#i cant help slipping some into vanilla fics
zensations35 · 12 days
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lovingly dedicated to @nostrildamus
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silvertaetae · 5 years
KTH: New Beginnings {Preview}
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Pairing: Vet!Taehyung x College!Reader (and Yuta and the reader used to date :/)
Warnings: Mentions of/ Death, Half of this angst, other is super fluffy, plus a dash of smut, Tae being absolutely whipped because he is, Unprotected Sex (wrap it before you tap it, Kids.) Oral (fem reviving), Some degrading terms, language, Tae’s (scary ass) duality, chocking (because have you seen Tae’s hands?), DoCtOr kIM ;)) , honestly just straight filth, stubborn reader. (and a dog who really wants the magic to happen.)
Summary: (okay hear me out. One: my other summaries all flopped because of...Two: I cant do the summary and not give away some of the story which...I mean I’m still editing so I might just change the whole beginning part, but it’ll be here when the story is published.)
A/N: I just want to let you know. I have two beginnings to this story and still don’t know which one to use. The one you’re reading now is shorter because if I did the other one this preview would be like 8,000 words long ..... whoops. So I don’t know if I’ll use the other one because it’s kind've of descriptive on the relationship of Yuta and Y/N. Also please give me feedback, because this is my first fic and I want it to be great and thank you for taking time out your day to read this (hoooorrrible piece of work.)!!! 💓💓💓💓
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“Y/N- Yuta died last night.” Jennie's voice cracked. That was the moment everything stopped. No birds were singing. No cars outside honk their horns rushing to get to work. There was nothing. Nothing, but a static silence that filled the air. Tears slip past your eyes unconsciously.
“What?” You manage to crack out.
“Yuta died in a car crash.” It felt so unreal to hear those words. Not when you could still hear his laugh. When you could still feel his arms around you. When you still remember his smile. His lips. His touch. His voice. His everything. How could he have been gone when you could remember everything so vividly. There was no way. Every moment of the life you had flashed before your eyes. That’s all gone? Then his last words repeat through your head.
‘As if anything could keep me away from you.’
He told you he’d come back. He promised he’d come back.
He promised you.
You still smell his warm vanilla and cinnamon scent. You look down and see his shirt. The shirt he wore last night before changing. Before he went off and lived his final moments. Before he said I love you for the last time.
“Y/N say something.” Jennie tried to read any emotion she could get from you. Heart beating fast, tears brimming, stomach-churning, head pounding. Yuta’s gone?
“I think I’m gonna be sick.” You get up from the table and run to the bathroom, hearing Jennie not that far behind you. You swing the bathroom door open and fall to the floor in front of the toilet. You feel Jennie rub your back and keep your hair from falling. It felt like someone tied bricks to your ankles and left you to die in an overbearing thick sadness. The feeling making you sick to your stomach. You gag and cry and puke and wail. Everything coming out at once. “Fuck! Fuck! I told him-” You swing your head back over the toilet. “- not to go. If I had just-” Your throat burns as you gag. “-if I had just got him to stay. He'd be here. It's my fault.” Your head is back over the toilet. “He’s dead because I couldn't get him to stay! Yuta’s dead because of me!”
“Y/N you didn't do anything wrong. Don't blame yourself. It’s gonna be okay Y/N.” Jennie whispers trying to calm you down.
That was one year ago. You’re now twenty-three years old. It’s been one year without Yuta. One year without hearing his voice. One year without feeling his touch. One year without waking up to him by your side. One year without any of the stupid fights. One year without exchanging ‘I love you’s. One full year without your first love. He had to have a closed-casket funeral. His body and face to destroyed to show. You knew that if you saw the wax figure of Yuta you would be able to control yourself from touching it and crying. It would make you think he was real. That he was still here with you. That he hadn’t left you here, heartbroken. Many people came to his funeral. You met some of his cousins and best friends. You cried with his family and broke down during your speech. The wake was silent and you fought the urge to walk out. You always visit his grave. Make it a requirement to see it at least three times every month, but you always go more than that. You sit there in silence and don’t really think at all. Always bringing him flowers, whenever the one you brought before start to wilt. Still blaming yourself for his death. The first few months were awful, but they were filled with anger. You were enraged at the fact that life continued without him. That people lived their so perfectly as if someone so great hadn’t lost their life. How a world could still function and be okay when he was gone. The rage hit hard, but soon it was gone. The fire that once roared, was put out and left a cold and stagnant body.
Since his death, you’ve been more shut off., as predicted. Your bubbly personality became only a past memory to your time with Yuta. Everything you are is melancholy. Nothing was important. Not food. Not bills. Not even yourself. Life became blander. Falling into a schedule. The most important or disappointing thing, however, is that all the color in your life is now gone. The colorful world around you seemed to be robbed of all the shades of beauty it held before. Now it was only figments of ashy white, gray and black that clouded your visions. No more magic ran through the air bringing the life you once had back. You’d look in the mirror and see nothing. No soul or emotion insight. Eyes hollow and empty. Just an abandoned shell walking around all these people with meaning in their lives. People who haven’t lost a purpose. The only shred of happiness you have left is Cooper, which seem to be fading.
“Hey, Cooper.” He stayed still not even lifting his head. Any other time this would’ve been normal. After Yuta died Cooper would wait for him by the door waiting for an arrival that would never happen. Even though he wasn’t as chipper as he used to be he’d still look up at you whenever you came home from work. “Cooper.” He still didn’t move. “C’ mon now Cooper.” When he still didn't move your stomach dropped. You ran to his side and drop to your knees. His eyes were open and they were following you. You slipped your hand under his chest. He still had a pulse. It was weaker than normal. “No. No. No. Cooper, please get up.” When he didn’t and whimpered you started crying. That’s how you found yourself speeding downtown to get the closest vet clinic you could find. You carried, your now seventy pound, dog crying. “Someone, please! He’s not moving!” You cry out and fight to keep Cooper up.
“Ma’am. What’s wrong?” A receptionist came up to you.
“He’s not moving. He won’t move at all. Please help him. I can’t lose him.” The last part comes out as a whisper.
“Alright. Let me take him.” You don’t want to let go. Last time you let someone you love go they died. Just the mere thought of losing Cooper makes all this pain become so much more real. That was something you weren’t ready for. Thoughts flash and you hold Cooper closer. Walls crumble and you tremble and shake at what was flying through your head. The image of being alone burned into your mind and you Cooper tight. Breath quacking and heart slamming against your chest. Your eyes squeeze tight and everything seems so chaotic. Then, a rich soothing voice broke your thoughts.
“I promise you he will be okay. I swear on my life that he will come back to you.” His voice was calming. Like a reminder to take a deep breath, a luxury you had been depriving yourself of for such a long time. A hand rubs circles on your back and you catch your breath. Somehow coaxed into letting go of Cooper. You lift him into the hands of the receptionist. A lot of loud shouts follow, but your heart is beating too fast for you to notice anything. It’s deafening at this point. The hand leaves your back and you're left standing in the middle of a vet clinic, at six in the afternoon, looking like a mad man. Finding your way to a chair, memories flood back and soon you’re crying again. He's the only thing of Yuta left. The only shred of happiness that was left after Yuta died. He’s all you had. Cooper can’t leave you to. You know people are looking at you like you are crazy, but you don’t care. You’re shaking in your seat afraid that you’ll lose him. You know people think you’re overreacting. Hell if you from two years ago saw this they would think you’re being overdramatic, but this. This is almost too much. Cooper is like your child. He’s Yuta and your child. You refuse to lose him as well. You try to lift your head, but once again your body felt heavy. The sun beams down on your neck as you shake and shudder. “If anyone is listening, I beg of you don’t take him. I’ve lost love. I can’t lose my only happiness. I can’t.” Begs and please leave your mouth in a whisper. Your pleas soon slow down and your mouthparts only a little. Exhaustion taking over your body.
You’re awoken to a loud bark. Your mind stirs and head throbs, still unaware of the surroundings. The memories of past events hit, full force. The frown that once painted your face came back. Slowly you blink and the current environment becomes clear. The vet clinic. Why were you still here? You stretch wincing at how your body pops, from falling asleep on such an uncomfortable surface. It was silent in the clinic. You look around, searching to see if anyone was still here. There wasn’t a soul in sight and only one dim light showing from a room down a hallway. It smelled of bleach and other cleaning supplies and your stomach churned. The moon, which was now distorted from the rain covering the window, shined through. The realization of how late it actually was became prevalent. The normally chattery city had died down and rested for the night. The only sound being cars that went over puddles and the light music from them. Then there was a bark. A familiar one. You lurch out of the chair and follow Cooper’s bark to a door, reading the metal bar.
Dr. Kim Taehyung
You open the door and see something that you haven’t seen in a long time. Cooper’s once-forgotten gleam in his eyes is returned as he lays on someone. You see a hand petting his head, but not who the hand belongs to.
“I know Cooper, but you got to let her rest too.” Cooper shakes his head and makes eye contact with you jumping off the figure, running to you.
“Cooper!” You drop to your knees, arms open and Cooper runs into you. He barks at you and he looks so joyful. “I’ve missed you to buddy.”
“Cooper’s giving you a run for your money in that department.” The man giggles and you recognize the voice. It’s the man from earlier. The one who got you to let go Cooper with just a few words. Before you can get a good look at him Cooper is trying to lick your face and you weave his tongue just in time. “Here let me help you up.” You reach out for the man’s hand and Cooper finally gets off of you.
“Thank you.” You finally take a good look at the man and you see something that you thought was long forgotten. When you make eye contact the room gets brighter. He had dark curly brown hair that almost went past his eyes. His eyes a rich brown that seem glint even in the darkly lit room. An arched nose that crinkled in joy the mole to the left of the tip standing out. A boxy smile that showed off all his teeth. Round cheeks that reminded you of a newborn. Honey glazed skin that seems to shine and brighten the room. He was beautiful, to say the least. Especially compared to your pale and thin state.
“Y/N right?” He bit lip, looking as if he was holding something back.
“How’d you know?”
“It’s on Cooper’s name tag.”
“Oh. Right.” There was a moment of silence that passed. You stared at him and his never wavering smile. This feeling felt all too familiar. “I- Can you tell me what’s wrong with Cooper?”
“Yeah. Right. Uh, Cooper managed to sprain his right front metacarpus.” You raised an eyebrow in confusion. “It’s like his wrist. I suggest giving him these and making sure he rests. Not to do much on it. You have to watch him or it can worsen.” He hands you a white paper bag with somewhat neat handwriting written out in sharpie.
“I don’t have anyone to watch him. I have to work.”
“What about Yuta?” You wince at the mention of his name.
“How do you know who Yuta is?”
