#charlie mention lol
coffee-writesthings · 3 months
I'm never gonna hear the end of this "didnt archive things properly" thing from my headmates. In my defense I'm not the archivist here! That's another guy's job! I just live here
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charmac · 3 months
Friday night we talked to Charlie about how much we loved Season 16 and are looking forward to 17, and "We miss Mac being a fake bad-ass," was his example when he was talking to us about how he is really trying to prioritise getting back to who these characters really are, and digging into the weeds of them all.
It’s so special to hear directly from him that the character’s core wants, cares, and motivations are what he uses to drive every episode plot (and I am going to spiral about this forever, I think).
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oinkinpigprince · 5 days
I think it’s so funny how much Zach and Micheal talk about Pim and Charlie kissing. I bet at some point they’re just gonna make Charlie and Pim an actual couple and just NEVER mention it. I think that’s so funny
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hooffuloftootsierolls · 2 months
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Parental advice
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blue-rose-soul · 3 months
For Bastard child au. Assuming that Lucifer finds out before the finale how would he respond to knowing Alastor got hurt fighting Adam? How would Charlie?
I've been waiting for an excuse to talk about this! Well, not this exactly, just...
Okay, so the general consensus is that Lucifer couldn't step in sooner with the extermination because he had an agreement with Heaven, and that Adam broke that agreement by targeting Charlie, a hellborn. Alastor may be Lucifer's son, but he was born on Earth to a human mother. He has a human soul and came to Hell as a sinner. An extremely powerful sinner, but a sinner nonetheless.
In other words, he's not protected under the same agreement.
But! But but but, I figure Lucifer must have been keeping an eye on the battle from somewhere, so he could know when to step in. So he saw Adam and Alastor fight, saw Alastor nearly die, and saw him barely escape with his life. In the end, Niffty doesn't need to step in to finish Adam.
"You come at me, and my family!?"
Lucifer does it himself.
They know Alastor isn't dead thanks to Husk (and possibly Niffty) but are still concerned when they can't find him in the ruins of the old hotel. Lucifer does make an attempt to look for Alastor, but he doesn't know Alastor well enough to know where to look. But his daughter is still here and still needs him, so Lucifer puts the search aside and helps Charlie rebuild her hotel.
And in the end, Alastor returns. Alastor would shove Lucifer off when he joins in the group hug, but he doesn't want to aggravate the wound he's pretending not to have*.
I think that, whether or not she knew Alastor was her brother, Charlie would show the same amount of concern for him. Wanting to know what happened after Adam broke through his shield, why he disappeared from the battle. Just, wanting to know if he's okay. Alastor just brushes off her questions and keeps her at a distance. The biggest change is really between Lucifer and Alastor, and later between Lucifer and Charlie.
The guilt is crushing Lucifer. He knows how badly hurt Alastor was, and knows that instead of coming back to the people who would help him, he hid away somewhere to heal alone. Lucifer tries to be subtle about it, but he's constantly checking in on Alastor, asking if there's anything he needs, or anything Lucifer can do for him. He's not subtle at all.
And Alastor is not at all amused. He doesn't care that Lucifer was late to the battle! He didn't ask for or want Lucifer's help! It was his own fault for getting sloppy and letting Adam get a hit in (not to mention a disadvantageous deal but he's not saying that bit), and he doesn't need Lucifer coddling him. Unfortunately, with his cane broken and his body healing slowly, Alastor is uniquely vulnerable for the first time in a long time. But Lucifer's awkward hovering and Charlie's concern is only serving to make Alastor all the more agitated. So he sticks the needle where it hurts; Lucifer's guilt.
He accuses Lucifer of waiting until after Adam had mortally wounded Alastor specifically so his 'mistake' would be erased. Of wanting him deader than dead.
Then he coldly tells Lucifer that if he can't be bothered to show up when it matters, he shouldn't show up at all.
Later, he assures Charlie he doesn't hold any negative feelings towards her even though Lucifer came running to her rescue while he was willing to let Adam nearly eviscerate Alastor. After all, it stands to reason that Lucifer would choose his real child over a bastard. The King of Hell has made it perfectly clear he doesn't need a 'busboy.' Charlie tries to speak in Lucifer's defense, but, Alastor is pleased to note, her heart isn't in it.
