#i hope i wont have to do this again anytime soon bc
iinaminottennight · 3 months
beginning to understand what iketani meant with working on your own car makes you fonder of it bc i just replaced my brake discs and brake pads all on my own and the sense of pride and love for my car is unlike anything ive ever felt man
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pansy-picnics · 2 months
No idea if they would since they all live in a castle but how do you think the uknighted parents each would deal with empty nest syndrome?
ukd are very adamant on giving their kids the freedom they never had growing up, so as long as they’re managing their own duties they’re basically free to do whatever (though eugene can be a Little overprotective sometimes he means well). of course bc ilmari’s adopted and isn’t of any royal blood they end up being the first to leave the nest… i’ve already discussed that vaguely here, so this time i’m gonna talk more abt ryder!!
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being the eldest of the twins ryder is technically supposed to take on the throne to corona, and people have a LOT of high expectations from him, especially other nobles/those who were….less than pleased with rapunzel’s approach to ruling. he’s basically seen as the “light” of corona and has been held on a pedestal since he was very young, which leads him to repress himself and puts a lot of strain on his relationships for many years- especially with alina who’s often left in his shadow (and he doesn’t mind it per se!!! but he does feel like her life is pretty directionless, and she’s always been rather dependent on ryder bc of it).
all this to say, eventually on their 18th birthday everything boils over and leads to a nasty fight between the twins. they both kinda realize that they need to grow up and branch out in their own ways- and ryder in particular realizes that he rlly just needs to get Away for a while. so going to help edmund in the dark kingdom seems like a pretty good way to gain some new perspectives!!
after all the pressure she was under herself, rapunzel understands this more than anything…..but that doesn’t make it any easier for her (or cass and eugene, for that matter) to accept. :’3
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idk if any of you guys watched steven universe future, but i think they’d all be like this final scene like. ALMOST WORD FOR WORD LMFAO
in fact as soon as ryder even suggests the idea to rapunzel shes awkwardly slipping out of their painting session and running to cass and eugene in TEARS and they cry for a good 3 hours but obviously they want to be SUPPORTIVE and STRONG for their BOY!!! so they pull themselves together and when he brings it up again at dinner they’re like. “omg thats great!!! ^_^” and ryder is just like ?????????
and ryders almost a little hurt that they seem so unfazed so he tries to prod them like. Aren’t you guys upset. but they don’t budge. and so obviously right at the end as he’s saying goodbye to everyone and they’re STILL nonchalant abt it he just bursts into tears like “WHY AREN’T YOU GUYS SAD IM LEAVING :(“ and IMMEDIATELY the three of them all jsut run to him BAWLING
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ryder rlly enjoys his time in the dark kingdom actually. obviously edmund and the brotherhood have a Lot of flaws in their approach to ruling….but that’s not rlly what ryder needs anyways. i think they’re very goal oriented and focused on what they can do as a unit rather than what other people think of them, and that’s a lesson ryder definitely needs to learn. not to mention he brings a lot of color to the place (both in a literal and metaphorical sense).
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alina pretty much stays in corona tho…which her parents certainly aren’t complaining about. i think he really needs some time to stand up and take on more responsibility without ryder stepping in for him. the twins wont be taking on the thrones anytime soon, but i think when they do, they’ll end up switching- so ryder will be the king of the dark kingdom, and alina will take on the role as queen of corona. alina’s always had deeper ties to her kingdom than ryder did…not to his fault, but the pressure he’s had put on him just made it hard for him to focus on the things that Mattered, yk? he’s ended up being very stuck in his status, while alina has been a lot more down to earth and has always felt a closer connection to the public, if that makes sense… :3
but ryder and ilmari still visit all the time, and ilmari will take over the library one day too…like, raps, cass and eugene haven’t been Perfect parents by any means, but they’ve never failed to make sure their kids know just how strong, capable and loved they are. even though it hurts to see them go (and poor alina definitely has to deal with their theatrics and coddling for YEARS while her older siblings are gone), it’s very clear that no matter where they go, their kids will always know their home is with them, yk??? they love their parents so much and it just makes me so emo😭😭😭
additionally, i think uknighted dream kind of do some equivalent of fostering long after their own kiddos leave the nest… the three of them do a lot of community work, they have a lot of programs instilled for struggling families and kids alike. they end up helping pretty closely with a lot of the orphanages, not only with funding but also by putting in their own work. they visit a lot, come to tons of events…they end up forming a lot of bonds with the kids individually, or occasionally take them in when there isn’t anywhere else for them to go.
sometimes they know these kids for years, sometimes only for a few weeks…but they always try to stay in contact with them regardless. and even when that isn’t possible, they never forget about any of the kids they’ve met….so by the time they’re all old and grey, they basically have hundreds of pseudo-kids and grandkids all across the seven kingdoms, and in a way, their nest never really feels completely empty 🥹🫶
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zhuhongs · 1 year
hhhhh so im on a ridiculously long ride home and just my phone so tumblr diary entry time lol. if you have my instagram this will make more sense but yk. anyways. so yesterday was the last day of the semester and i was tbh pretty normal abt it. but leading up to it i was a mess and tbh i think my stomach issues actually came more from the stress of knowing im leaving but the alcohol seemed plausible enough an explanation so i ran with it. but nah i was just. hhhh overwhelmed. bc anytime i was out with ppl it disappeared and as soon i was alone and not busy i was like. oh theres the stomach pain. LOL. but yea. so i decided my going away present to everyone would be a drawing of them plus a message bc like. i always said i liked art but never rlly showed my classmates my art so i was like. welp lets go out with a bang. and it felt good bc i really wanted to do smth like this sooner. my initial plan to make a good impression was to print stickers of my art and put my IG on it and get close to ppl that way. but i was just far too stressed and thought itd be weird. so i just. Didnt. and i regret not putting in enough effort at the beginning. but i also feel like its okay, especially given my upbringing. i needed that time to myself to figure it out, and now i really know that i can just. talk to ppl. and not be afraid. bc the ppl i got closest to were the one i swore would judge me most bc of my own preconceived notions, but i told the the parts of me i hid the most and they accepted it. and could at least sympathize and actually relate and i just. why was i so silly. why was i so mean to myself to be convinced that i was so unacceptable that no one except for those who already knew me could accept me and enjoy my presence? i was so silly. i wont do that again, but if i do, it will still be easier than doing it this time bc I'll recognize the patterns and quickly snap out of it.
in a way, i really do feel like i needed all this time alone to process myself and rlly look myself in the eye and recognize the ways ive lived that i can just stop doing now that i have the freedom to be free of my past. and part of me feels like I'm saying that as copium bc i didnt connect sooner and i possibly could have also had a better time with others and still have come to realize the same things and more through the help and company of others. but i also know that i cant live life always thinking so much. so i just need to live and let the regrets be what they are, and move forwards. but the regrets do indeed linger. like i made the decision not to stay in taiwan. bc of well A. money and B. i felt like if i had more time I'd just fucking waste it like i wasted the first 4 months. i might as well force myself into a corner and see if that would make me do things i was too scared to do otherwise. and like, it worked! i did say fuck it and rlly just let loose bc i was gonna leave but now its worked too well. and like i wish soooo bad that i had those 3 months to fully enjoy every chance working out. Part of me says that its best to leave with that hope. rather than have taken that chance and it fizzled out. the thing keeping me from extending the most was honestly knowing I'd have my birthday there. and i could not take the possibility of spending my birthday alone... i legit couldnt stomach it. in the past i used to spend every bday alone but in recent years ive had a mazing friends that actually made my bday special and i just. I'm so used to having that day be nice that i really couldnt take the possibility of it being awkward. but now i realize that it wouldn't have been like that. it couldve been wonderful. but thats okay, in another life. or maybe a few years. who knows. im considering doing smth like this again in like 2 years after I've worked a bit. i have nothing but time. but man. sometimes i just wonder yk.
