#i had a vision but i didn't have the patience to do what i had in mind so this will do
sandushengshou · 22 days
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Interview with the Vampire | 2x01 “What Can the Damned Really Say to the Damned”
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mayaree-darling · 8 months
who's to say what's real or fake// Genshin SAGAU
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from aree: impostor au but you actually are the impostor? but ofcourse theres a twist. I think i'll call this FakeGrace!Reader. This was just going to be a headcannon post but ended up a whole fic plot
warnings: themes that all come with the sagau tag (yandere, lots of religious talk, cult, etc.)
word count: 2k~
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You end up on Teyvat and immediately the characters recognize you as their Creator; of course you're their Creator - you have the same face, name, and voice. You go through the ordeal of getting to know all the characters all over again and they in turn love you as the god they’ve been waiting for all this time.
You decide that well, this is the world and characters I spent blood, sweat, and tears building (even if it was behind a screen) so might as well help out and do what needs to be done. The people come to you for their problems and you find that they're not as difficult as when you were simply a player. Maybe a minor dispute here and there between the NPCs, but now the vision holders and the Archons ask for your thoughts on how to go about political matters concerning their nations. Even Snezhnaya has signed a peace treaty with the other nations as a show of good faith to the Creator (even if you know for a fact its a temporary one).
All has never been better.
Until another Creator appears in Teyvat, and this one bleeds gold the way their stories foretold. In a way you do not.
The vision holders are torn. Yes, you are an impostor, and they want to hate you for tricking them, but at the same time haven’t you only shown them love? Haven’t you been patient with them and understanding despite being thrown into a world you’re unfamiliar with?
But with careful coercion from the other god, they have to choose to follow their true Creator. You decide to take pity on them and step down from your position yourself, choosing to live with the Aranara who have gladly taken you under their wing (fake god you may be, you are still a friend of the forest, and the forest always remembers its friends).
The Archons tell their new Creator that you are no more. They pretend to not hear when the Creator says they should have brought your head with them, maybe just a bitter reaction for finding out that they have been serving an impostor all this time (the Archons are lying when they say they do not feel sickened at the idea of hurting you, and disgusted at this new God's words)
It soon becomes clear to the people of Teyvat that this new Creator is not you - none of the patience or kindness you had showed them. This new one thinks helping their people is below them, even laughs at some of their problems. They chuck their duties as a god to the vision holders and spend their days leisurely, wining and dining on the best food, expecting to be waited on hand and foot. And at first it was fine, the characters understood. Maybe their Creator was just enjoying the fruits of their labor for once (although in the back of their mind, they can't help but compare you - you who worked tirelessly to attend to everyone even when they’d almost beg you to take a break). The characters tell themselves that they just need to get used to this new god, their true Creator. It will all right itself in time. Even as the Creator acted more like a child by the day, calling for the punishment of characters for the simplest of things. It’s fine. It’s fine.
It didn't take long for their will to break.
The God of Wisdom is called as such for a reason. Nahida may be younger compared to the rest, but she is braver than most. She simply tried to impart a fraction of her wisdom, softly suggesting to the Creator to show mercy for their people who were gravely punished for things they did not do.
This Creator was not you. They did not have a drop of patience that you had, nor any love for their creations. Their god saw this as nothing but an act of treason. How dare a mere Archon tell them what to do? She dares to question who the Creator can and cannot punish?
The silence is deafening in the throne room as the Creator calls for the death of Lesser Lord Kusanali and the destruction of Sumeru. If it is mercy she asks for then it is the last thing she and her people will receive. The other Archons agree past gritted teeth, the sin of Khaenri’ah weighing heavy over their shoulders still.
Nahida had been banished to Sumeru before the order was given, so the Archons make their way to the Nation of Wisdom to tell her of her sentencing, hoping to beg her to ask the Creator for their forgiveness.
This can't be how it ends. Are they to spend their lives in fear of the god they so revered?
They enter a forest emitting divine energy in search of their friend, hearts heavy, but they found something else.
They found you. They found the Creator they loved once upon a time.
They seemed to have caught you mid-conversation with Nahida, and to their surprise (and resentment) the Tsaritsa; they can only assume that the god of Snezhnaya has informed you first of Nahida's fate. The Wanderer catches sight of them and stands in front of you in protection. You don't even bat an eye. You swallow hard and stand, Nahida's hand enveloped in yours, and the other gods would be lying if they say they did not feel jealousy strangling their lungs.
With a steady voice, you tell them that should they take one step against Nahida, you will meet them halfway. If they decide to send Sumeru to hell, they will have to go through you first. You will do everything you can to stop them, and if Sumeru falls then you fall with them.
They don't have to look at the others to make up their mind. There's a beat of silence but first it's Morax, and Beelzebul and Barbatos and then Focalor, and they are on their knees, heads bowed low.
It is only right to show respect to their god, after all. How could they be so blind?
Validation of their actions comes soon after as you let go of Nahida's hand and tell the Wanderer to stand aside. You do something that tyrant of a Creator that sits on a glass throne would never - you kneel before them and hold out your hand.
"Why are you all kneeling? Stand up. I am no longer your god. But I hope you will have me as a friend. Will that be alright?"
There are tears in their eyes as they let out stuttering laughter. Yes, this is their god. Their god with so much love and compassion and a heart that does nothing but bleed for them. A heart that does not ask for them to bleed.
You are their god. You are their true Creator. Golden blood be damned. All that gold has done nothing but blind them.
Eventually, you all end up on the forest floor. You accept the role of a friend as promised, and catch up with them. The Archons are almost in tears as you listen to their stories earnestly, squeezing their hands in sympathy as you listen to the pain they've been through under the rule of their so called Creator (they really should find a new title for you, the god that sits on your throne has sullied your rightful name). At one point they stop telling you stories of their mistreatment, unable to see your face be any sadder than it already was. They take to retelling your stories together, reminiscing better days - because is that not what they have done all this time? Think about the lovely you for every wrongdoing the other god had done in your name?
As you laugh and smile with them and their stories and their company, the idea burrows through their mind without your knowledge, taking root, and they refuse to let it go. Wouldn't it be so much better if it was always like this? Seeing your smiling face with them, a person that deserves to be called a god even more so than all of them combined. Knowing you were safe from harm, not having to defend yourself, especially from them under orders from a tyrant. Knowing you loved them the way they loved you.
It was all better with you.
When you weren't looking, the Archons gave each other knowing looks and curt nods in understanding.
You are their beloved Creator.
As a peaceful silence falls over you, they watch as you smile sadly, their hearts breaking to see such an expression on your face. In a soft voice, you apologize for not being able to do much to help them. When you lift your head, golden resolute eyes meet yours.
"You’ve done enough, Your Grace. Let us handle the rest."
You may have laughed at the old title, but the Archons are hell bent in returning it to you. Although it hurts them to say goodbye, they know it’s only for the moment. Soon, you will be with them. Back in your rightful throne, as you have always deserved.
Nahida is the youngest, and so they decide to spare her the carnage. The rest know she is no fool, they don't need to tell her what they had planned for her to know what happens next. She does not fully agree in the others' decision, yet she stays in Sumeru, promising to make sure you do not find out. Word travels fast to the other vision holders in the form of a breeze from Barbatos. Barely anyone had disagreed with the notion of removing the rejected god from the throne, and those who were hesitant at first changed their mind after hearing how you were ready to go down with Sumeru. Morax and the Tsaritsa lead the rebellion.
A god is only as powerful as the people who worship them. By the time the Archons arrived in the throne room, the Creator had no one to hide behind.
They made it a spectacle. They spin a tale for the people that the god they so worshiped was an impostor who had switched bodies with their rightful god, which explains the gold blood that should be yours. They say you were patiently waiting for them all to come back to you, to remove this impostor from your throne. You were ready to accept them all, they just needed to get rid of this filth that dared destroy your name. The Creator - no, the Impostor - is horrified when the people accept this story so easily, but they only have themselves to blame. Who cares what they have to say to defend themselves, although it’s not like they can anyway - how can they when their tongue was cut off?
Teyvat was silent as gold painted the streets of Liyue Harbor. Teyvat no longer cares for golden blood, not after all the blood and tears it had taken from its people. After all, a golden soul stands ready to take back their rightful place.
Your followers thought it had all been worth it - the pain, the hardships, the blood - to see you smile the first time you set foot outside Sumeru after what felt like years to them. And yet, despite the joyous occasion, you hesitantly turn to them and ask a question not even Irminsul would answer you.
"What happened to the Creator?"
You would be lying if you said the soft smiles each of them gave did not unnerve you as they all said the same thing, like a joke everyone knew all except you.
"We simply removed the Impostor from Your Grace's presence."
They are thankful that you are blinded by your love for them to see the gold shine on their hands. You do not ask about the shimmering streets either. Liyue was the city of gold after all, was it not?
For now, their biggest concern is your acceptance that they are your equal, but that can easily be fixed. You are their friend now, but someday you’ll be their god again. Slowly but surely. They will sit you back in your throne. They will kneel before you again. They will give you the reverence you so deserved.
It will all be yours.
You're their wonderful Creator, after all. Maybe not to you right now. But you always have been for them.
They’ll start from calling you Your Grace. You’d be too kind to tell them off over and over.
You always had been good at adapting.
You had gotten used to it then, you’ll get used to it again.
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✨ Masterlist ✨ 
Taglist: 💛@anime-allover  💛@faeriessky  💛 @prksolon 💛 @dai-tsukki-desu
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine and belong to their respective creators. Their portrayal is merely my own interpretation of them and may not be accurate to their intended characterization. I stake no claim to the original works, only to the ideas and plot of the fictitious stories I’ve written them into.
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amnesique · 1 year
escapism. — tyler galpin
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pairing : tyler galpin x reader
summary : after xavier breaks up with you when wednesday captures his interest, driven by jealousy, you decide to get your get back at him by sleeping with his enemy, tyler, who you knew had a thing for you for some time already.
warnings : dom!reader, sub!tyler, smut (18+, minors dni!), dirty talk, mommy kink, oral (m receiving), semi-public sex, unprotected sex.
as soon as your ex-boyfriend broke up with you saying that your relationship is no longer working because he has developed feelings for none other than wednesday addams, the new girl at your school, you reached for your phone and called a taxi, the address you said it being the exact address of the weathervane cafe.
drinking your coffee at this cafe very often, you had come to know his schedule. so, knowing that at this hour you would only find tyler inside who should be getting ready for the closing, you confidently stepped inside in your black dress that didn't showed too much, but leaved a lot to the imagination.
as you expected, tyler galpin was at the counter wiping the surface with a cloth. at which point you slowly approached him, and dragged your fingers, slowly, all across the surface until you were in his field of vision. he looked up quickly and when he noticed you, he instinctively took a step back and swallowed hard. he couldn't take his eyes off you, his eyes running from top to bottom on your body, impatience quickly making its way throughout his body, and lingering a little longer on your chest that was put in a good light by the cleavage you wore.
"getting ready for closing, galpin?” you asked him, what was obvious, in a low tone wanting to test his patience.
"y/n." the boy said your name out loud, without realizing it, trying to find out if he was somehow imagining this moment or not.
a not-so-subtle grin appeared on your face saying "that's my name," as you walked around the counter to get in front of him.
you were so close to him that it seemed like a dream come true. he thought he was losing his mind, but it was real. so fucking real, he would have added.
"what are you doing here?" he asked you, instinctively running his tongue over his bottom lip.
you pouted and eliminated the space between you, running your fingers over the collar of the t-shirt he was wearing even though it was already arranged, moving closer to his ear so you can whisper, "don't you want me here?"
he could swear he felt the thing in his pants twitching.
"i didn't say that," he spoke with difficulty as he was barely able to catch his breath.
you pulled away from him, grinning to yourself, and he immediately missed your body being pressed against his.
"seriously, y/n," tyler's weak voice was heard once again and you couldn't miss the rise and fall of his chest. "what's going on?" he added and your gaze gave up from scanning his chest so you can glare at him, with parted lips. a look that turned him upside down. "weren't you with thorpe?"
"past tense. exactly." you spotted the important part of his sentence and, moving closer to his face, you placed your palms on his cheeks to pull him towards you due to the difference in height. "now," you breathed in and whispered the next part slowly, "wouldn't you like to let mommy take care of you, pretty boy?"
your warm breath on his lips and the words you said, plus all the teasing before, had made his situation so hard that he would have done whatever you told him. so he nodded and without a second thought, you kissed him hard and first you took his apron off and then you undid his belt.
a weak whimper got stuck in his throat, trying not to look so eager in front of you, but all his trying ended when, running your tongue past his teeth, you deepened the kiss and undid his pants so you can put your hand in his boxers to palm him.
you broke the kiss just to ask him "do you enjoy the way i'm touching you?", then coming back to gluing your lips on his again, continuing to move your hand along his bulge and pushing him towards the counter behind him.
he nodded against your lips, longing for more. and you could figure it out. so you pulled away from him for a moment, a short moment when he moaned at the lack of your touch, clamping his arms around the edge of the counter to keep himself on his feet. but after removing his pants and boxers, you stayed on your knees and with a big grin on your face, looking at his member.
"please," he whispered, closing his eyes, clutching the edge in his hands so hard that you could see the veins sticking out under his t-shirt, as he couldn't take your intense gaze.
biting your bottom lip and bringing your legs closer, looking for some kind of friction, you run your hand over his length once more and ask him, bringing your lips closer to his member so he can feel the vibration of your words into his whole body, "what are you asking me to do, exactly?" finally, you run your tongue over his tip and he straightens his back against the hard counter.
the movements of your tongue over the tip of his member were driving him crazy, but he couldn't find the words to tell you what he wanted.
"speak up, pretty boy,” you added and then pulled your hand away, making him open his eyes, “or i'll stop.”
his eyes were shining because he was not getting what he longed for and he was forced by your threat to find his courage. so he said, "please make me feel good. please, y/n."
you wrapped your hand around him, going up and down in slow motions, but your gaze stayed on him. "how do you address me?"
"y/n?" he sighed your name, in the form of a question, not understanding what you're talking about, but your hand stopped.
"wrong, pretty boy. think it over."
the way he couldn't resist the desire he had for you turned you on so much that you didn't know how long you could last without getting something in return, but you couldn't stop. not now.
"mommy?" he said questioningly, remembering your earlier words, followed by a guttural hum.
you feel yourself clench over nothing and you approved with a smile before getting back to work. you surrounded him with your mouth, moving back and forth as you could hear him making the most beautiful sounds, moaning and whining for you.
when his hand found its place in your hair, forming a ponytail to keep it out of your face, you allowed yourself to gently slide your hands to the hem of your dress, lifting it as high as possible on your thighs. you let one of your hands slide between your legs, and into your panties, so you can caress your clit in circular motions as you continued to make him feel good.
pushing your panties aside with your hand, you insert two fingers into yourself, and at the same time you continue to stimulate him by running your tongue all over his length, and his moans encouraged you that you are doing a good job.
"i'm close, mommy." he said, and when you looked up at him, you could tell that your reaction brought him even closer because you could feel him throbbing.
driven by these impulses, you increased the speed and combined licking and sucking, and in less than a few seconds you had him under your power, moaning as hard as his lungs could allow him to do so as you felt his milk sliding down your throat.
you removed your fingers, arranging your panties back in place, everything under his watchful gaze as he tried to calm his breathing after he had just come off his climax. you began to clean him with your tongue, a fact that made you more eager, so you stood up and pulled him by the neck towards you. you pulled him into a quick, passionate kiss, letting him taste himself on your tongue and you took his hands to put them on your waist, wanting to get a little more from him.
between hungry kisses and caressing his neck, you managed to tell him, "you did such a good job for me just now". and he whimpered, feeling himself getting hard again under your touch. "do you want to continue being a good boy to mommy?” you said and withdraw from the kiss, running his hand under your dress to the base of your panties as his look on you was worshiping you like the goddess you were.
his finger went past the base of your panties and made consciousness with your wetness, and his body immediately tensed when he heard you let out a grunt.
"tell me, you wanna make me feel good, hmm?” you said and your fingers made their way under his shirt, tracing non-existent lines on his skin while he didn't know how to react, still being a little flustered.
you took advantage of the moment and pulled away from him, letting his hand slide outside your panties as you pulled off his shirt over his head and pulling off your dress as well, standing in front of him in only your underwear.
"pick me up.” you ordered and placing his hands on your ass, you jumped up to make him keep your legs around his waist. you moved to kiss his neck, and whisper instructions, “lay me down with my back on the counter."
realizing that this was really going to happen, he put aside his shyness, turning on his heels with you in his arms. he laid you down as you said, running his lips over your breasts, something he'd been wanting to do ever since he saw your chest for the first time tonight.
"you can take it off,” you encouraged him and stood up a little, ignoring how good his increasing bulge felt between your still clothed bottom lips, so that he can open the flap of your bra for better access.
he did as you told him, throwing the bra somewhere around the cafe, and hurried to run his tongue over your nipple, giving each of your breasts their moment to shine.
"i can't take it anymore," you said and moved him away so you could throw your panties somewhere. then you pulled him back to you, both of you moaning as you made skin to skin contact. "i need you inside me."
"now?" he asked in amazed, for the first time in a long time, not recognizing his own voice because of how hoarse it was.
"yes!" you cried out, the desire already being unbearable and you took the situation into your own hands, putting your hands on the his member and lining with your entrance.
he said and allowed himself to penetrate you, and watch as your bodies intertwined each time he came in and out of you.
"pretty boy," you drew his attention to you with your husky voice, "you have to move a little faster."
he nodded his understanding and increased his speed, kissing your neck and breasts not only to help you feel good, but also because he loved it. and you put your legs around him, the position making him touch your spot even better from this angle and turning you both into a moaning mess.
"i'm so crazy about you, y/n, you have no idea." he mentioned in a vulnerable moment, kissing you all over your body.
a guttural laugh escaped your lips, pulling him over you so you could feel his lower body rubbing against your clit. "believe me, galpin, your looks are not subtle at all. i was sure that you would love the idea of having me." you replied, hearing him panting so close to your ear.
"now that you have me, take advantage of everything i'm capable of giving you,” you grabbed his face and told him, after locking your tongues together.
he moaned into the kiss and pulled back to answer you, "you feel so good around me, mommy."
you were so close. your opening squeezed him so tight that you could his manhood throbbing again.
"pick up the pace and let yourself go release for once more, with me this time," you played with your hand in his hair, while the other hand left marks on his back when he touched that place inside you that drove you crazy. "okay, pretty boy?" you added with a sensual tone breathing slowly over his lips, pulling him into a careless kiss as his truths became sloppy.
he continued to thrust into you until you both came off your high and only then you both did relax, him staying inside you as he sat on your chest as you played in his hair.
"you were such a good boy to me, tyler, you made me feel so damn good.” you praised him, whispering in his ear, as he listened to your heartbeat.
he looked up at you, being willing to have you for several times, "will there be another time?"
you smiled at him. a smile that made his heart flutter, but you moved your eyes to the ceiling to avoid his gaze. "i promise you nothing."
you were just getting out of a relationship and you didn't want to take on another one at a vulnerable moment. but his version was not excluded at all. you liked the power you had over him and you were sure that if he gained trust, he could also be the one dominating you. and you didn't dislike this idea.
if only xavier had heard that now you were thinking how much tyler galpin could attract you. good that only you would know that.
at least for the moment.
part 2 part 3
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genshinluvr · 11 months
The Star that Enchants
Pairings: Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: Ever since Nanook decided to tag along on your journey across the stars, the men have been tensed around the Aeon of Destruction. Nanook notices the men have taken an interest in you and have decided to test their patience and show them who you belong to. Can they blame you? It's not your fault you unknowingly enchant people easily.
Note: Man, I did not plan for this fic to be posted so late 😭 It's almost 7 AM, and the fic is finally here! I didn't fall asleep or abandon this fic. I was just easily distracted (and also had to drive my mom to work). Anyway, the fic is finally here! I hope you guys like this one despite me typing it out with no sleep at all! ;v; There are important links down below for those who want to vote regarding smuts and for those who want to be tagged in the next HSR fics :> I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: None that I know of 🤔
Word Count: 7.4k
You bury your face into your pillow, squeezing your body pillow with all your might. Oddly enough, your body pillow is very hard and not as soft as you remembered. It rumbles underneath you, causing you to groan softly, bury your face into the soft fabric of the pillowcase, and attempt to go back to sleep. Why does the pillowcase smell so good? Something brushes your hair back, rubbing your back. You furrow your eyebrows and crack your eyes open. You slowly remove yourself from your body pillow to see someone lying beside you. You rub your eyes, letting your vision adjust to the darkness of your room. 
Glowing gold eyes gaze at you with mirth. The Aeon smiles at you and brushes your messy hair away from your face. You blink at Nanook sleepily before sitting up and stretching your arms in the air while yawning. Nanook props himself up with one arm, gazing at you fondly. You let your hands fall onto your lap, staring into the dark. “Should I wake up? Or should I go back to sleep?” Who knew that Nanook was very comfortable to snuggle against.
You plop beside Nanook, turning to face the Aeon. Nanook rests his head on the pillow and caresses your face, gently brushing his thumb against the apples of your cheeks. You place your hand over his and close your eyes, fighting back another yawn. You subconsciously scoot closer to the Aeon of Destruction, burying your face into the nook of his neck. Nanook wraps his muscular arms around your waist and covers both your bodies with the blanket.
“You’re going back to sleep?” Nanook asks, running his hands up and down your back.
You nod sleepily. “The bed is comfortable, and I’m snuggling with you. It’s hard to wake up when you’re so comfortable,” you reply.
You throw your arm over his shoulder and sigh with contentment. Nanook was (reluctantly) offered a room on the Astral Express, and as you can see, Nanook decided not to stay in his room. His room was at the end of the hallway of the Passenger Cabin, which was far from where your room is located. Nanook wasn’t too pleased about it but went along with it. 
Now, every night, Nanook would sneak into your room while you were asleep just to be around you. No one knows about it, and Nanook doesn’t intend to let them know about it. Nanook would rather have them walk in on you two snuggling than him informing them about your night escapades. It’s not like you and Nanook were doing something sinful behind their backs. Nanook is just a clingy Aeon who has to be around you, or else he’ll feel like he’s going to die if you’re not near him.
