#hogwarts professors AU
hufflepuff-16 · 7 months
Mere curiosityノ由☆
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(Professor) Ominis Gaunt x Dark gn!reader ((((ヽ(;^^)/
Summary: A month after asking Professor Sallow questions on horcruxes, (Y/N) goes to their other Professor, Professor Ominis Gaunt, for further answers, but when Gaunt amps the pressure on your so called 'curiosity' it takes all the strength for you not to reveal your true intentions.
A/n: Hello lovelies I have decided to make a part 2 of this fic check it out to make sure you understand this one. I am thinking of making this into a series, let me know what you think!
Warnings: angst, horcruxes, dark magic, non-con (binding soul to someone).
Picture made by AI
Link to my Masterlist
Link to part 3
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Professor Gaunt was enjoying a nice cup of tea when he had heard a strong knock at his door.
"Come in!" He called.
He heard soft footsteps of a person entering his office, most likely a student.
"Hello, sir. Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could speak to you about something?"
Ah, it was (Y/N) (L/N) thought Ominis, he recalled the conversation he had with Sebastian regarding (Y/N), how they were so fascinated with horcruxes.
Both him and Sebastian agreed to be on the lookout for you, and there were definitely some noticeable changes, there was bags under your eyes, according to Sebastian and Ominis noticed that your previously soft voice now had a rough undertone, you no longer were eager to answer questions in class, only when called out you would give an answer. Sebastian was very worried, but Ominis believed it was just exam stress. O.W.L.S were just around the corner, so it's natural for you to look and act that way. However, it was only when you started to linger in Ominis classes after everyone's gone or come to Ominis office only to never knock and make your presence known, Ominis is worried, it's unnerving.
"Ah, yes, come have a seat," said Ominis.
You sit down, "I wanted to ask you about something that I was reading in the restricted section of the library." You said softly.
Ominis' brows cocked, curious as the Professor continued to sip his tea. "I see, do tell,"
"It was about something called horcruxes," you say lightly.
"Horcruxes..." Ominis' mood immediately dampened at the thought of the object, a slight grimace crossing his face. "Yes, they are real, I assume you know the dangers of Horcruxes?"
"Yes, Professor Sallow told me about them,"
"Ah, yes, Professor Sallow." Ominis' mood lightened back up, a smile formed.
"I hope that he taught you about why you should never make one."
Your left eye twitches for a split second, but Ominis could obviously not see it, "yes, of course, sir."
Ominis tilted his head, not having noticed that look as he said, "I assume you have questions about them?"
Yes, Professor Sallow said that you could only make seven of them as a maximum. What are your opinions on that? You asked eagerly.
"Ah, yes," Ominis thought about his answer, "It is true,"
"Only seven are possible in general, but there are ways to circumvent this."
"How could I-"
"I mean, one could circumvent that?"
Ominis narrowed his eyes. He had noticed your slip up.
"I see, you ask this question as a mere curiosity, right?"
Ominis took his time speaking, wanting to ensure he worded his response correctly as he leaned back.
"One way that I know of is the act of binding your soul to a person." He took a sip of tea. "It is only possible in theory, but one could potentially create unlimited Horcruxes, using other people's souls, but such an action is considered dark and inhumane."
"Binding your soul to a person," you mutter to yourself.
"Does the person have to be willing?"
"No," Ominis paused, debating what he should say.
"The person doesn't have to be willing, no."
"Oh, alright," you sounded, almost relieved to Ominis ears.
"Now, my dear (Y/N), may I ask why you wish to know about this?" Ominis tilted his head.
"You understand the dangers of a Horcrux, don't you? Do you understand the consequences?" Ominis insisted.
"Of course, sir, I'm just a curious person," you say innocently.
"Ah, curiosity is a powerful thing," Ominis paused, "As a Professor, it is my duty to say that it is essential that you don't put other's, your own life in danger, alright, (Y/N)?"
"Yes, sir, I know...." You were glad Professor Gaunt is blind so you could roll your eyes freely.
Ominis looked at you, sensing your eye roll and letting out a small chuckle, causing you to blush.
"Now (Y/N) as a Professor, yes, we want students to be curious and question our teachings, but you have piqued my curiosity."
"How so?" You asked, feeling embarrassed.
"Why are you so interested in Horcruxes to a point of reading about them in the restricted section of the Library?" The Professor folded his fingers, intrigued by the young student.
"Is there something you're searching for?"
"I just crave knowledge sir...there is no reason for you or Professor Sallow to be worried!" You insist.
Ominis nodded his head slowly, "Alright, I do believe you, (Y/N), knowledge is a good thing,"
"May I ask if Professor Sallow knows you have read this book?"
"Yes... I asked questions to him initially, and I just wanted your second opinion."
