#i can't even explain what this quote does to me
ingravinoveritas · 1 month
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In honor of the Met Gala happening tonight: Pictures of Michael and Sarah Silverman at the Met Gala in 2014.
| Bonus: This quote from Michael from a Daily Beast interview...
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sysig · 9 months
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Working on some designs for one of my oldest OCs, “Cure” (Patreon)
I also managed to track down some of her initial concept sketches from 2018 - why 2018 considering I called her one of my oldest OCs?
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Well, her design has always been rather elusive, even more so since she spent so much time in my head without being brought to paper - even these sketches make mention of it!
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Pretty sure she got “Cure” in 2018 too - starting to take form!
#Doodles#Original#The quotes are very intentional lol#As stated under the cut I started designing her in 2018 but she's existed since around 2007-ish? Latest would be 2010#Part of her having such a range of uncertainty is that it took me many many years to consider putting her to paper!#She might've existed in 2007 but there's no record! She might've existed in 2010 but no record! I don't think I even wrote about her#She was a completely mentally-extant OC for many many many years#Partially because at the time I had just started drawing and knew I wouldn't be able to put down what was in my head to physicality#And then the longer she stayed in my head the more she became that kind of mental kaleidoscope ever-shifting impossible-to-draw design#But screw that! I have a few years of doodling under my belt now! Even if I can't get her quite right I can at least make an attempt!#It's especially funny because outwardly she is meant to be a pretty generic teddy bear lol - not Exactly but more like the vibe of one#Round and plush and innocent - innocuous#And really she's not like Nefarious or anything lol - she's not what she seems but she also is?? It's hard to explain lol#A lot of it does still come down to subtleties so it actually is still hard to capture but it'll only keep getting harder the longer I wait!#So at least pinning down Some things about her design that I'm happy with and can refer to helps the me down the line haha#The first one is actually pretty close! It's always a coin flip on whether the first one is a disaster or nails it haha#The heart ears and straight body are pretty good tho I gotta say#And honestly it was the little lace-ribbon bracelet that was the deciding factor for me to try drawing her again haha#I had an idea I thought was silly but to do it I needed a design to work with!#Getting there getting there - every little bit closer
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genderkoolaid · 4 months
yeah, but you do mean 'loveless' like 'romanceless' right? Just cause you're not interested in a romantic partnership, and you're never attracted to anyone romantically, that doesn't mean you can't love your family and your friends. Am I understanding wrong? I feel like it's a widely accepted concept that 'love' isn't just romantic, it's about caring about someone, no matter if they're your family or platonic friend or your pet.
No, "loveless" means love-less. Another anon also asked me to explain as well so:
"Lovelessness" in the aro context comes from the essay I Am Not Voldemort by K.A Cook. The essay confronts normative ideas on love, its inherent positivity and what it means to not love. From the introduction, which brings up the question of non-romantic love:
This June, I saw an increasing number of positivity and support posts for the aromantic and a-spec communities discussing the amatonormativity of “everyone falls in love”. I agree: the idea that romantic love is something everyone experiences, and is therefore a marker of human worth, needs deconstruction. Unfortunately, a majority of these posts are replacing the shackles of amatonormativity with restrictive lines like “everyone loves, just not always romantically”, referencing the importance of loving friends, QPPs, family members and pets. Sometimes it moves away from people to encompass love for hobbies, experiences, occupations and ourselves. The what and how tends to vary from post to post, but the idea that we do and must love someone or something, and this love redeems us as human and renders us undeserving of hatred, is being pushed to the point where I don’t feel safe or welcome in my own aromantic community. Even in the posts meant to be challenging the more obvious amatonormativity, it is presumed that aros must, in some way, love. I’ve spent weeks watching my a-spec and aro communities throw neurodiverse and survivor aros under the bus in order to do what the aromantic community oft accuses alloromantic aces of doing: using their ability to love as a defence of their humanity. Because I love, they say, I also don’t deserve to be a target of hatred, aggression and abuse. But what if I don’t love? What if love itself has been the mechanism of the hatred and violence I have endured? Why am I, an aro, neurodiverse survivor of abuse and bullying, still acceptable collateral damage?
The author criticizes the idea of "true love" that is incapable of harm. Ze questions why we construct love in that way, and how it ignores and simplifies the experiences of victims of abuse ("It’s comforting to think that a love that wounds isn’t real love, but it denies the complexity of experience and feeling had by survivors. It denies the complexity of experience and feeling that makes it harder for us to identify abuse and escape its claws. It denies the validity of survivors who look at love and feel an honest doubt about its worth, as a word or a concept, in our own interactions and experiences.") Ze talks about being forced to say "I love you" to transphobic, abusive parents whose feelings of love was the justification for their abuse.
The core of what "loveless" as an concept is about is summed up in this quote:
There is no substantial difference between saying “I’m human because I fall in love”, “I’m human because I love my friends” and “I’m human because I love calligraphy”. All three statements make human worth contingent on certain behaviours, feelings and experiences. Expanding the definition of what kinds of love make us human does nothing but save some aros from abuse and antagonism … while telling survivor and neurodiverse aros, who are more likely to have complex relationships to love as a concept or are unable to perform it in ways recognised by others, that we’re still not worthy.
Lovelessness is against any kind of statement which quantifies humanity (and implicitly, human worth) in the ability to feel or act or experience certain things. Humans are human by virtue of being human, and nothing else. And, it is socially constructed! "Love" has no natural definition! Some people are not comfortable using "love" to describe positive feelings and relationships, and some people do not feel those positive feelings in general. And those people deserve the right to define their own experiences and their own relationship to the social construct of love.
In essence, lovelessness is both a personal as well as (in my opinion) a political identity, born from aro and mad experiences that challenges not just amatonormativity but all ideas that associate personhood and worth with the ability to feel certain things.
& as a note, there is also the term "lovequeer" which describes using the term "love" in ways which contradict mainstream understandings of what it means to love, and which kinds of love are considered worthwhile.
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reflectismo · 3 months
Honestly, I really enjoy diving into Ringo’s earlier interviews, because I feel like out of the four, he showcased a vulnerability and a special ability for grasping and articulating certain emotional nuances that I think truly highlight the band’s dynamic. Take for instance, this quote below from a July 1988 interview of his. It stands as one of my favourite insights into the inner workings and relationships among those four boys in the band, and how these dynamics shaped their music.
INT: I would imagine it was an adjustment personally, but did you feel lost musically?
RINGO: Well, I'd never played with a better band, you see, so I think that's the loss I felt.
INT: Where does one go from the best?
RINGO: It's not even just the best. A lot of it was telepathy. We all felt so close. We knew each other so well that we'd know when any of us would make a move up or down within the music, and we'd all make it. No one would say anything or look at each other; we'd just know. The easiest word is telepathy. The band worked so well, and we were four good friends a lot of the time. But like any four friends, we had rows and shouted and disliked each other for a moment.
Then it ended, and I started playing sessions and had a really good time, but I was just playing. You can play with any band, but that band was something special to me, and it's never been like that again. I've had great sessions, great tracks, but it's never been like that, and you can't expect that if you walk into a studio and play someone's session. You're strangers.
We had all lived together so close; we knew each other so well that it crossed over into the music. We knew exactly what the other was doing. That's even the wrong way to explain it. We just knew that the chemistry worked! The excitement! If things were just jogging along and one of us felt, “I'm going to lift it here,” it was just a feeling that went through the four of us and everyone lifted it, or everyone lowered it, or what-ever. It was just telepathy. When I do sessions now, I'm playing the best I can, and some sessions are really great. But I've never played on anyone's album all the way through, because I always felt it was boring, so I'd do three or four tracks.
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doberbutts · 5 months
I remember reading a post that men are the oppressor class so why would they bother to dismantle systemic patriarchy when they actively benefit from its existence? And as I read it, I thought, Damn, so an entire half of the population can never conceivably help us, and the people who love men in their lives are doomed. It wasn't a helpful post. It basically felt, here's some actual material analysis on feminism and said, That trying to educate and make men be part of feminism is fundamentally a flawed effort, because again, they are the oppressor class, why should they care about uplifting the oppressed?
And it made me think about this very good pamphlet I read, explaining how the white worker remained complacent for so long because at least they weren't a Black slave. And that the author theorized the reason labor movements never truly created exceptional, radical change is because of internal racism (which I find true) and failure to uplift black people. And the author listed common outlooks/approaches to this problem, and one of them was: "We should ignore the white folks entirely and hold solidarity with only other POC, and the countries in the Global South. Who needs those wishy-washy white fragile leftists who don't care about what we think or want?" (roughly paraphrased.)
And the author said, This sounds like the most leftist and radical position, but it's totally flawed because it absolves us of our responsibility to dismantle white supremacy for the sake of our fellow marginalized people, and we are basically ignoring the problem. And that blew me away because this is a position so many activists have, to just ignore the white folks and focus entirely on our own movements. I wish I knew the name of the actual pamphlet, so I could quote entire passages at you.
