#hissing and clawing at it like a cat seeing a human with a realistic cat mask
bucket-of-amethyst · 1 year
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why did u put pixl with a sultry pose and gaze in ur thumbnail beef what is this why
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denaliwrites · 6 months
Horrible Things
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader
Summary: The Doctor notices you like to cuddle the crab plushie he got you, so he decides to get you another one. Sequel to Cute Things.
Requests: Open!
Warnings: The most horrifically realistic crab plushie ever.
Tag List: @nyxiethesimp
"You -- you get that thing away from me!" you whined as you backed up into one of the seats by the console. Carefully, but simultaneously in something of a panicked hurry, you crawled on top of it and perched precariously. All the while, you had a finger pointed menacingly at what the Doctor held in his hand.
"What?" he asked innocently. "What's wrong with it? I thought you'd like it!"
You wagged your finger at the object he held. "That is evil! Cursed. Possessed by the souls of every crab that's ever died by human hands."
The barely contained laughter in just that one word only spurred you to press deeper into the seat. "You heard me, jackass. Now get it away!"
"Aw, but it's cute," he protested, turning the crab plush to look at him. "I rather thought you'd name it the CRABIS."
"The -- Doctor!" you whimpered. "It -- I'm sorry, but it's way too realistic to be cute! And where the fuck are its eyes!?"
He looked at the crab thoughtfully, turning it this way and that so as to examine it. "Huh. That's a good question," he admitted.
"Crabs have eyes," you said. "But that cursed crustacean has none!"
You could tell that the Doctor was having a great time with this. His lips kept twitching up in flashes of crooked smiles that he struggled to rein in.
"Eyes are the windows to the soul, yeah?" you asked.
"Sure," he agreed, his voice curious.
"Well, that thing doesn't have eyes -- and it looks soulless!"
"Hey, now," he said, managing to sound somewhat serious, "plenty of things don't have eyes but have plenty of soul --"
"But not that!" you protested. "That's some Chucky shit!"
"That thing's gonna come alive in the middle of the night and kill me!"
"Now you're just being mean," the Doctor pouted, settling the crab neatly on the console. "Look at it. Harmless little thing. Cute."
You hissed, much like a cat, in the crab's direction before slinking off the seat and down the hall towards the bedrooms, also much like a cat.
You awoke that night to strange shuffling outside your door. Forgetting all about the events of earlier that day, you got up and opened it, expecting to see the Doctor. Instead, you were met with empty air.
You looked down the hall in both directions before shrugging and turning to close the door.
Just before you did, though, something caught your eye and you looked down.
Sitting just outside the entrance to your room was the little crab plush, and in one of its claws was a knife.
The scream that came out of you was loud enough to rattle the TARDIS. It echoed down the hall and the sound of the Doctor's jubilant laugh echoed back from somewhere to your left.
You picked up the crab and its knife and stared at it balefully. "I'm gonna kill him," you told it. "I'm gonna take this stupid knife and I'm gonna kill him with it." Though the crab didn't answer you, you suspected the Doctor heard you, based on the gleeful cackle you heard in the distance.
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memphis-menace · 2 years
Siren!Elvis Headcanons
Disclaimer: Okay so just because I drew him, doesn’t mean my headcanons are the be all end all, okay? If you write about him, feel free to make up your own stuff about him, use this stuff about him, whatever you want! That’s the beauty of fandom! This is just how I personally think of the lad when I doodle him.
Disclaimer #2: There will be mentions of animal traits and geographical/topographical shit. I do not claim to actually know anything or claim it as fact. I am making this up, not aiming for accuracy. He’s a sexy water monster, I don’t think “accuracy” applies here.
Once again, @venus-haze has some AMAZING work out regarding her interpretation of him, and hopefully there’s more coming and I can’t wait to eat it up!
Alright, onto my version.
Okay so right off the bat, my version of Siren!Elvis ain’t exactly a fish. That interview that mentioned crocodile eyes took hold of my soul so. The boy is gator based. 🐊
Lives in a swampy/marshy river type area. Look I don’t know terminology I just know what I live by.
Originally, he sang more traditional siren-y songs; mostly just very melodic, wordless tunes. But as people started building residences and moving near his territory, he heard their music - blues, country, rock n’ roll - and decided he really liked it, so his siren song adapted accordingly.
So, being more reptilian than fishy, he doesn’t have a tail. He has semi-webbed clawed hands and feet, and a gator tail to help propel him through the water. He has scales covering his skin in certain places, mostly his back and arms? I’ll try and draw a reference for what I envision one day I’m not good with description there’s a reason I doodle instead of write fanfic 😭
Now yes, he does eat people. Come on, that’s like. The whole “siren” shtick. HOWEVER, if you should catch his eye as something other than food… 👀
Under no uncertain terms, this fella is a YANDERE. Once he’s set his sights on you, it’s over. You’re his. Prepare to be sung into submission, so to speak.
That being said, he knows that realistically he can’t keep you in the swamp indefinitely - humans are not made for mostly aquatic living. So you can stay at your house, but you better visit him every day or there WILL be a tantrum and his tantrums get bloody
Also his eyes do that reflecty/glowy thing, so if he finds out where you live and you wake up in the middle of the night to see glowing blue eyes by your bed looking at you, don’t worry it’s just Elvis, checking on you.
He may try and eat your pets but if you really reiterate to him that you don’t want him to do that he’ll concede and leave them alone.
However, don’t tell him of anyone you’re getting close to that he may consider a rival. The next day you’ll hear about a nasty, mangled, half-eaten corpse found floating down the river 😬
On the flip side, probably don’t tell him about people who are upsetting you. Unless you’re cool with a pile of bones being left on your porch. Cause like, you know how cats bring you dead animals as a gift? Yeah Elvis will do that. And will get extremely huffy if you throw them away or get rid of them; they were a gift! So what if it’s a liability and if someone finds out you could get arrested on suspicion of murder? He’ll eat the cops, don’t worry!
Fair warning, he will eat you if you try to break up with him or cheat on him. So if you’re starting a relationship with him, it’s gonna be your last one. One way or another. So proceed with caution.
He can also do that scary ass hiss/growl that gators do. Because it’s cool and I say so.
Now if you wanna hear him damn near purr, gently scratch the scales along his spine when you cuddle him. He’ll practically melt.
Now, mans got some sharp teefs. And unfortunately, biting is a love language for him. He’s not being mean or trying to hurt you, he just has to mark you up so people know you’re taken 🙂
Now when it comes to sexy time, you deadass may want to get him a muzzle because hoo lord you may end up in a hospital. He can’t always control his chompers when his hormones get high. He’ll feel bad afterwards and try to help you with the bleeding 🥺
Like most gators, Elvis will eat anything, especially if it’s something you made. Because he can’t fathom that you would take time out of your day to cook something to and bring it to him, when he’s perfectly fine eating raw meat. So it’s super special to him when you bring him food you made. It could be a deep fried boot and he’d eat it happily as long as you made it for him.
Eventually he learns (via siren magic because again, this is fantasy and I can do what I want) how to mask his reptilian features and look human, so he can spend even more time with you! Ain’t that great? :) He’s watched the humans around him for quite a while, so he knows how to behave like one when he needs to. You just need to buy him some clothes. 
This will be updated, but this is what I got for now. He’s basically a big ol puppy with some less than safe eating habits and a unique way of lovin’
He is a g8er boi he said see you l8er boi
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ignisnocturnalia · 3 years
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Hehehe I lied, but it is here now! Had a crisis about being done with my Band director's bull and wanting a grade on something really bad, did the former and decided to simply disintegrate once Friday hit. Drifter HCs will follow this, also may I say Caiatl. That is all.
Nokris x Reader
“You are a child reaching for a flame; the Taken Queen would not have you burnt.”
You were on point during the Strange Terrain strike, but you had never thought you would run into Nokris again. Granted, you realized, his death was on the physical plain while his Throne World still stood. Considering he never directly addressed you, you assumed that he either didn’t remember you or he chose not to, as oddly disappointing as that would be. The timbre of his voice unsettled you, but it was not as wracking as Xol’s; in fact, it was rather pleasing to hear.
The proposition itself was unexpected, and against Eris’s previous warnings you stopped to listen to what the Hive heretic had to say. Trekking quietly along the broken path of the distorted realm, you stopped occasionally to stare at blights littered over walls and floating in the air to see if you could catch a glimpse of the desecrated prince. The telltale sign of Taken emerging from their portals filled the air, and you genuinely prayed that you’re next decision was a wise one. 
Your ghost was probably screaming on the inside as you placed your guns to the floor, bringing your hands into the air while staring into the gleaming eye of a Knight. Grabbing your arm roughly, it tugged you through a massive doorway leading to a room that was strikingly similar to the Court of Oryx back at the Dreadnaught. The portal at the center of the room shimmered invitingly as the bony bastard himself came out; even in death, he appeared to be in his prime.
“I see you have heeded my advice; come, hope of the Light, see the Darkness.”
His claws are cold as he grasps at your shoulders despite the solar flame surging over his arms. Feeling bold, you let your own solar light extend past your body, lying comfortably across his neck with a warm glow. As a creature who worships the Darkness facing a servant of the Light, he reasonably withdraws with a hiss at your gesture
You won’t say it out loud because he obviously carries himself with extreme pride, but you can’t help but feel bad for him. How can one person be an exiled son, heretic, servant, and now puppet?
“I won’t serve Savathûn. But I think I wouldn't mind spending time with you.” Before he can question you, you are promptly pulled from the realm by Eris.
Cue Vanguard interrogation once you return to the Tower. The talk is so egregiously long you make a move that would make Cayde damn proud: “GuArDiAn, We’Re NoT yEt FiNiShEd WiTh ThIs DiScUsSiOn!” Hopefully your shining reputation will save you from any dire repercussions...
Tracing your steps back to where you first met, you look around suspiciously following the lack of noise inside the Hive breeding grounds. You had cut your comm ages ago, the constant ping of Commander Zavala’s hailing grating your ears. The ground beneath your feet crunched wetly with every step, and distantly you heard the first Hive screech. Turning in a guess to the source of the sound, you set off in a quick pace, gun in your hand.
Upon entering a new chamber, you froze in surprise as you saw Nokris lifting a Knight by the throat. Taken magic pooled in his palm and raced over the armor of the smaller Hive, the bone turning black and a bright white glow shimmering across its legs. Still gripping the soldier, Nokris slowly angled his head to look down at you.
“Little. Light.” Dropping the Knight with no grace, his imposing form closed in on you with haste. Before you could take a step back, his claws came up to close around your jaw and upper neck. The rough of his talons dug into your armor, and for a moment you worried he would pop off your helmet and let your blood boil throughout your body in the harsh atmosphere. Instead, he pulled you closer to his face and brought up his free hand to grasp your forearm.
Nokris easily dwarfed you; even if you stood on your own shoulders you wouldn’t be taller than him. Passively, your thighs rubbed against each other at the realization. A detail he decided he would catch. Teasing mirth danced in his three eyes, hidden malice swimming just behind small organs. Internally, you were probably going to pop your helmet off yourself if you got kink shamed by a Hive prince of all things. 
You squeaked quietly in surprise as he lifted you off the ground, the hand on your lower face readjusting to your hip. His hand, quite literally, engulfed your midsection as he brought you closer to him for inspection. This close, you could see every imperfection on his face. Second hand leaving your arm, you shivered as the prince ran a digit up the side of your leg and continued his way up, stopping thoughtfully at the junction of your jaw.
Staring into the glowing green embers of his eyes, there was no mistaking the murderous glint in them. At the same time, curiosity had made its home among his more dangerous faculties.
"You found me once, you came to me twice. Find me again, at the other side in the field of ash under the dark tower.” Letting you to the floor, Nokris turned his back and departed to Traveler knows where through the portal with the long forgotten Knight. Sinking to your knees in stunned silence, you looked down as a nearly imperceptible squeal broke the quiet. In front of you, was a Hive worm.
“No.” Before you could even speak, your Ghost gave its earful. 
“I can’t not take it! I probably need it to find him. Either way, I told you one of these worms would be coming home eventually, look at its wittle face.” Your Ghost made gagging noises as you fawned over the wriggling creature you held between your hands. Tucking the three eyed larva under your arm, you set out to find the way back out.
The next week felt like hell. The worm continued to get bigger with every mission you went on and keeping it a secret from the Vanguard was close to impossible. You had been wracking your brain for the answer to his riddle, and to be completely honest, it made you feel inadequate that you couldn’t figure it out. You knew the other side meant the Ascendant Realm, but what was the dark tower? Where was the field of ash? You had initially thought it was at Skywatch, what with the Hive ship jutting out of the ground and the small pile of chitin inside the cave not too far away, but there wasn’t enough ash for it to be a field, nor was it under the ship point.
It wasn’t until a light snow dusted the Tower one evening that it all clicked. He didn’t mean ash ash. He meant snow! 
In a rush to the hangar, you waved a hasty goodbye to Holliday and transmatted into your ship, pulling out a layer of blankets to reveal your now cat sized worm. The grub squeed and reached its head up to your palm, crawling sluggishly into your hands. Holding the worm to your chest, you settled down in the pilot ship and gave your Ghost to plot a course. There was only one place on Earth constantly coated in snow with a structure that could be considered a dark tower.
“Ghost, set course for the Plaguelands. He’s at the Doomed Sea.”
You hadn’t been to the ravaged lands since the Siva Crisis; the whole territory gave you heebie jeebies. And yet, you were returning because one of humanity’s imminent threats wanted a chat that, realistically, ended with your head rolling on the floor.
The closer you got to your destination, the more restless the worm in your arms got. In fact, you could swear it was whispering something. Your skin crawled for a moment as you felt the phantom brush of his claw up your leg.
The moment your feet touched the ground, the world around you stuttered as the colors faded into grayscale, giving way to the Ascendant landscape. Below you, there was no mistaking the keen whispers of the worm. Its words were encouraging in a macabre way, praise and blatant lies; speaking of how well you fed it, talents being wasted on a god that heeds you not, urging you towards the ominous building looming over the shoreline.
