#i dont actually know how golems are made
azulhood · 6 months
Danny was never a human.
While not exactly.
He kid of was, and kind of wasn't.
And that's not including the half-dead thing.
So during the start of Jack and Maddie's ghost hunting careers they experimented with the magic side of the world.
Then they stumbled across the ways to make something not living, alive.
And they thought 'well, this kind of involves our research, right?' Cos turning something that never lived but gets life most be some type of ghost stuff.
So they hunt down ways to make their experiment happen, from ancient texts to modern how to guides.
They checked it all.
Once their research was done, they made the body how the instructions say, with a few adjustments.
The only problem they had was that all of the recipes involved magic of some kind and neither Jack or Maddie had magic (they tested it multiple times)
So it was clear they had to get magic somehow.
And they did by stealing a magicians DNA, which was on him because he should know how dangerous it was to just leave DNA around, to be fair he probably wasn't expecting mad scientists to knock him out and take a blood sample.
And so it was added to the mixture of clay, their own blood,and the tiniest bit of ectoplasm moulded into a humanoid shape.
And finally it was the hard part.
Bringing it to life.
They took a page out of Victor Frankenstein's book and waited for a lighting storm, or in their case, a modified defibrillator.
The electricity acted as a spark to kick-start the process.
The blood formed the organs, skin, hair, and etc.
The ectoplasm breathed life into the golem, a bit too much.
Because once it was over they had a bouncing baby boy with the bluest eyes ever.
After running every test imaginable with each test confirming that the kid was human, they decided 'whelp, Jazz has a little brother now' and promptly forgot about it.
There was more exciting research to do after all.
When Danny's accident death happened it was only due to the magicians magic/ messed up luck powers and the ectoplasm in him that he survived.
Years go by and then Danny found out from reading their old notes.
His parents brushed it off saying that, yes, he was human and they loved him no matter what.
But Danny was a bit shook.
Finding out that he only existed not because his parents wanted him, but because they wanted to see if they could create.
Was he actually human? He was made out of clay for frick's sake!
And Danny handle this bombshell with grace and- he ran.
He ran as far as he could as fast as he could.
And so alone in a strange city and not willing to go back, he decided to seek out the magician who was technically his third parent.
What's the worst that could happen?
So off he went to find John Constantine.
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etherrreal · 1 year
“creep(er) into my heart”
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Pairing: kenma x gn!reader Genre: fluff, friends to lovers Summary: two gamers walk into a fancy restaurant and it goes as well as you’d think. WC: 4,220 Warnings: N/A A/N: This is part 2 of “would you be mine(craft)?” with an even cornier title. You can probably read this without reading the first, but maybe read it for context? (also, i joke that applebee’s sucks but their “bourbon street chicken and shrimp” lives rent free in my head everyday) -Luna
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Dates are meant to be anxiety-inducing, whether it’s a stomach full of butterflies or ruthless tornadoes.
So, it’s an odd feeling to be so calm and collected during the days leading up to a big date, especially one with Kenma. You assume it’s because the stakes are so low, knowing that if the spark isn’t there, you’ll still see him on Minecraft, probably that same night, to help with his iron golem farming idea like nothing ever happened. 
What’s even weirder is that both of you have continued to not discuss the date at all since he asked you the weekend before. You don’t know if it’s because it’ll be awkward to break the ice of the discussion or if he’s procrastinating figuring out the plans for that night, but you both continue to play games and watch anime together during the week without even grazing the topic.
If it wasn't for the Google Calendar invite reminding you 48 hours before Saturday that your date was in fact coming up, you would still believe that him asking you out was something you happened to imagine during your post-date funk.
Thankfully, come Thursday evening, not long after you get the notification, he sends you a text letting you know that he’ll be taking you to a restaurant in the city. It’s one you’ve passed several times before, which is how you know, without having to check their Instagram tags, that it’s a semi-formal, if not fully formal, dress code and dining experience. It’s an abnormal choice for Kenma to willingly select a place where he’d have to wear anything that buttons, let alone a full suit, so you have to imagine that the place must have glowing reviews for him to settle on it.
Now all you have to do is find a whole entire formal outfit with only two days’ notice and minimal time after work to shop. No biggie.
But you manage to do it in time—although barely since you had to rally together the group chat to help—and by the time Saturday comes, you’re actually feeling a bit of nerves start to pool in your stomach as you’re getting ready for the night. Although it all dissipates when you get a series of texts from Kenma, minutes apart, realizing that he may be experiencing the same kind of jitters that you’re feeling. 
‘I dont know how to tie a fucking tie, time to cancel the date’ ‘This is harder than finishing Dark Souls’ ‘I got it, but Kuroo made fun of me and is a terrible teacher and now my feelings are hurt’
You zoom through getting ready, and with about 30-ish minutes until your 7PM reservation, the 25-minute Uber ride leaves you with just enough time to be early. And you’re given quite the shock when you step out of the car and you already see Kenma in front of the restaurant, head hung low as he scrolls through his phone. As you get closer, you notice he cleans up nicely in his smart black suit with his hair pulled back into a bun except for a few face-framing pieces. You make sure to call his name to get his attention, his head snapping up when he hears your voice.
“Wooow, look at you, Mr. Snazzy,” you comment, reaching up to straighten his tie. “I’ve never seen you so gussied up before. Must be quite the date for you to dust off your one and only suit.”
“I have a second suit,” he says defensively. “It’s gray because Kuroo says that’s a better color to wear for the daytime.”
“When did Kuroo become your fashion stylist?”
“When my publicist politely said that I looked like a scrub in all my other clothes during meetings.”
“...She never said anything about your hair, though?”
Kenma glares at you, definitely offended by the implication that his excessively grown out roots are unprofessional, to which you offer a small smile, hoping that he knows you meant it with love. 
“Let’s just go inside before I get insulted again tonight.” 
He pulls the door open for you—like the gentleman that he pretends to be—and steps up to greet the host before you can say anything.
“Hello, I have a reservation for 7PM. Kozume.”
Normally, you’d joke about him finally being able to speak to a server by himself, seeing as he still has to hype himself up sometimes before asking for extra ketchup when you’re eating out. You remember there being a time when he ordered marinara sauce with his cheesy bread from Domino’s and when it wasn’t included, he was fully prepared to leave and eat his bread dry to avoid talking to anyone. You ended up having to take the receipt up to the cashier and fixing the mistake so you didn’t have to see him somberly eating his sauceless bread.
The jokes slip your mind, however, as you take in the decor of the place. A few chandeliers hang from the high ceiling, sparkling under the low light from the sconces on the wall. Each table is decorated with a crisp white tablecloth and set with dark green trimmed plates, long-stem wine glasses, and folded cloth napkins around a simple floral centerpiece.
You’re observing the attire of the guests, feeling a bit underdressed, but also overdressed considering how effortless and chic most of the outfits are. The meals they’re eating look especially small, probably only a few bites on the giant plates. It’s a place definitely out of your comfort zone, one that you’d think would be nice to attend, but probably never would because it’s so bougie and you’d feel out of place.
Kenma’s hand on your lower back startles you out of your thoughts, and suddenly, you’re being guided toward the middle of the restaurant, a server in front of you to lead the way.
The server pulls out your chairs, providing menus and telling you that he’ll be back when you’re ready to order. Polite smiles and thanks are given as you settle in, draping your coats over the backs of your chairs and picking up the menus.
If you thought you felt out of place when you walked in, you’re definitely feeling it now. You scan the menu, trying not to look too stressed when you see the prices and can’t recognize or even read the foreign names of certain dishes, but from what you can read, nothing is sparking joy. You’re trying to get a read on Kenma, glancing up to see if he’s also having trouble picking something from the menu or if he’s confident about what to order, but his stoic face gives nothing away.
In an attempt to put out some feelers, you clear your throat before saying, “I’m not really sure what to pick. How about you? See anything you like?”
“I’m still looking, but nothing so far,” he responds, trailing off at the end as he watches a server bring some morsels of food plated on a bowl of rocks to the table next to you. It’s only then that can catch his eye and in them, you’re seeing the same feeling of bewilderment and unease from being in this setting. But it’s gone in a second, back to his normal flat expression.
But you definitely saw it, so now that you know the feeling’s mutual, you feel less bad about feeling it yourself. You let a few moments pass, with the menu held in front of your face, high enough that only your eyes peek out from over the top before you let out a suggestion.
