#how it sticks up to the side no matter how much he wets it
starogeorgina · 2 days
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The king's queen and hand
Paring: Aegon ii Targaryen × reader × Criston Cole
Warnings: Swearing, smut
Leaning back on the golden plush pillows that were neatly set up on the top of your king-sized bed, noises of pleasure leave you as Cristion starts kissing your neck. Rolling your head to the side, you smile at your husband, who was sitting on a chair beside the bed, his eyes wide with lust as he palms at his cock over his trousers.
A squeal when Criston nips at your nipple,“Oh.”
His lips trace against your rib cage and your stomach. He reaches the sensitive spot just above your navel and sucks a bruise onto your fresh. Criston often left those marks on the inside of your thighs, it was his way of trying to claim a part of you. Criston had become infatuated with you, or ‘cunt drunk’ as your husband put it. As per your husband's orders, the kings hand took his duty of satisfying the queen seriously. He took advantage of any opportunity he got and fill you with his tongue and fingers, but no matter how much you wanted it he never put his cock in, unless Aegon told him to.
“Stop.” Aegon suddenly gets to his feet just as Criston reaches your hip bone. “Lay on your back, Cole.”
You pout, unimpressed. Aegon kneels on the edge of the bed, firmly grips your jaw with his hand, and plants a feverish kiss against your lips. He pulls back and pecks the corner of your mouth. “Sit on his face.”
You straddle the knight's face, entwining your fingers in his thick, dark hair.
As you straddle the knight's face, your fingers entwine in his hair, and you lean forward, engaging in the intimate act. The knight's tongue delves deeper into your core, eliciting a moan of pleasure from you. He explores every inch of your cunt, tasting the wetness that has already gathered between your legs. His tongue delves deeper, while his nose brushes against your clit.
Argon’s traces a finger down the curve of your spine while fitting as much of your breast into his mouth, sucking roughly.
Being touched in so many places sends a thrilling yet overwhelming sensation through your body, and before long, you feel an orgasm building within you, and it doesn't take long for you to cum over the knight's face. Aegon lays down beside the knight and taps at his meaty thigh, signaling for you to climb onto his lap.
You hook a leg on either side of his hips, and you moan, feeling Aegon’s hardness between your folds. Once his cock is coated in your wetness, you sink down on him, and moans of pleasure escape your mouth. Aegon slowly thrusts into you while wrapping his arms around you, pulling you down so your ass is sticking up and your head is leaning against his chest. “You’ve been aching for cock all day, haven’t you?”
“Hmm, yes! I’ve wanted to feel you inside me all day.”
“Oh, my little queen loves nothing more than her cunny being stuffed.”
Criston moves so he’s kneeling behind you and begins groping your asses, watching as your husband's cock disappears inside you. Aegon’s thrusts quicken, then without warning he pulls out of you. You whine at the feeling of being empty, but Criston pushes his cock into your cunny. He thrusts inside you for a short time, then pulls out, and Aegon slides back inside you. They continue to take turns pounding into your sensitive cunny until Criston spills his seed inside you. As soon as the knight pulls out, Aegon thrusts back into you.
“You’re so spoiled, not only getting your husband's cock but your knights as well.”
"Fuck! Next time, I want you to take me at the same time."
It doesn’t take him long to cum as well; his head collapses back onto the pillow. You rest against his soft body while catching your breath.
Criston kisses your cheek, then whispers in your ear, “My queen, you are the forbidden fruit I cannot stop tasting.”
Aegon playfully pinches your bottom, “We’re going to need to get sheets changed. You’ve drenched them.”
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mystycalypso · 17 days
Can i just say how much i freaking love the work you two are doing, Holly hell this is some wild stuff as veteran of hello neighbor you two are making me proud of this small community that is running on tumblr!
Also i hope you two don't mind me asking two questions.
Firstly, If one of you two had the control over welcome to ravenBrooks show what will be some things you two will change.
Secondly, What are you're thoughts on the artstyle of the show considering that Man of Action is working on the show?
Okay to start, I know I say it every time we get asks like this but y'all are genuinely so sweet and nice and it's just really really cool to see people enjoy our stuff. Like- especially fellow old fans of the franchise. I know Kaydin also really appreciates how sweet you guys are but just idk it feels like my fandom dreams come true when people like things like our au and art for this series
As for your questions...
Personally, to start, and this is Jack being slightly particularly- idk nitpicky? But there are three things I'd want to just- fix immediately and all three of them are Nicky related.
Number one, his shirt. I'm sorry guys but I've been here since the alphas and I didn't even realize this was his Sharkotron T-shirt. It's- It's just an egg
Number two, I realized after intense studying of Nicky's- face that it looks really weird when he's front facing, but his nose is facing right. So scenes like this suddenly seem- off model for no reason? I've poorly edited the image below to fix both of these
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Yes I am too lazy to edit them properly, sadly. Did make his shirt logo still one colour for ease of animation. Idk why but left facing nose Nicky just looks less weird. Just me and kaydin? Maybe.
Number three- uh... that hairline is atrocious /lh
I know he wears his goggles in the show like constantly but also- this is a 13 year old boy guys. I was 13 once and I have a very flat (minus a widows peak) hairline, but it did not stop my hair from falling all over my face, and I think it's fair to assume the same for the kid who's hair refuses to behave anyway
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Just fluff him up a lil (again I'm sorry these aren't better edits lol)
You don't even have to have it show when his goggles are up because like a headband or headphones it pushes hair back, or otherwise
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Although ironically while I'm explaining what I would change in the designs, I don't mind the art style at all, actually I kind of love it. Sure some things you kinda of have to get used to, like their ears being pretty low to the head, but in general I think it really fits the franchise. I know it didn't look too drastically different from the pilot, but there's so many little nuances in the designs that just make it better (especially when you look at characters like Trinity)
I've told Kaydin a dozen and a half times how I think show Nicky is the franchise's second best design for him. The first being this singular piece of art from Nicky's Diaries, like I have gone on for hours about why this rendering of him is just perfect.
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Third being fan renders, followed by the book artstyle, the pilot and finally games
And while other designs I wasn't sure about when watching through the show the first time, really just lore hunting instead of caring about anyone who wasn't Trinity or Nicky ngl, when I started doing my expression analysis I realized just how nice the designs and individuality of the characters are. If you put Nicky's expressions oh Enzo or Ivan's on Trinity it wouldn't fit and that's something I don't think people would expect from a Hello Neighbor cartoon.
They also have things I can just appreciate as someone who's special interest is animation (but doesn't have the patience to animate TvT gotta love audhd) for example, just having shading even in shots where they could completely go without it. It makes it less drastic and a smoother transition when lighting gets intense. They're also now afraid to switch up camera angles and push the rigs for a more intense shot.
Also something I really appreciate
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Smear frames!
God I love smear frames!!! It's another one of those things that It's like- knowing how much this cost Tinybuild, they could've easily cut it down to save money. But it just wouldn't have been as nice without it.
Sure there are probably people who look at the fact that Man of Action is working on the show and are disappointed by the art style. But I say this entirely genuinely when I say I couldn't picture this show looking any other way and working as it does.
Yeah, they could've used more realistic proportions for these kids, but it works so much better when it's pushed like this when Mr. Peterson is nearly double their height. He's visibly a hulking intimidating man who could lift a middle schooler and lock them away. You fear his build which contrasts his outfit best (really feels like they took the book description of him and just pushed it, as we know he doesn't have this same stature in the games)
Plus it feels like in general, they stopped focusing on that dumb "Oh we need to hide things in every frame" which- thank God. Sure they are still hiding little details, hell I have changed a whole chunk of theory about Theodore's relationship with his son because of something I found on accident
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This photo of (seemingly) 12 year old Aaron Peterson.
I'm not gonna go into it here lol because this is already long and it's supposed to be about the animation.
Are they still building mysteries and people are still crafting theories? Absolutely! Not a day goes by that I haven't been thinking about whether or not Aaron will ever be seen in the series in the present day and if he is, what he will be like mentally.
But the point is, they're focusing on crafting something GOOD over just theory fodder. Both animation and story-wise, and I can appreciate that so much.
Like- this is gonna be a really hot Jack take here so be aware.
I enjoy this franchise and it's spinoffs much more than the FNAF franchise.
Sure, Hello Neighbor one is and will always be awful. But I am 100x more likely to play Hello Neighbor 2 or Secret Neighbor than I am to play any fnaf game myself.
When I make fnaf content it is almost entirely AU based. Because the idea of getting lore super wrong since I just can't be bothered to try and figure that convoluted mess out is annoying. Why even try to solve lore if I need to read more than 10 books for a minor detail that becomes a major antagonist? We can't even get a full confirmed backstory for the main antagonist!
But with Hello Neighbor they realized that people don't want to be jumping through 50 hoops for lore. Yes we want mystery, but one we can solve without dumb contrivances and plot holes.
Do I still love FNAF? Of course. My senior quote is from William Afton ffs ("You may not recognize me at first, but I can assure you, it's still me") but one of these franchises is growing to better itself and gain more love, while the other is slowly becoming more of something I enjoy without trying to understand, and I think the Hello Neighbor animated series is- the pinnacle of this difference.
I love Welcome to Ravenbrooks. I love Hello Neighbor. I can’t wait to see what comes next from TinyBuild, and how season two will be even better than season one. (As proven by the fact that Nicky gets to yell louder in that one teaser clip alone than anyone got to in season one lol)
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bi-writes · 1 month
can't stop thinking about dark!simon with a sunshine!curvy!fem!reader, it's gnawing at my brain. (18+)
greeting him when he comes home in a little apron with dough smeared across your cheeks. you're bouncing in the kitchen, giggling as you wrap your arms around his neck. one burly arm hooks around your waist as he palms one side of your ass, and you kiss his lips over his blood-soaked mask again and again as you coo, "missed you so much, made you chocolate chip..."
you talk and talk and talk and talk. you're always talking. you're always whispering in his ear and chattering as he drives and telling him some story about something he missed while he was gone as you tidy up the flat. you never stop talking, never run out of things to tell him, and despite the monotone voice and the lack of response, he hears every single word that you say, and he forgets nothing. when he makes his way back on base, johnny is waiting, eager to hear an update about the receptionist at your work and if she is actually sleeping with your manager.
you wash his clothes without even blinking. you're at the sink, a bucket of cold, suddy water there as you scrub at his shirt. there's peroxide at the side, and you use a delicate hand as you scrub at the stains on it. ghost watches from the doorway as you hum to yourself, in a little pair of shorts with your hair tied up as you rinse the shirt clean. blood runs down the drain, and his shirt is clean as new.
you always find some kind of weapon around the house. you bend down to brush crumbs off the kitchen chairs, and you scold simon with a glossy pout because he left a bloody knife taped under the table. you whine when you find a grenade sitting in the same drawer you keep your tampons in. you complain when you take out the jar of rice to make dinner, and there's a small handgun hidden between the grains. but your face always softens when he cups your cheeks with two big hands, kissing you warmly, muttering, "gotta keep y'safe, luvvie...know there's a bloody line waitin' for a taste of y'r cunny, baby."
you visit him on base once in light wash denim and a white tshirt, sneakers hitting the linoleum and purse swinging as you wave at him. he's standing in front of a line of privates, watching them do jumping jacks, and his eyes light up a little when he sees you waving at him enthusiastically. when he finally makes it to you, he shoves you into the nearest supply closet and tugs your jeans down just enough to fit his cock between your thighs. when he's walking you out, the boys watch as you cling to simon's arm, a lovesick grin on your sweaty face as you flutter your lashes up at him.
he loves when your manicured hands touch him. scratching along his scalp, tracing the edge of his jaw, cupping the bulge in his pants. you're so sweet, the most giggly girl, and he loves tasting the strawberry of your gloss as you make him cum with your hand, cooing against his lips about how strong he is, how much you love him, how you would do anything for him.
he loves it most when you see him for what he really is. when he comes home battered and bruised, bloody clothes sticking to him, a snarl to his voice and the adrenaline of an op still pumping through his veins. he loves that nothing about him scares you. that even like this, you lean up on your toes and kiss him softly, that you get some of the blood and dirt smudges on the pink of your pajama pants, and you don't care, that he strangled a man with these very hands only hours ago, and you still want him to touch you.
he loves that you love him. that when he feeds his cock into you that night, in nothing but your baby pink lingerie, that you barely need any prep at all from how wet you are. thick thighs spreading apart, sticky slick shining on your skin, cunt nice and ready for him because you have missed him that much. he loves that no matter how ugly he feels, you always find him attractive, that no matter how many people he tells you that he killed tonight, all you do is smile and pucker your lips, and tell him, "it's okay, teddy bear, they deserved it, didn't they?" and yeah, they did, cause it is kill or be killed, and there is no universe where ghost does not fight to get back here, to get back to this pretty pussy, to get back to the bed he shares with you so he can watch those pretty tits bounce every time he fucks his cock into you.
ghost loves his pretty girl. all smiles. all soft, so cute, just perfect. ghost casts a shadow over the room, and you just brighten it right back up. ghost tracks blood into the house, and there you are to cover it all up with citrus and soap.
yeah. always just sunshine and smiles at home.
