#i hopped up to get my charger from across the room
bradycardia being an outcome of a restrictive eating disorder is so wild to me because the more I don't eat the more wildly variable my heartrate is, and it averages higher, not lower, whenever I notice it
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heavyhitterheaux · 8 months
Based off the song by Dua Lipa
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Synopsis: You want to spend more time with your boyfriend, but find that the two of you are drifting apart. It isn't until he almost loses you that he realizes what he has in front of him
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Requested by: an amazing anon 💕
Jack Harlow Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
It was dark outside when you had woken up from being startled because of Jack moving around your shared bedroom. You had been waiting for him to come home since he had been gone all day, but your eyes began to get heavy around midnight and you knew that you wouldn’t be able to last much longer. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand to look to see what the time it was and it was 3:36 in the morning when Jack had promised you that he would be home no later than 8 PM.
"Babe? Are you just now getting home?" You softly asked as he began to take off his sweatshirt.
"Shit. I didn't mean to wake you up. Things just ran over a little bit." He threw it across the room and it landed in the hamper perfectly while you sat up to plug your phone into the charger.
"A little bit? You were supposed to be back at 8 PM LAST NIGHT. It is now 3 in the morning. Did you eat anything? How much water did you drink today? I don't want you getting headaches like you were before."
"Y/N, I'm not doing this with you right now. I need to go to sleep because I need to leave by 9."
"I… I'm just worried about you. I need you to slow down and take a break once in a while. I planned for us to do something around 5. Do you think you'll be done by then?" You asked as Jack has gotten in the bed to lay down next to you and pulled the comforter over himself.
"What are you worried about me for? I'm fine. Don't I need to keep a roof over your head? So let me do what I need to do since you're always asking me for expensive ass shit."
"Really? I'm worried because my boyfriend is a workaholic and a people pleaser that doesn't know how to say no sometimes and his girlfriend would like to spend more time with him."
"When things slow down, I will. I promise, but I can't let up now."
"What about meeting up with me at 5? Just us for a date."
"I'm not about to tell you yes and then I get busy and not show up because that will cause a whole new issue."
"I just don't get why you’re being so defensive about me wanting to spend time with you. Don't blame it on you being busy because when your second album came out you still made me a priority despite everything going on around you."
All Jack did was sigh and roll his eyes which you quickly caught on to.
"Y/N, I'm only going to get five hours of sleep and arguing with you is cutting into that. Can we just let it go and continue it later?"
"Seriously? And when is later because I never see you."
All Jack did was throw the comforter away from him and hop up out of the bed.
"Baby, where are you going?"
"To the guest room to get some fucking sleep since I'm clearly not going to get it in here."
"I… come on don't be like that. I just…."
"I'll probably be gone by the time you wake up." Jack muttered before making his way out of the bedroom and leaving you upset. 
You waited about an hour or so before going to peek in on Jack who was sound asleep. All you wanted at the very least was for him to sleep next to you and at least hold you, but it seems like nowadays that was asking for too much. You softly walked to the left side of the bed and crawled in next to him and he was startled by the movement.
"Y/N..." Jack started to say but you immediately cut him off.
"Can you at least hold me so I'll sleep better. I didn't come in here to argue. I just want you close to me." 
All he did was raise his left arm and you cuddled closer to him as he wrapped it around you and it almost seemed forced like he didn't want to do it. 
"I love you, Jack." You whispered to him, but all you got were his soft snores in response letting you know that he had fallen back asleep.
You felt your eyes watering and the tears slowly ran down your face and you did your best to even your breathing so that you wouldn't wake him up again.
You just simply wanted your loving boyfriend back who would always spend time with you and never made you feel as if you were a burden.
When you woke up, just as he told you Jack was long gone and you simply let out a sigh. When he left early like that he would usually send you a text message that said good morning and how much he loved you, but you didn't know the last time he did that. You would usually send them and now they went unanswered.
You had some work to do yourself and had been working from home for the past few days. You couldn't quite put your finger on what it was that was bothering you besides the obvious with Jack, but you didn't feel 100%. 
Hoping that a hot shower would help, you hung eucalyptus at the top of it to open you up so that you could breathe better and lost track of time of how long you had been in there. 
Once finished, you got dressed and decided to bring your laptop to the living room in order to watch some movies for some background noise and order some food since you hadn't felt like cooking.
You nibbled at your food all day while you worked and when 5 PM came around of course Jack was nowhere to be found. You had sent a few texts throughout the day to ask how things were going and all he was doing was reading them and not responding, making you grow frustrated.
Around 10 PM, since you still didn't feel well, you made yourself a cup of ginger tea in hopes that would help and made your way upstairs to your room not even bothering to wait for Jack. It was clear that he didn't want to talk to you so you weren't about to force him.
When you woke up it was around 7 in the morning and you had felt worse than you did the night before. Jack wasn't next to you and you heard the shower running so you assumed that he was getting ready to go out and leave you by yourself…. Again.
Once he came out the shower, you couldn't help but to blurt it out.
"Baby, can you please stay home with me today?" You couldn't put your finger on as to why, but you didn't want to be by yourself.
"Y/N…. What is it now? Didn't we already talk about this?" He answered and had an immediate attitude.
"I just don't feel that well and want you to keep me company. It's just for a day.  You can miss one day."
"What don't you get when I say that I have to provide for us? You saying that you don't feel good is just another excuse to try and get me to stay home and start an argument. You look fine to me and I can't believe you would pretend to be sick for me to stay."
"Just say you hate me and go." You muttered and stormed into the bathroom while locking the door behind you.
"Why would you even say that?! I don't hate you!"
You didn't bother responding and simply brushed your teeth and washed your face. You could hear him moving around the bedroom and once you heard his keys, you knew he was getting ready to leave despite your protests. All you could do was sigh and attempt to go on about your day.
By noon, you couldn't focus and no amount of medicine was helping you feel any better so you decided to get dressed and head to the grocery store in the hopes of getting ingredients to make some soup and hopefully you would be able to keep it down. You had gotten to the couch downstairs and were putting on your shoes when you suddenly felt lightheaded. You gave it a few minutes to let it pass before standing up. And once you did, your head immediately hit the floor.
Jack was in the studio and cursed to himself. Nothing had been going right that morning and be felt that it was low key his Karma for blowing you off.
"What's wrong?" Urban asked while seeing his frustration.
"Could you do me a favor and go to my condo to get a sample hard drive that I forgot? I don't want to see Y/N."
"Wait, what? Why? Are you two fighting again? You've been fighting a lot more than usual."
"I just don't want to deal with her right now."
All Urban did was sigh because he hated seeing the two of you at odds. He didn't want to get in the middle of it, so he didn't bother saying anything.
"Be right back."
When Urban walked through the door, he called out to you but when you didn't answer he was confused. Your car was still in the driveway and he could hear the television playing so he wasn't quite sure what was going on.
He walked further into the condo into the living room to discover you on the floor and not moving.
"SHIT! Y/N!" Urban said while rushing over towards you and trying to tap you to wake up.
"Come on, wake up!"
Nothing he was doing was working and he quickly pulled out his phone to dial 911.
"Hello 911, what is the address of your emergency?"
Jack was growing increasingly inpatient and was wondering where Urban was since it had been at least two hours since he left. His condo wasn't that far from the studio and he figures that you had coerced Urban into staying with you and gave him the same sorry excuse of not feeling well that you told him earlier.
It was another 45 minutes before Urban stormed into the studio pissed off and red in the face.
"Do you not know how to answer your fucking phone anymore?!"
"What? You were coming right back anyway. It's been on DND all day. What took you so long?"
"Your girlfriend is what took me so long." Jack immediately rolled his eyes.
"Oh, did she give you that same bullshit ass excuse of her not feeling well?"
"You are such a fucking dumbass. When I got there she was on the floor, passed out! So when she told you that she didn't feel well, she wasn't lying! The paramedics were asking me all these questions that I didn't know the answer to since I didn't even know how long she had been on the floor or if she hit her head!"
"Wait, what?"
"You fucking heard me, your girl is in the hospital and hadn't even woken up when I left because I had to rush to get to your dumbass to tell you since your phone is on DND. The hospital had been trying to call you ever since she got there!"
All Jack did was mutter fuck under his breath and immediately started to feel guilty.
You had been telling the truth the entire time and all you wanted to do for the past few weeks is spend time with him and all he did was ignore you.
"Just come on, I'll drive." Urban said and all Jack did was nod his head as a million thoughts were running through his mind.
Urban sped through traffic and made it back to the hospital in record time. Jack barely gave him a chance to stop the car at the entrance before jumping out and trying to get to you as soon as possible.
He immediately ran to the desk to ask the secretary where you were before she gave him directions to your room down the hallway.
Once he reached your room, he saw you sitting up with your head resting in your hand while the other was flipping through channels on television that was in the front of the room.
"Baby?" Jack said as he entered the room and all you did was look at him.
"Um, what happened?" He asked again and all you did was sigh.
"Don't you have somewhere else more important to be?" You asked while turning away from him to look at the TV.
"What? You're important to me, you're my priority."
"You can save the bullshit because I don't want to hear it. You know this is the first day that you called me baby and not by my first name in almost three weeks?"
"I… I'm sorry I was busy, but I'm here now." Jack tried to take your hand, but you quickly pulled it away.
"And you can leave. I don't need you here or want you here, you have to keep a roof over our heads, remember?"
"I know you’re mad at me, pissed is more like it for good reason but I just want you to talk to me."
"Oh, so now you want to talk? When you thought something might have happened to me? You have been acting like I bother you with everything that I say and you wondered why I said that you hated me this morning. I'm being admitted for the night so you'll be able to get your rest without me bothering you. I'll get Urban to pick me up tomorrow so that you can continue to provide for us. Now, you can leave so you can go and do that."
"You haven't even told me what's going on with you! I'm not leaving!"
"Why? So you can pretend to act like you care? I have started not to be able to recognize you anymore and I don't like the person that you're becoming so do me a favor and get out of my sight."
You had been home for a few days and Jack actually ended up staying the night with you in the hospital despite your protests. 
Long story short, you fainted because you were dehydrated and the stress that you had been under didn't help either.
Jack had been walking on eggshells around you since that day and was staying with you at home to make sure you had everything that you needed without having to lift a finger. However, now he was getting on your nerves because he wouldn't let you out of his sight. It sh
"Babe, when's the last time you drank water?"
"Y/N! I'm trying to make sure you stay hydrated. I don't want you fainting again."
"I'm fine for the millionth time so you can leave. It's amazing how much free time you have now." You fired back and all he did was sigh.
"I never properly apologized to you and I'm sorry for making you feel like I didn't care about you and you should have never had to beg for me to spend time with you. I just get so wrapped up in my head with work that it's all that I focus on. I promise to do better moving forward and never make you feel that way ever again. I want this and I want us for the long haul."
“I don’t want you to promise me anything, instead show me by your actions.”
“Can I have a kiss to help me get started?” Jack asked while pouting and you immediately rolled your eyes before leaning over to kiss him since he sat next to you. 
“Uhhh I need one more for strength and maybe two more for good luck.”
“I… look now.”
You obliged while leaning over to kiss him and he quickly pulled you onto his lap.
“I love you and I should never go that long without telling you again.” Jack whispered against your lips.
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
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bagopucks · 1 year
Trevor x Reader, platonic Jamie
“Yeah?” Silence. “Yeah.. yeah okay.” Pacing. “No that’s fine.” Approaching footsteps. “It’ll be rescheduled?”
I looked up from my phone, blankets pulled around my waist, sitting up in Trevor’s bed. “Alright. I’ll talk to you later then.”
Trevor stepped into the room, lowering his phone from his ear as he made eye contact with me and dropped his duffel bag.
“What’s the word?”
“They cancelled the game. We’re on a severe storm watch all night, and the power’s out across the whole city. The Civic Center can’t host people on backup generators.” Trevor kicked his shoes off, and I smiled at how quickly he began to lose pieces of his suit.
“So I get a night in with my baby?”
I sighed, glancing past Trevor to see Jamie in the doorway.
“I get a night in with my baby and his boyfriend.” I corrected, smiling to assure Trevor I wouldn’t mind.
“They cancelled our game.” Jamie informed Trevor, though he was already behind on that information.
“I know I just called.” Trevor waited to take off his shirt or pants, sitting on the foot of the bed as he began to undo his tie.
“It’s really quiet.” I was caught off guard by the sound in Jamie’s voice. He seemed nervous.
“Yeah.. kinda is.” Trevor agreed, tossing his tie toward his desk chair. I looked back down at my phone, checking the specific weather for the next few hours. “Wanna play laser tag?” My head snapped back up toward the boys.
“Oh, yeah!” Jamie was out of the doorway in a flash. I heard Trevor chuckle softly. He looked back at me with a bright smile.
“You don’t mind, do you? Jambo isn’t a big fan of things like this. Makes him anxious.” Trevor leaned forward for a kiss, and I was swift to deliver. When I pulled away, I nodded.
“Keep him busy for a bit. I’ll call the electric company.”
“You’re the best.”
It didn’t take long for the boys to get changed and run off through the house.
I didn’t think it would be too hard to make a quick call. But even behind Trevor’s closed door, I could hear the boys yelling and laughing at the tops of their lungs. Cursing each other out and threatening one another from behind furniture and walls.
It was hard to keep a straight face while I was on the phone.
After about thirty minutes, I was given an estimated time on how long it would take for the power to be back. After I hung up, I grabbed a spare laser tag gun, and ventured out into the treacherous war zone that was the living room.
I had no vest, but I was only coming out to end the boys’ stalemate.
“Trevor, don’t come any closer!”
“What are you talking about? I can hear your footsteps!”
I bit my cheek to limit my laughter. One was tucked away in the corner behind the couch. The other behind the armchair across the floor.
“You’re such a liar!” Jamie accused, and I decided he would be my first victim.
I tiptoed over to the couch, and once I was close enough, I hopped up onto it and shouted. A cruel joke, but it scared the shit out of Jamie- who screamed in response as I shot him.
“Jamie?” Trevor’s concern was evident in his tone. I turned to look at him just as he stood up, raised my gun, and tagged him out.
“Fuck!” Trevor threw his hands in the air. I laughed softly.
“They said the power should come back on by tomorrow. Couldn’t give a good time because of how bad the roads are. They don’t know which power lines the electricians will be able to get to or not.”
I climbed off the couch and tossed my gun down. I finally heard Jamie breathe out a sigh and stand up.
“You two have portable phone chargers, yes?” They nodded. “And water in the fridge?” Another round of nodding. The fridge wouldn’t stay cold forever, but I was mainly concerned about them having something to drink in the event that their pipes had issues as well. “Alright. Then who’s up for a movie on my laptop?”
“Oh me!”
“Does Jamie have to stay?”
“Jamie is a part of this household. Yes he’s staying.” I spoke with a light laugh. “You two grab a few blankets and pillows. I’ll set up the laptop.” They were gone in a flash. I grabbed my laptop from the coffee table and pushed the table back against the couch. I sat down on the floor and turned the device on, checking to see it had a full battery before I grabbed my phone to turn its hotspot on. I connected the laptop to it, and went to find my streaming services.
Soon, the boys returned with blankets and pillows. I moved from the floor and instructed them to set everything out. They fought over which side of the floor they wanted to be on, while I pulled up a film on the couch. Once they got settled and sat on the floor, I quickly joined them, seated next to Trevor on his own blanket while I set my laptop in the middle.
“What are we watching?” Jamie asked as he sat with his legs criss-crossed.
“Top Gun.” I answered, giving Trevor room as he laid down. I lowered myself onto my side next to him, resting my head on his chest and tangling our legs together.
I never minded spending time with Trevor and Jamie. Even if there were moments when I specifically wanted Trevor and not his lovely counterpart.
I learned Jamie was a package deal. And a good one at that. I figured out early on that I could still have quality time with Trevor, so long as I kept Jamie entertained. Which was incredibly easy. And he was a quiet guy as it was anyway. Sometimes it felt like he wasn’t even in the room.
My gaze drifted to Jamie as he dragged a blanket into his lap, fidgeting with the fabric while his eyes were glued to the screen. He was nervous, but he’d be alright.
When my gaze shifted to Trevor, I realized he was already looking at me. Our eyes locking caused him to smile and breathe out a quiet chuckle.
“Hey, baby.” I whispered playfully.
“Hey.” Trevor mocked quietly.
“You’re missing Tom Cruise.”
“You’re here. He can wait.” I rolled my eyes at him before looking back at the laptop.
It wasn’t until we were halfway through the movie when Jamie laid down, and we eventually heard the soft snores coming from his lips.
After that, I carefully stretched a foot out and shut the lid of my laptop, and I looked back at Trevor.
“You wanna go back in your bedroom?”
“I’m kinda comfy here.” Trevor admitted quietly. “And I don’t want him to freak out if he wakes up alone.” As much as I knew Trevor loved tormenting Jamie, he also loved looking after his best friend too.
“He’s not a four year old.” I whispered with a smile.
“Yeah, but he might feel a little left out.”
“What? That he can’t cuddle with us?” I tried not to laugh. Trevor rolled his eyes at me. “It’s alright, Zig. We can stay out here.” I pressed a kiss to his lips before I nestled back into his side, resting my head on his chest again.
“But at least put a blanket over the poor thing. He’s gonna start shivering.”
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billkaulitzwife · 9 months
"You're Alright"
Reader x Moe Doodle comfort, some German dialogue, tw for sh!!
The rain pelted onto every inch of my body. I felt like I was about to collapse; my feet were killing me. I was about halfway home when I saw a car with its brights on. They stopped once they had reached me. “Hey, you need a ride anywhere?”
“No, no, I’m good.” I answered, the cold rain tickling my back with every inch I moved.
“You sure? You seem really cold and scared.” They persisted. It was a woman with her kids in the back. Her eyes seemed full of concern and her eyebrows raised yet furrowed.
I looked around and lowered my head in defeat. “If you have a towel I can… I don’t want to get your seats all wet.” “You’re in luck! We’re on our way back from the lake shore an hour and a half away… Conesus I think?” She pondered for a moment then turned to the eldest, who was quick to pull a couple towels from the back. 
The woman leaned over quickly and opened the door after she had sprawled the towel across the seat. I watched her hand swiftly turn the heat on. “So where are you headed?” I finally heard the Boston accent in her voice. 
“Uhhh, it’s about 4 miles away… East B street on the corner of North D, big apartment building.” I pointed to the charger cable in a manner of asking to use it. She nodded. I plugged my phone in and the swarm of notifications hit like a bus.
I had 118 new messages. Most of which were missed calls from my parents and a pack of “Where are you?” from my siblings. But someone in the mess stood out to me. Moe.
Moe had sent me 30 messages and I had 7 missed calls from him.
𝘏𝘦𝘺, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶?
𝘞𝘩𝘺'𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘺?
𝘏𝘦𝘺 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘦.
𝘥𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘣𝘦 𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘺.
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𝘺/𝘯 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦
Oh god, I thought to myself. This was bad. Was he okay? I know how he gets when he’s worried. One time he had a panic attack so horrible Rooney and I had to hold him down and help him realise what was happening. I was snapped out of my anxiety trance by my phone ringing. It was DeeDee calling me.
“Yeah, what’s up?
“Hope you know Moe’s looking for you.”
“What do you mean looking?”
The call dropped. Once we had reached the apartment building, I noticed a figure in the doorway. It’s probably Josef, the doorkeeper. Until it wasn’t. I pulled my wallet out and handed the woman a 10 dollar bill and hopped out of the car, rushing to the door. The lady and her kids didn’t question it. It's not unusual in New York.
I ran into the spiralling door and then to the front desk. Where did the figure go? It wasn’t there by the time I had gotten inside. I spoke to the worker, we’re best friends, “Hey, Stacie! Sorry, I got caught in the rain on my way back home.”
“Hey girlie! No problem! Remember rent is due next Tuesday though.”
“I know! You remind me every day. Even when I see you next door.” I chuckled. “Oh by the way-”
“Just so you know, someone came looking for you. His name was… Poe? Bo? I don’t remember, but he was just in here, I think he went up to your room.” She smiled and handed me her leftover coffee. We got the same Starbucks order. “Wait, was that your man?”
“I-... Moe? Yeah probably. Anyways, I’m gonna head up to my room. I’ll see you in the morning!”
She nodded in acknowledgement as I turned towards the stairs and made my way to the 12th floor. I prefer taking the stairs for a multitude of reasons. Number one being that it keeps me fit and number two being elevators can get too crammed for my likings. I don’t get worn out by them anymore, but it still hurt my legs and feet because of the 5 miles I walked. I was nearing my floor when I bumped into Stacie’s boyfriend, Jared. He was a drunk when I first moved in a couple years ago, but he went to rehab and he’s a great guy now.
“Oh, hey, Y/N!” He smiled as he held the door open.
“Hi, Jared, how’s it going?”
“It’s… well it’s going. Hope you have a goodnight though, I’m heading to work.” He nodded in a farewell motion.
I walked through the door and my jaw dropped when I saw Rooney and DeeDee banging on my apartment door. What they were saying was inaudible to me for the time being. I was frozen in place. What were they doing here? Why were they banging on my door? I wanted to say something and ask them what the hell was going on, but I couldn’t.
It only took a second for DeeDee to notice me. “Y/N!” She rushed towards me and gripped my arm, dragging me to my own door. “Y/N, I’m so glad you’re okay, but you need to unlock the door! Moe won’t let us in!”
Moe? What was he doing in my apartment? I unlocked the door quickly and rushed in. “Moe?” We all said in unison.
“Moe, where are you?” I called out.
“Dee, you search the left, I’ll get the centre, and Y/N, you get the right.” We all nodded and split up.
I went into my bedroom, checking under my bed, sheets, in my closet, etc., but he wasn't there. “Moe! Are you okay, where are you?”
I heard a small thump from the bathroom. I just thought it was my cat, Scotty, so I didn’t mind it one bit. I didn’t think to check there. Until…
“Y/N?” I heard a whisper. “Y/N… is that you?” From the bathroom again. I ran in there and saw Moe sitting on the floor curled into a ball. His glossy eyes met mine as I kneeled down next to him. I felt my eyebrows raise and my lip curled. His voice broke the moment he saw me. “Y/N…” 
“Found him!” I called to the others as I felt myself pulled towards Moe, hugging around his neck tightly. His hands were placed tight around my waist as he sobbed into my shoulder. I stroked his hair for a moment before kissing his cheek softly and pulling away slowly. “Hey, Moe… What's wrong?”
“I-... I-...” He was a stuttering mess…
“Moe!” Dee said as she rushed into the bathroom, Rooney behind her.
They stood in the doorway, worried expressions plastered on their faces. “Moe, what’s wrong?” Rooney asked worriedly. “You can take a minute if you need!”
I watched as Moe turned away from us, his knees still curled up onto his chest, “I just want Y/N right now…”
“Oh, okay… we’ll be in the living room if you need us!” Dee said with a melancholic smile as she and Roon walked away slowly.
Moe and I sat in silence for a moment until I softly shut the door and locked it. He peeked his head around before he started to cry again. “Hey… I’m right here, what’s the problem?” Moe turned and wiped his eyes. I felt my eyes get cold and my vision went blurry. I wiped my eyes before he could see. “Moe… Honey…”
“I didn’t know where you were…” He whispered, “I was worried something b-bad happened to you… so I panicked…"
I hummed in response, "It's okay, just steady your breathing hon…"
He took a few deep breaths and that's when I noticed the blood on my floor. Moe looked up at me with his teary and shiny brown eyes. I softly grabbed his arm, lifting it up and collapsing into his chest. That's when I, too, started crying. "I'm sorry… I-I didn't mean to… I just…"
"Moe, it's okay… You're alright now, I'm safe and home. I'm still here."
He sniffled into my shoulder and then moved his face down to my chest. He did the unthinkable and pulled his sleeve up to show me the scars and blood that covered his arm. “I’m so sorry, Y/N/N… I-... I couldn’t breathe or feel anything and I was so worried you were dead or kidnapped or…”
“Moe…” I said as I pulled my own sleeves up, revealing the horrible memories of highschool. Sure, there may have been some recent ones from my last visit to my mother’s, but Moe mattered more to me at this moment. He needed to know he’s not alone in this. “Baby, I’m so sorry… You’re not alone no matter what, okay?”
He took my face in his hands and kissed my cheek. I looked him in the eyes and smiled slightly. “I love you, Y/N,” he said, wiping my tears, “what would I do without you…”
He wiped his own tears away and I stood up, helping him get up too. “Here, sweetie, let me bandage you up.” I said as I got on my tiptoes to reach my emergency harm kit.
 I took out the peroxide, bandages, and tape, dampening a cotton ball with the alcohol and dabbing it lightly onto his cuts. “I’m sorry if it hurts, meine liebe.” I grabbed the bandages, tugging lightly on the coarse white fabric and looping it around Moe’s wrist slowly. I pulled a piece of tape off of the roll and applied it lightly to the bandage. I lifted his arm to my lips and pressed a kiss to it lightly.
He smiled and picked up my arm, kissing the scars on my wrist. “Erinnern… für immer." I smiled at him and brought my arms up to wrap them around his neck and lean in slowly for a kiss. He kissed back and slowly pulled his sleeve down then pulled mine down as well. “Ich liebe dich, Y/N.”
“Ich liebe dich für immer.” I said before hugging him tight, knowing that we’d always be there for each other no matter what happens or how bad life gets. I’d always be there for him when needed and he’d do the same for me. 
Once we were ready to get out of the bathroom, we walked into the living room and greeted Dee and Roon. We didn’t explain what happened, “We just needed some couple time to explain and talk things out with each other.” Moe said, smiling.
I smiled knowing my sweet boy was okay.
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jinlizz-dragondrama · 6 months
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Chapter 3
A Series of interesting Events
I awake to the sun beaming brightly in my room and to the sound of a call coming through. Groaning, I answer the call groggily, and a very excited Mei tells me to get my butt to Sandy's boat to hang out. I laugh and tell her I'll be there in a flash.
I took a quick shower, brushed my curly mane, grabbed my small backpack purse, and stuffed my phone, a charger, house keys, moped scooter keys, and some snacks for the road. I started to leave my room but looked at my vanity and saw the gift Monkey King gave me shining in the mirror. I grab the comb place it gently into my hair and skip out of the room.
Quietly and successfully sneaking past a busy Pigsy, I hop onto my moped and zoom in the direction of Sandy's boat. I arrive just in time to hear the last bit of a news program covering last night's shenanigans.
"Sup, guys?" I say as I climb up the steps to where everyone is on deck.
"Nuwa!" Mei and MK shout excitedly
"You slept in today," Mei says while flicking my forehead gently
"I slept like a baby, you know saving the world isn't easy," I say while high-fiving MK
After he does a quick reenactment of last night's events, he punctures a hole in Sandy's boat. We try to figure out how to clog the leak while Tang gets his daily tongue-lashing from Pigsy.
"Look out," Sandy shouts as a crate starts to fall overhead.
Everyone gets out of the way except MK, which thankfully doesn't crush him. He pops out the top of the crate, yelling at the top of his lungs.
"I am invincible!"
I take a huge sigh of relief, but it's short-lived when Mei pulls out a bazooka and shoots it at MK, and as I was close to MK, I got hit with the explosion after effects.
"Ugh...." I say while dusting myself off and seeing that MK is unscathed again.
Pigsy breathes a sigh of frustration
"Look, kid, you're a superhero now. You're going to need -" He was then cut off by Mei
"A cape! Maybe a logo, or a headquarters, some vehicles, you know all the stuff to help you beat bad guys, " Mei says excitedly
"Totally! I can see it now!" I say
"To the secret base!" Mei jumps up to the entrance of this secret base, and a door opens.
Everyone gasps and looks on in awe. We all rush to the entrance and go down to the lair, which is a tight fit in the elevator. But once we reached the level, I was shell-shocked at how quickly she put this together and started looking around. I suddenly get a chill up and down my spine MK notices and walks up to me.
"Something is happening," I say to him
I get back in the elevator, making my way to the deck. I turn the TV on and see that Red Son has taken over the Weather Machine. Everyone soon follows suit and sees the broadcast.
"Oh yeah!" MK, Mei, and I shout, but for different reasons
Mine was to beat the lights out of Red Son and MK, and Mei's was to test out MK's Monkey King powers. Pigsy tries to reason with him, but it doesn't even reach MK's ears as he shoots off with the staff, I grab on to hitch a ride, and we mack our way to Red Son.
"Not so fast, Red Son!" MK says
"Noodle Boy....and accomplice," Red Son says as he turns around in the weather manager chair
"Ugh, really, I have a name, you know, or at least come up with a better nickname!" I shout and balk my hand into a fist
"I thought I smelled garbage," Red Son says, completely ignoring what I just said
MK, well, being MK, starts swinging the staff around and knocks Mei on the head pretty hard, and it leaves one of those cartoon bumps on her head. Then the staff gets swung in another direction, and we all duck except Sandy, who also falls victim to the staff.
"You dorks done beating each other up yet?" Red Son says quite amused
"Yes! And you're next on my list, " MK retorts
But the staff ends up not obeying him and sending him bouncing across the room and through the glass walls and plummeting downward. The rest of us end up being surrounded by Bullbots.
"Now would be a good time to use your borrowed Monkey King powers Nuwa," Mei says nervously, whispering
"I can't do anything without the staff, and besides, I doubt I have his powers as well," I whisper to her
We ended up getting tied up. Everyone was in a pile on the ground, but I had the 'honor' of being tied up and next to Red Son.
"Wait till I get out of these restraints. I'll show you what this accomplice can do," I shout
"Oh, so now you refer to yourself as such now?" Red Son retorts
I pout and blush a bit as I look away
"Got nothing to say for once." He grabs my chin gently and forces me to look up at him. "You've got a fiery spirit, kind of reminds me of someone I once knew." He shakes his head and lets go of me.
"No matter, Noodle Boy won't defeat me this time," he says while walking back to the monitors.
