#his voice is so good i cant believe im only learning about him for the first time now
ribbonmiku · 1 year
so since the synthv teto voicebank dropped i’ve been getting a bunch of synthv in my recommended so im listening to a lot of the voicebanks for the first time and uh. gets flustered by asterian like fr fr fr in real life actually fr
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
theologian!geto who students arent very fond of for the fact that he grades papers with a harsh hand. theologian!geto who other professors tremble in the name of because of how profound he and his discoveries are.
theologian!geto whos just always itching to mention something about either gods or religion within every conversation he has — and in all honesty, its why he likes you — because even if its not your forte, you’re always willing to listen, willing to learn.
“do you believe in gods or a god at all?” he asks you one late evening as his face is mostly hidden behind his computer screen. the both of you have agreed to use his office as a small hub to grade papers together and so the nature of his question isn’t bizarre.
you look up from the other side of his desk, eyebrows knotted.
“i mean, i believe someth—“
“no, forgive me, don’t answer that. let me rephrase what i mean.”
theologian!geto rises from his chair, slender fingers cautiously removing his glasses from his face.
“do you believe that gods exist? that they can dwell among us in a physical form rather than an omniscient one?”
and your first port-of-call was to reference yeshua or your occasional greek mythological figure, but you know that’s not what theologian!geto was getting at. slightly shaking your head, you deflect.
“i-i don’t know…” you breathe, and somehow, you know that’s more of an answer he’s looking.
with a sly smile, theologian!geto is looking over you with something akin to adoration. once he lightly tilts your chin up to look at him, you finally realise why his reverence is felt all over the campus.
“would you like me to prove that they do?” he almost minxes, and you find yourself nodding.
you cant help but writhe and moan in delight as theologian!geto languidly eats you out over his desk. long fingers biting into your thighs as he holds you in place — making sure you’re not in the business of running away.
“so sweet” he purrs into you, and you can’t help but let out a pitiful whine as his nose bumps against your clit. “surely you’re proof that goddess’ also exist, mm?”
theologian!geto doesn’t even let up once your hips still in a raised position, your back arched in bliss as he continues to nyam comittedly at your sex — as if a man be starved
“g-guru… please” you’re mirthing, because the overstimulation is almost uncomfortable and you push away at his head.
“no angel, not until i get my fill.”
and you’re left biting your arm in fits, twisting and thrashing your body, as you try not to make too much noise. student papers slip onto the ground and the cold coffee from lunch spills over the wood but theologian!geto doesn’t care.
you come a second time over theologian!geto’s mouth, his lips slick with slick and nose wet like a dogs. you know you’ll never forget how demonically hooded his eyes were as he emerged up from your leaky cunt. the hunger in his iris’ still unsatisfied.
as you try and catch your breath — thinking he was done for the time being — you slowly start to sit up. but as you do, you’re stopped by theologian!geto’s hand on your stomach
“believe in gods now?” he says from below you.
thinking he’s playing, you only roll your eyes, voice dry as you try and feign sarcasm.
“sure, ‘ru.” you say with a chuckle, but the unmistakable unclick of a belt buckle, wipes the smirk clean off your face.
“good” he chides, and you watch as he finally stands up from his crouching position; his cock burning red and solid hard within his fists. “coz now im gonna show you what heaven looks like.”
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fictionfixations · 1 month
masquerade malleus vignette
(spoilers for glorious masquerade)
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i refuse to believe lilia is oblivious enough not to notice that they dont like his cooking
..although solomon (from obey me) doesnt notice either iirc, but i mean..
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..sebek. in a vignette, you literally got his help in cleaning a stain from malleus' labcoat???
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...i never thought id hear azul say those words.... what?????
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i dont know how it didnt hit me until now but the only reason rollo's plan in glorious masquerade failed was because he was so insistent on having malleus there and taking away all his power and shit?? like. cause. none of us had enough magic to actually overpower the fire lotuses(? i cant remember what they were called), although yuu would be able to make it through with no magic how could we even fight rollo at the end??
and at the point it reaches malleus and he could do something about it, it'd be too late?? because i REALLY doubt he has enough to reach all of those flowers and with enough to completely fry them out. and i doubt the bell would reach it by then.