The Professor sighed and took another sip of his tea, "I see.
"May I ask the reason that you wanted a second opinion? Are you worried Professor Sallow gave the wrong answer or, perhaps, was biased in some way?"
You bit your tongue. Should you lie or tell the truth, you decided that the truth would be better in this case.
"Yes, I do believe he is biased as he is an ex-con, so he is projecting his own feelings and regrets on to me!"
Of course, unlike him, I will not fail, you thought darkly.
Ominis' brows furrowed, hearing the truth, and his eyes darkened.
"Ah, I see. So, you seek to learn, knowing that he was biased. What is your goal (Y/N)?" The Professor paused, wanting to know more about the student.
"Are you searching to create a Horcrux, or is this something more?"
"No, sir, I am just an intelligent student wanting to learn!" Your temper rising.
"Yes, but you are learning about Horcruxes (Y/N)," he said softly, "Horcruxes aren't something students learn for fun."
"You know they can destroy people. Why do you seek this knowledge (Y/N)? What are you trying to accomplish?"
"NOTHING!" You screech banging his desk.
Ominis leaned back, frowning as he spoke.
"Alright, I want you to come clean," the Professor sighed, "You were very eager to learn about Horcruxes, (Y/N), don't lie to me, dear student, what is your true intentions?"
"Nothing....I....have...nothing, I just feel deprived of knowledge I yearn for....I sometimes feel like I'm going crazy because every other student around me is perfectly content with what they are taught, but me, I want more, no, I crave more I want to learn everything and anything magic has to offer. That. Is. Why. I want to know about horcruxes!" You blurt out tears filling your eyes.
Ominis looked concerned. "I know you seek knowledge, (Y/N) ," the Professor drank the last of his tea, and set the cup down.
"You want to learn every single thing about magic, but that's an admirable goal, a good ambition," he paused, thinking about his next words.
"But, you must understand that certain knowledge has the potential to do, harm, great harm to the world."
"But I won't harm anyone, why don't you trust me..." You whimper.
The Professor noticed the slight quaver in your voice. "(Y/N), it isn't a matter of trust..." Ominis took a deep breath.
"I know you won't harm anyone, (Y/N)." He sighed, "But, certain knowledge, certain things..."
You sigh sadly, standing up and letting tears flow. "It's fine, sir... I'm just going to go back to my dormitory...."
"(Y/N), no," The Professor stood up and walked over to her. "No, I am sorry for upsetting you,"
"I just want you to be careful. Knowledge can be great and wonderful, but it is a two-way blade. Sometimes, it hurts, but I believe in you," Ominis bowed his head slightly.
"If you wish to continue your studies, just stay safe and try not to study... those things."
"Ok..." You say,"Thank you for believing in me, sir....
"Of course, (Y/N), you are a young student with a bright future ahead. Please do not forget that,"
The Professor smiled at you before giving you a little hug for comfort. "Now, let's not be down, alright, (Y/N)?"
"Ok, thank you, I'll disturb you no longer..." You quickly leave before Professor Gaunt could say anything.
"Oh, please come back," Ominis said as the student left.
"I didn't mean to upset you, really, please,"
But you were already gone.
Later on in the evening inside his bedroom, Ominis sat in a chair in front of a fireplace, thinking about the conversation he had with (Y/N).
His concerns grew, but he decided to set them aside. "They seemed harmless," Ominis said aloud to himself, "Sebastian might have been correct to be worried, but he is too paranoid. (Y/N) is innocent..."
However, deep down, he had a nagging sense of concern for the young 6th year.
back in your dormitory, luckily no one else was there because of some kind of stupid Griffindor party, so you could have some piece and quiet. Merlin you were so pissed at Sallow and Gaunt, why couldn't they just give you what you, luckily Gaunt had answered your question and you were also lucky that your fake tears and quivering voice worked on him too, still it was a close call, Sallow such a noisy man so you should clean up your appearance a bit as well, so he isn't 'concerned about you'.
Once the Christmas holidays start, you will attempt the first stage of making a horcrux.
For now, you have to be in Sallow and Gaunt's good graces while you bide time....
The End
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solis-angelus · 10 months
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Fic: Muggle Studies is Economics in Disguise by May_May_0_0
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jomiddlemarch · 17 days
The shapes a bright container can contain!
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The next day, he asked his son what he thought.
“Living together? That’s what you’re calling it?” Scorpius replied around the mouthful of scone and clotted cream and raspberry jam that Draco would have been castigated by his mother for taking. Draco was not above using his French House-elf Clafouti’s light hand with pastry as the incentive for Scorpius to leave Hogwarts, though it cost extra in the elf’s pay packet to get them to produce the more stolid English puddings Scorpius favored. When Scorpius wanted treacle tart, Draco had to throw in a week’s holiday at the Malfoy villa near Biarritz and use of the sailboat. 
