#i could barely sleep last night because every time I tried to lie down and get comfy
cheeseanonioncrisps · 2 years
There are two wolves inside you.
One of you knows this is bullshit and whatever triggered you isn't really something you need to worry about. The other is actually a direwolf from the Late Pleistocene who keeps reminding you to watch out for wild sabre-toothed tigers who might attack at any moment.
You have anxiety and/or OCD.
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Summary: You're struggling a bit
*TW for eating disorder*
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You didn't know when exactly it started but you knew it was here to stay.
"You not that hungry?" Millie asks as you sit down next to her for lunch.
Being the youngest member of the team had its perks and this definitely wasn't one of them. Everyone else got to choose where to sit for lunch while your older teammates made you sit with them.
You shrug. "Upset tummy."
It's not exactly a lie. Your stomach churned at the idea of having to eat a big meal (having to eat at all, actually) and it was uncomfortable. But it was uncomfortable not eating as well. You had hunger pangs almost every moment of your waking life.
Eat or not eat.
Pain or pain.
"Are you sick?" Millie asks, brow furrowed as she looks at you," You look a bit sickly."
You knew what she was talking about. You used to be able to control your eating well but you had spiralled recently. You felt ill even looking at the buffet earlier and you refused to even contemplate putting more than one thing on your plate.
It had been like this for weeks now and you knew everyone could see it.
Your skin had taken on a waxy pallor. Your nails had gone brittle and your hair was thinning at an alarming rate.
You hope that everyone just thinks you're sick. You push your food around with your fork before cutting it up into smaller pieces. You had a handle on this. You would get a handle on this.
"Bad night's sleep," You offer to Millie and she takes the bait, nodding like she understood what you were saying.
"Who had a bad night's sleep?" Your captain slid into the seat on your other side, with Pernille taking the seat on her right.
"y/n," Millie says," It's why she looks ill."
"You've been having a lot of those," Magda says, eyes narrowed as she watches you.
You try to be casual but with her and Pernille's eyes on you, you feel like you're under the microscope. You take a small bite of your food, trying not to wince when it tastes of nothing but ashes. You reach for your drink.
"It happens," You say diplomatically. You don't want to give anything away.
Magda and Pernille were protective of you anyway. You didn't want them to know this. They barely let you live on your own. You didn't want to be under their gaze all the time.
"Hmm," Magda hums, still looking at you and you load more food onto your fork.
You lift it up like you're about to eat before moving it back down onto your plate again.
"I heard that Emma's planning new drills. Is it true?"
Your question distracts Magda, who huffs and starts eating her own food. Her gaze is torn away from you as she mutters things under her breath.
You don't pick your fork back up.
Your hunger pangs worsen the more time goes on. You'd barely eaten lunch and you hadn't eaten breakfast either. You just tried to fill your stomach with water, leading to a semi-impressive feeling of bloating while also being able to feel it all slosh around in your belly.
Actually, now that you think about it as you run through drills and complete your sprints, you're not too sure when the last time you ate a full meal.
Did energy bars count as full meals?
Because you ate an energy bar during the break between drills.
Either way, it doesn't seem to be working now. Black spots appear in your vision and you have to stop moving so you can stay on your feet. You scratch at your neck, somehow feeling completely dehydrated even though you know that you had drank water not even five minutes ago.
"Hey." You don't even realise Pernille's holding your waist until she speaks. "Are you okay? You're swaying."
Her eyes look worried and you try to nod but it only makes you feel worse, more black spots appearing before you go almost completely limp.
"Okay," Pernille says softly even though she's panicking on the inside," Let's sit down, okay? We're just going to sit down."
But you don't have enough strength to sit down and you've lost consciousness almost the moment you touch the ground.
"Hey!" Pernille calls out," I'm going to need some medics!"
She checks your pulse even though she's got a feeling she already knows what's happened. Magda can be distracted but Pernille can't.
She's noticed your general wariness at lunch, the way you talk more than eat and how you play around with your food. She knows that you're not eating breakfast too just by the way you ate a cereal bar this morning.
You're sixteen so you're not exactly great at cooking either so Pernille's also sure that you're not eating well at home either.
She knew that she should have put her foot down when you moved from Vittsjö to Chelsea. She knew she should have made you move in with her and Magda.
"We need to get her inside," One of the medics say.
You're almost too light in Pernille's arms as she lifts you and carries you inside.
"Is she okay?" Magda runs over to join them.
"She's not been eating." Pernille feels confident in what she thinks. "So, no, Magda, she's not okay." She lays you down on the physio bed, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "I don't care what she says, she's not okay and she's not going home alone."
Magda's a little dense sometimes. "Who's she going home with? Is someone on the way?"
"Us, Magda. She's coming home with us and she'll be lucky if I ever let her out of my sight again. You've still got the spare bedroom made up, right?"
"Exactly as we left it," Magda says.
She looks down at you. You look much younger than your sixteen years as you rest on the bed. You've never passed out before to Magda's knowledge and your skin looks almost translucent as you lay there.
"She'll come around soon," The medic promises," Get her energy levels up and take her home. She needs rest." He glances around. "And I'll set up a meeting with the nutritionist for next week."
"I've got some trail mix in my bag," Magda offers," I'll grab some."
You come around slowly, blinking your eyes and squinting as you adjust to the light.
"Are you going to yell at me?"
"Why?" Pernille says," Have you done something that I need to yell at you for?"
She helps you sit up, jamming a water bottle between your lips so you can rehydrate before Magda dumps a bag of trail mix into your hands.
You hold it there.
"I'm not hungry."
"Eat," Your captain says firmly," We're not leaving until you've eaten at least half."
You have to fight to roll your eyes.
Fine, you'll play their game, nibbling on the nuts and fruit as you think of some topic to distract them both.
Only Magda doesn't let you speak.
"I don't want to hear any arguments," She says," You're staying with me and Pernille now. We've got your room ready and you'll be eating three square meals a day and snacks."
Your stomach drops. Your throat goes dry.
Your mind works in overdrive as you try to come up with some way to make Magda change her mind. You end up deciding that the best course of action is pretending that it's all a joke.
"That's funny," You say," Is this a weekend thing or something? Because I have plans that I can't miss."
Magda's face hardens and you decide that looking at Pernille is obviously safer.
(It's not).
She looks equally as angry, if not more so than Magda. Her arms are crossed over her chest as she stares you down.
You're getting the distinct feeling that you're caught in a bear trap.
"You're a good kid," Pernille says finally as she watches you shovel trail mix into your mouth just so you had something to do," And you're so talented. I don't know what's going on but we're here to help you."
"Nothing's going on."
"There is," Pernille says firmly," And that's okay. We're going to help you."
You stand up quickly, too quickly perhaps because you wobble uncertainly on your feet and Magda has to guide you back to a sitting position.
But you still try to salvage your wounded pride.
"I'm fine. I don't need help."
"You do," Magda says," And I'm sorry that we didn't realise sooner."
"I..." Tears spill down your cheeks against your will. "I don't need help."
"We're going to help you anyway."
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jungwondazed · 7 months
happy 21st birthday to the one and only sim jaeyun
18+ only. perv!jake / jake touches himself while you are asleep on the phone
jake sighs and leans back against his bed frame with a thud. it was only the second missed call but he was growing impatient. he glances at his clock and wonders to himself if perhaps you were already asleep, pressing the call button one more time just incase you weren’t. 
on the last ring you finally picked up, although with the rustling noises in the back and the way your “hello” was barely audible, he was right with his assumption earlier. 
“oh, uh ___, hey! i’m sorry, i didn’t realize how late this was, if you’re asleep, i can call you back later” jake blurts out in one breath, face palming himself at how of course you would be asleep at midnight but in his slight defense, it was a friday night. 
there was a lot more rustling and crinkling of clothes or bed sheets or whatever it was, before you speak up again, still barely audible. 
“mmm? jakeee? hmm, s’ late, ’s going on”
jake’s jaw drops at how much raspier your voice is, and how slow you are with your sentence. he’s never quite heard anything like this from you as you were always so put together, but with the way you sounded in this moment he couldn’t help but let out a breath. 
“nothing important, i just wanted to ask you about this assignment that’s due next week. go back to sleep alright? i’ll ask another time. ”
in the time he spent processing all of that, you were already back to sleep, not conscious enough to end the phone call. 
“um, _________?” he whispers, a bit nervous to wake you up again. 
“_____, are you there?” he tries one last time, letting out another sigh before moving his thumb to hit the end call button, stopping right when he thinks he hears something. 
the device being close to your face allowed your phone’s microphone to pick up everything, from your soft breathing to the calm sighs you would let out every few seconds. jake bites down on his lip at the realization of how intimate this sounded and his ears turned red hot. he doesn’t understand why this was anything worth listening to, but he couldn’t deny liking it. 
there was something undeniably attractive at how soft and steady your breathing was. with every exhale it felt like your voice was slightly caught in your throat, as if struggling to do something as simple as breathing. jake’s mind went on to think about other stuff, other things you could possibly struggle to take. he shakes his head at a perverted thought like that, and curses himself in his head to dare think of you in that way.
admitting you weren’t attractive to begin with would’ve been a foolish lie. you caught his eyes the moment he first saw you, but as respectful as he is, he’s not the type to make moves or ask girls out just because they were pretty. jake enjoyed your company, he liked being around you, studying with each other late at night in those libraries, and sometimes grabbing dinner together although with other friends of course. he steals glances at you when you aren’t looking, and rarely does he check you out, just out of fear for being caught. being a gentleman is his biggest priority, so the dilemma of listening to your innocent breathing over the phone on a friday night makes him run his hands through his hair and tell himself he’s being ridiculous. 
but you just sound so good and he has no idea what to do with this. he’s never laid a hand on you let alone make a move, so why was this such a turn on for him? maybe it’s because there was always a deep attraction he had towards you and doing absolutely nothing about it is making something as simple as this, drive him crazy. he wonders how you look right now, what you’re wearing, the position you’re in. he questions if you have anything on at all, or if you only had panties on, or just a t-shirt, and only that. 
he breathes out a “fuck” a little louder than he intended and he hears you rustling a bit, fearing that he accidentally woke you up. jake almost loses it when you let out a quiet moan, almost a whimper. you sound so good he doesn’t know what to do with himself. he lets out another sigh of distress, wanting to do so much to himself he doesn’t even realize how horny it sounds until his hands slowly rub his thigh, debating on whether this was something he should do. you continue to let out soft innocent whines every once in awhile, probably in the middle of a nightmare that makes jake want to come over there and hold you close so there would be nothing to disturb you. he presses his lips together, closing his eyes, unsure if this was something he’d regret. 
a whimper sounds from jake’s phone and it was the last straw before his hands finally brushed over the aching hardness under his pajama pants. his teeth bite down on his lips to quiet himself as much as possible, rubbing himself gently because he was beyond sensitive at this point. the phone laid right on his chest so he could hear every breath of yours, stroking himself through his clothes to picture you sleepily grinding on him. he thought about the shape of your body, how you would look on top of him, the face you’d make when you were so desperate to cum yourself. jake thought about these things often, but he would never admit it to himself even. 
“god, ____” jake almost moans this out, unable to control whatever comes out of his lips when he feels so damn good. he pulls his boxers and pants down to his knees and starts stroking himself fully, using his dripping pre-cum to slick himself up. he’s throbbing for you, and he doesn’t care how ridiculous this looks. the fantasies that he makes up in his head is nothing compared to hearing you right then and there. if this is how you sound when sleeping, he could only imagine the noises you’d make when he’s deep in you. could you even take it? he asks himself, groaning at the image of his tip barely making it in your cunt. he’d stretch you out for hours if you wanted it that slow, or force it in if you liked it that way too. whatever it was, jake wanted so badly to feel you on him right now. bouncing up and down, with your hands rested on his chest to guide yourself in whatever way you needed. 
his breathing is fast and deep, the phone on his chest rises and falls with every pump of his fist. the room is silent with the exception of the squelching noises and his effort to be quiet. whispers fall from his lips, promises of making you feel so good, breeding you until you tell him to stop, filling you up with his cum your stomach is full by the end of the night. 
“fuck, fuck ___, wanna cum so bad right now,” he’s close, a bit hesitant to keep going because when he cums he’s not one to make it quiet. his fist doesn’t stop regardless of the worries, stroking from the base all the way to his tip. he thumbs over the slit of his penis every once in awhile and he winces, never getting used to how sensitive that part is. jake feels himself getting closer and closer, the stress of not wanting to wake up paired with how fucking good it feels allows pathetic whimpers from his mouth and he doesn’t have any time to make a rational decision before he pumps himself three more times and shoots his cum all over his abs, some spots making it to his chest. 
“shit, i’m fucking cumming all over you ___, cumming all fucking over you” he moans out, his sticky seed landing right on the phone yet he keeps going, milking himself far longer than he usually would. his hands slow but he keeps that same base to tip stroke, biting his lip so hard he thinks he tastes a bit of the blood on his tongue. he cums so hard he feels it in every part of him, wishing it could always be this good. 
when he reaches past the point of overstimulation, his head falls back with a thud, all the air he held in while cumming exhales loudly, catching his breath after dropping his hand to his side. the room looks like it’s spinning, never having been this exhausted from simply masturbating. he looks down, seeing the cum that he painted his abdomen with and grins slightly to himself, before lowering his body back down to the pillow, closing his eyes before he knows it. 
that night jake dreams of you, flashes of you touching his arm, seducing him in a way he’s never seen you like before. you’re all over him, kissing his entire body, grinding on every bit you see to get yourself off. 
“jake,” you breathe out and he brings his hand to your face, thumb tracing the cheekbones of your skin before leaning in to kiss you. 
“jake,” you say again, to which he responds with a lazy “hmm?”
“jake,” you blurt out much louder and jake shoots up awake, his head searching his room for wherever the hell that sound came from.
“jake? hello?? why are we on call right now?” jake freezes, shaking his head, in complete denial that it was your voice coming from his phone. 
“and why has it been going on for 8 hours?”
his jaw drops, looking down at his pants still pulled down his legs, before closing his eyes and pulling at his hair, a hundred different explanations running through his mind. 
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tangledupinyellow · 2 months
Tonight | Joel Miller X Wedding Planner F!Reader
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authors note: finally got this one out! with a new job and new house, life has been pretty chaotic recently but I finally got back into my usual writing schedule!! lots of wips at the moment so prepare for those!
part three of love is in the air part one here: love is in the air part two here: tensions rise
summary: Joel thought that he would be having the time of his life the night before his wedding. But he’s conflicted, for all he can think about is you.
warnings/tags: 18+, no use of y/n, no outbreak AU, infidelity, age gap (24 and 46), nicknames (baby girl, doll, baby) fingering, unprotected piv, creampie, angst
word count: 4.6k
“We really can’t be doing this anymore, it isn’t right…”
The words repeated in Joel’s head over and over and over again. He gripped his drink of whiskey, swirling it around before taking a swig. Looking around, he saw all his buddies laughing and dancing, having the time of their lives and partying. Partying just like how he should be doing. But instead, he stood in the corner with a drink in hand, lost in his thoughts.
It was the night before his wedding, the last night he would be considered a single man. Much of his freedom will be washed away from him when he finally ties the knot. He was supposed to be getting wasted with his friends and having a blast, having one last ‘hoo-rah.’
But he felt like shit, to put it lightly.
He watched as all of his friends were having a good time without him at a party that was supposed to be for him letting loose.
He would say that he would much rather be home than here, but that would also be a lie. Jenna would most likely be home. He wanted to be with you.
Taking a deep breath, Joel finished his glass of whiskey in one go before setting it down. With a groan, he rubbed his temples and another sigh left his lips.
“Pre-wedding nerves?” Tommy joined him in his corner with a laugh. He could smell the alcohol on his breath.
Joel chuckled and nodded, “S’pose you could say that.”
Yes, he was nervous and anxious, but they didn’t feel like the pre-wedding jitters he’d heard so much about from his married friends.
His nerves felt more like a sense of guilt, of regret. Possibly regret of sleeping with someone that wasn’t his fiancee, but he knew damn well that wasn’t it either.
His thoughts were messy and unorganized, all because of you.
All he could think about was you.
