#i feel kinda sad today but it’s alright i’m gonna get through it
inkykeiji · 1 year
good morning this alhaitham piece is killing me
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ferraripoolfc · 2 months
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Some thoughts on the Japan GP:
I haven’t posted in awhile but I have watched both Australia GP and this one! And I have a few things to say I fear.
Starting off with Ferrari.
Here we are once again leaving with a podium which is a beautiful result going based off how we performed last season! ( it wasn’t the best sadly). Last race we got a double podium and now we have a P3 with Carlos and P4 with Charles coming very close. Me personally I’m very proud when both drivers do amazing and are right next to each other with podiums and places. It shows that they both did amazing to follow each other. NOW one thing I don’t like is how fans react when one driver gets a podium and the other doesn’t. And when the driver is Carlos to get the podium it’s now “Oh Charles deserved that podium” or “Ferrari doesn’t care for Charles all they do is put him down” and honestly I think those are crazy things to say because those things are never said when Charles gets the podium. I think we should all appreciate both drivers for even bagging us points that we NEED! It’s kinda weird to see 16 and 55 fans kinda beef when it’s the end of the race. They both are amazing drivers and 16 fans shouldn’t worry because Charles is still gonna have the seat at the end of the season regardless.
Mercedes (Lewis Hamilton)
I don’t even know where to start. I’m gonna try and keep this short! It’s been hard watching Lewis race this season so far and I know it’s not him. It’s the car. I was hoping for a better race result because of the record he woulda broke if winning (a girl can dream). But man these results been making me feel down because this isn’t the way Lewis starts. He only has 10 points which is so unfamiliar. I wanted him to have a good goodbye before coming to Ferrari. And speaking of that Idk if you all saw about that Question that journalist asked Lewis which caused him to walk out during a post race interview today. Knowing Lewis I know he can overcome this challenge but I hope it doesn’t drag him down.
Daniel Riccardo and Yuki:
CONGRATULATIONS TO YUKI! Getting points during home race I love that for him so much! He’s been performing amazing and hopefully he gets that Red Bull seat! (You never know). No Mr. Riccardo….very sad to see what’s happening but we all knew it was gonna come but his seat is gone. I didn’t want it to end like this but it’s too clear. I will never forget the things he’s achieved while being F1 but no matter how hard he tried the stars are not aligning for him.
Gonna keep it short! But proud of Logan for his time in the race. He sadly didn’t bag points but it’s the fact he stuck through for Williams while Albon DNF. I hope to see him keep approving I’ve been seeing g too much hate on him recently because of how he performed in practices. But Logan isn’t a terrible driver and I have nothing but faith.
ALRIGHT!! Just a small rant session didn’t wanna yap too much! Might come back with more but idk! Peace and blessings hope everyone has a great day <3
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spooky-pomegranate · 10 months
So I found your “Violence and Timing” fic which led me to ao3 and I binge read every chapter. It is really good. Like really good. Like really fucking good. Like I was up all night last night just reading through those chapters because it’s so good. I just had to let you know because wow. I’m kinda sad I finished all the chapters so far because I feel like I just finished a tv show and I always get sad whenever I finish those. So yeah… just letting you know your writing is top tier.
It Was Supposed to Be Simple:
Captain Price x F Reader Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: For Price, it was supposed to be a simple mission. For you, it was supposed to be the most important meeting of your life. But nothing ever goes to plan, does it? (A/N: Thank you so much @peepawsbeardhair ! That's incredibly sweet to say. I've put a lot of excerpts from that story on Tumblr and people seem to eat it up, but I've never posted the first chapter. Maybe it's time?! )
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--------------------- RUSSIA. DECEMBER 2022 ---------------------
“Bravo 5 how copy?”
Captain Price’s surveillance crackled to life in his ear as Gaz responded, “Approaching Building 1 from the west now sir.”
“Rog. Ghost what’s your status?” The bitter winds burned his lunges with each deep breath.
Another crackle, “In position on the east. Ready to breach on your order Captain.”
The blizzard had made for good cover. In the ten minutes Price had occupied his overwatch position nearly half an inch of snow had gathered on his back. His fingers ached as he pinched his radio.
“Alright lads. On my order in 3, 2, 1. Go!”
For the next several minutes gun smoke, fire, and blood filled the air. The mission was simple. Enter the building, kill any armed guards, and secure the intel.
The location, albeit currently freezing Price to his very core, hadn’t been a complicated one either. An old remote KGB intelligence outpost deep in the heart of Siberia; small, run-down, minimally guarded.
“Nothing that’ll win you chest candy.” Ghost had quipped when Laswell briefed the trio on the mission.
While Price fired another sniper round into the building, he thought back to the last words Laswell had said to him before he had boarded the helo at base.
“We have solid intel the Russians are planning something John. Something big. I know this isn’t the type of job I usually ask of you boys, but we need this intel and we need it now.”
Price didn’t mind that it was a straightforward mission. In fact, he was looking forward to something simpler. Scars and nightmares often reminded Price of his more complicated missions. He hoped this trip wouldn’t add to either of his unwanted collections.
Another cackle over the comms, “Captain, the building is clear.”
“Copy you Lieutenant. You have eyes on the intel?”
“Yes sir. But Captain…” Price heard Ghost’s voice waver ever so slightly. The most minute change in pitch.
“Bloody hell Price, you’re gonna want to see this.”
--------------------- LONDON. DECEMBER 2022 ---------------------
“Just a hot coffee black. You know what actually, can you add a shot of espresso in there? Sorry, yeah thanks.”
“One red-eye. Anything else today?”
“No, no that’s all thanks.”
You knew the caffeine wouldn’t help your shaky hands. The extra shot certainly wouldn’t quell your uneasy and empty stomach either, but you moved onward, grabbing your order and heading out to the street. You had more important things to worry about today.
As you took your first sip a text came through on your cell.
“In the lobby now. They want to move meeting w/ Deputy CTO up. Didn’t say why. Can you be here in 10?”
Luckily you’d been pacing around the same three London blocks for 20 minutes now.
“Be there in 2.”
You crossed the street and made your way into the towering high-rise lobby. It was crowded with businessmen. You tried to scan the room for your boss. Where the hell was he? Damn it, all these men in suits looked the same.
“Didn’t get me a coffee then?”
“Jesus! Oh my god, I didn’t see you sitting there. Why the hell did you scare me like that!?”
You nearly spilled your coffee whirling around to face your boss. He’d been quietly sitting in a corner, briefcase and winning smile in tow.
“And why are there so many people in this goddamn building right now anyway?”
You tried to calm yourself a bit. The espresso was a bad choice. Your nerves were on fire.
“Did you forget who we’re meeting with today? Half the people in here are Secret Service. We’re lucky the CTO has a few minutes to spare for us between these international summit meetings. ”
You looked around the room. Now that he’d said it, you realized there weren’t a lot of grey hair men in the lobby. Most of these guys were younger, closer to 30, and their posture was straighter than anyone who normally spent 8 hours a day slumped over a desk.
“Right, yeah that makes sense.”
You looked back at your boss. He smiled, his eyes crinkling in the corners.
“We got this okay. Don’t be nervous. You’ve made something that’s gonna change the world, so let’s change it okay.”
You took a deep breath and nodded.
“Okay. You’re right.”
“I’m always right.” He huffed out a low chuckle. “Let’s head to the elevators. We’re meeting on the 56th floor.”
Your boss grabbed his briefcase, you clutched your coffee, and the two of you made your way across the room. As you waited for an elevator you took a final look over the cramped lobby when you thought you saw… him. He was in a black jacket, dark jeans, boots, and a hat pulled low over his face. You were sure it was him. It couldn’t be. But it…
“You coming or what?” Your boss’s voice cut through your racing thoughts.
“Yeah, sorry. I’m coming” You entered the elevator and tried to put the man’s image out of your mind. It was probably just the coffee and your nerves. A mirage brought on by stress and anxiety. You really didn’t need that extra shot.
A very official-looking staffer met you on the 56th floor. She led you to the meeting space, a modern but sterile-looking conference room with floor-to-ceiling windows, tinted glass separating the room from the hallway, and a massive oak table with a dozen chairs.
“The Vice President and Deputy Chief Technology Officer will be with you both shortly. Please have a seat.”
“Wait the Vice President? Like the Vice President of the United States? He’s coming to our meeting? I thought we were just meeting with the Deputy?” The sentences jumped out of your mouth quicker than you would have liked.
“Yes, as you may know, the Vice President has made technology and anti-terrorism efforts a focus of his office for several years now. He’s been briefed on your work by the CTO and is eager to discuss further details with you both.”
And with that sudden news, the staffer disappeared, slipping back out into the hallway.
As you watched her figure move down the hall behind the tinted glass, the walls felt like they were starting to push in on you. Could the ceiling be dropping in on you too? You took another sip of your coffee, nerves fully on fire again.
Several more minutes of pacing and pep talks occurred before the conference room door opened again. The staffer was back with important friends this time.
After the most formal introductions of your life, your boss took over with his presentation. It’d been decided a long time ago he’d handle the flashy intro and you’d seal the deal with the demo. This was your baby after all and no one knew it better than you.
As your boss finished the pitch you stood from your chair, resting your hands firmly on the briefcase he’d brought. The leather was cool and soft.
You locked eyes with your boss. His eyes crinkled at you again. You felt the air come back into your lungs and the walls didn’t feel so close anymore. You could do this.
As you slipped your hands inside the briefcase the sound of heavy boots echoed outside. Black shadows in the shape of half a dozen men darkened the tinted glass separating the conference room and the hallway. Then came the voices; deep, angry, decidedly unAmerican.
“If you fucking muppets don’t let me into that room I promise you you’ll regret ever stepping foot in this bloody country.”
An agent whipped opened the conference door, nearly tumbling over as four combat-clad men pushed their way inside.
“Diaz, what’s going on?” The Vice President eyed the fumbling agent.
“Sir, we need to move you to…”
The agent's voice was cut off as the windows behind you exploded rocking you forward. Shards of glass rained down on your back as your ribs collided with the oak table. Every ounce of air was knocked from your lungs as you crumbled to the floor. The table toppled over onto its side in front of you while behind you the room opened up to the London skyline.
Total silence enveloped the room except for a high pitch buzzing that felt like it was crawling its way out from deep inside your ear.
Enormous pain rippled throughout your chest as you reached above you for the briefcase now precariously dangling off the edge of the table. You pulled the smooth leather to your chest.
As your braced your forearms on the ground and pushed yourself up to your full height you heard a murmur of a deep voice. Someone was trying to penetrate the ringing in your ears, but you couldn’t understand. The buzzing was still too loud.
Fully upright you came face to face with one of the foreign soldiers. He towered several inches above you, a British flag squarely on his chest. His steely blue irises glanced over your body and when his eyes came back to rest on your face his pupils were nearly double in size.