and last night i had a rlly good one on one talk with my classmate and that was amazing, but i got home and checked IG like a dumbass and say another group of classmates partying til 3am and i was like.... man i should've done that. but like, logically no. i had a great night regardless and i partied with those classmates last week. ive had my fill, and i had things to do today that i needed to be coherent for. but i couldn't help but thinking what if. and i know its not so easy to kill that voice inside my head. its always gonna be there. its not just me, thats the devil of SNS like instagram. bc you see the best parts of everyone's lives at all times and feel like you're missing out but you're not. you only see a sliver of what it really was..but yea. its okay. I'm still so very young. and i just need to treasure now and take whatever chances i get to nourish the connections i have right now and put yourself out there to make new ones when the chances arise. its okay, there is not life that can be lived without saying goodbye. but damn, yesterday at the school gates two of my classmates hit me with the さよなら and that. man i felt it in that moment. theres so much i wish i couldve said in all that time we had to spend together but i just held my tongue bc i was scared. but this was really playing social interaction on hard mode, like the cultural differences, the language barrier, the introversion, the fact it was my first time on my own fr, just, there were soooo many factors working against me specifically. and fuck man, i still did it. and i am still so young, i really can do whatever i want. it feels so weird. ive only been here 6 months but in a way it feels like this is how its always been. like the fact that im going home feels so strange. like i havent been there in years, i honestly cant fully grasp that im gonna be in a place where i speak the language fluently and am fully aware and familiar with my surroundings. like, why does that feel so odd. it does, i legit dont even know how to feel besides strange. i just have a strange pit in my stomach. but its okay. it will pass as everything does. but these days will always live on inside me as everything does. even if i can't fully recall it. so i just have to keep going as always. god. life is trippy man. but yea. Yea. thats it. i think
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atempause-art · 1 year
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oh wow, a year summary, bit too late
aka 2022 was a fucking nightmare and it keeps going
i had barely any time and energy to create what i wanted this year cause i spent majority of it being at my worst. but to find something good in it, i do like those fast sketch portraits
to explain my situation - i moved from an asscrack of the world into a big city in september 2021 to find a job bcs in that small town i was year on unemployment cause jesus fuck there’s 0 jobs there. we fucked up. the realter was a lying bitch. i ended up in the worst disctrict the city has to offer, incredible start if i say so myself, feared walking home everyday
so i spent about 9 months there being miserable and then i managed to move out! yay! a great location, i like it here really, bonus point for seeing crows daily, love the funky guys
this apartment is old piece of shit where things barely work. i was in a rush to gtfo cause my lease was ending in like a week and i had to find a place fast af and everyody is now picking who to let move in and let me just say that nobody trusts a single person working retail can reliably pay rent so i got denied on every apt except this shit one and i couldnt be looking any longer so i just had to take it
so i’m back to being miserable, even worse now, as we wasted money on another moving, rent is high as shit, and i don’t even have a properly functioning heating here. why wont i report the broken things? oh i did. i got told by the owner “well nobody before was complaining about it” and thats where it end. fucks sake i have just one working burner here, i havent cooked since october. i dont see myself drawing here any good stuff anytime soon, all i do is get home and go into bed under covers cause i’m cold as shit
we plan to move this year again. mom here to this city and find a place for both of us together. when is that happening i dont know. i hope it’s soon. i want to be sane and create again
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sulieykte · 11 months
Hi lys!! I don’t think I’ve been in your inbox but I have arrived ‘dramatic stance’
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How are you, cause I hope your having the best day and since you asked for distractions I have created a small list of questions that eight year olds would ask each other cause I’m bad at asking adult questions 👀 so get ready
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What’s your favorite color cause I’m four and I wanna know
Favorite food
What fictional character do you relate to the most
First fictional crush you ever had
Favorite music artist
Do you prefer cats or dogs
And lastly
If you had to pick just one show to watch for the rest of your life what would it be
I hope these questions aren’t too personal but I love talking to moots and I think your awesome and cute and I wanna just kiss your face
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BELLE bb you have no idea how much this made me smile. i'm grinning from ear to ear right now, giggling, kicking my feet and all that jazz.
and i love your questions bc the things i love most in life are attention and talking about myself i'm kidding i swear i'm not conceited
okay so here we go
favourite colour
i go through phases with colours and i end up with everything i own being that colour until i get over the obsession. right now it's lilac but i'm kind of getting dragged back into mint green now summer has arrived.
favourite food
similar to colours, and you'll probably notice a pattern here (neurodivergent crew wassup) i get hyperfixations with food. currently it's spinach, pesto and pine nut pasta but specifically the one that they do at morrisons bc i can't replicate it right at home no matter how hard i try.
fictional character i relate to the most
i kind of hate this, bc i've had years of people telling me i look like her and i wanted to fight it, but alex dunphy. her role in the family was very similar to mine growing up, i was the smart one (which says a lot about my family) and i had a lot of expectations put on me. i could go on and on about how much i relate to her and particularly her relationships with her family but i wont.
first fictional crush
anna paquin as rogue. i had the first x-men on vcr and i think it was concerning to my mum how much i would watch it. i remember it had a featurette and i'd watch the movie then spend forever rewinding all the way back to the featurette to get to see even more of her.
favourite musical artist
again, hyperfixations. at the moment i'm in a big taylor swift phase and i don't think it's dying out anytime soon.
cats or dogs
used to be dogs bc i had a huge sibling rivalry with my dads cats growing up and i hated them, but when i moved out and i could only have cats in my first rental, i fell in love with them. i've been fully converted to the kitty side.
and one show to watch for the rest of my life? definitely modern family. i rewatch it at least twice a year anyway.
now c'mere and give me a smooch, this was incredibly sweet and ilysm. i'm gonna be camping out in your inbox soon cutie <3
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I hope im wrong for their sake but i really dont see S & K as end game. While his career is taking off right now, hers is on stand by meaning she barely releases any music, or merch, doesn’t have a proper label or management,doesn’t perform, she play sims on twitch and does tiktok and even then they are struggling to make time for one another. I mean she literally has to go with him on a work trip, and invite her friend just so she wont be alone and have time with him, the only way she was able to go home was by being included in another work trip which further puts a pause on her career.
What if she suddenly gets signed to a major label and actually makes a successful album and tours. Shes traveling, hes traveling, and yes long distance relationships can work but again, she moved in and barely gets attention from him now. Which leads to another point, i dont know if shes pushing the idea of marriage to get more clicks, or if she’s serious but that wont fix the problem, if anything it’ll make it worse and lead in a divorce or annulment. I think they’re in a very my first love stage that honestly feels like its barely now getting somewhere because it was just last year that he started taking her on work trips where as before hed leave for months with tfil and with Colby and she was just expected to be understanding. Just now she moved in and weeks before moving in still expressed worry of not having a place even though he co owns a 4bd mansion i mean to me it would have been a given after 6yrs, she didnt even have a key, she said it. So again i hope they do last but given certain statements made by both i think this is a first love, first real relationship type of situation and if they end i hope to god they remain cordial and friendly and the fandom respects them.
i'm not entirely sure what the future will hold for sam and kat. my hope, of course, is that they stay together AS LONG AS they actually want to. i hope that they know if things were to ever go south for them, and they just can't fix it, that breaking up is okay. and i also hope they know that sticking together for the sake of the fans is not a valid option. no one would want to see them not happy with one another. plus… fuck the fans lol they're not important in the grand scheme of things.
i think kat just jokes about marriage a lot bc fans have basically been asking them to get married for couple years now. so she knows she gets views when she hints at marriage. but i don't think they plan on getting married anytime soon. plus, they are both so young and they have plenty of time to settle down. plus, marriage is a HUGE commitment. it's not just an easy decision to make.
and you bring up an excellent point that in so degree, they might have to learn to live without each other physically. i think they could do it, plus, sam has enough money that if kat was on tour and he wanted to see her, he could technically drop everything and fly to her. but again, if that was ever to occur, they'll have to work thru it. and so far they've been doing okay for themselves.
while this is both their first loves, i don't think that means its doomed just bc they haven't really had experience before this. before this, they were literally teens. so lack of experience is expected. but i think they'll be able to work it out, as long as they want to. and as long as they try to.
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onlyjaeyun · 2 months
hiii zadie !!!
how r u doing? i hope ur getting plenty of rest. i’m back although i never told u i left 😅
we had a deadline at work that was moved up which was so horrible to deal with but we made it work i’m so glad it’s over. currently writing this over some wine and a steak dinner i made at home 🤭
i saw that ur taking a small break. i hope u know that we will live perfectly fine without an update from u but there’s no guarantee that you’ll live perfectly fine if u force urself to post. it doesn’t do anyone good to strain urself so please remember take care of urself and drink plenty of water when u break ur fast !