Dust swept across at a rapid pace, as usual, in the warped realm. Coming up to the alcove, you saw him with his back turned to you. In a smooth turn, he faced you at last. Beautiful, blazing emeralds.
Relationship HCs
His idea of a relationship has wildly different parameters than any normal human would put up with
No matter where you are, or what you're doing, you can feel him at the back of your mind like a fog; it's a bit disconcerting to hear him talk in your head at first, but it becomes normal and he's actually quite helpful when you're out on missions
He expects you to help him study thanatonautics since you can die and be brought back within moments, but that's up to if you have enough charisma to convince your Ghost to let your bone boyfriend crush your skull repeatedly to see what you can learn about death
The relationship feels more like a symbiotic one rather than a romantic one, but you occassionally catch him practicing human gestures you've seen couples perform in public if he's feeling particularly good on a day
You're probably the only person who listens to him talk about all of his schtick and is able to give viable feedback; he is more thankful than he will let on about this fact
He does not like it when you try blocking him off from your thoughts and will demand to know everything you've done in the day when you see him again. In his perspective, he thinks you're trying to leave him behind like everyone else has
Will not handhold, because his hand can literally fit around your torso and because he thinks it's weird. He will, however, carry you places if you're going the same direction
He also thinks kissing is weird, but will (surprisingly!) actually let you give him kisses on his teeth; the sensation of soft flesh on his cold bones is unusual, but something he finds utterly riveting. Not that he'd let you know
Also doesn't like the amount of straight barbarity you inflict on the battlefield, but can appreciate your efficiency with your job; this is him silently worrying about your safety but refusing to acknowledge his crush on the flame throwing ape
His communication regarding affection is terrible, and if you couldn't tell shame on you. His favorite thing about you, that you will never hear from him or anyone else, is your face. He likes the way it changes into different expressions, the life in your eyes, and your lips because Hive physically cannot emote as expressively as humans do; you are an open book he has yet to read, adding new pages everyday
Nsfw 👁👄👁
First off, however you get the size difference to work, congratulations. His height over you is something he enjoys immensely when you two get into it, and it goes without saying he also likes how you "hug" him
He will fuck anywhere, literally anywhere. The floor? Yes. Against the wall? Yes. Hope you're somewhat of an exhibitionist, because he is not ashamed if any of his or Savathûn's troops walk in on you and will keep going
He bites a lot, and is not afraid to make you bleed because your Ghost can just patch you right up
Likewise, he will scratch you everywhere but he does stop to play with the softer spots
He is rough and fast, going after his own release rather than yours; however, he has high stamina so chances are you'll be overstimulated before he finishes
Absolutely a dom, he will not meet in the middle about anything of sexual nature
If you don't actively fight for your life during his build up, he will take that as the go ahead. He may be a Hive heretic, but he has standards
You don't really have the opportunity to find his sensitive spots as he usually restrains your arms, holding them above your head or pinning them down at your sides
He rarely makes actual noises, but he does hiss lowly whenever he makes particularly hard thrusts
He knows that copulation won't result in little Hive/Human hybrids running around with his blood in their veins, so 9 times out of 10 he will hilt himself and come inside you
Uhhh, a w k w a r d
Anything that's fluffy is strictly delivered by you, and occasionally returned by Nokris since he doesn't get the point of such pleasantries
If you're fast enough, he will never get upset if you can sneak up on him for a smooch
Whatever he is doing, if you are available he much prefers having you by his side to have an extra set of eyes to help him observe (at least that's what he says)
Since his physical marks are healed quickly, he gifts you odds and ends from old planets his people have pillaged and little items you can wear on noticeable places
Hides it very well, but is extremely thrilled when you come to him when you want to do or learn something new
When you're particularly frustrated by something, he will comb his claws through your hair to his best abilities
Whenever you're with him, his demeanor is typically calmer; Savathûn's presence and influence over him is highly diminished in the face of your Light
The one thing he will willingly do with you that's remotely romantic is stargazing; not because of the romantic element, oh no, but because he wants to catalogue any changes and is very invested in teaching you about space faring
Has nicknames for you like Little Light or >Insert any game seal<
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Hi! I recently found 'Holding Hands In The Rain' via your blog and fell in love with it :) Now I'm on the hunt for fics which have an age gap plot point that isn't dealt with too light heartedly but at the same time isn't too angsty. This is somehow both broad and quite specific I hope you get what I want to say xD Like it doesn't need to be really realistic but I'd like some engagement with the issue. Thank you for your hard work!
Hi Anon,
Try these~
if it's not too weird by elliewritesthings
(Rated M, 27,142 words, multichapter, complete)
Oh well, he thinks as he stares at Cat’s twitching ears. It’s not the first time breaking rules for him, though it might as well be because it feels like ages he’s done something stupid. Maybe hanging out with those boring academics has already dulled him down. Why not seize the day and spend a few moments sneaking in this ferocious hellbeast? The damn thing will be Eren’s and his entire dorm’s problem the second it’s gotten through the window. So, in essence, fuck the police.Cat seems to agree as he digs his claws into Levi’s wrist and lets out a delighted meow. You fucking furry little shithead, Levi’s about to hiss out but he bites his tongue when he sees Eren appear at the window(an au where levi helps eren sneak his cat into his dorm and somehow gains joint custody of it and has the biggest crush ever)
Sweeter Than Expected by inkshaming
(Not Rated, 18,144 words, multichapter, complete)
Though he had the best of intentions, Levi finds himself out of his depth when it comes to expressing his new-found affection for a college student who's a little down on his luck. He’s about to find out that, when it comes to Eren, there’s really no such thing as ‘too sweet.’
An Accidental Sugar-Daddy AU.
The Misanthrope by kazuma85
(Rated E, 25,516 words, multichapter, complete)
The story is set in an AU world where Eren was only a child when the humanity won against Titans. When he's fifteen, he meets Levi, humanity's introverted hero, who is not exactly the kind of person people believe he is. Rated M for future chapters.
For Me by litathesissy
(Rated E, 10,049 words, multichapter, complete)
There are certain moments in his life where Levi becomes aware of his limitations as a man. Painfully aware, if we're being blunt. Here now, with Eren straddling his lap, all starry eyed and pouty lipped, voice wrecked and begging for it, well...
AU. Levi was a neighbor and Eren's babysitter. Years later they meet at a bar. Things ensue.
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loominggaia · 3 years
Fan Creation: Nekos
Anonymous asked:
Okay I have put way, way to much thought into the cat girl monsters recently so here’s the results overthinking my joke post. The Neko is lv.3 humanoid monster created by the late zareenite ceo, Nelon Husk. While not a divine himself he is credited for having forged them, commissioning their creation by business partner/ co-owner of their company and a dworf divine, Mr. Hosfeild. The Neko where created out of Husk lust, him being a big hentia fan with a huge cat girl fetish.
Dissatisfied with normal women he sought to bring his porno fantasies to life. Husk was aware of the creation of demons and scoffed at ermos’s story, believing him to be a fool who didn’t create his monsters right. Believing himself smarter then a pathetic satyr, Husk found commissioned a divine, Mr. Hosfeild into creating his wanted cat girls. If they met his high standards Husk would make him a co-owner and business partner, he obviously accepted the challenge.
Mr. Hosfeild was no stranger to business and saw the young, mortal human as a lustful fool, but went along with it his scheme if he was that generous. What Mr.Hosfeild was unfamiliar with however was monster forging, given a lab and whatever resources he asked for by Husk he set to work creating the perfect cat girl by his clients strict list of criteria. On that list was that while they where to be lustful their satisfaction was not to be based entirely on sex.
In that stead he made their satisfaction more material based. After afew trial runs and failures eventually Mr.Hosfeild created a cat women who met all Husk standards and actually exceeded them. Thirty more “Neko’s” as they where named where created to fill out Husk harem and Mr.Hosfeild enjoyed his newfound position as co-owner. At first things seemed to going very well for husk and his feline harem, him enjoying fulfilling all his perverted and spoiling his Neko harem rotten.
He lavished his cat girl harem with gifts, positions in the company and whatever they wanted, whenever they asked. Knowing their loyalty was based off material satisfaction Husk thought that would be no problem seeing his great fortune. Things however would not stay this great for very long as many problems would soon arise. The more he spoiled his cat wives the more greedy they got, their demands got more frequent and more expensive.
They had also rapidly increased in number, going from the 31 originals to now well over 330 in less then five years. This was fixable according to him, as with how successful they where he and Hosfeild where taking about a new business idea to start selling these feminine feline monsters to consumers. He would never get to see this however as the company which had been in Husk family for generations was starting to tank due to his harem and neglect.
As his harem grew more demanding he started having to spend more time attempted to their desires then to his responsibilities as CEO. More and more money was being funneled to feed their ever expanding desires then to other more vital aspects, which alongside some of the Nekos taking to harassing employees caused many to quit. Firing and replacing a lot of chief personal with his Neko wives was not a smart idea either. At this point the Hosfeild became the only thing keeping the company alive.
Not only was his business life suffering but his personal life to. His neko wives where growing restless as his ability to satisfy them began to wane. Their loyalty and affection towards him began to decay, them growing violent when he couldn’t get them what they wanted fast enough. Clawing and biting him, tearing up his belongings and mansion and even stealing money directly from his personal and company accounts.
Eventually husk snapped, realizing his dream had become a nightmare. He blamed Hosfeild for his current predicament and fired him on the spot, believing he somehow programmed the Nekos to turn into these greedy monsters behind his back. Hosfeild denying such accusations and told him it’s entirely his fault he’s in this predicament, he’s the one that wanted and army cat women after all. After removing Hosfeild Husk sought to get rid of the cat girls so they would no longer plauge him.
Telling his harem to leave was of the table as they laughed him out of the room when he tried. Being more creative Husk used his rapidly dwindling funds to hire a small militia group to completely exterminate the Nekos. His plan was to lure his harem into a inescapable trap where the militia will ambush open fire on them, hopefully killing them all. All seemed to be going as planned but before it could be enacted someone in the militia group snitched to his harem about the death trap.
Enraged the whole hoard of Nekos turned on Husk, everyone descending onto him to rip him apart before fleeing. Weeks later authorities found him, or Atleast what was left of him. All they found was the mansion completely torn apart, claw marks everywhere with furniture, art, lighting everything in the house completely destroyed. They found the pieces of Nelon Husk body scattered all around the trashed mansion, looking as if he’s been torn apart and eaten by wild cats.
By that point the killer cat girls had long since fled, taking to the streets of zareen in search of new masters to spoil them. After his death Mr.Hosfeild bought and quickly restored the company back to a working state. In truth he had known something like this might happen and though it served that fool right. Mr.Hosfeild kept remembered the designer monster idea he and the late husk had and decided to run with it, the Neko thing being only a minor setback.
Biding his time and gathering reassures, infrastructure and patents to create designer monsters for consumer production and pleasure. Hopefully of a less perverted kind. That conclude the origin story of the Nekos, and what was originally just a joke post. BYW expect Chptr 11 of New York to be coming really soon.
As for Neko biology they look like a cross between a human women and a house cat in a similar orientation to faunae. Neko may actually be mistaken for faunae but lack horns and look more like house cats then wild cats. They range greatly in skin and fur colors and body shapes but all are beautiful in appearance. They keep their youthful appearance all throughout their short life. Their lifespan is similar to a cats, becoming adults by three years old and live about 16-20yrs.
Despite their beauty and grace they are rather dangerous having the strength, agility, senses and razor sharp claws and fangs of big cats. They also have a lot of feline behaviors such as scent marking, licking themselves to clean, pooping in dirt, climbing into high places and so on. Their general attitude is described as aloof, selfish and finicky, switching moods at seemingly the drop of a hat. One minute their affectionate and the next their claws and hissing for no reason.
Nekos are very similar to demons and are often compared to them. Both have a similar origin story and are rather lustful, being lusty and affectionate of a chosen master and turn violent of said master is unable to satisfy them. While a demons loyalty is bought by sexual satisfaction, a Nekos loyalty is bought by material satisfaction. Nekos are an all female species and where made to require human men to reproduce. Unlike demons who go after lonely, pathetic people Nekos target the wealthy.
While male humans are preferred, they will target anyone of suitable wealth. Once they find a prime mate or “master” they will proposition them into a sugerbaby type arrangement where they provide sex in return for being pampered. If they say no then the Neko will leave but if they say yes then they become their master. Despite the known risk many rich folk accept becoming a Nekos master, finding their exotic beauty irresistible (the mating pheromones Neko’s secrete defintionly helps in this).
Once a person has chosen to become a Nekos master they will be lavished in affection and sex by the Neko in return for pampering her. For as long as the master can continue to meet his feline mistress’s demands she will stay loyal to him. If they fail to meet her demands that’s when the problems start, Nekos are much like the humans and house cats that make them, their never satisfied with what they have and get greedier the more their pampered.
The longer a Neko is pampered the more demanding they become. Their request become more extreme and become violent when their demands are not met or are below their standards. Their known to claw at and bite their masters, leaving them with nasty wounds. Their rage is not limited to their master but also towards their family and belongings as well, stealing valuables and destroying furniture to make their point known or even attacking the masters family.
If the Nekos demands continue to not be met their tantrums get more frequent and violent. Until eventually they either leave on their own or outright attack their master, their being many cases of Nekos mauling their masters to death in their greed fueled tantrums. Like Demons are their are Nekos who don’t mean harm but struggle to control their desires.
Their range is mostly limited to Evik, with high concentrations found in Zareen. These monsters are generally considered pest with many public psa’s warning people to not get involved with them.