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vroomvro0mferrari · 2 months
LN4 | Panic at the Disco
Summary: When you call your brother to pick you up from the club, it's his best friend who answers.
Lando Norris x Fewtrell!Reader
WC: 1.3K
Warnings: Maybe slight panic attack, insinuated sexual harassment/assault
Part 2
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You rush through the club in a hurry, bumping into God knows how many people as you search for the exit. The hot, stuffy air makes it even more difficult to breathe as you keep pushing through the crowd. You can feel the wetness of your tears run down your cheeks as you reach the exit, nearly running into the bouncer checking IDs outside. You stand close to him as you wipe your cheeks and sniffle, trying to calm yourself down while you rummage through your purse in search of your phone. Taking a deep breath, you call your brother.
You wait impatiently as the phone rings. He doesn’t answer, so you call again. And again. Eventually, after three tries, the phone is picked up. 
“Hello? Max?” You say rushedly.
You hear some noise on the other side. In your frenzy, you don’t realise it’s not your brother, not from the mere grumpy hello the phone is answered with.
“Can you come pick me up? Please?” The sheer panic you’re experiencing is clear in your voice. Lando can even hear your sniffling through the phone as you wipe your hand under your nose. 
“Y/N? Is that you? Are you crying?” He asks, much more awake now as he sits up from his position on the couch.
“Who’s this? Lando?” You realise now that you hear him speak; it's your brother’s best friend – to your frustration.
“Why are you answering my brother’s phone?” You ask annoyed.
“We were just hanging out, he fell asleep and-”
“You know what – it doesn’t matter. Can you tell him to come pick me up please?”
“Where are you?”
“I’m not sure, uhm, it’s called Palace, I think.” You sniffle, “You’ll send him to get me?” You ask hopefully.
“I’ll come get you myself. I’m just putting my shoes on, I’ll be there in a bit.” He says, putting your brother’s phone on speaker mode and stepping into his shoes.
“Lando you don’t have to come, just tell Max to come pick me up, please. I need him right now.” You say, frustrated that Lando wants to come. He’s not who you want and need at this moment; you need someone who you can trust, who’ll protect you and make you feel safe after what just happened. You need your brother, a close friend, or maybe even your father, but not Lando. Why can’t he understand that? You can feel your tears welling up again in frustration.
Lando ignores you, however. “Are you safe right now? You should try to find a group of people or something, stick to them until I get there, okay?”
“Lan-” He cuts you off, in a rush to get to you. 
“Do you want to stay on the phone? I’m getting in the car right now, I’ll be there in, like, eight minutes.”
“Lando, just send Max, please.”
“I’m already in the car. Do you want me to stay on the line, or not?” You hear the car revving in the background.
You sigh. Nevertheless, you’re relieved he’s on his way and you don’t have to stay here much longer. “That’s not necessary, Lando. I’m with the bouncer right now. Just come quick, please?” You’ve given up on the idea that your brother might come, Lando’s very much set in his ways.
“Of course, I’ll be right there.” Lando says firmly before hanging up.
Although you and Lando aren’t the best of friends, you get along well enough. Regardless, you get caught up in discussions quite regularly; both of you are passionate and stubborn in your opinions – it rarely happens that you and Lando do not end up being separated by your brother or a mutual friend. However, that you know exactly how to push each other's buttons doesn’t mean Lando doesn’t care about you. In fact, the opposite is true. Although he would never admit it, Lando has liked you for quite a while and cares for you deeply, even though he doesn’t generally show his feelings. And so, when you call him (well, not him specifically, but that doesn’t matter) crying and upset, he worries about you. He could’ve woken up your brother, who you obviously would have preferred over him, but he wants to be the one who’s there for you. He wants to be the one who protects you and keeps you safe – better yet, the one who makes you feel safe, if he could ever accomplish such a thing.
Lando exceeds his own expectations when he arrives at the nightclub in under five minutes. Already spotting you standing with the big, bulky bouncer, arms wrapped around yourself in an attempt to keep yourself warm in the cold, late night (or early morning) breeze. He carelessly parked his car on the side of the road, barely turning on the hazard lights before exiting the car. 
“Y/N! Are you okay?” He jogs towards the club entrance, concern showing on his face.
You lifted your head at the familiar voice yelling your name. Quickly thanking the bouncer who kept you company, you rushed over to the familiar boy. You had never been so happy to see Lando.
He pulled you into his arms as soon as you were within his reach. Cradling your head and brushing your hair with one hand, while the other pulled you closer by your waist. Although you initially wanted your brother to come, this was good too – you’d even go as far as to say you were enjoying it. Despite your differences, Lando’s presence (more specifically, his strong arms holding you tight) made you feel at ease and calmed you down. He relieved the tenseness of your body and you relaxed in his hold. Hiding your face in his neck and fisting the fabric of his shirt, you nestled yourself comfortably in Lando’s body and exhaled the breath you had been holding.
He buried his nose in your hair on the top of your head, breathing in your scent and smiling at the feeling of you snuggling into him. It felt right, so right, to be holding you like this. He whispers, “Are you okay?” You merely nod your head, not wanting to leave his embrace. “Do you want to tell me what happened?” He questions further.
You stay silent, enjoying Lando’s strong hold on you. It makes you feel safe. Safe enough to share what happened in the club. “There was some random guy who thought he was entitled to my attention.” You mumble into his neck.
“He didn’t touch you, did he?” He continues, already fearing the answer.
You let a silence fall before answering, “He did,”
Lando squeezes you tighter at the revelation. He’s not surprised a man ruined your fun night out.
You continue quickly, “But there were some girls who helped me, and I think they kicked him out. I’m not sure though, I left as soon as I could. Then I called Max, but he didn’t answer, and now…”
“I’m sorry,” Lando says, a pained expression on his face. “Men are shit.”
You let out a small laugh and Lando can barely avoid shivering at the feeling of your warm breath hitting the sensitive skin of his neck. Nevertheless, he smiles in accomplishment when he hears the sound, glad he could cheer you up.
“You want to go home? To my place, I mean, Max is there…”
“Yes,” You say into Lando’s neck, sighing before distancing yourself from him.
He kisses the top of your head before letting you leave his hold, “Let’s go then.” He says, pulling you along to his car, still tucked into his side.
– – – – –
Part 2
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kentopedia · 4 months
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ COME BACK TO BED — levi ackerman
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summary . . . you crave levi, but he isn't there when you wake up.
contents . . . f!reader, nsfw mdni, cock warming, office (?) sex, creampie, piv, unprotected sex, fluff, honestly i haven't been in much of a mood to write smut but this has been in my drafts for a while so it gets really soft at the end— 2.2k
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you walk into the room, frowning at the sight of your lover still behind his desk, bent over the parchment. light shadows his face, sparkling over him like a candle, illuminating him in a yellow hue. he’s so beautiful, and you ache for him. the desperation inside of you only grows, even though it is dually coated in worry. 
“levi?” you say, lips drawn down as you approach, blinking away your sleepiness. “why are you still working?” 
it’s nearly three in the morning; the bed was cold and empty when you left, and the middle of winter was unforgiving. though levi didn’t sleep often, he, at least, made an effort to when you were at his side. tonight, though, it seems he’s given up on the matter, scribbling notes on the paperwork instead.
“i have to finish this by tomorrow,” levi says, dismissive, not even bothering to glance up. 
your frown deepens, and you repeat his name, softer as you come around the side of the desk. you’d woken up so desperate for him, and when he was not there to coax an orgasm out of you, you’d tried to take on the task yourself. 
though, your fingers didn’t feel as nice as his did, hadn’t reached the places inside of you that his cock could. and, you craved it, craved him so much that you hadn’t been able to go back to sleep. 
“come back to bed,” you mutter, but even then, you can hear the desperation in your voice, the subtle tone that it takes on whenever you want him badly. 
his writing stops. he turns back to you, eyes hardening as you place a gentle hand on his shoulder. you run your soft fingertips along the juncture between his neck and jaw, batting your eyelashes at him so sweetly. 
there’s a dark look in his irises that you pick up on easily, but you can’t tell if he’s irritated with you, or if it’s the lust that is spreading in the ocean of his eyes. his jaw sets, and his normally straight mouth draws tighter. “i have to finish this.” 
“can i stay here, then?” 
he sticks his tongue into the side of his cheek. “i’m—”
you can already hear his protest, how he’ll say your name so softly in an apology, kiss you on the lips before sending you back to your shared room. but you’re determined to get your way tonight, and you can feel the wetness gathering between your legs, the ache still thrumming through your body. 
“want you inside me, levi,” you say softly, almost begging as you lean down to whisper into his ear. “please.” 
levi stops, eyeing you with the intensity that he faces with everyone, an intensity that doesn’t always soften for you. still, by now, you’re used to it — find it endearing, really, how serious he can be. 
“you going to be a distraction?” levi scans your face. 
you jut your lower lip out just a bit, almost pouting, “no,” you promise. “just want to feel you.” 
for a moment, he considers, before finally relenting. levi sighs, then pulls back the chair, his strong thighs on display as you maneuver yourself onto his lap. even the brief feeling of his knee against your clothed cunt sends a sharp whimper through you. 
“you can’t move. i’ve put this off for long enough.” 
“since when did you care about any of that?” you ask, yawning as you slip your pants off your hips. “i thought hange did the paperwork, anyway.” 
“if only.” he gives you a pointed look, tracing your jaw with his thumb. “just sit still.” 
levi focuses his attention back on the paperwork, and when you spare a brief glance at it, you notice that it’s reports from the past few missions. for the government in the interior, assigned specifically to captain levi. 
you refrain from a sarcastic remark, and instead, slide levi’s zipper down, waiting for any reaction. he gives you none, signs his name on the bottom line, and flips the parchment over. 
“levi,” you start, but he shushes you again, kissing your cheek dismissively. 
“no talking.” 
“you’re so rude.” 
he raises his eyebrow, but you slide his cock out of his pants, warming it in your palm. a soft little sigh leaves him as you stroke him until he’s hard, but he schools his expression into a neutral position, leaning back in the chair. 
you’re naked from the waist down, but he doesn’t seem to care. with something of a frown, you slip his cock inside you and sink your hips down. your fingers dig into his shoulders as you move, sliding right into him.
levi’s dark eyes dart towards you. “shit,” he gasps, his other hand holding onto your hips. “why are you so wet already?” 
a small whimper leaves you as he fills you up, stretches your walls, as you settle onto his cock. though it feels so good, you squeeze his arms and try not to move. “you weren’t there when i woke up,” you say, resting your head on his shoulder and pressing a kiss to the space between his neck. “so i tried to take care of it myself.”
levi’s eyes flash. “dirty girl.” his voice is deeper, a rumble that you feel in his chest. “couldn’t help but touch yourself to the thought of me when i wasn’t there, hm? but i bet your fingers weren’t enough, were they?” 
you exhale deeply, shaking with the need to move as your walls flutter around him. “levi.” 
“needed my cock inside you instead, didn’t you, love? probably would’ve begged me to fuck you until you were tired enough to fall back asleep.” 
