#i just dont fit in this place i dont have a brain that can come up with this stuff
rapidhighway · 11 months
i think i might just have to give up and leave this school
#like i dont really want to i dont#i have friends there and if i drop out i have no idea whats gonna happen#and i dont want to stop seeing everyone#but im just so bad at this#i just dont fit in this place i dont have a brain that can come up with this stuff#i cant do abstract thinking im not good at any philosophy or anything#im not even that good at drawing tbh#but i wanted it to work out so bad#but i dont think im just good enough to do this i cant do it i cant come up with stuff i cant make contemporary art or whatever they want#from me#i really wanted to be in this school#i have no other aspirations from art#like whats even left for me and now im bed even at that#i know everyone wonders how i even got in#someone in my group even suggested i should drop out hah#but i cant do it because i literally have nothing else i dont want to do anything else#i dont want to go to work yet i dont want to leave my friends at this school#but i cant even pass this year because i cant do these things they ask from me i im not good enough for it#i cant come up with anything ever#i guess i should just stick to drawing fanart as my hobby and do something else but theres nothing else im good at or im even willing to do#idk man i dont know what to do#i dont want to drop out#but i dont know how to push harder i dont think i can do it by just trying harder i think im just inherently bad at this#oh god okay im gonna shut up now i just needed to get this out bc im scared to talk about this to anyone#if i even mention this to my parents they either yell at me or react with just the worst apathy you can imagine#so i guess they dont really care they just want me gone or to do something with myself but im really just kind of useless#i feel like i dug a grave for myself here and its been like 13 years in the making you know#and none of them will help me they just tell me to do it and be done with it and i ask for help and they dont#ok now im really shutting up
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nymphany · 11 months
Fic contains: taboo / dark content please read this warning if you are triggered by any of this material
Reader info:
Referred with: she/her/girl/you
British! Pan! Short! Afab! Feminine! Reader
Coming soon: cat, bunny, mouse, deer, bear, cow, lamb and bird version
♡ callsign: cadaver!
♡ oh where to start with this little ball of energy!!!
♡ shes so dumb </3 but she's good at her job so that's all that matters
♡ it was a surprise to 141 to be presented with the least intimidating hybrid as their newest addition to the team
♡ this bubbly little thing who was practically shaking in excitement, her tail wagging so hard it looked like it was about to fly off
♡ naturally the men were disappointed that they're newest member wasnt some unbeatable tank but instead a tiny thing who was fueled by praise and treats
♡ speaking of praises and treats gaz cant help but spoil you!! Price tells him not to
"she wont listen if you give her so many treats"
"shes a good girl she always listens"
• hes right you do always listen, you're very obedient maybe too obedient
♡ despite his denial of your treats, your favourite man is obviously price <3 something about puppies and grumpy old men is a match made in heaven !!
♡ you like his ear scratches the best especially when you're in his office with your head on his lap
♡ he says he only likes you for your work but everyone knows that's a lie especially when he pays extra attention to you during lunch. Hes just making sure you eat all your food so you're big and strong
♡ you know how some dads pet their dogs my giving their back a good smack and rub? that's what hed do to you <3
♡ he has a wide selection of beef jerky in his office but you only eat it when someone feeds it to you <3 they're not allowed to hand it to you or place it infront of you they must feed it to you directly!! Makes you happy (you try your best not to nip at their fingers when they feed you but you just get so happy you cant help it)
♡ ghost can never be sarcastic around you your dumb brain cant handle it :( "go count every grain of rice in the kitchens if you're so bothered 'bout the numbers" and you do!!! he feels horrible because he knows you suck at counting :(( it must of took you ages to even get to 50
♡ its okay because it gives soap and gaz an excuse to pamper you!! You dont exactly understand why you're being pampered (must be because you're such a good girl for counting all that rice) but you accept it. It does make ghost feel so much worse for making you do things he didnt mean </3
"You're such a good puppy! You're so good at listening and you're so pretty!"
"Gaz that's enough I already said sorry"
"Aw come on Lt you made the poor thing count every grain of rice cant expect us to not rub it in can ya"
♡ ghost does make it up to you eventually, he takes you on walks around the base and points out secrets and tells you their stories
"Oi pup Do you see that dent in the wall?"
"Johnny came back after a night out and rammed himself into it thinking his shadow was an intruder"
♡ they always have atleast one of your chew toys on them at all times after they noticed you chewing the inside of your mouth, your fingers, their sleeves or just anything you could fit in your mouth
♡ your team must smell like you all the time, always, forever !!!! Whenever you get them alone youre immediately licking them!! Sometimes you bite but you're working on it <3
♡ if they come back from somewhere you have to smell them, what if they smell like another hybrid hmm?!?! >:((
♡ which is why you hate baths.
♡ they wipe away all your hard work I mean come on it's not easy to get the scent of your four favourite men nor is it easy to scent them!!! They're constantly around other people >:(((((
♡ luckily you arent the smartest so it's easy to trap and lure you in with kisses <3
♡ some one HAS to be in the bath/shower/ room with you
1. you cant be trusted not to eat the soap (smell nice ≠ taste nice)
2. Its scary in there
3. You get distracted and forget to even get in the bath/shower
♡ they treat you so well though !!! your ears and tail are always so soft when you let gaz wash them, he takes such good care of the soft fur and he never ever let's the bubbles  stay in your ears and he spends a good long time near your tail but you have no idea why <3
♡ soap likes washing your body! He loves watching you relax as he takes his time to make sure you're clean, he loves letting you lean against him as he washes your back and loves watching the suds run down your body. hes so sweet that he makes sure to pay extra attention to your sensitive areas <3
♡ price is the one tasked to dry you off, you seem to only listen to him anyway (of course you do, your dumb doggy brain has to listen to the leader of your pack)
♡ he pulls you against him using your towel as leverage, he so graciously put it in the dryer to warm up so you're all toasty and warm. You sit in his lap while he rubs your body dry whispering praises about your "bravery" to even go into the bath/shower
♡ Which leaves ghost in charge of your skin care!! This big scary man lathering your body in lotions and creams so you're all soft and smooth. He loves the moans and whimpers when he presses down on your weak spots <3
"Oi mutt stop licking the moisturiser"
"No no nooo :((( Say the thing :((("
"....Simons says stop licking the moisturiser"
♡ you never wear clothes after your bath/shower, they're lucky to get underwear on you, you need to be as open to they're scents as possible!! Maybe you'll wear their clothes but only maybe
♡ our puppy wasn't meant to meet Alejandro and Rudy until the mission was over but she said her nose could be put to good use and laswell couldnt help but agree (puppy definitely didn't bribe her or anything puppy hugs do wonders)
♡ at first alejandro didnt even see the girl behind the mountain sized men, assuming it's only ghost and soap coming along
"This is cadaver, our k9 unit she'll be coming along with us"
"Ah un perro! you'll be very useful"
♡ it was a tight squeeze in the backseat, two military men left little room but it's okay you enjoy sitting on their laps so it's not much different
"So they call you cadaver?"
"Yes sir!"
"You good at hunting corpses?"
"Uh huh! very good! The best!"
"Good because we're looking for a dead man walking"
":00?? A zombie :((("
♡ overall you got on very well with alejandro and Rudy <3 whenever they passed you they always gave a light scratch to your ear
♡ you dont understand the language but you like the attention and that's all that matters, they're so nice and help you cool off in the sun,  you just need to get naked so they can help cool you off just let them help dont even worry about it
♡ you liked graves when you met him he got so hyped up on missions the energy traveled to you
♡ although he definitely tries to make you loyal to him and him only (mmm yummy dark! Graves <3<3) hes always been a fan of hybrids especially the vulnerable ones. Hes best at love bombing you, filling you with treats, pets and roaming hands. Hes a sucker for puppy girls
♡ valeria made you cry when you met her :(( well it was actually rudy but he didnt mean to he felt awful :(((
"Perro estúpido, solo eres una perra reproductora, ¿no? no hay pensamientos en esa linda cabeza tuya"
"Thank you :D"
"Dont thank her shes insulting you"
• he gave you so many hugs, treats and kisses after he apologized profusely he forgot how sensitive you are he just didnt want you to thank her for insulting you :((
♡ mommy valeria tho so shes easily forgiven with a few fake compliments.
"You must think twice as hard with that brain of yours"
"Oh no! I dont even think once! :D"
♡ you entertain her, although she does wonder how it would feel to live in your head for a day
"Even the dogs in Las almas know not to bark at me"
"Oh no silly! We're in a shipping container"
"Yes in Las almas"
"Since when"
♡ thinking about how puppy got to keep valeria company while the big strong men go fight, guard dog duties !! Dont ask her how she got naked... and why valerias fingers are pruned... that's not important and you should mind your business
♡ cadaver has a muzzle and harness <3 !!! If you've ever been checked for harness safety you'll understand the feeling of being tugged around and how easy it is to want to jump someones bones
♡ always at odd hours too but you cant help it !! you have a lot of energy and you're too dumb to put that energy to good use :(( so it's only natural you jump on everyone and everything <3
♡ nesting with all of their clothes and belongings and they cant stop you or they'll get viciously attacked (you will cry)
♡ sticker collection (scented ones are the best) + mask decorating with ghost !!!!!
♡ konig is a scary big giant man whose just a silly guy at heart but jesus christ he needs to shrink
♡ the first time you met him you actually didnt see him, assuming the sun had exploded and the solid black mass that obscured your vision was the end of the world only to be corrected by an apology from the wall itself
"ah I'm so sorry I didnt see you there"
"Me neither :D"
♡ so big and scary but so warm and protective!! Ghost doesn't like you near konig he doesnt like sharing his toys with kortac
♡ you still hang out with him whenever you get the chance!! <3 friendship bracelets for all!! You did however underestimate how big these mens wrists were and cried when they wouldnt fit
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ NSFW ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ oral fixation all the way !!
♡ mouth cockwarming!!!! Below prices desk? Yes!! Feeling sleepy and need to suck on something?? Soap is your guy!! Want to learn about the human anatomy? Rudy is there to help
♡ sweaty balls in my mouf
♡ slobbering on them until they scrunch up like raisins, suck the man juice out of them
♡ our puppy has a leash and collar so it's only natural they use it on you, held back by the neck as one of them is pounding into you
♡ puppy likes scent and prefers sex before
and after a work out
♡ listen... piss kink
♡ I just feel like they'd be in a meeting and she tries so so sooo hard to tell someone she needs to pee but they keep telling her to hold it (graves) but she just cant price made sure to keep her hydrated during lunch :(( it's too much and her bladder isnt big enough
♡ whimpers fill the air the sound of dripping water accompanying it their heads turning to face her as sobs bubble out of her mouth along with apologise while she so desperately cover her face to avoid the embarrassment. Her thighs clenched desperately to stop the stream but her attempts were In vain
♡ the first to realise what had happened was soap the fact that he was sitting next to her and had perfect view access to her entire body
"Aw pet don' cry its jus' an accident, happens to the best of us"
♡ :(((( shes so upset but our boys dont mind shes usually so well behaved and she obviously didn't mean to do it on purpose
"Oh puppy you tried so hard to tell us and we completely ignored you didnt we?"
"Uh huh"
"Yeah? And we didnt listen when you said you couldnt hold it did we"
"No i- but I- I did try to hold I really tried hard b-but I couldnt an- and now I've made a mess"
♡ they cant ignore the arousal they get from seeing her soaked and sobbing <3 they know it's wrong, shes upset and embarrassed but they just cant help it
♡ graves is a gross man who looks like fix it felix but dont let that fool you he 100% loves the control he gets from a piss kink especially for our puppy, he likes making you hold it and then mocks you in a high pitched voice but your dumb little brain thinks hes comforting you
♡ I think simon is more one for fucking you until you pee, he usually does it in the shower so he can wash off but he doesnt mind getting dirty, he likes the feeling of your cunt squeezing and gushing around him especially if you try to tell him to stop. Youre gonna pee? Yeah? Do it
♡ gaz is someone who likes to watch you pee he loves the view <3 the fluttering of your cunt draws him in road trip side of road
♡ Johnny, similar to his L.T, is someone who teases you until you pee. Rubbing your clit until its puffy and sore and you cant hold yourself up right let alone your bladder
♡ alejandro and Rudy like watching you wiggle they'll purposefully fill you with liquid and press on your tummy just to watch you squirm, they have bets on who can make you loose it first
♡ price pees in you
♡ theres a reason hes your favourite
♡ you know how I talked about scenting??... I hate to break it to you but she has definitely peed on them/their stuff at some point
♡ you mostly pee on price
♡ "what are you doing"
"Where are you pants"
"I dont know"
"You're not gonna pee on the floor are you"
"That's right you're not because that would be bad"
"Thats right bad"
"Just a little"
♡ heats are always a pain for you :(( so horny and so wet desperate for someone to fill you with the pups you need. You drive the team crazy with your whimpers and cries but they know you cant help it, you're just achey :(((
♡ bullet vibrators are your best bet as they obviously cant fuck you 24/7 so that small buzzing of pleasure keeps you satiated until they can get their hands on you, the first time you had your heat you couldnt get the small thing out :(( your fingers were too small and it was so slippery you couldnt grasp it :((( you're so lucky your captain is kind enough to help you <3 dont think about his fingers wiggling inside you hes just trying extra hard to get it out that's why hes pumping them in and out of you
♡ sometimes they have to keep you in a cage because you wont stop begging to be stuffed, they dont want a rookie to think that they're allowed to overstep their place just because your in heat
♡ you hump everything!!!! Nothing is safe they take their shirt off for one second and it's on a pillow being jumped by no other than you!! You absolute fiend!!!
♡ you follow them around everywhere you love being around you favourite men!!!
♡ when 141 go on a mission you're left with Rudy and alejandro who always give in to you whines and begs <3 they treat you so well always stuffing you full when you need it, letting you have as much cum as you please, it makes the 141 so jealous that they have to fuck you as soon as they get back!
