#i dunno its 2am
not-actually-human · 1 year
i think ive figured out that while i am a guy and prefer he/him and masculine terms 90% of the time, i am simultaneously an angry teenage girl who has been wronged by everyone around her, about to snap at any given moment, and ready to start fucking up and making mistakes
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ourhouseishaunted · 1 year
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Vash and Chronica's terrible sibling game night
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megabuild · 2 months
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im gonna be 100% honest with you man i'm not gonna post this in full because you are just going to open yourself up to getting clowned on again but i do need you to know this is my absolute favourite opening to any ask i've gotten ever.
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silverskye13 · 2 years
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Horror is like a serpent; always shedding its skin...
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nightwingvixen23 · 1 year
Tim : *approaching Jason in the hallway*
Jason : you're late yanno
Tim : bullshit. I've already been here for half an hour. where the hell is Dick at ? isn't he playing undercover decoy tonight ??
Jason : yep, and that right there should tell you enough
Tim : don't tell me he's still getting ready-
Dick : I wouldn't be complaining if I were you guys. it's "the look" that gets the job done
Jason : oh yeah ? and what happens when the day comes that "the look" ain't enough to get the job done, smartass ?
Dick : I happen to be way ahead of you there *pats his pocket* I always put cocaine in my lip gloss
Tim : I'm about to slip up and ask you why
Dick : so that when our target kisses me he thinks I'm god
Tim : undercover operations are not appropriate grounds in which to have affairs on Dick, we point-blank just talked about this--
Jason : shut your head hole Drake and let him finish. Golden Boy's finally onto somethin I can get behind
Tim : awesome. we're all fucked.
Jason : between the 3 of us I doubt it'll be you and I tonight. so tell me, you got another lip gloss on ya Dickie ?
Dick : *prepares to speak*
Jason : before you answer i wouldn't start asking too many questions on what it's for. in fact. don't speak at all. just nod yes or no and slip it to me when we don't have little eagle eyes on us
Tim : i'm literally right here.
Jason & Dick : *exchanging sketchy glances over his head*
Tim : I can't stand either of you
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sotogalmo · 3 months
2:08 am
Dunno why but I think it'll be funny if like. They made Garrett possess, Toy Chica in the movie. But like. In the sense of how Chica tried to like, put Abby in the Ella suit. And now we have another Chica but this Chica is more. Well, more human & more yk??? Jdksjjdbsjhfusbdjbdhdb-
Dunno it just sounds good & stuff. Like the relationship Abby has with the animatronics are quite normal with the ogs, but it would be very interesting how they would be around the Toys
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bmpmp3 · 23 days
utaformatix... save me..
save me utaformatix
#genuinely such a godsend that website#in the far off year of like. 2015 if you wanted to turn a vsqx into a ust and all you had was utau you had to fight for your life#but you can do anything now. any vpr. any vsq. any ust. any xml whatever. you can turn it into an svp or whatever your heart desires#IN SECONDS. AND THERES japanese lyrics conversion with romaji and kana and vice versa#so so awesome utaformatix if my best friend#im doing my playing on my computer with vocal synthesis instead of sleeping at 2am thing again and like#i decided to finally check out the new voicevox song pitch editing update#review: pitch editing rules. unfortunately it seems to have broken the pitch line display tho LOL#BUT not entirely. if you draw notes directly in the program its fine#i also tested out a musicxml file and it worked fine too#its JUST the ust importing is what im learning. theres an open issue on the github about the problem#it also only displays in pitch editing mode which im not sure is intentional or not. i think it is. im preferred it when it showed in both#modes personally like it was in the old update but thats okay either way. more important is the ust importing sitch#but i dont speak japanese so i dunno if i should mention something. id feel a little bad like hello. sorry im machine translating this#entire convo because i know exactly 1 kanji (hito.....looks like ^ but big...) but im doing the scientific method on your software at 2am#i'll figure out if and how to bring it up later. now i should sleep because i have a shift tomorrow which ive been ignoring <3
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sludgeguzzler · 2 months
Saw one (1) picture and it ruined my whole day. Fuck me man
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xawkward-ariesx · 1 year
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Rose Tyler doesn't have scars.
