#how much they've missed one another - how they waste no time together
mollymauk-teafleak · 4 months
I wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave
I actually wrote a fic, go figure! Huge thanks to @minky-for-short for getting me into Hazbin and @hangsters for the support and love! I got a lot more where this came from <3
Please reblog and comment over on Ao3!
They've been told to live tonight however they want. And with tomorrow's Extermination looming and the Hazbin Hotel right in the middle of the target, there's only one thing Angel Dust wants to do.
And that's the bartender.
You didn’t wind up in hell without knowing fear. Whether you got there by painting it on other people or seeing it in your reflection or both, it didn’t matter, to everyone down below, fear was like an old friend. 
And to Angel Dust, fear was like a toxic hook up whose calls he couldn’t make himself ignore after years of dissatisfying back alley orgasms. 
All to say, he knew the taste of it, sharp like battery acid and sour like cheap, soapy lube. He knew how it sounded, laughter stretched so thin you could see through it, the whir of a camera lens pulling close to try and see where you were breaking. He knew how it smelled, sweat and latex and dry ice. He knew how it felt, cheap faux fur and overwarm, foreign skin. 
Angel had been sucking fear’s dick for longer than he cared to remember. But what surprised him was that he didn’t see it here. 
They should be scared. They should all be pissing themselves in terror. In who knew how many hours, the worst Extermination they’d known would descend, with their home and everyone in it smack bang in the center of the target. And Heaven wasn’t in the habit of missing their shot. 
But when Angel knocked back another shot of top shelf whiskey, he didn’t taste fear in it. The laughter that surrounded him was real, all he could feel was a warmth that he wasn’t sure came from the drink. 
Maybe this was what fear felt like when you didn’t face it alone. 
“You’re staring.”
Angel didn’t have much of a defense, especially when he hadn’t even realized that Vaggie had moved onto the barstool next to him and jumped a mile when she started speaking, nearly spilling his next shot. Because he was busy staring. 
So he took evasive action instead, trying to piece his cool back together, “Ain’t you got a girlfriend waiting on you upstairs? What are you still doing down here?”
“Finishing my drink,” she gave him a cool, bemused look, proving her point by draining the rest of her glass, “I don’t think any of us are in a position to be wasting alcohol tonight. Or time.”
“Thanks for the riddle, toots,” Angel rolled his eyes, taking the shot before someone else could come along and nearly make him spill it. 
“Want me to say it plainly then?” Vaggie arched an eyebrow. 
Angel scowled but he wasn’t mad at Vaggie, not really. He was more pissed at himself for not hiding it better. The five time winner of the Golden Tongue Award (for best performance in a pornographic visual production) should probably have been able to school his face. 
He let his eyes wander across the bar, if there was no point in hiding it anymore. Husk was tossing a cocktail shaker from one hand to the other before sending it up behind his back, bouncing it between his wings, making it disappear and reappear before pouring out an electric blue liquid into Nifty’s waiting glass, to her immense delight. He bowed to the slight but enthusiastic applause, showing Angel a glimpse of the showman he’d been once upon a time. 
It wasn’t just that he was handsome. It wasn’t just that he was Angel’s exact type and then some, that gravelly voice, the snark, the emotional unavailability, the tortured past that muzzled him, his boxes were well and truly ticked. If it was just that, Angel would have torn his clothes off, rode him on that bar and moved on with his afterlife. 
But Husk had pushed back. He’d growled and snapped and thrown up more walls until Angel started to see getting the cat’s trousers off as a professional challenge. Robbed of his only way to safely interact with people, to feel like he was in control, Angel had fallen apart in front of him on one of the worst days he’d had in a while.
And all Husk had done was put him back together again. 
So it wasn’t just that he was hot, there was a hell of a lot more to it than that. And there was the fear again, souring the booze on his tongue. 
“I ain’t a fan of straight talking,” Angel grunted, hunching his shoulders and spinning the now empty glass on the edge of his finger. 
“Figured,” Vaggie sighed in a way that might almost suggest she actually cared, hopping down off the barstool. 
She looked ready to disappear up the stairs but something made her pause, maybe the weight of their borrowed time, maybe something dangerously close to sentiment. But she did stop, reaching out and putting a hand on Angel’s shoulder. 
“All I’m gonna say…I’ve been told the only way to survive this is to fight for love. Find someone you can’t live without and go out there with one goal. Protecting them.” 
Like a magnet, those words drew his eyes over to Husk again. And this time, he looked back, feeling his gaze. Those narrow yellow eyes, glowing like bulbs on a marquee or LEDs tempting a sucker to a slot machine, crinkled a little at the edges, shooting the spider demon a wink. 
Angel groaned inwardly at himself. He was doomed and Heaven didn’t have anything to do with it. 
“Someone like me don’t even know what love is,” Angel murmured, more to himself than to Vaggie, “Might as well be speaking a different language, sugar.”
But he heard him anyway, those damn sharp ears of hers, “Then what better time to make a change?”
Before he could shield himself with sarcasm, she was gone, off up the stairs to someone who loved her. To another heartbeat against her own, arms around her, a silent promise that she was cared about, no matter what the nightmares said. Angel felt a pang in his chest, somehow finding the poor sense to want something he’d never had. 
“Another drink?” 
Angel dredged up a crooked grin, “Sure! Put it on my tab, I’ll come settle up with you tomorrow night.”
“Very funny,” Husk poured him a couple more shots to keep him going, though he was now without other customers. 
Charlie and Vaggie had gone upstairs, Cherri had dragged Sir Pentious over to the pool table where she’d definitely crush him, Nifty was curled up in an unnervingly cat like way, sleeping on the bar and making Angel wonder if there hadn’t been a sedative jn that drink Husk made her. Alastor was who knew where, Angel only cared that Husk relaxed a lot more when he wasn’t around. 
This was the best chance he was going to get.
Let’s get to living. His own words from earlier that night tried to move his mouth, tried to force him forward, tried to stop him being such a damned fucking coward and just say something…
“Actually…I think I’ll turn in,” he seized the rest of the shots in various hands and sank them one by one, trying to wash away the bitterness, “My aim gets real shitty if I don’t get my beauty sleep. And if I’m gonna die tomorrow, like hell am I going down with bags under my eyes. Did it once, never again.”
If he was the kind to hope, Angel Dust might have tried to convince himself he saw disappointment in those slitted eyes. 
But Husk only gave a rolling shrug, collecting up the abandoned glasses, draining them of their last clinging dregs of amber liquid, “Funny, my luck seems to get better when I’m hungover. Sweet dreams, kid.”
Angel Dust chuckled, putting a little swing in his hips, shooting a smile over his shoulder, “Ain’t no other kind with me, baby.”
One last lie for the road. 
At least he didn’t sleep at all, choosing the cloudy headed middle ground of lying back on his bed, staring at the ceiling and prodding listlessly at the ache in his chest. It was like when his tooth had been knocked out, unable to keep his tongue out of the tender, empty gap, no matter how much it made him wince. Fat Nuggets did the sleeping for both of them, snoring on Angel’s chest, every gravelly honk ruffling the feathers pink robe that always made Angel feel like he could hold it together for a few more minutes than he would without it. 
He was angry at himself but that was nothing new, only the reason was old. It had been a fucking long time since he’d promised himself he was done hiding, done paring himself down because someone else wouldn’t like the taste. Lying here, feeling sorry for himself because he was too chickenshit to ask a guy to fuck him, he may as well have been back in 1940, worrying himself sick that his dad would be able to see his secret written on his face. 
Well, Angel Dust wasn’t Anthony anymore. And Angel Dust was losing his goddamn patience. The worst had happened and then some, he’d lost his family, he’d lost his home, he’d lost his life but the one thing he didn’t have to do was hide anymore. Husk was down there, he’d say no or he’d say yes, either way was better than being too damn afraid to know. 
And if he felt more about it, well that was his problem to deal with. It wasn’t like he was going to live much longer anyway. 
Fat Nuggets squawked a little as Angel Dust sat up, displaced from his comfy position. 
“Sorry, sweetie,” Angel kissed the top of his head, trying to make up for it by tucking him nicely in his own little bed, “Daddy’s got some living to do. Last minute and all but you know me.”
A quick check of his hair in the mirror, a quick fluff of the fur on his chest, like he was going down to meet some doll by his car and get swept off the the dance hall rather than going to proposition his surly friend for a quick and dirty end-of-their-afterlife fuck. But there was no harm in looking his best while he did it. 
His reflection in this mirror looked a hell of a lot different than the one in his studio dressing room. There were half a hundred tiny little flaws that would have earned him a sharp, cutting comment from Valentino and maybe worse, depending on the moth’s mood. But Angel Dust didn’t think Husk would care, in fact, he seemed to get further with the guy when he went in the opposite direction to what work demanded of him. So he left them, as much as a disconnected, confused anxiety itched at him, one that hadn’t realized they weren’t at the studio. 
He took a deep breath, holding his own gaze tight, “You’re a pro at this, ain’t nothing you haven’t seen before. You know the steps, boyo, curtain’s up.”
Angel went to the door of his room, feeling buoyed, feeling confident. Until, of course, he ran into something he hadn’t seen before. 
At least it was soft. Though it cursed like a sailor. 
“What the fuck?” Angel yelped, feathers suddenly thumping against his face. 
“Will you keep your goddamn voice down, you’ll wake half the fucking hotel-”
“Husk?” Angel stepped back, blinking in confusion, “Were you…were you outside my door?”
The other demon’s irritation collapsed, fizzing away like an alka-seltzer to reveal the bitch of a hangover underneath. Expressions he’d never seen on that feline face tried unsuccessfully to hide, embarrassment and coyness and a blush barely visible under dark fur. 
“Look, I…can I come in? Please?” he tacked the politeness on the end like he almost forgot it while running out the door. 
“Uh…sure, hon?” Angel Dust stepped to one side, suddenly wishing he’d tidied up a little at any point since he first moved in. Or that the dildos tossed about where a more impressive size. 
Husk didn’t seem to relax a little until the door was closed, until they were definitely alone. He stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, an old antique in amongst a lot of plastic and rubber, while Angel leaned against the door and wondered how he’d lost control of this so fast. 
Eventually Husk sighed, tail twitching and betraying his nervousness, “Look. Feel free to tell me to take a hike here, fuck knows you’d have the right. But…I kept thinking about what Charlie said. About spending this night living how we wanted or whatever. And I…I can’t think of anything else I wanted to do but…”
Angel Dust knew he was grinning like an idiot but he couldn’t help it. It wasn’t every day you got a royal flush laid out in front of you. 
“What? What is it you wanna do, Whiskers?” he tilted his head, faux innocence sparkling in his voice as he batted his eyelashes, “Anything I can help you with?”
Husk’s fur bristled and he pinched the bridge of his nose, “Fuck, I knew you’d be like this, goddamnit-”
Panic gripped him, a terrifyingly certain realization that if Husk left now, if he drove him away, he wouldn’t be able to stand it, “Wait. Sorry. I didn’t…I didn’t mean to fuck with you.”
The apology clearly caught the cat demon off guard, eyebrows rising. A small smile pulled at the edges of his mouth, “Well…guess that was the aim of my coming here…”
The grin came back, feeling more honest this time, more firmly in place. Angel stepped forward, offering one of his hands out to Husk, “Good…cos I was just on my way to ask you the same thing.”
He’d heard Husk bitch about his demon form a lot and in that moment, he could see why. Those ears and that tail were tells you could spot from a hundred miles. And right now they were telling Angel he was damn pleased. 
Husk’s fingers- claws? -were calloused, whether from cards or chips or the keys of the sax he’d apparently played once upon a time. But they held Angel’s in a grip he could be certain of, one he knew instantly wouldn’t let go. 
Angel had jumped on odds far worse than that. 
They toppled onto the bed, swallowed by fur and silk. It took some maneuvering, making their strange forms fit but once they found it, it was fucking sweet. Suddenly there was a solid heat between his legs, something to grind into, fireworks exploding behind his eyes when he did. There was a smoky growl in his ear, a heady smell of whiskey and, fuck, Angel could have gotten drunk just off that. His hands moved of their own accord, two anchoring him to the headboard, the other two taking handfuls of soft, impossibly soft fur. 
“Easy…” Husk rumbled when he pulled a little too hard. 
“Sorry,” Angel Dust purred, splaying his legs wide, rolling his hips harder against Husk’s, “Just feels so good.” 
Instead his hands wandered, finding where fur gave way to feather along that strong, broad back. The moment his fingers brushed there, that unfamiliar muscle, Husk jerked and moaned, the hardness in his trousers throbbing. 
“Oh? Kitty liked that, huh?” Angel tittered, pressing one thumb into a hollow at the base of his wing, earning another strangled yowl. 
