#i have a general idea for vampires. but i am putting him specifically off
rxttenfish · 2 years
May be a little late, but, I've seen your au stuff floating around via following you for a bit now and don't know where to look to start, so I guess, if you're up for it as a distraction, would you give like, basically a beginners\introductory course into some of your fav parts of it?
no worries no worries!! if it helps, there's not truly... a beginning, to it?
i first started making the redesign universe largely out of just messing around with miranda and the merkingdom. this is why it still largely focuses on them so much, and why merfolk have so much more figured out in comparison to everyone else. i liked miranda, and i didnt like how the fandom or even how canon was handling her, so i wanted to write her myself.
from there, i added in speculative evolution concepts, and changed her body plan over time, and slowly i ended up with what i have now.
the rest of the AU is basically just extrapolation from this. looking at the other characters, and rethinking over their designs. what would they actually look like. what would they actually behave like. what would their society have to look like, their culture, their personal lives. how could you tie all of it together, make them more monstrous, give them a bigger world to live within.
unfortunately, this means there's no good place to jump in - all of my information is scattered across various platforms and most artwork is already outdated, and even what i do have needs to be polished up so much before i start actually sharing it with people.
so there are several options for how to introduce it that i'm left with
the first is: this is an AU where i take the characters and setting of Monster Prom/Camp and tweak the designs to make more sense with biology and appear less humanoid, and retroactively add a lot of world building i feel was missing.
there's also: this is an AU that presents an alternate earth, where there were greater pressures for multiple different sapient species to evolve, alongside the existence of magic. travel by sea has been impossible for a long time, and while there are ships made for rivers and lakes, the various societies had to create planes and teleportation magic to be able to cross the ocean. the merkingdom is a very old, very powerful society, that is only now beginning to interact with the rest of the world and make beginning introductions, and miranda was sent up to land as both an ambassador for the merkingdom and as a subtle power move and threat.
there's also: this is an AU that discusses empire and abuse and recovery, how to reconcile all the opposing parts of a single personality, how to form an identity when that has been denied of you for all of your life and when it is something that has been forbidden of you, the vast mental gap in even the most closely related species, the chronic inability to understand the world from someone else's eyes, the failure of authority and the cycle of abuse, how to learn to heal, how to become a better person, how to forgive yourself, how do you live within your own body, how do you balance a world that was not made for you and hurts you by design but lets you feel love and safety with a world that was made with you in mind but wants to eat you whole, how can you understand other people's bodies, how do you actually and truly navigate a relationship, a friendship, a family, between different people, different species, different worlds.
there's also: this is an AU where the exact events of monster prom occur, except that they look a little different.
there's also: this is an AU where nothing happens as it does or as it did, and people are more monstrous and more human and you never know if you are talking to a person or a predator.
and there's also: this is my fun sandbox setting AU where i get to fuck around with spec evo and slap it on the MonProm setting.
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halfetirosie · 3 days
(Elysium 04-05 React-os!)
1) Eiden making an excellent point here--
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Even in our own world, there's still a lot of stigma around "red light districts" and/or the industries they involve (sex work, alcohol, recreational drug use, etc). While you should always be careful and responsible with these activities, they are not inherently bad!
(I feel like some people might have gotten the wrong idea about my thoughts on these things--specifically, on drug use--from my last post. But please don't misunderstand; I am NOT against any of these things. What I AM against is people deliberately exploiting others using these things, fueling addiction for their own profit. ♡)
2) Dude, of course Kuya put his own essence-infused bracelet into the mix!
Why don't you just properly PROPOSE to him already, you foxy bastard??? (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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It's cute, but also funny that he did this. Like, I imagine that when Kuya saw this bracelet event was happening he knew Eiden would be interested in participating too; and since he's jealous and possessive, he specially added his essence to the bracelet so Eiden would be sure to choose his---thus, not being paired with anyone else!
Kuya is certainly back on his Tsundere Bullshit™!
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....And also his Yandere Bullshit™ I guess??? (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
3) Oh no.... Well, SHIT....
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Look, I assumed Kuya had to have been involved in starting the Elysium club, but to be involved with the creation of that whack-ass addictive drug????? Bruh.....
Like, that alone wouldn't have bothered me that much, but since we've seen how Reverie addiction is becoming a serious problem [in the Water Territory], I ain't gonna lie, I am not very pleased with the fox right now...
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*Hisses in this bitch's general direction*
What is it with Kuya attracting so many freaks? First the stalker tanuki, and now THIS creature????
5) Hm... I'm guessing Kuya got into this who agreement with Vampire Bitch for the sake of sufficient entertainment---a.k.a sufficient distraction from his long-ass life....
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I'm guessing Kuya has gotten tired of the activities that take place here---which might be a good sign, showing that he's more "entertained" by the daily life with the clan? Maybe?
6) Oh? Could it be? A Responsible Kuya™???
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I am now a bit less upset with Foxy Grandpa! I'm impressed he had the foresight to tell Vampire Bitch not to force the drug onto people.
...Although, the fact that Kuya felt the need to bring this up in conversation could have worrying implications. Like, does that mean he found out that people were being forced to take the drug? 🤔
Either way, I'm glad Kuya is going to cut ties with this shady place.
7) Huh, it seems like Vampire Bitch is REALLy REALLY officially being cut off.
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(◔_◔) Dawg, that superficial answer will NOT impress the fox...
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I think the answer Kuya was looking for has to do with my theory of what Kuya himself was looking for in Elysium---and also why the word "Dream" is plastered all across this event. He probably wanted to hear something along the lines of, "To escape from reality," "To live in a dream," or hell, "To be happy."
But Vampire Bitch must never have been in this business for these reasons---or maybe he forgot it over the years. Now, he's just corrupt.
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,; (ง 🔥 ロ 🔥 )ง ;,
Gang. Think about this for a second. He never says he's going to "introduce" Olivine to Kuya. He refers to Olivine as a form of "entertainment" and a "gift."
And why might he think he can do that? What methods do you think this DRUG DEALER might have used to achieve that, hm?????
HOW DARE HE?!?!?!?!?!
🔥 End of report! 🔥
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vampire-the-askerade · 8 months
Could you spare a crumb of general Beckett headcanons?
[Here you go! This is just some of my understandings of the character, and the ideas might change later on down the road]
While most everyone, including himself, would think that he is one of the smartest and most calculating kindred to live (so to speak), there are many, many times where he’s just flying by on guesses, knee-jerk reactions, and an inordinate amount of luck.
Don’t get it wrong, he is extremely intelligent and a master of planning when he needs to be, he’s always been more of a creature of action, and convinces everyone that it was all planned. Himself as well, sort of a, “I’m so good a planning, i even surprise myself sometimes!” attitude.
Going off of that, he is very conceited. He would argue confident is the correct term, perhaps self assured. However, it well passed the line of, “being sure of one’s self,” to, “being full of one’s self.”
Thing about it though is that it’s not a malicious sort of conceit. It’s more of a, “I’m better than everyone else, therefore I am the best teacher for everyone else.” Look at those other people, it’s so sad how they have to struggle over the simplest thing that he is moved, nay, obligated to show them the error of their ways.
As long as it doesn’t do anything that could put himself or his current objective at risk.
A good example of this is his interactions with the fledgling during the events of VTMB. He might not go out of his way to follow them, at least not purposely, and when he realizes the imminent danger in LA he gets the hell out of dodge, but when he does meet up with them, he gives truly helpful advise and even talks to them in a gentler, almost brotherly tone as opposed to the majority of their other interactions.
That being said, once he does run into someone he deems to be truly on his level, or god forbid, above it, he can get a bit pissy. He’ll keep it tone down as long as all parties are cordial, but the first glimmer of rivalry or contempt, then he is not going to be tolerating that person in any way, shape, or form
Similarly, he has very little problem letting pompous people know that he sees them as such. There’s that whole thing where a prince made him reveal what he actually thought of him, but I do get the feeling that the prince didn’t have to delve too deep to get to those feelings either.
He’s an interesting case of trying to be suave while simultaneously neither not carrying or not completely knowing how. Ends up being so in his own oddball sort of way. That is, he’s so unapologetically himself that it ends up being more appealing than people that put on airs.
This however can make it rather difficult to read the room. Almost can’t grasp why people wouldn’t have the same thought process as him.
He will make an effort to listen and understand where he might be mistaken, but only if it’s done in a courteous manner. Finds the whole process as a puzzle to solve rather than an actual faux pas.
Might seem like an oxymoronic statement, but he is one of the kinder hearted kindred. He still partakes in the more violent aspects of the other vampires, but only when he has to. It’s sort of his way to combat his nature as a gangrel and the perception that all kindred from that clan are little more than the beast that inhabits them.
Even with that, a kind wolf is still a wolf. If you’re not careful of what you’re doing or where you are, our dear anthropologist with bite and bite hard. When things get messy with him, they get violently messy.
Sort of like, other than changing into animals when he needs to, he keeps his more bestial nature under such a tight lock and key, that when there’s a reason to actually let it out, he’s got months worth of beast rage pent up there.
While he doesn’t mind it where people call him an history or archeologist, he does much prefer for people to more specific term of anthropologist. Sees it as it being as misleading or incorrect as referring to someone as an artist or a painter when they were actually a sculptor.
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Kas Eddie AU, The Supposed Resurrection of Eddie Munson
"What the fuck dude?"
Steve and Eddie seemed to be frozen in place as soon as they stopped in their tracks. Only turning around to face the duo as Dustin practically ran over to Eddie and hugged him.
"Holy shit! You're alive!" He paused for a moment before pulling away. "Wait. You're alive."
"Ugh, yeah about that..." Eddie made a face as Dustin continued.
"We thought you were dead. I watched you die! You let me think you were dead you asshole!" Eddie winced.
"The thing is I was? Technically still am." Both Robin and Dustin watched as he took a finger and lifted up the edge of his mouth to reveal his teeth. More specifically, fangs.
"You're a vampire." Robin gaped. "How-?"
"I have no fucking idea but it started when I woke up a few months ago and Steve found me..."
"-come on you stupid piece of shit!" Steve cursed at his car, giving it a hard kick to the side. The physical violence did nothing to kick start the engine. On his way home from work, the engine suddenly puttered to a halt with a stream of smoke coming from under the hood. The young man groaning as looked around to see nothing but the edge of the woods and the junkyard in the distance. The nearest payphone was back in town meaning Steve only had one choice. To walk home alone in the dark. By the woods which were known to have weird shit crawling around at all times. Supposedly the veil between their world and the upside down was sealed but somehow that didn't comfort Steve.
Leaning over into the bed of his truck and grabbing the barbed wire bat he had at all times before beginning the trek to his house.
'Dad's going to kill me when he finds out about this.' Steve thought as walked along the side of the road. It had been a solid two months since he'd seen either of his parents but whenever a new bill showed up on his dad's credit card, the man was very vocal when he called home to chew Steve out for wasting his hard earned money. 'Whatever, at least it wasn't totalled this time.'
Steve hummed to himself to try and fill the uncomfortable night's silence when headlights started to approach. Turning to see a car coming his way, the man waved frantically to get the driver's attention. The vehicle slowing down before it came to a halt in front of Steve. Lowering the passenger door side window, Steve leaned in to see a man about his dad's age behind the wheel.
"Need help stranger?" The man asked with a smile and Steve felt relief rush through him when he saw the car phone in the man's dashboard.
"Yeah. My car broke down about a mile back." Steve pointed in it's general direction. "Can I use your phone to call a towing company?"
"Sure thing kid, hop on in." Steve hesitated for a moment, realizing how he'd look if the man saw his bat and left it on the roadside as he got in the passenger door. There was really only one towing company in town and given his history of accidents, Steve already had the number to Joe's memorized. Dialing the number and waiting for someone to pick up. The phone rang. And rang. Only stopping when the automated voice played saying the auto shop was closed. Steve groaned as he put the phone down.
"Of course they're closed." The man who let him in his car frowned at his exasperation.
"Hey, how about I give you a lift home? You're the Harrington's kid right?"
"Ugh, no thanks. I'll just walk the rest of the way."
"This late at night? You sure?" Steve made a face as he looked out at the woods. The gnawing feeling in his gut was still in there and he found himself agreeing.
"Okay yeah, thanks." The man started his car and Steve began to give directions. "Down the road, turn right. My house is right across from Lincoln Park. Can't miss it." The man nodded, eyeing Steve out of the corner of his eye as he drove.
"So whatcha doing out here so late?"
"Just got off work." The man glanced down at Steve's vest before turning left.
"Family Video huh?"
"Yeah-hey you turned the wrong way. You were supposed to go right."
"Did I?" The man's eyes were now fixed straight ahead as he kept going. Driving further away from the rest of Hawkins until the man pulled off to side of the road. Surrounded by trees and the nearest house was his a few miles in the other direction. Suddenly Steve was really wishing he brought the bat with him. "Well shit now we're all turned around." Ths guy laughed. "But y'know, since I'm helping you..." The man reached over the car's console and put a hand on Steve's thigh. "Why don't you do something to help me?"
Steve moved back, forcing the hand to retreat as he opened the passenger car door.
"Actually you know what? I think I'll walk the rest of the way-" He was half way out the car when the man grabbed him by his hair. "Ow! What the hell-?"
"Listen to me you little shit, either you do what I say or I will break your fucking face in."
"Fuck off!" Steve slammed his head back into the man's face. There was a loud crack, probably the guy's nose, before his hand let go of Steve's hair. The younger men darting out as he began to run in the woods as fast as his feet could carry him.
"Hey! Where the hell are you going?!" He heard the man stumble before following the younger man.
'Shit, shit, shit, shit!' Steve had fought demodogs, freaky bat monsters and the upside down itself. He wasn't going to let some random weirdo be the reason he died. Or worse. Not noticing where he was going, Steve ran face first into something.
"Shit..." Steve held his head, looking up and expecting to see a tree but it was very much not a tree. It was a person. Seemingly unaffected by Steve running into him at full speed. The figure only turning slightly and Steve blinked when he recognized the man's face.
"...Eddie?" It couldn't be Eddie. It had been about a month now since the gates to the upsidedown were sealed along with Eddie's very dead body. Yet despite the dirt and absent look in his eyes as he turned around, this was very much Eddie. His stare was focused on Harrington as he scrambled backwards.
"Harrington?" His voice was hoarse. Like he hadn't talked in a while. Steve didn't have a chance to say anything when the man from the car caught up with them. Both Steve and Eddie turned to see the panting man.
"There you are you." The man snarled, pausing when he saw the other boy standing next to Steve. "Hey, who the hell are you?" The feeling of fear returned and Eddie noticed the face Steve was making. Letting out an animalistic noise the Eddie look alike lunged at the man. Steve watching with wide eyes as the man from the far was taken down. Shouting at Eddie but he ignored the man, instead unhinging his jaw in an almost inhuman way before biting down on the guy's neck.
The man's screaming died down into a muffled gurgling until it stopped all together. Steve watched the man's arms stop flailing when Eddie finally pulled away. In the moonlight, Steve could see Eddie's bloodied face as he smiled down at the other man.
"Miss me, big boy?"
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BL Wishes
My List of things and Plots that I Would Like to See In BL
FIRST: Rapid Fire Specific Drama Edition:
Big Dragon S2: I need it, I need it now and I need at least one kinky scene with MossBank because I have not forgotten about the lack of kinky sex in s1. I know it's going to focus on a new couple but I need at least one sexy kinky time with them please and thank you.
I need Minato Coin Laundry s2 not to break them up, or have stupid cheating plots. (The bar is in hell)
I need both Domundi (The Next Prince, Naughty Babe, Love Upon a Time, Middleman) and Taiwan (I forgot the names of announced shows but it's in my blog somewhere) Line Ups to come to me and I need it now. Especially Taiwan.
I need Make A Wish to be more available, I could only find it with Italian Subs, I didn't watch it yet, but the ending seems to be hinting at a season 2 and at the possiblity of a poly ending (or at least a love triangle) so I need other people to be able to watch it as well.
The HIstory franchise needs to get its shit together and start producing more and better shows. Like for all of it's fault I did like History 4 and History 5 was fine. But I need more, I need them to do 2 shows again, I don't want them to "fine" I want them to go all out. Go Crazy. Just don't kill gays again.
Now More Generic BL Wishes:
VAMPIRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just give me vampires, maybe even some werewolves. I need it, I know that we have Mafia BLs but I want Vampire BL god damn it!!!! The main four actors of Cutie Pie would be great a Vampire-Werewolf BL. And I know Fluke Natouch would be great as a Vampire as well (he was in 2015 movie playing a human to vampire co-lead). I also think Earth Cooheart would be great as a Vampire. And MossBank, they would be great in a werewolves pair.
Speaking of Fluke Natouch and Earth Cooheart I need both of them to get more adult and darker roles. I need Cooheart to be allowed to be a little sexy, and I know Fluke would do a darker powerful role justice, I want him to be in a role where he bringes "bigger" man to their knees. I want to see him covered in blood (I say this with love)
POLYCULE with the main four actors of Cutie Pie. This is entairly @respectthepetty's fault. I saw the MaxZee posts on her blog and and It send me down a rabbit hole. By the way did you know there are no true polycule fanfic of the four of them, there is something, but not true polycule and never with Lian and Yi as a pair. Truly no one knows these characters they way @respectthepetty knows them.