- 🍃
hello baby! welcome back!!!🥺🤍💐
im so so so glad you got it all figured out with work and that you treated yourself with some well deserved wine and a steak bc AS YOU SHOULDDD!!!!! i hope you wont have to deal with that kinda stress anytime soon again ☹️
thank you so much for your sweeg words and the reassurance baby. knowing you have my back like this really makes the whole process of taking a break so much essier than it used to be, i really appreciate this and you sm! sending you a big kiss baby!!!🥺💞💗🌥️
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thebleedingeffect · 9 months
its storming where i am so im gonna answer those questions bc aaabhhh. unskippable cutscene #2:
-omg so my fierce deity lore is. Hffghhff. A big thing with them is that, where Hylia is a goddess of time who was created, FD is timeless and just kinda always Is and Was. FD also has a lot of the powers Hylia's missing and vice versa-- he's a lot more omniscient than her [which is how he knows what faces would be familiar to each of the Zeldas, and how hes able to parse which zelda is most capable of the triforce] and can travel to any point in Termina's history at will. (worth noting is that he can't directly influence/change future events like hylia can [so no chosen hero of the far off future for them, sorry!], cant reincarnate, and he can't create things, just borrow and imbue his powers into. this is partially why termina in-game uses npcs from oot-- he cant MAKE new people, so he has to borrow visages of them where he can.)
at a later date, he finds out that Termina will be threatened and destroyed by Majora, and he responds by putting himself within the mask to give termina the hopes and dreams of safety it will one day need. but since he's not held by laws of time, he can still travel after the point where hes been put into the mask. its weird and complicated but its Fine 👍
hylia and fd stay out of each others business but they do interact with the understanding that hylia cannot influence FD's realm aside from timekeeping for the residents and he cant do anything to hers besides take wanderers in temporarlity if he thinks they need to be there for some time. but they do talk because sometimes you gotta ask the creation god for a big curved sword and sometimes you gotta ask the guy who knows everything if youre ever gonna win that war youre dealing with. theyre friendly.
(side tangent 💥 FD brought link into the world without necessarily knowing she was hylias chosen. all FD knew was that they were someone kind and in pain and in need of a reminder of how their kindness impacts this world which was reason enough to take her to Termina's Fall.)
-FD senses hylia in SKSW zelda, and SKSW zelda remembers him, but when FD asks he doesnt say "oh so youre hylia" he says "who are you now?" because he can at least parse that theres a difference. Lyre says shes not hylia even if shes supposed to be, but that its still nice to finally see him again, to which he responds that "it was nice to see you again, too, zelda." which is the last interaction any of the zeldas have with him before ALL of them leave, so he keeps his mouth shut until theyre away from prying eyes to say anything abt it (or, at least, away from prying eyes who wont say anything one way or another. side eyes sheik.)
-ALSO HEHDHEH YEAH he deliberately doesnt say if lyre can or not. he can look into zeldas life but not hylias, so hes admittedly unsure if her BEING hylia is enough to skirt that whole "no gods can use the triforce" thing.
-Coda Knows. coda knows who sheik is, at least to an extent. Coda still likes to present as Sheik in his own time, but its more for security reasons, to keep out of the public eye as much, and because. genderqueer oot zelda be upon ye 💥 she hides that she knows it well enough bc she can tell theres weird baggage going on but eventually does reveal it and they do talk about what they both know (because coda's link when through something she will never understand, something sheik was there for, and sheik is so overwhelmed by the grief of ruining link's childhood that it certainly helps when coda relays that shes finally happy.) its neat i like thinkin abt them 👍
ok final thing YES u can use my concepts and chars from this thang. its just smthn for funsies and i dnt have the energy to make it into a real project anytime soon 🕺💃 ok cutscene OVAR !!
Oooohhhhhhh the idea that fierce deity is timeless and always was and always will is so damn cool, I'm pretty sure you can tell I'm Very normal about him so this whole idea is so . yeah. Yeah....
Also I like how you've differentiated the fierce deity and hylia and what they can and can not do! The idea that fierce deity can't have a champion but since he's not held down by the laws of time he can simply Go Wherever and influence things that way,,, super cool,,, also the idea that he can't really create but can imbue his powers into already existing faces? Giving another reason to why Termina is Like That? Super cool, pog as hell, very swag even.
I just find hylia's and fierce deities dynamic here to be very interesting cause to me at least, they feel like god's with almost no one else to match them whatsover. I mean, fierce deity is even older than hylia.... like damn, okay.... but the idea that they're just friendly, no dramatic god stuff, is making me giggle jsjsjsj staying in each other's lanes.... flourishing.... minding their business...
I also just like how fierce deity is a god but he's also just a guy :) a very observant, very old guy, but nonetheless he picks up what's going down with Lyre and seems to be very accommodating. The little detail as well as fierce deity not even daring to say anything around Sheik is so funny to me sjsjsjsj lil gossip.... collecting Info..... Sheik may be capable of wielding the triforce but that does NOT stop him from being sneaky!!
Also Coda and Sheik seem so damn tragic but the lil detail of Coda saying that she's happy and Sheik is just so relieved over that is very sweet :'] I like that alot!!
AND YAYYYYYYYY thank you alot for letting me use your ideas for their names!! I actually already have my own personal lore for the fierce deity and Termina so it was actually really cool to read another beloved mutuals interpretation of all this! Lyre and Coreulea are already so dear to me how could I ever leave them behind.......
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astrxealis · 1 year
APOLLO!!! OMG HI HAVEN'T TALKED TO U FOR LIKE A HOT MIN 🙁!!! and omg how r u?? how's life lately<33?? also saw ur recent post abt music and stuff!!! as someone who also tried to learn playing the guitar i only know like 3 chords and that's it HELP i basically gave up because it got to the point my hand would hurt after practice 😭
i have to say tho being scared of like starting an instrument because its intimidating is normal!! when i started learning the violin i was definitely scared bcs most of the people i wld be with for class was like playing for almost 9 years 😭??? and i was afraid i wldnt be able to catch up, even my mom expressed her concerns abt it 🥹 but looking at where i started and where i am now!! im proud to say my improvement is there even though its not as big or impressive but its noticeable!!!
i hope ur fears wont stop u from learning, i'd say that learning music is amazing and a precious time and if u or lune need any help im here :)!!!
AN HI LOVEY !!! it really has been a while AAA I NEVER REPLIED TO MY LAST ASK TO YOU BUT i will rn rq as well uhm.
i totally get taking a break i kinda did that as well, and yes that's absolutely amazing, rlly shld put yourself first with those kinda stuff <3 hehe + I HOPE YOU'VE BEEN ENJOYING FR ... balancing everything is difficult fr but you got this (so do i hehe we got this fr) ^__^ AND TY BUBS AND @noxtivagus SAYS TY AS WELL I'M SURE <33 i have not seen the show yet ngl SOBS i never played the og myself but only watched my dad play ... hashtag Coward but shh T__T tbf we don't have a means to play it anymore bcs our ps3 broke and we only had a ps3 copy eee and likely won't get for 4/5 anytime soon ... but i think we cld watch the show sometime soon anyway so. WILL SEE. it seems so good so far tho from what i've seen and REAL the actors are >>>
anyway sorry this is so long i still tend to ramble... </3 but i am WELL <3 just. busy and stressed lots ngl :") and okay i took a while to reply to this but i kept telling lune abt this teehee AAA TYSM FR ... yeah, i'll keep that all in mind thank you lots T__T i'm rlly gna try to set aside time to learn/relearn instruments? and then uh. w consistency. yeah! improvement (however small) !! <3 hehe also proud of u btw AND ONCE AGAIN thank you mwa still amazing lil sibling fr even if we don't talk as much anymore HAVE A GOOD WEEK ALRIGHT !!!
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fagpeterstrahm · 4 years
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“Everyone’s always astounded that I went from a principal at a private school to a professional wrestler. But the more time I spend at NXT UK, the more I realise just how much they have in common. You see I am a graduate at a Red Brick University, I have an honours degree in pure mathematics, and in the classroom… in the classroom it was my job to mould the minds of the young people.
Any pro wrestler could manipulate a body part, but it takes a certain level of intellect to manipulate the mind.”
