#i always think of the red string theory when i think of this relationship like
sejjiplinth · 3 months
sejanus dying in the districts and marcus dying in the capitol. both of their executions and corpses being put on display after being tortured, both fatalized by their throats, all for trying to escape the capitol and the hunger games.
sejanus, who is willing to die for what he believes in—for the people who have suffered, who is willing to become a martyr and stands his ground, but still cries for his mother when he dies. and marcus, who accepts that he’s going to die after being reaped, who refuses to eat and turns a cold shoulder to any kind of help, but still runs from death as soon as he gets the chance to be free.
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beomboomboom · 3 months
Red String Theory
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genre: fluff, extablished relationship
pairing: Minghao x reader
summary: Maybe you and Minghao have been connected by the red string of fate this entire time, you've just never realized it.
warnings: none! :D
note: The amount of writing inspiration i've been feeling these past few days is insane 🫠. Enjoy the fic <33
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"awww~ was this your first crush?" Minghao questions with a teasing look on his face when he flips through your childhood photo album.
Curious as to what he's talking about, you look over to Minghao's lap where the photo album sits.
In the picture he points to, your 5-year-old self sits on a picnic blanket as you stare trance-like at a boy in the corner. There's a light pink blush settled on your cheeks and a small smile playing on your lips.
"oh- I remember him. I used to follow him everywhere. I think I probably had a crush on him back then," you reminisce with a laugh. "I wonder where he is now."
Suddenly Minghao squints his eyes, a flash of recognition appears as he looks at the boy in the photo. "Hey...I used to wear that shirt all the time."
"No way," you say with a laugh. "Imagine if you're the boy I used to have a crush on as a kid," you say jokingly before looking intently at the boy in the photo again. "Now that I think about it, you do kind of look like him."
"That's the haircut I used to have as a kid too..." Minghao states as he observes the photo further, his eyes wide in disbelief. "Wait a second, let me get something," Minghao says as he goes to his room and comes out seconds later with his phone in his hand.
Peering over his shoulder, you watch as Minghao sits beside you and hurriedly scrolls through his camera roll, until he stops at a picture of his younger self.
No way.
There right in front of you, on your boyfriend's phone, is the same exact boy from the picture. Everything from his toothy grin to his tousled hair are identical.
"No way, you're my childhood crush?!" you screech as your hand covers your mouth in disbelief. Minghao simply bursts into tiny giggles at your response. "No way," he keeps repeating in between bursts of giggles.
"Why didn't I realize it was you?!" you say, distraught. When you lean forward to re-look at the photo, to check that your eyes aren't deceiving you, you suddenly notice a familiar figure in the background. "hey wait, that's me in the background. That's toy I would always drag around with me when I was, like, 5."
Minghao laughs in disbelief before replying, "it's like the red string theory."
"The what??"
"The red string theory," Minghao repeats. "it's where you and your soulmate are connected by a red string, and you're bound to meet this person at some point in your life. And sometimes you'll meet or pass by your soulmate but it's not the right time for you guys to become lovers yet."
"Oh my gosh, and now we met at the right time. That's so cute," you say with a fond smile.
"I think my soulmate is cuter though," Minghao replies cheekily with a wink before blushing in secondhand embarrassment at the cliche line.
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dulcesiabits · 7 months
your shadow under the illusory moon, p.2.
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summary: out of everything he's done in his life, it's his relationship with you that haunts lyney.
notes: 2k words, fic, first part, childhood friends au, spoilers for lyney's backstory, the first part has the most context for this fic
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Lyney has always believed in miracles.
In Sumeru, there’s a particular theory about a cat in a box. Until you open the box, the cat is caught in a state between life and death; in other words, it is both, at once. A living contradiction, a miracle of its own, as long as the box is closed and the truth is unknown. There are things in this world that require a similar layer of belief. Anything can be manipulated and falsified. Perspective can change the very nature of an object. Not everything that is as it seems.
Of course, there are patterns and rules to miracles. Like any good magician, Lyney knows all the right tricks to create the perfect stage for such a miracle to bloom. However, there’s also an element of randomness to any event, unpredictable factors that can change the course of a life.
The bouquet in his hands is one such factor. A simple collection of flowers, pink cyclamens and tender red columbines, tied together with a string. For the past few months, similar bouquets have appeared in his dressing room.
“You’re nervous,” Lynette comments.
He twirls the bouquet airily. “Why would I be? These are just… presents from a fan, after all.”
Lynette throws him an unimpressed stare. “Right. But it’s not just any fan, brother. I think it’s obvious from all of your little research that the person who sent these is–”
“We don’t know that for sure,” Lyney interrupts. His palms are clammy, and he carefully places the flowers back down on the table. “And if, and only if, they were the one to do this, I don’t think they’d be happy to see me.”
Lynnette purses her lips, but says nothing else. He knows what his sister is thinking, just from the unimpressed flick of her tail: he’s a coward. There’s nothing he can say to that when she’s right.
But how can he be brave when the person he has to face is you?
In rare moments alone, Lyney tumbles through his memories like a kaleidoscope, peering up at each brilliantly colored piece of halcyon days, long past. All of his most beautiful memories always involve you: his childhood friend, his first love, a fellow ragtag orphan running through the streets by his side.
You were the cleverest child on the streets, and Lyney had been honored to call you his friend. His favorite memories involve the summer, when you, he and Lynette would sneak down to the beach to roll up your pant legs and step into the surf, shrieking as it washed over your ankles. You would collect shells and set up crab traps, digging for mollusks and building elaborate castles that the tide would wash away.
On one such day, Lynette wandered off to check the crab traps, giving you and Lyney a few minutes alone. She had shoved him with her elbow, reminding him to make the most of the time she had generously allotted for him, ears twitching amusedly when he stammered and turned bright red.
Though Lynette always pushed him to make a move, at the end of the day, Lyney was delighted just to be by your side. You were his precious family, no matter the nature of your feelings.
“This is pretty,” Lyney murmured. He’s holding what looks like a drop of starlight in his palm, a smooth piece of red glass. The two of you had been digging through the surf for a little while now, searching for little trinkets and treasures. Mostly you and he would pick up shells, seaweed and odd bits and ends the water rolled in. On rare occasions, you might find a coin that someone dropped.
“It’s sea glass,” you informed him. “Broken glass bottles get worn down by the water and sand until they’re smooth like that.”
“You know so much,” he said admiringly. 
“I read about it,” you said. You beckoned him closer, then dropped another treasure in his palm, a piece of green glass. “You can have this. I thought you’d like it.”
He fingered the drops of sea glass in his hands. “We need another piece.”
“Because we need a third piece,” he said. “For you.”
You smiled, childish joy breaking across your face. “Really? Okay.”
“It’s like a miracle that we found these treasures today,” Lyney said. “Maybe we were meant to find them.”
You shook your head, and you have that look in your eyes: the one that made you look older than you really were. “There are no such things as miracles, Lyney. It was only a coincidence.”
You walked leisurely along the beach, your shoes in your hands, tracking footsteps across the soft sand. After a beat, Lyney hurried to keep up with you, his own footsteps like lovers next to yours. The tide would wash them away, but for now, these were proof that the two of you existed.
In hindsight, Lyney has always been a little jealous that you can look at the world in the way you do. To you, everything is neat and simple. You only believe in what you can see, and once explained to him that there are rules, patterns and calculations that govern the world. The truth is a single immovable force. There are no miracles or contradictions.
“What you see is what you get,” you had said. “You can only trust your eyes.”
But that’s where you’re wrong, he thinks. There are countless lies in the world, a bevy of facades and mirages and deceptions. Even the truth is never quite so simple. 
After Lyney was forcibly separated from you, his days dulled, colored with desperation and fear.
The noble that took him and Lynette in would never let him see you. In that house, he was kept on a tight leash. Freedom was always just out of his grasp, hindered by watching eyes and hidden threats.
“You can’t associate with orphans like that anymore. But if you do well, perhaps I can take your friend in, too,” the noble purred.
A lie, of course, but he had been young and desperate and naive. And then Lynette was stolen, and the noble murdered, and Father became their next caretaker.
“You have to let go of your past or you won’t survive,” she had warned. “The only family you have now is the House of the Hearth. I don’t want to hear talk of this friend again.”
And yet, Lyney clung to you desperately. Throughout the training. Throughout the cold, bitter nights. Throughout the distrust and the initial bullying. The memories of your time together provided warmth that he held tightly to his chest like a star. As long as he could get through this, then he could see you again. Everything would be made right with the world, and it would no longer feel as if his chest was being torn to shreds every second he was away from you.