♡ graves probably pimps out puppy to his shadows there I said it
♡ konig isnt to slick with his touches either, he may think hes going undetected but that's only by our dumb mutt the other men are fuming with him. He let's you sit in his lap, his bear like hands inbetween your thighs rubbing along your most intimate areas you dont exactly connect what hes doing and hes completely okay with that just grind yourself back on him.
♡ he probably asks horangi to help him out, probably stretching you to prepare for the brute of the man
♡ definitely think gangbangs are a big part of your heat, vibrators, plugs, rope and muzzles are all items your familiar with. I like to think they just come and go when fucking you it's almost like a brothel
♡ they definitely finger fuck you while doing mindless tasks, brushing their teeth? You're bent over the sink pushing yourself back onto them, doing paperwork? Being cockwarmed by your snug lil cunt, lifting weights? You're bouncing on their cock weighing them down
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hellvcifer · 29 days
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CARING FOR YOU WHEN YOU'RE SICK— ଘ drabbles ┆part 1
ft. pairings :: blitzø, stolas, poly!fizz/ozzie, poly!moxxie/millie // gn!reader wc :: 4.3k note :: i am still trying to flush out this sickness! it's awful but here's some more drabbles. ozzie and fizzy's is so long omg i have fizzmodeus brain rot and got carried away !! warnings :: canon typical language, pet names used instead of y/n (darling, dear, honey, bunny, babe, baby, pumpkin, sweetie), reader throws up, descriptions of throwing up, blitzø using insults as pet names, a little suggestive (blitzø and fizzmodeus)
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Moxxie held the phone away from his ear as he heard you trail into another coughing fit. “Can you please just tell him I can’t make it in today?” 
“You should really call him yourself.” He paced, worry etched into his brow. Millie glanced at him in concern. “If I tell him you’re sick–”
“Dont!” Your plugged nose filtered your voice. “Don’t tell him I’m sick…”
“What, why?” Moxxie paused, thinking about his boss and what exactly could happen if he were to say something. “Nevermind.” He shook his head. “What exactly am I supposed to tell him?”
“Tell who, what?” 
“Gyah!” Moxxie jolted, phone flying out of his hand as he zipped to turn and face his boss. Blitzø entered, eyes scanning the room. “Uh, nothing, Sir!”
“As much as I would love to tear you a new hole and fuck it, Mox, I have more important matters. Like finding out where the fuck my assistant is.” He frowned, realizing you hadn’t shown up yet. 
“Oh, uh, right!” Moxxie glanced at Millie, searching for some sort of answer.
“Out!” She spoke up, hands slamming on the table as she stood from her seat. “Told us to let you know! Something about picking up a recent order made for an upcoming client.”
“Fuck yeah!” Blitzø grinned before glaring, “See Mox, that’s how you get shit done. Instead of sitting here on your ass, jerking off.” 
“What? But Sir–”
“Anyways!” He strutted past the two and waltzed into his office. “Don’t bother me, I’ve got important shit I’m doing in here!” His words were followed by the slam of the door. Moxxie and Millie shared eye contact before releasing a relieved sigh.
Blitzø immediately walked over to his desk, lounging back in his chair and kicking his feet up. The place felt a bit off without you around. Typically, you two would sneak off into his office to hang out or mess around when you didn’t have any client work. 
He opened the drawers and saw the makeshift mini-figures he created of Millie, Moxxie, and you. A huge grin appeared on his lips, tongue sticking out happily. He knows exactly how to pass the time until you get back in the office. 
Except, you hadn’t come into the office for the rest of the day. Which okay, sure, you’re probably busy. But, eventually the one day turned into two; and then three; and now four. He stared down at his phone, seeing the last text you sent him five days ago. He really meant to send something, to check up on you. But would you even care if you hadn’t reached out to him first?
His eyes widened, jaw falling slack at the thought. That is until he heard Millie call out your name in an excited tone. He smiled instantly and jumped his desk, nearly ripping the door to his office off the hinges. 
“Fucking finally you show up!” He leaned against the frame, a smirk appearing on his face with his brow raised. Until he couldn’t find you. “What the–”
Millie was huddled over Moxxie’s shoulder, looking down at her phone in his hands. Loona was chilling at her desk watching videos on her own phone. “Oh, sorry, Sir. We just got a text… That’s all.”
They got a text? And not him? He gritted his teeth. “Okay, what the fuck do you– I mean. I’m the boss so– Fuck! You know what! They’re fired! See how they get by without a job, that Ass fucker.” 
“Uh, Blitzø?” Millie tried to calm him down. “You’re not actually gonna fire–”
“Oh don’t you worry your little head about it, Millie!” He stomped into a pace in front of the white board. “I’ll find out wherever the fuck they’ve been hiding and make sure–”
Loona’s phone went off, interrupting Blitzø’s rampage. Everyone stopped to look at her when she picked it up. “Hey… Yeah… You need more? Already? Yeah that’s fine… I’ll see you soon.” She hung up. The silence in the room caused her eyes to slide over to the others. They all blinked at her. 
“Oh no! You’re not going to see anyone missy!” Blitzø wagged his finger at her. She stood up, weight shifting to one side as she jutted her hip out. “Not until we find out where my shit face assistant is hiding!” 
“Are you serious?” Loona frowned at him. “They’re at their apartment.” 
“I’ve been dropping stuff off these past few days while–”
“Oh that sexy dick sucker is gonna fucking pay!” He stormed out, not even hearing the rest of what Loona was going to say. She huffed.
“I’m not dealing with that.” She sat down in her chair again and went back to her phone. As much as she didn’t mind helping you while you recovered, she wasn’t going to try to interfere with the relationship you had with her dad. 
You felt your body tense at the loud noise heard from beyond your bedroom. Someone had knocked on your front door. You churned it up to one of your neighbors or someone with the wrong address and slowly closed your eyes once more.
The incessant banging prevented you from falling back to sleep. Now, a familiar voice had tacked on to the noise and caused you to let out a groan.
“Alright Dipshit, I know you’re in there! Open up the fuck up!” 
Knowing he’d eventually bust the door off the hinges or break the window, you arose from your sickened bedding and shuffled towards the front door with your blanket. “Go away!” You shouted, followed by a few short coughs. That stopped his thumping. 
“Gross, why the fuck do you sound like that?” 
“Oh fuck you, Blitzø!” You really had zero patience. The past few days your flu has only been getting worse. Loona tried to help out with the few things she brought over but whatever sickness you had was stubborn as hell. 
It was quiet… You encircled your blanket tighter around you as you got closer to the door, looking through the peephole and seeing that he was no longer there. Damn. Guess that worked. Which was odd knowing Blitzø.
“What the shit is this?!” Shouting came from your bedroom, followed by shuffling feet and your door slamming open to reveal the person you thought had left. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Oh my Satan.” You rolled your eyes and walked over to your couch, feeling yourself become overly hot. “You can’t just break in when I don’t open the door!” You relinquished your blanket while sitting down. “I told you to leave!” 
“Yeah right!” He strutted over. “Just tell me the real reason you’re avoiding me!” Your eyes widened.
“You may think your sorry ass was gonna get away with this,” He began pacing in front of your couch. “But I’ve got you all figured out.” He gestured wildly with his words.
 “Texting with M&M… having my own Loonie visit you… not talking with me at all!”
 “You really think it could go on without me–”
“I’m sick you dumbass!” You shouted and spurred a few coughs from you. He paused, slowly turning towards you. He finally took a real good look at your form. Runny nose that was rubbed to dry, bleary eyes, sunken cheeks. 
His eyes widened. “You mean… You didn’t just play hooky to avoid me?”
“No!” You shook your head. “Satan no, I would love to be at work right now.”
Blitzø sighed and glanced at your bedroom, seeing the trail of snotty tissues he pushed through to get to your living room. “Well that explains those.” 
You tried to smile, though it came off wearily. “Not to mention, I’ve thrown up twice already.” He glanced back at you. “And that’s just today!” It was quiet as he peered at the floor. 
He walked over, sitting next to you. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Your eyes met his, seeing them drill into your own with a hidden desire of curiosity and… hurt.
“Because…” You glanced away. “Clients have been slow… And, when I saw the rush of appointments we had this week, I didn’t want anything to mess it up or… Be in the way.” You squeezed your hands around your arms.
You felt something gently encircling your waist before yanking you closer to Blitzø. You peered down to see the tip of his tail. He rested his head against your own, sighing. “Fucking idiot.” He whispered. And although it was an insult, you know that it was from a place of endearment.
You scoffed a laugh before poking him in the chest. “You’ll get sick.”  You tried to push him away. He merely brushed your hands away and pulled you closer to him. 
“Fuck it, a few days off of work doesn’t sound so bad.”
“Except I’ll be the one that has to take care of your whiny ass when you do get sick.” 
He glanced at you. “Damn… your raspy voice is making my dick so hard right now.” He wiggled his eyebrows a few times. “Wanna fuck?” He smirked.
Leaning in, you feel a flutter within your stomach.“Oh~ Blitzø.” You whined, eyes half-lidded. Your cheeks filled with liquid before releasing the contents of your soup from earlier. Chunks flew onto his lap and all over the couch. The horrid taste coated your tongue as leftover bile leaked down your chin.
Blitzø sighed, slowly pushing your heaving face away from his dick. “Yeah I probably deserved that.”
The bird prince had just finished preparing himself, placing his crown on and taking one last glance in the mirror. He would be meeting you soon and wanted to look his best considering you both would be spending the whole day together. His phone buzzed and he chirped with excitement. He made quick steps over to his phone with a smile. That is, until he saw your text.
Stolas honey, I can’t make it. I’m so sorry.  I think I’ve caught some kind of flu. Can we reschedule?
He felt his brows crease immediately, frown sinking its way onto his lips. “Flu?” He questioned. Well this wasn’t good at all. His fingers immediately began typing.
Hello darling, I’m so sorry to hear that… Perhaps we could be together even while you're sick. A little company while feeling ill always seems to help me.  Would you like it if I came over? I could help take care of you while you recover. I don’t mind really, I just want to make sure you have everything you need to feel better. Of course, we don’t have to if you don’t want to
He anxiously awaited a reply, pacing across his room in front of his vanity. Did he come off too needy? Maybe he should have just wished you to feel better and be on his way. But how could he when his loved one is feeling sick? He saw that you read the messages and were currently typing. The bubbles went away a few times and with each passing second, he felt his stomach twist with nerves.
I really want to see you…  But I would hate for you to get sick :(
His response back was almost immediate.
No problem at all darling, I promise. A little sickness won’t harm me. I’ll see you in a few <3
After reading his text back, you wearily smiled. As much as you wanted to tell him not to come, in fear of him catching whatever bug you had, you were desperately hoping to see him today. Things had been hectic in both of your schedules so it had been awhile since you two had seen each other. Let alone have time to go out and do activities together. 
And of course, Satan was a bitch and chose today of all days to curse you. Or should you say, this entire week he’s been testing your limit. It started out as a small cough and runny nose. It might have gone away faster if you weren’t so stubborn, but that little bit turned into a full blown, body ache and fever. 
You laid back down in your bed, placing your phone on your bedside table and sighing. It will be nice to see Stolas, that’s for sure. Having been away from him for so long was taking its toll on you. He really did recharge your draining battery. You closed your eyes, thinking about his caring nature and loving words. Oh to see him will possibly end this sickness instantly.
Stolas pulled his phone out and texted that he had arrived. He grabbed the bags from his car and waved his chauffeur away. The car drove off as he walked up to your door. He knocked a few times, hoping it wouldn’t be much trouble for you to answer. “Darling?” He called out but received no answer. The prince called your cell but again, no answer. He huffed, wondering if you decided on not wanting to see him. Or what if… You were really sick. So sick that you were dying! 
Stolas broke in immediately, feet trailing through your place as if he lived there. He found his way into your bedroom, opening the door and seeing you in bed. A long breath escaped his worried lungs, feeling relief when he saw your chest moving in a deep sleep as he walked over.
“Oh, my dear.” He placed a hand on his chest, kneeling down to the side of your bed. Stolas felt an ache grow within his heart as he gazed at your form. Sweaty, shaking, breathless. You appeared tired even as you slept. “My darling, why would you push yourself like this.” He could simply tell that you didn’t get sick today alone, but were most likely not taking care of yourself as you should have been.
His hand reached out, caressing your overly warm forehead before raking his fingers lightly along your scalp. The motion slowly brought you awake, eyes fluttering open to see your lover aside your bed. 
“Stolas.” You smiled dreamily before realizing he had arrived. You pushed yourself up. “Oh my goodness, I feel asleep!” Your eyes were wide as your outburst shocked him. Sitting up so quickly, you felt pressure bloom in your head and held it. “Ow…”
“Careful, dear.” He placed a hand on your leg, circling it to soothe you with some comfort. “I’m here now. You don’t have to worry your sick–” He booped your nose. “–little head about anything.” He leaned in, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I’ll always be here to take care of you.”
“Hm?” You felt your blurred vision focus on the jester in front of you, headache making itself even more prominent the more you tried to will it away. 
“Agree with my choice for dinner after the show tonight!” He bounced in place, arms motivating his movements. 
“Oh, uh… Yeah sure.” You stood up and quickly walked over to your vanity, a shaky hand reaching out for the edge as you sat. Asmodeus and Fizz watched as your behavior was completely different from how you typically were before a night at Ozzie’s.
“Oh Honey~” Oz's sultry voice dug into your skull. “Something the matter?” He asked, cautious of your emotions. You shook your head, a strained smile appearing on your lips. 
“Not at all!” Heat rushed over your face, a sweat now brewing from an oncoming fever. “Just nervous for tonight. The new routine and all.” You glanced away.
“Aw, our little Bunny is all shakin’ up?” Ozzie walked over, his finger caressing your chin and tilting your face to look up at him. “That don’t sound right at all~” He smirked, though you could see the underlying worry in his eyes as they dipped at the corners.