“Don’t be all mopey for the rest of the night. Come dance with us.” Tommy’s words were slurred, but Joel was barely paying attention anyway. With another laugh, his brother walked back to the rest of the group, leaving Joel on his own once again.
Instead of going with him and having a good time, he ordered another whiskey, drinking in silence.
It’s late, nearing one in the morning. Sitting at your kitchen table, you dunked your tea bag into the warm water several times. Your eyes were tired and droopy as you watched the lemon tea bag go up and down, feeling as though you could fall asleep right then and there.
However, sleep seemed to be a big struggle for you. You were laying in bed for hours, restless. Every time you closed your eyes, all you could see was Joel and Jenna standing at the altar, sharing a loving kiss as they became one. Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Your heart would initially sink, and your stomach would be sick. And immediately after, you would feel guilty and stupid for feeling that way in the first place.
They were your clients—Joel was only a client. You were the one who helped them plan their wedding. You should be ecstatic to see them finally marry. But no matter how much you tried, you couldn’t.
What’s worse, you’ll have to attend their wedding tomorrow to make that a reality. You wished you could bail somehow and devise an excuse, but this was a part of your job. You needed to make sure that everything ran smoothly at their ceremony.
The thought made you uneasy. However, you tried your absolute best to push your feelings aside. You couldn’t let yourself be selfish. Not when you need to remain professional. 
Sipping your tea, you hoped it would help you relax and ease your mind and racing thoughts. Maybe then you could sleep without having to envision Joel and Jenna kissing at the altar over and over again.
You almost felt like you were losing your mind. You had never felt so reluctant about attending a wedding that you assisted in planning before. But it was different with the Millers. So, so different.
You thought your time with Joel was just going to be a one-time thing, one mistake. But that one mistake turned into two. And now, you couldn’t take your mind off of him. 
You had to keep reminding yourself that you needed to keep things professional between the two of you. Even though you had failed this before, you needed to put it in stone now before it was too late. He was getting married tomorrow, and you needed to accept that fact. He is in a happy and loving relationship; that’s something you need to swallow.
Taking a sip of your tea, you closed your eyes and felt the relaxation hit you instantly with the warm lemon flavor. It never fails to calm your nerves. While they weren’t gone completely, they did decrease significantly.
With a few more sips, you were sure that you’d be able to fall asleep in no time. After all, you needed to be wide awake and perky tomorrow morning for the wedding. But no matter how many times you tasted the calming lemon tea, Joel never left your mind. 
You kept thinking about the way he felt, the way he touched you, the way he held you as he would thrust into you over and over again. Just thinking about it made your cheeks hot and your pussy throb. But the way he made you feel was what stuck in your head the most. 
Clearing your throat, you sighed before sipping your tea, already close to finishing it off. You were just hoping that this would work and you would be able to drift to sleep without another thought of Joel.
After a few minutes, you started feeling more relaxed and drowsy. You felt as if you were going to lie down in bed and attempt to fall asleep, and you may have been successful.
That was until you heard a knock on the door.
Your eyes quickly widened as your heart rate picked up. A knock on your door was the very last thing you were expecting. It scared the shit out of you, to say the least.
Your heart was still pounding as you slowly turned to face the door. You were cautious, for it was the middle of the night, and you had no clue who was at your door or why. You felt your heart in your throat as you slowly stood up, still overly wary.
Surely, if it was a murderer, they would have already attempted to break into your house, right?
A second knock followed shortly after the first as you approached the door.
With a deep breath, you slowly creaked the door open, cracking it open an inch to see who could be at your house at this hour before opening it up completely.
It was Joel.
You furrowed your eyebrows and opened the door, knowing that it was safe and that it was somebody you actually knew. But that didn’t calm all of your thoughts. You were still beyond confused. Why would Joel be at your doorstep? On the night before his wedding, of all nights? Shouldn’t he be cuddled up in bed with his bride-to-be all fast asleep?
While you were lost in your thoughts, Joel was staring at you, lost in his own. His eyes bore into your own, a swirl of thoughts in his mind. 
“Joel?” Was all you could say before he took a step forward, not even saying a word before putting his hands on either side of your face and pulling you into him.
His soft lips crashed into yours, squeezing his eyes shut as he did so. He kept you close, as if he were to let go, he would lose you completely, and that wasn’t a risk he was willing to take.
You didn’t hesitate for a second before kissing him back passionately. You felt as though you wished upon a star, and now your dream came true. You had been thinking all night about Joel, and now here he was, standing on your front porch kissing you as if you two were the last people on Earth.
Your arms draped around his neck, bringing him in even closer to you if possible. His tongue slipped into your mouth, tasting all of you that he possibly could. It pained him to know that this could potentially be your last kiss. Although, there shouldn’t have even been one in the first place. He was supposed to be a married man soon, for fuck’s sake. But you were like a drug to him. He kept on coming back for more. Neither of you could get enough of each other. Each promise that you made to yourselves never lasted. There was always a part of you that knew you two would find each other again one way or another.
“Joel.” You tried to mumble against his lips, but your words were muffled as he kept kissing you, never wanting to stop.
He shook his head to shush you and brought your lips back to his into a passionate kiss.
He moved his hands down to your ass, giving them a cheeky squeeze before grabbing your waist, picking you up, and placing you on his hips. You wrapped your legs around his waist, the kiss never breaking in the process.
His strong arms kept a grip on you while he moved you over to the counter to place you down, his hands squeezing and caressing your hips. Pulling his lips away slightly, he moved them down to your jaw, placing kisses down to your neck.
“Joel..” You took the opportunity to speak but interrupted yourself with a moan when Joel found the weak spot on your neck. He already knew you and your body much too well, “Your wedding’s tomorrow. We really shouldn’t-”
You trailed off from your sentence when Joel pulled away to look you straight in the eyes, “You want me to stop?” He whispered, his hand still firm on your hip.
You didn’t want him to stop. And he knew that you didn’t from the way you looked at him, the way all your emotions swirled in your eyes. 
“We shouldn’t.” You repeated, but Joel quickly stopped you before you could say anything else.
“I asked if you wanted me to stop.” He shook his head slowly, never looking away from your eyes. He could feel you tense slightly under his touch, debating with your mind on how to answer.
“I…” You whispered, licking your lips as you looked him up and down. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the bulge in his pants, and your mouth went dry. You wanted this man in front of you so damn bad. You knew it was beyond messed up and wrong, but you knew that this was your last chance with him, that after this, he would be married for good, “No. I don’t want you to..” You whispered breathily and pulled him in for another kiss, your fingers getting tangled up in his hair.
He smirked against your lips as he kissed you back instantly, proud of your words. They were exactly what he wanted to hear. He wasn’t ready to let go of you yet and wanted to show you that.
He moved his hands from your waist up to your chest, cupping your breasts in both of his hands. Your moan vibrated against his lips as he slipped his hands underneath your tank top, his strong hands now caressing your skin. The coldness of his hands sent shivers down your spine and goosebumps up your arms.
His thumbs moved over your nipples as he massaged your breasts with both of his hands, knowing just how to touch you to please you.
It was a familiar feeling, the feeling of guilt and pleasure all in one. Your mind has already told you, screamed at you, countless times before that you shouldn’t be doing this, that you shouldn’t allow yourself to be in this position. But no matter how much you reminded yourself that this wasn’t right, you couldn’t stop. Especially now, when this may be your last chance to be with him again.
The thought that you may lose him after tonight made you pull him in closer to you, wanting to be as physically close as you possibly could. You wanted to touch and feel all of him, memorizing every nook and cranny in his body to keep stored in your memory when he would inevitably disappear from your life.
You didn’t want to lose him, but you couldn’t express those feelings, especially not now. You didn’t want to ruin this moment between you. You just wanted to enjoy it while you still could.
“God, I need you so bad, baby girl.” Joel mumbled quietly in your ear, gently nibbling your earlobe. This caused you to lean your head back slightly and sent a warm vibration over your lower body.
You need him just as much. But you didn’t need to say any words to get that message across. He could tell the second he moved his hand under your panties, slipping a finger rather easily into your wet folds.
Joel groaned as he looked at you, his eyes darkened with lust and want. Knowing and feeling how much you wanted him turned him on even more. His bulge was prominent in his pants; it was almost unbearable. He could feel it throb with eagerness, being trapped by his boxers.
“Tonight, you’re all mine.” He growled, attacking your lips with his.
That one word stuck with the both of you. Tonight. He was yours, and you were his, but only for tonight. After that, he would belong to Jenna. And tonight, you would make sure that you would make it one hell of a night, for it may as well be your final night.
Agreeing with his words, you kissed him back passionately, your teeth nearly clashing with his. You put your hands on his cheek, his scruff prickling against your skin. You nearly held onto him as you kissed him, letting out all the emotions you’ve kept down since now.
“Bedroom.” Joel demanded, out of breath, panting against your lips for a quick moment before pulling away. He held onto your hips and helped you down off the counter. You could only smile in excitement as you made your way to the bedroom, Joel right on your heels.
Joel’s shirt was already half off when he stepped into the bedroom. He really wasn’t wasting any time.
You lay on your bed, resting your head on the pillows, your eyes watching Joel’s every move. Within the blink of an eye, Joel was on top of you as he threw his shirt over his head and tossed it into a corner of the room.
Your hands instantly moved up to his chest, running your hands up and down as he started to take off your pants effortlessly. You were sure that by the end of the night, you would have touched every single inch of his body.
“Look at ya, look how damn gorgeous you are.” Joel shook his head, his tongue going over his lower lip. He gazed upon your body, putting his entire focus on you as if it was the first time he had ever seen your body underneath him.
You blushed and failed to hold in your smile as you stared up at him, “Oh, just fuck me already, Mr. Miller.”
Joel chuckled lowly and shook his head as he moved his hands down to his hips, his fingers grazing your skin gently, “Little impatient are we?” He whispered, lowering down to press kisses on your jaw down to your chest.
“Very.” You admitted with an involuntary whine, needing him more than ever. You didn’t know how much longer you would be able to wait without him inside of you.
Joel smirked at your confession and shook his head teasingly. Oh, how he loved to tease you and see you squirm under his touch, just desperate to feel all of him.
“I love seeing you needin’ me so bad..” Joel cooed and caressed your hips firmly with his thumbs, “I won’t make ya wait any longer.” He didn’t admit it, but he was just as desperate as you. He didn’t want to spend another second without him inside of you. He wanted to fuck you until you were unable to walk, wanted to make this a night that you wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about for the rest of the week. 
Without any more warning, he slipped inside you with ease.
“Fuck, I love this pussy.” Joel groaned and held onto your hips tighter as he pushed himself inside of you. It wasn’t his first time fucking you, but each time felt like the first. He could never get sick of you. Whereas with Jenna, he couldn’t even remember the last time they spent a night together.
You fit him like a glove as if your pussy was made just for him, and he had found the missing puzzle piece. Joel took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down just a little. He didn’t want to get himself too excited, for he wanted this moment to last. And seeing you like this and just being inside of you was more than enough to get him going. He didn’t want it to end. He didn’t want this to be the last.
You and him both knew that you didn’t want him to go through with this marriage. Jenna never did anything wrong necessarily, but there was just something about you that she was lacking. He wanted to be with you and to stay with you. And even though you couldn’t admit it to him, you wanted the same exact thing. You had an ounce of hope that after tonight, he would tell you that the wedding was off and he was going to stay with you. But that was just wishful thinking.
“Nice and wet just for me.” Joel breathed, his hot breath hitting against the sensitive skin of your neck. Your skin tingled, yearning for the feeling of his lips on your neck.
His thrusts were slow and steady at first, getting you nice and eased in. But it wasn’t long until he pulled out before going back in one thrust, getting as deep as he possibly could, “God, I just wanna be deep inside of ya, doll.” he mumbled before doing it once more, the feeling of being empty to completely full causing you to moan.
You tried not to think about the possibility of it being your last time with him, and it was easy to do so at the moment, considering that your mind felt foggy from him thrusting into you over and over again.
You leaned your head back and grabbed onto his hair for something to hold onto as he thrusted mercilessly into you. The tugging of his hair only made him more motivated as he quickened up the pace. He could feel himself getting close, but he tried his best to distract himself from finishing for he didn’t want this to end any time soon.
He held himself up with one hand over your head, the other grasping onto your breast, squeezing and teasing the nipple while he kept the pace of his thrusts. With each thrust, you let out a moan or a breath of pleasure. 
This was something that you had enjoyed about sleeping with Joel so much. The fact that he knew exactly what you liked and that he knew what he was doing was incredible for you. He was the first to make you finish, and he’s always ensured you did.
You loved it. And for your own selfish reasons, you weren’t ready to let it go. To let him go.
Joel moved his hand from your breast to caress and squeeze your hip, the gentle squeezing making you even wetter. You loved the effect he had on you.
“Fuck, Joel! You’re incredible, fuck” You moaned out, feeling like your words were choked up in your throat. Moans followed your words, making you feel almost pathetic for how he easily made you feel like this.
Your head leaned back against the pillow, and you bit your bottom lip. So hard that you wouldn’t be surprised if you were able to taste blood sometime soon.
Joel groaned and smirked at your praise. It was just that little bit of motivation that kept him going.
There was a deep sinking feeling in his heart. Not because he knew he would be married to someone else soon, but because he was sleeping with somebody else. But knowing that this might be the last time he would be so intimate with you. It pained him to think about it.
However, he wouldn’t allow himself to get distracted and doleful, for his current goal was to make both of you feel good. And damn, he was going to do a good job of it.
“God, so fucking sexy,” Joel groaned and leaned down slightly to kiss your neck, a place that you were badly aching for him to touch, “Can’t get enough of you.” He bit your neck gently, pulling the skin slightly before placing a kiss over and over again on that same spot. 
“I’m close, fuck I’m close.” You moaned and squeezed your eyes shut, putting all of your focus on getting to your climax. 
Joel took these words and continued to do precisely what he was doing, gripping and squeezing your waist while keeping the same pace with his thrusts, knowing just what you wanted, just what you needed. He knew you like the back of his hand.
Your hands moved down from his hair onto his shoulders as you felt the finish line getting closer and closer.
“Come for me, baby.”
With your nails dug into his back, you kept your eyes shut and moaned and screamed out his name, your climax taking you by storm. You felt elated as he continued his thrusts, fucking you through your orgasm.
Your breaths became quicker as you came down from your climax, your heart racing at a million miles an hour. You felt as though you were on cloud nine. The idea that this was possibly the last time wasn’t even in your mind anymore. All you could think about was how incredible this man was able to make you feel, each time without fail.
With you finishing, Joel didn’t feel the need to hold himself back anymore, knowing that he had gotten you where he wanted you to be. He squeezed your waist gently and leaned his head back, the veins in his neck nearly popping as he came inside of you. Wet and hot rope after rope shooting inside of you, he felt as though it was one of the longest and most intense orgasms he’d ever experienced.
While he was with Jenna, you were the one who made him feel good about himself. You made him feel like the man he was. His legs nearly shook as he slowly pulled himself out of you, both of you instantly missing the feeling of being connected so intimately.
Joel kissed the top of your head before slowly laying down next to you, wrapping his arm around you. You had already come down from your climax while Joel’s heart was still racing, and his breathing was unsteady.
“God, you never fail to amaze me.” You break the silence and laugh.
Joel chuckled along with you and rubbed your arm as he pulled you in closer to his naked body, “Same goes for you, doll.”
While the two of you were feeling incredible, you knew that there was an elephant in the room that neither of you wanted to begin to discuss. But you know you had to.
“So, you’re getting married tomorrow.” The words felt forced from your lips as you glanced over at him.
You could feel him tense up once you brought it up.
“Mhm.” He hummed out and looked down, refusing to look at you.
You almost felt bad for asking, but you knew that it had to be done, “Must be pretty exciting, huh?”
You were hoping that he would say what you were hoping, that the wedding wouldn’t be happening in the first place. But again, that was nothing but hopeful thinking.
Joel opened his mouth to say something but sighed, his body still tense, “You would think so,” he spoke quietly, holding onto your shoulder a bit tighter to reassure himself. He couldn’t hide the truth from you. He didn’t want to, “But I’m not feeling the least bit excited. It’s dread, is what I’ve been feelin’. And I can’t lie, baby, you’re all I can think about.”