“....You know we passed by a Domino’s on the way here, and now all I can think about are their wings.”
Kenma nearly slams the menu onto the table, eyes wide and ravenous for some food. “I want some of their cheesy bread so bad.”
“Wanna make a run for it?” You’re trying to be low-key when looking around for anyone that could be watching, gently setting the menu down and grabbing the collar of your coat, looking back to Kenma for confirmation. He’s already shoved one arm into the sleeve of his blazer and is scooting back his chair to stand, making sure to give you a nod so you know that it’s go time.
You’re not as graceful as Kenma is in your escape, nearly spilling someone’s drink while putting on your coat on the way out. You pick up your pace, ignoring Kenma’s glance and snickers. He reaches the door first, holding it open for you while you finally get your coat on. There’s a beat while you stand there before you both burst into giggles, nearly keeling over with laughter and tears in your eyes.
Finally, standing up straight after a few minutes, you gesture behind you. “Ready to go get a gourmet meal?” 
With an excited nod from Kenma, you walk side by side down the streets. You use the time to clown him for not knowing how to tie a tie, even suggesting that you’ll gift him a clip-on for future uses so he doesn’t hurt his little gamer hands trying to tie a knot. 
To which he responds with, “And I’ll light your Minecraft house on fire using my little gamer hands if you don’t shut up.”
Suddenly, you’re silent.
The Domino’s is a bit farther than it seemed while in the car, but eventually, you see the glowing blue and red symbol high up on the square building, rushing ahead to rip open the door so you can quickly usher Kenma inside and order as soon as possible.
Too much money later, you’re skipping out of Domino’s, wings and cheesy bread secured along with other impromptu boxes of goodies to take home. You’re both waiting at the corner while you pull open the Google Maps app to figure out the best place to catch a cab when you notice a spot nearby that piques your interest. 
“Did you know there’s an arcade around the corner?!” you nearly scream, shoving your phone in his face to show him Google Maps. 
“No, I didn’t know that,” he says, moving your phone at least a few inches away from his face. “Want to go there?”
“Won’t our food get cold though?”
“That’s what microwaves are for. Duh,” he jokes, grabbing your hand to guide you down the block to the illuminated storefront. You run in like children, making a beeline to the token machine. You begin reaching for your wallet when Kenma lets go of your hand, shoving your wallet away and aggressively pulling out money from his own.
You stare down at your palm in the meantime, feeling little tingles spread throughout it, flexing your fingers and no doubt looking like a weirdo.
Kenma has done his fair share of dragging you away from places, usually when you're glued to the glass window of a store that has anime knick-knacks you want but have absolutely no damn space for, but usually he just grabs your elbow or wrist. You could be overthinking it, but he must've grabbed your hand on purpose. Or you're just that desperate for physical affection. 
He shoves a handful of tokens into your open palm, putting his own into his pockets. The arcade suddenly feels so overwhelming, with lights and noises all around you. Should you try the crane games first? Or maybe some skee-ball? You could probably dominate him in that…
“Want to start with some air hockey?” Kenma suggests, pointing over to a free table in the corner. 
Yes. Air hockey. An easy win start. “Oh hell yeah, let’s do that.”
You shouldn’t have been so confident. It’s not turning out in your favor, not in the slightest, and you should’ve guessed that, going up against a guy who was the brain of his volleyball team. In your defense, you did win the first game, rubbing it in Kenma’s face and doing a dance like a sore winner. Then he absolutely demolished you for the next three rounds and had the gall to be humble about it like he didn’t just embarrass you in front of the many elementary school kids around you.
You would’ve kept going, being stubborn as hell and telling Kenma, “Best 5 out of 6?” until you got into double digits. But suddenly he has to “go use the bathroom,” which sounds like an excuse to you.
“I’ll be right back. Don’t go too far,” he warns you.
And, to be fair, you don’t go too far. You only walk about twenty feet away to the anime crane game that’s hiding behind a row of other crane games that would be blocking Kenma’s view to you if he comes back the same way he left. He has a phone that he could use to text you if he really can’t find you. 
It’ll be fiiiine, you think as you slide in a token and get ready to win the anime figure. 
The time passes quickly, not that you notice it. All you know is that you’ve gone through maybe half of your tokens while trying to get the figure to fall between the two bars, only asking the staff to help you reposition once because you managed to mess it up that bad. 
It’s funny to think that you were more worried about sticking out like a sore thumb at the fancy restaurant than you are now at the arcade, surrounded by people of all ages in sneakers and jeans while you stand there at the claw machine in dress clothes with your nose nearly against the glass. Maybe they’ll think you’re an important business person coming by to decompress after a very long, busy day at work. 
Then you squawk when you finally score the prize after only several more dollars worth of coins, and the facade promptly sails out the window.
It’s only after you have the box in your arms that you decide to check the time, realizing you’ve spent at least ten minutes straight playing. What’s weirder is that Kenma still hasn’t returned yet, and you have no messages or missed calls from him asking where you’re at, which means he's either still in the bathroom–and if that’s the case, you’re deeply worried for his bowels–or he got distracted on his way back from it. 
You’re almost at the bathrooms when you see Kenma walking towards you from the corner of your eye, definitely not coming from the bathroom as you’d expect. 
“Where were you? I thought you said you had to go to the bathroom.” You notice he’s holding an overstuffed plastic bag. “What did you get? When the hell did you even have time? Or are you just that lucky?”
“Oh. This is, uh..” Suddenly, he’s sheepish, opening the plastic bag where you can see something fuzzy and pink in it. “I didn’t actually need to go to the bathroom. I saw a Kirby plush in a crane machine when we walked in and knew I had to get it for you.” 
Before you could even say anything, he’s pulling out the plush and you notice it’s not just a regular Kirby, but one with a chef hat and pan. You make grabby hands at it until he hands it over, trying to hold it just with one hand and squishing it against your chest and face. 
“I love him so much! Thank you, Kenma.” 
Like a lot of things tonight, it’s different from your normal friendly interactions. Instead of your usual hugs where you go in at a diagonal or the lazier times when it’s just a side hug, your arms are now wrapped around his neck with his around your waist. It feels weird. A good weird. Like you’re feeling the subtle change from friendship to something a little more. It’s hard not to get your hopes up because although you’ve told yourself that you’ll be good with being ‘just friends,’ throughout the night, you find yourself quite hopeful for the chance to explore something romantic with Kenma. 
You part slowly, him shoving Kirby back into the bag and insisting on holding it for you after you reach for it, which you suppose you could allow since he’s been such a gentleman tonight. 
“Great minds think alike because I got you a gift, too,” you announce, handing over the box you worked so hard for. “I don’t remember her name, but I know you have a few that look like her in your room, so what’s one more to add to your waifu collection.”
“Thanks for the gift, and also, for saying that so loud. I’m sure the whole arcade liked hearing about how much of a weeb I am.” He gives you a smile, somehow managing to stuff the box into the already full bag. “Want to spend the rest of our tokens then head to mine? I only have a few more.”
You pull your sad six out of your pocket. “Yeah, me too. That crane game wasn’t kind to me.”
You have a blast with the remaining tokens, staying away from crane games and sticking more to the classics. You learn that Kenma’s strategic thinking in volleyball does not translate over to basketball when you watch him miss every single basket of the game except for his last one in which he threw the ball against the back wall in frustration and landed right in the net.
Even when ordering the Uber minutes later, he still has a frown etched on his face from losing, and as much as you want to rub it in his face that now he’s feeling like you were after air hockey, you leave him to sit in his feelings. 
It’s a silent ride, at least on the outside. Internally, you’re an anxious, overthinking mess with your inner thoughts going a mile a minute. You spend the whole ride back to his place wondering if it’d be too forward of you to hold his hand that’s sitting on the seat between you two. It’s not like he didn’t hold your hand earlier tonight, even if it was only to drag you toward the arcade. Once you finally convince yourself that it’d be okay to try, the ride is over and his hand slips away to open the car door and you sigh as you lose your chance to be brave. 
When you’re home, Kenma’s tie and shirt undone and your dress shoes thrown haphazardly by the door, you finally get to discuss your thoughts on the restaurant. About how stuffy it felt in your formal clothes and how ridiculous the plating looked for the meals because you didn’t know what they’d even be able to taste with a portion size that small. Kenma even thanks you for breaking the ice by bringing up Domino’s because if you never did it “you’d still be in that restaurant having your 12th course of the meal.”