Then the soldier lunged at you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Price wrapped one of his hands around your waist and the other on the back of your head as he tackled you to the floor. He didn’t care about the bruises he’d leave on your hip as he pressed his full weight roughly against you. He needed you on the ground now.
“Get down! Sniper on the roof across the street. Soap take him out now!”
“On it!”
Before Soap could pull out his rifle the first shot rings throughout the conference room. Price watches as it slams into a businessman’s chest ripping flesh and bone. He can taste the terribly familiar scent of coppery blood in the air.
Before the crimson cloud can even reach the carpet, another shot. This one takes down the stubborn agent who delayed Price getting into this room. A mist of blood plumes where the man once stood. Price grits his teeth.
Then another bang. This time the staffer is down.
Soap fires next. His Scottish timbre yells out, “Sniper down.”
Ropes drop down outside the building. Price knows this means the fight is just beginning. He quickly kneels removing himself from you and grabs your hand, yanking you to a seated position. He can see tears forming in your eyes. He can’t worry about exfiltrating a civilian now. Secure the high-value officials and eliminate the threat, those words repeat in his mind like a command he’s ordering to himself. There are only seconds before this room will be invaded.
But he won’t leave you here out in the open, he can’t watch another civilian die if he can stop it. So without saying a word he looks at you and points to a spot behind the overturned table. He hopes you’ll understand his wordless intention. You hadn’t answered him when he’d asked if you were alright after the blast, a shot eardrum from the blast most likely.
Price lets out a small breath as he watches you scurry to cover behind the overturned table.
He reminds himself of his own order, secure the officials. Price barks, “Gaz, Ghost get the VP and CTO out of here now! Roof’s compromised take the stairs. Go!”
“Moving now sir.” Ghost answers.
Then comes the smoke, the Russian voices, and the sound of boots crunching on carpet and broken glass. Prices slides in next to you behind the cover of the large overturned oak table, shoulders and thighs pressing up against each other. He can feel your body shaking. He doesn’t need to see your face to know that tears are down your cheeks by now.
Price peers around the table. The smoke is thick. Wait, he tells himself. The haze will thin out soon with the windows blown away. Wait … for the moment to strike. Wait… for the enemy to compromise themselves. Wait… because everything in Price’s life depends on the perfect balance of violence and timing.
One of the Russians get’s impatient and fires a rogue round into the ceiling. Patience pays off and Price shoots his pistol. One down.
The smoke is clearing fast now. Price moves from his cover behind the table. Soap emerges from the receding smoke with him. They fire and fight together, pushing their way forward toward the London skyline with bullets, knives, and brute force. Russians falling one by one in their wake.
There’s no one left in front of Price to gun down when he hears a scream from behind him. You’re standing by the door, briefcase clutched to your chest, and knife to your throat. One of the Russians must have taken the stairs from the roof down, sneaking into the room during the fighting.
Price tries to remind himself to wait. To wait for the right moment. To pair his violence with perfect timing… but your eyes. Your eyes beg him not to. Your eyes beg Price to move now, to fight now, to save you now.
So he moves. Price raises his pistol and fires. But at that same moment, you move and two bodies hit the floor.
Fuck. What had Price done?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Read the rest of this story here)
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stars4ni · 1 year
Hiii i Hope ur doing well! can i request a fic Where it’s your birthday and Hyunjin is trying his best to be there for you & celebrate and make it fun but you can tell he’s sad and so you ask him what’s wrong and he finally opens up to you and you comfort him?
bday blues
bsf hyunjin + gn reader
warnings: partying, crying, comforting, venting, alcohol (vaguely)
genre: fluff
notes: this is my first request fic! Tysm for requesting! Also I’m sorry this is so short! I hope you enjoy this fic love! <3
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you open the door to see your best friend Hyunjin holding a present and champagne. You smile as you let him in, you watch him put down your present and champagne. You quickly go to hug him, you sink into his comfort. Feeling comforted of his warmth, you smile. It is about two hours before your birthday party and Hyunjin came early to help set up. “I missed you! Feels like I haven’t seen you in years” you said. ���But I just saw you last week” he says giving you a disgusted look. You both laugh, “okay so people are coming in two hours! Help me with decorations?” You ask. “Yes of course” he says.
About two goes by Hyunjin helped you set up good, decorations and of course helped you pick out your birthday outfit. People started to show up and you invited them in. Hyunjin didn’t know many of your friends so he just kinda awkwardly smiled at people when they walked in. Once everyone came in you started hanging out with your friends, eating, drinking, and dancing. Hyunjin still felt kinda out of place at the party. He really tried to talk to your friends and get to know them but it always ended but being awkward. He just really wanted to be there for you, to celebrate your birthday with you but he just felt not wanted there.
You could tell how when all you and your friends were up dancing and talking but Hyunjin just sat on the couch looking around. You could sense something was up but you didn’t know what exactly. “Did I do something wrong?” You thought in your head. You walked over to him and sat down. “Hey! Do you want any cake? And even if you don’t want that theres other things like cookies, candy, and …”, “I’m alright thank you though” he said and smiled. “Well my feet hurt from these heels so I’m gonna sit with you” you said taking your heels off and laying back. He smiled and laughed, but you could tell that was a fake smile and laugh. Something was wrong.
“Hey everything alright? You don’t seem like yourself today” you said looking concerned. It through him off guard when you asked this because he didn’t realize you could tell. “Oh uh…yeah I’m fine, just tired that’s all” he said looking away. “Hyun…I know when your lying” He looked at you like he was caught. “What? I’m not lying though…” You were now getting really concerned what could be bothering him this much to that he didn’t want to talk about it. He usually always talks to you about everything, but now your getting worried. “Hyunjin, you can talk to me” “I know…but seriously I’m fine” he looked away.
Right then you grabbed his hand and stood up walking to your bedroom. He followed you, you shut the door. “Y/n what are you doing?” You sat on your bed, “tell me what’s up, your really worrying me Hyun” He sat next to you, “okay…, I didn’t mean to concern you” he looked down. “I just feel out of place here” “how?” You asked. “I don’t know any of your friends and I feel like none of them want to talk to me, and all I wanted to do was make sure you have the perfect birthday…because you deserve it and I’m messing it up because of my stupid emotions and I’m sorry-” “hyunjin, you didn’t ruin anything” you looked at him as you could see tears forming at his eyes. “Hey…hey it’s okay” you said as you hugged him tightly. He started to cry even more as he felt your comfort.
You stopped hugging as you looked at him with sad eyes. It made you so sad when you saw him cry, it broke your heart. “Are you sure that’s the only thing bothering you?” You asked. “Well no…I’ve been stressed with the new comeback and I feel like I never have time for anything anymore” You grabbed his hand and linked your fingers together. “I’m sorry” you looked at him with loving eyes. “I’m always here if you want to talk about any of that stress, you know that” you said and smiled. He smiled back and laid his head on your shoulder. You turned your head over and kissed his forehead. “I love you Hyunjin” He looked up at you, “I love you too” he said as he hugged you. “Now let me go introduce you to my friends, they are just nervous they would love to get to know you”
“Really?” He asked. “Yes really, I talk about you to them so much they basically already know you” “you talk about me?” He said and laughed. “Yes I do! Now get up!” You said as you start to blush.
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jessiquinn · 1 year
”You are perfect”, “shut up”(reader x cable AKA Nathan Summers)
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I wrote this in 2022 or something, I’m kinda proud of it, even though it’s pretty cringe, but I DON’T CARE. CRINGE WITH ME.
Stubborn injured reader x cable (Nathan Summers) one-shot
1-injury, details. 2-cringe. 3-self harm?? 4-magic use. 5-bad writing and editing. 6-self hate. 7-everything.
You got injured in the last mission but decided on hiding it from everyone, especially Cable... he likes to overreact...
well... it was a long cut on the arm but I can fix it on my own, I don't want them to think I'm weaker than they already think.
it hurts I'm not gonna lie... especially that it's open... fucking hell Acting like there's nothing wrong, "It's strange that you didn't get hurt today, usually, you always get hit" Domino teasing you, "I'm learning," is all you said, "Great because it's about time we arrive in the next mission" looking ahead What.. next mission!! I didn't know about that... shit! everyone got to their position, trying to look fine, "You know what to do, exactly like last time" Cable said looking at every single one of us, “be careful” giving you a glance. heading to your position in the field let's do this! so far everything went well, shooting everything and everyone I see... I need to be good enough for them alright! I can't be weak! shooting the enemy with a strong blast killing 5 at once, "Good shot" Cable said (on the earpiece) Feeling proud of yourself that you didn't notice someone sneaking at you, "dumb bitch" turning around to see one of the enemies that still remains... shit. pointing his gun at you. Fuck... "Throw your earpiece or I'll shoot" he threatened, I did just that, and he smirked. lowering his gun and walking closer to you. what the fuck is happening...
You understood what happened when he touched your thigh... about to attack him "Na, do that and I'll shoot" He kept touching getting higher. what am I supposed to do... I don't know, I am really weak.. see! I can't be alone for 5 seconds without getting hurt! I feel hurt... he took the earpiece from the ground, finally! took the chance and attacked him to the ground, he was strong but the adrenaline rushed through my veins. I can't lose!! finally knocking him out, just now noticing the cut he made on my thigh. so fucking convenient! taking the earpiece "I repeat, back to the plane" Cable said. running there, thankfully it wasn't that deep. the one on my arm tho... it's a different story. "took you long enough,-" cutting her "Shut it!" you said, she was surprised. Domino’s nice to everyone but to me, she defiantly deserved that! walking past everyone to the plane. Deadpool sat next to you, this is weird. "pst... pstt" looking at him, "Y/n... I'm sorry I couldn't reach you in time" he said feeling extremely bad. "what are you talking about" Looking at him, his face turned into a sad frown. "I saw what happened, I couldn't reach you, I’m sorry", "well you saw wrong because nothing happened, plus even if it happened... it's not your fault" looking at the window. he kept quiet then, "If you ever want to talk about it.. you can come to me" why does he care so much... "I... sure.. thanks Wade" the truth is he always had a soft spot for you, after you left running he shot him in the crouch just to make sure... he'll die... slowly you slept for the rest of the flight, finally arrived, heading straight to your bedroom, closing the door behind you, Sigh... finally.. peace and quiet. going to the mirror revealing the cut that had become worse than before... it might need stitches. everyone here has self-healing but me, god.. why did you make me this weak... if I go to the infirmary they'll all know that I got injured for the millionth time.