This is what you wanted to hear. But it didn’t feel right. Your heart was still sunken in your chest.
“But the wedding?” You whispered while staring up at him, wanting him to continue.
“The weddin’s tomorrow. I can’t just not marry her, she loves me.” The corner of Joel’s lips turned into a frown, “I can’t do that to her.”
The words hurt you more than you ever thought they would, especially now that you were cuddled up against him, close in his arms. You weren’t ready to let him go. 
With your head resting on his chest, he felt at home. You felt safe in Joel’s arms. You couldn’t deny that feelings for him were beginning to develop, which made this all that much harder. And saying goodbye wasn’t necessarily ever easy.
You swallowed the big lump in your throat and nodded slowly. Now was quite possibly the only time you could ever tell him the truth. If you stayed silent, you knew that you would regret it in the near or far future.
“I understand,” Your voice was soft, your throat was tight, “I really do like you, Joel… I’ve loved spending these nights with you. I ended up looking forward, wondering if I may see you again,” 
His eyes bore into you as you spoke. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed along with a frown on his lips. He had a gut feeling that he knew where this was heading, and he dreaded the words coming from your lips.
“And I want you to be happy. I know that if you cancel this wedding, you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life. I don’t want to get in the way of that, not more than I already have. You and Jenna deserve to be happy.” You fought back the tears, refusing to choke up in front of him.
Joel stayed silent and frowned as he looked at you, squeezing his hand gently. He didn’t say a single word as he stood up from your bed. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. You squeezed your eyes shut to prevent the tears from falling down.
It was a silent goodbye. He was hesitant, but he didn’t want to make this goodbye harder than it already was.
He left the room without turning back. 
Once you opened your eyes, the tears fell down.
You tossed and turned, trying to fall asleep that night. They are getting married tomorrow. And there wasn’t anything you could do about it.
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onmyyan · 2 months
Kiss the goat part 2
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Sometime after your brief yet terrifying phone call, Casey Beckham and her boyfriend Steve are brutally slain in her suburban home, and you know exactly who's responsible.
It's hard to sleep that night, hard to do much of anything but lie listlessly in your bed, eyes wide, hand clutching the small, sharp knife you'd come into this world with, like a safety blanket.
 Your mind felt all too busy for rest,  you knew this was just the beginning, and despite how insane things were about to become, you were determined to make it to the end. No matter what.
The circus that the campus had turned into the following morning was intense, to say the least. Where there weren't reporter vans there were police cruisers. You couldn't take a step without having to dodge a camera or microphone being shoved in your face.
With every inch closer to what felt like a school-shaped coffin, an uncomfortable little chill shot up your ankle, as before you left this morning, you tucked the small switchblade into your right boot, after last night you weren't willing to take any chances, this was the first time a movie had gone off script on you and it made you this..nervous kind of excited, the kind you felt in your tummy all day and night, where you didn't know what was coming next, but you couldn't wait for it.
Although any positive emotions coming from this thought vanished as you were abruptly called to the principal's office, which would have been fine had it not prompted a very particular look from Stu. The very psycho you were trying to avoid. It was a bit surreal to think only a few hours before he was stringing his ex-girlfriend up like a set of Christmas lights.
Being pulled into the office first for questioning wasn't helping your goal of anonymity, the police made a point of asking more than once if you'd liked to hunt, and where exactly you'd been all night, thank god for Randy you thought, Happy with the alibi he'd inadvertently given you by hanging out yesterday.
You don't tell the police any more information than they ask, keeping your answers short and sweet as you wanted out of there fast, the principal was overtly friendly and it wasn't his fault as he's written as a red herring, but he still creeped you out. 
Lunch rolled around and a part of you wanted to just ditch it all and run in the opposite direction, but you knew better. So you swallow your fear and count your steps as you head towards the fountain.
Making your way to the spot said alibi had begged you to meet him at, you caught wind of the conversation and knew then and there you were in the thick of it.
Randy waved you over to sit beside him excitedly, your sudden appearance barely affected the group's conversation.
"They ask if you like to hunt?" Stu's voice carried over the sounds of the water rushing from the fountain, his eyes flicker to you, a twitch in his smile as you sit beside Randy with a silent wave.
"Why would they ask if you liked to hunt?" Tatum asked twirling the lollipop in her hand, her eyes met yours before returning to the group, and she sent you a grin before toying with Stu's hair, said man sent you his own smile, unlike her's, his sent a chill down to your tummy.
"Because they were gutted," Randy said much too cheerfully, no wonder they suspect his ass.
"Thank you, Randy," Billy spoke from his relaxed position, his dark brown gaze flickering over to the mysterious newcomer Randy had attached himself to like a leech. You made a point not to meet his eye. Instead, you tried to act as naturally as possible.
But his gaze lingers.
"They didn't ask me if I liked to hunt." The pretty blonde spoke, almost offended by the notion. 
"Cause there's no way a girl could have killed em'," Stu says matter of factly, his grin completely unsubtle.
"That is so sexist- The killer could easily be female. Basic Instinct." Tatum replies.
"That was an ice pick, not exactly the same thing." Randy chimes in, again much too cheerful given the context.
"Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. Fact is it takes a man to do something like that." Stu says, its fascinating to you no one catches on to that psychotic look in his eye.
"Or a man's mentality." His girlfriend replied mockingly.
"How do you- how could someone do that to another person?" Sidney questioned more to herself than anyone. 
"You take a knife, and you slit em' from groin to sternum," Stu says almost gleefully, his blue eyes flicker to you for a moment, and it makes your stomach do a flip. Like he was waiting for a reaction.
"Hey, it's called tact you fuck rag," Billy says his eyes full of a silent warning to Stu: shut the hell up. It made you smile a bit to yourself, how on earth these two idiots managed to make it to the end of the original movie without being caught amazed you.
"Hey, Stu didn't you used to date, Casey?" Sydney asks almost accusingly.
"Yeah for like two seconds."
"Before she dumped him for Steve." Randy taunted him close to Stu's face. "I thought you dumped her for me?" Tatum says with a pout.
"I did he's full of shit." Stu sneers with a glare, his grin almost like a warning to Randy.
"Are the police aware you used to date the victim?" He taunts Stu and you can't help but chuckle to yourself.
"What you think I killed her?"
"It would certainly boost your boring life."
"He was with me." Tatum said wrapping his arm around her front almost protectively, "Yeah was that before he sliced and diced?" Randy teased popping a peanut into his mouth,
"Fuck you nutcase where were you last night?" Tatum glared at Randy prompting him to smirk, "With (Y/n), my alibi's solid Blondie." Randy said proudly. This caused a very interesting reaction as Stu tightened his grip on Tatum, and Billy began staring holes into Randy.
"I didn't kill anybody." Stu says dismissively as he looks between the faces of the group.
"Nobody said you did." Billy bit out, his words holding a certain level of warning. "Aw, thanks buddy." 
"You're so suspicious." Randy rolls his eyes at Stu, and the blonde man sends him a sharp look.
"Yeah well, what about her?" Stu throws his head towards you, his grin strained. 
"What about me." You respond meeting his stare head-on, your brow raised at his odd accusation, it almost made you laugh.
"Well, he has a point." Billy sits up, demanding your eyes meet his own, his stare is like a shark, unmoving, unwavering. "And what would that point be." You ask, unfazed by the heat they tried directing on you. 
"New girl comes to town, bodies start dropping- kinda' interesting right?" He watched you from his seat at the fountain, the dark look he gave went unnoticed by the rest of the group, goading you for a reaction. He was testing you, for what you didn't know, but you held his burning gaze, your smirk taunting him.
"Well sure, if you have no imagination that makes total sense."
Something in the way you spoke held everyone's attention, especially the two violent men who were currently looking at you like a starved dog looked at a hunk of raw, bloodied meat.
"Isn't it much scarier to think about how you all probably know him? That you've been sitting next to him for years?" A small grin twitched at your lips, they shifted uncomfortably hanging off of every word, this glimmer in Billy's dark eyes had a fire burning in your belly, sure antagonizing a sadistic murderer was probably a bad idea, but you couldn't help yourself.
"Then again, what do I know." The bell gave your sentence an ominous ring as they all said with your words, Randy pulled you along, which left you unaware of the dangerous looks you were getting.
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throughstarlitfields · 8 months
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Pg. 1
Soft steps padded from under the stair archway, and there she was. The faelights gilded Elain's unbound hair, making her glow like the sun at dawn. She halted, her breath catching in her throat.
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Pg. 2
"I….." He watched her swallow. She clutched a small gift in her hands. "I was coming to leave this on your pile of presents. I forgot to give it to you earlier." Lie. Well, the second part was a lie. He didn't need his shadows to read her tone, the slight tightening of her face. She'd waited until everyone was asleep before venturing back down, where she'd leave her gift amongst his other, opened presents, subtle and unnoticed. Elain closed the distance, and her breathing quickened as she again paused, now a scant foot away. She extended the wrapped gift, her hand shaking. "Here." Az tried not to look at his scarred fingers as they took the gift. She hadn't bought her mate a present. But she'd gotten Azriel one last year—a headache powder he kept on his nightstand at the House of Wind. Not to use, but just to look at. Which he’d done every night he slept there. Or attempted to sleep there.
Azriel unwrapped the box, glancing at the card that merely said “You might find these useful at the House these days”, and then opened the lid.
Two small, bean-shaped fabric blobs lay within. Elain murmured, “You put them in your ears, and they block any sound. With Nesta and Cassian living there with you…”
He chuckled, unable to contain the impulse. “No wonder you didn’t want me to open it in front of everyone.”
Elain’s mouth twitched into a smile. “Nesta wouldn’t appreciate the joke.”
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Pg. 3
He offered her a smile back. “I wasn’t sure if I should give you your present.” He left the rest unspoken. Because her mate was here, sleeping a level up. Because her mate had been in the family room and Azriel had needed to stay by the door the whole time because he couldn’t stand the sight of it, the scent of their mating bond, and needed to have the option of leaving if it became too much.
Elain’s large brown eyes flickered, well aware of all that. Just as he knew she was well aware of why Azriel so rarely came to family dinners these days. But tonight, here in the dark and quiet, with no one to see… He pulled the small velvet box from the shadows around him.
Elain sucked in a soft breath that whispered over his skin. His shadows skittered back at the sound. They’d always been prone to vanish when she was around.
The golden necklace seemed ordinary-its chain unremarkable, the amulet tiny enough that it could be dismissed as an everyday charm. It was a small, flat rose fashioned of stained glass, designed so that when held to the light, the true depth of colors would become visible. A thing of secret, lovely beauty.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered, lifting it from the box. The golden faelight shone through the little glass facets, setting the charm glowing with hues of red and pink and white. Azriel let his shadows whisk away the box as she said softly, “Put it on me?”
His head went quiet. But he took the necklace, opening the clasp as she exposed her back, sweeping her hair up in one hand to bare her long, creamy neck.
He knew it was wrong, but there he was, sliding the necklace around her. Letting his scarred fingers touch her immaculate skin. Letting them brush the side of her throat, savoring the velvet-soft texture. Elain shivered, and he took a damn long time fastening the clasp.
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Pg. 4
Elain bit her lower lip, and it took every ounce of Azriel's restraint to keep from putting his own teeth there. “I should go," Elain said, but made no move to leave. "Yes," he said, his thumb sweeping in long strokes along the side of her throat.
Her arousal lifted up to him, and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head at the sweet scent. He’d beg on his knees for a chance to taste it. But Azriel just stroked her neck again.
Elain shuddered, drifting closer. So close one deep breath would brush her breasts against his chest. She looked up at him, her face so trusting and hopeful and open that he knew she had no idea that he had done unspeakable things that sullied his hands far beyond their scars. Such terrible things that it was a sacrilege for his fingers to touch her skin, tainting her with his presence. But he could have this. This one moment, and maybe a taste, and that would be it. "Yes," Elain breathed, like she read the decision. Just this taste in the dead of the longest night of the year, where only the Mother might witness them. Azrie's hand slid up her neck, burying in her thick hair. Tilting her face the way he wanted it. Elain's mouth parted slightly, her eyes scanning his before fluttering shut.
Offer and permission.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
how to disappear - e.b
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summary: after a series of tragic losses, y/n’s bright mood begins to disappear. so buck and the 118 try to bring it back
evan buckley x reader
this lowkey broke my heart a bit 🥲 i am def not the biggest fan of this, it was just rushed but i hope you still enjoy, leave any requests you’d like i’m in a big 911 writing era :)
10 minutes of cpr on the way to the hospital, rapid beeping on the machine, blood on the ground. hen places a soft hand on y/n’s arm, and pulls it away from the patients body. “y/n,” she says, making pitying eye contact with her. “time of death, 14:36.”
y/n sits back with a brush to her hairline with the heel of her palm and a sigh. she looks down at her hands and uniform, covered in a man’s blood. a son, a friend, and she feels like she just took that from him.
it’s been person after person, it feels. like she’s failing at her job and is failing all these people. she wants to scream. a few days before, she had lost a girl, new to adulthood, who had driven her car off the side of the road due to a drunk driver. her best friend, watching from the side and being held back by bobby and athena, was wailing in agony from watching the life escape her soul sister.
that wasn’t the last time, it’s been a few. everyone tries to reassure her that she did everything she could, and she knows she did. but was it enough? y/n’s been quiet, not wanting to hurt anything else around her. she felt like everything was glass in her hands and she couldn’t help but drop it. her eyes were dry and red from the sleepless nights and tearful showers, and her arms were tired from the endless compressions and the feeling of being completely burnt out.
buck had recognized this feeling, they all had, but it hurt to see her beating herself up so much over it. y/n already felt ridiculous, as this is partially what she signed up for, and he didn’t want her to feel ashamed. the 118 has been assigned to a ton of casualties and bad accidents recently, but it seems like they’ve been piling up and she feels like it is a result of her work.
everyone knows y/n is great. she’s smart and careful in her work, always checking over herself and being gentle with everyone, young and old.
another quiet night at home, y/n picks around her food not being able to find her appetite. the screams of the friend from earlier rang in her ear and the flatline of machines were stinging her brain. the pounding headaches were washed away with another tylenol, as buck tries to start another conversation.
“so, um,” he starts, quietly. “eddie invited us over to dinner tomorrow, do you wanna go?”
he tells a white lie because buck sort of invited himself to dinner. he wants to help y/n, and make her feel better and know that there are people still alive from her rescues. “maybe, i’m not sure.” she says, not having the energy to go tomorrow as she wants to just come home and fight with her sleep again. buck nods, deciding not the fight it. his heart breaks seeing her in this condition, and it pains him even more to know she’s helped him in this situation. he’s had his own losses, and he so desperately tries to climb out of the pit it puts him on. y/n was always the hand, the ladder that he called to climb out. he wanted more than anything to be hers.
they don’t teach you in training how to deal with this. they warn you, surely, but you always try to sugarcoat it in your mind. however, the agonizing sobs and screams will wake you up at night. you remember the names, the family, the details, the autopsy, the medicine that was inserted. every small detail haunts you, until you learn to handle the pain. it never gets easier to lose someone on the job, but the embraces and relief from saving someone is an incredible feeling.
“i’m just going to head to bed,” y/n says, her voice cracking as it’s barely above a whisper. she walks over to buck, placing her plate in the dishwasher. “i’ll meet you upstairs, i’m going to shower first.”
buck nods and gives her a sweet smile that conceals a bit of pity. watching her smiles fade from feeling like she’s not good enough makes his heart skip a beat in the worst way.
a few days later, y/n stayed a little longer at work than buck did. maddie had asked him to watch jee-yun, and when y/n walked in, she saw buck playing with her in their living area. he has a bright smile on his face in response to the little words and babbles from jee. “hey, baby. wanna come join us in here?”
she had completely forgotten that they agreed to babysit. she sighed and mumbled at buck for a minute. “i, um, forgot we’re watching her.”
“it’s ok, we just got done pulling uncle bucks hair out,” he says, scooping jee up and blowing light kisses into her baby cheeks. “who’s that, jee? y/n’s home!”
y/n forces out a small grin, making the side of her mouth raise a bit. “sorry, guys. i was gonna call it an early night, it’s been a really long day.” she replies, because she has no more energy left to give. she feels like shit, leaving her boyfriend and his niece alone, who she adores completely. she doesn’t want to bother their time together.