I start to wiggle my body to loosen my restraints, just in time for MK to fall through an opening in the ceiling. While he distracts him, I'm able to break free, I untie everyone and make my way to MK. Not knowing what I could do to help, I pulled my backpack off and started using it like some type of nunchaku and hitting the bull bots while MK thought of a plan. I toss my bag at Red Son as he stands on the pile of null bots it hits him square in the face, and I catch the bag. MK uses the staff to electrocute the bots and Red Son.
Red Son falls to the ground, and before he can flame poof himself away, I hit him again with my backpack and stick my tongue out at him.
"Bye Red Boy," I say mockingly and giggle
"That was Epic, you guys!" Mei says while hugging us both
"Heck yeah, it was he just got MK'od again," He says while high-fiving the two of us.
MK walks over to the weather machine and turns the weather back to normal.
"I think we should celebrate this victory with a few rounds at the arcade," I say as I start walking toward the elevator
"Woot woot!" Mei shouts while running to the elevator.
I couldn't help but have my mind wander to Red Son's hand on my chin and admire how soft it was. He grabbed me firmly but took care not to add too much pressure on his grip. For a brief moment, I saw gentleness in his eyes, those black pools softening when thinking about the person I reminded him of.
"That person must have been something special for him to show a moment of vulnerability," I say quietly to myself
"Nuwa! Hurry up, or we'll leave without you!" MK shouts
"You won't because I'm already halfway there," I yell as I speed off on my Moped that I called to our location.
MK hops onto Mei's motorcycle, and we zoom off to the arcade.
*A few days later*
After that whole fiasco with Red Son, our lives returned to semi-normalcy. MK and I do our deliveries, once I'm finished with my shift I head back to my apartment to chill and maybe take a nap while MK helps Sandy paint his boat. Taking a quick shower putting on some comfy jammy jams and turning on the TV, I jump onto my bed cuddle my pillow, and watch a Monkey King movie. I'm awoken by Mei busting through my door, tossing some clothes at me, and telling me we're gonna grab MK and go out. Giggling and rubbing the sleep crust out of my eyes, get dressed in my go-to clothes a black skort a purple t-shirt with a black heart on the chest area, and my signature purple and pink hoodie. We head over to the Anti-gravity Arcade and have a ball. MK and Mei go neck and neck with the scores and I steer clear of their high-score battle. I go for the claw machines and snag a few charms for us. After a long night of mucking around MK and I finally make our way to our apartments and pass out as soon as our heads hit our pillows. The next day we wake up a bit groggy and the day repeats itself, again and again. Poor MK was pushing himself too hard and the lack of sleep on my part was causing me to see things during the day and dream of things when I finally got some shut-eye.
Every time I think about the dream I forget what I dream about even after I wake up it's immediately gone from my memory. But I know I'm having the same dream over and over again. But the one thing I won't forget is a laugh and a purple glowing aura. I come downstairs with a towel wrapped around my head to dry my hair, wearing a black tank top and purple shorts. Grabbing myself a bowl of noodles I take a sip of broth as I turn around I see two MKs and immediately spit the brothers out and look at the two in total confusion.
"Tang?MK? No way one of the 72 transformations?" I shout excitedly
I rush upstairs to change into my outfit, I return downstairs and follow MK to see how his new power works. It started as being pretty handy but he started to get out of control with it quite quickly. And he was losing hair...FAST! Luckily and definitely not out of pure luck, some wavy Kung fu stuff worked at getting rid of the clones. Oh, and we also had to fight a bunch of MK's that DJ Anti-Gravity MK created there was hair everywhere...sigh. 10 out of 20 do not recommend doing it again until he's better at this Monkey King Business. After our Movie Marathon and a satisfying beat down on MK for not learning his lesson. I make my way to bed.
Grabbing my pillow and snuggling in close, I toss and turn for a bit until sleep takes over. In the dream world, I'm in the city but something feels different it's quiet...eerily quiet. I call out for my friends to no avail.
"Mk? Mei? Pigsy? Tang? Sandy? Anyone?" I shout as I walk down the street that leads to Pigsy's Noodles
A dark shadow appears behind my on place of my own. Purple eyes and an open mouth illuminate the figure's face. A deep chuckle echoed from everywhere. It causes my skin to create goosebumps and a slight blush dusts my cheeks. A lantern with purple lights swaying back and forth in the distance.
"See you soon kid", the mysterious voice whispers in my ear.
I awake with a start, a cold sweat covering my body and clothes clinging to me. After I calmed my crazy beating heart. Looking at the time and seeing it's only 5 am. Knowing I wouldn't be able to fall asleep, decided to do some light meditation and go for a run. Changing into some workout clothes I go to my sitting room. I sit on my yoga mat, light some incense, and play some calming music. Closing my eyes and taking long deep
breathes I started to relax.
"Yep! I'm totally gonna win this thing" MK says very sure of himself
I sigh and try to tune out the conversation MK and Mei are having.
"Wait, what? You're not racing! I'm racing! You've been watching me train for months. This should not be a surprise" Mei exclaims
My right eyelid starts to twitch and I take a deep long inhale through my nose and exhale loudly out of my mouth.
"Well, I tried," I say defeated, walking back to my room hopping into the shower, brushing my teeth, and pushing my hair back with a headband.
Walling to my motorcycle in the alley, I push a button that turns it into a quad. I start to tinker on it quickly making a few adjustments for the race. I can still hear MK and Mei arguing about who will win. But I tune them out and giggle to myself.
"Oh they'll never know what hit them"
*Time skip to racetrack*
"We're now just minutes away from the start of the race as the drivers make their final preparations!" The announcer says excitedly.
I make my way to the race track on the motorcycle I arrive and hear Red Son.
"Can you Peasants be quiet? I'm trying to get in the zone" Red Son says while revving his engine
"Yeah well, you're gonna need all the help you can get I say as I pull up.
"Nuwa!" Both MK and Mei say
"You two thought you're gonna race without little ole' me? I can test out my latest creation now" I giggle as I push the transformation button.
*Insert transformer sounds while it switches to quad mode*
I had the chance to paint the quad purple, black, and orange I hope on, putting my hair into a poofy ponytail, placing my comb into my hair as well and winking at them both.
Red Son looks over at me in awe with a slight blush on his face, but it quickly disappeared when his parents showed up in their vehicle. Everyone freaks out except me, Red Son, MK, and Mei.
The gold and silver demons changed the track and made it a free-for-all all so long as someone reached the finish line first.
"On your mark"
"Hold on," Mei says nervously
"Get set!"
I revved my engine, put my helmet on, and slipped on my driving gloves that allowed my fingers to be free.
"Wait what?" Red Son says
PIF, DBK, and I zoom off while the others get pushed aside by their huge vehicle. We were neck and neck until the other drivers caught up with us. Red Son taunts his parents which causes his dad to go straight into the mountain and tunnel through.
"What the, what?" I shout while looking back
I'm in the lead with MK, Mei, and Red Son behind me.
"Get out of my way, Noodle boy!" Red Son shouts
"Never!" MK shouts back
Red Son and Mei zoom past him and I pick up the speed. Mei ends up in front of me but I slow down a bit knowing MK's impulsiveness and not wanting to be caught in the crossfire.
"And at this point, the only way Mei's not going to win is if some sort of flying fool were to crash into her from above," Jin Said
I sigh and look up above me seeing MK flying through the air and crashing into Mei.
"Good thing I know MK so well"
Red Son and I zoom past and Red Son shouts at us.
"Victory is mine peasants!"
"Oh well see about that flamethrower" I tease
"F-Flamethrower! You imbecile" He angrily says
"Sorry, I'm workshopping the name-calling but that'll do for now"
I giggle, blow him a kiss, and salute him as I zoom around him. Out of nowhere MK and Mei come in hot and all three of us cross the finish line.
"Oh Me Gosh" I jump up and down excitedly with MK and Mei.
Red Son predictably loses his cool and his hair turns into shooting flames as he throws a tantrum.
"Noodle Boy! Imbecile Girl. You're insufferable! That peach should be mine!"
"Ha! You're never getting this fruit!" MK says while taking a big chomp of the Peach trophy.
I could hear his teeth shatter and I grimaced in pain for him. But I couldn't help but laugh with Mei as the two men were confused as to why it wasn't a real peach.
Red Son leaves angrily and we look at each other.
"Well, then where are the real peaches of immortality?"
Mei shrugs her shoulders
I have a quick flashback of holding a soft peach in my hand and Monkey King smiling at me. It quickly goes away as I shake my head to clear it.
"Come on guys let's go celebrate!" I say happily
"Woot woot" Both MK and Mei say
We make our way back to my apartment, where I make pizza and peach-filled steamed buns. We watch a few movies and play video games until we pass out on my living room floor in a heap of blankets and pillows. I toss and turn while mumbling in my sleep.
I dream of a great battle...WITH THE BUDDHA!! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?
I end up getting hit and see blood pooling under me, a name is being called it feels familiar.
"Oh is Ai are you ok?" I feel myself being sat up and Monkey King is holding me tightly
"Wait who's Ai?" I think to myself looking down at my skin it's the color of my blood
"No way, am I...was I....no no no this can't be happening!"
I awake from the dream, looking around I see MK and Mei snoring peacefully. Stumbling to my room, slowly sat on my bed, massaging my temples with my fingertips and sighing heavily.
"Why am I having these dreams? Do they feel so real? Am I seeing someone else's dreams?" I sat quietly to myself, so many questions flooding my brain.
"I need to find out who this Ai person is, but I can't ask Monkey King directly. But I need to know for my sanity" I fall back onto my bed close my eyes and pull the covers over myself.
"That's a tomorrow problem," I say while drifting off
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Prompt from @thesassywallflower​ for @spnfanficpond​ Secret Santa): Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday.
Pairing/characters: Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum, Sam Winchester, Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves, Patience Turner, Alex Jones
Chapter warnings/tags: finale-fix it, there was no rebar, fluff, domestic, mistletoe, Dean in a black merino wool sweater, 
Chapter WC: 2100
Author’s notes: This is multiple chapters written in 3rd person POV, shifting perspective in each section. Many thanks and love to my dear @brrose-apothecary​ and @stusbunker​​. 
Text divider by @talesmaniac89.
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Donna and the girls are still dancing when Sam and Dean come in from the rapidly darkening and chilling outside. Sam makes a beeline for the kitchen with the box from the liquor store, and Dean crosses the living room to the tree with a couple of colorful, tissue-filled gift bags.
The girls’ impromptu dance party has Donna feeling warm and euphoric, but the weight of Dean’s gaze and the way he's just out of her line of sight makes her skin feel hot and tight. Just when she thinks she should cut things short and get in the shower, Elvis’ Santa Claus Is Back In Town fills the air.
Donna recalls a time when her ex-husband Doug was still attracted to her and told her his fantasy was for her to do a “sexy dance” to it for him. She never did it because she lacked confidence. But here, safe in her own home with some of the people she loves and trusts the most in this world, she smiles and pushes her hands up into her already messy hair. Donna sways and dips her hips to the heavy beat, and the girls sing along, pretending their thumbs are their microphones like they’re rock stars.
“You gonna see me comin' in a big black Cadillac, oh-whoa-whoa-whoa it’s Christmastime, pretty baby!”
Donna laughs and spins until she sees Dean watching her. His eyes are twinkling gold and evergreen, his heavy lips twist in a smirk, and his arms are folded across his chest. As she sways toward him, his gaze roams her face and drags downward. It makes her breath stick in her chest, and she gasps, but she’s still grinning.
Dean drops his arms open and licks his lips like he did that morning just as she comes to a stop beside him to retrieve her phone from the charger.
“Havin’ fun?” he asks. His voice is close and warm, but it makes her shiver in the best way. She closes her eyes and draws a deep breath. She can’t hide it from him anymore, and she doesn’t want to.
“I am,” she replies, pocketing her phone. When she looks back up at him, what she sees redefines the word swoon, and her breath catches again. “Thank you for coming.”
Her sudden expression of gratitude seems to surprise him. He tilts his head and narrows his eyes. “Thanks for havin’ us, D.” His small, wondering smile, turns to a grin.
Dean reaches up and does that cliched brushing of a stray hair from her forehead. She closes her eyes for a brief moment to savor how close he is and the way he’s touching her. She knows she must look a mess, but she doesn't care about that.
Except she has other guests coming soon.
“Alright, folks,” she says, pulling her gaze from Dean’s... everything and twisting her hair on top of her head with an elastic from her wrist. “I’m gonna hop in the shower and get dressed. People’ll be here in less than two hours.”
Alex claps her hands together and asks Patience to help her start getting the buffet set up.
“What can we do?” Sam asks Donna as he hands Dean an open beer.
Dean’s still eyeing her like she’s personally on the buffet, and she likes that he’s doing it. Sam seems slightly less surprised and uncomfortable with their eye fucking than he did this morning, so that's a good sign.
“Welp, you two strapping gents can get the coolers ready on the back porch with ice and drinks.”
“Copy that,” Dean says, and she has to make a concerted effort not to giggle like he’s said something incredibly thrilling.
Instead, she calls out to Jody in the kitchen. “Hey, Jodes?”
“Yeah?” Jody replies, peeking around the doorway.
“Can you show the boys where the coolers are?”
“Sure thing!” Jody chirps. “Turkey’s done, by the way!”
“Oh, good.” Donna sighs. “Okay, well, I’m off to shower.” With that, she turns and all but sprints down the hall.
She closes her bedroom door and falls back against it, breathless. Since this morning’s events, Donna decided to wear something other than a Christmas sweater tonight. First, though, she needs to try it on.
“Uffda,” she mutters to herself before striding toward her antique wardrobe and opening the doors with purpose. She spots the sumptuous top she had in mind right away. As she begins to examine her selection, there’s a gentle knock at her door.
“Hey, can I help?” Jody walks into the room, and her eyes go wide as she closes the door behind her, whistling low and long. “Whoa.”
“Yeah?” Donna turns back to the wardrobe and closes one of the doors to check out the situation in the full-length mirror.
Jody appears behind her in the reflection. “Donna, that is gorgeous. How have I never seen this?”
Donna shrugs. “Never had the occasion. Or the courage.”
She and Jody study and appreciate the red satin bustier and its delicate crystal straps.
“Wendy talked me into it. Still has the tags on it.” Donna snorts as she walks to her bed to lay it next to the jeans she plans to wear.
“Well, if Christmas Eve isn’t the best time to debut a red satin bustier, I don’t know when is,” Jody says, joining her.
“Right?!” Donna whips her henley over her head and lets it drop to the floor before removing the festive top from the hanger to fit it over her sports bra.
Jody steps in to help adjust the top, and once they have it fastened, they face the mirror again.
“Oh, that’s nice,” Jody says. “Perfect color, perfect fit, and with those jeans-” Jody playfully smacks her friend on the shoulder. “I cannot believe you bought this! But... god, it looks amazing!”
Donna feels like she might bubble over with excitement. She loves the way it feels against her skin, the way it hugs her ribcage, and holds her breasts. It’s luxurious.
“Ya know, it didn’t really cost that much,” Donna says, feeling like she needs to make excuses for treating herself.
“Look at your tits!” Jody exclaims, and Donna does. Again. She can’t stop looking at her tits, honestly. “That alone is worth a million dollars — come on.”
Donna nods. “They do look pretty fantastic, don’t they?” she says.
“And...” Jody pauses then lowers her voice, despite glancing at the securely closed door, before she continues. “Not that I have any idea whether he’s a boob man, or...” Jody gestures around Donna’s hips and backside. “Regardless, that man out there is going to lose his shit.”
Donna tilts her head and purses her lips. “Ya think?”
“I know,” Jody replies. “Now. What’re you doing with this glorious mane of yours?”
Donna chuckles, tossing the bustier back to the bed, and begins to tell Jody about her beauty plan for the evening.
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Claire sidles up beside Dean as he dumps a bag of ice into a cooler. “So, uh, you got something other than lumberjack chic for tonight?”
Dean arches a brow and crumples the wet plastic bag into a ball. “No, smart ass, Donna said we didn’t need anything special.” He turns and tosses the ball of plastic into the garbage before grabbing another bag.
“OK, well...” She pauses, shifting her weight beside him as he fills a second cooler. “I may have brought you something. Special.”
Dean looks over at her to find her eyes wide and her lip thoroughly chewed. He chews the inside of his own lip as he balls the second plastic bag to toss it toward the can, misses, and swears under his breath.
“Claire, you should really save your money. We’ve talked about this.” He gives her a pointed look as he flips the lids of the rest of the coolers open.
“It wasn’t that expensive.”
Dean sighs and turns his full attention on her with his hands on his hips.
She’s still so young, and it’s times like these it really shows. She’s a busted-up kid, orphaned by the age of 16. But she has great fucking instincts with zero trust in herself. That’s a Hell of a combo.
He wishes he could teach her things. He wants to tell her that she’s worth so much. He figures the best way to do that is to lead by example.
“OK, well...” He surrenders his hands. “Where is it?”
Claire barely suppresses her excitement as she produces a plain paper bag from behind her back. Dean chuckles and feels a little heat in his cheeks as she hands it to him.
“The fashion blogs all say they’re really versatile,” she starts to babble, a blush darkening her own cheeks. “It’s warm but like not too warm-”
Dean’s heart skips a beat. It’s not often he receives gifts, and as gifts go, this is a nice one. He flicks his gaze to hers and arches a brow. Inside the bag is a black merino wool sweater.
“It’s not like it’s cashmere or something. You’ll still be manly.” She rolls her eyes half-heartedly.
Dean huffs a quiet laugh and shakes his head as he reaches to wrap an arm around her shoulders and pull her in for a hug. “Thanks, kid.”
“Sure. Now you can be all handsome for Donna,” Claire teases, poking him in the side.
“What the...” Dean scoffs, rearing back in mock disbelief. “Does everybody know about...”
Claire’s eyebrows shoot toward the ceiling of the porch. “About...?”
Dean narrows his eyes and tucks his tongue into the side of his cheek.
“Got the drinks,” Sam says as he walks out onto the porch. “Jody said to do soda in one cooler, White Claws in another, and beer in a third but leave the fourth cooler with just ice.”
Dean squeezes Claire’s hand in his before turning to Sam.
“Hey, look, Claire got me a sweater,” he preens, making Claire roll her eyes again with a giggle.
“Oh, cool, you gave it to him?” Kaia says as she walks out with a case of soda.
“Dude. Are you gonna wear that?” Sam asks, looking like he doesn't understand sweaters, but Dean thinks he’s probably just jealous.
“Fuck, yeah,” Dean replies, brushing past his brother. “You just wish you had one, too.”
Claire and Kaia laugh and Sam shakes his head.
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Donna exfoliates from head to toe, and carefully shaves, paying close attention to her more delicate areas. She doesn’t necessarily intend to get naked with Dean tonight, but this routine is a surefire confidence booster. She wants to feel her most feminine and beautiful.
Outside the shower, she uses her favorite scented body lotion and slips into her sexiest pair of panties. They're a shimmery pink, and she likes the way they complement the red of the bustier.
In her bedroom, she sits at her vanity for make-up and hair. She spends just as much time on her lips as everything else combined — red to match her top. Lastly, she removes the shower cap, unwinds the rollers from her hair, and brushes and situates her waves.
“Alright, D-Train, this’s it.”
Donna pulls on a pair of trouser socks, shimmies into her soft, worn blue jeans, and finally dons the bustier. Before walking out into the fray, she steps into her black ankle boots and draws a deep, cleansing breath as she takes one last look at herself in the full-length mirror.
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Dean smooths the soft wool under his hand and checks his hair in the bathroom mirror once more before walking out into the hallway. A light, fresh scent like the respite of lime after a shot of tequila wraps him up, and then she says his name.
When he turns toward her voice, he’s almost knocked flat on his ass.
“Well, look at you, handsome,” Donna says with a beautiful, blinding grin framed by the most luscious cherry lips Dean has ever seen. She's all curves, smooth skin, and bouncy golden hair packaged in an outfit so hot Dean can barely breathe. It's just jeans, but...
“Holy shit,” he breathes. “You look fucking amazing.”
Donna’s throaty chuckle chases heated blood straight to Dean’s dick. As Donna saunters closer in the dimly lit hallway, that heat gradually spreads to all of his extremities, making him feel soft and heavy and ready to pull her down with him.
“This is nice,” Donna says, tracing the delicate tips of her first three fingers in a soft line from the tip of the shallow v-neck of Dean’s sweater down his torso. Her hand drops away after just a few inches, and Dean immediately feels the loss.
He nods. “Claire,” he says, reaching into his pocket.
Donna hums and smiles. “She does love her uncle Dean.”
The moment is something that might be captured in one of those Hallmark movies with Christmas lights that make everything shine and the beautiful blonde look like a walking, talking present from under the tree. The biggest difference is Dean’s internal wish to get that present alone so he can slowly unwrap it and play with it to both of their hearts' content. The Hallmark channel is a family channel.
“Found the mistletoe,” Dean murmurs, twirling the small, berried branch between his thumb and forefinger as he holds it aloft. He dips to look at Donna from underneath. “Is it time? Or do we have to wait ‘til midnight?”
Donna smiles so wide, her big, sparkling eyes are framed by a spray of sunshine. “That’s New Year’s Eve,” she replies quietly, taking a tentative step closer.
“Ahh,” Dean whispers, letting her close the distance. “Well, then...”
She rests her hands against his chest, and he dips further with his eyes closed until he feels the warm, lush press of her lips against his.
Chapter Four
Please don’t leave without telling me what you think!
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mackeydoodledoo · 2 years
The Florals: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x (Fem!)ReaderMC
Summary: You and your best friends are one of the most popular local bands. After a gig you meet the bartender, who has caught your eye and interest.
Chapter Warnings: Smoking [Not the Main Character]
A/n: N/A
Chapter Key: Italics = Thoughts, Bold/Indent = Text Messages, Bold/Italic = Dream Sequence, [Words] = Song lyrics, +*+ = Time skip
Chapter Theme: NO WAY! - Clubhouse
You close and lock the door to your apartment after driving 20-30 minutes with Lark to get home. You put your hands in your pockets and hear something crunch. You take it out and it's a sheet of paper. You unfold it and you find it to be a phone number… And a note.. From Wanda.
“Call me,” You read aloud
It has a simply drawn flower and a heart with Wanda’s phone number on it. You hop into bed and type in the number into your phone and text her.
Hey it’s Strel, the girl you met earlier
You initially wait for a text back immediately but none of the sort. So you decided to go to the bathroom to freshen up before you head to bed. Though a few minutes later you check your phone to see a text back.
Hey you ;)
You texted her back almost immediately, a stupid smile forming along your face. You two were talking about childhood, growing up, etc until you loose the perception of time. You look on your phone to see that it was almost 1am.
Hey, I think I should get to bed, got work tomorrow
Okay, sounds good, I’ll text you tomorrow, Good night Strelitzia
Good night Wanda
You plug in your phone into its charger and turned out the lights as you settle yourself underneath the covers. You look out your window out your window and the road below; a few cars were still out and about. Pine’s lamp is still on. 
Must be reading still… 
You look next-door to see Lark; smoking a joint. Poppy’s apartment is dark. As well as Roses’ room. After long and gazing at the outside world your eyes finally grow heavy enough to fall asleep. Still listening to the world below.
You open your eyes to see yourself back at Banks Theatre. However, no one else was around, not even your friends. 
“Wanda?” You look at the bartender
She turns around and low and behold, it was her. 
“Hey,” She smiles
“Care to explain to me why we’re the only ones here?” You ask, leaning over the table
“You tell me,” She replies, “But hey, wanna get out of here?” 
“To where?” You ask
“Anywhere,” She smiles
She grabs your hand and pulls you closer to her. But the second she pulls you, you’re in a whole different setting. 
“Where are we?” You ask her
The setting wasn’t anywhere familiar to you. Wanda doesn't answer you as you look down at her.
“Wanda?” You try to call to her again
Again, she doesn’t say anything but doesn’t nod either. She only smiles and finally kisses me.Once she pulls away from my lips, a smile appears across her face. She leans close to your ear.
“You can run away with me, anytime you want,” Wanda whispers
You jolt awake, sighing as your phone alarm goes off. You let out a tired groan and grab it to shut off the alarm. You take a look through your notifications and immediately see a text from Wanda.
Morning sleepy head
Morning :)
Did you sleep well hun?
Yeah, yeah I did, hbu?
Not very much, couldn’t sleep
Awh, I’m sorry love, hey why don’t I bring you something to your work? A little pick-me-up from yours truly
That actually sounds good ;). Wanna bring it over when I head to my lunch break? And where do you work?
Just at Guitar center here in town. You?
I work at a grocery store, I think where you work isn’t too far from where you are.
Really? Great! I’ll see you then!
It’s a date!
Wait…. Did she say… Date???
You get out of bed and finally got around to freshening up, grabbing a quick breakfast and grabbing your coffee to go. You put on your jacket and stick your lanyard which has your essentials into one pocket and your phone into the other. You take the elevator down to the garage to head to your car. The Guitar Center you specifically worked at is about 20 minutes north from where you live. 
“Alrighty my boy,” You speak to your car, turning the key in the ignition, “Lets go back to our regularly scheduled lives shall we?”
You throw in in some beats from spotify, a playlist meant for everyday life. The first song that played as soon as you hit the big green button was “NO WAY!” by Clubhouse.
[If you want honesty, then you’re better off alone] [Went too far, you crushed my heart] [How you gonna fight me when you’re wearing his cologne?] [You break me down, shit’s way too loud]
It had barely been a full 24 hours but you already missed being in rehearsal with your friends and performing. Though you all still have shows after the summer time, but they’ll but not be as frequent as summer time would. Rather than performing every other weekend, it’d be date picked and agreed on between all five of you two to three weekend nights.
[Woah babe, what you on?] [That shit must be potent] [The smoke, haze in my lungs] [Makes it unimportant] [It's a cold case, my love] [We should probably seal it] [There's no way we could unfeel the way we feeling]
You pull into the parking lot of Guitar Center and hop out of the car. As soon as you shut the car door, you put your coffee mug on the top. Before heading inside to clock in, you tie your front bangs up into a half-up, half-down hairstyle. 
Easier to work when nothing is in your face right?
You grab your coffee mug and began walking to the doors, locking your car once you reach the front doors of your workplace. Realizing you didn't have proper keys to unlock the door, you use your knuckle to knock on it. 
“Good morning Phoenix,” Roy smiles, unlocking the door to let you in
Even since working there, Roy always found a fascination with your natural hair color. As it wasn’t really natural at all; he always called you ‘Phoenix’ since day one.
"’Sup,” You greet him
He lightly punches my shoulder and I clock into work.
“Since everybody’s back to school or work, big chances are it’ll be slow today,” Roy states
You nod and go into the drum/cymbals area. your best sales were always with drums, drum heads and accessories. Roy was more of the in-general store manager of the place. You sit behind the drumset and grab some sticks that were in the stick bag. Roy never minded you drumming while the store was open, just as long as you were able to greet/assist anyone and everyone who would come through the drums area.
The long hours of the morning go by slow. Here and there there would be on looking customers but not really coming up to me and asking me about anything.
“Strel,” Roy calls
You look up from the set you haven’t gotten up from for who knows how long.
“You’re free to take lunch right now if you want,” He says
Huh? Lunch? Already?
You take out your phone and it’s already past noon. You get up from the chair, nearly falling over due to your legs being asleep for most of the time. Every step of the way to the punch in-out clock was walking on a bunch of pins and needles.
“Just a heads up,” You start, finally reaching to the clock, “I might be back late. Hopefully not but I’m only saying this just in case.”
Roy raises his hand above his head, meaning he heard what you told him, even if his back was turned to you.
“That’s fine, just keep me posted,” Roy waves
You head out to the local diner to pick up lunch for you and Wanda. Slightly busy but that’s with the dine-in people.
“Heyyy Strelitzia,” Pappo says from the kitchen, “What can I get for you today?”
“I have two orders for you Pappo,” You say, “Two cheeseburger meals, one with a vanilla creme soda and a cherry cola.”
“Will you ever get over your obsession with vanilla creme sodas?” He asks
“Never,” You smile
He smiles back at you and gets to your order. You reach into your wallet and slip a small handful of bills into the tip jar, to give at least an even split between everybody working in the diner and take a seat. It wasn’t long before Pappo comes out of the kitchen with a decently sized bag.
You step in and I see Wanda. And I see him… Oliver. He’s in another band; My Heart Your Teeth. A rivaling band. He’s their bass player. 
[There’s no way we could unreel the way we feeling]
He sees me and he groans…
“If it isn’t fire head,” He announces
[I think you’re crazy] [We do this daily]
Wanda turns around and she smiles, she immediately runs over to you
“Hey you,” She says completely ignore Oliver and focus on you 
"Don't listen to her Wanda," He starts, "She'll just use you and break your heart."
"Unlike how you leave all of the girls you wanna hit up on read," You call back, "Didn't you leave one of my best friends on read? And how she came crying to me about how you guys were supposed to go on a date and you stood her up. You didn't answer any of her texts."
He gives me a death glare. He comes marching up to you. He was about to open his mouth to make a come back however his boss calls him back over.
“You already took your lunch to go smoke!” His boss says
[Bet you could never call my bluff] [Unless something's up] [Boiling my blood] [Burning up my cut]
You watch him hop back onto a register as Wanda leads you to an outdoor seating patio outside the store. You and Wanda organize the food. She brushes one side of her hair back. However, the wind continued to brush it all over her face. You stand up and walk over to the other side to stand behind her.
“What are you doing?” Wanda asks
“Helping you tie your hair back,” You say
You did a similar half-up, half-down hairstyle to yours.
"There," I say, smiling, "Now you won't have any sauce or crumbs in your hair."
You seatyoursele back in the opposite chair across from the other woman and take a sip out of your pop. 
"So, you and Oliver know each other?" Wanda asks between bites of her burger
"Yes but we're not all close friends," You state, "what I told him for what he did to my best friend, that is true." 
She looks at you in surprise as she continues chewing.