But I feel this is the same for men. Obviously, we should prioritize and have women-led and women-focused feminism. But saying that men are an oppressor class so they can't reliably be counted upon in feminist activism--it's such a huge oversimplification. And mainly, I'm a Muslim, and I've been treated with plenty of misogyny from Muslim men. And also plenty of misogyny from Muslim women. And I love my male friends, I want men to be part of the movement, and I dunno. Thinking about communities, movements, and the various ways we fail each other and what it means to be truly intersectional keeps me up at night.
I don't know the pamphlet you're talking about but I've read and been taught similar. There's a reason much of my anti-racism is so feminist and most of my feminism is anti-racist. Many people coming at this problem from a truly intersectional angle have seen that there is no freedom to be had without joining hands across the community. Not picking and choosing our allies based off of identity but off of behavior.
As used in a previous example, a white abled moderately wealthy man saying "wow Healthcare sucks in this country, why does this system suck so bad" should be told "hey, this system sucks so bad because it's built off of sexism, racism, classism, and ableism. You want to improve the system? Fix those things and it will be much better in the long run" and not "shut up you're a man. Healthcare is always going to be better for you". The second response doesn't fix that Healthcare is still a problem even if you are at the "top" of the privilege ladder. If we want true change, we have to dismantle the entire system at it's core and build it up without the yuck, otherwise you're gunna get to the top and realize this place sucks too.
Something something if the crabs worked together to hold each other up, they could all get out of the bucket and be free.
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moonie-moon-o7 · 4 months
Red Haired Pirates Incorrect quotes
Just pure chaos
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Shanks: When do you go to sleep?
You: Whenever I collapse is entirely up to the gods
Shanks: Hey, Kid! Do you wanna go celebrate with me? You: Shanks, you know I can't be seen in public with you. Shanks: Okay, a simple "no" would be fine.
Benn: I have a bad feeling about this... Shanks: What do you mean? Benn: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble? Shanks: No? You: That actually explains so much.
You: This is a judgement free zone. *Pulls out a knife the size of their forearm* You: And I mean it.
You: Shanks, you look deep in thought. What’s wrong? Shanks: Did you know you can look at any object and know what it’s like to lick it? Even if you’ve never touched it before? You: I’m never asking you anything ever again.
You: How is spring not everyone’s favorite season? The trees are PINK, guys! Benn: Allergies are also a problem, y'know. You: But pink. Shanks: And it's hot. You: PINK!
Shanks: I like to think of myself as a semi responsible adult here. Benn: The kid is 70% of your impulse control and you know this Shanks. You: I feel like Shanks is the more responsible one of us two though. Shanks: We are both 70% of each others' impulse control. You: Just two lil beasts in pinwheel hats spinning on the merry-go-round at dangerous velocities, holding each other’s hands so the other doesn’t fall off.
Shanks: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, that’s fucked up. Like c'mon, you know I’m dumb as hell!
*Shanks is reading a Clifford The Big Red Dog book* You, watching: How did he get to be so big? Do they ever explain that? Shanks: Well, Emily’s love for him grew, and so did he. You: Well, your dog is pretty small. Guess that says something about you, huh? Shanks, angrily shutting his book: YOU’RE SMALL! WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT YOUR PARENTS?!?!
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uninformedartist · 3 months
So hey long time no see, just popping in to say that this video by Official_TVC is bullshit.
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So summary + thoughts:
Video starts off with defintions on different types of stalking & they say Vivienne has experienced all this kind of stalking. Then goes on to say its 2 individuals doing this stalking and they we the viewer doesn't need to know them, Official_TVC has done a lot of research on them and we should should trust Official & their word without evidence because apparently they retweeted something on twitter & it was a tumblr post thats supposedly exposed Vivienne's siblings, personal things ect. All this is hearsay by you, it shouldn't make the average viewer trust your word. Yes I've seen things but that was from posts I've seen.
Aside -honestly Official should be questioning the anon asks we get on here, some of the asks contain some questionable info like how do you get that info. People get asks on here containing info, people don't go out & hunt all Vivienne's private life, we receive stuff thats how things come to light, OTHER PEOPLE SEND US STUFF.
All the background of the video is helluva boss/hazbin scenes coupled with music from respective shows. No evidence, not even heavily censored evidence to protect Vivienne, just Official_TVC talking & basically saying "trust me bro I did research, believe me". This is heinous accusations, individuals you are talking about & you give nothing. It could be lies for all people know, I don't even believe & I've seen the things you're referring to.
Continued, the stalkers, the 1st one is a "troll" according to Official_TVC & the second is supposedly so bad they were quote " has been 15 ft from vivziepop", no backing on that 15ft statement, Official_TVC just states this. All this stalking, entire pages made is because of a ship. Leaking show stuff (aside again, is GIVEN TO US VIA ANONYMOUS ASKS).
They carry on to say essentially all this hate talk on Viv on YT is cos she's popular, they got nothing of meaning to say on Viv cos they hate her so much they can't talk about her positively. They then mention a person has a never ending stream that just feeds misinformation other YouTubers & quote "on the precipice of wanting to strangle a woman (Viv) who made the crime of making demons gay". Wtf does that mean, who has this never ending stream of feeding misinformation to other YouTube, who & wtf are you talking about.
Anyway, goes on to compare spindlehorse workplace allegations to Amazon (yes ironic) & how Amazon treats its workers really bad... do I need to say more. Goes on to say everyone ragged on Viv because hazbin hotel is on Amazon, Amazon is bad & quote by Official_TVC is cos "everyone looks for an excuse to hate". Ok now I'm giving evidence on why people ragged on Viv for prime since you give jackshit.
Amazon/prime is currently being boycotted, its on the bds list why people were saying to pirate hazbin. Not some bullshit reason Official gave on it being mindless hate. Here is a video explaining why people are boycotting Amazon:
Vivienne also like this post from a fan, do I need to spell out how fucking disgusting this tweet is and the fact that she liked it.
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Official carrys on to say stalker 1 did 3 things, doxxed Vivienne, & in their words if you go to said person's page Official states "im pretty sure they know where vivziepop lives". That is speculation, thats your opinion cos no evidence is provided or can be for that matter cos this is what YOU think. Dropping as Official says "nuggets" of info on Viv's siblings University, their work (this info was from a sibling's linked in page, public info). Can I say aside, I know her sibling's names. Why, not from stalking but from them leaving comments on Viv's speeddraws and Viv publicly naming them on her PUBLIC socials. And if you know someone's name you can easily find out what uni they went to, if you know my name & search me up you know what uni I go to its in the public on their linked in, social posts ect.
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They go on to talk about how terrible leaking Viv's shows are, which idgaf. Amazon is a zionist corporation I'm pirating anything of Vivienne. Even invincible which I love, pirated it. Fans should too (since I see a lot of fans with free palastine in bio but still pay for prime). Anyway thats on them.
TW: talks of sexual harassment. So Official doesn't want to give more info on this individual which I respect & understand. However they say stalker 1 is sexually harrassing this person, sending content of a sexual nature all because the victim in this situation didn't agree with stalker 1 on the stalker's sentiments on hazbin hotel. I understand protecting the victim but my soul you're literally protecting the perpetrator. Expose them, you keep staying stalker 1 & 2 CALL THEM OUT. Protect the victims but expose the perpetrators.
They go on to stalker 2, who know stalker 1. Stalker 2 supposedly went to the hazbin premiere. They were there to keep an eye on vivziepop Official quotes. No evidence of this quote or info just them relaying it. Again this is all your words against what. Yeah that is concerning it really is but substantiate this evidence & quotes. This is the 1st time I'm hearing about this so I would like to know more on this & this heinous person. But you don't give any evidence. Official says " these people need to be stopped", how can they be stopped. You give no names, no info or evidence, its wishful thinking you saying this. I'm harping on and on on about Official gives no evidence but its so flipping frustrating hearing them spout all this WITH NOTHING to back their words.
TW again: Mentions of suicide and Shay a fan bullied by the fandom who then took their own life. Know a lot of people are still saddened by what led to Shay's passing why I mention this.
Official says stalker 1 is using the death of Shay to entice fruther harrassed on Vivienne. Its "apparently now", huskerdust fans went after Shay with heinous harassment & Shay subsequently ended their life, may they rest in peace. Official claims stalker 1 says Vivziepop is directly responsible for Shay's death. Shay's death was worded as "apparently" but stalker 1 using Shay's death to pin it on Vivziepop is stated as a fact. How disgusting can you be someone died & its apparently so to you but your word of mouth should be considered fact, fuck off. Official then goes on to say... sighs quote "we do not hold politicians accountable when they massacre people of other countries... bloodlines don't exist but we don't blame the politicians pushing the buttons".