“oh,” buck says, surprised. y/n never denies extra time with jee-yun, always begging maddie and chimney to bring her over for a bit. “i get it, honey. go lay down.” he says, the smile on his face growing again in attempts to make her feel more comfortable.
“thanks, buck.” y/n walks over to the two, leaving a kiss on bucks lips and one on jee’s forehead. when she walks away, stepping back up the stairs like her muscles are worn out, jee mumbles out the few letters of her name.
“i know, jee-yun,” buck says, comforting her. “she’ll be back soon, i hope.”
days pass and y/n’s brightness that comes into the room when she walks in still isn’t back. buck has tried to give her space, but also giving her the love she needs to feel better. sitting around the table, the team talks for a little.
“kid, something on your mind?” bobby asks, taking a bite of his breakfast while looking at a zoned-out buck.
“s-sorry, cap,” he stumbles over his words. “it’s y/n. i just feel so bad, i wish i could magically fix everything but…”
“it’s hard, she’s been really taking it on these calls.”
“i’m just worried, i don’t know how much more stress she can handle.”
“she’s tough,” eddie adds. “i think she just needs time.” buck nods, still feeling indifferent on the situation.
the alarm sounds later in the night, and they climb into the truck for the last call of the shift. they’re all tired, ready to go home, but also ready to face whatever battle the world has for them tonight. y/n rides in the back, glaring out the window. she listens intently to the instructions in her headphones, and they climb out of the truck.
they see yet another tragic incident on the side of the road, a massive delivery truck had been completely turned upside down with two people inside of it. they team had all sprint up the the flipped vehicle, getting on the ground to see the damage to their bodies. “hi, sir,” y/n says first. “can you tell me your name?”
“ok, richard, can you tell me if you feel this?” y/n applies pressure to his legs. he shakes his head, and begins to panic at the numbness in his lower half.
“it’s ok, stay still,” y/n reassures him. “we’re gonna help you. can you tell us your friends name?”
“his n-name- is tyler.” he answers. “am i going to die in here?”
“we are all here to help you, richard, you are in some of the best hands out there,” y/n stands up and faces hen and chimney. “we have numbness in his legs, passengers name is tyler.”
“got it,” chim says, jogging over to see his friends condition.
on the side, after excusing themselves, the team meets up. “driver is not looking good, cap. i think the damage was already done when we got on scene.” hen says.
“can we get the other person out safely?” bobby asks, hesitantly. they all nod, knowing what is going to have to happen. “he’s pinned under that seat, he doesn’t have enough time.”
“what? no, we have to get both of them out!” y/n interjects.
“we can’t, y/n. we have to keep richard comfortable while they work to get tyler out.”
“there’s nothing we can do, y/n/n,” buck says, stepping in. “there’s nothing that can save him.”
y/n keeps her cool, just barely letting the pot boil over the edge. she walks back over to richard without any directions, but knows that she is the one to keep him comfortable. “this is it, huh?” he coughs a bit, blood pooling at the corner of his lips.
“you have a family, richard?” y/n asks, hoping to keep his mind off the pain that has already been minimized with morphine. no morphine in the world can save his family from the pain they’ll endure.
he nods, slowly. “i have three girls and two boy, and my beautiful wife.”
“wow, a full house, isn’t it?” y/n laughs.
“we have, two dogs too.”
“can i hear their names?”
“the girls are, layla, and she’s the oldest.” he starts, ready to take the time to explain his precious kids. tears are already forming in y/n’s eyes, and she’s relieved he is able to talk over her. “she’s so smart, she was valedictorian, jesus, i was so loud at graduation. and then there’s jake, he’s so amazing, he’s the sweetest kid. and then there’s makenna and sarah, they’re two little,” he pauses to take a few deeps breaths. “firecrackers. and then the youngest is nathan, and he is a r-replica of his mom.”
“what’s their mom like?” the drilling and buzzing from the other side is faint, the two’s thoughts being drowned out by the stories of his family.
“oh, she’s amazing,” he smiles, with red-stained teeth. “the- the most beautiful woman. you think i could call her?” her shaky hand reaches over to his phone that had fallen out of the truck and onto the top. she puts the phone up to his ear, holding it, as some more jargon about the rescued man comes through.
“h-hey honey!” he says, like it’s almost muscle memory. “i, uh, it’s ok, i just wanted to call and see how everything is.” he smiles at the chaos on the other side. “can you, uh, put me on speaker phone?”
the tears are falling down y/n’s face freely, as the sirens of the other ambulances are turned on to drive away with other paramedics. her breaths are shaky, and the team gathers behind them. glass cuts the skin on her knees, but she is not fazed by the feeling. the husband, son, father, says his final goodbyes to his family, and the final breath from his lips is stolen in a matter of seconds. one of the police officers leans down and takes the phone, speaking to the widow and her young family.
y/n places a few fingers on the side of his neck, feeling for a non-existent pulse. her voice cracks, and a few broken cries come out of her sad mind. “i’m so sorry, richard. i’m so, so sorry.” she repeats, over and over again before her boyfriend has to remove her from the nightmare. she yanks her gloves off and wipes the mix of blood from her hands, sweat, and tears off her face.
buck has never seen her breakdown like this, and it was honestly one of his biggest fears. he knew it was going to happen, he just hoped he would make her feel better before it did. “i really tried, buck, i did, i couldn’t keep him up…”
“i know, it’s not your fault. none of this has ever been your fault.”
as y/n’s pained thoughts surround her mind on the way back to the station, she climbs out of the truck and slowly walks back into the locker room. she ignores everyone around her. she tries to ignore everyone, but buck is too quick to understanding her that he is following right behind.
“let’s just go home, buck,” y/n says, her voice is raspy from the sobs and exhaustion.
“i need you to know that you are doing everything you can,” he says, stepping closer to her.
“i know, buck. i’m not doing this right now.”
“you are amazing at this y/n. it is not your fault. these people were doomed from the second they called into dispatch. if anything, you were there for them when we got there.”
“then why? why does this keep happening, buck? since you seem to have an answer for all of this why can’t you tell me that? why does it feel like it’s my fault?” she snaps, raising her voice with him near. she’s not yelling at him, more at herself.
“y/n, please,” buck whispers. “i don’t have the answer for everything. but i know for a fact that you are doing the best you can. and that is enough. and i will say it is enough for the rest of time until you believe me.”
y/n stops and stands still. she looks at him with sad eyes, her mouth opened lightly. she shrugs her shoulders and feels like every word is draining her from everything she has left. “i cant sleep without hearing them, buck.”
“oh, my god. baby,” he says, rushing over to her and pulling her in before her heartbroken knees gave out under her. his arms wrapped around her waist and sat her weak body down on the bench. he held her until she had nothing else to weep out. “let’s go home, love.”
several days later, and several shifts later, y/n had started to feel more normal. things had been looking up, but she was still dealing with the loss of her patients. it never would not bring her pain, each bruise would never heal, but she would rather not forget about them.
buck had taken her out of the house for a day, meeting up with everyone for dinner. they all had been supporting y/n in their own ways. spending time with her, listening to her, giving her advice, and just being there for her was the best they could do. they figured it would be good for her to spend time out of the firehouse and their small shared apartment.
her bubbly personality wasn’t back yet, as she still thought about the casualties consistently. they still haunted her dreams and lay in her brain. having buck there made everything easier. the way he cared for her and never judged her feelings had caused them appear more valid. having someone that understands you like that can open doors to new feelings so fast.
sitting around, they all talked for a bit as y/n still stayed quiet, her hand and bucks never unwinding. her grip on his soft hands has been still like they were stuck in cement. being able to listen to his voice and the casual meetings between everyone brought her back to reality.
“hi, sorry, excuse me?” a woman said, standing next to another one. she had a hearing aid in, and was doing sign language while making eye contact with y/n. “i had just recognized the whole team, and i remembered seeing you. i wish i could remember your name, but it must’ve gotten mixed up somewhere.” the lady signs, pointing at y/n. “you saved my life, you came right back into that building and i would not be here today. you saved me and my family. i wish i could give you all the world, but seeing your face still brings me comfort. so thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”
y/n was completely speechless. she had no idea what to say. her eyes were welling up again, but she blinked them back down and tried to force a few quiet words out. “of course, i’m so glad you remember me! that’s what i’m here for.”
her interpreter signs y/n’s words back to her, and she blows a quick kiss to y/n and walks away with a bright smile. y/n faces back around to buck, with a shocked smile on her face. it was bright, and it seemed like something that reminded her of all the good in this world that she has done.
buck knows that aside from a beautiful face, her soul had a wonderful outcome on the people around her. he wanted to give her everything and make her feeling like the most loved person on the planet. his admiration for her and complete head over heels mind brings him back to her hold every day, and he would spend the rest of his life being her hand to hold.
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You Are Important
Pairing: Boromir x shy/insecure!Reader
Summery: Reader is part of the fellowship and feels insecure. Luckily Boromir is there to help.
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It was the third day that you and the others from the Fellowship had been travelling and so far you had barely exchanged a word with them.
Not because you found them uninteresting or didn't want to interact with them. No, it was more that you had always found it difficult to befriend or talk with new people.
You were also sure that every one of them would quickly lose interest in you anyway. You were neither pretty nor interesting enough for any of them to want to get to know you or to waste their time on you.
That's why you were surprised when Boromir from Gondor sat down next to you on the evening of the third day and struck up a conversation.
You hadn't spoken to him personally until that moment, but he spoke to you openly as if you had known each other for a long time.
After that day, he never left your side. Every evening when you stopped to rest, he would sit next to you and engage you in conversation about this and that, and when you went to sleep, he would always lie down a little closer to you than to the others.
You appreciated his presence and attention very much, because no one had ever been so interested in you before, but you feared that he would soon lose interest in you and realise how boring and insignificant you were. Especially next to someone who shone as brightly as he did.
Most of the time you managed to banish these thoughts. Especially during the day, when you had to keep an eye out for danger or Boromir found a pretty wildflower in the forest and put it in your hair.
But at night, these thoughts always haunted you.
Sometimes you would lie awake for hours and stare up at the starry sky.
Then one evening you couldn't stand it any longer.
Boromir had already put up with you longer than anyone before him. He must have realised long ago how boring you were and just didn't want to be rude by telling you.
You moved away from the rest of the company. You were in a small wooded area and everyone was busy setting up camp for the night that nobody noticed when you took a few steps away.
No one except Boromir.
He came after you until the two of you were standing next to each other, looking quietly into the forest for a while.
"You've been very quiet these last hours," he said worriedly and his gaze wandered to you. Your gaze lowered. "If there's something on your mind, you can tell me."
You tried to gather your thoughts, but somehow you didn't really know what to say to him. You didn't want to lie to him. It just wouldn't have been fair. Not when he had always been so kind.
So you sighed. "Boromir, it's just- why? Why are you still- aren't you bored when you spend time with me?"
Boromir frowned. "Why would I be bored? You're great."
You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks. "That's hardly true. No one has ever spend so much- no one- I'm not," you paused and took a breath. "Is it because we're forced to spend time together? Then I can assure you that it's fine. I'm used to people ignoring me!"
Boromir looked at you with an expression that looked almost pained.
"Please don't talk about yourself like that. Like you're not important. Because you are important." He reached out a hand and gently grasped yours. His large hands were rough and radiated a pleasant warmth. You hadn't realised how cold your hands had become until you felt his warmth.
"I like spending time with you and will continue to do so," he continued gently as he took hold of your hand with both of his and massaged the back of it. "I would also spend time with you if our journey would be over already. If you want, I'll show you my home, Minas Tirith, after all that."
At these words, you finally looked up. "I would be very happy to come with you." you said quietly.
Boromir smiled. Then he leant forward and kissed you gently on the forehead. Your heart began to beat faster.
"Let's go back to the others," he suggested. You could still feel the warmth of his lips on your forehead. "Otherwise they'll eat without us."
Boromir took your hand and you walked back beside him. A smile spread across your face.
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gyusimp · 1 year
°•I wanna be yours•° (Nsfw)
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⚠️ Fem reader | Minors DNI | Canon Gyutaro | Masturbation | Smut content
A little one-shot cause i can't sleep (and i was feeling a bit horny lmao) also, i'm already on vacation! 🎉
It had been a very tiring and busy day in the Kyogoku house today, your job was not to sleep with the men who visited the District, you were the one in charge of helping all the courtesans with their appearance. You were someone skilled with your hands so as soon as Warabihime found out about your existence and the work of art that you could do on her face, she hired you exclusively to work in her house.
You had walked from top to bottom, putting makeup on all the girls and helping them fix their wardrobe, not to mention that you had to take care of what Warabihime needed as well. After you became so close to her brother and vowed to keep that precious secret, you became one of the few people she allowed to be close to her.
You were allowed to go to your room and rest for the rest of the night while someone else took care of keeping things in order in the house. The first thing you did was lie down directly on the futon in the middle of the room, facing the window. You felt the need to do this all day long for some reason, maybe because of where you worked? Who knows, but specifically today you felt very horny. You tried to do it quickly in a short break during the day but it would not be as satisfying so you decided to wait until you were completely free from your chores to de-stress yourself completely.
You didn't wait another minute to settle on the futon and flex your knees while you loosened the obi from your body to remove it completely and throw it on the floor next to you, you settled on the pillows and prepared to spread your legs. You weren't in the mood for a little foreplay or something like that, you were already very wet for a couple of hours ago and you could feel your core throbbing under your panties, demanding a little attention. You opened your flowery kimono and took off your panties in one go to open your legs and start playing with your pussy.
Your cunt made wet sounds as soon as you began to touch your folds, felt your fingers calming that need that you felt throughout the day was priceless. You began to move your hips in a circular way against your hand so that the friction was more provocative, the rooms close to yours were occupied by clients and courtesans so no one would notice your desperate moans coming from your room during your little love session. One of your hands went to one of your bare tits, you took your hard nipple between your fingers to pinch it and play with it while you squeezed the rest of your breast with your whole hand.
Meanwhile, your other hand wouldn't leave your wet and slippery pussy. You plunged your finger into your core, running your touch up and down your wet slit, you couldn't help but lean your head back and moan shamelessly as you felt your fingers rubbing and squeezing your clit over and over again in different ways, you opened your labia and that gave you better access to explore every corner of your tight little cunt as you wanted. You knew your favorite spots and those spots would be where you would rub your fingers with more intensity making your legs tremble, your back arch and your needy moans and gasps non-stop as you felt your open pussy drool from your touch more and more. The moonlight was directly above you, the window was right in front of you so the last thing you saw before squeezing your eyes shut and accelerating the speed of your fingers in your pussy was the sky full of stars and the full moon.
Your juices made your pussy sounds in a lewd way  every time you plunged your fingers into your hole but still this sensation was not enough. You took your hand away from your tit for a while and took it over your pussy while moving your hips. While the fingers of one hand filled your wet hole, those of the other hand parted your folds to knead and rub your sensitive clit, creating a familiar sensation in your tummy. Your hands moved faster to bring you to climax as soon as possible, your head tilted back and you spread your legs wide. You could imagine how abundant this orgasm would be and imagining your pretty fingers covered in your juices turned you on even more.
"Ah-Aahh...fuck...Aaahhh-aahh!!" A loud moan came out of your mouth just as you were about to cum.
You wouldn't miss your orgasm so you immediately raised your head and opened your eyes but what caught your attention was something else.
Gyutaro was at the window, staring at you with the most perverted smile you've ever seen on his face. Seeing him made you jump and caused your horniness to disappear. You quickly took your fingers out of your pussy and closed your legs to regain your composure but it was in vain, he had seen it all.
Since when was he here? He didn't even make a sound when he came so you didn't notice his presence.
Gyutaro entered the room and loomed over you in an intimidating way. Then, he started laughing loudly and mockingly.
"You're pathetic! So fucking pathetic!!" He said, still laughing. "Do you really do these dirty things when I'm not around? That pathetic little pussy is so needy even though I'm not around?"
Your face was hot and blushed with embarrassment, you've never been caught doing these things before so you actually felt very embarrassed. The first thing Gyutaro saw when he leaned out of your window were your legs wide open, you weren't wearing underwear so he had a perfect view of your open and naked pussy with your fingers rubbing every part of your folds as well as having heard your desperate moans . That immediately turned him on and caused a big tent to pop out of his pants.