“What should I call it?” Draco said, resisting the impulse to take offense or, Merlin help him, blush.
“You’re asking me?” Scorpius said. He favored Draco in his coloring and bone structure but he had so much of his mother in his expressions, his tone of voice. Draco missed Astoria terribly for a moment and also didn’t, because he hadn’t lost her entirely, not when Scorpius was looking at him with such wry incredulity in his eyes, a green so dark they looked grey. “This seems massively inappropriate to me, Dad, but fine. I think you’re in love with Professor Granger but you don’t want to scare her off or you think she’ll never feel the same way, so you’re just taking what you can get and trying to come across like a really good friend and not a stalker.”
Draco was silent. He felt as if Scorpius had cast Organa remota maxima, his innermost self examined and dropped in front of him for his troubles. In love with Hermione. Really good friend. Not a stalker. It was insightful and devastating. Draco resisted the urge to lay his head down on the table or wandlessly shatter the gilt-encrusted vase he and Astoria had received as a betrothal gift from her Aunt Tanaquil and had never once used for flowers because it was so ugly. 
“Can everyone tell but Hermione?” Draco asked.
“Probably no one can tell but me. Professor Longbottom maybe, because he’s also got a thing for Professor Granger. All the House-elves, of course, but they wouldn’t say anything. Mum’s portrait,” Scorpius said, licking some jam from his fingers. “Great-Auntie Andromeda, I think she’s noticed, but that’s not bad because she’s friends with Professor Granger and she’s family, so she’ll tell you if you’ve got no chance at all.”
“Merde,” Draco muttered.
“You do remember I’m fluent in French, Dad?” Scorpius said, grinning. “I’ve picked up a fair amount of Bulgarian too, in case you’re thinking of trying that out.”
“One observes the decencies,” Draco said. “We both pretend you don’t speak French and I can curse in peace.”
“Why are you upset? She hasn’t kicked you out, has she?” Scorpius said.
“No,” Draco said.
“You haven’t made a muddle of something important? Said something rude about Albus’s father? They’re quite good friends, you know,” Scorpius said. Draco thought back to when they’d been first years, Hermione with that cloud of unruly curls and her lively little face, Harry in clothes that never quite fit, hair mussed, his glances at Hermione. The trust between them that was somehow something separate, greater, than what was between Harry and Ron. Good friends, indeed.
“No, I haven’t said anything rude about Potter,” Draco replied. “Nor any of her other friends—”
“Did you forget something like her birthday or that she hates almonds? She does hate almonds, Professor Longbottom mentioned it in passing one time. It’s why she never has pudding when they serve Bakewell tart,” Scorpius said. 
“Duly noted but no. She hasn’t indicated she’s upset. She asked me what you thought of us living together and it got a little involved,” Draco said. “That’s about all I’m going to share with you, so don’t try to pump me for more details.”
“I wouldn’t,” Scorpius said. “You can’t think I want to know anything about your…love life.”
The degree of disgust in his son’s voice was mitigated by his careful choice of love life in reference to his relationship to Hermione, whom Scorpius had been careful to call Professor Granger, the respect evident in his tone. 
“You don’t mind, then?” Draco said.
“Do you want me to? I don’t see what the big deal is. You’re not betraying Mum being happy with Professor Granger and it does seem like you’re happy now and you weren’t before, even though I didn’t really notice until you stopped being lonely,” Scorpius said. “Is this because of when you were all kids? Because I think you should be over that stuff by now. Merlin knows it’s been long enough—”
“I know, we’re all as old as the hills,” Draco said.
“You acted old until you started spending all your free time with Professor Granger. You fiddled with potions and read musty old books and talked about growing orchids instead of going out to the pub for pints or having your friends over for dinner,” Scorpius said. 
“And now?”
“Now you act like an eighth year with their first girlfriend most of the time, minus going to Honeydukes and cleaning out the inamorata chocs,” Scorpius said, smiling. “But no one minds because you’ve lightened up on your grading and giving detentions for snogging in the hallways.”
“Tell me this—are the students placing bets? Have you recused yourself from the pot if there is one?” Draco asked.
“Slytherin House agreed it would be indecorous, even if you’re only ever the acting Head,” Scorpius said. “Gryffindors are too focused on Quidditch. But I can’t say that Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw don’t have an extremely elaborate system of wagers, all recorded in Punic. I can’t say that. But I have not placed any bets and have not traded any insider information about flowers, tea, all the books you brought over…”
“Does Professor Longbottom know? About the betting?”