“I swear to fuck, if you make me come in my pants like a goddamn teenager, I- fuck, baby, I’m sensitive there- ah…” 
“I’d consider it a compliment, honey, don’t you worry,” Angel cooed, shivering happily at the way Husk’s chest vibrated when he touched him, like he was an instrument he could play. 
“Call me old fashioned…”
Suddenly they were rolling, Angel Dust’s stomach dropping dizzily for a moment until he found himself straddling Husk, who was smirking up at him. 
“But when I’m from?” he finished, voice sounding like everything amber and musk and honey in the world, “If you’re taking a fine man to bed, you let him take his pleasure first. It’s good manners, see? So how about you tell me what you want, Angel?”
Angel Dust was left with the sudden anxiety of having forgotten his next line in the script. Or worse, he’d never even fucking read it in the first place. The answer, perched miserably on the tip of his tongue was that he didn’t know. 
He’d gotten too used to sex where the only thing that mattered was getting a good review, any pleasure he got was a secondary concern. He’d taught himself to like whatever his partner was willing to give, even when it called him a whore, even when it was too much, even when it hurt. The real pleasure had been the packet of powder or handful of pills that came after or before, not the sex itself. 
His confusion must have shown on his face because Husk’s voice gentled, a paw coming up to lightly cup his face, “You want my mouth or my hands, baby?”
Angel Dust pushed his instincts away, “Mouth. I want you to tell me how I taste.”
Rolling again but this time, he enjoyed the free fall. Now Husk was between his legs, drawing down the sweatpants he wore to bed, just enough that he could free Angel’s dick. Angel kicked them the rest of the way off, letting Husk see all of him, legs falling open. 
“Fuck…” his voice was melodic, hypnotic and hypnotized, “You look fucking gorgeous, baby…”
“And it’s all yours,” Angel panted raggedly, wrapping his long legs around Husk’s shoulders. For however long we’ve got left. 
Husk’s purr sounded more like a car engine on its last legs, a rough and slightly threatening sound, but as he nosed and nuzzled at the base of Angel’s cock, it ran through his body like the best warm whiskey. In the dim light of his room, Angel could swear those spots on his wings were glowing, along with his eyes, which were fixed on Angel’s face like he was getting as much pleasure from watching him as he was from licking a broad stripe across his length. 
Angel hissed, back arching up like his whole body was drawn towards that sensation, “Fuck, watch that sandpaper tongue…”
“Sorry. I’m kinda rough all over, baby,” he didn’t sound particularly sorry, flashing him a grin but he did ease up, hands taking hold of Angel’s thighs, keeping him spread wide so he could bury his face against him. 
In the studio, Angel Dust had marks to hit, lines to gasp out, a camera to play up to. With Valentino, he had to make the right noises, he needed to sound scared, he needed to beg. But here, with Husk, out of reach of a script or a contract, he let moans and gasps pour heedlessly from his lips, he moved his body however it felt good. He was loud, loud enough to blow out a mic, he cursed and babbled things that didn’t make sense, he just felt . 
Eventually the fur around Husk’s mouth was soaked, his jaw slack. He was good at this, unfairly good, lips and teeth and tongue all as skilled as you’d expect from someone who’d made a living by them. But now Angel Dust was the sole focus of their attention and he was drawn tight as a bow, ready to snap. 
“Come for me, baby,” Husk’s rasp was almost animalistic now, “Let me hear you fucking sing.”
Angel Dust was more than happy to give him exactly what he asked for, giving a broken, soaring cry as his orgasm crashed over him, sinking him down into such an overwhelming sensation that he soon lost sight of the surface. Panic threatened but then a voice echoed to him. 
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes…” his own voice didn’t feel attached to his body so it was free to answer truthfully.
It was those lips that brought him back, a mouth that tasted of salt and opened to warmth, arms coming to circle him and anchor him down. Angel moaned, not able to care that his voice cracked unflatteringly as he did. 
“I got you, Angel, you did good, you tasted fucking incredible…” Husk’s wings settled over them, shielding him from the pink glow of his room. 
He didn’t know how to tell him that the praise threatened to break him all over again, so Angel took charge this time, needing all four of his limbs to press the stronger demon into the mattress. 
He licked the taste of his own come off Husk’s fangs and drew back just enough to gasp out, “You’re gonna fuck me so hard and so deep that if I go down tomorrow, I’m going down with your spunk inside me.”
“Of course that’s your fucking last wish,” Husk’s laugh was a gorgeous thing, a rough bark that made Angel think of smoky jazz lounges from another time. 
He couldn’t help but smile, even if it was mostly bemusement, he wasn’t used to laughing during sex. It did feel pretty fucking good, he had to admit, having a genuine grin on his face as he pulled open Husk’s trousers. Though it quickly fell into awe at what jumped out and damn near smacked him in the teeth.
“Holy fuck!” Angel grinned in delight, one arm having good sense and stretching out to snag the bottle of lube in his bedside table, “Is that an overlord thing? They took the power but they let you keep the massive cock?”
“Shut up,” Husk rolled his eyes, where they snagged on the two hands now soaking their fingers and reaching around to his ass, “Mm…you’re so beautiful, you know that?”
“Heard a couple of people mention it,” Angel grinned down at him, shivering pleasantly as his hands got to work. 
Husk’s eyes burned in the dim light, “Yeah. But do you know it?”
Angel Dust faltered, eyelids half closed. Another question whose answer flitted on his tongue but he didn’t want to let it go. 
And again, he didn’t have to. Husk pulled him down, bending him near in half to kiss him. Unable to wait a moment more, his slicked hands grasped at Husk’s cock, drawing a hiss out of him that he gratefully swallowed. Angel sighed through the stretch and burn, sitting back and slowly, achingly slowly, every inch of Husk disappeared into him. 
Angel was used to pleasures that dissolved quickly on his tongue and in his nose, leaving cold, bitter metal behind. This was something entirely new, something that felt like it was etching itself on every cell in his body, redefining words he thought he’d known inside and out. Pleasure. Sex. Need. 
“Husk…” his voice was a tremulous, faint thing, like he was afraid to be heard. 
“Oh, I knew you’d be like nothing else, baby…” the other demon groaned, thrusting up into him after a moment to let him settle. 
There was no awkward shuffling now, they moved like a dance, like they could hear some music that didn’t exist outside of their bloodstreams. Husk’s hips rolled, Angel arched, two arms thrown up over his head, two others raking down his lover’s chest, leaving deep grooves in his fur. Before, his mouth had been occupied but now Husk sounded like- what else? -a cat in heat, yowling and gasping.
“That’s it, baby, take it, fucking take it, you feel so fucking good, Angel,” he moaned it like a title rather than just a name, like he’d done anything to deserve it. 
“Aw fuck…” Angel Dust felt like he was going to shake apart, there wasn’t room inside him for all of this, he didn’t know where to put it all. 
But he did know that he was about to come, hard. It was unstoppable, undeniable, and if he was half the pornstar he thought he was, Husk was on his heels. It was in the way his voice had shifted up a few notes, the way his grip on Angel’s hips had grown desperate, the break in the otherwise metronome perfect rhythm of his thrusts. 
And that terrified Angel. All the fear he’d expected to find down in the bar, it thickened the air in his lungs like he’d taken an inhale from a real bad batch. Fuck, please, it can’t be over already. 
But this was a fall that had to end. Husk’s hips shifted, heating that sweet spot inside him dead on and he was lost, every muscle tensing as he surrendered to his release. It was sweet and the low roar of his own name, the heat flooding so deep inside him he could damn near taste it, that was sweeter. This time when he broke, he willed himself to stay in those depths, stay in pieces, there was nothing for him on the surface. 
But there was that voice again. 
“Angel…fuck, that was…that was amazing, I…Angel?”
His muscles must have switched off at some point but Husk had caught him, he was sprawled out across the other demon’s chest, their bodies still joined somewhere within the lovely, thrumming haze where the rest of him used to be. But his eyes prickled, heat running down his cheek, dripping onto Husk’s fur where oh fuck no, he’d felt it…
Angel flinched back from the sting of his own tears, bringing an arm up to try and hide, like there was even any point. He rolled off Husk, hunching down as small as he’d go, shoulders trembling. 
“It’s nothing, I…” What are you doing, idiot? “...don’t worry about it, it’ll stop…” Dumb fucking slut, you’re ruining it! “...just give me a second to put myself together…” Like you have any right, get a grip “I’m sorry.”
He listened miserably, waiting for the creak as the bed lifted without his wait, waiting for the sound of soft paws on the floor and the click of the door closing behind him. But it never came. 
“Angel, can I touch you? That alright, baby?”
He managed to nod, surprise mostly shocking his muscles into moving. There was a shift, a whisper of silk and then soft fur as strong arms wrapped around his middle, embracing him with a deliberate light touch that would let Angel pull away at any point. Another heartbeat, slowing as the adrenaline ebbed away, drummed against his back like a knock at the door. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Husk murmured against the fur between Angel’s shoulder blades. 
“Nah,” Angel croaked, inhaling deeply, finding that warm whiskey smell again and relaxing, “We ain’t got the time.”
“Fair enough,” he accepted it easily, much to Angel’s relief, “Just get some sleep, okay? I’m gonna stay right here.” 
 He couldn’t help it, however much it made him feel like a child, “Promise?”
“Of course I promise, Angel,” there was an edge of sadness to his voice, more than the usual, not at having to say it again but at the fact that he needed to ask, “I’ll stay as long as you’ll have me. However long we got left.”
Angel smiled grimly. The second wasn’t fucking long enough to allow him the first. Just his luck to find exactly what he’d been looking for in the last few hours he had to live. 
But he would take what he’d been given. Angel always had. 
He turned, burying his face in Husk’s chest, feeling his rough but pleased chuckle, “Best roll of the dice I think I ever made, coming to your door…”
Angel Dust allowed himself a moment to smile at that. To feel wanted. To feel precious. Whatever happened tomorrow, he’d remember this feeling. 
Whatever happened tomorrow, he wouldn’t face it alone. 
118 notes · View notes
sissylittlefeather · 2 months
Your Love's Been a Long Time Coming: Chapter 2
A/N: Second installment of the Elvis x OC Vivian Choquette series! We pick up in 1961 during the filming of Blue Hawaii. I really hope you all stay on board for this one. I have the next 4ish chapters planned out and there's some fun stuff coming...
Need to catch up? Here's my Masterlist.
As always, thank you for your help and encouragement, bestie @ccab!
Warnings: Still pretty tame, kissing, cussing, alcohol use, references to sex/oral sex, fist fighting
Word count: ~2k
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"Hello again..."
"Oh, you two know each other?"
"Yeah we met in..."
"Germany." She finishes the sentence for him because he doesn't seem to be capable of it. He's still in awe of her. She hasn't changed much since the last time he saw her and he's still spellbound.
"Good. That should make this easy then." The director turns away from the conversation and leaves them to get reacquainted.
"I-I I didn't know you were an actress?" He tries not to visibly cringe when his nerves make him stutter. She gives him a half smile.
"Yeah, I'm just starting out really. This is my first movie role."
"And you're the lead?"
"You're the lead. I'm just your girlfriend." I wish. He thinks, but doesn't say it out loud.
"Well, still, good for you."
"Thanks... so listen."
"Hmm?" He shifts a little as someone walks behind him and forces him closer to her. She looks up at him and he notices how her eyes are the same color as the ocean when it's deep.
"Let's not make this awkward, okay?"
"Oh, of course not." He nods reassuringly.
"We can be... friends." His heart sinks a little. Friends. That's all she wants.
"Sure. Friends sounds good." It doesn't sound good at all, but he'll settle for friends if that's what it takes to be around her.
"Elvis! Come meet some of the other cast members." The director calls from across the room. Elvis nods at Vivian.
"I'll see you around. I gotta..."
"Yeah. Go, Mr. Movie Star." She pats his shoulder lightly and a shiver runs all the way down his spine. He hopes he'll be able to keep it together around her for the whole movie.
"CUT. VIVIAN! THAT'S STILL WRONG." The director is yelling from his place behind the cameras. Elvis stands and watches as she struggles to do what she needs to do. He can tell that she's getting more and more frustrated as the takes go on and on. For some reason, she can't seem to wrap her head around the necessary lines. Elvis is dying to try to help her, but it's not the time or the place. She looks at her feet and shakes her hands and he knows she's trying not to cry. Every time the director yells at her, she gets more flustered.
They try the scene again and Elvis holds his breath, begging God to help her get it right.
But she doesn't. She misses it again.
"CUT. Alright. That's enough for today." They've been trying to get the scene all day long and the director is done. Elvis hangs his head as the director stomps over to Vivian. He can't really hear what he's saying, but when she starts crying and begging, he takes a couple steps closer.
