#i gotta give winwin some love because i never talk about him and i think he has a lot of potential
sanstropfremir · 3 years
Hello I've been meaning to ask if you ever saw the 2017 taemin and jimin (b//tee/ss) collab stage and what your thoughts are on it. People like to debate over who was the "better dancer " which I feel technically isn't to fair to the b&*ts member cause taemin had MANY years to perfect his craft plus had lik a few solo stuff under his belt. For me personally I prefer taemin dance style. Some think that jimin's dance style is more off beat or like emotionally raw? While taemin is more technical but doesn't lose his "face". I'm curious on your thoughts! 💖
hello!!! i have seen it, yes! i agree that i don't really think the comparison is fair, because taemin does have that much more experience but also because they have different style bases. taemin's popping base means that he tends towards sharper and more defined movements that have clear finish points and geometric shapes. and he's fast. jimin has a base much closer and more heavily influenced by contemporary, so he's less focused on stopping his lines in the same way. however i will say this is not necessarily good contemporary practice, but i'm gonna come back to that. jimin is also not very fast. this is not a fault of contemporary practice either, although it does usually tend to be a balladic style. i think there's become a bit of a false equivalency that has happened when a general audience engages with an 'emotional' performance, and that is that emotion and technique are somehow mutually exclusive. that to have a more 'emotional' performance the dancer has to 'break' technique in some way, because apparently if you're really feeling the feelings, technique doesn't matter. i think this has happened for two reasons. the first is reality/competition television and its manipulative editing, and the second is that the 'carelessness' or break makes the performer seem more relatable. we've all fucked something up in the heat of the moment. and although i don't think this line of thinking is totally invalid, i do think that it does kinda defeat the point of performance unless used in very specific circumstances. most of the time you aren't supposed to see the performer underneath the performance. kpop is one of the few forms where that is almost...encouraged? in a way?? it's an art form that's born from cult of personality, so audience engagement with any of the work supersedes the preface of storytelling and goes straight to the admiration of the performer themselves. it's not about how well they can tell a story, its about how well the audience perceives them performing. and i am specifically aiming this at fanbases, not at the idols themselves. a truly exceptional artist doesn't need to sacrifice technique to tell a good story.
and i think here is where we see the main crux of the difference between taemin and jimin as performers: taemin has both an artistic and an idol persona. we know and understand him to do solo work that has a separate artistic meaning to just him being an idol. even though this performance was pre-move, i would still say this applies, because he's hot off press your number, where he's acting in a story based mv. jimin on the other hand just has his idol persona. he's not known for creating the same kind of storytelling that taemin is. while i was drafting this response i got two different asks about bts so i'm gonna save the longer discussion about their brand for those, since this is already getting upwards in the wordcount.
now lets bring it back in to dance specifically; there's a couple things i want to elabourate on. first and foremost, jimin isn't fast enough to keep up with taemin in this choreo. it's much more in line with taemin's style and honestly most idol dancers would have trouble keeping up with taemin. secondly, i said previously that jimin's casual line finishes are not good contemporary practice, and that's true. contemporary does have more emphasis on fluidity and fluid shapes rather than strict geometric ones, but good contemporary has very pointed stops when they're there. and luckily, there's some neat examples that i can use to better illustrate what i'm talking about. byeongkwan from a.c.e has actually done a cover of lie, specifically of the section that jimin does here, AND he precedes it by doing a cover of want!! which hello!!! how much more perfect an example can i get!! byeongkwan has base in hiphop, he's a huge taemin fan, plus he has fantastic body isolation, and if a.c.e can do anything its dance really fucking fast. you can see in the way that he dances want he keeps all the transitions very very fluid, there's very little stop points between positions because that's how taemin dances it; its all about being as fluid as possible, but it still requires a rigidity of form that means that you cannot slack. there's no place here for an errant uncontrolled hand: breaking the technique is breaking the performance. and then watch how he changes that approach going into lie. he has very clear and very fast stops; when he's still, he's still: there's no overshoot on his movements, he's purposeful in his placement.
my other example is taemin has very kindly done a full contemporary routine, just me and you, as a vcr from the ngda beyond live. it's fucking incredible and i full on wept watching it for the first time during the concert. it's an excellent example of good contemporary that doesn't sacrifice technique and is still extremely emotional. also like, not to bring this routine up again for the nth time but ten and winwin's lovely is another great example (this link is a live performance this time). the both of them are have very strong shape creation and i've talked about ten briefly before as a contemporary based dancer but here let me quickly draw your attention to winwin's HANDS. look at them!!!! he has training in chinese traditional dance which has extremely specific hand positions and you can see it; his placements and positions are so specific!!! he's so nice to watch!!!
ok this got longer than i expected but i think i've covered most of my main points pertaining to this specific collab; when i finish the other asks about bts i'll edit a link in here: part two, and part three.
#875#group analysis#kpop questions#kpop analysis#i gotta give winwin some love because i never talk about him and i think he has a lot of potential#also i LOVE traditional dance in like every form#i realize now that i throw a lot of dance terms around do people know what i mean when i say contemporary???#im pretty sure there's a few of you here who have dance experience but if i start saying some shit and dont provide examples#please ask me to clarify i will not be offended#jimin is a fine dancer but honestly he's kinda lazy in form#and i dont really like the lie choreo its honestly kinda ugly for a contemporary choreo#and not in a fun way. in a simplistic and uninteresting and very literal way#like yes you are telling a very clear story with the song and contemporary is balladic#but you could probably stand to hit the nail a few less times with the hammer#i think watching byeongkwan's cover kind of exposes how boring the choreo is and how its 'power' just hinges on jimin#which isnt like.....in the fun way that sunmi's choreos hinge on her or how taemin's choreos hinge on him#like idols can correctly cover those choreos theyre just really hard because they have tough concepts that require actual performance#but lie doesnt really have enough depth to put it on the same level as sunmi's heroine#(where dancing it badly is the point)#(but the choreo still looks good if done well)#idk its definitely my personal opinion but if your choreo looks bad if its danced well i think the choreo fails#i dont think he's a bad dancer he just doesn't impress me?#like if i had to pick a dancer from the group i'd 100% pick jhope/hoseok he's a little bit more interesting to watch#obviously its likely jimin has improved since 2017 but i havent really seen a lot that gives me any indication of that?#and tbh line finishes are pretty hard to fix esp this far into a career. kai's never managed to fix his#text#answers#anon thank u for sending me a sparkle heart emoji those are my favourite
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Yuta (cold mafia boss)
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Prompt: 20)“The only time a man should be fast is when he’s trying to dodge my bullets.” - 100 Dialogue Prompts for Mob Boss AUs
A/N: since NCT 127 have decided to attack us since Friday with all their day/night posts and whatever more things they still got in the back storage, I just gotta do some fics about the dark concept, cause like, yea XD. I asked my friend whose bias is Yuta to choose a prompt and so, here we are XD
Warnings: some form of harassment, cursing (it's Yuta) drinking, spiked drink and hint of kidnapping
It was a Friday night and you were more than excited to finally have some time off to hang out with your boyfriend, Yuta, who was also part "gang leader" of NCT, an infamous group that people thought do illegal doings when they're the ones shutting the illegal businesses down.
Yuta being Yuta didn't disclose what he did from the beginning. But he also never fully tell you everything which, is understandable, it was confidential information. Despite so, Yuta never restricted your movements and you both would have some normal cafe dates, picnic dates, etc. Even so, there will be times where Yuta would have you do some personal training that includes self-defence, quizzes about types of chemicals, guns, etc. In his defense, he just wants you to be prepared should something goes wrong and you're alone.
Despite following Yuta's needs, you would sometimes joke about how it won't happen or that Yuta will make sure it wouldn't go too far or even if anything did happen, you were sure that Yuta would eventually find a way to make things right. Boi, were you in for a treat.
As mentioned, you were finally going to have a night out with Yuta after so long and had just finished getting ready when you received a text from Yuta saying, "hey love, sorry this is super last minute but could you change into a more black-tie dress code? We are sort of having a business dinner tonight and I want to bring you as my date. I'm on my way to pick you up right now. Don't worry, you don't have to put on anything you're uncomfortable cause whatever you wear, you still look hot to me ;)"
So of course you did what Yuta asked. You changed into a simple long black dress that fitted your figure and touched up your makeup a bit more and let your hair down. As you were putting on the last of your accessories and about to put your shoes on, Yuta was already ringing the bell. You quickly opened the door for him and told him that you were just going to put your shoes on which Yuta chuckled and helped you as he saw you struggling.
"You didn't have to go all out and wear heels babe, you'll have sore feet by the end of the night" Yuta mentioned, holding you steady as you were putting on your heels
"I mean, if it's just dinner, I'll just be sitting either way. You so owe me with a pizza movie night next week" you complained, finally putting your shoes
"Anything for you babe. Let's go" Yuta smiled, bringing your arm wrapped around his and helped you get into the car before he went to the driver's seat
Arriving at the dinner, you felt out of place since this was the first time Yuta actually brought you. Noticing your nervous state, Yuta wrapped his arm over your shoulder, telling you that he'll be right beside you unless you need to go to the restroom or need some personal space.
Nodding, Yuta gave you a heartwarming smile and brought you around. First and foremost, to his other members that were joining the dinner, the people you knew the week you and Yuta started dating. Allowing some weight off since how worried you were.
"Oh, (Y/N)!! Welcome!! Hope Yuta didn't force you to come here" Johnny greeted you which Yuta gave him a glare
"Well, he sorta promised me for a pizza movie night date next week, so I guess it's a winwin" you replied, chuckling
"Oooh, can we come? I miss just watching movies on the weekend" Jungwoo requested, pulling out his puppy eyes
"Maybe if you find yourself a girlfriend, I'd consider it" Yuta hissed, you hit him playfully
"Hey (Y/N), sometimes I wonder what you see in Yuta. He's so aggressive" Jungwoo joked as Taeyong tried to calm everyone and directed everyone to their table since dinner was starting
Dinner surprisingly went well and the opposing business partners were actually cooperating; like, they would agree to what NCT were asking, even giving some suggestions for the corporation. But nevertheless, every NCT member were on their best guard; heck, they all had their guns rested by their hips and even knifes hidden within their clothing.
Seeing how the talk about the business bore you, you took a big sip off of the drink the waiter had just poured for you. Suddenly feeling the urge to go to the bathroom, you excused yourself from everyone at the table, nodding your head when Yuta told you to immediately come back once you're done.
However, you didn't go to the bathroom because of the urge to pee or anything. Instead, it's because you didn't feel too good, maybe the alcohol in your drink was a bit too much to your tolerance but whether you want to admit it or not, you didn't feel good and felt like you could pass out at any second.
After purging and sitting down for a bit, you felt slightly better but not good enough because everything around you was tilted. Taking a deep breath, you just kept on thinking how the dinner table wasn't that far and if you hurry, you can just make it to Yuta's side and pass out however you like.
Pulling whatever willpower you have left, you stood up and started to walk out of the bathroom. Holding onto the wall, you slowly walked down the hall back to your table, until someone came up to you, asking if you were alright which you told them that you were fine. You may be dizzy and not feeling good, but you surely weren't dumb nor were you drunk.
Despite the guy saying that all he wanted to do was to help you, you clearly knew that wasn't his true intention since he was gripping you a bit too much to your liking. You've tried pushing him away but that only made his grip tighter. And to top it off, instead of helping you to your actual table or at least asking where your table was, he brought you to a more quiet area; making your heart beat quicker.
Unfortunately, at this point, whatever was in your drink was sinking it and you slowly start to lose consciousness and hope as from what you can see, you were far from your table. But thank the universe because all of a sudden you hear a loud ring and the tight grip was gone; instead, it was replaced by a warm embrace.
"Get him out of here before I actually kill him right here and now" you heard Yuta's stern voice commanding his other members
"I got you, baby. Let's get you back home, hmm?" you heard Yuta's voice turned soft; not having any more energy, you just nodded and fell asleep in his embrace
Because Yuta felt he can't leave you alone nor not torment the people that hurt you, he decided to bring you back to NCT's place. Wiping off your makeup and putting on your skincare for you, Yuta had one of the maids help change your clothes and then he tucked you in bed; not leaving your side until he's convinced that you're fully asleep before leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead then quietly leaving the room.
Walking out of the room, he saw Jeno and Jaemin, asking them to guard your room until he gets back. Making his way to the basement, he met with the NCT members that joined the dinner that did not end well at all.
Turns out, not long after you left, the neos already had a bad feeling; that something was not right, especially since their "business partners" were eyeballing the situation around them and it was revealed that the dinner was just a cover-up and that they were planning to use you to get to the neos, which clearly did not end well for them.
"Is she alright?" Taeyong asked, seeing Yuta was fuming
"She's very much passed out the second I found her. Are they all in there?" Yuta questioned strictly
"Yea. All tied up and blindfolded on the ground" Johnny mentioned
"Good" Yuta smirked, slamming the door open, making the prisoners jerked in surprise
"Rise and shine motherf*ckers. I hope you're ready for what's coming" Yuta shouted as some of the neos took their blindfolds off
"And y'all call yourselves men. Tch. You guys may be agile but not agile enough. The only time a man should be fast is when he’s trying to dodge my bullets. Not getting caught by their enemies. And surely not looking or thinking to do anything to another person's girlfriend. Oh well, what's done is done. Be lucky that we all got there in time. But, that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. Let's see...should I start off with your fingers because you touched my girl or your head for ever thinking that little stunt of yours. Either way, I'm definitely going to take my time with you all" Yuta ranted, a smirk forming on his face as he saw the horror of his prisoners while the neos put their blindfolds back on
A/N: yeap, this turned out longer than expected. Welp, this is what happens when NCT updates with a dark concept I guess XD
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purple-baby-d · 3 years
overthinking over you.
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Lee Donghyuck (Haechan — NCT) X female reader.
Genre: Fluff, smut.
Word count: 8,672.
Content: student!hyuck, student!reader, sportplayers!nct, kissing, first time sex (male), dry humping, foreplay, fingering, depictions of violence that may be upsetting for some readers, I kinda made Johnny a dick so sorry to y’all beforehand, just some lovely and probably cringey au to have a valentine’s day feast before valentine’s day because I realized I haven’t written an au for my best friend in a while and the 90′s Love era Haechan has been attacking me for long enough so I decided to do something about it.
Brief: Captain of the hockey team, Honor Roll student, an amazing friend and the pride and joy of his parents, Lee Donghyuck certainly has it all to other people’s eyes, but what about the girl he’s dreamed of? No, he’s pretty much a great overthinker for that. But now that she broke up with her boyfriend, will his head get on the way of him getting to her heart?
Dedicated to @theravengoddess, happy Valentine’s day, bestie! I love you and thank you for being with me through the ups and downs 💜
After some long hours of practice, the hockey team was finally sent to the lockers by the coach, the old man’s chest was filled with pride by his back-to-back champion, the Neo Cultural Tech All-Stars. But of course, he didn’t want his players to slack off, so he wouldn’t let them know that.
The man of the hour, Lee Donghyuck, got out of his warm shower to dress up and go home, finding his fellow team players in the lockers. “Hey, nice practice today, Hyuck”, Jeno complimented, patting his shoulder. “Thanks, man. You were quite impressive out there too”, he smiled at him. “You guys wanna crash at my place to study for the finals? My last brain cell died trying to figure out the Algebra study guide”, Mark sighed, pulling his red hoodie down as he slipped his arms into the sleeves. “I’m down, I seriously need divine help for that one”, Sungchan said, tying the laces of his sneakers. “Me too, the question is if our savior will be there to help us”, Yangyang teased, looking at his team captain.
The blonde looked at him with a little smile, shaking his head. “You guys are truly a pain in the ass”, he sighed. “Oh, come on, Hyuck! I’ll pay for the pizza”, Yangyang pleaded, truly concerned about his grades. “You know if I don’t get at least a B, I won’t be able to stay in the team, what are you gonna do without your heartthrob?” he asked while pouting and batting his eyes. “But WinWin has good grades”, Mark teased, making his fellows laugh and Hyuck sigh. “Fine, but if you start staring at your phone instead of studying, I will whoop your ass”, Donghyuck agreed, and the rest of them high-fived each other.
“Ayo, Ten!”, Mark called out, looking at the guy who had just gotten out of the shower. Donghyuck saw something weird in him, he looked as if he was in a rush. “We’re having a group study session at my place, Hyuck will help us with the Algebra study guide, you down?”, he asked. “I’ll have to pass, guys. Johnny is pissed, it seems like he and Y/N broke up”, he said, making Donghyuck stop in his tracks, shocked. “What? What for?”, Mark asked again, concerned for Ten’s stepbrother, the star of the school’s martial arts team. “You know Johnny, she probably found out he cheated on her or something, but I’m still his brother, so I gotta be there for him”, Ten sighed, getting dressed within five minutes with his hair still dripping wet. “Anyways, maybe the next time, take care, y’all!”, he said before rushing out of the lockers’ room.
Jeno looked at his blonde friend, knowing exactly what he was probably thinking. His seemingly hopeless love was finally available again, how exciting was that? However, he looked rather terrified, and it was because his overthinking head was working at full speed.
Oh God, is she okay? Did Johnny hurt her badly? Should I text her? What if she doesn’t wanna talk about it? What if she doesn’t wanna talk at all? What if she doesn’t like boys anymore after this? Irene started dating Seulgi after Junmyeon broke up with her, what if Y/N does that too? Should I go with her? But I already told the guys I would help them... Jesus, Lee Donghyuck, you’re such an idiot.
Lee Donghyuck had many virtues, sadly his biggest enemy was his head.
“Guys, I think we lost him”, Sungchan said, as he saw Donghyuck spacing out. “What?” he said, once he realized his surroundings. Mark patted his shoulder, “Lee Donghyuck, you’re truly one of a kind. If y’all ready, let’s go”, he said, and their group left the lockers and headed to the parking lot, where everyone got into Donghyuck’s black Jeep to head off to Mark’s place. However, the team captain was still thinking about his long-time friend, who he’s had a crush on for the longest time. He simply shook it off, he was a man of his word, so he would help his friends and once they’re done with studying, his head would be clear enough to know what to do.
Because there was nothing better for Lee Donghyuck to clear his mind than a good Algebra study guide.
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“Oh, man, thank God it’s over!”, Sungchan yawned, stretching after finishing the last problem of the study guide and the last slice of pizza left on the third box, “I get it all now, how did you do that?”, Yangyang asked, looking at Donghyuck with utter confusion. “Well, it’s quite simple if you actually get your head in it”, the blonde replied, saving the study guide back in his backpack before grabbing his phone, still wandering between texting you or not. It wouldn’t be weird, you’ve known each other since kindergarten and been friends for years. However, your ex-boyfriend, the widely-known playboy Seo Johnny, had kept you from talking ever since you started dating last summer, and honestly, Donghyuck didn’t want you to have problems because of him.
He loved you a lot to do that.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow, Jeno, do you want a ride?”, you asked the only one within your group you knew didn’t plan on staying over at Mark’s or lived close enough to walk home. Jeno logically nodded, picking up his bag and saying his respective goodbyes. Of course, something seemed to click in Jeno’s head when Donghyuck offered to give him a ride home: you lived in front of his house. Obviously, he wasn’t going to point that out, knowing Donghyuck, he would take back his offer, and he honestly didn’t want to walk the ten blocks that distanced Mark’s place to his.
