#hoooo blood
tagerrkix · 19 days
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back with my astarion bullshit again
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nothingbutlimbo · 1 year
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Redrew my favorite meet them all frames! 💥
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aeriona · 11 months
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Blood Kelp Territory. (total drawing time: 6 hours, 46 minutes.)
Ampeels are interesting animals, using a sophisticated set of electrocyte prongs to catch prey, deter predators and even as a crude, rudimentary language made up of electrical pulses.
This one here’s trying to tell a blighter (the yellow fish) to “piss off”, not realising that the blighter is almost entirely blind.
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rain-coat-killer · 2 years
Here's my dfo watercolor comic 👏
Warning: Blood, bruises, death and sadness below.
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[Your connection has been lost.]
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coollyinterferes · 8 months
Lights a cigarette and stares into the distance
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Donna Burke's Sins Of The Father starts playing in the background
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blg-hovse · 11 months
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Wanted to try to compile my weird personal Dogverse shit so I can add to it while keeping track and organize what I can maybe one of these days I'll explain what this is kjhjh
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theprofpenguin · 11 months
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Realized I never posted this!
Here’s a recent piece I’m really happy with :D
Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas
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fairymint · 2 years
🌻 and I’ll just tell you whatever the fuck I want to talk about!
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i feel bad because i’ve kinda been feeling bad. It’s been hot. my gay ear has been healing. work has been a little rough up front. and i’m getting used to not only a lotta new people, but since finding Felix a proper faceclaim, my hyperfixation went from passively manga icons to double volo. all volo all the time. good changes, but change is a lil tiring~
i think i might attempt to avoid the front of the store today if i can, hopefully i’m not assigned main. last night was a lot. there were positive stories but... i had a pair of ladies get impatient at me helping the customer in front of them, they started literally throwing their food off the belt to move lanes.  they only saved like maybe a minute and threw their shit around so hard they got a fucking puddle of chicken blood all over my lane floor. and all over a self checkout lane. pissed me off cause it affected other ppl for like 20mins after they left, literally disgusting behaviour.
hopefully i have a good night.
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cacaitos · 3 months
remind me again why the american imperialism convo here is being made between and only discussed to compare black usamericans and white latinos (in specific for some reason).
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
what if engel is a virgin but insanely boy crazy 👁👄👁 and she will/can never not be
Hoooo boy!
NSFW below the cut
So, um. Reader never told König if she's experienced or not (if she was a virgin then my thoughts and prayers are with her.) Part of König's hostility in the crazy mating scene comes from his belief that Engel is not a virgin. He is extremely jealous of everyone reader might've had before him, so he guides his frustration to heated, possessive sex, stripping her with a knife, and so on.
But if we imagine you told him it's your first time, then things would go slightly differently. König would be much more delicate with you!
And good God… He would be even more enamored. You're kind, you're sweet, you're innocent and you're a virgin too?
König can’t believe his luck. You're just perfect. He can’t stand the thought of you with other men so finding out you're in fact untouched is only a blessing. König wants to be the only one who makes you scream and sigh. And what an ultimate fantasy: he gets to corrupt a pure, pristine virgin (of course König would never put it this way. He's simply introducing you to pleasure. Nothing wrong with that, right? He has good intentions! He's the best choice if you wish to feel good, ja ❤️)
So, König tries to keep his cool as he asks if this is what you truly want (yes? please say yes) and if this is the right time (this is as good a time as any, you just need to trust him!), is he truly the man you want to give yourself to? (tell him he’s the one, you will not regret it.)
He tries to be a gentleman and at the same time can't keep his hands off you. Hands steal their way under your clothes as he tries to persuade you by whispering things like: "I will be good to you, there’s no need to be afraid. I will be gentle, I promise…" But it’s difficult to believe anything he says because his hands are trembling, the whole man is trembling and throbbing and panting already.
If and when you're willing to have sex, König will take you in a classic missionary. No pounding from behind, no crazy unhinged mating press. And he prepares you first! With his tongue, perhaps pulls out an orgasm or two so that you will be relaxed and ready for him. It’s very likely that König pumps himself through an orgasm too while pleasing you with his mouth because he’s waited so long for this moment. Your taste and the sounds you make as he licks you to ruin are far too much. He will erupt in mere minutes and then be hard again in no time for the main event.
