#i appreciate anyone who puts up with my cringe<3
shadowsayshi · 1 year
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I finally got the last three volumes of the original edition that I was missing, so here - have my collection :3
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fiendishfables · 28 days
Lucifer is one of those guys who is really happy to love someone & to be loved in return. He would treat you right, that’s for sure. 💕👹
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Lucifer Morningstar Headcannons
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warnings: nsfw, fluff
words: 584
a/n: this feels a bit rushed because I tried to make it earlier, but tumblr loves to delete my progress on things so- blep. Also, whoever is sending these in, I LOVE YOU, these are fun, hehe <3
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Due to his questionable past, Lucifer has always been a bit skeptical of love
Unfortunately, he is used to the good things in his life, the things he so happens to love the most, up and abandoning him 
But then, Lucifer being Lucifer, he’s all too forgiving
He is quite the incentive driven creature 
If he goes into a relationship where he knows he will be granted the gift of receiving the same pleasures that he himself provides for his partner, he just might have to poke at you a bit to ensure that you are indeed a real being, and not some walking figment of his imagination
His motivations are similar to those of a puppy
Besides being a good boy as unintentionally as he does, he is lured in by the sense of some sort of reward
Bonus points if that reward involves some sort of physical contact, no matter the level of intimacy
This man is touch starved; put your hands on him in one way or another, please
Honestly, just jump on his back and hug him; he loves little displays of affection like that the most (even if you almost give him a heart attack the first few times)
You openly offering him the affection he so dearly craves from another person, it’s a for sure way to get him to stick around 
In fact, you may never be able to get rid of him
Lucifer, despite being in Hell, may just be the most loyal soul down in that shithole
Once the two of you have an officially established relationship, just the thought of being with anyone else other than you makes him cringe
He makes sure to mark his calendars for any sort of important date; anniversaries, date nights, dinners, etc
Yes, he has multiple calendars; he forgets things easy, but that just shows his devotion towards you is as true as he claims it is
Randomly will turn up at your domicile with a bouquet of flowers every now and again
Doesn’t have to be a special occasion or anything; just wants to show his love and appreciation for you
Finding someone that reciprocates his lovable energy and spirit is not easy, but you managed to snare his heart from the get-go
Speaking of reciprocating love for another, Lucifer is a natural at pleasuring his partner
He refuses to leave the bedroom unless you convince him that you are truly satisfied with his efforts
Won’t let you pleasure him and then not give you anything back
It's just not in his nature to leave his lover awaiting his touch; he can’t go a day without yours, so why should you have to?
His tongue is as talented as they come; he can eat you out like there's no tomorrow to do so
King of praise
Loves to praise you and make you feel good with his actions, as well as his words
Always asks if you’re enjoying whatever he’s doing to you; if he gets even a hint that you’re uncomfortable, he’ll freeze like a deer in headlights
Probably cries during sex sometimes, claiming that he doesn’t deserve you; then proceeds to go on a fifteen minute rant about how lucky he is to have found a kind soul such as yourself to make him happy again
Every time you two make love it’s as if its your last
You’ve done so much for him; the least he can do is make you feel good
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luvrgrlellie · 9 months
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gf!ellie headcannons
warnings: smut
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controversial but i think gf!ellie only really calls you babe/baby. she calls you other things occasionally, but knowing ellie I think she would find a lot of typical pet names cringe (unless she’s saying it teasingly during sex ie. princess 😫 for her pillow princess) (or doll if she’s feeling cocky)
gf!ellie who’s ALWAYS cold. that girl has terrible circulation and is constantly sticking her feet under your butt or her hands up your shirt/down your pants to warm them up
“ouch els you’re freezing!!! why do you have ice cubes for hands?”
“idk but i dooooo know i have a space heater for a gf so it doesn’t really matter”
gf!ellie lovessss hearing you talk about your interests/hobbies/passions. she could sit there forever just listening to you ramble and watching your eyes gleam with excitement.
gf!ellie who loves taking you shopping and watching you try things on. you’re like her own little doll that she gets to dress up.
“oh my god babeeee i need to see you in this. go put it on.”
“holy shit - fuck you look so good. yeah give me a spin. god you look so fine.”
of course gf!ellie also spoils the shit out of you on these trips whenever you let her.
“no really els - I don’t need it, it’s fine!”
“it’s not about needing anything. you look so fucking hot in that dress and I wanna buy it for you. cmon let me spoil my girl.”
gf!ellie who loves to doodle with you snuggled up next to her. one of her favorite pastimes is cuddling up in bed with you at her side and her sketchbook in hand.
gf!ellie who’s a terrible cook but tried really hard in the beginning for you. she wanted to impress you by preparing a homecooked meal for your third date, but it turned out terrible. she knew you were a keeper when you took a bite and tried to pretend to like it, but then immediately came clean in the gentlest way possible because you didn’t wanna lie to her but also didn’t want her to think you didn’t appreciate the gesture.
“ellie, have you ever made this before”
“damn it’s that bad huh?”
“no, no! okay well. i will say the chicken is a little under done. and the vegetable are a little overdone. but besides that it’s really good!!”
gf!ellie who appreciates when you take over in the kitchen for the rest of the relationship. not only do you whip up the most delicious meals for her on the daily, but also look incredibly adorable doing it in your little apron with your scrunched-up concentrated face. she loves hugging you from behind to see what her cute little housewife is cooking her - squeezing your hips, rocking you back and forth, and kissing on your neck to tease you.
gf!ellie who’s uncharacteristically nervous to meet your parents. you’ve never seen her anxious like that but she just wanted really wanted to make sure that they like her. she brings flowers and some store bought cookies, but little does he know that ellie’s kind heart and love for you will win them over just fine <3
gf!ellie who knows you can handle yourself but is still hella protective of you and will knock out anyone who looks at you wrong. all you have to do is say the word.
protective gf!ellie who has mixed feelings on PDA. she really likes having her hands on you so that everyone knows your her’s, but she‘s also aware how gross and disgusting men are and how they fetishize wlw. so out of protection for you she tries to keep it toned down and unless it’s necessaryyyy (she’s tired of the stares and needs to mark her territory)
protective gf!ellie always making sure you kept your drink in your hand at all times at parties.
*drunk you getting ready to put your drink down in some random spot*
*ellie intercepting it to hold for you instead* “nopeee I got it.”
protective gf! ellie watches how much you’re drinking and cuts you off when you’ve clearly had enough
just recently posted an ellie’s kinks headcannons if y’all wanna go check it out 😏😏😏😏, so i’m not gonna go into hella detail of what gf!ellie likes in bed but let me tell ya’ll this
gf!ellie just loves teasing you. she loves how desperate you get when she drags the tip of the strap from your clit down to your hole, making you think she’s FINALLY gonna fuck you and then bringing it back up to your clit again. watching you squirm and beg her to just put it in never fails to put on smirk on your face.
“what’s the matter baby? can’t be patient? need my cock inside you that bad huh?
“if you want it so bad you’re gonna have to beg. let me hear it baby. tell me exactly what you want or you’re not getting it.” she lives to make you say every little dirty thing you want her to do to you, out loud, several times until she finally gives in. but if you do as she says she’d literally do anything you want. obsessed with you is what that girl is
loves hearing you moan and whine and beg her to fuck you but also loves covering your mouth with her hand or stuffing your panties into your mouth to shut you up. and then trying to make you talk to her when you clearly can’t.
“what’s that? sorry babe i can’t understand you.”
gf!ellie is possessive asf during sex too. whatever she’s calling you, she’s putting my in front of it. like….
“MY good girl”
“MY pussy”
“MY little slut” 😋
gf!ellie is just the bestest ever, always putting her girl first and treating her like a damn queen :)
honestly I could write so many more of these and i didn’t know where to stop so lmk if you want a part 2!!
a ;)
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starlessea2 · 9 months
If you still want Astarion requests, I’d love to see something with a Tav who’s really nervous to let Astarion bite? 🥺
Positively Starved (Astarion)
Pairing: Astarion x Reader [Baldur's Gate 3]
Summary: In spite of your nerves, you invite Astarion back for a bite; admiring the trust you've put in him, he promises to be gentle (Act 1 spoilers).
A/N I wrote this in under an hour as I wanted to play around with some requests! Let me know if you'd like to see more of these off-the-cuff oneshots! (Also, slight mention of blood in this one).
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"You can feed on me tonight... if you'd like."
The words sprung from your mouth. They lingered in the air, each syllable punctuating over and over—ringing out through your shared connection.
You felt a cringe.
Where in the seven hells did that come from? Was one near-death encounter not enough?
Before you could attempt to splutter out any sort of explanation, you were met with Astarion's laugh. "How very generous, my dear! I was starting to wonder when you'd invite me back for a bite."
Blood pooled to your cheeks; you could feel it—see it in the way his eyes turned them a similar, darker shade.
As you ruminated on his words, your heart hammered in your chest. The silence was palpable. But just as you were about to open your mouth to dismiss the idea completely, the man was roused into action.
"You know... I never expected you to be so eager," he finally said. Your embarassment swelled tenfold. "Tell you what, when the others have turned in for the night, I'll come to your bedroll."
Immediately, your breath caught in your throat. You glanced around—far less subtly than you would have hoped. To anyone in earshot, it would have sounded like Astarion was propositioning you.
Well, he was, you quickly realised. Just for blood over sex.
"Right—okay," you stammered back. You hated how weak your voice sounded, so you took a moment to make it stronger. "Come find me later then," you told him, before returning to sifting through your supplies.
You tried to calm your nerves, but as you turned to leave, you did not miss the way Astarion's fangs poked through his grin, nor how his eyes trailed your neck. Your legs almost buckled.
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As night fell, you found yourself, and your bedroll, tucked away in a small stone outhouse on the edge of camp. You'd discovered it earlier in the day, when looting storage boxes for odds and sods. It was cold, and damp—but at least it wasn't dark.
Amber glow lit up the space; you'd illuminated it with a few low-wicked candles as you waited for Astarion. In this warm light, you tried to make yourself comfortable on your bedroll.
"Setting the mood are we?"
Astarion's voice echoed through the outhouse. Although you tried not to acknowledge it, your heart immediately quickened in response—as did your mind race.
Your eyes followed him as he came inside, closing the old oak door behind him. "I must admit, I didn't expect this..." He waved a hand before him, inspecting the dripping candles, and your poor attempts at cleaning the place up.
"How come?" you asked.
His smile sent a shiver down your spine. "Well, aside from me getting a tad carried away the first time we did this... I could also feel your thoughts."
Even in the dim light, you could see his half-lidded expression, as though he was reliving the moment behind tired eyes.
He went on, "Excitement, yes, my dear. But also flighty as a bird."
Your brows furrowed. Part of you felt indignant, craved to prove him wrong by baring your neck without an ounce of apprehension. The other part wondered how he already knew you so well.
You tried to muster a reply, but it was Astarion who spoke first. "As much as I appreciate the offer, you don't have to do this, you know."
In that moment, everything seemed to still. You could only imagine the state of disbelief painted on your face. Throughout your time together, that must have been the most selflessness Astarion had ever strewn into a sentence.
But now was not the time to comment on it.
"I know," you said instead. "And I won't lie to you. I'm not sure exactly why I sought you out."
You sat up and reached for Astarion's hand. Something flashed over his face, but even so, he allowed you to guide him down to your bedroll.
"Perhaps you were right. Perhaps there is a spark of curiosity in me—excitement, even." His eyes widened, set alight by your confession. "Or maybe, and I know you won't like it..."
With a raised brow, he coaxed you, "Go on."
"When you told me about Cazador—" You paused for Astarion scowl, watching the lines materialise on his porcelain skin. "Well, I just thought how horrible it must have been to be constantly..." You sought out the word. "Hungry."
Astarion's lips parted ever so slightly.
Are you hungry? You shared the thought with him.
