#i have a problem when it comes to adoptables
yandereend · 17 hours
Yandere husband headcanons
TW: yandere stuff, harassment, age gap, bad things I guess
💜Please keep in mind that English is not my native language💜
Yandere husband who is in his late twenties when he met you and falls head over heels for you
Yandere husband comes from a wealthy background working as a CEO in his fathers company, yep it’s not his money but he acts like it
Yandere husband is a complete nepo baby, he didn’t even work until he was 25 years old
Yandere husband who was extremely happy when he spotted you as a new intern at „his“ company
Yandere husband who always made remarks about you, wanting you at his department all the time
Yandere husband who forced you to sit on his lap while he works, saying that’s your new job
Yandere husband always saw how his father treated his mother, and thought badly of „poor“ people overall saying you need him and starting gaslighting you
Yandere husband who forced you to be his partner and showed you off to all his friends
Yandere husband who fires you from the company, forces your landlord to quit your contract and makes himself out to be your savior in your darkest times
Yandere husband who proposes to you after you moved in with him leaving you in a vulnerable situation
Yandere husband who makes your wedding the biggest event hes ever thrown
Yandere husband who loves belittling you infront of everyone, praising your looks and making fun of your intelligence
Yandere husband, who as much as he belittles you, does love you for your mind, soul and personality in the end (he had enough pretty people in the past who were only objects for him)
Yandere husband who doesn’t care for your age gap, he secretly enjoys being the older one
Yandere husband who doesn’t have a problem with giving you addicting drugs if it makes you submissive, as long as your health allows it
Yandere husband who always makes sure you look put together and pretty, no matter what your mental state is
Yandere husband who brings a child into the relationship either through babytrapping you or adoption
Yandere husband who wants you under him all the time in bed, being a dom in the relationship btw
Yandere husband who loves you more than anything and just wants his pretty, young and sweet darling save in his grasp
💜Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it, feel free to leave asks 💜
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Since the post about gusion babysitting I've been thinking, do you think the nobles that raised the kings miss have a kid about? Like imagine Mc is playing with some of the remaining demon kids and we accidentally give the nobles baby fever (especially gusion, I feel like he'd secretly have a big soft spot for kids)
Whb nobles getting baby-fever
Paimon loved taking care of Satan when he was just a little boy and not the king of Gehenna. He kind of misses the feeling of raising a child, and the war prevents him from adopting. He spends a lot of time in the orphanage playing with the kids, but there's only so much you can do when there's a war outside. He would take you to the orphanage with him. Even though the children are too young to remember Solomon, they still have heard about the great sorcerer so they'll be very happy to meet his child. When you start getting along with the younglings, Paimon can't help but daydream of a future where the two of you run after a little devil of your own.
Even though Buer moved from his previous region, he still has fond memories of taking care of Mammon, even if he was a sickly child. Paradise Lost doesn't have children native to it, the closest thing being Gamigin, but he's too old to be considered a child in the traditional sense. In his case, you would be playing with some new born puppies and helping Buer nurse them. He appreciates your caring nature and the patience you show towards the little creatures... it even makes him think about possibly having a child with you. Once the war ends and the demand for healers lessens, he'll make sure to ask you if you're willing to co-parent alongside him a new generation of healers.
Since Bael knows the type of country he rules over, he tries to stay vigilent and make sure that the children of Abysos don't overdose on something fishy. They already have a population problem, the last thing they need is for the few children left to die from his own ignorance. When he sees you playing with some of the younger devils, his heart can't help but melt. He was blessed to meet you and he'll try his hardest to show you that in the limited amount of time he can spend with you. Bael will hug you from behind and put his head on your sholder before whispering softly in your ear. "I can't wait for the two of us to have a kid as well. You'd make for such a great parent."
Phenix is constantly in the baby making mood. His proximity to Asmodeus for all these years have insured that all rationality leaves his brain and he can only thing of sex and violence. But that's kind of the norm in Abaddon, and Phenix is loyal to his king so gets to babysit the newest prince of hell - Dantalian. Even though Dantalian is an adult now, he's still young in the eyes of many. If Phenix were to see you acting motherly to the prince, he'd cum on the spot. He's come closer to you and hump your thigh while blabbering about how good of a parent you'd be and how he wants to breed you. Maybe Dantalian will be nice enough to teleport you to a private room, maybe he'll just take this oportunity to sneak off to Heaven, maybe he'll join in. The point is, you're not leaving until you're fucked silly by Phenix.