You swallow your bite and take a quick sip of your drink. “Why did you even choose that restaurant in the first place? Doesn’t feel like a place you’d be at.”
Kenma shrugs, brushing off the crumbs from his hands. “I don’t know… I guess I didn’t want our first date to be just like any other night we’d had. I wanted it to stand out from the rest so you can know that I’m serious about you.”
Your heart just about bursts hearing his gentle voice say that. “That’s… So sweet. I don’t know what to say to that besides thank you. Never knew you could be so charming.”
“Don’t expect it too often,” he jokes, to which you respond with an elbow to his ribs. “I know today didn’t go as expected, so maybe we can try again with a different restaurant.” 
“Maybe—and this is me just spitballing here—we should work our way up to the formal dress restaurants by starting with something simple like… Applebee’s.”
“I feel like Applebee’s is somehow a worse starting point than a place like McDonald’s.”
“Fiiiine. Since you have so much to say, then you pick where we’re eating for our next date. Just make sure I can get away with wearing sneakers and jeans, is all I’m saying.”
“Who said we were actually going on a second date? I don’t know if I want to date someone who eats wings like a toddler.” He reaches over with a napkin to wipe the corners of your mouth which you begrudgingly allow.
“Well, I don’t know if I want to date someone who waits until 48 fucking hours before the date to tell me that I have to put together a whole formal outfit for a restaurant.” Kenma looks away abruptly, but not before you see his shameless smirk. “Why the hell did you even take so long?” 
“I had to use some connections to get a reservation there within the week, and they didn’t get back to me until Thursday, so you knew when I knew!” 
“Hm… okay. I’ll let that one slide then. For now.” 
“So, I can get a second date?” 
“If you insist.”
Kenma puts what’s left of your food in his fridge with the promise of leftovers tomorrow. You help him tidy up a bit, taking your sweet time because it’s finally dawned on you that the date will be ending soon. You’re hit with a wave of disappointment, realizing just how much you enjoyed his company all day. And maybe it’s silly, but you don’t want it to end just yet.
When you’ve thrown away the last napkin, you slide in next to him in the kitchen, bumping shoulders with him before hooking your arm with his. “Wanna finish watching that anime you showed me? The one with the long title?”
He lets out an amused chuckle. “Glad you enjoyed it so much that you remember the name, but sure.”
He lets you guide him to the couch by his arm, plopping yourselves down on it while he grabs his remote to pick the show from his ‘continue watching’ section.
Halfway through the episode, you scooch even closer to Kenma so you can lean on him, your head gently resting on his shoulder to test the waters. He lifts his arm up to grasp you tighter, fingers trailing up and down your upper arm without looking away from the screen. You peer up at him to see a little smile on his face—hoping it’s because of your current position and not because of the atrocities happening on the screen. You’re rarely this close to Kenma. The closest you get to him on the daily is him leaning over you to fix some computer issues or you peering over his shoulder to watch him play on his Switch. 
You’ve never paid attention to his warm amber scent mixed with something floral, probably from his conditioner he told you he overpaid for because he thought it was on sale. How plush his hoodie is and how you’re definitely going to be “borrowing” it as a partner tax in the future. Or how the ends of his hair that’s tickling your face are really soft, no doubt because of that expensive conditioner, and you fight the urge to play with a few pieces. You could get used to being with him if this is what you’d be getting every day.
You manage to last another episode and a half before his soft touch lulls you to sleep, a smile mirroring his on your face.
You have a funny dream that night; you and Kenma are at an Applebee’s, both dressed in your grubbiest hoodies and sweats, while the subpar food sits untouched in front of you. He’s holding one of your hands on the table, stroking his thumb back and forth on the back of yours, the other hand keeping his head propped. You’re telling a story, laughing and waving your free hand around as you delve deep into it. To everybody else, you’re sure Kenma looks bored out of his mind, probably waiting for you to stop talking or at least get to the good part. But you know him better than that.
You can see the affection in his eyes as he doesn’t break eye contact with you, humming in acknowledgment wherever necessary so you know he’s actually listening. He’s squeezing your hand every now and again just because he can. His phone is face down on the far end of the table, most likely on ‘Do Not Disturb’ because you don’t hear a single vibration against the table. 
You’ve got his complete and undivided attention until he decides to get off his seat to lean over the table. You quiet down immediately, unsure of what the hell he’s going to do until he tilts his head and gently kisses you on your lips, lasting only a second before promptly sitting down and telling you to continue your story as if nothing happened. 
Non-dream Kenma would never do something so bold in public. At least, you don’t think so. 
But, goddammit, even if it means writing a script and playing director, you’re going to try your fucking hardest to make sure it happens exactly like your dream during your second date.
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Written by: Luna
we’ve got a taglist if you’re interested 👀
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irrigos · 8 months
been thinking about motr again (as is my wont) and i think one of my complaints about it is that i think it's kind of weird that no one is antisemitic??
not that im like. "boo i wish there was more bigotry in the world!!" or smth lmao. it's just that it feels like maybe there was supposed to be some but then they chickened out
like. archie is accused of murdering david, and we know immediately that he didnt do it because he's our friend (and also thats just how stories work.) but i still dont understand why everyone else is so convinced he did it, when they never bother to give him a motive
when I heard the pitch for motr, I had assumed the motive would be bigotry. even if archie himself isnt antisemitic, it would make sense for Harjit or David or anyone who thinks archie did it to at some point go "well the victim was a marginalized person, so we just assume the motive was bigotry" but no one ever says that, even as just. a possibility?? but they ALSO dont have a different, stronger motive for Archie to have done it?? if Archie and David had some sort of enmity, this probably wouldn't be a problem at all, but since they dont have anything, it really feels like the only possible motive would have been prejudice, and yet no one will ever say it, even as a possibility that gets refuted
it just seems really weird to me!! ive posted before about how i understand why FBG writes stuff the way they do (writing period-accurate bigotry isnt like. fun. and also i dont think it would be commercially successful, especially if you want to court an audience of non-bigots) but it just kinda. lacked some verisimilitude for me on this one, especially because they made such a big thing about how much research they were doing and how they were consulting experts so they could write their first explicitly Jewish characters in the universe?? like... did you guys just. forget. why did you even bother researching that much when it's never really part of the story?
(also, my incredibly minor complaint is that i think its a missed opportunity to not have one of the Landaus comment on how golems are real apparently. like sure i guess they never actually cross paths with Moss but. yknow... cmon)
anyway this is also just kind of a matter of taste, because i know that bigotry free fantasty worlds are very popular with some people, and i definitely get the appeal!!! it just does very little for me, especially in what is technically a period piece. for me personally, it doesnt hit as like "oh cool a fun fantasy world that im welcome in :3" it just comes across (TO ME) as. very fake
.... but actually now that ive written the whole post, i think the real problem is that they forgot to give archie even a POSSIBLE motive, but also wouldnt suggest, even as a possibility that gets refuted, the most obvious motive, which wouldn't even require them to change any of the story beats at ALL. its just a really weird writing decision and i don't get it
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Terraria has got to be the most funniest and chaotic game i have played (also spolier warning ig!!!), you start the game, make a character, create a world and then you're just plopped in there. No tutorial, nothing. You see some dude with brown (i think) hair and just press right-click, see a dialogue option labelled 'help' and think "oh! this gotta be how to go to the tutorial!" and NOPE! Think again fucker 'cause you better chop some wood and build a house because the night is dangerous (OoOoOoOh very spooky). So, you look up "Terraria Beginner Guide" (or something along the lines of that) and y'know you just get going, build houses, explore the underground, maybe built a hellevator, and you even built an arena (im so proud)! Then suddenly the text "You feel an evil Presence watching you" pops up and you know that you better get to your arena 'cause its very spooky big eyeball time (hooray).
So after you beat the very big Eye of Cthulu you get some loot, fast forward to The Wall of Flesh. This is it. The final challenge in Pre-Hardmode. The Gate to see if you have what it takes to go to Hardmode. And now, it begins. After you throw the doll of the person who pranked you out of a Tutorial into the lava below, you hear a roar, before a wall made out of flesh with two huge Eyeballs and a gaping wide Mouth comes at you. It was a great battle, with you seemingly being at equal with the giant fleshy wall. You threw everything you got at it: Bullets, Fire, Ice, even that Imp you found on the street. Ater a long Battle with many Hardships, you won. But only now....
