#i come here to have fun and speak freely bc i can do that here without consequence
libidinous-weeb · 1 year
I bet the anon was OP lol they made like 6 posts about it
OP messaged me and it’s all water under the bridge now, we’re cool. please tho…guys…if you want me to delete something please just ask. i’ve done it before multiple times and have no problem with it. and yeah i make lots of jokes and things like that but i am not trying to actually be mean to someone for no reason.
if i say something and it hurts someone then…just tell me. there’s no reason to be an asshole about it. especially because i was very obviously not attacking anyone in the post, i was just stating an opinion.
there is no reason to be out for blood over something like this. especially when it’s just been an hour and i’m on mobile and they fucked up how notifs work so i don’t get them right away.
but ya’ll please don’t send anon hate to OP either. i apologized and OP accepted that apology and (hopefully) they’ll delete any posts about it. i made my own post too like they suggested.
this is how stuff should work. i apologize and explain myself, OP explains their side of things and either accepts or refuses that apology, and we all move on. there’s no reason to pick a side or feel the need to attack or defend anyone, especially when the topic isn’t all that serious and it’s been all of 1 hour since i even said anything.
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queenofallimagines · 2 months
Can you do Blue Lock Sae x female reader x Rin? The brothers are fighting for her love.
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A/N: I SURE THE FUCK CAN!! The itoshi effect is hating them both and then post backstory explanation coming to like them both a lot😔
TAGLIST: @priv-rose
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Sae & Rin itoshi:
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- okay so boom
- Had another OC though of being like a counselor at blue lock bc none of them boys is right in the head😭
- You have previous connections to Sae bc you were a counselor for another team he was on and his manager liked you so he would schedule private sessions
- Ended up in you leaving bc he’s so frustrating but alas fate has other plans
- You show up to the U-20 match bc DUH
- Anri doesn’t have any money to hire a manager also so you’re taking over that role
- Sorry😔
- Anyway rin comes to respect you for dragging him by his eyelashes about his trauma
- “So are we gunna start with hating yourself and thinking you’re not good enough to prove a point to your shitty brother OR are we working on your material conditions that stem from that today?”
- “…..off yourself”
- Like he can’t say shit back bc you got em!
- Comes in often enough now that he doesn’t schedule sessions he just shows up to spill the tea
- (Isagi and bachira are the same. the spies on the inside that tell you how the others are doing)
- He comes in and flops down in the chair
- “I’m not looking forward to seeing him. Why the fuck did they call HIM to help the team? His ass should have stayed in Spain!”
- “Oh I hear ya, I’m not looking forward to even making eye contact with his ass either. I’m counting on yall to win.”
- “The game-“
- “I want yall to crush him. I have my own personal beef with him.”
- “…….im not asking how.”
- You’re being restrained from jumping over the divider during the game to go swing on Sae
- Like did you see that?? THE AUDACITY
- Yeah I would have swing on his ass right when the final whistle blew
- Better than me for him to get that mess out his mouth about isagi
- Would have stood up and clocked his ass
- When they’re all jumping all over each other celebrating you can feel the bad vibes coming from rin
- It’s suffocating
- You run to the locker rooms to catch him and bump into sae(accompanied by shidou)
- “……”
- Glaring at his ass
- Give him the dirtiest look ever
- And then turn to Ryusei smiling like you saw a puppy
- “Hey Ryu! Wonderful performance you put on today. You definitely stole the show.”
- Like lmao just ignore him pls
- After saving rin from going off the deep end; bc baby I’m so sorry that an ugly ass bitch would say something like that to you
- Their two week vacation starts
- Rin is surprised to see you in not work clothes chilling like a regular person
- Ends up hanging out with you a lot bc you’re the only one who he can speak freely to
- Unfortunately his brother is also back in the country
- Running into Sae while hanging out with his brother was NOT on your vacation bingo card but here we are
- “You’re here?”
- “I could really say the same to you. You haven’t gotten citizenship to stay your ass over there yet?”
- Flashback✨ y’all had a casual thing back in the day because when he’s not closed off he can be pretty fun to be around
- Then he let a white man get in his feelings and refused to talk about them and lashed out on you
- So he just kinda got these feelings and nothing to do with them
- Didn’t think he’d ever see you again to be honest so now stuff that he buried ages ago is in his face
- Can’t tell you sorry. Doesn’t know how.
- Sees you smiling and doting on rin how you used to him and can’t help but get jealous
- Makes sure to approach you when rin isn’t around
- You go to the kitchen to get water boom he’s there too now
- “Jesus Christ do you ever announce yourself?”
- “You’re in MY house”
- “Is it your house if you only show up one a year?”
- Can’t help but start arguments when he just wants to talk regularly
- Rin already picking up what his brother is trying to lay down and he’s not having it
- He’s already developed a crush on you like you CANT leave
- Gets nervous bc if your past with sae that he might snatch you up too
- Not letting his brother take something else away from him
- So all of a sudden he’s a lot more touchy with you
- Trust me inside he’s screaming and throwing up bc he’s never done this before but he will try
- You can feel his stiff ass hand around your waist😭
- Poor baby
- The silent itoshi beef isn’t missed by you but you don’t know that they’re competing off the pitch too
- “You sure you don’t want to go do something? Like we watched horror movies in your room all day yesterday, I had errands to run-“
- “Well I wanted to start the final destination franchise so you gotta watch all 5 of them there’s a new one coming out”
- “Yeah in 2025! That’s like 3 years away!”
- “Shhhh, the movie starting🙄”
- Hoards you all to himself in his room because you’re surrounded by HIM and less chances for Sae to sneak up on you in public and steal you away or join your date outing together
- Thinks you look cute wrapped in his blankets and tries not to blush when you cling to him
- “I swear to god-“
- “My bad forgot there’s a jumpscare here I’ll warn you about the next one promise.”
- He won’t
- Sae rolling his eyes to the back of his head bc you just always in the house now and Rin hanging off you like a sad puppy
- Sae is more strategic where rin is impulsive
- So he’s the type to do shit from the past that he knew would make your heart flutter and run will be blunt and impulsive with his actions
- Sae will touch your lower back as he comes up behind you to grab a class from the cub board and hand it to you
- Sae will bring you home your favorite snack when he knows rin wont see him give it to you
- Rin will grab your hand in public and not let go to make sure you don’t get lost on a crowd
- Rin will clumsily press his lips to your forehead when you are most distracted
- Both are very annoying
- And after a good WEEK of getting mixed signals from both of them you’re ready to stay your ass at home for the rest of the vacation before it’s back to work
- Monday morning Rin invites you on a morning run
- Which you obviously say fuck NO to bc the sun ain’t even up
- But he shows up to your front door at the asscrack of dawn telling you to get dressed you have no say in the matter unfortunately
- The jog isn’t so bad and he has the decency to buy you breakfast afterwards so that’s nice
- Decent conversation surprisingly
- When he drops you off back at your home he kisses you before literally sprinting off
- He was working up the nerve to do that all morning
- Can’t even say thanks or whatever yet before he presses his body close to you and lifts your head to slot his lips against yours
- Puts all his feelings into that kiss before managing to get out “bye” before his throat completely closes up
- And then sprints off before you can even blink
- Clown
- Giggling and kicking his feet when he gets home
- Sae is packing for his trip back to Spain at the end of the week
- When he catches you leaving his house after another Rin spontaneous all day movie marathon
- Offers to drive you home because it’s dark and he remembers the address
- Didn’t really offer so much as grab his Keys complaining about how you know better than to be outside this late
- Sir 🫤🫤
- The ride is kinda tense until he forces a conversation
- Unsurprisingly e vividly remembers all the right buttons to press to see that smile he’s been dying to see
- Don’t even notice he took the long way back to your home
- Puts his new number in your phone and tells you to stop being stubborn and answer when he texts you
- He’s a gentleman before all else so he walks you right to your front door
- Man barely hears a word you said before pulling you closer by your neck pressing his lips to yours
- Remembers you like the back of his hand the way his lips fit so familiar with yours
- Ends up with your arms around his neck and your back pressed into the front door
- Clearly wanting to come inside he pulls away because he’s fond of the chase🙄😒
- Wishes you a good night before kissing your forehead and going back to his car
- both of them have laid their cards out on the table
- Just up to you to make a choice I’m afraid
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 6 months
Alright, I'm curious...
Are there ways in which you think Shoma is a better skater than Yuzu?
Uff...my initial thought was if you wanna get me burned alive by the rabid Fa*yus 😅 but well here I go, but please anyone keep in mind that this is a total subjective answer.
I really had to think longer about it, bc I think this is a really hard question not only because of the reactions it might cause, but mostly because Shoma and Yuzu have very different skating styles and approaches to their ideal skating.
I also stumbled upon the word "better" because I don't think of one as better or worse but more like different. But I still try to look for what I like and think Shoma does the better than Yuzu.
I think Shoma's arm movement is "better" than Yuzu's in terms of sharpness and precision whether the music is soft or fast (for example look at "Come Together" and the way Shoma uses his arms there to express the music) Shoma's arm movements express the music right until his fingertips. In comparison I think Yuzu's arm movements are more loose/freely/flailing.
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I think Shoma's upper body movements that has been praised by multiple commentators are something totally else. I think while Yuzu is all in for high kicks and being flexible like his ina bauer, Shoma's upper body movement is more fast paced than Yuzu's and he can use his upper body almost detached from his legs. So I'd say Shoma is king in upper body movement. But I think it's also hardly fair to compare Yuzu and Shoma in this regard because their approach is different. Yuzu's focus laid more on the complexity of combining difficult steps and showing off flexibility so more on his legs and Shoma's focus is more on posture and arm movement. Just adding many ppl forget that upper body movement is as much part of the difficulty for transitions as the difficulty done by the feet.
This probably is a controversial opinion and completely subjective but I think Shoma in general emotes better to an audience than Yuzu. (Not at all saying Yuzu is in any way bad at this, just I personally think Shoma is this tiny bit better at it) And it's not about facial expression. Some skaters have tons of facial expression yet live without a closeup no feeling gets to the audience (I don't mean Yuzu with this btw just in case this wasn't clear) Shoma is a small figure yet he draws the attention towards him. You can't take your eyes off. An audience falls completely into silence by his skating and how he can draw ppl into his performance is extraordinary. Like many ppl said Shoma may be small but he skates big. His presence on the ice is huge. Yuzu has also a huge presence on the ice for sure and he commands the ice like no one else but I think the emoting to an audience differs with what program Yuzu is performing like Let's Go Crazy or Let me entertain you, he's playing with the audience but other programs are more subtle and not as directed at an audience in particular. It's not less fascinating, but for me it feels more like I'm an observer, while Shoma's gaze is always directed at the audience no matter the essence of a program - silent, wild or fun. So I feel more like a companion. I have seen both live couple of times now and I think my feeling during their skating has been very different bc of this. Not really better or worse for Shoma or Yuzu, but different and I think emoting to an audience played a part. Maybe it's also because of their different status as skaters - Yuzu as this huge "superstar" bigger than the sport and Shoma just the "skating star" - that Yuzu feels more distant and Shoma more like a "friend".
And just adding for fun: Shoma does have a better 2A than Yuzu. I am not sure I ever saw Yuzu do a 2A in 10 years...it's either a 3A or a single Axel. 🤔 Shoma's 2A is really light like a feather and especially his 3A 2A sequence makes it look so aery.
I think these were all aspects I would name where I think Shoma is a "better" skater if you even want to speak of better.
I was debating with myself whether I want to share it publicily or just in private but thought why not share? Tbh on Twt I would rather not have answered but Tumblr feels like a safer place...