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cupidhaos · 3 years
not just on christmas
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pairing: choi seungcheol x gn reader
word count: 2.8k
genre: fluff, angst w/ a happy ending, non idol au, slice of life, xmas fic
summary: after breaking up with seungcheol, you look back on some winter memories that you made together as you prepare to spend christmas eve alone
warnings: none
song rec: the best thing i ever did | twice
a/n: okay so this is like the first written fic that i’m posting that isn’t part of any of my social media aus and i wont lie im a little nervous im kinda shy (ಥ﹏ಥ) OKAY ANYWAYS i wanted to post this cute little cheol fic i wrote as a kinda christmas present to u all!! and if u don’t celebrate xmas then its just a present!! i hope u enjoy it bc honestly winter activities r so cute!! i hope ur all staying warm and healthy!! <33
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choi seungcheol was the love of your life. the two of you had planned your futures out together, under the assumption they’d be together still. but as you sit on your bed sadly watching reruns of some cheesy holiday romance movies - you begin to think otherwise.
a misunderstanding and a wrong choice of words has now led to this misfortune that left you with a pile of tissues surrounding your bed. you don’t move from the spot on your bed until the buzzing of your phone was heard. lazily picking up your phone, you press on the call button to answer.
“hello, who is it” you groggily greet the person on the other end of the line.
“be ready in five minutes. i’m on my way” was all that they said before ending the call.
you weren’t even able to get a word in before the call had ended. sighing and placing your phone back down on the bed. you slowly get up and look at the picture frame that was placed on the side of your bed. it was a photo of you and seungcheol smiling happily on one of your very first dates.
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“seungcheol! hurry up!” you called out to your boyfriend as you walk ahead of him, holding  onto his hand tightly as you dragged him behind you. seungcheol lets out a low chuckle as he continued to let you drag him - slightly putting pressure on his feet against the ground to give you a harder time.
this didn’t stop you though as you continued to pull him behind. both of your mitten covered hands clasped within one another.
“i don’t even know how to skate!” seungcheol retorted playfully, though his voice was muffled by the scarf that covered half of his face. you just shrugged him off in response as the two of you neared the ice skating rink.
“i don’t either - but that makes it even more fun!” you told him cheekily as you two get in front of the outdoor ice skating rink.“two people please!” you said to the clerk, holding up two fingers.
“oh yes! two people please! one for me and one for my beautiful date.” seungcheol states as he gestures towards you with that last sentence. your face turns red as you try to hold back a smile “stop” you whisper to him as you playfully hit his chest.
“what?” seungcheol whispers back in feign cluelessness. you felt your face heat up even more as seungcheol wrapped an arm around your shoulder - pulling you closer to his warm body. he holds both of your hands up high as you two continue waiting for your skating shoes.
“excuse me!” he announces loudly, causing your eyes widen. you attempt to try and put your hands back down before he can say anything, but it didn’t help that his grip held you tightly. a couple of people passing by turn to look towards the two of you as he continues to ignore your attempts of stopping him. “this person right here!” he loudly says as he gestures down towards you.“is my very beautiful date!”
seungcheol then puts your hands back down as you hit his chest again. all he does laughs in response and pulls you closer to his chest. you bury your face into his sweater and he wraps his arms around your shoulders as he continues laughing at your reaction. you just shake your head at his antics as you shyly hug him back.
sooner or later, the two of you are in the ice skating rink.
“seungcheol!” you yell out at your boyfriend who was now the one to pulling you. he smiles as he watches your attempts in stabilizing yourself.
“aw come here” he coos as he pulls you closer towards the edge of the ice rink. you grab the edge and you both begin to skate slowly.
“you said that you didn’t know how to skate.” you pout at your calm boyfriend. seungcheol just shrugged though as his smile never wavered “guess you can say i’m a natural like that!”
you roll your eyes at him before he turns around to fully face you. grabbing your hands - you feel yourself slowly glide towards him. he mimics the pout on your face as he brushes a strand of hair from your eyes. you feel your breath hitch as he leaned in close.
your eyes fluttered shut as you waited for what was to come. that was until you felt his hand leave your face. opening your eyes, you see seungcheol staring at you with a playful grin. “you can get a kiss if you catch me!” were the last words you heard before he turned around and quickly skated away.
“choi seungcheol!” you called out with a laugh as you slowly started to skate towards him.
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with a sigh, you slowly place the photo back down. a couple of minutes later, you hear the honking of a car outside of your apartment - indicating that your ride was now here.
the car ride was silent aside from the music quietly playing in the background.
“where are we going?” you quietly asked as jeonghan continued driving.
“you’ll see”
ten or so minutes of driving, you two finally reached the destination.
“why are we at a cafe?” you question after a couple of minutes waiting inside of the cafe. the waitress brings your drinks to your table and jeonghan just shrugs in response to your question. as he grabbed his cup to take a sip from it -  he spits it back out quickly and you just hand him a napkin as you give a judging look towards your friend.
“okay - so that was hot. i suggest that you wait a while until you drink yours.” jeonghan suggests as he gestures towards your cup. you looked down at the cup of hot cocoa - staring at the swirls that the deflated foam created at the top of the drink.
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“you have some whipped cream right there.” seungcheol pointed out as the two of you stood in the middle of a park on a cold winter afternoon.
“huh? where?” you ask, looking back up at him. seungcheol stares at you for a moment before quickly leaning in - catching his lips with yours. you didn’t have anytime to react though, because once you processed what was happening he had already pulled away.
“sorry i just had to - but hey! i got it!” he cheers and all you can do is laugh. you grabs his hand again as you both continued through the snow covered park. swinging your arms back and forth as you walked throughout the park.
it was silent between the two of you before you felt something soft land on top of your hair. curiously looking up, a wide grin soon spreads across your face.
“look! it’s snowing!” you gasped, causing seungcheol to look up as well. he looked back at you  though as he watched you from the side. you admired the snow that fell softly, landing gently on top of your head. seungcheol lets out a small chuckle as he takes off the scarf  he was wearing, wrapping it around your neck.
“huh?” you ask as you look back towards your boyfriend. he just shrugs though as he continues to adjust the scarf around your neck. “you looked cold - and i can’t have you getting sick, can i? i mean who else am i gonna kiss?”
you felt your face heat up at that last comment and seungcheol’s face did as well. he looked back up at you while giving you a knowing look. with an over dramatic gasp, he points towards your reddening cheeks.
“look! your cheeks are already red!”
your eyes widened as you bring your hands up to cover your face. he just grabs your hands with a laugh though - pulling them away from you “stop hiding your face - you’re cute.”
shaking your head, you raise a finger up to point towards his cheeks. “what are you even talking about! your cheeks are red also!”
the blush on seungcheol’s face reddens as he struggles to look for the right words to respond back with. you just give him a small smile though as you unravel the scarf from around your neck. seungcheol puts his hands up to stop you, but is too late once you wrap the long scarf around both of your necks.
“there we go! now both of us can stay warm and none of us will have to get sick.” you state  - making the smile on seungcheol’s face grow ten times its original size. the two of you continue to smile at each other before seungcheol brings his hands up to softly cradle your face.
“and i can continue to kiss you.” he adds on as he squishes your cheeks playfully - right before leaning in to give you another kiss. the warmth of the kiss satisfies both of you as you continued to stand in the park as the snow falls gently from the cloudy sky.
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“hello? earth to y/n?”
you quickly snap out of your thoughts as you look back up at your friend with a lost look “i’m sorry - what did you say?”
jeonghan just laughs at you which causes a pout to appear on your lips.
“i knew you weren’t listening. but i just wanted to talk to you again about joining me and shua for christmas eve tonight.” jeonghan offers you. you automatically shake your head though, kindly declining him “jeonghan i already told you that i didn’t want to bother you guys.”
a frown formed on jeonghan’s face at your comment. “you’re not bothering us! he invited vernon and the others over also so it isn’t an issue at all. we want you there with us!”
you just wave him off once again as you decline “it’s fine. seriously jeonghan - don’t worry.”
the frown on jeonghan’s face just deepened as he gave you a worried look. “how could i not be worried? you’re gonna be all alone on christmas eve.” he tells you with a pout. you just gave your friend a reassuring smile as he took a piece of his muffin and stuffing it in his mouth.
“seriously jeonghan i’ll be okay.”
the two of you finished up your food and headed back towards your apartment. as you exited the car, jeonghan leans over his seat and leans out of the window.
“i have to go and prepare for tonight, but just remember that if you ever change your mind - the party starts at 7, okay?” he yelled out as you walked away you just nod your head and gave your friend a thumbs up before entering into your apartment complex
as you came in, you sigh loudly. your shoulders immediately slumped as you plopped down onto the couch. another memory soon coming to mind.