“You think I should talk to her?”, Donghyuck asked halfway through, looking at Jeno briefly as they got to a red light. Jeno sighed, taking his sight away from the window to look at his friend. “Honestly, Hyuck? You’ve been in love with her since fifth grade, you should gather the balls to tell her once and for all, it’s so fucking frustrating to deal with your overthinking ass head”, he replied, taking a deep breath afterward. What hurt Hyuck the most was knowing that he was right and that even after all those years, he’d always see you run into another guy’s arms.
First, it was Lucas, your boyfriend from sixth to eighth grade. He had a wealthy family and was the school’s fencing champion. And then, it was Johnny, who you’d been with since barely months after you broke up with Lucas. Sadly, it has always been the same for Donghyuck: as soon as he gathers the courage to ask you out, you’d already started dating someone else. You have a long, toxic relationship with the new guy, he breaks your heart, you go to him. It was the routine he was used to, the routine his thoughts reserved for him every time. But after parking his car in front of Jeno’s house, he decided that was about to change.
“You sure you’re okay? I’m sorry if I said something-”, Jeno tried to apologize, but Donghyuck cut him off. “It’s alright, Jen. You said what was in your head and I respect that, mostly because you’re right”, he sighed, looking down for a while before taking a deep breath and reaching out his hand for a small handshake with his friend. “I’ll see you tomorrow”, he grinned, as Jeno got out of the car. “Thanks for the ride, drive home safely!”, the raven-haired boy exclaimed as he walked into his house. Donghyuck stayed outside for a while, and while he did, he sighed as he kept thinking what was the right thing to text you.
But decided to let all of that go, he just typed the first thing that came to his head and pressed sent, locking his phone so he wouldn’t keep looking at it on his way home.
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“Johnny is a dick, and I think it’s time for me to say I told you”, Wendy laughed as you simply shook your head. Yeah, they all warned you, it’s true. But the truth also was you never really had super strong feelings for Johnny, nor Lucas, nor for any of the boys you’ve dated before. But then, why would you date them? Because you weren’t a fan of loneliness, and even though most of those guys were assholes —especially and at a ridiculous level, Johnny—, they wouldn’t miss the most stupid excuse to be with you when you were alone, which sadly because of your parents’ job was pretty often. “Yeah, I know I should’ve listened to you, Wen” you rolled your eyes as you threw one of your stuffed animals at your friend.
But as soon as she threw another one back, specifically the bear with the hockey team’s uniform, your eyes were about to bawl out. “Hey, be careful with this one!” you said, making sure it was still in perfect conditions. All of your friends looked at you, quite taken aback by your reaction. However, Demi, your neighbor, smiled a little before explaining your reaction. “All the other stuffed animals were from the idiots, but Lee Donghyuck gave her that one”, she sat next to you, as you both smiled while looking at each other. “Lee Donghyuck? As in the hockey team’s captain, Lee Donghyuck?”, Joy asked, quite excited. You nodded, letting out a small sigh as you thought of him.
“I’ve heard he’s gay, I mean, he hasn’t gone public about a relationship like... ever? And besides, he has rejected every girl that’s asked him out”, Irene said, quite as nicely as ever. “No offense, I mean, I’m obviously an ally... but, how come such a hot piece of cake like him has never dated someone?”. Seulgi looked at her girlfriend, quite shocked at her way to describe him. “Jeno told me he has a crush on someone since fifth grade, but he’s quite an overthinker, he needs to ask his left foot before moving the right one”, Demi chuckled, “But I think that’s cute, he’s been a good friend to Y/N as far as I’m concerned, and if he ever decides to step out of his shell, I bet he will be the exception to the all athletes are idiots rule”.
This last phrase stayed in your mind as Seulgi, Irene, Wendy and Joy left, as they had told Yeri they would go over to her house for a good spiriting session before the cheerleading championship you’d enroll into in a few weeks. You passed, you were scared as hell of those things, and honestly, you preferred to spend some quality time with your neighbor before she went overseas to a musical exchange program. “Ugh, I’m gonna miss you so much, bitch”, you said as you hugged her, making her chuckle. “Hey, I’ll be sending you as many pictures as you want, and I’ll buy you gifts while I’m there, I promise I’ll try every single street food dish London has to offer just for you”, she said, letting out a sigh as she watched through your bedroom’s window. “I’ll miss you and Jeno so much...”, she muttered. You playfully pushed her, “Hey, you’re with your wife right now! Stop thinking about your boyfriend, say you’ll miss me!”, you yelled at her as you both laughed.
Your phone vibrated as a message arrived, and you grabbed it from its previous spot in your bed. As you read who it was from, you simply smiled, something your friend didn’t miss out on. “Let me guess, it’s your gay best friend”, she mocked you, referring to Irene’s comment on the rumors about his private life. You simply looked at her for a second to return your attention to the text.
You typed the answer quickly, quite excited about the fact that he texted you first when it was usually the other way. Demi stared at you while you wrote the message, quite unsure as to why you looked so hyped up.
Hey, I heard about you and Seo, I’m sorry.
You felt a pillow being thrown your way, and you looked up only to find your friend looking at you, pretending to be pissed. “Hey, you’re with your wife right now! Stop texting your crush, let’s watch a movie!”, you laughed again at your silly “jealous” attitudes, and ended up turning on your laptop to watch a movie before going to bed.
Hey... it’s fine, I was warned but I still did it.
How are you? I kinda missed you.
Of course, you’d chosen strategically to play the one movie Demi falls asleep watching so you could read Donghyuck’s answer to your texts, and you were a little too excited over it.
I missed you too, you should start cheering for the hockey team too!
Would you like to grab a bite tomorrow after class and catch up?
My treat ;)
Are you asking me out?
You asked teasingly, making Donghyuck’s head insane as he laid in his bed, reading your message over and over again thinking about his next move.
Was it too soon? Is it too little? Should I say no? What if she was joking? What if she doesn’t want a date? What if I screw up and she never wants to talk to me again? Reply quickly, idiot! She’ll think you’re ignoring her!
Leaving his thoughts aside, he typed what his heart told him to and sent it, quite to your shock as you read it.
If I was, would you say yes?
Biting on your lip as Donghyuck’s hands trembled, you couldn’t hold back a smile. If your friend was right, this would end with the bad streak of dating idiots you’ve had so far, and you’d finally be happy with someone who actually gave you your place. So without thinking it any further, you replied something that made your friend’s heart skip a beat.
Meet me tomorrow after class.
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“You asked her out?!”, Jeno exclaimed in shock as he read the small text conversation on Hyuck’s phone. He nodded, and Jeno showed a huge surprised face, “What? I thought that was what you wanted me to do”, the blonde said, quite not getting his friend’s reaction. “I’m just... shocked. I thought it would still take you weeks, days at least. Hyuck, I’m so fucking proud of you!”, he hugged Hyuck as he patted his back. “Damn, our little Hyuck is finally growing up, this and the fact that we slew those Algebra finals is a matter of celebration!” Mark said excitingly. “You just wanted an excuse to throw a party, didn’t you?” Sungchan rolled his eyes, smiling at his friend’s enthusiasm.
“I think I’ll catch up later, I promised Demi I’d be with her tonight”, Jeno sighed. It was a mystery to everyone why he looked so down lately, and it was merely because Jeno wasn’t the sharing type. He liked to keep his problems to himself, in his books it was alright because everyone had their own stuff to deal with. However, quite frequently, the exception to that rule was Donghyuck, but he kept things to himself whenever they were with the rest of the guys.
So once the guys headed off to the library to study a bit more for the rest of their final exams, Hyuck patted Jeno’s shoulder. “I know something’s off, Jeno”, he looked at his friend in the eye, which made Jeno sigh. “Demi is taking off to London for the summer break, and God knows how much longer”, he finally told him. “And I don’t mean to keep her here, because I know that’s her dream, and had it been mine, she’d support me until the very end, but...”, Jeno stared at the ground as they kept walking, not really wanting to say what sounded so selfish in his head, but was truly the only thing that he had in his mind. “You don’t want her to leave”, his friend completed, wrapping his arms around him.
“Jeno, if there’s something I know for sure it’s how much you and Demi love each other”, he chuckled, trying to cheer his friend up. “You’ve been together... God, for as long as I can remember. You’ll survive this, you just gotta let things flow”. Jeno looked up at him with a little smile, “How come you’ve never dated anyone and you still give great dating advice?”. They both chuckled, only for Jeno to look back at him and pat his back, “That’s some great advice, Hyuck, you should follow it too”.
As they reached the exit, both of them went separate ways. Jeno’s words kept ringing in the back of Donghyuck’s head as he walked towards the outdoor field’s bleachers, sitting down as he waited for you still thinking about how he would manage everything. He made an elaborate plan right after finishing the study guide last night, with his mind clear enough to let him make his choices without any further doubts. He took a deep breath and followed the little pre-game ritual he had ever since he started playing hockey: he looked straight ahead and emptied his mind from everything but what he had planned for the day: making sure you knew he’d treat you better than the rest of the idiots you’ve given your heart to.
That was his plan for the most important task he’s had to date.
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“Party at Mark Lee’s place tonight, girls!”, you heard Yeri exclaim as you got changed from your PE class in the lockers. The girls looked quite excited and you texted Demi to know if she would come as well, figuring that it would be somewhere in Hyuck’s plans for the night. “Someone looks quite rushed, do you have somewhere else to be?”, Joy asked you, as she slipped her red cropped turtleneck over her head. “I’m going on a date”, you muttered as the other girls looked at you, quite mesmerized. “A date?! With who?” Wendy had the courage to ask, and you smiled as you pointed at Donghyuck’s picture from last year’s yearbook. “Lee Donghyuck?”, Irene gasped, looking at you quite amazed. “Girls, there will be six more weeks of summer this year”. Your friends giggled as you shook your head. “I mean, you’re the first girl he’s asked out like... ever?”. You sighed as you put on some lipstick, blending it with the tip of your fingers.
Seulgi looked at what you were wearing and threw a piece of clothing at you, nearly making you smudge your mascara. “Hey!”, you exclaimed, quite shocked. “You don’t plan on going to Mark’s party later with that, right? Let alone to date the hockey team’s captain”, you looked at your plain red shirt and your white mom jeans, quite confused as you straightened the clothing ball your friend threw your way. “That’s my beloved white furry jacket, it will look cute with that and your matching bucket hat. And it will help you look like you made at least a little effort to look different today”. You dedicated her a little grin as you slipped the jacket on, finding yourself looking like a 90′s teen movie star. “Thank you!”, you told her, walking out the locker room as she yelled one final, “You better take care of it!”.
You jogged your way to the fields as you realized the bell rang twenty minutes ago, afraid of making Donghyuck think you’d forgotten or played with him. A part of you even thought he probably wouldn’t be there. However, you found him sitting in the bleachers, staring at his phone. “Hey, sorry, did you wait too long?”, you asked concerned, only to be greeted by one of his beautiful smiles. He got up, fixing his hair as he rushed down to your encounter, smiling your way. “I was talking to Jeno, I just got here”, he shrugged, a little white lie he made to keep you from feeling bad.
Because that’s how much he loved you.
“Oh, thank God, I was so scared...” you sighed, looking at him with a little smile. “Wow, I’ve seen you every day, yet you look so different”, you grinned, looking at how much his physics had changed from the little kid you remembered: he gained muscles, he was also taller than you remembered him to be, not to mention his golden-tanned skin looked somewhat more tempting than it did before. “Well, you’re still as beautiful as I remembered you to be”, he muttered, picking a lock of your hair behind your ear. That little moment had you feeling those cliché butterflies in your stomach like you’ve never felt them before. “Shall we go now?”, he asked you, reaching his hand out for you to hold.
His hands, good lord. You thought. There was definitely something about them that made you even more excited about holding them. As soon as you held his hand, it felt as if two pieces of a puzzle had been joined. As if the event was long overdue.
You walked over to the parking lot, where your jaw dropped as soon as you saw his ride. “Since when can you drive?”, you asked quite shocked. “I got my driver's license before the last championship, my parents gifted me this after we won”, he replied, opening the passenger’s seat door for you to go inside. “Wow, what a gentleman”, you said, acting as if it was a joke. But the truth was it somewhat made you feel good. No one had ever opened a door for you, and there was Lee Donghyuck, holding your hand to help you get inside his car after he opened the door for you.
Different from other guys you’ve had the chance to ride along with, Hyuck didn’t seem to care about your shoes being dirty when they touched the car, nor about you intending to touch the car. He made you feel as if his car was yours too, and you liked that. He closed the door once you got in and surrounded the car to get in the driver’s seat. You had this stupid smile on your face, and Hyuck noticed that. “What is it?”, he asked you, quite confused but still smiling. You shook your head, “Don’t mind me, I’m just recovering from the algebra test”. He chuckled, as he started the engine, “How come everyone says that? It was a piece of cake compared to the study guide”. You looked at him while laughing, shaking your head lightly. Ever since you were kids, Donghyuck was a genius with numbers. When the teacher asked him, he said it was because he liked to have an answer to problems, and that was when you knew you needed someone like him in your life.
However, due to the situation making you realize things in a totally different way, you surely were questioning the real intentions of that wish.
You stared at him as he focused on the driveway after lending you the AUX cable so you could choose the music, his focus unbothered even with your sort of intense glare. He truly looked like a 90′s boyband heartthrob. His sportslike red and white outfit along with the chains you remember giving him for one of his birthdays a while ago... he looked good. You also smiled a little as you noticed the color coordination you had unwittingly pulled off, you truly looked like a couple... and you liked it.
Donghyuck wasn’t blind, he noticed each one of your smiles but pretended not to since he liked to see you smiling, and his head was certain in the fact that you would try to hide them if he said something about them. “Where are we going?”, you asked him, quite curious about his intention. He wasn’t using any sort of GPS, so he knew where he was going, but that only made you more anxious as to where he was taking you. “Do you remember that place where your parents threw your birthday party in fifth grade?”, he asked, making you look at him with disbelief. “The arcade where I beat you in every single game?”, you giggled. “Yup, that one. I thought it would be nice to go back there, you know... for the memories”, he explained, only to add at the end, “and they also serve some great cheeseburgers”.
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The pure definition of the word “nostalgia” hit you as soon as Hyuck parked the car in the place’s parking lot. It was nearly empty, with just some employees going around to check on the games and some people eating in the cafeteria. “Wow, this place is exactly like I remember, they haven’t even changed the games!”, you exclaimed as Hyuck looked at your excitement with loving eyes. You looked at the guy beside you, taking your wallet out of your purse. “Well, the food’s your treat, then mine’s the games”, you said, you didn’t even let him say a word before you went over to the cashier to pay for the coins you’d play with.
The old lady sitting behind the desk looked at you with a kind smile, “That young man came in yesterday when we were nearly closing, he asked us to reconnect some of the old machines, now I get why”, she told you while looking for a few bags of coins, counting them in a machine that later poured them in a little cup. “He sure is in love with you, you’ve got quite a catch of a boyfriend”. You were about to tell her he wasn’t your boyfriend when you turned around, and your eyes found him focused on a crane game, not exactly knowing what he was so focused on getting but certainly going down the memory lane to a 12-year-old Donghyuck pulling an adorable teddy bear out of the game and giving it to you two days later with the hockey team’s jersey and his number in the back.
“I totally agree”, you muttered, smiling as you saw him pulling out the toy he’d gotten. He was so good at those games, at every game being honest. You still couldn’t believe you’d beaten him back in the day. Once the old lady handed you the coin-filled cups, you paid her and she handed you your change. As you counted the money, you realized something was off. “Excuse me, ma’am... you gave me extra change”. She shook her head, looking at you with that same smile. “Half of it is on the house, I let you pay the other half because the young man told me that you were quite stubborn”, she giggled, “Now, go and have fun! Live while you’re young”.
You smiled, thanking her as you walked back towards Donghyuck. He smiled back at your happiness, handing you an adorable stuffed animal. “How come you’re so good at those games?”, you asked him while giggling. “It’s just a matter of space measuring, calculating the probabilities of the toy slipping out or falling off the crane, choosing the most available toy out of the bunch... and I’m boring you”, he smiled nervously as he saw you looking at the toy, an adorable white bear with a red bow. You looked at him again only to find him scratching the back of his neck.
“You weren’t, I like that about you, Hyuck”, you answered honestly. “I hate it when people are overconfident while giving answers to those questions, like when they say ‘I just can’ or that sort of stuff”, he looked at you while you spoke, making you feel listened to. He was truly listening to every single word that came out of your lips as if it was the most interesting speech ever.
Because he loved listening to you.
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You spent every single coin playing different games, just like you did when you were kids, breaking your own records in every single machine you played in. You laughed the whole evening, and yet again, you managed to beat Donghyuck in every single game. “Booyah! In your face, twentieth game in a row!”, you mocked him, making your old little victory dance as he smiled, sighing. “Damn, you haven’t lost your touch”, he said, pretending to feel defeated, “Are you hungry yet?”, he asked you kindly. You nodded, and both of you made your way to the cafeteria, as you jokingly bragged about your smashing victory.
The old lady was patiently waiting for you to show up, with two gorgeous bacon cheeseburgers, french fries, and two milkshakes, what Donghyuck had told her to serve you the night prior. You looked at him in shock, “You remember all of this?”, you smiled as you sat down, thanking the lady when she left you your food. “It’s the house’s special, how could I forget it?”, he replied, as if wasn’t anything special. However, you knew deep down his intentions were all the opposite. You started eating, nearly crying at the sensation of memories flooding your head as soon as you gave it a bite. “It’s been so long since I’ve last had a burger this good”, you admitted. It wasn’t pretty usual for you to hang around these places anymore. It was pretty far away from your reach, yet Lee Donghyuck made it his task to make you remember the good old days.
“Why did you bring me here? I want the truth, Hyuck”, you demanded once you were done eating. He looked at you while taking a sip of his strawberry milkshake, swallowing before giving you an answer. “Well, a few years ago, on your birthday, your mother hired an entire show from the old animatronics because your friends loved them”, he started the story, one you certainly remembered. “However, you were scared shitless of them, so you ran out of the room as soon as the lights turned off for them to start the show. You thought no one noticed, but I did. And I ran behind you, only to find you looking at the zombie videogame your friends wouldn’t want to play with you because they didn’t like it”.
He looked at his hands, playing with his fingers as he left out a small chuckle. “Back then, you had this silly nickname for me, because of a bear you saw at the zoo that was named that way”, he said, only for you to complete his sentence. “Haechan”, you smiled, and he nodded. “You looked at me and smiled, and you said ‘Why are you here, Haechan? You should be watching the show, mommy thought you’d like it’. And I took out the coins I had in my pocket and told you-”. “I bet killing zombies with you is more fun”, you muttered, making him smile as you remembered it too. “Mom was so pissed she didn’t find me when the animatronics started singing the birthday song”, you chuckled, making him laugh as well. “That night, as we played, I remember thinking ‘wow, her smile is so pretty’, and it wasn’t until you first made that victory dance of yours that I realized how much I liked you” he confessed finally, leaving you speechless for a second.