“god, levi, please.” you start, and you shift your hips once. your clit rubs right against him, his long cock settling inside you as a heavy moan almost escapes. instead, you bite down hard on his neck; but levi forces you down even harder on his lap, his eyes relentless. 
“i told you not to move, didn’t i?”
you blink back at him, but his face is serious, hardened lines stretching from each angle of his face. and though you want fuck yourself on his dick, and every atom in your being tells you to do so, you listen to him. somehow, you refrain from shifting your hips again.
sitting still, you bury your face into his neck and heave a great sigh, brushing the delicate skin beneath his jaw. 
“good girl,” levi says flippantly, his long, slender finger grazing up your spine. the simple words alone send a pulse straight through your body, and you whimper against him, your cunt squeezing tighter, wet from the deep intonation of his voice. 
levi says nothing else, but you can feel his smirk as he kisses your temple. he never fails to remind you how precious you are to him, even when he is a bit short with you. and even though he is never the best about telling you how much he loves you, his affections run deep.
he plays with the end of your hair, soothingly, and though you can’t ignore him deep inside you, it almost lulls you back into a peaceful sleep. 
after what feels like hours of subtle torture, you speak again. 
“levi,” you hum against his throat, when he flips another page, signing his name on the dotted line. “i love you so much.” 
his hand stills on your back, fingers tapping once against your spine before resuming. it’s still difficult for him to repeat the words, but you know it’s only out of his fear that you will one day be taken away from him. levi squeezes your hip once more, huffs, and sets the pen down. 
“i’m certain you know how much you mean to me,” levi returns, pulling you away from his neck so that you’re able to face him once again. “you’re supposed to be being quiet.” 
his face is stern, but his eyes are anything but; soft and loving. levi’s cheeks are flushed red, and though he is strong — the strongest — that alone is not enough to combat how he feels when he’s inside you. it brings a small, knowing smile to your face.
“i was being sweet,” you say, sleepily, testing your luck by lifting your hips and settling them once more. the feeling is more intense than you’d expected, and a little moan escapes your mouth, lips parting softly. “i do love you.” 
“i’m certain you’re just trying to butter me up,” levi’s mouth is against your own, the words leaving on a shaky breath, tickling your skin. “so you can get what you want.” 
you laugh, fanning your fingertips against his cheeks. “is it working?”
levi spares you one more hardened expression, tightly drawing his mouth together, before he’s lifting you, shifting you onto the desk, your back pressed against the papers. “unfortunately,” he grunts, kissing all over your face before he threads his fingers with your own. “god. the things you do to me. can’t think straight.” 
he thrusts up into you, hard, and you close your eyes, kissing him, much more slowly than the pace he sets with his hips. levi squeezes your palm tightly, the other roaming across your chest, your stomach, before settling at your hips. “you’re everything to me, you know? my beautiful girl. don’t know what i’d do without you.” 
you smile against his mouth and tug at his hair with your free hand, feeling the soft tendrils between your fingers. it’s ironic, that he thinks you’re beautiful, when you’re certain he’s the most angelic creature you’ve ever seen. “i’m not going anywhere, levi. i promise.” 
levi speeds up, involuntarily, eyes so intense as he watches every subtle change of your expression. but you are too sleepy to do much but breathe into his mouth, soft little moans that have levi thrusting into you twice as hard.
it doesn’t take long for him to coax the first orgasm out of you, and you’re barely able to whisper his name before you clench around him, squeezing the palm that’s still locked within your own.
levi smiles, but it’s snarky, a mix between satisfaction and annoyance. “looks like you got your way after all.” 
you laugh, breathless, kissing across his cheeks as he grows sloppy, chest heaving with the weight of his exhales. though levi wants to pin this all on you, you can tell that he needs to relax too. the past few hours without a moment of sleep, doing nothing but paperwork, have taken a toll on him. 
“must be so hard for you, huh?” you tease, eyelashes fluttering closed as you lean against him, letting your forehead drop to his shoulder. “getting to fuck me on a desk like this. what a chore.” 
“you shouldn’t talk to your captain like that,” levi teases, but he groans out the last few words, cheeks flushed from how close he is. lazily, your fingers run across his chest, and though a second orgasm is steadily building, you want to watch him come apart first.
“perhaps,” you say, smiling as you kiss his chest, your hair tickling the bottom of his jaw. “but i’m not talking to my captain, i’m talking to you, levi.” you lean back up to kiss him, once, again, just the softest brush of your lips. “and i want you to cum inside me.” 
levi’s eyes flash, and you can see the moment that he unravels, the next few seconds where his movements get erratic. then, his features change, plump bottom lip separating from the top one. the look in his eyes grows distant, and his stomach flexes, abs tightening, before the heat of his cum shoots inside of you. 
levi topples onto you, his chest landing on yours as you fall back onto the desk. his cock finally slips out of you.
“shit,” levi says, running his hands along your thighs, sweaty skin sticking to each other. “we’re going to ruin the papers.” 
“who cares,” you yawn, rubbing your eyes before encircling levi’s neck with your arms. “the military police can deal with the mess.”
“you’re disgusting.” 
“they’d probably get off on it, don’t you think? the interior is full of hedonists anyway.”
levi snorts. “maybe. but i prefer not to think about how they spend their free time.”
you laugh again, just a breath of air, and settle against him. levi is warm, his arms are strong, and he smells clean; a mix of soap and the sweet fragrant of citrus. he holds you so gently, despite all of the hardness that lingers in his body. you’ve never known anyone to feel so much like home.
“will you come to bed now?” you ask sleepily. “i don’t want to go to sleep alone.” 
levi softens, and he traces your cheekbone with his thumb, as best he can at the awkward angle. “sure, love. i should get some rest anyway.”
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
"doing laundry and taxes with you" ft. the monster trio!
ft. (domestic!) luffy, zoro, sanji x fem!reader
in which, you make their house a home
(a/n: im sick and needed some comfort so this got very long im so sorry!!)
warnings: nsfw towards the end! nsfw stuff includes car-sex, in public, dirty talk, rough sex, penetration, squirting, sanji takes a picture of you choking on his dic- (ahem, not sorry); MDNI (thankyou very much okay byee)
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they are so precious to me 😭😭
- whatever you do, don't imagine domestic!luffy - don't imagine cold mornings when you're under the cover with him. he's holding you tightly, snuggling against you and whispering a soft, "good morning, baby" - do not imagine him coming back from home and holding you by your waist when you're doing something, nuzzling into the crook of your neck as you asks you how your day was - don't think of him as one of those guys who start a tickle fight when poke him once and laugh at him - absolutely do not imagine his as one of those s/o who are down to make everything into a game "whoever loses mario-kart makes the dinner, okay?" he grins, pulling you down onto the couch with him "oh really?" you laugh when he holds you tighter, "i really want some pasta tonight then" - he ended up making pasta that night - but as i said, don't imagine luffy as that because he is certainly that man and more - he will fret over you when you fall sick, trying to make you laugh your way out of a fever (canon). he won't leave your side, no matter how much you insist that you're fine "what do you need? water? soup? pizza- oh wait no that's unhealthy" a pause, "wait, do you want a pizza? it'll probably be fine if you eat one tbh, right??" - also the kind of guy who will ask his friends to turn their car around (because in no parallel universe do i believe luffy knows how to drive ffs) because you only said "love ya" and missed the i (how dare you, he's heartbroken now) "yn!!" he's yelling from the driveway, "YOU FORGOT TO SAY I LOVE YOU!!" so now you're sticking out your head out of your apartment window, looking down at a pouty luffy, annoyed zoro and unbothered sanji - also, man has TERRIBLE separation anxiety - (people now know that wherever you are invited, luffy is invited too "what are you doing here?" nami hisses as she vaguely looks at luffy, "this is supposed to be a girls night out!" luffy shrugs, "pretend im not even here" yeah, luffy that's kinda hard when you're practically draped over your girlfriend the entire night) - but as it's been established, don't fall for his perfect acts because he is the kind to park in a distant corner of a grocery store parking lot and beg for you to let him fuck you "it'll be quick," he's whining, tugging you towards himself and kissing you senseless, "baby, i promise. just one hit." - he's feral, holding you flush against himself as he fucked you with your top still on and your hands holding tightly against his neck - your arousal drips into his thigh and he's groaning about how good you feel, you feel him thrust into you harder and now you're spasming and cumming around his girth - he didn't infact let you go after one hit. - you both walked into the grocery store 37 mins later with your faces flushed, hair tousled and a familiarly uncomfortable wetness nesting between your thighs - (cause i know he's fucking nasty and he will absolutely make you walk into that store with his essence still inside you. sorry, i do not make the rules :/) - eitherways, best guy ever - he's the perfect s/o that never lets you have a dull moment in your life as long as his annoying ass is around
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- i will stand by what i've always said. soft zoro is the best zoro. 'nuff said, i will die on this hill. - but god, nobody can ever imagine how soft domestic!zoro is with you by the way he shrugs and grunts off any and all people around him (except for his crew) - frankly speaking, you didn't expect this either when you started dating him - you would have never imagined this green-haired, stoic-faced, dry-ass motherfucker to hold onto you tightly and lightly close his eyes whenever you forced him to see another horror movie - he claimed watching horror movies was the equivalent of mind torture but followed along cause you seem to like them (you don't probably like them that much, you just like his heavy figure against yours as he snuggles in deeper and deeper against you) "this is so stupid" he hisses at the girl in the screen, groaning when she blatantly ignores him, "she will die if she follows the fucking voice!!" you don't fail to notice how shrill his deep voice can get whenever there's a jumpscare (but he will blame the wind for that noise, never admits what he knows is true) - he is so soft in the way he offers to shampoo your hair when you drag him into the shower. his calloused fingers are light, gentle, against your scalp and you can't help but smile when he flashes you a small smile and asks if it's fine - domestic!zoro is so soft in the way he would carry you bridal-style/on his back everywhere (wdym you only had to go to the kitchen?? he can carry you there, he's strong, do you not believe him?) - also, we all have sorta established that he's not a pda guy but my lord, behind those four walls, he needs to be around you one way or the other - doesn't matter if he is just standing at the bathroom door, making small talk as you do your skincare for the night or he's holding onto your hand as you both lay sprawled on your bed, looking at your phones - but don't let his softness make you forget that this man is a piece of shit. - he will purposely stand in front of cabinets and cupboards when you cook and flash you a innocent smile when you get annoyed; he will finish your favourite conditioner even though he said "i don't that conditioner too much"; he will purposely order you random stuff online and everytime you'd open it thinking it's something cute but it'll end up being something green and (cutely) stupid - (you now possess 5 mushroom figurines, 12 frogs doing random shit, a green cheap light saber, a lowkey-fucked up painting of baby yoda and green paper-clips. he doesn't even like green all that much, he just loves to annoy you) - but as i said, don't fall for his sweet facade because he will stop you at the door and fuck you against it before you're heading out in that skimpy dress (yes, he fucks you in that dress) (ofcourse he doesn't mind your dress riding up as long as people can see the marks he left on your body) "ah" he groans, thrusting upwards as one of his hands hold you firm against the door and another plays with your swollen clit, "sorry for ruinin' your makeup, baby. but look at you, you look so pretty, getting fucked right now" - he's sure the neighbours can hear the wood creaking against your weights and your high-pitched, feverish moans as you beg him to fuck you harder (it's the fourth time this month) - he forces his fingers (which were slick with your arousal) down your mouth and watches as his fingers rub away the lipstick into modern art "much better" he would sigh against your skin when he was done, "have fun at the party, babe" - he holds back a laugh cause he knows you can barely walk, much less party (not to mention, you gotta re-do your makeup now.) - so he goes with you, lending you his arm as support so that you wouldn't walk so wobbly "that dress still looks too good on you" he will whisper against your ear, "meet me in the bathroom in five, let me fuck you again" - as much as he is a menace, you wouldn't have it any other way - god, iamsodownbad for him <3
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it's him officer, he is the one who altered my brain chemistry!