"But don't worry, I can take care of that…like I always do." Gyutaro took your shoulders and undid your kimono completely, leaving you naked under him at his mercy. He took your knees and placed them on his shoulders, spread your legs wide for him again and reveled in looking right into your pussy. His long finger ran through your entire clit making you tremble and after his finger was bathed in your juices he took it to his mouth to taste you.
"Now you'll know what it's like to feel truly good, my little slut..." Gyutaro didn't wait another second and lowered his pants to line up at your entrance and enter your hole in one motion, causing you to almost scream with pleasure as soon as he started thrusting into you and rubbing the rest of your pussy with his fingers, just the way you like it.
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traveler-at-heart · 11 months
What we were
Chapter 2 
A/N: Background into the What we were story. Mentions of cheating, character death.
PS I didn’t mean to make you all hate Natasha 😭 I’ve just had this story for a long time in my mind and wanted to write it. Baby’s been through it and I promise in other chapters she’ll be better if that makes sense lol.
Six Months Earlier
It was a warm spring day. Flowers were blooming. In no time, grass would grow back to cover the grave.
As Clint’s coffin was lowered to the ground, it felt like time had stopped, or it had been altered.
You were all pretty much retired. The Avengers were a thing of the past.
So why was he on that mission with Kate Bishop?
Carol, still grieving over Maria, only sent flowers.
Natasha was away from everyone else. No one could approach her, not even you. She’d only talk to Anya or Laura.
It felt like she was punishing the team. 
You are all to blame.
Natasha almost threw Kate across the room the minute she tried to apologize.
That was the first wedge between her and Yelena.
She ignored everyone’s disapproving stares as well. And you knew what that distance meant.
Nothing and no one would get in her way to avenge Clint.
You were scared.
And rightfully so.
Natasha didn’t sleep, barely ate and simply stopped being present in your lives.
You heard her scoff and protest everytime you brought it up.
Laura is raising three kids on her own. And you think you have it hard?
One day, you begged her to come with you to therapy.
It could be good for us.
She agreed, if only to shut you up. Natasha never made it to that first session, nor did she apologize for her absence.
For the first time in your life, you could actually picture what it was like in the Red Room.
No feelings, no humanity.
Just a mission.
Before summer break, you asked Yelena to organize a family trip to celebrate Anya’s birthday.
Maybe Natasha could speak to Alexei or Melina. Maybe they’d understand.
Natasha refused.
“It’s for your daughter’s birthday,” you pleaded.
“We’ll do something else. Just the three of us. I promise”
Because she looked ashamed for the first time in months, you believed her.
It was a lie.
Yelena flew the next week, agreeing to look after Anya until school started again.
Your plan was simple; you’d help Natasha find all the information she needed. You’d finish the mission and then go back to normal.
The day after Yelena and Anya left, you went back to the Compound.
That’s where your wife was most nights, alone. Even Bucky had moved out years ago.
Still, you remembered every corner of this building.
It was your home, a long time ago.
Yours and Natasha’s.
Your first kiss, your first night together… It all happened here.
Curious about the things left in your old room, you walked over there, not even bothering to knock.
And there, you found Carol putting on a shirt and shorts, while Natasha walked out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel.
“Shit” her skin paled the second you locked eyes. “Y/N, please”
The room was spinning, you couldn’t breathe and you were certain your heart would explode any minute now.
Natasha ran behind you, pulling you by the wrist to make you turn.
She was screaming, crying, begging. All the things you had done for the last four months to keep your family in one piece.
Going to Wanda’s old room, you locked the door, barely listening to her pleads on the other side.
It was the strangest feeling in the world. Your energy was drained, as if you’d come back from a mission and were fatally wounded.
Natasha was still there when you opened the door, a couple of hours later. You couldn’t feel your face and your voice sounded foreign as you spoke.
“You have until tomorrow to move out of the house”
“Please, don’t”
You walked past her, without sparing a single glance her way.
Were you dreaming? Because you didn’t feel anything as you left the building, driving straight to Bucky’s house.
But when he opened the door and you could see how concerned he was, you finally broke down.
Your family was destroyed.
And you couldn’t save it.
Taglist: @wandabear, @thatonebrazilian, @canvascoloredin
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deanwritings · 1 year
FwB: Chapter 7 - Shower Sex is Complicated. So Are Feelings
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: FwB - Friends with Benefits.
After walking in on Y/N following a fun encounter, Dean and Y/N decide it would be beneficial and much easier to use each other for their needs. But can they keep it just about sex?
FwB - Master List
Word Count: 3,538
Warning: 18+ themes and language.
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A/N: So this chapter is what started the whole story. This was the spark that ignited the flame, and it all began when I heard City Grown Willow for the first time.
So I haven't done one of these in a while, but the chapter song is City Grown Willow by Radio Company.
I also promised angst last chapter, so here it comes.
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When you returned home that evening, there was no attempt to take the night further; no innuendos, no raised eyebrows silently asking if you were up for some fun. In fact, it was all too innocent for your liking. As you left the garage, Dean walked close by your side, closer than normal. When you shot him a look, he just smiled down at you, the glow of content shining even brighter after your evening out. It made your heart swell, not just because of your feelings for the green-eyed man, but because Dean rarely had the opportunity to relax enough to find even a hint of happiness in his days. It was a good look on him, and you wished you could see it more. As you walked through the library, now void of Sam, Dean’s hand had found its way to your lower back. This time, you didn’t flinch at his touch, instead, you leaned into it. You tried to tell yourself it was the one too many old fashions you had, but how silly it is to try and lie to oneself. With Dean’s guiding touch, he led you to your room, and as you turned in his hold, his hand found home on your hip.
You looked up at the man in front of you, hair pushed up off his forehead, his green flannel hanging off his shoulders, and his matching eyes somehow glimmering in the dim light of the bunker hallway. He was beautiful. No matter how much you looked at him, it always took you by surprise when you really looked. Yeah it was obvious Dean Winchester was hot, but when you stared at him, it was like you could see every redeeming quality he thought didn’t exist in himself; the steadfast son, the devoted brother, the loyal friend. Words that barely encapsulated the man in front of you. He was so much more, even if he would never know it. Not because no one ever told him, but because he refused to believe it. 
And as Dean leaned it, it took you by surprise when his lips landed on your check, a fire erupting beneath your skin at his touch. Then he left you with nothing more than a “‘Night, sweetheart.” Before he disappeared down the hall to his room. 
You stood there like a crushing schoolgirl, your hand cupping your check long after his silhouette disappeared. There was no denying now a line had been crossed, the question was, how much further would you go?
The next morning, you were up early. Between the drinks and the tranquility in your chest, you had fallen asleep almost immediately. It was probably one of the best night’s sleep you had in a while, and you felt an unnatural energy as you pushed yourself from bed and damn near skipped to the kitchen. You just couldn’t help yourself. You were radiating from the evening before. You fell asleep with a smile on your face, and it had yet to disappear as you fixed a pot of coffee for yourself and the boys, somehow winning out as the first one up this morning. 
Your fingers drum against the counter as you watch the liquid pour into the pot, vaguely aware of the soft footsteps that have entered behind you. 
You don’t need to turn around to know it’s not Sam, bounding in with his endless energy at the crack of dawn. 
No, these were slippers dragging against concrete until they stopped behind you, a sweep of robe brushing against you as a hand came to rest upon the same place it left it the night before.
“Smells good,” the groggy voice mumbles as he leans in, his face coming into view as you glance sideways towards him. 
“Why thank you, I worked really hard.” You purse your lips, trying to stop the smirk from growing as his tired face falls and his eyes roll. 
You lick your lips as you watch him, your heart pounding at the intimate morning the two of you are sharing. It feels like a morning after. But there was no sex. You didn’t even share a bed together. Yet this is somehow just as visceral. 
“Well once you’re done being a smart ass, I wanted to talk to you about something.” He takes a step back and leans against the island across from you. You frown at the space he’s suddenly put between you. Was this a preverbal line in the sand? Was he about to call it quits? Had last night gone too far and he had recognized it and was willing to actually do something about it?
Your thoughts rapid fire as the sound of coffee splashing into the pot behind you echoes through the quiet room. 
“Okayyy,” you swallow, trying to get a hold on your breathing as you prepare for what he’s about to say. The best thing you can do is look unbothered by his words. To pretend like this is going to be mutual, that you feel the same way. 
“I’m glad you said it because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.” Remark to act like this wasn’t about to potentially ruin you. 
But instead of opening his mouth, Dean pulls his phone from his pocket, unlocking it before he hands it over to you. Your eyebrows scrunch as you take the device from him, wondering what the hell could possibly be on it that he wants to talk about. 
You look down at the screen, shaking your head at the onslaught of text on the white background, all in that old typewriter font, making it impossible to get a quick sense of what you were looking at.
“What is this?” You bring the phone closer to your face, the text far too tiny to read from your outstretched arm. This time, you notice a logo in the top left corner. CONFILABS. The orange and blue logo somehow unjumbling the rest.
DOB: 01/24/1979
Gender: M
Ordering Physician: McDally, Mark
Report Status: FINAL 
“A clean bill of health, sweetheart.” Dean smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling. 
That’s when you see it. A list of every common STD, with NEGATIVE stamped next to each one. 
It’s an STD test. A clear STD test. 
You lower the phone, your mouth agape as you find the gaze of the grinning man across from you. 
“Are you really that desperate to go bareback?” You snap, surprising yourself. You don’t know why, but something about this is pissing you off. Perhaps it’s that your head is still spinning thinking he was about to break the agreement, or maybe because you were enjoying this early morning moment, and this report was just a stark reminder that all this was between you was sex. And Dean Winchester was apparently tired of condoms. 
And now you felt like an idiot. 
You toss his phone back at him, ignoring his fallen smile.
“Congratulations on the clean dick.” You push off the counter and stomp back to your room.
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“She’s grumpy this morning,” Sam walks in shortly after, what seemed to Dean, as you storming out. 
The whole encounter had him scratching his neck. He thought you would have appreciated the gesture. He had barely even looked at another woman since the two of you signed your little pack. This was just solidifying his commitment to you. 
It wasn’t so much about the condoms. It’s not like he was a stranger to them. Though let’s be honest, what guy actually likes using them? It was more that he wanted you to know that he was all yours. If you still wanted to use condoms, he had no problem with that. He assumed you were on birth control, but he hadn’t asked you straight out considering the condom clause. But maybe that was the issue. Maybe you weren’t expecting him to get a STD test to prove he didn’t need them, and now you would have to compensate for it. But why not just tell him then?
“Did your date not go well then?” Sam asks as he pours himself a cup of coffee. His brother’s words bring him back to the kitchen, and he shakes his thoughts away.
“What date?” Dean pushes by his brother and mimics his actions before leaning against the counter and taking a sip.
“Your date with Y/N.” Dean scoffs and pushes off the counter, heading for the table.
“That wasn’t a date, dude.” Dean lies. “That was dinner that you didn’t want to go to.” Well, that was the truth. 
He would never say it out loud, but when Sammy opted out of dinner, Dean lit up. He had never had the chance to go out with you one-on-one before, and with all the time the two of you had been spending together, always hidden away, it was nice to be out in public. Doing a normal thing two people do when they’re not having sex. 
“Yeah, sure.” Sam scoffs with a laugh as he sits across from Dean. Dean makes a show of rolling his eyes, but he wonders if Sam can see it, the shift he’s felt in himself the last few weeks. He’s not exactly sure what’s changed, but he can feel it. In the lack of nightmares when he closes his eyes, in the unnatural calmness, that at first freaked him out, but has since settled into, and the one word he won’t even dare fucking think. The dreaded h-word. Because that was something that never accompanied a Winchester. Maybe for a short time, but it never lasted, and it wasn’t worth enjoying. Because it was just something to miss once it was gone. 
“Whatever,” Dean buries himself in his mug, hopefully ending the conversation. 
“Anyways,” Sam starts after a beat. “I think I found a case.” This perks Dean up. A case would be a perfect distraction to whatever the fuck that was with you earlier. 
“Time to pack, then.”
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After a grueling eight and a half hour drive, the Impala finally pulls into Flamingo Springs Motel, a bright pink building that seemed wildly out of place for Rogers, Arkansas. You were in the north west corner of the state, so there were no beaches around, but that didn’t stop the owners from painting the rooms a bright turquoise and decorating them with anything that had a seashell on it. 
Oddly though, you enjoyed it. You had been in a mood since your talk with Dean this morning, and sulking in the backseat of the Impala during a long road trip hadn’t done much to improve it, though you had managed to talk yourself out of being mad at Dean. 
After a lot of mental therapy, you decided you were being unfair. You had told Dean if he could prove he was clean, you two wouldn’t need condoms. He was following the rules that he had allowed you to set. And you had punished him for it. Just because he couldn’t read your mind. Couldn’t figure out that you had broken your own private rule. Didn’t know that you had fully and totally fallen in love with him. 
You knew it was coming, and you let it happen. It wasn’t Dean’s fault. And you shouldn’t punish him for it. 
But after all the internal debating, and spending a third of the day in the back seat of a fifty-year-old car, you had a tension headache, starting in your shoulders and having crept up to the base of your neck. 
So as soon as you walk into the only room that was available with the boys, you immediately call dibs on the shower. You were about to put the motel’s water heater to the test. 
“That’s fine,” Sam tosses his duffle on the bed closest to the door. “I called ahead to the forensics lab so I’m gonna head over and pick up the reports on the victims so we can get a head start.”
“Sam?” The somehow larger of the two brothers looks up at you as he pulls a fresh button down from his bag. “Were you the kid in class who used to remind the teacher they assigned homework?” You narrow your eyes at him with a smirk. 
Sam’s face falls as Dean laughs into a not so subtle cough. 
“Hilarious,” he deadpans before striding into the bathroom and shutting the door with a little more force than necessary. 
Dean shoots you a look and shrugs at you with a smile. You muster a smile back, reminding yourself that you’re not mad at him before you busy yourself with your bag while Sam changes, hanging up your fed suits so they don’t wrinkle. 
After Sam waves you a silent and likely moody goodbye, you slip into the bathroom, which is a bright sunshine yellow. These owners really love their bold colors. The bathroom is small, with a pedestal sink, a white wicker mirror, and a shower stall tiled in Granny Smith Apple green. It was a hell of a color combo. But who were you to shit on someone trying to bring some brightness to this dark life? 
You turn on the water, shifting the knob to go almost towards the end of the red line painted on the faucet. You undress as the room begins to fog and once naked, you open the shower door and stick your hand in, the water the right temperature of not quite scalding but hot enough to loosen your road trip knots. You step inside and audibly sigh as the water hits your skin, and you feel your tension melting away almost instantaneously. It wasn’t the Ritz, but the water pressure was doing wonders for you, and you weren’t going to complain. 
You’re halfway through rinsing off your body when you hear the bathroom door click open. You freeze as a figure appears behind the frosted glass, and you take your best guess.
“Dean?” Your hands are resting on your opposite shoulders, soap running down your body as you wait for an answer. 
“If you don’t mind,” the familiar gruff voice rises above the steam. “Figured I’d join ya before you use all of the hot water.” You huff out a laugh at the proposition, but you don’t say “no.” And a moment later, the shower door opens, and a very naked Dean Winchester steps in. The small stall suddenly feels even smaller with his striking presence.
You swallow as you stare up at him. Though you’ve been naked in front of him countless times over the last few months, it’s never been like this. Outside of the first time you ever hooked up, this was the most vulnerable you had ever felt in front of him. But his eyes roam over you gently and he smiles softly, possibly sensing your hesitation. 
“Is there a reason the water is hotter than holy hell?” His facade breaks as he looks at the faucet. “Are you actually enjoying this?” Your laughter cuts through the steam and tension, and you reach out to lower the heat for his sake. 
“It’s relaxing.” You counter, turning back into the stream to continue rinsing off. 
“It’s torture.” He complains as he steps behind you, allowing you more room under the shower head. 
“You’re the one who joined my shower. If you don’t like it,” you turn to face him. “Leave.” You challenge, staring up at him and holding his gaze. His lips twitch and he responds by placing his hands on your shoulders and turning you back towards the water. 