Ok wtf, yes we do we blame Biden & other politicians & presidents for pushing the figurative & literally buttons on massacring Palestinians & other minorities, WE DO so wtf are you talking about. I honestly hate Official at this point because wtf are they saying. I don't blame vivziepop on Shay's death, even though when there was attempts to reach Vivienne on what was happening to Shay, maybe the channels they used like email didn't get the message across unfortunately. What I absolutely hate is when fans, like official now use Shay's death as a pawn in relation to people hating on Viv. No one that I've see & I'm saying it now I know who these stalker 1 & 2 are not even they were as disgusting as Official & fans to use Shay's death as to further hate on Vivienne. What Official_TVC is saying is bullshit.
And I disregard everything Official_TVC says after they hearted this comment, fuck you Official_TVC for hearting this vile comment.
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I link a screenshot of the outreach to Vivienne via email on Shay aswell as the document on Shay's.
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In all this video is a load of nothing, bullshit actually & just vile on the parts of Shay. They ended of once again reiterating they won't give proof because people just want names & evidence for the tea/gossip & they want to protect Vivienne, shoo shoo. Again trust me bro, I did the research so trust me.
I want to reiterate I condone no actions if provided true on stalker 1 or 2. But from what I've seen of them is all out of context, lies spread by the fandom & things just made up down the grapevine. I don't do this for likes, clout or other bullshit the fandom says. Wouldn't be of me on my nature and the work that I do. Come with substantial evidence, then we discuss & make conclusions but for now
I hate Vivienne and this fandom, bye all.
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rygujis · 6 months
⊹˚. ♡ what are we? draken x f!reader . 592 wc . crack, feat. hina & emma, draken's a tease, i might make another part of this
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for months now, you and draken have been "seeing eachother". it's hard to explain. he's been taking you on all these cute dates, you've been flirting with one another, the two of you hold hands in public without even realizing it, and your friends have all assumed you're dating, which has made you start thinking,
"what are we?"
neither you or draken have asked eachother this, nothing has been made official, and frankly, you're afraid to ask. it seems like a dumb question, but could you really be blamed for asking it? you didn't know, and you aren't quite sure he knows either.
with encouragement from emma and hina, bless their hearts, you go ahead and pick up your phone. reluctantly, you dial his number, before hitting the big green button, you look up at your friends, whom both give you a nod and thumbs up. you shake off your worries, and call draken.
the phone rings for what feels like eternity, making your foot tap impatiently. suddenly, you hear a, "hello?" you nearly hang up right there. the whole pep talk you'd just gotten seems to of went right out the window, and you start to shake. "hi."
"what's up?" you realize how late it is, checking the clock on your nightstand. it's 12 am.
"i didn't wake you up, did i?"
"i was just 'bout to go to sleep, but don't worry about it."
"cool, cool."
"so.. why'd you call?" draken sounds confused, usually something like this would irritate him, like, if mikey had called him this late and just stayed quiet he'd be pretty ticked off, but he has a godly amount of patience when it comes to you.
"i wanted to ask you something."
he stays quiet.
"what- uh... what are we?"
more silence.
"ain't it obvious?" you freeze. seemingly. you turn a very deep red, because emma starts to giggle into hinas shoulder.
"what do you mean?" you can't help but laugh nervously, filled with anxiety. what does he mean? is he saying that in a "we're nothing more than friends, obviously!" kind of way or in a "obviously we're together!" way? it's hard to read his tone, that's right in between sounding playful and confused.
"tell me, what do you want us to be?"
oh, he wants you dead. that's basically impossible to say out loud with your two snickering best friends in front of you. you point to your door, mouthing "get out." at the two girls, resulting in hina scurrying out, dragging a whiny, nosy emma out with her.
"i- uh. i guess i was hoping we could be. y'know."
"no, n/n, i don't know."
you sigh, pouting dramatically. "y'know.. official. girlfriend 'nd boyfriend." you nearly throw up in your mouth out of sheer embarrassment, but you were proud of yourself for finally getting that out after questioning your relationship nonstop for the past week.
"hmm.. i suppose that could work."
"you suppose?!" he laughs, making you smile.
"i'm just kiddin', y/n. i'd love to make things official."
like a teen girl in one of those corny movies you watch, you fall on your back and kick your feet out of excitement. it almost felt like a dream come true, you've finally made it to the next base after months of build up.
"see you tomorrow?"
"sounds great."
the phone is still snug against your ear as you squeal in excitement, the que for the girls to run back in and bask in the excitement with you.
i might make a "part two" for this.. in quotes bc it could techically be a standalone but yk
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pedripics · 4 months
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"He is still the same as when he was 5 years old. That's the best thing about him."
(via Revelo - July 2023)
"Now I'm not going to be able to mess with him or make jokes. I'm not going to be able to hit him, because if he's going to hit me back...", laughs Rubén Delgado when we talk about the strengthened physique of Pedri, whom he coached between the ages of 9 and 12 at U.D. Tegueste, when he was a " just small boy, but what he had from a young age was great footballing ability". Pedri has always said that Rubén is the coach who taught him how to compete.
"He arrived at Barça with 60 kilos, very little, and when he completed his first season with Barça he had already gained three or four kilos. With Koeman, he started to do the same work as he does now in that first year, with three days a week of more strength training. Then two, then one, because he arrived as a youngster and there was even the possibility of going out on loan; he even had offers from Bayern to go out on loan. What happened was that when Koeman saw him train, everything changed. From 'we're going to give him a work plan of three days a week' he became a starter, playing every three days, he played everything and, obviously, you then can't have three days of strength work, it's impossible," explains a person close to the midfielder, whom we will call E.P.
"This year is the first time that he has had a real five-week holiday. De la Fuente wanted to take him to the Nations League, but in the end, Barça and the Federation came to their senses and understood that the best thing was to let him rest, have a normal summer for the first time since he is at the highest level and take advantage of it to train, because in the end that way you can see his evolution. He's had five weeks in which he's been able to rest but, above all, to train, because in competition the muscle is eaten away, especially in the lower body. Maybe Tchouameni, who has a great physique, can do more. What Pedri has is a lot of endurance. When he was a kid, he also did athletics at school as an extracurricular activity, and he was very good. That resistance lacked to generate muscle. Chema Martínez has one type of muscle, Usain Bolt another. He had a more fibrous muscle and now he had to gain a bit more volume for 1v1s, and also at the lower body level. The image that has made an impact is that of the arms, but the work above and below has been compensated and worked on following a guideline set by Barça", says E.P., who puts Pedri's current weight at 67 kilos.
The Tenerife native has gained two kilos with that physical work done this summer and is not recommended to gain "more than one". "To take him to the 70 would be too much. That would be the limit. What all parties consider is that he is a player who has to gain muscle mass but he shouldn't change his physiognomy completely. He is a lightweight footballer. His mental rapidity leads him to have quickness of movement, to have some dribbling. If he is heavy with the size he is, 1.74m., he would become in quotes, a 'barrel'," explains E.P., who is clear about what is not the goal in the work that the Barça midfielder is doing: "The objective is not to turn him into a muscular beast because he is not like that. He has a similar physique to Messi. Messi is obviously the best, I hope he comes as close as possible, but he will never be able to be Cristiano. Neither Messi nor Pedri could be Cristiano. Neither does he have the physique of Gavi, who has a more powerful lower body, but Gavi's style of football demands more of that than Pedri's game. It would be a mistake", reflects E.P., who specifies that the Tenerife native has done "a lot of cycling, eccentric pull-ups - those where you go up and then you have to hold on when you come down - and work on the pitch, above all".
'Four Friends'
Those who have closely experienced the physical work and nutritional diet that Pedri has followed during these five weeks have been Dani Carreras, Fran Llarena and Rubén Suárez, the three best childhood friends of the footballer, ex-players of Tegueste, where they were under Rubén's orders.
The 'Four friends', like David Trueba's novel, have shared a summer in a villa in Adeje (Tenerife), although their coexistence has been stricter and based on rest, physical work and a rigorous diet that they have all followed. "In the villa, we had a cook who prepared the food for Pedri's diet. Lots of vegetables, lots of vegetables with spices and fish, sometimes meat. But above all, lots and lots of vegetables. I wanted to eat more, but well, we've adapted to him", says Dani, a striker in the team that Pedri played for from "4 to 16-17 years old".
"It has been a hypercaloric diet, with a high intake of calories to be able to compensate for the expenditure of energy and to be able to evolve the muscle. It depends on the day, the work to be done, the moment, but it has been over 3,000 calories," says E. P. with a figure that is far from the perception of Pedri's friends.
