#honestly forgot i had this from like 4 years ago
allatariel · 3 days
WIP Wednesday!
@gordopickett tagged me earlier this week—thank you <3—and I planned to do it today and then of course forgot until the evening. I should have just done it and scheduled it to post today, but I had hoped to work more on Love at the Drafting Table and post that. Alas—I talk about a project and then life conspires to keep me from working on it!
Instead, below is an older, very rough snippet from another languishing, unfinished WIP, The Calculus of Grief, written at the end of April.
Tagging: @madamairlock, @littlelindentree, @caitylove, @shu-of-the-wind, @fireandsoup
More tags (split to work around broken tumblr tagging): @imsfire2, @cryscal, @air-mechanical, @youreorangeyoumoron, @wanderleave
And anyone else who might want to <3
Though the school year had barely just begun, it was actually still a month out from the second anniversary of Sergei’s first day teaching at Spiro T. Agnew High School. October 1, 1995 felt like a lifetime ago. To be honest, he tried to think about the time before as little as possible. But today was a different anniversary: September 4. Today it was harder than most days to ignore the gaping hole in the center of his life. Two years ago today he and his family had landed in Germany. After an hour of debriefing and setting the wheels in motion, of letting hope run wild and selecting a name to bear during their transition, he had called Margo from his hotel room. He had been overjoyed to see her, and when he hung up, his mother had joined him from the adjoining room where his father slept, with his sisters and their families resting safely down the hall. She had asked him about this woman who had saved him, who so clearly held the heart of her firstborn, her only son. So, Sergei had told her their story. For the first time in his life, he was free to tell his mother about the woman he had been in love with for well over ten years. Hours later, when the news reached them, she had pulled him sobbing into her arms as she had when he was small, before the births of his sisters. That was the only time he had given into the despair of losing her. He was trying to live, to stay safe as she had told him. To keep his family safe. And the only way he could manage to do that, to go on, was to leave it all behind. But then just last night he had seen on the news that the Sojourner 1 astronauts and Mars-94 cosmonauts had finally returned to Earth. After their nearly two year ordeal, the world joined in their joy and relief as the survivors were reunited with their loved ones. Sergei had watched Rolan Baranov, the cosmonaut turned astronaut—a defector like himself—be reunited with his American wife and son. His wife who had survived the bombing of JSC. Unlike Margo. Sergei honestly wasn’t sure how he’d made it into work at all. “Mr. Bezukhov?” Principal Alice Nikolsky—not Nikolskaya—called as she knocked on the door of the classroom. “We have a new student for your homeroom. She’s just transferred up from Huntsville, Alabama.” A young girl stepped into the doorway, her pale orange hair falling around wire rim glasses and shadowing her pale freckled face. She looked up, her blue eyes so like his mother’s, his own catching him already off guard as Alice introduced her, “Madison Morgan.”  Seryozha, if you do not let yourself mourn her, she will haunt you forever. His mother’s plea rose in his mind as he took in this child, bouncing nervously on balls of her feet. In another life they could have had a daughter who looked like this girl.
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gglitch1dd · 14 days
Me living my best life:
Also me: Randomly remembers that at one point, I could draw.
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Ah good times, good times...
(Don't mind the cringe drawing. 16 year old glitch did that)
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sophieinwonderland · 5 months
Now, why would you dare me to embarrass you and your pals like that?
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I appreciate how you wanted my attention so bad you posted me to not one, but two subreddits.
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Makes a girl feel special! 🤣
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I have actually never seen Wikipedia cited as a source about endogenic plurality. Though I do see anti-endos all the time, when asked for sources, telling people to just Google things.
Anyway, here's @guardianssystem's document filled with academic papers about endogenic plurality:
I've compiled my own, but honestly, theirs is better organized than mine.
And in the interest of fairness, here are all the anti-endo papers debunking endogenic plurality:
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Sorry, I forgot. Those don't exist. Oops. 🤷‍♀️
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Echo chamber? LOL!
Weren't you the one spouting a bunch of lies on Tumblr, got totally debunked, posted the people who debunked you to r/systemscringe to have a hugbox where fakeclaimers could assure you how the people who contradicted you are all fakers, and then blocked everyone who disagreed with you?
Weren't you also the one who, when shown a quote from an expert in dissociative disorders who worked on the DSM-5 saying that a disorder isn't a disorder if it doesn't cause distress, argued that the people who defined what disorder are must be wrong about that definition?
You're a misinformation machine who can only find support when huddled in cringe subreddits. Don't try to talk about people in echo chambers.
Also, you know most of psychology is just... listening to people? That's how it's been as long as the field existed. DID (or MPD at the time) was a recognized disorder since long before the first brain scans were conducted on DID patients. It's saying something though when basically every single scientist who has ever researched endogenic plurality has said they believe it's a real thing, or that it could be. While absolutely zero academic papers have expressed that it's fake.
There is also an fMRI study into tulpa systems that's been in the works, but results have yet to be published.
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Sure, if that's what you'd like me to call you, Crazy. 😊
Anyway, Crazy, you should know that just because you personally find something scary doesn't mean everyone will or that the thing is bad. Personal preferences are a thing.
In a study of tulpamancers though, most generally reported their lives becoming better after the practice.
78% reported improvements in their mental health, and 91% on overall life.
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There are many out there who would jump at the chance to have someone there with them that knows them intimately, and to never have to be alone again.
If it's not for you, then so be it.
But it's certainly not something to be afraid of.
And maybe, for those who are willing to commit to the practice while America struggles with an epidemic of loneliness, it's something worth being open to.
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This is actually pretty fair.
But that's now, and I'm looking at course of history and trends of plural acceptance.
300 years ago, any plural would be viewed as demon possessed and end up tortured or killed for their plurality.
70 years ago, all plurality was seen as a mental illness, and it was common to force plurals, as well as anyone else associated with mental illnesses, into asylums.
30 years ago, the first real plural communities were able to connect on the internet and form in small numbers.
8 years ago, the first studies into endogenic plurality started being conducted. 4 years ago, the ICD-11 acknowledged that you could have multiple distinct personality states without a disorder. 2023 marked the first, but certainly not the last, time a system used their system name as an author of an academic paper.
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Recently, new plural resources have been designed and put into use. More servers than ever are using Pluralkit. And Simply Plural went from 100k users at the end of 2021 to 210k at the end of 2022.
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Progress is happening far more rapidly than you realize. And you had best be ready for it.
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BOO! 👻
Oh, hey, I just realized... this is literal pluralphobia!
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And yes, The Future is Plural! 😜
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petrssecrethideout · 24 days
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"Bro, do you wanna hear about something crazy?"
"I mean sure, go ahead,"
"Alright, so I was just relaxing, scrolling TikTok,"
"Already a bad idea."
"I know, I got beef with that fuckin' algorithm let me tell you. I follow a couple of bodybuilders, post a couple of gym vids and suddenly my For you page is filled with the biggest assholes alive. Anyway, I'm scrolling, and I see this guy, he's doing that whole 'alpha top dog' thing even though he's not that big."
"Okay wait pause, how big is not that big?"
"I don't know, I have more muscle in my arms than he has in his whole body, real gym influencer type."
"Alright, for anyone listening to the pod at home, I should probably just say that this guy could be anywhere from 150-300 pounds from Dale's description of him, okay? He's not good at judging what normal guys look like anymore."
"Yeah, okay, you got me. Anyway, this guy keeps going on about his great advice, so I stick around to hear it. You wanna know what he said? 'Stop Cumming, its killing your natural testosterone' What kind of bullshit is that!?"
"I mean that is a big part of the current fitness world, these guys will say anything to get more followers, and a lot of their followers are so desperate for progress that they'll take whatever advice they're given."
"It's a shame, because he's also wrong! I tried that whole 'No Nut Whatever' and its been the only time in these last 5 years that I've plateaued."
"... Really?"
"Yeah! If I'm not cranking a load out every day I can kiss any potential gains goodbye."
"Like after my workouts, when I got a huge pump going, I just have to crank one out, like what good workout would it be if I didn't"
"Dale c'mon,"
"And its not like I can just hit up a guy on Grindr and go to town every time I need to, there aren't enough guys on Grindr for that."
"Uggggh dude, we are never getting a sponsor with you talking like this."
"What, so all the straight alpha dudebros can talk about semen retnetion and get a ton of followers, but I get censored for talking about jacking off and getting tons of ass?"
"Yeah, we will."
"Well then, listeners, go subscribe to the patreon so that I can talk about my actual tips for growing, and so that you can help Mark get bigger. I'm telling you, I'm gonna make this boy huge with your help. Audio listeners make sure to check the videos so you can see this boy get huge. Now bro, help me out here. You don't want those Tiktok gymfluencers to win do you? How often are you jerkin off?"
"Oh god I can't believe I'm answering this... A couple of times a week maybe?"
"A week? That's fucking crazy. My average is like 4-5 times a day. More if I'm really feeling horny. If I'm being honest I jerked off a few weeks ago on the pod, like I forgot to before I came here. One of the comments mentioned something about my grunting that episode."
"Jesus christ dude, how do you even manage that?"
"Well, you gotta work up to it. I couldn't do that starting out, but once I started growing I was so horny I had to do something about it. I think that's what these guys don't get. You gotta get those balls working, give them a reason to keep making that sweet testosterone. How are you supposed to do that if you aren't jacking it? Honestly dude, I feel like I gotta prove these guys wrong now."
"What, you're gonna be a cum warrior?"
"Hell yeah man, I'm gonna be fighting the war on jerking it, on the side of jerking it!"
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WIBTA if i reach out to an abusive ex about a potential stalker of theirs?
so, this is gonna be hard to talk about. i'm scared they'll see it, and i am still not fully recovered. i am sorry for any weird wording or misspelling.
i split with my ex 4 years ago and will refer to them as L. they were emotionally abusive and manipulative to me. it was genuinely one of the worst things i went through.
about a year after splitting, suddenly in a span of a few months, 3 separate people ended up talking to me about what L did to them too. i got really nervous and then found that they were selling a character of theirs, including old ship art i made for us. this is the part where i know i messed up, because i got really upset and spoke to my L again to say to never let this happen again and get therapy and to not sell that art along with the characters. i really shouldn't have, i said things i regret, and i recognize that part. i am the asshole there. it didn't go well and they essentially pulled the definition of DARVO on me and ended with a mutual block. i have not contacted them since and i tried to maintain my distance.
in 2023, i was on a social media website for a niche fandom that shows you who views your profile. i found someone whose posts i liked on there, saw they had a partner with the same anniversary date as my current partner and i, just in 2023 instead of 2020 like my partner and i. and i was like, ah shit, that's pretty cool! and i checked out the profile of said person's partner, and it was L. they both promptly blocked me, then unblocked me again a few days later. that was when i saw that L's partner was vaguing me and saying that i had been stalking them (the partner, not L) and telling them to split with L for a long time. i want to be clear, i only saw this because i so much so did not have any clue who this was that i clicked on their profile again because i forgot already who they were. i still have no idea who they are, i have never spoken to them. i want so badly to stress that i wanted to be as far removed from this as i could, and i had been for 2 years.
now is where i am conflicted. i know L could be lying to them. they talked a lot of shit of prior partners to me too, and according to those who reached out to me, apparently told a lot of lies. but part of me wonders if that really did happen, and it was someone else, and linked to why suddenly so many people came to me before in 2021? like, all the lies i had been told they told were nothing like this. this is really an impressive lie to be spinning. honestly, i still have always hoped someday they will be better. i genuinely want that and i want to believe there's good in them that will prevail. i've been told i give people too many chances.
i feel like i should leave this be, but part of me is still hoping, somewhere, that the good person i used to see if still there and deserves to know that a) it wasn't me and b) they might have a stalker of sorts? i really don't know. the thought of talking to them again is genuinely terrifying, but if that is true, i guess i feel like they do deserve to know.
so, WIBTA if i reach out about this?
What are these acronyms?
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook:Sugar & Spice (Intro)
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In which Jungkook really wants people to love you just as much as he does - or maybe not.
Tags/Warnings: Raccoon Hybrid!Reader x Idol!Jungkook, established relationship, opposites attract because I love that concept, are you tired of my hybrid stories yet because I'm not, fluff, romance, smut, jealous koo, slice of life, mild ddlg themes
Chapter length: short
Other content: Spoiled, Calm
"I forgot.." you mumble quietly, a little ashamed about your entire situation as you've just had to explain to your boyfriend that yes, you've just gotten your period, and yes- you've probably now stained his nice expensive little sofa in his studio.
"It's fine, see?" He mumbles before casually wiping the leather with a tissue before throwing it into the trashcan nearby. "Didn't even stain at all. Do you wanna go change?" He asks casually, looking at you - before he clicks his tongue, the clear waters in your eyes a telltale sign of your typically emotional reaction to things like these. "Come here, crybaby, everything's fine!" He laughs a little, letting you cling onto him as you hide in embarrassment.
"I don't feel good." You whine into his chest, and he chuckles.
"I know baby." He says, as he pats your head. "You wanna go wash up?"
"But I don't have anything to change.." you complain, now getting even more frustrated.
"Bullshit. I've got your pyjama pants here somewhere-" He says, parting from you to search for the clothing item before he crawls.. underneath his desk?
"What're you doing, Kookie?" You giggle a little, watching him pull out a simple black canvas bag that he opens the zipper of.
"Excuse me? You think after what- 4 years I wouldn't be prepared for shit like this?" He proudly claims, before holding up one of your period-slash-heat pull ups- something you've been horrified of telling him about the first two years of your relationship with him, too fearful of how he might react to it. But you've learned soon enough that while Jungkook does sometimes get a little mean in his fun with others around him, he's not a bad guy at all. He's just a bit clumsy at times.
"Why do you have them here?" You whine, grabbing after the pair he's got in his hand.
"Why not?" He shrugs. "Your heats can start random as shit, and your periods are even worse. Better safe than sorry." He simply answers, closing the bag and shoving it back underneath the desk. "Now go change, I'll prepare the couch so you can nap." He jokes, smacking your thigh as you get up to follow his word.