You were that girl, you really were the girl Lee Donghyuck was in love with.
“You like me?”, you asked, still shocked. He nodded, not really knowing what to do with his hands. “I’ve been wanting to let you know for the longest time, but whenever I gathered the guts to do it, you started dating someone else. So I decided to keep it to myself, to be there for you as a friend if you needed me. Because even if it hurt me to see your heart break, I wanted to be there to help you fix it”, he explained to you, as the tears started coming out of your eyes. “You mean... when I started dating Lucas... you were planning to confess to me?”, your voice cracked, making him stop everything and reach out to hug you. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close, caressing your back. “Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to say anything, nor to feel guilty or bad for me. I was upset, I’m not gonna lie... but I also decided to set you free. If you came back to me, it was because it was meant to be. And you came back every single time, so I waited until the right time until I finally decided it was now”, he told you, as you pulled back slightly to look at him in the eyes.
“Hyuck...”, you couldn’t manage to get any words out of your mouth, but he made you feel as if it was okay to leave him hanging after such an adorable confession. You felt like the biggest trash bag on Earth, and the way he treated you made you feel worse and at ease at the same time. “You need to heal, and I get that. You went through a lot with Johnny, and I know that. I’ll wait until you’re ready if you want me to, and I’ll totally leave my feelings aside if you want me to. I’ll leave it up to you”, he told you, caressing your cheeks and adjusting your hat back in its place. “Mark has a party over at his place, do you want to go?”, he asked you softly, wiping your tears away.
You sighed, looking down for a minute. “Hyuck, I’ll give you an answer, I promise”, you told him, which he let out a little giggle. “It’s truly okay, Y/N. Come on, Jeno told me Mark’s already bragging about his b-boy moves”, he told you, reaching out his hand again after leaving a good tip for the old lady, thanking her again before the two of you left. He always found a way to make you feel better, even when he was probably the most upset.
Because he loved you.
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“Yo, Hyuck! You came just in time for another round of beer pong!” Mark greeted his friend as he saw the two of you walking into the party, crowded as usual for one of Mark Lee’s parties. “You guys look fresh! Make yourselves at home, drinks at the kitchen, snacks at the table, dance floor by the pool, and the rooms upstairs are exclusively reserved for the hockey team, so you’re staying over tonight, I’m not asking”. Hyuck looked at him, “Sure, because you’ll get so drunk tonight we’ll have to babysit you again”. Mark stopped in front of him, patting his shoulder. “You know me so well, Hyuckie”, he said, messing up his hair before going back to the party. “Ayo, Winwin! Let’s go get more booze!”.
You looked at Hyuck. “Do you want anything to drink?”, he asked you, raising his voice slightly for you to listen to him despite the loud music playing in the back. “Just some Coke” you replied, and he nodded, walking over to the kitchen as you looked around for Demi, finding her sitting on a couch near the beer pong table. You hugged her, noticing she looked a little excited. “I want every last drop of the scoop, how did it go?!”, she asked you, her smile nearly going from ear to ear. “He likes me, Dem, I’m the girl Jeno was talking about. And I blanked as soon as he confessed to me”, you said, quite embarrassed. “He planned the most adorable evening ever, he did all of these adorable things for it to be perfect... and I couldn’t even say anything”. Demi looked at you concerned, only to change her expression as soon as her attention drifted to someone walking over towards you. “Girl, I don’t mean to be rude, but we really should-”, she started as she helped you get up, only to be cut off by a voice you knew pretty well.
“I see it didn’t take long for you to go over with someone new, huh?”, he told you, looking at you dead in the eye. “Well, the difference, Johnny, is that I at least waited until breaking up with you”, you replied, certainly not scared of him. “Lee Donghyuck? That shitball, seriously? So you’re messing up with my reputation for being some faggot’s cover?”, he asked you, chuckling at the idea, making Jeno and the rest of the hockey team walk over towards you as soon as they acquired awareness of the situation. “You ain’t not even a quarter of the man he is”, you replied and felt him grabbing onto your neck, freezing at the closeness. “Oh, yeah? That wasn’t what you said when I made you my bitch”.
“Hey, asshole!”, you felt released as someone pushed Johnny off of you. Demi held you protectively as Jeno walked over to the two of you, checking out to see if you were okay. “Oh, if it’s the man of the moment, I was looking for you to give you my congratulations, I guess some people settled with used things”, Johnny mocked, only to receive another push from Donghyuck. “You can say all you want about me, but leave her alone or else”. Johnny laughed in his face, “You? You will beat me? You would risk getting your ass kicked for some wasted-ass bitch? Face the facts, Lee! Lucas used her, I used her, God knows how many more have, she’s a fucking slut-!”, he was about to say something else when Donghyuck threw the first punch, with such strength it left Johnny bleeding. You gasped, knowing well enough Hyuck wasn’t the fighting type, let alone the type to start a fight, let’s not even mention starting a fight with the school’s martial arts champion.
As soon as he got punched, you felt your heart stuck in your throat. He tried throwing punches at Johnny, but the ladder returned them faster and harder. Jeno, Yangyang, Sungchan, and Ten rushed to break down the fight, looking at how Hyuck’s blood started to stain the floor. “Enough!”, Mark yelled walking into his house with Winwin and the booze they went for, with that authority voice that made him so respected and loved by everyone in his class. “Johnny, get the fuck out of my house! I give two shits, you have absolutely no right to disrespect my team captain, nor a friend of mine, nor a lady, not under my fucking roof! Get the fuck out before I call the cops!”, Ten walked him out before he looked for further trouble, mouthing a “sorry” your way. You rushed over to Donghyuck, looking at Mark once you realized how his face was bleeding.
“Do you have any first-aid kit?”, you asked him. “Upstairs, third door to the right”, he guided you. You held Hyuck’s hand and guided him over with you, quite concerned about the mess left. Jeno looked at you, knowing exactly what you were thinking. “We’ll clean this up and keep things going as if nothing happened, you go and make sure he’s alright”, he told you, “That idiot thinks everything so damn much, I can’t believe he didn’t think this through... just go with him, it’s gonna be alright” you nodded lightly. You would, you had to make sure he was alright because that fight made you realize just how different he was from every idiot you’ve dated.
Because it made you realize how much he loved you.
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Having taken off Seulgi’s coat to keep it away of the blood, you found yourself tending to Hyuck’s wounds in one of the bedrooms bathroom. However, he looked more concerned about you than he was about anything related to his well-being. “Stop”, you ordered. “Stop what?”, he asked, authentically confused. “You know it’s not the first time anyone slut-shames me, right?”, you told him, passing a cotton bud over a slit in his lip. At least once the blood was off, it didn’t look that bad anymore. “It’s quite curious, due to how many campaigns women around the world hold against it, to think that the first ones to publicly degrade me were all girls”, you sighed, not wanting to look at him as you spoke. “Every girl that liked Lucas, every girl Johnny cheated on me with, every girl who wouldn’t make it past the cheerleading tryouts...”, you cleaned the mess you’d made, throwing every last piece of cotton you’d used into the trash bin.
“At this point, you could even say I’m used to it. I would even hear made-up stories about how I would be up for gangbangs with Johnny and his friends, how I sold some old man my nudes for him to pay my college tuition, how I was the one who made Seulgi and Irene bisexual...”, you finally sighed, letting out the tears you’ve held back so long it started hurting. Hyuck noticed that, and just like he did in the cafeteria, he held you close. “I’m tired, Hyuck”, you finally admitted, and he caressed your hair. “I know”, he muttered. “I’m so fucking broken I’m afraid to break the only guy who’s ever really loved me right”, you cried out, just wanting to let everything out as you pulled away from his hug, wanting to look at him as you confessed what has been going on in your heart. “Because I fucking love you, Hyuck... but I’m not even close to deserving-”.
You were cut off by his lips crashing onto yours, a sweet and delicate kiss was what you got as a response. Once he slowly pulled away, he looked at you in the eyes, his hands lightly resting on your cheeks. “You deserve the universe and more, nothing less”, he muttered. The tingling sensation that kiss left on your lips was something you’d never felt after kissing anyone before. And it was the final push for you to finally give in, for you to finally let yourself be loved.
You pulled him close again, your lips crashing on each other as your hands wrapped around his neck, his hands falling from your cheeks all the way to your waist, hugging you the way you did with him. The kiss felt so natural you just sunk into it, as well as he did. Even when his head was going insane with all kinds of questions, he decided to shut them off and follow his own advice.
He’d let things flow.
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You broke apart only to guide Hyuck back to the bedroom, he looked at you as he read through your intentions. “Are you sure about this?”, he asked you, caressing your cheek. You nodded, looking at him with loving eyes. “This is the first time I’m a hundred percent sure I want to do this”, you told him. He took a deep breath and walked over to the door, locking it first than anything. He looked nervous, and what the girls had said earlier came to your mind.
“Is this your first time?”, you asked him, to which he nodded, an adorable blush tinting his cheeks. You smiled at him, he looked so adorable you wondered who was that intimidating hockey player everyone saw in the field. “It’s okay, just guide me wherever you feel like going, I’ll follow you”, you told him as you got close to him again. You learned to be cautious ever since you lost your virginity, you’d taken birth control very seriously since day one because your mother and your friends guided you to do so. So even now, when the moment came, you were calm knowing it would be alright, and you wanted Hyuck to feel that as well.
He held your waist, pulling you closer lightly and guiding you into a kiss that got more intense with time, he pulled away for a while only to sit down on the bed, pulling you into his lap to start kissing you again. Your hands grabbed his cheeks, caressing them as the kiss kept going. His hands ran down your back as the heat started rising between you, Hyuck’s kissing abilities were way beyond average, those lips of his felt like cotton candy against yours, and every time your tongue met his, you felt one step closer to heaven. He pulled you away briefly to strip down his torso, and your hands felt curious to wander around his strong build.
He played with the bottom of your t-shirt, looking at you before doing anything else. “Can I?”, he asked gently, his constant asking for consent made you even more sure you were doing the right thing. You nodded and helped him out pulling the red shirt off, revealing your black plain underwear. Once your tops were thrown somewhere on the bedroom floor, he went back to kissing you, his kisses slowly going down your neck as you reached your back to undo your bra, letting your chest fully naked for him to kiss. He took that as your consent, and his kisses went all the way down to your breasts as his hands caressed your back once more.
Little moans left your mouth as Hyuck started kissing sensitive spots of your skin, the fact that he used his mouth to roam around your skin was enough to make you feel like this was the best you’ve ever been treated in bed, and adding up the amount of love you could practically touch in him made you enjoy everything even more. You could feel something starting to press against your core as you started grinding over Donghyuck’s lap. “Fuck, you’re driving me insane, princess”, he groaned, in such a raspy voice it made you want more. You kept grinding against him, loving the small grunts that would come out of his mouth as he kept kissing you.
From one moment to another, you felt the bedsheets in your back, as Hyuck took off his pants, feeling the pressure of his throbbing erection painful enough to rush things up a little bit. Still, he managed to be somewhat delicate "throwing" you over the bed. Once there was nothing but his black boxers keeping him from complete nudity, he crawled on top of you, looking at the button of your jeans to ask "Can I?". You unbuttoned your pants while looking at the guy with a pretty smile, biting on your lower lip as he smiled at you, undoing the zip and taking the heavy fabric off your legs, then looking at your black lacey underwear to ask yet again: "Can I?". You giggled, sitting down only to reach for his lips.
He kissed back as your hand guided his to your dripping center. He looked at you, as his head made an effort to figure out what to do at this point, but remembering the shows he watched with the guys, he figured to start moving his fingers up and down, to his luck, on what turned to be your clit. Small moans made their way out of your lips, and due to your arousal, his fingers managed to slip inside you. He kissed you as he kept moving his hand at a medium pace until you pulled him away, only to leave him face up over the bed. You looked at him, playing with the elastic band of his Calvin Klein underwear.
"Can I?", you asked him softly, only for him to chuckle in embarrassment. He nodded lightly, making you smile as he watched your every move. Once his boxers were no longer a burden, you sat on his lap, making him curse as you started moving on top of him. "You'll set the pace", you told him, leaning down to kiss on his lips. And as soon as he aligned his throbbing erection to your entrance and slowly entered you, he swore he could see the stars. With his hands on your hips, he commanded you to go slowly, as you both moaned out how good it felt. Nice and slow, an expression you hadn't known before, certainly became your favorite after that night. And you kept kissing through the whole thing.
Because that's how much you loved each other.
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After that steamy moment, you laid next to him after he helped you cleanse, your body holding his closely as he kept your hand in his heart and his arms surrounded you, one of his hands playing with your hair. He looked at you adoringly, unable to find fitting words to how beautiful you looked to his eyes in that moment. You closed your eyes for a few minutes, listening to his calm, steady breath and feeling his heart beating under your hand. For a moment, he even thought you'd fallen asleep, and that made everything ten times better to him. You slowly opened your eyes, finding that adorable smile you loved so much.
You smiled back, looking him in the eyes. "I thought you would be tired", you muttered, caressing his chest lightly. "I'm way too over the clouds to fall asleep right now, Y/N", he replied softly, making you lean over to kiss him lightly again. You looked at the hour in the digital clock that sat on the nightstand, it was 1:27 AM and the party seemed far from over. The music was still as loud as it was when you walked into the room to tend his wounds. You chuckled as you thought about the people you'd left downstairs, "Do you think Jeno and Demi are waiting for us?", you asked Hyuck, making him laugh a little. "Well, I hope they sorted things out if they are. Jeno was quite concerned earlier", he sighed, making you think the situation through.
Demi would leave in just a few days for that summer program, and Jeno would stay for the hockey team's summer camp, which was pretty much mandatory if he planned to keep his place as a headline player in the team. You knew how important he was to the team, but you also knew Jeno loved your best friend more than anything. And you knew for fact distance wasn't compatible with relationships.
"I think Jeno bought that plane ticket in the end", Hyuck shrugged, making you look at him in shock. "What do you mean?", you asked him. "Well, ever since Demi first applied for the program, he talked to the coach about it. Of course, the coach took a while to understand his issues, but as soon as we won the championship again, he gave Jeno the greenlight", he explained you, staring at the ceiling as he spoke. "Mark and I offered to help him with the expenses, and the coach even booked him in a good hockey camp in London", he smiled at the thought. "However, he's held back because he knows how much this means to Demi, and he didn't want her to lose focus because of him. If there's one thing the coach taught us well, was to get our head in the game as soon as we entered the field, and he didn't want to keep her from doing that. But I think Demi and him talked about it today, because he looked happy while talking to the guys before the fight".
You looked at him still in disbelief, making him giggle. "Is there something on my face?", he asked, and you jokingly punched him. "I thought he and Demi would break up! How could you know about all of this and not tell me?", he giggled and held you close again, as you "fought back", pretending to be angry. "Don't be mad at me, princess. Jeno had his reasons to keep my love for you a secret from Demi, I had mine not to tell you about this", he asked you softly. "They will be having fun in London, you and I will stay here. I think we should join them downstairs if neither one of us can sleep, just so you can have the tea spilled from them".
However, you shook your head. "No, the door is still locked and I still want some sort of compensation for keeping me from knowing my OTP found a way to make it through the challenges of life!", you asked as you grabbed his cheeks, making him smile and sigh. "Say no more", he said, turning the lamp off before kissing you again.
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Happy Valentine’s season, everyone! If you love someone, let them know.
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junicai · 3 years
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| summary | Aria moves into the 127 dorms, and does a little bit of bonding with her new leader. 
| word count | 1.5k
| warnings | none
| era | circa. 2016
13. “The paint’s supposed to go where?”
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Aria groaned in exhaustion as she bent forwards, various objects falling from the precarious stack she had carried in her arms previously. They bounced and rolled across the floor, one canister of hairspray coming to meet the tip of a man’s shoe from where he was leaning against the open doorway. 
Taeyong coughed out a chuckle at Aria’s folded form, pushing himself off the doorframe to make his way over to her. “Need a hand?”
Aria waved him off with a forced air of nonchalance, still panting heavily despite her best efforts to get her rapid breathing under control, “No, no I’m good. The stairs just tried to kill me that’s all.” 
Taeyong snuck a glance at the closed doors of the elevator, blocked off by a single piece of red signage reading “Out of Order” in bold font. The lift had coughed and spluttered it’s way through the last two months, and had finally given out on its last stand yesterday evening, almost leaving Jaehyun and Winwin trapped inside if they hadn’t decided to take the stairs down.
How unfortunate it was, that the following morning was the day that Aria was due to move in. 
In hindsight, Taeyong probably should have gotten some of the other boys in to help them carry the boxes that Aria had shoved her things into; the sweat was beading at his forehead by the time they had dragged the cardboard through into the living room, and Aria had pulled off her sweater to allow herself to cool down. 
She leant against the wall, breathing through her nose as she chalked up the distance between the living room and her new bedroom to be too far to continue for the time being. 
“Oppa?” the word still felt unfamiliar on her tongue, unused to the honorific. It had been at Taeyong’s request that she used it in the first place, him wanting her to feel comfortable around him; but Aria was still finding her ways around the Korean honorific system, and found herself stumbling over her words more often than not. 
The first time she had tried to use honorifics had ended in Aria having extremely red cheeks, flushed with embarrassment, and Mark trying to explain to her that hyung was the name he used for the older members, and oppa was the one she was to use. 
It had gone a little like this. 
“Ari- Ari, you gotta, like, you gotta use oppa not hyung, ya’know? Because hyung is like, an older brother to a brother, but oppa is an older brother to you? Because you - you’re a girl? An’, and then you’d use unnie for the make-up nooans but I’d use noona, like I just did. So to you, they’re the make-up unnies, and to me they’re the makeup noonas. Johnny hyung, Johnny oppa. Does that make sense?”
Aria had looked at him with the most bewildered face, eyes widened and lips parted slightly. 
From across the room, Taeil had bit his lip to stop himself from laughing, before swooping in to offer an out for poor Mark, who was beginning to delve into another convoluted explanation.
“Yeah, Aria?” Taeyong’s voice came from across the room.
Aria looked up, searching for the taller man and her eyes found him shuffling around in the kitchen, two glasses of water on the counter top. 
“There you go,” he pointed towards one of the glasses. “If one of the others aren’t back soon to help, we might have to drag the boxes in ourselves,” he smiled ruefully. “I knew we shouldn’t have let Jaehyun go out today.” 
Aria thanked him, before picking up the glass with her two hands and turned to the side to drink. 
The silence was buffering, and ate away at whatever comforting atmosphere Taeyong had tried to create. 
It wasn’t that Aria was uncomfortable around him - no not at all. It was just the fact that she knew the boys were being more than accommodating for her, she knew that Yuta was sharing a room with Winwin now because they insisted on her having her own space, she knew that she was toe-ing a barely there line between intruding and just being downright entitled. 
Having voiced these thoughts during the early hours of the night to Donghyuck almost a week ago, Aria knew exactly what kind of spiel she’d be on the receiving end of should she protest the room changes - but that didn’t stop the little pool of guilt from settling in the bottom of her stomach when she snuck a glance around and saw the empty bedroom’s door partially opened, all of Sicheng’s things having been moved out two nights ago. 
