#i feel like i got put into the krusty krab
hersunsettia · 1 year
ladies gender neutral i will not lie I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING!
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silvervinewine · 1 year
HELLO IS THIS THE KRUSTY KRAB! ish it onkie if i request platonic capitano or pierro who views the reader as like their child (hellspawn) and could never see them as anything older. (the reader is obvi adult) and dottore tries to court the reader. but pierro/capitano is like They're Not Allowed To Date Until They Reach 100 Years Old. i just want to see the fatui leader/number 1 ranked fatui butt heads with this insane silly guy
a snezhnayan legend spread from mouth to mouth a long time ago, becoming a known bedtime story for children. the tale told the story about a child, not any normal snezhnayan child. no, a child from a far away land, blessed by celestia with dazzling stars settling in their eyes. the child roamed the land endlessly, searching for a family.
the first nights they knocked on a bear's cave, they looked around and ate together with the bear cubs. only to be chased away by an angry momma bear.
the second night, they dove in a snake's burrow, and cuddled with the young snake hatchlings. as the sun rose, the angry hatchlings soon discovered the child and the child ran.
the third night, the broken hearted star child sat in the snow, crying when a light shone near them. it was a man, as the child looked in his eyes they smiled. the man, had stars in his eyes, being blessed as well. taking his hand, together they walked to the horizon, having found company.
the powerful man who took them in, saving them from subsequent death. he raised the them well, serving as a teacher as well as a father figure. the star child grew up into a powerful person in their own right, yet whenever their father saw them eye to eye the only thing he could see in them is the sad glimmer of that lost child he found one night.
PIERRO, their father was awfully overprotective of them. while it saved the star child from many unfortunate circumstances. frankly, sometimes even they, grew tired of it.
as the star child grew, they were accepted into the sumeru academiya, to the dismay of their dad. the enviorment of the academiya was a competitive one, students gnawing for knowledge willing to do anything for recognition. being a bright mind themselves they were surrounded by people willing to be their friends with the explicit intent of getting some credit or instead just going ahead and stealing your notes to publish it as their own.
it got lonely, but they got used to it.
then the star child met ZANDIK, a fellow top student and quite cute too.
he was funny and had a loose screws, that's what made him so endearing in the first place... they thought, but being raised by a harbinger and his many servants, the star child was bound to have some of their own qurks too. they spent many nights and many days together and slowly they looked forward to the days they attended lecture with him. they grow to love the akademiya, from the competetive enviorment to the lectures they recieved.
everything was perfect, or seemed perfect, until he disappeared that was. a trip gone wrong, someone ended up dead, the young boy was expelled from the akademiya.
one stormy night, the star child ended up alone, no company. their only new friend gone, just like your nation. by fate, they thought, they were bound to be alone, always. the storm raged on, when they heard a knock on their door. there he was, cold and alone, much like themselves. they reached a hand to him, the scared boy reluctantly taking their hand. bringing the boy from the cold from outside to the warmth of a home. living together while simulteanously, trying the hide the boy was fun. dancing together in the warmth they shared.
they grew together, putting their past behind. the star child graduated, two bright minds behind one valedictorian award. the young boy joined the fatui and through the star child's advice, he seemed to rise from rank to rank in record time.
the star child and the young boy grew to their own person, never once forgetting each other. when the young boy, now man, reached the honors of becoming a harbinger, they arrived at the celebration arm in arm, hand in hand. the star child's father was furious, not at the fact that their boyfriend was a dangerous person, but at the fact that they hid their relationship, which had been going for decades.
showing their ring, the star child side eyed their father. the expression of resentment in the face of their fathers' eye was unmatched, the sting of betrayal still burning.
the wedding ceremony soon came, the celebration one of the most expected events of the century. the wedding bells were ringing, the evening cool and cheery.
"if anyone objects you may do now, or else die with the grudge."
the grizzly man stood up from his place, "i do."
the couple glared at the man, more annoyed than angry. of course he objected, why did he seem to hate everything regarding their relationship?
the night continued, the objection long forgotten. the star child approached the powerful man hunched over the balcony.
"im sorry dad... im truly sorry, for everything." their shaky voice barely more than a whisper as they looked away, it was a pathetic apology yet they still felt the need to do. they felt strong arms holding them tight. the cold winter night no longer mattered. they were at home, a home that couldn't compare. they knew they were forgiven, after all they knew he could never be really angry at them. they were everything he had, and he was everything they had.
aside from their loving boyfriend of course!
(a/n I KNOW YOU SAID GROWN UP, BUT IM STILL CALLING THEM STAR CHILD! star person? star they? suggestions please? 😀)
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flaray25 · 7 months
Minor blood warning!!!
I keep finding it hard TO DO THE FRICKING SIDE VIEW even tho that I followed those anatomy/references or tips to do them- ehhh-
(I also tried color experimenting if thats- how I want it?)
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What happened?
-theres a bombing attack from Bikini Bottom that destroyed the town, Everyone evacuated, other civillains get killed, and for those people some couldn't make it.
Krusty Krab- Eugene and the employees listened the news from the Television that said the other President will be taking over half of the sea (meaning that they will send jets to bomb the town)
They warned people from the town and pack their things and start evacuating, people finding a shelter, and far away as possible from the bomb attack.
After the news has been shown, a jet is heard outside.
They first bombed the barg n mart and targetted the mansion, as everyone started running away and Krabs locking down the place as they all head to safety.
Soldiers came down as soon as the jets flew away, checking if there are any other civillains (unaliving them if they're spotted)
When both of the Co-workers hid somewhere, Squidward told Spongebob to stay there as he tries to double check if the path is clear.
While Squidward is gone, Spongebob is caught by a soldier and put up a fight with him.
Thankfully he escape from the soldier's grasp when Squidward knocked out his head...
The soldier soon got up and contacted the team to run after them both, they almost made it to the exit but then...
Spongebob is shot from the back and fell to the ground as if he can't feel his own body, like he'd been paralyzed...
Squidward carried him while running towards the exit and finally reaching...
"Squid- I-I can't feel anything-"
"Its- its okay! You're... you're gonna be okay... just- hang on!"
"Why does it f-feel like- everything is... h-heavy... I- I'm sorry... I know how- m-much you wanted m-me gone b-but I j-just- w-want y-you t-to l-ove m-me back..." *cough*
"No- no- NO! Don't say that! Don't say like you're gonna die!"
"I- I'm sorry..."
"You're gonna be okay! Everything will be okay..."
After his last breath, Spongebob lets go of his shoulder and eyes started to lose its vision as it turned dull...
"S-sponge... Sponge talk to me..."
When he tried to get his response he couldn't feel his heart beat
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duckyfruitbat · 2 months
I Play Spongebob Games for Content!
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Last week I decided to dust off my PS2 and play some games, I then had the idea to tie it into this blog somehow. My eyes drifted to the bottom of my shelf and there were four Spongebob games I still had from my childhood. No reader I am not a masochist, I'm just a slut for pain. Let's not waste time and get right into it in the order I would've played them in growing up!
Revenge of the Flying Dutchman
This is the first one I ever had and also my introduction to the concept of saving a game. This one follows the story of Gary disturbing the Flying Dutchman's slumber and now Spongebob must find a way to put him back to rest. All the while the Dutchman starts taking his friends to be part of his new crew. I'm gonna say it here, this is the worst game out of the bunch. The controls are just floaty, and the jumping mechanic feels time consuming. The combat is awful, but I think the developers were aware of that so enemies often wait for you to approach, except for the stray snails they charge at you with full force. The character models are really rough around the edges, the worst one is Plankton of all characters.
This game is also doing something to my poor PS2. There are two loading screens back to back and I can hear my PS2 struggling and sweating just to load the inside of the Krusty Krab. It really should not be struggling with a game like this.
The weirdest thing out of this is that the eyes on the characters are individually animated. I don't mean the eyebrows, that would be normal and an easy way to make characters expressive. I mean that the pupils and iris's are individually animated. This only really works with the hypnotizing scenes as the characters are being kidnapped. It gives them a wibbly woobly effect, the effect works nowhere else. All the characters have a lazy eye and sometimes one eye just doesn't move in cut scenes. The game also has a few sound issues with the end cut scene having moments of silence.
Something really surprising is that I have not encountered a single glitch in this one. Props to the dev team for making it actually stable, Lord knows management didn't give a damn.
Battle For Bikini Bottom
Now here's an obvious edition to the list. This was the second Spongebob game I had and it was of course my favorite. It's one of those few licensed games that are remembered fondly and has a dedicated fanbase to this day. So much so that in 2020, the year of misery and hellfire, it got a remake for the modern generation. I played the Switch version for this cry for help that I'm calling a review, and it is what I remember.
BFBB is a standard collect-a-thon wearing Spongebob's skin, that is also fairly show accurate. Most of the voice cast is of course here, except for Clancy Brown, for what ever reason he wasn't in the original and he's still not here. At the same time it would be weird hearing the real Mr. Krabs in this game. There are plenty of good jokes here that have been immortalized into meme culture like Mrs. Puff smuggling stolen art works.
The levels are pretty fun, with plenty of missions and collectables in each to keep you busy. My personal favorite being the dream level that caps off with a joke from Patrick. The worst level though is the Kelp Forest, and it is painful. The stone tikis, and the caves are tedious, and I swear there is no way to beat Mermaid-man's sliding time without breaking the game in some way. I broke the game just trying to do a normal slide down. Honestly I think that this level could've been replaced by something else, maybe the boating school because that school has more appearances than the Kelp Forest.
Aside from my complaints the game still holds up pretty well, with the exception of the performance. I don't know if it's just the Switch version or just an issue with my copy, but as I was playing through it, I saw more and more glitches. At one point I was launched up into the void beyond the sky box, for no apparent reason from what I can tell. I mean I'd still play it again, this type of game tends to be my bread and jam.
Spongebob Squarepants Movie Game
This one was of course put out at the same time the first movie was making its rounds. It is what you'd expect from a movie tie in game, but only in the cut scenes. The cut scenes look and sound like a conglomerate of early drafts, concept art, and unused voice lines from the actual movie. The in game cutscenes are perfectly fine, so I was wondering why they didn't just use that the whole time. Then I remembered that this was probably made on a massive time crunch to make the movie release date. The game itself was made by Heavy Iron who also did Battle for Bikini Bottom, so they share a lot of assets with movie themed additions. Playing through both this and BFBB, it's clear that the enemies were just re-skins of the robots. Even the enemy introductions use the same formula.
Gameplay wise it is just like BFBB minus Sandy, with all the same attacks returning as well. The levels are fun enough, I remember spending a lot of time in Goofy Goobers, just listening to the silly music. The trench levels always peaked my interest, except for the bits where you go into so sort of angler fish, that was a little weird. In the end if you just want more BFBB, this is the game for you if you can look past the cutscenes.
Creature From The Krusty Krab
This was the standout surprise out of the bunch, this game suffers from not enough time and resources, but the creativity behind it is admirable. It's based on the dream episode where Spongebob is bouncing around everyone's dreams. It is a standard level progression system but a handful of these levels have unique art styles that are pleasant on the eyes and pretty creative. The first level is Spongebab having a Twisted Metal racing dream where everyone is drawn with intense expressions while Bikini Bottom is a diesel punk design. The second level is Patrick dreaming about being his self insert character for a super hero comic book, and the town looks like it was drawn in a comic book. Planktons dreams starts out as a pretty standard side scroller before becoming a monster movie, and from then on it is just the monster movie. Spongebob's sections have the most variety, starting as the race level, then he gets eaten by an alaskan bull worm and his next level is in there. What is with these games and having levels inside creatures, is someone into vore? Patrick ends up flying on a rocket in space and
Back to the monster movie bit, this is where the budget really went, it's on the box, it was in the marketing, it is a third of the game. It really worked backwards from the idea of giant kaiju Plankton. Starts with rampaging as Plankton, then Spongebob is flying around trying to find some way to stop him, then Patrick teams up with Mermaid Man to finally take him down. Each one has its issues but also I had a good time with it. Here's something interesting about this game, it has three endings, one for each character. They only unlock if you collect all the little goops for Patrick and Plankton, so a good reward if you like exploring levels.