"Since then I never forgave him," You say, "I hate him and his friends. Because they probably believed what he told them. But Roy, I think he's his cousin. I like him. He works with me at the Guitar Center up the road." 
“Is that why I hear him rant about how ‘The Florals’ have privilege over them?” She asks
“What?” You ask
“Yeah, sometimes when we’re on break he would rant about how you guys have a better rehearsal spot, better equipment, better advertising,” She explains to you
“That’s only because Banks Theatre, is owned by our bass players’ father,” You start, “We save up our money; by working our asses off by working like full time employees and we have our families post, of course, we don’t ask them to post it but we’re okay with it if they do. We’re not really privileged. We worked our way to have a great rehearsal spot, we saved up money for our equipment and our own places.”
Wanda looks surprised as she puts her burger down to eat some fries. 
“Sorry... It’s just, we’re rivaling bands,” You mention, “So I guess it’s expected. Though I don’t rant and make up things like he does.”
Wanda giggles and the two of you finish out the rest of your lunch, talking about other things. You decide to walk Wanda back into the grocery store.
“Thanks for Lunch today Strel,” Wanda says
“You’re welcome,” You smile
You watch her walk back into the store but she stops. Just before the automatic doors close, she catches one last glimpse of you and winks and flirt waves to you ‘bye’.
Was that... Flirting????
As soon as you walked right back into work, you had come back in the nick of time. The store was absolutely packed. You quickly clock back in and begin making your way to find Roy.
“Roy!” I call out, “Hi how are you? Hi how are you? I’ll be with you in a minute.”
You repeated those phrases and found him with Charlie; My Heart Your Teeth’s Guitar/Singer. 
“Roy, the floor is busy with customers,” You state, “Where have you been?”
“Seriously?” he asks, “I was busy talking to Charlie.”
Likewise with Oliver, Charlie doesn’t like you very much either but not as much as Oliver does. 
“We got a full house that’s about to start rioting if we don’t head out there,” You state
Roy follows you out to the main floor where a lot of customers had come to gather. 
By closing time there was only two people left. A dad and his little girl. She was excited to have her first ukulele. Roy took care of them as you begin clocking out. You depart ways with Roy and head to your car.
I wonder if Wanda’s still working...
You decided to drive down to Wanda’s workplace. Sure enough she was still there, but with Oliver. But, the look on Wanda’s face didn’t sit right with you...
Chapter 2
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outerbankies · 3 years
only since you said please!
(disclaimer: this takes place during part 5 but in this version they went to topper’s, not griffin’s after midsummers. don't put too much stock into any of this—esp john b's appearance at the end—it's not important for the plot at the end of part 5, promise. just a scene i liked before i kinda changed the direction of the end of the part and had to delete stuff + rework some logistics.)
new light blurb: afterglow — rafe cameron
warnings: drinking, swearing, mentions of sex (minors dni)
“Times’it?” Rafe asks from his spot on your chest, his morning voice cracking from misuse and sending vibrations through your entire torso. “Hm?” You mumble, blindly running a hand through his hair. Your sleep-addled mind could still make out that your boyfriend smelled like chlorine.
“Time?” he reiterates.
You hum noncommittally, cracking just one eye open to search for your phone in the sheets. You can’t resist scratching a hand across his abs as you do, giggling when the muscles jump at your touch. You finally find your phone under your hip, only to discover a black screen when you try to power it on. “It’s dead.” “What would you do without me?” he chides, rolling over out of your hold to check his phone on the night stand, stopping his army crawl up the bed to give you a peck as he goes. He pulls his phone off of his charger. “Damn.” “What time is it?” You plaster yourself to his back, burrowing your face into the back of his warm neck and placing a kiss there. “Nearly noon, party girl,” he coos, plugging your phone in for you when you hand it to him and turning back over. You fall onto his chest, humming when he runs a hand through your hair. “We have to meet my sister and her boyfriend in an hour.” “Tell them to pick us up,” you whine. “And bring us coffee.” “Top said he had coffee delivered earlier. It’s in the kitchen,” he says, scrolling through the missed notifications on his phone. You hold your hand out for it, opening his Snapchat camera to check your appearance once he gives it to you. You gasp. “Oh god, I slept with my makeup on,” you groan, seeing your mascara had gathered in smears and bits under your eyes. You send a snapchat to Topper, typing out ‘please tell me you have makeup wipes.’ Rafe snatches his phone back out of your hand, saving the photo to his camera roll before he sends it for you, laughing maniacally as you whine. “I look like a panda.” “Mm,” he murmurs, setting his phone back down on the nightstand and snuggling down into the covers, arms circling in a vice grip around your waist. He assesses you one more time before letting his eyes shut again, pressing a long kiss to your forehead then resting his cheek against it. “Or maybe a raccoon. A cute one though.” “Nice save.” “I try,” he murmurs, cracking his eyes back open, looking down at you again, leaving it up to you to make that last move. You do, thumb on his chin angling him down at a good angle for you to kiss him. Rafe makes a pleased noise into your mouth, already shifting to lay on top of you, the arm that’s not holding his weight over you sliding under your back, fingers skimming underneath the back of your shirt—his shirt. There’s a knock on your door, a worse for wear looking Topper Thornton appearing in the doorway. “Hey, watch it bro,” Rafe admonishes, shifting off of you and making sure the duvet is covering you. “She’s not dressed.” “Chill, Rafe.” “Sorry, Y/n/n,” Topper says, but you just wave him off. He staggers into the room with a packet of makeup wipes, handing them off to you then promptly flopping down at the foot of the bed after you pat it, not unlike how you summon Wilbur. “I’d say I died and came back to life, but I think I just died.” “Me too, bud,” you sigh, started to scrape as much makeup as you can off your face. “Top, these are bougie.” “Did Blythe leave them here?” Rafe teases. Topper wouldn’t stop talking about this girl from his school that came to visit him a few weeks ago, and Rafe kept ribbing him for it every chance he could. “They’re my mom’s,” Topper mumbles, face down in the bed. “Fuck you.” “Down bad. Where’s Kelce?” “Last I knew, passed out in the tub down the hall.” Rafe laughs, pulling you closer to him, still making sure the covers are up to your waist. He pulls your shirt closer together where the buttons were undone. “Topper, close your eyes. I’m getting out of bed.” “I don’t think I could open them if I wanted to.” “She told you to close them,” Rafe says, kicking him from under the covers. “Ugh, you two make me sick,” he mutters, still moving to cover his eyes with his hand. “There.” “Thanks bestie,” you say, hopping out of bed to throw away your used makeup wipe. You hear a crash from down the hall as you settle back into bed. “Is that Kelce?” Rafe asks. “Kelce is dead,” a voice says from the doorway. Kelce is wearing sunglasses, his pink suit jacket from
Midsummers still on, but not much else underneath. “I am a new person. One that is never drinking again.” “Wait,” Topper says, resting up on his forearms suddenly, looking down at the covers under him, then to Rafe, shirtless, and you, wearing his dress shirt. Your dress, probably still damp from the night before, hangs over the shower rod in the en suite. “Please don’t tell me you guys had sex in my guest bed.” You blush, immediately denying it. “No, of course—” “Might wanna tip your maids extra,” Rafe cuts you off, laughing when you hide under the covers. He stops when you kick him in the shin. Topper fake wretches, making Kelce actually wretch before he runs down the hall. —
You’re whining about the bruise Rafe left on your hip, which your yellow bikini bottom strap so conveniently dug into, when John B steers the Druthers up to Topper’s dock. Rafe hops on first, helping you after him, tugging your t-shirt—which was actually his undershirt from last night—down further for you, even though it’s already brushing the tops of your thighs. He can’t resist the urge to press on the bruise with his thumb, grinning when you suck in air through your teeth. “You’ll be fine. Don’t act like you didn’t like it.” You push him away from your ear, trying to suppress a shiver. You can’t even remember if it was from his hand or his mouth. “Sarah!” you greet, leaving Rafe to follow behind you. It isn’t long before he’s smacking John B’s hands away from the steer, taking his rightful spot. He looks silly wearing one of Topper’s shirts, stretched a bit too tightly around his bigger build, the hemline falling a bit too high on his stomach. You’d offered to wear it instead so he could have his own shirt back; he didn’t take kindly to it, huffing and forcing Topper’s shirt over his shoulders. You even think you heard a seem rip. “Hey, Y/n,” Sarah says, hugging you and offering you a White Claw. You politely decline and she giggles. “Rough night?” You just shake your head, settling into Rafe’s side where he’s driving the boat. John B keeps trying to touch things and Rafe smacks his hands away, every single time. “Be nice, Rafe.” “Ooh,” John B says in delight, and Rafe just shakes his head. “Am I making you look bad in front of your girl, Cameron?” You open your mouth to say something, comment on how their relationship had evolved since high school. But Rafe’s admittance of his insecurities last night was still fresh in your mind, and you didn’t want to stir anything back up. You just lean further into his side, squeezing him around the waist. “Watch it, Routledge,” he says, smacking John B in the back of his head. “I’m still your girlfriend’s big brother.”
tags: @moniamaybank @downbytheouterbanks @littlementalpolaroids @fangirlvoice @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @amourtentiaa @loveylangdon @oopsiedoopsie23
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youngcollectedtired · 2 years
Warnings? Adorable Mikasa, hot Levi ackerman
Pairings? Levi Ackerman
Part 1/?
Reader needs a date for a dinner when her best friend can't make it. Her sister and friends all help her get ready while Erwin and Hange convince Levi to take a leap of faith on old feelings. Modern AOT x Reader. No spoilers for aot season 4 part 2 please.
note: [side characters are my real friends and this is a real scenario. replace the names with whoever you'd like.]
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You rushed home, not surprised to see everyone already spread across your living room. You'd left in the morning to do some shopping for the sleepover and also to pamper yourself for your nights events.
Your roommate moved out a few months ago and you found paying for a 3 bedroom apartment on your own not as bad as you would have thought to be. You made enough to pay the bills and self-indulge. Your job as a professor good to keep you on your feet. And you got Friday's off.
"Hey can you put these groceries up?" You asked your sister dumping them on the counter, "hey guys!" You waved to your friends.
Eren was laying on the ground, his head tilted backwards as he waved. Mikasa and Armin were in the middle of a card game. Levi was sipping from your favorite mug, you could see the familiar tea string coming out of the side. Connie, Sasha, and Jean were laughing at a movie. And your friend Jazz was teaching Hange how to make origami. You recognized the pattern for a bird.
All of this took a few seconds and then you took your personal bags to your bedroom throwing the target, torid, and walmart bag on the bed. You had two hours to shower, do your nails, and get dressed for tonight's event.
You were meeting your friend and her boyfriend for a double date, with your non existent boyfriend. Instead your best friend was to take his place and he was still at work. Which made you even more stressed. He was supposed to meet you at your place and you'd ride together, however as you shut the door to your bedroom and stripped it seemed as if that was unlikely.
You heard your door creak open and you turned quickly tying your robe. You were relieved to see it was just Mikasa.
You smiled, "Sup?"
She shook her head, "nothing, can i hang in here? I haven't seen you all day," she smiled a bit. You could tell she was a bit shy. She was a few years younger than you, not by much but you could tell she looked up to you.
You smiled widely, "of course! I'm gonna play some music and hop in the shower, but feel free to sit in my bed," you gestured to it barely made. She thanked you and moved towards it. The door was slightly creaked open not that you minded. You were completely covered.
You plugged your phone into it's charger and hit shuffle on your playlist.
Busy on the weekend
Caught up in your own small world
Well, I might wanna see it then
Call it hesitation, girl
You shut the bathroom door behind you and began your routine. You brushed through your hair running conditioner between your hands. You scrubbed your legs in sugar and shaved. You took a moment in the warmth knowing you'd need to get it out.
Still the water kept you captivated. Until the fourth song started. You knew it was time for you start your hair. Your rinsed the conditioner and turned off the water. Wrapping yourself in a towel.
You nearly slipped coming out of the shower, but your hands found the counter. You cracked open the door letting the steam free as your hair hung at your sides. It was longer than you remember. You knew it would take a while to do. As the steam was set free, you opened your bags on the bed.
Mikasa leaned forward, "What are you getting dressed for?" She asked curiously her eyes scanning the lingerie almost confused.
As your dried off to the best of your ability without flashing her you explained, "my friend and her boyfriend invited me to a dinner date. We're getting all dressed up and since I do not have a boyfriend I invited Avi," you gave a dry chuckle.
She nodded thoughts filling her mind. "So what are you wearing?"
You turned to your closet pulling out the dress you'd spend weeks mulling over purchasing. Her eyes widened greatly.
"Oh my goodness," her cheeks grew red, "you're gonna look freaking amazing!" She complimented.
You smiled, "We hope, I need to do my hair and finish my makeup," you made a face attempting fear. She laughed as you hung the dress back up.
"I'm not doing much for my makeup, I'm bad at it anyway," you spoke as you organized your makeup on the bed.
"Make up?" You heard Jean ask from outside your room.
You laughed opening the door to see everyone minus Levi sticking there head in your doorframe.
"Did I hear something about a date?" Eren smirked staring you up and down.
Jean rolled his eyes, "Shut up you idiot she doesn't have a boyfriend," he pushed Eren away. Who instantly soured his expression, the two began arguing as Armin shook his head.
"She said she was going with her best friend," Armin pointed, to you.
At the same time your phone buzzed, you read it before your anxiety rose, "Unfortunately he encountered an Emergency at work," you whispered, as your stomach dropped.
Your skin grew cold, "this is bad," you whined as your sister winced for you.
"Do you have to have a date?" Connie asked curiously.
You shook your head, "Normally no, but this friend of mine is very proud of her and boyfriend and takes any opportunity to make fun of me for my lack of one," you sat on your bed disinterested now, "now I don't even have a fake date." You cradled your head in your hands.
Mikasa moved from the pillows to sit next to you on the edge, "Hey now, don't completely loose hope!" She had her hand on your back.
Jazz sat next to you, "Yeah keep getting dressed, we'll think of something," she assured you.
Anna called out, "I know you really want to do this dinner, even though she's a bitch. So let me do your makeup, we'll make her boy friend fall in love with you," you heard her tone. It sounded quite evil.
Within seconds Anna grabbed your attention as the others made a beeline for Levi.
An hour later, with 30 minutes to spare before your departure time, your makeup was finished. They hadn't let you leave your room. You thought you'd heard the start of an argument, but it was resolved quickly. The music drowned out the rest of the noise. And the others were thankful you loved your playlists too much to try and turn it down.
Now you stood in front of your dress. Your curly hair dried, but resting on top of your head in a cotton shirt. Your makeup was beautiful. The foundation a perfect match, the sharp eyeliner to your liking. Your lashes and extensions fluttered as you adjusted your big glasses to your face. For a moment, staring your dress down you squeezed your freshly painted nails together. Knowing how exposed you'd be in this dress. It was a bodycon black dress, with mesh over shoulder sleeves and butterfly patterns.
You now had it on and focused on securing your jewelry around your neck. The square neckline left room for a simple gold drop down necklace. With a purple butterfly pendant falling right above the fabric. You fastened your gold mini butterfly earrings along your ear. You had a few different piercings and you were happy you'd had a chance to show them off.
You pulled the cotton shirt free and your hair laid along your shoulders still damp. Your style for tonight required dried hair, so turning on your fan you began diffusing your roots.
You knew flipping to the highest heat setting was bad in the long run but for now you didn't care. Because within 10 minutes your hair was dry. Leaving some curly strands to frame your face you pulled the rest of it back, twisting it and clipping a gold butterfly clip around it. The curls fell over it and now examining yourself in the mirror, you felt flawless.
"You ready?" Jazz asked pushing open the door, but before you could answer she finally looked at you. Her eyes widening and her mouth gasping.
Eren heard her, confused he entered the bathroom too, "wha-," he too was silenced into shock.
Suddenly you felt sick, "Is it bad?" You asked nervously.
"OH hell no," Eren laughed, "You're definitely making your friends boyfriend jealous tonight," he smirked, "you look hot."
You could tell at least from his perspective he wasn't lying. Still his obvious confession didn't stop the blush from warming your cheeks.
"Thanks," you mumbled unsure of how to respond.
Jazz shook her head, "He's not lying.”
You shook your head focusing on making sure you had everything. To focused to notice that you had exited your room. You felt pretty but the confidence dwindled as you realized you didn’t have a date.
You looked up to hear Hange giggling madly. And you finally saw why.
Levi was awkwardly standing his eyes downcast to his shoes. You could tell he was trying to make since of what he was wearing. He had on a black suit with a black turtle neck and a leather belt. On his middle finger was a simple silver band. And his hair was styled to perfection.
“Wow,” you muttered without realizing it. He looked up and his eyes scanned you.
You both looked at one another.
“Levi will be your date for tonight,” Jean presented as he gestured to him.
Your eyes bulged. “How did you even find a suit so fast? I’m so sorry you’re being roped into this,” you shook your head, “thank you.”
He rolled his eyes, “who said I was being roped into anything? Don’t apologize,” he offered his arm for you, “let’s go we should have already been on our way.”
And he was back. Back to your friend. You chuckled, “alright let me get my keys.”
He shook his head, “no need, I’ll drive.” He explained as he pulled you out the door.
“Have fun!!” Hange screeched the others wincing at her as they shut the door.
He opened the passenger door of his black car for you. You climbed in the night feeling more normal than anything.
You’d met Levi in college and you’d become fast friends. In the midst of that, you’d never admit to yourself or anyone else but you’d fallen for him.
Then life happened. You moved away he stayed behind. You traveled the world. He started teaching. When you came back for a visit he made you stay. Now you worked together. Your sister and her friends his students, Erwin and Hange his teacher friends.
A group of friends who became family. You’d never change it for anything.
Now onto dealing with your 𝖙𝖔𝖝𝖎𝖈 friend. Great. You couldn't even prepare Levi for the onslaught of torture.
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hyogonokitsune · 3 years
longing -- suna rintarou x reader
college!au, tw alcohol use, lil bit of fluff, lil bit of angst, some smut at the end because I can’t fucking help myself 🥴 (oral -- m and f receiving, choking, creampie, cockwarming hnnff)
11,600 words
“Hey, ‘Samu, I gotta go lie down.” You had to practically yell to hear yourself over the music blaring from the speakers. Osamu was less than two feet from you, but you might as well have been yelling from a mile away.
“I said I gotta go—fuck! Where’s your room?” You had to speak directly into his ear to make yourself understood; Osamu leaned in close to respond to you.
You hadn’t had that much to drink, but the atmosphere of the party was wearing you down. The insanely loud music and the crush of so many sweaty bodies were starting to give you a headache, and you were in desperate need of a quiet place to recharge. Most of the people were crowded into the living areas of the house, so you decided to escape to your friend’s upstairs bedroom to catch your breath.
You shut his door behind you, muffling the sounds of the party downstairs, and laid down on the bed, closing your eyes. Even here, you could feel the bass pounding in your head.
The door opened then, but when you lifted your head to look, it wasn’t Osamu standing in the room. You groaned; you definitely were not in the mood to deal with a random guy.
“Can I help you?” you asked in a hard voice, sitting up to look at him better.
“Can I help you?” he replied, utterly deadpan. He walked over to the desk in the corner and plugged his phone into a charger, his back facing you. “You’re in my room.”
“What? This is Osamu’s room.”
“’Samu’s room is the last door on the left. This is the last one on the right.” He turned around to look at you, his expression indifferent.
Your eyes widened as you realized your mistake, quickly hopping off his bed. “I’m so sorry! I must have misheard him. I just needed to get away from there,” you explained, gesturing towards the door.
He smirked at you. “Too much to drink?”
“No, there are just too many people down there, felt like I couldn’t breathe.”
His expression softened at your words. “Yeah, that’s why I came up here, too.”
“Well, I’ll leave you to it, then,” you said, moving towards the door.
“You’re Osamu and Atsumu’s friend, right?” he said, stopping you. “They said one of their old friends was gonna come over tonight.”
Your hand dropped from the doorknob as you nodded, telling him your name.
“I’m Suna,” he said.
“Oh! You went to high school with them, right? They’ve told me about you.”
“Nothing good, I bet,” he said, the corner of his mouth quirking up into a grin.
“Almost all good things,” you responded truthfully.
“’Almost’”, he repeated, a low laugh escaping him. Suna watched you for a moment, looking as if he was thinking about something. “You can hang out here, if you want,” he said, motioning for you to sit back on the bed as he pulled out his desk chair. “As long as you don’t puke on anything.”
“I told you, I didn’t drink that much!” you huffed, but you sat down all the same. You had wanted to get away from all the noisy people downstairs, but this guy seemed laidback enough that he wouldn’t make your headache worse; besides, you were interested in talking to someone who had known the twins in high school.
Suna put on a playlist from his phone, setting the volume just loud enough to block out the house music blasting from downstairs. “You’ve known them a while, yeah?”
You nodded. “Since we were kids, but I didn’t go to Inarizaki with them.”
“Good call.”
“They’re not that bad!” you laughed. “Don’t tell them this, but I actually missed seeing them every day, so it’s nice that we ended up going to the same university.”
“Maybe I will tell them that, then they’ll spend more time harassing you instead of me.”
“Don’t you dare.”
You both laughed then, before falling into an easy silence. You shifted to get more comfortable on his bed, crossing your legs underneath you.
“Do you not like parties?” you asked.
“They’re alright,” he said, rubbing at his eyes. “I’m not too crazy about having ten thousand strangers in my house, though.”
You hummed in agreement, nodding your head. “Yeah, what’s fun about having random drunk people sweating all over you? I’d rather just hang out with a few friends, ya know?”
He snorted. “Hopefully it’ll be more like that in the future, but Atsumu really wanted to throw a big party for the start of the semester.”
You couldn’t help rolling your eyes. “He just wanted to introduce himself to as many girls as possible.”
“Yeah, that was his not-so-secret motive.”
There was another pause. Suna scrolled through his phone, searching for something.
“You wanna see some embarrassing photos of the twins?”
“Yes, absolutely I do.”
He grinned, unplugging his phone to come sit next to you on the bed. He leaned in close, tilting his screen so you could see it. “Oh, here’s a good one,” he said, trying to suppress a smile as he showed you a picture of Osamu lying face down on the ground. “He tripped when we were jogging, completely ate shit.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the image, especially with Atsumu in the foreground holding up a peace sign over his brother’s body.
Most of the photos were of the two of them fighting; having grown up with the twins, it was a little comforting to see that they acted the same around their new friends as they always had with you. You felt somewhat nostalgic at the thought.
Suna paused on a closeup photo of Atsumu, his eyes red and puffy as he tried to swat the camera away. “Ah, this was after he got rejected by a girl and he swore he wasn’t crying.”
“Oh my god, I totally remember that day!” you said, laughing hard. “’Samu called me, begging me to talk some sense into ’Tsumu because he kept whining about being turned down.”
“Seriously? God, knowing that makes this so much better,” Suna said, a crooked grin on his face.
“Please don’t tell him I told you that.”
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
He showed you nearly three years’ worth of pictures, pausing at the memorable ones to tell you the stories behind them. It was easy talking to him; you felt able to laugh naturally and relax around him despite being strangers, something that you weren’t able to do with most people you just met.
You didn’t realize how long you and Suna had been talking until you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket; seeing that it was a call from Osamu, you answered it.
“Y/n, did you leave?”
You were surprised by the panicky note in his voice. “No, I told you I was going upstairs.”
“Yeah? Well where the fuck are ya, ’cause I’m standing in my room and you’re not in here.”
“I’m in Suna’s room—”
Before you could finish your sentence, you heard footsteps stomp across the hall and the door flew open.
“What the hell are ya doing in here?” Osamu asked, still holding his phone up to his cheek.
“We’re fucking, obviously,” Suna deadpanned. You giggled, but Osamu didn’t look amused.
“I got the rooms mixed up, ’Samu,” you explained, getting up off the bed. “Suna’s just been telling me about your time in high school.”
“Oh, great,” Osamu said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “It’s late, you want me to walk ya back to your dorm?”
“Can you even walk, or are you too drunk?”
“It’s Atsumu you should be worried about. He fell asleep on the couch downstairs.”
“Why does that not surprise me,” you laughed. You made your way over to Osamu, turning at the door to address Suna. “It was nice talking to you, I guess I’ll see you around.”
He was scrolling through his phone again, only giving you a brief disinterested glance. “Yeah, see you.”
 You poked your head into Osamu’s room, only to find that it was empty. It was a little disappointing; you had been hoping to hang out with him for a bit, since you hadn’t had time to see much of him that week, but if he wasn’t around there was nothing to be done about it. The book you had borrowed from him a few weeks ago was already in your hand, so you placed it on his desk and turned to leave.
Stepping back into the hallway, you noticed that the door across from Osamu’s was open. You casually glanced inside as you walked past, catching Suna’s eye from where he sat in front of his laptop.
“Hey,” you said, leaning against the doorframe.
“Hey,” he parroted as he took his headphones off his ears.
“I came by to return a book that Osamu lent me, but I guess he’s not around.”
“I think he’s meeting with a professor.”
“Ah.” You fell silent, and Suna turned his attention back to his laptop. “What are you reading?” you asked.
He looked up again, his expression a little sheepish. “You’re gonna think it’s boring.”
“Try me.”
He sighed. “It’s an article analyzing the influence of Shakespeare’s histories on English nationalism.”
Your face brightened as you spoke. “That was published last week, right? I bookmarked that so I could read it when I got the chance.”
Suna looked surprised at your response, his eyes widening slightly. “It’s pretty interesting so far.”
“I have to say, though, you didn’t strike me as the type to be into that kind of stuff,” you said, just a hint of a teasing tone in your voice.
His expression was blank again as he responded, “Well, I am a literature major.”
“So am I!” you said, smiling at him as you walked into his room and leaned against his desk. “I don’t think we have any classes together, though.”
“It’s a big school.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” You paused, thinking of a way to keep the conversation going. “What’s your favorite Shakespeare play?”
Suna glanced up at the ceiling, bottom lip rolling between his teeth as he thought. “I guess I’d say Hamlet. There’s just so much shit going on.”
“Ah, so you love the drama of it all,” you laughed. “I think it’s a tie between Hamlet and Macbeth for me. The twist at the end is just—” you cut yourself off to do a chef’s kiss, prompting Suna to laugh a little.
“‘Macduff was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped’, such a raw line.”
“Yes, exactly!” You were beaming at him, happy to learn that you shared a common interest. Over the course of the last few weeks since you first met Suna, you hadn’t had much of a chance to get to know him, despite him being your best friends’ roommate. He usually kept to himself, and on the few occasions when he joined you and the twins to play video games or get dinner together, he didn’t talk much. He seemed like a naturally reserved person, and as you remembered this, you felt a small pang of guilt for disturbing him.
“Well, I’ll let you finish that article,” you said, getting off his desk and making for the door.
His voice stopped you before you could leave. “You can hang out here until Osamu gets back, if you want.” You turned to face him, a little surprised.
“You sure? I don’t wanna bother you.”
“You’re not bothering me,” he said. “I can finish this whenever.”
You couldn’t help but smile, feeling like this was a rare invitation coming from him. Your heart beat a little faster at the thought.
“Have you ever seen ‘Scotland, PA’?” you asked.
“It’s an adaptation of Macbeth that takes place in a fast food restaurant.”
“Yeah?” he snorted, a grin appearing on his face. “You wanna watch it?” Before you could answer, he was unplugging his headphones and bringing his laptop over to you.
“Sure, if you want to,” you told him, feeling like you were really lucking out.
Suna sat on the floor at the foot of his bed, patting the spot at his side as he started searching for the movie. You sat down next to him, careful to leave a space between you.
When you watched movies with Atsumu and Osamu, their incessant talking usually got on your nerves pretty quickly, but you found that you didn’t mind listening to Suna’s comments. Watching the film together seemed to make any lingering awkwardness between you two disappear, and before long you were laughing and leaning into each other.
“Oh, I hate this part!” you groaned when you reached a certain scene, turning to press your face into Suna’s shoulder.
“Jesus, that’s fucked up,” he chuckled, grimacing as Duncan’s character fell face-first into a deep fryer.  
“Then why are you laughing!” you said, lifting your head, but you couldn’t keep your own laughter from bubbling up in your chest. Suna gave you a crooked grin, your reaction only making him laugh harder.
“Oi, Sunarin! You got a girl in there or something?” Osamu’s voice floated in through the open door, his head appearing a moment later. His eyes widened when he spotted you. “What the hell are ya doin’ here?”
“Hello to you, too, ’Samu,” you said dryly. “I came here to return your book, but you were too busy to see me, I guess.”
“Took ya long enough,” he grumbled, but he grinned at you all the same. “I’m starving, you wanna grab something to eat?”
“Yeah, later,” you said, turning to look at Suna. “There’s still a bit left in this movie, you wanna finish it now?”
“Yeah,” he replied, a little surprised that you’d postpone hanging out with your friend to finish the movie with him.
“Ugh, fiiiine,” Osamu groaned, rolling his eyes at you, “guess I’ll go shower, then. But don’t take too long, I’m so fuckin’ hungry.”
 “Maaaan, I can’t wait until this semester’s over,” Atsumu sighed. “I feel like it’s draggin’ by.”
“Yeah, it’ll be nice to go home for break.”
The two of you were standing on a patch of grass outside the gym, passing a volleyball back and forth. It was chilly, your breath coming out in silvery puffs, but after spending most of your time inside studying for the past week, you had both wanted to get some fresh air.
“I just know I’m gonna fail my bio final.”
“You’ll be fine, ’Tsumu,” you chuckled as you bumped the ball back to him. “You’ve been studying more in the last few days than I’ve seen you do in your entire life.”
“Hey, I studied in high school!” he huffed, his face contorting in mock annoyance as he set the ball. “Just ask Suna!”
The mention of his roommate’s name made your stomach flutter, causing you to mess up the course of the ball.
Atsumu quickly stepped to the side to get under it, giving you a nice, high set in return. “Jeez, you’ve really let your skills slip, huh?” he teased, grinning at you.