“Yeah, he’s keeping an eye on it. Making sure no one’s going to get into real financial trouble if you elope or Professor Granger comes to class with a Malfoy heirloom ring,” Scorpius said.
“I would not use a Malfoy heirloom,” Draco said.
“I know, you’d pick something from the Black side and you’d have it reset,” Scorpius said. “You’d pick a ruby, but I think that’s a mistake.”
“You do, do you?”
“It’s too obvious. Gryffindor colors, when I don’t even think Professor Granger especially believes in the Houses,” Scorpius said.
“What should I pick in this hypothetical future you’re imagining for me?” Draco asked.
“A star sapphire or a pearl,” Scorpius said. He waited, a reversal where Scorpius expected Draco to figure out the reasoning behind the choice, much as Draco would make his students explain why hellebore was diced and not shredded before getting stirred into the potion widdershins.
“A gem with an inclusion. She doesn’t want perfection or rather, what’s most beautiful to her requires a flaw. Vulnerability,” Draco said.
“Yeah, though I would’ve just said the part about the grain or sand or whatever it is being part of the jewel,” Scorpius replied.
“You worked that out on your own?”
“Mum’s portrait helped,” Scorpius said. “She also said you ought to bring Professor Granger by the house because you’re, and I quote, ‘making it weird.’”
“I’ll take that under advisement,” Draco said. He’d been ambivalent about the creation of the portrait but Astoria thought it would help Scorpius and he couldn’t say that it wouldn’t. For the most part, the portrait was kind and gentle, encouraging and eager to cheer them up if they seemed glum, but occasionally she had an edge and that was when she most reminded Draco of his wife as she’d been.
“She’s not going to be rude,” Scorpius said.
“Mum’s portrait? I wouldn’t expect that,” Draco replied.
“No, I mean Professor Granger. If she doesn’t want to come or she does and she hates the curtains or something, she won’t be rude about it. She’s always nice, even when Eureka Cobbins submits the most excruciatingly moronic essays,” Scorpius said.
“I don’t know. Those tassels in the drawing room might be unbearable,” Draco said.
“Then you can Vanish them together,” Scorpius suggested.
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squid1442 · 1 month
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I live and breathe Severitus fics, so here is some Severitus fanart :)!!
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basiatlu · 5 months
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Private Pause for Professors - commission for @dodgerkedavra
Thank you again! Such a wonderful time working on this!!
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tageerdo · 3 days
Quick Sketch(s)
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goldandglittersblog · 6 months
McGonagall: Did you just give 10 points to Mr. Malfoy for being too handsome?
Snape: Get off your high horse. You play favourites too.
McGonagall: No one can accuse me of being partial towards anyone.
Snape: Oh really?
McGonagall: Yes. I love Ms. Granger and all the non MS. Grangers equally.
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Hogwarts Legacy modern AU (suggested by @eleanorstaghart ) (colors not representative of houses)
Sharp: Absolutely not.
Matilda: You drew the short straw, Aesop, you have to.
Sharp: I SAW Mirabel whisper a growing charm on hers!
Garlick: -blushing- I did not!
Matilda: Come on, Aesop, get it over with.
Sharp: Ugh. Fine. Gather the sixth years.
-1 hour later-
Sharp: Alright, I’m here because Professor Garlick is a cheater. That’s right Mirabel, I KNOW you cheated. -glares offstage-
Sharp: You’re teenagers. I will not pretend like I don’t know what goes on in the halls, abandoned classrooms, and alcoves. I was a student here once. I also know you’re going to do it regardless of what I say, so you may as well know how to do it safely. Use a condom, EVERY TIME. Girls, if he says it does not fit him or is uncomfortable, you either need to dump him or send him to the hospital wing, because if his-
Matilda: AESOP!
Sharp: Right. Use a condom. Girls, there’s also a contraceptive potion you can make. I will place a stack of instruction sheets outside my classroom, but I beg of you, do not ask me for help making it, ask one of your female professors. Based on what I’ve seen, none of you are mature enough to have a child, and honestly the thought of some you reproducing strikes fear into my heart. Unfortunately the gene pool has no lifeguard.
Matilda: -screams- AESOP!!!!!!
Sharp: I won’t apologize, it should be a crime for some of them to pass on their stupidity.
Matilda: Ok, we’re done! Everyone thank professor sharp for…well, you’re dismissed.
Sharp: In conclusion, wear a condom, use contraceptives, and for the love of god don’t do it where I can catch you, I don’t wish to be scarred for life and then have to look at you in class, and you don’t want that either.
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girl-named-matty · 1 month
They ask what their contact name is - Modern AU pt.2
They ask you what their contact name is in your phone. Tags: Fluff, bad humor (i'm sorry my sense of humor is ruined LOL) Characters included: Professor Sharp & Professor Fig. ..