Playing through this game, it had a lot of potential. No really, if it had more time and resources it could've been a pretty great game. There's mostly a lack of polish, there were a couple of minor bugs when an attack didn't hit when it should have. There were a couple of animation issues, the mayor character glides across the screen, some characters have their feet merging with the floor, and others are really stiff. One thing that was I found annoying was the characters talking a lot during gameplay, all the above have that but this one should have dialed it back a bit. Beyond those issues, this game could have been great, maybe on the same level as BFBB.
Conclusion (It's Passed My Bedtime)
So what did we learn from all this? That my opinion on BFBB was basic and expected? That I may be a masochist? Well yes, but I have found a couple surprises here, like with Creature from the Krusty Krab, I had no expectations going into that one. I had the least expectations for ROFD but it somehow didn't cause a fire despite its efforts, and the movie tie in was just a spin off of BFBB. This is making me reconsider the pile of licensed games festering in the corner, I may have to dig through it to see if I find any hidden gems.
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deltaswapjevil · 20 days
SpongeBob Au Day 15
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Not one but actually a group of characters from different Aus The SpongeBob version of the Spider Society or the Good Sanses
These aren't the only members and imagine some characters from previous Aus like Horror Sandy, Fell Plankton, and Spongetale Patrick would also be here too. But these are basically from Aus I had ideas for but didn't feel like fleshing them out fully
30s SpongeBob: SpongeBob as a 30s cartoon....not much else to him
Cat Squidward: Squidward as a cat
Lego Patrick Man: Inspired by the Lego Patrick Man series by Crazyfilms1121 that took up a huge portion of my life
Apocalypse Squidward: In an au of the SpongeBob SquarePants Movie where SpongeBob and Patrick actually failed to get Neptune's crown and died in Shell City. Squidward Managed to escape control but burnt off half his face and had his legs cut off. But he escaped to start a rebellion against Plankton
Human Sandy: Meant to write musical Sandy.... Sandy from the musical
Nuclear Plankton: An au I was gonna work on but didn't like and scrapped where Plankton got so desperate he nuked the Krusty Krab resulting in a nuclear fallout in Bikini Bottom where he implants his brain in a robot and tries to right his wrongs by trying to rebuild while surviving
Survivor Krabs: Au of the second SpongeBob Movie where SpongeBob and Plankton got lost in time and never make it back. Everyone starves except Patrick and Mr. Krabs. Krabs loses his sanity but he's put on this team cause he's not actually evil just unstable
Ink! Patrick: Ink! Sans but Patrick
Handsome Squidward:.....c'mon....if he wasn't here it wouldn't be complete
Pat-Tar: Idk why he was invited but he go unga bunga and must be well fed
Horror Mermaid Man: This is from my Horror au where he and Barnacle Boy were unaffected but Barnacle Boy was eaten by the elderly fish. Mermaid Man blames himself and is secluded in his lair. His starfish at his lower face. Sandy tries to ask him for help but he's given up on being a hero and just sits in solidarity with Barnacle Boys corpse. He was brought here against his will
Gangsta SpongeBob: That one thing of SpongeBob gangster
SpongeBoy: The one they all stem from. Not necessarily a god or anything but just the original who's universe was wiped away so he works to make sure the same never happens to any other universe. He's the leader....or was
Cyber-Eye: Her past is unknown but she helped found the team by travelling through dimensions for recruits and has been slowly working to overthrow SpongeBoy to wipe out any au she deems useless or chaotic and wants to bring a balance to the universe
Some members I didn't draw:
Bubbles: The third founding member who Cyber-Eye kicks off the team
TV Spongebob: SpongeBob with a TV head from another scrapped au I did. He's just a creepy TV SpongeBob obsessed with entertaining people and doing anything for a laugh
Jimbob: Saving him for later
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squidbobpops · 2 years
Italics is Squidward you whores
It was the closing shift at the Krusty Krab as the familiar small fry cook could be seen cleaning up the lobby. Humming a small tune, he eventually finished for the night after triple checking that everything was clean. A voice suddenly pulling him from his own little world, as blue eyes glanced over to meet red.
“Sorry, what did you say Squidward?”
The sponge asked, cheery as ever.
“I asked if you were finished cleaning, moron.”
He nodded quickly as he made his way over to the other.
“And what about you? Have you finished all your cash registering…duties?”
The cephalopod letting out an annoyed huff as he pushed the other away to give him some space
“Yes, let’s just go home.”
And with that the two headed out of the the grease trap, the last step being to lock up the old place as Squidward fiddled with the keys, however as the two co-workers stood there on that relatively cold night, SpongeBob felt a sudden chill run up his spine.
Something was off.
The clicking sound of the lock activating seemed to bring the other back to reality thankfully as the duo began their journey back to home. The walk itself not too long, but on this particular evening it felt like it went for miles. The entire time SpongeBob looking like a nervous wreck before suddenly they stopped.
He pondered aloud. Once again his eyes finding their way back to Squidward’s.
“SpongeBob, can you…for like two seconds…stop?”
“What do you mean?”
“You know, just…acting like there’s something out to kill us?”
He mumbled quietly feeling his face burn in shame, perhaps he was…just overthinking?? That was probably it, right? It’s just, from the moment they stepped foot outside, it felt like something was watching them.
And maybe it was because SpongeBob was known to be a scaredy pants, but it felt like something was out to get them. As they continued walking fog seemed to come out of nowhere making the atmosphere much eerie and within seconds the poor little sponge was clinging to his co-worker.
Squidward noticing the odd behavior getting worse sighed as he pushed the other off
“Look we’re almost there, can you please calm down?”
“B-but Squid-“
He warned before finally the two made it back, SpongeBob rushing for his front door immediately, only to realize he didn’t have his keys to get inside.
He must’ve put them down somewhere in the Krusty Krab whilst cleaning, meaning he wouldn’t be able to get inside to join Gary in the safety and comfort of his pineapple. As he stood there shaking he watched squidward go to open his door, SpongeBob quickly making his way over towards him .
“Squidward! Squidward!”
He shouted
The other snapped at him
“I think I left my keys at the Krusty Krab and I-“
“If you’re asking to stay the night, get lost.”
“But- But I-“
“Please! It’s so cold out here, and scary..I won’t last a single second out here!”
He whimpered out, practically on his knees begging before finally the other let out a frustrated sigh
“Ok! Ok! Neptune above just stop crying already!”
The sponge instantly jumping into squidwards arms as he clung to him tightly
“Thank you squid! You won’t regret this, I promise!”
And with that they headed inside as they got into bed and shut their eyes, night turning to day relatively fast.
By morning time, slowly the cephalopod’s eyes opened up as he turned to see his annoying neighbor beside him still fast asleep. Quickly he sat up in shock as his body jerked backwards
Why the hell was SpongeBob there??
Frantically the octopus went over the events of last night before sighing in relief as he relaxed a bit. Still even as he sat there, glad nothing eventful happened, he felt his face starting to burn from embarrassment.
Because maybe squidward didn’t appreciate the fact that the idiot beside him was there.
And usually it wouldn’t bother him because he was used to this sort of thing, but because of recent events..he couldn’t help but be flustered.
What he’s trying to say dear reader, is that he likes SpongeBob a lot.
Still, he refused to tell the other as he shook him awake
“Sponge, get up.”
He mumbled, the other slowly blinking awake before immediately embracing the other, causing Squidward to freeze up
“SpongeBob what are you-“
He began irritated already, though the other’s words seemed to make him stop.
“Thank you”
The cephalopod sitting there as he looked down at the other sympathetically for brief moment before pushing him off gently
He muttered, partially thankful for the fog last night as the two headed off to work.
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I'm watching LS mark's reviews of every spongebob episode right now and you know- it's not like I agree with the dude on everything he says like I WILL DEFEND PEST OF THE WEST TO MY LIFE IF NEEDED LIKE THAT EPISODE WAS GREAT AND THE IDIOT FRIEND SONG WAS WHOLESOME!! but yeah he mentioned that mr. krabs tends to get paranoia-related episodes a lot and tbh...I never really realized it but that's true- mr. krabs suffering from paranoia seems to be pretty engrained in his character from early seasons on and I'm curious on why that is...is he so protective over his wealth and success because he knows how tough life can be without a dime on your name?
Yo I'm glad I'm not the only one who disagrees with his videos. He hates a lot of good episodes lol
Anyways yeah! Mr. Krabs tends to be paranoid. There's a lot of episodes where he starts to get nervious when Plankton doesn't try to steal the formula. Just being slightly off from the schedule makes him paranoid. I've always assumed that was more because the whole formula shenanigans are the only way he can maintain somewhat of a friendship with plankton. Losing that link puts the nail in the coffin in their relationship and Krabs just can't afford to lose that. He even sabotages Plankton's attempts at building his own life because he's scared of losing him. They got some toxic codependency going on there.
But tbh Krabs has a lot of reasons to be paranoid about stuff. He's been through a lot. From being born into poverty and barely scrapping by in his childhood. We all know his greed stems from his paranoia of falling back into his situation. Even if its a penny. It hurts him deeply to lose it. It's also implied his father abandoned his family as a child. And that episode where he mentioned his father gave him a dollar when he was a child and how guilty he felt over spending it. I'm assuming he kept that dollar loong after his father abandoned them which explains why it hurt so much to spend it. He pretty much described the dollar as being his best friend. How he behaves about money seems more clear that this digs up a lot of painful stuff for himself. He behaves more like he's losing everything or he's leaning really close to that in his mind. When it's something small.
A lot of stuff happened to Krabs that's barely aknowledged in the show. From losing his best and only friend over an argument, to being in the navy. There was even a war mentioned in the Krusty Krab training video episode so you can assume it must have taken a toll on his mental health. It was even mentioned he fell into a deep depression after that. There's also the chum famine of '59. The spongebob movie video game mentions the famine lasted 2 years.
But yeah, this is a pretty interesting topic. I feel like Krabs is the most interesting character in the show but barely used to his full potential. His greed gets out of control in some episodes but its facinating to dig into why. You get some pretty good episodes when you dig into that.
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S1E1 - How I Met Daddy Pig
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[Exterior shot of Peppa Pig’s house. Peppa, George and Daddy Pig are inside watching some thrilling British television.]
Jeremy Kyle: (on TV) Alright, our next guest on our show today is-
[Mummy Pig enters the room, kicking the door down.]
Peppa: (laughs) Mummy’s using funny words again!
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig, I think you have some explaining to do!
Narrator: Oh dear, Mummy Pig is a bit grumpy.
Daddy Pig: Eh? What?
Mummy Pig: Don’t “eh? what?” me you bitch-ass-motherfucker, you know exactly what you’ve done this time!
[Daddy Pig stands up.]
Daddy Pig: I haven’t fucking done fucking anything wrong!
Mummy Pig: You know exactly what you’ve fucking done, you fucking fucker! I’ve been through your message history with Mummy Sheep and-
Daddy Pig: It was a one-time thing, Mummy Pig!
Mummy Pig: One-time thing my ass, you bloody git! Nothing you do can unfuck the Christmas turkey now, you twat!
Peppa: Mummy, what’s a twat?
Mummy Pig: Not now, Peppa.
Narrator: Daddy Pig has slept with another woman.
Peppa: Naughty Daddy!
Daddy Pig: I was going to tell you eventually, I swear!
Mummy Pig: Of course you were! Right after you got it on with Miss Rabbit as well?
Mummy Pig: You know what, I’ve had enough of your bullshit, I’ve really had it. Get out.
Daddy Pig: But Mumm-
Mummy Pig: I SAID GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Cut to Daddy Pig sitting at a table at The Krusty Krab, with several rucksacks of his belongings, venting to Squidward.]
Daddy Pig: She’s wicked to me, she is. All I do is a little bit of adultery and she chucks me out!
Squidward: I honestly couldn’t care less, I’m just here because my lunch break isn’t long enough to go anywhere nicer. What did you say your name was again?
Daddy Pig: Pig. Daddy Pig.
Squidward: No, I meant your real name.
Daddy Pig: But that is my real name!
Squidward: Sure.
[Squidward stands up and puts his work hat on.]
Squidward: As much as I would love to stay and listen to you being obliviously selfish, I need to go put bread on the table.