Also @respectthepetty's fault for putting this in my head: Domundi Line Up Mash Up. Bad Friend and Middleman Ship meet Cutie Pie and Naughty Babe's ships. In one big BL. The idea is now in my head and it's glorious. Let's Do It!!
Choco Milk Shake Thair Remake but Poly this time. Not sure what trio could do this, but I need it.
LET GUN KISS SOMEONE WHO IS NOT OFF. Listen I realize that OffGun are probably GMMTV best pair branding, and I know that both Off and Gun are going to bank on this pair and be settled for life. I don't even need Gun to be in an endgame ship with another actor, I just need him to kiss another male actor. Not Me would have been the best scenario because of the twins situation. But they didn't go there, and I will never forgive them for that.
Related to Number 5, I had this idea for a plot with an OffGun endgame ship, that started with Gun's character being in a relationship with Sing (because I am still mad about ToddBlack - Listen they have baited us twice with GunSing kiss I need this now) who cheats on him and Gun has to move out and finds an appartmant with Off's character and maybe another roomate played by Tay because I love the Tay/Off dynamic. We would get scenes with Gun and Sing together, showings us flashbacks and stuff but also an OffGun endgame. WIN WIN!!
I need more shows with parents that are in the murky gray area between full acceptance and abusive, I need them not to change their mind at the end and I need a realistic exploration of what it means for a queer person to have parents in that gray area, I want them to question if it's worth it to have to be one that is keeping that realtionship alive. I am also loving the trend of dramas dealing with homophobia and I need to see more of it. I don't want it in all my BLs far from it, but I do like when BL goes there.
More disable characters in BL, preferably by disable actor's but this is a streach so, I just need more disability in BL.
And more actually fat characters, not like Jao in SCOY (which I Love, but calling him fat, felt like a bit of a strech)
And Obviously more GLs and more masc women in GL
I think that's it. Those are the major ones. Feel free to share your thoughts on your own wishes or if you agree or disagree with any of my ideas.
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snailor-bee · 2 years
Your songfic idea sounds really fun! May I please ask for a songfic with Doffy, Kaido, or King with a female reader. I don't have any hard nos. A vampire/monster/alien AU would be cool if the muse runs with it
HELLO! Thank you for the request! Honestly I did shaky eyes at the Kaido plus AU cuz I love that but I have ONE favorite song for Doffy and all was lost in the face of finally being able to do it. I hope you enjoy this anyway!
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GN!Reader / SFW / 877
Warnings: Some use of his strings, enough to bleed a little. GN but calls the reader "doll".
Song: "I've Got the World on a String" - Frank Sinatra
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Giggling you tried to roll away from the fingers that sought you out. They skimmed down your sides before grabbing onto an ankle to stroke against the pad of your foot. 
"Doffy!" you managed to cry out past your laughter. "Stop itttt ha ha ha." Tears streamed down your face as you tried to kick your foot out of his grip. He didn't let go but at least he stopped tickling you. You gasped for breath as you lay collapsed on the large bed in his room. "So meannn," you whined. 
His grin grew wide before he released your foot, kneeled on the bed and crawled over you, his large frame blocking out the light from above. "Am I? I could get meaner if you want." The tone was joking but there was just enough touch of truth to it that heat pooled in your stomach. Doflamingo was dangerous, everyone knew that. He could be charming and loving when he wanted to be, but underneath was a bed of knives. You never knew when you'd lay on one. 
Honestly, you didn't mind. That darkness is what drew you to him, after all. Well, that and the fact that he was smoking hot, powerful, rich, and treated you like royalty. (When he was feeling generous). 
"Could you?" you teased right back not at all frightened. You looped your arms around his neck as he smirked down at you, missing his usual feathered coat, chest bare. "Say," you continued, trailing your fingers down his skin. "What's your favorite song?" 
The random question made his smirk fade for a moment before it came right back, wider than before. "Favorite song in general or favorite song about me?" 
You laughed. Doffy had strange pockets, he was vain but didn't always like talking about himself. Or if he did, it was always very specific aspects. This felt like a safe spot. "About you." 
Quickly, Doffy scrambled off the bed. "Well, I'm glad you asked doll. Get comfortable." You crawled to the edge and sat back, leaning on your hands as you watched him giggle to himself as he pulled out a record and put it in the record player. Dragging the needle over to the specific spot, the speaker snail made an awful static noise that had you wincing with pain; suddenly brass filled the room. Doflamingo snagged up his pink feathered coat and posed dramatically, making you laugh. He was quite the picture, naked chest only framed by his signature feathers, pants hanging low on his hips, toes digging into the plush rug. Then he started to sing and all other thoughts flew out the window.  
I've got the world on a string, sittin' on a rainbow Got the string around my finger
Immediately you started to giggle as he wiggled his fingers at you. 
What a world, what a life, I'm in love
You smiled at the proclamation but didn't take it seriously. 'In love' could mean a lot of things and this was a song about Doffy, not you. 
I've got a song that I sing I can make the rain go, anytime I move my finger
The familiar tug of strings at your arms pulled you forward suddenly. A puppet on strings and you didn't bother to fight against them as they corralled you towards him. When they stopped, you were pressed in tight against his body, peering up at him. 
Lucky me, can't you see, I'm in love
The strings loosened enough for you to move and you wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling his chest expand and retract as he sang. 
Life is a beautiful thing, as long as I hold the string I'd be a silly so and so, if I should ever let it go
Pain around your neck and you didn't flinch as you felt his strings wrap around, digging in slightly. Blood dripped down but you simply smiled. 
I've got the world on a string, sittin' on a rainbow Got the string around my finger What a world, what a life, I'm in love
The thing was, you'd do anything for Doffy and he knew it. Whatever he decided to do with you, love you, kill you, throw you away like you were nothing, you'd accept any treatment because in your heart of hearts you knew you loved him. Despite how stupid that was, despite common sense that screamed at you not too. 
Swaying gently around the room, you let his voice wash over you, comforting in its glee and happiness. His strings never left your neck, likely dyed a crimson red by now. 
He smiled a serpent smile, ready to strike. 
Life is a beautiful thing, as long as I hold the string I'd be a silly so and so, if I should ever let it go
And what did Doflamingo value more than absolute loyalty from his followers? 
I've got the world on a string, sittin' on a rainbow Got the string around my finger
Nothing. The answer was nothing. So you'd be devoted, let it consume you until you would be left with nothing if he ever left you. 
Just the way he wanted. 
What a world Man, this is the life Hey now, I'm so in love...
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toxictoad · 2 months
Okay so as promised (By me, to me) I am writing about Deimos!
He's by far my favorite Durge and the first essay length bit of this is JUST for Act 1. Acts 2 and 3 will be in reblogs at some point
Also who knows I might make a post about his days in the dead three at some point (Read; probably soon because this boy has rotted my brain from the inside out).
You know the drill by now. ADHD ramble under the cut.
Deimos wakes up on the Nautiloid with a specific set of items on him. I don't feel like opening a save just to look at the starting inventory, but the thing that matters here is the book Paladin Oaths and Their Tenets;
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(Interesting thing- This book is nowhere on the wiki. I would put it on there myself but I don't understand how wiki editing really works)
This book, I kid you not, is the most important part of roleplaying Deimos for me. He wakes up with no memories, head pounding, covered in blood, but he has tenets, and he WILL follow them (He's Oath of Devotion btw).
In addition to the text of the book, I headcanon that there are little notes in the margins of the pages- doodles and little jokes. Just stuff you would do if you were bored and had an old book on you.
Waking up on the beach, his immediate priority isn't necessarily survival or taking in his surroundings, it's his fucked up brain. I think a lot of people downplay how goddamn TERRIFYING it is to not have any memories. Like I've had days where I was sick and couldn't remember anything, and it was genuinely distressing, and this is like... 100 times worse than that.
So he panics, a little, and goes through all the items on his person. He has armor and a Warhammer, and... this book. He reads through it, and his thought is "Okay, I'm a paladin. That's something" And he finds a symbol of Ilmater drawn in the book and goes "Okay, that's my god probably. So I know two (2) things about myself! Awesome"
Thing is; Deimos is an amnesiac with 8 intelligence. He can kind of guess what Ilmater's followers believe, but the specifics are lost on him. The result is the funniest paladin to ever paladin.
Just imagine you're like... Shadowheart. This dude saves you from a Mindflayer pod. He seems nice enough when he's not complaining about a headache, and he's a competent fighter. You ask him who his god is and he's like "Uh... Ilmater, I guess." And you're like "...Okay" because you're a secret Shar worshipper so you kind of get being weird about deities, but Ilmater is a very acceptable god to follow and you're pretty sure he's not lying, but then why is he being weird about it. This guy is extremely devoted to his tenets but he's not even 100% sure what they are. He makes every moral decision based off of a book in his pocket and a general idea of what paladins/Ilmater devotees are like that may or may not be accurate. He doesn't even know how to pray, but he's pretty sure he's supposed to do it. The only thing he seems 100% sure about is his name, but at this point, you wouldn't be surprised if he got it off of a roadsign somewhere.
He's so fucking weird.
Deimos is incredibly freaked out by the urges, because obviously. After Shadowheart the first person he finds is Gale, and their first meeting is wonderfully awkward because Gale is being himself and Deimos is distracted by the fact that he really wanted to chop off this guy's hand like 15 seconds ago.
And then... Astarion.
Look, Durgestarion is canon in my heart and you have to deal with it now.
Deimos is incredibly easy to manipulate but in the weirdest way possible. Basically, if you can convince him that doing something is morally sound, or even just morally neutral but you really want him to do it? He'll just fucking do it. The Gur scene was the first real test of this:
Astarion: Hey this guy sucks Deimos: No he doesn't be cool What's his face: I'm hunting a vampire spawn named Astarion Deimos (Internally): Hm... Astarion is Good... and hunting good people is bad... So hunting Astarion is bad... Astarion: Please can I kill him? Deimos: Yeah okay
(Note; Deimos' definition of a "Good person" is a person he likes and who hasn't done anything morally bankrupt in his line of sight. Astarion encourages him to do bad things but so does his brain so he just doesn't listen to either of them)
However; The Urges. My way of thinking is that instead of doing horrible violence and mutilation and cannibalism whenever the option presents itself he just does something funny and kind of rude (This is the only reason he has high approval with Astarion. Astarion is constantly getting him to do weird confusing shit for his own amusement. Baa-ing at the redcaps in the swamp? 100% Astarion's influence. Threatening a magic mirror? 60% Astarion's influence and 40% because Deimos is a little bit of a himbo and doesn't like it when things try to test his intelligence. He is not a riddle person).
I cannot stress enough how weird this man appears to everyone who meets him. Friend or foe everyone around who talks to him for more than five minutes is hit with confusion. He rolls up to the scene with Kagha and Arabella and ignores the Dark Urge, only to immediately go "Hey I'm a paladin I can cast judgment on things" (A thing he is not sure that paladins actually do but he says it with confidence) and instead of making any moral arguments he's just like "I don't fuck with you snake lady let the kid go." He has high charisma but only uses it for persuasion. Ragzlin is like "The squid man showed me ur face time to die" and he just goes "No, lol." Withers wakes up to the literal chosen of Bhaal in Ilmateri getup and asks what the value of a life is and he says "Idk it's based on vibes." Astarion convinces him that the extra supplies that keep appearing in camp are a result of his charm and that he's totally not stealing from traders and Deimos goes "Yes that makes perfect sense" while Wyll is losing his goddamn mind.
Pretty early on in the game I found a book (I'm pretty sure it's A is for Azuth and Other Gods 6? Can you tell that a lot of roleplay is based around books for me) That has Ilmater, and between this children's book and the general assumptions people make about him, he can guess that he's supposed to be a martyr. It isn't his natural instinct, but he takes to it surprisingly well (His fighting style is protection, by the way. It's useless in combat but thematically appropriate so I don't care). I also think that he would encourage Gale to ramble about Ilmater because the man is like Forgotten Realms Google and this is probably his most trustworthy source of information for a while. I think Deimos really likes Gale because he talks a lot and helps drown out the murder thoughts.
So Deimos keeps up the facade-but-not-really-a-facade of being a brave, kind, selfless person who puts everyone before himself, and he tells his companions that he has dark thoughts and impulses, but they tell him that it's normal, and who is he to question them? (Again, he is easily convinced by things in weird ways. He trusts basically anyone more than he trusts his own brain, right now)
...And then Alfira comes to camp.
OH BOY. Okay so I have done playthroughs where I knock out Alfira and kill the Dragonborn bard instead, but I've been trying really hard not to metagame in this run so sadly our lovely tiefling bard is no longer with us. Deimos' honest first reaction to finding out he gored her is... to laugh.
Not a happy laugh, mind you- He's horrified, but his first thought is that he's broken his Oath, and then that that is decidedly not the first thing he should be thinking after he killed an innocent woman. So he laughs at the irony, and then he cries, and then he vomits. He cleans the blood off his hands but not because he wants to hide what he did. He just thinks that if he has to feel the blood on his fingers for one more second then he's going to go insane.
He never really stops feeling the blood. It will always be there.
My party at this point was Karlach, Astarion, and Wyll, and... Ouch. I felt like physical pain the first time I played Durge and everyone was mad at me. I think Deimos has that experience, here.
He wants to cry but he knows that he doesn't deserve to be upset about this. He vows that no innocent will ever die at his hand again, and sequesters himself in the ruin with the magic mirror in it and prays. He doesn't know how,really, but something in him remembers what a prayer for forgiveness sounds like. He begs Ilmater to listen to his repentance. Deimos carries a permanent, bone-deep guilt, but this is the first time he feels it so keenly.
He must read his tenets a hundred times, that day. He asks Withers to bring her back, but he understands why he can't. This is a burn on his conscience. She's at peace now, at least.
He is not, but what he feels doesn't matter.
(He is still immensely relieved that his oath is still intact. Breaking his oath might as well be breaking Deimos, and there's no telling what he will do once he's broken)
But, while everyone else is horrified, scared, or maybe just annoyed with Deimos, Astarion doesn't hate him.
And, look... Deimos' moral compass is literally a book, and the book doesn't say that he can't like a guy who thinks it's funny when you tell kids they're gonna die. He just really wants someone to not hate him, so now his best friend is a guy with an extremely underdeveloped moral compass. I think he clocks pretty early on that Astarion is manipulating him. But also... he doesn't care.
Deimos has always been- pre and post lobotomy- loyal to a fault. He was loyal to his foster family until Bhaal made him kill them. He was loyal to Bhaal and Saverok and even Orin. He was loyal to Gortash and Ketheric. He is a paladin at heart, whether that be under Bhaal or Ilmater. He is loyal and dutiful and constantly wracked with guilt.
Guilt for disobeying his father. Guilt for caring about people. Guilt for his past. Guilt for his urges. He's catholic coded.
So just like he was loyal to Bhaal he becomes loyal to Ilmater. Just like he was loyal to Gortash and Ketheric (Yeah, I'm going there) he becomes loyal to Astarion.
And like, he sleeps with Astarion, and he doesn't mind it, and for all his manipulation they do actually like each other, and then the tiefling party happens...
And look... Deimos knows that Astarion is lying when he says "I love you." He knows and acknowledges that fact and he can fully see that Astarion is pulling his strings like a good little puppet.
...And he just doesn't care. He lets himself believe, if only for a night, that someone loves him, despite his hands that are stained with blood and death and secrets.
And he lets Astarion feed on him, and they travel through the Underdark, and Deimos tries to hold his broken brain together.
The Grym fight is a weirdly potent moment for him, because I think that's when it really hits his companions that Deimos... Just does not value his own life.
Because at this point my party was Shadowheart, Karlach, and Astarion. Astarion and Deimos lure Grym onto the crucible, and Astarion can disengage and jump away. Karlach takes out the last of the magma mephits, and Shadowheart is next to the crucible lever.
Deimos can't disengage, though, and he cast survival instinct on Astarion earlier. So he drinks a potion of superior healing, and he tells Shadowheart to pull the lever.
Astarion's "No, my sweet bloodthirsty friend!" UGH I love it.
But Deimos (barely) survives (Which in reality means "Yay I don't have to use a scroll of revivify" but I want my angst so shhh)
They long rest, and the next day it's up to the mountain pass. I... really don't have a lot to say about the Githyanki Creche? Except that I know that Deimos just follows Lae'zel's lead on this. He bows to Vlaakith, and he... mildly considers killing the Dream Visitor (Who, by the way, looks as close to Jaheira as I could make her look, because the boy needs a mom and the Emperor clocks that easily)
He also gets VERY angry about the Varsh's treatment of Varrl (That is a CHILD how DARE you. I wish there was an option to fight him without making everyone else in the Creche hostile I hate this man)
I turned on non-lethal attacks for fighting my way out of the Creche, because I think Deimos doesn't want to kill these people- For Lae'zel's sake, and for his own.
Okay so maybe I do have a bit to say about the Creche sue me.
That awful fight with the like death knights or whatever in the mountain pass sucks. I don't know why but it always makes me so incredibly angry. Maybe it's just because that was the first place I ever actually had a party member die idk. Not related to Deimos I just had a bad time.
