#hxh requests
leewritestoomuch · 3 months
HxH requests are also accepted!
I write for:
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bwabys-scenarios · 5 months
Keeping you plugged up with his cock was one of his favorite activities. Wanting to keep his cock warm was just the excuse he used, the real reason was his increasing need to breed.
“Shh, princess… you’ve gotta stay seated a little longer… you’ve gotta keep me warm, okay?”
You whined and writhed, your pussy clenching around him only fueling his urge to get you nice and pregnant. “Please… my tummy, it’s too full…”
The two of you had been going at it for hours, and now he was keeping his cock nestled inside you, filling up your womb to the brim.
“Just be a good girl, okay? My little angel…”
You had a feeling you’d be stuffed full of his cum by the end of the night.
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leappp · 2 years
im so bored rn someone guve me pokemon or hxh requests please 😞😞😞😞
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rotyoursoul · 8 months
Can you write about Illumi's wife comforting their daughter after a brutal training session, and the daughter is questioning why her father and grandparents do what they do....with Illumi listening in
(I hope you like it!)
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You hadn’t entirely adopted your husbands stoicism and your intuition nagged that your daughter would be the same.
In infancy she was her most finicky, Illumi placing her back in your arms then leaving the room.
Toddler years to early childhood proved the same, except now her father’s stare - devoid of emotion yet somehow disapproving - would set her straight.
As the years crept by she began to adjust accordingly, as did you.
She knew not to cry infront of him.
That was saved for later in the sacred space that you had created. It would only last for as long as it took you to tend to her wounds after training, but it was appreciated nonetheless.
As she sobbed in your arms after a particularly rough day, you could feel the remaining fragments of your heart shatter.
You wanted desperately to express to her that you felt her pain, but you couldn’t piece the sentences together even if you tried.
This lifestyle has taken its toll on you as well, gradually losing the ability to articulate emotion with each passing season.
She finally pulls away, her long black hair falling on either side of her face.
“Your father says that you’re excelling in your training.” You say at an attempt in reassurance
“I don’t care.” Her voice is calm as though she hadn’t just been in hysterics. You wipe the remaining tears from her cheeks. “Why do I have to train?”
“It’s very important to our entire family. We have to keep our line of work alive. ” She rolls her eyes upon hearing that automated response.
“Robotic just like father. I’m clearly not meant for the family business. I keep getting hurt.”
“That is apart of the process.” Illumi’s impassive voice interjects , causing you both to jump at the sudden annunciation of his presence. “You possess the potential to become one of our strongest assassins.”
“But I don’t want to be.” She expresses.
“I understand your hesitation.” He responds calmly before changing the subject. “I see your injury from earlier is dressed. Why don’t you visit grandfather and tell him how well you’ve done today? I would like to speak with your mother alone.”
Less of a request, more of an order your daughter leaves you both. You wait until you’re sure she’s far gone.
“How long were you there, Illumi?”
“Only a moment.” You open your mouth to speak, only to shut it again. “I’ve been aware of these private emotional outbursts for quite some time.”
“…. And what of them?” You say coming off more defensive than you would like.
He eyes you carefully before speaking again.
“I fear your coddling will interfere with her progress. It will have to end soon.”
Your body tenses at the thought of the wedge this would tear between you and your only girl, at the severe personality change this would bring out in her.
She’d already begun to pick up some of her fathers traits, voice becoming monotone and gaze becoming more distant.
The last thing you wanted to do was add to this deconstruction.
Illumi notices, his eyes trailing down to your hands where your nails now dug into the skin, then back up to your pained expression.
“Please, do not make this difficult.” He closes the distance between you two, bending down to place a half-hearted kiss atop your head before leaving you alone.
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ayellowapple · 4 days
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A little early season 1 syaoran
For @jc36919 <3
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Could you write a Chrollo x kidnapped Reader where he just gentle noncons her after being held captive for months . She just really doesn’t warm up to him as he imagined it to considering she is shy and insecure👉🏼👈🏼
Thank you and I really love your work❤️
I’ll be 100% honest I was not expecting that as my first request lmaooo
I think I went a lil off topic sorry 😭 +  implications are my specialty
Anyways, thanks for the support! Hope you like it <333
Warnings: non/dub-con (implied), yandere
There’s nothing for you to be afraid of. You know that.