[Squidward walks back to his booth. SpongeBob slides up from behind the counter with tears in his eyes.]
SpongeBob: (wipes tear and sniffs) It breaks my heart just to see people kicked out onto the streets like that.
Squidward: Oh puh-lease, he cheated on his wife, he deserves it.
SpongeBob: Yeah! But that doesn’t mean she can just kick him out like that! I just can’t stop thinking about him… all alone… with no one to turn to… I have to go help him!
Squidward: (sigh) SpongeBob, you are the most naive imbecile in the entire ocean.
SpongeBob: That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, thanks Squidward.
Squidward: Don’t mention it.
[SpongeBob walks away, and a customer walks up to Squidward.]
Squidward: You wouldn’t happen to have a gun I could borrow, would you?
[Cut to SpongeBob walking over to Daddy Pig’s table. Daddy Pig is viciously chewing on a hamburger.]
SpongeBob: Hey mister, are you… are you alright?
[Daddy Pig puts the burger down. He has ketchup and mustard stains all around his face.]
Daddy Pig: Oh yeah, I’m fine thank you. Give my compliments to the chef.
SpongeBob: Are you sure you’re alright? I mean… sorry for eavesdropping but I couldn’t help overhear your situation and... I feel very, very sorry for you sir.
Daddy Pig: My situation?
SpongeBob: Your uh… you know…
SpongeBob: Your homeless-ness?
Daddy Pig: Oh! Oh that, yeah… don’t worry about it mate, she’ll come crawling back to me any second now.
[Mummy Pig pulls up to the front of The Krusty Krab. Peppa and George are in the back of the car.]
[Mummy Pig throws a fucking treadmill through the window.]
[Mummy Pig drives off.]
SpongeBob: You sure about that?
Daddy Pig: (sigh) No…
SpongeBob: You know… I have a place you could stay at for a while, you know, only if you want to.
Daddy Pig: Really? You’d do that?
SpongeBob: Of course! It’s the least I can do to help.
Daddy Pig: Thank you so much… um?
SpongeBob: Oh, it’s SpongeBob. And you are?
Daddy Pig: Just call me Daddy Pig.
SpongeBob: Huh. Weird name.
Daddy Pig: It’s actual pretty common where I’m from.
[Bubble transition to the two approaching SpongeBob’s pineapple.]
SpongeBob: Welp, here she is!
Daddy Pig: You live in a pineapple?
SpongeBob: You have a problem with that?
Daddy Pig: I don’t know, it just seems a little… (flicks his wrist) fruity.
SpongeBob: Oh you’ll get used to it.
[The two enter. SpongeBob turns the lights on.]
SpongeBob: Gare-bear, I’m home!
[Gary slithers over.]
Gary: Meow.
[Daddy Pig screams.]
Daddy Pig: Agh! What the bloody hell is that?
SpongeBob: Oh that’s my pet snail, Gary. Say hi Gary.
Gary: Despite making up only 13% of the population-
SpongeBob: Heh, okay Gary I think you’ve done enough talking for today.
Gary: I’m just saying-
SpongeBob: Look, we don’t wanna frighten our guest Gary. Right, Daddy Pig?
SpongeBob: Daddy Pig?
[Daddy Pig has a flashback of Peppa and George in Grandpa Pig’s garden, sliding along the floor with baskets on their backs pretending to be snails.]
Peppa: I’m going to eat up all Grandpa Pig’s lettuce!
Grandpa Pig: Oi! Keep off my lettuce you cheeky snails!
[Daddy Pig bursts into tears and runs into the kitchen, slamming the door.]
SpongeBob: Look what you’ve done, Gary!
[Patrick enters the pineapple, dragging Daddy Pig’s treadmill behind him.]
Patrick: Where do you want this funny running machine, SpongeBob?
SpongeBob: Aw, the poor little guy.
[SpongeBob knocks on the kitchen door.]
SpongeBob: Daddy Pig? Are- are you alright?
Daddy Pig: Go away!
SpongeBob: Talking about it might make you feel better.
[Pause. Daddy Pig opens the door and walks out, tears down his face.]
Daddy Pig: I’ve lost everything! My house, my wife, my kids… my TV. I don’t know what I’m going to do, SpongeBob!
SpongeBob: There, there, I’m sure you and your wife will make up soon! And then everything can go back to the way it was!
Daddy Pig: No! We’re not going to make up. I may be very stupid, and I may have a slighter bigger than normal tummy, but Mummy Pig’s never been this angry at me before!
SpongeBob: I mean, I’ve never been in a relationship before… unless you count that Krabby Patty I dated once, but I’m pretty sure couples argue all the time.
Daddy Pig: Really?
SpongeBob: I think so, our neighbor Squidward’s dated a good few people and I’ve seen him yell at every single one of them! I wonder why they all left him…
Patrick: Look, if you want help with love, I’m your man. Girls really love it when you tell them how desperate and lonely you are. And you gotta get really mad if they don’t wanna-
SpongeBob: Not now, Patrick.
Patrick: Alright, I’ll be in your bathroom if you need me.
[Patrick walks off.]
Daddy Pig: Do you- do you really think I could make things up to Mummy Pig?
SpongeBob: Of course! I mean… why not?! And until you do you can stay here as long as you need.
Daddy Pig: Th- thank you, SpongeBob.
SpongeBob: Don’t mention it, that’s what friends are for.
Narrator: SpongeBob and Daddy Pig are now friends.
SpongeBob: Wh- what? (looks around) Who said that?
Daddy Pig: Oh thank fuck you hear it too, you have no idea how long I’ve been worried for.
SpongeBob: …what?
Daddy Pig: Oh it’s just an ominous voice that follows me around wherever I go and repeats things, you’ll get used to it.
Narrator: Daddy Pig explains to SpongeBob that he hears voices.
Daddy Pig: See what I mean?
SpongeBob: So… what now?
Daddy Pig: Huh. I don’t know. I’m just glad everything seems to be working out for me. In fact… I think I feel a song coming on!
Gary: Oh no.
Daddy Pig: My name is Daddy Pig
And I am proud to be
Right here in my new town
With my new family
There’s old friends, and new friends, and even Scott the Woz
Scott the Woz: Hey all-
Daddy Pig: Through good times and bad times it’s true love we share
And so I’ve found a place
Where everyone will know My bearded glasses face
This is the Daddy Pig show!
[Cut to SpongeBob in the future telling this story to his grandkids.]
SpongeBob: And that... is how I met Daddy Pig.
[Pause. SpongeBob's grandkids faint.]
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unloved-cadillac · 2 years
Hello! I see your requests are open lol. May I ask for a child reader fluff story? I know in the original she was afraid of Miche because of how big he was (which I think is genius and adorable). Could you please write a story about how she got over her fear? I'd like to think after she stopped being scared she would wrestle with the big, blonde bear lol. I'd love some goofy Uncle Miche. 🥰 Thanks!
C/n: this child reader is one of my favorite to write. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
Giant Wrestling. (Mike & Child!Reader)
Y/n’s “fear” of her giant uncle started to disappear as she got used to him. Although he was the tallest and the biggest man in the Survey Corps, not to mention Humanity’s Second Strongest, he was easily the most gentle when it came to little Y/n.
He adored the girl and he wanted to be the best uncle to her as he could and if that meant taking baby steps on earning her trust, then so be it. It started off with him offering her snacks during the day. Mike was a big foodie, especially dessert, so whenever he bought pastries, he bought multiple different types for baby Y/n to try.
Y/n always stuck with Levi, as she felt the most safe with him, so when Mike offered her sweets, she’d look at Levi for approval. He’d nod and she’d carefully take it from Mike. “What do we say, Y/n?” Levi asks her and she looks at Mike with doey eyes. “Thank you.” She softly says and munches on her puff pastry. Mike smiles. “You’re welcome, Y/n.”
Mike even helped her play with her dolls. Sure she was more comfortable with Erwin but she didn’t shut Mike out. His efforts weren’t in vain as one day, she climbed onto his lap and played with her doll. Mike didn’t end up leaving Levi’s office that whole night just because Y/n fell asleep on him.
That was years ago and for a while Y/n called him Uncle Sweets until she got used to using his actual name. Now, she loved to mess with him. She played pranks on him by swapping his shirts with the cadets ones to see his reaction to his clothes shrink. Draw on his face when he fell asleep and the best one:
Wrestling with him.
Y/n was athletic. Being trained by Levi came in handy as she started to try and bring Mike down. She’d run and jump onto him and wrap her legs around his back and try to take him to the ground. He’d sometimes let her win and fall to the ground just to see her laugh.
The wrestling happened on a daily basis. Whether it’s in the Mess Hall, outside or even in his office, Y/n loved to fight with Mike. They even started fighting in Erwin’s office and when Y/n was immobile, Mike would plop on top of her and “crush” her.
“Mike! Get off, you big bear!!” She’d scream, laughing. “I’m a bear? Okay, I’ll just hibernate here then.” He says and relaxes on her. Levi walked into this scene when he had papers to give Erwin. “What the hell?” He asks and Mike looks up to see him. “I’m tired. I’m gonna sleep right here.” He says and Y/n screams into his chest.
“Is Y/n under there?! You’d crush her, you titan!” Levi say but he sees Y/n’s hand stick out on one side of Mike with a thumbs up. “I’m alright!” She says, voice muffled. Mike smiles but suddenly, he feels Y/n’s knees and arms on his torso and she flips him over. She lays both her legs on his stomach as she lays on the floor. “I win!” She says and puts her fist in the air. “What?! I won, fair and square.” Mike says. “No way! I did!”
As the two argue over the victory, Levi and Erwin watch stunned that Y/n even flipped the man over like it was nothing. “Are you sure she isn’t a blood-Ackerman?” Erwin asks and Levi nods his head. “But I’m starting to doubt that now.”
“The Krusty Krab Pizza is the pizza for you and me.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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japes-the-clown · 3 years
Hi hello hey it’s me Jericho Jay “Japes” Marshall out here with a pretentious love letter to the filmmaking on display in nickelodeons The Spongebob Movie. Yes, I know it’s a kids movie. Yes, I know it’s not that deep. But I’m majoring in english, and deeply depressed, so I need to get this OUT and onto a PAGE.
I have watched this film many times over my lifetime, a few when i was just a kid, then in my early teens, even when i turned eighteen, and now, a month before i turn 20. Every time, I grow a new appreciation for the nuances that this movie brings to the table, and on my most recent watch my own deliverance from childhood makes me relate to the core themes the hardest I ever have. The Spongebob Movie isn’t just a movie about childhood, but a movie about adulthood.
Today, I’m going to make clear exactly how The Spongebob Squarepants Movie criticizes our understanding of adulthood and how society treats the neurodivergent, while effectively turning the “Coming of Age” genre on its head, within its 87 minute runtime.
One thing a lot of films (ESPECIALLY kids films) fail to nail is consistently showing aspects of a character throughout the runtime, enough that changes to a character feel impactful and justified instead of rushed and stifled. The best examples of movies that fail to do this are often the marvel movies that people tend to not remember- the first two thor movies, the avengers age of ultron, etc. In these movies, characters certainly have traits, but their personalities and motives can be very weak and make dramatic changes feel A LOT less dramatic. This can be seen in age of ultron, when quicksilver gave his own life to save someone else, which felt like nothing because he wasn't well developed. He wasn't particularly endearing, nor did him sacrificing his life contradict a part of his character. It felt very much like the writers trying to say "Look, this character which was once opposing the avengers, is now dying for one. Please cry." No hate to the writers of Age of Ultron, but it proves itself often to be an unmemorable part of the catalogue.
In the Spongebob Movie, the characterization is ON. POINT. After the introduction, with the pirates rushing in to watch spongebob, we get so much information regarding spongebob as a character.
Pictured: Spongebob holding a piece of cheese like an operator
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The first scene of the plot is a dream sequence a large crowded scene at the Krusty Krab, with a customer not receiving cheese on his patty, and it being positioned in the same way as a bomb being located. In the dream, everyone is panicked, and Mr. Krabs is visibly distressed, almost like a damsel. Spongebob comes in, announcing his position as manager, much to the relief of Krabs. He goes in, and puts cheese on the burger (again, very akin to a bomb defusal scene), bringing the perturbed customer out safe and sound. Everyone lifts spongebob up as a hero, which is interrupted by his boat alarm.