"We ate a lot but, of course, few calories in reality: a lot of vegetables, obviously more than five pieces of fruit a day, when it was time for pasta we ate a lot of pasta, but always in measured quantities. We could skip it a bit because the diet wasn't really for us but for him. Everyone followed his diet...", laughs Fran, Pedri's friend "practically since they were born". "My mother put me into a small football team when I was 3 and he was put into the same football team from 3 to 5 years old. We also lived super close here in Tegueste, about 200 meters away, and we've always been friends since we were kids," says Fran, mediocre "like Pedri, but a bit further back. "
They played together until they joined the youth team, when Fran was signed by Tenerife. This summer, as well as being a friend, he has acted as a personal trainer to the Culé footballer. "He has worked every day: in the gym, he worked five days, rested on Saturdays and Sundays, and outside of it is true that he worked more because we went to the football pitch almost every day for speed training and cardio. We went here in the south of Tenerife, to Tenerife Top Training - where I am also told that Courtois occasionally goes - to a field called T3, and there we worked with cones. I helped him with explosiveness, if I had to pass him balls, put the cones on him... I helped him and trained with him. There was a day when he killed me to run with him and I said: 'No more'", recalls Pedri's friend, with whom he has also shared afternoons of paddle tennis and paddleball.
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They have hardly left the village for anything other than training or eating out one day a week. In Adeje, they have enjoyed the swimming pool, "we have played a lot of Monopoly and Catan, and cards, baraja española (spanish card deck); al Presidente", says Dani.
It's been days based on the physical and nutritional discipline that Pedri has been fulfilling to the letter, with a self-demanding attitude that has grown as a result of the injury he suffered last February against Manchester United in the Europa League. In a solo action, he injured the rectus anterior of his right leg. It was the 41st minute. He himself asked to be substituted. That day was a before and after for the player, explains Fran: "He is very demanding because he has already had several injuries and since then he has changed his training and eating patterns to try not to relapse. His nutritionist was on top of it, because there have been many injuries to the same muscle in the 2-3 years he has been in professional football, this would be his fourth, which is noticeable at the end of the day; the 70 games he played in his first year at Barça are going to take their toll on him now, at any time. He's always taken care of his training, but this time it's more exaggerated".
A task in which he is helped by his disciplined personality. "He has never, never, never been a soft drink drinker, he always drinks water or isotonic drinks, sports drinks", Dani explains. Rubén recalls that "he has never been one for sweets either". "He likes chocolate, but chocolate products are another thing that has completely disappeared: sweets. In fact, he goes to events and takes his heavy, calibrated snack, his fruit, grapes with I don't know what nuts... And, look, one thing he loves, a healthy vice, is pistachios. He loves them, but he can eat very little because it's a good source of energy, but the ones he eats he eats without salt and so, zero problems. There is another food that he has been eating since he was little, obviously, which is bananas. He can put bananas in everything, it's incredible. Before Plátano de Canarias was his sponsor, when he started as a professional, he put a banana in his boot. Now he eats, but the range of fruits has expanded a lot. And another thing about Pedri is that he never drinks coffee. We've joked with him once or twice: 'Oh shit, if you drank coffee, you'd get nervous from time to time and you wouldn't be the same anymore'," says E.P. anecdotally, who also reflects a striking feature of Pedri's personality that is helping him to follow a disciplined life: punctuality.
"He's hyper-punctual. You say 'This is a Canarian, a relaxed guy...', and yes he has that relaxation, that pause, that semi-Caribbean Canarian tranquillity, but in terms of punctuality, he's a fucking German. He has many points of discipline but before they weren't united in anything. Now everything has some guidelines, it's blending and uniting well," reasons E.P., who says that Barça, "at least since the arrival of Xavi", forces them to have lunch or dinner at the Ciudad Deportiva.
Rosi’s Croquetas
But there is a common denominator between the four voices that paint Pedri's sporting and nutritional life: the croquettes of his mother, Rosi, which the Tenerife player himself mentioned on Saturday during Barça's American tour when asked about his physical change. "Above all, not eating my mother's croquettes," said the player.
"His mother is a spectacle, she's a machine. Her croquettes are a different story," Dani laughs. "The only treats are his mother's food or going out to eat. I had one meal a week off, so maybe we'd go out to eat somewhere, healthy food too, but eating differently from what your diet is. And it is true that he ate pistachios, he usually eats a lot of them, because he likes them, but healthy ones, of course, without salt. And little else", explains Fran.
"He has always had a fairly balanced diet and well, above all, the famous mother's croquettes, he was very well fed," says Rubén, who assures us that "you need to take time to try them because they are delicious." "They offer a variety: chicken, cod... They have it all. I can vouch for it, I recommend it," he says with a laugh.
Rosi is Pedri's mother and cook at the Tasca Fernando, which she runs with her husband and the footballer's father "at the entrance to Tegueste on the Nacional", explains E.P. "It's the typical small-town place, traditional, where you eat very good homemade cuisine, with very good produce. And of course, Pedri ate there every day until he went to Las Palmas, where he stayed in the residence, in La Casa Amarilla. They could make him slightly different dishes, but in the end, he ate what was available. It’s a normal, ordinary, hard-working family. When they go to see him in Barcelona, they also cook for him, but now the whole family is very conscientious and they are helping him a lot", he says.
His brother Fernando has played a key role in his healthy eating since his arrival at FC Barcelona. "He lives with his brother in Barcelona, near Ciutat Esportiva. As the first year they were at Barça was the year of the pandemic, they went to live together. Fernando studied cooking. He is two years older but as Pedri was always ahead of his time, they played football together for many years. They are like friends and brothers at the same time, and he cooks for him".
"Skinny and tiny"
Talking to Dani, Fran and Ruben has been visualizing the Pedri who started playing football in Tegueste in his earliest childhood, when their lives came together and it was clear to all three of them that that "weak and small" child would go far. "He had something," says Rubén, who always told his partner and his parents, to those around him. "It was to be expected," Fran says. His coach recalls how the three, Pedri, Dani and Fran, "were very good, were the best, and super nice people."
"He has always had a mentality that is not cold, because he is not cold, but a very relaxed mentality, so to speak. If the game is at 100, he would stay at 25, to give you an idea. And that control, and especially at the ages that I coached him, it was very difficult to see a child who controlled the guidelines of a match as much as him; who knew that if the match was very, very tense, he would take it to his own ground and take it to where he wanted it to be. And it's very difficult to find that at that age. Obviously, today you see him and it's even more difficult because you see him inside a stadium with so many people, and with that calmness that he shows and that relaxation and that control of his state, it's very difficult to find that in a player and, above all, as young as he is, who is only 20 years old", recalls Rubén, the coach who moved Pedri's position from the front to the centre of the pitch.
"From a very young age, he stood out from the rest. He did things that a normal 9-year-old didn't do. I always highlight one thing about him and that is that on a footballing level, he obviously had spectacular technique, quality and physique. Because despite being so small he was the first to attack, the first to defend, a spectacular sacrifice towards his teammates... But if there's one thing I've always highlighted about him, it's the footballing maturity he had at the age of 9. He knew how to position himself, he knew where he had to be at all times, which even nowadays professional players work on and not all of them are practically ready. And he, at 9 years old, already knew how to read a game, he already had a very adult sporting maturity for the age he was", says the coach proudly.
"I remember that when in one of the many games in which he was playing and he was killing it and doing things that were not normal, of course, the game ended and at that time I asked him: 'Hey, why did you decide to do this?', and any other child would have said to me: 'Well, look, I did this because I saw it like this…'. And he came in with the little soft voice he had and said, 'I don't know, Ruben, it just came out of me. ' And my colleague and I looked at each other like: 'It just came out of you?, but I didn’t even do that at 25 years old…", recalls the coach.
A similar situation to the one we experienced in the 2021/22 season, when on April 3 Pedri gave Barça a 1-0 victory over Sevilla and placed Barça second in the table. "He cuts once, twice, three times and then hits it with his left. He said he didn't know what he had done, that it just came out of him like that," remembers Rubén, who confesses that when he had the opportunity to talk to Pedri he told him: "Man, that was the same thing you said to me when you were 9 years old."
"The problem for me is that as I've known him all my life, I'm not surprised by what he does. Yes, on the one hand, he surprises me sometimes, when I realise and say: 'Woah, my friend is doing this' and I see him in a different way, but only for a moment because then I remember that it's him and that it was to be expected. From the minute he stepped on a professional pitch he remained the same. He doesn't care who he plays against. Even when we were little, we played on a court, in a pavilion, and he would tell me: 'You play with me', and the brother, and we would play against 20-year-olds, and we were 14. And they'd say, 'Well, come on, but just for a bit.' There were three teams and the one that won was still there. So we got with the team, we were 14 years old and some were 16 and 17, and we beat kids who were 20, 21, 25, and of course, they were shocked. They said: 'But what about these kids?', and especially with Pedri, because he was the youngest and the best. If you see him doing that on the pitch from a young age, with 20-year-olds, knowing that he doesn't care if he gets kicked, or if he gets his body thrown around, or if they take him out, because that has adapted him to professional football, it doesn't surprise you" recalls Fran about a physical and sporting stature that has always accompanied Pedri. Just like the Barcelonismo, which he also lived from his cradle. His grandfather Fernando founded the Peña Barcelonista de Tenerife-Tegueste.