“His name is on the name tag.” He gives you a dub look and you’re taken aback. How could someone be so lively and cheerful, this late? His voice, though deep and powerful, was laced in juvenile emotion. As if he had something exciting to say every time he spoke. His eyes glinted with joy that could only come from true happiness. His strong and intimidating physical features clashed greatly with his childlike personality, that it can cause anyone to do a double-take. Had this really been the same boy who convinced you to hand over Cooper? It finally clicks that you have to respond and the words swirl in your head, but nothing can form. The words ‘Yuta has been dead for a while now’ will definitely put a damper on his and strongly affect you. Searching for something, the words finally fall.
“Yuta is- He isn’t around anymore.” You internally cringe at your oversharing.
“Oh. Sorry to hear that.” Another all to familiar silence falls between you two. The uncomfortable feeling being unavoidable “If you want he can stay here.” A soft smile comes back to his face and it warms your chest.
“No no. I couldn’t ask you to do that.” The thought of adding another load to his already busy day, already made you think you were using him. He shook is dismay.
“It’s fine. I have someone here who can watch and take care of him. I’ll throw in a discount just because Cooper is one of the best patients I’ve had.” He looks back down at Cooper then at you. You two go back and forth for a while. The whole argument, if you could even call it that, seemed extremely childish. Finally, you give in, deciding to weigh the logic against the wants.
“Fine Doctor Kim, you win.” He cheers and you notice the smile that had been on your face. You look down at Cooper, whose head was tucked between your legs, and pet him.
“Perfect and Y/N?” You hesitate a little just to continue petting Cooper.
“Yes.” When you finally look up at him, you see a wide smile on his face and cheerful glint his eyes. The look itself caused your smile to get a little bigger.
“Call me Taehyung.”
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A/N: That was a long preview. (Like almost two thousand words long. Lmao.) I really hope you enjoyed this because this was fun (and stressful) to write. Feedback is appreciated. Sending love. 💓💓💓
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artificialqueens · 5 years
A God-awful crackfic but its Sashea so y'all will love it- Mock-Star
Remember how I said I couldn’t write crack fics? Well, this is about as close as it’s going to get. And by this, I mean an mpreg fic. I don’t really know if there’s a guide to mpreg, but since it’s a crack fic, I’ve just made my own rules for my purposes. Shout out to the anon(s) who have requested this in the past, but I cant write this as angst, so it’s mostly fluffy. Another shout out goes to Mistress for her Branjie mpreg crackfic and lighting a fire under my ass to finish this, as well as inspiring the name of this fic. Love you Missy!!!! Xxxxxx
Sasha walked into the kitchen where Shea was cooking, the pot on the stove was covered, and she could smell fish baking in the oven. Shea walked over to her and kissed her forehead as Sasha retrieved a jug of milk from the fridge. She handed Sasha a glass and Sasha smiled at her in thanks before opening the jug.
“Ewww! That’s spoiled!” Sasha exclaimed as she smelled it, turning away from it in disgust. Shea leaned in and smelled it too, sniffing deeply.
“It smells fine to me, is your nose stuffed up?” She asked, ripping a paper towel off and handing it to Sasha. Sasha rolled her eyes before blowing her nose and smelling it again, almost gagging from the stench.
“Nope, it’s gone bad.” She said, covering her nose, annoyed that Shea had made her smell it again. Shea checked the expiration date before taking a swig, and Sasha gagged again, grossed out that she could drink it when it smelled so bad.
“Well, it’s not expired yet, and I think it’s fine, so let’s keep it and I’ll drink it, or you can put chocolate syrup in it and make chocolate milk to mask whatever you’re smelling.”
“No. I’m not drinking that, and I don’t want you drinking it either.” Sasha insisted, capping the jug to stop the smell. It still lingered in her nose, and she was pissed about it.
“Ok, you don’t have to drink it, but I’ll keep it and drink it when you’re not around. I don’t want it to go to waste.”
“Whatever, if you get sick it’s not my fault.” Sasha snapped, rummaging for something that smelled good. She found peppermint extract and smelled it, it smelled way better, and she relaxed as Shea put the milk back in the fridge. She turned to go back to what she was doing before she was stopped by Shea’s arms, she turned her back around before pressing a lingering kiss to her forehead, and although she was still mad, Sasha felt her tension melt away.
“You don’t feel hot; do you feel ok? Could you be getting sick?” Shea asked, and Sasha could hear the tenderness and concern in her voice.
“I don’t feel bad. I guess I’m imagining things.” She whispered, feeling tears pool up. “I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
“It’s ok, you’re worried. And I don’t think you’re imagining things either, we probably just have different opinions on what smells bad.” Shea comforted her. Sasha nodded, but the tears still fell. Shea wiped them away and kissed her before running her fingers along her sides, and Sasha shrieked into the kiss, trying to pull away, but she was trapped in Shea’s arms.
“There’s that smile!” Shea goaded as Sasha laughed and flailed under her tickles, she let up and wrapped her arms around Sasha’s waist, pulling her in for another kiss. Shea always managed to cheer her up.
“Dinner will be ready in a minute. Can you grab some plates?” Shea asked into the kiss, squeezing her ass.
“Yeah.” She untangled from the hug and grabbed plates from the cabinet, heading over to their little breakfast nook and setting the table. Shea came up behind her with the pot and started serving food, careful not to burn her with the pan.
The rest of the night was uneventful, and Sasha forgot all about the milk until the next morning, when Shea hugged her from behind while she was washing her face.
“I owe you an apology.”
“For what?”
“The milk that you said was spoiled last night. When I went to go pour some while you were in the shower, it smelled awful, like rotten eggs.” Sasha gagged at the thought, Shea rubbing her back as she doubled over. “You must have smelled it before I did. I’m sorry for insinuating you were sick.” She cooed as she kissed Sasha’s neck gently, rubbing her sides. Sasha leaned back into her touch, accepting her affection.
“It’s fine. But you got rid of the milk, right?”
“Oh, yeah, I poured it down the drain and ran the water down after it. I even rinsed the bottle out and sprayed air freshener. It’s gone.”
After breakfast, they got to work, going off to their own little corners to work on their own projects. A little after lunchtime, Sasha started to crave something sweet, and trying to ignore it only made it stronger, to the point where she started to drool. So she decided to give in and head to the kitchen and try to find what it was she wanted. After standing in the kitchen for a few minutes, she opened the freezer and found a carton of vanilla ice cream. She let it sit out on the counter while she found something to top it with, and she settled on some off-brand frosted flakes. She looked in the fridge for something to drink, and her eyes landed on the bottle of chocolate syrup. Grabbing it, she dug the ice cream scooper out of the drawer and scooped up some ice cream, topping it with the frosted flakes and the syrup.
“Are you eating ice cream? Babe, it’s like 2:10.” Shea asked, coming up behind her and startling her. “Did you put frosted flakes on it? That’s different for you.”
“I was craving sugar.” Sasha said meekly, embarrassed. She felt tears pool up, and she didn’t know why.
“Babe, I’m teasing. You’re an adult, you can eat ice cream all you want. The fact that you’re craving it probably means your blood sugar is low.” Shea cooed, hugging her from behind and kissing her tears away. “Scoop me up some?” She asked, and Sasha giggled and scooped some for her, something that was harder with her holding onto her. She sprinkled on frosted flakes and drizzled on chocolate syrup, and they sat down at the table to enjoy their snack together, playing footsie, giggling, and just being together. When they had to get back to work, Sasha held on to Shea tightly for a few moments, savoring the taste of sugar lingering on her tongue and the weight of Shea’s arms around her. She reluctantly let go and got back to work. A few hours later, Shea came up behind her and tapped her shoulder, and Sasha spun around to talk to her.
“I was thinking of making stir fry for dinner, what do you think?”
Typically, Sasha would have said yes. But for some reason, her stomach turned at the thought, and she almost gagged. She covered her mouth, and she could see the look of worry in Shea’s eyes as she knelt down closer to her, rubbing her knee.
“Not tonight, maybe something with pasta?” Pasta was usually a safe bet, even when she felt ill, but she didn’t feel bad, and she had no idea what was up with her stomach.
“That actually sounds good, I’ll go start fixing something.” Shea said, and Sasha could see the wheels turning in her head, but she wasn’t sure what she was thinking.
When Shea set a plate of pasta in front of her, Sasha knew it was going to be a bad time. The sauce that she loved no longer looked appetizing, and her mouth protested against the idea of the parmesan cheese. She forced herself to eat anyway, but she didn’t swallow more than a few bites before she gagged. She tried to continue eating, but it became very clear very quickly that that wasn’t going to happen. She sprinted to the bathroom and managed to make it to the toilet before it came back up. She coughed and gagged and cried as she heaved. She felt Shea come up behind her and rub her back as the worst of it was ending, and she took off her glasses for her before she slumped onto the seat. When round 2 made its appearance, one hand moved to her head, and the other slipped under her shirt, and she rubbed her skin while she was throwing up, and even when it was just dry heaving. Sasha sat back and leaned into Shea while Shea reached out and flushed the toilet, holding her loosely while Sasha caught her breath. Shea took her shirt off for her to help her cool off, and her hands wandered down to her belly, resting her hand and feeling her stomach rumble as it tried to settle.
“I think I’m going to walk to the corner store for some Gatorade and anti nausea medicine, any other requests?” When Sasha shook her head, Shea leaned in and pressed a kiss against the side of her head. “Ok, try and take a shower while I’m gone and see if that helps.” Sasha nodded, and Shea helped her stand up and even helped her undress and turn the water on. The shower did make her feel a lot better, and she dried off and dressed in some cozy PJs and sat on the couch waiting for Shea.
When Shea returned, she greeted Sasha with a forehead kiss before going to put the Gatorade in the fridge. She came back with a shot glass of water and a pill, and Sasha took the pill and handed Shea back the glass, who took it into the kitchen. Shea came back into the living room with something behind her back, and she sat down across from Sasha and rubbed her knee.
“I’m sorry you don’t feel well.”
“Thank you babe. I actually don’t feel bad, I just don’t know what’s wrong.”
Shea sighed and took a deep breath.
“I think I may have an idea.”
She showed Sasha what was behind her back, and Sasha felt a jolt of fear when she saw it.
“You think I might be pregnant?”
“I don’t know. It would explain a lot of what’s been happening in the past 48 hours: the strong sense of smell, the mood swings, the strange cravings, the food aversion, the nausea. It makes sense. And I would rather know for sure one way or another than keep guessing. It may be too early to tell, but if you want to, let’s go take this and get some idea.”
Sasha starred at the test while Shea rested her hand on her knee, rubbing it gently.