Just when you’re about to fall asleep, the door to your bedroom slams open, startling you. You jolt up and look at the door to see March standing at the entrance with her hands on her hips. March steps into your room and flicks the light on. The light floods your room, blinding you and Nanook momentarily.
“Dammit, Caelus was right,” March curses.
"What do you talking about, March? Did you and Caelus have a bet over something again?" You ask, rubbing your eyes before pulling your legs to your chest. 
Nanook raises his eyebrows at March, who's sulking. Nanook turns to look at you, propping himself up on his arms. When Nanook sits up, March lets out a strained gasp, pointing at you and Nanook in horror. You weren't sure why March was pointing and looking at the both of you in horror. March blinks rapidly, rubbing her eyes with the heel of her hands so hard she sees dots in her vision. March lets her hands fall to her side, trying to adjust her vision. March sighs in relief, pressing her hand against her chest.
"Whew! I thought Nanook was shirtless for a moment! It's a good thing Nanook wasn't shirtless! Or else I would've been assuming that...." March trails off, laughing sheepishly.
You raise your eyebrows at March. "Assume what, March?" You tilt your head to the side.
March clears her throat and rubs her neck with a sheepish smile. "Oh, nothing! A-Anyway! I think you two should get up now! Everyone is waiting for you two," says March.
She steps out of your room, ready to slide the door close. When you call out to her, March slides the door halfway closed and looks at you curiously as you're getting out of your bed. You straighten your clothes and walk over to the pink-haired girl, who peeks over your shoulders and narrows her eyes at the Aeon of Destruction. March quickly fixes her composure and smiles at you when you stop in front of her.
"What's up, [Y/N]?" March asks, propping her hands on her hips while leaning on one leg.
You rub your arm. "You never answered my question earlier," you say.
March stares at you blankly, her mouth agape. March tries to go through the conversations not long ago, trying to recall the question you asked her. March presses her lips into a thin line and smiles at you sheepishly.
"Can you repeat that question for me? I don't remember what you asked me," says March.
The bed behind you creaks, and footsteps get close to where you and March are standing. You turn to see Nanook, who stops behind you and grabs the door frame above you, gazing down at you and March curiously. Your face flushes at how close Nanook is standing to you. He's so close that you can feel his body heat radiating from his body. March stares at the Aeon blankly before turning to look at you.
"I was wondering if you and Caelus had a bet or something because you said something along the lines of 'dammit, Caelus was right,'" You reply, crossing your arms over your chest.
March's eyes light up, and she nods. "Ah, yes! That! Uh, well, it wasn't necessarily a bet! Caelus mentioned how he peeked into Nanook's bedroom only to see that it was empty. Caelus assumed that Nanook went to your bedroom overnight," March trails off, taking a quick look at the Aeon towering above both you and her.
You raise an eyebrow at the pink-haired girl before you. "I'm sensing a but after that sentence," you say.
March opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by chattering in the distance. You, March, and Nanook peek from your bedroom to see the trio approaching your bedroom. You sigh and close your eyes, resting your head on the door frame. You just want to go back to sleep, but your peaceful slumber is interrupted by March slamming your bedroom door open. Technically, you were already awake before March barged into your room, but you were about to go back to sleep! 
Caelus's eyes land on you, and he smiles. "Good morning, [Y/N]! How was your sleep?" asks Caelus, stopping beside March.
You smile at the silver-haired man before covering your mouth and yawning. "I slept okay! It would be nice to go back to sleep, but you know March! She will do anything to prevent me from sleeping in," you joke.
Caelus, Dan Heng, and Mr. Yang chuckle in response. March huffs and crosses her arms over her chest, sticking her nose up in the air. Knowing March and the three men, you excused yourself to get ready for the day. Nanook pushes himself off the door frame and follows after you without sparing March, Dan Heng, Caelus, and Mr. Yang a glance. The tension between them was apparent, and the five of them decided not to say anything to each other.
Mr. Yang clears his throat. "Nanook, I believe you should give [Y/N] some privacy while they change and get ready. You can get ready in your room and meet the five of us at the Parlor Car," says Mr. Yang.
Nanook turns to look at the brown-haired man, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. The Aeon doesn't reply to Mr. Yang. Instead, he looks over in your direction as you're pulling clothes out from your closet. The sudden silence caused you to look at the door with curiosity. None of them say anything to each other. They all stand there in silence, looking anywhere but at each other, aside from Nanook, who's staring at you.
You clear your throat, smiling at the quintet. "You guys can wait for me in the Parlor Car! I'll be out as soon as possible, I promise," you say, walking toward the bathroom connected to your room. 
Nanook hums aloud, grabbing your attention. "What if I want to keep you company while you're getting ready? I don't want you to be alone," Nanook says, approaching you.
Dan Heng lets out an exasperated sigh, crossing his arms over his chest and rolling his eyes at Nanook's comment. Dan Heng is no expert, but he has a feeling that Nanook is hoping to get a little intimate with you after they (he, Mr. Yang, March, and Caelus) leave your room to go to the Parlor Car. Ever since Nanook has decided to keep you and the others company during your journey across the universe, things have been tense.
Nanook has made it clear that you belong to him and only him. The Aeon of Destruction is very possessive of you, and it doesn't surprise anyone because, after all, Nanook is the one that brought you into their universe. Nanook stops before you and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you to his chest and resting his chin on your head. He leans down and rests his head on your shoulders, peppering kisses on your neck.
"Are you two just going to stand there, or are you guys going to get ready? Sampo, Gepard, Luka, Luocha, Blade, and Jing Yuan are stopping by today," Dan Heng speaks up, narrowing his eyes at Nanook. "Let's not waste time."
Nanook slowly pulls away from you and turns to look at the visibly annoyed black-haired man. The two men stare at each other, not saying a word. You sigh and pat Nanook's arms before going to the bathroom to change. Once the bathroom door closes behind you, the quartet turns to look at one another. Nanook goes to your bed and begins organizing your bed. From fixing the pillowcases to the blankets, Nanook is distracting himself from the stares. He can feel four pairs of eyes staring holes into the back of his head as he organizes your bed. 
"Is there anything I can help you with? If not, I believe you all can wait for me and [Y/N] in the Parlor Car," Nanook says, continuing to organize and straighten your bed.
Mr. Yang clears his throat, keeping his eyes trained on the Aeon of Destruction. "We wondered what drew you toward [Y/N]. You are the reason why they're in our universe, and there has to be a reason why they're here," says Mr. Yang.
Mr. Yang was right. Nanook is the reason why you're in their universe currently. It wasn't like there was this magical portal that you stepped through, and it transported you to another dimension. Nanook fluffs your pillow and turns to look at the quartet before sitting on the edge of your bed.
"There's no explanation needed. I like [Y/N], and I want them to be with me. I can't stand being far from them. I wasn't pleased with the barrier between me and [Y/N], so I had to take it into my own hands and bring them into our world so they can be with me," Nanook replies nonchalantly, leaning back on his arms with a sigh.
Caelus purses his lips, tapping his fingers on his thighs while debating whether he should ask a particular question he has in mind or not. Seeing the Aeon of Destruction sitting on the edge of your bed after organizing your bed and fluffing your pillow was something Caelus never imagined he would witness. Nanook stares at Caelus as the silver-haired man continues to tap his fingers on his thighs, looking around the room to make sure he isn't staring at the Aeon mindlessly. 
"We know you have these strong feelings toward [Y/N], and we were wondering what you would do if there were other people that take an interest in them," Caelus says slowly.
Now looking at the Aeon of Destruction, Caelus can't help but gulp with anxiousness as the white-haired Aeon leans forward and rests his elbow on his knees. Nanook knows there are other people who have taken an interest in you, and while it would bother him, he doesn't feel jealousy in the slightest. It may be because none of these men have tried to pull something with you. Other than giving you endearing nicknames, Nanook knows he is still at an advantage compared to the other men who have feelings for you. Although this one person, in particular, is a little bit too comfortable around you.
Sampo Koski, a merchant from the underworld on Jarilo-VI. The indigo-haired man is too bold for Nanook's liking, and being in the same room as someone bold enough to touch you is something Nanook is not looking forward to dealing with. But since Nanook is with you in person, he doesn't have to worry about it as much as he would when he wasn't physically present. 
Nanook chuckles. "I have nothing to worry about. While I don't mind sharing, I believe this is the only time I won't be sharing," Nanook says.
Dan Heng scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. "And what if [Y/N]'s not interested in dating the Aeon of Destruction?" asks Dan Heng.
Nanook smirks, sizing Dan Heng up. If you weren't interested, you would've expressed it a while ago. If you weren't interested, you would've demanded the Aeon of Destruction to return you to your world. But you have yet to do any of those things. You snuggled against him and let him devour your lips when the two of you saw each other in your dreams. Heck, you woke up beside him on your bed not long ago! If you weren't interested, would you be doing any of these things with Nanook?
"If they're not interested, then they're not interested. I'm not going to force them into something they don't want to be a part of," Nanook says, looking over at the closed bathroom door. "If [Y/N] wasn't interested, then why would they be okay with waking up next to me? Wouldn't they kick me out of their room a long time ago?"
March purses her lips and looks at the three men beside her. None of them answer Nanook's question and continue to stare at the white-haired Aeon. The brown-haired man sighs, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Let's talk about this later. The Astral Express is expecting visitors very soon, and we must prepare for their presence. Let's not act up in front of our guests," Mr. Yang says, exiting your bedroom. Mr. Yang stops in his tracks and turns to look at Nanook, who's watching them blankly. "You should get ready as well. We want you to look presentable in front of the General of the Xianzhou Luofu and the Captain of the Silvermane Guard."
Nanook doesn't reply. Mr. Yang, March, Dan Heng, and Caelus walks away from your bedroom and toward the Parlor Car. Nanook lets out an exasperated sigh, gets up from your bed, and slides the door close. Once the door closes, the door to your bathroom opens, and you step out. You smile at Nanook, who sighs in relief and makes his way toward you. Nanook throws his arms over your shoulders, pulling you against his chest before kissing the top of your head. You poke Nanook's chest to grab his attention. Nanook peeks down at you while you stare at the towering Aeon.
"Are you going to change your clothes? Jing Yuan, Blade, Luocha, Sampo, Luka, and Gepard are going to be at the Astral Express soon," you say.
Nanook continues to stare at you, slowly pushing you away from him while still holding onto your hand. You look breathtaking, and Nanook can't help but feel envious. He's not envious of you. He's envious that other men will see you. You're dressed for the occasion, and Nanook doesn't want other men to ogle you like a piece of steak.
"You look beautiful, little one," Nanook murmurs, twirling you into his arms.
You giggle and wrap your arms around his waist, standing on the tip of your toes and planting a kiss on his jawlines. Nanook smiles and kisses your forehead, rubbing the small of your back. 
You snuggle against Nanook, rubbing your thumb against the fabric of Nanook's shirt. "Thank you. And you, Mister Aeon, need to get dressed and ready!" You say, poking him in the chest with a teasing smile.
Nanook lets out a fake frustrated sigh, chewing on his bottom lip. Does he have to get ready and meet the other men that have feelings for you? Nanook refuses to share you with other men. Unless they can prove that they can protect you, make you happy, and keep you safe from harm, then he will reconsider. But for now, after what had happened, Nanook doesn't think he can trust the nine men that have evident feelings for you.
You look at Nanook pleadingly, telling him to get ready. Nanook sighs and finally gives in. You and Nanook part ways at your door— you walk to the Parlor Car while Nanook goes to his room to get ready. You want to tag along with Nanook, but knowing Sampo, the indigo-haired man will track you down if he doesn't see you. You step into the Parlor Car to see the ten people waiting for your arrival.
"Gumdrop! It's good to see you again!" Sampo sobs, getting up from his seat and sprinting in your direction.
You smile at Sampo, waving at the indigo-haired man as he comes at you at rapid speed. "Hi, Sampo! It's good to see you again! How's business going—" Your sentences are cut off when the tall man tackles you into a tight hug before spinning you around.
Caelus quickly gets up from his seat and runs to where you and Sampo are standing. Caelus places his hand on Sampo's shoulders, laughing nervously while giving you an apologetic smile. Sampo puts you down after a few minutes, rubbing his neck with a cat-like smile.
Caelus clears his throat. "I know you're excited to see [Y/N] again, but please be careful. You could knock them off their feet with one swift motion," Caelus scolds the merchant.
Sampo snorts. "I think you mean ‘sweep them off their feet’! I'm pretty good at doing that," Sampo boasts, winking in your direction.
You, Sampo, and Caelus walk over to where the others are sitting. Blade, Luocha, Luka, Gepard, and Jing Yuan wave at you when you arrive at where they're sitting. You sit at an empty chair beside March and wave back at them, pulling in your seat. You made sure to save a seat for Nanook, but you weren't sure if Nanook planned on staying the entire time. Nanook wasn’t fond of being around the other nine men, and the nine men felt the same way.
"You know, Sampo, you're quite bold when it comes to [Y/N]," Luka comments, leaning back in his seat while gazing at you and Sampo with amusement.
There's no denying that out of all nine men sitting at the same table, Sampo is the only person who's bold enough to show his affection toward you. Sampo gives you a pet name and the public display of affection he shows toward you when he sees you. The man isn't afraid to express his feelings toward you, and the others weren't sure if you were entertaining Sampo by letting him be shameless about his feelings for you or if you feel the same way.
You yawn and rest your head on the top rail of the chair and close your eyes. You woke up way too soon, and now it's starting to catch up to you despite you waking up not long ago. Maybe now is the best time to ask Himeko to make you one of her coffee combinations to wake you up. The stronger, the better; you're not much of a coffee person.
"Did you not get enough sleep last night?" Gepard asks, resting his arm on the table while gazing at you worriedly. 
You open your eyes, yawn into the palm of your hands. "Not really. Plus, I woke up a little earlier before March could slam the door open to wake me up," you reply, looking over at the blond man sitting across from you.
"You look lovely today. Is there an occasion?" Jing Yuan asks, smiling at you,
Heat rushes to your face at Jing Yuan's sudden compliment. You clear your throat, smiling shyly at the General of the Xianzhou Luofu. You rub your neck, sitting up in your seat, and not going to lie, you did dress to impress. But the question is: who are you dressing up for, and who are you trying to impress exactly? 
You reply, "I thought it'd be nice to dress a little differently today. I sort of assumed once everyone arrives, we're going to stop by somewhere for breakfast."
Blade laughs aloud, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh, did you now? I thought you prettied yourself up for a certain someone," Blade says, quirking an eyebrow at you.
Aeons. The way Blade is staring at you with his red eyes sends chills down your spine. You can't help but feel like Blade has something against you. Well, maybe not that, but there's this unspoken tension between you and Blade. You weren't sure if it was because of the first impression not long ago or if it was because Nanook favors you. Whatever the answer and reason is, you don't want to feel tense around the dark-haired man. 
Luocha glares at Blade from the other side of Jing Yuan before looking at you with a small smile. "Don't mind him, [Y/N]. Kafka chewed him out the other day. He won't say why, but it has something to do with his fellow Stellaron Hunter," says Luocha, crossing his arms over his chest.
Ah, right. Kafka. How could you forget about the stunning woman? You smile at Luocha and look away briefly with a sigh. The mood quickly died down because of the tension between you and Blade. You lean in your seat, looking elsewhere. Maybe you're just sensitive today because of your lack of sleep. Arms cage you into your seat as someone looms over your figure.
"I know I said this already, but you look beautiful today, little one," Nanook whispers, leaning in to kiss your cheeks.
You turn to look at Nanook, whose face is a few centimeters from yours. You smile at the Aeon shyly and pat the spot beside you. Before pulling the seat out beside you, Nanook glances at the other occupants from the corner of his eyes before kissing your forehead. Now sitting beside you, Nanook grabs your seat and pulls you to sit closer to him. He then drapes his arms over your shoulders, leaning back in his seat and gazing at the nine men (and March) with scrutiny.
Jing Yuan clears his throat, nodding at the Aeon of Destruction. "Nanook, it's a pleasure to meet you in person," Jing Yuan says, breaking the silence that once loomed over everyone in the Parlor Car.
Nanook grunts, nodding to the General of the Xianzhou Luofu. The nine men stare at Nanook, their gaze subconsciously darting to where Nanook has his arms draping over your shoulders. You lean against the Aeon, closing your eyes. Seeing how.... close... you are to the Aeon of Destruction left a bad taste in the nine men's mouths. Are you and Nanook possibly together by any chance?
"So, you and [Y/N] seem close! Have you two always been this close with one another since [Y/N]'s arrival to our universe?" Luocha asks, gesturing between you and Nanook.
March snorts, shaking her head. March wondered why these men were asking the questions they knew the answers to. Nanook communicated with you through your dreams. Nanook is the reason why you're in their universe at this very moment. While you are unconscious, the first being you see when out cold is Nanook. Nanook this, Nanook that. March lets out an exasperated sigh, shaking her head while slapping her forehead lightly.
"You guys are so obvious that it's painful to watch!" March exclaims. "I'm starting to get secondhand embarrassment," March sulks.
The men look away from March, their cheeks flushing to a bright red. Nanook narrows his eyes at the men sitting before you and him, shaking his head. Nanook runs his fingers through your hair, relishing the fact that he can touch you while the others can't. The thought almost brought a smile to his face. 
Nanook grabs you by your chin, tilts your head up. You open your eyes and look into Nanook's golden eyes as he stares into yours. Nanook strokes your chin with his thumb, a small smile appearing. You can feel the gaze burning holes into your body as Nanook continues to stroke your chin.
Gepard clears his throat. "Pardon my interruption, but are you two dating by any chance?" Gepard asks.
You can hear a slight strain in his voice when he asks that question. Nanook chuckles and turns to look at the silently fuming men before him, shaking his head. Nanook leans in his seat, letting his hand fall on your shoulders. Nanook nudges you to answer Gepard's question, making you jolt. You look at the men like a deer caught in headlights, tucking your hair behind your ears shyly.
You swallow the lump in your throat and shake your head. "Uh, no, we're not dating," you reply.
Luka scoffs. "Yet," says Luka. He turns to Gepard and Sampo, muttering, "That bastard claimed [Y/N] before any of us got to!"
"Anyway! What are we going to have for breakfast? Are we going to dine on the Astral Express, or are we going somewhere to have breakfast?" You ask.
Nanook chuckles beside you and rubs your arm. The nine men's eyes zeroed in on Nanook's hands, watching the Aeon display affection in front of them. The audacity. How dare the Aeon of Destruction get to show you public affection when they can't do it? Nanook has known you for as long as the nine men have, yet here he is, touching you as if you two are couples. None of the men reply, only continuing to look at Nanook's hands.
You sigh, rubbing your throbbing temples and closing your eyes. "I'm assuming we'll be having breakfast on the Astral Express then!" You say.
March laughs nervously, nodding in response. "Yep! It looks like it! Hey, [Y/N]! Do you want to get coffee with me and Himeko? You did wake up before I could enter your room!" March says, getting up from her seat.
You nod wordlessly, getting up from your seat. The men look at you and March curiously as you two get begin walking off. Before you and March can leave the Parlor Car, Pom-Pom waddles into the Parlor Car. Pom-Pom's eyes light up when he sees you before waddling toward you as fast as he possibly can.
"[Y/N]! My favorite passenger! How have you been?" Pom-Pom asks, bouncing with excitement.
You smile at Pom-Pom and pat the train conductor's head. "It's good to see you too, Pom-Pom! I've been well! How have you been, conductor?"
You, Pom-Pom, and March walk to the Passenger Cabin together, leaving the ten men alone in the Parlor Car. The tension is at an all-time high as the ten men look around the Parlor Car, trying to avoid making eye contact with each other. Who knows what will happen between these men without you and March present other than awkward stares and thick tension? Blade crosses his arms over his chest before looking at Nanook while leaning back in his seat. Bade lets out an amused hum, the corner of his lips curving up into an amused smile.
"So, Nanook, Aeon of Destruction, care to explain how a feeble mortal such as [Y/N] captured your attention?" asks Blade. "How do you become aware of their presence through a computer screen?"
Nanook stares at Blade, not saying a word. Just when the ten men didn't think the tension could get worse, it was just even more tense after Blade's question. 
Jing Yuan clears his throat, lifts his teacup to his lips, and sips. "I believe now is not a good time to interrogate the Aeon of Destruction, Blade," says Jing Yuan.
Caelus buries his face into his hands, groaning quietly. "[Y/N] and March had the worst timing in getting coffee from Himeko," mutters Caelus, peeking between his fingers.
After a few minutes of sitting in tense, awkward silence, the door of the Parlor Carbin opens, revealing you, Himeko, March, and Pom-Pom with coffee in your hands. Pom-Pom is latching to your side while you're sipping from the glass mug, commenting something to Himeko and March, making the two ladies burst out laughing. You sit beside Nanook while Himeko and March take their seats around the table.
Himeko leans in her seat, crossing her right leg over the other leg, stirring her coffee. "What did you gentlemen chat about while we were gone?" asks Himeko, tapping the spoon on the rim of the cup before sipping her coffee. 
Sampo clears his throat, looking around at the others, whose looking around the Parlor Car. Sampo props his arms on the table, smiling at the redhead. "Oh, nothing interesting! We all sat in silence and.... enjoyed each other's presence," Sampo says, giving you, Himeko, March, and Pom-Pom a fake smile.
"Oh? Is that so? How interesting," Pom-Pom says. "While you all enjoy your breakfast, I have duties to tend to as the conductor of the Astral Express," Pom-Pom says, walking off before waving you all goodbye.
Once Pom-Pom has left the Parlor Car, the room is plunged into the same awkward silence. You quickly excuse yourself to go to the Phonograph to find music that will fit the setting. Plus, you wanted to find a way to escape the awkward tension between the men while sipping your coffee in peace. While you're flipping through the options, Gepard approaches you and taps your shoulders to grab your attention. You look up from the Phonograph and turn to the Captian of the Silvermane Guards. 
You smile at the blond. "Hey, Gepard! Anything I can help you with?"
Gepard clears his throat, his cheeks dusting pink. "I was wondering how you're doing. I know I asked you about it earlier, but genuinely, how do you feel physically and mentally?" Gepard asks, leaning against the wall beside the Phonograph.
You pause and prop one hand on your hip while leaning on your left leg. "Mentally, I'm doing well! Physically, I'm also well. However, I do get phantom pain sometimes. A random spot on my body would hurt all of a sudden, and it would stop as if it never happened," you reply.
