#i just dont talk to people LOL gotta say things here
lamentablesbian · 2 years
just talked to my sister and i felt so normal and well adjusted #adult affirmations
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gurenmonster · 2 months
I didn't want to say anything but since people have kinda calmed down:
I think some people don't realize (and I don't want to say "or don't care" but ya know...) that Damien doesn't want to be just associated with Smosh? Like he even has a rule on his streams about it lol
So like when people were sort of demanding(?) answers or reactions from him (or anyone really) it was super weird...
no matter how close they are (or how close we think they are) we are not entitled to know everything and they don't need to talk to us about their private lives,, even more so Damien who is very private 😬
And obviously he doesn't need me, a stranger, to defend him, and I'm not, I just didn't like seeing how weird and invading people were being :/
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cinnamon-notes · 1 month
i have been ghosting my friends for idk a month??? and they have been doing the same??? except for when we meet in a workplace cuz somehow our jobs decided to cross over :)
#feeling so bad about it but like i cant bring myself to interact with people right now but i am also constantly sad because i dont interact#with anyone out of work :/ but working makes me socially exhausted & tbh all i wanna do is be depressed with my books & my movies &my tunes#but i also crave affection like i realize i have zero social life and i sometimes schedule some hangout with my friends but it's almost#become like idk a task? something i look at through work eyes. like- i arrange our hangouts the way i arrange work meetings. it's so sad.#i know it is. but still- i cant help it. through all my life ive been missing having a lifelong friend who knows me like the back of their#hands and i know like the back of mine. never had it. cant cry over that. it's passed. i cant invent lifelong friendships that never existed#and i gotta make peace with that. plus- what am i complaining about if im just incapable of keeping any friend for longer than a month???#after the first month- maybe the first couple of months- it all gets boring and dont get me wrong i really love my friends but somehow they#lose interest in me and i lose interest in them and we become just people who know each other and occasionally hang out but like- i've never#had a friend who's there for me when things happen in my life. i've always had friends to tell things to afterwards. like- i know i cant#really pick up the phone and say “hey. im having a bad time. can we take a walk? talk on the phone? can you tell me about your day? can you#just be here for me?“ and i cant even idk just randomly pop up with a ”oh my god i hate him i hate him i hate him it's a whole montague vs#capulet but if romeo and juliet never existed kind of hatred!!“ i just cant vent right away. ive always thought that that's my problem.#and maybe it is. but still- how's come they can vent to me? im always there right away. i do love my people and i show up for them.#sometimes my depression makes it soooo difficult to hang out constantly but if there's one thing that cannot be said about mw is that i dont#care. cuz i do. and maybe that's the problem#and maybe it's just easier for me to care than let others care? idk? but then again- i did try to open up. i did try to let them care. i did#try everything by the book & off the book but still- idk it's always just an “im sorry” never an “i care so much to say more than im sorry”#and yeah it's my problem cuz i am not a constant person im not that steady in what i do. i still dont know if it's because i havent found#yet the people worth doing it or if i am just traumatized (my ex is knocking on this door lol) but- idk it makes me extremely sad!!!#and ive rambled on way too much but i jusg needed to let some things out of my mind cuz i cant understand whats wrong with me and why i#crave true friendships although im hella scared of and bored of and unwilling to nurturing one :)#cinnamon diary
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magioffire · 2 years
am i the only one who gets slightly irritated (read: irrationally irritated) when americans are discussing american issues amongst themselves and some european has to come in like “WELL ACKULLY all you dumb americans are wrong and stupid and also fat cant forget to mention that and LET ME TELL YOU why your experience is Wrong” like please...shut up....please god...
#just like its annoying when americans think everything is about them its ALSO annoying when europeans think their experience is superior#like whenever we are discussing the problem of heat related death in america and how AC/central air should be a human right#theres always someone who has to be like#'ACKTUALLY youre stupid and fat and selfish if you use AC typical americans just open your windows to keep cool!!'#meanwhile they live somewhere temperate and cool and have never dealt with the extreme temps that can be common in many parts of america#please if youre european and you think you got something smart to say about how americans live you most likely dont know the half of it#and try talking to us instead of just being like lol typical dumb americans!! doing dumb things!!#and why do they always gotta bring up weight too when they are losing a debate with an american#every single time its always the 'well...YOURE A FAT AMERICAN!!" when we actually bring up good points#i guess clownery knows no borders or nationality#anyway i woke up and made the mistake of reading the comments in an article discussing AC as a right in oregon#after 100 people died from heat related death#theres always someone who has to be a purposely obtuse little SHIT#rant cw#and dont even get me started on how some europeans are very purposely obtuse when discussing racial issues in america#dont EVEN get me started#also theres the fact that with climate change related heat waves becoming more common EVERYWHERE#youd think it would be more like yeah we've been having heat problems here in europe too this is how we cope with it#instead of ...whatever THIS SHIT IS#(also a lot of our buildings esp lower income cheap buildings arent made to withstand super extreme temps for long periods of time)#(because they were either A. built in a MUCH cooler time B. built with a 'fuck it we gotta flip houses' mindset in mind so they are Cheap)#(or the heat reducing measures in old buildings were enough 150 years ago but they arent enough now)
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shrimpmandan · 1 year
ngl I routinely forget that self-diagnosis discourse is A Thing and every single time it’s like getting slapped in the face by a wet fish of just how fucking insane people are about it. Can self-diagnosis be harmful? Absolutely it can, for numerous reasons. You might overlook something major and end up being treated for the wrong thing, as an example. But on the flip-side, self-diagnosis can also be incredibly helpful for managing symptoms and receiving support when professional help isn’t readily available, especially since professionals themselves are absolutely not immune to biases and bigotry in regards to mental health. It’s a complex topic and I despise seeing people go “ohh all self-dx bad” and “ohh all self-dx good” when the reality of it is that it’s just extremely contextual.