Lyney needed leverage, a plan. No, he needed a miracle. Because only those with power had the right to do what they wanted in the world. Hadn’t he learned that, time and time again?
“Father, there’s someone I know that would be an invaluable asset to the Fatui,” he posited, once he had enough successes under his belt for Father to find him useful. “They’re clever, and skilled with their hands.”
Father smiled thinly. “And are you asking me this for my sake, or yours? Not just anyone can become a Fatuus. Could they survive here?”
He had bit his lip so hard he tasted blood.
 Because how could Lyney do that to you, for his own selfish desire to keep you close? He couldn’t bear the thought of you suffering from injuries that were so common in their line of work, of never knowing whenever this would be the night you wouldn’t make it home, of you always living despised by the people around you, just for who you had to associate with to survive.
And worse. What if you were sent off to someone like Dottore, who treated his underlings like pawns and experiments? 
You had built your own life, from what little he had heard. Information about you was ferreted out in coincidences. To investigate you directly would be to put a target on your back, so he could only hear snatches of your name through association with the more important people and places around you. Last he was told, you worked at the Fontaine Research Institute, and had made a decent name for yourself as a mechanic. Could he rip you away from the tranquil life you had created, and thrust you into a place like the Fatui?
“Why don’t you just talk to them, Lyney?” Lynette had asked once. “Enough of these games.”
“And what if they don’t want to see me, Lynette?”
She sighed, and he dipped his head.
He’s a coward, but Lyney can’t touch you with his bloodstained hands. He doesn’t deserve to love you anymore, because of the things he has done– of the things he will do, for Father’s sake. You live in the sunlight, and he lives in the shadows cast by your light.
Lyney finds himself thinking of you when he wanders into a little trinket shop one day. There are rows of handmade bookmarks, and the sight of it reminds him of how you used to always have your nose buried in a book. On a whim, he buys one, keeping it tucked in his pocket like a secret, a connection that tethers the two of you together.
Maybe if things hadn’t gone so horribly wrong, he would be by your side right now. The two of you would live in a little home together, and be a real family again. 
But dreams were just that: dreams. In the end, there are some miracles even a magician can’t make true.
When Lyney steps into the dressing room and he comes face to face with you for the first time in years, his mind goes blank.
You watch him like a wary animal, and his breathing quickens in his chest. He can’t do this. Not now. Not ever. The years are cruel, because even though you’re older and more tired, he can still find traces of the friend he once knew more intimately than his own self. 
“Why, hello there. Are you a fan? I didn’t expect to see someone back here,” he finds himself saying. Even off the stage, Lyney finds himself slipping into a mask. He watches himself from an audience seat, performing a part for you.
Have you been okay? He wants to beg like a child. Have you been safe? Has anyone hurt you? But none of those thoughts pass his lips throughout your conversation with him.
When your attention wanders, it’s easy enough for Lyney to carefully spirit away your bag, and, with shaking hands, slide his bookmark into it. 
When you turn to go, he can’t help himself. “Did you enjoy today’s show?” Lyney asks.
“I could understand why people like your magic shows so much.”
“But do you like them?”
You tilt your head, considering his question like you would a math equation. “Well, I don’t really believe in magic. But I appreciate the effort and the logistics behind each trick.”
“I’m glad, then.” A knot of tension loosens in his chest. It’s confirmation of what he’s known, from searching for you in the crowds for the past few weeks when he first realized you had been showing up at his shows: that despite everything, you were still watching him. His first audience member, and the most precious one. “Have a nice night.”
When you’re gone, Lyney collapses onto the dressing room table, hands shaking as he grips the wood, so hard his knuckles turn white. Your bouquet remains, and he brings the petals to his face, breathing in the fading fragrance.
There are things in this world that can never be truly repaired or forgiven, like how a shattered bowl will always bear memories of its cracks, or some animals hold grudges for the rest of their lives, remembering the face of their tormentors. 
But Lyney believes in miracles. In the unexpected, in the unpredictable, in the contradictory nature of the world. And one day, maybe a miracle will bring him back to your side.
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supercalime · 12 days
yes! exactly! the fact that one of the big things that actually bring buck and tommy closer being that both of them get along with chris, and chris expressing that he likes both buck and tommy is chef's kiss. both of them learn not to feel threatened by that ("chris won't shut up about him") but rather feel invited ("i understand why chris likes you so much because i also think you're cool"). it cemented tommy as a great fit for buck, established him as a new welcome addition to the entire fire fam, and highlighted that tommy must get along with kids swimmingly, something that he has in common with buck and that hints that tommy most likely loves kids as well. and that, in a way, also feels like kids may actually be part of buck's future because bucktommy has been set up so differently to any of buck's previous canon relationships.
they could have done it a thousand different ways, but they chose this route, putting focus on the opinion of a kid that buck loves a lot. it's giving the trope of parent who first makes sure that their child accepts their love interest. maybe it means nothing! maybe it's solely for the fun of it! but given everything else we've seen in regards to evan buck buckley and the children topic, it's feels like one piece of a bigger puzzle. especially with his backstory, questioning his parent's love for all his life, i think buck's story will truly come full circle when he's allowed to unconditionally love his own child. and i think he wants and needs a partner (tommy) to be there with him every step of the way (love is stored in the "of course" ♥).
(as you can tell by now, i also love to ramble lmfao)
You can always ramble anon! And yes to all of this! I doubt everything about buck and tommys connection has been done intentionally (I mean, the writers can’t get the timeline in a single episode consistent) but what we’ve had so far is so good and it would be a waste to not use this love interest to be buck’s forever person (and baby daddy haha)
There’s the whole red thread of fate (or invisible string) theory that connects their stories before and after they met, there’s the stark difference on how tommy behaves in contrast to bucks past partners.
The writers did something different for them, something that feels more substancial. Bucks past partners have always felt like “girlfriend of the season”, almost like the writers didn’t want to fully commit. I’m glad that even though it took seven seasons, a network change and a lot of behind the scenes messes to get to this point.
Tommy could be Bucks forever person and if he does become so, I want to see it really bad!
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shizucheese · 4 months
Hey guys! It me, "The Magnus Institute is a part of not just the Eye but the Web" girl, here with some thoughts and a new theory for the consideration of the Red String Comity. Come step into a curated (for your safety and sanity) corner of my mind as I walk you through my thought process: First, some further evidence that the Web was tied to the Magnus Institute in TMA all along: in MAG193, it's mentioned that Elias doesn't remember ever sending his CV to the Magnus Institute. Web. In Mag056, when Martin confesses he lied on his CV, he mentions that "for some reason" his lie about parapsychology got him an interview with Elias. Now, I always assumed that this was because Elias/ Jonah knew his secret and the Eye likes secrets, but like...How did Martin know to apply there in the first place? Why was that the only place where he got an interview?
Now I'd like to bring your attention to the below sticker. I have this same sticker on my laptop because as someone on the Ace spectrum John and Martin's relationship is everything to me. For anyone who needs a refresher, the quote is something John says to Martin in S5. Obviously the teacup represents Martin. But let's talk about that thing coming out of the teacup, hm? The thing that's supposed to represent John? I've always tried to rationalize it as "lol it's just some kind if Eye creature, that's not a spider..." but guys....that's totally a spider, right?
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Now here's why this is so huge: this isn't fanart someone turned into a sticker. This is a sticker from Rusty Quill's very own RedBubble shop.
It's official merch. Official merch "designed and sold by RustyQuill" represents John as a spider creature covered in eyes.
They've been telling us this the entire time guys! Now, I need to give @amanda-519 credit for setting my mind down this next path. These are the tags they used when they reblogged my previous post on this topic:
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Now, this got me thinking about all of the Avatars we met in TMA and like....
We know from Mag 102 that the Corruption can manifest as unhealthy relationships, which I would argue would include infatuation and obsession.
And like....was Jude's infatuation with Agnes really all that different? It's what drew her into The Desolation in the first place, so could we not argue that she was a mix of the Desolation and the Corruption? (Like....the destructiveness of infatuation? Corruption leading to Desolation?) And like I've always assumed the reason why Oliver became an Avatar of the End is because of his association with Graham and what happened to him resulting in Oliver being touched by The End, but like...does that actually make sense? They were already broken up and he had 0 involvement with Graham being taken by the Not Them. But like Graham's circumstances are also kinda weblike, no? The Web includes the fear of being forced to do something against one's own will, and Graham went through some pretty extreme measures to try and escape his powers. And then his efforts to escape ultimately lead to the events that turned him into a full fledged Avatar. Was Graham also a part of the web? Or were the circumstances of him becoming an Avatar of the End basically the result of him being the Web's victim?