Pulling out a blanket, he puts everything he knows you'll appreciate where he thinks it'll be good, before he checks his phone.
Only recently, he's gone public. While fans knew you existed, they didn't know much about you, nor that you and Jungkook weren't just platonic but a genuine relationship. And while he'd been prepared for what surely was to come, he'd been surprised by the welcoming reaction of the fans, many already expecting it and others defending that he's a person who deserves a private life.
And so, he's been more open with you, company even allowing you to now be seen in behind the scenes footage, and even publishing professional photos from backstage of you. People became pretty much just as charmed as he himself had been years ago- happily accepting you as a part of it all now, and he couldn't have been luckier.
But at the same time, he starts feeling just a little upset at the comments some fans keep repeating.
"She's so cute, I wish I had a hybrid like her!"
"Honestly though, if hybrids were allowed to be idols, she'd definitely be the visual of the generation!"
"She kind of seems almost too nice for Jungkookie~!"
"You think she ever feels lonely at home? I mean, he's at work all the time.."
"Jungkookie?" You ask, and he snaps his head up from his phone, boiling emotions quickly forgotten at the sight of you holding your fluffy striped tail in your hands. "Can you take a nap with me?" You wonder quietly, and he internally swells with pride.
"Of course, baby bear." He chuckles before joining you on the couch, holding you close and tightly just how he knows you like it. Does he leave you alone too much? Do you feel lonely sometimes? He's interested in the answer, but scared of it just as much- so he won't ask the questions. He'll just hold you, love you, and care for you.
Because the love you have is special, and nothing will break you both apart. Not time, not work, and for sure, not his career.
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smorbee · 1 year
iBook Pyramid Behind the scenes!
This is a long one. Also keep in mind we made this a year ago so were going completely off of memory at this point BUT we do have the files. Unfortunately we didn't save specific versions of it really early into its creation so all the blender files close to being finished.
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We have an intense appreciation for funky old computers. People correctly identified inspiration from the Thinkpad 701C. Less obvious in the final design but something that almost certainly influenced us as well was the 12-inch powerbook g4.
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There is something very satisfying about nearly-square shaped laptops.
Others mentioned the JVC 3100R pyramid TV which, you'll be surprised to learn, we had never actually seen until after working on this project. The resemblance is uncanny and yet, entirely coincidental. Honestly if we had seen this thing, it probably would have had an effect on our design because the way that hinge is set up is beautiful. Our thought process was simply just comically emulating the form factor of a modern laptop but with a giant CRT.
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We're pretty sure the idea started out as simply wanting to design a full profile keyboard into a macbook-like laptop because funny, and at some point the butterfly keyboard came to mind and we said Screw it and implemented that into it as well. Heres the keyboard separated into the different sections.
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Sorry to say that the keyboard does not actually contain any switches. (You'll see that this computer was modeled to be viewed a limited angle)
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Heres the keyboard from the top.
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Once we got going with it, the whole thing was turned into a big joke of course, clashing many different eras of technology into one. Such as this massive beige tank of a "laptop" having a single USB C port as its main I/O.
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And same with the software. This is the texture for the display, Which was taken from our real (unfortunately not crt based) macbook setup at the time. Except not quite, as the original screenshot was 16:10. We simply edited the image to make it 4:3. This is running mac os 12 with a majority of the icons changed to early osx equivalents.
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We'll be real and admit the animation is not very intricate, theres no real "rig" for the model, parts are just parented together because we did all this in about 2 days. That said, we had loads of fun animating it still, trying to imitate the motion of someone struggling to lift the heavy top up before it swings open with an inaudible, but easily imaginable "Thud". Making the whole body shake and the trackball jump slightly was the finishing touch to make it complete.
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The wire for the trackball was made using a circle with the screw modifier and then applied to a curve. Here's what it looks like with each modifier applied sequentially.
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And then making the trackball itself a handle for the curve, we can have the cable be dynamic. (Yes, we notice that the trackball in fact has no mouse buttons. No good explanation for that, I think we just forgot lmao.)
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For the screen, we make use of a location transform on the UV mapping for the satisfying detail of the screen distorting from the impact, which we swear we've seen before but no matter how hard we (safely) bumped our CRT monitor we weren't able to recreate it. Nonetheless even if its not entirely realistic we wouldn't remove it for anything.
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speaking of which, an utterly useless detail considering the resolution and distortion of the final renders and yet we added anyways just for our own amusement is that the display has a shadowmask, simply done by just multiplying it over the base screen texture.
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Combined with a glass material over the inner part of the screen, it utterly destroys low sample count renders of the screen and makes the project at least 3x as prone to crashing so thats cool! (it crashed on us while we were writing this section)
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We've learned since in future projects that trying to optimize polygon count and materials is still very important even for offline rendered content. We can never be truly free from the constraints of memory limitations 😔
the final step was getting a more authentic less "polished" look in the compositing. This step can get very complicated based on the specific look were going for, but for this render its really just basic color correction and some blurring and sharpening steps. We used the default fake jitter node in blender at the time, though in more recent stuff we use the non-denoised image with filters applied to it instead, so its less uniform between images and more uniquely degraded looking.
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Though we'd do a number of things differently now were still pleased with the final result. especially in animated form.
Heres an overview of the scene:
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This is the bezeled apple logo in polygon form. Its simply an alpha texture with a normal map:
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Thats all for now! Thank you for reading!
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Delicate (Superstar Chapter 4)
Sometimes when I look into your eyes
I pretend you're mine, all the damn time
'Cause I like you
Is it cool that I said all that?
Is it chill that you're in my head?
'Cause I know that it's delicate
Roy and the Reader deal with the aftermath of petty jealousy.
Roy Kent x Reader
5.9k words
Warnings: Language, some tension and innuendo, angst that made my heart hurt
“She’s my assistant.”
“Poor thing.”
The words kept floating in my head as I leaned against the exterior of the building, thankful that the photographers had left hours ago, not that they’d pay any mind to me. It wasn’t like I was a gorgeous model, or the ex-girlfriend of a famous footballer. Not like Brittany fucking Brett. Brittany Brett, who probably had her tongue shoved down Roy’s throat as he forgot all about nights cuddled in our booth as Rose brought us our usual drinks at the pub. Or texting each other dinner plans while Ted went off on one of his incoherent rambles in his office. Or humming “Something Good” in my ear as he passed me on the pitch. Or the dozens of little moments of kisses and touches and glances filled with fondness, all seeming to hint towards the something real that Roy had told Jamie he wanted.
Honestly, I should have known better. He was Roy "Here There Every-fucking-where" Kent. I was no one special. Girls all over England probably grew up with his posters on their walls and screamed his name at games. I just happened to be the one to share an office with the man. I probably just provided him with a fun, flirty distraction while he waited for Brittany Brett, who the tabloids more than once referred to as Roy's "one who got away". In twenty years, I'd chuckle fondly as I recounted my brief fling with Roy freaking Kent with friends at a party, maybe make a viral post about his love for The Sound of Music, and be little less than a memory to him.
I’d have to be mature. Agree that what we had was fun and assure him that I could stay professional. I was sure I could at least get through the rest of the season before sheepishly thanking Ted and Rebecca for the opportunity to be a Greyhound and asking for a good recommendation.
“Shit! There you are!”
Keeley looked wild and panicky as she approached me. I groaned, not needing her commentary on Brittany Brett, who was probably a good friend of hers from Keeley’s modeling days, sharing that Gorgeous Girl™ bond that surely trumped any burgeoning workplace friendship.
“Are you alright?” she continued. “What’d he do to you?”
I rolled my eyes at Keeley’s dramatics. “Fuck’s sake, Roy didn’t do shit,” I muttered. “He has every right-”
Keeley shook her head frantically, hair flying. “What? No, Richard. Roy’s in there ready to pummel him. I’ve got Jamie trying to calm him down, which was probably not the best idea.”
I turned and rushed back into the venue, mentally cursing Keeley for helping me find shoes that, while gorgeous with my dress, were not made for running.
The party was still in full swing, no signs of drama. I turned back to Keeley, who grabbed my hand and led me out a side door, to a smaller party room that was clearly not prepared for any guests, judging by its bright lights and lack of decorations. Sure enough, Roy, Jamie, and Richard all stood there, Roy’s face uncharacteristically expressive. Of course, that expression was pure rage.
“The fuck did you do?!” he was bellowing as Jamie did his best to hold Roy back, sputtering something about calming the fuck down, Grandpa, which was clearly not helping matters.
Richard, showing no signs of panic on his face, held his hands up defensively. “Nothing! She just said she wasn’t feeling well and ran off! She is probably just in the bathroom.”
“Bullshit!” Roy nearly broke free of Jamie’s grasp.
“Roy!” I hissed, stepping forward to grab his arm as Keeley made sure the door was closed. “What the fuck?”
He turned his firey gaze to me, his eyes full of rage. “The fuck did he do to you?” he demanded. “I saw you run out of there like your fucking hair was on fire.”
“He didn’t do shit,” I said in a rush. “I wasn’t fucking feeling good. I had about a million drinks, in case you forgot. Needed some fucking air.” I huffed, crossing my arms across my chest. “You can’t kill one of your players. If nothing else, it’s bad for recruiting.” I stared at him, trying to ignore the warmth that I felt seeing the protectiveness in his face. “Just fucking stop,” I added quietly. “Just leave Richard alone and go out there and act like you didn’t just make an absolute arse of yourself.” I turned to Keeley. “I’m sorry about this,” I grumbled. “Clearly, I’m not the only one who drank too much. If this causes any issues in the press, let me know. I’ll help you clean up Roy’s mess.” I glared at Roy, who was still behind Jamie’s arm, though no longer trying to fight his way through the player. “I’m his fucking assistant, after all. Part of my job.”
Keeley shook her head and sighed, confusion in her eyes. “No, it’s all fine. Jamie and I were able to get them in here before anyone noticed anything was amiss.” She nodded to Montlaur. “But in case anyone’s being nosy, Richard, you should head on out. Jamie and I’ll come along in a moment. That way it’s not just a big group of us coming out all at once.” She offered up a small smirk in my direction. “Though we’d probably look like we just had the hottest orgy in the history of football.”
Her attempt to break the tension with humor only worked on Jamie and Richard, who let out soft chuckles.
I approached Richard, not giving a flying fuck that Roy was watching me intensely. “I’m really sorry for Roy,” I mumbled. “He clearly misinterpreted what he saw and got protective.” I shot daggers at Roy again before turning back to Richard. “I hope this doesn’t make work… weird.”
Richard shook his head, completely affable despite the drama. “Oh please. This is nothing compared to the husbands and boyfriends I have had to deal with. Especially the ones that found me still in their beds!” He laughed amiably before glancing warily at Roy. “But perhaps I will not ask you again to dance. And, sadly, I will not give you a kiss goodbye.” With an awkward smile, he turned and walked out, the noise of the party bursting through the door before it closed again, leaving the four of us in silence.
Keeley popped her lips. “Well, that was fun.” She glanced at Roy, who was red in the face and pacing, then back to me. “You gonna be alright?” Her eyes told me that Jamie could wait with Roy if I wanted to leave with her. That I didn’t need to deal with whatever this was, and that whatever this was, she wouldn’t ask. At least, not tonight.
“I’m fine,” I assured Keeley with a weak smile. “I’ll be out there in a bit, yeah?”
Keeley nodded then grabbed Jamie by the arm. Jamie shot me an apologetic smile and landed a friendly punch on my arm before following Keeley back to the party. Once again, the room was filled with the sounds of music, dancing, and fun, before giving way to the tense silence.
Roy stopped pacing, his face now more of a pink than red, and stared at me. “What the fuck?” he asked. It was a hoarse whisper, barely leaving his lips, and his eyes were filled with question marks.
“I could ask you the same thing,” I countered, perching myself up on one of the empty tables that dotted the room. “Why the hell were you trying to kill Montlaur? I know you think he’s prickish and all-”
“Because he’s a fucking prick!” Roy practically shouted. “And-and I told you I thought he was a prick to ask you out because we all know exactly what he’s interested in and then I turn and see you fucking clinging to him and suddenly you’re running out of the room looking like you’re about to fucking cry, what the fuck am I supposed to think?”
A hollow laugh escaped my lungs. “No. Back the fuck up, Roy. What happened between the dancing with Montlaur and the running out of the room?”
Roy stared at me in silence for a moment, his shoulders slumped as the gears in his head turned. “The fuck are you on about?”
“Okay.” I slammed my hands on my thighs and stood back up, making my way past Roy and towards the doors. “That’s how it’s going to be then. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night. Lookin’ forward to seeing photos of you and Brittany Brett’s reunion in The Sun tomorrow. See you Monday.”
Roy reached out and grabbed my arm, his grip firm but tender. “Is that what this is all about?” His voice was as soft as his face, thick eyebrows raised. “Brittany fucking Brett?”
Apparently, I hit my boiling point. “Of course it’s about Brittany fucking Brett, Roy! Fuck! You spend weeks all over me, taking me out, singing along to the fucking Sound of Music at my place, you practically tell me you want me to be your date to this shit next year, you make me feel special, like I matter to you, and then you turn around and kiss your ex-girlfriend.” I pulled out of Roy’s grasp and crossed my arms. “Which, I mean, that’s your own damn business, I guess. You’re single, after all. She’s single. So, go. Be hot and rich and famous together.”
A deep frown twisted Roy’s face, his eyebrows more furrowed than I’d ever seen. “Single?” he repeated, practically spitting out the word. “You think I’m single? I’m not fucking single.” He shook his head earnestly. “I… I haven’t considered myself single since….” He glanced up at the ceiling and shrugged. “Well, fuck, since we kissed at your parents’ house surrounded by all those fucking posters of me.” He looked back down at me.
My breath caught in my throat as I gazed into those brown eyes that stared at me with that familiar anxiety swimming around. “Then… then why’d you kiss her?” My mouth felt dry as I prayed that the next words out of Roy’s mouth would magically fix things.
