#i encourage everyone to do their own research on the topic
danswank · 2 years
i do think the like popular thing being to rag on him is a bit much because personally when i dislike something i just keep my mouth shut and move on. however i do dislike brendon and the breaking point for me was when a bunch of shit came out about dallon leaving the band being very motivated by his wife being treated like shit to the point that she didn’t even come on tour anymore for how poorly and grossly she was treated by panic’s manager, who has been their manager since the very beginning. and that same guy has been called out for weird/gross treatment of fans a ton and brendon has always gone to bat for his weird behavior. so that was really what pushed me over the edge but it was something you definitely had to be pretty deep in the panic fandom at the time to have heard about in depth. and i was in deep infatuation with patd for a solid 2 years so yeah there’s that. i know a lot of people dislike him for sa allegations (a twitter thread and a tiktok iirc. sound familiar ?) and also for weird comments he’s made. and a lot of them date back to like 10+ years ago so those i’m like meh but he did as recently as like 2019ish casually drop a transphobic slur during a livestream and also casually dropped the n word while singing along to a song on stream as well. so yeah i See why people dislike him and have my own reasons for it. and i know u weren’t asking for an explanation really but. yeah. i agree with u in the sense that if they really hate him and think he doesn’t deserve a platform then stop namedropping him bc negative clout is still clout. and also that it feels like most of them don’t even know The Lore or why they’re denouncing him. and will add in that any twitter thread u read on “why brendon bad” Always includes “he sa’d ryan ross” which irks me to no end. because they’re referencing how they would like almost kiss and grope each other on stage and shit way back when. and claim it was non consensual and made ryan uncomfortable based on like 1 comment from a single circumstance from the time. and for me that aspect of it is just like At that point in time they were friends and bandmates and u are making a lot of assumptions to be making that claim and making ryan out to be a victim when it’s only really his place to speak on that. ok sorry i just have such a love hate relationship with panic at this point bc of brendon and ryan ross is my parasocial girlfriend. so yeah.
anon i just can’t fight the patd fight i can’t lol
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I'm a student about to start my second year, and me and all my friends are really nervous. It feels like first year was really rough for everyone all over the place and we're all really hoping for a better second year this year! Have lecturers been noticing that too? Do you think it's because of COVID?
Oh my god yes. Jesus yes. It's absolutely the covid effect, and we're expecting to see the disruption for the next five or so years, tbh - the current 18-21 year old undergrads went through the most important years of high school during a lockdown. That not only interrupted academic development (home schooling during a time of stress, massive disruption to exams and exam-taking skills, etc), it also enormously hit emotional development (mid to late teens have the highest socialising needs of the human lifespan, and no one could meet and interact with each other.) And that latter point is having a much bigger effect than the former.
Current undergrads haven't been able to develop the same resilience, the same approach to andragogic education, the same interpersonal skills for dealing with lecturers/fellow students. University is not like school; in school teachers are giving you the knowledge, and gradually encouraging you to try and use it to formulate your own opinions. In university, we're supposed to give you the framework to then go out and do you own research. The bulk of your education comes from you, not us; we're more like facilitators.
But, we're noticing that there's a far bigger skew now towards needing to get the answer right. Anxiety is higher, and so the fear of being wrong is much more crippling for these students, and that in turn means they're less willing/able to take charge of their own education and are more passive with it, wanting to just be fed the right answers so they can rote learn them and get the Good mark. And the disconnect between that and the reality of what lecturers are expecting is pretty big, it turns out, and is causing even more anxiety and stress. Record numbers of my students have started asking me to give their assignment drafts a quick look over, just to see if they're on the right track. Which, you know, I'm more than happy to do; but I do think it's a notable pattern change from three or four years ago.
If you're worrying on a personal level though, Anon, I have some Handy Tips if they're any use!
Remember: the idea of uni is that you are doing your own research and learning on the topics your lecturers describe. They're giving you the basics, but they're expecting you to look up examples, case studies, other research papers, etc. They want to see analysis. That's what gets you the good marks. If you simply describe the information you got in lectures and don't add anything, you'll struggle to rise out of a basic pass.
What's the fundamental point of your particular course? It's important to know this, because it'll tell you how to focus your assessments and exam answers. Just within the environmental sector, you could have Environmental Science (focus: academic exploration and research), Environmental Conservation (focus: applying the academic research to actual management and solutions), Environmental Impacts (focus: philosophy and ethics), etc. In all three, you might be given a paper about the latest IPCC report, but in the first you would focus on exploring all the research papers that formed the conclusion on climate change, in the second you'd focus on case studies around the world and the applicability/feasibility of the shared economic pathways that are going to fix the problem, and in the third you'd focus on the human impacts of both the problem and the proposed solutions. You may of course include elements of all of those, but your main focus should be chosen appropriately.
Keep your notes with copies of the lecture slides in nice ordered folders. Keep a bulleted list of the topics covered in each. This makes it far easier to go and double check the right info when you're stressed out
On that note, the best note-taking system is to add notes/comments to the lecture slides where you record clarifications and things the lecturer said (INCLUDING CASE STUDIES). Don't bother duplicating effort by writing what's on the slide.
I truly do know this is easier said than done, but don't leave your assignments until the last minute. Are you struggling with motivation? You need a study group. You need to body double.
And finally, the biggest: CONTACT STUDENT SUPPORT IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING. Every time I go to an exam board and we get to a student who has failed stuff, the first question the Academic Office asks is "Has this student been working with Student Support?" Even if they aren't that helpful in your uni, working with them means they know about the things you're struggling with, and that you've clearly been trying to work around the problems. That makes the Academic Office far, far more likely to take a lenient view of a student, rather than going "Well, clearly they just don't care then, withdraw them from the program." Your Student Support should be able to help you with counselling, study buddies, a support worker that can help you organise your time and interpret your assignment briefs correctly and give you interim deadlines, etc.
Oh, and remember to schedule in rest and downtime, just as much as study time.
And... honestly, you learned a lot in your first year. The learning curve is less steep in second year, even accounting for the academic rigour increasing. By now, you're basically used to things like referencing, routines, assignment formatting, etc. There are no more surprises, really. Now's the point you can get the bit between your teeth and run.