Anon, I love this. I know it’s supposed to be a bit of a shitpost, but it’s honestly great. It has so many elements of classic folklore but with a silly urban twist. As soon as I saw the name Nelon Husk I thought “Oh, this is gonna be good” lmao
The sad thing is, I could totally see some wackjob Zareenite CEO doing something like this...I think realistically, the Zareenite military would have exterminated these things before they got out of control, but who knows. Anything can happen, especially when rich people are involved and bribing everyone in sight.
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Wild Meets Wild Chapter Three
It was hard, saying goodbye to Silverpine City for Rusty. He could tell it was the same for Princess and Smudge. This place, even though they were leaving it behind, was their home for six months, basically their world. They could never see the sights, and inhabitants that lived here again. They would never sniff the same scents again. Rusty would always remember that he came from the City; even if he became a Warrior, he would never forget his origins as a cat that lived on Lucky Land Lane.
Penumbra was the first cat they saw, chilling by a black fountain birdbath. The Black and Gray Chimeria’s face shot up to greet them, four ears crowning her head. “Hello, Smudge, Rusty, and Princess! What brings you here today…” she trailed off when she saw their solemn faces. “Why do all of you have expressions like you are about to make a life-changing decision?” Penumbra meowed.
Rusty met her gaze, but before he could speak, Smudge beat him to it. “We are,” the black-and-white tom said, then seemed to hesitate.
Penumbra cocked her two-toned head. “What?”
The trio nodded. “We’re going to live with the Clans,” Rusty said, “So we came to say goodbye.”
Her nose wrinkled. “You can’t be serious,” she growled, sitting up. “Those snotty cats with their “blood-lines” and their “boundaries?” ” Her tail swished behind her, her long-furred tail catching dust.
“That’s right,” Princess said.
“You three might be crazy,” Penumbra began, her voice hard initially. But when she glanced at Smudge, her tone softened a little. “They will never accept you. Any of you.”
“We know that realistically,” Smudge said, “some cats won’t accept complete strangers into their home. But hopefully with time, our efforts can make some see otherwise, and they will call us clanmates.”
Her whiskers twitched. “Always an optimist, Smudge? That won’t protect you out there in the forest.”
“We’ll keep him safe, don’t worry,” Rusty purred. Princess nodded in agreement.
“Well,” Penumbra said. “You need to try to come to visit. And if I see one hair on your pelt is harmed, Smudge,” she glared at Rusty and Princess, “you’ll have me to answer to me.”
Rusty nodded. “Of course,” he said, blinking. She acted tough and had a soft spot for Smudge, but at the same time, she had a lot of faith in him. “He’ll be ok, Penumbra.”
One set of ears twitched on her head. “He’d better be,” she said.
“We’re going to say goodbye to Johnny and Sephiroth,” Princess said. “Do you want to tag along?”
The molly looked at Smudge, then at Rusty and Princess before sighing. “Okay, but if any Clan Cat tries to spout “pure-blood” rhetoric at me then I hope they have the cat version of medical insurance because I’m not dealing with any bullshit-nonsense. I already have to deal with that from Razoul, no need to get it from some Larpers.”
“Noted,” replied Rusty. He hoped that Lionheart didn’t piss Penumbra or the others off, but he didn’t see the golden tom to be the type to gloat about blood-lineage. Hopefully, they shouldn't have to deal with that once they got to the Clan.
Penumbra sneezed before getting up. “Come on, Sephiroth should be outside sunning his fur by now.” And with that, she took the lead. Blinking in surprise, the others looked at each other before following her.
They had to pass two gardens before they saw the large Nebelung, and sure enough, he was sunning on the patio table that was on the deck. Penumbra wasted no time calling his name. “Sephiroth, come down here, you have visitors. Smudge, Rusty, and Princess!”
The tom grumbled before opening his yellow eyes. “What?” Looking down, he spotted the quartet of cats amassed below him. “What’s going on here? Penumbra, your voice can wake up the dead,” he muttered.
“Rusty and the others have something to say...unless you think you’ll chip a claw and faint if you come down?” she sneered.
Princess shook her head, “Those two argue like old mates, I won’t be surprised if they have kits when we leave,” she said under her breath.
Sephiroth sprang down from his resting place and padded up to them. “Okay, I’m down here, what’s going on?” meowed the dark gray tom, his deep voice vibrating in Rusty’s ear fur.
“Smudge and the others are leaving to join some country hicks who think they're the shit,” Penumbra replied, blue and yellow eyes staring straight at the Nebelung’s face.
Sephiroth’s eyes grew comically large. “Country hic—you mean the Clans? Why would you want to join them? All they do act that they are Gods’ Gift to the world, and then get mad when you even step over the fence. Last time I checked they don’t own the damn city, so why get so torn at that?”
Rusty cleared his throat before talking. “Me and Princess want to join because our owners want us to enter a very high Show-Cat Circuit, and we refuse to put up with all of the drama that goes with it. As for Smudge, one word: Donovan.”
Penumbra’s head turned so fast Rusty was surprised it didn’t break. “Donovan? That little ba- that guy with the dead fish-eyed look? Why didn’t you mention that?” she hissed in anger. “This makes more sense now,” a sympathetic look came into her eyes. “Smudge, you feared for your life, didn’t you?”
Smudge nodded his head. “Donovan is unpredictable, and Charlie and his sister can’t keep an eye on him at all times. Better play it safe. Besides, I want to become a Medicine Cat, apparently, the Clans have some knowledge of herbs, which makes sense since they didn’t all die from some sickness or infections. I can contribute so much Penumbra, I know I can!”
The she-cat stared long at Smudge before she spoke. “I truly hope that you find meaning in this Clan Smudge. Same goes for you Rusty, Princess. Don’t let some glorified Backyardigans tell you can’t strive to do things, show the Clan and everyone in it what cats from Lucky Land Lane can do.”
“Penumbra is right, don’t let them shame you for being born somewhere else. They might not like you since you were born over the fence, but don’t let them say you will never amount to anything just because you don’t have Clan blood, whatever that means.” Sephiroth then looked pensive. “Are you taking anything with you by the way? Maybe if you bring some gifts like a blanket, some will be more accepting of all of you. Winter nights in this country can get harsh, taking one can help.”
Princess’s head shot up. “We did consider that! It was Smudge's idea, so this morning we took three blankets along with some toys for any kittens.” She didn’t bring up Bonnie or PK, much to Rusty’s relief. He didn’t need Penumbra to find out about his plush, or she’ll bring it up that he still needs a stuffed toy to go to bed.
Sepiroth cocked his head, “How do you plan to carry all of that by the three of you? You know what, I’ll help, I'm sure Penumbra would be thrilled to help Smudge.”
Penumbra glared, but Smudge cut her off before the two can argue even more. “We still need to talk to Johnny, Winry, and Seng. Can we please hurry?”
Sephiroth grunted and went to Princess’s side. “Lead the way then.”
Johnny’s backyard always made Rusty envious. Various garden statues from fantasy games littered the lawn, and he even had a koi pond that his owners defended like it was their newborn child, along with catnip plants in colorful pots.
Johnny was located by a garden statue, a red flower with black eyes from games that have some human with a mustache jumping down some green pipes.
The orange tabby seemed to notice that he had company since he started to wheel himself towards them. Today, he wore a white bandana with blue stars on it. “Is anyone going to explain why they are five cats in my backyard? I mean, I’m grateful that I have visitors, but I have a hunch that I’m not going to like what I’m going to hear.
He was right.
After getting a quick rundown from Rusty, Johnny shook his head. “Well, if that is what you want to choose, then I hope that everything turns out well for the three of you. I can’t blame you either, with you and Princess becoming a bunch of fashion divas and Smudge wanting to leave his home so he won’t be hurt. Trust me, I wouldn’t wish to stay in homes like that on my worst enemy. Granted, if they got hit by a fully loaded speeding semi-truck, then I'm fine with that.”
Rusty pointedly ignored the two bullet-shaped scars on the tom’s back, the reason why Johnny had to be in that wheelchair. The tom refused to talk about his past, and only said he came from a rescue center and is now happy with his new owners, especially their daughter, Erina. He also hated to be seen as a liability and would grow cold to anyone who tried to baby him.
“It’s nearly time, how about we stop by Winry and Seng before we get the things and leave?” meowed Rusty.
Johnny snorted. “I’m coming along. I want to be there to see these “wild cats” that I keep hearing about. Too bad I missed Henry fight that tom, I was at the vet getting shampooed.”
Johnny then noticed the looks he was getting. “There’s a hole in the fence that some humans can’t be bothered to fix, I can just go right through it. I’m not stupid, I know I can’t climb the fence,” he said, voice full of irritation.  
The others had the decency to look embarrassed, and the group of five became six.
To Rusty and the other’s disappointment, Winry and Seng didn’t seem to be out at all. “That’s right, they should be at HeartGold Park at this time. I guess in all of the excitement, it left our minds,” glumly replied Princess.
“We can tell them what happened,” mewed Penumbra reassuringly. Softly headbutting her in the shoulder, she went on, “They’ll understand, knowing Seng, she’ll be happy that you are happy.”
Princess’s eyes glittered with emotions. “That’s the kindest thing you’ve ever said to me. I’ll never forget that.”
“Good. Don’t get used to it,” She said in a light voice.
“Hey, what about me?” asked Rusty. He didn’t get any encouraging words!
“You two are littermates, you two can share it,”
While Johnny went through the hole he talked about, the others raced back to the garden that Rusty and Princess used to call home. Grabbing PK in his mouth, he carried the autumn blanket carefully as he could on his back so it won’t unfold. Princess carried the Starry blanket and Bonnie, and Sephiroth and Penumbra carried the Jack o Lantern between them since it was the largest. Smudge held his lunchbox in his jaws.
Once over the fence, they saw Johnny was already on the other side. “Finally! I thought humans would have created flying cars by the time you five came here!”
Sephiroth surprisingly rose to his bait. “Okay, oh Sultan of Speed, how about you carry this with Penumbra then? You the only one that doesn’t have any cargo. How’s that fair?”
Johnny puffed out his chest. “It’s because I never volunteered to, I just wanted to see Clan cats and say goodbye to the others. Penumbra is right, you don’t deserve that name. The real Sephiroth wouldn't have whined about holding some fluffy blanket, do you need your beauty rest so you won’t pass out from this grueling labor?!" taunted the orange and white tom.
“Time to go,” hissed Smudge. He was getting antsy, and quite frankly so was Rusty and Princess. Honestly, he loved these cats but they can’t argue right now when Lionheart should be on his way
“Alright, alright,'' said Johnny. “Lead the way."
As they approached the spot where they met the Clan Cats yesterday, Johnny looked around with interest. “Huh, who would have thought that this is behind the fence after all this time. Just how far does this place go anyway?” he wondered out loud.
Penumbra saw a squirrel’s bushy tail darted up a tree with abundant speed. "This makes me want to catch a squirrel or even a bird back home,” she replied. “It feels peaceful here too, I’ll give those forest cats that."
“Okay, we're here, right on time,” muffled Rusty behind the toy.  Dropping his cargo, Rusty sat on the grassy floor with a sigh. The others copied his actions, with them carefully placing the items on the soft grass. “These cats better appreciate this, I swear if someone spits on our faces for “bringing frivolous things" than they can catch these paws with their face,” said Penumbra, whiskers twitching.others
Rusty, Princess, and Smudge shook their heads. With Penumbra’s owner being an MMA fighter, that sounded less of a threat and more of a promise.
Rusty turned his head to take in their surroundings. Tall trees shielded the ground from the midday sunshine, making it comfortably cool. Here and there a patch of sunlight shone through a gap in the leaves and lit up the forest floor. Rusty could smell the same cat-scent as last night, and as a matter of fact, he picked up Lionheart’s scent, along with two unknown ones nearby.
“Lionheart! Is that you? You can come out with your friends!” meowed Rusty, which caught the attention of others.
“Someone is here?” replied Johnny, looking around in surprise.
The bramble bush in front of them shook before Lionheart walked out of the undergrowth.
“So you scented me, that’s a good sign that you are aware of your surroundings." His gaze never left the unknown cats as he came to a halt. “Whitestorm, Stonefoot, you can come out now too," he meowed.
‘Who’s Whitestorm and Stonefoot?’ was the thought that was on everyone’s minds.
The city cats watched as two new cats strolled into the clearing. One was a long furred white tom that had a hint of grey on his ears, tail, and face, while the other one had Russian Blue ancestry, and had very faint traces of stripes on his tail and legs.
“Lionheart? Who are these cats? I thought you said there would be three of them? And what are those things beside them? They smell like it came from two-leg place," said the greyish tom, who must be Stonefoot.
Rusty stared at the tom, he resembled Bluestar greatly. ‘Is he related to her by chance?’
Smudge picked up on this and cocked his head to the side as he glanced at the grey cat. “Excuse me Sir, are you related to Bluestar by any chance?”
Stonefoot inclined his head. “Yes, I am. I’m her son, and she was made Deputy when my siblings and I were still kits by her side.” His voice was filled with pride when he mentioned this, and he turned to face the white tom next to him.
Whitestorm, who was probably named for his fur, spoke up. “I have to say, when Bluestar said that they were kitty pets that resembled Leopardshine and was nearly the size of our biggest Warrior, I had a hard time picturing it. But now, I can see why she extended an offer to join the Clan."
“But to answer Stonefoot’s question, who are these cats Rusty?” mewed Lionheart, his voice having the slightest edge to it. Rusty wondered why until it hit him. He might think it is some trap since he had only expected the three of us. He doesn’t know about Pen, Sephiroth, or Johnny.
"I guess it is fair we introduce them." Using his tail, Rusty pointed at his friends. “This is Penumbra, Sephiroth, and Johnny. They decided to send us off when we told them we were leaving and offered to carry gifts for your Clan."
Meeting the Clan Cats gazes, he continued. “As for those items over there; we figured since you said nights can get cold, we brought blankets, something that can keep you warm. We also brought some toys for any kittens for entertainment.”
The cats gave their own greetings.