The Fun really begins.
Oh, you thought that you could go out at night? Think again fucker, mf-ing Werewolves. You thought that Molten Armor/ Meteorite Armor was gonna protect you? Dont make me laugh. "Atleast I have my NPCs?" Wrong! You feel vibrations from deep below. Hardmode is the game's most challenging part imo, because not only is everything new, but also beefier, stronger, and more annoying to deal with. Oh, there's also a new Biome where, you guessed it! Everything kills you! It isnt as bad if you're more experienced and prepared alot of stuff, but unfortunately, most newer Players dont do that, and I've even seen some leave permanently because dying constantly wasnt fun anymore. But we dont quit, do we? No. Because our Mamas didnt raise us to be quitters! Uhh motivational quote, yadda yadda yadda etc. So. you actually persist, get better gear, and even kill a mechanical boss! So you get better weapons and gear, kill another Mechanical Boss and the last one is now dead. So you get clorophyte (No i will not look up how it's spelt and i really couldnt care less), get better-er gear and fight Plantera. This pink plant bitch is probably one of the best bosses in the game, and i am sad that it has some of the worst loot in the game imo. anyways, you unlock the temple, kill golem (Man Re-logic really need to buff this dude) get better-er-er gear and fight the lunatic cultist. Kill him, get the only drop (Man Re-logic really need to buff this dude's loot) and fight the celestial pillars. cool, you can now make weapons from SpAaAaAaaAAaace. Each of which correspond to a class (Solar=Melee, Vortex=Ranged,Nebula=Mage,Stardust=Summoner). but suddenly, the screen gets darker and more wonky, the music is gone and then,
The Moon Lord has Awoken!
Out of bloody nowhere, the final boss is here. The Final Challenge. The Wall between you and the End. After having improved so much and died so much, like, WOW those are alot of deaths, you are at the final blockade. And after a battle you will remember forever, you come out on top, victorious. You are at the top of the 2d Mountain. You have beaten everything. You have beaten
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angelonasher · 10 months
i have an au (another one)
How do people talk about au's they have?
Usually they do it with little art things but art and me aren't cooperating very well- and im also not very good at visualizing details so making visual designs for stuff is kind of very hard for me ;-;
So yeah au its actually the most details for an au ive ever thought of in a short amount of time- i dont know what to name it so giving the general plot and hoping ya'll have some ideas?
Ofc my brain suddenly doesn't know how to explain things okay here you go:
So in the general ~world~ there are two "types" of technology, dark tech and clean tech. Dark tech has been banned by the government(s) for various reasons (oh its bad and people can make nukes oh oh evil ai oH the unethical experiments with it that totally weren't done by us oOh DaRk its clearly evil), and while clean tech has a more pristine futuristic vibe, dark tech in much more advanced
Redstone is considered a branch of dark tech, and whether or not its banned/what regulations it has varies from place to place
(The visual vibe of dark tech im not sure how to describe, but this entire au was inspired by the thumbnail of doc's robot battle video so uhm i guess kind of the vibe of the butterfly. It's like. A weird mix of cyberpunk and steampunk, if that makes any sense.)
Some people weren't too happy about the ban, considering many were: sentient/sapient androids and ai's; cyborgs; bionic people with cybernetics that either were essential to their life, would kill them upon removal, or greatly improved their quality of life; organic cyborgs (the term for hybrids such as golems, blazes, etc), or had their entire career on science/tech
So they ran way and made their own city. which, don't get me wrong, is a giant city. lots of connections with other dark-tech places. it definitely has a name. for sure. yeep.
It's made in this mountain where there was a giant crack inside, with houses underground, above ground, in the walls of the crack/cliff-face, above the mountain, and in the sky/towers way above the mountain
The government isn't too happy about this city's existence but because of *ahem* certain people who live there, they leave the place alone.
very summarized plot thing:
Every ten to thirty (haven't decided exactly when) years the [dark-tech city] hosts a competition of skill in technology. robotics, computers, cybernetics, weaponry, the works.
The exact details of the competition differ every time, the details of previous competitions kept vague. but everyone knows you gotta be good with tech to win, and you have to impress the judges with your inventions just to have a chance at competing.
The prize?
No one really knows. but it’s- something. something great. Resources and knowledge and equipment and something that’ll let the winner(s) achieve whatever dreams they may have in that little noggin of their's.
And its coming up soon.
Get creating :)
characters :D :
aka the people who i have a vague idea of their role/personality in this au for. 
“Name they go by” (real name/ what their friends call them) [no paranthesis if they don’t have a fake name]
Grian (unknown): 
An infamous name in the undergrounds, known for his skill in robotics. Never seen in person; appearance and species unknown. He’s rumored to have won the [technology competition] once before, but is entering again.
A little guy who works around Grian’s shop. He’s a sentient android made by his name-sake. His movements are a bit wonky, and he tends to have a goal-driven one-track robotic mindset, but his voice is pretty emotive and he even has synthetic skin!
RG (Robot Grian): 
The latest of Grian’s sentient creations, he has transparent casing to show off his components! His voice is- lacking, but he makes up for it with his realistic movements, “brain,” and expressions. He runs Grian’s shop and tends to be a replacement for the guy whenever he’s wanted/needed in person. He’s a bit more- sarcastic, then Npg.
TV (Impulse):
A prototype cyborg who has a penchant for dark tech. Having a sentient AI living in his head makes him a bit strange, but he’s just a nice guy! His eyes being yellow lets you know he’s the one in control. He’s entering the competition with the hope of being able to build a separate robot body for Skizz.
The sentient AI living in Impulse’s head, technically a cyborg. Look, he didn’t want to be here either. Or sapient. But he is, so he might as well be Impulse’s friend while following his programmed objective of keeping the guy alive. He can communicate through either his screen (that usually displays their left eye), Impulse’s voice, or the speaker on the side of their head. Blue eyes means he’s the one in control.
Tek (Tango):
Little gremlin tech man doing little gremlin tech man things. He’s a cats-folk*, of the that-cat-is-a-spawn-of-hell type. (And he’s proud of it.) He’s best friends with Impulse, Skizz, and Zedaph and is competing as a team with them for the same goal. He’s technically better at robotics than Impulse, but he’d never admit it.
*cats-folk are a strange hybrid mix of feline and some aquatic fish creature. They sometimes contain organic-cyborg features.
Science man doing sciencey things. Skilled in robotics, redstone, and even code, Zedaph is a close friend of Impulse, Skizz, and Tango. He’s not officially in the competition, but he is helping out when he can. [I wish I had a longer description for him but he’s not that developed yet. Btw this is your sign to go watch Zedaph he’s criminally underrated and his style of videos is unique.]
K. Jumbo (Mumbo):
A newer name in the dark tech business, a mustache man building robots. He’s somehow nailed down making the sentient AI part and mass weapons of destruction, but he’s not that great at actually building the body, and tends to buy parts and instructions from Grian’s shop. He originally joined the competition as a chance to make a name for himself, but has since then teamed up with Scar.
Strange man with his strange cat. A bionic human with a penchant for strangely wholesome violence. He’s mastered using and making mechanical crossbows and guns. He doesn’t know a lick of redstone but is pretty skilled at robotics. He joined the competition in hope to find more options for replacing his cyberntic parts, and has since then teamed up with Jumbo. No one knows if Scar is his real name.
The first sentient AI Mumbo ever (accidentally) made, he lives inside of a communicator. Originally supposed to be a randomized option picker, he enjoys roleplaying, which is something Mumbo still has no idea how it got into his programing. He’s basically Mumbo’s son.
The second sentient AI Mumbo ever (accidentally) made. He needs to stop doing that. Also his son.
Sparrow (Owen):
An un-finished prototype cyborg unwillingly a cyborg, skilled in robotics. He has a bit of amnesia, so he can’t actually remember how he became half-robot, but he knows it sucks, given the control the programming has over what he does vs what he actually wants to do. He joined the competition in hope of finding some way to fix himself. (It seems the program is becoming somewhat sapient. That’s bad, right?)