“Oppa,” Aria tried the honorific out again, finding that it still felt fumbled out, but from Taeyong’s affirming hum she must have sounded less stilted than the last time, “Do you think you could help me move the box of paints into my room? I can carry the rest, but that box is really heavy, and I don’t want to drop it.”
Taeyong turned around to her, “Yeah no problem, Aria. Which one is it?” 
Aria pointed to the singular plastic box among the cardboard ones; spattered with white and yellow and various other colors. The pair of them made their way over, hands curling around the lip of the box.
“On three?” Taeyong nodded. 
He counted them through before Aria was heaving up her side of the box and Taeyong was slipping his arm underneath it to hold some of the weight steady. They paused momentarily once they had the box in the air, finding a good balance and ensuring nothing inside had tipped over, before Aria began her shuffle backwards. 
“Mind behind you,” Taeyong warned, and Aria lifted her feet over the box that would have tripped her otherwise. 
The small steps they took to bring the paint box into her room felt never ending, and by the time they passed the threshold, both Aria and Taeyong’s arms were shaking lightly. 
“The paint’s supposed to go where?” Taeyong’s voice was breathless, anticipating the moment when he could give his arms a rest.
“Maybe - just in the corner? Over there, out of the way.” Aria jerked her head towards the far corner, on the opposite side of the room of the bed and empty desk. 
The box was placed down with a thud, and Taeyong straightened up - shaking out his arms. Aria sat down harshly on the bed free of coverings, legs beginning to burn from the numerous flights of stairs she had climbed earlier on in the day. Taeyong joined her after a moment, sitting down beside her. 
“You need a hand taking in the rest of your things?” he questioned, turning to look at her.
“Nah,” Aria shook her head. “I might wait a while and get Hyuck to drag them in for me.” 
Taeyong snorted slightly. “You know, I think you’re the only person who can get that boy to do something he doesn’t already want to do.” 
“Jokes on him, I just convince him that it was his idea.” 
The silence settled again, less acidic this time. 
It was broken after a second by Taeyong. “I didn’t know you could paint?” 
Aria cast her gaze over to the stained box in the corner. A dry paintbrush was sticking out the top of it, the bristles clean but the wooden handle covered in splashes of colourful paint - intermittent with streaks of white and black and a mixture of the two. 
“Yeah,” Aria hummed. “I don’t know when I started, I just. Always have, I think.” 
“Did someone teach you? Your parents?” 
Aria coughed to hide the laugh that threatened to break from her chest. “Oh no, no. Youtube taught me most of what I know, I won’t lie. And I’m not, very good - it’s just, therapeutic? Like poetry, but you don’t have to concentrate on finding the right words.” 
Taeyong nodded knowingly. 
Aria supposed he would understand the sentiment; given the hours he spends doing what it is he does in the practice rooms or the recording studios for hours after their ‘official’ days end. She supposed that there has to be hundreds of wordless messages hidden in forty second tracks on the USB stick he keeps on his keychain. 
“You know, Ten is really artistic,” Taeyong begins again. “I never really understood it much - the colours and the images you pull out of nothing - but he seems to. A lot more than I ever could. He gets it a little bit more, I guess. The whole, unspoken words thing. I’d love to know how he did it.”
His eyes had shifted into something sincere now, and he was gazing down at Aria. She got the sense that they weren’t just talking about painting anymore. 
“I’m just saying that, if you ever need someone to talk to - about painting - then I’ll always have an open ear.”
 Aria supposed Taeyong didn’t quite understand what those words meant to her just yet. 
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neo-ct23 · 3 years
Friends With Benefits + WayV
WayV is actually my ult so I thought I’d write this and tbh I’m really proud of this one
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Only does FWB if either of you is tense & needs a way to de-stress.
Definitely not the one to initiate it & laughs when you propose the idea to him but when he realizes you’re serious he’s all 😳😳
You make rules about it but most of them get broken (“don’t” catch feelings, etc)
He’s Kun tho, you can’t not catch feels
Eventually he’d start treating you like his gf
Getting really affectionate and even getting jealous when another member is talking to you
He starts treating you like his gf to the point where youll meet someone and they’ll ask how long you’ve been dating
The sex would be great tho
I just know this man is packing
It’s big I know it is like BIG big
Depending on the day the sex could be rough or it could be tender and romantic
Probably the cheesy rom com thing happens where you drift apart and start dating someone else & your new s/o meets Kun and decides to break up with you because “you’re still in love with him”
Of course you’re like “pfft no way” but then you think about it and yes. He’s the one you wanted to be with
Anyways this turned fluffy I’m sorry
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Oh my god
Definitely starts at a party in a game of seven minutes in heaven
You’re pretty drunk but you end up giving him a hand job in the closet
You thought he was drunk too but apparently it was his turn to be WayV’s designated driver
Most of the group is passed out at the party or got a ride from someone else
Yangyang is the only one who still needs a ride so Lucas offers you a lift home too
He’s in the back seat and you’re in the front seat next to Lucas
You keep glancing over at him and he keeps smiling when you do. His eyes are on the road but he can see you with his peripheral vision
Yangyang is wondering why things are so awkward between you two but doesn’t say a thing
He walks you to your door and as you’re standing there you feel a surge of confidence sweep over you
You tell him “You know, you might have to come inside sometime”
He sighs. “Not tonight, I gotta take the kid home” he says, but he slowly leans in and so do you and he gives you a slow and tender kiss.
You could swear you heard yelling from his car parked nearby
Things probably escalate quickly
He’d start sending you snaps and texts about what he was doing and pictures of him shirtless in bed
You weren’t sure what to say to those so one day you go out and buy something sexy and take some pictures in it and send those in return
To which he just responds “on my way”
He shows up at your door holding up a condom and the second you realize what it is your lips are straight on his
He normally loves foreplay but skips it because the anticipation is way too much for him
He definitely ran like 6 red lights on his way to you
The next morning he tells the rest of the group
You probably drift apart when he starts to travel for work, but even then, when he comes back he always finds himself coming back to you
And when Hendery points that out to him, he realizes he’s been crazy about you for years
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Now this one would be hot as hell
It all starts at a party where you know nobody
But then you spot Hendery and you’re like “thank God.”
You guys talk for a couple minutes before you mention that you kind of want to go home or at least go somewhere
He offers to take you somewhere to just get away from everything
You’re sitting in his car together, sort of just talking about things that went down at the party and you thank him for spending time with you
There’s a bit of an awkward pause before your lips are on his and your hands are all over each other
In the midst of all this making out, you mutter “can we—“ to which he mutters “I know a place. Now buckle up, I gotta drive there.”
You buckle up and he rests one of his hands, the one not on the steering wheel of course, on your thigh, gently rubbing it as he drives to a nearby lookout point
You glance at the other cars and it’s too dark to see what’s going on in them, but it’s clear to you that this is a hookup spot
“This is what you wanted, right?”
You go searching through the glove compartment and take out a condom before leaving your side of the car and heading over to his
He didn’t notice you grabbing the condom, so he thinks he got the wrong message and messed everything up by driving you here. Muttering “ah, shit Hendery,” to himself
He sees you come around to his side of the car, he’s very confused
“Wait—“ he says
You just hold up the condom to show him and next thing you know, you’re straddled in his lap having sex
The next couple of days you thought would be awkward, but it wasn’t really
He’d treat you like a friend around the boys but whenever he got you alone
Like you’re literally fuck buddies at this point
Texts you really dirty things during the day and when the other members are in the room
Shit like “you gave me the best blowjob of my life last night. Wanna try and top it?”
Also sends you dirty pics
Likes to fuck you when the other members are home
Except one time, he waits until they’re gone because he doesn’t want either if you to have to hold back
Turns out they are home tho
They’re all in the living room and Ten is about to enter their room when he hears what’s going on
His face gets all red and he calls a Yangyang over who comes over and realizes what’s going on
“Ten, what’s up?” Asks Lucas
“Shh! Hendery‘a getting laid.”
They all go and sit down
Later on that night they’re still sitting in the living room trying not to disturb you guys but wanting to know who the hell he’s sleeping with while Hendery’s passed out in his bed
You still don’t know anyone’s home, so you just leave his room and of course the first thing you see when you open the door is 6 boys sitting in the living room, looking up at you with their jaws dropped.
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Mr We just touching I don’t do no cuffin’
Yeah I definitely think this would start out with you & him being super close, not like best friends but in that arena
And one time you’re just hanging out & oops he kisses you
Escalates fast af
Like next thing you know you’re giving him a BJ in his dorm when the rest of the group is out
Except it turns out Lucas is home and heard it all
You leave his room and see him in the living room playing with Bella
And he’s all smug like “you guys enjoyed yourselves 😏”
Ten doesn’t even know that Lucas knows
Relationship definitely includes a lot of oral and hand stuff
I get a feeling ten’s really into both giving and receiving
Anyways this relationship would completely blur the lines between friendship and sex
Like your normal friendly hangouts would get heated if nobody else was around
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This one would be an adventure
You’re probably in a friend group with him and know him pretty well
You propose the idea to him, and his eyes bulge out of his head in amazement
I swear Yangyang lives to be corrupted
He’s not even that innocent I think he’s just a kinky kind of guy who comes off as vanilla but really just wants to get corrupted
Like if you’d be a top and/or dom for him that would be his favorite thing
You could give him a look and he’d get hard
Anyways I think it would start with him telling you that he’s taking a break from dating
There’s an awkward silence and he mentions he’s a virgin
Things get a little awkward but when he starts asking about what girls like, you tell him
This leads to a shy kiss, followed by an awkward silence before he just says “do that again” and you end up hooking up
The next morning you tell him not to tell anyone
Of course he can’t help but tell the boys
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Didn’t realize how long this one was getting lol
Completely unspoken, like actually don’t say a word about it to him or it’s ruined
You’ve probably never spoken to him outside the bedroom
Probably in the same friend group but never really talked to him so it’s more like you have mutual friends
Started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Ok but in all seriousness you’d probably be at a party. You’re pretty drunk and he comes over & offers you a drink
You’re like “what’s this” before you smell it and realize he’s sober & it’s water
You realize he’s trying to take care of you and end up talking with him off in a corner
You talk about how you’ve never really talked to him before
There’s a short awkward silence. He starts to lean in, you quickly pick up on his move and end up making out in the corner
You run into him a couple of times by accident and always end up finding a secluded space where you make out
Somehow Ten finds out you’ve been sleeping with one of his roommates
“It’s Lucas isn’t it??” He says rolling his eyes. You tell him no and he keeps guessing until he guesses Xiaojun last and you respond with silence.
One time at dinner you’re sitting with the whole group enjoying a meal and Ten hints that you’ve been seeing someone
Xiaojun is sitting next to you and whispers a little too loudly, “Did you tell Ten??”
Yangyang who is sitting next to him hears what he said and looks over to see the intense way you’re looking at each other and his face turns to a smirk
He doesn’t say anything but later that night when everyone else has gone to bed, Yangyang walks into the kitchen and turns on the light to find you making out yet again
Slowly the rest of the group catches on and realizes
Xiaojun quickly catches feelings, like definitely can’t get you out of his head after your first time
The way Hendery finds out is walking in on the rest of the group is talking about how he should tell you he likes you
He’s like “wait what’s going on?” And Yangyang just goes “Junnie here has been sleeping with y/n and now has feelings for them”
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I apologize in advance this is gonna be another soft one
You’re FWB but not in the way most people are
Like you haven’t slept together, you just make out sometimes and he treats you like his s/o when the other members aren’t around
He does little things when the other members are in the room like holds your hand under the dining table and rests his hand on your thigh
The only reason you’re FWB and not actually dating is because you’re both too nervous to ask the other what you are, in fear of ruining what you have
One day you’re just like “fuck it” and ask him what you guys are
“We haven’t talked about it, but I guess it’s up to both of us.”
There’s a bit of an awkward silence but then you proceed to tell him he’s basically treated you like his girl/boyfriend.
He sighs. “I like you. I do.”
You take his hand and intertwine your fingers with his
“Sicheng, are you saying you wanna be my boyfriend?”
He’s still stunned that this conversation is even happening. “I think so,” he says.
There’s another awkward pause before you say “So Sicheng, will you be my boyfrien—“
He doesn’t even let you finish your question. He quickly mumbles a “yes” before passionately kissing you, cupping your face in his hands
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milkybonya · 3 years
Hello! It’s me (the anon who ask for WayV as college bestie) again! I truly enjoy your take on them as bestie >< thank you for the answer!
This time, can I request for WayV realizing that they’re in love with their study partner? Only if you don’t mind, though!
Have a nice day and don’t forget to drink some water! <3
i'm so glad you enjoyed it!! thank you for requesting 💞 i hope you enjoy this too (and please also take care of yourself!!)
WayV falling for their study partner
Warnings: none!
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so you study with Kun at the library every weekend
the two of you keep each other motivated!!
and help each other out of course hehe
treating each other to iced drinks every once in a while :")
i feel like he'll realize he's fallen for you when you've accidentally fallen asleep while studying in the library
he tries to ask you a question but notices you're sleeping and stops himself
he'll just... look at you and suddenly be filled with so much joy???
and he'll feel so happy to just be sitting next to you
in that moment, he'll realize that you're the only person he really needs
because cause before this, there were times when his heart would flutter when you'd hug him or rest your head on his shoulder
but it kind of takes him a while to realize his own feelings
because he wants to be sure of them!!
but after watching you peacefully sleep
he knows he’s gotta confess to you soon :”)
as art students, the two of you 'studying' = the two of you painting in the campus art studio :D
you sometimes cause a big mess cause you have paint fights
smearing paint all over each other
for Ten, he realizes his feelings for you pretty quickly?
one day, he's having trouble painting something
and you try to explain it to him but it isn't working :(
so you stand behind him and lean forwards, carefully wrapping your hand around his and guiding the paintbrush across the canvas
time literally stops for him at that moment
his heart races and he feels sad when you remove your hand from his
because his hand felt so warm when yours was on top of it :")
"did you get what i just showed you?"
he stutters and mumbles in response, which is very unlike him
baby has fallen in love!!
so you and Winwin like to study at each other's dorms
because you both feel like there's too much pressure when you're studying in the library
at first, Winwin would only come to your dorm, because he felt shy showing you his room
but your warm personality helps him open up
and you alternate between dorms :-]
i feel like it would take Winwin some time to realize his feelings
his heartbeat speeds up when you lean in to point out the mistake he's made when solving a problem
and he feels like he's soaring in the sky every time you smile or laugh
he dismisses all of this, though, telling himself he’s sick or exhausted from studying
and it takes Yuta telling this man that he's in love with you for him to realize it
"have you noticed that you only ever talk about [y/n]?"
he likes studying with you because... ahem... you don't even end up studying LOL
he likes that you don't take things too seriously and don't mind it when he suddenly starts joking around when you're studying
the two of you are easygoing study partners!!
your humour just clicks so well with his
and you're constantly getting kicked out of the library for being loud
it's a wonder the two of you aren't banned from that place !
but Lucas falls for you because of your humour
his mind literally goes: oh my God they're so pretty when they laugh... I NEED TO MAKE THEM LAUGH MORE
and he's always so happy when you laugh at his jokes, even when they're not funny
when he realizes how much he enjoys joking around with you and seeing your smile
that's when he knows he's absolutely smitten for you >.<
as literature majors, the two of you spend most of your time in the library, sitting beside a stack of books taller than either of you
or you read at cafés!!
you mostly read though, because literature majors have so much to read T.T
so Xiaojun has a huge crush on you from the moment he hears about you from a classmate
you’re known as the ace of the department, being so well-read in multiple genres
Xiaojun is the one who asks to study together!! cause he’s tryna get closer with you ;)
when he asks for your opinion on something he’s reading or for book recommendations
he finds your answers so attractive?
your knowledge is so beautiful to him and he loves just listening to you talk
that’s how he knows that he is in! he is in deep!!
he’ll always leave sticky notes in the books you let him borrow, so when he gives them back, you’ll find cute messages inside ;3;
this boy is such a chaotic student and is all over the place
so when he’s told to study with you, because you have good study habits, he isn’t sure how to feel at first
and you find yourself worrying about him because he just does not do his work!!
yet still somehow does well?
ANYWAYs, you’re always nagging him to study and stay hydrated
and he always mocks you for nagging him
but secretly he loves how much you care about him
and he brags about it to all his friends, like “oh [y/n] cares about me so much, they’re obsessed with me!”
“youre obsessed with them -- you talk about [y/n] all the time!”
so just like Winwin, Hendery is only able to realize his feelings for you when one of his friends points it out
so now he has an even harder time focusing when he studies with you
because he can’t stop staring and thinking about how beautiful you are
i feel like Yangyang would just fall for you slowly and then all at once as he spends more and more time with you
maybe a bit like Winwin, he’ll feel more comfortable around you and will look forward to your study sessions because he gets to see you :)
you just make him feel so at ease and he loves you for it
he spends almost everyday studying with you and you’ve seen each other at your lowest and highest
yet the fact that you’ve never judged him and have always been there for him kind of makes Yangyang fall for you
like “[y/n] is so kind... they’ve always treated me so nicely..”