At least not in the way that normal people do. She used to, once upon a time. Jagged areas of raised flesh where her skin had knit itself back together from childhood injuries acquired from the reckless abandon of youth and from an ex who threw around harsh words and even harsher hands. But the days where scars meant silvery patches of skin are no more an occurrence than her aging.
Rose Tyler will always look permanently twenty years old with streaks of gold running through her flesh were Bad Wolf knit her back together with the power of stardust and time vortices instead of allowing her to bleed out as mortality would demand. She had hated them at first. Yet another reminder that she was broken and yet no longer human. Another sign that she would have to hide from people lest they realise there was something not quite right about her.
But with time she came to appreciate them the same way she had the marks left behind by Jimmy. They were a reminder that she had survived. She had survived an army of Daleks and it's emperor, absorbing the time vortex, becoming a goddess of Time temporarily and had come out the other side with a heart that still beat and blood still running through her veins, so very much alive despite the odds that had been stacked against her. She could accept that though her skin may glimmer with streaks of gold that glowed in a way that no human should, that they were also a sign that she had survived something that should have otherwise destroyed her.
That didn't mean she felt any need to showcase them though. All the glittering cracks that showed she'd survived what the universe had thrown at her, that was. They were just apart of her that was all. Another thing that she had to accept as her new normal regardless of how she might feel about them.
Or so she had thought.
She was in a museum in the wrong country, in the wrong decade waiting for the dimension canon to pull her back, unable to do anything about her destination but wait. It had only seemed natural that she might as well try and blend in by wandering around the museum while she waited to be pulled back through the void once more.
She hadn't been in a museum in a long time, not for any particular grudge against them, she just didn't have the time for frivolities anymore. The last time she'd been in a museum the Doctor had been pulling her along babbling about their exhibit on the development of Venusian aikido practices through the ages. There was no Doctor by her side now to correct the plaques laid out by the museum as she meandered through the artifacts on display. Despite herself she felt the ache of his absence most strongly in quiet moments like this when there nothing to keep her preoccupied. It was with that thought in mind that had pushed her to turn to the next display.
Within the glass case that was mounted to the wall before her, was a beautiful blue and white vase with veins of gold running through the pottery's structure in spidery webs. It was beautiful. There was no denying the love and care that had gone first into its creation and then into the repair of the vase. She turned to read the plaque accompanying it.
"Kintsugi ( 金継ぎ, "golden joinery"), also known as kintsukuroi ( 金繕い, "golden repair"),is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold or other metals. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise by beautifying the cracks, which serve as a visual record of the object's history."
Rose smiled to herself. It was a rather lovely concept to take something cherished but broken and painstakingly put it back together but to do so in a way that made the damage part of its story rather than something to hide away in shame or pretend didn't exist at all, elevating it in the process.
Perhaps there was a lesson in there for herself.
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fiendslothful · 1 year
I wrote...something
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lacking-hydration · 1 year
me and the six other Curt x Otto truthers are surviving these trying times
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nightraiderwrites · 1 year
Ok so I would die for my friends, and kill for them too
Because I love them too much to be hurt by something I could prevent by doing either of those things
And I think that's where my violent urges come from: a need to protect
And mostly I think that kind of passionate rage, passionate love is romantic
But it's not the only kind of love in the world because the Greeks had like five words for love which I cannot name off the top of my head
But the point is I would die and kill for my friends, but if they asked me not to, I would do it
And I thinkt that's where platonic love for me is different from romantic or familial
Because on one hand, it's much less intimate than the other two, although it has its moments.
On the other, both romantic and familial love has lines where they could request something of me, like you know, not dying or violently murdering, and I could get away with denying that request
But platonic love, if they asked me not to I wouldn't. Because it's important to me that they know I listen because our bond relies that we listen
I dunno where I was going with this.
Normalize platonic friendship, for everyone no matter the gender
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soldiertransgender · 1 year
spins around in my chair
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finelinevogue · 11 months
when in rome
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summary - just a few random clips from a holiday to rome
word count - +3k
pairing - husband!harry x reader
a/n - can’t lie… this could literally be set anywhere and there’s no real plot, but i hope yous enjoy it all the same <33
at the airport
“Hey, give me that.”
Harry holds out his hand for you to pass over the suitcase to him, claiming that he should be the one to pull it not you.
You were originally going to have two suitcases, but it turns out that neither of you were packing heavy and so one suitcase it was.
