instantly drop my shoulders and head. ‘Why do I do this to myself? I knew I was in over my head when I did this.’ I look down at all the stuff people sent. “Well, I better get started on the album review before I worry too much about these.”
Third Person POV (Before Y/N’s video above)
The boys had been worrying/stressing over what to send to Y/N. Chan had convinced the rest of the boys to send a gift and a letter from each of them so that she would know who it’s from. Some of them knew exactly what they wanted to send, others couldn’t make up their minds. Each one decided that they would all send their stuff at one time so hopefully she would get them all around the same time. Lee Know walked into Felix’s room, seeing the Sunshine himself writing a letter. He knocks on the door to announce his presence.
Felix turns to his older Hyung. “Hey.” Lee Know grins, and Felix responds back. “Hey.” His Hyung sits by him. “How’s it going?” Felix drops his head on his gaming desk. “Terrible. I can’t think of anything to write.” Lee Know observes him before replying back. “You don’t have to think about it so much. Just write what comes to your head.” Felix scuffs. “Easy for you to say. You don’t overthink everything like I do.” Felix runs his fingers through his hair. “Normally I could already know what I’d want to tell someone. Right now, I’m coming up blank.” Felix frustrated with himself, pulls on his hair.
“Do you want to see what I wrote?” Felix turns to his Hyung. “I don’t want to copy what you wrote Lee Know Hyung.” Lee Know smirks. “I know. I wrote two of them, in case you couldn’t think of anything. They’re not the same letter. Here, take it.” He pulls it from his back pocket. “You can always rewrite it in your own hand writing if you want.” He gets up to leave before turning around. “We’re sending them out tomorrow, so have it ready by tonight.” Felix nods his head smiling. “Thank you Hyung.” Lee Know returns the smile. “You’re welcome.”
After Y/N had recorded and edited both versions of the review for Oddinary mini album, she sent one to JYP and saved the other for when the release date comes. She decided she’d take a small break before she would start recording herself on opening fan mail. She had to waited a couple of days before she got the chance to record herself again.
“Hello Lovelies and welcome back to the channel! So today we are going to start opening some of these packages today since I have so many. I will fair warn you, I’m bad with names so if I don’t pronounce your name correctly, don’t get mad at me.” I laugh lightly. “These will probably be different videos since I know I’m not going to be able to open all of them in just one video. Okay let’s get into shall we?”
Little did Y/N know there were eight boys who were waiting for her videos to come out. They wanted to see her reaction to their gifts they gave her. When the day finally came, they all gathered around a TV watching her. “What in the world is this?” She pulls out a package and sees there’s no name on it. It’s also from a PO Box address, but it’s from Seoul, South Korea. She looks at the camera with a questionable expression on her face. Pulling out her scissors and cuts the package open. The first thing she grabs is a letter with her name on it. She opens it and what she does next makes all the boys happy. Her jaw drops, “There’s no fucking way. This cannot be real.” She looks at the camera, back to the letter then back to the camera again. She swallows slowly before speaking.
Dear Y/N,
I’ve been following your videos since you reacted to our MV God’s Menu. The guys and I have been quite the fans of yours. When we saw that you created a PO Box, we knew that we wanted to give you something from each of us. We hope that you enjoy everything that you get and thank you for always supporting us through our journey.
Lee Felix
She tears up a little bit and she wipes her eyes immediately with her hands. “So that means you’ve seen me make a fool out of myself this entire time. Damn. Well at least you know this is the real me. What you see is what you get. Now you just made a lot of Stays very jealous.” She laughs and points at the camera. “Y’all don’t come after me now.” She puts the letter to the side and opens the package more so she can see what’s inside. She pulls back and starts laughing really hard. “Felix, have I ever told you how much I love you? Because I really do. Hold on everyone, I’m about to show you what he got me.” She pulls out a container of brownies he made along with the recipe on top. “I knew the package looked weird but I know understand why. He said that he had to use vegetable oil to preserve them while being shipped.” She looks at the camera and smiling. “Thank you Felix, really. I will definitely enjoy these.” She puts them off to the side and grabs something else out of the package, she turns it over to see a little bracelet with him skzoo on it. “Ooh , I love that. That’s very precious.”