Yangyang kind of finds himself wanting to give you hugs and just be around you all the time
his sudden need for skinship makes him realize that maybe he likes you? a lot???
definitely asks his older friends for advice LOL
but i feel like Yangyang falling for his study partner would be like such a typical drama type thing,, THE CUTEST AND SOFTEST
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mistymark · 5 years
nct + wayv as types of friends
this isn't ordered im so sorry
Johnny: the hot guy friend that you wish you had fallen for, you've been friends for absolute years, probably met you when you were still sporting middle school acne and braces, he knows exactly what you look like when you wake up with a hangover and last night’s makeup still on, you always have a shoulder to cry on and he’s always slinging an arm across your shoulders just cause youre the perfect height, likes driving you places, stressed if you drive
Taeil: the older brother friend that jokes around with you all the time out of love, your parents probably love him more than they love you, invites himself over for dinner a lot and pretends your parents invited him without you, gets really happy when they go along it, accompanies you on errands just to spend time with you, makes you buy things for him as a reward, ends up buying you more stuff
Taeyong: the how-are-you-even-friends-he’s-so-out-of-your-league friend that you’re genuinely still surprised he hasn’t abandoned you yet, he doesnt notice the stares from others when you hang out, holds your hand platonically, jokes about how if hes not married when hes 40 hes going to propose to you, gets flustered when you assure him hell be lucky to make it to 30 without being snatched up, wonders why you can't believe the same thing for yourself when you're the greatest person in the world to him
Yuta: the k-drama guy friend that used to make you question how you felt about him, treats you like a sister, invites you on family outings and trips with his fam, everyone thinks you’ve been harbouring secret feeling for each other, but youre honestly just very comfortable around each other, will 100% pick you up and carry you around like its nothing, doesn’t understand why other girls that he dates get jealous
Kun: the too-perfect friend that honestly just has everything under control, he’s excelling at everything it makes you feel like even more of a mess, but he’s always willing to help you out, laughs at you a lot but he really doesn’t mean to, wonders why he’s friends with you but spends 5 minutes in your company and realises how much he loves you, brings you souvenirs from countries he’s visited when he goes on holidays
Lucas: the boyfriend-but-we’re-not-dating friend that treats you like his girlfriend basically, looks at you like you’re his entire world, daydreams about moving in with you and travelling and exploring the world with you, brings you as his date to every fancy event, constantly says you deserve better than any guy you date, tries to set you up with "worthy guys" (his friends), gets offended when you ask if he means himself
Mark: the FaceTime friend that you don't always see because he's so busy, but he facetimes and calls and texts whenever he can, stays up late on FaceTime with you to keep you company while you study, always makes you laugh, invites you to do really fun and odd activities over the summer, texts you dumb memes during that day, asks to call you when it's late at night, likes to sit at a convenience store or cafe and just talking when you hang out, always gives you a really big hug before you leave
Jaehyun: the friend your parents wish you would date, sweet and charming and always brings something when he's invited over for dinner, laughs warmly when your parents ask for the millionth time why you're not together when you're both single, dedicates songs to you on the radio passive aggressively like "here's to the person who thinks Bohemian Rhapsody is by AC/DC", won't ever (intentionally) embarrass you, once said he wanted to spend every valentines with you and didn't realise the connotation until later
Jaemin: the friend that makes everyone else wish they had a friend like him, has his own shit but hides it so well everyone thinks he's perfect, brings a bag full of snacks whenever you hang out, texts you when he's away with sad faces saying he misses you, platonic PDA, says he wants to watch a movie but ends up talking through it, you end up sitting normally on opposite ends of the couches but suddenly one of you lying against the other and that's completely normal, you spend hours in each other's bedrooms alone and no one bats and eye
Doyoung: the friend you want to keep for the rest of your life, he somehow knew how to adult at like age fifteen, the one you call when your microwave breaks or you get a flat tire, you get called mom and dad by your other friends, except doyoung is mom and you're dad, you see him shirtless a lot, laughs when you throw clothes at him and yell at him to get dressed, probably has a box of his stuff at your place because he never leaves, likes going out at night with you
Renjun: probably the friend you had a crush on when you were a kid, grown up together but you weren’t particularly close back then, “weren’t you the one in fourth grade who-”, constantly steals your food but always offers you half of whatever he’s got, “it’s your turn to pay”, once accidentally stood up a date because you asked him to come over and he forgot he had somewhere else to be, falls asleep way later than you so when he stays over you always wake up to some new piece of art he did cause he was bored
Winwin: the savage friend who will not let you live, basically acts like he hates you, squirms away and looks disgusted when you cuddle him, rolls his eyes and hugs you back when you pout at him, buys you coffee a lot, likes it when you try and sneakily take pictures and videos of him because he looks good, complains that his parents like you more than they like him, actually doesn’t hate wearing matching clothes, happy to do whatever when you hang out
Jeno: basically Kun part two, he is just so good at everything you feel infinitely inferior, always trying to impress you by doing some cool new trick, likes going to the park or local playground with you, you act like children around each other, offers to buy you ice cream when youre sad, ends up eating half of it himself, tells you that youre pretty with only a little bit of blushing, regrets agreeing to go to the school dance as a group and wishes he’d just asked you to be his date
Donghyuck: the teasing friend, hes basically your annoying little brother, which you absolutely adore about your friendship, makes you feel like a queen because he wants your attention so much, asks you to come over to help him study so he can spend time with you, video game competitions are a must, lots of playful bets, he asks you to be his date to the school dance in a joking “ur alright I guess lol” way but hes also kinda shy about it
Chenle: the friend that used to have a crush on you, he got over it pretty quickly after you became friends, always doing dumb stuff so if youre not there to do it with him hes sending you photos and videos of him doing it by himself, tells you that you should come with him on family vacations and actually means it, sends you happy birthday texts at midnight so he can be the first one, interrupts FaceTime calls with “hold on I gotta take a shit”
Jisung: (you guessed it) the baby friend that you feel like you need to protect, he actually ends up protecting you most of the time, hes kind of a human shield, laughs when you hide behind him, frowns when you squish his cheeks, his favourite place to hang out is your house, likes walking to the convenience store for snacks but pretends he doesnt, lies on your bed dramatically and asks you to go without him, shocked when you pretend to leave without him
Hendery: your knight in shining armour, you first became friends as kids when a teacher was accusing you of something (you definitely did do) but he stuck up for you and got you out of trouble, has been doing it ever since, asks you why youre not in love with him yet, best moral support and study buddy, gets offended when you tell him hes not your first choice for a date to the dance, definitely is your first choice tho
Xiaojun: the platonic-or-romantic friend that you always wonder about, actually kind of romantic, plays songs for you, isn't afraid to sing for you, laughs when you mess up the lyrics of songs, lends you his jackets and hoodies, daydreams about what it would be like if you dated and wonders if it would be weird, neither of you are interested in that though, steals your coffee and screws his face up when its not what he normally gets, impromptu sleepovers
Yangyang: the childhood best friend, been your best friend for years and won't let you forget it, jokingly gets jealous when he feels like hes being ‘’’replaced’’’, likes going shopping with you, very blunt about what looks good and what doesn’t, gives you things to try on as a joke, probably has a good texting relationship with your mother, smiles with pride when his pets like you, has a list of places he wants to go with you saved on his phone
Ten: the friend that acts like a five year old, always makes you smile and laugh, tires you out sometimes because he just has so much energy, dances with you around your living room, smiles really wide when you tell him hes handsome, teases you that you should just confess that youre in love with him, makes fun of you a lot and its so funny that you laugh along too, your contact name in his phone switches between “love of my life <3″ and “bitch”
Jungwoo: the confident friend, hes not afraid to embarrass you in public, yells across stores and restaurants for you, shoves his camera in your face to get funny photos of you, likes spending time with you in parks and outdoors, complains about it though, laughs when you complain that he takes up too much room on your couch and slouches so that he takes up even more, uses you as a pillow
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rosenpacht · 4 years
(jaehyun’s) ESTP as a person😘 pt. 3
DISCLAIMER: This post is in no way trying to describe how Jaehyun is  in  real life, or to tell what his likes and dislikes are. This post indicates on ESTP’s traits, how they think, what they like and  what   they don’t like, what they usually do in general. Although, I might try to  make insinuations here and there, but that’s just it, an insinuation.
Click here to read pt. 1
Click here to read pt. 2
Click here to read my analysis on Jaehyun’s MBTI
Hey, y’all!!! I’m backkkk. As I said in the last post, I’ll be writing about ESTP’s love language. There are a few references on this, and some are different than the others, so I’m just gonna try to pick the ones that probably suit us the most. Without further ado.....
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So, in general there are five love languages:
Acts of Service
Words of Affirmation
Quality Time
Physical Touch
I found a couple of sources that state the ESTPs love sign, and there were different versions of it. But I feel like this one is the one that is closest to what I feel ESTP is like
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(source: thoughtcatalog.com)
Now, I’m gonna try to explain one by one and try to rank it based on which one I think we would most likely do to the ones that we care.
ESTP, being the ever so present type, we love to do things in action. That being said, spending time with our significant others is always a number one for us. ESTP will take you out to do things with us, it could be as simple as a walk together in a park, or even travelling together. We love to share life experiences with our partner, because we want them to feel the excitement that we feel when we do something. I feel like long distance relationship would be hard for us? I’ve never been in one actually, but I feel like we would always have the need to see each other, or else we would be occupied with the side of the world that we’re currently in, and in turn start to forget about the other side of the world? Because we’re very present, and it’s kinda hard for us to dwell on things that’s not in front of our eyes. Anyways, that’s just my analysis though. Let me know if you’re an ESTP and you’ve been in a long distance relationship.
So, if an ESTP is constantly bugging you to go somewhere with them, just know that you mean something to them. Trust me, we don’t like wasting our time with people we don’t want to hang out with, we’d rather stay home and do something else altogether (lol).
I’d like to share one of my kinda funny experience. So I was interested in this INTJ guy one time. At that time, I was already into MBTI but I was still learning a few things and I absolutely didn’t know what INTJs were like. Turns out, they’re like probably one of the most introverted types. Whereas me, I was like 95% extroverted. So, my kind of date was like going to the movies, shopping at the mall, etc. And I was the one who was always initiating it, like, hey, let’s go out tomorrow. And by the end of the day, I was like, what are you doing tomorrow? Are you free? Let’s catch this movie. And by the SECOND date, he was like, “Don’t you ever get tired? I’m actually tired from just keeping up with you.” HE LITTERALLY SAID THAT. And he literally got sick the next day. I’m not saying that he got sick becasue of me... BUt... maybe, tho? This is like soooooo funny once I read about INTJs, becasue they’re almost like the polar opposite of ESTP. SHOUT OUT TO INTJs OUT THERE! Y’all are intellectuals! (That dude is like a genius and a psychic I swear)
Contrary to the chart above, I feel like this type comes second to quality time. Touching, for me at least, kinda shows affections. It doesn’t necessarily have to be sexual, just a simple pinching your cheeks, or caressing your hand casually. Those simple things, coming from us, shows that you mean something to us. We are not good with words (again, because FE is our third function), so we refer to touches to convey our feelings.
Sometimes, though, it also means that we enjoy being around you. Like an affirmation that ‘oh, you’re here with me, and I love it’. Even in a platonic relationship, we like to touch. Like a friendly slap on the arm, or like hugs or cuddles. I am widely known for being touchy with my close guy friends. At first, I thought nothing of it, because I just love kidding around with them and would sometimes like poke here and there, and would hug or cuddle out of nowhere. UNTIL, one day I found out that their girlfriends actually despised me because they thought I was flirty and being... cheap(?). Anyways, I just laughed it off because, come on, that’s just who I am, it’s not like I sleep around with their boyfriends or something.
We don’t do things for people just for the sake of it, or to please other people. If anything, we hate being told what to do. ESTPs are free spirited people, and we don’t like being obligated to do something. And we’re very efficient and practical people. So we don’t do a lot of things for other people.
Don’t get me wrong, though, we’re not ignorant. We just always have to have this reasoning behind everything that we do. Like, why would I go through so much effort just to do this to this person. I mean, they would probably still survive without even my help. But, of course, if you ask for our help, we WILL help you. We’re just not gonna help you out of the blue. You gotta ask for it.
BUT when it comes to someone we truly care, we will know if you need our help. We will spot where you lack on something, or where you’re having a hard time, why you’re going through it. And we will have this feeling inside us like we want to help you overcome your hardships. Because, even though it’s our third function, the EXTROVERTED FEELING function of us is still there, lingering in the back of our mind. And I guess it’s being triggered when we see someone we love or care is in a hard time.
So, when an ESTP is suddenly giving you help without you even asking it, it means that they care about you, and that they’re thinking about you.
Now, in Jaehyun’s instance, I can see why people mistook him for an ENFJ (I finally see some light in this matter). In some cases, the members say that Jaehyun helped them get through things, like I believe Jungwoo said something about this? And someone in the Dream too said that Jaehyun was a reliable hyung. And it’s actually very visible with Winwin. Like, we can all see, at the beginning period of Winwin joining NCT, Jaehyun always put him under his wing. You can see it in NCT LIFE where they had a cooking competition, and the one where they went to Paju(?), like he was always helping him, and keeping him company, more so than the other members. I think it’s because he was finally having a friend (same aged friend)? Like he realizes that Winwin is having a hard time, and it’s his friend, so he wants him to do better. This thing is mentioned by other members because it’s probably memorable to them, but I feel like it’s actually not something that Jaehyun would do out of nilly-willy. He does that because he cares about those members alot. And that’s why people mistook him as an ENFJ (which is an FE dominant).
This one is related to my last post.
I feel like ESTPs don’t like doing things that aren’t practical(?), because we’re very practical. So, putting efforts into something that we don’t think is worth it, or is getting us to what we want to achieve, is a waste of our time. That’s why, I’d like to think that ESTPs are very efficient. So, to us, buying things for other people just for the sake of it is inefficient.
For example, if you read my last post about the graduation, while my other friend will buy tons of gifts for her friends out of.... I don’t know, obligations perhaps? Or just simply for the sake of being kind? Us ESTPs, we’re gonna have this thought inside our head like, why should I buy them gifts? I mean, yes, we’re friends, but we barely talk to each other. If I buy them gift, then does that mean I have to buy others gifts too? That’s too inconvenient.
So when we do buy something for other people, it means that we’re thinking of them. That they’re in the back of our mind. It’s not necessarily in a romantic way. For instance, I am somehow known for being insensitive becasue I barely even gifted my friends on their birthday. And one day, I was doing internship at this hospital, and it was on a huge religious holiday where we would usually spend time at home with our family, but we were here at this hospital tending to emergency patients. At that time, my friend, who was an ISFJ btw, the most big soft hearted person I’ve ever known, she was soooo sad that she was stuck at the hospital and she cried, saying like ‘i should be at home at this time with my family’. And I understood where she came from, and I actually felt her sadness. And to add to that, when we ordered some Mcdonalds and she ordered a mcflurry, we couldn’t eat it immediately because the emergency room was packed with patients, and the ice cream ended up turning into milk and she never ate it. That kinda added to her sadness, in my head. So what did I do? I actually went to the convenience store and I bought her an Oreo ice cream. And she was SHOOKETH that she tweeted it. Because never in her life had she’d seen me buying something for anyone. Lol. Anyways, that’s just an example to give you guys some image of how ESTPs feel.
And I feel like, if you receive this treatment, if you’re at this stage, it’s like you are legit in our inner circle. In our heart. No doubt. And this doesn’t come often, mind you. Like the chance of it happening is only 15%. Lol.
Now this, is definitely the last. This is, to me at least, is the hardest thing to do ever. I don’t know if it’s because of our FE tertiary function? Or is it just the way I was raised in? I don’t know.....
But I do know that ESTPs feel uncomfortable in emotional situations. We avoid it. It’s not that we’re heartless, we just feel awkward. Like we don’t know what to say. Don’t know how to convey things in words. This is actually one of the reasons why I like writing, because it’s easier than to have to say it out loud.
Like, when one of my family member passed, I never spoke a word about it, not even to my mom. But I actually wrote a blog about it, like a really long one.
Some even say that ESTPs hate emotional confrontation. And it’s mainly because of our FE tertiary function. We feel awkward having to deal with situations using this function. We can go through it, but we just prefer not to, you know? But a debate? It’s a whole different story. I’ll talk about this particular trait in the next post. It kinda explains why ESTPs have a strong personality.
Anyways, back to the love language. So, yeah, it’s hard for us to say like ‘I love you’, or like ‘you’re so amazing’, or ‘I really admire your blabla’. I feel like it’s too... I don’t know... cringy? And it’s like, again, we have to put so much effort in order to be brave enough to say those words to the people that we cherish. And when we DO say it, it means that you’re important enough for us to put effort in being brave and say it.
But, don’t get too excited already. We usually don’t really say it directly in your face. lol. For me, I’ve actually conveyed my feelings to a dear friend, like how I was so proud of her etc., through a twitter and instagram post. hehe. I don’t know, I just can’t find the need to say it in her face, like it’s too cheesy. But a post is I feel like even more special becasue other people get to see it? I don’t know.
I’m rating this the last becasue the probability of it happening is like probably only 5%? So if an ESTP is making a post or saying words of affirmation to you, you are THAT special to them.
Now, as a final, here’s my personal rank
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SO, THAT’S OUR LOVE LANGUAGE. Mind you, I’m not an expert on this, so this is like my unreliable analysis, and very very based on my personal experience. Lol. I still have a few things to say though, so, probs 1 or 2 more post?
Do you guys want me to do other member’s personality analysis? I know Haechan’s an ENFP, and I have a couple of ENFP friends. Hmmm, I’m currently trying to guess Johnny’s MBTI, becasue I see some similarity between him and my ENTJ friend. And the way that he vibe with Jaehyun is similar with me and my friend. I’m not sure though. I’m also interested in Doyoung’s. And Yuta’s actully. I read that Doyoung actually mentioned his MBTI on Vlive? But I forgot what it was. And I’ve been trying to find it becasue I kinda want to do an anlysis on him, but couldn’t.
What do you guys think? Do you want me to do an anlysis on other member? Lemme know!! Cheers!
  To be continued...
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unmanageable-day · 4 years
By your side | 03
previously ➺ 01 | 02
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"So, how does it go? You can run but you cannot hide those dimples," Minhyuk teased, making Jaehyun's smile even wider.
"Oooh, look at that smile," Naeun squealed.
"It's been... good. You can call us 'cafe buddies', I guess? We always meet at her favorite cafe, which I wouldn't complain at all. I mean, she kinda kept the distance at first. But I think we're getting better?" He made a lot of eyebrows rising, hand gestures and shoulder shrugging movements as he told his stories. And he could keep going on and on about every single detail whenever he met you. He remembered perfectly the second time he summoned his courage to talk to you.
'Oh, Jungkook's friend. You're here again?' He smiled. 'I heard you're a regular here?' 'I actually am. Big fan of their tea and brunch menu, not gonna lie.' 'The barista told me there is someone who always uses this seat, and she always comes on weekends. He said it was rarely that this seat was empty almost all day long. And that it is odd that I chose this seat.' 'Yeah, I had to go somewhere..' 'Isn't it a good thing I saved this seat?' 'Not really. People are not fond of this seat. So no one would probably sit here, except me.' You sipped your matcha latte. 'Unless you're going to be a regular customer and take this seat from me.' 'I hope you don't mind seeing me here often. Because I agree with you that the food here is great.' 'Just, don't steal my favorite spot, okay?' 'I thought it would be better to share some space with a friend,' he spoke with his big grin that his dimples were showing off proudly. 'I hope you're not forgetting my offer to be friends with you.' 'Yeah, that.. Jungkook said you're okay,' you said, your hands gesturing a 'so-so' motion and your eyes squinting a bit. 'So, why not?' 'What is 'okay' supposed to be mean?' You giggled as you shrugged. 'If I come here again tomorrow, will I see you here?' 'It depends. But mostly yeah. Why are you asking?' 'Um, can I see you again?' 'If I'm here, then, yes. But if not, then..' You continued with your shoulders shrugged.
"Now that's what you called a great development," cheered Minhyuk proudly. He knew Jaehyun was good at communicating once he felt comfortable and not nervous. Naeun was supportive as well to urge Jaehyun to continue.
"It's great because I feel really emotionally close, and she's not just physically present, you know what I mean? What makes it better is that we never have our phones in our hands. Like, we just talk about anything. Or just sit there with our journals or any books we bring. Is this what they call to find happiness even in silence?"
Both Minhyuk and Naeun clearly had hearts in their eyes while listening to Jaehyun who was like a teenager falling in love for the very first time. "I'm happy for you, Jaehyun," said Naeun in awe.
"But..." Suddenly his voice went down along with his expression. "Do you think I should worry about Johnny?"
"What about Johnny?" Minhyuk asked back.
"They still hang out together, although not that kind of together?"
Minhyuk and Naeun exchanged eye contact. They understood perfectly Jaehyun's concern, because they felt the same. The fact you and Johnny being in the same circle was something that can't be  ignored just like that. Although there was nothing they can do about it.
"Maybe, just maybe, when the time is right, you can ask her about Johnny?" suggested Naeun.
"Yeah, eventually you need to know that for sure. Although Doyoung said it's okay fot you to make a move on her, you still have to know the truth directly from her."
