#i hope adam is brought back to life in season 2
powerpuffobsession · 4 months
Am I the only one who wants to save Adam and Lute from hazbin hotel? That smile Adam gave Lute before dying is next to meaningless in this ungodly rushed plot. But it's a shade of what those two could have been in the hands of a competent writer for an actual adult show show with 26 episodes per season and complex psychological themes
They deserve more mature characterization instead of being a punching bag for oh so morally superior demons in a black and white setting PERIOD
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acheemient · 4 days
Things I think Will happen in Season 3 (it's not spoilers if it hasn't happened yet!):
Crowley takes up the roll of Duke of Hell.
Aziraphale was put into the role of Supreme Archangel so Metatron could keep an eye on him/get him out of the way/control him
God has been removed from the Book of Life or has been trapped or whatever by Metatron since the Not Apocalypse (hence no God narration in season 2)*
Crowley was a high ranking Archangel who Fell when he went to Metatron with questions. Crowley's memories have been erased (Duh)
Nina and Maggie will be back
Crowley dies in Aziraphale's arms, but Az is able to miracle him back from the dead (foreshadowed in season 2 by the whole "Lazuri" measuring system)
Crowley tells Aziraphale, "I forgive you," at some point**
Ineffable Husbands retire to a cottage in South Downs (because Neil loves us and will do right by us)
A Nightingale will sing outside the cottage and will be the last image we see.
Things I think Might happen in Season 3:
Crowley HATES being Duke of Hell, but he does it to spite Aziraphale
Aziraphale HATES being Supreme Archangle, but he pretends he's Fine. Lots of fake smiles
The Second Coming is a baby, and the Ineffable Husbands have to deal with keeping a baby safe from both sides
The Them come back to help save the day
Aziraphale brings Crowley back to life with a very tearful kiss **
Ineffables free God/bring Her back/add her back to the Book of Life somehow
God narrates the ending scene of the Ineffable Husbands living happily ever after, now that She has been freed/brought backby the Ineffables
The Ineffable Husbands end up raising baby Second Coming as their own in their cottage (throw back to them raising the fake Antichrist).
Thinks I Want to happen in Season 3:
So many kisses (I think we will get one, maybe two) between the Ineffable Husbands
A Big Hug between Aziraphale and Crowley (I'm taking about Embrace levels)
Crowley sarcastically bowing to Aziraphale and addressing him as "Supreme Archangel"
Adam still has some of his Infernal Powers. Nothing like before, but some left over
The return of Anathema, but I think her story is done, so this is less likely
A sex scene or an allusion to sex (but it won't happen, so don't worry - see below)
The last scene shows Aziraphale, Crowley, and the Second Coming in their garden outside the cottage in South Downs living as a happy little family.
Things I think we Won't see in Season 3:
Coffee Theory ***
Body Swap Theory ***
A sex scene or an allusion to sex between Aziraphale and Crowley (even though I want it, Neil won't bring it up one way or another. He'll let us all make our own choice on that one)
Newt. I just don't see him coming back
These are all just my opinions. Please do not get angry about anything listed above if you don't agree.
* God's Ineffable Plan was always for the Apocalypse to be stopped by Aziraphale and Crowley. Metatron still wants Earth to be destroyed. He wants his war.
**I'm hoping the "I forgive you" is heartfelt. Possibly when Aziraphale kisses Crowley back to life. Imagine Aziraphale holding dying/dead Crowley in his arms, saying, "Pease don't leave me, I need you, please don't go, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Crowley" (etc.). And then Aziraphale's eyes glow purple as his pulls up every bit of his power and presses his lips firmly to Crowley's lips (much like their first kiss), and we finally see Crowley lift a hand to Aziraphale's cheek to kiss back, and Aziraphale is SHOCKED and pulls away to look at a very weak smiling Crowley who quietly says, "I forgive you."
***I know some people really hang their hats on this one, and no insult to them, but I don't think Aziraphale needed any extra prodding or powers used to get him to go back to Heaven. It's enough that he thinks he's going to be able to make Heaven better and/or protect Crowley. I kind of feel like it cheapens Aziraphale's agency and the story.
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thepunkmuppet · 8 months
a comprehensive list of all the Implications (TM) of the WishVerse that were never explored. enjoy.
so in case you forgot: buffy never came to sunnydale in season 1. the master took over sunnydale and made xander and willow his deranged vampire sidekicks. buffy fights the master and her, cordelia, angel, willow and xander all die. almost all these points are going off the branching timeline where giles didn’t destroy anya’s pendant and the wishverse kept going.
larry is a “white hat” working with giles, oz and nancy. he has dyed black hair. I think it’s safe to assume that larry is out in this universe, and apocalypse or no apocalypse I love the idea of these three being a found family friend group just like buffy and the scoobies. also love the idea that oz and larry were in love but that’s just because I am insane lmao. anyway larry is out as gay and friends with oz with surrogate father figure giles… yeah that just makes me happy. I would love to see his season 1-3 growth in coming out and becoming a better person / not a bully similar to cordy. and shittily dying his hair black.
were spike and dru there during the season 2 period? did the master kill them? did the white hats kill them? did they leave? WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM????
the mayor, adam, glory and the first would likely still happen on top of all the vampire apocalypse stuff. the trio could be dead or vampires and dark willow obviously would not be able to happen. does giles fight these threats, collecting various child fighters over the years?? no idea. do they succeed?? no idea.
dawn doesn’t exist because buffy is dead. I wonder who the key would have taken the form of, perhaps she would be faith’s sister…???
what’s the status of jenny calendar?? joyce?? tara?? amy?? no one knows!! I just hope they didn’t meet too grisly of ends. the idea of leather-clad apocalypse vampire versions of all these badass women intrigues me though…
did anya remain a demon?? destroying her necklace would reset the timeline back to normal, so I guess she must have done. my anyiles heart says giles thought “I could fix her” and fell in love with a vengeance demon who doomed reality but that might just be wishful thinking (no pun intended).
angel investigations simply doesn’t exist. angel and cordy are both dead.
connor would not exist because darla would not be brought back (I wonder if jasmine would find some other way to bring about her birth??)
lindsey would have both hands intact and he and lilah would likely stay at wolfram and hart, and neither would die unless they were caught in the crossfire of vampire apocalypse stuff.
gunn would stick with his crew in LA and would likely fight the master at one point, not to mention even more vampires than usual, and without superpowers would likely die eventually.
angel investigations would never run wolfram and hart, meaning illyria would have to find a different host body. if it was lindsey or lilah that would be awesome.
pylea would stay the same and suck forever because cordy would never go there.
lorne is flourishing and loving life running caritos. he’s probably better off for it tbh. the wishverse says gay rights!!!!
in terms of wesley, faith and doyle, I recommend this amazing fic. it really speaks for itself, it’s awesome!!
its unclear as to who would be called after buffy. is it a person to person thing or simply a timing thing?? would it be kendra, faith, or someone else entirely? as I said this is explored in the fic I linked, but still interesting to discuss.
season 7 would be very different. we don’t know what slayer is currently around and we don’t know if that would change the first’s plan or the ending with all the potentials becoming slayers. no idea. kennedy would not be important thank god.
fred is still in pylea.
if you can think of anything else, please do share in notes!!
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pasquey · 10 months
Aziraphale's Choice, or: Activist Infighting
As we were going through the last minutes of season 2 of Good Omens, I looked at my partner and said, "Activist infighting." It was the best encapsulation I had for what seemed at the base of the Aziraphale-Crowley conflict, or at least a large portion of it.
There's been a lot of great analysis on what Heaven means emotionally to Crowley and Aziraphale, how it shows a toxic family dynamic. But the activist angle has been much less explored. It goes like this: for the entire series so far, we've seen how the policies of Heaven sometimes actively harm people and frequently actively prevent them from being helped. Aziraphale has seen this for thousands of years. Suddenly he's given the option of being given enough power within the system to make major changes - heck, we've never heard of any demons being allowed back into Heaven before, and he's immediately given the option of doing so! This isn't fake power, this isn't a figurehead, a joke; this is something that begins with a major concession and that could lead to even more positive changes if Aziraphale plays his cards right.
Or maybe it is a joke. Maybe it's a trap. Maybe they don't intend on giving Aziraphale real power. But they would still, even in that scenario, be giving him information. The only reason the original Armageddon failed to happen is because Crowley had the right connections in Hell to be the one who brought Adam to the hospital. Adam's baby swap was an accident, but one that he was in a position to do intentionally. The process of raising Warlock to hopefully not end the world also depended on Crowley and Aziraphale being in positions where they knew who Warlock was and where to find him. When used correctly, information is its own form of power.
Living a quiet life in a bookshop is nice until the world explodes around you; even if Aziraphale didn't expect the Second Coming to be so soon, he's immortal and knew he would be alive to see it whenever it happened. And unlike Crowley, Aziraphale isn't willing to go off and live on Alpha Centauri with only a single companion. He wants to save the world.
And Heaven offers him a way to. A chance to change how Heaven operates. Even if Aziraphale couldn't tear down the whole system there, he could make progress. Yes, by working with a bunch of assholes with a bad history. Yes, by making compromises. But for the people he could help, it would be worth it.
Aziraphale didn't choose Heaven over Earth. Aziraphale made the choice to go where he could help Earth the most, even if it involved sacrificing the life he'd built there. It was a choice made out of love.
(While Crowley chose the other kind of activism. Crowley says "why vote? both sides are the same anyways. why run for office? you'll never get elected. anyone who tries to make incremental progress is a corporate shill." He's great at helping the person directly in front of him, but when it comes to wider society, he's given up. He has his reasons, of course. But it doesn't escape me that he's still ready to cut and run away from Earth at any moment. He thinks it's romantic for Gabriel and Beelzebub to run off to Alpha Centauri together. Rather than putting down roots, his plants live in his car.)
And yes, Aziraphale has many emotional reasons to hope Heaven can improve. But it's also practical. We've seen how much time he spent trying to hide his good deeds from Gabriel; at least Muriel will be able to be more blatant with hers when he's boss. He can always go back to Earth if it fails, but this offer to change Heaven won't come twice.
And of course he wanted to take Crowley with. Finally, a chance to work together without it being a secret! Think of everything they could accomplish! Heaven admitted they were right all along, and now instead of high wire rules-lawyering, they get to make the rules!
Crowley doesn't trust that. Crowley's not touching that. Work with corrupt people and you'll become corrupted; better to stay as far from it all as possible. The system won't ever change. It's the bandstand fight all over again: try to change a corrupt system or get out.
But that's activist infighting for you.
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So I screamed from the moment Crowley grabbed Aziraphale by the collar and pulled him in for a kiss and couldn't stop screaming until Aziraphale pulled away with a devastated look on his face.
I am in love with season 2 of Good Omens. All hail every single cog in the machine that allowed this miracle to happen (and like a greedy thing, I'm now eagerly anticipating a third season).
But with as much joy as this new season brought me, as much as I cherish each new CANON interaction of the Ineffable Husbands like a luxuriously decadently bitter dark chocolate... this new season was Fanfiction from the very first scene with Crowley being an angel of a higher station and having a hand with the creation of the universe, to the very last frames as the credits rolled through.
Don't get me wrong, this felt like it was Great Fanfiction. The kind that you find after refining AO3's filters down to within an inch of their lives, sorting by word count, carefully reading each tag, noting the amount of kudos, double checking the Last Updated date, and peering into the very soul of the Author's Notes for any unexpected surprises. Fanfiction, none the less.
This is not a rant, this is not a complaint, and I apologize that my memory recollection abilities are so subpar that I for the life of me can't provide any fic titles, (but if there are any GO fanfic readers with minds like steel traps....please help a poor girl out in the comments) but:
There are amazing fics where Crowley was a high ranking angel. He was either part of the team that hung the stars or he's even the Archangel Raphael.
I remember reading a fic where Aziraphale and his fellow Soho shopkeepers (granted, this was back when nearly all of the shops were of the eyebrow raising variety, not just Mrs. Sandwich) were a rather tight knit community.
There's a few decent fics with Outsider POVs helping Crowley or Aziraphale realize they love the other. Obviously with the limited amount of characters available to play with, those outsiders tended to be either Madame Tracy, Anathema, or Adam Young/The Them when it wasn't an OC.
We saw the Gabriel/Beelzebub pairing and loved it and never imagined it seeing it become CANON holy shit yes! but I distinctly remember a fic where Crowley was much more female presenting, and Gabriel bought them a dress. Anyways, Gabriel was on Earth and was comfortable with earthly things because he kept having very hot, very steamy encounters with Beelzebub in Mexico (I think), that started out as clandestine meetings to figure out the next Apocalypse.
I remember this perfectly lovely and indulgent fic where Aziraphale closes his bookshop and Crowley sells his flat and they take the Bentley and retire in the South Downs. And Aziraphale joined the local theater and Crowley grew an amazing garden and they raised ducks by the beach and they had the opportunity to be an "us" 😭. And obviously that doesn't happen in the show but us avid fanfic readers, we knew what it could be like for them and so that moment when Crowley confessed and the fight and the kiss I was a mess an absolute mess, but also:
We fans love the drama, love the hurt, love watching the hope leaving our favorite pairing's eyes, so there are quite a few fics where those two fighting after a confession is as emotionally charged as that scene. But to have David Tennant and Michael Sheen really act that out the way they did gave me heart palpitations, it really did.
And last, but not least, this is not main character related but our OCs- I mean, Nina and Maggie- are actually living out a Coffeeshop AU.
Like I said, I'm not ranting or complaining or anything. I am so happy we got more GO content of this caliber on the tv. But it did not feel wholly original. It felt like dipping myself into that 1000th fic with that same trope that you are willing to read about for the rest of eternity (for example: I will read every single fic created about how Hob rescues Dream from the basement in The Sandman, and I will do it with the same enthusiasm I had the first time I read the first rescue fic. It scratches an itch that feels oh so satisfying to scratch.)