I got an idea!! what about that magic book we have in the library, it must have a spell in it to fix this mess. going to the library, searching for the book. it was well hidden but I got it, no one knows about this book but me, well.. as far as I know.
sprinting to your room before anyone notices you, "Yn," turning to see its cable, "hi..." He's always scary... he's smart and perfect. he's perfect for a leader... "5 minutes, in the living room" serious as always.
going back to your room and locking the door... I'm not a magician but I'll try.
searching for a spell that will heal my injuries, or at least cover them well enough that I can last for a couple of missions. there's one here... "esaelp dnuow diputs ym Lael!!" the room started to get messy but my wound started to disappear!!!
after a couple of minutes of healing, I looked at my injury... it's not there anymore, running to the meeting... The thing is... it's too good to be true.. right? Next day I felt great pain, coughing... my forehead is burning. on top Of that we have a mission today. How am I going to hide this from them? I'm going to be kicked out of the team, For sure... nobody wants a burden after all... I made it worse than it is.
inspecting the injury, it looks purple. reading through the book again... shit! (when used be cautious of your intention, if it was spoiled you will be punished) reading more (the only way to solve the curse is by doing your fear)
skip "Everyone get ready, 9 we will move" cable was a cold man, he always scared me but I don't want to disappoint him... bandaging the wound with anything I got, and taking fever pills. everything felt like a fever dream. while waiting for the others to arrive, cable was there... he was fixing something... focused on what he was doing that you didn't notice that he was looking at you now. he's perfect... like always. unlike me... lost in thought you didn't notice he was walking closer to you. "Yn" He raises your chin to make you look at him. looking into your eyes, almost like reading my soul. "Are you alright?" concerned about me, is this one of the spells jokes? "Yn," he said again, "is everything alright? you look pale"
"I.." suddenly hearing some whistling, it's Wade "DAMN we're late for 5 minutes and this happens wow," Deadpool says while Domino smirks he got off, "let's go" serious like always, I'm sure what happened was a hallucination. my fever is getting worse... after arriving and everyone going to their positions, trying to do your job but your vision is getting worse... 5... I killed 5 so far. 2 are standing... "Yn! Kill them NOW," looking at them, trying to point. thankfully you killed them. sitting on the floor, more like falling on it. your breathing is unstable...this is too much... losing my vision too. "Yn, we need you, Move!"... no response so much pain... should I just end this pain myself or wait for anyone to do it for me, anything would be better than this torture. "Yn! Respond!" does he only know my name or something? fuck this shit! without a thought you started pointing the gun at your head, what the fuck am I doing! is the spell responsible? but overall I can’t stop... maybe... it will be for the best... slowly pulling the trigge-, tackled on the floor. "YN! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" Cable said furious, looking at him clueless.. your head hurting. he took you immediately, carrying you to the plane. everyone asked what happened but he kept quiet, kicking everyone out. taking off your clothes to check for injuries to find unexpected, cuts and deep wounds.
this is not new! this is obviously old, “What the actual fuck yn, why would you hide something like that!” feeling hurt, do they not trust me? he fixed all your wounds and waited for you to wake up, you had lots of explaining to do. --- "I don't want to disappoint you..." "You never disappoint me Yn" "You are perfect, I don't deserve your care" "Shut the fuck up" Happy dumb ending.
as I said, I’m sorry for this cringe.
if you have any tips for me please don’t hesitate to tell me!
please reblog 💜
Thank you for reading
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kxisuke · 2 years
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✧ p. piano man, albatross, doc, iceman, lippmann
✧ tw. bsd manga spoilers!! angst angst and more angst
— a/n. it's not every day you see appreciation for this wonderous group ✋🏻 thank you for your request, i really enjoyed writing this and i hope you enjoy!!!
[part 1] [part 2]
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“Where are you off to?” You look up from your book as he gets ready to leave, quietly putting on his coat and shoes.  
“I was summoned by the boss. It’s urgent, so I need to leave now. Is that alright, dear?” Your heart sinks at his statement, and you immediately fly out of your chair, sprinting over to him and crashing into his chest. Your arms firmly wrap around him, holding him in place and you can barely hold back the tears that begin flowing down your cheeks. 
“Please... don’t go.” You sink down to your knees, bringing him down with you and sobbing into his chest.  
“Hey, hey. Why are you crying, beautiful?” Your vision is blurry as you look at him, and he gently cups your cheeks.  
“You can’t go... I can’t lose you.” He smiles softly, wondering what on earth you’re talking about. 
“I’m just going to a meeting with boss, that’s all. I’ll be back in no time.”  
“No! You don’t understand. Y-you won’t come back. You’re going to get hurt...” He chuckles quietly, wiping away your tears.  
“I’m strong enough, dear. I promise I'll come back, okay?” You won’t listen to him—you already know what’s going to happen—and you know full well he’s not coming back.  
“Please, just listen to me this once.” He shakes his head, helping you to your feet. 
“I need to go. My allegiance is to the mafia, and I can’t jeopardize that.” 
“Even if it means your life?” 
“You know me, I don’t go down without a fight.” You choke out a sob, and he pulls you into his embrace. “Stop worrying about me, y/n. I’ll be okay. It’s just a meeting.” Landing a soft kiss to your lips, he departs, and you sink to the ground, wishing you were strong enough to stop the disaster that’s about to happen. Images flash through your mind and you let out a cry of pain, your heart shattering into a million pieces as you feel your love slip from your fingers. 
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“Wanna see my motorcycle?” Albatross jumps up from behind you, already dragging you towards the garage. You smile softly, loving how passionate he is about his bike. 
“Sure!” It doesn’t first process in your mind the significance of this moment, but it eventually sinks in when he begins to explain his plans with it, his arm tight around your shoulders. 
“I was thinkin’ of giving it to Chuuya... dunno if he’ll like it though.” A silent tear rolls down your cheek, and you quickly wipe it away.  
“I think he’ll love it.”  
“Mhm. He’ll use it a lot in the future, I'm sure of it.”  
Albatross beams and places a hand on his hip.  
“Huh. Didn't know he’d like it that much...” He stares at his bike for a little longer before turning to you. “Wait... how’d ya know he was gonna use it in the future?” 
“It’s just a guess.” You shrug casually, squeezing out from under his shoulder and approaching the shiny vehicle, gently running your hand over the smooth leather seat.  
“Are ya okay, baby? You look kinda sad...” You immediately look at him, shaking your head.  
“No, I'm okay. I’m just thinking about the future, that’s all.” He approaches you, snaking his hands around your hips and kissing your cheek.  
“You can talk to me about it, baby.” You only let out a tired sigh. 
“Not today. Maybe sometime in the future, when we’re grown up and have a family of our own.” You can feel him smile into your shoulder, his grip around you tightening. 
“I like the sound of that. It’s a deal, then.” You smile sadly and can feel your heart breaking into pieces as he pinky promises with you. 
“Lemme take you on a ride! Come on, come on!” His mood switches up immediately, and he tosses you a helmet. As he drives you through the night, your head resting on his back and arms tight around his torso, you wish you can stay like this forever. You can feel the weight of his promise, and your chest tightens. 
If only we did have a future together, Albatross.   
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-> DOC
He’s never really talked to you about his goals before, so he’s a little hesitant to ask. But he figures as the two of you are having tea in your living room, now is the perfect time to ask.  
“My goals?” You think for a moment about the question, quite unsure of the answer yourself. “I’m not entirely sure, babe. What about you? Do you still want to save 2 million people?” Doc almost chokes on his tea, looking at you with wide eyes. Immediately realizing what you said, butterflies erupt in your stomach. 
“I mean... um... that’s a common goal for a doctor, right? Like... it’s not like I know your personal goals... or um... anything.” Staring down into your tea, you hope he bought your ridiculously obvious lie.  
“Actually, that is still my goal. My question now is, how do you know that? I don’t recall ever sharing that with you.” 
Ah fuck, now I've really done it, you think to yourself. 
Looking up at him hesitantly, you can see in his eyes that he’s not mad or anything, he’s just curious. If anything, he’s fascinated that you were able to figure that out. Do you have an ability that allows you to do so? Or are your deduction skills just so incredibly spot on that you were able to even get the exact number of people he desired to save? 
“Umm... I don’t really know. I just guessed?” You shrug, and he feels the beginning of a smile tugging on his lips. 
“Okay then. Whatever you say.” 
“Just forget I said anything...” You laugh nervously before taking a sip of your tea, silently hoping that he’ll just drop it and change the subject. 
“I’ll let fate bring the answer to me, my dear.” He smiles over his cup, in such a way that it sends a small chill down your spine. You don’t doubt he’ll find out eventually, but you’ll cross that bridge when you get to it. 
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“Hey~” You plop down next to him on the couch after a long day of working in the mafia, letting out an exhausted sigh.
“Hey there, love.” He leans over and captures your lips in a quick kiss. He hasn’t seen you all day, and he was quite happy to finally spend time with you.
“How was your day?
“It was alright.” You rest your head on his shoulder. “I managed to catch a group of assassins that wanted to take down Mori, so that was fun.”
“Oh that’s interesting.”
“Yeah. Though I do admit, taking out a small number will never compare to the record you hold.” Iceman eyes you curiously, wondering where that came from.
“What record?”
“Um, your kill record…?” You almost immediately notice your slip up, and you clamp a hand over your mouth.
“I mean… what record? I don’t know about any record.” He raises an eyebrow while eyeing you curiously, and you stare right back at him.
“Whatever you say, babe.” You smile innocently and he chuckles lightly. He knows you’re lying, there must be some way you found out, but he’s not going to push it.
“Sometimes I wonder what’s going on in that pretty head of yours.” He pokes your forehead and you jut out your bottom lip.
“Only thoughts about you.”
“Sure.” Pushing his shoulder, you let out a groan.
“Oh hush. You know it’s true."
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His hands snuck around your waist and his lips found yours again, mouth moving against your own. You’re situated in his lap, arms loosely around his neck as the two of you spend the evening together. It had been a while since you’ve been able to sit down and enjoy time with him, but even then you both seem to still have work business on your mind. 
“I wonder what everyone else is up to today... probably not anything productive,” you remark, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“It’s not like we’re being very productive either, sweetheart.” 
“Well, that’s different.” 
“Is it, now?” He kisses your cheek, tightening his embrace. 
“Hey Lippmann, do you think we’ll get anywhere? Like as a group?” Your voice is quiet and inquisitive, and he wonders what brought on the sudden change in mood.  
“I’d like to think so. We’re all stronger than we give ourselves credit for, and I think we’ll be able to fulfill our dreams of having a future together, me and you. Maybe settling down later and starting a family.” He kisses your head, and he can feel you smile into his shirt. 
“Yeah. I really hope that happens.” He can’t see the tears welling up in your eyes, nor can he feel your heart breaking at his hopeful dreams. For a moment you can see it, the both of you in the future, all grown up with the rest of the Flags. Talking. Laughing. Smiles on all your faces. And a small child in your arms, Lippmann pressing a kiss to your temple as you chat with everyone else over a meal.  
But then the reality of what’s really going to happen sets in, and you can’t help the small tears that begin to run down your cheeks. Lippmann immediately notices when the front of his shirt begins to dampen, and he pulls you out of his embrace so he can see you. 
“Sweetheart, why are you crying? Was it something I said?” You shake your head as his soft hands gently wipe away your tears. 
“It’s nothing. I’m just really happy to have met you.” He smiles, resting his forehead against your own. 