This scene is JAM PACKED with stuff that both introduces the character to new watchers and introduces the crux of his arc to everyone else. Spongebob of course is very fond of the Krusty Krab, and wants to be the manager- he wants people to see him as cool, and as a responsible adult. He wants to be the sort of person that can be trusted with big responsibilities. And we also see, most importantly, that he is extremely childish through his faximile of what it meant to be adult. Everything is scaled up; it's a very silly situation, which well suits both the joke and his character as an inexperienced kid. This is one of the most direct ways to convey someone's character, because a dream can be interpreted as a direct port into a character's desires. This being the first introduction to the character in the movie sets the tone for EVERY following situation.
In the next few scenes you see Spongebob's real life, which involves his lengthy morning routine; his life is sort of whimsical, and so too is his routine. He showers by shoving a hose into himself till he bursts with water, he uses toothpaste to clean his eyes but not his teeth, and he puts on pants which he must fold to make. Again, all pretty solid jokes, but also very telling about his outlook. He is funny, weird, and childish, which is juxtaposed by the scene where he's- he's uh- showering with squidward. Squidward is an example of the "adult" that spongebob isn't. This has always been the case, but here his normal routine makes it very clear that other people in this world aren't like spongebob. They shower normally, they brush their teeth, they put their clothes on like normal. Spongebob's world is one of wonder and without responsibility, which makes it questionable as to whether he could handle one.
Pictured: Spongebob's room, adorned with childhood imagery
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Pictured: Spongebob celebrating his position as a manager, despite Krabs saying that it was squidward who got it
Even his room in this scene screams "kid". He has toys strewn about, glow in the dark stars, and pictures of superheroes on the wall. He even says "Sorry about this calendar" as he rips a page, personifying inanimate objects as a kid would. The movie is telling you, "THIS CHARACTER IS A KID", but in a way that's masked because it's also just a set up for jokes. It's done so well, in my opinion, that it would go over your head because from your perspective you would be laughing along as spongebob did his wacky antics.
On top of that, his excitement for his assured managerial position at the Krusty Krab 2 continues to be bolstered. He marked it off with a cute drawing on his calendar, for those familiar he changes his normal "I'm ready" chant to "I'm ready- promotion-", and he's even already set up a party to celebrate at his favorite chain, Goofy Goobers, a child's entertainment restaurant similar to chucky cheese, albeit replacing pizza for ice cream. He hasn't just gotten excited, but has this childish anticipation for something which isn't even assured.
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Spongebob arrives at the opening of the Krusty Krab 2, where he is so excited he can't contain his glee. He breaks the silence and makes members of the crowd uncomfortable, reinforcing again that spongebob is a standout in a world of adults, and a kid who doesn't understand certain social norms, which society looks down upon. When Krabs reveals that Squidward got the managerial position, Spongebob hyped himself so much that he starts celebrating, not even noticing that he wasn't picked. He gets on stage, and begins to give a speech, to which Krabs interrupts.
The next part I think best illustrates Spongebob's clear ignorance to society: Krabs attempts to subtly tell spongebob that he isn't getting the job, but spongebob repeats everything he says into the microphone. Again, fantastic joke, grade A, but the amount this shows how invested spongebob was. He already saw himself as an adult, someone who everyone would look up to as a manager- he could take the responsibility, and isn't aware of everyone likely cringing in the audience. This is the natural step for him in his mind, especially because of his exemplary work which had been previously celebrated through employee of the month awards. This was not an option for him. There wasn't a world in his mind where he would be outclassed by squidward.
Krabs has to break to him that he lacks responsibility, and that his childishness makes it difficult for Krabs to give him such a job. This might seem harsh, but I think the intro again shows how Spongebob saw the job; he didn't understand what it would be like, fantasizing another level in the menial work structure to be an amazing adventure of a job. People in the crowd reaffirm that in the eyes of society, spongebob is just a kid, a goofball. In my eyes, this is a story not just of childhood, but of neurodivergence. Spongebob isn't normal, and is blocked by society for his ignorance of social norms and sunny disposition. He finds things fun that other people can not, and he places values in completely different things. So he is blocked from the meaningful recognition he desired, despite the obvious evidence of his commitment.
I think this is a mighty interesting dichotomy!!! Simultaneously, spongebob's understanding of the world truly is warped, often resulting in a lack of consideration for others as well as harm for himself when things don't go his way, AND he is a good worker which puts in MANY hours of work without so much of a complaint. This is COMPLEX. You have to ask yourself, as a viewer, "would I give spongebob the job?" The answer can be different and can be REASONED.
And that's JUST spongebob! There are other characters with characterization that mixes into the themes of the movie very well, but I'm going to bring up any related points in future sections.
Okay, Okay. So now you're saying "WOW OKAY GREAT so why does any of this matter?" I'm so glad you asked. VERY glad.
THIS is the point of the movie. The obstacle in this movie truly isn't adulthood, but instead self doubt. Spongebob's whole world is turned upside down by Krab's rejection of his basic personality. Spongebob asks himself: is it REALLY okay to be who I am? Am I an adult? Is the world fair? One of the most shocking scenes in the movie is blended so well in tone with the rest that you don't really notice; spongebob eating ice cream to cope with his disappointment, akin to that of adults drinking alcohol, and appearing to be visually "drunk" and washed up. This is BRILLIANT, and a recurring theme, where the true line between adult and childhood becomes blurry and impossible to see. Spongebob, the representation of a kid, gets hungover, spiteful, and angry about the injustice of his situation. This is often how adults act in the fact of adversity, but what's funny is that this too is how a kid would act; getting angry and overindulging, feeling entitled and acting socially immature when he didn't get what he wanted. He walks in to the Krusty Krab literally just to shit talk Krabs. And it doesn't stop there.
Pictured: Plankton finding "Plan Z" and looking at it like a centerfold in a playboy magazine
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Almost every character in this movie juxtaposes another, again smearing the line of what it means to be an adult. For example, Spongebob and Plankton are polar opposites; plankton is cold and vengeful, angry at the world around him, and spongebob is a happy person who tends not to take things personally, a friend to all. In planktons first appearances in the movie, he is portrayed with clear adult themes, mocking spongebob, making pinup jokes about plan z, and living in a fairly dark and grey space. But, as the story moves along, we see many similarities; both spongebob and plankton are fairly one track minded, and when spongebob's perception is broken he himself gets a little vengeful. When eugene is put in danger over this, though, we do see that he places the lives of others over his own wants. And, even at the end of the movie, we see their similarities. Plankton reuses the "Sorry Calendar" joke that spongebob used at the start of the movie, drawing another line of what it means to be an adult. Is it childish of plankton to say that? Is the inherent irony he has impactful here? His want for something that isn't his, and his disregard for others in pursuing it feels just like how a younger child may steal the toy of another, without understanding what it means to share.
Pictured: Neptune flipping his shit at his lost crown
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Then, there's the character of Neptune. Neptune is a big man baby. He rules the entire land, commands the most respect, and is considered the most powerful person under the sea, and yet, we see that he gets overprotective of his property, prepared to execute anyone who even annoys him. Throughout the film, he's obsessed with chasing an image of youth, as he is bald, and ignores the suffering of the people on bikini bottom to make sure no one sees his bald head. He throws what's equivalent to a tantrum when he finds his crown is missing, and believes a very crude note written by plankton saying that it was eugene who stole it. His character is an "acceptable" child because he's in a position of power, where spongebob is an "unacceptable" child as he is just a working class member of society. And the funniest part is, that he mocks spongebob for wanting to go for the crown, when even he, the strongest person in bikini bottom, refuses to go out of fear.
We see that these "bastions" of adulthood, plankton and neptune, are the ones who are responsible for missteps of society; we're ALL children in the long run, but the strict enforcement of a perceived true adulthood creates a space where they can act immaturely yet those under them/around them cannot. Dennis makes this case even more, as the only thing he does in this movie is hurt others. There's only one thing that seems to truly denote adulthood, and it's cruelty.
Even squidward, the adult that is supposed to be more responsible that spongebob, refuses to go on the quest to retrieve the crown, as he acts mostly in self interest, even later claiming to only care that plankton was stealing the secret formula as it was hurting his own paycheck.
Spongebob is the only one willing to go, willing to defend the man who wronged him, willing to value life over his own interests. He is both child and adult, just as the adults are too children.
As he moves through the plot of this film, he becomes less confident in his disposition, with his naivete causing moments like him and patrick crossing the state line and immediately getting carjacked, or them being put into an uncomfortable situation by all the bubbles they blew when they tried to get their car back. His bright personality is questioned constantly: Only five days to shell city? BY CAR. This is man's country. But weren't we the double bubble blowing babies?
Pictured: Spongebob caught trying to take back the key to the patty wagon when patrick fails to distract everyone
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This is made more obvious to him as patrick remains oblivious throughout; patrick is a mirror for him, that acts as a childhood constant, that makes it clearer for him every day the draws of his childishness. There's the moment in the club where patrick's distraction was poorly thought out, and only because he said he wanted to do it adamantly, there's the moment where patrick challenged neptune on how many days they would have to do it, which served no purpose but for his own fun, there's the moment patrick points out the free ice cream trap- he is the unemployed uncritical lens that spongebob is afraid he is.
So everything's fucked, and anyone who is childish is bad i guess!!!
But that isn't so,
3: The illusion of manhood
So we've talked about spongebob's characterization as a naive child, how this is impactful in his transformation into someone who is anxious about that aspect of his personality, and how the society around him is hypocritical in it's own immaturity. But where does this all come together?
Pictured: Planktons dystopian world, which Mindy shows Spongebob and Patrick
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It's at spongebob and patricks "conversion to manhood". At his lowest point, spongebob becomes a squidward- he becomes critical of his AND patricks interests, and regards them as childish, deciding that this means that they can't make it to shell city, as it requires them to be adults. When mindy shows them the dire situation back home, she hopes that spongebob's sunny personality and care for others would shine through, but instead he turns to what society has been telling him; it's impossible. He can't do it, he's just a little kid, and there is no point to any of this as he'll fail regardless.
Thinking about it like this, it truly is one of the darkest points in the entire series; spongebob just openly admitted that there was nothing he could do, that all of his friends were goners because he was effectively useless.
Mindy comes up with an idea; she'll trick spongebob and patrick into believing they're men; she convinces them of mermaid magic (their innocence allowing them to believe) and uses kelp to make them think they've matured into adults. Notice that physical modifiers being the only key to this "fake adulthood". With this, they jump off a cliff because they believe that with adulthood, they are invincible.
This is really telling about how the society they're in thinks of being an adult, and relays that to children. There's another level, a distinct separation between spongebob and adulthood, which seemed like the difference between a squire and a knight- being an adult means that you aren't weak anymore (as though he was weak in the first place), and thus you can do things you never thought before. Is it truly healthy that this is how a society tells kids that adulthood is like, for them to enter the world and feel a truly awful financial and literal hellscape waiting for them? uh, you can, you can decide that for yourself i think.
Nonetheless, they survive the fall, and conclude that they really are invincible, able to power through a ravine with their happy go lucky attitude, eventually befriending the monsters which were once trying to kill them. They weren't acting like adults, but the labels themselves made it possible for them to soldier on with the childlike disposition they had. I find that to be powerful. If we were able to be more hopeful as adults, and power through the worst things brightly, could we do great things? Idk but these depression meds sure do taste good nom nom
After crossing the ravine, spongebob and patrick meet dennis, and have their worldview crushed as it's revealed that they are actually still kids. Dennis being the "alpha male" that he is, is characterized by violence and a lack of morality. The pair are saved by a giant boot, which is the first of two humans in this movie. Spongebob and patrick are both taken by the man in the diver suit, as we fade to black, marking the end of their illusion of adulthood.
4: Back from the Edge (of death)
Spongebob and Patrick awaken in an antique shop, realizing that they were surrounded by fish that had been killed specifically for sale as tacky antiques. They are lifted out of their fishbowl, and put under a heatlamp, as their fate is sealed to become a member among those dead fish. In spongebob's final moments, he mourns his inability to be an adult, as well as to reach shell city; but before they both die, patrick points out that they truly did reach shell city, as the crown was within their reach.