Anyway: good luck! And enjoy it as much as you can. University is hard, no doubt about that, but it can and should be fun as well.
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iveriee · 8 months
Oh, what about like kidnapping fluff? Like yan!Tom has kidnapped reader and been holding then hostage for awhile and they've finally begun developing feelings/Stockholm syndrome for him and so reader and Tom cuddle and get to know each other a little bit or something?
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★;ANSWER: Of course. I apologise for the late response.
★;CATEGORY: A yandere x Reader
★;PAIRING: Yan! Tom Riddle x Gn!Reader
★;SUMMARY: In which...you, perhaps, submit to his otherworldly tendencies. (May be read as a Sequel to 'Acceptance')
★;PS: This fic contains severe mentions of Stockholm syndrome,obsessive and possesive behaviour, and a slight implication of sexual content. In absolutely NO way do i support or encourage such abusive behavior, this is only for entertainment purposes. I sincerely hope nobody would be offended by this. If I have made any inaccuracies or grammatical incorrections, please let me know as I strive to improve my writing no matter the cause or topic. I have attempted to do the most accurate research on Stockholm Syndrome and it's symptoms, causes, etc as i could. If I have made anything inaccurate, i heavily apologise for it. As I have mentioned before, English is NOT my first language. This may be quite rushed as I have a Hindi Examination to prepare for. I attempted to add a pinch of comedy, however, I must warn you that my humour is equivalent to the Sahara Desert.
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To say what had occured resulted in astonishment would be an utter and complete understatement. Of course that was to nobody's shock, what words could comprehend or convey being locked up in the 'Chamber of Secrets' and, as gruesome as it sounds, having empathy for your very own captor? Perhaps, it wasn't empathy. Perhaps, it could have been just a mere..feeling towards him. After all, Everyone did idolize Tom Riddle. However, could you even have justified your own opinion? You were not aware when such reactions had begun to take place, yet your cheeks began to boil crimson when he was around. Yet you began to tolerate his cloying affection. Yet you began to believe,that, perhaps, it was not so awful as you had painted in your mind like a permanent stamp. Of course, every permanent stamp has a counter spell. Perhaps he was the counter spell in your case.
And Henceforth, out of a quite intrusive thought, you embraced him. As untrue as it sounded, Riddle was startled (if you'd observe potently, that is). In a matter of mere seconds, he reciprocated your embrace, perhaps, tighter. His embrace, however, differed with yours, seemingly, due to his hands clutching you being acquisitive in a manner, unwilling to let go or share.(perhaps, a way to show you were completely and utterly his, and indeed you were). His breath smeared your earlobe, causing embarrassment to plunge your face. "I am flattered to know that you have arrived to your senses, my dearest [Name]." He stated, smirking provocatively as he plunged your frame you closer to his, in quite an ..intimate..manner.
"No. It's not that, Riddle." You murmured hastily, your breath quite unsteady as you, quite literally, could not approach his gaze anymore. Perhaps you never would. "I'd much rather prefer to cuddle than...be intimate as you mentioned.." You proposed, your frame quivering. What in Merlin did he assume of your embrace? You did not know and did not ought to know as your gaze destined at the floor.(an equivalent fraction to answering incorrectly in class) "I do not feel comfortable with the idea of intimacy yet."
Though you could not gaze at that perfect face of his, you could, at the very least, make out a sort of.. discouragement. Was he, perhaps, disheartened by your proposal? Your heart concluded. His hands tilted your gaze upwards. "Indeed, I will cuddle you. However, please let know, is the floor, perhaps, a more pleasant view than I am?" He questioned (most likely, sarcastically). Was he envious of the floor? The FLOOR? Perhaps you should not embraced him in the first cause.......And to be frank, he was far more pleasant to gaze at than the floor. Of course, you'd never say that as you knew it would only fuel his desire of devouring you. You sought a plan to derive the conversation far from such a topic.
"Let us not argue...could we perhaps just cuddle in peace?" You pleaded, gazing at him. To examine Tom Riddle frowning was, truly a rarity of the sort. Of course, he could not have refused you when you had utterly and completely submitted. He could have done anything to possess you and now that he had you asking for affection, he simply could not have responded 'No' in any cause whatsoever. His slender fingers stirred to your waist, tugging you inwards.. lovingly? Perhaps your stomach had accomdated into an abundance of butterflies or perhaps, you were in love. With him. And your suspicion only flared into explosion.. when his hands bolted through your hair...when he murmured cloying words onto your ears and when he merged his lips to your forehead.
Perhaps, you'd forgive him. Not without interrogation, however. And your submission did initiate a charismatic side of him, Henceforth why not continue doing so?
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cemeterything · 1 year
is all true crime bad? genuine question. not referring to the very obvious disrespectful ones that are usually brought up when discussing the topic but rather documentaries and things of the sort. I feel like a lot of the documentaries around real crimes I watched bring up issues that aren't really talked about and a lot of the times are covered by institutions/media and also inform people on various things that they probably wouldn't have been aware otherwise so to me they can be very informational. there's also cases where victims of abduction for example have been recognised years later because of media like this which is objectively a good thing so I would like to know a little more about other negative impacts that might not be so obvious. if you have any source I can research on that's also great. sorry to bother!
i think that "true crime" in itself is a nuanced and varied topic and have no intention of tarring everyone who has an interest in it with the same brush, because there are definitely respectful ways of engaging with it that do their best to avoid and minimize harm. however i think that the popular culture depictions of true crime and capitalization on it as a form of entertainment tend to do more harm than good to both victims, who are frequently exploited for "content" and/or have their trauma dredged up for consumption, and consumers/producers, since a lot of mainstream true crime media reinforces harmful stereotypes, paranoia, surveillance tactics, and social divisions, and sensationalizes human cruelty and suffering. not to mention that this kind of approach to and fascination with horrific crimes and unusually cruel and violent criminals may encourage more people to inflict violence on others in order to gain notoriety and fame.
i don't think it's wrong to be interested in these things and to want to understand what makes people do horrific things to other people. one of my hyperfixations is the history of decapitation/capital punishment and its legacy, which is a topic that is fraught with issues surrounding the abuse of some of the most marginalized and vulnerable members of society. i myself am fascinated by it partly because of my own past experiences with abuse and marginalization. being interested in unpleasant things doesn't make you inherently a bad person, and thought crimes don't exist. however it's really important, especially when it comes to topics like this, to be self aware and critical of the information you're given, and to be careful not to be taken in by popular opinion and stereotypes without questioning them, or to get so immersed in your pursuit of knowledge and understanding that you lose your grip on reality and fall victim to misinformation and bias. believing too strongly in your personal ability to recognize and identify criminals and "criminal traits" and "solve" crimes, especially when the justice system is as flawed as it is, is more likely to lead to incorrect assumptions, the persecution of the marginalized and vulnerable, invasions of privacy and miscarriages of justice than it is to help.