König tries so, so hard to control the urge to just plow you until your eyes roll in your head. He tries his best not to simply pound himself straight into oblivion. He wanted you before, sure, but now his want is doubled. Tripled. He fears he will hurt you and basically shakes from the effort to restrain himself as he finally enters you.
He goes a little over the top with the praise, too... You feel so good, nothing has ever felt better, you're such a good girl when you said yes, Lieber Gott you look cute like this, he knew you were made for him, etc. And he wants to know that you feel good. Not just to check if you're ok, but to hear how he makes you feel. Does he give you pleasure? Do you like it when he does it slowly? He can be more rough if you want. How does it feel to have a man inside you for the first time?
He's sweating from love and frustration, the hunger becomes all-consuming as he approaches his peak, and you get to see a sliver of who this man truly is underneath all that fake composure. As sad as it sounds, there's a chance he is so lost in you that he cums before you. He just can't help it. But he will make sure you get all the pleasure you need before the night is through and be extra attentive with the aftercare ❤️ (Also he would definitely be one of those guys who check if there's blood after you did it because he thinks it's a given that there is)
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
[Ghost is driving R/n in the passenger seat and Soap is sleeping the backseat, When a large tow truck pulls out in front of them, it’s pulling a Semitruck the truck’s front is facing them as it’s being tow, Ghost and his R/n stare at the truck, as a red light comes up, they look at Soap whose snoring away in the backseat…The couple grin mischievously.]
Ghost, whispering as the car stops: 3,2, 1…And go!
[Ghost and R/n let out blood curdling screams Soap is startled awake.]
Soap, looking around frantically: Wha-what…(Sees the Semi ‘coming’ towards them) AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
[Soap closes his eyes expecting a crunch, but is confused when he hears Ghost and R/n laughing their asses off, Soap opens his eyes in time to see the Semi is being towed away; and realizes it was a joke.]
Soap, laughing pissed off and relieved: Haha-hoooo, ye bastards. Ye fucking bastards. (pause) …I fucking pissed myself!
{Ghost and R/n are still laughing their butts off, Soap’s not laughing anymore.]
Soap: No, I’m serious. I really did piss myself…
Ghost, chortling: No you didn’t….{Sees Soap is frowning} You didn’t.
[R/n looks over her seat and sees Soap’s pant are wet]
R/n: Oh….
Ghost, sees R/n wince and is now nervous: Johnny...Y-You didn’t pee in my new car.
[Soap, still frowning says nothing and quietly looks out the window.]
Ghost, sighing: Radar find the nearest carwash and laundry mat.
{Ghost’s GPS beeps}
GPS: Turn left on Random street. and continue five blocks…..
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bruciemilf · 3 months
I was wondering if you had any n.sfw type of headcanons for Harvey vs Two Face when they're being intimate? 🤭
Because of the Jason Dent AU fic, part of me thinks TwoFace might be a pillow princess for Matches 😅
I mean, I try to assume couples are versatile but was also curious if you felt either would be more or less likely to enjoy something over the other. Or if they'd be pretty much the same in their wants/desires. Hope this makes sense!
Really like your blog. Your post with Batfam Twitter about Harvey breaking out of Arkham to take Bruce out on dates is part of what got me into them 😍🥹
HOOOO. NSFW ahead!!! Minors don’t interact, please and thank you!!
I’m so goddam thirsty for this man. No, — it’s unhealthy. I’m like a feral Resident Evil nightmare that escaped confinement and I’m in need of emergency euthanasia.
In my heart I can’t imagine Harvey or TF bottoming. But it also really depends on!! I could maybe see Harvey, whimpering like a goddam mess, Bruce bounces on his dick like a fucking horny rabbit, and TF snarling, “Fuckin’ wimp.” (He loves it)
One thing’s for sure thought; These mfs are So Nasty.
