the-library-sys · 7 months
being sys4sys (is that a term? can we make it a term?) with a system with lots of introjects is so cool bc i just get to hang out with adam from saw and get affectionately bullied by chucky from child’s play. we love our partner sys so much -james
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coffee-writesthings · 3 months
I'm never gonna hear the end of this "didnt archive things properly" thing from my headmates. In my defense I'm not the archivist here! That's another guy's job! I just live here
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hoooshiiiii · 2 months
Bone spaghetti.
Blood sauce :3
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mxsseduction · 5 months
Mateo's been missing for about two weeks this is probably fine right
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deerskullsystem · 2 years
you know that tiktok where its like "am i aspec or am i just traumatized". yeah.
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como acessar o site do hostpost via vpn
🔒🌍✨ Ganhe 3 Meses de VPN GRÁTIS - Acesso à Internet Seguro e Privado em Todo o Mundo! Clique Aqui ✨🌍🔒
como acessar o site do hostpost via vpn
Acesso seguro ao site
Garantir um acesso seguro ao site é essencial para proteger tanto os dados dos usuários quanto a integridade da plataforma. Existem várias medidas que podem ser implementadas para alcançar esse objetivo.
Uma das principais formas de assegurar o acesso seguro ao site é através da utilização de certificados SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Esse certificado criptografa as informações trocadas entre o navegador do usuário e o servidor, garantindo que os dados sensíveis estejam protegidos contra possíveis ataques de terceiros.
Além disso, é fundamental adotar práticas de autenticação forte, como a utilização de senhas robustas, autenticação em duas etapas e a implementação de sistemas de verificação biométrica. Essas medidas ajudam a evitar o acesso não autorizado às contas dos usuários e protegem contra tentativas de phishing e roubo de identidade.
Outra estratégia importante é manter o site e suas aplicações sempre atualizadas. Corrigir eventuais vulnerabilidades e falhas de segurança é essencial para garantir um ambiente online seguro e confiável.
Por fim, é recomendável contar com a orientação de especialistas em segurança da informação para avaliar continuamente a segurança do site e implementar as melhores práticas do setor. Investir na proteção do acesso ao site não só fortalece a confiança dos usuários, mas também contribui para a reputação e o sucesso da plataforma online.
Conexão VPN para Hostpost
Uma conexão VPN para Hotspot é uma ferramenta poderosa que pode garantir a segurança e privacidade dos seus dados enquanto você utiliza redes Wi-Fi públicas. Quando você se conecta a uma rede Wi-Fi de um hotspot em um café, aeroporto, hotel ou qualquer outro lugar público, seus dados podem ficar vulneráveis a ataques de hackers que podem roubar suas informações pessoais, como senhas, dados bancários, e-mails, entre outros.
Ao utilizar uma conexão VPN, todos os dados transmitidos entre o seu dispositivo e a rede Wi-Fi do hotspot são criptografados, o que significa que eles são embaralhados e protegidos de acessos não autorizados. Isso garante que mesmo que um hacker consiga interceptar os dados, ele não será capaz de decifrá-los, mantendo suas informações seguras.
Além da segurança, uma conexão VPN para hotspot também pode permitir que você acesse conteúdos bloqueados geograficamente, como sites de streaming de vídeo ou serviços de música que estão disponíveis apenas em determinados países.
É importante ressaltar que nem todas as VPNs são iguais, e é fundamental escolher uma provedora confiável e segura para garantir a eficácia da proteção dos seus dados. Portanto, ao utilizar uma conexão VPN em um hotspot, você pode desfrutar da conveniência de uma rede Wi-Fi pública sem comprometer a segurança das suas informações pessoais.
Navegação privada na internet
A navegação privada na internet é uma ferramenta importante para proteger a privacidade dos usuários online. Quando você navega na internet em modo privado, seu navegador não armazena o histórico de navegação, cookies ou outros dados temporários. Isso significa que você pode acessar sites sem que suas atividades fiquem registradas no seu dispositivo.
Essa funcionalidade é útil em diversas situações, como quando você deseja pesquisar algo de natureza sensível e prefere que essa informação não fique salva no histórico do navegador. Além disso, a navegação privada é útil para evitar que anúncios direcionados sejam exibidos com base nas suas pesquisas anteriores.