“Me too. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to be a part of my life, y/n.” Kissing you once again, he pulls you to his chest.  
I just wish I could spend an eternity with you. 
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haechannielove · 2 years
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preview - Today you have to go to your new tutors house. “Y/n!” Of course it’s jaemin. “Yes?” You close your eyes for 2 seconds then open them again. He hands you a sticky note with an address on it. “What Is this?” Then the realization sets in. Na jaemin is your new tutor. This can’t be.
rating - 18+
word count - 3.3k
warnings - unprotected sex, nude sending , reader is nosey and KINDA invasive 😭
au - non idol, uni
pairing - loser!jaemin x fem!reader (ft. ningning, jeno, and haechan)
A/N - this took me days and im sure knocked like 10 years off of my life span, its so late right now so any grammar errors i’ve missed, forgive me ill fix it eventually 😭 im like 99% sure i’ve switched from capital letters at the beginning of a sentence to lowercase LFMSODHSO
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“I think he’s crazy, that’s what I think. We’ve never liked each other and he thinks he can just come up to me and talk to me like he rules the world. You don’t understand ning he was literally so smug about it. I need someone to smack that stupid look off of his face before I do.” Ningning looks at you like you’re insane. “He was just offering he-“ “NO he was being a smart ass about it im telling you” she looks at you with knitted eyebrows. “Whatever you say y/n” you nod.
“Y/n i don’t understand why you’re flunking this hard in my class. There’s absolutely no reason your grade should be this low. I’m going to get someone to help you for this class. this is completely unacceptable.” You internally facepalm. “I swear I’ll truly do better, I don’t need help.” He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head. “I know how you get. I understand you want to be independent and you want to learn to help yourself but at the end of the day, it’s not always going to work like that.” You bite the inside of your cheek and open your mouth then close it. “Okay. I guess I could give it a try.” He smiles “Thats the spirit!” You cringe at his words.
The next day you come into class and shift anxiously in your chair. Today you have to go to your new tutors house. “Y/n!” Of course it’s jaemin. “Yes?” You close your eyes for 2 seconds then open them again. He hands you a sticky note with an address on it. “What Is this?” Then the realization sets in. Na jaemin is your new tutor. This can’t be. “See you at 7?” You nod.
“NING ONLY THIS SHIT HAPPENS TO ME I SWEAR” you’re rambling nonstop to ningning because of how utterly upset you are. “It’s not that bad. You’re going there for a damn good reason.” she’s right it’s for good that you’re going to jaemins home.
It’s 7:00 and you knock on jaemins door. He quickly opens it up and welcome you in. His house is alright looking, nothing special.
“So when are we gonna get this done, I just want to go home.” you look at him with a sad look. He points to the floor and tells you to sit. “I’ll be right back I need to go use the bathroom, get your math homework out and the utensils you need while I’m gone.” And with that he leaves you in the middle of his living room.
*BUZZ* Jaemins phone goes off. It’s the sound of a discord notification. Being nosey you look over at it. It’s from his other reject friend, Jeno.
Jeno 🐶: I can’t believe you’re tutoring the girl you always say you want to fuck.
Another notification pops up from their other friend, Haechan. They’re in a discord server together.
Haechan 🐻: Y/n???, the one who I’ve caught him jacking off to pics of??
You look away from his phone and start to feel pure confusion. Jaemin talks about having sex with you? And he’s jacked off to you before?? Why?
“I’m back, sorry I took so long.” You look over at him and nod. Before you guys begin on the homework, he picks up his phone and starts typing. He has a smirk on his face while doing it.
After a few hours of hard work, jaemin gets up to get some water. While he’s gone you pick up his phone and open discord. Of course he has no passcode. You begin to look through the messages between the three of them and you decide to go to jaemins email, reset his discord password, and sets it to something else so that you can log into his account. After you see that you’re in you close out of all of the apps you’ve opened and delete the email about resetting his password. You place his phone down and act like nothing happened. “Jaemin I better get going, it’s getting late and I’m really tired. Thank you for your tutoring I really do appreciate it.” He looks at you and says you’re welcome and you leave.
Later that night you go onto discord and open up the server that jeno haechan and jaemin share. They ask too many questions. You scroll and scroll until you see something that catches your eye.
Jaemin 🐰: I love when y/n wears those pretty short skirts. I can’t help but to think about fucking her until she can’t speak anymore.
you screenshot it.
Jeno 🐶: All you ever do is talk about how hard she gets you. I mean I’m not even gonna lie she’s made me hard as fuck in class a few times before.
Haechan 🐻: Me too 😭
you squint your eyes at the screen. You can’t believe that they get hard over you. You thought all these nerds talked about were video games… you were very, VERY wrong. You ignore the pool of arousal building up in your panties. You DEFINITELY have a plan.
“Good job y/n! You aced your test! Has jaemin been helping you alright?” You nod and smile. “He has, I think I really wanna see him again! He’s great at explaining things to me. After class I’m going to ask him for more lessons.” You say it with a huge smile. “Good, I’m glad to see you improving in my class, it really puts a smile on my face.” You’ve gotta admit, you’re happy to hear that.
“Hey jaem” you tap his shoulder. He turns around and smiles at you. “Yeah? What’s up?” Haechan and jeno also look at you. “Do you think I can come over again today? I think I wanna move onto the next lesson for the class.” You make sure to appear as cute as possible. “Of course you can! Maybe after school?” “Perfect” you give him a smile and head to your next class.
It’s now after classes and you head home to shower then to head over to jaemins. You choose the skimpiest skirt you could find which barely covers your ass at all, a cute pink thong, a matching bra and a tank top that shows too much cleavage. You want to see jaemin break because of you.
You arrive to jaemins house and sit on the couch next to him. “Actually jaem, I really think the homework can wait. I’ve had a rough day, can we watch tv together?” You say to him with puppy eyes. You don’t miss the way his eyes scan your breasts and thighs, the way he’s licking his lips, and the way you can hear him stuttering. “Ooh let’s watch mean girls jaeminnie pleassse” he couldn’t say no to you.
The movie finishes and you notice him staring at your breasts again “Y/n we should get started soon on the tutoring.” Internally you roll your eyes. “Okay let’s start” you give him a fake smile. You both sit on the living room floor but this time you’re really close to jaemin. Knees touching, close.
After the tutoring is over, you decide that you want to tease him more. You can visibly see his hard cock through his pants. “Jaeminnie what’s that all about? Hm?” You point to his boner. He looks so embarrassed you try not to laugh. “Ive gotta go. have… fun” as you’re walking out, you drop your phone -on purpose- to bend over in front of him to pick it up. You swear you hear a whimper leave his lips. You turn and look at him, look at his boner, then smirk and walk out.
As you’re getting ready for bed you check the discord server.
Jaemin 🐰: you guys won’t believe what just happened.
You smile to yourself and go to sleep, happy that your plan is working.
You sigh happily realizing it’s Saturday morning and that you have no late work to catch up on. *DING* you get a text message.
Jaem 🤓: hey y/n do you wanna hang with me and my friends today? I understand if you say no but I genuinely like spending time with you.”
You stare for a second then start typing.
You: Yea sure I have nothing better to do, when and where??”
Jaem 🤓: We’re going to the mall today, the one near that sm building.
Jaem 🤓: I’ll pick you up if you want, but we’re leaving in a couple minutes.
You: I hate last minute things, but I’ll go for you I guess.
You get out of bed brush your teeth and get ready. You choose a cute skimpy but subtle skirt and a tight fitting shirt.
*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* You get up to go open your door to see Jaemin and Haechan there. Jeno is waiting in the car.
“I never imagined I’d be hanging out with losers like you to be completely honest” and you look at the 3 of them. “Thanks” haechan hays sarcastically. You try not to giggle. Little did you know, you would start to hang out with them regularly and the 4 of you become best friends.
You guys arrive at the mall and jaemin opens the door for you. “Thanks jaem” you smile at him.
You all are walking around the mall, buying what you like. It must be a coincidence that all of you have money to spend for fun. Not many other college students could go out and do stuff like this. All 4 of you decide to go sit somewhere to eat. Jaemin offers to pay for you and you turn down at first, then he insists. You can’t turn down free food.
As you’re all sitting down, all 3 of them go on their phones and start texting. You also open your phone to check for any missed notifications. A notification from discord pops up and you look at them.
Jaemin 🐰: thanks for the idea of inviting y/n jeno, Ive been wanting to hang out with her for fun for a while now.
Jeno 🐶: no problem. I figured it would be a good idea.
Haechan 🐻: I see the way you keep looking at her from behind jaemin
Jaemin 🐰: I can’t help it, she looks so fucking good.
You smile. “What are you smiling so hard at y/n” Jeno asks you with a sly smirk. “Um, nothing.” You shut ur phone off and look at him. “Do you have a boyfriend?” Jaemin asks a little too quickly. You give him a judging look then reply with a simple “no” he looks back at his phone. “Why do you ask?” He just looks at you. “Yeah jaemin why DO you ask, huh?” Haechan says, instigating. “Nothing I’m just curious about my friend, that’s all.” You look across the table and see jeno with an amused look on his face. You know jaemin has taken a liking to you from sneaking around on discord. It’s just fun getting a raise on him. And you can’t lie, you think you’re starting to like him too, he’s pretty handsome and the more you get to know him, the more likable he gets. But you deny yourself of those feelings.
Later on you get dropped off at home and have a great idea.
Jaemin gets a notification that you’ve texted on his phone.
Y/n 💕: Attachment: *video*
He clicks on it and it’s a video of you knuckles deep inside of your pussy. Your fingers sliding in and out of you at a fast pase. Your moans so cute and quiet, your words so dirty and sinful. The words “It feels so good” slips out of your mouth. The way you curl your fingers inside of you is enough to make his cock as hard as it can get. You then pull out a vibrator and put it on your clit all while your fingers are still working inside of you. Your head falls back and you let out a choked sound of pleasure.
Another notification pops up.
You lie.
He starts typing back, then stops. You wait for a reply. After 20 minutes of waiting he finally sent something back.
Jaem 🤓 : Attachment *video*
The video starts with him pushing his boxers down. When his dick springs out it hits his beautiful abdomen. He starts rubbing his thumb over his tip. His cock is fucking huge. His whimpers, his fucking breaths, him. His hand now pumping his dick fast. The sound of his hand going up and down his cock is so sexy. After a while of him playing with his dick, his orgasm hits, his white cum spurting all over his abs and chest.
Jaem 🤓: you lie too much
You: and you love it, goodnight baby
You wake up the next morning to see so many discord notifications. You scroll to the top.
Jaemin 🐰: I want her body so bad, her pussy, so beautiful, she’s just absolutely perfect. Everything about her. She’s just amazing. I’ll do anything to touch her.
You smile and go to text jaemin.
You: good morning jaem, how did you sleep?
Jaem 🤓: I slept so well, especially after your little show.
You: did you like it?
Jaem 🤓: I fucking loved it. I wanna see it in person.
