#im generally not too happy with it but its ok ig
yanderespamton78 · 1 month
Pinup!!!!! the baby!!!! the guy!!!!
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sorry if this looks kinda iffy the majority of this was drawn between 11pm and 2:30am so i was very tired loll
also yes that is a totoro bag i dont care if totoro doesnt exist in cyber city he has a totoro bag come at me
Pinup belongs to @turntableart
#read all the tags before you reblog otherwise you will be confused#i feel like i got the body type wrong uaughhh#i feel like the proportions are inaccurate#im blaming it on the clothes i promise the sketch looked good then the clothes went and ruined it#i feel really bad admitting this but now that i think about it i literally never draw chubby characters#all my addisons are pretty long and gangly for the most part and then spamton is just very small in my style hes not really pudgy#and tbh i didnt really draw full bodies very often before addisons and spamton but my one (1) oc was also pretty long and lanky#probably because i myself am pretty long and lanky#ueuugough hauguh#i need to practice more#also i feel like the shoes look weird#im generally not too happy with it but its ok ig#i was terrified of making the features too exaggerated and being offensive and i think i went to much the other way and just made him skinn#ffs#ill draw him again i promise#and it will look better pinky promise#🤙🤙🤙 theres no proper pinky emoji#i love him tho hes cute#i really like his original design#uururuguggg#ugh debating whether i should even post this or if i should keep tinkering with it#im gonna tinker with it a bit more i will continue writing tags when im done#ok tinkering over im much happier with it now#i made him a bit shorter and that solved all my problems#i think i have a habit of drawing characters too tall ngl lmao#also not too happy with the rendering but its good enough#uh im only posting the tinkered version that im happy with so if you want the untinkered version then just ask lol#pixel art#art#turn off the lights arg
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girlwithfish · 1 year
having horrible self image i just have to deal w it cuz like hwen am i ever happy with how i look or my body i just want to stop being at war w myself or at least w my looks cuz it just is such a downer always being unhappy with my physical self like im already unhappy w who i am as a person cn i at least be satisfied w how i look😔☹️idk i never grew out of the self hatred phase it just sucks. very ed sh tw in tags i guess
#spent my childhood hating my body too all of middle school and hs basically like how did this happen lmfskdkd#id limit what i ate track calories i would take ice baths cuz i thought id burn calories all of this stuff it was so stupid and idk sad i#guess#no one rly cared either ig cuz my health wasnt in danger but i was so unhappy w myself and always tired and sad and just mde me more depres#depressed#now its like ive never been happy w myself i tried to be satisfied w my face after yrs of hating my looks and e asian features#and my facial deformity lol loke yeah#Ok#so i still hate that . sometimes i can tolerate my face but its not like i love myself or think i look good cuz#i feel like im just objectively ugly and i hate my face and i hate my body usually#unless if i see i lost weight or in the morning when im m*rnjng sk*nny its so gross like lol i need to stop#i hate it sm and i just feel like cutting myself out of my body idk like a lot#its like smth i just have to get over i guess idk what else there is Lol#i try to have a healtby relationship to food nd soemtimes i even like cooking and i dont fast or anything anymore cuz like i hate#feeling sick from hunger nd being tired im already tired in general so i need energy so yeah but#idk </3#It just sucks idk how to dsal w it lik i just have to be satisfied and accept myself fro who i am#and all my looks and features and everything on my body#i guess#It just sucks cuz i think im the most ugly repulsive thing sometimes and wish i coukd disappear or cut myself away like.
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penguin--rat · 2 months
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canine girl in all her doggy glory!! already posted her design and profile the other day, but i updated her profile and i want all her images in one post.. speaking of her profile, warning warning for talk of violence there more on canine (+ lyrics?!! Woah!!) under the cut:)
canine girl is inspired/an au of my oc alík, but i don't think it'd be wrong to say she's a different character alltogether? while the things she struggles with are things that alík does, too, she's more like.. idk ❤️only i can understand this ...
as you may have guessed by her warning, canine girl has violent intrusive thoughts, and feels extremely guilty for them, even if she never acts out on them. her profile doesnt get too into this .. since she feels that guilt and shame, i don't think she'd wanna share the details online .. or with anybody ever.. you know how it is 💥
her design is smth i struggled with greatly .. her mask is this
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and as soon as i saw it on alíks pinterest board i was set on using it and im sooo happy i did!! i think it works greatly..!!! other notable things about her design, that im happy with, are mostly to do with her hoodie. her hoodie-ears are actual ears, shes just hiding them:) and its made to resemble a service dog vest!
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you can't really see it in the 'fake screenshot' art, the first one, but she's got a kind of belt (harness ?) around her chest !! its around her shoulders too.. and her chain hanging from that could be interpreted as a leash ig ?? idk 💥💥you'll never understand sinister minds inner workings... another design-y thing is !! shes got her arms around herself in the fake screenshot, which is bc she's hiding her claws from you 💥her eyes are also made to resemblea wolfs:)
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her pants are just like that bc its alíks fashion sense 💥and bc i think they fit! and i like them!! a little treat just for me:)
another thing that i wanna talk about is her profile!! its so !! chill !! the colours are warm and inviting, her info there is silly, she invites you to talk with her if you're struggling, shes got fun blinkies.. !! shes just having fun on a site hanging out and chilling .. its like that bc i wanted to show, even if in a little way, that intrusive thoughts arent indicative of a persons identity. canine's intrusive thoughts don't make her a bad person, they don't make her a rabid dog like she thinks, they just make her somebody with intrusive thoughts. shes more than her intrusive thoughts, you know ??
anyhow! the lyrics !! i wrote lyrics for a theoretical song that she would have, but Wont, because im not a songwriter. i might make a silly littly tune for her one day, like a minute long at most, most likey shorter, so these lyrics are what you get !! and also it was my second time writing actual lyrics (first time was 10 minutes before when i was writing lyrics for another tptm oc, unknown girl) so Dont be meanies... Ok... treat me niceys... her voice for this would be kohaku merry btw :3
warning, again, more specified this time: themes of violent intrusive thoughts, talk of violence, vague references to generational abuse
That I’m just like a dog, I know Got the leash and collar to show Tug it one way, then another I’ll obey you like no other
But obedience doesn’t cut it With teeth sharper than a razor blade The only way to be is afraid That’s what I say, anyway
Can’t say I’m sorry, not to you That’d scare me, letting you know  About your mangled body on the floor Still just a fantasy, nothing more
(Violent thoughts suppressed) Ineffective muzzle helps little (Violent needs repressed) ‘Cause my razors make it brittle It’s not on purpose, just my spittle Can’t help my second nature
The carpet floor’s forever stained A family heirloom of violence and hate Trying so hard to reject that norm Can’t help but feel it’s all I’m destined for
Gotta stop myself with only a collar Can’t be like my father’s bully father So as long as you hold my leash I swear I’ll hide my deepest needs
Even if it’s not real, I fear You’ll reach into me and see All these sinful fantasies Of your bloody arteries I don’t mean them, believe me It’s just that this is all I know how to be A mutt that doesn’t know any better Only to claw and dismember
(Violent thoughts excessed) Maybe it’s just natural selection (Violent needs processed) Can no longer deny this connection That I’m just like a dog, I know Got all this shame to show
Your hands are only ever kind A stark contrast to my mind It’s not real, just thoughts, I know Adrenaline still fills me though
My collar thins, soon it will snap Go away, don’t want you here for that Your kindness is naivety My impending misery Your outstretched hand is prey Don’t say I didn’t warn you  Here comes the prophesised day Where the hand feeds no more
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wolflyndraws · 2 months
ok this is 1. late and 2. Very specific but with the mer au specifically I like how dream is (basically, idk many green saltwater fish) a trout in the ocean. or just generic river fish in ocean its very cute :3 unless manatees are freshwater too and dream Is a freshwater fish then thats a first to me!!!! ive always seen saltwater mers so its nice to see freshwater mers :) and how its not just human and slap a fish tail on them theres Variety. along with how George is more. roughed up ig? dreams is more soft and theres more algae and George looks more like a betta fish (salt. water? maybe? im like 99% sure its freshwater and its domesticated :D!!!) bc of how his gills look (betta fish are also called siamese fighting fish) just realized this sounds kind of autistic Sorry im. a marine biology lover. future fish scientist if you will
Actually! Dream was a saltwater mer that moved to live in the mangroves (mangroves are usually 50/50 salt and fresh water! Dream just adapted to the environment since he moved when he was young) he’s not really based on any fish cause In my mer headcanons mermaids aren’t based on a certain fish, they just look similar from living in similar habitats altho I DO get inspo from real fish sometimes!)