And the whole concept of the Unknowing is pretty weird, huh? Like...I can't be the only one that looks at what happens to people who get trapped in the Unknowing and thinks that it feels awfully "Spiral-like" right? (or, for that matter, that The Desolation has some elements of the Stranger to it).
John Amherst was an Avatar of The Corruption, but unlike Jane, whose main interest seemed to be spreading and expanding the Flesh Hive, Amherst's form of Corruption seemed awfully End-flavored. When we first meet him in TMA, it's at a Nursing home where his spread of infection results in the death of all of the residents. In Mag68, Tale of a Field Hospital, the accounts about Amherst are all about him dying and then showing up again; in the second story, the people who end up in the bed Amherst is supposed to be in keep dying; the statement giver who gave the book to the Institute dies a few days later after, having cut himself on the pages of the book. The illness he spreads in the town where he ultimately dies kills the victims horrifically. The bug he is most affiliated with are flies, which are known to flock to dead bodies and are therefore associated with death. Okay now after all of that word vomit, here's the epiphany that I had and the actual point of this post:
For some reason my mind kept straying back to Jude and her infatuation with Agnes and how that might have made her part of the Corruption, and the different ways the Corruption might have been involved in other ways, and then I remembered that theory going around that in TMP the Fears are becoming Obsessions. This theory never sat well with me because in TMA, all of the Avatars were obsessed with something. Most of them were obsessed with their Entity and bringing it into the world. Jude, as previously mentioned, was obsessed with Agnes. Simon was obsessed with the sky. Mike was obsessed with freeing himself of the Spiral manifestation that'd been tormenting him since childhood. Oliver was obsessed with running away from his powers and John was obsessed with finding out what the fuck was going on. There were also plenty of non-avatar characters that were obsessed; The guy in Mag90: Body Builder was obsessed with his body and making it look how he wanted to. The guy from Mag102 Nesting Instinct and his petite scarabée. I could go on.
And then it clicked: Obsession is a form of Corruption. We know that the Corruption can manifest as unhealthy love and companionship. But what is "unhealthy love" if not a form of obsession? Obsession sinks its teeth into you and takes over your life and can lead you to your own destruction. In other words, its corrupts you. Which is exactly what happens in pretty much all of the statements we've gotten so far in TMP. The Corruption is up to something. Idk what or why, but I think that in the same way the Web's influence was all over TMA if you know to look for it, the Corruption is all over TMP. Is it just a season 1 thing? Is it going to be the Big Player in the whole series? Are the Avatars (?) we've encountered so far--Ink5oul, The Merchant, Movie Theater Man-- part of the Corruption as well as the more obvious Entities they serve-- The Flesh, The End/ The Slaughter, The Eye--or are they only servants of those respective Entities and the Corruption is swooping in later and poisoning things?
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sudsyv2 · 1 year
I have so many silly prompts and only one small brain that can’t remember all of them so I’m writing them down ><! (if you like any feel free to use them !)
I’ll probably be adding to this list daily 😽
1. Ghost and soap who have reincarnated so many times but somehow still meet each other in their new lives.
2. Soap and ghost on a swing, just swinging and chatting
3. Duke ghost and butler soap or reverse! Either way one’s trying not get them in trouble and the other doesn’t give a fuck if something happens, they’d literally go to war with the entire country if anyone opposes to their relationship
4. Siren soap!!!!
5. Ghost and his inability to say no to Soap
6. Gamer ghost (sorry this is just so funny) and rich boy soap who’s got an embarrassing crush on him
7. Tattoo artist soap and biker ghost
8. Big werewolf ghost and his somehow more feral human boyfriend soap!
9. Soulmates, red strings the whole deal
10. Ghost getting called big guy by soap (and liking it)
12. Finding out each others love language
13. Ghost is a rock collector he collects shiny rocks and when he finds one he really likes he shows soap
14. Painter soap
15. Soap doodling on ghosts arm
16. Soap learning to cook, just cause he’s bored
18. Ok so hear me out, a tiny creature (can be a baby monster thing or idk) imprints on both soap and ghost
19. Soap is good with kids
20. Photographer ghost but he doesn’t talk about it. Though one Christmas, soap got him an expensive camera and he was extremely happy about it
21. soap carry’s small bandaids with stickers on it all the time. You got a small cut? He’s got a hello kitty, Batman, any kind of bandaid you want he’s probably got
22. Tyrant ghost looking for a wife and then in comes knight soap looking to defeat tyrant ghost
23. Ghost has incredibly dumb theories and soap is the only one who listens to them
25. Detective Ghost and an Arsonist on the run from the police Soap
26. Literal ghost! soap, like that bitch is haunting the base grounds, and lieutenant who goes by the name ghost
(Will add more)
1. Soap looking at ghost with such a loving shine in his eyes, those damn puppy eyes staring at ghost like he had just given soap the world
2. Soap buying ghost flowers
3. Soap kissing all of ghosts scars
4. Them just laying together, cuddling, soap is rambling about something and ghost is listening intently sometimes even adding a “I see” in between to let soap know he’s listening
5. Soap would be the one to propose but wouldn’t be able to hide the fact he was going to propose, his excitement written all over his face
6. I know it’s probably not possible but imagine ghost being ticklish
7. Ghost, whenever they’re cuddling, likes to put his entire body weight on soap. And soap doesn’t even mind, playing with ghosts hair and rubbing his back.
8. Soap having to get on his tippy toes to kiss ghost and ghost leaning farther and farther back to see just how determined soap is to kiss him (very. Soap is very determined.)
9. Taking a shower together, nothing sexual happens it’s just them washing each other after a long day
11. Ghost kissing soaps hand
12. Ghost learning how to knit and knits soap a blanket that says “soap and ghost”
13. Bass guitarist ghost in a band who really wants to woo this super cute guy (soap ofc) that always shows up to their concerts, and gets his bandmates to help him write a song for said super cute guy (soap)
14. Soap can sing and sometimes ghost will just ask if soap can sing for him. When they’re both sleepy! And soap does, it’s usually always some type of silly lullaby. Works wonders for ghost though
15. Price telling ghost that his lover boy(soap) is here
16. Ghost gets a small scratch on his cheek and soap kisses it better, ghost not expecting the kiss is left frozen in place for a couple seconds while soap is just walking off cackling
17. The way they wake each other up. Ghost gently nudges soap awake but if he could stare at soaps sleeping face forever he would. Soap on the other hand, says ghosts name and kisses his face. Like a lot. But ghost is always up after the first kiss, he just likes to act asleep to get more kisses
18. Their first kiss. Not like their usual quick ones that leave them both wanting more, this one is soft and tender. Eerily gentle.
19. Soap seeing Ghosts genuine smile, it left him breathless as ghosts deep laugh ran through his entire body and made him shiver
20. Soaps and ghosts adopted cat son Phantom!!! Phantoms patterns on his face look like ghost so of course soap had to adopt him. Anyways cat dads ghoap
21. Aftercare (I’m the biggest slut for aftercare that shit is amazing)
(Will add more)
NSFW (there will be NO things like noncon or r/pe here unless it entails them finding a way to heal after it)
I don’t usually write smut so I’m sorry if these are bad 😭
1. Werewolf ghost goes into rut, human soap offers to help him through it
2. Power bottom soap who is extremely good at getting guys like ghost to be on their knees for him
3. Soap wearing lipstick and leaving big O lipstick stains on ghosts dick
4. Ghost in bed is extremely touchy, he needs to have soaps skin under his hands gloved or not.
5. Ghost pressing his hand on soaps stomach to feel the bump of his own cock in the other
6. Soap is under ghosts desk sucking him off
7. Soap cockwarming ghost while the other writes a report
8. Roleplay idk what they’re roleplaying just roleplay
9. Soap likes to moan loud to see how long it takes for ghost to push his head against a bed/wall just to shut him up
10. Soap loves it rough
11. Ghost lifting soap up to fuck him and soap is absolutely in shock and turned on
12. ghost is a big biter, soaps had to cover up way to many bites from him
13. Lmao monster fucker soap
14. Ghoap exploring their kinks!
15. My friend said virgin ghost and I was like ok sure, then he hit me with “experienced soap telling inexperienced ghost how he wants to be fucked” and I was like damn ok
16. Ghost is extremely weak to the way soap says his name, especially in bed. Hearing that breathless “Simon” mixed with soaps strained yeses and moans gets ghost hard (really fuckin hard lol)
(Will add more)
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shaakyhaands · 10 months
Hear Me Out:
Court of Darkness but MC is an investigative journalist.