"Positively starved," came the reply.
Then he leaned in, casting shadows over your candle-lit skin. To any onlooker it might appear he was preparing for a kiss. But you weren't that naive.
"Not—" Your hand found his chest, the exposed skin peeking out of his shirt collar. "Not too much," you whispered.
Your eyes caught his in a silent plea. Astarion answered by taking your hand and pressing it into your bedroll. "No need to worry, my dear," he said, hot against your ear. "I promise to be gentle."
Your breath hitched. That wasn't the first time you'd heard those words spill from his pretty lips; you just hoped he'd be true to his word on this occasion.
You kept your eyes tightly shut as Astarion found your neck. As his fangs scraped your skin, you took a fistful of his hair between your fingers.
He bit down.
You tried not to cry out. The sensation was one you could hardly describe: a sharp sting followed by... euphoria?
No that wasn't right.
But all you could confidently say was that Asatrion's body lay hot over yours, and his lips were soft, but not quite as gentle as promised.
As he drank from you, you saw stars behind your eyes.
Your body thrummed as he suckled on the tender skin of your neck. The sounds he made were nothing short of sinful; they elicited a strained sort of moan from behind your own lips.
You felt Astarion's hand tighten over yours. He took more from you, worrying your skin between his teeth, coaxing more of your gasps to surface.
Pleasure mingled with pain coursed through your shared connection—a deep longing on either end. You cried out, and quickly, Astarion pulled away.
Feeling the loss of warmth, you opened your eyes. You were dazed, but even then, you noticed his cherry-red lips, tinted with your blood.
You blinked, trying to rid your vision of its blurred edges.
"Are you alright, my dear?" Astarion asked. He sat up immediately, inspecting your neck and overall complexion. "You're looking a little... flushed," he concluded.
A tired laugh escaped you. "My blood runs hot," you managed to say.
"Indeed it does," he agreed. Then he promptly stood up and dusted himself off.
A pang of hurt struck you.
It must have been strong enough to have travelled through your shared connection, since Astarion glanced back almost immediately.
"Don't look at me like that," he said, exasperated. "I'm just going to fetch some water. Try not to move until the dizziness passes."
Your mouth fell ajar. A wave of shyness overcame you. Had it been that obvious you wanted him to stay?
Apparently it had, so you tentatively rolled over, hiding your face from the man. "Thank you," you mumbled into your bedroll.
You heard the door creak open, and Astarion's footsteps damper. "No, my dear," he replied. "Thank you."
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nimmie-nugget · 1 month
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Concept: Logan as your Boyfriend
Warning: I apologize prior for any Grammer, Spelling+etc errors. Cringe?? Logan may be OOC >:(
SBG Masterlist
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NICKNAMES: Love, Darling, Honey. Just all that mushy cutesy stuff<3 Would probably be nervous when he starts giving you nicknames, not knowing if you’d like them. Definitely prefers a nickname for you though, like a shortened version since it reminds him of how beautiful your name is.
“[N/N]? C-can you help me out..please?” He fumbles, playing around with his fingers nervously as he blushed in slight embarrassment.
DATES: Anything to do with nature basically, would 100% keep sanitizer with him since he’s Germaphobic, we love a boy who keeps up with his hygiene<3
“[N/N], look here! Roses—” Proceeds to go on a rant about Plants and how they grow, even mentioning the littlest details.
LOVE LANGUAGE: Gifts, they’re a must!! Would buy you matching accessories with whatever pocket money he was given, have you SEEN him?!? His style is GREAT!!! Flowers too, not just any bought flowers though, he’d handpick the flowers himself and wouldn’t want ANYONE to help him because he wants to put effort in for you. He’s precious!!
“[N/N], here…I have a present for you..” He says shyly as he was outside you’re door, a hand on the back of his neck as he looks at his shoes, avoiding eye contact as he smiles slightly with a blush.
Holding out some handpicked flowers out for you with a keychain of your favourite Flower. The smell of hand sanitizer hitting your nose.
“…I hope you like them.” He glanced at you.
INSECURITIES: Thinks you’ll leave him one day if you find someone better. It’s honestly a miracle to him that you haven’t left. Often needs reassurance and you’re touch, unless your uncomfortable with physical touch then words with genuineness, fondness and care would work. Such an emotional boy, actually so sad :(
“Y-you pr-romise?” He sniffed as he’s curled into a ball, looking at you for comfort
CUDDLING: Little spoon most definitely, but wouldn’t mind big spooning if you’re feeling terrible<3
His head snuggled into you’re chest as his arms tightly wrapped around your waist, clinging onto you. Breathing softly as he falls into a much needed slumber.
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Lil Note: Hearts, Comments and Reblogs are Appreciated💙
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Called to Duty 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, abandonment, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Captain Syverson
Summary: You struggle to move on from the biggest mistake of your life but find it hard to forget among the whispers of a small town.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You’re tired. You’re always tired these days, but you gotta do what you gotta do. That’s going to be your life from now on. Not what you want, but what you need.  
You wait in line at the grocery store. Their in-store sourdough isn’t as good as the bakery but you can’t spare the extra dollars. You have your essentials; chicken, rice, some broth for those days when you can’t quite keep solid food down. Some fruits too for the mornings, and a sneaky pack of cookies. 
The woman behind the counter packs up here bag. She rubs her hip as you swipe your card, as if she can feel your pain. You suppose she has few aches and pains from years of standing behind that till. She hands you your receipt and asks if you need help. It’s two bags, nothing too heavy. You slide them into the rolling bag you dragged down with you and head out. 
You’re almost breathless as you get through the front doors. You get dizzy spells but the doctor says it’s just a dip in your blood pressure. You sit on a bench outside the grocery store and rub your stomach as you wait for it to pass. 
As you close your eyes against the springtime sunlight, a familiar tone nestles behind your ear. The timbre sends a shiver up your spine and your hug your middle out of instinct. You don’t look over as Thor’s rolling baritone wafts through the air. 
You stand and pull your bag in the other direction, as fast as you can. The wheels hit a line in the pavement and twists, the handle falling from your hand. It clatters to the ground and you hurried scramble to pick it back up as an apple rolls close to the top. You squat halfway and lift the handle, glancing over as silence pervades. 
Your eyes meet his and you cringe. You quickly turn away as he pulls the phone away from his ear and tilts his head. You touch your stomach again. Did he notice? Did he care? He hadn’t before. 
“Eh, been a while, kitten,” he purrs after you as his footfalls quickly descend, “where are you off to?” 
You ignore him, turning towards the curb as you look up and down the street. You need to get out of here. He stands beside you and you flinch as he puts his hand on your lower back. 
“Why’re you running away?” He says. 
You scoff, “don’t tell me I’m the one running away.” 
You drop your arm and drag the bag off the curb and across the street, as quickly as you can move yourself. You know he’s following. You know him better than he thinks you do. You turn down towards the pharmacy. 
“You look good. Healthy,” he remarks, “you’ve... filled out.” 
“Get away from me,” you hiss. 
“Don’t be rude. I’m just checking in on you, as any good person should.” 
You stop short and face him defiantly. His cheek dimples and reflects a memory back at you. The day you told him. The day he asked who you thought the father was. The day he shrugged off his responsibility on the back of rumours. 
‘Couldn’t possibly be mine. How could you know for sure? How could anyone?’ 
That grin. That taunting grin. 
“You shouldn’t be worried about being a good person, you should be a good father,” you sneer, a crack in your voice. “And you are neither.” 
He laughs, “you always were dramatic, kitten, but the way you meow for me... I hear the hormones make you wild--” 
He reaches to touch your cheek and you swat him away, “don’t.” 
“One last time, for old time’s sake,” he coaxes. 
“You are so gross,” you snip. 
“You can’t be mad at me because you opened your legs--” 
You push him. Stupidly. You shove him in the stomach with one hand. He barely reacts as you turn and stomp away with your groceries rolling at your heels. 
Your eyes sear hotly as you swallow back the protest. It was only him. There was no other possibility. No one believes. Who knows who she slept with? She was always down at the bar, wasn’t she? 
“I miss those claws, kitten,” he calls after you. 
You grit your teeth and storm towards the brick facade of the pharmacy. You shake as you try to fish out your keys. You let go of the rolling bag in frustrating as you dig down in your purse. The cart falls over again and your keyring jangles out onto the pavement with it. 
You let out a grunt and stand, staring at the catastrophe as the apple rolls out of the bag. You lower your head and steel yourself for the reach. Even at four months, with just a bit of belly, everything is so uncomfortable. 
A thick hand scoops up the keys then the apple. Sy hooks two fingers around the handle of the bag and stands. You look at him, lip quivering, and quickly bat away your tears. You dab your eyes with your knuckles. 
“Here,” he stands the bag up and drop the apple inside, then holds out your keys. 
You sigh, “you.” 
He frowns as you take the keyring, “me? I was only helping--” 
“Yeah, because you feel bad for me. Please,” you shove your keys in the door, “don’t.” 
“Feel bad? No. That’s not why... I... people should help each other. Especially those in need.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I need to close my legs. I need to figure it out,” you huff and pull the bag through the door and shove it through, “thanks. I’m good.” You take a step inside and stop, angling back to him, “you forgot your stuff at the pharmacy. They’re holding it at customer service--” 
“It’s yours--” 
“Stop,” you put a hand up, “okay? Just stop. You can go get your money back then.” 
His thick brows draw together and he grazes his hand over his buzzed hair, “I saw you talking to Thor.” 
You snort, “yeah, I ran into your buddy. So what?” 
He crosses his arms and shifts his stance, his works boots dragging loudly, “you’re mad at him.” 
You close your eyes and suck in a breath, “I don’t want to talk about this, especially with you. Fine, go back to him, tell him how pathetic I am--” 
“Why would I do that?” He sounds genuinely confused. 
“I’m not stupid. You were always down at The Horn together. Whatever this is, I’m not falling for it.” 
He squints then looks past you. Your turn and inch the door towards the frame. He steps forward and slaps a hand against the other side, holding it open. 
“He is not a man or a friend if he’s done this to you,” he says. You arch a brow as his blue eyes meet yours, “you deserve better.” 
He eases the tension in his arm as you lean on the door. He lets it snap shut and you wince at the click. You grasp the latch but don’t turn it as you listen through the wood. The friction of his hand drags down the wood. 
“I will give you better,” you barely make out his mutters as the tread of his boot scrapes on the pavement. You twist the lock and fall back against the wall. What is he doing? It has to be a trick. It has to.
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feyreswaterybowels · 2 months
⟡ Princess of Dreams ⟡
# 2 Lucien x Rhys!Sister
⟡ Part 1 ⟡ Part 2 ⟡ Part 3 ⟡
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Following the events of the Solstice ceremony.
Warnings/Tags: smut. implied past sexual assault. fluffy romance. feyre and Rhys’ sister being besties and wanting to destroy tamlin. possible grammatical errors.
Authors Note: All likes comments and reblogs are appreciated, welcome and encouraged! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for part 3! Bold italics are mental communication, regular italics are inner thoughts. (Mood Board)
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It’s hours later when the intensely bright sun had finally sunk back below the western horizon, giving me back my beautiful night sky.
There had been more countless hours of…well of not much really but it was still exhausting to be standing around all day surrounded by thousands of flowers and brightly colored streamers, watching Feyre and Tamlin greet and speak to everyone while Ianthe followed around trying to explain what happened.
The cauldron had blessed her chosen friend, she told anyone who would listen—how the sun had altered its very path to show how glad it was for her return. I would silently mock her every time she repeated those words.
There hadn’t been many interested in her tale, and the ones that were showed mild interest at best.
Feyre had stuck close to us for a majority of the time. I didn’t mind. I felt extremely protective over her. Not only as my High Lady but as my friend. I may not have access to my physical powers but I could still enter a mind in half a second and destroy someone if they dared harm her.