Gusion is still a teacher as a part time job. He kills angels, he does the paperwork that Belphegor's supposed to be doing and he teaches the multiplication table to toddlers. The quickest way to give this man a boner is to be a teacher. He likes to think of himself as rational, so clearly he's not having 'baby fever' he's just found the perfect mate. You're beautiful, have great genetics, are good with children and you're smart enough to understand a subject and than teach it to someone else. He's going to send you a very long letter that boils down to "let me smash, babygirl". At least that's what Bathin told you it was, Gusion's handwriting is shit so you need a translator most of the time.
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angelsdean · 1 day
Reading the script from 13x02 and it opens with Dean, Sam, and Jack in the Impala driving through the night and eventually stopping at a motel where Donatello catches up to them and reveals that yesterday he was "knocked off [his] feet by this weird wave of power" which was Jack's birth. We know Jack was born at night/early morning, and it's night/early morning again, which means it's literally been a mere 24 hrs at most since Cas died, and the drive that this episode opens with, yeah they're literally just leaving from burning Cas's body. Dean not being immediately warm and fuzzy toward Jack is so understandable, especially since they literally do not know anything about him, other than he's an incredibly powerful supernatural being that they spent all last season trying to stop from existing because of the potential threat his existence could cause on the world.
And the way s12 ends, Jack was positioned to be the next Big Bad from that cliffhanger.
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(12x23 script)
Dean also believes Jack brainwashed Cas to get him on-side. He has no reason to trust Jack. And Sam is only really thinking about what Jack can do for him, aka get Mary back. So Sam immediately starts playing nice to get Jack on-side and willing to work with them. Sam also inserts himself into the situation, trying to force Dean and Jack to bond, and this happens again in 13x04 and both Dean and Jack express that they need time.
Dean might be harsh toward Jack and not have a Nice Tone when speaking to him in these early episodes, but he's being brutally honest about his feelings, instead of lying and pretending like Sam. Which Jack values Dean's honesty and is hurt by Sam's dishonesty when it comes to light.
The scripts also make a point to highlight how Jack is not a kid, he's in his twenties. And uses words like "demi-god" in later episodes to distinguish his status as an ultra-powerful supernatural being. Jack is naive and new to the world, sure, but he's not helpless and certainly not powerless. If we want to talk power imbalances than the true imbalance is not Mean Adult Dean not instantly loving Poor Baby Jack and it's not Mean Adult Dean shooting a gun at Literal Newborn Jack. This is a supernatural fantasy show, not a family drama. The genre is important. The true power imbalance here is mortal human man with zero powers vs supernatural being with immense powers. And moreso, a supernatural being with uncontrollable immense powers. They don't know what he could do! They have no way of stopping him if he decides to "go darkside" and just end the world! That's scary. And Sam even explains this to Jack, saying that Dean is scared of what Jack could do and it's their job to protect people, and that they may have to protect others "from you" (Jack). This scene is also another moment where Sam tries to convince Jack that he just needs to work on his powers and train to control them (and also so Sam can use Jack to get Mary back, his top priority).
Anyway, point is, Dean isn't wrong to be skeptical of Jack and on guard and keep him at a distance in those early days, and that's not even accounting for all the grief. It's literally been less than a day since Cas died and they lost Mary (and Crowley). He just burned Cas's body. So him talking about dealing with "the problem" and not immediately adopting Jack into the fold is a pretty normal response, given the context of everything.
I think often people also take the "widowers arc" John parallels too seriously. It's an interesting parallel but it's far from being a 1:1, the context are completely different. Yes, Dean just lost his love. Yes, Dean is now left with a "kid" in the wake of Cas's death. But Dean never claimed Jack as his own. Jack saying Cas is his "father" could be another manipulation tactic to ensure his survival for all Dean knows. Cas isn't there anymore to vouch for Jack, and even when he was there Dean was rightfully skeptical about Cas's sudden change of heart. A change of heart that suddenly had Cas believing in the possibility of "paradise" and "peace on earth" and fulfilling "destiny", all things that go against the core beliefs of Team Free Will who have been fighting for Freedom over Peace. So Dean has no connection to Jack and he doesn't trust Jack's alleged connection to Cas at this moment. He doesn't know Cas will come back. Cas's death felt permanent to Dean. He saw Cas's grace go out, saw his wings burn. He burned Cas's body. He prayed to Chuck and got no answer. There's no coming back in Dean's mind and he's dealing with all that intense grief while also having to contend with the potential threat of this supernatural being that has come into their lives and is literally a stranger to him.
