#i had intended this to be more flirty and suggestive
diazfightclub · 2 months
starin' at you (starin' at me)
bucktommy // 4.4k // G
“It’s not even my worst scar,” Tommy continued. “Worst injury, probably, but it doesn’t look as bad as it could have.” “What could be worse than that?” Tommy grinned, a little daring, a little dangerous. Buck felt his heart swoop. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
** OR: Buck and Tommy swap scar stories.
(read on ao3)
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mechaknight-98 · 8 days
Road Trip (NSFW) FT Nayeon and Tzuyu
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Author's Notes: I just wanted to write a short little 1500 word jaunt but no my brain made it 7500. No matter. It was a fun ride (Pun intended.) Not currently sure what the rest of the release schedule is going to be right now, but there will probably something smaller maybe two however enjoy this special holiday release.
 Driving from Anaheim, California to Houston, Texas is the worst. It’s not the most terrible thing I’ve ever had to do, but it’s in the top 20. Still, it was worth it. I was going to see my favorite K-pop group, Twice, and I would fly back after dropping off the rental. "Take photos," my dad convinced me. So, here I was, driving thousands of miles.
During one of my photo ops stops, I noticed a broken down van, smoke billowing from the engine. Three people were standing outside of it. I sucked my teeth.
“Sucks to be them,” I thought. As I passed, something told me to stop. I didn’t want to, but I did so against my better judgment. I stopped and walked over to them.
“Hey, do y'all need help?” I called out.
A feminine, accented voice responded, “Oh God, yes!” As I neared, I recognized two of the three faces. It was the matnae and maknae of Twice.
“Ehh, Nayeon and Tzuyu?” I said, bewildered.
“Ehh?” Nayeon replied, “You know us?” She added, and I nodded. Tzuyu laughed.
“Good, so no intros needed. You asked if you could help us. Can you drive us to the hotel?”
Tzuyu ran up to me and hugged me tightly, her eyes holding the cutest puppy dog pout. I sighed, resigned to my fate, and said, “Sure, let’s grab your stuff and go.” That’s when you approached.
“Thank you so much,” you said. “I’ll make sure the company pays you back for this.” I shrugged at your words, but you insisted. We loaded everything into the car and raced off to the hotel (metaphorically, of course). On the ride there, it was Tzuyu and me in the front, with Nayeon and you in the back.
“So, what’s your name?” Tzuyu asked with a hint of flirtiness.
“DJ, and you… don’t answer that. I already know… sorry, muscle memory.” I replied. Tzuyu laughed at my gaffe, as did Nayeon. You, of course, got it. They’re stars while you and I are seemingly normal.
“So, who is your bias?” Nayeon inevitably asked.
“That’s a setup… but I’m stupid, so Tzuyu,” I replied confidently.
Nayeon laughed and scoffed, then looked at you with a “Can you believe him?” look.
“Oh, so I’m your favorite,” Tzuyu acknowledged. I nodded, then turned on the Bluetooth for the radio. Tzuyu began to rock out to my heavy playlist as it started.
“Ugh,” Nayeon scoffed.
“I can play other stuff. I take non-country requests,” I replied. You laughed at my response, as you had been catering to the diva for the past few days. Conversely, the maknae piped up,
“No, I like this music. Especially this band. Chaeyoung introduced me to them.”
“Wait! Really? Chaeyoung introduced you to Architects, Tzuyu?” I asked, intrigued.
Tzuyu nodded before saying, “But please call me Chewy.” I gave her a thumbs-up as I continued driving. As we landed in New Mexico, I decided to get some photo ops at the Area 51 museum. Before stopping, I apologized to the rest of the passengers.
“Sorry, just wanted to get some pictures,” I explained. You and the girls nodded as I got out. Nayeon, being her sexy but conceited self, asked me to take some pictures at a nearby station. I obliged, and she posed.
“Be sure to send me those later because I look sexy,” she said confidently. I nodded as Nayeon went back to you. Meanwhile, Chewy politely asked me to take some pictures of her, which I happily obliged.
Her photos bordered more on the cute side, but when she wasn’t taking photos, she made some quite suggestive and flirty comments.
For example, when I showed her one taken with a silly hat on, she said, “Oh, that’s so nice. You make me glow, but can you make me squirm and scream?” Her tone was hushed enough so only I could hear her. I turned to her, and she just gave an innocent smile as if she wasn’t spouting filth.
I chuckled, which she mirrored as we talked.
“So, DJ, are you a professional photographer?” Chewy asked politely.
“Nope, working on getting there though,” I replied.
Chewy nodded before asking another question, “What’s stopping you?”
I laughed and partially joked, “Mostly money and experience. Once I have those, I’ll be there.” Chewy laughed and said,
“Well, I think you’re pretty good.”
While we were talking, Nayeon scoffed, “Chewy is swooning.”
“Really?” you asked.
“Can’t you tell? She’s been extra doe-eyed with him. She’s going to eat him alive, but that’s just her. She always goes for the kind and naive ones.”
“Hey, you used to be like that too, if memory serves correctly,” you countered.
“We were in high school, and I didn’t know any better,” Nayeon rebuked, and you laughed.
“Let Chewy have her moment. He seems nice.”
“That’s the problem,” Nayeon scoffed. While no one was looking, though, she leaned in and sneaked a kiss on your cheek.
“Thank you for ‘being my manager’ for this tour. I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather have,” Nayeon admitted. You smiled at her words before saying,
“You’re welcome, Nabong.” Nayeon’s lips curled upwards in a mischievous grin.
“I think I may need one of your full-body massages,” Nayeon said, emphasizing the word “massage,” letting you know what she meant. You smirked and said,
“Anything for my favorite bunny.”
After taking pictures, I continue the drive to the hotel. Conveniently, we're all staying at the same place.
You, Nayeon, and Tzuyu check in while I search for parking. When I finally enter, I try to be discreet.
"Um, one room for Dracul Bram?" I ask in a low tone. The hostess looks at my ID, then up at me with a confused but amused grin.
"Room 104," she says, "behind the check-in station and around the corner." I give her a thumbs-up and head towards my room.
I would have made it if not for someone behind me calling out, "DJ, where are you going?" I turn to see Chewy waving me over. She’s at the bar with you, Sana, another manager, and Nayeon. Resigned, I join you all.
As I approach, Sana laughs and says, "Oh wow, you’re so tall." I shrug, while you notice Chewy glaring at Sana. You chuckle internally, recognizing that Chewy is interested in me. Nayeon shoots you a knowing look, also noticing Chewy's reaction.
When I sit down, Sana quickly starts her flirty "interview."
"So, DJ, I hear you're quite the photographer?" Sana purrs.
"Um, still an amateur. I lack the funds and experience to be considered 'professional,'" I reply. Sana smirks.
"So why don't we help you get more experience? How would you feel about being my photographer for the concert in Houston?" My mind stalls as I try to process her proposal. The air grows thick, and while I'm dumbfounded, Tzuyu glares at her unnie. You and Nayeon laugh, recognizing the game Sana is playing. Chewy, completely unaware, takes the bait.
"But unnie, I thought you liked Mark a lot more. Maybe you should take him, and I'll take DJ?" Chewy proposes.
"Game, set, match," Nayeon whispers in your ear.
Sana smiles and replies to Chewy, "I don't know. You said DJ takes really good pictures, and I haven't seen them yet..." Before Sana can finish, Chewy quickly says,
"Fine... I'll take the room with Dahyun," Chewy sighs.
"Deal," Sana quickly agrees with a smile. I'm still reeling from the initial proposal as this deal unfolds around me.
Before I can fully process what just happened, the bartender approaches, asking for our drink orders. Chewy, still flustered from her exchange with Sana, quickly orders a soda. Nayeon orders a cocktail, and Sana, with a smirk, opts for something stronger. You and I both go for something simple, trying to keep up with the rapid-fire interactions around us.
"DJ, how did you end up driving from California?" Nayeon asks, leaning forward with genuine curiosity.
"Well, I wanted to see you guys perform and take some photos along the way. My dad thought it would be a good idea," I explain, feeling slightly more comfortable now that the conversation has shifted to neutral territory.
Chewy brightens at this. "So, you like road trips and photography? That's a fun combination."
"Yeah, it's been an adventure," I admit, smiling at her enthusiasm. "And now, unexpectedly, I'm here with you all."
Sana, not one to let the spotlight shift too far, interjects, "Well, it's lucky for us that you stopped to help. Nayeon and Chewy would have  been stranded otherwise." Her tone is light, but there's a genuine appreciation beneath it.
"Definitely," you agree, raising your glass in a toast. "To unexpected adventures."
Everyone raises their glasses, and the mood relaxes further. As we chat, Nayeon nudges you and whispers something in your ear, causing both of you to laugh. 
Chewy, noticing this, leans in closer to me. "So, DJ, tell me more about your photography. What kind of subjects do you like to shoot?"
I start to answer, but I'm interrupted by a sudden buzz from Nayeon's phone. She glances at it and then groans. "It's our manager. He needs us for a quick meeting."
Sana rolls her eyes but stands up. "Duty calls. DJ, it was nice meeting you. Don't forget about our deal."
Chewy stands up reluctantly, giving me a small, shy smile. "I'll see you later, DJ."
As they head off, you stay behind for a moment. "You handled that well," you say, clapping me on the shoulder. "Welcome to the world of K-pop chaos."
I laugh, feeling more at ease. "Thanks. I think I'm going to need all the help I can get."
"You'll be fine," you assure me. "Just keep being yourself. They seem to like you already."
With that, you head off to join the others, leaving me at the bar to reflect on the whirlwind of the evening. As I sit there, I can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness about what the next few days will bring.
I decide to pay the tab before finishing my drink and heading to my room. I upload the picture to my tablet before sending the photos to Chewy and Nayeon. While going over them one of the pictures of Chewy stands out. I send it to my phone and make it my wallpaper while keeping my home screen something more nerdy. After that, I decided it was for the best if I went to sleep for the night. 
After I finally got comfortable and passed out you and the rest of the girls get out of your meeting. Nayeon Dramatically absconds with you to her room while Chewy checks her phone she notices my pictures. She smiles and sends me a cute little message. She is a little sad when I don't respond. She also decided to turn early.
You on the other enter your room hand in hand with Nayeon. She beams at you ready for her “massage”. She begins to strip for you and your smile grows wide.
“You always look like a kid in a candy store,”
You smile then reply, “With how hot you are can you blame me?” Nayeon grins and looks at you happily.
“Oh, I'm going to enjoy this,” she lies on the bed and spreads her long legs. You marvel at her thick thighs and buoyant ass. Nayeon beams as you stare at her “Well come on fuck me,” she says with an arrogant smile that drives you wild wild. You strip to her as she does her “sexy” shimmy she does whenever she's feeling herself. You line yourself up with her entrance. You rub her clit and pussy with your rod as she patiently waits. After a few minutes of teasing, she jams you inside her.
“Oh yes,” she moans as you bottom out in her. Her tightness takes your breath away as you wait for her to stop clenching you. When her body finally acclimated you begin to thrust in and out of her. She moans uncontrollably as you begin to thrust harder and harder.
“Yes, Yes, Yes,” she moans deliriously from the pleasure. You groan as you feel her tighten before she climaxes. You watch as her body arches back and her slick floods out of her. As she covers you cock and crotch in her cum you keep fucking her until you reach your high. You flood her with semen as you reach your orgasm. As the two of you come down from your mutual high you gaze at the clock.
“Shit! We can't do anymore because we have to get up early tomorrow,” you say stressed Nayeon nods before and the both of you pass out. 
I wake up early the next morning, shower, get changed, and get ready for the day. When I walk out, you, Sana, the other manager from last night, and Chewy are all waiting for me.
“Oh good, we didn't miss you. Congratulations, you've been selected to drive in Twice’s caravan,” you say to me.
I blink a couple of times before saying, “Huh?”
Chewy laughs and responds, “We are still missing one van, so we figured since we are all going to the same place, you could help us out again.” I process the information slowly.
Confused, I look at the group and realize that I’ve been temporarily enlisted into Twice’s caravan. Today, I’ll be driving the manager (Sam), Sana, and Chewy. I blink a few times but relent, “You all know I'm flying back, right?” I ask, concerned.
You nod and say, “As are we.”
I shrug and say, “Well, okay then.”
You clap your hands together. “Good, see you at the next hotel in Houston.” I nod quietly as I pack up. The girls and Sam follow me to the car. As we load up, Sana asks, “Hey DJ, you're big and strong. Can you help me with my bags?” I nod and lift her bags into the trunk. Sana smiles and caresses my arms.
“I knew you could do it,” she says seductively. I nod as Sana goes to sit. Chewy walks close to me, and instinctively I load up her bags. Chewy smiles, and we get ready to go. She takes her seat in the front with me. As I check to see if everyone is buckled, Sana flashes me a flirty smile. Once everyone is secure, I start driving.
Fifteen minutes into the drive, Chewy asks me what music she should put on. I catch myself before saying, “Put on Lorgar’s audiobook.” Instead, I suggest she put on the Whiplash playlist. She does so and is surprised when "Perfect World" by Twice is the first song. I catch the smiles aimed at me, then the confused look when the second song, "Backbreaker" by Fit For a King, comes on. Initially, my passengers are confused, but as they listen to more of the playlist, they start vibing with me.
After about six hours of driving, we make our first stop at a gas station. I take a few pictures of the desert and plains, which Sana sneaks her way into. When I finish, she gets close to me and says, “Oh, you're really good.” I thank her for the compliment, while also noticing Chewy sitting a little way off with a forlorn but cute pose. I snap a few photos before going into the convenience store section of the gas station and grabbing her a snack. When I walk out toward her, I sit next to her and hand her the snack. She looks at me and pouts, “I can't eat that. It will go straight to my thighs.”
I raise an eyebrow. “And why would that be bad? You have the sexiest thighs,” I say. Tzuyu giggles.
“You're just saying that,” she responds. I shake my head, resisting the impulse to pull her closer.
“You are super pretty, and I think one honey bun won't be the end of the world. Fifteen in two hours, though…that might be a problem,” I joke. Tzuyu smiles and leans on my shoulder.
Sana and Sam watch from a distance.
“Oh, she's got him,” Sam says with a laugh. Sana nods with a pout.
“He just looks so cuddly,” Sana laments.
“Yeah, I get that, but you get all the attention. Let Chewy have this one,” Sam replies.
Sana pouts again. “Okay.”
When we all get back into the car The next song up is "In the Mouth of Madness" by Nightmares. Chewy digs this one and asks about their other albums. I wince when I have to tell her this is the only one. She frowns but is understanding. After that "Cheer Up" comes on which garners a few more smiles.
When we all get back into the car, the next song up is "In the Mouth of Madness" by Nightmares. Chewy enjoys it and asks about their other albums. I wince as I tell her this is their only one. She frowns but understands. After that, "Cheer Up" comes on, garnering a few more smiles.
"You like us," Chewy says.
I nod and reply, "Well, yeah. If it weren't for you all, I wouldn't have gotten through the pandemic. I was alone and isolated for most of it, and you nine got me through by being this giant pastel pink sign saying, 'Things will get better!' So I fought on." Chewy smiles warmly.
Sam hears this and says, "The little Once that could." I chuckle along with the rest of the car.
After a few more hours, we arrive at the last hotel. Curiously, we are the first to arrive, beating out the rest of the vans. Cameras and flashes surround the car as we step out. Momentarily blinded, I grab Sana's and Chewy's bags and help them check-in. When I go to check into my hotel, Sam stops me.
"We got you a room," he says. I nod and gratefully take the room key as we head to the elevator.
"Chewy likes you," he says out of the blue.
"What? No," I scoff.
Sam's eyes narrow. "Yes, she does. I have never seen her this engaged with someone, especially someone outside of Twice."
"She's just being nice," I say, still in disbelief.
Sam rolls his eyes as we exit the elevator. "You say that, but she loves the whole knight-in-shining-armor thing. She eats it up, and you being the bashful knight type—she's going to eat you alive."
"You make it sound like she's a maneater," I respond, confused.
Sam grins wickedly before entering his room. "She is, but she has picky tastes. Anyway, be careful—or not."
Left alone with a lot to process, I lie down and think about the day.
"Do I like Chewy back?" I ponder. 
"If I do, am I willing to give up my anonymity to be with her?"
My thoughts halt when I get a DM from Chewy saying, "Hey, can you come to my room? I need help ordering food." Without hesitation, I go. My heart had already chosen for me. When I get to her room, she’s in shorts and a crop top with a giant heart shape on it. She smiles at me.
"That was fast," she teases.
I smile and say, "Well, anything for royalty, I guess." She looks confused.
"Your song, 'Queen of Hearts,' and your shirt," I explain. Chewy looks down and laughs.
"Okay, I thought that was your first humor miss."
"I am always missing," I reply. Chewy smiles and pats the bed next to her. I walk and lie down next to her. She nestles closer as I help her order room service, wrapping herself around me tightly.
A knock on the door interrupts us. I go to open it, and Dahyun, Sana, Nayeon, and Jihyo arrive, along with you, Sam, and another manager, this one female.
"So, you're the Machine God I’ve been hearing so much about. The name's Sara," the female manager says, amused.
I look at her, confused.
Sara rolls her eyes as she says, "Oh, don't give me that puzzled look. You drove here straight without any breaks except a couple of stops for gas."
I nod, understanding now, as I walk back to the bed with Chewy. When I sit back down, you and Nayeon notice how Chewy moves her legs onto my lap.
"Oh, someone is staking her claim," you whisper calmly.
Nayeon whispers back, "I wonder how long until she drops the shyness and he sees her true self."
"Oh, it'll happen before we head back. I can see it in her eyes. She wants him badly, and she's barely containing herself. We probably delayed it tonight."
"What was that?" Sara asked, catching your whispered conversation with Nayeon.
"Oh, nothing, just discussing what we should order for room service after we leave," you reply quickly.
Sara isn't convinced. "Right," she says sarcastically, before turning to me.
"So, DJ, what does DJ stand for?"
Expecting this question, I sigh. "Promise not to laugh?" Everyone looks at me, puzzled but nods.
"My name is Dracul Marcus Bram Jr., but my family calls me DJ," I say. The room falls silent before Sara responds.
"Okay, I see why you prefer DJ, but I think Dracul is pretty badass." I give a thumbs up and try to blend back into the group dynamics. The doorbell rings, and Chewy jumps up excitedly. "I'll get it, Drac," she says, kissing me on the cheek. My mind blanks for a moment. I sit there, stunned, as Chewy fetches the food and returns. Seeing my dumbfounded expression, she smiles.
"What's wrong?" she asks.
Still processing, I hear Sam laughing. When I finally regain my composure, I feel an unexpected calm and confidence.
"I just didn't expect that," I reply. Everyone hears the newfound steadiness in my voice and is taken aback. Usually, when Tzuyu shows her real self to someone she likes, they become more timid. This is the first time anyone has taken her advances in stride.
Tzuyu feels a shift inside herself. In her mind, I transform from "Cute Teddy Bear" to "I want this man to father my children," though only for a moment before settling on "Datable Material."
The silence grows uncomfortable, so I say, "The food looks good, Chewy. We should eat before it gets cold." For the first time, Chewy is the one flustered. She giggles and smiles, bringing the food over. She got a burger, and I got a quesadilla—though it might have been called something else, it had all the ingredients.
Tzuyu and I eat comfortably while the others watch. You notice a change in our body language. We're no longer timidly stealing glances or shyly flirting. Chewy gives me ravenous looks, and I reciprocate with calm, measured passion. If you were more observant, you would have noticed our touches growing more frequent until we were holding hands.