Anyways, yeah. Those were my thoughts.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
… il était bizarre ce chapitre de PQENCEL… (as far as I’m concerned the newbie’s full name is timothée daniel paul guichard, now. also I think he has grounds to get morgane fired for sexual harassment) but jarring similarities aside, I barely have anything to say about 303, tbh? it was ok. the blorbos didn’t break me this time, I won’t need 5-10 business days to recover 😅 the most emotion I felt was when gilles expressed his hurt, moh 🥲 though roxane clearly was the star of the show this time (and I’m glad it inspired you fic-wise, hehe). I wonder when she’s gonna pull the "your colleague kissed you and you forgot to mention it?" card 😏 by the way… anyone else felt something in the air when she saved morgane’s life? no? just me? 👀
star #2 was SOFIANE 💓😍💖💘🥰 our prayers have been answered!!!!! 🫶 he managed to be snarky in a total of 2 lines. hope he comes back for much more! glad they brought bonnemain back too 😄 in a way the cast-related excitement made up for the lukewarm plot. speaking of, what’s more unlikely: a teenager channeling early 00’s energy by choosing "bledigirl" for a stage name, or the fact she didn’t figure out "princesse" was autobiographical because the name of her cousin is literally the title of the song? je veux bien qu’elle ait pas la réf à un film des années 1970 mais le coup du prénom, quoi 😭
gotta say I loved the beard running gag, lol. there’s something terribly wrong with le commandant’s face, mais quoi… 😂 (+ it has a tiny backstory! unexpected) love daphné’s inability to hide her digust. as well as her willingness to lend her new responsibilities to morgane’s scheming. AND (she was so good in this ep) "on peut mieux faire" re: women murderers… daph, never change 🤣💛 she must be so proud of their own statistics!
surprised adam was the one saying the episode title this time. ushering in a new trend, perhaps? it was entertaining to see him bear with morgane’s passive-agressivity. (now that I think about it, the tension throughout this ep probs felt surface-level because we didn’t get a glimpse into the characters’ feelings… et qu’est-ce qu’un chapitre de PQENCEL sans débrief ?) did like the phone cord thread; look at morgane letting him back into her life by stealing his charger! oui j’ai décidé que c’était symbolique. 😂 thank you for your patience and see you on thursday! 👻❣️
Oh my gosh, anon!! So let me just start by saying that I felt TOUT PAREIL the first time I watched that ep! It was even one of my least faves ever. But full disclaimer: this episode grew on me A LOT through the rewatches.
And the more I've thought about it, the more I believe that this ep isn't odd in itself, but it definitely feels so when lined up with the previous two. There's a real and quite unexplained tone shift here, which I think is tied with the whole comedy/dramedy switch and the fact that eps 1 and 2 were shot in July so probs still in the spirit of season 2 (due to the early shooting date, we can assume they were written at the same time as late S2 eps, and the writing of the rest of S3 probs resumed a couple of months later) while ep 3 inaugurates a darker mood for the season. Now let's dive into the specifics.
I wasn't joking when I said that Parce qu'entre nous predicted the season. Targeted home attack? Subsequent police protection? Banging the said protection barely two nights in? I SCREAMED (although while I'm all for Morgane getting some good time this season bc she clearly deserved it, couldn't they at least give her somebody enticing to look at? My guy Paul/Daniel/whatever his name emotes like wet bread. Ew.)(also yeah, I'm kinda bummed with the obvious lack of consent here, not in itself since it narratively and character-wise makes sense, but in the fact that the whole thing is filmed under a ~comedy angle while it would have been completely inappropriate to do so had the genders been reversed. Something something equality works both ways you know? Yikes)
Gilles expressing his hurt and preaching for forgiving to the people who hurt you has to be one of my favourite scenes in the ep and the season (don't get me started on it because I'll start to tear up and word-vomit a non-coherent rant), but I'm surprised it was the most emotion you got from ep 3? I'll get back to the other emotional scenes that I found worth noticing later though, otherwise this post is gonna be all over the place. So Gilles. GILLES, my baby, my love. The thing is, I love Morgane, but she tends to be extremely toxic to everyone around her, she uses people, she doesn't apologize, she ghosts them, she doesn't care about their feelings. And the fact that someone gets to tell her exactly that, that she HURTS people, the people who actually love her and care about her enough to get her out of jail, and the fact that of all people it's Gilles who gets to tell her that, well it made my heart swell. Because Gilles is the nicest person who has ever lived and that makes his speech way more impactful than if it had been Céline's or Adam's.
Also his words are literally the reason why Morgane finally reopens the door to Adam a little at the end of the episode, but again, I'll get to that later.
Let me just tell you that I absolutely love Roxane's arc this season and the way she no longer takes bullshit from anyone. I personally don't think that she bought Morgane's lies on who kissed who, and I do believe she already knows it was entirely Adam's initiative, although that's a personal headcanon of course. Not sure I felt any vibe between her and Morgane though but you know, I can get onboard that train pretty easily!
Now as for Sofiane, I must say I was glad he's back, and true he manages to be snarky in two lines, but my problem is that he ONLY got two lines?? Like... What was the point of calling him back just for this???? 😭 I need moar. Also Bonnemain wasn't gone, he was here in 301 if I remember correctly?
The implausible parts of the case didn't particularly hit me but also I haven't been a teenager in a looooong time now, so I didn't exactly notice the vintage vibes of bledigirl although it's quite obvious now that you pointed it out (I'm having skyblogs war flashbacks now, thank you very much 😂). And as for Sarah's name I'm not sure to see where you're heading at? Cause if it's Princess Sarah then I wouldn't have had the ref either (while I did get the Peau d'Âne one lol), but again, my teenage years are far ago.
Now Daphné. I juste LOVE how we get to see more of her in the season (not saying more but... yea) and the unexpected development of having her as the new workplace discrimination referee was a GENIUS move. The "on peut mieux faire" line has to be one of my absolute faves in the ENTIRE show (je crois qu'elle a même détrôné "excusez-moi de m'intéresser" c'est dire), and her reaction to Adam's glabre face was priceless (as was the whole shaved-his-beard thread, at least we got a consolation prize for losing beardie 🥲).
I actually never noticed that it was Morgane who'd usually say out loud the eps titles? Wasn't it Bonnemain who said Phyllobates Terribilis? Or Gilles who said 55 kilos first? To me the titles always refer to one of the clues that get Morgane to solve the puzzle but it never occurred to me she was the one saying them haha.
Mais bon en vrai on s'en fout parce que c'était juste pour introduire la partie sur Adam et... Okay.
"the tension throughout this ep probs felt surface-level because we didn’t get a glimpse into the characters’ feelings"
So this is exactly the part that grew on me with subsequent rewatches. I guess I was perhaps expecting too much, or was too used to writing myself what was happening in the blorbos' heads, to really get into what happens here on my first watch. But there's actually so much going on, blorbos-wise it is now one of my fave eps in the season!! (There's also some mildly annoying borderline ooc stuff happening but I'll get to that). Morgane is hurting so badly in this episode it's honestly heart-wrenching.
Obviously she's not going to show it eagerly, but it's visible at first in the way she flinches when Théa asks her if she's ready to work with Adam again (which also makes me wonder how much exactly Théa knows about what happened but that's a topic for another day). Then she goes full-on passive-aggressive mode with Adam, which says a lot, it all culminates in the cringiest song ever (I pasted the full lyrics in the end if you're curious), and then Adam does what??
He confronts her! Il essaye de communiquer !! Il veut crever l'abcès 🥹 And she cannot say it. She's the one who always comes up with angry punchlines but right now she's hurting so much she doesn't even have it in her to SAY IT 😭😭😭 and storms out instead. cue my first death in this episode.
BUT. She might be hurting and angry, she'll still lie to Roxane to protect his relationship. While she could very understandably retaliate by tanking it. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 Cue my second death, obviously.
Now we're getting to the part I honestly didn't like so much, because Morgane just got out of prison, and then she escapes a murder attempt, and nobody gives a shit about it? They can be mad at her all they want, and Adam can be shocked to find Roxane at Morgane's place, what happened to "je tiens à vous" huh? I didn't write "j'ai droit à un câlin à chaque fois que je frôle la mort ?" for nothing, and also I need to check that bingo box, thank you very much 😠😭 So I get that Adam is in the quite delicate situation of "oh shit, looks like wifey and mistress are hanging out behind my back", mais franchement ça lui arracherait une molaire de demander à Morgane comment elle va ?
Biggest OOC move from him as far as I'm concerned. 🔪🔪🔪
Actually wait no, I'm still angry, give me a minute.
Where was I? The show sort of made up for it after that because Adam being in charge of her protection!! While he's mad at her because he's thinking she ratted him out to Roxane!! And she's mad at him because, well, you know!! She physically cannot stand to be in the same room as he is and they are forced to hang out?? And he gets it? And he tries to talk to her but then the pressure explodes? And she FINALLY says it out loud? And exposes her feelings in a clearer way than she's ever done before? Because what else putting Adam at the same level as [redacted] means but "I was in love with you too"???? Cue my third and final death right here.
And finally, for me the phone charger thread as a symbol is not a theory, it's a fact! The way they insisted on how she refuses to use it at first to not owe him anything, for her to eventually steal it after Gilles' speech about forgiveness is pretty transparent, and so is her final joke about his beard. And the way she delivers this final line? This was absolutely not what she intended to tell him. She just didn't master the courage to say out loud "I forgive you", so she settled for something much safer but the meaning remains. Cue my undefined stare at the ceiling 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Honorable mentions to:
Jérôme's burnout? How? When? I need answers 😂
Céline yelling TIMOTHÉE ?! in the precinct
The cats
THE ELEVATOR STARE 😱😱😱😱😱😱 I didn't include it to the blorbos' emotional journey because it wasn't painful but my! God! the! absolute! tension! here!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Cue my actual death
And the lyrics to Morgane's song if anyone's interested:
C'est l'histoire d'un amant Qui s'est pris pour un Don Juan T'as cru qu'il était ti-gen Parce que le gars mettait ses gants Il t'a fait nan-nan-nan Chérie tu te méprends
C'est l'histoire d'un condé Qu'a voulu jouer les BG Il s'est pris pour Superman Mais il bouffe trop de kouign amann J'ai fait miam miam miam Par ici le croque-madame
J'fais monter la mayo (x3) Pour le poulet... (suite incompréhensible)
T'as cru qu'il était gentil Parce qu'il portait un képi Mais c'était que du mépris Il t'a tej comme un débris
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roxalaney · 3 months
Uh oh, I got into Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss
And I got thoughts! A LOT of thoughts, so sorry! Putting them under a cut because of a long post, and spoilers.
So, what exactly happens to a soul when they're in Hell and they're exterminated? Did they ever elaborate on that or do they just cease to exist when they're exterminated? What if they're reincarnated into a new hellborn or even brought back to Earth as a human for a...*le gasp* second chance?! I hope that can be further explored. Seems like that might just be the answer. Using Earth for their "rehabilitation". But I'm sure that'll get messy, if not already. *shrug*
I really, REALLY don't want that fuckboy Adam to be redeemed. He was a rather basic antagonist and I hated every moment he was on screen. I doubt it'll be that easy to sway him. If we do see him in Hell, he'll probably just go along with redemption so he can get back his place in Heaven. Eh, we'll see what happens when we get season 2.
I really hope we see more of Sir Pentious, I have a feeling he will play a big role, especially since he earned his place in Heaven. Maybe he can interact with Emily and further their agenda on giving second chances to the damned.
If Adam does show up in Hell, and Lilith makes her way back after this long, then I'm sure there will be a lot of tension and lore dumping. Hopefully.
I saw a quick glance at a post that pointed out the problem of Vaggie existing only to support Charlie's dream and nothing more. It is a fair observation so I hope we see more of Vaggie coming into her own as a person instead of being just Charlie's girlfriend.
I didn't realize Angel had siblings until I started browsing the tags, so maybe they'll make an appearance soon? Would be interesting to see how they interact with one another.
Something tells me that Lilith (or even Eve) and Alastor have something going on. Nothing sexual of course, but they happen to disappear around the same time. I don't think we'll get answers right away, but if all we get are foreshadowing breadcrumbs then so be it.
I feel like Charlie's dream of rehabilitating souls to get them into heaven is a weak premise. I also saw the pilot and even in that, the foundation was shaky at best. I'm glad it got polished up by the time of episode 1 and by the end of season 1, we know that Charlie fiercely loves her people and don't want them to suffer anymore than they should. The methods for trying to alleviate the suffering could be worked on. Perhaps that will be explored more in season 2.
I guess this is probably the angels' bias (or rather, Adam's and the exterminators'), but is there really a threat to Heaven's position? Lilith probably didn't help when she ruled, but why would Lute go to her to try to get Charlie in line? What kind of deal did Adam have with Lilith, if there was one? Is Lilith the one pulling the strings because she doesn't care about her people anymore? Is she bored with everything and hiding away as her world burns, leaving Charlie to clean up her messes? SO MANY QUESTIONS
Wait wait, crazy theory here, but what if Lilith and Eve are an item and Eve's life is on the line because of the angels? Does Alastor have anything to do with this? What if Lilith enlisted Alastor to keep an eye on Charlie, in the form of a deal? That doesn't explain why he would be away for 7 years... unless Lilith kidnapped and broke him and this is how Alastor is taking back control?
I don't have much to say on Helluva Boss yet, other than I enjoy it more than HH and Blitzø better make things right with Stolas if he wants to keep using his book (and have a better, loving relationship with him).
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rustedhearts · 8 months
yesss! i finished szn 4 a few days ago and here are my opinions;
Maeve Wiley stays the love of my life ❤️❤️ she has been my girl since DAY 1!!!!!
so far I enjoyed everyone’s arcs/stories ESPECIALLY ERIC AND AIMEE!! Watching both of them find themselves was so cathartic😭
Adam and his relationship with his dad literally made me cry especially since I had daddy issues😭
I wanna give Jean A HUGE HUG ISTG. Having a newborn is exhausting like literally. I remember when my mom had my younger sister. Zero sleep 🤦🏽‍♀️
Otis pissed me TF OFF THIS SEASON. UGHHHHHHHHH. But lowkey it made me realize how selfish he was over the past seasons, like when Eric said “whenever maeve is around nothing else matters to him” I WAS LIKE UR SO RIGHT?????
