#i just don't know if i'd be able to keep up with maintaining it
authorgirl0131 · 10 months
So very severely tempted to make something like an "is-the-x-video-cute" blog, except it would be "is-the-autism-blog-ethical." It would look at autism mommy blogs and see if they are ethical or unethical with the following criteria
Are they following or endorsing an bad autism organization (Autism Speaks, National Autistic Society, SPARK, TACA, etc)
Are they following a pro-ABA, TEACHH, or floortime account? Are they endorsing these therapies?
Are they following an "autism school" that does either of the above?
Does their child have a say in this (as a rule of thumb, children younger than thirteen are not old enough to be put on the internet like this)
Do they use dogwhistle terms like "overcoming autism"
Are they listing outdated or incorrect information
Are they filming and posting their child in meltdowns or panic attacks
Are there any other concerns
It would include my survey of one hundred autism organizations, as well as providing the correct information and recommending good autism organizations.
Why do I want to do this? Because I just spent four hours in the autism tags on Instagram and oh my gods, guys, they are horrid and people need to know not to support these people.
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cozycottagetarot · 5 months
What Do They Daydream About You?
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How To Pick A Pile:
Everyone has their own technique for choosing a 'pile'. My recommendation is to clear your mind and focus on each image for a few seconds. The image you find yourself coming back to even when you focus on the other images is the pile for you.
Quick notes on this reading:
I'm experimenting with a different style. -- I've been working on shorter, less structured, formal pacs (and some longer ones). I'm not sure how I feel about it but I'd like to hear your thoughts too!
I apologise for any errors. -- My immune system and I have literally been at war for weeks, so know if there are any errors, I probably missed it while wincing in pain. 😅
It's purely for entertainment purposes. -- Don't think I need to explain more. Take what resonates be it all of it, some of it or none at all.
14:44 as I pulled the last card, maybe 444 is of importance to you at the moment. Knight in shining armour vibes. Noble acts or intentions of just sweeping you off your feet. Introducing you to their friends and or family. Daydreams of big celebrations of being with you, internally and externally. For some, they daydream about celebrating the news of having a child with you. Finding peace after long struggles... starting anew with you. Domestic bliss, as in chilling at home with someone you love, not doing much of anything. Or simply enjoying the mundane tasks together. Going for walks. Having a cup of tea or coffee together. Peppering your skin with kisses... maybe physical touch is their love language. The ghost of their fingertips on your skin. Heart-to-heart conversations. Falling into a routine with you. The magic of embarking on new beginnings with you.
North Star Vibes. Holding out hope that they make it to you. Trying to make life better so they can show up for you. They daydream about how you make them stronger, about you being a good influence on them. It's like the thought of you soothes them when they're struggling. Dreaming that happiness is coming in the form of you. Lots of fiery energy. You're a symbol of hope. Rediscovering what they had lost with you. Feels like someone who has been through a lot. Playfulness. Daydreaming about you is embodying those feelings that seem long forgotten. I know I keep repeating the same thing over and over, but I'm not getting anything more than that (even when I go back to the literal meaning of the cards) so I pulled some love messages. There's the cards 'twin flame', 'finding myself' and 'still listening'. My interpretation is that daydreaming about you holds a mirror up to themselves which inspires them to look deeper within and figure out what they want and who they want to be. They could also find solace in music, they may have a song or playlist that makes them feel more connected to you.
If you were drawn to pile 2, consider checking out that pile as well too. 333. The number 3 could hold some sort of significance.
Dreaming of an equal. Someone to keep them balanced and bring a new perspective. They could feel as though (or know) some kind of scrutiny is possible, but they spend their time dreaming of overcoming it. There could be cultural differences or for some it's a matter of being in a same-sex relationship or anything that goes against what may be more commonly accepted. If it's of any significance, the red string of fate (two different decks mention it). Power couple vibes. Being able to maintain a sense of youthfulness in the relationship. Someone who won't try to take advantage of them, who'll push them to be better and vice versa, who'll look out for them. Someone to heal with and understand that they are still healing. They could dream of having a child with you or starting a family in whatever format that may look like to both of you. Daydreams of warmth & protection. Giving and receiving. You could possibly meet at a concert or connect over music.
I did a repull to make sure I was reading the cards right (it was stormy) and the same cards came out after reshuffling (minus one card). I feel like this person has been reborn. Who they were is not who they are now (or when you meet them). They could daydream of being divinely guided towards you. Someone spiritual or religious. At the very least finding a connection with something (a concept) greater than them. Daydreams of being guided towards happiness. They had a teardown and rebuild of who they are. They could be from a different location, you could meet when travelling across a large body of water. It feels like they're dreaming of coming in hot. They're paving the way for their happy ending. Take it as you will, but instead of a 'damsel in distress' (regardless of gender, it's just women on the cards depicting forging on) type of story, it's one of those ones where it's like "you know what, I'll save myself and I'll chase after my happy ending". Actually, I get a-spec vibes as well and that this person could be a platonic love or a strong platonic bond. It could even be you respectively. But the energy is one of being inspired and ever-lasting bonds. A new resolve, coming home to oneself, resting in the knowledge that the future is going to be good because you'll make it so.
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dumbobsessivebitch · 15 days
can you do something for Kate where reader is a nerd and acedemic weapon???? like she’s always locked in and she’s also the manager for the team so kate is infatuated by how perfect reader is and doesn’t think that reader is gay because reader is really girly??
The soft hum of the overhead lights in the basketball gym was the only sound breaking the silence as Y/N worked at her laptop. The team had just wrapped up practice, and the players were trickling out, their laughter and chatter slowly fading into the background. Y/N, the team manager, was focused on updating the team’s stats and schedules. Papers were scattered around her as she continued typing away.
Kate had always admired Y/N. She was the perfect combination of brains and beauty – she maintained impeccable grades while efficiently managing the team’s needs. Despite her bright, bubbly demeanor and her obsession with in pastel sweaters and floral skirts – Kate had never thought that Y/N might like girls. It seemed too good to be true.
Earlier that day, during practice, Kate had noticed Y/N looking more stressed than usual. She was usually so composed, but today, her movements were hurried as she did 20 things at the same time. Caitlin had noticed too.
"Is she okay?" Kate murmured to Caitlin, her eyes fixed on Y/N, who was frantically flipping through her notes.
Caitlin smirked, nudging Kate with her elbow. "Someone’s got it bad, huh?"
Kate blushed, rolling her eyes. "I'm serious, Caitlin. She looks really stressed out."
"Yeah, I noticed," Caitlin admitted, her tone softening. "But it’s cute how worried you are. You should just talk to her, you know."
Kate sighed, watching as Y/N ran a hand through her hair in frustration. "I know. I just don't want to make things worse."
"Trust me," Caitlin said, giving Kate a reassuring pat on the back. "You won’t. She could probably use a friend right now. And maybe more than that."
As the last of her teammates left, Kate lingered by the door, pretending to check her phone. She glanced up to see Y/N still engrossed in her work, her shoulders hunched with tension. Something in her posture seemed off, she usually seemed so confidence and sure of herself.
Concerned, Kate approached quietly. "Hey, Y/N, are you okay?"
Startled, Y/N looked up, her eyes wide. "Oh, Kate! I didn't realize anyone was still here. Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit overwhelmed with all this work."
Kate moved closer, noting the tear tracks on Y/N's cheeks. "It doesn't look like just a bit. Do you want to talk about it?"
Y/N's façade crumbled, and she buried her face in her hands. "I'm so embarrassed. I should be able to handle this, but it's too much sometimes."
Without hesitation, Kate sat down next to her, placing a comforting hand on her back. "Hey, it's okay. You do so much for us and keep everything running smoothly. It's okay to feel overwhelmed."
Y/N looked up, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. "I just don't want to let anyone down. I feel like I have to be perfect all the time."
Kate's heart ached for her. "You don't have to be perfect, Y/N. You're already amazing. We all appreciate everything you do. You’re allowed to have a moment."
Y/N sniffled and managed a small smile. "Thanks, Kate. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."
Kate's hand moved from Y/N's back to gently cup her cheek. "We don't know what we'd do without you either." Her voice softened, and she added, almost hesitantly, "You know, you're incredible, Y/N. More than you realize."
There was a charged silence between them as Y/N processed Kate's words. Slowly, she leaned into Kate's touch, her eyes searching the taller girl's face. "Really?"
"Really," Kate whispered, her breath hitching as she leaned in closer. Their lips met in a soft kiss, both of them melting into the moment, all of Y\N's stress and worries disappearing in a second.
When they finally pulled apart, Y/N's cheeks were flushed, but she was smiling genuinely for the first time that evening. "Thank you, Kate. For everything."
Kate grinned, leaning down to kiss the girl again "don't mention it"
A\N : I tried my best I hope you guys like it!
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nonotnolan · 3 months
Spring Break
Simon let out a deep sigh as he dropped Aiden's bookbag onto the floor of his dorm room. "Alright, man, you're all set," he said, giving Aiden a friendly nod. "I've taken the last of your mid-term final exams. Unless there's anything else you needed for me to do while I'm in your body, we're clear to swap back."
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The first time Aiden had approached him, offering $200 to swap bodies for an exam... Simon had thought it was some sort of prank. The magical amulet was very real, as it turned out. How Aiden had found the item was unclear, but Simon had quickly learned that Aiden had no moral qualms about inhabiting other people's bodies. He was the fifth generation in a long line of successful businessmen, and so the expectation that money could buy anything he wanted had been hard-coded into Aiden's personality. After all, it bought him admission to a prestigious college and membership into one of the most competitive fraternities. Why couldn't money also buy you the expertise that you needed to succeed?
He fidgeted with the collar of his shirt. "I... actually, I did have a proposition for you," he said, avoiding eye contact. Ever since Aiden had learned that Simon was a gay man, he had been requesting that their quick academic swaps last longer and longer. Aiden was still in the closet, and living Simon's life for an evening allowed him to experience the life he wanted to live while still maintaining his straight-laced reputation.
Simon crossed his arms in annoyance. "I mean, I was planning on spending most of my Spring Break playing video games, but I know you're going to make it worth my time. What were you thinking, the first weekend?"
"The graduating seniors of my fraternity always book an eight day excursion out to the Hamptons. My proposal is that you would attend the trip in my stead."
"Jesus fuck, Aiden!' he yelled, taking a moment to process what he had just heard. "Eight days? Are you serious? This is the first time we'll be swapped for more than 12 hours, and you're just giving me a whole-ass week? What happens if your brothers get suspicious?"
Aiden just rolled his eyes. "Please, we both know I'm massively unpopular in the fraternity. They'll probably find you to be an improvement. Father allocated $20,000 for the week, plus travel and lodging. Anything you don't spend is yours to keep. What do you say?" Seeing his own body make Aiden's characteristic smarmy grin was still a really weird experience.
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"I... Jesus, dude..." Simon would never be able to understand Aiden's detachment from the value of money. "I still can't believe you want to be me so badly. I mean... okay, look... that's tempting as hell, but... it was weird enough knowing that you've taken my body out to the bar scene. I don't know if I'm comfortable letting you live my life for over a week. What if you run into someone I know?"
"Oh, I wasn't planning to stay around here," he said, growing more excited as he began to sway Simon. "I've been preparing this trip for a few months by withdrawing Father's allowance and saving it up in case you said yes. If you give me your body for a week, I'll be flying out to San Francisco. Anyway, don't sell yourself short, this body is fantastic."
Simon shook his head in disbelief. "I mean... I want to argue, but I'd have to be an idiot to leave that much money sitting on the table. Alright, you've bought yourself a Spring Break trip." He picked Aiden's bag back up off the ground as he mentally steeled himself for a week in the life of an out-of-touch social scion. "Alright... do I need any extra information to pull this off, or...?"
Aiden hopped to his feet and wrapped him in an awkward bear hug. "Oh, you're the best. I'll forward you the trip reservations, and I'll change the PIN to my debit card so that you can just use that. See you in a week!"
"Yeah... see you in a week..." Simon echoed. He pulled out Aiden's phone, and scrolled down to the one person in the Fraternity who knew about Simon's secret, Aiden's roommate Grant. "You were right," he said, once Grant picked up the phone. "Aiden offered a swap over Spring Break and it was too good to turn down."
"Hah! Called it!" Grant said, with a triumphant laugh. "I told you you he would. I made certain to emphasize how much pussy all of us were going to be chasing out in the Hamptons, just in case he was on the fence about it."
Simon couldn't help but laugh. "Aiden really hasn't figured out that you're gay after all this time, has he?"
"Of course not, that would involve him paying attention to someone other than himself. And it had better stay that way-- dude's annoying enough without him having some sort of puppy dog crush on me. Anyway, I hope you're ready for a week of rampant debauchery in the Hamptons. Aiden's body is sexy as fuck when literally anyone else is inside of it. And we both know how sexy my body is."
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The incoming text message was the only reason Simon realized that Grant had already hung up, but he was not about to complain about receiving a pic like that.
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strangertheories · 11 months
I've been seeing people saying that platonic Stobin is only benefitting Steve or that Robin only exists to redeem Steve from past homophobia and I'd like to politely disagree. I don't think enough people realise just how crucial their friendship was to Robin's character development outside of Steve, so I'll just spell it out here in this long post for the four year anniversary of Robin coming out to Steve.
At the start of S3, Robin is deeply sarcastic and jokingly rude, but this is not entirely what she is actually like deep down and the true Robin doesn't emerge until her and Steve are talking to each other in the bunker. She says that she acts like she doesn't care and that she floats above it all (in reference to popularity) but deep down, she just wants to feel normal and accepted.