Well, in the physical sense, at least. Since your first morning waking up in his presence, you’ve been verbally assured of Chrollo’s lack of desire to hurt you. You can’t say that he’s completely lied about that.
Chrollo has never hit you. He’s never pushed you, never slapped you, never grabbed you by the wrist, even when you tried to run away from him.
You’ve only ever attempted that once, many months ago. You’d seen your opportunity and taken it, smart enough to know that the bustling crowds in the heart of York New City are useful tools of both obstruction and disguise.
You weren’t smart enough, however, to understand who you were dealing with.
You’d ditched your iced tea at him - a move that surprised both of you, considering your nature - knocking over the outdoor café chair as you sprinted away into the busy streets. Your limbs moved on impulse, motions imprecise as you expected him to appear in front of you, ruining your chances of freedom before you even had a chance to get your hopes up.
Instead, Chrollo chose to calmly follow you through the city streets with his hands in his pockets. You’d taken a gambling glance over your shoulder once you’d thought you’d created enough distance between predator and prey.
To your horror, he was only about twenty metres away, his fur-lined coat unmissable. His nonchalant attitude was unnerving, to say the least. He was just being an ass, right? That was the reason for his unfazed demeanour.
Narrowly missing an opportunity to stumble over your own feet, you continued your escape.
You took another glance.
Phew. He wasn’t catching up, still the same distance.
You put even more power into your legs, running faster than you’d ever run before. Another glance. Still the same distance. So he’s not catching up, what a relief.
Wait. He wasn’t falling behind, either.
No matter how fast or slow you ran, he was always behind you.
Unlike Chrollo, your endurance had a limit, eventually slowing yourself to a stop by an ice-cream parlour, panting and sweating and wheezing. You neither had the energy nor the gall to fight back as his arms snaked around you, sealing your fate.
He didn’t hurt you. But he hasn’t taken you outside for months, save for your last move into your current residence, a suburban house on the outskirts of Yorbia.
Perhaps he should’ve revelled in your touch more when he collected you. Since then, your anxieties have evidently only increased, shying away from all his touches, no matter how gentle, no matter how necessary. You won’t let him hold your hands, nails bumpy and bitten, or put an arm around your waist, shoving it away as he attempts to squeeze the soft flesh there.
His kisses don’t hurt you. His lips are delicate and his movements are gentle, a stark contrast to the man you know he truly is. Every time he tries, however, you move back on impulse. You can’t help it.
You’re nervous. It’s something he has to consider. If you were outspoken and sassy, he could just gag you. Forcing someone else to speak is leagues more difficult than simply cutting out their tongue. Frustration burns inside of him - you’re obedient in every sense, except for this single obstacle. He wants to touch you without having you back away, frightened out of your mind.
It’s unfortunate it has to come to this, it really is. But alas, you’ve both learnt that you can’t get what you want all the time. 
He stands up, taking precise steps towards you. There’s terror in your eyes as he towers over you, shrivelling yourself up on the sofa. You don’t know what he’s going to do to you, but you know it’ll be horrid. Maybe he’ll kill a family member in front of you for your rejection, or threaten you with his Ben’s Knife, or maybe he’ll even slap you.
Chrollo does not do any of those things.
Instead, he crouches in front of you, caressing your cheek with his hand. Your eyes squeeze shut, trying to relax into his gesture, but your heart beats out of control.
He leans in, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, unreciprocated, before pulling away. It’s not enough. It never was.
You squeak as he throws you over his shoulder, carrying you to your shared bedroom, placing you down on the bed eagerly. He’s never been this rough with you, but there’s a first time for everything.
He peppers more kisses over your face, whilst you lie there, frozen in horror. As his kisses trail downwards, along your jaw, you manage to muster a few words out.