“I’m not incapable.” You sigh.
“I’m not saying that. I would just feel better if y’let me pull it.” Harry plucks your fingers off the handle one by one, distracting you with a kiss as he does so to make it easier for himself, before claiming the suitcase for himself.
“I’m not gonna argue with you at this time in the morning.” You give him another sigh.
You walk behind Harry as he directs you from the Uber to the terminal door.
It is holiday time and you and Harry have decided on a getaway to Italy, Rome. One of the most romantic cities in Europe and famous for its history and pizza.
Harry decided that you would fly Economy, rather than taking the jet, because it was more practical for a bunch of different reasons that you didn’t really understand.
Hence why you are grumpy now.
You had to get up at 2AM, to get and Uber and be through security before your flight leaves at 7:30AM.
Clad in one of Harry’s oversized hoodies and gym shorts, your legs are cold, your eyes are heavy from tiredness and your body aches from the run Harry made you go on yesterday.
You rub your eye free of sleep and accidentally bump into Harry as he’s stopped.
Harry is wearing a similar hoodie to you, because he couldn’t wear his favourite one due to lending it to you, running shorts and of course a pair of sunglasses and a hat.
“Sorry. After you.” Harry politely lets an old couple pass, which is why you were stopped short.
He turns around to you to make sure you’re okay and smiles when he sees you unattractively yawn. You look like a small kitten who has just been awoken.
“There better be a coffee shop somewhere in here.” You say as you walk through the doors.
The airport is already busy with hundreds of people buzzing to get out of this dreary country and into hotter destinations.
“Also, I love your fans, but I swear to God if one of them approaches us this morning…” You say.
Harry chuckles, “Yeah? What will you do, love hmm?”
“Turn into the Hulk.”
“I feel sorry for them already.” Harry smiles and you hit him in his arm as a joking reply.
You stand together in a snaking queue to check in and then to get through security, until you’ve made it to the other side successfully. Also, without anyone publicly exclaiming that Harry is here.
You hold Harry’s hand as you walk next to each other out of security.
“Y’wanna get coffee first? Or find somewhere to sit?” Harry asks you, hoping you’re listening but he can’t tell because your hood is up.
“Dunno.” You say indecisively, beyond tired.
“Let’s go find somewhere and then I’ll go get us coffees, yeah? You can just sit and look pretty.” He squeezes your hand.
“No. I wanna stay with you.” You wrap your other hand around his forearm and hold him close, pressing your face against his arm also.
“Okay, okay. Well let’s go this way then.”
Harry directs you to the coffee bar and you both stand in another queue as you wait to order.
“Y’want your usual?” Harry asks and you nod.
When Harry’s called over, he makes sure to bring you with him and scans the bakery section one more time.
“Hi honey! What can I get for you?” The woman behind the counter asks.
“Morning. Hi. Um, can we have one croissant, one pain au chocolat, one black coffee and one latte with a shot of caramel please. Thank you.”
As Harry pays on your shared bank card, you thank him with a small voice.
“Thank you.” You hug into his arm more.
“It’s okay.” He kisses the top of your head. He wants to kiss your lips, but he also wants to remain as PG as possible in such a public space just in case someone is secretly filming.
After you’ve collected your order, you go and find a table to sit at. You find a small booth that overlooks the runway, so you can watch the planes take off. Harry knows it’s one of your favourite things to do in an airport, so he chose this spot on purpose.
You make small talk as you eat, both of you sat on the same side of the booth so that you can lean on Harry to rest once you’ve finished.
You talk about the planes taking off and your potential itinerary for the next couple of days. Harry just listens to your rambles as he finishes your pastry too, because you couldn’t finish it.
“Can I sleep on you on the plane?” You ask.
“‘Course y’can, baby. Think we have a window seat and a middle seat.”
“Can I sit by the window?”
“Yeah. You can lean on my shoulder if y’want.”
“Please. Thank you.”
“Anything for you, love, you know that.” He kisses your forehead again.
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checking in
You get out of the Uber first.
It is already so humid here in Rome and it’s just gone midday.
Your hotel is right in the centre of Rome, just a few streets over from the Trevi Fountain and then a few more streets over from the Gucci store too.