“Male pregnancy is incredibly rare. All I remember about it from sex ed is that girls born to two males have a 50/50 chance of being sterile and a C-section is practically necessary. Babe I’m scared.”
“I am too. But we need to know if you are pregnant so we can decide what to do. You don’t have to take it tonight, but if these symptoms continue, you’re going to have to. Wouldn’t you rather know for sure that keep guessing?”
Sasha took a deep breath and squeezed Shea’s hand.
“Ok, I’ll take it. But you have to hold my hand while we wait for the results.”
“I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” Shea smiled at her, and she kissed her hand as they stood up and walked into the bathroom.
The test was straight forward, your typical pregnancy test, but designed for males and with an 98% accuracy rate. They sat on the edge of the bathtub while they waited, hands intertwined. Sasha leaned against Shea’s shoulder, and Shea kissed her forehead as Sasha let out a sigh.
“I think it’s ready.” Shea said, and Sasha reluctantly pushed herself up and retrieved the test from the counter, covering the results with her hand to look at together. Shea was standing, and she hugged Sasha from behind as Sasha opened her hand and held out the test.
It was positive. Very clearly positive.
Sasha gasped, and her hand went to her stomach, and Shea’s hand covered her hand. They stood there like that for a while, frozen. Shea came to her senses first, and she turned Sasha around and cupped her face gently.
“Do you want to get an abortion?”
“Do you want to place them up for adoption?”
“No. I want to keep it. And I want to raise it with you.” Sasha said, and it was true. She never planned on being a parent, but when she saw that positive test, she knew there was no way she could not raise her child. Her child with Shea.
Tears sprung from Shea’s eyes, and she smiled as her hands moved down to Sasha’s stomach.
“I guess we’re having a baby then.”
“We’re having a baby, maybe more than one.” Sasha smiled and laughed as tears flowed from her eyes.
“I love you. I never thought it was possible to love you more than I love you right now. And I especially love this little one, I haven’t even met them and I love them so much.” Shea cried, rubbing Sasha’s stomach.
“I love you too. And our little one loves you too. Sasha cried, wiping away Shea’s tears and placing her hand over Shea’s hand, lifting her shirt up to let Shea touch her bare skin. Shea dropped down to her knees and placed a kiss against Sasha’s stomach, and Sasha rubbed her neck as Shea began whispering against her skin.
“Hi little one. Can you hear me? I don’t know what you’re going to call us yet, but we love you so much little one.”
“Oh my gosh, I’m going to be so huge!” Sasha lamented, running her hand across her flat stomach as Shea grinned at her from below.
“Huge and sexy. You’re going to be so pretty with a little pregnant belly.” She cheesed, tickled her sides and grinning at her laughs.
“You flatter me.” Sasha cooed. And Shea stood up and picked her up, swinging her around while she shrieked.
“You wanna try for twins?” Shea asked as she cradled Sasha and started walking to the bedroom, knocking the pregnancy test on the ground in her excitement.
“It doesn’t work that way!!” Sasha laughed as Shea laid her on the bed on her back.
“How do you know? It could!”
“Babe, this is already a biological rarity, who knows?!”
“I am 95 percent sure it doesn’t work that way!”
“Do you wanna get fucked or not?”
“That’s what I thought.”
Later that night, Sasha woke back up, it was significantly darker outside, and she was propped up on a mound of pillows, but that’s not what woke her up. Shea was lying on her legs with her head on her stomach, pressing kisses against it and singing to it, nursery rhymes and love songs and whatever songs came to mind. It was so sweet it made Sasha cry. Shea’s head popped up and smiled at her, rubbing her stomach affectionately. She held out her arms, and Shea crawled up to her, kissing her cheeks and lips.
“I love you.”
“I love you. This is one of the best days of my life, and I cant wait to meet our child. You already look so amazing and we just found out. I may have a pregnancy kink.” Shea laughed, resting her hand on her stomach.
“I am closing up shop after this, so don’t get used to it!”
“Fair enough.” Shea chuckled. She leaned in and kissed her. Sasha smiled into her lips. Her life had taken an unexpected turn, but she couldn’t have asked for a better one. The love of her life and their child. And maybe a dog if she could talk Shea into it. She was so happy, and the best was yet to come.
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shauds-archived · 5 years
Hi, I absolutely love your writing! Your fics on AO3 are amazing, Simplicity is one of my all time favorites. For the request prompts, would you do JaySteph+ tactile? Thank you so much ❤️ have a great day!
Thank you so much! I tried to write you something in the Simplicity verse, but it wasn’t working, so I just tried to match the tone instead.
Stephanie’s a pretty tactile person, and she’s decided that a certain ex-Robin could use some tactileness in his life. Which works out great, because she could use a certain ex-Robin in hers.
They’ve met before, of course, but that was always just fun comm chatter. The first time Jason meets her in person is that week Riddler decided to do a throwback to being an actual threat and set up a dozen or so deathtraps around the city. He’d agreed to give them a hand because deathtraps trumps pissing contest with Bruce, and it was nice for once to be handed intell instead of either beating it out of thugs or stealing it.
It’s not that she appears out of nowhere or anything, he sees her coming, it’s just that she doesn’t look either pissed or any more nervous than he’s used to having people around him. He just assumes she’s going to keep going to meet with one of the Bats huddled together on the far side of the cave and ignores her. Which is… well he thinks is a mistake when her arms wrap around his torso and he jumps like a cat facing off against a very large dog and drops the helmet he had tucked under his arm. A dog that’s warm and smells like vanilla and is squeezing him arm enough to feel through his body armor.
”You’re Jason huh?” She pulls back with a grin on her face before he can react further, squints up at him for a couple moments, studying him with her hands clasped in front of her, not reaching for any weapons. It takes her little over a second for her shoulders to hitch it a shrug he cant’s quite decipher, then hold out a hand. “I’m Steph.”
”Uh.” Jason blinks at the hand hovering between them, then turns to where the Bats are watching the exchange, and then back to her almost hopeful expression. She smiles at him and Jason works against the sudden heaviness in his arm to clap her hand in his own and give it one firm shake.
The smile morphs to a full on grin then and Jason almost wants to close his eyes for how bright it is. “Nice to meet ya.” He gently punches his shoulder when she walks by him and vanishes in the direction of the showers.
”Did she just hug me?” He asks no one in particular and indeterminable amount of time later. A couple of them erupt into chuckles, Jason’s still too dazed to figure out which and beat them down for it.
The next time it happens, Jason’s staking out a meet between the two little upstart gangs who’ve figured his old territory in Crime Alley is up for the taking. Killing them’s not the plan, but it won’t hurt to remind them what a good shot he is, then bankrupt them, make a real good example. He’s just waiting for the right moment to pull the trigger on this brand new, never before used, high-accuracy LA115A3 he found in his safe-house a couple days ago.
Talks are heating up, plenty of shouting, and he’s starting to worry he won’t have to do anything to break apart their little alliance when there’s the twang of a line pulling taut and he catches sight of an inky black cape dropping down behind him.
”Not gonna kill em.” He rolls his eyes, expecting Bruce. Instead, he only just manages to flick the safety on before he’s, knocked aside by the sheer unexpectedness more than the force off the half-assed tackle from behind. The tackle hug. He freezes up. So, not Bruce then.
”Hi Hood.” She tightens the hug minutely and presses her cheek against his helmet, then pulls back to squat down beside him. “So what’s the situation here?” She pulls out some binoculars.
”What are you doing?” The phantom feeling of her weight pressed against him strains his voice, but the modulator evens it out for him, and thank god for that. Makes it easier to not have to deal with it.
”Backup.” Her tongue pokes out from behind her glossy lips as she adjusts the zoom on her binoculars, then settles in to watch. “Perks of the whole teamwork thing.” She turns to offer him a grin. “Pretty great huh?”
Jason turns quickly back to his scope so he doesn’t have to look at her anymore. “Don’t need back up.” The shouting has died down and they wannabe crimelords are talking like human beings again, almost look like they’re going to come to some kind of an agreement, almost time for Jason to mess that up.
”Yeah you and every other Batboy.” She scoffs and scooches a little closer to him, close enough that, even though it’s probably all in his head, he can feel the warmth radiating off her.
He does his best to ignore the heat he feels creeping up his neck in response and tries to focus on his job.
It happens again, and again. Every time they cross paths, even if only for a few moments even if it’s in the middle of a smack down with a jumble of thugs, she will, without fail hug, or attempt to hug him. Jason checks his pockets, but never finds that they’ve been picked, he never finds that any trackers have been slipped onto any part of his body. She’s never taken advantage of his shock, either before or after to attack him. There is no logical or illogical reasoning he can find behind why she keeps doing this to him.
When he brings it up to Dick one time when they’re stuck in a small lifeboat together, escaping the a yacht that’s just gone up in smoke, and flames, all he gets is laughed at, and Dick gets thrown over the edge of the boat to swim himself to safety. Asshole.
The most confusing part of the whole thing is that, once he’s crossed off any potentially malicious intent, Jason finds he doesn’t mind. He comes to expect when his eyes catch sight of her, and he doesn’t look for paths of avoiding the contact.
“Hey there Jay.” She greets one night while Jason’s making use of the Batcomputer for some chemical analyses he doesn’t have the patience to do in his own right now. Her arms slink around his shoulders and stay there, as she rests her head on top of his. No one calls him Jay anymore and Jason feels warmth building in his chest that has only a little to do with her body heat. “You working on new drugs to build your empire on?”
Jason snorts and, without thinking about what he’s doing, he leans his head back to press against her collarbone. He should be offended, shouldn’t he? He’d be offended if any of the others made a joke like that. At least, he thinks he would. He doesn’t know right now. “Shh”, he presses a finger against her lips, “don’t tell the others.”
She laughs at him and drops her head to his shoulder, she’s resting it on her arms, but he can still feel the warmth, the cool puffs of her breaths against his neck. She smells more of vanilla tonight than usual, or maybe it’s just that she’s so close, and she’s not moving away this time. He spends more time in front of the computer that night that he’s planned on, but somehow, as long as she’s there, he keeps coming up with just one more thing he needs to use it for.
Even when that one more thing is this kitten video he absolutely has to watch, she insists, her lips very, very close to his. He could just… He shakes the thought off before it’s had a chance to fully form and quickly moves on to the next video.
”Hey,” she flicks his ear after a while and Jason turns to her, tries to make it look begrudging. “Everyone’s asleep, you wanna raid the kitchen?”
He glances at the computer and the muppets music video still playing on the screen, then lets his eyes linger on her. “Eh, what the hell.” He shrugs and only flinches a little when her arm links with his as though he needs to be lead upstairs.