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Otis’ mission to prove he was the better sex therapist was exhausting to watch, how he used everyone around him and didn’t even care about their feelings was so irritating , but this has been going on for the whole show and I didn’t even pay attention 😔
My character rankings:
1. Maeve and Aimee
2. Eric
3. Ruby
4. Jean
5. Adam
okay sorry this is gonna be long but!! nobody else talks about it with me lol
i saw a tiktok and someone said maeve’s story was rushed this season and her mother’s death was unnecessary, but i disagree ENTIRELY. i think this was the most brutally honest version of maeve we’ve ever seen. i’m so glad they brought sean back (i was hoping they would!!) because their sibling dynamic and childhood trauma is such a captivating storyline to me. it really resonates lmao
and aimee!! oh my god i loved her this season. i always loved her, but this season she was truly the best! her style was gorge, but i also just really appreciated that the writers didn’t rush into her healing journey. she really took her time with it, and as someone who’s been sa’d, this is the truth of it! i feel so much of aimee in me!! and i loved her taking up photography—it felt very on-brand for her character, who sort of sees everything for what it is.
i was never a big isaac fan (for obvious reasons) but i enjoyed his character development this season. i was iffy on him and aimee together (because i looooved steve) but by the end i liked them!!
when adam screamed at his dad and called him just a “scared little man with a job he hates” i was like YESSSS!!! conor is such an amazing actor and i loved adam all throughout the show as a character just because of how nuanced he was. he has such a sad little face :(
otis. otis…bleh. not the biggest fan this season. agreed he’s always been selfish. but i do feel like his riff with eric this season kind of felt silly because it came out of nowhere.
very very sad about the lack of jakob especially because of what they went through in s3. i think him not being there at all felt really out of character for him. i think even if he found out joy wasn’t his, after dealing with such a difficult pregnancy and jean almost dying, he wouldn’t have just uprooted everyone and abandoned her.
i really appreciated the storyline with jean and her sister.
overall, i think maeve’s storyline was my favorite this season. i loved her characterization (biased opinion since she’s just…me) and wish we had a liiiiiittttle longer to explore all of her backstory, but i’m also pretty pleased with where the show ended! i think it makes sense otis and maeve didn’t end up together.
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
I Thought You Were Dead (Gordo Stevens x F!Reader)
Requested by @edwardbaldwin: a hundred difference kisses prompts 46 the reunion kiss... with Gordo? After he saves Jamestown? And they think he's dead but really he's just extremely hurt and brought back to earth.
Main Master List
Writing Prompt Master List
100 Different Kisses
Warnings: Season 2 Spoilers, pregnancy, puking, lets just pretend we're star fleet at this point and have medicine that can save a person from space radiation, because you know.... fanfic
The minute they pulled you to the side, away from everybody, you knew something had gone bad. But you hadn't expected it to be that bad.
"He what?" Margot gives you a sad smile as your world crumbles around you. There's no way he could die. He's Gordo Stevens. He's immortal. "You're wrong. He's alive."
"I'm sorry, (Y/N), but he's gone. He and Tracey died saving Jamestown," Margot remorses, Molly standing silently behind her, not really sure what to say. Your stomach churns, bitter acid rising in the back of your throat. "We're bringing their bodies back for a burial, but there's no way they could have survived out there."
You shake your head, your hand rubbing your protruding bump as your heart races. He can't be dead. Can he? "I think Imma puke," your face pales as you lurch into the nearest trash can, Margot and Molly watching on with silent pity. After emptying the contents of your stomach, you turn to look at them. "I haven't even told him. I haven't even told him I'm pregnant with his kid." Your voice is soft and Molly steps forward, placing a firm but caring hand on your shoulder.
"He died a hero. Why don't you go sit in my office. I'll give you a call when they're back home."
"What's the point if he's dead? I mean shit, how the hell am I gonna tell Danny and Jimmy that both their parents died?"
"We're going to get them back home. Just please, get some rest," Margot comments before walking away, leaving you and Molly alone. She pulls you into her side as she starts walking toward her office.
"When we were telling him how to wrap himself up, he seemed very adamant on making sure you weren't alone. He knew the risks, and he took them, but not without thinking of you. He asked me to deliver this message," Molly slips you a piece of paper and you don't even bother to look at it as she opens the door to her office. "Just, say here for now. We'll call you down when we get his body. I'm sorry for your loss." She walks away and leaves you to your thoughts.
"What the hell do you mean he's alive? How the fuck do you confuse being dead and alive?" Molly rages into the speaker at the news that Gordo Stevens, had in fact, not died.
"I don't know. When we first saw him, he was still and dead, and then he," Rossi looks over to Gordo who barely breathes on the gurney, "just came back to life. He does have extreme burns all over his skin as well as multiple contusions and a heavy does of radiation. He will need to be treated but I think he can pull through."
"And Tracey?"
Rossi sighs, looking at the other gurney, except this one is covered with a thin blanket.
"We regret to inform that Tracey Stevens did not make it."
"Alright, stand by, we're sending a rescue crew." The comms turn off and Margot and Molly look at each other.
"Well shit."
"We do not tell her until he's back. Is that clear? We are not going to give her blind hope that he'll make it back."
Molly gawks at Margot but supposes she's right. If they were to tell you that Gordo was alive only for him to die on the reentry that would kill you. "That's wrong on so many le-"
"Cobb, do you understand?"
"Yes ma'am."
The phone in the office shrills to life and you're quick to grab it. "Hello?"
"(Y/N). We need you to come to Houston General."
"What? Why? Why would the-"
"Just come down." Molly hangs up the phone and you don't need to be told twice before you're rushing down the stairs and out to Gordo's car. Racing down the busy interstate, you make it in record time to the hospital, where Molly greets you at the entrance.
"What's going on? Where is he?"
"(Y/N), (Y/N). I need you to slow down," she places her hands on your arms to steady you. "What I'm about to tell you, you may freak out. So I'm going to need you to not freak out."
"Don't do that. Don't give me false hope," you whisper, your heart hammering in your chest as Molly motions for you to follow her. She leads you down a series of halls before coming across a blocked out door, lined with lead lining. "Molly, what is this."
"Shortly after we told you he died, Rossi gave us a call and told us that he is in fact, alive. But, (Y/N), you have to understand. He's seriously hurt, doctors don't even know if he's going to make it."
"You're meaning to tell me.... he's alive." You collapse against the wall in a heap of happy tears as Molly crouches down next to you.
"For now, yes. The doctor's are doing everything they can. You can enter, but you have to put all the protective equipment on."
"He's alive." You whisper to yourself before looking at Molly. "What about Tracey?" She simply just shakes her head as you stand up and put on the outfit.
"Careful, it's heavy."
"I'm only a few months pregnant, relax." Without another word you step through the door and your breathing hitches in your throat. There Gordo lays, hooked up to various machines but all you care about it the rising and falling of his chest and the steady heart rate. "Oh Gordo."
His eyes seem to open only to spot you standing in the door way. He smiles in relief. "Hey honey."
"Oh Gordo," you rush to his side and press your lips against his and it feels like the world around you ceases to exist. As your lips move in tandem all that exists in that moment is you and Gordo and your love for one another. After a minute, you pull away, a string of spit connecting the two of you as you rest your forehead against his as sobs wrack through your body. "I thought you were dead."
"I think I am. Least I feel like it. Because you must be an angel," he laughs slightly before going into a coughing fit. You help him sit up only to see the various burns and wounds all over his body. You cringe at the sight. "What are you doing in here. You'll get sick."
"Think I have enough lead on me to protect me and our child." Gordo's blood shot eyes widen as he looks down at your stomach in confusion.
"Thought we couldn't."
"Well," you rub the bump underneath the lead coat before looking back at him and grabbing his hand. "We did it. I'm carrying your child, Gordo," you maneuver the lead coat around and help guide his hand to the small bump beginning to form and you can swear you see tears forming at his eyes.
"Shit baby. We did it." He squeezes your hand.
"We did it," you kiss his bruised knuckles gently before replacing his hand to his side. "But for now, get some rest, baby. You need to recover so you can raise our kid."
"Please don't leave." His eyes begin to droop shut as you look at the monitor, making sure he isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @fairchildflag @infatuatedjanes @niki-xie
MCB Tag List: @edwardbaldwin @reveluving @sugapapichulo
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zerozeroren · 1 year
Hi! Bunny heard you wanted OC questions? Bunny has OC questions!
Regarding Tony, you mentioned his family moved to Canada when he was a child, what was that like for him? Was he excited to go somewhere new or did he dread it? And after, was it like he expected or did it hit him and made him change his mind? Before Sophie, did he ever consider moving back to Italy? What was the thing he missed the most that first year in Canada? Is there something specific from Italy that he still misses, all these years after?
For Sophie, tell me about her siblings! How often do they talk to with her since she moved out? Texts, video or phone calls? Do they like Tony? What about favorite memories with Sophie and each of them individually instead of all three together?
About Nana, tell me more about her aspirations for the future! Impossible dreams and hard working expectations, and how they vary from what she thought as a child. And on the opposite side, back to the past, does she think her younger self would be happy or proud to meet her current self? What would she tell kid Nana?
Oh, yeah, before I forget, let's ask about Ella and Ume too! Let's see… Something holiday themed! What do they most enjoy doing during the holiday season?
Okay, those are enough questions. Hope you enjoy them! *bunny hugs* Love you! 🐰💛💛
Thank you for so many lovely questions ^^
Let's start from the beginning
1) Changing continents was incredibly hard for Tony. He was about 6 or 7 when it happened, and as it was happening, he wasn't able to fully grasp it, so when their family finally settled in the new place it hit him like a brick. He was no longer able to hug his Nonna or talk to his uncles, the people he knew from birth were so far away, and the new people around him were incredibly different in every aspect. His mom is Canadian so at least he is bilingual and didn't struggle with the language, but putting himself in this new culture was super difficult. As I've mentioned previously, Tony was already kind of focused on his immediate family instead of trying to find friendships elsewhere, so moving to a completely new country only exacerbated this tendency in him. He was basically hiding from life at home with his mom and dad. He was also devastated because his cat Vitello stayed in Italy. Tony couldn't fall asleep without cuddling a toy cat for about a year. As for moving back.. Yes, he indeed considered it, but only after finishing his higher education, and by the time he actually did he was already happy to be where he was, so he stayed.
2) Sophie always keeps in touch with Adam and Levi. They have a group chat for memes and bullshitting, and they facetime as often as they possibly can given their very busy schedules. They can just randomly call each other in the middle of the night if they so desire. They also have more dorkier ways of communicating. Like Sophie would print out their favourite meme and send it via physical mail just because why the hell not. Or call a pizza place, order her brothers a pizza and ask the pizza guys to write a silly message on the box. So yeah they're very much in touch.
Sophie's brothers tease her over Tony relentlessly. They wouldn't leave her alone about him whenever they're physically around. She gets flipping ROASTED (because she's so """tough""" and he is so """soft"""). But it's a stark contrast to what brothers were like when they were around Sophie's abusive ex. They were so afraid of her that they wouldn't even dare to speak. So.... Sophie does find being roasted quite endearing, given the circumstances.
Adam's favourite Sophie memory: the first time she brought him ice skating. Skating became his entire life, he would win awards and compete on multinational level, and the fact that it was his sister who encouraged him and made it seem so much fun never left him.
Levi's favourite Sophie memory: she took the blame for a broken lamp. Adam and Levi were playing chase when Levi dropped the lamp on the floor and shattered it, and when their father, furious, entered the room, Sophie confessed to dropping it instead of Levi (Levi already was on thin ice with the dad by that point and another misbehaviour would definitely be the last straw and end up really badly for Levi). Levi is forever grateful that his sister is ready to stick it out for him.
3) it's difficult with Nana and future, because by the time attitudes start she's rather disillusioned. When she was younger and more naive, she dreamt of joining the police to protect citizens and be a symbol of safety and justice. And then she actually joined the police force... Soon she burned out, hardened and developed quite a cynical outlook on life. During Attitudes, she constantly ponders whether the things she does are worth it, and what she'd rather do instead. She feels more lost than she'd like to admit.
Kid Nana would probably be in awe of current Nana because she is (on the surface) all that kid Nana ever wanted to be. Nana Old would tell her younger self that waiting is worth it. Hang in there, kid, things will change for the better.
4) Ume's not mine so I'm not answering that. But Ella is absolutely a Christmas junky. The kind who has their house fully decorated by November 2nd. She's all about that hot-cocoa-gift-wrapping-shopping-spree-carol-singing time of the year, she drips Christmas cheer and she dreams of living in a Hallmark Christmas movie. So... For at least 2 months of the year, she's incredibly annoying XD
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cpd5777 · 2 years
i know the season is only just over, but do you already have personal wishes for the 10th season? and do you think they'll repeat the guilt trip with hailey about anna? i just hope that she can't and shouldn't blame herself for anything
Hello! No I absolutely do not think they will repeat the Hailey guilt trip. I think of course Hailey will feel bad for the loss of life. But they all know it was a good shoot.
My wishes for Season 10 in no particular order.
1. Burzek: No more random back and forth and angst. I hope Kim and Makayla (and Adam, although my understanding is he offered it to them only if they wanted) live in that house and make it into an awesome home for Mak. I love burzek but I am not sure I think they are endgame anymore. They just keep hurting each other. I almost would like to see one of them find someone else at this point who is amazing and for Kim and Adam to just be besties and coparent Mak.
2. Kevin: just more Kevin in general. I want to see him developing his real estate. I want to see him with someone he can be his whole self with. I want to see him kick ass and be promoted to detective.
3. Trudy- more Trudy full stop
3. Voight- I want to see him find a life outside of work. I think the fact that all he has is the job makes him a worse cop. I think he needs balance. I hope he finds it and that leaves room for Hailey and Jay to step up and lead more.
4. Jay: I want Jay to mentor more young cops. I think this connects him to the whys of policing in a good way. I want to see him lead more and I want to see how he works through tough calls with Hailey by his side.
5. Hailey: I would love to see Hailey teaching at the academy and what she has to offer there. Would also love to see them explore her past a bit more, maybe would like to even see the dynamic with her family brought in. I would also like to see HER lead more too. I want to see how they work through tough situations at work and home.
6. Upstead: I want more domestic moments, more supportive moments, more thing that works chats. And I would not complain about more hot moments. Ever.
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
Can I request for Asher Adams or Olivia Baker or Spencer James with a biracial reader
October prompts — 10. Spencer James ; All American
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Prompt: don’t tell me you’re afraid of the dark. ❜
A/N: yeah this was supposed to be out yesterday but living life was more important in the moment lol. Hope you’re all enjoying this spooky season if it’s your thing? If not…I still hope you’re enjoying this fall season then. This is a short one since I still have 2 (maybe I’ll do a bonus one to make unlucky 13 but we’ll see) more prompts I think left in my drafts that I want to get out before I take a break from writing or until inspiration flows again for me!
This was originally a prompt for Olivia but I decided to switch to spencer because he needs more love…after all is he not the main character? 😂 also this is a fuck Billy baker account—OFFICIALLY! + I watched the newest paranormal activity last night so you may see a touch of inspiration from that in here.
You were being fake.
Faker than hell, except hell was not fake. (Depending on who you asked but whatever) You were positive about that since you’ve seen some things…back when you would spend time with your grandparents in Pennsylvania. Long story short about that? You always thought Pennsylvania was eerie whenever you visited and that didn’t help your suspicions since your grandparents lived close by a Amish community.