But Robin knows she could never be accepted fully because of her attraction to women. If she acts like she doesn't care and holds Steve at an arm's length, it keeps her safe. Robin can't be rejected if she doesn't let him in. She doesn't believe anyone could ever be friends with her if they knew her secrets, so constructs this personality around herself, however deep down she is just insecure and struggling with internalised homophobia.
A lot of people talk about Robin's coming out scene, rightfully so, but I think we need to talk more about what happened before. When Steve tells Robin he's attracted to her, she looks devastated. With her guard let down after a near death experience and drugs, she was finally able to bond with someone who she now has to reject.
At first, she tries to talk Steve out of liking her. She tells him that he doesn't know the real her and that if he did, not only would be not want to date her, but he wouldn't even want to be her friend. This is where it all becomes clear that Robin's sarcasm and refusal to let her guard down is not linked to her sexuality but rather because of it.
This is why Steve accepting her is so crucial for her character from then onwards. For the first time in her life, Robin let someone see her true self, knowing that she would be rejected and lose her only friend. And yet she wasn't. Robin let Steve in and his acceptance finally enabled her to realise that just because she is gay it doesn't mean that she's abnormal or could never be happy. Obviously, there are safety concerns that prevent her from running through the streets of Hawkins with a pride flag, but I believe this acceptance is crucial to the version of Robin we see in S4.
After S4, there were a lot of complaints that the Robin we saw in that season wasn't like S3 enough and felt like a completely different character. Firstly, Robin was shown to speed talk, be unhelpful and miss social ques when nervous in the final episode of season 3, so I disagree with that criticism. But most importantly, the reason that S4 Robin is different to the one in S3 is because S3 Robin was never real. It was a character she built in order to avoid dealing with the pain of rejection or accepting that she cares about what other people think of her. But due to Steve, Robin is able to realise that she doesn't have to be someone else, hence her personality shift.
That's also kind of why I dislike the idea that her relationships with Nancy and Vickie are better than her one with Steve because she wouldn't have had those relationships if it wasn't for him. Steve enabled her to open up and let down her cool and sarcastic persona. Robin is anxious and awkward with Nancy and Vickie from the get go unlike with Steve, which ends up enabling her to ultimately make more real bonds with them much quicker. She would not have been able to do that if it wasn't for the value his acceptance brought into her life.
I'm going to get a bit mushy and personal here, so feel free to skip to the end, but platonic Stobin isn't just meaningful to the fictional character of Robin. I'm an autistic lesbian and I have had a lot of struggles with making and maintaining friendships. For a while, I didn't have any friends at all and I was very depressed. But now my mental health is so much better because I was able to find a friend who fully accepted me, who I didn't have to mask around, who I easily came out to. Becoming friends with her has enabled me to become way more comfortable with unmasking my autism outside of that one relationship because being more vulnerable is what enabled that friendship to be so much better in the long term.
Robin is a character I relate to a lot, and I've written a lot of posts on autistic Robin in the past. I think seeing friendships portrayed on screen where a girl is able to let down her mask, learn to become herself and become much less distant to the point that she explicitly feels comfortable telling someone she has issues with social ques is great for all kids. So many people, especially autistic people, struggle with being themselves and with finding friends. Maybe Robin did just exist to redeem Steve or whatever, but I know seeing that friendship on screen meant a lot to me. It's so difficult to find someone who accepts you and to open up to someone, but I think that platonic Stobin shows that it can be worth it.
Sorry for the mushy side tangent at the end, but I hope this post explains the importance of Steve's acceptance to Robin's character development. Acting like she only exists for Steve is dismissive of the impact that friendship had on the development Robin has and will have, especially if you view Rebel Robin as being somewhat canon. Not to mention, clarifying a loveable character is no longer homophobic feels like a pretty good thing.
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paper-mario-wiki · 3 months
hi, i'm not the person who asked you about the life update, but could you elaborate on how being a creator means to live in a world of ideas instead of the real world? i'm just really curious about your reasons for quitting, specially because i want to create things in the future (not necessarily streaming, but anyways), hope you have a good day!
i'll be talking mostly about streaming for the sake of this answer, but this is similarly applicable across a wide range of platforms:
the job of the streamer is, effectively, to be the life of the party every single day. your goal is to be the person that has something interesting to talk about, and is quick with a joke, and has nuanced understandings of certain things, without actually obtaining any sort of "expertise" in anything lest you alienate viewers. short of having a stated goal for a stream, the only goal of the streamer is to let people relax with a voice they enjoy, saying things they like hearing. you can become very strong in different aspects of streaming, like in the production, or as someone who focuses more on a skill they've honed like art or speedrunning, but the demographic of streamers which pulls, by far, the most significant viewership, is personality based streamers.
this becomes more complicated when, for example, you are very interactive with chat, or you stream with multiple people at once. now, to maintain this charismatic sway you have (the one that got you the job in the first place), you must be able to adapt to and bounce off of other people, as you are now no longer performing alone. naturally, there's a need to not only manage your own flow of consciousness, but also to be at least partially in sync with someone else's.
beyond these complications, you must also consider drawing in new viewership. when i was a streamer, i was quite successful, relatively speaking. pulling 300 viewers consistently is something a very slim amount of streamers can actually do, and even then i was still making under 50k a year, which is not bad, but also not good. in paying for my apartment, my insurance, my travel fare, and all the other stuff that living independently draws money out of you with, i was more often in the red than i was in the green. hence, the need to draw in new viewers, which cannot be done without something eye-catching.
think about this: there are, at any given time, TENS OF THOUSANDS of streamers live in your native language on twitch, and they are all FREE TO WATCH. the attention market is sparse because the streamer market is oversaturated. and considering all of THEM want new viewers too, everyone is constantly refining and improving their craft, which requires everyone to move creatively in tandem with each other lest they get left behind.
if you are a streamer making ass-dollars and ass-cents, it becomes easy to begin resenting people like jerma, solely because everything he touches seems to turn to gold. i personally found it easy to feel very disappointed in myself when peoples projects that seemed so simple would take off. it was a constant "why didn't i think of that!" situation, at least for me. and when you don't have the energy to keep that up, or the social stamina necessary to figure that all out while also being upbeat and happy in front of people near daily, it can become very draining.
what i mean specifically when i say the "world of ideas", is like. there would be times where i could schedule out my failures weeks in advance. i'd be so in my own head about the process, i could see the exact path i could see myself taking that would lead me directly to ruin. how playing games i actually enjoyed would steadily drop viewership, or how focusing on my studies would make people forget about me. and of course this is augmented by my anxiety, i know this is absolutely not the case for every streamer, but that overwhelming feeling of needing to find a new game to play, or a new gimmick to use, or a new ploy to get money that doesn't make you feel guilty even though your source of income is mostly queer and mostly poor young adults and your rent is coming up and you're $200 short but you also just had a fundraiser last month about a DIFFERENT emergency but you cant make it a bummer or else people wont want to tune in so you have to make it something fun like "you laugh you lose!" or "$1 art request streams!" while feeling nothing but anxiety while youre trying to sound like youre enjoying yourself even when youre asking 250 people to donate every 30 minutes or so and nobody seems to want to and chat is moving slowly and. and and.
well, it starts to eat away at you.
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mitch-the-silly · 3 months
Hi! I'd love anything Husk related. My heart bleeds for this guy ♡
Drunk Husk confessions
Husk has a nightmare about lover and comfort
Husk can't find his crush after the extermination
His crush falls asleep on him during movie night with everyone
Any or all of them. Whatever you have time for. Thank you! ♡>.<♡
Hiiiii!! I cannot begin to express how much I love Husk, man. He's my favorite character in Hazbin (it's actually a tie between him and Vox bc Vox is so baby girl, but I digress). I'll gladly write for him any day!!!
I decided to do Scenarios about three of these (I sorta combined two of them because I liked the idea of Husk getting protective over his lover; you'll see o^o) because I just CANNOT get enough of this silly cat old man <3!!
Also, hope you don't mind I made this gender-neutral since no gender was specified! HOPE YOU LIKE IT!
Warnings (just in case): Nightmares, emotional manipulation, buildings burning down, implied harm to a loved one, Alastor being a bit of an asshole.
Husk x gn!Reader
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Scenario 1: Drunk Confessions
It was very late, and you presumed that the hotel's bar was closed, but fuck it. You figured that sitting on the stool wouldn’t hurt. You couldn’t quite sleep but could anyone blame you? It’s not like they’d kick you back into your room. So you descended the stairs in hopes that the hotel lobby would be more inviting and lacking in boredom, unlike your current room. Now this boredom was not to be mistaken for a dislike for the room itself. 
You made your way towards the bar area. Since the entire lobby was very dimly lit, you couldn’t see much, but only when you heard a noise from behind the bar, did you proceed with caution. The clanking of bottles alerted you but the moment you saw those white claws and that pair of red wings, you let your guard down. With a slight smile, you approached the bar, a chuckle escaping your lips.
Emerging from behind the counter, Husk stumbled a bit, clearly drunk out of his mind. Admittably, it was quite adorable to you. The dazed look he gave you. 
He squinted and hicked, suddenly realizing who he was looking at. “Fuck, don’t… ya scare me like that…” He slurred as he leaned on the countertop. 
“You’re fucking fried aren’t ya?” You chuckled at him.
Husk gazed at you, then looked down at his hands. Feeling himself get a bit dizzy, he let out a drunken laugh. “Y-yeah~” He spoke with a stupid little smirk. 
You couldn’t take him seriously when he was drunk. But you culdn’t help but stay here with him. “So, what’s on your mind, Husk?” You asked him. You know, just for funsies.
“Honestly…” He slurred, pausing for about three seconds, “Right now… I was just thinkin’ right now... that there’s a cute person in front of me… and that I wanted to buy them a drink… but then… then I thought… ‘Fuck… I can’t buy ‘em a drink… I’m the mother funkin’ bartenda’!’ It fucking… it fucking pissed me off.” He dunkenly complained. His eyes looking up at you since you sat atop the stool and he didn’t. His pupils were extremely dilated and his gaze seemed like one of absolute adoration. But it could also be how drunk he was.
The mere implication of his complement made you blush, but you tried to keep your composure, “Why aren’t you bold?~” You chuckled at him. “If you weren’t so cute, I would be able to resist those Kitty eyes.~” 
He pouted at your comment, “You’re a damn angel…” He slurred, after which he let out a stupid little giggle to himself.
“Oh, you’re the one witht he wings, baby~” You chuckled, leaning over to place a kiss on his cheek.
He froze in place, his face red as a beet. His pupils dilated again and he involuntarily let out a purr at it. Reaction which (even while intoxicated) he hated. He drunkenly hit his chest as if scolding his body for reacting that way. ‘Stupid fucking… cat body…” He muttered, maintaining his slur.
You giggled at this; it was sure going to be a hell of a story to recount to him tomorrow.
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Scenario 2: Husk has a nightmare about his lover + Comfort
It began with darkness. Of course, it did. Last he remembered was closing his eyes in some way. He was bound to be alright, he figured. But boy was he mistaken.
He was finally able to open his eyes. Before him, a fire had broken out. But it wasn’t just any arbitrary fire, the Hotel was on fire. It didn’t quite register in his mind just yet, but the building was violently burning down. Everyone around him was in a panic and he moved with them. But not by mandate of his body. It was as if he didn’t have control of himself. Just then, he snapped into consciousness, he began to think properly. He couldn’t find them. Where were they? His lover… He stopped at the hotel’s main entrance and instead of running out like everyone else did, he turned around immediately.
Running back inside, he called out their name at the top of his lungs. The smoke was engulfing him. And just as he was about to give up and assume you’d made your way to safety, he heard their cry for help. Not wasting a second, he ran from where he could hear it: the second floor. They were probably stuck up there. He had to save them. He just did.
He used his wings, flying up and landing on the very few unharmed spots of the blazing carpet. He called their name out again, he couldn’t find them and every second that passed in which he did not lay eyes on them, he grew more and more anxious. Finally, upon receiving a response to his frantic cries, he found you.
Before him not only was not only the love of his life but the person he held rancor for the most… Alastor. The Radio Demon held you in his grasp, dangling you over the fire. Laughing maniacly as he stared right into Husk’s eyes. With his most intimidating voice, the overlord spoke to him. “You should know much better than to defy me, Husker.~ You wouldn’t want your little darling to suffer the consequences of your transgressions, now would you?” He taunted. “You let go of them! My soul’s the one that’s yours, not theirs. You ain’t got no right to harm her!” Husk exclaimed.
Alastor laughed as if he’d heard a joke. It was obvious he didn’t take Husk’s words seriously. “You’re quite mistaken, my friend~. I can do as I please!” He responded.
The hotel burned brighter, and before Husk could say anything else, Alastor threw them into the fire. Husk tried to jump in to save them. But his body didn’t move. As much as he tried to move it, he wasn't in control of himself anymore.
Alastor cackled, “You belong to me, I’ll be damned if I don’t teach you the way things are!” He grasped at the air. Husk’s chains manifesting around his neck. They cut the airflow, and he clawed at the shackle on him. Desperately trying to breathe. He closed his eyes, still attempting to break himself free.
When he opened his eyes again, he saw the ceiling of his room. He panted as he calmed down, feeling a gentle hand beside him. He turned to his side, his lover beside him. The second he realized they were safe and sound, he knew what he’d just witnessed was a dream. No, not a dream. A nightmare.
“Husk, are you ok? Were you having a nightmare?” They asked him, reaching to caress his face. Without a second thought, Husk placed his face in their hand. The comfort of their touch significantly calmed him.
“I… I don’t want to talk about it… But… I’m glad you’re safe.” Husk muttered, reaching to plant a chaste kiss on their forehead.