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ultradeducing · 13 days
btw as a disabled person i highly encourage any abled people worried about whether or not its their place to make disability hcs to please please please go ahead and do it. if it's clear you have good intentions we will absolutely not be mean to you if you happen to mix something up so pls pls pls dont worry abt that. it would genuinely be so awesome to me as a disabled person to see more abled ppl acknowledge and insert disabilities into their fav medias or even their own writing/characters bc we are direly underrepresented despite making up a sizable part of the population and yes this includes physical and mental disabilities. many ppl actually write guides on how to write disabled characters! there r tons of resources out there and chances are w enough research to get the basics down u will not make a hugely offensive mistake! i cant speak for everyone obv but i think the majority of us would be very happy to see abled people giving us rep and discussing disability without it sounding like a taboo topic and i for one would be overjoyed like it genuinely makes me so happy i love 2 see it so if ur abled and u r worried abt it take it from a disabled person that i at least would luv to see it :) <3
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theinfernalsanctuary · 2 months
The amount of misinformation on this app is insane, someone really just tried to say that a literal deity (Asmodeus of all of them), hates religon and doesn't want people to worship him. Not only is this just plain false, but this is a narrative commonly used by people who are trying to divert people away from their faith.
Misinformation and fear mongering are the two most common tactics used by religious extremists to push people out of their faith and into cults, or worse. Please keep an eye out for these people and block and report them. This was an obvious example of someone lieing and making up stories for their own gain, but not all are so overt. Please take the information that you see from strangers on the internet with a grain of salt, especially when it comes to any if the denizens of Hell hating religionas a whole (I'm sorry this is truely just so stupid. In every description of Asmodeus with his followers, hes sweet and excited. Tell me you've never conversed with any of the denizens of Hell without telling me.) I encourage everyone to do their own research into these topics and come to their own conclusions, I have also listed resources more than once so that way there's backing to my claims.
I don't need to name a book to say that Asmodeus doesn't hate you for worshipping him, Hell, he's probably ecstatic. The assertion that he hates ALL religion and all people who adhere to any religion is completely asinine.
Please don't stop worshipping Asmodeus because the under educated demand it.
Ave Satanas.
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
Anon from 722398181104795649 again about YA as a G-D and it's failure(s). Your response is really interesting because it definitely aligns with the market research I've had to do over the last 3-ish months for work. Adult YA readers want YA to skew older superficially as escapism from the woes of adulthood (It's like someone who orders a pasta with broccoli in it because they appreciate the flavor it brings, but they have no interest in actually eating their vegetables). Teenagers feel alienated by the G-D that is meant for them no longer allows them to confront said woes with honesty or maturity for their age to prepare them for adulthood or discussing broader ideas. More teenagers skip over YA altogether or just reader adult genre fiction with some Middle Grade fiction mixed in because the teenagers feel in MG, there's still an honesty to the stories that they can understand, having once been young children. In short: teenagers think YA books are talking down to or patronizing them.
The result is YA authors pushing for NA, New Adult, as a G-D, which hasn't taken off within tradpub outside of romance circles. Mostly, because what they're pushing for is already an established genre for around a century: campus novels--books about characters 18+ who are entering college, establishing independence, beginning to explore sexuality and enter the workforce, etc. But, again, YA adult readers refuse to engage with adult genre fiction because there isn't the facade of protection from adult themes or topics, and there's an aggressive refusal among many agents in literary fiction (and some adult genre fiction) to encourage authors to sanitize their stories. YA authors began attempting to cross over into adult genre fiction with mixed, but overwhelmingly negative, results, as they cannot shake the stigma of writing YA. And the genre fiction crowds they want to appeal to have higher standards, typically, than the average YA writer is able to meet. YA authors then complain about the differences in publishing YA and genre adult fiction. It's like when MCU actors and directors get upset when prestige film directors don't consider MCU movies to be "cinema."
This is fascinating.
I pretty much missed the YA boom (slightly too old, not paying attention, etc.), so I've mostly encountered YA through its worst evangelists of the Hunger Games knockoff era, and often a good bit after their favorite books were at their height.
As I've said before, this really strikes me as that pattern where something is big when you're at a formative age, and it becomes the Normal Default to you.
I'm sure some of it is refusal to engage with adult nuance, but I'll bet a lot of it is resistance to leaving the name of YA behind. People spent so much time defending this niche that they started believing their own rhetoric about it being the only place the good queer stuff was or the feminist stuff was or whatever. They identified really strongly as A YA Fan. It's hard to let that go.
And if you don't remember much about pre-YA boom publishing, the fact that all that YA-tastic Mercedes Lackey stuff was filed under fantasy, not YA is completely obscure. The places you find stuff you'd like that aren't called "YA" are not obvious. The fact that YA in its boom era form isn't universal and eternal is not obvious.
I think people are waiting for their Cool Era of their early 20s to return and for the things they think should always be in fashion to come back... Like everyone else aging ungracefully, they may be waiting a while.
Gotta say, every New Adult book I've been shown sounds like a hideously boring contemporary romance that would probably make a good coffee shop AU against a backdrop of a canon that's dark or magical but that isn't really pulling its weight even if you like contemporaries.
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comicarc · 1 month
𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
Part 1
wc: 1833
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365 Days After That Night
Jason Todd was the Red Hood. Jason Todd was a criminal. Most of all, Jason Todd was a murderer, for he murdered the only remnant of love I had left in my soul. He was my breaking point. 