Also Dean's "anger" and harshness, like I've said, is in part because he doesn't trust Jack and is putting up walls because he doesn't want to trust him and then get burned. Dean's always putting his heart into things, he always ends up caring, he can't help it. So in this case he's guarding his heart, he's leaning into his skepticism and suspicions. He's staying on the defensive. But also, anger is a normal and natural step in the grieving process. Yeah, Dean's immense grief over losing Cas, Mary, and even Crowley is not pretty. It's real though. And it's not an over-reaction. I think Dean is reacting the appropriate amount considering all they've lost. Sam under-reacting and dissociating and clinging to the hope of getting Mary back isn't the "baseline normal" emotional reaction. Sam is not coping well either. He's not coping at all, actually, and is instead refusing to really acknowledge these losses.
Anyway, I find many comparisons to John re: widower's arc leaving me cold these days, because they often disregard how completely different the contexts of the two situations are, and instead try to force-fit Dean and Jack into a John and his kids mold. Dean isn't becoming "the angry man of the house." He's grieving and he's skeptical of a near-stranger's intentions. Another way in which Dean and John differ greatly in their responses to grief is: John becomes consumed by revenge and springs into action (just like Sam when he lost Jess) but Dean? Dean shuts down. Dean loses hope. Dean ends up killing himself and wishing to stay dead. (Also, I know not everyone agrees with this interpretation, but: see Dean's response post-15x18. Jensen describes Dean's death as Dean being "tired" and letting go (sounds a whole lot like suicide to me). Dean always loses hope when Cas dies).
As the audience, we have the gift of omniscience and we are also able to look into the future now that the show is done. We know Jack doesn't become the second coming of Lucifer, but Dean doesn't know any of that at the time. Dean, in-world, is dealing with the very real possibility that Jack could become their next antagonist and all his actions in the early days following Jack's introduction are informed by that lingering threat.
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The parallels between Kat and Ernest…
Baby Kat comes screaming into the world during a shipwreck. Her mother dies after giving birth to her, leaving Kat with nothing but the kindness of a fifteen-year-old Luke Triton to depend on. Luke takes Kat to Professor Layton, who adopts her as his own after a few years. Layton vanishes when Kat’s eleven, leaving her with a family (Rosa, Flora, Alfendi etc) who no doubt loves her but she experiences loneliness nonetheless. Perhaps she feels overlooked next to her siblings and her other extraordinary relatives…
Despite her father’s disappearance, Kat makes no secret of her last name. She adopts her own noble-sounding title to match her father’s: ‘Lady Layton’. She follows in Layton’s footsteps as a detective and she names her detective agency after him. When clients mistakenly request the help of the Professor Layton, Kat’s reactions range from self-aggrandising to outright offended. Kat wants to be famous in her own right. She wants attention— partly to extend the search for her father, partly to boost her own prestige— and she wants to help people. She wants to be respected as a true gentle-person and a puzzle-solver, just like her father. She also wants money and material items (clothes, decor, sweet treats etc)… not so much like her father, but Kat is still valid for this. If Randall can crave shiny things then so can Kat
On the other hand, we have Miles Richmond. Miles is born into wealth—  to one of the richest, most influential families in London. Miles’ grandfather poured his wealth into redeveloping London (maybe after Clive’s mobile fortress attack?). His family lived in a freaking castle, containing portraits of them.
Then, Grandpa Richmond dies, followed by Miles’ unnamed mother when Miles is twelve (I think)? Miles’ mama encourages him to grow up to be someone big, strong and powerful— a ‘great man’. She did this to rally Miles’ spirits, but Miles misinterpreted this as meaning that he needed to become more powerful than the Seven Dragons if he wanted to make them pay. I think he resented the Dragons more for the death of his mother rather than the loss of his family’s wealth… but then, I’m sure the money would have helped if his mother needed to see a doctor… 
Anyway when his mother dies, Miles is left destitute and orphaned. He changes his name to Ernest Greeves— hiding his identity and his past— and he eventually makes it to Gressenheller, where he meets Katrielle Layton.
Kat proves Ernest’s innocence in a crime— partly out of kindness, yes, but she also wanted to stick it to the police and she just wanted to solve the case and she was going to Gressenheller anyway, so… 
While Kat does have her gentle moments, such as when she comforts a lonely Liza and a weeping Ernest, I think we can all agree Kat isn’t the reserved, sometimes demure lady Flora is or a gentle-person in the same way Layton is. Kat is often brash, boastful, impatient, pushy, greedy, bratty, selfisheven… 
Kat isn’t your typical gentle-person, but she does have a good heart and a strong mind. Even after learning about her birth mother and her past for the first time, Kat is still adamant that Hershel Layton is her father, and that she is Katrielle Layton. She knows who she is, who her family are and she’s proud of it.
Ernest possesses more traits commonly associated with a gentle-person. Ernest seems diligent, studious, polite, optimistic, amiable, loyal to those he cares about— a lot like Professor Layton in many ways! 