His lover smiled, “Of course I’m safe. And hey, you don’t have to tell me anything… Just know I’m here for you, ok?” They mumbled, kissing his cheek in reciprocation.
“I… can I hold you…?” Husk asked, his voice a bit shaky. As if it was the only thing that would make him feel better.
“Of course…” They chuckled, a gentle smile on their face. Husk drew them closer to him. Holding them in his arms. There, right there was the one place he knew they’d be safe.
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Scenario 3: Husk's crush falls asleep on his shoulder during movie night
If there was an activity everyone at the hotel loved to participate in was “Friday Night Movie Night”. Of course, it was something that had taken Charlie some time to establish, since she took a long time to filter out the movies she deemed went against the hotel’s goal, but alas, she made it happen. 
So today was Friday, 7 pm hit and everyone knew exactly where to gather. The lobby was crowded (by the five employees and two guests) with souls waiting to relax after a week’s worth of work toward redemption. Angel set up a blanket, and in his pajamas, he lay down in front of the old TV (a spot he was willing to fight someone over). He held Fat Nuggets (a baby hell hog Angel loved like a child of his own) in his slim arms as he waited for the movie. It wasn’t his turn to pick the movie, so he didn’t care much what they watched. Nifty was often times very easily distracted, but she was willing to sit for a movie for sure (or at least half of one). Sir Pentious on the other hand, always sat through them, marveling at the videography of each film. As for Charlie and Vaggie, well, they always cuddled next to each other while they watched the movie. Most of the time it ended with Charlie falling asleep on Vaggie’s shoulder, or in the opposite scenario, with Vaggie lightly snoring on Charlie’s shoulder. As for old Alastor, well… let’s say he was more fond of other mediums of entertainment and chose not to join them. But there was one sinner who would always watch from the foot of the lobby’s couch: Husk. He’d normally end up falling asleep during movie night, but he had nowhere better to be, so he simply attended them without issue. 
However, on this particular Friday, they had a newcomer. A new guest who despite having about three weeks in the hotel, hadn’t attended a movie night. They swore it was never out of disinterest. Forgetfulness was truly a curse they had. So today, they’d asked Angel to remind them that it was movie night, and Angel sure kept his word. So there they were, trying to decide where to sit as everyone waited for Charlie to pick a movie. 
They looked around. The simplest option would be to sit with Angel, but… what if they didn’t? Charlie had encouraged them to socialize more with the employees and guests, and they liked to believe that they spoke to everyone quite well. But even they had to admit that it wasn’t quite true. There was one sinner in particular that they didn’t talk to as much as they hoped and it was Husk. So, the obvious decision was to sit next to him. And it was exactly as they did.
As they chose the spot next to him, setting up their blanket and pillow, Husk turned to them. Almost a bit surprised anyone would choose to sit by him.
“Hi Husk, ya mind if I sit here?” They asked.
“Not at all, go ahead.” He responded casually. He couldn’t help but smile ever so slightly. Unable to contain the soft spot he had for them. 
“I found one! What about The Sound of Music?” Charlie exclaimed, immediately getting a groan from Angel Dust. But he didn’t care enough to elaborate on his complaint.
“I think that’s a great option, sweetie.” Vaggie reassured, smiling at her in agreement.
And without another thought, Charlie inserted the VCR into the VCR player (anything newer and Alastor would freak and destroy it himself), turning off the lights and immediately running back to sit next to Vaggie. 
Y/n sat comfortably, their eyes glistening in the TV’s dim light. Husk couldn’t help but admire the gorgeous sight for a second. But alas, the movie progressed. The musical numbers already too bearable due to Charlie’s daily song outbursts. 
About mid-way through the movie, however, was when Y/n started getting a bit tired. They scoot a bit closer to Husk, their eyes tempting to give in to the exhaustion. Until finally, their eyes closed and they leaned gently on Husk’s shoulder. His cheeks flushed red as he looked around to see if anyone was witnessing this. Upon seeing no one noticing this, he took their blanket and covered them gently. He’d rather not wake them up, they looked so entrancingly precious this way. So he continued watching the movie, smiling at the soft sound of your gentle breathing. He could stay like this forever. He definitely wouldn’t change this for anything in the world.
Eventually, he himself felt as if he was going to give in to his own tiredness and ended up losing the battle against himself. Husk closed his eyes and leaned his head on yours. Slumbering away, your breathing lulling him to sleep.
Needless to say, the second Charlie saw this, she ran to get the camera. She had pictures of it and she would never even dream of getting rid of them. To her, a moment of peace like this was proof that the hotel was definitely working.
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xzhdjsj · 13 days
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Dress Me, Then Kiss Me
Isaac x Reader
Isaac's in love with his model Designer x Model AU
Idea is based on something my best friend said and I couldn't stop thinking about it but with Isaac and Pickle! She once told me she'd design clothes and I'd model for her if our lives don't work out 🥹 She's never gonna see this BUT IF YOU DO FIND MY ACCOUNT BITCH LEAVE GET OUT OF HERE THIS ISNT FOR YOU I KNOW YOUR ASS BE SNEAKING AROUND (i love you tho)
Rhoades, a popular name in the fashion industry, an iconic brand and company, and it's blooming new designer, Isaac Rhoades. The company was founded and built by his mother who took the fashion industry by the neck and dominated runways with her stunning designs and creative eye for clothing. Naturally, Isaac was inspired by his mother's dedication and innovative approach, this is the reason he is the talented designer he is today.
From an early age he found himself immersed in her magazines and sketchbooks, in awe of what her hands were capable of. The same two hands that held and fed him, were also able to transform raw fabrics into beautiful pieces of clothing- into art. From a young age he knew what he wanted in his life, he wanted to be like her.
Though, Isaac doesn't follow exactly in her footsteps. When his mother entrusted the position to him, Isaac steered the company in a slightly different direction, adding a modern twist to the classic, elegance that was already their image. An evolution that maintained the brand's morals while remaining classy. Much like you, which is why you became his ambassador. 
Isaac first laid eyes on you at an interview he sat in on, and to this day, he thanks whatever higher power had his mother insist he selected models himself. When he saw you, he just knew he had to have you. The way you carried yourself, your captivating smile and overall aura was unlike anything he's ever seen before yet perfectly aligned with the vision he had for Rhoades. And somehow, even though you carried yourself with such grace and poise, you were able to interact with the people around you in a laid-back manner complemented your personality seamlessly.
You didn't officially speak to Isaac until much later, after you've walked shows and campaigns for the brand. You swore he was going to fire you, but he offered the complete opposite, a promotion. Not just any promotion- Isaac wanted YOU to be the face of his brand. It changed your career forever, and now you work for Rhoades and Rhoades only.
Since then, Isaac has become a close friend of yours. Often, he'd reach out to you for advice and opinion on his newest ideas and design, or to just sit and chat over tea while he brainstorms ideas. 
What you didn’t know was that Isaac loved having you there because his ideas were all about you. They revolved around you. With you sitting in the same room as him, it was easy to imagine colours that would complement your skin colour or designs that would suit your figure. Having spent so much time with him, the spark between you two was undeniable, but neither of you acted on it. Not until now.
Impatient to see you, Isaac turns to the next best thing, a number of interviews you've done and random behind the scenes videos all carefully sorted into a playlist. He took the opportunity to look at the last video he had added but didn't get a chance to watch.
He clicks the play button, spinning his chair around to grab his pencil. The video quickly fills his screen, your smile fills his screen. You were walking along a crowded street, navigating your way through a sea of reporters and cameras.
"Excuse me! What is it like being the face of Rhoades?" A woman yells. 
"A dream, that's the best way I could describe it." You tell her before continuing forward.
"Isaac rarely ever shows up to public events, do you know what that is?" Someone questions as you pass by. 
"That's a question you'll need to ask him darling, I have no idea." You laugh, keeping your eyes focused on the person you're talking to. 
That ticked Isaac off, it always does, the way you look at reporters.
"Why do you think Rhoades fits you so well? Is Mr. Rhoades catering his designs to you?" The question striked your interest and your face lit up.
"Oh, that's a good question! But no, I don't think I'm that special," you giggled, flashing the camera a charming smile. "I think I was selected because I fit into the aesthetic? I guess? of the brand, you know?"
Isaac scoffs at his screen, at the way your eyes gleamed with genuine interest and unspoken sincerity at these people who you don't even know. He'd never admit it, but the jealousy is boiling over inside him and he wishes you looked at him like that. He wants you to look at him that way. He wishes you knew the amount of inspiration you gave him, and how special you were to his brand. While he doesn't stray from the legacy his mother carved, he seems to be carving you alongside her creations. 
You continued along, finally at the door of the building you were approaching.
As you're about to step inside someone shouted behind you, "What are you wearing today?"
You turn around with a playful smile, "I'll give you a hint. It starts with 'R'." With a wink, you disappeared behind the doors and the video ends.
He loved that. Of course, he hated that it wasn't directed at him, but your playful attitude always made his heart beat a little fast, even if it was in his screen. Isaac throws his head back, the back of his palm against his eyes as he lets the chair spin freely. 
"What is happening to me?" He sighs, only to be disturbed by a knock on his door. 
You didn't wait for him to answer, pushing the door open and marching in. 
"Isaac! Good morning!" You greet him with a broad smile and a box of his favourite pastries. 
Isaac hurries to straighten his posture, sitting up and stuttering a response. "G-good morning" 
"So I know you said you wanted to get the ball rolling on that outfit for the gala in a few months, but you've worked so hard," you whined, emphasizing your words with a small pout, "I think you should take a break for today and we can just- I dunno- chill and have some breakfast!" 
"That's really sweet of you but I wanted to at least start sketching today." 
"Awww come on," you threw your bag on the round sofa in his office and take a seat, "Let's at least take a break for this morning, kay?" 
You stare at him, patiently waiting for a response. He hesitates, then lets out a sigh. "Fine you win, breakfast it is."
You silently cheer, knowing that he probably skipped breakfast as he sometimes does.
"Uh I forgot to get us something to drink though." You laugh nervously.
Isaac shakes his head, "Stay here I'll go get us something from the kitchen." 
He opens the door, giving you one last look before disappearing outside. 
You stayed in the same spot as you waited, but it didn't take long for boredom to set in, so you got up from your seat to walk around his office as if you haven't seen it hundreds of times already. This time however, something was different. The video paused on his laptop looked very familiar, so you move closer, taking a seat in his chair to investigate. And what do you know? It's you! It's a video of you.
"Why's he looking at a video of me?" You mumble to yourself, and the doors slowly opens in front of you.
"I decided to make us some coffee. Tea would've been nice too, but I couldn't find the-" He stops mid-sentence, realising his mistake. 
"You're looking at videos of me?" You tilt your head to the side, giving him a lopsided grin.
"Wait that's not what it looks like!" He rushes over to close the tab.
"Really? Are you stalking me Isaac?" 
"Nonsense, those are videos released to the public." He huffs.
"Oh, so what is it then? Do you just like looking at me?" You tease, unaware of the ladder you were climbing up. "Imagine the media got ahold of this!" You smirk, “‘Isaac Rhoades infatuated with his Employee!’ Quite a headline, isn't it?"
You laugh at yourself, amused by your own words. 
"And what if they did find out? What if they did publish something like that? Would it be wrong for me to be 'infatuated with you?'" He quotes, leaning down slightly to face you.
"I was just jo-"
"That doesn’t answer my question, Pickle. Would it be wrong if I did have a crush on you?"
"I- I don't", you swallow your words, unsure of how to answer him.
"You don't?" He questions waiting for a response that never comes. 
"How about this," Isaac pulls the chair closer to him by the armrests until your right under his nose. "Would you be against it?" 
His face is serious, and his eyes are intense, focused on you. It makes your heart speed up and your thoughts tangle.
"I... wouldn't" You whisper, your voice barely audible.
"I didn't get that." He smirks, tilting his head slightly.
"I said I wouldn't." You repeat, gazed fixed on his lips.
"Good, because I do." 
"Wha-" He cuts you off with a gentle kiss and your hands reach up to grab onto of his shirt. 
"I've been wanting to tell you for so long." He grumbles. "I hate the way you look at all those reporters like they matter so much when they don't. I want you to keep looking at me like that because I matter to you right?"
He nudges you for an answer, placing a kiss against your ear.
"You do," you gently tug at his shirt, pulling his lips down to yours. "You mean so much to me."
He obliges, kissing you again. His fingers work their way into your hair, thumb gently caressing your cheek. You're so lost in the moment, butterflies fluttering in your chest like you were a lovesick teenager all over again. Isaac pulls you closer, determined to keep you close for as long as possible but unfortunately, there's a knock on the door that interrupts you both. 
"Isaac" The sweet voice outside calls, pushing the door open while both you and Isaac scramble away from each other. 
"Oh- you're here too dear? How are you?" His mother smiles at you, pulling your gaze from his laptop as though you were focused on it all along. "Come give me a hug!"
You get out of Isaac's chair to walk over to her with open arms. She gives you a kiss on the cheek before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ears. "Your hair is a little messy, and your face is all warm, are you okay dear? Are you not feeling well?" She asked, worry laced in her voice.
"No no I'm okay! I promise."
"Oh then how-" Her eyes move between your flushed cheeks and then to Isaac- who has his back turned to his mother as he mindlessly skims through files. It was rather obvious he was pretending to look for something. "You know, I think I'll just come back later. I wouldn’t want to interrupt you two." 
She smiles then nods at you before leaving the room. As the door clicked shut behind her, you sink into the sofa, sighing in relief.
"That was close! Did you think she knew?" You asked looking over to Isaac.