Sleek metal arms squeezed around you and brought you into a tight hug. “Don’t worry, Babe! If you forget a step or two, just look at me and I’ll help you out.” He wagged his eyebrows at you, tongue sticking out of his upturned lips.
You let out a nervous laugh, feeling the sweat begin to build up on your forehead. “Yeah, thanks, Fizzy.” He leaned in, cheeks squishing together as you both glanced at yourselves in the mirror. The clammy coating on your skin dug into your mind. You worried he might feel just how warm you were becoming due to your fever. You recoiled quickly. “Uh, I think it’s time!” You grabbed your matching cap n’ bells and placed it on your head.
Fizz was saddened at your reaction, peaking at Oz to see if he felt the weird tension coming off of you. As much as he wanted to push for more, he worried that he would upset you. But he couldn’t just let you go without doing something. “Hey.” Fizz grabbed your shoulders, turning you towards him oh so gently, his voice softening. “Are you really okay?” His eyes dewed as his lips pulled into pout. 
Your head tilted to the side, bells jingling as you did. “Yes, yes! Of course!” You released a heavy breath, stomach churning. “I’m fine! Totally fine!” Your voice cracked at the end of your words. You stepped closer to the door, escaping your dear Fizzy’s hold. “I’ll get into position now!” You opened the door, beginning to wave at them with your fingers. “Bruise some knees and make them cum, my lustful babes!” 
Finally you were free from the room, air so heavy you felt as if it weighed you down. Breathe. Just breathe. You began climbing the ladder to the catwalk to get into position for the opening act that was supposed to start shortly. Your stomach rolled a few more times with the movement, causing you to clasp a hand around your mouth. You felt the bile raise into your throat with a burp but swallowed it back down. The taste barely coating your tongue. 
Don’t. Puke. Just put on the show and everything will be fine. You grasped the stripper pole in front of you, hearing the introductions begin. Your platform would be lowered down anytime now. Your knuckles tightened around the metal. Breathe. You closed your eyes. 
A jolt sent a shake through your legs as you felt yourself beginning to descend. Slowly, the glowing eyes of the audience came into view, spotlights on you as the music blared loudly. 
“The one! The only!” Fizz spoke into the mic, arm outstretched in your direction. Breathe. Smile. Show time. He screamed your name, you flashed a strained grin and began your routine, singing your solo part. 
It was going fine for the first few minutes. Your duet with Fizz and the routine felt as if it was muscle memory. Until he grabbed your hand and began to spin you, a few times too many than what you had practiced. When he had finished, he sprung onto the opposite side of the stage and continued his performance. But you, on the other hand, were left in a dizzying mess.
You stumbled, trying to hold your bearings as much as possible. The flashing spotlights made things worse the more you tried to focus on not throwing up. Unfortunately, that made everything more difficult. The lights centered on you, awaiting your final high-note. Ozzie watched your hunched over form, his faces frowning in concern.
Fizz peered at you, his smile faltering when he noticed your hand clasped over your mouth and the pained expression you displayed. He took a few steps closer but you bolted off stage, exiting fast behind the curtain. The two remaining snapped to look at each other before Asmodeus flashed away in a heartbeat. 
Fizzy glanced at the crowd, his worrisome face disappeared to the silly grin he always held. He addressed the situation and transitioned to the next act seamlessly, covering for you as if that whole mishap was supposed to happen. He left the stage quickly while the next performance took over. Making his way in the direction you ran off in, he was able to locate you and Ozzie in the bathroom next to the dressing room. Concern etched onto his face as he saw you.
Oz had shifted to his smaller form, hand caressing your back as your head hovered the toilet bowl. “Ahw, it's okay baby. Let it out.” Sweet velvet tones caressed you in comfort as tears streaked down your face. Fizz’s heels clicked over before he sat down on the other side of you. His metal limbs cool against your heated skin. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I wanted too–” You hiccuped. 
“Hey, hey, calm down, babe.” Fizz spoke gently, petting your head as you leaned into him. “You should have told us you weren’t feeling well.”
“Froggy’s right.” Oz added. “The show means nothing if your health is at risk.” He tilted your face to look at him. “You mean everything to us. You come first.” Your eyes watered at his words, lip quivering. 
“I-I wanna go home.” You sputtered, a hand reaching out to each of them and squeezing tightly. Fizz leaned his head against yours, tail pulling you closer to him.
“I’ll nurse you better, Baby.” He smiled. 
“Sounds like,” You hiccuped, followed by a sniffle. “A fun new roleplay we can try.” You quipped with a smirk.
“And we can wear cute nurse outfits!” Fizzy kicked his feet, tongue blepped at the thought. 
Ozzie stood, shifting to his larger form and grabbing you both in his arms, lifting you. “After Bunny is feeling better, okay you two?”  He shook his head, though an endearing smile remained as he ducked through the door, ready to take his lovers home and get you on your way to recovery. 
“Uh… Babe?”
“Yeah?” Moxxie called from the bathroom, his mouth garbled with the spit from foamy toothpaste.
Millie felt your forehead with the back of her hand, noticing your abnormal body temperature almost immediately. “Our little Pumpkin is burning up right now.”
“What?” He spat the extra fluoride into the sink and ran out into the bedroom. He saw you still in bed, body curled up and face scrunched in pain. “Oh, crumbs.” He quickly got closer, sitting on the mattress and copying his wife’s actions. His brows dipped in concern as he stared down at you, his other hand going to your shoulder and rubbing softly. 
“We’ll have to call in.” Millie bit her lip, brows furrowing. “We can’t go to work and leave ‘em here alone.”
“You’re right, Sweetie.” He stood back up. “I’ll call and look for some ibuprofen to help with the fever.”
“I’ll fix up some tea.” Millie leaned over, her lips gently placing a kiss on your clammy forehead before she walked away into the kitchen.
“Wait!” You tried sitting up even though there was an immense amount of pressure in your head. They both looked at you worriedly. “Don’t stay home…” Millie came and sat next to you, her hand rubbing your back as you held your head in discomfort. “I can take care of myself, okay?” You looked at her. “I’ll be fine.”
“Oh, honey.” Her eyes stared at you, taking in every bit of your face. “We know that. And before you were with us, that may have been what you’re used to. But ‘round here we take care of each other.” She leaned in, forehead kissing yours as you both closed your eyes at the contact. Moxxie sighed at the scene, his hands hovering his heart. 
He walked closer. “And we’ll always be here.” He kneeled on the bed, scooting closer before kissing your cheek. “We’re taking the day off. No matter what you try to say to convince us not to.” He smiled gently before grabbing his cell and returning to his task from before. 
You melted at both of their actions, the care and comfort they offered so endlessly being a new feeling to you. Typically, you’d get sick and fight through it on your own. Sleeping in bed and rotting until it finally flushed itself from your system. But this was a completely different feeling, one that you’re slowly getting used to and relishing in the affection.
Moxxie called your boss and through a shit ton of convincing, he was finally able to get Blitzø to agree and let the three of you have the day off. It was basically the entire staff for I.M.P. that wasn’t going to show up for the day, so obviously he was pissed.
Millie walked in and handed you some tea while Moxxie came over with some medication in his hand. “This should help with your fever.” You were able to take them easily and sipped your tea. 
“Need anything else right now, Sweetie?” Millie asked. You shook your head, slowly handing the tea back.
“I kinda wanna just sleep right now.” You muttered, glancing at the covers over your legs.
“Mind if we join you?” She smiled softly, her voice quiet to not make things any worse. “A little cuddle session always makes you and Moxxie feel better.”
“I don’t want you two getting sick.” You glanced between them. “As much as I would love to.”
“Well, technically we already slept together last night.” Moxxie began before crawling under the covers and getting situated on his side of the bed. 
“That’s right!” Millie followed his actions, scooting you over so you were in between them. “If we get sick, then we’ll be sick together.” She snuggled right into your side, her tail looping around you and Mox and squeezing tightly. You felt another warm sensation crawl across your skin though this time, it wasn’t due to your fever. You sighed, eyes fluttering shut, feeling your lovers’ arms circle around you.
An odd sound was heard from the ceiling before a hefty lump landed onto the bed. Everyone's eyes shot open to see a familiar person.
“Sir!?” Moxxie called out, voice raised. 
“Fuck this shit!” Blitzø got up and stormed out of the bedroom. “I thought yall would be porking it up in a sexy threeway!”
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likes and reblogs appreciated !! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ
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scruus · 1 year
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✎ sub afab childe + dom amab reader notes: just rough filthy wall sex; dirty talk; degradation. Bitch i was horny when i wrote this. Again, NOT PROOFREAD.
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It was really really REALLY fucking hard to do normal chores around the house when your boyfriend is roaming the entire place with those tight yoga pants that show off his plump ass so well. Forget chores, normal daily actions were now difficult to go on about without a boner in your pants.
And my god when he bends down to pick something up and his fat cunt just peeks at you from behind. Even eating a damn meal is making you sweat just because he likes to “stretch” himself and “do yoga” at the same time you’re eating dinner.
You don’t know who gave him the idea to do yoga at home and recommended those tight ass pants but you’re just praising that good old lad because it wouldn’t have led to the present situation.
Your arms hooked under his leg, carrying him like he weighs nothing. His back against the wall, arms around your neck and his mouth screaming whorish moans.
He feels you in so deep in his womb he fears you’re gonna split him open with the way you’re moving so damn rough and fast.
He didn’t even mean to tease you? He just was following the advice from his friends on how to stay fit these days.
But how could he complain now when you’re filling his cunt so well. Your thick cock just drilling into his sopping fat cunt and he can do nothing but cry and moan.
“You did this on purpose didnt you slut? You made sure i was looking at you all those times while you were bending down and showing that gorgeous ass to me huh?”
He wish he could deny it but his brain has turned to total mush so he just lols his tongue out and nods like a brainless bitch. Not even a few seconds has passed and he is already going dumb on your dick.
“Yea thats right, take that dick like the good fucking bitch you are ”, his cunt squeezes down on your dick so hard when you call him that and it just fuels your lust. Hugging him to your chest and groping that ass while you treat him him like a fleshlight.
“Ahn~ sh-shit am g-gonna cum w-wait”, he cries out, his hands clawing at your back, trying to slow you down but you just dont falter.
Your neighbors are probably gonna complain tomorrow about the loud and scandalous noises coming from your apartment but you give two fucks about it.
With a loud wail, his eyes roll back as he cums on your cock, his entire body shaking. His voice all hoarse and breathless as he mumbles your name. It looks like he won’t be able to speak without sounding scratchy for a while.
“We are not done yet hun”, you huff out in his ears as you carry him to your bedroom. “Huh?”, childe mumbles mindlessly not understanding your words but feeling a shiver run down his spine.
He will probably also not be able to walk for a while…..
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vmbrq · 11 months
how do u think some of the scream guys react to a more bimbo esque s/o….. cus i already KNOWWWW some of them *cough cough* charlie *cough cough* WOULD FW IT, LIKE IDKK AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON ETHAN ?? obsessed loser boy x oblivious girly bimbo ??? SOOOO 🤭🤭 and i just know they’re silly little perverts too so they would get all squirmy just from her accidentally flashing them as she bends down to pick up like a flower out of the grass or smth😭😭 IDK I JUST THINK ITS CUTEEE 🤭
(also omg idk if u do anons or anything but like …… if u do …. can i be 🩷 PLEASEEEE if not thats okay😁☝️ ANYWAYS OKAY BYEEE)
yes, i do anons !! so you certainly can <3
AND IT IS CUTE :( ethan would be STRESSED LMAOO practically glued to your side or standing behind you to make sure you don't accidentally flash anyone. he would also be one of the first to volunteer to fix the straps on your sandals or tie your sneakers for the same reason. he also takes advantage of any opportunity to tutor you, even if most of your sessions end up with you in his lap with your lips on his. he's such a sucker for you, too, so weak to the way you whine his name or gaze up at him, all sweet and adoring, and ask him for a kiss. he could be holding a cardboard box he can barely see over, and he'll still be awkwardly angling his body and bending forward to give you a quick peck on the lips.
charlie would be so fond of just observing you, whether it's admiring your side profile while you touch up your makeup or watching how your animated expressions reflect your thoughts as you try to work through homework on your own. plus, he knows that half the time, you have zero clue what he's talking about when he rambles on about the specifics of media, but he adores the effort you put into trying to understand. and even if you've given up on trying, you still sit there with a smile and give him your full attention, bc you just like hearing him talk.
both of them would be obsessed with the way you have no concept of personal space when it comes to them, your brain consisting of nothing but tv static as you get right in their face or press up close to them. you're shameless with your affection, and you never think twice about how out-of-place they appear at your side.
mickey and billy would adore how easy you are to mold into their perfect, unwitting accomplice, taking all of their explanations in stride and rarely ever questioning them. there's a certain freedom that your presence allows, since they know that you don't even blink or think twice about the thin layers of blood embedded beneath their fingernails or that strange scent that clings to their clothes when they kiss or hold you. oh, they accidentally cut themselves? oh, that smell is just the gasoline from their car? okay. after all, all you need is to trust them and let them do the thinking. all you have to do is sit on their laps and look pretty for them.
mentions of smut under the cut ; minors dni
all of the sex jokes when they're around end up flying right over your head. you're so naive, so sweet, so easy to manipulate until you're bouncing on their cock and creaming a pretty, white ring at the base because it's "the best way to get rid of your stomachache." they stick out like a sore thumb against the decor of your room, but sometimes, when you've got their head resting on your chest with your fingers combing idly through their hair, or when they're sprawled on your bed lying about not peeking through their fingers while you lotion up your bare body and reflexively reach for the shirt they lent you three weeks ago, they feel as though they fit right in.