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"He is still the same as when he was 5 years old. He's the same person. That's the best thing about him. He also has a very good family that helps him keep his feet on the ground. When you're with him, you say: 'And this guy is playing for Barcelona'. Also, one thing he has is that when he gets picked on... Maybe you say to him: 'How few goals you score'. Me, for example, I'm a big fan of screwing with him. Yes, yes, I don't know what, but you don't score goals', I say things like that. And when he's picked on, he always gets it. And this year is going to be quite important for him and for Barça. He's going to start to be one of the leaders, I think. He already is, but his character is not that of a leader, but the way he plays. He's a very fundamental player, but he doesn't feel like a leader. No way, no way, that's not the case", admits Dani, who reveals Pedri's joking character. "He seems shy, but he jokes a lot, he's always joking around, with everyone in general. I'm always calling him silly and stuff like that," he laughs.
Calm, familiar, punctual… and with a low heart rate
"The important thing is that you have clear ideas, because at the end of the day, that life is not easy. It's very easy for many things but it's not always easy to carry all of it, not being able to go out, that kind of thing. That he knows his priorities and that he doesn't get too carried away, that's the key for me, beyond a kilo more muscle or not, because you have to be very good in everything and that luck is with you, but if you're not focused, success will not last long. He is familiar, calm, with a low heart rate. May he continue like that", asks E.P. for the future of Pedri, who is going to live an important year this season after the departure of Busquets, the arrival of Gundogan and his demanding summer to get back in top physical shape.
"When he has been asked the typical question: 'What do you need to improve on,' he has never said anything other than these concepts: more goals and physical improvement. In five months, he scored seven goals. If he hadn't been injured, he would have doubled that. This year he should have at least 10-12 goals. Xavi asks him to do that and he will always work to the maximum", explains E.P.. When the competition begins we will see how he establishes his physical form on the pitch. His appearance is already improved, muscular, in a "work of prevention and evolution" that his friends hope to see in sporting terms, in the present and in the future.
"Remember that he is still only 20 years old, normally a footballer explodes at 25, 26, 27, 28 years old. And that's the beautiful thing, that he still has fifteen years of football left and hopefully he continues to rise," says Fran.
"You know what happens? He has the gift of knowing how to win people over. He has a great gift for companionship. So, he is lucky that if he says 'everyone around here', I think they will follow him. Why? Because he has that gift, he has the personality he has, a personality that engages, that transmits good vibes, as they say around here. He is still a bit young to perhaps be a leader, but it is true that I think that at "Barcelona they have noticed that his presence on the field helps the team play in one way or play in another. And I think that is being a leader," Rubén reasons.
Winning leagues, taking Barça back to great heights in Europe, winning a European Championship or a World Cup are some of the challenges that the four protagonists outline around Pedri, but one stands out above all: after having lifted the Golden Boy 2021, it would be to win the Ballon d’Or. "It would be a dream for all of us," says Rubén with a huff. "It’s just that this kid surprises you every day, you don't know where his ceiling is, he's only 20 years old," stresses Fran.
E.P. has this to say on the matter: "It's not something that torments him or keeps him up at night, he prioritises the collective trophies, but obviously it's a consequence of everything, it's an evolution. Neither Iniesta nor Xavi managed to win it, none of his idols have been able to do it. Rodri has done very, very well and his team has performed very well. There is already talk that Rodri could or should have a Ballon d'Or. If Pedri continues to be one of Barça's flagship players, as he practically already is, and Barça regains its usual status of the last 20-25 years and the national team is up there, then why not, but that's a long way to go. To win a trophy of this type, you have to have powerful collective trophies, because Haaland or Cristiano could win it if they score 50 goals, but it's different with him. Let's see, for the moment, how he settles in this new season in which he wants to have continuity again".
And it’s up for the future to see how his new physique responds, but if there is one thing that does not generate doubt among his friends it is his name: "With this new bodybuilding, is it going to be necessary to call him Pedro instead of Pedri at some point?" I asked. Dani laughs before remembering that Pedri was given the name when he was 8-9 years old, "because there were two Pedros in the team and the other one was much bigger than him, so they kept calling him Pedro and him, who was much smaller, Pedri". "For us and for everyone he will always be Pedri," adds Rubén. "He is Pedro González López. Maybe when he is 55 and playing dominoes in his village they will start calling him Pedro, but in the meantime, I doubt he will stop being Pedri", reflects E.P. "Pedri is and will always be Pedri", says his friend Fran.
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zero-ek · 2 months
As soon as Yuu was released the first thing i did was to listen to her voice lines, not only because of who is voicing her (the Sailor Moon!!) but because i was very curious as to what sort of dimension her voice would add to her character.
And it's particularly interesting the way that her voice sells how... empty she is, like not only in that losing her memories destroyed her sense of self and her morality (like i had initially expected), but in that she doesn't seem to have a firm grasp of anything beyond the ideas of "Yuu", Shii, the list, Magical Girls and Witches. Like, it's like she doesn't even know what being a human even is.
That much is obvious just in the way she speaks, like she keeps switching back and forth between multiple voices and running over her own words, like she speaks out of muscle memory and can't control the sounds that her mouth makes. But also, some of the stuff she says is... concerning, here's a few lines:
(I got these from her F*ndom quotes page i didn't know where else to find them)
"We're together today too... is that the same as yesterday? Does that mean tomorrow's gonna be the same!? And two days ago too? I guess after tomorrow too... wait so even today too!?"
From her first login, notice how by the end of the sentence she forgot about whay she said at the start completely. Also it's hard to convey through written text but, not only her sense of object and spacial permanence is nonexistent, she seems to genuinely have a hard time undertanding the concept of time:
"Did you just say good morning? Oh that must mean it's morning nowiseewaitdid i... did i sleep? I'm bummed... no i'm not, aha! Morning!"
Her morning login.
"Did you just tell me good night...? 'Good night' is what you say when you're done for the day!? So if we keep repeating 'good night' forever, can we stop tomorrow from coming...?"
Her night login
A couple of her lines showing her extremely short memory, and how it affects her fundamental understanding of things:
"Man, i'm so hungry... WAIT! I think i was just full...! Which was it! Doesn't it really suck how you can never tell what's inside of your tummy?"
Noon login.
"Sorry! I...! What was i thinking about? Do you know? Can you tell me? What a bummer, what a bummer... Wait, what was i bummed about?"
Her standard login (honestly same).
"I gotta get goinghmm...? Where was i going again?"
Story end 3
"If your arms or your legs get really old, then why not just rip 'em off? It's gonna grow new ones so it's okay, here, lemme help you!"
Tap 4.
"Nagisa-chan loves cheese, meanwhile i have 'someone'... 'someone' is me! So don't forget about cheese and 'someone' even when tomorrow comes, alright?"
Magical release 1
"Y'see, ghosts only come from the past, they don't be coming from the future! So why... can i only go to tomorrow?"
Magical release 2
Also this one is just, man...
"No matter how many times time turns back, i'll keep doing the same thing! 'Cause i don't wanna pretend that all the times i messed up and all the times i was sad weren't real!"
Tap 8
It's also extremely unnerving how genuinely childlike and innocent her "main", higher pitched voice is, like i can't explain why but it really sells that she does what she does all because she genuinely doesn't know any other way to live, not least because it seems she wholeheartedly doesn't seem to be able to think beyond the current moment, like she just goes with the flow of time without having anything to ground herself on.
I think that, while having a fully fledged design added to her "inhuman" factor in a creepy manner, like, compounding to the idea of this beastly Magical Girl that rips people's organs off, her voice made her "inhuman" in a much crueler and sad way, in that it served to illustrate that she is the way she is because it's quite literally the only way of living that she knows.
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fearnesbells · 5 months
so about that laudna-has-no-future 4sd chat...
marisha ray has throwaway lines and that is her god given right like anyone else and truly this may mean nothing
me personally i bluescreened when marisha said "what does laudna have to look forward to, she's dead" in response to a question of would laudna rather make contact with her future or past self.
i think laudna and her evolving worldview over the course of this campaign is sooooooo interesting so thoughts under the cut
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"the worst thing that’s ever happened to me has already happened."
we all remember this! this is the response that laudna gave to orym when he softly pointed out that laudna seemed like she had the most positive outlook of the group. it was a central tenet of laudna's character up until that point, that despite the darkness that coated her soul, she was probably the one with the most zest for life.
she tended to believe the best in npcs that the party encountered. she had a rat marionette that got boners and made her laugh. she was wholeheartedly devoted to imogen and never, never believed that the end was the end.
and then, when orym asked her how she accomplished that, she responds in a framing of perspective.
she was murdered by the briarwoods at twenty years old. how can anything seem awful in comparison to that?
she died, and then she got to join an adventuring party. she died, and then she got to use her strange, eerie powers for good. she died, and then she met imogen.
she has hope because she's seen the lowest possible point her life can come to, and can only climb upwards from there.
she had a hope for a future, because of this. a good future. at least one that was better than the worst thing that had ever happened to her. and that future included imogen—
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"can keep you from that. can keep us from that."
she had hope.
we all know this quote. this quote is the cottagecore lesbian life that marisha spoke to in four-sided dive. but i think to look at where laudna's at now, and to understand "what does laudna have to look forward to, she's dead", we have to look at the quote in greater context.
