#hot lizzie
olsenmyolsen · 1 year
Facetime With My Mom (Tonight)
Part 3 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~2.6K
Robbie POV
Waking up on the floor from my drunken stupor at five in the evening is not how I'd expect today to go. But it's what I deserve after the things I said to Lizzie. My love. My fiance. I didn't mean to hurt her. I wanted to let her know what I was feeling, but I was chasing her out of our Richmond home before I knew it.
That was three days ago.
I know by now she's back home. Or at least I hope. She has yet to call or text me, and I don't blame her. But I know she misses me, and I love her. I'm not going to give up.
After giving myself a much-needed shower and putting some of Lizzie's gross anchovy toast into my stomach, I decided to sit on our bed and call her. It's six now, so L.A. time it's..... ten in the morning. She'll probably be gardening, taking care of her little kiddos. She hates it when I call them that, but everyone knows she can be such a mom.
Okay, stop stalling, Robbie.
I unlock my phone and go to our text messages. My heart breaks a little looking at the last several texts I sent her. All left on DELIVERED.
I click on the call button, and to my surprise, I hear her angelic voice.
L: "Hello."
R: "Lizzie! Are you safe?"
L: "Yes, I am."
I can feel tension over the phone. I pause, thinking about how I want this conversation to continue.
R: "Lizzie I-."
L: "Why are you calling me?"
R: "Well, I haven't heard anything from you for three days, Lizzie. I was starting to get worried."
I hear Lizzie let out a heavy breath.
L: "Were you starting to get worried, or are you worried? There's a clear difference and let's not forget that you were the one that said you were having second thoughts and-"
She's right.
R: "Lizzie, I'm sorry. I know I hurt you, but that was not my intention-"
I hear Lizzie, and someone else starts laughing before Lizzie shushes whoever else is with her.
R: "Lizzie, are you laughing at me? Who are you with?"
L: "No, I'm not laughing at you, Robbie. Something funny just happened in front of me. Look, listen, I got to go. We can finish this talk later."
R: "Wait, Liz-"
L: "Alright."
R: "Elizabeth, I love you."
L: "Alright. See you later."
She didn't say it. The line goes dead. Once again, I'm left alone with my thoughts. I drop my phone onto our bed and begin dragging my feet into the kitchen. I grab the nearest bottle of brown bourbon, making a promise to myself to drink until I can't remember.
I close the door to my apartment and lean my back against it. I let out the one squeal I've been holding in since she left me earlier. I know I shouldn't be freaking out. I mean, yes, it's a date, but it's not like a date date, right? We're just friends.
But she is insanely attractive, dresses so cool, her voice is soothing and cute, plus she makes me so comfortable and omg, I need to pick out an outfit! I sprint into my bedroom and rush head first into the closet.
"Now she said I don't have to wear anything too fancy, but what does that reallllly mean?"
I rip out half of my closet, searching for the perfect item, and after an hour, nothing calls to me. I flop myself onto the pile of clothes on my bed in frustration. Without realizing it, I begin to call my Mom.
M: "Y/N, are you alright?"
Y/N: "Yes, Mom, I'm fine. I just need some help."
M: "Some help? Help with what, darling?"
Y/N: "I'm going out with a friend tonight, and I have no idea what to wear!"
M: "This is what you called me about? Seriously?"
Y/N: "Yes, seriously, Mom. It's important, please!"
M: "Okay, Y/N."
Y/N: "Okay, let's switch to FaceTime."
M: "How do I do that again?"
After painfully walking my Mom through the simple steps of modern technology, she begins to help me. However, over a half hour later, I quickly realized that she has no idea how I dress and what looks good. So I'm sadly back to step one. 
M: "Y/N."
Y/N: "Yes." I responded, frustrated.
M: "If you're going to continue having an attitude, I'll hang up. I raised you better than that."
I walk off screen to mock her and throw my hands up at her.
M: "Y/N?"
I walk back in frame so she can see me.
Y/N: "You're right. I'm sorry." I lie.
M: "That's okay. Now, what about the black piece under your Taylor Swift Cardigan?"
I look for what she is talking about. Oh, this! I pick it up and hold it up to the camera.
M: "What do you think?"
I do like it, but I don't think it's good enough for Liz, but she told me not to wear anything too fancy. So I guess this should be okay? Plus, it's black, and black looks good all the time, right? I'm so tired of looking at my clothes, so this will have to do.
Y/N: "I think it could work. Thank you, Mom!"
M: "Of course, dear. Y/N promise me you'll call soon so we can have an honest talk about your life.
Y/N: I promise
M: Now go get ready!"