The first time he actually returns her hug is another time he’s not really thinking, or maybe he’s thinking too hard. He’s sitting on the edge of the highest point of Wayne Tower, watching steam rise up off the styrofoam cup of soup he picked up off a street vendor as it twists it the wind, then dissipates into nothingness against the overcast skies, gone forever. It looks like it should be warm, but he barely feels it, not even when he can bring himself to sip on the salty liquid.
It’s not a day he wants to spend around them. When she shows up, this time without a word of greeting, just to sit down next to him and squeeze her way under his arms to tuck herself against his side, a huge part of him wants to push her away. To let out the all the anger and frustration and bucket loads of emotion he’s gotten so good at hiding behind sarcasm in the name of peace. The bigger part of him though, the part that’s exhausted by a night of phantom pains and laughter in his head; it’s like a black hole that sucks up the rest of everything else and leaves him too cold for the soup to work against.
That’s the part that drops the cup and turns to fold him over her, wrap his arms around her and press her head into the crook of his shoulder and just hold her, just absorb what little he can of the suns worth of warmth she has to offer.
”Why do you keep doing…?” His voice hitches and he stifles it by burying his face in her hair.
”You have a chronic hug deficiency, I like hugs.” Her voice is soft, but steady as her fingers brush against the pulse at his neck, then grip his jacket. “’Nd I like you. Works out.”
Jason tries to laugh, the only response he can think of, but it turns into a sob, and he’s hard pressed to make any other kind of sound for a while.
When he sees her again a week later, neither of them bring it up, but she does give a short, soft, happy squeal when he hugs her back.
”Jason.” Bruce says, he’d been about to pull his cowl over his head, but he pauses when Jason doesn’t immediately run off to get started on the job he said he’s help them with – installing some surveillance equipment in some dumbass’s crappy apartment.
”Relax, I got all night.” Jason’s resting against the computer console, slapping Bruce’s big chair in lazy circles while he watches the driveway, listening for the near silent engine of Batgirl’s bike.
”And you’d rather spend that night playing with the furniture than on a patrol.” Bruce still hasn’t put his cowl back on, is still watching Jason, his expression as close to confusion as Jason’s seen since he got back.
”Ya don’t want me here, all ya gotta do is…” he start’s kicking off from the console to approach Bruce.
”He’s waiting for his huuug.” Dick half sings, from where he’s busy restocking his dumb utility bracelets.
”Your what?” Bruce blinks, and now he really does look confused, his eyes darting uncertainly between Jason and Dick.”
”Shut up Dick.” Jason glares warningly when he sees the grinning idiot opening his idiot mouth to speak. Dick, the bastard just grins wider and Jason can already tell he’s going to have to physically stop him.
”Do you want…” Bruce drops the cowl to hang around his neck and awkwardly spreads his arms, “me to give you a…”
”NO!” Jason yells, backing away from the man so fast he almost trips and Dick almost doubles over in laughter. Now Jason knows the owner of at least one of the voices that had chuckled at him that first time, and as soon as he gets his head straight he’s going to…
”Aw, you waited for me.” Stephanie doesn’t appear from the driveway, but from the stairs that lead up to the manor. Jason’s arms close around her, and he doesn’t care so much about Dick’s laughter, doesn’t notice that it cuts off almost as soon as Jason pulls Stephanie close and she burrows into his jacket.
”So, I’ve been thinking.” Stephanie shows up at his current safehouse. He doesn’t know how she found it, but he’s stopped trying so hard to hide them, so he doesn’t wonder too hard, especially not when her hands link up behind his neck and she stands on the tips of her toes to get her eyes as level with his as she can.
”Sure ya should be doing that there Blondie?” Jason croaks out as soon as he can find his breath. She’s not in the batgirl suit, or in post-patrol/workout sweats. What she is wearing isn’t particularly fancy, just jeans and a very fluffy looking orange sweater, but it’s… nice. He doesn’t know if he should tell her that.
”You remember how I said you don’t get enough hugs?” She squints at him and tugs his head down just a little more. Jason shrugs in reply and finally let’s go of his doorframe. She cocks her head to the side. “And I also kinda said I liked you, and you didn’t really say anything back?”
”Yeah, you and like five people on this Earth.” He has to think a little to remember that particular conversation. “I’m not sure what…” wait. Jason frowns down at her, but the look she directs at him, eyes narrowed and her brows raised, her lips drawn into a straight line.
”Guess I shouldna used playground terminology on someone as dense as you, huh?” The expression melts away and he has barely a couple seconds to see the red flush across her cheeks before she ducks her head and hides it from sight.
Wait. “There’s no way you meant…” Her head snaps up and it’s Jason’s turn to duck his from her view. There’s really just no way, but he can still feel her watching him, and then her hand gently closes around his jaw and turns his eyes to meet hers.
Her expression is still incredibly serious when she says. “I’ve decided you don’t get enough kisses either, but I can’t exactly tell if you’re up for kisses.”She bites down on her lips and releases the hold her hand has on his neck, the warmth there almost immediately being replaced with an unpleasant chill. “Totally okay of you’re not though, you can still…
Before the traitorous parts of his brain make him reconsider, Jason holds her chin much the same way as she did his, he leans in to meet her lips with his. She lets out a surprised squeak, and Jason almost pulls back, but then her hands are linked up behind his head again and she’s pulling him even closer, and, well the traitorous parts of his brain kind of need oxygen to function well enough to betray him. Jason’s more that up for kisses.
Stephanie’s a very tactile person. It probably comes from growing up with a mom who was never quite able to give her much attention, and a father who’s attention Steph didn’t usually want, even if he were willing to give it out. Things are better now, sure, with Dad gone and Mom trying to catch up on the whole bonding thing. It’s great, but it’s a little late for it to impact Steph’s personality much right now. To reiterate, the many hugs and head pats and forehead kisses from Mom are great, Steph has no desire whatsoever to lessen their frequency. In fact, she’s determined to dole out as many hugs and head pats and forehead kisses of her own as humanely possible.
Which works out great, depending on whose side you’re looking at it from, because it’s her unprofessional, but still incredibly expert opinion that Jason hasn’t gotten enough hugs, and she’s in the perfect position to deliver them, along with all the head pats and forehead kisses and… various other forms of kisses he also doesn’t get enough of. And Jason, after a brief adjustment period, is more than happy to soak up all the attention like a touch-starved sponge and respond in kind.
See, it works out great… for Jason and Stephanie that is, for the Bats that have to deal with it just about every second the two of them are together? Not so much.
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professor-hiddles · 6 years
One and Only pt.1
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pairing: peter parker x reader
word count: 1.1k (next part is longer i promise)
warning: none, just cute lil concerned peter
a/n: this is my first fic please bare with me lol feedback is much appreciateddddd (also i didnt intend for it to follow the timeline of the movie exactly, so if thats something that bothers you im sorry)
Midtown Science was never short of interesting. Incredibly competitive, interesting people to associate with, and more often than not, a riveting fight between students.
Today, you were standing toward the middle of the crowd. You were never really that interested in fights, but today was different. Today, the underdog had taken the win. Flash laid on the ground, his groupies around him, trying to see if he was okay. He always swatted them away, in fear that showing weakness would make him lose the ‘street cred’ he had. As if.
Today’s victor was Peter Parker, or as Flash liked to call him, Penis Parker. You had never really found him to be that intriguing, but he was always cute, and nice. The two of you shared some classes together, but barely interacted outside of said classes, save for one time last summer.
That is, until today. Peter was being congratulated by the people of the crowd, off his guard. When Flash stood up and pushed him again, he was caught completely unexpectedly, and came crashing into you, full speed.
Both bodies hit the floor with an ‘oof’, your body being the cushion for his own. You fell directly on top of the books you were holding. You were almost sure you had cracked a rib. He rolled himself off of you, apologizing profusely.
“Don’t apologize, just help me up. And kick his ass, ‘cause I think he cracked my rib,” You said, and while Peter looked extremely concerned for you, he turned and punched Flash, yet again. This was the final punch. Flash was down for good, and you were silently cheering on the floor.
Peter returned to you, asking over and over if you were okay.
“I’m fine, Peter, it’s just a cracked rib. I’ve broken worse. Just help me to the nurses office, please?” He nodded, slipping an arm around your waist, helping you to stand as a pained groan escapes your throat. A bit dizzy, you grabbed onto his arm.
“Shoot, Y/N, you can barely stand! Don’t tell me you’re fine.” He then scoops you up, careful not to touch where you’re injured. He really was concerned, and it was kinda cute.
“I know I’m not the smallest of girls, but are you sure I’m not too heavy? I can walk if I am,” You said, and he chuckled. He carried you as if you were light as a feather, which surprised you. The boy had a rather small physique, you weren’t expecting him to be this strong.
“You’re fine, Y/N. You barely weigh a thing,” He said, pushing all worries in your mind away. You had always struggled with your body. It wasn’t like you were overweight, but you definitely weren’t as skinny as some of the girls you attended school with. If we’re honest, it made you a tad bit insecure.
You hummed in response, closing your eyes and leaning your head against his chest. His subtle cologne smelled vaguely of vanilla, but with woodsy notes, to make it a bit more masculine.
“Peter, you smell good. Like really good.” You said quietly, unable to stop the words from tumbling out of your mouth. You buried your head in his shoulder as you realized that you had actually said that out loud, and he chuckled.
You stayed like this until you reached the nurses office, where she gave you a bag of ice, two Tylenol pills, and called your father to take you to a hospital. Peter sat down next to the examination table, twiddling his thumbs.
“You don’t have to stay, you know. I’m sure I’ll be fine,” You said, looking down at the boy.
“I know I don’t have to, but I cant leave before knowing if my favorite lab partner is okay. After all, I am the one that did this to you,” He said, looking a bit guilty.
Your face flushed, you were his favorite lab partner. You reached down and grabbed his hand, looking him dead in the eyes.
“You didn’t do this. That dickhead Flash did. And take a look around, no one is saying that this is your fault. Everyone knows it was Flash. Don’t beat yourself up too hard, Peter,” You said softly, trying to give him just a little reassurance. He nodded his head, but still looked like he felt guilty.
“Can I see it? The bruise, I mean.” You nodded, lifting up your shirt a bit to show a large, purple bruise. His eyes went wide, and he continued to apologize, even though you had told him countless times to stop.  
You hit him on the shoulder, finally making him shut up. “Peter. How many times do I have to say that this is not your fault?”
He nodded his head, an idea popping into his mind, a smile crossing his features. “Alright, I’ll stop apologizing if you agree to go on a date with me. Just a dinner, or a walk in the park, or something. Nothing fancy, or super intimate. What do you say?”
You smiled, unable to believe that this was happening. You nodded your head, but before you could say anything, your father entered the room. You let out a small groan, but he didn’t notice.