And thank you! I love adding details in the skin as well as the tail cause idk I just think the features should be all over the whole body not separated by tail? Idk that just makes sense to me haha
George is actually a fun case cause he WAS inspired by bettas in the old design but the more recent ones are inspired by bream! (You can see the silver-ish scales and the fin!) but yes the tail and ear fins are still reminiscent of the betta fish inspo
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And thank you sm!!! I also love it when people point out the very funny tone difference of algae moss covered cute water puppy happy mer!dream and I will bite you if you touch my man mer!george GKAJFKA it is intentional for sure as mer!gnf’s story is waayyy more angstier than mer!Dream haha
Mer Dream is mostly inspired by leafy sea dragons but most of it is just based on what if mermaids lived in kelp forests / mangroves? But if I had to choose an inspo it’d be this guy
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I’m also a marine biology lover it’s been my long long hyperfix for most of my life haha
Also another fun fact my alien Gnf is also based on underwater creatures too! But mostly the deep sea ones haha
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stickyspeckledlight · 1 month
informally answering/replying to @harmonysanreads questions in le reblog. ask and ye shall receive answers
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'Tis a good question. First, I insert a load of unicorn farts---
My kneejerk answer is:
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But that's also a fucking LIE RAHHHHHHHHH 🔫
but i suppose 'delightfully flavored chaos' is the best way to put it, as you can tell from the above. when it comes to writing stuff, I generally only really use a loose outline, with maybe a box or two that absolutely has to be checked. it's mostly because I sort of like letting my fingers...just kinda go where they want. Letting the story 'write itself', ifykyk. There's no real eloquent way for me to put this, but I think the easiest way to put my thought process while writing waxing moon is:
"ok how do i do the silly haha before traumatizing the shit outta my readers. and the reader. and aventurine."
wait...that's not quite right either (and also my thoughts obviously got a shitload darker than that). Actually, now that I think about it, I should've started with this. if there's a single quote I had to point to that singlehandedly influenced my writing, it's this:
"The longer and more carefully we look at a funny story, the sadder it becomes." - Nikolai Gogol
so...while i of course don't strictly adhere to this (since writing must fit its rhetorical situation), it's something I really love to do and try to do often. even if it's just a single sentence, a single word...to interject something of amusement is to give levity and a smile. but in the right circumstances, amusement becomes twisted, and even used against you. you read of a man's suffering, to which there is a single quip that has you smiling; and then, do you stop? do you stop to think: 'do I smile at this man's misery?' in other words, amusement, or 'funny things' in a story has a wide variety of uses. my favorite way to use it is to place it in a situation where it feels like it just shouldn't be there but is; and at the moment it feels like a relief, but of course, the narrative still continues. and that single moment of normalcy, of levity, it then highlights the absurdity, horror, etc. of the rest of the narrative.
but i also enjoy writing scenes where there's a strong sense of hopelessness and fatality looming over.
with my yan fics, I sort of wanna make my reader feel like both the spectator but also be in the story; I don't think this is a particular novel thing amongst us yan authors, but it's something I try to keep in mind and adhere to. I want them to feel unsettled, happy, amused, etc. But most importantly, with these stories, I want to leave them with a sort of confusion. to read a story so, so twisted, yet with a brutal softness to it...i just love it when fiction gives me complicated feelings about something, and it's something I hope to at least partially emulate lmao
idk. ig that wasn't really talking about my thought process in exact, but that's the closet thing I can come up with. metacognition hard.
(side note: i don't actually read gogol, but I am interested in at least reading the 'overcoat'. it seems to include the themes of mundanity that I just love *mwah* but I'm also too lazy to go ahead and download a pdf or something. Plus. i found a book called legends and lattes where an ogre starts a coffee shop in a fantasy realm. it looks great and I'm getting my hands on it as soon as I can)
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physics isn't actually terrible, i just don't understand it. i have no clue how I got an A in physics. but I've also been really good at bullshitting reports while also not actually bullshitting them. and I can't really make fun of people who listen to physics stuff recreationally. i just finished a video about why 37 keeps appearing everywhere, from my refrigerator to my gacha games. and I'm currently chipping away at quinton review's nickelodeon retrospect. and then amateur politic theory and media analysis.
so in a way im making fun of both you and me, and you know what they say: two negatives make a positive.
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before i go into symbolism: I would like to say a personal belief of mine:
although the answers i give may be the 'official symbolisms' and 'meanings', still feel free to read this fic with whatever lens of interpretation you want! if anything, it can be said that the 'official' meanings are also just another interpretation of the text. beauty is the in the eye of the beholder. anyway, moving onwards:
mmm, sorta? i originally intended to use the tower throughout, but those scenes got cut for pacing reasons, but I decided to keep the tower metaphor just as a sort of way to characterize reader.
specifically, the tower symbolizes 'stability.' reader wants to live a normal life, a modest but stable one. I've mostly based in on the 'Tower' arcana (but let's make it clear: my understanding of the arcana is a superficial understanding of a superficial understanding lmao)
ripping from the persona wiki because of my laziness:
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but yeah, keep in mind that the reader isn't a one-and-one interpretation of the tower arcana. but I think you can definitely see the correlations lmao.
however the 'stability' of that tower is definitely dependent on their mental state which....well...
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eh, i'm sure it'll work out....ehehehe......
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this is probably something i should've clarified a bit more, but I decided against it at the time since I wrote this assuming the reader read destroyed onset; basically, I've carried over the 'ink' metaphor from it. it's actually pretty simple: ink is just 'fear,' but an especially potent one. thick and slimy, oozing its way down your back and just being nasty in general......a fear that may come to drown and burn you.
again, i probably should've been more clear, esp in this fic, but I when I was writing onset, I made it a bit more vague since I thought it was just. way too obvious and didn't want to feel like I was directly telling my readers and spoonfeeding them symbolize like they're toddlers. i was basically worried that I might've not been trusting y'all enough 😭 I wouldn't say that this series is like some. super duper cryptic puzzle you'll have to study for years to understand, but ofc I don't want to make it too easy, otherwise it's not as fun to pick and prod at the details and think about a fic if it's just too "obvious," at least to me.
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Yeah, and i can see why. im not gonna go on a psychoanalysis tangent or anything, but since so many of us fantasize about a yandere for the idea of being wanted or....or just not having to work or pay for rent....it's definitely really easy to indulge in it in a romantic aspect.
i personally sort of love these sort of outcomes though, because the psyche of it all is so interesting! and deliciously messed up. similarly to the great @/jessamine-rose, I too love myself a twisted happy ending (as one can tell from how much I think about that gogol quote lmao)
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predicted his twilight looking ass, and also fulfilling my life long dream of telling a stranger some weird twilight book
"da skinn of a keeler" (im sorry)
also i have not read twilight. but my friend also has a gun, so it's only a matter of time before I'm held to gunpoint by her
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i have abided by these wise words. i thought I included them, but I didn't. and also the second banner. anyways, moving forward, I defo won't be forgetting to do this. and I've also gone back to onset and added the word count there so as not to spook anyone too badly.
ty! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
(fr tho all of these asks, comments....unparalleled rizz I say)
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thesimulacrasimp · 5 months
I just watched the first 2 eps of hazbin hotel so im gonna shout out my thoghts abt it. There will be mostly my opinion abt voices and songs n few others things. There also will be screenshots so..
Ok so idk how to start it. Ig ill start with voices
I really like new Charlies voice and her character changes in general. She acts and sounds like a disney princess, but with swears. Shes not just some naive little girl now, SHES A DISNEY PRINCESS WHO CAN SWEAR :DDD
Ok is it just me or Angels voice sound like- exact same like in the pilot? Maybe its just me. But i actually like it! Idk what else to say srry
Ok, Alastor- u may not be agree with me but i dont like his new laugh. Everything else in the voice is okay but i just always really liked og Alastors laugh and now its kinda meh, im sorry
Adam is a freaking bastard n i dont like him as a character, but his voice is AMAZING, especially when he sings (his voice was literally made for metal songs), n its really befitting his character (also his little song was amazing too, my 2nd fav of all songs so far)
Sir Pentious' voice situation is kinda the same as Alastors. Im okay with it but i like the original one more.
I really like Velvettes voice its really befitting her! Well gotta say everyone from VVV have awesome voices that really befitting their characters.
Valentino (idk if i spelled his name correctly)--- as with Adam, I dont like his character (fuck abusive partners), but his voice is cool, its exactly how i expected him to sound like. The only thing i didnt expect is his accent which goes like: "UngRRRateful whoRRRe!! D:<" idk why its funny to me sorry--- Also as i said early his voice is really befitting that type of people whos actin like: "cmon babe come back, i miss youuuu 🥺🥺🥺💔💔" *5 secs later* "COME BACK U STUPID WHORE, U GREESY BITCH—,
and omg... Vox....... Yk why i saved him for last? Cuz im gonna talk bout him ALOT. I already really loved his voice when i first heard it in the trailer, but when he appeared on screen I JUST FEEL IN LOVE. Not only his voice by itself is amazing, BUT ITS ALSO BECOMES STATIC N GLITHES WHEN HES ANGRY❗❗
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(ok im gonna shut up now-)
Another thing i wanna talk about is how fucking TERRIFYING Alastors demon form looks. JUST LOOK AT IT. ITS SO FCKIN HORRIFYING
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also i really didnt expect to see sir Pentious cry-- its actually made my heart melt.