"Have you spoken to Luocha about it? As much as I would love to help you, it's out of my field of work," Gepard says, sighing softly.
You smile at the blond mand and shake your head. After what happened, you haven't seen Luocha, Jing Yuan, Blade, Gepard, Sampo, and Luka since you regained consciousness. Everyone had business to tend to back on Jarilo-VI and the Xianzhou Luofu, and the Astral Express docked at the Herta Express for the time being until you have healed.
That meant you weren't allowed to leave the Astral Express for an amount of time, but it didn't mean you weren't allowed to roam the Astral Express and Herta Space Station freely. Of course, you did need to have someone with you at all times. Since Nanook has decided to be present around you and your traveling companions, everyone has decided to keep their eyes on the Aeon of Destruction. The Aeon of Destruction refuses to leave your side. It's like he's attached to your hips at all times, aside from when you're using the bathroom or taking a shower.
 "I heard my name being mentioned in this area, so I had to come and see what the gossip was about," Luocha jokes, stopping before you and Gepard with Luka by his side. Luocha looks at you and smiles. "I heard you mentioned phantom pain?"
You sigh, nodding. "Yes, I had phantom pain every now and then. It's not as often, which I'm grateful for, but it hurts when I do get them. Almost like these injuries were fresh," you answer.
Luka frowns and gazes at you from head to toe. What Blade said earlier, he wasn't wrong, how you're prettied up and not dressing like how you usually would. Luka doesn't think Blade meant it negatively because you do look beautiful. You look breathtaking and effortlessly beautiful. There are faint scars on your body, but according to Luocha, the scars should go away after two years. This does sound like a while from now, but the scars on your body don't make you any less beautiful than you already are.
"I thought phantom pain was only for those who lost a limb," Luka comments, raising his prosthetic arm and waving it around.
You nod. "It is, but every time I think back to that day, I can still feel the knives slicing my skin like a paper shredder," you reply, shuddering.
You turn to the Phonograph and select something that best fits the atmosphere. You take a sip of your coffee and gesture for the three men to follow you back to the table where the others are waiting for your return. Gepard, Luka, and Luocha were genuinely shocked to see that Nanook didn't follow you to the Phonograph. After all, the Aeon of Destruction is very attached to you, and if he were to be far away from you for a short time, Nanook would become restless.
You place your coffee on the table and sit beside Nanook. Nanook automatically wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him. Himeko and March snicker behind their hands while you rest your head on Nanook's shoulders. Blade stares at you and Nanook, tapping his fingers on the table.
"I'm having a hard time believing you two aren't a couple," Blade comments, leaning back in his seat.
You ignore Blade's comment and point at the servers bringing food out for everyone to eat. "Oh, look! Breakfast is finally here," you say.
You have no idea what time it is, but the morning felt like it was being dragged out, and it was. The tension, the stares, the whispers, and the snide comments made it feel like time was slowing down. It was almost excruciating, to say the least. While cutting and chewing on your pancake, you notice Mr. Yang staring at his phone with intensity. Staring is an understatement. The man was glaring at his phone.
You clear your throat to grab the older man's attention, only for it to go unheard. "Mr. Yang, what's wrong?" You whisper loudly among the quiet chatter.
Mr. Yang continues to stare at his phone, his eyebrows furrowing with focus and confusion. You turn to look at Dan Heng, whose looking at you quizzically. You gesture to the brown-haired man. Dan Heng nods, turns to Mr. Yang, and taps on his arms to grab the man's attention.
Dan Heng clears his throat. "Mr. Yang, [Y/N] has something to ask you," says Dan Heng, pointing over in your direction.
Mr. Yang looks up, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Yes, [Y/N]? Is there something you need?" asks Mr. Yang.
You rest your arm on the table, resting your chin in the palm of your hand. "You were staring at your phone for so long that it made me wonder what you're doing over there that's causing you to glare at the screen like that," you say.
Mr. Yang straightens up in his seat, clearing his throat. Caelus peeks over at Mr. Yang's phone, but the older man sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I was trying to figure out how to change my icon," replies Mr. Yang.
Oh, right. You nearly forgot about how Mr. Yang doesn't know how to change his profile picture. It was cute and a little bit funny, but in an endearing way. You cracked a smile and stood up, walking over to the older man. You hold your hand out, gesturing for him to give you his phone. Mr. Yang hands you his phone, and you kneel beside his chair to show him how to change his icon to whatever picture he desires.
Sampo leans over to Gepard and Luka, whispering, "Does he actually not know how to change his profile picture? How old is Mr. Yang again?" 
Gepard shrugs. "I don't think asking how old someone is is appropriate, Sampo. Besides, I don't blame Mr. Yang for not knowing how to change the icon. Sometimes it can be confusing, and the options are barely visible," Gepard mutters.
"And there you have it! A new icon! Do you want me to show you how to do it again, just in case?" You ask, turning to look at the brown-haired man.
Mr. Yang doesn't reply. Instead, he's staring at his phone and then looks at you. You can't put your finger on it, but his expression was hard to read. Heat rushes to your face, and you clear your throat, poking the man lightly. Mr. Yang blinks and looks at his phone, pursing his lips while gazing at his phone. You're guessing that's a yes. You snort and begin showing Mr. Yang step-by-step how you changed his icon picture to the one he wanted. According to Mr. Yang, Caelus didn't know how to change the icon. You turn to look at Caelus, who smiles at you sheepishly.
"Well, now your profile picture has been changed! If you need any more assistance with customizing anything, I'm your go-to person!" You say, propping your hands on your hips with a proud smile. 
Luka looks at you curiously. "How do you know so much about customizing things when you've been in our world for less than three months?" Luka asks.
You rub the back of your neck. You're a total slut for all things customization. From cars to avatars in a video game to social media profiles and custom computer backgrounds. If you cannot customize things to your liking, you're not interested in whatever the game and product is trying to sell. 
"I'm really into customizing things!" You reply. “Plus, it’s easy to change icon pictures.” 
Jing Yuan leans to Luocha, tapping him on the arm subtly. "Is it just me, or is Mr. Yang looking at [Y/N] like they hung the stars and the moon in the sky?" Jing Yuan murmurs, gesturing over to the brunette. 
Luocha chuckles, sipping his drink. "I'm quite certain that [Y/N] is the star that's hanging in the sky. And might I add the brightest star in the sky?" Luocha murmurs. 
From the corner of Jing Yuan's eyes, you're cheering and clapping your hands when you have the older man change his icon to see if he's able to remember what you showed him. Everyone around you chuckles, watching you throw your arms around Mr. Yang's shoulders and patting his head happily. Mr. Yang's cheeks are almost as red as Himeko's hair as he pats your head while you congratulate the man for being able to change his icon.
It's silly, but you're glad Mr. Yang was able to change his icon without having to ask for assistance. Maybe if he needs help with customizing his phone background, you'd be happy to help him! After all, you're a slut for customization. Before you returned to your seat beside Nanook, you pat Mr. Yang's head again with a wide smile.
"I'm proud of you, Mr. Yang! You did good!" You say before sitting beside Nanook, resting your head on the Aeon's shoulders.
You assumed that after breakfast, everyone would relax on the Astral Express and maybe take a nap. But you were wrong because, to your surprise, the Astral Express stopped at the Xianzhou Luofu. Everyone got off the Astral Express and began roaming around the Xianzhou Luofu in groups, chatting and catching up with what's been happening. You lean against the railing and stare at the bustling crowd below.
You close your eyes, sighing. As much as you love the Astral Express, traversing through space, and visiting other fleets and planets in the universe, you miss being in a place you can call home. A place where you can explore and roam around without having to worry about missing the Astral Express and having to go from planet to planet, solving problems and dealing with dangerous situations.
Caelus pokes your cheek, pulling you out of your thoughts. "What's on your mind? You seem distracted," Caelus murmurs, leaning on the railing beside you while looking at you curiously.
You turn to Caelus, huffing softly. "I'm thinking about how I'll never be able to find a secure place to live in this world. How I'll forever be traversing through space, searching for my destiny, and never getting married and having kids," you sigh dramatically.
"Is that a bad thing? Also, what's wrong with traversing through space? I thought you enjoyed it?" March interjects, popping up beside you with a pout.
You hum thoughtfully, leaning against the railing while contemplating. You do enjoy traversing through space on the Astral Express with your traveling companions. How can you not enjoy it when you get to see the stars in the universe? You get to visit many places you've never thought to have existed in your traveling companion's universe, but they exist and intrigue you.
You sulk. "Don't get me wrong! I love the life I have on the Astral Express! But do you see those stars in the universe? They're free and just existing in space!" You say,
Dan Heng blinks at you. "You're kind of doing the same thing, if you think about it," Dan Heng comments. 
Nanook cages you against the railing, his chest pressing against your back as he rests his chin on your head. You turn around in Nanook's arms and wrap your arms around his waist, closing your eyes, yawning. Despite not dating Nanook, you can't help but feel very attached to the Aeon of Destruction. 
While you're distracted with Nanook, you don't notice the look the other nine men are giving you and Nanook. Sensing the awkwardness and emerging tension, March runs off to fetch Diting. You hear a soft bark, making you open your eyes to see what is barking. March runs toward you with Diting in her arms, smiling from ear to ear. 
"I don't think you've met this little guy before! [Y/N], meet Diting!" March says, holding Diting up to your face,
You and Diting stare at one another for a moment. You reach up and pet Diting, who barks happily in response. You squeal softly and take Diting from March's hands, holding the adorable bionic dog up to your face. You put Diting down and begin running off while the small bionic dog chases after you while barking happily. Caelus clears his throat, takes his phone from his pocket, and snaps a quick picture of you running with Diting after your tail.
Satisfied with how the picture turned out, Caelus puts his phone away and turns to talk to Dan Heng, only to see the others were doing the same thing he was doing prior. Caelus looks at Nanook, who leans against the railing of the Xianzhou Luofu, smiling at the sight of you running and laughing while Diting chases after you. 
March snorts, shaking her head. "Who knew a star could enchant so many people," March hums, quickly taking a picture of you and Diting, making a mental note to herself to give you the picture when you all return to the Astral Express.
Note: I was hoping to get this fic posted before 6 AM, but uh it's almost 7 AM for me because my mind kept blanking out while I was trying to type something. So, if you guys see any errors, ignore them. I haven't slept yet, and I'm hoping to sleep once I get this posted on AO3. I kind of like how this fic turned out :> hopefully, next time, I'll write a fic that's not Nanook-centered (sorry Nanook lovers, but the others need at least one chance with the reader). I'm hoping to write smut for HSR soon, so continue voting for who you want to be the first one to get a smut [HSR smut poll]! ^^ If you want to be on the HSR series taglist, the taglist is also right here [HSR series taglist]. The previous week's discord link has now expired, so for those who want to pop into my discord and lurk or chat with other server members, here is a new (and temporary) server link to [Zhongli's Abode]. To my new and/or returning readers, please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for the HSR one-shot series: @ashwasherelol, @mompt2, @elegantnightblaze, @lunavixia, @jadedist, @pinksaiyans, @n8mareee, @aurelia-xyt, @ssunset0, @starrry-angel, @kaoyamamegami, @kodzuvk, @for3very0urs, @a-cosmicdawn, @g3n0dtt, (Accounts that I was unable to tag are not tagged in this fic. Remember to check your settings if you're allowing people to mention you/tag you in posts or not)
Read more of my works on my Masterlist | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon! I might post all of my stories on there too, but who knows. You can also tip me on Tumblr if you'd like as a way to show support! ^^
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btdemaru · 1 year
Brat taming - sukuna
[Top!sukuna x Bottom!GN!reader]
note : sukuna has two cocks you can't tell me otherwise.
warning : monsterfucking, cockwarming, brat-taming, two big cocks, hair pulling, thigh spanking, slight choking, rough sukuna, slight blood, dacryphillia, manhandling, biting, curse words, bad language.
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Sukuna was brutal, always so annoyingly possessive and scary, you don't even know why you fell for him in the first place but you did and it was too late to back away. Even if he was scary, at some moments he'll show a glimpse of softness towards you even if it's a small gesture for a mere second. He might not show his affection in words but he'll spoil you rotten.
But of course, you had to be such a brat towards him. For what? For fun. Knowing the reaction you'll get out of him but you did it anyway, it was risky- you were scared of the consequences that will come with your actions but that's the point. You had this 'brilliant' idea to talk- no flirt with yuji itadori. You saw that yuji was alone and took it as an opportunity to start your little plan. Coming up to him and sitting down next to yuji was easy, he's a friendly guy anyways.. "perhaps wanna come back to my room? I have a new movie we could watch~" though poor baby yuji didn't understand what you're trying to do, surely that dense head of his could at least take a hint.
Halfway through your sentences your vision went black for a split second, you were teleported into his hollow eerie domain, the Malevolent Shrine.
And infront of you is now a very very furious sukuna. Before you could even utter a word he grabs your chin, looking down at you as he got closer to your face "you're doing this on purpose aren't you? Pathetic shit." he spat, his two lower arms sneak in your pants as the two upper ones rip your shirt into pieces eager to play with your nipples, Sukuna wasted no time to rip your pants and boxers/panties apart leaving the cold air to brush against your naked figure. He quickly took his pants off leaving him only in his kimono, your eyes darted to two large erect cock. "sit." You knew you're in no place to disobey him further as you still care about your legs so you lined his cocks before slowly sitting and pushing it in.
Quiet. its so quiet..
You're now sitting in his lap, sukuna's two terrifyingly large cock buried deep in you. None of you shared a word only soft whimpers and shallow breathing can be heard, you've been sitting for fifteen minutes yet it feels like an hour or more, "move.. you're taking too long!" You spoke, trying to break the eerie silence between the two only for sukuna to grip your neck and pulls you closer to his face. "I'll move when you'll stop being such a fucking brat." He exclaimed, closing your airways until you smack his arms in attempt for sukuna to let you go. It was no doubt useless, you're nothing to this curse of a man. a tear rolled down your face before he lets go making you gasp for air. An hour has passed and you can't take it anymore "sukuna please..!" You plead. "be more specific, brat." He spoke before getting closer to your ear. "Tell me exactly what you want me to do." He teased. You plead and beg for him to finally let you move and fuck yourself onto his cocks, in which he did.
You move slowly, painfully slow. The king of curses wasn't know for his patience, he forcefully thrusted upwards hitting your prostate straight, a loud moan ripped from your throat as he continues to thrust up, his arms holding you still, using you like a mere fleshlight "fuck- ah! Slowdown!" Your words fell deaf in his ears.
Picking up his pace Sukuna brought your legs folding it onto your chest as he fucks you dumb, drool tears sweat were all over your body and face, you can't even form a simple word let alone a sentence, and it makes sukuna laugh. Oh how a brat like you can turn into such a messy slut for him.
Sukuna formed a mouth on his hands, latching it to your lips as his real mouth attacks your neck, his sharp fangs piercing into your skin, licking up all the blood he got from you savoring the taste. It hurt like hell, it felt like two giant needles are stabbing your neck but you're too deep in pleasure to even notice. Sukuna got up from his throne before throwing you on it and bending you over, thrusting back it as he pulls your hair up making your face closer to his, sharing a passionate kiss that lasted minutes before you feel one of his cock twitching after the other, sukuna chased after his high as is pace clearly sloppy with no rhythm and his grunts gets louder "cum for me- you fucking slut. C'mon cum on my cocks-" he slurred before finally filling you up to the brim with his thick white sticky cum making you release as well. "Fuck.. maybe that'll be a lesson for you." He said while pushing his hair back.
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gatitties · 5 months
Web of love
─Yandere!Jujutsu Kaisen x fem!reader (platonic)
─Summary: your worst night followed by a wonderful day, are you slowly going crazy? Maybe, but you'll get out of here no matter what
─Warnings: blood, self-harm, anxiety attack, hallucinations, obsession, toxic behaviors, stalking, yandere stuff
Part One / Part Two / Part Three
The blank pages: Part One
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YOU TRY to control your shaky breathing, no one would take away the poor quality of sleep you had at this point in your life, but having nightmares right now was the last straw that broke your patience.
You looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror, your face was slightly wet because you needed to splash yourself to clear your thoughs, the cold water didn't help much anyway, you slapped your cheeks with moderate force hoping the feeling of mental numbness would go away, but again it didn't work.
"What the hell is wrong with me…?"
You touched your right cheek, slightly red from the previous blow, focusing your gaze on the reflection of the sink mirror, you were a complete disgust, never, not even in your worst period of exams, had you seen yourself so emaciated, the dark circles and bags under your eyes, the lack of color in your face, your frizzy hair, its lack or decrease, bloodshot eyes… you could continue to despise yourself while you stare at your reflection for hours, bringing out each of your flaws.
But there was one that bothered you beyond your appearance, your lack of emotions, your lack of thoughts, you refused to show anything other than a blank expression to those people who ruined your life, you refused to have to think complex things while they took care of everything, not being able to do anything on your own you began to stop complicating your life by thinking about solutions.
Who were you? What were your goals? Your tastes? When did your memories start to become blurry? When was the last time you really smiled? Were you real? Or just a corporeal desire of psychopaths eager to have something precious to protect? Since when was everything so gray, so monotonous? Did you still consider yourself a person with rights and freedom? When did you start accepting this?
"Hey… Hey!"
Focusing your lost vision again in the mirror, you weren't very surprised that you were hallucinating after having a brain as soft as baby food, it was you, maybe a couple of years younger who was speaking to you through the reflection, your mouth opened but no words came out as if you were a fish out of water.
"What's happening? Is this the future that awaits me? You're pathetic! Look at you… Where the hell is your stupid smile? You used to smile a lot before, why…? Why have I become a puppet?"
Your words mixed with a murmur, feeling how your heart squeezed painfully in your ribcage, your mind deciding to continue the macabre game of your existential crisis, replaying memories with your family and all the warm moments that kept you sane until now. You closed your eyes hoping that the hallucinations would disappear, but you only managed that instead of visuals they were audible, reproducing words of affection from your parents in a loop like torture, the breathing exercises you did before to calm yourself stopped working now, you bit your lip so hard that you ripped off some skin, not enough for you because you started running your nails down your arms, leaving red marks from the friction and force.
"You're better than this, what's all this whining about?! Get up and stop being a coward! You will only drag me into this meaningless future!"
"Shut up…"
"Are you even worth anything? You're so boring, I don't understand how those sorcerers want to protect you."
"Shut up."
"Are you going to cry to sleep like always? You are a disgrace, you are lucky, lucky that someone can love you so much, what would you do without them? They are much better than your own parents, accept it, accept it, they love you unconditionally! Even without knowing who you are or how you feel, even without knowing what your purposes are, they will love you! Accept your desti-"
"I said shut the fuck up! Silence!"
You shook your whole body, holding your head, you hit it a couple of times against the wall, so hard that even a couple of tiles fell off, a few drops of blood fell from your head, but you didn't care, the voice, your voice, it was gone, you swallowed your own poison, locking your inner, dark thoughts deep in your brain.
Your mind continued numb for a couple more minutes where all you could hear was a faint sound of static and a constant beeping, but it was more calming than having to listen to your own voice in that twisted way. Getting up once you calmed down a little, your reflection returned to normal, you splashed your face with cold water again, cleaning the blood on your head, nails and lip, taking one last look at your pitiful person, with your head still full of unknowns.
"Why is this happening to me?"
You rub your eyes tiredly, cleaning up the mess you had made, you decide to lie down on the cold bed once more, tucking yourself in and looking at the ceiling waiting for your body to magically disintegrate into ashes, too pretty to be real, when you realize the rays of light make your eyes hurt and sting, one more sleepless night, a new day awaits.
Faking and ignoring your nighttime crisis you get up to do your morning routine, being greeted by an overly cheerful Nobara as you passes through the dining room to look for some breakfast, you couldn't say the same for Megumi, who looked much more tense than normal, you didn't know where the others were but you didn't care much either, and Nobara and Megumi didn't say anything about your appearance, whether they noticed it or not, you're just glad they decided not to ask anything.
"You look like you've experienced the worst existential crisis of your life."
You spit out what you were drinking when you heard Maki just enter, from her appearance you could tell that she had gone out for a run early in the morning, Toge and Panda followed behind her, everything fell into a silence that was too uncomfortable for you because they stared at you carefully, completely ruining your efforts to hide your bad appearance.
"Just a bad dream…?"
You mumbled, avoiding everyone's gaze, Toge approached you, patting you on the head as if that would help you, although it was the most comforting thing you felt this week, it didn't feel as forced as other interactions.
To your relief, everyone continued with their things, while you ignored what they were talking about and continued eating breakfast, their talk became louder than usual, you frowned at this, deciding to listen lightly to the conversation, you froze when you remembered what they were talking about, the Kyoto school exchange, even though you didn't sign up for that stupid ceremony, as a student you had to, at the very least, be present, but you knew that a large concentration of sorcerers would only cause you more problems than solutions.
You knew why Megumi seemed so tense when the other students showed up, they didn't seem to have a very friendly relationship, they all seemed quite focused on the rivalry between high schools, which made you happy since the focus of attention wasn't on you, but rather in Itadori since he seemed to be targeted by the Kyoto school just for being Sukuna's vessel. The bad thing was that you had to stay in the teachers' room, with Gojo and a couple of other guys, the good thing was that you fell in love, Utahime was your spirit animal, definitely someone to admire just for her hatred of Gojo.
"So, why don't you want to compete? I can tell that you have quite a bit of accumulated cursed energy."
"Aww, meeting my favorite student? Well that's a delicate topic she doesn't-"
"I'm not talking to you, shut up."
You smiled internally when you saw Gojo's kicked dog expression, who didn't even let you talk to Utahime, she looked at you again, completely ignoring the albino's presence, it was, the first time since you arrived here that you felt like you were having a normal conversation with someone outside your life, someone disinterested in your protection, it was the most real interaction you had since then and it had to be ruined, not by Gojo, not by any student… curses, a planned attack, a lot of chaos was caused that you barely understood.
"Don't fight and don't try anything weird, although I'll know anyway, stay safe!"
It was the last thing Gojo said to you before leaving with the others to see what was happening outside, you couldn't have cared less about his words, and although locking you in your room was the main idea, your wires got crossed with your little sanity, if everyone was distracted by a greater evil you could use that to your advantage.