“Hey, sweetpea. How do you feel? Are you ready to go?” He asked, holding a hand out to you.
“As I’ll ever be. Wait for me outside a second, I just have to do something first.” Your father nodded, leaving the room for a moment, nodding toward Peter.
You ripped a piece of paper out of your notebook, jotted down your phone number quickly, and folded it up. Making your way over to Peter, you hugged the boy, your arms around his neck. His hands wrapped around your waist, returning the hug. You pulled back, smiling, before slipping the paper into his shirt pocket.
“Text me, we’ll set something up. But I gotta go right now. See you tomorrow, Pete,” You began to turn away, but then ran back over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek.
“Thanks, by the way,” you said, flashing him a smile before exiting the room. Peter’s hand reached up to his face, touching the spot that you kissed. A smile formed, but the realization of what he had done set in a moment after.
He pulled out his phone, calling his best friend, Ned. “Dude, you wont believe what just happened. I asked Y/N out! Ned I’m freaking out right now, she said yes!” He said as soon as the boy picked up the phone.
“Its about time, man, you’ve only been crushing on her for like two years. What are you guys gonna do? Also, what are you gonna tell your Aunt May? She’s been rooting for you two for the longest!” Ned was equally as excited as his friend, he knew how much Peter liked you, and would be lying if he said he wasn’t rooting for you. 
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pinkchannies · 6 years
cheesier than cheesecake
i got inspired to write this on my 5 hours flight to hong kong bcz i ate cake on my way to the airport and miraculously wrote this on my flight in one go
also heading to hong kong eh wink wink nudge nudge @ agust d //slapped
well here's a jin oneshot because kim seokjin is my number one man and bias in bts and we need some shoulder man love in our lives amirite
laksndowxjoe i couldn't post this earlier bECAUSE WIFI AND MY COM WASN'T COOPERATING :(( sob well ok here i am posting it now LMAO bless wifi pls live
genre:  fluff , is this considered comedy, crack has slipped into this fic again
requested:  no 
pairing:  seokjin x reader
author notes: reader is a baking/walking disaster bcz mood, jin screaming and being a mama hen, idk how i wrote this in just one flight, chiru probably needs creative writing classes at this point, how do you come up with good titles
the clock read, 2.09am. i groaned. it was one of those days again. or rather, one of those nights. of grueling hunger and cravings. and there was one way to solve it(or make it worse) without actually eating. though it may not be the best way. do u kno da wae-chiru get out i snatched my phone from my bedside table and loaded instagram, heading straight to the buzzfeedtasty instagram account. yes, tasty. the number one guilty pleasure where their food looks so good even with the simplest ingrediants, and when you recreate it it somehow looks like shit. or maybe i'm just a shitty cook. or maybe plating food to make it look aesthetically pleasing is just that difficult. or maybe both. to "satisfy" this sudden craving for sweets, i started watching videos of their deserts. god help me they look so good. the way the cream cheese blends with sugar and turns into a smooth white paste under the electric mixer, with heavy cream added to that mix and that generous teaspoon of vanilla essence that you can literally smell (jin: mMMMm sMELL) through your phone, those cheesecakes and oreos and cream and just all that fattening goodness- y'all this whole instagram account is straight up porn. i already feel fat just by watching these videos. but i'm still hungry af. the struggle is hella real who else can relate "ughhhhhh i wanna bake these godlike creations but i'm scared that i'll accidentally blow up my kitchen..." i groaned into my pillow. yeah, i’m a bit of a walking disaster, luckily i haven't reached namjoon's level. i think. one time my cookies almost turned out spicy because i was cooking spicy noodles at the same time. please don't ask. someone please just buy me a huge cheesecake to binge eat whilst i cry over my bad life decisions, one of which would be eating a whole 1542 calorie cheesecake at the asscrack of dawn. an imaginary or rather, imajinary-chiru stob light bulb went off from my head. there was one man made for this situation. one shoulder man, to be exact. i clicked on the contact "worldwide shoulders" and started typing.
(y/n) 2.30am
shoulder man take me by the hand lead me to the land that u understand
worldwide shoulders 2.35am
ya, its like 2.30am, shouldn't you be asleep? don't make me confiscate your phone
(y/n) 2.35am
sorry mom
worldwide shoulders 2.36am
yA tHIs chILd what's up, u usually don't text this late
(y/n) 2.37am
r u free tmr i wanna bake cheesecake pretty please
worldwide shoulders 2.38am
what a *cheesy* date if i do say so myself
(y/n) 2.38am
jIN its too early for puns :(
worldwide shoulders 2.39am
excuse you my puns are jinius
(y/n) 2.39am
SO cAN U BAKE WITH ME TMR :((( well actually it’ll be later today pls i owe u one
worldwide shoulders 2.40am
fine make sure u have the stuff ready, i'll come over at 10 go sleep its late
(y/n) 2.41am
worldwide shoulders 2.41am
EXCUSE ME I AM OLDER THAN U (y/n) 2.42am :p see u tmr!! gnite shoulder man *finger heartu* worldwide shoulders 2.43am the disrespect i swear ----- "jin this is too tiring..." i groaned, my arms aching. "just a little bit more... just beat it harder." "look, must i really use my hands for this?" i whined. jin deadpanned. "(y/n) it's becoming white already, just continue. you wanted me to teach you right?" "why the hell can't i just use the electric mixer for the egg whites? its much faster than hand beating it..." i grumbled. "this is as good as doing 240 push-ups like jungkook," i whined. "my child there will be no shortcuts in this house when it comes to baking or cooking," i snorted at that. says the one who uses seasoning in his food. i mean, who doesn't? "i guess we can say that the cake will be eggcellent." he let out a windshield-wiper laugh at his own joke while i groaned at the terrible pun. "jin pls." ----- "DON'T CHOP THE BUTTER LIKE THAT OHMY GOD (Y/N) YOU'RE GOING TO CHOP YOUR HAND OFF LIKE THAT NO YOU'RE WORSE THAN NAMJOON SLICING ONIONS." jin shrieked at my horrible attempt to slice the frozen solid butter. i had forgotten to take the butter out to thaw, so now i had to face the consequences. of slicing, no, chopping, through rock solid butter that is stubborn about becoming smaller pieces. go me
he sighed and went behind me, his larger frame engulfing mine as he positioned my hand to hold the knife properly. "rest your index on top of the blade and your thumb and middle on its sides. this way, you'll have a better grip on the knife. and it reduces the chances of the knife slipping and chopping your finger off." he guides my fingers to hold the knife, while rambling on the precautions to take-which entered one ear and left the other. how am i supposed to concentrate when i've never been in this close proximity with the man until this moment? gosh he was warm and it feels real cozy, his chin gently resting on my shoulder to oversee the process, his larger hand on my smaller one guiding me to chop the butter. how domestic, i chuckled at the thought. i wonder how his hand would look like with his fingers entwined with mine- -which is what i did with the hand unoccupied by the knife. without me even registering it, i grabbed his free hand. our hands were clasped together and our fingers were tangled with each other. “omg (y/n) what are you doing” i screamed in my brain. do y’all ever just get intrusive thoughts like this and regret everything leading up to this moment. jin gave me a quizzical look that screamed "what are you doing." ok but same jin, same. well this turned awkward. in my panic, i let go of his hand. and the knife. good job, (y/n). "OH MY GOD LOOK OUT" jin yelled for what must be the 182297318th time today at my screw up and pulled me away from the knife which fell to the floor with a clang. i was pressed flushed against his chest as he pulled my body closer to his, almost as if we were snuggling. except that now is not really the time to snuggle with the situation at hand. thankfully the knife didn’t hurt any of us, but i knew, i was in deep shit with jin. i mentally braced myself for the lecture i was going to get. oh boy this is going to be ugly. "look (y/n), i dont care if you cant cook for shit." his face was starting to turn red from the incoming rant, and i had to stifle a giggle at that. there was always something amusing about jin scolding-maybe it comes from the fact that even if the mood is serious, he still wants to make everyone laugh and doesn’t want an atmosphere too damp. so his scolding just somehow turns comical. i bit down on my bottom lip harshly to stop the giggles, lest the lecture becomes longer. "but you are handling something sharp, please be careful." "i understand." i sighed. "look if i'm not here, you could have been seriously injured, you can't just play while handling knives. luckily i was around and could pull you away before it landed on your feet and cause you to internally bleed in your toe. do you even know how nasty it looks to have that black blood clot under your nail?" i nodded sheepishly. "loOK, WHAT IF YOU WERE ALONE? YOU COULD HAVE BLED TO DEATH AND THEN I WOULD NEED TO HAUL YOUR ASS TO THE HOSPITAL WHICH WOULD NOT END WELL MAJOR BLOOD LOSS IS NOT A FUN THING OK YOU NEED BLOOD TRANSFUSION SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THE KNIFE DONT BE A SECOND NAMJOON." "yes mom." "excuse you i am not your mother." "alright you're excused mr worldwide handsome... mom." "YA THIS BRAT." ----- thankfully, that was the only major incident-or as the drama queen puts it, life threatening incident-that happened while baking the cheesecake. after 2 hours of screaming together and jin telling me how to carry out baking procedures properly, we finally put the cake together. "jin, she's beautiful." i shed a fake tear at our finished product. fake tear-fake love tear-chiru why are you so lame "yeah, but im more beautiful amirite." ".....you're inedible so obviously the cheesecake is prettier than you." he looked at me with a mock look of offense and i giggled at that. "well at least my face doesn't need to be caked with makeup to look good." "jin, why are you so lame." just like me "hey at least i'm still walking." "oh my god." "i mean that's not my name, but god's also a good name for someone as handsome as me." "........i give up." there was a tense moment of pregnant silence that settled between us. suddenly, we both burst out laughing at our ridiculous banter filled with bad puns, courtesy of jin. "let's eat the cheesecake, shall we?"
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insomniiyac · 6 years
Beyond My Pants and Into My Mind (An Aoyama x Everyone Concept)
You know what I’m tired of? I’m tired of reading the same awesome-ass fics revolving solely around Bakugou and Deku. So y’know what? I’m gonna make one revolving solely around twinkling boi because why not? >u> 
NSFW Warning- not for the children or the faint of heart. Loads and loads of humor and sex with some wholesome content sprinkled in. Prepare to laugh your asses off. (This is a concept for a fic I may or may not write, so enjoy >u>)
Aoyama runs sex blog, also helps people with their problems
He realizes that some of them are actually his classmates after a conversation in the locker room
Insert online conversation with Deku (mild flirting). Reveals he’s crushing on Uraraka. Aww.