- vinsmoke sanji is the perfect pinterest boyfriend. argue with the wall, i don't entertain wrong views. - what i mean is, he is the boyfriend/husband who will be up to bake a cake at 3 in the morning and eat it with you as the sun rises, he is the one who will hold you hand and groggily lead you to an ice-cream vendor at 1 in the night because you really wanted ice-cream, he is the one to take a thousand photos in any outfit you wear "yn" he's changing his angles every second, shutter of the camera snapping photo after photo, "you look so beautiful, so marvelous, charming, ah- mesmerizing, my love!" - he is the guy to hold your hand in a horror house no matter how scared he himself is. but you call tell by the way his fingers tightly close around yours whenever a jump-scare comes on (no, he is not being strong because he wants to look tough in front of zoro, tf you talking about??) - he is the man who will be looking for halloween decor on the first of september and christmas decor on the first of novemeber, takes the task of decorating his house very seriously (yes, he will out-do linda this time! so what if she bought a life-sized snowman?? he will pay luffy to become one, fuck linda.) - sanji is the guy that posts his girlfriend religiously (at one point, ussop asked you if you were holding him on gun-point and making him post you so much) - by religiously i mean for every one photo of himself, there's six of you like baby calm down nobody's gonna take her away - he also surprises you a lot (with nice surprises, unlike zoro.); he bought you a candle on your one-month anniversary and repurchases it every time you run through it - grocery store runs followed by cooking together is basically your idea of a weekly date - very on-brand with his theme but he has so many candids of you (a whole secret album with the title "my love <3"). there's pictures of you laughing at chopper's new onesie, hitting luffy in the face after he stole your sushi, tasting his cookies, tasting his dic- ahem. - it shouldn't come as any surprise that he has a huge thing for clicking pictures/ taking videos of you as he abuses your body in a way that has you crying for god "san-" "like that, moan out my fuckin' name, darling. tell me who's fucking you like this?" "you" you moan harder, eyes clamping shut, "you you, fucc-k you, sanji" - there's a video on his phone of his dick sliding in and out of your wet cunt as you moan and suck on your bottom lip; there's pictures of you sucking on his dick, giving the camera your prettiest doe-eyed look; there's a video of you squirting around his fingers, face red and body soaked as he keeps going and you're cumming a second, third, fourth time (that's his favourite video, it's insane how many times he comes back to that video) - he loves ruining you with slow sex as he makes you focus on the boring movie or show you're both watching - he gets off off how you try to maintain your composure but then come undone "yn, my love" he rasps in your ear, "come on, keep holding on for me. i'm gonna fuck you so well if you just keep taking me like this." - he ruins you and then gets you the best aftercare - ugh stan sanji for a good life.
a/n: the way i write sanji has me confused as to if i truly am a zoro girlie lmaoo. hope you liked it!! req are always open (also im sorry to the people who requested and i havent gotten around to it, i am just running low on fuel lately)
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elllisaaa · 20 days
i’m not the biggest fan of pools and such but jake is soo the type to splash water on you in order to make you get in so he can see you all wet and eventually make out with you 🙄
imagine BROTHER'S BFF!JAKE who is spending every summer at your house since your teenagers years because your parents have a pool. however, since you were older than your brother heeseung, you left for college before them. jake missed you, because he had a crush on you, but also because you were someone he truly trusted and appreciated. now, the only time when he got to see you was when you would come back for holydays. and he took advantage of that and of the fact that you were single to flirt with you every chance he got. and it didn't matter if you rejected him every time because he could see the faint smile on your face.
so when jake learned that your parents will leave this summer but that you would be here, he was over the moon because it was finally his chance to seduce you. and truth be told, you had already been charmed a long time ago. but jake was younger, even if it was just one year, and mostly, he was your brother's best friend. it should be wrong, but the way he was eyeing you ever since you laid down on your deckchair, letting the sun hit your uncovered skin. and jake was glad he was in the pool and you couldn't see how hard he was in his swimsuit only because you were wearing the skimpiest bikini known to mankind.
heeseung left earlier because he was working tonight, leaving you and jake alone. and he knew it was his chance to do something about his aching dick and the fat crush he had on you since middle school. "hey, y/n." you hummed as you sat up, but before you could even take off your sunglasses to take a proper look at him, he splashed water at you. you gasped at the fresh liquid hitting your warm skin. but a second after, you were throwing your glasses to the side and jumping in the pool to get back at him. you tried your best to splash water at each other, trying to push his head underwater but you forgot that he's been overpowering you for quite some time because he had started working out - and he looked a little too good too. so you weren't even surprised when he succeeded in pining you against the pool wall, his breathe hitting your lips from how close he was too you, his eyes dipping into your clevage.
"got you, pretty girl." - "it's not fair, you're too strong now." - "i'm not a kid anymore." you knew that, better than he could ever imagine since he was the only thing you could think about when you were touching yourself, imagining it was his fingers reaching deeper into you, imagining it was him eating you out with this tongue of his that he was only sticking out when you were making fun of him. jake noticed how your gaze darkned, how your eyes zeroed on his lips. "yeah, i know. you're much more than that."
you didn't know if you kissed him first, or if he did, but it didn't matter when he was devoring your mouth like that, holding you by your thighs as you wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him closer. the friction between his obvious hard on and the thin material of your bikini bottom felt so good you both moaned into each other mouth, your nails digging into his muscular shoulders as he started to grin against you.
"fuck, you feel so good pretty, i knew you would, been wanting this, wanting you for years." - "shit ! me too jakey, i need you so bad." jake groaned in his deep voice that always made you wet as he slid his hands under the soaked material of your top, gropping your breast harshly. he relished in the way you were already whining out his name, holding onto him. and he needed to hear more of them, to taste more of you.
"sit on the edge baby, i want a taste of your pretty little pussy." you didn't questionned his request, nor did you think about the nieghbords when you did what he wanted, and let jake push the piece of clothing covering your cunt aside, and dive into your wetness. and nothing else mattered, nothing else beside the way jake was gripping your plush thights, nothing else beside the way jake was lapping at your cunt and sucking on your clit, whimpering against your fold because he was already addicted to you. and it was needless to mention that both of you were glad that your brother worked tonight.
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holybibly · 27 days
Ateez and oral sex Part II
Holy Bibly version | Part I
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Seonghwa: Oh God, that man. Do I even need to tell you that he lives for your pussy? He loves oral sex, and he is definitely a giver. Of course, Seonghwa will not turn down a blowjob, but damn it, in every situation and at every opportunity, his mouth will end up between your legs. Loud, shameless, and passionate, sex is definitely an art form for him, so it will be fucking hours of endless pleasure, but be prepared for the fact that Seonghwa is not going to be gentle. I know it's common to think that Hwa is a gentle and soft boy, but bunnies, let's face it, he's an Aries; he's got this fiery aggressive side to him, and haven't you seen how he grabs the other members by the neck? So it doesn't matter if he's eating you or you're sucking his dick; it's going to be pretty intense.
Seonghwa, like Wooyoung, loves unbreakable eye contact; he wants to savour every second of your licking and kissing of his dick. His eyes are focused on every little movement of your tongue as you slowly lick the velvety length. He also likes to run his swollen, wet head over your lips, coating them with his pre-cum until they are all shiny and sticky. He moans deep and long as you take more of his dick into your warm mouth. As soon as the head of his dick hits the back of your throat, he begins to fuck you slowly and deeply. His thrusts are always calculated and careful; he doesn't want to hurt you, but sometimes his demonic side awakens and he literally fucks your face until you cry and choke on his dick. Seonghwa loves the feel of your tongue rubbing against the bulging vein on his length every time his cock enters your mouth. Just like San, Hwa loves your sucking and licking of his balls. He may also have a request for you to warm his cock in your mouth. He usually asks you to swallow his cum, but he may also cum on your lips or chest, depending on his mood. Seonghwa doesn't mind kissing you afterwards, just so he can have a taste of his own sperm on your tongue.
Seonghwa is definitely the type of guy who is completely drunk with your pussy. Gifted with a rather long and skilled tongue, Hwa will never miss an opportunity to use it to give you the most vivid sensations. For him, this is a full-fledged sexual encounter, and he does not need to fuck your pussy; it will be enough for him that he can make you come just with his tongue and his fingers several times. The way you fall apart when he is licking your hole or slowly sucking on your clit will give him a euphoric feeling of pleasure. He can slide his tongue between your folds for hours on end and slowly fuck you with his fingers until you are crying out in pleasure. He is 100% a fan of squirting, and when you do it just from oral stimulation, he will be so smug and horny at the same time that he will definitely want to do it again. It doesn't matter for him if you're riding on his face or your legs thrown over his shoulders, you lying on a table with your legs spread wide for him, or he kneeling in front of you; Seonghwa is absolutely happy with any position as long as he can taste you. He loves to fuck you with his tongue, his fingers spreading the delicate folds of your cunt to get better access to your dripping hole as his tongue slides in and out of you. Loud as fuck - moaning, whining, purring and constantly telling you how good you taste and how much he loves pleasuring you with his mouth, when he devours you like the sweetest dessert in the world. Bonus if you pull his hair or push his face even closer to your pussy. You'll cum at least 3–4 times before it gets too much for you or doesn't turn into full-blown sex. Generally, Hwa will be quite happy with just the fact that you've squirted all over his pretty face, but if he does fuck you afterwards, expect him to stick his tongue between your folds again after he cum inside your cunt, this time to clean you of his cum.
Yeosang: I think Yeo is also more on the giving side. For him, oral sex is associated with comfort and relaxation, so whether you're blowing him or he's eating you, it's always going to be leisurely and prolonged. Something that helps the two of you relax, and it will be a very intimate act for both of you. Yeosang can also do without fucking you after you have both cum from the oral sex. He is a lover of beautiful things, so he likes it when you fuck in a certain atmosphere. He is not a fan of quick sex. It's hard for me to say if he would be rude to you; it's more dependent on his mood and needs. But Yeosang can be both very careful and gentle, and he can dominate you harshly, subjugating you to himself and controlling you as he wants.
Beautiful—that's what you should look like when you are licking his dick. Yeosang would also like you to have shiny, sticky lip gloss on your lips to smear all over his hard, thick length as you suck him off. He is somewhere between San and Mingi in this respect. He likes it when you take him deep, swallowing his cock all the way down until the swollen head rests against the back of your throat. And at the same time, he also wants you to pay special attention to the head of his cock, to circle it with your tongue, and to suck it gently. He also wants you to give him a handjob while you're blowing him. The sight of your hand wrapped around his thick cock will drive him mad, and Sangie may even want you to do it with lace gloves on. "God, you look so beautiful." A deep and gentle moan and never-ending praise. This is the kind of guy who will stroke your hair like a kitten while his dick is in your mouth as deep as balls. He would definitely like it if you started to drool. When Yeosang is in the mood to dominate you, he will fuck your mouth in a deep, hard rhythm until you gag. He will growl and roll his eyes in pleasure as he hears the sound of you gurgling and grunting around the thick circumference of his cock. He will also grab hold of your head with both of his hands to hold you in place as he thrusts himself into you. He likes to come on your chest and smear his own cum all over your skin. He will also be fascinated by the sight of the thick, milky liquid as it flows down into the valley between your tits. He may even want to come on your panties as well.
Yeosang is never in a hurry when eating your pussy; he pays great attention to the process - slowly licking and sucking your folds. For him, this is one of the best ways to relax; all he wants to do is please his beautiful girl with some amazing cunnilingus and get rid of any accumulated stress along the way. He licks your clitoris sweetly with the tip of his tongue and makes soft, deep moans and grunts. Clearly, this is the type of guy who can eat you out through your lacy panties while rubbing his nose against you or licking his own cum off you. Yeosang loves lace, and he especially loves it when you are wearing it. Despite his gentle and shy appearance, he has a terribly dirty mouth and is more of a wolf in sheep's clothing than an angel from heaven. "Do you like that, little bitch? The way my tongue fucks your pretty pussy?" "You're such a sweet bunny; squirt on my tongue; let me taste more of  you." "Your pussy is so beautiful; should I take a photo? So that the other boys can enjoy the view too." He looks up at you from his perch between your legs, smiling smugly as his whole mouth is smeared with your juices. Long, sticky strands of your mucus connect his mouth to your cunt. He spreads your plump lips with his thumbs, revealing your pink, tight hole and the way your clit twitches when his hot breath touches that sensitive bundle of nerves. Yeosang loves it when you pull his hair while he sucks on your pussy as if it were a piece of candy. He would also love to fuck you with my tongue while you are in the 69 position and you are warming up his dick in your throat. 100% is going to overstimulate you until you have at least three orgasms.