Do we ever really get any details on what MC did on Earth?
Like no, deadass— we know she had an apartment and Robin. How is she paying rent? How is she buying cat food, or paying Robin’s vet bills?
I’m willing to bet the devs intentionally didn’t give us much detail about MC’s occupation, specifically so we the reader can ✨ project ✨ onto her.
That being said: let’s make up some occupations for her!
I think an investigative MC would be fun! She’s in a whole new dimension, there’s a ton to explore. Reality itself behaves differently, allowing magic! There’s an entire history of this world’s inhabitants! Wars, art, culture, food, philosophy, sciences, MAGIC! This would be fucking paradise for an exploratory personality.
Some headcanons:
MC always has questions. About everything. From the tangible and quantitative (“what is this?”) to the conceptual and abstract (“interesting. You seem to feel very strongly on this subject, am I reading that right? Can you tell me more? What influenced your judgement?”).
When she’s not peppering one of the consorts with questions about life in this world, she’s reading. What is she reading? Everything. Everything she can get her hands on. Especially books on history.
Speaking of reading and asking questions— MC bonds with Toa in her pursuits of knowledge. He helps her learn how to read and write (language barriers). While Guy, a man of action more than words, might get tired of MC’s incessant questions (and I really mean incessant, this isn’t shade at Guy. This MC is straight up annoying, never shuts up)— Toa has more patience.
Speaking of history— she studies historical events and the relationships between the kingdoms. Important players on the world stage, what they did, who they were cool with and who they pissed off and why. Why, why, why, MC is very interested in learning why things are the way they are.
So much so, she looks into events deeper than most native inhabitants would probably have any reason to. She wants to find the information not in the history books. She wants to know what actually happened— who pulled what strings, who is connected to who else and how did those connections play out, etc.
Through her research, MC learns about a lot of royals before they’re otherwise introduced. Not only does she learn of their existence (“Toa has a sister? Toa has three sisters? 👀”), but she, through the lens of various historical accounts (that she certainly cross referenced with each other), learns of their character. What they’ve done. And, reading between the lines, what some books failed to explain or navigated around, she’s able to get a better sense of their real personalities.
For example: Reading several accounts of her behaviour, if MC is piecing together the information correctly, than the picture her research is painting of Idina is a very, very cold one. Thinking about the implications makes MC shiver. To think this woman is related to Toa, it actually make too much sense.
Speaking of her research: MC definitely has the magical equivalent of a conspiracy theory pin board in her bedroom— one mapping out the connections between the kingdoms and powerful individuals.
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This ^ This, but it’s MC, and the red string is connecting Idina to several assassinations untimely, very unfortunate and super totally accidental deaths of government officials. Toa is the person in the foreground.
“Okay, but why” you might be inclined to ask. “Why is MC asking all these questions, what’s the point”
The point is, she is an investigative journalist. So far, I’ve really emphasized the “investigative” part. But, my sweet summer child, there’s an entire second half of that title.
The point being, MC is recording all of the information she’s gathering.
The history, the art, the culture, the sciences, the magic— all of it. All of it, she is making an immaculate record of. How, you might ask? Well, you have some options:
Personally, I’m a huge fan of MCs who got transported with some of their earthly tech on their person. I have more than once gotten home and straight up passed out after a long day, still holding onto or wearing my daily gear. Let me put it this way: if they were able to bring her god damn cat with her, I see no reason why MC couldn’t bring, say, a backpack with her. Maybe a satchel, or a crossbody bag. If it was on or near her person when she fell asleep, I can imagine it getting caught up in the process.
Say this MC did have her bag with her. That means she has a myriad of technology potentially at her disposal. Laptop, tablet, camera. If you really want to lean into the “investigative reporter” side of things, she could even have an old school hand held tape recorder. At the very least, she definitely has a phone.
“Tech would die, though, how is she going to charge it” magic, babe. Via Roy’s consort path, we learned that inhabitants of the magical realm make magical weapons out of silversmithing. The reason Roy gives is that silver is a good conductor of electricity and magical energy:
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(Please ignore the shit image quality, YouTube is being mean)
My point being, you understand the implications of this statement? People in Salagia know what electricity is. At least, on some level. So if MC just made one friend out of the S ranks, or Sherry, I’m sure they could come up with some way to keep any of MC’s earthly electronics permanently charged.
Outside of tech— remember how MC has to pretty much learn how to read and write? Because the Salagian language, it’s not English. In the American server, it’s hinted that the Salagain language is some derivative of Latin, and magic helps translate speech between MC and everyone else. In Toa’s path, MC can sort of read? But it’s not like speaking, and she pretty much has to relearn from the ground up (Warning: mild spoilers for Toa’s route, maybe?):
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Point being: if MC can’t really read Salagian writing, then I doubt Salagians can read anything in MC’s native language (be that English, Japanese, or anything else).
So, theoretically speaking, MC could just write in her native language and no one would really be able to tell wtf she’s writing. Whose gonna teach them, her? Not if she doesn’t want them to know, she won’t.
So, to recap:
Our little investigative journalist MC is given the scoop of a fucking lifetime, being transported to a different universe.
With her tech, raw determination, and the help of some new friends, she gathers intel and writes up reports— be that literally writing, recording speech, or making video essays.
Photos, videos, any documentation she can make, she does.
The knowledge she gains enables her to move through this new world with a bit more discretion. She’s better able to navigate social settings (“everyone with blue eyes seems to hate me?… Oh yeah, the red, Avari, got it. I’ll just be cool, then”), and potentially avoid shady characters (“note to self: avoid Idina. Also, Toa needs therapy.”)
Maybe she discovers some cults earlier than she would otherwise?? 👀
And if/when she eventually gets back home, even if it’s just to visit friends, but not actually stay there— she will have the most epic story of all time. With supporting documents.
Other fun headcanons:
If this MC does pair up with a consort, everyone is like “… bro, your girl… she never stops asking questions” and her paramour is just like “fuck yeah, she doesn’t 😍”
“What are you writing” “a list of workers rights violations, I can’t believe unions are a foreign concept in this world.”
If an animal/creature shows up, MC is the first to jump to its defense. “It’s a siren!” “She’s part of an endangered species, you cretin!” “She can kill you! Aren’t you scared??” “So could tripping and falling over. Bottom line is, I’m not going to let you hurt her!”
“Do you not have kings in your world?” “I mean, they exist, but let me tell you about 1789 France…” *cue the radicalization of the S ranks*
Say a king shows up to the school for an event, oh BOY will she have Words. Not only would she ask a shit ton of questions, she will also have no fucking fear, because she has no respect for their title. “I read about this policy decision, what was this experience like for you?” Whatever prince is the associated son of the king is like “MC, please, I’m so scared for you, don’t incur his wrath”, while the king is just like “you know?… this person?.. this person is bold. To talk to me like this, the blatant lack of idol worship, almost bordering on disrespect, even… this is Different. New. Fun. I almost feel like a normal person, even.” And so, the king engages with all of her questions, much to their son’s potential dismay.
Anyways— god it feels good to get this enormous idea out of my brain and on a digital page. The Thought has been Purged, I am now free. Been a hot minute since I did some long form theorizing for CODVN, feels nice man. 😁
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mitskijamie · 19 days
how do you think keeley and jamie met? like pre season 1!
(did they start dating when he moved to london, or were they already established when he was at city? where do we think they met? what were their first impressions?)
I think they probably met right after he moved to London!!!! I got the impression that it was a fairly new relationship and wasn't really super serious (on Keeley's end at least lmaooo 😬). My theory has always been that they met at a club, because they're both partiers + high profile athletes and models tend to run in the sameish social circles. Keeley's first impression was that Jamie was cute and she wanted to get dicked down and Jamie's first impression was that Keeley is his soulmate and every decision he's made up to this point in his life was leading him towards meeting this woman due to the red string of fate
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emberfrostlovesloki · 2 months
Criminal Minds May Prompts - Walking Down Memory Lane
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Photo credits: Left (@hotchs-big-hands) Center (@edwardian-masquerade) Right (@reidcoffeemoon)
Good evening loves! We made it to April! Here are some more Spring Prompts for May. This prompt list is inspired by the always amazing, @imagining-in-the-margins, who always make the best prompt lists. Her current prompt list can be found here (linked). I won’t write for all of my prompts, but I might for a few. I decided to go with a theme for these May prompts and it is - Walking Down Memory Lane. So this will deal with remembering the past. Not all of these prompts will fall into this category, but most of them are.