Two-Face is big on degradation; Bruce’s pleasure is extremely important for him, and while he prioritizes his baby doll getting the best treatment possible, you can catch him shoving Batman on his knees anytime, anywhere.
“C’mon, sweet boy. Use that smart ass mouth for something useful. “
And Bruce can’t ever say no 😔 He has them memorized down to the veins
Also you bet Harvey’s hung as hell. 10 inches. Bruce has higher chances of ending up in the ER after fucking than fighting.
I just know for a fact Two-Face always has Bruce on his lap when he’s playing poker.
Either when Bruce is disguised, or just normal. Besides, Brucie Wayne is basically Harvey’s glorified blow up doll. So what if he’s around the room while talking essential business? So what if he’s witness to it?
Black Mask makes that comment exactly once and Harvey paints his brass knuckles red <333 “Tsk. Fucker got blood on my watch.”
God help you if Bruce wears red lipstick around this bastard. They’ll make out so messily. Everywhere. At any time. Cause Harvey’s not stopping until Bruce begs him to let him breathe.
Harvey will call Bruce princes while fucking him doggy style, his belt tightly snaked around his neck. He makes the prettiest noises, punched out moans and tiny little gasps. “Ah, heh— you came? Again? You’re making a mess, sweetheart.”
I genuinely do think rough sex is their go to, but like. Loving rough sex? Nevertheless, when one or both have an off day, when Gotham’s nightshade hand punches just a little too hard, they find sanctuary in each other’s softness.
Sometimes Bruce gets fucked with Harvey between his legs, spread like a last meal on his WE office, his smaller hands sinking in his man’s broad shoulders. And he’ll say nothing except his name, like a mantra.
“Harvey. I love you.”
“I know.”
“Bastard,” Bruce laughs rarely, and when he does, it feels like a prize, “Say it back. Both of you.”
“Tch. Brat. We love you. Happy?”
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thetopichot · 7 months
•°♧ Finn + Charles Yandere Alphabet ♧°•
Happy Halloweenie, everyone! For this Halloweenie special, we gots ourselves a double trouble with Yandere Finn & Yandere Charles. So, if you are uncomfortable with the topic of Yandere stuff, I suggest you skip this one. However, don't worry. There will be a fluff Halloween special that doesn't contain Yandere stuff! Without further ado, enjoy this yandere alphabet!
CW: Lots of Yandere Bullshit, kidnapping, blood, death, suggestive (No NSFW because we don't do that here‼️), drugging & all of them not so goodies.
(If you are uncomfortable with these topics, I suggest you skip this one!)
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Affection — how do they show their love and affection?
Ooorghhhh. Finn is such a poetic motherfucker. He got the poetic rizz. All jokes aside, he is very romantic but does pose as a shy nerd, but hoooo boy, once you get to know him, he is talking to you like how Gomez talks to Motrica. 😩
Charles boy over here is pretty much not that much different from Finn here. He poses as a shy nerd, but once we get to know him, he is bold. I wouldn't say he is like a poetic romantic as Finn, but he will confess & say all of things that he wants to do to you. Like WOAH.
Blood — how messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Oh, absolutely messy. However, both of their approaches to being messy are different.
Finn got this magic bullshit that he will infact use with loving & malicious intent. That being, oh, I don't know, FEEDING OLD LADIES TO A GODDAMN CARNIVOROUS PLANT & DRUGGING US. He is absolutely willing to get messy but in a more indirect way sorta. Like plotting a kill but not killing them with his bare hands but with something else. I'm honestly confusing myself here. 😭
Charles will kill. Right there, in fact. He would even let you watch as he just fucking stabs them or guts them.
Cruelty — how would they treat their darling once abducted?
Finn is a soother. He would try to keep you calm under this situation. It's one of the main reasons you're tied up, so you don't panic. Well, not panic ALOT. He would try to calm you down as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. (THAT SHOULD BE ME AHEM AHEM /joking)
Charles is more like a smooth talker rather than a soother. He would be treating you like a cute little thing that he has all to himself. He would sorta apologize for the not so comfy trip here.