You: I wanna touch you so bad baby
Jaem 🤓: come over?
You: only if u pick me up 🤷 I didn’t plan on going anywhere today, but for u? Yea, I’ll go out 😋
Not even 15 minutes later you get a text that he’s here. You run out to the car and see jaemins handsome bright smile. You get into the passenger seat and immediately put your hand on his crotch. “Jaemin i know what you do to my pics.” He just looks at you. “When I came over for the first time. I saw jeno and haechans messages. You couldn’t help yourself could you? You’re a pervert. All those times during us hanging out that you had to use the bathroom? I know what you were doing. You’re a loud moaner.” He’s completely speechless.
As you’re both driving to his house you can’t stop looking at the outline of his hard cock.
You both arrive to his house and immediately after he locks the door you pounce on him and you both land on the couch and you rub your clothed pussy against his raging boner. You attach your lips to his and your tongues battle. For a loser like him you didn’t expect him to have so much skill in kissing. His tongue all over your mouth. His dick twitching against you.
You hop off of him to slide his pants and boxers down. You take his balls into our hand and fondle with them. You look up and see his bottom lip tucked in between his teeth. “Please y/n” he moans. “Please what baby? tell me what you want me to do with you.” It feels good to have him wrapped around your finger like this. “I want you to touch me more.” “Where? Where do you want me to touch you? Here?” You wrap your hand around his hard cock. “Or here?” You reach your hand up to his nipple and flick it a few times.
You learned just then and there that he has sensitive nipples. You smirk up at him. “Baby you need to answer me. Where do you want me to touch you?” He looks at you with desperate eyes. “Please touch my dick and nipples y/n please.” His begging is making you soak your panties in arousal. You grab the base of his cock in your hand and go up and down as you lean your head up to lick his nipple, tongue working all around the sensitive area. His dick twitching in your hand. His eyes are glossed with tears. “Please let me inside of you.” He looks down at you. You pull your panties off and tease him some more. “Please, your bra” “my bra what?” “Off” you laugh at him. You want to humiliate him. It’s so hot seeing him so desperate for your touch. You unclip your bra and toss it to him. He catches it and stares at you with complete lust.
“You’re such a slut jaem, your nipples and your dick, they’re so hard. I’ve barely touched you baby, you really are a perv, aren’t you?” You look at him with a sarcastic frown. He shakes his head. “I’m not a pervert.” You giggle at his tear stained face. “If you’re not a pervert then why do you beat your dick to my instagram posts? Hm? Isn’t that what perverts do?” He just looks at you with his eyebrows knitted. “Do you like when I do this?” You take his nipple in your mouth again and lightly graze your teeth on it. He let out a very loud and powerful moan. “I think I should call you out on your perverted ways more often, look at how hard it gets you baby.” You flick his cock and his mouth falls agape. “Does my baby like pain?” You squint at him. His chest falling up and down due to the deep mess of his arousal.
“Please y/n touch me. Touch my dick and my chest. Please touch it all. Touch me.” You smirk and nod. You take his balls in your mouth and suck them. You wanna get him all worked up. You sit up and you lean down to take his cock into your mouth and swirl your tongue around his tip. You take him out of your mouth then slowly straddle him, aligning your pussy and his dick together. You slowly lower yourself on him and feel his cock stretching you out. You lean your head down to the crook of his neck and let out a quiet moan.
“Start moving jaem please” you breathe out near his ear. he starts moving his hips up and down, hitting your g-spot with ease. The room is full of the noises of your moans and the noise of jaemins skin on yours. you reach down to play with your clit to further your pleasure.
Jaemin starts getting sloppy with his thrusts, so you know hes about to cum. You rub your clit faster and connect your lips to his. This kiss was even better than before, you were both in sync with eachothers movements and it felt like magic. When you disconnected your lips there was a trail of saliva still connected to both of your lips. you orgasm first, and jaemin follows after you, he pulls out and his cum comes shooting onto your abdomen. you fall onto his body, breathless. both of you embracing each other. you sit up from hugging him and look at the mess you both made. you both look at each other and giggle like kids.
Jaemin looks you in your eyes and you look back at him“I love you y/n” “i love you too Jaem”
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All rights reserved © haechannielove
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puffpasstea · 1 year
A/N: I can’t sleep so here’s part 1 of 2 of this request. Please let me know what you think! This is the first one shot I’m writing in, like, a month and a half. So I’m a bit rusty. Feedback would be very much appreciated. warnings: smalllllll mention of smut kinda. ———
I sat in bed with my legs crossed watching as Harry went around the room, packing up his gym and work bags, getting ready for his day. I had the day off, thankfully, but I’d woken up feeling sad and vulnerable for reasons I couldn’t quite put into words. I wished he’d notice, wished he weren’t leaving, wished he’d give me a hug and tell me everything would be okay anyway. 
He walked over to the nightstand grabbing  his wallet and keys, stuffing them into the pockets of his jeans. “Alright,” he mumbled, “think that’s all.” He glanced down at his hands to make sure  that all his rings were on. “I’m off, then. Unless you need anything before I go?” 
His question made a weak smile appear on my face. He’d developed a habit of asking me that same question any time that he left the house. Usually, if I wanted him to pick up dinner, or if I’d planned on being gone for the day, or needed to remind him of something, that’s when I’d chime in, but none of those things were happening today. What I needed today was different. I just needed him. I wasn’t gonna be needy though. I’d never ask him to drop everything and spend the day with me. Especially not when I didn’t necessarily know why I was feeling so low. 
I simply shook my head. “All good.”
“Alright then.” He gave me a quick kiss on my lips, his skin brushing against mine as he dashed away. “See ya tonight! Love you.” He disappeared out the door. 
“Here you go” I handed Harry a mug of tea, setting mine down on the coffee table and picking up the book I was reading. 
“Thanks babe,” Harry looked away from his laptop for a moment, flashing me a quick smile and accepting the warm beverage.
I stood there for a moment, admiring how beautiful and warm he looked. 
“You good?” His eyebrow shot up as he studied my face. I must have stared a little too long.
I scooted closer to him on the couch, pausing for a moment, wanting to get lay my head on his chest, but not quite knowing if he was in the mood, or if he’d prefer to be left alone with whatever work he was doing on his device. 
“Everythin’ alright?” He repeated. “Why are you looking at me like that….somethin’ on my shirt?” 
“No, no. It’s…nothing.” I decided I didn’t feel brave enough to attempt anything right now, so I redirected my attention to my book, doing my best to ignore the disappointment and embarrassment I was feeling. 
Seconds later, Harry reached out his arm, wrapping it around my waist and pulling me into his side. He adjusted the laptop on his knees so he could still see the screen while resting his head on mine. He could tell. I felt a little silly, but mostly grateful, that he could read me so well. I looked up at him through my lashes, placing a quick kiss to his cheek. He blushed faintly, a chuckle rumbling in his chest. I delighted in the sweet sound of his voice. 
Harry pulled away from this kiss, leaving me breathless and whiny. I’d waited all day for his touch. Within moments of him walking through the door, I was a mess. 
“On the bed.” He commanded. “Face down, ass up, c’mon.”
I knew what this meant. He wanted to go quick. He was in the mood to be rough. Which, ordinarily, would be my preference. Especially when he’d been gone a while, or whenever I knew that he’d had a long, difficult day. The submissive in me always relished the opportunity to be of use to him. To provide him with some stress relief or be of service. Plus, it was much easier for me to be turned on by quick and rough sex. Not tonight though. Tonight, I was craving his touch. I wanted him to go slow, really take his time. I’d spent the day daydreaming about his fingers tracing patterns over my skin, his soft lips slightly wet and puffy from biting on them, the scent of his cologne, the way he throws his head back in pleasure when he cums. I wanted him to hold my hand as he thrusted into me. I wanted to see the look in his eyes when it happened. 
Hey, what’s the matter?” His face softened when it took me a minute to follow his orders. 
“You seem….uncomfortable, everything alright?” I wasn’t sure how to answer that. Yes I was uncomfortable but yes everything was alright. 
“Yeah- uh, I’m okay.” I shuffled to my feet to get on the bed and do as he said. 
“Hold on,” his hand on my waist stopped me. “Are you sure you wanna do this? Cuz, we can stop if you want to.” His smile soft despite the fact that he was clearly nervous. 
I- uh, no. We don’t have to stop, I could just-“
“We’re stopping.” He stated. 
“But, Harry-“
“What you’re color?”
“Color, Matilda!”
“You actually mean red. I can see it in your eyes. We’re stopping.”
“No- we could just take a break-“
“Hey, listen, if you’re not into it, I’m not into it. End of discussion.” He stood up, looking around the room for his discarded shirt. 
“I’m so sorry, Harry. I’m just-“
“Hey, Alice,listen to me,” he paused, walking over to my side of the room and towering over me, his gaze intensely fixing me in place. “never apologize for not wanting sex. You hear me? Never.”
Speechless, I simply nodded. 
His face softened; he closed the space between us, holding my face in his hands and kissing me slow. “We can just do something else, if y’want.”
“Y-yeah. I’d like that.”
Despite his assurance, I felt guilt bubble in my chest. 
“I wanna talk to you about something.” Harry announced, watching my reaction carefully in the bathroom mirror. “But, uh, please don’t take this the wrong way…” he looked down at the array of skin products on his side of the bathroom counter, and selected a few. 
 “Harry, you’re scaring me.” I put down my toothbrush and awaited his next words. 
“It’s nothing scary! I’ve just noticed- how do I put this delicately? Uhh, well, babe, you never really speak up about stuff.”
“Excuse me?”
“Like you never tell me what you need.”
“You sound just like my therapist.” I rolled my eyes, attempting to deflect with a laugh that u was trying way too hard to make sound playful.
Harry, on the other hand, didn’t crack a smile. 
“‘S somethin’ I’ve noticed.”
“Wha-what’s your point, Harry?” I looked down at the floor, mindlessly fiddling with the bracelet on my wrist in a nervous motion. 
“When you’re sick, or in pain, you don’t say anything. Just suffer in silence. Until I put two and two together and ask you about it. In an argument, you shut me out when you’re upset. You’d rather storm out of the house than talk about it….if  you wanna cuddle, or something, you never ask.”
I felt embarrassed and betrayed. Like he had given away a personal secret of mine. Like I was on some sort of trial and he was reading off the list of my offenses. “And- what? You’re saying that bothers you?”
“I’m just trying to understand why…”
I shrugged, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. 
“Do I not let you speak?” He offered a suggested explanation. His suggestion made my heart break inside my chest.
“What?! N-no! You do. Of course you do!”
The urgency in my voice seemed to reassure him. He sighed. “Cuz…I never want you to feel like I won’t listen.”
“It’s not that, Harry. I promise. It’s just…” I didn’t know how to finish that sentence. I wasn’t sure I had a reason. 
Harry reached out his arms, extending a hand for me to take and pulled me over to him, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me so our bodies were glued together. He rested his forehead on mine for a moment, before kissing me. “Talk to me, baby.”