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And the last song is really cute ❤️
soooo yeah! thats my thoughts so far, I didnt wanna put my thoghts on lore cuz it would be too much spoilers. (also if i didnt talk about voices of some characters, that means i like them and/or okay with them)
My review/thoughts on eps 3-4
My review/thoughts on eps 5-6
My review/thoughts on eps 7-8
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dappledpaintbrush · 8 months
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misarem · 1 month
umineko episode 2 impressions
......thoughts? im like 30 hours into this its kinda not impressions time anymore but idk.
This episode really was so much crazier than the last and while i thought the first was pretty well done, everything in this from the new twists and beatrices cruelty had me together in just the right way and it feels like the games really clicking for me now. feel like im getting a bit more into the mysteries too and im excited to keep going but i have to organize my thoughts first. obv spoilers
right off the bat i like the different approach in showing the two days, contextualizing them with moments between different parts of the family beforehand. i really liked the stuff with Jessica performing (love parts of vns like this, reminded me of ibuki mioda in sdr2) and i thought her thing with Kanon, while im not a huge fan of it, i find it more palatable with them being a lot closer in age than the other cousin maid pairing and i just think its sweet in general the way they care for each other despite getting shit from their respective families/groups. on the other hand, i had forgotten this in the first episode and i still like George but ok wow his relationship with Shannon is creepy. I can get over that kinda thing in a game when its addressed meaningfully but im wondering if its just gonna like be taken as a given like battler making advances to his cousins or if its gonna be addressed cuz like. i think they do have sort of a nice affection for each other and i want Shannon to be happy with a partner but i forgot shes like 6 or 7 years younger than him and him like half seriously ordering her as his servant to be with him is like yeesh dude. it does make an interesting contrast with George being the more mature cousin and playing along with their power dynamic just to make things smoother while Jessica is younger and more aspirational, wanting Kanon to be on the same level as her. well see what happens later on ig.
speaking of forgetting how bad some characters could be WOW this was a major chapter for Rosa. we immediately see how cruel she is to Maria and, ig fitting for episode 2, its almost like two sides to Rosa are established. but its so obvious the demure side of Rosa is influenced by the same upbringing that created her abusive side and as hard as it is to watch her hit maria its also just like so immediately painfully real how Rosa got to this point. not to get too personal and i think lots of people have this parental baggage nowadays but having spent years coping with verbal and emotional abuse from my own mother and having to face the harsh reality that shes not simply a shitty person and having to live with her own family and husband made her that way, and having to learn how to worry for and pity someone that you have, almost hard coded resentment for at this point. yea Rosa in this chapter just hits incredibly hard, and i gleamed from chapter 1 that a youngest child who isnt taken as seriously having abuse tendencies would be a lot to watch, i really had no idea how severe it would be. her ending with Maria this chapter was insane, just a perfect encapsulation of how bittersweet their feelings were, and the "only one mama/maria" line was a crazy moment of maturity for Maria too. im really wondering about her still cuz after the murders start its kinda easy to like write her off as a presence similar to the witches but she keeps showing different facets of herself in the briefest moments. i do think she and Battler will make it to the tenth twilight every episode tho no matter what happens to everyone else. also for Rosa, the tea party was just sick thats all ill say.
as for other predictions, just by pattern recognition the easiest guess for me is that one set of parents will be spared every first twilight just to see more of them during the 5th. so far it was George's parents (and natsuhi) surviving the first episode and Maria's parent surviving ep2, so im wondering if Battler and Jessica's parents will concurrently follow. also wondering if, following Natsuhi and Rosa, Kyrie and Eva will make it close to the end next. maybe one ep will be an inverse of the first and Eva survives along with Jessica's parents while Hideyoshi dies first. Eva and Hideyoshi seem to have a nice relationship and it would be interesting to see one without the other, and I can definitely see Eva going crazy without her husband. I mainly just hope Kyrie makes it far and gives us more insight and character cuz shes just so cool. Altho maybe she's just meant to die every time, imparting her wisdom on Battler who uses it to poetically avenge her. considering Battler himself has some Phoenix Wright dna in his writing, it wouldnt be surprising if Kyrie ended up being his Mia Fey (ig that kinda makes Maria like Pearl).
Other than that I'm not sure how things will shake out. for the murders themselves, while I dont have the other locked rooms figured out, the idea that someone took the chapel key and then placed it back into Maria's bag after resealing the envelope danced around in my mind before Battler and Beato even started arguing, since I thought if Rosa could do it and the means to make a wax seal were on the island, anyone could. I almost feel like I dont have enough info for the others but I could be seeing it wrong. Either way I love the argument style that Battler and Beato take up midway thru this chapter, with the red text rule constantly evolving as Battler and Beato take turns seizing it for their own advantage, and I cant wait for them to debate even more. Also. cannot stress this enough. absolutely next level voice acting from Sayaka Ohara. Every witch cackle and comeback and "USHIROMIYA BAAATTLEEEEEEER" is just unbelievable and i never ever get tired of hearing her line reads. Hell Ive gone to the log several times just to hear her again cuz I tend to have an itchy text advance finger. Just incredible.
Back to the story tho, I'm also kinda confused with the order of murders vs the order of twilights, with Nanjo and Kumasawa dying before George, Shannon and Gohda but having the 7th and 8th twilights, while the latter trio had 4, 5 and 6 (not in that order but you know). Wonder what the significance is and how itll come up, of course you can gouge a knee and leg of a dead body but it seems weird esp if the command "gouge the _ and kill" is meant to be taken literally in that order. i think that they werent marked as dead in the character page until their bodies were discovered too even tho their throats were cut on screen which is also kinda suspicious even tho I think Kanon and Jessica mightve been the same? Its actually hard to check that since my set up for Umineko Project on steam deck is kinda finnicky and the mouse doesnt always register like it should so i have a hard time clicking things. Still something to keep an eye on. Regardless i thought the death order was a lot more interesting with Rosa having to take the lead and the family and servants factioning off, even at the end where among the surviving family group, Rosa still found a way to make things hard for Battler and im wondering if smth like this would happen again like George taking Shannon and going against him or smth.
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before i wrap up heres how my tier list shifted. since more witches are being introduced ill find a bigger one next episode but not much has changed. i still like George but hes going down in the fucked up category. and Genji and Gohda didnt have a huge impression on me previously but they rlly grew on me with Genji showing his devotion and Gohda not being as much as an asshole and growing closer to Kanon and Shannon. I have a butler bias and a big dude bias so that along with how pathetic and desperate he comes off kinda pulled me to him more even tho hes a lot of side character comic relief. And Shannon was just really nice this episode.
Last thing is the ??? segment which is basically just the witches segment. I knew Bernkastel (and Erika Furudo) clearly had something to do with Rika Furude but after posting the first episode impressions I realized Lambdadelta resembles Satoko Hojo a bit, and with what I know watching sparse clips of the Higurashi series from 2020 that had a lot of time loop fuckery, and with Bern and Lambda having a rivalry and recent conflict, it makes me wonder if Higurashi and Umineko are connected that way. The thing is tho I havent seen Higurashi in full at all. I do wanna play it at some point after this but Umineko just appealed to me way more and I couldnt help myself. Still i think its interesting. I've already seen more abt Beato from the peek I took of episode 3 and i cant wait to not only jump in but to see how my opinions and predictions keep changing
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theblackinnkeeper · 3 months
ok ok ok i understandd what you mean by “dr2.5 gives komaeda a forced redemption” but like (its been a while since i saw the ova btw) i thought there wasn’t really much of anything? like did you expect hinata to just bitch slap him the moment he woke up😭. and in hope arc komaeda doesn’t really get that much attention iirc. im pretty sure you hate him so idk why you’d want more komaeda screentime. hope arc is pretty shoddy as is and i don’t think cramming in a whole ass character arc for komaeda would be great. i have my issues but itd be a bit strange if it was just “komaeda die i hate you” like before, kinda takes away from the happy ending (especially since saionji is nicer to tsumiki) and all so we can imply character development in between idk😭 its been so long since ive watched it so i may have made inaccuracies so lmk! also i don’t mean to be rude or anything it’s perfectly fine and valid to hate 2.5! i have a lot of criticisms too! i just think that giving komaeda an arc would have been impractical idk😭😭. hope arc also sucks ass but komaeda isnt like the main focus so he’s ok. ig.