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“god you two are disgusting” jeonghan grimaces and joshua just laughs next to him. seungcheol sticks out his tongue playfully as the four of you continued to walk together. you just laugh from where you stood next to seungcheol as he squeezes your hand.
“you’re just jealous that i got a cute date with me aren’t you?” your boyfriend teases. joshua and jeonghan both scoff loudly at his question.
“whoever said we don’t like being single! you and y/n are just gross all the time!” jeonghan retorts.
“yeah! you’re both rubbing in your lovey dovey stuff all in our faces to mock us” joshua adds on. seungcheol just rolls his eyes at his friends as you all walked through all the decorative lights and attractions at the park.
“it’s not my fault you two decided to tag along on our date”
this causes the two roommates to gasp dramatically. jeonghan turns to joshua, ignoring seungcheol’s presence “joshua let’s go and check out those goats in the petting zoo since we’re apparently BOTHERING the love birds here”
“i think that’s a GREAT idea jeonghan!” joshua loudly announces before the two of them stalk off towards the direction of the petting zoo. its quiet for a little while before you and seungcheol turn to look at eachother.
“wanna go see the lights now?” seungcheol offers you, a wide smile spreading across your face.
you excitedly nod at his offer and the two of you quickly make your way towards the lights display. you both gasped as you began to look at all the bright christmas lights in awe.
“cheol look at that one!” you point towards another bright display a bit farther off. you both began walking towards the display smiling brightly as you stare at everything in awe. dropping seungcheol’s hand, you fish for your phone from your pocket to take photos of all the bright lights. seungcheol smiles fondly at you as he also takes out his phone. he starts to take pictures of the lights as well before his phone slowly drifts towards your direction instead.
you continued to take photos of the lights as seungcheol continues to take photos you. you  glance towards to the side, causing seungcheol to act as if he was taking photos of the lights around you instead. a shy smile forms on your face as you place your phone back into your pocket. grabbing onto his hand, he puts his phone back into his pocket as well.
“i kinda wanna go see the goats now.” you sheepishly admit, causing seungcheol to laugh.
“honestly me too, i also may feel a little bad for sending shua and han off like that. don’t tell them i said that though”
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bringing a hand up to your face, you feel a tear fall from your eye. glancing towards the clock, you just now realize just how long you had been sitting there.
the clock blinks 5:47 PM as you quietly sigh.
“ah screw this. i have nothing else to do i might as well go” you mumble to yourself. getting up from the sofa, you slip on your coat and quickly put on your shoes. as you open your door to leave, you feel your heart stop as you see who was standing on the other side.
seungcheol’s eyes widened as he freezes in his tracks - one of his hands in the air as if he was just about to knock on the door. you felt your breath hitch as you both stare at each other in shock.
you shake your head from your thoughts as you look down towards your shoes.
“what are you doing here?” you ask him quietly, gripping the sides of your coat nervously..
seungcheol looks away as he sheepishly scratches the back of his neck.
“jeonghan told me you were spending christmas alone and i just- i don’t know i guess hearing that led me back here. i was worried.” he admits, mumbling the last part under his breath. you felt your throat close up at his words.
“you were worried about me?” you asked, eyes widening at his confession. he quickly looks up at you with furrowed and confused eyebrows “i always worry about you.”
you weren’t sure what to say, all you could was stare at him in shock.
“i miss you” seungcheol blurts aloud, his face quickly turning red.
“you miss me?” you asked with a surprised look on your face.
“i’ve been missing you. i’m sorry about the fight, and i’m sorry about what i said. i want us to be how we were before. i just - i want you back.” seungcheol confessed as you stood in front of him frozen.
“but only if you want to be together again! but if you don’t i understand-”
“-i miss you too.” you confess, cutting him off. seungcheol stops in his tracks as a smile spreads across his face. the same smile that always made you heart race.
“so does that mean we’re together again?” he asks, hopefulness laced in his tone. you just laugh at his nervous demeanor.
“i mean… technically… if you really want to be...”
seungcheol just smiles before he takes something green out of his pocket.
“i brought mistletoe just in case this was the route we were to go down.” he says with a grin. you  just look at him with a confused look on your face. “cheol that’s basil.”
he looks up at the stem of basil leaves he held above the two of you with confusion “but… jeonghan told me this was mistletoe”
“theres a bit of a difference between the two - how can you get it mixed up?
“i don’t know! i was in a rush and i just knew that it was green! can you just act like its mistletoe?”
“but it’s basil -” you start off with a laugh, before being cut off by a soft pair of lips.
out of all the things that were to happen tonight, kissing choi seungcheol underneath a stem of basil leaves hanging above both of your heads was something you would’ve never expected.
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miyaniacs · 4 years
i already cried today, so i will thirst w/u instead 😡😤 can i pls get some hcs for my bois kuroo, akaashi, teru/oiks (you pick, luv) with their bsf/crush who’s never had their first kiss suddenly asking them to teach her? and yk it leads to them all tangled up in bed 😏 it just happened to me a month ago n’ now i gots me a bf 🥺 anyways, i hope you have an immaculate day, sending ya lots of luv, boo! xx
There’s a Part 2 now !! 
okay so First of all : Congrats on getting yourself a man this way haha that's actually so cute !! ❤️🥺✊🏼 
warnings : some slight nsfw 
Oikawas is a bit longer and less nsfw buuut I just had to I'm sorry lol 
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YAAA BOY KUROO is first: 
you walk up to him after his practice and straight up ask him. you told him all your friends are talking about kisses etc and you feel left out and also finally want this experience 
on the outside he's totally chill but inside tho. he's freaking out. 
he’ll be so confused but also proud??? like this was his fucking chance to make you his!! 
your at his, sitting on his bed, awkwardly starring at each other 
but he was a nervous wreck at the beginning 
but after you ensured him that you do want this his cocky self is backkkk 
his lips are millimetres away from your but he stops and looks you in the eyes to make sure AGAIN that this is what you want
yes he has a crush on you but that doesn't mean he’ll do anything you are not 100% sure of. 
after you nod he’ll softy kiss you, moving slowly so you’ll get used to it. His hand is softly grabbing your cheek stockig It while the other on is on is resting on your waist. 
yes he will tell you if you can do something better or tells you what he personally likes and he will show you how its done 
its like he’ll be presenting a whole powerpoint where he will SHOW you exactly how every single point is down - with every variation included 
after some time you'll get used to it and things start to heat up
he’ll be nibbling and softly biting on your lower lip making you moan
yes he did this on purpose because now his tongue is in your mouth and you're fighting for dominance. 
yes he wins lol 
but soon after, his lips are on your jaw, moving down to your neck, sucking and biting down on your skin, leaving marks for everyone to see. 
gathering your strength you flipped him over, sitting on top of him. 
he’s still smirking until his face drops and you can now only see pure love and lust in his eyes as you start to talke off your shirt 
originally you planned to leave marks on his neck too.. but his lips just magically force you to kiss them 
so your back again making out lol 
you start to tug on his shirt and he’ll gladly let you put it off of him 
now its your turn to stare bc this guy is ripped. you can't convince me otherwise 
you wanted to kiss his neck and down his abs but NOPE not today hny 
daddy mode is actived 
he flips you over again 
he’s living for it. seeing you lay under him, looking up through your lashes it drives him wild 
probably saying something like : “ nah babygirl, you wanted daddy me to teach you - so let me show you the real fun “
he’ll move down and kisses your neck again while his other hand is opening your bra / if you’re a guy or like me and takes every opportunity not to wear one, he’ll gets straight to work and starts messing with you even more 
uhm the rest is up for another HC lol 
you will end up sore af, with marks you won't be able to cover up, laying on his chest, his body wrapped around you, his hands stockig your back while he kisses your head. 