You meant no harm on your judgments about the community but one tale about a family in particular didn’t sit right with you.
Let’s just say that.
See, your friends had set favorite holidays: Layla and Simone loved Valentine’s Day, Jordan and JJ both loved April Fool’s day, Kia loved black history month, Coop and Patience loved Thanksgiving, You and Olivia shared the same love for Christmas, Darnell always boasted about news year eve, and lastly and surprisingly Spencer, Asher, and Chris all shared the same love for Halloween.
It was their fault this whole halloweekend trip was a disaster…at least in your eyes. Spencer brought up the idea to you first and you tried to play it off that you were listening while you actually Dissociated from the conversation once: touring a haunted place was brought to the table! Spencer picked up on the vague responses almost immediately but waited to address that.
“Black people don’t be doing this shit and it’s safe to say we’ve done had enough fear in our lives,” Patience started with her arms crossed, “but…it is spooky season and we deserve some fun.”
And here you thought the curly headed girl would be on your side. Or at least Simone and Kia but nooo with very little persuasion they were on board too! Layla was already looking up places and writing down suggestions that Asher already began researching but Chris kept shutting everyone of them down.
“Why not just go to Hollywood Horror nights for a night?” You spoke up while your group of friends fell into easy conversations of excitement.
Olivia hummed, “We did that last year, y/n.”
Shit you did? You must have been so triggered from the last experience that you forgot all about that.
Spencer wrapped an arm around your waist bringing your frame close to his, ready to question what was up but Layla suddenly stood up with a grin and a notepad?
“I’ve got it, I know this perfect place where we don’t even have to leave the state. I can’t believe I forgot!” She bounced on her toes.
Chris waved his hands around, “well spit it out girl, what is it?”
Which made Olivia flick her boyfriend’s ear who failed to dodge her attack and complained at her action.
“It’s this haunted hotel in the outskirts of California. Its definitely driving distance, a good hour or two tops. My dad knows the owner of the place quite well so I’m sure he’ll give us a nice discount to stay for a night or two or however long we want.” Layla informed.
Darnell shrugged, “I’m with anything if there’s a good bargain price.”
Chris gave the boy some dap in agreement while Coop should her head at them, a laugh flying past her lips as she mumbled up to Patience, “broke boys United.”
“Yo, whatcha one hit wonder ass say?” Chris was on her ass and before any bickering could start, Spencer let out a whistle to shut everybody up.
The group turned to Spencer who moved his arm from across your waist to lean against his knees, “Layla, thanks for the recommendation. Let’s make it happen, we’re three days away from the weekend and I know this is probably pushing it since places get booked fast.”
Layla fanned her hand as she reached into her back pocket to grab her phone, “oh please, Bram loves me, he’s never too busy.”
“Did you say bram as in the same name as that doll movie,” Jordan asked just before he tossed some m&m’s into his mouth.
Layla already stepped away, phone pressed to her ear, with her business woman voice on as everyone fell into chatter again.
“Are you good?” Spencer nudged your shoulder to get your attention.
You immediately nodded, “yeah, great. Never better!”
That was a lie.
Which is why it’s always important to be honest even if the truth hurts or someone can’t handle the truth. Maybe if you were honest, you currently wouldn’t be losing your mind right now in this hotel room with Spencer.
You had your arms and legs attached to his back, clinging to him the minute the room went completely dark. This blackout made you feel as if your heart was trapped in your throat instead of your chest.
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of the dark?” You could feel the smirk in Spencer’s voice, as he held onto you with ease.
You huffed squeezing your arms tighter around his throat, “shut up, you. What the hell is happening?”
“It’s probably part of the haunt experience? They did give us walkies and night vision goggles.” Spencer said just as the hotel door slowly creaked open.
In that moment you almost forgot how to breathe.
When you first settled into your room for the evening, after having a welcome dinner in this large ballroom-like area, each guest would be locked into their rooms until the big event occurred.
“Guess that means it’s show time,” Spencer moved his hands from underneath your thighs to rub his hands together.
You hopped down from his frame as Spencer moved around the room grabbing the correct equipment. While you stayed close to the window just in case you suddenly have to turn into catwoman and leap from the room, with or without Spencer at this point.
He did the honors of slipping the goggles against your forehead, leaving you to slip them on if you chose and handing you a walkie. He then moved his fingers through the dark in search of your face, “you know I gotchu right? Nothing bad will happen to you as long as you stick by me.”
“What if that’s what this place wants you to think? What if they purposely try to separate us then what? This could all go wrong like those horror movies I desperately hate.” You sighed as you felt Spencer place his forehead against yours, followed by a caress to your cheek.
He said next, “then I guess it was fun while it lasted then, hm?”
And that’s when you shoved him as he let out a laugh.
“I’m just playin’, damn, if you were this scared then you should of said something. I had a feeling you weren’t really vibing with this too.”
You scowled, “and be the only loser left out on this? I don’t think so.”
“I mean…I don’t think anybody would have clowned you that hard if you wanted to sit this one out. At least, I wouldn’t let them to do that to you, baby.” Spencer gripped your forearms, rubbing them gently.
You took a deep breath before listening to light patter of footsteps in the hallway followed by some familiar voices that most likely belonged to your friends.
“If I die tonight—
“You’re not gonna die, y/n.” Spencer interrupted you.
You continued as if you didn’t even hear him, “my soul shall forever haunt this place, you, and each of our crazy ass friends.”
“I see vengeance is one your…traits.” Spencer chose his words carefully.
You smiled in the dark, “you got it! so don’t ever think about breaking my heart.”
Walking forward you could tell Spencer was watching as he slipped on his goggles, his vision illuminated in pale green. He wouldn’t dream of it and before he could tell you that, a knock on the side of the wall sent you falling onto the floor, right on your ass along with a scream ripping past your lips.
Spencer balled up his fist to cover his laughs as he went over to help you up.
“Damn y/n, it’s just me.” Simone commented with her own goggles on, “I was just coming to get you guys so we can all stay together while we walk through each floor.”
Now that plan? Made perfect sense.
Continue along with my anthology October prompts here
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gunterfan1992 · 3 years
Episode Review: ‘Wizard City’ (Distant Lands, Ep. 4)
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Airdate: September 2, 2021
Story by: Adam Muto, Jack Pendarvis, Kate Tsang, Hanna K. Nyström, & Charley Feldman
Storyboarded by: Maya Petersen, Hanna K. Nyström, Anna Syvertsson, & Aleks Sennwald, & Haewon Lee
Directed by: Miki Brewster & Jeff Liu (supervising), Sandra Lee (art)
An episode focusing on Peppermint Butler’s dark side is something that the fandom has craved ever since the little guy demanded Finn and Jake’s flesh in season two’s “Death in Bloom.” While installments like season five’s “The Suitor” and season six’s “Nemesis” did much to scratch that itch, the story of the Dark One remained mostly unknown…
And after “Wizard City,” it still remains largely unknown. But that’s OK, because instead of focusing on the character’s history, this special focuses on Peps’ quest to relearn magic at a magic school. Put most simply, this special is largely a fun excuse for the show to riff on Harry Potter and The Owl House-style “magic school hijinks,” and it mostly all works.
The special follows Peps quest to go to WizArts (a definite play on CalArts, the school that Pen Ward and Adam Muto, among many others, went to) so that he can relearn magic and once again become one of the greatest dark wizards of his time. Initially, Peps tries to make friends with cool kid Spader and his posse, but once they learn that Peps is not as talented at magic as they had initially thought, they kick him to the curb. It is at this point that Cadebra, Abracadaniel’s adorkable niece who is fascinated with stage magic, enters the picture. Cadebra tries everything in her power to befriend Peps, but Peps pushes back, since she’s not “cool.” It does not matter, though, because both Peps and Cadebra are sorted into the same “house”—the “Skink House—and are forced to work together.
While Peps and his cohort begin learning more and more complex magic, a secret cult of school professors, led by the otherwise caring Dr. Caledonius, are scheming to resurrect Coconteppi, a powerful dark wizard whose putrid heart has been discovered underneath the school excreting a very powerful ichor. The school cult kidnaps Spader and gives him some of the ichor to drink; they hope that because of his talent, he will be able to house the spirit of Coconteppi. This does not go as planned, and Spader is graphically killed (albeit off screen). (In a more humorous moment, Bufo, the scam wizard from season one’s “Wizard,” also ingests some of the ichor, believing himself powerful enough to handle it, but it kills him.)
Eventually Peps and Cadebra learn what is going on. Dr. Caledonius welcomes Peps, believing that he is strong enough to handle the ichor. When Cadebra’s life is put in danger, Peps reluctantly gives the putrid fluid a swig, which infuses him with the power of Coconteppi. Coconteppi-Peps then kills all the cult members before Cadebra manages to remove the ichor from Peps body. For uncovering a heinous plot, Peps is promoted to the highest house, “Salamander,” but he decides to remain a Skink and learn magic “the hard way” with Cadebra as his friend.
As I mentioned near the start of this review, “Wizard City” spends most of its time riffing on the “magic boarding school” trope, with much of the episode feeling like a light-hearted parody of Harry Potter: The characters, after all, are “sorted” into “houses,” they learn various types of magic from skilled “professors,” and they bunk in different parts of a large castle-like campus. Of course, Harry Potter didn’t invent the idea of a boarding school, but when setting your story in a school for magic, it is very hard not to lean at least somewhat into the Hogwarts relation. And this really is a double-edged sword, for while Harry Potter references can be fun here and there, they can also make the overall story feel like a fanfic parody. This special does a good job focusing more so on the characters rather than the setting, but I won’t lie, at times it did feel as if they show was really trying to make you realize it was making a Harry Potter joke.
Of all the characters introduced in the special, the breakout star is easily Cadebra, voiced by Chloe Coleman. Radiating a sort of Mabel Pines energy, Cadebra is the beam of optimism who shines brightly in an otherwise macabre special. There is something about her plucky personality and sense of wacky individualism that charms the viewer. I appreciate how the show compared and contrasted her with her uncle, the one and only Abracadaniel: like her uncle, Cadebra is a good person who wants to help others, but unlike Abracadaniel, she has a sense of courage and fortitude that results in her taking on a Coconteppi-possessed Peps at the episode’s climax. (Say what you will, Abracadaniel stans, but our favorite custodian would never have done that!) Thanks to her bravery and dedication to Peps, Cadebra is easily the heart of the special.
The episode throws an interesting little curveball into the mix by having the ‘ghost’ of Past Peppermint Butler constantly haunt Peps in the here-and-now. Past Peppermint, it seems, was so determined to become a great wizard, he cursed himself, so that if anything were to go awry, his Past self could materialize and set him straight. It’s confusing, but I do think that mixing the “overbearing parent” trope with a curse is a clever idea; it gives the whole special some dramatic heft. The whole setup is made even funnier by the special’s conclusion: After Future Peppermint Butler is ‘defeated’ and the day is saved, Peps reveals to Cadebra that he still wants to be a great and powerful dark wizard… but he wants to earn that power through hard work and determination. (Peppermint Butler might commune with demons, but he would never sell his soul to one for power; Glob helps those who help themselves, ya know?)
One of the special’s strongest points is its background art. Adventure Time always had some beautiful set pieces, and this special goes above and beyond to give WizArts an ancient sense of grandeur and mystery. Ghostshrimp, a freelance artist who was the show’s lead background designer during seasons 1-4, return for this special as a “visual developer”—basically, he mocked up a bunch of rough designs for the locales, and then the episode’s background artists worked up the final pieces in his style. On his podcast, Ghostshrimp mentioned how hectic he found Adventure Time to be, because he was used to taking his time on pieces. As such, the decision to bring him on for just development was smart, as it allowed him to still come up with iconic background designs while also playing fast and loose with everything. Hopefully the show will continue this approach with the Fionna and Cake miniseries that is coming up. After all, Ghosthsrimp’s style is the look of Adventure Time.
Another strong point for the episode is its voice acting. For one thing, you have your regulars like Tom Kenny and Dana Snyder, and Duncan Trussell, who all give a solid performance. But to voice many of the special’s new characters, the show brought on a bevy of fun actors: Saturday Night Live’s Bill Hader, for instance, is now voicing Bufo, and he does a solid job hamming up his role as the old fogey. And then there’s Toks Olagundoye, whose British accent gives Dr. Caledonius a sense of knowledge and expertise. To my delight and surprise, SungWon Cho, an internet personality and voice actor perhaps better known as ProZD, was tapped to voice Brain Wizard, and he does an excellent job. And finally, Anthony Stewart Head, a very talented actor who I know best as Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, voices Con Wizard, and is even given a fun little ditty to sing. I can safely say that the voice acting in this special is likely the best of the bunch, and it’s obvious that the actors were all having a great time playing their parts.
What drags the whole thing down, in my opinion is the excessive murder. (I joked on Twitter that during the climax of “Wizard City,” it felt like I was watching an Adventure Time-ified version of Invincible!) Infused with the power of Coconteppi, Peps goes on a brutal killing spree, boiling Potable Wizard into steam, zapping Dimension Wizard into another plane of existence, smashing Berdzerd, and—perhaps most graphically—excerebrates (had to look that word up!) Brain Wiz. On Twitter, @sometipsygnostalgic​ argued that while, yes, the scene is startling, it does wonders to transmute “a poor Summer Camp Island knockoff [into] Adventure Time chaos.” The more I think about it, the more I think that’s a fair point; after all, this is hardly the first dark thing that has happened in Adventure Time. But the part that I cannot really stomach is the fact that Spader was murdered for no real reason, and the special ends without anyone really expressing their horror at the situation. Sure, Spader was a schoolyard bully, but he was also a child. And killing a child—either for the drama or the lulz—feels decidedly out of place in an Adventure Time episode. It’s hard to express, but it just felt unnecessarily nihilistic and mean-spirited.
All things considered, I think this was a fun episode, but it was somewhat underwhelming for a ‘finale.’ Much of this is because it had to air after the perfection that was the back-to-back “Obsidian”/”Together Again” wombo combo. But I can’t help but feel like this special just felt a little... off. A little too meanspirited, and it leaned a bit too much on standard tropes. Still, it was a fun spin, and I know that I’ll rewatch it.
Mushroom War Evidence: As Peps rides the bus to school, he passes a bunch of abandoned houses, some of which are buried in the ground. There is an unexploded bomb above the fossilized elephant in the school. Cadebra has a dream that takes place in the ruins of a city.