The atmosphere between us shifts. Instead of a bashful princess and her shy knight, we exude the air of two confident equals—me, the composed diplomat, and her, the assertive Empress. Her eyes say she wants to devour me, and I feel the same urge. Yet, with an audience, the battle must wait. We're so engrossed in our little world that we don't notice the others leaving until the door closes and Dahyun says, “Goodbye.” We wave politely, but as soon as the door closes, Chewy grabs me and pulls me in for an emotional, sloppy kiss.
I love it and let her take the lead this time. She broke the kiss. She was frantic, “should I go fast? Should I savor you and make a mess of you?” Tzuyu said as her mind raced. 
I smirked and calmly replied, “It's not a race,” 
Tzuyu gave me the sexiest and most ferocious glare before she said “I am going to drain every single last drop of cum from you and make you scream my name all night,” I surrender to her fervor this time as she brings me in for another kiss. I guess savage maknae wasn't a cute nickname. Her kisses were messy but also extremely hot. She was vicious but she knew what she wanted and I was going to let her have it. 
While she kissed me I felt her hand slip into my sweatpants. I feel her hand reach my rod and she begins to slowly stroke.
She breaks the kiss and stares at me luridly. 
“Ah Tzuyu,” I moan out. Tzuyu smiles
“Whose cock is this?” she asks innocently
“Yours,” I moan she nods happily. 
“Good. Now I'm going to suck my cock and you're going to paint my face. Can you do that for me?” she asks hungrily. I nod as she pushes my sweatpants down and moves to my cock. She continues her glacial pace that I both hate and love. She looks up at me her gaze is ferocious as she devours me. Drool pools around my shaft as sloppily engorged herself. She comes up for air and resumes stroking me.
“Do you like it?” she asks innocently. I nod helplessly. She goes to my frenulum and teases it with her tongue. I moan her name again. She smiles and goes back down on me. I try to hang on but everything about what she's doing to me has me on edge. I tilt her face up bring her lips back to mine and kiss her. Her eyes are wide the entire time with surprise but she happily accepts the kiss. When we break it she smiles. 
“I appreciate your adoration,” she says before slapping me,
“But tonight I'm in control,” she says firmly I nod.
“I'll let that transgression slide because you're so cute, but next time I won't be so forgiving,” I nod and feel my cock twitch in her hand. She notices 
“Are you close babe?” she asks sweetly. I nod and she does everything in her power to get the largest load possible. 
“Oh fuck Tzuyu,” I scream out as I cum all over her face. She smiles as she gets up. She sauntered off like a satiated predator. As I lay there the weight of what just happened hits me. My cock despite having just orgasmed is still rock hard and overwhelming my body with thoughts of pinning Tzuyu down and railing her. When she does get back she is fully nude and sauntering back for seconds. Our eyes narrow as both our predatory natures rise to the surface. Who will be the first to submit? we ask each other with our eyes. I get up and approach her I strip down as well before reaching her. She looks up into my eyes. I see vulnerability but also a deep fathomless lust. I kiss her forehead which makes her smile acutely and then I bend her over the bed and impale her.
“Oh fuck Dracul,” she yells as I fully rest myself inside her. I wait for her to stop shaking, and then I start thrusting. Tzuyu loses it as my cock ravages her pussy. I put one hand on her hips and the other firmly groped her breast. She moans uncontrolled. I take my time with her body searching for the best angles hoping to get her off. Eventually, I find the winning combination of thrusts, touches, and kisses as she yells, “fuck Dracul I'm cumming.” her womanhood tensed and tightened around me before she squirted profusely over my cock. When she finishes I pump my load into her causing her to orgasm again. 
We fall into bed and pass out after that when I wake up we are spooning and my cock is still deep within her. Feeling me stir she moans as she jolts awake she turns to me and trapezes on top of me before she begins to ride me. Her hands pin mine as she aggressively ruts and grinds into me like an animal in heat. With her ferocious tempo neither of us last long as we cum together. She smiles as she gets off of me and my cum drips down her thighs. 
She goes to shower, giving me a chance to do the same in my room. When I finish, I notice a message on my phone:
“I didn't say you could leave. Meet me downstairs for breakfast.”
Tzuyu’s possessiveness is both sexy and annoying, but I comply. When I arrive, she’s sitting with Chaeyoung and Dahyun, looking relaxed and pleased. I grab a light breakfast of an omelet and toast and join them. They all smile and wave as I sit down.
“So, you're DJ?” Chaeyoung asks. I nod and extend my hand for a shake, which she accepts. Then, I surprise them by praying over my food. 
While we eat, you and Nayeon join us. You notice a few bite marks on my neck and discreetly point them out to Nayeon, who laughs more openly. When Dahyun asks about it, you casually say, “Inside joke.”
You grab a plate for Nayeon, who’s “too exhausted” to do much herself. As you sit back down, Nayeon gives you a mischievous glance before turning to Tzuyu and me.
“So, Tzuyu, did you enjoy DJ last night?” she asks.
I laugh and start to get up, but Tzuyu grabs the edge of my shirt, stopping me. I sit back down as she responds, “I did. He was great. Why? Are you jealous?”
The group falls silent. You look at a stunned Nayeon, then an amused Tzuyu. I marvel at Tzuyu, who turns to me and asks,
“So, what are your plans for today?”
I take a moment to gather my thoughts before replying, “Well, I was planning to visit a couple of tourist sites, play some Commander, and then catch the Rockets game tonight.”
Tzuyu eyes me cautiously before responding, “Okay, but get back as quickly as you can. I have some things I want to discuss with you for tomorrow’s concert. We have a soundcheck today.”
I nod and ask when the soundcheck is. She gives me the time, and I reply, “Oh, I can make that.”
Tzuyu smiles and says, “Perfect!”
  After breakfast, we all split up. Tzuyu corners me, and I can see the arousal in her eyes.
“Do you think you could spend more quality time with me tonight?” she asks. I nod, and she smiles before kissing me. Her tongue pierces down my throat, leaving me breathless.
“Be ready. Yesterday, I only got a taste, but tonight I'm going to devour you,” she says firmly, making me squirm. I nod and give her a timid thumbs-up, fighting the urge to let her have me right there. Tzuyu smiles as she walks away.
When I get to my rental car, you manage to find me.
“My boss has been looking over your work, and he's impressed. He wants to offer you a spot for the rest of the tour,” you tell me. I sit in the car, shocked, before responding,
“How much would the pay be? I’d have to quit my job.”
You eye me nervously and ask, “How does USD 150,000 for the rest of the stops sound?”
I blink at you a couple of times, then calmly say, “That works.”
You also hand me a check for $30,000 to cover the rental, gas, and any other minor expenses. I look at you and sigh.
“I’m going to use this to buy more professional camera equipment since everything else is already accounted for and budgeted,” I reply.
You smile and say, “Well, then you'd better hurry.”
I nod and leave, allowing you to go back to Nayeon with a dumb grin on your face.
Nayeon smiles and says, "Based on your look, I assume he took the deal."
You laugh, relieved, and nod, replying, "Yes, and the dummy is using the money to buy more professional gear."
Nayeon gives you a confused look before asking, "Wait, why is that dumb?"
"Well, short answer: we were going to have him use the gear we already had. But since he's doing all this work to get better, newer gear, we get a return on the rentals. So he's saving us money, and we don’t get used gear. Plus, he's the only one liable,” you say, elated.
Nayeon nods and laughs at my over-eagerness. “Okay, great! Now we 
have some unfinished business,” Nayeon replies.
You approach your starlet with the fervor she deserves. She smiles as she watches you strip bare excited to have you inside her once again. You approach her bare body and begin to kiss her feet, because if there is one thing that Nayeon loves it's being worshiped. so you start with kissing her feet, then you meander to her thighs where you let loose upon them. You spent almost an hour kissing biting and licking her thighs until Nayeon couldn't take it anymore
"Fuck me till I beg you to stop" She whined. You smiled before taking your cock out and plunging into her. 
"Ah Fuck," Nayeon moaned as her pussy acted more like a constricting snake than the bunny she moonlighted as. you moan as you impale her. 
"how are you still so tight?" you ask. Nayeon laughs as she coils around you tightening her pussy even more. 
You two begin to fuck in earnest. You grind ruthlessly into each other's hips as both of you attempt to maximize pleasure for yourselves. You loved that you could be as selfish as you wanted being Nayeon's lover because she was equally as selfish. it made all things with her so honest. you lift her hips to get deeper trying to hit her cervix which Nayeon loved despite the soreness it gave her. when you feel your tip hit her cervix Nayeon moans, and you keep pounding into her tight pussy. 
Her walls continue to get tighter miraculously as you push in and out of her forcing her to take more and more of you. her eyes roll into the back of her head as her tits bounce due to the force of your thrust into her. her blissed-out face makes you smile, and yet somehow her pussy tightens around you again. As she starts convulsing she starts cumming violently around your cock. you groan and push through feeling her walls forcibly trying to milk you. you push past the tightness and look at her.
"I love how fast you cum Nabong. It's so hot," you say as Nayeon moans all around you. you keep thrusting into her while her mind is broken by the pleasure she feels. eventually, you can't hold it anymore and you cum inside of her. You moan as she moans your name before flooding her guts with your seed. After that, she begs you not to go again due to her sensitivity.  
While Nayeon and you were having fun, I was getting a myriad of things done throughout the city. After finishing lunch, I got a text from Tzuyu asking me to meet her at the soundcheck, which was a bit earlier than anticipated. So I headed to the venue. I was stopped at the gate by security, but just then, Jeongyeon arrived. She laughed at me waiting and said to the security guard,
"Why is Tzuyu's photographer being held up by you?" The man went pale. Jeongyeon grabbed me and took me with her.
"You're lucky I was here; otherwise, you'd have been stuck until we left," she teased.
"Thanks, Jeongyeon-noon," I said. Jeongyeon looked at me, disgusted.
"Nope, I hate it. Just call me Jeongyeon," she said firmly. I nodded.
"One last question. Do you know where Tzuyu will be?" Jeongyeon nodded and had me follow her.
We arrived at the staging room. She opened the door, and Tzuyu looked up, making eye contact with me before her face erupted into a smile and a light giggle. Jeongyeon smiled and said, "Don't have too much fun, lovebirds," and then left for another area.
Tzuyu scowled, then turned to me with a happy smile, beckoning me to sit next to her by patting the couch. She hugged me and said, "What took you so long, babe?"
I replied plainly, "I didn't have any credentials according to the security guard, and Mal couldn't vouch for me." Tzuyu nodded as she cuddled me.
"Did you have fun before at least?" she asked happily. Dahyun walked in before I could answer.
Her cute, bewildered look was adorable as she asked, "OH! Am I interrupting something?" I shook my hands, and Tzuyu confirmed she wasn't.
Dahyun sat next to us and pulled out her phone. "I was mostly doing banking stuff since Mal gave me a check for helping you all."
Tzuyu nodded and smiled, "Okay, well, it's good to see you." I gave Chewy a thumbs-up, and she smiled. Dahyun took the lull in the conversation to talk to me.
"So, DJ. How are you feeling about all of us so far?"
"I love it. This is the most... interesting time I have had in a while, so I can't complain too much." Dahyun smiled and said,
"That's great."
I nodded at Dahyun as Chewy nestled closer. As we settled in, a camera flashed. Stunned and confused, I waited for my eyes to readjust, then saw Sara and Sana holding their phones, laughing.
Sara turned to Sana and said, "Oh, got the two lovebirds nesting." Sana laughed with Sara as they walked out. Chewy held me tighter. About 18 minutes later, all of the girls were called for the full run-through. I got up, but before I could join them, you stopped me and handed me multiple badges.
"Here are your badges for the soundcheck and tomorrow's concert," you said firmly. I nodded.
You nodded then said, "Now I know you are hired to be Tzuyu's photographer, but feel free to get some shots of the other girls here and there." I nodded in affirmation.
"Great. Now, last thing: have fun. This is meant to be work, but nothing says we can't enjoy it. Although, based on the noises I heard last night, you certainly know how to have fun."
I laughed and threw you a curveball, "Yeah, I’m sure you do as well with Nayeon." You looked at me, shocked.
"You picked up on that?" you asked, bewildered.
I nodded and said, "Just because it seems like I am not paying attention doesn't mean I am not."
You nodded before saying, "Remind me not to underestimate you."
I smiled and said, "Don't worry, everyone does."
You furrowed your brow, then said, "I won't make a habit of it. So, what did you get today?"
"I got the Nikon Z6III, a Z8, and Z9 cameras, and five various Z-mount lenses."
"Wow, you must like Nikon, but question. Why only on hold? You need them, right?"
"I do, but not right now, and I am waiting for the check to clear. So if you are messing with me, I'll know beforehand."
You considered my words. "Hm, that's quite cunning of you."
I shrugged and replied, "If you think so." You laughed before signing off.
I spent the rest of the soundcheck recording videos and taking pictures while weaving in and out of the "crowds." You watched from afar and noticed my shooting style. It's exceptionally patient, which you found surprising, but you didn't watch me for long as your manager duties and your love for a specific bunny-associated idol forced you to pivot your focus constantly. after the Soundcheck, I head back to my rental followed by Chewy, Mina, and Chaeyoung. we hop in and Mina says, 
"So Mr. Bram if that is your real name I have a question for you. What are your intentions without Maknae?" I look at her then Chewy then at Chaeyoung. I consider saying something dumb but decide on the rational option. 
"I like her and I hope she likes me back. otherwise, just take it slow I guess," Mina eyes me suspiciously but relents.
When we arrive back at the hotel I was expecting a quiet night with Chewy, but I am quickly thrust into a party with the rest of Twice as they get out their pre-concert jitters. 
it was hectic among other things. there was drinking, karaoke, dancing, and other shenanigans. I was able to steal a few moments with Chewy and we were able to discuss the photos I took today. She also liked the photos I took of the other members. 
"Hey, lovebirds. No discussing work," a drunk Nayeon said to us as we chatted on the edge of the "party." 
I tapped out at about 12:45 AM, while the Extroverts of the group plus Nayeon (she is an honorary extrovert) Mina, Jeongyeon, and Momo kept going. I got to my room and was surprised to hear a knock on the door. I open it and Chewy is waiting outside. I wince before saying,
"I am sorry Chewy but I can't do anything else tonight." Chewy smiles before saying
"Good me too. I just wanted to cuddle tonight." I give her a thumbs up and we get in the bed before passing out. I wake up before her and shower. after the shower, she looks at me with a hungry look. I sigh and say,
"As much as I would like to spend more time with you I have too much to do." Chewy rolls her eyes before getting up to kiss me and then shower herself. 
"Fine but can I ride with you?" I nod and we get ready.
fast forward we pick up the cameras and lenses. I also pick up more memory and a few other essentials. I charge all of them at the hotel as Chewy and I float around doing our various concert preparations. When we have to leave you and Sara ride with me while the girls ride together. We arrive at the venue and it's on from there.
I hustled around the venue, my camera clicking away as I captured the energy of the final preparations. The air was thick with excitement and a touch of nervousness. Tzuyu spotted me from across the room and made her way over, her face lighting up with a smile.
“Wish me luck,” she whispered, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. Her eyes sparkled with determination.
“You don’t need it, but good luck anyway,” I replied, grinning back at her.
The lights dimmed, and the roar of the crowd surged through the arena. The concert had begun. I moved through the crowd, capturing the electrifying performances, the fans’ ecstatic faces, and the sheer energy of the night. 
Now and then, Tzuyu would glance my way, our eyes meeting for a brief moment amidst the chaos, a silent connection that kept me grounded.
After the concert, the atmosphere was jubilant. The group members hugged each other, celebrating their success. 
Tzuyu found me in a quieter corner, her face glowing with happiness and exhaustion.
“Thank you for being here,” she said, pulling me into a tight hug. “Not just for the photos, but for me.”
“Anytime,” I replied, holding her close. she tried to protest due to being sweaty and smelly but I informed her that we were well past that
Just then, you approached us, holding an official-looking document. “Well, you made it. (I nod) I take it you had fun? (I nod again) Good well there is only one last bit of business. Are you willing to do the rest of the tour?”
I looked at Tzuyu. Her eyes were hopeful, yet she remained silent, not wanting to sway my decision. I thought about the journey, the connections I had made, and the possibilities that lay ahead.
“I’d love to,” I said, smiling as I took the contract. Tzuyu beamed with joy.
As the celebration continued, Tzuyu and I slipped away to a quieter spot on the rooftop, overlooking the city lights. The night was cool, and the city seemed to sparkle just for us.
“We did it,” Tzuyu said, leaning against the railing, her hand entwined with mine.
“We did,” I agreed, looking out at the horizon. “And it’s just the beginning.”
“Promise me something,” she said, turning to face me. “No matter how crazy things get, we make time for moments like this.”
“Promise,” I said, sealing it with a kiss.
We stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the city lights casting a soft glow around us. At that moment, I felt a sense of peace and anticipation. The future was uncertain, but it was bright, filled with endless possibilities.
As the night wore on, I reflected on my journey. From a chance encounter to this incredible moment, I found love, friendship, and a new path in life. And for the first time in a long while, I was truly excited for what lay ahead.
Tzuyu and I shared a final kiss under the stars, ready to face whatever the future held, together. 
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neighborlystudios · 28 days
・﹒・ two roads
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Summary: After your father racked up a huge bounty on him from being the leader of a crime gang, you finally got the courage to kill him. However, the Ghoul arrives intending to kill him unaware the man was already dead. He gives you two options- let him have the bounty and he'll offer you protection if you come with him, or be alone and at risk for other unsavory people to hunt you down.
Warnings: 18+, suggestive content, death, blood, coercion, flirty Cooper
Pairing: The Ghoul/Cooper Howard x GN!reader
Notes: H! I am now in the Fallout fandom thanks to the show. My only experience with Fallout was the mobile game Fallout Shelter lmfao played that on and off since 2017. Started a new vault tho! I got some show characters including The Ghoul >:)
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Blood dripped down the knife as you stared at his lifeless corpse, your form hunched over, breathing heavy, eyes wide and frenzied, hair sticking up all over the place, staring down at the body as the red liquid stained and soaked into the floor beneath him.
You finally did it.
He wasn't a good father, but your mother helped curb his less savory habits. Well, she was gone now.
You only stayed with him out of obligation, but as the days wore on, so did he. He was born and raised up here, however your mother was a genuine Vault Dweller who left her vault and made a new life up here.
Including dating your father.
He started a small gang purely to find the people that had killed her, and ended up becoming one of the fiercest crime gang leaders in California. There was a high bounty on him and he was always on alert. Not around you though.
It was an easy stab to the heart.
You had never killed anyone before though- but your dad was the one who had raised you to protect yourself.
How ironic.
But you weren't a killer. You weren't used to being able to take someone's life with your own hands.
Things change.
You still could have sworn time stopped as you didn't move, still staring at the corpse. Should you feel bad? Guilty? Regret? Maybe. But you didn't. He wasn't a perfect father, you couldn't care less.
You didn't know how much time had passed before you heard the creaking of the front door open and steps on the floor. Whipping your body to face the source with the still bloody knife at the ready, the thing that walked through the door wasn't what you expected.
"Well now, it seems like I was too slow this time, usually I ain't" You heard of him, who didn't? He was a cowboy, ghoul bounty hunter- and the best in the country. You just didn't think he would ever cross your path despite your parents being involved with people like him. He was more a myth to you.
"Not much of a talker, eh? You his child I assume?" Still in shock over everything, you gave him a small nod as you must still look frenzied. He chuckled as he walked closer, yet you didn't move one inch, even as he gently grabbed your wrist that was holding the knife and tossed it onto the floor, plucking it from your hand with ease. You just watched as he smirked.
"Your first kill is always the roughest, don't worry though- you'll get used to it"
"Don't kill me" You meant to sound louder, firmer, it just came out as a whisper, a plea. Shaky, you watched as he just chuckled at your weakness. You may have just killed someone, but that didn't mean you didn't feel trauma from it.