“Shut up, piss head.” Your cheeks were already pink from the cold, but you felt them heating up.
“Why don’t you play anymore anyway? I’m pretty sure there’s a women’s club on campus.”
You shrugged as you responded. “I don’t know, I don’t think I’m good enough to play for a college team.”
You heaved a sigh. “Fine. I just think it’d be weird to play on a new team. I liked my old team, ya know? All my good memories are of them, I don’t think it would be fun to have to learn a whole new dynamic with new people. I’d feel like I was… I don’t know, like I was cheating on them or something.”
Atsumu looked at you like you’d just told him the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. “That’s still bullshit.”
“Well I don’t expect you to understand, you freak. You wouldn’t care who your teammates are, as long as you get to play volleyball.” You gave him a smile as you passed him the ball. “I still have fun playing with you and ’Samu, though.”
“You better. If that ever changed, I’d have to rethink this whole friendship.”
You both laughed, but a part of you wondered how serious he really was.
“Fuck, okay my fingers are actually starting to go numb. Can we go inside now?” you asked, shoving your bright red hands into your jacket pockets.
“Yeah, you wanna grab some dinner?”
The two of you set off for the campus dining hall, huddled close together for warmth. The sun was just beginning to set, making the bare trees cast long, spindly shadows on the path in front of you. You quickened your pace, shivering a little.
The dining hall was just beginning to fill up; you and Atsumu managed to grab a table near the back of the room before all the spots were taken. You wrapped your freezing hands around your bowl of soup, savoring the warmth. Atsumu wasted no time digging into his own meal.
“You might wanna wipe that rice off your face, ’Tsumu,” you told him in a low voice, “that girl over there is checking you out.”
“Huh?” he asked, his mouth full. His eyes glanced over to the direction where you were tilting your head. “Eh, whatever.”
You rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face. “You still hooking up with that girl from your stats class?”
“Yeah, I actually really like her,” he said, swallowing a massive bite of food. “She’s sweet, and funny. And she’s really good at—”
“Stop,” you said, holding up a hand. “I really don’t wanna know.”
He smirked at you. “I was gonna say helping me study. Jeez, what were you thinking about?”
You bit your lip, trying not to give him the satisfaction of seeing you smile.
“What about you? You been seeing anyone?”
“You know damn well the only guys I hang out with are you and ’Samu.”
“And Suna,” he added. You took a big gulp of your soup so you wouldn’t have to say anything in response. He was right, though; lately you had been spending more time with Suna, even without the twins around. “I’m kinda surprised at Suna, actually,” Atsumu continued.
“What, that he’s hanging out with me?”
“No, that he’s not hanging out with any other girls.”
Your brow furrowed a little. You had assumed that Suna got around; he was handsome, after all, and he had that mysterious, reticent personality that most girls went crazy for.
“I mean, back in high school he was kinda known for just having a ton of hookups. I figured he’d keep that up in college. I don’t know, maybe he’s too busy now,” Atsumu mused.
You mulled it over in your head. It seemed to you like Suna had more free time now than he would have had in high school; almost every time you stopped by their house, he was either in his room reading or listening to music, or else playing games with the twins. You were pretty sure he could have fit in a hookup or two if he wanted.
“Maybe he just wants to focus on his classes,” you offered, but it didn’t sound realistic even as you said it.
Atsumu snorted. “Yeah, like he’s gonna trade pussy for his GPA.”
“Charming, ’Tsumu,” you sighed. “It’s not really any of our business what Suna gets up to, though.”
“I’m just saying, it’s a little weird for him.” Atsumu’s arm stretched out to steal some food from your tray. “Maybe he’s met someone he really likes.”
His words made your stomach turn over, but you weren’t entirely sure why.
 A few days into the spring semester, both Atsumu and Osamu came down with nasty colds. By the time the weekend rolled around, they were completely incapacitated, unable to do anything but huddle up together on the couch, sniffling sadly.
You had taken pity on your friends, so on Saturday night (after receiving several dramatic texts from Atsumu that he was dying), you decided to go over to their house to cook them dinner. The twins were curled up on the couch watching a movie, wrapped in thick blankets with used tissues scattered around the coffee table in front of them. From where you stood in the kitchen prepping ingredients, you had a clear view of them over the counter; the sight of them looking so sorry for themselves reminded you of all the times you had gone over their house to keep them company when they got sick as kids. You smiled to yourself, thinking of those fond memories.
“Y/n,” Atsumu whined from the living room, his blanket pulled up over the top of his head. “I don’t feel good.”
“I know, baby. Dinner will be ready soon.”
Out of the corner of your eye you saw him tighten the blanket around himself, a dopey grin on his face. “Y/n called me ‘baby’,” he said happily.
“Simp,” Osamu muttered under his breath.
Atsumu stuck a leg out from under his blanket to kick his brother. “Don’t be jealous, you scrub!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at them; their usual bickering sounded especially cute when their voices were so congested.
“Even when you’re sick you guys can’t shut up.” Suna had come downstairs, rubbing his eyes as he walked into the kitchen.
“Sunarin! Are you finally gonna hang out with us?” Atsumu asked excitedly.
“Absolutely not. I don’t wanna catch whatever weird disease you guys have—”
“You make us sound so disgusting,” Osamu grumbled.
“I just came down to get food,” Suna continued, grabbing a Cup Noodle from the cupboard.
“Oh no you’re not,” you said, snatching it out of his hands. “I’m making dinner for you guys.”
Suna’s eyes widened a little in surprise, but he didn’t object. Instead, he leaned back against the counter, watching as you dried the vegetables.
“Suna, could you chop up the mushrooms for me?” you asked. “Oh, but wash your hands first, please!”
Without saying a word, he did as you asked. You could hear Atsumu snickering from the couch.
“Talk about a simp. Y/n actually got Sunarin to help out in the kitchen,” he said, smirking. Suna balled up the paper towel he was using to dry his hands and chucked it at Atsumu’s head.
“You’ve got snot dripping down your face, dude.”
“Shut up!” Atsumu cried, sniffling as he burrowed deeper into his blanket.
With Suna’s help, prepping the ingredients went twice as fast. You expected him to leave the kitchen once it was done, but to your surprise he stayed, leaning against the counter again to watch you as you cooked. Occasionally he asked you a question about what you were doing.
“The chicken takes a little longer to cook than the veggies, so I’m adding that to the broth first,” you explained. “The order you add things affects the flavor, too.”
“How many times have I offered to teach ya to cook, Sunarin?” Osamu called from the other room. “Guess ya only wanna learn when Y/n’s doin’ the teaching.”
Suna glared at him over his shoulder before turning his attention back to what you were doing. “I didn’t really have to know how before.”
“It’s never too late to learn,” you reassured him.
“Nothin’ sexier than a man who knows how to cook!” Osamu yelled, grinning. Suna ignored him, but you noticed the tips of his ears turning pink.
When the food was nearly done, you asked Osamu to clear a space on the coffee table. With Suna’s help, you carried over the meal you had cooked together, setting down the steaming bowls of soup, rice, and vegetables in front of the twins.
“My nose is all stuffed up, but this still smells so good,” Atsumu said, eyes closed as he sniffed the air.
“Yeah, your cooking’s always the best, Y/n,” Osamu agreed as he reached out with both hands for a bowl of soup.
“Oh, I picked up your favorite tea on the way over here, too,” you said, going back to the kitchen.
“What?! You really are the best!” Atsumu wailed. You walked back into the living room, carrying two mugs in each hand. “What did we ever do to deserve you?”
“It’s a mystery to me,” you replied, but the smile on your face was gentle as you handed the twins their tea. You passed the third mug to Suna, and the look he gave you was nothing short of tender as you sat next to him on the floor. The sight of it made your heart pound in your chest.
When you had all finished eating, you and Suna carried the dishes back to the kitchen while the twins dozed on the couch. After packing up the leftovers, you started washing the dishes and cooking pots, with Suna drying and putting them away.
“Thanks for making dinner for us,” he said quietly, not making eye contact with you.
“Of course,” you said, offering him a smile. “I don’t mind doing it.”
“You must really like those two idiots, if you’re willing to do so much for them.”
You looked over the counter into the living room where the twins were passed out on the couch. Osamu was curled up on his side, his head leaning against the armrest and blanket tucked up tight around him; Atsumu had his head thrown back, mouth hanging open as he snored softly. The sight of them sleeping so peacefully made a feeling of warmth spread throughout your chest.
“I’ve known them since we were three,” you told Suna, gaze still pointed towards the twins. “They’re like brothers to me.” You paused for a moment, thinking, before turning your attention back to the dishes in the sink. “I think it’s normal to want to do things for the people you care about.”
You caught Suna’s eye as you looked up to pass him a freshly-washed plate. He was staring at you intently, brows slightly furrowed, but you couldn’t quite name the expression on his face.  
 It came as no surprise when, a few days after taking care of the twins, you came down with a bad cold of your own. You managed to suffer through your classes and had just returned to your room to sleep for the rest of the day when, less than five minutes after changing into your pajamas and climbing into bed, there was a knock at your door.
“It’s open,” you called out, thinking it was one of the girls from your floor coming to check on you.
When Suna stepped into your room, you nearly fell in your haste to jump out of bed.
“Sorry, was I not supposed to come in?” he asked as you disentangled yourself from the blankets.
“No, I just wasn’t expecting it to be you,” you told him. You grabbed a hoodie from your closet and quickly pulled it on over your tank top, attempting to hide the fact that you weren’t wearing a bra.
“Oh,” was all he said. The two of you stood there staring at each other awkwardly for a moment, before you noticed the bag he was holding in his hand.
“What’s that?” you asked, pointing at it.
Suna blinked as if he had suddenly remembered why he was there. “The guys told me you weren’t feeling well,” he said, setting the bag down on your desk and pulling a container out of it, “so I thought I’d bring you some soup.” His voice got softer at the end, and you noticed a slight blush on his cheeks as he held it out to you.
He must have made it and immediately brought it over to your dorm, because the container was still hot to the touch. You struggled to keep your lower lip from shaking at the sheer thoughtfulness of it. “That’s really sweet, Suna. Thank you.”
“It’s probably not nearly as good as yours, but…” his voice trailed off. He scratched at the back of his head, the blush deepening on his face. “I tried to do what you showed me the other night.”
“Do you wanna have some with me?” you asked, but you were already taking down two bowls from the shelf above your desk and pouring out a serving for each of you, before putting the rest in your mini fridge. You ate a spoonful, eyes closing as you savored the taste. “Mmm, this is really good, Sunarin!” you smiled at him.
“It’s not bad,” he said, grinning a little bit.
“It’s really good for your first try!” you pressed on. “You know, if you want more practice, you can cook for me anytime.”
He snorted. “Yeah, that’d be a pretty sweet deal for you. But what would I get out of it?”
“Duh, you’d get to spend more time with me.”
“Oh, then pass.”
“Suna!” You pretended to pout, earning a genuine laugh from him. It felt good to joke around with him again, after not being in contact with him at all over the winter break.  
“Do you wanna hang out for a bit?” he asked when you had finished eating, setting his empty bowl on your desk. “Or were you just planning on sleeping for the rest of the day?”
You were a little taken aback at his question, since he had gone out of his way to avoid Atsumu and Osamu when they were sick. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll catch whatever I have?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “If I was gonna catch it, I would have caught it from Thing 1 and Thing 2 already.” His expression faltered a little. “We don’t have to if you don’t want—”
“No, I do!” you said, a little too quickly in your eagerness to not let this chance slip through your fingers. “I just don’t want to get you sick, that’s all.”
“I’ll be fine.” Suna rolled his eyes, smiling. “You wanna watch a movie? I’ll let you choose, since you’re sick.”
“Oh, how magnanimous of you,” you teased as you carried your laptop over to your bed. You sat down, propped up against the pillows, and shifted to the side so Suna could sit next to you. “Can we watch ‘The Devil Wears Prada’?”
“I feel like you’d kin Miranda Priestly.”
“I will leave this room, right now,” he threatened, beginning to stand up.
“No, no! I was only joking!” you laughed, grabbing his arm and pulling him back down. He rubbed at his face, but you could see his slight smile hidden behind his hand.
The movie was almost over before Suna realized that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. When he first felt your head lean against him, the pounding of his heart had prevented him from daring to look at your face, but after several of his comments had gone ignored, he finally peered down at you, surprised to see your eyes closed. When the credits rolled, he had intended to get up and let you rest, but when he tried to move, your body shifted to turn towards him, an arm reaching out to wrap around his torso.
“Rin,” you murmured in your sleep, and the sound of your voice saying his name caused all of his resolve to disappear.
With you sleeping so peacefully, your warm body pressed up against his, Suna couldn’t bring himself to risk accidentally waking you up. The sun had already set, making your room dark and cozy, and so he figured he could wait there for a little bit until you woke up from your nap. Lifting one of his arms to put it around your shoulders, he closed his eyes.
When he opened them again, sunlight was streaming in through the window. He blinked blearily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His movements prompted you to wake up, your gaze slowly focusing to find yourself leaning on his chest like a pillow.
“Guess we were both more tired than we thought,” he said, his voice raspy from sleep.
“Mmph,” you mumbled, noticing a damp spot on his shirt from where you had drooled on him. God, how embarrassing.
“How are you feeling?” he asked softly, shifting to look down at you.
“A little better,” you said. Sitting up properly, you rubbed at your face, attempting to hide your blush from him. “Sorry that I fell asleep on you.”
“It’s okay,” he said, smiling a little before his face shifted into a more teasing expression. “Did you know that you mumble in your sleep?”
You groaned, hiding your face in your hands even more. “Yeah, I’m aware.”
“It’s kinda cute.”
“Please don’t make fun of me this early in the morning.”
Suna pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the time. “Ugh… I’ve got class at 9:45. I gotta go home to shower and get ready before then.” He stood up and stretched his arms over his head. You lowered your hands from your face just in time to catch a glimpse of his toned stomach as his shirt lifted up; the sight of it made your cheeks burn anew, your head turning quickly so he wouldn’t notice you staring.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, Y/n,” he said, putting on his coat.
“Thanks again for coming over,” you said, forcing yourself to look him in the eye.
He grinned a little sheepishly as he made his way to the door. “Well, ya know… you gotta do things for the people you care about.”  
 Stepping out into the brisk early springtime air, you spotted a familiar head of dark hair a few yards in front of you.
“Hey, Sunarin!” you called out, waving at him when he turned around. He stopped walking to allow you to catch up with him. “Are you done with class for the day?”
“Yeah, but I’ve got practice.”
“Mind if I walk with you?”
He didn’t respond, but the slight shrug of his shoulders as he took off again told you that he wasn’t bothered by your company. You walked side by side, your hands brushing against each other’s occasionally, each brief contact setting off butterflies in your stomach. If it had any effect on Suna, he didn’t let it show.
“Have you thought about what classes you’re gonna take next semester?” you asked.
“Not really,” he said. “Why, you gonna start stalking me?” he added, lips quirking up into a grin.
“Just making conversation,” you grumbled, turning your face so he wouldn’t see your blush.
You looked up in the direction the voice came from to see a guy from one of your classes making his way over to you. You greeted him politely, and he launched into a conversation about the latest paper you had been assigned, falling into step beside you.
“Are you doing anything now? You wanna go get dinner with me?” he asked eventually.
“Oh, I can’t, actually,” you told him. “I have plans with a friend tonight.”
His face fell a little, but he quickly bounced back. “That’s alright, some other time maybe.”
“Do you know what you’re doing for spring break yet?”
“I’m not really sure, I’ll probably just stay on campus,” you said.
“Oh, me too!” he said, grinning at you. “Maybe we could get together then.”
You had reached a branch in the path, and he turned right to continue towards the dining hall.
“See ya around!” he said with a wave.
You waved back, noticing that Suna’s eyes lingered on the other guy’s back as he walked away.
“That dude likes you,” he said in a deadpan voice.
“He was trying to ask you out, dumbass.”
“What? No he wasn’t. I don’t think he’d do that in front of you.”
“Well, if he asks you again you should say yes.” Suna was smirking at you, but his voice was devoid of any emotion.
His words pricked at your heart, making your chest feel tight. The idea of him encouraging you to go out with someone else was a little upsetting. You turned your head away from him.
“Yeah, maybe,” you said absentmindedly. In truth, you had no interest in going out with that other guy, but Suna’s comment had left you unsure of what to say.
His brows creased a bit. Turning back to look at him, you saw that his gaze was significantly colder than it had been before. You opened your mouth to ask him what was wrong, but he cut you off before you could.
“I’m gonna be late for practice,” he said flatly, walking off quickly and leaving you to stand alone on the path.
 After that day, things between you and Suna were different. He was suddenly making himself even more scarce than usual, and during the few times when you managed to see him, he was quieter than before. You couldn’t think of what would make him act so coldly towards you, and the possible explanations you came up with in your mind only made you feel worse.
You were waiting outside the gym one evening for Atsumu and Suna to get out of practice. When you saw them walking out the door you went over to greet them, handing over the bag of pork buns you had picked up at the convenience store.
“You’re a lifesaver,” Atsumu said, gratefully accepting the food you offered him; Suna, however, stepped away before you could pass it to him.
“Sorry, I’ve got stuff to do,” he said cryptically before turning from you.
“We were planning on playing Smash later, are you gonna be around?” you asked.
“Probably not,” was all he said, waving one hand over his shoulder as he walked away.
Stung, you turned to Atsumu. “Suna’s been avoiding me, right? I haven’t been imagining that?”
Mouth full of pork bun, he shook his head. Swallowing thickly, he said, “Nope, he’s definitely been MIA lately. I don’t know why, though.” Seeing the way you bit your lower lip in worry, he was quick to speak again. “I’m sure it’s got nothin’ to do with you! Sunarin’s probably just busy.”
“Do you think he’s seeing someone?” You couldn’t stop yourself from asking.
“Nah, if he was I’d know about it. He’s never brought anyone back to the house.” He crammed half a pork bun into his mouth, struggling to chew it. “Honestly, he might just be a little homesick.”
“What?” It was hard to imagine someone like Suna being homesick; considering he spent so much time on his own, you didn’t think of him as the type of person to miss anyone.
“I mean, he told me he’s goin’ home for spring break to spend time with his sister,” Atsumu explained. “He must really miss her.”
You couldn’t help but feel disappointed at the news. A part of you had hoped that Suna’s avoidance of you actually was due to his busy schedule, and you had been looking forward to your spring break as the perfect opportunity to get some quality time with him. The fact that he wasn’t going to be there confirmed your doubts, proving, in your mind at least, that he really didn’t want to be around you anymore.
“You got any more of these?” Atsumu’s voice brought you out of your own thoughts.
“Yeah, here,” you said, giving him the bag of pork buns intended for Suna.
He continued chattering the whole walk back to the house, but you hardly processed a word. You were too busy wondering about what you could have possibly done to make Suna no longer want to be your friend.
 It had been several weeks since you had spent any time with Suna, aside from the brief moments when you saw each other at the house when you were visiting the twins, but he always gave an excuse as to why he couldn’t hang around. You knew he was a private person, but his sudden avoidance of you hurt twice as much after he had seemed to be getting more comfortable around you. Several times you had texted him to ask if he wanted to get food with you or watch a movie together, but he either claimed he was too busy with classes, or ignored you altogether. Eventually, you gave up trying to contact him.
But that didn’t stop your heart from fluttering when you did see him in person. You found yourself living for the moments when you would be sitting in the living room with Osamu or Atsumu, and Suna would come downstairs, giving you a quick nod before rushing out the door; or when you would be hanging out in Osamu’s room and Suna would walk down the hallway, locking eyes with you for half a second before going into his own room and shutting the door behind him. Each time you hoped he would stop and actually say something to you, and each time you were left disappointed.
So it came as a surprise when, one day when you and Osamu were in his kitchen making onigiri together, Suna came downstairs and actually lingered for a bit, even after spotting you. Not wanting to scare him off, you bit your tongue as he sat on the counter, watching you form the rice balls with your hands.
“Those look good,” he said; you weren’t sure if he was addressing you or Osamu.
“Here,” Osamu said, putting some on a plate and passing it to his friend. “You headin’ out soon?”
Suna nodded, his mouth full of rice. “Yeah, I’ve gotta meet with my advisor.”
“We’re going out to eat later, you should come. You haven’t hung out with us in a while.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ve been kinda flakey lately,” he said, his tone apologetic.
You couldn’t help yourself. Looking him in the eye, you spoke. “We’ve missed you, Rintarou. It’s not as fun without you around.”
“Gee, thanks,” Osamu muttered, but you hardly heard him. For the first time in weeks, Suna was looking directly at you, his gaze almost soft.
“Can’t imagine how rough it must be for you to have to spend time with these two goons,” he said, grinning.
“I’m standing right here, man,” Osamu said, his voice sounding only slightly annoyed.
You laughed, and to your amazement Suna returned it. You could feel your heart pounding against your ribs, hopeful that this awkward tension between you two was finally over.
“Text me when you guys are leaving, okay?” he said, hopping down off the counter and making for the front door. “I’ll meet you there.”
You couldn’t keep the giddy smile off your face even after he left. The thought of spending time with him again was almost too much for you.
“I wish you guys would just fuckin’ kiss already,” Osamu griped, his hands still deftly forming perfectly-shaped onigiri.
“Huh?!” you spluttered, nearly choking as his words sank in. “Who?”
“You and Sunarin, you clown. Do ya have any idea how painful it’s been watchin’ you two idiots for the past few months? Jesus, even ’Tsumu noticed.”
“Noticed what?”
“That you guys like each other!”
“I don’t—wha—,” you fumbled over your words, not entirely sure what to say. “Suna doesn’t like me!”
“Uh huh, yeah, okay. Y/n, the man made you a whole-ass pot of soup when you were sick. I’ve known him for years and he won’t even let me borrow his phone charger.”
“If he likes me, then why has he spent the last two months completely ignoring me?”
“Because Rintarou has the emotional intelligence of a fuckin’ cantaloupe.” Osamu finally turned to look at you, his hands resting on his hips. “Look, he’s never actually liked someone before—not for real, anyway—so I don’t think he knows what to do about you. He’s never gonna fess up and tell you how he feels, so his next best option is to just avoid you entirely. But he’s been missing you, real bad. I can tell.”
“So I’m supposed to be the one to tell him?”
Osamu smirked at you. “So you actually like him?”
You paused for a moment, sucking in a breath. “Yeah, I like him.”
It was the first time you had admitted it even to yourself. A wave of relief immediately washed over you, as if you had been holding onto a secret that you no longer had to hide.
Ignoring the blush you felt creeping onto your face, you forced yourself to look at your friend.
“But isn’t that weird for you? I mean, we’re your best friends, would you really be okay with it if we started dating?”
Osamu glanced up as he thought about it, taking in a deep breath and exhaling loudly. “It’d be a little weird at first, but I’d get used to it. But it doesn’t matter how I feel about it.” He looked back down at you. “If you’re happy, then I’m happy.”
“’Samu,” you wailed, “you’re gonna make me cry.”
“So, you gonna tell him or what?”
“I don’t know… what if he doesn’t feel that way about me?”
“He definitely does.”
“Well, maybe it’s just not a good idea for us to date… I mean, neither of us has ever been in a real relationship before, what if we just crash and burn?”
Osamu took in another deep breath, looking as if he was preparing himself for something unpleasant. “Look, you know I’m not a sappy guy, and I feel gross even saying this, but honestly, you and Rintarou are two of the most compatible people I’ve ever met. Even I can see how cute you guys are together. You’d be stupid not to date him.”
“Seriously, ’Samu, you’re actually gonna make me cry.”
“Whatever,” he said, turning back to make more onigiri. “Just hurry up and confess already, I miss hangin’ out with my friends.”
 You waited until Atsumu and Osamu were out of the house; that way, if things didn’t go well, you could quietly slip away to collect your dignity without having to answer any questions from them first.
You stood in Suna’s doorway, heart pounding furiously in your chest as you steeled yourself for what you were about to do. He was sitting on his bed with his headphones on, looking at something on his laptop, but when you knocked on the door frame he glanced up, noticing you for the first time.  
“Hey, Rintarou,” you said, your voice a little shaky. “Can we talk?”
He took his headphones off and shut his laptop, setting it to the side and scooting forward to sit on the edge of the bed. “Yeah, of course. What’s up?”
Forcing yourself to take a deep breath, you stepped into his room and sat down next to him. He was looking at you intently, a small crease between his brows. You glanced down at your lap, fingers twisting nervously, before looking at his face again. If you weren’t honest with him now, you never would be.
“I like you,” you said bluntly, “more than just a friend.” Suna’s lips parted slightly as if he wanted to say something, but no sound came out. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way,” you continued, really struggling now to hold his gaze. “I just… I had to tell you. And I’m sorry if that makes things weird between us, that’s not what I want. Your friendship means a lot to me and I don’t want to lose that, so even if you don’t—”
Your words caught in your throat, afraid of what he was about to say.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice was impossibly soft, the question sounding so delicate as it fell past his lips.
You could have sworn your heart stopped beating for a moment. You nodded your head. “Yes.”    
Suna’s hand reached up to cup your cheek before he leaned in, agonizingly slowly, to press his mouth to yours. His lips were so soft, his touch incredibly gentle. Placing both hands on the back of his neck, you melted into him, sighing as his other arm wrapped around your waist to pull you in closer. You could feel him grinning against your lips just before he broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours.
“I like you, too,” he said softly.
Returning his smile, you leaned in to fit your mouth to his again, relishing the way it felt to be held by him, to have him kiss you so tenderly. It took all of your willpower to pull away from him.
“Rin, I have to go,” you whispered against his lips.
“What?” His expression was puzzled as you abruptly stood up.
“I have class in ten minutes,” you explained, making your way to the door.
“So you’re just gonna drop that on me and then dip?”
You turned to look at him over your shoulder, grinning. “Yup.”
“Unbelievable,” he muttered, but the smile was still on his face even as you left.
 The first few weeks after you and Suna started dating passed by in a blur. The heartache you had felt when he kept his distance from you had been replaced by a constant feeling of joy at the knowledge that you were together now. You still got butterflies every time you saw him, your heart melting each time you pressed a kiss into his cheek and saw a blush creep onto his face.
The only complaint you had was that after three weeks, you and Suna still hadn’t slept together. It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried, but there was always something that prevented you from actually succeeding: he was too exhausted after finishing volleyball practice; you both had term papers to work on; someone on your floor burnt popcorn in the microwave, setting off the fire alarm. The closest you two came to doing anything was one night when you thought you had the house to yourselves. You and Suna were making out on his bed, and he was just about to take off your shirt when Atsumu suddenly burst into the room to ask if they were all out of laundry detergent. He had quickly left, smirking, after realizing what he was interrupting, but you were too embarrassed to continue after he closed the door.
At this point, it had been over a year since you last had sex, and you were starting to go a little crazy. You were pretty sure Suna knew it, too, based on the smirks he gave you when he happened to catch the way you would stare at him periodically. After the length of time it took for you two to finally admit your feelings for each other, it was incredibly frustrating that the universe seemed to be keeping you apart again.
The end of the semester rolled around, and the twins decided to throw another big party before finals week. You managed to convince Suna to not hide in his room the entire time, and to your amazement he seemed to be having a good time, laughing in the corner with some friends from the volleyball team.
You were sitting on the couch next to Osamu, slowly sipping the beer in your hand. He was talking to you about your plans for the summer, but you couldn’t stop your attention from drifting over to your boyfriend every once in a while, grinning at him each time you happened to catch his eye.
“Our parents are renting that beach house for two weeks in July, you wanna come with us again?” Osamu asked, drawing your gaze back to his face.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, that sounds fun,” you said, a little distracted.
“Your boyfriend can come, too, of course,” he smirked.
“Shut up,” you groaned, trying to hide your blushing face by downing the rest of your drink.
“Bet you’re gonna miss him, yeah? Three months is a long time to be apart from your lover.”
“I swear to god, ’Samu, if you don’t shut the fuck up…” you grumbled, but you couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your face at your friend’s teasing.
Osamu’s attention was stolen then by someone asking him to go do shots, so you got up and walked to the kitchen by yourself to throw out your empty beer bottle. After you tossed it in the bin, you felt warm hands encircle your waist and a familiar voice whispered into your ear.
“It’s getting kinda crowded down here, you wanna go upstairs?” Suna’s warm breath tickled your ear, making you shiver in his arms. Turning around to face him, you gave him a quick kiss before taking him by the hand and leading the way to the stairs.
Closing his bedroom door muffled the sounds of the party, and you were able to breathe easier now that you were alone with him. Suna scrolled through his phone briefly before finding the playlist he was searching for, setting his phone down once the music started playing.
“Hey,” you said, grinning as you recognized the song, “this is the same playlist that you put on the night we met.”
He took a few steps towards you, arms snaking around your waist to pull you in close. “I know,” he said simply before leaning down to kiss you. You allowed him to deepen it, lips parting for his tongue, hands grasping at the fabric of his shirt.
Without breaking away, Suna guided you to his bed, gently laying you down and crawling on top of you, his knee coming up to press between your legs. You moaned into his mouth, feeling him grin against you. Breathing hard, you pulled his shirt over his head, leaning back so that you could look at him. You had known he was fit from all the times your body had been pressed against his, but seeing his muscular form with your own eyes was different. You squirmed under him, feeling your arousal growing between your thighs.
“I’ve wanted this for a long time, Y/n,” he whispered, leaning down to press kisses into your neck.
“I know,” you murmured.
“Yeah?” He pulled your shirt off of you, warm hands burning into your skin. “Do you know what I’m gonna do next?” he teased in a low voice, mouth moving down over your collarbones as his hands came up to cup your breasts, thumbs rolling over your nipples through your bra.
“Rin,” you whined when he pulled down the fabric to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, his other hand coming to rest between your thighs, groaning against your skin when he felt the wetness seeping through your shorts.