"I have no idea." He replies, walking across the room to settle beside you. "And I'm sorry, I should've been more careful and locked the door."
"I don't think either of us knew that was going to happen." You assured him, intertwining you fingers with his, and offering a comforting smile. "So, what now?"
"Now, I'd like to ask you to go out with me, maybe later tonight, after our meeting if you have some time?" He takes your hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss on the back of it. 
"I'd love that." You reply, looking at him with eyes full of adoration.
"I'd also like to kiss you again, but the coffee is getting cold."
You laugh at his, opting to kiss him on the cheek for now. 
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meliglia · 8 months
Yuji's immense Potential to beat Sukuna
i noticed something within reading the manga, and the most recent chapter just gave me confirmation that my theory might actually be true.
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so, let's start off with the cover of chapter one. gege drew the marks from sukuna on megumi's frog, forshadowing that sukuna will take over megumi.
but we also see those 4 arms around yuji.. no doubt, those are sukuna's arms, as it was already mentioned by gojo in the beginning that sukuna has 4 arms. but keep the appereance, especially the nails, in mind..
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as gojo assumes here, yuji is a one in a million people who can be a vessel for sukuna, even better that yuji manages to control sukuna. but.. what about megumi? appereantly there are two persons in a thousand years that are able to maintain sukuna? i don't think so, or it, that must be a really big coincidence.
we already know that kenjaku's probarbly the reason why yuji is so strong, yet we don't know if kenjaku created yuji on purpose for a cage for sukuna. probarbly not, since gege once mentioned that kenjaku just did it for fun!
(kenjaku was going up and down so yuji could go left and right lmao)
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so? notice something? remember the nails from sukuna's arms on the cover from the first chapter? i wonder where these long black nails did come from..
i also think it's really interesting how the hand with the nails is grabbing sukuna's neck, indicating that because of yuji he grew some black long stilettos lmaoo xD
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i'd like to think that sukuna is somehow "borrowing" yuji's strength, as we see here beautifully illustrated: sukuna whips off the curse with the hand with the long nails, not the other.
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and also, the interesting thing is that as soon as sukuna gains full control over yuji's body and uses his own technique, the black nails are GONE.
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and as we see, as soon as sukuna isn't trapped in yuji's body no more, the black nails also never showed up anymore. even as sukuna reaches his original form, the black nails aren't there..
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For those who have ADHD and/or autism.
I wanna to do a test to see if I'm autistic, have ADHD, both or neither. For some reason I'm terrified of knowing the truth. Sorry if I sound offensive at some point, I'm just writing about myself and don't mean to be mean at any point.
ADHD, the name changed right? Gonna use this one because I'm writing this quickly. If I have ok, that'd explain why I'm so forgetful and nothing catches my attention unless I'm interested in the topic. And why is so hard to focus. And why I never finish my projects. But I'm not hyper active. I'm a pretty calm person, I can't reall5sit and focus for too long, but give me a hair elastic thing and I'll play with it for hours while listening to you. And I'll be able to actually listen.
Don't ask me to look in your eyes tho, I will. But only for 5 minutes if you are lucky.
My mom a lot for times aska me for things and I completely forget about them, things that are important and I feel bad for forgetting.
But all of this could simply be me and no ADHD. I don't know.
Frankly I don't think I have autism. But the reports are just so relatable it scares me a bit. I was bullied a lot during my childhood. I remember in the first grade, I tried hard to make friends but I never was able to. To this day I don't know why. Why people didn't like me? I have a timeline of events in my head of my entire life, things that happened when I was 2 y.o. but I don't have details. I don't remember if i did something or not to be not liked. The first school that my parents put me in I was there for a year. In this whole year I didn't make a single friend. I remember I asked my parents for help to do a lost of people who were and weren't my friends simply to try to uncover the reason for that. Is this a sign of autism? Idk. Maybe I'm just out of the norm, but not autistic. Doesn't seem like autism. Autism is something that affects your day to day, every day life. I'm not sure if I have signs everyday.
I have trouble socializing. I have trouble making friends. I have trouble maintaining friendship. But I can understand sarcasm, jokes and I'm able to tell when people are sad or uncomfortable. so there's goes signs that the internet sites gave me. Sometimes I do have troubles talking and truly understanding what my parents say. Not because they are complex, but because I don't get it. There are easier ways to do things and they won't for some alien reason.
I have trouble understanding relationships, in the sense what it means to be in, part of or the different aspects of relationship. People expect things. Sometimes it feels like mathematical equations on which I have to be constant aware of. I gave to do this to get to that. A lot of times I feel like I'm manipulating the few relationships that I have big I can't see another way.
Don't you dare change my routine. I'll be messed up and although not cry, I'll be very close to. Unless the change is "we are not going outside of the house anymore", sudden things messes my little planned time. At the same time I can't really organize myself very well.
I do have some subjects on which I'm very passionate about. But I'm no genius on them and although I'd love to, I can't keep going on them for hours and hours because, as said before I can't communicate very well. My social skills are terrible, I don't know what to say most of the time but I feel like I should.
I don't think I have autism. I don't think I have ADHD. I think I'm only different from other people but can't put my finger exactly on what exactly. I don't feel like I really fall into the spectrum because I lack the usual signs. But I don't know how much of this is stereotyping both those conditions.
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flickering-nightfall · 10 months
I’m pretty sure that you made a post explaining why the arm is not the umbilical but I can’t find it, so, if you did make one, can you give a link to it? Sorry if you didn’t make one, I don’t have very good memory.
I'm not entirely sure which post that is but it sounds like something I'd ramble about? I have this post talking about making a 3D umbilical and this post talking about making a 3D arm with allusions to that buuut...
If that post doesn't exist then I'll make one right now!
Here, I made a diagram of terminology I use for the puppet/arm/umbilical structure. These terms aren't necessarily canon - they're just what I use.
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As for umbilicals being different from mechanical arms, it's an interpretation, I think. But there's reasons why I call them different things.
So first here's this Moon dialogue.
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(I think that's vanilla dialogue? The wiki confuses me sometimes. Link here if you want to see it yourself.)
We can assume from that dialogue that the wires + cord are the "umbilical." Moon's are obviously cut, but Pebbles' are not. And Moon's puppet is still attached to her mechanical arm.
(Lots more under the cut)
Umbilicals in real life resemble the wire/cord structure far more than the mechanical arm portion does. So that's another reason I refer to the wire/cord as the umbilical.
Lemme slap some stuff from my iterator headcanons doc here.
I like interpreting the puppet as a place to focus an iterator's consciousness. It acts as a sensory hub and a means to interact more finely with their surroundings. Neurons, in turn, are active memory comparable to RAM. Moon refers to Pebbles' imprints on his neurons as "a ghost left from his processing routines." They're not meant for long-term memory storage, but upper processes such as, well... thinking... cannot be done without them. So removing neurons affects an iterator’s ability to encode, recall, and process information. (Courtesy of my friend Folly, I also think they're mostly made out of fat. Kind of gross to eat.) Although Moon's umbilical is severed, she is still able to see through and control the movements of her puppet. So either she has some sort of other connection to the rest of her can, or her consciousness comes from the puppet rather than the can. The mechanical arm’s functions would be mostly structure-to-puppet function (control movements of arm and puppet, transmit the sensory information of the puppet) while the wire/cord handles more consciousness-in-puppet-to-structure function (facilitates awareness and control over superstructure and all that encompasses). So both the cord and the arm are part of the iterator-to-puppet connection, but the cord is more important. I feel like with the wire OR the arm's internals intact, the iterator can maintain perception of the puppet. When you give Moon an overseer eye, she says, “I am not much more than what you are looking at - a little creature in a box.” This can be literal, or it can imply that her perception is just limited to what she can see through her puppet in her damaged state.
In Rivulet’s campaign, the rarefaction cell could be partial compensation for a missing umbilical. Moon can move on her arm, call up image projections, reconnect to her overseers, and broadcast locally to Pebbles after getting the rarefaction cell. She refers to it as finally having her freedom back. But we don't know how many of her systems she does or does not have access to anymore.
If you eat one of Pebbles' neurons in front of him as Rivulet he says "I would appreciate if you would not eat those. My umbilical will keep me conscious, but every neuron lost is a piece of me lost as well..." We know that Pebbles keeps his wires/cord/arm connected in Saint's campaign, though, and he remains conscious despite having no visible neurons. Does the umbilical compensate for the lack of neurons as well? Maybe there are some still alive in the structure that we can’t see, and the umbilical allows him to stay connected to them.
...honestly, I think downpour makes questions about umbilicals harder to answer than if you only base off of vanilla lore. But I like working with downpour stuff, so oh well.
One last thing - the wiki page for Moon also says this under her trivia: "Looks to the Moon is still connected to the wall by her umbilical, but the damaged hardware lacks power to let her move around." Other references to umbilicals written throughout the wiki imply the arm is the umbilical as well. But! I don't know where the writers of that got that information. I don't think there's anything in the game that confirms that the umbilical and the arm are the same. If there's anything in the game that supports that, let me know~
So to summarize: I think evidence suggests the wires + cord are the umbilical because Moon refers to hers being cut. The mechanical arm could also be a part of the umbilical, or it be considered a different part that provides function in a different way. I usually refer to them separately, but that's just me, and I mostly do it for the sake of clarity. It's not confirmed canon.
There are a lot of things about Rain World lore you can run in circles around for hours, but not find any definitive conclusions for. It's part of the fun even if it drives me nuts sometimes. Come be confused with me :)
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asgardian--angels · 3 months
Talking on the phone with my mom I finally broke down and cried thoroughly about the cancellation. I think I'd been holding it in for the last two days, or two months. And honestly I've been wondering all along why this show means so much to me. I am not queer, I am not neurodivergent, I am not POC or disabled or any of the groups that this show has been so important for in terms of representation and being treated with respect and dignity. I understand and completely empathize with all of you, and fight for this show and your rights worldwide alongside you, but it still left me wondering why I myself have latched onto Our Flag Means Death. I suppose part of it is that despite being white and cishet and the privileges that have always come with that, I have been treated like an outsider and ostracized my entire childhood and teenage years, for being ugly and having "disgusting" interests (primarily liking insects, reptiles, other creepy-crawlies - aka the thing I literally do for my career now). I was bullied relentlessly from preschool through early college and became a very lonely introverted person - I still am. Undoubtedly Our Flag Means Death gave me renewed hope that I haven't missed some key window for finding love or relationships of any kind that matter, as I sit here typing this at age 28 having never dated anyone.
But it had to be more than that. And with everything that's happened the past couple of months, and the last few days, I think it finally clicked for me.
Followers of my blog may or may not know that I am a conservation biologist, or pollinator ecologist, whichever hat fits best on a given day, they're quite close. I don't make many original posts like this anymore on here because my job is so busy. Basically, I do a variety of things - academic research, habitat management & restoration, and public outreach - to try and preserve biodiversity and ecosystems on our planet. I'm just going to say it: it's a thankless job. Nothing we do ever feels like it's enough, and burnout is common in our field because we sit with the guilt of feeling like we are the only thing between survival and utter destruction of planet Earth, and work ourselves to exhaustion. It's one of those jobs where your work is your life, and your passion is your work, and it's inseparable from who you are on a molecular level. We are often faced, on a large scale, with hostility, from people that don't believe in science and are more than happy to pull a shotgun on us, or rich old men in power who are content to watch the world burn for another penny in their bank account. There are days when sometimes it sinks in just how bad things are, and it's terrifying, and I feel like we will never be able to do enough, to change enough, before it gets catastrophic. It's paralyzing.
My ability to do my job is dependent on hope. Unwavering, unrelenting hope. Hope beyond hope. We have to believe what we're doing matters, otherwise we'd fall down and never get back up again. I'm no big-shot, I give talks to a few hundred people at a time, and make urban pollinator habitat on a local scale. Is any of that going to make a difference compared to the ramifications of a single oil mogul deciding to cut corners and cause an oil spill that kills millions of seabirds and damages ocean food chains for decades to come? If people in my field let thoughts like that linger, we'd be paralyzed to inaction. I have to hope that the people I teach choose to do something good with that knowledge, and go on to inspire others, or that the patch of habitat I make allows a declining species to maintain a foothold instead of going locally extinct. You just have to keep going.
And Our Flag Means Death got wrapped up in that for me. The Stede Bonnet effect, if you will. He set out to do pirating differently, treating his crew with respect and helping them grow. In return, they internalized that mindset, and it spread to how they interacted with others. It changed the trajectory of individual lives, and also at least began to change how the society of pirates operated as a whole. It was a beacon of hope that choosing small acts of kindness did matter, even if you yourself could not see the ripples it made. It renewed my faith that love persevered and would win. That we could all make life a little better for each other and ourselves through kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and mutual support. I think a good chunk of that is from Taika - these are running themes in his projects, and his films move me deeply for that. This show became in some, perhaps subconscious way, a source of strength for me to keep putting myself out there in my line of work to do whatever I was capable of to help the cause.
The cancellation was devastating, but the second cancellation (turbohell cancelation?) was even more so. Because now it's so clear that this is largely the work of David Zaslav and the regime he's built. It's petty, it's greedy, and more than anything, it's cruel. Indifferently, indiscriminately cruel, when one person at the top can have such power to make or break the lives of thousands, millions, beneath them, and though it would have been barely a drop in the bucket, a hand wave, to renew our show or let it pass to another streamer, he actively chose to shackle it to this sinking Titanic of a company WBD has become. I have always operated on the belief that you can do anything if you work hard enough at it, and believed deep down that there was some order, some justice in the universe, atheist though I be. We as a fandom did everything we possibly could, we loved this show harder than anything. The numbers were there, the awards nominations were there, the critic praise was there, and we were loud and loyal every single day. I felt like we could do this - how could we not win when we've done so much, and the show deserves it so much? Surely cause and effect will prevail.