Darling — aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Besides drugging, kidnapping, & tying you up, both of them are a big FAT no. They wouldn't do anything against your will. They will do anything you want as long as you say so. Say the word & it's done.
Exposed — how vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
For Finn, ehhhhh. I feel like he would be vulnerable but still has his guard up. If you escape, then yeah, his guard WILL be up. Besides that, he is somewhat vulnerable & he will be watching if you pull any tricks.
Charles? VERY. He is very much vulnerable to you. You are his everything. His love. I feel like, in my own opinion, he's very much not an experienced yandere, which is why he is very much vulnerable. He is your personal puppy dog that follows your every word.
Fight — how would they feel if their darling fought back?
Finn would only find it natural that you would fight back. Tis' the reason why you're tied up. He would absolutely find it funny that you would even think of trying. He has carnivous plants guarding the greenhouse. Which won't let anyone in or out unless he said so. So he would feel indifferent about it.
Charles would enjoy that you fought back. Makes things fun. It's not as fun if you gave in willingly. At the same time, he would be a little hurt that you did, but you don't mean it. Right?
Game — is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
A follow-up to the last one, they both absolutely see it as a game. A game of Hide & Seek is absolutely entertaining because they both know that they will find you in the end.
Finn would be surprised that you were able to escape, but if you did escape, ooh boy, he's absolutely gonna make sure you don't escape again.
Charles wouldn't mind that you escaped. Escape as many times as you like. He'll always find you. He might even let escape on purpose just for the thrill of the chase.
Hell — what would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Honestly, Finn fucking chasing them down would be fucking scary as shit. HES A RUNNER HES A TRACKSTAR- He's not fucking playing when he catches you & when he does, he's not going to be as nice when he does.
Charles would be killing someone in front of you. He's a sadistic fucker much like Finn but Finn wouldn't really want you to witness all of the icky sticky nastiness. Charles don't give a fuck. He will absolutely gut someone you know as torture.
Ideals — what kind of future do they have in mind for their darling?
Both of them are the same. To live together forever in their sacred places.
They both never want you to be found because you belong to them & only them.
Jealousy — do they get jealous? How do they handle it?
I believe Finn wouldn't get jealous, mostly because he knows what he is capable of. If they're gonna fuck around, they will find out.
Charles will absolutely get jealous & will handle it accordingly. DEATH. When he finds them & catches them at the right time alone, it's ON sight.
Kisses — how do they act around or with their darling?
I mentioned earlier with Finn that he will be treating you like how Gomez treats Motrica. I will live & die on this hill. He's romantic & will be taking the absolute utmost care of you. Treating you like his dear flowers. Tender & Loving. (BRO CAN TREAT ME LIKE HIS FLOWERS 😩)
Charles would absolutely adore you. Toying with you every chance he gets. He loves your squirms in those ropes, your pleas, & everything. You're all his & he will enjoy every second.
Love letters — how would they go about approaching their darling?
Finn wouldn't be different. Plain ol' friends to lovers. Meeting him at his florist shop, then everything hits off from there. How he approaches you is that he just talks about his silly plant facts & gives his special blends.
We already know that you & Charles are study buddies & then begins to be in almost all of your classes. He would offer to help you in your courses, probably when you found this flyer about needing extra help.
Mask — Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
They both appear as nerdy white boys that are not very confident in themselves but that is a fucking facade. They are bolder & very much aware of what they're doing.
Charles breaks character much more quickly than Finn. Finn could keep up forever, but Charles just wants to break his character to be with you. He wants you to see the real him so badly. Finn will break character when the time is rightfully planned.
Naughty — How would they punish their darling?
Oooohhhhh. 😈😈
Finn would absolutely keep you trapped there. Yeah, you're not leaving. Especially after toying with his dear heart. He can be a cruel bastard but he is yet still a patient man with you. He is going to make very sure that you don't leave the greenhouse & have eyes like a hawk to make sure you don't escape. Again.
Charles, in my opinion, wouldn't punish you because letting you escape was technically his idea since he loves chasing you & catching you. It's fun! In fact, he lets you escape, but catching you over & over again is the punishment. It's giving you a sense of hope & then later taking away. Times that with uhhhh multiple times. It's fucking torture. There is no escaping no matter how hard you try because, in the end, Charles will always catch you.