The rules for using these prompts are that there are no rules! You could use any Criminal Minds characters, OCs, reader inserts, etc. You could draw, write, make mood boards, or imagine anything else. I have included 30 prompts for each day of the month. I also get inspiration from plain old words, so I’ve included 10 Spring words that might inspire something. Lastly, I’ve included a few dialog and art prompts too. If any of these prompts inspire you to create, I’d love to be tagged to see what you have made. This is all just for fun. I wish everyone a great start to the month. Please know I’m proud of you wherever you are right now - Love Levi ❤️
You can find all the prompts below the cut
General Prompts
Character A remembers the first time they felt a spark for Character B. 
Character A thinks about when they almost died on a case and what their life flashing in front of their eyes looked like and how they wanted to change it. 
Character A mourns the worst day of their life and how Character B made it all okay. 
Character A accidentally stumbles across Character B’s social media and it is not what they imagined. It begins their friendship/relationship. 
The team is losing a core member and they reflect on all the good and bad times they have had together. 
A Character thinks about their child's first prom and growing up. 
Character A finds a photo album featuring Character B and they can’t help but ask Character B about it. 
Character A sends a love letter to Character B, but it arrives a month late. The two have to talk it out when it finally arrives. 
A Character’s kid asks about death for the first time and a conversation ensues. 
After ______ amount of time, a Character thinks about when they decided to start transitioning. 
Slow Burn Enemies to Lovers fic. 
Characters A and B talk about the start of the universe and if they believe in fate. 
Character A temporarily loses a sense (taste, sight, hearing) and Character B reminds them what it’s like and that they are still capable and loved. 
Character A loses a mentor and they confide in Character B how hard the loss is affecting them. 
The team notices a new tattoo on Character A and they all speculate on what it means and when they got it. 
A big test has Character A stressed out more than normal and Character B comes and helps them study and feel more relaxed.
Chacters A begins to have migraine like they did when they were younger, Character B helps them manage life while they stay. 
They say hair holds trauma, so the Character gets a dramatic hairstyle change. 
Character A moves out of their apartment and into Character B’s place. While taking down a picture, they remember when they first moved in. 
A case relating to conspiracy theories with the BAU. 
A character is being held by an unsub and thinks about the team they are sure will save them. 
Character A let’s a secret from their past out and Character B asks them about it. 
Character A thinks about their relationship with Character B as they plan on how to propose to Character B. 
A Character has a gay awakening. 
Red String of Fate fic. 
Character A get Character B a toy they always wanted as a kid but never got. 
Characters A and B go star gazing together. 
Sometimes words just aren’t enough. 
Anything inspired by “Too Sweet” by Hozier. 
Word Prompts
Past Lives / Past Loves
Dialog Prompts 
“If you insult ______ again, you’d better be ready for what’s coming!"
“By the time a star’s light reaches the earth, it’s all burned up. Dead.” 
“What do you remember love? Tell me everything"
“Nothing from your past could change how I feel about you ________. I love you despite whatever it is you’re going to say.” 
“The stars are pretty, but they’re nothing compared to you.” 
“Okay everyone, some dude called me a slut, and you know… he’s not wrong.” 
Art Prompts
Aaron and Rossi talking 
Penelope, Spencer, and Derek are at a park.
JJ and Will on a date.
Elle and Gideon playing chess.
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Text Break Banner by @cafekitsune
Tag list: (🩷) @tgskitten @geminitapestry @silk-spun @criminalskies
Want to be added to my tag list? Please check out this post (linked) 
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deddd-l · 1 year
The Critical Issue of People not Understanding Bakugou’s Sacrifice and why this Fandom is Doomed
The other day, I was reading an article all about “why Bakugou’s death [chp 362] adds no real point to the story” and was absolutely blown away by this take right here:
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and although I am a certified BkDk shipper, I feel a strong need to defend and explain exactly why this Article and the majority of the fandom is dead wrong about Bakugou’s character and his place in the story. Take my words with a grain of salt, however, as of course my opinion isn’t gospel. This is just my analyzation of the story of MHA and my take on the character of Bakugou Katsuki.
Let’s start from the core of all this commotion— the hate around Bakugou’s character.
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i. Bakugou Katsuki
We know him, we either love him or hate him, and we’re all aware of his importance to the story. Or…are we?
It’s been pretty obvious from the very first chapter that Bakugou was gonna be some sort of important figure in the overall story. From his introduction, to his body language, and even his speech— he was a shithead AND unavoidable.
His presence is obliviously the first obstacle to our protagonist, Izuku, as both a bully and a source of insecurity (both to Izuku and Himself)
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Believe it or not, this immediately sets the bar for what we’re to expect from Bakugou throughout the entirety of the story. This is His character, and this is his story line.
Proving himself, and being a source of importance to Izuku. First as a bully, then a rival, and finally… 
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“The most important figure to Midoriya Izuku”— someone who matters so much to Izuku, he has to die.
And guys, I REALLY need to stress how much his death matters. BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL BEEN BUILDING TOWARDS. From the very first moment he was introduced, to his supposedly final words. Bakugou has always been intertwined with Izuku.
And THAT is where all the animosity and confusion lies.
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ii. The red string of fate
Now, this is somewhat the part I get a bit preachy. Only because I view these two as having a connection SO powerful, it’s beyond any sort of friendship imaginable. However, if you view their relationship as more platonic, you’re 100% justified in thinking as such.
Like I mentioned earlier, Bakugou’s death has been the main point all along, because he matters so much to Izuku.
I have a very strong theory as to why people refuse to see it as such.
You see, not everybody likes to dig below the surface. Sometimes, the average viewer just wants to enjoy some sappy romance, or quick punches thrown back and forth, or even some quick and painless jokes to make you chuckle softly. Basically, people don’t like having to think while enjoying visual entertainment. I know this because rarely I actually pay attention to media I’m watching, too busy working on something else to use it as anything more than white-noise.
Bakugou and Izuku have a relationship that requires deeper thinking. It’s not like any other relationship in MHA, where you see two cute characters and harmlessly ship them together. They have history, and a dark one at that. 
The average viewer ALSO rarely views the world as anything more than Black and White at first. Which is normal, we always assume a side before learning about all the nitty gritty details in a situation.
Bakugou has a character that isn’t Black or White. He’s the deuteragonist. Not quite the protagonist, and not quite the antagonist.
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He’s a troubled kid, with a troubled past. And guess who has ALWAYS been with him through his darkest moments? Izuku.
People see this as something bad, when it’s the entire point of BOTH their character arks.
To Izuku, Bakugou is his symbol of Victory. To Bakugou, Izuku is a constant and possibly his symbol of hope. Their relationship is so complex, so deep, and filled with many, many layers. It’s vital to both of them, as we see most prominently through Izuku’s reaction to Bakugou’s death.
Their loses hurt. Because they’re so intertwined.
Like losing your other half, literally. Save to win, win to save.
Bakugou was more than just cannon fodder to get Izuku Angry. His death took a piece of Izuku away. His sense of self and his vision of Victory. There’s a reason we haven’t cut back to the Shigaraki vs Izuku battle. He’s not truly ready, not without his sense of victory with him.
But people can’t accept this. People instead take it an entirely different way.
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iii. Once a bad guy, always a bad guy
This is my biggest problem with the MHA fandom. I don’t actually consider myself a part of it. I’m a little too embarrassed about my so called peers that believe they understand or appreciate the story. I mean, you’re allowed to dislike whoever you want or like whatever you want, but the hate around Bakugou makes no sense to me. 
You guys… realize people can change, right? There is no such thing as a purely good/ evil character or person. We can try and pretend there are, but there aren’t.
There’s something called character growth, too. Not sure if you’ve heard about it, but Bakugou has gone through it a lot. So has Izuku. Because THAT’S WHAT THEIR RELAITONSHIP ABOUT. FUCK IT, THAT’S WHAT THE DAMN STORY IS ABOUT.