He shook his head earnestly. “No, no. I didn’t fucking kiss her.” He sighed and placed a tentative hand on my arm. “She kissed me. And I immediately pushed her off me, which you fucking missed apparently. Told her I’m seeing someone that I really like. And that even if I wasn’t- which I am,” he clarified tugging me closer when he realized I wasn’t fighting him, “-I wouldn’t want fuck all to do with her.” He looked down at me. “Don’t you remember what I told you on our first date?” His voice was barely above a whisper. “You’re the only person that has ever made me feel like you want me.” He scoffed and nodded towards the door, towards the party. “How d’you think Brittney Brett made me feel? Like I was some fucking accessory, this thing that would get her photo in the press more if I was next to her. You would never make me feel that way. It’s one of the many, many things I adore about you.”
“Oh.” I looked down at our shoes, blinking as I turned Roy’s words over in my head, my stomach and heart doing flips that Olympic gymnasts could only dream of.
“Oh?” Roy dipped his head. “That’s all you’ve got? Oh?” A hint of a smile graced his lips. “Come on. Put me out of my fucking misery here.” His arm wrapped around my waist. “Tell me… tell me we’re okay,” he whispered.
His eyes were still full of that anxiety, but now it was mixed with hope as he bit on his bottom lip, waiting for me to answer. I gulped, my head spinning from the alcohol and the events of the evening and whatever woodsy cologne Roy had on that I knew he was wearing just for me.
Roy sighed, his hand tracing gentle circles on my back. “Or we could go out there and enjoy the rest of our evening, and we can come back to this tomorrow?” He leaned his head against mine. “Come on, I’ve got some dopey surprise for you. Been looking forward to it all night. Real fucking romantic.”
I lifted my head. “You’ve got a surprise for me?” The corners of my mouth turned upwards in spite of myself. “A romantic one?”
“Yeah,” he confirmed, tapping his nose against mine. “So why don’t we get back out there before Keeley tells everyone we’re shagging in here?” He squinted at me. “Unless…”
Now completely smiling, I smacked Roy’s arm. “Come on. I want to see this surprise.” I slipped out of Roy’s grasp and took his hand, leading him towards the door. Just before I reached for the doorknob, Roy pulled me back to himself. “What?” I laughed, the weight on my chest dissipating.
“Just gotta do this first.” His hand cupped my face and he leaned close, pressing his lips to mine for the first time that evening. His grip on me tightened as his lips parted slightly, allowing me to taste the beer he’d been drinking all night. In the back of my head, I thanked Keeley for her high-end, smudge-free lipstick that would hopefully not create an obvious mess on Roy’s face.
When we parted, Roy smiled at me. As if he could read my mind, he hummed, “Am I wearing your lipstick now?” In response, I simply wiped away the small spot of red that I had left on the edge of his mouth, then shook my head to confirm that he was good. He studied my lips carefully. “Alright. If we don’t go out there now, we might never leave.”
He opened the door and gestured for me to lead the way like a gentleman, keeping a friendly distance as we rejoined the festivities.
“Alright, Kent,” I started over the music. “What’s this surprise?”
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. “Should be happening in about three minutes,” he mumbled. “Why don’t we grab a drink?”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “Only if I can come to the bar with you,” I teased dryly, hoping it wasn’t too soon to joke.
His dramatic eyeroll assured me it wasn’t. “Come on then.”
As we walked to the bar, we passed Jamie and Keeley, who both eyed us curiously. Roy gave them a curt nod and I shot Keeley a small thumbs up, assuring her that all was good. I knew she’d either corner me later in the night with cheeky accusations or call me the next day demanding details of what had happened in that room after they left, but for now, all I wanted to do was be with Roy.
Once we were settled at the bar, drinks in hand, I turned to Roy. “Alright, what’s the surprise?”
He shook his head. “Nope. You’ll know it when you hear it.”
“Hmmf.” My gaze turned to the dance floor, where our friends and coworkers were moving to the admittedly great band, having a blast. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched them and enjoyed my drink. “D’you ever dance at this thing?”
“Not if I can fucking help it.” His eyes wandered to the stage, where the band was wrapping up their song. “But I might have to make an exception tonight.”
I took another sip of my drink. “What do-”
“Ladies and gentlemen,” the band’s singer, a woman with dark, wild hair and a flowing dress, called out, “we had an anonymous request earlier this evening that we are thrilled to fulfill. We hope there’s some Julie Andrews fans out there.” She plucked at her guitar, creating a familiar dreamy tune.
“Perhaps I had a wicked childhood,” she sang. “Perhaps I had a miserable youth.”
I turned to Roy, my mouth slightly ajar. “The Sound of Music. Was this you?”
He shrugged, placing his half-finished beer on the bar and taking my glass from me. “Do you see any other Captain von Trapp-ish grumps around here?” He took my hand and nodded towards the dance floor. “Let’s go.”
My heart hammered as Roy led the way. I wondered if everyone could see the flush covering my face, even in the dim lighting. On the dance floor, Roy kept my hand in his, placing his free hand on the small of my back while mine rested on his shoulder. He kept a respectable distance, not exactly a professional one for two coworkers, but nothing anyone would bat an eye at. Not that it mattered; I could not care less about anyone else around us. Not Keeley and all her teasing, not Richard and his flirtatious ways, not even Brittany Brett. All I wanted was to be close to Roy and feel his warm breath on my cheek as he quietly sang the words to Something Good in my ear.
The rest of the night was miraculous and wonderful. Roy assured me that I could dance with other people without him throwing another fit- so I did. I danced all night as Roy watched. He laughed with Keeley as Jamie and I attempted to do the robot together and smiled as Dani Rojas twirled me around and clapped as Sam Obisanya dipped me dramatically and rolled his eyes good-naturedly while Ted held my hand in an attempt to teach everyone some square-dancing moves. After a particularly fun salsa with Isaac McAdoo, I approached Roy back at our table, who held out a glass of water to me.
“Having fun out there?” he asked, taking a sip of his beer.
I nodded. “An absolute blast. My feet are killing me though.”
“Guess I’ll have to fucking carry you home,” Roy joked, the fondness in his eyes telling me that he wouldn’t mind one bit.
“Looks like it,” I agreed with a smirk.
The band’s singer called for everyone’s attention. “We hope you’ve had a fabulous time tonight,” she began. “But unfortunately, it’s time for us say goodnight. On behalf of Rebecca Welton and everyone at A.F.C. Richmond, thank you so much for joining us and for all your support and generosity. Here’s one more song before we go.”
I turned to Roy. “Are you ready to head out then?” A small part of me was hoping for some alone time before calling it a night.
To my surprise, Roy shook his head. “Did you really forget? You promised me the last dance.”
I laughed and downed the rest of my water. “Were you serious about that?”
“Dead fucking serious.”
He grabbed my hand and stood, pulling me up with him. He kept my hand in his as he led me to the dance floor, giving it a small squeeze as he pulled me towards him. He placed his free hand on my waist, just as he had earlier. But now he pressed me close to his chest, definitely closer than two platonic, casual coworkers should be.
“But don’t forget who’s taking you home and in whose arms you’re gonna be, so darlin’ save the last dance for me,” the band sang.
“Are you alright?” Roy asked, leaning down towards me. “Tonight…. Didn’t exactly go the way either of us had hoped.”
“No, it did not,” I agreed, wincing slightly. “But I think we did a good job of salvaging things, don’t you?”
He nodded. “Believe it or not, even with almost killing Montlaur, this is the best fucking time I’ve ever had at this thing. Mostly because I didn’t get auctioned off like a fucking basket of fruit.” The corners of his mouth tugged upwards. “And because I got to spend time with you.” He somehow managed to pull me even closer, close enough so I could feel his heart beating. “Not nearly enough time though,” he added. “And I’m sorry about that.”
I shook my head. “We’re okay,” I assured him. “At least, I hope we are.”
“How about we talk tomorrow?” he offered. “We’ll have a good night’s rest and be sober, and we can talk about whatever shit we need to talk about.” He squeezed my hand. “How’s that sound?”
“I… think it’s a good idea.”
“Good.” He cleared his throat. “Thank you, by the way.”
I tilted my head in confusion. “For what?”
“Saving the last dance for me.”
Roy walked me up to my apartment, his suit jacket having been wrapped around my shoulders since we left the venue. We paused at my door, the way we had for weeks now. He smiled down at me in that same way, softness in his eyes, lifting his hand to touch my hair.
“Well, I’m just glad the night didn’t end fucked,” he chuckled.
I rolled my eyes. “You sure know how to end a date.”
“This was a date then?” he asked, eyebrows raised in amusement.
“Eh.” I shrugged. “Depends, are you going to kiss me goodnight?”
His mouth was on mine in less than an instant. He pulled me tight against himself, one arm completely wrapped around my waist as I pulled him down to me by his tie. His tongue grazed my mouth, asking permission. I obliged, tasting beer and a hint of the chocolate cupcake he’d shared with me towards the end of the night. His hand that was still tangled in my hair tugged a little, trying to pull me closer to himself. We were a tangle of lips and tongues and hot breath and soft moans, neither of us caring about the possibility of someone seeing us.
I pulled back mere centimeters, just enough to whisper, “You want to come in?”
Roy gave a little groan, pressing his forehead against mine. “I want to. I definitely fucking want to. But I think we should say goodnight til we talk tomorrow, yeah?” He stroked my cheek, a deep sigh escaping his lips. “Want to make sure we’re on the same page about things.” He paused, his thumb ghosting over my bottom lip. “Come over tomorrow. I’ll make you dinner.
The disappointment I had felt a moment ago melted and gave way to delight. “Roy Kent can cook?” I teased, fiddling with his tie.
He smirked with pride as his hand rubbed my hip. “Fuck yeah, Roy Kent can cook.” He kissed my lips, pulling away as my mouth chased his. “Tomorrow then?”
I groaned and buried my head in his chest, drunk off the drinks and Roy’s kisses. “Fine. Tomorrow.” I looked up at him. “One more for the road?” I purred, giving my best pout.
“You needy thing,” he chuckled, planting one more kiss on my lips before pulling away with finality. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he promised.
My mobile went off as I was lounging in bed late the next morning, smiling at Roy’s jacket draped over my bedroom door. I picked up the phone, my mind still back in front of my door, where Roy’s kiss had made my knees weak.
“Hello?” I answered, my voice dreamy.
“Alright, what the fuck happened?” Keeley’s squeals brought me back to reality.
I scrambled to sit up. “Morning Keeley!” I choked out, hoping I sounded breezy and casual. “How’re you? You have fun last night? Does Jamie remember doing the robot with me or was he too sloshed?”
I could practically feel her roll her eyes through the phone. “Oh no, we’re not playing this game. You owe me all the details about what happened with Roy last night. Spill.”
“Nothing!” I blurted, probably a bit too quickly. “We talked. He told me he thought Montlaur did something to hurt me and got protective. I mean, we share an office, we see each other every day, I kind of get why he’d be protective of me. Plus, you saw how much he drank, he probably doesn’t even remember what happened.” I cleared my throat. “So, we’re good. I’ll probably talk to him on Monday about apologizing to Montlaur, but other than that, I think we can all just forget what happened.”
“What about all the dancing?” Keeley challenged. “Roy never dances at the gala. Even when he’s brought a date, he’s good for maybe one dance. He danced with you what, like four or five times?”
I scoffed, flopping back onto my bed. “We danced twice,” I corrected Keeley. “As friends.”
Keeley hummed. “Oh, so you counted?”
“Shove off, Keeley,” I groaned, eyeing Roy’s jacket again. “Can’t you just accept that Roy and I are friends? I mean, shit, that’s headline enough.”
“Friends huh?”
Keeley cleared her throat. “Then did your friend Roy Kent say anything about Brittany Brett? I’m desperate to know what happened there.”
My cheeks burned; I was hoping to forget that Brittany Brett had been at the party. “Nope. Didn’t say a word,” I said shortly. “Don’t know a thing.”
“Aw, babe,” Keeley clucked. “No need to be jealous. That’s long over from what I’ve heard.”
“’m not jealous,” I grumbled. But damn, I couldn’t resist the bait. “What have you heard?”
Keeley gave a small giggle. “Why don’t you come over tonight for a good old-fashioned sleepover? I can give you all the gossip like we’re little schoolgirls. We’ll throw on our pyjamas, get tipsy, sing some Spice Girl songs, crank call Jamie. Fuck, we can even go play knock-and-run at Roy’s place. Maybe we’ll catch a glimpse of him shirtless.”
Damn, this woman was a great friend. “Aww, Keeley, I’d love to hang out,” I started. “But I’ve got plans tonight.”
“Next time!” she gushed, unbothered. “What’s up tonight?”
“Oh, just some family stuff. Nothing too exciting, I’m afraid.”
Keeley gave a small hum. “Maybe brunch tomorrow?”
I nodded into the phone. “Sounds great.”
We stayed on the line for a few more minutes, making plans to meet for brunch at one of Keeley’s favorite places and agreeing that she should invite Rebecca to join us. After a couple more attempts on Keeley’s end to find out any dirty details about what happened between me and Roy, we hung up. Sometime during the call, I’d received a text message from Roy:
Can’t wait to see you
Of course Roy Kent’s house was huge. Of course it was. Sometimes it was easy to forget that the man was a retired football star. But standing in front of his house- mansion, practically- I was reminded all over again that this was the man on all those posters in my parents’ house. Roy “Here-There-Everywhere” Kent.
I stood tentatively in front of his door, debating if I should ring the bell or just send him a text to let him know I’d arrived. As I debated my choices and played with the hem of the dress that suddenly felt too short and too dressy, the door opened. Roy stood in the doorway, wearing the black slacks and shirt he’d been wearing on our first date. His eyes took their time eagerly traveling up my figure and to my face, where they settled tenderly.
“Fuck,” he whispered, cracking a full smile. “How’d you manage to look more gorgeous than you did last night?”
My face burned at the compliment. “You don’t look too bad yourself,” I answered, trying to sound casual as he ushered me in. “How’d you know I was here?”