Oppression — how many rights would they take away from their darling?
If you piss off Finn enough, quite a few. Such as leaving the greenhouse like at all, for example. He's not someone to be toying with. Sure, he loves you dearly, but he can & will put in your place. The more you toy with him, the more of a cold-hearted bastard he will be.
Charles wouldn't really take as many rights. His only thing is that you always stay with him. It's pretty simple. He isn't harsh with you about it, but you belong to him & only him.
Patience — how patient are they with their darling?
Finn? He's very patient. He has the patience of GOD. That's why he gets more cruel if you toy with him because his patience is slowly wearing thin.
Charles? Ehhhhhh. I would say he's not really much of a patient person, depending on the situation. For example, him just wanted to hang out with you like almost all of the time before you knew he was a yandere. I think that's when he gets impatient. He just really wants to be with you so bad that he becomes so impatient. Besides that, he's pretty patient with you. You'll break eventually. He knows it.
Quite — if their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you die, they would simply not find another. They would spend mourning your death forever. You made them feel complete. Now, what are they supposed to do now?
Finn is a magic bullshit fucker. He would probably find a way to resurrect your ass. He is not letting you go off the hook that easy. This also applies on leaving & escaping. Yeah, you're stuck with him. (Honesty, I wouldn't mind if it was himmmm. 😩)
My boy, Charles, would be sad. Devastated even if you died. He's not like Finn with his magic fuckery. I doubt he has magic bullshit. So, expect him to keep your body in a refrigerator. If you successfully escape, he will hunt you down. This time however he ain't fucking around. He let himself allow you to escape so he can chase but this time he fucked up & now, he's gonna have a better watch on you.
Regret — would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling?
Finn? Uuhhhhhhhh. No. He would not feel the slightest bad about it. He knows what's best for you. He's knows that he is in the right.
Charles would feel bad about it. He would've wanted to handle this situation differently unless you wanted it to happen. Then, yeah, he would've wanted to be nicer with you.
Stigma — what brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Yeah, I'm not sure. Sorry, guys. (T-T)
Tears — how do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
They would both try their best to comfort you in the not so best of situations. They both know that this isn't ideal, but they'll try to make this place feel like home for you.
Unique — would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Finn got this magic bullshit going on, so he is gonna use that to his advantage.
Charles, I mentioned earlier, would let you escape on purpose, which is something yanderes wouldn't pull at all.
Vice — what weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Finn's potions! This is a huge fucking exploit that you can use that is super effective if you know how to use them.
Charles's loyalty to you. He will gladly do anything for you & he's practically a puppy.
Wit’s end — would they ever hurt their darling?
Absolutely not. Unless you want that. I mentioned earlier that they won't do anything that you are absolutely uncomfortable with. They won't lay a single finger on you unless you say so. (Unless it's kidnapping.)
Xoanon — how much would they revere or worship their darling?
They wouldn't be the yandere that they are if they simply didn't worship you.
Finn is more admiration than worship. He admires that you probably kick his ass & that you don't fuck around. He even admires your beauty. He is so absorbed by your presence, but not much of a worshipping guy. He's more like, "Let's burn down this world together, my love." (IGHT BETTTTT ‼️)
Charles, however, is a worshipping puppy. You are everything to him. You're practically his God in a strange silly guy way. He's just finds you so gorgeous that he is willing to get on his knees for you. "I will gladly do anything for you, love! Anything you ask! Anything you need!"
Yearn — how long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Oh, those two can go on forever. They wouldn't give you up for shit. Like I mentioned earlier that if you died, they would simply not find another. So yeah, expect these two to be on your ass.
Zenith — would they ever break their darling?
Finn? He would let yourself break. Just being stuck within the greenhouse away from civilization? That should be enough to break yourself.
Charles is through chasing you over & over again to the point where you give up & there isn't a single ounce hope anymore.