I was at least hoping someone would tell him off for what he did you know get him to see hey you did something wrong here
And my main issue here is that if you’re going to redeem the most dangerous and unstable person in your group I at least wanted something of actual substance to convince me he’s on the way to change or make him confront the consequences of his actions (seeing that his brand of hope has caused more harm than good)and yes this is a problem with dr3 in general when it comes to character arcs but seriously here’s the big problem so you have this guy who clings on to this worldview that holds up hope as this moral exemplar and that peoples worth are dependent on talent you go out of your way to show how dangerous this worldview is through his extreme actions and his mistreatment of those without talent then you dedicate a whole arc to show how this mindset is abusive and causes others to suffer then you have the guy who’s been arguable damaged by it the most go back to his old ways even after being show that this isn’t what he actually wants deep down
You can’t be serious
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brainrotgobrr · 7 months
both of the shinonomes for the ask game. tbh stares at you
oh god im gonna expose myself
akito fucking shinonome
sexuality: he likes men. i think akito under the right circumstances could like a woman, but it wouldn’t happen often. in truth i think akito will often look at someone and think “yeah they’re hot” but not think much about it. when it comes to forming romantic relationships it takes him a while to actually. like. have a crush. sooo pansexual demiromantic with a male preference
gender: Guy. just some guy. probably cis. this is boring im sorry
ship: ok so akitoya i look at akitoya and i go “i mean it doesnt give me the brainworms but i completely understand”. they are boyfriends and they do make me happy but they dont set my brain on fire like shizuai and ruikasa.
brotp: the dynamic of tsukasa akito and mizuki is hilarious. same with akimafu they are so funny. i also really like platonic akian its special to me they have the same issues and were inspired together do you see the vision
notp: ehhhh ig romantic akian or akikoha isnt really my thing but like its fine i dont hate it
random headcanon: he owns a nintendo 3ds but isnt actually good at playing most of the games on there, just got it to play with toya, nene, and emu (the four of them formed a little gaming squad after the events of cgo). also he gets even more piercings as an adult.
general opinion: my least favorite pjsk character - (i am forcibly removed from the stage). hey, i dont hate this guy. i quite like his character arc (stray bad dog was a particular relatable event) and his voice actor does a phenomenal job portraying him. his event songs also slap ALWAYS. however akito has never been a character that really *clicked* for me. i recognize he is written well (as all pjsk characters are) but if i met him irl i would want to punt him.
ena shinonome
sexuality: girlkisser (asexual lesbian)
gender: woman but after getting to know mizuki she realized that she isnt 100% cis and sometimes uses they/them. demigirl leaning she/her but is still questioning herself
ship: mizuena means so much to me you guys
brotp: platonic enamafu is great and hilarious i love it and i hc all of nightcord to be in a qpr. i also like enas friendship with emu and hona its very cute.
notp: i dont rlly have one tbh except like enatoya ig????
random headcanon: has lots of bandages on her fingers from injuring herself while drawing, often has the urge to dye her hair but is too chicken to actually do it, needs glasses but hasnt said anything about it yet
general opinion: i loveeee ena. third favorite character. shes so insanely relatable and i love her snark. i love her voice and all her event comms are bangers. ena’s feelings and desires and wants are so complex but i do wish they explored he beyond her feelings on her art.
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
What are your thoughts on whatever tf is going on between Kano and Shintaro post-str?
kano is so in love with shintaro its embarrassing like ive reread the novels recently and girl.... hes down so bad its so embarrassing fgkjfdghjkfdghjhgnkjdhgkjdkj like post str shintaro has all this tomfoolery going on with ayano right. and kano...oh my god like.
kano finally got everything he wanted. everything he worked so hard for and acted kind of an ass for is here and now he's just like...left with all this self hatred and guilt bc hes like damn i shut out my siblings and dealed with all this myself and was a dick to this guy who wasnt even knowingly related to all this shit and i. got away with it? like i got everything i wanted? my sister is back? so he's just VERY depressed and feels so undeserving and guilty
everyone else is like in a relationship or whatever (im not a fan of when every single character has a love interest but damn kagepro does romance so fucking well has anyone ever noticed. anyways) and eventually before he realises it kano is living on his own and he's just generally so lost and without purpose and augh *dies* WAIT THIS WAS ABT KANOSHIN
sry i cant talk abt a ship if i dont talk a lil bit abt the characters themselves. like ok kano has All That going on and ON TOP OF IT.... HE LIKES HIS SISTER'S BOYFRIEND. THE SISTER HE'S BEEN TRYING SO HARD TO NOT LET GO OF ALL THIS TIME. THE SISTER HE'S SO INSANELY HAPPY TO HAVE BACK. so of course that makes him spiral down into guilt even more. shintaro and kano are sort of madeup too bc ok i know in the Good End we dont rly see moments like in the novels like kano coming clean abt clearing eyes or disguising himself as ayano but i like to think these moments happen at some point anyway. so going by this kano and shintaro ARE on good terms, shintaro has forgiven kano, he's all cute smiling to him and kanos like AUUUGHHH. and sort of. reverts back to being a little bit of a dick to him.
not super directly but sort of how he was at the beginning, acting how he acts with everyone but there's like a Vibe. shintaro notices and hes like damn i thought we were ok but ig its because im dating ayano and he's overprotective. and that's rly part of the reason too!! shintaros relationship with ayano is sososo messy so kano is so ANGRY because this asshole is out there making his sister cry!!! idiot bitch!!! BUT ALSO HE STILL LIKES HIM
i think when shintaro and ayano have Their Break kano and shintaro have a fucked up little thing that neither would qualify as a relationship bc both are busy hating themselves but like. they definitely kiss you know what i mean. that pic that's like we both have problems that making out won't solve but it can't make it any worse (except it does because this is so fucking messy KANO IS SHINTARO'S (EX AT THE TIME I DONT THINK HE'D CHEAT)GIRLFRIEND'S BROTHER. THAT SUCKS SO BAD FOR HER) also shintaros internal homophobia etc etc etc. lol a fucked up moment of shintaro practicing apologizing to ayano with kano disguising himself as her bc hey i need to practice while looking at her face. and its so messed up for them both. theyre the worst
when shintaro and ayano are back together he would tell her while kano would take it to his grave and augh it brings drama between ayano and kano which is exactly the last thing kano would ever want and hes so mad at shintaro. ayano isnt rly mad she's just surprised and worried for kano, because she doesnt rly see it as omg so fucked up my brother likes my bf she rather sees it like my brother is in pain and currently suffering from unrequited(?) love i need to help him!! and starts kind of helicoptering over kano and eventually kano has a breakdown etcetcetc i dont have an ending for this but these are basically my thoughts lol
ofc there's also shintaro just dates both and/or doesn't get back together with ayano... those are also good options that i like too heh
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metukika · 1 year
ok you needing a second to understand that tumbel in tumblr saved me from my embarrassment for having misread your message xD hell yeah haha
maybe you could write us a lil post about your favorite character & why they are that :D (soz for not doin it myself i‘m not feeling like putting anything out there today)
and don‘t decide that you won‘t ever contribute to a bigger project that touches people yet !!!!!! YOU‘RE SO YOUNG you‘ve got the whole world waiting for you and you‘re ALREADY so good at art though. your art is already touching people, no reason why that shouldn‘t work if you should ever work with others on a bigger project!!! GET OUT THEREEE i mean also take your time but IF YOU WANT THAT ABSOLUTELY SHOOT YOUR SHOT KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR OPPORTUNITIES i‘d personally love to see your work in something bigger :D nothing‘s set in stone <3 <3 <3 !!!
aww thank you so much anon! idk who you are but youre so kind to me... thats so nice!
about the whole future thing... i know i have a lot of time but i think because of some stuff coming up soon (when i leave school) im stressed about the future and my decisions in it entirely. idk what im gonna do if i need to go to the military lol like what job to take... i havent started driving and i dont understand shit about all the other stuff thats attached with going to the military im just stressed in general. i dont wanna end up staying in my parents house forever ig.
but i have a lot of time and i know that even if my connection with my friends fade away when they get recruited (which is... also something that could happen... oh god i dunno how to make irl friends) i still have my family, and probably the online world too. if i open commissions im pretty sure id get some work, but i dont think i could do that too much cuz i hate drawing things i dont wanna draw.
but, again, who knows what will happen. ill be fine haha, especially if there are people like you who care enough to write messages like these. most of my online friends are from twt so its always nice to see a tumblr fan <3 thank you anon.
(im realizing how depressed this is all making me sound like i promise its just my school hammering in the importance of the military signs up like i dont even know what part of the mess ill be in most of the time theyre teaching shit that doesnt concern me. im okay, im not dying!!)
now to actually talk about my favorite character! woohoo! happy topic change!
for the two people who read this and the one thats actually gonna read till the end, im putting a cut so this isnt annoying on ur dash (note to anon: this post is so so fucking long i know u prob asked me my fav character to cheer me up but dont force urself to read this whole thing just to be polite lmaooo but id appreciate it if anyone did cuz holy shit)
something that ive realized a while back is that usually when it comes to favorite characters of media, i have a type.