“Got some sensor shit on the door,” he explained matter-of-factly as he closed the door behind me. “I dunno, Beard set it up for me. Man’s fucking paranoid.”
That was all I could manage as I took in Roy’s house. It was spacious, airier and lighter than I expected. I smiled as I recognized photos of his niece and sister everywhere, as well as an older man I assumed was his grandad.
“Sorry I don’t have posters of you all over the place,” he teased, taking my hand to lead me to the kitchen. “Could you believe they were sold out of you at the administrative-assistant-poster store?”
“Oh yeah, I’m really popular,” I played along as Roy pulled out a stool at the kitchen island for me to sit on. “Let me know if you want my autograph.”
He turned to the stove, stirring something in a pot. “How much d’you think I could get for it on eBay?”
“Enough to buy a nicer house. Sorry to break it to you, Roy, but this place is a regular shithole.”
Roy practically choked on his laughter. “Oi, now you’re getting personal.” He turned and faced me. “I’m really fucking glad you’re here,” he said softly.
My blush returned. “Me too.” I sat up to take a good look at the stove, trying to see what smelled so delicious. “Need any help?” I offered.
“Fuck no. You just relax.” He nodded towards a fully stocked bar in the adjoining dining room. “Drink? Or have you sworn off alcohol after last night?”
I shook my head. “I’ll take a drink,” I assured him.
Roy crossed over to the bar, pressing a kiss to my bare shoulder as he passed me. When he returned, he placed two drinks on the island, the same one I ordered every time we went to the pub. He then served dinner and laid one of the bowls in front of me.
“Beef tzimmes,” he announced, sitting across from me. “My grandad used to make this for me when I was a kid. First thing he ever taught me how to make.”
I could feel my eyes light up as I took my first bite. “Shit, this is good!”
“Glad to know Phoebe’s not lying to me then,” Roy muttered as he began to eat his own bowl.
We ate comfortably, drinking and laughing and sharing jokes, as if nothing had transpired the night before. It felt like every other time we’d hung out; comfortable, relaxed, but charged with the attraction we shared. God, it was good to know that we could still be like this.
Roy cleared the bowls and left them in the sink before helping me out of my seat. “Wanna go sit outside? We can have our chat.”
My breath caught for a moment as I remembered why I was there in the first place; a serious talk awaited us. Roy placed a reassuring kiss on my forehead and grabbed our drinks, leading me out to his patio. I settled in a loveseat while he turned on a set of string lights.
“My sister made me get these,” he grumbled as he joined me, handing me my drink.
“She has good taste,” I remarked as I leaned back.
Roy snorted. “In fucking lights, maybe. In men…” He bobbled his head, making a face. He caught my unsure expression. “Sorry. You didn’t come here to listen to me rant about Phoebe’s shit dad.”
“Not this time,” I joked, trying to break the tension.
He leaned back, laying his arm around my shoulders. “So,” he started, his face suddenly serious.
“So,” I repeated.
Roy took a deep breath. “I’m sorry again. Really fucking sorry.” He turned his body to face me properly. “I’m sorry for trying to kill Montlaur. I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions and not talking to you. And I’m really fucking sorry you had to see Brittany Brett kiss me.” He shook his head and looked at me with those anxious eyes. “D’you forgive me?”
My heart tugged gently in my chest. “Of course.” I laid my hand on Roy’s thigh. “I’m sorry for screaming at you. And for trying to make you jealous. And for making you apologize to Richard.”
He frowned, confused. “You didn’t make me apologize.”
“No, I was saving that for Monday.”
“Fair enough.” He rested his free hand on top of mine. “Why’d you get so jealous?”
I shifted in my seat. “I mean… have you seen that woman? She’s literally a model.”
Roy shrugged. “So’s Keeley. You didn’t seem to care when she danced with me while you and Jamie did what I can only assume was an attempt at the robot.”
“Keeley’s not your ex,” I pointed out. “Brittany Brett is. And she was hanging all over you, and oh yeah, she kissed you.” I paused, letting my words sink in. “And I just don’t get why you were talking to her,” I admitted. “You say you want nothing to do with her, and that she made you feel like shit, so I don’t know why you would hang out with her at the bar.”
“No, that’s fair,” Roy agreed. “See…” He tilted his head back, thinking. “We went out during this really fucked time in my life. I was already starting to realize that I was passing my prime. And I was starting to get fucking scared that I’d never be a superstar again. And being with this internationally known model allowed me to pretend that I would be a hotshot forever.” He paused. “And then she dumped me for someone who was actually in the prime of their career. Which, obviously, felt fucking great.” He wrinkled his nose. “And I guess seeing her for the first time since then brought back some of those feelings of not being good enough anymore. And I guess I wanted to show her that I’m doing great.” He squeezed my hand. “Really great since I started seeing you.” He let out a growling sigh. “And once she started flirting, I think some part of me wanted to reject her this time,” he admitted. “But it absolutely wasn’t worth it seeing how things turned out.” He cleared his throat, looking down. “That’s some stupid shit, eh?”
I quickly shook my head. “I mean, it still hurt, but I get it now.” I paused, giving the ground a small kick. “I didn’t really appreciate the whole ‘she’s just my assistant’ shit though.”
Roy let out a dry chuckle. “Also fair,” he conceded. “Sorry about th-” He stopped, thick brows creased. “Wait, how’d you know that?”
“I may have been eavesdropping,” I muttered. “That’s about the point where I felt really shitty and dragged Richard out on the dance floor to make you jealous.”
“Hmmf.” Roy stared at me thoughtfully. “Can I ask you something?” I nodded. “D’you consider yourself single?”
I blushed, remembering the way I had yelled at Roy the night before. “Not really,” I admitted. “I haven’t even thought about another guy since the first time you bought me kebabs for lunch.”
“And I told you last night, I haven’t thought of myself as a single guy since that night at your parents’,” he reminded me. His fingers drummed on my shoulder. “I think the problem is, we didn’t think of each other as not being single.”
“What d’you mean?” I asked; Roy was talking in circles.
He shrugged. “I mean, I don’t think either of us would have been so fucking jealous if… if we both knew we’re both not single.” He glanced up at the string lights, face twisted in uncertainty. “Is that right?”
Something in my brain clicked. “Roy, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”
“Don’t talk like we’re fucking thirteen behind a Tesco,” he snarled. “But yeah, sure, however you want to fucking call it.” He leaned close, eyes searching mine. “I just want you to know I’m yours. That’s all. And I’d like to know that you’re mine. Because if we know that, then all the other shit- ex-girlfriends and stupid French pricks- none of it’ll matter. Because we’ll know how we feel.” He shrugged. “What d’you say?”
I closed the distance between us, pressing my lips against his harshly, desperate to show him how heartily I agreed with him. “I think it’s a damn good idea,” I mumbled against his mouth.
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Hi how's your day going? Just wanted to vent and say I'm pissed at what sounds like Ryan being sidelined and casually belittled in the latest cast interview/promo 😑 i.e. apparently zero mention of Eddie's storyline for s7, Tim once again making the tired joke about eddie being "too pretty to kill off" (kind of insulting considering how much Eddie and Chris have brought to the show since s2), seems like the only thing Ryan got to say was something incredibly sweet and complimentary about working with Gavin 🥺😍 and fandom just thinks it's funny "well he IS pretty". If that's all Eddie is to buddie fandom...that just confirms everything I've been complaining about the last couple of years 🙃
Thank you @blutterlie for the ask. I'm doing well and I hope you're doing well too.
I read through the snippets that were posted on 911blr from the panel interview that was done a couple of nights ago with the main cast and the showrunner and... I really don't have words. But to say I was disappointed is an understatement.
I was really hoping things would be different for Eddie and Chris, the characters and RG and GM, the actors this season since it seems like KR got the boot and is no longer sitting in the showrunner's chair. Hopefully she is gone and if so, maybe someone other than Buck (Eddie, Chris, Chimney and Bobby because they were all sidelined in the last two years while the other half of their ships got good storylines) can get a storyline or two but I can't say I'm surprised with the outcome.
Apparently TM cares about the big emergencies which is great and all but it would be better IMO if they stopped trying to recreate scenes from movies (Speed, Poseidon and whatever other movies they've copied) and focus on growth of the main characters. I've mentioned this before in my Constructive Criticisms posts but none of the first responders have been promoted. How long are they going to remain in their same roles? For me, the show has lost something and I'm not sure a cruise disaster that puts Bobby and Athena in danger again for the umpteenth time is going to make people watch... but I digress.
I'm saddened because RG and GM the actors and the characters they play, Eddie and Chris have been sidelined and given minimal screentime for a while but the little amount they do get is always solid gold because both RG and GM are superb actors. They work very well together and I had hope for season 7 that they would finally be given the screentime they deserve especially since they barely got any in seasons 5 and 6 but it looks like another wash, rinse and repeat season with Buck still looking for answers (which I figured would be the case after I completed a post about his attire in the still of him and Chris). I was really hoping it wasn't going to be another season 4 with Eddie and Chris suffering with another recurring character (all they did was replace AF with M) while they wait for Buck to finally "get it" but apparently some people think it's fun and cute for Buck to be in the words of OS, "stuck on a hamster wheel" but I don't and honestly, unless he's headed for a massive breakdown SO he can finally DEAL AND COPE with all his issues, they can keep it.
The comment TM made about RG being pretty was just... 🙄. IMO, it was disrespectful, disgusting, disingenuous and completely discrediting. If it's true and he was initially hired for his looks for whatever reason, shouldn't they be past that by now? It's been six years and RG has proven time and time again that he's a fantastic actor. For those who forgot, EDDIE carried the ENTIRETY OF SEASON 5 on his back while KR was stumbling around as showrunner with most of the "top billed" cast (that's two-thirds of those who are paid the most) out of pocket. AB was working on A LOT of other projects and that's no hate to her but it's true, JLH was on maternity leave, RD and MR left the show and instead of giving more screentime to Eddie, Bobby and Chimney, they forced TK into the spotlight just to show how bad she was for Buck. They could have done that in episode 1 without giving her a back story so they could have dedicated more time to Eddie’s PTSD and therapy. Buck got two whole seasons and he still hasn't figured anything out but they rushed Eddie’s story and wouldn't even let him say he was going back to the 118🤔.
How many times will the audience have to watch these repetitive storylines? Also, how many times will RG, AH, GM, KC, CM and PK be sidelined for the other mains? It's supposed to be an ensemble cast but someone keeps forgetting that and pushing certain characters out front while they push the others to the side. In season 5, Chimney was sent on a road trip to drive across America with a 6-month-old instead of him staying in L.A. so Buck and Albert could help him with Jee-Yun. In season 6, Bobby was given a sponsor (Wendell) no one had ever heard of before and he appeared out of thin air. Hen's medical school storyline went absolutely nowhere and May disappeared after 6x11. And Eddie and Chris were once again sidelined and then pushed into another "Eddie has to date" because "Chris needs a mother" storyline with another bland and ridiculous recurring character because they keep dragging out whatever the "F" they're doing.
Now with the comment about RG being "too pretty to die", it made me wonder if Eddie and Chris being left out of the promos was a mistake after all🤷‍♀️.
I hope RG and GM can find a show that will appreciate their contributions and give them the screentime they deserve and it be based on how great they are as actors because they deserve so much better.
Anyway, this got longer than I expected and I didn't mean for it to but I'm disappointed in how they're treated and I'm tired of watching the same ole same old.
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yulgurr · 8 months
I felt like doing this Camille thing with @/peachiehambo's template
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And some voicelines I found in one of my ancient google docs, these are the lines she says in the monastery at the beginning of every chapter of Academy phase.
› "Camille Adeline Gautier, pleased to make your acquaintance." (automatic response) › "..." "..." › "That should be all."
Ch.1: Three houses
› "A mock battle? Truth to be told. I'd rather sit this one out." › "I wouldn't be much help on the battlefield.. At least, not right now."
Ch. 2: Familiar Scenery
› "Um.. Professor.. I have a very.. foolish.. question." › "Who do you think takes care of the owls here? What do they eat?" › "Mice?! And frogs?! But…" › "But they are cute…. *sigh*" › "Right, I should.. focus on the first mission now. Bandits in the Red Canyon, correct? I wonder what they are up to."
Ch. 3: Mutiny in the Mist
› Camille: "I.. knew Lord Lonato. Not personally, but.. when I was home a couple of years ago, I received a marriage proposal from House Gaspard." › Sylvain: "What? I never knew that!" › Camille: "Luckily it was simply a written one, so I managed to burn it before father saw…" › Camille: "Later when I heard that his oldest son was executed.. I was… Glad that I burnt that proposal letter. Were father to see it and accept it, the reputation of the House Gautier would be damaged and–" › Sylvain: "Hold on!" › Sylvain: "Forget the House, what would you do if father were to accept it?" › Camille: "I would be married into a House Gaspard. But I was 14 at the time and didn't want that kind of life." › Sylvain: "Fourteen?! And you never said anything to me?! Not even a word?" › Camille: "You were busy with your studies and I was busy with mine. I didn't want to bother you so I dealt with it myself." › Camille: "And also, we had Miklan to worry about." › Sylvain: "Eh.. well, fair enough."
Ch. 4: The Goddess' Rite of Rebirth
› "It.. may sound silly, but I recently learned how to fish!" › "I really enjoy the process of it. You stay here, with a rod, quietly, and wait. That's it! And if people walk by, they lower their voices too!" › "By the way, I've been lucky to catch some big ones!! I should show them to Sylvain just to see his face. Haha." › "Also, Professor, before I forget. I started taking additional classes with Professor Belhor. Just wanted to inform you."
Ch. 5: Tower of Black Winds
› "Miklan was.. never really a true brother to us.. And.. it's not a big surprise he would turn to banditry." › "It is however a surprise that he would steal a relic… We must take it back, at all cost."
Ch. 6: Rumors of a Reaper
› "What? Flayn went missing?! It.. must be very tough on Seteth, he cares for her deeply."
» Any thoughts on where she might be?