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theneighborhoodwatch · 10 months
I been having so much fun thinking and looking up things with this new update, I have a big theory about the bugs and some though about some of the glitch that happens in the audios on some of the official content (maybe we have to form a phrase or hints of the next update, posible through Eddie, as wally asking for purple in the "just so" segment) but with way
Soo I know a ot of people say much about how Wally's message talk to us directly bc he's being sentient and trying to reach us (posible through the red book) and the QA can hear his callings through the phone, much of this is how Wally is trying to interact with the REAL world, with US the humans. (Also as the message progress he sounds more distorted and in distressed)
So that made me think about the bugs tapes and how different they can be compared with what we seen only the public knows, for instance they sound more clear, like your hearing a recorded video or passing conversation, but my point is that they sound so free and casual like just living in their own world,
I think (besides the point that they're maybe in a capsule world unaware of all this) I have two options:
1 this are the first time when wally start to being more self aware of his surrounding, friends and his world making him disassociate bc some of the audios sounds more fainted that the other and as they progress they were becoming more clear and loud
2 OR we're seeing through him, like asides of him just being there it looks he barely moves and speak zero times until someone else call him up (I think they don't notice much bc he's normally a calm fellow and just interact when spoke too) like he's snapping up to them again (I mean he could just being in his own head I been there before and now but something about us seen and hearing this, I don't think it was supposed to)
Either way I believe this moment all were from the same day (Barnaby and Eddie telling thing that happened in other tapes) I'm unsure if this are from the past or recent time but something is clear for sure: he's getting distant and quiet and something is coming (maybe he's getting more focused on seeing and start to get distracted from his reality)
At least Barnaby and Home start to notice.
On a side note I don't think neither wally or Home are evil or the villains from this story but I do think something sinister and dark is influencing on them big time (the black mold maybe)
If this has been sent to you before feel free to ignore I been having so many thoughts about this and just wanna see what you think
See ya!
i don't have much to say to this that you haven't already said yourself, so just imagine that i'm nodding along emphatically. as sweet as it is to see the neighbors freely interacting with each other, there's also this sort of. aimlessness? to it all. the reason behind their world being constructed in This Very Specific Way is no longer there, but the universe still functions as though it is, so you have these characters acting out the general structure of a typical episode, but there's no actual overarching plot or lesson (at least, none that we see) because who's gonna be there to see it anyway? but - if you were made for that kind of show, what else are you going to do? can you do anything else? is getting the show back, or at least an audience, really the answer here? questions that i think the neighbors will have to grapple with once more of them start to Notice Things.
as for what is actually going on in these videos, i think i lean more towards the first option. i don't see wally or home as particularly villainous, either - but desperation can drive well-meaning people to do some terrible things.
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purplebass · 10 months
hey there! realising, long story short, that i really need to get into creating art as a way to regain my sense of autonomy and get into motion the habits leading to the mental health benefits down the line. but i'm honestly so stuck, even creating graphics for my profile here on this site seems like so much effort that I feel like it'd be more of a task (and the minute I start thinking of something like that I go into Fawn Mode and lose all creative ability) rather than something fun to do. i've got a million fragmented ideas of things i think would be fun to do in theory, but in practice whenever i remember the real world and its demands i immediately go numb and lose interest and it's just hard to connect with my creative side.
just reaching out because you are so brilliantly artistic and i can tell that everything you put out is such an expression of who you are. and i also know you're very open to the 'what is good for my brain' conversations. so if you have the bandwidth to give advice/suggestions can you think of any low-demand/low-effort ways to reconnect with my creative side and build my confidence to feel safe to express myself (i know it's in there somewhere!) are there any things you've found you can still do when you have limited spoons? or are feeling too tense or tired to think properly? tysm xx
hi!!! I'm glad you reached out to me because I love giving creative advice <3 creative block often happens to me too and sometimes I can't really help it and that's okay. Sometimes we need to recharge in order to feel creative again. If you're looking for a creativity boost that works for writing and editing pictures, I try to look at Pinterest for inspiration. I usually start with a word that maybe stuck in my brain or simply something I like (like purple for example) and it's a chain from there lol more images pop up and I add the ones that speak the most to me to a board (like an aesthetic board). Or I start from a song that stuck in my head and won't leave me. What I can do about it? What does inspire me? Bc sometimes there is a story behind that! Another way is to try to write freely too and without thinking about punctuation or grammar. Stream of consciousness-like. Just write about what comes to your mind after choosing a picture you really like or a concept or starting from a song you like. But this last bit may not work all the time because if you feel stuck, it feels like you can't bring anything outside of your brain on to the page.
Since you love to read, I would also suggest two books. The first is "Drawing with the right side of the brain" by Betty Edwards and "The artists' way: a spiritual path to higher creativity" by Julia Cameron.
The first one is more about drawing but I think it can also apply to writing as well because the author explains how the sides of the brain work and how you can "unlock" your right side to visualize what you wish to create on paper with more clarity. She is convinced that even the most talented people sometimes use the left side more and this hinders their creations and doesn't help to unlock their full potential. I think you might love this since you like neuroscience :)
The second book by Julia Cameron could also be helpful because it's like a weekly course and every week she asks you to do some tasks in order to slowly reconnect with your creativity from inside of you. I still haven't read this but someone said it wasn't bad especially if you are trying to find yourself and your muse.
I hope these help 😀
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explosionshark · 1 year
i am so curious to see if you know earth crisis/what you think of them lol
okay, fuck, you accidentally asked me about something i love to talk about. so, one of my favorite niche music scenes to talk about is the hardcore scene and what spun off and evolved out of it over the course of like the 80s, 90s, 00s and earth crisis occupies such an interesting space in that niche.
bc like when we talk about metalcore now, we're not really talking about bands like earth crisis. we say metalcore in a mainstream sense and people think like oh bad omens, or periphery, or underoath or whatever, right? the -core in modern metalcore basically indicates like breakdowns, but the -core being drawn from is actually more post-hardcore than it is actual hxc hardcore. right? (broadly speaking, don't @ me)
but when it comes to DEFINING the very first prototypical metalcore sound, literally the melding of hardcore and metal, for me one of the first bands that comes to mind is earth crisis. that like 90s NY hxc scene sound smashing full into like bolt thrower, right? they're iconic and they cast a long shadow over the scene. and that's very interesting sonically and it doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the ideological shit going on in the sxe and xvx scenes they were a part of. i mean, what a fucking cesspool those scenes can be. and, no, earth crisis isn't a hardline band but if you get mistaken for one enough times it kinda means??? maybe there's something you could be doing different????
but still: they were HUGELY influential and they really pushed a vegan message in front of a lot of audiences who otherwise would never have thought twice about it. that's something, at least.
anyway. all that shit is so fascinating. i could talk about it forever. which i shouldn't do, bc that's NOT what you asked me. but uh anyway
If I know them: 
Favourite Song: "to the death" probably no surprise that i prefer their animal rights songs over their anti-drug rhetoric lmao. this song goes so hard. the ending? if you're in the car driving to work and you're so so soooo sleepy and it's 6:30 AM but VEGAN FOR LIFE! VEGAN TO THE DEATH! hits you ARE going to sing along. anyway, at the risk of losing cred in front of hxc purists i will freely admit to thinking earth crisis got even better after they reformed. to the death is a sick comeback album - it's leaning more into the metal side of things, which is my preference, and it's fucking HEAVY. it just GOES, it's a chainsaw and it doesn't quit for like 40 minutes.
Least Favourite Song: ugh god idk. so much to choose from. first one that comes to mind is "killing braincells." now, here's the thing: i am a slither defender. i think it's a fun record. i think it's cool when a bands sound evolves, i like that there's groove/nu-metal influence here! they sound like prong! i love prong! and this song isn't even, like, bad to hear but lyrically it typifies the kind of punitive moralizing bullshit that i hate in the sxe scene - pointing at addiction and people suffering from it and literally saying "what is deserved is what they receive" like. fuck off already.
Favourite Album: okay as much as i love later era earth crisis, i do think gomorrah's season ends is one of the most iconic 90s metalcore/xvx albums of all time. so, it's tied between that and salvation of the innocents.
Least Favourite Album: last of the sane. i don't care about covers.
Song that got me into them: god, idk. probably forced march, since it's the first track off destroy the machines.
Seen Live?: no and i'm not sure i'd want to lmao. maybe if the lineup was good. but it would be a tall order to get me to willingly enter a space full of hardcore earth crisis guys
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
big music ask game
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bandofchimeras · 11 months
the dominant white transmasc culture is actually not very fun in my experience like yes lots of being silly little guys and chilling and making food and dressing like boys and being crafty plant dads and therapists
it does make me feel comfortable and I thought I wanted to be part of this but also it leaves me lonely and I'm trying to put my finger on it
maybe it's that it's so white and feels violent inherently bc of that? Like who are you as people that all your friends are white, are housed, what is protecting you, what are you protecting? parents, institutions?
maybe it is a new tier of assimilation
Or more a reflection of living in white liberal dominated cities/spaces and suburban/secular privilege
there surely are other crazy disabled angry punk ex religious transmasc fags out here
I'm just hung up between ND anxiety good boy culture and my more true and beautiful punk girl teenage rage and realizing even though I am becoming more mature and healing, healing doesn't always mean assimilating into quietness and comfort, even if that's part of it
It's domesticity I'm sick of, like we all know how to do that and do it better than cishets, but I'm looking to get thrown around at a metal show and hold my own and own some guy in a fight or rave and dance and fuck and be able to speak my mind freely without the anxiety and caretaking and control that come with security
I get why the trans people who can have it want it but doesn't it leave you empty? don't you see your fate bound up in your neighbors? Don't you want to fight alongside your brothers to take down institutions or get people resources? channel all that rage you've learned to swallow out of fear of being an abusive asshole? become warriors with the hearts of lovers? grow fangs and teeth? own a gun or a knife and know how to use it safely? don't you want to own your own power, and make the right people feel safe?
maybe the world is hungry for transmasc punk
Nimona awakened this demon in me again but I love this demon, it's actually a god of war and love
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anna1306 · 3 years
Hiiii, I was wondering if you could write me an poly! Lost boys x reader that doesn't smoke and is very innocent. They see her one time on the boardwalk taking a hit from a friend and they're just so confused bc she is so innocent and pure and cute!
Poly!Lost Boys x Cute, Innocent Reader
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- When they first see you, you are with your friends. At first Marko just says how cute you look, but nothing more.
- Then Dwayne notices how you refuse to take cigarette from your friend. It's cute and a little bit funny, to him it even sounds childish.
- It's not healthy, stop it, please, I won't try it even once.
- He makes a point about you to David. They all like cute little things, though let's be honest, sometimes in a bad way. They love to break these pure things.
- David sees you, cute, soft, innocent, laughing at some of the jokes of you friends, but getting embarrassed by more vulgar and harder ones. He scoffs to himself. To him you're perfect target to mess with. You wouldn't understand his innuendos at first, and when you do, there would be this adorable little blush.
- Paul sees a different thing. How one of your friends, already a little bit drunk, looks at you. How they lick their lips, how they speak with you. It's... Interesting.
- When things get heated up, they are all ears. Marko jokes that they gonna steal their girl. Paul snickers at this and smacks him at the shoulder. They all know - if they have decided to play with you, noone would stop them.
- Come on, let's just walk on the beach. You and me.
- I don't understand... Why do we need to go from them alone? The others don't want to?
- You sound pretty confused and genuine. David raises his brows in surprise, while others continue listening.
- Yeah, the others don't want to. They have other things to do. And we... could have some fun alone.
- What things? Maybe we can help them.
- Paul and Marko are already laughing at this. Seeing your poor friend, trying to get you alone and failing at this - is hilarious.
- They don't need our help! Geez, let's go.
- Do you need my help? Maybe others can go too. I don't understand, let's ask them.
- Paul and Marko are dying from laughter at this point, while Dwayne smiles to himself. It's cute how you genuinely don't understand what was going on. You are so oblivious to the situation, it's strange to David, who always sees through people. He doesn't understand, how much more obvious your friend should be.
- Your friend gives up at last, leaving confused you behind. This is the time where boys decided to act on it. They send Dwayne. Not obvious choice, but he's pretty intimidating with his looks and they need to swap you from your feet right at the beginning to play with you.
- So he appears next to you and "bumps" into you, almost making you fall. But catching you "just in time". Dwayne notices how you are blushing in his hands and how your eyes darted between his bare torso and the face.