However, underneath all that, Ernest does have a dark side. He can be vengeful, sneaky and manipulative… rather like a certain Clive Dove.
The problem for Ernest is that he is a gentle person at heart, and Kat knows this. When Kat reveals his plan and his true identity, Ernest doesn’t sneer at Kat, grab a hostage or unleash a giant robot from under the castle. He still sees Kat as a friend, and he stays with Kat after everything is cleared up with the Dragons.
Kat reassures Ernest that his mother did love him, no matter what. From Kat, Ernest learns that he doesn’t need to be a ‘great man’, with riches and influence and power to overcome people who stand in his way. He just needs to be himself— a young gentleman and Katrielle Layton’s assistant.
And maybe, in turn, maybe Ernest allows Kat to demonstrate that gentle, considerate side to her that was always there. Kat is great and Ernest is always there to remind her of that, but it’s okay if she’s gentle— vulnerable— sometimes too.
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Do you have many Rohirrim OCs? Or any, for that matter? If possible, I'd love to know more about them 😊
I do! While my favorite hobby is to write for little known/underappreciated canon Rohirrim (which means they function much like OCs because Tolkien gave us so little), I do also create my own people along the way. There are a *bunch* in my current Guthláf and Wídfara fic, mostly background friends and family of my main (canon) guys. But my most substantive Rohirrim OCs are women, since Tolkien gave us almost none of them.
Éomer was married to Mereliss in my world (my one real canon deviation!). She was Elfhelm’s daughter and was Éomer’s best friend from the time he moved to Edoras as a boy. They got married after the war, and (since he learned a thing or two about not putting women in a box) she wielded real power as queen. I’ve got nothing against Lothíriel and enjoy a bunch of interpretations of her, but I’ve always wanted to see Éomer with a strong Rohirrim woman – I feel like Rohan shouldn’t need to keep going to Gondor to get queens for themselves!
Théodred was engaged to Eadlin at the time of his death. She was a flower merchant from Aldburg who didn’t even meet Théodred until they were both in their late 30s. She came to live with him during their engagement (they were both old enough to be over being told what to do), and she was a real ride-or-die for him – if she ever thought you had hurt him in any way, she’d have nothing to do with you ever again. She was the first to connect the dots that Gríma was involved in Théodred’s death, and he had her imprisoned as a result. Éomer got her out, but she left Edoras embittered toward Théoden and unwilling to hang around where her memories of Théodred were most vivid and painful.
Bryttalif was married to Háma. She was a midwife in Edoras whose father was a big deal in the king’s guards. When Háma and Brytta met, she was pregnant herself and unmarried (an unhappy story she does not like to go into) so she was a bit of a scandalous figure. But she and Háma hit it off right away, as he immediately recognized her kindness and gentle spirit. He adopted her daughter as his own when they got married, and they had another on the way when he was killed at Helm’s Deep. Brytta was there (midwives are good at pain management and triaging bleeding problems, so she was asked to come along to help deal with the wounded), but was prevented from seeing his dead body because it had been so desecrated. She was crushed but slowly put herself back together, raised their kids, and kept working, and eventually she delivered Éomer and Mereliss’s first baby.
Anyone who’s interested can find more about them all in my pinned post — the stories are organized by main character, and you can find each of these ladies heavily featured in the Éomer, Théodred and Háma fics that are there.
Thank you for asking!!! People like you who show interest in and support OCs are so valuable to the fandom!!! ♥️
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imlostontheinternet · 2 years
I adore the lovely @sunscones and highly recommend you check out their adoptables. I very much plan to use these designs later (as well as the other's sklsksk), but I wanted to share some messy sketches.
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moeblob · 29 days
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kitty kitty kitty
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byanyan · 6 months
ㅤperhaps unsurprisingly, byan doesn't like the holidays — christmas in particular, as it's the most prominent and unavoidable one, and the one they have more experiences with. not growing up consistently celebrating the holiday past the age of four, they don't have any real positive attachment to it, and having it shoved so violently in their face each year, being surrounded by kids in school who are always so excited about it... it's always felt quite alienating. it's a very lonely time of year when everyone and everything around you is going on and on about family and you haven't got one.