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when i made this the character i had in mind where souda (danganronpa), aiura (saiki k) and teru (mp100).
after making the tweet i also thought of denji (csm) who fits right in, and also bakugou (mha) who doesnt, but he looks like half of the characters i did mention lol.
i think the whole social but nice thing came to because of all those shows and stories where the popular kid in school is the mean bully.. maybe i dislike this trope cuz i havent personally experienced any kind of bullying in my school, even as an observer so i cant relate to the experience of having this type of antagonist. the worst it ever got for me was when in fifth grade a girl made fun of me for crying and no one laughed. (shes still in my class over six years later and shes really nice not ufhduh were not friends but were friendly and i dont hold a grudge). maybe its just cuz im wholesome so i dislike any type of negative character. maybe.
that might sound stupid cuz i said i like bakugou, who i used to think of constantly, like for the entirety of 2021 he was in my mind it was annoying. but idk man not all my favs fit into this category ((shinguuji, saihara, yuuko, tweek (who also looks like them! what the fuck!) yuudai from sakana (why are they all blond?!? and men. more female characters what the fuck) barf bag (yes im an object show fan good morning)))
anyways. i like the popular but nice trope is what im saying. why are they all simps? i dont know honestly only one of the characters that i mentioned at the start is simping for someone i ship them with (terumob) (but the reason i even like teru in the first place might be cuz i saw terumob art, thought it was cute, and decided to search more art. i do that with a lot of characters when i dont watch the show (from the original list ive watched all of saiki k, watched playthroughs of the first 2 dr games, watched like a season of mp100 years ago and watched like 2 seasons of mha even before that. i get my filling of plot and character from meme videos, fanart, and fanfics. i understand enough.) and i get hooked on the ship (more examples include akiangel, kiribaku and the two gay boys from evangelion. a lot of homo happening. also whatever the fic version of this is but with denji and yoshida).
about the simping and the bakugou being mean-- i accept my character's flaws!!! i dont erase them!!! bakugou is an asshole and thats why i wanna see him get punished and learn from his mistakes, even if its a little hard! a great fic where this happens (but isnt the main storyline) is quirk: knife! which is probably my favorite non ship heavy fic, check it out!
my fav characters have flaws but just like how you need to embrace flaws in the people you love, whether that means helping them get better or accepting them, i embrace these flaws cuz it makes them who they are! souda, denji and auira wouldnt be themselves if they werent pushing the lines with their crushes and idk what the fuck bakugou would be if he wasnt what he was.
alright lets actually start talking about my favorite character now.
so, right now, my favorite character of all time is-- ding ding ding-- kazuichi souda! who i already mentioned.
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look at him! idk if the one and a half people who are reading this know him, but if u know denji, who is a more popular character atm, then imagine that but more wimpy.
the first time i encountered this character i was watching game grump's playthrough of the second game. i watched their first and enjoyed it but didnt really join the fandom. i didnt know anything about the second so i was going in blind like arin and dan, so theres a chance that whatever i thought about the characters was biased and connected to how they feel.
at first i really liked his design. a lot of the characters have small and complicated details but souda is probably the most simple design, not including hinata, but unlike him souda has a lot of bright colors that draw the eye in! i dont particularly prefer designs with sharp teeth but i think its a pretty nice quirk, since its another part of him that makes him look intimidating. theres a headcanon that he filed themselves but i honestly think he wouldnt do that, and prefer the headcanon that its genetic, even if it makes less sense. but danganronpa, and their designs, dont make sense. i think these little strange quirks are better when they arent thoughtout or have reason. he has sharp teeth becuz. just cuz.
if u dont know what happens in the game im just gonna say that the plot doesnt really matter, cuz really the only growth souda experiences is with his relationship to hinata (the main character) and his trust to his survivor friends that makes him stronger and convinces him to leave the virtual reality. im not gonna be talking about the plot in detail. i also havent watched the anime so im not gonna get into whatever he does there. i do know that he makes some cute faces in it, which is pretty awesome.
but, yeah, besides his design, at the start i truthfully didnt really like him lmaooo he was kind of stalkerish towards sonia (ill prob get into their relationship later), he is also a wimp but honestly... i get it hes stuck in a killing game i would be scared of anything too. i feel like of all of the cast, from all the games, souda is probably one of the best depictions of an actual teenager that might exist. of course he has his obnoxious moments, but in a way that a dumb teenager would have. i dont know when i started liking him, maybe after discovering soudam? hmm.
kazuichi is the ultimate mechanic, which is one of the talents in the game that actually gets used? he makes the communicators in chap 3 and fixes the elevator in chap 4. besides that, he is also important to the second chapter since he helped tie up komaeda and he also brought hinata to the diner, though that has nothing to do with his talent.
he learned to be a great mechanic from working at his dad's repair shop or garage or whatever its called. its mentioned that their family is pretty poor, and i think the concept of a character being at one point or another un-wealthy pretty interesting (did that come strange? sorry). he worked to help get their family money he is a good boy, he mentions being better than his dad too. he doesnt look like the typical mechanic, except from the greasy hair and jumpsuit (im talking specifically about his color scheme) and thats another one of those quirks that make no sense but i just like haha
speaking of his parents, lets talk about a popular headcanon that fans have of souda's dad (before we start i wanna state that my opinion on this topic and the topic of souda relationship towards sonia and his trust issues were all stem from an analysis video of him on youtube, if u know u know, so if i want someone more competent talking about it go there, but if u dont care enough to research it or ure only reading because u like me and wanna hear me talk about something i care about dw im gonna go into detail about these anyways
the hc is that souda's dad physically abuses him. i wanna talk about why dont agree (if u wanna skip this part ill put *** when it ends so just go there <3). this hc stems from a story he tells hinata in one of the free time events where he didnt go to his previous school trips because he wanted to save money for his family, even though he really wanted to go, and he says something along the lines of how his dad "beat the crap outta him" when he didnt go.
do i think his dad hit him? probably. i dont really know how common this type of discipline is in japan, or in places with more un-wealthy people so this might be normal to them. does that make that okay? obviously not. but if the only example we get for him hitting souda is after souda does something good for the family in his own expense, it wont make sense for his father to be mad about it, right? i think he was upset his son had to give up his happiness for them, even if it was to save money. the analysis vid said it might be souda just using more dramatized words for it. He was hesitant to tell hinata that he was picked on at school, i dont think hed just admit to being abused so casually. i think his dad might have smacked him from time to time when he was younger but probably stopped the more souda grew up. if his dad really hated him he wouldnt beat him after doing something that would benefit the dad, is what im saying.
also i think that the way souda acts doesnt reflect someone who would be regularly abused... its not like im an expert, but if we for example look at tsumiki, who was canonically abused and bullied regularly, we can see a great difference. yes, souda tends to be caught off guard or scared of stuff, but usually its less of other people and more about the situation around him. he was scared of monokuma and the monobeasts and the morning after the killing gama announcement. he's also generally not that apologist about his stupid behavior... for example he doesnt feel remorse for tying up komaeda, and even threatens to tie up kuzuryuu too. i also think he said something about wanting to punch one of the other guys? this might be cuz he tends to blurt out his thoughts stupidly and doesnt know how to hold his tongue (something that, if he was abused, would probably get him in trouble) but he never recoils from what he said. he whines about being judged, like after letting slip that he was thinking of sonia in a creepy way, but he never goes back and is afraid that someone might punish him or hurt him. like how tsumiki apologizes for the smallest thing at claims that she'll take any punishment.
it might also be because i generally dont like hcing characters with abusive parents haha. i know for a lot of characters its a part of what makes them who they are, but if thats not the case i feel like its always to excuse the character from some frowned upon trait they have.
its a bit difficult to explain so ill take an example from a different character from a different show. todoroki from mha was abused as a child, and its a part of what makes him him, and its a big part of his character, even if hes not in that situation anymore. i wont deny it. now, theres a hc that some people like to believe about bakugou's parents, specifically his mom, being abusive. this isnt canon. first of all everyone is entitled to hc what they want but a lot of the time i feel this is a way to explain his asshole behavior (also i just love mitsuki). i dont like excusing his fucked up actions and blaming his parents. i think that him being an asshole from the ideals that he himself made is kind of what made him interesting. he believes in what he learned from his own experiences that he and only he had. his stupid child thinking made him the gross person he is, and thats way more interesting than blaming his parents' behavior, like we can do with reason in todoroki's case. todoroki acts antagonistic at the start of the show because of the pressure his dad put on him.
now going back to souda, by making his dad abusive a lot of people linked that to him being a creep towards sonia. while i do see how his parents and their expectations might be a motivator, i prefer to blame souda himself for his wrong actions. i dont want to excuse his actions like that. its more interesting to see him grow from the ideals and reasonings he made himself.
now let's talk about his relationship with hinata! woo!
canonically, hinata is the person souda is closes to in the game, even though most of the time hinata is just tolerating his stupid behavior. except in his free time events maybe. their relationship is probably the biggest character development souda gets.
lets talk about his past a little more.
souda tells hinata that he used to be picked on for looking like a nerd. he had black hair (but i hc it more like dark brown, because reminder this is a post gushing about my fav character first and an canalization second), brown eyes (in hc world dull pale brown cuz a lot of the char's eyes are dull and pale colored) and glasses (hc: thin and rectangle shaped). he's not really a nerd... except that he's probably good at math and that type of things, since he builds machines and all. if i remember correctly, he says his bullied got away with what they did because he tends to be naive and trusts too easily. he was also used by his best friend that cheated off of his test, blamed souda for it (which he didnt really mind, showcasing how much not a nerd he is if he doesnt care about his studying and tests like that) and then kinda ghosted after feeling bad. but at the time souda was really heartbroken and felt betrayed, this whole situation gave him trust issues because that his naive heart cant tell when someone really wants to be his friend or if they'll drop him when they dont need him anymore.