Oh, the Elminster thing...
Unlike almost every Tav or Durge I have, Deimos understands Gale's want to sacrifice himself to save the world/earn Mystra's forgiveness. He's a martyr, after all. He doesn't judge- He knows that feeling. He tells Gale as much. He doesn't want his friend to die, but he wants his friend to feel like he has a purpose. (Semi-related; This is my first run where I'm free of the bug where Gale is in love with you no matter what, and his platonic Act 2 scene before the Illithid colony is just... So sweet? Like he just wants his friend to be there for him. I love that wizard. Yes I will watch the stars with you buddy)
But now we are on to the Shadow Cursed lands, and Act 1 is over. Wow, this was so long.
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aaronstveit · 2 months
hello i would love to hear about i used to live alone before i knew ya and/or vampire au 🤲
hiiii okay i love talking so you can hear about both <33
vampire au (sigh) is more conceptual than anything at this point and only exists because SOMEBODY said "exr vampire au so you can use i'm alive lyrics" and i love vampires so naturally this invaded my brain like a parasite. i love the idea of a vampire enjolras who turns people that he finds dying bc he can't stand suffering and that's how les amis started, and then he makes the mistake of turning grantaire.... oh the arguments they would have about the ethics of turning people into vampires without consent, the responsibilities & obligations you have toward the person who saved you/the person you saved, etc.... my opening line is:
Fuck Grantaire’s life. Death. Afterlife? Undeath? He doesn’t know what to call it, but whatever it is, fuck it.
and i used to live alone before i knew ya!!! my roommates au <3 this one has absolutely no set plot, i'm just writing and seeing where it goes! despite the hallelujah lyric as the title it is supposed to be (mostly) silly. so far it has just been an excuse to explore grantaire as a character because i think it's easy to fall into the trap of him being a general drunk mess but i want to focus more on how he is actually generally good with people in brick canon (enjolras notwithstanding), so just for you here is a long passage that i'm actually really happy with <3
So they Uber. Their driver is an overly-friendly middle aged man who asks a lot of questions about where Grantaire is moving to and why he’s moving and where he works and if he likes his job. Grantaire is too polite to give single-syllable responses like Éponine, so he ends up answering all their driver’s questions and then some. He’s not moving too far, still on the same metro line. His old building had a partial collapse last month and was condemned, oh, you heard about that? Well, he’s been crashing on Éponine’s couch since then because she’s a saint, but now he’s found an apartment that is surprisingly within his budget and less likely to literally fall down around him while he eats his dinner, hopefully. He works in the design department of a greeting card company, which is not as cute as it sounds, it is actually endlessly soul-sucking but he can’t afford to quit and anyway the routine is, tragically, good for him. And in return he hears all about the driver’s life, how he used to drive a bus for the city but got laid off, how he works three jobs now and his wife works two just so they can pay the rent and keep their daughter in dance classes, how he does like driving for Uber because he gets to meet interesting people but he also would just like to get a full night’s sleep for once. And Grantaire, well, he’s never been accused of being a bleeding heart, but. There is something about working-class suffering that just. Gets to him. The specificity of it, the humiliation and the exploitation, the way everyone else looks away because it makes them uncomfortable to know that you are paying the price for their comfort. He thinks of this kind man and all the hours he is missing with his daughter the dancer. He thinks of his parents and all the hours they missed with Grantaire, just to put food on the table. So he tells their driver about an opening in the mailroom at the greeting card company, which Grantaire knows pays decently (well, livably, anyway) because he started out in there. They exchange contact information and Grantaire promises to put in a good word for the guy, and he actually means it, and then Éponine is hauling him out of the car and they’re trying to figure out how they’re going to get all of Grantaire’s stuff up the stairs in one trip when suddenly Enjolras is there, holding the door open for them.
also i want you to know i literally reread suckerpunch literally like an hour ago and i am still blown away by how good it is! the way that you wrote grantaire is everything to me. he IS talented and good with people in canon and you put it through so well! genuinely my favorite les mis fic i've read ♡
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erigold13261 · 8 months
Ok i know i'm like half a month early but i was thinking about what the nsr devs would have chosen if they made halloween remixes of each battle, complete with the artists getting costumes accordingly like in the winter update
b2j would be a witch and a knight, pretty standard
DJSS would probably work out as a headless horseman complete with punkin head
Sayu would basically be a ghost specifically one from japan but it'd have to be 2 kinds of japanese ghost to account for the manfish phase
i got nothing for Yinu :(
1010 would ironically to their thematics be some ghost pirates though i question if neon j's head in this variation should be a nautical compass in place of a radar monitor
Eve is definitely an undead cleopatra i mean you saw how her building looks like
unfortunately i got nothing for Tatiana either though i guess the mystery man mural would be him as the phantom of the opera [it was different in the winter version, it should be different here]
Meant to reply to this earlier since I wasn't planning on drawing for it but I forgor lol.
Anyway! I like a lot of these ideas!
What would be kinda funny is if May was the knight with a guitar sword and Zuke was a witch with drumstick wands. Like I know a lot of people would make May the witch and Zuke the knight, but I find it funny and more instrument fitting if it was the other way around :3
Love the idea that Nova's costume would be like, super casual kinda like his holiday outfit (it literally just looks like a bathrobe lol) so him having a sheet over his head and being a ghost seems a lot more plausible. HOWEVER! Because this is a game and so the design aspect should be put to a higher degree, them having just a shittily carved pumpkin on their head or even just a plastic pumpkin (heck even an upside down plastic pumpkin bucket would be funny).
For Sayu, if we are going for Japanese ghosts, there's a few we could go for depending on if you want something more scary or just generally creepy. Also if you want one ghost the entire time or to switch it up with each phase.
-So one thing could be the Yuki-onna, which is a kind of snow ghost kinda (sometimes like a snow vampire) or will lure people to a frozen death. Kinda would have more snowy environment with things getting colder and darker as you get to the next few phases.
-Then there could be a Kappa which is like a human-like turtle creature. This one is more related to water, as they tend to stick in rivers. Also the site I am using says they have an affinity for cucumbers so that could be a replacement for Sayu's trident.
-I also like the idea of a Gashadokuro, which is a giant starving skeleton, being used for the neon light phase, like the deep sea version because I just think it would look cool to see a glowing skeleton lol.
-For the actual final phase, the reverse mermaid, Sayu could instead be a Chochin Obake (a paper lantern ghost) instead of a fish. Kinda like how Sayu is a handheld bell for that form during Christmas.
-Each form for Sayu could be a different folk lore from Japan (or even from each country of the Sayu Crew, so like one from India, one from Japan, one from Singapore, one from Vietnam, and one from China).
-Other than that, you could just go with the kinda standard and (what I think is) the most well known Japanese ghost which is the Kuchisake-onna or "slit-mouthed woman." The problem with this is that it might be too much for younger audiences which is what Sayu is aimed at (also probably not something the actual NSR devs would put in the game).
-And for a more general look, you could just have Sayu be a more scary looking mermaid that turns into an angler fish in the final phase (oh! or ze could be a scarecrow! with the trident being a pitchfork and the final phase being either a crow or like a vegetable like a pumpkin or something lol)
Okay, Yinu. I had 2 ideas right off the top of my head. One was Yinu wearing calaveras makeup, which is usually worn on Día de Muertos (which is right after Halloween) or Yinu being a like forest elf or something. I also don't really have much of an idea, same with Mama as she should probably match Yinu to some degree so I don't see the calaveras makeup being something for Yinu to wear as it's also not really a costume and Mama wouldn't want to wear it as such (Yinu probably wouldn't either but I can also see her wanting to wear it since it is so close to Día de Muertos).
If you want to get silly, you could have Mama in a Slenderman costume lol. Her being tall and either not having a face because of a mask or only having eyes could be creepy. Don't know what Yinu would wear. Maybe something generic would be good, which is why I think the elf or maybe a fairy of some sort. I can actually also see Mama being a banshee for some reason (probably because they are related to the death of a family member which kinda fits the whole Yinu and Mama deal with Papa being dead).
When it comes to 1010, I do agree that they should be wearing a group costume design. I kinda like the idea of ghost pirates with Neon being the ghost captain. I don't think you should change Neon's head for this, specifically because they didn't change it for the holiday outfit (just gave him a beard and a hat) so it should probably stick with radar head. MAYBE if you really wanted to change it you could go with a diving helmet, oh wait. Nevermind, I think I misunderstood you lol, you meant change the radar on the screen to a nautical compass, not change the whole head! Lol, yeah I think that would look nice, but probably not something that would happen. (or 1010 could be male succubus, succubi? whatever, something like that as they are supposed to be like sexy idols lol)
I can definitely see the Cleopatra vibe you are talking about. Though I can also see her being some kind of spider queen or playing off of Greek mythology where she is wearing a combo comedy and tragedy mask while always having 4 arms out and maybe even having 4 legs as there is the myth that humans were made with 4 legs, 4 arms, and 2 faces but were split up by Zues (also realized after typing that that Zues and Zuke are really close to being spelled the same, that could be another thing that ties the costume to Eve as she felt split after Zuke left her lol).
I actually have an idea for Tatiana! She could be a gargoyle, like fully grey color scheme with more cracks on her clothes as well as her normal body cracks. She would even have wings on too! But as you fight her in the final fight she turns into a phoenix because of her fire and the wings making her look like one!
Mystery Man being phantom of the opera I feel fits. I don't actually know anything about the phantom other than he's like... mysterious? Maybe, idk. It might be too similar to Eve's Greek costume if that is something you care about. I can also see him as a werewolf for whatever reason. Probably because I think he gets a mustache in the Christmas mural so I can just see him getting hairy because of that lol. Otherwise, I don't really have any other ideas for him.
You make me realize I should probably be planning some new costume ideas for each of the characters for another Halloween picture! I definitely don't want to reuse costume ideas even though it wouldn't hurt anyone to do so, and I was a kid who went as a fox for like 8 years in a row so it wouldn't be completely uninspired to reuse some costume ideas lol.
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blueaizu · 1 year
Aizu Updates: Projects for June
It's been a hot minute since the last one of these, so I think it's time for another one. I'm thinking that having this be a bi-weekly thing would be a good schedule. I'll be talking about my time on Bluesky so far, Clip Idol, and some other miscellaneous updates.
These still need a proper name. I'll call them Aizu Updates since I blew my creativity budget on drawings and games. I will be retroactively adding the tag and title to previous posts like this one so they'll be easily accessible.
First I'll talk about my time on the elusive Bluesky. I managed to get on there thanks to someone generously giving me an invite code (NOTE: If it was you and you'd like me to specifically mention your handle, please feel free to reach out and I'll add it in; otherwise I'll keep you anonymous so people won't try hounding on you for invites. By the way: I'll only give invites to people I trust!). Bluesky is similar to Twitter on the surface, but it's actually a decentralized platform with no algorithms, at least not like the ones you may be used to on other platforms. Currently there's a "What's Hot" tab for posts with 12 or more Likes, and there's a Following tab that's always presented in chronological order that covers original posts, reposts (read: retweets), and even replies to other people. At this point in time, hashtags aren't implemented and DMs don't exist. The people there are kind of tight knit so specific communities aren't really a thing just yet, but that could change pretty soon. For now, I'm spending most of my time on the platform trying to get more artwork uploaded since I feel there's a sore lack of it.
A new development is something they're calling "Algos," which are basically a way to add more tabs functioning closer to the algorithms of other platforms. This is part of where Bluesky's decentralization comes in, because (from my understanding) it's a way to change what the platform thinks you're most interested in seeing on the fly without needing to make a fresh account. This is what will separate Bluesky from Twitter and could be a huge development for the future of social media in general. With it, you'll have more control to influence what things the platform assumes you'll want to see instead of just being at the mercy of one algorithm that's rigged by some guy with an offensive musk.
=== With that out of the way, let's talk future projects! ===
The biggest thing I'll be doing in the immediate future is a complete mad dash to finish Clip Idol. I'm supposed to be presenting it again very soon and I need to finish all of the artwork for it so it's in a presentable state. I'd love to make more minigames for Harley to play, but I think the time is coming to put a cap on Clip Idol and get started on something new. It's the only way I'll get better at making games, and I'm sure people will want to play this one! If you haven't seen the previous update I made about Clip Idol, I'll share a link to the latest in-progress video I've uploaded:
=== Vtuber Stuff ===
I've also been hard at work on my Vtuber model, who I decided I'm going to call... Aizu. Yeah, yeah, I know it's not a very vampire-y name, but his design came from ideas based on a lot of self-reflection (but still with a few liberties, I definitely can't pull off wearing a crop top in real life), so it's the same as my current username. Some people have called me a vampire before, so you know what? They're right. I am a vampire!
The model is already fully rigged, but I'm still running tests to make sure his tracking works properly. I'm also still drawing backgrounds, including the main one I'll be using. A goal I have for his streaming background is that, as much as possible, I want it to feel like it's in a real place. Just doing a fancy border won't cut it. Conversely, I'm back and forth on whether I should have him holding a controller and using a drawing tablet, but for my first Live2D model ever I feel it may be a little too ambitious. I'd like to start doing streams as Aizu before the end of the year, and since I'm making the model myself I could always add those bells and whistles in later.
I've talked about Aizu a fair bit and already made him my profile picture, so I'd like to pull back the curtain a little bit to show him in action! This is from a while back so his model is in an earlier state (note the darker wings), but in broad strokes this is how Aizu will be:
And with that, I've got a lot of last minute changes I need to make for my friend's book illustrations before I can continue my own projects, so this is where I'll have to end it for now. Until next time!
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nomdebloomart · 1 year
Seeking friends/partners for forum plots!
Hi there! My name is Bliss - I’m a 31F and a seasoned narrative roleplayer of nearly two decades, and I am seeking a partner and friend for a somewhat specific plot or two.
Full disclosure - this ad is intended to fill roles on a modern/supernatural jcink roleplay forum, but I will do my best to give as much detail as possible so that you can decide if this is something that might interest you!
Shall we begin?
A bit more about me:
My mode is third-person/past-tense, and my average reply length is four chonky paragraphs, though I will happily write more or less as the scene calls for it (the site I’m on rewards members for posting a minimum of 250 words per reply, fyi).
I’m fairly active! Generally speaking, I can provide 1-3 posts per day if a plot is particularly engaging, or even do “rapidfire” sessions. And of course, I will always give my friends/partners notice if something comes up IRL to prevent me from posting on a given day or week.
I write Male and Female characters, and prefer MxF ships.
I’m an aspiring digital artist and enjoy making fanart of my friend’s characters (I will happily show examples if you are curious c: ).
One of my favorite aspects of this hobby is the plotting portion - if my partner seems amicable to it, I will gleefully bombard them with headcanons and scene concepts and playlists and pinterest boards pertaining to our characters and their plot. I thoroughly enjoy “riffing” as well, and specifically for testing chemistry or potential scene outcomes.
I mentioned it before, but it’s important so I’ll say it again - I hope that you and I may become friends as much as writing partners in this and may go on to have many more plots and ships between us!
Ideally the person responding to this ad is:
25+ years old.
Has some experience with forum roleplay, or is at least open to the idea. The community in question is friendly and engaging, and I’d love to see you branch out a bit with your characters beyond our ships/plots.
Creative. I love tossing ideas back and forth and building off of them, and don’t want to be the only one between us offering ideas or otherwise driving our plots.
Flexible. Scenes don’t always go the way we expect! If something isn’t going the way you want, let’s discuss it!
Engaging. I want to nerd out with you about our characters and our plans for them!
Open to playing Female AND Male characters and willing to put equal effort into both.
Open to mature themes, but willing to respect my limits (this probably goes without saying).
Willing to provide a writing sample.
Now! What *specifically* am I seeking?
I won’t be linking the site in question until we’ve had a chance to discuss things, but, as stated previously, it fits into the Modern-Supernatural genre (demons, werewolves, vampires, witches, etc). I have two characters in need of long-term romantic plots:
Male Wrath Demon
Face Claim: Jon Bernthal
In need of a Witch to summon him for (potentially nefarious) reasons, ensnare him, and otherwise set off a gratuitous enemies-to-lovers plot. This will be a SLOW-BURN, people. I cannot stress that enough. Duke is equal parts charming/suave and unpredictable/dangerous, so there are a number of ways in which things might pan out.
Female Alpha Werewolf
Face Claim: Lily James
In need of a romantic interest who is ideally also a Wolf, though I’m open to giving Vampires a try despite the overwhelming ANGST this would cause due to the ongoing conflict between Vamps and Werewolves. Her backstory is effectively that she was once a Witch who lost her powers when she agreed to allow her boyfriend to turn her into a Werewolf (without knowing or understanding the full implications of her choice). The boyfriend is no longer in the picture (died in the conflict with the Vampires), and she has since joined the Pack and is trying to find a place for herself. Honestly, some kind of rivals-to-lovers plot might be fun for her, but I’m open to discussing our ideas!
…I can give more information for both characters upon request, as well as more detailed info regarding the site and its lore depending on how well you and I end up getting along.
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ot7always · 4 years
In the Dead of Night
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banner courtesy of the wonderfully talented @dee-ehn​ !