I’d enjoyed watching this new Feyre. How confident and sure she’d become. When the adoring fae wished to touch her hand, weep a bit over her, thank her for all she’d done she would have cringed away before. Now she openly accepted their thanks and gratitude. Thanking them and smiling as any High Lord would. Mostly genuine. Though for some, like courtiers and sentries, she put on a better show.
After six hours many retreat to freshen up.
“Tell my brother I love him.” I tell Feyre when she hugs me as she leaves. She promises to tell him for me.
Lucien and I stay, watching as lunch is cleared away and the band sets up. I would give anything to be spending this day with my family, but I was always grateful to have my mate at my side.
So when the band finally started playing and the fae around us took to the dance floor I dragged Lucien up. He hadn’t put up much of a fight—we loved dancing.
And dance we did for hours. I had even stolen Feyre away from Tamlin a few times much to his annoyance and my satisfaction.
We laughed together, spinning around the dance floor. It reminded me of myself and Mor—how we would get drunk on wine at Rita’s and dance the night away. I couldn’t wait to have nights like that with Feyre, too.
I spun her back into Tamlins arms as Lucien stole me away this time, practically begging me to come with him to eat and I realized why when I noticed Ianthe prowling around the tables.
Even she couldn’t put a damper on my mood right now. We fixed our plates and seated ourselves. More wine in our glasses as we sat tucked off away from the largest parts of the crowd—talking in hushed voices and feeding one another as if we hadn’t been mated for nearly two decades now.
Eventually I had shifted from my seat to stand behind Lucien, playing with his hair while we watched those on the dance floor become increasingly more drunk. I started braiding his hair, a taunt braid along either side of his head, curling behind his pointed ears.
“Your hair is getting so long,” I tell him, those auburn locks well past his shoulders now.
“I know,” He says, leaning back in his chair. “I’ve been thinking of cutting it—”
I gasp, drawing his attention up to me. “You better not!”
The laugh that leaves his mouth goes straight to my core. He reaches up and pulls me to bend over him so he can kiss me.
“Is that an order, Princess?” He asks against my lips and I grin.
“More like I’ll kick your ass if you do it,” I tease, kissing him again.
As I’m pulling away to go back to braiding his hair I feel eyes on us. Violet meeting teal and I bare my teeth in a wicked smile. I slide my fingers through his hair, gently pulling to tilt his head back, keeping eye contact with her as I lean down to kiss him again… stroking my tongue over his. He gasps in my mouth, reaching up to caress my head with a strong hand.
Anger lights in those eyes across the way and I grin as Lucien’s lips move to my throat, my free hand sliding around and down his chest—slipping under his shirt to feel heated skin.
I moan as he sucks on my skin, digging my nails into his chest and tightening my hand in his hair.
“Fuck,” Lucien growls, standing quickly from the chair, towering over me. “Come here.”
Then I’m being dragged away. I look over my shoulder smirking at Ianthe who is red in the face looking like she’s about to have a tantrum. She takes a step forward as if about to follow Lucien and I only to be stopped by Feyre, though I couldn’t hear what was being said before we disappeared into the thick woods.
“You’re nothing but trouble,” Lucien taunts, pushing me against a tree and attacking my mouth.
“You love it,” I gasp against his lips, reaching between us to work his pants open, ignoring the way the tree bark digs into my wings.
“Turn around,” he orders, but before I can move he’s got me spun around and pressed against the tree. “Hands.” Is his next order.
I present my wrists to him behind my back and his large hand wraps around them, pinning them to my lower back.
“I’m gonna fuck you right here, Princess,” Lucien says, the sound of his buckle coming undone making me shiver. “I want you to be loud enough that she hears you.”
I moan at that. Knowing exactly who he’s talking about without saying her name. Though it’s unlikely she’ll actually hear me from this distance over the music but the thought that she might? And probably had many times is something I love. She wants him so bad—not that I blame her. But to remind her he was mine over and over, that she would never get to have him made me feral.
I’m pulled from those thoughts when the skirt of my dress is being lifted, that hand of fire trailing between my thighs, rubbing at my wetness before ripping the stocking and panties I wore beneath.
“Tell me, sweet girl, are you turned on because of me? Or because you know she knows exactly what we’re doing out here?” Lucien asks, fingers sliding through my wetness, rubbing in that perfect spot until I was weak in the knees. Only held up by his weight pushing me against the tree.
“I asked a question,” He grunts, pulling that heat away from my center.
“Both,” I gasp out in a moan, needing his hand back. “Fuck, both.”
“That’s a good girl,” He praises, hand sliding back between my thighs, rubbing at me, two fingers sliding inside.
“Oh, fuck, Lu,” I moaned. His fingers weren’t as thick or long as his cock but they felt so good filling me up, curling perfectly to find that spot that had me seeing stars.
“I’m gonna make you cum on my fingers first,” He leaned over me to breathe in my ear, careful of my wings, fingers pumping faster, “then on my cock. Then I’m gonna take you back to that party filled up. We’re going to tell everyone goodbye then I’m gonna take you home, tie you to the bed and have my godsdamn way with you.”
“Yes, please!” I cry out, clenching around his fingers, cumming entirely too easy just from the way he rubs that spot inside of me, just from the way his voice rasped against my ear.
His fingers slide from me but before I can protest I feel him press against me, pushing in, in, in until he’s fully sheathed inside of me. He pressed a kiss to the back of my neck, the back of my shoulders between my wings. I wished he had ripped the damn dress from my body so I could feel his lips against my skin.
“That could be arranged,” He purrs, reaching around to grasp my breast, not realizing I had sent that through the bond.
“Lu, please,” I begged, pushing back against him. He hisses in pleasure, nipping at my neck before straightening his spine, still holding my wrist as he pulls his hips back, thrusting all the way back in. “Yesss.”
Then he fucks me. Hard and rough.
Bent over against a tree in the middle of the forest. I let every sound imaginable fall from my lips exactly the way he ordered me to. Between the events of the day, the flirting, the unwanted looks from another and the wine I was falling over the edge easily for the second time.
He slows his thrusts, giving me only a moment to catch my breath before he’s pulling out and spinning me back around. My knees buckle and I fall to the ground directly in front of him.
“Look at my pretty girl, so fucked out she can’t even stand,” Lucien coos, grasping my chin gently to tilt my head up, sliding his thumb into my mouth. I suck on the digit, batting my eyelashes at him, watching that fire burn in his eyes.
He reaches down, grabbing me around the waist and hauls me up, lifting me easily into his arms, my dress bunching between us. My arms and legs wrap around him and I kiss him. I can’t help it.
It only takes some slight maneuvering before he’s back inside of me, my calves over his forearms as he’s thrust into me. It was always such a turn on the way he could hold me like this, so easily, as he took me.
The bond suddenly lights up with warmth and my mind goes blank as I come again.
“Fill me up. Please, cum in me, I want it.”
I can feel how close he is without him saying anything. The sounds he’s making, the feelings through the bond. I know exactly when he’s about to cum and I moan as he fills me up
“So good, that was so good, Luc.”
He moans, eyes meeting mine and I smile at him. Pushing a few strands of hair from his sweaty forehead.
He takes a few gasping breaths, holding me in his arms still, basking in the high of his orgasm. I wrap my wings around us as we stand there, providing us with some form of privacy should anyone stumble upon us.
“We should get back,” I tell him, kissing the tip of his pointed ear. Wanting nothing more than to just skip out on the goodbyes and just go back to the house.
“Just another minute,” he said breathy, one of his hands reaching to grasp my ass cheek. “Just wanna be inside of you.”
“Mm. We could just go say our goodbyes like this,” I offer, playing with the braid I put in his hair earlier. “Unfortunately that means quite a few males would see me with your cock—”
Lucien growls at that and I giggle when his eyes meet mine. “I would kill someone.”
I hum in response, kissing him.
“The thought of you killing someone simply for seeing my body shouldn’t be so sexy.”
His hearty laugh vibrates through my body—my favorite sound.
“Come on, Princess. Let’s get this over with so I can get you in my bed,” He says, slipping from my body and setting me getting on my feet, making sure I was steady before tucking himself away.
We take a few moments to collect ourselves, kissing softly between straightening the other clothes and fixing disheveled hair. Of course no one was stupid. They would scent the smell of sex on us but that didn’t mean we had to make it any more obvious.
By the time we got back the sun had been long gone from the sky, dozens of blazing fires lit the area now. I didn’t spot Ianthe anywhere but Feyre finds us within moments of us taking up a spot by the fire.
We had meant to say our goodbyes but Feyre offered me a glass of wine. Which led to another. And another. We danced with one another around the fire—Lucien taking turns spinning us around. I had no idea where Tamlin was and I honestly didn’t care.
It was when Feyre asked Lucien and I to escort her back to the manor. Being ever the gentleman he agreed. I was much more drunk than Feyre but Lucien offered an elbow to each of us, letting us hang on him as he led us back to the house.
We left Feyre at her bedroom, I giggled out a goodnight, grabbing her face and kissing her cheek. As we were turning away I tripped over my foot and giggled again.
“Luc, I’m drunk,” I said, as he grabbed my arm, wrapping it around his neck.
“Yeah, Princess, I know,” Lucien chuckled, leading me to our bedroom.
I felt so light and blissful, letting him undress me and clean me up. He pulled the pins from my hair and cleaned the makeup from my face sliding a nightgown onto my naked body.
He laid me back, pulling his comforter over my body, tucking me in tightly. “Get some sleep, sweet girl,” He smiles down at me, kissing my forehead.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
I woke up hours later to Lucien tossing and turning. Ever since the Mountain his sleep was more restless than not, dragging up traumas old and new.
My head pounded from all the wine I’d drunk but I watched his face, still peaceful despite the unease of his sleep. It was when a horrified grimace crossed his face that I took over. When I felt the bond run ice cold with fear, when I got a glimpse of that nightmare—one he’s had before, where it starts with Jesminda’s torture and right as she’s about to be executed she changes into me as Beron and Lucien’s brother’s force him to watch me be murdered.
I slip into his mind, caressing it gently, ending the dream easily before it gets to that horrid part. I crawl next to him, laying his head in my lap and carding my fingers through his hair, braiding and unbraiding pieces, scratching at his scalp gently.
Instead I show him Velaris, the life I want us to have there together, the life we always talked about.
Living in our home right on the river. Late night stroll under an endless diamond sky. A long and happy life with beautiful red headed, winged babies. All the adventures we could go on together when no longer stuck in the boundaries of the Spring Court. Having the bond declared in a ceremony, a proper wedding, going swimming in the Sidra, taking him to see Ramiel—there was so much I wanted to do with him.
We’ve had a good life together here in Spring. He had done everything to make it better for me once he realized who I was, that I was stuck here. Picnic dates by the pond, visits to farmers markets, naps under beautiful trees, drinking wine, horseback rides, festivals and gardening.
But we could have a better life. An amazing one instead of a good one and I wanted to spend it with him.
He shifts, arms wrapping around my legs, nuzzling against my thigh, pressing his lips to my tanned skin but he doesn’t wake. I lull him into a deeper sleep, thumbing away the crease between his eyebrows.
My head whips up at a sound across the hall, Feyres room. I listen carefully, hear her door open. Then there’s a gentle knock on our door. She must have had a nightmare too…maybe I should start checking in on her at night.
I gently untangle myself from Lucien’s embrace, pulling the bed sheet over his body before sliding from the bed. There’s a second knock just before I reach the door. I scanned her head to toe quick—sweaty and disheveled but not physically harmed.
“I heard you, are you okay?” I asked, stepping to the side to let her into the room, scanning the hall for any sign of trouble. There seemed to be nothing.
The room was lit mainly by the moon light and I watched her look around the room. The night gown she wore was above mid thigh but she turned around to look at me before I could question her motive.