Final Grade: B+
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Side By Side [Ethan x MC]
Hey there, ya lovely people!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and got to celebrate the season of giving with your family and friends. To end this year properly, I’m back with a bit of writing :)
I’m not gonna lie, the two months before the holidays were really rough and I had to sort so much shit out. It just kept me from most things I love doing in my free time, including talking with my friends and writing. That’s why this one took me a while to finish.
(Nevermind the fact that I rewrote this fic like two times, but that’s a story for another day)
I’ll most likely take a break from OH oneshots for a while (unless inspiration strikes me), but I am still working on stuff, inluding one or two AUs and fics for some other fandoms. I hope a breather to get my muse back on track is alright with you all ;)
I wish you all a safe journey into the next year - let’s pray it’ll be a better one <3
As always, I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Please enjoy!
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Summary: Big steps in a relationship are always difficult - this one is no exception.
Warnings: Just some light teasing and a bit of language - this is mostly cheesy fluff <3 (I know, I’m surprised as well)
Note: MC of the fic is Annabelle Dawson. I created the header myself, hope it’s pleasing to the eye :) This is set a few months after the end of Book 2.
Taglist:  @perriewinklenerdie @andromedasinclaire @radlovedreamer @amillionmoonsred @hopelessromantic1352 @cordoniaqueensworld @paisleylovergirl  @fangirlingmum @bucket-harrington @lu-ciq @fairyrink @princess-geek @cyb3r-kat​ @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lady-kato @queenof1000days @sunflowergirl05 @jlpplays1 @tacohead13 @the-soot-sprite  @chasingrobbie @padfoot0415 @desiree-0816 @togetherwearerapture @thisperfectmemory @furiouscloddonutpeanut @tabootheunicorn @rookie-ramsey @theroseduelist @drakewalkerfantasy @lapisreviewsstuff @jooous @aworldoffandoms @edgiestwinter @inlovewithrebels @topsyturvy-dream @cerisesayeed-ramsey @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @marywitchjane @adrianrainesworld @zodiacsign1 @silverlitskies @trappedinfandoms @sherlockedmcu @drethanramslay @awhmilkywey @htgawparksandrec @theeccentricbibliophile @mvalentine @desmaranj @schnitzelbutterfingers @colourmeshy @mal-volaris @kaavyaethanramsey @riverrune @honeyandsunfl0wers @humanpokemon @ethandaddyramsey @lilyvalentine @mrsdrakewalkerblog @openheart12 @bellcat2010 @datynasuha  @caseyvalentineramsey @ethxnrxmsey @squishywizardhq @custaroonie @beckaroo @colossalpainintheass @takemyopenheart @justanotherrookie @honeyandsunfl0wers @maurine07  @grandnachoconnoisseur @dr-ramseys-rookie @myusualnerdyself @mrs-raleighcarrera @akshara16 @wingedhairstylemusicweasel​ @alookseeblog​
Song: If You Love Her by Forest Blakk
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Ethan tried very hard to not look like he was running – and was failing spectacularly.
Some of his colleagues had to dodge out of his way as he strode through the hallways, white coat fluttering behind him, hands stuffed into the pockets. Slipping into the stairwell, the attending took two steps at a time, reaching the bottom floor quickly.
The atrium was packed, lit by the bright gray sky beyond the ceiling windows - reminding him that he was supposed to be busy in his office right now. Christmas was just around the corner, and after Edenbrook’s reopening, the paperwork had simply piled up, barely giving him time to bring some distance between him and his desk.
He dreaded going back already - but there was something he had to take care of first. Something that felt pivotal for his motivation right now.
Turning his head, Ethan let his eyes wander through the spacious room, from the stairs to the entrance and back again. Finally, he spotted a mess of golden locks, tucked into the usual practical ponytail.
She was with her friends, Trinh and Varma, already dressed in her day-to-day clothes, the strap of her bag slung over one shoulder. The two other women gave her a hug, shooing her along.
Ethan couldn’t help but feel silly when her bell-like, resounding laugh made his heart lurch in his chest, lifting his mood immediately.
Anna turned on her heels with one last wave and headed towards the doors, tucking up her scarf and the lapels of her jacket to ward off the oncoming cold. He waited until her friends went back to their conversation before following her, maneuvering through the crowd and catching up with the younger doctor in the light snowdrift outside.
His hand on her shoulder coaxed a tiny yelp from her, hazel eyes looking up at him with a gratified sort of wonder.
"Ethan? What-"
The older doctor cut Anna off by directing her against the wall framing the entrance, cupping her chin and gently tilting it up for easier access. The kiss was rougher than he would have liked, muscle memory taking over as he nipped on the corner of her mouth.
His former intern, however, didn’t seem to mind, parting her lips with a soft sigh.
Sliding his hands to the back of her jaw, he drew Anna closer, the sugary taste of her dissipating the rest of his stress. He smiled when she grew boneless against him, delicate fingers twirling his tie.
Eventually, they had to come up for oxygen, both drawing away with barely audible hums. Anna’s thoroughly addled expression filled him with an odd pride, her lashes fluttering against her reddened cheeks.
"Is it my birthday?“ she breathed. "Did I accidentally invent the cure for cancer? There must be something I did to deserve this."
"Actually, I just... wanted to wish you a good day," Ethan murmured, tucking a lock behind her ear. "We barely saw each other the past few days. I feel like I can’t catch a break at the moment."
Tenderness seeped into her gaze, liquefying the color to a point where he wanted to drown in it and never come out again.
"Did this help?"
He chuckled. "More than you know."
"Well, feel free to do that anyti-"
Ethan jumped away from her, whirling around.
This is what you get for leaving your office, a perfidious voice nagged at the very back of his tumbling thoughts.
The tip of his ears flushed hot and he had to force himself to not look away from the woman standing a few feet from them, a grin plastered on her face.
"Hi, gran," Anna offered weakly, pushing herself off the wall. "You, um, you remember Doctor Ramsey?"
Greta Dawson gave them both an impish wink. "Hard to forget this one, right?" She looked between the two for a moment. "You don’t call him 'doctor' usually though, do you? Not that I’m one to judge."
Ethan rubbed the flushed back of his neck, desperately trying to find his dignity among the thick snowflakes swirling from the sky.
He had met Anna’s pint-sized grandmother a little over a year ago, after assisting in an operation that had ultimately saved her life. She was a cheeky, terrifying force of nature, intimidating in a very specific way. Mostly because meeting her had felt substantial – even then. Greta was the only relative Anna had left and as such, the older doctor didn’t want to make a bad impression.
Which he probably just did. Wonderful.
Straightening his shoulders and clearing his throat, he offered his palm. "It’s nice to see you again, Greta." The old woman chortled, taking his hand and giving it a firm shake. "Likewise, Doctor Dreamy.“
Next to him, Anna groaned, burying her face against his chest. "Please take me back to work." Despite his still burning ears, Ethan frowned down at her. "Absolutely not. You worked the longest shifts this week." The blonde answered his frown with one of her own. "Traitor."
Her pout was distracting and painfully cute, his Adam’s apple bobbing at the sight. "Go," he urged after a moment of indulgence. "Spend some time with your family.“ The jig was already up, so he leaned down to press another gentle kiss to her lips, this one far more modest than he would have liked. "I’ll see you on Monday."
"I have a better idea," Greta interrupted cheerfully, twiddling her fingers at the two doctors. "How about you join our dinner tomorrow?" Opening and closing her mouth, Anna glanced at Ethan while shuffling her feet. "I mean I... I like that thought. We're making lasagna?"
There was that coyness of hers again, making him wonder if she really didn’t know how utterly charming she was – and that there were very few things that he wouldn't do for her.
"I like that thought too,“ he said, his voice quiet but certain, giving her arm a reassuring squeeze.  “Call me when you get home?“
"I will." Anna brushed her thumb along his scruffy jaw, smiling hesitantly.
"Have fun, Rookie." His blues flicked over to her grandmother, who was watching their exchange with obvious curiosity. "And, ah, you too, Greta."
The old woman winked once again. "We’ll see you tomorrow, Ethan."
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Anna stared into the mirror, grimacing at the smudge of mascara, just below her left eye. Sighing, she slipped the tiny brush back into the silver tube, exchanging it for q-tip to correct the mistake.
Her fingers were still shaky.
Wiping the black from her skin, she tried not to think about the man waiting for her in the kitchen – a hard thing to do when there were reminders of him all around her.
Her toothbrush rested next to his in a tall cup on the spacious sink.
Her towel occupied a shelf next to the shower.
His cologne and her perfume both permeated the air.
Reminders of him – reminders of them. All things she never would have thought possible half a year ago. Usually, the sight of shared commitment was a beautiful, giddiness-inducing facet of their relationship for her. Tonight, she couldn't help but wonder if Ethan was feeling smothered by it all.
Dinner with her grandmother was a step Anna hadn't even considered until she had caught them red-handed yesterday. Greta knew about Ethan, knew about the chaotic circumstances that had brought them together at last, but she had never expressed the wish to meet him in an official capacity.
Just one of the many firsts that he had been a part of.
Taking a deep breath, the young doctor tossed the q-tip into the trash bin, smoothing her hands along the burgundy fabric of her casual dress and her black tights – a last effort to calm herself.
The hallway outside of the bathroom was much cooler, making Anna shiver as she made her way to the kitchen.
Ethan was leaning against the island, his crisp white oxford peeking through his unbuttoned coat. Tapping away on his phone, he uncrossed his legs, dark slacks rustling quietly. He looked a little bit unreal in the dim light. An apparition, summoned by the farthest reaches of her mind.
“You're staring,” he informed her, finally looking up and interrupting her ogling.
Anna tried her hardest not to appear embarrassed, but her traitorous face heated at the comment anyway.
“You look nice,” she muttered, casting her gaze to the ceiling for a moment before meeting his once again.
Ethan chuckled, pushing himself off the island and crossing the distance between them. “You just stole my line.” His eyes swept over the dress, the blue heavy and eager. “Though 'nice' seems very much insufficient.” Stopping a few inches away from her, he pressed a lingering kiss to Anna's cheekbone. “You're stunning.”
The warmth in his voice broke her heart just a little. Anna wrapped her arms around his waist, letting his scent wash over her. Ethan stilled, one of his hands finding the back of her neck and weaving through the loose golden curls there. He didn't say anything right away, granting this moment of respite.
“You're nervous, aren't you.”
Perceptive as ever.
She released a long breath and traced the pattern of his coat. “Not because of the dinner itself.” Lifting her head, she studied his face before pressing on. “I'm just wondering if you're alright. We've really picked up the pace.”
Surprised, Ethan raised his brows. “Are you asking me if I have cold feet?”
“I... suppose I am.”
“Anna.” There was a note of gentle admonishment in his voice, urging her to listen. “You're here every second weekend. Yesterday, I practically begged you to come over, because we're barely seeing each other at work. Does that sound like I'm questioning my decision to be with you?” His lips brushed her temple. “I'll admit that your grandmother terrifies me. But that doesn't mean I don't want to get to know her better.”
“Well, now I feel silly,” she murmured sheepishly.
Ethan huffed out a soft laugh, tickling the shell of her ear. “Maybe I like that about you.” He pulled away, eyes crinkling at the corners. “You and your busy brain.” Lacing their fingers for a brief moment, he nodded his head towards the door. “Ready to go?”
“As ready as I'll ever be,” Anna sighed, letting him help her put on her jacket and lead her out of the apartment.
The drive to her grandmother's place felt far too short.
Her leg wiggled every time they passed another green light, forcing Ethan to rest his palm on it to soothe her. He did so wordlessly, keeping it there until he shut off the motor and offering it to her when they walked up the stairs to the second floor of the apartment complex. She took it, ever grateful for his quiet support.
The blonde fumbled with her set of keys when they reached the door, almost dropping them when it opened on it's own, revealing a her apron-clad grandmother.
“Gran,” she chastised, letting the old woman pull her into a hug. “Were you waiting by the door?”
“Nonsense, dear,” Greta sniffed, rubbing her back with a little too much enthusiasm.
Anna could practically hear the lie in her affronted tone, masking her pained sigh with a small cough. “Right. A preposterous notion.”
“Just as preposterous as denying me this view for past few months.” Her grandmother gestured over to Ethan, who had watched their exchange with a subdued smile. “The women in our family did always have an eye for the finer things in life, I must say,” she mused. “Come in, you two.”
Anna couldn't help but swallow as she watched Ethan hang up his coat and enter her childhood home. The furniture, the décor and even the comforting smell of chamomile and laundry detergent was the same, reminding her of days past.
With him in the middle of it all, it felt like two separate dimensions colliding and forming something she couldn't quite name. He looked both out of place and like he belonged as they followed Greta into the kitchen.
Handing her grandmother the expensive bottle of Château Monbrison the young doctor had chosen from his wine stash a few hours ago, Ethan rubbed the side of neck. “Anna told me this is your favorite. Thank you again for the invitation.”
Greta regarded him with amusement. “That's a very sweet gesture, Ethan. Tell me, how good is your cooking?”
“I -” At a loss for words, he looked over at Anna.
“He's great,” she affirmed hastily, flushing at her choice of defense. “I mean his cooking. It's great. Very good.”
“Wonderful. How about you help me prepare the rest of the lasagna then, my boy?” Her grandmother patted Anna's shoulder. “Could you be a dear and set the table? I've already left the plates in the dining room.”
“Snowbell.” Greta brushed a lock out of her granddaughters face. “Don't worry. You'll get him back without even one hair out of place.”
On her way out of the kitchen, Anna caught Ethan's gaze, the two doctors exchanging a small, equally nervous smile before they were separated.
In the quiet of the dining room, the blonde took a shaky breath, trying to sort her thoughts as she moved plates, glasses and silverware around.
She should have expected this.
Anna trusted and loved her grandmother, dearly, but she could be a bit much at times. Then again, she had never taken such an interest in any of her partners. In Canada, she had been too far away to truly introduce her first long-term boyfriend and once she had finally returned to Boston, the relationship was already over.
And Michael – well. Nothing good had come of being with him.
Ethan was the most complicated man she had ever met by far – but he was her future. The thought strengthened every day she spend with him, every time she looked into his eyes and every time he held her close.
It was far too soon to tell him, however.
And that was exactly why she was nervous about the prospect of her Greta and Ethan alone together.
“You've been holding that fork for quite a while now.”
Startled out of her musings, Anna turned around, almost stumbling into the older doctor. He caught her by the elbows, gently prying the silverware from her fingers and setting it down.
“You're done already?” she wondered, blinking at him.
Ethan chuckled. “It's been a little over ten minutes. Lost in thought again?”
“...Can you blame me?”