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laudna is speaking to a possible future here. but in her words she's also saying that she understands that that future might mean abandoning what they feel called to do by the gods. in this moment, she's not guaranteeing a future, she's explaining to imogen that they have a choice.
and as of now, episode 82, arrived on the moon, they've made that choice. they're orpheus. they've descended into hell, and they can't look back if they want to make it out.
it's important to note that laudna wasn't lying way back in heartmoor when she was talking to orym. the worst thing that could ever happen to her had already happened. but she was operating then on her very human understanding of the world.
since then, she's died (again), been resurrected, seen magic beyond comprehension, and surrendered herself over to the spirit of her murderer that lives in her head.
there are no rules anymore. and laudna has learned that there is always something worse.
the quiet life she talked about with imogen might have been taken from her forever. the narrative has grown teeth and it has sunk them into both her and the woman she loves.
"what does laudna have to look forward to, she's dead"
she's orpheus, yeah? we know how this story ends. her love's been called to the hell planet by fate. she won't get out without losing something.
maybe—maybe—there's still hope for that cottage together somewhere. i don't mean to rule it out entirely. but i think that laudna herself, the character, has lost all belief in that possibility at this point. and that presents such a foil to the laudna that we met in episode 1.
sometimes the tragedy comes built-in.
even if. even when.
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(all quotes pulled from critical role wiki's transcripts page)
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short-black-diamond · 9 months
loved the sae and kaiser scenario about the reader getting hit on please may i request: barou rin and karasu for the next one (female reader)
yessss let's do this! Also thank you for putting in the gender my love. Also how were you able to put in three of my favourite characters?? Like are you a mind reader or???
Warnings: Barou's is a lil suggestive and I'm surprised by that myself, Rin's a lil angsty but just a tiny bit, Also Karasu is jelly and protects you
"You belong to me." ...part two
part one
He can't believe it actually happened while he was there. The fucking audacity the guy had to approach you, his beautiful, gorgeous and perfect queen, and that on a saturday morning?
You guys were about to go on a camping trip and wanted to buy a few things on the way, but that also included food because Barou wanted to eat something fresh and healthy.
And it also just so happened that you were looking at eggplants, thinking that they'd go well with tomatoes, shicken breasts, and beef.
That guy approached you then and smirked at you. "You comparing them, sweetheart?", he asked, and Barou had tickmarks appearing on his skin. but you just said yes. "Also don't call me that, I am-"
"You know? None of these can please you like I can.", the guy then declared with a seductive smirk. You cringed before you pointed to Barou.
"I don't need yours or any of these eggplants when I have my boyfriend right here. And also,", you added, "my boyfriend has the biggest cock in here, so shut it and fuck off, you donkey."
The guy scoffed in annoyance before scrolling away. Barou huffed proudly when you told the guy off and called him a donkey. However, he was still mad at the fact that a peasant dared to approach his queen.
"What does that guy even think...!", he growled, wanting to teach him a lesson, but you just grabbed his arm. "C'mon my love, he's gone, and I don't really like eggplants anymore. Let's go to the herbs isle."
Barou nodded at you before he smirked. "I've got the biggest cock you said?", he quoted slightly, and you blushed. "I-I've tried to defend myself, you know?!"
"So the first thing you think of me is my dick?", he asked in a low chuckle. You shook your head as you two went to the other isle while you tried to explain yourself.
You two were on an appointment because you had to get you new vitamins and you needed a receipt. Rin waited in the waiting room for you as he looked through his phone.
When you came out of the doctor's room, Rin stood up and followed you to the receptionist. A handsome guy was sitting there, and he looked at you with a blush.
Rin noticed that, but wanted to see how you'd react. He stood there with a little space, making himself nearly invisible as he stood right behind you so neither you nor the guy behind the counter could see you.
"Say, are you single?", the guy asked with a polite smile. You frowned at him before you turned to the waiting room. 'Did Rin go..?', you thought before you answered. "No, I'm in a happy relationship."
The guy pouted cutely. You'd for sure give him a chance if you weren't already together with Rin, and he was the best option to have.
"Really? Huh, you're a really pretty woman, and I didn't see a ring on your finger, that's why-", and he stopped talking when you pulled at your necklace. A ring was attached to it.
Rin blushed heavily and played with the thought of spawning right up next to you to declare that he was your lover.
"Is this proof enough?", you asked. "If yes, then can I have my receipt? I'd like to leave now."
The guy blushed again, but this time in embarassment before quickly arranging your papers and giving you the receipt before apologizing with a red face.
You shook your head. "It's alright. Have a good day!", and with that, you went out. Then you called Rin.
"Rin? Where are you?", you asked, looking around. You were sad at the fact that he "left". But, you heard his voice from your other ear, not the one which was pressed against your phone.
"Right here.", he answered softly before hugging you. You huffed. "Where were you? I just got hit on!"
"I was behind you the whole time...I wanted to see how you'd react...and w-well, you did just fine..", he mumbled as he buried his face in your neck, blushing furiously at the memory of two minutes where you conversed with the guy and proudly showed of your promise ring which Rin gave you.
"Of course. There's no one else besides you who I love, Rin.", you answered honestly before you kissed the side of his face.
"Wanna go to the apotheke with me?", you asked with a smile, and this time, Rin took your hand instead of staying behind you.
You guys were at the beach, along with his teammates. Karasu introduced himself as you best friend (ouch), because he wanted to keep your guys' relationship a secret from his friends, for they would tease him relentlessly.
But, he also took the risk of having to watch you get hit on by Otoya and Oliver, who both tried to seduce you by standing on either side of you.
"Say, sweets,", Otoya started, looking at you with a smirk. "Are you really single?", he asked as he ogled at your body. You felt uncomfortable.
"I..", you started before Oliver cut you off, daring to touch you. His hand went up to your waist as he pulled you closer to himself, creating some distance between you and Otoya.
"Seriously? Asking if she's single right away? Bad move, Otoya.", Oliver remarked before he looked at you with a reassuring smile. "Please don't mind him, he's just a pervert."
You felt even more uncomfortable, but before you knew it, Karasu's arms slung around you as he stood behind you. You looked up with a blush.
"Let me correct myself,", Karasu seethed as he glared at the two cheaters/fuckboys. "____ is my girlfriend.", he delared, and you blushed with a smile.
Oliver and Otoya only looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Damn, I wanted to suggest for me and ____ to go to a secured place and-" "Not happening."
"Heh, I would suggest a threesome-" "Nuh-uh!"
Bwahahaahaahah why is my mind so dirty...
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r1z3n · 16 days
I just think they are neat:
As a whole Batfamily are odd, strangle, and like often questioned if they are cryptids.
But, I think the first 3 Robins are the worst.
Like don't get me wrong they are all bad for it. Gothamnite being Gothamnites.
But Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and Tim Drake are Often the first reason people quote for wondering if Batfam is human.
Like everyone else including Cassandra Cain have this level of 'you are just missing the entire context', like you met them and yeah you have questions and you wonder but it is like seeing Olympic athletics or experts in their field do something, you feel like you can just barely see the years of training it took.
However Dick, Jason and Tim? they just have this hair raising of 'no context could explain you'. Like Dick Grayson has been an professional athletic his Entire Life, being a Vigilante for at least 75% of it, and pretty sure is a genius. He wouldn't know how to be average if it bit him. Again for a previous post, he probably has to think about moving 'normally' and within the 'average human' range. Which is something he probably Had To Learn to do. So everyone that knew him pre-that probably remembers even subconsciously.
Jason goddamn Died, and came back for one. Then like from what I can tell took less time training to become on-par with Batman. Probably moves a little bit like Nightwing, because foundationally that is who he modelled himself after during his Robin era. Soul Swords my dudes. He probably freaks Constantine out so hard.
Tim Drake, well do you want to start with how often he has existed outside of time and the way that probably altered some stuff? or do we want to talk about the way he probably has the same issue as Dick, in his probably has to think about moving because Dick Grayson was his Hero. Like there is so much more that could be played with, because yeah those three probably just flip the uncanny valley switch of 'dangerous and you can't ever comprehend why'. It is probably actually worse for the actually aliens/non-humans you know, like the other humans meta or not are probably a little more used to dismissing that feeling.