Y/N: "Okay. Bye, Mom! Love you!"
M: "Love you too."
After hanging up with my Mom, a rush of panic runs over me as I realize how many texts I've missed from Liz.
Liz - Sexy ☕️ Bitch
Today 1:13 PM
I hope whenever you see this, you enjoy the name 🤍
Today 2:07 PM
You haven't seen my text yet 🥺
Today 2:43 PM
Oh completely forgot to send the address for tonight, so here you go! I can't wait! (address attached)
Today 3:37 PM
Hey Y/N, did you make it home okay? Please text me when you see this.
Today 4:04 PM
Suppose you're having second thoughts about tonight. I'm sorry I feel like I'm pushing you. Please text me or call me, so I at least know you are safe, but if you don't want to, I can understand. I'm sorry.
Oh my God! I've had Liz worrying this whole time. And Jesus, she is so fucking cute with all these texts. But oh my God, I'm an asshole!
Today 4:14 PM
Hey, I am so sorry! Yes, I'm alive. I just saw these texts!!! I just got off the phone with my Mom. She was helping me pick out an outfit for our date! I'm so excited! I just clicked on the link, and it's somewhere I've never been to, so now I'm extra excited!
The link could've been to a fucking Mcdonald's, and I would've still said what I awkwardly said.
Oh shit, she's typing.
Today 4:14 PM
Y/N, omg, I'm so glad you're alright. I swear I was about to go search all over the city.
I'm so so so sorry for making you worry! Can you forgive me?
I'll think about it! Okay, I thought about it. Yeah, I forgive you lol
(Aww, that's cute. She still uses lol)
Whew, thank you, Liz
So do you like it?
Like what?
My name in your phone?
It's perfect.
😊 so you going to tell me what you're wearing tonight or is it a surprise?
Hmmmmmm A surprise But don't expect something crazy
😒 finneeee
Hey, I don't need any sas from you, Miss.
I'm glad you remembered Miss not Ma'am like a good girl. So I'll see you at 7. Don't be late
I practically throw my phone across the room after reading that last text! Good girl! Good girl, she said! She has to know what she's doing! Right? Fuck, this actually might be a date date! How me? Why me? Oh shit, I need to start getting ready NOW!
After giving myself the most needed shower in history, I sat on the floor debating on what shoes I wanted to pair with my black bishop sleeve dress. I think heels would work, but I hate wearing them, so I'm going to hedge my bet and wear my black vans to match. Liz did say it wasn't too fancy of a place!
I slip on the dress and walk into my bathroom to look myself over once more. Even before Naomi ruined me, I don't think I ever looked at myself more than I have tonight. It was not exactly easy when all you've been told is how unattractive you are and how lucky you should be that even be graced in the presence of someone who was supposed to love you no matter what.
I reach my hand out and touch the mirror of my hand. Yep this person looking back at me is me. Tonight I don't look at myself with hate and disgust. This is a moment I hope to save. I look down at my counter space and search through all my bathroom drawers and cabinets until I spot my make-up bag.
"Let's do this, huh?"
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(What Liz is wearing tonight and awww, look cute, Aubrey)
"I should've just had someone pick her up. What was I thinking?" I look at my phone - 7:04. Where the hell is she? I run my hand through my hair. "Y/N would've told me if she was backing out. She's probably rushing to get here. I trust her." I put my head into my hands. My mind is spiraling into a panic, and the constant thoughts of the last three days don't help. But seeing and meeting Y/N has been a bright light. Literally, since I saw her that first day, I can't help but think of her being all cute while reading my order back to me. I feel drawn to her, and I can't explain it.
I look up, and it's her. She's here!
"Y/N!" I walk up to her and hug her. I feel like I caught her off guard because the hug she gives me back isn't a full one. "You ready?"
"Yeah, sorry I'm a little late. I got turned around at one point, and........" I hear her, and I'm trying to process what she is saying, but it's slowly becoming gibberish as my eyes start wondering. Y/N is doing things to me right now. Who knew just a black dress and vans could look so good on someone. My eyes work back to her face and her cherry-red-covered lips. She's beautiful.
"Liz?" Y/N breaks my thoughts. "We going inside?" I nod, grab her hand, and head in. I make a beeline to the hostess. The hostess looks us up and down with a stank face. Bitch.
Now for my favorite part. "MK," I say in my most bitchy voice. I watch from the corner of my eye Y/N look at me, confused, before looking back to the hostess, flustered and embarrassed.
"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, Mar-MK. I didn't recognize you with your sunglasses on and your new friend. Please give me one moment." I watch her squirm and phone someone. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this.