“Why the hell do you like it this hot anyways?” He carries on as you rinse off the last of the soap.
“It helps me unwind.” You shrug, wringing your hair and tossing it over your shoulder. That’s when you feel a naked chest against your back, and you immediately lean into it with a breathy sigh. 
“I can think of another way to help you unwind,” his lips tickle your ear, his voice almost drowned out by the onslaught of water.
“And how’s that?” You sigh. That’s when you feel it, his large hands encompassing your waist, but just for a moment before they lower themselves down your body. One hand trailing down your thigh as the other cups you with a breathless gasp. You bite down on your lip as you grind yourself against him. He responds by teasing your folds, fingers brushing over your clit, but not lingering long enough to give you something to latch onto.
“Dean,” you moan, your hips pushing harder against him, begging him to enter you. And he complies. One finger slides within you as the hand that was on your thigh finds a new home, with his thumb pressing down against your clit. You buck against his hands as he adds a second finger, the two exploring within you until they find your wall and curl up within you. You throw your arm behind you, wrapping it around his neck as you push up on your toes to accommodate his height. 
You mew against him as he moves inside of you, starting slow, but as you respond to him, picking up pace and pressure with each of his hands. You answer his movements with your hips, feeling his erection grow against your back as the pressure within you builds and builds. Despite the fall of water, you feel sweat bead on your forehead as your calves begin to quiver and your breaths come in short spurts.
“De–Deannn,” you barely find your voice as the spring in your belly that had coiled tight against his fingers explodes against his hands, your pleasure mixing with the water as your body tingles from the heat of the shower and the static of your orgasim. 
Fuck that was amazing. Your body heaves as you try to catch your breath, but the air is too heavy in here. 
As Dean’s hands fall away from you, you turn and face him, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him into you for a searing kiss, wanting him to feel the electricity pulsing through you. He immediately responds, his lips moving in sync with yours, hungry as you are, as his hands travel down your backside, cupping your ass. 
“Bed.” You mumble against him as his lips barely give you a moment to use your voice. Dean grabs your thighs, and you jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist, his throbbing erection between the two of you as he pushes you against the cool glass of the shower door, causing you to gasp before he recaptures your lips, kicking the bathroom door that he left ajar fully open before lowering you gently to the bed closest to you.
He hovers over you, the light of the later afternoon filtering through the small cracks of the blinds and casting a glow around him. Once again, you find yourself in awe at just how beautiful he is. And you’re lucky for the time he’s given you so far. You watch as his green eyes take you in, searching for your approval to continue, so you nod. 
With that he climbs on top of you, and without wasting another precious second, buries himself within you, and you can’t help the unabashed moan as you feel all of him for the first time, uncovered, and 100% Dean Winchester. It feels better than you ever imagined. And as you look up at Dean, his eyes shut tight as he licks his lips, he seems to have the same reaction. 
You rest your hand on his tricep, rubbing it gently to coax his eyes open.
“This is nice,” you breathe out a laugh as his contorted face seems to overly agree with you. After a moment, Dean takes in a deep breath and you’re once more met with his gaze. 
“Needed a moment,” he chuckles, and you feel a strange sense of pride at his response to you. Even after all these months. 
“Well let’s not waste any more,” you tease, and Dean responds with a smirk before lowering himself down onto you, hovering for just a moment before his lips find yours. 
It only lasts a second, but in that moment, something tells you this is more than just sex. 
Then he moves within you, slow, controlled, the length of him hitting against your wall as you buck under him. This was new. You hadn’t done slow yet. 
And despite the pace, your body responds hungrily with each precise thrust, your moans catching in your throat as you writhe beneath him. 
It’s a slow burn, Dean taking his time and you savoring every hit as the warmth within you grows, hotter and brighter, tightening every cell within you until you explode, throwing your body against his, fingers digging into skin as you ride against him with everything you have, tears forming in you eyes, because it’s more than just the pleasure. 
It’s more than you ever imagined you would get from him. More than you ever wanted. It wasn’t sex. It was full. Complete. Beautiful. A totality. It was love.
And this was it. This was goodbye.
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Chapter 8
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parkerslatte · 1 year
Songbird || SIXTEEN
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Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.9k
Part Summary: The band attend a press conference and Y/N and Eddie finally talk about their relationship.
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The press conference was the next day, and Y/N didn't want to attend; she knew no questions would be directed towards her or any of the band other than Daisy or Billy. Y/N was sat in between Warren and Eddie. She wanted to speak to Eddie, but with how hectic the evening and day were going, she had yet to have a chance. 
The press shouted two names and two names only; Y/N folded her arms and sat back in her chair, wanting this to be over. Warren was just barely staying awake next to her.
"Who makes that coat, Daisy?" One journalist asked. 
"I don't know." Daisy says.
"And your shoes?" The journalist continued, and Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Why are you asking me about my clothes, man, I mean, why don't you ask Billy about that dumb-looking shirt he has on?" Daisy says. 
"'More fun to miss than to be with'," Another journalist spoke, "Whose that about?"
"Ah, come on, man," Billy says, "They're just songs."
"Is that true Daisy?"
"No song is ever just a song." Daisy answered.
"You guys gonna ask us any questions?" Eddie asks.
"What's going on with you two?" A journalist pipes up.
"Who, Eddie and me?" Billy jokes.
"No, Eddie and Y/N," The journalist says, "Because that performance last night was really something."
Everyone at the table turned to look at the two with expecting eyes. Eddie's mouth opened and closed, trying to think of a response to being put on the spot. 
"It was just a performance," Y/N says, "I hadn't sand on my own before in front of such a large crowd and he was simply reassuring me, it's what friends do."
As the journalists began to ask questions, only focussing on Billy and Daisy, Y/N felt someone squeeze her hand from underneath the table. Turning, she looked at Eddie, who looked at her with a smile; Y/N smiled back and squeezed his hand in return. 
When Rod ended the press conference early, Y/N was up on her feet and out of the conference room as quick as she could. She could still feel Eddie's hand in hers despite letting go a long time ago. Y/N lingered outside the room for Eddie to come out, hoping to finally talk to him.
As he stepped out, he made eye contact with Y/N; Eddie began to slowly walk over. Y/N fiddled with the end of her jacket as he strode over. Each step felt like it was taking hours. 
When Eddie finally stood in front of her, Y/N opened her mouth. 
"Someone find Daisy and Billy," Rod shouted at all the band members, interrupting Y/N, "We have sound check in fifteen minutes."
Y/N sighed. She was never going to get a chance for that conversation. 
Y/N L/N: Every time I wanted to have that conversation, something was happening to interrupt that. First, it was a soundcheck, then the show, and then the party after the show. I just wanted to get it over and done with. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: Every lie I told Y/N ate me up inside; I just wanted to get everything off my chest. But I thought I fucked everything up too much.
Staring into the mirror in her room, Y/N debated going upstairs to join the party. She wasn't in the mood to take drugs or drink; she only wanted to lie down and sleep. But she had bought a new dress and wanted an excuse to wear it. Sighing again, Y/N gave herself a final look in the mirror and walked out of her room and up to the party.
One other reason why Y/N didn't want to attend was Camila. Y/N loved Camila dearly, but after their goodbye before the tour, the two hadn't spoken; there wasn't one phone call. Since Camila had met up with the band on tour the previous day, Eddie had tried his best to avoid Y/N, instead trying his best to talk to Camila. Y/N was hurt by this. Finally, they were beginning to get back onto the same page until now. 
Y/N immediately grabbed a glass of wine as she stepped into the party. The party wasn't as large as their usual ones; it was more intimate, which Y/N hated, especially as there was more chance of her running into Camila or Eddie. 
Across the party, Camila danced with Karen, utterly oblivious to Y/N's arrival. 
"I'm just gonna get some air, I'll be a second." Camila says to Karen. 
Camila steps out onto the balcony, letting the air hit her face. Eddie stood at the other end of the balcony. As Camila took a sip of her drink and turned, her eyes landed on Eddie.
"Hey." Eddie greeted.
"Hi." Camila says as an awkward silence falls upon them. Camila looks out at the night sky, anticipating the conversation.
"So, can we, uh…Could we- could we talk about it?" Eddie questions, "Please?"
"We don't have to talk about it." Camila says.
"Well, it's…I would feel better, you know." Eddie says.
"Eddie, it's-"
"I'm sorry, Camila." Eddie interrupts, "I'm really sorry."
Camila sighs, "Eddie, it's okay."
"No, no it's not," Eddie says, "I was trying to be there for you, and all I could think about was-"
"You were there for me," Camila interrupts, "You're always there for me."
"Eddie, listen to me," Camila says softly, "You were there for me that night, we both made mistakes, we both needed a distraction and that's okay. You don't need to beat yourself up over it."
Eddie sighed, leaned against the railing, and sipped his drink, "I'm sorry."
"It's not me you should be apologising to," Camila says, "We both owe Y/N an apology."
Eddie closes his eyes, "I-I don't know how, I've fucked everything up too much."
"Tell her the truth, Eddie," Camila says, "I can tell how much you love her."
Eddie sniffed, trying to hold back his tears; he shook his head, "I fucked everything up with her, she won't want anything to do with me."
Camila placed her hand on Eddie's back, "She still loves you Eddie, I can tell. She's loved you for years now."
Eddie nodded before turning to Camila and hugging her, "Thank you, and I'm sorry."
Camila hugged him back, "Stop apologising to me, you don't need to." Eddie nodded and pulled away. 
Camila reached up and wiped his tear away, "You'll be okay, Eddie."
With that, Camila left the balcony and stepped back into the party.
From across the room, Y/N saw Camila leave the balcony. Once her eyes landed on Y/N, Camila froze. Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she began to walk closer. Y/N saw Camila sigh before she walked up to Y/N. 
"Camila, I love you but tell me what the fuck is going on." Y/N demanded. 
"I will talk to you Y/N but I think you need to talk to Eddie first," Camila says, taking Y/N's hands in hers, "I promise I will explain everything but you need to speak to Eddie before me, okay?"
"Okay," Y/N says, furrowing her eyebrows, "Where is he?"
"On the balcony," Camila says, "But Y/N, you have to hear him out, okay?"
Camila gave Y/N's hands a squeeze before walking away, leaving her standing there alone. Y/N focused on the balcony doors. Continuing the small distance from where she was standing, Y/N pushed open the door to the balcony and stepped out into the cold midnight air. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. 
Looking around on the balcony, Y/N saw a figure facing out, staring at the lights in the distance. Y/N's heart sank; she had wanted this conversation, but now that it was happening, she didn't know how to approach it. 
"What's going on Eddie?" Y/N questioned, speaking up. The noise from inside seemed miles away, the chatter from people talking barely audible.
Turning around, Eddie looked at Y/N, surprised to see her there. "What are you doing out here, Y/N?" Eddie questioned.
"Answer my question, Eddie," Y/N demands, "Why did Camila just leave here in a hurry? She told me to come and speak to you."
Eddie sighed, "I don't know."
Eddie didn't know how to approach this conversation, and all he wanted was to jump from the balcony and run for the hills. 
Y/N stepped closer; she knew he was lying. Over the last month, she had an inkling as to what happened between the two; she just hoped that her hunch was correct or she would feel stupid. 
"You sure as hell know," Y/N says, her voice low, "What's going on with you and Camila?"
"Y/N please just go back to the party." Eddie begged.
Y/N folded her arms across her chest, stepping further onto the balcony, "I'm not until you tell me what's going on."
Eddie remained silent. 
"I know I told you that we shouldn't be friends, I know that, but I regret it, I miss you so much it pains me. Then after the photoshoot you just start to avoid me and act like I don't even exist," Y/N explains, "Camila has been acting strange with me as well. Before we left for the tour, she made every excuse not to meet up for dinner or go for a couple of drinks, every phone call she finds a way to end it quickly. She's avoiding me as much as you."
"I don't know anything about that." Eddie says, avoiding eye contact. 
"Another lie. I really thought that after that performance we did together, we could sort things out, I really did, but as soon as Camila arrived you're acting completely different again, you're avoiding me," Y/N says, stepping closer to Eddie so their chests were nearly pressed together, "Do you really think I'm that fucking stupid, Eddie?"
"You really think that I'm stupid enough to not figure out what is going on with you," Y/N says, "And Camila for that matter."
"Oh yeah?" Eddie challenged, "Then what's going on, Y/N? Tell me."
"You slept with Camila." Y/N says, and Eddie doesn't respond, "That silence is enough of an answer. 
Y/N turned to leave the balcony, afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would say something she would regret. However, Eddie had other plans as he gripped her elbow. Electric shocks ran up her arm.
"I didn't sleep with Camila," Eddie says finally, "I kissed her, that was all that happened, Y/N. I can promise you that."
"How am I meant to believe you, Eddie?" Y/N questions, "All you've done to me this past year is lie to me."
"And you haven't done the same?" Eddie questioned, "That night when you said that the night we spent together meant nothing to you, you lied then."
"And so did you," Y/N says, her voice barely above a whisper, "But that's long in the past now."
"Is it?" Eddie questions.
Y/N remained silent. The question hung in the air. Of course, it wasn't in the past; that night continued to replay in Y/N's mind every night when she went to sleep. She could still feel his touch on her skin and his lips on hers. Everything about Eddie was intoxicating. 
"Y/N," Eddie says, leaning forward, resting his forehead on hers, "I can't keep pretending that I'm not in love with you."
A gasp was stuck in Y/N's throat. She closed her eyes to prevent the tears. 
"That night only happened with Camila because I was confused," Eddie explains, "I was confused about you. I fell in love with you long ago; it just took me a long time to realise it. I thought that I was still in love with Camila, but that night, if it was anything to go off, proves that I'm not anymore. I think I just needed a distraction; you told me not to speak to you again," Eddie paused momentarily.
"That night didn't go any further than a kiss," Eddie said, "Now I'm not lying when I say that it nearly did but as soon as I closed my eyes when she began to kiss my neck I called out your name. I imagined she was you…I wished she was you."
It was silent; even the noise from the party seemed to have disappeared completely. The confession hung out in the open.
"I love you, Y/N," Eddie continues, "More than I've ever loved anyone."
Y/N slowly raised her hand and gripped Eddie's jacket's front, pulling him closer to her.
"Please say something." Eddie whispers. 
Y/N opened her eyes and looked up at Eddie. Like Y/N, tears brimmed his eyes. Y/N bit her lip as the tears finally escaped and cascaded down her cheeks. After so long, the words she wanted to hear from Eddie were finally said. 
"I'm in love with you, too," Y/N says. All the weight crushing Y/N was lifted; she felt like she could float. 
Wasting no time, Eddie's hands cupped Y/N's face and pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was gentle and full of tenderness and adoration. Eddie gently pushed Y/N back so her back made contact with the wall. Eddie smiled into the kiss as Y/N reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. 
Eddie pulled away to admire Y/N. He admired everything about her. From her eyes and the way, they would crinkle when she smiled. Her nose and the way she would scrunch it up when she found something funny. Her lips, which for the most part, were opened in a bright smile. It wasn't just Y/N's physical features he admired either. Her resilience and ambition were something he had always loved about her. The way she wouldn't take any shit from anyone. Her kindness. Her strength. Everything about Y/N, Eddie loved and admired. He adored her.
"What?" Y/N asked with a smile.
"Nothing." Eddie says, smiling.
"Liar." Y/N whispered.
Eddie pressed a series of kisses to Y/N's lips, her cheeks, the tip of her nose and her forehead before ending back at her lips, pecking them once, twice, then three times before pulling away. He couldn't get enough of her.
"You're beautiful." Eddie says, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
Y/N smiled before wrapping her arms around Eddie's neck, pulling him into a hug, and burying her head into his shoulder. Eddie wrapped one arm around her waist, and the other gently held the back of her head. Y/N felt entirely at ease for the first time in a while, wrapped up in Eddie's arms. 
Y/N kissed Eddie's neck across his jawline before connecting their lips again. 
"I love you so much." Y/N says, tears still falling down her face in perfect droplets. 
"Why are you crying?" Eddie chuckled, wiping the tears away. 
"I'm just happy." Y/N says, pressing her lips to Eddie's. 
"Do you want to go back inside?" Eddie asked his voice low.