It’s been a year since the night he left and though I tried my hardest to bury his memory in my mind, his recent headlines made for incessantly annoying reminders. Though the ghost of Jason’s lacking presence haunted me every day, I was able to suppress those thoughts. Luckily, my job at the Gotham Gazette came with a considerably generous salary, often encouraging me to forget all the undesirable aspects of the job, including him. 
Tonight, I was staying late at the police station, waiting for my interviewee, Dick Grayson, to arrive from Bludhaven. He had been working a case on a notorious serial killer who had recently broadened his horizons and began to kill in Gotham. He was the only one overseeing it, thus, taking note of his busy schedule, I had set up an appointment weeks prior. Though he was already an hour late, I decided to wait, for an opportunity like this may not come as easily again.
I sat at his desk, resting my head in the palm of my hand and darting my eyes across the room to cure myself of my boredom. One particular photo caught my eye as my gaze trailed to the framed pictures on the desk. Dick was with a younger, lively boy, posing for their photo in front of Wayne Manor. Curious, I inspected the photo closer to notice that the other boy had azure eyes and curly black hair, just like–
“–Ah, I see you’ve taken an interest in my brother, eh? It’s my favorite photo from when I was still living in Gotham.” Dick had finally made his entrance.
“Detective Grayson,” I said, surprised by his voice. 
Sitting down he asked, “You must be y/n? I’m sorry for arriving so late, the route from Bludhaven to Gotham is always littered with traffic.”
“Yes, I’ve heard.” With that, I began my questioning. It eased into a conversation the deeper we dove into the topic until eventually a few hours had passed and Dick had to head off to another crime scene.
“Before you leave, may I ask…which of your brothers is that? I’ve only heard of two others and they seem to be too young to have been in that photo when it was taken.”
“Jason Todd. He kinda of fell off the face of the Earth on his enlightening retreat, so almost everyone forgot about him. Now that he’s back, he's done well to stay out of the spotlight.” 
To ask more questions would be to intrude on his personal life, and so, tempering my desires, I quickly left.
Jason Todd was Red Hood, a criminal, a murderer. And a liar. 
4 Days Later
Days passed, giving me barely enough time to digest the information that Dick had given me. After some of my own research, I found that Jason was alive and well. The night he left me was the night he reunited with his family. The very family he claimed to hate…he left me for them. 
Now sitting in my cubicle at the Gazette, my thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion, for my feelings for Jason had begun to resurface. I longed to see him, to hear him to be with him. But I couldn’t blame him anymore, for my fantasies led me to break my own heart. I wanted something that was never there, and I had to accept that. I shook my stupid ideas away as I looked at the whiteboard across the room to see my next assignment. My stoic expression turned into one of horror as I read: “Y/n → Wayne Gala”.
I rushed to the chief editor’s office and begged to be reassigned, but all my pleas were in vain because no one else was available to cover for me. Begrudgingly, I went back to my desk and looked down at the invitation that was put on it. The bold letters embedded at the top of the card were as searing as a blade, for they sliced my heart into a million pieces. I went home immediately, for I had very little time and a lot to do to prepare. 
Jason would be there as well and I wanted to catch his eye to make him feel jealous and regretful for leaving me, but for that, I needed a statement dress. Thus, I decided to head to a nearby shopping plaza, to spend as much money as I could on a dress that I would never wear again, all for a man that may not even remember me. 
After a successful trip, I roamed around the plaza in search of a light snack before getting ready for the night's festivities. Wandering my eyes, I caught sight of a familiar man on the other side of the nearly empty area. Walking closer to clear my suspicions, I recognized him to be the one and only Jason Todd. 
He was with another woman who seemed to be a thousand times prettier than her. Her gorgeous red hair was tied in a high ponytail and fell down to her hips, her lean figure resembled that of a model, and her face seemed too proportional to be true. She was perfect. And she was kissing him on the cheek. The sight made me want to cry out right then and there. He had moved on. 
Later that Day, in the Evening
As I made my way through the entrance doors entranced by the beauty of the domain, I was welcomed by a breathtaking display of opulence and extravagance, transforming the Manor into a realm of sheer elegance. Crystal chandeliers dangled from the high ceilings, casting a cascade of shimmering light across the grand ballroom. The walls were adorned with rich tapestries depicting scenes of Gotham's history, each thread telling a story of wealth and power. Exquisite floral arrangements of velvety red roses and ivory lilies graced every corner, their intoxicating fragrance mingling with the soft strains of a string quartet that filled the air.
Guests, dressed in their finest attire, moved gracefully through the lavishly decorated rooms, their laughter and whispered conversations creating an enchanting symphony that resonated through the space. A grand staircase, adorned with a crimson carpet, beckoned guests to ascend toward the upper levels, adding an air of regal grandeur to the soirée.
In the heart of the ballroom, stood Jason Todd. He was a magnetic presence, a striking figure that effortlessly drew the eye. Dressed in a tailored black suit that accentuated his lean and muscular frame, he appeared both rugged and refined. The dimmed lighting highlighted the chiseled lines of his jaw, the shadow of stubble giving him an air of mysterious allure. His dark, tousled hair framed his face, adding to his rugged charm. His piercing blue eyes were like sapphires in the night. He moved with a confident grace, his every step commanding attention and admiration from those around him.
He was so captivating that I continued to stare until his gaze locked onto mine. For an instant, the world around us seemed to fade into obscurity. It was as if time itself had stopped. There was a flicker of surprise in his eyes, a hint of regret, and a trace of something deeper, something that mirrored the tumultuous history we shared. It was a gaze that carried the weight of our past, and in that moment, I knew that the night held more secrets and emotions than I had ever imagined.
Stop. I’m imagining things.
I focused my mind on the task at hand, to distract myself from him. My every move was meticulous, like a well-rehearsed dance. My professional demeanor was unwavering as I discreetly took notes on the evening's proceedings, capturing every detail and nuance of the event. I engaged in discussions about Gotham's elite, current events, and the philanthropic endeavors the gala aimed to support. All the while, my smile remained fixed and my words carefully chosen, masking the emotional turmoil that raged beneath the surface.
Suddenly, in the midst of conversation, Jason's warm and inviting hand gently wrapped around my wrist, guiding me away from the bustling gala and into a secluded garden nestled within the sprawling grounds of Wayne Manor. 