although most years the only thing they've had to look forward to is the christmas dinner that the group homes they've been in have tried to provide, they have had a few experiences of what a more traditional celebration is like through foster homes they were living in during that time of year. the first one, when they were five, was... actually pretty okay. it was just them and their foster family, and they still remember having fun playing board games and watching movies, and how good the food at dinner was. they even got a couple of gifts from their foster parents. ...it was only the second christmas that they weren't celebrating with their first family, and they remember crying when those gifts were handed to them. another was when they were ten, with a foster family they hadn't been with for more than a few months. there was a lot of extended family in the house, none of whom they knew, and it was an incredibly overwhelming few days, during which they felt very much out of place. they didn't feel like they belonged and ended up spending most of their time hiding in the bedrooms to avoid the awkward conversations people would try to start with them so they didn't feel so left out. at one point, they remember sneaking out to go buy themself a hot chocolate with a bit of money they stole out of their foster brother's piggy bank to cheer themself up and to have a bit of quiet. no one noticed they were gone, and they weren't sure whether they were glad or disappointed.
at best, the holidays are an annoying time of year highlighted only by the two week break they get from school, and at worst, it's a reminder of all the things they've never had or the things that have been torn from them. even the positive memories they have have been soured by the way the kindness and the families didn't last, making it near impossible to look back on any of it fondly.
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whippetcrimes · 10 months
When Misty came to work with me last weekend, a man came in to collect the money for a local dog rescue. And he asked me if she was a rescue then continued the conversation into older people should adopt old rescue dogs because if they get a young dog from a breeder, the dog will have nowhere to go if they pass before the dog and the family can't take the dog/doesn't want it... And I was just like. If I weren't on the clock right now, I'd at the very least have said that any good breeder would take the dog back... He even directly asked me, "what would happen to your beautiful designer dog if something happened to you and your partner?" I had to bite my tongue so hard.
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
I love my family but they are being Way Too Much today and I am just not here for it I’m sorry
#first thing my grandma did when she walked in my house was make a disgusted face at what i’m wearing#like WOW sorry for wearing a shirt with a low neckline on a sunny and warm august day. like it’s my fault#THEN my granddad starts telling us all about this woman he knows who adopted a flatcoated retriever puppy and it’s out of control#and i still have a bunch of freddie’s old supplies & i also have a sad and generous heart. i can’t hear about people and dogs in distress#and not try to help them. so i gave him a tub of doggy peanut butter and a couple of freddie’s old toys#‘why should i give her these?? it’s nothing to do with her’ well fuck man i don’t know. this stuff isn’t doing any good in my cupboard#**me not her#he finally left with the stuff but not before my grandma ranted about how she hates peanut butter#i was like ‘fantastic. it’s for the dog’#like????????#you’re going to come in here; roast me; give me anxiety by gossiping about your neighbour who is going through it (and you know damn well#that i love dogs so hearing about one who is clearly not being trained right & is in the wrong home is genuinely distressing for me);#roast me AGAIN when i give you something you can give to the woman to calm her dog down a little; and then your parting shot#is ‘i don’t like peanut butter’#IT’S NOT FOR YOU IT’S FOR THE DOG#and THEN my mom gets back on her bullshit and starts ranting about shit we’ve BEEN over and i’m just like..#i’m gonna go knit and listen to a podcast in the dining room. lol. this is too much#and this all kicked off before breakfast mind you. i was taking my multivitamins while this was happening#i’ve gotta move FAR away. the only problem with that though (and i know from experience) is that i’ll miss them but also become desensitised#to their presence so that when they DO visit it’s absolutely unbearable#i don’t know what to do.#personal#rant
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defilerwyrm · 26 days
There’s this guy in town who owns this little house, and a while back he rescued a street dog that was going to get put down. Turned out she was pregnant.
Problem is, he has mental health & drug issues and couldn’t afford to get them all spayed & neutered, so now there are 6 grown bitches with 15 puppies total, and they’ve dug under his fence in multiple places but he can’t afford to fix it so they go roaming all around town. (When I say can’t afford it, I mean his house is currently running on a generator because he can’t afford his electric bill.) He’s also a day laborer so he cannot take multiple full days off work to take them to the vet an hour away. He’s in a really rough spot.
He’s not a bad person. He’s just overwhelmed.
And this little conservative town with 6 churches for 300 people, have they tried to help their neighbor? Have they adopted the puppies he’s been trying to give away? Have they offered resources?
NOPE! All they wanna do is talk shit about him and complain about the dogs but never lift a finger of their own. And they come to his house to yell at him and cuss him out about the dogs, which does not exactly engender in him a cooperative attitude, as you might imagine.
So after a while of this going on, my mom gets fed up with all the NIMBY bullshit and starts talking to the guy, because she’s done animal rescue for 20-odd years and has Connections. He’s resistant at first, but when he realizes she’s not being an asshole to him on account of his addiction or the dogs, he decides to let her help.
She gets to work organizing and networking. Finds a non-profit that will cover vaccinations, spay/neuter, and flea treatments for all the dogs. Talks the next-door neighbor into paying for materials to fix the fence, since this guy can do the work of it himself. Gets him in touch with another non-profit that will adopt out the adult dogs.