- Sorry about that. What can I do to... Make you forgive me?
- You are so cold! Why are you half-naked?!
- Okay, well... That isn't the reaction he has expected from you.
- Here! Take this!
- You take you scarf and wrap it around his neck, covering his chest a bit, using his shock to do this freely. His broody self is a little confused by this.
- There you go, much better! And don't worry, you don't need to return me this, I have tons of those!
- You peck him on the cheek and turn to your friends, ready to go to them. You make couple of steps and then turn and wave at still dumbfounded Dwayne.
- Bye-bye, don't catch cold, please!
- The boys, who have seen the whole encounter, come up to him. He takes off your scarf and smells it.
- Let's keep her, - Marko darts his eyes between you and the boys. Paul nods enthusiastically, while Dwayne still seems to be in his thoughts.
- Agree, - is all brunette says. David just sighs quietly. They are all intriqued by you and charmed at the same time. No... Now they probably won't break you, it wouldn't be interesting. Now they just want you to themselves.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
More Thoughts about Kinnporsche ep 6
After episode six I wrote: “Kinn's love language is in his words but Porsche's love language is in his actions.” Some time after that I read a fabulous post by @iffervescent about how miscommunication is being handled in the show…which seemed to contradict the conclusion I had come to. It made me stop and think about whether I had interpreted things ‘wrong’…but once my Thoughts started forming I came to a slightly different inference. I’m going to attempt to spread out those thoughts here…and you might need to bear with me. (For the sake of this post I’m treating ‘communication’ and ‘love language’ as the same thing…which might not technically be correct but I'm doing it anyway.)
So @iffervescent’s take is that (pre ep 6) Kinn communicates through his actions whereas Porsche communicates through words and therefore neither were getting what they needed from the other. (Apologies if I've butchered your amazing analysis through my summary!)
However, after ep 6, I felt that Kinn was much more open to talking honestly…much more than Porsche, who seemed to shut down a little when Kinn tried to talk about that night and his wrongdoings and then Porsche defaulted to a jokiness soon after. And since Porsche found it hard to talk (I mean, he literally faked choking at one point, symbolising how he couldn’t get his words out), he instead did a lot for Kinn, using his actions to show his care towards Kinn.
And so I thought Kinn showed his affections through his words and Porsche showed his through his actions...And Kinn (pre ep 6) may not always have the right words or say them in the right way but that’s how he wants to communicate…and therefore it’s all the more tragic for him because his position and need to be distant makes him say the opposite to what he means to Porsche...and that’s probably why he ends up only being able to show Porsche that he cares in his actions. And similarly, Porsche wants to be there for Kinn, to show him he's there for him, to do things for him, but which is made hard because Kinn doesn't let him, by removing him as his bodyguard.
But in ep 6 we see a change in both of them. They’re removed from their real lives, alone in a place of limbo where they can be free to be themselves, and we see them gradually shift into their true nature – Kinn can speak freely and openly, without his father and the pressure of The Family and his obligations within it, and Porsche can act freely and openly, on equal ground since the boss/bodyguard hierarchy is rendered obsolete (as @jemmo wrote in a comment, "them being cuffed together is giving them something else...they’re two equals, tied together, both made to cooperate and listen and be on a level playing field.")
And I think this ties into the handcuff and lighter symbolism that I (in a post) and @jemmo (in her tags) have written a bit about already…
Ep 6 was an opportunity for Kinn and Porsche to both let their inner-child play and have fun (unlike how they were both prevented from doing as children for different reasons) as well as deal with their issues and get closer to one another. Porsche was able to lead on the former - since he enjoyed teasing and playing with Kinn, to draw out Kinn’s true nature, the lighter side of him – and Kinn led on the latter – keeping them handcuffed together unnecessarily because he needed this time with Porsche for them to connect, to understand one another, to form a stronger attachment. Here’s what @jemmo said on this:
#…the thing about the lighter and the handcuffs #Porsche wanting to see the light kinn has suppressed and buried deep inside him #and kinn wanting to desperately hold on to and build this bond between them through any way he can #…it’s such a perfect metaphor #for the things they hide and keep from each other #Porsche doesn’t let them bond bc he’s been hurt and it’s too difficult to let it happen #and kinn doesn’t let his lighter side show bc he can’t he cannot be that person the world won’t let him #but the irony is when they both give in they both get what they want #in showing his lighter side kinn gets to build a stronger bond with Porsche #and in letting them connect Porsche gets to see kinns lighter side
So in giving in to each other, they get closer and feel more comfortable in being themselves, and therefore are able to revert to their true nature – Kinn can talk openly and Porsche can act as he wants.
BUT this doesn’t quite solve the communication issue…because having thought about it I don’t think it’s as clear cut as one uses words whilst the other uses actions. I think it’s a four-way mesh…and I’ll try to explain succinctly.
I think both Kinn and Porsche show love and communication with their actions but they both also need to hear communication and love through words. Which makes it tricky because they’re both basically offering the same (or trying to and being blocked by different obstacles) and not receiving what they need (again for different reasons).
I think ep 6 opened the way for them to both realise this - in that isolated place, and helped by their growing closeness, Kinn was able to give Porsche the words he needed to hear and in turn this helped Porsche reciprocate…to some extent. Kinn, already in the habit of showing his care of Porsche through his actions, was still able to do things for Porsche (or at least tried with the fire and fishing!), and Porsche, free to be himself, was able to also finally do things for Kinn (like show him how to fish!).
Now, I said ‘to some extent’ there because I think it’s still harder for Porsche to speak honestly than it is for Kinn and I think this imbalance will be the cause of some continued miscommunication between them. The small exchange in ep 6 they have about 'doubts' has stuck with me… Kinn says to Porsche, “Then, from now on, there won’t be any doubts between us anymore,” after which Porsche agrees but looks nervous or uncomfortable about it. Kinn then frowns and I wonder if there’s a small part of him (his insecurities) that maybe doesn’t believe (i.e. trust) Porsche is being genuine in his agreement (and the thing is Porsche probably was but was just feeling increasingly awkward about having to speak honestly). And it makes me think of that scene we haven’t seen yet where Porsche slaps Kinn and tells him, “You never trust me,” and it just makes me wonder if this will be a miscommunication issue grown from this small exchange in ep 6 - Kinn needed to hear a stronger affirmation from Porsche which he didn't get and his insecurities will only grow until he gets it.
Anyway, I’m not sure if I’ve been clear with any of this…but if it sets off other Thoughts or interpretations in people then it’s been at least worth it. I think this is a fascinating dynamic, especially because there are so many external factors preventing Kinn and Porsche from being genuine and true to themselves and each other, and I can’t wait to see what will happen between them. How will they go back to the Family compound and act, knowing what they know about each other and their feelings?…even if they don’t actually see each other (because Porsche is with Vegas and Kinn is recovering) it's bound to affect how they interact with everyone.
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nessinborderland · 3 years
The Games We Play
Pairing: Niragi x Reader x Chishiya
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: You have been playing with them for long enough. They want to win the game.
Warnings: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Vaginal Sex, Dubious Consent, Double Penetration, Threesome - F/M/M, Voyeurism, Shower Sex, Overstimulation, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Creampie, Cum Eating, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Notes: One-shot based on these two submissions:
Anonymous said: okay so first I love your imagines sm!!! your writing its so good and second I was wondering if u could do a chishiya x niragi × brat reader plsss😳👉🏻👈🏻 
Anonymous said: Do you think that you could maybe write something where fem!reader keeps rejecting Niragi and Chishiya (bc she's playing hard to get and likes watching them compete for her) and Niragi and Chishiya find out and corner her, which leads to a steamy threesome shdhfhgkYou don't have to write it if you don't want to! You're doing amazing and I love love loooove your writing! Keep up the great work, and remember to take care of yourself too!! 💜💜
Is this any good? No idea, you let me know ahaha.
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You always liked the attention people give you. Men, women, or in between, you have a way to draw people to you. You don't even do it on purpose; it just happens. There is always someone wanting to sleep with you, or take you on a date, or introduce you to their parents. But you don't want any of that. You just like the attention, to see people competing for your affection. It makes you feel desired. It makes you feel important.
You love it; you crave it.
It's no different when you find yourself in the Borderlands and at the Beach. People still try to get your attention. Some had even tried to take you against your will, more than once. But you know what you're doing; you are prepared for that kind of thing. It also helps that someone always has your back.
More specifically: two men. Men that you are more than just interested in. You had caught their attention too, right in the first few days of you being there. And, just like the others, you played with them. You acted interested in one moment, uninterested the next.
They are so different but so alike at the same time; two sides of the same coin. One is darkness, the other is light; one is fire, the other is ice; one lures you in with seduction, the other with mystery. Both beautiful, both dangerous.
You want them; you really really do. But you also love playing games. And oh, you play them well. It's so much fun, seeing them compete for you. They are both too proud to do something that will downright demonstrate their interest in you, but you know. You always know.
When Niragi passed you by the pool, eyes lingering on your body like a starved wolf, you could tell. When everybody else seemed afraid to get close to you, you knew that was his doing. When he approached you at the club, hands on your hips and pierced tongue on your neck, that was a sign clear as day. He wants you as much as you want him. 
Things hadn’t been that different with Chishiya. The way he talked to you, silver tongue ready to manipulate you, whispering sweet things in your ear as his fingers brushed against your naked arm; you knew what he wanted then. When he showed off at games, using his intelligence to win; you knew he wasn’t just trying to win the game. 
But, like so many others before them, you pushed them away and faked disinterest. 
You want to see where you can push them. It's mostly curiosity on your part; will they give up? Snap? Fight each other to death? You are dying to know.
And it seems like you are getting your answer tonight.
“Good evening, gentleman,” you greet them as you close your bedroom door. You weren’t expecting them, but you also can’t say you are fully surprised. “I think you’re in the wrong room.” 
You just observe them when neither of them says a word. Niragi is leaning against a wall, arms crossed as he looks at you with fire in his eyes; if lust, anger, or a mix of both, you can’t tell. Chishiya sits at the end of your bed, leaning back on his hands as he also gazes at you. He was always a hard man to read; tonight is no different. 
You should be afraid; you should. But there is no reason to be when this is pretty close to what you desire. When they keep quiet, you go around your room as if they aren’t there. You ignore them, as you so masterfully do in every other situation. You can feel their eyes on you, burning the skin as you make your way to the bathroom, leaving the door open. You can hear footsteps as Niragi gets closer. 
“Niragi, be a dear and get me my towel, yes?” you ask in a soft tone, turning your back to him as you slowly start to undress. You look over your shoulder when he just stands there, leaning against the threshold as his eyes take in your curves. “See something you like?”
“Plenty…” is all he says, pierced tongue showing in between his teeth to lick his bottom lip. Chishiya chooses that moment to appear, your towel in hand. You smile at him as you take the cloth, making sure your fingers brush against his. 
“Ah, thank you, handsome,” you say, lips widening in a soft smile in his direction. He smirks in response, eyes glued to your naked chest as he stands there next to Niragi. You turn around and get into the shower box, turning on the faucet. You gasp as the cold water hits your warm skin, exaggerating your reaction for them. 
You wonder how much longer they will control themselves. You can feel yourself getting wet from anticipation, and you brush your thighs together without even realizing it. You control the want to look over your shoulder, wondering what is taking them so long. You can hear their murmurs as they speak between them, the stream of water falling on your head making it hard for you to distinguish words. 
Then you feel warm hands on your hips, soft but firm. 
“You know, kitten,” Niragi’s voice on your ear is mistakenly sweet, like bitter chocolate. You don’t mind a little bitterness. “I think you have been playing with us for way too long…” His hands go up to cup your breasts, large palms pushing them up. You’re forced to bump against his chest, a shiver running down your spine when you feel his naked skin against yours. His hard erection brushes against your ass, making you gasp. He laughs, “I wanted to do things my way, but Chishiya here had a plan I just couldn’t resist. So here we are.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say in a confused tone. You turn around to face him, glancing at Chishiya, still by the door, “What do you mean I’ve been playing with you?” you turn your head to the side, giving them your best impression of puppy-eyes. Now is Chishiya’s time to laugh.