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httpiastri · 4 months
I need an opinion on a thought that’s been brewing and as saviour of the Paul girlies i think you may be the only one for the job…
Yeah ima just spit it out : Paul Aron size kink
I could leave it there however i simply do not want to I have too many thoughts, i mean obviously First his hands like oh my god??? How FUCKING TALL he is, how fucking built, also his back omg it is so big and I am SO attracted to it like honestly i could take the best nap of my life on there!!!!!! WEARING HOS CLOTHES!!!!!! And he just feels all protective and territorial because he never realised how much smaller than him you were till he sees you wearing his clothes making them look huge!!!! Him realising that it’s making him feel some kinda way iykwim cause he’s literally so much bigger and stronger, and not only is he bigger and stronger but also you trust him so fully anyway (please dont feel any pressure to respond if you dont wanna, and verry sorry about my English lol)
bestie you’re doing god’s work 🙏 thank you SO much for this oh my god. my brain stopped working for quite some time because i loved this too much. i love you, whoever you are <3<3
(headcanons are under the cut because yes, i went a little overboard. but as i said, i loved this too much......guys pls keep the paul asks incoming, they're literally making my days)
(oh and 18+ below. 😁)
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– when he starts to realize how big his hands look on you, he won't be able to keep them away from you. he's always got a hand on your body.
– he's driving? a hand on your thigh. you're in public? a hand wrapped around your waist. out with friends? your hand is intertwined with his, no questions asked.
– when holding your hands, he's so surprised every time. he forgets that your hands are that small and the way that his fingers fill the gaps between yours makes him feel so special.
– he loves the way it looks when his hands wrap around the inside of your thighs, and how easy it is for him to pry your legs apart. his palms cover up most of your skin, fingers fitting right along your curves and folds.
– he loves holding both of your wrists in just one of his hands above your head as the other palms your bare ribs. he loves wrapping a hand around your neck, his thumb brushing up and down the front of your throat, feeling your pulse and breaths under his finger. he loves the way he can grab so much of your hair in just one hand.
– he loves using his hands and fingers to rile you up, to pleasure you, to make you feel so so good.
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– the first time he saw you wearing his clothes, he almost combusted. his eyes widened so big you thought they would pop out of their sockets…
– it made him realize just how much bigger he is. like, he knew he was tall, but is the difference really THIS big? when he sees you wearing that hoodie of his that's been getting kind of tight recently when he's been putting in some extra work in he gym, and it's so long on you it meets the middle of your thighs, he's swept off his feet. he almost doesn't believe it.
– of course, after that, he thinks he's going to be a little sneaky about it and 'forget' clothes at your place every once in a while. the first time it happens, you text him like "hey, your sweater is here, do you want me to bring it over?" but he tells you it's no stress and that you can keep it for a while… and it makes you suspicious at first, until you realize what he's doing.
– and of course, you can't help but give in to the temptation. you do want to wear his clothes, too, after all. so the next time he comes over, you're wearing said sweatshirt, and his jaw practically drops to the floor when you open the door for him and you're looking up at him with those sweet, innocent eyes.
– so after that, it becomes a habit. he's got a bunch of clothes at your place, and you love wearing them. and when he wears a shirt he's seen you wear, he always feels a bit special. "she looked so tiny in this… but it fits me so well…"
– he gets so protective in some way, because he suddenly sees you as someone so small and in need of protection. he never wants anything or anyone to bother his sweet little baby ever again.
– and it's not just shirts, but also sweatpants and most other clothes too. whenever you're out and you 'forget' to bring a jacket of your own, he always offers you his. and you always practically drown in the material, making his heart flutter so hard.
– i also think he would freak out if you wore his boxers… (in a good way)
– he would get so so riled up if you wore his clothes but nothing underneath. like a long hoodie but with no pants, or a white t-shirt without a bra…
– he would not survive for long.
– oh and he loves to fuck you in his clothes. but that's a story for another time. :)
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– istg his chest muscles are thicker than the pillows i sleep on…
– anyway
– naps on him would be so good. idk about you all but i love sleeping on hard mattresses 🤭
– he would love having you lie on him. your cheek pressed to his big chest, skin on skin, your soft breath on his neck making him feel so warm inside. feeling his chest rising and lowering as he breathes, your fingers absentmindedly drawing little figures into his skin.
– or why not lie on his back? his shoulders are so broad and he's so tall that most of your body would fit on his back. very cozy.
– and oh my god, giving him back massages. jesus christ, he would go crazy.
– your little hands, your pretty little fingers brushing against his skin. pressing into his muscles, massaging away any knots. feeling the bumps of his spine, the folds of his shoulder blades, every definition of a muscle. he doesn't understand how your small hands can bring him so much pleasure, but he's putty in your hands immediately.
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– just standing next to him is so shocking. like, race car drivers are supposed to be short, what are you doing? who allowed this?
– he towers over you and he always finds it so cute. he loves how you have to get into your tippy toes and pull his face down to be able to kiss him, and the way he can pretend to ignore you and stay out of reach just to annoy you. he loves teasing you (in a lot of ways-) and it's just too easy for him to get a rise out of you when using your size difference.
– and even something as simple as asking him to get that ingredient from the top shelf because you can't reach makes him so smug and cocky. you needing his help and him providing it will never fail to make his day.
– he loves to rest his chin on top of your head. when you're out with friends, when he comes up behind you as you're cooking dinner, any time and any place. especially when also wrapping his big, muscular arms around you from behind, especially when they're around your neck like in the last pic.
– oh, to have you trapped underneath him. he loves hovering over you and caging you between his arms. he loves watching you squirm as he's holding your wrists above your head with one hand, the other running up and down your ribs to pull out shivers and shudders by his touch.
– and the way his hand practically covers up your entire side, the way your frame is so small compared to his… it makes him so impressed because despite how little you are in comparison, you still trust him so deeply?
– he could literally break your neck or femur or whatever bone with his bare hands but here you are, batting your eyes up at him like he's the only man in the world, so sure that he would never do anything to hurt you. and it makes him freak out a bit, but he's also so proud.
– and despite the size difference, you still take him so well? it makes him unbelievably hot.
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alwritey-aphrodite · 6 months
ok so these are kind of just half-ideas that I’ve thought of that aren’t fully formed but I’m sure you’ll be able to think of something with your giant amazing brain😍 feel free to disregard these tho they’re kinda trash
- sejanus being really flirty with reader at the club place while he’s in district 12 (idk if that really fits his character but I feel like he could get bold at times🙏) and she’s just not really connecting the dots. her friend Lucy gray has to flat out tell her and reader has a giant revelation
- reader catches snow recording sejanus’ conversation about the rebellion and calls him out for it, stands up for her mans
-ok so this is kind of a song prompt— “Dear Arkansas Daughter” by Lady Lamb specifically the line “you with the dark curls, you with the water color eyes” not really sure what you could do with that, but maybe something with capital!sejanus w/ his curly hair
hope these give you some inspo pookie!!
pooksters 💖
Your ideas are not trash!! Please feel free to send more or just to hop into my ask box to chat <3 I went with the first idea because it’s adorable but I might come back and write the other ones at some point
If the day that Lucy Gray was reaped was the worst day of your life, then the day that she miraculously returned to District Twelve as victor of the Hunger Games was the best. Ever since then, you spend most of your nights at the Hob with the rest of the Covey, sometimes taking the stage yourself but most of the time dancing and clapping from the audience.
Peacekeepers off duty are a normal sight in the Hob, but there are two in particular that seem to have a connection with Lucy Gray, two Capital boys that she knew during her time in the Games. You’re not sure how they came to be peacekeepers stuck in District 12, but you know better than to ask. They’re nice boys, and the blond one, Coriolanus, is absolutely smitten with Lucy Gray, you’re sure he’d do anything she asked. The other one, Sejanus, seems to have less of a connection to Lucy Gray but he’s kind all the same, and most nights he spends at the Hob are spent talking with you at a back table, away from the stage and the dance floor.
Tonight, Lucy Gray is taking a night off from performing and has joined you and Sejanus as you watch the rest of the Covey, Coriolanus never far from her side.
“I like your dress,” Sejanus says over the music, leaning over to speak into your ear so you can hear him clearer.
“Thank you, I made the one Maude Ivory’s wearing too,” you gesture towards the stage where the younger girl is busy singing.
“You’re very talented,” Sejanus turns to face you, giving you his undivided attention despite everything that goes on in the Hob.
“Oh, it’s not as hard as it looks,” you respond with a smile before pushing off the wall and heading to the bar, leaving a giggling Lucy Gray to deal with a despondent Sejanus.
“You’d think a girl as pretty as her is used to all the compliments and the flirting, but you’ve gotta be more obvious than that,” Lucy Gray tells him with a mischievous smile, as if you’d rather have the floor swallow you whole than have her share this information. Before Sejanus can respond, you’re returning with a tray of drinks for everyone in your little group, and he just about melts with the smile you give him as you slide the glass into his hand.
“Maybe, if you’re not busy, you could show me around some time? I’d really like to learn more about twelve,” he asks, and you’re quick to nod in agreement.
“Oh sure, I can show you all the best spots,” you reply kindly, but Lucy Gray knows you’re still not getting the message.
“He means you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen,” she whispers into your ear, loud enough for Sejanus to hear, “and the sweetest and the funniest and the most talented.” You look to Sejanus with wide eyes, as if Lucy Gray would be lying, but he’s nodding at you, despite the blush that’s taken over most of his face.
“Well, I’d still love to go,” you tell him, rewarding with the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen. The two of you spend the rest of the night talking, the chaos of the Hob fading into nothing while Lucy Gray silently watches with a smile.
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bat-connoisseur · 6 months
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I turned your Baldurs Gate 3 characters into furries. Sorry. Actually no I'm not I won't pretend anymore.
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General notes and specific species under the cut.
Astarion: He is a Ghost Bat! I like to think him being a vampire and being a bat are entirely unrelated, it's just a coincidence and he's honestly pretty mad about it. Ever since I first started playing bg3 I had him assigned as a Ghost Bat or a Spectral Bat in my brain, just arbitrarily, and I went for the former just because the colours work.
Gale: He's a Eurasian Lynx! I had to make him a cat. I just had to. And I trawled through the wikipedia pages for pretty much every type of cat and Lynx was about the only one that fit in my brain. The fluff kinda evokes his beard and hair I think, and I almost didn't have him have proper hair, just the fur, but in the end I wanted to be consistent about it so he got it. Peep the greying muzzle because mans is stressed and dying.
Karlach: She's a Bongo Antelope! I knew I wanted her to be some kind of large hooved mammal, because of the horns but also because their builds and general sturdiness really suit her I think. It was a tough pick, there's so many cool ones, and when sketching I was actually going to have her be a Mountain Nyala, but I changed my mind last minute just because the colours of the Bongo fit SO well. They're also my favourite antelope. Let me have this. She's so cool and she gets to be one of my favourite animals.
Lae'zel: She is a Pterosaur! My specific reference was Dorygnathus, but I was fairly loose on the details and so she doesn't super resemble them beyond the teeth and tail. I wanted her to be something prehistoric since the Gith are aliens or something (i dont know dnd lore that well), and so I wanted her to be in her own sort of category apart from the rest so, prehistoric! I considered making her a dinosaur but the idea of a Pterosaur just really appealed for whatever reason. Kind of parallels their dragon riding if they can fly, I suppose? And their Enhanced 10 Foot Vertical Leap.
Shadowheart: She's a Hare! Very specifically a Hare rather than a rabbit. Hopefully that comes across. I wasn't super sure what to do for her honestly, but in several scenes she has these big scared eyes, and she's generally just kind of having an awful time and being harmed by the gods for the whole game and I was like 'hey I know an animal that looks like it's been personally slighted by the gods' and so Shadowhare was born. There is a part of me that wishes I'd made her a cat for the warrior cats joke though.
Wyll: He's a Pine Marten! I just kind of got it in my head he should be a Mustelid of some kind, I'm not sure why, he just has that kind of vibe to me? Maybe it's the way he moves, maybe it's his skill at killing, maybe I'm just biassed because I love him and I love mustelids, who knows. I looked through em all and I didn't want one of the bigger sturdier ones like a Wolverine because. Strength stat of 8. So I went for one of my smaller favourites, the Pine Marten. The reason he's not an animal with horns naturally like Karlach is because I still wanted them to look out of place on him! I toyed with giving him wings (because they're cool) but ultimately didn't wanna stray toooo far from Pine Marten.
And that's all! Perhaps I'll get around to anthropomorphising the non origin characters, but who even knows. Halsin would almost be too easy. I could make Jaheria a cool ass fox or something though. Much to consider. If I do them then I'm gonna be doing my Tav Deimos and my Durge Lethe though. That's da law.
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actuallyacerrr · 1 month
Tmnt mutant mayhem with a human sister reader (only but a year younger) with some fluff and a bit of hurt/comfort. Taking place after the movie where the groups starts high school, but the reader is having a hard trying to fit in with other humans.
Mutan Mayhem request! I’m so sorry anon but my brain gave up like halfway though but i finish to finish 💪 pushed through and after like almost a month it’s done haha. I kinda hated this one i’m so sorry again 😭
Last of this format btw </3
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Type ->
Pairing ->
Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo + GN!Reader (separate)
Warning(s) ->
Insecurities, and grammar mistakes. Ooc(???)
Summary ->
You and your brothers go to school, but being raised by mutants you are struggling to fit in.
L ML : R ML : D ML : M ML
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You are a human raised by mutants. And the only one your dad ever seemed to trust.
Growing up to think humans were bad- well except for you. There was always an exception for you.
And after we meeting April, taking down Superfly and finally starting highschool—maybe—other humans weren’t so bad.
Or so you thought because fitting it just didn’t click as easy as it did for the others.. and people weren’t as welcoming to you as you and your brothers would’ve believed.
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He isn’t the first to pick up something’s amiss with you. But second.
He’s your eldest brother, grew up watching you develop your personality and quirks, knowing how you act, what you like, the commonality of your body language.
He’d pick up something off shortly.