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homophyte · 9 months
was just subjected to a self righteous post about how we need to learn to respect second generation atheists (important context: i am one) and how their existence begs the question of if atheism is always in reaction to something or if it can be an independently held position. which then followed it up with a 'summary of responses to this post' that included, peppered among things second generation atheists said or remarks about never hearing about this before, extremely reactionary positions about the necessity of religion in life all couched in the language of simple 'concern' for these atheists upbringing. like omg yesss your post is soooo important we really need to interrogate this group that is persecuted by literally every large religious organization on the planet about if their way of life is legitimate! its sooooooo crucial we open doors to religious mandates. its imperative that we teach them about religion, a thing they are so cruelly denied, but dont worry guys, for some of them, its not their fault! we can help them! by making them religious i mean teaching them about religion! remember that some jewish people are atheists too <3
#myposts#before you clown on me about the last sentence here#ask yourself why this websites number one method of trying to be charitable and lend credibility to nonreligious people#is to associate them with a religious group. ask yourself where that impulse comes from#when talking about areligiosity. you have to say DONT WORRY GUYS some of them are still like kiiiiinda religious lol#and dont worry even the ones that arent jewish are BASICALLY just christians bc of cultural christianity of course#thats how that works. theres only two religions evil oppressor and innocent victim. where have i heard this one before#wish i saw more atheistic jews getting mad about that honestly imagine someone using your marginalized identity#as a bludgeoning tool against your lived experience and beliefs.#bc were also not yet ready to admit atheism is something you can be marginalized for. bc if i say that if i say#ive faced religious discrimination for my atheism i would be accused of appropriating the struggles of real religious minorities#you know like that jewish atheist who only ever gets shit for the jewish thing which is the real thing and not the atheist thing#which is a fake thing. did i mention talking about them in this way is inclusive and respectful? just wanted to remind you#and listen i fucking hate christians but even I KNOW some of the shit said on here blanketly about christianity is entirely fake#some of you people sound like the chick who thinks the catholic church made up the roman empire#point being. whyd you include that in your fucking post. could have been a good post i agreed with whyd#you open the door like that to a flood of people using this as the new reason atheism is illegitimate and should be beaten out of people#lest they become annoying online. whyd you gotta include those people why make it a question of should we respect atheism? LOL
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the-cooler-king · 28 days
Oh yeah..... midnight gospel be hitting.... sitting in my bed fuckin. Crying. Get a grip girl
#Its the trudy ep which is actually the episode that made me keep watching#I love love love this episode.....#Something about how.......... idk.... its a very profound ep that I can't explain and it's a nice cry#This ep kind of shaped my outlook on life especially after finding out about my friend dying#All the regrets and things left unsaid.... I make my peace daily by being really straight up#If I love and care about ppl I tell them... I say they are appreciated and cared for man#I am always thankful for people and I *love* people as a whole#And as long as the people around me intrinsically know that they are loved and cared for and cherished.... like that's it#That's the end game truly#I will never ever be sorry for that. This was THEEEE episode.#There's a lot of nuance behind my feelings best described by revolutionary girl utena#But still. I'm deep enough in my tags bc I'm crying over my s/o but not in a bad way#Fml I am so grateful to him as just an entity. As a person in my life even if our lives only intersect for this brief period of time#He hasn't been texting me much and we didn't talk much at work and I didn't even get a goodbye (rude lol)#But I know he was having a rough day. I know he needs a bit of tlc.#He could be on a downswing because I am certainly on an upswing#So I'm kind of like trying to focus on doing my own thing rn without worrying about it#Because I can't do anything about it so I might as well continue My Thang#But as I sometimes come to terms with us never talking again (gotta be prepared at all times to be ghosted)#I also come back to terms with needing him to really understand#how many people in his life depend on love cherish and admire him#And im not just talking about me... he has a lot of siblings and a not great mom. Two kids he loves.#He has always taken care of everyone else in his life#He deserves to really know and idk. It makes me think of this moment.#Realizing how much I dont ever want to question if he knows#I don't want to question if I could've done more or tried harder etc. I did my very best and didn't lie cheat steal or whatever#I am so grateful to him for letting me have that. Even if nothing can come from it in the end#Even if we should be torn apart!!!! Take my revolution!!!#Anyways. Here's wonderwall#Banger of an episode. Worth the rewatch
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anauwhere · 2 years
Me: mh maybe I was over reacting when I blocked-unfollowed them gotta check them out again cause I'm bored
Satan: *left the chat at the sight of their url*
Me: do u know what? I should trust past me more she's always right
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thatdeadaquarius · 11 months
That language SAGAU but the Reader can only communicate writing on paper.
Either the Reader is mute and they (characters) don't know/understand sign language or they somehow lost their voices on their transmigration to Teyvat and can only write now. But the characters are left trying to decipher what the Reader wrote.
Kaeya: "I may say, that was very unexpected your grace. One such as yourself should be more aware of who you are."
Reader: "wat, y u sayin dat?"
Gorou: "Oh, your grace! Careful now. I am most certain that you stepped on something unsightly right now. Let me clean your feet, your grace."
Reader: "r u srs rn? Fml"
Ooooo, this is nice, this is niiccceeee /ref
this would be the energy⬇️
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Man I love this show, I gotta finish it (it’s Komi Can’t Communicate for those who want to see it) where she basically is too shy/introverted to speak (non-verbal neurospicy it seems like to me actually lol) and really wants to make friends and do normal things despite not speaking, her main way of communicating is writing (and her first guy friend who can just read her facial/body language really well lmao)!!
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them)
Planet: Headcanons-ish?
Stars: dashes/mention of most characters
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Reader/”you” are mute/lost their voice, & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
This kinda falls into that post I made abt texting lingo, abt us being nigh incomprehensible when using texting lang. (its basically a code lol)
but i think it’s always neat to see nonverbal rep so here we are (also i think imma go ahead and say it is both selectively mute but also enforced by video game laws!)
u know a good explanation would be for this is actually abt how we technically are only allowed to freely communicate when we’re in chats,
so I could see that still being the only way we can commnicate in Teyvat (look am i little excited abt taking “video game world” a little too literally in every genshin AU ever- maybe.)
tbh i could see so many allogenes having to either learn to make room for you in convos and u also having to get wayyy more expressive in body language/facial expressions
tbh i think itd be pretty easy to get ur meaning, like in a battle or smth fast-paced where u couldnt write, like how Tinker Bell can?
if u dont know what i mean just search “tinkerbell scenes peter pan” on youtube and u can see ppl just having a full conversation with no words with her, which i think would deffo happen with ppl like Kaeya, Lisa, Lumine, Venti, Heizou, Ayato, Yae Miko, Thoma, Beidou and Itto surprisingly i could see it (ppl in the distance just think theyre all talking to themselves sometimes when ur not as visible hehe)
OMG they get u nice gifts for writing all the time, like the newest compact pens from Fontaine, the finest small, medium, and large notebooks from Inazuma,
like a little compact pocketbook so u can easily fit it in pockets!