"Please, please let me try again tomorrow. Please don't do this to me. Please."
"I'm not wasting another day of filming. We're replacing you. We have another actress ready to go. You're fired."
"No! Please!"
"Okay. You're not completely fired. You can have a non-speaking part." The director turns and walks away from her. Vivian looks around at everyone watching and takes off running away from the set.
"Viv! Wait!" Elvis calls out to her and tries to follow her. He loses her somewhere in the trailers though and isn't exactly sure where she's gone. When he finds her trailer, he knocks on the door, but he doesn't hear any noise inside. He waits for a few minutes and then turns to walk away. Thats when he hears something hit the door and break. He knocks on the door louder this time.
"Viv, let me in!"
"Go away!" He decides to try the door. It's unlocked, so he opens it and slips inside.
He ducks quickly as something hits the wall above his head and breaks.
"Viv! What the hell?!"
"I need another glass." He looks at her sitting on the couch with a bottle of vodka clutched to her. "Or maybe I don't."
She takes a pull straight from the bottle and grimaces.
"Vivian." He walks over and sits down next to her. She offers him the bottle and he declines.
"I got fired."
"I know. Are you okay?" She looks at him and laughs.
"I feel like you're always asking me that. I'll answer the same way I did last time. Do I look okay?" She takes another swig from the vodka bottle.
"No. You don't." He grabs the bottle when she gets it back to her lap and sets it on the coffee table.
"Hey..." She goes to reach for it and he pulls her to him, holding her with her head on his shoulder.
"No, that's enough." Even he's surprised by his command of the situation, but he knows more alcohol is the last thing she needs. He's not sure how much was in the bottle to start, but there's only about a third of it left. Her body quakes as she begins to cry again.
"I p-promised my stepdad I would make this acting thing work out."
"Why does he care?"
"He's tired of the burden I've become since I'm not married. He said he never dreamed I'd still be around." A wave of rage washes over Elvis. He's never met the man, but he imagines punching him if he did.
"Honey, it's not your fault you're not married." She sits up.
"Well I know that. Tell him!" She settles back into his shoulder. "Kinda is my fault though because I won't just marry anyone."
"Oh?" He dismisses the fleeting thought of proposing just to give her a way out.
"No. I want to be madly in love when I get married. I want to be so in love that we can't stand to be apart from each other for another minute." She sits up again and turns to him with a dreamy look in her eyes. "I want to positively burn for my husband and I want him on fire for me. You know?"
He nods as his heart races. Could she love him like that?
"I know exactly what you mean." He whispers.
Just then, she grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him into her, pressing her lips to his. He melts into her, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to him. She opens her mouth and slides her tongue into his and the passion mounts as their tongues take turns dipping into the other's mouth. He can feel her hands against his chest and she whimpers a little. He pulls back and looks into her deep-ocean eyes and then leans in and kisses her cheek, down to her jawline, and then on down to her neck. She snakes her arms around his shoulders and pulls him with her as she lays back on the couch. He rearranges so that he's on top of her, rolling his hips into hers.
Is this it? Is this how they begin? His mind is racing as they continue to kiss deeply.
"Elvis, stop."
"What?" He backs away breathlessly and looks into her face.
"Are you in love with me?" His heart skips a beat. Is he?
"Because I need you to know that this would just be sex. I'm really drunk and sad and I'm just not... I don't want to give you the wrong idea."
"How drunk?"
"That was a new bottle of vodka." When she says it, he notices how heavy her eyelids are and that her words are a little fuzzy around the edges. He feels like someone has knocked the wind out of him. Sitting up, he runs his hand through his hair and closes his eyes.
"You are, aren't you?" She asks him calmly.
"I didn't say that."
"Then why did you stop?"
"You're too drunk. I don't even know if you want this." She laughs and he looks down at her sadly.
"Oh, trust me. I want it."
"Well, I don't. Not like this." She sits up and glares at him.
"Then why the hell are you here, Elvis?!"
"I don't know."
"Fine. Get out, then." He stands up, grabbing the bottle of vodka as he does. He tries to head for the door, but she yanks the bottle away from him "Goodbye, Elvis."
Deeply discouraged, he walks out the door and down the steps to go back to the hotel. Is he in love with her?
The next day, he's sitting around with the guys during a break. They've brought in the new actress to play his girlfriend and she's great, but he wishes they'd given Vivian another chance. He looks up just as she walks by to sit with another actress about twenty yards away.
"You see her?" Joe asks the group of guys with a wry smile.
"Vivian?" Elvis asks confused.
"Yeah. She's got a hell of a mouth on her." He laughs raucously and pushes one of the other guys.
"What the fuck are you talking about, Joe?" Elvis feels himself start to seethe, hoping Joe isn't talking about what he thinks he's talking about.
"She came to my room last night. She gives great h-" Without another thought, Elvis is on top of him, throwing punches. The idea of him with Vivian makes him see red. And then him here talking that way about her pushes him over the edge. All the guys jump and holler, trying to pull them apart.
"Elvis, stop!!" It's Vivian's voice that cuts through the rest of the noise and gets to him. He drops Joe and stumbles backwards, breathing heavily. Blood drips from his nose where Joe landed a good defensive blow. "God. Men. Come with me."
She drags Elvis to a chair and makes him sit down. Then, she disappears for a bit. He considers getting up, as mad as he is, but he stays put until she comes back with some wet napkins to clean up his nose.
"What the hell were you thinking? You... with Joe?!"
"Elvis, I told you I was drunk and sad. You said no, so I found someone else." He feels another wave of rage rush through him.
"Just like that, huh? I really don't mean anything to you."
"You said you weren't in love with me. I told you we could be friends. That means you're going to have to be okay with me being with other guys. But if you're in love with me-"
"I'm not." It feels like a lie, but he wants it to be true.
"Good. Then, get over it." She says it softly as she finishes with his nose and pats his cheek gently. Then, she puts a hand on each arm of the chair and leans in close to him. "Listen, I like you a lot, Elvis. You're a great guy and it's probably a good thing you said no because I could fall in love with you. But I've seen you with girls. I know you have several on the hook right now. We can never be more than friends for that reason alone. I need someone on fire for me and no one else. Can you understand that?"
He looks down at his hands in his lap where bruises are starting to form. It's true, he does have a steady rotation of girls. And he has no way to make her believe that he would stop all that if they got together. Even he's not sure he could be true forever. But he'd certainly try, for her. Still, why would she ever trust him?
"Friends?" He looks up into her deep-water eyes again.
"Friends." She takes one of his bruised hands and kisses his knuckles gently. He actively ignores the way his heart skips when she does.
"With benefits?" He smiles coyly and she puts her hand on his forehead and pushes it backwards.
"We'll see..."
Until next time... thoughts?
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed!):
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @jhoneybees @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley
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sturniolowhore · 5 months
blushing at my screen over your series of chris and venus.. how many more parts are there gonna be 🤭🤭
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summary ⎯  venus has had her eyes on her brother's best friend chris for as long as she can remember but she is far too scared that's all she is to him, his best friend's little sister. what happens when she realises he sees her in a different light and how will she and chris keep it hidden from her brother who has always told his friends never to meddle about with his sister.
part one! ♯ part two! ♯ part three! part five! ♯
part six!
warnings ⎯  suggestive and sexual, eventual smut, chris x fem!oc, fluff, cursing, kind of angst (?)
A/N ⎯  finally working on something with parts to it so i'm excited!! as a reminder, leo and venus do not exist irl, i just chose any random names for the sake of the story.
A/N FOR CHAPTER ⎯ thank you so much first of all and i think they'll be two more part after this 😊 i'm sorry this is so short but lil moment at the end 😇
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
chris 🤍
leo told me he's out for the day
saturn 🪐
yeah he is?
chris 🤍
sounds like the perfect time for me to come over again :)
saturn 🪐
that could happen
chris 🤍
saturn come on i know you want me just as much as i want you
saturn 🪐
it sounds like a really good idea
chris 🤍
that's what i thought
saturn 🪐
lilo misses you
chris 🤍
lilo misses me or you miss me?
saturn 🪐
maybe a bit of both?
chris 🤍
i'll be over in fifteen😇
saturn 🪐
already undressing
chris 🤍
saturn 🪐
relax i'm joking ... or am i
chris 🤍
you have to follow through with that now or it's just disrespectful
saturn 🪐
the doors unlocked
chris 🤍
good fucking girl
saturn 🪐
mhm 😊
things between chris and venus have been good, very good actually. it's been a little while since their confessions in the kitchen and they've managed to sneak around perfectly undetected and see one another as they desire. of course it's a little hard when they can't just reach out and touch one another for the sake of it when others are around but they know their reasoning so they tolerate it. plus, it makes the moments they actually spend together that much more special, that much more craved.
chris drives with a smile on his face, his hands clutching the wheel and images of venus flashing in his head. she's always been a resident in his mind but ever since he found out his feelings for her were reciprocated, it's as though she lives in his head permanently. he's not complaining though; he'd think about her forever if he could and he's not even exaggerating.
maybe it's the small mounts of traffic in contrast to usual or maybe it's just the fact that he really wants to see her, whatever it is, he swears he makes it to her house in no time. he parks the car in the driveway, carefree because leo isn't home, and then approaches the door. his smile grows when he twists the handle and, true to venus' words, the door is unlocked and welcoming him flawlessly with open arms.
he makes a beeline straight for her room and the sight before him when he steps inside quite literally makes his jaw drop. he's in complete and utter awe. he's fucking speechless. venus is sitting on her bed in a navy blue set that makes her brown skin stand out like never before and hugs her curves perfectly. she's looking at her phone and biting at her lip and chris wants to replace her teeth with his immediately.
she doesn't even notice him at first, too busy looking at her phone, until he speaks up, "holy fucking shit saturn."
her eyes shoot up as soon as the words leave his mouth and she gives him a sheepish grin, shutting her phone and tossing it aside, "you like it?"
"like it? i fucking love it; god you're so sexy," he mumbles, already getting turned on at the mere sight of her.
he wastes no time in joining her on her bed, his hand quick to wrap itself around her throat whilst his lips fight with hers. a groan falls from his lips as she slides her tongue into his mouth and he lets her do all the work for a brief moment before his tongue takes over, swirling inside her mouth and then swiping over her teeth. his teeth sink into her bottom lip and she whines at the contact, her hands gripping his t-shirt desperately.
"i missed you," he hums into her lips and she smiles so beautifully, he wants to repeat his words for an eternity.
"i missed you too," she responds and then throws her head back when his mouth attaches to her neck eagerly, sucking and grazing the skin not so gently.
"chris⎯  don't leave marks," she manages to breathe out and he knows they both deep down really want him to but they ultimately can't because how is she going to explain that to her brother?
he licks a stripe at her collarbone, "one day i'm gonna mark you up all over and you're going to say nothing about it."
"i can mark you up right now darling and no one would know except me," she tells him and he moves away from her throat, looking up into her eyes with the most lustful expression clouding his features.
"go on then, i'm not stopping you," his voice is low and she has no fucking choice but to oblige and so she instantly begins sucking at his skin, her hands holding his hair firmly and tugging at it making the prettiest whines slip out of him.
"need to be inside of you," he whispers and she connects their lips as he begins to remove his pants and boxers, the sight making her salivate instantly.
"take this off," she fiddles with his t-shirt but all he does is smirk in response.
"you do it ma," is all he needs to say for her to listen quickly, tugging the material over his head before reaching out her fingers and sliding paterns across his torso easily.
he takes the waistband of her thong in between his fingers, "as much as i love this, i'm gonna need it off so i can ruin you as much as i want."
it's off within seconds and he almost moans at how easily she complies, how evident her want is from her actions and the way she can't keep her hands off him for even a brief second.
his fingers move to her entrance and she moans but before he can dip them inside, she shakes her head, "please i just want you."
"don't want me to stretch you out a little?" he asks hesitantly but all she does is shake her head again in response.
he cannot complain in the slightest. he lines himself up at her entrance and stays there teasingly. she huffs out a frustrated breath before she decides to move herself and sinks down onto him. he moans at the sudden contact and his hands move to either side of her waist to steady her body.
"oh fuck, someone's a little desperate," he teases and she whines when he begins thrusting into her at a a slow rate.
"please chris," her words are said breathlessly as she moves against him.
he thrusts again but softly, "what is it ma? 'm gonna need you to use your words."