Izuku’s a quirkless kid who wants to be a hero? Fuck it! He gets a super powerful power and is said to become “the greatest hero ever”. Good for him!
Villains want change to the hero system because it’s not fit for everyone? They’re right! Let’s allow them a revolution and give the story more perspective and depth as more than just a hero story. Good for them!
Bakugou, god forbid, wants to reimagine himself as someone more than their past mistakes and turn a new leaf alongside his childhood friend/ most important figure? …Let’s make fun of his death instead.
MHA is so much more that the silly shipping, memes, or backlash it gets. Is it perfect? Of course not! Is it detailed and complex? Absolutely!
Yes, people are allowed to not like a character. I’m not trying to force anyone to love Bakugou. He’s certainly not my favorite, but I at least understand his importance. Yes, not everybody has to grasp the deeper meaning behind a story and simply enjoy it for being a cool anime with memorable character. The problem arises when there is literally NO critical thinking and everyone just agrees with what is at the surface level.
(let it also be known that I feel most of the hate stems from people watching the DAMN ANIME. No offense if you like it, but I can’t stand to watch it. It’s lazy, frankly kind of ugly, and butchers almost every character SO BADLY (*cough, Bakugou, *cough) people are apparently pretty adamant to be anime watchers only, so this could be another reason they dislike Bakugou, because the anime is GOD AWFUL. Again, no offense :))
uhhh, merry Christmas!! 💥🎄
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star-crossed-mid · 8 months
Little ramble on water boy 2 and red string cutter and their powers
The Goddess of Fate's power was the ability to change the future/fate of anyone. In some of the other gods stories it kind of seems like her power was just giving people a choice. I like to believe that MC has that power still but its more toned down as in she just talks to people about what choices they can make like idk telling leon to not kill everyone and wipe the universe teehee.
We see her power work in every story intentional or not. Maybe it was the king using the help of her powers to decimate the underworld or the simple acts of kindness performed through MC. Anyway, it can go into theories of dominos falling or butterflies flapping their wings that Clotho's power was very strong and had lasting impacts on a persons future.
Hue's power is clairvoyance, granted he can't use it without touching the person but he could still see into the future. He keeps to himself when he does this, only preparing for the inevitable.
I love that Huedhaut was the one to help Clotho figure out how to use her powers and incidentally was one of the first people who had his fate 'changed'. Whether his fate was actually changed by her or it was just him trying to create a logical answer to him catching feelings is wild.
One of my fav excerpts of them is I think in one of Hue's stories he gets surprised accidentally reading Clotho's future. He saw that they were dating before he even knew they were. Ended with both of them getting awkward about it and just acknowledging 'hey we're dating', and along the lines of him saying 'i've never had my own future spoiled'.
TLDR their relationship
One of the reasons Hue fell in love with MC/Clotho was because Clotho always forced Hue out of his comfort zone (at a reasonable level) and was his total opposite. Something refreshing, sun and moon.
Clotho definitely woke up Hue in the middle of the night to ask if he would still love her if she was a worm (and him in a begrudging state of total confusion would say yes, he loves them in any form, he loves their soul etc etc).
It's also to note that her power literally interrupts his. He can't see/predict the future if it's always changing. It was unpredictable for him. Which ties into the philosophy he learnt when we see him in S1 that he doesn't know how to process the illogical and irrational. He also gets a bit mad at MC when she brings up the concept 'fate' once again being a theoretical concept not set in stone. Huedhaut tries to grab onto any reason when it came to an emotional experience and it left him with centuries full of grief as to why Clotho did the things she did.
In a sense, Huedhauts season 1 reads like a ghost story. Clotho is the ghost that haunts MC, Hue, and some of the other gods. There's a famous quote by David Foster Wallace that says:
"Every love story is a ghost story"
Clotho haunts the narrative, and surely haunts Hue. Those versions of the goddess of fate with the god of Aquarius doesn't exist anymore, yet they still have a very persistent figure in the story. Clotho gave up (not sacrificed) herself/powers because she wanted humanity to feel the love that Huedhaut gave her, her last thoughts were literally of her and Huedhaut hugging the morning prior as she found comfort in the absolute. Huedhaut was near her/watched as she faded from existence. Everything she did, Huedhaut took it personal as Clotho's decisions were purely emotional.
Whether it was inconsistent writing or intentional, Hue's reasonings/graspings at Clotho changes throughout the story from (TLDR SUMMED UP)
"Oh gods I desecrated myself for love" "Did she love me or was she unhappy and decided to do that" blaming himself for not stopping her/finding a solution/not being smart enough at the time
it changes in his route a few times but I think its a realistic depiction for someone who didn't get closure and is heavily focused on reason. tldr im rambling love overcomes as a theme and love is good. Voltage I am begging please give Hue a good update also redo his promise of infinity.
hue and clotho/mc have that doomed yuri type beat also something about them just spreads tragedy i love them i have like 3 scm aus and one of them is dedicated to them entirely.
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geometricalien · 10 months
Romance Snippet Game!
I've been tagged by @ultfreakme a long ass time ago but I'm finally getting around to this. I've got 3 current wips to draw from but they are all the same ship so I'll just throw them all here anyways!
rules: share a few lines or a snippet that sums up the main relationship(s) in your wip
Things That Hold Us Together: Steel Bolts and Tender Hearts - (android/technician)
There must be some invisible field that Akashi is able to tap into, something of pure energy that connects to the electricity and internet and- and who knows what else- that makes him the epicenter and able to to control everything with a single synapse in their neural network… Kouki has never heard of such a thing, let alone any theory that alludes to this. It’s… it’s amazing, world altering tech. He feels like a man first encountering fire.
He harshly swallows down the wonder choking him. “Oh.”
Akashi’s eyes stop sparking and the technology returns to normal with the suddenness of gravity being turned back on. The apartment feels much smaller and cramped than before. It’s drab. He hates it.
εὐήλιος - (greek wip act 2)
(theres so many scrapped snippets that fit this, I'll share some of my favorites)
(this is from before I decided to switch povs)
He turns to Kouki, standing on his right as always. His love looked similarly distressed based on his clenched jaw and his fidgeting fingers.
And then there is the other problem with leaving.
He would be discarding his fate. Throwing away the stars and the moon. Abandoning all that he believed in, all that pulled him through life. His name was to be etched into history.
Could he forget what the gods had promised him?
They already blessed him with Kouki. They were entwined in the stars long before either was born. Seijuurou would be spitting on his fate, on the wondrous gift he is.
The man is the best part of his life. -----
“Good.” He purrs, lifting their hands to his mouth and presses light kisses into Kouki’s hand, each a promise of devotion.
Approval from Seijuurou always made him a tad dizzy which only increased when his sly mouth drew in a finger. The enveloping wet heat did nothing to stop the haze his mind easily slipped into. After all, Seijuurou is excellent with his tongue in more ways than one.
“You’ve gotten quite skilled at th-that.” His voice breaks at the sharp suck pulling him deeper into the cavernous warmth.
Seijuurou is unhurried as if they have all the time in the world. Every curl is an act of worship, and he would be worried about the obvious impiety Seijuurou is displaying if it didn’t feel so damn good. He knows what it feels like to have those pink lips wrapped around his length. To have songs of praise bitten into his skin. Seijuurou has loved him softly, roughly, frantically, savoring- in every conceivable way he has been worshiped. -----
He takes hold of Kouki’s hand and draws patterns into his palm. The little soothing action helps ground Kouki when he feels particularly anxious, and a little part of him thinks it helps calm Seijuurou too. As well as being practical it is endlessly endearing to Kouki. When he focuses on the shapes traced he often pieces the phrase “I love you” written over and over. How many times has he borne that phrase into his skin? Has it seeped into the muscle and bone?
trust me, trust me, darling dear - (horror oneshot)
As a child he had a favorite blanket. Blue and the softest material you’d ever feel, made of wishes and dreams. He thinks it was a gift from a relative, maybe his grandmother? He’s not sure. It has been by his side since he can remember. In stormy shadow filled nights and the first thing he stuffed in his backpack for preschool. A comfort object, that’s what they called it.
And he remembers how much he wailed when his mother took the worn, ragged blanket from his thin child arms when it needed to be washed. How he clung to the long spider-like strings digging into his tender skin leaving angry red and white marks.
His mother would scold him as he sat in front of the washer, waiting. “You have to be more careful or soon there will be nothing left of it.”