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is azul even human?? im like pretty sure-ish he's not human. not even half human. just entirely sea creature with a human-like body to probably be treated more normally and not hunted for sport/food through evolution shit idfk (like. idk im pretty sure its a thing where pets look so much cuter to cause us to take them in and shit.)
anyway im just imagining sebek talking azul's ear off about how great malleus is because he finally has a buddy who understands and therefore would be willing to listen to him talk for hours straight about malleus's greatness. AND APPRECIATE IT. HAUIHDSUIhd and azuls just like ………………….. floyd and jade laughing at him from a distance azul sets sebek on them like 'i think those two should come to learn about malleus's brilliance, don't you think? after all, as my colleagues, it is such a shame that they don't share my admiration for malleus, and i am unsure how to put it into words, as malleus himself is so magnificent that even words fail to describe him properly. so sebek, my fellow appreciator, would you lend me your aid in helping them grow to appreciate his brilliance?' okay i ran out of words and started repeating them because ic ant be bothered to look up for synonyms, im not THAT into it okay
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ahhh so it is a fleur city song i wasnt sure. ive read in fics that it was, but it was also those fics where songs either have power, or yuu knows a bunch of disney songs that are considered 'forbidden/forgotten songs' or something like that and i cant remember which it was
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actually if they put in all that work beforehand i think i get why they were so insistent on waiting for rollo to either confess or not AFTER the social ball and after they left and everything LMFAO
they suddenly changed into their school uniforms (still in diasomnia)
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i honestly wouldnt know if id trust lilia that much but sure (i hope it doesnt turn to perfectionism levels tho)
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first time we encounter italicized text i think. huh.
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oh my god (no but why choose idia at that point?? is it cuz his voice meshes well with them??)
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ayoo its playing the make a wish (i think thats what the song is called) instrumental in the bg ive heard it way too many times not to recognize it (and sung along. its so fucking cool)
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my hands are actually protesting now ah geez (i took a break)
I GOT SO DISTRACTED BY DEUCE (i was re-experiencing enjoying looking at everyones costumes again) I AM AN IDIOT (its lower in opacity to show you that you're on it in the editor)
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i didnt notice the insert paragraph im sorry lMFAO but id forget if i didnt SS it then
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ooh some malleus riddle bonding
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that seriously startled me like suddenly i just hear footsteps and then BOOM OPTIONS
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ayooo malleus and yuu dancing
(alsoo yuu and deuce dancing :D)
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okay. now.
i feel like. im doing really good progress tackling all the vignettes (currently in EN. after that's GloMas, & Book 6 and 7. ive been avoiding it because not all of the Backgrounds exist, and GloMas has options with completely different dialogue which I can't see them all. i have three different videos of GloMas gameplay but they dont show all options...). all thats remaining is azul's tsumsitter (i have a vid of his vignette. ..i just dont like doing the tsum ones because i never know how to describe the tsum moving) vil birthday bloom (i FOUND A VIDEO finally oh my god. i love doing birthday vignettes) malleus dorm uniform (I have a vid) sebek new year (i have a vid) grim labcoat (i have a vid)
and then the rabbit costume ones which all of them have vignettes iirc and i have videos for all of them (i actually just found them as i was writing this. thank you god. they have no views tho geez. wonder if that means vil birthday bloom exists in a video but just wont appear. this is future me. ...i have been blessed with vil birthday bloom.)
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tokyogruel · 1 year
Hi, I wanted to ask a quick Milgram question! I saw your theory about Shidou lying about his family, and thought it was really cool :D I'm just having a hard time thinking the project would have characters lie in those interrogation-style questions -- from a writing standpoint, the videos should be looser because they're meant to be debated/studied, but you'd lose your audience credibility if everything was up for debate. It's a really interesting idea, so I was just wondering your thoughts on how/when the characters can lie 👀
hi there, thank you so much for this ask! ive been sitting on this theory for a few weeks, and these interrogation questions have only given me more fuel to my theory fire, so to speak lol.
if im being honest, i think the interrogation questions (as well as the voice dramas) are the only place prisoners CAN outright lie, as it has been stated that prisoners cant straight up lie in their music videos- since theyre extracted straight from their subconcious.