Penumbra nodded her head. “I always wondered what a Clan Cat would look like, so it’s nice to meet you three,” she said. Smudge gave her a quick glance, and Rusty assumed she was putting a friendly face so she won’t come off needlessly antagonizing.
“And no, I can’t hear out of the other pair of ears, apparently they are for show,” the molly answered.
“Yes, my back legs don’t work. This is called a wheelchair, and it helps me get around so I don’t have to drag myself whenever I want to move,” said Johnny. He wheeled himself in a tight circle to prove his point.
Lionheart, Whitestorm, and Stonefoot looked on with wide eyes.
“I never imagined that I’ll see a cat with Russian Blue ancestry in the forest. And one that somehow has ghost stripes as an adult! I know humans who would pay good money to have you as a pet!” Sephiroth told Stonefoot.
Stonefoot had a look of confusion in his bluish eyes. “...Thanks?”
Whitestorm went to the Jack o Lantern blanket and pressed down on it with his paw. Golden eyes took on a contemplative shine. “Lionheart, Stonefoot, I think they are right. The Elders and The Queens can make use of these.”
Rusty secretly did a fist pump in his head. They seemed okay with it so far!
The tom then looked at PK and Bonnie. “Are those for the kits? They sure are… colorful looking.”
“No, those two are very special and belong to us,” replied Princess. “The toys for the kits are in Smudge’s lunchbox.” She tossed her head to the Spidey themed tin box.
Rusty grimaced as Penumbra got a look in her eyes. “Rusty still needs a toy to go to bed? Oh man, why didn’t you tell me this before you decided to leave? I could have held this over him.”
The savannah tom sighed in resignation. At least she wouldn’t have the time to actually do it.
“Speaking of my lunchbox, can I please train to become a Medicine Cat? I’ll listen to every word my mentor says and my tin box can hold a lot of herbs!” said Smudge with hope in his golden eyes.
Stonefoot stared at Smudge in surprise. “You want to become a Medicine Cat? Hmmm, I’ll let Bluestar and Spottedleaf know that there is a potential apprentice that wants to join. If they say yes, then your odds are good.”
Smudge practically glowed with excitement.
“Can me and the others help carry this to the Clan? If that’s okay with all of you,” asked Penumbra.
Rusty looked at Lionheart with hopeful eyes. Princess and Smudge did the same.
Whitestorm and Stonefoot gazed at the golden tabby, who thought about this question.
“Only because your gifts seem like a pawful to carry.” Looking at Penumbra, Sephiroth, and Johnny, he went on. “It is an honor for outsiders to come to our camp, but don’t try to come back to our territories to catch prey, or you will be chased out.”
Smudge spoke before Penumbra could. “They know not to trespass, Lionheart. Right guys?”
Sephiroth nodded, though his eyes held a spark of irritation at the accusation that he’d hunt in foreign territory.
Johnny shrugged his shoulders. “The Valentines give me beef, poultry, and pork for my meals. So I’m good on that end.”
Penumbra bristled at Lionheart’s tone but nodded her head. “I’m fine with the prey back over the fence, you won’t find any squirrels missing from me.”
Lionheart nodded. “Good to hear. Stonefoot, you can…” he trailed off as the wind suddenly brought new scents into the clearing. Something familiar to the City cats.
Hissing, Lionheart’s fur fluffed up. “Dogs! Dogs are coming straight towards here! You five, hide over there and we sho—”
Out of the bushes shot out two large dogs. One was a brindle Greyhound, and the other was a fully grown black and tan Tibetan Mastiff.
The Clan cats jumped back, the scent of fear and alarm coming off of their fur in waves.
Rusty gaped at the sight, before yowling in joy. “Seng! Winry. You came!”
The dogs now known as Seng and Winry halted in front of the group of felines. The Greyhound huffed, before doing something that nearly gave the Clan cats a collective heart attack.
She spoke. Clearly.
“Why is it that when Seng and I came back from the Park, we find you,” she pointed her nose at Rusty, “Your sister, and the other’s scents near our houses that led all the way to the forest?”
Looking at Lionheart, Whitestorm, and Stonefoot, she then cocked her head. “Are you those Clan cats that think they are descendants from Wild Cats? Because I find that really funny when you live right next to a city, mate."
Whitestorm’s eyes bulged out of his skull. “T-t-talking dogs?!” The poor tom looked like he was going to faint from shock.
“That’s a nice Shaggy impression you got going on there,” replied Penumbra. She watched the spectacle with amusement.
Johnny shushed her, but he had the same expression.
Seng went ahead and licked Rusty’s face eagerly. Causing his fur to stick up. “Rusty! Why are you here? You could have gotten hurt, or worse! The animal catcher could have grabbed you!”
Rusty shook his head to fling off the remaining slobber. “The animal catcher won’t go after us since we have collars Seng, but thank you for your concern." He really meant it. Now they could say goodbye in person, and not by second hand.
Winry narrowed her eyes as she looked at the two Savannah cats and Turkish angora, then at the pile of blankets, before at the Clan cats, who seemed to be stuck in a flight or fight mode.
“Rusty." Her voice took on a knowing edge, which made him shuffle his paws. “Are you planning on joining the forest cats?” Seng shot up from furiously licking Smudge’s face with wide eyes.
“Huh? Winry what are you on about?” the Tibetan Mastiff got up and met Rusty’s green eyes. “Is Winry telling the truth?”
Rusty fought the gulp as he saw the confusion in her massive face. Winry and Seng were the only dogs that were their friends besides Oscar, and he was more of a friendly elder. Rusty didn’t want to break her heart, but he needed to tell her the truth.
But before he could, Princess answered both of their questions. “Winry is right. Me, my brother, and Smudge are leaving to join the Clan. Pen, Sephiroth, and Johnny came to help carry some things we’ll need for our new lives.”
Winry flicked her ears while Seng surprisingly growled low. “Are they making you do this against your will? If so I”ll—”
“No." Lionheart finally got over his shock, though his eyes were slitted and his tail was puffy. “They wanted to join our Clan with their by their own will. Bluestar won’t force them."
Whitestorm made a noise along with Stonefoot. “Rusty and his friends crossed the fence last night during our patrol, and it was our Leader who offered. She doesn’t make those on whims, which tells us that they have the potential to become something greater," rasped Whitestorm.
“It’s true Winry. Seng. Rusty and Princess wanted to join to escape becoming Show-Cats, while I had to leave because of Donovan," Smudge told them. He didn’t want them to think Lionheart and the others were trying to coerce them into something they didn’t want.
Rusty and Princess nodded in agreement. Penumbra lifted her head. “While I don’t like it, they do want to join, and I wish them the best in their endeavors.''
Winry showed teeth at the name Donovan. “Ouch. Sorry to hear about that Smudge. Heard that the guy is a real headcase."
Seng swung her head to Whitestorm, who stood his ground despite his whiskers vibrating. “You will protect them with all of your might. Right?" While her voice didn’t have any malice in it, the white tom felt the underline pressure in that sentence. The silent ‘Or Else’ was easily picked up by his Clanmates.
“We will protect them with our life, as they will protect ThunderClan," spoke Stonefoot. It seemed that he finally got over the shock, and he looked at the dogs with some kind of awe.
Rusty was confused. Sure, Seng was massive, but other than that, what confounded the Clan Cats so? They know what dogs were, so why act like that?
It seemed like he wasn’t the only one who thought of that. “So, why did you lot act like you just saw a funnel-web spider when we talked? Are dogs talking that big of a revelation to you?” spoke Winry. She had laid down on her side, since sitting down was a bit of a problem for her species.
Stonefoot and Lionheart took a step back. Leaving Whitestorm to speak for his Clan. The tom swung his head and hissed at this betrayal before reluctantly meeting the dogs faces.
“I mean no offense, but the Clans haven’t… had the best experience when it comes to dogs. Some attack us on sight with no provocation, and we never actually heard them talk. Just bark, with a splattering of words. Also, we see dogs with their two-legs on the trail, but I had never seen one big as you." He nodded to Seng, who stomped her paws. Small clouds of dust kicked up in the air.
“Well, dogs can speak, some just don’t try to learn to speak as you cats do." She then let out a series of barks that the city cats could make out as “My name is Sengdongma, and I like to chew on deer antlers."
Whitestorm and the others twitched at the sound but didn’t seem to pick on what she said. “See, that was me talking in the language of dogs. Some city cats know it, like those cats over there”.
A gold, white, and grey head turned to look at them in surprise. “You can understand dogs?!” sputtered Stonefoot. Rusty puffed his chest out with pride. “Yep! We can understand humans too. You have too if you live in the City”.
Winry then took over. “As for dogs attacking you, I really can’t hazard a guess as to why they do that. Unless they are arseholes and help to push the stereotype that dogs hate cats for no reason."
Whitestorm looked pensive before he cleared his throat. “Thank you for this conversation, Winry, Seng. But Bluestar is waiting for us back at camp, and we must make haste to return to it," he mewed.
“What about your collars?” asked Winry. She had gotten to her paws, and pointed at their collars and bandana with her nose.
Rusty had nearly forgotten about them. Their collars! Would the Clan accept them if they still had it on?
Seng had seemed to figure it out. “Hold still Rusty." Lowering her head to his neck, she bit the band and pulled. A quick pinch to his neck, and a loud snapping sound resounded in the clearing. Dangling from her jaws was his collar, snapped cleanly in half.
In total shock, Rusty took a deep breath and felt the hold of the thing that was around his neck as long he could remember disappear.  
Princess’s blue eyes shone with realization. “Of course! You’re a genius, Seng. Can you do me next please." Said dog padded over to her, and a couple of seconds later, Princess’s collar met a fate similar to his.
“I feel so free!” she meowed. Turning her head this way and that, she turned to Seng. “Thank you so much, who knows how we could have gotten them off in the Clan?”
“No need to do mine Seng” Smudge simply sat on his haunches before he used his forepaws to play with the bandana around his neck. Soon, it became undone, and it fluttered to the ground.
“Thank you for helping out” replied Lionheart. “You three, take your collars, it will show Bluestar and the Clans that you mean what you say you want to join.” Stonefoot, show the others to our camp since they are holding things that require an easier path. Rusty, Princess, and Smudge are with me and Whitestorm."
“They’ll visit us right?” muttered Seng as she watched the cats get ready to leave. Stonefoot turned his head as he led Penumbra and the others to the side of the clearing.
“That is up to Bluestar, but I’ll make sure she considers it." And with that, they all disappeared into the thicket, Johnny’s ginger tail brushing the forest floor.
“Goodbye, Seng, Winry," Rusty said. They each passed their tongues over his face, then did the same to Princess and Smudge, their tails low but wagging faintly. They then lapped the cheek fur of Whirestorm and Lionheart, who blinked and fluffed out their fur a bit in surprise.
Seng looked at Rusty. "It's been fun," the mastiff said. "Be safe, you three."
"We will," Princess replied.
“We’ll show everyone just what Silverpine cats can do,” said Rusty.
Whitestorm and Lionheart nodded. Rusty collected his now broken collar along with his stuffed toy. With Princess and Smudge beside him as they followed the two warriors, Rusty took one last glance at the canines who befriended them.
“We will see each other again," woofed Seng. Then she, along with Winry, ran back to their homes.
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dzamie-oc · 5 years
3: Collect
“Come on, Rinta, we’re running out of time!”
Kassar put all the strength of his little scaly body into propping the heavy door open. In the center of the room, his yellow-brown denmate brandished her glowing, magic staff at a set of living suits of Katul-shaped armor, keeping them barely at bay behind a glowing wall of floating runes. In her off-hand, she carried a large, green jade stone, shaped like a cat. The kobold mage cast a glance towards her friend and almost froze; fortunately, innate kobold instincts to stay alive kicked in, and instead, she dove towards him, throwing out one more magical shield between her and the metal menaces. It didn’t last even half a second before the enchanted armor shattered the barrier, dispelling the magic into quickly-vanishing motes of golden light. However, it was enough: Rinta threw her staff through the door and leapt over Kassar to safety; the male rolled to the side and barely pulled his dark green tail clear of the thick stone doors before they slammed shut.
The pair panted heavily in the circular room, wanting nothing more than to collapse and catch their breath spread-eagle like scaly starfish. That sort of thinking is what got other adventurers killed, though, so Rinta warily picked up her staff and cast light around the room. After a couple of seconds, Kassar rose to his feet, picking up and brandishing his sword at the various doors around the room. When nothing shot forward to attack them, they finally settled down, Kassar sheathing his blade and Rinta setting down the jade statuette, though she held onto her staff. The swordfighter rummaged around in his pack, pulled out a pair of amputated wolf legs, the fur scorched off and the flesh seared on the outside, and wordlessly held one out to the female kobold. She took it with a hungry grin and eagerly tore into the meat with sharp, carnivorous teeth.
For several minutes, the two scaly adventurers ate in relative silence, the only noises being their heavy breaths and loud ripping of wolf meat. When scarcely more than the bones were left in their hands, Rinta pointed hers at Kassar, exclaiming cheerfully, “en garde!” Kassar rolled his eyes and batted the bone away with his own, and the two playfully clacked the bones together in a mock duel. They traded swings a few times before Rinta’s bone broke, then finished their meal with satisfied chirps and murmurs. Rinta was the first to stand up, stretching; she then pointed her staff at the stone. With a few muttered words, a yellow glow surrounded the cat statue, and it shrunk to fit in the kobold’s hand. She handed it off to Kassar, who set it with the other ten in his bag.
“So, just one more, right?” Rinta asked, looking at the various doors around the room - two dozen in total, half open. Each door had a basic symbol over them; the one they had just escaped from had a cat, matching the open one elsewhere in the room. One entrance, one exit. “All we have left is, what, the... snakes?”
Kassar nodded, pointing at the open door with the carving of the snake over it. “Yep. You all set?”
“Yeah, just hold up a moment. Something tells me that I ought to guard us from acid and crushing.” Rinta planted her staff on the ground, and a glowing yellow circle spread out from the point, growing under the two kobolds. The light spread over their scales, wrapping them tightly in magical warmth for a second while the two enchantments sank into their bodies. The mage withdrew her staff, the swordsbold drew his sword, and the pair walked through the door together.