“you’re mine “ you mumble before falling asleep
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you probably start the conversation 
“hey Akashi, Bokuto told me you’re a good teacher, can you teach me how to kiss?”
he’ll blank stare at you and walk way lol 
so you'll run after him 
“akaaaashiiiiii please “ you whine the whole time 
after the 20th time he’ll stop and look at you 
The two of you are currently behind the gym
within seconds you're pinned up against the wall, his arms on each side of you, his face centimetres apart from yours 
“Y/N are you sure you want me to do this?” he ask in a low voice 
“ y- yes” you stutter taken back by his sudden change 
“Kitten I can teach you, but I need you to be absolutely sure if this is what you want”  because he is a respectful daddy ok?
after telling him again that you are sure of it he smirks 
“ let’s have some fun then” 
and his lips are pressed against yours 
he. is. so. soft.
he’ll be gentle af until he feels that your comfy 
then his dom! is starting to show
similar like Kuroo hell bite and suck on your lips 
trying his best to make you moan because that's what he always dreams off 
and now he hears you moaning his name and he goes crazy
he kisses your neck, sucking and leaving wet kisses 
your hands are wrapped around his neck pulling him closer 
he’ll probably lift you up so your legs are wrapped around his torso and he starts attacking your lips again 
as his tongue slips in your mouth you start to tense up. 
so he breaks the kiss and asks what's wrong
after you tell him that you have no idea how to frech kiss he’ll smile and say that that's what he's here for
hell guide you trough every step 
and yes he's a pro 
while catching your breath you ask him the one thing that's still in your mind 
“you got the keys to the clubroom right?” 
“thought you’d never ask” he smirks 
yes he taught you even more that day. and yes you continued this little arrangement  
for Study reasons. I mean. you wont become a pro with just one training session right?
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okaYY last one I decided to do OIKAWA because this will be fun 
he’s your best friend and he has a big as crush on you ( vice versa ) 
and basically every girl has a crush on him 
and yes he went on dates ?? and had a few girlfriends ( not for too long tho) but you can say he's experienced right?
so on this Saturday night, you're having your normal movie night
and you kept on looking over at him not sure if you could ask him or if you were running your friendship 
but then the opportunity came. 
the couple in the movie started kissing. 
“ I wonder how this feels” you sigh 
“ feels what?” you looks at you confused 
“ Kissing “
“ohh you haven't kissed anyone yet y/n” he smiles 
“no,.., can you teach me how?” you blunt out 
“ Nawww finally taking advantage of me” he teases 
but rn he IS PANICKING
“yes. so please do me this favour tooruuuu” you whine 
“uhm.. okay I can do that” 
Sooo he moves closer 
and awkwardly places his hand on your face  
his face is moving even closer now 
you close your eyes ready to finally be kissed
but nothin happens? 
you open your eyes again 
and see sweat dripping down his forhead? 
“Tooru? are you okay?”
“ I - uhm - I - i just - I don't think this is right? I want you to do it with a person you have feelings for” he tries to save himself 
“that's why I asked you” you mumbled 
and he chocks on air 
“I like you trashy” you mumble und look up at him again “so please just kiss me” 
yes he is extreme happy to hear that, he likes you too. but there is one bis problem left. 
“Tooru? it’s not that you don’t know how to do it so just do it?” you joke. but you hit the nerve. 
“ um you see I like you too .. but ..,... I never ac-” 
“Dont make fun of me :( all the girls think I'm so great so I normally need to be good kisser - but I haver 0 experience so I never let others kiss me so no one would know about it and tell every one at school” he mumbles 
and you couldn't help it he was so cute???
you grabbed his face and kissed him 
after he overcame the shock he kissed you back and accidentally bit your lip lol 
but this made you moan and your moan switched something inside of him and he MAGICALLY knew what to do
so his kisses are soft, and still a bit awkward but he got better with every second 
so now he's kissing your neck, leaving marks while his hands grab your back and pull you down with him 
now his hands are on your ass and you’re making out again 
to get to the leaning part : you tell  each other what you like and what not 
because communication is KEY 
his hands are under your shirt, tongues fighting for dominance, you both knowing that you will not only be each others first kiss
but not today hny 
because his mother walks in his room 
dropped the cookies on the floor and slams the door shut 
yup mood is ruined  
you’re both tomatoes now and you will not come to his place anytime soon again
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seijch · 3 years
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omg hi ... im like . ashamed to come back after saying brief hiatus in october and then disappearing off the face of the earth til FEBRUARY but under the cut i will be explaining myself and the following, if youre interested (and a tl;dr at the very bottom if you don’t wanna scroll thru this obnoxiously long post):
the reason(s) i was gone for so long
what i was doing during that time (its just a personal account yall can scroll past this idrc)
the status of those um . halloween requests
the future of this account
i. so . Hiatus .
i know. i know . i probably mentioned it when i made the announcement post, but my mental health likes to go on one of those rides. yknow the ones where you go like up rlly fast then down maybe and then up then DOWN .... its like that. i needed a break and every time i wanted to come back or thought about it, something would happen and i would get stuck in my own head.
a big reason for getting stuck in my head was (and i hate to admit this ... i hate to admit that i have Insecurities On The Internet) my feelings of inadequacy regarding my writing. i love to plot fics, i love concepts and characters and making little headcanons but i dont ... know if i love writing rn. and i thought for the longest time that like . whatever ill just push thru it its fine ill be fine but it kinda wasnt lmao you can kinda see it in my halloween reqs and what become of them when i get to that but i began to feel like nothing i had put out or would put out would hold up prose wise (and normally i dont feel like this im much more “idc its my life im living it” but thats not a rant for tumblr LMAO). i still feel like that -- like im better as a reader than a writer. but . You Know :-)
tl;dr: mental state go brrrrr
ii. anywhere here’s wonderwall
when i left, i was in a steadily decreasing mental and emotional state, made worse by a situation at work that really was a case of petty jealousy on my end and rlly isnt very consequential now despite how much pain and resentment it gave me when it Was a problem so i wont get into it. the tl;dr of november and december was me using work as an crutch and distraction -- i know my job, i do it well, it helped me not think about my responsibilities and obligations and inadequacies. of course, as the holiday season grew busier n busier i was scheduled so often that i moved 88 or so miles (according to my apple watch, which i ONLY wear at work since im never anywhere else outside my house) and fell into a cycle of showering n sleeping at my house before going back the next day. (theres definitely something to be said abt capitalism and “grind culture” here but once again its not the time or place snsjkdfds)
at the turn of the new year, i happened to remember a birthday card i hadnt filed away for safekeeping from a friend of mine that id been horribly out of touch with til that point. i started crying because i realized how out of touch id been in general up until that point. the month of january was great for me: i was focused, happy, and in a much better place than i had been before. the end of it brought me down focus wise and im hoping that enough time away from my distractions will refocus me bc i ... need it LMAO and though ive burned out from that level of productivity and gotten distracted again im ... trying to stay positive which i think is the most i can do 😁👍🏼
media wise, i got real into stardew valley (but burned out bc i played it extensively as a way to wind down after work), the pokemon platinum romhack renegade platinum (still havent finished it bc of school n i played it w the intent to see if i could nuzlocke it ... bitch its so hard but its so fun bc of it), briefly assassins creed: odyssey (im one of those ppl who completes an entire region before i move to the next so you can tell i burned out of that one + wouldnt have the time to properly devote to it even if i didnt), got back into genshin impact after pulling for xiao (after not touching it for like . months), and danganronpa. yes . danganronpa 😐 i Know. i stopped playing it after the second trial of the first game bc i was so hurt by the outcome and picked it up in late january only to get sucked in (thank god i had the foresight to buy the second and third games during the steam winter sale). rn im at the start of chapter 4 if anyone wants to come in my asks and um . talk to me abt danganronpa
tl;dr: I’m Into Danganronpa Now
iii. you realize halloween was three months ago right
i mentioned this in the first section, but i love to plot things. every request is plotted or at least has a solid foundation. i had fun detailing what concept i wanted to go with considering what i was given, and there were some bangers i might touch up in the future. but heres whats going to happen to the requests themselves:
there are two finished requests. one will be posted tomorrow and the other will be touched up (just bc i finished it doesnt mean its good 🧍‍♂️) and scheduled for next saturday. as for the ones i never got around to ...
i will not be finishing those requests. i hate to be That Person, but i feel like we all expected this 🧍‍♂️ what i will do is post all of my notes for each request in batches -- requests that have an @ to go with them will be mentioned in the post proper, but anon asks will be pictured. (there are some asks that came from blogs who are now deactivated but i wrote down all the prompts and remember most of those askers so ill cross that bridge when i get there) there will most likely be an excerpt or two simply bc i think i mightve written a few plot points or interactions in the form of bullet points. i rlly am sorry about doing this but i remember looking at my notion doc with all the prompts and feeling ... like i wasnt measuring up n it wasnt just to myself or to some intangible concept of “other” id constructed but it was instead to those who requested n actually WANTED to see and hear and read my writing and i ...... im gonna admit thats another big reason i avoided this site.