She turns to look at her other bags. “Just so I’m not constantly thinking about the other guys’ packages. I’m going to see if I have them all, so I can open them one after the other. I’m quite nervous now. Especially since I know they’ll be watching this video.” The boys can’t help but smile at her. She searches through the bags and manages to find all of them. “This one looks promising.” She had grabbed Hyunjin’s and carefully opened it. What was inside made her gasp. It was a painting of flowers in a glass vase. The painting itself was kind of mute, but had pops of colors on the flowers. “That is so beautiful Hyunjin, I love it. Did I ever tell you that my grandmother is an artist herself?” Hyunjin’s eyes widen hearing that statement and the boys do too. She steps out of view and calls for her grandmother.
Her grandmother comes into view. “One of my fans painted this far me.” Her grandmother complements the painting and Hyunjin lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He had also given her some facial mask since he knew she enjoyed those more than makeup. Each member gave her a letter with similar words to Felix’s with hopes that they will get to meet her one day. Since they knew she didn’t like very expensive items they went for more sentimental value ideas. Seungmin had given her a book that he enjoyed reading and even went out of the way to get her a box of tea he liked. I.N. gave her their Oddinary album book and an unreleased box of photo cards. Changbin had given her a couple of their shirts from the Oddinary merch collection. Han had gifted her a new light stick with a Quokka keychain.
Y/N thanking all the boys for their wonderful gifts had finally reached the last two members. If anyone ever asked her which two she would consider as her biases, she would tell them Chan and Lee Know. While she loves all of the members equally, those two (including Felix) stood out the most to her. One package is bigger than the other, but only by a little. Both feel soft like a pillow and she’s torn over which one to open first. She almost forgets that she’s being recorded. “I don’t know which one to open first.” She laughs to herself. “I have a feeling that there’s more clothing in both of these. I guess I’ll go with this one.” She grabs the slightly smaller one and cuts carefully. Inside is a hoodie and not just any hoodie, one she’s very familiar with. She pulls the letter out and opens it. She’s glad she knows how to speak and read Korean, otherwise she would have to use her phone to translate.
I normally don’t like sending things to people, but for you I will make an exception. Your channel has brought me comfort on days that are hard. I never realized how much they meant to me until I unconsciously found myself looking up your videos. I want to give you this, to have on your bad days. To know that you’re not alone and have people who care about you. I have included a small bottle of my cologne that you can spray on it when my smell starts to fade. I also included a special Leebit plush that hasn’t been released yet. Thank you for being your true self and making others happy.
Lee Minho
Y/N had tears rolling down her face, but she didn’t go to wipe them. Lee Know didn’t know whether if he went too far or if his gift wasn’t good enough. But she turned to the camera and smiled at it, hoping Lee Know could see her. “리노님 정말 감사드립니다. 너무 마음에 들고 잘 보살펴 드리겠습니다.” He smiled right back. “천만에요.” She grabs a tissue and wipes her face. “Okay this is the last, then I’ll end the video here.” She opens the last package and inside is black jacket with white writing on it. Her eyebrows scrunch together as she looks at it. Once she realizes what it is she looks at the camera with her hands on her hips. “Christopher. Now I know damn well that you better not have spent a lot of money on this jacket. Don’t act like I don’t know my clothing brands, I know just how much this cost and it’s too much.” She shakes her head like a mother would when she’s disappointed in her son. “Good grief. What am I going to do with you, mmhm?” She pulls out the letter and opens it.
Dear Y/N,
I wanted to be honest with you from the start. When Stays first talked about you and how much you were like me, I didn’t know how to feel. I felt like someone was trying to copy me. It didn’t help that the rest of the guys absolutely adored you and talked about you constantly. You were always somewhere in my head, and I couldn’t get you out. I tried but it only seemed to make it worse. It wasn’t until I found you crying your eyes out that it all changed. I’m not saying that you crying is what made me change my views about you, but it made me realize that you’re a human being like me. Seeing you upset made me want to comfort you. You were holding my skzoo to dear life. I let my emotions control my thoughts of a person without getting to know who they were. I wanted to give you something to remember me by. This jacket is actually mine, and I also included something to spray on it when the smell starts to fade. There’s one important item in here that I want you to have. It’s not mine but it’s a replica. I want you to have it and remember that not also are you by our side, but we are by your side too.