“I had a dream about it,” she rasped thickly, “Under the Mountain. I couldn’t remember where I was.”
I nod my head in understanding. Lucien had similar dreams. I wanted to kill Amarantha all over again for what she had done. To Feyre. To Lucien. To my brother. To thousands and thousands of fae.
“What did you dream of tonight?” I asked, stepping closer to her.
“She had me spiked to the wall like Clare Beddor. And the Attor was—” She shuddered, running her hands over her face.
I walked closer to her, a frown on my face, wanting to provide her with some kind of comfort. There’s something in the house, a vibration, I feel it but before I can question it she’s thrown her arms around me. I don’t object as she buries her face against my neck, warm tears falling on my bare skin. I let out a small sigh, sliding an arm around her waist, the other caressing her head, stroking over her dark golden hair.
“I’m sorry, Feyre,” I breathed, kissing the crown of her head. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
Her cries and tears eventually subside but I continued to hold her. Allowing her to take the comfort she needed from me. I pulled back slightly, caressed her face gently, wiping away the remaining tears. I looked at her, I knew she could see the concern in my eyes, but there was something else in hers, something not completely of the fear and sadness she was presenting.
“Why are you—”
“What’s going on?” Tamlin’s deep voice rumbles through the room. I turned my head slightly to look at him, he stood there face a mask of cold calm, the beginnings of claws glinting at his knuckles—looking as if he’d caught us in the middle of something naughty.
“I had a nightmare,” she explained, pulling, straightening her nightgown. I fought the urge to smile. “I-I didn’t want to wake the house.”
Tamlin knew I didn’t sleep in here most nights. Lucien either slept in my room or we slept separately, so in his eyes Feyre had to have been seeking out the comfort of Lucien after her nightmare.
He just stood there staring at us. Eyes glancing at Lucien before looking at me with narrowed eyes, a glare that I returned. His mouth tightened into a thin line and I nearly snarled at him—those claws still half drawn.
“I had a nightmare,” Feyre repeated sharply, walking forward to grip Tamlin’s arm, turning him but he looked back at me. I crossed my arms over my chest and smirked at him as she led him from the room closing the door.
“You little shit, your lucky Lucien wasn’t awake, Tamlin would’ve killed him,” I told her crawling back in bed with my mate.
“I wouldn’t let that happen. I needed to plant some kind of doubt in his mind. You seemed to do the trick though,” Feyre’s answer came five minutes later, laughter in her voice.
“You should have told me I would have kissed you right in front of him,” I teased back, sliding under the sheet, cuddling up to that warm body.
“Next time,” Is her response, a mental image of her winking and blowing me a kiss followed.
I laughed out loud.
“What’s going on?” Lucien asks, a slight frown on his face at being woken suddenly.
I grinned, kissing his chest.
“Nothing, my love. Go back to sleep,” I whispered, easily slipping into his mind to lull him back to sleep.
I grinned to myself.
“Burn it down, Feyre” I told her. “Burn it all down.”
Fuck Tamlin. And fuck the Spring Court.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
tag list: @sleepylunarwolf @stained-glass-eyes0708 @saltedcoffeescotch @cherry-cin @xmalfoyweasleyx @jesskidding3 @minaethrym @scorpioriesling @inloveallthetime @paleidiot
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 6 months
You're The Only Girl For Me - Chapter 8
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All OC Characters belong to me
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Taglist: @christinabae@southerngirl41@reci24@jeyusos-girl@jeyusosgirl@melaninsugababy@baconeggndcheez@bemybabiibish@jstarr86@nbanenefrmdao@purplehairgawdess@arination99@alyyaanna@m3llowww@gomussy@jeysbae@babysyhsy @bebesobrielo@empressdede@venusesworld@harmshake@mustafumilf@theninthwonder @badbitchcentralinc @alyyaanna @romansnumberonegirl
Christmas Day 2020 (continued)
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Isaac Jones stared at the man he just caught groping his baby girl, his princess. That was not what he wanted to see when he opened his front door after being alerted that there was a presence by his security system. 
Airielle cleared her throat. She was suddenly having a flashback to her junior year in highschool.  “Dad this is Joshua, Josh this is my dad Issac.” Josh held his hand out to Isaac. 
“That was the hand that was groping my daughter's ass, correct?” Josh put his hand down and cringed. This was not going well. At all. 
“My bad about that. I wasn’t expecting anybody to open the door.” Josh said scratching the back of his neck as her dad just stared him down, a deep frown on his face. 
“Are you going to let us in?” Airielle questioned, breaking her dad out of his staring. Airielle rolled her eyes as her dad moved to the side and let her and Josh walk into the house. She grabbed Josh’s hand pulling him into the house with her. 
“Hey Mia, I found our daughter outside being groped up by some boy.” Airielle rolled her eyes again and walked into the living room where her family were seated. 
“You bought Jey Uso for christmas!?” Her 10-year old nephew Zay shouted, running over towards her. “This is the best present ever! Is Roman here too?” He asked, eyes wide as he ran into the foyer to see if anyone else was out there. 
Airielle and her family laughed at how excited he was. “No i’m sorry Zay, maybe Yas can get him here next year.” She said smirking at Yasmine who flipped her off in return. 
“Non, pa gen anyen nan sa” (no, none of that) Her grandmother scolded, pointing her finger at Yasmine. “Pa dwe grosye Airielle. Entwodwi nou nan ti zanmi ou..” (don’t be rude Airielle, introduce us to your friend.) She said smiling over at Airielle and Josh. 
“Mwen regrèt granmè, se Josh, zanmi mwen nan travay.” (I’m sorry granny,this is Josh, my friend from work) She said to her grandmother before saying it again in english for everyone else, obviously leaving the friend part out, she didn’t know what she and Josh were and she didn’t want to upset him by just calling him a friend. 
She met his family and now he was meeting hers, they’ve kissed but he never asked her to be his girlfriend nor did she ask him to be her boyfriend.  Maybe he thought she already was without him asking. She cleared her throat before introducing him to everyone in the room individually so that he could know their names. 
Now her family wasn’t as big as Josh’s but there were enough of them, with her dad and stepmom, her older brother, Isaiah, his wife Kelsi and their 3 kids. Her other older brother Josiah, his wife Nickole and their three kids. Her two uncles, Yasmine and her younger cousin Ashley, her younger brother Elijah, Yasmine’s sister Jasmine and her grandmother.
When they got to her stepmom Tamia, she stood up and pulled Joshua into a hug. “I’ve heard so much about you. I’m happy you could make it.” Josh’s smile was wide and bright. He felt kind of relieved that Airielle had told her family about him. 
“Thank you for having me.” Tamia then turned towards Airielle. 
“Go get some food before your brothers eat it all.” Tamia said laughing when all of them shouted in protest. Airielle laughed too before grabbing Josh’s hand and walking towards the kitchen. 
“Do you want a to-go plate? I know you not hungry seeing as we just ate at your moms house. ” She asked and when she turned to Josh, he was already staring at her.“What?” 
“You speak a different language?” Airielle laughed
“Oh yeah.” She giggled. “It's Haitian, my grandma doesn’t speak english, so that’s how we communicate with her.”  
“Damn, that’s hot.” She rolled her eyes and pushed him away from her. 
“Boy if you don’t stop.” She rolled her eyes as she started to make him a plate. 
“I’m just saying. That shit is hot. What other secrets you got?” She smirked over at him. 
“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know.” She winked.
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Spending time with Airielle’s family was going… okay. Her family was just like his to be honest, everyone was close and it was obvious that this was a family that saw each other everyday and not just on the holidays. Everyone had been extremely nice to Josh except Isaac, but that was completely understandable. But it was like no matter what he said her dad found a problem with it. Josh could tell that Airielle was getting annoyed and to be honest so was he, he didn’t do anything wrong…technically. 
They were all sitting in the living room, letting the kids open presents. Airielle had taught Josh some Haitian words so that he could communicate with her grandmother. Josh had also tried his hardest to engage Isaac in conversation but he would be met with silence. 
“Don’t worry about him.” Tamia whispered to Josh. “Rih is his baby girl. He’s like that with every guy she brings home.” That caused Josh’s eyes to widen in shock. How many dudes does she bring home? 
Seeing the look on his face Tamia quickly backtracks. “No, what I meant to say is that he’s protective of her.” 
“ I get it. But i’m trying.” Tamia smiled and placed a comforting hand on his knee. 
“Don’t worry, I'll talk to him.”
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“Hey man, you know how to play spades?” Airielles older brother Josiah asked and Josh nodded. “Cool, come on, you  my partner.” Josh chuckled and gave Airielle a kiss on the cheek before getting up and followed Josiah over to the table where Airielle’s other brother Isaiah and Yasmine were already waiting. 
They played for a while, Josh getting to know Airielle’s brothers and some embarrassing stories about her that he would keep as ammunition for the stories his mom told her. 
“Hey man, don’t worry about my dad. He was never going to like you.” Josiah said after they had just finished playing. Josh arched an eyebrow at Josiah. “I mean how everything went down with Christopher, I'm surprised he even let you in the house.”  At the mention of Christopher’s name Yasmine’s head snapped over to the two of them. She shook her head trying to tell Josiah to stop talking. 
“Josiah, stop.” Yasmine said, kicking him under the table. 
“What?” He then turned to Josh “You don’t know?” 
“Know what?” Josh asked, confused. 
“Jo-” He cut her off by loudly talking over her. He heard  Yasmine mutter ‘fuck’ before quickly getting up  from the table to walk over to Airielle to tell her what her brother was doing. 
“She was engaged to this dickhead. I never like the nigga. ” Joshiah took a sip of his beer before continuing. “I always told Rih, it was something off about him, but she didn’t listen.” He sighed and shrugged before continuing. “One day he beat the shit outta my sister. Had her in a hospital for damn near 2 months. She had to get a nose job from how bad he hit her in the face.” Josh felt his heart drop to his stomach. He let his gaze wander over to where Airielle was talking and laughing with her step-mom and one of her sister-in-laws. He would never dream of hurting her, physically or emotionally. 
He watched as Yasmine walked over to her and whispered something in her ear that wiped the smile completely off her face. 
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Airielle stared at Yasmine in shock. She looked over at Josh who was already looking at her and felt her eyes water. She never wanted anybody outside of her family to know about Christopher or what he did to her. 
“I tried to stop him, but he’s drunk. You know how Jojo is.” Yasmine explained, giving Airielle a sympathetic look. 
“Fuck” Airielle muttured before stabding up and walking towards Josh and Josiah.  “Imma steal him for a minute okay.” She said to Josiah who shrugged in response. Airielle sighed and pulled Josh away from everyone and towards the sunroom, locking the door behind her.  “Look I don’t-” 
“If you don’t want me to know. I’ll forget everything that Josiah said.” Josh said cutting her off. 
“What?” She asked, staring at him in shock. 
“By the look on your face. I can tell it’s something that you don’t want me to know about. If you wanna tell me i’ll listen but if you don’t want me to know i'll forget everything he said and I’ll never bring it up.” Airielle could do nothing but stare at Josh 
“What?” She asked again, making him smile. 
“How did you expect me to react?” Airielle shrugged and wrapped her arms around herself. 
“I honestly don’t know. Nobody outside my family knows what happened, and I honestly wanted to keep it that way.” 
“Okay, then we’ll keep it that way. I won’t say anything or bring it up again.” He said pulling her into her arms and kissing the side of her head. 
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Issac watched them hug with a curious look on his face. “Hey, wassup with them?” He asked Isaiah who was walking past. 
“Oh, Jojo opened his big ass mouth. Told Josh about Christopher. Kelsi heard them from the backyard and honestly, dad. He’s a good dude. You gotta give him a chance.” Isaiah patted his dad on the back before leaving him to his own thoughts. 
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Could you do one where y/n is walking to home alone at night and is scared of someone and calls tae or somethingg ? :)) I love the Forever and a Day series!