u know Im absolutely sure you could literally start the texting appreviation trend in Tevyat like this-
like just so it’s easier to communicate with you, a lot of people are willing to adapt/take on abbreviations like “ttyl, gtg, wth, lol, lmao” even stuff like “etc”
lol u start a whole trend in the writing letters business, hehe silly medieval Teyvat is silly and medieval
yknow I think the quieter vision users would definitely find you to be peaceful to be around and easy to understand just with writing (also deffo most likely to adore the soft moments together of just ur pen scribbling and the sounds of nature or a cafe or something around them),
tbh i also think these ppl would be motivated to talk to you alone, or get you away to just talk the two of you for all the reasons above, like Xiao, Aether, Kazuha, Ayaka, Chongyun, Zhongli, Diluc, Sayu, Ei, Sucrose, Eula, Ganyu, Ningguang, Tighnari, Alhaitham omg he might literally be able to take his headphones off around u bc youd be in such quiet spaces all the time, and bc u dont talk he doesn’t have to worry abt u getting loud either lmao
…and then ofc, there’s the bitches that try and guess what ur writing ahead of timeeee 😭
bein all like, “Uh… you.. would like.. to go to… a restaurant… to get some- OH OH I got this one this time! Some pita pockets! …Oh. A drink. Right. Sorry, again.”
definitely Itto, Cyno, Heizou, Xingqiu, Fischl, Amber, Collei, Dehya, Wanderer, Childe, Venti, Keqing (she just used to being fast ok), Kaveh lmao
I hope my reply was a little fun!! THANK U FOR SENDING THIS I LOVE THIS SM!! Man it’s so hard to make you feel my appreciation for this idea thru the damn screen
like how do i send a virtual hug
ANYWAY, if you or anybody else had an idea for celebrating 1000 followers lmk bc i am STRUGGLING with this same issue for that,
like how to make u guys feel my love 😩 ❤️‍🔥
Safe travels ignihideous,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonderss / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi
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missdaytonawrites · 11 months
tr@ck 07 • e. williams
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summary - perv!ellie hc's!
WC - 1k
cw/tw - as always, MDNI! 18+ content, ellie williams is a DAWG lmao, afab!reader, hyper-fem coded!reader, dub-con, mentions of marijiuana and paraphernalia, smut smut smuuuut, talk of strap-ons, fingering (r!receiving) and more lol.
A/N - hey slay queens and kings and things, no i dont want to talk about the phantom fic lolsies maybe one day i'll just quit bringing it up! this is to tie you nasty bitches over while i work on this little surprisssseeeeeeeee oooooohhh. and also! yes i am abbys specialest little princess but i love me some of ellie. so here! maybe this will be the catalyst for an ellabs fic
"met a girl who likes my body, said she wants to break your teeth."
• its already established within the tlou community, that ellie williams is a PERV! but like.. in my head? shes pervy like..
• she stares for just a little too long when you change in front of her. literally has to talk herself down from letting at a low whistle upon seeing the swell of your breasts.
• always finds a way to get you into lingerie stores when you two go out. lowkey ends up picking out every piece you buy bc… you love listening to her.
• perv!ellie cannot watch you eat/drink certain things because of the implied sensuality. popsicles? nope. pasta? absolutely not. drinking out of a straw? she’s gotta go.
• she was 110% the first person who got you high. quickly making it a habit, because you are even more pliant when you get all stoned.
• speaking of? in addition to your astonishing obedience when ya’ get all fucked up, ellie williams cannot deny how much she loves watching you wrap your lips around a pipe.
• the first time you get high with her, your eyes glaze over and your nipples harden through your little tank. she would scoot closer and flick one, “look at that, doll!” you just giggle and she waves the pipe in front of your face. “ain't it silly the way this stuff works!”
• takes secret photos of you laughing, bending over, getting dressed.
• perv!ellie dances with you in the kitchen. dancing turns into wrestling, and she loves wrestling because of how close she gets to be to you.
• brings you around her friends to show you off, like she doesn't get upset when they very obviously eye you. “this one’s mine. so back off..” she would tell them when one asks your relationship status.
• she sneaks little touches to your thighs or waist when you sleep.
• one night when you wake up from her touch and ask “whats goin’ on, els?” she just hushes you and tells you that “all friends do this, silly.” as she pulls you closer, spooning you. “just makin’ sure you sleep reeeal good!” later that night she def lets a few fingers slip beneath your panties.
• i’m a firm believer in the fact that ellie used to get stoned and go people-watching, used to. now she gets stoned and goes “you-watching.” like, since meeting you, her favorite pastime has become sparkin’ up, and watching you! things like picking up your room, baking, doing your makeup or hair. its all so interesting, you are so interesting.
• she steals your panties 100%. and maybe shoves them in her face when she touches herself. :0
• always finds a way to bring up sex. she will, without a doubt, ask you blatant questions about what's happening in your sex life. all she gets out of you is your detailed explanation on how you masturbate.
• you would tell her sometimes it's difficult to keep going at a certain point and that you don't think you’ve ever made yourself cum.
• and when she hears that? her eyes go wide. her mind runs rampid with filthy ideas. she feels like she's dreaming when she asks if you would show her, and you say yes..
• she could see the hesitation in your eyes at the questions first proposal… but ellie, ever the charmer, prods until she hears what she wants.
• pulling you close and hushing you, she would say: “this is normal baby, cross my heart!” then throw her hands up in defense before leaning in to close the space between you two.
• after that, her hands are everywhereee!!! on your waist, sliding up your back then down to squeeze your ass, up again to tangle in your hair and then dropping the slightest bit to cup your face.
• when she reaches further down and realizes that you aren't wearing any panties she swears you’re trying to kill her.
• “forgot how to put on panties sweetheart?” she’d chuckle at you, then spit on her fingers and resume her assault on your core.
• her fingers inside and her breath on your neck make it hard for you to speak but, even then you manage to tell her, “no! didnt forget els!” and so she laughs some more, stops touching you and prys, “well then where’d your cute little panties go, doll?”
• in that moment, you let out an exasperated breath and come clean. “hnng! they got all sticky and hot when i thought about seeing you today, so i took em’ off!!!” you sound on the verge of tears.