"I ain't gonna kill ya, but I am claiming that bounty. Runnin' low on caps, I'm sure ya understand" A small part of you felt a bit calmer from his voice, you liked it in a very special way, but the survival part of your brain was stronger than the hormonal part, so you couldn't fully take it. You were still in shock after killing your father, after all.
"But- but I need those caps more" His eyebrow raised as he took you in, looking up and down, and it made you shiver in a way that wasn't out of fear.
"Oh really now? How about this-" He released you, causing you to stumble back a few steps and cradle your thankfully uninjured wrist.
"You let me have the bounty and I'll protect ya, meaning- you come with me" You narrowed your eyes at the last part. Protect you?
"Against what? Against who?" He was silent, telling you that it was something you certainly weren't dumb enough not to realize. After some time, it finally hit you"
"My dad's men..."
"Are not gonna be too happy to see their leader gone, killed by his only child nonetheless" The realization made your blood freeze, chills ran up your spine as you knew exactly who would go after you first and exactly how he would kill you.
"I can survive...I'll find a way" You were lying to yourself as there was no way you could live against your father's gang, but you didn't want to be protected by a stranger- who was a ghoul not to mention.
"Ok then" He stood right in front of you and leaned down- face only inches away- and put his mouth right next to your ear. Yet again, you shivered at his closeness, tingles going down your spine and at the same time, you could sense that something changed within him then.
"Don't come crying for me when you're bleeding out shot up like a shooting range" He whispered before slightly nipping at your ear and slowly pulling away, gauging your reaction. Heat consumed your entire face as you now felt the signs of arousal present in your body. Staring at him, you felt the overwhelming sense of attraction start to fester. Fuck- was he genuinely into you, playing some twisted game just to fuck with you, or trying to further manipulate you?
"I get a cut, seventy percent" Your voice was so shaky, between the arousal and the fact that he knew exactly what buttons to push, you couldn't believe you were going along with this. With him. But his face lit up at your inference of agreeing to let him protect you.
"Fifty" You then got right up to his ear, just like what he did.
"Sixty and final offer"
"Or else I'll take my chances"
You bit his ear, giving it a small lick before pulling away.
His breath hitched as he looked at you with eyes full of nothing but lust and curiosity. He then suddenly grabbed your shoulders and slammed you against the closest wall, his lips ghosting yours. Your heart was hammering out of your chest as you waited in bated breaths, arousal spiking your sex.
"Come. With. Me" He was firm, but not angry. He was more...pent up, growing frustrated with you throwing back what he was giving you. You could tell he was hard without looking down.
"Something tells me there's a specific reason you want to protect me, isn't there, Ghoul?" Despite only knowing each other for less than ten minutes, you already felt comforted in his hold, and you both knew how to get under the other's skin.
The attraction was- self assured- mutual and instant.
Neither of you could or would deny it, just never admit it directly.
Instead, it would linger in the air, charged like lightening.
"And if so?" Now that the earlier tension was gone, you could fully take in all forms of him, including his accent. That accent was old, very old, so old that had to of been from pre-war. Nobody spoke like he did.
"I'll pack my things" Pushing him away, you walk towards your bedroom to gather a bag when you passed by your father's body and stopped.
"By the way- what part of him did they want?"
"The head"
"Go ahead, just please cover it. I...I don't want to see it" Shaking your head to rid you of that thought, you let him do...that as you ignored the sounds of mutilation as you put your best and favorites into a backpack. You were very selective about what you brought, since you know would forever be moving around. Going out into the main room again, you were surprised at what you saw, or rather, lack of. Instead of just covering the head up in some makeshift bag, he draped a curtain he ripped off from one of the rods and laid it over his body.
"Thought you didn't want to see it again at all. Now let's go, we're wasting daylight" The ball of fabric that was now connected to his belt swayed back and forth as he exited through the front door, stopping right before he walked onto the sand after he realized that you haven't moved.
"You comin'?"
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im-a-hoping-beetch · 9 months
Many people seem to get genuinely confused, whenever we, zutara shippers, mention how underdeveloped kataang really is. Usually, they’ll brush it off as us being delusional, bitter and you know the drill. Their main response to that, usually is: “How, could they possibly be underdeveloped, they had 3 seasons!?!”
The thing is they forget that the amount of time isn’t as important as what you do do with it. Cuz, yeah, Aang and Katara did have 3 seasons, but their relationship still managed to feel rushed as hell. Heck, even Bryke, out of all people, admitted to it. Which mostly as to do with a bunch of things that I’ll get into right now.
Let’s start with the fact that, Katara never actually shows any interest in Aang.
Now, many of y’all will probably come for me by citing how the cave of the two lovers or even the Headband have moments of her showing interest in him, but all of them end up falling flat at some point.
The cave of the two lovers:
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The argument here, usually is“if she didn’t have any interest in him, why would she kiss him?” or “why would she blush at the idea of kissing him?”. The former seems to forget this is a life or death situation and that we don’t really know for sure that if there were another way to get out if this, she wouldn’t take it. For the latter, I’d like to say that blushing can have many significations such as, embarrassment. Which, here makes sense when considering what she says and overall demeanour, after suggesting to kiss.
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Like yeah, a fourteen year old girl blushing bcz she’s embarrassed at the idea of having to kiss, her friend, out of all things, cuz you know… awkward. Can you imagine that (pun fully intended)???
The headband:
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This one is going to be a ride, but stick with me. The arguments can range from “What about her jealousy while Aang is dancing with other girls.” to “What about the way she looks at him during the dance.”
Here, is said jealousy being shown:
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And said look being done:
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Now, yeah, I can absolutely see why these two exemples would be used as a way to prove her interest, but let me remind you that this is the same episode where we have this happen.
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Yeah, the same episode where Katara is acting all jealous and giving flirty looks to Aang is also the same one where she pretends to be is… mother. While, I could go on about how it wasn’t the best idea on the directors or whoever was in charge of the episode part if it was their way of giving a glimpse of Katara being into Aang. The issue is, them doing so wasn’t completely farfetched either, because up until now it’s been established that Katara can be very motherly and she acts that way with almost everyone in the gaang. More specifically, the one with who she does so the most is, Aang.
I mean, even the show makes a point of poking fun at their mother-son dynamic on several occasions all throughout the show (ie. the don’t-rub-your-eyes-when-you’re-speaking scene in “The runaway” episode). So realistically, the two exemples shown way above could somewhat work, but only if you decide to completely ignore what episode they take place in, one that hasn’t really helped at stopping the mother-son dynamic allegations kataang has been getting, for years, now.
So, back to the development aspect, I think it has always been stunted from the beginning, because, fundamentally, the ship as always been designed to be Aang-centric. If you’d like more insight on that I’d recommend checking @starlight-bread-blog’s amazing post on the issue. But also, that their lackluster resolution is way much more obvious, cuz both are leads in the show. Katara's existence in the show, isn't solely there to serve as some love inerest for Aang. Shocker, but she's actually a MAIN CHARACTER in the show, meaning that we spend three seasons where we get to learn about her battles, fears and aspirations, none of which seems to involve a relationship with Aang.
Like yeah, the reason why The Ending Kiss™ feels so unsatisfactory is, simply, because, Katara doesn't like Aang (at least not like that). Katara, likes Aang, because the show said so. Now, stick with me, cuz I can already feel some of y'all ready to jump at the screen. Within the show, name a single moment where she ever comes to thinking of Aang in a romantic way. One that doesn't involve any external sources, such as someone suggesting about it or because of the given circumstances she has to. The answer is none. The only time we ever get to see her voice her ACTUAL opinion about it, this is what she says:
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That's not even counting how her overall demeanor, from the body language to her choice of words seems to suggest that she's actually trying to let him down gently. Also, may I remind you that at that point THERE'S ONLY 3 FREAKING EPISODES LEFT BEFORE THE BIG KISS™ and this is where there at in their relationship. Plus, within the 3 episodes that are left WE NEVER GET TO SEE THEM TALK ABOUT IT, EVER!!!
This obviously was part of Bryke’s horrible attempt at the will-they-won’t-they trope. Which ended up playing right in their face, cuz like I mentioned they themselves had to come to glaring realization that kataang was rushed. Now, it could’ve been it, the creators realizing their obvious mistake and if they could, trying to fix it by giving us what seemed like the natural progression of their relationship, which was for it to end.
Instead, we got comics!Katara and oooh boy…
Basically, they decided that they would throw away Katara’s meticulously built characterization in order to make her existence revolve around, Aang. I kid you not, when I say that she isn’t allowed scenes, lines and actions that do not revolve around her “sweetie”.
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Remember how I said that, Katara likes Aang because the show runners said so. This is an example of this cranked up to a hundred.
Essentially, when you start thinking about where these two are in terms of growth, kataang is the antithesis to development itself. On one hand it validates the regression of one (ie. the dropped chakra plot line), while simultaneously, having to strip any previously built characterization of the other (ie. comics!katara).
On that note, I’d like to remind people, how important Katara is to the story. Without her, the entirety of the gaang would be dead. Without her, there would be no story. Without her, there would be no Aang.
She deserved to have a voice within her own relationship and not for it to be stolen by two grown men who were still stuck in their childhood fantasy.
She deserved better.
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noiryinn · 2 months
study sessions
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pairing(s): oblivious!itoshi sae x flirty!male reader
summary: you are giving one too many hints that you like sae, but he gets none of them and assumes you two are a bit too close for friends. you decide to take matters into your own hands and be his secret admirer
warnings: none!
word count: 4.5k
a/n: thanks for the support on my last post i love you guys!! it’s like one of my biggest headcanons that sae is oblivious to things such as romance cuz the only thing he canonically knows abt is football 😭. i had no idea what to write for the notes so...yeah. also, i didn't intend for it to be so long, i just kept writing. anyways enjoy this mess of a fic! <3 (not proof read)
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you sat in class, leaning on your right hand, thinking and a bit annoyed. how hasn’t sae taken the hint? you don’t just flirt with your friends, dammit! you probably couldn’t even ask him out cause he’d just assume you were joking. you don’t ask friends out as a joke either do you? friends…that word left a bad taste in your mouth. you were so blatantly obvious, but he couldn’t take the hint? you started thinking of plans that might work. then you settled on one. be sae's secret admirer, then reveal who you are! the more you thought about it, the more the plan seemed like a good idea. it was around a week from his birthday too, maybe that'd be your gift to him, a new boyfriend. you grinned in excitement, this was gonna be fun!
after you got home, you decided to write him a note and put it in his locker. you changed your handwriting while you were writing the note, not wanting him to discover who it was immediately. it was pretty simple, but kinda (very) directed at his obliviousness, but it was nothing out of his comfort zone. the note read "i think you're pretty cute, but you can't take a hint. maybe start paying attention to how others act around you!". you wondered if your plan would work, but only time will tell.
the next day you arrived early and put the note in his locker. you hoped that he wouldn’t throw it out like the other love letters and confessions he got. your prayers were answered though, as during lunch, when you were sitting at your guys’ desks, he said something. “i got a note in my locker today,” he said bluntly. “yeah?” you grinned, “and you didn’t throw it out?” you silently celebrated. “no, something about it was different.” he gave you the note and crossed his arms before leaning them on the table. “what did she mean by ‘start paying attention to how others act around you’?” his eyebrows furrowed in curiousity. “she, huh? you think it’s a girl?” you looked in his eyes. “are you implying it’s not?” sae raised an eyebrow. “just saying, ya never know” you smiled.
you stared at the note a bit longer. “kinda funny how they say you’re cute but then say you’re oblivious,” you chuckled, “can’t blame ‘em” you flirted, but the tone was quite subtle. “what’s that supposed to mean?” sae looked at you curiously, “don’t worry ‘bout it” you waved off. “seriously—nevermind. you’re impossible anyway” he sighed in defeat. you grinned at him, “yeah, i know.”
you looked over at the note again, “honestly, i think it’s a sign to think about anything other than football.” you remarked as you toyed with the edge of the note, your fingers tracing the words as you tried to gauge sae's reaction. “football is not the only thing i think about. it's important to me, though.” sae said, his tone a bit offended. “you literally don’t pay attention in class because you’re thinking about it.” you stared at him with an eyebrow raised, “that’s why we go on like study dates all the time.” you put the word ‘date’ on purpose, wondering how he’d react. “i guess you’re right.” he said indifferently. no reaction... “hey, we gotta test tomorrow, right? let’s go to my place and study for it!” you suggested, “but we have to practice for our upcoming practice match after midterms…” he protested, both of you were on the school’s team and often practiced together. “well you won’t play if you don’t keep up your grades!” you protested right back. “…fine. i’ll go over to your house.”
after the school day was over, you waited at the gates for sae so you two could walk home. he was late, which made you annoyed. so you decided to text him. his contact name read ‘sae ❤️’ which he never commented on, for some odd reason. you texted him “where r u?? i’ve been waiting for like 10 minutes”. after 1 or 2 minutes he responded with “sorry, some girl confessed to me. i think she was the one who left me the note.” oh how wrong he was…
sae finally met up with you and he was as stoic as ever. “well well well, look who showed up,” you got up from the wall you leaned on, “betcha you rejected that girl without hesitation as usual, didn’t you?” you smirked, seeing how she was clearly upset and tearing up. you hoped that wouldn’t be you… “i wouldn’t say without hesitation…” sae shoved his hands in his pockets. “yeah right! you totally did, she’s crying cuz of ya, playboy!” you snickered a bit, “it’s not funny, l/n. and don’t call me ‘playboy’” he looked at you coldly. “you’re such a buzzkill, it was a joke anyways, handsome.” you teased with a coy smirk before putting an arm around his shoulder. “ugh, don’t call me that either, what’s even the point of calling me that?” he replied with a grimace. “ah, just saying cause you are, and all the girls seem to think so too.” you smirked. “don’t joke around like that.” he said, a face of disdain became more evident. “see? a total buzzkill…”
you opened the door to your house before turning and speaking to him, “so, you wanna tell me what happened with that girl?” your curiosity was out of this roof. “she confessed to me like any other girl. but i think she was the one, cause she handed me a letter and the handwriting was pretty similar.” sae mentioned. “that so? and what if it doesn’t stop?” you asked, already knowing the answer. “try to find out who it is, i guess”
the two of you went up to your room. it wasn’t messy but it wasn’t clean either. you grabbed an extra chair, put it at your desk and you two started studying together. you regularly had the urge to stare at him for long moments of time, and “accidentally” brush your fingers on his when grabbing a pen. sae's gaze flickered to the folded paper on your desk, a curious expression crossed his face, “hey, what’s that?” you looked at the note, it was the second letter, but you couldn’t ouright tell him that, “uh, it’s a grocery list my mom gave me for tomorrow, cause she won’t be here.” and he took it, like that. “oh, okay.” then shrugged it off…
“hey, can you help me with this question?” sae asked, you already knew all the material, since you actually payed attention in class. “sure,” and you leaned over, a bit too close (on purpose), and started helping him with the question. “you get it now?” you asked, after some frustration. “yeah, thanks. you’re actually kinda smart.” he remarked backhandedly, “hey! what’s that supposed to mean? i’m very smart thank you very much! i wouldn’t even be in this situation if you actually paid attention in class. stop focusing on football so much!” you hit him on the head lightly, but in a playful manner. he tried to hit you back, but you dodged, right before your chair tipped backwards and you fell. “guess you could say i fell for you— ow!” then your head got hit, not as lightly by sae. “don’t say stuff like that.”
you faked a sulk for the rest of the time he was there, maybe he’d feel bad for you and kiss you or something. “you gonna keep pouting?” he asked, “yeah. maybe you should leave, you’re ruining my vibe with all this negativity!” you didn’t really mean that, but of course he thought that. sae really didn’t get social cues. “wait! i didn’t actually mean that—” then he shut the door. now you were actually sulking. stupid sae…didn’t even give you a kiss either.
it was day 2 of your plan, you bought a cute little seagull plush keychain and wrote a note to go with it. it read “hey, handsome! just wanna say, you’re a bit dense for not even getting one clue. but keep it up! i believe in ya!” maybe he’d get that ‘handsome’ was something that you’d often say to him…yeah probably not. it was a stretch. you did the same thing, go to school a bit early, put the things and his locker and pretend nothing happened. a part of you wanted this to continue, but the other didn't. there was an urge to tell him you liked him and get it over with. but where was the fun in that?
as you sat in class, you finished your test, which was fairly easy. but you seemed to zone out after that, your mind occupied on how to get sae to realize that it was you. the thought got you frustrated, but pumped out as you wondered what sae's reaction would be to your note. after class, there was a few minutes before the next teacher came in. "hey." sae said as he sat next to you, "soo...what'd ya think?" nudging him playfully with your elbow, his expression nonchalant as ever. "about...?" he asked, "about the test, silly! you think you passed?" he had to be fairly confident, i mean you helped him out. "uh, sure. it was kinda easy." he dismissed it, as always. "it's totally cause i helped you out, right? right?" you teased, "...right, whatever you say."
something seemed to be on sae's mind. maybe it was about the notes. your suspicions were confirmed when he said something, "i got another note today," he mentioned, his expression puzzled. you couldn't contain your excitement as you took the note from him and examined it before giving it back, "wow, another one huh?" you remarked casually, trying to conceal your eagerness. "what's it say?" you asked, your breath hitching in your throat. sae shrugged, clearly confused by the note's contents. "it's just… encouraging me to pay more attention to things," he replied, his brow furrowing in confusion. you tried to avoid yourself from smiling inwardly, knowing that your plan was working. "maybe they're trying to help you out," you suggested playfully, hoping he would catch on to your subtle hints.
despite your frustration, you found it impossible to not admire how clueless sae was, it was adorable, in its own irritating way. you tried to drop hints and flirtatious comments, but he seemed to brush them off without a second thought as you just "joking". but as much as you wanted to reveal the truth, there was a part of you that hesitated. what if sae didn't feel the same way? what if it ruined the friendship you had worked so hard to build? despite all this, you didn't want to give up either. you were so deep into this already.
so, for the rest of every period, your gaze remained fixed to him. thinking on how to confess to him, also admiring him. after a bit of thinking, midterms were the day after sae’s birthday, unfortunately. must suck, must suck even harder because all club activities were canceled for the rest of the week due to midterms too! but, there was a good part to it too, maybe he won’t focus so much on football. after school, before he was going to walk home, you called out his name.
“sae! wait up!” he turned around to see you jogging to him, “what?” sae snapped at you, not too rudely though, a bit annoyed he couldn’t be alone. “you wanna come over to my house to study for midterms? cmon, i know you’re not learning anything in class, as always!” you could see him be reluctant before sighing. “fine, but not today. i’m busy.” fair enough, it was fine, as long as if you got to confess to him on his birthday. “you better not be saying that so you can play football!” you turned to look at him and you saw he was avoiding your gaze. “you’re totally obsessed…” not like you could say anything. you were pretty much obsessed with football too (and him), but not as much.
the atmosphere was kinda awkward after that, so you decided to say something, “did you get another clue to who that person was?” you asked casually, trying to read his expression. “not yet,” he admitted, “but i know it’s someone closer to me. how else would they know seagulls were my favorite animal?” he wondered holding up the keychain, admiring it a bit in the light. “you gonna keep it?” you looked at the keychain as well, hoping he said yes, “yeah, it’s pretty cute. i don’t want to throw something like this away either.” you eyes naturally set on the way his lips curled up ever so slightly, the way his hair fell on his face and caught the sunlight. your face flushed as you scrambled to look away. if you didn’t realize it before, but now was when you realized how much you actually liked him.
“so, this one’s different, huh?” you tried to change the subject, “what do you mean ‘different’?” he asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. you fumbled for words, as you thought about if he caught you staring or not, “i mean, normally you throw out any gift and reject every person…what’s so different now?” you swallowed nervously, hoping your words didn't come off too blunt. "i just meant... well, you usually don't keep stuff like this. but this time, you're actually considering it," you explained, trying to sound nonchalant. sae nodded slowly, seeming to think about your observation. "yeah, I guess you're right. It's just... different," he admitted, his gaze shifting to the keychain in his hand. he beat you to saying something else before you could, “it’s like, they’re close to me, right under my fingertip and i want to know who.”