“No,” he admitted. “But it wasn't as bad as you probably imagined. You're supposed to show me your room, by the way. Something about it being the prelude to embarrassing baby pictures.”
The blonde groaned, hooking her arm around his and pulling him back into the hallway. “Fine. But you better be gentle. It hasn't been renovated since I was sixteen.”
“I thought you liked it when I'm not gentle,” Ethan teased, earning himself a smack to his chest when they entered the room on the far end.
Closing the battered wood behind them, Anna watched nervously as he moved to the middle of the room, his height dwarfing the old furniture to ridiculous proportions.
His gaze wandered over the walls, the faded teal plastered over by posters and photographs. Taking a few steps closer to the scratched up vanity next to her bed, the older doctor plucked a picture from the frame of the mirror.
She fought to urge to take it from him, mashing her lips together.
Her twenty-year-old self in this particular photo looked like a textbook nerd, much shorter locks braided into two pigtails and clutching her acceptance letter for Boston's med school, while she and Greta grinned at the camera.
Ethan reattached the picture with another chuckle. Then, his gaze fell on her nightstand - and on the book sitting on it.
More specifically, his book.
The unassuming cover was well worn, some of the pages dog-eared. Picking it up, he thumbed through it, raising a brow at Anna.
"What?" she asked a bit too forcefully, cheeks burning.
His mouth twitched, eventually losing the fight against the complacent expression overtaking his features.
"Someone’s a fan," he hummed. "Want to me to sign this one too?"
"That depends," the blonde huffed, crossing her arms. "Do I need to undertake another ridiculous task before you do it?“
Grinning, Ethan tossed the book back and crooked a finger at her. "How about you come over here and kiss me, Rookie? You can decide after if that’s asking too much."
"You’re ridiculous," she murmured, walking up to him hesitantly and slipping her hands around his neck with a pout. Something utterly triumphant twinkled in his deep blues as he craned his head down, meeting her in the middle.
The kiss was soft, slow and warm, tasting faintly of toothpaste. Ethan wrapped his arms around Anna’s waist, lifting her from her tiptoes and setting her down on the bed, his lips never leaving hers.
There was a comfort in his body covering her own, the pleasant buzz of it all coaxing a faint moan from her throat.
Eventually, they had to come up for air, Ethan’s nose nuzzling her cheek.
"You know, you're the first guy to make out with me on this bed," she said thoughtfully and brushed her knuckles over his jaw, enjoying the texture of his beard against her skin.
The attending pushed himself onto one elbow, his free fingers mapping the curve of her hip. "I'm not sure how much more information my ego can take. I'm this close to begging for mercy."
"Oh my god." Anna pulled him back to her by his hair, their laughter mingling until they were breathless once more.
Eventually, Ethan rolled off to the side, facing the younger doctor on the mattress. It was oddly soothing, having him share the tiny bed with her. A peaceful little bubble, after the start of what was bound to be an eventful afternoon.
It gave her courage to ask the question sitting at the forefront of her mind.
“What did you and my grandmother talk about?”
Ethan's jaw tensed for a brief second, his palm lifting to find her face.
“She told me about the state you were in the week after I had left for the Amazon.” His calloused thumb drew a half circle. “And to be more careful with your heart this time around.”
“Or she'll put you six-feet-under?” Anna questioned weakly.
“No.” He gave a slight shake of his head. “No, she asked me while offering me a glass of wine. She's just worried, princess. And she has every right to be.”
“I can't ever take back what I did, Anna,” he sighed. “We both know that. You forgive me so easily every time I mess up and I shouldn't take it for granted. Even your endless patience will run out eventually.”
“You're worth it. You always were.”
Hazel and blue connected, both achingly soft.
“So are you.”
Unspoken words, unspoken emotions, enriched by the dim light falling through pale curtains, drowning the space in silence and contentment.
“Should we get back?” Anna murmured, careful not to disturb the tender moment with her voice. “My grandmother is probably waiting for us.”
“In a minute.” Forehead tipping down to meet hers, Ethan dragged her close, breathing her in. “In a minute, sweetheart.”
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A/N: So cheesy. Was a lot of fun to write though :3
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ohmyjinsus · 3 years
the right reasons
yang hongseok x gender neutral! reader
recent college grads nonsense idk || 5.9k
** there is some drinking in this (they are of age, after all), but no swearing uwu**
finally, a fic not inspired by a taylor swift song, shocking, I know (I listened to cruel summer on a loop while I was writing this though, I think y’all will see why)
summary: when your best friend, hongseok, decides to audition for bachelor in paradise after graduation, you don’t want to believe it ….. mainly because you’re in love with him, even if you haven’t realized it yet
“Do you think I should apply?”
You look up. The two of you are watching The Bachelor in his apartment. Hongseok’s the only other person you know who’s into it. Once you found out, you immediately agreed to watch it together. Ordering takeout and making fun of the contestants has been your tradition ever since you met 4 years ago.
“I’m confused,” you say. You were checking your phone during the commercials.
“Bachelor in Paradise,” Hongseok replies, gesturing to the TV. “They’re casting for next season, there was an ad.”
“That came out of nowhere.” He doesn’t look phased.
“We’ve graduated now,” he says. “I don’t know what else to do with my life.”
“You have a point,” you reply. It’s been one month since all of you finished university. Lots of your other friends had jobs lined up beforehand, but you and Hongseok still have no idea what you’re doing.
“Right?” He grins. “I could go on, I’d have something to do, then I’d come back and I’d have a bunch of new Instagram followers and I could do sponsorships or something.”
“You realize that sounds crazy, right?” You grab a french fry from the box on the coffee table.
“It’s not!” You roll your eyes. “Think about it y/n, I’m smart, funny, attractive, nice-”
“Wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong, but okay.” He laughs.
“I’m exactly what they’re looking for on these shows.”
“But you want to go on for the wrong reasons.”
“Shhhh,” he tells you. “Nobody needs to know that.”
“What’s your story then?” You ask.
“I grew up seeing my parents being so in love,” you make a gagging noise, but he keeps going. “And now, I want that kind of love for myself. The apps are just no good, and I need to find a special someone to spend the rest of my life with.”
“Jesus christ,” you mutter. “You didn’t mention anything about your personal journey to find love.”
“Oh right,” he says. “Now that I’m finished university, my main focus is to settle down, get married, have kids, and I’m on my personal journey to find all of that.”
“Amazing,” you fake clap for him. “You’re a shoo-in.”
“There’s no harm in applying, right?” He shrugs. “I doubt it’ll lead anywhere, but it could be fun.”
“I guess so,” you admit. “Your chances are slim, but you never know.”
“What do you mean?” He says, offended. “Have you seen me in a swimsuit?”
“Shut up.” You throw your napkin at him, but you’re laughing.
Hongseok offers to grab you another drink, so you tell him yes. He doesn’t mention anything else about the show for the rest of the night. By the time you’ve gone home, it’s completely slipped your mind.
When Hongseok invites you over 2 weeks later, you assume he just wants to hang out and have dinner. You’re shocked when he sits you down on the couch and says he has news to share.
“You’re dating someone.” He shakes his head. “Someone died.”
“No,” he tells you, laughing. “I love how those are your first two guesses though.”
“What is it?”
“I got a call yesterday from the Bachelor in Paradise producers...”
“You’re joking.” You didn’t expect that to go anywhere. You just assumed Hongseok would send in his audition tape and never hear back. The possibility of him actually being on the show makes you feel uneasy. “Really?”
“Yes, y/n, really.” He sits down on the armchair, facing you. “They want to meet me in person next week.”
“Oh my god,” you say. “Congratulations.”
“You don’t sound that happy,” he smirks. “Are you jealous?” You shake your head right away.
“I’m just surprised.”
“You didn’t think they’d want me?” He asks quietly.
“No, of course not,” you reassure him. “You’re kind, and funny, and attractive, why wouldn’t they want you?”
“Exactly,” he grins at you.
“So are you gonna go?” He nods.
“Why not? The worst they could do is say no.”
“That’s so exciting,” you tell him. He seems very happy about it, and the last thing you want to do is bring him down. As his best friend, you should definitely be supportive.
“Will you come with me?”
“What?” You glance at him.
“Downtown, for my interview,” he clarifies. “I have to take the train down and meet them there, I don’t really want to go alone.”
“Are you nervous?”
“A little bit,” he admits. “I’d just feel better if I had someone with me.”
“What about Changgu?” Hongseok shakes his head. “Shinwon?”
“You’re my first choice.” That catches you off guard. “We can make a day of it,” he suggests. “We can go to that bakery you wanted to try on Queen, and we can go shopping, get dinner, it’ll be fun.”
“Sure,” you say. Going on adventures with Hongseok is always a good time. “How long will your interview be?”
“They didn’t say,” he replies. “I just know it’s at 10 on Wednesday.”
“Cool,” you pull out your phone so you can put it in your calendar. “So if it goes horribly, I can cheer you up, and if it goes well, we can celebrate.”
“Sounds good.” He smiles at you. “Thanks y/n.”
You nod but there’s a small part of you that’s anxious. You decide to ignore your feelings for the time being. Your day with Hongseok is going to be great, you should focus on that and enjoy your time together.
Hongseok meets you outside the train station the morning of his interview. The first thing you notice is how nicely he’s dressed. As he gets closer to you, you notice he smells really great too.
“I should’ve dressed up some more,” you mutter, glancing down at your own outfit. You’re dressed like you’re going to class, while Hongseok’s dressed for a first date.
“You look fine, don’t worry.” He heads towards the entrance, so you follow close behind.
You were right to have Hongseok come early, as the train is at the platform the second you get there. He follows you to the back of the car, and sits down facing you.
He hasn’t seen you in person since he asked you to join him on this trip. Apparently he went on a shopping trip with Changgu yesterday. That’s when he got his current outfit.
“No wonder this cardigan is so nice, you couldn’t have picked out anything like that yourself.” Hongseok rolls his eyes at you, but he’s smiling.
The train leaves soon after. Hongseok watches out the window like a little kid. He keeps his eyes on the station until it’s all the way out of sight. And you keep your eyes on him until he catches you looking.
“Are you nervous?” You ask him. He shakes his head, but you notice his leg bouncing up and down.
“It’s just like a first date, right?”
“Exactly,” you reassure him. “And you’re great at those.”
“Are you sure?” He asks. “You’ve never been on one with me.” You don’t know how to respond to that. You almost want to tell him to take you on one. But you’re just friends, you remind yourself, you can’t do that.
“You’ve dated more people than I have,” you point out. “You’ll be fine.”
“I hope you’re right.”
The two of you sit in silence for a little while. Hongseok goes on his phone, so you focus on yours. You brought your AirPods so you can listen to music or watch a show while Hongseok’s busy with the producers.
“y/n-” You look up. Hongseok looks like he’s about to ask you something, but he hesitates.
“What’s up?” He shakes his head.
“What’s the plan for the rest of the day?” He asks you. You know that’s not what he was planning on saying, but you go with it.
“While you’re busy, I’ll get us breakfast,” you tell him. “There’s a café across the street, let me show you.” You sit down next to him so you can show him your phone. When he leans over to get a look at the screen, you’re suddenly aware of how close he is. You push it out of your mind.
By the time you’ve planned out your day, you’ve arrived at the train station. The two of you grab all your things and leave the train. Once you’re out of the station, the interview location isn’t too far away. There’s still 20 minutes before Hongseok’s meant to be there. He’s adamant about getting there early though. Although he won’t outright say it, you can tell he’s nervous. No wonder he brought you instead of one of his other friends; they wouldn’t let him live this down.
Once you get there, there’s a line of all the other candidates running through the main hallway. You and Hongseok join the end of the line.
“You don’t have to stay,” he tells you. You shake your head.
“It’s fine,” you say. There’s a check-in desk a few metres ahead of you. “I’ll stay until you get past there.”
“Okay,” he replies. “Thanks.” You bump your shoulder against his.
He’s brought his application package with him, so you ask to look it over while the two of you wait. There’s tons of pictures of him, some of them shirtless, which you quickly flip through. Then there’s copies of all of Hongseok’s identification. At the very back, there’s the printed copy of his application. You move that to the front, flipping through to make sure he didn’t leave anything blank.
He never asked you to look over his online application before he handed it in, so you’re interested to see what he had to say. There are the stereotypical questions about his career, education, background, and all of that. But there are also some more personal questions further down.
Why do you want to be on this show? Are you prepared to get engaged at the end of the season?
Hongseok’s answer is cookie cutter perfect. He knows he’s the prime candidate for this kind of show. Kind, good-looking, easy to fall for. He’s played to all his strengths in his application. You know he’s lying about being prepared to propose at the end of the show, but everyone does that. His answer comes off as genuine though.
The line moves up a little bit while you flip to the next page. It’s all about his dating history. You’re shocked at how invasive these questions are. Then again, if it’s for reality TV, it has to be.
The first section asks for a detailed dating history from the past 5 years. You’re familiar with all of that. He’s never told you about any ex-girlfriends, or anyone he’s currently interested in. He’s a casual dater, and you’ve never seen him tied down for too long. The maximum amount of dates he’s been on with one person is 3. You haven’t seen anyone get past that point. He seems to get bored easily. You’re honestly surprised he’s been friends with you for this long.
Despite all of his casual dating history, he’s made it clear he’s ready to settle down now. You thought he was just making this up to get on the show, but the more you read, the less you’re sure. Maybe he’s just persuasive.
The line moves a little bit more. Now there are just 3 other people ahead of you. Hongseok’s on his phone again. You figure you have enough time to skim the rest of his answers.
Have you ever been in love? is the next question. You know the answer is no, so you’re surprised when there’s a couple paragraphs written underneath it.
I have, but I was never brave enough to act on it. You try to read the entire section as quickly as you possibly can, but your brain doesn’t work that well. You grab some words here and there, years, class, close friends but not enough to fully comprehend.
“C’mon y/n,” Hongseok says to you. “We’re next.” He holds his hand out for the folder.
You glance down at the page you’re on. Although you want to read the rest, you also realize you’ve stumbled upon something incredibly personal. Granted, Hongseok may wind up sharing this on national television, but for now, it’s none of your business.
“Here,” you close it and hand it to him.
Hongseok gets checked in soon after that. It takes about 5 minutes for them to verify his identity and double check his application. Finally, they direct him to a room down the hall where he’ll meet some of the producers. They tell you you can’t go beyond this point.
“Good luck,” you say to Hongseok, not sure what else to say. He smiles.
“Thanks y/n.”
