#i have no idea what the science behind the potatoes is
starchaserwrites · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic / february 17: soup / word count: 428
When the first symptoms of a cold start to kick in while he's at work, Regulus knows he's fucked. Sore throat, chills and fatigue begin to attack relentlessly. Still, being used to taking care of himself in this kind of situation, he doesn't feel it necessary to cause a fuss by telling someone or leaving work early. It's a big mistake, because when James sees him come home at 6:30 p.m., pale, sweaty and burning with fever, he rushes to help him into the flat.
"Baby, what happened?" he asks in a worried tone.
"I think I caught a cold."
Without asking any more questions, James quickly carries him bridal style into the bedroom and gently lays him down on the bed and then helps him into his pyjamas. They've been living together for almost four months now, so it takes the older man a couple of minutes to find the thermometer considering they've never needed it before, but when he finally finds it and it reads 39°C it's enough for his boyfriend to forbid him to get out of bed, not that he's planning on disobeying.
Half an hour later when Regulus is dozing off after having taken a paracetamol and having 5 slices of potato on his forehead and temples (the ancient secret of Hispanic mothers for fever according to James), his boyfriend re-enters the room leaving something on the bedside table.
"Mi amor, you need to eat something, I made some soup for you," is what he says as he gently strokes his cheek. 
Regulus opens his eyes slowly, thankful that James only left the lamp light on, and settles into a half-sitting position on the bed. The thing is, when the older man sets the tray with the bowl of soup in front of him, Regulus feels his eyes water.
“Te amo”, it's written on the edge of the bowl with the letters of the alphabet soup, and it might seem like a ridiculous thing to cry about, but he's never had someone care for him so lovingly before, even though he probably looks like shit right now.
"Can I kiss you?" asks the love of his life.
"But you can get infected too." 
James just shrugs his shoulders and gives him several soft kisses on his lips and cheeks causing a smile to break through his tears.
"Now eat, yes? You need to do it to get better."
Maybe being sick isn't so bad.
A few days later James also catches a cold and Regulus nurses the shit out of him.
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starswallowingsea · 7 months
Suguru Geto is a fucking eugenicist and I'm tired of people just brushing that aside to make silly gay fanart of him: an essay.
Hi hello JJK tag I have come to drop one singular essay to you and I do hope you'll at least listen, since it is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.
Before we get into the meat and potatoes of this essay, lets first define eugenics and why it's bad. Strictly speaking, eugenics is the movement for "racial purity" that requires the planned reproduction of people only within narrowly defined racial categories, as well as the elimination of undesirables within a population (oftentimes people of color, disabled people, and queer people) via sterilization or death. The movement began in the late 19th century and continues to some extent to this day. You can read more about it here if you're interested.
Eugenics goes hand in hand with other forms of bigotry and manifests in how people refer to each other, including some of the ways that Geto refers to non sorcerers within the manga, even before his death and subsequent possession of his body by a spirit. Geto refers to regular humans as "monkeys" and cleans himself in response to coming into contact with him. This sounds familiar, doesn't it?
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This wording is very intentional on the part of Akutami and the translator. Geto is a villain and meant to be someone we see in disgust and while there are sympathetic villains in other series and I'm not going to say that you can never like villain characters (some of my own favorite characters are villains who have done fucked up things before), there is a difference between the two. Geto is specifically a representation of eugenicist, racist, xenophobic beliefs that exist in the real world. He is not someone who is fed up with the system, he is not someone who just wants to fuck around and find out.
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This comment here further emphasizes my point. One of the core ideas behind scientific racism and eugenics is the idea of biological races or that people with different skin tones have different, distinct biological functions in their body. An example of this in our world involves GFR production and "race corrections" in kidney tests (source) that are only just starting to be phased out in the medical field. The idea of needing a race correction for something like kidney function is a product of scientific racism and indirectly plays into eugenics. Denying that people are the same race or even species as you because of uncontrollable factors (sorcerer abilities, skin color, country of origin, sexuality, gender, etc) is uh. Not a good thing!
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"Monkeys" is a word that comes up frequently with Geto's talks on non sorcerers as well. It's a loaded term and again a deliberate choice on behalf of both Akutami and the translator to use it. Historically, due to scientific racism in the field of evolutionary science specifically, black people and people of color were assumed to be more closely related to monkeys and therefore "less evolved" than white people. It's a loaded word used with intention by Geto and by Akutami in the writing of Geto's character.
IN CONCLUSION can we please stop woobifying Geto as a character. His ideals and goals are an important part of him and watering him down to do gay shit with Gojo is really not what we should be doing with him in fan works. Yes Gojo's reaction to losing his friend to essentially the far right pipeline of eugenics and fascism is realistic and it's okay for Gojo to feel hurt and betrayed by this, but the reality is that Geto broke away because he believed so strongly that the world needed to be cleansed of non sorcerers and Gojo eventually accepted that he lost his friend, no matter how much it hurt to let go. This is an important part of Gojo's character arc and development but to ignore the everything about Geto's beliefs and never acknowledge them, or god forbid make JOKES about this stuff is a surefire way to make sure disabled people and people of color don't feel safe talking with you.
I cannot stop you from shipping Satosugu or any other Geto ship. This essay was meant to inform people of the deeper meaning behind Geto's beliefs and maybe help some people see that real life issues are reflected in the media they consume. JJK is not a work that shies away from handling harder topics and this is no exception.
I will not be responding to any bad faith arguments on this post or in my inbox. If you have a genuine question feel free to come talk to me and I am willing to have a civil discussion with you about it, but calling me names or insulting me will be met with a block button so just save yourself the trouble and block me first.
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mewtwofan1 · 3 months
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So...I have to blame @sciencewife for this silly little PortalxTrek idea. And thank you to the folks on the discord server for humouring me during the making of this. I'll put more character details under the readmore. Might make more characters for this little au later. Had a lot of fun emulating the Star Trek: Lower Decks artstyle!
USS APERTURE: Not exactly Starfleets moral best, good people don't end up here. But her crew might very well be the best of the best. Headstrong, steadfast, and somehow still alive despite a few admirals wanting them gone, the APERTURE and her crew uphold their mission: to do what they must because they can!
Captain Cave Johnson -"somehow still captain" its Caroline pulling the strings keeping him in charge, and the fact he's willing to take on virtually any mission which makes him an asset worth keeping. -Fan of using the ships PA system, and is well regarded for his inspiring speeches. -Is still a competent captain, just too confident for his own good. Luckily, has a solid crew to back him up.
Commander Caroline Dubuk -An excellent first officer, regularly goes above and beyond (and blackmails a number of officials behind the scenes) for her crew. -Scarf was a present from her best friend after graduating the academy. Wears it regularly in spite of uniform regulations. -Parents split when she was a teenager. Dad married Gla'dos's mother. Neither of them really regard each other as step-siblings, and few even know their relationship with each other
Ensign Chell Redac -Not mute, but is a human of very, very few words. Few enough one would be forgiven for thinking she was. - Regularly pesters Gla'dos, who is the subject of most chaotic antics. Gla'dos is still finding potatoes in her quarters to this day. Chaos is just how Chell says "I like you!". -Determined and stubborn, could be an excellent officer someday.
Commander Gla'dos -Suffered a freak warp-core accident that scarred her and would have been career ending. Built her own prosthetics/enhancements with the help of some off the books Starfleet research. -Is a genius, was in engineering before switching to sciences. -Grew up on Earth in Michigan to a single mother, and is step-sister to Caroline though she does not talk about it
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blorbologist · 1 year
In a modern world what type of engineering do you think Percy would specialize in?
Hi anon!
This is a complicated question that, personally, varies from fic to fic based on what you want to emphasize from Percy’s canon portrayal and what you don’t mind leaving behind (in the name of realism/drama/fluff/etc.).
I’ve broken this down into parts because this is gonna get long, I have thought over this for a few days so bear with me!
First of all, I’m gonna open with the disclaimer that Percy in the Campaign (and Tal’Dorei Reborn too) is… insanely accomplished. He’s a D&D character, so he’s allowed to be. For the sake of giving us a concrete list to work with, here are some of the canon engineering-ish things he’s accomplished):
Inventor of firearms (thus has good knowledge of metallurgy, chemistry and both fine detail work and larger scale forging. Can work with hot metal and explosive materials.). Also makes his own shot.
Bad News (singled out because it has a scope, thus lenses, so he can work glass too, or at least know what he needs to commission it. Though his failure to repair his own glasses suggests the latter lmao.)
Trick arrows for Vex (similar skillsets to the above, except the grappling and tangling arrows have a little more chaos to their construction.)
Diplomacy (it needs to be charged with lightning attacks, however he at least has a primitive understanding of circuitry to get it to conduct that. Originally supposed to have a galvanized battery, but they ended up using a behir lightning gland - so can incorporate biology too. Also counts as a prosthetic in the show’s canon.)
Various other explosives (again derived from the gun skillset.)
Death from Above’s modifications (has a good understanding of comfort - he’d need to know a little wood- or leatherworking for the stocks and grips of his guns too.)
The Umbrasyl trap (large-scale simple mechanisms.)
Vax’s raven skull broach (can adapt his skillset to aesthetic work. Bird skills are very fragile and thin, so difficult to replicate. Has some skills applicable to jewelry making.)
Victor’s prosthetic hand (... *a whole ass prosthetic*)
The Heart of Whitestone (clocktower with complex mechanism, so: horology, lots of gears and such. Implies some architectural skills.)
Whitestone’s streetlamps (powered by the acid pit beneath Whitestone, so pretty much a primitive battery of sorts. Some civil engineering.)
Plans for a warm steam/water heating system to keep Whitestone’s streets clear of snow (again with civil engineering, as well as steam and piping.)
Toy guns for his children (presumably pop or potato guns.)
Sketchbook (I list this here because he clearly has a good eye for proportions and aesthetics, and can depict what he sees and/or imagines with accuracy.)
*Doty 2.0 (I only include him at the end because it’s unclear how much Percy helped with the construct-aspects, vs the gun-arm this Doty has and general help. I doubt it’d be a specialization, but he’d at least have a vague idea of how it works.)
That’s a lot of skills for one person to have, and gives us many avenues to work with! 
I personally change from AU to AU, depending on a number of factors:
Do I prioritize keeping violent invention consistent for Percy, or moreso the impact his legacy has on the world/guilt? 
Is manual tinkering his job or his hobby? 
In a similar vein: is he well-off enough to tinker for fun, or is he in poverty or otherwise disconnected from his family’s wealth and thus needs to pay the bills?
Do I want vengeance/Orthax involved as his muse? If so, how big a role? 
With that in mind, here are my main heavy hitters:
I’m very fond of Percy being involved with computer science and/or software/hardware engineering, because there isn’t really much he can do with weaponry that would revolutionize the world these days*. However, machine learning and such have been tools of great harm the last few decades. Manual tinkering can be left to a hobby, while Orthax and Ripley are somehow involved in him being behind some programming that the police or military organizations can abuse to fill him with Guilt. This is what I go with in Cat’s Cradle: Percy is responsible for a key innovation in facial recognition tech, named 0RTH-X or something, in his fervent desire to identify his family’s killers. And he could develop this completely independently even living off ramen and eggs!