A small pt.2 to this post but with Professor Sharp and Professor Fig!
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Had some cute ideas for this (AKA my terrible sense of humor is showing lol) and I thought I should share! 🖤
Taglist: @endeavour12345, @poet-lost-in-space
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inkyarcturus · 2 months
Fun idea I’ve had bouncing around about Remus:
You know how queer/neurodivergent kids have that one teacher that they bond to? You know what I’m talking about- you’ve seen the memes about the gay kid and the English/art teacher bond.
I like to imagine that Remus just has a tiny group of kids who hung out in his classroom to feel safe.
He would leave his door open constantly and during lunch, he would offer to call a house elf for hot chocolate, tea, biscuits or other sweets for the kids. If he noticed one of his kids doesn’t eat lunch, he would quietly pull them to the side and ask what was up.
The kids would talk to him abt literally anything under the sun. Some would even go and ask for help for other classes (quite a few for potions, none of which were slytherins)
He’d have a small bowl of pride pins and flags up for grabs on his desk which his kids occasionally take, always causing him to give a little smile to the kid.
I don’t know. I just image Remus as the designated safe teacher. He’d be the one to notice a kid struggling and offer help or ask what’s wrong. He’d be the one that students go to when they have problems at home, were being bullied or just needed someone to talk to.
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total-shipper · 3 months
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Hey my guys! ❤️
There you the extreme late special of Valentine’s Day Special at Hogwarts!😍❤️😍
Professor Mcarthur caught Brick and Mike passing a strange note that was supposed to be addressed to Zoey from Mike.
The teacher confiscates the ticket from the two boys and opens it in front of the whole class... well poor Mike and Brick make a terrible impression in front of everyone!😂
Let me know what you think!😘
I hope you like it! ❤
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hufflepuff-16 · 8 months
Dark Magic and Immortal Beings〃∇由☆
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(Professor) Sebastian Sallow x Dark gn! Reader ((((ヽ(;^^)/
Summary: You've always been the one with your hand up to every question, always the one asking questions, you're need for knowledge is becoming greater, but your need for power is unbearable. So when you go to your ex-con professor, with dark questions, will he be the one to give you the answers you seek, sending you down an unforgivable path.
Warnings: angst, use of (Y/N), mentions of murder, self mutilation, and implications of greater harm to others.
A/N: Hello lovelies, it's been a while, but I'm back with a new one-shot. This was inspired by @seabass-swallows Professor Sallow bot, as well as the half blood Prince. Let me know if you're interested in a Part 2. Xx
Picture made using AI and then edited by Me
Link to My Masterlist
Link to part 2
Link to part 3
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You were professor Sallow favourite student, you were intelligent, witty, a little shy but you had the potential to do great things in your life, or atleast that's what he thinks.
"Hello sir!" You say brightly walking into his classroom on a Saturday evening, it was a regular occurance for you to hand in your homework early.
Professor Sallow looked up from his desk at the sight of his favourite student. The one who was doing well in his class and making up for the other, more troublesome students' performances.
"Hello," Sebastian greeted back, his tone being neutral but welcoming nevertheless, especially in the wake of a student working so hard in his class. His tone, however, changed when you informed him that you was handing in your homework early. "Oh? I've given you homework already?"
You giggle, Professor Sallow believed that the school curriculum wasn't challenging enough for you, so he assigns you extra homework that will fit your level of work.
"Sir, its the extra homework you gave to me yesterday!" You reply affectionately.
"Oh, I gave you extra homework yesterday?" Sebastian's brow furrowed in confusion as he set his quill down on the desk. He knew he gave extra homework in the class, but it was assigned to you, just yesterday. "You...finished it yesterday? My god," he exclaims, genuinely perplexed and curious at your diligence.
You hand over the work, ignoring what he was saying.
"sir... ...wanted to ask you something...." You say sounding cautious.
"Ah," Sebastian raised his brows as he took the work from you. "What is it,?" he asks, intrigued by you wanting to tell him something. Your work was certainly good, but sometimes you had something else to say, usually in relation to your homework in some way.
"It's something I was reading on in the restricted section....but the page was missing of it...."
"In the restricted section?" Sebastian asks, his brow raising slightly higher. "That's some risky reading. What was it?" His eyes were glued to his student now. He was always interested in your reading material after-class, and this time was no different.
"It was called a horcrux, more specifically, how to make one...."
"Ah, yes," Sebastian responds, his voice being quite solemn and grave now. "What do you want to know about the topic?" Sebastian's eyes fixed on hers, with the tone of curiosity now replaced with a sternness to it. "The forbidden arts are never to be touched, Isabel, and that includes its research."
"Oh, I was just curious about how it's made," you smile softly, "that's all..."