› "Hmm.. let's see.. I'd say that Professor Belhor seemed to like Flayn a lot, she might have more thoughts than me." › "Other than that, no ideas. I hope Flayn stays safe."
Ch. 7: Field of the Eagle and Lion
Day: › "A battle of the Eagle and Lion.. Honestly, I think I'm ready!" › "I wasn't prepared for the mock battle, but this time! I'll give it my all!"
Sunset, training grounds: › Camille: "Oh uh! Professor!" › Belhor: "Hello. This is a private session, leave the training grounds immediately." 
Ch. 8: Flame in the Darkness
› "The Battle of the Eagle and Lion went great! I'm so proud of how I've grown." › "Some things still terrify me, but overall I think I'm getting better at many other things.. I'm glad to study under your wing, Professor."
Ch. 9: The Cause of Sorrow
› "Professor!!" › "For the love of Goddess, please DO NOT choose me for the White Heron Cup!!"
»I choose you! › "NO! H-how could you? Are you sure?" › "You will regret this later, I'm telling you"
»Won the Heron Cup › "I knew this was going to happen.. well.." › "Why did you do this?... So cruel…"
»I'm not choosing you (i forgot the choices we had there my bad) › "Oh thank you!! Thank you so much!!!" › "I hope you have fun at the ball though!"
Ch. 10: Where the Goddess Dwells
› "I'm sorry for your loss, Professor. It's alright if you want to take a break and heal." › "Don't push yourself and take things slow for now." › "The wounds will heal soon. Please take care of yourself."
Ch. 11: Throne of Knowledge
› "Wow, professor! Your hair looks really cool!" › "Maybe if I get powerful, I'll do something with my hair as well!"
»How's your training with Belhor going?
› "Oh.. uh.. why do you ask?" › "Well.. it's going alright. I learned a lot of new spells from her.." › "The only downside is, she won't let me catch a breath even for a moment." › "But other than that. I feel I'm getting stronger." › "I always wanted to get stronger, you know. Back when Miklan still lived with us, I.. *sigh*. No, I better not drown in these memories right now." › "We have your ceremony to worry about! I really want to see how it goes!"
Before the invasion
› "The Imperial Army is heading towards Garreg Mach.. A big battle will take place here." › "Maybe this is my chance to…." › "Oh! Professor, I… I will fight with all I have."
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eddiemunsonw · 1 year
Paint me red.
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part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
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Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're one of Vickie's best friends. Her girlfriend, Robin, is in need of a distraction for her best friend, Steve Harrington, who you vaguely remember from school. Which is where you come in.
CW / Disclaimer: A bunch of cute stuff, just a nice feel good fic about our dear boy Steve.
Author’s note: It was time to write about Steve Harrington, so here it is. Four parts, can find them both on here and on my ao3: eddiemunsons. Enjoy!
Words: (of current chapter) 1432 / (complete fic) 13059
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Thursday afternoon usually wasn’t one of the busiest times of the coffeeshop you worked at. Three regulars sat dispersed throughout the room. The tall auburn haired man working at the window always brought a stack of papers and seemed to be doing some type of research on a topic you had zero knowledge about. You had glanced over his shoulder before and didn’t even have a clue how you’d go about pronouncing it, so you never bothered to ask either. The other regular was a younger guy around your age. He had been two years below you at Hawkins High. Most of the time he brought a book, or he just listened to his Walkman as he scribbled in his sketchbook. The last regular sat at the bar, looking at your pretty foam creation of a cat that you had just given her. However, she wasn’t just a regular. She was also your friend, Vickie.
“Ohh that’s adorable! You’re getting so good at this, honestly,” Vickie exclaimed as she carefully turned the cup around on the saucer. Her eyes wandered back to you and you could tell she was dying to tell you something. She smiled awkwardly, which was a telltale sign of something peculiar spilling from her mouth soon.
“Okay, cute foam kitten aside, I have a favor to ask. I think. Maybe. I don’t know. Maybe I’m doing you a favor, depending how you look at it? Or, well…”
“Just, tell me, please?” you asked with an innocent smile that hid your impatience only a little bit. Vickie conceded and smiled.
“It’s kind of a long process thing, maybe. Again, it depends on—”
“Vic, spit it out already oh my god.” At this point you were starting to worry that she was about to ask you for something horrible.
“I need you to come with me to DGMG,” she glanced away shortly, only to meet your eyes again with a pleading look. Somehow it seemed important to her but you couldn’t help but frown, confused at what she was asking you.
“Dark Glow Mania Games. See why I used an abbreviation? It’s a horrible name. It’s that glow in the dark game center, you know? The one I told you Robin started working at recently? Actually, ‘recently’ being two months ago. I really should’ve met up with you sooner, it’s been so long!” Vickie said apologetically. Her red hair bounced as she shook her head to emphasize how disappointed she was in herself.
“You were busy with girlfriend duties… and perks,” you shrugged, a smile laced on your lips. “It’s not like I’m obliged to know your girlfriend’s workplace within an estimated amount of time, Vic.”
“I know but still. I always ramble on on the phone and yet I forgot to mention it until… last week?” She seemed to wreck her brain over the details that were not at all important to you, as you were still curious why she even brought it all up in the first place.
“Something like that. Anyway, why is going to DGMG with you doing you a favor?”
Vickie smiled awkwardly and reluctantly sipped from her coffee, the foam cat slowly dissolving. After cleaning the foam off her upper lip with the tip of her tongue, she sighed.
“Because… that’s not all there’s to it.” When she didn’t elaborate you gave her a pointed look, urging her to go on.
“Right. Uhm, do you remember Steve Harrington?”
Do you remember Steve Harrington? Of course you remember Steve Harrington. The popular kid they called King Steve, Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington or Mr. Harringtongue, which had apparently to do with how skilled he was in pleasuring a lady. It was hard to not know about a guy like that. You wondered what happened to him. You had only transferred to Hawkins High in your third year, meaning you had only shared one year of hell with the guy because after that one, he graduated. You could vaguely recall having English together once and seeing him in the cafeteria every now and then but that was about it.
“Uh, yeah?”
“He works there too,” Vickie said, as if that would explain everything all of a sudden. Only barely, you managed to not roll your eyes at her.
“According to Robin he needs more people his age around him. A girlfriend would be nice too, or a boyfriend if he’s into that but we only know total dweebs so that’s not going to work in our current plan. Not saying you should be his girlfriend or anything! But… Robin thought it might be nice since you’re cool, and he’s cool, and that way he won’t always stick out like a sore thumb when I hang out with her either,” Vickie watched your frown deepen as she spoke and she let out a nervous giggle, your gaze always being somewhat intimidating to her even though she knew you wouldn’t hurt a fly.
“You don’t even have to do anything! I mean, just, stick around, maybe say hi but that’s all. Maybe it’s enough to restart his heart and make more room for people other than Robin and a handful of others that aren’t around all that much.”
A quick break to serve a customer gave you some time to let her words sink in. Once you sent them on your way with a frappuccino and a matcha latte, you still hadn’t come up with an answer though.
“Sorry but, why does Steve Harrington need help with getting himself a friend or a girlfriend or whatever else? Wasn’t he like this popular dude? Handsome to the masses?”
Vickie gave you a side eye.
“You say that as if you’re not part of the masses. Steve is attractive, it’s a fact written in the stars, undeniable unless you’re blind.”
“If you weren’t with Robin I would’ve told you to hook up with him yourself,” you tell her flatly after a dramatic eye roll. “But you’re proving my point as to how ridiculous your request is.”
“I don’t know! Ask Robin! It was her idea after all, I’m just the messenger.”
“What’s in it for me?” you quipped, knowing that you would go with her regardless, but you couldn’t help but like a little bargaining.
“Free glow in the dark mini golf. Perks of the girlfriend. If you’re nice, I’ll pay for our drinks too,” Vickie promised with the sweetest, angelic smile that matched her pleading blue eyes.
“Now why didn’t you start with that, silly? I’m in.”
For a reason you didn’t know other than that Vickie had very convincing puppy dog eyes, you agreed to go. Only after you said it, you realized that you actually weren’t that much of a social creature at all and wondered if you had just agreed to the most awkward evening of your life. Vickie assured you that Robin and Steve would be working, so there wouldn’t be that much interaction anyway. It was a nice first step, she had said, giving away that this wasn’t just going to be a one time thing. Oh dear. All in all you could do with a fun evening if you were honest and you decided you would just ignore the whole plan. After all, Vic had said you didn’t have to do anything apart from the bare minimum which consisted of saying hi and looking at him while you did that, which shouldn’t be that hard.
Once Vickie left to meet up with Robin, you were left alone with your thoughts which drifted back to Steve Harrington all too easily. You tried to dig into your memories, to see what you really remembered of him yourself rather than hearsay. The latter went many ways in your last year. While some still called him the King, others said that he had become a total loser working dumb jobs and hanging out with ten year olds. You had expected him to get into some fancy school, with the power his last name seemed to hold. It was all just guessing work. In the end you knew very little about Steve Harrington. It had been three years since you graduated and you had been blissfully unaware of the town’s gossip since then. You would be lying if you said you weren’t the tiniest bit curious about him though. After all, Vickie had been right. He was a treat to look at. And after spending the rest of your afternoon thinking about a guy you hadn’t thought of in years, you found yourself strangely excited for Saturday.
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Next part
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purpleandstarlight · 6 months
Here are my first thoughts on @hateweasel 's cielois fanfic DLTD, as I share them like 100+ chapters into the journey with my best friend (who hasn't read DLTD nor was ever really into Kuro) trough DMs. Here recapped for y'all.
- I FORGOT!! I DIDN'T KNOW HATE'S PRONOUNS AT THE BEGINNING SO WHEN I SPOKE WITH MY BEST FRIEND (In Italian, where they/them pronouns don't really exists unfortunately) I ALWAYS TRIED TO GET AROUND USING PRONOUNS SO AS NOT TO MISGENDER HER!! At some point (this time on ff.net, bc I usually read on ao3 so that's where I read DLTD first) I read on an author's corner the she/her pronouns and sent an ask to Hate (probably on anon bc that's how I was at first) to confirm and from then on I was finally able to get it together when talking about Hate.
-Hey Hate, remember when I sent you that anon ask talking abt how you reminded me of a French cartoon and you IMMEDIATELY recognized it as Code Lyoko? Yeah related to that whole "school thinks they're adoptive sibling" thing, I wondered why no one at school had questions about why the fuck the supposed siblings had that much non-platonic tension.
-My initial criticism that wasn't actually criticism on Hate bc I knew this was from 10 years ago and i honestly just read it as how teenage boys, especially at the time, behaved. It was criticism to just the boys, not the author. Criticism include:
1)the gay slurs the cast kept throwing around.
2)The way they all said that one in the Cielois was the "woman" - wich is something both homophobic and misogynistic.
3) the "yOuR'E sUcH a GIrL" insult that is, again, misogynistic.
4) Not a criticism to the teenage boys this time but to the girls. WHY are y'all sexualizing these gays?? GET A GRIP!!
-Not a criticism, but since we're talking about their teenager boy behavior that Hate got SO RIGHT: the COSTANT sex jokes related conversation they had. It didn't really bother me so its not criticism, its just very hormonal teen boy minded to bring everything back to that? So I wasn't really annoyed at the teenagers for being teenagers u know. I'm just adding it to the list of what I thought Hate got so well in the characterization of teenager boys.
-at some point my best friend lead me to realize that while everyone in school felt the tension between Cielois, no one had the bets running on when/if they would finally get together. Wich still makes me so sad because HATE, you missed on such a romance fanfic trope 😔 /jk
- Me at the start of the stadium arc when Kris starts being interested in...what the frick was his name?? Cameron?? Idk THAT ONE BLONDE DUDE: Oh so we're gonna have a couple of chill chapters where they are just gonna establish their relationships better!
Me, when the reapers are there and we discover about the bomb: W H A T
-Me: DLTD Suddently became Ouran Host Club? For?? Some reason??
My friend: You know what? It doesn't really surprise me. Imo this story will cover every work of literature ever existed before it ends.
-Mi initial dislike for the name Kristopherson. I still don't really like it but I'm used to it ig? Again no hate to Hate!! I just find it such an unnecessarily long name for his parents to give him? Like choose Kristopher, or Kris, why Kristopherson?? Now I know it's bc Kristopher is his father. And in general i understand that Rich People are Like That TM.
Me, while I was describing Kris's journey of self discovery to my best friend: At the beginning of the story, he was just this random bully who called Alois gay...wich i mean, it was true, but he didn't HAVE to be so mean about it...