regardless, youll definitely get what i have (and likely more than just my bullet points and illegible handwriting).
tl;dr: im sorry. what i have in terms of plot, concept, and interaction for every request will be posted, but i cant say ill ever complete them and mean it.
iv. so what now?
well i mean . im not entirely sure how sold i am on haikyuu in the content creation department (as a creator n to a lesser extent, as a consumer). as mentioned previously, its no longer my primary focus. it doesnt mean im not into haikyuu anymore; i have a lot of love for those boys but i cant rlly say im even caught up w recent fandom activity and also havent even finished s4 pt2 LMAO thats on my to do list
and despite all that, i still want to share my plots n concepts and snippets and maybe even fics. it wont happen anytime soon. it might not even happen. but i mean . its better than me saying i wont write ever again shjdkfs but either way ill probably use this blog as a personal blog w the occasional ask game for dialogue prompts (those are always so fun i love making up aus to fit like . the most mundane prompts)
as for my works (past and any potential future), ive opened an ao3 acc here n ill be editing n possibly expanding on my old works to post there. tumblr, to me, is The x reader hub, but i figure more x reader fics on ao3 is never a bad thing.
ill be deleting/posting drafted posts to the queue since they were all meant to be queued anyway as well as (sorry again 🧍‍♂️) deleting or answering asks in the inbox. (moots if you get a notif from me saying i rbed your post from months ago ... mind your business) im very hard to get ahold of and its ... a problem. expect an overhaul of the nav n shit to reflect my new direction n also because i feel like i cant tell if my passion for carrd is shared by the majority HSDKLFS maybe its better to read my info in a normal post ykwim .......
and of course . if youve read all this n decided im no longer worth the follow, i sure as hell cant stop you. thank you for wanting to, at some point, hear what i have to say -- it means more than you think.
tl;dr: writing will be edited and reposted to ao3, this blog will be a personal blog with a hint of writing (sometimes)
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the tl;dr to end all tl;drs:
im back! i wont be as active as i used to due to a lessened interest in haikyuu in general, but i have an ao3 acc now where all my past work will be edited, possibly expanded, and reposted. any future work will also find itself there. my halloween requests will be posted in batches as incomplete concepts, plots, and snippets of scenes; i wont be promising to finish any of them.
there are still fic concepts im attached to and want to finish, but i cant promise any more writing on my end. this blog will be a personal blog with maybe writing, not a writing blog with my personal thoughts all over it.
regardless if you stick around or not, its been crazy sexy cool (equal emphasis) being on haikyuu tumblr even tho i wasnt around for long ... even tho its not my main focus anymore, im still excited to see what the future might hold 🤝
love, ari 💌
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iconsumeheadcanons · 3 years
hello, for the WIP game.... "fanfic in my google docs? its more likely than you :/" and "theater food" :)
bro...bro..BRO you are getting large chucks of these bc im not sure if these will be finished/posted anytime soon..<3 ive gotten a lot of love today thank u so muchhh asldkfjaslkdfj i hope u enjoy!! here is all of ‘theater food’ and half of the first one
fanfic in my google docs? its more likely than you think :/
May 30th - 16:33 - Afterschool
Ren was still in the middle of hastily reading Futaba’s texts from hours ago when he opened the door to his family home and found his mother pacing in the genkan.
“...Mom, wha-?”
“I got a call from your school,” she says instead of hello. Ren freezes. Mona shifts in his bag. There’s silence for a second too long, but his mother quickly catches his tense posture and readjusts her approach. There haven’t been any arguments in a week and she doesn’t want to make this a new one.
“The counselor said you were fighting with a first-year,” she starts in a more inviting tone, but she tenses when she sees how quickly Ren’s cautious neutral face shifts into a frown.
“I-I just want to know what happened,” she says.
Ren releases an angry huff instead of turning around and leaving because he recognizes that his mother isn’t trying to jump to conclusions--that she trying to hear his side--but he still has hours worth of bad emotions at the forefront of his mind, so he kicks off his sneakers without undoing the laces and haphazardly drops them on the shoe rack before he allows himself to say anything.
Of course, because he is an angry idiot, his first response is: “There was no fight. It was just an argument,” and he snaps his mouth closed because that is exactly what a delinquent guilty of starting a fight would say and Makoto would be so disappointed in him right now. Morgana delivers her phantom message with a disapproving really, Joker?
His mother guiltily shifts her hands, one eyebrow twitching at Morgana’s muffled meow.
“I just used the words of the counselor,” she amends, gesturing for Ren to enter the family room. 
When they enter, she sits at one side of the rickety couch and pats the other seat. She smiles with some invitation, a dash of hesitance, and a sprinkle of uncertainty as if she has no clue how to speak to her teenage son. She looks at him sort of like he’s a child, but at least she doesn’t seem afraid of him like she was before Golden Week.
Ren joins her at the couch, releases Morgana on to the space between them so he doesn’t have to think about the distance, and conjures up how he can best explain the events of the morning in the least incriminating way (shouldn’t have to, he thinks, didn’t do nothing wrong in the first place) but his mother recognizes his thinking face before he can start.
“W-whatever you say, I’ll believe you, sweetie,” she encourages honestly. He can tell she means it because she tucks her hands in between her knees and tilts her legs in the picture perfect display of humble motherliness to hide how her legs would bounce otherwise. He turns to face her a bit, legs spread out and back slouched in a show of teenage indifference, despite his nervous right leg and the rhythmic flickers of light that bounce off of his phone case as he deftly spins his smartphone in his left hand.
“You mean that?” he can’t help but ask, belying his blase posture.
His mother nods with lips pursed, proving to her son that she has no intention of speaking over him. Emboldened yet reluctant, Ren begins the recount of his day at school.
theater food
    Ren slides into his seat while Hamuko and Ryuji chatter away about beef bowl places. Their enthusiastic discussion about cheap, fast, good food is not helping Ren’s patience or hunger. Usually Ren’s been in charge of the food prep because he’s the only one who knows how to make something all of the Thieves plus Hamuko will eat, but when they left Kamoshitty City today, Theodore pleasantly requested if he could make a recipe he’s been working on, which Hamuko had endorsed immediately.
    Ren agreed because Theodore is really hot and the thought of him buzzing around the kitchen is appealing enough, but around 40 minutes later, Ren is very hungry and is cursing his inability to disagree with tall hot people. To distract himself, he tries to brainstorm ways to free Haru and Makoto from Kamoshit-man’s unproportionately buff grasp, but his brain keeps snapping back to his teammates’ loud discussions and Theodore in a heart apron and himself in a cute pinafore sharing a festival smoothie--the romantic ones with the heart shaped straw--under the setting sun. He doesn’t even like smoothies.
    From the other corner of the weird theater lunch tables Futaba sends him a blank look that implies that she can hear his raging gay thoughts. Ren sticks his tongue out at her, and to Futaba’s left, Nagi raises a thin eyebrow and points at herself as though she thought he was talking to her. Embarrassed but never one to lose, Ren sticks out his tongue again at her paired with a flirtatious wink. At the head of the table beside Ren, Akechi makes a face. Futaba gags. Unaffected, Nagi returns her attention to Yusuke’s analysis of Hamuko’s preferred color palette for her hypothetical thief costume.
    Ren’s phone buzzes in his pocket, and he fishes it out, wondering how someone managed to text him while he’s in a magical dimension theater metaphor place. He quickly gives up that train thought when he sees Futaba’s SNS username. A quick glance up shows that she’s pointedly staring at her phone, so he swipes open the message.
wat did theo say he was making?
i hungr
worried u wont like it?
if hes anything like those tsuntsun twins he’ll probably poison it
...i didnt think of that
prolly not though. i mean hamuko trusts him
ur only saying that cuz hes a pretty boy 
for real though he wouldnt
The twins would without a doupt
*akechi voice* haha it was merely a jest!
    “Food’s ready!” Theodore announces over Ren and Futaba’s unsubtle snickers. Somehow, Theodore has acquired two shining serving platters.
    “Theo, you’re the best!” Hamuko says, standing up immediately to help him serve because she (and Haru) is the sweetest person in the universe.
    “Thanks,” Ren tacks on because he’s ‘in charge’ and he’s supposed to ‘set good examples’. He does not, however, stand up to help because he is lazy.