Harry made sure to book somewhere that would be accessible to the majority of everything. Money wasn’t an issue. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise you it Harry even booked the most expensive hotel in Rome.
The porter greets you and takes your suitcase for you. Harry tops the driver and thanks him with the Italian he’s been learning.
Harry takes your hand as you walk inside, thankful for the air conditioning in the building.
“Buonjiorno.” The man behind the desk greets you.
“Buonjiorno.” Harry replies. “We’re here to check in?”
You were a little early but decided you would try to check in anyways.
“Of course. Name, please?”
“Both of you?”
“Yes.” Harry can’t help but smirk as he speaks. You nudge him, because you feel the same way.
“I have… Uh, Y/N Styles and Harry Styles?”
“Sí.” Harry nods.
“For 4 nights?”
“Okay.” The man shuffles around some papers and types some things on the computer. “So your room number is 406. This is the fourth floor. You can take the lift up, which is just over there. Breakfast is included, which will be on the terrace between 7 and 10.”
“Amazing.” You smile for what feels like the first time since landing.
You’ve been so tired that you have found it hard to keep your eyes open and pretend like you’re alive.
“The pool is on the roof and will be open 7AM until midnight. The gym facilities are open all the time. Room service is three euros per call. These are your key cards and we hope you enjoy your stay.”
“Grazie.” You and Harry both thank the man and make your way over to the lift.
A few minutes later and Harry is opening your hotel room door.
You step inside and immediately fall in love. It’s decorated with marble floors and high ceilings with gorgeous artwork - probably that inspired of the Sistine Chapel.
The bed is a large queen size bed with lots of pillows and comforters. There’s a long chair at the foot of the bed and a sofa just across from that.
The most captivating thing about the room is the three sets of french doors, which all open onto a small balcony. There’s sheer curtains draped over the ceiling length doors, softly blowing in the wind.
Beyond that is the view that money did actually buy.
A view of the majority of Rome. You could see St Peters perfectly and Harry mentioned that the sun set will be visible from this room too. All the small buildings below and the little people on their way to work or tourists wandering.
“And?” Harry prompts.
“And what?” You twirl around to see him wandering over, after having shut the door and abandoned the suitcase.
“Is this okay?”
“Is that a serious question?” You raise your eyebrows.
You open your arms as Harry walks into you, wrapping his arms over your shoulders. He breathes you in and squeezes you tight and you follow suit.
“Mm. Want you to have the best time.”
“Harry, babe, this is perfect. More than perfect. Thank you for everything.” Your voice is muffled by speaking into Harry’s jumper.
Harry kisses you on the head a couple of times.
“Do y’want to go for a nap and then go have a wander?”
“Yes please.”
It doesn’t take you both long to get comfortable in the bed. Harry opens a door to let in a better breeze and the air con is on full to make sure you don’t overheat.
Harry lays behind you, where you’re laying on your side. Your hood is off now, because Harry likes to lean his face into your neck when you sleep. He likes to breathe in your homely scent and warmth.
His hand lays on your stomach, underneath his jumper, and rubs little circles with his fingers.
You start giggling and Harry asks what’s up with you.
“Tickles.” You hum softly, quite relaxed by the funny feeling.
“Does it now? Y’skins so soft, so I can’t help myself.”
“Won’t be soft forever. Especially if you keep on trying to get me pregnant.”
Harry kisses your neck and leaves a little mark with his teeth. His hand spreads over the span of your stomach and holds it there.
“Won’t care. When you’re pregnant, I am only going to love you and your body twice as much.”
“You say that now…”
“And I’ll say it again when the time comes.” Harry cute you off from any more deprecating thoughts. “Now shush. I’m trying to make sure you get your beauty sleep.”
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exploring back alleys
You and Harry walk hand in hand down a busy street in Rome.
It is so hot and humid that your bodies are so sticky from the heat, but you hold onto each others hands nonetheless because you are simply that attached to one another.
Harry leads the way, walking around the crowds of tourists and past random shops selling art and Rome tat.
He turns around and catches you admiring all the colourful buildings and wonderful Roman architecture, and he can’t help but smile at your wonderous face.
You feel a tug on your hand Harry’s holding and giggle a little when you feel him pulling you towards a back alley.
He runs a little quicker and you have to keep up with him. You check behind you to see if he is running away from something, but no one is following and you think he’s mad for running now.