“Yeah, baby?” He was kissing a line down your stomach, goosebumps rising in his wake. He tugged off your shorts and panties together as you sat up to unhook your bra, tossing it onto the floor without taking your eyes off his face. Your hands immediately moved to the waistband of his pants, unbuttoning them as you planted sloppy kisses across his chest. He wriggled out of them and threw them to the side, before wrapping a hand around each of your legs and spreading them apart. “Is this what you wanted?” he asked, lips gliding over the soft skin of your inner thigh. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me, baby. I know how badly you want this.”
You whimpered, fingers running through his hair and gripping tightly. His warm breath ghosted over your skin, making you shiver again. A loud moan escaped you when he finally pressed his tongue against your pussy, running slowly over your folds and circling around your clit before moving back down. He repeated the motion, making your breath come out in short pants as your fingers tangled themselves further in his hair.
“God, you taste so sweet,” he moaned against you. His hands pressed down on your hipbones, pinning you in place as you started trembling around him, small whimpers leaving your mouth the closer you came to your release. You drew your legs up, the heel of one of your feet resting on his back as your spine arched, pressing into his mouth.
“Fuck, Rin, I’m so close,” you gasped out. He hummed, hands reaching up to trace his fingertips along your sides. You started moving your hips and he stilled, holding his tongue out for you to grind against. Within seconds you were cumming, legs shaking and nails digging almost painfully into his scalp. He kept his mouth open to allow you to ride out your high, gaze trained on your face.
“You’re so cute, baby,” he murmured, moving to plant a row of kisses up your throat and over your jaw. “So fucking cute.” His lips fitted against yours as he grinded into you, the friction against your clit making you gasp.
“Rin,” you whispered, pulling away to look in his eyes, “lie down.”
He rolled off of you, reaching out with both hands to pull you on top of him. You kissed him once, teasingly, before sitting up and gazing down at him. With one finger, you traced a line from his throat down over his chest and stomach, coming to rest where the skin dipped down between his hipbones, smiling to yourself at the way he shivered from your touch. Hooking your fingers underneath the waistband of his boxers, you gently tugged them off of him, watching the way his thick cock sprang out to slap against his abs. Heart pounding excitedly, you dragged your nails over the top of his thigh, pleased when his muscles tensed beneath you.
“Don’t tease me, baby,” he groaned, fingers digging into your arm. “I’ve had to wait so long for this.”
You would have been content to make him wait even longer, wanting to hear him begging you to touch him, but the pleading look in his eyes softened your resolve. “I know,” you purred, leaning down to run your tongue along the underside of his shaft, grinning to yourself when you heard his sharp inhale. You swirled your tongue around the tip, letting your spit run down his length, before wrapping your lips around his cock.
Soft moans and pants reached your ears as you slowly took all of him into your mouth. When the head of his cock hit the back of your throat you paused, tears forming at the corners of your eyes from the stretch of your jaw. You slid your tongue along his cock as you hummed lightly, eliciting a loud groan from him. Your hand came to grip his cock as you started bobbing your head up and down, moving in tandem with your mouth. Suna tilted his head to watch you, his chest rising and falling heavily. Keeping your eyes on his face, your mouth left his cock with a wet pop and moved down to suck on his balls, your hand continuing to jerk him off.
“F-fuck,” he moaned, throwing his head back against the pillow. His fingers entwined themselves in your hair, gripping firmly, but you had reached the limit of your patience. You crawled back on top of him, thighs planted on either side of his hips, and used your hand to drag his cock along the folds of your cunt.
“I wanna feel you, Rin,” you said breathlessly as his hands gripped your hips. “Wanna feel you inside me.”
Pressing his tip into you, you slowly sank down onto him, loving the way his mouth fell open as you took him completely inside you. The stretch made you gasp, head falling forward to rest against the crook of his neck. You kissed the skin just below his ear as you started grinding your hips against him, his fingers digging into your soft flesh. The sensation on your clit made you moan into his skin.
“Does that feel good, baby?” he whispered.
“Feels good,” you whimpered, your pace quickening. “S-so good.”
“Oh fuck, you’re so tight…”
The knot in your stomach was rapidly tightening. A few more motions were all it took for you to be cumming again; you pressed your lips against Suna’s, tongue reaching into his mouth as your orgasm washed over you.
When your hips stilled, he lifted you off of him and flipped you over onto your back, nipping at the skin of your neck as he repositioned himself between your legs. With a groan, he sank into you again, hips snapping against you urgently. Your body already felt worn out, but the sensation of him fucking you so deeply had you clawing at his back, desperately trying to pull him closer to you. He lifted your trembling legs onto his shoulders, the new angle of his cock thrusting into you making you cry out.
“Is that your spot, baby?” he crooned, repeatedly hitting the place that made your breath catch in your throat.
“Yes, yes, yes, right there, Rin, p-please don’t stop!” you babbled. One of your hands reached out to grab his and bring it to your neck, eyes pleading with him.
His fingers tightened around your throat. “Fuck, you look so cute taking my cock like that. You gonna cum again, pretty girl? Gonna cum all over my cock for me?”
His grip on your throat was making you lightheaded, the friction against your clit sending pleasant vibrations throughout your entire body. The spot his cock was hitting inside your pussy had you hurtling towards the edge again, eyes rolling back as you incoherently begged him not to stop.
“Rin, I-I’m cumming—fuck, fuck, fuck,” you practically sobbed as your pussy clenched around him again. He released his hold on your throat, moving his hand up to lift your jaw and kiss you deeply, relishing when you moaned into his mouth. Your lips parted and he rested his forehead against yours, gazing into your eyes, continuing to pound into you as you came. His breath stuttered as his thrusts grew more erratic, his face flushed as his cock throbbed inside you, hot cum filling your cunt.
“Fuck, Y/n,” he murmured against your lips before kissing you again, slower than before. He pulled out and laid down beside you, breathing hard. You reached up to brush the loose strands of hair out of his face, fingers running over his cheekbones.
“Why did we wait so long to do this,” you asked, making him laugh.
“We’re so fucking stupid,” he said with a grin.
You exhaled happily, moving closer to him and nestling your head against his chest. His arm reached out to wrap around you and press his palm into your spine to pull you closer. He was warm, but your uncovered body shivered against the chill in the air, goosebumps rising along your skin.
“Here, cutie,” he said, shifting so that he could pull the comforter over you. “Comfy?”
“Hmm,” you hummed, closing your eyes and pressing a kiss into his collarbone.
With Rin’s arm around you and his steady heartbeat in your ear, you fell asleep almost instantly, feeling more content than you had in a long time.
 You woke up before Suna. He had moved in his sleep, now lying on his back with one arm outstretched underneath your head. You watched him for a moment, smiling at the calm expression on his face, before climbing out of bed slowly, careful not to disturb him. Putting on your panties and one of Suna’s oversized t-shirts, you slipped out the door to walk to the bathroom down the hall.
Osamu and Atsumu’s doors were still closed, a fact that you were grateful for when you reached the bathroom and saw your reflection in the mirror. Your hair was a tangled mess, your neck littered with little love bites, damning indicators of what you had been up to the night before. Splashing your face with water, you tried to scrub off the smeared remnants of yesterday’s makeup. Satisfied when you no longer looked like you spent the night in a club, you crept back into your boyfriend’s room.
“Hey,” Suna mumbled when you stepped back through the doorway, propping himself up on one elbow and rubbing his eyes with the other hand.
“Hey.” You smiled at him as you shut the door.
“Take those clothes off and come back to bed.”
You giggled, shrugging out of your clothes and stepping towards his outstretched arms. He pulled you into a tight embrace, peppering your face with kisses. He settled you down on your side next to him, pulling your thigh up to rest on his hip.
“Rin!” you squealed when you felt the tip of his cock prodding at your entrance.
“I just wanna be inside you, baby,” he murmured. His touch had already made you wet, allowing his cock to slide into you easily. You sighed as his hips pressed up against yours.
His lips met with yours, his kiss achingly sweet. “I don’t ever want you to leave this bed,” he breathed out. You smiled against his lips, fingers running through his soft hair. He shifted his hips then, and the sensation was too much for you.
“O-oh,” you whimpered as your pussy tightened around him.
“Are you cumming?” he asked, the corner of his lips quirking up into a grin.
“Sh-shut up.”
He didn’t say anything else, simply tightening his arms around you and kissing you again. The two of you lay like that for a while, slipping into a peaceful state of half-sleep, until the sound of a distant door being flung open pulled you back.
“Fuck,” Suna mumbled under his breath. Not a second later, a loud knock sounded from the other side of his door.
“Sunariiiiin,” Atsumu’s voiced whined from the hallway. “Are you guys up yet?”
“Is that door locked?” Suna whispered to you. Commending yourself for your earlier foresight, you nodded. “Good.”
“Suna! Y/n!” He pounded on the door. “I know you guys can hear me, come on!”
“I gotta get my own place,” Suna grumbled, his eyes still closed. You giggled, and when the knocking on the door stopped you snuggled in closer to him, ready to go back to sleep.
Until your phone started ringing.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you groaned, reaching out to grab it from the nightstand. “What do you want, Atsumu?”
“Aha! I knew you were awake!” He sounded very pleased with himself for succeeding in getting you to talk to him. “Can you make me pancakes?”
There was a pause as his question sank in. Holding your phone to your head and staring at Suna, you pulled away from him and sat up, eliciting a low groan from him. “You want me to make you pancakes?” you repeated in an incredulous voice. Suna cracked open his eyes, his face scrunching up as he heard Atsumu’s request.
“Get Osamu to do it.”
“He doesn’t make them as good as you!”
You could practically hear him pouting on the other end of the line. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you heaved a sigh. “Give me a minute.”
“Thankyouthankyouthanky—” You ended the call before he finished. Climbing out of bed, you pulled on your clothes again.
“Are you actually gonna do it?” Suna asked.
“He’s just gonna keep harassing us until I do it anyway,” you said. “Besides, it’s almost ten o’clock, we might as well get up.”
Suna rolled over and pressed his face into the pillow, groaning loudly. Grinning, you tossed a clean pair of boxers and a shirt at him.
Atsumu looked way too happy when you finally appeared downstairs. He and Osamu were sitting at the kitchen counter together; they nudged a steaming mug towards you when you walked in.
“We made you coffee,” he said, his grin wide across his face.
“Uh huh,” you grumbled.
“Where’s mine?” Suna asked as he trailed in behind you.
“Make your own, dick,” Osamu told him, smirking as he sipped his own drink.
Suna rolled his eyes, going to pour himself a cup from the coffeemaker.
Trying to hide your laughter from him, you gathered up the ingredients and set to work. When all the pancakes were done cooking you passed half of them across the counter to the twins.
“Mmm,” Atsumu hummed, closing his eyes as he took a bite. “So good.”
“I gotta teach you how to make these yourself, ’Tsumu,” you said, taking a bite of your own breakfast.
“Yeah, that way you clowns can let us sleep in for once,” Suna added.
“Don’t pretend, Y/n,” Atsumu said, “you know you love seeing my cute little face first thing in the morning.”
“I prefer seeing ’Samu’s, actually,” you teased. Osamu stuck his tongue out at his twin, laughing at his crumpled expression.
When you all finished eating, Atsumu and Osamu jumped up to wash the dishes for you. Holding your mug of coffee with both hands, you leaned into Suna’s side.
Looking over his shoulder at you two, Osamu grinned. “So, how was your night?”
“Fine,” you said in a casual tone.
“And that’s all you’re gonna get out of us,” Suna finished.
Osamu rolled his eyes, turning back to the dishes in the sink. “As if I’d want any details.”
“My night was great, thanks for asking,” Atsumu chimed in.
“Yeah? Was that before or after you puked in the backyard?”
You couldn’t help the relaxed smile that found its way onto your face, happy to get to listen to them teasing each other like always. With one hand resting on the counter, Suna’s other reached around your waist to tug you closer, fitting your body against his. Standing there laughing with your friends, with his arm around you, felt like the most natural thing in the world.
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hockeyisit · 3 years
Could you do a piece of amelia and auston with the 22 NHL game? Maybe the photoshoot or something
I let out a groan as I rolled over in bed. Auston was standing in front of his dresser pulling on a pair of boxers while Felix lay in his abandoned spot on the bed.
“What are you doing?” I asked, pushing my face back into the pillow feeling exhausted.
“I have that photoshoot today,” he answered quietly. I turned my face to glance at my phone so I could check the time. 7:30AM. We had arrived back into Toronto late last night and I had stayed up later than Auston trying to get some of my stuff unpacked.
“What photoshoot?” I closed my eyes and pulled Felix closer to me. The jetleg catching up to me very quickly.
“For the NHL game,” he reminded me as he walked into the closet and started pulling on his clothes.
Felix squirmed in my hold before hopping off the bed and following Auston into the closet. Once he was finished getting dressed he made his way out of the closet and over to the bed where I was.
“I’ll be there for awhile,” he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of my head, which was still buried in the pillows. I flipped over so I could look up at him.
“If you end up wanting to bring me lunch or something I can text you the address,” he whispered looking down at me with a glint in his eye. I smiled as I pushed myself up so I could give him a kiss.
“Do that, I’ll bring whatever you want” I said grinning. He smiled softly before giving me another kiss.
“Thanks baby. Get some more sleep,” he said as he pulled away. I smiled laying back against the pillows so I could get comfortable. Auston patted the couch and waited for Felix to hop on.
“I already took him out so just get some rest,” he told me before pushing himself up from the bed. He grabbed his phone off the charger and then made his way out of the room. I grinned to myself as I reached out to pet Felix before falling back into a blissful sleep.
Waking up again I slowly rolled onto my side to check my phone. I had three messages from Auston and a few in our groupchat with his family.
Aus: I have a break around 1:30
I’m feeling anything you want.
Also can you bring my wallet, I forgot it. It's in my grey backpack. Buy lunch with my card.
I did a tapback to his responses instead of responding before moving onto the groupchat.
MAMA Matthews: Saw these and thought of you guys
She sent a photo with the text that had me laughing out loud.
As I went to respond I was interrupted by a call.
“Hey,” I said, answering the call from Steph.
“BABE!” she said excitedly. “Are you back in the six?” she asked, causing me to grin.
“Yes I’m back.”
She squealed loudly causing me to move the phone from my ear.
“I’m busy during lunch but want to walk the dogs after?” I questioned.
“Yes I’m free!” she excitedly explained. I squealed.
“Cant wait to see you,” I told her.
“Our usual?”
“Yes!” I answered happily.
We said our goodbyes before hanging up the phone. I glanced over at Felix.
“Want to go on a walk?” I questioned raising an eyebrow. He tilted his head extiedly.
“Yeah a walk babe,” I teased. He jumped up from the bed causing me to let out a loud laugh as I hopped up from the bed and pulled on Auston’s sweat-shorts and a shirt.
“Let go baby,” I called out to Felix leading him to the door where his leash was at. I slipped it on before leading him out the door.
After my walk with Felix I got ready and started to make my way out to the door so I could pick up Taco Bell for Auston and I. Then made my way to the address that he had sent me too.
“Ma'am sorry I can’t let you in with identification,” a security guard said, stopping me at the door. I took my license out and handed it to him.
“I’m Auston’s finance,” I told him as he took it from my hands. He lifted his walkie talkie before repeating what I had said to him in it. After a moment the clarification came through.
“Thank you Mrs. Matthew’s,” he said, handing my ID back to me. I grinned as I made my way through the door.
“Thank you,” I called as I walked through.
I made my ways through the halls to where Auston had instructed me. I came across him in the middle of an interview. I hid myself behind the closest workers so that I could listen to what he was saying.
“Alright break time,” the director called out moments later. Slowly I made my way over to Auston a bit intimidated by all the people around.
“I have tacos,” I called out when I was close enough. Auston turned away from the man he was talking to so that he could grin at me.
“Hi babe,” he called, making his way over to me and grabbing the food from my hand.
“Just going to take the food and walk away?” I questioned raising my eyebrow at him. He let out a little laugh before leaning down to press a quick sweet kiss to my cheek.
“No, I just don't want you doing any heavy lifting,” he teased as he led us over to an empty table. He set the food down and pulled me down into the chair next to him.
“How you doing, baby?” Auston asked, reaching his hand around my chair and rubbing my back. I turned my body to face him, giving him a soft smile.
“I’m still pretty tired, I slept until 11:30,” I told him before reaching out to take a sip of my coke. He gave me a soft grin as he reached out to steal my cup from me. I whined as my hand followed him trying to grab it back.
“That’s mine,” I grunted as I pulled it back. He gave me an offended look and then took a bite of his taco.
“Why didn’t you get me one?” he pouted his lips. I shrugged my shoulders as I started eating my food.
“Didn’t think you’d want one,” I admitted after I finished swallowing my food.
“Well I do,” he said, reaching for my soda again. “I’m exhausted,” he admitted after taking a sip. I reached my hand out to rest on his shoulder.
“What have they made you do today?” I questioned rubbing my hand up and down his arm. He let out a deep breath as he leaned into my touch.
“Just a bunch of different interviews and photoshoots.”
“Have they been fun?” I asked. As Auston was about to respond we heard someone call his name.
“We need you for a few more shoots,” the woman continued once we had turned our attention to her.
“Ill be right back baby,” Auston said leaning forward to press a quick kiss to my lips. I pulled my phone out as he walked off to finish his photoshoot.
“Amelia?” A woman said, approaching me where I was still sitting at the table Auston had left me at. I glanced up from my phone and gave her a soft smile.
“Yes?” I locked my phone, setting it down in my lap.
“Mr. Matthews requested that I come get you and bring you to where he is,” she said, giving me a friendly smile. I nodded my head as I quickly started cleaning up the garbage on the table from lunch.
“Okay,” I said standing up and following after her. She led me down a long hallway before turning into a dark room lit up with only a few bright white lights that were shining on Auston. We walked over to the corner of the room so that we were standing back behind all the people working on the lighting and photos.
Auston’s face lit up when he noticed me standing farther back.
“Hey baby,” he called out, raising his hand in a wave. I blushed as I felt everyone's attention turn to me. I gave a small hesitant wave before ducking my head slightly.
“He’s confident,” a voice next to me said, causing me to look up. I took in the male standing next to me trying to figure out why he looked so familiar.
“Yeah he’s always been pretty confident, but it looks good on him,” I blushed, turning to look back at Auston’s grinning face.
“Confident off the ice and on the ice,” he joked, causing me to let out a small laugh.
“That’s for sure,” I joked back. The guy let out a laugh, throwing his head back.
“I’m Leon,” he introduced himself, holding out his hand. I smiled as I reached out to shake his hand.
“Nice to meet you, I'm Amelia,” I responded.
“Your Mats girl?” he questioned. I nodded my head as I looked over at Auston. It looked like he was finishing up.
As Leon went to respond he was interrupted by Auston sliding up behind me and wrapping his hand around my waist.
“Hey Drai,” Auston said, reaching his hand out to give him a fistbump.
“Hey I was just talking to your girl here about how good you look up there,” Leon joked, nudging Auston’s arm as he pointed to where he had been standing earlier.
“Okay,” Auston laughed, pulling me further into his side. “Let’s see how good you look up there,” Auston teased him, causing the three of us to let out a laugh. Leon made his way over to the camera area and they immediately handed him his jersey.
“You looked hot up there babe,” I grinned, turning to look up at Auston. He grinned down at me before leaning in for a peck.
“Thanks,” he whispered as he pulled away. I giggled as I leaned into him.
“Are you done for the day?” I asked hopefully. Sadly he shoot his head no.
“No but a break so follow me,” he said, holding his hand out to me and pulling me out of the room into the hall.
“Where are we going?” I giggled as I trailed after him. He stopped walking and turned around to face me.
“I know a place,” he smirked before abruptly turning around and continuing on his way. I laughed loudly as I followed along.
“Here we are, my lady,” Auston grinned, pulling me into a family bathroom. I let out a loud laugh as he pushed me up against the door.
“This is not the sexy place I had in mind,” I joked as I pushed at his chest. He let out a laugh as he pulled away.
“I know, there aren't any private places here” he whined. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss. As I continued kissing him I let myself relax in his hold. A moment later a text tone went off. Auston pulled back to look at his phone.
“They want me back,” he said through a sigh.
“Alright well I think I;m going to head out,” I told him with a small pout. He leaned in to press a kiss to my lips.
“Okay I’ll see you at home babe.”
“Okay,” I said through a smile leaning in to kiss him again. He pulled away with a grin before slowly opening the door and peeking into the hallway.
“Coast is clear,” Auston said, pushing the door and making his way out with me hot on his trails.
“Hi Felix,” I smiled. Felix greeted me at the door the second I arrived home.
“Let’s go for a walk buddy,” I grinned, picking up his leash. I dropped my purse onto the table next to the door and fished out my keys.
“Let’s go.”
I opened the door and started to make my way to the elevator. We waited a minute before the elevator appeared. There was a man standing in the corner on his phone and he gave me a small smile as I stepped in with Felix.
“Who’s this guy?” he asked sweetly, gesturing down to Felix.
“This is Felix,” I said, smiling down at my puppy. Felix's tail started wagging in excitement at hearing his name.
“Cute dog, when did you get him?” he questioned. Felix walked over to him and started sniffing him.
“Oh he was my fiance's dog when we met. I think he got him two years ago?” I said, sounding a bit unsure of what I was saying.
“You can pet him if you want,” I encouraged him. He gave me a smile as he reached out to do so.
“Did you just move in?” I questioned knowing I had never seen him before. I felt like I knew or recognized everyone that lived here.
“Yeah 663. Had to move for my job.” I let out a sad sigh as I thought of all the memories Auston and I had made in that apartment with Freddie. The elevator doors opened and Felix took off out the door. We both let out a laugh as we followed.
“What’s your job?” I asked as we walked towards the lobby door.
“Uh I play for the NHL,” he shrugged, pulling the door open for me. I let the shock spread across my face for a quick second.
“So you must know Auston,” I paused once we had made it outside. He gave me a weird look as he raised his eyebrow.
“Auston Matthews, he’s my finance,” I said, reaching up to tuck a piece of my hair out of my face.
“Oh! I uh haven't actually met any of my teammates yet but I’ve played against him before,” he admitted.
“Nice well if you need any help getting around Toronto let us know. I should probably take this poor guy on his walk now though,” I said pointing to my puppy and slowly walking in the direction of our normal walk path. Suddenly Felix pulled really hard on the lease causing me to stumble forward as he tried to take off.
“Hey,” I warned him. I glanced in the direction of where Felix was trying to go and saw Steph and Zues. I squealed in excitement before quickly making my way over to her.
“Steph!! Show me the ring,” I exclaimed when I reached her. She blushed as she lifted her hand to show me her shiny engagement ring.
“It’s so beautiful,” I told her as I took her hand in mine. “Were you surprised when he asked?”
Mitch had told me that he was going to propose to Steph and had me help prepare for it. I had made sure she went to get her nails done by going to Arizona. We facetimed and pretended we were together. I thought for sure she would know that something was going on but she had seemed surprised when she had told me it happened.
“Yes I knew it was going to happen eventually but everything was absolutely perfect! I loved it so much.” She smiled. “Thanks for making me get my nails done.” She laughed, folding her arm into mine so that they were interlocked.
“Anything for you,” I said sweetly. Her smile lit up as she led us over to a bench. She unclipped Zues from his leash and then threw a tennis ball for him to chase. Felix whined from where he was standing near my legs causing me to look down. I hated taking him off the leash when Auston wasn’t around. I knew that Felix was a great dog and would never hurt someone but I got so worried that he would get lost or stolen. If we were in a dog park with a fence it would be a different story.
“I’m glad you said that because,” she was cut off by Zues dropping the ball at her feet and barking. She reached down for the ball and threw it again. “I was hoping that you would be one of my bridesmaids?” She questioned, glancing at me nervously. I felt my jaw drop open in shock at her question. I was completely surprised by her decision to ask me that.
“What?” I finally got out.
“Are you sure?” I asked. Steph had always had a lot of friends that she was really close with. I knew that she considered me to be one of her best friends the same way I did with her but I was still shocked at the fact that she wanted me to be in the wedding party.
“Of course, I would make you my maid of honor but I have to give my sister that,” she joked, throwing the ball again. I reached out and pulled her into a quick hug before feeling my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled my phone out to see an incoming call from Auston.
“Hello?” I asked swiping to answer the phone.
“Where did you two go?” Auston asked the second after I talked.
“We're at the park with Steph,” I answered.
“Oh. Do you think you could tire him out. My wrist is hurting a bit so I’m probably going to take the medicine and nap. I don’t want to have to take him out later,” he said. I glanced over to where Felix was laying on the ground looking at Zues play with a longing look in his expression. Letting out a soft sigh I knelt down and unhooked his leash.
“Yeah I can do that. Do you want me to pick up dinner or make dinner?” I questioned. Steph raised her eyebrow at me but I waved her off with my hand.
“We don’t have any groceries,” he responded. I heard the sound of the water running in the background before turning off.
“Okay I’ll pick up some food.”
“Sounds good see you then baby,” he said softly. I blushed as I mumbled back.
“Love you, hope your wrist starts to feel better.”
We hung up the phone and I turned back to Steph. “That was Auston. His wrist is bothering him a bit.”
“Oh. How did the surgery end up going?” she asked curiously. I shrugged my shoulders as I kept an eye on Felix running around with Zues.
“It was fine. Honestly I think Freddie took care of Auston more after it then I did,” I joked. She laughed with me before giving me a soft smile.
“I’m sure you guys will miss him.”
It was no secret that Freddie was such a big part of Auston and my life. He had lived with us during two of the offseasons and during the year he lived in the same apartment building. When we first met I wasn't sure how to feel about how close their friendship was but as time went on it just became the norm.
“Yeah we spent pretty much the whole summer with him. Only time we probably weren't with him was when we went to Mexico.”
Felix came running back over to us with Zeus following right after. Felix dropped the ball before taking a seat right at my feet. I let out a little laugh as I grabbed the ball and picked it up. He made no move to stand though so I just handed the ball back to Steph.
“You tired Felix?” I asked, reaching down to ruffle his hair. “Ready to go home to Papi?” He let out a bark in response causing Steph and I to laugh.
I dropped Felix off at the apartment before deciding to make the trip to the grocery store so that I could cook dinner for Auston and I tonight. I knew that if Auston’s wrist was hurting him he was going to be a bit extra crabby then he normally is so I wanted to do something nice for him and make him a meal that reminded him of his family.
I had decided to make Auston’s favorite meal, his Mama’s famous tortilla soup. She had given the recipe to me over the summer and I had made it with her a few times trying to get it just right. I hadn’t told Auston that I was learning though so I was kind of excited to surprise him with it.
When I got back from the grocery store I quickly put everything away and then started making the soup. Once it was finished I left it to simmer while I made my way into our room to see if Auston was still sleeping.
I quietly pushed the door open to see Felix laid out at the end of the bed wrapped around Auston’s feet and Aus passed out facing the door. A smile ghosted my lips as I walked further into the room. I walked over to my side of the bed and crawled in so that I was big spooning him. He shifted in my arms before relaxing against me.
“Aus,” I whispered softly.
“Huh?” he mumbled uot.
“I made dinner. Why don't you get up and eat some,” I pressed a kiss to the back of his neck which was slightly sweaty.
“Five minutes,” he responded tiredly.
“Okay. Are you feeling okay?” I rubbed my hand up and down his arm gently, careful of his wrist.
“Your sweaty,” I pointed out.
“It’s hot in here,” he pointed out “I don’t think we ever turned the air on.” I thought about it for a moment before realizing that he was right.
“I can go turn it on,” I said about to push myself up off the bed. He let out a groan as his hand stopped me.
“Can you just hold me for a bit longer.” Something in his voice caused my chest to ache and all I could do was nod.
“I made your favorite for dinner,” I mumbled quietly. He hummed in response.
“Tortilla soup,” I clarified for him. “Your Ma’s recipe.”
“Yum,” he smiled, before pushing himself up into a sitting position. He turned to face me and leaned down to press a passionate kiss to my lips.
“I love you baby,” he whispered when he pulled away.
“I love you too.”
I knew Auston was nervous and scared for what this new season was going to hold. Especially with all the uncertainty of his wrist and Freddie being gone. I also knew that this season was going to be just fine and he was worrying about nothing.
“Let’s go eat.” I climbed out of the bed holding my hand out to Auston. He took it and together we made our way into the kitchen stoppin to turn on the air.
���Oh my god, taste just like my moms,” he moaned as he took another spoonful.
A.N: Sorry this took so long for me to write. I hope you like it. I'm planning on working and finishing a lot of the request that y'all have sent in. I have a few that are already half written so I hope to get those posted soon! ps. sorry if this one is kinda boring.
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sweetestlamb · 3 years
Author's note: Wasn't episode 8 just lovely? I just couldn't get this out of my head, they're becoming so dependent on each other. Be still my beating heart. They're reminding me of my MoonMun couple so much and I think that explains my obsession and the amount of fics I've written thus far lol.
Summary: Just for tonight he'll be selfish.
"Are you okay now? Is there someone there?" He moves towards the dark alley that she came bolting from looking as frightened as he's ever seen her. He feels his muscles coil ready to protect her by any means possible. But before he can move she's tightening her hold on him, clinging to him now he can feel her warmth all around him like a blanket.
"No! Don't leave me." Hearing that scared plea causes a blurry memory to resurface in his mind, he can almost feel the words swimming in his mind but the memory is foggy and it evaporates as quickly as it formed.
"Okay, okay. I'm not going anywhere. Let's go inside." He starts to maneuver her toward her house at first she moves with him but then she stills, letting out a small sound of recollection.
"My phone." She whispers into his chest, they are pressed so closely he can feel her heartbeat still pounding through her chest into his. He strokes her back in a lazy soothing manner, shocked when she melts into his embrace further. Nothing is making sense at this moment but he doesn't care enough to stop, this.
"What about your phone?" He redirects the conversation and she continues, "I dropped it in there when I ran away."