Hello angel! sorry for the delay in post, been busy offline but im gonna get through my requests now, thank you for reading and loving the series! <3
No warnings, enjoy!!
"why are we getting dessert at 1am?"....."why not?" KTH DRABBLE
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"Hi sweetheart, are you just getting out?" Taehyung sat up in bed, phone up to his ear as he picked up your call.
"Hi baby, yeah.." you exhale, walking out of your building and walking to go catch the train home to your apartment.
The past few weeks youve been working as an assistant dance instructor at a fine arts school. You loved teaching and dancing everyday, but some nights were long, and you couldnt let the students leave unless their choreography was perfect.
"How was work then?" he asked, feeling more awake
"well...we finished the main choreo which is actually really good considering we just started teaching it last saturday. I think they are catching onto it now....but we still had to stay late and do costumes and what not..."
"busy, busy girl" he chuckled softly, fidgeting with his shirt as he heard the tiredness in your voice.
"yeah you got that right" you sigh and walk over to cross the street, eyeing the boarding platform for the train. "I'll be home soon, okay?"
"ok my love..."
"do you want me to pick up anything? Im at the train but I can stop quickly at the 24 hour market and bu-"
You stopped talking to your boyfriend as you heard a voice appear behind you. You turned to meet eyes with a much taller man wearing a grey hoodie and baggy navy blue sweatpants. He could have been anywhere between 30-40 years old.
"Uhm-..hi?" you smiled quickly, confused. You hadnt seen anyone around when you first arrived.
"whos there with you?" taehyung listens in to the unfamiliar voice
"hang on, tae" you mumble, putting the phone down as the man steps a bit closer.
"you look very pretty!" the older man spoke calmly, making you cringe. He smelled of cigarettes and booze.
"oh...thanks, im not interested in anything...im sorry. Just waiting to catch the train" you nod and point at the empty tracks in front of you, putting the phone back up to your ear as you turn
"baby whos that?" taehyung frowned, turning down the tv so he could listen more closely.
"I dont know...im at the train and some guy is just trying to talk to me" you whisper through gritted teeth.
"what??" he panics
"how old are you?" the guy asks, now closer to you than before.
"sir...im a little uncomfy with you being so close, I am just trying to get home to my boyfriend, its very late." you try to speak without your voice shaking.
"ah come on...dont be like that, im sure he wont mind if your home a little later. why dont we go have a little fun?" he mumbled
you felt your heart sink to your stomach as you immediately backed up. you wish you hadn't left your stupid pepper spray at home.
"Y/N?" tae called out, but your phone was by your side as you looked back at him. "please.....just go away" you try again
He simply laughed and continued to step closer before a cop that mustve been nearby came up behind him, grabbing his attention.
"hello sir, mind if I ask why you are out here this late?"
He scoffed, shrugging dramatically.
The cop continued to press questions as you quickly made a gesture of appreciation and fled without him noticing you.
You ran off the platform and back into the parking lot of some random store, picking up the phone to see tae was still on the line.
"Y/N, what happened? whats going on??" his voice was fast, concerned.
"I- I dont know, i ran away but some guy was near me asking me questions and I just- the cop came by but im afraid to go to the train again...im just-"
"where are you right now?" he stopped you
you turn around to see the 7/11 type market before you, "Im by the convenient store on 11th street..."
"okay stay there, go inside if you can...im coming to get you okay?"
"okay..." you breathe out and sit on the curb right next to the front door, still shaking a bit as your eyes nervously peered around the street, cars passing every now and then.
Taehyung grabbed his keys and was gone within the next 5 minutes, his own nervousness getting to him. He drove to you, keeping you on the line to speak.
"what did he look like?"
"tae i dont know, he was just older...creepy. smelled awful."
"im so sorry that this happened, are you okay?"
"im fine...im just scared now" you laugh breathily.
"im almost there, ok?"
your feet swung against the concrete parking lot before you saw the familiar headlights of your boyfriend pulling in. you waved to grab his attention, him parking the car close to you.
He got out and hugged you, swaying lightly. "its okay"
you give him a squeeze, "im sorry you had to come all the way over here so late.."
"shh dont apologize, you should always keep this with you though" he grabbed the pepper spray you left at home, shoving it into your backpack as you laughed.
"but its pinkkkk" you whined
"what guy is gonna be afraid of some pink pepper spray?"
"hey, pepper spray is pepper spray, you just have the bedazzled version. You spray and slay" he shrugged, making you cringe audibly.
"never fucking say that again" you laugh, pointing in his face as he holds your hand in his, beginning his walk to the markets front door.
"why are we going in here?" you ask
"mine as well" he smiled and opened the door, walking in and eyeing the people- free isles.
You followed him as he darted to the back of the building, lifting up the glass case and picking up 2 vanilla ice creams, then going to grab 2 iced coffees.
"whats all this?"
"dessert" he looked back and winked jokingly as he made his way to ring up the items.
You scoffed and stood behind him as he paid, "And why are we getting dessert at 1am?"
"why not" he chuckled and handed you the ice cream and coffee
"valid point" you giggle, "thank you"
He kissed your forehead and led you back out to the car, getting in and enjoying your late night snack.
"so you said the cop stopped him?"
you nodded, licking your cone and looking out the window. "He reeked of alcohol so I doubt it was because he was stalking some young girl....wonder if he was even arrested" you scoff
He hummed, pondering in thought.
The car went quiet for a moment
"do you think hes in the back seat?" tae suddenly spoke, side eyeing you.
"Tae!!!" you shout, playfully smacking his arm as he defensively raised his hands
"sorry, sorry!"
"one more word and im pepper spraying you"
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squiddlysq · 1 year
Sun & Moon Throughout the Pizzaplex
I recently got ahold of Security Breach & played through it for the first time last night & was kind of obsessed with alot of the environmental details I was finding, specifically in relation to Sun & Moon.
I feel like in fic it’s always implied that the daycare is super closed off & there’s like no mention of the attendants anywhere else in the plex & that their merch is confined exclusively to their gift shop cause they’re sort of cringe or unpopular with older kids. HOWEVER their stupid little faces were basically everywhere I looked & I wanted to show both that and a couple of really cute unique props I found. I know there’s like basically no crossover between the sun & moon fandom and People Who Have Any Intention of Playing Security Breach so I wanted to just compile a bunch of the stuff they have around the Pizzaplex here for easy access by anyone who (understandably) doesn’t want to play the game. I’m putting under a readmore so I don’t clog the tag with a giant ass photo post but I think these things are cute as hell & some of them I’d literally never seen, in the tumblr fanbase OR in any of the playthrough’s I’ve watched through so take a peep if you wanna see Sun & Moon appreciation throughout the Pizzaplex.
First I just wanted to show that they’ve got multiple stands to themselves for merch in the main lobby gift shops ! Like as SOON as you enter the game proper you’re basically immediately hit with these guys;
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And these cute little Sun shirts that are scattered throughout the plex giftshops;
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These I think people are more likely to have seen but I still think the bathroom decals are so cute & I personally had only ever seen the Sun one in game footage so ! Here’s both;
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Onto the more exciting stuff look at this ARCADE MACHINE !!! It’s looks like a regular clawgrab machine except it doesn’t have any prizes loaded into it, the design is so cute though;
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Again I’m sure most people have seen this but I love Sun’s shit ‘BANNED >:(’ poster so much & it is ALL OVER kid’s cove;
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This one is my absolute favourite I’ll be real, snooping around the backrooms of Roxy Raceway I found Sun & Moon themed go-karts and absolutely lost my mind;
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At first I just found two tucked in a dirty corner and I was like ‘Welp guess homophobia strikes again’ BUT there were several of them scattered around with the other karts & several (^^^ in the pic) laid out ready to go on the track.
& just a couple other miscellaneous things, like this cute little logo I found in the backroom of the theatre that I don’t think I saw literally anywhere else;
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& this tiny shit 3 pixel art of the boys on their section of the pizzaplex map lmao. I think they’re literally just in their poses from the daycare statue but it’s still a cute doodle;
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There’s also these Moon faces up on the Faztheatre sign which I’d never seen before ! (Ignore me visibly wandering around taking screenshots of the environment when I’m supposed to be running for my life)
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& lastly I just wanted to show these like, dedicated merch counters they seem to have in the prize counter room cause they’re cute as hell & Moon even has a collectible figurine on sale which. Canon confirmation of an adult nerd fanbase for the daycare animatronics in universe I guess;
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It’s repeat textures so I won’t bother with pics but they’ve got posters and plushies and pictures literally ALL over the Pizzaplex it really sweet. Like they are not neglected in the plex marketing literally at all. I even found a Moon screen inside one of the arcade karaoke rooms for some reason. Bonus this note you can find made me heehee. Moon scaring the shit out of children like it’s his job;
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jae-bummer · 1 year
My Idol 3: Part Four
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My Idol From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My Idol is a South Korean competitive reality dating game show. It currently airs on Saturday nights on Jae-bummer’s blog. First broadcast in 2016, the show offers the opportunity for a lucky fan to go on seven blind dates with seven idols. The idol plans the date with the show throwing in a specific mission to complete during the day. At the end of the initial dates, the show opens up an audience vote to decide what four idols will move on to the second date.
My Idol 3: The Series
You smiled shyly at the man who was now seated next to you at a small, cloth covered table. Catching you looking at him, he quickly smiled in return before you lost your nerve and looked away.
"What?" he whispered, knocking his shoulder lightly into yours. "I like the attention."
Slowly exhaling you looked at him again. It was honestly like trying to keep eye contact with the sun. When you were with Jungkook, things had fit. He felt familiar to you, even though you had no prior run-ins with him. This person, Hongseok (of Pentagon, you had learned), made you nervous.
Jokes about serial killers aside, he gave you one of the heaviest cases of butterflies you thought you had ever had. Your stomach whirled in circles, trying to adjust to the feeling of constantly falling. He didn't quite click, but in this case, it made things more exciting. He seemed the type to put off a playful and witty exterior, only to treasure things when no one was looking. He wanted to be confident with you, but you were almost positive that he was mentally stamping every moment into a scrapbook that he could look back on. You were surprised he hadn't brought his phone out again.
"Do you?" you finally managed to respond. "Maybe I shouldn't give it then."
"Whyyy," he whined, a small line appearing between his brows. "I like it when you look at me."
"I think you like it when anyone looks at you," you teased.
"A little appreciation never hurt," he grinned. Leaning toward you again, his lips tickled the shell of your ear. "You should let me appreciate you too."
Your mouth popped open while it waited for your mind to manufacture some response. Leaning away again, Hongseok's eyes danced with mischief. Just as you were attempting to make any sound, a shop worker sat down across from the two of you.
"Hello sir," Hongseok nodded politely. "We're here for-"
Stopping his sentence completely, you peeled your eyes from him to focus on the newcomer. Cringing, you looked back to Hongseok. "It's everyone's favorite part of My Idol."
"If by "everyone," you mean Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jungkook alone, then yes, I'm sure it's everyone's favorite," he laughed.
"Hey," you gasped, naturally protective of your first date. "At least it's more fun when someone is happy to participate."
Hongseok's eyebrows shot up as he smirked, amused he had hit a nerve. "I'm more than happy to participate, but let's correct the rest of it. You," he tapped your shoulder lightly. "Are my favorite part of My Idol."
"Nice save," you laughed nervously, facing the shop worker again. You hadn't realized a harmless joke would illicit that reaction from you, but you made a mental note to put some space between you and the memories of your first date. While Jungkook was easily at the top of your mind, you couldn't let it effect you as you moved forward.
Taking the envelope carefully from the older man who was now smiling sadly at you, you couldn't help but let out a sigh.
"Not so enthusiastic now, are you?" Hongseok poked.