• perv!ellie could no longer take it, she pushes you down onto your bed and starts to work on you. slender fingers circling your clit and she bites and licks at your neck. “yeah? got all excited ‘cause i was comin’ over?”
• when you dont answer her.. she gathers up a rather obscene glob of your arousal and brings it up to swipe across your nose, like you're a little puppy in trouble.
• “i asked you a question doll, its rude to ignore people.” all you could offer her was a long, incoherent string of whines with a possible “yes!” thrown in there somewhere.
• at that point, it doesn't take her more than fifteen minutes to finger you to completion, and have her strap on and ready for you.
• ellie fucks into you with nothing but unbridled stamina. never letting up, no, how could she? shes been waiting for this.
• and god, you look like heaven personified underneath her. she was convinced she could cum on the spot from that alone.
• after about 4 orgasms from your end, ellie has to literally pull herself away from you.
• perv!ellie could stay so deep in your pussy for hours on end, she would never leave if she didn't have to. she could work on you until you saw starts.
• the little perv quickly turns into a massive simp the second your head hits her chest and your eyelids flutter.
• “n-no doll, gotta clean you up.” but she just simply cannot stop having you near her, so she carries you to the bathroom and wipes you off.
• the encounter has you woken up a bit and when she gets you back into your room she lays you down, then searches around the floor for her pants.
• pulling out a joint and a lighter, she says “can’t just fuck you like that and not smoke you out after..”
• perv!ellie sleeps like a goddamn baby that night, the taste of you still on her tounge and her head on your tummy.
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hope the ellie giiirls love this! happy 4th to those who celebrate ✨
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ro-written · 1 year
Spills and Confessions - C.San
Tags/Warnings: Pure fluff, drinking, San being a giggly and cute drunk, kdrama-level situations
Word Count: 1.3k
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You stared at San as his face got redder and redder and his body swayed a bit, even sitting down. It was adorable.
The two of you hadn’t been able to just sit down and catch up with each other in a few weeks. Yes, you made sure to message each other, checking in on your best friend with his busy idol schedule and you balancing work and general life. But finally, earlier that night, he texted you as you finished in the shower.
Sannie 🌄: what are you doing RIGHT. NOW. You: not a “hello”? nary a “how are you?” Sannie 🌄: hello my bestest friend ever Sannie 🌄: now answer. You: …im scared to. Sannie 🌄: 🤨🤨🤨scared of ME??? You: absolutely not, dont make me laugh Sannie 🌄: booooooo, what are you doing toniiiiiight???? You: nothing, dear 😞 Sannie 🌄: good answer. Sannie 🌄: cause i have no work tomorrow morning and im expecting you to not either You: bold assumption. Sannie 🌄: well you know me You: …it would also be a correct one Sannie 🌄: 😼perfect Sannie 🌄: come over and drink with me, everyone’s out for the night You: lmao sounds good, give me like 30
Well, an hour later and three drinks in, San was giggling at a little joke you had made. Just a slight innuendo, nothing you hadn’t done before, but to him it seemed to be the funniest thing in the world. He wiped his eyes of the two tears racing down his face.
“Was it funny?” You looked at him with eyebrows raised, trying to hide the small smile playing on your lips behind your drink glass. He has been a lightweight since you could remember. Even with all the working out he’s done, no matter how broad - as he likes to brag about - his shoulders get, that fact will never change. 
“Very…..very much so,” he gasps out, slowly bringing himself to calm down. His entire neck was beet red and his eyes turned into half-moons with his smile. His dimples showed through and you couldn’t help but reach out to poke one of them. The slight haze in your brain overtook your thinking, and you didn’t consider it before you moved and blurted out
“You’re so cute, honey.”
When the words were finally processed in your head, it was too late.
He had looked at you with this wide-eyed, child-like look. His lips formed the little pout they’d do when he was confused or shocked about something. The drink he held in his hand stayed frozen halfway between the table and his mouth.
It wasn’t like you two didn’t flirt before. Of course you have, but it was in a platonic way. Just little comments here and there about how someone looked a particular time, or saying cheesy one-liners. But it never went past that. You two always kept the invisible wall of “lol” and “whatever” up to not make either person feel weird. But this comment was different. And even in his unsteady state, he was able to detect the tone in your voice.
Of course, you found San attractive, anybody who could perceive other people would find him attractive. Did that mean you had a crush on the man? …yes. You knew you did, but you held that as close to your chest as you could, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable if it came to be that he didn’t feel the same way. You’ve tried to shake your mind out of it for a while, trying to find any ick about him to keep up the platonic barrier of your friendship. And when that didn’t work, you went on dates to distract yourself. But during these dates, you would only find yourself comparing them to San. How they dressed, how they talked, their personalities. None of them could ever compare.
“Um…sorry, was that weird?” You backtracked and tried to laugh it off. You could feel your face burning though and quietly hoped it wasn’t too noticeable. He kept quiet, eyes going down to the bottles in front of both of you. Gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta–
“I think I’m gonna get water!” You abruptly stood up from the couch to make your way over to the kitchen in the dorm. You needed to get away from him and the heavy atmosphere that had suddenly clouded the room. 
Grabbing out a random mug you think was Mingi’s, you went to the sink and stared at the cold water filling the cup. Maybe it’s time to sober up and get home. You chugged the water, staring into the sink at the excuse you were gonna try to give San for leaving so early and how you were going to get an Uber back to your place.
“Uh, hey.”
San’s voice behind you made you jump and whip your head around. The water splashed up on your shirt sleeve and looking down you realized that it got on the floor as well.
“Shit, sorry,” San mumbled and rushed over to help you clean up the spill. You grabbed one of the dish rags laying next to the stove and started to crouch down right as San got there, moving to grab the towel out of your hand to clean it instead. His hand, instead, grabbed onto yours, and it made you both stop to stare at each other. He was warm, his hand soft and gentle against yours. His face was still flush, but his eyes were completely focused on you and how it felt to touch you. You took a deep, steadying breath as you gently pulled the rag from his hand.
“Don’t apologize, Sannie. I spilled it, I should clean it.” You offered him a closed-mouth smile, doing your best to relax your features and not show the inner turmoil you were facing. His mouth opened but quickly closed as you turned your attention to cleaning up the water. 