He feels bad about knowing their private lives but continues the blog after seeing how happy they are
Insert online conversation with Kouda
Holds a live show, people donate- sexy stuff ensues (with Bakuhoe going into maximum sadist overdrive)
Comes in the next day, normal day though his classmates are talking more openly about meeting V one day. Bakugou notices Aoyama’s apprehension and Kouda develops a crush
More sexy stuff that night/online sexting with Bakugou (reveals that Bakuhoe got a crush too holy shiet)
Bakugou confronts Aoyama after school. French boi gets scared and runs off, but expodikills corners him in the locker room and threatens to blow him up.
Aoyama reveals that he is V. Bakuhoe smashes his boiholes into smithereens. (did I mention frenchboi’s a virgin?) “I knew those moans sounded familiar.” Bakuhoe ensures his secret his safe.
Frenchboi got a limp, but he Gucci and goes to train anyway. Still gets ignored tho.
Insert online convo with Uraraka. Thinks V is sweet and wants to meet up. Oh no, what about Deku?
Receives gifts in the mail.
Inserts another online convo with Kouda. What a cutie, no way he could corrupt this innocent soul. Sends a tasteful nude.
Kouda wants to lose his virginity. Aoyama wants to help him, but that might give him away.
Fuck it, meets up and sleeps with Kouda. Disney princess is surprised that its him and is conflicted. Does it anyway. Hes happy. Ensures his secret is safe.
Receives message from Bakuhoe that night. He wants sum fuck. Give it to him.
Uraraka talks to girls about V. the girls are interested now. Time for some kitty cat.
Deku’s upset. His crush likes his advisor and now he refuses to visit the blog. Frenchboi’s hurt- that’s his bff
Convinces him to be honest with V and tell him whats up.
Insert online convo with Deku. Very heartwarming and Deku builds encouragement
V lets Uraraka down gently- she understands.
Frenchboi accidently spilling tea. Iida gets suspicious.
Insert convo with Iida. Turns out glasses boi got a thing for traps. Sends some tasteful nudes. Convo’s kind of hot. Gets to see iida’s dick.
Glasses boi drops suspicion for now. No way in hell frenchboi’s that damn good at sexting.
Blog is getting more popular within the school. Aoyama’s kinda scared.
Kouda hits him up. Wants sum fuck. Give it to him.
Insert convo from Mina. Very fun sexter, 10/10 will do again. Very pushy with finding out who V is.
Does another live show- has a huger audience. Ends with him writhing on the floor like mad.
Starts getting messages in the day time. Wtf, this isn’t his entire life… is it?
Mina blatantly asks Aoyama if he’s V in private.
“Why you ask?”
“Well, yours and his texting style is very similar.”
Mina takes his silence as a yes. Makes him eat her poom-poom for forgiveness. Also rides his dick. Ensures his secret is safe.
Deku and Uraraka is dating… HOORAY!
Receives more gifts. Also receives a shitload of messages he can’t keep up with.
Insert convo from Deku. Kinda wants to know who V really is too.
Admits that he is V.
Broccoli child wants a threeway.
……with Uraraka right?
Plans a threeway. Gets fucked in the ass and fucks zero gravity. Both ensures his secret his safe.
Iida’s suspicion arises again after seeing how the three interacts the next day.
Bakugou hits him up.
Another buttfuck session?
“No, I want your mouth this time.”
Uses frenchboi’s mouth like his personal fleshlight.
Insert convo from Kirishima. Very goofy and fun to sext. 10/10.
“Let’s meet!”
Is curious about his dickgame, so he can’t say no.
“You might be either surprised, disappointed, or both.”
“It’s cool, dude. You have such a cute body anyway, I’m sure you can’t be that bad.”
Fuck it.
Meets up with hard boi. Hard boi gets flustered.
“A-Aoyama?! I didn’t think you had it in you!”
Has sex.
Bakugou shows up.
Gets double-fucked.
Mina shows up.
Its one huge Aoyama-fest and frenchboi’s excited but terrified.
Is invited to fuck the bakusquad at any time now.
Frenchboi is exhausted and gives the blog a break.
A week goes by and his message board is in shambles.
Assures his audience that he still alive. Posts a video.
Insert convo with Momo. Shes ashamed she even came on here but V assures she is okay. Another heartwarming convo reveals that she’s not confident in herself. V makes her feel better. Momo develops a crush.
Those that know his secret starts putting a bit of respeckt on frenchboi’s name.
Kouda asks Aoyama out on a date. Kinda wants to say no but knows how much encouragement he had to muster to do it, so says yes.
Momo talks about meeting V.
“He’s so cute, I can imagine what it’d be like to meet him~.”
Mina and Uraraka burst into fits of giggles.
Insert convo with Todoroki. Very blunt and straight to the point, kind of a boring texter tbh. Innuendos seem to go right over his head. Manages to get him out his shell with a tasteful nude.
He likes that. Sends one right back. Frenchboi gets a boner. The talk is vanilla with a splash of cinnamon. Meh, 7/10. Todoroki admits he hasn’t done this before. How adorable.
More talk of V in the school. Its becoming a hot topic now. Teachers and staff are catching on.
Receives loads of gifts and money in the mail. Cant fit them all in his room so has to call his parents to store them in his room there. Parents are suspicious but doesn’t care enough to ask. Literally the source of his personal issues.
Insert convo with Tokoyami. Very emotionally charged conversation. Goth birb reveals he is depressed and has major self-esteem issues. So does V. The blog really is his life. V gives him words of encouragement. Tokoyami gracefully accepts and thanks him. Frenchboi realizes that Tokoyami’s actually… kinda cute? Interest in him peaks.
DATE WITH KOUDA. Goes to a petting zoo of course. Aoyama cant get the animals to come around him on his own, so Kouda uses his quirk to make it easier. Very, very sweet. Aoyama’s expecting to have to sleep with him, but Kouda’s alright with just a peck. Doesn’t promise too much, but Kouda really is a sweet, sweet boy.
Explodidicks shows up again. He’s jelly sandwich that frenchboi went on a date with Disney princess.
“but you liked V, not me?”
Bakuhoe cant bring himself to ask him out, so he storms off like a baby bitch.
Frenchboi sees Tokoyami the next day, but friendship meter isn’t high enough to talk to him without giving himself away. Fuck.
Messages Tokoyami. Goth birb is surprised he messaged him first. Heartwarming convo leads to some hot stuff. Convinces goth birb to send a tasteful nude after some time. V compliments him like mad and flusters the birb.
More talk about V during the day. Most of the 1-A class are taking about how wonderful he is while others are skeptical. “Why just Class 1-A, hmm?”
Deku asks Aoyama about the blog in private. (Shouji overhears)
“Hey, how long do you plan on keeping this running? Aren’t you afraid you might be hurting your chances of positive press when becoming a pro hero?”
That;s a good question, but the answer isn’t so simple.
“Ne t’en fais pas, Deku-kun. I’ll be fine~”
No. be very worried.
Teachers and staff are beginning to believe the traitor is behind the blog and that its using it to find out personal information about the staff and students. Proceed investigation.
Shouji confronts Aoyama.
“so you’re V?”
Frenchboi admits it.
Tentacles ensures his secret his safe. “I’m just glad you’re helping Tokoyami out. But he’s gonna have to know who you are one day.”
Moral dilemma arises.
Gets message from Mina.
Bakusquad orgy? Bakusquad orgy.
Goes to Bakusquad orgy. Gets fucked by everyone there.
Bakugou gets in his feelings and starts getting possessive of frenchboi. Very aggressive with his love but will take versus getting Thanos’d.
Next day, Bakuhoe lowkey claiming croissant. Gets aggressive with Kouda. Kouda backs off and stops talking to frenchboi for a while. Poor thing…
Aoyama faces his fears and confronts bakuhoe for being a bakubitch.
Bakubitch is offended. Threatens to blow up frenchboi but Iida intervenes.
“This is none of your fucking business!”
Fight almost breaks out, but Aizawa intervenes. All three of them get suspended.
Iida contacts Aoyama during suspension. Asks what his relationship is between him and Bakugou.
Admits they’ve banged more than a few times. Accidently slips that they’ve spoken online beforehand.
“So, you’re V?”
“AHA! I knew it!”
“Don’t tell anyone, okay?”
“Your secret is safe with me, Aoyama-san!”
Iida’s secretly conflicted that he sent a dick pic and fapped to Aoyama, ngl.
Aoyama’s curious about Iida’s dick game, so he invites him over to his room for some play.
Glasses boi comes by, finds Croissant poised up in a school girl outfit looking cute af.
Hot sex ensues. Bakugou overhears it in passing.
Aoyama messages Kouda. Kouda responds. Says he really likes him but can’t do it anymore. Frenchboi feels horrible but won’t stop him.
Insert convo with Tokoyami. Lots and lots of flirting. Aoyama’s dying for Toko to ask about his identity, but the birb respects his anonymity way too much. Lets it ride. Sends pics to each other.
Suspension over.
Staff is pulling students one by one to question their relations to V. Aizawa makes an official announcement to be wary of V. Aoyama wants to fucking die.
Insert convo with Momo. Light flirting, confesses to V that she’s been thinking about him and wants to meet. Tells him that her school thinks he’s dangerous. V assures that he isn’t.
Insert convo with Deku. Deku’s concerned about frenchboi’s well-being and suggests he comes clean. Aoyama’s not ready to.
Insert convo with Bakugou.
Oh lord.
“So you’re gonna go and fuck Sonic the Nerdhog now!?”
“Bakugou, if you like me, just ask me out.”
Bakugou logs off for the night.
Insert convo from Tsuyu.
“Aoyama, I know its you, but I won’t rat you out.”
“Oh… okay, thank you? But why contact me from here?”
Meets up with Tsuyu. Reveals that its spring and this is the time when her body’s ready to mate. Knew that Aoyama was an easy target. Take that how you will.
Oh yeah, frogs get busy in the spring.
Has sex.
+1 new fuckbuddy
Croissant goes to bed and realizes he’s been whoring himself like mad. Evaluates his life choices and realizes he’s literally addicted to the attention. Also realizes that his shit’s gonna slide out of his ass like butter if he doesn’t take it easy.
Declines offer for another Bakusquad orgy and gives the blog a rest for a while.
1-A is being investigated now. Tailman, Sugar Rush, Mineta, and Croissant are suspects.
Insert convo from Ojiro.
“Hey dude, I know this blog means a lot to you, but if you can show up in person and get these guys off our backs that’d mean a lot to us. Thanks~”
Damn… that’s one person that cannot know about his identity. Tells him he’s not in the country.
Is interested in Ojiro’s peen ngl. He got that martial artist bod afterall.