Immediately handing the envelope to him instead, you looked up with furrowed brows. "Yeah, I don't look forward to this part at all."
Taking it from you, he nodded. Any further wisecracks had died on his lips as he noticed how uncomfortable you were. "I'll do the dirty work then."
Sliding a long finger beneath the envelope's seal, he chewed on his plush bottom lip as he slid out the card stock.
"Make a match: Guess your date's ring size in just one try or face a penalty. "
"One try!" you groaned, rearing around to the producers. "That's impossible."
"That's the point," one of the PD's laughed. You remained stoic, obviously not in on his idea of a joke.
"It'll be fine," Hongseok chimed, directing your attention back towards him. "You know how much jewelry I have pulled on and off every day? We can figure it out!"
Looking from his hands to yours, you shook your head. "Can't you just hint to what yours is? Like a number between 13 and 15 perhaps?"
(**Note: Korean ring sizes are different from US/UK/EU)
"No assisting," one of the PD's responded quickly.
"Well, that wasn't on the card, now was it?" Hongseok chided, looking down his nose at the production crew. You felt an instant smile paint your lips.
"We will check using our ring sizer," the shop worker said helpfully, holding up a key ring that held what appeared to be two dozen small circles.
"Okay," Hongseok hesitated, wiping his palms on his shorts before extending his hand. "Come here."
Scooting more closely to him, you placed your fingers in his, allowing him to maneuver your palm around until it was ridiculously close to his face. "Interesting," he hummed.
"What is?" you asked, looking around your intertwined hands.
"Your skin is very soft," he asserted, his tone contemplative. "And even your fingers are adorable."
"Hongseok!" you laughed, trying to pull yourself from him. This only caused him to smile and hold on more tightly.
"Y/N!" he gasped in a tone similar to yours. Swiveling your hand again, he gave a small nod. "17."
You looked closely at your own hand before narrowing your eyes at him. Admittedly you hadn't sized yourself in awhile, but his guess didn't seem out of the realm of possibility.
Holding up his hand expectantly, Hongseok smiled. "Your turn."
Nodding, you asked him to spread his fingers apart. He happily obliged, continuing to watch you as you were lost in thought.
"Maybe," he said quietly. "It would help if you held my hand."
"Oh, would it?" you laughed.
"I think so," he encouraged, his tone trying to be convincing. "You never know what kind of idea it could spark."
"Fine," you smirked, choosing to humor him. Sliding your fingers between his, you examined them. They were long and thin, much like him. You knew the ring would have to be bigger than where it would naturally sit on his finger, considering it would have to go over his knuckles. Tilting your joined hands back and forth, you wracked your brain for the possible answer.
"We're talking just the ring finger here, right?" you asked, looking over your shoulder at the producers. You weren't going to be caught on a technicality.
A smattering of "yes" and "mmm," answered your question begrudgingly.
"16," you nodded not so confidently.
Hongseok instantly smiled, his face beaming with pride. You knew you had to have gotten it.
Smiling back, your heart tugged again. You didn't realize it at the time, but his jokes and flirting helped you not to think too deeply into what you were trying to do. Sure, Hongseok didn't have the most robust sense of humor you had ever encountered, but he had unlocked the small ways to make you laugh.
"Let's check," he said cheerfully. Picking the key ring up first, he sorted through the options until he found the one marked as 17.
Extending your hand in his direction once again, he looked at you meaningfully. "Do you promise to love and cherish, through sickness and in health-"
You groaned, flopping your head backwards. "Hongseok, please."
"Okay, okay," he laughed, sliding the size 17 easily down your finger. "There! Happy?"
You looked down in shock. Glancing to the producers who were now shaking their heads, you could only grin. "Yeah, actually, I am."
Trying the sizer on Hongseok's hand went much the same, sans the cringe attempt at wedding vows. You felt like you were floating, absolutely drunk with joy. My Idol: 0, Y/N: 2.
"Shall we get to the real date now, gentlemen?" Hongseok asked, his posture much straighter and chest puffed out. "As we have successfully completed our mission?"
After some double checking to confirm the two of you weren't conspiring to fake your ring sizes, the production staff finally allowed you to continue. Now that you had your appropriate numbers, the shop worker, who you learned was named Jae, quickly handed over two pairs of aprons. It was an odd reckoning, finding someone more attractive once they donned an apron, but somehow, that's what happened when you had tied the strings behind Hongseok's back. He quickly pivoted around, insisting on tying yours, and then taking a selfie to commemorate your cute outfits. If only he knew the things the simple piece of fabric was doing to you.
Two photos and one boomerang later, Jae patiently walked you through the process. As these were meant to be couple rings, he insisted you would have to design each other's. Without missing a beat, Hongseok suggested at least five completely terrible things he was planning to put on yours before you were both given a piece of metal to design. It took you some time, but you had finally landed on something you thought was solid. It was easy when you realized.
"Memory," Hongseok hummed happily, looking over the tiny anvil you were using as a rest for the ring you were stamping. "Aren't you the cutest thing to walk on two feet?"
"I thought it fit," you smiled, looking down at the simple lettering you had pounded out.
It didn't take much time for both of you to finish your designs. The next step led you to filing down the ends of the rings, which Jae then melted together. The last and longest stage would involve hammering the rings into shape and correct size. You were both given small, cylindrical tools to do this and began your forging.
The silence you shared was comfortable as you both focused on your work. You didn't feel particularly inclined to start small talk, not until you thought of something you really wanted to learn about him. Of course there were dozens of things you wanted to know. Hundreds, maybe, but this moment felt special. Just two people doing something small in the universe for one another.
"What are you thinking about?" Hongseok finally asked after the sound of tiny hammers had become a little less grating.
"About how even if you don't make it to the next round, I expect you to wear this ring forever," you looked up with a grin.
"A harsh request, but not an impossible one," he laughed.
"Of course I'm joking," you sighed. "I wouldn't want to ruin your game."
"Game?" he smiled. "You're assuming I have any."
"I have spent multiple hours with you now," you conceded. "Apparently I think you have some. I know, crazy."
"What a compliment."
"What does your dating history look like?" you asked now that you were thinking of his attract-ability. "What led you here?"
"Dating history," he groaned, glancing back instinctively at the cameras. "Well, I know my way around a scandal or two."
"Is that right?"
"It doesn't sound as exciting as you think," he continued. "I went out for lunch with a friend once and apparently we were harboring a secret relationship."
"A secret relationship sounds like a lot of work."
"It is," he nodded. "But coming into this I thought, who would be crazy enough to put themselves into chaos like that? To date multiple idols at once?"
"Gee, thanks," you laughed, trying to remain lighthearted. He wasn't wrong.
"You're welcome," he smiled up at you. "But you're not very crazy at all. Frankly, it's disappointing."
"I could hurl my tiny hammer at someone," you said quietly, looking around the room. "Is that crazy enough?"
"I don't think I have enough money for bail," he said dryly. "We should save that for the second date."
"I get it though," you admitted, picking up on the previous line of conversation. "Why would someone want to put themselves out there like that?"
"I just hate the idea of someone I care about getting caught in the crossfire of my profession," he sighed. "So I thought that maybe if I could date someone who knew exactly what they were getting in to, it might not be so bad."
"I'm not sure I really do know what I'm getting into," you shrugged. You had seen plenty of celebrity scandals in your day and they were never painted in a positive light. When you started this adventure, it was an easy realization that you would be getting some level of hate. You had to admit though, you were surprised by just how much. At this point, you avoided almost all forms of social media, chalking it up to a member of BTS being your first date. That was destined to piss off plenty of people.
"I'm protective," he continued. "Dating a non-celebrity...if this works, I have every intention of being careful with you. Not that you need me to treat you like you're something fragile." He paused. "I feel like I'm not saying this how I want to."
"Then try again."
Nodding to himself, he did just that. "I know the attention dating a foreigner would get me in a normal circumstance. I would never deny knowing you or being close with you, but it's about being incredibly conscious at all times. I thought that maybe this show would cut through some of that red tape. I just want to be happy with someone I can make happy."
"You definitely have the ability to do that," you said slowly, watching him from your peripherals.
For a moment, he paused his hammering to look at you before getting back to his work. "You think so?"
"Mmm," you answered, still not looking up, but smiling nonetheless. You had no doubt.
"Did you have fun?" Hongseok asked, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. To capture just a little more time together, you had agreed for him to walk you the few blocks back home.
You looked down to what was your half of a matching set of couple rings. It was difficult not to smile at the small H engraved next to a heart. "You know, I really did."
"And why do you sound so surprised?" he laughed, pulling you to a stop. Unfortunately, you had arrived at your apartment building much sooner than you would have liked.
"I have to go into these things at least a little guarded," you smirked. "Can't go getting my heart broken all over the place, now can I?"
"I realize you had no idea who your date would be when you woke up this morning," he cooed, reaching up to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear. "But I have no intentions of breaking your heart."
"Yeah, well, we'll see what Korea has to say about that," you grumbled, glancing into the lobby of your building.
Catching your attention for a brief moment, someone dressed in all black had just hurried down the stairs and toward the back exit of the building. Tilting your head, you turned back to Hongseok. "That was weird."
"Hm?" he asked, turning to look inside the lobby as well.
"Someone..." you began, but shook your head. "Nothing."
"What was it?" he asked, his brows furrowed in concern.
"Just got a weird feeling," you muttered. "It's okay though."
"Why don't I walk you up to your place?" he asked, instantly catching on to your sudden change of mood. "If that's okay?"
"You don't have to," you said, the natural reply. It was your goal in life to be as small of an inconvenience to those around you as possible.
"I know I don't have to," he implored, smiling encouragingly. "But if you want me to, I'll do it twelve times over."
"But no more than that?" you teased, attempting to shake off the odd feeling again.
"Nope," he laughed. "You ask for the thirteenth and I'm gone."
"If you really don't mind," you said quietly, already feeling ridiculous.
"Of course not," he nodded. "Buzz us in."
Using your key card, the two of you made your way into the building and up the two flights of stairs to your apartment. The elevator was often broken in your complex, but even if it wasn't, you felt too restless to wait for it to arrive.
Finally making your way down the hall, you paused. Surely that couldn't be right.
"Which one's yours?" Hongseok asked, eying the different apartment numbers. He came to a stop beside you, going quiet when his eyes landed on what you were seeing.
"Hongseok, I-" you began, your feet stumbling forward. Your apartment door was cracked open. But why?
"Stay behind me," he rushed out, nudging you behind him. You glanced over your shoulder to Wu and Woo who were finally huffing up the stairs.
"Did I forget to lock it?" you breathed, tiptoeing behind Hongseok as he slowly approached your door.
"The lock's busted," he muttered, shaking his head. Turning around, he pulled you back into the direction you had first came. "We need to call the police."
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therandosfandos · 5 months
I just wanted to write some Frender fluff and then being cute...
Sum: Fry and Bender go on a rollercoaster, it being Benders first time being on one, turns out, the so called "macho" robot is actually a little scaredy cat
The robosexual couple was at Lunar Park. Bender putting a beer in the eye of the moon mascot again as he had tried to confiscate it once more. He laughed maniacally and intertwined his hand with the humans. Fry smiled and pecks the top of Benders visor lovingly.
Suddenly, Fry spots a new ride. A giant rollercoaster. Okay, how the hell did that work? Whatever. Logic doesn't matter.
"Bender! Let's ride that!", the human rocks on the heels of his feet like a child excited over getting candy. Bender sighs, "meatbag, I shouldn't go on rides, my parts might get stuck in the gears".
Fry does a puppy face and Bender rolls his eyes. The human does a victory cry and grabs the bots hand quickly, which surprises the bot in question, as he runs over to the thrill attraction. The human was about to go into the regular lane but Bender taps the idiots shoulder. Then, the bot grabs Fry by the back collar of his jacket and sneaks past the guard.