Likewise, robotics is another interesting and topical field - namely drones and police robots. I don’t think he would be too involved in the circuitry of these (it’d be a great way for him to meet Tary, though), but their construction and/or weaponry could be Percy’s creation. The vengeance as a muse angle is a touch more iffy here, but you could pull it off. It’s a lot more hands-on than the above, which is great for tinkering, though his impact on the field is less likely to be as massive as a too-effective bit of programming. There’s also flexibility - he could do this on payroll, or be a random robotics nerd… with the caveat that he’d need significant personal resources, most likely. Put him in a FIRST Robotics competition or on BattleBots lmao.
However, if the obvious boom boom is important, and you want him to revolutionize weaponry… nuclear engineering is right there. By necessity this Percy would need to be heavily involved in the government of whatever nation you set him in, which might remove some of the autonomy behind his decisions and alleviate him of some responsibility. You can also very easily turn it to him trying to make up for his legacy with some nuclear power. It’s difficult to tie this one to his vengeance, unless Percy goes more ‘fuck the whole world and let it burn, and the Briarwoods too’. (Maybe have him be working on nuclear fusion, which we’re just cracking now? Very topical.)
If you want to stick close to canon, firearms engineer is an option! However, it personally stretches belief for me that he'd revolutionize guns in the modern era when... jazzhands at Everything. It's also harder to tie into vengeance, because why make his own fancy gun when he can buy one reasonably easily (in the USA, where I usually see modern AUs set - less so, say, where I am in Canada lmao). But! You could definitely take that angle and just have him produce a new sort of gun. The caveat is that the consequences for this invention getting out are uh... a very sensitive and topical subject with a lot more emotional baggage for a lot of your (again, USA-centric) readers. So for all those reasons this one is not one I favor.
You could lean more into the chemistry/metallurgy angle with a materials engineer Percy. Have him develop a new alloy that has broad applications that ends up finding military/firearm use too. Or some new explosive substance! Boom boom! This could combine the physical tinkering angle along with just how massively revolutionary his canon invention is, and you don’t need to do much research (just bullshit a fancy new metal that does X Y Z lmao). However, this is another that would require a sizeable source of funding for Percy to make this, and with little direct application to fucking up the Briarwoods, and is more chemistry-heavy than many other types of engineering. (Perhaps less so if it's just an explosive material he can make in a garage lab, however the chances of him blowing up his workshop and needing to pay fines/repair it would still exert a decent financial burden.)
Going from the micro to the macro, a civil engineer could work well given his post-canon going-ons. Architect or otherwise, it’s a very… rich-nerd job, and would feed into his posh image, and also have good potential for consequences should he design something that falls to fire/some natural disaster and kills people. There’s absolutely no tie-in to Orthax and creating something for vengeance here, though - which, if you want a Percy who didn’t invent something knowing it’d kill people so long as it killed the Briarwoods too, is great! It’s far less hands-on, though, and likely less into gadgetry than we’re used to - and instead leaning into his artistic side with drawings and schematics, as well as his understanding of physics.
I can tentatively suggest optomechanical engineering, because Bad News does use scope lenses, and he’s confident enough in glassmaking to try to fix his own glasses. However, he also completely fails at this in canon, and could have commissioned those lenses easily enough (vs needing to custom build much of his guns and such himself). So this is moreso if you have an AU where you want Percy involved with lasers, telescopes or photography. (I’m fond of Percy retiring from using guns to instead ‘shoot’ with a camera, for what it’s worth.)
Of course, these are just broad fields of engineering catered to Percy and his skillset: not every Percy needs to be an engineer. Clockmaking, coding and tinkering for fun don’t require a formal education. He can crack it as a mechanic or a gun buff too - you can tie his need to create and tweak and work with his hands (or, alternatively, to get vengeance with a tool of his making) any number of ways. 
I personally have a few limits: I can’t see Percy being a biochemist/bioengineer/etc. (too messy), or anything too theoretical where he doesn’t get to feel directly involved in creation. I also think he’d grumble and huff about making anything out of plastic, but that’s just my take because I think it’s funny that he has Opinions about the materials he uses.
Hope this was of some use anon (and others, I spent a few hours on this so I hope other people enjoy it too kgtrnktnr). Shoutout to @essayofthoughts for helping me with the list of creations and what they imply about his skillset <33
(Not quite relevant, but most modern AU Percys would 100% have a 3D printer and absolutely adore the things. He’d have so much fun, just imagine. But a Percy who works with metal might grumble and huff about working with plastic instead, a la Chetney.)
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elbiotipo · 9 months
Apologies if someone has already asked you this, but what’s the fixation with coffee industry in sci-fi settings in particular? I definitely get the potatoes thing, but I didn’t get the point of contention sci-fi coffee. Understanding the sheer diversity of sci-fi as a genre - couldn’t we still say that most human-centric sci-fi settings either have a) more or less the same industry we have now, however dystopian or utopian the setting is, and the characters would have brought a certain amount of coffee for whatever interstellar trip theyre on, or b) food or general replication technology where you can just go up to a machine and it synthesises a molecularly perfect cup of coffee? Compared to how genuinely mind-boggling the idea of a southern hemisphere Andean crop existing apparently endemically in a northern hemisphere European climate, sci-fi coffee seems like something that can be way more easily explained or even just. Assumed or implied. Otherwise we might as well start asking where starship captains get bread, or soap or pillows or anything really. (Should we start asking about that???) Thanks for your time if you choose to answer this, this ask is meant in good faith and as a fellow worldbuilding enthusiast I am just plainly curious what your thoughts are!
Fixation? I wouldn't call it like that. I used coffee as an example, much like potatoes, because it has a really interesting and important history behind it that many people don't know about it because it's considered just a household item. In science fiction, it's natural to associate coffee with hardworking space captains, it feels natural that someone so busy would enjoy it (there's also Picard with tea, no major characters with yerba mate unfortunately, but I'm sure there are, even if they're just mine) , but you say it's just "assumed or implied", and it still somehow shows up everywhere.
The fact is that coffee is a luxury good, expensive to produce and that is only considered a household item by us because of a whole industrial, economical and social history behind it. It's something very unique to... Earth, let's say. Which gets the mind wondering when it shows up so far from Earth. Indeed, WHERE do they get their coffee from? How expensive is it to import it from Earth, or if there's not an Earth, what's the replacement, and why do you still call it coffee if it's something different? Are there worlds that produce it? What are those like, what is the coffee sold like? Do they worry they'll run out if they packed enough for the trip? I did say I want "ethnobotanical papers" but just some throwaway lines about this give a big flavor to the story, one I wouldn't find elsewhere. Just some lines like "the coffee from Saudade Station just isn't the same as from Earth", as silly as they sound, give your world a depth that I relish.
You say if we should start asking where they get bread or soap or pillows? Absolutely. Do you know how expensive would have to lift flour to orbit, or have whole space habitats to grow grain? It's not something you can grow in the hydroponics section of a tiny ship, for example. These are all real concerns that space agencies have been working with for decades in the event for future space settlement, and they are very fascinating to think about. Most sci-fi does tend to even hand-wave the cost of lifting stuff to orbit by making spaceships act like airplanes, but the fact is there still. And replicators are the definition of a disruptive technology, there is literally nothing more disruptive to a story that a replicator that can create anything on demand. A society with widely-available molecular replicators would be so incredibly different from our own that even the fact of getting up to drink some coffee would be questionable to me. Unless you're writing an episode of, I dunno, Atomic Betty, I expect a writer to give at least care a little to adress that.
All these questions are important not because of pedantry or because I find them fun to talk about (I really do), but because they define the setting and the world your characters live in, and so they give them more personality and depth, but also, it's the core of science fiction to me: how science and technology change a society, and the stories that can be told with that, and those stories do include how the world works. If you don't adress that, it's just interchangable with any other genre.
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down2illusions · 2 years
Balancing Act: Chapter 1
Focus (as of now): Steven Grant x f!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: I've been thinking of this idea for a long time and I'm excited to finally start this series! While I do my best to do the characters and DID justice, I’m not perfect so criticism welcomed. I hope you enjoy the fic, if not, Happy Scrolling!
Balancing Act Masterlist
Prologue Chapter 2
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You tapped Steven’s copy of The Book of the Dead against your hand as you scanned the room. There weren’t many people here, as expected. Thursdays were never all that busy in the British Museum. There were a few odd crowds and wanderers, but nothing major; most people at this time would be at work.
Looking over the ocean of customers you checked to see “most people” included Steven himself. Your intuition was right, Steven had just gone behind the counter and was looking over the packets of jelly. You stopped tapping the copy against your hand, opting to put it under your arm. After that you fixed your clothes and got ready to say hi, but from across the room you saw Dylan talking to him at the counter briefly then walking away to her tour group.
What were they talking about?
Walking across the room with your eyes locked on your destination, you saw that Donna started talking to him too. She didn’t look ready to put him in the oven either. Steven on the other hand… he looked annoyed. Knowing how Donna can be, you approached the gift shop faster. When you were a few steps away, you smiled.
Show time.
“Hey, Donna. Morning, Steven!” Your tone was lazy sounding, but friendly, like a teen counselor at a kids summer camp. While you didn’t necessarily care about Donna, it didn’t pay to advertise.
Steven smiled, most definitely glad he didn’t have to deal with Donna alone. “Good-”
“You know Stevie here’s got a date,” Donna asked, talking over Steven, who reverted back to his annoyed expression. You were taken aback, both because of her question and because she sounded almost offended when asking you.
You didn’t drop character though. “Steven,” you started with a fake shocked tone. You put your hand to your chest dramatically, “You didn’t tell me.”
“Well, it just sort of happened–”
“He’s going to a Steakhouse with Dylan! What’s a bloody vegan gonna eat at a steakhouse?”
You both told her simultaneously he CAN still eat at a steakhouse.
Donna shot a skeptical look. “Eat what?”
“I don’t know. Bread? A salad,” said Steven.
“Baked potatoes,” you added. You looked over at Steven, “they should have vegetables, right? Like on the side?”
“Yeah, I’m sure they just grill them up- OH! Beans!” Steven turned to Donna then pointed at you.
“Beans,” you nodded and pointed back.
Donna rolled her eyes, shook her head, then walked away muttering something about not being able to “deal with you two”.
You watched her, smiling, waiting until she was out of earshot then you turned to Steven. He had a grin on his face. You tried not to laugh as you asked him “you think we made her mad?”
“She’s been driving me mad so it’s about even,” Steven said leaning over the glass counter.
“C’mon, you can’t be talking about your best friend, Donna, like that.”
The smile on his face lessened. “I’ll apologize when we do inventory tonight…”
“Damn. Again?” Inventory seemed to be Donna’s go-to for any minor inconvenience lately. There was no rocket science to be calculated to figure out Steven probably got it because he was late again. Late by a few minutes because of when the trolley reached its stop, sure, but that didn’t matter to Ms. Manager over there.
“It’s not all bad. You get out a bit earlier today. Maybe if I get everything handled quickly or if you want to, we could still walk around a bit?”
“Sure, if you're okay with that, then yeah… Anyway, I gotta clean the archive room.”
“Oh- oh, yeah. Go on then.”
You turned away until you remembered. Taking the book from under your arm, you handed the book back to Steven. “Thanks for the book again, it saved my life.”
“Saved your life, little ironic, innit?”
You shrugged. “You never know when you need it until you do.” You glanced at the clock, “Anyway,” you pointed to the back. Steven smiled and you walked away.