"Well, it's good that you were curious rather than...actually making one," Sebastian laughs softly, in appreciation of your honest and curious nature. "There are things in the world that you shouldn't touch," he adds, a warning to his words as he looked towards the student once more.
"Yes...do you know about them, sir?" You say keeping your tone even.
"I do," the Professor says, nodding his head slowly as he did so. He looks back down at the homework in his hand. "I'm not going to report you or anything because you're just curious," he adds, glancing at the student as he spoke. He couldn't help but appreciate the child's inquisitiveness and kindness. They were rare qualities of a witch or wizard. "But, these things are...well, forbidden and dark magic for a reason."
"Is it because horcruxes have the power to make you immortal?" You say your eyes flashing with excitement, but your tone calm.
"Precisely," Sebastian responds. "They're known to make you immortal, but they require dark, dark magic to do so," he adds, his head nodding once more. The dark arts held many different types of magics, but the immortality factor was the one aspect that was very taboo and forbidden.
"So.. how does the horcrux make you immortal?" You say, sounding confused.
"The only way to create a Horcrux," Sebastian begins, knowing that you may react badly to the answer he was going to give but also knowing that you must understand, "is to commit three of the most atrocious acts to create it. Such as splitting your soul and murder... and the third act is too dark to elaborate!" He says with a shudder.
"Murder... how awful." You say quickly.
"Very," Sebastian responds calmly. As a Professor, it was his duty to educate students about the dark arts, knowing that most of them were never meant to be used.
"Let me ask you this," the Professor prompts. "Why do you think the dark arts are forbidden?" The answer is obvious to him, but he wants to see your perspective on the question.
"Because they hold power that can be used to hurt others." You say, stating the obvious.
"And that is true?" Sebastian asks, his voice turning soft and curious once more in the wake of your answer. "But, there are many things that have the power to hurt others but aren't as prohibited as the dark arts," he adds, wanting to guide you towards the right answer. The professor had a hunch that you did know the answer but wanted to see what you thought of it.
"Yes...." Your mind was wandering, not paying attention to what Professor Sallow was saying.
"How does murder and the third act help make a horcrux, though?"
"The act of murder helps in the horcrux-making process..." Sebastian says, still trying to lead you towards the exact definition but realising that you aren't bothered. "You see, a great deal of dark magic goes into creating a horcrux," he adds, his voice now a calm tone as he tried to help you understand your question. "The act of murder is one of the strongest spells to fuel that dark magic, the other act is an atrocious act that any human being, wizard or muggle would find horrifying and completely utterly wrong. And finally, the end act..."
"Splitting your soul!" You say with a buzz.
"Precisely," Sebastian responds, his voice being more proud and encouraging now. "The murder is done, with so much dark magic behind it, the soul of the witch or wizard is shattered, and half of it goes into the spell to create the horcrux. Your soul, being split in half," he adds, hoping you understood it a little better now.
There was an odd look on your face. "How many horcruxes can a person make?"
Sebastian took notice of the look on your face. You seemed...intrigued. And that worried him. Horcruxes were something that were forbidden to be experimented with, and Sebastian couldn't help but feel that you were considering it. "No more than seven," the Professor answers bluntly. He could sense a hint of reluctance from the student, the thought possibly being in their mind now.
"Seven...hmm..." Seven was such a small number to you. Thirteen was a much more favourable number to you.
"(Y/N)," Sebastian prompts, his voice growing stern. "Are you considering it?" He knew that the curiosity of the student had peaked and the knowledge you just learnt could be used for something...nefarious.
"NO! Of course not, sir.." You say dramatically.
"(Y/N)," Sebastian's expression grows softer and more understanding now. In all honesty, he wasn't going to report the student, but he just needed to know that you weren't going to do something...unforgivable. "I know that the curiosity of the dark arts can lure students," he says, understanding. "But I beg of you. Do not touch it. Not even as an experiment."
"Hmm..." You say lightly in a world of your own.
"(Y/N)," Sebastian prompts once more. "I need you to listen to me, as your Professor. Do not touch the dark arts, and especially the creation of a Horcrux, the reason why I told you is so that you have an understanding as to why it's so immoral. Please."
"Thank you for this knowledge, sir," you say, smiling at him. "I'm going to go to the library and do some reading."
"And...what exactly is it you're reading?" Sebastian asks, his voice now sounding slightly more stern as he did so than before. He knew that the student was curious and now had the knowledge about the dark arts, including things that should never have been learnt, and the Professor didn't want you to do anything reckless, you were a great student and a great person, probably the only decent person that was currently in Sebastian's life.
"This muggle book called Jane Eyre." You say trying to sound casual.