The garden seemed to come alive under the moon's tender caress. The moon was like a radiant pearl in the inky sky, spilling its ethereal light through the dense canopy of trees, creating an enchanting interplay of shadows and soft, silvery beams. As we stood, the night's gentle breeze carried the fragrance of blooming flowers, adding a layer of sensuousness to the charged atmosphere. 
Before Jason could utter a single word, my pent-up emotions, like a dam bursting, spilled forth with a hiss of anger and hurt. “What the hell? Who the hell do you think you are?” The words tumbled from my lips, carrying the weight of a year's worth of unanswered questions and unresolved feelings. 
Jason stood before me, his expression a complex interplay of emotions. His eyes, once piercing and intense, now held a hint of regret and remorse. In the stillness of that moonlit garden, the unspoken words hung heavy in the air, waiting for the right moment to find their voice and bridge the chasm that had grown between us.
“It’s Jason…remember.”
“No.” All I do is remember.
“You’re my best friend.” 
“I’m sorry, but you’ve got the wrong girl. I don’t know anyone named Jason.” 
“What the hell is going on with you? Why can’t you remember me?”
“You’re the one that needs to remember.”
“Remember that night? It’s been a year and you’ve clearly moved on. I’m glad you got your happy ending with a girl even prettier than me. That begs the question…why even talk to me with the intention of leaving again?”
“Y/n, I–”
“–Save it. I can’t do this anymore.”
My rapid footsteps echoed on the cobblestone path, and the sound of my heels clicking with every step rang in my ears. I paid no heed to the gasps and whispers that trailed behind me like a ghostly chorus of judgment. 
In my haste, I collided with a solid figure, and the impact sent a shiver through my frame. I looked up, and it was none other than Dick Grayson, his eyes a curious blend of mockery and amusement. In my agitated state, I only heard his attempt at humor as a blade deepening the wound that had been freshly reopened.
This gala was a set-up, a trap and I fell face-first into it. But, it did allow me to realize something. 
Jason Todd was Red Hood, a criminal, a murderer, a liar. And a fool for thinking that I may ever love him again.
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a-sip-of-milo · 9 months
Is it possible to be aware and have npd? I try to do research on this but all authentic npd sources are buried under so much ableism fhag i get too drained to keep looking after a bit.
I show some symptoms. I constantly have my first thought be that anyone who looks at me has a crush on me, is thinking about me, is captivated by me, and even though I get social anxiety I get upset not being picked first for something like being called on or telling a story or something. I also constantly feel like competing with everyone, and get upset over losing “competitions” that weren’t even happening.
However, after these thoughts, I usually think “well obviously that’s irrational” and I don’t act on any imaginary crushes, competition, or drama that I assume is happening.
I want to bring up this topic to my psychiatrist, but I’ve seen so many sources saying stuff like “narcissists can’t be aware, it’s very rare” or “narcissists never know they have a pd, they may go to therapy though”.
So I feel like by recognizing 1) that my thoughts are irrational or selfish, and 2) that I show symptoms of npd, I don’t really have it and I’m just a self centered person.
Your blog is the only place where I find consistently positive npd posts and debunking of misinformation, so I decided to send this ask, since again it’s harder to find info on places where there’s more likely to be ableism.
TLDR: Would you say it’s possible for me to have npd and be aware of it, or to have npd and be able to recognize and manage my symptoms?
Absolutely. The idea that people with NPD cannot be self-aware is harmful and extremely ableist, and also always encouraged by narcissistic abuse believers who are hell bent on turning the world against them.
Some of my closest and dearest friends are narcissists. All of them are extremely self aware and have gone through a lot of work - some through therapy and others on their own - to learn about and manage the behaviours deemed dangerous by society. This does not mean that they cannot possibly have npd.
A lack of self-awareness isn't even part of the diagnosis criteria. So yes. It is possible.
If you need some resources for those questioning whether they have NPD, you can click on this link:)
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archivalofsins · 3 months
I love Milgram for a lot of reasons.
One of those reasons is the light that the series has managed to shine on mental health issues, disabilities, and many overlooked disorders. Milgram, through it's encouraging of speculative discussion, has showcased that in many ways people still have a lot to learn about not only those they share space with but themselves.
I love the ways in which people use Milgram to highlight the myriad of perspectives people perceive life through. Still, it's important to take a step back and recognize the experiences fans speculatively discuss in relations to the prisoners are in fact the lived experiences of many. Including individuals within this fandom. At times even I need to step back and recognize that regardless of my own personal experiences and diagnoses my perspective is not universal. My diagnoses on their own do not define who I am.
In the same vein, my experiences having them do not define the disgnoses themselves. It's easy to talk about one's own personal experiences with certainty. However, for me, I feel it's important to research things efficiently before speaking on them out of respect for the people who live with the things discussed. Speculation is all well and good as long as people are treating the subject matter they discuss with respect and consideration. It's easy to get caught up in our own views of the world and how certain things impact us personally but that's no reason to devalue others experiences while simultaneously displaying one's lack of interest in their own point.
If it is as important as some individuals at times present their points to be, then researching it properly is the least an individual can do. Not just for others if someone is presenting the information but for ones own benefit.
To avoid properly researching something is to fear being proven wrong more than knowing the truth. People afraid of learning should not teach. Especially when it comes to topics as important as the ones discussed within the Milgram fandom. At the same time, if one is unwilling to look for facts themselves, instead just accepting what is most readily available to them as fact have robbed themselves of experiencing the joy of forming their own unique opinion.
A lot of the discussions in the Milgram fandom are important. However, a discussion isn't only listening blindly its taking the considerations of others and researching for oneself for the benefit of themselves. If a person doesn't want to do that, they don't need to or have to. Sometimes, it's just fun to speculate, but if that fun is at the expense of another's lived experience or comes with misinformation attached, that could cause problems down the line for everyone.
I don't know the proper solution to this issue- Heck, I don't even know if it's an issue at all. My thoughts in this regard may be too serious. At the end of the day, what everyone is doing is all in good fun. However, I believe genuinely getting to know the experiences and perspectives of those around us can be fun. I genuinely believe learning about these things can be enjoyed. I enjoy researching these things.