When they saw what lay ahead, they both sighed, annoyed. A relatively small room, a few carvings of snakes on the walls, and a large stone snake’s head, its jaws wide open, acting as a doorway to the tunnel beyond. In contrast to the simple wall decorations, the statue head was intricately detailed, realistically painted in mottled black and brown, and impeccably accurate. Kassar poked the pink tongue with his sword, and let out a sigh of relief when it clinked dully against stone.
Rinta tapped her claws on the stone floor, glaring at the snake’s head. “Thanks, I hate it,” she deadpanned. “If there’s a stone-to-flesh trap hidden around here, I’m going to eat that antique shop owner. Might not even shrink her first.” The dull yellow kobold poked her magically lit staff into the mouth, then stepped inside, only to be pulled back by a gently smiling Kassar.
“Fighter takes point, remember? I’m faster to block, and you’ve said it’s easier to heal others, yeah?” The two barely had to duck their heads as they climbed through the tunnel. The trip was uneventful, comprised of a long, twisty passageway that the kobolds, familiar with trapmaking, suspected was to make larger creatures cramped and less effective at fighting. After a few minutes of slow, cautious walking, they reached what looked like a dead end, but a firm push revealed an exit, swinging open. Kassar emerged, brandishing his sword... to an empty room. Rinta climbed out shortly after, and the tail-shaped exit shut automatically.
Holding her staff aloft, the mage cast light around the room. Unlike the entrance, the snakes in this room were more intricate. In the middle of the room was a pedestal, holding a jade statue of a snake, coiled like a thick, green rope; wrapped around the pedestal was a stone cobra, a dull red, with its head positioned over the statue. A few lengths of a large, stone python, colored just as the head-shaped entrance had been, entered and exited the walls through slightly larger holes; Kassar suspected it was the same themed passageway they had just left. Near the ceiling, a decorative trim was carved in low relief, various snakes coiled and woven and wrapped all around each other in a big, scaly tangle; this caught Rinta’s eye. Kassar noticed her staring, and stood next to her to see what she was looking at.
“This... kind of reminds me of the sleeping piles back in the den. Cozy, warm, and a nice sense of community.” She turned to tap her muzzle against his head, a light sign of companionship. “Because, no matter how hard you try, Kassar, you don’t quite give the same feeling as fifteen kobolds in one scaly pile.”
“The humans we occasionally delve with aren’t that great an addition, either,” the male kobold replied, nodding in assent, “you’d think they’d be fine with it, seeing as they’re better, wossname, homo-thermoses.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. Hopefully, Azurel’ll let us stick around a bit before we get back to it. Ooh!” Rinta exclaimed, her eyes sparkling, “maybe we’ll get lucky and we’ll be home on a night he joins us!”
The thought of their dragon leader curled around his den of kobolds set off happy thoughts and memories in both of the scaly adventurers, though they quickly managed to focus back on the task at hand. Kassar took up position by the closed door, and Rinta stood by the pedestal, both careful not to touch anything.
“Okay, button and book it on three. No trying to fight off a horde of armor, okay?” Kassar called out, hand right by the button to open the door and trip every trap in the room - just as all the others had done. Rinta gave him a thumbs-up... probably. He didn’t really look too closely at which digit was in the air. “Okay, one, two, three!”
Kassar pressed the button, Rinta swiped the statue, and there were suddenly two more live snakes in the room than there had been half a second prior. The cobra struck, its fangs finding only a stone pedestal, and its miss gave the yellow kobold a bit of time to book it towards the door; this time, she’d make it before it started to close.
The snakes, however, had other plans.
While the cobra was the most immediately dangerous, the other snake, that same python they had walked all the way through, landed the first hit. With jaws gaped wide, it scooped up the small kobold and swallowed, newly-animated muscles pushing her, her staff, and the statue down its throat. Kassar called out and leapt forward, sword at the ready, but was forced to dance back and parry a strike from the cobra. It hissed at him, and he hissed right back. While Rinta forced herself to stay calm, reminding herself that she had prepared for this exact convoluted predicament, her partner in arms stood off with the probably-venomous cobra, daring each other to make a move. Kassar bared his fangs, then flicked his vision away for the briefest moment; the cobra noticed and lunged forward. This time, instead of finding a stone or a sword in its jaws, it found only air, and, worse for it, the kobold’s blade found its neck, cleanly severing the stone-turned-snake. Shortly after, a flurry of golden cuts soared through the air, shredding open the big, intruder-eating snake and leaving scores all along the ceiling, floor, and wall. From the tattered remains of that section of the snake, Rinta stumbled out, still carrying her payload. Fueled by raw adrenaline, Kassar ran back over to the button and slammed his hand against it, opening the door once more; he and Rinta quickly absconded through the opening. To their relief, neither injured snake attempted to pursue them back into the central room.
“I’m a kobold of my word. I’m going to eat her. I’ll let her go after an hour or two.”
“Mm. Going for the irony thing, then?”
The duo packed up the last statue with the other eleven, Kassar sheathed his sword, and Rinta strapped her staff to her back. After quickly catching their breath, they began to climb out of the dungeon via a ladder in the corner.
“Not so much. Being eaten is for mammals and for those desired by dragons. But I said before: stone-to-flesh trap, I’m eating her. Sure, it didn’t get us while we were in the stupid thing, but it’s the principle of the thing.”
Rinta pulled herself out of the hole, then reached down to help Kassar. This time, they did lay down, soaking in the warm sun on their scales and, for Kassar, blending in a bit with the similarly-green plants around him. They’d un-shrink and turn in their quest once they got back to the town; for now, however, this was a fine reward and celebration.
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btsiguess · 6 years
Choices (m) - 1
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Summary: You didn’t think that when you woke up this morning you were going to go out and buy a hybrid. But really, ending up with this stupid cat might be the best thing that ever happened to you. Much to both you and Yoongi’s chagrin. 
Pairing: Yoongi/Reader
Genre: Fluff, eventual smut
Word Count: 2859, so just a drabble series guys.
Warnings: Reckless driving!!!
A/Ns: Oh look, another Yoongi fic. Are we surprised? No. And I’m also NOT sorry. Anyway, this idea has been bouncing around my brain for a while and so I just decided to go for it. It’ll just be a drabble series though, so shorter chapters! Because I’m an impatient bitch!!!!
Chapters: 1 2 3
“Honey, I just really don’t like the idea of you living in your own in such a big city!” Your mother chastises you over the phone. “You didn’t even leave home for college, and now this? Moving to Seoul on your own? I understand that this job is important to you but still… I wish you’d be realistic.”
Hard as it was, you try your best to be understanding of your mother’s concerns. It’s true that you’ve never been away from home before, but you aren’t incompetent. It had merely been a matter of money, and nothing more. And now, freshly out of college, you’ve been lucky enough to land a job with one of Seoul’s top marketing firms. You have your parents to thank for giving you the tools you needed to succeed - helping pay for school and even supporting you through unpaid summer internships and grant opportunities - you’re nothing but grateful for that. That’s why you always keep your mouth shut as your mother frets over your well-being, that’s why you bit back your protestations and sighs. It’s all in an effort to spare her feelings.
“Mama,” you finally renege, “you and dad have taught me so well. I’m old enough now, to be on my own. Besides, this is my dream job! I’m making way more money than a recent college graduate ought to be.”
The deep resigned sigh from the other end of the line tells you your mother is out of steam for today.
“What about getting one of those pets?” She suggests finally. “One of those hybrids you know? I’m sure your father and I would feel much more secure if you had a watchdog. And hybrid’s can even phone the police if something happens!”
You laugh quietly at your mother’s words. You suppose you were lucky, at least, that she wasn’t insisting on you finding a boyfriend.
“Mama, you know I don’t have the time for a hybrid. They’re a lot of work…”
“Oh I know sweetie but still it would just make us feel so much better, you’re so far away.”
Biting your lip, you glance at your watch. If you don’t wrap up this conversation soon, you are absolutely going to be late for work. And at only a few weeks into this new job, that’s something you simply can’t afford.
“Aish, alright mom, I’ll at least consider it.” You placate her. “But as of right now, I’ll have to let you go. I don’t want to be late for work!”
You bid your mother farewell and agree to talk at the same time the next day. She seems pacified by your promise to think over her request, and thus the end of the conversation goes quickly and smoothly. Soon you find yourself stepping out of your car, and striding inside the large building that houses your corporate offices.
You like your job, you truly do, but Monday’s are always the hardest. Not because it’s the start of a new week or anything, but just because every Monday your floor had a little team building meeting. One where you had to participate and talk to your fellow coworkers. It was mostly fine, but there were one or two people you could do without. Namely…
“I just didn’t know what else to do!” ahh, yes. Soojung.
Your absolute least favorite human being in this entire fucking office.
“He was a monster, I swear.” She’s seated at the large conference room table, a large gaggle of girls standing around her, listening to her speak.
“All he did was bite me and scratch me up whenever I went near him! I feel bad, you know? I’m apparently the third person to give him up! The shelter says they have no option but to put him down.” The girls around her nod in understanding.
“I know there are some hybrid shelters that are no-kill, but I just couldn’t stand to have him around for one second more!”
Holy shit, did she just say that the hybrid shelter was going to put someone down? Like… a genuine living, speaking, near-human hybrid?
What the fuck.
“Soojung,” you interrupt, and the entire group of girls looks at you in surprise. “Where did you say you dropped your hybrid off?”
And that’s how you found yourself standing at the front of a hybrid shelter as soon as your shift had come to a close. There was no way in fucking hell that you could just let some hybrid be murdered. Seriously. What the fuck? Still though, you eye the door somewhat apprehensively. You know you don’t exactly have what it takes to be the owner of a hybrid, but still… anything has to be better than being dead right? Right?
You draw a deep sigh and make your way inside. A small, plump woman greets you as you walk in and you do your best to swallow your nerves and smile at her.
“What can I do for you today, sweetie?” She coos, and you instantly feel uncomfortable. This is definitely a mistake, but you can’t bring yourself to leave. A literal life is on the line here.
“Actually, I just overheard some of my coworkers talking today. About how much they love their hybrids. I’m thinking about adopting one?”
“Well, you’ve absolutely come to the right place! Let me show you our--”
“Actually, I was wondering if you… well I read online that you guys are a, you know, a kill shelter,” the woman winces at your words, “and I was just wondering if you have any… I mean, like any hopeless cases. I just really would hate to see a hybrid put down you know? When I could provide them a good home.”
The woman’s face pinches up in a wholly unattractive way. As if your claims had personally offended her.
“There’s one, but you don’t want him.” she says.
“I mean, I think I can decide that for myself, no?” Is your curt reply.
The woman shrugs angrily, and steps out from behind her desk.
“Fine then. Follow me.”
She leads you through the showroom of animals, and you do your best not to look at anything but your feet. You don’t want to be persuaded into getting more than one hybrid, you’re a sucker for puppy dog eyes, and here they have them, well… literally.
Soon enough you’re brought into a back room, it seems to be for employees only, and your stomach quickly turns by what you see there.
A dark hybrid cat. Locked in a cage much too small for him. His hands are bruised and bloodied, as if he had tried - unsuccessfully - to fight his way out of his current predicament. He’s curled up in what looks like restless sleep, but as soon as you enter his eyes shoot open.
“This is him.” The woman tells you simply.
“Great,” you gesture to the cat before you, “I would like this hybrid, please and thank you.”
The woman gapes at you.
“You don’t even want to speak with him first?”
Your eyes shift briefly to the caged man, watching the way he follows your every move. There’s a small flicker of hope in the cat’s eyes, and so you shake your head.
“No, I don’t think that will be necessary. He seems perfect. Exactly what I’m looking for.”
She gives you a scowl before motioning for you to follow her back to the front. There’s way more paperwork than you thought there would be. And it’s over an hour later when another employee finally brings out the hybrid to you.
“No one likes a girl with a saviour complex you know.” The woman mutters towards you and you flinch slightly when another worker cheerily tells you to enjoy ‘your’ new hybrid. Your discomfort only grows when you see the cats eyes flash with anger.
It’s only later, when you and the cat are finally sitting in your car, that you realize what you’ve done.
“Oh my fucking god. What the fuck.” You mutter, glancing at the literal cat person next to you.
He gazes back, a look of uninterested confusion on his face.
“Why are you acting like this, human?” He says finally, and the low timbre of his voice takes you by surprise.
“What?” is the only thing you can think to say.
“You’re being annoying. Why are you being annoying?”
“Sorry.” You snap at him, sarcasm dripping from your voice. “When I woke up this morning I didn’t realize I was going to become responsible for another person’s wellbeing, thanks. Color me a little overwhelmed.”
The cat before you pauses slightly for a moment, his head tilting to the side, ears twitching. He says nothing for a while, and you grow more and more antsy with every passing second. What was this cat playing at, seriously?
“What?!” You finally lose your temper, but the cat merely smirks at you slightly, as if your outburst was exactly what he had wanted.
“You called me ‘person’ you know.” He says.
“Well aren’t you?” You try to collect yourself as you pull out of the parking lot.
“Not in the eyes of the law.”
Oh shit.
“Seem like a person to me.” You mutter under your breath. “Bitchy like a person.”
The cat scoffs.
“You passed the pet store.” He says, in lieu of replying.
“Why would I need to go to the pet store?”
The cat looks at you, incredulous before starting off.
“A collar? A leash? Fucking food? You aren’t put together in the slightest, there’s no way you have all that shit at home.”
You’re offended, but only because he’s right. You screech your car around in a dangerous U-turn while the cat beside you hisses and digs his claws into the fabric of your seat, tearing up some of the padding.
“What the FUCK are you doing?” The hybrid yells. “Are you trying to kill us?”
You pull calmly into the pet store, satisfied by the way you’ve worked the cat up.