“It’s not that you don’t give me the space to talk, it’s that I don’t know how to use it whenever you do.” My voice was thin and shaky, I laid my head against his chest as he leaned against the bathroom sink.
Harry was quiet for a long moment, simply taking in my confession. 
“You’ve never done this before, have you? The serious relationship thing.”  he announced, as if making a discovery. 
I shook my head, once again feeling embarrassed and small against his overwhelming openness. Even though I didn’t have the exact words or the courage to say it out loud, the truth was, no one had ever bothered to ask me what I needed before. It simply never occurred to me that it’s something he’d actually want to know. Nor did I know how to express it.
“But, baby I worry about you.” He admitted. “I worry that if I miss something, you just won’t tell me, and you’ll keep it inside and let it hurt you. Don’t want you to feel alone. Not when I’m right here.”
It hadn’t occurred to me that my reticence had been causing him to worry. It’s like my not wanting to be a burden was itself a burden. 
“I’m sorry.” I mumbled. 
He walked us over to the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed and gesturing for me to join him. 
“I want to help. How can I help? Somethin’ I can do to make you more comfortable? Doesn’t have to be talkin.’ We could….come with with some sort of system. Like cards maybe? Or, like send me texts if that’s easier than saying things out loud? Or we could-“
“Slow down, Harry. Please!” I could tell that this was important to him, and that he was making a genuine effort to be supportive with what limited information I was willing to give up. The least I could do is meet him halfway. So, with a shaking, broken voice, I mustered all the courage I had. “D-do you…do you remember, the other day, when- umm…when we were gonna have sex? You know, after you came home from work, and- uhh. You know. But then we stopped? C-cuz I wasn’t feeling it?”
“Mhm.” He nodded, his eyebrows knitted together, his lips tight. 
“I- umm- I actually did want to have sex. I, just— I just kind of wanted us to go slow and s-sof-t instead. I, I know- I know I don’t usually want that sort of thing. And, I- guess I was scared you’d say no.” I felt tears sting the backs of my eyes, cutting my voice off. I shrugged. “I don’t know that what I’m saying helps anything, but…”
“N-no, it helps! Really. Thank- thanks for telling me.”  It was obvious Harry didn’t know what to make of what I’d said, but he was determined to keep encouraging me. I felt touched by his earnestness. 
After a moment of thinking, he spoke again. “So… what I’m hearing is that you’re scared of how I might respond if you do speak up. Is that correct?”
I nodded but soon realized how bad that sounded. “It’s not that you’ve ever given me reason to  be scared. Cuz you haven’t. Ever! Really! I need you to believe that, okay? Please!”
“Hey, it’s okay. I believe you.” He placed an arm over my shoulder, squeezing it gently. “I’m not taking this personally, I promise.” He kissed my cheek chastely. 
“Thank you for not taking it personally.” Tears began to pool in my eyes, I pretending not to notice them spilling over my waterline. 
“How about this? I’ll make more of an explicit effort to be reassuring.” Harry spoke, courteously looking away as I wiped my tears and saving me the indignity of crying as he watched. “I’ll remind you more often that you don’t have to worry about my reaction to your needs. I promise to always respect how you feel.”
“Harry, I don’t know what to say. You’re ama-“
“Oh, but I’m not done! You have to do something too.”
“What’s that?”
“You have to try to speak up too. If you’re scared, just tell me you’re scared and we can take it from there. Okay? Promise me you’ll try?”
“Good. We’ll give it a shot for a bit, and see how things go?”
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jujumin-translates · 1 year
Event | Special Edition: Snowfall Street | Chapter 8
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Director: (It’s already the final day… It went by so quickly. It was a short stay, but still a fulfilling one.)
Director: (And then there was Tsukumo-san who ended up helping Homare-san and Muku-kun. It was quite the surprise to find out he was the manager of a theater.)
Director: (I’ll have to thank Tsukumo-san again for helping the two of them. And we’ll definitely have to come back again to see his theater!)
Misumi: Director-sa~n!
Sakuya: Good morning!
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Muku: Good morning.
Director: Good morning, guys. Is your foot better, Muku-kun?
Muku: It is! The swelling has already gone down and it feels a lot better.
Muku: It’s all thanks to Tsukumo-san for patching me up and Arisu-san for carrying me through the snow.
Homare: Well, I just did the natural thing to do.
Taichi: It’s still so sad that we’ve gotta leave already~!
Azami: A couple more days woulda been nice.
Director: Right? Anyway, we still have some work to do.
Muku: We still have to film some stuff for the MANKAI Channel.
Homare: You’re quite right, there’s no time to mourn yet.
Sakuya: Yeah! Let’s make a fun video!
Director: Alright, let’s head out right away.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Taichi: Hah~, I’m stuffed…! Having a full stomach is the best~!
Sakuya: I’m glad everyone got to try those seafood bowls Taichi-kun wanted to try so badly.
Azami: Should we get started on the video?
Taichi: Yeah!
Director: (Everyone seems happy. Just like Taichi-kun said before, looks like this is gonna be a lively travel vlog.)
Director: (As the one behind the camera, I’ll have to do my best to capture everyone’s best angles.)
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Misumi: It snowed a lot yesterday, but it’s pretty nice out today~.
Homare: Yes, much of the snow that fell in the town yesterday still lingers.
Azami: It’s pretty nice snow too.
Muku: With this much snow, we could make a pretty big snowman.
Taichi: Eh! No way, you really think so!?
Muku: Eh?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Taichi: ‘Kay, there we go~! Let the doubles snowman building contest begin~!
Taichi: The pairs will be Homare-san and Mucchan, Me and A-chan, and Sakkun and Misumi-san…
Taichi: Let’s find out which team has the best ideas and can make the coolest snowman!
Sakuya: Let’s do out best!
Misumi: ‘Kaay, we’re not gonna lose~!
Azami: A snowman, huh… Kinda a pain in the ass, but let’s do this.
Taichi: Alright, and for the one to signal the start… Mucchan!
Muku: O-Okay! Alright then… Start!
Misumi: Go!
Homare: First we must roll snowballs for the body and head. Thus, I’ll begin to roll and roll and roll…
Muku: The snowball is getting bigger and bigger! I bet we can make a really big snowman.
Azami: I’ll look for some sticks and leaves to decorate the snowman.
Taichi: ‘Kay! While you do that, I’ll make a super cool body for the snowman!
Taichi: I’m gonna make it built like Omi-kun and Juza-san, a super buff snowman!
Azami: The hell.
Misumi: Hey, hey, Sakuya, can we make a triangle Mr. Snowman~?
Sakuya: That sounds great! Of course we can!
Sakuya: Then how about we make the body round… But then we can put a triangular hat on its head?
Misumi: Yeah, I wanna do that! Let’s make some triangle buttons too~.
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Muku: Arisu-san, I found a branch that could work for this little guy’s hand!
Homare: Oh, how marvelous! His face is shaping up quite nicely.
Homare: Look at his face, isn’t it both graceful and charming simultaneously?
Muku: It really is! And super cute too!
Director: (Everyone looks like kids playing in the snow. Their smiles are all so nice… I’m so glad we came.)
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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senjuushi · 2 years
Translation: Ghost Episodes
Ghost... poor, sweet Ghost. XD He's so sad and so, so angry. I love this spiteful little man dearly... He's hilarious, but you can't help but feel bad for how neglected he is.
It's been a while since I translated old game content, but I'm hoping to get through the rest of the Moderns' episode stories soon~
Episode 1: “The spy saw it! ~I’ll curse you...~”
...h, really... ...t’s... That old man, he lost sight of me, and left me behind on the battlefield.
It’s all because of those Resistance guys, sparklin’ so brightly... The hell’s with that? I’m gonna go blind.
It’s seriously obnoxious... I’ll curse them. 
Because a’ their out-of-nowhere attack, the pasta for lunch wound up overcooked...
And when I tried ta’ tell a funny story I’d picked up, the joke fell totally flat.
If you trace it back, it’s all the Resistance’s fault. That’s why I’ve decided... I’ll curse ‘em all ‘til kingdom come...!
And if the Resistance is destroyed, that person’ll be able to sleep soundly too.
Still, that guy’s got strange taste.
Out of all the choices he has, why’d he wanna keep a weak shadow of a gun like me in the World Empire, I wonder?
Somethin’ like me, only produced as a prototype, as unimportant as it gets...
And yet, he still went to the trouble of havin’ bullets produced just for me... All I can say is that he’s got strange taste.
...well, whatever. He’s the one who noticed me, an’ that’s all the reason I need to follow him.
Alright, gotta pull myself together... First of all, I’ll go n’ find that old man.
Episode 2: “The spy saw it! ~The unseen Musketeer~”
Ghost: ...y....hey... ...y... hey, listen. C’mon, you. Pay attention. 
Soldier: Huh... whoah!? Ghost-san, when did you get here!?
Ghost: I’ve been here the whole time. Anyway, it seems like you’ve been searchin’ for me for a while now. What for?
Soldier: Oh, that’s right! As of today, a new wanted person list has been issued, so please keep it with you.
Soldier: This one... I hear that he was in communication with the Resistance, and leaked information about a base’s floor plan. 
Ghost: Hm... another betrayal. I guess he got drawn in by those sparklin’ things too.
Ghost: Feels like a bug tryin’ to get close to a light, if even for an instant. 
Ghost: And with wanted posters goin’ round the Empire like this, he’ll be found in no time.
Ghost: ...although, I guess I’m kinda jealous of being noticed by so many people.
Ghost: If it was me on the wanted list... Even if I was right in front of you, you still wouldn’t notice me, huh?
Soldier: No, of course I would! Or at least, I think...
Ghost: It’s fine, it’s fine. For some reason, I’ve just got zero presence. Damn it...
Ghost: The Resistance, their Musketeers, an’ the guy on the wanted list... I’m cursing every last one of ‘em.
Episode 3: “The spy saw it! ~The one who found him~”
Ghost: ...it, ...who...took... Who was it this time? It was Belga again, wasn’t it... whoah!?
Eins: ...mh! You’re not hurt, are you, Ghost? You need to look ahead when you walk.
Ghost: Eins-oniisan... my apologies. 
Eins: It’s nothing to worry about. I’m glad you’re not hurt.
Ghost: I’m... It’s normal for people to notice somethin’ after they bump into it, but...
Ghost: You’re the only one who notices before you run into me. You’re truly a good person... Bless you.
Eins: Hahaha! It’s alright, really.
Ghost: Yeah, that’s... hm? You’re alone today. Weird.
Ghost: Usually, F or Fal is stickin’ real close to you. 
Ghost: It’s gotta be tough to have those two clingin’ to ya all the time.
Ghost: If it suits ya, so they won’t get close anymore...I’ll curse ‘em.
Eins: What’s the problem, though? Having such brilliant people always by my side is a huge help, you know.