This, however, does not mean the characters are unable to obscure the truth… if they’re sneaky (or focusing on he wrong aspect of their crime, like mahiru)
and of course, what good is a character breakdown from me, if i neglect to talk about both sides of the coin?
so i present to you, yes you dear anon, my analysis of mahiru shiina and shidou kirisaki:
part one...
a quick disclaimer before we begin: i believe shidou has good intent behind his lies, but he is intentionally obscuring his crime, or misleading us on what his crime was in order to win an innocent verdict also, i apologize if this is way too long, rambly, and if i go on too many tangents. this theory has been eating me alive for weeks
this theory is also heavily supported by this post by @milgrammatical explaining how they believe the MILGRAM extraction process works
if you have the chance, please click the link and reblog the original post! however for this breakdown ill provide a screenshot:
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now, to begin this post, i would like to start off by providing more evidence that this is, indeed, how the extraction process works.
to do so, i will use mahiru's first and second MV and VD, as well as shidous second MV and VD
PART ONE: interrogation to extraction
mv. 1 this is how to be in love with you
just before mahiru's first extraction, she makes it a clear point that love is dear to her, in fact it's Everything to her. her video is then titled "This is How to be in Love with You."
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mahiru also gets sidetracked at one point during her voice drama, misinterpreting the articles Es has read to relate to articles that she has read: relationship and fashion advice from magazines
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because she becomes focused on this idea, and reminisces on the articles she has read in an attempt to be a good girlfriend, Mahirus thoughts shift towards being part of those magazines, inserting herself into the pages that she has learned from in the past. we can assume these advice columns, as well as the accompanying pictures, are being pulled from her long-term memory
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please also note how clear these are: her outfits in the first photo appear during the later "days" of her video, theyre consistent. the photos have realistic backgrounds, they are clear, distinct, REAL places that she has been. nothing in her video is obscured, except for her boyfriend. and even then, its because she does not see him as an important aspect of her trial at this point in time. there's one thing that is important to her this time around: love, showing Es who she is as a person, and the events leading up to- and into her relationship
ill be moving on to her second mv, but i cant resist including this fun little tidbit, even if it's just pure coincidence, it tickled me:
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mv. 2, daisuke
this one is slightly less straightforward than the previous connection, though i believe it still holds up
to start, the second trial interrogation is where mahiru first starts to acknowledge that she was not the only person in the relationship. she mentions her partner, how they both felt about each other- and she makes it very clear what their relationship was: boyfriend and girlfriend
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this is then followed by her mv, where we finally see the man behind the tan jacket in TIHTBILWY, her boyfriend. he is fully fleshed out, his eyes are visible, his style matches that which weve only seen glimpses of in her first MV. he looks unique (in a very.. bland way, but nonetheless recognizable)
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his appearance pre-daisuke was also hinted at with this interrogation:
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while it may seem unrelated at first glance, you can see there is somewhat of a resemblance between mappi's boyfriend and mikoto- short, brown hair, soft eyes, layered jacket, "the kind of guy they seem to make in a factory" as jackalope would put it. its thin, but its something. at the very least, i cant see any other reason why mahiru would throw mikoto under the bus like this, without knowing him at all.
i dont mean to go on a tangent already, but i would like to note that, despite the comparisons made between mikoto and mappi's boyfriend, they truly do not resemble one another much, and are distinctly different from one another. (this will be important later)
back to the voice drama,
in Love is [Un]dead, Es points out that Mahiru was likely blinded by love, and that the first MV to come from her may have been tainted by it, as they say here:
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mahiru also makes a point that she may have been too lovestruck to acknowledge her wrongdoing- even subconsciously.