Word Count: 14.5k
Pairing: Vampire!Jin x Reader
Genre: Vampire!AU, friends to lovers, smut, fluff
Warnings: dom!Jin, sub!Reader, non-gory blood and knife injury (it’s there, but mostly humorous and/or with very little specific description), biting (like actual biting), vampire compulsion (nothing concerning consent-wise), marking, hair pulling, grinding, size kink, spanking (hand), fingering, praise, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, aftercare
Rating: 18+
Summary: Courtesy of my roommate, who summarized my story much better than I ever could:
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A/N: It’s finally here! I meant for this to be about half the length and be released more than a week or 2 ago, but as you very well know, things don’t exactly go as planned in 2020. Regardless, I enjoyed writing this fic a lot, so please let me know what you think!
Saturdays at 3 am were supposed to be peaceful.
Well – at your apartment, that is. You couldn’t account for whoever elected to roam the streets of downtown at night.
But what was definitely not supposed to be happening was being awoken from your deep slumber by furious pounding on your front door.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
When you glanced groggily over at your alarm clock and saw the time, you could have screamed.
Just as you reached for your phone to call the cops on whatever psychopath was probably waking up your entire floor, your screen lit up with a text.
Suckjin [03:19]: plz open ur door
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
Sliding out of bed, you hissed as your bare feet hit the cold hardwood.
This had better be fucking worth it.
Plodding out of your bedroom on tiptoes to avoid as much contact with the floor as possible, you made your way to the front door without even bothering to throw on shorts under your oversized t-shirt.
Whatever. You were sure that brat has seen thighs before.
While the knocks had thankfully quieted for a moment, he started up again just as you reached the door.
Before he could even dare bang his fist against the wood again, you were turning the deadbolt and whipping the door open, readying your fiercest glare for the broad man standing before you.
Right as you opened your mouth to start cussing him out, he sprung towards you, hands pushing you further inside your apartment and shutting the door before you could even blink.
When he turned to face you again, hands on his stomach, you prepared for the verbal onslaught you were about to send his way.
“Just what in the absolute hell do you think you’re-”
When your eyes naturally followed the path of his arms down to his stomach, what you saw there shut you up immediately.
Wide-eyed, you took a step back, eyes never leaving the sight before you. He-
As your breath quickened, a (miraculously clean) hand shot out to cover your mouth gently, though you were sure he was ready to clamp down at a moment’s notice.
“Please don’t scream.”
When you were finally able to break your gaze from his abdomen and look at his face instead, pleading eyes locked with yours, his skin paler than usual.
As frightened as you were, you calmed some when you processed the fact that he seemed to be standing before you just fine, albeit the fact that his eyes appeared somewhat unfocused.
You nodded, reaching a shaky hand up to remove his from your face, shivering at how cold and clammy he felt.
When you could speak again, you spent a few moments collecting your thoughts before you opened your mouth again.
“You - you have a knife in you!” you hissed, stepping closer to move his jacket aside to get a better look.
It wasn’t that gruesome a sight, especially not when he was wearing a black t-shirt, but it was no less jarring to have your friend show up in the middle of the night after seemingly being stabbed.
“I know that!” he hissed back, slightly exasperated, muffling a groan when you tried to inch his shirt up to glance at the skin beneath.
“Why the hell do you have a knife in you?” you whispered furiously, pulling him by the arm to settle down onto your couch.
He plopped down with a sigh of relief, his head lolling back momentarily. You hoped he knew that he was paying your cleaning bills if he bled all over your loveseat.
“Now, now, didn’t anyone ever tell you not to remove the knife if you get stabbed?” he said with a pained chuckle, sucking in a breath at the movement it caused.
“Seokjin, now is not the time to joke around,” you said, panic rising in you because you had absolutely no clue what you were supposed to do with a vampire who had a knife embedded in him. “Why did you come here?”
“Well you were the only person I could think of who would answer their door at 3 am-”
“Sorry, sorry.” You didn’t tend to call him that unless you were genuinely annoyed, and he seemed to drop the humorous demeanor immediately.
“Why didn’t you go to a hospital?”
“I can’t go to a hospital.”
“What?! Why not?”
“Okay, correction – I didn’t want to go to a hospital.”
You let out a groan of frustration, fingers rubbing circles into your temples. This man was going to be the death of you. You had no idea why vampires seemed to have such an aversion to hospitals, but you supposed you could never understand. Despite their existence being generally accepted in society so long as they didn’t leave trails of bodies in their wake, there must have been some other reason nobody had ever shared with you.
“Seokjin, I really don’t know what to do here,” you whispered, an ounce of desperation and unease making its way into your tone. His expression softened at the sound, reaching for your hand. As much as he might have been trying to comfort you, the feeling of his hand unusually icy against yours only scared you more.
“I...” he trailed off, trying to figure out a good way to phrase this before settling on being straightforward. “...need blood.”
“Huh?” You furrowed your brow. “You literally have blood at home.”
“No, I, uhh...” he paused. “I need fresh blood to heal something like this.”
You froze. He needed fresh blood? He showed up here because he wanted... your blood?
“Aren’t there places you can go for blood?” you asked, tensing up at the notion of being bitten. It wasn’t that you were so totally opposed – it was no secret that people said it felt good. But you had never been bitten before, and you didn’t know what to think about Seokjin showing up here for that reason.
“I came here because I trust you the most,” he said, squeezing your hand. “Please. I promise I would never do this unless I had to. But please – you can say no, but tell me right now, because this hurts so much.”
Seeing his pained expression and feeling the way his fingers gripped yours like a lifeline, there was absolutely no way you were letting him back outside to roam the streets. You had no idea how this really happened to him, but despite their general acceptance, vampire hunters still existed. Like hell you were going to let easy bait walk right into their hands.
Especially not Seokjin.
“I – okay, I just – I don’t know why I’m nervous.” Biting was a pretty private, intimate thing. Most vampires drank bagged blood, with live donors only in carefully-controlled emergency clinics or heavily guarded clubs.
There was, of course, the cases of vampire-human relationships or hookups, but most people didn’t tend to share the ultra-specific details of their sex life.
Not that you had never attempted research on your own, but anecdotes you found on the internet varied so wildly that you had to wonder whether they were even telling the truth.
“I promise I can control myself. I would never put you in danger.”
“No, I know, it’s not that,” you mumbled. “Just... will it hurt?”
“Oh. No, it shouldn’t.”
“It shouldn’t? I don’t know how reassuring that is,” you chuckled nervously. You weren’t about to back out now, but you had at least hoped that he would have a straight answer for you.
He took a shaky breath, and a pang of guilt went through you for asking so many questions.
“The more attracted a vampire and donor are to each other, emotionally and physically, the better it’ll feel for you.”
“And you?”
He smirked, and curse him for making it look good despite his unfortunate... situation. “Me? I’m a vampire, it always feels good.”
Right. You might have facepalmed at the stupid question that left your own lips, but his voice momentarily distracted you from doing so.
“Anyway, I know my face isn’t a problem, so unless you secretly hate me or something, you’ll be okay,” he grinned.
“I’m so glad you can joke around right now,” you snorted derisively. “If I secretly hated you, you wouldn’t be here, would you?”
“Anyway, I’ll do it, just,” you winced. “Don’t call me a donor. It feels weird.”
“Deal,” he said quickly, pulling you closer to him. “Thank you for this. Really, I owe you.”
You sighed. “I can’t just let you bleed out somewhere in the world, can I?” You allowed him to pull you close enough that you were hovering over him with your legs touching his, and you stood awkwardly in silence. “Uhh, what should I do?”
He patted his lap in invitation and your face warmed at the notion, but you straddled his legs before your brain had time to dwell on it.
He raised a hand to nudge the collar of your shirt away from your neck, his icy fingers and the sensation of his nails on your skin sending a shiver down your spine. When his thumb rubbed gently against the warmth of your neck, you had to suppress a gasp at the surprisingly intimate touch.
When you focused your gaze on his face, his eyes were not fixed on your own, but rather on the movements of his own hand, his pupils obscenely dilated. You’d never seen him look so lustful, so hungry.
Heat undeniably flared in your core (much without your consent), and it was wishful thinking to hope that Seokjin didn’t pick up on your quickening breath or rapid heartbeat.
“I...” he whispered, trailing off before he’d even begun.
“Hm?” you answered, already feeling dazed before his fangs had even touched you.
“I need you to pull the knife out.”
Well, that certainly broke you free of your trance.
“What!? Me? You – I – me?” you stuttered in a very flattering display of eloquence.
“I’m... not sure I have the strength right now,” he admitted ruefully, and you could tell that if it were really up to him, he would be doing it himself.
Just what have you gotten yourself into?
“Fine,” you murmured, raising both hands to grip firmly at the handle of the blade. “Just – don’t bite me until I put this knife down, okay? We don’t need any more... accidents.”
He failed to hold back a laugh at that, and you managed to crack a grin in response. “Okay, okay.”
To think he had you so utterly flustered and at his whim only moments ago.
“On the count of three,” you breathed, bracing yourself for something you certainly never expected anyone to ask of you. “One... two... three.”
When you reached three, you flinched your eyes shut, pulling as hard as you could in one quick burst, desperate to have this all over before it started.
The sensation was something odd and unspeakable, and you turned to toss the knife on the table behind you before you could register the uncomfortable warmth on your hands.
But the exact moment the sound of metal clattering on glass reached your ears, your head was being wrenched back by large hands, plump lips and hot breath coming into contact with your neck before you realized he’d moved.
You could barely suck in a gasp before a hand moved to grip tightly at your waist, and fangs sunk into your skin.
White-hot pain lanced through your body like electricity, and for a moment you were thinking you were done for. Seokjin was wrong, maybe he lied, and you definitely lacked the strength to push off a dying vampire determined to drink.
But just as you opened your mouth, whether to scream or cry or whatever else, you were immediately silenced, a breathy groan soon pulled from your throat.
The sudden onslaught of pleasure flowing through your limbs had you weak, your body falling limp into sensation immediately.
Clearly prepared for this outcome, Seokjin only pulled you closer to him, the hand on your waist supporting your body, a hand fisted near your scalp keeping your head back. The casual display of strength pulled a whimper from you, your body feeling hot all over.
Your eyelids fluttered closed, and you had to wonder when you had opened them at all, because you couldn’t recall processing a single thing visually since his fangs touched you.
You thought that would be as good as it gets, but the pleasure only kept building and building. It rendered you almost completely immobile, your world reduced to Seokjin at your neck, the broad planes of his body below yours, and the myriad of bliss flooding your veins. Heat was throbbing in your cunt, your nipples hard and almost pained as they rubbed against the roughness of your t-shirt.
You raised your hands that were sitting idle at your sides to fist into Seokjin’s shirt, giving no thought to the fact that he was gravely injured in that spot only minutes ago, fingers feeling almost numb and not registering the wetness that was there either.
“Ah - Jin,” you cried loudly as the bliss only built, tossing your head back to bare more of your neck.
He growled ferally into your skin, the sound going straight to your core. He pulled you closer still, enough that your breasts pressed harshly into his chest, your hips slotted together.
Sighing happily at the pressure right where you needed it most, you ground desperately against whatever you could feel against you. When you felt the undeniable hardness of Seokjin’s cock against your cunt and its delicious friction against your soaked-through panties, you moaned obscenely.
You felt rather than heard his gasp in response, his grip around you tightening even further, enough that you felt out of breath.
You whimpered at the restriction, his strength keeping you from grinding against him no matter how hard you tried.
You cursed him internally, but there was no way you were going to formulate words at this point, your mind completely lost to euphoric delirium.
It felt as though you were floating, head thrown back as sparks flew up your spine relentlessly.
Despite the lack of proper friction against your cunt, you could feel pressure building in your abdomen. You were close, so close, so undeniably close-
Fangs retracted from your neck, and the sudden loss was like ice water being thrown over your head. You shivered.
The tight grip on you loosened, Seokjin leaning into the back of the couch and groaning.
When you opened your eyes you almost fell over at the way the world spun, dizziness and blurry vision almost distracting you from the orgasm that seemed only moments away.
Blinking furiously until you managed to fix your gaze onto Seokjin’s face, you sucked in a harsh breath at the sight before you.
Irises swimming with crimson, pupils blown out, chest heaving, dark hair mussed, lips painted red, fangs still visible past his parted lips – he looked the very picture of sin.
Though if you had a mirror, you would see that you looked just as ruined – eyes wanton and desperate, teeth gnawing into your bottom lip, dark bruises colouring your neck. If temptation were a person, it would be you, sitting in Seokjin’s lap with your soaked panties still pressed against the bulge in his pants.
As you stared at each other, it was as though time froze. Neither of you moved an inch, seemingly content to remain in some kind of intense, sensual staredown for the rest of time.
But you’d never claimed to be a patient person, and when you finally felt confident that your body was yours again, you acted.
If he wanted to push you away, he could have. His reflexes always seemed to almost predict the future, and you were positive that if he didn’t want this, he would have stopped you. He was never one to avoid voicing his discontent, even if it was masked as a self-deprecating joke. Some part of you deep down expected him to end this before it had even begun.
He didn’t.
Your lips met his in a depraved frenzy, too far gone to make any attempt at starting slow. It was rough, and it was messy, and it was desperate, and you loved it. His fangs scraped at your bottom lip and you gasped, fisting your hands into his hair as your body remembered how it felt the last time those fangs breached your skin. But as you ground your clit into the sizeable bulge in his pants again, he froze.
Just as you were about to pull away to see what caught his attention, he pushed you away first, hands firmly on your shoulders.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he gasped, and it very much looked like it took all of his willpower to break away.
“What’s wrong?” you asked weakly, your head still spinning, body absolutely overcome by lust. In fact, he was looking a bit blurry again with how fast he moved you, and it took several moments of rapid blinking before you met his very concerned gaze. Nothing ever escaped him, and you were sure that your semi-weak state was very obvious to him right now.
Not that it affected how much you wanted his touch, his cock.
“You don’t know what you’re doing.”
Your brow furrowed. “I do know what I’m doing,” you said firmly – or at least, you tried, but it took far too much effort to wrap your tongue around the syllables, almost as if you were drunk.
“Why don’t you believe me?” you whined, this time sounding a bit more coherent. You tried to push toward him, but his hold was too strong. “You want it too, look at your face.”
He sighed, looking to the ceiling as though it held some answer on how to make this easier. “It’s not about whether I want it or not. You’re not thinking straight.”
“Jinnie,” you whimpered needily, reaching your hands toward the waistband of his pants. If he didn’t touch you soon, you swore that you would scream. “Please. I want it. I want you. I promise-”
He moved to snatch your hands before you could touch him, and your mouth clamped shut at the grip. His expression was almost pained for a moment before his eyes glazed over with a look that would have had you on your knees immediately.
His hand shot up to grip your chin firmly, ensuring that you couldn’t look away. Though, you didn’t think you could look away if you tried, drawn to the unspeakable darkness you found there, crimson still invading the rich brown.
“Why don’t you be a good girl and sleep for me?”
“Wh-what?” you choked out, but it was as though you’d lost control of your body, feeling as though you’d been awake for days without sleep. Your eyelids fluttered shut, but you forced them back open, groaning weakly when your vision fell upon Seokjin, his expression still dark and hungry.
You were about to open your mouth again, but something about his eyes was so captivating. Something about the red pulled you in, left you unable to think. Were his eyes always this beautiful? You wracked your brain, but came up blank. You wanted to open your mouth and ask him, but you couldn’t move a muscle. Even still, your face drew closer to his as though pulled in by a magnet.
His eyes roved over your face before meeting your gaze once more, and you missed the flash of sympathy that was present for only a moment. You were relieved when he looked at you again, fingers twitching with the urge to cup his face. You were content to look at him for the rest of time – if there was anything Seokjin had, it was time, right?
Attention focused on each other, he parted his lips, and you could have sworn your ears buzzed, desperate to hold on to every word.
Your vision went black.
You awoke to a hand scratching gently at your scalp, a great contrast to the relentless hammering of your head. You groaned, shoving your face further into your pillow, blocking out the light that was already worsening the ache of your skull, even with your eyes closed.
You were so comfy, so relaxed at the touch that you almost drifted right back to sleep.
You lived alone.
Sitting up all in a rush, you gasped as the world spun. It only got worse when you forced your eyes open, a pained whine leaving your lips as even the limited light in the room only introduced more pain behind your eyes.
“Woah! It’s just me, it’s just me.” Seokjin’s voice came out in a rush, sturdy arms lowering you back to your pillow as he pulled the sheets up to shadow your face.
Right. Seokjin.
Your heartbeat calmed, recalling his arrival late last night. Though, what came next was all a blur you couldn’t bother trying to remember right now.
You heard him step away quickly, the sound of your curtains drawing completely closed having you let out a sigh of relief. His footsteps neared you again, his cool touch returning to stroke gently at your face, before moving to massage at the base of your skull.
His touch was so delicate it almost baffled you. You didn’t think he’d touch anyone like this, his displays of affection more inclined to loud compliments and playful roughhousing.
But you couldn’t deny that it felt incredible, your neck arching almost imperceptively as you leaned into his touch. The chill of his skin against yours sent a shiver through you, and you tried to ignore the fluttering in your chest.
“Are you cold?”
Blood rushed to your face at the observation, though you only gave a noncommittal noise in return. He didn’t need to know what was going on in your mind.