This fight seemed small, though really it wasn't; we fought for the right of artists and creators to make quality, original stories and have them told to their natural end, we fought for diversity representation to be more than a token character - OFMD raised the bar so much higher on all fronts, we fought to shed light on the chaos and impending collapse of this industry silencing art and exploiting writers, actors, and all manner of production workers. It was a small fight from the outside, one that I really felt we could win. And I put my heart and soul into it, because if we could win this, if we could save this simple, kind love story about two guys on a boat, then maybe there was hope for the bigger, badder stuff too. It shouldn't seem an insurmountable task for several thousand fans to convince a streaming service that they'd turn a tidy profit to give our show one more season.
Yet we lost - through no fault of our own. I am so proud of us. But that really struck deep for me. If one peabrained CEO of a media company wouldn't budge on greenlighting a show that was in his every best interest business-wise - perhaps enough to even save Max from going under in the not-too-distant future - my god, what hope was there for changing anything bigger? The 'real' problems of the world? When no amount of ethos, logos, or pathos can penetrate these men at the top, where's that hope to fight? Lately the world seems like it's just going belly up all over. If we gave everything we could, and it still wasn't enough - if it could never be enough - what hope is there? It's like chaining yourself to a tree and the bulldozer plowing right on ahead. And I think that broke something in me. It shook me to my foundations because it broke my rules of how things are supposed to work. We believed hard enough, we worked tirelessly, and we deserved it for how important this show was to so many people. And it didn't matter. Our best wasn't enough. And that caused an avalanche of all of the horrible, scary things piled on my shoulders - we're losing the Amazon rainforest too fast to save, climate change is going to turn the corn belt into a dustbowl by mid-century, a border wall is going to devastate imperiled wildlife in Texas, deforestation and hurricanes on songbird wintering grounds could lead to entire species extinctions, saltmarshes are our lifeline and they're shrinking and we're still building stupid concrete stormwalls, invasive diseases will completely alter the composition of our forests to be unrecognizable to our children, and if you don't make every slide of this powerpoint utterly perfect and you fail to convince every single person in attendance to get rid of their lawn then you've failed and the world is doomed.
I've struggled with being a perfectionist my whole life. This didn't help.
That's where I was a couple hours ago. But I took some deep breaths. I know the world isn't fair. But I really thought if we could win this one battle, then we could win the war.
But here's what I realized. Everything we did mattered. It mattered so much. Because there's the show, and then there's everything that was birthed out of that show. The community, so many of us around the world who have been uplifted by Our Flag Means Death in a real and lasting way that we will take with us and spread to affect those around us. The Stede Bonnet effect goes global. We raised thousands and thousands of dollars for charities around the world, real people whose lives have been improved, or maybe even saved, because of us and this silly pirate show. We brought a hell of a lot of attention to WBD and their shitty practices, keeping the momentum going in a way that I think is only going to build - and I sure hope it leads to Zaslav getting deposed. We have demanded more queer stories, more BIPOC stories, more disabled and autistic and middle-aged stories, stories with exquisite costumes and award-worthy wigs, dear lord, and we are being heard. We have expressed such love and support for the cast and crew, showing them that we appreciate their hard work and that we will be behind them in their future projects. So many of them have told us how the show and its fans have changed their lives. We convinced Rhys that his career isn't winding down but winding up, and to be unapologetic about his wonderful weirdness - we've proven to everyone through this show that your weirdness is what someone out there is going to love you for, not in spite of. We rallied to help writers and actors during the strikes in a way that was taken to heart and remembered. We have been out here talking it through as a crew, and turning poison into positivity, for over two years now, and that impact is permanent. They can cancel our show, they can try and slap copyright notices on our fan merch, and spew bullshit excuses about the numbers not being there. But Our Flag Means Death sparked a movement, the biggest pirate crew the world has ever seen, using our power for good.
We may not have any more new material for our show for a while, or ever. But I maintain hope that when the dust has settled and streaming has entered its 'new era' that they'll remember us and throw us a lifeline. Because hope is a part of my genetic makeup, and even in cancellation my hope has been renewed that the fight is worth fighting, that our individual choices of kindness are having an effect, and making the world a little easier to live in bit by bit. No one can take from us what we have built out of this show. And thanks to pirating, they can't take the actual show from us either. Despite this, no matter the outcome, I am so happy we got two seasons of this wonderful series. That was more than almost anyone expected. The story belongs to all of us, and it will always live on. We did not truly lose this battle, because in the process we gained more than we could have ever imagined. And I know there's still so much more to come. That gives me the strength to keep doing what I do, every day.
To me, Our Flag Means Hope.
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2smolbeans · 11 months
Which of the brothers would most likely be a yandere?
Prompt: From top to bottom, which of the brothers would be more of a yandere?
Tags: Devildom world building, mentions of the brothers' pasts after and before falling from heaven, delusional mindsets, desperation, mentions of how they'd react if MC were anything but human, kidnapping, torture, all of these demons are insufferable lol, Mc should really invest in becoming an exorcist, OOC brothers.
*This is completely scrambled and unedited, so read at your own risk lol. I wanted to write it completely organized, but I gave up halfway ( ´_ゝ`)...
Note: I will edit this here and there since I might wanna add more changes since I may have rushed this
Immediately, he would be the first of the seven deadly sins to be a yandere. Leviathan is a reckless, emotionally driven demon fueled by jealousy 24/7.
He often gets jealous of many things, from either not owning a specific item or even the littlest of things that don't necessarily relate to him. There are so many things that push Leviathan to an orange filled envy, but none of them compare to lacking...Love.
As it is known, Leviathan is a hoarder - not as bad as Mammon.
Leviathan tends to collect excessive amounts of whatever gains his interest. Whether it's the newest latest addition to the Ruri-Chan merch, his favorite video game series, or anything that fits his otaku nature.
It fills him with a sense of pride. It boots his ego, and it comforts his inner insecurities, knowing that no one else could ever amount to his collection. But when he's hit with it again, hit with the harsh reality of how lonely he is compared to others - it fills him with a cowardly rage.
Love. Something that he was cursed to forever be void of by his 'father' after the fall. Something that is so tempting - so unreachable - it tortures him. Something so simple that everyone else can have, but he can't.
It doesn't help that as a seven deadly sin, it's hard to obtain a genuine trust in hell. The higher the demon is in Devildom hierarchy, the harder it is for them to form trustful or emotionally filling relationships since other high or low ranking demons would objectify you as some typical terrifying, spoiled, powerful demon.
Because of this, Leviathan hates himself. He hates the fact that he's the avatar of envy - and the fact that as the avatar of envy, he can't even own up to it or make it a proud staple of his very existence! Instead, he's just some retired navy leader who lazes around in his dark, disgusting room, pouting his time away. It's why it isn't uncommon to hear Leviathan berate himself so constantly.
He absolutely resents those around him who are able to socialize, to form relationships, to even MAINTAIN them.
He hates it, he hates hearing the stories of how immortal beings were able to find love. He despises the fact that cupids are able to find and influence love itself, how angels are able to keep eternal love, and how even the lowest of demons in Devildom are able to have families of their own!
For fucks sake, shouldn't HE be the one having all those things? He was a renowned leader of Hell's Royal Navy! It's not fair, everyone else should be suffering, they don't have the high status and responsibilities to have something so special.
He hates it, it makes him look pathetic, but lord the things he does just to even have an ounce of what they have...
It's why I can see him falling in love so quickly the moment someone catches his eyes. If you fit his preference in any shape or form, its over for you.
Like a typical siren type demon, Leviathan usually likes to go for human lovers. It's very rare to see him crush over a demon, angel, cupid, or any other mystical being because of the lack of trust he has for them.
However since most of his lovers are human, they're quite disposable sadly due to the lack of care he has for their delicate 'state'.
For now, I'd say Leviathan isn't a concerning Yandere when it comes to being targeted if you are anything but a human! But the moment he explores different immortal beings is when situations would start to get a bit worrying and tragic.
Otherwise if you are a demon who happens to work or interact with Leviathan in any shape or form. Whether it be from the navy or casual business endeavors. The best advice you could ever get is; steer away from his lover, don't ever mention his lover, question if he has one, or try to get romantically involved with him.
That is unless you want to risk being digested inside a mythical sea creature, being burned alive in their intestines for hundreds of years, only to be spewed out as living shit. Yes, even if you get digested and spewed out by a creature in hell, you CANNOT DIE as a demon. And he knows it. In his twisted sense of humor, he could really call you 'the piece of shit that you are'.
Leviathan is smarter than what he shows himself to be as, he's a military man that is chronically online- it makes him horrifyingly creative when it comes to torturing people.
But overall Leviathan is the first demon brother to be the most obessive, desperate, and lonely yandere of them all. He just wants love, that's it, it's not so hard to give him that right?
Mammon, the second eldest from all of his brothers is the most human out of them all. He's more laid back and able to empathize and understand emotions and people's behavior a lot better than any of his brothers. His sin, greed, is at a constant momentum throughout every person's life. Greed is inescapable, it's something that is biologically built in every being- the exception being angels- for the means of survival. It's what makes Mammon so powerful, so influential, Mammon knows what people think, what they want, and why they want it.
Because of this, Mammon is able to manipulate and exploit any situation for his benefit. He's able to always get what he wants, even if told no beforehand.
He's gotten used to it, getting whatever he wants in such large amounts, it's become a dangerous habit.
Mammon is an extreme hoarder because of this. He's gotten so used to winning, he's used to feeling that constant dopamine rush whenever he gets what he wants.
Still, he somehow manages to keep his room clean no matter how many items he crams into his space.
It's something he can never get used to, the feeling of an intense want and need for something. He just can't put a finger to it. Mammon knows he has literally everything in the world, from the smallest of trinkets, to the stashes of gold and money, his greed is never satisfied.
There was always that small lingering since of emptiness that clawed the back of his mind. The worst part is, no one could ever understand, or at least comfort him. His brothers could care less since they had their own issues, he couldn't trust any other demon in Devildom, and humans..Maybe one of them could understand. But how embarrassing would that be for the great Mammon?
Mammon has everything he could ever ask for, but no matter what, he'll always want more. And its why he longs for that relationship with somsone- for someone to understand him, to shower him in love- something even money couldn't do, to hold him, to worship and praise him, just to tell him that's it's enough...
It's why embarrassing it is for him, Mammon is desperate for any sort of attention. Platonic, familial, or even romantic, Mammon doesn't care how belittling it makes him look- espically considering his status, he just wants something to make him feel more than he already feels.
So even though he's all high and mighty, full of pride and his ego being off the charts. Mammon is desperate to the point of going on his knees and begging for anyone- you - to just give him this ONE thing.
Either way, if begging doesn’t work on you, Mammon is smart enough to figure out what makes you break.
Afterall, he does have eyes everywhere (those eyes being the crows that he tasks to be his watchful eye. Since his animal is a crow, I can see Mammon being able to talk and task the crows to watch over you)
It's hard for him to maintain a relationship, it's a curse really. Afterall he is the avatar of lust for a reason. He can't fall in love or have any genuine feelings for anyone thanks to his sin.
He's always constantly yearning for someone, lusting over the traits that perhaps they could give him- to satisfy him.
He cares, but then he doesn’t. He wants it, but then he hates it. Asmodeus can never make up his mind when it comes to love. Whether it's platonic or romantic.
If he obesses over someone, it's probably due to the fact that for once, he can feel a sense of normality whenever he's around them.
In contrast to the intense, passionate, and overwhelming feelings of lust and possession, a sense of warmth and peace would be a nice change of pace.
I can see Asmodeus not falling for anyone unless they somehow form some sort of a deep connection with him.
He's been in hell for so long- he doesn't know what a normal friendship even looks like.
Even when roams around the Earth, he could never grasp the concept of a healthy relationship... (since humans are completely flawed and influenced by their sin. So humans are absolutely abysmal with relationships to the point of insanity. Either way, Asmodeus is left even more confused when he observes human relationships because of the complexity and constant shift in their definations or rules of relationships.)
He's been through humans and demons like candy- so even grabbing his attention as a friend is hard. He's met so many fakers. He kind of just ignores whoever tries to get close with him. So it really is hard for him to get attached and obess over someone.
The last time he's ever really 'loved' someone was Helen. But even then its never worked out.
Nothing ever works out. So he builds a wall, a wall of pride and insecurities.
But once someone manages to break down that wall, he's in disbelief and in madness. It took a millennium, it took YEARS, and yet it took a simple being such as you to full in that void.
He's curious about you immediately, desperate even. He doesn't want to scare you off, so he'll shower you in gifts and praise. His mask is slipping, but he doesn't care.
It's been so long since he's ever felt an ounce of true respect and empathy. He will never let it slip so easily. It's been so long since he's ever felt an ounce of true respect and empathy. He will never let it slip so easily.
So he'll follow you, persuade you. He doesn't care if you see him as a friend or lover - he doesn't even know what he sees you as. But he just wants you by his side 24/7.
Talk to anyone else? He'll bombard you with questions- what makes them so interesting? Is he better than them? They're just an accquantice, right?
Human, Angel, Demon, or any type of creature you are - Asmodeus doesn't care.
If you're an angel, he'll try to keep you as pure as possible. He doesn't want to cause you anymore pain. But he finds it hard as he realises that you can't stay in hell since eventually you would have to return to heaven with the rest of the other angels. Plus.. just the thought of being him, your corruption sends a shiver down his spine. So, with a few lingering touches and some sweet whispers in your ear, Asmodeus will enjoy every moment corrupting a poor innocent angel in the most pleasurable way possible.