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this winds updirecting the daisuke music video itself, and we IMMEDIATELY see a difference. the opening shot is not of mahiru, like her first MV- instead, front and center, is a very clear shot of her boyfriend hanging by his neck. she is no longer clouded by her ideals of love, and is spitting out the truth, showing us all the ugly sides of her relationship
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and yet, we can still see mahiru's original perception of the relationship. there is likely truth behind it as well, a bad relationship can still have it's highs
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but there is a key part of this MV that ive also seen people touch on briefly:
the distortion.
mahiru's views of her relationship are warped, it's been that way since trial one. but this is... different. she's suffered head trauma, the "carousel" of her relationship literally becomes warped- though in a way we've never seen before. the song becomes scrambled (though still catchy), and the imagery begins to twist, the video has static cuts, and the bright and shining carousel slowly melts into reality.
in my interpretation, this is because of the damage she has taken from kotoko- a physical impairment, rather than purely mental
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but at the end of it all, mahiru has granted us what she has denied (even to herself) in the past: the truth. her relationship was dirty, broken, poisonous
.. to be continued
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lexa-griffins · 9 months
Omega Lexa works in a sex shop and provides extra services for the customers via a glory hole. Her identity is kept secret for her protection. Alpha Clarke is one of her usual clients. Clarke accidentally knots Lexa through the glory hole so they're tied together waiting for Clarke's knot to deflate
The.... visual of them then tied together through the glory is... too much. Is porncom a genre? Because that is exactly what this is ajskdkdnd
Lexa knows Clarke, she's seen her walk around the store. She's bought a few things here and there, some she assumes are for partners and not herself but Lexa has learned to not judge a book by its cover.
She visits the glory hole a few times a month. Lexa likes her. She's easy to make cum, she's always polite with her even when she can't see her. Overall, a joy of a client and of an alpha.
Lexa has had a rough week and Clarke feels good inside of her. So fucking good. She's exactly what Lexa needed to make her forget the shitty week she had, from being yelled at by an alpha after so much as implying the dildo he was buying was for him and the beta she had to comfort as she cried about the omega she cant seem to keep as he keeps running back to his ex so she thought a funner toy could help.
Clarke is good at making her forget theres a wall between them. A literal one. She stays out most of the time and lets Lexa do her job o nstead of trying to be the big dominant alpha.
Maybe if Clarke had been more in control she would have been able to realize how close Lexa was to take her and she would have been able to pull out before. Lexa is so lost in how good the stretch feels she only realizes shestaking the knot when she's past the point of no return.
"Oh my god." Its really the only thing Lexa can say as Clarke fully enters her and groans, cumming inside of her.
Fuck doesnt quite cut it.
"I- Im stuck."
Yeah, no shit, smartest alpha on earth.
"We're stuck."
"I should have pulled out, Im sorry."
"I was the one in control, I should have realized it, its my fault."
"Are you comfortable like that?"
No, "I guess. Its not like there much we can do anyways." She's bent over and her legs are a ldittle shaky but luckily the stall is small enough she can hold herself up.
"Im sorry."
"Youve said that already."
"Oh, yeah. Sorry."
Lexa snorts with humor, making her body shake and a small moan to leave them both.
"How long do you usually take to go down?"
"Half an hour, one hour? Depends. My rut isnt close so it should be more on the higher end."
"Im s-"
"Clarke if you say sorry i will punch you once i get to see your face."
"Hey i- wait how do yoh know my name?"
"Wait, your voice.... oh my god are toh Lexa, the front desk girl?"
Lexa winces, "Hi."
Clarke's breathing seems to get slightly faster on the other side of the wall, "are you doing okay over there?"
"Yeah, yeah." A laugh.
"Whats so funny?"
"Ive had a crush on you for ages now. I had no idea it was you on that side."
"I havent had a partner in ages. Ive been accumulating sex toys i dont even use at my house for months just to come here and see you. Oh shit that sounds really fucking creepy when i say it out loud doesnt it?"
"A little. But sweet. In a slightly creepy way."
"Oh my god this day could be going better."
"I've had worst ones this week."
"Yeah. But i doubt you eanna hear about it."
"Oh believe me I have nothing but time."
Its about forty minutes before they can get free. Lexa gasps at the amount of cum that leaves her before she sees a small towel being offered to her from the top of the stall door, the watch on the wrist a clear indication its Clarke.
"Sorry, i know its usually hm, a lot."
"Its alright. Idn another circumstances id probably be delighted its so much."
"Im gonna leave the at the counter and go. With extra of course."
"Oh, okay."
There's a throat clearing from the other side of the door, "Bye Lexa. For all its worth, there is no one else id rather be stuck like that with."
Lexa stops cleaning herself to stare at the closed door. She snorts again.
"I really need to stop sounding creepy dont I?"