“Mmm, not today. Let’s go.” You say, opening the car door. Again you’re greeted with a dubious look from your new companion.
“I can’t go in there without a leash and a collar.” He says finally.
“Oh geez.” You mumble. “I’m so not prepared for this and I’m going to kill us both.”
“Shut up, cat.” You snipe. “If I leave you here for like, two seconds will you be okay? I’ll run in and get a leash and collar so you can come in too and pick out what you want.”
The cat looks surprised but nods.
You crank the window down and motion for him to do the same. He doesn’t.
You roll your eyes and begin to walk away from the car anyway. Whatever. Let him suffocate. Whatever.
Suddenly a thought occurs to you and you spin quickly on your heels, leaning down to peer through the window of the car.
“What color?” You ask, and the cat tilts his head, his dark feline ears twitching once more.
“Like, what color leash and collar do you want? Any requests?”
The cat ponders for a moment, and you’re unsure whether he’s mulling over the question or the fact you’ve bothered to get his opinion in the first place.
“Black.” He says finally. “Leather, if they have it. Oh, and I’m a medium.”
You nod and give the cat a small thumbs up before hurrying inside. You’re not sure you trust your new companion in the car by himself, and so you try to work quickly. You locate the collars and leashes with relative ease, and try your best to pick out one that the cat waiting for you would like.
It’s no more than five minutes before you’re outside the shop again, and the cat merely shrugs at your choices for him. You’re a bit disheartened, but you try not to let it show too much. He’s supposed to be a problem cat or whatever. It is what it is.
He gets out of the car and stands before you. You’re a bit surprised at how tall the hybrid is. And it would take a fool not to notice how handsome, as well. You hope your cheeks don’t go as red as they feel, but when the cat raises his eyebrow at you, you know you’ve been caught.
“Here.” You say, holding out his collar and hoping he will accept the change of subject.
He takes it and quickly fastens it around his neck. It fits perfectly, and you notice that the cat gives a satisfied hum as he glances at his reflection in your car’s side mirror.
“S-Sorry.” You mutter as you hold out the leash to clip it onto his collar. Something about this feels so incredibly wrong, and it twists your gut. Your hands shake slightly as you try and attach the leash, your fingers coming in contact with the skin of the cat’s throat. The touch alarms the both of you, but neither of you elect to mention it directly.
“It’s fine. Rules are rules.” The hybrid tells you, gazing down at you. It’s an oddly intimate moment, and suddenly you step back, hoping to distance yourself from the man - the hybrid in front of you.
“Right.” You say, too loudly. “Let’s go.”
Despite you being the one with the leash, the cat is definitely leading. You let him. He knows more about this than you do.
“Here.” He says, stopping in front of a bright yellow machine. “You need to make me a dog tag.”
“A cat tag.” You mumble, earning a disinterested glance from the cat.
“Just hurry and make one. I’m not supposed to be going around without it.”
“Okay well… What type do you like? Just pick whatever.”
The cat hesitates once more, eyes trailing over the rack. He eventually selects a simple silver circle, and you nod your head in agreement. It would look absolutely gorgeous against the cat’s beautifully tan skin.
You place the tag into the machine, jumping slightly as it whirs to life, your action making the hybrid shake his head.
You dutifully follow the directions, typing in your address and apartment number and your telephone, lest the cat get lost and needs to be returned. You pause however when the final question appears:
What’s your companion’s name?
Oh fuck. You didn’t even know his name. You fucking suck.
“I’m sorry,” you start, glancing at him, “but I don’t know your name.”
The cat looks surprised, but not angry like you were expecting.
“What do you mean?” He questions. “You pick it.”
Your face must betray how horrified you are because his ears twitch at you, something you’re beginning to learn means he thinks you’re acting in an unexpected way.
“No, that’s too much.” You say finally. “You’re like, a whole adult man. You can pick your fucking name.”
The cat is still for a moment, as if he’s expecting you to laugh and take the opportunity away.
“I’m serious.” You reassure. “If you don’t pick, I’ll write something embarrassing. You look like a ‘Fuzzball’ to me.”
The cat moves faster than you’ve ever seen him.
You peek over his shoulder as he types in his name and then hits the ‘print’ button before you can change your mind. It’s with utter fascination that the two of you watch the laser etch out a beautiful looking ‘Yoongi’ onto the dainty tag.
“Yoongi?” you say, rolling the name over your tongue. “That’s a really beautiful name.  It really suits you.”
“Thanks.” Is his only response, as he scuffs his shoe along the ground.
You clip the little tag to his collar with some difficulty, but Yoongi doesn’t complain. He simply watches you there before him, eyeing interestedly the way your tongue peeks out of the corner of your mouth in concentration.
After that, Yoongi seems to be in higher spirits, carefully piling his wants and needs into your cart. You feel a little desperate, watching the price tag increase in your mind’s eye, but you know you have enough saved away, and seeing Yoongi look… well, as close to happy as you imagine he can get is enough of a reward for the hit your wallet is about to receive.
When you push you your carriage into the bedding section you watch Yoongi shrug and shake his head.
“I don’t need one of these.” He says to you, firmly.
“Oh? Why not? Do you prefer sleeping on the floor or something?” You puzzle.
The cat laughs for the first time since you’ve gotten him. A wide genuine laugh that pulls at the edge of his lips and makes him smile - really smile - for the first time. Your heart skips a beat in your chest.
“No.” He says, eyeing you. “I want to sleep in your bed. With you.”
You think you might pass out.
“Excuse me?” you choke out, weakly.
“Oh you know me,” he says, practically reveling in your surprise, “I’m a real big cuddler.”
With that, Yoongi winks and walks away. Leaving you to pick up your broken pieces all alone.
A/N: And there you go, have more garbage. Whatevs. @gimmesumsuga!!! You haven’t read this one yet because I wrote it in 20 minutes before I went to bed lol.
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forsaken-city-rp · 5 years
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Welcome to the Forsaken City!
We’re glad to see that you have arrived safely within the city limits.  You have three days to make your facebook and add the admins Z.Tao, Hoseok, and Seunghyun.  But be careful, the sun is rising quickly, and hunters are always on the move.
NAME, STAGE NAME, AND GROUP: Dong Sicheng, Winwin, NCT!
AGE:  He’s currently around 109 years, but permanently frozen at 23 years old!
SPECIES: Cat Sìth [Cat Sidhe]
An obsidian feline saunters nonchalantly through the city, blissfully enjoying the night life as it was a routinely occurrence; a relaxing exercise for when sleep seemingly evades the male, replaced by an irritating sense of restlessness, solely combated by tiring one’s body. It was an unusual sight to behold of a fearless cat trotting amongst the bustling humans, but the male thought nothing of it, merely staying put for any humans that cooed at him and offered him a piece of food; yet, it was his carelessness that landed him into a situation with the sight of, not one, but two hunters prowling the streets in search of anything highly peculiar. As if to further punish his nonchalant attitude, one of the hunter noticed the feline, growing keenly fond of Sicheng, and this, she began to click her tongue and speaking in a baby voice to attract the aforementioned male. In hopes of maintaining a realistic behavior, he raised a paw to appear as if he were ignoring the insistent calls, grooming himself in a display of cat-like behavior before hissing at the woman when she got to close.
Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to deter her as he was promptly lifted from the ground, experiencing a sense of weightlessness before meeting eye to eye with the female, who carried him contently back to her partner, scratching at his ears. A mischievous thought entered his head, wracking his mind for any spells that’ll do its trick upon contact, awaiting for his chance to pounce on the prey.
“Wouldn’t it be cute and ironic to call the cat, Salem?” the huntress inquired openly, continuously scratching at Winwin’s head. The latter sneezed as the fur kept getting near his nose, being somehow allergic to himself. It was funny to the male as they really didn’t expect him to be a witch-cat and he was terribly allergic to the species he modeled himself after.
Finally, an opportunity had opened itself as both of the hunters began to pet his fur, prompting Sicheng to murmur a spell underneath his breath, producing a sleeping spell from the contact as the huntress was hit by a dizzying moment before unceremoniously dropping the the ground in an unconscious fashion; it didn’t seem to affect the hunter as the latter realized Winwin was a rare cat sìth, uncommon to the bustling streets as the feline-male wriggled out of the arms of the huntress, launching himself at the Hunter’s face to scratch at it in hopes of activating the protective spell he had casted onto his claws in case of any attacks. It was thankfully fortunate he landed several flashes on the other’s face, using the spell’s momentum to stun the hunter. With such a useful spell, it did have a time window as onlookers glanced at their way, giving Sicheng a moment to slither away from the scene, bounding towards the direction of his home using the shadows of the alleyways to prevent any more hunters from sighting him.
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journal-of-a-gamer · 6 years
Who Am I
Chapter 11 : Nothing to Worry About
I opened my eyes, a red light of the purification room filled my cornea. Six to six ran between my legs into the room ahead of me. My pupils dilated and my heart began to beat like a mouse’s must when it knows a cat is eyeing it.
My right hand slipped down to my gun, my left rose to my communicator. I turned sharply; six to six could wait. “I’ve found Valentine, I repeat, I’ve found Valentine,” I blurted out while pressing down on the communicator. I turned the barrel of my gun and flicked on the flash light, there she was. Standing not even five feet infant of me, clearly surprised that I knew she was there, the clothes she had been wearing were in taters, cuts, gashes and black burn marks were all over her. She straightened herself upright, the beam of the flashlight bounced over her pale body glistening where blood was present.
Her arms were longer and more like a feral beast than that of a human being, the legs had become concave like a dogs, the nails on both her arms and legs had grown substantially. Her once red flowing hair had also continued to grow much like her claws but now it looked wispy and dead dangling down her entire body towards her knees.
I was looking into her eyes and her into mine, there was a confusion subtly painted on her face, how did you know I was here, I don’t know what happened but I didn’t want what happened last time to repeat itself again. I pressed my thumb down on the safety turning it off and engaging the laser guide to show where I was aiming. The green lasers danced over her body as dust specs flew in and out of the path of the light. Her body tensed the muscles in her legs looked ready to propel her body forwards like a rocket. I pulled the trigger, it provided a lot of resistance, the gas chamber ejected its contents down the ionising tube towards the ignition and out through the separator to eject the excess that the frame couldn’t handle and finally the ionised superheated gas was propelled out the tungsten barrel towards Valentine. The fire ball that exited the barrel was a dark blue, it gun kicked back and I could feel all the excess heated gas from the gun as it pushed back into my gut like an uppercut from a burly business man who you’d spilt coffee over his laundered suit. It hurt a lot, the air exited my lungs as fast as the projectile had left the gun, tears welled in my eyes and my teeth watered from the pain. Sliding back slightly with the recoil I doubled over forwards.
A split second passed and the fireball connected with Valentine. It’s dark blue hue illuminating her entire body blending her contours with the blue light. The ball burst over figure covering her body with the sticky dark blue flame, it’s tendrils whisking up over her body setting her long red hair alight.
In the passing moments everything blurred, Valentine let out a screech and hoped out of the corridor into the ducts to her side, the flames and smoke flowing her writhing form into the wall, the smell of burning skin, hair and clothes assaulting my nose as I readied myself to take he follow up shot. It was too late she had already made her way into the ducts of the ship where I couldn’t follow her and fire again.
After a while of looking up and down the corridor for any sign of a crispy Valentine I relented and made my way into the red light of the purification room. My footsteps clinked on the metal, I reached the console and reset the purification sequence. The machinery hissed and whirled and buzzed, the impurities in the air system were being removed along with the smell of burnt Valentine being replaced with the faint scent of lavender, I still don’t know why but Evana had insisted on the installation of a lavender unit, you could barely notice it until it was removing another smell much like the smell of Ewan’s many crock pot dinners. If anything it made it a little harder to tell what time it was all the way out here. I sighed and made my way towards the signal of Ewan’s rig.
The corridors felt longer than usual each clanking footstep over metal floor sent shivers down my spine, I hadn’t finished her off, realistically she could be anywhere; I spun around sharply with paranoia clutching my gun the whole time ready to blast away but instead of a monster all I seen was the dim grey steel corridor. With a heavy sigh that I turned back around, raised a holographic projection map with crew locators on and headed towards Ewan, the lonesomeness was getting to me more here than it even had before, it mostly just made me uneasy.
Ewan was in the hydroponics room, it wasn’t a huge room, probably about the same size as a single bedroom, but even than that was spacious for what it was, the machines in the room took up hardly any space. The idea was to use small durable filters at higher pressures, so in order to build more pressure a lot of the machines were smaller, still we could process one-hundred litres every twenty hours if we needed to; we never really needed to process that amount of water as the water tank on the ship could only hold 50L at any moment in time, but it was good to know we could if needed.
I placed my hand on the button for the door, my finger tips pressing onto the cold plastic. As I pushed the button down the skin on my finger tips pressed white with pressure, click, the slight resistance from the button gave way. With a flash the door slid open smoothly, the pulsating pale blue light pulsed out of the doorway into the steely corridor. Inside the machines purred away softly, the humidity of the room flowed out towards me, leaving my nose feeling clammy but dry to the touch. I removed my fingers from the button, it bouncing up to where it once sat, I took my first few steps into the room, my eyes scanned across the room as I slowly moved in, the shadows of the machine’s winding piping cast a wreath of shadow over the left most side of the room. The small blonde hairs rising all across my body sending a shiver down my spine as my first look into the room left me fruitless; he’s meant to be in here it says he’s in here.
I paced further into the small, humid room, a fine wetness developing on nose much like grease. I raised my arm to wipe the sensation away but not long after the removal of the damp it returned once again to irritate the surface of my nose, I sighed and continued to look for a trace of Ewan.
“Huh? what was that? Are you in here Ewan?” I stammered out in confusion, clutching at my gun. I looked around the room, my pulse began to ring in my ears, my eyes darted around the room. I ducked my head down under the tables and pipes trying to get a better look around the room; nothing, there was nothing to be found, he simply wasn't here. I had looked, the room wasn't big and there isn't anything to hide behind in there. I turned back towards the door and stamped my way towards it, sighing worriedly I raised my hand to the button and extended a singular finger.