Ghost: ...hmm, really? If you’re okay with it, I won’t interfere.
Eins: That matter aside, though... Earlier, you said that I was the only one to notice you, correct?
Eins: Do you not have anyone you can rely on? Come to me if you’re feeling lonely. I’ll stand by you.
Ghost: Hieee...! This is scary, my heart’s beatin’ like crazy.
Ghost: Sayin’ such nice things to me... I’m moved.
Ghost: ...alright, I’ve decided. If you ever need anythin’, I’ll be there to stand by you too.
Ghost: With my curses, of course... Heheheh...!
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lets-talk-spirituality · 11 months
Hello! Can i get a message from my sm please? I hope you're good 💗
Hi! I heard a voice begin speaking when I saw this message today. Here’s what came up:
Hello love
How’re you this evening (thick non-posh British accent, smacking gum) Me? I’m alright. Just been bopping about town, getting up to some shenanigans. (Images of them like walking in a circle with their finger trailing on the table, it’s coming in circularly) You’re only young once you know. (Wearing black leather jacket, black jeans, very like throwback to the 50s vibe, black and white striped shirt) And I for one intend to live it up (very flirty). Just been partying a bit, having a good time (they come across as sort of manipulative, I feel like they’re avoiding something and are like walking around topics). Yeah maybe I am avoiding something but I don’t want to talk about it. I already know what to do. It’s a time thing. So yeah, it’s maybe eating me up inside a bit but it’s fine. I’ll get through it. (Avoiding emotions, do you do this too? I’m feeling like this is showing up to mirror something to you?)
Reading notes:
Their energy is super weird. Like smooth and serpentine. Like very much a person who knows how to maneuver people, but I think that energy is slicked over someone with some sort of deep pain going on beneath the surface, but they are hiding it behind this sly sort of charm. It was really weird to read them. I feel like this may be the energy of a person you will meet much later in life. The energy they are in now is very low vibe like player energy, very disconnected from their spirit which is why I think this connection is a ways off for you.
I think soon this person will be jolted into a different reality where they have to let this mask go. I think it felt so unsettling to me because their soul and their mask have some sort of karmic tie, like normally I see peoples souls or higher selves which is how they explain so much, but this one it’s like the higher self can’t come through fully. It’s somehow connected to this weird sly persona.
It took me a bit to get below it but below it is just this deep sadness, I’m not sure if someone died, they seem like the type who has never really had parents or any sort of support really. There’s this vast sadness I felt in them. That’s part of what ties them to the mask is this void they feel within, they don’t feel it when they pretend to be someone else. That’s why it felt so icky! This sly persona I don’t like energetically. It feels just slimy. It’s like they have two selves. The true self that’s hidden beneath the mask that is a character they created, I’m getting this character has a completely different name, like this person becomes someone else. Weird. It was such a strange feeling okay. It’s a survival tactic but I think soon they’re gonna begin working on connecting these two selves and doing the shadow and integration work they need to.
Card Pull
Work Your Light Oracle
It took a minute for this card to fly out so I think this is confirming what I’m saying about this weird connection between your person and this persona. Like they’re clinging to the persona and the universe is trying to whip it away. I think they’re scared of losing this part of themselves because it has kept them safe.
Transformation—things are changing at a cellular level. Deep healing.
Yeah this confirms to me what I’m saying that they are about to or are currently going though something that is making them transform. Like the fact I could get through to the soul at all shows that they are already doing some of the work, but something big and painful is coming on their path that is really gonna make them integrate the two. It will take this level of pain for the false mask to be destroyed. Kinda like how in cartoons you hit your head and lose your memory so if you hit it again, you get the memory back. It’s like this. To break the mask created by pain, the pain of the break must be equal.
How can K help their SM at this time?
Chakra Exploration Deck
These cards took a minute to come out so I’m feeling that you are not meant to focus on this person at this time but instead focus on yourself. This chakra and work that you do for you will also help your person, but do it for yourself.
Crown Chakra— where is despair and lack of faith showing up in your present reality?
Mantra: I possess unshakable faith in the divine hidden order around me. I cultivate hope that heals, inspires & births miracles into form.
So I’m getting that you need to work on trusting more in the goodness of life and that things can become better. This is blocking you from blessings. One of the ways you can work to heal this is by brightening up your living space, like go buy flowers and have plants in your house that you can watch grow and thrive, get a pet or volunteer with an animal organization. These can help you bring some hope to your life. Maybe paint as well.
This song came to mind while I was making this post
This came through during the transformation card
This came through at the very end of the reading
Some very interesting insights came up during this reading. I highlighted them. Thanks for the chance to read for you, K! Strange reading I know but would love to know how this connects at all.
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hongism · 1 year
honestly i expect nothing short of a masterpiece the moment i saw the notification. YOU! DO! NOT! DISAPPOINT! EVER! MISS CALY!!!
before getting into the crazier bits of this chapter, i wanna acknowledge how much you’ve grown as a writer during this series 🥹 recently i started re-reading some of the older moc chapters, and not to say that your writing wasn’t great before in any way, but the way you write now is so much more refined and beautiful, and i guess some of that is also attributed to how intense the story line and characters have developed. seriously, i’m so grateful to be able to read something and feel just how much effort and love the author has poured into in. now i can go on and on about praising your talent but i digress for the sake of discussing more… pressing issues that goes on here :)
now that jisung, hyunwoo and even hyunjin (sadly) has reached their demise, it finally dawns on me that this really is an end of an era. we spent like the past 1 or 2 maybe even 3 acts going through a gazillion emotional roller coaster rides all caused by jisung, but now is it weird that i’m kinda sad that he’s gone? it’s a perfect ending since jisung will probably never get his redemption even if he lives, but idk, i think it’s kinda depressing how love makes you do crazy shit :/ hyunwoo, on the other hand, BYE YOU ASS LMFAO WELL DESERVED. the only thing that dude has is the fucking audacity until the very last minute.
the action scene was beyond immaculate just as the emotional ones and there’s no doubt about that. im writing this with metaphorical tear streaks down my face and a broken heart after reading the whole chapter. you’ve got a way with words that can make me feel like i’m living and breathing in this fictional world. also, can we talk about this:
“Give me what’s mine first”
“Let her go immediately, you dog, or I’ll put a bullet in your head too.”
WELL GOD DAMN SIR. i’m gonna be fr and say i was SO certain we’re finally gonna get the infamous, long-awaited scene that must not be named between captain and ghost, but that’s on for me for not taking the slow burn warning more seriously lol. BUT there is still hope, i mean our mc would not be our mc if she can resist temptations and mind her own business yk.
"All these pit stops, huh? You sure she's the one trying to save you here, Captain? Because it looks an awful lot like that's what you're trying to do to her instead."
“I'm going, I'm going!”
and THIS IS ADORABLE OMG?!/?? i swear this whole part and the next part here is a prophecy that they’re gonna get it.
Yet, what you see before you is a trap, one carefully set by a vulnerable yet volatile man who could easily turn the situation into one that is advantageous to him permanently and you briefly. You imagine he has been in this position before — one where he can take as he pleases without thinking of the consequences of his actions — and where you stand, in a vulnerable spot yourself, you feel that tug to be near someone on equal footing. Wonder persists in your mind as you question where that is how Yunho initially fell into bed with him some time ago, or even further back to the first time Seonghwa was with him.
my girl has got some resolve and dignity alright, but we’ll see how long that lasts hahasksjak. we still probably got around 100 more chapters lol but just so you know, you’re gonna have to expect more than a broken askbox when that happens. everyone here will go so insane we might accidentally report you for emotional damage /hj. this is more than enough rambling but PLEASE I CAN NOT WAIT FOR MORE YOU’RE A LITERAL GODSEND THANK YOU LOVE YOU <3 - 🌊
OMGOMG okay i’ve been trying to answer this ask for like 2-3 weeks now but tumblr kept making it disappear from my inbox i was legit losing my mind?? but god bless today... today it worked... so finally i can respond... 
thank you for waiting for me so sorry tumblr was a bitch and didn't let me respond sooner </3 i was legit so sad it kept disappearing bc i wanted to answer SO BAD LSKDFJFLK thank you thank you first off in this past few days i'e received so much lvoe and compliments on my writing, and i've been told many lovely things and i know you sent this ask a while back but man it still means so much to me i'm still so grateful the words hold just as much meaning to me i really truly appreciate them and you!!!
now onto the spoiley bits... you're spot on! this is the end of an arc in its own regard where we've been in this storyline for such a long while by now that it's a bit like wow! that's over! i've been loving seeing the mixed bag of reactions about jisung, truly, the overwhelming majority are upset over his death even if he was a villain in many regards and that is super fascinating to me and frankly that was my goal i was trying to achieve! switching the perspectives of jisung vs hyunwoo, i wanted to play with that concept and i couldn't be happier with the outcome!
hongjoong and mc have such a fun dynamic and push-and-pull to play with too i adore it and i adore seeing everyone react to that as well, especially with recent chapters ofc.. but she's a strong one! she's resisting well! she's still got her resolve and her dignity both buttttt we'll see how much longer that lasts :3
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letstrywritingmaybe · 6 months
Starting to think me being productive is the reason for my sports woes, so maybe I should stop writing. Meanwhile I finally wrote snow on the beach for midnights. I’m gonna chill for real though and read my books I got from the library that I haven’t touched yet
Update: I know I said no writing. But I just have to note googling lawyer from reading through emails to make sure they’re not divorce lawyers as an idea. Group chat convos that are not fandom related can also lead to great inspo
Update 2: still very much stuck on this ship and got no reading done. It hasn’t even been a full day. Good news is I wrapped all of my Christmas presents! And I have no desire to write so I guess I’m still going strong on the no more writing and see if that ends my sports woes. Will still be doing my regular updates though. And while I’m here, I reread my green card au today and it’s so self indulgent, I’m so happy I wrote it. I was kinda stressed while writing it and I wasn’t super happy with the ending at first, but when I went to reread it today I was like you know what? This reads like a shitty drama, and I’m okay with that. I mean I used to watch terrible dramas all the time, and I liked some of them. They can’t compare to the really good ones, but they have their moments. So yeah. I’m glad I wrote it and included American references cause it’s what I know
Update 3: I know I have no business saying shit cause I’ve written it before, but idk if I could see them cheating tbh. At least not in canon, which kinda gave me an idea that’s semi similar to a fic I read before… but I digress cause I’m still on my own writers strike. I think I’ve been ruined by the summer series and the vampire diaries, I’m really not fond of brothers fighting for the same person. Even if that person is my queen, it’s just so messy! So awkward too once you get past the initial stuff that people find intriguing about love triangles. Best case scenario in my eyes will always be the person they fight over doesn’t choose either and the brothers are cool again. But that never happens. I’m very family oriented so it just makes me sad to think that it fucks everything up. I know I’ve written about messy ship drama, but I don’t think I’m fond of reading it. Even when I’m writing it myself I’m kinda just like why is this happening? I don’t enjoy the process, but sometimes the story calls for it. Cause my fics write themselves and have a mind of their own. Idk I would just rather it be a non family member fighting for my queen. Plus in the context of shinshi versus CoShi, shinshi wins every time for me. I like when they both take the antidote or they both stay as their shrunken forms. I like when they’re equals. It’s literally the reason why I’ve never written a ShinAi fic despite it being popular. I hate the idea of it. I’m such a hater of the canon ship that I hate them even getting a shot for like ten years while my queen doesn’t get to move on. That’s so unfair. I would much rather she get to date and try and fall in love with other people too, instead of just waiting for him to turn around and realize he loves her. *sigh I just read some fics and I’m having mixed feelings, so I’m venting here cause I’m not an asshole who says mean shit in comments. Easiest way to get on my shit list is to hide behind screens and spread hatred, we get enough of that irl
Update 4: I was onto something about not writing to end my sports woes! My pens won!!! And we scored TWO Power Play Goals!!!! And a shortie!!! And it was big Jeff Carter!??!!?? Alright, I guess I should never write again. But to celebrate I will probably post the last chapter of devour so I can wrap up another wip
0 notes
h0ney-mochi · 8 months
honey hiii <33 i remember you mentioned not being so well so i hope you’re alright now?? or at least i hope it got a bit better <33
i’m in school again.. ugh i CAN’T believe my holidays are already gooone :(((( *whining*
i must admit i expected a bit worse though. (i had already bought anxiety pills). things aren’t THAT bad. math is still complicated for me and a bit boring tbh, but psychology is fun as always even if it takes lots of work and effort but it’s worth it tbh. i still do tense up whenever school is mentioned though..