“yeah?” you smiled at him again, admiring his features once more. “hey, hypothetically, if the person was a guy, would you care?” you asked on a whim, “i guess...not really." he replied with a shrug. "why do you ask?" you shrugged nonchalantly, but secretly felt relieved. at least he wouldn't out right reject you. trying to keep your nerves at bay, you tried to justify yourself, "just curious, y'know? it's interesting to think about." sae nodded in agreement, but you could sense a hint of suspicion in his gaze. it made you wonder if he was starting to suspect something, if he was beginning to piece together the puzzle of his secret admirer.
you waved him goodbye as he walked into his house. tomorrow was the weekend, so you couldn't outright give him anything, but you'd still hint at it when he came over to your house to study. that night, you tossed and turned in bed, partly from the thought of confessing, but also how good he looked on the walk back to his house. you rolled around in bed, almost like a middle school girl in a shojo. it wasn't your best of times, but you refrain from the thought of him, and him piecing together the puzzle had you biting your bottom lip in nervousness and excitement.
when saturday came, you paced back and forth in your room, thinking of what to say and do when he came. you felt pretty damn tired, too from last night, barely got a wink of sleep. you mumbled 'don't screw this up' over and over again when you heard a knock at the door. "sae! you made it!" you said with a sigh of relief, at least he didn't ditch you to watch game footage or anything like that, "yeah, i did." you tried to go in for a hug but he quickly dismissed that.
after an hour or so of studying, you got bored so you decided to hint what you were doing for his birthday. “sae, your birthday’s coming up right? october 10th?” you tried to put in the conversation casually, “yeah, why?” he looked at you with some suspicion, "i'm just asking. but, i'm sure you'd love me for my gift" a small, yet cocky smirk crept onto your face, "don't you mean i'd love 'it'?" he expressed, some more suspicion in his tone, "oh no, i know what i meant, you're gonna love me." he sighed in defeat, he knew there was no point in pushing it further.
so, that's basically how it went for the next few days. him being stupidly oblivious, you trying to drop the hint even further. you got nowhere, on wednesday, the day before his birthday, you decided to give him a flower. not an overly big bouquet, you'd probably save that for the actual confession, instead, you opted for a single flower. it was a flower he'd seen before, and that you knew he liked. there was a vase with a single flower in your room, his eyes consistently focused on it. it was a light pink hydrangea, it was beautiful, so you understood why he stared at it often. maybe he'd understand then. you decided to take the one that was in your room, when he came over that day, maybe he'd ask why the vase was empty and get the god damn hint already,
as per usual, you went early, dropped the gift off, and went off. there wasn't any note this time, as you were kinda sick of writing them. plus, the big day was tomorrow, you'd save every pent up emotion for then. you waited for him in the courtyard, when you spotted him in the courtyard examining the flower you went up to greet him. "hey, sae! looks like you got a flower now, huh?" you wrapped an arm around his shoulder to break him out of his trance, "yeah. this is the same flower that's in your room, right?" at least he got the hint, you pretended to study it for a bit before replying, "hm, yeah, it is. funny ain't it? maybe they know you really well." you looked at sae to gauge his expression, he did a simple nod and kept his blank expression. you clenched your fists in frustration as sae brushed off your flirtatious comment, a knot forming in your stomach. whatever, he'd have another shot when he went to your house anyway.
you were right, because when he went to your room, he noticed the empty vase immediately. "the flower is missing." he pointed out, "gave it to someone real special" you looked at him as you said that, "it was a nice flower, you should've gave it to me...but i can't really complain if they're that special to you..." you were instictively drawn to the way sae's expression softened when he talked about the flower, a hint of vulnerability shining through his normally neutral face.
you stared at him in a 'are you serious?' look. well yeah, you did give it to him, and he was special, "sorry, was that rude?" sae took note of your expression, "oh no no, it's something else," you quickly went back to focusing, "let's just cram for midterms" you muttered, hoping to divert the conversation away from your failed attempt at dropping another hint. you couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that sae didn't seem to catch on to your subtle gestures. but you pushed those feelings aside and focused on studying for midterms.
nothing special happened, just some plain ol' cramming. but, you failed to focus on it. all your thoughts went to the day tomorrow. the thought had you feeling all sorts of emotions. sae noticed your unusual quietness and said something on the matter, "is something wrong? you're being awfully quiet." you felt yourself tense up, "just nervous for midterms...don't wanna fail...haha..." you made a pathetic excuse of a lie, he narrowed his eyes a bit, trying to examine your actions before ultimately deciding to drop it. at a desperate attempt to change the subject you decided to point something out that you noticed, "hey, the bracelets you normally wear, you don't wear them anymore," you pointed out, "oh, i lost them. hadn't gotten the chance to get new ones." you kept that in mind, you'd probably get him a new bracelet for his birthday.
you could barely sleep that night, you stayed up thinking what'd you say, do, act. everything had to be perfect, it probably wouldn't end up that way, but you tried your best. a voice popped up in your head that made you not even want to confess in the first place. it said the same things that made you reluctant before, 'what if he didn't like me back? what if i ruined our friendship?' what if this and that. but what if he actually liked you back, and everything turned out even better than you hoped? every thought was about the next day, it made your head spin. after a bit of staying up, you realized being all tired and having eye backs wasn't cute and a good look for a confession, so you forced yourself to sleep.
on the morning of sae's birthday, you woke up with a flurry of emotions swirling inside you. today was the day you would finally reveal your feelings to him. you couldn't focus on anything else, not even the midterms the next day. every thought was consumed by sae and the confession that awaited. as the day progressed, you found it increasingly difficult to contain your excitement. you kept glancing at the clock, counting down the hours until you could see sae and tell him how you felt. It felt like time was moving at a snail's pace, each minute dragging on endlessly. you went to his locker and put in the last note, 'meet me at the rooftop at 7:30'. it was short and straight to the point, no cryptic messages or hints.
you stood at the rooftop, your back leaning on the railing. your palms felt sweaty and you could hear your heartbeat get louder. your mind was full of feelings you wanted to get out. you were looking up at the sky to get your mind off of everything. the scenery was beautiful, you were lost in it until you heard the sound of the door opening, and there you saw him. the man you've liked since forever. his face was a mix of a lot of emotions, it was hard to read, to be honest.
as sae stepped onto the rooftop, the setting sun casting a warm glow around him, your heart skipped a beat. you felt the breath get sucked out of your lungs, he looked stunning, more than usual, actually. "hey, sae," you began, your voice trembling slightly with nervousness but filled with anticipation. "i'm so glad you actually came." his eyes widened in surprise, his gaze flickering between you and the breathtaking view spread out before him. "it was you?" he breathed, his voice tinged with disbelief. you chuckled nervously, your fingers fidgeting with the delicate bracelet you had carefully chosen for him.
"surprise…? if it wasn't obvious enough…" you paused, your heart pounding in your chest as you took a step closer to him. "there's something I've been wanting to tell you," you confessed, your voice soft but determined. with trembling hands, you slipped the bracelet onto his wrist, the cool metal contrasting with the warmth of his skin. "i really like you, sae," you whispered, your gaze locked with his. "it's been this way for a while, but I never had the chance to say anything." you reached out, presenting him with the bouquet of pale pink hydrangeas, their soft petals illuminated by the fading light. "these are for you," you said softly, a shy smile playing on your lips.
taking in a deep breath, you continued, your voice filled with sincerity and vulnerability. "i've been dropping hints since the beginning of time and i was hoping you'd catch on, but i realized i had to take matters into my own hands. i needed to tell you how i felt eventually. sae's eyes softened as he listened to your heartfelt confession, his expression shifting from surprise to something warmer, something more tender. "i…i didn't realize," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "i never knew you felt this way." you took a step closer, your heart pounding in your ear with anticipation as you reached your hand out to gently cup his cheek.
"i've been waiting for this moment for so long..." you admitted, your voice barely audible over the soft rustle of the breeze, "to finally tell you how much you meant to me. so please, can i be your boyfriend?" you gazed directly into his eyes, waiting for the dreadful answer. as you waited for sae's response, the tension in the air seemed to thicken, every passing moment feeling like an eternity. sae's gaze softened as he took in your confession, his eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise, uncertainty, and something else you couldn't quite place. you held your breath, your heart pounding in your chest as you awaited his answer.
finally, after what felt like an eternity, sae's lips curled into a gentle smile, a warmth spreading across his features. "know that i know how you feel, i don't want to waste anymore time." your heart skipped a beat as you felt a surge of hope and anticipation wash over you. could it be…? "sae," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the gentle hum of the wind, "what do you mean?" a soft chuckle escaped sae's lips as he took a step closer to you, his eyes sparkling with newfound clarity and determination. "i mean… i want to be more than just friends," he confessed, his voice steady and sure. "i want to be with you, too."
you felt excited and shocked and every other emotion there was out there. you uttered a single word, "really?" your heart felt like it was about to explode out of joy. sae nodded, his smile widening as he leaned in closer, his forehead resting against yours. "really," he whispered, his breath warm against your skin. "i've been blind for so long, but now that i see… i don't want to let you go." you wanted to cry, that's what. "you're so stupid for not seeing this...i never want to let you go too..." your voice trembled, you sniffled while saying it too.
"i'm sorry. i really am." he admitted, and without another word sae closed the distance between you two. time stopped, it was as simple as that. everything went to a halt as you tried to process what happened. the kiss was sweet and simple, just as you two liked it. in that moment, surrounded by the soft glow of the setting sun and the gentle rustle of the breeze, everything else faded away, leaving only the two of you lost in the sweetness of the moment. you pulled away after what felt like ages.
"happy birthday sae," you said softly, your voice at a barely audible level. "you're right, i did love you for this gift. thanks for everything." he smiled, his face totally different from his usual unemotional look. "no problem and," you held your breath for the next words you were about to say, "i love you." you felt at peace, you finally said what you've always wanted to say, "i love you too."
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
big sister snail 🫰🏻
plz a garp fluff
(mad daddy issues mmkkm)
Bonnie Lass
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 3,659
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Summary: As the assistant to one of the warlords of the seas, it is your task to man the small den-den-mushi earpiece assigned to Mihawk: managing his assignments, scribing the notes of importance. As the receiver drones on, you answer the call and are greeted to the familiar brogue of the Vice-Admiral you had not yet met face to face. 
Themes: age gap, flirtation, “The Garpening”, Vice-Admiral!Garp x Assistant!Reader, mutual pining, faceless swooning, den-den-mushi calls, suggestive dialogue (not heavily NSFW but implied themes), f!reader, gendered terms used. 
Notes: Garp do be looking mighty fine at the faceless end of the transponder ear piece… I blame @sordidmusings and @carrotsunshine for this. Came out a lot more flirty than intended, but then again - it's Garp.
The vocal hum of the small shell of the den-den mushi had your head lulling on your shoulders. A sigh depleting from your chest alongside an eye roll had you place the firm shell against the shell of your ear, hooking over the curvature and securing it against your lobe. 
Being Lord Dracule Mihawk’s personal assistant was no easy feat; securing such a luxury to work for a man of high reputation challenged you in all the ways that mattered. His intimidating aura, alongside his world renown title as “World’s Greatest Swordsman,” had challengers from all four points of the seas calling his receiver at all hours of the day. 
Setting down your morning coffee against your work station, you huffed out an exasperated breath, and pressed down against the shell of the receiver to begin a verbal dialogue with the recipient at the other end. 
"Lord Dracule Mihawk residence, state your name and purpose," you drawled monotonously with a practiced disdain, fishing out your notepad and pen to begin to notarize any key points to the call. A small pause occurred before the familiar rumble of a partially hushed tone drew a shudder through your spine. 
"...Oh, Bonnie Lass. I wassnae prepared to hear such a sweet melody from a pretty lady so early in the morn,” the voice hushed against your earpiece, your heart swelling at each syllable he graced you with. You shook your head to stifle your nerves, a smile threatening to break over your lips.
"Good morning to you too, Vice Admiral,” you purred professionally into the earpiece, “Shall I fetch Lord Mihawk for you?" The soft crackle of distortion hid the verbal growl in refutation from him. 
Of all of the calls you had been privy to receive, the ones you looked forward to the most belonged to the rumbly drawl of the marine vice-admiral. The initial meeting of his gruff aggression to your playful vocal tone immediately held him smitten against his desk, leaning his chin on the heel of his palm and a dopey smile gracing over his features. 
He had not felt this way for an individual in some time, never allowing himself to give in to entertaining the thought of joining himself so affectionately with a woman, for anything more than a brief fling. As his gruffness met the honey-sweetness of your voice, all words of caution were flung to the wind as he drank in each word you purred at him.
You were much the same in a similar sense. Your duties performing as Mihawk’s assistant held every waking moment of your attention, constantly chasing the broody warlord around with itineraries, notes and alerts, and jobs he’d received at the call of the marine headquarters. 
"Allow me the luxury of hearing your voice a little longer, Lass,” his voice held a small promise of your regular flirtation engaging with one another, hitching at the ‘L’ in ‘Lass’, “You know what your pretty melody does to a man like me."
Rotating your head on your neck, you stifled the rising tension of your fluttered heartbeat. You could only admit to yourself what the brutish whispered tone of the Vice-Admiral roused in you, refusing to speak it to light with a verbal confirmation. A small smirk rose to your features, the hardened pelt of your heartbeat elevating in your chest.
"Vice-Admiral, you're making me blush,” your coy purr called to him, serenading him with your flirtatious tone. Although you could not see him, his rumbled cocky laugher held you hostage to his comments.
"That's not all I could make you do, Lass,” his voice rumbled against your earpiece, his drawl vibrating against your eardrum, causing your blush to rise and follicles to stand to attention to his every command. 
Although you had never met face to face, you could tangibly feel his smile within the mouthpiece of the den-den-mushi. He had informed you prior that he was more than twice your age, not a factor you had pushing aside your flirtatious words and halting them completely. Although your curiosity held you bound to his words, you refused to look up imagery of him in fear of shattering the illusion you had crafted for yourselves.
Garp was sure he had pushed a boundary with that final statement, anxiety pulsing at his neck with an intense rapidity. Panicked, his eyes floated to his desk and catching his attention over the novel he had been reading over the past few nights.
"Did you read that chapter we were talking about yesterday?" he’d asked you suddenly with the craving the answer you held behind your smile. You looked to the leather bound book beside your notepad; it’s words sprawled over your desk beneath its open pages.
"I did, Vice-Admiral. It was beautiful,” you recounted the playful and romantic words written on their page, “I especially enjoyed the part where they met face to face for the first time-." Your playful and longing tone was met with a small, dry laugh from the vice-admiral.
"-I know what you're hinting at, Wee Bonnie,” his voice cut you from your thoughts, his brogue causing a subtle swoon within your chest, “Your boss won't let you come on his next task, so we're not going to meet for a while yet.” 
Almost allowing a small whine to depart from your lips at such a confirmation, you instead hardened your resolve and played into his wild flirtations. 
“Vice-Admiral-,” you began, halting by his next rumbled words alone.
“-Garp, lass,” his vocal reprimand called to you, “Call me Garp, wee Bonnie. We’ve spoken so much of late, you have no need for such titles anymore.” Your heart swelled, a warm flush rising to your cheeks at such an utterance from a powerful figure. 
“Garp,” your voice called to him, his body curling into the receiver further for every drawn out syllable you poured onto him, “I will be ushered into whichever seas you call my lord to be. Should you desire to meet face to face-.”
“-I shall forever desire to meet such a beautiful woman. I crave hearing your laugh in person,” he halted the end to your declaration with a confirmation of his own. Your heart fluttered at the rising anxiety depicted at the mouthpiece end of your receiver. After a few moments pause, your smile had your words beaming through the transponder.
“Was there a particular reason you called the Dracule residence, Garp?” Your voice ticked at the end, hoping to stifle any personal favoritism from the vice-admiral at the other end of the call. No such stiflement occurred, the vice-admiral’s voice crackling through the static of the den-den-mushi to affirm you instead.
“Just wanted to hear your voice, Bonnie Lass,” he confessed, his breathy voice dancing within the same frequency of your heartbeat. Your giggle rose a swell within the vice-admiral, his longing for you physically depicted within his risen hue of a pink flush. 
“You have heard me, Garp. Does this mean I will not hear from you until you call for my employer again?” You quipped, your smile dancing on your teeth with its humorous jest. 
“If I had my way,” his rumble broke you from your taunting, hanging on his every syllable with glazed orbs and dancing heart elevation, “I’d have you on my lap and whispering your praises into my ear each time the sun rose and set each day.” You drew your dominant hand up, clasping over your lips to halt a girlish squeal from departing from your lips.Taking several moments to halt your rapid heartbeat and youthful anticipation, you drew the mouthpiece into your lips to allow every vocal utterance to flee from your lips. 
“Vice-Admiral,” you gasped breathily, flicking your tongue out to dampen your lips as you hardened your resolve, “I do not think you could handle such an attentive partner fawning over you on your lap.” You heard his breath suck in through his mouth, halting as it hit his chest.
“Garp,” He corrected you in a breathy whisper, “Call me Garp.” 
“Garp,” your voice purred as you continued your train of thought, sitting back against your office chair and kicking your right foot as it hooked over your left knee, “You would not know where to place your hands, should you ever find my company upon your lap.” Although the crackle of distortion drew against the earpiece of the den-den-mushi, it did very little to withdraw the growl from the other end of the call.
“I could think of several places I would place my hands, Bonnie Lass,” he uttered in a low rumble allowing great distance to fall between each syllable, “You’d be begging and crying for my attention to remain in a certain few key places.” 
At that final confirmation, you allowed a girlish giggle to flee from your chest sooner than you could contain it. Each small, melodic twinkle of your laugh held Garp captive beneath the whisper of your breath. 
“Are you flirting with me, Vice-Admiral?” Your playful voice called to him, his den-den-mushi staring at him with a vacant stare. He held onto your every word, huddling closer to the mouth-piece of the transponder.
“I will always flirt with you, me wee Bonnie,” he confessed, swiping his hand over his hair to rid him of his tingling nerves, “Why do you think I call on Lord Dracule Mihawk so much?” You allowed several moments to contemplate his question.
“Because his swordsmanship outnumbers you and the marines one thousand to one?” You offered him weakly, your resolve as half-hearted as your soul cried it to be.
“Because I desire to hear your voice,” he confessed. Your breath hitched within your throat, your heart hanging upon each word he uttered, “You are the reason I summon him each morning, and call on this line before I sign off for the day. Just to hear the small rise in your voice, Bonnie Lass,” he continued. You could almost tangibly feel the rake of his index finger against your jaw to usher you into himself. You could feel his presence, the cologne he adorned upon his neck, jaw and wrists through each utterance. 
“Mihawk has certain skills we desire to abuse, yes. But, you,” He continued, the rasp turning breathy and slow in each drawl, “Oh, you. You are the reason I am at the end of my transponder in the wee hours of the morn, holding myself hostage to my desk at a small utterance of your voice.” His confession held you stationary against your desk, your breath refusing to dance in order to release any tone from your lips. 
“You are why I call on Mihawk so much, lass,” He continued, “Your voice makes me feel young- makes me want to be a better man.” You hung on his words like a lifeline coaxing you to shore. You slunk down onto your desk, cradling your lips within your palm to stifle your breath. 
“What I would do to such an innocent flower of Kuraigana,” his raspy rumble teetered off to verbalize his rising stutter, “I’d have you thrust against my desk, screaming my name like a prayer as I sink my teeth and lips against your sensitive flesh. The pleasure I could grant you with my lips alone would have you bound to my bedchambers with desire and longing-.”