“My head hurts,” you mumbled quietly, a pout overtaking your lips. Seokjin had to force himself not to laugh at how cute you looked then.
“I know, I’m sorry,” he replied softly, lulling you back into a half-asleep state with the gentle motions of his hand on you.
You couldn’t tell how long it was before you opened your eyes again – it could have been 2 minutes or it could have been two hours. You couldn’t even tell whether you’d drifted off or not.
It was fortunately much darker than the first time you opened your eyes, much to the relief of your headache that had faded some, but was still thudding away.
What you didn’t expect, however, was to be greeted by the golden skin of Seokjin’s chest, the shadows of the room only making it look more unreal.
You blearily blinked several times before determining that yes, that was Seokjin half-naked and perched on a kitchen chair. You tried to get words out and failed, clearing your throat before trying again.
“Where are your clothes?”
He grinned. “A bit ruined, if you recall.”
At least his pants were still on. That was best for your sanity.
“Why does my head hurt so much?” you asked, luckily able to keep your eyes open now to look at him without the pain multiplying tenfold.
He winced, his chest aching at the pained expression on your face. “I’m sorry. That’s my fault.”
“What do you mean? Because you bit me?”
“No, not that.” He raised his free hand to scratch awkwardly at his ear.
“Huh? Why then?” All of this was so confusing. Maybe you should have done more research on vampires in your life, though you never expected to be in this sort of situation.
“I, uhh... compelled you.” He gnawed nervously at his lip, but rather than the lashing out he might have expected, you only looked at him in confusion.
“You what? Why?”
“What do you remember from last night?” he posed to you instead.
As much as you tried to recall, you couldn’t focus on anything with the state your head was in. You remembered him arriving at your house, a bit of stupid banter, getting on the couch, sitting in his lap. Then, he bit you.
Then what?
You honestly didn’t know, and you couldn’t help the fear that crept its way through you at that realization.
“You bit me...” you trailed off, looking away from his face and instead staring into the sheets near where your hands laid.
He hummed in affirmation, clearly urging you to continue.
“And then, I don’t really know,” you whispered, an edge of panic in your voice.
He sighed. “That’s what I thought. Don’t worry, it’ll come back.”
“Did something bad happen?” You tried to wrack your brain for possible scenarios where he would have had to compel you to do something, and you came up blank every time. What could you have done? Attacked him? Or did he go crazy at the taste of your blood and attack you? No, that didn’t make any sense – you were lying in bed feeling perfectly normal besides the headache.
What the hell happened?
“Nothing bad happened. I just... made you sleep before we did something stupid.”
It felt like the more he told you, the less you knew. Before you did something stupid? As in, did something stupid together?
There was something about the way he was choosing his words that led you to only one conclusion – in fact, he sounded an awful lot like Taehyung bemoaning his drunken hookups.
There was no way you almost fucked... right?
You’d have to know, right? There was no way you would have gone along with that... right?
It wasn’t as though you’d never had a spur of the moment one-night stand, but with Seokjin? There was absolutely no way you would’ve let that happen. A person had to protect their heart, after all.
“Stop overthinking right now, you’ll just make the pain worse.”
“I’m not,” you protested, though you didn’t know why you even tried lying. It was a bit hard to trick someone who was both a vampire and your friend.
“I can literally hear you freaking out. Please just try to rest, you’ll remember when the headache goes away.”
You sighed, trying to ease the tension in your body you didn’t even realize you had. “Are you sure?”
“Positive,” he said confidently, his hand trailing away to rub firm circles into your shoulder instead.
“Mm.” You might have said something, but proper words evaded you at his touch. You tried focusing on him rather than the thrum of your skull, and you had to force yourself to keep your eyes open.
The expression on Seokjin’s face was one you hadn’t seen before. His eyes looked into yours with a softness that felt unfamiliar, a soft smile overtaking his lips when he saw how exhausted you looked.
“Sleep if you’re tired, princess,” he murmured, pulling the sheets up higher to cover you more. “Do you want another blanket?”
You could feel your heart speed up in your chest at the pet name and his tenderness, and you cursed the fact that there was no way to hide anything from him. At least he was polite enough not to tease you like he did your other friends.
You were so momentarily flustered that you almost forgot to respond, only nodding in response as you curled further into yourself. If you were any braver, maybe you would have asked him to join you instead.
It was only moments before he was tossing the throw from your living room over you, and it almost startled you. Sometimes you forgot how eerily fast he could move, considering he usually slowed himself to your pace whenever you were together.
You let out a contented sigh as you snuggled into the additional warmth, already feeling only half-conscious. You had just enough energy to let out a mumbled ‘thanks’ before you were drifting off again.
When you awoke this time, it felt as though you were an entirely new person. For starters, your head felt blissfully quiet. You were sure you would have cried if you woke up to just as much pain. There was only so much you could take in one 24-hour period. Seokjin had really done a number on your weekend, hadn’t he?
Speaking of Seokjin, he was nowhere to be seen in your bedroom. Though you were sure he was still somewhere. It wasn’t quite his style to disappear without saying goodbye, and you were even more doubtful that he would just leave after biting you.
Biting you.
At the thought, images flooded your mind faster than you could process them.
His fangs at your neck.
The relentless pleasure that invaded every fibre of your being.
Your lips on his.
Your brazen grinding against him.
And, your refusal to stop despite his words.
Holy fuck.
Was it possible to go back to when you didn’t remember and you could ignorantly lay in bed with Seokjin stroking your head?
You sat up only to bury your head in your hands, letting out a loud, embarrassed, frustrated groan while you were at it. If Seokjin didn’t know you were awake before, he surely did now. But merciful as ever, he allowed you to wallow in your mortification alone.
Was there anything worse than trying to mindlessly and basically drunkenly make your way into your friend’s pants and get denied? Your friend who you maybe found a little bit (extremely) attractive in every way, shape, and form?
Well, of course there were worse things, but to you in this moment, it certainly felt like a new low.
It took you a moment to find your footing once you’d hopped out of bed, but luckily you felt good as new otherwise. If you stayed in here alone too much longer you would certainly lose the minimal nerve you had and never leave.
In your rush to make use of your bravery, you remembered at the last moment that you were still in just your panties and shirt with no bra.
When you made it to your dresser, you paused at your reflection.
It was almost... startling how normal you looked. Though, what should you have looked like?
Baring your neck and squinting at the image in front of you, you had to scratch at your neck yourself to verify whether you were imagining it.
Aside from bruises that already seemed to be fading, there were no marks on your neck. Did it really heal that fast?
Maybe you should have been a bit embarrassed that you were so clueless on the whole subject. But in your defense, information on the internet didn’t seem to be very reliable, and vampires, for some reason, seemed to love their air of mystery. Based on the few you knew well, you were pretty sure they got a fair amount of amusement out of the misconceptions flying around.
Finally fully dressed for the first time since Seokjin showed up unannounced, you flung your door open with all the confidence you could muster.
Which is to say, you cracked your door open just enough for you to stick your head out. Much to your dismay, your eyes met Seokjin’s on the couch almost immediately, your face ducked toward the floor as you slinked your way over to the living room.
You stopped on the opposite side of the table, the sight of the stained knife there definitely not helping in your hope to distract yourself from what a fool you’d made of yourself the night before.
Out of curiosity, your gaze shot up to examine his abdomen.
You didn’t know why the perfectly smooth and unblemished muscle you found there was of any surprise to you after the night you’ve had, but it was. There wasn’t a single trace of any injury or blood on him – in fact, he looked much cleaner than when he got here. Did he use your shower?
A throat clearing had your eyes instinctively locking with his, an amused smile playing over his features that shot embarrassment through your veins. Of course the one time your ogling was purely scientific, he had to catch you and make fun of you.
You couldn’t stop your sight from drifting back down, the concept of there being absolutely no trace of anything happening to him boggling your mind.
“You really...” you trailed off, eyes darting back and forth across his bare skin one last time just to be sure. “You really healed, just like that?”
He only nodded, tapping the unbroken skin for emphasis. “You can heal me, I can heal you. Convenient, isn’t it?”
You nodded back in response, silence taking over the room quickly. You didn’t know what you were supposed to do to fill it. You’ve never experienced an awkward silence with Seokjin before, his charming nature always keeping everyone around him comfortable. This sort of energy in the room with him... it was unsettling.
“Y/N,” Seokjin called out once the silence went on a moment too long for his liking. “Can you come sit with me?”
He scooted over to make plenty of room for you, but you felt almost frozen in place. Did he really want your company after you’d pretty much jumped him? Was he sitting you down so he could let you down easy, tell you that this has been real, but he refused to associate with someone with so little self-control?
You must have stood there staring for longer than you thought, because an unreadable expression crossed his face before he spoke up again.
“Are you scared of me?”
“No!” you blurted out, your volume clearly surprising him. “Well, a little?”
“Oh.” If you weren’t paying such close attention to him, you would have missed the hurt that flashed in his eyes. But you didn’t.
“Wait, that’s not what I meant,” you said hurriedly. You wanted to smack yourself for being such a blatant mess. “I’m just... scared,” you finished weakly.
His gaze softened immediately, and he had to restrain himself from hopping over the table between you to pull you into his arms. You looked like you were trying to shrink into yourself, your shoulders pulled towards your chest, hands wringing nervously in front of you.
“Did you think I would be upset?” he asked softly. He leaned forward, earnest expression on his face.
That was an understatement. You could live with “drunkenly” coming onto someone, but you didn’t know what you would do if it ended up costing you your friendship. Maybe you were being overly dramatic, but you never claimed to be the most rational person.
You nodded slowly, your vision dropping to stare at the floor, hands wrapped around your middle, squeezing as you struggled to maintain composure. You didn’t know why your heart was beating a mile a minute, your palms uncomfortably sweaty. You usually didn’t feel this level of fear when confronting a mistake that, to a normal person, shouldn’t be such an obscenely big deal as you were making it. But Seokjin was certainly not a normal person to you, and any situation that lowered his opinion of you was one you would do anything to avoid.
“Hey.” The sudden gentle hand on your chin made you squeak, and you would have stumbled in your rush to step backward if not for the steadying hand on your shoulder.
You always seemed to forget that he could move so quickly and silently. Your heart might stop at this rate if he wasn’t careful.
His thumb stroked at your jaw as if he hadn’t just seen you nearly fall flat on your ass, softly tapping under your chin until you met his gaze.
“I promise I’m the furthest thing from mad right now. Nothing is even your fault, okay?”
“No buts. Let’s talk, but I’m not upset. Okay?” he urged, eyes not leaving yours until you nodded. The smile he gave in return made you feel warm, the tenderness in his gaze doing things to your heart, the hint of a smile ghosting your lips.
The hand on your shoulder nudged you toward him, the other opening wide to welcome you into a hug.
You went easily, your arms wrapping around his bare waist as you tucked your face into his chest. The relief you felt at his reassurance was immense, and you melted into his touch. It was almost strange how well you fit together.
“Let’s sit,” he said, kind yet firm. He led you over to the couch, settling himself down into the spot where he seemed to have spent much of the past day in.
You didn’t know what possessed you to straddle his lap in the way you did last night. Maybe it was the way he looked at you warmly without judgment, or the way your body craved his nearness after getting a taste of his touch. But whatever it was, he didn’t push you away – rather, he reached for your hands, interlacing his fingers with your own.
This position wasn’t the most “innocent” to begin with, but with the memories of last night rushing through your head, of his teeth at your neck and the pleasure you felt, your breath sped up.
With the expression on Seokjin’s face, you were sure he must have been thinking the same thing, hungry eyes flickering from your lips back up to your waiting gaze. Unlike you, however, he didn’t seem at all embarrassed.
“Are you confused?” he asked suddenly.
Caught off guard by the sudden question, your brows furrowed. Though you didn’t know just exactly what he was referring to, what will all that happened, but your answer was still the same regardless.
You nodded hesitantly, but he didn’t speak, your puzzled expression telling him that you were still working things out in your head. The silence stretched on until you finally spoke up again.
“You didn’t tell me it would be like... that.” Euphoric. Dreamlike. Intense. No matter what word you used, it still didn’t feel enough to encompass what you experienced the night before. You’d never experienced white-hot physical and even emotional pleasure like that, not in all your years of life.
You dropped your gaze down to your joined hands, watching the way he fiddled with your fingers as he pondered his next words. It felt unusual to have a conversation with him in this way – you both tended to be people who said what they thought without thinking on it too much, with friends at least. But it was reassuring to see him so serious, to see that he really did care.
“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think it was a possibility,” he finally said. He sounded confident in his words, but you found it odd that he was fidgeting so much. He hadn’t stopped moving his hands since taking hold of yours, and even his legs were starting to shift beneath yours. Why did he seem so nervous?
“What does that mean?”
“Is there anything you want to tell me?” he responded instead, leaving you staring at him, baffled.
“Huh?” you replied, immediately defensive.
You didn’t have the smallest idea of what that question meant, but he fixed his gaze on you inquisitively. Did he think you had some big secret or something? Sure, he didn’t know everything about your life, but there was nothing so exceptional about you that not mentioning it would be some sort of betrayal.
“Uhh, never mind.”
“What do you mean, never mind? You can’t just ask me something like then and then say that,” you huffed, lips forming a thin line.
“Sorry I just thought – do you remember what I told you when you asked if it would hurt?”
You swore he was going to give you whiplash with his questions, but at least this one was easy to answer.
“Sure, you said the closer two people are the better it feels. Something like that, right?”
“Right, so, uhh, it wouldn’t normally feel that intense, you know?”
The fact that he definitely seemed to know exactly what was going on and kept beating around the bush was more than a little bit frustrating. Considering he was normally as straightforward as a person could get, though, you opted to simple stare expectantly at him. But if he didn’t cut to the point in approximately 20 seconds, your annoyance would just about outweigh your concern.
“It shouldn’t feel that way unless you liked me back,” he finally said, all in one breath.
You could only blink blankly as you processed his words, but when it clicked, you went from mildly annoyed to incredibly flustered all in the same second.
“HUH?! Wait, back?” You could almost feel your headache coming back with how many directions this conversation has taken in less than 15 minutes. Your hands were starting to feel disgustingly clammy in his, but neither of you moved to separate them.
“I know this is so sudden, and I didn’t expect to be outed like this either and it doesn’t have to mean anything, like I know I like you a lot, like a lot a lot, but I don’t really know how much you feel about me or if it’s even that significant or just a passing attraction because either is possible and I’m really sorry if this made everything awkward-”
His ridiculously fast words were cut off by your newly-free hand clamping down over his mouth, plump lips tickling your skin as he stared at you, wide-eyed. You were sure if you tried this any other time he would (playfully) smack you, but he only stared.
“Really?” you whispered. To be completely honest, you never realistically considered a relationship, or even just a hook-up with Seokjin. You found him wholly and insanely attractive, but didn’t everyone? And it wasn’t that he was a vampire and you were a human – it was laughable to believe that you’d think that long-term anyway.
No, you just never saw him being that into you. He was almost ethereally beautiful, got along well with everyone, and had one of the most charming personalities you’d ever seen. His physique wasn’t even something that needed to be mentioned. With all that considered, all you ever cared to do was admire him from afar, content to have him as a close friend. It wasn’t as though he’d ever sent you hints that he wanted otherwise, either.
So to hear that your stupid little harmless crush could actually amount to anything?
You thought things couldn’t get any more unexpected.
When he nodded his confirmation, you couldn’t keep the grin from overtaking your face.
The giddiness clear on your face and the adorable sparkle in your eye sent unquantifiable relief through him, and the second you removed your hand, he opened his mouth to speak.
But somehow you were quicker than him, your lips meeting his before a single syllable could be uttered.
Unlike last night, you didn’t kiss him like you wanted to devour him, or like your body would light on fire if you couldn’t get as close as possible. This was calmer, slower, but it didn’t take long for that to change.
His fangs weren’t out this time, but that didn’t change the fact that you gasped as soon as his teeth dug into your bottom lip. Sparks shot up your spine at the sensation, your mind unable to stop thinking about what you felt the last time you were in this same position. How good it felt to be helpless to the pleasure battering down on you, held in place by strong hands and strong arms.
He’d probably ruined teeth for you for the rest of your life.
You let him do whatever he wanted, and he groaned into your mouth when you tangled your hands in his hair. Hands gripped your ass tightly and squeezed, pulling you in closer to him.
His hands didn’t even wander much further than that, but heat flared in your core regardless. When he raised his hips to brush the bulge in his pants against your aching centre, you could only moan and grind down onto him.
The pressure against your clit through the thin material of your shorts cut off every possible train of thought, and you were pretty sure that after all this, these panties would never recover.
You felt goosebumps raise on your flesh when a hand rose, nails scraping against your scalp. You arched your neck back ever-so-slightly, and Seokjin didn’t miss a beat in detaching from your lips to mouth at the skin above your collarbone instead.
He wasn’t gentle in the way he sucked bruises into your skin, a firm hand holding your head in place while the other held your thigh, his confined length rubbing languidly into your core. You whined and tightened your grip in his hair at the brush of teeth against skin, but much to your displeasure, he pulled away from you before clothes even started coming off.