Coaxes tailboy into a conversation. Tailboy… aint really with the gay shit. Is a lot like Todoroki, but doesn’t even try to talk dirty. Jeez, is he really all that straight? 0/10
Sends a tasteful nude. Tries to get him to at least send his abs. Something.
“Fine.” Whatever it takes to get the staff from checking his internet history.
Send a pic of his torso, his pants are kinda low. OOF. DAT V LINE.
Talks a little bit more, then logs off.
Depression starts to settle in. His classmates are noticing him, but not for the right reasons. Deku notices. Iida notices. Uraraka notices. Tokoyami grows suspicious from his non-attentionwhoring ways.
Tokoyami approaches Aoyama for the first time.
Oh god, his palms are sweaty.
Knees weak, arms heavy… Mom’s spaghetti.
“Are you alright?”
“Oui, I’m okay.
“Are you sure? You don’t seem like yourself. I am a bit concerned.”
Aoyama comes clean. Tokoyami is surprised, but isn’t upset.
Spends the day comforting Aoyama. Even brings by moshi icecream. Very wholesome. Nothing flirty or anything, just bro stuff.
Toko compliments Aoyama on his ability to talk to people and suggests applying that offline as well- he’d be far more liked that way.
Frenchboi reveals that he initially made a regular blog to make friends because he often felt lonely at Yuuei but resorted to sex because of the lack of attention. Deku is his only legitimate friend here.
“Then let’s be friends as well.”
Aoyama cries. Hard. Very emotional moment.
He accepts it.
Aoyama writes on his blog that he’s not gonna be too active. People aren’t very happy, but they accept.
The folks in the know ask about his post last night. Keeps it cute and says he’s gonna take it easy for a bit. Deku and Toko smiles.
The staff of investigation notices the post and begins narrowing down the suspects.
Bakugou pulls Aoyama aside. He’s calm and collected- asks him if he’s okay.
Frenchboi nods, Bakuboi finally asks him on a date. He hesitantly accepts. Not sure why he’s so fixated on him, but cool I guess.
(Insert Bakusquad cheesing in the background)
Kouda summons the courage to talk to Aoyama again and apologizes for leaving him hanging. Frenchboi forgives him and accepts his friendship.
+1 Friendship
DATE WITH BAKUGOU. Indoor rock climbing! How cool is that!? Frenchboi is scared shitless, but Explosionboi knows what he’s doing. Bakugou is mainly quiet the entire time but is pretty sweet in gaining Frenchboi’s trust with the harnesses. Deep conversation reveals that Bakugou doesn’t have many friends either. Apologizes for being so pushy and inconsiderate. Admits he doesn’t handle his emotions well. Aoyama reveals personal info about his blog and his loneliness.
“You’re a fucking weirdo tbh, but you have a lot of balls.”
His way of complimenting him, I guess? Also advises him to stop being so fucking slutty before his ass becomes Stargate… or else.
Ooh, the irony.
Doesn’t sleep together, sweet peck on the forehead tho.
Tokoyami and Deku checks up on him.
Insert messages from Bakusquad telling him how much Bakugou enjoyed today. Also thanks Aoyama for being a friend through V.
Bakuboi probs told them about his dilemma, that little shit. He still felt loved nonetheless. Very wholesome.
Frenchboi comes into class the next day and… actually gets greeted? He tears up.
Bakugou calls him a faggot.
Gets called into the office after school.
It’s time.
They question him about the blog and its contents.
He comes clean.
Aizawa wants to expel the shit out of him but he technically did nothing wrong, so he stays.
Firmly asks him to delete the blog. Gets reprimanded for running a damn sex blog while training to be a public defender.
They agree to keep it under wraps, but Aizawa orders Aoyama to apologize to the class.
He does.
There’s a mixture of disgust, shock, and wonder.
The end.
 TL;DR: tfw the blog that you think is singlehandedly tearing down your school is just the creation of a lonely 16-year old.
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neganisking · 7 years
The resident (2011) non horror AU - Max smut
Okay so I watched the resident tonight and i have this idea for a non horror kinky au. I know this is a twd blog but i have some jdm fans following who might like this.
Actual idea under the cut. WARNING: smut, BDSM, D/s, oral, voyeurism, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, cannon-ish max with his questionable thoughts, consentual sleep sex/ play, bodily fluid, minor drug use. I don’t wanna get into a debate about this being healthy or not. It’s fantasy so do with it what you will.
Okay so imagine that the girl moves into his building and there’s a building romance and when she goes to kiss him he ducks out of it, like the movie.
Then when he next speaks to her he explains that it wasn’t her its that he had particular tastes when it comes to those kinda relationships and he didn’t want to impose his ideas on her.
She gets curious and asks him about what those tastes are.
But ever since his grandfather caught max looking at bdsm porn he has had it drilled into his mind that he’s sick for enjoying it that he ought to be ashamed for liking those dynamics and the kinks he has. Duo he struggles like fuck about telling her. He likes her and its been so long since he had tried to be with anyone that he’s afraid of her rejection and losing her altogether.
It takes a bit of coaxing on her part but reluctantly he mentions something about kink and bdsm and waits for the disgust to come rolling in.
Except it doesn’t.
She smiles softly and tells him not to worry. That she knows a thing or two about that kind of thing and he isn’t quite sure what to do with the information. For the first time in such a long time he has hope that maybe someone will finally get him.
So they talk. Max isn’t sure exactly how he’s managing to get the words out and maybe his shame is written in his face because she slips her hand into his and he flushes with warmth at the contact. She listens so well to him and when she speaks about her own kinks and what she thinks of his desires he can’t quite believe he isn’t dreaming.
It doesnt happen all at once. That’s the hardest part for max. But with the possibility of something real at the end of it he manages to quell his thoughts and urges well enough. They get to know each other and develop what he’s calling a proper relationship for the first time in forever.
He realises how much respect he has for this woman. How incredibly strong and determined she is. He values the way she works so hard at what she does and how brave she is for putting her thoughts and ideas out there for him to hear. Shes so honest about her feelings and desires that it helps him to become more open about his too. He trusts this woman and it scares him a little. maybe hes falling a little.
Somehow she must have decided to trust him too because one night she invites max in to her appartment for the night. Its incredible. Max gets to feel touch and taste her and its better than fantasy its real. He cant help but feel how right it is as he fucks her. He had never enjoyed vanilla sex like this. Its never been this good. It was like his dick was made just for her. She lets him sleep in her bed and he just holds her gently, watching her sleep, too afraid of messing it up to even consider doing anything. He realises the voices are much quieter now.
Then comes more talking. Max never realised just how much talking he would have to do about sex before the actual sex happened. It annoyed him sometimes. Not because she wanted to talk about it but rather how talking about it made him feel. August was only at the end of the hall after all. She never judged him though, not once. He told her all about his voyeristic desires with his head bowed but she got it. To his surprise, She told max how she like the thought of being watched. She even confessed herself to having watched someone living in the next building have sex through their open window. Best orgasm she had ever given herself she had said. Max wasnt sure if he was dreaming but he didnt want to wake up if he was.
The first time she let him watch her masturbate she was nervous. He was so taken aback that it was actually happening that he stayed quiet in the chair and silently encouraged her and she stripped out of her clothes. Her eyes never left his. He didnt bother touching his cock that time for fear he’d miss even the smallest tremmor or sigh escaping her lips. She came hard, back arching, her pussy glistening and smiled.
It became a staple in their explorations. When the mood took him, max would instruct her how to touch herself, relishing in her submission to him. It made him feel powerful and it made him care for her more than he had ever thought possible. He slowly let his dominance through becoming more and more comfortable exercising his will over her. Trusting that she would tell him the moment it wasn’t okay with her.
One night falling asleep in his arms, she took hold of his hand and slowly dragged it between her legs, pressing his fingers against her pussy. He wasnt sure what it meant so he asked her. She told him she remembered about his other fantasy and that he didnt have to but if he wanted he could touch her while she slept. He kissed her and called her his good girl then and she smiled.
He waited until her breathing evened out his hand still and warm against her cunt before dipping his finger into her folds. She was soaking wet. He bit back a groan softly kissing her shoulder as he gently began to exolore her pussy while she slept. Finding her clit he thumbed it softly, eventually daring to slip two fingers inside her soping hole. He stroked her until he felt her walls tighten against his fingers and her pussy twitch and clench in an orgasm just for him alone. Her eyes flickered open ever so lightly and a small whimper escaped her lips but he knew she wasn’t really awake, hushing her back to sleep with gentle kisses.
Max had never felt so good. He didnt even have to hide it this time. He wondered how he got so lucky. He knew he was going to take such good care of her.
When she woke up in the morning she asked him what had happened. As he told her the truth he saw the way her breathing changed and the flush spreading across her chest. He had no doubt how much she enjoyed it when she asked his permission to give him a blowjob.
Things developed from there. Max worked on the other apartments while she was at work during the day and when she wasnt with her friends after work she would come home to him and they would spend the evening together. He had worried his jealous streak would be an issue there but nothing ever really happened. Something about the way she looked at him when they were together or when he would ‘bump’ into her while she was with friends put those worries to bed. Most nights they spent curled up naked skin against skin in her bed. She had confessed it felt better to fall asleep with his hand between her legs and he wasnt about to complain.
The first time anyone mentioned taking their sleep play further was when she brought it up. She voiced the things he was still afraid to. About wanting to be fucked while unawares and wondering how he felt about trying it. Of course he knew exactly how he felt about it. They soon realised that the trouble was that she kept waking up. No matter how careful he was there was just some things she couldn’t sleep though. He considered reverting back to old vices but the thought of hurting her sickened him so he pushed it aside.
Then she came home with sleeping pills.
She was nervous about telling him but he became so excited about his devious girl that he couldn’t help but reward her by tying her down to the bed and eating her sweet cunt until she begged for him to stop. It was one of her favourites.
They set up a webcam the night before her day off and she took the pills a little earlier than she would have had this been a normal night. She fell asleep safely in his arms listening to max tell her how good she was and how proud he was of her, how well he was going to take care of her.
He waited until she had been asleep long enough for the drugs to take effect before stripping the covers back in one fluid motion. Well aware of the camera pointed at him he began slowly, imagining her watching this later. He started at her feet. Kissing and caresssing the skin with his beard, gently suckling on her toes before moving up her legs.
Bypassing her cunt he sucks soft bruises into her hip bones knowing how she would be writhing underneath him if she was awake. He moves up her waist kissing the skin reaching up to cup her breasts before suckling on her nipples, indulging himself for so much longer than he would otherwise. He gazes up to her peaceful face and simply has to touch his cock at the sight of her being completely unaware of his actions.