Bahng Christopher Chan ❤️
Y/N’s emotions were all over the place. He was jealous of her because he thought she was copying him. But it changed when he realized that she was a kind person all along?? Chan was definitely feeling the heat from not just waiting for her response but also from the looks on his members faces. They see her pull out a bracelet. It’s the same Stay bracelet that Chan wears. She finally spoke up. “Wow, um I don’t know how to feel about this. I for one appreciate you being honest with me. I don’t understand why you would be jealous of someone you’ve never met, but then again I don’t see things from your point of view. I mean I guess I could understand, if you have people who say that I’m exactly like you. Though that’s not entirely true. Um, I’m kind of at a loss for words right now. I don’t hate it, believe me I don’t. I love the gift, I love all of them. The letter just kind of makes me want to ask, where did I go wrong?”
She looks back up at the camera before continuing. “I’m willing to look past this, as long as you and I can both get along together. And to Stays, please do not go bashing Chan for any reasons. I better not find any of y’all being mean to my boy. I’ll find you.” She points her index and middle fingers to her eyes then to the camera. As if saying ‘I’m watching you.’ “I could see that if it were the other way around, I’m sure that he would react the same way as me if I were him in this situation. But outside of that, I greatly appreciate the gift Chris. Thank you.”
“Thank you all for watching! I hope to have more of these videos up soon. Until then, I will see you next time. Bye!”
End of Flashback
Present day
Which brings Y/N to today. When she arrived at work, the overhead boss told her that the CEO wanted to see her. She started replaying everything she’s done and nothing stands out. The only thing she could think was something outside of work that had to do with her channel. After her Oddinary review went up, she had received a call from an out of country phone number. She didn’t answer as she didn’t know anyone outside of the States. Maybe besides the email she got from JYP, but there wasn’t a phone number listed.
She had let it go to voicemail, hoping that if it were important that they would leave a message. They left a message and what she heard stunned her.
“안녕하세요, 저는 MNet Digital Studios에서 전화를 겁니다. 나는 여기 입장에 대해 y/f/n과 이야기하기 위해 전화하고 있습니다. 다시 전화해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 안녕.”
(A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I kind of threw some things together hoping that they’d work. Wasn’t really sure what I wanted each member to gift to the reader, but I hope it makes sense. Anyways there’s more to come!)
((A/A/N: I forgot to add the translations in.
Blue- “Thank you so much Lee Know. I love it so much and I will take very good care of it.”
Green- “You’re welcome.”
White- “Hi, I’m calling from MNet Digital Studios. I’m calling to speak with Y/F/N about a position here. If you could please call us back. Bye.” ))
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ablazenqueen · 3 days
i know everything about your wips of course but please please tell the world about svsss grim reaper its SO GOOD
Tagging @koaly-ty who also asked about the same fic! Thanks for the asks from both of you!
Don’t mind if I do, this is the fic I am by far the most excited to write! (as you already know, Kai, so thanks for letting me ramble about it 🤣)
So basically, the concept for this (modern) AU is that Luo Binghe dies as a child (probably of starvation/malnutrition) while caring for his dying mother. When the grim reaper comes to collect his soul, he begs to stay alive to take care of his mother because she has no one else. Shen Qingqiu, who’s halfway through his first day as a grim reaper, still young and naive and left alone by his supervisor (Shang Qinghua) for five whole minutes, turns out to be remarkably susceptible to a pair of puppy eyes and allows it. Not only that but Shen Qingqiu goes as far as to find ways to take care of Luo Binghe from the shadows until his mother dies and he’s grown-up and has things a little easier.
Luo Binghe, who’s never been treated with kindness in his life, falls fast and hard for what he assumes is his guardian angel.
Fast forward a couple of decades and Luo Binghe is now a thrill-chaser. He intentionally puts himself into dangerous situations in the hopes of seeing Shen Qingqiu again and poor Shen Qingqiu is desperately trying not to get in trouble with his superiors for letting a mortal live and has to constantly scramble to keep Luo Binghe from dying again and getting re-marked on the Book Of Death. This danger-seeking behaviour is what leads Luo Binghe to becoming an infamous PI with a number of high profile mafia clients.