souda and hinata start off being friends because souda didnt like any of the other guys enough (fair enough, hinata is the most normal one lol) and he tolerated him enough to go to the diner on the second island to spy on the girls with him. at the time kuzuryuu was still an asshole to everyone, but the two do get friendlier after the second trial (survivor boys bff agenda. i did say "bff coded" didnt i?)
souda tells hinata that after his ex best friend left him, he kinda went through something-- he dyed his hair, put in contacts, and pierced his ears (which i like to think was really scare to him) (and i assume this is when he started to wear bright colors, but i like to think he was always a fan of them (aiura and teru kinnie)) to make himself more intimidating (like i said in the list! remember the list?!) so that he wont be picked on. i assume the bullying he experienced was more emotional that physical, and he was probably called names for his nerdy appearance and was made to do tasks for toxic friends and somethings like that. tsumiki was physically bullied and she has bandages all over her design while souda rolls up all his sleeves and has his collar bone exposed while there is no marks on him. maybe he's have some scars from beginner's mechanical mistakes but thats hc territory.
anyways, because of his appearance change, he got some attention from flirtations girls and said that it had intimidated him. i imagine that while he was in his nerd looking mode, he didnt get much attention from the other sex so when they only started approaching him with the assumption he's some punk badass, that was probably a bit overwhelming for him and thats why he has a strained relationship with the female sex. he does kind of sexualize the girls, specifically in the second chapter, but honestly its not really that bad. it kind of even feels a little forced, like he said nanami had "huge jugs" and wonders if this "is what moe gap is" or something like that but he doesnt even say anything about wanting her lmao. the only girl he really shows any interest is sonia, and he mostly gushes about her beauty, instead of her body. not that thats really any better ofc.
he does get along with some of the girls or at least acts normal and not incel-y towards them, like whenever he's angry at saionji, when he felt awkward next to tsumiki or when he made minimaru for owari (though he did mainly do that to impress sonia). when alter ego enoshima suggest putting him between her boobs or whatever batshit crap she said he just yelled he's get crushed, so like. good for him for not being toooo bad. so yeah i do think there are reasons why souda's best friend woudlnt be a girl (for now, at least) and thats why it really is hinata.
and while hinata has other friends, his and souda's connection is special <3 some examples: he is friends with nanami, but they dont really get each other, or at least hinata doesn't feel too connected at her at times cuz shes like a robot and doesnt really get emotions to the full extent. canonically, his and komaeda's relationship is just not... bros, yknow? whatever it is its not "bros". he and souda are bros. i know that he and kuzuryuu consider each other brothers but i feel like while the friendship they have is great, hinata would be more comfortable just letting loose and being stupid with souda. they could connect by being stupid together and distracting one another from the bad in the world by being fun. cuz souda can be fun when he isnt stressed.
but since souda is an emotional character (i dunno if i mentioned this, if u didnt know souda beforehand hes emotional as shit and cries constantly, my beloved) they can get close the two of them emotionally and are empathetic enough to be able to comfort each other. that is, when souda trusts his enough to do that.
thats right. as much as id like to say souda is loyal like a dog, he doesnt really show that in the game lol. because of his experience with his ex friend, souda has trust issues, which i think i already touched upon (idk this is so fucking long im tryna go thru this one topic at a time but good god) and these issues come up in his and hinata's relationship, mainly chap 4. to put it simply cuz honestly the plot doesnt really matter in this context: souda suspects hinata to be a traitor, and because in chap 4 the characters are not allowed to eat, this probably makes him more stressed and causes him to think even more rationally. after the chap is over, in souda's last free time event, he invites hinata to the beach and order him to punch himself.
his actions are really silly here, but basically: hinata shows in souda trust, which makes souda feel like a bad friend, because he couldnt bring himself to trust hinata even though hinata didnt do anything wrong. he feels that their friendship is unfair and that he's the cause of this problem. so i guess he knows he'll get into an argument or a fight because of it, or maybe he wants to give hinata a reason to not trust him so he bring hinata to the beach so they could fist fight. but souda doesnt like to harm people cuz soda is a good boy tm so he asks hinata to do the work for him (which he does not do lol. they communicate and talk like normal friends). this is where souda tells hinata about his past being bullied, after in the last free time event hinata said he could see souda hanging out with the cool kids, so this is where he confides that hes not a cool kid. anyways souda comes to the conclusion that hes more scared of being a bad friend and a coward because of his trust issued that actually being betrayed, and tells hinata that he'll trust him. hooray!
in my mind they are suchhhh good friends. i dont mind shipping souda with a lot of the characters, but it think their friendship is the most important to me. i love them!
now lets get into his relationship with sonia!
i do, in fact, think that his crush on her is fake. i do think he believes in it. but he does not realize that the created a version of her brought on by her general politeness, her status as a princess and her beauty, in his mind that every day strays farther away from the real sonia. he denies her liking of the occult and other scary stuff that turns him off and he acts shocked when she admits to being a virgin (yikes. at least he doesnt really shame her. i think it just ruins his image of her-- again, yikes-- but he ignores it mostly. like he ignores her, the real her, most of the times)
i dont know why he needs a romantic relationship specifically so desperately, but i can think of why he wants that puppy love admiration that he has for her. she, or at least the way he makes her in his mind, is wildly out of her league. sure he wants a girlfriend, but deep down he knows hell never get her. thats why when she turns him down again and again he only gets hurt for like a minute. she even suggests she would rather he be the blackened in the 4th trial and he gets over it pretty quickly. this is the reason he wants to like someone out of his reach so much-- because he cant get hurt from her. he isnt being betrayed or heartbroken like his ex best friend did to him (yes this is about the trust issues again) because he never expected to be with her in the first place. by expecting failure by chasing a girl that is so so out of his league (a pretty perfect princess) he knows what he gets when hes turned down. to him, this is better than actually making an effort with someone he is genuinely attached to because in that case he might actually get his feelings hurt. we see this with his relationship with hinata, though it isnt in a romantic sense. sadly, after they become close friends, he still chases after sonia, but that might be because the player isnt guaranteed to play all of souda's free time events.
this stuff probably will take time for souda to understand. ofc this doesnt really justify his actions and creepy behavior towards her... i like to think that at some point (i constantly forget that dr is a game about killing each other and the apocalypse, but ig this can take place in here too since they both survive) he understands where his problem stem from, maybe with a conversation with hinata or kuzuryuu and he learns and he asks forgiveness from sonia and changes his behavior. the long and hard way!!! my boy did something stupid and he has to make up for it!!!! he will take responsibility because thats what good character writing is!!
itll probably be difficult to come to terms that the girl in his mind, that i do believe he actually fell in love with, is not real. he will cope <3
briefly i'd like to mention souda's and kuzuryuu's relationship i think they are bffs #2 honestly i feel that the both of them plus hinata could be the best trio they are such wholesome guys from all corners of the bro spectrum let the be friends<333 idk maybe even add owari. owari and souda sibling energy <3 this is just hc territory at this point. mioda and souda sibling energy!!!!! for more kuzuryuu and souda friendship read the fic Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi's Guide to Despair Disease: A How-To Take Care of Your Friends(?) Without Spiraling Out Of Control Story. still a wip.
hmmm that was a lot. lets talk about some hcs cuz believe it or not i dont just think of his as what he is canonically, but also what he could be!
ok lets talk about appearances (still canon atm:) he is short-- one of the shortest guys in the cast cuz fuyuhiko and teruteru dont count (thats a plus) and he is, sadly, pretty ripped. it makes since cuz he prob carries heavy stuff and moves his arms a lot for his talent of being a mechanic but when a (male) character is TOO ripped and not for a good reason (for example theres a good reason why nidai or oowada are physically strong cuz of their talents, and some characters are just himbos that deserve it like momota) i just look at them like :|. but it think souda deserves some strong arms <3 he is a cuddler. he would. i just dont think he's impressively ripped. like i think he could sprint fast, but not for long, and that girls wouldnt flawk him for his arms (if they already knew who he was) cuz all in all he is still a wimp loser and he will stay as such, please and thank you.
im a big fan of his narrow eyes. theyre just. dont make sense on him i love it. just like the sharp teeth, he is blessed with looking the opposite of his personality.