to get stuff off my mind, whenever i’m not studying or hanging out with friends, i’m drawing or writing which i love SO MUCH. like, i finally feel like i’m being a tiny bit productive somehow?? also i’m going back to my bookclub today, i can’t wait to see my friends there <33 i missed them so much man. a shame we only see each other at the bookclub cuz i really like them a lot. there’s this boy who’s one year younger than me and we have this kinda playful rivalry i’d say, like we always tease each other and call each other names and stuff and idk i love it. oh and of course there’s this girl jkdhsjs <333 we used to talk about manga after the bookclub, she usually asked me to spoil tpn for her cuz she liked spoilers. can’t wait to see her again <3
also i’m trying to learn how to play the guitar. i can play the piano, kinda, but i really really want to play the guitar because.. idk it just feels like something that’d suit me and i like the idea of saying i’m a guitarist. also my friend (the one who came to sardinia with me this summer) can sing and she promised me she’d form a band with me as soon as i’d learn how to play the guitar :DD so i really gotta learn cuz that sounds AMAZING. i just gotta wait for that time of the day when my family isn’t here so i can practice without them hearing how bad i still am /hj
(my guitar is a classical guitar. i do have an electric guitar, my dad’s, actually, but my headphones don’t have a cable so i can’t connect them to the guitar jdhdhd)
i can’t afford actual lessons because i already have figure skating and those other things so adding a music teacher would be too much. ugh if only i had a real job this isn’t gonna stop me though!! amy macdonald learnt by herself through yt tutorials, and cavetown is self taught as well, so i guess i could try too! :)
still struggling with school though. i think my teachers’ expectations are the issue but i’m not gonna vent dw <33
breaker anon~<3
Omg that sounds lovely!!! Guitar is a fancy instrument and I wish you luck with it! Just don't give up at the first mistakes you do :D I'm sure you'll do it. And ohhhh, the band. That'd be so cool!!!
Our school doesn't have fancy clubs like that, ughhhhhhhh... it sounds so fun! If you guys meet only once a month, then the wait is definitely worth it, each meeting can be something :)))
Yeah, holidays gone and school back is GRRRHHHHH sad, but it'll be alr! You can make more great memories here and there, plus education is needed, even if it's a pain in the ass lol. It's good to hear that things aren't going too bad - math is awful, yep, but what will you do? Good that you've got another thing that you enjoy — even if it can be difficult ^^
Yeah, I can understand. Others' expectations can be really pressuring. But it'll be okay, you just do what you can do- your best !
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kultured-kuromi · 1 year
Tw: heavy vent, topic of suicide, and self harm
I’ve had this in drafts for a few weeks just added on as I felt sad so if it seems jumbled that’s why
Idk how to add the little page break thing on tumblr mobile so if you’re sitting here scrolling for a minute I’m genuinely so sorry
So every winter my depression gets extremely bad as it does with most people so it’s no shocker that I’ve been in a slump for the past month but it’s bad this time the last time I could remember it being this bad was when I went through with my first attempt in 7th grade and I’m ngl I’ve heavily been thinking about trying to make another attempt on my life I don’t only for my younger siblings I can’t handle the thought of them walking in on my dead body which they inevitably would (my brother wakes me up every morning) and everytime I think about this scenario I start spiraling it’s hell but yeah not gonna kill my self ig. I’ve been using quite literally all my strength not to relapse and start self harming again I’ve been clean since November and I’m really trying to break the addiction but it’s so hard and I don’t really have any other coping mechanisms. In all honesty tho the real reason I don’t go back to cutting is bc I threw away what I was using to do it and I have like actual knives but I’m scared of going to deep (kinda ironic ig). So I’ve had a group of friends since last February (feb 2022) there’s been 3 main people with others along as well I don’t feel like going into our whole history but a cliff note version of it is we started hanging out in feb in may I started dating person B in July I broke it off with B and ever since it’s basically been me vs B (the others occasionally joining me) well I started talking to B in November after not talking to him for 2 months and shit was great it was basically how it was back before we got together he even got me a shiny Pokémon for my birthday (which means a lot to me) but practically since it’s been new year’s he went back to how he was in September (when we first stopped talking) just an asshole we obviously were annoyed by each other then we got in a “fight” so we stopped talking again anyways so that was Sunday I didn’t have school Monday but Tuesday and Wednesday he’s still been hanging around my group which is fine they’re his friends to but like I hate it bc they’re not talking to me pretty much at all throughout the day bc the only time I see person A and C person B is also there… it feels like he’s stealing my friends from me even my moirail (person A) is hanging out with him more and they don’t even like him so I feel left out completely I feel invisible and alone but not alone bc when I was alone it didn’t even feel this painful I just sit there in silence tears in my eyes but not letting them fall I stare off into space with one AirPod in trying to now ignore the outside world making little stories in my head with my f/os but in reality I just want my moirail to hug me and let me know everything’s alright and that I’m not losing anyone and that if I were to kill myself they would care they would be upset by it stuff like that but no nothing. I haven’t been able to do any school work bc of my mental state even if I take my meds (adhd meds I should probably clarify) which is weird bc my meds always keep me on track but not now ig fuck for example I have like 6 algebra assignments that become 0s tomorrow and I frankly just don’t care. When people I know tell me they don’t have tiktok i always laugh at them like c’mon it’s not that bad but it is it is that bad for example I posted a few videos of my face today and I got tons of comments fat shamming(which really helps my eating disorder but whatever),being called poor, and genuine trans + homophobia I have some pretty tough skin when it comes to these comments usually but if you haven’t noticed I’m a single problem away from violently killing myself so these comments got so bad that I had to private my account which in my 8-9 years on the internet i have never had to do. I think that’s it idk.
Oh there is actually one more thing I want to mention this happened months ago but has been pissing me off since so to put this lightly I had a dream where Murdoc from Gorillaz sexually assaulted me (yes Ik he would never do this but I can’t control my dreams) I have trauma when it comes to stuff like this bc I was sa’d as a child and I’m on the asexual spectrum so I don’t like to think of my f/os in a sexual light anyways I go to vent in my discord server that has all my friends in it looking for support (even though they were all asleep venting then makes me feel better) so I feel really dirty and sad bc again this was a sa related dream I post a kinda detailed version of the dream in #venting channel then Person B starts typing and replies with “nice fanfic” and I wish I fucking screenshoted that bc wtf dude it’s bc he’s never had/really heard about a sa situation i understand that but still why?
Vent Over
if you read this thanks ig it’s just nice to know an another living body knows my problems so I’m not necessarily suffering alone <3
TL;DR I really need a hug ffs
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deshoveledmess · 2 years
Thinking Thoughts
Gosh… it’s 0532H, a solid 6 and half hours into my midnight duty. It’s a quiet night, lo-fi on the speaker, phone in hand typing out this… whatever this is. The sound of fans in the background, an incinerator plant in the distant lands, the city lights, the vast amount of ships that fill the empty canvas of water behind me, it created an atmosphere that had me feeling like reading up on old text messages. I don’t know what it was, maybe it was a combination of things like watching romance kdramas, not enough data for the month, and the general atmosphere, but here I am.
So I did, and then I started to think. I started to think things again. For the longest while, probably since my enlistment, I’ve pushed myself to stop thinking about too many things. But… on this particular night, I couldn’t possibly turn down the idea of thinking and reflecting a little. A little on my past relationship of sorts.
I had a little collection of roughly 96 screenshots of our past conversations, the oldest of which dated back to May 24, 2016, a little over 8 years as of today’s date August 22, 2022. It had already been that long huh? It was nostalgic reading through those messages. Messages from hangouts, to sms when I had gotten her number, to Imessages when we started to get older, to calling each other, to… going back to being strangers, again.
Reading through these messages almost made me feel like I’d teleported back in time to those youthful and carefree events before I’d be pulled back to face the harsh reality that it was all in the past. A past that I could never go back to. I still wish to know how she’s doing, if school’s been alright, was she struggling with physics, if she’s made new friends yet, so on and so forth. But I guess I’ll never know, huh. It’s definitely not been easy for me to completely ignore the fact that I still had her contact, and I still could message her if I really wanted to. But you know what, it’s been 3 months and we’re still going strong, well kinda strong.
I can’t help but notice the excessive use of “Lol”s in our conversations. She would say it, then I would, then she would… I’m certain that pretty much every sentence we sent probably contained a “Lol” in there. Maybe it was the awkwardness, or maybe it was how I found her laughs and giggles to be quite contagious, even if they were just over text. I could practically imagine it.
When things took a turn for the worse, I clung to these memories, hoping, praying that things would start to be better. Yea, no, it didn’t get better. It never does, does it. After all, this isn’t a kdrama. One of my biggest pains is that I won’t be able to marry this girl, I’m not gonna lie, it still saddens me, saddens me a lot. I went from imagining futures with her by my side, to futures without her existing in my world. The memories I keep are a part of me, they both hold invaluable happiness and gut-wrenching sadness too.
I was scrolling through TikTok the other day, and I happened across 2 particular ones that stuck in my mind. The first was,
“If you wrote a book about falling in love with someone you can’t have, what would the last line be?”
The other, was a quote, a quote from non other than Winnie the Pooh.
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” -Winnie the Pooh
When I read those words on my screen, I just smiled. It was a smile filled with sadness and regrets, but a smile that had told me I had taken a small forward.
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