“-Is that Garp?” The voice of Dracule Mihawk broke you away from your flush, shaking your head at each flirtatious thought pouring from his lips, “Another assignment so early?” 
“My lord,” you bowed to him, your voice breaking the vice-admiral away from his utterances of flirtatious promise, “The Vice-Admiral was only calling to offer you praise in completing your prior assignment-.”
“-That’s not all I was praising, me wee Bonnie Lass-,” Garp's voice broke you away from your concentration in relaying your verbal commands to the lord of Kuraigana.
“Is there another assignment, or shall we halt the call?” Mihawk’s verbal warning ticked at the corner of his mouth as it rose into a knowing smirk. Your startled expression allerted all Mihawk needed to know of your call, the dance of his knowing smirk threatening to break through as he claimed the shell-end of the den-den-mushi receiver from your earpiece. 
“Vice-Admiral,” Mihawk’s voice called over the mouthpiece, “The office hours are from the time the sun rises in the east blue, until its hues dance in the evening over the grand line.” Your voice hitched, the silence unbearable in the office alone with your employer. You caught the hitch of his breath, the swell in his pupils and the growl in his throat as he handed back the receiver into your hands.
“Make it quick,” He uttered, placing the shell once more within your ear, “We leave Kuraigana within the hour.” Mihawk walked away, the pointed tip of Yoru dancing at his ankles with each swell swing. You slowly drew the mouthpiece up to your lips, hanging on the silence depicted within the static. 
“Vice-Admiral?” You called to him, your voice timid and direct. Your question was met with silence on the other end, no swell of a voice, nor sneer of a whisper depicted within the earpiece of the transponder. As you drew a reluctant hand up to end the call, the raspy voice you craved swelled within the earpiece.
“I’m still here, Bonnie Lass,” it called to you. You stifled the need to stifle the flames of joy within your chest at the swell of his voice, your heart beating with an unnatural rapidity. 
“I am grateful, Vice-Admiral,” you confessed, your withheld breath leaving  you as the flutter of Mihawk’s tailcoat disappeared from view. After several moments had departed in silence, Garp’s voice called once more to you.
“It seems we are to meet face-to-face afterall,” his chuckle did very little to stifle his anxiety within, “Mihawk has granted you passage to stay within the halls of my vessel while he rids the land of the plague of piracy.” Your heartbeat elevated, swooning at the mere thought of putting a face to the name of such a powerful man. Although you spoke daily, your anxiety played a heavy part in meeting such a decorated man within the marines. 
Sucking in a heavy breath and hardening your resolve, you turned your attention back to the parchment you began to notetake upon. 
“In what capacity will we be meeting, sir?” You asked him, your voice stifling your anxiety with succession. You heard Garp suck in an anxious breath of his own, halting his racing thoughts with free words than his jumbled thoughts would allow. 
“I would have you wined and dined,” he confessed, his voice low and laden with grandiose splendor, “And while your boss concludes with the heavier business, I will look forward to spoiling you with the splendor my toils have offered me.” Your heart fluttered at the notion, before the imagery began to plague you of what ‘after’ may look like at the conclusion of your dalliance. Before you had the time to speak of such woes, your words were stolen from you at the utterances of the vice-admiral you had come to adore. 
“It is now that I may offer my apologies to you, love,”  He uttered into the mouthpiece, “I desired to not shatter the illusion we had created for each other. Believe me, Bonnie Lass. I had intended to leave you faceless in my dreams. But-,” his voice drew off into a small raspy hum, the growl of his voice perking up at the end of his last utterance, “-I had found a den-den-mushi graph of your likeness,” your anxiety began to thicken in it’s stupor, only halting at the further compliments of the man behind the call, “And I had found myself hypnotized beneath your beauty.” 
Unsure of how to feel at this utterance, you allowed a small, apprehensive giggle to depart from your lips. Sensing your uneasiness, the den-den-mushi shell on your desk began to vibrate and drone on in its print of a piece of parchment paper. 
“That is me in all my rapidly aging glory, lass. The last shot I had received from the militia,” Garp’s voice confessed. You eagerly reached for the parchment, flipping the page over to reveal his face to you. 
He was handsome. His eyes relayed a kindness and ferocity you had not encountered in your experience prior. His silvered hair, his wispy accents atop his jaw. Everything held you captive and plagued by every thought you had sent his way in the near year you had spoken with him.
After taking a moment to collect yourself, your smile returned to your lips.
“I am very much looking forward to meeting you in person, vice-admiral,” you confessed breathily, staring into the eyes of the print within your fingertips, “Wined and dined? Is that all the simplicity you offer for me, Vice-Admiral?” 
The rumbling chuckle held your attention, the peaks of your hair follicles lying at the back of your neck alerting you to danger did naught but encourage you. 
“Bonnie lass,” his rumbled voice purred into the earpiece of the receiver causing a shudder to run through your from coccyx to crown, “I would wine and dine you to your heart's content; pleasing you with many a ministration with my hands, mouth and tongue until no thoughts occur within that pretty head of yours except how good I make you feel.”
Your soul screamed, your heart heavy with the burden of desire at each utterance of his fighting words. Sucking in a sharp breath, you cradled the earpiece into your mouth as you quietly uttered to him your desiring praises.
“After all this time, you think so little of me to sit there and take what I’m given?” You challenged him, your voice purring at each of your affirmations, “Vice-Admiral,” you drew your tone down. Shepherding the earpiece against your lips to quiet your tone further, “You may wine and dine me should you truly desire it,” you rotated your neck on your shoulders, ridding it from a click located within, “But only I would make you dance between the borders of ‘so good’ and ‘too much’ before I have your writhing between my legs in a dance of absolute bliss.”
Before Garp could offer a retort to your challenge, you continued your taunt in a low tone within the mouth piece. 
“Your lips will tremble, your eyes will flutter in their daze,” you continued, "I’ll have you in every sense of the word before you’ll fall to your knees before me, offering me praise and adoration while begging for me to continue.” A rumbled shudder rolled over his spine and shoulders as he leaned into the call, focussing on your every word. 
“A-And the fact that I’m a little older?” His voice called to you, begging for you to enable him of his lust for you, “You are not perplexed nor disheartened?”
“I am intrigued, sir,” you rephrased his unspoken question, drawing out your syllables with your tongue and teeth, “And I shall take what I am given with a smile on my face.”
Several unspoken moments fell between you, neither one to break away from the illusion that perplexed you. You sucked your lips between your teeth, gnawing at them while the vice-admiral contemplated your words. A shuddered inhale revealed he was ready to inform you of his thoughts.
“I am ready to receive my orders, my lady,” he sighed, his voice riddled with anticipation and desire. You allowed yourself a moment to collect your racing thoughts to form cohesion, offering him a sensual verbal command of your own.
“I look forward to giving them and more to you, Vice-Admiral,” your smirk was depicted through the lifeline Garp held onto. Hs white-knuckled grip on the mouthpiece of the transponder and the desk below his fingertips shuddering with each passing moment he had not held you within his arms. He shuddered in a heavy breath, furrowing his brows in concentration. 
“Would you allow me the luxury of giving you a kiss?” his voice quirked up, his tone subtle and almost boyish in question. You allowed yourself a small giggle in response, leaning into the desk to grace him with an answer.
“All this talk of worship and orders, Vice-Admiral,” you laughed a huffed giggle, “It would be a shame if such lust fell to waste.” The rumbled voice of brutish confirmation held your ears lingering on every utterance of the words departing from his stubbled lips.
“Until we meet face to face, me wee Bonnie Lass,” The vice-Admiral’s voice sung to you.
“Until such a time, Vice-Admiral,” you uttered in confirmation, your vocal tone filled with youthful longing yourself.
Concluding the call with a mischievous grin, you drew your eyes up to the door of your office where Mihawk was leaning against its frame. Your smile never ceased, prompting Mihawk’s smirk to tick up his left hand corner. 
“Vice-Admiral Garp?” he asked, his brow also elevating with his grin. You shrugged, nodding in confirmation and biting back the rise of your smile. Mihawk sighed and shook his head, turning from the door and walking down the hallway.
“We will find a way to exploit this, I’m sure of it,” he called over his shoulder, “But for now, get packing. We leave in an hour.” 
You jumped to your feet, ignoring the next vibration of the den-den-mushi call in favor of following the orders of your boss. Your eagerness had you bouncing with each step, causing Mihawk to let an exasperated breath to leave his body at your youthful giddiness. 
A meeting with the Vice-Admiral, with threats and promises interwoven from his lips, had you buzzing and bobbing with each minute that ticked by. You hoped you both would live up to the hype you had created in the small pocket of the universe, no doubt in your mind that it would. 
Tag list: I am sorry about "The Garpening." He's got a hold of me, and I'm taking you lot with me. @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @feral-artistry
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rendy-a · 3 months
Hi, uhh I'm not really used to requests?
If you could do like a Self-aware TWST headcanons/fic idk
Like of the first years or Cater or.. Lilia idk
Thank you ♥︎
I feel like the theme here is both boys just seem to know too much about you.  They are so skilled at figuring out all your business and doing it in a way that leaves you oh so unaware.
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He low-key cyber-stalks you online.  It’s easy for him because he probably helped you set up all your socials and knows the passwords.  Not that he intends to do anything BAD with that info.  He just likes to keep up with what’s going on in your head.
Ok, so maybe he sometimes deletes your DM’s.  Trust him, Player, you didn’t want to see that message anyway.  Some people just don’t understand boundaries!  He’ll tell that flirty Savanaclaw B you aren’t going on a date.  Or that slimy Octavinelle C that you aren’t interested in that sort of deal!  Just leave that unpleasant stuff to your Cay-Cay!
If you actually want help running your socials (you popular Player, you), then he is your guy!  Just tell him what sort of vibe you are trying to develop, and he’ll totes take care of it.  Approachable food vlogger?  Edgy fashion vlogger?  Slice of life daily vlogger?  Anything you want goes!  Cater is more than happy to accompany you on any of these trips to be your camera man (and maybe someday more?)
The click of the camera shutter sound effect on your phone indicated Cater had finished taking your picture with the tart you ordered at the café in town.  You set your fork down and noticed Cater smiling at you.  “What?” you questioned him with a smile.  He laughs lightheartedly, “Oh nothing much, you just have a bit of cream there.”  You gasp and reach for your napkin to clean yourself up.  “No wait!” Cater says as he grabs your hand, “This is actually a perfect opportunity.  Let’s get a pick like this too.  You look totes adorable like this!”  You embarrassingly allow Cater to direct you into a pose featuring both the tart and your messy lips.  The camera sound comes again and you hurriedly set the fork down and wipe your face before Cater can suggest a re-shoot.
You only hope no one else has seen you being so foolish.  You look around carefully and cringe to see that most of the café patrons are watching you eat.  Being the famous Player was certainly a form of celebrity you hadn’t anticipated.  When your eyes settle on a table of students from NRC, one of them holds your gaze and jumps to his feet, “Oh!  Oh!  Hey there, Prefect!”  You smile awkwardly and wave unenthusiastically.  “Oh, hey,” you meekly reply.
This is all the encouragement he needs to stand and approach your table.  “It’s so nice seeing you around the town like a normal student,” he gushes to you.  “Well, that’s what I am.  Just a…totally normal student,” you finish lamely.  He beams back at you before getting a sheepish expression, “Oh and I’m sorry about the other day.  I didn’t realize how much I was imposing on you.  I should have known you’d be busy!”  You look at him with wide-eyed astonishment until Cater slides into the conversation to suggest the NRC student return to his own table.  “I don’t remember ever meeting that guy,” you mumble quietly to Cater, “what was he going on about?”  Cater pats you gently on the back, “Who knows.  Maybe he just thought you were closer than you were.  Some guys just don’t know when they aren’t wanted, ya know!”  Then he slides and arm around you, “Don’t feel bad though.  Your guy Cay-Cay will always be at your side to tell them off for you.”
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Whenever you have a question or need some information, its only natural that you go to Lilia for guidance.  He always seems to know just what you need!  Sure, some part of that is because he follows you around everywhere and can easily anticipate what you are looking for.  Then he has time to research until he allows you to locate him to ask for his knowledge.  That isn’t being manipulative, that is called being wise!
Ok, fine.  Sometimes he creates situations that cause you to need him as well.  To be fair, he is a fae and they are known to have a habit of mischief-making.  He is just indulging in his fae nature, and you can’t fault him for that, can you Player?  I dare you to say that you can when you are looking into his unbelievably large and innocent-looking bat eyes.  Don’t make him shed crocodile tears for you because he will! 
At least it seems like the only situations you are involved in lately are the Lilia induced ones.  Other troubles seem to have found their way somewhere else.  A pointed look from the fae hanging above your head in the shadows is all it takes to make those troublemakers take their argument out of your sight.  To think that they actually thought they could speak to the great Player about such trifles!  Not on General Lilia’s watch!  He’ll come out of retirement just to guard your precious self!
The wind blows through the cracks in the walls of Ramshackle and you hear Grim complain for the tenth time today, “I don’t wanna study now!  The great Grim doesn’t need to look things over every day!  I’ll just cram before the exam and do fine.  Now get outta my way Prefect, I’m going on a tuna run!”  You spread your arms wide, blocking the door even more.  “Oh no you don’t!  We are one student here; your grades are my grades!  I need you to study!”
Grim turns from the door and heads toward the window, as though he might choose to escape by jumping out.  There was an old tree, baren of leaves this time of year, that grew very near that window.  It wasn’t impossible to imagine a cat-like creature, such as Grim, might be able to make the jump to freedom.  You wondered if you should abandon your post as a door-guard to block the window instead when Grim startles and backs quickly away from the window.  You edge closer, alarmed at his reaction, to peer carefully into the night.  You look first at the windowsill and then at the bare branches of the lonely tree outside but see nothing shocking.  A bit of movement catches your eye, and you notice Lilia near the fence of Ramshackle waving over the crumbling stones in an oddly exaggerated and cutesy way. 
You turn back to Grim, “What’s up with you?  There isn’t anything there.”  He looks at you carefully and replies, “Didn’t you see him there?”  You look back out the window and see only Lilia, who is now floating above the fence and reseing his chin upon his hands as he forms them into a heart-shape.  “All I see is Lilia competing with himself for cutest lad in Diasomnia.  What am I supposed to be looking for?”  Grim gives you a look that is both pity and horror.  After a moment of silence, his unusual behavior gets to you.  “Maybe you are working too hard,” you say as you head to the door you’d just been blocking, “Why don’t I go grab you that tuna after all?” 
He gives a sigh and sits back at the desk, flipping open a textbook.  “Just forget about it.  I ain’t in the mood anymore.”  You look worriedly back at him, but he just continues to study.  You sit on the bed for a bit to watch over him, but it isn’t long until you’ve nodded off.  Grim, on the other hand, continues to dutifully study.  Why not?  It’s not like he’ll be sleeping tonight.  Not after the eldritch horror he’s witnessed hanging in the tree outside.  Lilia doesn’t usually employ that level of scare tactic outside of Halloween pranks, but for you, Dear Player, he is willing to make exceptions.
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guiltysungho · 7 days
— bad idea right ?!
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genre : tags. fluff, brother’s best friend, enemies to lovers(?), teasing, slightly suggestive, sex mentioned
pairing. brother’s bsf!han dongmin x gn!reader
wordcount. 0.6k
a/n. written in the dead of the night. i feel like taesan is just the most flirty in the most teasing way.
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It was bad enough that you constantly had to see him because of your brother but now you also had to share a room with the guy?
You didn’t hate Dongmin, you just didn’t particularly like him, you had your reasons. He was what some would call a serial lover, he was on a roll, he had dated most girls, enough guys, and a bunch in between but that wasn’t why. You could have accepted him if he didn’t date your closest friend therefore ruining your relationship because she had convinced herself you were seeing him. It could be argued that had nothing to do with Dongmin and more to do with her self esteem but you didn’t want to hear it.
“Are you going to stand there the whole time?” he asks tired of ignoring your presence, it had been 30 minutes since your brother left with his girlfriend, he was the one who planned the trip so he went for the cheapest option which was a single room for four, except it was two queen sizes and so you just had to figure it out.
You sighed propping yourself on the bed where your brother slept. Dongmin didn’t seem bothered by it but he was a master at sleeping with people so it bare counted as anything,
“I’m not going to fuck you” you glare at him on the bed across the room, the action makes him smile, or the words either way he smiled and it felt so enchanting, you were taken aback by the effect it had on you.
“I know, I don’t want to fuck you” he explained, for some reason that didn’t make you feel better, it hurt in some odd indescribable way,
“Why not?” a quiet scoff escaped his lips, his eyes circling the room in disbelief.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” you can barely hide the shock on your face hearing those words from him, the smirk on his face was enough to know that this was amusing to him.
“You’re crazy” it comes out weaker than you intended, was your body actually failing you to Han Dongmin?
If you were being completely honest your body always somehow malfunctioned when he was around and you knew it wasn’t because you “hated” him but it was easier doing that than admitting that you found him attractive just like the rest of the population.
“Am I? You’re the one who thinks I’m some kind of horny monster” you can’t help but smile, the soft breath of a laugh escaping your lips before facing him.
The way he looked back at you blurred all your thoughts for that whole second where your eyes met, his tired eyes trying to figure out everything that you were just by looking.
“You’re not?” he rolled his eyes at you, acting unamused but the curve on his lips was so telling,
“I’m actually extremely romantic” he insisted, and you tried to imagine it, Dongmin, romantic, he did seem like a romantic, like he’d tell you poetry about how lovely you smell in the morning, like he’d get on your dad’s good side if it meant he could see you every day from then on. You hadn’t noticed before, but that was just how he seemed.
“Yeah right…” he liked your tenacity, you didn’t admit to things easily but it didn’t annoy him, it just made him want to show you, let you see how things really were,
“I can prove it, let me take you out.” and there it was, no wonder so many people fumbled, you wanted to follow the ways of your predecessors so badly but what was the point?
“You so want to fuck me” he laughed this time, with his hand over his smile, a small laugh but enough to make you smile.
It felt clear now, just in the few moments of conversation you had together it just made sense, and now he wanted you to see past the rumors, he’d never felt that urge before, the urge to come clean, “I’m not as bad as you think I am”
“Your brother will beat my ass if I hurt you anyway” you couldn’t argue that.
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kumimi3 · 4 months
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𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋! : " 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒... " ❛ 𝟶𝟸 ; 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚞𝚎𝚕 𝚜𝚎𝚘 , 𝚓𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚔𝚒𝚖 ❜ - gn!reader , sfw | inbox request &lt;;3 @diarrheas-stuff
they confuse you beyond limit when you once met them, you feel the way their eyes on you but they don't pay attention to you as they did behind your back.
Jake, the ever so extroverted one could only laugh so timidly just to hide the stutters of his words, cringing underneath but still holds enough bravery to shoot you a pick-up line
"Hey miss, you single? 'Cuz I'm available~"
The subsequent eye roll received from Samuel couldn't stop you from showing a meek laughter, blushing softly from Jake's words. The sight of you flustered was a sight for sore eyes, can't you see the way they stare at you like you're a breath of fresh air? You're completely the apple of their eyes since then, just you.
Often times, when the wind becomes too cold, you could hear the footsteps of Samuel, stoic eyes eyeing you below and from the immense hold of his eye contact, you only now noticed his black blazer has been hovered over your shoulders, enveloping you like a blanket
"I suggest you start checking the weather before you go, otherwise you would've been freezing to death if I wasn't here... You dummy."
masked by the blunt words of his choosing, he isn't very well at hiding his care for you, he showed it far too many times than he intended that you can only chuckle at his words before you open your arms to embrace him as a sign of gratitude
gosh, what have you done to him? You've raised the stakes of his beating heart and in turn makes you the culprit of all the feelings sprawled all over his mind: giddy, shy, smitten...