Hongjoong: Another Dom of pleasure who is ready to worship you for hours on end and to please you with his lips and his tongue. He loves oral sex, perhaps too much; as for Hongjoong, it is an act of power and possessiveness, but even if you cum on his tongue and fingers several times, he will not rest until he has fucked you senseless. The contrast between the way he worships you and the way he fucks you like a whore at the same time will drive you mad. Millions of hickeys and bruises on your thighs, on your chest, on your neck, on your inner thighs, and even on your tender mound—his signature. If Hongjoong had his way, he would burn the marks of his lips into your skin so that every damn guy in the world would know that you were taken. Joong is more of a giver, but he'll want just as much attention and affection from you in return, so be prepared for your throat and jaw to be sore for a couple of days after he's had his way with you.
The sight of you on your knees in front of him, licking and slobbering all over his cock, will drive him mad. His hands will be in your hair, tugging at the strands and occasionally lifting your face so that you can look into his eyes as your lips stretch around the red, swollen head of his cock. As your tongue slides along his slit, picking up the drops of pre-cum that have been released, he moans loudly and growls. Absolutely shameless. Hongjoong is definitely the kind of guy who will tell you how good you are making him feel and how much he loves your hot and wet mouth. "That's it, princess; go deeper. Show me how much you want my cock." "You are such an obedient little girl; Daddy is so proud of you." "I want to see how you choke on my dick while I fuck you down your throat." In spite of his tough exterior, Hongjoong is actually quite sensitive, and the way your tongue licks the base of his cock and the balls of his dick will literally make him see the stars. On certain days, Joong may ask you to keep his dick warm in your mouth while he works. He is also aware of your oral fixation and will be more than happy to satisfy your desperate need to keep something in your mouth by letting you suck on the head of his cock as if it were a lollipop. In 8 out of 10 cases, he'll come on your face, enjoying watching his thick, warm cum run down your cheeks, stick at your eyelashes, and glisten on your pretty lips. For him, this is an act of power, a reaffirmation that you are completely his property. In fact, Hongjoong may even forbid you to wash your face while he fucks you to the point of unconsciousness.
A totally dirty and selfless eater—sucking, kissing, licking, fucking you with his tongue and his fingers—all of it mixed with loud moans, satisfied grunts, and an endless stream of depraved words. "Look how you flow for me, Princess. Daddy loves it so fucking much." "You have such a beautiful pussy. And it's all mine." "Come on, angel, cum on my tongue." Fucking intense eye contact, he keeps his eyes on you as his tongue licks up the juices that are leaking out of you. He left hickeys and scratched your inner thighs. Lapping up your slime like it's the sweetest thing in the world, Hongjoong just can't get enough of you. He'll lick you for hours, and bunnies, we all know how skilled his tongue is, so each of your orgasms will be more powerful than the last. You will be 100% squirting. As he literally buries himself in your pussy, plunging his tongue deep into your hole and rubbing your clit with his nose, his whole face will be wet with your juices. His tongue will lick your silky walls until you are crying and writhing in agony. His beautiful lips will wrap around your clit as he scratches your thighs, leaving rough red stripes on your skin. He will blow on your wet folds to see you shudder as the cold air comes into contact with your sensitive pussy. He desperately wants you to ride on his face as you pull on his hair and use him like a fucking toy. He will need you to come at least five times before he really starts to fuck your brains out.
Jongho: I have the feeling that Jongho is more classic in a way. He prefers to have actual penetrative sex rather than oral sex, and for him, it's all just a prelude. Of course, he likes to feel your warm mouth on his dick, and he doesn't mind eating you. But for him, it won't be something super intense and long-lasting, unlike Seonghwa, Mingi, or Wooyoung. Jongho also likes to get sucked off more than he likes to eat you. Most of the time, it will be you who will be on your knees in front of him with your tongue obediently out of your mouth.
He's definitely one of those who likes it when you're leading. It will only turn him on even more if you get down on your knees in front of him without saying a word to him or begging. "Such a good girl," he will say as he strokes your hair and looks down at you. Jongho would also love it if you would rub your face against his clothed cock before you wrap your lips around the thick, hot length of it. He'll hold your head with both hands as he fucks you in the mouth, enjoying your grunting and moaning as you gasp on his dick. Definitely a fan of the face fuck. It can be slower or faster depending on his mood, but either option is quite messy. He loves it when he pulls his dick out of your mouth to see the drool running down your chin and neck mixed with his pre-cum. "I love how fucked you already look; you're such a beautiful baby." Take a deep breath and hiss as you run your tongue along the length of his dick, paying special attention to the swollen, pulsating vein. Jongho loves it when you take him deep into your throat so he can see his cock bulging on your neck. In 10 out of 10 cases, he will rub it with his thumb. "That's right, baby. You're doing so well. Good girl." Feeling the walls of your throat contract around the thick girth of his cock will almost make him cum. But Jongho is the kind of guy who prefers to cum inside your little cunt so he can enjoy the sight of his thick cum pouring out of you.
Jongho prefers fingering to eating pussy, but if you ask him or if he's in the mood for it, he'll never refuse to put his mouth on your wet, plump cunt. Before he starts to lick you out, he is going to stretch you out with his fingers. First,he will slowly rub your clit until your hole begins to flow like a waterfall, then he will slide his fingers between your folds, smearing your juices over them until they are sticky and shiny. Then he will circle the edge of your quivering rim several times until he inserts two fingers deep and calculatedly fucks you. He would definitely like to eat you from behind so that he can also knead and spank your ass while his tongue slides all over your cunt. He is going to leave red marks on your skin from his hands. He'll pay special attention to your clit, sucking on it and stimulating it with his tongue until you're squealing and writhing in his strong grip. 100% of the ttime, itwill leave bruises on your thighs. As this is more of a warm-up for Jongho before the actual sex, he won't be aiming to make you come on his tongue, but he will definitely keep you aroused and bring you to orgasm several times before pulling back. There is also a good chance that he will have slapped your pussy a couple of times, just to get more fluid out of your needy hole. He will definitely be sucking on your labia while he is fingering you. Like I said, he wants to cum in your cunt. I can definitely see him smearing his cum all over your folds after he has completely fucked your brains out.
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eat-limes-bitches · 6 months
PAIRING: Female Avenger! Reader x Bucky Barnes
SUMMARY: We all need a safe place to rest, even when some of us don't believe it
WARNINGS: umm, major fluff, Bucky thinking badly of himself
Word Count: 1408
A/N: wow surprise surprise, I'm not dead. I just fell into the hole of no inspiration paired with real-world stuff (gross) but please enjoy this lovely little thing I wrote. First thing I've written in months so sorry if it is not the best.
Enjoy! <3
Divider by Rookthorne
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It was nearing three am when Bucky finally walked through the compound doors. He crept silently through the halls, his final destination in mind: his bedroom. Not to sleep, he was still too on edge from the mission he was returning from even to consider sleeping. He just wanted out of his wet clothes from the rain. Upon reaching said destination, Bucky rid himself of the soggy garments and slipped into a pair of grey sweatpants and a random t-shirt he pulled out of his dresser before leaving his room to head to the gym to work off some of the remaining adrenaline. No matter how loud his body screamed at him to rest, he was more fearful of the monsters inside of his head than the aching pain radiating through his body. When he reached the kitchen, he wasn’t planning on stopping until he heard a soft humming which caught his attention. He paused just inside the door frame and looked around for the source of the sound when his eyes landed on Y/n.
Y/n was an enigma to Bucky. Everyone gravitated towards her, something about her presence was enough to soothe the battered souls of the team and it wasn’t uncommon to find her in the lounge with one or all of the Avengers piled up around her in some form or fashion, most nights one of them would be snuggled up in her bed after a rough mission just needing human contact to help ground them, even now, watching her put a bagel in the toaster, with the setting turned up much too high for her preferred toasty-ness, Bucky felt the tension in his shoulders give out just a little, his heart doing little flips as well, but he refused to give in. He didn’t want to taint the sweetness of her aura with the bitterness of his demons. He instead opted to watch as her soft Y/h/c curls swayed around as she rummaged through the refrigerator for a new stick of butter, still humming gently as she did so. 
“I don’t bite, you know. You can come sit down,” She called out to him, not bothering to turn around, causing Bucky to flinch slightly. He hated being caught observing her from afar. His teammates would see the longing looks he gave in her direction, longing to feel the soft safety she provided but refusing himself as some sort of twisted punishment. Bucky slowly crept over to the kitchen counter where the chairs were neatly tucked up under the ledge until he pulled one out to sit on. Only once situated did Y/n turn around and look at him. Her soft eyes traced over his form examining for any injuries.
 As if sensing the reason for her intense gaze, Bucky whispered, “‘M not hurt darlin’.”
She moved her eyes to meet his, checking the validity of his statement. Whatever she found there was enough to confirm his statement and she nodded, cocking her head to one side as she asked, 
“Then why are you not in bed resting? Your body is obviously trying to tell you to rest and you are ignoring it. Why?”
Bucky sighed, refusing to look at her. She had the uncanny ability to read everyone who lived in the compound, but somehow, she read him better than everyone else, knowing exactly what was going on with him without him saying a word. 
“Are you worried about the nightmares?” Y/n questioned, voice no more than a whisper as she ducked her head to catch his gaze with her own. Darting his eyes to catch her gaze before looking away, Bucky nodded. Y/n hummed before returning to the toaster to retrieve her bagel, slathering it with butter when Bucky finally spoke, 
“What are you doing up at this time?” Y/n flashed a smile over her shoulder before replying,
“I knew you were coming home, I had FRIDAY tell me when you arrived so that way I would be around if you needed anything. I know how you get after missions like these, I just wanted to be available.”
Now, Bucky was a sensitive guy, underneath all of the tall, dark, and brooding, was a man who was starved of any sort of affection for over 70 years, and hearing that simple statement from Y/n was enough to break down the little self-control he had to stay away from her. 
“Y-y/n?” He asked, a wobble evident in his voice as he spoke, catching Y/n’s attention immediately.
“Can-” Bucky started to ask before snapping his mouth closed, the thought of ruining her running through his mind before he could finish his question,
 “Actually, never mind.” He mumbled, pushing himself off of the chair and making a bee-line for the exit when Y/n called out after him,
“Wait, Bucky!” He stopped in his tracks, not being able to just ignore her when she said his name so sweetly. He listened as her quiet footsteps got closer until she was standing slightly in front of him, not wanting to stand directly in his way in case he still wanted to leave. 
“You know, you yourself, as much as anyone else in this universe deserve love and affection, even if you think don’t. I know that’s hard to accept right now, there’s a lot of turmoil going on in that noggin of yours,” she said softly, taking a few steps closer to him as she continued,
“but I need you to know that and to know that I am here. I am always here for you. Now, if you want to ask your question you can, and if you still want to leave you can as well. I just needed to make sure you knew that.”
She smiled at him, a smile he had never seen before. It was soft, bright, and warm in ways that he had never seen before that made him realize this smile was just for him, and only for him. For some reason, that knowledge made him brave and with a deep breath, he asked to question he was afraid to,
“D-do you think that you can let me sleep with you tonight?” His voice was so soft that if Y/n’s complete attention wasn’t on him, she may not have heard him. She smiled that special smile at him as she extended her hand for him to take,
“Of course, c'mon then, let’s get you to bed. You need some solid sleep,” she murmured as she led him towards her room. 
Y/n pushed the door open and walked through, letting Bucky enter in his own time, not wanting to overwhelm him. Slowly, Bucky crept into the room, the smell of lavender, mint, and cedar invading his senses as he approached the bed. Y/n smiled at him before pushing the grey sheets back and climbing in, motioning for him to do the same. Once underneath the soft sheets, Y/n turned to face him.