Gonna cut this into parts so I don't kill my followers who aren't interested in my DLTD thoughts..i would use the read more thing but idk how to activate that?? Also I wrote this for some time now and I need a break lol
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boydepartment · 9 months
TXT as Creepypasta Stories
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a/n: okay so i was a little nervous to post this however i am in a spooky mood and i just wanted to put out something a little silly and fun. i grew up on creepypastas so i wanted to put this out :) i really hope none of you find this post weird LMAO warnings- this is HORROR so subjects of death, bullying, etc is present in this post. i tried to censor it as much as i could and i added my little comments in this as best as i could to make them more lighthearted
MASTERLIST wc- probably like 250-300
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soobin- lavender town
lavender town syndrome was derived from the first pokémon game. the bgm of the town in the game had frequencies that led to kids yaknow dying. later on nintendo lowered the frequencies so kids stopped dying‼️
this one was a classic and soobin loves pokémon so i really thought it fit him :)
link to creepypasta
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yeonjun- ticci toby
ticci toby’s story is about this kid who’s like extremely bullied and it’s kinda fucked up that the creator named him ticci toby because i’m 90% sure he has tourettes in the story. but that’s besides the point. he ends up like getting rid of his dad and runs in the woods, then gets adopted into the slenderman mansion ⁉️ that’s if i’m remembering correctly LMAO im relistening to the story rn, i forgot how well it was written
I HONESTLY JUST GAVE HIM TICCI TOBY BC I USED TO HAVE A CRUSH ON TOBY WHEN I WAS LIKE 11 now im older than ticci toby and i feel ancient.
link to creepypasta
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taehyun- jeff the killer
okay gonna be fr, the only reason why i remember his story so well is because of laurenzsides sims 4 rendition of the creepypasta. jeff was this kid who had a really hot brother(sorry(I AM LIU’S AGE NOW THIS IS A WIN)) and two parents. from what i remember everything was chill w his parents and brother but he was just bullied. and then at a birthday party he got lit on fire??? and bleached??? then he kills everyone. OH MY GOD THE KIDS LIKE BULLIED HIM⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ I DO NOT REMEMBER THIS AT ALL⁉️⁉️⁉️ oh his parents were nice :( this is so sad
i thought giving taehyun a classic was good for him. jeff the killer is like THE creepypasta just like kang taehyun is THE hot guy 😇
link to the laurenzside sims 4 creepypasta video lol
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beomgyu- russian sleep experiment
the russian sleep experiment was, you guessed it, an experiment. from what i remember the experiment was conducted during a war to test endurance. the prisoners from said war were told they would be set free if they followed through with the experiment. the prisoners were locked in a room and the scientists leaked this gas in the room to keep the prisoners from sleeping, without having sleep the prisoners go insane and start to kill eachother
the russian sleep experiment is honestly my favorite creepypasta. i read it a few years ago and then shane and ryan read it on are you scared and i was hooked. i feel like beomgyu would really like it.
link to the watcher video explaining the russian sleep experiment
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hueningkai- ben drowned
basically this guy, finds a bootleg majoras mask game and starts getting haunted by this kid named ben who once again you guessed it! drowned! okay apparently there was a cult i don’t remember that at all if i’m being fr.
link to the creepypasta
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grantspectortrash · 2 years
Head Over Heels
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem Henderson!Reader
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Summary: After hanging out together, both you and Steve realise you've had feelings for one another this whole time.
Warnings/tags: No warnings, just very fluffy, very cute stuff. Teasing and banter-filled conversations. Very wholesome.
Word Count: 6.1K
A/N: This is set in season 2 but one conversation uses season 4 dialogue. I've not been able to stop thinking about this whole scenario, but I hope you guys enjoy as well! ((Also I know the title is unoriginal, sue me))
"Dusty, you're going to be late!" You yell from the front door, slinging your car keys around your finger. It's your younger brother's Snow Ball dance tonight and you promised your mom you'd take him there and pick him up afterward.
"If you don't get your ass down here in five I swear-"
"Hold on! I don't understand!" Dustin is still upstairs, and his voice trails off as you hear him bustling around in his room. You haven't seen him since your mom left for work, which was an hour ago. Apparently, he's perfecting his hair so that he'll 'get all the ladies'. Those were Dustin's words - not your own - and you can't believe how much he's grown up in the past year.
He kept secrets from you now. He hung out with his friends way more than he hung out with you and, worst of all, he started caring about if girls liked him or not.
"I'm leaving soon!" You check your watch once more.
The dance starts at seven and you have fifteen minutes to get your brother out of the door and to the high school.
You hear Dustin switch off his bedroom light and run down the stairs at lightning speed.
"Y/N, I forgot to tell you-" Your brother's about to say something to you when you take in what he's wearing for the first time. He's got a bow tie on, with a cute suit and shirt and he's wearing his homemade Ghostbuster shoes, which are totally just some plain old Reeboks covered in red pen scribbles.
"Hold up, Dust! Look at you!" You smile, seriously unbelieving how cute he looks. "And look at your hair!"
You grab his head and stare down at his hair in amazement, “You look so good, dude! Who taught you to do all of this?”
Dustin wriggles out of your grip and straightens up his suit, “Thanks, thanks, about that…”
There’s the sound of a car horn outside. You stare at Dustin in confusion and he gives you a sheepish smile, “I know mom asked you to take me, but I kind of asked someone. And, I need to go. Now.”
Your confusion slowly turns into shock, "Oh my God, is it because you didn't want your older sister embarrassing you? Because I bet Nancy's taking Mike. You know I would never cramp your style, because honestly? You cramp me out."
Dustin sticks his tongue out at you, before giving you a shit-eating grin. "Whatever. You're just jealous because I wanted someone cool to take me to the dance. But, if you're so worried, come with."
He doesn’t give you time to answer, he just pushes you out of the way of the front door and opens it. The car horn sounds again and you hear a yell, “Henderson!”
Your curiosity wins over your confusion and you turn the hallway light off and lock the front door behind you.
There, parked on the street outside of your house, is Steve Harrington.
Dustin runs up to the car and does a three-sixty spin so Steve can see what he’s wearing. Steve has a massive grin on his face, “Dude, you did the hair!”
You walk up to the car, standing slightly behind your brother. “So you’re the dingus my brother has been hanging out with all this time.”
You smile, shaking your head. You had known Steve for years. To you, Steve used to be the world's biggest douchebag and the school's king - with a capital K - then the whole thing with Nancy happened and it seemed like everybody unanimously voted for Steve to be kicked off the popular gang's table. Now he was just like everyone else and, apparently, was best friends with your brother.
"Oh hey, another Henderson." Steve casually throws up a hand in a small wave. "You coming along for the ride?"
Dustin opens the passenger side door and slides in while Steve makes a quick remark about wiping shoes before getting in the car. Dustin ignores him.
You open the back door and sit behind your brother. "Yeah well, I was meant to be driving him. But since he has it covered, I guess the best I can do is be a supportive chaperone."
"Fine by me. Buckle up, you've got like ten minutes Henderson. Uh, young Henderson, I mean."
"We have names, you know." Dustin makes a comment that earns a laugh from you. Steve waves it off and starts driving.
You stay silent for most of the drive, mainly listening to Steve and Dustin bickering. You’re surprised at how close the pair are, and as you watch Dustin laugh at one of Steve’s corny jokes, you realise just how much Dustin needs someone like Steve in his life. With no dad, no older brother, Dustin didn’t have a father figure or even just another guy to look up to. You're surprised that Steve turns out to be that guy, but you’re glad that he’s there for your brother.
“You two are seriously giving me a headache.” You joke and the pair of them high five, as if it was their mission to annoy you.
"Anyway, Dusty, got any girls you've got your eye on?" You lean forward towards your brother and blow little kisses at him. He shoves his hand in your face, and you back off.
"You're annoying. And that's the completely wrong question to be asking. It's whether or not any girls have their eye on me that I'm worried about."
"Hey, you know you have nothing to worry about." Steve chimes in, "Remember what I taught you."
Dustin sighs, "Yeah I know. It's just Lucas has Max, and Mike has El-"
"Who's El? Ellen? From down the road?" You interject, not knowing who this girl was. And you knew most people in Hawkins. Small towns were like that.
"She's uh-" Steve looks at Dustin, not sure how to finish his sentence. Your brother recovers by saying: "She's new. Yeah. A new girl."
"Rightttt." You decide to back off from the conversation. Something seemed to be going on, and you weren't sure what.
Steve turns down the road towards the high school and your train of thought gets distracted. There's loud music blaring from the gym hall. Kids are everywhere, all dressed up and looking cute. Balloons the size of watermelons loom over the kids as they walk through the entrance. Steve stops right outside, "Here we are."
Dustin has gone strangely quiet. He instantly reaches for the interior mirror and starts touching his hair.
“Hey, you look great.” Steve is suddenly gentle, all the joking around gone from his voice. He closes the interior mirror. “You look great, ok?”
You pipe up from the back, “He’s right Dusty, you’re gonna knock ‘em dead.”
“I know.” He replies, but the confidence is lacking in his voice.
“Look, your sister’s right. You’re going to go in there, look like a million bucks and slam them!”
“Yeah, okay!” There’s a smile on Dustin’s face now, “Like a lion!”
He growls, the way he always does when he thinks he’s being an absolute lady-killer. You shake your head and Steve’s eyebrow raises, “Yeah bud, maybe don’t do that. Just go out there and have the best time okay?”
Steve claps Dustin on the shoulder and your brother reaches for his seat belt, nodding furiously.
“Go crazy, dude. See you at ten?”
Dustin gets out of the car and looks back at you. “See you at ten. Bye guys, wish me luck!”
He slams the door behind him and heads inside, his back upright and a little bit of swagger in his walk. You can’t help but smile.
Steve clears his throat, as if finally realising that now Dustin’s gone it’s just the two of you, and you roll your eyes.
“Wanna get something to eat? I could do with something to eat.” You ask. Without even asking for permission you unbuckle your seatbelt and clamber into the front seat, feet first.
“Hey! Oh my God!” Steve watches you with bewildered eyes as you get comfy and strap yourself back in.
“What? My brother gets the front seat and I don’t? Oh come on.” You shake your head in fake disapproval.
You don’t particularly care how you act around Steve. The pair of you had been in the same classes at school practically since Kindergarten. You had witnessed the time he had shoved a green crayon up his nose and he’d seen you fall flat on your face during sports day, while doing the egg and spoon race. Egg had ended up in your hair.
It wasn’t that you guys had ever been particularly close, you just didn’t care what he thought of you. Plus, if he was friends with your brother then he was no cooler than you were.
You think all of this while he continues to stare at you in shock. You raise your voice slightly, “Harrington, food or no?”
“Right. Yeah. Sure.” He fiddles with the keys and pulls away, leaving the school grounds and back onto the road.
“There’s a diner a couple of streets down.” You say, vaguely pointing in that direction, “We could get some burgers or something.”
“Burgers?” Steve retorts, a frown on his face.
“Yeah you know, those round things that go in between a bun? Usually with tomatoes and lettuce. Ring any bells?” You sling your left leg up, so your foot is on the seat and your arms cup your knee.
Steve clocks your movement, glancing at your body as he makes a right. He takes one hand off the wheel and gently pushes your leg, so your foot falls off the seat and goes back to the floor. His hands are warm.
“No feets on seats, Henderson. And I know what a burger is, idiot. I just don’t usually take girls out to go get burgers.” He shrugs nonchalantly, but you notice how he’s still subconsciously driving towards the diner.
“Oh yeah, how could I forget? King Steve is an absolute dreamboat who takes all of his dates straight back to his place so you can get frisky and then forget about each other the next day.” You laugh at your own comment.
“Hey that’s my love life you’re talking about! I’m not all about the sex, you know.”
He pulls into a parking space outside of the diner and kills the ignition.
“I’ll believe it when I see it, Steve.”
You get out the car, making sure your own car keys and purse are still in your back pocket. Steve gets out and you enter the diner together.
It’s semi-busy, meaning that there’s a few regulars in there and - with it being a Friday night - there’s two families with loud kids and a sheriff’s deputy on duty drinking a coffee. A waitress greets you at the door.
“Table for two, please.” You smile, and she leads you and Steve towards one of the window booths. You shake your head, and only express your emotions when Steve is sat opposite you, and the waitress is gone.
“She’s sat us in a booth.”
“Yeah, so?” Steve frowns at you, running a hand through his hair.
“They sit couples at booths. Booths are for like elderly couples who come in every Sunday to have waffles for breakfast with black coffee and all that jazz. They think we’re a couple.”
“Oh.” He says in a small voice, then, “In that case, this is the first time I’ve taken a girl out for burgers on a date.”
He’s waiting for your reaction to his comment, and once you laugh, he laughs with you. He gives you a giddy smile, as if he’s proud of himself.
“A date… interesting.” You’re not really sure what to say, but you’re glad when the waitress comes back to you just in time.
“Are you guys ready to order?” She asks. She’s wearing a white dress with a pink pinafore, an outfit that accompanied the diner’s new and updated look. They had a refurb a year ago, and you had to admit you appreciate the style.
“Yeah, just a cheeseburger, regular fries and…a vanilla milkshake. Thanks.” You reel off your order, hesitating when you can’t choose between vanilla and chocolate.
The waitress turns to Steve. “You know what? I’ll have what she’s having. Thank you.”
The waitress makes a note of it and walks off. You move in your seat and your foot accidentally hits Steve’s. You both apologise at the same time, and it’s the first time you feel awkward around him. There’s silence between the two of you for a couple of minutes.
“So,” He breaks the ice, subconsciously thumbing through his hair again, “How’s life been treating you, Henderson? What’s the big plan when school's over?”
“Oh, you know. Fine. Life’s fine. I’m trying to apply to colleges and stuff, hopefully it’ll work out. I dunno. Or I’ll just get a job at like Family Video, or something.” A smile plays on your lips, “And you’ve completely forgotten my name, haven’t you? You call Dusty ‘Henderson’ because you think it’s cool or whatever, but I reckon with me it’s because you can’t remember.”
“That is so not true!” Steve pulls a face of shock, “I can’t believe you’d think that!”
You shrug and start to laugh. “Just saying.”
“You think I’d forget you? Y/N Henderson? The girl who got egg in her hair? The girl who’s first kiss was freaking Johnny Liner at our very own Snow Ball? The Y/N Henderson who helped me with my math homework when we were in eighth grade?”
The waitress comes over with two identical plates, setting them down and completely interrupting Steve’s speech. You both say thank you, but neither of you touch the food. You’re waiting for Steve to continue, and he does.
“Plus I’d like to remind you I sit two rows behind you in Mr Herbert’s class and your name gets called for attendance every day, idiot. Plus you have those stupid little stickers on all of your books that say your name. So, I could never forget you.”
He looks at you with a smug smile, with one cocky raised eyebrow, and takes an aggressive bite out of his burger. You’re taken aback. Of course you’ve known Steve for forever, and everything he’d said was completely correct, but you never realised Steve had paid attention to any of those things.
“Okay.” You smile, impressed. “You win this time.”
You eat your burger and fries in semi-silence. "Don't You Want Me" by The Human League is playing on the diner's radio, and Steve mumbles along in between mouthfuls of food.
The pair of you chat about mundane things, how well you're doing in basically all of your classes, how Steve's basketball career is going, how Dustin was annoying and endearing at the same time.