“Harry!” You laugh as he makes a harsh right and pulls you down another side street.
This one bends slightly in the middle so you can’t see the street entrance either which way.
You don’t have the time to ask any questions before Harry is pushing you against a brick wall painted apricot. He holds his hands on your face and presses his lips hungrily onto yours.
You’re not only hot from the weather, now, but also from how attracted your husband is in this moment.
You groan as he steps forward so he’s leaning infinitely close into your body. You sigh when he moves his head to the side to kiss your better, cupping your hands over his to get a guide on which way he will move next.
When he pulls away you sadly pout.
He laughs at your expression and decides to kiss you again, even longer this time. He kisses and kisses you until you make the move to pull away, before you pass out from lack of breathing.
You laugh first and then Harry follows.
Both of you have never felt happiness like this. Just happy being simply together.
“You’re so…”
“I’m so what, baby?” Harry laughs breathlessly.
“I don’t even know.” You laugh, cupping his cheek and flitting your eyes between both of his as you try to decided which one is prettier. “I do know that I love you, like a lot.”
“Only a lot?”
“Well, like as much as the universe is big.” You give him a warm summers smile.
“Oh well that’s alright then.”
He leans forwards and seals his lips with yours again. You kiss him with all the love you have pocketed for him and don’t let him go until you hear footsteps approaching.
It’s a man and his daughter on their way somewhere.
As they walk past, Harry and you loosen your hold on one another as you don’t want to display too much PDA.
Once they’ve gone Harry giggles.
“What?” You ask.
“Just thinking how that’ll be me someday. Lost in a city with our daughter ‘cause I’m too stubborn to use a map and she’ll probably be distracting me with her gorgeous face she got from her mum…” He trails off.
“That was an intense thought, babe.”
“Mm. It’s been on my mind a lot lately. Having a baby with you, I mean.”
“It’s been on my mind too.”
That’s all that’s said, but you both smile at each other knowingly that as of today you’re starting your future together.
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dining out
Harry looks divine.
Dressed in an unbuttoned white linen shirt that sits on top of a white vest, with a pair of dark navy blue cotton shorts and his rusty old white vans, he has never looked so gorgeous.
It’s the subtle burn and tan of his skin that has you melting for him.
You are currently clipping his hair back with one of your small hair grips for him. He can do it himself, but he prefers it when it comes from you.
You’re both freshly showered and very hungry.
Sweet Disposition by the Temper Trap is playing in the background as you both get ready for dinner in your hotel room. After walking through Rome for the day, you spent some time in the swimming pool together and then showered together before getting ready.
“Y’look beautiful, m’love.” Harry says, watching you through the mirror.
“Thank you.” You speak softly, cheeks flushing over his compliment.
“This red dress on you is just… it’s perfect. You look perfect.”
Your red mini dress shows of your legs that Harry admires so much, and paired with a pair of platform sandals you look like a model straight from Vogue.
“Feel pretty, actually.”
“Good. Y’look prettier than anyone has ever looked in that dress.” Harry knows how to charm you best.
“Baby, you need to stop complimenting me otherwise we’ll miss our reservation.” You laugh, finishing clipping his hair.
“Can’t help myself. So lucky you chose me.” Harry picks your ring finger up and kisses over the ring that symbolises eternity between you.
“I’ll always choose you. You are too handsome not to.”
An hour later and you’re sitting at the restaurant.
Harry pulled your chair out for you and made sure you were comfortable before sitting in his own chair.
The restaurant is on a lovely little side street, decorated with fairy lights across the terracotta wall. There are ivy vines growing there too and the atmosphere is just peaceful.
There are a few families and other couples here too. It’s not a very fancy restaurant as Harry admitted that the best restaurants in Italy are the most homely and authentic ones.
The waiter was already fetching some water for you whilst you looked the menu.
“What are you thinking, baby?” You ask Harry, from where he is sat across from you.
“Maybe just a Margarita pizza.”
“Really?” You question his taste in food.
“Need something simple but good tasting tonight.”
“Okay, well at least get the bruschetta with me for starters?” You ask, wanting to share something with him.
“Sounds good, yeah.”
When the food comes, you feed Harry some of your pasta whilst Harry gifts you a slice of pizza. Both dishes are beautiful and cooked perfectly.