 “How do you want to do this?” She asked, “Do you want me to touch you?” In the dim light, Bucky could see a soft flush on her cheeks, as she continued to explain herself, realizing that the word choice was a little provocative. “I-I mean like, some people like to cuddle others just like knowing someone else is there I don’t mind either way, I just didn’t want you to think-” 
Bucky chuckled softly and reached over and pulled Y/n closer to him so that he could lay his head on her chest, listening to her steady heartbeat. Y/n froze slightly before completely melting and moving her hands to his hair, running through the soft chestnut strands. 
“So you’re a cuddler. Got it.” She murmured, smiling as Bucky snuggled deeper into her embrace, arms still wound around her frame to keep her close. Bucky began to grow drowsy, between Y/n’s gentle finger in his hair and the soft song she began humming again, sleep was not far from wrapping Bucky in its soft embrace.
“Thank you,” Bucky muttered, his voice muffled by the fabric of Y/n’s old university t-shirt.
Y/n smiled and pressed a kiss to the crown of Bucky’s head. “Of course, now get some rest, you need it.” With a final squeeze, Bucky began to drift off to sleep. Maybe, this was the exact sanctuary he needed.
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luvf4ngz · 2 months
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MAKE A MESS! - where my faves like to cum <3
ft. jason todd, illumi zoldyck, choso kamo
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Contents: Breeding, Mentions Of Starting A Family, Oral (Male Receiving), Reader Wears Makeup, Mentions of Cervix Fucking. Handjobs, Cum Eating, Dacryphilia, Overstimulation, Slight Possessiveness
Word Count: 1164
It’s him you’re tasting so reverently.
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Jason doesn’t understand why you always do that, but he can’t say that he’s complaining. The sight of you savoring his cum, staring up at him with doe eyes blown dark with lust - face flushed, moaning as you allow it to sit on your tongue never fails to bring a heated flush to his face. And when you swallow it down greedily, sticking your pink tongue out at him to show your now empty mouth?
It makes him hard again every. single. time. 
Whenever you give him a handjob - when your smaller hands work up and down his fat cock, stroking over every vein and sensitive spot - it doesn’t take long before he’s finishing. His load is thick as it flows from the tip of his cock, dribbling down his shaft and coating your hands. It always ends the same. First you gently lap up his seed, looking up at him with those soft, needy eyes as you clean him up, before you raise your dirtied fingers to your mouth, sucking off his cum from your digits with a satisfied hum. 
It makes his cock spring back to life, harder and redder than before. 
And now he’s inside your slick walls, pummeling into you at a hard and rough pace. He just can’t control himself. No matter how much he wants to be gentle with you, your addictive moans and warm walls just make him lose all control. Low groans spill from his mouth as his hands grip the soft flesh of your hips tighter. 
His cock is so big that it nudges at your cervix every time he bottoms out, and it’s so girthy that he stretches you out like no other. You’re left cockdrunk beneath him, able to do nothing but let out wanton whines and dig your nails into his back. Each drag of his walls ignites the fire in your stomach, each hit against your sweet spot has you seeing stars, the pressure in your lower stomach increasing more and more.
He pulls out when he feels he’s close to finishing, large hand pumping at his glossy cock as he aims at your stomach. It’s a warm, sticky mess that splatters against your skin, and again, you do it. You reach your hand down, scooping his seed onto your fingers before bringing them to your mouth.
Your tongue sticks out to collect the salty liquid, running up your digits sensually, before you push the two fingers into your mouth and suck. 
He’s hard again.
Does it taste good? Do you genuinely like it? Or do you just do this to tease him?
He doesn’t know, and at this point he never will. All he knows is that he needs to feel you wrapped around his cock again. 
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This man is obsessed with breeding you. Everytime he fucks you, there’s sure to be a messy white ring at the base of his cock that drips down his balls to dirty the sheets. You’re not sure how he has this much stamina, but you can’t say you’re surprised - considering his training and occupation. 
You feel so fucking full. You’ve lost count of how many loads are inside you, heating up your insides and acting as lube for Illumi to keep fucking you harder and faster. 
The slick sounds echoing the walls are almost too much, making the tips of your ears feel hot from embarrassment. Each thrust from Illumi makes sickening squelching sounds and achingly loud wet slaps. 
You’re going crazy, drooling and moaning against the pillow as Ilumi continues to have his way with you and abuse your aching cunt. There’s so much cum inside you that it’s leaking out, flowing out the sides of Illumi’s pale cock to smear against your thighs. 
“I’m going to fill you up so well, my dear. I’ll start a family with you. We’ll make such strong children. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He murmurs lowly, voice dripping with dominance and lust, fingers digging further into your hips. 
It’s overflowing at this point. Illumi’s cock is covered more and more with a white sheen every time he pulls back.
You’re so sore, it makes you want to cry. The overstimulation makes your body tremble against the bed, filling your brain with static and your veins with lava. 
You feel wet. Messy. Dirty. But still you can’t help but want more.
Illumi’s hips stutter a bit, and you feel him twitch inside you. He groans as another flood of hot cum fills your womb, making you moan out. 
S’too much. S’too hot. You’re too full.
Your thoughts are slurred, head shrouded in heat.
Illumi stills for a bit, chest rising and falling heavily, until… he starts moving once more - hips drawing back to slam against yours again and again and again, until you’re sobbing and gasping and shaking.
He won’t stop until he really knocks you up this time. 
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It’s Choso’s guilty pleasure to see his cum painting your face. He wonders what all the other sorcerers would say about you if they found out you had such lewd preferences. 
There’s just something about seeing your pretty face ruined by him that makes him go crazy. Your mascara always runs down your cheeks when you go down on him. It’s not that he’s ever particularly rough with you, but the length of his cock alone is enough to make you choke and gag, your lipstick always smears against your cheeks and stains his pretty cock with whatever color you decided to sport that day. 
The slurred moans you let out against his cock turns into soft vibrating rumbles, urging him to tangle his fingers into your hair. He tries not to, but he always ends up taking control. He uses his grip on you to urge you up and down to his liking. Each time you hollow your cheeks or move your tongue against his length makes him lose his mind.
When he’s close - when his stomach tightens up and his thighs clench; when the coil inside him unravels along with his mind - he pulls you off of him to blow his load on your face.
You somehow still look innocent, even with his seed dripping from you. You stare up at him with those pretty eyes of yours that he adores. 
There’s something so intimate about this - about your precious face being tainted and ruined by him. It almost evens stirs a hint of possessiveness in him. He relishes in the fact that no one is able to do this to you but him. No one can see how your tongue darts out the lap at the cum dribbling near your lips, no one can see how the white sheen mixes with the colours of your cosmetics, no one can see how you drag your fingers across your face to push his cum into your mouth. It’s him you’re tasting so reverently.
It’s truly a sight to behold. 
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Thank you so much for reading! A comment or reblog is much appreciated. Have a great day <3
- sumi ☆ミ
ミ☆ masterlist
@toruslvt (ゝω・)
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nocturnalstarlet · 3 months
‧₊˚ ⊹ 🚗 𓂃 ࣪ ✧
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cw: fem!reader & a tiny bit of smut so 18+ mdni pls
“baby, can you get back in the fucking car, please?”
“no, far. fuck you and your car.” your heels clicked against wet pavement as you walked along the sidewalk, arms crossed and trying to suppress a shiver so that your asshole of a boyfriend couldn’t tell how much the rain was getting to you.
it was a futile effort of course, farleigh could see the goosebumps raising on your skin. he could also see the adorable way you tried to blink the rain out of your eyes and push strands of your hair out of your eyes as the rain caused them to stick to your face. all so that you could continue walking away from him.
your walk was more of a strut, hips swaying and the back of your skirt barely touching the underside of your ass. it was something that he could see from his place in the driver’s side of the car as he slowly inched along the sidewalk to match your pace.
“what did the car ever do to you? i remember you liked this car a lot last weekend.” his words caused you to flush in embarrassment, solely because he was yelling out of the passenger side window. there was no one around, but you still felt like he should keep his voice down about that particular time.
it was the day that he’d gotten this car, suggesting that you should christen it with him on your first drive around town. you still vividly remember the way you’d jumped at the opportunity to climb over the center console, your legs falling on either side of his as you straddled his lap. with his long legs and how much space he needed to fit in his seat, there was more than enough space between your bodies and the steering wheel.
your boyfriend hadn’t bothered trying to hide his bulge from you, he never did. there was something unfairly erotic about the way his hands had fit themselves on your hips as he pushed you down onto him, the cold buckle of his belt pressing into your panties as wetness pooled just by feeling how hard was.
the sound you let out was just shy of a whimper, always so responsive for him as your hips shifted over his lap, your clit brushing the belt buckle again. nothing compared to the way it felt when he’d pulled your panties to the side, his fingers tracing your slit to find you already wet for him. he’d worn a taunting grin that tugged at the corner of his mouth as his eyes remained locked on yours and his head tilted to one side.
the windows of the car had fogged from the heat of your bodies frantically chasing your release in a secluded parking lot that night. it was perfect, one of the best times you’d ever had together in your humble opinion. but that didn’t take away from the fact that you were currently pissed at him.
“fuck off.”
“god, you can be so fucking childish.” the car stopped, but you kept walking, ignoring the bite in his tone and the stinging in your eyes because of it. you heard the door open and shut and you begun walking faster, knowing there was no way you wanted him to catch up to you. especially when you’d probably pissed him off to the furthest degree. not that it was unwarranted, he’d pissed you off first.
he caught up to you in a few strides, not bothering to grab at your arm, instead passing you with ease and standing in front of you with a raised eyebrow. you hated how devastatingly beautiful he looked at all times. the rain was pelting down on you both, but the way the water drenched his long eyelashes and his dark curls sent your heart into overdrive no matter how angry you were.
“just tell me what it was this time! was it something i did? something i said?” his tone was more frustrated than it had been moments ago.
“you said you didn’t like how i looked. how i dressed.”
“oh my god. that’s not-” you pushed past him at that point, not waiting to hear what he had to say as the click, click, click of your heels drew you further away from him.
he was hot on your tail though, the both of you now drenched beyond the point of return and both of your outfits officially ruined. instead of moving in front of you again, his hands found your waist as he pulled you into him. your back was pressed against his front, annoyed at how much just the physical contact soothed you.
“i didn’t say i didn’t like how you looked. i asked why you didn’t wear the dress instead of skirt when you said you were going to wear the dress.”
it was true, he had asked. but he hadn’t asked in a way that you’d consider very nice. when you got in the car, the exact words had been: “jesus christ, skirt’s a little short don’t you think? what happened to the blue dress?”
“i think you look so fucking hot, baby. you look great.”
“no buts. i was just curious why you changed is all.”
still, you pouted and he could tell that you were without even having to look down at you properly.
“you know exactly why i’m pissed. it wasn’t what you meant, it was how you said it. apologize, far.”
a lot of people said you had the snarky american boy wrapped around your finger. people sometimes called you the brattier version of him, though many were unsure how you operated in your relationship given that fact. both of you had an attitude that matched each other’s, usually manifesting in the form of rapid fire banter. your mutual friends hadn’t understood whether you were flirting or fighting with one another for the longest time until you made your relationship official. but they quickly learned that you were the one person in the world who could make him do the things he didn’t want to do.
“no.” the response came swift and you tried to pry his hands off of you. instead, he spun you around and hiked your body up and over his shoulder. you squealed, feeling your boyfriend pull at the back of your skirt so that your ass wasn’t exposed in case anyone was watching you both. he’d definitely thought the skirt was too short and the minute he’d seen you run out to his car, he’d wanted to smack your ass raw, knowing you’d worn it on purpose.
farleigh had wanted to go out with some friends, you wanted to stay in with him. you’d tried everything to persuade him, but he wasn’t budging. so, you pulled out your very last card: the skirt you’d bought a long time ago that was much, much too short. you knew he didn’t like people seeing you in the skirt and you had admitted that you much rather wearing it for his eyes only. so, he’d known that this whole thing was a ploy from the get go.
opening the passenger side door, he plopped you down on the leather seat, still sopping wet. making sure you were safely tucked inside, he shut the door before rounding the driver’s side and getting in himself. you practically pressed your body against the door, turned to look out the window instead of at him, arms still crossed and glossy lips pouted.