Your unexpected answer surprised Sebastian. "Jane Eyre, eh?" he responded with slight interest, as he never expected a muggle book to be studied by a witch or wizard. "Well, at least that's far better than what I expected you to be studying," he adds, and his tone is now more relaxed. "Enjoy the book."
You gave him a smile that was different from your usual soft smile. "I will, sir...I will...." You walk out quickly before he could say anything else.
After you had left the room, Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that you weren't going to get mixed up with the creation or usage of dark arts and Horcruxes. Your smile seemed...odd, though. But Sebastian thought nothing of it.
The Professor turned his attention back to the pile of work that he had to mark now.
The End
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jomiddlemarch · 2 months
The shapes a bright container can contain! 
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III. “Who’s looking after you?” Draco asked. 
He was sitting in a slat backed chair he’d dragged up beside her bed. It seemed mean that the few private rooms in the Hogwarts infirmary only held a twin bed and a side-table, far more like a prison cell than he felt was appropriate but perhaps reflective of the very little time anyone at Hogwarts had spent at Azkaban. Hermione was propped up with pillows, her hands laid flat on the white coverlet on her lap. Her hair had been washed but not tended especially well, wrestled back into an unruly, lumpy plait that spoke to unfamiliarity with either charms or potions. There was a cup of tea on the table, apparently untouched, as was the iced biscuit tucked at the base of the saucer.
“What do you mean—”
“I mean, who notices when you leave meals early? That you’re too pale, that you always answer when anyone asks, that you don’t count any danger to yourself too great? Who should’ve been the one to follow you, to stop you. To keep you from drowning?” Draco said, his voice a little too tightly controlled, too calmly even for her to not to be aware he somehow, for some reason, was nearly incandescent with rage. “It shouldn’t have been me. You’d never have thought I’d come running—I almost didn’t come, didn’t run, except that the children were too quiet—"
“They were scared,” she said.
“They bloody well should have been,” he said. “I was terrified—”
“I look after myself,” she said, answering the earlier question. She looked down at her hands but he didn’t think she saw them. 
“You look after other people,” he countered. She looked up, startled. But not offended, not yet. Perhaps she wouldn’t be. “I understand, when we were children, everyone thought you were the brightest witch of our age. You knew better than everyone else, it was all right to rely on you but now—Potter doesn’t try? Neville?”
“Harry was brought up by people who treated him about as badly as your father treated House-elves. And then he lost Sirius and Molly basically commandeered him as an honorary Weasley with years of parenting to be made up for. She can be rather smothery, it’s not an approach he could really model himself after,” Hermione said. “He’s not very good at it. And he uses most of what he’s got to give on his own children, as he should.”
“Fine. I think you’re cutting him too much slack but I am willing to admit you know him better. But Neville? It’s not like him, not to notice, he’s always been so fond of you,” Draco said, trailing off.
“Exactly,” Hermione replied. “I can’t—it’s not fair to him, when he feels one way and I…”
“He’s in love with you and you only care about him as a friend, so you don’t let him get close,” Draco said. 
“You’re as blunt as a bludger,” Hermione said.
“If you mean a Gryffindor, you might as well say it,” Draco shrugged. “You nearly died, I’m trying not to tax you too greatly.”
“You needn’t worry,” she said.
“You’re wrong. I know it’s an unfamiliar experience for you and that you’re likely to tell me I’m the one who’s wrong,” he said.
“Because you are,” she replied.
“No, I’m not. Because I’m the one who dragged you out of a loch in Scotland in November, because you couldn’t get yourself out, despite being one of the most powerful witches alive in England,” he said. “Someone else needs to worry about you. Though I prefer looking after, since worrying is largely ineffectual and won’t stop you from depleting your entire magical core, a real feat, I must add, given your previously mentioned magical strength, and getting yourself killed or at least maimed without the prospect of any recovery, if we go by your predilections. And it will surely be in a way that creates maximum guilt in your friends and associates. Neville will be beside himself and Potter may end up going through a midlife crisis and becoming the next Dark Lord.  He’ll grow a goatee and be generally intolerable.”
“You know what a midlife crisis is?” Hermione said. Her lips curved and he realized it was the first time he’d seen her smile in months. A real smile, where the expression in her eyes matched.
“Yes, I don’t live under a rock. Potter would be a little young by Wizard standards, but I think like you, he still sees himself as a Muggle first,” Draco replied. 
“Not wrong,” she said.
“Oh, are we playing a game now?” Draco said. “I’ll win. You’ve always been pants at chess and you can’t stand Quidditch.”
“Draco, what do you want?” she said. She settled back against the pillows and he could feel her exhaustion. The Hogwarts linens were too thin. She ought to be covered in a fluffy duvet, supported by a featherbed. There should be a pair of sheepskin slipper warming on a fender.