His hand reaches for something to hold, like the back of your head, and your lower back as well, moving you closer to his body. Can you feel the warmth he's emitting? He doesn't usually feel this hot around the people who surround him at bars or clubs, he could only ever brush away their flirty remarks with no excuse
He isn't afraid to mingle around, nor can he give reasons of being 'taken' because he's not, but what could you be thinking if you see him with another person? Just the thought has him clicking his tongue, quite bitter than he intended it to be
if there was anything stopping him from mingling around, it's you. But it's not like he'll complain, you're the one person he'll choose anytime anyway.
Jake was your ride or die, every minute with him was a rollercoaster beyond any amusement parks he brought you to
all wrapped in his suave personality, he guides you through the flirts and surprises he has in store, ever since the three of you were young, he has expressed his adoration ever so boldly, even now
From the single flower that has been dusted in dirt because he has run into a gang fight, to the bouquet of flowers he had bundled together, each flower being the ones you've liked through the years because--of course--he remembered. From the paper rings he would often create with his notes, to the expensive ring he bought as he casually slips it on your fourth finger, declaring it as a promise of his love
"See, isn't it pretty? It's a promise ring, you know... So that once everything isn't messy anymore, i'll replace that with an engagement ring."
The day the two men drifted apart, it was heartbreaking to see your eyes shining in tears, blinking it away as you feel Jake's finger caressing your cheeks and Samuel's head gently patting your hair behind you
Ever since then, they couldn't to leave you all alone, they've settled their hatred aside and would gladly take care of you together. It was unknown when the three of you established being in a 'poly relationship' but they couldn't care less that they're both sharing you
in all honesty, if there was another man to share you with, Jake was more than happy for it to be Samuel than any other average and boring lad out there. Gladly it was the same for Samuel, he can view Jake as his rival all day long but he's aware he's the best one out of all, someone worthy to share you with
They are your guard dogs when you walk in the middle of them, other people who ogle at you will be earning glares from none other than Samuel himself, his muscular body and face is enough to make them cower away, but no, they have to receive the insults of Jake as well before leaving, hearing the way he laughs at them before his slender fingers finds sanctuary on your waist and Samuel who is holding your hand with his big one
"They're pretty aren't they? Yeah you ain't getting a chance on them, now moving along!"
"Pathetic fuckers..." Samuel mutters, guiding you through the luxurious restaurant as he smacks Jake's head to behave, quite a cute interaction if you ask
Long minutes have passed and for what seemed to be a simple but lavish date has turned into a frenzy once Jake carried you bridal style and exited the restaurant, laughing loudly together when you see Samuel's baffled expression before running after the two of you
It was then you realized that Jake had brought you to a silent park, only now did you notice it was the same park you three would often go to after school, pouting as you would bandage the bruises of the two men after their fights with other gangs, earning the title of being their 'pretty little nurse'
Sitting on the same bench as before, your head rests on Samuel's head as your legs lay comfortable on Jake's lap, merely being nostalgic with the sudden memories from 3 years ago when you three were still so carefree
But they wouldn't change it for anything, Gosh look what the three of you had, you're all still here, and that's all they could ever ask for, to be together.
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acewritesfics · 5 months
Take Me Home | Jay Halstead
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Request: from @/andreahalstead24 for my 500 follower celebration over at @/dlmlufics.
Fic Type: Blurb
Prompt: "No one in this world, past, present or future, matters to me more than you do."
Warnings: None
Word Count: 642
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Jay was getting tired of Y/N’s sudden and unexplained cold shoulder. He wanted an explanation for why she seemed to be ignoring him, only speaking to him when she needed to.  
Unable to find her in the bullpen, he heads into the locker room finding her sitting on one of the benches, stuffing her clothes she had to get changed out of after getting blood all over them trying to prevent an innocent by stander in a shootout from bleeding out into her bag. 
“What’s going on with you?” Jay questions, a frown on his face, confusion and concern in his pretty blue eyes. 
“Nothing,” she says rolling her eyes as she stands up and moves back to her locker. 
“Have you forgotten how well I know you,” his voice comes out a little more aggressive than he intended, but she’s been beyond frustrating since this morning. 
“What about your ex? Or have you forgotten how well you know her,” she slams her locker shut and hooks her gun and badge on to her jeans.  
This morning Jay’s recent ex-girlfriend had come by District 21 as a witness in their latest case. Y/N, along with Jay, took her statement. Jay being oblivious to his ex's lingering stares, subtle flirty remarks and the hopeful look in her eyes, only added to Y/N's already sour mood from her car breaking down on the way to the station.  
“Is this what this whole cold shoulder thing is about?” he asks surprised by her remark but also relieved that she said more than five words to him that didn't involve their case. "My ex-girlfriend trying to be flirty with me?" 
Maybe he wasn't oblivious to it like she thought. Y/N doesn't say anything as she zips up her bag and slings it over her shoulder. She goes to walk past him when he stops her, gently grasping her arm and turning her back around to face him. 
"No one in this world, past, present or future, matters to me more than you do," he says softly as he raises a hand to her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb making her look at him. "And I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. None of them matter anymore, especially her. You're it for me, baby." 
The look in Y/N's eyes softens as she listens to him, her arms move around his waist as she looks at him, seeing the love he holds for her. In his ex's defense, she didn't know about their relationship, and they couldn't exactly tell her while they were taking her witness statement. And he never flirted back, not giving her false hope that there was something still there between them. He had been nothing but professional and she had let her jealousy and insecurities raise their ugly heads, something that never happened often. Y/N knows she overreacted, and she deserves his frustration and to feel the guilt she's currently feeling. 
"I'm sorry for being horrible today. I don't know why I let her get under my skin. Women flirt with you a lot and it usually never bothers me," she apologizes placing a quick peck to his lips. "And I love you more than I've ever loved anyone else too." 
"Buy me dinner and I'll forgive you," he smiles moving his arms around her waist and pulls her closer.  
"How about I cook dinner and you can have me as dessert?" she suggests.  
"I may be tempted," he replies, looking like he's thinking about it.  
She smiles kissing him, "Take me home, Halstead." 
"You got it," he says letting her go and takes his hand in hers. "Also, women don't flirt with me a lot," he continues as they walk out of the locker room. 
"Have you looked in a mirror," she scoffs. "You're a beautiful man." 
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TAGGED:@mrspeacem1nusone - @halsteadbrasil - @allisonargent144 - @cs-please
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rockstvrdotcom · 10 months
"show me how sorry you really are." // hobie x fem reader nsfw
hobies kinda harsh in this :( disclaimer i do not believe he is a toxic bf this is for the sake of the ff okay?
cw/tw: angst sorta not rlly, nsfw, throatfucking, slight dubcon? not rlly there's no spoken consent but theres consent, choking, after care, mentions of alcohol/drinking, degradation
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skip to cut for smut
you stumbled back into the house at 1 am, drunk but not that drunk— you had snuck out a few hours ago to go party at a club with your friends. you tried to take it light on the alcohol but ended up drinking a bit more than you intended.
you walked blindly in the dark, trying to find your way back to the room before hobie could notice. you steadily walked up to the stairs, almost tripping a few times before you finally took the last step; bumping into what you thought was a wall before your eyes roamed up.
it was hobie, standing there with his arms crossed before grabbing your shirt to make sure you didn't fall down the stairs. he picked you up effortlessly, bringing you to the bed and almost harshly dropping you on it.
"where the hell were you?" he asked, making sure you didn't fall asleep by making you sit upright, patting your cheek a few times. you scanned his body; he was shirtless, wearing grey sweats. the same outfit he was wearing when you both went to 'sleep'.
you proccessed his question for a few seconds before speaking, you knew it'd be better to just be honest with him. ".. at the club, with my friends." you said with your head down.
"really, (y/n)? again?" he said, disappointed as his eyebrows furrowed. you looked away, knowing he was about to scold you.
"i work my ass off day and night, just to keep you safe and you go off to some club without telling me?" he gestured with his hands, anger evident in his voice as he tried to keep his cool.
"i- i'm sorry hobie." you muttered under your breath, looking up at him with genuine guilt.
"sorry would've cut it the first time, but not anymore. this the 5th time." he spoke coldly. his eyes narrowed as he heard the genuine sorry in your voice.
he watched your gaze roam everywhere but him. he grabbed your chin, harshly. "look at me, (y/n). you can't keep fuckin' doing this." he hissed, looking dead in your eyes. you could see his anger written all over his face.
"i won't do it again, i promise." you said, flinching as he took ahold of your chin. he let go, a scowl on his face.
"you promise? you said that the last 3 times," he scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose. you watched his eyes scan you, your cheeks flushed from the alcohol.
you were wearing revealing clothes; watching a hint of desire flash through his eyes before he got back to scolding you. "and i know how you get when your drunk! your all flirty and acting like some cheap whore. who knows what you did with other men at the club?!" he blurted out, making tears well up in your eyes.
"i don't know what to do with this anymore. you have to show me that you really mean it this time." he spoke firmly, a hint of a suggestive tone behind it as he grew pent up with anger.
"i think i should sleep on the couch tonight." you murmured, pushing past him as you couldn't bear anymore of his scolding. you neared the door until a web shot out and slammed the door shut. (lets pretend like his webs are organic ok?)
you yelped as the loud noise startle you, not even able to turn around before he pinned you to the door. "nah, love. you don't get to leave– gotta teach you the consequences of your actions." he mumbled right next to your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
you had no time to respond before he turned you around, picking you up with no struggle and hoisting you onto his hips— looking deep into your eyes before taking your cheeks inbetween his hand and kissing you roughly and passionately; grunting into the kiss when he heard your quiet moan.
"fuck.. don't know what im gonna do with you." he mumbled against your lips, his frustration still obvious in his expression as you felt the growing bulge under his sweats against your clothed pussy; groaning as he grinded up into you.
"h- hobie.." was all you could muster out before he shushed you with another kiss, this time shoving his tongue into your mouth.
both of your tongues danced with eachother, his hand moving to ride your dress up your thigh, your panties and the wet spot in the middle on full display as the breeze from the open window made you shiver.
"show me how sorry you really are, yeah?" he broke the kiss, mumbling into your ear as he kept you up with one hand, the other moving to take his pants and boxers off just enough so his dick popped out, slapping against his stomach and revealing his hard cock; precum leaking from his tip.
you nodded in response, pushing your panties aside and looking at him expectantly.
"nah, ill let you do all the work since you wanna go and sneak out on me." he said spitefully, letting you down and off the door as he walked over to the bed, sitting at the foot of the bed.
"c'mere, slut." he spoke, spreading his legs; patting his thigh and waiting impatiently for you to get between them and suck him off.
he watched you walk over just like he told you to. getting on your knees and inbetween his legs just like he told you to. you admired his cock for a second; leaving little kitty licks and soft kisses despite the way he had his hand tangled roughly in your hair, tugging harshly as a way of telling you to get to it.
after what seemed like forever to him, you wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock, slowly lowering yourself onto him.
you felt his hand grip your head before making you take all of him in your mouth; gagging on his cock as he slid into your mouth until his tip hit the back of your throat.
before you even had time to adjust— he was ramming his hips up and into your face, watching your eyes roll back as you choke on his cock.
"fuck.. such a good whore for me, yeah?" he groaned in between pants, the sight almost making him cum deep in your throat. he continued thrusting his hips up, chuckling as you moaned around his cock.
you felt him twitch inside of your mouth as he let go of your hair, letting you do the work for now. you bobbed up and down on his dick; throat already sore as you rested your hands on his thighs.
"fuck yeah.. your throat feels almost as good as your pussy." he mumbled, his hips twitching up and making you gag again. the way your throat constricted around him made him so fucking horny; his orgasm nearing.
"hurry it up, yeah?" he moaned out, starting to buck his hips up into your mouth again. your saliva coated his cock, your nose bumping against his pelvis with each thrust.
"shit, c- cumming." he said, slapping a hand over his mouth as his head rolled back, thrusting up into your mouth one more time before pulling out and coming all over your tits.
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he stood between your legs as you sat comfortably on the bathroom counter, handing you a glass of water. "drink up, doll." he said, holding it up to your lips as you drank in large gulps, wincing at the stinging pain in your throat.
he rubbed your back, kissing your forehead. "i'm sorry for being so rough, darlin. but promise me you won't sneak out again, bring me next time." he said, rubbing your back as he cleaned your face with a warm towel.
"i'm sorry, hobes." you said apologetically, kissing him softly on the lips as you placed the glass of water down.
he nodded in response, turning the bath on and turning the water to warm. he walked back over to you, carefully pulling your dress off, along with your bra and panties.
"hop in, love."
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sorry if this was lazy </33 getting back into writing tho so send requests!!
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your-nanas-house · 1 month
Hi Nana!! I hope you're okay ✨
I hope you don't mind but I have another kitten request ! Hear me out: Kittens your roommate and you accidentally walk in on her naked but she's not shy so she's like "you can touch me if you want?" Giving you the puppy dog eyes and she's also like "since you've seen mine, show me yours!" And while having actually fucking she admits that's she's wanted you for awhile! So smutty and fluffy! Please please please! I'm begging🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Hey dear!! Sorry that it took me so longgg. I love this idea 😭 and no prob, you can always send a request! Even more than one, I don't mind at all. 🥰
Oops... I did it again.
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◇ Pairing: Kitten Braden X fem!Reader
◇ Warnings: smut, handjob, Kitten's little 'pussy', fluff, roommates, swearing
◇ Summary: Y/n finds her roommate naked waiting for her... again.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. Shitty writing 🙇🏼‍♀️
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"Kitten—" Y/n called out while entering the apartment to find her roommate, her hand grabbing the handle to open the door and walk in, ready to find the woman sitting on her bed or in front of her makeup table— and not naked with a magazine in her hand.
It was the second time that she had walked on her like that, the first had happened weeks earlier but luckily the young woman managed to close quickly the bathroom door and leave before apologizing for an either week.
They didn't talked about that "incident" but during a roommate night of theirs, the brunette woman mentioned suggestively something about being... comfortable without clothes, loving to just wander around her home with no care or fabric covering her stunning self. Sadly, Y/n was too drunk to understand the flirty tone and the meaning behind that simple statement to actually react at it like Patricia hoped.
"Oh hi, sweetheart. You're bit late, thought you would be back nearly an hour ago" Kitten's sweet provocative tone said to break the silence that the view of her bare body had created, hiding her amusement when she glanced towards the front door catching the funny expression of the young woman.
Her jaw had slightly dropped and her eyes wide in surprise, astonished by the confidence that her roommate was emanating by talking to her so casually as if she wasn’t naked and vulnerable in front of her.
"Y-Yeah... my parents kept me longer than expected" Y/n's voice came out weaker than intended, her eyes staring only at the beautiful woman's face... focused to not wander lower, although it was definitely difficult to not glance down at her smooth freckled thighs or at her alluring movements of her groomed hands
"Aw, that's cute. Can't wait to meet your family someday" Kitten beamed out while getting up from her sitting position, now showing off her god's given gift which was her body as if she was posing just for her; almost as if to barter— the vision of her body in exchange of her submission and devotion.
There really was no shame, it was quite arousing to see. Enough to make Y/n's heart beat faster, drumming in her chest, and her breath to get caught in her throat while she clenched casually her thighs together in an attempt to find some friction as her pussy got wetter.
Fucking hell... Kitten and her damn antics.
"Why do you look so shy, darling?... You can touch if you want" she offered while moving closer, her narrow and sexy hips swaying hypnotically till she came to a stop in front of her.
Her light blue eyes checked Y/n slowly out as her groomed hands moved sensually to allow her slender fingers to brush the skin of her arms, down to her wrists to take a good hold of it and help her roommate take things further by placing her hands on her waist... letting go to rest her own on her shoulders.
As Y/n looked up to meet her gaze, she could tell that Kitten had it all planned, her little naughty smile was sharing her true intentions and expectations while her small touches where doing the little work that needed to be done to break her definitely.
"You're unbelievable" the young woman commented as her thumbs caressed the soft freckled skin, pulling her body closer to her own "Truly unbelievable, Kitten" her voice added lowly as she brushed her nose against her jawline, feeling the woman's curly hair tickle her face as her scent enveloped her.
That damn... beautiful, arousing woman.
A tiny purr escaped Kitten, her breath was getting heavier at the feeling of her hands wandering around her naked body, resting on her ass to knead the flesh while her mouth worked on the tender skin of her neck
"O-Ohh... just like that" Patricia soft voice whined out, her hips buckling forward unconsciously in an attempt to find some friction for her leaking cock.
Her tip was already off an angry red, sticky due to her fluids and her balls heavy, in need of touch "Please, pretty please, Y/n baby" her plead escaped her glossy lips, asking for more while leaving wet kisses on her shoulders and every spot of bare skin she could reach.
It was quite amusing to watch, in fact Y/n's mocking face cracked to leave space to a smile, enjoying Kitten's needy self, as her eyes kept taking her whole in while her right hand brushed her stomach to reach her cock... the little 'pussy' of hers.
"Look at your pretty pussy, dripping for me, right Kitty?" Her voice hummed as her fingers caressed her lenght, grabbing it at the base before starting to stroke using her spit as a lube.
The evening light that entered from the window that faced the silent street, made Kitten look just divine, causing her pale skin glow tenderly and Y/n's stomach react with butterflies.
"Yes, that's it, honey" the young woman cooed, increasing the speed while hearing Kitten's pornographic like moans, her expression changing due to the pleasure
"Want me to go faster? Make you cum" she cooed softly again at the woman's reaction, allowing her to bury her face more into her neck while her hips kept meeting her strokes. Soft moans and pleads kept escaping from her soft lips which were pressed right against her skin, feeling her pulsing heart with them.
A couple of more strokes and Kitten shoot her load, dirtying her roommate's hand and clothes; making amends immediately with a low sensual moan that sent shivers down Y/n's spine.
"Woah, darling" the woman's voice murmured, her confident self coming back to surface "It's not your first time for sure, hm... Why don't you remove your clothes as well. I mean it's only fair, right? You saw me like mommy made me" her soft voice persuaded Y/n teasingly, making her strip in front of her and meet her baby blue eyes again.
She could tell that Kitten was loving what she had in front of her, her groomed hands twitching slightly as she held back from touching
"Why do you look so shy, darling?... You can touch if you want" Y/n stated using her previous comment against her, keeping a little smirk on her amused face as her heart kept beating like crazy, shame and nervousness eating her as she stayed still and bare acting confident as best she could.
"You aren't that shy like you want me to believe, hm? Your little pussy is getting soaked again just by seeing me like this, right.. baby?" The young woman mocked, pulling Kitten's face closer to meet her soft lips with hers; the sweet taste of her lip gloss lingering on her tongue as soon as she granted her permission.
Patricia's hands reached for Y/n's naked hips when their kiss got more passionate, their heart was beating fast and almost in sync as their lips met in little pecks when they slowly laid down.
"Wanted this for so long—" Patricia's soft but sensual voice revealed to her roommate as her hands pushed Y/n's body down to take control since her 'pussy' was throbbing, her pre-cum smeared all over the young woman's stomach.
Kitten was about to spread her roommate's legs and position herself at her entrance when she suddenly fall forward due to the grip of her, who wrapped her arm around her lower back to nudge her legs apart, carefully to not hurt Patricia.
Both with spread legs so that their genitals were touching together.
"Grind that pretty pussy on me, honey" the sentence made the woman shiver and move her hips that matched hers. Her balls soaked by Y/n's juices as her 'pussy' kept rubbing against her soft skin wetting it more with pre-cum.
As Patricia's light blue eyes met Y/n's, her cheek flushed a darker pink and her mouth opened slightly to let sinful moans escape her. She had waited so long for that moment, for the occasion to cause that sensual expression on her friend's face, cause the blush and messed up hair, as well as the sexy moans and praises directed at her.