So, I hope that learning more is eventually considered just as fun as speculating is.
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rowanresearches · 1 month
Hello and Welcome!
Hello! My name is Rowan. This is my blog dedicated to anthropological research on the alterhuman community. As this is intended to be a pinned introduction post, it will be a bit long. For that reason, most of the post is under a readmore, excepting the current surveys list.
Current alterhuman surveys:
None at this time. Soon!
A bit about me:
I am a cultural anthropologist and folklorist by training. I hold a master's degree in cultural anthropology.
I am the host of a plural system.
I have been a part of the alterhuman community since 2007, though I was inactive for several years. I identify as therian, otherkin, and otherkith.
A bit about my research:
I am only just beginning to research the alterhuman community from an academic perspective.
Because of the lack of consolidated data on the community, I am following the lead of several other researchers in running community surveys.
I am researching with an eye towards scholarly publication. My objective is to provide a resource for those both inside and outside the community who seek in good faith to understand us.
Who is welcome here:
The short answer is everyone. Because this blog was created for the express purpose of conducting research, I do not have any rules about who can or cannot follow or interact with this blog. I don't believe access to information should be gatekept and I believe that all folks who are part of a community should be seen.
There are, however, some things to know about me before you follow this blog.
I support all good faith alterhuman identities. This includes otherkin of all stripes, therians, nonhumans, transspecies folks, endels, fictionkin, factkin, otherhearts/otherkith, otherlinkers, and plural systems, as well as any others I've not listed. And there would always be others, no matter how long this list got.
I support systems of all origins. The brain is incredibly complex and it is not my place to tell anyone else what is happening in their own head. Besides which, not all plural folks even believe their systems to be psychological in origin. It is not my place to gatekeep their experiences. This blog is therefore endo and willo safe.
I will block those who target the alterhuman community. If you are here looking for beings to harass or attack, I will block you for my own safety and the safety of the communities I work with.
This blog is largely apolitical. While I as an individual do have very strongly held political views, I do not believe my personal politics should impact my research. (This point is why I'm not running this from my personal Tumblr.)
That said, I am opposed to ideologies that promote harm. This would include the typical things like racism, sexism, transphobia, and antisemitism, but also things such as being pro-contact for nonconsensual paraphilias. This is not an exhaustive list. I am also, for the same reason, against harassment. Harassing me or anyone else on this blog is a surefire way to get yourself blocked.
Ways to interact:
Surveys! I will be running surveys on the community. If you are over the age of majority for your country (18, if you're in the US), I strongly encourage you to participate in those. Feel free to share them, too! Here on Tumblr as well as on other sites.
Questions. I welcome these. And unlike surveys, the results of which are intended to eventually be synthesized into published articles, there is not an age requirement for this. If you have a question about an alterhuman topic, please feel free to ask. I will do my best to either answer it or suggest where to find the information you're looking for. I am also more than happy to answer questions about anthropology and folklore. The problem there may be getting me to shut up, as these are topics I love discussing. And you're welcome to ask me questions about my own alterhuman identities or non-alterhuman research. Please do understand, though, that I may decline to answer these types of questions if I feel they may pose a threat to my safety.
Reblogging. Yes, please do. We are, after all, on the rebageling website. (Why yes, I do miss the xkit extension that turned everything into bread. Hi, I've been here since the dawn of time.)
Comments. I welcome comments on my posts. However, I do reserve the right to remove hateful or threatening comments.
You've finally reached the bottom of the post! Thank you for taking the time to read all of that! I hope to hear from you!
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deathfavor · 6 months
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I've been contemplating this topic for a little bit, so I'm going to make an effort to explain the differences between Kazutora and Izana's sense of trust issues & abandonment. Hopefully it will make sense.
In a single sentence, I would summarize the difference as this: Kazutora's trust issues are more external while Izana's are more internal.
What does this mean? Let's look at Kazutora first.
Kazutora has, essentially, always had this mentality of wariness of others. He grew up in an environment that encouraged this sort of wariness and trust issues, and it was fed in part by his mother's repetition of the idea that is one this side or that side, right or wrong, black or white, yourself or others, etc. Kazutora keeps people at bay like a wild animal, snapping and snarling and running when they get too close. For Kazutora, he genuinely believes that everyone will become a traitor. That that is what people do. They will betray and abandon you at one point or another, in some form or another. He explictly states it as human behavior. This is why Kazutora had the idea to not let people close. He pushes them away, deals with things on his own, because he doesn't trust people.
It takes a lot to break through that. Baji is obviously the one person we see really manage it. He sticks by Kazutora when he tries to run away before Toman was ever formed. And eventually, that relentless determination leads to Kazutora finally trusting him. When Kazutora does, he does so intensely. It sets off a different set of issues in that he's afraid to lose Baji, but he does TRUST Baji. The same goes for Chifuyu in Bad Toman. ( Bonten I did not include because it may be different - we don't see much of their dynamic and it lacks a lot of the situations that i think would lead to that in Bad Toman. ) Once Kazutora trusts you, he trusts you. He lets you in. He still tends to try to downplay or hide things like any person does, but he really does open up more. If you can climb the walls of trust issues, you're welcomed by Kazutora inside the castle. He won't really doubt the trust unless you do something to explicitly make him DOUBT that trust. That's why his trust issues are more external. Kazutora won't trust you until you really, really prove to him that he should and that you mean it, but once you do, you have his trust.
Kazutora's trust then creates the abandonment issue, as we see how detrimental this is to Kazutora. His mind cannot handle that sort of situation, and it immediately reverts to self preservation. When it comes to it, Kazutora and Izana are both ones to prioritize saving themselves and their minds. Which, as we see with Kazutora, means eradicating any threat - Shinichiro, Mikey, and then for a moment, Baji.
Now let's look at Izana.
Unlike Kazutora, Izana didn't ALWAYS have the trust issues that he has now. He just didn't, and we can see it with how easily he connects to Kakucho at a young age. He also genuinely believed he promise that he gave to Emma before he was sent off to the orphanage. They began to crop up in the orphanage - plenty of research has gone to showing this is often a product of children in orphanages ( along with other issues ). It became about survival in a way. But Karen and Shinichiro were a big part of what ultimately sent his trust issues and abandonment spiraling out of control into becoming the beasts they've become.