Smajor (Scott):
Owen’s roommate and best (only lol) friend, he has a basic knowledge in robotics/cybernetics. [I haven’t decided what he is but I know he’s not human. Sorry Scott I don’t have more to say about you yet 😞]
Docm77 (Doc):
Creeper-goat-cyborg man. Also part butterfly but that’s (almost) all robotics baybe B) He’s another famous name in the tech space, even more so than Grian. He specializes less in sentient creations and more in world-breaking and physic-denying inventions. He’s intimidating in reputation and appearance but actually a really chill guy who enjoys gardening. Joined the competition because why not, he already has all the supplies he needs. (He may or may not be one of the reasons the government leaves them alone. He is on several watchlists.)
RK (Ren):
Ren-diggity-dog, it’s your local bionic hybrid. He’s part canine but also has a bit of sniffer origin in him. He’s also the owner of the only sniffers in [dark-tech city]. Extinct six-legged creatures are hard to get your hands on, y’know? He’s in the competition on Doc’s team, and although it's somtimes hard to believe, he does have a decent knowledge in robots, specifically cybernetics.
Slabs (Etho):
A famous name in the tech space, the bionic zombie-hybrid that’s actually pretty chill. He’s skilled in robotics, making weapons, and using them. He’s not officially on Doc’s team, but he does help out. He has won before. (He’s not running away from the responsibility of fatherhood if he’s technically their adoptive uncle, stop lying.)
Loud short teen who sometimes hangs out with the cool redstoner guys. He’s Etho’s sister’s son, not Etho’s. Not at all. It’s just his personality that makes him call him Etho dad. His past-times include sleeping at a very specific time every night, becoming a spawn of hell if his sleep schedule is disturbed, bother watch people doing tech stuff, and brag about his older brother Scar, his mom Cleo,* and his mom’s friends.
*If it's unclear; Cleo and Etho are siblings. Cleo adopted Scar and Bdubs from the streets, who are siblings, and since Etho was living with Cleo at the time, he kind of became their dad, even though he’s technically their uncle. Etho left to live with the cool tech guys in their cool tech tower, and Scar (being an adult) left on his own but often visits Cleo and Bdubs. Bdubs lives with Cleo, but he sometimes hangs out with the cool tech guys in their cool tech tower too.
Funky little dude Ren found hiding in a box somewhere. Not sure how he got up the insanely tall tower, but Ren decided to adopt the guy into the found family jazz they got going on. He’s a bit traumatized, but that’s nothing some good ol’ friendship can’t fix. He’s some sort of bug thing. Cool wings, though.
With zombie genes much more present than her brother’s, Cleo has a name for herself as an amazing seamstress and armor-stand artist. (Armor-stand is a type of robotics art that I just made up.) She somehow deals with her two chaotic sons and her younger brother who still comes to her whenever he needs help. (So much for him being independent.)
Gemini (Gem):
Gem, also known as GeminiSlay, is a bit famous for her fighting skills. Oops. An anterled folk and Cleo’s and Lizzie’s roommate, Gem enjoys picking on Cleo’s brother and consistently beating him in the fighting realm to make sure his ego doesn’t grow too big. Unfortunately, her good heart has her taking pity on the poor souls that are Joel and Jimmy whenever Lizzie is unavailable. (Absolute beggars, those two.)
Shadow Lady (Lizzie):
A curious cats-folk that rooms with Gem and Cleo, Lizzie has the unfortunate fate of knowing Joel and Jimmy. Seeing as she’s one of the very few people that knows them in good relations and Gem only tolerates them half the time, Lizzie usually keeps them from killing themselves, and helps with the inevitable backlash of them doing the stupid thing she told them not to do.
Better at what he does than his over-confidence would seem, Joel likes guns. He likes shooting them even more, so he does that. He gets in trouble for stealing and/or destroying stuff, gets Jimmy in trouble because he dragged him into it, and then goes begging to Lizzie for help. It’s a relentless cycle, but he does it, because he’s good at it. And he also gets paid for it. He somehow keeps on meeting tech-people.
Helps Joel with his heists because Joel claims they’re related somehow and therefore he has to. He can be a bit un-confident or over-confident at times but has a geniunely good aim with guns and mechanical-crossbows. And bombs. Joel’s not allowed to use bombs anymore so he makes Jimmy do it, and then throws a bunch himself. He somehow keeps on meeting the tech people Joel meets.
and uhm i think thats it?
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restrainedhungr · 4 months
i also lowkey find it funny. they made Briar to be a weapon but she's too good of a weapon. She can't die, she can kill nearly anything, and can be unstopable when unleashed.
and that is exactly the problem. she cant be stopped
and im lowkey curious if anyone would try to use her as a weapon or see if they could manipulate her into being a weapon or fighting for them? because i dont know much about death in LoL and the whole lore of aspects, unkillable beings, Kindred, but Briar being a golem im not. sure if Kindred would consider her a "living" being to begin with and so *would* briar ever meet an end? or would she be in a suspended death-but-not-quite-life place?
would briar be able to make friends with wolf and lamb because she can't really die but that's because shes not really "living" either and her time on this earth doesn't actually have a set time limit because of being a golem
now i lowkey wanna HC that lamb and wolf both know of briar because of simply just how much death she causes and she *vaguely* knows them but only in a "i swear i saw you in a dream"
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because i feel the need to theorize about tftbn
So, when i read todays chapter i realized i had been making assumptions… but this is a mystery story so you should have theories. I dont have any particularly deep theories but i think id be cheating if i didnt write them down.
i am not actually aware of where the fandom is, so this is probably rehashing known theories for anyone who is.
firstly, i had been on the assumption that Samium told Su that her ”futile” quest wasnt actually futile, and there was a straightforward way to kill Kuroka and leave Shiko in her place. Honestly i still dont really get why shes so defensive about anyone seeing the conversation otherwise, but i guess that could be a failure of emotional imagination on my part. Or she hasnt actually viewed the tape that far. Todays chapter made that theory feel weirdly thematically dissonant, so im currently rethinking…
Secondly, ive also assumed the whole timeloop stuff is entirely fake. As in, the inner circle intentionally faked it same way they faked the wonderchild-turned-monster stuff. This theory i admit is entirely contradicted by p much all metanarritive constructs (The prologue and existence of the Playwright and so on stongly hints at an Umineko-style metaworld commentary-on-repeating-story, and the Playwright just says its a timeloop multiple times), however, there has yet to be any not-easily-faked evidence of this timeloop. Balthazar is obviously in on it, and knows about the fact Su doesnt like to be called Shiko from their introductions. Fang might be in on it, but they might have been tricked by some more subtle trick the main cast is unaware of. Its also suspicious that Fang is the only one to notice obvious hints like the fake audience… i think the thing this is supposed to mean is that Fang remember previous loops, and compared audiences across loops, but if loops are fake Fang p much must be in on it.
I also strongly believe a lot of the inner circle have Zeno-style fake bodies, which are probably not remote-controlled, but just golems trained as mimics (or possibly upload-your-conciousness-to-many-bodies-style clones, depending on whether golems can be concious). Obviously I came up with this teory after it was revealed Linos had one, im not that smart.... However, im also leaning towards some of the boys being fake in the same way, accounting for the coordinator scene where they claim the boys didnt travel to the Sanctuary. This makes Bardiyas death kind of inexplicable though (since the logical assumption would be that all the boys were fake, otherwise how did Bardiya end up in the Sanctuary?, Or if he didnt then his gored body was faked, which like, by red truth bodies arent entirely fake so it had to have been someone elses body... the theory ends up with too many epicycles) This has the problem that some people would use the power while fake, but we see Zeno do that, so there must be some trick. My guess is someone is casting things at a distance via the ”rune-pipes”.
I guess i should also mention that i p s buy the wonderchild being faked. Of course this isnt watertight either, and i guess the wonderchild would be the prime suspect in my reductio where almost everyone is fake.