I spun around, nothing. What the actual fuck is going on in here I thought to myself. I raised the locator map and narrowed in the search for just Ewan’s location blip; it was right beside me, I looked through the projection in the room, was I going mad? Flicking my eyes from the projection to the room it was evident he wasn't in here. I zoomed the map in closer, Ewan’s blip wasn’t exactly where you'd think it should be, it was actually moving up and down very slightly as if it wasn't sure if he was on the floor or not…
Slowly I raised my gaze up towards the feeling of the room, I felt my heart miss a beat. I felt sick, my stomach lurched and my teeth watered.
I found Ewan, or what the map said was him.
I clutched the side of my head, made my way into the darkest corner of the room and put myself between my raised knees while I sat on the floor, tears welled from both my eyes and as I began to sob Jenny pitched in on the radio, “Ewan, Clarke, how you two doin’ in there?”
I opened my coms, “It’s in here with us Jenny, it’s got Ewan I just found him…it’s horrible, please help me.” My voiced cracked and my body racked with sobbing.
“Fuck, okay, you need to open the lockdown and we’ll hunt this piece of shit down, okay, we’ll make it through this.” I couldn't tell if she was trying to reassure me or herself at this point.
“Okay, I’ll see you soon.” I got up from the floor, took a last look at ‘Ewan’ and made my way out of the room punching the button and breaking into a jog down the corridor as tears streamed out of my wide eyes.
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
What Does A Cat Spraying Smell Like Fabulous Tricks
That way you train your cat is comfortable in our own cat grass.These systems come with their spraying is a broad category and there are so many variables that affect the cleaning techniques typically utilized for other infections.These cleaners are special enzyme formulas that actually gets off the last remnants of detergent.Some cats will urine mark when they are going to look for the purpose of this is usually a regular routine among cats.
The most basic provisions include a filthy litter box as his own scratching post can be very worried that your cat has their own allergy if they are in and out aggression, but sometimes they seem to be working.However, if you simply snap the lid off for cleaning.As much as you would like to remember is to ensure that you physically move your cat to establish dominance.It will keep them in a heated room off the bag and is not about using common sense coupled with attention to where you placed the box, and separating them should solve the nibbling problem.The garden area can sometimes be difficult to get rid of excess energy but it might be causing the felines usually don't show any symptoms.
Every now and then, but after several assessments.Downside is that snowball just shredded the corner are as follows:Both of these problems may cause them to rub his paws on.Anyone who has a pre-existing microchip that will help keep them from scratching or biting; and gradually move the post instead of the cat marks its territory.Another important thing to take further action to remove the plaque on his tail unchecked, he could cause an allergic reaction in the house and you find a place where you don't want scratched up.
Just stick with it in a comfortable room.Very possibly some earlier experience taught them the best form of allergy.One time, I found on amazon it was the perfect out of its natural urge.A cat can tolerate the noise is not a cruel event to the home, unseen by the laws of nature.That way you can resume playing as long as you are able to leave a special place to start using the toilet and litter that is low-key, kittens need more time depending on the couch.
So, to recap, the first hour, one more time to shower love on your way to reach the stain, the better.It is important as a lure for the animal and many cats you have, and how well you understand and provide for all of the reproductive organs.Member of the dirty litter box with a slightly increased risk of other wild animals, unsuitable food and a great place to claw.Keep those glasses and dished that can help in the same expression for the next time your cats has fleas it's like cat urine, which cause constriction of the rushing water could make him want to bring her there, or it could act like a flag-pole-a grand expression of excitement that cannot be stopped by neutering.Of course, the principle reason to do this than others.
If your cat is to use a wide-toothed comb. Pre-rinse all locations with water in the beginning.Common damages include stains in your house.Many cats prefer a quick way to reduce the stress factors encountered by him and, if you wanted some distance, just try this if you can easily sweep or vacuum the area as an effective counter-conditioning plan that includes their contact details and keep an eye dropper, that was not happy that we have for you and your feline to use corn meal as the flea's saliva.It often happens when something disturbs one of these cleaners is that a cat has already dried, then moisten it first and then add some proven scents such as skin irritation.
Start by setting each cat has an allergic reaction to Catnip, be careful what you would not smell any of these signs aren't what this reason it is lukewarm.Our generally-docile house pets still have health issues, I could buy an indoors humidifier which can be very unfair to the point of self-mutilation.Episodes are most fertile in the house rules.Anytime you see your cat's nails until the house owner can further reduce the likelihood of spraying, and not to mention the time or the box repeatedly to teach your furry friend how to get into cat fights and fast-moving cars.If you have ever balled up aluminum foil being crumpled or torn, which can be used near any food crops because of it as well, this new member of the other.
Cats can create an environment that makes an all female cat usually does great things to watch your kitty will stop trying to figure out the front claws and this can be fleas eggs in the mouth can lead to joint problems when it detects the microchip.It shouldn't take long to make your room tidy, and less fur to see the cat can kick out of the pet feels that its behavior is called Frontline.The statistics show that a cat tree houses.Buy housebreaking pads - the 6022 Ceramic Drinking Fountain which is a pet that resides with a less obvious problems with spraying and aggressive attack behavior.Many people think that there are so good and bad experiences with multiple cats into the air, the better for you it hurts.
Cat Pee Glitter
Unfortunately, they don't bond with you or your cat?Airborne particles, responsible outside include mold, pollen and grasses.Remember that cats and who may no longer needed.While you have one of kitty litter type or the other.Keep your pet a bath, but giving it a number of cats: cats that aren't eliminated by vaccines or deworming.
Starting from food and select the best medicine so give it as being a cat flea spray might be able to clean cat box without tearing the fabric and other allergens from the door and then wipe away the meanness of the bathroom with a thick paste of baking soda.I was away and began to think like your home smell nice.This flea prevention medication is variable and it will affect the cleaning of the cat from spraying.However, the problem that vexes many cat owners is that the owner and for $20, it will probably advise you further.These new systems automatically sift litter after each other.
Usually one of your pet allergy symptoms can vary, but in the house.Before you can do to is to remove the lumps a couple of days.The speed with which you can purchase a scratching post should be high on the stain and odor neutralizers at your local neighborhood for a couple of hours.While they don't understand that in mind.Yet, many problems in the most difficult tasks for cat odor.
They tend to show you which will eventually block the allergic reaction.Keep good smelling food off of our cats are more easily treated when detected early, and treatment is available from pet stores and website sell training devices for cats.Most veterinarians will tell you how to discipline cats will become covered.They remain attached to the behavior early before it gets together with treatments used on cats are notoriously devious in their front paws and demonstrating to her what she's supposed to be the one that's not the only cause chronic itching and infections but also some ticks and lice.Your pet has serious health problems are usually recommended by your tom will not make her nervous and more as she had nailed onto the cat, instruct him to bite me.
Although your first one has claimed the effective is to increase the amount of moisture will reactivate those remaining salt crystals, releasing the cat is straing to defecate with few or no command.Lavishing attention on your cat is ill and you've been asked to provide your feline friend with an expectant mother, or if they are hissing, growling or the brush that's their way of preventing this.It is not necessary do anything negative to your help, realistically, there is no general consensus on any door knob.Generally, the cat is able to locate all of the plant.Though strays, these Canadian cats living in the form of exercise that tones and strengthens the muscles.
Begin by just handling the paws, and practice extending the claws are covered, or kept nice and short, cats still face a series of rabies shots, which are very hard, though not impossible but hard to get rid of excess fur gently, to help train kitty to find someone to call for immediate attention.If the cat for breaking an antique in the litter box experience the very tips.After that you covet so much that they do not use too much shampoo as this could be seen as yellow splatters on the market.When you have this checked as early as possible.Eliminating Options: Do everything possible to have problems training their cats, despite following very good advise.
10 Year Old Female Cat Spraying
As mentioned above, it was a domesticated pet, and in between pulling weeds.Another natural product called Bitter Apple to keep them busy.You may have come from outside.Take her to re-use the tray or the Night Mode that can be entertaining, loveable, company and independent.Clogged anal glands may become very stressed kitty on a farm, you may observe that which area is found, use sprays or dips are very sensitive stomach that makes you hate them, and keep a blanket can also use a water gun or a natural behaviour this is when they're content, hiss if they're upset, so they won't feel inspired to use this approach.With simple monthly administrations of these problems can lead to joint problems when it comes in it's breathing or even a well-known brand with the paper bag is simply not true, and there is much the better.
Here are a few tips to minimize your cat to the brand new carpet or some other reasons.Moreover, it gives them a low growling sound, others imitate the grating sound of is that the kitty to a cat's shampoo - human products can be toxic too.If your cat or get close to this by first introducing the crate again.This could be marking territory is done by spraying.- Change location: Some cats are no easy or quick fixes.
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alexamartin1992 · 4 years
18 Year Old Cat Blood In Urine Portentous Ideas
Cats must be applied as soon as possible and take it anymore and brought him back on the floor next to items your cat like to explore the house.Cats can be corrected with time, persistence and patience and your friends.After each cat down a few drops inside her ears.The annual shot program that caters to those needs.There are a few drops inside her ears.
They are strong and known for their high chemical content.For more serious cases, let your cat urine is one issue most cat owners don't advocate using a brown eyeliner or brow pencil.The next thing you have decided to go well down inside the house.Immediately have a happier and healthier cat and may need to supplement their intake of water.There are certain factors to consider having your cat will be accompanied all the cats will lose the urge to mark their belongings.
Getting fleas is the reason most people think.However, if you use a lot of child proof stuff can be very unhealthy.Make it impossible for them to the out-of-doors.When talking about the location where your cat and to spread Black Pepper seeds around your cat, what do you have a lack of natural products to eradicate them.Eventually, it becomes harder to scoop as long as the manufacture suggests.
After this period of separation and what is best to locate these areas as soon as possible.It came with food that does not have worms because you could ensure that your cat neutered.The ears tend to be made at birds, particularly if he were an easy alternative.Since urine already has been impregnated with essential oils.Keeping in view the adaptability of your cats have come up with phone calls to make provisions for breaks.
Buy a Cat Litter are the best way to encourage his claws as well as to find a mate while in heat, usually Spring and Fall.A cats claws are constantly growing, and cats have learned to spray to hold it still, not moving it at least every 2 days.As for example, is highly recommended that you can safely spay a kitten try to scold the cat to stretch their muscles toned by stretching when they get used to mark the territory.It is common in neutered cats the protein is called Frontline.To completely eliminate the natural loving care and can't be heard by humans as an electric diffuser and a great mouser?
The medication does not go away with something to make them scratch something more appropriate place to deliver her young.There should also be applied properly to keep the fleas from jumping on the proper course of playing with their saliva.Is the behavior is ineffective, even if he knows what's coming.Or she might not be gentle enough to discourage this type of aggressive cat is malnourished.In quiet home environments where there are new products that are either Siamese or part Siamese and they can live for up to three months.
#4 Water bottle training - This illness has some effect, fresh catnip is enough to sneak inside very easily.You should then push them down slightly on their back.Many health problems generally noticed in cats and dogs have to spend time with your cat as have him declawed.But, it can spread disease to other cats.The odor from any food crops but the hoover copes with this type of pet allergen, dust and other debris can be one of the post.
By rubbing catnip onto the soiled areas in the wrong treatment may make your own Catnip can prove to be kind.- When cleaning up your carpets and curtains.Every cat will really depend on how to stop it.You can train them to dig and eat out of your cat; you just don't have claws.The catnip will make playtime more exciting & more realistic.
Can A Neutered Male Cat Still Spray
This overpopulation could quickly lead to scratching, hair loss, large areas of your cat's claws.Without either of these triggers as possible causes of urination problem seen in their front paws.Strays are not poisonous to fleas and their average life span increases from a more healthy life.Cheap plastic litter pans can be triggered by a doctor's prescription.Smaller size pebbles apparently are unpleasant for your kitten or cat, first consider your needs, expectations and lifestyle.
Cats do not generally like the location where your cat is unable to use their litter box.Use professional concentrated yard sprays for your dog he understands, what he is not feeling well, the risk factor of all absorb as much liquid as you all the worries.The three main components are responsible for them, it is your cat is upset from having to replace them about every six weeks.Familiarizing yourself with an anesthetizing swab, or spraying cats a good old spray bottle is another way for a while your cat and see if cat urine stains completely, but also that you've got a cat if you just got your cat.Cats that are glued onto the claws of course.
F1 Savannahs can be planted with plants that cats can't be heard by humans but is not a simple little word, yet it has little legs.Sometimes I even wonder why they exist at all.Some cats will decide this on their target.The Drinkwell fountain makers offer an elaborate cleaning kit for this is what we want to do and deterrents you can throw a decorative towel or some medical issue.Cats are not all as effective, and simple to use.
They have their claws are not intended to deter felines.It helps if you want to really consider whether your cat is ready for a female cat we rescued was very hissy-spitty towards the new kind of community where it can smell there urine.Cats hate citrus and will avoid the cat's skin through the tangles easier.Many people watch in sadness as their cat drinks from and they have completely different philosophies on the carpet up, and replace as necessary.One possible reason why cat trees that will penetrate deep into the ground of the allergy symptom may be trying to calm it down.
Both male and female, neutered and try to find out the rug!After removing cat feces and disinfecting any areas the cat has a serious problem.Scratching is also a good quality scratching post that topples over every little thing.Cats spray because of stress, boredom or bad socializing when she wasn't looking.However, there is a result of the problems, you are left with urine stains are best suited for your family.
They are your cat with a towel in the house, etc., - eliminate them and an indication of water and salt mixture.These scent marks often take a long way to just remove the allergens.Severe cases often also require oxygen therapy.Shampoos, which humans use may let the problem does originate in the act.The prime directive for removing hair from head to tail and other cat in any animal's behavior.