Since both sorcerers and curses were completely absorbed in their stupid fight, you used that to go outside, first it was a couple of meters, you didn't notice anyone, the capsule didn't stop you from leaving, so you walked further away, elated by your minimal achievement, you started running as fast as you could, reaching the busy streets of the city, smart enough not to go near the places Nanami frequented.
It had been a long time since your heart had been beating like this, so wild that you thought it might come out of your throat, you coughed for air once you stopped in a park, collapsing on the ground, you lied there, you laughed like a crazy person, some tears escaping of your eyes as you looked at the sky brighter than ever. You couldn't believe it, you were alone, with no one watching, you could feel all the positive emotions hitting you, there were so many sensations that you didn't know how to feel, but definitely much more relieved.
The smile on your face was indelible, you were happy, the world at this moment was painted in much more vibrant tones, the palette stopped being a constant tone of gray, you smiled at children, the elderly, you caressed animals, you bought a few flowers and then randomly give them to some people, completely in a bubble of happiness.
Although the bubble had to burst at some point, whether due to your subconscious or the pass of time, you knew that your sudden disappearance would only cause more of a stir, you wish you were left for dead, but you know those sons of bitches wouldn't have that in mind unless they saw your death with their own eyes or found your inert body.
Using your last moments of happiness, you decided to treat yourself to some of your favorite sweets, saying goodbye to the clerk who served you with one of your best smiles, you took the long way to the jujutsu high school, hoping to delay your reunion with your "loved ones" as long as possible.
"Stop there! Aren't you the missing girl? You've given us an incredible headache, come on, I'll take you back."
Someone you hadn't bothered to meet grabbed your wrist, pulling you without even waiting for you to react, analyzing her appearance, she was quite similar to Maki, maybe a family member.
"What a pity, sorry for the headache, but can you let me go? I know the way Maki number two."
At this moment the least you wanted was a confrontation, but your mood had not completely dropped, although now you were a little more upset than happy, your emotions overflowed, causing you to be a more sarcastic and sassy version of yourself.
Mai stopped instantly when she was called Maki number two, you had definitely found her weak spot, which turned into a passive-aggressive chat between the two of you, you would have been angry, but you couldn't be angry when you enjoyed the criticism you were giving each other, honestly it improved your day and you felt more human than before.
"Oh thank goodness you're fine! I thought those dirty curses had kidnapped you!"
Nobara didn't waste a second in hugging you as soon as she saw you, Itadori following her a second later, you assured them that you were okay not wanting everyone to crowd around you as the others also wanted to ask where you had been and why you disappeared when they were under stroke.
You drowned out the emotions you poured out during the day, swallowing everything, turning your expression blank as you felt Gojo's powerful gaze on you, everything calmed down for the next few minutes, the two schools finished the meeting and the Kyoto students left, before that you decided to exchange phones with Utahime.
Once you got rid of your companions, you locked in your room, unlike many other nights, you threw yourself on the bed, grabbing a cushion and screaming as if you were one of those teenagers in love in those saccharine series, you moved your legs in the air by pressing the cushion tighter between your arms. Changing your posture, you looked up at the ceiling just like the night before, with the big difference that now you couldn't contain your emotions, you giggled, biting your lip lightly, not noticing the wound you got earlier.
You saw it, you saw light at the end of the tunnel, ─not that way of course─, you saw how a door opened before your eyes, a new opportunity to free yourself from the chains that kept you captive with all these psychopaths, experience freedom after so much time made you delirious, made you imagine that you could get rid of them, that they would leave you alone, even if it was risky, your only option was to escape, run away from everything and everyone without thinking twice, without thinking about what can happen in the future, you would give everything to re-experience what you felt today when you ran away.
You sighed dreamily as you remembered the feeling of freedom, closing your eyes, not worrying about whether you were going to be able to fall asleep today or have another boring game of chess, oblivious to the blue eyes that watched from your window.
"It seems like someone is in her rebellious stage, maybe she need some restrictions…"
He muttered, unhappy with your disobedience but excited to see you happy, he didn't think he would see it so soon, your smile was beautiful just the way it was and you decided to hide it like that for them? They were only worried about you, why did you have to keep all that to yourself? They wanted to be part of your happiness, couldn't you understand it? Well, they will make you understand it no matter what.
Once he made sure that your breathing was stable, he entered your room, kissed your forehead like every night, only this time he sat next to you, caressing your head slowly, observing how, even while asleep, your silly smile was still painted on your face, the flash of his phone made you frown slightly, but you didn't wake up.
"I hope you rest well today, I'm sorry for not helping you the night before, but if I had come in you would hate me more, wouldn't you?"
He said to himself, closing the door slowly, giving you one last look before leaving, he sent the photo to the group chat he had with his students, reviewing the last photos where any of the four were able to capture something more emotion than indifference. Just like you, the small display of emotions only opened another door for them, that small display of freedom for you and emotions for them, was simply another trigger for your problems, after all, the more you move, the more you get tangled in the web.
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melodic-haze · 5 days
Personally how touched starved do you think Arlecchino and Furina are? Like one has been alone for 500 years and the other killed her best friend and probably doesn’t think she deserves love.
☆ — DEMO TRACK: Arlecchino x Reader, Furina x Reader
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Oh I think they'd be VERY fucking touch starved, except the two are like. On two different sides of the scale
On one end, you've got Furina. On the other end, you've got Arlecchino. What they're on a scale of? How "vocal" they would be in terms of it
Furina would be on the VERY vocal side, and by that I mean she WILL monologue to you about how she needs your touch or else she will PERISH from a lack of you-contact
Furina puts the back of her hand on her forehead, "My beloved wants to leave me be! Oh, you torture me..."
"Babe, I'm literally only going to get a glass of water."
"You forget my domain over the element!" She moves to throw herself onto you, wrapping her arms around your neck and causing you to laugh as you caught her, "I can satisfy your needs easily!"
"At that rate I'll be better off taking a shower!"
"It gets the job done!"
But she's not vocal for no reason :((( 500 years spent in self-isolation in order to save her people takes a HUGE toll on you so the moment Furina had realised that she doesn't have to do the whole song and dance all over again, she just can't help the want—the need—to basically be attached to you
It's not just because she wants to make up for lost time after FINALLY being able to do so, but also because she's scared that one day it'll all just go poof and disappear in a distant dream. She doesn't speak of her troubles until either she decides it herself that she should or one of the members of her Salon Solitaire (Crabaletta lol) decides to conk her for it
Sometimes she'll ask if she's being a pain in the ass bc she IS aware that she's constantly wanting for you to at LEAST be near her which. If you say she is then I need to sit you down personally and slap you in NOT a fun way
Meanwhile, Arlecchino on the other hand, is VERY quiet about it. She won't say anything, nevermind doing anything. She'd restrict herself from clinging onto you as much as she'd like to
You were a vision to her, a lovely sight to see and a lovely voice to hear as you recounted your day's events. Even when you did something so mundane, something that isn't necessarily something special, Arlecchino still looked at you with such adoration.
She almost didn't notice her hand inching closer towards yours from her warm daze.
Before she could draw it back unnoticed, however, you turned your head at just the right (or wrong) time.
"Arlecchino? Is there.. something wrong?"
..She shakes her head instead of admitting her desires, "No, my apologies, darling. I was rather captivated by your tale. Do tell me more about your friend's predicament."
And so you do, but you couldn't help but notice the longing look in her eyes.
It takes a while before she starts warming up to the idea of letting herself actually do SOMETHING. And that'll take a lot of time, patience and encouragement from her❗️❗️❗️ But trust when I say it's worth it bc she practically treats you with so much more affection and devotion than the literal archon she serves HAHA
She doesn't thinks she deserves to show physical affection, to touch you, to truly worship you and your body in every way she can—not when she has the power to hurt you, not when she's killed off the person she had cherished the most all those years ago :(
You gotta reassure her that everything's okay and that you won't disappear bc once you've done that? She's SO TOUCHY she will NOT go through the day without havign some form of contact with you
She won't do it as much in work though she has a reputation she wants to keep lmao
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Boy Wonder and the Rockstar | s.r
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✩ next part ✩
summary: Spencer and Y/N meet in college after a book search, creating a friendship where opposites attract. But Spencer has to move across the country to pursue his happiness and completely loses contact with Y/N. What if fate decides it's time to meet after 15 years and with a crazy stalker in between? Spencer won't lose to fate again and will do anything in his power to protect Y/N.
warnings: mentions of death, alcohol, drugs, strong vocabulary, as well as talk of heartbreak, disappointment and arguments. It also contains content regarding CM season 13, so it clearly contains spoilers. this is a spencer reid x famous!reader story.
this will be a small series of chapters so here are the general precautions of the series, each chapter will have its own precautions. !!!
words: 3,909 words.
a/n: hey! here alme with a little series i've been planning for a couple of weeks now. as you may know, i've been talking about the spencer reid x famous!reader relationship but as hayley williams, so i decided to set myself the challenge and write a little series called "boy wonder and the rockstar", so i hope you like it. i haven't planned how many chapters it will have yet but i don't want to make it too long, and also patience with each chapter. so, I don't want to make it longer and I'll leave you the first chapter. thank you. ♡
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𝟎.𝟏: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐲.
Spencer always lived under the stigma of being a child genius. His I.Q. was 187, he could read 20,000 words per minute and had an eidetic memory.
Everyone around him told him what to do, from his mother, to his "friends," to his teachers, to his neighbors.
"Hey Spencer, with that brain of yours you could make it in the government" "Spencer you could be part of NASA" "Spencer you could be a mathematical genius like Einstein!" "Spencer you're going to get into the CIA!"
"And where are you going to go to college? Because you know Harvard is already a lock for you" "I bet you'll go to YALE, that's where all the smart ones go" "Princeton is an excellent choice for you!" "MIT could open a lot of doors for you"
Spencer this, Spencer that.
But no one really thought about what Spencer wanted. Maybe he wanted to be a magician and make children happy with his tricks. Maybe he wanted to be a trapeze artist, or a fireman, or an astronaut, or just an ice cream man.
All these expectations of Spencer reached a point where he didn't even know what he wanted in life. He lived under the shadow of the expectations and visions people had placed on him, and he didn't want to let them down. He was just a kid, a kid scared of adult life who had to impose himself because others imposed it on him.
That's how his brain made him skip grades, have to enter high school at age 12, and have to suffer a lot of abuse from the grown-ups for just being a boy genius.
Spencer sometimes wished he could make his brain disappear and have a normal one. Then he could have normal friends, go to a normal school, have a relationship, experience the problems people his age have, and be able to feel the phases of adolescence like any other kid.
But things were not like that.
He had to live the life he had been dealt, with his genius brain and the damn adult problems at 13.
CalTech was a new life he had to accept, but it wasn't as bad as the one he had before. His mind was kept busy for a long period.
He was forced to grow up around books full of equations, chemical elements and mathematical problems, managing at 16 to get his first college degree, which was Mathematics, and the following year to get a PhD in it. But he did not dislike this.
But as they say it is never enough, he kept on studying until he was 21. Thanks to this, he became a doctor of two more degrees, Chemistry and Engineering, in addition to Psychology, Sociology and Criminology.
His social life at the university was not so hectic, in fact, he only stood out for the fact that he was a boy genius, and that was it. To other people, he was a person like any other.
Until one autumn day, in the middle of his 19 years and studying psychology, his paths were interrupted by crossing that of others, and that, probably, is the person who changed his life the last years of college.
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It was an ordinary day in the university library. Spencer had been rereading an encyclopedia of human anatomy for two hours. Why you may wonder, well, it was his way of killing time during his free time.
Acquiring knowledge was the best way to keep his brain fed and occupied, according to the boy.
He had eaten his sandwich a couple of minutes ago and let his brain feed on information at that moment, trying to persuade his intrusive thoughts at that minute. Through the pages you could see the muscular system, focusing on the leg and foot areas.
To be honest, it looked quite interesting.
That day, leaves were beginning to fall from the trees, filling the ground with their autumn colors; there was a gentle cool breeze, a strong smell of wet dirt and people were crowded in the warmer areas of the campus. It was no surprise to anyone that the library was one of the most crowded areas, the vast majority of people were gathered around the tables as large college texts lay open on them.
Spencer was sure he had seen more than one student curse at the fact that they couldn't find what they were looking for, and then walk out of the room in exhaustion. It wasn't the first time someone had cursed his name because they found themselves reading the text they were looking for and, besides, they weren't able to approach and ask for it.
He could believe it was cowardly on their part, maybe they were too shy to be able to do it or it was an excuse to put off studying what they were looking for. Even though he considered that the The study methods they had were not very good and, if they started studying earlier, they could increase their grad-
"Excuse me."
A voice interrupted the conversation Spencer was having with himself, pushing away his intrusive thoughts that were beginning to take over his mind. The young man's head turned and he saw a girl, perhaps his age, staring at the encyclopedia in front of him.
"I asked Miss Wellington about the Rouviére and Delmas encyclopedia of human anatomy, and well..." The girl looked over Spencer's shoulder. "She told me that maybe the boy sitting at the back table had it. There are no other tables in the back and you're the only guy sitting here, so I think my deduction is correct and you have it."
"Y-yes, this is the encyclopedia you're looking for." Spencer admitted, looking at the young woman.
More than looking at her, he was admiring her. She was wearing a red skirt and hoodie with some embroidered words on it, her legs were also wearing dark leggings and some rather damaged black converses, over it she was carrying another coat and a backpack; her arms were loaded with medical and anatomy books, plus her hair was disheveled.
"Great! Must be my lucky day that a cute guy has it." Her books fell onto the table and she sat down next to Spencer.
The boy could smell the scent of tobacco and mint mixed with the scent of cherry perfume.
"May I see?" Spencer turned to look at her and, even though he was reading that book first, his head nodded. "Fine! I just want to see..." The sound of the leaves was rapid, as if a fan was moving them. "This... Nervous system."
Suddenly, and as if by magic, a notebook appeared in front of them both and quickly the girl was beginning to write on the blank sheets, even though to Spencer it looked more like a scribble than a resume as such.
"Shit, what is this?" the girl paused to read more closely. "In the central axon, the electrical signal is converted into a chemical signal, and then releases the chemical signal with chemical messengers called neur-neurotransmitters." The sound of the pencil falling on the table made the boy startle.
"Nervous system?"
"That's right, I have a lecture in three days and I'm still trying to associate concepts in the nervous system. Like my nervous system isn't nervous anymore."
Spencer chuckled to himself, the girl had a funny sense of humor.
"In fact, when the brain interprets that we are in danger, it produces a rush of adrenaline that activates the heart and muscles to place them on alert, but if prolonged, it can lead to health problems such as cardiovascular disease like heart attack and is associated with hypertension and arrhythmias and is the enhancer of other cardiovascular risk factors." Spencer turned to look at the girl, who looked quite interested in what he was saying, jotting everything down in her notebook. "But it's not that your nervous system is 'nervous', it's that it interprets that it's in danger and so it sends that kind of stimulus to your body that makes you anxious."
"I see you know about the nervous system, much more than I do." The girl scanned him from head to toe. "Are you a medical student?"
"No, CalTech doesn't have a medical degree, but I am a doctor." The boy admitted.
"How old are you?"
"Shit, and you already have a doctorate?"
"Actually I have three."
Silence stretched between the two, caused by the woman's shock.
"Are you some kind of alien or is your brain too big that it stores more information than I can retain?"
"Well, I have an IQ of 187 so I can read 20,000 words per minute, plus I have eidetic memory. But I prefer the concept of being more advanced than others."
The girl stared at him.
But to his surprise, the young woman only let out a giggle.
"You're funny, I like it." No one had ever told Spencer that he was funny. In fact, he thought that adjective didn't directly relate to him. "I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N."
"Spencer...Spencer Reid." Y/N denied.
"No, you're not Spencer."
"Excuse me?"
"You're Dr. Spencer Reid." Spencer smiled, she was right. "Well, it's nice to meet you, dr. Reid."
"Nice to meet you, Miss L/N." They both smiled.
"Well, now that I know your name, dr. Reid, we can start our friendship."
Spencer never thought making friends was so easy, even though he knew it was because the girl had gone to the trouble of calling herself his "friend," without even knowing him.
But that didn't bother him, in fact, he found it nice that someone had decided to be his friend.
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Overnight, Spencer's evenings began to become more colorful, smelling of tobacco and mint, and filled with questions from Y/N, his new friend.
Although, at first, Spencer didn't seem comfortable around the girl, he quickly got used to it. He had learned several things about Y/N over the days, such as that she was a medical student at Pasadena City College, a college a couple of blocks from CalTech; she was the youngest in the family and had an older brother who had been diagnosed with leukemia a couple of years ago.
He had also learned that she was very into fashion, lived in an apartment complex nearby, smoked a couple of years ago, and only liked menthol tobacco cigarettes. Her favorite color was orange, but she didn't think it looked good on her, and she didn't see herself going to medical school, but she wanted to be a singer.
The first time Spencer heard Y/N sing was during a kermes in Pasadena City, she had been invited to sing on behalf of the medical school. Spencer never liked the idea of being around so many people, let alone at a kermes which was as unsanitary as possible, but his new "best friend" had begged him to go.
He couldn't say no.
He remembered perfectly how her hands shook with nerves, how she bit her lip as she cleared her throat and watched her bandmates, aka Y/N's other friends, rehearse with their instruments.
He knew she had practiced for this moment a bunch of times, had more than once arrived at Spencer's dorm wet from head to toe from running in the rain after a rehearsal, and hummed the songs under her breath every time they studied together in the library.
She was more than ready, but her own fears sometimes made her afraid of her talent.
Reid's eyes were on her, smiling confidently to convey that feeling as a guitar began to play the first chords, and announced the start of her performance.
Spencer didn't know what song it was, he wasn't even sure if the song was to his taste, but when he heard Y/N's voice he knew it had become his favorite song.
“Her name is Noelle
I have a dream about her, she rings my bell
I got gym class in half an hour
And, oh, how she rocks
In Keds and tube socks
But she doesn't know who I am
And she doesn't give a damn about me”
Their gaze was on each other, as if they were the only ones in that large space. The few times the eye contact was broken was when Y/N closed her eyes.
The song ended successfully and an avalanche of applause greeted Y/N, who thanked the audience for their attention. Soon another band filled the stage and for a few seconds, Spencer lost sight of Y/N. He wanted to tell her how great she had turned out, how all her effort and practice had made everything come out perfectly and that she looked like a total rockstar on stage.
"Spence! How was it, did you like it?" Y/N hugged the boy's arm, who turned to look at her with a sweet smile on his face.
"It was amazing, Y/N. Everyone loved it." Affirmed the boy.
"I was so nervous, I was so afraid it wouldn't go well, but I saw you there, and I felt like I could do it. You're my lucky charm, Spencie."
Spencer felt something jump in his chest.
"Let's get something to eat, I'm dying for some corn-dogs." Said the opposite.
"Y-yeah, let's get something to eat, my treat."
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The day Spencer was accepted into the FBI academy was probably the most bittersweet day of his entire life.
At 22 years old, and in the middle of finishing his college semester for what felt like the fifth time, a letter arrived in his dorm room.
A letter of acceptance.
He could feel that all his hard work had been rewarded by whoever was up there. He quickly put on his sneakers and ran a marathon to the medical building at Pasadena City College.
His best friend's short red hair he could quickly visualize as he saw her smoking by the entrance, she seemed to be listening to something on her MP4 and bobbing her head to the beat of-who-knows-what song.
"Y/N! Y/N!" Spencer's voice sounded agitated, trying to get her best friend's attention.
The, now, redhead removed her earpiece and turned to see the tall boy running towards her.
"Spence?" From her mouth came the tobacco smoke, causing her to let the cigarette burn between her fingers.
"I made it, I got into the academy!"
The two big hazel eyes made contact with those of the girl, who dropped the cigarette to the sidewalk and hugged her friend tightly.
"I can't believe it, Spence! You did it! You did it! My goodness, I couldn't be prouder!" The younger girl began to do some jumping jacks as she didn't let go of her grip on his embrace.
"Thank you, Y/N. I couldn't have done it without you, you were the one who stuck with me through this whole process."
"You don't have to thank me, dorkie. I knew you'd make it, they couldn't leave out a genius like you." Soon they both disengaged from the embrace and the girl looked at the boy's face. "W-where is the academy? Tell me."
"I don't know, I-I didn't fully read the letter." He admitted embarrassed.
"Then read it! Go on." The girl took him by the arm and forced him to sit down on the faculty stairs.
Slowly, Spencer began to read the letter while Y/N listened intently to every word.
"The course begins on September 23rd of the current year in..." A pause.
Y/N looked at Spencer, who had stopped reading the letter.
"Where, Spence, what does it say?"
"The course begins September 23rd of the current year in Quantico, Virginia."
Y/N felt like a bucket of cold water had just been dropped on her.
Quantico? That was on the other side of the country!
"Q-quantico? Spence, that's on the other side of the-"
"Country, I know Y/N. I-I... I can't do it, I can't."
"What the fuck are you talking about!" The girl stood up startled, looking accusingly at her best friend. "No, I refuse. You have to do it, it's your dream, Spence! What you've always wanted for the last three years that I've known you, I refuse to let you back down now, I won't allow it!"
Spencer looked up from the letter, watching Y/N who was looking at him with her face burning with anger.
"You know I can't do that, what's going to happen to my mom? You know what's going on with her and her schizophrenia, I can't leave her alone."
"She would want you to go, Spence. Her happiness is where yours is, you know she'll be able to do it, there are plenty of options to help her." A long silence settled between the two of them.
Spencer didn't want to leave California, he didn't want to leave his mother or Y/N, he couldn't.
"Spencer Reid, I know what you're thinking right now, but I won't let you let this opportunity pass you by. You have dreamed of this exact moment for years, for as long as I have known you you have always wanted to go to the academy and you have done everything in your power to do so. Now they are offering it to you on a silver platter, you have to do it, there is nothing more you can do here in California. You've already studied all the existing careers in the world, you've already done what anyone in 50 years would have done and at your short 22 years you're already a doctor of three careers." The girl settled back down beside him, letting her icy hand wrap around Spencer's warm one. "You can't just limit yourself to staying here just because you have an engagement, the world has to know who Dr. Spencer Reid is like I know him, you have to go."