"Yes. But it had its charm-"
"Im a creepy way." They say in unison before laughing.
"Bye Lexa."
"See ya Clarke."
Lexa listens for the bathroom door to close with a little hesitation.
By the time she's presentable, Clarke is gone and the store is empty. The money sits on the counter with an added 50$ for the whole mess. As Lexa collects the money she finds a paper with a phone number.
"I swear im less creepy face to face. X Clarke"
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winderlylandchime · 6 months
I honestly can’t believe that we finished the show. And that you all were here to witness it, I don’t know if I should thank you or apologize. I feel like part of me should say thank you for allowing me to spam you. But also thank you for being there with us throughout this time. It was fun to share his stupidity with someone other than our family :)
But I do plan to show him that one Gale interview since he deserves to meet the real man. And the Austin panel thing, i feel like that one might heal him a bit and maybe make him hate cowlip a little less. So i will let you know how that goes (if that is okay with you) And then I’m planning to slowly tell him about all of you guys. I mean you guys have been there for a hot minute, i feel like you deserve to know how he will react to all of you and to Gale. I do think I should ease him into the real people/fandom slowly because idk what he’ll do. Basically im scared to just sit him in front of a computer and going ‘meet tumblr’. Thats too much power for one man. And through the Gale interview he’s gonna learn that he’s straight so I can’t wait for that because he is still convinced he’s gay irl. And tomorrow I’m planning on showing him the gag reels and some of the bts content (the tiny amount of it that exists) so that he can finally see the good side of it all. I wanted to do it today but he was still sad and didn’t wanna do anything. But:
He is still completely heartbroken. He fucking cried to our mom on the phone!!!! He told her what happened and started crying again (light crying!! He is not sobbing anymore) and our mom went ‘WHAT?!’ And then dad joined the call and asked what’s wrong and my brother is crying and i cant get a word in because of him and our mom goes ‘those bastards fucking broke them up at the end’ and my brother starts crying and goes ‘nooOooOooO’ and my dad went ‘those sick sons of bitches’ and that’s all I got to hear cause he took the phone to his room then. But he did come out of the room more calm and collected. I honestly feel like I told a little child the truth about Santa.
And if you were wondering, yes, he did end up calling his therapist. And he told me some of the stuff they talked about but who cares about that. The only part worth mentioning that we were all curious about: he called him, and then there was some silence in his room and then a loud ‘YOU KNEW THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME?!’ Came out of the room. And i fucking lost it. I told him i had a suspicion he knew because of that reaction to the finale mention and my brother went *shocked face* ‘that does make sense, i just thought he wanted to talk to me cause he’d miss me. I mean i did think he was a weirdo but who am i to judge’ so safe to say he’s still a bit dumb.
I knew it! I called it! VINDICATION! (captain holt voice)
I think the Gale interview, and the ATX panel, and the bts (my favorite is the bts for the bashing, obviously) are solid choices to introduce him to the fandom. And then yes, ease him into finding out about us. Because we are definitely going to be a shock and poor bb has been through so much.
PLEASE CONTINUE TO KEEP US UPDATED. You have no idea how much I adore all of this.
Your parents are also the best:
mom goes ‘those bastards fucking broke them up at the end’ and my brother starts crying and goes ‘nooOooOooO’ and my dad went ‘those sick sons of bitches’ I'm dying about this.
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I posted 741 times in 2022
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I tagged 507 of my posts in 2022
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#batriddler - 200 posts
#riddler - 189 posts
#batman - 142 posts
#bruce wayne - 110 posts
#edward nygma - 94 posts
#the riddler - 93 posts
#edward nashton - 78 posts
#the batman (2022) - 55 posts
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Longest Tag: 137 characters
#also im in a discord w lfwrites and. she said this was also sent to her so like. not really inclined to respond to a prompt sent en masse
My Top Posts in 2022:
Literally ran to ur blog as soon as I could pick my brain back off the theater floor to post comprehensibly what r ur thoughts I am so AAAAAA
oh my god no thoughts im screaming
holy shit
1) eddie was SO horny. the whole time. he kept up a boner in every fucking scene. that man was the horniest hes ever been. i think he came in his pants when he got cuffed. AND THEN STARED BRUCE IN THE EYE AFTER sticky pants and theres his fucking Beloved watching him hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
2) the arkham breakdown.......... he fully believed bruce would fall in love with him then and there........... this really was the same eddie as batman forever he had the same exact pair of glasses and he was just as convinced one conversation would drop that man to one knee ring in hand
hed practiced that speech so many times but never saw past his heart eyes BRUCE you could have done something there!!! YES hes unhinged but now hes unhinged AND has your voice replaying eternally in his head digging at him hhhhhhhhhh god i love bruce making these men worse
3) Batmobile.... Sexy.