It was sinful, a sensual but sweet dance that got dirtier as soon as they both reached their peak.
"Gosh" Kitten breathed out with a chuckle, her curly hair tickling Y/n's skin while she rested on her chest to catch her breath and get cuddled, feel loved.
Their both were coming down from their climax, enjoying each other's warmth as they gathered the strength to get up and clean
"Best roommate ever, hm?" Y/n hummed, earning a positive answer followed by a chuckle from the curly woman.
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viviennevermillion · 10 months
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ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡʜᴏʟᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ, ɪꜰ ɪ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴀᴛᴇʟʟɪᴛᴇ
✧ ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: sampo koski, despite his flirty demeanor towards you, wasn't expecting anything when he tried to get you to help with his newest scheme. thankfully, you decided to be a little bold today.
✧ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ: sampo x gn!reader, flirty banter, first kisses, sampo going from suave scammer to being a flustered mess, reader is a menace, 4.9k words
✧ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: satellite — nickelback
✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: making out (not intended as suggestive)
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Sampo Koski was a difficult man to get close to. Despite his overly friendly, even flirty, demeanor; he always held his cards close to his chest. They say that still waters run deep but you found that with your unlikely friend and his questionable scams, it was the exact opposite. The more he talked, the harder it got to discern what was truth and what was merely a red herring. You knew there was much more to Sampo than he let on, yet, unfortunately, it was hard to even get a glimpse behind the facade.
His attempts at scamming you were always very on the nose, something you could never see yourself actually falling for. And although you weren't 100% sure of your hypothesis, you felt like he knew that. He knew he'd have to try harder to get you on board with his schemes but he didn't. There was a flicker of hope inside you that maybe that meant that somewhere along the way he had started to genuinely enjoy your company.
After the crisis regarding Belobog's future was resolved, most of your communication with Sampo happened over text; though he'd definitely seek you out when he had an excuse to. You wondered whether the longing was obvious in your eyes. Whether he saw that you waited for a sign that he felt the same.
Most of your friends would have lectured you that loving Sampo was a bad idea. That the only thing he wanted from you was your money. Perhaps some amusement when he felt bored. But you felt like there was more to him. The few moments where you got a look behind the mask, or at least were pretty sure that you did, made you curious for more. You couldn't deny there was some chemistry between you. Most people would have rolled their eyes at his continuous attempts to scam you. But you found that most of them were harmless when he threw them at you and you felt like he wasn't stupid enough to think they would genuinely work.
Whether there was any truth to his words or not when he referred to your companionship was still unclear to you but he had a way of making you feel like you truly were just joking around with an old friend. So why not play along and see where it goes?, you thought to yourself. Over time, you had started to indulge him a little; talking to him in the same way he did. You started to reciprocate his attempts at flirting and teasing; calling him a friend and terms of endearment whenever he messaged you. Ever since then, he had started to reach out to you more and more. You wondered whether, perhaps, below the shady exterior was a man looking for connection with someone he could be honest with. Or maybe that was just your wishful thinking that what you had now could evolve into something more.
"Hey fam. How are you doing? Would you be interested in a business proposal? 😇", you heard the beeping of your phone as you stepped out of the shower at your place, checking the screen to find that you had received a message from Sampo. You didn't even notice you had started smiling whilst reaching for the towel. As soon as you had dried yourself off and put on some fresh clothes, you typed a reply.
"Sampo, my dearest, I'm never interested in your business proposals, you should know that by now", you sighed and shook your head, "but feel free to tell me anyway. At least they're entertaining. 😁"
"Oh come on now!", you could clearly imagine the text in his voice, "this one I promise you're going to love! 😇" Somehow I doubt that, you chuckled. But it couldn't hurt to ask what it was.
"Well... uh... it's a bit of a doozy", he started and you already expected another wild idea of his, "but the details are as follows: I need you to smuggle this package out of the restricted zone!"
"And why, pray tell, would I do that?", you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Look, I know you and Gepard are on good terms and you're friends with his sister so you have special connections~", he texted back, "it would be a lot easier for you to get into the restricted zone than it would be for me! You just need to frame it right! It's a valuable item and the profit is going to be BIG, I tell you that. 💸"
"I'm not interested in profit", you replied, "sunshine, you know I care about you, but I'm not sneaking into a military zone for you." This is usually the time when he starts getting desperate, you chuckle, watching the little 'Sampo is typing' notification on your phone. You were right.
"Oh come on! Pretty please? It's just a quick in and out...", you read his reply, "think of it like a date, except you're smuggling things instead of having dinner with me. It's going to be a great time!" You snorted and broke out into laughter. "How exactly is that like a date? 😂"
"Well, we're spending time together in a romantic location, full of excitement and with a little bit of danger and adventure!", he tried to reason, "we'll be bonding emotionally while doing something that's uh... a little bit of a crime; but no biggie! I'm telling you, it's going to be fantastic! ❤️"
"Your date idea sucks 😭", you replied, still chuckling. "Don't be mad", he begged, "please? Do it for me? Your old buddy Sampo? Your pal? I'll never ask for anything again ever, I swear it!" You smirked. "You said that the last 20 times and then you asked for a lot of things, honey", you reminded him. You didn't mind. It made him reach out to you over and over again.
"Okay, okay, fair point but I'm serious here!", he pleaded, "you know, the guards wouldn't even see you! I really thought this through! All you have to do is deliver this package to a mysterious man in a coat who will be waiting for you behind the fence and you'll be golden. It's easy and quick!"
"You know, 'mysterious man in a coat behind the fence' really does not make this better", you laughed at his silly proposals as you texted back, "actually that makes it worse. 😂" "Why?", Sampo asked, "I'm not saying it's not a cliché but if you think about it, the setting is really quite romantic? A dark secret alley perfect for kissing, a mysterious stranger, a night-time rendezvous... you can't deny that's the stuff movies are made of. 😇"
He's impossible, the smile wasn't going to leave your face anytime soon. "The stranger isn't even you though, so how is that a date with you?", you asked.
"Well, I never specifically said it was a date with me. Wait- does that mean you'd go on a date with me?!", you read his message, hoping there was some truth to his surprise about that idea, "either way, look, the stranger in the coat is going to give you this really cool thing called a... well, it's a really cool thing. And once I find out what that would be, it's totally going to blow your mind and you'll think it was worth it! Promise! For real!"
"Okay you made me laugh, I give you that 😂", you confessed, deciding to ignore his remark about the date for now. No reason to get this serious with him yet when he wasn't willing to meet you halfway. But as time went on, you felt as there really was no stranger in a coat at all and he likely made the whole thing up. The only question was, why? Was he waiting for a sign from you as much as you were from him?
"See? Now we had a laugh together and you feel much better about the plan! I just know you are! 😌😊", he sent the message. What you didn't know was that Sampo was smiling just as much on the other side of the screen. After all, making someone he cared about laugh was the highest honor for a fool like him, wasn't it?
"No. ❤️"
"Pretty please? 🥺"
"Let it go, darling. I'm not doing it. Find someone else to smuggle your package."
Sampo pouted. "How can you do this to me? When I really needed your help you just... turned away from me", he texted back, "and yet the next time I have a great idea I will be willing to share the profit with you again. You know why? Because you're my friend. But it's fine. I'm fine. I'm going to go sulk in a corner now... 💔"
You rolled your eyes and just sent him a teasing 'have fun! 😘'.
"You really don't care at all, do you? 😔", you read his reply. "I do, but we both know you're not going to sulk about a failed scheme", you reasoned, "if you want to, I can come over and give you a hug, but no crimes. ❤️" Your heart was beating faster as he was typing his reply. You wondered what he would think of that idea, even if he just thought that you meant it as a joke.
"...you would do that?"
"Or I'd show up with the Silvermane Guards. No telling, really 😇", you teased. "You wouldn't do that! We're best friends!", he whined.
"Only one way to find out! 🙃❤️"
"You're so mean... 😭"
Perhaps it was the fact that this had been going on for months now and you were both dancing around the idea of addressing what exactly was between the two of you to the point where it was starting to get embarrassing. He'd always message you, looking to scam you but never fully committing to it and he seemed absolutely delighted at the fact that you were still willing to talk to him every time. But this time you decided to push your luck with him.
"So should I come over or no?"
You waited in anticipation. He seemed to be hesitating for a moment; likely trying to gauge the probability of you actually dragging the Silvermane Guards to his doorstep and whether that was worth the risk. But alas, you had never done such a thing before, so why would you start now?
"...Yes. I'll be waiting", was his answer and your heart started beating rapidly at the realization that you were actually going to see him right now.
"Oh my... you're really willing to risk me bringing the guards just for a hug? I feel special 🥰", you teased. Sampo let out a disappointed sigh in his room at the Goethe Grand Hotel. "Just hurry up before I change my mind... 😔", he gave in, hoping you weren't already aware how much you made him weak in the knees and how he wasn't expecting you to ever go along with his silly plans; yet would be up for such a demand if it came for you. After all, he had snuck into a Silvermane Guard restricted zone before. He would do it again for you. Not that you would ever ask him for such a thing though. You weren't him, after all.
Sampo got lost in his thoughts so much, that he didn't even notice how the time passed. Only your knock on his door snapped him out of it. You were waiting for him outside, fully oblivious that he was a little nervous, his cheeks heating up as he hoped that you would not see it. His prayers fell on deaf ears.
You smirked slightly as he opened the door and you could see a faint blush on his face. "Hey bestie!", you greeted him with a joyful smirk on your face, "surprise, I brought no guards!" Sampo didn't think that you would hand him over to the authorities but he was relieved about the confirmation nonetheless. He gestured for you to come inside and shut the door behind you.
"It's nice to see you", he greeted you, this time being genuine. You could tell immediately, which made you think that there was something inside him that urged him to let you know this. You reached for his hand, gently pulling him into your embrace to give him that hug you promised him. Sampo froze up at the feeling of your sudden touch and you could feel his heart beating fast in his chest.
After a moment of getting used to the sensation, you could feel him relax and wrap his arms around you as well. He closed his eyes when you couldn't see his face, focusing on your fingertips running up and down his back. His heart fluttered. Who knew his little attempt at a scam could evolve into this?
"This is nice...", he admitted, his voice a lot quieter than you were used to, which caught you a little off-guard, "...I didn't think you'd actually come." He let go of you, secretly wishing he could make that embrace last longer without making things awkward.
"Did you think I was joking?", you wondered.
"...A little bit, yeah", he sighed.
"Why?", you asked, your nerves giving you a tingling sensation as you realized that this was new; that you had overstepped a line that had been separating the two of you for months and it might just change how you approached each other completely. "Well, I'm used to the rejection by now", Sampo chuckled. You rolled your eyes. "Rejecting your scams is a lot different from rejecting a hug with a friend", you reasoned.
"You know, you're right", he shrugged, "I hope you're not mad about the scam. It's a compulsion at this point." You laughed. "It was funny, so I forgive you", you winked at him, making his heart skip a beat.
"So anyway, about my newest scam-", he joked and you playfully hit his shoulder. "Don't test your luck, Sampo", there was a glint in your eye that was challenging him. "Wait, wait hear me out", he smirked and you could tell from his expression that he was hardly serious. You didn't know that it was because Sampo Koski was actually really nervous about the whole thing and using the topic he was most familiar with to try and distract you from how flustered he was. You were here now, you had hugged him, he had let his guard down in front of you; even if just a little bit... what happened now?
"I just really need you to smuggle that package..."
"You just tried that one, hun. Don't", you spoke softly and brushed a strand of his dark blue hair out of his face, your hand remaining on his skin, gently caressing his cheek, "why don't we just sit down on the couch and you can rest your head on my lap, hmm? Does that sound nice?" You had gotten this far with him already; you had gotten impatient without even noticing it. You were ready to place all cards on the table if Sampo was willing to follow. Besides, should he reject you, you could always play it off as a joke. Thankfully, he did not do that.
"I won't say no to that", he smiled back at you and let you take his hand as you lead him over to the hotel room sofa. His awkwardness when he placed his head in your lap didn't fly over your head. You started running your fingers through his hair, hearing him let out a relaxed sigh as he leaned his cheek against your stomach, still wondering how he could have possibly ended up here. At this point, he just let it happen. Your touch felt so comforting. "This is nice", he admitted, closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling of your fingertips carding through the strands of hair. "Do you deserve this much affection?", you asked teasingly, reminding him of the many times he had "tried" to scam you.
"Oh I know I don't", he laughed, a proud smile on his face, "but somehow I'm getting it anyway. Funny how that works out for me." You smiled down at him, thinking how adorable he looked laying in your lap like this, just letting you work your magic. "One of the many miracles of life, I suppose", you shrugged, letting out a chuckle.
He remained in your lap for a while, just focusing on the sensation of your touch. In all the times you met Sampo, he had never been this quiet for such a long time. He remained so still that you were wondering whether he had fallen asleep. You got your answer when he raised his voice again after about 15 minutes of this. "Can I say something?", he asked and you raised an eyebrow. "When do you ever NOT say something?", you laughed, "usually you don't even ask."
He chuckled. "Alright, yeah you got me there."
You were wondering what he had to say that was so different; perhaps so genuine, that he had to ask for reassurance that it was okay to say. "I just wanted to say... I'm glad you're here", he tried to keep his cool, not noticing how he was awkwardly fiddling with his fingers, "it's a little sad that you rejected my business proposal, but... uh... this is a... nice alternative. I don't really know what I expected when you said you'd come over, honestly." You smile down at him, noticing how difficult it was for him to keep his mask on when he was in such a close, vulnerable state with you and trying to say something he actually meant. You had no doubt about that now.
"Hey... I have a question", he continued, his eyes fluttering open to meet yours; heart beating fast when he saw you gaze at him with such a soft, almost loving, expression, "why are you so chill about the scams? You're the only person who never seems really annoyed about it. Everyone else is pretty much done with me when I try that. Which is fine, I don't need them to like me, I just need their cash... but you're different. Why?"
Your heart was growing warm at the fact that you were now close enough; comfortable enough; that you felt like you were really talking heart-to-heart with him, without any ulterior motives or distance between the two of you. "Well, I didn't really take the scams seriously", you shrugged and thought about his question, "and they were funny. I like talking to you... despite your questionable run-ins with the Silvermane Guards." He laughed softly.
"I honestly never had the feeling you were even serious about the scams when you tried them on me", you further admitted, "the ones you sent me just seemed a little too silly for you to actually believe they'd work on me."
"Heh. You're right about that", he sighed with a smile on his face as you started gently touching his cheek again, "with you, I guess I was mostly just messing around. Seeing what I could get away with. Getting to talk to you more..."
The last one was almost a whipser, but you heard it either way.
"So... uhm... can we stay like this for a while longer?", Sampo asked with a hopeful look in his eyes. You were worried that if you backed away now; he might decide that he should have never let you get that close and gotten so attached and you might not get another chance to be this close to him again. So you decided to push it a little further.
"I have a better idea", you suggested, gently removing his head from your lap so you could lay down beside him, "can I wrap my arms around you?" You were nervous too, though you were, surprisingly, keeping it together better than Sampo was.
"Y-you want to cuddle?", he asked for clarification; disbelief written on his face. You nodded and he opened his arms to you. You snuggled up to him, nuzzling his neck. "W-what are you doing? I- I mean... I'm not complaining", he stammered, shivering slightly. That was the moment Sampo's defenses broke. The mask had fallen and you could clearly feel the heat radiating from his cheeks. He was at your mercy now, just hoping you wouldn't ridicule him. How did I let it get this far?, he internally cursed himself, but making no attempts to back away. Curiosity got the better of him.
Meanwhile, you were having the time of your life. Seeing the usually so confident, "tall, blue and handsome" Sampo Koski like this was an opportunity you couldn't miss out on. "I didn't know you could lose your cool like this", you teased with new-found confidence, now sure you had the upper hand in this situation, "that's interesting, don't you think?"
Sampo was struggling to keep his heart rate down. "It's not like I'm nervous or anything!", he pouted, his head spinning from the unfamiliar sensation of holding you this close to him, "I'm just... uh... um... I'm just enjoying this. I'm enjoying it very... uh... a-a lot. Yes."
You had a triumphant smirk on your face. "That's good to know, Sampo", you purred and turn his head to face you by grabbing his chin gently. Your lips were now inches apart and Sampo just looked at you with wide eyes. He could feel your breath on his skin when you spoke. "I think I found a new method to turn down your scams", you chuckled.
The close proximity made his heartbeat skyrocket. "Uh... yeah... I'd say this is one of those... methods... as one might say", he replied absentmindedly. Wherever his mind was, it was certainly no longer on the conversation topic.
"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?", you teased, your lips brushing his slightly as you spoke. The fleeting touch of your lips on his made his brain basically short-circuit. Sampo felt his limbs grow heavier and he tried to form words but he could only keep looking into your eyes.
You wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer. "Do you still want me to smuggle that package through the restricted zone?", you asked, referencing the scam from earlier. Sampo nodded. "P-please", the word was a mere whisper, his voice had cracked. "Please what?", you asked with a smirk on your face. Was this what they call Schadenfreude?
"Please... just... forget about the scam", he gave up, his breath hitching in his throat, "just kiss me." He looked at you with pleading eyes that made your knees weak and made you wonder how you actually managed to get Sampo Koski to completely lose his composure. "There we go", you whispered affectionately and smiled, closing your eyes. It's rare to hear him say 'please' about anything that isn't a scam, you thought. Your lips finally met his in a soft but also passionate kiss.
Sampo melted into your embrace, sliding one of his hands to your cheek to hold your head close to his as he kissed back. Your tongue clashed with his and you rested your hand on the exposed skin of his waist. Sampo pulled you closer to him, his muscles relaxing as he accepted this new situation. You smiled into the kiss, gently plucking at his lower lip with your own. You pressed a couple of soft kisses to the corner of his mouth, causing him to smile as well.
Sampo still had his eyes closed, trying to capture your lips again but you had instead decided to move on to his neck, gently trailing kisses over his skin. He shuddered, his hand traveling to your shoulder to draw circles on them with his fingertips. "How are you feeling, love?", you asked, your hand placed firmly on his chest so you could feel how fast his heart was beating in his ribcage. Sampo tried to gather his thoughts but the only thing he managed to get out was a faint "yes" he whispered.
"Well, that's not a feeling now, is it?", you smirk, repeatedly kissing a sensitive spot you found on his neck. His hand squeezed yours, holding it tightly within his own. "Please stop teasing me", he whined, trying to blow a loose strand of hair out of his eyes. He put a finger under your chin, lifting it so he could reach your lips again. He kissed you once more, losing himself in the sensation. You kissed back passionately, burying your fingers in his hair that was already messy from him having been laying here for a while. Every time you had to break the kiss to take a breath, Sampo was already pulling you in for another one.
"...love you", he whispered against your lips between kisses. You weren't even sure he noticed that those words slipped out of his mouth, but they made your heart flutter and caused you to pour all your love into the next kiss. Sampo's lips were trembling and he felt a tingling sensation in his stomach and his heart. He felt like he never wanted that kiss to end. "Don't stop", he whispered softly, moving in for another taste of your lips.
You indulged him for a moment, then pushing him away gently, still with a teasing smirk on your face. "You know? I'm actually quite hungry", you remarked, getting up to make your way over to the kitchen counter, "you got anything in the fridge?"
"...you're killing me", he whined but let out a desperate chuckle, holding his hands over his flushed face. His skin felt like it was on fire. He could hear you chuckle about his predicament as you opened the fridge door. You inspected the ingredients in there, your eyes falling onto a leftover slice of pizza with banana pieces on it wrapped in transparent foil. It's okay, we're not here to judge, you reminded yourself with a facial expression that indicated that you were most definitely judging.