"please go faster," she whispers and he grins, increasing his pace and watching as her body jolts in delight and she throws her head back in pure ecstacy.
moans and whimpers fall out of her easily as he works his way inside of her, moaning himself at the tightness and the way the two of them slot together so perfectly. her hands stay in his hair as she bites at his earlobe, swirling her tongue across the skin and moaning directly into his ears.
his hands on the other end are quick to find her bra and he uses his fingers to remove it and throw it some place in the room. he attaches his mouth to her boobs and she sounds so beautiful with her noises, he can't help but make his pace merciless. he feels her walls clench around him and he knows she's close, just like he is. he slaps at her ass and she falls into his chest, breathing heavily and grinding onto him to her help her get closer to her release.
"you feel so fucking good around me," he whispers into her ears as he shifts, hitting that spot and causing her to release a string of curses at the feeling.
"chris 'm so close," she tells him and her needy voice alone could make him cum on the spot.
"c'mon ma, cum with me," and that she does, clinging onto him and panting as they cum together and meet in the middle.
her eyes flutter shut and she falls into his chest with him still inside of her. he strokes his hand through her hair and she hums contently at the gentle comfort.
"you okay?" he asks softly and she nods eagerly, lifting her head to kiss him gently and smiling against his lips.
he can't help but smile in return. he's just so happy he gets to have her after years of wanting to have her. to be frank, it's a surreal experience mangled with the best emotions he's ever felt in his life. he just enjoys existing with her and times like these make him consider how thankful he is that they actually were able to communicate and display what they wanted.
when they're all cleaned up and clothed, laying beside one another in bed with a movie playing from the television, he watches her discretely. her eyes are glued to the screen and there's a slight crinkle in between her eyebrows due to her concentration. there's something so effortless about the way she carries herself and he finds himself mesmerised whenever he so much as looks at her or even thinks of her.
"what are you looking at?" her voice interrupts him and he smiles sheepishly at being caught flat out staring.
still, when he answers though, he isn't embarrassed in the slightest, "you're so cute."
"shut up," she shakes her head at him but the words are contradicted when he sees the way her eyes light up and he notices how the distance between them decreases even more, if possible that is.
their embrace is thoroughly tight and he feels safe in it and he knows she does too. he doesn't want to escape it. he could die intertwined with her and die a happy man.
lilo walks into the room and settles in the small space between them, half of her on either of them as they continue to watch the screen. chris honestly admires venus the entire time and the question lingering on his mind gets closer and closer to being said aloud whenever she smiles.
"venus..." he says into the air and she turns to look at him with the most adoring look in her eyes, he swears he's never felt more seen.
"i like it when you call me venus," she swipes her fingers across his hand and how can chris possibly turn back on the thoughts in his mind when she says something like that so casually?
"wanna hear it more?" he ponders and she raises her brows in amusement, leaving him to continue with whatever he's saying.
"look i know it sucks that we have to keep this a secret but i really like you venus," he pauses and the pureness in her eyes makes him want to never stop talking, "i'd really like to be your boyfriend."
he thinks his breathing short circuits in the silence of the room until she beams at him, pulling him into one of her infamous kisses that makes him feel like he's above every other thing in the universe. he feels like he's on fire whenever they're together and instead of trying to put the fire out, he's jumping into it feet first because he knows venus is burning with him and that makes it all worth it. he's lighting up in flames and his insides are hot but he's glowing with affection and that's exactly what he desires so he doesn't quite mind.
"i'd really like to be your girlfriend too," her voice is so fucking sweet, he feels like he's watching the pour of honey before his very eyes.
"and with lee, we'll tell him soon okay?" he just knows exactly what to say because he's aware venus is worrying about his reaction.
the longer they leave it a secret, the madder he'll inevitably be. it's not as though leo doesn't want venus and chris to be happy, he just doesn't want to ever get between them. chris is his best friend and has been for as long as he can remember and venus is his sister, the person he'd die for without hesitation. the idea of something happening between them to the point it strains his own relationships with them scares him. that's why he tells his friends venus is off limits, because he can't handle having to watch the people he loves the most not love one another or end up hurting one another.
"it's going to be okay," he reiterates and she believes him without another word because it's him.
but then it's like her world flips upside down and the universe is mocking her when she hears footsteps outside of her room. her heart fucking plummets and the sound of a fist tapping at her door is enough to drive her to insanity.
"vee, can i come in? did chris leave his car here or something?" leo asks from the other side of the door.
shit. shit. holy fucking shit.
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svt-nari · 1 year
nari's love life !
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nari started dating after they debuted. It was obviously against the company rules, but what were they gonna do about it? kick her out? she's pansexual and so far, has only dated people with the same life as her (idols), because they can understand each other's schedules and make it work better than with someone who's not a part of this life. right now, she's currently in a relationship with a male idol.
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2015–2016 › seulgi, red velvet
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— their friendship started when nari ended up confessing her undying love for red velvet's main dancer on a live.
— may I add... while she was completely wasted.
— she was saying how much she loved watching the older woman dance and how much talented she was.
— then, seulgi approached her on a music show the next day.
— didn't really date, but they were tied to one another, if you get what i mean.
— a sort of fwb kind of relationship.
— then nari confessed.
— and they decided to not keep on with this relationship.
— and then, nari was left heartbroken, but at least they are still friends.
— they joke about it from time to time.
2016–2017 › jayb, got7
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— they were friends way before they started dating.
— nari met him because of her friendship with got7's maknae line and ended up befriending him due to bambam introducing them.
— started dating because jaebeom showed her a song he wrote for her, confessing the feelings he had.
— it also became a part of one of got7's albums.
— dated for almost 9 months then they broke up.
— she had a really good time with him and can't really complain, same as him.
— he wrote various songs for her just as she has written lots of songs about him.
— remain as friends and they support each other til this day.
2017 › wheein, mamamoo
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— after her break up with jaebeom, she wanted to date women again.
— didn't go so well.
— her and wheein were friends for a long time before they dated.
— but they couldn't really understand each other and talk while they were together.
— the relationship ended after three months.
— and their friendship too.
— both parties don't really speak to each other anymore.
— it's awkward at gatherings when they are both there.
— nari tries to avoid wheein at all costs.
2018–2020 › baekhyun, exo
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— got close because of a collaboration they did together.
— started dating after a couple months of knowing each other.
— their relationship consisted of spending quality time with each other.
— her first ever long-term relationship and her first public relationship.
— they dated for 2 and a half months until they broke up.
— happened during the pandemic, they slowly distanced themselves.
— especially due to their different life rhythms at the time.
— then nari broke up with him after a fight they had.
— he was devastated and literally tried to gain her back at all costs.
— going as far as posting some cryptic stuff on his social media.
— hinting that he missed someone so much that he thought his heart was going to stop beating.
— and then deleting right after.
— he still loves her, but she moved on.
— and for good.
obs.: some speculate that the album bambi has something to do with nari.
2021–present › seungcheol, seventeen
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— okay, how to start?
— they've been friends since forever, basically.
— cheol has had the biggest crush on her ever since they met, but he didn't do anything due to their teamwork.
— he supported her through her every relationship, and she's forever grateful for that.
— nari takes great care of him. she just wants what's best for this boy!
— they started dating after a drunk confession on cheol's side.
— she was a bit hesitant at the start, but she knew that what they had was way more than just a friendship.
— then, after overthinking she just said fuck it and kissed him.
— all the members LOVE to tease coups for it.
— they NEVER will tease nari because of their relationship.
— just their big and scary leader who turns into the biggest softie whenever he sees her face.
— they've thought about going public but decided on letting people find out by themselves.
— which is slowly working since they don't really hide much.
— they've been together for a long time now and expect them to be like this forever!
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all rights reserved © svt-nari, 2023
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
I'm fixating over a character I haven't properly introduced so - Marshmallow Milk Hcs
🌌 The youngest of the hybrids and the owner of the only candy store in town, Marlow is a gentle cow with their head in the clouds and sight set on the stars, speaking of dreams of course. Marlow sleeps the day and night away, relying on the trust of strangers to run their shop. They'll come back every now and to check up on friends and spend time with their dear Coco. While they do love the drink, you're what completes them. They wouldn't give up a moment with you for anything in the world. Not even the perfect dream where the two of you are happily married and ruining the shop together. They hope one day that dream can become a reality.
🌌 Marlow is a different breed to their fellow hybrids. Rather than being made of flesh and blood, their body is almost entirely made of marshmallow fluff. It's the perfect topping for a nice cup of hot chocolate or a fresh cake. There was a slight mix up in production as they're missing their right leg, but they had a prosthetic made for them by that nice cow who runs the junk yard. Marshmallow tends to misplace it as odd as that may seem. They get so absent-minded they'd have trouble keeping track of their things even if they were glued to their own two hands. Once, their leg ended up on at your front door without them. How strange is that? Oh wait - they fell asleep in the brush. Since you're waking them, maybe you can help them find other things they lost. They'd ask you to find their heart but that's already in your hands.
🌌 Coco is their go to nickname, but they also call you squish/squishy. It's fun to poke your cheeks and sizes. So soft and squishy just like a marshmallow
🌌 Marlow has a vocal habit of drawing out their words and has a lisps after drinking warm beverages due to the state of their body. "Gooood Morning, Coco~" "Did you have a good night's sweep?" "I wuuuuv you." "Don't go."
🌌They have difficulty telling dreams from reality. It's hard not to with how often they doze off and how vivid their dreams feel. Just like week they had a dream about that tourist visiting town asking you out on a date. The knife in their heart when you said yes felt so real they woke right up and ran over to your house. You informed them that tourist apparently left that afternoon and had done no such thing. Silly Marlow. They wished you a good night and went back home to fall asleep after a nice bath. Their hands were so sticky for some reason
🌌To call Marlow a sleepwalker is an understatement. They can whip up an entire bath or fudge squares and hold an hour long conversation before anyone realizes they're snoring between each word. It's even harder to tell when they're awake or not as they never open their eyes. Their sleep walking has resulted in some odd behaviors such as breaking into your home to leave the treats they sleep bake for on your pillows, following you around stopping only once they're in your bed, and accident confessions. Good thing they're just sleeping though. Marlow doesn't remember a single thing they've done while sleep walking, but sometimes they'll mention still being tired afterwards.
🌌Overall, if you're looking for a low maintenance partner who loves naps and baking Marlow is your best choice. Take a break from the troubles of life and lay on the floor with them, watching the ceiling of glow in the dark stares at you waste the day away in each other's arms. If you have trouble sleeping just take a bite of the sweets they make for that very reason. Marlow's dream pops sell out quick, but they keep one in their pocket for you whenever you're feeling down or have too much energy for your own good. This way, you might even see each other while you're sleeping. They're always watching - one way or another.