Some of his hair is falling in his face, so you reach out to quickly brush it out of the way. When you pull away, he’s looking at you with an expression you’ve never seen before. It feels surprisingly intimate.
“Text me when you’re done,” you tell him, pulling yourself out of your thoughts. “You’ll be great.”
He nods, and the two of you go your separate ways. You know you’ll see him again in an hour, but it still feels weird to say bye to him like this. You hope nothing changes if he does wind up on this stupid show.
You walk out the doors onto the sidewalk again, thankful for the fresh air. You pull your AirPods out of your bag, so you can listen to some music. As you walk along the street, you can’t help but think of Hongseok and what he might be saying to the producers in there.
You tell yourself you’re curious just because you’re best friends. But you can’t get that look on his face out of your mind. You have no idea what it means. You’re just really close friends, right?
You turn the music up, hoping to distract yourself. It works until you pass a small playground. You can’t help but think of Hongseok yet again.
The two of you met during your university’s orientation week, but it wasn’t until halfway during the semester that you actually spoke to him. You knew you were taking some classes together, but you never really thought about it until then.
Speaking in class was something that always terrified you, but one of your professors was adamant that everyone do it in order to get full marks. It took a while for you to work up the courage to raise your hand that day in October. When you were called on, you hesitated for a second, before sharing your answer. You don’t even remember the question anymore, you just remember your professor outright laughing at you. You’d been so sure you were right, but your professor made it very clear that you were not. Right away, you threw all your things into your backpack and ran out of the lecture hall. Your heart was beating so fast and you had no idea where to go. You wound up outside, walking as far as your legs could possibly take you, until you found a park off campus. As soon as you sat down on the swings, you couldn’t help but cry.
It was one thing to get an answer wrong, but to have your professor react like that was humiliating. You were never going back to that class ever again. You’d drop the course, or only show up on test days, whatever it took to never see that godforsaken man ever again. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice when someone sat down on the swing next to you.
After that day, you and Hongseok quickly became friends. You still can’t believe he was kind enough to follow you out of class like that, but he always tells you it was nothing. As you think back to it now, you can’t help but feel a rush of affection for him. Maybe he is more than a friend to you.
You head to the playground and sit on the swings alone, thinking back to some of your other memories with Hongseok. He’s always been there for you to lean on, and you’ve always done the same for him, like today. You remember feeling this way when he’d specifically asked you to come with him. At this point, you’re about 90% sure you have feelings for him. You don’t know how you didn’t clue in earlier.
You stay there until your phone buzzes. Hongseok’s done sooner than you expected. He says he’ll meet you at the café where you wanted to get breakfast. You respond, saying you’ll see him there soon.
You didn’t walk that far, so it only takes about 5 minutes of speed walking to get back there. When you spot him waiting outside on his phone, you can’t help but smile.
The two of you head inside, while you tell him what you got up to. You say you found a park bench and wound up doing some work there. He rolls his eyes and tells you you should’ve found something more entertaining to do.
After you’ve got your food and sat down, you ask him about the interview.
“It was okay,” he says, taking a sip of his coffee. “I think they liked me.”
“What do you mean think?”
“It seems like they believed me when I told them how passionate I am about my journey for love.” You smirk at that.
“Are you sure you weren’t speaking from the heart?”
“Of course I was y/n,” he says, jokingly. “How dare you insinuate I’m applying for the wrong reasons.”
You’re still unsure if he’s joking or not. After your earlier revelation, you’re praying he is.
He tells you some more about the interview and the producers. Apparently they asked even more invasive questions about his dating history, like his body count. That makes you cringe.
“If they offer you a spot,” you ask, “which I’m not saying they will, but if they do, would you take it?” You expect him to say yes right away, but he ponders it for a second.
“I don’t know,” he replies. “What do you think I should do?”
You want to tell him to say no, and to stay at home. Preferably so you can spend more time with him, and then maybe he’ll realize he’s into you as well. But you can’t say that, of course.
“I think it could benefit you,” you tell him, honestly. “But it’ll also change your life in multiple different ways, and that’s something you’d really have to think about.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” you hesitate, taking a sip of your drink. “Assuming you wound up in a relationship by the end of the season, the odds of it working out aren’t that high,” he laughs at that, but doesn’t disagree. “Anyone you date after that will always see you as that guy who was on Bachelor in Paradise. You’ll probably have a wider range of people to choose from, but a lot of them will be fake too, so, it’s up to you.” You shrug.
“All valid points,” he replies.
“I don’t know if you’re ever planning on settling down,” you admit. “But if you do, it’ll affect that and whoever you wind up with.”
“I would like to settle down someday,” he says quietly. You glance across the booth at him. “What?”
“I’ve never really thought about you in a long term relationship. It doesn’t seem like your type of thing.”
“It could be,” he tells you, “with the right person.”
You just nod, afraid you might say something stupid if you open your mouth.
Once you’re finished eating, the two of you head out to the closest subway station. You have a list of stores you want to visit, and Hongseok happily follows along. He helps you pick out some gifts for your friend’s upcoming birthday and some clothes. He winds up buying some things for himself as well. You joke that he’ll have to buy an entirely new wardrobe if he winds up on national television. He promises to take you swimsuit shopping with him if that happens. That makes you roll your eyes, but you’re blushing the whole time.
You stop for lunch at a random fast food chain, then head to that bakery you told him about the week before. The two of you get some extra goodies for your roommates as well.
Finally, it’s almost 7 o’clock and you decide to go to a decent sit down restaurant for dinner. Earlier you told Hongseok you were in the mood to drink tonight, so he promised to take care of you. He lets you pick where to go, so you choose a restaurant with a rooftop bar. You know he likes to take nice photos for his Instagram feed.
The food is good, and the drinks are even better. You only have a few, but you can feel them getting to you. Hongseok’s extremely entertained by you. Normally you’re not this talkative, but you’re asking more questions and telling him more random things than usual.
You wind up telling him the truth about how you wound up at the park this morning. He’s surprised you lied, but you refuse to tell him why. Instead he just smiles and tells you it’s cute you thought of him. You wind up blushing profusely, hoping he doesn’t notice. The two of you reminisce over some other memories from early on in your friendship. You’re surprised he remembers them as well as you do. Maybe that means something.
When you’re finished eating, you stay a little longer. Hongseok has 2 drinks as well, but he can handle his liquor much better than you. It seems to have no effect on him at all. By the time you leave, it’s almost 9:30.
The second you step out of the restaurant, you’re met with a crowd of people. As you awkwardly navigate yourself around them, you’re separated from Hongseok. Once you’re free, you glance around, afraid you might have to call him. Thankfully, he’s waving at you from a couple metres ahead. You run over to him and immediately interlock your arms.
“C’mon,” he says, pulling you in the direction of the train station. You could have taken the subway back, but Hongseok suggested you walk instead, as it’s not too far. It’s dark out now, but it looks nice with all the street lamps lit up.
“I forgot to ask something about Bachelor in Paradise,” you say as the two of you head down the sidewalk. “Did they mention when they’ll get back to you?”
“In two weeks or so.”
“Will they let you know if you get rejected?” Hongseok smirks at that.
“Do you want me to get rejected?” You know he’s joking, but you can’t bring yourself to smile.
“Yes.” You mumble, mostly to yourself. Hongseok must not hear you.
“I was scared earlier,” he says. “But it might be fun. It’s a free vacation, technically.”
“Yeah, for the cost of your sanity.” That makes him laugh too. You rest your head against his arm.
“Do you think I could actually find someone worthwhile on there?” He asks quietly. “I know the premise is to date multiple people, but maybe I could find something real.”
“Hongseok-” You almost want to punch him. You wish you could yell at him, here on the sidewalk, and tell him off for not realizing there’s been something real right in front of him for the past 4 years, but you can’t bring yourself to do it. “Please.”
“I know, it sounds ridiculous, but you never know.” You two turn the corner and wind up right in front of the train station’s main entrance. “Crazier things have happened.”
You don’t know if it’s because you’re tired, or slightly drunk, or what, but you pull your arm out of his and turn to face him.
“Hongseok-” He glances into your eyes. This time, he notices something serious is happening.
“y/n, what is it?”
“Please don’t go,” you say quietly. He takes a step closer so he can hear you better. “Just… don’t do it.”
“I mean, I haven’t made up my mind yet,” he says, awkwardly. “But I thought you wanted me to do what’s best for me.” You shake your head.
“I was wrong,” you tell him. “I can’t do it.”
“You can’t do what?” You freeze. You wish you hadn’t used that choice of words, but at this point, there’s no turning back now.
“I can’t stay here and watch you on TV, dating other people, kissing other people, being with other people.” You’re not dumb, you know what the fantasy suites on that show are for, and imagining Hongseok in one of them with somebody else makes you simultaneously want to cry and throw up.
“I don’t understand.” You groan. You were hoping that would’ve been enough to get your point across, but of course, your best friend isn’t that smart.
“I’m going to be so jealous.” You hate yourself for even saying it, but it’s true. Hongseok reaches out, taking your hands in his. “My heart can’t handle it.”
“y/n,” he says. “You’ll always be my best friend, regardless of what happens-”
You pull your hands away from his. You don’t understand how he’s not getting it at this point. Granted, you’re not thinking clearly because of the alcohol, but he should be able to read between the lines.
“That’s not what I meant,” you tell him. “I don’t just want to be your best friend.”
“What?” It seems like it’s starting to click now. But just to be sure, you decide to outright say it.
“I’m in love with you.” It comes out louder than you intended, but the second you say it, you know it’s true. Even though the realization only, truly, hit you today, you’ve never been more sure of anything in your life. Your heart is beating a million miles a minute, but it doesn’t matter. “Hongseok, I love you.”
“You do?” He asks quietly. You nod, too scared to say anything else. “I don’t know what to say.”
You wait, not sure what to say either. Both of you just stand there, awkwardly staring at each other for a few seconds. Panic starts to set in at that point, maybe you shouldn’t have said anything.
“y/n-” You can tell from the tone of his voice that he’s going to turn you down. You really shouldn’t have said anything at all.
“It’s okay.” You cut him off right away. You don’t want to hear him outright rejecting you, not now. “It’s okay.”
“y/n, I-” You reach over and press a finger to his lips. Maybe he’ll just brush it off as you being drunk, that’s what you’re hoping for anyway. You wish you could take it back, but that would be the next best thing.
“Really,” you force a smile. “It’s okay. I’m sorry.” You glance at the time on your phone, realizing your train will be there any second. You don’t want to think about the awkward train ride home.
“Here,” you tell him, gesturing towards the entrance to the train station. “You can take this one and I’ll wait for the next one, it’s okay.” Maybe if you say it enough times, it’ll be true.
“y/n, I can’t leave you waiting here for an hour on your own.”
“Fine, I’ll take a cab,” you tell him. “Just go, before I make a fool of myself again.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he walks through the doors, so you awkwardly follow him. “Nothing’s changed.”
That hurts more than an actual rejection. You could tell he doesn’t have feelings for you too, but for him to dismiss your feelings like this stings. You can’t stand sitting next to him in dead silence on a 30 minute train ride. You can feel the tears starting to form in your eyes, but you try to ignore them.
Once you’re both on the platform, the train is already there, waiting.
“I’m going to go down there,” you say to him, pointing to the far end of the train. “Don’t follow me.” You hope he can’t tell your voice is about to break.
“Okay,” he replies, right away. That hurts too. You expect him to say something else, but he jumps into the first car.
You wait until he disappears from your sight before you turn and walk all the way to the other end of the train. Once you’re inside, and you’ve found a seat by the window, you take out your phone. You were hoping there would be some kind of text from Hongseok, but there’s one from your roommate instead.
Hongseok called me and said the two of you are out right now and he was going to take you home but something happened ???
You roll your eyes. You really don’t want to get into this right now. But you text your roommate back and say yes, that’s all true.
he asked me to pick you up from the train station, he said you’re arriving at 11 or so, I’ll meet you there
You immediately respond saying that isn’t necessary.
y/n, he said you’ve been drinking…. he’s worried about you getting home by yourself
The second you read that, the tears start to fall. You hate him so much. How could he have no reaction to your confession, but still worry about you like this? It doesn’t make any sense.
You respond and tell your roommate you’ll be there soon.
As the train pulls out of the station, you rest your head on the window and close your eyes. This train ride is so much different than the one this morning. You honestly wish you hadn’t said anything at all. Now you’ve probably lost your best friend forever.
Three days go by without hearing anything from Hongseok. At this point, you don’t know what there is to say. You spent a long time wondering if you should be the first to reach out, but you’ve said all you need to. If you’ve ruined your friendship by telling him your feelings, then that’s on you.
You really don’t want to make things any harder for him. You knew he was trying to get on the show, so you really shouldn’t have said anything to begin with. You hope he still makes the right choice for him, regardless of you confessing.
On Saturday afternoon, the doorbell rings. You expect it to be one of your roommates, as they tend to forget their keys often. When you open the door and see Hongseok, you’re stunned.
“Hi y/n,” he says, smiling. Seeing his face makes you want to smile too, but you can’t, considering all you’ve been thinking about these past few days.
“Hi,” you reply. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t say sorry,” he laughs. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“Why are you here?”
“I came to say sorry.” You frown. “I was thrown off guard so my reaction may have come off the wrong way, and I’m sorry for that.”
“What do you mean the wrong way?” Now Hongseok looks nervous.
“How did you feel?” He asks you. “When you told me you’d take a different train, why did you say that?”
“You were rejecting me,” you say. “I didn’t want to sit in a train with you for 30 minutes trying not to cry.”
“You cried?” Hongseok looks like he’s about to cry himself, just hearing that. “I’m so sorry y/n.”
“It’s fine,” you tell him, shaking your head.
“I withdrew my application.”
“You did what?” You’re shocked.
“I called the producers and told them I wasn’t interested anymore.”
“I hope this isn’t because of me,” you say.
“Of course it’s because of you.”
Hongseok’s looking at you that way again, the same way he did downtown, right before his interview. Maybe he wasn’t rejecting you after all. You suddenly feel really nervous.
“I did some thinking,” he explains. “I did want to be on the show, but it was obviously for all the wrong reasons.” You smile at that.
“So you changed your mind?” He nods.
“I want to stay here, and be with you.” That makes your heart rate jump.
“For the right reasons?” You ask, jokingly.
“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner,” he replies. “y/n, I love you too.”
You practically throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. His arms are tight around your waist as he hugs you back.
“What if I had changed my mind?” You ask, pulling away a little bit. His arms are still around you.
“I knew you wouldn’t,” he rolls his eyes. “And I have a surprise for you, so that would’ve won you back.”