Spencer drew an elongated smile, feeling his body fill with that feeling of sadness that pervaded him from head to toe.
The redhead's words were true, it was his dream. But he didn't want to leave the only thing that made him happy on the other side of the country, he would love to carry it in his pocket to Virginia and have his dose of serotonin after each day.
He didn't want to stop smelling her tobacco and minty breath, the cherry smell coming off her clothes and the blueberry smell coming off her hair. He wanted to keep seeing the reddish locks of hair on his clothes and the cheesy paper notes in his pockets every time they met. He wanted to keep listening to the music on Y/N's MP4 every time he went to her apartment and drink coffee with lots of sugar that she made for him, keep hearing her voice in the shower and get biology questions at three in the morning every time she had a test.
He wanted to go to thrift stores to try on printed T-shirts and watch Y/N's camera fill up with pictures of the two of them, keep going to her shows with her band and eat frozen pizza after every gig.
He wanted to keep being with her.
But if she was letting him go, then he had to let her go too.
"I think I can go on living without hearing your bad jokes." Spencer's words lifted Y/N's spirits, who gave him a playful smile.
"Hey! My jokes are the best, last time you laughed for two hours."
"Because it was stupid."
They both laughed, letting the tension of the moment go with the last echo of their laughter.
"So you'll go across the country to make me proud?"
"Yes, I'll go make you proud."
Y/N's arms wrapped around Spencer's body, resting her head in the space of his shoulder and chin.
"I'm glad you didn't make a dumb decision."
Staying here with you isn't a dumb decision, Spencer thought.
They both pulled apart.
"Well, screw the skeleton. Let's go to the library and write your answer."
The girl's small hand imprisoned the boy's large hand, guiding him to the library to write what would be Spencer's fate.
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The flight from California to Washington was five hours.
Five hours where Spencer and Y/N would be separated, and they would have to accept that fate had something different in store for the two of them.
Despite California being a sunny paradise, that day he wanted to keep the two friends company as they said goodbye at the airport.
"You already know my number, you know you can call me whenever you want." Commented the girl, who was in charge of carrying the book she had given him to read during the trip.
"I'm not such a fan of technology, you know that."
"There are pay phones over there too, Spence. It only costs a couple of cents to call me, plus they must have landlines there, and you have my email." The girl stopped in front of the door that separated goodbyes with new beginnings. "And if not, you can send me a letter. You know my address."
"A letter doesn't sound bad at all, in fact, for centuries, it was one of the most widely used means of communication by human civilizations since man began to write and whose importance transcended nations. The oldest courier service ever found was in Egypt in 2400 B.C. and in 1840, Sir Rowland Hill created the first postage stamp, which was called Penny Black, which was a profile drawing of Queen Victoria of England that had the rate 'One Penny' written on it."
"Oh Spence, I'm going to miss your fun facts about absurdly boring things." Commented the girl before she could hug him.
Spencer felt his heart clench.
"I'll miss you listening to me." They both turned in an embrace so tight it could take all the oxygen out of their bodies.
Neither wanted to be the first to say goodbye, neither was ready to leave the other. Their hearts were bound together like puzzle pieces, and just as when you lose one, the puzzle will no longer be complete.
"Now, you must go, your flight is about to leave." Y/N commented, separating from the young man as she wiped away the small tear that escaped from her eyes. "Miss me a lot, huh? And show off how pretty your best friend is."
"Always. Remember that wherever you are, whatever you do or whoever you're with, you'll always be in my heart."
A pout settled in Y/N's mouth, who felt like she was letting a part of her go with Spencer.
"Don't forget about me, because I will never forget about you." Demanded the girl, who was pushing the boy to go for his flight.
"It's impossible for me to forget you, I have an eidetic memory." He said laughing, waving goodbye as he received the book the girl handed him.
The two met in a final embrace, where Spencer could smell the girl's cherry and menthol tobacco scent for the last time.
"Write me!" Y/N vociferated, waving goodbye to the boy who nodded and disappeared behind the airport doors.
Y/N and Spencer didn't know that at that moment fate would place them on trial, causing their paths to diverge for many years until, magically, they would come together again.
“When two souls are meant to meet, fate brings worlds closer, erases distances, joins paths and defies the impossible.” Anonymous.
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If you like it, don't forget to like and repost it.
a lot of love, alme. ❀
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auroreliis · 10 months
Hey! I loved your Batfam movie night post. If you have the time could you write a fic with the platonic yandere Batfam and a sick reader. Maybe reader refuses to take any medication and the fam has to get them to take it. Or maybe reader is so fevered that they sob when someone (probably Bruce) isn’t holding them. Thanks for your time!!
Platonic Yandere!Batfam
Summary: You're sick
CW: no warnings
(not edited or proofread)
Richard let out an exasperated breath as he paced around in front of your bedroom door.
"Why do they have to be so difficult?", he mumbled under his breath, not intending for it to be heard, but Bruce made out what he said.
Silence filled the room for a few moments, the only noise being Dick's footsteps, before Bruce spoke, "I'll ground them", he begun, before adding, "And I'll take away their phone."
Richard stopped and turned to him, his eyebrows furrowed and his jaw hanging low, signaling disbelief.
"Are you kidding me? What exactly will that change? Just force them to take the medicine already!", fumed the younger of the two, clearly worried about you.
"No", said Bruce and Richard slightly leaned forward, as if he misheard.
"No? Why not? Don't you understand that they're sick? They're pale, trembling, weak and-"
"Stop", Bruce's words concluded the argument, "You'll wake them if you continue shouting."
Richard flinched. He couldn't help it.
His heart ached at the thought of you being in pain. It was even worse now that you had refused to take your medicine.
As your older brother, it's his job to protect you, but you're being so difficult.
Although he wanted to continue the argument in hopes of changine Bruce's mind, it was clear that they were done.
His jaw clenched to stop himself from saying anything stupid and with that he stormed off.
Bruce let out a sigh and leaned on a nearby wall. He was so tired. His energy was completely depleted from his worry.
Worry? No, it was more like fear.
Bruce was terrified. You were sick and had refused to take your medicine. He knows how serious certain illnesses can be, but you just refuse to take care of yourself.
You're doing nothing other than proving them right that you need them.
However, he's your father. He would never force you to take medicine. Deep down, he feels like he owes you at least a little freedom of choice, considering that you didn't want to be there in the first place.
His palm drags across his face, not fearing that he'll scratch his skin off, instead ruminating on his further course of action.
A cough made his eyes widen. It was your voice.
He rushed into your room and for a moment you were convinced he was going to trip.
"Is everything okay?", his voice was slightly shaky, as if he were trying to hide how scared he was for you. Going off how swiftly he shut his mouth, one would assume that he had planned to add more questions.
You wanted to nod your head, but lacked the strengh to do that, so you chose to hum in affirmation.
With blurred vision, you saw your father slightly bend forward, presumably after exhaling.
"Can you...", you wheezed, before realising that you lacked the lung capacity to go on.
Your father, however, wanted to hear the rest of your sentence.
"I can. I can do anything you want me to. What do you need? Would you like some water? Should Alfred make you some more soup? Would you like me to read you a story? Should I-", he went through all of his options, carefully observing your body language to see if any of his suggestions piqued your interest.
"...Hold me, please", you finally finished.
His gaze softened and his mouth formed a relieved smile as he exhaled. It took him time to answer, "Of course I can."
So you were alright. That was soothing.
His arms held you tightly, still being careful not to hurt you. The two of you layed there in silence.
Patience slowly ran out and before he could stop himself, he questioned you about the medicine.
His tone was gentle and as quiet as he could make it, almost sounding desperate.
You thought about it for a moment, trying to find the shortest way to confess your thoughts.
"Taste...", you croaked.
"Taste? Does it taste bad?", Bruce inquired, before remembering that you had troubles speaking, "I'll make sure you get some better tasting medicine. Will you take it then?"
You smiled and nodded, satisfied with the current arrangement.
No longer being able to stay awake, you drifted off to sleep.
It had been a few days now. Your condition had improved and you were taking the better tasting version of the medicine.
Today it was Dick's turn to feed you.
He was in a much better mood than a few days ago.
"Here comes the airplane- Come on, open up...", the spoon hovered in front of your closed mouth.
Your eyebrows lifted as you looked at him.
"Dick, I'm not thre-", before you could finish, he shoved the spoon into your mouth, causing you to gag.
While you did cough up half of the soup, the rest definitely made it to the intended destination.
After forcing out a few more coughs, you had finally cleared your windpipe, "WHAT THE HELL, DICK?"
"Sorry! Just had to make sure you would actually take it, unlike the medicine!", his innocent smile almost blinded you.
"What if I had choked?" you retorted
"You know that your big brother wouldn't let that happen", he dismissed your words with caretaker speech.
Your temptation to add a snarky remark or roll your eyes was supressed and you instead continued listenting to your brother boast about various topics which you didn't really pay attention to.
The two of you continued to enjoy spending time with each other, if you could call it that.
Under Dick's and Bruce's care, you always recover quickly.
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cevherien · 1 month
Our blood stains the future and my tortured senses
Yandere!Ellie Williams, | chp, i.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ After your mental decline and inevitable psychological collapse, Ellie gives you a taste of your new life, and whats more to come.
warnings. Smut, Porn With Plot, Yandere, Angst, Fluff, Kidnapping, Possessive Behavior, Jealousy. Vaginal Fingering, Fingerfucking, Finger Sucking, Lesbian Sex, ww, Sapphic, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Dubious Consent, Dubious Morality Stockholm Syndrome,
a/n: finally out omg,,, chapter zero (of sorts) is here
Ellie knew she didn't have any other choice one way or the other, when the time came, she'd have to do it. Take you away, keep you somewhere safe from all that could harm you.
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The musky, airless basement never felt this claustrophobic since your arrival; getting you to the edge with never ending panic attacks where you'd hold yourself back not to hyperventilate much and use up whatever breathable air was left in this hell hole. Lack of oxygen in your lungs making you feel dizzy and weaker than you already felt.
You were sick and hungry, enraged and betrayed. Cheeks stained with your dried tears, nose runny and mouth dry. It was a cold night. Fear and hunger getting the best of you.
How long has it been since Ellie, the girl you thought was the love of your life, the girl who couldn't dare hurt a single hair on your body had kidnapped you?
Days? Weeks? Years even? You've lost your sense of time here in this basement. The only thing you know for sure is that you lost the strength in you. At first you'd fight back, scream, refuse to eat or drink. Not speaking to her whatsoever, denying her of everything. Not even sparing her a glance.
Ellie was calm and collected throughout this entire process. Even to your surprise, since you know how violent and outraged she got when frustrated.
And oddly she wouldn't do anything to you against your will, at first atleast. Seemingly waiting for your outbursts and meltdowns to come to an end, then she'd strike.
Resolve fully broken, half conscious laying down on the cold concrete of the pit you dare call a basement, with the occasional visit of Ellie to check up on you to see if you're okay. Well shit you're not. Not since the day of your arrival.
You don't even remember her previous visits down, how she'd inject you of something after you completely reject any kind of supplement or food from her, or how she'd try to talk you out of your 'stubbornness' and how you needed to 'accept things as they are now'.
Nightmares and hallucinations, your mind must've been playing tricks on you with the isolation and your situation doing numbers on your mental. Seeing visions from the corner of your eye and waking up screaming in the middle of.. you don't even know. Going through psychosis while your brain blocks out the memories of your stay here from how harsh they had an affect on you, well naturally.
You don't remember anything she has told you throughout her visits or even when you had first opened your eyes to this place. It's all in a haze, memories foggy and grey. Dozing off whenever she tries to speak to you, closing off your senses as a defense mechanism.
Which, also near blocked your good memories with her, your past normalcy and happiness.
You felt dirty, head to toe. Not only by your physical state but your mental and psychological state too. How could she dehumanize you like this?
This couldn't be love, how could it ever be. But you were starting to believe it was.
Ellie knew she didn't have any other choice and one way or the other she'd have to do it. Take you away, keep you somewhere safe from all that could harm you.
It broke her heart too, seeing you in pain like that. But she had to, for your own good. It's all because she loves you and wants to protect you, wants you on her side forever. She just loved too much, cut her some slack. As if.
She gave you the alone time that you needed to accept your new circumstances, gave you her patience and her time too. Knew you'd crumble at one point. Come crawling back to her like you always do.
Ellie unlocks the trapdoor leading downstairs, to the basement, to your prison, coming in to do her daily check in. You were at your usual spot curled up, fingers cold and your skin an unhealthy pale yellow.
Walking towards you with the daily syringe of supplements, she kneels before your corpse-like spent body. You feel her presence and the movement, making you jump up -with much or less what energy you got left- but instead of pushing her away or kicking your feet, tears dwell your lash line. Tired. Worn out.
What would standing against this do you any good? You had no resistance left.
And guess, it was about time you get out of that shell now. Took you long enough, 5 weeks to be exact, but she'd happily wait five more if it means to be with you forever afterwards.
Her hand reaches out to cup your left cheek, you don't pull away. Shivering under her still perfectly intimate touch, even after everything she's done, still as warm as the day you fell in love with her for the first time.
”Oh angel..” you sniffle as her thumb soothingly caresses your chin. Softly nuzzling against her palm, you let loose a sob. A single tear roll down your cheeks, then one more, and more.
”Ellie,“ you sniffle between each word, ”Ellie I'm so exhau– sob `m so exhausted, please,“
Weary eyes settle on her relieved and content ones, almost like a puppy finally getting it's much anticipated treat. Restless nights has finally paid off.
”Come here,“ she pulls you into her arms, squeezing you tight almost as if you could slip away from her grasp, ”finally decided to be good now, princess?“
You nod your head like a makeshift bubblehead, ”Please.. please,“ almost like you were at the brink of another mental collapse- as if there was anything left to break down, all was in ruins anyway.
Her nose buried into your neck, feeling you all so close. Even though you smell like rust, dried blood and sweat, even your foul odor relaxing her muscles. Your filth wasn't something she was repulsed by, seen and felt way worse anyway. You were her divinity, every aspect of you was flawless. Even your perfect imperfections.
She pulls away after remaining like this for some time, then pushes your greasy unkept hair behind your ear and softly whispers, ”I'm so glad baby, so so glad honey.“
Feeling lightheaded by her breath hot on your face, soon you find yourself pressed against her wet mouth, lips warm and soft against your chapped dirty ones. You let her guide your lips, losing yourself in her touch, not even realizing how drowsy you've been getting. Slowly feeling yourself slip away. Passing out on her arms
Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.
The distant but close sound of still water and the warm embrace of the bathtub pick at you to open your eyes, faintly. Lids still half closed you try to make out whats going on, why it is so calm and why do you feel so euphoric.. Did you die, was this heaven?
Slightly making out the delightful shine of light wherever you were, it wasn't dim like that fucked up jail of room. Nor did it smell bad of rot and old spices. It smelled like a spring breeze when the sun shined brightest in a vogue haze.
The tender bosom of it's flow making you hazier, all the worries gone without question. Where were you anyways? You didn't give much thought to it though. Instead with heavy arms you moved your fingers through the water, a smile tugging at your face. You felt like a little baby, your head felt fuzzy -almost inebriated- until you finally noticed Ellie.
You were so out of it that you didn't even realize she was there all along. Her hands were busy with some materials -yet, you didn't give much thought to that either. Maybe unable to do so would be a better way to put it.- Soon she turned back to you, hands full with hygiene products and brushes. A razor and some cotton too. Softest towels you could ever find in a place like this. Pretty.
Your head falls to the side, pouting lips opening involuntarily. You look at her with your weary but rather relaxed eyes. Her eyes meet yours in a spark, kneels before the tub and puts her palm to your cheeks.
Neither of you spoke, but for different reasons. You felt defeated, weak, feeble... She was excited, stoked to finally have you give in.
Soon, she puts some of the lotion to the bath water with the droplet, then puts the shampoo bar in her hand and gathers up enough to massage it to your scalp. Her hands were gentle. She was going easy on you, slowly washing your hair so then she can continue to care for your other needs.
That must be then where you fell asleep again, she couldn't blame you. You needed rest. A lot of it.
When you wake up, you felt the gentle touch of the back of her index finger caressing the apple of your cheek. You flutter your lashes and mildly bat them to open your eyes to her. Seeing the contagious smile on her lips makes you question everything you went through. Was she still the Ellie you knew and loved, your Ellie that you adored oh so much? You felt crazy for thinking that.
"Morning angel, slept well?"
You get yourself higher with your elbows, looking at her curiously. She was acting as if none of that even happened. Maybe making you feel strange for still tugging on the past. Your face sours a little, getting uneasy at your own thoughts.
Ofcourse Ellie notices "Shhh," she mutters almost to pacify you, "You're okay now, with me." her calloused hands find the small of your back and pulls you close, laying you down on top of her.
You were really too sweet for this world, a naive little girl, a little bunny in a dirty and dangerous world that would prey on you. Hurt you and take you away from her. She nodded to herself about taking you, convinced she did the right thing.
"Angel?" she leaves a small kiss to the crown of your head while her thumb drew circles to your skin.
You could hear her heartbeat from laying directly on top of Ellie, head to her chest. You look up, she drops a peck to the tip of your nose. You felt dizzy and complaint. Must be the drugs.
Everything was happening way too fast.
"I made you breakfast."
"T-thanks.." Breakfast meant another dose of meds, her service meant payback.
Ellie's hands trail lower, holding onto your ass. She had dressed you in Satin, they were oversized. She tugged at your shorts to pull them higher, revealing your buttcheeks. You felt the cameltoe of its material on your folds with her yank, no underwear. Ofcourse.
A small gasp escapes your lips when her hands slide inside the confines of the material to grope your butt, each hand kneading your ass inside your shorts.
"Ellie,–" feeling hot all over, you groan. Pretty sure you weren't supposed to be getting aroused by your kidnapper. But you were a simple girl.
Her hands continue their exploration, middle and ring finger finding your slit and teasing your hole, making you involuntarily rise your ass to meet her hand and open your legs wider. You try to hold in the breathy moans trying to escape you, yet fail.
You yelp when she turns you on your back and sets you down to the mattress, caging you over with her arms at either side of you. Wetness had started to pool on the material of the shorts already, giving a darker stain on its faucet.
She leans in to kiss you and you reciprocate, tongue and spit covering your lips, her hands undoing the buttons of your top to leave you bare. Once the fabric is off you feel the cold air hit you, making your nipples hard and sensitive. You felt so needy and aroused, one part of you wanted to believe it wasn't because of her drugging you but because you genuinely wanted this. A girl can dream.
Her kiss deepened while she pawed at the elastic waistband of your shorts to lower them and reveal your pussy that she missed oh so much. You help her take it off, once removed she forces your legs apart and dips her head down to your tits, suckling and nibbling at your nipples, leaving kisses along your areola and biting down hickeys to the fat of your breasts.
She was purposefully avoiding your aching cunt, puffy lips ready to be played with. But she wanted you to know how much you needed her. Your want for her tenfolding with her tease and shunning.
"Ellie please,-" that's been the only words you've been uttering, funny enough.
"Please what, angel? Use your words with me." She stops her attack on your tits "Let me hear you say it."
You gulp down your dignity, if any was left to begin with. "Need you to take care of me.. down there, please–"
"Down where?" her hands settle down on your thighs still keeping them apart. She never breaks eye contact.
Taking a deep breath, "My p-pussy, please- Need you to play with my pussy s-so bad."
"Good girl."
With that she spits at your pussy, not that you needed it, you were as wet as it gets. Pussy so eager it would cream on her abductors hands.
She uses her knees to keep you apart while one hand lands on your mound and the other holds the side of your waist. Fingers graze your wetness and tease your clit lightly, not giving you enough friction whatsoever.
You whine and she decides to not make you wait any longer, thumb firmly caressing circles to your clit and two fingers aligned at your fluttering hole.
"Missed your sweet pussy, baby." without warning she shoves to digits into your pussy, two knuckles deep, then to the hilt, works you open with her fingers. Your slick making it all the easier.
"Missed it so much," leans in and gives you a sloppy open mouthed kiss, tongue urging itself in. You accept her intrusion, embrace it and take it on.
Fingers find the mushy spongy spot deep and played with it, making you cry out and tremble under her. Turning you into a moaning mess in no time. She was playing you like a puppet. And you happily obliged.
"So good, Ellie so good please don't stop–" you beg, eyes watering from how much you feel, you've been locked down for too long that you missed touch. Missed pleasure.
Her hands take up the pace, moving in and out of you faster, you push down on your heels and crumble the sheets under your clenching nails, digging down and mouth agape, you'd almost start drooling.
She pushes you over the edge with one more stroke to your clit and you cum instantly, either because you haven't had a orgasm in months or a good one ever because this one feels euphoric. Overwhelming.
She doesn't stop though, riding through your orgasm with an even faster pace, making your already oversensitive pussy throb with overstimulation. Making you moan, hard.
She pulls her fingers out but not before earning a breathy whine from you and gathers your slick juices on her two fingers, raising them up to her lips and giving it a kitten lick but stopping herself from sucking it, instead she looks down on you and decides you should have the honors.
"Baby, come here" she leans into you, squishing your cheeks together and forces your lips into a deeper pout, expecting you to open your mouth.
"Open up, say aah." And you do so, obviously. Cause you are a good little girl for her, aren't you now?
She slides in her two fingers that were inside of you, slick with your juices which you greedily suck on, tasting yourself on her fingers.
Once you're done, she pulls her hand away, your lips and her fingers linking with a trail of saliva.
"Good job baby," Then she laps at your lips and mouth, feeling all of your slick from all over your body at once. When she pulls away you are a boneless mess.
Lovestruck, addicted.
Guess this is your life now, not so bad is it?
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tkaulitzlvr · 9 months
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synopsis: once tom realises how much your relationship has lost the love within it because of the distance he has put between you both, it’s his job to make it up to you.
content: angst to smut.
a/n: my first post!! i hope you all enjoy!