now lets talk about post canon appearances! in the world of canon, where the most tragic event in history happens and they were a part of the despair refinements and they live the neo world program (i always forget they dont live in my lil modern day normal aus, ugh), i think he would wake up still looking like how he did in his depair era. idk how long theyre like that but this is my personal hc: hair that reaches his chest, some ugly dulled down pink still sticking to the tips of his messy hair, no hat </3 but his hair is long enough that he doesnt have that hedgehog thing going on </3, no contacts, no glasses, probably scars over his arms and one over the side of his lips like that rio penguin from madagascar (also curse that show for making my tiny stupid child brain think there are penguins in the desert. at least there are such a thing as beach penguins... hmm). i think he would cut his hair to be shorter that it is in canon, a bit longer than hajime's and would resemble saihara's except brown, parted and no ahoge. he wold be dispensation by the length. he would also wear a cap (the normal way) and with his natural colors back, he would look very snuggble :)) he would hug everyone he would be the comfort giver at least to the survivors (this is the part where u realize how insame i am for him lol)
in a world where the end of it didnt happen, i feel like he would feel kind lonely for a while after school, and wouldnt care enough to wear contacts and would go back to glasses, and he wouldnt dye his hair (i just really like his naturality okay i know i said i liked him at first for his colors but this is character growth! he is learning that he doesnt need to be intimidating to get friends!!!) his hair would be a little longer than canon but not by much. i just have this au where he works in an office and there he meets kamukura (who, personality wise is just hinata but depressed) and they become bffs dont at me, and this is how he looks in that au, wearing a button down without the tie and the sleeves rolled up. i do think hed wear obnoxious colors in his free time tho <3
maybe i should get into ships a little? mostly i shipped him with tanaka because i love me some rivals to lovers that isnt angst filled and is mostly just petty. theys either be salty towards each other or tanaka would be very intense in his friendship and souda would be tsundere-ish, not the obnoxious type tho. imagine how denji acts towards yoshida. (denji and souda are actually really alike. before i knew anything about csm my twt mutual told me id prob like denji cuz i like souda and.. well he was right)
but recently i dont really focus on shipping souda with anyone as much as i focus on his friendship with hinata (am i the only one who watched gg compilations and put their faces behind the silly conversations? like i imagine their sprites laughing while the video plays. is that weird? them and also saihara&momota. cuz theyre the same relationship!!! tactful mc and their friendly dumb bro! they!!!). also if u recall i made that drawing of souda with a bunch of ships so its not like loyal lol.
also why are souda and tanaka together constantly in the anime... i think its the end song where theres a slide show of all the characters in class in places like a picnic and the beach and stuff and the two of them are almost together. theyre at the very least friends. that dynamic where they both look intimidating but theyre both so fucking stupid. frienemies. <333 they are so <333 theyd be friedns at least!!! thank you for the anime for realizing that.
i also like to imagine that he and tsumiki would be friends <3 they were both bullied, they both cry a lot and arent really taken seriosuly, at least when it comes to their emotions. i think theyd hug and cry together and be friends :) also as couple they could be very cute.
i dont really know what more to say... i think this is it! i dont know what about kazuichi souda makes me love him so much. he is flawed but not to the point of being unlikable. he is unique but can easily be related to! i care about him so much... the amount of aus i come up and put him in... i dont post so much about him, but know he is my love. ofc i dont have romantic feelings for him some ppl just thirst over their favs i wanna preface that aint the case. not cuz of his age (im close to him in age) but cuz i just... dont feel and romantic or thristy feelings towards anyone so istg if anyone says something stupid to me about that.
thats all! i think this is the longest post ive ever made? when i got this ask last night i thought id write about all those characters i mentioned at the start but then when i went to bed i thought about my answer and realized i have a lot to say lol.
to the one person who actually read until the end, if u even exist (who knows myabe this was for nothing, i still had fun), you're insane. and i hope u have a great rest of ur day. if u didnt know who souda was before this... well u certainly do now (also why did u read this?) sometimes i just gotta rant about something i adore haha. its been a while since i went all out cuz me and my irl dont watch the same shows. i hope i made whoever read this love souda! at least a little!
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this post is 5787 words long... im not rereading this
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opanchu · 5 months
WAIT IM SO SORRY I GOT TOO AHEAD OF MYSELF I REALIZED YOU WERE ASKING FOR QUESTIONS!!!! then i wanted to ask what's your favorite part of making ur art... whether its something you love in the process like planning or exploring things. or if there's any particular inspiration you like coming back to and you like being able to see what you love into your own works if that makes sense. and what is it? SORRY AGAIN!!!
ITS OK OMG I did also ask for thoughts!
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SO THANK YOUUU I'm really happy to hear that!! it's actually mainly the faces I've been working on to find a sort of middle ground between semi realism and cartoonish stuff and I think I'm starting to find it, it's still not that realistic but i do aim to still show real facial features if that makes sense? so that's good to hear!
that's a trick question I actually don't know but, maybe getting my thoughts out there ig? but I think something I really like is just putting the whole thing together. the pose and clothes especially it feels very dressup esque. but I also love composition and decorative elements... can't really word this one well I just like putting it all together basically. I also want to do more with specifically traditional art that puts emphasis on it being on paper. don't know what I'm trying to say here but basically I've been thinking about buying glitter and stickers
AN INSPO I REALLY LOVE aside from the obvious answers being fashion dolls, I would have to say revue starlight. now that I'm trying to make my art less about just visuals and aesthetics I've taken a lot of inspo from how revue starlight plays around with its motifs and composition (I especially like the "stiff" camera that only moves with action scenes, gives it more of a theater feeling with placing focus on what's currently going on) it's generally helped me with how I want to convey my ideas when it's not just about it looking pretty and even tho I can't look back on it that much yet I really want to show this influence in my future works
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leafbatraccoon · 1 year
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these were notes on my journal till yesterday but the news that we're getting the nectar-making skill with horses i figured i'd have some fun with it yet still be loud with my opinions, so i'll reblog with updates from time to time - im reposting with the original slot texts bc i was unhappy with my sleepless decision making 👍👍 | details under the cut if u wanna know but i'm a bit of a hater fyi |
longer seasons - i don't think this will happen, if miracle mods show up i might stamp them on in a different color but from what i've found it's pretty ingrained in the game that 28 days is the longest and if modders we're going to crack it they might've done it already but when im playing on pretty long life spans i just 💔💔 50+ days seasons would be the dream, but i'd be happy with 45 👀 10 outfits per category - same as before ig, this is probably super niche but i'm not satisfied and i hate having to get into cas to change it up so much bc in my head they have a closet each and i want to mix and match pieces in a realistic way 👚 pack refreshes - tbf, they did set up an expectation for that one which for the looks of it they are done with it; there's so much to fix, dine out in general, mermaids deserve some love in comparison to the other occults, updates to the bodies of water (going in the water in windenburg would be legendary), hu just bug fixes and compatiblity here and there would be nice (more hiking ? power walks in more places? its so weird how they are restricted to ONE place) now by world refreshes - i mean that in my dreams they go back and expand the maps they give us 🗺️🗺️ im greedy and want 2 neighbourhoods for my vampires & spellcasters, a lil more space in moonwood mill, granite falls & del sol valley too why not not gonna happen so i can say wtv an extra space in mt komorebi with apartments and since we're at it in san sequoia too; will def not happen working gallery - ig that might be coming too ?? idk my gallery sucks at times like it wont find any results when there are ?? and i know there are bc if i restrict more it might come up with something?? also just wanted better mechanism for the searches, i never had issues with disturbing content showing up tho so idk i heard some simmers weren't so lucky
bigger households - having to control or monitor 8 human/humanish sims is challeging enough but because pets, because having to fake apartments, because reasons; i use mccc but this workaround brings issues in cas so yea, wishlist ✔️ snakes // lizards - this would've been appropriate to launch with horses imo and i'd love if there had been interaction/compatibility from snakes in the wild and those taller friends & other small pets - small pet options in ts4 are non existent, sorry, birds only exist in that one tree (they are probably happy about not being captive actually), bunnies are also wild (personally im fine with it but i know that its a popular pet so i'd love if it was an option), reptiles don't exist (yet) and rodents are exclusive to the slap-in-the-face-of-this-community pack... 🐁🐇🐢🦎🐍🐦🐜 faeries or other fae kin - i feel like they've hinted at it for quite a while and we've seen it show up in quizzes too?? 🧚‍♀️ so i'm hopeful for this one and hope they are just trying to make sure they properly deliver on it bc there's a lot of fantasy enthusiasts and they deserve it & woodland creatures - personally would love it if the fae pack came with woodsy world and the addition of woodland creatures at least the spiritual kind (like unicorns or a white doe which they possibly alluded to with puzzles - it made me real giddy) bonus points if it has some outdoor retreat compatibility