4) Bat boots...... Sexy.
5) Selina owns no good wigs and thats so funny. shes wearing the 5 dollarest wigs she could find
6) bruce punching gordo. bruce and gordo besties. this was a buddy cop comedy.
7) bruces shirtless scene being his fucking conspiracy board scene.................... if eddie had seen THAT fucking CHRIST heda been all over him like jam on bread i tell u hwat
tangentially bruce and eddie the same man. stalkers. creeps. standing there silently. watching waiting etc. love when theyre similar makes me fuzzy inside
the fact that bruce just instantly guesses the right thing to find the next clue so many times he and eddie think EXACTLY the same way theyre on SUCH a wavelength!!! the same fucking wavelength!!!!
anyway my brains fucking scattered and i need time to process and im so fucking hhhhhhhhhhgghh
i gotta write i gotta draw i gotta cosplay eddie in his lil arkham outfit w his shitty collar i need to learn to sing ave maria i love that man with my whole heart and soul i cant believe i wasnt kicked out of the theater i got so many compliments on my eddie jacket
296 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
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328 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
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397 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
today.... i am thinking about....
bruce taking the rats from eddies apartment home bc theres no one to take care of them w eddie in arkham and he looks up absolute mountains of rat care info and gets them an absolutely MASSIVE enclosure, fucking floor to ceiling, 5-6 levels, different stairs and platforms etc to get to each level, different chew toys on every level, and theyre fat and happy and he sometimes w take one out to sit on his shoulder and nibble at his hair when he needs a Rubber Duck for a case
and maybe also he goes to visit eddie in arkham once in a while and updates him abt how the rats r doing and its just that little connection between them like hes given the rats a better life as a proxy for edward and
anyway. bruces new pet rats.
601 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I find your power to rewrite history (create random bondage edits that get so high on google images that multiple people believe the Riddler just regularly wears rope under his clothes) to be awe-inspiring, and everyone should follow you if only to hear the next words of a prophet. What is the new fanon, wise one?
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bruce wayne trans
835 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Seeing Rook like that makes me SUPER excited to play book 5, only a week left till they most likely drop the last batch??? THEN THE BINGE CAN START BC HOOOLY SHIT ROOK??? LIKE HOT DAMN WHATTA MAN HE IS?? A FINE SPECIMEN INDEED
I knew I would love him when he started smooth talkin in his R cards like??? Whisper them sweet nothings IN. MY. EAR. PLEASEEE
And Epel, poor thing his chibi always looks so sad and for whyyy :( But I think he’s so cool, the way he switches like be your country bumpkin self I love it!! And and Vil?! I didn’t really know how to feel about him until Beansday?? The amount of effort and work he puts in to be his best self??? The way he’s not actually a narcissistic pretty boy like he can appreciate inward beauty too??? He’s not afraid to get down and dirty like????
Hello Anonie 🌻🌺💕
YES! I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to the end of book 5. It's dropping soon I think, in about five days? (I believe right after Ghost marriage ends) I hope you have fun binging it anonie 🙌💚, You're in for a treat. Oh man please tell me how you feel after you finish book 5, I cant wait to see everyone's reaction. if you're a fan of Rook now, anonie, I can't wait until you read book 6 because pomefiore fans be thriving in that chapter even more. and rook? vil? Epel? *chef kiss*
I adore when Rook just smooth talking. You know that no matter what, you wouldn't be able to escape his flowery words and sweetness. You definitely know you would never feel insecure with this man.
but also? the way his voice changes? from that flirting to that deep and serious?? please....just freaking please *chef kiss* 💚💚 OTL I am begging here lolol
ironically, I just noticed that too! specifically his alchemy lessons one but I think that's almost all of them and who can blame them? plus he's learning and growing so im sure his chili will reflect that too. His groom card is so cute (they all are honestly). Nice epel --> Feral Epel! I adore! and it happens at the most hilarious moments, you just wait anonie.
omg anonie, please, don't get me started on Vil. It's sad that when the EN server first came out, people didn't have a good view of Vil (which I understand) but the way they attacked him and hated on him and tried to change canon? it was heartbreaking.