No entanto, é importante ressaltar que a navegação privada não garante anonimato completo na internet. Seu provedor de internet, sites que você visita e até mesmo seu empregador ainda podem rastrear suas atividades online. Portanto, é essencial tomar outras medidas de segurança, como o uso de redes privadas virtuais (VPNs) e softwares de proteção contra malware.
Em resumo, a navegação privada é uma ferramenta útil para proteger sua privacidade online, mas deve ser utilizada em conjunto com outras medidas de segurança para garantir uma experiência mais segura na internet.
Proteção de dados online
A proteção de dados online é um tema de extrema importância na sociedade digital em que vivemos atualmente. Com a crescente utilização da internet para realizar transações financeiras, compartilhar informações pessoais e interagir em redes sociais, torna-se essencial adotar medidas de segurança para garantir a privacidade e a proteção dos dados dos usuários.
Existem várias maneiras de proteger os dados online. Uma delas é utilizar senhas fortes e únicas para cada conta, evitando assim que hackers acessem informações confidenciais. Além disso, é importante manter os softwares e sistemas operacionais atualizados, pois as atualizações muitas vezes corrigem falhas de segurança que possam ser exploradas por cibercriminosos.
Outra medida fundamental é utilizar redes Wi-Fi seguras, preferencialmente protegidas por senha, para evitar o acesso não autorizado aos dados transmitidos pela internet. É importante também ter cuidado ao clicar em links suspeitos ou fornecer informações pessoais em sites não confiáveis.
Empresas e organizações também têm a responsabilidade de proteger os dados de seus clientes e colaboradores. A implementação de políticas de segurança da informação, a criptografia de dados sensíveis e a realização de backups regulares são algumas das medidas que podem ser adotadas para garantir a proteção dos dados online.
Em resumo, a proteção de dados online deve ser uma preocupação constante para usuários, empresas e instituições, a fim de garantir a segurança e a privacidade na era digital em que vivemos. A conscientização e a adoção de boas práticas de segurança são essenciais para minimizar os riscos de violação de dados e preservar a confiança dos usuários na internet.
Acessando site com segurança
A segurança na internet é uma preocupação cada vez mais relevante nos dias atuais. Acessar um site de forma segura é fundamental para proteger nossos dados e informações pessoais. Existem várias medidas que podemos adotar para garantir a segurança ao acessar sites.
Uma das práticas mais importantes é sempre verificar se o site que estamos acessando possui o certificado SSL, o que garante uma conexão segura e criptografada. Além disso, é importante manter os programas de antivírus e firewall atualizados, pois eles ajudam a detectar e bloquear ameaças online.
Evitar clicar em links suspeitos e sempre digitar o endereço do site diretamente na barra de navegação do navegador também são boas práticas de segurança. Além disso, é recomendável utilizar senhas fortes e únicas para cada site, para evitar que uma eventual violação comprometa todos os nossos acessos online.
Outra dica importante é ficar atento a sites falsos ou phishing, que tentam se passar por páginas legítimas para roubar informações dos usuários. Sempre verifique a URL do site e evite fornecer dados sensíveis em páginas que pareçam suspeitas.
Em resumo, ao acessar um site, lembre-se sempre de priorizar a segurança dos seus dados. Adote medidas preventivas, verifique a autenticidade do site e mantenha-se informado sobre as melhores práticas de segurança online. Dessa forma, você poderá navegar com tranquilidade e proteger suas informações pessoais.