He struggled to figure out exactly what he wanted to say. He knew somewhat when he walked in, having gone over it in his head when you had come in here, but all of that was lost as soon as he saw you. He knew what he wanted, he’s always known. He’s known it since that day you showed up at the dorm to sneak him out for a night away from all the dance practices and interviews. You took him to a small festival with bright lights and various foods, ones that you made him share with you so he could have a break from his dieting. And that night, under the mix of the moonlight and the soft yellow lights, he realized that what he had wanted was you. 
“It wasn’t weird,” he said suddenly. You stopped wiping at the floor to understand what he had said to you. Your heartbeat hadn’t stopped racing for the past fifteen minutes and you were afraid that you would collapse at any second. You feared that if you looked up at him, looked him in his eyes again, you truly would collapse. So you stood up and turned towards the counter to dump the rest of the water, balling up the towel in your hands.
You felt a hand on your shoulder gently pulling to turn you. Complying, you shifted around, keeping your eyes on his chest where his grey hoodie was decorated with Seoul National University’s logo on it. His hand moved under your chin, pushing it to make you look into his eyes.
“I need you to hear me when I say this.” Your breath caught in your throat. “I’ve liked you for years. And I never wanted to say anything because I was worried about scaring you off but…I like you. And I think that you may like me too.” His eyebrows drew together, eyes begging you to say something. 
Taking another deep breath, you felt your heartbeat slow down for once tonight. You brought both hands up to smooth out the crease in between his eyebrows and smiled, grabbing both sides of his face. Whether it was the alcohol in your system, or the confession he just gave you, something gave you the courage to respond back to him earnestly.
“Of course, I like you Sannie.”
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All About The Trines Pt. 1 : Sun's Rising
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Alright, so today's focus is about the beautiful trines in astrology.
Whether its in the natal chart, synastry, or even a transit. Trines are very interesting associations that connect the planets together. It is a natural force that takes just a tiny bit of effort, but once you get a taste of it, you gotta pull its string a little. Just so you can get more of it. When you do this, it'll become a stronger sensation. And it will mean much more throughout your lifetime (natal) if you play your cards right.
So whatever planets you have trine in your chart, also look to the houses. Because it shows that the energies of these houses blend together to create something natural, powerful, and authentic.
So, here is a few observations I have on some trines. This'll be part 1 because there is so many, but if you feel I missed yours or your just interested in learning different trines in any chart, feel free to let me know and I can add it in pt.2.
So you ready? Lets ride.
Sun trine Moon
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To have this in a natal chart shows theres a compassionate nature that comes out of the individual. They have a creative force that is authentic, yet inspirational. Interesting, but very divine. You attract people like honey, and your words fuel the gates to return to heaven. I mean that seriously. Its a beautiful placement overall. It has this flow that is strong, yet soft. Blissful, yet hard to come by. These people seem to be protected by a hidden force that is deeply felt. Like their connected to the archangels or something. A sun trine moon individual must weave their power in order to get into their bag. In order to truly capture this, they must allow their souls to express itself freely. And whatever feelings come out of the surface is what they should allow to flow through air, and allow others to flow with its being.
Sun trine Jupiter
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A person with this special persona is up for a real treat. Lucky experiences can take shape in the houses these two planets are in. They change abruptly, thats jupiters domain. This release they feel comes from the brain, and out into the world. The body holds onto this magic, and awaits for it turns to absorb any more of it that they can get. This is so that when the time is right, they can create realities out of thin air. And have a magical race into the sunset. Lol. its a one of a kind placement.
So lets get serious for a bit, sun trine jupiter placements have a knack for picking up on the finest lines of social stimulation. So much so, they tend to get into fortunate experiences every chance they get. They know to take a chance and to allow things to come in when need be. Optimistic nature is a given, so they dont work to hard to get what they need/want. This might be different if Jupiter is in retrograde, as time and time again it will show a different discretion. Hoping for something different and not getting the results (we will talk about retrograde planets in aspects later). Overall, this placement is a natural force of divine intervention, and a worthy placement to have when you're feeling good & lucky.
Sun trine Mars
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There energy is always up for the challenge. Their honestly gifted in areas where their soul can jump into high intensity inducing things. Their energy is powerful, strong and vital. And this type of placement needs more time and structure than any other. It is because this placement needs time to focus its energy onto something, as martians typically need to put themselves on overdrive to use up some of that intensity they have in their bodies. Their expression (sun) ties real well with the bold like persona (mars) of an individual who knows what they want. These people are pretty confident naturally, and need no ones help on getting to what they desire. Although it would be nice, these placements typically know their way around. Because it is a trine, its flow and force is deeply penetrating. I would say this makes them more well liked but it isn't true. Martians tend to be unlikeable due to unconfident people or others not being able to catch the flow they have and tame it. Its inspirational by nature because it uses its force to capture an authentic moment that describes who they are. Their just naturally equipped to due dangerous things, or things people are too scared to do and shy away from, This is what makes them sexy. If you have this placement or anyone with it, please tell them to try new things that dare them to go above and beyond. You dont know what'll make of it, thats the surprise all along. It's truly a one of its kind.
Sun trine Pluto
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Ah, the gift that keeps on giving. Here, I believe this placement can be very authorative. It has a special quality to it where people who heal others can weave their ability to make amends with the psyche and what wounds they've been carrying around for some time, and open up to a higher awakening so that their souls can meet a new cycle they've been dreaming of for a while.
These individuals have what it takes to move on from cycles that no longer serve them. Their energy is built on capturing the moment to when it times to breathe their last, they are transforming into the next big thing. Every single time. It's like the butterfly effect but in human form. Its capable of treating others in a way that reflects back into their inner circle. That domain they keep their hidden selves in up until they meet a sun/pluto individual. You make them wonder what its like to live on the other side. On edge. On an emotional rollercoaster, but the one that shares its joy and authenticity at the end of the ride. It makes you wonder, what are they truly hiding? Because they make themselves look so well put together after everything done.
Sun trine Saturn
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Structure & Foundation is a karmic blessing for them. They do have a gift inside of them that helps them get through the day. They understand that things really don't come as hard, but as easy as people say. I love this placement simply because there is a sense of maturity already present in the individual, that they don't need to oversell it and potentially lose their childhood. They kind of know what they want and what they have to do to get it respectfully so they can grow into that thing they are looking into. It's like a person who is consciously aware they're like a 'tree', one that grows with time and can't be rushed.. so their patience for things is really top tier (unless they have other placements with mars that say otherwise). They naturally carry a sense of wisdom that is given to them by birth, and they tend to know what their talking about early on. Even if they haven't gone thru it themselves. Great and carrying personas and could be like teachers even at a young age. A wonderful placement to catch in the chart.