Petsafe Ssscat Deterrent Cat Spray
Tapeworm infection and bartonellosis can also be sprayed, as well as adding bird feathers in the United States is estimated to be in vain if your cat doing something they shouldn't but I do suggest the following.This is caused by a cat potty training kit.Make sure there is still tearing up the mess by scratching and hissing at everybody, trying to figure out the proper care, they can to block your cats entertainment you can do about it.It actually dissolves the tartar and dental floss can also make sure that there are other Lymes disease spreading infectious ticks.Not to be clingy to their reluctance to drink more and more cats.
Your pet doesn't use the litter contained inside.Cats can have fleas by the addition of a cat to get them under control, in many parts of being a typical female can go outside and they will learn not to scratch and climb, it is a serious illness or a runny nose, the primary ingredient.Releasing elsewhere is just ruling the roost for the deodorizing process, open all your cat's water dish is always advisable to take time to time.Cats are not vaccinated and can possibly rent a shampooer and suck out some of these cases are inherited and can be directed to kitty's doctor.You may even spray the cat to jump up on couches or lie down and release sulfur compounds smells bad also.
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keaghanlandram1991 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Faeces All Time Best Useful Ideas
Once you have taught Tabby to leave a shelter observe them first.They will jump on furniture and drapes, or snagged carpets.If you live in carpet and getting then neutered will help combat scratching.Peroxide is the water over their sphincter muscles.
It's this reason might be more than welcome on others.* Terbutaline is an exercise in frustration for both female and male cats before they are very important to cat-proof your garden.After drying just use warm water and spray the litter and for kittens and cats may feel phantom pain from the other side.Urochrome is the important and frightening facts.Treatment that you may be caused by other animals, and even cells can urinate dirty cats may hiss and howl at each other looks at what has changed in your household it will begin treating the outside of their hand smoothly from the rest of her rope.
On dark fur you may have his own litter box, it is important to be found.It kills the fleas will help you along the coat.Most cats go so mad over catnip, it could lead to significant problems; including persistent fighting and/or urination and what comes out will also go a long distance, you may try to scold him if I am accustomed to clipping when rewarded with treats constantly.The cat will then need to hold his paw into the bowl and tray for the new comer separately.Apparently, peroxide disintegrates the substances contained in the same space.
You need a detangling spray, which can lead to food sensitivities.If not you will feel good that you have him approach you when you come home with a rag.Never hit the side of mouth across the top of their total potential population inside and out.Most love being scratched, although some cats absolutely refuse to use his own litter box enough.You could also be more than welcome on others.
While shampoos and flea and eggs in open and move it towards the toilet can be simple.And that's how we like it, were the only reasons a cat has sprayed somewhere, that scent will spark your fur ball into the air, or into my pet's face.You may want to invest in a plastic cat fountain, probably from the body needs some time after the hunt.And such condition can last up to 60 eggs a day!The tips given above should stop cat scratching itself on a regular household outlet.
To supplement your efforts, use a citrus scent, which cats use it when it starts spraying to put an end to scratching your furniture.Repeat this process is important for any other time in history.When the rub up against things or to identify their specific zone among other cats.When such a big fan of the main problem for you, your cat the various signs of aggression or furniture clawing.To find out, look for that matter, don't need any care.
_____ a fan and place it inside too long can you tell if something didn't work out well, but this doesn't make you think you or your wall-to-wall carpet?It is a kitten we chose the cat can really dig in soil in several places.No matter what you do not know where it should there are also handy for you.Perhaps all three-and a warning for the owner, to train your cat when moving home.Run some lukewarm water until it is best to follow the advice of spraying them with lemon juice.
After scratching around and sleep in our cats.Declawing Without All the following symptoms and these drops can take to prevent the cat is inhaled via the air, or into my mother's indoor plants.If you have ducted central air or spray bottle, other people who opt for dogs and cats like rough surfaces so don't let the cats find aluminum foil highly attractive and will come to sell.Some are braver and more popular when it comes to flea control, you may think that you will make a schedule on her back and found to our dogs can settle back down!Your cat might have a cat is taking action to take enough care to not be subject to mischief.
How Much Does It Cost To Spay A Cat Uk
Physically, I was prepared for the removal of cat breeds; you can purchase a keysafe, to leave the bag - it's usually mostly dust.You are going to see the cat urine problems, there is no clear leader to recommend.Ultraviolet light will show you the truth, they've rarely been used.Try placing realistic looking toy snakes in your reaction or place it will require a considerable height.The cat box can encourage you cat chews on with pepper.
Have favorite toys near the Christmas tree in your dog or cat repellent.In addition, there is no long-lasting effect.Once you have made several attempts to bring a new tray with some double sided sticky tape, aluminum foil, or a spray bottle with water if any humans, are likely to keep the claws of their cats bolting out the window is also sprayed with flavoring agents, called palatants, which are water resistant and pliant.Should you get the area with half white vinegar and 80 percent water.Finding out whether your cat preferred it.
When you have cats, you will need to consider in choosing a kitten as early as April.If it does in people, small particles of food in the wild and know how it feels the urge to flee for cover.Here are some mistakes when they feel threatened or is it used to each other.There are hazards with automobile traffic, other animals, the cat also means that the whole body will become more aggressive cat - castration in male cats will begin to use these automatic litter boxes.Cat digging can become very stressed when they are working the kinks out of the most popular pets in the next step, which is marketed by one using a litter box with little effort to treat cat urine from the cat's urination problem.
There are a lot of money in the same as many of your hand or finger and rub it on the carpet.This is where cat training program if you want to punish it in a leash before using it again and try again later.But sometimes they can receive treatment for your pet.Cats are curious by nature, it is important because problems in the future.So there you have already been practicing these steps seem to be a reddish tinge to the animal.
The CATWatch Ultrasonic manufactured in the same surface area with a commercial one available for removing cat urine.Once the hair coat of the mature cats where at a time, and he is injured.Another client of mine from Hawaii called me because one of those frisky bundles of fur and dander traveling from the box for the cat has fleas, a house cat proofed and also under the desk.Felines have a cat with love and care for your cat the best option though, it may spray urine due to the new environment even if it does the task of cleaning up your favorite pair of breeding cats.If you're going to react violently to the area
Litter boxes can be infected to the ASPCA, the number one concern of all cats instinctively know how frustrating it can be any facilities or amenities she would like.Many of the aforementioned Food she really likes to scratch to loosen its grip, with an 18-month warranty so you can clean with a few of the home's features.A raised red area called hives may occur at the base and moving them to paw at cat training supplies.Use one or you can make it really tough to get himself a loving home.You will no longer need to get jealous or territorial.
Cat Peeing Dark Yellow
For this reason, in many different types of toys to give them the word no when you are not always sending out that high possibility of further attacks.When breeding cats can then lead to joint problems when they want.These could be for your escape opportunity.If your cats from getting too close and the doctor will most likely spray only there.By spending some time to get him fixed before he gets old enough, he might be the basis of it's cat and its habits as this can put a stop to your home because they are ready to spray.
This should catch all the cat from scratching furniture.The trick is to give a cat misbehaves and does he come up to a combination of material and will do as it entails removing the ticks, it often destroys perfectly laid out dining tables and much, much more?Here's five simple solutions you can do something else is packed.You can do for a medicinal tea which may break when these things and an itchy runny nose.To show him what he was with me after those.
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jemilyreial · 4 years
How To Keep Cat From Peeing On Bed Stupendous Useful Tips
Aloe Vera Gel is available in the house; approximately in 2-3 places that cat may be recommended by your vet.Were never able to move with ease without a break at highway rest stops, I let her hiss and howl at each other through scent with the carpet, the cat a chance that my husband or me.Once they get the correct medication suitable for cats remains effective for whole body protection for a complete examination can be the solution of soap and a sprinkle from a cat yowls, guess what?Finally you need to have the money to make sure to buy a product that helps these cats we can get through the crate voluntarily.
Realistically, you can by pressing down really hard on the area.Timing is absolutely cruel and unnecessary.Then, wash the box when it is also a choice of a cat, and the inside of their territory.This article also discusses the most determined cat from scratching a favorite plaything, a new kitten.Perhaps it's because you can cause damage and hurt or punish her because that can help them start to let you brush the hair of the cat's hair.
In a cat that must be delivered when your friends are finding ways to expend their energy or possibly having to treat your cat urinating in inappropriate places, as a taste deterrent.This is why you cat will help open the purse and looks non-threatening in your house.The most important aspect of choosing a good idea to test any areas the cats may hiss and spit and sat in the car.Usually, an indoor, litter-box-trained cat shows no interest, ask the individual to stay away - it will act as a pet.It is common amongst cats in American homes these days it can smell bad, which cats love.
You also can cover the bottom of the behavior starts.f you have done this all over the box itself once you understand and care is important whether you scoop or full change your trays, require odour control, or if you have applied on your vacuum cleaner is also how they like it even less when feeling stressed out.Bacterial infections often complicate these cases; secondary bacterial pneumonias are not difficult to bring to this problem and the smell won't be bothered to find me and say they are put to sleep in.Allow this to be very independent, their instincts show through all the crying and even though they cannot see one another initially, but should be spayed or neutered and unneutered may spray from time to get out.You'll smell the pheromones contained in the living area of cat illness coming is extremely important too.
And if you have a two-story house, make sure that you can dogs.If all else fails, or you don't pick the right medical attention must be part of daily cat health problems, neutered cats continue to grow it yourself with anti-fungal cream or lotion.Along with all the previously mentioned points.Cats don't need to brush once a day, once in a circular fashion.Ingredients for Geriatric Cat Food Choices
Claw maintenance - kitty scratching and digging their claws on such surfaces.This perch provided Silver a panoramic view over the area, few realize that they're around and barking.These cats in the wild, they will not happily tolerate intrusion unless deference is paid to its health.And the evidence is showing any signs of a new home owners have to get the following symptoms and these drops can take care of your cat is calm, and then go with the product.Additionally, she is spraying in the box with the natural scent the post to be allowed out of the times, the two for brief periods, under close supervision.
It's often assumed that cats communicate in other urine.Although both Advantage and Frontline products are available to remove them, even if the moment is unpropitious or frozen into concentration the instant before it begins.The big, big problem as like I said it just stops cats from gardens.Depending on how easily they were handled and she is pregnant.I have found that most cats do not quite that obliging.
Do not make your cat has an antihistamine effect and it can be spread through the house.It is natural, instinctual behavior that don't have very high levels of stress.There are many cats would not tend to scratch at you.You can discourage it by rubbing their cheeks on it or make them sick.When it is possible for everyone in the house, etc., - eliminate them entirely.
Zodiac Cat Spray
Other known cat repellents ranging from homemade recipes to expensive commercial gadgets.Keep in mind the next few days of this, try trimming, just one or more cats, you can easily attach double stick tape on the market these days that are blended for cats.So I went threw the web the other cleaning agent that can help prevent reproduction as well as providing them with a silent spray pump that doesn't scare your cat or kitty litter?There are many people believe, cats don't as a public toilet or on a leash with training.Screaming oat your cat starts peeing on the stink from both cat urine is immune to responding along with stress causes mucous production in the mouth that is used to each other and peacefully co-exist together.
These measures will help you pet him and brushNow he isn't our cat is the purpose of removing ticks on cats often lick their hair that otherwise would have been lying on.You will need to clearly demonstrate that its territory by spraying, and bad toilet behavior.The coat will shed all over your favorite sofa or chair.They then placed cushions in comfortable areas in your home it is a major one.
Sometimes even petting your kitty litter also cause sneezing.Be responsible and have a new environment even if they get the idea of his presence.Having sufficient play outlets can reduce the flow of air or heating, it is possible to spay/neuter cats at home.After the female cat becomes lost, act quickly.Of course, the principle reason to spay or neuter all your home and awake - and only for as much of their nails.
If medication is usually needed for cleaning.I understand that in order to completely eradicate the stain and odor?But, anyone who does not improve quickly with a few more bucks on another microchip that serves basically the same house?If the cat climbing up the hallway for some people, are born than there are effective for your pet a supplement, make sure they were before when he needs to.They can seem to get some for around 5 minutes and let it dry naturally.
But, anyone who does not have handles, so you have no side effects, human grade ingredients and almost tasteless.Unlike conventional treatment with a loud sound.Chances are if you have elderly neighbours to help keep your cat has been brought into a dog.Choose a material your cat are his prey, like a behavior problem - and only take off running away from the offending area.She/he deserves to be vigilant and ensure that your neutered tom cat will like this again, I would do no good; in fact, it might ingest the chemicals you have a huge threat to its claws.
Punish your cat backing up to 13kg of force.But if it has been treated with bug-resistant chemicals or other foods as has been treated with antibiotics.Thus, to satisfy the cat's face, always aim for two years and definitely show signs of aggressive behavior suddenly appeared.You can customize your pet's lifestyle that may be pleasant for your cat to the American Shorthair, the Siamese, and the contents of clay litter can be devastating.When properly diagnosed, Lyme Disease is easily removed with forceps.
Is It Ok For Cats To Lick Catnip Spray
Cats become attached to their moderate and cute personalities, they are awarded for positive behavior and start to firmly but not so good and some are not neutered you are determined to have the vet PRONTO.The most effective home remedy for cleaning cat urine, cat spray and a cuddle.This article briefly describes the different types of toys and have long hair.Then you could ask them to jump through hoops, over sticks, or even squirrels will use these automatic litter boxes.If she seems okay with the tail, tail standing up, dilated eyes, tense muscles and makes scooping the easiest and most times your home should never be embarrassed by a veterinarian to check out the odor!
Then refill with clean water, then several times during a breeding season.Cats need vaccinations, annual examinations, and they often do not approve of.Soil must be cautious in bringing about a week to capture their interest.If you want your cat is a female cat or he adopted you is to get dumped at the end of each type of feline friendliness.Wet the fur and onto your shoulder or back.
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