“A surprise?” Hongseok smiles, letting go of you. There’s a small paper bag sitting outside your front door, to the side, that you hadn’t noticed before. He grabs it, and pulls out your favourite cold drink.
“Here you are.” You say thanks and take a sip. “I have food as well, I was thinking we could go to the park.”
“The swings?”
“The way your eyes just lit up is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.” You roll your eyes at that. “But yes, the swings would be great.”
“Let me grab my things,” you tell him, stepping back into your apartment to get your phone and keys.
“This is going to be such a fun first date,” Hongseok says, as you lock the door.
“Date?” Technically, you knew that’s what this is, but it’s still shocking to hear him say it out loud.
“Yes… If that’s okay.”
“You didn’t bring me a date card though.” Hongseok laughs at that.
“This isn’t Bachelor in Paradise!”
“Well, no, but a card still would have been nice,” you say jokingly. The two of you walk down the hall to the elevator.
“Next time.” You nod in agreement. “Can I offer you a kiss instead?”
“I’m sorry what-” Before you can say anything else, Hongseok takes your hand and plants a kiss on the back of it. “Oh.”
“What did you think I meant, y/n?” He asks, a smirk on his face.
“Don’t worry about it.” The two of you step into the elevator and he pushes the button for the bottom floor.
“As your boyfriend, it’s my duty to worry about you.”
“Boyfriend?” You mean to tease him, but you’re more soft than anything. The word sounds so nice to say.
“Well yeah,” Hongseok says. “You love me, I love you, it only makes sense.”
“You should say that more often,” you tell him, as the elevator stops. He follows you as you step out.
“What?” He asks. “That I love you?” You can’t help but blush.
“Yeah,” you reply, absolutely smitten.
As Hongseok opens the door, and you step out into the warm air, he wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“I won’t let you forget it.”
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wexhappyxfew · 3 years
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The Sun Will Always Rise || Ronald Speirs
inspired by a quote from Ruta Sepetys’ book, Between Shades of Grey ~ ❛you stand for what is right, without the expectation of gratitude or reward. ❜
Happy HBO War Secret Santa 2020! I can’t believe the time has officially arrived and to say I am beyond excited for this lil Ronald Speirs imagine I cooked up, is an understatement. This is for @incorrectbandofbrothersquotes​ , for Kelsey!! It’s not as much of a Christmas theme, more of a snowy, wintry theme, which I love!!
I was beyond excited to take up a request for Secret Santa and laying out my options, going off your list, I chose Ronald Speirs to write for you - I am so happy with how this turned out, and I hope, more than anything, you enjoy it and it brings some holiday cheer to this time of year, especially after a year where it seems like every thing that happened just got worse and worse.
Take time to yourself this holiday season, Kelsey, and you enjoy some time for yourself as well - you are such a wonderful human being, who I believe if I’m correct, I have followed since Day 1 in this fandom, nearly 2 years ago - if that even sounds right LOL! It’s been a long while though! Happy reading and happy holidays for whatever holiday you celebrate, or if you don’t celebrate any at all! Thank you and enjoy! And thank you @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant for doing this!!! <3
ronald speirs imagine x reader - 2.5k word count <3 
Captain Speirs had been rather adamant on letting you go early from the tiny meeting Captain Winters had organized - between the runny nose, your numb fingertips, and your pale cheeks which seemed to stand out especially in the bleak wilderness around you, you figured it was for the best. 
Haguenea, France was far from the paradise that Mourmelon-le-Grande had offered back in the convent in Rachamps when it was the only thought inside your mind, the warmth reaching your hands for the first time in what felt like months. 
Now, your toes were numb just like your mind. Your helmet was cast down over your tired eyes, the dark rims that had accompanied you through Bastogne, along with the terrors of the Bois Jaque, you were surprised that you could no longer get a proper night of sleep at this point. 
OP 2 stood with its bullet speckled fortifications, shattered glass window panes, and mud covered path way but more than anything you felt a tiny smile poke up at the corner of your mouth, more than anything in that moment. 
Crossing your arms across your chest, you tucked your little hands towards the coat portion near your armpits, relishing the bit of warmth your body still managed to produce. 
Moving up the few steps you had taken that morning, up to the depths of OP 2, you stomped the bits of mud out from the portions of your new winter-boots pack and pushed inside the bit of warmth that drifted from the outpost. 
You could hear a few of the men moving around downstairs, most likely eating their fill before the patrol slated for 0100 tonight. It was quiet on the main level though, beds left unmade from where men had taken much-needed naps from the bitter cold which brought on layers of tiredness and loss of calories more than the normal days of what war brought. 
Pulling the Thompson from your shoulder, you let it drop into your cold hands before lying it beside the bunk you, yourself had taken a nap in before you had woken up for the meeting. 
Yawning, you glanced towards the open French doors that let in the cold draft of air in the late, dreary afternoon. The quiet river that trailed outside let it’s soft presence be known as the sun did its best to warm the land underneath which lay tattered in ruins and soaking snow and mud pits, decorating it with war. 
Moving outside again, you let your pistol bump at your hip - no one wanted to start another battle when the war had already taken enough, no one wished to throng bullet after bullet towards one another when there was already so much bloodshed - for a moment there was simply just peace as you moved outside towards the river. 
Turning the corner, where you had found a little secluded spot to just sit and let the tiny bit of peace you felt overtake you, you noticed a figure standing stiffly, his dark eyes looking out across the river, with a scarf pulled up around his stubble cheeks, eyes evidently alert and awake. 
You had found the area just that day, frosted hedges and a leafless tree hanging overhead with the dreary sky as a saddening backdrop. 
Clearing your throat, you took a tentative step forward, watching the man with gentle eyes. He didn’t seem to notice your presence, he didn’t make a show of it, but you knew he did, by the subtle shift in the way his shoulders dropped the slightest inch, and even his eyes seemed to soften, the hard glow from your side view of him fading. 
Captain Speirs seemed no stranger to your presence in the simple way, he suddenly turned his own head towards your eyes, his lips pulled into the thin line you had seen previously at the small gathering with Captain Winters. 
“ I thought I told you to get some rest, Lieutenant.” he said, his eyes softly moving up and down your small stature, stopping briefly on your hands which looked nearly as pale as the sky by that point - you looked so fragile and small in his eyes for a moment. 
“ Sleeping and I aren’t exactly compatible.” you said as you approached him, your feet in the mud covered boots slowing to a pause in front of him as he watched you earnestly.
“ What are you doing out here, Lieutenant?” 
“ I could ask the same of you, sir.” you answered quietly back, watching as he studied your eyes, noticing the build of stress lines that stretched like the horizon underneath your stressed eyes, the sunken in cheeks showing the wounds of war in someone who had fought so strongly against it and the pain of a million souls rupturing your heart. A slight hint of a smile poked up at the corner of his lips, as he finally rested his eyes on your own again, before looking back out towards the river and the enemy’s side.
“ It’s peaceful out here.” he said and you watched as he let his eyes move along the bank of water, softly picking on each and every little part of the river from its banks to the white caps. 
“ I’m glad I’m not the only one who found it peaceful then.” you said quietly, your own eyes caring out towards the, admittedly, cold water. Slowly, willing yourself with the might you had, you walked forward and slowly positioned yourself beside the man, barely reaching his shoulder if you could admit it and let your eyes remain out on the river. 
Captain Ronald Speirs had come into your life only recently, but even years before you had bumped into him on occasion - it was always a mutual greeting, signs of respect being passed between the two of you, both Lieutenants in your own realms. He had even complimented the dress you’d been wearing out on the town one night with a group of the guys in Aldbourne after the Normandy Campaign. He had liked the color - it had been a soft baby blue, like robin’s eggs - and he had liked it. 
Of course at the time, you hadn’t thought much of it, the sun rising and setting, the moon coming out to expose the raw pain and truth of war, the bloodshed and endless battles and the grief that consumed merely just one person after the next - you’d forgotten about it almost instantly. You still remembered the softness of his eyes - that hadn’t changed. 
Now, he was your CO and you remained a close Second to him; he turned to you when he wanted to run something over, and on occasion, you two shared a cigarette under the moonlight when all the men were tucked away and finally getting the restful sleep they deserved. 
“ What do you think’s gonna happen on that patrol tonight, Lieutenant?” he asked you, voice soft, in a way gentle, but the soft rasp of a cough in his throat was far from evident. He always seemed to confide in you when these circumstances arose - especially after Rachamps. 
“ I think the men will be okay, they’ve fought for a while in this war, just as the enemy has. They’ll do their best.” They were tired is what she wanted to say, all the men were - she gave a prayer to Sergeant Martin for the heed he took when assigned to lead the patrol over the exhausted Sergeant Malarkey. 
“ They’ve all fought long enough.” the Captain said quietly and you peaked a hesitant glance up towards him. Your heart didn’t fail to speed up the slightest bit at the gentle nature that encased his face and the way he seemed to undoubtedly care for each of the men like a father would. 
Turning from the river, he slowly met your eyes which didn’t falter in looking away from his own - you were rather mesmerized by his beautiful irises, the way they glowed even in darkness or in the bleak snow, even when the sun would rise, they glowed so purely. 
“ Sir….I….” He watched you speak, head inclined towards you, waiting for the words from your lips, but you were caught up with the caring nature he seemed to inhibit within himself in that moment of time where there was no war, no peace, just him and his eyes, and just...him. 
“ I know you care for these men, Y/N.” Captain Speirs whispered softly, as he watched your eyes change from the stressed expression they seemed to constantly encompass to a gentleness, a warmth, merely at the direct comment of her name and not just the soft rasp of Lieutenant - no he had said your name. So softly and tenderly, each letter off the tongue like a song. 
“ I’ve been with them since Toccoa, sir….I…” your shoulders managed to slump as you found yourself unable to finish your sentence under the Captain’s gaze, unable to process mere words. 
“ These men don’t deserve this Y/N, I know that and so does Captain Winters - I think we all do.” 
“ Battalion’s orders.” you managed out weakly, with an attempt at a frosted smile as he nodded, watching the sadness flood your eyes again - he found out he didn’t like seeing your beautiful eyes sad like that, even if they still looked just as beautiful, your eyes didn’t deserve to see and feel such pain, for their mere beauty was worth much more. 
“ You don’t deserve this either, Y/N.” Shutting your eyes for a moment, you felt your heart squeeze at his words - you always thought in some way you had - for the lives you took, for the ones you couldn’t prevent being taken, from everything. In some ways, it was alright - to pay your dues as such. 
“ You deserve to be happy, warm...in a little cottage by the sea that you’ve always liked…” 
He had LISTENED to that story? He had HEARD that story? 
You swore it must’ve been the fever or maybe that the recollection you had was just you mumbling to yourself, you swore it had been.
“ You heard all that?” you asked softly, your eyes opening as you met his own again. A chuckle left his lips and you found it enough to boost your own into a shy smile at it, his eyes downcast before glancing up to your own. He had a nice laugh.
“ Yeah, yeah I did,” he said biting back his lips as a smile crossed his lips, twinkling eyes shining on you,” must’ve been the fever but you were going on and on about it and I wasn’t going to stop you either.” You let out a soft laugh, shaking your head at your clumsy way of speech - through a fever and the cold and you had blabbered to Captain Speirs about the cottage by the sea you wished for. 
Both your smiles seemed to fall once the moment past and almost like a little angel on your shoulder, your heart pleaded to see that dash of a boyish grin on his lips again. Your heart nearly yearned for it when it’s only human contact was the Captain in front of her - maybe she wanted it too. 
And from the proximity of your bodies, you were nearly in reach of him. 
“ Your eyes..-” Softly looking towards you as you spoke, your lip hanging open a bit as you met them again,”...I mean, sir, I..I don’t know if you’ve been told, but you’re eyes…” He watched you softly.
“ They’re beautiful, sir, and I just thought you should know.” Because in war, this war, I may never see you after tonight, you wished to say, but your head was saying no as your heart was saying yes. 
The smile that had gone underground on the Captains’ face suddenly grew, spreading across his face and you couldn’t help but let your breath get caught in your throat. 
An ethereal being was your first thought. 
It seemed like he too was caught at a similar crossroads, his eyes betraying him and his heart - you were within reach, you were standing right there, despite everything. 
You were standing there with a wounded heart. 
“ I could say the same to you,” he said quietly,” Lieutenant.” Your heart squeezed the slightest bit tighter as he said it.
“ Baby blue,” he said quietly,” like robin’s eggs.” Your eyes carried up to his again and you met them within seconds, suddenly aware of the heat on your cheeks, the pounding of your heart - none of it.
“ I didn’t just notice that dress you wore that day, Lieutenant,” he said quietly,” I noticed those eyes too.” He swore they could make the sun want to rise on its worst days. You swore it was just the cold, but you had no words left to say, you had nothing to say at all - because his eyes which glowed like the sun, said it all. 
“ Sir….” you whispered, but he suddenly turned and gently pressed his hands which had been crossed over his chest, flush against your red cheeks and watched you tenderly, his thumbs brushing against the sensitive skin of your sunken in cheeks, as he watched your eyes. He watched you so selflessly, like you were his sun, his world. 
Could a person ever mean that much to another - maybe Ronald Speirs thought that way. 
Maybe he always had. 
It seemed for a moment the stoic Captain did everything to break down the walls which encapsulated him just so he could touch the human in front of him - you. The bit of warmth he still felt under his fingertips coming from you. 
Softly, ever so lovingly, he shut his eyes as you watched his long lashes cover his irises. 
And in that moment, you shut your own as he held your there, inches from his face, faintly hearing his heartbeat which raced for the first time since Foy. 
“ You stand for what is right, Y/N, without the expectation of gratitude or reward.” he whispered softly as your heart rushed and hurriedly skipped over a beat without hesitation,” And through this war, even after, it’s all you deserve.” 
And within a moment, a softness pressed against your cold cheek, the touch of his lips on your skin, a gentle kiss from the servant of the sun - and just as fast as it had happened it disappeared. 
Your own hands slowly moved upward towards your flushed cheeks - you could still feel the brush of his lips against the skin of your cheek. 
Opening your eyes, you found yourself alone, all alone by the rushing water of the river, your heart pounding. Slowly, you glanced over your shoulder and found the figure of the Captain moving away from you, his commanding presence which had fallen to his queen for a mere moment of time, back up. 
Yet you had seen it fall, and you had seen his heart, his beautiful heart - for not only were his eyes as beautiful as they had been, but so was his heart - it had always been, but this time, so was everything else about him. 
The sun smiled, it would always rise. 
The sun would always rise. 
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