“Whyyyy?” you whined petulantly. Was he really going to do this to you again? You knew he was definitely in the right to stop things last night, but there was only so much you could take.
He bit back a smirk at your neediness, thumbing gently at your protruding bottom lip as he resisted the urge to tease you for your cuteness. This soft and pouty side of you was new to him, and he swore something fluttered in his chest.
“You should eat something, princess.”
“Huh?” you blinked, confused. You were about to protest when he spoke up again.
“When’s the last time you ate?”
“Uhh... dinner last night? Maybe 7? 8?”
He leaned in toward you, but rather than kiss you again, he reached for the table behind you. You craned your neck to see what he was doing, and frowned when he grabbed for his phone. Your bewilderment at what he was doing didn’t last long, however, his phone screen displaying the time for you in large, white font.
5:32 pm.
“Holy shit, I slept for that long?” You stared at him wide-eyed. No wonder he took a shower and everything. You were surprised he was sat there waiting for you for all those hours without complaint.
He looked a bit sheepish, tossing his phone to the side and leaning back into the couch, tugging you with him comfortably. At this point the fire you felt had been dimmed, but that didn’t mean you weren’t still a bit irritated at being denied twice in a row.
“Ah, that would be my fault... the compulsion really gave you hell,” he winced, stroking gently at your cheek with the back of his fingers.
“It’s fine, I feel okay. Wasn’t that my fault anyway?” Your face felt hot thinking back to your behaviour and the lack of restraint you showed, hand rubbing nervously at the back of your neck.
“Of course not,” he assured quickly. “It’s not exactly something easy to resist. But if you regret it, I’m really sor-”
“I don’t regret it!” you cut him off, immediately wanting to pinch yourself for being so loud. And hasty. And embarrassing. And horny. “I’m... I’m happy right now.” Your volume seemed to die as confidence left you, but Seokjin only beamed.
“I’m happy too,” he said simply, tone laced with sincerity. “But you need to eat, I can practically hear your intestines screaming from here.”
“What?!” Strange tension successfully killed, your hands covered your abdomen instinctively as though you could shield yourself from his vampire ears. “Can you actually?”
He let you stare at him in alarm for only a few seconds before he couldn’t hold his giggles back anymore.
“Not really, but you should have seen your face. Why are you so worried about it?”
You huffed, shoulders deflating at his teasing. “I don’t know! That has to be a breach of privacy or something. Who gave you the right to listen to my intestines?”
“I can already hear your heart just fine, would it really matter so much?”
The smile dropped from his lips within a second, and the sudden intensity in his gaze had you frozen. The energy in the room shifted in an instant, and you were at a complete loss for words.
You thought he was going in for a kiss when he leaned closer, but instead his nose went to nuzzle at your neck, trailing up into your hairline. The warm air he exhaled into your ear made you shiver, pressing yourself ever so closer to his bare chest. You didn’t know how he managed to work you up within seconds, but you felt so hot despite his cool touch, baring your neck for him.
“I can hear the way your heart speeds up when I get close...” he whispered, mouthing lazily at your soft skin before sucking harshly. Unsure of what to do with yourself, your nails dug into his biceps, breath unsteady.
“I can hear the way the blood rushes through your veins, the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.” A hand rose to palm at your breast, bare beneath the worn cotton of your shirt. You arched your back as he harshly rolled a hard nipple between his fingers.
“I can hear the way you lose your breath, your tiny little gasps...” You couldn’t hide the way you twitched when sharp fangs scraped against your skin, a whimper nearly making its way from your throat. “Just like that.”
“And just so you know...” His voice was like honey, warm and smooth and sweet, and you hung onto his every word. “I can hear the way your stomach is growling right now too.”
The noise you let out that moment was inhumane, somewhere between a squeak and a scream of disbelief.
He broke away from you with a blaring laugh, shoulders bouncing beneath your grip.
You moved to slap at his chest, but your hand was caught easily, and his laughter only continued. God, you were going to kill this man. Again.
Your face felt obscenely hot, and you could feel a pout overtaking your lips at the sight of him still giggling away in front of you.
“Jinnie,” you whined, choosing to display your discontent by breaking free of his grip and hopping up out of his lap.
Which was definitely not the correct choice, because you swore you could feel the rush of blood through your ears before a strong sense of vertigo washed over you, groan escaping your lips. You were sure you would have fallen face first into the floor if not for Seokjin’s steadying.
“Woah, do you feel okay? This is why I told you to eat,” he sighed, maneuvering you to lay down comfortably on the couch, sticking pillows under your head. “Just stay here and I’ll make food, okay?”
“No, wait, I can make it-”
As you attempted to push back up off the couch, he only gently pushed down with a quiet ‘tsk’ and shake of his head. As you opened your mouth to further protest, he leaned in close, the softness of his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
“Be a good girl and let me take care of you, hm?”
Your breath hitched at his sudden words, only able to stare wide-eyed when he pulled away from you enough to take in your face. The look in his eyes could only be described as devious – amused yet hardened, and you didn’t know if you were imagining the crimson bleeding into the brown of his irises.
“There goes that heartbeat again,” he murmured as though sharing a secret, the tender motion of his hand on your cheek in stark contrast to the want etched into his expression. “You’re going to be so much fun to ruin.”
For someone who didn’t really need to eat food to survive (though you’d been told time and time again that eating was fun), Seokjin made one hell of a good cook. Granted, egg fried rice wasn’t the most difficult nor time-consuming dish to make, but that didn’t make it any less tasty. In fact, you were grateful for such a simple and light dish, because you learned quite quickly that after an entire day without food, rushing to eat only brought nausea and discomfort.
Leaning against the armrest of the couch, the inside of your bowl was all you could see with how close you were holding it to your face. In your defence, though, you were greatly disinterested in the possibility of needing to clean a stain from your cushions.
As you took your time eating, Seokjin opted to tidy up a bit, dishes clanging in the kitchen before you heard him rearranging his shoes at the front door.
Thankfully, his efforts included removing the knife from your table and putting it god-knows-where, but you were just glad it was out of your line of sight. Maybe he thought that it was better for your appetite to remove the thing you’d literally pulled out of him.
You tried not to let your mind linger on just how... strange that felt.
He somehow managed to clean up before you’d even finished eating, the couch dipping beside you as he settled into his spot. Vampire speed truly was startling.
If you didn’t have your entire field of vision blocked, you might have noticed Seokjin’s fond look as you ate your meal at what could only be described as a forced snail’s pace. He had to suppress a chuckle at how antsy you seemed to be, clearly wanting to just shovel food into your mouth, but knowing you would only suffer for it. How did one person manage to be so cute and yet so seductive?
When you were done, you set the bowl down on the table with a satisfied sigh, jumping in surprise when a glass of water was placed into your newly-emptied hands almost immediately.
“Thanks,” you smiled shyly, face feeling hot at his attentiveness. You didn’t know how to react at having a man like Kim Seokjin doting on you. It was almost – no, it was – unbelievable, and your poor heart didn’t know how to act. It was one thing to have him kiss you like he was going to devour you, and another to be this sweet and this caring and this soft.
Setting the empty glass next to your empty bowl, you leaned back, unsure of what to do with yourself now that you were entirely unoccupied. Seokjin’s presence beside you made you increasingly aware of the awkward shifting of your hands and your uneasy breathing. He wasn’t that close to you and yet you could smell him – you didn’t know how he managed to make your floral scented shampoo smell sexy.
“Why are you so nervous?” he said lowly, nudging you into his side and tossing an arm around your shoulders. It was a simple move, and yet all you could think was how big he was, how easily he completely enveloped you in his hold.
“I-I’m not nervous,” you stuttered, and you could feel the blood rush to your face. You wondered if he could hear that, too.
A hand lifted your face in his direction, and you were met with an expression that very clearly read ‘are you really going to try lying to a vampire?’
“I don’t know why I’m nervous,” you amended, biting into your lower lip. His gaze followed the motion, eyes clouding over.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked softly, his thumb raising to release your lip from your teeth, the movement intimate enough to set your stomach aflutter.
“Are we asking that now?” you responded smartly, grinning when Seokjin only huffed a laugh.
“Let me be clearer then,” he said lowly, the abrupt commanding tone having you sit up straighter. “Can I kiss you, strip you, take you to bed, taste that sweet pussy on my tongue, and then fuck you?”
Heat flared in you at the words, your fingernails scratching against his chest before remembering he wasn’t wearing a shirt for you to yank him closer. You settled for making a beeline for his mouth, but a quick movement to grip your hair at the scalp kept you from getting close enough.
“Ah, ah,” he tutted, holding you still as he nuzzled his nose against your neck, humming in content when he brushed right against the spot he bit you yesterday. “Tell me yes or no, princess.”
You nodded with what freedom you had left – not much, with how tight his hold on you was, tiny pricks of pain sending sparks up and down your spine. His other hand pulled you closer to him, your hips halfway straddling him as he mouthed at your neck, acting as though he hadn’t noticed your response. It was clear that he was waiting for you to say something.
“Yes,” you said quietly, nearly forgetting what the question was from the way he was sucking softly at your neck. At the scrape of fangs against your skin, you only pushed back against the hand in your hair, exposing more of your neck with a soft sigh.
“You can’t stop thinking about it, can you?” he taunted, pulling you fully on top of him, his hard cock right against your core, and you wished that clothing wasn’t separating you.
He pressed those fangs against the soft skin below your ear, hard enough that the pain had you wincing, but not enough to break skin.
He was teasing you, and you were putty in his hands.
“I can’t stop thinking about it either,” he breathed, tonguing lazily over the stinging marks he left behind. You could only whimper and squirm in his hold, hands tangling in his silken hair. You didn’t know whether you wanted to pull him away or push him closer.
“To have you moaning in rapture right in my lap, so desperate for my cock, the taste of you on my lips...” His voice was so low you could barely hear it, barely process it, but the absolutely lust in his voice only spurred new waves of arousal in you. “Hearing you beg like that, fuck-”
He cut himself off with a sinful moan as he shifted his hips to rub himself right against your cunt, and you shuddered in response.
“I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anyone so bad,” he sighed, breathing unsteady as he used his grip on you to rock you in time to his movements. “I’ve never had such a test of self-control. Maybe I should punish you.”
This voice was teasing, but your reaction was real, and there was no way to hide the way a moan escaped or the way your nails dug crescents into Seokjin’s smooth skin.
“Oh, you like that, do you?” he chuckled darkly as he leaned his head back into the couch, the grip in your hair tightening even more. A helpless whine left your lips, and you became uncomfortably aware of the way your panties were sticking to your folds.
“Tell me, do you think I should punish you?” he asked, his honeyed voice lulling you into a state you couldn’t even begin to explain with words.
You tried nodding again, hissing at the flash of pain when you tried move your head from his grip.
“Princess, haven’t you learned to use your words? I think I’ll bend you over my knee right here. What do you think about that?”
“Please,” you gasped without hesitation, freezing when you fluttered your eyelids open to meet his gaze.
If you weren’t sure whether his eyes were laced with red before, it was evident now. It only made him all the more enticing, and your vision fell down to his mouth instinctively when he ran his tongue over his teeth. A pang of heat went through you when his fangs bit into his lip, and before you were thinking about it, a hand rose to brush against his mouth.
Your thumb grazed a fang almost reverently, and Seokjin only watched on fondly at the wonderment on your face. You supposed it might have been strange to touch your friend’s – boyfriend’s? – teeth like this, but you had always been curious. Hell, you hadn’t even seen fangs in person before last night. As far as you knew, they only extended when feeding or when feeling strong emotions, and neither tended to be something you could casually see on the street.
You bit at your lip when sharpness pushed into the pad of your finger, but his next words broke you free of your reverie.
“Bend over then.”
He released you from his grip dizzyingly fast, leaning back to watch you.
You were surprised at yourself with how quickly you situated your ass over his lap, the self-consciousness you would’ve expected to be feeling wholly absent. Seokjin was just that captivating.
You wiggled your way into a comfortable position, sticking a cushion under your head. Now that your ass was sticking out right into his view, you felt more vulnerable than ever, knowing that his eyes and ears were trained on your every movement and reaction.
Hands pushed your long shirt up over your hips, fingers trailing lightly over the globes of your ass, separated only by the thin fabric of your shorts. But not for long.
Fingers reached under your waistband and tugged down before you could react, yanking your shorts and panties down in one go.
With air suddenly hitting your sodden pussy, you could feel heat rise to your face at how exposed you found yourself. But any thought of shifting and hiding was erased when you heard Seokjin’s loud groan.
“Shit, you’re soaked, smell so fucking good,” he hissed, fingers reaching to push messily through your folds.
You couldn’t see him putting his fingers in his mouth, but the depraved moan he let out afterward had you squirming in his lap.
After your shorts and panties were pushed onto the floor, a large hand ran tenderly over the skin of your ass, fingers digging in slightly.
“Is ten on each side too much for you?” he asked. There was no hint of teasing in his tone, his voice firm. He continued his soft stroking as he waiting for an answer.
“Uhh... I don’t really know?” you responded meekly. Sure, you had been spanked before, but it was never this... structured? To be honest, you didn’t really know what “a lot” would be in terms of numbers.
“It’s okay,” he soothed. “We’ll work our way up and see how it feels. Is that okay?”
You nodded at first, but quickly let out an ‘okay’ when you remembered how firm he was on a proper response.
“This means I’m trusting you to be honest and tell me to stop if it’s too much. I want you to feel good.”
You released tension you didn’t realize you’d had at his reassurances, allowing your limbs to loosen as you adjusted to lay more comfortably. The sensation of his hands on you made you feel safe and secure, and you knew for a fact that for all his hard words and cold stares, he was still always searching for your approval.
You twitched in surprise as a few light swats came down on each cheek, almost as though he was testing the motion. But after being briefly taken off guard, you relaxed under his hands, body already warming up at each light blow. You barely felt anything aside from a faint sting, but you could already feel your cunt throbbing, anticipation having you dig your nails into the cushion beneath you.
But even despite his preparation, the first real blow had you gasping. Not because it was overly painful – in fact, those pinpricks of pain were laced with pleasure, radiating outward from where his palm had firmly struck you. No, it was more that with the control and precision he showed, another realization struck you at that moment.
He really knew what he was doing.
This wasn’t just a college boyfriend who wanted to experiment with things he saw in porn, or a random bar hookup who thought he was more than he was.
No, Seokjin was the epitome of calculated control, had you eating out of the palm of his hand with one simple word. One look and you were his.
And fuck, if that didn’t make you melt.
You sighed happily as a hit came down on your other asscheek, another wave of arousal soaking your cunt.
“Do you want it harder?” he asked, voice low. The tone felt almost like a personal attack, honeyed words piercing your eardrums.
“Okay,” you whispered.
“Yes or no. Don’t just agree to do things because I suggest it,” he scolded, punishing you with a swat to your upper thigh that stung sharper than his previous blows.
“Yes, I want it.”
“Hm,” he hummed, nails scratching over your skin, just barely missing the heat of your core. “I think I would be more convinced if you begged.”
As much as most of your embarrassment had already faded, what with being bent over Seokjin’s lap, it took so much more to put your desires verbally out into the world. But the throbbing in your cunt was fierce, and the warmth from his previous strikes was already fading. And you wanted more.
“Please,” you whined weakly before taking a deep breath to amp yourself up. “Please, Jinnie, I want it harder.”
You barely had time to process the tiny chuckle he let out before his palm came down on you again, the additional force behind it making you shiver despite the warmth that spread through you.
You didn’t know exactly how many more times his hand struck your ass, but your quiet moans were interrupted by his voice once again.
As much as you felt good, it still wasn’t enough. The sting wasn’t enough, the heat wasn’t enough. You wanted more, needed more.
“Yes, please.”
“Mm, there you go. Maybe I should do this more often if you’re going to be such a good girl for me after.”
He punctuated his statement with a harsh blow to your ass, the strength of it forcing a moan from your lungs. A hand stroked tenderly over where it had struck, before doing the same to the other cheek. You whimpered as you felt another gush of wetness spill from your cunt, squirming as another strike rained down.
Yes, this is what you wanted.
The feeling was heady, your mouth open and allowing all the sounds to spill from your lips. Every cell in your body felt hot, from your fingertips down to your toes. You were certain you must have been making a mess of his lap with how wet you were.
You didn’t realize how heavily you were breathing until the smacks stopped, fingers gently kneading at the raw skin instead. Your skin felt almost burned, but more than anything, you needed those hands to slip between your legs. Now that there was nothing else to distract you, your neglected pussy was desperate for something, anything.
“How are you?” he asked several moments later.
His continued soothing touch dampened the fire of your skin before long, but that only furthered your arousal, shifting in his lap in search of some relief. You itched for some pressure on your clit, but it wasn’t possible in the position he had you in.
“Good,” you breathed, pressing back into his touch.
“Good.” He let his fingers creep ever-so-closer to where you needed him most, rubbing against where your wetness had spread, just beside your outer folds. “I think you deserve a reward. What do you think?”
“Please,” you whined immediately, but luckily, he didn’t seem interested in making you wait any longer. Maybe it was the fact that he had been waiting just as long, or that he was just tired of your constant fidgeting in his lap.