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pray4saint · 2 months
bad idea! — girl in red | reader wakes up in [cc]'s bed, again, and doesn't understand why they keep coming back here, why they keep getting high or drunk and call [cc]
like real people do — hozier | one kiss reader has shared publicly with [cc] and five kisses they've shared alone
let's fall in love for the night — finneas | reader goes on a late night drive with [cc], who also happens to be their best friend, and their first kiss, but they don't know that [cc] is in love with them 'don't waste your eyes on jealous guys fuck that noise' 'i know better than to call you mine'
watch you sleep. — girl in red | [cc] wakes up early and stays in bed, thinking about and admiring reader, who's sleeping right next to them bc they could stay there forever, at least until reader wakes up
like a tattoo — sade | reader and [cc] are in a situationship and [cc] wants to open up to reader, but their past feels so dark to themselves
gorgeous — taylor swift | reader joins in on a youtube project where they meet [cc], and he's just so goddamn gorgeous but still somehow ends up with his number, still, reader can't help but stare at him every time they see him
escapism. — raye, 070 shake | reader meets [cc] at a bar, post-breakup with the intent of a rebound, but ends up with a one night therapist, who turns into a friend, and eventually their next love
wish you were sober — conan gray | reader, in love with [cc], picks him up from yet another drunk bout and again, [cc] flirts and says all these words that reader is sure he doesn't mean, especially the kiss he gives them 'real sweet but i wish you were sober'
crush culture — conan gray | reader's sworn off dating for a 6 months after a bad breakup, but then there's [cc] and reader just refuses to admit that maybe, just maybe, they have a big fat huge crush on him bc they want so badly to get through the 6 months, although [cc] flirting doesn't help at all 'oh no, don't look in their eyes, 'cause that's how they get you, kiss you then forget you'
only love can hurt like this — paloma faith | reader and [cc] are on a break after a horrible fight, and both expect it to end afterwards, but neither reader nor [cc] expected to be in so much pain without the other, missing them in bed and looking for them everywhere they go, and realising they need each other bc what they have is real, and it's a forever kind of love
sparks — coldplay | reader misses their long-distance boyfriend [cc] horribly, even when they call every day and text as often as possible
everybody talks — neon trees | [cc] has been getting teased by his friends for being so head over heels for reader and not confessing, so he decides to just do it, asking reader if they can talk for a moment outside during a group hangout and kisses them, not realising that everyone is watching from inside, whispering and giggling bc it took them long enough 'and then she made my lips hurt'
jessie's girl — rick springfield | [cc1] and reader are in a happy, long-term relationship, and they've talked about having a shared crush on [cc2] but never doing anything about it, meanwhile [cc2] is pining away after both reader and [cc1], at least until one night when [cc1] & reader invite [cc2] to come snuggle with them during a movie 'she's watchin' him with those eyes'
my boo — usher, alicia keys | reader and [cc1] are ex-high school sweethearts who stayed friends, and have barely dated anyone else bc they know that the other is the only one for them, then, at a high school reunion, they're voted best couple and end up kissing to appease the crowd, + [cc2] who went to high school with them and recorded that whole section, including the kiss
all mine — brent faiyez | five times [cc] made sure reader and others knew who they belonged to and one time reader made sure [cc] and others knew who he belonged to
photograph — ed sheeran | a few nights before the wedding, reader and [cc] go through their polaroids and digital pictures together, reflecting on the memories on they have and thinking about all the memories they'll keep making after they tie the knot + reader and [cc] pick polaroids to keep in their wallets 'we keep this love in a photograph'
devil doesn't bargain — alec benjamin | reader feels pressured by their family to attend a family event but they know that they'll be ganged up on for their choices in life and [cc] helps them through it, promising reader that together, they'll have a different family dynamic 'he'll only break your heart again' 'he isn't gonna change'
pretend lovers — montell fish | reader and [cc] are best friends, and basically dating, but [cc] is slowly falling in love
somewhere only we know — keane | reader runs off during a big argument with a friend and only [cc] knows where to find them
style — taylor swift | reader and [cc] are together, and so loved by the world that they notice that they're labelled 'style coded' by a lot of their fanbase
never really over — katy perry | reader keeps asking [cc] to come over and it always ends in them sleeping together, and feelings that neither reader or [cc] are prepared for
boyfriend — dove cameron | after reader's [bf] asks for an open relationship and reader accepts due to pressure, and then complains to [cc] about how they feel bad for the next person [bf] tries to make cum bc [bf] fails to do it for them and [cc] offers to help out
my type — saweetie | [cc] overhears reader talking about how he's exactly their type to their friends at a party, and [cc] confronts them about it [might end in smut]
runaway baby — bruno mars + lost my mind — finneas | reader hears of [cc], an absolute fuckboy a man, and doesn't care, so when he tells reader to find someone good for them and they tell him no, he assumes it's gonna be a repeat of every other person, but reader doesn't fall for the charm, doesn't get hooked, and instead falls for the man behind the facade, and gets him hooked in the process
someone new — hozier + dress — taylor swift | reader meets [cc1] and immediately starts falling, but then is introduced to [cc2] and starts falling for him too, reader isn't easy, but by god it's hard to ignore one or the other, especially when it seems almost like they know reader liked them both
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coffeeconfess · 3 months
When I was a little girl, I'd see women talking about how they're in love with a guy who never texts them back or who leaves once they've slept together, and I never understood. If they don't put in effort, they're not interested, so you should just move on. You deserve better, why wait?
I miss that little girl. She was a lot smarter than me. If she saw the shit I'm pulling now, she'd throw her lunch box at me. She'd be so, so mad we're pining over someone we can't have. It goes against everything we stand for, I stood for. That little girl swore she'd never cry over a boy, she was repulsed by the thought. I've cried over him, multiple times. I love him. And he will never love me back. But I keep holding onto some delusional sense of hope, when it's been months since I've seen him in person. That little girl would be furious. You're wasting your time for a guy who not only isn't interested in you, was never interested in you and never will be? You know that's not logical! How is a naive little girl who still looks for fairies in her garden so much more grounded than an 18 year old who's been to hell and back? Maybe I traded one fantasy for another. I preferred the old one though. Hunting for fairies filled me with wonder, waiting for prince charming eats away at me every single day. I'm rotting away in my tower, and no one is coming to save me. I think the only one who can save me is that stubborn little girl.
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sunflower-reaper · 2 months
MORE FLORA RAMBLES LETS GOOOO let's talk about their first date w/ luci bc I'm in that mood today lmao
So. Flora has been at the hotel for about.... 6-7 months now. They've been through a bunch of stuff with the gang, including another extermination lead by Lute and Lucifer's twin brother, Michael.
They've developed a nice sort of friendship with Lucifer at this point. They both trust each other a lot (Flora has more than proven themselves at this point to him, especially after they cleaned house in the last extermination), and they both look out for each other.
Flora knows at this point they're crushing hard, but tends to push down their feelings, because a) they have an important job to do and b) it's not like Lucifer would just leave his wife, who he's been with for 10,000+ years, just to be with them.
And then. The flirting starts.
At first, it's small stuff-- little things could be dismissed as compliments or off handed jokes.
But soon, Lucifer starts getting.... bolder. He starts placing gentle little touches to their wrist or their back. He drops every conceivable line you can imagine. He smiles at them in a particular way, with a certain look in his eyes that they can't make sense of.
Then, one day, Flora notices something about him. Something they can't believe they missed.
His wedding band was gone.
Flora doesn't really know what it means, or how long ago he took it off, but it does get a reaction out of them, turning their face pink as they think of the possibilities.
Lucifer clocks their reaction immediately. He takes this as his chance.
"Hey, so like... I was just wondering. Are you, seeing anybody right now?"
Flora blinks, their brain struggling to catch up. "Oh-- no, not... not really."
Lucifer gives them that smile then, gently rubbing circles on the back of their hand. "Would you like to?" He asks, his eyes having that look they can't decipher in them again.
They are so caught off guard, but they tell him yes anyway.
Their date is the following week, and on the days leading up to it, Flora agonizes over it. Mainly, their outfit. They want to impress him, after all!
(Not that it mattered much, Flora could have shown up in a sweatshirt and some jeans and they would have been the prettiest thing in the room to him, lmao)
They end up dressing up just the right amount, as Lucifer takes them to a private little spot where a select few are allowed to go, namely overlords and various royalties. They have dinner, and spend the whole night chatting together. He tells them all kinds of stories from his time in hell, from the great war, to cute stories of Charlie from when she was a baby.
After dinner, Lucifer takes them back to Morningstar Manor, and shows them the almost endless library his family had.
"When Charlie was little," he says, a fondness to his voice, "she had a bit of a knack for reading. So, for her birthday, I made her this place... and for a long time, I think it served as a place of solace for her. I hope it did." He pauses, watching Flora take in the place with a look of wonder on their face. "It hasn't seen much use the last couple years, and I know you like books, so... I thought you'd like it."
Flora looks back to him, feeling happier than they had in a long, long time. No one had ever done something like this for them before. "Thank you." They say, sounding really happy.
They head back to the hotel after that, and Lucifer, not wanting the night to end, invites them up to his suite and this is where it gets a little spicy.
They sit and talk for a bit, but eventually they end up getting a little closer than Flora realized, and they freeze. Lucifer takes the initiative and makes the first move.
"Flora," he says, hand reaching up and touching their cheek, "could I kiss you?"
Flora feels their heartbeat pick up, and they subconsciously lean into his touch. "Please," they say, almost sounding like they're begging him.
He wastes no time, immediately claiming their lips, and they cling to him. He holds them to his torso, his fingers threading carefully into their hair. Flora gasps at the feeling of the slight tug.
He shivers, deepening the kiss gently.
They part for air, and Flora feels like their heart is going to explode.
"Lord," he breathes, "you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."
They make out for a while (Luci def leaves some marks on their neck) but they don't get much more intimate than though.
(Lucifer really, really wanted to, but he actively didn't because if does go that far with Flora, he wants it to be special. Something he dedicates the whole night to.)
That'd pretty much where it ends-- Lucifer walks them back to their room and gives them one last kiss and tells them good night.
Flora doesn't sleep that night. They're too hyperactive.
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Mm, it would seem no coherent thoughts have come to me, instead I have been hit with the realisation that Hermie is, in fact, Double Trouble from She Ra and that he would embody them as much as he could after he discovers them.
How would he find out this fact? It all starts with Normal going through Hero's online library (and I do mean library, because it's fucking massive) of anime and cartoons in an attempt to relate to Taylor more. Instead of finding an anime that he wants to watch, he stumbles across She Ra and he gets Hooked.
Normal watches all 5 seasons over the course of a weekend, gelling hard with the characters, the colours, the themes of friendship. My boy, for lack of a better term, hyperfixates.
Anyway, as he's watching he sees his friends in the characters. Scary is Catra: a girl that's lost, that has people keep leaving her, that is fighting for what she thinks she believes in because she's finally getting attention and validation even as she misses her friends on the other side, a side she doesn't think she can get to (also Willy is Shadow Weaver, a manipulative asshole that preys on vulnerable young people and uses emotional and physical abuse to make them bend to his will).
Link is Bow: someone that values friendship and trust above all else, who can hold a grudge when he gets betrayed. He loves his dads even if their relationship is strained sometimes, and he's almost always the one to get them back on track when they start down one tangent or another.
Taylor is Frosta: someone quick to violence but very loyal and loving, even if he doesn't express it in traditional ways. He's also very enthusiastic and (despite very clearly being the main character, obviously) is willing to help his friends, even at risk of endangering himself.
Normal sees himself in Scorpia. She's so friendly, and she tries so hard, and he relates to holding onto friends too tightly because he's afraid of them leaving. He relates to being the peacekeeper and mediator, bending over backwards to try and keep his friends happy. He relates to having a core piece of his identity being taken from him, twisted into something he isn't sure he can be or relate to anymore.
As he goes further through the seasons, Normal has fun with the show while also hurting for the characters. When DT first shows up in the Crimson Waste, he's on edge, worried about what this new character might do, but as he goes through and DT starts to turn up more regularly he becomes endeared to them, enjoying them and the chaos they bring even as it kinda fucks up what the Princess crew are trying to do. It isn't until Normal sees how DT interacts with Catra while they infiltrate Brightmoon that he really starts to see some Hermie in them.
It start when DT calls Catra "kitten". Normal has a vivid flashback to Hermie saying almost the exact same thing to him, and from there the parallels only become more apparent. The casually flirty nature, the ability to disappear into roles (shape-shifting, surprisingly, included) the confidence in themselves but still needing a role to slip into to stay safe. There are some bits that don't translate quite so well - Normal's fairly certain that Taylor isn't paying Hermie to stick around with them (or maybe friendship is just Hermie's currency... Huh), and the thought of Hermie betraying them after all they've been through together just doesn't quite sit right although if it happened with Scary it could happen with anyone.
Anway, after this, Normal feels like he can't just keep this reaslisation to himself and so he trawls the mess the internet has become and sends Hermie a DT compilation video with a very simple "its u :)" for context. Normal sees that Hermie reads the message but thats it, no response or anything so Normal, a little saddened that his friend didn't seem to like the comparison, goes about his day.
The next time Normal sees Hermie, he has his hair slicked back, is dressed in green-and-black skin-tight everything, has coloured contacts, and heeled boots that seem too high to walk in (Hermie, of course, manages to flawlessly). He even seems to be able to blink sideways like DT. As he walks past, all Hermie does is glance at Normal, wink, and purr "kitten" in a low voice before strutting away. Normal nearly blacks out from the rush of blood to his face.