Which means this is a *drum roll please* case fic! Yay!
So one of these high profile recurring mafia clients, Mobei-Jun, comes to Luo Binghe one day demanding he investigate the nationally-broadcasted murder of his right hand woman, Sha Hualing. They both know it’s because Mobei-Jun wants to know who he needs to kill. Luo Binghe doesn’t ask questions. He takes the case.
Sha Hualing, for her part, wakes up feeling completely fine. In some grimy hospital, in a hospital gown (ew), but still. Fine. Except— Oh. No one can see her. Turns out? Not dead. She’s in a coma with no clue how she got there.
The Book Of Death doesn’t like coma ghosts. They’re confusing, in a space between life and death that isn’t supposed to exist. So it charges the nearest grim reaper to reap her soul. Shen Qingqiu. He figures it out, but too late. Sha Hualing immediately realizes this guy is the only person who can see her and demands that he revive her.
Shen Qingqiu learned his lesson years ago. Do not interfere in mortal affairs. If he revives another mortal, he’s practically begging to get wiped out of the divine plane of existence. Some very insistent weedling does, however, eventually gets him to agree to help with the investigation.
(Sorry for the long-ass explanation, this AU’s just got a lot of moving parts 😅)
This fic is gonna be a big boi! It’s going to be Bingqiu (grim reaper/immortal human) with side Mingling (undercover cop/mafia henchwoman) and background Moshang (grim reaper/mafia boss) and Liufang (cop/doctor). I expect it’ll be my next multi-chapter project after my Tiwpor fic so I’ll probably start writing it around the end of summer!
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thebiggestmenace · 8 months
how did Ellie know where Abby was? I've seen people say that she tortured it out of Nora and that you can see blood on the map, proving that point, but I do not have the game, and none of the gameplays really show the map after that, so is that true? did she honestly torture it out of her? cause I assumed after that third blow, Nora was dead, so I've been really curious how Ellie found out Abby's location
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yanderespamton78 · 12 days
Pinup!!!!! the baby!!!! the guy!!!!
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sorry if this looks kinda iffy the majority of this was drawn between 11pm and 2:30am so i was very tired loll
also yes that is a totoro bag i dont care if totoro doesnt exist in cyber city he has a totoro bag come at me
Pinup belongs to @turntableart
#read all the tags before you reblog otherwise you will be confused#i feel like i got the body type wrong uaughhh#i feel like the proportions are inaccurate#im blaming it on the clothes i promise the sketch looked good then the clothes went and ruined it#i feel really bad admitting this but now that i think about it i literally never draw chubby characters#all my addisons are pretty long and gangly for the most part and then spamton is just very small in my style hes not really pudgy#and tbh i didnt really draw full bodies very often before addisons and spamton but my one (1) oc was also pretty long and lanky#probably because i myself am pretty long and lanky#ueuugough hauguh#i need to practice more#also i feel like the shoes look weird#im generally not too happy with it but its ok ig#i was terrified of making the features too exaggerated and being offensive and i think i went to much the other way and just made him skinn#ffs#ill draw him again i promise#and it will look better pinky promise#🤙🤙🤙 theres no proper pinky emoji#i love him tho hes cute#i really like his original design#uururuguggg#ugh debating whether i should even post this or if i should keep tinkering with it#im gonna tinker with it a bit more i will continue writing tags when im done#ok tinkering over im much happier with it now#i made him a bit shorter and that solved all my problems#i think i have a habit of drawing characters too tall ngl lmao#also not too happy with the rendering but its good enough#uh im only posting the tinkered version that im happy with so if you want the untinkered version then just ask lol#pixel art#art#turn off the lights arg
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youcanthandelthetruth · 8 months
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Texas 💖
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aria0fgold · 6 months
Okay, I think I got some thoughts in my brain to say stuff I wanna say about Aria's Story which includes some spoilers. It is nice :D I think my absolute favourite thing bout it is the fact that the stages are separated by "books." First chapter was in a comedy book (where I somehow died the most at). Second chapter was in a fairy tales book (my favourite section, go lesbians go!). Third chapter was in a romance book (second favourite solely because the soundtrack in it was so soothing to listen to). Fourth chapter was in a horror book (which is somehow not really that scary).