As you went across the room you glanced at Dylan and her tour group. It looked like she was doing a good job, the group was engaged in her explanation of the picture. Not that it should be a surprise, she knew how to tell a story and make people laugh and listen to what she said.
It wasn’t really a surprise that Steven had admired her. They could probably have a two-sided conversation about Egypt and the entire history of everything, more than you could. He wouldn’t have to teach her to have a conversation.
You open the door to the custodial supplies and walk forward. It’s good that they’re going on a date.
It’s good for him.
The light inside the supply closet flickered then stayed on, showing all the detergents and paper towels.
“It’s fine.” Steven deserves to be happy.
Like he said, Steven waited for you to get off the clock, having gotten out before you despite saying he would be on inventory. He told you that Donna kicked him out after he brought up a mistake with the Ennead’s poster. As the museum became further behind the two of you, Steven brought up ideas that would bring justice for the nine deities, and prompted you to dig up years old information in the dark corners of your memory to verbally piece it all together.
By the time the two of you had gotten to a restaurant, four out of nine concepts were created. By the time you left the restaurant with your food you had added another completed concept and the conversation blended into your idea of getting Gus a travel tank and walking around the Botanical Gardens in a wagon. Steven agreed that it would be a fun idea for the two of you, and Gus, to do on a weekend. That way he could show it to her, along with other small adventures you two have been on around the city.
Eventually, you two have made it to performance square with the fountains, fire jugglers, and the golden-statue man. Steven used his free hand to swipe off any debris from the fountain then gestured for you to sit down before doing the same thing for his spot. You two didn’t discuss the other four deities in the Ennead anymore; Steven had more pressing matters on his mind as you ate together.
“Honestly, it’s like my body wants to get up and wander about, you know? Like it has to get 10,000 steps in.” He took a bite from his wrap and stared off, and you let him gather his thoughts. While this wasn’t the first time he’s told you of this problem, and most definitely won’t be the last time, you feel the stress about this issue radiating off him; and he has looked more tired lately. “I don’t even know about it until I wake up wherever.”
“That hasn’t happened for a while though, right?” Your hands clutch your own food as you ask the question.
“Not from the last time I told you, a couple of months ago when I passed out at my desk; but since then, I’ve been thinking about what happens if I were to wander about and end up waking up in another country. It’s why I try to stay awake at night. What do you think?”
Steven put his attention on you while you thought, unsure if he wanted general input or if he was asking you about actually waking up somewhere else. There wasn’t much you could tell him about waking up in another country, but it’s not like you had any more nuance to add from the last couple of times you’ve discussed this. “Well, since you’re a British man, as long as you don’t wake up in France, I think you’re good. Although, if you did, you’d do a whole lot better than me in France, so you got that…”
Steven laughed softly. “Je ne pense pas que tu te donnes assez de crédit, mais merci de croire en moi.”
You smiled back, but shook your head. “Sorry, Steven, but I still don’t speak Italian.” Of course you knew he was speaking French, that’s unmistakable. The only word you were able to catch onto and process was his “thank you”. Steven didn’t respond to your joke, though. He was looking at you, but you couldn’t read his face. You probably shouldn’t have made that joke. You decided to watch the fire jugglers, it was easier to stare into the white centers of the flame than look back at Steven. “So, you and Dylan, when did you ask her out?”
“I didn’t ask her. I don’t know how it happened.”
“You don’t?”
“No. I was probably tired out of my wits to remember.”
“Sounds like you.”
“You say that as if you haven’t been walking around like you came out of the sarcophagus.” A trail of green follows from the fire as you shoot a playful glare at Steven. The green spots danced around the soft violet and orange lights reflecting off his face and in his eyes. It’s not so hard to imagine if things were a little different… but no. Steven cleared his throat, “but, yeah. If I am gonna have a girlfriend– at some point…” he said huddling closer to you, “I can’t have ankle restraints on my bed can I?”
A cackle rips from your throat making you lose balance as you pull away, putting your wrist over your mouth to not disturb the whole district. Steven looked concerned as you choked on your laughs. You apologize through coughs, “that’s just- I’m sorry that sounds so bad out of context.” When you got enough control over yourself, you told him, “go on.”
“You’re having a laugh, but that’s the thing, innit; it’s sort of a Red Flag– the definition of a Red Flag.”
“I dunno, I mean, if you just had the restraint lying around that’s a question mark, but you also have that sand barrier around your bed so– y’know, it’s just, if you explain you you have a sleeping disorder and that you sleep walk and they have a problem with it, I don’t think you need that negativity in your life.”
“Maybe not, but gotta figure something out.” Silence rode out for a while, with neither of you having much to say.
Before you knew it, both of you were finished with dinner and less people were around although the sky was no more navy blue. You two left the fountain area after giving spare cash to the performers. Steven went with you to walk you home.
“What did you think of the book,” Steven asked. “You told me it saved your life.”
“Well, yeah, you never know when you're going to drop into that journey. It just makes me feel prepared for when I go to the Sands of Duvat.”
“Duat,” Steven corrected.
“Duat. Sands of Duat.” Of course, at this point you know you’ve been saying it wrong, but you got too used to saying it wrong from all this time. It’s hard dropping the habit, even if Steven corrects it all the time. “It was better to read that than stare at the ceiling or talking to my roommate late at night, so there’s that.”
“And the other book, what do you think about The Alchemist right now?”
“I’m taking my time with it, but it’s good so far. If you want it back though, I could try blasting through it.”
“No, no, there’s no rush. Take all the time you need, there’s a reason why I recommended it.”
“You say that but you never tell me why.” When he first recommended The Alchemist, you would’ve sworn on your last dollar it was because the story was about someone going to Egypt based on the description. It was a shock when he said no. Ever since you made that assumption, whenever you tried to ask him why he’ll tell you:
“I’ll tell you after.”
“But why not now?”
“You haven’t finished the book, finish the book then I’ll tell you.”
“What if I die?”
“You’re not going—”
“What if you die?”
“What? No! No one’s going to die.”
“You don’t know that.”
Steven stumbled then caught himself, “I promise you, neither of us are going to die before you finish the book.”
“Fine, but if I die first, I’ll haunt you until you tell me.”
“And if I die,” Steven asked.
“I’ll see if I could find you.”
Steven laughed. You walked too close to the edge and you needed to take a step back, and play it off like it’s an absolute joke.
You told him where you were in the story and the new thoughts you’ve formed in the past two or so days. Steven did his best to contribute, but he had a hard time doing so without “spoiling the experience”. You tried to trick him into doing it, but he’d just cover his mouth or threaten to not speak for the remainder of the walk. You were doubtful of such threats, when Steven had something on his mind, he would say it at least 97% of the time; but you agreed regardless.
By the time you passed the building marking the halfway point of your apartment, it was quiet between the two of you. The type that didn’t leave you anxious. Traffic still passed you by and street lights surrounded you both. Steven’s arm brushed against yours, a common symptom of walking too close on a wide path,
It was hard to imagine that one day, these conversations would end. Maybe sooner than you thought, with Steven going on a date with Dylan.
Steven’s arm bumped into yours again. An engine rolled by and you shoved your hands into your pockets then kicked a pebble that was your way. There was a small list of landmarks to pass and you had to say goodbye to him.
You kicked another pebble in your way. Then another.
Another loud engine flew past and you looked over at the street, missing the car. Steven was rubbing his hands together, probably thinking of something that made him nervous. You asked him what he was thinking about.
He confirmed that he was nervous. He didn’t want to “muck everything up” and then have to see Dylan at the museum on Monday. “I know the basics of dating; but hypothetically, if it was you, and we are going on our first date, what should I do, or what should I not do?”
You thought and thought then just settled on the basic things you couldn’t imagine Steven, literally the nicest man you’ve ever met, not doing. “Other than that, just be honest and be yourself I guess. It’s obvious that Dylan likes you already, if she didn’t she wouldn’t have agreed to going on the date. You’re great, and you’ll be fine.”
“You’re not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?”
“No, you are.”
Steven thanked you then soon enough the two of you were walking down your street. Glancing over at Steven, you saw he was still messing with his hands.
Maybe it was a dumb idea, but you spoke up, “you can tell me about how your date went afterward, if you’re comfortable with it.”
“Yeah,” Steven answered. “Sounds good, maybe we can meet up even if you’re not busy.”
“I’m sure we can figure something out.”
Steven slipped past you to open the door of the apartment building with a slight bow. “Definitely. Well, here you are.” You stepped inside, nodding and muttering a thank you in return. You turned back at him and he was still holding the door. “Laters, gators.”
“Take care, polar bear.” Steven lingered at the door for a moment then waved goodbye and gently closed it.
You stared at the door then turned around slowly.
You took just the right amount of steps to stand in front of your mailbox and unthinkingly unlocked the muted green door then grabbed whatever papers and letters that were inside and forced the door shut. You walked down the rest of the hall to the elevator keeping your head down as you flipped through the mail.
The jaundiced light above you flickered rapidly when you were on your second piece of junk mail. You looked to the right, then behind you, then to the left.
You stood in front of the elevator, waiting for anything else. When it was long enough you rolled your eyes and reached for the elevator button.
The lights flickered more before you could.
The elevator dinged, then opened. A young woman holding a sleeping child at her hip smiled at you. You moved so she could pass without waking her offspring then entered the now empty elevator, pressing the cold metal button for your floor.
The green elevator doors closed then the lights flickered twice then his voice hummed around you, “I told you to let go of attachments.”
Your eyes drift off into the clouded colors of your person in the metal, trying to ignore what he said so calm and effortlessly. There was nothing wrong with having Steven for a friend.
“There is nothing else for you here.”
You stare harder into the stainless steel reflection trying to keep eye contact with the blurred picture of yourself. The mail crinkled under your grip.
“I am sorry however.”
It sounds like he actually means it.
You shook your head. “It’s fine.”
The elevator made its own humming tune with the lights; and it got colder. Your mind wandered to Steven, who was not just an attachment, still walking in London’s streets. He was probably almost home. He was off tomorrow, so he was probably going to stay up into tomorrow reading all those books in his one-man library. He was definitely going to have more fun than you were.
All you could ask yourself is: what now? What’s next? And the quietest question in your mind: why me?
The elevator dinged in response. Your arms were covered in goosebumps by the time you came to the rattling stop.
The doors opened.
Straightening your back, you walked out of the elevator with your head held high. When you turned right the overwhelming smoke of his presence led to the other end where he stood, head held higher. As you got closer, the focus of your eyes lowered from the towering stature of Anubis, former Lord of the Dead.
Former God of Mummification.
“Even through grief, we are to do what is expected of us.” You can’t put a number on the amount of times he’s said that to you throughout your years together. At this point, you don’t even try. “Set your items down then be ready.” He wrapped his words in a stern voice, he wanted you out there fast.
You nodded. When he didn’t say anything else you marched inside. You stood out there long enough.
Tumblr media
The time passed through you like wind. Particular buildings or squares didn’t register on your radar, you doubt you have not been in a fight with someone before squatting on the stone roof of a crypt you seem to end up on more times than not, but it was nothing more than picking up a decorative couch pillow from the floor. The night was too quiet and unspectacular.
All you have at this moment is frustration caused by some group of frat boys who were drunk off their ass and leaving cans and bottles on headstones. Rage swarmed around you like mosquitos, looking on into the distance Anubis was there fuming stoically. The grasp of the metal around your neck tightened along with the wraps of the rest of your armor, beckoning you to deliver Anubis’s divine judgment.