I thought you would be forever within my arms But gotta let go I made you tired, yet I can't let you go I'm still living in that season This is it, I know it's over I know everything now
Johnny frowned with his eyes shut as the song 'Goodbye Winter' almost ended. Thank goodness he only had to fake his intonation during the radio program he was hosting alone. His facial expression cannot lie. He clearly looked frustrated although it was 'goodbye winter', not 'goodbye summer'. He never felt so attached to a song before. Particularly because contrary to your name, you were actually more of a winter person. Johnny was aware of that. Unlike your name, even you were infamous for being cold if judging from your appearance and how you were not into talking to people. Johnny remembered his effort in attempt to melt the winter and bring out the summer in you. He somehow succeeded though. He enjoyed having you in the warm and cold version. It was like getting the best of both worlds.
"Okay, so, today's J-Talk is pretty hot. I still don't get why some people do not understand the art of pineapples on top of a pizza, but, yeah, gotta respect everyone's preference. J-talk will come back to you with other interesting topics, so don't miss it. This has been Johnny's Station, I'll see you guys next week." As soon as the mic was turned off, Johnny let out a heavy sigh. He reached for his phone, only to find Taeyong's texts bombarding him. Just in time, Taeyong called.
"I'm on my way going back to the office," he said, slightly grunting to his phone without saying hello, then hung it up immediately.
It was already past 8 PM, and he wondered why people still stayed at the office. Johnny walked through some desks, passing yours actually before he came into a meeting room to see Taeyong and the other guys. He almost stopped by at your desk if Taeyong did not drag him away.
"I'll just ask her if she wants to go," he said, ignoring his buddy as he tried releasing himself from Taeyong’s surprisingly strong grip on his arm.
"Johnny, stop." Taeyong had to be a little bit hard on him but he didn't know how. In a flash Johnny already escaped from him, that he had to go after him approaching you. "Johnny!" he half-shouted, forgetting that Johnny was already with you.
Not only Johnny himself, but you turned your head to Taeyong. You flashed him a friendly smile.
"Summer, hey," Taeyong cheerfully greeted you, trying to hide his concerned expression because of what Johnny did—talking to you.
"How is it going, Taeyong?"
"I'm good. We're all good." He exaggerated with his hands gestures, trying to side-hug Johnny, which was failed due to the height differences. Johnny stayed silent, feeling a bit irritated actually that Taeyong had to interfere like this. Because now your attention was divided, and seemingly you were more attentive towards Taeyong.
"That's great to know," you lightly chuckled.
"I told her about Ten's upcoming birthday party," Johnny cut in.
"Yeah, Doyoung too have told me yesterday," you responded, without looking at Johnny at all, and facing Taeyong instead.
"Oh, yeah, that..."
"If you'd like, you can go with m—"
"Yeoreum, you know you don't have to come." Taeyong interrupted Johnny's words as he threw a sharp glimpse at the big guy. "I know Ten basically invite everyone. But you don't have to. Because you know, crowds, loud music, people, and everything."
You chuckled. "I know. If it's my birthday party there would be only less than 10 people," you joked. You understood Taeyong'a concern. But you were quite close to the birthday boy. He actually personally contacted you to come. "I'll just stop by to give him my present."
"I'll go with you." Johnny tried to be in the loop again.
"What Johnny means is we all will go with you. There will be me, Johnny, Taeil, Yuta, Winwin, Doyoung, and Mark." Taeyong let out an awkward loud laugh. "Ten wouldn't dare to keep you for long if we're all there with you."
Johnny gritted his teeth, yet still maintaining his beam.
"I'll see you guys next week then." You waved good bye at the boys, then you walked further without turning back at all.
Johnny let out a frustrated sigh. "What the hell, Taeyong?!"
"Johnny, you know she's not into a party. She had to come to all parties you attended when she'd rather stay at home. But she still went because of you," he spat. "Just... don't, Johnny. Stop. Let her live."
"Why not you let me live?"
"Johnny, you're exhausting her!" Taeyong finally yelled, rising his voice. "I don't want to say this, but she's tired. I know you've been trying to keep her by your side. But you already let her go. Now don't complicate things."
I make you tired? How tired are you? Why didn’t I realize it?
Could it be... you never changed this whole time? Is it me who didn't know you very well?
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janevx · 4 years
maybe| Yuta Nakamoto III
Genre: mafia au, smut, angst
Part II: https://exostoriesbyjuliettx.tumblr.com/post/619367402133684224/maybe-yuta-nakamoto-ii
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Today it’s second day sicne she was bringing there. Soyeon likes very much Mark, he was someone who laugh with her and talk about everything. After what Yuta said to Katherine, she didin’t talk a lot. She was scared, because everyone knows Yuta. He and Taeyong are guys who don’t fuck with anybody. And he didn’t talk a lot with Soyeon. Japanese knows that she is afraid of him, what was funny and cute for him, because he knows that Soyeon won’t leave him. After few minutes he knew it. 
 Today they going to some event with other mafia, she heard something about BTS, and she have to go. She knew that there will be some girlfriends with she must talk. It’s be her first time. Soyeon and Yuta gotta go at 7 p.m and now is 2 p.m so they have a lot of time. NCT and BTS have to meet, because of some bussines and issues with weapon. NCT think that leader of BTS stole their weapon and money, so they decided to talk with them than fight.
— Soyeon come here!  —  Yuta shouted out from downstair. She goes down and sit at the couch.  — I bought you some jewerly and dress. I geuss you can do make up so you gonna do this. There will be three girlfriends, wife of Kim Seokjin - Kim Jaeyeol, Min Yoongi’s girlfriend Seo Taemin, and Jeon Junggook girlfriend’s Jung Miseok. They are extremlly stupid. They don’t know when to shut the fuck up, so your mission is easy - Find out about where their boyfriends were at Wednesday, got it? 
— Yes, but what if they gonna realize? 
— Don’t worry, they shouldn’t, but if yes.. — He stopped.  — Then you gonna think what to do. And one more thing. You need to show them where their place is, okey honey?
 He get closser to her and touch lightly her cheek.
— Y-yes.  — She sighed and he take back his hand.
— Are you still scared of me, honey?
— K-kinda yes. You took me from my house and if I’m not gonna listen to you, you will kill me.
— If you be the good girl you will live. And remember, never take of your ring, because Taeyong will cut your fingers off.
 She looked at her fingers and nod.
— Use words honey.
— I remember, Yuta.
— Good girl. Now I’m gonna start dressing so you should too.
 They arrived. Big restaurant that looks like a big castle. Walls are gold and shiny. Infont of restaurant stood a lot of sport, expensive cars. When Soyeon realized how much money stood infront of restaurant she feel a little bit bad. She was never rich and never see car like this. Buah, she never sit in car like this, but tonight she came with one of this car with Yuta. 
 Yuta grab her hand and both of them walked in. With smile on their faces, they walked in. Everybody was looking at them, because..shit..they looked like million dollars. Eveybody in this room know about Yuta’s standards. He loves to feel the best. BTS for him was a little gang that steal others things and thinks that they are powerfull, but for real nobody was scared becasue of them. Jin, Suga and Junggook feel chills when they saw Yuta and his wife. They took their seats and look at everybody.
— Good evening Yuta, nice to see you again.  — Jin started with smile  — I hope everyhting gonna work out.
 Soyeon looked around. At the back stood her husband’s men. Ready to fight and protect her and him. 
— Soeyon, darling.  — he turn around to face her  — You should get to know their girlfriends, very friendly girls. I have some business to do, so maybe you four should go to walk or drink some coffee and be back about 15 minutes, huh?
— Of cousre, Yuta. Girls, are you in?  —  She smiled
 Girls looked at their partners faces, and when boys nod at them, they stood up.They goona go to next room to drink some coffee and talk about “regular” things. Soyeon acts so good. She smile all the time, looks like she is interest in conversation.
— By the way, Soyeon how it is?  — Jaeyeol asked
— What?
— You know, being Yuta’s wfe. — Miseok added
— Nice. He is very nice to me, romantic, take care about me. He is really in love with me. 
— My god, imagine being his wife.  — Taeim groaned  — He is so handsome and hot, not like Yoongi. He ignores me everytime. And my god if he is so hot, he must be
— He must be god of sex.  — Jaeyeol end  — He fuck propably like god. Imagine his body. For sure you have a lot orgams during sex with him.
 Soyeon never in her life felt this embarrasded like today. Her cheeks burn like tomatoe. First: This wasn’t weird talk about sex with new meet person? Second: He is HER husband.
— I don’t mean to be rude, but he is my husband.  — Soyeon clenched her jaw  — Yes, he fucks me good. Only me. And his body is art.  — She felt a lot more confidence  — So we can end topic about our sex life. Yours husband don’t fuck you all good?
 They looked at the ground.
— Maybe. Damn I’m jelous.
 Yuta was right. They are really stupid. Soyeon was tired, but left a few minutes and they have to come back.
— Okey, so I recommend talk about it with them. Btw, what did you do two days ago? Were you with your boyfriends? 
— Why you asking?
— You don’t know what was at Wednesday?  — Soyeon looked like surprised  — At Wednesday was international “Lovers Day” something like Valentine Day, but not at all. Couples at this day should spend time together.
— What?! Min Yoongi you asshole!  — Miseok looks sad  — I didn’t spend this day with him. He was busy with work.
— Same here.  — Taemin look at them  — I geuss your husband was outside too, right Jaeyeol?  — She nodded  — They have some work at the end of Seoul. Weapon? I don’t remember.
— Yeah.  — Jaeyeol shouted  — This assholes choosed work above us. Yeah, Jin talked about weapon and money from big head of some poeple, I don’t know about who was he talking.
— Nevermind.  — Miseok end  — This assholed don’t gonna have sex with us, because they skipped international Lover Day. Did you spend your time with Yuta?
— Yeah.  — She smilled lightly  — We were at cinema and then at dinner. Very beautifull time. Oh shit.  — She looked at watch  — We should come back. Already passed 20 minutes.
 Soyeon couldn’t belive that this girls belived her about “lovers day” and talk her everything about Yuta asked for. They are really stupid. She was happy, becasue Yuta would give her space and don’t do anything wrong to her or talk with her.
 Girls come back and sit next to their partners. Yuta was looking at Soyeon with interest in his eyes. She nodded to him and sit next to him.
— Babe, how was your time with this girls?
— Very good. They are very, very talkative women.  — She smiled and feel a little bit stressed.
— What you was talking about?
— I think it’s not important.  — Jaeyeol was sip of her drink
— I decide what is important and what not.
— They think that you are hot, and was curious about our sex life and how good you fuck me.  — Yuta smirked look into his rivals eyes.
 Their faces was pale and looked a little bit angry. Girls looked at the ground, shocked that Soyeon tell him about their dirty minds.
— Something more, honey?
— They didn’t spend Wednesdat together. They were busy by work. Steal some weapons and money, like their girlfriends said.
 Yuta could spill the fire. He was pissed of, because this guys sweared to him that they were busy with their partners and papper work in office. BTS feel bad and stressed, they know how can this end.
 At Yuta’s face make new sinister smile. His men knows what is coming.
— Thank you darling.  — He throw his fist at the table  — I thought you were honest with me, you three motherfuckers. You know what I’m going to do?  — He turn around to his wife  — Honey, Haechan and Jaemin took you to home, I have to end business with this men. I’ll be back about hour or two, don’t wait for me.
 She nodded. Stand up and walked to his men. There was six of his men, and two of them have to take her back to home. 
— What do you think Yuta is going to do?  — Jaemin asked
— You jerk, what do you think? Of course, he’s gonna kill them, and this women gonna work at club in China. For sure WinWin or Kun goona take care of them.  —  Haechan laughed  — How do you feel Soyeon? Is everything good?
— Y-yes. It’s good. Does he often kill people?
— How do you think? He is in mafia, it’s his job. By the way, good job.
 She nodded and started look at window. It’s hard. She was more afraid of him, because she knew about this that he can kill, but it hits diffrently when someone tell you this. She closed her eyes and clean her mind.
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neo-princess · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet Doyoung
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Doyoung definitely strikes me as a man who likes to treat his s/o. Usually you guys go out to a nice lunch or brunch, somewhere around that time. Cause he gets to treat you and make sure you’re eating wel, so it’s a winwin for him. (Winwin🥰)
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He mostly likes to see the beauty form the inside out. Yes you’re gorgeous he can never forget that. But, it doesn’t really matter that much to him. He thinks your internally beauty, is what really amplified your beauty on the outside.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Very good with these things I’d hope. I believe doyoung is once of those people who can easily talk you down out of it. Knowing exactly what to say to slow and calm your emotions.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Ideally yes, he would love nothing more than for you guys to work long enough to get married and then some. But, I see him as a realist so I don’t see him 100 betting on it. I don’t think he’d get his mind set on something that isn’t certain.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Here’s the thing. Doyoung is honestly super soft, he likes to try and assert his dominance though. Really wanting to fill that “manly” role for you, and to be seen as a man in your eyes.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
I don’t think doyoung is a fighter at all, he talk to you and discusses his stance on your guys’ argument. I don’t believe he can be mad at you long once you start hugging him or kissing him though.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Everyday. He’s grateful that he gets to call you his. Because it was hard for him to talk to you at first cause he isn’t great at these times of things. He may not express it all the time, via lack of being able to open up properly. But, in a very tender moment he’ll just let it all out.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
I believe one of them may just be that he wants to be perfect for you. He doesn’t know that being himself is perfect to you, so he tries hard to impress you all the time. And with that, comes not opening up about the stuff that “wouldn’t” make him perfect.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
I think he never thought that he’d meet someone, find someone he really likes much less. And, I think he always compares himself to his members. How lots of girls are head over heals for them, where as he isn’t that popular among taeyong and like jaehyun, etc. So, be feel...chosen, wanted, good enough. I believe is something he’s gotten from you that he will never let go of.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I don’t think he shows that he’s jealous. Like obviously he doesn’t want that person talking to you, if their a threat. But, he knows that you’re independent and can handle yourself. So he’ll sit by you, but not interfere knowing you have that down.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s working on it. He’s only really comfortable with pecks at the moment. He’s never done this before, so it’s a little hard for him. This first kiss was sweet. He was afraid to kiss you, only cause he hadn’t kissed anyone before. But, you told him to just follow your lead, which he did.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It’s hard for Doyoung to get his feelings out in words sometimes. So, sometimes he’ll write little notes or texts. If he’s feeling extra brave he’ll call you and tell you.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Like I said, he would absolutely love nothing more to marry you. He does in fact have plans to propose. But, he doesn’t want to cling to the idea in case you slip away.
I believe doyoung would do it in private. This is about you and him, so he wants it to just be you and him. He’d probably cook you a nice dinner. Romantic and loving all night and pop the question.
Marriage would be very rewarding for him. To be able to call you his wife,,his WIFE. It’s gotta be one of his biggest honors in his life. Definitely an amazing husband.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
I definitely see Doyoung as a sweetheart type of guy. It’s just as endearing enough to make your heart melt every time you hear him say it.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He can’t keep his eyes off you, he’s drown to you once you get into the room. His eyes will fill with stars like he’s just seen a goddess. Every feature on your face/body reminding him what a masterpiece you are. Your voice starts to sound smoother, your smile seems brighter, your laugh seems happier.
It is definitely obvious to everyone, especially his members. As much as he’d like to believe that it isn’t,,,it is. They can tell he’s head over heels for you.
I can see Doyoung showing up with roses randomly. Just to tell you that you’re beautiful.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
I definitely thinks he’s reserved about you’re relationship. Not wanting anything on the outside getting in, and ruining what you two have hand have built.
I don’t think he’ll outright talk about you unless your brough up. He has no problem if one of the members ask him about you. He’s happy to discuss. But, he doesn’t brag about yours
Very shy about PDA, simple hand holding will do it for him. Anything beyond that will fluster him and make him a bit nervous.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Hmm, I would just say he’s good at taking care of you. Stuff like when your sick or if you have a period. He’s very good make you you feel better and more comfortable. He doesn’t like to see you suffer so.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
I’d say doyoung really has him moments when he is in fact Romantic. Loves to give you flowers, cook dinner, run you nice baths and things like that. I believe all of that makes you happy, he’s trying hard enough to do this for you so, anything you’ll be very pleased with. I guess you could say he’s more of a cliche guy as well.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
100% he always likes to help you along your road to wherever you’re trying to go. He believes in you more than you think. And, at this point your dreams are his for you.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
As of now, you guys have been amazing. He hasn’t seen anything that was getting bad or needed to get better. Doyoung believes what you have now is amazing. But, he will trying new things out if need be.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He prides himself on knowing as much as he can about you, and still learning. He wants to be able to understand you. Understand your thinking and your actions, to make for better situations within the relationship.
He’s very empathetic as well. Your pain is his pain, when you’re sad it crushes his heart. It’s almost like the two of you are connected by now.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You mean the world to Doyoung, you are one of the best things that ever happened to him. The reason I say one of the best things is cause , NCT and his singing will always be his first love. But, that doesn’t by any means that you never come first. It’s hard to explain for him but just know you are very important.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Nights with doyoung are perfect, you wish that the night time would last forever.
He gently washes your back, as you guys bathe together. Caring tenderly on your gentle skin.
Kisses of course, but nothing sexual. You’re loving each other’s company. Indulging in his love.
Sleeping together, he pulls you close. You can hear his heart pace pick up a bit having you so close. His hand resting on the small of your back.
“I love you.”
That’s was the last thing he said to you before going of to sleep.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
I believe that he is, but it’s more prominent in private than in person. He’s a huge hugger when it’s just the two of you. Doyoung loves to pull you close and just have you in his arms.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
I feel like being away from you stresses him more than he’d like to admit. He never wants you to feel that he’s neglecting you cause of his work. He can’t contact you as much as he’d like, especially since he isn’t supposed to date technically. But the little texts between you two hold him over till the next.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
I think I’m the long run, yes. You are worth everything he has done. And just to see you smile, to see you happy, Doyoung would do just about anything.
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ncityofangels · 5 years
NCT 127 + U Reaction : You Being Under Anesthesia and They Tell You Things They’ve Never Told You Before
a/n: this was requested and took really long but it was so fun to write because I’ve never written a reaction before so yay! Anyway....I included 127, U, and Kun in this reaction so have fun. Hope you guys like it :D
Genre : Flufffffff x10
below the cut because I’m nice like that ;)
I could definitely see him being one of the more emotional ones whenever you go to get your wisdom teeth out
He’s definitely big worried about you
I don’t think he would really express it to you though
Don’t think that he won’t be taking funny pictures of you during your procedure to blackmail you with later
Once you were completely under though he’d turn into a big softie
Would wait in the waiting room all night just to make sure you’re okay
Constantly talking to the doctors to make sure everything was going according to plan
“How did I get so lucky?”
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N”
Today was the day you got the procedure done to donate your kidney
He comes to the hospital with you (of courseee)
Brings hella snacks for both of you
but like
Not healthy snacks. Probably a lot of chocolate.