“I want you to be properly looked after. I’ve—we’ve both lost too many people in our lives. I don’t want you to be someone else who’s lost,” he said. “I spoke to Abbott and the Headmistress, they allowed me to see whether your quarters were adequate for your recovery and the suite is hardly better kitted out than this room, might as well belong to a hermit—”
“You had no right,” she said.
“You’re right. I didn’t. But I did ask permission from your physician and your superior. When Neville heard, he didn’t scold me,” Draco said. “All the plants he gave you are dead, by the way. Even the metalmalarky cactus”
“You still haven’t said what you want. Not directly,” she replied.
“I want to look after you. Myself. I have a property nearby. You know I don’t live in the dungeons like Snape did,” Draco said. The man had been a masochist or Dumbledore had had him under house arrest. There was no way Draco would ever have agreed to live adjacent to his classroom and he certainly wasn’t going to allow the Hogwarts dungeon to be his son’s home. He and Astoria had bought the small estate shortly after Scorpius was born, an act of faith that the baby would not be a Squib and a commitment to being present in their child’s life as neither of their own parents had been. 
“You want me to live in your house?”
“It’s a not insignificant property. There’s a carriage house, entirely separate. But it’s got all the mod cons and a library, a conservatory,” he said.
“A carriage house with a conservatory. Only you, Malfoy. Will you feed me hothouse grapes from your lily-white hand?” she said.
“I’ll stock the library with Regency romances, as you seem to have a taste for them,” he said, slipping the cufflinks out of his cuffs and rolling them back so she could see the calluses on his palms, the spatter of old burns he’d never bothered to fully heal. “Not lily-white. Say yes, Hermione. Let me help—”
“You’ll badger me endlessly if I refuse, won’t you?” she said. She could have sighed and didn’t. He let himself hope.
“I’ll have to. I don’t fancy a repeat of today’s dip in the loch. The Squid is whatever squid is for handsy,” he said. She raised an eyebrow and he decided to pivot. “It was too close. Please. Please allow it.”
“I suppose since you’ve asked so nicely, I’d be an utter wretch to refuse,” she said.
“Yes, I think that would be the consensus. Here and of course, elsewhere. Abroad. Across the pond,” Draco said, relief making him a bit giddy. “Shall I go on?”
“I think I’d rather nap for a little while. Then Hannah can tell us whether I’m allowed to Side-along or whether we’ll have to take Muggle transport.”
“That’s fine. I’ll get everything sorted. Let the looking after commence,” he replied, lowering his voice as Hermione’s eyes grew dozy.
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squid1442 · 1 month
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Severitus Wip :)!!
This is basically the Christmas scene in ‘A patchwork family’ on ao3 by @aspionagee , it’s an TOTAL work in progress buttt thought I should share it since I’m not reallyyyy sure wether I’ll finish it or not. It’s a pretty big piece lmao.
Also I love that fic.
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 3 months
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scottish knight aesop ❤
big thanks to @roomofretirement for bringing the hunk sir jeff is to my attention
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laremsworld · 1 month
Harry Potter characters and their dream professions, if Voldemort didn‘t exist (and they survived):
- Regulus Black: This man was all about prestige and wealth. He‘d either be high in the ministry and dream of becoming the minister one day or he‘d be a big name in Gringotts.
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- Sirius Black: The best auror in the UK (maybe even in the world). I mean this guy stayed in prison for 12 years, because he believed he deserved it and then managed to break out within 24 hours just because he needed to capture the real villain in his origin story.
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- Remus Lupin. I mean, come on. He‘s the best DADA Teacher anyone can ask for.
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- James Potter: James is the most caring person in the world. He‘d be a devoted healer. After working in the hospital for some years, he‘d probably want to be involved in the research department. If anyone can find a cure for werewolfe-bites, it‘s James Fleamont Potter.
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- Lily Potter: I feel like motherhood (and the fact that James is richy-rich) would hold her from chasing a career right away. She wouldn‘t feel comfortable with just being a trophy wife, either though (yes, I am looking at you, Narcissa). I feel like Lily, who loved potions more than any subject, would regularly invent new potions. Something to cure Harry‘s coughs overnight here, some painkillers there… James would someday suggest to sell these potions. Lily would laugh at first but James would go „no, for real. I own Sleekeazy‘s Hair Potion. We can sell new potions under our brand.“ and Lily would be like „all these years this was an option??“
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- Severus Snape: Rowling already confirmed that Snape wouldn‘t become a spy if Lily hadn‘t died. So there‘s no way that Snape would be the potions professor in this scenario. I honestly think Snape would just end up with a semi-good paid job in the ministry. Not because he‘s not good enough to make a career for himself, just because he‘s too self-loathing to do it.
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