"Okay. I'll go get it, wait here." He starts to gently untangle her hands from his flannel but she lets out a whine, gripping his shirt even stronger and moving with him.
"I'll---let's go together."
She's trembling now, positively shaking in her spot and he wants to argue with her to just go inside and wait for him but her earlier plea echoes in his ears. He can't leave her alone not right now, so he steps forward feeling her move with him, one step after another until he sees the rectangular object on the ground.
"I'm going to bend down to get it." He can feel her shifting beside him looking around wildly but thankfully no ominous figure appears, they are alone.
After a moment she nods, letting go enough for him to bend and retrieve the device and he checks the screen noting happily that it's not damaged but when he touches the screen it doesn't turn on so he tries again.
"It's dead. I forgot to charge it." She admits, taking the phone from his grasp.
He turns to her with a sharp stare, "You stayed out late after what happened and didn't charge your phone? Are you that fearless?" He chides, frustrated with her lack of awareness and disregard for her safety. If anything ever happened to her he would.... He would.......
"It wasn't on purpose. I didn't realize. I know it was irresponsible."
It's not a response he's expecting, the Hye Jin he knows would argue back, hardly taking shit from him ergo her meek uncharacteristic reply makes him feel worst, he shouldn't be blaming her especially after seeing first-hand how scared she is.
"Let's go inside now, it's cold and you're shaking." They both know the temperature has very little to do with her tremors but she doesn't disagree and carelessly he enters the code when they reach the door, ignoring the jolt in his chest that erupts as he enters his own birthday and the door clicks open. He thought she would have changed it by now.
He's grateful she hasn't.
They both take off their shoes, standing side by side now her arm around his waist and his around her shoulder. It's a small space and they can barely move but they work around it, reluctant to release each other.
"Thank you." Her voice is barely above a whisper, he thinks that he almost imagined it. He had an excuse prepared this time, he was merely patrolling and happened to pass her house. That was the lie he intended to go with, but something in her voice stops him from saying those deceitful words. He's tired of hiding and making up excuses for being around her.
"You're welcome. Here sit down, I'll make you some tea." Thoughtlessly he moves towards the kitchen, taking two steps until he can't move anymore. She's holding onto him tightly, he turns around looking at her small closed fists and then her trembling pretty face.
With a soft sigh, he takes her hand rubbing a thumb across the smooth skin.
"Just come with me." Immediately she steps forward pressing into his back, he tries to calm his heart taking the teapot and filling it with water, then he opens the cabinet retrieving a mug and setting it aside.
"I like honey. And a squeeze of lemon." He smiles at her soft demands.
Now that sounds more like his dentist. The bottle of honey is in her top cabinet and he grabs a fresh lemon from the fridge cutting it in half.
They stand silently as the water boils and he finally feels his anger boiling away as well. Angry that he was almost too late and that his town isn't safe anymore, angry that someone was able to shake this immoveable woman.
The shrill ringing of the teapot breaks him from his impasse, on autopilot he pours the water on the tea bag, then squeezes the honey in the steaming water, "I like a lot of honey." She's attached to his back her voice vibrating straight through him, he freezes when she wraps her arms around his waist. Her closeness is messing with his mind, but he tries to finish his job and get them on the couch maybe with some distance between them.
For his sanity.
"Let's go sit down." He grabs both mugs walking over to her couch, placing her cup on the far right and taking a seat on the far left putting a sea of distance between them. But immediately she sits down right next to him, leaving no space between them she might as well be in his lap. He squirms in place, standing up to get some reprieve but she grabs his hand staring up at him.
"Where are you going?" Fear bleeds into her voice and he lets go of his hesitations, tonight is not about him.
Leaning over he grabs her cup, tugging it closer.
"Nowhere, I'm not going anywhere. Drink your tea."
She blinks slowly at him before nodding and bringing the warm beverage to her lips. Her hum of satisfaction warms him all the way down to his toes.
"It's good. You really are good at everything." He preens at the compliment, thinking of all the times this week he wasn't needed or was cast aside for Director Ji. He's been swallowing his jealousy all week. So her words fill a hollow space in his chest.
He watches her drink the entire cup, ignoring his own growing cold on the table.
"I need to charge my phone." She suddenly says and he stares before nodding, taking the opportunity to drink his lukewarm tea. But then he notices that she's not moving despite having the phone and charging in her hand.
"What's wrong?" He raises an eyebrow in confusion.
She looks embarrassed now, unable to meet his eyes and he's flabbergasted at her reaction.
"Come with me?" He stares at her, feeling the same pride bloom as when she sat next to him instead of her sunbae, she's leaning on him.
He spots an outlet across the room, "Okay let's go there." She looks relieved at his lack of teasing, together they walk over to the outlet and she bends to plug in the charger and puts the phone on the ground.
In seconds the phone comes to life and he feels a sharp pain in his chest as a barrage of messages light up her phone, the majority from one person. When she clicks to open the message he instinctively looks away, not wanting to witness their conversation.
"He messaged so much." Her voice is filled with awe and childishly he moves away. He'd almost forgotten that she didn't actually need him. He was just conveniently there.
"I should go now. You're safe. Make sure to come home earlier from now on, maybe ask him to walk you home." It hurts to utter those words but it's easier than being replaced later, it's okay if he's the one that pushes her away first. "I'll see myself out."
He stands ready to leave, pointedly not looking back before he changes his mind and stays forever.
She was just scared, tonight didn't mean anything.
He grabs his fallen bagpack thrusting it on his shoulder, hopping into his boots all ready to head out. But it's unusually quiet, the silence is so deafening that he can't stop himself from looking back over at her. It's a mistake, a huge one at that. The phone has fallen from her hands, abandoned to the side and she's looking at him with the most desolate stare he's ever seen, moisture pooling in her huge round eyes.
"What's wrong? Why are you cry--"
"You said you wouldn't leave me. Why are you changing your mind? What if someone is still there? What am I supposed to do without yo--u?" Her voice cracks on the last word and his heart follows, she needs him. Nobody else has this week but here she is breaking down because he tried to leave, she needs him.
His decision is made for him in that moment.
As soon as he's close enough to touch she's clinging to him once again, he only absently realizes that she's trying to lead them to her bedroom but even he's not saintly enough for that so he stops her.
"Let's go to the couch. You'll feel more comfortable."
She doesn't question him seemingly happy to follow his lead.
The couch is comfy but definitely not intended for two grown adults, leaning over the arm rest he tries to get situated and once he stops moving she's snuggling into his side curling around him like a cat.
"Whenever I was scared, my mom used to stroke my hair."
He stares at the wall in front of them, wondering if she's aware of just how many lines they're crossing tonight- no catapulting over. But he's tired of second guessing himself so he stops thinking and just listens, bringing the hand that is curled on her shoulder up to her head before dragging his palm down her soft hair, gulping when she moans at the ministrations.
Her breathing starts to deepen and he feels her body losing its tension, she's falling asleep and once she succumbs he can finally make his escape, that's his plan. But he doesn't expect her to start stroking him too, her hand delicate on his chest.
"You've worked hard. Stopping a scammer and saving me all while recovering from a cold."
It's nothing. It's what he's supposed to do.
But it feels so good to hear those words, words that he hardly heard growing up.
"Go to sleep." He says instead of thank you, instead of kissing her like he's wanted to since he saw her outside and she ran straight into his heart.
It's a miracle but she listens to him, drifting to sleep her head heavy on his chest and he knows that he should wait a few minutes and try to extract himself but he can't, not tonight. Just for tonight he'll be selfish.
"You're making me want all sorts of things." He whispers to her sleeping face, terrified of her and all that she makes him feel. Feeling emboldened by their almost kiss initiated by her, he pushes her hair behind her ear taking a second to really looking at her face. She really is that beautiful. It doesn't seem fair. Leaning down he presses a soft kiss to her forehead, her skin is sleep warm and perfectly smooth. He presses a second one shamelessly. Her lips are right there and heavens knows that he's tempted but he can't take advantage, can't bring himself to do anything else. That's enough.
He doesn't know when he fell asleep but he wakes up to Mi-seon throwing a blanket over them, he keeps his eyes tightly shut mentally berating himself for that leaving when he had a chance.
"Just friends my ass. Just admit that you like him, look at the way you're clinging to him."
Somehow they traversed further down the couch in their sleep, both laying horizontal now with her body on top on his and her head tucked under his chin.
"I've never seen her sleep so peacefully though. She looks so young."
He tries not to think too deeply into what that might mean, listening to the retreating footsteps of her roommate and feeling himself losing the battle with sleep. She'll probably be embarrassed to find them this way tomorrow but that's a hurdle for another day.
Just for tonight I'll hold her. Until I'm not allowed to hold her anymore.
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Sick Day, Part 1 - Morning
This is for my bby @silverwolf319 💖💖💖 Something soft and comforting for the days you don't feel well. Here’s Frankie Morales making you take a sick day.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 ---
Word count: 950+
Rating: soft mature, 18+ only
Outline: Frankie Morales x “You” (gender neutral reader; “blank canvas”/no physical description/no name/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: mentions of illness/nausea; curse words and some vulgar language; Frankie being all soft and comforting
You groan, the light from the window far too bright, the weight of the day’s responsibilities pressing onto your lungs.
“Something wrong, babe?” Frankie’s voice is laced with concern. You try to roll over to look at him but your head rocks like a boat, so you just sink back onto the pillow. You stare at the ceiling but it spins, so you close your eyes with a shuddering breath.
"Just feel awful,” you mumble. “Like a truck hit me… wanna puke.”
Frankie presses one broad palm to your forehead. “You need to call in sick, baby. Let me take care of you.”
“Fever… ‘m I hot?”
“No, but you definitely don’t feel well. Normally you hop out of bed like the Energizer Bunny.” He flips the comforter off his legs and swings out of bed, tucking it back around you as you moan and throw a hand across your eyes.
“But I have so... much work,” you moan. “Can’t call in sick… so much...”
Frankie walks around to your side of the bed and reaches above the headboard to close the blinds, slanting them up instead of down so the light won’t hit your face.
“Nope, no way. Can’t have you going to work all barfy. You’re staying home. I’ll text your boss from your phone.” He leans over and presses a kiss to your forehead, and his morning mix of scents - his overnight perspiration and his warm breath and his favorite laundry detergent - normally so comforting and familiar make your stomach flip again.
You wince and turn your head away. “Brush teeth please.”
He huffs out a soft laugh. “Sorry. I’m gonna go get you some ice water and stuff. You stay here and try not to die.”
You groan again and hug your pillow, turning to bury your face in it, clinging to the edge of the bed like it’s a cliff that’s your last hope for rescue. You let yourself drift in and out, half-listening to Frankie putter around the kitchen, soft clinks of glass and ice, scrapes and loud thuds telling you he’s pulling out all the stops. He’s turning into “Nurse Frankie” and his whole mind is on you now, on your comfort and your care.
You drift off again... and then what seems like hours later but is probably only five minutes, you’re awakened by the sound of Frankie unfolding a TV table tray next to your head. Your eyes pop open with a start.
“Sorry, babe. Didn’t mean to scare you. Just wanted you to have enough room for all your sick stuff, not spill Gatorade all over your books and your phone charger on your nightstand.”
Your heart aches from his thoughtfulness, the complete opposite of a previous lover who might have begrudgingly brought you a glass of ice water and shoved it anywhere it would fit on your crowded bedside table… or the ones who wouldn’t even have done that much.
Frankie shines, all the time, in everything he does for you. For you. You. Like you’re his whole world when you know that he spent years with the concerns of the actual world pressed down on him, demanding his precision and his mind and his body during his years of service. It’s intense to have that focus turned on you, in bed, in love, in sickness and in health. And today it’s a soft intensity. He won’t push you or order you or command you, but neither will he relent when he knows what’s best. He’ll let your soft protests wash over him before he simply does what needs to be done.
He leaves the room and returns with the assorted treasures that he’s crafted and gathered for you: a box of tissues; a plastic tumblr of crushed ice that he made, putting the cubes inside of a Ziploc bag and beating them with a rolling pin; a glass of yellow-green Gatorade over ice with a stainless steel straw; a pack of original Trident gum, his personal trick for fighting nausea (“not too minty, just right” he always says). You want to cry with relief.
Frankie sets everything down within your reach, then he grabs your phone, texting a note to your boss, narrating as he types. “Not coming in today… got a good deep dicking last night… can’t walk… see you in a week…” Joking, because you know that his actual typed message was professional and polite and probably said, “Can’t make it in today. Very ill. Please text if there’s an emergency.” He winks at you and sets your phone to silent, face down on your nightstand with a mischievous smile.
Then he reaches out a hand and holds yours, his face changing to soft concern. “You need a barf bucket or anything?”
You nod. “Yes please.”
He squeezes your hand and then tucks it back under the comforter, pulling the warm covers up around your neck and patting your back. “Be right back.”
He comes back with a rectangular tub, the dishpan that you use when you’re camping together; and even here Frankie has thought of your comfort, because the white plastic tub is clean and wet and smells of disinfectant wipes. He’s taken the time to wipe off the dust and dead bugs that would normally be inside from months of storage in the garage. You want to cry. He’s a saint, an angel, and he sets the clean plastic tub on the floor next to your table.
You want to smile but you’re so worn out, so tired and touched from his kindness that you can’t, and the last thing you hear before you drift off again is Frankie’s soft, “Sleep good, babe. I’ll be in the living room. Text me if you need me.” --- Just-here-for-the-moment’s masterlist
My “all fics” tag list:
@anaaaispunk @justanotherblonde23 @gracie7209 @nicolethered @honestly-shite @driedgreentomatoes @dihra-vesa @1800-fight-me @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul
@kesskirata @honeymandos @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @anxiousandboujee @cevvie @quica-quica-quica @sherala007 @writeforfandoms @libellule2001
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love-and-monsters · 3 years
Fake Dating pt. 2
M Faerie X F human reader, 6,405 words
This is a part two to this story. Elwain and his human are safely in the human world, dealing with things far more mundane than an assassination attempt. Both of them are adjusting to the new life and to each other. Very fluffy, with some caretaking. I was in a very romantic mood while writing this and I think you can tell.
Content notes: mentions of parents trying to kill their child, descriptions of minor illness.
“This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Why do humans like this?”
You repressed a snicker. “You’re watching it.”
Elwain didn’t even look away from the screen to reply. “You put it on.”
“I just turned on the TV. You’re the one who started watching.” Elwain made a noncommittal noise. You pressed your lips together, trying not to smile. “I can change the channel, if you want. There’s a documentary on that I wanted to-”
“No, this is fine,” Elwain said. He hopped onto the couch next to you and curled up. “Ugh. These people know that expensive doesn’t mean good, right?”
You covered your mouth with a hand. Elwain actually, legitimately enjoying trashy reality shows was by far the best thing you’d learned about his personality since you’d started living together. The worst thing was probably that he’d grown up with servants and had no comprehension of household chores. It had taken a few weeks to get him to put his food back in the refrigerator when he was done with it, and you weren’t sure he was ever going to get the hang of doing dishes. Still. He was getting better.
“You’re still going to need to vacuum later tonight,” you reminded him. Elwain groaned.
“I spent all day at work!” he said. “I should get a day off.”
“You only had a five hour shift today. I worked seven. Plus, I have school. You don’t get breaks on household chores. Doesn’t matter how much you worked, they still have to be done.” Elwain looked away sulkily. That was an expression you were getting uncomfortably familiar with. “And you’re not allowed to do magic for it, either.”
“What? Just because you can’t use magic, there is no reason for me to be forbidden!” Elwain said.
“Yeah, sure. You remember what happened last time you used magic to clean the apartment?” Bright pink spots appeared on Elwain’s cheeks. He glared down at the couch, expression screwed up in irritation.
“I fixed that.”
“Uh, yeah. Sure. You fixed the apartment. What you’re never going to fix is my trauma from walking into my apartment and finding everything covered in spiders!”
“I apologized!”
“Look, the next time you decide to enchant a bunch of bugs into doing household chores, just. Don’t.”
Elwain huffed. “They weren’t even venomous to humans! All of you are so easily frightened. They weren’t going to hurt you.”
“I think the heart attack I had upon entering my own apartment could be considered as hurting me,” you muttered. Elwain looked sour, but didn’t respond, apparently returning to his TV show. Elwain’s adjustment to the human world had been… difficult. He had no real understanding of conventional social norms and obviously still expected everyone to treat him like a noble, despite working a minimum wage job at a fast-food restaurant. Not to mention that he seemed to have very loose morals when it came to enchanting mortals. As far as you were aware, he’d never done it to you, but he didn’t seem to have any sort of restraint when it came to anyone else. Before he’d gotten his job in customer service, he’d made all of his money by charming random people off the street into handing over their wallets.
Admittedly, his skills had come in handy. You didn’t feel particularly good about it, but he had charmed the landlord into giving you the apartment for significantly less than the going rate. In your defense, there hadn’t been many options. You couldn’t stay in your parent’s house with a Fae hanging around, and even with both of you working, there was no way to afford an apartment otherwise.
It did not help that Elwain apparently found your moral crisis very funny.
“You all live by such dumb rules all the time. If you really wanted, I could probably charm someone into giving us their house, or just letting us stay there.”
“That feels morally dubious,” you said.
“Ugh. You won’t let me steal anything, you won’t let me charm people into letting us use their things without stealing them, you won’t even let me charm people into handing some things over!” Elwain flopped across the couch. “So now we’re living in a garbage apartment and I have to work at a greasy food place where customers yell all the time and-”
“It’s a nice apartment, especially considering what we’re paying for it,” you interrupted. “And if you use magic too often, people might start figuring out that something weird is going on.”
“I doubt it. Mortals are stupid.” But Elwain didn’t protest, and went to his job as usual, and didn’t steal, which was more respect for your rules than you were worried he’d show. And, really, you were glad you’d instated the ‘no magic’ rule at large, given how unpredictable the results could be.
Elwain sprawled across the couch. He had a tendency to take up ridiculous amounts of space, pushing you to the edges of the couch to avoid contact. Eventually, you got up.
“Where are you going?” Elwain asked as you walked out of the room.
“I’m going to study for a bit before bed,” you called back. “Enjoy your show.”
He stared after you until your door clicked shut. Weird. He’d seemed almost annoyed about you leaving, even though it meant he could watch his shows for longer and you would stop bugging him about vacuuming. Whatever. He’d been acting weird recently, though. Maybe you should talk to him about it. He’d seemed fine for the first month or so after leaving his home and his parents trying to kill him, but maybe he was having some sort of delayed reaction.
You buried yourself in your textbooks for the next few hours, trying to get a solid start on one of your papers. The back of your mind seemed to be focused on the little noises in the apartment, though. Every sound of footsteps or things being moved pulled your attention back to the rest of the house. Eventually, you heard the sound of the vacuum running for a while before Elwain headed into his room.
He never went back into the main area of your apartment and, buried in work, you were soon thoroughly distracted. Gradually, as you worked, your mind grew less and less focused until you were face down in your books, dead asleep.
“Wake up!”
You bolted upright. There was a piece of paper sticking to your cheek from a stream of drool. You hurriedly pulled it off. “What? What’s going on?” You blinked, focusing on Elwain’s fine face in front of you. “What are you doing in my room?”
“Your alarm was going off. I can’t believe you didn’t hear it. It woke me up.” Sure enough, your phone, which was still sitting across the room from you, on its charger, was ringing furiously. You weren’t surprised that you hadn’t noticed it, though. Your head felt like someone had stuffed it with cotton.
“Oh. Sorry.” You rose a little unsteadily and turned the alarm off. “Thanks for waking me. Probably would have slept right through it if you hadn’t.”
“Uh huh,” Elwain said. “Did someone curse you?”
You blinked at him. He seemed dead serious. “Uh, no. I doubt it. Unless you know something I don’t.”
“If you’re asking about my parents, I would assume they are no longer concerned about me,” Elwain said. His voice was clipped, like it always was when he talked about his parents. “I don’t think they would bother to curse a mortal. If they had the means to lay a curse on someone, it would be far easier and more effective to just curse me.” He paused. “I was only asking because you look terrible.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled.
“You do. Why didn’t you sleep in your actual bed last night?” he asked.
“Because I fell asleep at my desk by accident. Are you going to stand here and just insult me or-” You broke off into a round of thick, hacking coughs. Elwain took a step back, alarm crossing his face.
“What is happening to you?” He lifted his arms in front of him, like he was trying to ward off some kind of evil spirit.
“It’s a cough,” you said. “Have you never seen a cough before?”
Elwain lowered his arms, still looking at me like he thought you would start convulsing at any moment. “Fae don’t do that.”
“They don’t cough?” You rubbed at your chest. A significant amount of phlegm had settled there. God, your body really had to pick the worst time to get sick.
“Not like that,” he said. “What’s the matter with you?”
“I’m sick,” you told him.
He nodded slowly. “I’ve heard of that. A mortal thing. Your forms are weak, so you occasionally fall ill. It is a sign of your small, failing lifespans.”
You considered correcting him, but decided that you had better ways to spend your morning than trying to explain germ theory to a Faerie. “Yeah. Sure. Well. I’m sick. So that’s why I’m coughing. It’s just a cold. I’ll be fine.”
Elwain narrowed his eyes. “Hmph. Well. I have work. Don’t die while I’m out.”
“I’m not in any danger of dying,” you told him. “Go head to work. Have fun.”
“That’s unlikely,” he muttered, but he left your room without protest. You closed your door after him and set about getting ready for your day.
The cold had settled into your head and chest and you could tell it was going to be bad already, even before it had come on fully. God. You could not afford to get sick.
Elwain was eating breakfast when you shuffled into the kitchen. You’d needed to absolutely cake your face in makeup to look presentable, and you saw his brows rise as he looked at you. Fortunately, the Fae at least knew how to keep their mouths shut. He just looked back at the frozen waffles he was toasting.
You snagged a granola bar and headed for the door. “Have a good day at work!” you called over your shoulder. Elwain grunted in response. The door swung shut behind you.
Work was exhausting, as per usual. It was better than Elwain’s job by a long shot, since you were working in a local candy store run by a sweet older couple, but between keeping an eye on any batches of candy being produced, sorting out customers, and having to deal with the requisite child-throwing-a-fit-for-not-getting-sweets, it was tiring. Trying to look bright and perky while being weighted down with a cold was awful.
As soon as work was off, you had class. Dragging yourself through it was a slow, painful slog. By the end, your head was fuzzy and you felt dead on your feet. Slowly, you hauled yourself on the bus and fell asleep.
Naturally, you missed your stop.
About an hour after you were supposed to be home, you dragged yourself in through the door. Elwain practically slammed into you. His hands clapped on either side of his face and he peered intently at you. “Where have you been? I’ve been calling you! I thought you were dead!”
You pushed him off you and bent to one side to cough heavily until you were nearly sagging to the floor. Elwain stared at you. “Sorry,” you rasped when you’d stopped. “I fell asleep. And then my phone was on low battery and I wanted to make sure I had enough battery to use my GPS to get home.”
“You couldn’t have texted me?” Elwain drew himself up, hands on his hips. The entire situation reminded you, ridiculously, of your mom when you came home after a night out. “I was worried! I didn’t know where you were, and mortals are so ridiculously fragile-”
“Aw, you’d have been fine,” you said. “If anything, you’d be able to do more without my stupid mortal morals.”
Elwain’s expression went strange for a moment. “Are you feeling well? You seem… off.”
“I’m not feeling well. I’d like to lie down, actually.” You coughed again. “That okay with you?” Elwain was still frowning, but he stepped aside, allowing you down the hall and into your room.
You went down into your bed face-first. Almost as soon as you hit the pillows, your mind faded into sleep. Sleep came to you in fitful waves. You kept waking, coughing, rolling over and falling asleep again. When your alarm pulled you back to full consciousness, you felt thoroughly awful. The cold had settled firmly into your chest and head, gumming everything up. Your chest rasped every time you breathed in, prompting heavy coughing fits, you shivered even when you were wrapped in blankets, and your head felt full, achy, and cloudy.
The cold had apparently decided to upgrade to a full-blown illness. Slowly, you shoved yourself upright. It was hard to breathe through your nose and your mouth. Your throat stung with every inhale. Every cell of your body just wanted to pop some of the cold medicine that made you sleep and hopefully you’d wake up when it was all over.
Just as you were standing up, someone knocked on your door.
Well, you knew who. There was only one person who it could be. Grimacing, you walked over to the door and pulled it open. “Elwain. What?”
He stared at you. “I was- are you okay?”
“I’m sick. You remember the discussion was had yesterday?” you said. “Anyway. You needed something?”
Elwain looked you over. You hadn’t looking into a mirror, but given his expression, you probably looked terrible. He seemed to think you were five seconds from crumbling into a pile of ash, like a vampire exposed to sunlight. “Do I need to call 911?” he asked.
“Uh, no. It’s a cold. I don’t need an ambulance. I need to sleep for a while. Why are you knocking on my door?” you asked. Elwain’s mouth moved wordlessly. Whatever he had wanted to talk to you about, it seemed to have been completely derailed.
“I… er.” Elwain’s gaze flicked over you again. “Well. I wanted to see how you were doing. You went to bed right after you got home last night and I never saw you again. And you seem to be doing… poorly.”
“Yeah. I’m not doing great. I really just want to go back to bed.” You rubbed your hand over your head. “I feel like shit.”
Elwain hesitated. “Do you need me to do something?”
“Just go about your day. I’ll try to keep my gross self out of your way.” You slouched across your room to your bed. “If you don’t need anything else, I’m going to try to get a little more sleep.”
Elwain lingered in the doorway for a few moments longer. Finally, he turned and headed into the kitchen. The door remained open behind him, and you couldn’t be bothered to get up and close it again. Instead, you buried your head in your pillow. Sleep claimed you again within moments.
Less than an hour later, your alarm went off again. You slapped at it balefully until it shut off. Somehow, it felt like you gotten negative sleep, like sleeping had made you even more tired. Slowly, painfully, you pushed yourself upright. Shivers wracked your frame. How had sleep made everything worse?
You threw on the first clothes that you could get your hands on and shuffled into the kitchen. Elwain looked up from his breakfast. His mouth opened slightly. “Good lord. Maybe you have been cursed.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled. “I don’t look that bad.” You did, but you’d slathered enough makeup on your face to cover most of it. Then again, maybe that wasn’t enough to hide from Fae eyes.
“You look like a walking corpse,” Elwain said. You collapsed in the seat next to him and coughed into your fist. The force of the motion made your head throb. Elwain curled his lips back from his teeth in a grimace. “Are you certain you don’t need me to call 911?”
“No. It’s a cold. I’m-” You dissolved into a fit of coughing so severe it was difficult to catch your breath. Elwain stared at you, eyes wide. “I’m fine,” you croaked.
Elwain narrowed his eyes, but returned to his phone. You didn’t know where he’d gotten it from, because he certainly hadn’t purchased it, but you’d decided you weren’t going to ask. You ate slowly, mostly because your stomach felt tender, and you couldn’t finish even half of your normal portion. After a while of picking at your food, you dumped your dishes in the sink and started gathering your items to head out.
“Where are you going?” You startled. Elwain had appeared at your shoulder, completely silent. You might have chalked up not noticing him to your cold-dulled senses, but he could sneak up on you no matter how well you were feeling.
“Work,” you said.
Elwain looked back down at his phone. “You are not supposed to leave the house if you’re sick.”
“It’s a cold. I’ll be fine,” you said.
Elwain kept looking at his phone. “If you are sick, you are supposed to stay home, both so you can avoid infecting others and so you can recover.”
“Are you reading that off a website? Where are you reading that from?” You tried to grab his phone, but he gracefully slipped out of your reach.
“I searched about human illnesses on the internet,” he said. “Your symptoms are consistent with the common cold, but they are also consistent with pneumonia. It says you should sleep and drink water until you are recovered.”
“Look,” you said. “I’m fine. It’s a cold. I’ve had them before. I will have them after this one. I know how to handle them. I’ll pop some cold medicine and I’ll be fine.” Elwain stared at you. His expression was hard to read. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll live.” You sniffed and blotted at your face with a tissue. “I’m going to leave now. I’ll see you later.”
You swept out the door, giving Elwain a wave. He stared after you, not moving until you slammed the door shut.
It was a long, slow, awful day. You could barely keep your head together. By the time you got home, your limbs were heavy with exhaustion and your mind was swimming.
You dragged yourself through the door. Your body felt like you were wrapped in a massive, thick blanket. Everything was warm and it was hard to move, like everything was stiff.
Elwain stared at you as you pulled yourself into the kitchen. “You look like death warmed over.”
“Fine,” you mumbled. “’m fine.” You slouched over the counter and leaned against it. Elwain stood, stepping closer to you. “I’m good. I… I’m good. Just… Tired. Tired. Need to nap.”
“Perhaps you should nap in your room,” Elwain said. “Not on the counter.”
“I’m fine here.” Your words were getting mushy. Why weren’t your lips moving correctly? “I’m good. I just, um. Need. Something…”
“It’s okay. You’re okay. Here, hold onto me. I’ll-” Elwian’s hands were on your waist, on your back. You felt boneless, mushy. Your limbs weren’t moving the way you wanted them to. The only thing you could feel were Elwain’s hands supporting you. Was he carrying you? Maybe. You felt like you were floating. Your head was disconnected from your body, floating. Someone was speaking to you from far away, a soothing voice. It was so soothing. Maybe you could just sleep for a bit. Just sleep. It would be nice to just sleep.
Dimly, you came back to yourself. You blinked your eyes open. The ceiling was unfamiliar, at least as ceilings went. Not that you were familiar with many ceilings, really. Looking down at yourself revealed why the ceiling was so unfamiliar. The bed was covered in heavy, dark blue sheets. Elwain’s sheets. You were in his bed.
Slowly, you pushed yourself upright. You still felt bad, but less bad than you had been feeling. A raking cough escaped your chest, thick with phlegm.