"By the way", Sampo heard you call out to him, "I love you too." "Did- did I say that?", he asked, feeling another wave of heat rush through his cheeks. "Sure did. I just got to kiss you for the first time, don't tell me I'll have to ship you off to the nursery home", you laughed, "what do you want on your sandwich?"
Sampo waved you off, not interested in thinking too hard about your question. "I don't know, a vegetable or something", he mumbled, his thoughts still all over the place. You looked at the vegetable selection and found that you had teased him enough for today. The chili peppers would have been a bit too much.
You brought your sandwiches over to the couch and handed him a plate. Sampo looked at the food and noticed he was actually really looking forward to eat it. "You make the best sandwiches", he complimented you, sitting up and pressing a kiss to your cheek. "You haven't even tried them yet...", you raised an eyebrow and he insisted that he didn't need to try them to know that. He just trusted you with that. He's so sweet, you caught yourself thinking and mused that it was probably time to talk about the elephant in the room.
"So...", nervousness settled in your heart again, staring at the sandwich rather than looking him in the eye, "do you think we can... you know... make this official? Be a couple? Go on dates that like... don't involve sneaking into restricted military zones and committing crimes?" Sampo let out a laugh. "I thought the restricted zone was a wonderful date spot", he pouted, earning a chuckle from you, "but yes. I'd love that. I love you. I mean, I already told you that... apparently... that is a thing that happened..."
His thoughts trailed off again. Right now, Sampo's approach to everything was pretty much "you know what? sure." and you felt like Qliphoth could break through the window and start singing one of Serval's songs in Hook's voice and your boyfriend wouldn't even question it.
"Did you skip through the other 4 stages of grief or did I just not notice them?", you joked, taking a bite out of your sandwich. "I don't know, I think bargaining was quite prevalent", he chuckled and leaned his head on your shoulder, "but being with you could never cause me grief anyway..."
"So", you continued, "are you going to tell me about your newest scam?" He smiled at the question, finding it curious how you didn't mind hearing about his shenanigans. "If you don't interrupt me this time", he nodded and you shook your head, indicating a pinky promise with your fingers.
"You see, there's this ugly boot I found in an alleyway that I'm trying to sell as a powerful ancient relic..."
You listened to Sampo tell you his future "business plans" and as soon as you had both finished your food, he snuggled up to you, resting his head in the crook of your neck; his breathing slowing. You two just talked for a while, more honest than you had ever been with each other and it felt good to finally know that Sampo loved you back.
He fell asleep in your arms that night, dreaming of your kisses and the non-criminal dates you promised him.
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kteezy997 · 8 months
The Other Man-Part Two// t.c.
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Warnings: infidelity, smut, oral sex female receiving, unprotected sex, coming inside of reader, cursing, Timmy giving reader a nickname
After your encounter with Timmy, he took you home in the early morning. You were sleeping in bed when your husband woke up, so he was oblivious to the fact that you had even been gone.
You barely got any sleep, though. Visions of what happened between you and Timmy kept playing in your mind over and over. You couldn't believe it happened and you couldn't focus on anything else. It was a struggle to get anything accomplished at work. All you wanted was to see Timmy again; to feel him next to you, to hold his hand in yours, to have his luscious curls tickle your skin. Fuck, he was taking over you.
You texted him while on break at work. "I can't stop thinking about you." you wrote.
Immediately, he responded, "Me either. Best night I've had in a long time."
You made sure no one was around to see you typing the next message to a man that you weren't married to. "When can I see you again?"
Timmy again was quick to answer, "ASAP please."
You blushed and giggled at his eagerness. You told him you'd call him later after work.
You were walking out of the office, your phone in hand and tapping on Timmy's contact when Billy called you. "Fuck." you hissed, annoyed more than anything. You answered, "Hello?"
"Hey babe, I thought maybe we could go get dinner tonight?"
"Really?" you asked, surprised. He never wanted to do date nights.
"Yeah, well, my boss wants to go out so we can have some drinks and dinner and discuss some business. His wife will be there and so I thought I'd take the opportunity to show off my hot wife, and maybe you could mention what a hard worker I am."
You winced. You could practically hear Billy's arrogant smirk through the phone, this wasn't a romantic gesture at all, it was about being a big shot in front of his boss. "Actually, I'm getting together with my friends tonight. Sorry."
"Aw shit. Okay, well, I guess I'll talk to you later then. Bye." Billy said, then ended the phone call.
god he's annoying. you thought.
The phone rang only twice before Timmy picked up.
"Hey there." he greeted you, acting all flirty.
"Hi. So, last night..." you began, not really intending to say anything more, you just aimed to get a reaction from him.
Timmy chuckled, "Last night? You called to talk about last night? I thought you wanted to see me, y/n."
The last thing he said wasn't question, he said it as a statement because it was. It was a fact that you wanted to see this man more than anything. No other discussion needed.
"Yeah, I do." you admitted, giggling like a school girl.
"Alright, how about tonight?" he suggested.
"Yes, please. We can do anything." You sounded desperate; you knew it. But you didn't care when it came to Timmy.
"Will he be home?"
"No. Business dinner with his boss. He’ll be gone all night.”
"I'll come over."
After making it home, you got prepared for whatever the night may bring. You didn't know if you the two of you were just going to hang out casually and watch tv, or if he wanted to go straight into fucking your brains out.
You wanted to be ready for either scenario. You curled and fluffed up your hair, put on some light makeup, there was no need for anything that would just be smudged later. You spritzed on some of your favorite perfume and put some lotion on your legs, making them silky smooth. You put on your most expensive lingerie, the set that Billy hadn't seen, and over that some cozy loungewear.
Your heart raced with excitement when you heard the knock on the door.
"Hey Timmy." you beamed as you opened the door, revealing his handsome face. He wore a simple outfit, just some jeans and a black hoodie.
"Hey, you." he stepped in and kissed you on the cheek, his hands met your waist. “You smell fantastic.”
You nearly melted against him but composed yourself. “Thank you.” you smiled, “Come on in, let's sit down." You took his hand, leading him to the couch in the living room.
"So, uh, Billy hasn't suspected anything?" he questioned, sitting down with you.
"No! He had no idea I was even gone last night." you rolled your eyes at the thought of Billy, not wanting him to spoil anything with Timmy.
"Good. I mean, no offense to your husband, but he's definitely not the most observant person." he shook his head, closing his eyes. "Fuck, what am I saying? I have offended this man already. Like in the worst way: I've slept with his wife." Clearly, he was a bit troubled by your shared secret.
"Timmy, stop." you said, cupping his chin, making him look at you. "Don't do this to yourself. Don't feel ashamed or guilty. Billy will never know, okay? Your girlfriend won't know either. It's just between us." You spoke softly, hoping to comfort and calm him.
"That's just the thing, y/n. I don’t feel bad, like at all. I'm so fucking into you. And I know I shouldn't be, but I think that just adds to how bad I want you.” Then there was the sight that was becoming all too familiar: him gazing down at your lips, as if he wanted to kiss you so badly that he couldn’t bare it. “It’s like we're forbidden to each other or something."
"Because we are." you pointed out.
"Right." he turned to you, leaning in close. "But I don't want this to be over." He put his hands on either side of your head, gingerly weaving his fingers through your hair.
"I don't either. I just want you." you expressed, placing your hands on his arms. "Please, just kiss me."
Without another word, Timmy pulled you in to a hearty kiss. A kiss that warmed you from the inside out. And in that moment, you realized that this was possibly more than lust. It was more than just being desired. Maybe Timmy was a piece missing from your life. You couldn't think of the other two people that would be affected by this affair. You just couldn't at this point in time. You needed to be selfish. You spent too long worrying about others, mainly your husband. And you never got anything in return from him.
Now, here was this perfect man that you had longed for, in your home, ready to make love to you, and be there for whatever you needed.
Timmy rolled his tongue in your mouth, and he tugged on your clothing. You insisted on going up to your bedroom and he agreed.
You wasted no time getting undressed and he instructed you to get on the bed. The same bed your husband slept in, just this morning, now you were naked with another man on top of it. It thrilled you.
Timmy spread you legs, kneeling between them. He slid his hands up and down the slickness of your legs. He pressed a kiss to your calf, “That scent, is it peaches?” he smirked.
You bit your lip, nodding.
Timmy let out a little chuckle. He then moved further down, and put his mouth on your clit. He started licking slowly and softly, like he was savoring you. He massaged his tongue there, making you squirm a little. You started to moan when you felt him sucking on your clit.
You looked down and watched him. You grabbed his curls gently, not pulling them. You heard soft little smacking noises coming from his lips on your wetness. You whimpered.
Then there was the flick of his green eyes looking up at you. The sexiest eye contact ever. It was so sensual, him looking into your eyes as his lips caressed your clit.
All of this reminded you of the things that your husband had never done to you. Or at least hadn't done in ages, and definitely not as well as Timmy.
"You okay?" he asked, stopping his oral performance.
"Yes," you panted, "why did you stop?"
"Just checking in, sometimes you can't tell when a woman moans or cries or whatever. I didn't know if it was too-"
"Fuck me now, Timothee." you requested.
"Oh, my full name, huh?” he teased.
You rolled your eyes playfully and tapped his chest with your foot.
“As you wish." He said, nestling himself between your legs. His cock was already hard, and he slid it into you.
You sighed in slight pain, but you welcomed the stretching caused by him. His chest was pressed against yours, his arms on either side of you. Your arms laced around his neck. He bucked into you hard and fast. Both of you were panting and moaning. Timmy kissed you, and you gasped as he bit your bottom lip, breaking the skin and making it bleed.
"Fuck Timmy." you cooed as he moved down and sucked on your neck.
He put his forehead on yours and held you tighter, fucking his hips into, filling the room with the filthy sounds of your love making. You moaned wildy.
"Shit, I'm gonna come. Ahh!" Timmy crooned. You saw his brow furrow and his lower half shook your body. His face was flushed and the veins in his neck were visible. Suddenly, you felt his warm cum leak deep into you.
Timmy exhaled and took a moment to steady himself. He then looked down at you, a little smile on his lips.
You grinned right back at him, feeling satisfied. You ran your hands up his back. His skin was lightly tacky and hot.
"Sorry I didn't pull out like last night. I'll get the morning after pill if-"
"No, it's okay. I'm on birth control. Not that Billy and I ever... but yeah. We're good."
"Okay." he grinned at you and kissed you tenderly. “You’re mine, Peaches.”
"Mm," you cooed as he pulled away, "will you stay to cuddle and watch TV with me?”
"Yeah, of course I'll stay."
From that night on, you and Timmy couldn't stay away from each other. You'd text all day long and meet up when Billy was at work or sleeping. Your husband was too oblivious and uninterested in the things you did, so he had no inkling of an idea as to what was going on outside of your marriage.
This went on for about a week or so, and it was now time for game day at your house. All of Billy's buddies were coming over to watch the hockey game, or basketball, whichever sport it was. You couldn't care less. All you cared about was Timmy. He was going to be there. Now, you couldn't just openly jump into your boyfriend's arms and makeout with him but it was always exciting to see him.
What made it even hotter was knowing that Billy would be there. You didn't really care about Billy himself, but the idea of your husband and lover being in the same room felt so dangerous and sexy.
Timmy had texted you, "I don't give a shit about the guys or the stupid game. I'm just coming for you."
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace
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Hey Abby, happy Sunday! 🥰 I’m not sure if you’re taking requests right now but if you are I’d (please) love fem reader x rooster or hangman. Maybe after training doesn’t go so well she barges into the hard deck (in front of everyone) and demands one of them fuck her right this second 👀
Hi! Thank you so much for the request ❤️ I actually don’t write smut, but I hope you still enjoy this! My first time writing for Hangman :)
Remedy for a Bad Day
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Hangman x fem!reader
Word count: ~1k
Warnings: Suggestiveness. 18+ minors dni
Your bad luck had started early that morning. 
Jake was always flirty with you, making suggestive comments that had your body on the right side of warm. You gave it right back, trying your best to get him to break — not that you were ever successful. Though you couldn’t complain too much, you did love that smirk of his and the fire burning behind his eyes.
But he’d taken it too far today. He wouldn’t stop giving his opinions on everything Maverick was saying. You just put your hand out, silently telling him that you were trying to focus. just made him resort to leaning over and whispering along the curve of your ear.
“Not my fault sweetheart. You’re far too beautiful to focus on anything else,” he said, that drawl of his rolling out thick.
And that got its intended reaction, making you turn to him with wide eyes. “Hangman!” You’d tried shushing him, but it came out louder than you meant — which was made all too clear by Maverick fixing his eyes on the two of you.
“Am I interrupting something?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
Just as you tried to apologize, Jake responded by leaning back and saying, “Nothing more important than your words of wisdom, sir.” The sarcasm dripping from his voice had you dropping your head into your hands.
The embarrassment alone made you think this couldn’t get worse, but you had to bite back a groan when you heard, “Well, I hope you both take bathroom duty more seriously, because you’re on it for the week.” 
You waited for Maverick to turn away so you could raise your middle finger to Hangman.
The bad mood followed you on your run during the break, the one you’d started without even acknowledging Hangman after that stunt he pulled. Sweat beaded across your skin, but you just focused on putting one foot in front of the other. Your lungs were on fire, your heart beating out of your chest under the hot California sun. It helped rid your mind of the morning… until you felt a wet plop land on your shoulder. 
Your steps stuttered as you looked up, watching as a flock of seagulls flew past — their cawing sounded too much like laughter at you. Instead of returning to the locker room drenched in sweat, you came soaked in water after angrily washing yourself off at the nearest hose.
You’d then gone to training, already wanting the day to be done. But, of course, the universe wasn’t so kind. Maverick’s assignment was running the impossible course for this mission. You knew you were a good pilot, but every misstep meant death — making you slam your hands down on the console as you flew just a second too slow or took a corner too sharp.
Everyone went again and again, each one unsuccessful. Frustration built through your muscles with each failed run, pushing you to your limit. He eventually let the team go, saying they’d pick it up again tomorrow, but his words put a bitter taste in your mouth.
It fogged your brain, begging you to make a million bad choices. Normally, you might���ve tried to go on another run, but as you walked back to your room much later than everyone else, you could hear the distant sound of seagulls flying overhead.
Instead, you gritted your teeth, feeling a headache beginning to form behind your eyes. It continued to pulse as you showered alone, the rest of the team already gone out. But as the water already began to turn ice cold and set your body on edge, you needed to release the tension pooling in your core. 
And Hangman owed you a favor.
So you got dressed, broke most of the speed limits, and pushed open the doors to The Hard Deck. Through the chaos of the crowd and loud music, you still found the tall blond with ease.
“Hangman!” you shouted, staring him down. His head immediately shot up to look at you, and that was the first time you’d ever seen him taken aback.
“Come here,” you commanded, curling your finger toward yourself. The slight frown with his scrunched eyebrows was certainly cute, but you loved the smirk that followed your words.
It only took a second before he moved, his long legs sauntering over to you. “Yes, ma’am.” 
On any other day, you might’ve had second thoughts, but not today. Not when he looked at you like that.
You met him halfway, energy coursing through you and into your hands as you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. You pulled him close until your breaths were mixing, the intoxicating scent of him filling your mind. That alone was enough to get you addicted, but you needed more. And Hangman was happy to close the distance, his lips molding to yours.
His hand wrapped around your back, bringing your body flush to his. You felt the tip of his tongue against your mouth and savored the groan in the back of his throat when you let him in.
Distantly, you heard hollering and whistles, but you could barely hear over the blood rushing through your ears. You only pulled away to catch your breath, staring into his darkened eyes.
“Wanna get outta here?” you whispered against him.
His teasing smile made your cheeks heat up, your mind turning to mush as he repeated, “Yes, ma’am.”
Pulling him by the collar, you turned back and made your way out of The Hard Deck. Glancing back, you saw Hangman salute your team as they cheered him on. You shook your head, ready to forget about the day… or anything besides his name.
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sleepingdeath-light · 1 month
rosie + segmented smut alphabet ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (part of an event)
letters used ; a / i / k
masterlist(s) ; here
minors and ageless blogs do not interact
A — Aftercare
what they’re like after sex
Rosie tends to be extremely vocal and upbeat after you two have had sex — not to the same extent as she is beforehand as she’s usually at least a little out of breath, but no matter how intense your romp has been she always seems to come out of it frustratingly well put-together compared to you — which usually means that she’s the one who takes the lead for both physical aftercare and pillow talk.
Physical aftercare with Rosie tends to follow a very lineare formula with only occasional deviations when necessary: her taking a short while to check you over for any injuries that were more severe than intended, leaving to run you both a nice hot bath (complete with bubbles and a scented candle you can both agree on) once she’s certain that you’re unharmed beyond what you’d consented to beforehand, her fetching you some water and very sternly telling you to drink it, frequently popping her head back into the bedroom to see if you’ve actually done what she’s asked, going and getting some snacks for you both to share from her kitchen, sharing a bath with you (usually with plenty of teasing), and then going to bed for some well-earned casual intimacy.
Pillowtalk, meanwhile, mostly consists of lighthearted banter interspersed with praise, reassurances, and the typical sort of questions you’d expect from someone like Rosie. One moment she’s brushing your wet hair out of you face and reassuring you that you did so well for her and you’ve nothing to worry about with her, and the next her smile goes from genuine to flirty as she (lovingly) teases you for being so reactive and responsive to what she was doing to you — her teasing is very rarely outright explicit but her tone and expression get the message across clear enough on their own for you to want to bury your face in a pillow… or, alternatively, throw that same pillow in her face to get her to quiet down. She also makes a point to ask you whether you enjoyed yourself and were okay with everything she did, and welcomes any suggestions for things you want to try — she always encourages honesty above anything else and wouldn’t dream of shaming or punishing you for being open with her (of course she’s still going to tease you here and there, but you know its never done maliciously and that’s just the sort of person Rosie is).
I — Intimacy
how romantic are they?
Though Rosie is someone who is very traditional and romantic in how she approaches your relationship in general, this doesn’t always translate directly to her behaviour in the bedroom. Of course she’s still the same woman you fell in love with and she never misses the chance to praise you until you can barely stand to look her in the eyes, but there are times where she can be a bit less romantic and a bit more direct about having sex with you — usually when she’s had a particularly frustrating day or if you’ve made a point of being a brat or a tease beforehand.
K — Kink
some of their kinks
There are a vast array of different kinks that Rosie would love to incorporate into your sex life, but I’ll just list a few:
Lingerie — she’s more than willing and excited to dress up for you and has done so many many times, but the idea of you dolling yourself up just for her really just gets her hot under the collar.
Bondage — bonus points if it’s a more intricate style using materials that are both beautiful and firm, but generally speaking Rosie’s happy to have you all tied up and at her mercy no matter what’s being used to restrain you.
Knife Play — her profession has given her a fantastic and intimate understanding of the human body which means that she knows where she should and shouldn’t cut you and how deep she can go to leave a mark without causing serious harm (all skills she’s more than willing to make use of in the bedroom if ever you ask).
Dom/Sub — though she’s not opposed to play-fighting you for her dominance or you being a bit of a brat every now and then and going through the whole ‘make me listen’ routine, it goes without saying that Rosie is always going to be the dominant one in the bedroom.
Praise Kink — mainly this is about her showering you in praise and affirmations while she absolutely ravishes your body with her mouth/hands/pussy/toys, but she’s certainly never going to complain about you praising everything she is or does (it doesn’t even have to be sexual, she’ll get that same giddy grin whether you’re calling her ‘gorgeous’ and telling her how amazing she makes you feel, or salivating over her baking and offering her a string of compliments that would make any chef preen)
Marking Kink — again this is almost exclusive to her being the one to mark you as a way to claim her territory and ward off any potential suitors (she’s also equally content with more long-lasting marks, like bruises and cuts, as she is with more short-term marks, like lipstick prints on your face and neck, and will only go as far with indulging this side of herself as you allow her to)
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