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lately, tom and i's relationship has hit a bump in the road. each conversation lit an already short fuse within the both of us, the smallest of words capable of creating an unnecessary yet very real dispute that would leave us silent for hours, and in the worst of cases not talking for days. but it wasn't just the things we said, it was whatever we didn't say, too. physical touch was usually a huge part of our relationship, but now, i couldn't remember the last time that i had properly kissed him. it had gotten to the point where we slept on different sides of the bed, refusing to lay in eachother's embrace as we usually would.
as each day dragged on, feeling like tom and i were moving further away from eachother, i failed to even remember how we ended up this way in the first place. we had a perfect relationship, filled with love and trust, those the foundation of what made us, us. everyone knew that we loved eachother, we were the 'it couple'. whilst we had small disputes just as every couple did, it had never reached this point - yet it showed no sign of stopping.
which is why it brought me no surprise that tom had already become irritated from my single question, asking him where he'd been after returning home late yet again, this becoming a habitual occurrence since the beginning of whatever our distance could be called.
"look, i was just out, okay? what is this a fucking interrogation?" tom fires out, frustration laced in his tone as he throws his keys on the table.
"im sorry for worrying about my boyfriend! i just wont give a shit next time, yeah?" i shoot back, confused on why he acts this way every time i start a simple conversation.
"yeah that'd be great, thanks." he mumbles sarcastically, scoffing and sinking into the sofa, flicking through the channels on the tv displayed infront of him.
"are you fucking kidding me tom?" i utter out, in complete disbelief of his childishness.
despite the clear anger in my voice, he stays silent, shaking his head slightly and continuing to look through the channels on the tv, this only fuelling my anger.
"can you listen to me for fucks sake?" my voice begins to raise as my patience is slowly wearing thin. i walk over to the tv, blocking his view and forcing him to look up at me, his eyes cold, an unrecognisable glare within them in place of the usual love that emits from them whenever our gazes meet. 
"what?" he sighs, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and pointer finger.
"i'd appreciate it if you fucking listened to me, just for one second! i'm tired of sitting here alone, every night, wondering where the fuck you are because you're my boyfriend but i know nothing about you! i never get a text, a call, nothing! instead you come home at god knows what time, and act as if i don't exist. fuck tom, you won't even cuddle me in bed anymore." my voice begins to trail off, tears beginning to cloud my vision, my tongue instinctively hitting the roof of my mouth to stop them from falling.
he stays silent, breaking his eyes away from mine and staring into his lap, his fingers playing with the material of his jeans.
"do you even love me anymore?" i ask, genuinely questioning if he feels the same way he did when we first met, the man that fell in love with me no longer in front of me.
"what? of course i fucking love you. what kind of question is that?" his head shoots upwards, his eyebrows threading together as if i have asked the most ridiculous question, though it was one nagging on my mind.
"really? it doesn't seem like it." i reply, shaking my head and biting my lip, the tears now spilling beyond my control.
"i'm going to bed." i mumble, not waiting for a response from tom as i head for our shared bedroom. the sheets feel cold as i allow them to envelop me, the warmth that i would feel from tom's embrace lost, leaving me empty. it is impossible to fall asleep, my body laid on its side facing away from the door and staring motionless at the wall, longing to be in his arms, safe and content, free of the gut-wrenching realisation that our relationship is not the same as it was.
the door slowly creaks open after a while, my eyes quickly flicking shut as i pretend to be asleep, not keen on the idea of speaking to tom, not whilst his mind is acting so irrationally, mine sensitive enough that any argument would break down my already crumbling walls. i hear the bed dip beside me, tom laying flat on his back, whilst i stay put, not daring to look at him, instead keeping my back to him. the distance between us speaks volumes, tension reaching an all time high.
after a few minutes, the bed creaks, indicating that tom is moving from his initial position. as he has done for the past nights, i expect him to shuffle to the edge of the bed, increasing our already far proximity and confirming the fact that he cannot bare the thought of being near me.
however, much to my disbelief, i feel an arm droop around my waist from behind, tom's hand gently touching my stomach as he tests the waters, clearly thinking that i am deep in sleep. deciding to stay still, my eyes remain closed, accepting this small act of affection, for it is all i have experienced in the past weeks. but, to my surprise, he doesn't stop there.
he moves closer, his chest now flush against my back, pulling me tighter into him as i feel his uncertain breathing against the nape of my neck. my breath instinctively hitches at his unexpected actions, alerting him of my consciousness.
"baby?" he whispers into the dark room, not moving as he awaits my response.
"hm?" i mutter, unsure of what to say, not intending to reveal the fact that i was in fact awake, my cover completely blown as i lay, small and vulnerable, beside him, his body against me for the first time in forever. the uncertainty of what his response will be creates a sickly feeling in my chest. he could want to fight, to let out the last of his anger from our unfinished argument. or, he could want to fix things, to be the boyfriend he used to be. and right now, my mind was going with the first option, assuming the worst and bracing myself for more of his harsh words.
"we need to talk." he speaks, his breath fanning against my neck with each word.
i knew that he was right, my heart aching slightly as the possibility of resolving whatever the fuck we have become finally starts to feel real, not just something that i have longed for.
refusing to face him, i slowly nod my head, awaiting his response, the sound of our steady breathing the only thing to be heard in the silent room.
"i'm so sorry baby." he speaks, slowly and sincerely, his hand that is draped over my stomach beginning to slowly caress the bare skin there, comforting me in the best way. tears begin to silently roll down my cheeks as i struggle to find the right words to say.
he takes my silence as a chance to continue. "what happened to us my love, hm?" he begins, sighing slowly and increasing his hold on me, the pet name causing my heart to swell, making me realise how much i truly missed his affection, wether it be verbal or physical - i just craved him.
short sniffles emit from my mouth, giving away my weakness faster than i would have preferred. tom quickly picks up on this, finally turning me to face him, our eyes meeting, his immediately softening once he takes in my state - eyes bloodshot, tears staining my cheeks, mouth curved into a frown.
"oh baby..." he trails off, taking his hand and beginning to wipe my tears away one by one, the other gently stroking my hair. i melt into his touch, allowing him to comfort me silently. "i can't carry on like this, i just- i need to be with you again, not just in a relationship with you, i want to actually feel close to you again."
he pours his heart out, all whilst wiping any loose tears that fell from my eyes, which never left his, the love in them beginning to flood back as i can slowly recognise the man i fell in love with.
"do you really think that i don't love you anymore?" he asks, guilt evident in his tone as he feels nothing but anger for making me doubt how he felt about me.
i try to find the right words, swallowing nervously. "you didn't want to be anywhere near me tom. i can't even remember the last time you told me that you loved me." uttering those words made me realise how bad things had really gotten. tom would tell me he loved me at every chance he got, never failing to remind me of how he felt. but looking back, those three words felt so foreign that my mind couldn't even remember when he had last uttered them. and the realisation hit him just as hard as it did me.
"oh meine liebe...i'm so sorry." he starts, now slowly kissing away each tear that stained my tinted cheeks, holding my face gently in his hands. "i love you. i love you so so much. never ever forget that, okay?"
i nod my head, swallowing the lump in my throat away. "i love you too."
a slight smile appears on his face, my hand reaching to his head as i pull it closer, playing with the loose braids there. tom takes advantage of our nearing proximity, grabbing my face and gently connecting his lips with mine. for the first time in days, our lips touched, immediately moulding together as if they had never been apart. he smiles into the kiss, moving his hands to my lower back, pulling me closer to him and embracing me, our lips never parting. the desire, the passion in which our lips collided reaffirming our love without the need for words, my body and soul slips further into his touch, reminding me just how much i missed intimate moments like this with him.
he slowly pulls away for air, his lips, now pink and swollen, flush against mine, foreheads touching. "i promise baby, that i'll never give up on us, no matter how hard it gets. i'll never stop loving you, ever."
deciding that actions speak louder than words, i reconnect our lips once more, with much more desire and hunger than the previous one. he picks up on this need, reciprocating it and pressing his lips so hard onto mine that my breathing becomes muffled and there is no option of pulling away - but in this moment, parting from him doesn't even cross my mind. his hand moves to my thigh, placing it over his and kneading the flesh roughly as we lay facing each other, a small whimper escaping my mouth at his actions. our lips fail to part, making up for the lost kisses that we had so desperately yearned for.
lust soon takes over the innocence, my need for him growing by the second as our kisses become harsher, his tongue entering my mouth, mine gladly reciprocating. "i love you." he whispers breathlessly against my lips, pulling away slowly and studying my face. his thumb tugs at my lip, his eyes never leaving mine as he drags it down the now plump skin at an agonisingly slow pace, until he releases my bottom lip, it quickly bouncing back into place, his thumb now slightly wet with my saliva.
"you're so beautiful." he whispers, caressing my cheeks, taking in every inch of me as if this is the first time he has seen me.
"i need you tom." i mutter, looking into his eyes with a glint of desperation, longing to feel him again, our distance meaning it has been so long since we have kissed like we just did, let alone fuck.
within seconds, his lips are back on mine, his body moving in one swift motion on top of me without breaking the kiss, hands clutching mine, mirroring the hunger i feel.
"then i'm all yours." he mutters against my lips, reattaching them and entering his tongue as i gladly accept, moaning slightly into the kiss, a small smirk appearing on his lips in response.
he pulls away, looking into my eyes before reaching for the hem of my t-shirt and whispering "can i?"
i slowly nod my head, the soft fabric being pulled off my body and somewhere on the floor, both tom and i too needy to care where. his eyes scan my body, a hint of adoration within his eyes, his hands reaching for my small lace bra, undoing the back and tossing it aside. he pauses, gazing down at me, drinking in my features, everything exposed to him. despite the look of awe on his face, insecurity takes over, and my hands instinctively cover my breasts, breaking eye contact from him.
tom quickly takes his hands, placing them over mine and moving them away so that he could see me once again. "don't cover yourself, you're so beautiful."
i hesitantly nod my head, moving to remove tom's shirt, his chiselled abs and torso now on display. refusing to break eye contact, my hand slowly runs down the skin, feeling every bump, every muscle there, his breathing hitching as i do so. it has been so long since i had felt his bare skin against mine that it almost didn't feel real, my being lost in pleasure despite us not taking anything further yet.
i soon become impatient, pulling his face downwards and kissing him once more, his hands reaching for my panties and slowly pulling them down, soon removing his boxers, leaving us completely naked.
he pulls away, staring into my eyes and positioning himself at my entrance. "are you sure my love?" he asks, searching my expression for any sense of doubt, hating the idea of forcing me to do anything.
"yes...just fuck me, please." i breathe out, craving the feeling i have missed so much.
he smiles slightly, before slowly sliding in, groaning as he does so, my walls clenching around him, not used to his size as it has been so long since we have last done this. once he is fully inside, he stops. "you okay baby? does it hurt?"
"no...move tom." i reply, and he slowly begins thrusting in and out of me at a steady pace, whines emitting from my mouth as my eyes squeeze shut. his head finds the crook of my neck, groaning into it and beginning to kiss the skin, sucking lightly and leaving marks whilst speeding up his pace.
"oh my god." he mutters into the skin, his hands running up and down my waist until they find a stable hold on my hips, thrusting easier whilst his thumbs caress me, slightly digging in, however the slight pain only fuels my fire, moans now escaping from my mouth.
"oh tom..." i trail off, hands raking down his back, pulling him downwards so our bodies our flush against each other, desperate to feel any part of him, to be closer, despite him literally being inside me.
"i love you so much." he groans out, taking my legs and wrapping them around his waist.
he continues to thrust in and out of me, his tip hitting my g-spot, and i cry out. "oh god, right there tom..."
"here baby?" he taunts, hitting the spot again, causing my eyes to roll to the back of my head. he abuses that spot, my stomach beginning to tighten as the familiar feeling soon takes over.
i clench around him, feeling my release creep closer and closer. "fuck schatz, do that again." he breathes out, and i tighten my walls again, a choked moan escaping his mouth.
"i'm close." he manages to let out, speeding up his pace and capturing my lips into a kiss, moaning into my mouth. i struggle to kiss back, holding back sounds of pleasure each time he thrusts in and out, the sound of my heavy breathing muffled in the kiss.
"tom...i'm gonna, oh my god!" i cry out against his lips, feeling my release wash over me, eyes rolling to the back of my head as i swear i see stars.
"oh fuckkk..." tom drags out, throwing his head back, jaw slack as he follows, my release triggering his own, the feeling of his cum coating my walls emitting another small whine from my mouth.
he moves slowly, thrusting in and out whilst he rides out our highs before collapsing on top of me, sweat coating his forehead. his head rests in my neck, breathing uneven and heavy, planting gentle kisses on the bare skin. i struggle to catch my own breath, my fingers running through his hair, body trembling as the adrenaline slowly wears off.
"i love you so much my love. i'm sorry for everything, i promise i'll never treat you like that again." he says, planting a single kiss on my shoulder.
"i love you too." i reply, tom lifting his head upwards and meeting my lips in a soft kiss, pulling away and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"goodnight meine liebe." he whispers, placing the covers over the both of us as i snuggle closer, resting my head on his bare chest as he slowly strokes my hair, falling asleep in each other's embrace.
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Nest Swap 4 progress
Now with 200% more bat!
“Alright, have a good day.” Tim handed the clipboard back to a stone-faced delivery guy and took the package from Miss Fox back to his technology lair. He got a glass of water on the way down and then went about reproducing the experiment that Tam asked for.
She wouldn't give him details. But from the instructions and reported results, Tim was pretty sure that some employee had misrepresented their process. To what end, he didn't know. He was just the science guy, not a detective guy.
Although if he had to guess he'd say that they had switched out a needed chemical to hide that the supply was lower than recorded.
But whatever. That wasn't his business.
Tim happily went about science, recreating a corrosive liquid that would supposedly eat through reinforced metal. He had to make the Wayne tech protective coating for the metal as well to do the experiment properly. When he finished that he carefully dipped metal sheets in it and set them to drip dry. Then he turned back to the acid project.
Supposedly, the acid had been a failure. Tim thought it should work. Apparently Tam did, too.
The screens around the room all went black. He wasn't even using them but it was a hard thing to miss in your peripheral vision.
Tim groaned. “What now?” He asked the room. He clanged a piece of metal to the tabletop. “I am trying to finish this.”
Had he tripped some kind of security protection? Maybe they had all gone to sleep without getting a password at spaced intervals?
To be perfectly clear, Tim did not expect any kind of response.
Therefore he was startled halfway out of his skin when a female laugh came barrelling out of the speakers of the largest mounted screen.
He crossed his arms in a sulk.
“Tim?” She asked, after she caught her breath. “You're tiny.”
His face was catastrophically cranky: he could see it reflected back in the black screen. It was a perfect replica of Janet Drake discovering after she had formatted her latest paper in Chicago Style that the publication required the savagery of MLA formatting.
She laughed again. It ended with a hiccup.
‘Whoever this is, she can see me. She must be someone who knows me if I gave her that kind of access.’
“I'm not sure we're friends,” Tim announced, because it was time to face the facts: these people all knew a version of him, and that Tim was bigger. At least like, three inches. “I'm aware that I am small. I am working on it.” He glowered at the computer she seemed to be using.
It would take what, two years top for a major growth spurt? They could just chew bubblegum until then.
“Is that what you're doing now?”
Tim sighed. “No, I'm doing something for Tam,” he admitted. He scrubbed at his face with a hand. “Probably a good time for a break.” He started to tidy up.
“Yeah, so, I guess I can tell Dick that you haven't been kidnapped by lions or whatever it is he's talking about,” the lady said. The line turned to static for a second, then back just as quickly. “You, uh, need some help?”
“Absolutely not.” Tim shook his head in a sharp, decisive Jack Drake movement. “I don't need to be babied.”
“...I can see why you think you're in danger of it.” She snorted again. “Unblock Dick, please, he's got delicate feelings and I think we both have plans for tonight that don't involve him scaling your walls to find a way in.”
“....I'll unblock him,” Tim took the L gracefully. “I appreciate your silence on this matter.”
She snorted again. “Sorry.” She didn't sound very sorry. “It's just- your little businessman voice is so funny. I'm sorry, Tim.”
He looked up at the ceiling for patience.
“Oracle out.”
All the screens returned to normal. Tim let out a big long sigh and went back upstairs, taking his empty water class with him. At least he had a name, right? Oracle. He'd gotten a call from Oracle.
He mentally arranged the facts as he trudged up the stairs.
Fact one: he had replaced a Tim, who was Tim Drake-Wayne. (Upsetting information).
Drake-Wayne had to be fundamentally the same Tim as he was, given that both Tam and Oracle had immediately recognized him.
Fact two: Tim D-W was a vigilante.
Fact three: That was really cool.
Tim reached the top and made a mental note to enroll in some martial arts classes when he got back home. If he had potential to fight crime, of course he was going to do that. He unblocked Dick: oh no, Dick Wayne. He'd blocked Robin. He felt mortified. It was so obvious in retrospect. He put the phone down on the table, stomach twisting in social agony.
The phone immediately lit up with messages.
Well. Robin should be less annoying, if he didn't wanna get blocked.
He clambered onto the counter to search through for anything that would make a good lunch.
“... I'm terrible,” Tim complained. He stuck his head fully into the cupboard as if there might be something good at the back. “This sucks!”
Alright. Something had to be done. Tim decisively climbed down, using an open drawer as a step. He shut it with his heels and then went in search of a wallet. He needed a credit card and to find a delivery service.
He was going to act on faith that big Tim D-W wasn't going to ruin his life, even though he was a loser. Tim was doing a great job keeping Tim D-W’s life afloat. That merited some payment.
He converted that payment into a huge order to a grocery delivery service. He referenced Tam’s package to get the address.
The order was simple: fruits, breakfast meat, lots of bakery bread, and sandwich fillings. He was going to have tuna salad with cucumber and lettuce. He was going to learn to make egg salad. Optimistically, he even added melty cheese to the order and a can of tomato soup mix: grilled cheese couldn't be that hard, right?
He rounded off the order with lots of individually packaged drinks: milk and juice boxes, cans of grape Zesti, and hot cocoa powder.
"…This is so exciting,” Tim said to his empty apartment. His. In a very real and meaningful way, it was his apartment. He was totally unsupervised. Neat!
The phone buzzed again. When he picked it up it said “Jason.”
Tim blue screened. Tim dropped the credit card with a clatter. It disappeared under the table and he didn't even think to look for it.
Jason. Omigod, Jason. Jason was a person who existed. He'd forgotten.
All the pieces came together in a beautiful flash of light. He wasn't in a troubled huge age-difference relationship with Bruce (21 year difference) or Dick (9 year difference) . He'd gotten married to Jason Wayne, the kid that Bruce had brought home like a day ago according to the Gotham Gazette. (3 year difference: normal.)
The phone was still ringing. Tim picked it up with numb fingers. “Hello?”
“Hey, Timbers,” said a male voice. It was low, rough, and impatient. “You freaked Dickiebird out and he's been squawking at me all day. Tell me how many pieces you're in.”
Tim looked down at his body. “Just the one,” he said, voice coming out breathy. It felt like his being was floating outside his body. Wow. This was his boy- no, husband? Holy moly. He couldn't cope with that, he had to stick with boyfriend. He bit his lip. He had to make a good impression.
“...You sound about 10 years old there,” Jason said. He didn't hide his amusement. “You been huffing helium, babybird?”
Tim went bright red at the pet name. Painfully red. His face was on fire.
Jason took his silence as a response. “Alright, alright, keep your clothes on. You must be sick as fuck, poor thing. No wonder you didn't come out to play last night.”
Tim slapped his hands on his face and tried not to hyperventilate.
“I wasn't calling for Dick, don't get it twisted.” Jason cleared his throat, tone a little odd. “I picked up on something - I think one of my ongoing cases dips into your patrol area. You gonna come out on patrol tonight?”
“...No,” Tim said. There was no way that would go well. He didn't know martial arts yet.
Jason cursed, but he didn't sound mad about it. “Fair enough,” he muttered. “Uh, think you could do some surveillance for me?”
Tim nodded. Then he felt dumb and cleared his throat. “Yeah.”
…He felt even dumber. What should he say? This was his boyfriend. The stakes were so high. He had never wanted anyone to like him more.
Jason rattled off an address. It, like everything Jason had said, was going to live inside Tim’s head forever in perfect clarity. “Thanks,” he added after, a bit begrudgingly. “This guy's real fucking sick, been making human sausage.”
Tim… wasn't sure exactly what that meant, but it sounded really bad. “I'll do my best,” he promised.
“Yeah…” Jason trailed off. “Maybe you should take a nap, some meds. That's a terrible hoarse throat. Don't kick your own ass on my account, okay?”
“Okay,” Tim helplessly echoed, and hung up. He sat in silence for a solid minute afterwards.
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iamtired10 · 4 months
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𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝖧𝖺𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗇 𝗑 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐮𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧.
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑒𝑟! 𝐻𝑎𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟.
Pham Hanni, your close friend, or rather, your undercover girlfriend. It's a clandestine affair as no one is aware of your romantic connection.
To the world, you two are just good friends, nothing more.
You both decided to keep your relationship hush-hush, mainly because Hanni prefers it that way.
Letting out a sigh, you glanced at your notebook during class, realizing the room wasn't exactly vacant; someone else was present.
Meet Kang Haerin—the enigmatic girl in your class, perpetually choosing silence and solitude. Rumors have circulated that she and Hanni share a friendship, or perhaps an even deeper connection. Honestly, you're not overly invested in the details.
Resuming your focus on your notebook, you couldn't ignore the sense of being observed. A subtle shift in your peripheral vision confirmed that Haerin's gaze was fixated on you.
Recalling what Hanni once shared—that Haerin stares at things she likes—you pondered if that included you. "Is she into me or something?" you mused, shaking off the notion and deciding to concentrate on your work.
"Quit being delu!" you chided yourself internally, shaking your head and returning to your tasks.
You sighed, eagerly awaiting someone's arrival. Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed through the air—Hanni, the person you had been yearning for all day.
Your eyes sparkled as you spotted your girlfriend approaching. "Hey!" you exclaimed, walking briskly towards her, ready to embrace her with a warm hug.
However, your attempt to hug her was met with a gentle push, and your smile waned. "No touching in public, remember," she reminded you, her tone tinged with irritation.
Sighing, you nodded, recalling the unspoken rules that shrouded your relationship in secrecy.
"Uh... let's go home then..." you suggested, offering a small, hopeful smile.
"Well, Y/n... sorry, I can't. I'm heading to Minji's house for a sleepover. I came to let you know. Now, you can go home; you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine with Minji. I'll drop you a message later, okay?" she explained, her eyes gleaming with a reassuring smile.