"Oh! You got us into the fast lane!", Fry says in realization and Bender rolls his eyes for the second time. Humans were idiots.
"Of course I did, meatbag, like hell am I going to wait in a five hour line!", the robot yells.
The redhead suddenly kisses him on his mouthplate, electricity sparking quite rapidly, as a sign of appreciation mixed with a lot of affection. In response, Bender could only grumble in embarrassment.
Finally, they make it to the area where you go on the ride. Bender could feel nervousness and fear rise in his circuits but refused to show it. Absolutely not. He's not scared one bit. The next car comes and the guests on pile off. Fry gets in first and then Bender. The human puts his own lap bar down and then sees Bender struggling with his own.
"Stupid...metal...bar!", the bot yells almost about to bend it until it broke. Fry pushes it down so it clicks into place on the little bots lap.
There was a moment of awkward silence before Bender mutters, "I knew that this whole time, I was just testing you". Fry giggles, he loves when Bender gets flustered cause it's a rare sight anyone gets to see. He was lucky enough to see it almost all the time with his boyfriend.
"For your safety, keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle, do not attempt to leave the cart at any time while the ride is operational"
The voice over the intercom spoke in a loud booming voice and then the two could hear a click. The car jerks slightly and then clanking can be heard. The ride now moving, turning on the rails and then going up on the lift hill.
Bender can feel his unneeded breath catch in his non-existent throat. Maybe he was a wuss despite how great he was. Fry seemed so excited for it, Bender takes a peek at the man and can't help but cringe when he sees how calm and collected a puny human is compared to himself.
They reach the top of the hill, the car now on flat path and they turn again. Bender can see the drop and his heart, if he had one, stopped instantly. "Fry...", he whimpered and the human looked at his robot with worry and concern. Then he figures it out.
Fry immediately clashes his hands with Benders while also holding onto the lap bar. "3......2......1", he helps count down which calms the bot for a mere second before they dropped.
The robot was screaming like a girl and clinging onto the human for dear life as the acceleration blew wind in their faces. Fry was laughing and smiling while Bender had wide optics and a frightened expression of horror.
"Weee!!!! Aaaaaaaa!!!!!", was heard from the human who the bot buried his faceplate into. Meanwhile, Bender was shrieking in a high pitched voice. He swore the people on the ground would assume the voice was coming from a female on the ride and not a manbot.
They do a couple loop-de-loops and then they drop once again, Bender screaming his head off. He was lucky enough he didn't pass out as he didn't have the system for it to happen. Finally they reached the end and the bot was trembling with a shocked face. Fry looks at the robot as they pulled to a stop behind another car full of people that were getting off the ride.
"I regret every choice I ever made for you, jerk.", Bender manages out and Fry smiles gently. The human kisses his metal boyfriend once again and the bot angrily mumbles before leaning in to signal he was kissing back. They pulled apart. "I still am upset with you asshole, now you gotta do something I like", the bending unit chuckles evilly and Fry knew it wasn't good intentions.
"Okay fine, but first", Fry says as he helps Bender off the ride after pulling his lap bar up. They then go to the exit area where a gift shop lay and then go up to the counter, scrolling through images until he finds the one. The redhead points at it, "this one please".
In the end, Fry was presumably, he actually was, injured. Bender had cash in his hand from wallets he stole and a cigar in his mouthplate that he was smoking. The redhead was carrying two boxes of popcorn, two fluffs of cotton candy and some "on the moon" accessories. "Worth it", Fry says with a smirk, pecking the bots metal cheek leaving Bender steaming.
"NOT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, YOU IDIOT!", Bender screams at the human and Fry got the last laugh of the day as they head back to the Planet Express ship.
On Fry's wall, where he sits, was a photo with Bender hugging Fry like a damsel in distress, the human laughing and having fun while the bot holding onto the man was absolutely hating it.
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deepspacedukat · 9 months
I wish to issue a very sincere apology. I know that I had Elnor (ST:PIC) listed for this prompt, but I have been trying for several days, and I just can't seem to capture his voice. (Usually my fics are late because I'm rly bad at time management, but today, it's because he is Incredibly Difficult™ for me to write.) I know there are often small typos in my works despite my attempts to edit them out, but typos are one thing. Low-quality, shitty work is another beast entirely. I always go back and re-edit my works for typos/quick fixes, but I cannot in good conscience allow myself to put out work that makes me cringe as much as my attempts at writing Elnor have. I want to do right by you all, and as it stands currently, I refuse to curse your eyes with my horrendous failed attempts.
That being said: today's fic will feature my Romulan OC, Major Denak (mentioned in "Praetor's Pride" chapter 3). This fic is a side commentary to "Praetor's Pride," but you don't need to have read that first to understand this little drabble. I will, once I have had more time to find Elnor's voice in my writing, release a sort of "make-up fic" about him. I don't like not being able to deliver on something when I've given my word that I will. It probably won't come out until after the SoC challenge is over, but Elnor fans, I will learn your man's voice if I have to listen to clips of him for hours on end!
For anyone who is curious, "coitarche" is defined here. Anyway, enjoy!
Day 29: Loss Of Virginity
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Denak (OC) x Unnamed Romulan OFC, mention of Hiren (ST:Nemesis) x Reader (from "Praetor's Pride")
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Mild angst, lost love, arranged marriages, sexual memories, sexual dreams, loss of virginity, mention of masturbation, woman on top, biting.
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(Picrew used to make ^this^ can be found here.)
"Why are you alone after all this time, Major Denak?" The calm, curious voice of Praetor Hiren called out from the balcony railing, and the man in question lifted an eyebrow.
"Sir?" Denak was far from the only guard on duty tonight, but when the Praetor took his nightly walk around the grounds, he preferred that he only have one guard with him. The palace was safe enough, he claimed, and he didn't enjoy feeling as though he was a child who required a large escort even in his own home.
"I have seen many of my guards with their partners, or I've at minimum heard them discussing their various conquests, but you..." Hiren trailed off, pausing as he turned to face the youngest member of his Rei’karansu. "Have you no romantic prospects?"
Denak knew precisely why Hiren was so curious. The pretty Federation Ambassador whom the Praetor had been chatting with tonight had put him in a good mood - a better one than he'd been in since his official appointment.
"None at present, my lord Praetor." The older man seemed disappointed, so, not wishing to sour his mood, Denak allowed a memory to tug at him. "However, there was someone several years ago."
The guard noted a small smile upon the other man's lips, and he continued.
"She was the first woman I ever truly loved. I dare not reveal her identity, though. She is a nobleman's wife, now, and I doubt she would appreciate her name being associated with that of a mere guard," he murmured taking a few steps closer to the Praetor's position and gazing out across the palace gardens. "She was sweet...just as inexperienced and nervous as I was."
Denak could recall every moment he'd spent with her in perfect detail. She'd been carved into his heart as deeply as only a first love ever could. They'd both been so overcome by their passions that despite the awkwardness that was invariably present in a first sexual encounter, both Denak and his lover had overcome their nerves and enjoyed themselves immensely.
"Ah, young love. There is nothing else quite like it in this universe," Hiren muttered as he leaned against the railing. "Were you together long?"
The Major let out a quiet, wistful sigh.
"Five years. Longer than I deserved, but...not nearly long enough," he stated, trying not to sound too much like he was pouting. "Her family arranged her betrothal, and she was forced to break off our relationship. From what I understand, her husband treats her well, but...I can't help but wonder what might have happened if...well..."
He couldn't put into words the thoughts he'd mulled over so often in the dark solitude of his empty bed over the years.
What if she'd chosen to ignore her family's wishes? What if she'd chosen him instead? What if Denak had been her husband instead of that stuffy dignitary?
He knew it was no use dwelling on hypothetical situations, but he still had moments where he couldn't control that nagging little voice in his head.
As the years passed, his feelings for her had dimmed, as was expected, but there were still lonely nights in which his dreams featured the ghost of her lips on his neck and awoke with the sensation of her fingers gripping his shoulders as she rode him. He'd take his length in hand and allow the memories to burn through him until he spilled over his stomach.
Denak still remembered the adoration in her eyes when he brought her to orgasm for the first time. She'd been his first in every respect, just as he had been hers. Elements, she was the reason he knew he enjoyed having his ears bitten!
"I have been with others since her, but none to whom I've formed a serious connection," the Major said, and Hiren nodded his head.
"I know what you mean. I've had a few encounters since my wife passed, but all of them were casual. We all need release, but...being open with someone...being truly committed after a love like that...it's difficult," the Praetor commiserated before turning to look at his guard. "I suppose we're both waiting for the one who will pick up the pieces, aren't we?"
"Yes, my lord Praetor," Denak replied dutifully, but given the sparkle in the older man's eyes, he suspected that one of them had already found what he was looking for.
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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Thoughts from planes with Zee (an unhinged and incomplete list) Part 2
Hey friends! I traveled again, which means I wrote down every unhinged thought I had. Part 1 of this post is from August and you can find it here. And if you haven't heard my insane travel story yet, you can find it here.
Some of these are headcanons, some are random thoughts, some are responses to posts I saw while I was travelling. I wouldn't say any of these are particularly controversial, but I can see where people could disagree with me so everyone know that almost everything is a joke and should be taken with a grain of salt. Love you.
Do you think Wille went straight to Felice after the ball and was all giddy and telling her about the kiss? I think about this every day. Did he teenage freak out over it with his best friend? Does Felice know? 
Of all the random shit I put into Screwed about Erik, I think the funniest might be: Erik not being able to say anything other than “he’s pretty” when he meets Simon for the first time, and Erik’s least favorite month ironically being November. 
Wilhelm wears sweatpants on planes so he has pockets and Simon wears pajama pants, making Wilhelm hold everything for him. 
Just saw a post that said “Edvin looks at Omar like he’s in love with him” and after I’ve finished cringing, my response to that is: everyone looks at Omar that way. It’s Omar. 
Simon listens to the Beatles, but he does it in secret. Wilhelm only knows because he found the records in his room. Wilhelm, to this day, is the only person who knows.  
Thinking about how Henry didn’t think to knock on Wilhelm’s door because he probably knew after the locker room interruption just how heartbroken Wille was and therefore assume Wilhelm wouldn’t have anyone in his room. Henry didn't knock because Henry understood everything about Simon without being told.
Stella screams at airline representatives while Fredrika cries about plans being ruined. 
Wilhelm loves the rain 
Concept: season 3 opens with another dream like season 2 did, but this time it’s August and Sara. (Prompted by the song love, or the lack thereof by Isaac Dunbar) 
I truly and utterly appreciate Young Royals for showing what it is actually like for a teenager with anxiety to be forced into therapy. Like you don’t want to be there. For a while you do just sit in silence. But slowly you open up. It isn’t just "lay on the couch and share all your feelings" and then you’re suddenly better. It’s a process. It takes time. ESPECIALLY when you don’t want to be there. Just… god I’m crying about it again. 
Nils gives Tony Award worthy performances in his kitchen with a wooden spoon as a microphone. Change my mind. You can’t. 
Maddie is the first person in their year to get a license, but no one will get in a car with her behind the wheel. 
I feel like Walter is a Billie Eilish fan, but won’t admit it. 
Fredrika can sing every Hanna Ferm song from memory 
Stella sucks on lollipops because people got annoyed with her chewing gum. 
The entire Hillerska student body teases Wilhelm about not knowing Simon’s song was about him. They tease him for years. The administrators catch onto the teasing too and it’s mentioned subtly in their graduation address. None of the parents can understand why the entire student body started laughing at the headmistress’ speech, and they don’t understand why the crown prince is annoyed when he starts his own speech. 
Felice started learning Russian as a joke and now she actually speaks Russian and uses it often even though no one can understand her. 
Somewhat off topic, woke up rn to an Omar song, and was nice. 
Every rumor at Hillerska can be traced back to either Walter or Fredrika. They didn’t mean to, they just literally cannot keep their mouth shut. 