This. This is a phenomenal scene. Why? Because of what it means for spongebob's arc.
Pictured: Spongebob and Patrick on their deathbeds, finding happiness
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He sees the crown, and realizes that, unequivocally, that even if he didn't bring the crown back, he made it to shell city. Every person he met told him that he couldn't even do that. and he did it. He is a kid, yes, but he's a kid who went where not even NEPTUNE dared go. Everything people said about him, about how him being a kid stopped him from success, was suddenly shattered. He has been asking himself if it's okay that he is a kid, and he saw, unambiguously, that it is. He is allowed to be happy. He can enjoy things that other people don't. He can be naive. He can be himself, no matter what anyone says. And so can you. Great things can be done by people who are "childish", who are "naive", who are kind without expecting a return, all of it. YOU are okay. Your stims are okay, your comfort series are okay, your interest in tropes are okay, YOU'RE OKAY!!!!
with that, spongebob and patrick are dehydrated on the table, and ostensibly die, the kids that they are, shedding one final tear each, forming a heart beneath them.
Miraculously, the tear electrocutes that lamp at it's socket, causing smoke to rise and set off the sprinklers, rehydrating the pair, and bringing them back to life. The "Man in the Suit" attempts to capture them, seeing them about to lift Neptune's crown, but the rest of the dehydrated fish come back to life- squirting him with his own glue and beating him to the ground, as spongebob and patrick run out with the crown. David Hasselhoff offers them a ride back to Bikini Bottom, and the pair begin their ride back.
5: The confrontation of Adulthood and Childhood
Pictured: Dennis looking all lame and shit
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As spongebob and patrick are being swam back to bikini bottom, the boot under which dennis was crushed rockets to Hasselhoff, spitting him back out to finish the job. The appearance of Dennis, IN MY OPINION, makes him look rather goofy, with his broken glasses making him look more like a office worker than a badass assassin as he attempts to kill spongebob and patrick. Spongebob, in trying to reason with him, is able to ruin his eyes with bubbles, and then survives as dennis gets hit by a raised platform which spongebob and patrick are too low to be hit by.
Having defeated one representation of adulthood, spongebob and patrick are shot down by HasselHoffs MASSIVE MAN TITS with the crown in order to prevent Krab's fate, blocking Neptune's lazer just in time as they crash in.
All seems to be well, but plankton uses one of his mind control helmets (which we'll be getting into later) to enslave even Neptune, putting mindy, spongebob, patrick, and Krabs against the wall.
In another stark moment of characterization, Spongebob tells patrick that "Plankton Cheated", which prompts plankton to tell spongebob that the situation wasn't a kiddy game, and that it was the real world. This sort of distinctions in their ethos tell you how spongebob interacts with justice; he believes in "playing fair", while plankton is bitter and believes in getting what he wants.
Finally, the apex to our plot, is a musical number. Spongebob begins to make a long-winded speech, where he takes ownership of every label he was called as he stood on the stage at the beginning, the similarity between the two events being clear (holding a microphone at an inappropriate time, making a speech as he blocks out input from an adult trying to talk him down). Spongebob then busts out into the film's rendition of Twisted Sister's "I Wanna Rock", "I'm a Goofy Goober". This results in spongebob reversing plankton's whole plot with "the power of rock and roll". Plankton is made powerless, and thrown into a little padded cell.
The final scene in the movie has Mr. Krabs freed from his imprisonment in ice, and spongebob is offered squidwards position as manager of the second Krusty Krab. He seems hesitant, and squidward offers an insightful analysis of what spongebob might be feeling (the typical analysis of a coming of age movie, where the protagonist finds out that what they wanted all along is not what they wanted, but it was what was inside all along). Spongebob refutes that squidwards fly was just down, and GLADLY accepts the job.
A coming of age story tends to be one which is focus on the growth of a character from childhood to adulthood, asking questions about what it means to be an adult. A character reaches for their perceived adulthood, and realizes what it means to ACTUALLY be an adult, typically juxtaposing what people think (drugs, parties, sex) versus what the movie postures as the correct adulthood (responsibility). In this, I think that the spongebob movie directly criticizes the position of what "an adult" is, in the sense of how someone acts.
Like we discussed in part 2, every adult character in this movie tends to be very childish in themselves, unable to see through simple ruses, and often very possessive of personal property. I don't think we actually see a child in this movie as a speaker at any point, only really as background characters (in goofy goobers to solidify spongebob as childish, and I believe in the chum bucket as they're lead to an unsafe place by their parents, who are supposed to be responsible). Thus, what is mostly examined is how adulthood and childhood is a very thin line. Squidward, for example, going directly to plankton to accuse him of stealing the formula, instead of taking it to the top immediately, which would have ended this whole thing fairly quickly; that was rather silly, and was the fruit of his need to assert himself as an adult.
Spongebob goes through this movie FIRST not caring much about whether or not he was an adult, and it is only after the social pressure from adults does he start to chase it. He then chases his perceived image of an adult, going on an adventure, and is crushed by the fact that he isn't an adult. Instead of finding what an adult is, he instead becomes comfortable with his existence as a child, finding himself at the end of the movie able to comfortably chase after an ideal again, where in a normal movie he would humbly reject the job he was offered.
This is, truly, what we should all take from this film. Spongebob realizes that people who aren't necessarily socially adjusted or acceptable can do great things, regardless of what the people around them say, especially because the people around them are liable to throw tantrums and be actively harmful to society. He is allowed to find comfort in childish things, and to be naive, because the world needs more people willing to help others. It's a scathing criticism on the imposed adulthood that exists in a lot of coming of age films, which begs us to drop fun in the interest of doing the right thing, as though those two ideas are contradictory.
The goofy goober song became really good storytelling, at first marking childishness, then marking a level of discomfort and judgement in the club, then marking spongebob recognizing that his happiness came from what he liked and not some vague idea of adulthood, and finally marking his full acceptance of his childishness, taking the form of rock, the music of rebellion. It's not as subtle as leitmotifs, but it works really well in how the same song can give very different feelings throughout, and inform how we interact with a story.
There are a lot more examples of adults being pressured into childishness, with the connected twins who liked goofy goober at the club, who were beaten senseless for absolutely no reason, which highlights the way that the society hurts people that, by all means, are just as much adults as anyone else. There's of course Plankton's helmets which created a society of people who simply slaved away with nothing to say, taking life as it came and listening to authority.
On top of that, this movie is PRETTY ANTICAPITALIST AND ANTIMONARCHY, despite those things being allowed to continue to exist at the end- monarchy is seen misusing power constantly and often for unfounded reasons, and Spongebob's diligence at work is rejected by a penny pinching Krabs, who cares only about money. Like, THE KRUSTY KRABS ARE RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER? THAT IS SOME MONTY PYTHON ASS SHIT. This year is the first year i laughed at that joke, because it's really some "capitalists are fucking dumb as shit" humor that slipped over my head when i was a kid. The villain literally being defeated by Rock and Roll, which was sung with a message against the oppression of differences in people? Yeah, I think the spongebob movie hated rich mother fuckers.
So yeah. The movie is good I think. There's a lot more i could go into, but I've been writing this post for hours and at this point i haven't even read it so...
I recommend going back and giving this film a rewatch!!! Pay attention to all the moments where adults act like children/kids act like adults, because it'll make ur brain pop like a zit. Anyways that's me, I'm Jericho Jay "Japes" Marshall, and I HATE facism.
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sunlit-squid · 3 years
I don't care about everyone else! i care about you, SQUIDWARD! (simping softness asks)
For those who don’t know, my ask box is open. Send me a simping softness prompt, and I’ll write a short sbsp ficlet for you. ✰
so, uh -- i might have gotten a bit carried away with this prompt. it’s definitely longer than a ficlet, but oh well. either way, it was a lot of fun to write! selfish spongebob is so rarely explored.
fic under the cut. also, just in case, cw: drinking, drunkenness, etc.
Spongebob rose bright and early, long before his foghorn alarm went off at 7:00 a.m. With a cheerful shout, the poriferan jumped out of bed, earning a disgruntled “mrow” from Gary, who was still asleep nearby. Stretching vigorously, the sponge leaned down, planting a soft kiss atop the snail’s shell.
“Gary,” he whispered, practically vibrating with excitement. “Today’s the day!”
Turning away, Gary simply replied “mrow”, in a disdainful way that most certainly meant “whatever.”
Undeterred, Spongebob ran to his calendar. Sure enough, the day’s date -- July 14th -- was circled in bright-red, permanent marker, with the words “My birthday!” written neatly across it. And just below those words, was a tiny drawing of Squidward’s face, with dozens of little red hearts surrounding it.
Making his way over to the window, Spongebob gazed out at Squidward’s moai in the distance. He sighed, dreamily. What was Squidward doing right now? Probably sleeping, in that adorable dress of his.
The sponge lingered there, staring dazedly out at the moai, for perhaps a moment too long. Then, remembering himself, he sprinted to the bathroom. Once inside, Spongebob pointed a finger at his own reflection in the mirror.
“Enough beating around the bush, Mr. Squarepants!” he yelled -- much to Gary’s annoyance. The sponge lowered his voice down to a soft whisper. “Today, you tell him how you feel.”
His reflection simply shrugged. “I mean, okay,” it said. “But this is like, the 57th time you’ve said this.”
“Oh, shush.”
The party was supposed to start at 6:30, but Spongebob, in a manic cleaning fit, had the entire house ready by noon. This year, the party was themed around As The Tide Turns, a very polarizing-but-popular soap opera, especially in Bikini Bottom. If you were a Bikini Bottomite, you either watched the show genuinely, or ironically -- there was absolutely no in-between.
Spongebob and Squidward both genuinely enjoyed the show. It was one of the first things they bonded over, back when Spongebob started working at the Krusty Krab. Through the window to the galley, the two coworkers would talk for hours about the show, and whatever drama was center-stage for that season.
It got to a point where Mr. Krabs -- who only watched ATTT ironically -- got on them both, for shirking their duties.
“If yer gonna flirt,” he’d said, “do it on yer own time.”
So, Spongebob started coming over to Squidward’s house on Friday nights, when the new episodes would air. In fact, even when the show was between seasons, Spongebob still came over, just to watch reruns. It was one of the few times Squidward would (begrudgingly) let Spongebob inside, with no complaints.
Spongebob hummed softly to himself, his eyes scanning the small clipboard in front of him. Food, decorations, party games … Check, check, and check. Everything was present and accounted for -- and he had to admit, the house looked spectacular.
Every room was themed around a different, iconic arc in the ATTT series. His living room, filled with chalk drawings, crime scene tape, and red-string boards, was inspired by the murder mystery arc. His kitchen, decorated with leftover Halloween gear, was inspired by the vampire arc … and so on and so forth. Each and every room had its own particular, careful design -- and in all, it was probably Spongebob’s most intricate and detailed party to date.
That was because it had to be. Spongebob had a plan, a carefully detailed plan -- one that was sure to sweep Squidward Tentacles right off his … er, tentacles. And it went like this:
Squidward and Spongebob’s favorite arc, in all 42 seasons of As The Tide Turns, was the murder mystery. In the arc, the dashing Detective Heartthrob, accompanied by his sidekick-slash-lover Joey, must bring a heinous mass murderer to justice. At the climax, it is revealed that Detective Heartthrob is the true killer -- having been hypnotized by a witch, who was also his evil twin sister, for some reason. In the end, Joey must kill Detective Heartthrob, in a tragic display of love and sacrifice.
The season was thrilling, silly, and emotionally traumatizing, to boot. For months after the finale, Squidward and Spongebob would not shut up about it -- much to the annoyance of Mr. Krabs.
Either way, Spongebob had set up an elaborate, original mystery game, inspired by the events of the show. Each attendee would get a “random” card, assigning them a different role in the story. Squidward would be Detective Heartthrob, and Spongebob would be Joey.
Together, they would embark on an original mystery, one that Spongebob had devised all by himself. After he and Squidward solved the mystery together, and the party was over … Spongebob would finally, finally confess his feelings.
Of course, Spongebob had, more or less, rigged the game to ensure this would happen. Which was cheating, sure, but this was for love! So it couldn't possibly go wrong.