“Oh, you’re infuriatingly beautiful,” he says without a change of expression. “We know what your game is. Honestly, it took me some time to understand exactly what your moves were, but I know I can win now. We can win now.”
“It never crossed my mind that you liked to share,” you let your mask fall, and Chishiya’s smirk grows wider. “C’mon, you can’t blame a girl for being curious. I get bored easily.” Niragi huffs out a laugh, giving you a light spank to your backside.
“Something tells me we’re gonna have a lot of fun together,” he says in your ear, before turning you completely towards Chishiya. “I’m sure you don’t mind that I fuck her first, do you?” 
“Nah, I like to watch.” is Chishiya’s shrugged response, “Just don’t tire her too much; I have some plans for her too.”
Your hand snaps to grab Niragi’s hair, and you pull a strand as you force his head down. “I think you’re being way too confident,” you say against his cheek. “I haven’t given any of you my consent.” his hands proceed to grab your neck, pressuring just enough to make you want to cough.
“Fortunately for me,” he starts, “I didn’t ask for your consent.” you yelp as he forces your head to the side, licking your wet skin from chest to ear. He hums in approval, “Your skin tastes good,” the hand still on your chest slides down your belly to the apex of your thighs, “I wonder what more of you is sweet…”
Your body shivers and you close your eyes as he starts fingering you under the hot stream of water. Your shivers don’t come from fear but pleasure, as you try to contain your moans to not give them the satisfaction. This is your game, after all. Niragi’s fingers are long and slim inside you, two digits thrusting in and out as his thumb plays with your clit. He rubs against you from behind, cock nestled between your ass cheeks as he tries to get some friction. His other hand lifts your thigh off the ground, giving Chishiya a nice view of your stuffed pussy.
“Add another one,” Chishiya’s words make you open your eyes. You moan as you take in his state of undress, fisting his engorged cock as he watches you through half-lidded eyes. You clench around Niragi’s fingers, making him chuckle.
“Fuck that, I think she’s ready for something bigger,” he says as he pushes you against the shower wall. He shoves himself inside you with a grunt, and you whimper at the stretching sensation. “Do you like that, you little slut?” Niragi asks with a bite to your earlobe as he makes you take his cock inch by inch.
“I– I’ve had bigger,” is all you manage to say. Your words clearly affect him. He tilts your hips further up and – with so much force that you scream – fills you to the brim with a slap of his pelvis against your ass. You can faintly hear Chishiya say something, but you’re too focused on the pleasure and pain at your core as Niragi starts to move, stretching you further with each thrust. You’re moaning freely not long after, slowly sliding down the shower wall as you try not to lose your balance, your orgasm so close to making you fall apart. Niragi’s hands keep you up as he uses you, fucking you relentlessly as he grunts filthy things in your ear; things that only make you clench harder around him. 
“That’s it, kitten…” his words are followed by a firm thrust, making you whine. He takes that opportunity to put two fingers inside your mouth, pressuring your tongue in a clear order to suck on them. You suck on his digits the best you can, faintly tasting yourself as those same fingers were inside your cunt not long ago. He moans then, and you can feel him close to orgasm. “I’m gonna fill you up so good, you’ll be leaking with my cum for days,” you clench around him again and he chuckles, his thrusts getting more erratic and his grip tighter on your flesh, “No one will want to fuck you then, except me–”
“– And me,” Chishiya says in a deep voice. You look to the side to see him still stroking himself, long, slow gestures as beads of precum glow on the tip. You moan further around Niragi’s fingers, imagining that it's Chishiya’s thick cock instead. The pressure in your core grows, but never enough for you to come. You grunt in frustration, and Chishiya lets out a huffed laugh. “You should let her come, she’s getting desperate.”
“She can come after I fill her up,” Niragi answers with a hard slap to your ass. You jolt forward with a yelp, but he ignores you as he keeps impaling you on his cock. “Shit, I’m so close…” his mouth goes to your shoulder, and you feel his teeth on your skin.
“N– no,” you faintly say, pushing your hips against his in a pathetic attempt of shoving him off of you, “Not inside, get off.” He ignores your words, and you feel warmth in your core as he comes right after, fucking you through his orgasm as you milk him dry. You whimper when he pulls out, feeling immediately when his cum oozes out of you and starts sliding down your thighs. You keep your forehead pressed against the shower wall, regaining your breath as your legs shake. 
You feel sore, but you also feel electrified. You want more, and you know you’ll get it. You gasp when Niragi abruptly pulls you into a kiss, teeth nibbling on your bottom lip and tongue pressing against the back of your throat before he lets you go.
“She’s all yours,” he says to Chishiya before sliding out of the shower and drying himself on your towel. You just look at the other man, waiting for him to make the first move. Niragi sends you a look before approaching you again and involving you in your towel. He passes by Chishiya, dropping you on the bed before laying beside you, back against the headboard and arms crossed behind his head. “Let’s go, I don’t have all night.”
Chishiya gets closer, steps slow but determined. His eyes remind you of a cat on a hunt. It only makes the fire in your core come back ten times stronger. You keep your gaze locked on him as he gets closer, stopping by the foot of the bed before glancing at Niragi.
“Are you just going to watch?” he asks, mattress sinking under his weight as he gets on the bed. “Or you want to join?” his words make you clench around nothing, a moan escaping your lips as you imagine all the things they can do to you; at the same time. Both men snicker at your reaction, and Niragi promptly pulls you against his chest.
“Let’s see what you have in mind for her, first,” he says with a squeeze to your tit, “But I wouldn’t mind making her beg.”
“Good luck making me beg for anything,” you retort, a smirk playing on your lips.
“Oh, we’ll see about that,” Chishiya says as he gets closer, hand sliding up your leg. His touch makes you shiver, and his next words make you whimper, “Keep her wide open for me. Let’s see how long it takes until she’s begging.”
“Oh, we’ll see about that,” you repeat his words back to him. He smirks, exchanging a look with the man behind you. You gasp when Niragi grips your thighs, folding them against your body. Your pussy is in full view now, open and glistening with your mixed cum. Chishiya licks his lips as he sets himself in-between your legs, hot breath tickling your swollen clit. You gaze at him through half-lidded eyes, expecting the moment when he finally touches you with his lips.
His fingers touch you instead, going up your slit as he gathers the cum from your skin. You just look, entranced as he licks his fingers clean with a hmm of approval. You moan at the sight at the same time Niragi grunts behind you, whispering out a curse before you feel him grind on you. 
Chishiya is back at your cunt, and this time wastes no time in latching his lips on your clit, making you arch your back with a whine. You try to close your thighs on a reflex, but Niragi’s strong hands stop you from doing it, pressing your legs further against your body. So you just hear yourself get louder as Chishiya works wonders on your pussy, either by sucking on you or fucking you with his tongue. The slurping noises as he eats you out only make it worse, and you can’t control yourself from fisting his hair, forcing his face further against your pussy as you move your hips in unison with his licks. The man behind you fills your neck with licks and bites, telling you in detail of his plans to fuck you in every room of the Beach, as he grinds on your ass. Fuck, you want him inside you. This is all too much. You desperately want to come.
“Don’t stop,” you cry out after a particularly good flick of Chishiya’s tongue against your sensitive bud. Your legs shake, and your core burns from the impending orgasm, so close but not close enough, “Don’t you dare stop, I’m so close…”
He stops. Of course he does. You let out a frustrated whine as he pulls away from you with a last lick to your folds. He licks his glistening lips with a satisfied grin, before grabbing you by the chin, pressing his lips to yours in a strangely soft kiss. He hums before looking at Niragi with a raised brow.
“Did that sound like begging to you?” he asks in a fake inquisitional tone. 
“No, it did not.” Niragi laughs, shaking his head, “Guess we’ll have to give it to her harder.”
“I would like to see you try,” is all you say before grabbing Chishiya by the shoulders and pushing him down on the bed, straddling his hips. You both moan as you swiftly impale yourself on his shaft, moving your hips as he starts bucking into you. His hands go to your hips, keeping you at his desired pace. You throw your head back, feeling him inside you as he pleasurably touches your g-spot with each thrust. You’re about to slide your hand down to your clit – desperate to ease that hot pressure within you – when a hand stops you.
“Nobody said you could touch yourself, kitten,” Niragi says in your ear, hand sliding up your back. You yelp when he pushes you against Chishiya’s chest, his other hand tilting your hips up. The man beneath you keeps fucking you as if nothing happened, eyes locked on the man behind you. You gasp when you feel Niragi’s fingers over your asshole, realizing what his plan is a little too late. You jolt forward with a cry when you feel one of his fingers penetrate your tight ring, carefully at first until he tries to push in another. You freeze for a moment at the sensation of fullness, and you wonder if you can take more of him. 
“Relax, honey,” Chishiya says as he slows down his thrusts, hand raising to cradle your face as you moan from both discomfort and pleasure, “Focus on me.” you do as he says, relaxing your lower muscles until all you can feel in the amazing sensations they provide inside both your holes. 
That doesn’t stop you from crying out when Niragi starts penetrating your tight hole with his cock, inch by inch until he’s fully inside. You keep your mouth open in a constant moan as they both start to fuck you. You have never felt so full in your life. So unbelievably, deliciously stretched. You can barely think, letting them use your body as they see fit. You’re beyond caring, feeling your orgasm closer and closer, as they touch every spot inside you that makes you moan, cry and whine at each thrust. Your pleads to come are nothing but mumbled words that neither of them seems to hear. It’s exhilarating.
“Please– please,” is all you manage to say.
“Please what, kitten?” Niragi says with a grunt, followed by a hard spank to your ass. That makes you clench around them both, only making them fasten their thrusts. You shake your head, burying your face on Chishiya’s neck.
“All you have to do is ask us nicely, honey,” he says with a kiss to your temple. You weakly shake your head, biting your lips in a failed attempt to keep quiet. They should be the ones begging, not you.
But you can’t. Not when you feel so full, so stretched by those two men. You should’ve fucked them a long time ago, have you in control. But like this, with both teaming up to make a mess of your mind and body, it’s impossible. 
Someone’s fingers flick against your clit, and you whine in response to the touch, pushing your hips as best you can against those fingers. Mission close to impossible when there are two cocks inside you, their bodies keeping you trapped and practically unable to move. So you allow yourself to be as vocal as you want. Then the touch stops. Then it proceeds again, just to stop once more. You feel like crying. This is too much.
“Please– please let me come, please!” you finally say the words they want to hear. The hand on your clit fastens and so do their thrusts. Yes, just like that. You come so hard your scream in ecstasy, sparks of white blurring your vision as your body spasms, pussy clenching in a vice grip around their cocks. You let yourself relax, too tired and blind by your orgasm to move.
You feel when Niragi comes right after, hips slapping against your ass as he fills you up with his cum for the second time that night. He keeps rocking against you before he stays still and pulls out from your hole. You whine at the emptiness he leaves behind, his cum already sliding out of you. Chishiya is next, rolling you on your back as he comes in you, stuffing your already filled pussy with even more cum.
You’re a panting mess as he too pulls out before laying down beside you. You don’t have the strength to close your legs, too sore and sensitive to even give it much thought. Your eyes flutter close as you try to calm down your heartbeat. All you want now is a hot bath and a long nap.
“Ready for round two?” you hear Chishiya’s panting question. That makes you open your eyes, staring at the men on each side of you. They both look satisfied, Niragi is back to leaning against the headboard as Chishiya stares at you with a glint in his eyes.
“Nah, she’s all yours,” is Niragi’s tired answer. “I’ll just watch this time.” Chishiya’s smirk widens.
“More for me then,” he says before covering your body with his. You gasp, surprised by his advances. What can he possibly be planning? You don’t think you have it in you for more. He notices your expression, before leaning to kiss your breast, hand sliding down your body with feathery touches. “I told you I was going to make you beg,” his eyes are locked on you as he goes down your body. He stops by your mound, pressing a kiss to your clit, making you gasp from oversensitivity. “You begged me to come...now you will beg me to stop.”