Henry watches ice age when he’s sick 
Moulin Rouge AU 
Thinking about ✨that✨ scene again 
If any of them were going to be a greyhound runaway, it would be Sara 
Follow up to that one^: Would like to see a fic where August is a greyhound runaway. Like canon still happens, but after s2 he just decides to run from his problems. 
Somewhere in Hillerska Erik graffitied his name
Off topic again, but noise canceling earbuds are a god send 
Felice+Adele. Send tweet. 
Want something to fuck you up? Actor for Nils is older than actor for Erik. 
Breaking up with my gf was such a good idea knowing what I know now💀
Madison loves flying. In comparison, Nils would rather die 
Omar songs + sunrise part 2 
I have never been more convinced that Vincent listens to fallout boy unironically 
Simon drinks peppermint Mochas 
Rowing team blamed their loss on “karma” 
Wilhelm has a crippling fear of being forgotten, but more so he has a debilitating fear of Erik being forgotten.  
Things I have now done: had a panic attack at 30,000ft (twice)
Felice makes sure everyone else eats and then forgets to eat 
Nils and night drives 
Carefully by Ben Platt is Wilhelm season 2 
Jag hatar mannen bredvid mig.  han gjorde ingenting.  Jag är bara arg på hela världen.
If Dani and I started a podcast, would people listen to it? 
I hope Henry knows the names of Simon’s fish. Like maybe not right now in the canon story, but at some point. I feel like he’d appreciate the fish having names .
I wrote the beginning of a fic and I think it’s like kinda good but I did write it at 2am so maybe I’m just tired 
Is It Just Me? By Emily Burns is about to become the most painful Wilmon edit. Try me. One like and I’ll do it. 
Sara can’t swim 
Was thinking about a 1950s AU and then realized I have no reason for them to be in the 50s. Like why do they need to be in the 50s? Poodle skirts? That’s literally it. 
Growing Sideways by Noah Kahan is a Hangman Song. This is a top gun thing. Specifically Aftershocks fic by @the-navistar-carol. 
How… how are people gonna watch a show in which Edvin plays a queer character, and makes out with another man, and then accuse him of being homophobic? How do you even-? 
Sometime in the future August gets sober and people more mature than him begin to forgive him. Not because he deserves it, but because they don’t want to put the energy into being angry anymore. 
I want Omar to start yelling at people. Like he has to want to yell at people at this point. I think he should. 
Ayub 100% knows every detail of Wilmon. He is a walking Wilmon dictionary. Simon told him everything. Like he could tell you where Wilhelm’s least favorite freckle was or some shit even though he’s never asked Wilhelm about it, nor has he seen the freckle. 
Vincent’s guilty pleasure movie is Chicago and his ringtone for August is “cell block tango” aka "he had it coming."
Paparazzi catch Wille teary eyed, and it becomes a big “Boys DO Cry” Moment but really he just saw a really cute dog or some shit 
Wilhelm asks “would you still love me if I was a worm” and Simon replies “yes” without hesitation 
And that's every thought I felt like writing down. I hope it was delightfully unhinged. Much love to all of you.
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ok its me again hi AAAHHHH this is so nice i feel so warm im lying on my bed kickin my lil legs i cant believe this thank you for being nice omgggg now im on a roll im gonna say things about julian hkdhjgdgjf
only one song really that i scanned the whole tag looking for to see if anyone said it before and i was so surprised that i didnt find it and i went to check the official playlists on spotify cause maybe its on there already and thERE ISNT ONE WHAT???? i had the muriel one liked on here and id never checked any other ones out lmao but like i swear there had to be one?? like maybe they made it first and its somewhere separately??? julian is like the most popular one how the hell does he not get a spotify list is that how this tag was created?? *gasp* am i discovering the ~fandom lore~
(just gonna say you dont actually need to answer any of that in detail dont waste your time gksgkydgjf im just screaming into the void cause i was so flabbergasted after those 3 whole minutes of research i put into this)
ANYWAY the actual song would be House of Wolves by our lord and saviour MCR! its so good for him with his whole Woe is Me drama king vibe lol and the plaguey thematicssss mmmm delicious TELL ME im a BAD BAD BAD BAAD MAAAAN aight you lil masochist i see u and the "you better run like the devil cause they never gonna leave you alone" you get it caUSE HES A FUGITIVE DO YOU GET THE DEEP UNRAVELABLE METAPHORS DO YOU GET IT DO YOU G aight shut up hkhfjtdy anyway
ok i lied jystfhte heres another one i just remembered i really wanted to put here its not new but just in case somebody hasnt seen it yet lmao its such a masterpiece ill do anything to give it its due here ya go
and the other thing im really glad to have seen people mention here is musical songs cause thats one of the things i love about him the most like yass we love a thespian king slay grl so then anytime im binging a musical there always come the intrusive thoughts of "aw hed love this one" and "oh hed be great for this role" like i went to see f-ing swan lake with my f-ing grandpa and one of the major takeaways i got from the experience was (UH IM GONNA PUT A SPOILER WARNING HERE? I GUESS? IN CASE ANYONE CARES HELLO JULIAN BAD ENDING SPOILERS AHEAD DO MOVE ALONG NOW IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT AVERT YOUR GAZE CITIZENS LMAO LIKE YOU HAVENT SEEN FANARTS N ADS ALREADY ALRIGHT ALRIGHT) "omg jules would be so perfect as that bird guy villain IN HIS BIRD GUY SHAPE TOO OMG WITH THE WINGS ON STAGE THIS IS AWESOME WHY CANT I DRAW GOOD GODDA-"
anyway hed love hadestown (hed at least try to cast muriel as hades cause hes perfectly intimidating for it but theres way too many lines which okay Maybe but AND he has to sing???? nah hes out bkgdhkdt) i dont know what hed think of pierre natasha & the great comet cause its maybe a little eccentric i suppose but i think hed appreciate the cultural roots of the vibe with him being fantasy ruso-slav-ukrainian-whatnot heritage i reckon and hed definitely have a blast at a live performance and hed ABsolutely join in with the actors in between the rows at some point and theyd ABSOlutely let him cause hes that good and game recognize game cmon hes gonna show you amateurs what a real kazotski looks like
i can also see him enjoying sweeney todd, for its delightful edgyness, maybe even some themes relatable for him, and his sappy ass would SO memorise Pretty women to whip it out at an opportune serenading moment khgdturshc im so cringe and loving it
well i cant think of any more shows to throw him together with so thus ends my soliloquy wow i cant believe thats how you spell that anyway i hope anybody who knew what the hell im talking about enjoyed all that jgfztits see you in another 20 minutes when i come back like "AND ANOTHER thing-
Yay, it's the character song essays anon!! :D
I'm glad to see you back, and I will once again be re-linking the song you shared below and adding your suggestions to the tag ^.^
And frankly, I'm 76% certain that one of Julian's love languages is theatre, especially musical theatre. That could be tickets, that could memorizing the lines from one of this favorite scenes and reciting it back to him, it could be showing up to every single performance he's involved in :)
I'm glad to see you back in my inbox, friend, feel free to message me if you ever want to obsess over the characters together! Cheers -
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musicalrecs · 1 year
Today's shameless promotion is for one of my favorite musicals that I can't believe isn't more people's favorite: Bring It On: the musical.
tl;dr: This is going to be a long post, so allow me to sum up: if you like Newsies but wish it had a cast of about 2/3 girls and don't really care about the plot so long as there's idealistic teenagers singing and dancing like they've consumed a dozen energy drinks each, building up to a happy ending with more singing and dancing, then you'll love Bring It On. You may now press "j" to skip to the next tumblr post.
Still here? Then please, allow me to reminisce. When I first saw Bring It On, it was on tour before debuting on Broadway, and they were still getting the kinks out. This means I got to see, for example, the original staging of Killer Instinct, and while I get why they changed it for Campbell's character development, I do prefer the original narratively.
It also meant there was no cast album available, and no internet hype that I was aware of. I was there strictly because I saw most shows at this theater if I didn't actively dislike them, and was all "Cheerleading in a musical? Even if the plot is bad it should be a lot of fun!" When I sat down and perused my program I recall turning to my date and excitedly saying "Oh wow, Lin-Manuel Miranda worked on this! You don't know who he is, but he did In The Heights and Sesame Street, this might actually be good!" I also had no idea Ariana DeBose was anyone of import. I should dig out that program and see if I got her to sign it...
I had only the first movie to go on for the plot, which I vaguely remembered the end of. This meant a) I rolled my eyes at conveniently putting Campbell on the "right" team early on and b) I was quite surprised by the ending.
Whatever I was expecting, it was BETTER. Bring It On grabs you with the beat from the get go and and then starts throwing cheerleaders in the air as rapaciously as Jim Henson ever tossed penguins. I hadn't been so captivated by a show's live energy since I first saw Rent.
And the plot? Reader, it was my very favorite kind of plot: girl is in unfamiliar situation, does her best, makes surprising new friends, screws up, learns something, demonstrates leadership, ends with stronger friendships and supportive love interest to boot. (See also: Legally Blonde) You know, the kind of plot guys have had catering to them for millennia so much that the second I hear "coming of age story" I peace out. But it turns out I am not immune to gender-targeted storytelling, particularly when it also has dancing.
It's been an age since I read the reviews, but I recall complaints that Jackson high school was much too "nice," "diverse," "unrealistic" and, had those reviews been written today, they would have almost certainly included "woke." I, on the other hand, was thrilled to see high school portrayed not as a battleground but as groups of friends supporting each other while still enjoying "krunking in the parking lot." (I have never been cool enough to do any equivalent to "krunking" but I admire kids with the confidence to do so, and I did overall enjoy my high school years.)
I am the kind of person who unironically appreciates songs about how it doesn't matter if you're fat or trans or otherwise not society's ideal so long as you love yourself, and songs about how winning doesn't matter as long as you know who you are and have friends. So I loved "It Ain't No Thing" and "Cross the Line."
Plus, a supportive, non-threatening soft boy singing about how high school isn't forever so you might as well "Enjoy the Trip"? Keep your "cringe"; I'll take a dozen more musicals just like this one, please. (No, really. Please let me know if they make any.)
So I mentioned Lin-Manuel Miranda up there, but this wasn't just his show. To quote Wikipedia, "Bring It On: The Musical is a musical with music by Tom Kitt and Lin-Manuel Miranda, lyrics by Amanda Green and Miranda, and book by Jeff Whitty."
Tom Kitt has a pretty eclectic resume, ranging from Jagged Little Pill to Next to Normal to Spongebob. Lin-Manuel Miranda, of course, is best known for trying to sell real estate to Big Bird.
Sidenote: Tom Kitt and LMM had another collab that you may have heard of: the 2013 Tonys opening number, "Bigger!"
Although I couldn't get my hands on the album for over a year after I fell in love with the show, since one didn't exist, nowadays you can of course listen to the whole thing on Youtube, Spotify, or wherever. You can even buy the CD; it comes with a nice booklet with all the lyrics!
But as for seeing the show, I don't recommend trying to watch it online. A quick search doesn't turn up any proshots, and local productions just aren't going to be the same. Half the cast was made up of pro cheerleaders, and their intense choreography is part of the thrill. If a tour ever comes near your town, I highly recommend you get yourself tickets. Even if the moving screens aren't as cool and innovative now as they were in 2011, it's still a wonderful spectacle.
So that's Bring It On: the musical. I suppose I could have actually described the plot (head cheerleader Campbell gets redistricted to another school which - gasp! - has no cheerleading team), but really, does it matter? You're there for the characters expressing themselves through song and dance (and cheerleading), not how easy it is to fool gullible teens by editing Wikipedia (actual plot point). I hope you get a chance yourself to fall in love with its unabashed enthusiasm for friendship and being tossed really high on stage.
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