“are you seriously going to be mad at me until i apologize?”
you said nothing, effectively giving him the silent treatment. with a loud groan, he cursed under his breath and muttered a flat “sorry.”
turning towards him slightly, you narrowed your eyes. “you can do a whole lot better than that, farleigh.”
“i’m sorry, baby. okay? i’m sorry and i shouldn’t have said it the way i did.”
your smile was almost instant, his eyes trained on your body as it loosened up from defence mode. “now was that so hard?” you asked, smug now. he shook his head, both hating and loving that you could always beat him at his own game.
“no, that wasn’t hard. but i have been since you walked out in that skirt.” he spoke again and you laughed, sticking your tongue out at him. “brave girl. despite how cold i am, i had my hands all over your ass just now and we’re too wet to go out so i hope you realize i’m not taking it easy on you when we get home.”
the look in his eyes sent a little thrill through your body and you nodded knowing you were in for it tonight. but at least you’d gotten what you wanted in the first place; you and your boyfriend staying in on a rainy night.
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a/n: this is so bad but i wanted to write it so…. this is the product. it wouldn’t leave my brain alone. i’d call this smuttyish??? idk. this was purely self indulgent, i just wanted to write my fav bratty boy with another brat cause if he were dating me, he’d hate me so bad lmao (but i’d love it so i win). anyway, if you like this don’t hesitate to like, comment, reblog, anything. i always appreciate it!!
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© nocturnalstarlet on tumblr
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in-halingstardust · 10 months
Civility in the bedroom
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A/N: With the new chapter out, there are a lot of theories between Dan Heng and Blade- !spoilermaybe Its the fuckin Untamed Mihoyo style. So let's put reader right in the middle... Dan Heng x f!reader x Blade Tags: !mdni, threesome, exhbitionism?, jealousy turned to quite literally 'turned on', dan heng and reader are a couple and are completly for this shhhh.
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Blade wants to take everything away from Dan Heng.
His soft smile, shared only between close companions. The soft, innocent colors in his eyes. And something that was undeniably his, you.
Right in front of him.
You've leaned over Dan Heng. Caging him in underneath you as you can barely support yourself as Blade thrusts into you like a machine.
When you're on top of Dan Heng, arms barely supporting yourself as Dan Heng tightly grips your hips thrusting into you - no more than that, reaching every crevice inside of you with the force of a monster- your tits bob back and forward inches away from Dan Heng's face as you lose yourself.
It's almost too much until you feel the touch of heat on your breasts. And it was hot- god damnit- the way Dan Heng's mouth was slightly open, pink tongue darting out to lick hard nipples waving in front of his face.
Blade chuckles as he gropes your chest lifting you against his chest, thrusting in vigor into you. He feels so good- you can feel how deeply his dick is hitting inside of you. If you were to look down- was that a tiny bump moving up and down inside of you?
You throw your head back against Blade's chest, the organism coming quickly at the thought. You feel Blade enter your mouth, fingers pressing down on your tongue, drool leaking from the sides as he explores.
He whispers to you, "Now- why don't we give him a show?"
His other hand steadies you as he thrust in deeper than you could imagine. You can feel him everywhere and much closer than the other position. Blade is letting drool drip down your chin onto your chest intermingling with the wet tips Dan Heng left in his hunger.
Your mind flickers back to him and you look down and god- you can't take any more of this. He was looking at you like some ethereal being. The way his eyes followed your breasts up and down. The way he bit his lip wanting to kiss you or eat you out was a matter entirely up to him.
It was too much, the way Blade moved his hand downwards twisting and pulling perky, swollen nipples till you mewed out Dan Heng's mouth open with undeniable lust.
You were close so close, the way you fluttered around his Blade's massive cock inside of you he can tell also. He grunts his thrust quicken and oh right there that feels like where the stars are colliding inside of you.
All you hear is a faint whisper- a mock that had the same breathiness as you, "Make sure to scream."
Curving your back against pleasure, it was almost too easy to let out the loudest moan as you cum when Blade is ruining you quite literally in front of Dan Heng. Hot white shoots through you as your body convulses in waves of pleasure. You feel Blade slip out to rub his cock against your ass. Hot cum comes out in bursts along your back intermingling with sweat.
He lets go and your body rolls into Dan Heng's side where you curl your chin into his shoulders as he rubs a hand against your back. Your thigh is sprawled across his body and you can feel his hard erection pocking against soft flesh, ready for you.
…ready for you both?
Pressing your thigh against Dan Heng he lets out a small whimper and you know he wants this too as you kiss him on the cheek gently. Enough to say 'I'm here with you,' and another to convey 'I'll take care of you.'
You twist your head, enough to see through the hair that was sticking against your face to look at Blade, to see if he got what he wanted. To ruin Dan Heng by ruining you. Dark ebony contrasted the obvious red on his ear tips, his bare chest heaving up and down as he looked at you both with red eyes with emotion swirling through him. It was like spark starting to engulf a forest, quickly, too fast to understand what they were starting.
You didn't want to think anymore about them and you here.
You wanted another round and then later- you three can be civil about your feelings.
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snowyquokka · 4 months
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seungmin x fem!reader
requested by: @jeonginswifesstuff
cw: smut (duh) MDNI, hand kink, soft dom seungmin, oral *f receiving*, fingering, foreplay swearing, uses of ‘pup, bubs, pretty girl, refers reader as a pillow princess, praise, aftercare, established relationship
wc: 0.7k
“Hi baby,” Seungmin wraps his arms around your waist when he sees you walk through the door.
“Hey,” you mumble. He pulls back and gives you a questioning look “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” you shake your head. He rolls his eyes “Bubs, what’s wrong.” you let out a deep sigh. “It’s stupid,” Seungmin cups your cheeks, “I don’t care if it’s stupid or not. It’s bothering you so I want to know.” you close your eyes and rest your forehead on his chest. “I’m just stressed with work and school. I’m tired.”
Seungmin hums and picks you up by your waist and carries you bridal style. “What’re you doing?” you whine. “Min, put me down.”
He carries you to the couch in the living room and sits you down gently. “I wanna help you relax, baby.” Seungmin kneels in front of you with a soft smile, “Can I do that?”
You bite your lip and nod, earning a gentle kiss before Seungmin unbuttons your jeans and slides them off of your legs, throwing them across the room. “Mm, my pretty girl’s already so wet,” he praises before pulling your panties down with his teeth. The sudden cold air against your soaked core forces a gasp out of you.
“Just relax bubs. Tonight’s all about you, okay?” Seungmin has two sides when it comes to having sex: either he’s a really rough, degrading dom, or, like now, he’s a really soft and gentle dom. Though no matter how hard you tried, he’d never let you top him. He likes to call you his ‘pillow princess’
Seungmin spreads your thighs open wider, gaining better access to you. He slides one finger into you and kisses up and down your legs. You catch yourself watching his hand as he adds another finger and pumps in and out of you.
Seungmin doesn’t know about your hand fetish, not because you’re ashamed of it but rather because you really don’t know how to bring it up.
He looks up at you with dark eyes before licking and kissing your clit while his fingers are still in you. Your back arches slightly off the couch and your legs try to close but Seungmin stops them and places his hand on top of your thigh.
As he eats you out he periodically squeezes your thigh and every time he does, you let out the hottest moans he thinks he’s ever heard. He has also noticed you glancing at his hands every time you spit out some kind of profanity mixed in with a whine or a groan which boosts his ego.
He can feel you tightening around his fingers so he adds a third and takes his mouth away, arousal dripping down his chin. “Does my baby like my hands?” you immediately nod your head and moan. “Interesting,” he grins. He begins to rub small and slow circles around your clit while curling his fingers inside your cunt. “You’re clenching around me so much, y/n. Making me think you’d rather have my hands than my mouth, hm?” When you don’t answer his question he slows his fingers.
“Answer me,” he looks into your eyes.
“I- fuck, Min. Yes, yes. Rather have- rather have your fingers.” you cry out.
“Good girl, I think you deserve to come now.”
“Yes, please.” you beg. Seungmin picks his pace back up and rubs your clit faster.
It doesn’t take long for you to come. Seungmin cleans you up, licking all of your juices from your thighs.
He rises from his knees and tilts your chin, opening your mouth. You stick your tongue out and Seungmin places his cum soaked fingers in your mouth.
He watches in awe as you suck every last drop off of him and kiss his palm after. “Fuck baby. You’re so good for me. Let’s get you in the bath, yeah? Afterwards, I can make you some food.”
You nod gratefully and yelp when he picks you up without warning.
Seungmin chuckles and kisses your temple. “You at least feel better?”
“Much. Thank you, Seungie.”
“Anything for my pup. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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honeybcj · 1 month
@jegulus-microfic april 19th | class | 764 words | nsfw (cw: undisclosed age gap [student teacher dynamic], edging, spit kink, minor daddy kink)
It’s not James’ fault. How could it have been? Ever since that first day when Regulus walked inside his lecture hall, it was a done deal. He had shown up in a godforsaken silk blouse, the top two buttons underdone to reveal the delectable curve of his collarbone. And the pants—don’t get James started on the pants. They hugged the curve of his ass; an ass that deserves to be worshiped.
There had never been anyone that made James question everything before, but then Regulus had to be in his class and all cares about professionalism and teacher and student dynamics flew out the window.
The lines blurred—fast. Regulus would stay behind or cast him these looks mid-lecture. It was enough to make James' brain short circuit. Much in the sense to how his brain was barely functioning right now, courtesy of Regulus on his knees with his lips wrapped around James’ cock.
It’s office hours, but no one ever comes. That always meant a challenge, one that Regulus definitely didn’t want to back down on. And how could James say no? Especially when Regulus looked up at him so prettily.
“Regulus, baby,” James groans, trying his best to stay quiet. He fists the hair on the back of Regulus’ head, tugging gently at the curls.
Regulus simply hums around his cock, slipping him further until the head is nudging against the back of his throat.
It’s wrong, but everything feels so right as James sits back in his office chair, knees splayed apart for Regulus to kneel between. And God—it is one of the prettiest sights James has ever seen. He’s close—has been for a minute, but every time he’s there, Regulus teases him by pulling off with a wet pop and squeezing the base of his cock. Much like he’s doing right now.
“Don’t you like it when my mouth is being put to good use, Professor Potter?” Regulus blinks innocently, lips swollen and slick with spit and precum.
James rolls his eyes, pushing Regulus’ head down in an attempt to get him to do something. “I have class soon, baby. Really soon.”
Regulus’ lips curl up into a taunting smile, head cocked to the side like a challenge is being presented to him. In the blink of an eye, Regulus is no longer kneeling before him. Instead, he’s perched on the edge of James’ desk, watching him with playful eyes.
“Since you want to play that game, daddy,” Regulus says, which only makes James groan, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. “I’ll let you go to class just like that.”
“Reg, baby—”
Regulus tuts, shaking his head. “Go to class. I just know everyone wants to get a good look at the professor.”
James sighs, defeated, as he tries to tug up his pants. He knows better than to argue with Regulus on the matter, no matter how hard he is trapped into the confines of his trousers. Despite this, James still manages to push up from his chair, shifting himself in his pants.
His hand takes purchase on Regulus’ chin, tilting his head back, so James is looking down at him. He’s met with a grin from Regulus, who then sticks out his tongue. He knows. James might be a little predictable, but god does it do something to the already noticeable problem in his pants.
“Good boy,” James murmurs before leaning down and letting a trail of spit drop from his mouth onto Regulus’ awaiting tongue.
The moan that leaves Regulus’ mouth is like music to James’ ears. He watches carefully as Regulus swallows, paying close attention to how his throat bobs.
“Think of your grandmother. Think of your grandmother,” James mumbles under his breath, which only makes Regulus giggle, kicking the toe of his boot at James’ knee.
“Alright, old man,” Regulus teases, licking over his lips. “Get to class, and I’ll be waiting right here for when you get back.”