A finger slid in without resistant – unsurprisingly, what with the way you could feel the air hitting your slick skin. Your walls clamped down on the intrusion immediately, and another finger slid down to rub tiny circles onto your clit.
You whined in relief, but Seokjin unfortunately held you down to keep you from thrusting back onto his hand.
“So fucking wet,” he murmured, slipping another finger in when he felt how easily you took the first.
As much as one didn’t feel like enough, two of his fingers was so much bigger than your own. The stretch had you gasping, the friction against your walls and clit making you moan out.
As he scissored his fingers inside of you, the slight burn had you hissing, though the constant ministrations on your clit made sure the pain never became your focus.
“Mm, are you sure you can take my cock?” he mused, smirking at the way you were already whimpering, increasing the pace of his thrusts as your moans got more frequent.
“I can!” you blurted out, sounding almost offended. He had to stifle a laugh. You had always been fun to rile up, and sex was no exception.
“Hm, okay,” he hummed, amusement colouring his tone. You almost called him out on it before his fingers pulled out of you abruptly.
Before you could question him, beg him to come back, hold him against you – three fingers started easing their way inside of you.
You tensed up almost immediately at the harsher burn at your entrance, the stiffness of your body not doing you much of a favour. He paused all movement at your struggle.
“Relax. I’ll take care of you, okay?”
His words had you feeling more at ease, a reminder that he was here, he wanted you to feel good, and he only kept on making that fact clear.
You made a noise of agreement, forcing your muscles to relax despite how much they wanted to clamp down. You wanted his cock, after all. You could take his fingers.
He took his time with you, slowly easing his fingers in and scissoring them apart, all the while his other hand resting beneath your abdomen, rubbing into your clit. You keened under his continuous murmured praise, moaning as he began to thrust his fingers.
“That’s it,” he whispered, his own breaths beginning to get heavy as he watched you twitch and whine at his hand.
Once the discomfort passed, your pleasure crested ridiculously fast with how long you’ve been waiting to be touched, filled. He stretched you open so wide, and you clenched around his digits at the thought of those fingers being his cock instead.
You were easily giving yourself away with how your walls were clamping down more and more, heavier gasps leaving you. The stroking at your clit wasn’t getting any slower, and soon enough you felt like you were going to snap.
“Gonna come all over my fingers, princess?” he asked roughly, his voice showing an uncharacteristic lack of control as he spread his fingers wide again.
“Please,” you said feebly, all other words having left your available vocabulary long ago. “Please.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll give it to you, baby.” The crook of his fingers took you by surprise, and with one, two, strokes against that spongy spot within you, you were gone.
Your orgasm stole the breath from your lungs, your legs going weak as waves of bliss hit you everywhere at once. His hands on you didn’t stop their motions, only sending new waves up your spine, shivers wracking your body as you grasped the closest object tightly – your nails digging into the cushion beneath you.
He only stopped when you started to squirm away as pain took over the pleasure, a whimper escaping as his fingers were removed.
If you thought you were getting a moment to breathe, you were wrong.
“Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me,” he growled.
Before you could blink, you were on your back, his lips attacking yours in a frenzy.
The grip he had on your thigh was sure to bruise, his still-clothed cock rocking into your sensitive pussy as he consumed your every thought, every desire.
You could taste yourself on his tongue, the realization only building the fire that had already been relit within you.
You allowed him to pull the shirt from your body, your skin left completely bare beneath his.
His gaze was somewhere between reverent and demonic, and he looked almost ready to pounce back on you before he paused.
“Bed?” His voice sounded strained, and you thought briefly back to what he said about how much self-control the past day has required from him. You glanced down at the bulge in his pants, and you had to keep yourself from grabbing at it, eager to give him his pleasure the same way he’d done for you.
You didn’t think your lips formed the second syllable before you were being scooped up, your arms looping around his neck to steady yourself from the abrupt movement.
The walk to the bedroom was somewhat of a blur, your stomach lurching at the speed with which he moved. You’d known the man was quick, but experiencing it firsthand was partly unsettling, and partly... strangely sexy.
Your back hit the sheets with unexpected force, your body bouncing back up from the impact. You’d never considered strength to be such a significant turn-on, but combined with everything else about him, it seemed to make Seokjin the most dangerously attractive man you’ve ever encountered.
You thought you were about to get fucked into the mattress – the hunger in Seokjin’s stare only cementing the thought – but it seemed that he had other ideas.
You were about to beg him to touch you, fuck you, do literally anything – when his hands wrapped around your ankles, spreading your legs apart enough that you could begin to feel the strain in your thighs.
The way he was gazing at your fully exposed core almost made you self-conscious before you took in the way his breathing was heavier than you’d ever seen it, the crimson completely having taken over the brown of his irises.
“I have – I have to taste you,” he groaned.
He sprung on you in an instant, plush lips wrapping around your clit and sucking before his tongue moved down to lap at your arousal.
While you were still a bit sensitive from your last orgasm, the discomfort was nothing in comparison to the bliss lighting up your nerves. You were a slave to pleasure under his tongue, hands holding you down as you attempted to buck up into him instinctively.
His tongue attacked you like a man starved, his unabashed moans into your heat leaving you gasping.
But as much as he was successfully making you lose your mind, you didn’t want to cum like this.
“Jin, fuck-” you whimpered, body aching to grind up into his face despite your next words.
He only hummed into your pussy at your noises, motions not pausing whatsoever.
“Fuck me, please,” you begged, a hand winding into his hair in an attempt to pull him off you.
You almost thought he was pretending not to hear you when he didn’t react straightaway, but not long after, he pulled off of you.
He didn’t even say a word in response, only shucking off his pants and boxers with a heaving chest.
You swore your pussy throbbed when you saw his cock, only moreso when he fisted it with a hiss, lips that were glistening with your arousal widening to reveal sharp white fangs.
“I have to be inside you right fucking now,” he snarled, dragging your body down by the thighs to meet him where he knelt.
You felt almost feverish, your hands reaching to yank Seokjin by the shoulders, the need to be closer taking over your every thought.
He kissed you frantically as the head of his cock rubbed against your clit, your back arching up into him, his closeness still not close enough for you.
You were so close to pleading with him not to draw this out, but he settled himself against your entrance, his other arm supporting himself by your head. When he started to push in, you could only whimper.
You knew he was big when he grasped himself in his hand only moments before, but for all his preparation, it felt like you were being split open.
You clung onto his biceps as he rocked himself forward at a snail’s pace, nails digging into his skin as you clamped down on him reflexively. It burned, but you wanted it so bad. As much as the discomfort was intense, you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second, unable to stop panting into Seokjin’s mouth.
You whined as he nibbled at your bottom lip, one of his hands rubbing soothing circles into your thigh, the other in your hair. But when you felt fangs puncture your lip ever-so-slightly before he sucked it into his mouth, all breath was stolen from you.
It was only the smallest fraction of the pleasure you felt the night before, but that was enough to have your head thrown back, hips raising to meet Seokjin’s.
It almost seemed that he wasn’t expecting you to thrust upward onto him, a strangled groan leaving his throat as you shoved more of him inside you.
The stretch remained overwhelming, but the pain felt like a distant memory, new arousal making the glide smoother.
“Good?” he gasped against your collarbone, hot breaths hitting your skin as his hair brushed against your face. The arm holding him up was trembling at your side, the fingers on your thigh tightening their hold as if to physically hold himself together.
Part of you just wanted him to lose control.
“So good,” you moaned, shoving your hips up again, volume increasing exponentially when he allowed you to push him in to the hilt.
“Fuck,” he growled, arm moving to form a bruising grip on your other thigh, his chest moving away from yours. “Are you that desperate for it?”
The question was accompanied by a sharp snap of his hips that sent you reeling, too breathless for any sound to escape.
He spread your thighs apart even further, a hand beneath your left knee lifting your leg towards his chest.
The next quick thrust hit you even harder at that angle, a choked-out whine escaping you. Your fingers dug into the sheets as he ground himself into you, your pussy feeling split so overwhelmingly wide.
You were wound up so tight, you thought you were going to go crazy. It was impossible to think straight when he only did quick snaps of his hips at random intervals. You didn’t think you’d ever been hornier than this moment, and you swore you could feel the arousal leaking from your cunt.
You could see sparks of light behind your eyelids with how tightly you had them shut. You bit down hard on your bottom lip, the flesh still tender from Seokjin’s bite.
His thrusts became slow and deep, tiny gasps leaving your open mouth.
“Look at me,” he snarled suddenly, the sheer command in his voice sending shivers up your spine, gaze snapping onto him immediately. It took a moment for your vision to focus properly, still drowning in the sensation of his cock still moving within you.
If you thought he looked fierce, hungry, dangerous – you were his polar opposite.
To put it simply, you were a mess.
You were too lost in it all to notice the stutter in his hips when he locked eyes with you, but he almost stopped breathing entirely.
Your eyes were glazed over in pleasure, the tears just beginning to gather there only making their colour all the more enticing. Your expression was slack, and it looked like you couldn’t decide between clamping down on your bottom lip or leaving your mouth wide-open. You looked so vulnerable, so willing to put all of your trust in him to take care of you, make you feel good.
And fuck, if it wasn’t the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.
His movements after that caught you off guard, his abrupt rough thrusting engulfing your body in flames of bliss, loud moan leaving you. As much as holding his gaze made everything feel so much more intense, you just couldn’t. Your head fell back onto the pillow, back arching as much as he would allow you to move in his tight hold.
“You feel so fucking good,” he groaned, his voice sounding almost helpless and he continued his movements, his arms the only thing keeping you from shifting up the mattress. As his gasps transitioned to groans and then loud moaning, you could feel yourself nearing your peak again.
He slowed his movements, the heavy panting reaching your eardrums and having you clench around him instinctively. The choked-out groan in response told you he was close, too.
“Jin,” you called out, the word so breathy that you almost didn’t recognize it despite it coming from your own lips.
You raised an arm to weakly grab at his body, hoping he got the message himself. You wanted him close, but highly doubted that you could manage to form the words right now.
Luckily, he seemed to know exactly what you wanted, dropping your leg and moving to hover over you, your breasts brushing his chest. He started thrusting slowly again, his head dropping to your collarbone as a hand wound into the hair at your scalp.
With him right on top of you, his pubic bone was brushing against your clit, the added stimulation having you whine loudly and dig your nails harshly into the skin of his back.
He didn’t seem to mind, a loud groan leaving him as he started mouthing at your neck, sucking bruises into the flesh.
But when you felt fangs briefly scrape over your skin, only one thought came to mind and refused to leave.
You wanted it, wanted his fangs to sink into you, wanted to feel that again. Now.
“Bite me,” you whimpered, pushing your head into the pillow and arching your back, eager to give him free reign as your orgasm inched closer and closer.
You expected him to protest, expected him to deny you, expected him to pull away.
But he did none of those things.
Instead, fangs sunk deeply into your neck with a feral growl, almost as soon as he heard the words leave your lips.
That same immense burst of pain rendered you motionless for a split second before that all-consuming euphoria descended on you.
You vaguely registered Seokjin moaning loudly above you as his hips stuttered, his lips locked on your neck. But you felt almost disconnected from the world, as though every nerve in your body was firing, your cunt pulsating around him as you reached the strongest high you’d ever felt.
It felt almost instinctual to grip at his back tightly, pulling him close, as if he’d ever want to leave. You didn’t even realize how loud you were being, your peak only going higher and higher, to the point of being overwhelming.
Tears streamed from where your eyes were clamped shut, moans turning into sobs as Seokjin ground against your overstimulated clit, your pussy clenched around him tightly.
You were so far gone you didn’t even notice the warmth spilling into you as he groaned loudly into your skin, his movements slowing before he pulled his mouth from you.
The crash was almost immediate, exhaustion and soreness taking over your limbs as you gasped for breath, the hands on Seokjin’s back falling limp. It felt like all the strength was sapped from your body, your consciousness half-absent.
You thought you heard Seokjin fussing over you, his hands wiping tears from your face, but to be honest, it was all a blur. He disconnected with you easily despite your mumbled protests, dropping a kiss on your forehead with a soft command not to move. You didn’t think you were capable of such a thing anyway.
You hardly registered his absence before he was back with a wet cloth. You didn’t know if that was because of his speed or because you were too tired to pay attention.
The next thing you knew, he had rolled you to lay on top of him, your face tucked into his neck as he stroked at your back. Normally, you might have complained about how much colder he was than you, but your skin was still so heated that the coolness was a relief.
You could tell that he was saying something quietly, unsure whether he was asking you something or not. His voice only brought you warm comfort, your arm moving to wrap around his waist.
You honestly weren’t too sure how long you laid there until your senses started coming back to you, but the hand on your back never stopped its soothing motions. The realization made you strangely embarrassed, wondering how long you’ve been out of it.
“Did I fall asleep?” you mumbled, nuzzling into the softness of Seokjin’s neck.
“Not really, it hasn’t been too long,” he responded, though the way he paused made it seem that he had more to say. It took a few moments before he got the words out. “Did I go too hard? Was it too much?”
Despite the low volume of his voice, he sounded almost frantic, and your brows furrowed. Why was he so worried?
“Of course not. I asked you for it, I knew exactly what I was getting into.”
He sighed heavily, his hands on you pausing. “I know, I just – I got worried when you were barely responding to me. I guess I was just afraid that you would be scared of me after.”
You felt a tinge of guilt at his concern, but logically it was nobody’s fault. As much as you wanted to take his face in your hands and tell him that you don’t regret anything and there wasn’t a world where you could ever be scared of him, you doubted your ability to do so right now. Instead, you hoped that simple reassurance could be enough.
“I loved it,” you said plainly, sleepiness clear in your voice. You were fighting past the fog in your brain to talk to him, wanting to make sure he knew where you stood.
“I loved it too,” he whispered before bringing up the blanket to cover both of you. “You sound tired. Why don’t we sleep?”
“Hm?” he hummed in response, his confused expression hid from your view.
“Are you my boyfriend?” Your words sounded almost slurred with how close you were to unconsciousness, but his chest bouncing as he chuckled told you that he heard you just fine.
You were dangerously close to dreamland, but you caught his answer right before you fell asleep in his arms.
“Yeah, I’m your boyfriend.”
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volterran-wine · 2 years
everyone i’ve heard from has different takes but i’m curious, what are your opinions on the movie casting of the volturi?
Good morning dear, and thank you for your question! I do have quite fond memories of going to the movies, Volterran-Wine was the absolute right age to get into them. That being said, I do have my criticisms of them as a grown adult. But for now, on to The Volturi!
The thing with the Saga is that it is Bella and Edwards story, that is the main focal point. No matter how much potential The Volturi had they were side characters, and when you adapt books into movies a lot of things end up on the cutting floor. In the end they are just simple bad guys that they needed at the end of the story to round off everything. I wish they put some more effort into describing who they are and showing that they aren't just these evil bad guys, because they really aren't.
I know that Stephenie Meyer had strong opinions about casting, and allegedly that's why a lot of the cast is white-washed. This is very obvious to me when it comes to The Volturi. Because you cannot tell me that Aro, Caius and Marcus are these three terribly white looking men when they are from the times of Mycenaean Greece. Another example; Demetri and Felix are described as having olive skin and black hair... we don't see that in the movies. They had the opportunity to do some gorgeous Mediterranean casting for these characters, but they didn't.
The Volturi is a fascinating concept that Stephenie created, and it is a shame that they were handled the way they were. The only really good thing from the movies is that throne room in New Moon, that was very nicely done. I do not want to talk about wardrobe and hair + makeup.
Below the Read More I will discuss the specific characters and their actors/actresses.
Aro Michael Sheen was the only Volturi member who got a decent amount of direction and motivation in order to play his role. Because of that he had the most developed character. Do I think it was accurate to the books? No, but adaptations rarely are. Michael Sheen is not MY Aro, but he is A Aro. Therefore I will give him 10/10 for a memorable performance that he put his everything into. That Laugh? Iconic.
Caius I described in detail how I feel about Jamie Campbell Bower as Caius in this post, as well as defending why I would cast him again under different cirstumstances. The poor guy's only motivation on set seemed to be 'Caius angry', and that's not enough to work off of. I wish he got better direction, Marcus and Aro are miles ahead. 4/10 simply because of JCB's voice alone and he seems like a cool guy.
Marcus Christopher Heyerdahl had the right motivation because he was very invested in giving Marcus this rich inner life. He really had the right idea, especially because he had the story about Didyme in his mind while he played character. Sadly, that doesn't come across on the screen because he doesn't get a lot of focus. He just seems downtrodden with tiny glimpses of something special. Bonus point because he is of Norwegian decent and speaks my language, because I am biased. 7/10
Jane & Alec Now, these two are quite interesting. Because I fully understand why they casted the twins the way they did. If they had picked someone who was say 11-13 years old, they would have aged too much by the end of the franchise to maintain the illusion of vampirism. Not that they cared about that much in general, but with the twins it would have been so obvious. It makes sense that they chose these two because they were between the ages of 15/16 and 18/19 during production, it is visible but not glaringly obvious. I like Dakota Fanning, she was a talented child actress but like everyone else she had little to use as a motivation and came across as very stoic and bland. Cameron Bright I also saw in a movie when he was younger, and he did just fine; but it all goes back to not getting enough screen time to develop anything. The twins did give off some creepy vibes from time to time so... 6/10.