The hostess ends the call as a waiter dressed in all-white tux approaches.
"Walter will be taking care of the two of you tonight. Once again, MK, I apologize for my ignorance tonight. I hope you and your friend can forgive me." The pleads fall on deaf ears as I pull Y/N to follow Walter to our private table.
I look back at Y/N, who has a face painted with amazement. Everyone in this place screams money, and I feel a little regret bringing Y/N to such a place on the first date. Once we reach our table, I pull a chair out for Y/N. She thanks me as I take a seat opposite her. Before Walter can even ask, I answer. "Red." Walter nods his head and disappears.
"Okay, what the fuck was all of that!" I don't think I've ever heard anyone this giddy before. I smile and explain that I used my sister's name to get us a table here and that fucking with the snobby people is all good fun. Y/N laughs, and it warms my heart to see that after seeing how she was at the park. Walter returns with two glasses and a handpicked bottle of Red.
"For you and your friend."
"Thank you, Walter." I address the man but stare at Y/N as she ogles everything around her. She's so cute.
"I shall be back momentarily." Walter leaves us, allowing my date with Y/N to begin properly.
I grab my glass as Y/N follows suit. "To tonight and everything that comes with it." Y/N and I share a smile as we each take a sip.
Comfortable silence begins to build. I don't mind because it gives me time to get lost thinking about the woman in front of me.
"So, do you just wear those sunglasses all the time, or are you hiding something?" I smirk at her question. "And what if I am hiding something?" She leans in. "Then I'd like for you to share it with me." Okay, Liz, moment of truth. I feel my nerves working their way up my body. Y/N would've known by now. I don't want to brag, but I'm Elizabeth Olsen!
I remove my sunglasses and set them on the table. I look Y/N straight in her eyes. I watch them go from eager to wide. Oh no. This was a mistake. "Wow." Is all Y/N can manage to spurt out of her mouth. I panic. "I know, Y/N! I feel like I should've to-"
"Your eyes." I stop in my tracks. "What Y/N?"
"Your eyes are so beautiful." Is this happening? "I mean, now I can clearly see you. You are so beautiful, Liz, but your eyes are like hiding their own little emerald forest inside them. Wow." I feel the butterflies inside of me multiply.
"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry- I shouldn't-" Y/N's eyes divert to the wine glass and then back to me. "What did Walter put in this?" Y/N asks, taking another sip, causing me to hunch over laughing. "Walter sure knows how to pick them, huh?" I respond, watching Y/N giggle to herself. Okay. So she really has no idea who I am.
"So the whole point of this dinner was to get to know each other. So let's start." I don't want to waste any more time. I want to know Y/N.
"Okay, I'll try not to struggle, but no promises, Liz." Y/N gives a half-hearted smile. She seems to get nervous when attention is shown her way. Or maybe it's just me? "Y/N, I just want you to know tonight is supposed to be fun, so there is no pressure here. Tell me if we get onto a topic you don't feel comfortable with. Okay?" I assure her. Y/N shines me a smile that could light up the world till the end of time. "Thank you, Liz."
"Of course. Let's each take a big sip of this wine, and then I'll ask a question." Without another word, a chug of wine goes down my throat. Y/N once again follows suit.
Part 4
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notlyndsie · 1 year
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summer in the early 2000s
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ribbongirls · 1 month
need to be sitting on an older man’s lap like a good girl while he leaves soft kisses around my neck <3
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irlcupcake · 1 month
my vibes all summer: long flowy skirts, lacey tanks, sparkly lids, curly updos, body shimmer, glossed lips, fluttery lashes, french tips, halter tops, bronzed skin & flowers in my hair 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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connabeth · 5 months
the lotus casino scenes were so severely lacking in shenanigans but the car part was so fun like what do you mean percy’s so obsessed with annabeth’s approval and validation that when he finally does something marginally decently after causing complete and utter terror he looks at her and meets her gaze to be like “see? are you proud of me?” and gets distracted and immediately totals her side of the car
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dollster · 1 year
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Lizzy Caplan
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Lana Del Rey x Skims x Peppers
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jurassicass · 9 months
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Janis Ian the mean punk pierced they/them androgynous lesbian that you are....binder wearing masc dyke, cowards should've let her and Regina date/smooch at the end
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suicidgirl222 · 1 year
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ribbongirls · 2 months
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say you’ll never leave me.
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I'm the sweetest girl in town, so why are you so mean daddy?
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poisonivydo1l · 27 days
how i feel when i say i love older men but im too shy to talk to them
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Mommy wanda when I'm giving her the best head of her life
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whimsymazzy · 11 months
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how I love being a woman 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒
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