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faeiri-tft · 6 years
abe? :o
during the kakuna wars i was stuck at a club event, which meant i couldn’t go on stream, but i COULD intermittently check the live updater. i got basically nothing done that day, and when charizard got released i almost started crying into a robot. that’s still basically how i feel about anniversary red
anyway. headcanons:
he’s always wanted to Do A Science–specifically, to learn something new about the world, to put it there for everyone to see. because pallet town is so small and he knew like 5 entire people, this meant he wanted to be a professor
he spent a lot of time around the lab, sometimes reading stuff, sometimes helping oak
blue actually spent a lot of time in the lab too, but that’s partly because it was the only place in pallet town with internet
oak’s computer had the outside world’s 2014 internet, and no one figured out anything was up until postgame
abe used to look up to professor oak a lot, which is…unfortunate, in retrospect
he’s pretty quiet naturally, and he’s not good at interacting with people and will generally default to doing stuff by himself, but at the same time, if you show anything remotely resembling friendship toward him, he will get Immediately attached
after AR ends that probably…contributes to why he doesn’t interact with others much
on the current point on the timeline he’s getting better about that but Everyone He Knows Fucking Dies, so. hoo
he’s pretty forgiving of people in general as long as they actually demonstrate that they’re changing. still, it’s kind of a “forgive but don’t forget” thing
abe’s a huge nerd but you already knew that
i picture him looking basically like FRLG!vanilla!red but with glasses
he has a tendency to pretend he’s doing Perfectly Fine for as long as possible which leads to the inevitable crash being like 10x worse than it would have been if he Admitted His Life Sucks
he spent the whole time between the kakuna wars and the battle tent in partial-shutdown pure-determination only-kinda-verbal pretending mode, and not even pretending well because, uh, i’ve never decided EXACTLY how old he was at the time but it can’t be more than 13
the battle tent was SO bad that leech king had to fucking telepathically confront him about it, which was the only reason he worked out that if he didn’t let himself have an emotion he was literally going to die
but it still took until way after AR, once the Voices weren’t watching, for him to sit down somewhere and have the good long cry he needed that whole time
the funny thing is that his Big Science Thing might have turned out to be the pokedex even before he got possessed and told to do the impossible?
he likes putting names to stuff, having a list of This Is How This Works. hence the whole map thing, and the dome thing, etc
after AR and until the end of anicrys he spends basically all his time tracking the glitches, seeing what forms they come in, and trying to figure out what the fuck they want
a lot of this involves sulking in a damn mountain (because mt silver in any universe is Important), which a) relatable, and b) works out pretty well for him because he’d. rather not deal with people right now anyway
 the thing about abe is that he can be oblivious about things while being scarily smart about others. he theorizes that the dokokashira glitch might be a thing before the Voices even enter a universe where it’s possible. and yet…actually i can’t think of a good example right now. i was gonna say something about time but i realized time doesn’t exist
plot stuff:
the PC was always a bit of a sentient location–the Voices thought it was specifically a murder machine but that was mostly because we suck–but there was always a world inside there, and it was always kinda alive
after bill died, oak got his hands all up in this interior world and, after fucking up a bunch of times (and with the help of the PC itself, which wanted to Be Something, had absorbed a lot of knowledge from deposited pokemon and what stuck was a lot of PC war lore shit), managed to make it into a copy of runwun kanto, from a few months before the Voices arrived.
oak designed this virtual kanto as a trap for the voices, where, once they got a Host, he’d give them an impossible task to keep them there forever
and protect all the REAL people out on this side of the PC. and it didn’t matter if anyone in the PCverse suffered, and it didn’t matter if the Voices helped create something that would rip that whole world apart–because it’s not like they’re real, right? they do a good job of pretending, almost fool him a few times, but they can’t be ALIVE, right?
oak only really feels guilty when interacting with AR!blue, and the first time he feels regret is when he realizes that somehow, AR!blue is starting to remember the “real” world (and also tpp1!blue is starting to remember the PCverse, but that doesn’t come up until way later)
oh yeah, and then it turns out that olden doesn’t just have power in the PC
even with all the ways oak miscalculated, it still takes him a long time to understand that the PCverse folks are, like, Real People Who Exist
fucking asshole
uh i witnessed the battle tent incident and it was like a creepypasta and my favorite part is the individual parts of that glitch (especially the “no pokemon -> black out forever” part) can mostly happen in the original games
i’m still upset about the whole “char comes back as a fucked-up glitch hell ghost and probably tells abe it’s his fault because Glitch Angery” thing
ahhhh fuck that makes a lot more sense in retrospect actually. that was already my lore and then we got the reason Glitch Angery being a double serving of “pissed off because they died and everyone moved on like they didn’t give a shit” no WONDER. huh. i’m aware i made half this up but still, why does everything in tpp happen so perfectly
character stuff:
i think AR is the most i’ve ever cared about the actual pokemon instead of getting too distracted by crying over hosts, so:
i started typing something about leech king and i think it’s turned into a full-fledged ficlet, which hopefully i can post in the next couple days, so thanks
charizard was The Best, and a huge sweetie who also loved just fucking destroying shit–in one of my personal runs i had a gyarados like that, he’s great–and i’m still fucked up about her
we have a charizard ‘M in sidegame right now, which because i love pokemon glitches is Hell The Fuck Yeah, but at the same time when i try to lore about it i’m not sure if i’m…ready?