Demetri Charlie Bewley like everyone else had little to work with, but he did try to give Demetri these little quirks. I do appreciate that, and I think in some of the scenes he does give Demetri hints of that sass and flare I think is canon. Again, seems like a chill dude who tried his very best at making something out of the character. So I'll give him a 5/10 for the little spice he brought and an honest try.
Felix Sweet Daniel Cudmore had nothing to base Felix's protrayal on besides being tall and violent. I know him and Charlie Bewley made up their own little story about how Felix and Demetri were there before The Twins and they are kinda jealous, but that doesn't check with Canon at all, so... he is a handsome delightful man in interviews but the performance is just nothing. 3/10 and I feel bad giving him that because its almost not fair.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
What do you think Sophie's friends and herself are going to dress as for Halloween?
I'm answering this a little after Halloween but let's pretend that it's still spooky season just for the sake of this ask!
I was talking a little earlier about Linh dressing up as Fintan to make fun of him, but I have plenty of ideas for other costumes!
Linh: Seeing as I was just talking about her it seems fitting to kick things off with her. Pumpkin. I do not know why but she goes as a pumpkin. Not the form fitting ones but the flowy like...cape? Thing? And a hat with a little stem!! And she'd have the pumpkin trick-or-treat baskets to go with it.
Keefe and Dex: They go together as elves. But the human version of elves. They've got the pointed ears and all the foliage all over them. Shoes with little curls at the end--I can't help but feel like Keefe goes hobbit-elf. Like he specifically dresses up like an elf from The Lord of the Rings because he loves it. And Dex does it too because he's seen so many human movies. It just feels right!
Biana: Fairy. She does the stereotypical thing where she puts on a corset and fishnets and calls herself a fairy but for some reason it really works for her and she stands out. Dex helps her make these incredibly detailed wings that actually move (unfortunately they cannot fly and are purely for aesthetics). Unsure what specific genre of fairy she would be though!
Sophie: I think she'd cosplay as a character from a book she enjoyed when she was younger. She's read The Lord of the Rings, so maybe she'd dress up as Frodo, which would also motivate Keefe and Dex to match her. I don't know what character she would be, but I think she'd go back to her human roots and pick a fictional character!
Fitz: oh this one's hard. For some reason my mind is saying a gladiator but I don't know why. Maybe the chance to show off his physique or something. Maybe the strength that's associated with them. Maybe he just likes to take his clothes off. Who knows! I am also open to any other suggestions because I'm very unsure about Fitz.
Tam: I can't decide if he'd refuse to participate or go all out just to spite Keefe. If he refuses, then I think Linh would dress him up like a cat and give him the ears and draw on whiskers for a really simple costume. If he does it himself and goes all out...I'm feeling vampire/general undead vibes. Really leaning into the aesthetic and picking something he can use his ability to enhance. Maybe like a Dark Lord and wearing royal regalia and a crown and all that.
Marella: Pirate! Boisterous, social personality that's actually deeply involved in politics feels great for her! And then there's the strength and cunning associated with them. Pirates know so much of what's going on and are really team people. Also maybe I want to see her in a pirate's outfit. The quiet intelligence of pirates...so good. Also I'm basing all of this on Black Sails, not the more common idea of pirates.
These are just a few of my personal ideas, but they could be anything! I think Sandor should also bring back that grandma costume from the earlier books. They suited him so well <33
And I think they'd all enjoy the chance to partake in a human holiday as Sophie reminisced about her past, which is a cute way to support her.
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narrators-journal · 3 years
A run-in with a succubus
Here we go, another entry in the dr stone modern Monster AU or whatever. This idea just is so much fun to me, so yeah, expect more ship-focused writing or something lololol. Either way, I hope you enjoy my dumb little ideas~
Succubi and Incubi were arguably the bane of a monster hunter's existence. They were born of already dead souls, so they couldn't be perma-killed like a vampire or werewolf could, they often came with a slew of powers that varied from demon to demon in exact powers and strength, so each one was basically an rng-decided-encounter. Senku, however, didn't really mind dealing with sex demons. So, when he was called to deal with a particularly powerful seeming demon who was harassing an entire neighborhood, he didn't mind and just set to work on sniffing out the sex demon. It didn't hurt that the twenty-year-old hunter had fun drawing out the demon lurking around in the darkness of the night. He enjoyed having the chance to make dry ice bombs, light garbage can fires, or do anything to stir up drama in the quiet neighborhood to cover the fact that he was marking specific spots with symbols that he'd later use to banish the succubus from the area until his ruckus finally drew the attention he wanted and the street's temperature dropped a noticeable and sudden amount, one of the biggest signs that a demon was in the area. The thought of a demon now zeroing in on him in the chilly night honestly sent a thrill down the hunter's spine, or, more-so, Senku was excited to confront a creature he could maybe question and mine for information on his species. However, before he could try to bring back any bit of possibly helpful information about sex demons, he'd have to actually encounter the demon he's supposed to be hunting. So, he just returned to acting like an annoying teen or troublemaker who broke into yards and stole a few things before painting a half finished symbol beside a stranger's trampoline and flopping onto the bouncy piece of equipment to stretch out and wait out the demon. I guess now it's up to waiting. Senku thought with a sigh, hating this period in hunting monsters, having to wait. At least with sex demons, they were pretty easy to lure, despite what his slightly snobby mentor, Xeno Wingfield, always told him. All he had to do was get the demon's attention and then wait for the creature to approach him to attempt to feed. Luckily, maybe, for the apprentice hunter, he ended up dozing off completely on the trampoline, only stirring when he felt himself bounce when the tightly woven surface of the trampoline was jostled. When he woke up with a jump, Senku's crimson eyes were met with a sight that he wasn't exactly used to seeing. In general, the leek-haired man wasn't super experienced with sex, so the sight of someone straddling him with half lidded eyes and a coy smirk was already a surprise, but the added temporary shock of the two tails, one to match each half of his split-colored hair and small, equally mismatched horns sent his brain for a loop in the first few moments of him being awake.         "Ah! I see you've woken up!" the succubus cooed, his hands sliding up the hunter's chest until they were chest to chest with the demon's hips wiggling to make his tails sway as rhythmically as a pendulum, "good morning handsome~ I don't think you'd mind if I maybe had a little nibble from you, would you?" The hunter blinked at the demon's words, taking a moment to register the situation before shaking his head, which seemed to shock the demon. Props to the succubus though, because he adjusted very quickly, just cupping Senku's cheek and sending a wave of tingly sensations across his pale skin. However, it was like the warm, euphoric feeling didn't sink in, didn't reach his brain to turn off the common sense as the creature spoke again,           "Come on now, if you're awake, might as well have a bit of fun with a succubus, right? I'm told I'm quite the catch.~" he tried, giving the man a quick kiss, and while it wasn't at all bad, it didn't spark a hormonal reaction the sex demon seemed to be seeking. "Why aren't you falling under my spell?" he huffed, his dark blue eyes shining with frustration and confusion, but all Senku could do was stare while the demon pushed himself back into a sitting position with lashing tails.             "I’m sorry, was I supposed to do something specific? Was the kiss supposed to do something?" He asked, making the sex demon growl at him,            "It's already weird that you woke up when I was trying to feed on you, but you're not supposed to just shrug off my magic. You're supposed to be horny putty in my hands right now, not laying there staring up at me like a kid during his first damned time." he complained, and all the odd-haired man could do again was shrug at him.             "I get the sense I've maybe offended you..."             "No, I'm not offended." he huffed, "I'm just frustrated. I think I need a moment," with that, he rolled off of the hunter, making him bounce on the lawn toy as the cranky demon sat up, now a distance away, to pout. So, Senku sat up and sat on the edge of the trampoline against the mesh barrier around the circumference of the thing, politely waiting a small stretch of time before trying to question his new companion.              "So, uh, why do you have two tails? Is that normal for incubi and succubi?" He asked after a long moment, turning his red eyes back to the succubus to watch the twin tails flick and lash before the sex demon spoke,             "Kinda rude to ask about my biology before even asking for my name."             "Well, alright, my name's Ishigami Senku, what's yours?" that got the apprentice hunter a dirty look, but he did answer,             "Asagiri Gen," he gave a nod, then repeated his question,             "So, why do you have two tails? Is that normal for sex demons?" He watched said tails fall and send a ripple across the taut surface as Gen sighed,             "I come from a line of strong sex demons, the two tails are a feature I inherited from my family, like how you look like your family has a resemblance to one another, this is my line's shared feature for the most part. No, I do not know the biological reason beyond that, it's just something I have." With that, they returned to a momentary silence, full of Gen throwing inquisitive looks towards the man sent there to banish him, trying to get a read on his intimate details, but the leek wasn't giving him any cues as to any deep dark fetishes or secrets, he was watching him, but with the same curiosity a scientist had towards the lab rat he'd just gotten, not a hint of lust or desire in his body language.               "How often do you have to feed?" The monster hunter asked as the sex demon turned to face him, meeting his own question-filled gaze with his own,              "Y’know what? I'll answer your questions if you answer mine, how about that?" Gen offered, giving him a sweet smile while his tails returned to their gentle swaying, and he pretty eagerly nodded, "Great! I can go about 3 months without food if I feed for a month or so straight. Are you into men?" The blunt question made the hunter blink a bit, but he shook the small shock off,              "Yeah, all of my crushes have been men. Are sex demons all bi? Do you have, like, a 'status quo' sort of sexuality?" As he spoke, the succubus moved closer to him, casually answering as he crawled over as seductively as possible,             "Not that I've seen, though I personally am bisexual, but I generally prefer to go for men~" he hummed, putting his hands on the leek-haired man's thighs so that he got another wave of tingly warm sensations as he leaned closer to his face "How many people have you slept with, dear Senku?" The hunter thought a bit, not reacting strongly to the buzzing feeling across his skin nor how close Gen's face was to his when he spoke,              "I haven't slept with anyone, I rarely get the urge to have sex at all, dear...Asagiri," he hummed, and the sex demon's face turned to a look of 'aha' for a moment,              "Senku, are you asexual at all?" He huffed, narrowing his dark blue eyes at the leek, already knowing the answer, but he answered nonetheless,             "I am gray-ace and homoromantic, I think," he gave another infuriating shrug, "haven't put much thought into the labels." At that, Gen pushed himself off of the hunter, flopping back onto the trampoline and making the hunter bounce briefly into the air,                 "God DAMN IT." He groaned, his tails once again lashing in frustration. So, for a moment or two longer, they sat in silence, until the succubus spoke once again, "I know you're here to banish me from the neighborhood, just go ahead and do it." that honestly surprised the hunter-in-training, making him raise his eyebrows at the demon,               "Really? No fight? No argument?" The monster sat up with a long sigh,               "Yeah, I can't exactly fight you, I'm as physically strong as you are without my powers of seduction," he pointed out, "it wouldn't be that much of a fight," He had a point with that, Senku wasn't that physically strong, so he didn't bother arguing and just climbed out of the trampoline's little barrier and hopped down to the lawn. While he got his paint out of his equipment bag, Gen laid on his stomach and watched him grumpily. Why is he still so pissy about not feeding off me? Senku thought, finally just asking while he tried to re-activate the paint,             "Why are you so grumpy about me not being into you? Haven't you run into an asexual before?" The succubus jumped a bit at the sudden question, but once again covered it pretty quickly,             "I have run into asexuals before, but I was wanting to feed on you, you're really cute." he admitted, and the hunter snorted, beginning to finish up the symbol he'd painted beforehand,             "Well, if it's any consolation, if we run into each other when you're not being a nuisance, maybe you can try to, y'know, properly seduce me." he suggested, and that made the demon perk up and quickly agree. With that, Senku finished up the symbol and Gen was thrown from the neighborhood. Yeah, sure, he'd likely go somewhere else to feed, but the leek's job was done, so he was satisfied and simply returned home with a smile.
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raidenenthusiast · 3 years
seraph of the end + genshin impact
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main: diluc. hear me out, okay. generally, u main based on playstyle, right? (i mean. i don't, but. the consensus seems to be that i am strange for that lmao.) i think that yuu would put a LOT of stress on doing high physical damage, n a lot of people recommend diluc for that. he's ranked pretty high tier, he looks cool, he has a big sword, n he's pretty standard for a dps. also, i feel like yuu is a LOUD player n screaming along with diluc's attack voice lines would be therapeutic for him. i also think the fact that diluc mains drain their hp incredibly fast bc of how reckless they are (yes i am talking about myself too) is very in character for him.
favorite character: also diluc. HEAR ME OUT. i think he would be really taken with the whole darknight hero thing. yuu is also a very protective person n puts a lot of stock in the safety of what he cares about n i feel like he would just find diluc very cool for that.
aesthetically appealing: razor. source: trust me bro.
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main: XIAO. i cannot stress this one enough n i will not budge. i can't really tell u why exactly i think he would enjoy polearm users, but the idea of self inflicted damage is very much a vampire weapon choice (thorn sword, yk) n i cannot believe how fitting it is. which leads right into the next category, actually.
favorite character: also xiao. both mika n yuu strike me as the types to main their favorite characters (i am not just saying this bc i relate to mika n i do that what do u MEAN) n not only do i think mika would relate to xiao, but i also think he would find the lore n the roles of the adepti REALLY interesting.
aesthetically appealing: i'm torn on this one bc i want to say albedo. all his outfit details, his color scheme, his hair, his EYES. all of it just screams mika to me. HOWEVER rosaria also strikes me as a design mika would really like.
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main: torn for this one. on the one hand, i think she would have an incredible dps beidou that does FAR more damage than poor yuu's diluc n she refuses to give him her build. on the other hand, i think she would also be the type of person to absolutely SHRED domains with a dps barbara. overall she definitely has the best builds of the team, n is really good at team composition.
favorite character: mona! mona says what she thinks, n shinoa would LOVE that. i think she'd admire her pride n determination n that would really inspire her.
aesthetic appealing: keqing! she would love her colors (specifically the purple) n i think she'd find the cat ears really cute. keqing is also a really lovely character n i think she'd have a crush on her.
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main: childe. look at this man. LOOK at him. u CANNOT tell me he does not give off obnoxious childe main energy. he fights the oceanid with childe bc he thinks he's invincible. he goes into domains with the wrong level just to mess with people. he's genuinely GOOD though, so it's hard for the team to be too upset.
favorite character: baizhu bc they're both suspicious zhongli. guren has a crush on peepaw pass it on. no i'm kidding (no i'm not) but they both have that "weird n intense methods of testing strength that are definitely questionable but they do still care" kind of thing going on.
aesthetically appealing: kaeya. i don't actually know where i'm getting this from i just had a vague thought that kaeya kind of gives me a similar vibe to shinya n i was like "yes okay this makes sense."
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main: sucrose! absolutely god tier support over here. he definitely did a ton of research on how to build her. u see him in a domain n ur like "oh thank god." he also has an extra set of artifacts n weapons aside for her bc he wanted to be prepared, so he plays her as a support or a dps depending on the needs of the party. he likes to have options.
favorite character: jean. hear me out, i think he'd really admire her. she works SO hard n she cares SO much about mondstadt n yoichi would find a lot of comfort in that. also he's a feminist.
aesthetically appealing: venti. between the bow n just how BEAUTIFUL his clothes are, yoichi would be smitten.
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main: rosaria. he would love polearms n that is a fact. he definitely pulled on the recent childe banner rerun to get her n ended up with childe by accident, which guren was very upset about bc he was pulling for childe constellations. he builds up her crit like CRAZY n as much as him n yuu don't want to admit it, they work really well together in domains.
favorite character: qiqi. the big brother instinct. he does not trust baizhu. i think she reminds him of mirai in a way, too.
aesthetically appealing: chongyun. again. source: trust me bro.
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main: hu tao. her n mika are NIGHTMARES in domains bc of their self-damaging skills, but unlike mika, mitsuba is actually really careful with it, n makes sure she builds up hu tao's hp so she doesn't inconvenience her team.
favorite character: diona. they both have very similar vibes, mitsuba would find her adorable. she would also argue to the DEATH with anyone online who was being creepy about her/the other young characters.
aesthetically appealing: ningguang. she has a massive crush on her.
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main: lisa. ranged attacks, wide ranges of effect, really cool burst/ult, n can cause some of the best reactions with her element. he outlasts almost anyone else in domains bc he seems to never take any damage.
favorite character: dainsleif. he wants him to get a release so bad.
aesthetically appealing: xiao. he loves the colors.
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main: keqing. she is a huge fan of the whole teleporting thing. her elemental damage is nuts. she had the best sword on her so soon after she started the game that everyone's heads were spinning. she RAGES when she loses, though, n doesn't like teamwork/prefers to carry.
favorite character: lumine, but only if aether was picked as a protagonist. she likes the idea of lumine being the villain.
aesthetically appealing: fischl. do i really have to elaborate on this one.
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main: xiao, to piss off mika i actually cannot think of a good enough example for just one character. i feel like he plays for fun n not for consistency of builds, so he just switches between characters to support that. i can see him playing support n not healing his team on purpose bc he thinks it's funny, though.
favorite character: signora. he laughed his ASS off when she punted venti.
aesthetically appealing: xingqiu, probably. with those frilly sleeves.
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