However, if you're a human, he'll do anything to keep you immortal so that he can keep you forever. If you're anything else such as a demon or another supernatural creature, well, isn't he lucky! Keeping you wouldn't be so hard.
Overall, Asmodeus would be a rare yandere- but a sweet- clinging, loving, yet overbearing one once turned on.
Belphegor has little to no attraction to anyone or even with the thought of forming relationships. Like Leviathan, Belphegor is a shut-in, a demon who often lives most of his life inside his head - too tired to care about reality.
So I personally don't see Belphegor falling in love or growing an extreme infatuation for any being from heaven, hell, or earth.
Since Belphegor could care less about anyone - why should he? Why should he want a relationship? Is there any point or benefit for him?
Belphegor doesn't like change at all. He's a demon with a schedule of his own admission and would rather keep it that way.
Finding another person to enter his life would simply destroy his whole entire niche. However, if someone were to catch his eye- it would have to be through visiting their dreams.
You see, during Belphegor's indulgent slumbers- he's always visiting other people dreams, causing terror just for his pure amusement. He loves it. He gets a rush out of draining people from their energy to ruin the one thing they can enjoy - sleep.
The thought of them being oh so afraid while he gets to control their world, to introduce them to the many horrors that they cannot comprehend, and even after they wake up, they are still struck with fear as they have to await what happens to their next sleep.
So, if by some unfortunate curse, someone were to catch his eye, Belphegor would make them his main focus whenever he goes into a deep sleep. Because for once, out of every being he's ever met..You entertain him.
So inevitably, you'd save countless amounts of beings from Belphegor's nightmare shenanigans - however, you'd be stuck with whatever he has in store.
It would be a terrifying incident since Belphegor would most likely try to keep your dreams prolonged as possible. No matter how far away you were for him, somehow- he'd be able to lull you into a long coma that could last for days, only letting you wake up to do basic functions such as eat, drink, use the bathroom, and whatnot.
It wouldn't take long for him to want more though, sure it's fun controlling whatever world your mind forms and making up scenarios for you two, such as dates or events.
But.. Now, he's curious about what it would be like to do that outside of your dreams. Furthermore, he's even more curious about who you really are outside your dreams.
Whether it be your looks, personality, or how strong you are, you are really outside your mental state? It doesn't matter how many times you try to persuade him that it isn't worth finding you.
Once Belphegor has made up his mind, there's no stopping him.Whether he tears through Hell, Earth, or the exchange program- he will find you. It's only a matter of time.
Besides, how hard can it be when he could just invasively search through your mind?Overall, as a yandere, I guess you could say Belphegor would be more of an antagonistic sadistic abuser that favors you for how much you amuse him.
Maybe it's obsession, love, or favoritism - Belphegor doesn't know what it is either. But all he knows is that your cries, screams, your fear, your happiness, he wants it for himself.
He's softer and more human than the rest of the brothers (besides Mammon). I can see him being more of a protective and soft spoken type of yandere. Not sadistic, but controlling and a bit masochistic.
He finds it adorable if you berate him- it's almost like a small puppy barking at him. He thinks this cause- you do know he can crush you right? He could eat you like the others and you couldn't do a thing a about it.
When it comes to romantic relationships, Beel doesn’t yearn for it- although he isn’t against the thought of being romantically involved with someone.
He does enjoy the thought of being beside someone who he can confide with. He daydreams about it a lot more than anyone could ever imagine.
(I'm not gonna lie. I don't have any more current thoughts, but I really do see him being a bit of a softie and a lot less cruel than all of his brothers combined. I do know I will write about each brother more separately in more organized depth later 😭)
With a calm exterior outside and an angry issue inside, when it comes to romance and obsession, he could care less about it. It's a waste of time for him, and why else would he focus on anything else when he has his inner issues and his duties to attend to?
Like all his brothers, he's been alive for God knows how long- and he's met all sorts of people. He finds them all the same or just.. Annoying.
It's really hard for any of them to earn his respect, and he really hates it. Everyone around him are like worms, crawling with impulse and just gorging on filth.
However, if he were to find someone of interest, it would most likely have to be out of respect. I could see a scenario of Satan perhaps knowing you for a long time. He hadn't thought much of you until you gained his respect. Ever since then, he couldn't help but be in such awe for you.
Maybe it's because you're the thing that actually calms his nerves. It's why he'll never admit it, but he does get explosive when he sees you interacting with others. You're not filthy, so why are you contaminating your mind and soul with disgusting parasites?
He needs you in a way. He hates it. It brings down his pride, but you're the only thing that can take away his intense emotions that overwhelm him.
He's dependent on you, and it angers him of how you don't see the severity of what you've done to him.
Lucifer is a demon of power, status- the very essence of perfection. As the eldest of all the seven deadly sins, Lucifer holds a high bar of standards when it comes to his life and how he shapes it.
He's nit picky about every detail that surrounds him, from the people that talk to him, how he presents himself- no matter what it is, Lucifer will always filter it. He needs to be perfect, whatever that cost may be.
Afterall, he deserves to have the best of the best after the torture he had to endure from the moment he fell from grace. So what makes you think Lucifer would allow some measly being, something so pathetic, so insignificant- just another number to a population- would make him fall down onto his knees?
Lucifer, the eldest, the one who lived ever since Adam and Eve flourished on earth, the one who started the celestial war, went against his own kind, absorbed ancient years worth of knowledge, saw man kind change throughout the centuries.
He's the all knowing eye of everything that you see, so how could he ever see anyone eye to eye? Every being he ever comes across is just a means to evolution that he had to witness.
So if in that rare moment someone catches his eye, it's granted that he'll immediately make it known to them. Whether it be leaning close to them, leading them into his office as he tells them upfront, or perhaps just locking them away in his private chambers. He doesn't care if they consent or not, either way he'll break it into their minds of how happy they should be now that Lucifer has their eye on them completely.
That he, one of the first angels that god had created, one of the three orignal archangels, took interest in an animal like you.
When it comes to who most likely Lucifer would target, I would have to bet that it would most likely have to be angels from the exchange program.
There's just something that heats up whenever he sees them. Angels, something so pure, so naive, so..Perfect. He adores how elegant and beautiful they make themselves out to be. Though, at the same time..Lucfier adores the idea of owning an angel, keeping them in a nice cage just for them- shaping them into his perfect image, giving them their true potential to be the most flawless creature in all the realms.
Humans and demons couldn't ever compare to them. Humans, the pathetic creations of his father. Demons- humans that endulged with sin and filth beyond salvation.
But angels...Something about them just brings a smile onto his face. Maybe it's the nostalgia, perhaps maybe it's because he could relate to them, or maybe it's just the thought of owning something close to perfection.
But overall, gaining Lucifer's attention is rare and even difficult. No matter who you are or what you are Lucifer could care less about you unless you benefit him in some way.
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maritotoy · 5 months
Warning: This content is rated 🔞. This might involve sexual relations. Do not read if you are underage.
You blushed hard but at the same time, your heart started beating faster.
"No. No. No! NO!! YOU ASSHOLE! Don't you fucking dare touch me you perverted bastard!" You yelled, squirming beneath his grasp.
Mauga watched them squirmed, lifting them and smiles as he watched them contently.
It's becoming more difficult for you to maintain your sanity with Mauga at your side because the two of you are still stuck within the damaged structure.
He gently lays you back down on the ground where you had previously fallen but this time he kept your arms pinned to your sides with one hand and placed his other over both of your wrists firmly. He looked down at your face, still covered with dirt and dust from the collapsed building. He leaned down close to you and spoke softly in your ear, "...I think we're done here, don't you?"
He suddenly pulls you into a standing position and pins you against the boulder behind you, holding you there by your arms. His face inches closer until you can feel the warmth radiating off of him.
"How about a kiss... to show you that you aren't useless anymore?~" He cooed.
You glared at him, "Not happening. Get off of me."
Your expression became murderous and you began furiously thrashing around against his grip, screaming at him, "If you were able to get out of this trap all this time then what's the hold up! What are you waiting for, huh!? Just kill me already! I know you want to!"
Mauga simply chuckled, staring down at you with those unnerving eyes of his, "Why, little bunny, I'd love to~ I'm just enjoying seeing the light in your eyes disappear~"
he grinned and laughed.
"You sick fuck! You sick piece of shit!! Stop messing with me!!" You screamed at him and struggled against his grip harder. You continued to struggle for quite some time, until Mauga suddenly stops moving and loosened his hold on your wrists,
and his large hands covers your eyes.
You stood there now confused, feeling utterly bewildered as you tried desperately to see what he's doing now. He seemed to be standing right beside you.
Before you could say something Mauga brings his lips to yours and kisses you passionately and passionately in return, making your blood boil.
You stood there in shock.
You try your best to fight back but you can't move.
You can't do anything except stare in darkness helplessly.
Feeling his lips as he kisses you passionately, his huge hand covering your eyes gently.
You don't realize that your eyes are closing until he breaks the kiss to take a breath.
"Wanna see how much longer you can last?" He whispers in your ears, sending shivers down your spine as he puts down his hand and stares at your revealed shock expression.
He kisses your cheek, your nose, your chin, your neck... anywhere he wanted, leaving soft kiss marks wherever he kissed.
You held back moan. Trying your hardest to suppressed them.
He keeps kissing you, his mouth traveling from your lips to your jaw and finally to your shoulder, his warm breath hitting your sensitive skin as he continued to kiss every inch of your skin with no regard to your struggles.
You stood there frozen.
'Wasn't he about to kill me?'
'Why is he so gentle?'
'He's an enemy'
'I cannot...'
'What is he trying to do?'
You tell yourself.
You feel your resistance gradually melting away until you lose any sense of logic left in your brain, just giving in to the passion that filled you and his kisses and touches.
You begin to melt against him, feeling overwhelmed and powerless and hopeless.
You don't even notice that the darkness has completely swallowed you whole until you are completely engulfed by it.
You pretended to stay strong, even though you didn't want to, even though you weren't ready.
You tried your very best to resist his kiss and words that made you feel weak and vulnerable, but it didn't last long before you break in and gave into his pleasured words and kisses.
Even now, as long as you live, you will never forget how hot, lustful, passionate Mauga's kisses were.
Mauga stops kissing you, but you can feel the wetness of his mouth where he kissed you, and you're sure he's licking it up with a satisfied smile on his face.
You feel your face flush bright red as you realize what you have done.
You stared with disbelief at the mess you've created. You've just kissed the monster who tried to kill you. You had no idea how you got yourself into such a predicament and what was worse, you knew exactly what it is that he wants from you, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You couldn't do it. You couldn' t give into him. There is no way you would let someone like him win.
You were determined to keep fighting until the end.
"How dare you!" you spat venomously, pushing Mauga harshly on the chest, causing him to stumble slightly before grabbing you by your shoulders and placing you back up in front of him, pinning you back against the wall again.
You glare up at him, refusing to look away or back down. You hated him, you hated everything about him.
"Be careful! I have two hearts inside of me, remember that. It's quite painful when I have one of them in my possession." He explained with a smirk, leaning down closer to you. "Don't test my patience too much, bunny." He muttered, his voice low and dangerous, "We wouldn't want that, now, would we?"
The two of you were silent. Both glaring and glaring daggers at each other, neither breaking eye contact not until...
You pulled him into a heated, desperate kiss, your teeth biting into his lip roughly.
Mauga groans, pulling away and allowing himself to be lost in the sensation of being with you. He wrapped an arm around your waist possessively and held you tight against him. The feeling of his big fingers pressing tightly against your hips was enough to make your knees quiver involuntarily.
He moved slowly, savouring the taste of your lips. His tongue explored your moist mouth as he deepens the kiss. You moaned in excitement as he licked your bottom lip teasingly, sucking on it gently, teasing you more.
Your hands roamed into his chest, gently touching his cybernetic hearts, loving the feeling as you stroked them with the pads of your fingertips. You felt them beating, almost violently, your fingers crossed to its tribal tattoos as you ran your hands along the edges of them.
As you traced the tattoo on Mauga's chest, he growled in pleasure.
"lo'u alofa," he says breathlessly, looking deeply into your eyes, "you're a temptress." He says with that huge smug look plastered all over his face.
You widened your eyes and now you have regretted what you have officially done.
You pulled away from him with a blush.
"I am going to die if I continue with this..." You whisper in horror You hadn't meant to kiss him like that, you didn't mean to make a fool out of yourself. Your eyes widen even further in horror and embarrassment.
Mauga chuckles, wrapping his arm loosely around your waist and bringing you back into his embrace, pressing his body tighter against yours.
"If your worried about your so-called Overwatch team, then don't worry about much," He mumbled, his lips brushing against your ear. "They ain't here."
"Then why don't you leave already!?" You snapped and pushed against his chest once more.
He smiled, his grin widening as he pressed his chest harder against yours.
"Because this is fun...and you're fun...and I'm so damn hungry." He grins.
You rolled your eyes at him and scoffed, crossing your arms against your chest.
"...You're a pig." You muttered.
Mauga smirks, "And what are you?" He retorted.
You glared at him angrily.
"I hate you."
Mauga just smiles at you.
Suddenly he picks you up bridal style and leaps from the imprisoned structure, shielding you, and the two of you are set free.
You stared in disbelief. You were free? You thought you were going to die! How could you be so stupid!?
"With your immense strength, you might have simply set us free. Why didn't you do that from the start!?" You exclaimed angrily in anger at him, not knowing what else to say, "We would have been free sooner if you just saved us first!"
Mauga just laughs amused at you, putting you back down on the ground, "I did save you. Now you're here."