You stood up from the crypt then unwielded a khopesh, holding it out to the side. Then you stomped on the roof, echoing the thumps echo into the field of headstones.
The group’s attention was on you, but they didn’t move.
You pointed the hooked blade toward them then jumped down and stormed toward them. They ran, swearing amongst themselves on how they weren’t dying tonight. You slowed down, eyeing the refuse you now had to pick up.
Then out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a pale moon. The pale moon of a straggler taking his pants down near a tree with a yellow ribbon around the trunk.
Now you were seeing red, you threw the khopesh near him. The straggler jumped ten feet in the air then ran off pulling up his pants.
Everyone was gone, Slugging the rest of the way until you stood in front of a glossy headstone of where the party was. The blade in the ground turned into sand in the air then reformed into your hand. You stared deeply into the green bottle on top.
You sliced the glass in half, then struck it to the ground.
The armor comes down allowing you to finally breathe. Kneeling, you gathered the garbage into a pile, starting with the top half of the bottle you sliced clean.
“You should have done that to the ones desecrating these grounds.”
The flash of anger was fizzling still. If there was ever a time where you wished someone was petty enough to stick around, it would be now. Instead, it was only you and Anubis. Standing by, fuming. A giant cloud full of lightning, without nearly as much thunder.
Wherever you ran for that night, the storm cloud followed, uncaring of anything.
Except, for the British Museum. The museum was a lightning rod for everything important to Anubis.
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naavispider · 1 year
Part 9 -> link to whole fic If you playing me that mean my home aint home
I'm not 100% how this is going to turn out, there's so much ambiguity when it comes to the timeline with these two. Already I think it's slightly messed up because in the movies I headcanon this chapter to be at least a week (if not weeks) after Spider was captured, but in the fic it's only a couple of days. We have no idea what they were up to for this time so I'm just making it up as I go!
Spider woke in a warm bed, immediately confused. Someone was talking.
"...wake up kid. Spider!"
He gasped, bolting upright. Quaritch was in front of him - not angry, as Spider expected. He couldn't register what the recom was feeling because his eyes darted around the room, taking in his surroundings. They must be back on base. Back on base, but not in a cell. Interesting.
"Grub's up, follow me." Quaritch instructed, and Spider scrambled to to follow the gigantic man out of the dorm. He rubbed his eyes, trying to make himself look more awake than he felt. Quaritch led them down several corridors, through what must be the living quarters of the base. They passed what looked like training rooms, a gym, science labs and even a couple of offices until they reached the mess. The large hall was thrumming with humans, sat at every table, chatting away without a care in the world. For a moment, Spider couldn't believe how easy they appeared to be living - laughing and smiling with each other as if they weren't trying to invade a whole planet.
Spider noted the cliques as he followed Quaritch over to the food. Science guys sat together - you could tell by the different variations of black lanyards they all wore. Then there were the marines, a sea of camouflage that was in stark contrast to the grey surroundings of the base, as if they could ever blend in on Pandora. It made Spider's skin crawl. He ignored the stares and let the human behind the counter give him huge helpings of everything (on Quaritch's orders).
They walked over to an area near the back of the mess where the benches were double the size of the others. Wainfleet and Savine were already sat, making their way through their own avatar menu. It became clear that Spider wouldn't be able to sit here and reach his food, so he wandered over to the human sized table a few feet away, which was mercifully empty. This seemed to be okay with Quaritch, who he could tell was keeping a close eye on him.
So what had happened last night? When did they get back to base? Spider couldn't remember making his way inside. He must have been completely out of it. Memories of that horrendous ikran flight came flooding back to him, and he cringed when he realised he must have fallen asleep against Quaritch. Immediately repressing that particular fact, he turned his attention to the plate of food in front of him. Some of it was familiar to what he used to eat at the shack, but there was a lot he had never seen before. He stared at his plate, suddenly unsure if he even had an appetite. He knew he should force himself to at least try and eat. He hesitantly started on the rehydrated mashed potato. To his left, the rest of the squad were arriving and greeting each other with tired but excited auras.
"There she is!" Mansk grinned as he took a seat opposite Savine.
Savine grinned back derisively. "Hell yeah I'm here. You finally managed to drag your lazy ass out of bed?"
Mansk feigned concern. "Some of us aren't defeated by flowers."
The other recoms laughed at the reference to Savine's rash.
"You got that seen too?" Quaritch interjected.
"Yeah Colonel, medic just looked at it."
Spider was side eyeing this entire exchange, and even he didn't miss the looks Savine and Mansk shared.
Fike elbowed Mansk knowingly, and the pair grinned.
Spider continued chewing his food, forcing himself onto the vegetarian sausages, ignoring the nausea.
At that moment, cold footsteps announced the arrival of General Ardmore. She stopped short of the avatar table, an expression of grim anger on her face. Spider dropped his cutlery - ready to make a run for it.
"Colonel. May I ask what the boy is doing loose on base?" She nodded towards Spider.
"Ah, General. Good morning." Quaritch replied idly.
"Cut the crap Quaritch. What's going on?"
Quaritch sighed. "Let's take this outside," he replied reluctantly.
All of Spider's muscles were tensed as the General and the Colonel walked out of the mess.
I'm not giving you back yet.
He tried to remember to breathe as he assured himself that Quaritch would fight his corner. He knew Quaritch wasn't doing it out of fondness for him - rather, he was just more useful this way - but he couldn't help but imagine what Quaritch could be saying right now. Would he promise that Spider be returned to them eventually? Would the General demand results? Was Spider's clock ticking?
He couldn't eat any more. Instead, he gulped down the vitamin water and looked around for a sign to the toilets. They were just across the hall. Deciding that no one could reasonably chastise him for taking a piss on his own, he got up and walked over, making sure to ignore Wainfleet's intense stare.
Wainfleet wasn't the only one staring though - as he walked by, all heads turned. Holding his head high, he stared them right back, lifting his middle finger as he passed.
Inside the bathroom he gripped the front of the sink as he stared at his reflection. He'd looked better. The bruises covering his arms and legs were now turning a paler shade of purple, though still remained prominent. Spider placed his hand over one on his left shoulder, where a huge avatar hand had left fingermarks. He smirked darkly, proud that at least he'd put up a good fight.
His scratches were healed or almost healed, but the paint was starting to fade. He made a mental note to hunt down some Yovo berries as soon as they got back to the forest. He used the toilet and splashed some cold water on his face. A wave of nausea suddenly came over him and he vomited into the sink. Great.
Keenly aware that he shouldn't take too long, he returned to the table and was reassured to see Quaritch had returned without Ardmore. He took his tray to the trolleys at the back and grabbed a handful of protein bars for the day. Quaritch and the others had stood by now, having finished their own breakfasts, and were waiting for him to return before following their leader Spider didn't know where. He started one of the protein bars as they marched, which was much easier than the hot food, and almost walked into the back of Fike when they stopped suddenly at an airlock. Quaritch threw Spider his mask and exopack back, while the recoms took off their breathing aids and picked up their packs. Quaritch gestured for Spider to hand him the rest of the protein bars to put in his pack, and he did. He would never admit it, but he enjoyed being able to wordlessly communicate with the man.
They stepped through the airlock and made their way across the tarmac to a huge open hanger, which appeared to be the home of the engineering department. As they walked, the ikran spotted their riders and soared overhead, landing on top of the hanger. Humans in masks were working on a wide array of projects; Spider could see AMP suits in production, planes being repaired or upgraded, as well as hundreds of other machines he had no hope of recognising.
"Fall in," Quaritch instructed as they assembled next to a pile of equipment. He had his Colonel voice on. "Well done again for yesterday. We're recuperated and ready to kick some more Pandoran ass. Today, we fly West to survey a number of sites that could lead us to the insurgency, starting with the last known location of Jake Sully - a Hometree in sector 21. It's possible Na'vi still inhabit nearby, which we can... use." He glanced at Spider. "Now, the guys have designed us a load of new tech, so sort through and take what you need. We have a long road ahead and need to be prepared for weeks in the forest. We take off in thirty."
The recoms nodded their understanding and immediately started to explore the equipment laid out on tarpaulins for them. Curious, Spider looked through as well. There was the usual assortment of weaponry; ARs, mags, pistols, stun guns, and then there was the heavy duty stuff - grenades, a handheld missile launcher, and even what looked like compact flamethrowers. Spider stared.
He turned away from the weapons, not wanting to imagine why Quaritch thought he needed flamethrowers. There were also extra RDA uniform supplies, food rations, knives, gas canisters, and were those human sized clothes as well?
Some recoms started loading their packs, while others had started attaching harnesses to their ikran. He wandered over to Quaritch's animal, watching as the man slid the gear over Cupcake's head. It was remarkably similar to Na'vi harnesses, though the RDA version was made out of green rubber and polymer, and looked heavier with in-built footholds and extra handles. Once it was secure, Quaritch picked up a metal device that Spider had never seen before. The man ran his hands along the edge of the ikran's forewing, eliciting a purr from the animal. Without pre-amble, Quaritch closed the device over the wing, and the animal shrieked, though it did not attack. When Quaritch removed the device, Spider could see a robust plastic tag secured through its wing.
"Why did you do that?" he asked quietly.
"So we can keep eyes on her," Quaritch replied with a frown. "Do you want to be left stranded God knows where without a banshee?"
Spider's irritation rose. Why did humans feel the need to own everything? The man's arrogance was unmatched.
"That's not how the relationship works," he explained. "You're attuned to your ikran, and they're attuned to you. They'll always come when you call."
"Well I'll be damned! Guess I need to learn how to call her, huh?"
Spider shrugged, running his hands through his hair.
"You reminded me - this here is for you kid." Quaritch handed him a small strip of rubber and plastic. It was a communicator. Spider looked up in surprise. He'd never worn one before. He quickly figured out how to attach it and insert the earpiece. Did this mean Quaritch was starting to trust him more?
"Only in case we're separated," Quaritch said sternly, roughing Spider's head.
20 minutes later Spider was helping Quaritch attach the final packs to the ikran. He climbed on board without waiting for an invitation and waited for Quaritch to do the same. The other recoms were mounted and ready to go, so Quaritch signalled to a human on the ground before leaping up behind Spider, and taking off.
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moriarty1234 · 2 months
T*LC Refutation (but decidedly NOT Johnlock refutation, because that definitely was a thing.)
Part- 1: Introduction.
[Note: I love and ship johnlock because I saw it for myself in the show when I watched it and was part of the general audience in the past. I even want it to become canon in some Holmes adaption in the future. But T*lc needs to get sucked into obscurity and forgotten. Other fandoms like Good Omens, etc., are following the same rhetoric in their "meta" posts, and that needs to go. This is crucial for our basic critical thinking skills and objectivity.]
Alright, folks. Let's talk about the logical fallacies, and how most of the t*lc metas are flawed to their core.
Not to beat the dead horse here, but I entered the fandom in late 2021 (after having watched BBC Sherlock a year ago). I'd started to ship Johnlock as soon as I entered the fandom (because that's what I saw on the show independently, as part of the general audience in the past, even though it was on a subconscious level at first).
I discovered T*LC in December, watched and read metas about it, became a T*LCer myself (albeit briefly - for like a month or two), and then I grew out of it.
I grew out of T*LC because while the meta posts were seemingly clever, I always thought there was something off with most of them. I didn't have much vocabulary related to critical thinking skills back then (because English is not my first language), so I couldn't put my finger on exactly what was wrong with them.