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☆ミ Author's Notes Underneath 👇 ☆ミ
🩷 - IM DONE. OH MY GOD. FUCKKKKK. Bro, this shit took me three days to make. I hope you guys absolutely enjoy this because there is probably a chance that I will never do this shit again. This was a pain in the ass.
Happy Halloweenie, everyone!
OG Yan! Alphabet by: ghostlyforxest
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longelk · 10 months
I look back at that one art of Kaycee looking at her tail poking through her clothes and I giggle hee hoooo.
Good body horror ideas of how Kaycee turns into an otter? Clothes no longer fitting, claws and teeth tearing out
Also do you have any Inscryption fiiiiics?
:3c GIGGLE thank u that ones honestly a fav of mine i just love turning her into an oiter its so her. i luv thinking about the Body Horror aspects of transforming and how it must feel, like yea she's turning into an adorable animal but how tf does it feel to have your bones crunching up like that?? vision changing? no longer having vocal chords for human speech?
still i admit otter is more of a cuter-softer less horrifying trans for her LOL, after all if she turns full otter she'll actually end up smaller than a human, no clothes ripped up in the process! 👍 the worst part is being a creature designed to live almost entirely in the water, she'd have to get someone to carry her around if she wants to go on land LOLL
dire (were)wolf kaycee however is where i indulge more in the body horror >:3c liiike i enjoy making her vomit blood from the process of actually turning into a huge BEAST and totally loses her mind in visceral feral agony for 40 mins mininum
also im so sorry. i have no fics!! cant write to save my life. maybe some day :)
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sunoorintarou · 8 months
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Catharsis: Strong Hands.
Phos!reader × (Platonic) Gojo Satoru
Warnings: angsty but mostly comfort, Gojo realises just how highly the reader thinks of him, he's in his feels for a lil, self loathing, insecurities, self blaming, regret
Notes: Hoooo boy. Only posting Gojo and the reader for the next few days
Your eyes were tired, yet you ignored the calls of sleep. Standing in the middle of the training ground as you practiced. Over and over again. Strike, dodge, defend. Strike, dodge, defend.
Every time your vision blurred, you saw that God awful curse than had taken Yukio from you. Your hands shook, teeth gritting as you inhaled deeply.
How long had you been doing this? The sun had yet to rise when you began, yet now it was close to setting. Little did you know, a pair of blue eyes had not left your form once since they had found you.
"Just go talk to her." Shoko frowned, nudging Gojo with her elbow, cigarette at her lips.
"You feel guilty. You feel like this wouldn't have happened if you had gotten there faster. Well, it happened. And now she's alone because you're too much of a coward to speak to her. Remember, your team is on a mission. She has no one but you." She sighed.
You had been pushing yourself for almost a week. Since the day Yukio died, you hadn't given yourself a break. Your weakness cost you everything, and you refused to let it happen again.
The fatigue was slowly catching up to you. You hadn't been eating nor sleeping, and the weakness in your bones held no remorse.
Tears blinded your vision when you finally fell to the ground, body shaking as you tried to force it to move.
'Move.' You said, staring at your shaky hands.
They didn't respond, taking you back to the day you lost due to the same problem.
'Move. Move. Move!'
You were crying now, choking on your tears as your body trembled.
"Come on, you're my body, you're so supposed to move- why- why won't you listen to me? Am I the problem, if it weren't me, would Yukio-"
You were interrupted by a pair of hands so large and strong that you felt as if they could hold your entire world. They pulled you into a familiar chest, a scent so comforting engulfing you as your tears seemed to never end.
"G- Gojo - Sensei, welcome back from your mission." You sobbed, knowing you couldn't hold it together.
"Yeah, it's nice to see you again." Gojo commented, looking at the sky. He still blamed himself. He was the strongest, yet he still couldn't protect those closest to him. He was pathetic. He was weak. How could he be the strongest when he couldn't even protect Yukio... protect you. He couldn't protect anyone. Not even his own best friend.