You glared at him.
"No, you killed me, asshole!" You shouted angrily at him.
"And yet here you stand." Mauga smug triumphantly, pointing a finger at you. "You should thank me."
"Oh, fuck you..."
"Your welcome." He smirks.
Mauga looks around. It was still broad daylight but when the two of you were trapped together it felt like hours had gone by since your kiss. You both looked at one another.
And Mauga, that giant ass pig, smirked widely.
"Your friends aren't here either...that means you're alone." He said smugly.
You narrowed your eyes at him, your cheeks heating up.
"Well, they won't be for long because-" Suddenly, he grabs you by the waist and carries you bridal style,again. "Woah!" You exclaimed in surprise. "Put me down!" You yelled at him.
He smirks as he brings his face inches from yours. "Nope," he smirks.
You huff frustratedly as you roll your eyes.
Mauga together with you ran towards his place, wrapping your arms into his broad neck, praying to God that this man won't let go of you and drag you to his home.
When he reaches his house he drops you off at the door of his room.
"Welcome! ~" He chirped playfully.
You stared coldly at him before turning and walking briskly inside, avoiding him as he laughed heartily at you. Once the door closed behind you, you stood frozen on the spot, your cheeks blushing as heat spread throughout your entire body. That damned man was going to be the death of you.
"afio mai ile fale, alofa!" Mauga called out in a sing song voice as he walked back to his hut. "O le a manaia lenei mea!" He added with a laugh.
You stared with a bit of confusion. You don't speak samoan language, and you don't know that word, but Mauga spoke in it.
What does that word mean? You wondered.
You saw some bandages and some medicinal ointments laid out on a bed next to him, which you assumed belonged to Mauga. And then something else caught your attention: A small vial of clear liquid. You furrowed your brows. What was that? Was it medicine? Some sort of poison? Then beside the bed there was a table on top is a book.
It has Baptiste's picture circled in red, but you weren't able to make sense of it.
Why was there a picture of Baptiste on Mauga's bedside table?
Mauga closed the book, you were staring so much at the iillustration and suddenly he came up behind you, wrapping his large hands tightly around your waist.
Your heart started racing as he brought his head closer to you and placed a feathery light kiss on the nape of your neck.
"Why is Baptiste on your bedside table?", you asked curiously, completely forgetting that he had just kissed you. Mauga grinned at you mischievously.
"Baptiste, a friend who left me after a very bad time," he said darkly, tightening his grip slightly as though warning you to not cross him.
Mauga turned you around swiftly, pressing you forcefully against the wall behind you, his hand resting at the side of your neck. Your breathing became erratic as you stared into his glowing red eyes. Those eyes that reminded you of the blood stained on your arm; those eyes that made you weak. Made you weak because of the power and lust that radiated from them.
You swallowed hard as Mauga leaned down and took a soft, sweet kiss on the lips. His thumb caressed your cheek and he pulled away from you. You breathed heavily as Mauga placed another slow, lingering kiss on your nose, before he rested his forehead against yours and gazed into your beautiful eyes.
"Now I think you're ready to hear my explanation for that horrible kiss earlier."
You blushed hard, remembering how intimate and sexual it had become.
"Please tell me that wasn't actually a confession." You said hesitantly as you lowered your gaze and looked at your feet shyly.
Mauga laughed loudly, pulling you into his embrace, lifting you effortlessly in the air. His smile grew bigger as he carried you down to the bed. He placed you carefully on the mattress, propping himself up right next to you.
"If I am then, you're a terrible liar." He said.
You scowled at him, "I don't get that..." You said with a sour look. Mauga chuckled softly, rubbing your thighs with his thumbs. You shivered as his touch tingled your skin through the thin material of your underwear.
Mauga leaned in slowly. His lips brushed gently against yours as the corner of his mouth twitched upwards in a seductive smirk.
"I never lied when I said I was hungry..." He whispered, kissing you again. His kisses grew rougher, his tongue running along your bottom lip teasingly. Your whole body stiffened.
You tried to push him away but his large fingers held onto your wrists. He moved his head to your neck and began sucking marks into your skin.
"Mauga!" You gasped out between moans. His teeth dug harshly into your shoulder causing you to squirm beneath him.
"Hmm..." He hummed quietly, licking at your jawline as he pulled away. "... I can't! M-my teammates! I-I need to...to help them!" You protested but Mauga didn't listen to you anymore and soon his warm lips were back on yours, trailing over your collarbone, your neck and chest, his breath fanning against your naked flesh. He reached the edge of your panties and slowly lowers them like very slowly. You whimpered in protest but he only chuckled against your skin and continued to pull and peel away your clothes.
"M-mauga!" You whined as you grabbed hold of him, trying to pull him back towards yourself, to try and stop him. But he didn't move an inch and continued to tease your bare stomach. He pulled away from you, his bright, glowing eyes meeting yours.
"Don't worry about the others." He smirked evilly. "They'll be fine without you for awhile." He said before kissing and biting at your skin hungrily once more. His hot breath tickling and teasing as he teased you mercilessly.
"M-Mauga! No!" You begged as you squirmed, wanting desperately to escape.
"Mauga yes." Mauga groaned in pleasure.
"Your killing me... " "Good! I want this." Mauga whispered seductively in your ear, "Keep struggling. Keep fighting." He growled lowly, his deep voice rumbling within your ears. You couldn't help but whimper in excitement, but it soon died down as Mauga kissed you deeply. His tongue moving in sync with his hands, roaming your body with his hands.
"Aah..." You panted as you arched your back. "Mauga... "You cried out as you felt his mouth travel down to your breasts.
You whimpered and bucked your hips to bring him nearer to your entrance.
Mauga smirks and chuckles at your attempt to please him. He stopped what he was doing for a moment to look at you, amusement clearly written across his features.
"Oh yes." He whispers as he starts licking his way down your body, pausing every now and then to nibble at the sensitive skin.
"Hnnghhhh..." You moan and bite your lower lip nervously as goosebumps covered your skin. It felt so good. So right. Like it was meant to happen. It's been so long since you've had sex, or even been touched like this...and you knew it was all worth it.
"Ah~" you gasp as Mauga bites lightly on one of your breasts. You could feel tears forming in the corner of your eyes, and yet you kept looking at him and his eyes, searching for any hint of emotion that would indicate sadness, hurt or anger. Anything. But he remained calm, unaffected by your reactions and merely looked at you expectantly. You sighed sadly as you shook your head lightly.
"This isn't right." You told him as your eyes filled with regret. "I shouldn't have done this."
He looked up at you questioningly. "Done what?" He questioned calmly.
"Let you take advantage of me." You replied as you looked at the ground ashamed.
Mauga chuckled at this, "So you are interested."
Your eyes snapped up to meet his as you felt yourself flush scarlet at the realization. Oh no...
His lips curled into a wicked grin as he pushed you further into the pillows and leaned down and gave a passionate kiss. When he pulled away you stared blankly up at him for a moment, before you quickly sat up.
"No. This is wrong. I cannot do this to my team and you." You argued, feeling guilty.
"You say that, but we both know you will give in to temptation soon enough. And then what shall they do? The others are still out there looking for us." He argued.
"But this is wrong."
"And what if it is?" He challenged you. "Do you deny that our actions speak louder than words?"
You were speechless. How could you answer his question?
"If we keep going forward it may get harder. Difficult!" You reasoned. Mauga laughs loudly with that stupid beaming smile on his face.
"Difficult for whom? We don't see anyone here and they won't notice us, and besides you are already HERE. There is no other choice."
"That doesn't mean I am ready. If something were to happen to the team-"
Mauga licks your neck softly and trails a few gentle kisses down to your breasts. "What is 'wrong' with giving in to passion?" He asked huskily as his mouth latches onto one of your nipples, his fingers massaging at the tight, engorged knot. You let out a small gasp of discomfort and pleasure at this erotic assault
"M-Mauga! Stop! This isn't fair to the team! Please...you can't force me-"
"And why would you want to leave anyways? What's to stop you from staying, being exactly as you are now?" Mauga murmured as his fingers started exploring your pussy. Your hands immediately went to his hair and tugged playfully.
"Is it because I'm your enemy, little bunny?" He growls, leaning in close to your ear to nibble on it with his sharp fangs. You bit your lip and turned around slightly so that your back faced him. Mauga grinned to himself as he watched you.
"Or maybe you just like playing dirty and having fun when things go bad." He murmurs, pressing a kiss against the base of your spine before he begins to lick you slowly.
You moaned loudly. You wanted to beg him to stop. To end it. But you found yourself unable to utter any word.
You lay helpless underneath Mauga while he played your body like his personal playground. He was relentless with his ministrations until your body trembled uncontrollably from the exquisite pleasure coursing through you. Mauga grinned victoriously as he saw his prey finally succumb and break.
"E lua fatu e pamu...." He mumbled as he trailed his fingers along your clit to find a place that excited him most. He slipped a finger inside you and stroked you gently.
You cried out, reaching down to grab onto his hand. He smiled to himself and started fucking you hard. Your breathing became erratic as his fingers continued to thrust into you.
His fingers were large and strong, almost too big for you but your entire body seemed to crave his touch. You moaned loudly, clutching at the sheets with your fists.
Mauga watched you eagerly. He enjoyed seeing you writhing under him like that. Every moan, every whimper and gasp he heard was delicious. Even though you were supposed to hate him, Mauga couldn't help but enjoy watching you suffer, and enjoying the sounds of your pleasuring. Pleasure flooded into his veins, making him feel stronger and bolder.
"Mauga..." You pleaded weakly and he felt his dick twitch.
"You can call out my name all you like." Mauga purred before he slid another finger inside you.
You closed your eyes tightly. It took all your strength not to release, to not scream out loud, but you had to remain strong. Mauga knew this.
"Please...please don't stop." You pleaded again.
"Never." Mauga promised softly as he moved faster and faster, hitting your sweet spot over and over again. Your walls clenched around his fingers, pulling and pulling them in and out of you. He loved hearing you scream like that. It made his cock throb painfully. He wanted nothing more than to watch you, to taste you, to make you cum all over his fingers.
He began to pump into you even faster and faster. Faster and faster as you tried to fight him. You needed this. You craved it. Deserved it. Wanted it. And you'd be damned if anything happened to ruin his fun.
You came in an instant. Your body shaking violently, screaming in pure ecstasy. Mauga smirked to himself. You looked absolutely beautiful when you climaxed. The sound of your screams mixed perfectly with the sound of your whimpers and pants escaping your mouth.
"Alofa, we're not finished. Not yet." Mauga breathed harshly as he watched you come undone, moaning incoherently. Mauga couldn't hold back the smug grin. After all, he was the one who had taken you there, so what did it matter that he was the one who was coming?
Mauga pulls his fingers out and grabs you firmly by the hips, pulling you up into him and slamming you down onto his tip. You moaned loudly as he slid his thick member in and out of you, your whole body tensing.
"T-too big!" You cried out, your eyes fluttering closed as he hit your prostate. Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist.
"Just stay with me...stay with me..." He murmured in between grunts. "You want it just as much as I do." He added before sucking roughly on your breast.
The next minute you were moaning his name and begging for more as he fucked you harder and faster. His movements quickened to match your pace and soon you were gasping out his name repeatedly while his teeth tore at your nipple.
Mauga didn't stop there either. No. Not quite yet. He continued to pounds you fiercely and mercilessly as his tongue and teeth ravaged your body. You moaned and gasped loudly as you felt him push deeper and deeper inside of you. You wanted more, needed mmore
You both lost count how many times it happened. By the time he was finished and you had cried out again and again he pulled out of you completely, rolling off of you so that you were lying flat across the mattress, panting and sweaty from your orgasm, and completely spent.
You lay there, panting heavily, feeling lightheaded from the exertion and the lack of air, as Mauga laid beside you lazily, gazing down at you and grinning evilly like a child who had stolen all the candy from the store without permission.
His face was flushed and you could tell he hadn't stopped smiling since his climax. He was satisfied and very happy about it too.
You could tell by the way his eyes kept darting over your naked body greedily.
"Didn't think you'd last that long." Mauga muttered, still catching his breath. You rolled over to look up at him, trying to catch your breath also.
"I don't usually, but today was different..." You admitted softly.
"Oh? Because of my dick or the fact that we've been making love for a couple hours straight?" He chuckled, wiggling his brows playfully.
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment, and you stammered incoherently as you sat up, turning away from him to try and cool down. You knew he was teasing you but it still made you blush furiously.
Mauga laughed as he watched you fuss in front of him. He crawled over to you and kissed your shoulder tenderly.
"Hey now bunny, I wasn't joking. I really did enjoy myself today." He whispered. You turned back to look at him and smiled.
He was right; he had enjoyed the experience more than he had expected. But the thought of you doing it for the first time made him excited and nervous all at the same time. He wondered how he would react when he got to the point where he couldn't take the anticipation anymore. He wondered how it would affect him if you decided to leave. How disappointed he would feel afterwards and what he would do to convince you to stay.
But that was later. Right now, Mauga had something much better to focus on. Something far better to occupy his attention. He grabbed hold of your wrists to pull them above your head. You yelped in surprise, looking at him wide eyed.
"I was thinking, it wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have those pesky bruises anymore." Mauga said as he lifted your hands above your head and began tracing kisses all along your arms. You shivered at the soft touches and moaned quietly as his lips trailed further downwards.
You forget about the team, you forget about your job, you forget about everything else. All you cared about was his touch and the way his lips were making you feel. Mauga reached between your legs and began massaging you gently, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. You writhed in pleasure beneath him, unable to contain the moan that escaped your lips.
"We'll continue this on our next mission~" He hummed as he slipped out his finger. "Maybe once you are ready I can take you back home, alofa."