I reluctantly and falsely assumed they must be right just because I couldn't come up with effective counter-arguments then (what a flawed way of thinking). I just thought that this thing (t*lc) was not my cup of tea (ha!).
I continued to ship Johnlock though. I still do it wholeheartedly. I'm no longer part of the BBC Sherlock fandom, but I do still ship Holmes/Watson enthusiastically in various other Sherlock Holmes adaptations.
In the meantime (i.e., from when I dropped the idea of t*lc like a hot potato to the day I decided to exit this fandom for good), I did a lot of research.
Research related to what the fandom used to be like throughout different eras when the show was still on air (through sources such as old posts on Tumblr/other social media platforms, Sarah Z and hbomberguy's videos on t*lc and the actual show criticism respectively), and also research about how the rhetoric of most conspiracy theorists looks and sounds. I've read about articles on science vs pseudo-science as well (I come from a science background myself, so those articles were helpful as a refresher for me).
I also read a lot about cult psychology and how it can be used effectively to lure anyone in.
T*lc checks all the boxes of flawed ways of thinking, various logical fallacies used to prove or disprove something, pseudoscience, a typical conspiracy theorist's rhetoric, and a cult group's way of thinking in real life.
When I use these terms, I do not throw them around lightly. I've read a lot about this along with my friend, let's call them Kim. For context, Kim also comes from a science background. They ship johnlock too.
I know the comparison of T*lc with a religious cult in real life has been done to death, and same is the case with the comparison of t*lc with any other outlandish conspiracy theory out there. It's just that I've been bottling up my thoughts and feelings on this thing for way too long. I can't do that anymore. Just bear with me if you find something repetitive.
Kim and I read about all these things on the internet, had a lot of long discussions for months altogether, and now I've personally decided to share our conclusions with anyone out there who stumbles upon this post.
This blog is a few days old, and I'm the only person behind this, so I don't have many followers just yet. I'm not even expecting anything from anyone. If you see this post, I just want you to read it with an open mind and act according to your judgement afterwards.
Now that we have the whole context with us, let's begin.
Part- 2 : What's wrong with their actual meta posts?
T*LC (but NOT Johnlock as a whole) refutation master post.
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hournites · 1 year
beth gets her new suit, and rick tells her he really likes it (with heart eyes lol), yolanda and courtney notice and tease him about it when they realize his crush. post this past season my headcanon is that rick's crush on beth becomes supremely obvious to everyone but beth hehe
Flirting in Fashion
With the Chapels added to the fold, Beth offered to host some JSA meetings at her house. Barbara, thrilled with not having to deep-vacuum the living room of crumbs after brainstorming sessions or worry about broken vases from indoor incidents, championed the new JSA parental tag-team system. The Montez family were still adjusting to, well, everything, but Yolanda felt confident she wasn't getting shipped off to an out-of-state boarding school like her worst fears, so all-in-all, everything felt like a win.
Rick couldn't deny being accepted with open arms to Beth's family didn't give him whiplash, but the longer he pushed against the invitation to come after school and weekends or staying for dinner, the more he felt like they honestly missed him when he declined. He found Bridget warm and thoughtful and James, practical and supportive. Sooner than later, Rick was looking forward to spending time at the Chapel house. Not just because of Beth, but for her whole family.
Yolanda is at the door when Rick knocks at the front, letting him in before he can ask who else made it. Pat and James are talking about whether or not potato salad is a crime of a dish in the kitchen, and Courtney is draped across the vintage ottoman, texting like a madwoman.
But it's Beth that Rick's eyes instantly draw to, hovering around an odd-standing figure covered with a blanket in the living room.
"What's happening?" he asks Yolanda as he drops his bag by the door, expecting a run-down. There's no emergency or detailed agenda. There's Sylvester's brain that they need to plan for a rescue, but where a hypothetical floating brain could be hiding is still yet to be figured out. Jakeem has noped out of any tunnel exploring until his gorilla night-terrors end and Artemis is also refusing to go down there for understandable reasons and it's still unclear if she's actually on the team.
Bridget has chimed in that having a medical plan for what to do with the brain depends on the condition they find it in, which requires some more thinking in itself. These are mitigation strategies Rick's never thought of, but he supposes this is partly why they're having these types of meetings here at Beth's house. Though what any of these may have to do with a random statue jiving with the retro Chapel décor, he has no idea.
She shrugs at him. "I'm not sure. Beth says we were waiting for you before making some announcement."
Yolanda shrugs again, hands up in the air. "I'm just telling you what I know." She glances at Courtney and shakes her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Do you mind telling her that leaving Cameron 60 texts without a single one back isn't a good look?"
Rick snorts. "Yeah, I'm not doing that. You know who could, though?"
Yolanda glares at him like she knows exactly who popped into his mind. Rick smirks and she rolls her eyes. "Fine," she grumbles under her breath, making her way to the ottoman. "I'll do it myself."
Beth is so engrossed with the statue thing that she doesn't even notice him behind her. Rick taps the shoulder of her cow-print bomber jacket. "Should I be worried? It looks like Frankenstein is under there."
She shoots him a look over her shoulder, stuffing school bus yellow measuring tape into her pocket. "You mean Frankenstein's monster. Frankenstein is the human that creates him, but no, this isn't of any mad-science concern."
"Then what is it? I've never seen it around."
Beth turns around and crosses her arms. "It's not ready yet."
"Is this part of the so-called announcement you have?"
Beth smiles. "Maybe."
"Alright!" Pat nods at the group assembled around. "The boys have a field trip to the honeycomb museum and Dr. Chapel is stuck in a surgery, apparently, but she gave us the go ahead to get right into business--Courtney put your phone down."
Yolanda sticks her palm out and Courtney begrudgingly drops her iPhone into her hand. Everyone else finds some seats on the couch or the carpeted floor.
Pat gestures to James Chapel, who takes the lead to start the meeting.
"Hello folks, glad to see you all here." He stands beside Beth, who is still fussing with the blanket covering the statue thing. "As some of you may or may not know, Beth's mother and I have been working very hard to provide Beth with an upgraded suit. We've decided to use this opportunity for some feedback before we go ahead with ordering it from one of my clients that specializes in this wear."
"It's just a prototype," Beth adds in, clearly nervous. "So anything can be changed. I get final say, of course, but don't be afraid to be critical."
Courtney sits up a bit straighter. "What's going to happen to your old suit? I liked it!"
Yolanda wrinkles her nose. "Court, the gloves are like five times bigger than her hands."
Rick backs her up. "I liked it too, but I think we can all agree that it doesn't really match Beth's style?"
"Oh, I like Chuck's a lot, don't get me wrong! But since combat mode was only a prototype, it isn't designed to be fully functional for all fighting styles, and that could be a bit of a problem." Beth looks at Courtney. "It's also not the cutest. You turned Sylvester's suit into a crop top. Why can't I?"
Rick leans forward, his eyes wide. "You want your suit to be a crop top?"
Yolanda covered her mouth with her hand to hide another undignified snort.
Beth raises an eyebrow at Rick with an amused smile. "No... I meant, why can't I make my suit my own?"
"Our own," James cuts in, a tad too proud. Bath pats his back. "Okay, dad. Our own."
"Well!" He urged her to pull the cover off what Rick now understands is a mannequin. "Go on!"
Beth bites her lip and bounces on her feet, then pulls the cover off with a flourish. "What do you think?"
Courtney and Yolanda both hop to their feet, hyping it up immediately.
"Woah!" Courtney says. "It looks badass!"
"Beth you're going to rock this, oh my gosh." Yolanda reaches out to touch one of the sleeves.
Cindy, slipping into the room fashionably late, stands at the door with a Starbucks in hand. "Huh," she says, tilting her head at the costume. "Not bad, Chapel."
Rick stays seated as the girls gush and Pat starts analyzing it aloud from his experience. He's not sure what he was expecting but this is far from the suit upgrade he had in mind. For one thing, it is isn't earth-toned and bulky anymore. The burgundy is gone from the jacket, replaced with a sleek yellow breast plate that goes up to the neck. The gloves are no longer suede tan, either, but the same new honey-mustard colour with zippers. The breast plate sits over a tunic, complementing the primary colour with black sleeves and legging type pants that are tucked into boots that end at the mid-calf. A thin stripped black belt criss-crosses over the hips with an emerald Dr. Mid-Nite crescent moon emblem in the middle, matching another jewel-toned brooch right where the suit ends at her neck. The green cape is brighter, silkier, repurposed to flair out around the waist like an outer skirt, hiding more pockets for the fanny pack Beth used to wear. But the most notable difference is the cowl. Or the lack of one. At the top of the mannequin stand sits the goggles around the eyes and an emerald head band with the option of a hood draped against the back.
Beth says, "I'm not sure about the belt. It might be a bit unnecessary, tough to get on and off, and I do really miss the burgundy, but maybe I'll just add that to the boots." She turns to Rick, who still hasn't said a word. All he can think about is how similar the suit looks like his cape, and then he can't help wondering what his cape would look like, trimmed short to match her costume.
He clears his throat when Yolanda nudges his shoulder, stammering out, "You designed this?"
"Why, is it tacky?" Beth and Courtney both look back at him, Beth biting her nail with concern.
"No! No, it looks great."
"Yeah, it's really...It suits you. Try it on."
Beth glances between Rick and her friends, a little put on the spot. "Right now?"
"I mean," Rick adds quickly, feeling embarrassed at the sudden attention everyone in the room is giving him, "You won't know how easy it is to get into until you do, right?"
Pat shoots him a thumbs up. "Great thinking, Rick. We won't know for sure of any potential design flaws until we see it in action."
Beth smiles, glancing at her dad to see if that's okay. James says sure, and then they are hauling the mannequin upstairs to Beth's room for her to get changed.
"Okay," Courtney announces to the room, like she's just witnessed the greatest project runway entry ever. "I totally see where Beth was coming from. Her other costume was old. This one is hot!"
"It's not as hot as mine," Cindy quips, taking another sip of her drink.
Yolanda sizes her up, a hand on her hip. "At least Beth's dad actually cares about her to make the suit and not use it as a murder graduation present."
"Hey, now." Pat steps between the two, ending any possibility of a cat fight.
"Beth always looked good," Rick argues. "Don't make it sound like she looked bad before."
"We're not saying that." Yolanda rolls her eyes. "We're just voicing that this one is clearly better."
Cindy is still staring Yolanda down when she says, "This was a bad idea. If you're all fine sitting here watching Hourman drool over Dr. Mid-Nite's couple costume design workshop, that's your prerogative. I have better things to do." She sets her travel cup down on the coffee table to leave. "Miss me or don't, I guess."
Rick's palms begin to prick with sweat. He wipes them against his pants hastily, adamant to clear the air. "What is she even talking about? All I said is that it suited her?"
Courtney laughs.
He frowns. It feels like she's laughing at him for some inside joke he doesn't get. "Court--"
"Okay!" Beth's voice floats from upstairs, quieting them all. "Now remember that the material is flimsy because it's not the real stuff yet!"
"Enough with the excuses, it's going to look good. Get your ass down here!" Yolanda calls up the stairs. James belly-laughs, and Rick cracks an excited smile, leaning forward in anticipation of the reveal.
She emerges at the front of the living room, a gloved hand against the doorway. "Did someone call the doctor?" She steps in, flashing a pose.
Courtney's jaw drops. "Shut up, it's perfect."