Izana's trust issues are more internal because he will rewrite the narrative so to speak if he needs to for his own sake. Izana has always been distant and picky, but he had trust. With discovering the fact he wasn't who he thought he was, everything went wildly out of control. Izana has an extremely difficult time trusting people. He's more likely to trust abilities over people.
After what happened when he was twelve, he hates being vulnerable. To him, trust is actively a weapon. ( Kazutora, on the other hand, looks at it more as a trap than a weapon. ) Trusting someone is giving them a knife and hoping that they aren't going to stab you to death with it. Part of his loathing with trust comes into Izana's need for control. He hates not being in control, and giving someone trust means giving them some control and power to hurt you. He doesn't want to be seen as vulnerable. But with a lot of slow determination, Izana can and does start to trust. He starts to let them closer and get away with things he would hurt or kill other people for.
At the same time, fear of abandonment or betrayal still dig their talons into Izana. Izana can't fully shake the fear that he will be abandoned like Karen did to him, or how the reveal with Shinichiro left him feeling abandoned. Unlike Kazutora who trusts once you earn it, Izana can never fully give all of his trust away. It might be very tiny and easily soothed, but there's a part of him that will always fear abandonment. This can sometimes lead to Izana rewriting narratives in his head for the sake of keeping himself 'safe'. Even if part of him knows its fake & a lie he's telling himself, it helps. For example, saying Tenjiku only follows him from fear. I don't think Izana fully believes that, I think he does know there's more to it ( but he DOES think fear/reverance has some part of it ) and that they actually care. But it's easier on his mind to think that way. If they follow him from fear, they don't care, which protects him in a warped way. He can cut the attachment he feels, at least in the moment of high emotion and chaos in his head, so it doesn't hurt him. He tries to protect himself from the sharp edges of trust, which sometimes means protecting himself from the soft parts of trust as well. That's why I say his is internal. He primarily focuses on his own mental space.
I'm not sure if this all made sense or not, but I hope it can offer a bit of an insight to the difference between Kazutora & Izana's trust issues. For Kazutora, the idea of abandonment/betrayal is the active threat that drives him, while for Izana, the very act of trusting itself is the weapon he fears.
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lobotomizedlady · 3 months
I am on SSRIs and antipsychotics 💀 however im supposed to get off them after a period. only the ssri is long term. can you link some of the studies or is it all in the book you recommend? thank you btw it's very helpful
So as for the SSRI issue there are multiple active lawsuits going on rn, and GSK was fined 3 billion over the fraudulent marketing of paxil (the ssri I'm on, but they all work the same way). That doesn't necessarily mean they won't help some people but it is definitely concerning. I'll link some sources below.
As for the antipsychotics & their effects...
(Mad in America is a phenomenal resource in general, the book is fantastic and they have a podcast as well. I actually found them through my old therapist who was very critical of psychiatry).
Just some links I found, but ultimately no web articles are going to come close to giving you the sort of in-depth info books will give you-years of dedicated research go into writing them and it shows. So I'd definitely encourage reading some books on the topic. I think everyone who's capable of it should take initiative when it comes to their own mental health bc informed consent is so important yet virtually unheard of in psychiatry bc they simply don't share all the risks with patients. And it's worse if you get the dreaded label of "psychotic" bc then they can essentially do whatever the fuck they want & dismiss all your concerns. It's like a scarlet letter. Even the psychiatrist themselves sometimes don't know the truth about the meds they prescribe, which seems unbelievable but big pharma has deep pockets and they are known to pay researchers for results, which is why so much contradictory info exists. It's similar to what the sugar industry did in the 1980s in terms of paying researchers to say that fat is solely responsible for the rise in obesity-they want to sell more products and they'll contract academics to lie for them in order to guarantee their continued profit. You always want to look for independently funded research studies bc that's where you're going to get the truth, no bias or financial incentives.
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switchcase · 7 months
Hello, previous anon from the ask starting with, "a few things."
Do you think a none carrd co website (like a standard dot com, or whatever) WITH credible sources and survivor experiences could be a reliable source information?
I wish to bust myths (like how programming isn't some criteria list you can check off and how rare it is, how cults are not linked, etc etc), raise awareness, and do much more as an OA/MC survivor muselg. However, I look up to you on this topic (alongside how knowledgeable you are on how to research and utilize articles in a more correct way) and wish for your opinion.
The site name doesn't matter so much as the content. The biggest problem with carrd links is not that it's a carrd, it's that people pass it off as unquestionable bits of fact because it has its own page, especially when the information on the page is delivered in a punchy way.
I think you can definitely create a decent resource, but there are issues you'll run into. The biggest ones for me are ethical rather than factual.
Factual concerns:
What are your qualifications in writing this? Keeping in mind that having personal experience only qualifies us to talk about ourselves and not others.
How are you vetting what is a reliable source? Has there been evidence to the contrary? If you have a primary source, how certain are you that what they're saying is reliable, and if they are reliable, how certain are you that their experiences are something that is broad enough to be applicable to others?
Primary source issue #2: how certain are you of the accuracy of this person's story? They can be reliable and still be inaccurate, especially given the nature of TBMC. This is generally unimportant in therapy, but is definitely important when writing a resource.
Are you focusing on very specific topics that narrows your audience? If so, is this page relevant to RAMCOA survivors as a whole, or better off as a resource for a specific type of experience within RAMCOA?
Are you going to have the energy to keep up with changing information and sources as necessary to keep the page up to date?
Ehical concerns:
What are your motivations? Is it anger? Is it desire for acknowledgement? A need for power or control? Etc. Emotional motivations are not bad but be careful in how it guides you.
How ready are you, emotionally and psychologically, to tackle this? Are you aware, on a deep level and not just cognitively, that you don't have to be trying to save everyone else?
If you present something on the page, and learn contradicting information later on, are you Honestly willing to reevaluate the information you have?
If you're linking to organizations that assist survivors, do you have both personal and recent experience with them that ensures this organization is currently safe and active? If not, how confident should you be in sending people their way?