It went wrong. Almost immediately, in fact.
For one, the party started at 6:30 -- and, nearly two hours later, Squidward had yet to show up. Spongebob spent those first two hours lingering by the door, staring out the window towards the moai, and forgetting to refill the punch bowl. Sandy, ever the observant one, noticed immediately.
Pulling Spongebob aside, she asked, in a hushed voice, “Hey, partner. You good?”
“Oh, I’m -- I’m great!” chirped Spongebob, putting on his worst, most unconvincing smile. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Uh-huh,” said Sandy, flatly. “This about Squidward?”
Spongebob blushed, immediately. The squirrel sighed.
“I thought so,” she mumbled, folding her arms across her chest. “Did he say he was gonna come?”
The sponge nodded. “He said, ‘I’ll see if I can make it work’, which in Squidward-speak, is practically a yes!” groaned Spongebob, staring up at Sandy with his huge baby blue eyes. “He’ll come, right, Sandy?”
Sandy hesitated. She didn’t really know Squidward that well … but he did seem to have a soft spot for Spongebob. Awkwardly, she replied, “I mean … I can’t say for sure, but he did say he would try. Let’s be patient, okay, Spongebob? Maybe he just got caught up with something.”
Spongebob sighed, then repositioned his face into its usual chipper smile. “Alrighty. You do usually know what’s best, Sandy.”
“I sure do,” she giggled. “Oh, and Spongebob?”
“Don’t cut his cable this time,” she said, before walking off to get more punch.
By 9:30, the party started to go a bit haywire. At this point, practically all of Bikini Bottom was at Spongebob’s house, except for Squidward -- and Larry thought it would be a great idea to play Truth Or Dare: Extreme Edition. The rules were pretty much the same as Truth Or Dare: Standard Edition, but with one exception: each subsequent truth or dare had to be more extreme than the last.
It started off alright. A few people were dared to take off their pants, or do a somersault down Conch Street while blindfolded. However, as the game progressed, the stakes grew astronomically. At one point, Patrick was dared to eat half of Spongebob’s pineapple. Later, Sandy was dared to juggle three of Plankton’s bombs, while riding a unicycle. Even later, Larry and Mr. Krabs were dared to switch shells and wrestle -- which wasn’t really destructive. Just disturbing.
The dares were stupid, but if there was one thing Bikini Bottomites had, it was a complete lack of common sense. Or any sense, really.
It certainly didn’t help that as the night progressed, the partygoers grew more and more … inebriated. The punch itself was non-alcoholic, but apparently, Karen and Plankton had taken it upon themselves to bring their own alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.
By 10:30, Squidward still hadn’t shown up yet. Several people had either passed out or thrown up. And the pineapple was a complete disaster.
Spongebob sighed. He was seated on his living room sofa now, watching as the partygoers reveled inside (and outside) his home. Of course, the sponge was happy they were enjoying themselves -- but this day was supposed to be about him, and … well, nothing had gone as planned. His entire house was destroyed, it would take days to clean up the mess -- and Squidward hadn’t even bothered to show up! The nerve.
“Hey Patrick,” muttered Spongebob, waving a tired yellow hand at his drunken best friend.
Immediately, the starfish stumbled over to him, drink in hand. “Wha… haha … whasss’ up, Spunchblarb?” he slurred.
Spongebob pointed to the drink in Patrick’s hand. “Could I have that?”
Patrick grinned widely. “Yeeeeeahh! Now -- now, yer talkin’, buddy!” And with that, the starfish handed Spongebob his first drink of the night.
About three drinks in, Spongebob Squarepants was well and truly intoxicated. Which was nice, in a way. Now, the world was a weird, misty haze, and he didn’t have to worry about his pineapple being destroyed, or his party being ruined, or Squidward, or whatever. Now, he could just be peacefully drunk and stupid, just like everybody else in his house. Blissfully unaware of the world around them.
As the night went on, Spongebob began losing track of time. What time was it? Midnight? 3:00 a.m.? Did it even matter?
Over the course of one very stupid evening, Spongebob made more than a few bad decisions. For one, he bought like, ten mops online. Which was both counterproductive (he was a sponge) and financially irresponsible (he was also a frycook). Later, the sponge swam to the surface of the ocean to see how long he could breathe without water. He fainted within the first ten seconds, and had to be retrieved by Larry. After that, the night became a dizzying blur. Spongebob was certain he had been driving, at one point, and also dancing, and maybe singing?
Either way, several hours later, Spongebob was still dancing in his living room, a lampshade stuck on his head, when he felt something on his shoulder. Turning woozily, the sponge tried to get into “kara-tay” position, and ultimately failed.
“Who -- what -- stay back! I’m warning you!” shouted the sponge. “I know … er, kar .. karat … carrots?”
There was a familiar sigh, then a soft chuckle. “Oh, you moron,” came a voice, a voice that Spongebob loved so dearly, even in this drunken state. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?”
“Squ … squib … ?”
“Yeah,” said Squidward, wrenching the lampshade off of Spongebob’s head. “It’s me. Sorry I’m late.”
Spongebob looked up at Squidward -- and in his inebriated, hazy stupor, he couldn’t take it. He loved him so much, and for so long. It hurt. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes. “Squi -- Squidward, you -- you came,” the sponge stammered, his bottom lip quivering. “I -- I didn’t think …”
“Hush,” said Squidward, looking around the room. “This is, uh … wow, you really had a rager, huh? I didn’t think you had it in you, Spongebob.”
Stepping away, Squidward began picking up random items off the floor -- the punch bowl, some photographs, and a spilled carton of milk. The octopus had to step over and around several bodies, which were lying passed out on Spongebob’s floor.
“Listen, I’m gonna try and find a way to get everyone home,” said Squidward, sifting his way through the pile of garbage and bodies. “Everyone else is knocked out -- ”
Spongebob had had it. He’d had enough. He’d planned out this whole day perfectly, just for Squidward to not show up, for his whole house to be demolished in the chaos. Sure, he was glad everyone had a good time, but deep down, Spongebob was a little selfish, and deep down --
“I don’t care about everyone else!” shouted Spongebob, clenching his fists at his sides. “I care about you, Squidward!”
Squidward, startled, nearly dropped everything he was holding -- and before he could properly respond, Spongebob fell over, unconscious.
For once, Spongebob didn’t wake up to the sound of his foghorn. Instead, he woke up to the sound of the television nearby. Very soft dialogue wafted its way over to the sponge, bathing him in its pleasant familiarity.
“Why, Joey, I think you’re right -- the killer is closer than we seem to think!”
“Then we best get cracking, Detective Heartthrob!”
Groaning, Spongebob sat up -- a dull, throbbing pain coursing through his skull. Dear Neptune. What happened last night? There was the party, the drinking, and … Squidward, maybe? Spongebob felt his heart drop at the thought of his neighbor, and sighed. He hadn’t gotten to tell Squidward how he felt. Attempt 57 had failed. Miserably.
Blinking slowly, the sponge looked around, and with surprise noted that his bedroom was not a mess, like it had been during the party. In fact, it was squeaky clean. The only thing out of place was the living room television, which had been moved to the end of Spongebob’s bed. The TV was playing an old rerun of As The Tide Turns, from the murder mystery arc. A smile tugged at Spongebob’s lips. How ironic.
Wait a minute. Who moved the TV?
Just then, there were footsteps on the stairs -- the tell-tale pat-pat-pat-pat of someone with four legs. Squidward. He was still here! Steeling himself, Spongebob sat at attention, gripping the blankets tightly.
When Squidward entered, he was holding a tray of food and wearing a long pink apron. When he saw that Spongebob was now conscious, the octopus jumped, nearly dropped the food, then steadied himself just in time.
“Squidward!” said Spongebob, cheerily. “You’re here!”
“Of course I’m here, you nitwit,” muttered Squidward. “Who else was gonna clean up that messy party of yours?”
Squidward crossed the room to place the food tray on Spongebob’s nightstand. Once there, the octopus shoved a glass of water and two pills into the poriferan’s hands, with one simple command: “Drink.”
Spongebob did so, gratefully. Then, he asked, “The party … what all happened?”
“I don’t know, but it was a mess,” sighed Squidward. “I’m pretty sure half the town was completely passed out by the time I got here. I’m surprised the cops didn’t get involved.”
“Oh,” said Spongebob, feeling very guilty all of a sudden. “Did -- did everyone get home okay?”
“Yeah,” said Squidward. “Listen, don’t -- don’t worry about it, okay? I took care of everything. Your house is clean, Gary is fed, everyone got home. That’s all.” Squidward’s cheeks were stained red.
Spongebob smiled, his heart jumping happily in his chest. “Thank you, Squidward.”
After a moment of silence, Squidward brought the food tray up to Spongebob’s lap. “You should … you should eat that,” he muttered, then took a deep breath. “Look, I … I’m sorry I was so late, alright? The truth is, I … I got caught up.”
With a mouthful of food, Spongebob asked, “Wif whaf?”
Squidward grimaced. “You’re disgusting,” he snapped, then looked away, blushing brightly. “Anyway, I … was trying to get ahold of your birthday present. It was supposed to be delivered here, to Conch Street, yesterday -- but I guess there was a mix-up, and it was instead delivered to Conch Road, which is … in an entirely different town. Several hours away.”
Spongebob blinked. “You drove all the way to get it?”
Squidward scowled. “Whatever,” he snapped, pulling a small red present box from beneath Spongebob’s bed. “Either way, it’s here. So, I guess … open it, maybe.”
Shoveling down the rest of his food (much to Squidward’s disgust), the sponge quickly shredded the pristine red wrapping paper to reveal -- a boxed set of the entire As The Tide Turns series. The extended edition, with all the bonus scenes and commentary tracks. And to top it all off -- the box was signed by the stars of the show.
Spongebob looked up at Squidward, eyes shimmering with shock and awe. “Squidward, this is -- this is amazing, I thought they didn’t sell these anymore!”
“Oh, trust me,” said Squidward, shuddering. “You have no idea what I had to do to get my hands on that.”
“Let me guess,” said Spongebob, holding up two yellow hands to form finger-guns. In his best Joey impression, the sponge said, “You had to kill a lotta folks, didn’t ya, Detective Heartthrob?”
Squidward chuckled immediately. In one suave motion, he leaned against Spongebob’s bed, and pointed a finger-gun of his own. In his best Detective Heartthrob impression, the octopus replied, “I did, and I don’t regret it at all, Joey!”
The two laughed for a good long while. Then, suddenly embarrassed once more, Squidward looked away. Taking a deep breath, the octopus said, “Look, Sponge, I -- last night, you said something kinda weird, and I wanted to know if -- if maybe --”
“You said -- you only cared about me, not anyone else, and I -- I wanted to ask,” stammered Squidward, “... what exactly … you meant by that.”
Spongebob’s eyes widened. Oh, barnacles. Did he really say that? Well … there was no hiding it now. Gripping his sheets tight, Spongebob steeled himself for what was to come. “It means I … I wanna keep hanging out with you, Squidward,” said the sponge, staring down at his yellow knuckles. “I wanna hang out with you more than anyone else.”
Squidward swallowed, hard. “Sponge, what are you saying?”
Spongebob looked up. Their eyes met. “I like you,” said the sponge, smiling nervously. “A … a lot.”
A long moment of silence passed. Spongebob’s heart hammered furiously at his chest. Then, Squidward sighed, and picked up the ATTT boxed set. Walking over to Spongebob’s TV, the octopus inserted the first disc, grabbed the remote, and returned to Spongebob’s side.
Lifting the blankets, the octopus said, “Scooch over.”
Spongebob blinked, then did as instructed. “Why?” he asked.
“You really are an idiot,” muttered Squidward, climbing into bed with him. “It’s a Sunday, the Krusty Krab is closed, and we have a whole boxed set to watch together. Might as well start now.”
Spongebob smiled, happily. “So -- so you -- ”
Squidward rolled his eyes. “If you must know, yes, I … I like you,” he snapped. “I’m not gonna drive halfway across the ocean floor for just anybody, you know.”
Spongebob grinned stupidly. “I guess not.”
With that, the show began, its melodramatic theme tune echoing pleasantly across Spongebob’s pineapple home. And just below the bed, Gary let out a soft, contended meow -- which almost certainly meant “finally.”