    The rest of the group is already chorusing thank yous and crowding around the food like hungry animals. Makoto is not around to tell them that they’re acting like children. Akechi is patiently waiting for everyone to get out of the way before he serves himself, which is probably a smarter idea than Ren who’s walking around the table so he can insert himself between Ann and Ryuji, the most destructive eaters of their current group. Yusuke, another main offender however justified, already has a bowl full of what appears to be noodles, veggies, and chicken covered in a savory sauce.
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grammarkid · 4 years
Hello! I was just looking through your kara/diana tag and and you've said that you're doing a fic for the pairing. I was wondering if you were still planning on finishing it - i would definitely love to read it, especially since theres not much content (tho what is there is 👌) Thx!
unfortunately, the posts i made hyping up that fic are from about 2-3 years ago now, and i eventually lost my passion for the project :/ as i’m regretfully wont to do with even my favorite things
but since you’ve asked, i figure i’ll use the opportunity to address the rest of my followers who may be wondering about the current status of certain fics (under the cut for the sake of brevity)
hello friends
i’ve been gone for so long now that most of you probably don't remember following me. i’ve missed dozens of asks and messages over the past few months, and i have to apologize for that. without going too deep into my own sob story, this past year has been the hardest year of my life, for reasons beyond the pandemic. because of that, my desire and ability to create any fandom-related content has been almost fully extinguished. i’m doing a bit better lately, but anxiety has been preventing me from returning to tumblr because i knew there would be a lot of people disappointed to hear that my fics probably weren’t going to be continued, or finished at all. 
i’m prone to getting caught up in this debilitating notion that i’m only valuable to fandom if i produce content for it, as i think many writers and artists are. which means that i’ve been back here for a few months, but i’ve been hiding out, haunting my own blog like a ghost – and that’s been something of a double-edged sword for me. i may not be motivated to write, but i still enjoy engaging with fandom. i don’t want to deny myself that outlet anymore. 
so, hello again. i won’t be as active as before, but i’ll be around. feel free to engage with me about fandom things, but also keep in mind that i won't be writing anything, new or old, anytime soon. if you could kindly refrain from asking about fic at all, i would really appreciate it, bc that shit makes me so anxious dude lol
i hope you’ve all been doing okay 💙
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autisticstarseed · 4 years
if u could, perhaps, bless us with all the applicable symbols from that fic ask for hvh 👀
ooOoOOOoOO Rub s gay hands togehter omg ty friend 😍;;;;;;
💡 - What was the motivation behind the story?
hHH i hadnt written in 10+ years so when i latched onto this plot idea i just thought itd be a good time to jump the shark and try it again !! i just wanted smth really edgy and depthful bc im emo and the rest kind of snowballed
💎- What was your favorite part?
osdlfksd;lf it’s hard to pick a fav but the drunk scene was definitely the most fun to write at least
⛰️-  What was the hardest part?
THE SCENE WHERE THE GANG IS KIDNAPPED BY ENKI,,,, i debated toning down the violence but in the end i knew where the story was going (and where its still going) and that its gonNA be kinda dark so why hold back now ig
🎭- What was the feeling or mood you were going for?
BITTERSWEET AF,,, sort of just treading the line of ‘hopeful’ and ‘hopeless’ at all times to fully portray the feeling of being at your lowest, but with that classic tss ‘silver linings just around the corner’ kind of undertone
🏟️- Who was your intended audience?
mostly all the adults that watched tss as a kid and felt like spirituaLLY MOVED BY IT cuz i really tried to tap into that Emotion Tee Em we all felt when we found out that zak was [redacted]
🔬- Was there one scene you were building up to/knew you had to get just right?
hHH theres actually a LOT of scenes like that and i think a lot of my general motivation to keep going comes from that ‘WAIT FOR IT WAIT FOR IT’ vibe slkdf:SDF but the Plot Twist tm in the latest chapter was definitely a big’n, and theres a few more of those still to come :^)
🗝️ - What were you thinking when you wrote it?
kjdjFSDs:DF tbh whenever i start really writing, [’im shifting into soup mode’ seinfeld meme voice] im shifting into maladaptive daydreaming mode
🎥- Were there any tv shows, books, or movies that influenced this verse, if any?
:^) devilman crybaby pls forgive me for everytHing
📈- Was there a clear character arch you wanted____ character to go on?
i actually have a short list of what i somewhat consider to be the story arcs in my notes !! mostly just for organization and obvs i wont list the future ones but so far we’ve seen the kushtaka arc, the enki arc, and now we’re in what i call ‘the annunaki’ arc.
🎢- Were there any scenes you were nervous about? For audience reception or otherwise?
ALL OF IT JSHDJSKD, but again a lot of the enki scenes i was worried would be too edgy TM, and the whole annunaki plot as well i was worried might be too ‘out there’ for ppl, but it takes the story exactly where i always wanted it and lines everything up perfectly so i went for it lol. i was also ofc worried if people would like ila or not bc oc but most ppl love her actually which is so 😭❤️
☠️- Did you consider killing off any of the characters? Did you?
8^) [mickey mouse voice] this is a surprise tool that will help us later ,
✉️- Did you title your chapters? What title do you like best?
yes! the next one actually has my favorite chapter title yet, but so far i like ‘so strikes the harpoon’ since its a throwback to the first couple chapters
☀️- Was there symbolism/motifs you worked in?
o every single paragraph is an overly thought out middle school poem im entering in the talent show actually
🎵- Did you have a playlist/piece of music that went with this story?
Yes !! i have HVH insp part 1, Part 2, and an extra one for all those songs that have the vibes but just dont fit enough to make sense in a playlist
📜-Do you want to write something like this again in the future?
probably ! ive learned i definitely like the edgy/darker and emotionally driven stories with ongoing plot, so that trend will almost definitely continue. idk if ill write a dystopia again anytime soon, but i think my future stuff will at least retain that long and heavy vibe
💁- Did readers influence/change any part of this story?
oh yEA like basically i was ready to quit after the very first chapter before it was even written and kinda just got it all out on a whim of motivation but was expecting to flake on it like i tend to do with projects, but the invested response to it was just so uplifting that its what ive been riding on all ten chapters and im so grateful for it :’)))
✏️-Would you go back and change anything if you could?
hHHHHHHH yes and ok this is terrible but i actually tend to avoid re-reading my older chapters until i hAVe to bc i suffer from that sO much ,,, , its just little things like tiny words i wanna change or bits i wanna take out/put in and once or twice ive even caught a mistake or plot hole/smth i forgot to add that i rly do have to go back and edit and i just turn to dust every tim e
⭐- What’s a scene/paragraph you’re proud of?
i really liked the northern lights scene!! it was meant to be a pivotal moment of that ‘bittersweetness’ vibe i was talking abt and it was another one of those scenes i had been planning for a while;;;
“ I think of how much the rest of the family would love this. This isn’t like the moon and the sun, where I can see it and know that even if it looks different, they’ll see the same one soon enough, wherever they are. This reminds me only that I am not with them. It stings. It seems unnatural for something so gentle and natural to appear before us as if we aren’t in complete, total fucking chaos. After all we’ve been through, and the sky still dances. “
📣-What was the best piece of encouragement you got?
🔦-Did you learn anything while writing it? About yourself? Writing?
isdfhSDF YEs, part of my hesitation to write came from this thing where i always just assumed there was a wildly high standard of writing in fandom spaces like in original literature spaces, where you had to have like 10+ sentences to a paragraph and you had to describe every tiny detail of a setting and you had to follow every single grammar rule or it was unreadable but like. genuinely its like sculpting with words as long as you have a shape ppl get the idea which is such a weight off my shoulders lol, its still a lot of work but so much fun to know i can to an extent do what i want and ppl actually like it like that. i also learned that like most other writers i have to cause my favs emotional and physical pain,
🎁- Any writing advice for people who want to write something like this?
hhHHHH 1. please do it its so fun just give in to the edge my guy , 2. try to get comfortable re-reading your chapters, for me its like when ppl listen to themselves sing/act but im trying to do better bc its so much more consistent when i keep it fresh in my mind and it also boosts confidence when u can pick out the things u like instead of the things u dont, 3. trying to have at least one scene in mind for each chapter that ur excited to write so u can have motivation to update faster! for me it doesnt have to be smth i think would excite the audience either like it could be the most basic thing but just having an idea of it and knowing i want to see it come to life rly helps me stay on top of it all
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