He first notices something’s up with you when you become more reserved even to them, even in the littler ways.
You seemed more nervous if not completely anxious at school.
At first he thought you were having a rough few days, but the longer it went on the more concerned became.
So he confronted you.
Leo had always been protective of his siblings, you especially with both being the youngest and the only human of them. He searched for you high and low, finding you in one of the more quiter places of school. The library.
“Hey you, whatcha doing in here?”
“Oh- Leo, i’m just uh.. looking at books?” You grab at a random book and open it.. upside down.
“Sure..” Leo corrected the book, sitting beside you, obviously worried. “If something’s up you can talk to me.”
You didn’t look at him, but he offered you a shoulder and accepting, you leaned on it. Sitting in silence for awhile like that.
“How did you guys do it..?”
“What do you mean?”
“…Fit in.”
“Fit- is someone doing something to you? Are they hurting you? bullying you-?”
“No no! I just.. I dont think I fit in—or that people like me—I mean you’re heroes! You saved the city and i’m just here? The turtles human sibling, You’re little sibling.”
Leo turned holding your hands in his. “You are absolutely a hero! You got all those people out of those buildings, ones superfly would’ve sent crumbling and crushing all those civilians. You might not have taken him down but you saved lives. Don’t you ever forget that.” He pulled you into a hug. One you reciprocated.
“Love you, Leo.”
“Love you to.”
Leo made sure you were never left out after that.
Boasting about all you did to save people, saying his cool his little sibling is, etc.
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He loves you all, just in his own Raph way.
Like Leo as your older brother he grew up watching you become you.
But he’d notice around the time you weren’t coming to sparing, and even when you did there isn’t a lot of effort. You don’t show up to his wrestling matches like his brothers and dad.
You were always so supportive of him and of all of your brothers for that matter.
They would search for you but couldn’t find you anywhere. It scared his brothers on occasion, including him but he’d always put on a brave face.
He becomes even more worried when you start becoming distant to all of them.
Raphael finally went to go confront you about it after a week of it.
He scoured the hallways trying to find you, you’d been leaving earlier and earlier to get to school. He left earlier to find you, alone where there weren’t a lot a of people around. Then he found you in the hallway.
And you were by yourself, holding your phone as you just.. stared.
“Hey?” Your turtle brother sat beside you, scaring you and you hide your phone.
“Hey- uh hey raph, raphael, raphala, rapha-“ he gave you a look. You both sat there for a second. Just in each other’s company before Raph spoke up.
“Listen, i’m cutting to the chase. What’s going on?”
“What- what do you mean?”
“You know what I mean, you’ve been avoiding us. Distant, Somethings going on and you can’t avoid talking about it anymore.” He looked at you with seriousness, that fighting spirit of his wasn’t going to let you get away easily.
You look away from him, phone falling from your hand, landing face up. You hadn’t been hiding it, so what did you expect. Them to not pick up on it?
“You don’t gotta tell me everything, just something so I know how to help. Kay?” Raph and emotional vulnerability were two things you didn’t see together often.
You pick up your phone and show it to him, you talk as he looks over the articles you had pulled up. All articles about them.
“I think it’s great, the articles. I’m proud. of all of you. For saving the city, and our home. Everyone celebrated you and you deserve it.”
Raphael looked at you, not knowing where this was going.
“I.. do others- They all love you and I try to talk to students and make friends, but they always ask me about you guys.”
Raph had watched you help countless humans that day, yet you let them have all the praise and credit. He hadn’t noticed why.
“They dont know what they’re missing out on. You’ll find the right people who like you for you, and just not because you’re our little sibling.” Raph pulled you into a side hug. And you both sat there until school started.
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Donnie would see the signs, even if he’s a bit arrogant and sarcastic he definitely cares for all of you, no question asked. Your all his siblings the people he grew up with.
So when he starts noticing the distancing early.
Idk maybe he saw you in one of his animes or shows or smth and was like ‘oh.. OH.’
He’d confront you during lunch.
He had searched the library, cafeteria, and courtyard for you. Yet you just weren’t there, so he knew of only one more place to look.
There you were, he had a feeling he’d find you in your favorite teachers classroom. So he walked on in and sat at the desk closet to you. He looked at you.
“Oh! Donnie- hi. You okay..?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Are you ok?”
You sat there knowing but not at the same time what he meant.
“What do you mean? I’m fine.”
“Then why are you avoiding us? You don’t usually miss our anime binges! You’ve missed like three new episodes of anime.”
You nod, you had and didn’t realize.
“What’s going on.”
You look up at him and it all falls out, the insecurity of being around other humans, the way they make you feel, the way you try. But you just don’t fit in, not like how they do it.
Donnie looks at you and pulls you into a hug.
“Youre like Deku, you just gotta do it and don’t give up.”
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He as the youngest is most likely the brother you are closest too and not just in age.
He would notice the changes and made plans to confront you.
But this is a different case, you seek out Mikey rather than him confronting you.
You and Mikey had stayed before one day at the house while everyone went out to do their own stuff. You found him in your brothers room.
He’s scribbling in a notebook, likely comping up with something for his improv club. You walk up at sat beside him.
Mikey notices immediately and put his attention on you.
“What’s up?”
“How do you know if others like you?” You pulled your legs in and rested your head on your knees. Looking at him.
“Are people being mean to you?”
“No- not really I just. I don’t think I fit in with them. Not like you guys..” You say recalling all your attempts to make friends and reach out. You felt embarrassed about that.
“If it helps we could try improving something to help you?”
“Yeah.. I’d like that.” You smiled as you both got to work.
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seilahscopium · 9 months
♡ I grant a wish for whoever summons me and take one thing as a payment ♡ 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧: bbbggggg I'm so sorry this took me so long and if it's out of character since I don't know how to describe his character that well :(( I hope this helps fill your brain rot a little! 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Leon Kennedy
⊹ due to all the situations Leon has been put through, he's very self aware of things going on around him ⊹ you could say he’s always on alert. Especially when it comes to you ⊹ he's the type of guy who would notice you're sick before you do ⊹he hears a cough from you and his eyebrow will raise from where he’s seated “Are you feeling alright?” he’ll ask you ⊹ doesn't matter how you reply, he's very suspicious you're getting sick ⊹ and when you're rubbing your forehead with a frown… ⊹ he’ll put the back of his hand against your forehead, not listening to any of your excuses you're coming up with “I really dont think I'm sick. I'm pretty sure the headache is just from looking at an electronic so much-” “You have a fever” ..and of course right then and there you had to have a coughing fit ⊹it's not that you don't want him to take care of you. It's just that…well, when you were sick last time he tried to stick a needle in your arm ⊹this is because, by the rare chance that leon gets sick on a mission, he’ll just stick a needle with solution into his arm and he's better in no time ⊹but you hate needles
⊹luckily, you bought regular medicine, so he just feeds you that instead
“Are you sure? The shot would make things end much faster” he’ll say
“Yes. definitely. Absolutely.” you replied
⊹ he only suggested the needle once again because he never likes seeing you sick.
⊹he looks like a pouting puppy with the way his arms are now crossed as you drink some water after you ingested the medicine
⊹ it seems Leon was not off of work because he has a new assignment. To defeat the evil fever >:((
⊹Leon is very good at comforting you and showing he's here for you with just his actions alone
⊹ he’s cooking you food that you like and that's easy to digest. He's grabbing you things before you even realize it.
⊹ swear to god, its like hes keeping tabs on you like your his patient
⊹ but he doesn't verbally show it. Which is kind of nice. Because when your sick your sensitive to light and sound
⊹ he gets the bed all set up for you. If you have stuffed animals he's aligned them in a order that created room for you to move around but you can still see them
⊹ i see him leaning down to check your temperature when you're laying in bed. His arm propped by your head, hand on your forehead, and faces inches apart
⊹ you don't really know if its your fever that's making you more flustered when he gets all close or if this is how you normally are
⊹ and when he's done checking your temp. He will press a kiss to your forehead and get you a new water bottle since you've seemed to run out of the ones he placed nearby from earlier
⊹ Leon would be the best person to cuddle with while you are sick
⊹ sure, at first you were worried that you were going to get him sick, but at this point he's bound to have built an immune system to a mere fever.
⊹ hes spooning you from behind, keeping you close with his strong arms wrapped nice and snug around your tummy
⊹if you're having trouble sleeping because of any pulsing pain or your just restless, he does not care what you want to help you sleep, he's going to deliver
⊹ for example if your holding him tight and snuggling into his chest. That is fine. If you're gently holding his hand against your cheek because you like it, that's fine too.
⊹ overall he's amazing at taking care of you. 
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appleblueberry-pie · 3 months
I saw your post asking for yan Miguel asks:
I’ve been praying for someone to write about Miguel with a giant reader.
I dont even know if I want us to be a whole drider or just a Giant Woman™️ (lady Dimistrescu, my beloved). Or maybe both and we can final form an even bigger spider!
Sorry, I’m just excited to have a place to ask and I’ve had this in my head for so long 😅
It’s just been clinking around that in some spiders the females are much bigger and the males would have to like feed and appease her to try and mate without getting eaten.
And I am an absolute SUCKER for mating rituals!
I hope this catches your interest, thank you for reading 😊
Ooooooooooooooh my god? Yes? Why haven't I thought of this before??
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cw: mentions and threats of committing cannibalism. predatory tendencies. animalistic tendencies. sadistic and masochistic tendencies. public humiliation? scent kink. male sub + dom female.
Miguel is scared of you.
You....you aren't giving clear signals. He doesn't know what you want from him. All he wants is to please you, make you happy. He wants you to notice him and fucking love him. He wants to be yours. Not your dinner.
He used to be the tallest in the company. 6'10, 300 lbs. Ever since Jess softly introduced you and scattered off like a mouse, you have been the biggest. 7 feet fucking tall and one extra inch for decoration. 270 lbs and hungry for a mate. He can tell. Your scent wafts up his nose when he's in a 20 foot radius. And when he brings you a gift he think you'll love, he knows you don't like it when you stare down at him, almost disappointed in him, and lets the silence grow as everyone stares at the two of you. He awkwardly leaves when you don't say anything.
No one else will dare talk to you if they're interested because they know that they don't fit your standards. You're too fucking scary. No one. NO one can match your strength or even catch your interest besides him. And it's beautiful, because he's been obsessed with you and everything about you since he first met you. To be your bitch for the rest of his life is a dream come true. And to do that, he has to up his game. Attempting to intimidate you will get him killed. Simply offering himself to you will also get him killed. Actually, used, shown to everyone, and then killed.
And the only thing that has been working so far, has been giving you gifts. That's the only time he has a chance when it comes to communication and even winning a simple glance for your attention.
When you first introduced yourself to him, the both of you were alone. Peter and Jessica hated your energy, and Miguel was the only one that could possibly fight you off if you attacked them.
"Everyone thinks I might kill them if I get too close."
You were too close. He couldn't turn around. You were directly behind him, staring over his shoulder at his work. Not a single muscle in his body moved, his fingers stilled, his breath paused. Your body heat radiated off of your suit, doing nothing to filter the strong scent of your lust and hunger. Miguel felt your breath hit his neck and felt an urge to cry. He felt pathetic. His ears felt clogged as they began ringing, his heart beating out of his chest.
He heard you laugh silently. "You're scared." You took a single step forward, and your front connected with his back. Miguel was becoming overwhelmed with his emotions. Within the five minutes he had known you, he found out he was so utterly attracted to you, wanted to be your mate, and was so fucking terrified of you all at once. Your scent punched its way up to his brain and made him close his eyes with how pungent it was.
"Don't be scared." His heart dropped as he heard himself breathing again, at quite a rapid pace. "Let it happen." He flinched when your cold fingers, and then your hands, touched around his small waist. You exhaled and stared holes into the side of his face. He still couldn't move.
"You smell so good." His heart leaped at the praise and he found the courage to blink again. But then your lips brushed against his neck and he violently flinched, yelping in fear. You were going to eat him. Your hands tightened painfully around his body when he was about to thrash and he began hyperventilating in fear.
"What did I just say??" Your hot breath hit his ears and your words shattered his mind. Without thinking, he responded. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry." You roll your eyes and step away from him, giving him the space he needed. Immediately, he gulped in as much air as he could. His shoulders relaxed slightly and he finally turned around to face you.
You looked as beautiful as he thought. If not, more. Your broad shoulders, muscular legs, sharp eyes and face. You looked down at his raging hard cock and frowned. "So fucking pathetic." You step closer and firmly grab his chin, his eyes turning the other way to not make eye contact out of fear. "It makes me want to taste you." Your words cause an accidental whimper to slip from his lips.
If Miguel knew that taking that serum was going to do this to him, he would've never became spiderman. He felt like he was going to urinate everywhere, climax in front of you, sweat up a storm, and scream for help all at once. He wanted to crawl underneath your skin and be one with you, but wanted to be far away from you at the same time. He felt a violent pull and push when around you and he felt it deep inside of him. Something inside of him screamed that this was his mate, and he was yours to please, and to do anything for your approval. You bring him light. He never was so conscious about his precious body until you came and threatened to kill him in his work space like you owned him. And maybe you already did. Because he's never felt his heart beat like this, he's never felt so alive. He wants you. He wants you.
You bring your eyes down to those lips. His fangs began to protrude and poke at his bottom lip as a natural reaction to a predator. Anything to stay safe and close to away from you. "I wanna have my fun with you, first." Miguel physically can't respond. He lets the silence build, his tongue heavy and numb. But then you let go and walk off like nothing happened. You haven't spoken ever since. And he's been trying to win your love ever since.
Miguel doesn't remember the last time he's had a real conversation with the rest of the spider community. Because all he's been doing is growling at people like a dog when it's not you. Lyla had to set up an entire other email account for people that want to reach out to Miguel and had Jess answer under the account name whenever she could. If you're not out scaring the spiders just from being there, Miguel is out there purposefully scaring people out of their socks. He wants NO attention on you besides his own, and he makes sure of it. Fuck monitoring the missions, fuck eating, fuck sleeping, and fuck the multiverse(for now), you need tending to.