As much as he hated to admit it, this was the reality of this cursed world, and he knew it couldn't be changed. He wanted to change, more than anything. He swore he would, so why-
"You know, Gojo - Sensei- that- that day, even after everything, when I- when I felt like everything was over, like I had nothing- when I saw you, I felt like everything would be OK. I- I know it's weird and selfish, but ever since that first day, no matter what I faced, when I saw you at the end, I felt like I was safe, like I'd be OK. Like I could get through it. Even now, it's hard, so hard I- it hurt so much I couldn't breathe- but seeing you, I feel like everything'll be OK." You cried, words muffled and broken, but Gojo had never heard anything clearer.
From the beginning, Gojo Satoru had been your strong hold, your pillar, whether he knew it or not.
From the night you saw him, while covered in your parents' blood. A man so bright, so clean, so strong. Stainless hands, so large, so strong, scooping you up as if you were a child.
Gojo Satoru had become your safe haven.
Gojo's hands trembled as he held you, holding your head against his chest as his eyes glazed over.
"I'm sorry." He whispered against your hair in a voice so soft you thought you were imagining it.
Gojo was wrong. This entire time, he had been wrong. He thought you hated him for everything. For never being fast enough to save you from what happened to your legs, to your hands, to Yukio. Yet he was so wrong. It almost made him sick.
This entire time, he hadn't been a reminder of your damnation, but rather your salvation.
And the guilt he felt knowing he had been too selfish to understand that and had left you in hear of his own feelings had him on his knees.
You were a child, as he had been once, given too much responsibility, too much pain to handle, too much regret. As a teacher, he had failed you. He has failed to protect your innocence. The shreds of childhood you had left were slipping through your fingers, and he swore he was going to get them back.
You were a child, and he was an adult. If he couldn't protect, the least he could do was be there for you when you needed.
You were so fragile, so small in his arms, crying so hard he was afraid you'd break.
He couldn't change his actions in the past, but he could change now. Holding you in his arms, he made an oath. No matter what, even if it cost him his life, he would protect his students. He refused to lose anything he cared about ever again.
He wasn't the strongest for no reason, after all.
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I've seen you post about The Locked Tomb. But you're also primarily a TMA poster. If there were a crossover how do you think that would work? Like crossover specific headcanons. Like what House would they belong to? Are they a necromancer? If they are a necromancer what is their specialty? Are they a cavalier? And if so what's their fighting style? Who would they ascend to Lyctorship with? Would they be capable of lyctoring with that person? Gimme TMA(GP) + TLT ideas and hcs pls
firstly and most importantly. tma characters are house, tmagp characters are non-house/blood of eden. i don't know why, but it makes sense in my head.
ok so.
first house - all the older avatars. i think their saint names would be fear-related, e.g. jonah the first, saint of beholding. i honestly don't know who would take god's role, for some reason i wanna say simon.
second house - necromancer basira hussain, cavalier daisy tonner
third house - i honestly don't know
fourth house - necromancer callum brodie
fifth house - necromancer sasha james, cavalier timothy stoker
sixth house - necromancer jonathan sims, cavalier martin blackwood
seventh house - necromancer agnes montageu, cavalier jude perry
eighth house - necromancer manuela dominguez
ninth house - necromancer oliver banks
ok so. turns out sorting these fuckers into houses is harder than i thought!!! but i HAD to make jon sixth, it just. makes way too much sense. same for ninth house oliver. agnes somehow reminds me of dulcinea a lot so i put her in seventh, and also cuz of the whole "beaty that blossoms and dies" thing being real desolation coded. the beaty inherent to destruction etc etc.
i think jon would 100% specialize in psychometry, like palamedes. oliver is probably fond of bones, but i actually think he'd be a spirit magician primarily. i don't think there's any flesh magicians among them, for obvious reasons.
ok now tmagp. since boe doesn't have a sorting system, i'm just gonna refer to the actual characters.
i am so incredibly fond of the idea of lena as commander wake. that entire (paraphrasing) "the only thing my civilization can learn from yours is that when our towers fall and our cities burn, we rarely become heroes." speech is so insanely her coded. hmmm gwen as pash, methinks. just because nepo-baby. alice could be angel/ame? no idea who nona is.
gaahhh thank you so much for the question!!!!! this was so fun to think about ahdjfkejfke
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