Sun trine Neptune
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Oh my gawd. These wonderful placement holders have a GIFT from God. Naturally empathetic, intuitive, and can really see into the soul. Their so talented in what they do and what they come up with and they intrigue people (like their sun/uranus buddies) in a propelling way. They are the light that the world needs when things get to ugly, to dark, to serious. They connect to the ethers in a way that others may have forgotten, or have never knew before. The way sun trine neptune can pick up on energies before it shows up in the room, or the way they are able to read other people and understand the differences between them and others makes them likeable and rejected by society at the same time. Like I said, they can be pretty interesting. But there connection to the stars is unmatched.
Sun trine Uranus
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Compelling natures. Quick-witted. And has a looooooad of information in those brains that can't go unnoticed. Literal geniuses in those little bodies of theirs. Their intellectual but their force is so much more than that. You can't keep up with them. Their literally 20 years away while everyone is trying to catch up. Make fun of them now, copy them later. It's the usual. They know they shock the world, but do they care? Not exactly. There is an innate understanding on how the world works, and their rebellion is far past the way society moves. They're just different, theres nothing for them to prove. They ease into this as they age as well.
Sun trine North Node
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Rahu has its mark here.. Very interesting considering that their mortal enemies. In a trine its no different. These two have a fiery nature when together. So a person with this in a natal chart have a drive that is incapable of stopping any time soon. There destiny wants it, but do they need it? They have to go with the flow, which is incredibly interesting because trines work that way. But with rahu against the sun? Whew. They got some work to do. If it’s talent you wanna see, then with this placement you just might get it. You gotta work hard at it though because rahu isn’t letting up lol.
Sun trine South Node
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Beneficial factors play here because ketu is sweetened with the suns magic. Your souls purpose becomes a factor in a way that you aren't creating anything out of thin air, it just comes to you. Your soul's spirit was ready to take on the mission since the day you was born. So you're capable of anything. You just have to wait for the right time, because it's divine intervention that takes the cake here.
I hope you guys enjoyed this small interp on the trines connecting to the sun! Beautiful placements.
Also if anyone was wondering, the sun cannot trine venus and mercury since they can't be no more than two signs away from each other. Hope that helps.
Anyways, if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments!
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cocogum · 3 months
My honest reactions of episodes 5 and 6 (part 1)
We obviously start with the ✨sadidas✨ Armand and Amalia (as we should 💕) coming back from the assembly meeting with the Eliatrope goddess.
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Okay so were starting off pretty strong lol
I LOVE how Armand thinks about the Eliatrope goddess cuz yeah we were pretty much thinking the same thing (about how she’ll pretty much stalk them and will put her children in their world) and I just absolutely LOVE how he’s keeping his guard because of her and has become even more doubtful of Yugo. (Just look at his eyes as he stares at Amalia!!)
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Because yeah, even though he wasn’t as wary of Yugo before, some hints were still shown in the OVAs when he called him “a king without his people is unheard of” but Yugo shrugged his comment off.
BUT NOW WE GET TO SEE MORE OF ARMAND SLANDERING YUGO and basically exposing Amalia acting “not rational” when she talks about Yugo.
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Armand, my man, your sister’s clearly in love with Yugo OF COURSE SHE WOULDN’T BE RATIONAL WITH HIM (you should’ve seen how she kissed Oropo tho you would’ve lost your shit lo)
I just ADORE Az and his family playing on their tree Tofu tower they look so adorable ☺️✨💖 I already made a headcanon that Yugo and Alibert built it (while Chibi and Grougal just watched).
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Look at these two not doing anything and just being lazy bums 😭😭🥰💕💕
Also I need a gif of Yugo and Alibert hugging with Az and his kids in the background asap ✨
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But all cuteness aside, in all my years of being a Wakfu fan, I literally never saw Yugo make that face before. Like it was so uncalled for that my heart literally dropped when I saw him like that. I never thought that the face of terror and shock (combined with the booming sound in the background) could go so well on him and now I wanna see it more!! I HOPE YOU TORTURE HIM ANKAMA!!
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Btw the Eliatrope goddess is such a fraud and can’t think for herself even though she said she wants to rule a freaking planet but okay (u fucked up the first time by default when ur kids had one planet for themselves but ur already messing up ur second time cuz ur running away from ur problems when U AND NORA WERE THE REASON WHY THE NECROMES GOT OUT ARE U KIDDING ME- YOU DIDN’T CHECK?!!!???!)
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Armand’s really trying hard not to say something racist right now.
Dude can’t even look him in the eyes while saying hi lol
Also can we talk about what Armand told Yugo??? :
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No because im legitimately scared that something bad will happen to her, why else would Armand say these kinds of things to YUGO of all people????
I swear I will actually cry if this ended up being foreshadowing cuz honestly wtf…why did Amalia ever do to you people….My fear for Amalia was already there even before Season 4 so why do you gotta make my paranoia resurface like that??? Why do u gotta do me like that???? 😭😭😭
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This is the guy who started a genocide against his own people and has more common sense than the GODDESS right in front of him. I get that she’s traumatized cuz of what happened to her but you gotta realize that they’ll always run after you if you just keep running, so the least you can do is throw your kids to fight for you. I just love how the only reason why Qilby is saying any of this is because for once, he’s not the one in control of the fate of the world and can’t redirect the signal or stop it himself lol
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whyse7vn · 9 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
jin: so i just raised a slut like???
namjoon: ??
jk: ur a father?
tae: where the sluts at lol
yoongi: honestly i could throw up
jimin: if i raised jungkook i would not be taking credit for that shit just saying
hobi: you raised me up
jk: i’m the slut? ☹️
jk: jimin did it first
jimin: UMM EXUSE ME????
hobi: wasn’t namjoon half naked the other day too?
namjoon: this isn’t about me
y/n: whores the lot of you!
tae: namjoon the biggest whore
namjoon: again this isn’t about me
tae: ok mr automatic dick
hobi: who was the automatic bitch?
y/n: what does that even mean
namjoon: yoongi was the one talking about his tongue technology
yoongi: ??????