"No," Y/N answered, "Let's stay out here for a little while longer."
The two continued to stay on the balcony, arms wrapped around each other with no intention of letting go. Stolen kisses are shared with one another and whispered sweet nothings into the other's ear. This picture-perfect scenario was only interrupted once Y/N shivered. Not hesitating for a second, Eddie shrugged his jacket off and wrapped it around Y/N's shoulders. 
"As much as I don't want to cover up this dress, you're freezing." Eddie says, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. 
Eddie wrapped an arm around Y/N's waist and pulled her into his side while he opened the balcony door. Most of, if not all, the people who were present at the party had disappeared; it just left the band with the extension of Nicky and Camila. 
As the two walked in together and sat on the couch, Warren looked over at Y/N, a smirk on his face. Y/N gave him a look that told him not to say anything before she leaned into Eddie's side. Y/N looked up at Eddie and pressed a short kiss to his jaw, not caring who saw. Y/N couldn't be happier than she was at that moment, and neither could Eddie. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: [smiles fondly]
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nomoreusername · 2 months
His Hoodie
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Pairing:Aris x female reader
Summary:After losing Aris everything in your life falls apart
A blue and gray striped hoodie, with no zipper, a hood, a single front pocket, and that had been through absolute hell.
Some days, I hate his hoodie. Other days, it’s the only sort of comfort. One thing's the same though. I will never take it off. Not even at night to sleep, out of fear that something could happen to it, refusal to let go, and grief that he never made it.
It doesn't smell like him anymore, and I don't know how to get it back.
I hate the Scorch, and I still hate Jorge and Brenda. I refuse to even be around them, but apparently everyone’s just forgiven them. I mean Thomas is fucking dating her. He's actually dating the girl who killed my boyfriend.
They keep telling me that it was an accident. And it was. There was no way she could have known her bullet would go through the guy's body, hitting my love.
So now I don't talk to Thomas, Minho, or Frypan either. While Teresa was with us I wouldn't look at her. When Newt was here I only spoke to him when it was about rescuing Sonya. Everyone only talked about Minho though, and Harriet didn't stand up for her, leaving me responsible for doing so. Now I don't talk to her either. I sometimes speak to Sonya, but she still hangs out with Harriet so I can't do so often.
I hate them. I hate everyone. They just want me to move on. Even the new friends didn't take me seriously as they tried to set me up. Every time though, I said that I had a fiancee, because I do. I never had a ring, but I didn't need one. That promise to be his wife when we got to the Safe Haven was more than enough.
Nobody took it seriously though. So much so, that somebody took his hoodie while I was in the shower as a “joke,” and I was apparently overdramatic. Because he was younger. He was just a kid, and kids make mistakes. While I agree, he was a teenager. Not a child so he knew right from wrong. Yet somehow when I beat the hell out of him for taking the only thing I had left of Aris I was the bad guy.
What kills me the most? It's only been ten years, and I’m already starting to forget his face. It's getting so blurry. His voice, I don't quite remember his exact tone and how he spoke. There also weren't exactly any photos or videos to remind me.
I remember the way Brenda led us to Jorge though. I still recall being afraid while he hung us upside down but feeling stronger when I looked at Aris. Because he was my everything, and I could make it through hell as long as I had him. Then, when we figured out how I was the one who untied his chains from his ankles so that we could move. Just as we thought it would okay though, there was some guy that came out of nowhere, pointing his own gun at us. Since we're each other's everything I kept my hand in front of Aris to protect him, and he did the same. It wasn't the time for it, at all, but the way fingers brushed against my hips while he did was kind of nice. I mean we were all being threatened and one of my thoughts was how much he means and how much I love him.
When the gunshot went off we thought it was from him until he fell forward, revealing Brenda pointing one. Like it was nothing she yelled at us to hurry up and ran without looking back. I also know the sound obviously made everyone flinch because we all thought that we were the ones who had been hit.
As I tried to leave he whispered my name. I turned to see blood coming out of his chest before he fell to the ground. As he did I was right beside him while everyone else stood there. Not knowing what to do, I just pressed my hands to the wound as I told him it would be okay. As he reached his hand out though, just barely pressing it on my cheek, I looked him in the eyes as he just gave me his touch.
What kills me is that his last sentence was just, “it's okay.” Officially, his last word was just, “I,” before he died. He never even finished them so all there was was an absolute lie. It's not okay, and it never will be.
I screamed as loud as I could. I shook him as I demanded that he wake up. In my hysteria I kissed him, only for his lips to be cold, like they belong to a stranger and not the warm boy who lit up my world. I kept saying his name, sobbing over his dead body as I did everything to wake him up, as if there was a chance. I mean I shook him, kissed him, hugged him, cradled him, rocked him, and stroked his hair.
The worst part is that I did all of this in so little time before two or three people dared pull me away. I kicked and thrashed and screamed and reached for him, only for them to tighten their grip. Two people grabbed my legs while another grabbed my arms. They pulled me to Jorge and forced me on the zipline.
When Jorge came down I was still on my knees, sobbing and repeating his name. When he got close I got on top and punched him over and over and over. I was yelling at the world, rage filling my veins as I called him and the girl monsters and barely human and freaks and screamed that I would kill them. I grabbed my knife and tried to stab him only for someone to restrain me.
Eventually, when I kept trying to kill him when nobody was looking, Minho was assigned to be his body guard since he was in obvious need of protection. Where was Aris’s protection though? Where were they when I was on the floor, doing everything to save his life?
I had failed him too, but I tried. It wasn't enough and never would be, but fucking hell, I did everything I could. It may have been in vain, but I did everything in my power to keep him alive.
Unfortunately, I didn't have any power. So now he's dead, and I’m not.
Since I couldn’t kill Jorge I attempted to murder Brenda. I dragged her to the club and beat her senseless. She barely got any hits in that I couldn't even feel through the sharp pain in my heart.
As I was only halfway done Newt found me. He put his arms around me so that I couldn't move. While he did so I was still shouting at him, telling him that I wasn't finished, reminding him that she killed Aris, the love of my life. The second he got a word in he told me that Aris wouldn't want me to be like this.
This broke something in me as if I wasn't already nothing but little pieces, a shell of who I was. I demanded that he tell me how he would know what Aris would want, but he just reminded me that this violent girl, the one seeking revenge, the one so easily able to hurt people, was not who he had fallen in love with.
The worst part was that he was right. I was not who Aris knew. When I saw myself in a mirror I didn't even recognize myself, and I hated everything about that person staring back.
How can I remember all that but not his face? Not his voice? Not his body? Not his scent? How can I remember everything but what I’m supposed to?
Why couldn't it have been me? Why did it have to him? Why can't I trade places with him?
Standing at the edge of the Safe Haven, I let out a blood curdling scream that only the birds in the sky could hear. Dropping to my knees, I told him that I was sorry as I started pulling at my hair. I screamed about how much I hate everyone and how much I love him. I screamed until my throat was raw, and my voice was scratchy. Yelling into my hands, I broke down again as I tried to remember any positive detail about him. All I had was little moments that he didn't look right in.
Feeling myself break even more than before, I banged my fists on the hard dirt until they were bloody. Crying out for him, as it started to rain I held his hoodie close to my body as it soaked through it. Laying down, I let myself get colder and colder as my eyes started shutting.
For hours and hours I laid there, waiting. Waiting with a small on my face as it kept pouring. If it rained enough I would freeze. I wouldn't have to wake up. Not without him.
So, with my eyes still shut, as I became unable to move, I repeated his name as I prepared to see him again. And this time I wouldn't have to let him go. Ever.
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billlydear · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could do headcanons for Billy dating someone who is very fashionable and confident and intimidating but also maybe a little feisty and introverted? Maybe they moved from somewhere cool like New York City or something? (If possible maybe add something in there about max looking up to them/thinking their cool?) tysm! I love ur blog btw
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W.C 970 - INBOX (please request) - CREDIT TO GIF OWNER
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thank you! i really appreciate it :-) i'm sorry i took kind of a long break! but i'm back now, and i'd love some requests for billy fics :-)
you kiss him first
it's not really a sweet, loving gesture
it only happens because he gets in your face
he backs you up against your locker and asks why you've got the same jacket on today as you did yesterday
clueing you in to the fact that not only does he care enough to notice that you wear different outfits every day
he comes close and tugs at the collar, flicking his eyes up and down the way that it fits over your body
but he noticed the one time you didn't
you tell him it's because when your date pulled it off in the backseat of his car last night, you'd seen it before school and decided you wanted it again
that shuts him up, his eyes go kind of wide and his jaw tightens
"Who took it off of you?"
"No one I'm gonna tell you about, Hargrove." and it's not a lie, because there was no one. you just like the jacket, and you're frustrated aroused? by the smug look on his face
And you think it's over, you think he's gonna leave you alone, so you slip out from your locker, shut it, and start off down the hallway
but he shouts after you, "They must not have been very good, then!"
And you turn around, "How would you know?"
"You won't even talk about it," He scoffs, and he strides up to you while a few straggling students pass by, "I mean, come on, you don't wanna relive it? What did he even do to you?"
"This," You spit, and grip him by the jaw so forcefully it almost hurts
You yank him down into the most heated kiss of his life, there's instant chemistry and his hands are at your waist before he can process that he's even kissing you
He gets so into it, groaning and nipping at your lip but then the second bell rings, and you're officially late for class.
You break away with a sly little smirk, knowing he's hooked by the way that his eyes are sharp as he watches you walk away
"Y'know, I could leave this in the back of your car tonight, Hargrove," You call as you walk away, flipping open one side of your jacket, "Eight tonight, and don't be late."
He watches you walk into your classroom and only then does he realize that he doesn't know where you live
so his only option? wait outside your class until you're done for the day.
he skips his own, just leans against the wall outside your classroom and tries to relive the kiss you'd shared
when you rush out of the class he's already waiting at your locker just across the hall, and you pay no attention to him as you get your books out
"You never told me where you live." He drawls, and you scoff
"I thought you'd know by now, you've been passing it every time you drive to school."
He finds out you live just down the street from him!
this means that at eight that night, he doesn't ring the doorbell with a flower in his hand and money for dinner in his wallet
he throws a rock at your closed window at 7:30
he catches you trying to figure out what to wear for your date
and when he crawls in the window, you're barely dressed
you've got sleep shorts and a tank top on while you decide what to wear, and when he notices you trying to cover your chest, he slips his own jacket off, tossing it at you.
"Just keep it," He offers, trying to look casual as he lights a cigarette and not like he's freaking out about rejection, "Maybe you can leave it in the back of your car."
and from then on, you're a thing
that night doesn't end in a hookup but it does end with a lot of heated kisses, and maybe some heavy petting if you really can't wait
but your parents are home, and they're still unloading boxes from your move, so you can't make too much noise or they'll hear you while they trek boxes up the stairs to their bedroom
he sneaks out early in the morning to take you to school, and swings by home to pick up max on the way
you offer to get in the backseat for her and billy grabs your arm to stop you from leaving, insisting that she rides in the back
he doesn't let go altogether, he just leaves his hand on your thigh while he drives.
you send max a sympathetic smile from the front, though, and she catches your eye in the mirror
he takes off and goes way too fast, and it's fun and all, but you're worried that he'll crash
so you demand that he slows down, and you're forceful enough about it that he actually does
that's why max likes you, because billy listens to you
and if she ever hears stories of new york?
she thinks you're awesome, and she definitely uses you as style and attitude inspiration
billy is protective of you, yes, but he doesn't have to worry that much.
as quiet as you are most of the time, he knows that if someone does something you can hold your own, and sometimes he'll watch proudly, cigarette between his lips as you chew someone out for touching you
or better yet, he'll smirk as you punch someone and he'll clean up your fist later, telling you how hot you looked
you guys swap stories of ny and california, and you definitely plan a road trip for after you graduate where you'll circle the country and stop at your old homes and hopefully find somewhere else to live
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gigglycharm · 1 year
Helloo!! Would you mind writing lee reader, with lers zhongli & childe hehe! Probably the reader is having sleepover with two of his companion (zhongli & childe), but the reader refuses to wake up in the morning, so both of them decided to tickle him hehe P.S. if you don't do lee reader, just change it to lee itto (but I still prefer reader hehe), & if please no foot/palm tickles. Thank you in advance!!
Wake Up, or Else...
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Pairing: Lee!reader, Ler!childe, Ler!zhongli
Summary: (in the ask above ^^)
Word Count: 1k
A/N: i hope this is close to what you were asking for! ty for requesting :]
Zhongli sighed. It had been... how long again? Since the last attempt to wake you from your obviously deep slumber. You had marks on your face from how you were laying down, and one of your legs held Childe's thigh in an uncomfortable position. He stayed as still as he could to not wake you, but after half an hour it gets pretty tiring...
"How are we going to handle this?" Zhongli muttered, propping himself up to get a clear view of you. As much as he hated how stubborn you were about waking up in the morning, he couldn't lie. You had the cutest face when you slept. He admired you for a few moments before snapping out of it. He placed a hand on your back, gently rubbing and massaging your shoulder blades and arch. He was still in a small state of admiration...
"Mmh..." You mumbled, still half-asleep. You were inching to the brink of slumber, and if anyone was to rub your back for a second more, you'd be sound asleep.
"Zhongli, am I gonna get any help here? I'm like a fish on a hook." Your thigh had crossed with the ginger's leg in the middle of the night somehow. Childe was eager to get out of bed and out of sleepover mode but didn't have an easy time trying to wake you. Alongside Zhongli, he'd also tried the soft rubbing and massaging attempts. This only helped you say goodbye to your awake self.
"Go away..." You yawned, stuffing your face back into your pillow. You held it tightly, laying on your stomach. You could feel Childe moving around subtly and wanted to tell him to go back to sleep, Zhongli too. You didn't even know what time it was...
The geo archon decided that he'd have to take a different approach to wake you up. Childe, too. The two men put their brains together and came up with an easy and guaranteeable way of waking you up, that was enjoyable too.
"We're going to tickle him?" Zhongli tapped his finger against your head of hair as a last attempt. "So be it. We tried to wake him up the easy way, didn't we?"
"Huh..?" You lazily raised your head before plummeting back down into your fluffy pillow.
Childe smirked. He knew how ticklish you were, every single spot. He knew where to poke you to make you squeal, he knew where to lightly glide his fingers to make you hold your breath, and he knew where to dig to wreck you. Zhongli did too, after a flustering conversation the two had about how ticklish you were, right in front of you.
The redhead pulled the blanket that covered everyone down to your thighs, which you noticed. A light breeze came from the fan that circled the room and flew around your bare legs. He then whispered something in your ear, which you didn't hear because of how sleepy you were. However, you managed to feel his fingers snake up your shirt and wiggle into your sides and ribs.
"Wuah...- Gyaha- Heh, what thehe heckuhu?!" You giggled, squirming around. You tried to clamp your arms down to cover your sides, but Zhongli decided to contribute to your ticklish demise. He gently wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into a big hug, placing you in his lap. Childe crawled between both you and Zhongli's legs and snuck his fingers back onto your ribs.
Zhongli took your hands in his and held them around his neck, giving Childe more access to your upper body. He would save that for later though. He kept wiggling his fingers into your ribs, making you squeak and giggle, before digging into your hips. You laid your head back, almost hitting Zhongli's, and howled with laughter.
"Nahah- WAHAH!- IHIM AHAwahAHAKE!" You yelled, regretting not waking up when they asked you to. Childe dipped his thumbs into your waistline, driving you nuts.
"Are you going to wake up when we tell you to next time?" He asked, slithering a hand into your shirt and clawing at your stomach. You couldn't gather enough breath to respond, so he took it as a 'no' and added another hand to the tickling of your stomach.
Zhongli pitied you. Although he was ticklish to an extent, he never would dream of laughing this hard over a few fingers crawling around on his belly. "I'd like to try and make him laugh, Childe." He spoke, out of the blue. Childe replied, "Have at him!"
So, he had at you. He held your wrists with one hand and dragged his fingers up and down your ribs in a clawing motion, slowly, then rapidly, slowly, then rapidly. "FUHUHUCK!- ZHO-ZHOHohahehOHONGLI, puhuhuah!-"
"This is just adorable, right?" Childe teased. Zhongli agreed, nodding his head. "Precious. You're too ticklish for your own good, you know that?" Zhongli remarked.