If you concentrated really hard, pretended really hard, you could almost imagine that this was normal. Like you and Steve getting dinner together was a weekly reoccurrence. A small part of you wished this was normal but you knew - deep down you knew - that tomorrow the normal would go on existing. Steve would hang out with Dustin, he'd still sit two rows behind you in Mr Herbert's class, but he would go back to pretending you didn't exist. He'd be the guy who used to be popular and you'd just be Dustin's sister. A nobody who'd never been popular. It's just the way it was.
You think all of this while absentmindedly dipping a fry into your milkshake, pulling it out and eating it. Steve stops half-singing/half-eating, and stares at you.
"What was that?" He says, gesturing to your milkshake.
"What was what?" You shake your head and pop the last bit of your burger in your mouth.
"The whole milkshake and potato combination, Y/N. Nobody does that." Steve has finished his burger and has a handful of fries left.
"Well, I do it. It's good. Trust me." You reach over to pick up one of his fries. You dunk it in his milkshake before he can protest and you pull it out. "Try it."
You wave the milkshake-dipped fry by his face and he shakes his head at you, smiling. "This better be good, Henderson, or your ass is grass."
He takes the fry into his mouth and the tips of your fingers connect with his lips for just a second. You try not to think about it.
Instead, you watch his reaction. The instant confusion, the pause when he finally appreciates the combination of salt and vanilla in his mouth. He starts to nod.
"You know what? You win with that one, we're even now." He grins at you, picks up his last remaining fries and takes the liberty of dunking them in your milkshake.
"Steve!" You exclaim, you voice louder than it was meant to. One of the families look around at you, and you try not to notice. "You bastard."
He simply winks at you as he shoves the fries into his mouth. "Can't help it." He says, openly speaking with his mouth full.
You both finish your meals at a similar time. Now, there's a different song on the diner's radio - one you're not familiar with. But Steve knows it. And he's he's air-guitaring, to himself. Which is totally embarrassing.
"Oh how the mighty fall. You're an absolute nerd, Steve Harrington." You laugh at him.
"Thank you," He smiles stupidly, "Your brother would say the same."
The pair of you lapse into silence, and you find yourself watching as Steve rakes a hand through his hair not once, but three times. He's looking out the window, then sharply turns to look at you, as if he's about to say something. When he clocks you're already staring, you both avert your eyes.
The waitress comes over and any awkwardness is washed away. She takes your plates and Steve pulls out some notes from his pocket, counting the amount he'll need. You pull out your purse from your back pocket, trying to see what change you have.
"Hey," He puts one hand on yours and closes your purse, "this one's on me."
He pays and the waitress walks off.
"You didn't have to do that." You chide while you put your purse away.
"Yeah, well, I did. Now come on." Steve slides out from the booth and stands up. You glance at your watch, it's only half past eight. You didn't need to pick Dustin up for another hour and a half.
"It's not time yet, we've still got ages." You frown.
Steve rolls his eyes at you, "Y/N, did you really think we were gonna sit here all evening? We can do other stuff, you know. Come on."
He gestures for you to hurry up and you oblige. The pair of you leave the diner and get back into his car. He makes an offhand comment about checking shoes before getting in, which seems to be habit at this point, and you nod, but don't bother checking.
"You Henderson's are useless." He shakes his head as he starts the car. He backs out, and then you're on the road again.
"Why thank you. I pride myself on it." You reply, your voice dripping in sarcasm. Steve ignores your comment and pushes a cassette into the deck. It starts playing Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears.
"So where are you taking me, anyway?" You ask. You're genuinely curious, and also slightly confused. You didn't know what Steve did in his spare time, apart from play basketball and hang out with your brother. You didn't see him other than in the hallways and during your classes together. Whatever Steve got up to, and wherever he went, was a complete mystery to you.
Beside you, Steve seems to have relaxed. He's not glancing at you every second to make sure your feet aren't on the seat and he's tapping away at the steering wheel to the tune of the song. He looks at you briefly to smile.
"There's a road in the forest that pops out just by this random field. It looks over like all of Hawkins. It's really nice this time of night. Thought you might want to see it." He nods, half to himself, half in time with the music.
His voice is gentle and full of earnest, and you wonder since when did Steve care about what you might like? You respond the only way you know how, with sarcasm.
"Oh, right. So you're going to take me to the middle of nowhere where there's absolutely nobody else around. Let me guess, that's where you take all the girls?" You smirk, rolling your eyes.
"Hey, no." He frowns, looking over to you briefly, "I told you earlier. I'm not just about the sex and stuff, you know."
"Yeah, you said." There seems to be genuine hurt in his voice, and you wonder what he's thinking. "Are you still in love with Nancy?"
The question falls out of your mouth before you can stop it.
You reach a red light at an intersection in the middle of the town. At this time of night there's not many on the road but the light is on red anyway.
"No." Steve shakes his head and you swear the look he gives you is almost disappointed. "No, definitely not. Look, let me tell you something. And you better not say anything to anyone, okay? Swear?"
He's staring at you now, his voice full of sincerity. You feel like you can't look away, surprised by his sudden seriousness. "Yeah, okay. Promise."
You pull your eyes away long enough to notice the light's have changed, but Steve is still looking at you. "Uh, Steve, it's green."
He looks away, notices you're right, and drives on. Head Over Heels is still playing.
"Right. So, you promise? Okay. The thing is right, when I was a baby I used to crawl backwards. Like full on reverse, all the time."
"I guess somewhere in my tiny Harrington brain I thought I was doing the right thing. And then, one day, I reversed my sorry little ass down a flight of stairs. My head got a right bump. You know, landed straight on my little noggin'. Which I guess explains a whole lot of stuff."
"You can say that again." You laugh. Steve has made his way to the edge of the forest now, and he turns off down a smaller track, leading up to the top of the hill.
"Anyway, in a round about way, that's kind of what happened with Nancy. I was acting like an asshole because I thought it was right, and I liked her because I thought it was right and then she dumped me and told me she didn't love me and it was like the biggest bump on the head since I was a baby. Made me realise a lot of stuff."
"Right. Okay." Your throat suddenly seems smaller, and you find yourself biting the inside of your cheek. Why is Steve opening up to you like this?
"At first I thought if I dated a lot of girls, I would eventually find the one. You know? Like get through as many girls as possible in order to find her."
"Ew." You interject.
"It's gross, I know. I know that now."
He looks at you as you reach the edge of the track. The forest opens up to reveal a small car park, and an open space of grass and flowers. You can see the stars in the sky, even without getting out of the car.
"Now, I think I might have known the one all along. And just didn't realise it. And now I want to do everything I can not to mess it up like I messed everything up with Nancy. Does that make sense?"
Steve has stopped the car now, and the engine's just running. It seems the cassette is only the one song - Head Over Heels - over and over again. It's started now for the second time and Steve looks over at you, waiting for your answer.
"Yeah, yeah it makes sense, Steve. Good to hear it." On nervous instinct, you pull your leg up so your knee is against your chest and your foot is on the seat. Steve says nothing.
"I'm impressed." This time your sarcasm is fake, because you don't know what else to do and it's been too serious for too long, "You're gonna keep it in your pants. Bravo."
You can't help but smile, being mean to him was so much easier than being serious.
"I hate you, Henderson." He's shaking his head at you, but his eyes are flitting between your eyes and your lips and you suddenly can't breath. Your thoughts are racing at a hundred miles per minute and it seems warm in Steve's car. It's very, very warm.
This wasn't normal - normal was Steve pretending you didn't exist. Normal was you watching Steve in the hallways but always telling yourself you didn't. This, the way your heart is beating way too fast, wasn't normal.
"No you don't." You can barely whisper your remark. Steve leans over and kisses you.
It's short and it's sweet and he still tastes of vanilla milkshake. He pulls away and gives you a small smile.
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
He cuts the ignition and get's out of the car in one fell swoop. It leaves you flustered and you take a deep breath before following out of the car.
"It feels so good to get that off my chest." He's looking at you from across the car, "Just don't tell Dustin. He'll kill me if he knew I had the hots for his sister."
"Not if I don't kill you first. You...you've had feelings for me this whole time? And said nothing?"
Steve crosses the front of the car and comes to stand beside you. He reaches for your hands which are at your sides, and he holds them in between the two of you. You stare down at your intertwined fingers, and it feels right.
"It's been a long time coming. I didn't know it, not at first. I thought...I don't know...that we were just friends? Like you would never want some asshole popular guy who played basketball and had to get help with maths homework in eighth grade. Like I was just the kid who shoved a crayon up his nose."
Steve's comment makes you laugh and he raises his eyebrows at you, "See! Who would want to date someone like that? It's not until I had my ass handed to me and I started hanging out with your brother and those other little shits Mike and Will and all of them, that it made me realise who I really am. I've grown up a lot in the last year, and I don't want to be that idiot who loses the best person he's ever known because he's been too blind to see it all these years."
You stare at him, mouth agape and brain empty. Did Steve, Steve freaking Harrington, just say that to you?
When you finally find your voice, and Steve is smirking a little, all you can say is: "You're unbelievable."
Steve responds by letting go of your hands and scooping you up in arms, pulling you against his body and lifting you from your feet.
"I thought you'd say something like that. Come on, Henderson, let's see the view."
He carries you towards the middle of the field, where you laugh and kick and try to wriggle from his grip, but he's surprisingly strong. Every time you whack him he gives you little kisses on wherever he can get you. The pair of you are laughing hysterically by the time he sets you down and you smack him on the arm.
"I hate you."
"No you don't." Steve smirks, copying your comment from earlier, and he turns you to face the view.
From the field, you can see most of Hawkins. You can see streetlights and the lights of people's homes. Cars seem like toy versions of themselves they're so small, and from here you can see the glittered and glammed school where Dustin's Snow Ball is. There's the faint sound of music - Time After Time, if your ears are picking it up correctly.
"Woah. It's pretty up here." You're genuinely impressed. "I take back the comments about you bringing girls here for sex. It's way too peaceful and calm up here for that."
Steve snakes his hand into yours, "You're forgiven, for now." He squeezes your hand, letting you know he's just messing with you, as always. "Can you hear the music?"
"Yeah. A little." Your eyes don't want to tear themselves away from Hawkins. You've lived there all your life, yet now, something makes it seem even more special. It really does look beautiful.
"Wanna dance?" Steve's words make you look away. He's already smiling when you turn to face him.
You nod, and the pair of you slow dance to the very faint sounds of the Snow Ball music. You can't believe it's happening, and you never want the moment to end. Because when it does, what if your worst fears happen? What if you have this one night together, and things go back to the way they were?
You push the thoughts away.
"Now, why couldn't it been like this at our Snow Ball?" Steve whispers as you dance in slow circles.
"Because you were dancing with Lacey Bradbury." You recall the memory even now. You laugh, unbelieving that you still remember that after all these years.
"Damn." Steve pulls away slightly and you look up at him. He's grinning, "You're right. Wonder why you'd remember that..." He laughs and you go back to resting your head on his chest.
"Yeah, as if you're not the one who remembers that my first kiss was at the Snow Ball. Perv."
Steve attempts to tickle your sides and you worm away from him, but still move in your slow circle. He settles his hands back on your sides.
"It was Johnny freaking Liner, man. The snottiest little kid I've ever met. Even then I knew you deserved better. So, yeah, I do remember that. Sue me."
There's a beat of silence where the song changes, but even from far away you know the tune immediately. It's not one for a slow dance, but that doesn't stop you and Steve.
"For the record, if I hadn't of been such a stupid asshole back then, I would've walked straight up to you and asked you to dance with me. I swear on my life."
You smile into Steve, his scent engulfing you. His arms are wrapped around your body and the two of you are practically one at this point.
You stay like that, dancing in slow circles, for a long time.
"We need to go." Steve finally whispers into your ear.
"Do we have to?" You pull away, trying to glance at your watch in the darkness. "Surely Dusty can survive a few minutes without us."
"It's nearly ten. As annoying as that little shit is, he'll be even more annoying if he figures out what's happening here. Plus, we have every night to slow dance."
"You promise?" You ask as you and Steve make your way back to the car.
"I promise, Henderson."
"Good, otherwise I'm telling everyone that you were a super dumb baby!" You laugh and give Steve a push with your shoulder, "Race you to the car?"
The pair of you full on sprint to the car, and you wonder if Steve is letting you win because you're a few pegs ahead of him. When you beat him, he ends up looking at you in amazement.
"Why the hell aren't you on the athletics team? Jeez." Steve's slightly out of breath and laughing.
"Because who would run the book club if I'm off running laps all the time?" You joke, trying to suck in the cold night air, "And, truthfully, I don't want to show you up as the best sportsman in Hawkins High."
"Ha, yeah right." Steve unlocks the car and the both of you get in. This time, he doesn't make a comment about the shoes, and he takes the cassette out of the deck. "I think I made my point with this one. Thank you Roland Orzabal."
Steve kisses the tape, flings it into the backseat and turns the car around. "Let's go get your brother and hope he's not as smart as everyone says he is. Otherwise, we're busted."
He heads back down the track, back to the streets of Hawkins. The pair of you sit in a comfortable silence, while you sneak glances at him. You can't help but smile.
"That smile isn't gonna come off your face, is it?" Steve asks without even looking at you. You're about ten minutes from the school now.
"Oh shut up." You playfully hit Steve's arm and try to stop yourself from smiling. "You seem pretty happy yourself."
"Well duh," Steve finally looks at you, his eyes sparkling. "I mean, of course we might have to hide it from Dustin for a bit, but now I get to boast that Y/N Henderson, book club leader and apparently athletic superstar, is my girlfriend."
"Girlfriend? Is that what I am?" Your voice is full of fake surprise just to tease Steve but secretly, you're ecstatic.
"Yes!" He takes his hand off the wheel to grab yours, "Abso-friggin-lutely." He brings your intertwined hands to his mouth and kisses the back of your hand.
"Now, you might wanna get in the backseat before Dustin murders the both of us."
You're five minutes away from the school now, and you unbuckle yourself while Steve drives. You shimmy yourself and dive head-first into the back seat, which earns a light slap on the ass from Steve before you turn to sit back down.