James huffs, cupping Regulus’ cheeks in his hands and presses a deep kiss to his mouth. It takes everything in James not to carry on the moment, but Regulus is right, students are waiting for him. Good thing though, because Regulus pushes him off with expert hands, tugging his lower lip between his teeth.
“Go on, daddy,” Regulus murmurs. “I’ll be waiting.”
“You better.” James tucks a loose curl behind Regulus’ ear before picking up his bag.
“Wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else.”
James rolls his eyes again, willing the tightness in his pants to disappear. It was going to be a long lecture.
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months
Do you any hc’s oh how the kings(also Lucifer if you can ) like to kiss and maekout with MC ?
Hi hi anon, thank you for waiting <3 Let's see how our bois like smashing face with MC, hm?
Satan: We saw how he kissed MC in chapter 1, how unexpected it was, and sweet but rough and passionate. That was just out of impulse though. How he really makes out with MC when he wants something more intense, is that he'll bite his lips right before...making his bottom lip puffy and swollen. He takes MC by placing his hand on the back of their neck to pull them in, he doesn't close his eyes at first making sure he has their full attention, dominating the kiss by sliding his tongue across theirs slowly. He does eventually close them though, and deepens the kiss, and loves moaning into MCs mouth during. If MC bites his tongue during, even just a nibble, he gets excited and rubs his chest against theirs. He also loves it when they reach up and grasp the base of his horns. Even if it's just once.
Mammon: He does nose and forehead kisses throughout the day, quick and sweet as it's an excuse to pick up MC and hold their butt in his hand for a bit. But he does like makeout sessions, mostly when he's in the middle of something because he'll stop what he's doing and pay attention to MC immediately. This king is not as dominant with his kisses, letting MC take the lead, until they grab his butt (attempt to anyway) or his chest and squeeze, that he moans/grunts loudly and pushes MC against the wall/bed/chair/himself and wants more. More tongue, more lip, more grinding or stimulation. Whatever it is. He craves MC.
Beelzebub: He likes kissing MC on the back of the neck as a sneak attack. Or on the thighs if MC prefers a more in-your-face approach. Make-out sessions are at random, it doesn't matter where or when, even if he's in front of his nobles. Though when he does have an audience it's a quick, with tongues deep kiss for about a few seconds then he'll pull away. But, if he's alone with MC, he starts at the waist and thighs, kissing each exposed part, up their side, biting and groaning along the way as he makes it up to their neck where he stops and sucks and bites there a little. He finally makes his way to their lips and sucks on them before he sticks his tongue as deep as possible into their mouth. It's messy, wet, and he's grinding on them so much it's surprising neither of them have taken clothes off yet.
Leviathan: Leviathan doesn't do small kisses. Maybe if he's feeling like it he'll do quick cheek kisses, but he feels it's not worth his time. But a make-out session with him is rather demanding. He's pulling on MC's clothes to bring them closer, it's almost like he's super needy for their attention as if they'd been ignoring him all day. He moans like crazy and switches from having his tongue deep in their mouth to pulling back to let MC take over. If MC pinches his nipples he grinds against them and puts his hand on the back of their head to keep them in place. There are a lot of tongues involved when making out with Levi, and he wants nothing less or more than that. MC definitely has to make sure they have enough energy because each make-out session is at least 10-15 minutes.
Lucifer: For any small and quick kisses, it's mostly on the hand or on the cheek. He might bite a little if it's on the collarbone or neck, but if he does that...it leads to a very interesting make-out session. He treats MC's neck area like how a vampire would almost, bite, drawing blood. He doesn't get touchy at first, but once his lips meet theirs his hands are roaming. His goal ultimately is to taste those tears of pleasure that weep from MC's face, but he takes his time with it. So any make-out session will easily end up being 30 minutes, and it isn't just straight-up face sucking during this time. He switches up from biting, to body worship, and kissing every single part of MC's body that he can see before he goes back to take over their lips again.
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highvern · 7 months
adamas et aurum
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: gross domestic fluff, boyfriend mingyu
Length: ~1.7k
Note: more Drunk Goggles couple bc im beating a dead horse. idk why i do this to myself :) crying :) in :) the :) club :)
read more here
“You owe me a kiss.”
“Oh, do I?”
Mingyu huffs, face covered in sweat, backwards hat matting his hair to his skull, bare chest rose-colored from the fiery sun and swampy humidity. You’ve both spent all morning moving boxes to and fro so he’s about two seconds away from laying down on the floor for a much needed nap. When it came to heavier stuff, Mingyu insisted you stay and start unpacking the necessities so the apartment would at least be somewhat functional around all the mess. He didn’t have the heart to tell you that his shredded patience couldn’t handle any more of your help. Thank god some of the guys are coming over tomorrow to help him with the furniture.
Because of his chivalry, you’ve stayed cool in the AC, humming to the music blasting from a speaker in the kitchen as you work to make the new space a home. All the while Mingyu slaves away to lug in stuff he doesn’t remember either of you owning. 
“Boyfriend tax.”
“Ahhhh,” you nod. 
Jumping up on your toes, you deliver a cartoonishly wet smack on his lips as a thank you for his hard word.
“How’s it going?”
“Bathroom is mostly unpacked but we need to get some bins to organize under the sink. Oh! And the beds made too!” You chirp, turning back to your task of wiping out the cabinets and drawers of your new kitchen. “If you wanna wash up and lay down, I’ll order something to eat.”
“You’re the best.” he sighs, stepping into the space behind you, chest against your back, face tucked into the curve of your shoulder, hands grasping the edge of the counter on each side of your hips. 
“My man works hard, gotta take care of him.” You praise, twisting your neck to drop a kiss to his temple causing you to get a whiff of his sweat.
“Now go shower, you stink.” 
“Hey!” Mingyu objects, face moving over your shoulder so he can look at you. “I’m sorry I’ve been roleplaying as your hot shirtless mover for the last two hours. Bust my butt and this is how you thank me?”
Turning to face him, you tangle your arms around his neck, linking your hands behind his head and pulling him into a bear hug. His palms slide around the sensitive skin of your back, pulling you closer as your shirt sticks to his sweaty chest uncomfortably where you press together. But that doesn’t matter right now. Right now, you’re together, in the new apartment you share, starting the next chapter of your lives.
“Thank you, Mingyu. I love you.” You whisper into his collarbone.
“Damn right.” He mumbles, tilting his head down to drop a sweet peck to your mouth, arms giving a tight squeeze before swatting at your ass as he turns towards the bedroom.
“Boyfriend tax!” He calls over his shoulder, amusement bubbling in his voice.
Your eyes trail after him, heart swelling as it begins to fully register what you’ve done. He’s here and his name is on the lease next to yours; your matching keys hanging by the door, assigned parking spots downstairs next to each other. Mingyu just went into your shared bedroom, to take a shower in your shared bathroom, and tonight you’ll curl up beside him in your shared bed.
Wonwoo moving in with his girlfriend has been the catalyst for the much needed conversation. Mingyu had essentially been living out of your apartment for months already, only returning to his own place every few days for fresh clothes or to see his friend. When his roommate told him he was planning to move out after their lease ended in four months you simply scoffed at his distress about where to live. 
“You basically live with me anyway.” You mumbled, not thinking about what the statement implied.
“I—,” he gapes. “Are you asking me to move in with you?”
“I just mean, you already stay here so much anyway.” You grumble, suddenly feeling awkward in his hold.
“Can you just ask me nicely?” He whines. “I wanna be romanced.”
Humoring him, you slide to the floor in front of the couch you two had been draped across. Dropping to one knee, you cup your hands together in a makeshift box like you’re proposing. Your eyes round and brows raise, attempting and failing to give him an earnest expression.
“Kim Mingyu, love of my life, future father of my children, bane of my existence. Will you do me the honor of moving in with me?”
“Bain of your existence?”
“Focus.” You snap your fingers. “Will you move in with me?”
“Duh,” he beams, tackling you to the ground and snaring you in a bear hug as you squeal in delight.
Your friends had warned you about signing a lease together; that no matter how many nights Mingyu stays at your apartment (twenty three in a row is his record), when you call the same place home things will be different. And all of his bad habits won’t change just because he’s living with his girlfriend. If anything they may get worse because it's his home now too and he’s no longer a long staying guest.
You already knew that Mingyu tends to leave the seat up after using the bathroom, and will collapse with laughter if you fall in; that he insists on burying his cold feet under your butt when sitting on the couch, occasionally wiggling his toes just to piss you off; and how he will put the carton of milk back in the fridge even if there's only a drop left no matter how many threats against his person you make.
But Mingyu also sets his alarm ten minutes earlier than needed so he can hold you in bed before starting the day, basking in each others drowsy warmth before braving the world outside the sheets; he frequently insists you sit between his legs on the floor and let him dry your hair after you shower, gently combing his fingers through it, sometimes twisting the locks into messy braids or buns with his clumsy hands; how he’ll surprise you with a candle light dinner, insisting you both dress up even though your sitting at the kitchen table on a Tuesday eating reheated leftovers, just because he can.
No matter how annoying his bad habits are, the good ones are worth their weight and more in gold.
A shockingly girlish shriek shatters your daydream.
Hightailing it to the bathroom, you spot your stark naked boyfriend through the plastic of the shower liner, quivering in the corner of the stall like a leaf blowing in the wind. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Its fucking hot!” He cries, over his shoulder, trying to shield his body from the spray by curling into the tiled wall.
Heaving a sigh of relief and annoyance, you can’t help rolling your eyes as you step towards the front of the tub and twist the faucet, adjusting to a cooler temperature for him so he doesn’t have to stick his arm through the scalding rain.
“Big baby,” you grumble before heading back to the kitchen.
“I heard that!”
“You were supposed to!”
Mingyu shuffles into the bedroom, towel draped low on his waist, beads of water falling from his hair to his collarbone as he looks for the duffle bag he packed with clothes for the next few days; but the scene before him stops him in his tracks. The sun from the window casts the room in a buttery yellow, beams of light dappling your figure sprawled on the bed, mouth open slightly and hair a mess around your face. He leans a shoulder against the door frame, tired eyes full of love and mouth lifted in a gentle smile as his soulmate snores quietly a few feet away.
When you asked if he wanted to move in together, Mingyu lacked the self control needed to stop from jumping up and screeching like a kid in a candy store. The thought of living with his favorite person in the world had his heart tremble and his palms sweat. Despite all the oddities and quirks he learned about you in the past two years of dating, almost everyone warned him that you can’t really know someone till you live with them. He thinks the months before today had prepared him for the inevitable annoyances you two would face.
He’s accepted that you leave hair on the walls of the shower that eventually clog the drain, pooling water around his feet when he hops in the stall before work; how you push around takeout boxes and spoiled produce in the fridge for days instead of throwing them out; and that piles of unfolded laundry will sit on the edge of the couch for days on end until one day the planets align and you decide to re-organize your entire closet after folding the wrinkle garments.
Mingyu accepts all of those things because he also knows you like to surprise him by grabbing all the ingredients for a recipe he mentions wanting to try in passing, happily volunteering to be his sous chef and taste tester, insisting you both don the couple aprons his mom got you for Christmas; that when he isn’t feeling well you’ll scratch his back until he falls asleep with his cheek squished on your stomach while you fret over him; how you always wait up for him when he gets ready for bed, glazed eyes opening every few minutes to blink lazily, soft breath tickling the skin between his shoulder blades where your head lays only interrupted by an occasional sleepy kiss on his spine while he brushes his teeth.
His friends mentioned all the ways moving in together will change the way you see each other. But in the two years you’ve been dating, each time your relationship changed it's been for the better. When you two started hanging out on your own and he found his opinion on you shifting completely. When you admitted you liked each other and he learned you were a lot braver than he was. When you two fought for the first time and he realized that as brave as you were, you weren’t invincible. When he said he loved you for the first time by accident and discovered you were just as in this as he was. All the fights that challenged you to understand each other better, the struggles that strained your ability to take care of one another; all of it had changed your relationship but pressure makes a diamond.
A lot like the one he plans to give you when he asks if you want to change your relationship again one day.
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