Less than 2 weeks after she decided to do something, all puppies have been to the vet, 10 puppies and 4 adult dogs have been adopted out, and the second non-profit is coming by next week to pick up the remaining 7 dogs to ship them out for adoption.
I’ve learned a lot of things from my mom—some good, some bad—but I think the most important positive message she lives as an example of is this: sometimes, when something needs done and no one else is willing, you gotta stand up and say “I’ll do it.”
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daimaoryu · 6 months
no cuz its mind boggling to me how the first solution people can think of when they find out people in another country are living in dismal conditions is "move to another country". and its almost always to the us or canada or something if its like, lgbt issues, and to a neighbouring country with a similar enough ethnic or religious majority if its another kind of issue. like if those people want to and are able to move to another country, thats for them to decide. but generally people want to live in their homeland and just wish it was safer. and a lot of people do TRY to do just that. so why do foreigners always give up so fast? why do yall always advise giving up and leaving? youre not from there, the people living there arent giving up, so who are you to try and convince them to give up? also, its not like the us and canada and the assorted european countries yall keep recommending certain people move to are paragons of human rights
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kentopedia · 8 months
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ LOOK, MOM! — nanami kento
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yuuji accidentally calls you mom
contents: nanami x fem!reader, husband nanami hehe, this is very silly and random and stupid, fluff, nanami & reader are yuuji's adoptive parents fr, words: 1059
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“nanamin!” yuuji waves at the figure approaching from behind you, a flashy grin appearing on his face as he glances at the blonde man over your shoulder. “i didn’t know you were coming by today!”
kento's hair sweeps over his forehead in the wind, a few strands coming free as he heads towards you. it's a brisk day, and he has two hot coffees in his hands that he'd picked up after his mission.
a bead of sweat drips down yuuji's temple, and he wipes it with his sleeve, still breathing heavily. you'd spent the last hour training together, pushing his physical capabilities. gojo had been busy recently, between all the missions and his conversations with the higher ups.
so, of course, you'd volunteered to teach the newest student when he couldn't. quickly, he became your favorite of the three first years.
“i’m in between assignments.” kento hands you the coffee, places a gentle hand on your lower back with a smile that is hardly there. “mind if i steal my wife away for a bit?”
yuuji shrugs, his face still bright as he glances between the two of you. ever since he’d found out two of his favorite sorcerers were together, he’d hardly shut up about it.
“no problem. i’m going to meet up with fushiguro anyway.” he brushes the dirt off his pants, waving to the two of you.
“good job today, yuuji!” grateful for something to warm you up in the chilly air, you take a sip of the coffee. it’s perfect, as always, just what you needed. “you’re improving a lot!”
he grins, proud of his accomplishments. “thanks, mom! see you later!”
there's an elongated moment of silence.
you choke on your coffee as kento stiffens beside you, watching while yuuji comes to a skittering halt.
all three of you freeze. you cough, clearing your throat, and kento's hand, steady on your back, has stilled. “yuuji—“
“oh,” the teenager says, his face turning bright red as he realizes what he’s called you. he glances between the two of you, embarrassment evident. “i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean to—“
though, you don’t give yuuji enough time to protest. within seconds, you’ve gathered him up in your arms, squeezing the younger boy to your chest. “kento, we have a son!”
you feel yuuji tense, before he relaxes, and throws his arms around you in an even tighter hug. there’s some sort of thanks resting there. he laughs, carefree, a sound you never want to be taken away from the boy who manages to shine so brightly in such a dark world.
kento stares at you, folds his glasses up in his pocket, as if to show you both how unimpressed he is. “do we?” he asks, lips flat, though, you see through the facade to the amusement hidden in his irises. “i'm certain i would’ve remembered something like that.”
you make a face at him, covering yuuji’s ears dramatically. “oh, don’t listen to your dad, yuuji. he’s old, he doesn’t know what he’s saying.”
kento blinks, and then sighs, wrinkling his nose. though, when he sees yuuji’s wide grin, his eager expression, he decides to play along.
“well, then... there must be a lapse in my memory." kento crosses his arms over his chest as he regards the two of your extensively, searching for something. "that would certainly explain the striking resemblance between us.” he says drily.
yuuji laughs, a loud snort. he looks nothing like either of you, but you’re not sure he’s ever gotten to witness kento's sarcastic sense of humor, the one that not everyone really gets.
“exactly!” yuuji quips back to kento’s blank expression. "everyone tells me i have the same smile as my dad!
kento’s trying hard not to let yuuji win that one, but you can see the slight wrinkle around his eye, the tiny quirk of his lips. beside the pink haired boy, you choke out a few giggles, covering your mouth.