Listening to the wet slosh of soapy water he never understood why loving something made it break, made it fall apart at the seams. After all, his mother’s love and gentle kiss could heal any pain. What made his so… rotten?
Standing now infront of his mirror, feeling the phantom shadow arms reach for him- around him- pulling him into the inky black mass reflected in the mirror- being grabbed by the force before him, pushed beneath their will and his grasp on reality slips away- Kouki finally understands what she meant.
I got terminal akafuri brainrot but we knew this :3
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sequencefairy · 6 months
There’s a very fucked up part of my brain that wants to hear your theories about the alleged NYC polycule 😭 but it’s also…too much lmaooooo
Beloved, sweet, wonderful anon, you tempt me too much with your repressed desires to join me in the tiny closet off my office, where I keep my bulletin boards and my red string.
I should note, before we begin, that my contributions to these theories are but contributions, the true architect is a friend, who I will not publicly out, but they know who they are.
With that out of the way, let me paint you a picture, dear sweet anon.
It was late summer, I had watched six hours of TV over the course of three days, because my friend had talked about this TV show to me, and the characters therein, for weeks. I did not expect to like this TV show, I wanted to watch it solely so that I could participate fully in conversation, because I enjoy very much when someone I care about loves something and shares that with me. Despite my intentions to the contrary, I emerged from the six hours of TV wholly changed.
And so began my not-so-slow downward spiral.
(under the cut)
My friend and I had deep and complicated discussions about characterization and the narrative choices and depictions of mental illness and trauma. We shared vulnerabilities, as ways to expand our understanding of the depths that this show plumbs, but does not always reach with solidity. We thirsted. Oh, did we thirst.
I came to the conclusion that I did, indeed, want to climb Oscar Isaac like the compact, solidly built tree that he is. I wanted to bury my fingers in his hair, I wanted to see him smile. I wanted to see the characters he plays beaten, bloody, and miserable. I wanted to see them broken, but I also wanted them to heal, such as they were able, given their unique circumstances.
In short, I became obsessed.
My life has spun wildly out of control, I am sitting on roughly 50k of Moon Knight fanfic, currently unfinished, but being worked on feverishly. You are not here for that though, so let us move on.
We initially began our conversations regarding the NYC polycule on a fair evening in September, when my friend arrived in my dms to alert me to an item of interest. It was a photo, from September 9th, posted on Elvira's Instagram account, and in it, was Oscar, one of his children, and a man, tagged as Tim Nolan.
Further research revealed, of course, that Tim Nolan is none other than the long-time hair stylist for Oscar. We reviewed Tim's Instagram page, thrilled by the discovery that Tim seems to accompany Oscar on many filming trips, including during the filming for Moon Knight in Jordan.
Knowing this, and also knowing that the only other person who appears in photos in their house with their children with such familiarity is Pedro Pascal, we began to make certain assumptions about this relationship.
I won't spend too much time on Pedro Pascal, I think we all know that he's involved.
For now, let us continue along with Tim.
Oscar has been filming In The Hand of Dante in Venice, of late, and so we have been thrilled to see BTS pictures of him, on set, and etc. We have also been thrilled, most recently, by Tim's presence. Tim recently celebrated his 41st birthday in Rome, and the following weekend, was with Oscar being touristy.
Some things to note:
Elvira's comment under Tim's birthday photo, which was taken in Rome. This is not unusual in and of itself, she is very free with her affection for the people in her life, and her comment is correct, he is looking extremely good.
Tim touring around Rome with Oscar, on the weekend after his birthday, clearly not at work, just there to have fun.
The next photo is the one that sealed the deal for me. You have probably seen this one, because I reblogged it onto my blog, but here it is again, for posterity.
We know, from various interviews, and behind the scenes footage, and the way that Oscar is in them, that he is affectionate with his male friends, we know that he is happy to be close to them physically, but there's ... something about this picture. There's a familiarity, a casual intimacy, a closeness that speaks to other kinds of closeness.
All this to say that I believe that Tim Nolan is and has been in the polycule, just like Pedro Pascal is and has been. Perhaps not at the same time, perhaps there are others who move in and out, but the anchor is that Oscar and Elvira have a marriage with room for others, and I wouldn't be surprised, at all, if someday, someone made a mistake, and posted something we shouldn't be seeing, on a public account.
Alternatively, I am going to move to NYC with the intention of becoming another member of this small, loving group of people.
I'm sure my partner will understand.
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neuxue · 1 year
okay unfortunately now I must ask. fei du for the blorbo game based on what you know of him so far. if you're really really bored color-code with one color of "based on what I know" and another color for "where I think priest is going with him (trauma)"
oh man okay let's see. The thing I do know for sure about him is that he is extremely blorbo-shaped. Otherwise it's red string on a corkboard but I have some Theories. (or perhaps just fervent hopes).
I'm a little ahead of where my not-really-liveblogging is because I queue the posts to space them out a little but from still pretty early in Macbeth:
(blue is what I have seen so far; grey is where I think we're going)
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Okay! I shall endeavour to explain myself:
He has a similar intensity thing going on as Sheng Lingyuan. Namely, if you just take some of his on-paper actions or statements (and some of what's been hinted) he should be much further up the scale but he doesn't always present that way and I have...suspicions.
There's a very fine dotted line around Just Like Me and once again we should just not look too closely at that or at 'symptoms of projection' (it's probably not the trauma and sadly not the wealth) but there are elements of his characterisation and specifically his relationship to self-analysis, self-adjustment, mimicry, and the concepts of morality and taboo and socially constructed frameworks that are thus far presented in a way that I find refreshingly nuanced and sympathetic.
Does Fei Du count as an orphan? Debatable, but I figure it's even odds on his father surviving.
I stared at 'frequently violent' for a while and I think it'll depend on how exactly we define violence and whether pulling the wings off of flies (so to speak) counts if you're not doing it by choice, but also I think he certainly could and would be if that was the necessary and pragmatic option, so.
On the other hand I don't actually think he's killed anyone, and we're getting into extremely tenuously-supported speculation but I think that despite the way he talks about death and killing, despite the way he half-tauntingly almost invites that kind of suspicion in how he talks about his father (or toys with his respirator), and despite the way he doesn't seem to have the kind of deep-rooted revulsion towards it that many do, I think he might in fact go to not-insignificant lengths to avoid actually killing someone. This is entirely based on my tentative thinking that perhaps a part of his fascination with/understanding and study of the kinds of things typically considered 'monstrous' stems from the lack of instinctive revulsion as well as from experiences like what we see in the flashback in ch58 and a certain form of ruthless introspection that leads him to the belief, true or otherwise, that he could be or become that, and a desire not to. (I said this elsewhere but a lot of what he says in book2 in particular makes me wonder if there's an element of... how easy it could be to go from 'I can understand the way a monster thinks' to 'therefore I am monstrous')
Pets stray animals - okay thus far 'pets' is not exactly the verb I'd use for what happens in that flashback, and it's probably generous to apply it to Luo Yiguo, but we'll just see where it goes.
I think he might be slightly more protagonist of life than he lets on, mostly because he dropped all those hints early on about 'hm it seems like maybe someone's fucking with you' to Luo Wenzhou, and there sure are a lot of coincidences, and also moments like his making it very obvious that he's taken advantage of the Zhou family's troubles to short their stock (or, again, toying with his father's respirator when there's CCTV in the room) that read almost like deliberately trying to draw someone's attention. Also the books, which just so happen to relate to the cases that he just so happens to be involved in... yeah, there's a bigger picture here and he's in it somewhere.
awful company/ray of sunshine and hated by all/loved by all: just depends on who's in the room and what he wants from them. He is very good at adjusting his presentation to suit his audience and his desired outcomes, as multiple characters have noticed and Luo Wenzhou has lamented.
Trauma: he clearly has a lot! I think he has more than that.
sadistic/helps others: It's Complicated. There was that little thing where he told his secretary to do some corporate social responsibility around the rescue of Wang Xiujuan and then he casually mentions that some company has set up a fund for people like her? And there are moments of almost surprising gentleness from him (Sheng Lingyuan vibes again honestly), and while I'm not sure if it's for fun exactly he does spend his spare time helping solve crimes and buying the overworked team lunch. I'm not sure he would agree with my assessment. And I could also very easily read him as a sadist but not in a way that's necessarily opposite of 'helps others' if you see what I mean.