You both laugh and have the most amazing evening.
The best moment of the evening is when an old couple walk past you, holding each others hands.
“You two are so beautiful together.” The old man says.
“Thank you so much.” Harry smiles and holds your hand in his from across the table.
“Your love reminds me of ours. Precious. Forever.” He goes on to say and you have to swallow back the tears from how sweet his words are.
Harry smiles at you.
“Definitely forever.”
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boydepartment · 5 months
spoil it all- uni student! nishimura riki x uni student! reader
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a/n: RHHHHHHHHRAHHHHHHHRAHHAHAHAHHA :3 trying new layout i am sorry if its a lil ugly
warnings- fluff! little angst…! inspired by frank sinatra’s something stupid!
wc- 500-800 words
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I know I stand in line
Until you think you have the time…
you slipped on your shoes and made your way down the street, it was spring time and you had a small break off school. it was exciting and what was even more exciting was that your best friend here was FINALLY free the same time as you. riki was a hard worker and even being friends he put his work and studies first.
you had grown up a lot in the past couple years with riki, you accidentally met on coincidence and have been talking ever since. both being foreigners studying in a new country. you’d facetime, text, send eachother memes, almost inseparable. unless he had work or was practicing his dancing, or just didn’t have time due to his studies.
so when he called you telling you to come over and hang out with him, you practically rushed over. why wouldn’t you?
To spend an evening with me
And if we go some place to dance…
you both ended up dancing around his small apartment, obviously he was a little better than you, being a dance major and all…
neither of you minded though, he was your best friend and why would he care?
you only cared a little bit… a lot actually…
you always cared, you saw how much he worked on his studies and how much he puts into everything he does.
it was admirable. you wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of him.
I know that there's a chance
You won't be leaving with me
you both were laying on the carpet that was freshly vacuumed. the dancing had taken you out and you both were giggling and breathing heavily.
“i wanted to talk to you about something…” riki started and leaned on his side, you turned to him and wiped your forehead.
“what is it?” your heart was pounding. you didn’t know why. maybe it was a sliver of hope.
riki moved onto his stomach now and ran his heads through his hair, his makeshift bracelets jingling, “after university i think i want to go to a training program.”
you blinked as you looked at him, riki had been talking about becoming a professional dancer anywhere after college since you’ve met him.
you smiled at him, “where do you think you’ll go?”
riki looked at you and grinned, “i dunno, korea, new york… maybe back home in japan… i haven’t decided.” he rubbed his eyes and looked up, “maybe i’ll even go to california.”
“i believe in you.”
of course you did, and you’ll always support him. even after college, even after this period of time was over and you both will probably never talk again, after you don’t need eachother anymore, even after all of that. you’d always believe in him, your best friend.
Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
And have a drink or two
later on in the night you stood in his dim kitchen making tea. giggling as it was 2am and everything was just so funny. you felt like kids again at a sleepover.
“okay i swear i know how to make my moms tea.” riki said and spoke a lot by nodding his head and moving his hands.
you started to laugh silently, covering your face, “riki i don’t know if it’s supposed to look like that!”
he threw his head back and laughed, rolling up the sleeves of his hoodie that matched yours.
you both got matching hoodies last semester because he got tired of having to shoo off locals who tried to talk to you. so he fixed the problem. that was the first time you realized you saw him more than a best friend.
you watched him rush over to the tea bags and threw them in the pot, one of the papers was still attached and it caught fire.
riki jumped back, “WHAT DO I DO?!”
you started laughing, falling to the floor, “it’ll- it should- it’ll burn out quickly just turn off- turn off the stove!”
immediately he listened and looked at you on the floor, a little longer than a friend would, a small smile on his face before he started laughing just as hard as you.
And then I go and spoil it all
after the tea fiasco you both laid down in his room. it was around 4 am and he had soft lights around his room. it was still dark but little nooks and crannies of his room were illuminated.
“do you remember when that girl in your class asked if you were single?” you asked while readjusting the blanket. you were both talking about stories throughout your time here at the university.
riki covered his eyes and chuckled slightly, “i froze up! and started speaking japanese- yes of course i remember!”
“you did the same thing to me when that guy came up to me!” you exclaimed and shoved his arm, he acted like he was hurt and pretended to cry. then he stopped and looked at you.