Watches YouTube videos with you on his phone while you wait
Once you get called he gets a little nervous
The entire time the procedure is being done he’s like pacing in the waiting room
Doing that knee bounce thingy people do when they’re anxious
After the procedure is done and you’re in your room, the biggest smile erupts on his face
“I totally knew you’d be okay babe”
“You’re the strongest person I know”
first off
big baby 1/4
He was already hella concerned when you broke your leg but when he found out you’d have to get operated on
This boyyyyy was freakin out
I definitely see him being one of the most anxious ones
Highkey tries to teach you a choreo he thought of while you’re in the waiting room to calm his nerves
“Oh right, your leg is broken. Sorry babe. Let’s find something else to do then”
Doesn’t want to be separated from you when they take you back
After the operation they tell him he can go back to your room and he could not get their faster
Definitely has a whole conversation with you while you’re still under
“Hurry up and get back to me”
“I love you too much”
Why do I picture him being so chill the whole time
Like not in the way that he doesn’t care 
He trusts you’re in good hands with the doctors
You’re definitely more nervous than he is
“Babe, you’re just getting your wisdom teeth out, it’ll be okay.”
Plays a game on his phone while your waiting
Or reads one of those magazines they always leave out for patients
Buys flowers after they take you back
I feel like without a doubt he spent at LEAST 15 minutes in the hospital gift shop picking out what kind of flowers to get you
Probably asks the people working there for advice too
The procedure didn’t take too long so he was able to see you pretty soon, even though you were still under
“See babe I told you everything was going to go good”
“You’re so beautiful when you sleep”
Very similar to Johnny imo
Plays with your hair while you’re in the waiting room
“You don’t need your tonsils anyway”
This makes me soft
Tells you fuckin dad jokes to calm you down like the nerd he is
this boy will go all out because he really loves your ass
Expect your room to smell good af after you get up
Why do I feel like he’d order take out for you before you wake up so it’s ready for you when you come to
ik thats like kInDa weird but I just feel that in my soul so
Lowkey wants to cuddle you the whole time you’re under
“I’ll never leave your side”
“You’re so adorable like this”
Alright this is my bias y’all sooo
I definitely feel like he’s kind of similar to Yuta
a LOT more chill than some of the other members
“I’ll see you in a bit”
“What do you want to eat after this?”
Lots of hugs before you go back
Roams the gift shop while he waits
Probably gets you some small little thing that made him think of you
“She’ll like this”
Sings to you in your room while you’re still asleep
WOW im in love with this boy
Checks in with the doctor to make sure things are going well
Doesn’t leave your side once they move you into your room
Not in the way that he is worried, he just likes being close to you
Treats you to dinner after you’re released
“I never knew I could care about someone so much”
“Take your time babe, I have all day”
veryyyyy touchy
big baby 2/4
not really worried at all though
Will be all over you before you go back
Just very affectionate in general, regardless of the situation
When you told him you had to get your appendix taken out he was like “okay, lets go get that fixed”
brings snacks like Johnny
When it’s time for you to go back he holds your hand and tells you everything is gonna be okay
Brings you food
Updates the members on your condition (idk that’s just something I think he’d do)
Probably ends up falling asleep in the waiting room tbh
“Are you really under anesthesia or are you just messing with me?”
“I’ll always take care of you”
wow we love ANOTHER bias
Okay so
Brings his airpods and a speaker so yall can listen to music together while you wait
this is so cute i’m literally crying
why do I see him packing a lunch for the both of you
Does the MOST
“Hurry, you have to eat this before they take your wisdom teeth out”
Big softie
A tiny bit concerned, but knows you’ll be fine
Can’t wait for the cuddles that he’ll give you after your release
repeat after me… TAKES. CARE. OF. YOU.
Most likely ends up feeding you at home too because you’re a mess and can’t do anything for yourself
Once they let him back to see you though he just melts
So proud of you tbh (even though you literally didn’t do anything”
“That’s my baby”
“I can’t wait to marry you”
big baby 3/4
Would quite literally do anything for you
Lots of backhugs and reassurance
Jokes around with you to calm you down
definitely shows you memes from the NCT group chat to cheer you up
“I’ll be right here the whole time, don’t worry”
Speaks Mandarin for you because you find it relaxing
lil cuddles in the waiting room
Y’all have the softest relationship
Expect this boy to literally never leave your side during recovery
Won’t let you do anything but rest because his baby has to be in top condition
As soon as he sees you after the operation he gets a little emotional
Most likely just has a regular convo with you while you’re under
“What do you think about this outfit, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I don’t really like it that much either”
“You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met”
“I can’t wait to grow old with you”
big baby 4/4
a lot like Taeyong tbh
aegyo to make you feel better
For some reason I don’t see him worrying too much though
Like he loves you soooo much and you will never question that but he’s just chillin once you go back
Misses your presence once he’s alone in the waiting room
“How long does it take to take an appendix out?”
Probably is wayyy too into a game on his phone when the doctor comes to tell him that he can go back
“Aw baby, you look so cuteee”
“I just want to hug you until you’re better” 
big meme boi
Roasts the shit out of you for having to have your wisdom teeth out
You try and explain to him that it’s literally a common thing but nope
he still make fun
“Don’t worry, even though your body is failing our relationship isn’t”
Asks the doctors soooo many times how much longer it is going to take
Just because he can’t wait to show you some meme he found or tell you some joke he made
Don’t mistake his teasing though because this boy will wait all day in that hospital for you
Goes to get food while he waits
Forgets to get you something and gets mad at himself for being so wreckless
Flowerssss 3.0
idk I just love the idea of Lucas getting you flowers leave me alone
not like this big bouquet tho, very simple. Like maybe a couple roses
Playfully sings to you while he waits for you to wake up
“My ladyYyYyY”
sorry y’all i had to
“I love you so much it hurts”
“I can’t focus when you’re around”
Jaehyun 2.0 tbh
makes you listen to this new song he found on SoundCloud (yikess we love him tho)
probably raps to it because we been knew he’s a dork
sings to you if you want him to
big cuddler tbh
worries when they take you back
just doesn’t want to be away from you in general
Likes his space but also whiny when he’s in the mood for some time with you
wow i’m really whipped for him, let’s continue
I don’t really see him buying flowers for you but I think he’d roam the gift shop for a trinket you would like
Runs home to get one of your stuffed animals or something to remind you of home and make you feel comfortable
When they let him see you he gets super excited
“Hey baby, long time no see”
“I’m so in love with you”
This mans gonna tease you the wholeeee time
Kinda like Lucas but more like a loving tease
Pinches your cheeks a LOT
“My baby is getting surgery todayy”
Your procedure is like a whole event tbh
Gotta pack a lunch
Some snacks for AFTER lunch
lots of drinks
pillows maybe a blanket
Very extra in general
Also very worried when they take you back
Texts the members about how worried he is
“I just love her so much, I don’t want anything bad to happen to her”
Is super relieved when he gets to see you again
“Hello my angel”
“I think i’m falling in love with you”
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kpopiskinda-uhhhh · 4 years
Would this idol call me a homophobic slur? ft. NCT OT21
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NOTE: This is literally a joke and reflects nothing about the boys themselves and is simply for my own enjoyment and maybe yours so don’t take anything in this post serious okay~
~Also NCT are my ultimate ults and I love them all, even the ones that would call me a slur~
So hopefully if you are reading this you are familiar with the boys, if not you won’t learn anything from this post but maybe you will enjoy it anyways
Taeyong, gay AND afraid
So we are starting with our unofficial leader, legend Taeyong. This bitch is gay, super duper gay. But in a shy way. Panic gay levels through the roof in fact one of the most panicked idols in the industry if I’m being honest with you.
His reactions to even the slightest bit of flirting from other members is like full catastrophe level “oh shit”. I mean this video is just a tiny piece of how bad Taeyong is.
However this poor kid seems to have some internalized homophobia so maybe he would call me a slur just to push the spotlight from himself who knows tho love u Taeyong.
Taeil, Straight Man™
This old man really said this and expects me not to believe he would call me a slur? Vocal legend Taeil would decimate me for my sexuality and only slightly feel bad afterwards. Definitely a hetero. 
Johnny, lowkey gay
This boy seems very open minded and like a legend to me and I think he is lowkey open to anything and anyone so I would say he might be like pansexual or something.
Definitely would not call me a slur, a giant teddy bear.
Yuta, gay prince
This pretty bitch is what I want to be. SO beautiful and regal and confident in his expression. Was on a show with a bunch of white dudes and went out of his way to defend trans people and call people out on enforcing gender roles. Literally threw the first brick at Stonewall. Would paint my nails and tell me to be myself and that I am valid.
Kun, the supportive father
Does not give off gay vibes at all but he is also so talented and wonderful so I live him even if he is straight. Fatherly vibes are strong I would let him pat my head.
Manz is definitely straight but a great ally. Would come to pride with me and shout at protesters
Doyoung, passes but is still a gay
This rude hoe makes me angry because he is really pretty and that clouds my vision. Regardless no matter how much I think about it I can’ t call him straight. Might say bisexual with female preference just to spice things up. On the surface level tho he is easily seen as straight and you gotta look into his soul to see the rainbow lining. Even if he is str-straight, he is an amazing ally you know the clip on vlive where he said a fan’s relationship could been a boy-boy or girl-girl relationship just like it was nothing? legend behaviour.
Would not call me a slur and would defend me from homphobes
Ten, Jesus Christ of the gays
I honestly don’t even want to write this part. This bitch is so gay I could show somebody on the street a 3 second clip of him talking and they would ask if he’s... y’know.
It is literally science every single thing he has ever done just makes him gayer and gayer. A list would include:
- supports lgbtq+ artists and promotes lgbtq+ content including Troye Sivan, Frank Ocean, Call Me By Your Name, etc.
- literally is always flirty with guys
- the entirety of is he gay or European applies to him except the European part, the way he dresses, the way he talks, the way he gestures, gay
- an absolute legend in all ways, and only gays are true legends in this house
- literally anything watch any video he is in and you will find at least one thing
Would call me a slur but out of a friendly place in his heart cuz in this scenario we are buddies and I would laugh and call him one back cuz he is that level of gay.
Jaehyun, confusing
Honestly seems straight but there is something about him that pings my gaydar ever so slightly. maybe I think he would not be opposed to experimenting but would still call himself straight. Seems like a good guy tho
Would not call me a slur and would give me life advice on how to be happy or something.
Winwin, talented het
Mad respect for this man, straight legend. Definitely straight like 100% no way he is even slightly gay. Straight and confused. Hope he gets more lines and grows happier in the future. Older brother who is okay with you being gay but doesn’t want to talk about it
Would definitely not call me a slur unless we got into a big argument and then would really regret it afterwards and apologize profusely.
Jungwoo, should be an actor
Acts really really gay. Gay for clout. Actually gay? who knows.
Would call me a slur away from the cameras and then go off and hug Taeyong once they’re on.
Lucas, feels really straight like a proper hetero
I can’t imagine Lucas being into guys for even one second. Still I think he is squishy and I still like him despite being straight.
Either would immediately call me a slur or never even think of calling me a slur, depends on the cycle of the moon.
Mark, oh man
Straight heterosexual male. Would call me a faggot upon meeting me and step on my toes, I would thank him.
Xiao Jun, probably straight?
Not particularly straight or gay, probably straight for convenience. No reason to believe he would be against the gays
Would not call me a slur but would remain silent when Mark calls me a slur.
Hendery, skater gay
Strikes me as a skater boy for literally zero reason and skaters are either emo gays or gothic straights and I believe he’s a gay but like lowkey. Maybe bisexual who knows.
Would not call me a slur and would go skating with me and buy me ice cream after Mark calls me a slur.
Renjun, straight but like in cursive
No clue what is up with this lad. He is either bisexual or completely straight. I can see him liking girls clearly, can slightly imagine that he may be interested in boys as well. But he would never go after a guy, only in his own head. 
Would not call me a slur unless I tried to ask if he like guys.
Jeno, dangerous bisexual
Unpredictable and possibly violent. Might burn down some buildings in his fight against the heteros. Probably has access to many guns and explosives, will not hesitate to use them. Into anyone who also likes causing chaos.
Would not call me a slur and would shoot anybody who did.
Haechan, a surprise
Wannabe gay, not exactly gay not exactly straight either just somebody who pushes the image of his love for mark into the spotlight as often as possible. 
Would call me a slur and laugh about it with Mark.
Jaemin, ????
Strange. Very odd character, seems pretty straight but is really into skinship for the clout probably. Loves NCTzens so would not want to hurt any of their feelings. Would support a girl-girl relationship if they were fans of NCT but would be slightly uncomfortable around a guy-guy couple. 
Would not call me a slur but would ask me who is the girl in a guy-guy relationship.
Yangyang, confident gay king
Yangyang rose to my top biases pretty quickly after joining NCT and that’s because he is a king. Would never do or say anything to hurt any of his fans and wants to grow to be as openminded and educated as possible. Literally an angel with the cutest face ever. Maybe pansexual but in an idc way like he is just Yangyang and whoever he likes is just based on personality, doesn’t even think about gender.
Would absolutely not call me a slur and would ask questions respectively to grow as a person.
Chenle, purity part one
I do not believe this boy is straight but in a very supportive way. I think he could be anything other than fully straight and I love him for it. Seems like such a bright boy and I wish SM would treat him (and all the foreign members) better. Deserves the world. A pure boy.
Would not call me a slur because he knows it is wrong and isn’t like that at all.
Jisung, purity part two and the hidden gay
Okay so I have kept this free of ships so far and I do not personally believe that any ship I talk about is real I just like to analyze certain interactions and I really do believe that Jisung and Chenle have an absolutely precious relationship, whether you choose to see it as platonic or not, they are best buddies and their connection ascends labels in my humble opinion. Definitely soulmates.
On a Jisung personal level I feel like he passes as straight but I really don’t think he is straight at all in fact I believe he is a full blood gay. And a legend too. This boy does NOT get the recognition he deserves at all and is incredible in everyway literally a triple threat at least. 
Would not call me a slur and would defend me probably.
~hope you enjoyed and remember this is literally a whole ass joke and means nothing at all thank you love you Mark~
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qvestchen · 5 years
Lockscreen // Yuwin NCT : Chapter Five
Summary: There’s a thin line between reality and playacting, and Dong Sicheng tripped hard over it when he fell head over heels in love with Nakamoto Yuta.
Author: qvestchen
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: Home, Previous, Next.
Lockscreen // Yuwin NCT
Chapter 5: I got it for my birthday
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Taeil looked around at the dinner table. “Where is everyone?” He noticed Haechan shift uncomfortably.
Mark glared in his direction. “Haechan did some Ouija stuff with Winwin hyung and scared him off. Yuta hyung has gone to find him.”
Taeyong patted Haechan’s back. “Don’t worry. He’ll be home soon.”
Jaehyun tried to change the topic. “And Jungwoo went back to meet Lucas. Something about Lucas having lost his passport once again.”
“It’s probably just a ruse to ask Jungwoo out on a date though,” Johnny said, sitting at the table. “Lucas called me earlier for tips. They all grow up so fast.” He looked into the distance, wiping a fake tear. “By the way, where’s Doyoung?”
Mark piped up. “Oh, he left for the Dreamies dorm. Probably went to check on the kids and help with dinner.”
Taeil wasn’t listening though. He got up suddenly. “I’m craving some ramen. Anyone want anything from the convenience store? No? Okay, I’ll be back soon.”
“What happened to him?” Mark asked, frowning.
“He wanted some ramen, Mark,” Haechan deadpanned.
Across the table Johnny and Taeyong passed each other worried looks.
Outside, Taeil let out a breath. He hadn’t even realized he had been holding it in. He began to walk in the direction of his favourite convenience store but his mind was a bundle of thoughts. He wished he hadn’t asked where Winwin was—okay, yes, he had asked where everyone else was but even he knew what he was really asking. He was so irritated by how his brain immediately looked for Winwin. It was just supposed to be a stupid little crush that would go away with time but here he was feeling despondent not at the fact that Winwin wasn’t there for dinner but that Winwin and Yuta weren’t there for dinner. It was this kind of thought that made him both embarrassed and dislike himself. He wasn’t this petty ever but then he hadn’t ever had a crush before too.
What if, just like Lucas, Winwin had cooked up a ruse so that Yuta would follow him and they could go on a date then? He shook his head. Stop thinking about them. Stop thinking about him.
It was when the employee at the counter looked up that he realized that the staff had changed. Ahjumma—Mrs. Kim, as he had been told by the new employee—had left without notice. The new employee—what was his name—knew who Taeil was or at least in the first and last meeting Taeil had had with him, he had given him a face-mask to protect himself against stalkers.
Taeil didn’t like to be recognized outside schedule so he had told himself not to come here again. It was unfair to the employee who had not only saved him from choking to death but also been nothing but respectful towards him. Probably he wouldn’t even remember him.
The employee’s eyes lit up when he saw Taeil. He waved at him. “Welcome, Mr. Customer. What can I get for you today?”
Yeah, well, the employee didn’t know he was, Taeil guessed. The enthusiasm must just be for having quelled his boredom in this usually empty convenience store. Taeil felt even more miserable somehow.
But the employee pointed to his favourite ramen. “This one, right?”
“Yes, I-I’m sorry I forgot your name,” Taeil stammered.
The employee tapped his badge. “Azhar. Nice to meet you again.”
Taeil groaned at himself mentally. He could have just read it off his badge instead of asking. What was happening to him? He nodded awkwardly and made his way to the windows to sit and eat his cup ramen.
Azhar appeared by his side to place a glass of water next to him. Okay, so he definitely remembered Taeil from last time and the choking episode.
“Thank you,” Taeil said. He didn’t know what compelled him to add, “That’s a nice name you’ve got.”
“Thank you.” Azhar smiled brightly. “I got it for my birthday.”
Taeil stared at him and Azhar stared back. They both burst out laughing.
“Oh my god, that was horrible. I’m so sorry. I read it somewhere online,” Azhar said, still laughing.
“Wait, I got one for you. What do you call a can opener that does not work?” Taeil asked.
They looked at each other and then said, simultaneously. “A can’t opener.”
Azhar clutched at his side, laughing. “Fuck, you’re hilarious.” He put a hand over his mouth quickly. “Shit, I didn’t mean to swear. Oh no, I did it again. Shit. Sorry. Sorry.”
Taeil snorted. “It’s alright. Chill. I’m going to choke on these noodles again if you keep it up.”
“I know, I know. Sorry. You have a great sense of humour though,” Azhar said, giggling. “I’ll let you eat. Have a good meal.”
Taeil stopped him. “Have some?” He offered the fork to him.
Azhar looked at it dubiously. “I’ll pass. Thanks.”
“You haven’t tried it before?”
Azhar took the cup tentatively and sniffed. “I don’t eat this flavour.”
“You’re missing out,” Taeil said, horrified. “It’s my favourite.”
Azhar tried a bite and he chewed on the noodles like a Masterchef judge. “It’s nice. A bit bland for my taste. Have you tried the Extreme Spice flavour?”
“Nothing beats this, I’m sure, Azhar.”
“Wait,” Azhar said, disappearing towards the shelves and then re-emerging with a cup of ramen. He set it before Taeil. “Here you go. My treat.”
As they waited for the ramen to be ready, Taeil asked. “You’re not from around here?”
“I’m from India. I came here to study at the uni. My roommate works a shift here and he told me there was a vacancy.”
“Woah, you’re from India!” Taeil said. He caught himself before he could ask anything else. “I’m sorry. Where are my manners? I’m Taeil. I—”
“Moon Taeil, vocalist of the century. I know you, dude,” Azhar said.
