pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
was felt manor as ugly as the comic portrayed it
yes and no. by leprechaun standards, it was more comfortable than, well, all the dark and black of the city, but it wasn’t really ugly as much as it was tacky in places
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
who wants to play a fun game where people send me things that happened in the comic and i say if they fit my canon or not based on memories and educated guesses
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
DID and other multiple systems are valid no matter if:
switches are very sudden and/or drastic
switches are smooth and/or take time
lots of switches happen
switches happen only rarely
you can pretty much control switching (within limits of course)
little to no control over switches
only two or a few people ever front
many different people front
no co-consciousness or co-fronting
lots of co-consciousness or co-fronting
stark differences between different people when they front (like different allergies, eye colours, physical and/or psychological illnesses/symptoms etc)
strong filter or otherwise no stark noticeable differences when different people front (for example, everyone has the same handwriting, accent, not much changes for the body etc)
lots of blackouts/time loss/amnesia
only rarely/little blackouts/time loss/amnesia
system members are very different from each other
system members are very much like each other
big system (polyfractured)
small system or dual system
fit stereotypes
doesn’t fit stereotypes
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
original theory: succubi are always women, incubi are always men 
facts: in fact succubus comes from the latin word “succubare” which means “to lie under” and incubus comes from the latin word “incubare” which means “to lie on”
new improved theory: incubi are always tops and succubi are always bottoms. gender doesn’t matter at all.
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
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This drawing is inspired by “Mosatsu(妄撮)”.
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
hey!!! could i get a promo? i’m jade and i’m looking for more hskin friends around my age (18 soon to be 19)!!!!! hmu, id be happy to talk to anybody!!
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
literally every time i know a dd and i speak to them sneep teases me and makes the :3 face at me i’m callin the cops
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
becnoir replied to your post
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
i wanna participate so here’s clover writing on the tablet from abt an eon ago
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and heres me writing
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
i get the impression dd’s teeth were like sharp but not like, super pointy like ss/jn, just sort of...just sharp enough to be faintly threatening
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
becnoir replied to your post: theres also that thing where like, clover won’t be...
that’s relatable and he’s a nerd (wink)
Wpw Rude callout post for tumblr user becnoir
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
theres also that thing where like, clover won’t be used to receiving insult-type affection from certain people so he won’t pick up on it not being genuinely hostile and have a bad reaction and it’s very upsetting for him to realize he accidentally put off the impression that someone shouldn’t do that w/ him
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
we’re actually not like remotely sure if he was ever like formally In anything with itchy or it was all very uh, fwb sort of situation, or on/off? yeah we dont know but whatever it was they always ended up treating each other more or less the same like a day or two or at most a week after any disagreement or clashing they had
he always had very different attitudes depending on who was in the room (ex: he’d be lowkey hostile and highkey flirty with die when ordered to by crowbar, but didn’t really see that as anything but Job Stuff, but when he was alone with die he’d be much more sensitive (if still flirty)) but itchy would always take highest priority basically, if itchy was around it was time to be a little fricker
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pixiesystem-blog · 7 years
clover nd itchy were Not nice to each other, but that didnt mean they didnt like each other- actually, quite the opposite. clover was always sweet with everyne else (maybe excepting the sharks) b/c he wanted positive attn, but being a dick is how he would naturally express affection without all the sugarcoat. because of course it was, hell, mutual chicanery is flirting for leprechauns. but in clover’s view ‘everyone was too darn sensitive.’
so he would get that sort of roughness and tumbling when he was successfully charms-flirting with the others, but it was always itchy who wouldn’t even think twice about back and forth insult chains until the both of them are cracking up or having a second conversation on top of it or roughhousing
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