Also I think those three are completely Unaware how unsettling they are, even to the other bats. Like they know, but they think it is completely on the Bat level
Like Damian or Duke will likely join them eventually in being as unsettling. Damian because he is young and his Batman was Dick Grayson, and Duke because his normal vigilante baseline is Batfam and he seems the type to think 'I have to match them' then does. I think Stephine purposefully choose not follow the steps because that is not who she wants to be. Cass has moments but Cass is too body aware for it not be on purpose and that intentional action feel different.
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midnightfrappe · 8 months
FNAF MOVIE THEORY AND RAMBLING (spoilers with some images and quotes)
Okay so, idk where to start but i'll try to make everything that i say connect, starting with Garrett, Mike's lost brother.
We see the exact moment he was taken, just playing around and the next second he was in a car that was driving off. But there was no screaming, not even a scared face from Garrett, this is a kid who's not sure why his brother is chasing the car with so much fear.
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We obviously know at the end of the movie that William was the one that did it, but there was never an explanation of why. He did say ''First i killed your brother. Now i'll kill you'', but how did he know about Mike's brother? It could be Vanessa that told him about Mike's brother, but there was something off about William since the beginning of the movie, before Vanessa even knew Mike.
Mike is searching for a job and ''Steve'' is looking thru his records and saying he's trying to figure out who he is. Well, that's exactly what he does when he reads his name. He quickly looks up to him in a shocked way, even getting a closer look at Mike like he was trying to recognize his face which he probably does because he starts acting weird and nervous, then he is very insisting on giving him the job that he knows will surely kill him.
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But then again, how does he know Mike and Garrett? The name Schmit could be one of the reasons and just looking at Mike's face is a confirmation. Now this is where i start with my theory.
Garrett was taken just like Charlie in the games, no one was looking and then a car just passed by to use that opportunity, making them the first victims in the movie and games respectively.
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Now, that gives the possibility that Garrett's father was somehow connected to William, perhaps as a friend or coworker, because why would William go to a place as far away as the woods just to kidnap and kill a random child if the pizzeria was the safest option? He had a reason to target his friend's son, I can't think of one rn, but that could mean Garrett's dad takes the rol of Henry. Explaining why William recognizes Mike, he was the older son of his friend, the brother of his first victim.
As a bonus, that could explain why Garret didn't scream or looked scared and everything happened so fast. He just saw a familiar face, someone his dad knew and wasn't really a stranger.
William says to Mike at the end ''You couldn't just leave it alone, could you?'', he knows what he did and thinks Mike was trying to go after him (i mean, he was looking for him thru his dreams, but something tells me William thinks he was searching for him irl, that's why he's shocked when he sees him right in his office, the thinks Mike finally found him but my guy was just trying to look for a job lmao).
Now getting a little crazier, in the credits we hear some words that say ''COME FIND ME'', who do we need to find? the children? We already know where they are. William? Let that mf be trapped where he is. The only one we don't know where it ended up was Garrett, but where is he? Maybe that music box at the end is an indication that Puppet is present, and the possibility of having some things related to the games could mean that Garrett may or may not be related to the puppet. (Coffcoff Garret being the Puppet just like Charlie).
Now for some silly stuff: I really think this is an AU where William and Henry swap children, Henry has 3 and William only has one. Of course William would have a normal life after killing kids and ruining Henry's life, he doesn't have to worry about his children killing each other, he just takes care of one who can be easily manipulated and lives a normal life as a career counselor. Giving his trophy (the pizzeria) people who can keep it safe.
Meanwhile Henry's family suffers just like the game but with extra steps, but I also think that Mike and Garret having a good relationship is proof of good parenting, not like the games where Mike bullies his little brother and William doesn't give a fuck about them or Elizabeth. That's also my opinion that the movies could work without the bite of '83 or even sister location, all of that could be avoided with a loving family.
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The family Michael Afton and his brothers needed, the one that they deserved.
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''This isn't how it happend. This isn't real.''
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asa-do-your-thing · 7 months
A pillar of support
Michael Gavey x F!Reader 18+ Minors DNI Word Count: 2,3k Tags / Warnings: Smut, loss of virginity, looming sense of me projecting my insecurities about my upcoming statistics exams
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“What don't you understand? I've told you five times already, it is one of the easiest concepts. If you just follow the formulae, you’ll manage your assignment.” 
You nervously picked up your pen again, clicking it a few times. “I know, Michael, but… I don't get it. I want to understand what I’m solving.” The numbers on your paper wouldn't want to make sense to you and Michael's bobbing leg distracted you further. 
“They let anyone study here, urgh”, he muttered and ran a hand through his short hair. 
Crossing your arms over your chest, you took his written assignment out of its plastic folder. “Well, I'm not the one that has written ‘This theory has been proven and it is Logical, I shall not explain more.’ You do know that'll be rejected? You've not quoted anyone in all of these ten pages.”
Michael narrowed his eyes and scooted closer to you. “That is why I have taken out my time to sit with you, so you can correct it for me,” he said coolly.
Raising an eyebrow, you laughed incredulously and pushed the paper back to him, getting ready to leave. “D’you think I'll help you out, for free, without anything in return? You're a dreamer.” 
“No, please, wait,” he said and quickly put his hand on your arm. “The thing is that I've tried explaining to you what you've asked of me. I can't make it easier.”
‘So he really does need my help, then’, you thought to yourself and gave him a small smile. “Well, what would you offer me then?” 
You could see his mind racing as he looked over his assignment once more. “How long would it take for you to correct it and give me feedback?”, he asked matter-of-factly. 
Getting up from the small chair in his room, you stretched and let yourself fall onto his uncomfortable bed. “Anywhere between one and two hours. Why?” 
His eyes scanned your body, stopping at your short skirt and your bare, plump thighs. “I'll meet you next Saturday and you can choose what to do, I'll do it with you and pay for it, but only if that assignment comes back at a 85% or more”, he mumbled, a slight blush spreading on his stern face. 
You knew what he was thinking about and it made you want to giggle. He really wasn't as subtle as he thought he was. “Mh, anything?" You turned onto your stomach, looking up at him, batting your lashes. “That isn’t very ‘specific’ and ‘observable’ of you.” 
He rolled his eyes and got up, giving you an annoyed look. “Stop parroting me.” 
You grinned and got up as well, noticing the way his ugly trekking pants started bulging. “Oh, I will parrot you as long as I want to. Not that you seem to mind, anyhow.”
Michael realized what he was doing and quickly stepped back, his eyes widening in embarrassment. “I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable,” he stammered.
You couldn't help but laugh at how flustered he got. He was usually so stoic and uninterested in women that it was surprising to see him blush like this. You crossed your arms over your chest and gave him a knowing look. “It’s okay, I get it…you think I’m seducing you or something?”
He coughed awkwardly before averting his gaze. You could tell he was trying hard to keep his cool demeanor despite the current situation. “Well, uh…it is kind of hard to concentrate when you are…right here in front of me like this.”
“Oh, so you do want me then?” You gave him a mischievous smile. “Well, if you really want my help so badly, then I suggest you seduce me as repayment. If you do it properly, I might even consider teaching you a thing or two about the art of seduction. What do you say?”
Michael stared at you for a few seconds before he finally nodded shyly, yet with a hint of threat in his voice. “Yes, I’ll do it…but if you ever tell anyone about this, I’ll make sure to ruin your reputation.”
You grinned and crossed the space between you two, standing directly in front of him, slipping your fingers through his belt loops. You could feel the tension radiating off his body as he tried to play it cool. You leaned forward slightly and whispered into his ear. “Good boy. Now let's get started...”
Michael gulped audibly as you pulled him closer by his belt loops. He could feel your breath hot against his ear and he shuddered involuntarily. This was not something he was used to, but he couldn't deny how much he wanted it. He had always been a loner, someone who preferred to keep to himself and focus on his studies. But being in your presence made him feel alive in a way that he had never imagined possible.
You could sense his apprehension, but you were not about to let him back out now. You had spent too much time trying to get him to open up to you, and you were not about to let him go that easily. You ran your fingers along his chest, feeling the firm muscles beneath his shirt, and smiled to yourself. This was going to be fun.
You pulled away from him, a coy smile playing on your lips. "So, do you know where to start?" you asked, arching an eyebrow.
Michael shook his head, still a bit dazed from your touch. "No, not really," he replied softly.
You took his hand and led him to the bed, sitting him down beside you. You could feel the heat emanating from him, and you knew that he was just as affected by your closeness as you were. You leaned in closer, feeling his breath hot against your face. "Let's start with a kiss," you whispered, your lips brushing against his.
Michael closed his eyes and leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a soft, tentative kiss. You could feel his hands shaking as he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss.
"N-not bad, not bad at all," you mumbled, breathing heavily.
You could feel his hot breath against your neck as he moved in for another kiss. He wasn't being very forward, but he wasn't too shy either. It was a good beginning, but he needed to do more if he wanted to win.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. "Did you lock the door?" you asked, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling of his lips on your neck.