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4dtk · 3 years
hi hi! Could you please do a mtl for nct127 to be into someone who looks intimidating but is a nice person? thank you so much!
thanks for the request anon! hope this does your request justice TT
disclaimer: these are just head canons, my own thoughts and are all in good fun. brief mention of sexual activity, but no explicit nsfw.
crazy into it, thinks its hot how different you are to your looks, curious:
HAECHAN eats it up. haechan’s mettle is unstoppable when it comes to pestering people, he would not cower one bit (maybe out of respect he’d keep his personality at bay) but warms up pretty quickly to you before your own expression relaxes into a benign one. curious to know why you’re so adamant on keeping a straight face, listens intently, generally wants to learn about it wholeheartedly and thinks it’s really cool. haechan also gets a kick out of your ability to intimidate anyone. he sometimes asks you to do your scariest stare and he literally shivers with exaggerated shoulders with a cheeky smile on his face.
DOYOUNG is intrigued, to say the least. at least that’s what i get from both haechan and doyoung. also gradually finds it hot the more he gets to know you, switching from talking to a stranger to talking sweetly with him. he admires your freedom to drive away the people that you don’t want talking to you, and wishes he had the courage like yuta usually does, but normally just uses his words to set boundaries. he’s okay with that, but he wished sometimes to be able to intimidate someone when they’re crossing lines, even if they’re a fan. through knowing you, he’s able to express himself more freely while also making sure he doesn’t get reprimanded by the company or something.
chill, doesn’t care much, understands why you do it, indifferent even:
YUTA is just on the verge of being somewhat meh about it. i can see yuta relating to it, but other than that, he’s pretty chill about it. it’s like a mutual understanding that the two of you arrive at when you introduce each other, him more than you since he’s taught to just be nice bc you never know when they’re a fan. when the relationship progresses, you learn that yuta occasionally does it too, even in normal situations. while doyoung gets the courage to act more on his true feelings and glare at whoever annoys him, yuta finds himself winding it down just a tad bit. he’s more neutral faced when he goes to airports and shows, obviously with the fans and you in mind.
TAEIL is little bit of everything like yuta and haechan, but leaning more towards the indifferent side. taeil doesn’t let his surprise show when you say hi with a well-mannered tone, and tends to think about your situation whenever he’s reminded of it. he’s chill after a few hangouts with you and briefly asks you questions here and there to just learn more about you and your habit before he carries on to do his own thing. when taeil really notices your habits, when you’re actually frustrated and angry, he’s on his way to talk to you and get you to loosen up but if you’re zoning out or just doing your usual RBF then he would hold your hand quietly until your features relax.
JAEHYUN is somewhat indifferent to it. sometimes interested, sometimes bothered like taeil is but is less like to act on it. jaehyun just carries out his normal greeting as always when he first gets to know you and is briefly taken aback when you introduce yourself with a gentle voice. it doesn’t take over his features for long, since his parents have taught him to always reply with respect. goes about his day normally, and unless your ‘switch’ is really drastic, he might not give much thought to it other than you having your own personal reasons to do it. an attraction to it might develop in the future when you get to know each other more, but i see it developing more in the bedroom and in more private times rather than in the mundane things that you do.
TAEYONG is a little lower on this one bc he will get intimidated, but not to the point of i-won’t-talk-to-them-at-all. he’s dealt with his members countless times. encountering many personalities, many situations that he approaches you with determination and is surprised to hear you speak and introduce yourself with a small smile on your face. he warms up quicker than mark does, but taeyong sets boundaries early into the relationship bc he doesn’t want to upset you despite your actual personality being otherwise. taeyong mostly lets you do the approaching because he doesn’t want to trigger something if you do happen to have a bad day.
lowkey doesn’t want to fuck with you even if you turn out to be nice (they just need time!!!):
MARK is in this group bc he’ll definitely feel that pressure whenever he sees you staring at him. he becomes really awkward and is kinda taken aback when you speak with a polite tone and voice. mark can’t exactly get the questions of why’s and how’s out of his head even after he meets you and when he learns that you just like to glare at things, he’s just like ??? he’ll try to understand but the poor boy tends to tense up a lot if you happen to be just zoning out on nothing. eventually he warms up to you, but it’s gonna take some time before his jaw unclenches bc he’s not sure whether you’re mad at him, or his members, or at your tv show.
JOHNNY accepts everyone, but he would find someone who’s exterior is always intimidating just… off? if that makes sense. it makes him feel a lil bit uneasy. it might be how you look or the way you want to present yourself but johnny being a sensitive person, even if he didn’t do anything wrong, would think that he did when you’re looking at him the way you are. he understands you’re a nice person, really! but the mans is generally very aware of his friends’ feelings and wouldn’t want to interfere unless you eventually loosen your features when you’re with him, and then he’ll try to make you smile more.
JUNGWOO recoils the first time he sees you, i don’t know. i feel so bad but there’s something that’s so intimidating about your stare that he immediately doesn’t do any of his jokes or something like that. it’s nothing against you, but he feels he would be safer if he held back and let you do the talking instead. shocked when you speak in a gentle, polite manner and jungwoo just feels awkward, he doesn’t know what to do with his hands, etc. doesn’t fully relax with you in the room early in the relationship, he’s just hesitant if he happens to say the wrong thing or if you have a hidden agenda. and you def don’t! jungwoo just needs to hear the words from your mouth, you’ll need to be direct when engaging with jungwoo and he’ll get back into his bubbly self eventually.
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aliwritesss · 3 years
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~ Labyrinth
Pairings: Eric x reader
Genre: fuckboy au!
Warnings: angst, slightly suggestive, slow burn, swearing
Based on this AU! Highly recommended to read it before you start the series, but can be read alone.
1/? Masterlist
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-“… And remember! The deadline for the essay is in three weeks.”- You hear your History teacher’s voice but no one listens to him. The bell just ringed and that meant freedom.
-“ It’s Friday!!! Let’s do something fun.” You hear Kevin’s voice next to you. You thank the heavens and stars to have him in your life, you don’t know what you would have done without him all this time.
-“ What are you thinking?”
-“ Well… You know, everyone’s been on the edge these past months with the exams and all. So Juyeon thought I’d be fun to do a small gathering, only close friends.” He says with the smallest voice and you feel all your body tense up. If you knew one thing is that you couldn’t go to parties, not yet. Not when it’s been so long since you’ve seen him and you’re actually starting to move on. To wake up and not think of him.
-“ It sounds fun! But I think I’m gonna pass this time, I better start working on this assignment.”
-“ Cmon (Y/N), it’s been a month. You gotta go to your old self, I miss you. I miss us having fun.” It pains your heart to hear Kevin, you’d love to have the balls to go to their dorms and be yourself, to dance again till you can’t stand up, to laugh freely but you feel that the spark inside of you has died and you’re afraid that if you go, it won’t light up anymore.
-“ I promise you I’ll go back to my old self. You’ll get back your partner in crime, my little moon.” You say hugging him and exiting the class. -“ Just give me a little bit and you’ll get back your star.”
-“ The world better get ready once the moon and star duo comes back.” He says giving you one of his best smiles and you feel a little bit better. You’ve known him for so long and clicked since then. One day you two were in class and someone said you looked like the team rocket from Pokémon, always together being mischievous. And since then you baptized your friendship as the moon and star duo.
As you walk outside you feel his comment nag you in the back of your head. “Why do I have to feel so bad when he’s doing fine? Was everything a lie? Did he truly love me?” These thoughts have been bugging you lately and you’re starting to get annoyed. You thought you were doing fine but sometimes these dark clouds will come and shake you down. And it seems like today was one of these days.
“ So… Juyeon is doing a gathering huh? Do you realize that it means half of the campus is going, right?”
-“ Yeah… We told him only close people and Changmin said that meant around 50 friends.” He says, rolling his eyes. -“ Thank god we have Sangyeon and Jacob to keep him in check or else It’d be a nightmare.” And that makes you laugh because it’s true, you remember one night you were staying the night in their dorms and suddenly Sunwoo and Chanhee started arguing about the smallest thing. Sangyeon only needed to look at them to make them stop. It was so funny, you don’t want to mess with an angry Sangyeon to be honest.
-“ And… Here we go. I knew it.” You hear Kevin’s annoyed voice. -“ They’re asking me to buy drinks, it seems like more people are coming tonight. I have to go now bubs, but we should do something fun this weekend okay? Just the two of us.” He says while hugging you and you nod. Maybe that’s what you need, to start slowly coming out of your cave.
You start making your way to your dorm thinking about the million things you have to get done in these two weeks and you can feel your anxiety already coming. The pressure you’ve been feeling these past few days it’s getting worse everyday. And the worst of it, it’s that you don’t have anyone to talk about it. Unconsciously, you touch your necklace, feeling a little bit better. You look down to the tiny shiny star and remember the night he gave it to you.
-“ I’ll be your star, ready to guide you even in the darkest times, even when there’s no moon shining.” He said softly in your neck. You smiled at him and looked at the charm. It was a little star filled with crystals. Stunning.
-“ When you feel like giving up, remember that I’ll be here with you. Faintly.” Eric said, touching your necklace.
“Where are you now? Where are you now when I need you the most?” You think for yourself, It’s not like you weren’t starting to move on from him, which you are doing. But you were not forgetting him, and you wish you could.
You wish you could erase all these sweet moments, act like nothing happened. Act like him, cold and unbothered. Why did him have to play you? Was everything a lie? Everything he said, was just a trap to only have fun with you? You couldn’t trust your memories, it seems like you only could remember the good ones.
But what about that night you two had a fight on a party because he was with this girl, laughing and talking the whole night while you were alone? You still remember his words: “ Stop being a pain in the ass, if I wanted to hook up with her dont you think I would have already done it?”. And you being a silly naive girl in love, acted like it didn’t hurt you. Like he didnt had the power to destroy you in matter of seconds if he wanted.
And that was the reason you broke up with him.
Everyone knew you were his girl and god forbid anyone who dared to touch you. But that’s it, you were only that, his girl. He didn’t bother to put a label, you were there for him and that was enough.
-“ Eric what are we doing?”- You asked him the night you two broke up.
-“ What do you mean?”-
-“ What are we doing together? What is this? Are we exclusive? Are we truly in a relationship?”- You asked trembling, you weren’t ready to hear his answer.
-“ Not this again (Y/N). I told you I don’t want to talk about it and you keep bringing this up. I said you are my girl and that should be enough.”-
-“ But it isn’t. It isn’t when there’s a queue of girls waiting for you to get tired of me and drop me like a toy. And I had enough, I need to know what I am to you.” You said sitting in his bed.
-“ You are making me tired with all these questions. I said drop it, (Y/N). You know how I am and still chose to be here with me.”-
-“ I chose you bc you said that you couldn’t do this without me, Eric! You told me that I was special and-.”
-“ So? That gives you the right to be called my girlfriend?”- And that was the last straw. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, it’s like someone snapped you back to reality. Like you just woke up from a beautiful dream and got hit with the true world.
He loved you, but not in the right way.
He cared about you, but not enough.
You got dressed and started to pick yoiur things while crying. You needed to get out as soon as possible, even if it was 3 in the morning.
-“Cmon (Y/N) don’t be like this. I got mad and you know I say things I regret later. Please let’s talk in the morning when we are calm, okay? Babe please-“
-“ Don’t touch me, Eric. I’ve had enough. I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep falling in love with you more and more when we are not in the same page. Not even in the same book.”- You said putting on your sweatshirt, well, his sweatshirt now yours.
-“ Are you serious? Are you going to be like this? After all we’ve been through?”-
-“ Exactly, after all we’ve been through you still think I don’t deserve to be your girlfriend. And let me correct you, you’re the one who doesn’t deserve to be my boyfriend. I’m tired of your shit.”
-“ I know you’re angry (Y/N) but I swear if you leave this room that’s it.”- He said staring at you. You gave him one last smile and closed the door. It was so late at night and you decided to bring this topic up… That was a stupid move of you to be honest, but it needed to be done.