Taeil flushed at the praise. “That’s a bit…”
Azhar waved a hand, offering him the ramen. “Just facts. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable though.”
Taeil shook his head and took a sip of the soup and his ears turned red. He coughed. “That’s too hot. Fuck, I need more water. Never mind, I need a Pepsi.”
Azhar blinked and then rushed off to get him a can.
Somewhere between the second ramen and the third round of bad coffee, Taeil remembered why he was here in the first place. He listened to Azhar telling him about uni work and bit his lip.
“You’re a psychology major, right?”
Azhar nodded.
“I need your help. I—There’s a friend of mine. He has a problem,” Taeil began. And then because he was so scared that he would never be able to say it aloud to anyone, he went on. “So, there’s this beautiful, talented boy that…my friend likes. I think it’s a full-fledged crush now. But the other boy, he has someone else. I mean, there’s someone else in this scenario, okay? I’m not sure if the boy likes that someone else yet but they’re close and between the two sometimes I feel that the boy likes him more than, you know, more than my friend.”
Azhar looked confused. “Can you repeat? I’m—”
“Oh, look at the time! It’s ten. Gotta rush back,” Taeil said, feeling shy and embarrassed.
“Wait, this is clearly important. We should talk.”
“No! I mean, I’ll come back again. How much is my bill?” Taeil said, rushing to the counter.
It took a lot of coaxing to get the bill because Azhar wanted to treat him to everything but Taeil was firm.
“Fine but you’re not paying for my ramen. Also,” Azhar said, handing him the receipt, “if you can’t talk to me about it, you should talk to your friends. Someone, anyone, but don’t keep it all bottled inside, okay?”
Taeil tried to protest.
“Liking someone is not a crime, Taeil.”
“But I am so confused.”
“Then come back again and we’ll figure it out for you. Even though, I’m warning you, my semester just started and I know nothing but I’ve been told I give great advice.”
“Don’t tell anyone I have an unrequited crush,” Taeil whispered.
“Don’t be paranoid. We’re friends now.” Azhar walked him to the glass door and at the last second somewhat shyly, handed him a paper bag with chocolate buns.
“What’s this? A goodbye gift for me?” Taeil smirked. “I’m overstuffed.”
“Uh, it’s…uh, its, for, uh…I don’t know, you could give it to Doyoung, maybe? But don’t say it’s from me. A stranger. How awkward. Ugh. A fan. Give it back. I’m regretting it already.”
Taeil looked at him shrewdly. “You like Doyoung. Oh my God!”
“Shut up. He’s my bias.” Azhar’s cheeks were bright red now.
“I’m so glad I know your secret too,” Taeil said, waving at him as Azhar sent a string of expletives his way.
He was smiling as he walked towards the dorm, only stopping when he saw two familiar people standing outside the door. “Oh?” He wondered if they had got locked out and everyone else was asleep. That had happened to Taeyong once.
He had no idea what was happening. Later he would wonder what if he had known.
It was indeed Yuta and Winwin but they stood on the question mark of a sentence that could change everything.
When Yuta had said, “Winwin, I don’t think of you as a kid,” he hadn’t known it would bring him to this. They were at the dorm door now and he had thought they would go up to their room and maybe he would suggest some anime while Winwin ate but all the easygoing plans went out of the window when Winwin straight up asked, “Then what do you think of me?”
Winwin was looking at him intensely but Yuta had no idea if the Chinese boy was angry or just serious. But he knew this question was important. He had often thought how he would tell Winwin and his courage had always failed him. There were too many variables and the biggest of them was this person standing in front of him but for once, there seemed a sliver of hope.
He swallowed nervously. He wanted to choose his best words for this. Should he just say, Winwin, you are the one I love?
Something passed over Winwin’s features and once again, Yuta was scared. He could feel himself drawing back. What if Winwin was asking this out of some sort of annoyance? What if he had caught on to Yuta’s feelings and he didn’t like it? Right now, he looked intimidating, as if anything could go wrong.
But he wanted to tell him. Just this once. He would apologize if Winwin didn’t want his affection but he wanted to tell him now that he had asked.
So, he calmed himself mentally and began, “Winwin, you’re the o—”
“Yuta! Winwin! Did you get locked out?” Taeil’s voice startled both of them. “Winwinnie, did you get something to eat or does my love keep you well-fed?”
Winwin sighed in annoyance and Yuta drew back seeing his reaction.
Taeil was walking towards them, well within earshot now.
Winwin quirked an eyebrow at Yuta.
Taeil stopped beside them. “Don’t you two have a spare key?”
Winwin hadn’t looked away from Yuta, addressing him completely. “Whatever. I don’t really care. I’m going to sleep.” He turned the door knob and walked into the dorm without looking back this time.
“What’s up with him? Still stressed because of the upcoming debut?” Taeil asked Yuta. “Is it just me or is he snarkier than usual these days?”
When Yuta didn’t respond, he waved a hand in front of him. “Hello, earth to Yuta!”
Yuta blinked. His throat was dry as he responded. “Uh, what? Sorry, I-I must have…spaced out.”
“Let’s go in. I think you’re sleepy,” Taeil said, patting his back.
Yuta nodded but said, “I was actually just heading out for a quick run. I’ll be back soon.” He needed to clear his head because the way it was currently echoing Whatever, I don’t really care in a steady dull thudding, he would scream or start crying.
The door opened and Taeyong stood there. “C’mon, you two. Dinner is getting cold and the kids haven’t eaten yet because they were waiting for you all. Come inside.”
Yuta clenched his teeth and walked in. Taeil sensed something and reached forward to ask Yuta what had happened but Taeyong and Johnny were seating everyone strictly. Even Winwin was sitting fuming at the table.
It was a quiet dinner and everyone excused themselves quickly disappearing into their bedrooms, tired from their respective schedules. Everyone except Yuta, who had subtly stayed back in the living room, citing calls as the reason. He had always found the couch comfy enough.
In his bedroom, Winwin twisted and turned, unable to sleep. Subconsciously, he was waiting for his roommate to come to the room but it was now two-thirty in the night and while Taeil was asleep, Yuta’s bed was empty. Underneath the hurt and disappointment he was feeling, he wondered if it was because of his question. He got up with a sigh, not really understanding why he cared but told himself he would scold Yuta as much as Yuta always scolded him for turning up late.
He tip-toed silently to the living room and drew himself back as he heard the low voice of someone talking on his mobile phone. He knew the voice, of course. It was Yuta.
He tried to catch the words, craning his neck to listen.
“I’m really missing you right now…Everything is a mess…Yes, it is. You don’t know how bad it is. I could really use some of your calm right now…No, I know you’re busy, I’m just saying…I wish you were here and things were better and that—…Well, I wish a lot of things…Shut up, aren’t you tired?...”
Winwin drew back, stunned. He walked back to his room in a daze. He tried to piece together all that he had heard. He was still sitting when he heard steps near their bedroom door that prompted him to pull the covers over himself and pretend to sleep. He hardly slept that night.
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okay, so a lot of things happened! first of all, how did you like azhar? ;) we have had this character in mind for such a long time and he is finally properly here!! isn't he cute? he did make an appearance before though.
also who do you think was yuta talking too? because damn, winwin is hella confused now.
the next chapters are all going to be super fun and hopefully you will enjoy it :D thank you so much for reading and appreciating this fic. it means a lot <3
love, positive vibes and spicy ramen~
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espship18 · 5 years
Kpop Ship for chanchao-kha
Okok, so hello! I have a ship that took way too long to come out, but I unfortunately have been very busy, but I’m still here to deliver. Today’s ship is for @chanchao-kha, I hope you enjoy! <3
Based off your request, I learned this about you: 
You’re 5′7, with long black hair, and dark eyes
You’re a caring, supportive, and affectionate 
You can be competitive nothing wrong with that
You’re friendly and polite 
Your enjoy: dancing, working out, horror movies, and cooking 
You have a comforting and encouraging aura 
You also enjoy: stargazing, walking at night 
Lastly, you’re always smiling ah, I love!
And in your request, you have been asked to be shipped with Day6 and Monsta X! Let’s go!
Day6: Wonpil
Okay so, you two are the softest beans who I love so much! You two scream potential to be that shy couple who are absolute adorable and sweet crack heads(not actual crack heads but omg you’re so hyper and playful with each other!). I also feel like you two would push each other out of your comfort zones just enough as well. Except for scary movies, Wonpil can't take, hehe. I can see you and Wonpil meeting at a park during sundown. Wonpil is out walking around, clearing his mind, and hoping to find some inspiration for a song or two while you’re star gazing and watching the stars pop out in the night sky. One thing leads to another and Wonpil becomes entranced by you, and he stops to talk to you. You two click instantly and you both fall easily. Something that I see in your and Wonpil’s relationship is dancing. I’m not for sure why, but when I envision the visuals, I get all soft and happy. There would be a lot of slow dancing at the end of dates or late at night when you’re with Wonpil in the studio. You two also go on a LOT of karaoke dates. You two can easily spend a lot of time in a karaoke bar, hell, you sometimes even bring the rest of Day6 with you because why the heck not, you wanna have fun. And I can also see you and Wonpil choosing a slow song and dance to the music, ugh, you’re so cute stop it. Wonpil is also the softest bean for your by the way. He’s the type of guy to do the super cheesy and super sweet couple things such as heart felt messages or surprising you with your favorite flowers or something like that. And I feel like Wonpil would like to take over date night and surprise you a lot of the time. He loves to throw the best time for you, always. You also enjoy giving back to Wonpil but giving him just as much support. Wonpil would like to have you at work with him, hell, he would even set up dates there. Which, you never complain because you love being around Wonpil and seeing him in his creative mode. Getting exclusive listens to their music is also a winwin as well. You’re always Wonpil’s #1 cheerleader, next to Jae, you two would sometimes playfully bicker over Wonpil over somethings, it’s super cute. You’re also bacically Day6′s #1 fan. You go to concerts anytime you can, you promote them on a regular, and you even get those super cute ‘I’m with the band’ shirts. Lastly, PDA. PDA overload with this bub. You two wouldn’t mind hugging on each other, you’d embrace it(hah, get it?) and you don’t normally like to let other peoples opinions put a damper on your love. So much hand holding, cheek kisses, hugs, and super soft moments with a lot of giggles. 
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Monsta X: I.M 
Lastly but certainly not least, our sweet bby angel Changkyun! As I was thinking of your aesthetics together, my thoughts went together and stuck together with no issues- so you’re being shipped with our soft and stoic bby. You would be peppy enough to bring him out of his shell. There is also so much potential to work with when it comes to kyunnie being head over heels for you. You and Changkyun would be a very wholesome couple who constantly have each others backs- always always always. You are easily the extra back bone that Changkyun needs as well when he needs you the most. You two are also a great balance of wild and mild. I like to use this term a lot because where you get to bring Changkyun out of his shell, you get to have a soft and quiet moment with Changkyun and everything works out perfectly! Rainy days are the best days. Just because the outside world is dreary, doesn’t mean you two can’t have fun. Whether you two try to bake homemade brownies, kyunnie teaches you how to play Overwatch, or you simply lay together and take a nap, you two can find anything to do- you ain’t gotta worry about anything. I can also see you two picking up new hobbies together and learning new skills together. Whether it would be something like learning how to sew or how to write in cursive, you enjoy learning things together. You two also enjoy challenging one another quite often. You love to see each other thrive, and there is never harm in having some healthy competition. You enjoy learning the newest choreography when you can and sometimes you like giving Changkyun a run for his money. Of course you never embarrass him or anything like that, you just like to see the motivation he gets when you learn something that he hasn’t yet. You both also enjoy hanging out with his fellow group members and have events such a movie nights. You like to control movie nights, horror movie spectaculars. It’s always a treat as well because you love to see if Shownu will get scared or not at a particular movie or not. Date night is also Changkyun’s thing, he loves planning date night so much. Date night normally involves getting dressed up and do whatever Changkyun has in store for you. He always hits the nail on the head with date night, he knows exactly what you like, and he knows how to show you a good time. A lot of the time, weather permitting, a lot of your dates end up with walking home, talking about life and counting how many stars you see or trying to describe what the moons craters look like. Changkyun is also a complete and utter gentleman to you, so PDA is perfect. He keeps PDA modestly around other people, enough for them to see the picture, but at home he loves to hold you close and give you kisses. I can also see him as a guy who likes to hold his S/o’s thighs, idk, it’s a l O o K. 
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yeaimfishboi · 7 years
Pairing: YutaXReader
Word Count: 1.35k
Genre: Angst, and Fluff
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          You felt your phone buzz on your bedside table. Angrily, you turned yourself to the side, and picked it up.
‘I’m coming over. We’re playing GTA.’~Yuta.
‘I was about to fall asleep. Why can’t your girlfriend do it?’
‘Just let me come over. I’m your best friend.’ ~Yuta
‘Fine, just hurry!’
Your doorbell then proceeded to ring. You half-heartedly walked over to the door and opened. “Why do you want to play GTA so late Yuta?” you asked still half asleep.
           “Because I wanted to talk to you is that so wrong?” he asked gazing into your eyes.
“At 12 in the morning it is. What’s up?” you asked trying to avoid that said gaze.
“Me and Jiyeon broke up,” he said twiddling his thumbs.
“Ok you can play GTA, but I’m going to try to sleep. Unlike you I don’t have the day off tomorrow.
“At least stay in here with me,” he asked with his pleading, puppy eyes.
“Fine, but I’m using you as a pillow,” you responded sarcastically knowing that he was going to say no. You have had feelings for Yuta for a while now, but with Jiyeon, and his comeback, you knew there was no way he would pay attention to you in that way. Even when he was single he was never a big “cuddle” person, but you couldn’t blame him.
“Yeah, go ahead!” He responded excitedly, as he sat down turning on your Xbox One. You sat down on the couch, grabbed a blanket, and laid your head on his lap. After a few minutes of playing the game, Yuta started stroking your hair. Even though it confused you, you ended up falling asleep peacefully.
 About a week after that incident, you, Yuta, and some of the boys went to the mall. All of you were walking around peering in every store. After a few stores, Yuta wrapped his hand around your waist. You were used to him touching you, but he only ever put his arm around your shoulder. Minus, the confusion you went along with him to the next store. When you started walking up the stairs, you accidentally tripped on one of them.
“You gotta stop falling for me Y/N,” he had the smuggest of smirks on his face. You got back up, dusted yourself off, and continued walking.
“I swear you two could be the cutest couple,” Taeyong cheered.
“Y/N is like the sister I never wanted. I couldn’t date her.” Yuta responded. There it was, that pang in your chest, that feeling you hated. The feeling of not being wanted. You despised it. Shaking the feeling off you continued walking, but this time next to Doyoung and Mark. While the rest of the boys went inside a store, you and Mark stayed outside.
“You should just tell him.” Mark said not looking at you. Mark is the only person you’ve told, besides your cat Hera, about your little crush on Yuta.
“I can’t Mark. You heard him, I’m like his sister. He wouldn’t ever like me back. Plus, he’s still infatuated with Jiyeon.” You said holding back tears.
“Oh, come on. If he rejects you it’s not the end of the world!” Mark responded dramatically.
“It could ruin our friendship Mark! I’m not willing to risk it over a silly little crush.”
“Even if it did ruin your friendship, you have still got me and Hera.” Mark smiled coyly. Mark was the only person, outside of Yuta, that you talked to. He seemed to understand you.
“Yes, yes I would,” you squeezed his cheeks.
“Hey, I’m not a little kid,” he frowned.
“You act like one,” you shot back.
“Now Y/N, when you’re finished scolding Mark, let’s get something to eat.” Doyoung giggled at you guys.
 Mark was over at your apartment playing minecraft with you. You two were enjoying blowing up each other’s things and even killing each other. You two are honestly a bunch of griefers.
“I feel like Yuta is sending mixed signals,” you conveyed out of the blue.
“Why do you think that?” Mark asked while fighting off a creeper.
“One minute he’s like all over me, hugging me, cuddling me, flirting with me, and then the next it’s like I’m back in the friend zone all over again. It’s just a continuous cycle,” you helped him kill the creeper.
“That’s just Yuta though, he is a very flirtatious being. You see how he is with WinWin.”
“That is because YuWin is real,” you cackled.
“Whatever,” Mark sighed.
“Maybe I should avoid him until I get my head back on straight right?” You genuinely asked.
“That is entirely up to you. Personally, I think you should just confess-”
“Not gonna happen,” you interrupted.
“To him. I honestly think he likes you. I never see him this way around anyone else. Even when he was with Jiyeon,” he smiled hopefully.
“That is because I’m ‘like the sister he never wanted,’” you air quoted what Yuta had said a few days prior.
“Believe what you want, Y/N, but I honestly think he likes you,” Mark continued back to the game.
“I’m going to avoid him until I get my feelings sorted out,” you stated as you returned to the game.
 It’s been days since you talked to Yuta or saw him. You were both content and dismal. You had time to realize your feeling were not going to die down anytime soon. So now, you were stuck in this state of longing for him: you haven’t slept, or ate very well, and you were currently standing in a bathrobe holding a hot cup of coffee (in 90 degree weather) to keep yourself from collapsing on your counter top.
Basking in your own self-flagellation, you heard a loud series of knocks on your door. Well, it was more like someone was trying to bang on your door. You opened it to find a disheveled Yuta. He appeared to be in the same state as you.
“Why the hell are you ignoring me?” He asked bitterly.
“I’m not ignoring you,” you responded lying through your teeth.
“Then why have I received no answer to my texts, along with tons of calls to your answering machine.
“I’ve been catching up on some sleep,” again lying.
“You look like you haven’t slept in days,” his voice was getting more boisterous, “so answer me why are you ignoring me?”
You finally let it burst. “Because I’m tired of playing this stupid game of yours. I like you, and I’m tired of all these mixed signals Yuta. First, there was Jiyeon, which you didn’t pay attention to me throughout that entire relationship. Then, you played with my hair to help me fall asleep. You flirted with me at the mall, and then called me your sister. It’s this continuous cycle with you! One minute I’m like a princess to you and the next I’m thrown to the ten yard line of the friend-” You were cut off by a kiss. You kissed him back, and melted into it. It was a long, deep, passionate kiss. Your lips melded perfectly with his, and you hoped this moment would never end.
Of course it was ruined by your desperate need to take a breath. You pulled yourself away and whispered, “What was that for?”
“You wouldn’t shut up,” Yuta smirked, “and I felt that I needed to explain. I started dating Jiyeon so my feelings for you wouldn’t grow. When they just kept getting stronger, I broke up with her. I thought you were asleep when I played with your hair. I really wanted to see if I truly had fallen for you. I started flirting with you in hopes that you’d catch on, but then I saw how uncomfortable you were after that comment Taeyong made, and thought you didn’t like me like that.”
“Well, I do, so what does that mean?” You asked, hope filling your eyes.
“That I am truly whipped for you,” he whispered while leaning down to give you another magical kiss.
A/N: This was requested by a lovely anon! Hope this sufficed! I really enjoyed writing it, so I hope you enjoyed reading it.
Requests are still open except for scenarios! So please feel free to request reactions, mtls, fake texts, or head canons!!
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