You blushed, still wiggling around trying to escape. Childe devilishly slid his hands beneath your shirt and traveled to your armpits, diving into the ticklish hollows. His fingers skittered and poked, sending a wave of laughter up your throat. You pulled your arms down, trapping his pesky fingers inside your underarms. This wasn't good... He was still tickling the shit out of them.
Zhongli had mercy and stopped his tickling. He held your head in his arms and whispered: "Next time, what are you going to do?" You pulled as many words from your head as you could, but didn't have the breath to produce them. You tried your hardest though, replying with, "EHEAHAhoho! I wihihill wahahake-AHEHE upuhuh!"
It seemed that that was enough for Childe to remove his hands from your shirt. "I'm glad you've come to your senses," Zhongli said. He let go of you, and Childe plopped himself beside Zhongli. There was a spot in between the two, where you were guided.
"Y'know, that was your fault. We didn't wanna have to do that..!" Childe chuckled. Yes, they did want to do that. You grinned and sighed, tired. The one thing you were just tickled to death for being. But, out of pure pity, the two men beside you allowed you to snuggle back into your blanket and rest for a while longer. Who knows, maybe they did that so they'd have an excuse to tickle you again...
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s-creations · 6 months
Hues Chapter 3: Mush-Fever
Mario forgets. Just because they're in a new place…doesn't mean old problems disappear.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Mario & Luigi (Nintendo), Wario & Mario (Nintendo), Waluigi & Mario (Nintendo), Mario/Princess Peach (Nintendo) Additional Tags: Mario needs help, Luigi's not feeling great, Wario and Waluigi are not overly great with the whole 'comforting' thing.
‘Top story this morning: we’ve officially entered into Mush-Fever season. A few reports are already coming in of Toad’s being checked in. Medical professionals are warning that this season’s gonna be a rough one. It’s advised that you keep an eye out for early symptoms and call your doctor immediately if you suspect someone’s sick. 
Early symptoms are: 
High Fever
Extreme Fatigue/Constantly Sleeping
Loss of Appetite
If someone starts sprouting abnormal growths, call it in immediately. Better to be safe than sorry.’
Mario let out a wide yawn as he waited for the coffee to finish brewing. Barely taking in the news report that was on the television. Really just wanting background noise while he tried to wake up. 
Normally, Luigi would be up and about before Mario. But everyone was still recovering from King Boo’s attack a few weeks prior. And if everyone else was still shaken just dealing with the Ecto-Ghosts, Mario couldn’t even begin to imagine how Luigi felt. 
So, if Luigi wanted to lie in bed, Mario was going to let his little brother sleep for as long as he needed. Left to battle through his morning slog alone
Mario perked up when the coffee announced it was finished. Pouring the wonderful caffeine into a red mug, topping it off with milk and sugar before shuffling into the living room. Nursing his drink as he watched the screen flash before him. Still not really taking in the information that was being presented.
A familiar chill fell over Mario. Giving him ample warning before Polterpup phased through the ceiling. Who let out a small whine as they sat next to Mario. 
“Hey doggie, you sleep well last night? …Do ghosts sleep?” Mario frowned softly in thought as Polterpup nudged his arm, whining again, “What’s up pup?”
The special pup jumped from the couch. Turning back to the human, letting out a bark before pointing towards the stairs. Still confused but realizing that something was wrong, Mario was up. 
“Alright, what’s going on?” Mario’s eyes followed Polterpup as they floated up the stairs. Soon close behind, finding said pup now sitting outside of Luigi’s room. Polterpup nervously tapped the ground as Mario walked closer. The hero gently knocked on said door.
“Hey, Luigi, you doing okay? Polterpup came down to get me and they seemed really upset about something. …Luigi? …I hope you’re decent, cuz I’m coming in.”
“Oh, hey, you’re still asleep? You’re sleeping the day away! Come on, how about we get started, yeah? …Luigi? You need to get up.”
Even with the mask that was covering the lower half of his face, it was clear that Luigi was in pain. Skin pale, breathing harsh and shallow, eyes screwed up in pain, hand clutching desperately to the sheet covering him. Numerous Toads, masks tied around their heads to cover their mouths, were rushing around. Not just focusing on Luigi, but also the other patients resting in the beds. Occasionally, a Toad would pluck off a few green mushrooms from Luigi’s skin. The human wincing every time his skin was pulled.
Mario could only watch from the wide window. Stuck in the hallway as his eyes remained on his brother’s tense form. Hand pressed against the cold glass, feeling as if he was about to break. 
He couldn’t do this again.
Not again.
“He’ll be okay,” Peach kept her voice even, knowing how hard this was for Mario. A small smile on her face in an attempt to offer comfort. “Luigi has the best people looking after him. This is a common illness, it happens every year. There’s nothing to worry about.”
The last sentence caused more damage than help. Mario reached up to pull his cap down over his eyes. The hand pressed against the window turning into a fist. 
“Common doesn’t mean non-deadly,” Mario choked out. 
“Luigi will be fine.”
“You can’t promise that. Not…Not with how he is…”
Peach bit her lip, “Why don’t we go and-”
“I can’t leave him.”
“...You can’t do anything here, this isn’t helping you or Luigi.”
“Don’t!” Mario pulled away, eyes blazing, “Don’t…say that. You don’t understand, you can’t understand… Just leave me alone.”
He marched over to the bench located on the opposite side of the hallway. Eyes going back to the window, even if he couldn’t see Luigi anymore. Remaining tight as he stared the pane of glass down. Peach remained frozen for a few moments before nodding. 
“Very well… If you need anything, I believe it would be best for you to find a Toad. They’ll be able to help you find what you need.” And with that, she turned. The clicks of her heels soon gave way to silence, leaving Mario to these thoughts.. 
As the silence settled in, so did Mario’s realization as to what he’d done. He let out a low curse before throwing his hat onto the ground in frustration. Digging his fingers into his hair. Vision blurring. Hoping the external pain would drown out the internal pain. 
It didn’t.
Letting out a heavy puff of breath, Mario sat back up. Leaning against the wall while furiously rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palms. Sitting as such before picking his hat back up, shoved it back onto his head. Uncaring that it now lay lopsided on his head.
Eyes flickering back onto the window, his heart sank further. Knowing Luigi lay just on the other side. Out of reach for him to help.
The disgusting feeling in his stomach seemed to grow. 
“Excuse me.”
A green-capped Toad jumped hearing the new voice. Peering up to see the Kingdom’s hero. Who looked a little worse for wear. “Oh, hello Mario! What can I help you with?”
“I don’t suppose you have a phone I could borrow?”
Wario and Waluigi barely gave notice to the passing glances sent their way as they power walked down the castle halls. Fully focused on their goal. Practically skidding to a halt upon their last turn. They cautiously peered around the corner to find Mario sitting on the bench. Staring at the ground, hat in his hand, looking wilted.
“Don’t say anything stupid,” Wario whispered to his brother. 
“You’re one to talk.”
“You threw him into the lake last time he was like this.”
“He deserved it.”
“Just…don’t, okay.”
Neutral ground decided upon, they slowly walked forward. Mario barely flinched as Wario claimed a seat next to him. Waluigi deciding to stand by the window instead, looking into the medical wing. His frown seemed to deepen upon finding the state Luigi was in. 
“You rang?” Wario teased with a smirk. Only to falter when Mario didn’t respond. “...Hey, Luigi’s tough, he’ll be fine.”
“People get this illness every year. It’s more annoying than anything,” Waluigi added, “Greenie will be sleepy for a while after this. But otherwise, he’ll be fine.”
“Weegee’s not like other people…” Mario mumbled weakly. 
The older two exchanged glances. Wario replied with, “How about we go stretch our legs, yeah? Get some fresh air. I don’t think sitting in a dingy hallway is doing you much good.”
“Get away from here for a while.” said Waluigi.
Mario wasn’t given a chance to argue back. Wario already wrapping his arm around the younger’s shoulder and leading him away. The view to the medical window blocked by Waluigi. Who gave a ‘Don’t even try it’ look when the hero turned back. Mario frowned but didn’t say anything, merely faced forward again. 
The hero winced as he was brought out into the sunlight. Hating how bright the world was compared to his dark mood.
“You’re not taking me back to the lake, are you?” Mario mumbled out.
“No…but that does beg the question of what we are going to do.” Wario answered.
Waluigi let out a heavy sigh as he took the lead. “Thank Grambi one of us has a brain.”
“Hey now-”
“Don’t even argue with me. You know I’m right.”
“Yeah, maybe. But you don’t have to be rude about it.”
“Yes I do. It’s part of my charming personality.”
“You call that charm?”
“Far better than what your skills are.”
Mario couldn’t hold back a smile as he listened to them argue. Or, he supposed, their version of brotherly banter. 
Entering the town proper, the group of three strolled through the main shopping district. Wario mainly focused on the number of food stalls, which didn’t seem to bother Waluigi all that much. Mario quietly noted that a few were pieces that he’d tried and liked before while others were very new to his rather limited palette.  
It was hard to tell what was safe for a human to eat. But there hadn’t been any scares yet.
Wario and Waluigi were eventually carrying a number of bags in each arm.. Mario was still confused as to what they were planning. But listened with interest as the brother’s conversations turned from food selection to childhood stories as each choice seemed to bring up a new memory.
Where they’d gone to school and subsequently expelled from. Where their first business was. Both legal and ‘entrepreneurial’ related. Where they would meet up with Peach when the princess would sneak out from the castle for a break.
One of those places was a familiar one. Mario mentally commented that it was the same tree they’d taken Peach to on their first outing as a full group. He watched from the truck of said tree as the other two set up their small buffet. The hero feeling a small flicker of warmth enter his chest.
“...Is this a date?” Mario smirked at his question. 
Waluigi let out a snort while Wario rolled his eyes. The oldest walked over to Mario to ruffle the hero’s hair. “As if you could afford us. Come on, you got some new things to try.”
Even with the worry weighing heavily in his stomach, Mario felt himself begin to relax. Starting to laugh more at the brother’s jokes and antics. Absolutely thrilled by the new things he was trying. Happy to have a moment when his mind wasn’t focused on the stress.
The afternoon cooled out to a calm evening. Mario and Wario leaning against the tree as they watched Waluigi, who had been pulled into a game by a group of younger Toads. All clearly enamored by the long legged creature that just towered over them and who could casually kick the ball around. It was a few minutes into their next round when Wario broke the quiet.
“So, how are you feeling?”
The uncomfortable feeling settled back into Mario’s stomach. But it wasn’t as heavy as it had been just that morning.
He shifted to pull his knees to his chest, arms crossed over them. Pausing to really think about the question and answer with, “...Better, I guess.”
“Yeah? Listen, I know this is all still new and a little…scary. You two are finding something new thrown at your feet practically every day. Even your days off don’t feel that fulfilling. But we were saying those things to make you feel better. Luigi will be fine.”
The hero let out a low hum in acknowledgement. 
Wario frowned softly. “Do you believe me?”
“I mean…” Mario let out a heavy sigh, “I get it. We’re in a place that’s aware of what the problem is and how to help because they’ve seen it before. It’s common.”
“But no one’s been there when Luigi was fighting for his life. I told you before…Luigi was really sick when we were younger.” 
“Oh, yeah,” Wario nodded slowly, “Bad immune system, right?”
“Yeah, bad enough to…to almost die a few times.”
“Wait, what? You said he was cared for and got better, what do you mean he almost died?”
“I said he got better, but he was always teetering on the edge,” Mario sighed softly, “There were a lot of scares growing up. I had my fill of watching Luigi through glass when we were back on Earth. You can say that this Mush-Fever is common, that everyone gets it. But Luigi’s been taken down by the cold too many times to make anything ‘common’ seem safe.”
“A cold?”
“Um…I’m not really sure how to say this… It’s just Earth’s common illness. That doesn’t mean Luigi could fight it off like anyone else.”
“But…he’s doing better now?” Wario asked slowly.
“I mean, yeah…”
“I have a feeling you’re not telling me the whole story.”
Mario frowned softly. “Our parents were really worried about Luigi growing up. Even after the doctors told them Luigi would be fine. It was just a scary start, nothing to worry about. Except every time he was sick, he found himself in the hospital. Going outside was a gamble. I felt that…if I wasn’t careful, something small could kill him.”
“I made a promise when I was younger that I would keep Luigi safe, no matter what. That I would never, ever, see him again behind a window. I thought…I thought I was doing fine and then…”
Breathing shaky, Mario rubbed his eyes furiously, attempting to hide his tears. But Wario saw right through it. Wrapping an arm around the other tightly so Mario could lean against him. 
“Just let it out, you’re okay,” Wario mumbled, “You’re okay.” 
Despite Wario’s words, Mario pulled himself together quickly. Sniffing softly as he pulled away. “I can’t let anything happen to him. I’ll do anything to keep him alive…even if I can’t be.”
“You’re not serious…” Wario whispered, swallowing weakly, insides turning to ice.
“If it means Luigi’s safe, I’d happily trade my life for his.”
Wario’s eyes looked up to Waluigi. Who was now showing off how far he could kick the balls the kid Toads were playing with. “Yeah…I get it. But still, you know you have us, right?
“I know… I still feel weird asking for it.”
There was a painful stab to the gut hearing that. Wario shifting nervously, “...Take it from me, asking for help isn't that bad of a thing. Besides, I thought you were past this? You came to me to talk about your relationship with Peach.”
“I can’t ‘fix’ myself overnight. It’s still a struggle.”
Mario let out a choked gasp as he was pulled into a loose headlock, “Hey!”
Wario didn’t miss the laugh that escaped the hero. “Look, if you can come to me for help, then you can go to Peach. She’d probably be the better person to go to, honestly.”
“If she takes my apology.”
“That bad?”
“Oof, that’s unfortunate. But she’s taken mine, she’ll take yours.”
“You’re not dating her.”
“...You’d better have a good plan in place.”
“Oh, thanks! What welcoming words you’ve offered me just make me feel so happy.”
Wario couldn’t hold back his laughter as Mario rolled his eyes.
Peach let out a relieved sigh as she was given a thumbs up from the Toads inside the medical wing. Giving a small wave as her reply. Merely happy to see the patients inside looked far more relaxed than from that same morning.
Luigi appeared to finally be resting peacefully. A comforting red returning to his cheeks.
A cleared throat pulled her attention away from the window. Finding a sheepish looking Mario standing beside her. 
“Hello. You’ll be happy to know Luigi is past the worst of it and is on the path to a good recovery.”
Mario perked up at that. Quickly stepping closer to the window. Letting out a sigh of relief seeing Luigi’s calm and sleeping form. “Thank you for looking after him…and, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you this morning.”
Peach offered a sympathetic smile. Letting out a slow breath before saying, “My mother died of an illness that no one knew the origins of when I was just barely a teen.”
She could see from the corner of her eye that Mario flinched. The human was clearly scrambling to figure out what to say next until Peach gently took his head. 
“I’m not looking for an apology. This morning was not good for you and you were not in a…good place, emotionally. My comments this morning were not well placed, and for that I apologize. I didn’t want to hear warm regards and standard pleasantries when she was on her deathbed. I’m sure you had your fair share growing up as well. It’s never fun to be the one that has to watch and wait.”
“...I’m sorry for your loss.” Mario eventually said. Flushing softly when Peach placed a gentle kiss on his temple. 
“It’s alright, you didn’t know.”
“I am still sorry for this morning. I…forget that, just because we’re someplace new, not all of our old life was left behind. Wario was right when he said Luigi was tough. He’s been through a lot over the past few months and I guess that gave me a false sense of comfort. Because…I thought something like an illness couldn’t take him down again.”
“Even with your titles and what you’ve both been able to accomplish, that doesn’t make you invincible. We’ll just be better prepared for next year to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”
Mario smiles softly, “Yeah…next year.”
“Now, with that all out of the way, would you like to see Luigi?” Peach laughed softly as Mario perked up in interest. 
“He’s not contagious anymore. There’s no issue.”  She couldn’t help but laugh again as Mario rushed in. Following in soon after, checking in on her citizens while watching as Mario pulled up a chair next to the bed. 
Mario grabbed onto Luigi’s hand and pressed it to his cheek, smiling softly. 
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