“You’re up!” Elwain appeared in the doorway. He looked… frazzled? You weren’t sure the Fae could look as frazzled and unkempt as a human could, but he didn’t look as ethereally beautiful as he usually did. He looked sort of ruffled. “I was considering dragging you to the hospital, but the internet said that maybe ginger tea would actually be better, so I got you some of that.” He indicated the cup in his hands.
“You have got to stop getting all your information from the internet. Or at least I need to give you a media literacy course on identifying good sources,” you croaked. Your voice sounded bad, but it no longer hurt to speak. It just felt uncomfortable.
Elwain gave you a bewildered look and held the cup out toward you. “Drink it.” You took it obligingly and took a sip. Elwain must have dumped half a bottle of honey in it, because it was so sweet you almost couldn’t taste the ginger. You swallowed it carefully.
“Thank you,” you said when you’d finished the cup. “What, uh. What exactly happened to me?”
Elwain sat on the end of your bed. He was wearing his old cloak, the one he’d taken with him when he’d fled from Faerie. He tucked it tighter around him, fingers fidgeting at the hem. “I was hoping you could inform me of that, actually. I was quite frightened when you collapsed like that.”
“Oh, yeah,” you said. Vaguely, you remembered passing out. “How long was I out?”
Elwain glanced at the clock. “Mn. Less than an hour? You were in and out for the first ten minutes, mumbling a lot.” You had vague memories of Elwain leaning over you, expression panicked. Must have been from then. “Once I got you into bed, you fell asleep. I wasn’t sure if I should wake you or not.”
“It is,” you said. “Probably a good idea to let me sleep. Though if I ever do collapse again, please call 911.” You considered. “Well, I guess don’t call 911 unless I’m actually dying. I can’t afford the ambulance.”
Elwain nodded, even though he looked politely confused. “Is your illness getting worse?”
“Maybe,” you said. “It’s hard to tell. I think I have a fever now, so that sucks.”
With absolutely no warning, Elwain leaned forward. His face was abruptly so close to yours, close enough to feel his cool breath tickling your skin. The hairs on the back of your neck lifted. Suddenly the only thoughts in your head had to do with his lips pressing to yours, his cool mouth meandering along your skin-
His forehead touched yours. His eyes closed, a little furrow appearing in his brow. “You’re warm,” he said. “Very warm.” He sat back.
You blinked. “Uh. You can do that with your hand, you know.”
“Oh? I saw the forehead one on the internet,” Elwain said, but he reached up and cradled your face in his hands. With a soft, delicate touch, the back of his hand brushed against your forehead and down your cheek. The touch made something in your chest tighten and your breath catch. “You still feel warm.”
You moved your mouth, trying to get your brain back in gear. “Uh, yeah. Fever! That’s, uh. Bad. I need, um. You remember that pill bottle in the bathroom I showed you? The one with the little red pills?” Elwain nodded. “Get those and a glass of water. They’ll bring the fever down.”
Elwain vanished for a moment and returned with a tall glass water and the bottle of pills. He watched as you downed them and sank back into bed. His sheets were softer than yours, his bed even more luxuriously plush. You weren’t sure where he’d gotten the sheets from, or if maybe they were the sheets you’d bought him, just augmented with magic. “Why did you put me in your bed, anyway?” you asked. “My bed’s not that much further away.”
“I wanted to keep an eye on you,” Elwain said. “And you do not like me coming in your room.”
“I don’t like you just walking into my room whenever you feel like it, but you can come into my room,” you said. But you were pretty glad he’d put you in his bed. Everything in his room smelled faintly floral and herbal, a smell that relaxed you. Everything was cozy.
“I am not familiar with how to deal with sick mortals,” Elwain said. “Do you need anything else?”
“No. I just need to rest.” You paused, looking toward the window. “I should probably head back to my own room, actually. You’ll probably want to sleep here tonight, right?”
Elwain shook his head. “Stay. You need to rest. I will sleep elsewhere.” He swept out of the room, cloak fluttering behind him. You stared after him for a moment before sinking back into bed. Despite just waking up, your head was already muddy again. Maybe Elwain had gotten you the pills with the sleeping medicine in them. Your eyes closed. Within moments, you were drifting away, fast asleep.
You dreamed of strange things, of hands on your face, cupping your cheek, of soft lips pressed to your neck, of kind eyes and strong arms carrying you around. When you opened your eyes to see the same kind eyes staring down at you, you were half-convinced you were still dreaming.
“Hello,” Elwain said. “You have been asleep for a while.”
You blinked. Your body did have that foggy heaviness that came when you’d been sleeping deeply. Even your discomfort from the illness seemed far away and dim. “Elwain.”
“Yes. I’m right here.” He said it more gently than a simple statement of fact, almost like a reassurance.
“How long was I out?” There was bright sunlight streaming in through the window and across the bed. You lifted a hand to clumsily shield your eyes.
“Over twelve hours. I thought you should probably sleep. That’s what the internet said.”
“Oh, man, we are going to need to get you some better resources than just ‘the internet,’” you said. “But you were right. Thanks for letting me sleep.” Slowly, you shoved yourself up into a sitting position. “What’s that?”
Elwain held a bowl out to you. “I was told that soup was good for mortal illnesses.”
You took the bowl of vegetable broth. Elwain’s cooking was usually pretty hit or miss- he could follow recipes just fine, but he also had a habit of deciding that he had a better idea than the recipe and going completely off the rails. The soup just seemed to be broth, though. You took a cautious sip. It was watery, but tolerable.
“Are you feeling better?” Elwain asked. You nodded, glancing over at the clock.
“It’s past nine,” you noticed. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
“I called in sick. I wanted to stay home to make sure you were all right.” Elwain looked completely serious.
“It’s just a cold. I’m fine.”
Elwain’s eyes narrowed. “You collapsed.”
“Well, yeah, but…” You trailed off. There wasn’t much you could say in response to that. “Fine. But if you get fired for this, I’m going to be pissed.”
“I will not be fired. My boss loves me.” Elwain gave a superior little sniff, nose stuck up in the air. You laughed into your bowl of broth.
When you were finished, Elwain took your bowl back into the kitchen, returning only a few moments later. “Do you need anything else?”
“I think I’m okay,” you said. “You really didn’t have to stay home to take care of me. There’s not going to be a lot to do. I think I’m mostly going to sleep.”
“Regardless. I think it is better to be safe.” Elwain looked at you from the doorway for a moment longer. “I need you.”
He left the doorway. You could hear his footsteps retreating into your apartment, perfectly steady, like what he said hadn’t made your chest tighten intensely. You sank back into his bed. His scent wreathed around you, gentle and reassuring. Oh, god. Warm feelings were fluttering up in your stomach, swelling through chest and trembling in your lungs. Worse than that, they felt familiar. How long had these feelings been lingering in the background of your mind? And now they had surfaced and you didn’t know what to do with them. Naturally, you would have some kind of emotional crisis when you were sick.
You faded in and out of dreams where Elwain’s scent wreathed around you and his gentle hands stroked your forehead and cheeks. You woke up feeling oddly melancholy.
The sounds of the TV drifted through the open door. Shaking some feeling back into your heavy limbs, you hauled a blanket over your shoulders and headed into the living room.
Elwain was draped over the couch, staring at the TV. There was some soap opera on with a woman and a man hysterically throwing themselves at each other. Elwain looked up as you padded into the room. “Is it okay for you to be out of bed?” he asked.
“Yeah. I feel better, actually.” The sleep had helped quite a bit. You still felt foggy, but the pain in your head and chest had faded. Elwain sat up, drawing his limbs in closer to himself so you could sit next to him.
“You look less… corpse-like,” he said. Before you realized what he was doing, he took hold of your face in both hands and pulled you closer to him. “You are still warm.”
“Uh, yeah. I’m getting better.” You reached up and carefully pried his fingers off your face. You were overly aware of how your fingers lingered together. “How’s your day off going?”
“Human TV is still strange,” Elwain said, turning back toward the screen. “I can’t imagine any humans really behave like this. I have never seen it.”
“No, it’s a soap opera. It’s supposed to be deliberately over-the-top and crazy. That’s why they’re fun to watch.” Elwain rolled his eyes, but there was amusement in his expression.
“Is there anything you want to watch?” he asked.
“No, this is fine.” You settled into the soft cushions, staring at the TV. As much as you were looking in the direction of the TV, most of your attention was focused on Elwain. His gaze kept flicking toward you, as if he was unable to focus on the show either. After a moment, he reached out toward you.
One of his hands settled on your head, the other on your shoulder. Before you realized what had happened, he pushed you so your head was resting in his lap. You stared up at him as he, apparently unconcerned, started weaving his fingers through your hair.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
“You did this for me when I first came here,” Elwain said. “It was soothing. I thought you might like it as well.” He paused. “Was I incorrect?”
You considered for a moment. His fingers were still carding through your hair, twining strands around his fingers. “No. I don’t mind.”
Elwain continued to stroke your hair. His nails scratched lightly at your scalp. The feeling of being touched made something tremulous swell in your chest. It was a pleasant feeling, but one so sharp and overwhelming that it almost made you cry.
You lay with Elwain for a while, his hands absently playing with your hair and trailing along your head and neck. He seemed to be paying far more attention to you than to the TV. “You should take better care of yourself,” he said, stroking your bangs back from your forehead. “If you were to die, I would be alone in the mortal world.”
“You’d manage,” you said.
“Perhaps.” Elwain removed his hands from your hair and hesitated for a moment. He seemed to be struggling to speak. Then he sighed. “But I would prefer it if you were with me.”
You looked up at him. He was staring deliberately to one side. There was a faint pinkish color to his cheeks and his eyes were narrowed. “You could have left, once our deal was up. I only asked you to stay with me for the night. And yet, you helped me. There was no reason to. I no longer have my connections or any particular Faerie skills. Even the few powers that remain with me, you don’t like me using. You have gained nothing from this deal and you help me regardless.”
“Of course, I did.” Thinking about that night only brought one image to your mind. Elwain, who had nearly been killed by his own parents, looking lost and confused and abandoned. He had been cocky before, but in that moment, he had just looked forlorn and upset. He had just looked scared. “I wasn’t going to just leave you on your own.”
“You could have,” Elwain pressed on. “Easily, you could have. You could have justified it, even by mortal morals. There’s not a lot here that could kill me. As you have pointed out, I would be fairly fine on my own. But you stayed with me regardless, for no other reason than just helping me.”
“You’d just almost been assassinated. I couldn’t leave you,” you said.
“You could have. But you didn’t. And, at least so far, you have asked for nothing from me in return. To be quite honest, you’ve been almost annoying with how little you allow me to do.”
“I try,” you said. Elwain snorted. It was an inelegant noise, but somehow also incredibly attractive. “Where are you going with this?”
“I’m trying to explain to you that I care about you. I want you to be well and safe and healthy because you saved me and you didn’t have to and I appreciate it.” Elwain’s cheeks flamed red. “That’s what I’m trying to say.”
You reached up slowly and let your hand cradle the side of his face. He leaned into your touch, eyes closing. “It’s strange. I’m not used to this,” he said. “My parents loved me as far as they could use me. It’s how Faeries are. But you have used me for nothing, gained precious little advantage from having a Faerie living with you. And I wasn’t used to it. I still think I’m not used to it. But I am so… so… happy. For this. For you.” He blinked his eyes open. They were hazy with emotion. “Thank you.”
It was an impulse maybe you could have resisted if you were feeling better, but you were overwhelmed with feeling and not in the mood to fight with yourself. The hand on his cheek shifted position toward the back of his neck and pulled him down on top of you. His mouth pressed into yours, tense and unyielding, then softening as he realized what was happening.
There was a moment of fumbling, while Elwain registered that you were kissing. You broke away from his mouth, but he was pressing into you again, pulling you close to him and meeting your lips over and over with his own. His tongue brushed your lower lip and his moan sounded against your mouth.
You weren’t aware of how it happened, but suddenly you were lying back on the couch with Elwain on top of you. He was kissing you furiously, his hips flush to yours. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pushing him as close to you as you could get.
One of your gasping breaths caught in your chest, triggering a coughing fit. You rolled over, trying not to cough right into Elwain’s face. He sat back. His lips were already slightly kiss-swollen and he looked a bit rumpled. “Right,” he said, trying to finger-comb his hair back into a presentable state. “You’re still not feeling well.”
“Hold on. Give me a minute, we can keep going,” you said between coughs. Elwain pressed his lips together, but they were twitching toward a smile.
“You are admirably determined, but I think it would be better for you to rest,” he said. There was a pause. Elwain tugged on a few of the longer strands of his hair. “I take that to mean you feel the same way?”
“That I like you? Yeah.” You pulled him down so he was laying across your chest. He looked at you, eyes surprisingly wide and innocent. “When I first met you, I thought you were kind of an asshole. And you are kind of an asshole. But you’re also charming and endearing and you try to follow my rules even when you totally don’t have to. And you’re willing to take care of me when I’m sick.”
“You took care of me when I had lost everything,” Elwain said. “I only wished to return the favor.” His fingers wandered over your stomach, tracing absent patterns on your shirt. You could feel his warmth against your skin. “Usually, that’s how it works, with Faeries. Favors are given because giving means you can get something in return, and you’re always trying to leverage the deal to get more than what you’re giving.” He closed his eyes for a moment, brows furrowing. “But when I saw you were sick, I wasn’t thinking that I needed to pay you back. I was only thinking that I wanted to help you.”
You stroked your fingers through his hair. “That’s what love is.”
“Mortal love,” he sighed. “I always thought it was flimsy and weak and short-lived.” His eyes opened again and he nestled into you. “It’s much stronger than I thought. So much more than I believed. It almost hurts, but it’s a good hurt.”
You started coughing again. Elwain swung himself up and gathered you into his arms. “I’ll take you back to bed,” he said. “You need to get better. I want to continue this.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. You rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. His heartbeat thudded against you, slow and steady. The feeling of him holding you swelled and ached inside you, a pleasant ache. You clung to him as he eased you into bed and settled in next to you. Your illness was all but forgotten. Everything was soft and pleasant under a heady wave of love.
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
Kazuichi, Byakuya, Gundham, Rantaro, Gonta, Leon, and Toko with an ultimate Broadway actress s/o
Desc; headcanons of kazuichi, byakuya, gundham, rantaro, gonta, leon, toko with an ultimate broadway actress s/o
Warnings; i tried to make this spoiler free, fem!reader, reader uses female pronouns, i guess this takes place at hope’s peak academy? pre-tragedy?? i dont really know about the v3 boys, haven’t finished the game lmao-
◊ He already knows a bunch about Musicals; especially the darker ones.
◊ He thinks your Ultimate is amazing, he loves all your plays.
◊ Neither of you know which between the two of you is more dramatic.
◊ Your dramatic personalities often intertwined, merging the two of you and making you both into one huge drama queen.
◊ It gives everyone a headache as you both scream, “My toe hurts!-” “My king’s toe hurts! Someone bring an ambulance, stat!”
◊ “Someone get the fucking chlorofoam-” “Hiyoko no-”
◊ This is a bad example, but you get my point-
◊ He enjoys Shakespeare and dark love story plays/musicals.
◊ So he would definitely enjoy acting one with you on stage, if you let him.
◊ He’ll somehow incorporate his Dark Devas into the play just for an excuse to bring them with him on-stage.
◊ Once he was playing Romeo and abandoned Juliet to save Cham-P after he ran offstage to eat a sunflower seed someone dropped on the floor.
◊ Fuck Juliet, mans knows his priorities.
◊ He’s kind of a musical theatre nerd, he enjoys discussing the message behind musicals you’ve played.
◊ Throwing in some compliments about how well you perceived the character, and how pretty you looked.
◊ He is always extremely proud and amazed at your ability to sing, dance and act so well all at the same time.
◊ He believes you don’t get enough credit for doing what you do, so he makes sure you know how proud he is of you.
◊ He sometimes quotes Shakespeare or some other dark musical while you two hung out, it was kinda cute seeing him geek out like that.
◊ “As said in ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’, Better three hours too soon than a minute too late." Gundham quoted, pride laced in his words as he was proud of remembering that. “Gundham... it’s literally 5 am in the morning, the party starts at 12 pm. Go back to sleep.” Gundham blinks and nearly falls asleep where he stood. “Mmkay.”
◊ If he saw you dress up as the witch in Wicked, he would be whipped.
◊ His evil queen? In an evil costume? A dream come true!
◊ He thinks you look absolutely fabulous and praises you a bunch after the show, telling you how pretty you looked while you acted.
◊ He wouldn’t know much about musical theatre, since he’s more into machines.
◊ But when you told him to come to a play you were going to star in, he jumped at the offer.
◊ 90 minutes of you? He must be the luckiest guy in the world!(Nagito would be proud)
◊ After watching his first play, he decides he is obsessed with musical theatre now, going to all your shows.
◊ He loves all the romance based musicals, he’s a sucker for romance what can he say?
◊ He’d obsess over all your plays, going into a lot of detail about his favourtite parts.
◊ He’s kinda like, your #1 fan.
◊ He has posters of musicals you’ve starred posted around his dorm room, just a bunch of merch of you and all the musicals you starred in.
◊ When you tell him he has a backstage pass because he’s your boyfriend, he is overjoyed. 
◊ He actually trained a bit to be one of the backstage crew members.
◊ He learned how to fix your make up during intermissions, fix a loose stitch on your costume, all that good stuff.
◊ Though every time he sees your face up close for make up, he goes speechless.
◊ He wonders every time, how the hell did he get someone like you?
◊ Though his hands are shaking from how nervous he was, he still managed to make you look absolutely amazing.
◊ He’d blast a bunch of musical soundtracks while he works on his machines, screwing on and unscrewing things with a bop.
◊ I can imagine Kazuichi jamming with you in the car. The car moving violently as you two bounced to the rhythm like mad men.
◊ I think he’d get pretty insecure if he saw you with a love interest, he would think that when you two shared a staged kiss or scene, that it was actually full of love and not fake
◊ But when you cheer him up and tell him how much you love him, he realizes he was being silly over nothing.
◊ After watching many many romance musicals, you notice he gets more romantic; most likely mimicking the love interests.
◊ He is still a bit insecure, but if he does more romantic things, you’ll love him right?
◊ You enjoy the silly grand gestures of love, but you try and assure him constantly that you don’t need any of it.
◊ You only need him <3
◊ w o a h
◊ He’d love the fact that you’re an actress
◊ He thinks it’s so cool like-
◊ constant fanboying after shows
◊ He’s always bringing you flowers once you’re off the stage, showering you with praises and affections
◊ He’s literally so proud of you wtf??
◊ i think he’d be the type to show you off a lot
◊ “Hey you!” He points at a naked passerby(this is an inside joke, i am so sorry), “Guess what? My girlfriend’s a Broadway actress!” “Rantaro stop, people are staring-” “Are they? hEY YOU! YEAH, YOU STARING!! MY GIR-”
◊ if you ever started spitting out hamilton raps, he’d be the one beatboxing in the back ground for you.
◊  “Pshh, packow, psshh psshh, packow!” “How does a bastard, orphan, son of a-” 
◊ you two would jam out to musical soundtracks in your dorm, dancing dramatically as you did.
◊ you two kinda become like a duo of musical theatre kids.
◊ if you stood on a table and started belting lyrics, he would hop on and join you
◊ unless it was a solo, he would never steal your thunder.
◊ if you ever felt a bit nervous before a big show, he would assure you that’d you’d do great and tell you how much he believed in you until you felt better.
◊ he’s your charger before and after a big show.
◊ if you felt exhausted from acting and dancing around the stage, he’s always there to give you what you need most.
◊ whether it’s water, food, flowers, or just him and his cuddles, he always has it ready for you.
◊ the most recent musical soundtrack that you’ve played will be stuck in his head.
◊ For example, if you recently played in Hairspray, ‘Mama, I’m a big girl now!’ will be stuck in his head until the next play he watches.
◊ you’d catch him humming it during everything he does, 
◊ and it’s actually so fricking adorable.
◊ if you heard him sing a familiar tune, you would hum along with him.
◊ “Hmm, mmwhen I was, just a kid ♪” 
◊ Your ears perked up at the familiar tune, slowly you turned around to face him.
◊ “♪....You never let me do just what the older kids did…♪” You joined in quietly, Rantaro whipped his head towards you, a rising smile on his face.
◊ “♪ But lose that laundry list of what you won't allow ♪,” His voice rose slowly in excitement, pointing at you with a big grin across his face.
◊ And at the same time, you both sang obnoxiously loud, as if it was rehearsed, “♪ 'Cause mama, I'm a big girl now! ♪” Running to each other with excitement, 
◊ You let out a fit of giggles as Rantaro picked you up, “MY WIFE, PLEASE BE MY WIFE!” 
◊ This is how you two met and you can’t tell me otherwise-
◊ Gonta wouldn’t know much about Broadway musicals- which to you, a broadway actress, was unacceptable!
◊ so you made it your mission to get him to watch as many musicals as he possibly can.
◊ You’d tell him to come to all your plays, him excitedly agreeing despite not knowing what a play is.
◊ You’d do extra good knowing that Gonta was in the crowd watching you, wanting to give him the best first experience with musicals.
◊ He’d applaud at the end of every scene, trying to show his support the best he can.
◊ for his first play he watches, he ends up clapping a bit too early.
◊ he cheered and applauded super loud when he saw you on stage, but stopped when he realized everyone was staring at him.
◊ Though it was a bit embarrassing for both you and him, you felt your heart flutter at how his first instinct was to clap for you when you walked in stage.
◊ You’d introduce him to various musicals, beauty and the beast being his favourite.
◊ He definitely starts to obsess over the more ‘gentlemanly’ characters.
◊ his first impressions of the beast were bad; Denying that old lady shelter? How ungentlemanly!!
◊ so when the dude got cursed, he cheered lmao
◊ but as he kept watching, he could see the beast wasn’t too bad. 
◊ The beast had some flaws, but he obviously cared for belle, he thought.
◊ Oh but he hated Gaston, he really really hated him.
◊ If you acted with someone who played Gaston(and you as belle), he would have to hold back and not rip his face off every time Gaston said something idiotic or sexist.
◊ He had to keep reminding himself that, that Gaston wasn’t real(and thank god for that, real gaston would’ve been torn to shreds.)
◊ the dancing scene was his favourite part for sure.
◊ He’s sad he doesn’t get to play beast with you, but he still enjoys the scene nonetheless.
◊ something cute I can imagine him doing is surprising you by dressing up in a prince costume from the musical and asking you for a dance. 
◊ It’s the cutest thing ever oml-
◊ It’s such a beautiful moment, you two just dancing together in a random room with no care in the world.
◊ Your arms wrapped his extravagant costume and his arms wrapped around your pj’s.
◊ He’s a bit shy to be so close to you, but he tries his best to be confident and as princely as he could so he pushes his anxiety aside.
◊ As his stomach fills with butterflies, he becomes slightly confused and concerned, ‘Did Gonta eat butterflies??’ He slightly panics-
◊ ‘Those poor butterflies!!’
◊ He’d watch a lot of videos on how to ballroom dance in advance for this moment.
◊ He’s actually not that bad!
◊ Well- as long as you dance with your feet on his, so he doesn’t crush your toes.
◊ If you ever did some beauty and the beast scenes for him, he would be so happy. 
◊ He’d be even happier if you let him play the beast with you.
◊ He’d be smiling the entire time during a fight/sad/serious practice scene.
◊ *almost gets stabbed* “Haha oh no!” 
◊ When you sing during one of the scenes, he kinda just-
◊ becomes a puddle of a gentleman.
◊ his heart melts and disintegrates(haha what) of love for you. 
◊ he absolutely loves your voice, and would beg for you to sing him one of the soundtracks from beauty and the beast before bed.
◊ He’s really proud of all your plays, and is extremely happy that you–of all people–are his girlfriend.
Byakuya Togami
◊ In all honesty, he thinks your ultimate isn’t all that great.
◊ But as he watches one of your plays, his mind ultimately(see what i did there?) changes.
◊ He becomes impressed and dazzled from how passionate you look when you act, not noticing how you had him sitting on the edge of his seat.
◊ After watching you act, he literally cannot watch another play unless you are in it, finding it unworthy of his time and money.
◊^^this is before you two got together,
◊ you two got together after you found him in your crowd, applauding like the rest of them with the same bewildered expression on his face.
◊ You confronted him and he attempted to compliment your acting, but he accidentally let his feelings for you slip out instead, “I find you truly captivating- Wait no, I-I meant your plays. Your plays, they are truly captivating.” You watched in amusement as he stumbled with his words, eventually interrupting him with an, “Are you available right now?”
◊ So yeah, eventually you two get together, and good for Togami! Because now he doesn’t have to secretly applaud you as a fan, he can applaud you whenever and as your lover.
◊ After shows, he’d give you a single rose as a congrats or applause (so romantic!)
◊ If you ever decided to be chaotic and start belting out lyrics, he would just sigh and let you finish.
◊ Very rarely, you would catch him humming a small tune of a musical song you sang.
◊ But very very rarely. If you ever catch him and confront him about it, he will deny it completely.
◊ I think he’d probably like the more serious plays, he enjoys the meanings and emotions of them more than the sillier and playful ones.
◊ If he ever watched Mean Girls, he would start to slightly mimic Regina George.
◊ “Byakuya wha-” “Get in peasant, we’re going shopping.” 
◊ It’d be lowkey hot when you hear him sass you like Regina George tho-
◊ He’d have more big dick energy after watching Mean Girls, emitting his dominance to everyone.
◊ Makoto during a class trial: “So we know that she was at the scene of the crime, right?” “Shut up.” Byakuya flipped his imaginary long hair as Makoto stares at him in confusion, silence filling the room. “Shut up!” “I didn’t even say anything-”
◊ “The new motive is going to be-!” “Whatever, I’m getting cheese fries a book.” Byakuya sighed, turning on his heels and catwalking away.
◊ ...
◊ Would go to every one of your shows.
◊ Would act like an absolute mom in the crowd.
◊*holding a video camera* You’re doing great sweetie!.
◊”That’s my girl!”
◊ You’d get embarrassed every time he does that.
◊ Hypes you up when you get nervous before going on stage.
◊ In back stage, he’d praise you and give you a bouquet of flowers.
◊ Where did they come from? When did he have time to get flowers when he was yelling in the crowed??
◊ Helps you rehearse lines even if he has no idea what they’re about.
◊ Will fight anyone that makes mean comments towards you.
◊ Even if it’s just constructive criticism, he will take it as an insult.
◊ “Hey s/o! You did great! Maybe next time you could-”
◊ Will take every chance to pick you up and call you a queen.
◊ When you guys watch other plays together, he always says how you’d play a better role or that you’d do so much better.
◊ He is pretty jealous of your talent, he has always wanted to be a singer instead of a baseball star, but his ultimate wouldn’t allow that.
◊ So if you let him sing some musical song duets with you, his heart will be so full.
◊ You make him so happy, he almost breaks into cries.
◊ You two of weekly karoake nights, always singing some Heather’s duet together.
◊ One time, you, Sayaka and Leon sang the Candy Store song, Leon being Heather Chandler, Sayaka as Heather Duke, and you as Heather McNamara.
◊ It was... amazing.
◊ Everyone was cheering, clapping and it praising all of you.
◊ You made Leon feel alive, and he really, really loves you for that.
◊ She loves your ultimate, and fangirls over you a bunch.
◊ She’s amazed at your confidence to go up in stage, knowing she could never do that.
◊ She thinks your confidence is kinda hot, and decides she is in love.
◊ Likes to add a character in her books that are a lot like you, maybe making them a broadway actress-
◊ She thinks about you a lot, sometimes accidentally blurting out how pretty you were in your last performance in front of everybody.
◊ You confronted her for it, and she almost passed out.
◊ “W-w-why d-do you think t-t-that? D-d-do you th-think you’re b-better than m-me or so-something?” 
◊ You already know her and her inferiority complex, so you don’t take offence to what she said, simply replying with, “I think you’re really cute.”
◊ Toko goes silent, except for a few “!??!??” noises that came out of her.
◊ “... U-uh, a-are you j-joking, be-because that isn’t f-funny!” She flushes, denying that you complimented her.
◊ “I’m not joking, here’s my number! Call me, kay?” You grinned before turning on your heel.
◊ She’s kinda dumbfounded, did her crush just ask her out??
◊ She denies it hard at first, not believing that you asked her out.
◊ Thus, not calling you.
◊ Well, I mean, she kinda did.
◊ She dialed your number one day, feeling a bit lonely.
◊ But as she heard your morning voice, she squeaked and hung up quickly.
◊ She felt her face turn into a fireball, her thoughts going into overdrive from how attractive your voice sounded.
◊ Your voice, she was attracted to your voice.
◊ The next day, when you ask her about what that call was about, she denies it and calls you stupid.
◊ Sprinting away while she screamed, “I-i-idiot!!”
◊ Acts like an absolute tsundere around you.
◊ You constantly flirt with her, trying to get her to accept a date with you.
◊ Being the dramatic hoe you are, you try and give her a declaration of your love.
◊ Knowing she is the Ultimate Writer, and into poems, you write one for her.
◊ You declared your love during one of your plays, knowing she sat in the crowd somewhere.
◊ You interrupted a scene and jumped off stage, “Toko Fukawa!”
◊ Her head perked up in surprise, eyes widening as she saw you on one knee for her.
◊ “W-what are you d-doing!?” She yelped, moving her legs away from you. 
◊ “I am in love with you. Completely and utterly in love with you, everyday when I see you so immersed in writing a book, I believe I am looking at an angel.”
◊ The crowd stared at the both of you, gasps and aws filling the air.
◊ Toko flushed, you watched her while she wrote?
◊ “For every time you’ve told me I was a fool, an idiot, you weren’t wrong. Because I am a fool, a fool in love with you.” You had one had on your chest, looking into her eyes sincerely.
◊ Her eyes glossed over so slightly you couldn’t see, looking around at the crowd before uttering out, “Y-y-you r-really love m-me, h-huh?” Her face contorting into a lopsided smirk, watching as you giggled.