Beth twirls around and flexes her arms out, testing the elasticity of the sleeves.
"I have no notes," Yolanda agrees.
The hood is down and she's not wearing her goggles, just sporting the hairband. Her hair stands out, bold and beautiful, and it is as Rick makes the observation that he pin points what makes the suit so great. She's not camouflaged into the background. There's no way she'll be lost behind the white, blues and purples of the Wildcat, Stargirl and Hourman suits. Her shoulders roll back with a confidence as she moves around, and the verve of her hair brings life to Dr. Mid-Nite that the other costume confines, all emphasizing that she's never been a static role. The entire look oozes Beth's personality, and Rick can't stop smiling.
Yolanda snaps a few pictures on her phone so that Bridget and Barbara won't miss out.
"Is it comfortable? Can you sit in it?" Rick asks her, remembering what's important. "I really like it," he adds.
She nods, grinning. "The belt is fine. It needs to be adjusted a bit, but if we're in a pinch, I can ditch it."
"Or I can help!" he offers.
"Thanks." Beth appears genuinely touched. "That's sweet, Rick."
Yolanda and Courtney share another look.
Pat starts bringing up questions about the suit's supposed thermo controls and what other smart tech Beth's dad has planned as added features in the suit. Beth removes the breast plate, demonstrating how it works to protect her vital organs. "Mom thought it would be helpful in light of the Artemis arrow thing, or if I'm bending down helping someone medically so I'm protected from the back."
Rick takes it from her, inspecting it eagerly. "How does it come on and off so quick?"
"It's magnet tech," Beth supplies. Rick hands it back and Beth passes it along to an interested Courtney.
"This is some futuristic gladiator shit," she says, giving it a curious shake.
"Gladiator stuff."
"I think it's best to get it off before I accidentally rip something." Beth turns around in front of Rick. "Do you mind unzipping the back?"
Rick tugs on the zipper, it's jerky and requires him to press his hand against the small of her back so to not get the mouth of the zipper stuck in the fabric. "Sorry," he mutters as an unknown feeling rises to his chest. Once the task is done, he steps away and Beth rushes back upstairs. Her dad's phone rings, and he excuses himself out the door to take the call on the porch.
Pat says, "I think this was a real productive session."
The teens nod and he checks the clock. "Court, I'm going to head back home to start cooking dinner. Are you going to come with me or hitch a ride with Rick?"
"I can't. I'm staying here for dinner," Rick pipes up. He's pretty certain that there might be a suit fitting encore when Bridget gets home and he doesn't want to miss that.
Yolanda eyeballs him. "Courtney can walk with me, Pat."
"Alrighty." Pat salutes. "See you at home, Court."
"Cindy is right, you know." Courtney sidles up to Rick, sitting next to him on the couch. "You like her. We're talking suuu-per mega crush."
"You jumped at the chance at helping her get ready," Yolanda teases. "Scoring all the brownie points you can get."
"That's called being nice!"
"There's being nice and then there's the heart eyes motherfucker gif face." Courtney pulls it up on her phone, shaking her screen at him.
He pushes her arm out of his face. "I don't look like that."
But then Yolanda and Courtney are giving him twin Thor Ragnarok meme squinty eyes and he's suddenly seriously concerned.
"I looked like that?!"
Rick groans, falling back against the couch and burying his face with one of the throw pillows. "Whatever."
"There there." Courtney pats his knee. "It's not your fault that deep down you're a lover not a fighter." She cracks up before the ridiculous sentence is even out of her mouth. Rick wants to drive the Mustang into a ditch.
"It could be worse." Yolanda flips a braid over her shoulder. "You could be crushing on Cindy."
"You mean like Jakeem?"
"He's not over that?" Yolanda purses her lips. "Poor kid."
"I don't know..." Courtney says. "You don't think maybe one day when he's older, like, much, much older... She might give him a chance?"
"Not a chance in hell."
"Absolutely not."
"What are we talking about?" Beth asks, stepping into the room in her previous outfit.
Yolanda looks at Court who looks at Rick. He sits up, attempting to look somewhat normal. "Uh. Jakeem's crush on Cindy."
"Why? I thought that was old news."
They all look at Rick.
"Uh..." He stalls. "Just because."
"He finds it relatable," Courtney coughs under her breath, but thankfully Beth doesn't hear.
James walks in then, pocketing his phone and Rick pivots the conversation as smoothly as he can manage, "Mr. Chapel, don't you think Jakeem could use a costume too? All he has is a hoodie. That pen's going to get lost."
Her dad lights up. "Great idea, son. Bridget's getting pizza. Let's talk concepts at dinner, are you girls staying too?"
Yolanda hauls Courtney off the couch just before she says yes, saving Rick from her meddling and general messy.
"Sorry Mr. Chapel, we've got to head home right away."
"We do?" Courtney says as Yolanda drags her by the elbow. "But Pat said--"
"Bye, Rick! Awesome suit, Beth. Thanks Mr. C!"
Beth's dad waves at the girls with a chuckle. "You two get home safe now."
"We will!"
Beth turns to Rick after tossing Cindy's lipgloss stained cup into the trash. "Not so Frankenstein's monster after all, right?"
He blushes when his stomach flips at her pleased smile. "Not at all." And screw him, but Rick immediately thinks Beth would rock the costume for Frankenstein's bride.
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passionateseadruid · 1 month
Netflix Death Note Rewrite
I’m rewriting the 2017 Death Note Movie
This is the first in a series of Rewrites! Pretty much no one liked the Death Note Netflix Adaptation so I (an actual fan of the series) will try to rewrite the movie to actually make it compelling and competent.
First things first how long would this be? Ideally a mini series of 5-8 episodes maybe around 30 minutes each give or take. But let's say that we only have the original 1 hour and 40 minutes for a movie. Well we better make the most of it then.
We open up on an old abandoned church busted pews, broken windows, and a cracked alter. The whole place furnished with old rugs and tarps to cover up the decay of the furniture, thousand of candles everywhere, maybe a mural on the wall of a brunette positioned in a stance with his arms out spread, welcoming the people, yet judging them at the same time.
"Light" Turner (still known as Donn Turner) stands behind the alter talking about Kira.
"Thank you all for coming to honor our savior. Kira the great god of justice, the god of the new world. I notice we have some knew attendants." Donn motions to a couple. Everyone looks to them and Donn motions them up to the front where they complete a ritual, something maybe to do with candles and ending in eating an apple. 
After the ritual everyone leave except for a brunette girl named Mia. She comes up and kisses him on the lips, praising him and his sermon today.
The original relationship was very stale and didn't have much weight put onto it. It was also very toxic and the two characters didn't have much in common. By making "Light" the leader of this cult and Mia his pre-established girlfriend in said cult it tells us a few things about these characters already.
A. "Light" is very manipulative, and charismatic, while still being the toxic bitch he was to Misa in the anime. B. Mia, much like Misa is very loyal, but she's actually less interested in "Light" and is devoted heart, body, mind, and soul to Kira (You'll get to see more of that later but essentially Mia is a flip of Misa. Misa was first devoted to the idea of Kira and then her devotion turned into an obsession with Light. Mia will be the opposite but right now that's a further plot-point). And C. This takes place after either the Anime or the Manga (though I'm leaning more towards the Mange because the epilogue of that had the set up to this, where there were Kira Cults.)
The next scene Donn and Mia enter Lights home and his dad is there preparing takeout.
"Donny! Oh Hello Mia."
"Hello Mr. Turner."
"Do you want to stay for Dinner? Donn made the Honor role again and got a 100% on his recent science project. I ordered his favorite food as a reward! We've got a lot to celebrate!"
"No thanks Mr. T. I should bet home. My step monsters will kill me if I'm out past my curfew."
"Okay, see you at school tomorrow." Donn smiles and strokes her head. He kisses her forehead and she kisses his cheek. 
"Bye love!" she smiles and walks out.
"Love huh? That's a bit soon considering your both still in school."
"No no! It's fine she's a nice girl. I just don't want you to do something you'll regret,"
"I'm fine! I'll be in my room." He grabs a plate scoops some food onto it and takes it to his room.
"Wait I caught the Grim Angel today! Don't you want to hear about that? Donn? Can You at least take out the trash?"
"I will!" He slams the door. He then scarfs down the food and throws some garbage into the trash including a bag of potato chips. Then he goes to empty the trash. Once outside he throws the trash in the garbage can it starts to rain as a book drops right on Donn's head. "What the hell?" He picks it up and brings it into the house.
He goes up to his room and locks the door. "The human whose name is written in this note shall die. This will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected. If the cause of death is written within the next 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack. After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds. No way, is this how Kira killed all those people?"
"Yes actually." Donn falls off his chair with a scream. Before him stands a big monster, 8 feet tall and looking like a demon. He had no eyes, and black fungus all over his body. His body itself was a ghostly pale and he had red flame like horns popping out the side of his head crackling and moving in a none existent wind. "Calm down! You have a father downstairs don't you. I'm sure he'll be worried if you start screaming."
"How do you know that? What are you?"
"My my. I thought a fan of our savior Kira would know a lot more about Shinigami."
"Kira? You're a Shinigami?"
"Yes... I go by Justice now."
"What does that mean?"
"I was human once. I was the most devout follower of Kira when we were alive."
"Teru Mikami."
"I cannot say. It is one of the rules."
"So why are you here?"
"I'm here to finish my work. I want you to kill off the remaining criminals."
"Why can't you do that yourself?"
"After the incident there was another rule in place to limit how many humans we can kill a year to just ten."
"Did you choose me? Is that how you know about my family?"
"Yes. I want you to become Light Yagami reincarnated, and for your precious little girlfriend to be the new Misa Amane."
The Shinigami "Justice" would then go on to push light into his first kill. He snuck into his dad's room and pilfered his brief case for the name of the Grim Angel. Damon Cher. Donn pushes him to escape custody steal a bike and ride onto the freeway.
"No one else should get hurt right? That's what it says on one of the rule pages."
About an hour later Mia sends him the news story via text that is identical to what he'd written down in the book.
"I'm a murderer."
"I thought that you were Kira's fan. Don't you want purge the world?"
"No! I just-"
"Lightling... if you don't do this I'll kill you and your girlfriend."
"Why me?"
"You're perfect."
Okay that was a lot but it's all very important. Thing is... this is a sequel to the original death note and some of the themes I want to address are imposter syndrome and how you can't live in someone else's shadow. Spoiler alert but both "Light" and "L" are living in their successors shadows trying to live up to the expectation's of someone else. 
I also needed to give a reason why Light/Misa/Mikami wouldn't just rid the world of criminals once they became Shinigami. While I could just wipe their memories that wouldn't really explain why a Shinigami would come to earth other than pulling a Riuk and just having them be bored.
(also yes I know Misa didn't really care about being Kira but she may still want to be with Light in the afterlife.)
The rest of that night "Light" killed ten criminals; and the next day he confided in Mia.
"So Justice here is your Shinigami."
"And you and me have been chosen as the new Kira's."
"Give me the book."
"What? Why?"
"Light sweetie, the book." she holds her hand out.
"Fine. But don't be stupid okay."
"Oh and by the way, heart attacks are so cliche. People are already catching on." She whispers and leaves him taking the book with her.