It's kinda funny how in a way, the comedy section was more like the "horror" section cuz while playing the game, the scares went from so much to only a lil bit. And ngl the horror chapter gives me vibes of a haunted house attraction in an amusement park which is actually pretty good on its own way.
I absolutely adore the story, it has such a unique charm to it despite how "average" it is at first glance. It has the common formula of 4 friends, 1 that's cold, 1 that's annoying, 1 that's calm, and 1 that's cheerful. Its story is also common in a way where (spoilers) one of em is dead and the other one in the group is trying to revive them. But despite that, it's like, even with such a simple formula, it was written in a way that makes it unique on its own and I really love it for that!
For the endings, I really prefer and like the True Ending more than the Good Ending. In the True Ending, "Aria" accepted her own death (putting it in quotes cuz the real Aria is dead, and the one in the game is just a "copy" of her. Copy as in a fictional character created for the sake of "reviving" aka replacing, the dead Aria).
So then "Aria" took the quill (magical quill that can create and erase anything written with it but can't really revive a dead person), and bid everyone farewell as she used it to erase her own existence. As painful as Aria's death was and despite Clyde using the quill to try and get her back, the friends chose to move on in the end anyway. (I really love the art accompanied by it showing the friends together and a ghost Aria floating behind em).
Now the Good Ending... It's such a close second simply because I love OMORI and I'm always a sucker for characters that was meant to be a copy of someone but became their own person (Sunny and Omori sibling/bestie aus will always be my favourite).
In the Good Ending, "Aria" wanted to keep living but as her own person and not as a replacement for Aria. So Lewin gave her a different name (Wendy) and they all agreed to try to get her to their own world (which is reality basically and not within a fictional world created by the quill) as her own person with an appearance of her own. In which they succeeded 3 years later! Wendy got sent to reality as an adult with a different look to Aria (but still similar in a way that they look like siblings... it so cute...) and no memories, cuz Wendy's last request to them before they left, was to get rid of Aria's memories so Wendy can make her own, even if it means she'll have amnesia. And I adore that ending on its own way too! The friends get to still move on but now they have a new friend! (Wanna draw Wendy and Aria together so badly... drawing em with Sunny and Omori... the besties ever with their clones turned siblings).
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bogos-bint3d · 1 month
Since today is such a notable day, I may consider actually reading homestuck today
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lyxchen · 1 month
I hate uni, I hate it, nobody helps you with shit and everyone expects you to just know how everything works even though you don't and you're only 19 and you didn't even want to go to uni but now you're in it and you don't know what to do and nobody helps you!!!
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my thoughts on fire emblem will never be coherent because on one hand you have the nerd part of my brain who hates fire emblem three houses for every second it spends outside of traditional fire emblem gameplay flavours and on the other hand you have the gay idiot who just rewatched ferdinand & hubert's A+ support for the 5th time this year and also has about 280 hours put into fe3h
#'i dont really like 3h' i say starting yet another fucking playthrough#when 3h peaks it PEAKS ok. its just that im not a fan of p5r for the exact same reason. the Life aspect for ME takes away from the main draw#id like p5r more if it was mostly just dungeoncrawling with turnbased combat (i know this because i have and enjoy smtv)#and id like fe3h more if i could skip through the months with no repercussions. now that im chaining ng+#and yeah thats on me for wanting to make s rank everything byleth a reality. i know. i just get bored during the months#and also just the entire first act of the game because again. ive played through it so many times#theres a reason i appreciate fates having the option to just skip to the part where the path diverges on subsequent playthroughs#im so tired of tutorials...#'wow byleth have you considered standing in the trees' WHEN THIS GAME RELEASED I WAS 15 ISH AND AT THAT POINT I HAD ALREADY BEEN STANDING IN#FIRE EMBLEM TREES FOR AT LEAST 2 YEARS. ID BEEN AWARE OF THIS MECHANIC FOR 3 OR 4#I GOT MY FIRST FIRE EMBLEM GAMES WHEN SHADOWS OF VALENTIA DROPPED STOP TRYING TO TEACH ME OLD SHIT WAHHHHH#i am once again asking for separate toggles for general fire emblem gameplay tutorials and gmae-specific tutorials#also bring back having harder modes skip tutorialization entirely#i dont even mind playing the prologue or the first few chapters that much i just hate the constant interruptions#only for jeralt to tell me that i can stand. in the fucking forest.#fe3h blew up the franchise. ok. i get the tutorial is necessary for newer players because fire emblem can get really confusing#especially when youre new#but pleas.e... separate toggles... let me turn off gameplay hints including the forced tutorial in the prologue..... im begigng