“Chrollo, please, st-”
“Just relax,” he coos, voice threatening to waver with anticipation.
You’re whimpering like a beaten dog, pathetic little thing you are.
Your eyes squeeze shut again, tears rolling. “I-I don’t…I can’t…”
“Yes you can, darling,” he coos as he plants delicate kisses up the length of your neck, the soft sensation of his lips adding to the conflict in your chest and mind.
Your words get clogged behind the lump of horror and fear that forms in your throat. Furiously shaking your head, a frantic last resort, you feel your jaw get caught in the web of his splayed fingers. Your eyes open as you feel his warm breath envelop your ear.
“You know what I promised you,” he purrs, “and I intend to keep it. I swear to you, doll, I won’t hurt you.”
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Hiii!! Can I request where the Zoldyck family finds out that Killua has a S/O and so they meet the reader and the reader is like SO STRONG AND PRETTY✨ She's chill and calm but makes Killua laugh and smile like a REAL smile, what are they're thoughts about her?
This is shory, I'm sorry. I also didn't know if you wanted a oneshot or headcannons.
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Killua's Dad
-He's interested, only to see if you're powerful. Mostly because he wants Killua to only be with someone to help produce heirs for the Zoldyck family. Dude still really believes Killua is going to be the next head of the Zoldycks.
-He still has good manners with meeting people, even if they have a weak aura. Seeing you for the first time was a bit odd, you appeared to him as someone more lazy, yet your aura says otherwise.
-You basically met his standards right than and there. What made him even more pleased is you were strong physically, not just with nen.
-Somehow with you being so, calm, you made Killua smile and laugh. He never really saw his son this way. Curious, he wanted to find out more of him you could unlock.
-Brings up marriage WAYYYYY to early, maybe first or second time meeting you. Killua gets incredibly flustered at the thought and brushes it off.
-He's happy for his son, and most likely won't intrude in the relationship unless he feels like he absolutely needed to.
-Treats you like his daughter and otherwise don't entirely care.
Killua's Mom
-She would either hate you till the day she dies or adore you. She'll hate you for "not meeting her standards" or love you for "meeting all her standards."
-Killua doesn't have the best relationship with his mom, so how she views you doesn't really effect him. He might have a few words to say if she has a disliking of you.
-She'll praise he son for finding such a lovely dear, if she favors you. Again, this is all about where you fall on her list of favorites.
-Her opinion doesn't really change on you no matter what you do. And like his father, brings up marriage way too early. She'll also bring up kids, when you're kids yourselves.
-She doesn't really talk to you if you're considered bad for her son. She just tells him to break up with you, or kill you. He most definitely doesn't do any of that since he cares about you. This most likely will end with an argument and you two fleeing his house...again.
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occasionalhxhdoodles · 2 months
may i request the ronald mcdonald (hisoka) <3
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day 15
yeah !!!! first time drawing him actually
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bwabysart · 1 month
Art challenge for yumeshippers/self shippers! Draw you and your faves as this scene!
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And please tag me when you post so I can see 🥹 or use the #diamonds are a shippers best friend!
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h0neybunns · 9 months
Would it be okay to ask for the embarrassing moments of the adult trio even tho it wasn’t picked on the poll? If that’s ok aaaaa
-Tried to explain something too you with a bunch of words that didn’t make sense or he made some analogy what made absolutely no sense at all
-Another thing I can think of is probably him reading a book upside down
-made the most DISRESPECTFUL looking face at you when he seen you food the ends of a book or use a pencil as a bookmark
-While walking on stage to heavens arena he tripped and broke his nose
-While doing his face paint he drew the star to low on his face and then blamed you for it later when he noticed
-didn’t think is was gonna rain one day so he didn’t bring an umbrella and his makeup was all over his face
-got chewing gum all over ur side of the bed
-doesn’t know basic human things
-if you say something like “I’m dying😭✋” over text he will take it literally and be standing behind you in .3 seconds only for him to scold you about “lying”
-A fly flew into his eyes once he didn’t flinch probably didn’t even notice and asked why you were laughing.