Afterwards, he listens from the shadows and grins as he hears Charlie asking Lucifer why he saved her but not Alastor. Lucifer telling her the terms of the agreement he made with Heaven doesn't satisfy her. Alastor's her brother, they're both Lucifer's children! Lucifer should have stepped in, agreement be damned! The recently repaired cracks in their relationship begin to widen once again and Alastor is pleased.
(*I'm going to cackle if season 2 drops and it turns out we were all wrong and Alastor's completely fine.)
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georgeaddo · 7 months
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— What? Wait, you can't talk to me about— Jesus! Sarah, I was an agent there way before you were. The only reason I'm not there now, is 'cause I threw it away to help you. — I never asked you to do that! — Yeah, you couldn't ask me, 'cause you were dead.
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birdie-ghost · 2 years
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Why do you think that?? Do I look like I'm on the verge of an anxiety attack??
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My Ko-Fi
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anxious-lee · 10 months
When you want to watch a tickle scene but you have to work up the courage to simply press 'play'
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jizzlords · 1 month
the angst on Ozzie is still looming. and I'm not helping by listening to tangled the series, specifically hurt incantation.
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charden · 8 months
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Not Awsten Knight inserting Charden into his song's lyrics
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charmac · 3 months
hey seth! i'm just a random guy that's been really into sunny for the past year, and i always love your tweets. you, loren, and anna have been on my fyp a lot the past weekend, and i know a lot of people are being assholes about it, but it's genuinely so heartwarming to see. you three definitely deserve it and are the best kind of people for this to happen to. you always come off as respectful of rcg. hope you can pass the message along to them both too! have a great day
Thank you for the kind message, I really really appreciate it and so do Anna and Loren! Glad you got into the show :)
Honestly I get people are lashing out/shit talking because it does seem kinda weird to witness through a screen how much we’ve been able to interact with them and the interactions we’ve had. I know people are jealous, too (as in have told me they are, and I was certainly jealous last year when Rob didn’t do any events in NYC bc he was sick but did them in Philly a few days later) and I totally get that. Whatever the reason for people being assholes is, I don’t really take it personally. They don’t know the full story of literally anything that happened, they’re just watching through a screen and making their own assumptions of before, after, and in between all these clips they’re seeing, and trying to find something to justify how they feel. The claims that I’ve been ‘stalking’ them or ‘overstepping boundaries’ are genuinely just funny to me when every place we’ve met them has been an event that was publicly posted to Instagram/Facebook well in advance.
(And I’m not gonna talk on Twitter about certain details of this, but I feel like I can probably disclose here that the Four Walls people approached me to tell me/give me things and not the other way around. Their socials dmed me, followed me, Rob followed me, etc. I had literally no sway in them choosing to do those things or introducing themselves to me in person and organically engaging in conversations with me.)
We want to share our interactions with RCG on social media because we think most people appreciate and enjoy their interactions with fans (and also the small amounts of Sunny info we got), and that’s it. I don’t need to share or brag about anything. I would be perfectly content keeping everything that happened this weekend to myself (I very much avoid otherwise sharing my face or voice on social media, so I genuinely have to overcome that insecurity to even be able to share these things), but we know the majority of fans like to see this stuff and that’s why we have been posting everything.
Your message (and others i’ve received) means a lot. I’m glad the majority of people are enjoying our interactions with them and I really appreciate the time you spend to send this ask, really! And I’ll be back to posting regularly scheduled actual Sunny content very shortly :)
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starrysupercell · 7 months
Ah, where to begin??? I haven't done one of these in a while...
First things first if anyone has recorded or sees someone that recorded the beginning song PLEASE PLEASE SEND IT MY WAY. I WILL KISS YOU
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CHARLIE. I LOVE HER. Immediately adds her to my GH(OaC) Theory.
I'm building her up in my mind as a perky/pastel goth, because one doesn't go through a lot on the streets and gets taken in by a really hecking creepy circus and is okay about it!
I hope to the Stars above that she gets the creepy voicelines she deserves.
She's also a big fan of comic books. I bet she enjoys the escapism! Totally getting this brawl pass!