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elegyofthemoon · 8 months
ngl tho if they dont have my schedule by the end of the day (bc they still havent given me one yesterday) i might explode 🤭
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bunnihearted · 9 months
#ok im not gonna let myself complain abt it too much. even if complaining is very cathartic to me. like its just part of the process#anyway im gonna try to not do that....#but yeah i hate being ill and in pain. it's like a veil is pulled over myeyes and the entire world gets so dark and scary#idk how to explain i just feel so alone and so anxious and so unhappy#my experience with healthcare is sadly that treatment never helps and nothing gets better#so that's why i always get kinda depressed when something like this happens#the doctor suspects it is gallstones. and i got those rectal pills skskks that i'll try for the pain#then i just need to wait to get an ultra sound scan so they can check for gallstones. then i dont know#i was too stressed to ask her abt diet and such but im reading online and im like?? idk what im supposed to eat#that pain is just fkn awful and im so scared of triggering it#esp bc i dont fkn know how to put a pill up my ass that stresses me out even more#if i had an ordinary life i.e a job and friends and such it's easier to handle these things. but when u feel vulnerable nd scared it makes#it sm worse.....#and im so fkn stressed abt school now!!!! how am i supposed to sit and class when im in pain???? and barely sleeping#yeah idk. i need to find a way to get thru this ksksks :(((((#maybe im over dramatic or smth. i prob am. but i cant describe it im just in sm pain and im scared and confused and stressed af#i also have no idea how long this will last or if i can start eating normally and when i can start going for my walks again#like will this not pass until they remove the potential gallstone or what??#i hate this pain sm it hurts so bad i dont know how long i'll be able to endure it#im also getting closer to a depression so.. idk im just not ok rn ksks
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balasha7sanbardo · 2 years
I’m watching sandman and this show lowkey has me fucked up like what is happening and why is everything so scattered and random
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 2 years
forgot to make a post sooner afterwards but!! went to my first pride yesterday (technically 2 days ago its past midnight but shh) and i think the absolute strangest part of the experience was when i got home i took a nap
#/g#just me rambling again#frogs down bad#i went w my bf and!! it was really fun! we saw one of our friends there too for a lil bit and a few people from our school#(also i wanna note my school had a stand we literally took so long to find it but a teacher i really like was running it! so we said hi)#it was a lot of people n hot out n a lot of walking around but it was fun i think!#it was neat#i didnt end up buying anything but at one place that had free pins i got a demi flag one and one w it/its on it which :]]#im saying it was fun bc im pretty sure it was my brain cant really process any feelings on it though its weird i think its just bc i#was probably a bit overwhelmed the whole time but like. i dont mean that in a super negative way i am just a bit confused#i do think it was fun though#back to the post part tho#i wanna note that i am not someone who naps like i genuinely cannot ever sleep during the day the only exception usually being#when im really sick like physically ill otherwise it doesnt matter how tired i am i can never nap#that being said#when we got back to my house we had some food and then layed down together and like. i was out in minutes. both of us were#straight up slept for an hour i think#which is so weird to me#like im sure i needed it we had just walked around for a few hours in a loud hot VERY peopley environment but like. what??????#that was the easiest ive gotten to sleep by far within the past week or so ive been sleeping like shit ngl so that was. even stranger#genuinely it is so weird to me#i cant nap#but i did#and it was very comfy and it was one of those naps where you k n o w you slept hard bc you wake up a lil disoriented w fabric#wrinkle prints on ur face from whatever you were sleeping on#still so strange to me#something about this silly person of mine makes my brain work different in the comfy way like there was one other time last week#i think at our friends house where we were all chilling in the middle of the afternoon and i almost fell asleep on him then as well#i do not understand my brain ngl#in regards to comfy cozy or the fact that it cannot conceptualize a legitimate feeling or opinion on the experience of going to pride
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