I know people didn't like Mia being the assertive one but she doesn't fit the role of Misa either. This whole movie was flawed to begin with and through these changes you get a story about three people with a mountain of expectations thrust upon them. They aren't Light, Misa, and L. That's the point. If you want these three you should watch the Anime.  ~~~~
A week goes by and the two have already filled ten pages through an assortment of different methods of death.
"According to recent chat logs the general populous think Neo Kira based in New York though a popular theory is that they're based out of Greenland. Okay hand me the book I'll start to focus there. draw their attention their."
"No. If we start to bring attention towards one area in particular it'll let people know that we're onto them."
"What does your dad think?"
"My dad thinks Kira is nuts. He and two other officers are apparently trying to catch Kira."
It's then we cut to James (Light's dad) as he enters his office and sees that it's been trashed. James sighs. "Arata!" A younger man appears. 
"They got you too, huh sir?"
"Chief Turner! There's a visitor here to see you! He says he has information on the Neo Kira case." Another man comes over to see James.
"Thank you Philip, bring him in."
Philip goes and returns with an older man dressed in a trench coat and a fedora. He holds up a silver laptop and a fancy white L on a black screen appears. 
"Chief turner! My name is L." A distorted voice cheers. "I'm here to offer my assistance."
"Why are you coming to me?"
"Because you're the only one who believes that Kira is back as well as being brazen and open that he is evil."
"What would we need to do?"
You guys may wonder why I added two original characters. Arata is supposed to be a Matsuda stand in and Philip is just supposed to fill out the rest of the motif I'm working with. Chess pieces.
Light and L are the kings because they are both cowards that are spurred to make moves.
Mia and Watari are the "Queens" because they actually do physical stuff but have very little say in what actually goes on.
Arata is the Rook because I thought "Oh Rook. He's new he's the Rookie. Funny"
The name James has connections to the bible and God according to google. So Bishop because they also have connections to the bible and God.
And Philip means horse lover. That feels self explanatory.
We cut back to Mia and Light chilling at home. They are watching the news when an emergency broadcast interrupts them. Several reporters are heard in the background.
"I'm sure you're all wondering who I am. My name is Landon Chef and I have been working with L on this investigation. It is in his expert opinion that these deaths are all coincidental. Kira is not back." The news report can be heard in the background as Mia and Light fight.
"Oh hell no!" She screams. She shoots up from the couch and grabs the notebook.
"Mia what are you doing?!" Light grabs the book.
"He's making a fool of us, Light. He's making a fool of Kira!"
"Don't be stupid! This is what they want!"
"Who care! Let's give them what they want!"
"Mia don't be stupid."
"No Light! We have to do this! For Kira! Kira is our god! He's my life, Light."
"Fine. Give me the book, I'll do it."
"I'm more than capable-"
"Give me the book! You want a new god of justice you'll get one! Now give. Me. The. Book."
She hands it over and he jots down the mans name.
Over in the police department the three men working with L look on in horror as their stand in dies. "I told you that they were in Seattle." L said over the computer.
Over the next few weeks the new Kiras continue to murder. The audience is greeted by a montage of the two killing people. Light writing down names and Mia doing the resaerch. We also see them back at their cult. Light starts to use his new name and Mia dies her hair blond. 
Then back at the police department we see that the three men are preparing to meet L face to face. 
"Hello Gentlemen. Please call me L. I'd prefer if we all used code names. After all we don't know what Kira is really capable of."
"Ehem." Watari clears his throat. "Don't give them to much lee way L."
"Sorry Watari."
"I'll be Rook. That's what most people call me anyways."
"Call me Kelpie."
"Chief." James said
"You can continue to call us L and Watari Respectively." L smiles.
"You probably want more sweets, don't you L?" Watari smiles but it's very clearly fake.
"No I'm..." Watari glares at L.
"...you know what? Sure."
This seems a bit weird so but it would come up later in the story. I'm just going through a rough draft with some scenes to flesh out the story a bit. So basically this L is the fourth real L. This Watari was the third real L and was the successor to Near who died young. This Watari is very obsessed with the original L. So much so that he makes this new L dress like him (styling his clothes like how Near described him) and keeps him on the sweet heavy diet.
After they meet L closes in on Mia and sends Watari to get information on her.
"And what's the purpose of that?" Philip questioned.
"Perry Ethan was found hanging from a tree with lacerations on his thighs and wrists. He didn't have a criminal record so I traced him back to where he lived and found out he's the step father of Mia Sutton. That’s actually how I found out where to trace the murders to.”
“You can’t go after Mia!” James protested.
“And why is that?” L asked
“Because she’s a good kid. She’s kind and caring and she’s kept my son out of trouble!”
“I’m sorry chief turner but Mia is our best bet at finding Neo Kira. If not her then someone close to her.”
“Does that mean my son’s going to be investigated.”
“If need be then yes. What would Watari say? Ah yes, he’s got a 42% chance of being connected to the murders.”
“I’m not going to sit by and watch as you accuse my son!”
“Then help us find Kira. If you believe that your son is innocent help us find other suspects.”
“…what would you have me do?”
“I need you to pull every file you have on the computer and put it on hard copy. The first Kira was the son of the police chief and he accessed classified documents through his father’s computer.”
“Right! You told us that a decade ago.” Arata said.
Yeah so basically this Watari exposed Kiras’ identities and while most people were dissuaded from worshipping Kira. But as we know there were still small groups of people.
Mia is in custody and light comes to save her but she’s is just in holding and they haven’t officially arrested her. They have 48 hours to find evidence and arrest her or else she will be let go.
During this time Light and L finally meet. The next few scenes would be a cat and mouse chase. I’m kinda stupid and bad at writing that kinda stuff, so we’re going to skip that.
Later on they choose to charge Mia and Light makes the very smart decision to mind control a criminal to walk into the police station and say that he (the criminal) is Kira and then control him to not speak for his stay at the police station. Eventually dying of a heart attack when he is let go. 
L is still convinced that Mia had something to do with it so she remains in custody.
Light starts to panic as Justice implores him to write down someone in the police station. He chooses the clerk who writes in his own blood that he is Kira reincarnated and that Mia is a stupid mortal woman who had nothing to do with the murders.
Despite this L (with the help of Watari) convinces everyone that the Perry Ethan incident still links Mia to the case.
Eventually Light starts to kill people on the other side of the world and they have to let Mia go.
some stuff happens and Light and Mia argue that what both of them did was stupid and Light storms off in a fit of rage.
I’m just going to cut to the end.
In a fit of rage Light makes several criminals challenge L. Him and L meet and Light asks Justice for the Shinigami eyes. He writes down L’s name as L tackles him and quickly writes down his and Mia’s names too.
Everyone mourns. Everyone moves on and there’s no need for a shitty sequel.
Okay finally thoughts, I know that it’s not perfect but I really have no idea what to do with this.
I would like to expand the concepts I have about L and Light living in each of their predecessors shadows and how Light both relishes the attention and fame and power but cracks under the pressure, and L trying his best and failing over and over and how he’s in over his head, then ultimately winning in the end with the killings finally stopping. This was his justice to claim, Lionel Morgan’s view of justice.
It’s bad but I wanted to preserve and expand upon interesting concepts that I don’t think were fully explored by the writers. The shinigami pushing light. Him and Mia having a messed up romance. L being emotional over the lives he’s loosing. Light looking for power but not wanting to be a full on serial killer.
Anyway constructive criticism and questions welcome in the comments section. I’m a humble Druid who enjoys the mysteries the sea has to hold and instead of saying goodbye I’ll just wave. (Get it?) 👋
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goblisslive · 1 year
Understand the basics of nutrition and how it affects your body
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
Sooo I have thoughts on what Idaho's state spirit would be, and would like to share them.
Idaho has tiny population, and so his spirit would be weaker. I was thinking along the same lines as Minnesota's with the water, but make it fresh water fishing related. Specifically, trout related because there is so much trout here. I was thinking maybe have the scales be on his skin? Or fishing wire that criss crosses across it like a low-budget spiderman costume.
There's also the idea that he should have the spud eyes that grow off of him. But also maybe not, because it would look like he has some sort of deranged fungal infection.
Sorry for the long wait, I’ve been pretty busy so I couldn’t really focus on posting. But now that I’ve got some free time, I’m gonna start going through my request backlog!
Anyways, thanks for sharing your ideas! Even though spud eyes would be pretty fitting and it would be good if I wanted to lean into body horror, I’m gonna go for your trout scales idea for aesthetic reasons.
While I’m here, I may as well give my HCs for Idaho.
Idaho Headcanons
Idaho’s State Spirit form is salmon-colored scales on his face as well as Rainbow Trout fins on the sides of his head (like how some people draw mermaids). The fins react to his emotions like ears.
If Idaho’s Spirit gets stronger, more scales and fins will appear on his body. He’ll start looking kind of like the Gill-man from Creature from the Black Lagoon with way more people, but with rainbow trout traits rather than non-descript aquatic features. Idaho will still keep a lot of humanoid features like his face and overall anatomical structure, though.
He’s pretty good at swimming, and he prefers swimming in freshwater lakes rather than the salty oceans. Saltwater dries out his skin when he swims in it for too long.
Basically already mastered using the versatility of potato in cooking. Potato noodles, potato broth, potato bread, potato meat-substitutes, name a food and he’s probably made it with potatoes before. Vodka? He’s made it. If he hasn’t made it before, you better believe he’s going to.
The house will never run out of potatoes to use, which is good since a lot of the states use potatoes in their cooking. There will always be a fresh basket in the kitchen, and if that runs out in a day, Idaho will just go and get more. 
He has a rock collection featuring many of the unique and special stones from his state. Some of these rocks include a star garnet, Bruneau jasper, and a pinfire opal.
Idaho was the first state Montana formed a real connection with. With their status as neighbors and a common interest in rocks, they get along pretty well.
They’ll go rockhounding together, and while Idaho is knowledgeable about rockhounding itself, Montana knows a lot more about the science behind the stones. The two of them will find cool rocks and admire them while Montana info-dumps about the aspects Idaho doesn’t know.
Personifications often know fairly random skills, and Idaho is no different. He’s pretty good at high jump, as the revolutionary Fosbury Flop technique originated in Ketchum, Idaho. 
Idaho has a mark on his body that aligns with the Snake River, which is the river that carved out Hells Canyon, the deepest river gorge in North America. 
It is deeper than the Grand Canyon, which made Idaho’s mark darker than the one Arizona has for the Colorado River.
He and his governor are constantly at odds with each other, as seen in Table News: Governor’s Day Out. Though, it’s more like Idaho enjoys toying with him than an equal exchange, and he’s been like this for most of his governors. He doesn’t really remember why he started doing this, but Idaho just finds it amusing.
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Hi! I would like to ask for a romantic match-up if you don't mind and whenever you have time~ This is my first time doing this, so I am not sure how to do it properly. Thank you very much in advance!
My name is Dione, and I go by her/she pronouns. I am an undergraduate student of Political Science, a consistent academic achiever, and I plan to become a public attorney in the future. My zodiac sign is Libra with Virgo moon.
I am 4′ 11″ in height, petite in body type, and I wear rose gold eyeglasses and braces. I like dressing myself up, especially with a barrette, bowknot hair clip, heels, or jewelry, because it makes me feel more confident and good about myself. I have soft features and feminine energy. 
Although I am reserved and careful around unfamiliar crowds and new people, I will become perky and playful if I vibe with them almost instantly. I usually connect with individuals who are far smarter or better than me in any area because I enjoy learning new and more things from them as long as it is within my range of interests. However, after socialization, I need dedicated alone time to recharge my energy.