He bent down and kissed you passionately. Your whole body tingled pleasantly and you could barely keep yourself upright as you returned his kiss.
Suddenly, your thoughts turned dark and you broke away from Mauga, gasping for air and trying desperately not to gag.
"OMG! My team!"
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mirai-e-jump · 9 months
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Animage October 2023 Issue ft. Aoto Watanabe Interview (translation below)
Publication: September 8, 2023 (between episodes 27-28)
"I'm on Top!"
Born and raised in the slums, Yanma Gast ascended to the throne with just his computer. He's the "President," who's earned the respect of the nation, or rather of his friends, for his passionate way of life. N'Kosopa has had a history of being forced to work as Shugoddam's supplier. Standing at the top is Yanma, who isn't afraid of any opponent.
"I won't flatter or bow down to you. Regardless of who my opponent is, I'll beat them down with guts and brains!"
It's his core belief
Charging down the path he believes in, Yanma claims to be a king of knowledge, and is by no means an bad person. He has the insight to see through both Gira's role as an "evil king" and Racules's true intentions. He's compassionate, someone who at times will subtly care for his friends, at other times, he'll show off a mature attitude. He's an exceptional engineer who's developed weapons such as the Ohger Calibur, and the mechanical lifeforms know as Shugod's. His many strengths are his main appeal.
The battle against the new enemy, Uchu King, is bound to be fiercer than ever. Yanma's engineering abilities, superior brains, and his belief to not give into anyone or anything will be a great source of strength for the royal Sentai.
-The cool things about Yanma, who can respect others-
"It's now been about half a year since the the start of the broadcast, how do you feel?"
Watanabe: Each day was long, but looking back, it felt like it went by in an instant, it's a strange feeling. I suddenly realized that we're halfway through filming, and every 5 episodes feel like the climax of the show, so now I'm thinking, "What's going to happen in the next 20 episodes?" (laughs).
"Since filming began, has your impression of Yanma changed at all?"
Watanabe: I felt that he was more friendly towards other people than I originally thought. As I'd said in one of my lines, I think that Yanma's stance is that he does what he wants to do, and only follows those who want to follow him. In the end, they all unite, and while I thought he didn't like helping others out, in episode 7, he talks about how friends should be, saying, "It doesn't matter if you're in the middle of a fight, you lend a hand when things get tough, and when it's done, you get back to fighting." Recently, there have been more scenes in which he offers alittle more help to the other kings, and I see him as someone who's opened up and discovered new sides to himself. For example, in the film, he tells Rita what he thinks, but when Rita says that they don't think the same way, Yanma backs off. Don't force your opinions onto others, and maintain a certain distance. I like the respect he has for the others. I also like the fact that Yanma isn't stubborn, and is able to accept other people's ideas, being flexible even if he thinks differently. Even though he has his own path, in order to follow it, he needs to think about things with an open mind, and see things from different perspectives. That's why he was able to come this far from nothing, and I feel that he's the type of person who'll grow the most in this world.
"In terms of his relationship with the other kings, he told Kaguragi in episode 17, "You'd never go along with anyone. In fact, that makes you more trustworthy"
Watanabe: In a way, that exchange with Kaguragi was cool, because it conveyed some good things about him.
"Furthermore, your relationship with Gira, Hymeno and Jeramie seems to be mutual ones.
Watanabe: That's right. Kaguragi and Rita are the type to put boundaries between themselves and others, so there's a sense of keeping a distance from them, on the other side, Gira and Hymeno are more direct. When it comes to Jeramie, I want to continue to be on equal terms with him. Jeramie comes off as rather cute, so I think we can have a relationship where Yanma pulls him along. But, what Jeramie has gone through is something we can't even imagine. So, I want to have a relationship with Jeramie where I can fight along side him in a normal way, to become alittle annoyed with him if he says something wrong, and to have a strong sense of respect for him. This is shown when we fistbump in episode 19, which is one of my favorite scenes.
"Is there anything you're conscious of in presenting the relationship between Shiokara and the others members of N'Kosopa?"
Watanabe: Honestly, I rarely discussed things like acting with them. Especially with Akka, Usuba, and Mayuta, I try not to get too close since those 3 have a relationship that is to follow Yanma's lead. Shiokara, played by (Yuhei) Chiwata-san, plays a more central role, and I'll see him thinking up his performance, but, he never bothers to tell me what he's going to do, and he doesn;t ask what we're going to do. Everyone just tries doing what they like when it comes to the performance.
"What was the most memorable interaction with Hirotsugu Mori-san, TomboOhger's suit actor?"
Watanabe: It didn't happen on set, but the first time we went out for drinks together was very memorable. Mori-san is a very sociable person, so we became good friends right away. We went out for drinks and both talked about how we got into King-Ohger, and what we wanted to do as Yanma, we talked so much that before we knew it, 5 hours had gone by (laughs). I'm not the best at socializing with other people, so I was really surprised by the fact that we had endless conversations during our first drinks together, and was impressed that we actually talked for 5 hours.
"It seems exactly like having a like minded partner."
Watanabe: Yeah. I felt like Mori-san created that kind of atmosphere.
"How is it doing the dub for TomboOhger?"
Watanabe: I think it's very difficult to perform using only my voice. In the beginning, when I would hear my own voice in the broadcast, I would sometimes think it lacked abit of energy or that it just didn't sound like Yanma. Now, I'm more conscious of performing while moving my body, throwing in more hand gestures than normal, and speaking in a lower tone.
-Interactions with children who reaffirmed his starting point-
"Do you have any memorable events, such as the stage greeting for the film?"
Watanabe: I was happy to be able to feel the enthusiasm of the audience. I usually spend time filming on site, so I only had a chance to see people's reaction by looking at their feedback online. When I actually saw the audience in person, it really felt like, "These people are happy to see us." In general, children don't get to post their feedback online, do they? Of course, I was happy to see the reactions of adults, but I was most excited for the children due to the fact that I myself watched Sentai as a child. When we were doing highfives, some children would come running up to me with their eyes sparkling, while others would be too nervous to look me in the eyes. When I was a kid, I was also the shy type, so I felt like I was looking at my younger self. I recognized that, "I'm acting for the sake of these kids," and it gave me more motivation for future filming.
"We're sure there'll be more opportunities to appear at events in the future, and we hope you'll be able to make more wonderful memories. Please tell us about your favorite episode so far, or what episode you have fond memories of."
Watanabe: It changes every time (laughs). If I had to pick, the scenes where everyone assembles are most memorable. The scene in episode 5 where the five of us finally stood side by side was very exciting, as we'd been playing our roles since the audition. There's the scene in episode 10 where we call for Legend King-Ohger, and I also liked the scene in episode 19 where all of us transform together. Things started out with just Gira and me, but then Hymeno, Kaguragi, Rita, and finally Jeramie, we grew one by one, and the process of seeing our group formation up close was probably why it's so memorable.
"Other than your role as Yanma, if you could name your favorite character, who would it be?"
Watanabe: For me, I'm a fan of Hymeno. I feel that the charisma Hymeno possesses is similar to that of Yanma's. Yanma gains allies by just doing whatever he wants, while Hymeno gets people to follow her through being selfish. I myself admire such people, and think it's cool that she's a loner, or rather, that she's selfish and doesn't follow others. I've always been more attracted to strong female characters who are willing to go ahead, rather than stand behind and offer support.
"Speaking of which, at the press conference to announce the film, you mentioned that your first love was Jasmine (DekaYellow) from "Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger."
Watanabe: That's right. Possibly due to the influences of Sentai, she gives off the image of the ideal woman (laughs).
"By the way, who's your favorite female character from anime and films?"
Watanabe: For anime, I really like Hancock from "One Piece." Films include Elizabeth from "Pirates of the Caribbean" and Padme from "Star Wars"…..The 3 people I mentioned are all either princesses who fight or high class ladies (laughs).
"You're consistent in the type of women you prefer (laughs)."
Watanabe: Yeah, I noticed that too. (laughs).
"As mentioned earlier in your conversations with Mori-san, is there anything you'd like to do as Yanma in the future?"
Watanabe: I want to do a scene where I'm in the rain, and Mori-san said he wants to do a 1 on 100 fight. So, we talked about wanting to do 1 on 100 fight in the rain (laughs). I was told we couldn't do that because I used to spray dye my hair blue, and the color would fade if it got wet. But, starting with the new chapter, I now have blonde hair, so I'm secretly hoping that we can finally do it. I have alot of things I want to do with my mentor, Gin-san (Ken Yoshizawa-san), and I can't wait to tell you all about it when it finally become a reality.
"We're looking forward to the day when Watanabe-san's visions are realized! Finally, please give us some highlights of future events."
Watanabe: The new chapter will not only bring in new enemies from outer space, but it will also explore the heart of the show's universe. I have a feeling that we'll be diving into the story of the world from 2,000 years ago and explore the roots of the Yanma and others. I'm very excited about it, and I'm sure that you'll enjoy the new developments as well!
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perfectlovevn · 3 months
Hello!! I just finished playing Perfect Love and OMGGG, I LOVED ITT. The entire plot-line and game concept was extremely unique!! And ouuhhh I loved Milo the most <33. Best boy, really.
Is there anything else you can mention about Milo? Like some sweet fun facts about him that were not mentioned in the game? I'd really like to know him full on out! Otherwise, that's all. Have a good day, afternoon, or night!! :D
Wooo! I'm glad you liked it! It always makes me happy to hear!
I did have a list of things here about Milo, but here are some more.
Pre Milo:
In theory, Milo can have multiple forms, not just Violence and Manipulation. He can be motherly, competitive, preppy, vain, anything so as long as Eris is able to influence them in that way.
In the same vein, Milo is actually a really fast learner, as you can see in the game. He doesn't think he is but under the pressure of wanting to make sure that his love doesn't leave him, he learns and understands remarkably fast.
Milo is deathly afraid of bugs, as seen in the manipulation route. I guess that's what happens when you're forced to eat insects as child. Thanks bullies.
I think I should probably make him shorter but I headcannoned him to be about 6ft. It's literally because I'm really bad with heights so I wanted a good round number.
He really likes rabbits/bunnies as it's his favorite animal. He still has his first bunny stuffed animal that he had as a child and has repaired it several times. He likes large lop bunnies the most but his parents wouldn't let him keep it when he was smaller.
His major is school is kinesiology for the sole reason that I think it would be funny that he's kind of buff under all those clothes. He probably does work out on occasion, but considering how sad he is I don't think he always maintains it.
The backpack he is wearing actually handmade by him. He actually is pretty good at handmade crafts and makes a lot of stuff, however, he usually ends up not finishing them or throwing them away because he ultimately thinks its useless.
If you make anything handmade for him, no matter how bad you think it is, he will keep it. He also would probably add something onto it because he can't help himself.
If given clothing, handmade or bought, he will try to sew something onto it unless you tell him not to.
He is pretty good basic first aid because he always had to patch himself up when he was growing up.
If you access the scene in the code, you'll find that he likes more relaxing games like Stardew Valley, Spiritfarers, Animal Crossing, etc.
When holding hands, he will usually hold Eris by the fingers, not the palms for some reason.
Manipulation Milo:
He's learned he's like rubbing his face on things he likes (not at all influenced by my habit of doing that). Because of that, he likes to rub against Eris's hair a lot.
Pre Milo can actually hold his alcohol pretty well because of his size, but doesn't drink much and gets sleepy pretty fast after drinking. Manipulation Milo has embraced this and now basically can drink a ton without getting wasted. Tends to be a lot more clingy towards Eris the more he drinks.
Manipulation Milo practices speaking like Eris by recording them when he thinks they're not noticing. Practices a lot in the mirror to be as close to them as possible when talking.
Has learned to have a strong appreciation of cats and they come flock to him when nearby. Also has learned how to purr.
When holding Eris's hands, he tends to sweat a lot. Eris, I imagine can't hold his hand for very long without it getting soaked.
He never wears the first earrings that Eris gave him and keeps them preserved somewhere in his room. Always wears copies of it in case it ever gets lost or stolen.
Changed his eating habits to appear more thinner and dainty, to match his new personality and appearance.
Has gotten really good with social games, so much so that in some groups they can't play it anymore because he always wins. Also is surprisingly good at Co-op, especially with Eris.
Violence Milo:
Probably won't admit it, but likes being headpatted. Will come towards Eris and slightly nudge his head towards their hand to indicate they want to be headpatted, but will never ask them.
Eats a lot more now than he did previously. Pre Milo ate more like a bird, but Violence Milo devours his food. Seeing him eat meat is like watching a dog tear apart steak.
Because of this, he's also learned how to cook more meals. Before Milo just cooked to survive, but now Violence Milo makes pretty good meals. Will cook anything Eris asks.
Has gotten more into shooters and fighting games. He actually seems to have really good reaction timing now compared to what he was like before.
When holding Eris's hands, tends to squeeze too hard before loosening it because he gets shy. He's working on not doing that but Eris's hands have been crushed multiple times before.
Really into wolves and big dogs. Really likes german shepards and watching him play with dogs is like night and day because he's so mushy around them .
Probably has a punching bag with Ryan's face on it somewhere in his room. That picture has been replaced over and over again and that punching bag looks like it's on the brink of breaking.
Growls and whimpers in his sleep sometimes. When his back or head is stroked, it turns into a more comfortable and happy growl and he tries to hug whatever is closest to him. If it's mentioned to him by Eris, he'll probably get embarrassed. Being big spooned will also cause his leg to shake for a bit before he ends up sleeping soundly.
I hope I remember a lot of these facts later because I feel like some of this stuff I just made up on the spot.
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