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aberfaeth · 2 years
Okay. I have to know. What is word on the wind what is a young wizard?
so word on the wind is. a novelization/dramatization of the plot of 2008 mmorpg Wizard101, a game in which you play a normal child/teen isekai-ed into a Spiral of magical worlds to learn how to do spells at the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts. along the way you have adventures such as: save the world! become increasingly estranged and isolated from your peers and teachers! Actually End A Man's Life! experience the horrors of war!
if you know me at all you know my number one passion is Making Things Way Deeper And More Narratively Coherent/Satisfying Than They Need To Be (power rangers 2017 my beloved) so while wizard101 is a fun silly game for folks of all ages i was like HEY. what if we took the Powerful Old Wizard Sends Child To Do Horrific Bidding thing really seriously (obviously i am nowhere near the first person to do this i mean i dont really read a lot of w101 fic but it does exist). anyways the Thing that sets wotw apartTM is that i picked three fellow student NPCs that exist only in the first world* and decided that they get to be the protag's friends and party for the rest of the plot! (based off the real mechanic where you can join fights with up to 3 other people bc its an mMorpg. i made sure their party build was good. i made SURE.)
so word on the wind is, in short: Madeline "Mae" Simmons/Starcatcher (the Headmaster gave her a Wizard Name) and her three friends (Duncan Grimwater, Ceren Nightchant, Regina Flametalon) go on adventures, save the worlds, bond over gained trauma, do real life murder, and fall in love (gay people<3).
fun little encapsulation of the Implications Being Taken Seriously: initially, the protag's name is coded into the dialogue, but after a little bit, i guess kingsisle got lazy? or something, because everyone gradually starts calling them Young Wizard. and thus that is how the protag is referred to in fandom. cool and useful but also super depersonalizing!
gay people snippet under the cut bc this post is so long already i am so sorry:
A girl stormed past us, red cape whipping behind her.
I watched as she paced across the length of the grass before dropping down on the ground, right behind a park bench, burying her head in her hands. Ceren’s eyebrows furrowed in concern. I tilted my head to the side, like, do you know her? But he just sort of stared at me, confused.
“Well, come on,” I said, clamoring to my feet. “Maybe we can help.”
We made our way across the court. When we got close enough, I could see the girl’s shoulders were shuddering, as if she was having trouble breathing. As we approached, she startled, jerking her head up. Her face was round, with wide, shiny eyes, and dark skin streaked with tears. Cherry red coils of hair fell down to her shoulders. 
She took in a quick breath, wiping her face with the sleeves of her pumpkin orange robe. “Hi,” she said, voice wobbling. “Um—can I help you?”
I blinked. “I guess I was gonna ask you the same thing.” I knelt down on the seat of the bench, folding my arms across the backrest. “We’ll leave if you want to be alone, but… are you okay?”
The girl’s lip quivered. She let out a full-body sigh, shifting her crossed legs. “No,” she said, finally, with a small shake of the head. “I’m trying to finish this engineering assignment for Professor Baelstrom, but the golems in that tower stole my materials.” As she talked, her voice picked up, in speed, volume, and panic. “I really need those back, if he finds out I’ve lost them then I’ll fail the project, and Professor Falmea won’t let me do any more interschool studies, and I’ll flunk out of the Academy and have to live beneath the theater on Firecat Alley doing tech for those crazy elves to pay rent—”
“Woah, slow down,” I said, climbing off the bench to crouch next to her, hands held stiffly up like I was FBI Agent Dr. Spencer Reid trying to soothe a traumatized shotgun wielder. I swallowed, and tried to think of anything useful to say. What I came up with was: “Hey, at least you’ve got a backup plan.”
She laughed, but it sounded a little crazed. “Yeah. I have backup plans for everything. Except, apparently, golems stealing my steam capacitor.”
“When did they grab it from you?” Ceren asked, from behind me. His head was tilted slightly in puzzlement. “I’ve never seen them outside of the tower.”
The girl pursed her lips. “I was stupid,” she said, morose. “I thought I could grab some Enchanted Wood off of the smaller wooden golems, instead of paying Elmer for it, but they were a lot stronger than I’d imagined. They knocked me out, took my equipment.” Her breathing was becoming rapid, again, hands fiddling anxiously with the ends of her sleeves. “I don’t even like musicals! When I was ten Professor Greyrose made me play the wicked witch in a small schoolwide production and I forgot all of my lines, it was so embarrassing—”
“We’ll help you get your stuff back,” I blurted.
She looked up at me with wide, wet eyes. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah,” Ceren chimed in, reaching a hand out. “Those golems won’t stand a chance against the three of us.”
The girl examined Ceren’s outstretched hand for a moment before grasping it, letting herself be pulled up. I scrambled to my feet, brushing the grass off of my knees. “I’m Regina,” she introduced.
“Mae,” I responded, bouncing lightly on my toes. “And this is Ceren.” Ceren gave a little half-wave. “Should we head right in, or do you need a minute?”
Regina took a deep breath in, setting her shoulders. Her expression was dead serious. “I’m ready.”
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raisinchallah · 1 year
you know its been weeks since i finished the amazing kavalier and clay and like i did actually really like most of it like it was a very fun mix of melodrama and joy and tragedy etc but i have been sitting around grumbling about the ending for a bit like all the most effective moments in the book were moments of great joy leading into great tragedy or a long simmering tragic twist like the constant knowledge things cannot last forever and so on quite effective good themes etc now i think the ending wasnt like out of nowhere it always had like sentimental and romantic themes as well but im maybe just a terminal divorce supporter but i was very dissatisfied by joe and rosa just somehow being able to fall right back into their relationship after 14 years apart like the golem is dust sam leaves his family its obviously not like an entirely happy ending or anything but ajkds; i kept thinking about how my mom was like oh i dont like how michael chabon writes women and shes a bit of a hater about him and tbh shes kind of right i think rosa felt definitely like a perfect girl mostly just attached to joes storylines and all but she was likeable and well rounded in the earlier parts of the book but she felt like an entirely different person when shes middle aged she gave up her abstract art and painting was fine moving to the suburbs like shes obviously not happy but neither is sam and he felt like a far more logical extension of his earlier self into his miserable closeted suburban husband self and rosa simply felt like she was being molded into whatever sam or joes story needed her to be which i think made her getting back with joe feel kinda lame far more interesting to MEEE is like idk realizing the distance of time and changing lives they simply cant make things work you simply cannot get back the past etc but i am a tragedy enjoyer so whatever ....
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mostspecialgirl · 4 months
oc rambling again - mage society
excited to spend my weekend building mage society lore
ive spent too long painting them as incompetents when they’re supposed to go through a whole renaissance post-devil’s manner, and the magic towers are actually supposed to be a powerful worldly presence. for the amount of importance i put on relic earth (the plane) i dont ever seem to dabble very much on relic EARTH itself aside from a few choice individuals.
in shadows is currently my only Large Series Piece that holds the affairs of humanity as a primary focus. It also happens to be the story where the magic towers are preoccupied with trying to keep the mage society separated from that of that of the non-magic civilian lives with the emergence of the shadowless. in shadows is essentially one of Novekhrys's (who has also recently been elevated to status of Ninestrike Divison Lead) proposed “mage awakening doomsday’s” come to life and as such everyone’s busy freaking the fuck out. my point is, they don’t really get highlighted anywhere aside from extraneous strands loosely attached to side characters.
but the fact is, they REMAIN extremely important and as such i feel it’s only natural i go to flesh that out. hana is receiving funding from the Beast Tower, Father, Wintergreen and Polonius were students under Hermes at the Science Tower, PROTEUS SINAI is a PROFESSOR of Advanced Modern Spellcrafting, Lesser Familiar Summoning and Beginner’s Golemancy within the Blue Tower !!!!!!!!! THE UNNAMED WHITE TOWER MASTER IS THE RELICVERSES STRONGEST MAGIC USER !!!!!!!!!!! THE ONLY ONE TO ACHIEVE FINER CONTROL OVER ARS SUBTILIOR THAN LAWLIET Y LEBLANC HIMSELF !!!!! A MAN WHO HAD UNDERSTANDING OF ITS EXISTENCE FROM BIRTH!!!! (breathing heavily) perhaps, i am to suggest, it is not that the mage society are incompetents, it’s that i, their writer, am. i’m starting to understand how the lorekeepers feel. fucking voxel. you make it look so damn easy
anyway, the mage society has been left undeveloped for way too long, and i feel like there’s a lot of untapped potential there. i really could write a mage society arc or two into in shadows. i’ve still got time! (I probably wont, in shadows is pretty loaded as is) but at the very least i can have access to another location to plop people in with another defined set of characters to pull from. i’ve barely used novechrys and proteus because i’m still kind of unsure what i want the mage society to be like in terms of what they mean for my greater universe. They’ve always had a nebulous sort of rivalry with the demiurge, but i’ve never worked out the finer details. do they want to planeswalk? are they on his side of defending relic earth from outsiders? how do they feel that he’s made connections to talented professors and even a tower master? who is he to the tower masters as a unit? what changed within the mage society after the fall of the science tower? what does this all look like to people like lucille and ophelia, tangentially related to the affairs of the magic towers and mage society but not being a part of it themself? I’ve got an large well to draw the waters of content from here, not even counting on the fact it shares a plane with both the affairs of devil’s manner and in shadows.