The line about cutting Squidward’s cable is a reference to the episode “Party Pooper Pants”, in which Spongebob cuts Squidward’s cable to get him to come over for a party.
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daydream-believin · 3 years
styrofoam cup give me strength
summary: you’ve not had a valentine’s date since way back when it was invented in the 14th century. you’re still bitter. and douxie asking you to come over to help him with his date is not making it better
warnings: swearing, alcohol
word count: idk i’m on mobile it’s not too long i don’t think
a/n: i wrote this while groggy. lol i just wanted something out this week. 1/3 valentines fics done. bone apple teeth yall
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- it’s feb 14, valentine’s day, and you are once again spending it alone
- you thought for sure moving to a new town would help you better your chances at a successful love life
- but alas you have been in arcadia oaks for two years now and you are still without a valentines date
- you cursed this wretched holiday, always mocking you in your singleness
- it was stupid, and commercial, and made up anyway
- that didn’t stop you from looking spiffy tho
- look, the stupid lovey dovey couples that come in the restaurant tip way better when you’re dressed on theme
- it was just smart okay,,
- ngl you kinda felt like spongebob when pearl took over the krusty krab
- but that’s okay :D
- and all those cheeseball couples you served were just oh so cute, didn’t make you want to cry at all
- or at least go lie in a ditch, contemplating your life choices
- it’s okayyy :D :D
- stars, as soon as your shift is over you’re hitting up the bar across the way from your place
- time to drown out them sorrows am i right??
- actually, now that you think about it, your friend douxie asked you if you could make a quick swing by his place before you began drinking yourself into oblivion
- fuck, how did you forget that
- ah, well, you didn’t know what he wanted, but you were sure it wouldn’t take long
- you never asked, cause the answer might have hurt, but you were sure he had someone to hold tonight, a lucky, lucky valentines date. probably that pink haired chick he hangs with, or maybe that guy in his band? either way, he wouldn’t have much time for you
- he probably just wants you to run an errand for him or help him set something up
- and that was okay too :D
- life was dandy
- your shift ended, and you know that you promised douxie you’d be over asap, but tbh you were way too sober to go help your crush set up his romantic gestures meant for someone else. before leaving work, you poured some wine into a to-go cup with a bendy straw for your trip
- don’t judge
- you knocked on douxie’s door, before just walking right in without waiting for an answer
- look he gave you a key did he expect you not to use it
- anyhoo, you were right
- this place was all ready to go for a romantic evening
- candlelight, fancy tablecloth and place settings, red roses in the vase, soft music playing, rose petals on the ground? leading form the door?
- you furrowed your brows, and then rolled your eyes. yeesh. he was going all out apparently. you wouldn’t put it past him to be wearing a suit or something. wait, does douxie even own a suit? you went to go throw away the empty to-go cup, expecting doux to be in the kitchen, but he wasn’t there
- where was he
- you called out “DOUX! IM HERE!”
- you heard a shuffle from one of the other rooms, and a door swing open
- “wait, where are you, love?”
- “kitchen!”
- douxie appeared behind you. hmm, he wasn’t in a suit, but he was wearing a tie. how strange. a black tie on a slightly different shade of black shirt with some slightly different black slacks and, you guessed it, yet another shade of black shoes
- walk walk fashion baby
- “aww, you didn’t follow the petal path?”
- the confusion spread across your face “...no?”
- “okay,” he pressed his hands together, “could you go back outside and pretend to come in for the first time, and actually follow the petals?”
- “... come again, camelot?”
- “ah, you know what, fine.” he scooped you up, carrying you to the table
- “doux what the fuck,,”
- he put your feet back on the ground in front of the elegantly decorated table and pulled out the chair with a flourish, inviting you to sit
- you blinked. what. wh- why? wasn’t this set up for his date? why was he motioning for you to join hi-? ohhh. ohhh
- OH
- you quickly pulled your escaping soul back into your body and sat down in that chair. mr casperan, eligible bachelor of the evening pushed your chair and and took his own seat across from you, leaning with his head in one of his hands, like a cool cat
- you were.. still in shock to say the least
- you think douxie just didn’t like the quietness cause the next thing that came out of his oh so suave mouth was-
- “so, you come here often?” accompanied by eyebrow waggling
- “... to your house?” you cracked a smile, “yeah, yeah i guess i do.”
- douxie laughed, “sorry, i was just trying to lighten up the mood a little,” he poured you a real glass of wine that was not a bendy straw to-go cup, “you’ve been so down lately, i thought you could use some cheering up.”
- “that’s sweet, douxie. i love you.”
- fuuuuuccccckkkkk
- oh my stars, i mean you two say ‘i love you’ all the time, but, but, this was a date right, it means something else now, you can’t just say that
- wait, or was this a date? what he just said kinda made it sound like this was a one time platonic cheer-up-my-friend date and not a date-date
- okay okay uhhh
- “so like, what’d you want me to help you with?” douxie blinked.
- “y/n?”
- “ i mean this is nice and all but we should probably get a move on before your s/o arrives, don’t want to ruin the surprise.”
- “y/n-“
- you made a motion like you were about to stand. douxie quickly grabbed your hand before that could happen, pulling you back into your seat. “Y/N,” that got your attention, “I- this is for you, you’re my date, i don’t have a s/o... i-“ douxie looked the floor to gather some courage. there was a scratch mark in the cheap wood where archie’s dragon claws had skidded accidentally. he’d have to fix that. after he fixed this. “i, was hoping,,” douxie rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “that after tonight,, you, would be my significant other?”
- he said that last part so nervously, and posed like a question. a question you had to answer. damn
- “i- yeeEs”
- “oh, okay then, y- yes.” douxie took rather long sip from his wineglass. he set it back down with a start “it’s settled then.”
- “settled?”
- “settled”
- “- yeah”
- douxie stood up, his chair making a loud sound scraping against the hardwood. “OKAY,” he clapped his hands together, “let’s start dinner, shall we?”
- “we shall.” you raised your glass to show excitement. mordrax’s bloody miracles this was awkward. and yet somehow the best thing that could have happened. not the worst case scenario but the best case one. you could be crying and lying on the cold dirt outside a bar right now so
- if awkward is coming with not being heartbroken, being on a valentines date for the first time since the stupid fucking holiday was invented seven centuries ago, fuck you st valentine, and your crush actually reciprocating you feelings and-
- wait hold the fuck up
- douxie reciprocated. he actually likes you. he invited you to this date. he asked you to be his s/o. what the fuck
- douxie came back from the kitchen, plates in his hands. as he set yours in front of you, you just couldn’t help but asking a burning question,
- “how, how long,”
- douxie furrowed his brows, “how long what? the dinner didn’t take lo-“
- “how long have you, i dunno, ah, liked me?”
- douxie looked sheepish, pointing his fingers together, “oh, i don’t know, maybe,, since we met?”
- you let out a defeated sigh. “by merlin, me too, we’re so fucking stupid-“ you wheezed. you couldn’t even finish the thought from how hard you were laughing
- and let’s be real, if you weren’t laughing right now you would be crying
- douxie was laughing too, for the same reason
- and now you two were sitting at this table, laughing like madmen
- it was gonna be a long night
- but, you know what? that was okay
- maybe you’d get a little kiss or two at the nights end
- spoiler: you did
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flaray25 · 7 months
GOING back from the AU
The Rise of The New Antagonist
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I doodled some stuff after I finished my English exam.
Got home right there and I didn't even posted this- I was so happy to make more angst and stuff!
It's just how I like to feel making nowadays
Spongebob's hair is naturally black
(We know about that thing I told about his hair color I remember discussing this before but to refresh your mind this hair color happens in different aus where he's not okay at all)
So Imma give a fresh rewind on that-
When Spongebob is a small kid- he was often bullied and that no one stuck up to him. That is when he met his first and "forever" BFF, Patrick Star.
Time skips to his 17th of age- Spongebob himself will almost turn 18 after finishing the day of their highschool graduation and everything will change around him.
Spongebob is missing from the day of the graduating ceremony while Patrick tried searching, to find that he's on the janitor's closet. Weeping and crying because his foster parents never even came/attend at his graduation.
To see that every single one of his classmates have parents that attended but for him his parents didn't.
Patrick tried to give positive words for Spongebob to put that up from his mind and never give up.
That was the first time Spongebob never thought about something stupid or even feel down from himself and tried standing up from his knees.
After graduation without his parent's appearance. Spongebob went along with moving out of the house and get a small apartment not that far from the college he's been wanting to enroll.
Spongebob had finally got his eye checked from the doctors and said that he could get eye contacts for better vision and not use glasses anymore.
Spongebob changed and tried to be a better and act like a more nicer-optimisstic person that gave people questioning looks.
Who does this guy think he is?
So creepy-
Whats with that face-
Ew what does he think this is? A show?
He looks so pathetic!
What a wimpy kiddo
Cry baby!
But Spongebob ignored those words and thought about them funny, he kept it inside that he'll never forget.
On his 19th birthday it was Spongebob's birthday and Patrick's gift for him was dye-ing his hair blonde because it matches from the way he 'acts'
Spongebob loved it very much but he didn't noticed that the hair dye is a permanent color that will never come off.
Time skips to a decade now he graduated college and owns a new house from the town called Bikini Bottom, got himself a job. He'd been working from the krusty krab with a low paycheck and tried working multiple jobs outside to earn more money.
Spongebob felt like the day goes on and on that it doesn't end at all. He was starting to think that working from the krusty krab is the one thing he regrets, he didn't expect that customers would still complain or even talk bad behind Spongebob.
He didn't know what he did wrong- he didn't know why they were being so mean...
On the same side, he also regret meeting Squidward.
Yes- I said it- he shouldn't have met Squidward.
He knew how much Squidward changed into the meanest and the most coldest person he knew, ever since Spongebob as in HIM came in from his door and ruined everything.
Once the time Squidward had enough calling him out.
Spongebob couldn't do anything but just smile and hide them.
But deep down from his heart it really wasn't nothing, it hurt him terribly.
"I know"
"I hate me too..."
Getting all of that negative energy- gave him something he never even felt before...
Spongebob had enough after Patrick treated him badly like how everyone did.
So he proved everyone from the town what would happen if there wasn't a 'certain-weak-simple sea sponge' to save them from disaster.
HE becomes the new Villain, not with Plankton's help but him only.
He decided to dye some of his hair black and have those dark-dirty blonde hair...
His mascara stays from his lower eyelid resembling that he weeped from the negative words that had been hiding from his smile for so long that it made him feel with pity and rage...
There his name is Robert...
Whenever he sleeps- he would always dream about someone calling his name... A little girl with a blurry face that called his name on loop...
Robert couldn't remember- how could he remember such an old memory? Who was that girl?
He didn't care but it remains stuck on his mind...
After a week from the town's destruction, the Krusty Krew- (without Spongebob) tried to chase Robert and make him change. But he didn't- he didn't even care about his 'friends' after pushing them down to the ground and shutting them out.
He didn't care if they got hurt badly
He didn't care if they got injured
All that mattered to him was that they would feel bad about how much he's been hiding the pain...
The painful words and such negative ones that he got- used them for anger...
But he will kept one thing from his heart...
The blue ribbon...
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He had kept that ribbon hidden from his gloves it made him feel somewhat special whenever he remembered the moments of him and Squidward
He can't just forget about Squidward but it hurts so much ever since how much he's treated him badly
At some point or another he doesn't want him to die
Because he still cares has something from him...
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Somepoint from his sleep kept him feel busy-
He finally put things into pieces that- it wasn't a dream at all...
It was a memory... a little girl calling out his name when he was a small child...
Couldn't remember much- but her face is all blurred out... all he could see were ocean emerald eyes that looked at him in tears
Who was that girl?
Okay turns out Robert has a sister- just the same age as him
Her name is Abby Z. Squarepon
Her voice sounded just the same as when she was a small kid but more pitched down
The eye color and her voice that matched the memory from Robert's dream, he finally completed the pieces and looked at her in shock...
"Wait... sis?"
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mrslancemcclain · 4 years
Chalk This One Up To Experience
Fandom: Obey Me
Characters: Mammon, MC
Warnings: very mild cursing if you squint hard enough
Summary:  MC introduces Mammon to something from her childhood in the Human Realm. 