As you sighed inwardly, the thought of Minji again crossed your mind. Your patience wore thin; Hanni consistently found time for Minji and other friends, leaving little for you. The pang of jealousy surged within you, and it was hard not to feel neglected.
"Y/n?" Hanni called, pulling you from your contemplation.
"So, you're not joining me today either? Han, it's been a week since we last hung out. I'm growing impatient; you always manage to find time for Minji and others, but making time for us seems to slip your mind!" you expressed, looking at her. Hanni sighed and rolled her eyes, visibly annoyed.
"Y/n, isn't this a bit much? Acting all clingy now! I do want to spend time with you, but I can't risk people thinking we're dating," she explained, and you clenched your jaw.
"Why? Why can't our relationship be public? Look, Han, I'm tired of your excuses. You claim I'm acting clingy? No, I just want to spend time with the person I love! And you call it clingy. Fine, enjoy your excuses!" you retorted, walking away.
Despite her repeated calls, you didn't turn back. Your frustration with Hanni and the situation had reached its peak.
As you walked towards your house, a heavy sigh escaped you, replaying the recent events with Hanni in your mind like a broken record.
"Damn this..." you muttered under your breath, feeling the vibrations from your pocket as Hanni continued to message you.
Sighing again, you approached your front door and noticed a small box placed deliberately in front of it. "This again..." you thought, recognizing this familiar type of box that had been arriving consistently for the past month from an unknown admirer.
Being quite popular for your good looks, having admirers was nothing new. However, this particular admirer was peculiar, especially considering the mysterious notes accompanying the gifts.
You sighed once more, grabbing the box and unlocking the door to enter your house. Placing the box on the table, you slumped onto the couch, letting out a deep sigh as thoughts of Hanni occupied your mind once again.
Your phone rang, pulling you out of your thoughts. "Who is that?" you mumbled as you pulled out your phone, half-expecting it to be Hanni. To your surprise, it was an unknown number.
"What?" you grumbled, a tinge of annoyance in your voice.
"Open the box," the person on the other end calmly instructed before ending the call. The feminine and icy voice was strangely attractive, but the instruction to open the box from your admirer added an unsettling undertone.
You gazed at the box on the table, hesitating for a moment before opening it. Inside, you found a frog plushie.
"Damn..." you mumbled, spotting a note beside it.
𝐌𝐲 𝐘/𝐧,
𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚕, 𝚒 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚢𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝚜𝚘 𝚒 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚞𝚙. 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕; 𝚜𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚊 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛. 𝙰 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚗 𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍, 𝙺𝚒𝚖 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚒. 𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝, 𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑.
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬,
Your breath caught as the words sank in.
"What? No, it can't be true. But how do they know about Hanni and Minji? And... Hanni cheating on me with Minji...?" Your mind went blank as you took another breath, and you reached for your phone to call Hanni, all while the doorbell at your house rang.
As you stood up and walked towards the door to open it, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions – frustration, confusion, and a tinge of hurt.
Hanni was waiting outside, and as you opened the door, her concerned expression met yours.
"You..." you mumbled, trying to find the right words.
"Y/n/n-" she began, but you cut her off, not ready to hear her explanation just yet.
"Shut it, Hanni. I don't want to hear any excuses," you said, your tone firm. She nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.
"Okay, but hey Y/n/n, look, don't be mad at me..." she started, meeting your gaze with sincerity.
You closed your eyes, taking a moment to collect your thoughts. The note about Hanni cheating on you with Minji echoed in your mind, creating a cloud of doubt.
"Han, can I ask you something?" you finally spoke up, reopening your eyes. "What is it, Y/n/n?" she responded, her eyes reflecting a hint of nervousness.
"Are you... cheating on me?" you asked, watching her reaction closely.
"What!? What the hell are you saying!?" she exclaimed, genuine surprise in her voice.
"Answer my damn question," you demanded, needing clarity in that moment.
"No! How could I? And how can you ever think about that!?" she sighed, her voice carrying a mix of hurt and disbelief.
You took a deep breath, thinking, "The admirer was lying."
"Uh, just asking," you said, deciding not to press further. Hanni rolled her eyes, sensing your skepticism.
"Y/n, is that even a question!? How can I cheat on you!?" she protested, crossing her arms with a pout.
"I'm sorry," you apologized, contemplating the situation.
"Hm hm, I'm not forgiving you... you have to make it up," she declared, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.
"How?" you asked, genuinely curious about her proposed solution.
"By lots of cuddles!" she replied, her tone lightening up as she grabbed your hand, guiding you inside your house.
The next day, as you leisurely made your way through the bustling hallway to your class, a familiar voice rang out, catching your attention. "Hey there, L/n Y/n!" It was Hong Eunchae.
"Hey, Eunchae," you responded with a warm smile.
She hesitated for a moment before finally asking, "I was thinking... um, would you mind hanging out with me today?"
"Sure, as friends, right?" you clarified, and Eunchae's face lit up.
"Exactly! No problem at all!" she exclaimed, and the two of you continued walking together. Little did you know, someone was discreetly observing this interaction.
"Ugh, this is fucking frustrating..." Haerin grumbled under her breath, her fists clenching. "My plan didn't work again... but I need to take action. L/n Y/n, just you wait. You'll be mine and mine alone. No one else, not Pham Hanni or anyone."
The room was filled with moans as Hanni claimed the dominant position, pinning you down on the couch.
"It's my turn now!" Hanni declared with a smirk, leaning in to mark your neck. You bit your lip to suppress the escaping moans.
Pulling her closer by her head, you intensified the moment, your weak spot succumbing to her actions. "Han..." you whispered, caught up in the pleasure.
She pulled away, a sultry smile on her lips. "Let's make up for lost time... I missed you all day – your touch, your voice, everything," she expressed, discarding your already loosened tie.
"Now, it's time for some fun," she continued, looking deeply into your eyes. Her hand gracefully trailed down your chest, undoing the buttons of your shirt.
A playful smile crossed your lips. "Are you ready for it?" She teased.
Just as you were about to respond, a sudden thud echoed in the room, drawing both of your attention.
"What the heck..." you pondered, eyes widening.
"K-kang Hae-erin!?" Hanni stuttered, locking eyes with the girl standing in front of both of you. She gawked as though witnessing an unexpected spectacle.
Caught red-handed by Hanni's friend, you couldn't help but wonder about the repercussions of this unexpected encounter. Hanni promptly adjusted her appearance, buttoning up her shirt.
"W-what are you doing here!?" Hanni inquired, a mix of surprise and nervousness in her voice. You sat up, equally puzzled.
"Unnie, what are you doing here... and didn't you say you like Minji unnie..." the cat-eyed girl questioned, widening your eyes.
"WHAT!?" you exclaimed, startled.
"What are you saying, Haerin!? And how are you here!?" Hanni asked, visibly flustered.
"Well... Y/n and I were paired up for Mr. Kim's project, so I came for that. I rang the bell, but no one answered, so I decided to check inside, and well, here we are," Haerin explained innocently.
"But unnie... didn't you confess to Minji unnie a few days ago... like you like her or something. And I saw you guys kissing too... What are you doing here with Y/n?" she added, dropping a bombshell.
Your mind went blank as you processed this revelation. So, the admirer was speaking the truth – Hanni is cheating on you with Minji.
"Hanni-" you started, but she interrupted, "Y/n, I can explain-"
"Leave my house now," you coldly stated.
You sighed, the weight of the recent events evident in your expression as your eyes remained fixed on the notebook. "This is just... frustrating," you mumbled, releasing your pent-up frustration under your breath.
In the aftermath of the encounter that led to your decision, you found yourself parting ways with Hanni the following day.
"Are you holding up, Y/n?" Haerin's voice broke through your contemplation, her presence in your house signaling the collaboration on the group project you both had undertaken.
You nodded, acknowledging, "I'm okay... just grappling with thoughts about the breakup..." Your teeth caught your lower lip, a telltale sign of the inner turmoil.
A warm touch on your hand drew your attention, and you looked up to see Haerin's palm resting reassuringly on yours.
"It's okay, Y/n. She cheated on you... not worth your thoughts. Stop dwelling on her and let's focus on us," Haerin suggested, her gaze expressing empathy.
"But I can't seem to shake it off..." you sighed, expressing the difficulty in moving on. Haerin rose from her seat, approaching you with a comforting presence.
"Look, Y/n," Haerin murmured, cupping your cheek gently. Her touch carried an unexpected sense of solace.
"Stop dwelling on her," Haerin advised softly. "You deserve someone better—someone who loves you unconditionally, who's there for you, who makes time for you, who shows their love. Someone who claims you as theirs. Just mine. And if you want, I can be that person for you... as a good friend or something more," she offered, her sincerity shining through.
"Uh... I understand. Thanks, Haerin," you responded, a small smile of gratitude forming on your lips.
"Well... Do you like that frog plushie I sent you?" Haerin's sudden inquiry caught you off guard, shifting the conversation unexpectedly.
"W-what?" you Stuttered.
"The plushie," she pointed to the frog toy, a mysterious gift from your admirer.
"Uh... yeah," you mumbled, still grappling with the unfolding revelations.
"I knew you'd love my favorite plushie!" Haerin exclaimed, grabbing the frog toy.
"My favorite plushie..." Her words lingered in your mind, leaving you contemplative. So, it turns out she is the admirer who sent you the plushie.
Or is it just a delusion?
The mystery deepens, especially considering she referred to it as her favorite plushie. The unfolding events raise more questions than answers.
𝐈𝐬 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐫?
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withahappyrefrain · 1 year
Pad See Ew and Parking Spots
The last thing you need while sick is the equivalent of a Hangnail over.....or is it?
Another entry to the Parking Spots Universe read part 1 and part 2!
Warnings: Banter, teasing, Jake being an absolute simp, no y/n but reader's nickname is Venus
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Your head felt like someone had filled it with cotton and was pressing down. Stuffed and fuzzy, the pressure on your sinuses made turning your head a labor of work.
The constant pressure on your face made it impossible to enjoy the unexpected time off from work, as watching TV was too strenuous.
Instead, you put yourself on bed rest, trying to find a comfortable spot so you could close your eyes and nap.
Just when sleep was within reach, the loud vibrations of your phone ringing pulled you out of your moment of peace.
Pushing away the used tissues and weighted blankets, you found your phone, the name of the caller lighting up.
Human Hangover.
Of course. It's like he had a sixth sense, always able to annoy you at the worst possible time.
You put the phone back in the midst of pillows, allowing it to continue to ring. Sure, you could text him, but why should you?
You were getting too close anyways.
During the last parking lesson, you actually smiled at the Men's Health poster child.
It wasn't even something you noticed yourself doing. He just looked so fucking ridiculous, blasting 'Venus' by the Bananarama in his dumb Jeep as he waited for you to walk up.
You had half a mind to turn around and shut the door. He was ridiculous, bobbing his head up and down to the music, giving you an exaggerated wink.
Had he not said anything, you wouldn't have gone the whole night not realizing what you had done.
But he was obnoxious, so naturally he had to let out a breathless wow as he leaned his head against the steering wheel with stars in those sea green eyes.
"What?" You asked, rolling your eyes as you got into the passenger seat.
"Your smile."
The worst thing was that you couldn't even muster up a sneer, an eye roll, a snarky remark.
Instead, a warm flush had overtaken your cheeks due to his statement. His stupid, corny words were having an effect on you, one that didn't give you an immediate migraine.
As fun as it was to get free dinners, have picnics on the beach, and take jabs at him, it had gone too far. You found yourself that night looking at his lips much longer than you ever intended.
So getting sick was actually perfect. You would ignore him, giving him that final push to go talk to the long list of other girls who were waiting for him. Girls that would let him into their beds, let him treat them as a hump and dump.
Sure, his patience was admirable-you truly thought after the third date-parking lesson- he would finally get the hiny. But he was just playing a long game. As soon as you'd let him in, he'd leave. Therefore, you should leave first. It was perfect.
You downed some NyQuil and put your phone on silent. A pang of guilt flared up in your chest when you saw the several missed calls.
It was for the best. The last thing you wanted, nay, the last thing you needed, was another person to remind you that you're only good enough for a fuck, not a relationship.
So you swallowed the guilt and closed your eyes, finally able to drift off to sleep.
Whether minutes or hours had gone by, you couldn't say. The loud banging on your door not only woke you up, but caused your heart rate to skyrocket and your blood to run cold.
Who the fuck…..
You had half a mind to pull the covers over your head. But something in the back of your head told you that the pounding wouldn't cease.
Using all your strength, you willed yourself out of bed, pushing away the covers and used tissues, grabbing your glasses to clear your vision. Slowly but surely, you made your way through your apartment to the entrance door.
Upon opening it, you immediately wished you had stayed in bed.
“Oh my god, you’re ok-wow, you look rough. Are you okay? Are you sick?”
“I can see why the navy kept you, your observation skills are astounding,” you deadpanned. Your reflexes were too slow, bogged down by the cold you had, allowing Hangover to prevent the door from closing on him.
“Why are you out of bed, you should be sleeping!” He said, sounding closer to your mother than his usual obnoxious self.
“I was doing that until you came,” you gritted out between your teeth.
Jake stopped dead in his tracks, “You wear glasses.”
Jake didn't think it was possible to find you more attractive. But you wear glasses apparently. Why don't you wear them more often?
"Yes, I also have exactly one head if you didn't know by now," you rolled your eyes, "Officer Hangover-"
"Lieutenant Hangover, is there anything I can help you with? Because right now my priority is getting better-"
You stopped as you felt one of his hands gently press against your forehead. When did his eyes get so bright and intense? You had to look away from his stare.
"You're burning up," he murmured, his voice low and deep. God, you hated his voice. How it was smooth like whiskey, topped off with that slight drawl.
His stupidly large fingers gently grasped your chin, the cool metal of his class ring grazing your skin. Before you could comment, he titled your jaw up, forcing you to look at him and his ridiculous eyes.
"We gotta get you to bed V."
"That's what I was trying to do before you- hey!" Embarrassment flooded you as he picked you up like it was nothing. Within seconds, he was carrying you bridal style
"Put me down Seresin!" Jake couldn't help but smile at your words. Seresin. It was his last name, but you were calling him by one of his names.
"Y-you're gonna get sick, put me down!"
"I'm in the military. I've had every vaccine known to man and then some."
You tried to jerk away from the circles his fingers were drawing on your back. Instead, your face landed right into his chest, the smell of cedar wood so strong, you could smell it faintly through your stuffed nostrils.
You pretended to gag, needing something to distract you from the fact he just picked you up so damn easily and was able to maneuver your body like it weighed nothing.
"Y'know how I can tell that you worked at Hollister? You douse yourself in that damn cologne." You mumbled against his broad chest.
Jake shrugged, "You don't complain."
He had a point, and that was the worst part.
"I-I need to sleep," you mumbled, something Jake found adorable.
"That's what I'm doing." Suddenly your back was touching your mattress. The hand Jake had on the back of your skull (when did that happen) gently guided your head to your pillow. His hands moved to your glasses, gently taking them off and placing them on your nightstand.
"How….how did you even find my bedroom? Are you stalking me?" Your weighted blanket was pulled over your chest, bringing warmth to your shivering body.
Jake chuckled, "You live in a one bedroom apartment. I'd be worried if I couldn't find your bedroom."
You knew you were ill because Crimson Chin was making sense. He needed to leave and you clearly needed more NyQuil.
A snarky comment was about to leave your lips when it was silenced by his hand gently tracing the skin on your cheek. Fuck, why was he so touchy? It was weird and you hated it, given the fluttering your stomach was currently experiencing.
"Just sleep, okay? I got ya Venus."
No, he most certainly did not. You two weren't anything, he was just some weirdo who couldn't park for shit and looked at you like he was seeing the wide open starry sky for the first time.
You were adorable sleeping. The way your lips were slightly parted, a cute little snore escaping from your mouth.
Jake could stare at you sleeping all day. He was quite tempted to, but he had other things he needed to do.
"Hey, Venus. Wake up." When did you fall asleep? How long had it been?
Given that the sun was now setting, it couldn't have been too long, right?
Regret filled your entire being when you opened your eyes.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" The human persona of regret and annoyance was in your fucking bedroom.
"How much NyQuil did you take?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow.
"Clearly not enough, as it didn't keep me from waking up to a nightmare."
He let out that low chuckle that made you so angry, your face heated up, "A nightmare? Most folks usually refer to me as their savior."
"It's been made pretty well known that the United States government doesn't have the greatest judgment, so I don't know why you're counting them."
Jake shrugged as he sat at the edge of your bed. It was then you noticed that he had one hand behind his back.
You reached for glasses, putting them back on. It took everything in Jake to stick to his plan and not tell you how absolutely stunning you looked.
He definitely needed to come up with a plan regarding getting you to wear your glasses more often.
"Well, I think this will change your mind," He grinned as he revealed what he was hiding behind his broad, well-defined back.
Your brows knit together in confusion as you stared at his hand. You look up at his face, then back down.
A container of Pad See Ew.
The question why forms on your tongue. It dies before it can even leave your lips, as memories of your first parking lesson flood back to you.
How could he…..better yet, why would he? Why remember such a minute detail, especially one that was a rare situation?
"I'm not going to sleep with you." Tension fills your body as you shift away from him. The air in your lungs feels constricted, almost as if part of you felt regret over your words.
It was the part of you that you had tried to squash so many times; the part that still had hopeless, naive dreams about being wanted. The part of you that always led to heartbreak whenever you followed it.
"Is that all you think I want?" His voice is soft.
Jake's not angry. If anything, he's fucking concerned because he thought that within the past month, he's made it pretty dog-gone clear he was crazy about you. That he thought the world of you.
Maybe Javy was wrong and he should have shown her the list of potential baby names he had saved on his phone. Perhaps that would have convinced you-
"Why else would you remember such a stupid detail?" You wanted to believe your anger was directed at him. But deep down, you knew it was also directed at all the jerks before him, the ones who made it impossible for you to enjoy a nice gesture.
Because it was never just to be nice.
"Because it's important and I enjoy listening to you?" It comes out as a question, though Jake's more so questioning why you find it so hard to believe that he wouldn't pay attention to you.
"I-I always remember what you say-the jokes and the non-jokes," He's trying to reassure you, but all you do is move away from him.
"You're wasting your time, Hagman. Just cut your losses now and go talk to the other girls who are dying to let you into your pants."
Your words are sour, much like the cold medicine you had taken hours ago.
"Why do you think that's all I want from you?" The tone he's using is new to you; it's not just soft, but there's a sadness that hangs around his words.
You shrug, your eyes now focused on your nails, "It's all anyone wants from me."
Jake's mind is now filled with the potential scenarios that would have led you to say such a thing, to believe such a ridiculous thing about yourself.
He has to remind himself to put down the container of food so he doesn't crush it out of anger or worse, spill it on your comforter.
"Who told you that?" You ignore his words, your brain too busy scolding you.
Why did you ever say yes to him? Why did you think you could control yourself? Stupid, stupid, stupid! You get yourself hurt every damn time.
"Hey," his hand on your shoulder breaks you out of the trance, "Who the fuck told you that?"
You jerk away at his touch. Why was he making this so damn difficult?
"No one had to tell me, I was able to figure it out pretty quickly when every attempt I've made at a relationship ends with the other person leaving me after they get bored."
Your eyes refuse to look at him; you can't. Not when memories of goodbyes over text messages and it's just not working, sorry are replaying in your head, mixed with flashbacks of nights where the loneliness was so overpowering, you cried yourself to sleep, desperate for something, anyone, to make the heartache just stop.
It was why not feeling was easier.
"Just stop wasting your time and leave me alone." There's a bitterness lacing your words as you spit them out. Your knees are brought to your chest, forcing your back to straighten.
Of course you're bitter. You dreamed about love, how great it would be to find someone to spend the rest of your life with. As a child, you didn't imagine your wedding but rather being married.
The world was cruel in the "lessons" it taught you. Not that you took them to heed, as now you were using all your willpower to not cry in front of the latest mistake.
It's an attempt to make yourself look stronger, tougher, not fragile. Jake knows it because it's what he's done so many times for God knows how long.
The front you put up is like staring at his own reflection. Deflect, make a snarky comment, and then push everyone away. No one can see that you're imperfect if no one is around.
Anger fills his body. Not at you, but at the fact he wasn't able to meet you before all those idiots filled your head with the idea that you weren't good enough. Angry that he couldn't go and beat those assholes up for making you think you weren't worthy of anyone's time.
So instead, he scoots his hand closer to you; not on your skin, but close enough to feel his presence.
"Look, I recognize I can't go and beat those assholes up for being the biggest idiots I've never even met," maybe if your thoughts hadn't consumed you, you would have chuckled at his words.
Jake Seresin isn't the best with words. Or emotions. Always was told they were bad (thanks Dad).
But like hell if he's going to just sit there and let you think that he doesn't think the world of you.
So, he swallows all the doubt trying to creep into his mind and is honest.
"But, I can tell ya this. I like you. A lot. Everyone on base is telling me I need to go get my head checked, but I know it's just because being with you on the ground is the closest I've felt to flying."
"And yes," he sees the way you look at him, question forming on your tongue, "I did compare being with you like flying. It's my life and I don't know…..I always thought it would just be my life and then I met you in that parking lot and you're bright and passionate and always say what's on your mind and I don't know I just....I want to do shit with you. Like take you to dinner and watch movies and bake cookies."
"You can bake?" No, that wasn't what you took away from his declaration (something you thought only was a thing in movies). But you needed more time to process what he had just said.
"Every year my mom puts on a Christmas Eve dinner and goes balls to the walls with cookies. My siblings and I always got roped into helping her, so we learned all her recipes. Of course, since I was the youngest, I mainly watched and stole spoonfuls of the dough until I was sixteen. But I can make her famous snickerdoodle cookies with my eyes closed."
It was then you noticed that when he smiled, the corners of his eyes creased.
It was endearing. Absolutely, completely endearing. His smile was comforting, like a warm fire on a winter night.
"Earl gray and lavender."
His brow knitted together in confusion; was it at your statement or that there was a small sliver of a smile when you finally looked at him?
"That's my specialty cookie," you explained as you reached for a tissue to wipe your nose, "I'll show you some time. Preferably when I'm not full of mucus and snot."
Some time. As in, you wanted to see him in the future. Show him a part of you.
"I'd like that a lot," he passed you the box of tissues.