I am an ambitious but not competitive, open-minded, patient, well-behaved, tolerant, flexible, and imaginative person. I have a weird and dark sense of humor. I like teasing and being brutally honest with people I am close with, but I will immediately stop once I notice they are uncomfortable and not all right with it. I often take leadership roles but do not mind if others lead instead of me as long as they are competent and reliable. I always know what I want but tend to think twice before committing and pursuing it.
Regarding my flaws, I have intellectual insecurity and imposter syndrome. I get tensed, skittish, and stressed easily. I like knowing and being included in almost everything, so I would not feel out of place. I am also a crybaby, a bit overthinker, and sensitive but only if it is related to the people or things I care about. I am quite easy to get along with, but I usually go MIA and tend to keep others at a distance (which is why it is difficult for me to maintain friendships). I am a procrastinator, but I can still manage to finish tasks on time.
I like fluffy stuffed toys, warm blankets, reading books, comics, and print cartoons, peaceful and cozy environment, docile cats, hugs and cuddles only to people I like or am familiar with, listening to music, staying at home, sweets, and potatoes. I enjoy playing games and watching others' game streams, seeing people being put in their places, and occasional and well-planned trips.
On the other hand, I dislike people who talk behind my back, violate my boundaries and personal space, and are irresponsible, overconfident, entitled, nosy, tardy, and reckless. I do not like rainy and overly sunny days, extremely hot and cold environments, dirty things, darkness, scary and horror genres, mathematics, awkward and uncomfortable situations, and physically exhausting activities.
I am straight~ My love languages are words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, and receiving gifts. I prefer a private but not secret relationship. I do not like casual dating and playing games, such as mind games, mixed messages, hot and cold treatment, playing hard to get, breadcrumbing, provoking jealousy, submarining, manipulation, and love-bombing, because I am a serious person, especially in this matter. I want depth, growth, stability, consistency, certainty, security, and devotion in a relationship (which is why I still do not have a real-life boyfriend since birth 😭).
Have a nice day! 🌷💕—Submission
I match you with...
Your idea of a relationship is something that is clear-cut. That means that you want something where there is no doubt in your mind about the way the other person feels. you want to know in your heart truly that they care about you and that there isn't a shadow of a doubt about it. There's nothing wrong with that, it can just be hard to find a relationship like that right off the bat. It takes a lot of hard work to be able to have that kind of trust with someone.
If somebody doesn't share that value with you, it can make it harder. It's why you need someone who shares your values, much like Jumin. His idea of a relationship is something that is personal. It's not in the public eye, even if people understand you're in a relationship. The details and everything that matters are only for you and your partner. Why share anything when it's only your business? Nobody needs to know the inner workings of your relationship. You only need to know where you stand with your partner.
Your love languages align. You value communication and gentle sincerity. He tells you what he means without blinking. You tell him what you feel without guessing. It makes for a healthy relationship in the end. You don't have to think that hard about it. He showers you with gifts that he knows you'll love, and you give him what he wants, a partner who listens and values his voice; Not the voice of his company, nor the voice that people expect him to have, but his actual voice.
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kochlandhomestead · 2 years
Wow did September really just fly by like that? Feels like just 2 weeks ago I was doing this for August but heres my self accountability post for the end of the 9th month of 2022
Lets start with the ol resale business. Historical Days was a big success. I got rid of a lot of my old stock from the shed and made a nice profit on the weekend. Really wish I could get to more festivals and markets. That was a goal for this year that I am failing at. eBay had gone cold since the first week of September but I had 3 sales this week. With 4th quarter starting now hopefully it will be getting even better. I learned a lot last week at eBay open, lets see if I can transform that into sales. I also am looking into a booth at a local flea market that is open on Fridays. Possibly going to open there in November. Its a risk and a big step but it just may be time.
Classes started Monday in my Ag science and organic growing classes. Its been a challenge this week but I feel im back in the flow. I even got my first week assignment done early, y'all know thats a big one for me.
Things around the Homestead are winding down into what I refer to as hibernation time. The garden is ready to be put to bed, hopefully I get to that nexg week. Pears and apples need picked. Gotta dig potatoes yet and see how that harvest is. Lots of little things but its about over.
I didn't have a single Wrestling show this month. We did do our company picnic last Saturday but besides that nothing. The quiet is killing me. October has a couple but November is really bare. Gotta do something about this.
My TV back log has gotten worse. Im weeks behind on Wrestling. Its really ridiculous lol. I haven't watched any of She-Hulk or House Of Dragons. Seems everyday I add on another episode or 5 of the network shows that I try to catch as much of as possible like FBI or Law & Order. I haven't even seen the new Thor yet. I am caught up on Andor of course and am still working through my rewatch of Fear the walking dead. For someone that completely cut the cord this list is nuts!
Speaking of cutting the cord lets discuss my "off grid" life as it is. So many projects and ideas I had for the summer went unstarted. I really had hoped to have a little wood stove set up but not even close. I did get a bucket washing machine built for hand washing and of course my water collection system grew nicely. But still im way behind even though im far better than I was last year at this time.
My health has been good and ive really been doing well at eating. Im near my calorie goal almost everyday. Cooler weather really helps as does less time spent working outside. Now to finally start regular workouts again.
With just a month to go its time to start really planning and working on the upcoming holiday season here and at the Santa House. All while trying to enjoy spooky season too. Its a juggling act sometimes.
The personal life thing is pretty much as wacky as always. Mom and Dad have both been doing good. Dad has a bum shoulder but he says it is feeling a little better. Tyler has been coming around a little bit more now that he has Whiskey to take out. She sure is a cutie and becoming a good pal of mine. I been thinking again about a new cat or dog. Maybe near Christmas? My special person and myself have had a difficult time of getting together. Always seems to be something come up. Its hard with busy lives and a bit of a distance between us. We have plans for next Saturday so hopefully.... It was great to hang out with the Wrestling family last week, tomorrow I get more of that plus the Town Meeting crew. Having a small social life is sad at times but it makes me enjoy it more when it happens. A goal for 2023 is more interaction with friends and family and less alone time!
I think thats enough for tonights book. If you made it through thanks for reading. These things are always kinda hard for me to do but I really feel that they along with you who do read help me keep myself in check.
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oldguy56-world · 2 years
Fried Green Tomatoes
First let's get this out of the way. Congratulations to me for spelling the plural of tomato correctly. Only other word spelled wrong as often would be the plural of potato. Just ask a former Vice President.
Okay, that is out of the way. Have you noticed that people are getting bigger these days? Not just taller but wider as well. There are a number of theories around this.
All the growth hormones in chicken and beef these days. I would buy that except I see large Vegans as well. Are they doing something to the wheat also?
Aliens are zapping us with gamma rays to fatten us up for their harvest. I don't like this one. I watched 'To Serve Man' on the Twilight Zone. Scary stuff.
People fry everything these days. This is the one I will go with based on what I see on TV.
There are a lot of things being fried that boggle the mind. I understand bacon. (a moment while I drool thinking about bacon). Potatoes. (there's that word. Bonus points for me), eggs and a host of other delicious foods. I am not talking about these. I am talking about things I do not understand. (I know, I always do)
Fried ice cream. There is some voodoo involved here. How does it not melt the second you drop it into whatever oil is sizzling. Ice cream is perfect as is. Leave it that way and stop messing with science.
Deep fried turkey. I have actually had this and it is delicious but what is missing is the day long aroma while it is in the oven. Also I would reach in and tear off a piece of skin just before it was done. Can't do that now and retain all of the skin on my hands.
Fried pickles. I like a good pickle. (Hey now you know what I mean) it is a good buffer food between veggies and meat. (don't ask) Frying it seems so unnecessary. Does that nice juice inside disappear. I don't want to take that chance.
Fried tofu. Isn't the idea behind tofu it is healthy for you? By frying it you are going against nature. The paradox could bring about the destruction of mankind.
Deep fried mac and cheese. When do adults eat mac and cheese? When they are half in the bag. Why? Because it is idiot proof. This is the wrong time to be playing with hot oil as well. You are tempting fate. (unless you want to meet some nice firemen, firewomen, you know what I mean)
Fried cheese. I am guessing this is delicious. Why have I not tried it? I might as well just swallow a hand grenade. I know I would get hooked and the rest is just a matter of time.
Eating healthy is good for me. Eating healthy is good for me. Eating healthy is good for me. I heard that if you repeat something three times you believe it. Turns out that is not true.
THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: The best things in life are not always the best things for life.
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rocketsagan-blog · 5 months
The Innkeeper Chronicles, by Ilona Andrews - A Review
or, the literary equivalent of my new favorite brand of potato chips, thank youuuuu!
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NO SPOILERS - I finished the first installment of this series over the holidays, and I'm about halfway through number two, Sweep in Peace, when I just had to pause and announce -
There is nothing wrong with being just flipping fun - but I wanted to use this as a parable that fun can be found behind deceiving displays. From my inclinations, the covers are boring, and the series titles are just too... bleh?? and not even really punny? NOTHING about the presentation of this book or the series really tickled my interests. The only thing that dragged me in and got me reading was the positive reviews on Hoopla - the number of consistent five stars was rather powerful for a library app where people will dump on literary classics for no reason. If you ever want to stare into the face of madness, look up your favorite haute-contour novel on any library app and weep at the number of dump reviews a perfectly good book will get.
When book one, sentence one, started with a dead dog, I nearly returned the loan right then. It wasn't gruesome, and it was over quickly and handled well, I'm just the kind of sensitive lil-gremlin-person who gets sad at the idea of a fictional creature being dead. BUT SO MANY GOOD REVIEWS! SOMETHING MUST BE HERE. I WILL KEEP ON! (and also, I only get so many loans on Hoopla - I wasn't going to give up until I was thoroughly sure this book wasn't working for me.)
So I kept reading. And reading. And then the book's hook set into my little brain, and I couldn't really stop. And then I needed to wait until the next month for my loans to refresh so I could get the next book in the series.
The way the world building works here just got me. The combo of fantasy and weird-science had me puzzling and imagining what lay just off the page, one of my favorite world-building things of all time. I kept going back to my partner to tell them little tidbits of what was happening until I was banned from rambling about the book because I was just spoiling the whole thing at a certain point, hahaha.
Now, to be clear, this book is light and fun - it has certain things that stick out which kind of showcase the playfulness and 'read in bed whilst swilling wine' about the story:
Does the book have a tall-hot-boy problem? Is every dude at least six feet tall, 'corded in muscle', and mysterious? Yes.
But also, there's an old rich lady with evil-sass, and I can read all her lines out loud in my most waspy-rich-lady voice, and it brings me cackling joy.
Is every room just a liiiiiitle bit over-described, even if we may never see that room again, or the details won't really matter if we do go back? Yes.
But also, the book is set in Texas, and the authors (Ilona Andrews is a penname for a couple that writes together) CLEARLY have been to Texas and care about its plants and environs, which feels so genuine and nice to an Texas ex-pat like me.
So - in essence, this is the literary equivalent of potato chips to me, and dang it, I like indulging in some good chips sometime. This is like the perfectly spiced chip to me, one I can pour into a bowl and enjoy while hanging out with my partner, chuckling at random times, as we watch a little silly video together.
If these books are at your library, go get in this! Maybe this series is just a me-thing, but the positive reviews seems like this isn't a one-person catnip thing.
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