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bwabys-scenarios · 7 months
He likes to look up at you while he eats you out with those pretty eyes full of lust… “look at me, angel. look at how good I’m making you feel.”
He loves holding your hand, and if you look away he’ll hold your bud between his teeth lightly as a warning…
He usually doesn’t like to see you cry, but your eyes are so pretty when you’re crying from all the pleasure he’s given you.
He likes to tongue fuck you too but man… he loves sucking on your clit.
He likes to hear you whimper and whine, and loves when you tug on his hair or give him a little guidance
He can’t deny he gets really hard when you gently push his head towards your entrance, wanting some attention there too!!
The sounds…
He’s squeezing your thighs as he sucks, nibbles, licks… you’d think he was starving for pussy
He really just wants to make you feel good, but honestly he eats you out because he really really enjoys it.
He would do it regardless but… it does help that he loves it!
Trying to do anything around the house after he’s gotten a taste of pussy is hard. And god sitting on this man’s face?? He would go to cloud 9…
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lesbiangiratina · 1 month
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pannacottababy · 1 month
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Request batch one done!
Machi for @o7k5a8m9i and Melody for @atlasgoodwin ! Hope you enjoy <3
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silkythewriter · 8 months
(Request rules)
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Hello to old followers and new ones who just stumbled upon my account!. I haven’t been active much recently if I’m being honest with you, but I think you can all tell if you check when I last posted! (╥﹏╥). I haven’t written in a while.. to say the least.. but I’d really like to give it another go!, my writings really rusty but I’m sure with time I’ll get the swing of it again!.
So this will be my new pin post, my introduction as well as stating all the new fandoms I’m in aswell ones I left! So updated rules basically!.
Let’s try this one last time shall we?
Hi! My names silky, or silkythewriter as my username states!.I just right for fun, mostly just silly head-canons or scenarios!.
Reminder to always request in my inbox! <3
Headcanons, oneshots, Short fanfics, and scenarios!, please be sure to specify which you want in your request!.
Any romantic Headcanons, oneshots, Short fanfics, or scenarios!.
Any platonic Headcanons, oneshots, Short fanfics, or scenarios!.
Any angst Headcanons, oneshots, Short fanfics, or scenarios!.
I do all genders and pronouns!, but mostly stick to gender neutral so everyone feel included.
I do allow extra details such as x chubby reader, x male reader, x female reader, and stuff like that!.
I do yandere’s!
(Parent figure) character! x (child) reader (PLATONICALLY ONLY.)
I do Poly relationships! Any amount at least if it doesn’t succeed the character limit!
Any heavy topics such as RA,SA,suicide,self harm, Ect.
Weird fetishes
Any uncomfortable topics and anything in the field of touchy subjects.
Match ups.
LMK = Lego monkie kid
Helluva boss
Hazbin hotel
Invader Zim
HXH = Hunter x Hunter
TMNT ( Rotmnt, and 2012!)
Gravity falls
Bojack horse man
Popee the Performer
Dc and marvel( maybe depending on the character because I don't watch their movies much)
Undertale ( any game or AU)
Super jail
Sally face
Metal family
Black butler
Death note!
My character limit is 4-5
I do all genders she/her.he/him,they/them,he/ they/she, etc!
I will do the same prompt with different characters!
You can mix characters from different fandoms in the same request like example: alastor, sally face,and etc ( separately) juts keep in mind the character limit!
I do headcanons and scenarios + oneshots!
Please be specific if you want a headcanon, oneshot, scenario,
Some fandom characters maybe out of character so please keep that in mind! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Cant wait to see what fun request I get! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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akiraiscute · 4 months
can you write something for hisoka and illumi who both have a crush on reader? and maybe they get jealous, fight and stuff
I wasn’t gonna write for hisoka but, since this is my second request! Ima add him to the masterlink and write for him. Only requests though as i won’t write for him normally<3
As i think about it, you would absolutely have to be strong to HAVE ILLUMI AND HISOKA crushing on u so!! Gonna make reader strong and prob a blacklist hunter bc those make me giggle. — Song : Noel’s Lament (Covered by Anna !!)