All of his technology as of right now goes into finding out what you love most and what not to give you. He knows you like homecooked meals, he knows what types of clothes you enjoy wearing besides the typical spider suit, and he knows you love baked goods. He watches your everyday life in your universe and has a visceral reaction when he sees you entertaining men and women that come flocking towards you. You know that he wants you. You know that he loves you and would do anything to win you over. So then why on Earth are you talking to them??
As an attempt to forget about your "playful" disloyalty, Miguel has been making you home-cooked meals every day for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you wanted food anywhere else besides his universe, he'll let you choose the location. If you didn't want food, he'd ask if you wanted anything else. Massage? A hot or cold drink? Tired? Take a break, please. He can bring you to one of the resting rooms meant for healing Spider people who are injured, you get a pass. Don't like how long your mission is taking? He'll do the rest for you. All of his attention is yours. But recently, you haven't been reciprocating his advancements.
"Y/n...?" His heart skips a beat when he realizes you're staring at him like that again. You two were once again all alone in his office and you had him cornered. He looks off to the side to the multiple bags of things he was choosing to give to you that you'd enjoy. You had kicked them off of the platform. Clearly you wanted something else, he just couldn't figure out what. He didn't want to die.
"I'm getting bored."
You advance towards him and he stutters out, "What...? Dios mío, por favor, no me hagas daño. You know I-" "Shut up. Just...shut the fuck up." You sigh and rub your face. He stays still and lets you collect yourself. You wished that the smell of fear coming off of him didn't excite you as much as it did. "Why are you so stupid?"(My god, please don't hurt me.)
Miguel purses his lips. That's usually his line. But it's not like he isn't being stupid. He's like a child, blindly bringing their parent random things in hopes of gaining their approval. "Show me." Miguel blinks and looks up at you, confused. He opens his mouth to speak, but immediately shuts it to consider the possibilities. Do you mean himself? Show himself to you? He closes his eyes and inhales.....your scent. It smells so sweet now. You're trying to calm him. The corners of your lips slowly twist up and he understands.
You make him stand where you were, and you lean back on his work desk where he stood, crossing your arms. "Well?" He doesn't let another word slip out of your mouth and disengages his suit. He watches your eyes glint red and pulls down his (now) tight boxers that covered what you're probably wanting to see most. "No." His hands shoot to his sides and you stand to walk over to him. You stare him up and down, slowly circling him to get a full view.
"Think you can take me?" He nods at your question. "Speak." "Yes, I can take you." You place one hand on his lower back and press the softest kiss onto the crevice of his neck. It tingles with the feeling of your plush lips finally hitting his skin. "I don't know......I've heard about the small human women you've given yourself away to." No one compares to how you make him felt. He was offended that you thought his infatuation with you equated to random women he had with flings with to satiate his desire. He wanted to prove himself. Your nails suddenly feel so close to penetrating his skin, the more you touch him. He hears a churring noise come from your throat. And he tries to stop it in time, but he couldn't help reciprocating the same sound, now erupting out of his throat as well. You smile and bring yourself to stand in front of him again. "Is that what I am to you? A little human girl for you to share your seed with?"
Miguel shakes his head and opens his mouth, yet you interrupt him once more. "Then show me." Miguel's brain goes blank and his body feels light as he allows you to keep him safe to show you what his devotion means. He doesn't know if he'll live to see tomorrow or die blissfully to be your meal for the next few days. All he knows and wants and shall have are the next few hours to be yours completely. Body, mind, and soul in the ways he truly desired.
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luwukass · 4 months
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so i have now had breakfast and coffee and my brain is on and FUNCTIONING lets get into this
putting a break here incase youre scrolling and dont wanna read all of this lol
so first things first i was watching tiktok and people were making a big deal about how its split up into sides similarly to midnights now i do believe that taylor posted the back cover of the vinyl and that the cd will be different but i could be wrong. even if it is split up like this on purpose on every physical copy this does mean that it is a two LP album instead of one like midnights
one vinyl (both sides) can hold up to 44 minutes of music on it so we can roughly estimate that the full album will be about an hour and a half long now if each side is 22 minutes long each track on side a, b and c should be about (if each song is in equal length) 5 and a half minutes long. side d has 5 songs on it so some of those might be short to fit in the manuscript
i have also seen people compare this back cover to the back cover of lover which is absolutely breaking my heart and im sure thats not gonna be the last lover comparison i see about this album
okay so lets dive into this track by track
track one: Fortnight (feat Post Malone)
okay so first of all this is obviously not a reference to fortnite the video game but i think all of those jokes are funny as hell. the fortnight shes talking about here is a reference to the measurement of time as seen down below google states that fortnight is a british term for two weeks.
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according to wikipedia fortnight is derived from the old english term fēowertiene niht, meaning "fourteen nights".
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now onto post malone i actually listen to some of his music from time to time. he mostly does do rap but his most recent album austin (which is coincidentally also taylors brothers name, but is also post malones real name) is listed on google as alternative rock, indie pop and synth-pop. so im unsure of what vibe post will bring to the track. i think its also surprising she placed one of the two collabs as the opening track. i think the vibe for this track will probably be either a story about what happened in a certain two week period or about what is going to happen in two weeks from the songs time standpoint (if that makes sense lol)
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track two: The Tortured Poets Department
A TITLE TRACK!!!! now obviously we dont know much about the album yet so we cant really try and figure out what the title track will be about so im just gonna do a little yippee for having a title track
track three: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
this is a Whole fucking title good lord the only thing that really comes to mind when i think of this title is the lyric in better than revenge where she says “soon shes gonna find stealing other peoples toys on the playground wont make you many friends” which is if im not forgetting anything the only lyric as of now where she’s referred to being someones partner as someones “toy” but that lyric itself is a metaphor for relationships being playing on a playground. this will probably be a sad or angry song about how her ‘boy’ goes around breaking/hurting his favorite ‘toy’ aka taylor
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track four: Down Bad
okay now down bad if you dont know is a slang term to describe how badly you have fallen for someone (mostly used in a more sexual nature in my experience than romantic) so this song will probably be about how badly she is for the love interest of the song
track five: So Long, London
alright new track five lets go! so this is obviously seeming to be a reference to track 11 on lover, london boy. now like taylor said when she announced it this album has been a secret for two years so we dont know when these songs were written or who they are about but i feel like it is safe to say this song and most of the other will be about said london boy [i personally do not care who a song is about and it is not taylors job to tell us who a song is about and that isnt the point of her music, but i will be commenting on the joe breakup bc that seems to be a large idea of this album so far] i can see this probably being about the break up and possibly sampling some music from london boy like she did with cornelia street and youre losing me
track six: But Daddy I Love Him
okay so the first thing i thought of when i read this track title is the scene from the little mermaid where ariel is fighting with her dad over the eric statue and im gonna be honest i dont remember the plot points in order of this movie BUT i do remember when taylor dressed up as ariel for her new years party in 2019. so given what we know this will probably be a song about maybe her fighting/arguing with her dad over how much she loves the love interest of the song regardless of who he is/how he treats her
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track seven: Fresh Out The Slammer
okay so im not sure what this song will be about bc i dont think taylor has ever been to jail before so it would probably be metaphorical type of “im back bitches” type of song im assuming this might be a bass heavy maybe more rock leaning song and if it is a “im back bitches” it might be about the amount of time she was single for with the ‘slammer’ being her old relationship
track eight: Florida!!! (feat Florence and the Machine)
alright so as we all know this album has been in the works at least for two years but we dont know when each song was written so take this with a grain of salt but the tampa eras tour shows were the first shows after the news of the joe breakup dropped. so this song might be about her feelings during those shows. for those that want to know these were the surprise songs for the tampa shows in order.
night one: speak now and treacherous
night two: the great war and youre on your own kid
night three: mad woman and mean
track nine: Guilty as Sin?
okay so my main curiosity about this track is the question mark in the title because guilty as sin isnt much of a thought provoking title to me but that fact that its a question is interesting. the current vibes im getting are that this might be a more sexy song? but i have no idea here
track ten: Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?
okay so THIS is giving big taunting energy like “aww who would ever be afraid of little ol me 🥺 youre afraid of me?” which im Hoping thats what the vibes are bc that would HIT but i can also see it being completely different as well
track eleven: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
oh my GOD this one sounds like its gonna be sad. so this is obviously a reference to the common seen online phrase “i can/could fix him” which as ive seen is normally used towards people who are attracted to hot fictional characters that usually have a lot of emotional baggage or are villains (i saw it a lot when ballad of songbirds and snakes came out about young snow) so this song will probably be about her promising that she Can fix him and really will despite ‘him’ being broken or maybe even possibly a bad partner
track twelve: loml
so i saw and rb a post earlier about how its very interesting that this is already an acronym which i completely agree with because taylor knows we are no strangers to turning her song titles into acronyms. so loml does usually mean love of my life but i think because its already an acronym it might be something different (i saw someone earlier say it might be loss of my life instead of love)
track thirteen: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart
this one i think will kill me personally. i think this one will probably be about her continuing to go on with life (and possibly the eras tour) post joe break up i think this one will either be a sad song or a light beat ‘picking myself up on my feet’ song
track fourteen: The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
this has so many implications but personally i think the interpretation shes gonna use for this song will be about how the said man is small emotionally and just as a person (i doubt she will talk about physical shortness in height or other areas)
track fifteen: The Alchemy
now im gonna be so real here i have no idea what this one will be about google says that alchemy is an older version of chemistry so maybe she will talk about the chemistry or alchemy she has in her relationships?
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track sixteen: Clara Bow
alright Clara Bow! okay so i dont know much about old hollywood so i am NOT the person to deep dive into what this song will be about but all i do know about her is that she was The “It” girl of the silent film era so im assuming this song will probably be like the lucky one and talk about the rise to stardom and being the Biggest Star Of The Time
track seventeen(bonus track): The Manuscript
alright so after looking at the definition of a manuscript this is the PERFECT bonus track?!!?!?! so a manuscript is normally a piece of work that is written or typed out but isnt officially published which is just genius for having it be a bonus track that probably wont be on streaming (if not for a long time) i have no idea what itll be about but i love that mastermind
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that’s pretty much all of my thoughts as of currently PLEASE let me know what yall think and what theories yall have for this album i am SO excited for april 19th 💕
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
Baby Firefly x Fem!AFAB!Reader || Smutshot
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Plot: If you wanna be let go alive, *shrugs*, then you gotta make it worth her while! 👀
Warnings: 'Straight' reader fucking a woman for the first time, lesbian denial, SMUT, pussy eating, etc. Unedited filth.
Tagging: @marinerainbow
Her words float around inside your brain like the old DVD logo- bumping against the walls like a fumbling toddler. Is she... is she serious??
Is this insane woman asking you to fuck her so she'll let you go?? Besides the fact that that is a crazy thing to ask a person you just kidnapped and had tied to a chair so long your wrists have harsh, irritated red marks-- what makes her think you'll even believe her?
Plus you're straight. Not that that would stop you, if you really believed her, but... you feel like its an important fact to consider.
"Well?? What are you fucken waiting for??" Baby snaps, sat there at the head of her bed with her knees apart and her dirty boots on top of the covers. Your eyes widen, and you shake your head.
"I- I... uh... I don't- " I don't believe you, I don't know why you'd ever think that I would. "I don't like... girls... "
Her frown slowly turns into a simpering smile at that information; separating from the headboard, but not coming any closer, thank god. Just straightening her back. "Aww, sweetheart, thats so cute! I'm gonna be your first pussy?? Mm, I like that!~ " She claps her hands together like a child, wriggling in her seat- then abruptly stops. She looks up at you again, a pout on her pretty face. "I mean- unless you wanna die. Or, you know, if you like big dick I could give ya to my brother Oatey... but he's a lot meaner then me~ "
A memory from dinner time, of that man with the stringy white hair and the terrifying rotten smile, flashes through your brain and you immediately shake your head. If thats her brother 'Oatey', then you can only imagine how he'd treat you. And you'd rather not risk that. "No!- "
Baby gives a giggle; a cruel, fluttering giggle that equal parts fairy princess and evil stepmother. "Hm. I thought so!~ I've seen how you look at me, doll~~~ You've been dyin' for this tasty pussy since we got ya at that truck stop!"
Mouthing falling open, your face turns a hundred degrees all of a sudden; completely baffled and mortified. "What???"
"Oh don't worry- it can be our little secret, sweetie." You dont know how to respond to that, your brain short circuiting. "Now," Baby suddenly leans back on the headboard again, and you know its time to get down to it. She's finished playing, setting her feet far apart, boots digging into the sheets, so you can fit between her thighs. "get to work already!"
Not seeing a way out of it, and feeling your heart violently pumping blood faster then ever inside your chest, you ever-so-slowly... crawl over to her. Once you're set on your knees between her thighs, the bed covers wrinkling beneath your kneecaps, you awkwardly lean forward... and press a gentle kiss to the woman's unmoving, surprisingly soft lips. You didn't know lips could be that soft, none of the guy's you've kissed have ever had soft lips, and it makes your head fuzzy for a moment.
Baby didn't close her eyes a moment for that kiss, and you can feel her steely eyes on you now. She's waiting for you to get serious, so you reach your hands up and place them on her shoulders as you kiss her again; tilting your head and kissing her for longer. When you part your lips into it this time you finally feel the insane woman close her eyes, tilting her head the opposite way to you and kissing you back with fervor.
Her tongue dips eagerly into your mouth and wraps around yours, guiding it into her mouth and milking your tongue in a way you've never felt before- it catches you by surprise, and before you can remember that this is a woman and this is so wrong for a million other reasons, too, a moan flies out of you. Baby smirks against your mouth. "Oh sweetie... you are so into this."