“that guy was ugly you could do so much better. of course i cursed him out in japanese.”
your jaw dropped and you started laughing, “RIKI STOP THATS MEAN!” you went to shove him again but he ended up grabbing a pillow and smacking you, lightly.
you both were giggling after the play fight and you were trying to brush hair out of face. he was above you still laughing and you could help but stare at him.
he was so pretty to you, obviously you always noticed this, you’ve dyed his hair multiple times, done his makeup for some university and community performances, you had every mole on his face memorized. the little details of your best friend were your favorite. and his personality was even more beautiful to you, you loved everything about him. his laugh, the way he words things, how he talks and laughs with his whole body, you were in love with him.
“what?!” riki asked, almost taunting in a way, still playing around.
By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"
without even thinking you spoke, “i love you…”
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jujutsubaby · 3 months
Hiiii! I would like have a coffee at the Heaven and Earth cafe! If possible, could I get a mocha latte with soy milk and a kouign amann on the side? Pretty please and thank you 🙏
a/n: thank you for your ask and for participating 🥹 i appreciate it sooo much and i love your order! chocolate + buttery pastries are to die for 😇
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🤍 PAIRING. yuta
🤍 WORD COUNT. 1.4k (sorry anon i got too carried away with this lol)
ugh, you only had 15 minutes to quickly grab your drink and a bite to eat before your 8 AM stats lecture with the notoriously strict professor kusakabe. yeah, sure you could’ve probably avoided this if you had just slept at a normal time, but alas, you were hell bent on finishing one more episode of your favorite trashy real-estate focused reality tv show. but no worries, cafe heaven & earth is known for its efficiency and speed.
that’s what you thought to yourself 8 minutes ago, when you thought you would be out of there by now. instead, right after you gave your order, you noticed the long line of people waiting for their orders. you try your best to overhear their conversations so as to better understand what was happening
“i heard there’s a disturbance in the kitchen.” “who told you that?” “i dunno, some guy with white hair came out and said it?” crap. you don’t have time for this. you frantically look at your watch, as the aforementioned white haired man came out of the kitchen nonchalantly and made an announcement. “sorry folks, there’s gonna be a delay on everyone’s orders due to a disturbance in the kitchen.”
everyone murmurs but no one says anything, but you’ve had enough. “what’s the disturbance? how long will this take? i’m in a bit of a hurry, actually.” the white haired man takes a quick glance at you and says “there’s just a disturbance. thanks.”
dumbfounded, you’re not even sure how to respond to…his lack of response? you pinch the bridge of your nose, trying to figure out if it was worth just leaving right now and risking the entire class hearing your stomach rumble, or getting chewed out by professor kusakabe. your thoughts are interrupted by a soft voice from beside you.
“running late?” your head shoots up, and you find that the owner of the voice is a young man around your age wearing crisp black jeans and a high-necked white sweater. you’re slightly annoyed. you don’t really have the time to chit chat with a stranger right now. “uh, yeah, kinda.” you say curtly. you notice that he’s a little taller than you, with gentle features befitting his polite voice. his black hair falls in his large dark blue eyes in neat curtains. most notably, though, you see prominent shadows underneath his eyes. he must also be a student.
“what class?”
“shit, stats 153? with kusakabe?” he grimaces none too subtly.
your stomach drops. great, so you are gonna get chewed out for being late. “yeah. how fucked am i if i show up late?” he pretends to think before saying “well, depends. do you like having to explain in excruciating detail to the entire hall exactly what you were doing last night that made you late for an 8am? since that’s what he made us do when i had him last year.” hell no. there’s no way in hell you’re gonna tell anyone you were up until 2am watching selling sunset.
the white-haired man re-emerges at that moment with an order that looks mercifully familiar. “soy mocha and kouign-amann for…” you approach the pickup counter in anticipation. the employee raises a doubtful eyebrow at you before reading a name off the receipt in his hand. “...yuta?” the stranger who was just speaking with you steps in front of you and grabs his order, flashing an awkward apologetic grin at you.
as if this day couldn’t get stranger. “uh, that’s my order…” you say, but you’re not so confident anymore. “sorry, i think it’s mine. been ordering this ever since this place opened.”