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‘So what is this again?’ Mammon asked as MC crouched down, opening the packet and pulled out a pink piece of chalk. Mammon crouched down beside her as she handed him a yellow piece.
‘It’s chalk, you can draw on the floor with it and it washes away with the rain.’ MC explained,
‘Then what’s the point?’
‘The point is to have fun. To draw whatever you want to.’
She started drawing the shape of a star as Mammon continued to look at her in confusion, he soon moved over slightly to make space for her drawing before starting his own. Mammon started to draw a circle as MC started to fill in her shape. Putting the chalk between them, MC swapped her chalk for a green one and started to draw shorts on the star. Mammon looked over at her creation and filled his in.
‘If I wanna make a darker colour with this yellow, what should I do?’ Mammon asked,
‘Just push down hard enough on the chalk to make it darker, but you also don’t want to push so hard that the chalk breaks.’
Mammon nodded, even though she couldn’t see it. He started to colour around the centre to make a skull shape before doing as she told him around it. He carefully added the details to the drawing, such as the smile, nose and eyes. He shuffled back slightly, looking at the chalk piece of Grimm he just finished before turning to look at MC’s work. It was a starfish wearing green shorts with purple flowers. She was just finishing off the funny characters eyes and stood up, stretching her legs and looked towards Mammon who had a puzzled look on his face.
‘It’s Patrick Star.’ She said smiling but was only met by the still confused face of Mammon. ‘You don’t know who Patrick Star is?’ Mammon shook his head, MC sighed before pulling out her D.D.D. and searching up Spongebob Squarepants, trying to find a result but it was unsuccessful. She turned to him and tried to think of an explanation.
‘Patrick Star is a character from a kids TV program called Spongebob Squarepants which is about a sea sponge who loves cooking at his job, the Krusty Krab, and lives in the Pacific Ocean. He and his friends, like Patrick, go on adventures together.’ MC said, as she started to feel nostalgic over the cartoon she spent her childhood watching. Mammon smiled, he enjoyed the way she explained the show to him with such a pure smile on her face. MC turned to face him, a smile across her face, and she looked towards Mammon’s chalky creation, letting out a small giggle.
“Typical Mammon” she thought as she crouched down again, this time over Patrick, and started to draw Spongebob to go with him. Having had his yellow piece of chalk stolen from him, Mammon grabbed another piece of chalk and unsure of what to draw now he crouched down and drew the first thing that came to mind. He looked down at the drawing to see a crappy little house with two people outside, both stick figures but it was clear he had seemed to have drawn them as a couple because the two sticks were holding hands. He blushed as his hand continued to draw it but was caught off guard when he heard an “ow” from behind him. He turned to see MC had fallen from the crouch to sitting down on her drawing. Mammon laughed before walking over to her and held his hand out for her to grab. She grabbed his hand to which he responded by pulling her up, she turned around to look at the drawing as Mammon’s gaze started to drift down. His eyes landed on her butt, now covered in chalk and he turned a very dark shade of red.
‘Hey, uhh, MC. Ya got somethin’ on ya.’ Mammon said, still blushing.
‘I do? Where?’ She said as she looked over her shoulder and spinning trying to see it.
Mammon gulped as he realised that he would have to tell her it was on her ass although he didn’t want to be questioned as to why he was looking.
‘It's uhh, on your butt…’ He muttered, turning his head away from her, only to turn back when she giggled in response. She started to wipe it off and stopped as she turned, her back facing him again.
‘Did I get all of it?’
Mammon gulped again before looking back down, face still as red as earlier.
‘Uhh, yea…’
She turned back to him with a small blush and a smile on her face.
‘This was fun, wasn’t it?’ She asked, smiling at him. He nodded and smiled back at her, glad she didn’t ask why he looked in the first place.
‘And if it rains we can do it all over again.’  He grinned, grabbing her hand and pulling her back in towards the House of Lamentation. ‘C’mon, you’re gunna help me make dinner tonight!’
MC laughed, smiling at the goofball in front of her.
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
Hey Fran! Which hq boy do think is a great baker? And which do you think aren’t the best at it lol -🐼
welcome 🐼 :) I very, very briefly touched upon this here but I will of course go into more depth for you!
the baking kings
hirugami: I also talked about this in my sleepover hcs but I do think that hirugami is a great baker. I mean, he’s got the patience, the level-headedness, and the awareness to handle this task! I also think he would love experimenting with new types of baked confections and bringing them over to your house randomly. I feel like he finds the whole process of baking soothing and rewarding!
osamu: he lives in the kitchen so you know he’s putting his skills to use to make extra treats for himself! even after a long day of school/work, he’s hittin’ the recipe books and lookin for a lil somethin’ somethin’ to make for himself. he deserves a reward! plus, it’s cost effective and he doesn’t have to make an extra stop to pick up something that might end up being half as good as what he can make anyway!
the ones who make baking boo boos
BOKUTO: don’t let him bake by himself, PLEASE. if y’all have watched spongebob before: remember that episode where squidward left work early to “run errands” bc he was too lazy to stay all day and then the whole time he was at home he was all on edge that something had gone horribly wrong at the krusty krab bc he left spongebob alone??? this is it. bokuto baking by himself will make you feel like how squidward felt. except bokuto might actually burn the house down.
oikawa: poor bby tries, esp if his s/o loves baking, but he fails. epically. every single time. when he pulls stuff outta the oven, it looks like straight up coal. and if it’s not completely charred, something was off about the ingredients he used and it ends up tasting funky. he’ll buy you something from the store and say he made it himself. he’s lying.
terushima, suna, kageyama, kenma: why should they have to bake when they can go to the store and grab something?? don’t get it. plus they think buying all the baking stuff is a total hassle.
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sb characters in a zombie apocalypse? who do you think will last the longest and who is immediately dead
Sandy would definitely last the longest. She's smart, shes tough, she's got survival skills, we've seen in the episode Spongebob vs the big one that she can basically rebuild society on her own. Not to mention, I can see her being the one to invent the antidote to turn zombies back into normal people again. Even if not, I can imagine she'd go absolutely crazy and be killing zombies left and right. Live live dangerously 😤 😤
She's also the one whos most likely to boost the survivability of everyone else too. She loves and cares for her friends and the citizens of Bikini Bottom. So other characters who wouldn't have much of a chance (sponge and pat) might possibly survive.
Plankton is also smart but I can see him causing the apocalypse in the first place. Heck, the first 2 SB movies is just Plankton causing some kind of apocalypse that needs to be fixed.
Plankton is very small so he'd probably get stepped on fairly early on. I feel like he'd have a better chance at surviving if he got picked up by someone. Krabs 👀 👀 they always work together when situations become dire. Put aside their differences when things get bad enough so together they'd make a pretty good zombie hunting team! Plankton would be the brains, making the weapons. Krabs would be the brawns! Killing those zombies 😤 Until one of them inevitably gets turned into a zombie.
Spongebob! Unfortunately his chances are low. I don't think he'd do well since he's easily frightened, he's physically weak, and I don't think he could take well his friends being turned into zombies. But when the situation gets bad enough, he's willing to do anything to protect his friends! Not to mention he's a sponge so very durable. He'd still need to stick close to Sandy since she's better with the zombie hunting and stuff.
I can see Sponge organizing shelter for the non infected bikini bottomites. He'd make sure they get food and shelter and keep them safe. I feel like his library in his home would make a good zombie shelter.
Patrick. Unfortunately I can very much see him becoming a zombie. He hasn't any juicy delicious extra thicc brains for them to feast on. But they'd still bite him and be like "this bitch is empty YEET" soooo Patrick would probably become a zombie. But he's not an eviiil zombie. He's used to functioning without brainz on a regular basis so he has more control in his zombie state. He's basically the same. Just reeks of rotting flesh.
Squidward. I already know he's gonna be the first to become a zombie. His luck is just like that ya know? Probably would be the type to be like "pfft zombies? Those aren't real" then get bitten immediately. He's a relatively uninterested zombies. He's got taste™ he won't feast on any local bottom feeders brain. He'd probably only be interested in some high class fish brains. Even in the undead, he's still surrounded by morons.
Mr. Krabs. He's been in the navy! Surely he could handle this right? like I said earlier, he'd be likely to team up with Plankton. For the sake of the bikini bottom, for the sake of money, for the sake of his family. He will not have his beloved daughter Pearl be harmed by zombies!! He'd probably feel so ALIVE. A true manly Krab! Bur while protecting the krusty krab (it's their hideout) and protecting the cash register, they are bombared with a flood of zombie anchovies. And they take him ALIVE.
He begs Plankton to protect his cash register and his daughter Pearl as hes engulfed in the sea of zombies and eaten. He's now a ZOMBIE! Except he still loves money.
I feel like Krabs or Squidward would be used as test subjects for Sandy to figure out an antidote.
Pearl. She stays at the shelter with Sponge. It's totally uncool. She's missing out going to the mall with her friends. All her friends had become zombies and its SO unfair. Sponge tries to cheer her up by sharing his comics. Which is so totally nerdy of him and it doesn't amuse her one bit. But really, she's genuinely upset and her future is uncertain. Will it always be like this? Eating canned beans and hiding out until they're eventually eaten? She's pretty upset. While Sponge isn't very good at cheering her up. He is very good at comforting her and letting her now that it will be okay. Even if it seems uncertain like this. Things could only get better.
Annnnd the zombies have gotten into Spongebob's house. Its only a matter of time before they find the door to his library. One zombie isn't strong but a whole group might figure out how to break the door to get to the library. Spongebob himself knows they don't have enough time. He can only hope Sandy has come up with her antidote soon because he can only hold out for so long.
Mrs. Puff. I have an idea for her. An absolutely insane zombie hunter. Off her rockers wild. It was like she was waiting for this. Busted our the zombie hunting gear, and gets into a customized boat mobile. She's OFF. You'll never take her ALIVEEEE
Mrs. Puff is really well built for the apocalypse. Also she'd rather be there than be in shelter with SpongeBOB. Also killing zombies helps get out all her rage.
Karen. She's a computer. No brains to eat. So she's safe. She'd probably keep look out on the outside to make sure if there's any zombies nearby. She can instantly send a signal to the rest to prepare if there's any hoards of zombies nearby.
Chip. He'd probably be front line defense because hes a robot and he doesn't listen to his mother to stay inside in the shelter. He's got a mega blaster and he'd be spraying those zombies. He's a machine so durable. Zombies wouldn't be interested in consuming him because hes 99.9% metal, 1% hot gas.
Gary! How could we forget out beloved Gare Bear? Gary probably one of the first zombie hunters. Riding his skateboard, with a little lazer gun in hand. He even knows the first rule of zombie hunting! Kill the brain and you kill the ghoul. He probably trained the others in zombie hunting and explained to them what to do when the apocalypse first broke out.
I can also see him being the one who helped out Sandy in developing the antidote. He figured out the missing piece of her equation and he helped spreading the antidote everywhere effectively ending the apocalypse! Gary is a very smart and strong boy. Never underestimate him.
Fred. Would get bitten in the leg. It might almost be on purpose? He'd definitely stuck his leg out since his leg has never experienced a zombie bite before. Probably gonna add this to his list of things his leg has endured. Think of it as as tourism and going to all the destinations you ever wanted to go. Except its new sensations to put your leg through. That's Fred. I doubt he's gonna remember to write it on his list tho because ZOMBIE.
Larry. Living Like Larry. Zombie hunting is a new sport to him! He'd definitely have fun doing it. But he isn't Sandy. I can def see him accidentally falling off his motorcycle and the zombies all surround him. Delicious. Lobster brains. Poor Larry :( he Lived Like Larry until the very end.
Slappy Laszlo, hes my favorite boy!! How could I not include him? I feel like everyone would assume he's a zombie already. He got that green and weird down. He's just living his best life but everyone avoids him. For him, it's just a regular day :) walking his pet skunk and what have you. Regular fish folk don't touch him, zombies don't touch him. It's a pretty quiet day don't ya think?
At least the bakery is open. Free cake! :D
Anyways here ya go! Is there any character you wanted that I missed?
Hope ya enjoy!💙
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