You can feel your vision getting blurry with all the tears falling but you don’t care anymore.
-“ Star? Is everything ok?”- you feel Kevin’s sleepy voice coming from the other side of the hallway and you let out a sob. -“ Hey, Hey. What happened bubs? Why are you crying? Where’s Eric?”-
-“ I… I- I think we just broke up.” You said hugging him and starting to sob even harder.
- “ Oh gosh…” He said quietly while stroking your hair.
And after that everything was a blur, you only remember him and Haknyeon taking you to your dorm and sleeping there. Everyone knew what happened because they heard you two arguing but no one could bring the topic up. It was typical of you two to argue, but in a matter of hours everything was cleared. But this time was different and both of you knew it.
This time the damage was done and there was no going back now.
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A/N: So it’s finally here!! The first chapter of this little series. Thanks to all of you for liking so much the AU and for telling me what you preferred to see on this series. It’ll be after the break up, but I thought it’d be nice to have a little context of why did the discussion happen and to see the dynamic of the relationship. Honestly speaking, I love Eric’s fuckboy vibes so much.. But still it pains me to see him acting this way :( I apologise for any typo or mistake! And remember you can ask in the comments or dms to be tagged and that requests are open!!
TAGLIST: @asherbl @fairycob @givememunjang
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spencersawkward · 3 years
hi! today is my birthday (yeah, a day before his) and as a big fan of yours that i am, i know that you made a one-shot for his birthday, but could you do it like it would be if it was your first birthday with him? i reeeally appreciate and love your work! keep doing this, you're amazing! thank you!!
ok the daddy kink gotta go on pause bc we have an EMERGENCY called it's a baddie's birthday! 🥳 happy birthday babe i hope it's as special and lovely as can be! also thank you that made my day of course i'd be happy to write a one-shot like that :)
summary: reader reunites with Matthew for her birthday after his absence on a week-long trip. 
relationship: Fem!Reader/Matthew
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, creampie, fingering, oral (female receiving), dirty talk.
word count: 3.8k 
after lighting my favorite candles on the bedside table and smoothing out the wrinkles on the bed, I climb onto the mattress and fold my legs up beneath me, criss-cross applesauce. there's a warm, peachy light that falls onto the white comforter, aureate and gentle when I straighten my spine.
I have spent my birthday so far dealing with tired limbs and people I don't like; the only good part so far was getting lunch with a couple of my friends, but something still feels absent.
that something is Matthew.
he's been in Los Angeles for a week, and I miss him like crazy. the apartment is cold and hollow without him in it, despite the numerous objects of his that decorate every nook and cranny. a star and moon mobile hangs above our bed, which sounds childish but actually is fun for both of us to look at when we're lying together at night.
our eyes always follow as the crescent and circle shapes cross each other in a slow circle while we talk. and every time he's gone, his side of the bed gets cold. I miss his mouth and the shape of his arms when they enfold me. I've never been much for showing affection, but I would cover him in kisses if we had all day together.
absence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess.
he's coming home tonight and I've been looking forward to it for days now. even our kitten, Clarisse, lifts her head every time someone in the hallway of the building passes. she likes to sit between us whenever she can.
I let my thoughts roam freely as I take deep breaths and center my mind. it's hard to reign in the joy I feel at the memory of him. I haven't had an orgasm since he left, not because I haven't had the motivation, but because Matthew has created a new rule.
neither of us can pleasure ourselves until we see each other again. technically, I suppose we could break the rule and there would be no ramifications-- but it's kinda fun, to be honest. every night he calls me, and every night he tiptoes around the things he wants to do when he gets home. he can always hear the shortness of my breath when he says anything erring on risqué, asking what I'm wearing or if I've been thinking of him. of course I've been thinking of him; my nights swell with apparitions of his touch, moving over my skin without any tangible reality.
it usually ends with him tsking and telling me to be patient while I dig my fingernails into the inside of my thighs, resisting every urge within me to get off to the sound of his voice. he does it so well, too. all deep and desirous when he tells me to be good.
even as I sit here on the bed, a tingling feeling starts in my stomach. I want him too badly, and waiting has been absolute torture. I remember two nights ago, when I was sitting in his favorite armchair with my knees tucked into my chest, speaking softly to him.
"what have you been up to?"
"nothing out of the ordinary: filming, drawing... thinking of you." he had said, the last three words igniting a flame in my stomach. I love to hear him say that.
"anything in particular?" I started to trace absent-mindedly over the skin of my calves.
"thinking about how good you'd look with your hands between your legs." his voice was somehow silky and raspy all at once, like the idea of it was arousing him. I bit my lip and squeezed my thighs together.
"stop tempting me."
"you know damn well why." I giggled. he sighed on the other end of the line.
"I'm starting to hate this rule."
"you made it!" I argued, practically able to hear the mischievous little smile on his face.
"I know, but I wanna hear your noises."
"Matthew..." I blushed, even though he wasn't right in front of me.
"I can't wait to hear you scream that." the drop in his tone made goosebumps rise over my skin.
"are you hard right now?"
"maybe." he hesitated. I felt every cell in my body begging me to cheat our rule-- maybe bend it slightly-- but I hold true.
"get home, then, and I'll suck the soul out of you." I laughed a bit and heard him move in his seat.
"stop teasing."
"you're one to talk," I glanced out the window at the city glittering, full of so many people and empty of him. "I should go before we fuck this up for ourselves."
"no..." he whined like a needy puppy for a moment. "just talk to me normally."  
"fine," I pretended to be disappointed. I didn't want to hang up, anyway. "do you wanna hear about my coworkers? that's guaranteed to eradicate all sexual thoughts."
he texts me half an hour later, as I blow out the wicks of my candles and watch the rest of the sun disappear. I love nighttime. he's on his way and I get butterflies, despite the fact that I already know what's coming.
instead of waiting giddily with Clarisse, I elect to take a hot shower and wash the day from my bones. I feel more at ease now that I've had some time to sit with my thoughts, although they've made me even more sexually frustrated.
it's only when I'm drying my hair and sitting in my new lingerie slip dress that relief walks through the door in the form of Matthew and a pizza from our favorite neighborhood place. I hear him come in, practically leap up and run into the living room.
"hi!" he greets, standing in the entryway with his suitcase and a scarf thrown casually around his neck. he shuts the door just in time for me to get to him.
"hi hi hi!" I attach myself like a parasite, wrapping my arms around his waist and holding him tightly.  
"happy birthday, my sweet girl," he kisses the top of my head and lets out a chuckle at my affection. "can I set my stuff down, quick?" Clarisse brushes against his leg.
reluctantly, I disentangle myself and take the pizza box from his hands and carry it into the kitchen. he makes a high-pitched whistle noise as I walk away, bending over to greet our cat.
"liking the view." he jokes. I set down the box and return to him, removing his scarf and coat with something of an impatience.
"shut up," I laugh. he starts to kiss my cheekbone, smiles against my skin while I peel off the winter layers. he's got too many clothes on. "you didn't need to pick up a pizza."
"it's your special day-- I wanted to get you the finest cuisine in Manhattan." he replies sincerely. I bite back a grin and stare up at him, completely and utterly in love with his stupid turns of phrase.
"it's gonna get cold, though."
"why?" he frowns. I answer by pulling him in for a voracious kiss, cupping his face in my hands. after a moment of us pressing our torsos together, he grabs the backs of my thighs and I jump, letting him hold me up. one of his hands rests beneath my butt, squeezing the flesh while we embrace.
"you're gonna drop me if we don't get to the bedroom soon." I giggle into his mouth. he playfully smacks my ass and carries me into our favorite place, slamming the door shut with his foot and setting me down on the mattress. I smile at his perfect features, wanting to both tear into him and preserve this moment in time forever.
he climbs onto the bed, pushes my legs apart and runs his hands along the outside of my thighs to hitch up my slip. I raise my eyebrows but don't argue when he gathers the dress up around my waist and yanks my panties down.
"I've been thinking about your pussy all day." he kisses the skin above my knee, moving much too slowly up my legs while he holds them open. I feel my hips leave the bed in eagerness, and he glances at my core hungrily. "you're dripping, baby."
"don't make me wait any more." I roll my eyes and he places the flat of his hand over my center, barely stimulating me while pushing me down. he knows the effect it has from the tortured whine I release.
"the best things come with time." he winks and continues his open-mouthed kisses along my inner thighs. his head is between my legs, but not nearly in the way I'd like it to be. I crave more; he knows it. he licks over a spot near my pussy and I moan.
"sensitive, huh?" he raises an eyebrow. I run my fingers through those unruly curls, tug.
"don't act as if you aren't just as turned on right now."  
"delayed gratification is a skill, darling." he's smirking and it's driving me wild looking at him in this position, not doing anything. he peeks at my body again before meeting my eyes. "you're dragging this out by talking, by the way."
"oh my god." I throw my head back into the pillow, but go silent as he starts to resume his movements. finally, slowly, he licks up my entrance, pausing at my crest to flick his tongue. I gasp and look at him, his focus all on my face.
he rolls his mouth expertly over me, dipping between my folds to taste and releasing a greedy moan before starting to lap and play with it like he can't stop himself anymore. this time, when I grip his hair, I use it as leverage to grind against him. he feels so good, the sounds coming from my lips are truly unhinged.
"oh, shit, shit-- just like that." I choke out. every part of me clings to him. he wraps his hands around my thighs and yanks me down the bed so he can do more with me. every action with his tongue is like a delicious torture, him exploring all the parts of me as if he's never tasted them before. when he runs his teeth gently across my clit, I moan loudly.
"so hot, Matthew, god, please--"
he doesn't even stop to tease me at all. judging by the darkened irises and blown-out pupils, he's lost in his own world while he eats me out. I can feel the pads of his fingertips gripping onto my skin as if it's his only tether to reality. he behaves like someone inebriated, trying new tricks and thrusting his tongue into my entrance. I'm already close, and he can feel from the insistence of my sounds.
he pulls away for a second and I whine, but he puts two fingers over my clit and rubs me like crazy while he talks.
"is this what you wanted for your birthday, sweetheart? to cum?" his mouth is glistening with my essence, lips swollen, while he holds my gaze. I'm whimpering.
"we're gonna have dinner after this and then for dessert, I'm gonna give you what you want," he pants and I can see the erection straining against his clothes. "okay?"
"mhmm." I buck against his touch, which is bringing me closer with every passing second.
"I'm treating you until that little pussy can't take it anymore." he bites his lip and watches me squirm. I'm almost to the edge and I know what will finish me.
"I need your mouth." I beg him hopefully. Matthew grins.
"whatever you want, baby." and with that, he bends down again and replaces his talented fingers with his lips, flicking and running over my clit until I can feel my stomach tensing.
"fuck!" I cry out, rolling against his face and climaxing intensely. my eyes squeeze shut at the tightening of all my muscles. my skin is on fire as I clutch at my tits through the fabric of my dress and feel my back move off the bed. he's pulling my legs up so that he can work me through my orgasm at an angle, harshly sucking at it until I'm completely worn out.
he puts me down and I breathe deeply, try to settle the quickness of my pulse.
"how was that?" he asks, rubbing over my legs affectionately while I come down from my high.
"amazing." I sit up and start to tug at his belt in the hopes of undoing it, but Matthew removes my wrist and shakes his head. I peek up at him with a curious, disappointed expression.
"it's your day, remember?" he says it so lovingly with a slightly higher pitch than normal, soft and laced with kindness. I look at his erection, anyway, always wanting the sight of it.
"that can't be comfortable."
"oh, it's not." he laughs. I let him lift me off the bed and he guides me to the kitchen on my slightly weak legs. everything about him leaves me like that.
Matthew and I eat pizza and drink champagne while he tells me about his trip, about all the cool people he met and places he went to shoot. he shows pictures of the cast and him making silly faces, and a bakery he saw.
"all the pastries are named after amazing women," he grins and presents a photo of the interior, which is full of flowers and hues of rich blue. "so I obviously thought of you."
I smile through my bite of food, heart fluttering. he shows me a picture of a half-eaten cookie that has the silhouette of a woman on the front, sitting in a chair. it's very 1800's-looking.