leave me alone wtf
tae: ur all nasty
hobi: be honest are you a virgin
tae: ME????
hobi: looking
i see a virgin
tae: if anyone is a virgin it’s jin
jin: okay wtf not true at all
jimin: he’s lived for like 79 years there’s no way he’s a virgin lmao
y/n: i mean think about that one photo
with the comdoms in the back
jin BEEN fucking!!
hobi: #kingsize
jin: i mean what can i say
jimin: you picked up the wrong size?
jin: kill yourself?
namjoon: could we not talk about the size of jin’s dick please and thank you
tae: right pls stop guy me and namjoon are getting turned on
jk: it’s ok me 3
jin: what
y/n: what
namjoon: what????
yoongi: strangling jungkook gotta feel better than opiates i just know it in my heart
jimin: retweet
tae: bro said retweet 😭😭😭😭
his ass is NOT on twitter 🤣🤣
y/n: you are so unfunny it makes me want to punch things
tae: i’m so into that
y/n: burn
tae: ummmm?
y/n: alive
tae: don’t hate me cuz you want to passionately kiss me on the mouth
y/n: would rather get shot 450 times
tae: fuck you never speak to me again
y/n: finally
tae: guys i miss her 😕💔
hobi: wow
jk: guys let’s start using tone indicators!
yoongi: ur ugly /srs
jk: ok nvm!
jimin: and she said she said she’s from hawaii /srs
namjoon: …
hobi: do you know how to say cute in japanese? /srs
jk: i do i do i do
namjoon: please stop
tae: did someone say japan lol???
jin: when you said bye i had hope you would be gone for more that 2 seconds
y/n: he said japanese
jimin: idiot
tae: they call me senpai down under
yoongi: ?
jk: in australia??
tae: tf is an australia??
yoongi: what the actual fuck is wrong with you?
tae: did you mean astronaut?
jk: maybe…
y/n: you didn’t
jk: i didn’t
hobi: naur
jin: pls don’t do this again
hobi: naur i have to mate
tae: somone call me senpai rn see what happens
y/n: no
jin: is he’s gonna do something weird?
i feel like he’s gonna do something weird
pls don’t do something weird
jk: let’s find out!!!
namjoon: let’s not!
jk: senpai~
tae: nnnuugghhhhhhhhh 😫
jin: told u
tae: what’s up baby 😉
yoongi removed tae from “SLUT CENTRAL 🤮”
jimin: i HATE jungkook
jk: /srs ?
jimin: /srs
jk: FUCK
hobi: personally if i was to ever get hit by a car i would just get up and walk away
like thats so embarrassing
am i a pussy?
absolutely NOT
jk: hobi btw i do know how to say cute in japanese
namjoon: what if your legs were badly hurt?
hobi: namjoon idk about YOU but hoseok is definitely gonna walk it off
namjoon: why are you talking in 3rd person?
jk: do you want to know how to say cute in japanese??
i can tell you
yoongi: no
jk: k y ee
y/n: oh my god
yoongi removed jk from “SLUT CENTRAL 🤮”
jimin: did he just say that
like fr
k y ee?
as in kawaii
im not hallucinating right
jin: unfortunately not
hobi: i need a car
it’s time to hit a couple people
yoongi: talking to them kills me inside
jin: i’m here for u yoongi
yoongi: and you
jin: hobi make sure you hit him too
jin added tae to “SLUT CENTRAL 🤮”
jin added jk to “SLUT CENTRAL 🤮”
jin: karma
tae: sometimes i call the number on missing dog posters and just bark
jk: hi guys i’m back thx for adding me back jin hi guys i’m back did you miss me cuz i’m back now so it’s ok
namjoon: you bark?
tae: so they think it’s their dog trying to contact them
but it’s not
cuz it’s me
jimin: why would they think it’s their dog?
how tf a dog gonna use a phone
tae: dogs don’t normally use phones?
guess yeontan just built different 🤷🏻‍♂️
i mean what do you expect from a son of mine
hobi: he’s built different cuz you don’t feed him
yoongi: wow
namjoon: guys please
tae: ok that was not funny at all
i look after him
really well actually
i swear
i feed him
i do
jk: i believe you tae
tae: you do? 🥺
jk: yeah
tae: thanks jungkook i love you
jk: ok
tae: ok?
jk: ok?
tae: okay
jk: okay
tae: fucking whore whose the other woman then??
jk: guys help i’m really scared rn
jimin: omg speaking of that fucking mutt
tae: MUTT???
jimin: bro has NO stage presence at ALL
expressions lame as hell and all he did was run around trying to get camera time he looked a fool
hobi: dozen core
y/n: was his first performance pls don’t make fun of him he’s trying his best :(((
jimin: his best wasn’t good enough
jimin: it did not show
jk: bam could of done it better
yoongi: would of shit on stage
jimin: still would of been better than whatever yeontan was doing
tae: can you leave him alone omg
he was nervous
jimin: i’ll cook him
hobi: do you know how to say cute in japanese?
jk: yes
i do
namjoon: stop
jk: i can give you a hint if you don’t know namjoon
namjoon: jungkook please don’t talk to me
jimin: he’s losing it guys
y/n: lowkey hot
i love a man on the edge
tae: just say ur a slut
y/n: ??
yoongi: tae shut the fuck up
jimin: that so screams i have never felt the touch of a woman before
tae: how tf u think i made yeontan?
jk: you fucked a dog??????
tae: wait no wtf
that’s illegal
i hope
hobi: that’s gross i’m gonna throw up
jin: where is namjoon when you need him change the the subject i’m begging you
namjoon: i think i'm having a psychotic break rn
y/n: holds you and whispers it's gonna be okay
jimin: kill your neighbor kill your neighbor kill your neighbor
y/n: can’t wait for the day it’s gc gets leaked
we will all be locked up
jimin: severing 10 years not even that bad if you think about it
yoongi: tae severing at least 25
namjoon serving life
little drug abuser
y/n: be fr the worst drug joon has done is take 4 paracetamols at one time
jk: 4?????
namjoon: no
hobi: caught namjoon sipping lean on august 13th 2023 10:45 pm
namjoon: no you didn’t
hobi: u right i didn’t
sorry guys i like to lie
jin: that’s a problem actually
hobi: i’m working on it
tae: work harder
jimin: tell ur dog that
yoongi: can you come over
tae: yeah
yoongi: wrong chat mb
and why tf would i be taking to you
tae: i’m gonna shoot myself
jin: who you inviting over yoongi omg 🙈
should i bring you a nda??