In terms of the 'what I want for him': Fei Du what is your deal, what is your damage. Like. It's apparent already just from the way things have been set up (and from other experience of priest's works) that there is going to be some Trauma, and that it is going to be Extensive, but I just. Want it. I want it to be worse than whatever I have imagined and I want it to be surprising in some way and I want it to knock me to the floor. Also I'd like him to have some nice things maybe, as a treat. And I'd like at least once to see him... unleashed, unrestrained, allowed to expose and use the sharpest edges of himself to their full extent and potential.
He also feels like someone for whom The Realisation in some form would be delicious
And consequences are good on almost any character but especially those who pride themselves on (or rely on, or define themselves by) extreme levels of willpower and self-control and by extension their ability to control most situations or complex large-scale games. The kind that works really, really well.... right up until it doesn't. Pair that with a realisation that maybe some of the collateral damage is less acceptable to them than they thought it would be, and you have a recipe for something exquisite. I want that.
And in the time it took to write this I could instead have just read the next couple of chapters but see the ticked box of 'meta-posting on main'.
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localspacelesbian · 2 years
Taylor Swift & Fate
Mastermind (Midnights, 2022)
Once upon a time, the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned You and I ended up in the same room at the same time And the touch of a hand lit the fuse Of a chain reaction of countermoves To assess the equation of you Checkmate, I couldn't lose
What if I told you none of it was accidental And the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me I laid the groundwork and then just like clockwork The dominoes cascaded in a line What if I told you I'm a mastermind? And now you're mine It was all by design 'Cause I'm a mastermind
in Mastermind, Taylor confesses that she doesn't actually believe in 'fate'. anything that she has previously credited to 'fate' was actually her own doing. none of it was accidental. she planned it all out from the beginning.
obviously, she's not god; she didn't literally plan every single thing that has ever happened to her. but i think it's pretty safe to say that she always has a plan and a pretty good idea of how it will work, especially as she's gotten older/smarter/more experienced.
all of her album releases, easter eggs (which she's said she sometimes plans out 3 years in advance), references, and i think most of her relationships since about the 1989 era have been very intentional. she has probably the best pr team in the world and is herself very intelligent and meticulous (and possibly neurodivergent, but that's a different post). if she's spotted by paparazzi, it's not an accident. there is no such thing as a 'candid' photo when you're taylor swift.
whether you think this song is about joe alwyn or karlie kloss or someone else (personally, i think it's at least partially about joe, but her songs are never about just 1 thing.), she is admitting that she basically picked this person out from the beginning to date. like a young lesbian picking out a boy to have a 'crush' on. (ok, that might be projecting a bit, but if you think joe's a beard, it does fit with the theory that joe is a beard.) she said 'i'm taylor fucking swift. i can have anyone i want, and i want that one.'
this song also confirms to me that the order of the song titles being released was not actually 'left up to fate' every one of those videos was completely intentional
2. long story short (evermore, 2020)
Fatefully I tried to pick my battles 'Til the battle picked me
no matter how much she plans, she can't control everything. but she can sure as hell try.
3. invisible string (folklore, 2020)
Time Curious time Gave me no compasses Gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?
it's pretty to think there's some invisible string tying us together, right? there isn't, but it's pretty to think that there is. it's pretty to think i'm not the mastermind.
4. State of Grace (Red, 2012)/State of Grace (Taylor's Version) (Red (Taylor's Version), 2021)
This is a state of grace This is the worthwhile fight Love is a ruthless game Unless you play it good and right These are the hands of fate You're my Achilles heel This is the golden age of something good and right and real
5. Starlight (Red, 2012)/Starlight (Taylor's Version) (Red (Taylor's Version), 2021)
He said, "Look at you, worrying too much about things you can't change You'll spend your whole life singing the blues if you keep thinking that way"
you know, i really thought there was going to be more examples of lyrics talking about fate. (especially with how often she talked about fate in the promo leading up to midnights) please let me know if i missed anything. i think the only real connection is probably between mastermind and invisible string, but what do i know?
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emailsmalucantsend · 6 months
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My view on love.
I've always been intrigued by love and all of its aspects, and even all of the bullshit that comes with love, the thrust, the passion, the lust and even the desire. The whole soulmate stuff has always been one of my main interests through out my whole life. In case you don't know what "soulmate stuff" I'm talking about, I'll elaborate.
So... back in the greek gods age there was a belief that people were born with 2 bodies, 1 head with 2 faces. And they were fulfilled. There was no mourning, no empty feeling within. all was well. But one day Aphrodite the goddess of love, got her hand asked in marriage by another god (zeus I'm pretty sure) don't hold me on that tho, I'm only just a girl in the end of the day. But she however said no, and he got so mad at her that he decided to curse the very thing she cared so dearly for and that was love. So he cursed humans to be split in half and live their whole lives searching for their other half, their "soulmate".
I personally believe it, but that's only one woman's opinion. There are so many theories about love out there. For example the invisible string theory, I'm at least 90 percent sure that thats an asian belief, it basically means you have a red string in your ring finger on your left hand, the finger that has a vein that leads to your heart. And that whenever you meet your so called soulmate or true love it disappears. You might not even have met them exactly, you might've only talked to them once.
That's actually what Taylor Swift talks about in her song "Invisible String" or what Beabadoobee mentions in her song "Glue Song". She has a lyric that quotes "You've been hiding in plain sight, then appeared." Both capture exactly what in my eyes love feels like.
I also think that soulmates come in very different ways, such as friendships, relationships, mom and daughter and even people you only talk to once, like friends you make on vacation. I also don't really believe that soulmates are meant to be together forever. I think they're meant to meet what happens next is just pure luck.
One of my favorite examples are my friends, especially my friends "Jill" and "Anthony". They're always on a on and off relationship and can't have a good talk without getting on each other's asses. But the thing is even though they hate each other's guts they can't shut up about one another, every person Jill hooks up with looks like Anthony.
They both always look for each other in other people, because they can't stand each other they also can't live without one another.
And that's what I mean by meet but not stay together, don't get me wrong though I do believe that some soulmates are meant to live the rest of their lives with each other, like my friends Pedro and Duda. They fit so well together and I'm 99% sure that if you ask anyone that knows them they'll tell you that they're completely made for each other. They're so right for each other that I actually can't remember Duda before Pedro, not that she can't exist without him but that they're so right together that I doesn't make sense for them to be apart. It just feels like they've always been together. Like they were born to be together.
The last time I updated this I had one view on love, the romantic view. Today I put myself to think about every kind of love I've seen and experienced before.
Though the romantic side of love is the most common one when one thinks about love, it is definitely not my favorite kind. I believe that my favorite kind is the sisterly/brotherly love, even in people who aren't exactly your siblings.
I truly believe that my sister is my soulmate, that if I died I would always find my way back to her. At first me and her had a really rough relationship cause you know, we're sisters, we fight, we forgive, we forget and we restart.
And I think that's the beauty of love, the ability to love even through tough times. The way that we forgive people on a daily basis is just so incredible to me. How we trust friends and even strangers without even noticing. We seek them for help and give others help. We care, we're humans and we empathize with other humans so easily and I truly adore it.
The other kind of love is the love found in friendship, the warm fuzzy feeling you feel while having a good talk with your friends, the way you know you can trust them and tell them anything. Me personally, I love sitting at a coffee shop with a delicious drink in hand and a wise friend to talk to, ask them for advice, gossiping with them and laughing until I can't breathe.
Right this moment it's 10:14PM and I now have an opinion on parental love, and that's because I was here typing and expressing my very true opinions on love and my mom stopped me because she was worried I was just typing the night away and not eating anything while doing so. And the worry she had over me made me feel loved, I then stopped typing and started talking with her, my dad and grandma and it made me really happy to realize that the same kind of feeling I have when talking with my friends I also have with my parental figures.
How they've cared for me all my life with so much love and I've barely realized it because I was so focused on the other kinds of love.
I'm really glad that writing this made me realize that I don't need a "true love" or a boyfriend to feel love or to feel loved, I've realized that love isn't just in dating or guys but that it is actually everywhere, if you look around with care you'll see it too. So many people with so many different lives and so many different kinds of love, but they're all love, they're all made to love.
As I've made very clear, I haven't found the one yet, but that's okay because it's only today. Tomorrow is a new day with new people, new experiences and new opportunities. Tomorrow I get a chance to live the very first day of my of my future, I get to start over, I get a new chance at everything I've done wrong before. And I get to feel loved and make others feel loved. I don't know it all today, but maybe tomorrow I'll know..
That's my view on love, not only the romantic kind of love but the love we contain within.
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