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
so okay, i feel like a terrible friend. and i know it's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things and i have lots of other things i should be worried about. but like...
first of all i can't make it to my bestie's birthday this year bc im going to skating camp and instead of feeling bad about it, i feel... relieved..? bc i really hated her birthday last year, i spent over 500 pounds on it and we were in this house in the middle of nowhere next to durham and i was bored out of my mind. and this year she said that she wants to go either to crete or west of england. and going to crete is hella expensive. and going to england is hella expensive too honestly with all the trains i'll have to take to get there. and i know that im not gonna have fun.... and i feel terrible about it...
i thought about that a lot and now ive finally calmed down. but! my manchester bestie came to visit this week and i feel even worse...
so she got married in april and i was one of the first people she told about it like she called me and everything. and i promised to buy her a wedding present. and i didn't... and to be fair i don't really approve of the wedding cos it was for papers for her bf. and they've been together 5 years and they love each other and they would've got married in a couple of years anyway. but like... she's so youngggg and going thru with so much commitment for a man??? idk
and all of this leaves me feeling like im super judgmental. cos it's not my place to judge, right? and technically speaking my manchester bestie is much further ahead of me in life, right? like she moved out straight out of high school, so now she's like super independent and she's doing a phd now and she plans out her own life. and she looks really good too and she has lots of hobbies. like she seems to be doing really well. and whenever i judge people's decisions, i feel like i project too much. like if i were getting married now at the state that im at, that would be a bad decision. but now for her it's not ?????
and at the same time, i have to admit that i find it frustrating that some people have it so easy. she could choose whichever university in the world to go to after high school! like imagine having that priviledge! just like "yeah, manchester would be a good fit for me" BAM *moves to manchester*. "i really like animals :)" BAM *studies zoology in manchester*
like idk how to describe it. it's not just the money that's the issue, it's the bliss. the bliss of being like "my career? yeah, i like animals, im gonna go study them". like i could never... i love dinosaurs for sure, but i would never be able to do a phd about them bc as fascinating as it sounds, i just... can't take that seriously...? idk if im being elitist but like. especially when her degree and her living in a different country costs so much like.. idk how to explain it guys. do you get what im saying?
like out of high school i felt like the only choice i had was economics or management cos that's a serious subject that could get me a serious job. that's what us mortals do. and when i decided to do maths i was already reaching it. like now my parents are like "you wasted 4 of your years doing something that gave you no skills and was essentially useless. how about you do an accounting course now in order to catch up on everything you've missed out on? time to get back to the real world!" (plus my uni education was free but like imagine if my parents were paying thousands for me to study some obscure degree?)
and now again, it's her bliss that drives me insane. "oh my bf needs a visa? let's get married, i love him anyway" likeeee can you imagine that? like not ever thinking about the consequences?
idk, i feel like im in the wrong. bc some people just do whatever without thinking twice and it works out for them and they're happy. and im overcomplicating things. or maybe my life is just overall more complicated bc we're poor. like i can't just go to another country and marry the first guy who comes my way, you know?
and we were talking about kids and stuff and my bestie was like "yeah, i only want my kids to do the IB bc a-levels are shit and i wouldn't want them to get an obscure degree like the maturité either bc they'll have to explain it once they get to uni". and like... first of all, she's already counting on being able to send her future kids to private school which is like okay. and secondly like... how is the maturité an obscure diploma? judging by whose standards? if you do the IB and you want to go to a swiss uni that's gonna be a hassle. despite the IB being supposedly international, the only schools that really actually accept it with no problem are those elite british schools. so imagine being preprogramed in a way that like you know you're gonna be able to afford elite universities for your kids.
and she says all of that without even thinking twice. like everything is a given to her. and her boyfriend now husband is a heir to this rich hongkongese family, so yeah, they'll probably be able to send their kids to private school and then to an english university. and she'll probably never understand it. she'll continue living her life thinking that everything is a given, never struggle and find that normal. meanwhile i can't even grasp the fact that her dad's managed to support his stay at home wife and his two children and like wow the privilege.
anyway, we all live in such different worlds. and some people will never see some other people's worlds. and that's just how things are. and im drifting apart from my friends because we have different problems and a different view on the world.
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usernoneexistent · 2 years
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A/N: Yeah the song and title is very much on the nose with the prompt but it works. Btw Rory and Zola are a brief thing but i wanted to explore it. I was nervous writing this, as romances with other people’s ocs is harder than friendships so Al, I hope you like this.
Character featured: Rory McTavish belongs to the wonderful @the-al-chemist.
Warnings: alcohol, reference to NSFW topics.
The music blasted loudly throughout the Gryffindor tower. They've decided that the end of the last semester deserved to be celebrated by throwing a party. However, Zola wouldn't describe it as really joyous. Her best friend, Tarragon, bailed on her for a runespoor. However, Zola couldn't say no to her as she batted her eyelashes and gushed about how this was a rare opportunity. Usually, she would have asked Duncan despite his hatred for parties but would always end up either him drunk or some prank. Preferably, the former option so he doesn't be the party killer with his antics. However, he graduated last year, so the only ones she was on good terms with here were Rory McTavish and his friend Flynn Nowak, but he didn't count much either.
"Hey Zola, how's it going?" The tall boy greeted them from behind her, a drink in each hand. It was Flynn; he was in the year above her and part of the Gryffindor quidditch team.
"Hey Flynn, nothing much really," Zola slumped down on the red sofa. She had to admit; that they were more comfortable than those in the Slytherin dungeons.
Flynn stared at her, unsure what to say before realising the drinks in his hands, "Want a drink?"
"Sure," Zola grabs the drink with fingerless fishnet gloves covered hands. She was rather thankful as she needed another to cool down from the heat and wanted to get wasted. The Gryffindor boy slumped down next to her. "Where's Tarra? Usually, you guys are inseparable, almost like… What's the word? Sounds kinda like a cat breed?"
"Siamese twins," Zola helped him out.
"Yeah, that's the one, but I think it's a dumb name."
"You do realise that it's also called conjoined twins."
Flynn looked at her in awe, like she had just explained to him a revelation. "That makes a lot more sense. You're so smart, Zozo."
"Everyone's smart to you." Zola sipped her drink; the bitter liquid caught her off guard. Zola grabbed a watermelon from the buffet table next to her. Letting the sweet pink taste fill her taste buds to cover for the bitterness.
"How's it hanging, Albatross? Flynn?" A thick Scottish accent entered the conversation, slightly slurring his words. He gave Flynn a quick fist bump.
"Hello to you too, McTavish," she smiled. Zola felt her cheeks heating up, but her dark complexion hid it well. The biggest flirt of Hogwarts was flirting with her and a rather handsome boy at that. She wouldn't say she found him the most physically appealing of guys she had ever been with, but Rory was undoubtedly charming. He has an annoying, charismatic charm, where no matter how much you want to punch him, he always found ways to soften hearts.
"I was wondering when you'd showed up," Rory gave a crooked grin. "Where's your twin anyway?"
"That's what I just asked." Flynn commented.
Zola sighed, "she ditched me for a runespoor."
"Ouch. Must be one hell of a runespoor to miss this smashing party, but that's on her, not you." He downed his alcoholic beverage, or at least Zola assumed it must have alcohol involved, considering his slightly inebriated state. Rory nodded his head towards the make-shift dance floor. "Want to have a dance together, Albatross?"
"I'm always ready for a dance, McTavish." She returned back his lopsided smile. Zola downed the rest of the cider for some extra liquid boost. Rory held a hand to pull her up and guided her to a space for them to dance.
Zola let the music guide her rhythm, flowing with the beat. Her dreadlocks swinging with her. At the same time, she stared back at Rory's blue eyes. How his eyes looked at her was still the same when they found themselves alone in the quidditch changing rooms. A pure chance but steamy encounter it was indeed. One that Zola can't forget. She remembered every detail, even the scar on his left shin. The way he lowered his voice, calling her by her surname though never by her first name.
They danced and laughed until their feet grew tired and their jaws hurt. Rory pulled her into a hidden spot. Zola's back to the wall while Rory leaned over her. Zola grabbed at his T-shirt to pull him in closer. Their lips collided, rushed and messy. After a few minutes of kissing that turned into a make-out session, the results from the passionate moment were left as the dark lipstick remnants on Rory's lips.
"You have something on your lips," Zola giggled either from the hilarity of the dark lipstick stain making him look like a clown or that she was tipsy from the humidity and alcohol. Rory tried to wipe the lipstick stain but only made it worse by smearing it over his chin and cheek.
"What is this? Your lipstick?" He glanced in the small handheld mirror that Zola gave him.
"Yeah, but I think it suits you."
"I don't think black is my colour."
"Maybe red then, it would match with your uniform."
They managed to remove most of the stain in a combined effort, but Zola reckoned that he could wash the rest off in the morning. They walk towards a window, looking out from the Gryffindor tower. The wasn't a speck of cloud to be seen while the moon was slowly rising to brighten the sky. Zola reminisced that the school term was coming to an end. And possibly whatever Rory and Zola had too.
"You live right outside of London right?" Zola queried.
"Aye, in Watford. Why'd you ask?"
"Um… I'm visiting my brother, Jeremiah, for a couple of weeks this Summer. I'll be in the neighbourhood for a while, so maybe…would it be cool if we meet up?"
"Aye, that would be cool." Rory nodded but squinted as he looked at her face. "You have a something on your lips," Rory pointed above her plump dark lips.
"Oh, that might be from the watermelon from earlier." Zola was about to move her hand to brush the watermelon seed off, but Rory stopped her. "I'll get it."
She felt his hand pick the black seed before slipping a surprise kiss. Zola could taste the watermelon's sweetness clashing with the bitterness from the cider. The bittersweet taste lingered in Zola's mouth after the kiss as the grasshoppers cry inbetween the few seconds of the music changing as the new moon greeted them.
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arklay · 2 years
10 / 19 / 37 & 45 for miss diana and wesker 👀💜
10. who drives? cooks? does the handiwork? cleans? pays the bills? handles the public?
he drives. 100% no question. whenever he gets in a car with her he probably fears for his life to be honest. diana isn't a bad driver, she's just not a good one lmao honestly though i think she just trusts him more to drive because something something too many variables outside of her control. for him though it's like the opposite perspective, where he feels like their safety is more in his control by being behind the wheel. if that makes sense? it does in my brain. anyway, i think she's always been very indifferent about driving and only ever got her license for work, so she's more than fine with him taking the reins there
cooking and handiwork is more his thing as well. they're both good at cooking, but he does it more often, and a lot of their early dates were him inviting her over for dinner, you know, cause like the acts of service of it all... i just think he takes a lot more care with it because i see him as being kind of a health freak, not gonna lie, so like preparing nice nutritional meals for them both is his thing. handiwork i'm assuming means things like fixing what breaks in the house or like putting together furniture or something right? which i mean... can you really see diana doing that?
cleaning and paying the bills are both split even between them. they're both very neat and tidy, almost annoyingly so, therefore they both always clean up after themselves and also just probably have constant like routines to keep the house clean. it's funny though cause diana teases him about how much of a perfectionist he is when like making the bed or something, but she's literally the exact same. paying the bills as well, like they both have a lot of money from both of their upbringings and then their jobs, so i think they both take care of their own individual bills, and then the ones with any of their houses like i think they just split the responsibilities there
i'd say he probably handles the public. diana is just not as good with people as he is because she can't be bothered speaking with others, it's kind of a waste of time to her unless she considers the person worthy of her attention. he's been in job positions where he needs to work with people and make those around him trust him, so he learned to manipulate people easily over time and comes off as more reliable and charismatic, no matter how much contempt he feels for whoever he's talking to
19. what do they fight about? what are their arguments like? how do they make up?
they don't really fight that often in all honesty, and if they do it's usually just little moments of bickering that they laugh over afterwards. the only big fight they've ever had was like ten years after they got married, so i mean like that should say something about just how much they value communication and discussing whenever they have a problem with one another. and the only reason they fought that time was because they let things build up and didn't talk as much as usual because of how obsessive they got with their work, and that led to emotional outbursts
in terms of the little like bickering fights they've had, it's always something so stupid, like when they first moved in together for example, diana had rearranged his cupboards and it was like hell on earth for him cause they may both be really organised, but their organisation methods were very different, so it was these little annoyed comments like oh what have you done with this? etc etc you know? or like cooking together too is also like okay you need to get out of the kitchen or i'm going to kill you for real. it's always something to do with the other kind of challenging their methods of doing things, if that makes sense lmao
their way of making up is usually just like one of them standing there trying not to smile at the other getting really annoyed, then they both start laughing because they realise how stupid it was that they got angry in the first place. or like one of them leaving the room then coming back not even half an hour later to just wrap their arms around the other and apologise. with their big fight, they had to take an actual break from each other, then diana went back to africa and they sat for ages and just talked... about where they'd gone wrong, how things had changed, that they should never have reacted the way they did, all of it and then they just cuddled all night lmao cause they missed each other a lot
37. how much would they be willing to sacrifice? any lines they refuse to cross?
everything. literally everything. they've betrayed their companies for each other after all... well, kind of. his loyalties for umbrella had been wavering for years, but once diana was targeted by them – despite her actually being a threat to company secrets – he chose her over them. she told him to kill her, put her whole life on the line for him, because she believed she deserved it for lying to him for so long over her true employers, but he stayed by her side and eventually joined her company and left umbrella. then when the organisation suspected both of their loyalties and pit them against each another, they left what were really profitable positions to go and work as researchers in a new company that he'd been working with in secret
after he "died" diana gave up everything to bring him back. she could have profited off the empire they had built and taken it into her own hands, or she could've even gone and worked for his sister, but instead she went underground and abandoned any idea of power for herself to take him back to an old abandoned facility and spent years that she could've been working on her own research dedicated to finding a way to bring him back. funnily enough an ideal she never really believed in before she met him became more important to her than what she'd spent her whole life doing
45. any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? any heartbreaks? regrets?
already answered!
send me a ship and a number and i'll tell you!
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captbenscn · 3 years
And So The Sun Will Always Rise.