“yes," kento nods, solemn. "i’ve heard that as well.”
"so you do know how to make jokes, nanamin!" yuuji shouts, nearly jumping in the air as he cheers. "i can't wait to tell fushiguro this."
kento rolls his eyes, but yuuji’s so pleased, and he releases you, his eyes soft and bright as he pulls away.
though he doesn’t say it, doesn't thank you for anything, you can tell he’s grateful. itadori yuuji may be happy with his life as it is now, may have found a home within the friends he’s made at the high school, but you know he misses his grandfather. sometimes, perhaps, he even longs for the conventional family he never really got to have.
you ruffle his hair, the pink strands catching between the cracks of your fingers. “tell him i said hello too.”
yuuji nods, stuffing his hands in his pocket as he steps away. “i will!” his cheerful gaze is pinned on your husband, a secretive smile making a home on his lips. “bye, dad.”
kento shakes his head, and sighs again, though you can tell, a part of him is touched to have won so much of yuuji's admiration. “have a good evening, itadori.”
you watch the young boy scurry away, hands in his pockets as he braces himself against the cold.
"you should be nicer to your son, kento."
kento snorts, throwing an arm over your shoulder as he brings you closer to him. "i am nice to him," he says, kissing your temple softly. "a little hard on him, maybe, but i just don't want anything bad to happen to him."
you soften, look up at him with warm eyes, and you squeeze the hand that is resting on your shoulder. "i know," you say, your heart clenching. you've thought about it before, thought of kento with a tiny child that looks just like him, cradled against his chest. thought of him with a little girl whose hair he can braid, a little boy he can raise to be a gentleman.
but you hadn't talked about it; you'd always thought your life was too busy, too dangerous for children.
"you'd make a good dad, ken," you say, your cheeks flushed as you grin at him.
kento's eyes flash. "really?" an array of emotions scurries across his features before he leans down, kissing you softly. "is this your way of telling me you want a baby, sweetheart?" his voice deepens as he whispers against your lips, smiling. "because i'm more than happy to give you one."
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stargazerlillian · 11 months
Once again thinking about how “Doctor Doctor” first aired in 1989 and had a main cast of characters consisting of the following:
- A very silly main character who is also very competent at his profession and knows when to step up and be serious (Dr. Mike Stratford)
- A black man with an iconic laugh as well as a doting wife and son who he loves very much (Dr. Abe Butterfield)
- A woman whose inner life is as complicated as her love life (Dr. Dierdre Bennett)
- An uppity wisecracking heart surgeon who happens to be Jewish (Dr. Grant Linowitz)
- An English professor who teaches classical theater and happens to be openly gay (Richard Stratford, Mike’s brother)
The best part? The show never makes a big deal out of it. There are no “very special episodes” dealing with any of the character’s identities. The show simply portrays them as people just living their lives. It doesn’t matter who or what they are - at the end of the day the main four characters are doctors just trying their best to heal the sick. And I just think that’s nice.
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deadsetobsessions · 2 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt. 7
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6]
“I’m having a child.”
Danny stared at Batman.
“…Uh, congrats?”
Batman whips out a stack of paper and a pen. “It’s you. Sign here and initial the highlighted spots.”
Danny instinctively, from years of dealing with Vlad, whacked the stack right out of Batman’s hands and into the bay. He doesn’t even feel bad about littering this time because, “Begone, fruitloop!”
Wait, no, that’s not what he meant.
“I mean- I have parents!”
“Not for long.” Batman muttered and then did a double take. “You have parents? How?”
Danny gasped, placing a hand on his chest to clutch his metaphorical pearls. He ignored Batman’s mutters. Everyone knows the vigilante has an adoption problem. At least, everyone who lived in Gotham did, as everyone who didn’t was somehow convinced that he “worked alone” or some bullshit like that. “Are you naturally this insensitive or were you dropped on your head as a baby? Obviously I had to come from somewhere.”
“They’re still… alive?”
“And kicking,” Danny said, inching away from yet another rich weird guy trying to adopt him. “Mostly the kicking part, though.” He said, remembering the sparring sessions. His mom could kick his as six ways to Sunday with nothing but jiu-jitsu and still have time to work in the lab.
“I see.”
“I’m charging you extra for the emotional upheaval. I have trauma regarding rich people trying to adopt me.”
Batman sullenly handed over a thousand.
“Sweet. There’s a group of shades down here asking if you could find their murderer. Apparently the serial killer is still at large.” Danny pointed.
“Of course. Tell me everything.”
The adoption papers disappeared as Batman went into detective mode.