"it's supposed to be Jane Austen."
"I'm jealous." I grin.
"I'll take you sometime." he puts his phone away and we go back to talking normally. I could watch his lips move forever, listen to his voice forever. there's a quality to his speech that is entirely unique, that draws me in and makes me want to claim him for life. I didn't know it was possible to want someone so completely.
I rant about the things I had to deal with today, and he chuckles at my naturally indignant tone. by the time I run out of steam, we're just sitting with pleased expressions on our faces. even when I'm angry about something that's happened earlier, he knows how to make me forget all about it.
"it would be fun for everyone to meet you." Matthew toys with the napkin in his lap. I sigh.
"as long as there's alcohol involved, sure."
"they make me nervous!"
"you have no reason to be nervous," he shakes his head slowly. "they'll love you."
"that's the thing-- I want them to like me so badly, I'll do something to mess it up."
"you couldn't. you're adorable when you're shy." he reaches under the table and squeezes my knee reassuringly. I try to smile, but my stomach twists up at the thought. it's easy for Matthew; he's so uninhibited.
"you say that now, but it'll be a different story when I've managed to fall on my face in front of everyone."
he snorts. "okay, that would be kind of funny."
"hey!" but I'm hiding a smile.
"they'll love you," he keeps his hand on my leg as he looks at me. "you wanna know how I know?"
"how?" I wait patiently for his reply. he leans forward in his seat and beckons me closer.
"because you are the sweetest--" he kisses me. "smartest--" another peck. "funniest girl I know."
"stop." I deadpan as I turn my face away just enough for him to nuzzle my cheek with his nose as I laugh.
"not to mention the sexiest one, too." he whispers in my ear. I put my hand on his shoulder, intending to push him away playfully but finding myself not wanting to.
"I knew that's where you were gonna take that." I roll my eyes. his other hand has been creeping progressively up my thigh until his fingers brush my core. I suck in a breath, remembering that my panties are still in the bedroom.
"you want me to prove it to you?" he starts to stroke over me, gathering the wetness on his fingers that already waits for him. I let out a slight moan as he dips inside and curls his digits.
he starts to finger me easily, adding a second and pumping them inside while I grip the edge of the table and watch his face concentrate on mine. he's rough and deep, the result of not having his own orgasm earlier. I can see the lust in his eyes like he can't wait to dive in. all that comes out of my mouth are chants of his name, begging for him as his thumb toys with my clit. my walls clench and his jaw hangs open with a slight smile.
"do that again." he says. I obey, squeezing my thighs around his wrist. he feels so good there, and he's not even doing that much. "god, I can't wait for you to do that on my cock."
"fuck me, then." I breathe.
"gladly," he removes his fingers so suddenly, I make a disappointed noise. "get on the table, sweetheart."
"the-- the table?" I glance down at the surface. he nods in complete seriousness. oh, wow.
we clear off the two plates and down the rest of our champagne, his lips capturing mine easily the second I turn around from putting them in the sink. he walks me back to the table, never breaking our contact, before I end up sitting on it. he's between my legs, pushing his hips to mine while he moves my dress up again.
I hum into his neck while he starts to grind against me, undoing his belt and breathing quickly in my ear. I can feel his length through the fabric, feel how desperate he is. I scoot closer to the edge and try to get more.
"are you sure you don't want me to suck your dick?" I peek at him. he tilts my face up and I feel myself sink into those dark circles around his eyes. my beautiful, haunted boy.
"I need to be inside you." he says it without an ounce of humor. every word weighted with desire as he holds me there. my insides feel like they've been electrified, nerves sparking. all I can do is nod fervidly and pull his shirt off.
he takes off his bottoms and stares back at me, stroking his cock while I trail my nails down his chest, abdomen, whatever I can find. he's so gorgeous, I want to leave marks just so I can make sure he's real. he rubs himself in my essence, then pushes the head inside.
"Matthew--" I bite down on his shoulder to silence myself as he stretches me out. it hasn't even been that long, but it feels like the first time. his head dropping down with a long, low groan of pleasure.
"I missed this." he sheathes himself inside, deep, and I feel my walls tightening around him. there's a pressure on my clit from the position we're in, too. I whine on it, letting myself wiggle impatiently.
"move." I whisper. he starts to withdraw, only about halfway, before going in again. I throw my head back at the force of his thrust, so greedy. he's groaning softly while he presses his mouth to my throat, the flutter of his breath over my skin causing shivers to run up and down my spine.
I wrap my legs around his waist and he starts to find a rhythm with my body. nails dig into his back as an anchor. the closeness of his chest to mine is comforting.
"do you know how hard it was not to get myself off, baby?" he says, the words threaded with a needy tone. I shake my head and pray he'll keep talking. "every night I'd think about you and I couldn't do anything about it."
"you could have." I taunt.
"this is better," he goes faster, clutching at my waist and legs to pull me closer. "so much better."
"yeah?" I giggle, although it's hard when he's pounding into me so hard. I cling tightly and try to meet his thrusts. he's hitting different angles within me that I didn't even know existed, tearing me apart in the absolute best way.
"I wanna be inside it all day." he moans. I'm scratching his back with the way we're working together, every word out of his mouth and the sounds he makes causing me to lose my mind. his fingers dig into my ass as he slams into me. the table shakes beneath.
"that feels so fucking good." I grab on and roll my hips against his. his hand moves to my shoulder to push the straps of my dress down.
"let me see you," he tugs them until my tits are out, at which point he grabs my waist and pulls me against him, moaning loudly at the feeling. "pretty girl."
I can feel the tidal wave building within me, the seconds that gather into one wild, exquisite torrent of pleasure. the knot in my stomach tightens as he fucks me.
"I'm gonna cum." tears prick the back of my eyes. he's working my figure so perfectly, I can barely see. my legs are shaking before I even reach the culmination.
"good." he gets erratic as he imagines how pleasurable it'll be to have me clenching around him, and I sink below the surface. my hips jerk and I cry out like it's my last time being with him, his name pouring from my mouth. Matthew speeds up.
"so... tight--" he shudders. "oh fuck-- that's it, baby, that's it."
he spills inside and it prolongs our orgasms, both of us breathing hard while I remove my arms from his shoulders and lean back on my hands against the table, him still thrusting gently into me while we hold eye contact.
when he's finished, he removes himself from me and then we're just there, looking at each other with love all over our faces.
"happy birthday, Y/N." he grins.
"can you give me one more gift?" I bite my lip. he frowns.
"oh, I have several gifts for you in my suitcase--" he starts to say with a laugh, then sees that I'm not referring to anything tangible. "yes, anything."
"can you Clorox this table, please?"
Matthew kisses my cheek. "of course."
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usopp-writes · 2 years
Just saw your pride month questions and they look fun. So ofc I had to ask a few of them, pls forgive me for spamming your inbox with them. Okay, here we go.
May I please get answer to the following questions? Thank you :)
If Roger could date anyone, who would he date and why?
What is Benn Beckman's sexual orientation?
What is Haruta's pronounce/gender identity?
Do Thatch have any embarrassing experiences after coming out?
Who did Buggy first confide their sexuality to?
Do Sengoku believe that polyamory could work?
If Sanji felt confident enough to wear anything he wanted, what would he wear?
Have fun and I won't be upset if you don't answer all the questions.
Happy pride month
Pride month questions
Whoa, that's a lot of questosn for different characters. Thank you so much and I'll love to answer them all.
Enjoy <3
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Gol D. Roger
If Roger could date anyone, who would he date and why?
Let's go off canon. If he could have anyone, he would probably date Rayleigh. The way Rayleigh speaks of him, tells me that the man admired and loved his old captain, their bond deeper than what I think Roger had with Rouge. There could have been something there, who really knows? Personally, I love the RogerxRayleigh ship, so I wouldn't mind to know that there had been something there.
Benn Beckman
What is Benn Beckman's sexual orientation?
He's definitely gay. This man has only eyes for his captain and will always have his back, no matter how much Shanks flirts or screws around with others. Part of me wants him to be bi (bc I have the hots for him XD), but I mostly see him as gay and totally devoted to his captain. You can't win over his heart that easily ;)
What is Haruta's pronounce/gender identity?
They/them. Haruta might be seen as a son and man in the eyes of many, but this little gremlin identifies themselves as non-binary. They still correct their family members about it, pulling pranks on them that are on the boundary to be mean.
Do Thatch have any embarrassing experiences after coming out?
Yes. Most definitely yes. He came out to his closest friends first and they just looked dumbfolded at him and told him they already knew. Poor cook had built up so much courage and they simple told him they didn't give a damn. Cue Thatch sobbing in the corner, while Marco and Izo had to comfort him.
Who did Buggy first confide their sexuality to?
Believe it or not, but Buggy have never actually voiced hissexuality out loud. He never thought that he needed to tell it to anyone, he just went with what he wanted at the moment. Be it a man or woman, he doesn't actually care, as long as they can take care of his itch and he feels attracted to them. This clown doens't need to label himself, others do that for him.
Do Sengoku believe that polyamory could work?
Deep down he hopes so, as his secret dreamisbased on it, but being part of the older generation and having worked in the marines, his point of view is that a romantic relationship is between two people and that's that. He might at som epoint realize that the world isn't black and white when it comesto relationships and sexuality.
If Sanji felt confident enough to wear anything he wanted, what would he wear?
I think you hope I would say a dress, but no. If this man could confidently wear anything he wanted, he would still wear his suit and tie. It's just what he feels most comfortable in, though he doesn't mind wearing shorts and a shirt either. The kinomo he wears in Wano is also something he feels comfortable in, though he prefers something that allows him to use his legs freely, without restriction or clothes falling down to his face, when he's on his hands.
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satendou · 4 years
My wife I am here with some somft overhaul 🥺💗 imagine going shopping and spotting a nice pair of gloves for Kai because it’s your anniversary soon and so you buy them and get your name embroidered on the inside wrist of the left glove ((bc that’s where the vena amoris is)) and his reaction to receiving them for your anniversary maybe you gets a bit sad bc he doesn’t seem to wear them often but you find out it’s because he doesn’t want to get them dirty -- umihami 
thank you for indulging me @umihami​ alskjf this was so fucking cute and honestly fun to write. i hope it’s believable but even if it’s not well, it’s lowkey self indulgent so...frankly i am unsure if these are headcanons or a scenario or a weird mix so they come as they are sksks.
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶    
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↠ includes: overhaul
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overhaul is not an easy person to shop for. everything he receives has to be disinfected first and that includes whatever comes from you. can’t have filth from the outside world coming into contact with him, after all.
so when you come across a pair of expensive, handmade leather gloves, you instantly know those are for him. it takes some time to save up-- the hassaikai isn’t swimming with cash, after all-- but you make it happen. to your surprise, the tailor offers additional embroidery, if you want, but looking at the gloves, you know kai wouldn’t want anything flashy or over the top (let’s not mention his feather boa, okay?).
but just as you’re shaking your head, you’re struck with an idea, a soft warmth forming in your chest. it’s funny because overhaul is known for being cold and ruthless and god knows he isn’t even good at expressing himself to you, but small gestures speak his truths and you know he truly does care. if he didn’t, you wouldn’t still be around, right?
the day of your anniversary arrives and you set the small box, black topped by a scarlet ribbon, in front of him after a long day. he only stares at it for a moment before plucking it off the table and removing the top, the tissue paper inside crinkling as he removes it.
his reaction is about what you expect, blank and lackluster, but not without emotion. you can hear his gratitude beneath his usual apathy and ire, and the gentle brush of his fingertips over your cheek is another sign, but still you sigh when he doesn’t even remove the gloves from the box.
over the next few days, he knows something is up. you try to hide it because saying anything wouldn’t do any good, and you know how he is, but kai is smarter than you and can see right through your smiles and shrug offs. he doesn’t like to play games, so after day three of your sighs, he asks, “what is wrong with you?” 
it’s gruff, maybe a little irritated, and it makes you flinch because you really didn’t want to get into it with him over something like this. unfortunately, overhaul does not like whining in any form and had warned you numerous times about what you were getting into, and you had accepted those risks.
still, when overhaul asks such a direct question, you can’t ignore it, so you sigh and rub your arm, staring towards the closet where the gloves sit, hidden in the box. “do you-- really like those gloves i got? you haven’t worn them and you didn’t even take them out of the box.”
his head cocks, sharp golden eyes narrowing in a calculating manner because he knows you and knows that you know he doesn’t care for someone who’s insecure, and you aren’t so this must be something that’s actually bothering you. skirting around you, he opens the closet door and pulls the box out, still topped with the ribbon, and pulls the lid off.
taking the pair out of the box, he carefully slips the gloves he currently wears off and replaces them with the soft leather ones. he knows fine craftsmanship when he sees it, and knows how much you must have spent on them. while a part of him is irate that you spent so much money on something so frivolous as gloves when he needs funding for his projects, the other part appreciates the lengths you’ll go to for him, even when others think him a monster.
as he’s pulling on the glove, a flash of gold and red catches his attention, and he lifts the hem to peek at the inner lining. stitched in an intricate weave is your name and the words “usque ad mortem,” which he thinks means something along the lines of “until death” or “until death do us part.” the shimmering threads set off a quiet warmth within him, and he holds out a hand to you, beckoning you forward.