Instead of responding, because you cant reason with a psychotic person (NOT at all because you cant find it in you to disagree with her, because you're forgetting why you kiss boys when this is how it feels making out with a pretty woman- no.), you connect your lips again and entangle your tongue back with hers.
While you're kissing, you feel Baby's hands guide your wrists off her shoulders and the next thing you feel in your palms is her chest. This is the first time you've ever touched another woman's boobs, and... fuck, you didn't realise they felt so good under hand. Baby pushes your hands against her firmer, and you take that as a hint to squeeze them; massaging the nice-feeling fat and then slipping your hands under her shirt to continue, when Baby takes one of your wrists and forces you again.
With your hands under her shirt, on her braless chest, you can feel her nipples- which is a shock. Again, you remember this is a woman you're kissing, touching. A woman you're going to fuck. Your heart starts to beat faster again as you rub your palms against her nipples and your tongue plays in her mouth, while everything in you screams contradictory things at you like 'you're straight!', 'you hate this!', 'this is gross!' and 'her tits feel so good', 'oh my fucking god', 'take her top off and put your mouth on th- '
You force that last one out of your head, and instead part from her lips just to put gentle, slow, careful kisses along her jaw and her neck. When she gives a pretty sigh and stretches her neck to give you more room to lay attention, you push her hair out of the way and give her just what she wants.
After sucking a few hickeys into her skin, your lips drawing bruises and your tongue lathering the areas in relief, your gaze flickers downwards. With your lips just a few centimetres away from Baby's skin, your hands still under her top squeezing her nice tits, you take a deep breath; worrying about the part of her you still haven't touched.
You've never seen another woman's pussy, much less touched it. You never wanted to ('Okay. Not exactly true. There were times when you stumbled onto the wrong porn, and wondered- '), so... Baby's going to have to guide you.
Kissing back up from her collarbone, to her neck, over her jaw, her chin, and then her lips again; you press a deep kiss there before slowly separating from her mouth and connecting gazes with her. "... so. The next part."
"Thats the main event, cutie~ You're gonna love it, promise." Baby gives a dark, mischievous smile. "I bet you're gonna be a great pussy-licker. I knew it the moment I saw you, pretty girl, I thought- that bitches gonna lick my cunt so good I see fucken stars. Been waiting for this this whole time!"
Your face gets 10 times hotter again, mortified. "... I- I dunno how."
She rolls her eyes dramatically as if the fact that you've never gone down on a woman had slipped her mind completely despite you saying you don like girls. "Ugh- Oh, of course ya don't." Slightly irritated, Baby slips off the bed and away from you. You think she's just going to leave, and you feel horrified (-THAT SHE'LL HAVE TO KILL YOU NOW SINCE YOU DIDNT FUCK HER- obviously. Obviously, thats why you were so worried.), but then you watch her kick off her boots, wriggle out of her ripped jeans, and take off her little thong. Your eyes widen, seeing her bend over bare-assed right in front of you, feeling hot.
... You get the same feeling looking at Baby now, her bare ass and her glistening pussy peaking out between her legs, as you did when you accidentally clicked on the wrong porn; a warm feeling heating up your underwear and an impossible seeming ache filling up your hot cunt.
"Look, there's nothin' too it." Baby gripes, climbing back onto the bed, her bottom half totally shamelessly naked. she returns to the exact same position she was in before, her back against the headboard and her knees parted nice and wide. "Just get down there and stick your tongue in my pussy! I'm too fucken worked up now to teach you- but hey, maybe I'll reward you with a treat if you do good, huh?~ You sure look sweet, afterall~ "
Your pussy shouldn't sing, hearing her say something like that- it should dry up. You should be afraid.
... instead you carefully lay down on your stomach on the bed and slip your hands around the backs of Baby's thighs- and the moment your lips touch her folds, Baby's head falls back against the headboard. "Ughhhh yeah... "
Taking the encouragement, you part your lips once again and follow your instincts here; licking a strip directly up between Baby's lips. After all, you have a pussy. You know what it wants. You know what you want, right now.
After that its all natural, and you're eating pussy like an expert. Your tongue dips past her entrance and collects slick, your lips cover most of her mound, you suck and fuck her with your tongue. Your tongue almost has a mind of its own, eagerly slipping into her hole and massaging her inner walls- tasting her feeling her tighten around your tongue, such a vulgar fucking feeling, you cant help but let out a moan. And then it doesn't stop.
After a few moments, Baby slips her fingers into your hair and starts grinding her hips against your face. Slowly and sensually, at first, then hard and rough. She's cruel, and she doesn't care about your well fair- she just wants to use your face and your dirty tongue on her screaming clit like a sex toy and get the fuck off; all while sighing and yelling obscene encouragement. Calling you a great fucking cunt licker, saying your tongue is perfect in her pussy.
... and you love it.
Before you even realise you're betraying yourself, because you've lost yourself in the nasty scene, you slip your fingers under the waistband of your underwear and slip them right into your dripping pussy. You're so worked up from all this, it doesn't take long before you're rutting desperately into your hand and the bed as she fucks herself out on your face. The taste of her on your tongue is like heaven, now.
When you both cum, crashing together and dripping all over her bed covers, Baby immediately drags you by the hair up to your knees and you lay on her chest; kissing with all-tongue. Tasting each other again.
"... i knew you liked me, sweet thing. You're my dolly, now~ "
"... please... "
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rdiowx · 1 year
Now posted on my ao3: Cndlewax
Frankenstein frank iero x gn! Reader
Ik i said this would be longer but I’ve been working on this for days and i actually dont know what i was going to do with it lmk if i should go on with the series
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Now i when was trying to figure out which Frank era would fit Frankenstein i was thinking revenge so thats what i went with and is described here. However now that i think about it, Leathermouth and danger days wouldve been viable options (WHY DIDNT I DO DANGER DAYS IM LITERALLY SOBBING)
Reader is technically Frankenstein and Frank is Frankensteins monster, its like 1930s id like to think because of the 1931 Frankenstein movie, Reader is a mad scientist, Reader is lowkey kinda insane im not gonna lie (because who thinks of this kinda thing), Mikey shows up i just feel like he’s Frankensteins assistant Material, kind of detailed mention of limbs being sewn and stapled together, i mean technically Frank is put in an electric chair…, usage of Y/n,(i do plan on making this a series however if i do id probably move it to ao3 and it would be random chapters of teaching frank random things).
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The village ‘mad scientist’ also known as Y/n, You had been rumored to be working on something for years, and you have. Today it should finally be done. You were currently hunched over your project, a man covered in staples, stitches and all sorts of other things. You make sure each limb is sturdy, sewing or stapling multiple times if you have to. When he comes to life —and you will make sure he will— you wouldnt want him to fall over. You need to make sure he can hold his body weight up. you are pulled out of your focus when you hear the lab door open, “I’ve brought good news.” Mikey exclaimed, holding a larger than average beaker in his hands.
You broke out into an extremely unsettling smile, Mikey only smiles back, used to your behavior having been friends with you since you were kids. “Did you get it Mikey?” You asked, at the edge of your seat, He only nods in response. You laugh and spin in your chair towards him, you grab and kiss his face enthusiastically. He playfully gags and wipes his face, having set the beaker down at your work table.
“What would i ever do without you Michael?” You exclaimed, Taking the beaker and quickly making your way to your experiment. Using your lab table to set him at a 90 degree angle you took the top of his head off, you needed to connect his brain stems. You needed to detach multiple places in order to do it, luckily you thought ahead and thought not to stitch these places before hand. Mikey made sure you had enough light to complete this task, holding a simple flashlight above your work area.
After attaching everything correctly you stapled and sewed, it would be a shame if all your hard work went to waste due to some poor patch job. You had been working on this for years, and finally you could finish it. You had done this once before, not anything near as big as this project, but on a salamander when you and Mikey were 16. The day you revived that salamander was the day you earned the ‘mad scientist’ title. “We’ve waited years for this Mikey, i dont think i possibly couldve gotten this done without you.” You said, wheeling over the machine that was going to bring your experiment to life. Mikey smiles proudly as you looked his way, quickly moving to your side as you waved your hand for him to come to you.
“You’re fucking crazy.” Mikey teased, smiling your way before putting his metal goggles —which you made to fit his glasses perscription because he complained about not being able to see every time— on for protection and stepping away from the now powered up machine. You only smile in response, putting your metal welding headgear on before pulling the last lever. The light from the electricity filled the room, you were sure any nosy civilian would be curious if they were outside right now. Turning off the machine you lift your headgear off before checking your experiment. Seeing his fingers twitch filled you with hope, a quiet groan filled your ears looking over, Mikey had a smug look on his face. You looked back towards the now living thing, His hazel eyes looking straight forward. “I feel like he needs a name, what are you thinking?” Michael asked, tilting his head before taking his goggles all the way off and setting them aside.
“Frank.” You replied simply, taking in the mans appearance.
He had a slight green discoloration, covered from head to toe in stitches and staples. you could see the stitches make indents and stretch his skin as well as with the staples, you were lucky he didnt have pain receptors or this would be a lot harder to pull off. A simple screw on the side of his head it was a decently sized one but not huge, maybe as big or slightly bigger than your hand. It was a screw that required a Phillips screw driver even though it was turnable by hand, his eyes had bags and his hair was greasy. His hair was nothing you had seen before, the sides were a light blonde and he seemed to have a mohawk but it was slicked down by the sheer amount of grease that had built up over the years and the front of his hair sat in the middle of his face. He was wearing an old suit you found in your closet, you dont know who it belonged to but you didn’t exactly care all that much. He looked to have had piercings from were you stapled his face, But it kinda fit him after all you could always fix it later. After a while you realized you would have to teach him how to do things again, he’s not what he once was. “Alright (Y/n), i have to go. Gerard is waiting for me to get back home and its getting dark.” Michael informed, hanging his lab coat on his designated hook by the door. “Be safe Michael, wouldnt want to lose my favorite lab partner.” You laughed, Michael rolled his eyes on the way out but not before shouting “im your only lab partner!” You could swear you could hear him mumble a quiet “Im your only friend at that.” Making you roll your eyes, you couldn’t be mad if he was right.
Now you were sat in your lab with your own creation staring back at you. ‘Lets see what you can still do.’ You thought to yourself before walking around to the still seated man. You lifted his arm to see if he could hold it up, He turned his head to face you and surprisingly he could, these are great signs. you sat in your spin chair and rolled your way to your clipboard that was on your desk. You needed to write stuff for your experiment down, right now you were the happiest you had been in years. You couldn’t suppress the slight smile on your face as you tested the staple covered man. After finishing your tests you wanted to move on to his speech, since you were the one who put him together you knew he was capable of doing so.
The only problem was you didnt know how, sure you knew how to talk but you didnt really know how to hold a conversation, if it wasn’t for Mikey you dont think you would talk at all if it wasn’t to yourself. Being the village scientist meant you were always in the lab, you hadn’t talked to anyone but Mikey or sometimes his older brother Gerard in years. You dont even remeber the last time you even left the lab, it was your house and Mikey did all of your errands. You supposed you could start with the basics, ‘hello’ or your name maybe even his. If you started with hello you’d have to explain what a greeting is, if you started with your or his name you might have to explain what a name even is and how to use it. You hadn’t noticed the man move from his spot, you were so busy staring off into space you didnt notice the prominent frown on your face as you stared at the wall. When you finally snapped out of it you panicked as you watched the man touch stuff on your lab table, almost spilling a tube of something before catching it and looking at you with guilt ridden face.
You quickly made your way to him, taking the tube out of his hand and putting it in its correct place. “Um, okay don’t- don’t touch anything on this table..got it?” You spoke, gently steering the man by his hand to sit at your desk chair. You pushed him into said chair maybe a bit rougher than you meant to, however he didnt seem to mind. “Okay.. your name is- can you talk?” You asked, you couldve maybe put in a little more effort but this was your first time doing anything like this. You only got a head tilt in response, it was like he could understand you but he couldn’t answer. You furrowed your eyebrows, Your reaction caused him to frown a little. “‘My name is Frank’ Can you say that?” You questioned, he could only get out ‘Frank’. It wasnt much but you could work with it after all you weren’t sure of what he was capable of, Sure he had human parts but he wasnt fully functional right now.
“Frank, frank is you.” You stated, pointing a finger towards him. “You?” He questioned, his index finger now pointing towards himself. You smiled before shaking your head, This caused Frank to smile as well however he looked sort of confused. You tried again pointing your finger towards him, “when i stick my finger out towards you it means ‘you’, when you stick your finger towards yourself it means ‘me’.” You stated, a look of realization crossed his face before he pointed to himself again. “Frank is me?” He asked, letting out a noise of what seemed to be happiness after you confirmed it. He was going to be trouble but you knew it was worth it, after all, you wanted this.
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sleepyrayray · 1 year
We Go Where No One Goes - One Piece HTTYD AU (What Dragons would some OP  characters have)
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A/N: First thing I have written on tumblr. I’m really addicted to How To Train Your Dragon right now so I thought I’d do headcanons on what dragons I think some characters would bond with/have.  I might make an x reader series of this au as well. I’ll do more characters at a later date!! Also I don’t know how to work things exactly but this is my best shot hopefully it works. I’d love some feedback about this as I am very interested in turning this into a series of sorts or even multiple. Hope you all like it!!
Content Warning: Can be read as an x reader in some parts (as I use the word you in some places) though gender is not specified!! Can also be read as platonic or romantic in those parts, whatever you see fit. SFW!! Fluff. Dragons!! How To Train Your Dragon AU. Mentions of fighting as well as dragon attacks. There probably will be grammar and spelling errors here. Some characters may be a bit OOC. I think that’s all but tell me if there’s anything I should add.
Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Nico Robin, Eustass Kid, Killer, Trafalgar D. Law (All seperate).
Monkey D. Luffy
- A Nightfury. That’s it. He’ll have a nightfury.
- Now we’ll see something COMPLETELY different from hiccup’s and toothless’ relationship simply because... you have double the trouble now.