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Helllo???!!!! Excuse me?????????
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.....👀 forked tongue 👁
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I also really love Dark Clown Sam, erhashtghhtty,,, I just find it really cool-- the animation is sickening. /pos
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I really love this skin but too rich for my blood, especially since I want Cobra Lola, Dark Clown Sam and Not-Witch Shelly. Maybe even Leon. I guess top hats do come with a price. 😔
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Aw, a couple and their pet dog xD
Side note, in the brawl talk matches, they had Shelly and Fang on the same team, and Byron, Belle and Piper on the same team. And that just makes me happy, lol.
I love the trend that continues with Shelly giving her pets non-creative names, btw. I also love that Fang and Shelly's animation goes well together, and they both hold something out with their hand/foot simultaneously. Kickshots ♡
White Wolf also looks hella cool! Feral boy.
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^ My doggy when she sees me walk in with food in my hand.
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Shiny Color Variation :v
.....it's funny, bc I was just ranting about this with my Bestie. Maybe another post because this is a whole other discussion.
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It's not the Piggy Lola Skin I was hoping for, but I love it nonetheless! I have so much love for piggy banks, y'all don't even know. Now I get to have another one in-game!
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Oh, yeah! And Byron! I cant say I'm fond of the colors, and I feel like they should have incorporated an animal more. Like. A spider? Or... something idk. Maybe it should have been Gray. His brother.
My next Byron skin I buy is still going to be Overlord.
I ♡ Charlie and while the Hypercharges this time are cool, I won't be collecting the bundles for anyone. Maybe just Colette's Hypercharge.
I'm getting the bundles for my faves though. Hopefully they're not released all at once, lmao.
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soupdreamer · 10 months
tao x elle (explodes)
#tao is literally me i have not related to a character so hard#those scenes in the trailer with them???? i’m gonna combust they are so adorable#them running in the louvre?? elle telling tao to get a haircut??? tao getting all embarrassed when elle knocked??? the yearning????????#love nick and charlie and tara and darcy but oh my god THEM…love is real again#my faves my besties#they’re so fucking sweet oh my god#also the teachers!!! cannot wait for their storyline as well!!!!!!#i lost interest in heartstopper for a while but idk i’m starting to like it more again#“oh ur being gay carry on” can’t believe i get to hear that with my own ears. kizzy edgell i love you#also tara/darcy going through a rocky path????????? if anything happens to either of them i will do something that ends up on national tv#need something lgbt to happen to me soon i can’t stand watching charlie and nick be sappy and shit without feeling lonely and sad!!#what is wrong with me!!!!#also why is ben hope still here nobody gives a shit about him lol he’s not even relevant at this point!!!#heartstopper#haven’t mentioned isaac and imogen yet but i love them dearly i hope they get good arcs this season#i know isaac might have an arc with him realising his aromaticism or something along those lines?? love that for him#i hope imogen’s treated well this season she’s sweet#same with the new characters!! and sahar my bestie!!#paris trip is my favorite storyline i hope they do it justice#valeramblings
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placeinthisworld · 1 month
I’m just confused as to why she would put a song on this album about her current boyfriend when she said this album was in the works for past two years. Couldn’t she just wait to make the next one all about him and save me the time of listening to something about him right now. Ugh I guess I’m just mad because I hate that guy.
yall really think she spent 2 years on this album….and this is the outcome? cmon
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duchesschameleon · 2 months
first flight back working after a double ear infection….gate agents close the door before checking with pilots or giving us paperwork lol and then people didn’t want to communicate to see if the phone I handed the agents was the phone maintenance wanted to re-open the door and look for and then I broke a whole bunch of glassware since I’m working first class
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truegodofthearena · 2 years
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^sample of pressed jancies being insufferable in my inbox. and like, totally unprovoked ? what even is tumblr lol
this was so random I had to laugh. and it’s clearly such a one sided thing because I can’t even reply to it? So like ? Why are you obsessed with me and my clearly superior ship? people need to get over the fact that Stancy IS happening and their opinion nor mine matters to the writers. They’re gonna tell the story they want and we all saw what they wanted this season. Too bad it isn’t jan*y for you but you gotta get over it? Grow up? Go outside? Smell a leaf or something
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