“this is why you were upset?” he asks with what some would mistake as derision, but you can hear the amusement beneath it. the leather is soft and pliable against your skin where he cups your cheek, and his mask comes down a moment later. his lips are turned up at the corner and, without the mask, he looks much younger, eyes round and making his face look softer than normal, and you give him a tentative smile. it’s hard being vulnerable around him when he dislikes vulnerability so much, but every once in a while…
his lips touch yours lightly, fleetingly, before pulling back a fraction. he laughs when you try to follow him, knowing how much you crave his touch because he doesn’t give it freely, and cups your other cheek. “i do like them, angel. i don’t want them to get filthy, so i’m not going to wear them except for special occasions. i have a meeting with some potential investors soon, i’ll wear them then.”
it’s a promise and an end to the discussion all rolled into one, and you nod, giving him another small smile. he makes to step back and you begin to pull away, to give him his space, when he grabs your wrist and pulls you back to him. 
pausing for a split second, he relishes the surprise on your face before capturing your lips in a tender kiss, trying to convey his feelings through it since words always fail him when it comes to you. whether you understand or not, he has no clue, but your fingertips touch his jaw for a moment, and he thinks maybe, perhaps, somehow, you do.
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⇥ masterlist
⇥ taglist: @umihami​, @visaintes​
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so i saw a take about eula that made me mad so here’s my (biased) rant about her
i’m pro-end user license agreement, i think she’s cute, not just appearance-wise but personality-wise too
(didn’t pull her tho bc the kinda obvious powercreeping made me salty, might pull her when her rerun comes around just to have her and not level her)
but basically the gist of this rant is gonna be i think people unfairly mischaracterize her and i’m gonna talk about why i think she’s a good bean based on the two things about her that i’ve seen people mention they dislike the most: the way she talks and her relationship to/feelings about her family
disclaimer: a lot of this is my opinion and my interpretation of her character, probably has a lot of typos
this will probably be really like
incomprehensible i’m tired sorry but i’ll try to make sense
okay so
a lot of people from what i’ve seen dislike eula bc of the way she talks, but at least try to understand why she might talk the way she does
putting aside the reason why she talked the way she did to the people of mondstadt during her story quest (i’ll get to that later), let’s talk about her whole focus on vengeance first
imo her whole thing about vengeance is a shield of sorts for her
many of the people of mondstadt would only ever see her as a descendant of the lawrence clan, someone who means to do mondstadt harm
so might as well give them what they expect, even if it’s not what you really mean
her story in her character profile even says this
“Her grievances and vengeance are but a habit, a signal, a shield.
“What remarks she should just laugh off, what concepts she should bear in mind given her unique circumstances and position...“
one has to remember that eula is a descendant of the lawrence clan, a clan that is hated in mondstadt bc of how corrupted they became during the era of the aristocracy
it’s likely that when she was a child she was ostracized even though the sins of her family, her ancestors, aren’t her own
even if she wanted to make friends with the other children of mondstadt, they were probably too distrustful of her
in her story in her character profile, there’s no mention of jean or diluc in regards to her past, but amber is mentioned to have been her friend even before eula joined the knights of favnious
it’s likely amber was one of her few friends growing up, if not her only friend
and amber is a pretty easy-going and welcoming person; she probably didn’t care about the way eula spoke all that much and bc they’re friends she understands the feelings eula hides behind her seemingly contentious words
anyways about her and the people of mondstadt
the people of mondstadt only see the family she’s a part of; they don’t see her
from her profile story:
“Eula has been viewed with contempt by the citizens of Mondstadt since birth. The Lawrence name stands for a legacy of depravity and despotism that stains Mondstadt's past and scars the minds of its citizens even to this day.
“So, whenever Eula appears, old wounds resurface. People despise the aristocracy, and this does no favors for her reputation.”
“In truth, Eula is nothing like the fearsome predator many imagine her to be. On the contrary, constantly being met with prejudice at every turn means she is often the victim.
“At one time, shops would refuse to sell her their goods, restaurants would put no care and attention into her orders, and the citizens on her patrol route would refuse to cooperate with her. So, Eula's work is fraught with difficulties.“
and in her voicelines:
“The life of a Lawrence doesn't include much worth talking about... Basically, whatever you say, whatever you do, people will always despise you and treat you like a potential threat to society. It's nowhere near as bad as it used to be, though. Before I'd joined the Knights, good grief... I couldn't even buy groceries. Even Good Hunter and Mondstadt General Goods wouldn't take my money.”
“People tell me that if I just spoke more softly, or was more polite, or acted more deferentially, others may find it easier to forgive me, but the only reason they think that way is because they've never been branded a pariah before. There is no easy path to redemption when you're a social pariah. I'm more inclined to stop tiptoeing around everyone all the time and just get out there and make them respect me the old-fashioned way! As in, we square off and if they win, I humbly accept my punishment, but if they lose, they must acquiesce to my demands... Such as... Well, I mean, if I want to buy a loaf of bread, take my darn money, for crying out loud!“
the people of mondstadt wronged her and were mean to her simply bc of the blood that runs through her veins, and i think it’s bc of that she says that she’ll have her vengeance
imo her act of vengeance against the people of mondstadt is being a faultless knight, a knight who completes their duties flawlessly and is without reproach
from her story in her profile:
“...she is a law-abiding citizen and has never harmed another Mondstadter in her life. She may come across as having a somewhat frosty demeanor, but she is entirely scrupulous in her speech and conduct.”
“When Jean sends a new recruit to track down Eula in the wilds and deliver a new set of verbal orders, they always receive the same response: ‘If you have to resort to tasking the descendant of your former oppressors with doing your work, then perhaps you are not as strong as I thought’
“But despite the antagonism in her words, she will complete her newly assigned tasks to perfection. The new recruit is invariably forced to admit that with her abilities, it is no wonder she was able to achieve a captaincy within just a few years of joining the Knights.“
and honestly i just think she’s a tsundere
my evidence, your honor?
her “About Us: Feud” voiceline:
“Our feud is for the long term, so rather than get payback on a piecemeal basis, I think I'll make things easier for myself and wait for a day when I can settle the score once and for all. It could be in ten years, could even be twenty... But don't worry, I won't forget. In the meantime, I'll need you to take good care of yourself and have a happy, healthy life, okay?”
anyways about the way she spoke in her story quest
one first has to learn that this was what she was taught that way since she was young
reading up on the lawrence family based on her profile story, the renmants of the lawrence family are pretty much a cult i think
“The Lawrence Clan may have been overthrown a long time ago, but they have never given up hope of one day rising again and reclaiming their place as the ruling class. So that they are always prepared for this monumental moment, their offspring are subjected to an educational regime so unbelievably harsh that it is considered borderline abusive.
“’Noble obligations’ must be performed to absolute perfection in every possible sense, and these obligations cover etiquette, ritual, and study as well as cooking and other domestic chores.”
and also
she clearly doesn’t talk that way all the time?
personally the reason i think the mondstadters we talked to were like ‘ugh, this again?’ is bc all of the lawrence clan does it, and eula is part of the lawrence clan so it’s like, expected of her to talk that way
but the main reason she talked that way was to give an example to the traveler
she didn’t talk that way to us when we first met her, and she didn’t talk that way to amber and sarah
and some people think she still supports her family? like man
i don’t know if we went through the same story quest or not
but eula quite clearly ruined a plan of her uncle’s that was to harm mondstadt? and during that quest she quite clearly shows her disdain for her family and her family’s ideals?
“I’ve never experienced the age of ‘glory’ you always speak of, and I’ve never understood our family’s incessant pursuit of it. [...] The Lawrence Clan should never and will never become what you’ve dreamed it to be!”
not to mention her voicelines where she makes fun of her family often:
“Knights and aristocrats share the same cultural heritage, but the knights had enough sense to do away with all the superfluous detail.“
“Aristocratic etiquette is all just for show... Just smile and nod along! I was forced to learn all of the rules by heart, but even I don't take them that seriously.”
“I heard that bard sing a few songs about the Lawrence Clan... They were lighthearted and funny stories that mocked the clan in a way I've never heard anyone else do. Even I couldn't help but burst out laughing... And for this, he must pay!”
“Technically, aged Dandelion Wine should be poured into a silver goblet and allowed to breathe for 12 minutes, then you're supposed to add ice cubes, ideally so 60% of the ice is submerged beneath the wine. I refuse to do all that though, it's not worth the hassle.”
and not to mention this voiceline where she outright states that if her family crossed the line she’d end her family herself:
“If my family members refuse to change their corrupt ways, or worse, continue to cause active harm in Mondstadt... I should be the one to end them, along with the Lawrence name itself. For once, it'd be a family obligation I'd actually enjoy. And once the deed was done, I'd be free to pick any name I wanted. Or even let you pick one for me!“
also about her saying she wants to avenge her kin in her voicelines, (this is me kinda reaching, ngl) imo it could just be her sarcasm, or she could be trying to change mondstadt’s view of the lawrence clan so that others in the family like her who aren’t as attatched to the aristocratic customs and share her beliefs can walk freely in mondstadt’s streets without fear of reprisal, which can be evidenced by this voiceline:
“The name Lawrence only became a social stigma after the clan fell from grace. It was once an honor to be called a Lawrence, but unfortunately, most people have forgotten about that part of history. The Grand Master says that I am performing rather well as a knight, and that if it's not enough to restore the honor of the Lawrence name, it's certainly a strong rebuttal against the one-sided opinions so many people throw around. I'm quite satisfied with that appraisal.“
furthermore based on her voiceline about barbara, i’m pretty sure she wants to be liked? to be acknowledged in a good way?
“Everyone loves her. What's her secret? Maybe I could learn a thing or two from her... Hmm, or maybe not. I can't imagine a ‘Shining Idol’ would want anything to do with a descendant of a depraved dynasty.“
like, she doesn’t want to be thought of as just a descendant of the lawrence clan
she wants to be known for who she is, not her family
i think this is why she avoids lisa too, since lisa would have read all about her family and she doesn’t want lisa’s judgement
lastly, what she learned from amber’s grandfather, found in her profile story:
“From him, she learned an open-mindedness and down-to-earth persistence that she had heretofore not possessed. Before grievance and vengeance, before clan and outsider, one must find "oneself" first.
“One's way of living, self-preservation, objects of perseverance...
“Then call it "grievance" and name it "vengeance" — that will not change its essential strength and goodness.
“It would be Eula's very own gentle path of revenge...“
she didn’t turn against the people of mondstadt and join her family in their crusade for glory even though the people of mondstadt treated her horribly
she instead strove to be someone worthy of being respected, someone who is more than just a part of a disgraced and despised family
anyways i think that’s all i wanted to say
basically tldr: end user license agreement is a sweet and gentle person and i like her very much
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