jk: nine dead animals?
y/n: no jungkook
jk: oh
namjoon: breathe in breathe out
jk: personally i’m worried if i give good head or not because no one has ever willingly asked me to give them head so is my head that bad you don’t even want me to try
jin: invest in a diary pls
jk: cant i’m lacktoes intolerant :(
jimin: lactose?
y/n: and the way thats not even true
hobi: the head or the lactose part?
tae: trust me bro ur head crazy good
jk: fr?
tae: fr
it’s so good girls afraid to ask
jk: girls?
tae: boys?
jk: boys???
tae: people????
jk: what people??
tae: you have like people ur fucking right?
jk: no?
tae: what?
jk: no people
jimin: are you expecting a rando to just to ask you to given them head?
jk: no?
jin: i’m so confused
jk: y/n
y/n: yes?
yoongi: no
y/n: ?
namjoon: moving on
hobi: you think tae’s dog can learn black swan?
tae: he has a name yk?
hobi: say my name say my name
jk: jung hoseok
hobi: thx
jk: yes
k y ee
namjoon left “yeontan ugly”
tae: THE GC NAME??????
y/n: poor joonie see what you guys do to him?
jimin: bet he’s gone to see his automatic bitch
hobi: robot sex
yoongi: what??
hobi: cyber sex doja cat
jin: illuminati
jk: when did he become poor thats so sad i’m here for him if he ever needs ¥
yoongi: why would he need yen?
jk: who is yen?
jimin: oh no i’m praying for him ❤️
jk: guys ur not being very k y ee rn
yoongi: i’m going to skin you alive
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66sharkteeth · 13 days
I just wanted to say that even though I'm a mostly silent reader, never really commenting on episodes and rarely interacting on the discord, CoB is by far my absolute favorite comic I've probably ever read. I dont doubt for a second that there are many more out there like me, silently gushing over every new episode and excitedly theorizing with their friends.
Even when CoB reaches its end, I will 100% be sticking around for anything else you make.
thank you. im ngl, there's a big irrationality in me that feels like im only writing this comic for like 15 people sometimes. ik that's completely untrue, but it can really feel like that, especially when i step outside the bubble of webtoon and try to share or talk about the comic anywhere else. i've full on just...stopped posting on instagram, because it's just so defeating and exhausting every time i post. I know there's more than 15 people reading my work, but boy its harder to tell myself that every time I post outside of webtoon. i only continue to post here because i've put no effort into growing this so i don't feel as disappointed when only 20 of my 700k followers on webtoon see it.
ik this completely dismisses my silent followers, which i know there are a lot of, and i'm trying really hard to account for them. but man, it's really hard. and i dont think how lonely the process is helps either. i remember numbers never used to bug me as much when i had a close friend to gush about OCs and ideas with, but now that i just gotta kind of do it all myself and be my own cheerleader with nobody to gush about upcoming stuff to, its doubly defeating when it finally posts and nobody's that excited. i don't know how i can feel so alone when there's a good amount of people who follow me, but the whole thing is an incredibly isolating process and it's just gotten so much worse with declining readership and algorithms doing everything they can to make sure nobody sees my work.
sorry if i veered off a bit, but it's been on my mind lately haha. i appreciate every reader so much, silent and vocal. like no seriously, you guys are literally the only thing keeping me going bc i know we're supposed to "create for ourselves" and stuff, but i think most people at least have a friend or partner that they're gushing about their OCs and stuff with, but i just have you guys lol. so thank you for reading, enjoying, and giving me someone to actually share my creations with.
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
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Absolutely stuck on the overwhelming amount of louis today so I'm just gonna turn that energy into recapping everything that made my heart melt today (warning I love all things):
his close to 1.5 hrs late grandpa entrance pls, and that security said it was because he was having lunch
the place was playing his Tour Bus Playlist yey
the many pictures and videos of him looking up at fans, full of love and smiles and warmth and mhm fuck this
when a fan asked him to write "bisexual rights" rainbows and crying emojis go here
him getting real confused when asked to write "nothing's changed" because he was thinking of the line "some things change" instead like mans wrote an album full of lines "contradicting himself" (his words) including a massive pile of "change" everywhere dont play
his face when the fan with the trans flag was talking to him
when a fan said "you're really beautiful" and he responded with "hahaha nice one"
when a fan asked if he knew her twitter because she does piano covers of his songs and he was like YEAH THE PIANO YEAH YEAH YEAH I SEE YOU ALL THE TIME *sparkly eyes*
when a fan asked him to write "hey babe" and he laughed like "hahaha yeah" like just the tone you gotta hear it he knows everything were fine
saying he likes "i choked when your smoke got in me eye" just hearing him say and put emphasis on that line.
so. much. football. talk. here's one
on that note him making this lil shit face when he told a fan their team was gonna lose
when a fan was wearing the green nike jumper he wore recently and he said "ive got that jumper - i know you know that already"
the little wave to the people in the screen
him saying hes not gonna draw a heart "only because im fucking shit at drawing hearts" and then drawing a heart and ye she quirky but i hope he knows that makes it even better
or when a fan asked to draw a little star and his response was to ask them whether they wanted it "5 sides or 6" and "I've not drawn a star in years" again excusing his drawing and then draws a star just fine
writing "we'll be alright"
his lil hiya's and nice one's and cheers'
^Seriously the way he greeted everyone was so early 1d days signings esque im not coping with the passage of time rn
the gum chewing
that a fan told him OTB wasn't a lonely song anymore
When a fan told him "if france wins the game you have to sing angels fly next week" he immediately went "but what about if england win" and told the fan if england win they have to show up in an england shirt at their next gig in france and then his crew apparently very much in on his betting behavior dead serious going REMEMBER HER FACE! REMEMBER HER FACE! ILL REMEMBER HER FACE and then they also thanked the fan lol
the harry meme shirt lookin eyein gazin smirkin seein perceivin happenin
his jumper. that's it.
yk his hair also.
The whole chat about AFH in Mexico within the next 5 years and that video especially these frames thank you
personal favorite: when he was asked to write Faith In The Future's initials and he kept looking at the title on his own album cover to make sure he got the right letters
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