"On it," he replied, quickly getting up and locking the door.
You smirked and pulled him closer, hands moving to caress his chest. "Good boy," you muttered, purring in delight as he kissed along your neck.
He got the hint and quickly moved to kiss your lips once more, a bit more rougher this time. You were no stranger to this. You had played with a few men before, and you knew exactly what they liked.
"Now this is the stuff," you thought to yourself as he continued to kiss you, wrapping your arms around his neck.
His fingers gently moved past your hair, playing with it as he enjoyed the kiss. It felt nice, but you sensed he wanted to do more. You pulled away, looking at him with a mischievous smile. "Do you want to be more forceful?" you asked.
He nodded, biting his lip as he looked into your eyes. "Y-yes," he stammered, and you could tell he was getting harder with each second that passed.
You could feel him harden against your leg, and you grinned. "Mh, you are eager, aren't you? Well, would you want to take off some of my clothes?"
He nodded again. "Yes, I think I can manage that," he replied, his fingers already working on the buttons of your shirt.
You let him take off the shirt, admiring the view. You didn't dress for anything - after all, you just thought you'd study a bit, yet it seemed like it didn't matter to him at all; his eyes widened at the sight of your tits.
"Now the skirt," you said, unzipping the skirt and stepping out of it.
Michael undid your bra and pulled off your skirt, leaving you in a simple black thong. You could feel his fingers trembling as he pulled it down, your womanhood becoming evident. You could tell he was nervous and shy, but he was enjoying this just as much as you were.
You let him admire your womanhood for a few moments before you pulled away and grabbed his hands, placing them on your chest. "Here, touch me," you breathed in his ear, biting his earlobe.
He nodded and began massaging you, his fingers moving all over your chest. You pushed him down onto the bed, straddling him. You could feel his eyes on you as you grinded against his erection, a grin spreading across your face. "Having fun?" you asked playfully.
He replied with a deep kiss, his hands moving to grab your ass. You let out a cry of surprise as he did it, but you couldn't help but like it. You moved your hips against his, moaning softly.
"Y-yes," he stammered, his fingers digging into your skin as he tried to keep his cool. His hands moved over your ass, gently massaging your body. He was enjoying this, but he wasn't the kind of man to just sit back and let you have all the fun. He pulled you off him, flipping you over and pinning you beneath him.
"O-oh?" you muttered, smiling slightly. You had never been on the submissive end before, but it was evident that he had enough of you toying with him - you had given him enough confidence to take the upper hand and you enjoyed it thoroughly.
He kissed your lips again, only to move to one of your nipples. He kissed around it, teasing you. His fingers traced ever so lightly over your skin, feeling every inch of you. He was enjoying the feeling of your skin beneath his fingers, and you enjoyed it too.
You ran your fingers through his hair, moaning in delight as he kissed your breasts. "Oh...that feels good..." he muttered breathlessly.
His lips began kissing lower and lower, until you felt his lips against your stomach. He wasn't going to stop there, you knew that much. You bit your lip and prepared yourself for what was to come. He smiled to himself, enjoying the view. He kissed your thighs, and then he moved in closer.
His tongue brushed against your pussy, tasting your womanhood. He moaned softly as he moved in deeper, tasting the juices of your womanhood. His tongue began moving in perfect harmony, he was enjoying every moment of it. You could tell that he was enjoying himself, and that made you moan even louder.
"M-Michael..." you moaned loudly, grabbing a hold of the sheets beneath you as you began shaking. He had just begun, but you were already on the edge. He moved in faster, his tongue working wonders against your womanhood. Each flick of his tongue sent shivers down your spine, and you were already in a daze. You moved your hips against his tongue, wanting him to go deeper and faster. "Ohh...M-Michael..."
He moaned as you called his name, and you could feel him quickly coming up again, positioning himself aganist your entrance. "D'you want me... raw?"
You didn't need to answer, you didn't want to and most importantly you didn't care. He slowly began sliding into you, his cock filling up every inch of you as he slowly began thrusting. He moaned quietly against as he began moving in and out of you, his cock sliding in smoothly.
"M-Michael..." you muttered, tilting your head back in pleasure. You had never felt something this good before. He was so big, filling up your womanhood. His cock pushed deeper into you, and with each thrust he made you moan louder and louder.
"A-ah..." you moaned, biting your lip as he thrust faster. He was taking no time at all to push every inch of his cock into you, and you loved every second of it. You could feel his cock thrust in farther, hitting against your deepest places. You could feel his cock throbbing inside of you, enjoying the tight walls surrounding him and you could feel your pussy tighten around him. You knew exactly what this meant.
"O-ohh...I'm-I... fuck," he moaned loudly, his cock twitching within you. He let out a loud moan, pushing himself deep into you before he pulled out, cumming all over your lower body. His hot cum sprayed out over your skin, and you loved it. He leaned forward, his cock still throbbing above your body.  You could feel his heart beat through his cock against your skin, and you could tell just how hard it was for him to hold that back.
He finally leaned down, panting against your neck. "I-I... hope that should be enough for you to help me with my assignment."
You smiled, pulling him closer and hugging him tightly. "Mh..." you replied, leaning up to kiss his forehead. "You did exactly as I asked, I think I'll be able to help you now."
He smiled in delight. "Great! D'you think you could help me tomorrow too?"
You nodded. "I'm pretty much available to help you as much as you'd like," you said.
He smiled, bringing his hands up to your face and gently caressing it. "I... thank you. I'll make sure to get you ready for your statistics exams," he muttered before he leaned in to kiss your lips softly.
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kippah-for-lemon · 9 months
a neighborhood science teacher asked if I believed that the Genesis account of creation was true. I answered, yes. Great, he said. Would I like to speak to his class about my understanding of creation? This modern-day John Scopes thought he was inviting a modern-day William Jennings Bryan to reenact the classic duel.
However, I told the class that while I believed the Genesis account of creation to be true, I also believed the scientific theory of evolution to be true. My response was greeted by puzzlement on the part of twenty-five eighth graders and disappointment on the part of their teacher. I went on to explain that science is one of humanity's great truth traditions, and religion is another. The two have threatened each other since well before the theories of Charles Darwin were formulated. But they needn't be engaged in such a heated rivalry because their goals are so different.
Science can help us understand how the world was created, but it can't tell us why it was created. And religion has no business telling us how the world was created, but we desperately need it to help us under- stand why we're here.
Genesis doesn't discuss the survival of the fittest, but, as you well know, Darwin's scientific creation story does. That story's operativeprinciple of the survival of the fittest became known as Social Darwinism, which taught that only the truly gifted deserve to survive. It is unfortunate that this teaching has become an axiom of modern life. In contrast, our Jewish tradition has always taught that we are responsible for the survival of the least fit: the orphan, the poor, the lonely, and the stranger, to name just a few. And in Genesis 1:27 we are told that every single human being is divinely gifted and deserving of dignity. The opening of Genesis tells about the creation by God of a universe of harmony, balance, and beauty, formed from soupy chaos, tohu vavohu. It is the most profound story we know, and it reminds us why we are here. It sets forth our work, and our challenge. But is the story true?
Regretfully I must admit that the story is not true, or at least not yet. When will it be true? When we accept our responsibility as God's partners in creating the world described in Genesis.
-Rabbi Rick Jacobs (b. 1955)
An excerpt from my Temple's Rosh Hashanah prayer book. Under the cut is just a testimony from me but feel free to reblog for the quote alone.
It really stuck with me because I was raised Protestant. I even attended a private Christian (nondenominational) school for three years. Sixth through 8th grade (for non-Americans, I was the ages of 11-14 give or take).
I was taught that evolution wasn't real. I wrote an 8 page essay on why Charles Darwin was wrong and that The Bible was correct. Little did I know I actually did believe in evolution, and so did most of my peers as I reasoned that over a long time of adaptations maybe there could be a different species
I was shell shocked when I switched to a public high school (14 years old) and flat out told evolution was true (or well as true as a scientific theory can get). I lost my trust for authority, and I realized how damaging my education had been.
I'm AFAB, and so I was taught my responsibility was to be quiet and to please my husband. I often asked far too many questions, especially when it came to the teachings of the Bible, to the extent my own teachers, men and women who were supposed to nurture my curiosity and be my guide into the world, shunned me.
Starting my Jewish journey, I sobbed. I sobbed after the first service I went to. It's so different from what I had been through before. I'm so glad I'm allowed to ask questions and it's even encouraged. I'm glad the Torah is scrutinized and we are encouraged to study the book and even admit when G-d has done wrong.
My partner, knowing my past, pointed this specific excerpt out to me. I had to fight back tears. I feel so loved and welcomed in Judaism.
"...Jewish tradition has always taught that we are responsible for the survival of the least fit: the orphan, the poor, the lonely, and the stranger, to name just a few. And in Genesis 1:27 we are told that every single human being is divinely gifted and deserving of dignity."
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