Continued from here. @irasciblesoul​
A full night’s sleep was practically foreign to the Captain now. With everything going on, it was difficult to relax herself enough to actually rest. Difficult to calm her always active mind - thinking over the case from the day, or even the days prior, thinking about the victims, thinking about Kat and her departure as well as Garland’s, thinking about Richard Wheatley and the injustice, thinking about Noah and keeping him safe, thinking about Elliot…
Elliot and whether he was safe. Where he was, what he was doing, when she’d be able to see him again…
Now no longer having to wonder those things. Because she was finally with him after several months of being apart. Several months of being unable to see him in person, several weeks of going without hearing his voice, except for a few minutes, several weeks of few text messages shared here and there. Finally, she had him back in her line of sight, and most importantly, back in her arms. Alive. Safe.
For the most part.
Because she could see the toll this entire Undercover Operation was doing to him. Even if he didn’t say it, even if he didn’t verbally express it, Olivia knew. Twelve years as his partner, and even with the ten years apart, Olivia could still read him. Just as he could read her. Lips unmoving, but eyes saying it all. How tired he looked, run down and exhausted, conflicted, almost lost. This is what Olivia was concerned about when he went Undercover, especially with everything that had happened to him in the past year. And the dangers of this job and the gang, itself.
Something she wanted to express to Ayanna, but given the Sergeant didn’t know about Olivia’s knowledge about any of this, her lips were sealed. It was knowledge shared only between them and well, one another person: Jet. She became aware that the two had been in contact this entire time, but hadn’t alerted Ayanna to it. if anything, she was glad for it - glad that Elliot had Olivia to keep him in the light as much as possible and Olivia would make sure it stayed that way. And she knew how worried Jet was, as well, how much she cared about Elliot. How not having him around was hard on her.
But she made this possible. A private meet up for her and Elliot. Away from any watching eyes, safe from cameras and the risk of being seen. The address had come in the form of a letter with the words Semper Fi signed at the bottom and it had Olivia smiling more than she had in a while. And so, finally, the night had arrived. Noah was spending it with Amanda and her girls which, as well as most of tomorrow so that gave her and Elliot plenty of alone time together and every second of it, they took advantage of.
Olivia had arrived at the hotel first, pacing anxiously back and forth, waiting as patiently as she could, but patience wasn’t something she had much of lately. But she waited, and waited, and finally he came. The second he came into her view, Olivia wasted no time. The distance between them had been far too much, for far too long, and she was in his arms within seconds. A breathless ‘El’ falling from her lips before her lips were on his, his arms wrapping around her, encompassing her entire body like he did her life. Breathing new life into her, filling her with a certain unbridled joy and exhilaration that only he could supply.
For the next couple of hours, they spent it in bed. Lips, hands and eyes all over the other for every second of it, connected in the most intimate way possible. No more distance between them, bodies as one, hearts in sync. Always in sync. What followed was room service on the balcony, chairs sat together, her legs draped over his lap, his hands rubbing up and down smooth legs, smiling, laughing, catching up. Being back to how they were before he had left.
Then they went back to bed, made love once again, and fell into a slumber so serene, there was no ounce of worry upon waking up. Not yet. Because she was in his arms again, waking up to the sight of him next to her, greeted with heavenly blue eyes Olivia often found herself drowning in, but breathing so easily. Eyes that, more often than not, had her feeling at home. Comforted. And this moment was no different.
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He greets her in return - calling her his Sun - and kisses her again and again and Olivia is giggling against his lips, returning each and every one until he’s pulling away and laying back, but she doesn’t let him get away that easily. She shifts closer and climbs atop his body, naked body on naked body, with her arms resting on his chest to keep herself somewhat propped up, her smile rivaling that of the sun in this moment. “I missed you, too...” Affection is returned in full with another kiss to his lips, unable to get enough. Unable to keep her lips from his for more than a few minutes. It’s an addiction, one she will never break herself away from. One she never has to. “My Moon.” Olivia hums in return with a little grin, lips on his yet again, but this time, they stay there. Lingering against his warm lips, reveling in the way their bodies felt so perfect together. Claimed by the other - heart and soul included.
Her Moon.
How he brightens even her darkest hours. Shining his light through the darkest of nights, and even during her days, too.
Sun and Moon. Each other’s balance, each other’s light, each other’s support.
The question of ‘how long’ lingers in her mind, and on her lips, but she can’t bring herself to ask just yet. Almost afraid of the answer, so instead, she kisses him. Kisses him like the Sun kisses the Moon upon rising in the morning, warmth and light both radiating off of her, sharing it with him.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Undead/Immortal Yandere + G.N Reader
I'll be with you in my dreams.
[Mentions of suffocation and death]
A ragged breath tears through the coffin's walls.
The wheeze draws out with no relief. Without any air, the time they're able to stay awake grows less each time. The corpse convulses; newly developed fingernails weakly scratching at the wooden ceiling. Won't be long before they join the poles of wasted keratin surrounding the body's head. The stench from their battered hands and the pain of losing each nail inch throughout their entirecbody and rack at the shambles or their brain. The ability to register both senses tells them that this particular spell of consciousness will last longer than usual. Only one thing left to do now.
Their voice is stripped raw; cords torn from the hours of screaming and wasting precious air days ago. Why are they still trying? Going by the linear marks on the walls, they've been trapped here for almost two weeks - reliving an endless cycle of dying and being reborn from the first night their heart stopped. This wasn't the first time they died, but it was the most painful and the highest amount doing in one time period. The hunger and lack of breathing room made the corpse delirious and begging for an end, but it would not drive the final nail in their phorical coffin.
They shove at the ceiling. It gives way partially to allow a mound of dirt to fall inside the coffin. The box was unfortunately of lesser quality, but that didn't make getting out any easier; especially when they exhausted most of their energy in the futile struggle for air. Hopefully next time their brain would have enough recovery time to avoid another freakout.
The corpse's arms suddenly feel like a stack of bricks have replaced their bones. Their head swims and vision grows dotty as their heartbeat slowly fades to termination. The spots distort their eyesight until nothing remains beyond darkness. In those last second of clarity, the bloodstains on the coffin's lid almost look like stars.
"I'm so sorry....."
Twinkling lights kiss the night sky; the absence of light pollution bringing out the remarkable hidden beauty of the outer world. Two rocking chairs sit on the patio of a lake house, a table fitted with board games and a picture of a couple between them. The two look so happy together. Kay rocks backwards in their chair as the backdoor opens.
"We didn't have any lemons left, so I had to make the popsicles with everything but. Hope it isn't too bad."
Their spouse sets the tray they brought on the table. Lime flavored soda and homemade popsicles still in the mold. Kay pops one of the ice sticks free and gives it a taste. They missed the pucker from the sourness, but the refreshing sweetness of the treat was more than they needed to know peace. They place it inside their cup and wait for their partner to sit down to take their hand.
"They're still amazing. Thank you, Y/n."
You smile, pressing the pads of your fingers against the tip of their nails. "Welcome back."
Kay leans in and kisses your brow. They're still shy about kissing your lips after all the time you've spent together. It's hard not to be. They try to keep their eyes closed, growing antsy for taking them off your beautiful for too long which leads them into opening them right before your lips meet and them getting too flustered to commit. You return the kiss with one to their cheek.
"The neighbors across the pond brought over some of the fish they caught again. I was thinking we fry it tonight."
Kay grins, predicting your reply ahead of speaking. "We always have it fried, Y/n."
"But that's your favorite way to eat it."
They rest their head on your shoulder. This moment was one straight out of a fairytale. Kay surely would've lost their mind by now had you not appeared in their delusions that fateful day. The time you spent together lost some notably when they woke, but it was the one thing keeping them going no matter how much they remembered. A dream they never wished to wake from.
"I'd love for you to finally teach me how to filet them, but it's best for you to leave now, isn't it?
Kay pulls their eyes from your face. They look down at the third item appeared on the tray. A knife. They squeeze you tight.
"I don't want to wake up. Not yet."
"You have to, Kay. You can make this dream a reality once you wake. Don't you want that?"
Kay claws at the back of your shirt. "But what if the real you hates me? What if what's left of the world is a nightmare."
Kay can feel your smile on their skin as you kiss their forehead. Its warm. A consoling, infectious warmth like a dying star taking its last breath and wiping everything out with it. It hurts, they can't breath.
"You have to believe in yourself. Show them the you you've shown me. Take all the pain you've ever bared and pour it into the love you have for them.
"I do... I do...."
"Then let go. I'll always be here if you need me."
Kay loosens their grip. They take one last look at your face. That perfect features that have kept defeat at bay - and makes their choice.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Kay grabs their cup and downs the drink, popsicle stick hitting the back of their throat. You laugh and pulls the stick from their mouth, finishing the snack off with a kiss. That much dessert after swallowing so much sugar rots their teeth to the roots. The bittersweet flavor they craved minutes ago comes as you drive the knife straight through their heart.
Kay wakes up yet again to a boarded ceiling. They're calm this time; blended fruits on the tip of their tongue and warm lips ghosting their skin. They push against the roof. Their arms feel like splinters, but they fight through that pain. You're on the other side - waiting. The only reason their cursed body still walks the earth. Everything for you. All for you.
It caves in more.
"Did you see that?"
Kay's head crashes against the floor. One last dream before all their fantasies become a reality.
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harryforvogue · 2 years
U should def make a whole depressing thing out of it
i like the way you think so yes, let's do that. i just wrote this up so please excuse any and all typos <3 thankssssss!
The time catches up with Hades and Persephone very quickly. Over the past few years, they've adopted a type of coping habit that can only end badly for both of them, though it starts off very well. It's called the "don't think about it" method. Don't think about the Spring or count down the days or dwell on the anxiety. Feel each other. Love each other. Why waste time in worry when you should be loving one another.
It starts off with lots of promises such as "Don't worry. We have lots of time together, my love" which comes from Harry, and "We have all the time in the world to love each other, don't we?" which comes from Persephone. It seems perfect for a month. Then two months. Three months.
At four months, Harry has to gently remind his wife that they still have time together and so much can be accomplished with just a few months left. He feels that anxiety brewing in his stomach, but he'll put on a brave face for his wife. His wife who spends a lot of her time making sure the flowers she's planting around the gardens and all the help she's offering around the palace lasts for the months that she's gone. It's not only to help the Underworld, but also to leave a lasting impression of her on her husband.
This lasts until the last few days they have together. And the facade is going well, until one night after their second round of love making, Persephone clings to her husband, her face pressed into his neck, nails digging into his skin, and she whimpers, "I don't want to leave."
Hades stills, his arms tight around her naked body twisted into the sheets. Their room is dark just like Hades prefers, but one glance around the bedroom shows Persephone's touch. Her azaleas hanging around the threshold of the room, on their nightstand, and on the walls around their paintings. He looks at the paintings as he tries to think of something to say that will ease Persephone. They're of them: in one of them, he's tenderly clasping her to his chest, in another, he's holding her face between his hands, and in the last one, she's weaving a flower crown into his hair.
He remembers when that painting was done and how he had murmured in her ear, "You seem so innocent to everyone. show them what a frightful monster you really are, darling."
She'd laughed.
Now she's not laughing. He feels hot tears on his shoulder. She begins to tremble.
"Pers," he whispers, cradling her head gently. "We said no tears."
She's not listening to him. "You're the only one. The only one who sees me."
A lump forms in his throat as she continues to cry. If she doesn't stop soon, he's also going to cry.
"You love it up there," he tries to reason with her. "I know you do. I hear about it all the time from Hermes. He says all these things about people laughing and enjoying their time outside. Says the dark is dreary and the cold is depressing so Spring only makes people want to live. You hear me, Pers? You make people want to live."
"I don't care. I don't care about any of that," she insisted, raising her head. As she does, two of her tear drops fall onto Harry's cheek. "It doesn't matter to me."
Now, Hades knows she's not being honest with herself. She thrives in the Spring just as much as she thrives here in the dark with him. They are two separate things she lives for. And despite Hades hating having to let her go, he knows she does very well above ground. She misses her mother while she's down here. All her friends too.
Sometimes he fears that she'll forget all about him.
Her eyes are so sad looking at him like that, red rimmed and puffy already. He smooths his thumbs over the puffiness and removes it immediately.
"I'm going to miss you as well," he says softly. "The Underworld will be missing their terrifying Queen."
"Harry, can't you speak to my mother again? This is cruel to us!" she protests, sitting up. She pushes his outstretched arms away and moves to sit against the headboard. She holds the duvet to her chest. "Do something!"
"My love, I can't do anything more than you can. We've tried, haven't we?"
"Well, try harder!"
"Pers, you're not being fair."
"I know I'm not!" she growls, her eyes suddenly glowing with bright anger. She takes a deep breath and closes them, concentrating. When she opens her eyes, they're normal again. Teary. "I'm sorry. I know."