◊ You laughed out, “Absolutely.” 
note; thank you so much for reading and sorry for the wait!! we tried our best to finish these together, thank you so much for your patience.
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
The Nanny, Part 3.
Bryan Kneef x Reader. Follow-up to part two. You can read part one here. Warnings: NSFW - smut, spanking, oral, squirting, daddy kink, p in v sex, masturbation (m & f), language. Also CW: physical violence (smack across the face). WC: 6.5K
S/O: @beccabarba for beta'ing not 1 but 2 versions of this story and for words of encouragement/support.
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If you had a nickel for the amount of times you and Bryan each said “this can’t happen again”, you wouldn’t even need to be a nanny anymore. Once again, you found yourself tangled in Bryan’s sheets in post-coital bliss.
You were laying on your side, with your head propped on your hand. “That’s one hell of a way to wake up.” You murmured, to which Bryan let out a low chuckle.
“You’re welcome.”
You rolled your eyes. “Sometimes I swear that ego of yours is bigger than that cock of yours.”
“You fucking love it.” Bryan replied as he covered his body with yours and rolled, so he was on top of you. He used his knee to part your legs, not that they needed much from his part to open wide.
Your eyes searched his green eyes, which were sparkling. You wrapped a hand around his sweat slicked neck, and pulled him down for a kiss. The kiss started softly, but quickly ramped up in intensity. A low rumble emanated from his chest as he started rocking his hips into yours. You felt his cock, beginning to harden once more and your arousal shot through you like lightening.
Bryan’s lips found purchase on your neck and you let out a gasp as he sucked a mark into your skin, leaving a bruise. You let out a throaty moan as he followed with his teeth grazing the bruised skin before soothing the spot with his warm, wet tongue.
Your nipples were rock solid, despite his warm body on top of you. You elongated your neck to give him further access to your neck when your eyes caught the time on his clock.
“Shit I should go, the kids will be up soon for school!”
Bryan pressed a kiss on your lips before giving your ass a sharp smack. “Okay.”
You swung off Bryan and grabbed your clothes that were crumpled in the corner of the room. You playfully tossed your ruined panties to Bryan before you slipped on your sleep shorts and t-shirt. “I can’t find my panties.” You stated out loud, really to yourself more than to Bryan.
Bryan let out a low whistle and when you turned to him, you saw he had them hanging off the tip of his index finger. You smirked and you walked over to him. You reached to grab them and he pulled them back, balling them up in his fist.
“Fine, keep them. May they bring you fond memories.” You poked his chest with your finger. “Since this is the last time.”
Bryan’s gaze changed and his eyes hardened. He reached for you, and pulled you close to him with a strong arm. “Right.”
You leaned up to kiss him, and the kiss was quick and brief, as he pulled away. You opened your mouth to say something but found yourself unable to say anything. So instead, you spun on your heels and made your way out. You quietly shut the door behind you and when you turned around, you nearly bumped into Jasper. He rubbed his eyes before looking at you curiously. “Ms. Y/N, what were you doing in my dad’s room?”
“Jasper! Um.” You began, your cheeks burning, racking your brain for something to say to the seven year old. “I had to help your dad with something. It’s still early, why don’t you go back to bed and I’ll come get you when it’s time for breakfast. How about chocolate chip pancakes?”
Jasper yawned and rubbed his eyes. “Okay.” You sighed inwardly and walked Jasper down the hall back to his room.
Back in your room, you showered and freshened up. You were still tingly all over from sleeping with Bryan earlier. Part of you wondered if it was really the last time and if you thought about it too much, an uncomfortable feeling gnawed at your insides.
Deep down though, you knew, it wasn’t.
Later that evening, you settled into bed with your tablet, hoping that a good book would quiet your mind from other thoughts. You pulled the comforter up to your waist and turned all but one light off. Before opening your latest read, you decided to check your email.
“Junk, junk, junk.” You murmured to yourself as you went through your inbox. There was one email that caught your eye.
It was from your cousin in New York who was getting married in less than a month. You were a bridesmaid and it was an invitation to her bachelorette festivities in The Hamptons.
You made a mental note to ask Bryan about time off to attend in the morning.
“Where are you going again?” Bryan asked as he followed you into the kitchen. You pulled a carafe of orange juice from the fridge as well as some cut-up fruit. You used your foot to shut the fridge door and set everything on the marbled breakfast bar.
You watched Bryan as walked by, inwardly groaning. He was shirtless, in casual sleep shorts. Your eyes raked over his muscular chest, knowing how good it felt to grip when you rode him. How the smattering of salt and pepper chest hair felt against your nipples. How he always kept it trim and it made a perfect trail to…
“The Hamptons.” You replied, shaking your head out of its reverie. “She rented a beach house for the weekend and we’re just basically going to drink and work on our tans.”
“Mmm.” Bryan reached for a glass and made his way towards you. Your breath hitched as he approached you from behind. You could feel his breath hot on your neck as he reached past you for the carafe of orange juice.
“I should be so jealous.”
You tensed, straightening your back. “How so?” you squeaked.
You felt Bryan push your hair off your neck and felt his beard tickle your skin. “I’d love to see you in a bathing suit.”
You laughed and turned around. Your heart raced as you were almost nose to nose with the litigator. “Bryan, you’ve seen me naked. I have had your dick in my mouth.”
Bryan smirked. “It’s different.” He brought the carafe to his mouth and drank it. You watched as his Adam's apple bobbed in his neck and all you wanted to do in that moment was to hop on the counter and let him have his way from you. Bryan set the orange juice down and licked his lips. Your cunt clenched around nothing and you were certain your face was flushing.
Bryan winked and left, but not before grabbing a piece of melon and plucking it into his mouth.
Time flew and soon it was the morning of when you were to head out to the East Coast.
“Jasper, Sandrine, be on your best behavior this weekend.” You said, crouching between the two tow headed children. “Try not to give your dad a hard time.” Please.” you added after a beat.
“We won’t.” Sandrine replied. “Promise.”
Jasper nodded eagerly. “Bring us a souvenir?” he asked, his voice hopeful.
“Of course!” You replied. You heard a car honk outside. You stood and ruffled Jasper’s hair. You looked past him, to Bryan. “That must be my ride.”
“Really should have let me drive you.” Bryan gruffed.
You smiled. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll only be gone for the weekend. I’ll be back Sunday night. Not even a two hour flight.”
“Let me at least walk you out and help you with your luggage.”
You didn’t miss how his hand cradled your lower back as he walked you out. After your luggage was put in the trunk, Bryan handed the driver some cash, telling him to keep the change. Before you got in the car, Bryan surprised you by kissing you. “You’ll be missed.”
The two of you were completely unaware of four little eyes watching from behind the window adjacent to the door.
Bryan was sure you were having a great time. He didn’t want to seem overbearing but he was curious as to how you were doing. He quickly learned how much of a good time you were having through your instagram since you followed each other. He smiled at the pictures of you and your cousins. It looked like you were having a great time. Bryan couldn't help but admit that his feelings for you were becoming more.
You were dancing with your cousin and her friends at a dive bar. You were in a bikini top and shorts, rolled at the waist but undone, around a bonfire. Random shots of you hugging people. There was one photo in particular he wasn’t wild about but he was sure it was nothing more - you were in the middle of the shot, sandwiched between who he deduced was your cousin and some young blond man. The blond wrapped his arm around your waist and you were smiling.
There were also some interesting text messages. One was a photo of you in your suit, as he requested, and then there was one of you nude, from the neck below.
You were back in your room, after having one too many drinks. You changed your clothes and climbed into bed. A thought occurred to you - your roommate - a friend of your cousins - was off hooking up with some random person - you could call Bryan and have a little phone sex. You climbed into bed and reached for your phone.
You pouted as your call went to voicemail. “Hi Bryan - oh, I’m sorry.” You slurred. “I mean daddy. Right? You like it when I call you that right? I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me. I am so lonely and so fucking wet for you.” Your hands drifted down to the middle of your legs and you began to touch yourself. You continued to play with yourself while talking into the phone. “It’s never off the table - you and I. I am always yours for the taking.”
You began to rub yourself more quickly, feeling the coil inside of you about to burst. “Oh yes, daddy! Fuck!”
As you came down, your phone beeped. You looked back at the phone. It was dead.
You threw your head back onto the pillow, irritated. You sat up and reached for your charger and plugged it in. As you waited for the phone to charge, your eyes became heavy and soon you were asleep.
Meanwhile in Chicago, Bryan sat in his office, trying to finish a brief. The kids were asleep in their rooms. He looked at the clock, and wondered if you were still awake. He picked up his phone and was about to call you, when he changed his mind and decided to pull up the picture of you naked once more. Bryan’s cock twitched and his thumb trailed over you. He stood and lowered his pants and boxers, so they were around his ankles. His cock was hard and weeping. He stroked himself as his mind drifted back to the last time he fucked you. He remembered how your body swayed from the pull of his hands drawing you back on his cock.
He stroked himself rhythmically, squeezing at the base with every downstroke. Bryan let his thumb glide across the head of his cock, smearing pre-cum. Bryan released himself and spit into his hand before resuming his movements, now stroking faster. Bryan stared at the picture of you and let out a moan, imagining it was you sucking and stroking him instead. He recalled how wet you were, how good your pussy felt wrapped around his cock, taking him deep.
Bryan’s balls began to feel heavy and that familiar coil in his gut began to emerge, signaling his need for release. He began to stroke himself feverishly, working faster and faster. He gripped his phone hard before releasing it knowing he wasn’t going to last much longer. Bryan’s hips jerk forward as cum pumped out in hot and fast spurts all over his fist. He attempted to make it last by continuing to stroke himself languidly, squeezing out every last bit of cum. With a grunt and shuddering sigh, Bryan felt incredible relief. Bryan tried to bring his labored breathing back to normal so that he could clean himself up. He was so distracted while cleaning up, he didn’t see the incoming missed call from you, or your voicemail.
The next morning, you woke up to a few texts from Bryan double checking when your flight came in. You responded and inquired how the kids were in your absence. ‘Fine.’
If you were paranoid, you would have felt uncomfortable at his short reply. You showered and since it was still warm out in New York, chose a sundress and a cardigan.
You said goodbye to your cousin and her friends, and took a cab to the airport. You made sure to stop at the giftshop to pick up some souvenirs for Sandrine and Jasper. You found a chintzy cigar ashtray emblazoned with I “heart” NY and picked that up for Bryan.
It was to your surprise that you found Bryan waiting at arrivals with Jasper and Sandrine. You laughed at the sign Jasper held with your name. “Did you all miss me?” You asked.
“Dad doesn’t make the pancakes like you make them.” Sandrine replied, with a roll of her eyes as you all walked to the parking lot.
“I am sure he did just fine.” You replied.
Bryan grunted in response and you looked his way, your brow arched. After waiting a beat and realizing he wasn’t going to say anything further, you turned your attention back to the children.
“Well, I missed you all tons. It was not the same without you three.” You replied as Sandrine took your hand.
“You sure looked like you were having fun.” Bryan muttered under his breath as you all approached his car. Bryan took your bag and unceremoniously dropped it into the trunk. While you knew Bryan had a temper - you couldn’t chalk what you did to upset him. ‘Maybe just work bullshit.’ you thought to yourself as you got in the car.
Dinner that night was takeout - Chinese - and you all sat around the coffee table, very informally as a movie played. Bryan sat on the couch, sipping his drink and picking at dinner. After the last fortune cookie was read, Bryan cleaned up and you got the kids ready for bed.
You tucked the kids for the night and then made way to find Bryan. He was in his study, his back to you as he looked out the window. Before you could even announce your presence, he beckoned you in.
Still looking outside the window, Bryan took a long sip of his drink. “You had a lot of fun this weekend, didn’t you?”
“I did.” You admitted, rather slowly as you approached him from behind. “Is there some kind of a problem?”
“You were naughty. I saw the pictures, prancing around in that little bikini, flaunting those tits. I saw how that guy had his arm wrapped around you.”
“Him?” You exclaimed before letting out a sardonic chuckle. “He grabbed my ass and I smacked him. Besides,” you continued, “what does it matter? It’s not like I am your girlfriend. What? Are you pissed you had to deal with your children for once on a whole given weekend?”
“Excuse me?” Bryan turned to face you. “What did you say?”
You crossed your arms, which pushed your tits further up in the sundress you still wore.
“You heard me.” You challenged, your chin jutted upwards in defiance.
“I heard that little message you left me too.”
You stared at him confusedly for a minute and then your eyes widened in realization.
Bryan took out his cellphone and pressed play on the voicemail message that you didn’t recall leaving. Your mouth dropped as you heard yourself masturbating and then coming.
Bryan tossed his phone onto the desk followed by the glass, which left the sound of a plink. He stalked you with long strides and when you blinked, he materialized in front of you. You looked up at him, and he could see the fire in your eyes.
Bryan pulled you to him, and his hands were immediately on your ass, squeezing and groping. Your hands cupped his cheeks as you pressed your lips to his, kissing him. Your kiss was desperate and your cunt ached with need.
He tilted your neck, exposing the slope and he latched his mouth on your sweet spot. He sucked a mark into your skin and then used his teeth to scrape the wounded area, causing you to hiss.
There was a couch in the study and normally you would find Bryan there, asleep when he’s worked too late. Now instead, he was sitting, with your bottom-half draped over his lap.
Bryan flipped your sundress up, delighted to find you wearing a thong. Your breath hitched as his hands gently caressed your exposed flesh and then pulled the back of your thong up, so it disappeared more between your cheeks. His other hand dipped to your pussy, feeling how hot, wet and needy you were.
“Such a fucking tease. We agreed we weren’t going to do anything else, did we not?”
His fingers dipped slightly into your folds, teasing.
“I’m a tease? Please, you loved it.” You retorted before letting out a moan.
“Watch that mouth.” Bryan growled as he removed his hand from your already soaking cunt, and moved it to your hair where he gave a firm tug. “You’re going to get spanked for that little comment.” Bryan grabbed a handful of flesh and shook it.
His tone took a deeper, darker, authoritarian tone. “Count.”
The first spank was light, almost like a test spank. Still, you couldn’t help yourself. “You call that a spank? C’mon, if you’re going to spank me, make it worth my while.”
A rumble emanated deep and low from Bryan and you tensed, bracing yourself for the subsequent spank. His heavy hand landed on your skin, sharp and hot, the sound nearly reverberating in the otherwise quiet space. You let out a gasp as you jolted slightly off of him.
“That better?” Bryan asked. Your skin was tingling and you found yourself unable to formulate words. Another smack landed, this time on the opposite cheek, sending a shot of arousal through your core. One of his hands soothed a reddened cheek while the other twisted into your hair and tugged harshly. “Well? Answer me.”
Your eyes pricked with tears; the pain mixed with your arousal - it hurt, but in a good way and you wanted more. “Yes.”
“Adding another ten. Keep it up and I’ll add another ten. Right now we are at twenty. Count.”
You took a deep breath as Bryan’s hand came down hard on your ass once more.
“One.” The spank that followed was delivered just as harshly, maybe even more so.
The sting stuck around a few seconds longer and your skin began to feel more and more sensitive. Your pussy throbbed and you knew if Bryan were to touch you, you would fall apart.
As if reading your mind, you felt Bryan’s hands at the sides of your panties. He nimbly removed them, and lowered them down to the widest part of your thighs, the material stretching. The air of the room caressed your folds and Bryan hummed pleasantly. His fingers skimmed your cunt, which was hot and wet. Over and over, Bryan teasingly played with your cunt - stroking inside and out. His fingers were coated in your juices. You were whimpering, mewling under your breath softly, but you were stuck there on his lap. Your breath was heavy, your heart was pounding in tandem with the throb of your pussy.
“Daddy, oh fuck, please.” You begged. A tear dripped down your cheek. “I want to come! Please!”
You tried to squirm, desperate for some kind of friction, but Bryan just held you there.
“Good girls get to come. You’re my dirty little slut. Tell me do you think of me often when you touch yourself?
“Yes.” You whimpered. “All the time.”
The flat of his palm was against your skin, delivering yet another controlled and calculated spank. Over and over again, alternating sides of your cheeks while you counted. By the time the final spank was delivered, the skin of your ass was red and hot. You took another deep breath as Bryan delivered the final spank – that final spank was the hardest spank you’d managed yet. Your whole body tensed for a moment as the pain radiated around you, more tears falling.
Bryan’s cock was painfully hard, aching against you. All in that moment was him inside of you, to quell that ache that he had created. Instead, he stood, shifting you back onto the couch so that you laid flat.
“Don’t move.” His voice was firm and you nodded. Your eyes tracked him as he walked out of the study. Your mind began to drift to where he was going. Was he going to leave you there? Was this some kind of kinky test?
Before your mind could drift any further, Bryan was back. He sat next to you and you heard the sound of a lid being unscrewed. You jumped slightly as you felt something - a cream, an ointment - you weren’t sure - being applied to your skin.
“It’s a salve with comfrey.” Bryan murmured. “You did so well.”
When he was done, your panties were tugged back up and your dress smoothed down. You winced as you sat up. Your face and chest were flushed and Bryan could see the outline of your hard nipples. You were doe-eyed, your mouth slightly parted.
Bryan rubbed his thumb over your bottom lip, in a gentle almost caressing way. You darted your tongue out and nipped the fatty pad of his thumb. Bryan took a deep inhalation and your eyes drifted to his cock, which was still pressing against the front of his pants.
Bryan watched as you undid the straps of your dress, one shoulder at a time, and then shimmying it down, exposing your breasts.
You reached down to the button of his pants but Bryan caught your wrists instead.
“Not now. Later.” Bryan stood and then turned to help you stand. As much as he did want to fuck you, he wanted the satisfaction of denying you. Instead he pulled your straps back up. “You need to rest for what I have in store for later. Now what do you say for earlier? Did you learn your lesson?”
You nodded and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Maybe.”
Bryan leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Such a slut for daddy’s cock.” And with that he pinched your nipple hard, causing you to cry out once more.
The following day and the rest of the week that followed, Bryan made no further move other than little kisses and touches here and there. By the time the end of the week rolled around, you felt as if every nerve ending was electrified, like a ticking bomb waiting to detonate. You were so thrilled that the kids were going to their mother’s for the weekend. You would finally be alone with Bryan, with no interruptions.
As you hugged the children goodbye, Constance glared at you as she leaned against her car. The driver of Constance’s car came around and picked up the children’s overnight bags and loaded them into the trunk.
You waved goodbye and as you spun on your heels to go back inside, you heard your name called.
Constance crossed her arms. Her gaze was hidden by her oversized sunglasses. “May I have a word with you?”
Your heart was in your throat and you could feel the bile in your throat rise.
“Sure.” You replied weakly. “Inside, so as to not disturb the children.”
Constance pushed past you and into her former home, whipping her long blonde hair in your face. The sound of her heels echoed throughout. You followed her, feeling as if you were walking in molasses. She spun around, while removing her sunglasses. The tension was thick - easily cut through with a knife.
“The children told me they saw you and Bryan kissing.”
You swallowed hard. You opened your mouth, but she raised a finger at you, shushing you.
“And while the children don’t have an issue with it, I do. And don’t think for a minute that Bryan loves you. I see through you. You’re nothing more than the hired help, someone who can be easily replaced. I have made sure to protect my assets and I will not have some two bit tramp take what is rightfully mine.” And before you could even further digest what she said, Constance delivered a sharp smack across your face.
You cried out, covering your face from any other infliction. To add insult to injury, when Constance slapped you, the stones of her many rings were on the inside of her palm, which cut your face. Your face grew hot, matching the heat that emanated from your bruised cheek.
You watched through tears as Connie stormed off and got into the back of her car. You continued to watch until the car drove off. You went over to the hallway mirror, checking your face. You gingerly touched your cheek, wincing as you did so. And it was only then, you allowed yourself to cry.
Hours later, Bryan came home from the office; you were nowhere to be found. He searched his home and then your apartment. Your car was still parked, so he knew you couldn’t have gone far.
When he did find you, he found you sitting at the pool edge, with a pack of peas on your face. Your eyes were puffy, streaks of mascara had dripped down your face and dried.
You couldn’t bear to look at him, fearing you would burst into tears once more. So when he crouched down next to you, you instead chose to look into the pool’s reflection, explaining what had happened.
“Come.” Bryan responded, offering his hand to you. You sighed and stood, taking his hand into yours. Bryan led you to the bathroom, where he cleaned your face and applied the same salve on your cheek as he did on your rear, just days prior.
Bryan offered dinner, but you refused, just wanting to go to bed. Bryan pressed a kiss to your forehead before excusing himself to make a call. As you reached the door to your apartment, you could hear Bryan yelling on the phone. And fresh tears fell once more.
You woke up the next morning, your head pounding. You showered and tied your hair into a loose wet braid. You found Bryan in the kitchen, plating food from containers. He gave you a small smile as you padded in.
“You know I can’t cook for shit.” Bryan apologized. “Coffee?”
You shook your head. “In a minute. I just wanted to say about last night --”
Bryan came up to you and placed a finger over your lips. “Nothing. It wasn’t your fault. It was Connie’s.” Even hearing her name made you wince.
To your surprise, Bryan enveloped you in a hug and you nuzzled against his chest, taking in how warm and solid he was. The embrace was comforting and as his fingers trailed your spine, you felt yourself grow warm in other places. Gently, you pulled away from him and looked up at him. Constance’s words reverberated in your head. Instead you decided to lean into it. If you were going to get smacked, then at least make it worth it. “You know, you were going to make good on that promise to me…”
Bryan raised a brow. “Are you sure? Look, last night was a lot --”
You shook your head as you repeated the words from your voicemail. “I’m yours for the taking… daddy.”
Bryan took a deep breath and something in his whole demeanor changed as you called him that. He cupped your face and pulled you in for a searing kiss. His tongue rolled against yours, exploring your mouth. You could taste the lingering coffee on him and he could taste the minty remnants of your mouth. You reached down and rubbed the front of his pants, feeling his cock harden beneath your touch. Bryan took the bottom of your lip and gave it a nip.
In all of the places you imagined having sex with Bryan, the middle of his open concept kitchen was not one of them. You were on your back, on the rug that usually was by the sink. Bryan loomed over you. You eyed the large tent in his pants and licked your lips hungrily. Bryan climbed over you, covering your body with his. His hands threaded in your hair as he slanted his mouth over yours. Your legs wrapped around his hips, interlocking at the ankles. As the two of you kissed, he rutted against you. Your hands ran down his sides, using your nails to scrape his sides.
Bryan broke the kiss and sat back on his haunches, before reaching for the hem of his shirt and removing it over his head. You admired his broad chest, with the smattering of greying chest hair that you loved so much. Your eyes followed the trail down to where it disappeared under the waistband of his pants. You leaned up slightly and removed your top before reaching back to unclasp your bra, freeing your aching breasts.
Bryan’s mouth latched onto a nipple immediately, swirling his tongue over the pebbled flesh. You arched slightly into his mouth as his teeth gently scraped over the sensitive and heated flesh. One hand wrapped into his hair, and the other cupped your other breast. You tugged on his hair so he could equally lavish the other breast. He suckled hard on your tit, leaving a purple mark.
“Oh yes, Bryan.” You moaned. You were already so wet and ready for more. You raised your hips, desperate for some friction. Bryan moved further down your body, leaving a trail of wet kisses along the valley of your breasts. His tongue laved on and over your belly button, causing your muscles to quiver. He finally made way down to just above your pelvic region where he made quick work of your pants and underwear, removing them simultaneously. Bryan tossed your clothes carelessly to the floor. You spread your legs, but he spread them further, hooking his arms under your thighs and bringing your sweet cunt to his mouth. He nuzzled your pussy, taking a deep inhalation of your scent. His hot breath on your cunt made you so eager in anticipation as to what was to come. You propped yourself up on your elbows and let out a giggle as Bryan gave you a wink before he dipped his head.
You let out an obscene moan and threw your head back as he flattened his tongue and licked a broad stripe up. The warm, wet muscle of his tongue circled your clit before his lips closed around it, suckling hard. You ground and rocked against his mouth, as he worked you closer and closer to orgasm. The enthusiastic sounds Bryan made as he ate you out only further served to heighten your arousal. Bryan would sporadically pause to lavish bites on your thighs but then would dive in, pushing his tongue inside of you as deep as possible.
“I’m going to come!” You cried out, feeling your orgasm about to crest. Bryan removed his mouth from you and you let out a whine at the denial. “Bryan!”
Bryan responded by sliding two of his thick fingers inside of you, using his thumb to roughly rub your clit. “You’ll come sweetheart. Don’t you worry. But you know what I want and I want you to give it to me.” His fingers crooked in a come hither motion towards your navel and a different kind of pressure began to quickly build. You grasped at the floor, your legs trembling. The pressure burst and your back arched in a bow as you came hard, squirting all over Bryan and the rug.
You barely had a chance to come down as Bryan eased out his fingers briefly and then thrusted three fingers deep inside of you, to the knuckles. “Fuck!”
“Give daddy another one sweetheart. You earned it.” Bryan commanded. His mouth returned to your clit, abusing and torturing it as his fingers began to jackhammer into you. You squeezed your eyes tightly, feeling the pressure build again.
“I’m gonna… I’m gonna… oh God!” You wailed as Bryan removed his mouth and rubbed your clit with the flat of his palm rapidly. Warm wetness released from you as you squirted again.
“God I wish you could see how beautiful you are when you come for daddy.” Bryan purred as he licked your pussy juices off your thighs.
Your breath was shallow, your body trembling as Bryan stood to make removal of the rest of his clothes. His monstrously sized cock stood proudly, the meaty veins glistening with arousal. Bryan gave himself a few pumps. You widened your legs and Bryan shook his head. “All fours.”
You did as told, turning over on wobbly legs and positioning yourself on all fours.
You felt him line up with your entrance and you pushed back eagerly. His hands ran over your hips and then ass, grabbing the flesh. Teasingly, Bryan slipped the fat head of his cock inside you and then slipped out. He did it a few times and you let out an annoyed whine and pushed back once more.
Bryan pushed inside of you deeply in one smooth thrust, your cunt gripping him tightly once he was fully seated. Bryan groaned, deep and throaty, relishing in how your pussy took him so well. If he could have seen your face, he would have seen the dreamy smile on your face. Bryan’s cock was perfect and no one fucked you as good as he did. Bryan withdrew and then snapped his hips against the round of your ass, tearing a moan from you. Bryan grabbed the flesh of your hips and began to thrust in and out of you, setting a brutal and fast pace.
“Oh fuck yes daddy, give it to me!” You cried out, dropping your head. Your hair fell over your face, swaying in tandem with his thrusts.
“That’s it, take daddy’s cock.” Bryan growled as he placed a hand on the small of your back and leaned back slightly, watching as his cock, covered in your juices, disappeared in and out of you.
The sounds of obscene moans and deep, throaty groans filled the room as Bryan fucked you mercilessly. The sex was raw, primal and animalistic. Bryan withdrew and pulled you into standing position. You were about to question him, when he propped you on the table. He threw your legs over his shoulders and slid his cock back into you.
“Fuck, yes, oh Jesus fuck, give it to me! That’s it! Harder! Deeper!”
The table creaked and the table moved slightly as Bryan began to pick up the pace, his cock slamming inside of you over and over again. You could feel how his balls slapped against your cunt.
“Yes! Yes! Like that!” You panted. Bryan turned his head to one of your legs and licked the salt off your skin.
“Gonna come for me?” Bryan growled. “Gonna cream on my cock?”
“Yes, yes! Gonna make me come!” You cried out. Bryan dropped over you and a hand wrapped around your neck. Bryan squeezed and the air around you became thin. Bryan continued to fuck into you and you reached down to rub your clit.
Your walls began to tighten and flutter around Bryan’s length. “That’s it, give it to daddy.” He purred. “Let me feel you come and then I’ll fill you up real good.”
Bryan let go of your throat and moved to rub your clit as well, pushing your fingers away. You gasped, your lungs burning as air rushed in.
You came hard, your cunt squirting. You squeezed your eyes so hard that when you opened them, you saw floaters in your vision. Your cunt clamped on his cock again and you wailed again. “Bryan! Bryan! Oh my God!”
Bryan suddenly withdrew and he watched with obscene pride as you squirted again all over the table and floor.
“That’s right, make a mess for daddy.” Bryan growled. He then pushed you back down on the table, lifting your hips ever so slightly. He easily slid his cock inside of you once more and pounded into you erratically, chasing his own release. Bryan let out a deep groan, stiffening as he came, shooting his creamy hot load into you.
Bryan slumped over you and let out a sigh of content. You turned and pressed a kiss along his sweaty bearded cheek.
He withdrew and you let out a whine, already missing the feel of him inside of you. Bryan bent your legs to the knee and pulled your legs apart, his eyes focused on your pussy. “So full.” Bryan replied, again with pride.
You used the opportunity to squeeze some of your muscles, forcing some of his come out of you. Bryan let out a groan watching it drip out of you and onto the floor. He scooped some of his come that dripped out of you and slid his fingers inside of you, effectively fucking the cum back into you. You let out a shiver in response. Bryan slid his fingers out of you and sucked them clean before moving to stand you up.
You wrapped your arms around him, your mind still whirling. You were never going to be able to look at mealtime the same way again. “That was amazing.”
Bryan pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “And we have the whole weekend to ourselves.” He murmured and you hummed contentedly.
“I suppose we should clean this mess.” You stated, feeling yourself blush, despite the fact that you were both standing fully nude in his otherwise, pristine, white kitchen.
Bryan ran his hands through his hair, nodding. He then spoke again. “Don’t worry about Constance. I handled her.”
You looked up at Bryan, a small smile on your face. “Yeah?”
Bryan nodded and walked over to the sink, where he grabbed a rag. “She won’t be bothering you again or else. She’s just bitter and jealous. Her anger is misdirected - she should be upset with me. And even if she was, I don’t give a shit.”
You hummed and began picking up all the fallen clothes. “Thank you.”
Bryan wrapped his arms around you. “Now lets finish cleaning up and then let's take this to the shower.”
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