#if you come out attackin guns a blazin
libidinous-weeb · 1 year
I bet the anon was OP lol they made like 6 posts about it
OP messaged me and it’s all water under the bridge now, we’re cool. please tho…guys…if you want me to delete something please just ask. i’ve done it before multiple times and have no problem with it. and yeah i make lots of jokes and things like that but i am not trying to actually be mean to someone for no reason.
if i say something and it hurts someone then…just tell me. there’s no reason to be an asshole about it. especially because i was very obviously not attacking anyone in the post, i was just stating an opinion.
there is no reason to be out for blood over something like this. especially when it’s just been an hour and i’m on mobile and they fucked up how notifs work so i don’t get them right away.
but ya’ll please don’t send anon hate to OP either. i apologized and OP accepted that apology and (hopefully) they’ll delete any posts about it. i made my own post too like they suggested.
this is how stuff should work. i apologize and explain myself, OP explains their side of things and either accepts or refuses that apology, and we all move on. there’s no reason to pick a side or feel the need to attack or defend anyone, especially when the topic isn’t all that serious and it’s been all of 1 hour since i even said anything.
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