He sits up as well, his side of the duvet pooled around his waist in mock modesty. He doesn't say anything, reaching out again more tentatively this time. She leans her cheek into his palm when he goes to wipe his tears again.
She looks beautiful like this: the post sex glow still evident, naked with her warmth radiating off of her. He wants nothing more than to gather her and tuck her away in his chest or somewhere only he knows.
"I'll write to you," he whispers. "I always do."
"I know," Persephone sniffles, holding his wrist. "But letters don't substitute you. Nothing does. Please don't make me go."
He shuffles closer, holding her face with both palms now. "I'm not making you go. Fuck's sake, Pers, I would never tell you to go."
The tears are welling up in his eyes now too though he's desperately trying to remain strong for them. She puts her head on his chest and weeps arms tight around him. He pulls her in firmly, kissing the top of her head.
"I love you. I love you. I love you, Pers."
They don't sleep much that night amidst the crying and the love making that has both Hades and Persephone crying in each other's arms.
The morning she has to leave creeps up on them. Hades and Persephone stand hand in hand at the highest point of the Underworld. Her nails are digging into his skin once more, but it doesn't hurt him. It's a comfortable feeling knowing she's still there.
Hermes arrives gracefully. He's known for joking with the couple, but he knows not to do so on the first day of Spring. Today's the day for sorrow and rain, not for happiness and golden sunshine.
"Ready to go?" he asks Persephone softly. "Your mother is eagerly awaiting your return."
Persephone nods, biting the inside of her cheek. Hades knows she's not trusting her voice.
Hermes holds his hand out.
Hades tightens his grip on Persephone's.
She turns to him with her red eyes and raw bitten lips. "I have to go now," she says tearfully.
His heart is aching, breaking in two and disappearing. In that moment, he imagines himself returning to his room alone, telling all the staff and gods to leave him alone for the next week, turning into the bitter version of himself that he was before he met Persephone. The lonely, angry self. The one who'd never known love.
But then the corner of Persephone's mouth raises into a weak smile and she squeezes Hades's hand. And the ice in his heart melts away and he roughly pulls her close for a tight embrace.
"You're going to come back to me," he whispers desperately into her neck. "Please say it. Say you'll come back, Pers, I can't exist without you. Tell me you'll come back to me. Tell me, please please please, darling."
"I will," Persephone promises quietly, drawing back enough to see his face and the stressed lines. "I will always come back to you. No matter how long it takes."
He bends his head and captures her mouth in a final kiss, holding her tight to his body. He wants her all over him. Her scent, her taste, her touch. He wants to be marked by her, marked as her territory. Everything that is his is hers.
"I belong to you," he whispers against her mouth. "Every part of me, do you understand? Every inch of me and the powers I possess."
She's kissing him again, arms around his neck, fingers tangled into his curls. "And you own every part of me," she repeats back to him, as it is their custom every Spring morning.
He's still holding her hand as they part and he walks her back to Hermes, looking him straight in the eye as he says, "Ensure she arrives back to her mother safely. And then ensure she returns home safely."
"Of course," Hermes says diligently. He takes Persephone's hand. "My Queen. Shall we?"
"Yes," Persephone whispers, glancing over her shoulder back at her husband.
Six months. She must endure six months without the love of her husband, the care of her husband, and suffocating affection provided by her husband.
Within a blink of an eye, Hermes and Persephone are gone, a mere dash of air where they once stood. Harry stares at that empty space for a long time, his hands clenched by his side, lump in his throat.
And then he turns with a tense jaw, walks back to his palace, returns back to his room, and sternly tells the staff and gods to not speak to him for a long, long time.
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rezzyromance · 3 years
Idk if this is how you request things or if it's just asking, BUT-
How would the Lords react to an S/O that's usually the chillest person that you will ever meet (not to be confused with a pushover because they are not), they've never seen them even mildly annoyed when something bad happens. But then something happens and, turns out, the S/O is utterly TERRIFYING when they're mad.
Hope this makes sense!
Aw man I'm gonna feel awful scaring Moreau and Donna :(
You're relaxing on a beautiful morning. The sun is shining through the window just enough to warm the room but not hurt your eyes. You hadn't even changed out of your sleep wear. "How are you feeling, my dear?", a sweet voice rang from the doorway. You were sitting in your favorite chair near the window. You turn and smile at her. She walks over and rubs your face in her large hand before leaning down and giving you a soft kiss. "I'm feeling amazing. And you?", you grab her hand before she pulls it away and you place a kiss on her knuckles. "I'm feeling alright. There's a new maid here. She's a bit slow. I'm giving her until tonight to finish dusting the entire castle or else she won't see another sunrise." It was almost comedic how dark her words were as you both stared out the window and gazed at the beautiful scenery. "Come on Alcina.", you stand up and place your hands on hers, trying to hold them despite the size difference. "Give the girl a break. It's a huge castle AND it's her first day.", you knew your words would probably change nothing. Alcina was rather cruel, but you looked past it. You tried your best to make the nervous maids comfortable whenever they arrive.
"We'll see how she does." She gives you one more kiss before leaving the room. You sit back down in your chair, enjoying the warmth of the sun for a little while longer. You lose track of time, minutes maybe even hours go by. Suddenly, there's a crash not far from the door. You jump and stand up, no longer comfortable after being startled. "What in the name of Mother Miranda?!", you leave the room and look down the hallway. The new maid stood there with a terrified look on her face. In front of her was one of the paintings Alcina had on her walls, now with a broken frame and a hole punctured. Your blood began to boil. It was a painting of you, her, and the girls all together. It was your favorite. "How in the hell did you manage to do that?!", you begin to stomp towards her. She cowers and struggles to find her words. "I-I-I was just dusting! It fell and I-I didn't mean t-", you cut her off. "How the fuck did you knock such a large painting over just by dusting?! DO YOU THINK YOU'RE ALLOWED TO MAKE SUCH STUPID MISTAKES HERE?!", you unravel. "I-I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!", she almost begins to weep. "SORRY ISN'T GONNA SAVE YOUR ASS!"
"MISS DIMITRESCU PLEASE HELP!", she cries out. You freeze, realizing that the lady herself is right behind you. You turn to face her. Her eyes are wide with shock. She has never seen you like this before and never even knew you had this type of side to you. She was impressed as much as she was terrified. "(Y/N)? Are you alright my love?" She had no idea what to do as your seething slowed down. "Why don't you go back to the room, yes? Settle down a little and deal with her later.", she places a hand on your back helps walk with you back to the room. Once you're there, she bends down to whisper in your ear. "I don't know where this side of you has been this whole time, but I am so amazed by you. And also a little frightened."
The Beneviento house was usually a calm place despite its creepy aura. You and Donna are both quiet and chill people. Never once have you fought or even raised your voices at each other. It was pleasant.
You had planned a nice dinner for the both of you. You wanted to try out a new recipe and surprise her, so you made your way to the kitchen to get started. "Okay, what first? I guess I'll need a pot.", you go rummaging through the kitchen and you find the pots stacked within each other inside one of the top cabinets. You groan and stand up on your toes, grazing the pots with your fingers. It didn't take much to cause them to tumble down, crashing on top of you with a loud sound that followed. "Aw shit.", you sighed and picked up the knocked over pots. A small but annoying pain began to throb in your head from where it made contact with a pot. What you didn't notice was you forgot to pick one of the pots up. It remained unnoticed. "It's fine.", you say to yourself as you maintain your composure. Next, a cutting board and knife. You turn around and begin to walk forward to find the cutting board, but you slam your toe into counter. You wince in pain and grab your foot. "SON OF A BITCH!", you yell.
You calm yourself, still wanting to have a pleasant meal with Donna. "Alright. Everything's fine." You step forward and kick the pot that you had forgotten to pick up. It caused your freshly kicked toe to ache even more. "OH COME ON! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!", you scream and swear as you throw your arms up in pure rage and shock.
"...(Y/N)?", a gentle voice whispered from the doorway, causing you to whip your head in that direction. It was Donna. She looked absolutely horrified and almost looked like she could cry. "Is.. is everything... are you alright?", she worried. "Yes. I'm sorry. Just got a little pissed off.", you took a deep breath to calm yourself down, feeling bad for scaring the poor girl.
You were sitting on the dock together, looking into the water as your feet swung back and forth above it. It was a sunny day and you two decided to spend it outside. Your hand slowly made its way over to his. His feet stopped swinging for a second as you entangled your fingers. "I don't know what I'd do without you, (Y/N)." his words were bitter sweet as a gentle smile formed from his lips. "Oh, Sal. You don't have to think like that. I'll always be here for you.", you kiss his cheek and continue to relax as you sway your legs.
"There it is! There's the beast!", a voice yelled from not so far away. You both look in the direction of the voice and see a few young village boys. Possibly between the ages of 13 and 16. Moreau had become some what of a scary story for the villagers. A tale that kids spread on school court yard and bring up during dares. But, you've never seen a kid brave enough to actually make it far enough into the reservoir to actually see Moreau. Now, there were about 3. All of them stood and pointed, shocked and terrified.
"Hey beast! Come get me!", one kid teases. You glare at the kids as a newfound rage begins to boil inside you. "Let's go back inside.", Moreau says before standing up from the doc. The sadness in his voice was heartbreaking. Suddenly, one of the children gathers the guts to pick up a rock and throw it as hard as he could. His aim was off, but not by much. It slammed into the wood near Moreau's feet, startling him. "Take that you devil!", he laughs. "THAT'S IT YOU LITTLE SHIT!", you begin sprinting in the direction of the immature brats. Two of them run from the direction they came from while the one who threw the rock was frozen in fear. You took the opportunity to grab him by the collar of his shirt. "Listen here you little waste of space. I'm gonna give you 3 seconds to turn around and run for your goddamn life. If you or any of your little snot-nosed friends come around here again, they'll be goddamn fish food. Do you understand?" The kid was too scared to speak and instead began to nod rapidly. You let him go and watched as he ran as fast as he could, screaming the whole way.
You walk back to the shack and find Moreau standing in the same place he was when you took off. His mouth was agape and he looked almost as scared as the kids. "You alright Sal? I made sure those little shits won't be coming around here anymore." "Yeah... I didn't know you could be so... scary", he says. "I'm sorry. But those kids were being cruel. I had to do something.", you say. "Well... it was awesome!", he smiled. "But also very scary!" You laugh which helps sooth him a little.
"Screw driver.", is all Karl said with an outstretched palm. He was working on some type of mechanical heart for his experiments. He wanted you to lend a "helping hand" even though he could easily do it all by himself. He did this because he wanted to be around you, he was just too stubborn with too big of an ego to simply say it. So here you were, handing him every little tool he asks for.
"Do you want the big one or the little one?", you say with a hint of boredom in your tone. "Aw c'mon don't sound like that! Isn't this exciting? It's like you're working on it with me! Also, hand me the big one.", you do as he says and hand him the big screw driver. "I just don't get it. You literally have powers. You can easily do this by yourself and have been for so long. Why do you need me to help?" He pauses for a second and looks over towards you, his brow slightly furrowed. "I don't NEED you to help. I just thought it would be nice for you to help out. Plus, you're the one always bitching about me constantly working. Well, here you are! Helping me work! So, either suck it up or you can leave." His harshness had no real ill will in it. He was just confused and a bit too ignorant to consider his words. But, he was testing your patience. He continued to use the screwdriver until handing it to you without saying a word.
"Hand me a screw.", he demanded with his hand facing palm up again. "Which size?" "They're all the same sizes, dumbass." You feel your blood begin to boil. "They're different fucking sizes! This one is smaller than this one!", you hold up two screws that are obviously different sizes. This makes Karl angry. Not because you were right, but because you seemed upset over something that seemed so insignificant.
"If you came here just to yap in my ear, then I don't think I need your assistance.", he huffed. You put the selection of tools and supplies he was making you hold on the table he is working on and ball your fists. "You're the one who told me to do this in the first place!", you yell. "Yeah, because you won't stop bitching! Non-stop you're always compla-" you cut him off before he can finish. "SHUT UP!", you yell. The room goes silent. "YOU SAY I'M BITCHING? HAVE YOU HEARD YOURSELF? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST KARL YOU BITCH AND MOAN ALL THE TIME! I'M DONE TAKING SHIT FROM YOU!" He wanted to be angry, but he couldn't. He felt something much more overwhelming. Was he.. intimidated? He didn't move from his seat. All he could do was look up at you with a confused expression. What now? What is there to do? If he pushes you further, what would happen? He was actually too scared to find out.
You take a deep breath to calm down before speaking. "Now, if you want me to help with your shit, I'll stay as long as you keep your mouth shut. Can you possibly manage to do that?" He gulps nervously. "Yes ma'am."
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