"Hey, Harrington! Watch it!" You laugh as you re-buckle yourself into the backseat.
"Sorry, couldn't resist." He turns to wink at you.
At ten on the dot, Dustin is waiting outside the high school with his friends. Just like your brother predicted, Lucas is holding hands with Max while Mike is holding hands with a girl you've never met. You assume it's El. Both Dustin and Will are stood alone, but both of them have huge smiles on their faces.
When you reach the group, Steve rolls down the passenger side window.
"Steve!" The gang all yell in unison, each one of them bearing a huge grin.
"It was awesome!" Mike says.
"Max even kissed me." Lucas wiggles his eyebrows.
"Hey, shut it!" Max interjects.
"It was fun." The new girl, this El girl, has a slight accent to her voice, as if she doesn't speak English very well.
"Oh hey, Y/N's here." Will points at you in the back seat.
"Hey guys! Looks like you had fun!" You poke your head out a bit so the gang can see you properly. They all say hi to you in unison - it was weird how in sync those kids could be.
"See you kids soon yeah, get home safe." Steve comments to the kids and they all nod. Everyone makes a point of saying their goodbyes and Dustin gets in the car. Steve drives off.
"Honestly it was so good! There was music and at first nobody wanted to dance with me but I did what you said, I looked like a million bucks and everything. And, Nancy danced with me. She said I'm her favourite. She is sooo hot."
Dustin rambles with excitement, flitting his head between Steve and you to make sure you're both listening.
"Glad you had a good time, dude." You reach forward to ruffle Dustin's hair and he swats you away.
"It was great. Even if the girls my age didn't dance with me. Nancy said in time they'll come to love me. Realise how amazing I am."
"Yeah, Nancy can really give some great advice sometimes." Steve says to Dustin, smiling. It gets a smile out of you too, recalling your previous conversation with Steve.
"So, what did you guys do?" Dustin asks.
"Oh you know, got some burgers. Nothing crazy." Steve replies nonchalantly, but he looks at you in the rear view mirror with a smirk on his face, and you catch his glance. You grin ear to ear.
"Yeah. Totally boring stuff. I'm sure you had a way better night, Dust."
"Steve is totally boring, right?" Dustin replies, adding to the banter so the pair of you are being mean to Steve.
"Hey, quit it Henderson!" Steve remarks.
"Which one?" You and your brother reply at the exact same time, which makes all three of you laugh.
You don't think you've ever been this happy in your whole life, and suddenly you're very grateful for your brother and his nerd best friend, Steve Harrington.
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rubber-ducky143 · 2 months
College Trip!!
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A/N: Hello, sorry I’ve had a MASSIVE lack of writing recently!! Things have been crazy lately! I just finished testing last week and I’m hoping I can write a lot more. I’ve also had a huge lack of sleep recently (about 6 hours per night) but I've been making it through even if all I want is to close my eyes! I’m also working on SOO much right now but just don’t have motivation.. Anyways, I hope you like this :3
Inspo: Last night, I was at a hotel and a video from Caryn & Connie inspired me to do part of this story as well!!  Video here :3 
Warnings: Fluff, drinking, anxiety(?), that’s it I think lmk if I missed anything :)
Pairing: College Roommate!Felix x M! Reader
Word count: 1545
It was late at night, maybe 9 or almost 10 o’clock. You were sitting at your desk, waiting for your roommate, Felix, to come back. Where had he been?  You had absolutely no clue. He could’ve been in a jungle for all you knew. And for all you cared frankly. At this moment in time, you were so tired you just wanted to close your eyelids and fall asleep but something in your body forced you to stay up and wait for that stupid, attractive, blonde man. You wished you hadn’t been paired with him for roommate at times but, at other times, you enjoy it. Like the time Jisung came over and you three drank to your heart’s content and played lord knows how many rounds of the best game of truth or dare you can recall. 
You rub your temples with your index fingers and sigh. It was only mere moments that had passed when your dorm’s door burst open. It shocked you enough to lift some drowsiness off of your sleep-lacked brain. 
“Hey, sorry I’m so late.. I got so caught up in time.. I almost forgot to come home.. And almost passed out.. On the couch..” 
He sounded out of breath. The one who came clearly running through your door was no other than Felix. Or so you hoped. Who else would have the key-card to your room besides you, Felix, and possibly the main office? Also, no one else had a voice as deep and soothing as your roommates, therefore, it only made since that it was him. 
“Hey, no worries.. Honestly, if you had gotten here any later, I would've passed out myself.. What were you doing, anyway? Normally, you’re here before sun down..”
Felix hums in acknowledgment, removing his bag from across his torso and hanging it up on a little shelf you both (and friends) made about 3 or 4 years ago. He sighs and stretches, raising his hands into the air and leaning to the side and then to other.
“Hyunjin thought it be a good idea to have a game night and since this week has been full of end-of-the-year testing, I wanted to spend time with my friends and celebrate the end of those brain-wracking tests..”
You nod your head, allowing him to continue. “I didn’t know I was gonna pass out after seeing who could chug a bottle of vodka down faster..” You dumb-smack your face and rest your elbow on the table in front of you. “You.. cease to amaze me.. You know that, right? Who chugs a bottle of voldka at like 10 at night? At least do it around midnight..” “And you’re encouraging me, why?” “Not sure.. Anyways, I’mma go to bed.. We can hang out tomorrow if you have no plans, yeah?”
Felix hums and nods his head.
“Yeah, I’m free. We can go to that double-decker bus bar that opened a few weeks ago. It sounds really fun..”
You nod and force a drowsy smile. With that, Felix pulls you in for a hug with one of his arms and hugs you sideways before letting go and heading to the bathroom to shower.
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------You stretch after being let go and crawl into the comforts of your sheets and comforter along with an army of squishmallows, pillows and other stuffies you refuse to let go of. You rest your head on your fluffed up pillow and close your eyes. It feels like 2 seconds when your roommate comes out with a white, soft towel around his waist. He runs to his dresser, grabs what you assume to be a pair of boxers, a pair of some sort of bottoms, and a shirt of some kind. You couldn’t tell. Fairy-lights only emit so much light!
After a few more minutes of trying to sleep, Felix comes back out of the bathroom wearing a t-shirt and shorts. He ruffles your hair before going to bed himself. 
The next morning, you wake up and lay in bed for an extra 30, 40 minutes. Once you finally actually get out of bed, you change into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. You waddle over to yours and Felix’s mini fridge to get some eggo-waffles and heat them up in the toaster that you use so often it isn’t even funny anymore. 
You sit at your desk and enjoy the 2 waffles that are still semi-cold. Who are you to blame your toaster that you’ve had for almost 5 years? Maybe it was time to get a new one?
While caught up in your thoughts about a toaster, you don’t realize Felix snatch a waffle off the paper towel you had placed down until he spins the sitting part of your chair around, snapping you out of your thoughts and noticing the now half-eaten waffle in his hand. “Felix! What the flip!”
Felix laughs and eats the waffle as quickly as he can before you can tackle him and rip it out of his hands.
You sigh and give it up, your body draped over his back as he hunches over on your bed. He originally hunched over to scoff down the waffle he stole from you but now, he’s just hunched over because you haven’t gotten off him yet. Not that he’s complaining. He being who he is, he’d be more than happy to have your body - or any one of his friends or family’s bodies in contact with his. 
“You wanna get ready to go to that bus-bar?” He asks, breaking the soothing silence between you both. 
“Yeah, sure.” You get off Felix’s back and he stretches after sitting up on his knees. You both get ready for the day. You put on one of the most classy outfits you know you own. A pair of ripped blue jeans, a white t-shirt that may or may not be your roommates considering the small yet noticeable size difference. You have a black sweater that has lighter holes and just holes in general. It’s been in your wardrobe since you were like 12 or 13. You still love it to this day and thank your past self for loving oversized clothes. You wear a black pair of messed up converse and some white ankle-high socks. You, of course, also have your own cross-body bag with all your own essentials and more things you probably haven’t seen for months. Felix wears something similar. A white t-shirt, just as big as your own, blue jeans but not as ripped, white socks, and a pair of converse for himself. He also has a jacket. It’s just a blue hoodie, nothing special. 
“You ready?”
You nod at your roommate's question and quickly check to make sure you have everything before leaving for your car with your roommate by your side.
After about 10 minutes of driving (and being a little lost downtown), you finally make it to the double-decker bus that was turned into a bar and hang-out place. You and your roommate go into the bus and order a few drinks. Many other college students are there, enjoying themselves.Felix wraps his arm around your lower back to keep you safe in fear of you being taken away by some drunk person that wants to use you. 
After a few hours of sticking side by side and drinking a few glasses, you both go outside and sit on one of the many benches that was outside. You and Felix sit outside, resting in each other’s embraces because both of you are most likely too drunk to drive. 
“Hey, Felix? How’re we gonna get home..?”
“I can call Chan or Lee Know if you want..?” You nod and almost fall asleep due to being so drunk. Felix calls Bang Chan and Lee Know so one of them can drive you both back to the dorms with your car and the other can drive the one who drove you both with your car back to their dorm. (Did that make sense?)
About 15-20 minutes later, Lee Know and Bang Chan come out of a car to bring you and Felix home. 
Bang Chan ends up bringing you both home. He decides to stay for a while to make sure you both don’t die or something. 
The next morning, you wake up on your bed, Felix in his, and Chan on this floor. You blink to try to remember what happened and fail miserably. You rub your eyes and sigh. 
Just can’t wait for the migraine..
You think to yourself. Just great. As much as you loved spending time with your bestfriend and the light of your world, you wish his mind wasn’t all drinking. Or mostly drinking. Sure, it was fun every once in a while, but the aftermath of it was terrible. 
You stumble out of your bed, tripping on Chan’s leg in the process, and lay down with the still sleeping sunshine on the opposite side of the small dorm room. 
You lay there, head on his chest that was peacefully rising and falling. You put your wrist under his neck and rest there instead of your own bed, by yourself. It was much warmer and it relieved the pain of your migraine by a smidge.
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x-reader-things · 8 months
Hi! Could I send in a request for Sabine wren (platonic) with the prompt “you shoot anyone who comes through that door who isn't me.” Where the reader is her younger sibling, but not much of a fighter; but during a rescue of Reader, Sabine and them are pinned down and she has to leave to try get the empire off of the reader. Rest can be up to you!
Thank you for requesting!
Don’t really have too much to say for this one. Took a while cause I got a few requests all at once, got overwhelmed as I usually do, and needed a bit to figure out what I was gonna write. But still, Tysm for your request!! <3333
I hope you enjoy- :DDD
Prompt lists can be reached here. Scroll down to the bottom and you’ll see them- :DDD added a new one recently too!!
“Understand, mir’osik?”
Sabine Wren x Gn!reader [platonic]
Summary ; in which you’re reluctant to use one of Sabine’s weapons to protect yourself.
Requested? ; Yes
Warnings ; small bits of typical canonical violence in Star Wars. Nothing too descriptive.
Definitions ; “Mir’osik” - Mando’a for “Dung for brains”
Word Count ; 643
"You shoot anyone who comes through that door who isn't me."
You blinked, looking at the blaster usually kept in one of the holsters your older sister had strapped to her waist daily. You aren't a fighter by any means, despite being born and raised mandolorian. You knew damn well that you can not, in any way, trust yourself with a blaster. Let alone to protect yourself, too.
You weren’t a warrior. You were more so a writer, like your father an Artist. He liked to tell you that you were an ‘artist with words’, since that’s what writing was for you. It was your art. Your thoughts and imaginations scoured onto pages and pages of holographic words, hoping that at least a few people would enjoy them.
Which is… coincidentally what got you into this mess.
Writing a story that had anti-imperial themes.
"Sabine, no - i don't even know how to use this thing!”, you told her, staring at the troopers coming down the hallway from around her shoulder. You gulped down a lump in your throat, fear coming up your spine in waves.
Sabine swiftly turns away from you, holding her other blaster up in one hand and practically tearing down the few bucket heads that got too close for her liking. You flinched, staring up at your older sister. You’ve never seen her so angry before.
Fierce, too.
She’s always been protective of both you and Tristan, even as the middle child between yourself and your older brother. Force help those who hurt her family. You forgot what that even looked like, in all honesty.
With everything that happened when she left the Imperial Academy, and then your family being put on constant surveillance because she had the (honestly inspiring) gall to stand up against what the empire was doing with her designs all those years ago. Not to mention your own father being held in captivity.
There was a lot going on.
You honestly weren’t prepared in the slightest to see her like this.
She slipped her helmet on. “I’ll be back.”, she told you, sternly pointing at you. “Stay here, and remember what I said. Shoot anyone that isn’t me. Just aim the best you can and pull the trigger. Understand mir'osik?”
You let out a breath at the word, a strange sense of comfort found within the lines of the insult. With a nod from you, she nodded back at you and turned away fully, her mandalorian-style jetpack facing you.
“Spectre-5 to Spectres 6 and 4, I found them—“, she turned her head a little, glancing at you while raising her hand up. It was to push the button that opened and closed the door. “Bring the Phantom II around back. We’re a little… stuck. But I can handle it.”
She scoffed at a muffled voice, one that you couldn’t make out exactly. It sounded older, though. Gruff. Like a growl, almost. Probably that purple Lasat you saw with her in wanted portraits from a while ago. Part of her other family (that you’re very grateful for).
“Yes, I can, Zeb.” Another voice. A bit younger than her. If you could guess, around your age. Maybe. “Oh please.”
You knew that tone of voice.
Still as stubborn and sarcastic as ever.
“Like I’d ever let a single one of those bucket heads get close to them. Just watch me. I’ll show them what ‘disrespecting an empire’ really means—“
She pressed the button.
The door wooshed closed, a hiss and a small click notifying you that the door was closed shut.
You took a deep breath.
Waited for the blaster fire and Sabine’s footsteps to fall away.
Held up her blaster the best you could, trying to mirror the way she held hers both now and before you two were separated.
Breathed out slowly.
And took aim.
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