If you are using primary sources, are they aware you are using them as such? Are THEY ready to be talking about this? In this I would encourage you to hesitate on primary sources unless you personally know that they've been in DID-specific therapy for a long time and are in a stable, safe point in their life (memoirs and such aside).
You must be aware that if you make this page public and you are linking sources and/or going into detail about certain things, you are inevitably going to trigger someone who looks before they are ready. Yes, even if you put a warning. Yes, it may result in hospitalization or worse. Yes, it could negatively impact how someone discovers their trauma (whether by introducing vicarious trauma or their assuming that they survived x and complicating their own memories). This would not be your "fault," but it is something that you should consider in how that would weigh on you and if you would be able to justify that risk.
You must also be aware that in providing a more accurate summation of these things, this page will be utilized by a subset of individuals in order to lie better.
No matter how carefully you word things, no matter how much you emphasize people do their own research, when you make a page like this, some people will pass it off as if it is an infallible guide to the topic. People will also inevitably warp what you say.
The ethical questions there are no right answers to, only the need to be aware of it and to answer them for yourself. Personally, I only give resources to people I know after I've ensured to the best of my ability that they are capable of receiving those resources safely. Of course, it means that I have to personally know them to help--but it also means that I don't have to worry about having caused harm to people where I might not ever know the extent of what I caused and to how many.
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polyfragcultureis · 11 months
heyo! i just want to clarify first and foremost i'm not upset with anyone. as someone who's also questioning my own trauma history, i understand wanting to ask questions and do research but i just need to ask people to not ask me if something they experienced was RAMCOA.
i'm not definitively sure i'm a survivor myself due to not having access to specific memories and speaking about the topic has become increasingly more difficult. regardless, i don't feel equipped to tell someone wether or not they fit into that category. i'm not the end all be all of information on RAMCOA, not even close, and i feel that there are survivors who would be better equipped to answer questions about it.
i've namely pointed people towards @/cultishhellvent, i've also found @/eclipse15 has been helpful, but i also want to encourage people to speak to professionals about these kinds of things. i understand not everyone is in a position where they can see a professional and obviously speaking to professionals is particularly difficult for RAMCOA survivors due to specific trauma responses and specialists being far and in between, but if you're in a position where you actually can, i heavily encourage you to do so.
i want everyone to remain safe, and i have to keep myself safe as well. i'm wishing everyone who's questioning a RAMCOA history the best of luck, i understand how fucking scary it is.
i do also want to clarify this doesn't mean you guys aren't allowed to speak about RAMCOA on here at all, speaking about things like programming in culture asks is perfectly fine, i just don't want to be asked questions about wether or not someone's experience falls into that category.
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jacksprostate · 8 days
Regarding your take on neuroscience and mental illness what are your thoughts on placing people on a spectrum when it comes to ASD?
Frankly my opinion on this is once again incredibly unpopular for something on the eternal baby site. I'm not gonna get all the way into it but I'm going to put a little bit under the cut.
I'm not quite sure how to say this tbh, because no matter what I say it will probably be taken badly. And I actually have a lot of nuanced things to say on this topic but I can't write pages for everything. So I think I'm just gonna address one thing, which extends a bit into other things as well.
On tumblr and tiktok and in general, there is a very large contingent of kids and adults who desperately do not want to grow up who are burying themselves in diagnoses as a way to explain their mild (I do not say this to be cruel, but I mean it literally. Are you in normal schooling? Do you have a few friends, or an ingroup (INCLUDING you and all your x diagnosis buddies) Are you relatively independent? If we are talking about severe mental health disorders or neurodevelopment, that's mild. I would describe my own as mild on that scale) problems relative to their peers in a way that is encouraged and considered Valid Suffering and InGroup with their friends and community.
It's natural. You're very lost as a kid, you want to belong, you feel behind, like everything is more of a struggle for you than others. It's unfair you need to put so much more effort in to achieve a lesser result. You shouldn't have to, you feel. And there's a community of people who feel the same, and you're just like them, it nets you friends and an excuse and a right to think of people who want you to change as cruel.
And I am not saying, these kids aren't suffering, or don't have problems. But, for example, I may as well kick this hornet's nest: the sudden rise in children identifying as DID systems using terminology all invented on tumblr and expecting everyone cater to their current roleplay or else be considered ableist, is like, a lot. It's a lot. Social issues and identities have always been a tumblr clout measure and a way to get friends and shit. The systems thing is honestly one of the pinnacles of like, no, I'm not mean for pointing out the obvious. No, even the kids who say it can only be caused by trauma and are doing an rp of having the disorder rather than an outright rp, they also almost absolutely do not have the disorder. For many, many, many reasons which any degree of research into the disorder would illuminate. But that's not the point of it. For the kids who just like the rp aspect, they get to be the free love side of things. The kids that want to feel a sense of social justice will cling to the Actually x side of things. But they're both on sand.
Anyway, I used DID as an example because I really don't feel like ignoring that elephant anymore, if you (generic) think I'm mean for that then that's your problem and you should probably log off and do your math homework etc.
But, to a lesser degree of fakeness (because that's near total haha), this also applies to the online autistic community. And many others. That is not to say autistic people do not exist, or that they cannot be kids, or that they aren't caught up in the same social wave these kids are. In fact I'd bet some are thriving in it. Some though probably feel quite isolated.
Side note, but this does feel like the effect of calling people posers becoming weird anathema. It's not cruel to not believe in other people's things. I don't believe in otherkin either. I am an extremely scientific, grounded person. That said, I'm not gonna lambast any kid over it. At most I won't engage. I know a lot of people feel very hurt over the idea of not every person believing in Their Thing, but not everyone has the same faith or opinions or worldview. It just is how it is.
In the long and short of it, I do think there is a spectrum for ASD, I don't think it extends as far as tumblr advocates, I think there is a natural spectrum for human social development and I also think it's something that can be worked on. Anyway, I'm sure I'll be called an out of touch neurotypical for this because that's the easiest way to dismiss this lol. Very easy to assume those criticising you can't possibly be in x group. Certainly, I don't consider myself autistic. I know plenty of people who do consider me such including some psych personnel (not that I consider that more valuable than some guy walking down the street). I think I represent probably 1.5-2 standard deviations from the usual human experience and I just don't think that cuts it tbh.
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