“i’ve been ordering that ever since this place opened,” you say defiantly. you’re not sure if this dude is playing some joke on you or what, but you definitely don’t have time for it. 
“that’s interesting, but my name’s yuta,” he continues patiently, “so unless we also have the exact same name, i’m pretty sure this is mine this time.”
a quick glance at your watch – 5 minutes left. okay, plan aborted – people are just gonna have to deal with your noisy tummy today. “okay, well…” you’re not sure how to really say goodbye to him. “forget it. i’m just gonna get outta here. i’m late as it is…” you leave without glancing behind you as you speed walk to your lecture hall and it’s not until a couple seconds later you hear someone shouting behind you.
you turn to see…yuta? from the cafe? what’s he doing following you? oh god, is he a creep?! it suddenly occurs to your sleep-deprived mind that he might want to fight after you accidentally tried to steal his order, and you speed up.
“hey, wait! stop walking faster, geez! i’m trying to help you!” confused, you slow your pace, willing to hear him out. “what do you want?” you ask, wishing it didn’t come out as harshly as it did. 
“well, i was just wondering…y’know, seeing as we apparently have the exact same order and are both about to be late to our respective classes…” yuta clears his throat. “wanna share while we walk?”
you're skeptical, but the kouign-amann was looking so delectable in his hands that you had to double check you weren’t drooling. it didn’t help that your stomach chose that exact time to elicit a god awful noise begging for food. you acquiesce. “yeah, i’d…i’d actually really like that.” you flash him a thankful smile as you both walk to class.
“so…how come you’re running late? you seem like the type who’d have it all together,” you ask, trying to break up the silence with some small talk. you look up again at his eye bags. “up late studying, i bet?”
“hardly,” yuta answers sheepishly. “this show i’m hopelessly hooked on just dropped its new season on netflix…
you burst out laughing at the image of the polite, perfect yuta falling victim to a netflix binge. “no way, me too! what show? no, let me guess. black mirror or something?”
yuta looks at his feet and mumbles something that sounds an awful lot like selling sunset. no way. feeling just a tiny bit of sadistic glee at his embarrassment, you ask him to repeat himself.
“all right, all right! it was selling sunset! i just can’t stay away…i need to know what those ladies get up to!”
maybe it’s the way he’s blushing or your sleep deprivation, but something possesses you to reach out and pat his arm comfortingly. “don’t be ashamed,” you reassure. “only the greatest of intellectual minds can handle christine’s character arc.”
yuta gapes at you, before his eyes crinkle into a soft laugh. oh…he’s kinda cute, isn’t he…
you pass the rest of the walk discussing the off-the-rails drama of the new season as you alternate taking bites of sugary-sweet pastry and sips of mocha, and you find that you’re having a good enough time that you’re not even thinking about the reaming you’re due for in stats lecture.
soon enough, you’re outside your lecture hall, and it’s time to part ways. you sigh, knowing you’re not prepared to go in 10 minutes late. “well, this is me. right before i get my ass handed to me…”
“don’t worry, he always makes the assignments way harder than the actual tests” yuta reassures you with a bright smile. damn, he’s not kinda cute. he is cute.
“yeah, but stats just isn’t my best subject,” you say dejectedly. “i’m only taking it because i need to for my major but at this point, i dunno how i’m gonna pass the class without some divine intervention or a tutor or somethin’.” you hope yuta takes the hint.
“oh, yeah, well, if you want, i can…i can help you. i quite liked the class when i took it last year,” he says bashfully.
“really?” your eyes beam at him. “here, gimme your phone, i’ll text you about a study session, if you’re down?”
“yeah, of course!” yuta is doing an awful job of hiding the blush in his cheeks as you put your contact in his phone. “i’ll definitely need help come midterms.” you hand his phone back to him. “by the way, didn’t you say you have class? shouldn’t you…” you gesture at another lecture hall nearby yours, and he nervously scoffs.
“oh, yeah, i do, but it’s the one near northside.” northside? like the-other-side-of-campus northside? you’re confused as to why he’s even here right now. “wait, what? you’re gonna be so late for class! why did you even come here?”
yuta fidgets with his fingers, doing an awful job of maintaining eye contact with you. “it’s well…i dunno, i just thought maybe being a couple minutes late so i could share my kouign-amann with a cute girl might be worth it.”
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