owning more lots - after winning the lottery or keeping up with a family for generations, sims can accumulate quite a lot of money, there's not a lot of expenses in the life of a sim tbh, travelling only costs one loading screen, gardeing makes you rich and thats ok ig but being able to own a holiday house would be welcomed, not just a business 🏘️ nectar making - when tartosa came but no nectar making i was a bit let down, imagine making or acquiring a special batch for your wedding?? it would've been lovely and appropriate for a wedding pack but ... yeah anyway it comes with the horse pack for some reason so at least it's coming, and only 3 years after juice fizzing 🥂 bands and more instruments - another thing they've hinted at in polls and i kinda wished it to come with HSY yet was not surprised it didn't; that being said we need drums and other instruments like bass and/or contrabass, just more than what we have if we're to have bands plz skating and/or surfing - these two are very different and honestly idk how the latter one would work, i just think they are popular sports we could have; at least skate boards should be easy enough to implement and a cute way for sims to drift around their closed off worlds so i have more hope for that one 🏄
hotels - even if they've been around the franchise and ts4 seems to draw all it's ideas from previous iterations i'm not confident they haven't just been replaced by rental properties but it's not the same, i'd like to be able to meet other guests vacationing on the property without having to engineer everything about it, ordering meals at hotel services and running/owning a hotel also; retirement homes - ELDER SIM LOVE IN GENERAL (canes, health issues, idk im not that old yet ..hum wills & testiments, special interactions) i feel growing together really fucked up on that one but i was not surprised bc it's ts4 and we rely on crumbs mods here and thats why some players stop buying dlc 👵☕👴 the townie refreshes - just pay some fans to do it at this point bc it's taking so long; most of them don't need to be redesigned anyway, just add hot and cold weather outfits, preferences and maybe a sneaky extra trait or lifestyle they could have developed and voilá, finish that chapter disabilities - i don't want it in the form of traits and thing it's rotten to make people to pay for it BUT i'd love to see some disability representation in this game, physical, cognitive and what not. i understand at this point it might be hard to introduce but i think it be really important to have this in the sims and ts4 is about time funerals & cemeteries - death is a part of life, this is a life sim... thats it basically, i want it, i miss it in comparison to previous games, i fake it with parks and inviting guests over, but we shouldn't have to tho seems pretty basic stuff
more and better apartments - i would like it if we saw more conjoined builds, more apartment builds, both with few floors and plenty, the option to have sims living in different floors of the same building and even having business or community lots in builds that are divided into multiple lots - ambitious ik - bonus points if they update apartments in a way you can own one or more and rent them out - i don't want to play as a landlord, i swear - i just want my sims to be allowed do simbnb while they go for a weekend in the city (which ig u cant bc of the current system/coding idk) or bringing them to more existing worlds but bc of the obstacles to that i have 0 hopes well-crafted worldly words - i see a lot of americancentric choices being made when creating the worlds, it's unrealistic for a global player base and hum.. a life sim and whenever they drop interesting worlds they are always so frigging small you have to sacrifice making a lively town, with people and businesses, if you want you're sim to live in certain environments (or use multibuilds, which is fine ig but it bothers me a bit) and they fail to utilize the common spaces of the neighbourhoods in ways simmers would love to, to bring some life into these worlds; 🌍 the worldly part of it... i am yet to see african like climates and cultures represented, asia is so wide & full of diversity and we get one japan inspired world so far, south america if confined to a destination world if you don't have mods ig (maybe it's changed by now im not sure) and europe while being represented in 3 packs so far - and one of them being the best in terms of lots per world we've had so far - 2 of them have few lots and its all very niche, so in a way i don't need to be able to point to the actual cities that inspired those worlds, it's not my priority just something that crowded and lively that draws from wider range of cultures and that mre people could recognize as close to their experience would be nice 🌏 also more islands maybe im a sulani simp new jobs & careers - i love GTW, it was the first pack i got and sure it deserved a refresh by now and i would welcome it, especially if it meant more careers, i really liked that gameplay feature; that being said i feel like we deserve more job options OR branches. y no dentist ??? i cant think of ideas right now but while playing the game and setting up townies or sims i feel limited a lot trans content fixes - yea i avoid using the in-game system for trans rep (i headcanon a lot and cheat stuff basically) bc its just not the best in general (clothes fit weird, there's no changes in the frame through time as there would be with hormonal treatments - which there arent in the game so makes sense), not in comparison bc i dont know other games to compare it to just real life ig but im not even that informed tbh; i am happy they didnt create a life sim where trans people are erased and don't want them to be discouraged to stop investing in this at all so i try not to mention it but fix the binder at least & here's a tumblr post that helps me a bit something that surprises me - /pos !! because... they don't... a lot of what we see seems to me like repeating the content ideas from older games but spreading it out to make as much dlc as possible; i had a lot of more wow reveal moments with ts2 & ts3 i feel like but cant truly be sure bc brain is mush
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fire-but-ashes-too · 3 months
Hi! Happy WBW! This week I've been thinking a lot about religion so... What is considered sacrilegious in your world? Is it common to encounter such a thing or is it punishable (or maybe both)? How do religious institutions react?
oh hellooo!!
niiice question!
ok so in aecervan there are a couple major religions (other than atheism ofc) which are each revolving around a real concept, them being:
1-magic (practiced a lot but in secret cuz its forbidden)
2-polytheism (the second biggest one)
3-monotheism (the most strict one aka has a few sacrilegious things which are forbidden)
4-space/nature spirits (most practiced one! completely the opposite of the previous one it hasn't got any NO things except ofc going against the will of nature so major ecological damage is kinda discouraged)
they dont have names yet so im just gonna refer to them with the numbers lol (disorganisationnnnn)
4, like i said does not have any bans on lifestyle or anything in general, its a religion centered all around freedom and equality so ig sacrilege would be going against these principles
3 on the other hand, i created based ON MY EXPERIENCE (this is very important ok im talking about ME and what i got to see) in the catholic church (my family is christian and i go to a catholic private school -yes ouch- which has its good sides and its bad sides, but from my expereience -aka my whole life lol- it got drilled into us like this really restrictive religion, full of bans and BE GOOD BE GOOD BE GOOD, QUESTION BUT NOT TOO MUCH OH LOVEEEEE LOVEEEE NO NOT GAY THO ONLY STRAIGHT LOOOOVEEEE . this is probs one of the reasons y im atheist maybe if i grew up with a different vision of religion i might feel differently but this is my experience) but extended to a bit more extreme side, think erudites from divergent if they were a religious group. u get the idea :) its also very old school thinking, so there are a few life paths to which you have to stick and if u dont, picture dante's Inferno but modern
2 (why am i going backwards? idk its fun) is a bit of a middleground.
its not as careless as 4 but isnt anywhere near 3. however, one must follow certain rules to please the gods, so for example its sacrilegious use fire on the day of the goddess of everything that flows (fun fact: that day oh so funnily coincides with the hottest day of the year, when most bodies of water were dry and lighting fires was basically suicide) there are more like this that still follow this line, so basically dont anger the gods, especially not on their day
1 does not have any bans, however this might endanger u cause toying with the elements and the strings of the world is umm not the safest thing?? so there is no sacrilege tagged that way but there are some things which are highly disencouraged and may have tough consequences on u (or the whole world why not)
aaaand thats it! i hope i answered your queestion thanks so much for asking it it was so interesting to explore a bit of my world and share it :)
ps. sorry if this doesnt make ny sense i just took my melatonin and my brain isnt braining properly
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crabknee · 3 months
further live opinions on fremblem valentino
a. whoa this dungeons stuff is real cool
b. somewhat spitefully made faye a pegknight instead of cleric (i was thinking i needed a healer) on account of the fact that i was leveling her a bunch, and finding out ms silque was inherently one is great news for my survivability
d. okok so ive been playing pokemblem the romhack and i now understand more what they were pulling from with the item system in that, being one item which you hold and get the benifits of instead of a weapon you equip per se. which prevents you from not being able to attack which is neat. tragic for those who enjoyed the strategy of sending someone in disarmed to sit there and get xp
c1. you know thats probably why they mentioned spellcaster weilding black magic this early. all magic is black now ig happy black history month
f. also ive noticed like the whole weapon triangle system doesnt seem to be like. a thing. or at least be so minimal in effects for it to not be noticed by me and also they just havent mentioned it. is this true?
g. wtf faye do a lance spin but not a crit im being scammed >:[
h. im in LOVE with all the lil ways the combat animations change depending on situation like if they're running in from afar the animation is them doing so, the person doing the defending waltzes up from out of their forest or whatever the spot is, and like ahsjgsbs its so good
i. hmm. crit did less than a one shot. this used to only happen with like real lategame bitches i think. troubling.
j. ok so there may have been a casualty due to the classic enemy crit jumpscare but luckily this has canon savescumming <3
yay jay opinions!
a. yeah I know right!! it's actually so cool
b. Yeah I did that too, didn't think I needed two that early (it's gonna be a while before the next one though so you're gonna have to make do
c. YES and it's each time you cast the spell, so twice if you double, I think it's a cool mechanic tbh
c1. yeah and also just that all attack magic is black and all status and healing is white (but they also take health to cast)
e. skipping d i suppose, they do, but only if the enemy actually has a bow equipped and not just using generic bow
f. Yeah there's no weapon triangle in this game
g. heheheha get scammed sucker
h. Yeah the animations in this game slap sooo hard honestly, it's great I love it
i. this game has some pretty low damage numbers and some pretty beefy enemies so yeah, makes sense
j. damn, :( poor [redacted] good thing [redacted] is ok now
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