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“I wanna be that fucked up girl~”
Hisoka X Black-List Hunter!Reader X Illumi.
Tw : its hisoka bro what the fuck do u expect😞 and illumi. Nah bc both??? UR FUCKED, anyways stalking and fighting <3
You met hisoka and illumi in the hunter exam, also when you met two kids. Gon and killua, you wouldn’t say that you got attached (you did.) but of course, you had to go your different ways but with these two well mainly hisoka always around you. You couldn’t get away from him which always annoyed you, you know? Hisoka always followed you and so did illumi just far away of course unless he was on a mission, Illumi really didn’t want Hisoka around you at all but yet he couldn’t speak to you, not yet at least.. You ended up befriending the weird clown, always finding him around you since. But in this month, he has been at heaven’s arena or whatever. Talking about gon and killua, which that made you wanna go to see those kids that you found so ever sweet (whenever you were near them, you acted like their mother) but you had too many missions you were delaying so.. you couldn’t and that made you upset so. Each mission sorta and.. definitely ended with a blood bath! Which you didn’t mind, you weren’t the one who would be cleaning the mess up.
(As i said, reader would be pretty strong so they probably already knew nen😭) By the end of this one mission though, Illumi finally came out of hiding and started to talk to you! Well. Not really as he only spoke like maybe one word through the whole conversation which was just you absolutely venting about how you were so upset that you were delaying too many missions that you couldn’t see those kids! And as you finished your ranting.. you were already walking out with illumi without him even saying a word, which you sorta minded? You didn’t really know how to feel about that but it was at least nice to rant to someone who wasn’t at all like hisoka.. But anyways, you were smiling at Illumi and finally jumping away even if you could off walked but listen. You were just too tired to walk! Anyways, when you got back home and closed the door behind and locked it.. always made sure you could off locked it, you turned around to see the clown right on your couch playing with cards. It seemed hisoka couldn’t get enough off you!
You ended up finding out that hisoka and illumi were friends which was nice? You think, as that meant you could find out more about illumi and maybe hisoka wasn’t gonna be that werid, oh boy were you so wrong.. As you spent more time with the two of thems, hisoka grew more flirty and touchy as Illumi at least grew to have spoken a few more than five words to you which was always appealing to you at least because every time hisoka saw illumi talk to you, he grew even more touchy and very much more flirty. This all happened in front of illumi as well… You always looked confused when he did it but always rolled with whatever he said as he couldn’t get much worse than that really, well. You think, like hope as well that hisoka couldn’t or wouldn’t get much worse… as you didn’t wanna see like a whore in front of illumi really, you at least wanted to see a bit nice. (He already saw you as nice and good fitting for a spouse to create another heir to the zoldyck family…) You still talked to hisoka, of course. He seemed fun or just.. weird but you couldn’t pick which one actually and you still talked to illumi.. well it was sorta one-sided as he didn’t speak, only maybe ten words now and there… but at least it’s not just one like before! That at least made you always a bit happier!
One day really, just a random day.. well not really as you were on a mission but both of them said they could join and so now. You were talking to both, hisoka and illumi which wasn’t that bad of a idea untill… Hisoka just made a really.. well just flirted with you like he usually did but you already felt his seductive aura, it was like he was trying to make you give into him already which made you suspicious a bit..
“My heart, today~ you look so.. so delicious that i could just eat you right up..~ and right here in front of illumi darling..”
“Hisoka we’re on a mission.”
“And? My heart, i don’t really mind just eating you up anywhere..”
“Hisoka. Focus.”
You looked at illumi, you were shocked. Illumi usually didn’t say shit about Hisoka flirting, maybe it was because Hisoka added illumi to his flirting but.. god, you tried to make yourself remember any time that hisoka added illumi to his flirting like he just did now! It was honestly annoying and you were growing frustrated with yourself that you couldn’t even remember you spent time with them, which you didn’t mind as you didn’t care but now it was sorta important to your curiosity and you needed to at least remember something… until Hisoka spoke up as he was smirking and leaning on your shoulder which you tried knocking him off but you couldn’t really as he stuck to his place on your shoulder. Hisoka let out a playful giggle as he tilted his head a bit, you can hear the smugness already..