oh god. that’s right. am i going to have any organized supernatural religious groups in relic earth? obviously, nothing as straightforward as Encauth’s Holy Church, but at the very least, large occult congregations? i’ve already got existences of closed door practicing groups like berrosus’s church of tiamat. maybe something more akin to how the church is handled in the nasuverse? probably that. i’ve got to close that can for now because im supposed to be focused on the mage society
anyway. I can’t wait to work on a whole bunch of stuff i never show anybody unless someone randomly asks to know about it (always a possibility)
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i’ll return with art within a fortnight
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bye-bye-firefly · 1 year
i dont. often like to talk about my own stories and what i think they mean or what will or will not happen. but i want to make one thing clear. and nothing bad has brought this up lol im just talking to talk (<- not abnormal)
i rewatched time loop nihilism because 1) im obsessed with jacob geller and if you didnt know that already just based on my notes and the fact that namless is literally built off of an entire video this man made in combination with actual games and stories i LIKED before jacob geller talked about them well. here it is spelt out completely I LOVE HIM and 2) i wanted to watch some videos with my friends and we watched the golem video which will change you forever and make you just sob like. its everything to me. and i saw that and i was like ehhh lets throw in ANOTHER jacob geller and that was time loop nihilism. and.
im so serious watch the video. WATCH TIME LOOP NIHILISM NOW.
now. onto nameless. the one thing i wanted to make clear in relation to time loop nihilism and the main takeaway from that video is that. i hate the concept of someone going through a time loop and going about their life as if they didnt do the things they did. i dont like that. its why i dont really like twelve minutes (and also because its so contrived which. you find out after watching playthroughs or watching mr geller explain the game) which is WHY. its so important for me that nameless doesnt run into that problem.
ive planned this out from the beginning to end a specific way that i am now Very Much Worrying About. because the end is very quickly approaching. i know how this is going to pan out and its the only way i can envision this going, its been the only way i have been able to envision this going the whole time. every other option (being idealistic and what i would imagine readers would want, which is all im going to say about that) was unrealistic, messy, imperfect. this one ending is perfect. and id say it could be expected. i will probably ask re at some point how she thinks it will end, and then other people i trust.
but the important thing about nameless is that everyone, no matter what they think of themselves, is ALWAYS. ALWAYS just who they are. there is only one of you. its you. its you. its you. what happens when you beat the loop? what happens when you return to daily life? what happens when time unfreezes and you are left to face what you did to get there? and i want to answer those questions, at least for those who make it to the end
nameless was always meant to be a time loop fic and i was ITCHING to make it one i was DYING to reveal the loop. and its for every single reason that makes itself apparent in nameless. its for the examination aspect. to put these people under a microscope. its for the ability to see how little and how much people change. and to show that often changes that seem big are actually quite small.
this was a mostly confusing ramble that only makes perfect sense to me because i am BIZARRE i just start TALKING and i dont STOP and then act like everyone around me should just KNOW what im talking about. but this sums up my thoughts pretty nicely! and thats all im going to say until nameless finally, finally ends
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depressed-lombster · 2 years
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helloo! just wanted to say a little somethin, quick chit-chat and such,, (excuse this hlvrai account i havent opened this tumblr thing in such a long time =3=) i remember u bein one of the first artists i ever followed in that forsake blue bird website yeeeeears ago~ when i was still a dumb pea mcnothin- and seeing your art on the daily, how u drew [La Squadra di Esecuzione] and how ur character transitioned in your comic and shit (vry coolcool if i say so myself!) i think the algorithm and my terrible, TERRIBLE memory made me forget to check ur art in like, 2021,, but my memory also can remember things from years ago perfectly, but like: p e r f e c t l y,, at absolute random,,, for some dumb reason,, and then make me remember said random things, also at random times so im minding my business drawing,,,,,,, whatever the fuck i draw nowadays- u dont wanna know. and thought comes up: "hey, wasnt there an artist who drew la squadra and had a trans character with just the right amount of swag? it was, golem, golem something.." and- actually found rather quickly ur twitter,, so now im typing this for... no real reason to be honest!! xDD but since i now have, more courage to like, talk to people online and maybe send a message, i decided to, yknow,, say all of this: whatever it is that im typing,, yeah, thats that, hope u have a good day, ure very cool! keep drawin cause i loved your art and got me really into jojos (its your fault i am a jojo fan now) take care, peace!
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(sorry I infected you with the JoJo's lol)
No but aaaaaaah thank you! 😭😭😭
I'm not very good with words or responses
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astronomical-bagel · 3 years
the struggle of trying to make a complicated and diverse world for a fanfiction with multiple cultures and races and then having to fit in your characters, a group of mainly white british boys, into that world
#I DONT WANT EVERY RACE TO BE WHITE BUT I WANT THE MAIN CAST TO BE FROM A VARIETY OF PLACES#AND I DON'T WANT TO RACE OR COLOR BEND ANYONE#AAAAAA WHY#see im sorting them into countries and stuff based on what I think would best boost their character arc/what is actually cannon on the dsm#dsmp*#so like sapnap is from Kinoko kingdom and Techno is from the antarctic empire and Quackity is from Las Nevadas#and of course the majority of the og lmanburg group are from lmanburg#and then misc characters like hermits get sorted in#Scar went to Las nevadas bc i think that a history of being at the bottom of a very classist society would#1. give him a reason to be a pirate and 2. form him into being the kinda money-grabbing capitalist we know and love#and Grian is from the Antarctic empire because that when Phil's first major build was made like a bajillion years ago#and Phil's builds are what started the religion known as the Hermits' Craft. So naturally thats how and why grian became a hermit#I made Bdubs from kinoko bc hes a glowberry golem (based on his s8 skin obvs) and kinoko is like the australia of the world#and is home to a lot of exotic fruits including the glowberry#but after all this thought and effort put into where they were born and how that keys into their lives#I have now effectivley made a very white world#which doesnt make SENSE because the further south you go the darker ur supposed to be#thats kinda how it works in irl and my world#I'm just gonna have to fudge my way through and just make it so every country has diverse skin tones for whatever reason and just suffer ig#and some of the streamers' minecraft skins are darker than their own bc it was just an edited Steve#which I will take advantage of#but hng im sad its not perfect
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poopemoji · 4 years
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PROTOTYPE IS DONE... look how much wheat it makes
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plutos-planetarium · 3 years
c!feral boys n drowned!hybrid reader
this ones platonic :)
i think this is kinda long, and lowkey doesn't focus on you being a hybrid i am so sorry i got soso sidetracked
not proofread :0
c: dream, sapnap, george, karl, quackity
met you during a manhunt practice on the smp!
he had lost the hunters, and was now just trying to xp grind
so when he looks under the water, and see's someone walking on the floor, he immediately thinks 'oh a drowned lets kill it pog'
but right as he's going to strike you, you turn around
the first thing he sees is your eyes
n he realizes that they aren't glowing like a normal drowned
instead, theres only small dots of glow
lowering his axe slightly, he looks at you in curiosity
you try to speak, but only jumbled words (to him) are heard
you point up to the top of the small lake, n begin swimming up
he follows you to the surface, blinking the water out of his eyes
"ahh, hello! you must be dream right? i think i've heard karl talk about you"
though he wonders why karl talked about him, he nods.