- I can see Luffy and his Nightfury getting into trouble every day like they are partners in CRIME, two peas in a pod... honestly one would think they share the same brain AND the same stomach because both of them will eat a shit ton of food (fish for the nightfury).
- No sharing though. Luffy refuses to share his food with his dragon best friend (He tries to steal his nightfury’s food but everyone has to stop him as they dont want him to get sick from eating raw fish).
- Honestly count them to be dirty by the time they get home in mud and such.
- They also go out flying and adventuring together almost every day!! Discovering new places, meeting new people!! Everyone else going with him just to make sure he doesn’t get captured by dragon hunters.
- Though when it comes to battle, there is a chance you’ll see a more serious side of him and his dragon, especially if someone he cares about has been captured or hurt in some way shape or form!!
- Sure it may be a bit fun in games at the start but as the fight goes on they both get more serious.
- He makes sure everyone gets out alive, no one gets left behind on his watch, even if he and his dragon have to fight every single person on an island and/or ship.
- Yeah the bad guys are not winning in the end if he shows up, especially if he brought the gang with him!!
- Then there’s a party right after with them and their dragons as well!!
- Oh did I mention he’s the chief of his island...?
- Yeah who made him chief... (It was shanks.)
- The villagers question it every day... but they have no say in it now...
- But look on the bright side!! There will never be a boring day in the village since Luffy is chief!!
- He also tends to neglect his duties...
- Well, they get done somehow!!
- Just make sure you stay prepared.
Roronoa Zoro
- Triple Stryke. Yes, he has a triple stryke.
- A dragon that uses three tales to slash and take down it’s enemies screams zoro to me. They litterally train together with zoro’s three sword style and the dragon using it’s tail.
- They take naps together. Though don’t wake them as his dragon will try and snap at you... 
- Without his dragon, Zoro would get lost a lot more then he already does.
- His dragon is litterally Zoro’s guide at times and will drag him with it’s tails when Zoro is going the wrong way.
- Zoro uses his dragon as a pillow as well, sometimes doesn’t even sleep on a bed bc it’s so comfy and warm.
- His dragon and Luffy’s dragon often play together and have fun together.
- Is the one to get seperated from his dragon the most though.
- Might be seen to be a bit cold to his dragon but if you look closely you can see him giving it small pets or even some of his food.
- Tries to keep the affection in private or when no one isn’t looking, though he does fail at times and gets teased for it.
- He also is probably the one who runs the blacksmiths and helps makes the weapons, saddles and other things the village may need.
- Somehow he gets it done in time even with some (many) naps inbetween.
- Honestly you get the best made stuff in the village.
- They often see people from other villages as well just to get their hands on what he makes.
- I feel like he’d be one of the most serious in battle.
- Litterally fights back to back with his dragon, both covering eachother’s blindspots.
- It can be hard to land a hit when Zoro and his dragon are fighting together.
- 2nd guy you do not wanna face.
Nico Robin
- She would have a Boneknapper. - Since Robin is an archeologist and a Boneknapper is basically living history since it is covered in bones I feel like they’d make a perfect fit. Also who knows what kinds of bones that the Boneknapper has on it!! Could be anything!! I can see Robin studying the bones and see where they originate from such as from a dragon, human, animal or something else entirely!! - Robin probably has an area outside of her house where the dragon has stored all kinds of random objects, some aren’t even bones and are just random things that interested it!!! - Robin has like 1000000000000000000000000+ complaints from the villagers because her dragon keeps taking their stuff(it even took someone’s roof one time... that was an entire ordeal....). - Always ends up scolding her dragon but... it never learns and proceeds to continue to steal. At this point Robin has considered her life options when it comes to her boneknapper. - Well great news is that she has found many discoveries from the bones on her dragon’s body which has advanced their knowledge in dragons and humans a like!! - Not the most comfortable dragon to ride on but Robin made it work (Somehow). With the help of Zoro she had constructed the perfect sadle for her dragon! - It can be a bit difficult to fight with her boneknapper as it will often try to add whatever it sees onto itself if. Sometimes it’ll try to take a person with it (remember how stormfly acted with that one guy from httyd 2?? Eric the son of Eric?? I see it as that.) But it works as a great decoy to get everyone distracted and busy!! It is also great at destroying things with it’s tail. - Also most people run away when they see it as they’re terrified of it when in reality it is just a big giant puppy especially when it plays human fetch!! - I see Robin as the person who documents and keeps the village history as well as any other history she finds out. She writes it down and stores it so those in the future can read it!! - She has written many books and you bet she’ll let anyone read it!! - Her books are very accurate, you can trust her writing 100% as she makes sure to tell no lies. 
Eustass Kid
- He would have a monsterous nightmare. I am partnering him up with a dragon that can set itself on fire as it matches his personality.
- Kid would just be walking around the village and his dragon would be following him, menacingly staring and sometimes even growling at the other villagers. It has a bit of an attitude problem.
- When Kid yells at someone, his dragon will yell with with him or it will laugh/chuckle at the person being yelled at.
- His dragon will sometimes mess something up and then blame someone else just to get another person in trouble.
- Kid will have his dragon with him as he works on different inventions of his as well as making things for himself and even for the village. His dragon is great for lighting up the fires so he can heat up the metal!! And acts as a heater when it is cold outside.
- He has no problem fighting anyone who threatens his village, friends, his dragon or anyone else that might need protecting. Though he might begrudgedly help a stranger out but he always says it’s because “I did it since it benifets me.” when in reality he couldn’t stand to see another person and their dragon get captured.
- Is a very strong fighter, always setting hunter’s boats and other enemy villages ablaze alongside his dragon. He has won around 89% of the battles he has faced. The other 11%? We’ll go into that later. Though let’s say he was extra mad/grumpy/tense right after those losses which resulted in him yelling even more or just staying inside his workshop at the forgery.
- He has two jobs!! He’s both the chief and the blacksmith!! According to his words he takes on being the blacksmith as well because “No one else is talented enough to make the gear the village needs” when in reality it is because he really wants to make things and it gives him the chance of creating his own inventions!!
- He and Zoro are competing to be the better blacksmith.
- He already believes he’s the best chief around.
- He also recieves a lot of requests for things to be made even from people from other villages.
- He’s a busy man.
- He would have a Changewing as his dragon. Changewings like to hide by camouflauging themselves, and with how Killer keeps a mask on it is as if they are both hiding in some way. Also I feel like they would get along very well.
- Changewings can be quite territorial so I can see it not liking it when other’s enters the home it lives with Killer in, so it either has to be outside or Killer has to keep it calm. Though it doesn’t mind Kidd coming over, it quite likes kid. You could see it even seek pets from kid which would in turn make Kid’s dragon a bit jealous.
- Changewings can also be a bit mischevious and Killer’s will play pranks on it’s rider. You will litterally see it poke Killer and then camouflage itself as Killer looks around to see who poked him. Though one time it camouflaged and stayed silent for a while. Killer thought it ran away or something and spent the whole day running around the island, panicked, looking for it when it was just resting at home. Let’s just say it got a big scolding when Killer got home (and a punishment of not having it’s favorite fish for a while). It never did it again.
- It will also mess with the other villagers.
-  1000000000000000000000000+ complaints part 2, but you might as well double it as he gets complaints about two things. One. His dragon scares the kids at night (as well as the scardy cats of the village) causing them to scream and wake up the village. It also randomly knocks things over, destroys things, pokes people while camouflage so it isn’t seen making people think they’re seeing things or there actually is a ghost haunting the village. Though at this point they know the culprit. 2. It loves taking things, it’s a curious creature!! It will take anything that raises it’s interest!! Even if it is a human being!! It once took someone’s child and tried to act like it’s parents... it took 5 hours to get the dragon seperated from the child and another 5 to calm down the angry parents...
- Killer questions how the village hasn’t tried to kick his dragon out yet...
- Though on the bright side they make a good fighting pair!! While Killer is focusing on beating hunters or other enemies up with his punishers, his dragon is camouflaging and taking out the enemies as well! There has been quite a few times where Killer’s dragon has saved his life as well.
- Though bewhare... it might try to hypnotize you. It has done so on many enemies in order to defeat them, as well as some villagers in order to mess with them. It’s hypnotizing is very powerful as well, though it rarely uses the ability.
- Also beware of it’s acid, it can melt almost anything. Though it can’t melt normal metal but it can melt dragon proof metal!! 
- They trust each other and know how to fight!! Sometimes they get seperated but they both find their way back to each other.
- Oh! Killer works as Kid’s second in command!! He helps Kid out with some of the workload he gets so Kidd can have some free time to work on his gadgets and such.
- He has fun working as Kid’s second-in-command as he couldn’t wish for anything more after growing up as Kid’s best friend.
Trafalgar D. Law
- He would have a Tide Glider. While it is only seen in the games, I feel as if it fits Law the best. This is due to the fact it is known to be calm as well as peaceful and has healing capabilities!!
- Due to being a Doctor, having a dragon that is able to heal others is a lifesafer. Think of how many lives he could save with a dragon that can heal wounds with its saliva?? That is why he bonded with the Tide Glider. 
- He lives a peaceful life with his dragon, as his dragon is also a giant sweetheart and you’ll see it push him to take care of himself. Sometimes it’ll lay on top of him just to make him go to sleep when it deams it time.
- His dragon acts like a mother toward’s him at times, it just wants to make sure he’s okay.
- His dragon gets into no trouble at all, it just follows Law wherever he goes and helps him with whatever duties he has with that day.
- He always ends up giving his dragon presents and such, he doesn’t show it but he really adores his buddy.
- Will pet his dragon often every day, mostly while he is at home.
- They have a very sweet bond with eachother, you can guarantee they’ll be best friends forever.
- Now when it comes to fighting, they’re both also very good at it. Though Law is very keen on his surroundings. If he notices anyone injured that’s on his side he’ll send his dragon over to provide some healing. His dragon also knows when to attack, and is very good in fighting in the sea as well due to being a dragon that is known to live in the water.
- Oh it can also spit out acid.
- Have I mentioned that the water it spits out is poisonous?? Just don’t wash it with water, it’ll make it worse. Yak milk is said to work, but it might not work with every tide glider poison you come across so you just have to be lucky and hope it works.
- They trust eachother greatly and you’ll definately be able to see it on the battlefield.
- As of jobs, I have mentioned that he is the doctor of the village but he is also the Chief!! There are other doctors in the village of course, he’s just the best one and the main doctor in the village.
- He does both duties which causes him to often get sleepless nights and to not take care of himself. But don’t worry! His Tide Glider is there to make sure he takes care of himself. As stated before, it will force him to sleep by laying on top of him against his will. That includes picking him up and bringing him to his bed!! He may not like it but somehow he does fall asleep, although begrudgingly. His dragon will also bring him anything he deems edible (even raw fish at times) just so he can have something to eat.
- Overall you’re witnessing best friends for life right here.
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pigeonwit · 6 months
hi pidge! i was wondering if you knew of any canon era fics where davey and jack grow apart/jack goes to santa fe/separate/whatever and reunite sometime in the future?
... you know i could've SWORN i did, but i actually don't? which is a shame because jack leaving for santa fe, regretting it, and coming home in shame but knowing exactly what he wants and davey staying in new york, desperately wanting to welcome jack back but refusing because he knows how much jack can hurt him and won't risk it again, all set against that backdrop of period typical homophobia and keeping up appearances is a really cool idea. maybe davey actually did resign himself to living purely for his family and is close to settling down with a nice girl in a cushy job he hates, but has convinced himself its worth it for the sake of not letting his heart get broken again. what was he thinking, right? and it'd be so interesting to see how jack goes about rebuilding his friendships not only with davey but with everyone else he left behind. because i can understand people like race and crutchie feeling abandoned, but itd also be a great way to explore how jack was forced to grow up before he should've and how stressed he was acting as the leader to 100 boys at the age of 17.
that being said i feel kind of bad leaving this with just saying 'sorry no, whoopsies!!' so i'll recommend the two (technically three) fics that immediately came to mind when i was wracking my brain for anything that kind of fit this description. behold:
favorite crime by @we-are-inevitable (side bar this took me too many attempts to find again because i kept spelling 'favorite' the british way) - jack and davey engaged in a secret relationship which jack ended out of fear that due to his success with his political cartoons, they'd be under more scrutiny and thus more likely to be found out, leaving davey behind. they do TECHNICALLY reunite in the future but the story isnt meant to have a happy ending; instead you get a really achingly poignant story about love, fear and the consequences of both. the prose is gorgeous and the characterization is (in my opinion) the most solid in the fandom. jack's absence from daveys life is like a scar across the fic and you really feel how it affects davey to have such a permanent pain everpresent in him - but also having the memory of it nonetheless. its probably not the comforting fluff you're looking for but it IS a beautiful fic and if you're in a good enough place to read it, i recommend it!!
keepsakes (and trinkets) by @livesincerely - this is modern era, but it fits the bill almost perfectly. jack and davey were together but jack got a job offer in santa fe, causing a misunderstanding of davey wanting to support jacks dream while wishing he'd stay and jack not wanting to pressure him into uprooting his life while wishing he'd come with him. after finding davey while back in new york for a visit, they finally confront each other and all those old feelings come back to the surface. it's one of my favourite fics; i'm a big sentimentalist and i love the idea of keeping an object tied to a person for so long that you eventually dont even realize how much of that person is still in your life, still clinging on to the edges, not quite letting go. i love the idea of not even realizing how much a person is still clinging to the edges of your life until that person is THERE and suddenly oh, its unavoidable. all those little keepsakes and the memories attached are still there. you can try to get rid of them, but at a certain point that person has touched so much of your life that you dont even notice it. its just everywhere. i love that shit. im obsessed with that shit. it's one of my favourite go-to comfort fics when i need a little mental treat.
if anyone has any fics that DO fit this request in its entirety please let me know, because i would like to read them!
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