“And what if i dont illumi?~”
“Then you go away, simple. You’re gonna ruin the mission if you keep flirting.”
Illumi’s voice strict as ever as he responded to Hisoka, Hisoka stood up completely as he kept smirking. Which made you able to turn around to see what was going to happen and.. this wasn’t as boring as the mission really, that you didn’t even wanted to do but it was good enough money for it so…. Maybe you could watch this go down, then go back to the mission???
“And yet, my darling doesnt seem to mind that im flirting, only you~”
“I guess but "your darling" isn’t taking their mission seriously. And i do wanna fix that.”
“Oh? Wanna fix my darling illumi~ that isn’t nice..~”
“They aren’t your darling Hisoka.”
This made you even more interested in this, like really interested. You never took Hisoka’s flirting seriously as he never really seemed that serious, but maybe illumi took each flirty conversation hisoka and you had serious? But he never spoke up about it until now which.. made you even more confused, this whole thing was confused but you didn’t even mind, how could you since this was just now getting good! It was like a dramatic tv show!
“Does illumi like my darling?~”
“I do think, i like them. They seem like the perfect spouse.”
“Oh my~ I do think that’s a problem.”
“And why is that a problem?”
“I also like my darling~, of course i do~”
“Ah.. this is much of a problem really.”
“Well, just you that’s the problem~”
“Not really Hisoka.”
If you had water in your mouth, you would off spit it out onto the ground. They both- woah. Woah woah woah wait what. Now this is why? Illumi was jealous, but how can he be even jealous?! God this was so god damn confusing… still interesting though as now you learned that you got two men almost arguing over you whicn made you feel sorta confident, who wouldn’t be confident? Anyways. This was causing the main target of this god damn mission to hear them both, which made you sorta annoyed with them both. And yet, you couldn’t even stopped it as their aura was already both menacing.. they were both arguing still and sorta seemed like they were getting ready to fight until. The target came over to where you guys were, seeming nice and asking what’s wrong before their head was on the ground! Thank god you three were in a alley but the mission was over which was.. also good as the two couldn’t finsh their fighting really. But in reality that just made them more angry and you didn’t really wanna be in that anymore! As much as it was interesting, you had to leave pretty quickly. And you did, leaving them both behind and getting ready to get your money and leave the city to get another mission and you could off until you heard both of their footsteps well.. mainly hisoka’s. You couldn’t hear illumis.
“My darling, where are you going~?”
“Away from you two, isn’t it obvious? Well, actually getting my money and getting done with this stupid mission.”
“Aw my darling~, you can’t just leave me~”
“nor me. You can’t and i won’t allow it.”
“I don’t care, if you keep fighting like cats and dogs well. Mainly like cats and cats, i will keep leaving until you stop because it’s annoying as fuck.”
They both stayed quiet before one of them smirking and the other one without no emotion on his face and agreeing to you but that doesn’t mean they still didn’t like the other being close to you until they actually got around to think about ideas to share you. Which, you don’t remember agreeing to that at all.. it’s not like you really have a choice. You did but, honestly.. you didn’t know how the fuck you would win against a crazy ass clown and someone that was apart of the zoldyck family. It may be a challenge for another day but not today nor tomorrow. So, might as well accept it right? Right..?
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Again, I will only do hisoka bu requests, i wont do him normally until someone asks for him. But i hope that anon likes this! Was honestly just going to not post today until i saw the request as i didnt know what to write😭 probably gotta write something up as well and post that soon, now! Thank you for being my second request:D i hope this was what you wanted!! I didnt really know how to put them fighting so i just made them kill someone else besides from each other. It was nice writing for illumi for the first time:D, hope i did good enough for him!! And if you guys wanted, send in some requests! I wouldn’t mind<3
— Akira Logging Off !
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iconstore · 1 year
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Hunter x Hunter - Neferpitou icons
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