He stops long enough to pull her legs apart and swipes his finger gently along her slit groaning as he rubs her juices over his cock. Shes completely at his mercy. Willingly giving him her body to do with what he pleases. Trusting him to take care of her in the most vulnerable state she’ll ever be in. It gives him a rush so heedy he cant quite believe his luck.
While groping her breast he slides down in between her legs and takes a deep breath in, smelling her wet cunt. His hips rut into the mattess of their own accord giving his cock the friction he craves. He isnt going to rush this though. Slowly he starts lapping at her pussy. Exploring more thoroughly than he ever had before.
Feeling his self control slip slightky he sets about making her orgasm. Its one of his favourite things to do while shes asleep. Something for him that she cant give, something he has to take. Pressing his fingers into her cunt as it slowly swells with unknown need, he toys with her clit, relishing the taste as her body draws tighter and tighter until she quakes and shudders, pulsing against him - but this time he doesnt stop.
He fucks her harder or his hand and quickens his mouth, sucking and flicking her swollen clit until she shudders once more, harder this time. He feels drunk on the power he has as he plays her body like a fiddle with his will.
Her juices ooze on his hand and as he carefully withdraws his hand to coat his dick in her cum he returns to her nipples, gently nipping and sucking the hard teats. He loves her. He isnt sure how much that says about him as he comes to the conclusion while about to fuck her motionless body but he does and he feels it so completely that as he strokes the tip of his cock against her folds he can’t help but confess it out into the quiet air.
Slipping into her pussy feels like coming home. Hes gentle, careful to go slow enough to allow her body to adjust, the orgasms helping to lube the way. He isnt going to last long, he knows that much, but this is more than he had ever dreamed would happen to him in his life and hes more than excited about it. He slowly picks up the pace, her tight walls milking his cock so well its almost too much.
Watching her sleeping face, he kisses her mouth, slipping his tongue inside and it tips him over the edge. He floods her pussy with his warm cum and for several long moments he stays there inside her, worshiping her body with his mouth as he comes down from his high.
When he does pull out of her, he watches his cum slowly drip from her hole onto the mattress and hopes that some of it stays inside for her to feel in the morning.
They watch the video of his playtime the next day and she loves it so much she's desperate to feel him inside her while she can remember.
Life for max seems to only get better from there. They fall into some kind of routine and most of the time its all very domestic. He never thought he would ever have such a thing with someone but there he is, cooking dinner for them both for when she gets in fron work and shes picking up a movie for them to watch on the way home.
Home. He couldn't really say he lived in his apartment anymore it was more like storage for the things he didn't need often. Home was here with her. He liked that.
At first he thought her just needed to find someone to fulfil his sexual needs but he realised it was so much more than that. He just didnt realise it until she was there. Everything else seemed to balance out. Even August had commented on the change in him. Maybe her would finally be proud of him, maybe not but it didnt matter.
Hearing the door click shut in the hallway max smiled as he continued to chop the vegetables. Gentle hands wound their way around his torso as his girl pressed kisses against his back. Turning on the spot to face her he couldn't help but admire this woman who had brought ship much love and acceptance into his life. He could only hope that he could do as much for her as she does for him. Hearing her quietly tell him how much she loves him as he bends slightly to kiss her, he can only trust that he does.
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Gravitational Pulls // Min Yoongi
Warnings: Language, Fluff overdose
A/N: So this is a Suga/Min Yoongi/Agust D reader insert fic, but I never actually mentioned his name anywhere in there (oops) so I figured I would clarify that before hand. Okay, you may continue my dears.
The air is light tonight. Wind caressing exposed cheeks with chilled fingers, stars begining to sprinkle their dreamy light over the city park. Eyes glisten with the reflection of night lights. The moon, not out in its full glory yet, but it’s eerie glow leaking through the cloud cover enough to reveal itself. Stunning, as always, is the night sky. Just as stunning, perhaps, as what occurs beneath.
“Isn’t it fascinating?” a feminine figure thinks aloud, a broad, crooked smile glistening pure white in the surrounding darkness. Her company raises an eyebrow, curious at the path his friends mind is wandering. “Isn’t what fascinating?” he ventures casually, continuing to stare at the dotted sky.
The girl sighs, leans back into the arm around her shoulders. It’s pleasant, the gentle presence of another persons warmth to chase away the nights chill, and she hums lightly before responding with a gentle, “The way that… everything that could be crashing down on us from up there, is suspended by something that, really, we can’t even see.”
A gentle smile comes to the man’s face at the words, hood slipping off as he turns to the young woman at his side. Of course that’s what she came up with, he smirks to himself, staring admiringly at the top of her head. Shes always coming up with nonsense like that, blowing his mind time and time again with how intensely philosophical she can be. “..How.” he voices aloud, though it was meant to be more of a thought. She backs off slightly in order to face him properly, confusion written on her pretty features. For a moment, he mourns the warmth that seeps away with her movement. The safety of another human by his side, comforting and gentle and reassuring in the semi-daekness. Though its lack of presence is disapointing, he also cant help but take another precious moment to admire her unintentional beauty. Moonlight now uncloaked coating her bare face in a pale glow as her brow creases, head tilting ever-so-slightly to the left, just like it always does when shes unsure of something. He could gaze at her for hours, if only she would allow him.
“How… , what?” she questions quietly, taking in his features just as he does hers, making sure to note the small smirk lingering like it always does after he smiles, and the flicker of passing emotions working behind his eyes that she so adored being able to decipher.
He chuckles to himself, shaking his head with sudden bashfulness that makes his ears go red from more than just the chill, “How do you do that?”
The creases on her brow increase in depth, revealing the lasting confusion to the man quietly obsessing over the way her lips press themselves into a harsh line that starkly contrasts with the small wrinkles appearing on her nose. Curse whatever the hell made her so cute, seriously. Did they want to ruin his ability to concentrate? Because if so, congratulations to them. It worked..
“Er, you’re gonna have to be a bit more precise with that one snowflake.” is her returning quip. He wrinkles his nose. “Do what?”
She suppresses a giggle at his reaction to the nickname, knowing he likes the term - though he insists he despises upon its childish nature. He tends to be like that about a lot of things, she’s noticed over the years; but she can, and has always been able to, see through the protective shield he’s made around himself. And he does, and always has done, the same for her.
“I thought I said not to call me that, ya prick.” he retorts, lightly smacking her shoulder as she laughs. “But seriously, how do you do it? Look at something and just BAM,” he attempts a (rather poor) impression of an explosion, “profound message, just from staring into space - quite literally. ”
“Was that pun intended.” is her immediate reaction, still laughing light heartedly as his cheeks begin to blush, hard. He chuckles along with her, messing idly with one of the cords on his hoodie, “Uhm, no, actually - for once.”
They both sit without conversation for a while, just letting their laughter gradually fall and rise again with the fluctuating eye contact until they finally, finally get a grip on themselves.
“I don’t know, by the way.” the girl whispers, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled over the atmosphere, “how I do that, I mean. It just kind of…, comes to me, I guess. For whatever reason.” she chuckles nervously, gesturing randomly into thin air. “But, hey, you know what that reminded me of?”
Humming, he realizes that she’s leaning her head on his shoulder again. Suddenly - and deffinitely unrelated to any other preemptive thought whatsoever - his head is, without explination, over her own. It takes a second for his eyes to slip closed, but they do. And when they do, he relaxes. He breathes in. And is in turn overwhelmed by fatigue, and the scent of vanilla shampoo.
“It.. reminds me, of something." She whispers.
"It - it reminds me of love.”
..Oh. And, he’s wide awake again. “Huh?”
“Love,” she repeats, lightly nestling her head into his chest. “How even though the world can be crashing down on someone, love can keep them suspended just enough as to not let their entire galaxy implode. ”
As the words float around in his brain, he realizes just how right she is, and just how whipped he really is for one of his best friends. How well she keeps him suspended, comforting in times of near implosion and encouraging even when everything was aligned. And she knew - she knew exactly where she was directing that little realization the moment she thought it, having known for a good while now that he was her oxygen in a universe lacking of air. She knew this, yet made no moves in particular to advance in any way. She loved him, carried him not close to her heart but inside of it, and he felt the same, though she was yet unaware.
And she anxiously awaits his reply, not knowing just how bloody hard that statement just hit him. He wouldn’t be surprised if he had a concussion if he was honest, brain whirring around the words tumbling like waves over and over again in his mind until, not thinking, he mumbles out a small, quiet, “You keep me suspended.” and immediately sticks his face in her hair, terrified of her reaction. She’s his best friend, he might have just completely ruined their friendship, fuck why did he do that​ how stupid could he g-
“You keep me suspended, too. ” Oh. Well that wasn’t… quite what he was expecting. She smiles into his side just as he smiles into her hair, squeezing her shoulders - just because he can.
“That was, by far, the cheesiest thing I’ve ever taken part in. ” he laughs, earning a slap to the chest (even though she’s laughing too).
“Shut up, you love me. Jerk. ”
And he does. He really, really does.
It’s two days and five hours later (neither of them were counting, shut up Tae) when they’re in the same positions, but this time on the couch in the dorm, watching some cliche ‘scary movie’ with the Maknae’s and Jin because they were concerned about how much the two of them spent in their rooms or just not generally socializing. In all honesty, neither of them minded. They got to spend time together for the first time since they walked home from that midnight confession two and a half days ago, and even though the movie wasn’t the best, they enjoyed it. [You guys didn’t even watch it! You just cuddled on the couch and made our stomachs sick with your cuteness] Taehyung shut up. [It’s true and you know it!] Yeah, yeah, okay. So it was nice, besides the fact the movie was trash. They got to actually be close - more so than their usual platonic half-cuddles [was it really ever platonic though? OKAY OKAY LEAVING SORRY BYE DON'T KILL ME]. Yes, it was platonic before. But, now, it wasn’t. And it was probably supposed to be a little awkward at first, because maybe this.. changes things. Maybe it was different now that there were titles, and comitment. But… it wasn’t. It was natural, their bodies molding against each other, worn t-shirts and sweat pants and shorts and a kinda small tank top surrounding them in a sea of fabric and comfort as she placed her head beside his and he wrapped his arm around her waist. And finally, their universes came together, and they became each other’s gravity.
Hello! Admin Bre here - this is my first post on here and I’ve done it on my phone, so apologies if the format or anything is weird (please tell me if it is and I’ll try to fix it asap)! Hopefully you enjoyed the massive fluff ball I’ve created - this isn’t my writing at its best, so I’m a little hesitant about posting, but I’m doing it anyways because screw it. Might as well XD so, yeah. (I’ve done some editing now, so its slightly less shit :) ) If you have any criticism or comments or suggestions on what I should do next, go ahead an leave me an ask and I’ll answer as soon as I remember to! Byeeeeeeeee
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