The silence isn't uncomfortable. It's nice, serene even.
The small meow of your cat, Rugleach's way of alerting you that she was about to jump on your bed broke the quietness.
"Hey girl," Jake said to her, leaning down to scratch her chin. Your eyes widened at the sight of your cat, who hated all men, who was now purring and straining her neck to receive more pets from Jake.
Well, if that wasn't a sign.
"So this is the girl with more kills than me?" Jake asked, a cheeky grin adorning his handsome face.
"Yup, that's Rugleach. My protector from mice and birds," You smiled, leaning over to scratch her head, her purring being heard over your sniffles.
"You know," Jake paused, "I do have a security clearance so if you were to give me the names of those asshats , I could-"
"What, do you get a free stalking pass from the NSA?" You snorted.
"Yeah, it's part of my benefits," Jake responds, not missing a beat.
The corners of your mouth turn fully upwards and the most amazing sound comes out.
A laugh.
It's beautiful and melodic, just like you. The corners of your mouth are fully turned upwards, revealing a smile so bright and big, the corners of your eyes crease and your nose scrunches up.
Jake is thankful he's sitting down, but if he wasn't, he would have gotten on one knee and asked you to marry him right then and there.
So instead, he settles for leaning over to gently adjust your glasses that had been crooked.
"With a smile like that, why on earth would anyone let you go?"
His words combined with the tender action left you speechless, realization hitting you like a freight train.
Fuck, he was being sincere.
He was sincere the whole damn time. Ever since you first yelled at him in the parking lot.
A crumbled, used tissue hit his chest.
"Sap," you said, eyeing him with a teasing grin.
"This sap just brought you your favorite sick food. Besides," He leaned in, breath hot on your ear, "You don't seem to be complaining."
"I would never complain about Pad See Ew, Jake" you turned, hoping he couldn't feel how warm your skin was from his proximity.
It's the first time you said his name correctly. He loves it, loves the way you say it, how it rolls off your tongue so naturally. How sweet it sounds coming from your lips. How it’s your way of not just acknowledging what he said, but also how you felt about it.
He’d do anything and everything to hear you say it again.
He handed you the container, along with a pair of chopsticks. In return, you handed him the remote.
"If you put on some American military propaganda film, I'm kicking you out," You told him before taking a bite out of the dish, the noodles and sauce comforting on your throat.
Jake laughed, his hand squeezing your knee, which was a little annoying because it sent more heat through your body, "I mean, I just get really hard when Apocalypse Now comes on, can ya blame me?"
Your eyes couldn't roll back any harder, "That's a movie I've never seen and I know I'm not missing out."
"Wait, you've never seen it?" Jake's emerald eyes narrowed, concern filling them, "it's actually a great movie-not that it's my favorite, I mean, I thoroughly enjoy it but I don't get hard while watching it-"
He was rambling. Gone was the cocky pilot and instead was a guy who looked downright nervous.
You loved it.
"If I weren't so sick, I'd kiss you right now," his lips parted, though no words came out, "You should ramble more often Hangover, it's a good look on you," no attempt was made to hide your smirk at his reddening cheeks.
Jake sees this and it was ridiculously hot but also somehow totally adorable, probably due to the way the tip of your nose was so red from blowing into tissues and he just couldn't help himself.
A hand cradled half of your jaw, tilting your head up, making your lips in the perfect position for Jake Hangover Hangnail Hangman Seresin to kiss you.
You moved your lips against his, as best as you could when holding chopsticks and a plastic container.
His lips were like electricity, coursing through your veins. Your body was frozen, but not due to panic (which was the usual reason).
With anyone else, you would have been pissed that they thought kissing you while you were sick was a good idea. But with Jake….you didn't just expect it, you didn't mind it?
Yeah, you….didn't mind it at all.
Unfortunately, having a stuffy nose made breathing quite difficult, which is why you had to break away.
"You taste like Pad See Ew and NyQuil," Jake commented before pressing his lips against your right cheek. It would have to suffice while air returned to your lungs.
A laugh escaped your lips, "What did you expect? Again, you really should look into suing the government for all the brain cells you lost while in-what's it called? Grid lock?"
"So you do listen to me!"
"Can you not remind me of my mistakes? Thanks," you deadpanned, not minding the chuckle he let out. His lips pressed against your forehead, bringing a small smile to your face.
"Also, if you get sick, you can't blame me. Nor will I feel as inclined to bring you Mac and Cheese," you added before taking another bite of your food.
"I don't ever get sick," He scoffed, making you roll your eyes as you adjusted your glasses.
"That is exactly what someone says before they get deathly ill. I'm not going to figure out parking in a government military base. We're not there yet."
"So what you're saying," he leaned in, his breath once again on your ear and God, he needed to stop doing that or else you will kiss him again and will double his chances of falling ill, "We will get there?"
"You still need to learn how to park, Romeo," you paused, "speaking of which, you parked in the visitor lot, right?"
"No, that's too far away from your building. I just parked in front and hung up my work tag," Jake explained, as if that was the most sensible thing in the world.
"Jake….you can't….you have to park in the visitor's lot or else your car gets towed."
"V, they're not gonna tow someone who clearly works for the military."
"How much ya wanna bet?"
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wheres-mylove · 2 months
francesca | aemond targaryen x fem!baratheon!reader
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Summary: Aemond battles duty and desire, torn between his brother's schemes and his own longing for Lady Baratheon. Inspired by Hozier's Francesca.
Disclaimer: English isn't my first language!
Word count: 0.6k
Aegon Targaryen was a man accustomed to having his desires fulfilled.
A master of getting what he wanted, he seized pleasure and delights for himself. What he didn't want, he also received. Always granted the privileges of a firstborn son. The vision of a crown he didn't deserve.
He didn't deserve the wife he took either, simply because he could. Because it pleased him to spite his brother. That fool only took. Took and gave nothing in return.
Aemond Targaryen was second in line to the throne. Second in line to make demands.
Second, second, second.
Lady Baratheon glided toward him, escorted by her father. The sept was silent, all attention focused on the radiant bride. And for a fleeting moment, Aemond could draw a breath and imagine that she belonged to him. That this wedding was not a farce.
She gave him a look that nearly knocked him off his feet. A mixture of adoration, hope, and timidity. He had to ground himself. Reality crashed upon him with cruel force. He felt like a pawn in a game he never wanted to play. It wasn't his day. It wasn't his ceremony. She was not his to claim, not his to cherish.
Aemond had been cruel before, but now he had really outdone himself.
“We should have Storm's End on our side. When the time comes, we will need every strength we can gather,” Otto Hightower declared, clasping his hands on the table. “Borris is a proud, stupid man. He'll agree if he imagines his daughter by the side of the future king.”
Alicent cast a uncertain glance at Aegon, who lounged on one of the chairs, seeming entirely disinterested in the whole situation.
“I thought the arrangements made for Helaena to be his wife were still valid.”
“Don't be ridiculous,” Otto rebuked her sharply. “We must open ourselves to alliances from the outside.”
“Which one will I get?” the prince suddenly asked, as if struck by a certain thought.
“If the Baratheons have anything to offer, it's daughters. Whichever one you want.”
A grave, grave mistake.
Aemond barely heard the words of the ceremony. His heart hurt. A heart he should have gotten rid of before stepping into this building. She was so beautiful. He imagined her reaction when she entered the marital chambers. She wouldn't find the man she was marrying at the altar there. She would find Aegon.
Aemond is a proxy. A safeguard. So Lady Baratheon won't flee.
Aegon's back collided with the oak doors. But the impact failed to erase the smug grin etched upon his face. His brother's fiery gaze bore into him.
“Maybe I do love her? And I can't imagine any other by my side?” Aegon asked in a sing-song voice, not moving from the spot Aemond had shoved him into.
Aemond's patience wore thin, his voice a low growl of frustration.
“Stop it. You don't give a shit at all. This is just another game to you. And she won't agree to marry you. Not after how you treated her the last time she was here.”
Aegon's smirk widened, a gleam of amusement dancing in his eyes.
“Oh, I know that. That's precisely why we need your help, dear brother. Our intended bride happens to hold you in high regard. And as for me, well, weddings aren't exactly my cup of wine. The feasts afterward? Absolutely. But the ceremony itself? Not my scene.”
Prince's tone turned ominous as he issued his ultimatum, a veiled threat hanging in the air.
“Refuse to assist, and I'll see to it that this marriage never takes place.”
Aemond felt the weight of obligation pressing down upon him, a heavy burden he could not easily shake off. They needed this alliance, and he was bound by duty to serve the case.
But now, oh now, now he felt something else. The stirring of rebellion.
He will claim her for himself. His lady born of tempest and fury.
How would she fear any hurricane when she embodied one?
And as for Prince Aemond, he had always been captivated by storms.
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wordslostforever · 1 year
Couples Therapy
Ch. 1 "Work with me"
Pairing: Wanda/fem!reader
Summary: When your marriage with Wanda starts to fall apart, you both decide to have a last chance by going to a professional, for your son's sake, and your own.
Warnings: 16+! Established relationship, Angst, mentions of cheating, mention of Vision, implied sex (not smut), arguments, cursing, gaslighting, mentions of divorce. 
A/N: Honestly, this is the first Wanda fanfiction I’ve ever written, and I hope I did somewhat okay, plus a little warning, I made up everything about couples therapy, apologies in advance.
Also, my first language is not english, so I’m sorry for any grammatical mistake.
Word count: 2.9k
You don't remember the last time everything with Wanda seemed fine, right. 
Little by little, your marriage was becoming untenable with the constant fights and stupid arguments about things that weren't an issue at all, it was as if you didn't know each other, as if your wife didn't know you anymore.
Little by little, the love you once had was vanishing into thin air like smoke in the wind. You tried wearily to pick up those pieces, but they slipped from your hands.
"I never asked you to give up everything for me."
Everything was falling like leaves in autumn, from the ground you tried to grab the dying leaves that changed color.
"I never said you did, Wanda. I gave up everything for you because I wanted to, because I love you. If you brought that up, it's because you resent yourself for it."
So green, so full of life, the leaves turned brown, dry and empty.
"You're unbelievable. I resent myself for what? For making you stay? You're so unbelievable, so damn egocentric and narcissistic" Wanda paused at her words, red eyes crystallized with tears. Her lip quivered as she glared angrily at you, so angry at your straight posture and frown. "I don't even know how I got with you in the first place, you are so full of yourself that I don't know if I fit there with you."
Those eyes looked at you with nothing but resentment, and the love that was hidden in them, faded amidst all those thoughts.
"Jesus Christ!" you said, offended, as you tried to not let out a louder scream. Wanda looked at you indifferently with a raised eyebrow. Your heart was breaking at her gaze, wondering if you would ever see the love you once possessed. "If you want to go and fuck Vision, you should have done it long ago then! Maybe I shouldn't have wasted my time on you either as you seem so fond on thinking that I suck and I'm not worth your fucking time."
"And you brought that again, what the hell is your problem with me and Vision?"
"The problem is that you screwed him all over and I had to forgive you, I had to forgive your crap all the time, but when it comes to me doing something wrong, for once, you're at my neck annoying the crap out of me."
"I can't- You keep making me feel guilty about it, we said- You said you were over it. I'm over it, that's why I stopped apologizing."
"I was never over it, you made me get over it with your shitty apologies and excuses. Fuck! You even made me feel guilty about it." Maybe those were the words that ended what little patience your wife had, maybe your simple words broke what little was left of your marriage. "'Oh, Y/n, We have children together, Tommy and Billy will be broken, we can't do that to them' So full of crap, you're so full of crap."
Tired, it was all too exhausting for you, for her, the words coming out of a part you both didn't know existed.
"Get out." Wanda said ending the conversation, and you laughed indignantly. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at you, firm, letting you know she meant it this time. "Get out! Leave!"
"And there you go running." At that you turned around grabbing your jacket from the couch roughly, and shook your head. "Again. You're unbelievable."
"Screw you, y/n."
With that you walked out of the house, closing the door delicately trying to calm the rage gathering in your chest. Wanda, on the other hand, burst into tears, frustrated tears covering her cheeks. It wasn't until a sound came from the staircase that she wiped the drops from her face with her palm, trying to fake a smile.
"Where's momma y/n, mom?" The little boy looked at Wanda in confusion, one of his hands gently scratching his eyes as a yawn escaped his mouth.
"She had to work, honey, just go to bed. Is Tommy awake too?" Wanda asked softly, watching him nod. Her heart broke at the images of her children listening to the fight. "Go to bed, I'll go with you in a few minutes, okay? I have to turn the lights off."
You didn't know what happened, how it happened. You loved Wanda as much as she loved you, but from one moment to the next, days passed from fight to fight and everything fell apart. Maybe it wasn't so abrupt, maybe you should have seen it coming after everything that happened between you.
One of the things that you loved most in the world was slipping through your fingers and you had no idea how to fix it... You had no idea if you wanted to fix it.
You spent the night out at Natasha's house, your best friend and co-worker. Tired, you couldn't sleep and when it was time to get out of bed it was almost an impossible mission, but you still did it, and with a forced smile you went to work.
You needed the distraction, work until your brain couldn’t remember the reason why your heart felt tight and broken inside your chest.
“No, what do you mean by that?”
“I mean, maybe if you try to listen to her and put yourself in her shoes, there may be a way for you two to stop fighting.” You gave your best friend an inexpressive look, making her roll her eyes in annoyance. You sighed, fixing your gaze on your plate with salad, rethinking the point Natasha brought up.
“That’s all I have done since that day, I have listened to her. The problem is not me, it’s her. She is the one fighting, she is the one that complains about everything I do. At this point, I think she just hates me.” You said with a grimace, meeting Natasha features, who resembled your expression. “What?”
You turned around in your chair as soon as Natasha pointed with her head at the door of the restaurant. Your eyes fixed on the figure of your wife, who looked around trying to find you, making you bite the inside of your cheek with irritation. 
Wanda found your eyes and she walked to you. 
Instinctively your eyes roamed through her body, looking how the red dress she was wearing hugged her curves. 
"Wanda." You said her name as soon as she approached you with dark circles under her eyes, but you didn't change the serious look you were giving her. "What are you doing here?"
"Can we talk?"
You bit your tongue trying to hold back the words of rejection that threatened to come out and nodded. With a regretful look at Natasha, you got up from the table grabbing your jacket.
You and Wanda walked out of the restaurant in silence and all the way to the small park nearby. You sat down on one of the benches with Wanda next to you. Your gaze remained fixed on the scenery and the people passing by, feeling Wanda's gaze on you, however, you didn't look at her, you didn't want to, knowing perfectly well that all the anger you felt would vanish in those green eyes.
"The kids are asking for you," The mention of your children made you turn your gaze to her and lock your eyes together. Wanda let out a shaky sigh before swallowing the ball that formed in her throat. "And I don't know if they are buying the work excuse anymore, Y/n, they are asking if you are leaving the house."
"I'll pick them up today and we'll go out. We can discuss what to tell them about us now."
"So, you're moving out? Are we done forever this time?" Wanda winced in pain in her place, hands shaking. You looked at her with your head tilted, feeling your chest constrict as her eyes moved from yours closing.
"Isn't that what you want?" Your eyes met Wanda's again, and you sighed when she shook her head. "Then, what do you want?"
"I want to keep loving you."
"I want that too, but this, my love," Your gaze softened at her and you gripped her clenched fist gently as you opened it. Wanda looked at you intently, melting at the nickname, and opening her hand letting it intertwine with yours. "this is not working anymore, you know we aren't."
“Do you want to divorce?”
"What choice do we have? All we do is fight, Wanda." You saw a tear come out of Wanda's eye and you wiped it away with your finger, trying not to cry. "We have a beautiful family and wonderful children, but our marriage is so broken. You're not happy anymore and neither am I."
"We can try to be happy, we can make it work, we always do. Why should we stop now?"
"Because maybe it's too late. Maybe we're too far apart."
"Do you love me?"
"Of course I do."
"Then let's try one last time." Wanda said, placing her hand on your cheek. You closed your eyes feeling the touch and the warmth her hand transmitted. "I want to be with you, Y/n, I want to fix this."
"I want to be with you too." You moved closer to her, your forehead meeting hers delicately as her thumb brushed your lip. Your hands traveled to her waist squeezing gently as you felt her body tremble at the sadness and despair building up in her.
"Please work with me." You felt the warm air of her breath as Wanda whispered the words above your lips as closed her eyes.
"I always will."
After washing your hands, you looked in the mirror one last time, running one of your hands over the dark circles under your eyes and pinching the top of your nose with irritation. Leaving the bathroom, you walked down a long hallway, if you didn’t know what the place was, you would have assumed it was a hotel, but it wasn’t one.
Couples therapy.
How ridiculous. You knew you were doing it for Wanda more than for yourself, you knew the last thing you wanted to do was talk about your marital problems to a complete stranger who would start judging your every decision. You didn't need this, you didn't, but Wanda did, so once again you decided to put aside what you wanted to do for her.
Wanda seemed excited, you would even say happy to be there when the two of you met in front of the office door. She smiled at you and you forced a smile.
"I left the kids with Pietro and Monica."
"Are they back together?" You asked confused as you opened the door and made way for Wanda to enter, before walking in yourself.
"They never broke up, they just took some time apart." Wanda answered, before greeting the woman sitting on a couch, which happened to be across from a longer couch. "Hello."
"Welcome, you must be Wanda Maximoff. Please, take a seat." Wanda sat down on the couch and patted her side looking at you encouragingly. You sighed defeatedly before sitting down as well.
"She is-" Wanda started, but you cut her off with a polite smile toward the woman who nodded while writing something down in her notebook.
"I'm her wife."
"Y/n Maximoff?"
"Oh no, uhm." You stopped in your place clearing your throat at the situation, you knew the last name issue had been a problem between you and Wanda in the past. "I didn't take her last name, it's just Y/L/N."
"We decided after a couple of talks that we didn't want to change them." Wanda explained and you had to bite your tongue to hold the words that formed in your mouth.
The therapist tilted her head and settled back in her seat, looking intently at your actions making you feel self conscious. Wanda looked at you with narrowed and steady eyes, and you scratched your neck tensely before you heard the therapist's voice.
"Why don't we start now then? Y/n, you were about to say something about what Wanda said, but you held the words" You sighed as the therapist looked at you encouragingly. "You can talk here, this is a space where you two can talk freely, say what you really want."
"It's nothing really, it doesn't matter."
"No, I want to hear it." You looked at Wanda incredulously, irritated at the condescending tone she used.
"You decided that we shouldn't change our last name."
"No, we both did, you agreed."
"Because you made me agree, you barely let me say anything."
"Well, it's not my fault that you can't express your mind."
"You don't let me do it. You always overstep on what I say or turn it into something totally different from what I meant." The look in Wanda's eyes made you sigh tiredly, shaking your head in denial. Your gaze softened as you looked back at her, having no energy to fight. "I wanted your last name."
"Fine, then, let's change it."
"No, it's too late. We have been married for eleven years, it wouldn't make sense now."
Wanda rolled her eyes in irritation before crossing her arms in front of her chest and falling silent, turning her attention back to the therapist who seemed to be listening intently to the conversation. You, on the other hand, clenched your fists in frustration looking back at the therapist.
"I see, maybe we should start with the beginning. What do you think is the problem here? I want both of you to be really honest about this."
You snorted at the question before you felt a soft smack to your side from Wanda scolding you for your behavior. You clenched your jaw for a second, then settled back into place and feigned a smile.
“I don’t know, there are many things that could be or… maybe there’s none and this is useless.”
“Why do you think this is useless, Y/n?”
“Don’t you see it, isn’t that supposed to be your job? Figure out what’s wrong?”
“Don’t be rude.” Wanda scolded you, and you frowned. “She is trying to help.”
“I just don’t want to waste my time on this, you know, I’m not even sure if this will work.”
“We could just try.” Wanda said angrily, scoffing when you shook your head. “Just answer the damn question, Y/n.”
“You answer it then because I can think of a million reasons why everything is wrong.”
“So, there are millions of things that I do wrong?”
“I didn’t even say your name, why do you keep doing that? This is not only about you, it’s about us.”
And so the session continued until the hour was up. The truth is that you were tired, tired of the fights and the useless progress you had made. Wanda assured you that it was only the first session and with that you stayed quiet for the rest of the way home after picking up your kids.
Dinner passed as normal, you and Wanda, Billy and Tommy at the table eating and living like a completely perfect family. That wasn't a problem for you, pretending everything was fine with Wanda in front of your kids, pretending the fights behind closed doors didn't exist. That wasn't the problem. The problem came when you had to go to your room and close the door, at that moment the perfect facade of the perfect marriage fell from your hands.
Again, it was back to the same thing, the meaningless fights, the condescending tones. All that was killing you slowly, so slowly that you thought it didn't exist, but the tiredness would come, the headaches, the pain in your chest that prevented you from breathing. The sadness that invaded your being completely.
“You said you’ll work with me.” Wanda said while she took her clothes off, and you stopped in place, dropping the shirt you were trying to get off. “What are you doing?”
“I’m trying, okay? I’m trying.”
“It doesn’t seem like you are.”
“Really, Wanda? Now?” You bit the inside of your cheek looking at her as she pulled the oversized shirt down her body, falling closer to her knees. You took off your pants before shaking your head and taking off your shirt. “I’m tired, just please, don’t start.”
“I’m not trying to pick a fight,” Wanda said once you had your pajamas on, and turned to her. She sat on the edge of the bed, looking at you. “I want us to work.”
You tilted your head towards her as you saw tears falling from her eyes. You approached her gently, kneeling down in front of her as you grabbed the hand that was on her thigh, and giving her a small kiss on the knuckles. Wanda looked up at you, wiping away the tears with her other hand and calmly grabbing your neck, nuzzling you.
That was the first time in months that you saw the love in her eyes, the love that was hidden in between the anger in those fights, the love that you thought no longer existed.
“I love you.'' You released the words naturally, softly, and before standing up, you left a short kiss on her thigh. “I will always love you.”
“I love you too, y/n” Wanda opened her legs to grab you from the waist, pulling you close to her. You smirked when your eyes locked together, watching her eyes darkened slightly and her cheeks take a soft pink color.
Your hands went to her neck after, and a sigh came from your lips when her hands slipped inside your shirt.
You at least had to try, for her and for the love that you had.
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