Danny shoved the cash into his glowing chest and breathed a sigh of relief. He needed to make rent this month so it was a windfall running into Batman.
“Hey, Tim?”
Tim woke up from his Power Nap. “Huh?”
“Phantom’s complaining that Batman kept trying to adopt him.”
Tim blinked. “Uh.. what does that have to do with me?”
Danny stared at him, a patiently amused smile on his face. “Just in case the rumor about the Wayne’s sugar-daddy-into the Bats was a thing. Other than that, we might have to confront Batman to get him off of Phantom’s back. ”
“You… want to confront Batman.”
“Hey, man, Phantom’s a friend and it’s ride or die.” Danny snickered. It was literally die, with his Phantom side of things. He held two fists up, and wound them, like Popeye right after eating spinach or something. “And if Batman bothers Phantom, we ride at dawn.”
“Batman doesn’t come out unless it’s dark, though? Or for the Justice League.” Tim grinned. He mentally classified Danny under his “to go to” list. That’s where Bart, Bernard, Cassie, Kon, and Garfield were. If he starts shit, he could count on them to have his back and cause even more shit. Danny, wanting to fistfight Bruce over the man making Phantom uncomfortable? He absolutely is making that list.
“Then we ride at, like, dusk. Or uh, like 10PM. I gotta get my beauty sleep.”
“You’ll definitely need it,” Tim inconspicuously texted the group chat, which quickly blew up.
“Shut up,” Danny playfully shoved Tim. “Wait, can Batman even legally adopt? Isn’t being a vigilante illegal? And how can he adopt someone dead?”
Tim dramatically flailed and splayed over Danny’s carpeted living room. “Dunno about his identity,” he lied to Danny, like a liar. “But Gotham has a bunch of laws for the undead/restored to life people so there’s probably enough gray space there.”
Danny spluttered. “You guys have undead friendly laws?”
“Yeah, geht do you think Grundy just chills out? Plus, we have like a minor resurrection event every few years. It usually doesn’t stick but sometimes it does. Bruce pushed for those laws when Jason came back to life, except he doesn’t actually want people to know he’s like, alive.”
“Jason died?” Danny blinked. Well, that would explain the vibes. “Huh. So what’s up with his rank vibes then?”
“Rank vibes?” Tim pressed record on his phone.
Danny nodded. “Yeah, you know how Phantom’s got like a really chill green vibe?” Inwardly, Danny snickered at his pun. Chill. Yeah, he meant that very literally. “Jason’s got kind of a rank green vibe. He’s kind of stinky? Definitely never introduce him to Phantom.” Danny’s senses got worse in his ghost form.
“Jason regularly showers, though?!”
“Not smell! Like, a spiritual smell?”
“You can smell souls?!” Tim sat up. “Bro, you’re a meta?!”
“Uh.” Danny hesitated. “Yeah. I can smell souls. It’s a thing. Everyone from my town can do it.”
“What?!” Tim paused. “Wait, can Phantom smell souls?”
“Yeah. We’re, uh, from the same town.”
“Danny, what the fuck?”
“Hey, don’t look at me like that, you’re the one with a soul-sick brother! Not to mention, you’re kinda stinky too!”
“Soul-stinky nerd man!”
“I stink?!” Jason spluttered out, extremely offended.
“The Lazarus pits. He’s most likely smelling traces of Lazarus pit on you, you imbecile.”
“We need to speak to Phantom. This instant.”
“I dunno, B. Danny sounded like he was gonna break your face if you bothered Phantom anymore.” Dick snickered.
“Yeah,” Tim chimed in, from his seat in front of the Bat-computer. “He was pretty serious.”
“Are we just gonna glaze over the fact that they’re from the same town?!” Stephanie exclaimed, practicing her moves on a training dummy.
“How does that even work? What does that mean? I thought Phantom was an immortal?” Duke asked.
“We also can’t rule out time-travel.” Barbara slammed her baton into a training dummy, twisting her wheelchair in an agile maneuver that left the dummy on the floor.
“No bothering Phantom.” Cass proclaimed.
“That’s quite right. You all have a warm dinner sitting above your cave and should it remain uneaten, I assure you that sherbet Sunday and crêpe Tuesday shall be canceled.” Alfred stepped in. The Bats, threatened, scrambled to ditch their gear and go upstairs.
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strigital · 1 year
life may be spiraling out of control, our planet burning alive, college finals killing my last braincell and said braincell being unable to produce the Happy Chemical™ without the help of the Magical Pill but guess what? All this shit is irrelevant cause this Friday I'm hauling ass to a shelter to have a date with a precious princess and hopefully bring her home with me (and then die a mysterious and violent death when my husband finds out)
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