like, i want to believe but, if it IS her, how much of it is really her and how much…isn’t? i mean, i keep applying the same trope to Every Character In TPP but idek. i miss char
kakuna was more of a symbol than anything, but then i’m generally of the opinion that the casualties of our PC wars are no one’s fault but our damn selves
(anicrys is weird because it’s post-canon and post-given-save so it’s like, schrodinger’s releases, so it messes with the mood in all my lore)
the fact that abe and alice are now in the same universe and can interact with each other is Terrifying
in my kanto fusion timeline, they were the ones who got the multiverse transfer working, since it needed one person on each side. i think alice figured out how to communicate with the PCverse too–oak had a window to the outside but he couldn’t go back and forth, and he burned pretty much every way in (but alice is Also Smart)
together they design and invent a bunch of shit that, uh, it’s cool, but i’m also afraid, although i also love them
abe was pretty sure baba died in the pc and had no clue about her situation until a random girl walked up to him and introduced herself as his fish, so it took him awhile to, like, believe that
i’m really big on tpp multiverse theory so i headcanon that a lot of our repeat-design hosts are AU selves
this doesn’t always apply–like, i usually headcanon napoleon and pepe/petrov/whatever-his-name-is as brothers. but all our male hosts from pallet town are from the same stock, is what i’m saying
abe is a lot like (but not exactly like) how red would have turned out if we hadn’t hivemind overloaded him straight to hell
their relationship is complicated. the only time red tried to kill abe was the first time they met, which all things considered is probably a good sign
abe mostly views red like a weird older brother he didn’t know about. red’s thoughts on abe vary a lot (and he still can’t believe abe’s a domist what the Fuck) but eventually he’s kinda fond of him. he Gets It in a way that most the other hosts don’t   
this isn’t a CR but i, personally, IRL, will tear a window into the tppverse and punch oak with my own bare hands
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orionsystem · 2 years
I need a first post so look at my cat.
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This blog will largely be for system related stuff
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pkmnpositivity-blog · 4 years
Positive Negative Confession Recognition RP Tips Question Hostpost
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justice-sys-blog · 5 years
what ive been doing
so me and my friend @the-weeping-cannibal were putting things into categories of “alive” “dead” and “not alive” and we made a new group called sexy which consisted of captain crunch, spam, and a frozen frog
- Elijah (host)
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alexanderthel8 · 5 years
Learning to listen to the screaming compartmentalized identities traumatized from repressed memories is like this button just popping up in ur brain
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addictsystem · 5 years
jessie take the wheel
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hoooshiiiii · 11 months
I should probably introduce myself so hi! I’m Hoshi and I’m 18!
I’m genderfluid but I’m generally pretty cool with with she/they/it pronouns
I’m autistic and that is basically 90% of my sense of humor
I like cats, goats, obscure historical knowledge, dinosaurs, baking, voice acting, project sekai, and a lot of other stuff.
I’m a system so sometimes my alters will post things, here are their tags
Tsukasa- #kasaposting
Rui- #rui’s shenanigans
Cat (me)- #hostposting
Hoshi- #hoshiposting
Nene- #divaposting
Official mod of @ask-polysho
I’m typically pretty friendly and I don’t bite (most of the time) so feel free to say hi!
DNI: proshippers, zoophiles, antifurries, transphobes, homophobes, MAPs/pedos, xenophobes, and any other discriminatory behavior
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deepforestsystem · 7 years
Dating with BPD
s/o-*shows the slightest hint of disinterest in conversation* my bpd ass-Good to know they dont care about me, better accept it now and make it easier on myself for when they leave me
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blazevillains · 2 years
i (brax) have decided that, since we dont know the hosts name, we just call him the host and his tag can be hostpost. ive decided this and i feel no need to run it by the squad 😎👍
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
becnoir replied to your post
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