the two of you begin to make conversation after that
him telling you about his manhunt, and you telling him about being a hybrid
he feels bad when you tell him about your inability to go into most villages since the golems always come after you
offers to meet up again after his manhunt and show you around the smp
just as you agree, you both see a man with a bandana approaching from the tree line
as he swims away, you call out a goodbye to him, excited to see your new friend again soon
you and sapnap met briefly after dream left
him being confused as to who you were and why dream was talking to you
so he decided to introduce himself
you doing the same
quickly, he noticed your hybrid features
fear showed on his face for a brief moment
quickly laughing it off, he said he had to try to catch up to dream
you bid your goodbyes, him not noticing the sad look you had
it was obvious that he was slightly uncomfortable with you, due to your hybrid species
you and sapnap didn't talk very much after that
about 2 days after meeting dream and sapnap, you got to meet george
he was sleeping while dream gave you an initial tour :/
you became a little more situated in your temporary? permanent? stay in the smp
you grew quite close to dream in that time, and he let you stay in his house (for the plot lets please pretend he's not homeless)
while making a snack for dream and yourself, there was a knock on the door
lowkey you were kinda scared bc it'd either be a new person, or sapnap
much to your dismay, it was a new person
taking note of his british accent as you make your way into the living room
when you made eye contact you kinda just froze with a nervous smile
his eyes widened as he took in your appearance
but he just smiled after
before you were able to escape leave, dream asked you to sit with them
so you did, even though you wanted to plan a murder for dream in that moment
dream introduced you to george, referring to him as gogy
but english is hard and you called him "googie"
both men began to laugh and you were very offended
after the "googie" fiasco,
you and george actually got along quite well :D
he liked listening to you talk about your findings in the ocean
whenever you would do something drowned-like? he would point it out
there were actually a few things you didnt even know about
him paying attention to all that made you very happy
as a drowned hybrid, you have a longer life span than most humans
that, combined with lots of traveling
means you'd run into karl at some point
the first time, was about 4 years before you ended up near the smp
you had met in a swamp biome when you offered to help him when his boat broke down
though skeptical, he agreed
after telling him a few of the materials you would need, you dived under the water to retrieve some
after you returned, you saw karl with some wood, very excited to fix his boat
while the two of you worked on it, you talked
after a little, he began to realize you were a hybrid
how you made slight bubbling noises when you were excited
and the tiny glowing specks in your eyes
and the glowing trident resting on the lake floor
though he didn't say anything, he thought it was quite cool
you got to know eachother very well too
telling lots of fun stories and such
you felt sorry for the boy when he told you about his memory
sadly, you had to depart
you both were quite upset
karl especially, because in that moment, he knew he was bound to forget you
and that he did
very many meetings had happened since then
every time, he would think to himself
does he know you? you just seem so familiar?
not once did he remember
and you dont think he ever would
quackity met you a while after everyone else
around 3 weeks?
to be honest, he was kinda scared
he was very iffy about hybrids due to schlatt
but once he heard the good words about you from smp members, he decided to meet you
he wasn't quite phased by your appearance, your hybrid side didn't show very much
he was kinda intimidated by your trident though
but he sucked it up and talked to you
tapping you on the shoulder, he took note of the small, bubbly noise you made out of surprise
you turned around, being greeted by his face, which was moderately close to yours
before you could even say hello, he blurted out
then proceeded to get embarrassed
after a minute, you told him he didn't need to get embarrassed
n he instantly jumped into feral quackity mode
accidentally spoke spanish bc he was excited
"hola! mi nombre e- shit"
you and quackity got extremely close to eachother
you tried to learn spanish
and he asked you to teach him some of your native tongue
he's so understanding of all your mannerisms :( /pos
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Dream SMP Species headcanons!
The kind of Species I make the dsmp people in aus, some have multiple I tend to switch between! :D  (more info about hybrid types at the bottom) Dream- Nothing but a human with a god complex (Tho sometimes Dream currently is not in his body, and a Dreamon is wearing him like a cheap suit)
DreamXD- He’s a god of the server that took a similar shape to Dream, and is tied in with Dream’s admin powers. Exactly what or who he is is unclear but he’s… there.
Sapnap- Half Demon, some kinda fire or nether related mob hybrid, sometimes a Blaze!
George- Brown Mooshroom hybrid! Sometimes either a witch hybrid or a nymph as well
Awesamdude- Creeper Hybrid
Sam Nook- It's actually just Sam, the mask he wears malfunctioned when he started to work with Tommy and it was both so hilarious and brought Tommy such joy, it became a bit between them. Nowadays it's like, an unspoken thing they don't acknowledge the fact they both know it's Sam. It's a way for them to pretend everything is okay and for Sam to ignore his guilt over his actions while he ‘looks’ after Tommy :)
Ponk- Human
BadBoyHalo- Demon
TommyInnit- Latent hyrbid. Normally some kind of Bird Hybrid of some kind (going between some kind of normal bird of prey not chosen as of now, a Thunderbird, or Phoenix!) But I'm also very fond of Fox, Wolf, and Ferret hybrid Tommy too!
Tubbo- Ram hybrid, though Bee hybrid is very cute too! 
Fundy- Fox shifter and half nature spirit/demigod (depending on what Sally was!), which is why he aged so strangely.
Punz- Human
Purpled- Human
Wilbur Soot- Human! Though iv made him a fish/mer/siren hybrid before but i think fox or even a wolf hybrid would fit too
Jschlatt- Ram Hybrid Shifter (his full form is his little Ram dude. His hair color is actually naturally white like Puffy’s but he dyes it brown, when it grows out it makes it look like he has silver hairs)
Skeppy- Diamond hybrid (I imagine he’s some kinda like, diamond gemling or golem? Idk lol)
Eret- He’s either a reincarnation of Herobrine, a descendent/child of Herobrine, or a Herobrine hybrid (making herobrine a race sounds fun), also wither hybrid is neat!
Jack Manifold- Human/Demon? (after his death?)
Nihachu- Human!
Quackity- Duck hybrid (though, iv saw a very cool hc where he can shape shift via magic magical masks and I am looking)
Karl Jacobs- Human
HBomb94- Human
Technoblade- Piglin Brute hybrid Shifter, the brute part is one of the reasons he’s so violent.
Antfrost- Cat hybrid (shifter? perhaps!)
Philza- Bird Hybrid, specifically a Eurasian Hobby (but Crow philza is pog too!), Semi-god of Death/Death god’s champion
ConnorEatsPants-?̸̠̘̯̠̥̙̘͈̽̽̽͆̓̈̏̉ͅw̸̱̟̱̅ĥ̸̯͕̞̬͌̉͒͝͝ͅa̸͚̲̋̇̈́̒̏͆̃͠t̸̳̀̊̐̌͂̾͑ ̷̯̒̈̈́̀͐̑̅ĭ̵̩̻̭̯͍̓̿̿̊̚ṡ̴̥̠̹̩͖̋ ̴̜̙̈̑̽́̚ḥ̶̡̖̙̗͖̝͑̍͋̎͊́͘ė̴͕̟̩̰̝͕͔͍̫̽͊͒̋͊̎͌?̷̱̗͕͓̠̳̼̘̂̄
CaptainPuffy- Sheep Hybrid
Ranboo- So Ranboo, for me, is a human, enderman, AND shulker hybrid! (50% Human, 33.3% Enderman, and 16.7% Shulker.) and because percentage doesn't really matter to how much someone presents or looks like their hybrid, that's why he looks so enderman and barely any shulker traits are shown. (Also fun fact, Ranboo’s human side is albino!)
Foolish Gamers- Was a Shark and Totem Hybrid (the Totem part was because of a family curse he suffered before being turned into a Semi-God of the Ocean) (note, is not a god of death, or life, he’s only sensitive to rebirth and resurrection because of his Totem-ness) 
HannahxxRose- Rose Nymph
Slimecicle- Slime Hybrid ~ Latent Hybrids are mob Hybrids who’s hybrid genes are suppressed and dont show ANY SIGN of being a hybrid whatsoever unless a either very stressful or life threatening thing happens, so their body unlocks and unsuppressed the genes in an attempt to survive. This causes the player to rapidly grow said attributes of their hybrid side to match their actual age (so they wont have baby features like small ears or tails or wings when they are a full adult). Latent hybrids can go their entire lives not knowing they have the potential to be hybrids. Hybrid shifters are hybrids that, instead of being a physicals mix between their mob and other side (of which they can look like more then one or the other, or a perfect half and half), they are able to shift between the full mob form, full their other part (human or otherwise depending) and a form in-between (or even multiple in-between forms!). Hybrid Shifters are very rare. *note 1; mob hybrids include both animal mobs and monster mobs as well. *note 2; most hybrids are part human part mob, but other species (like demons, angles, vampires, sirens, orcs, ect ect) can also be part mob and thus hybrids as well.
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