Vil is such a hard worker and he knows what he wants and he tries his best to get what he wants. he also knows your limits and what you can and cannot do and that's why he pushes others so much. He also, like rook, sees the beauty and potential in everyone and I hope the fandom can see he's a great character and I just adore him.
and when he's ready to get down and dirty? Oh, he will literally kick your ass and he with command you like a queen. Book 6 Vil *vibrates in excitement* will break everyone and I am here for it 🙌🙌
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bluebellswood · 9 months
MahoYaku main story 1 reread
Rambles for myself so I can look back on it. Will probably add as it goes.
i missed out a lot of things looking back and ?? now i read some parts and wonder if i am reading too much into things then i remember who wrote this and what happened in i7 so there’s never too much reading into it with tsm sensei’s works
its been close to 3 years since I last read it and ms2 is coming to an end so like hehe. Plus it hasn’t been voiced yet back then so I am listening to it now. ITS SO GOOD…
“Both the world and I have been torn apart quite terribly”
I am now knowingly nodding when Murr said that. now I’m wondering. since it was a fragment of old Murr why wasn’t there a shard or smth of his soul during first meeting or was it simply part of the summoning magic.
Shino: They haven’t been wiped out. I know someone at the magic headquarters. If anything happened to him, I’d know right away. Eastern merchant: H-how? Shino: Wizards don’t make promises. Because if we break a promise, we lose our magic. But I was tricked by my irresponsible master and made a promise with a fellow apprentice. We promised that we would protect each other.
ch3. Shino... ueuueue like despite how he said, Im sure he would still went ahead and make that promise of keeping Heath save but in a one way direction only...
It kept me going knowing that Shino was worried about Heath despite trying to make it sounded lightly like he’s a spoiled young master, he’s probably crying rn but ur voice is betraying no one Shino
Ever time Arthur appears it makes me wanna head pat him and go what a good kid and start crying or something
Drummond: Not all wizards are benevolent beings who help humans, anyway! Just look at Oz, who controlled the world under his rule of terror — he’s exactly the kind of wizard I’m talking about! Humans have long suffered under the thumb of wicked wizards! Arthur: ............
This part gets more funny bc despite how true that is to Oz, it’s the worst example that could be brought up to Arthur in this context bc Arthur thinks Oz is the nicest person ever. Anything bad about Oz is not real to him. He doesn't believe it despite everyone as early on tells him about terrible things Oz did.. it keeps getting me head in hands
Here comes Cain talking about his eye and Owen. “a wizard with a terrible personality” Owen’s terrible personality is what makes him cute. shut up Cain. Aren't u the one who asked him out to dinner like. 2 years laterdfgj
ch 4
I just love how Shylock has his ways of words, it's probably comes with experience and age with how he knows how to appreciate everything and also bc hes a bartender adkfnds
Like how Bradley's section of the sage manual is "Warning: handle with caution" bc at the end of the day he's relatively a sensible person who had to learn how to survive in the north. but it also goes to see how the previous sage didnt try to understand the wizards on a deeper level. as funny as he was, he wasnt good at his job adjffhb. (1)
Also Owen's part "Talking with him makes you feel like you’re having a mental breakdown." wheeehehfh reading about him also gives me a mental breakdown so I cant say anything much there AhAHAHBHS
I totally missed out the "Oz taking over the world" part the first time round and only connected the dots sometime later.. actually I think it makes sense since no one know about Oz and Arthur's relationship yet at that point so the implication of it is not yet known
They put in a mana stone in the goblet and like afjsnaoj isnt that a dead wizard... and the fact the content in the goblet smells like blood... cryuing
ch 5
Riquet! God… looking back at how brainwashed he was growing up in a cult and how in 2nd anniv it was implied riquet was caged up and he thought that that was him serving the people is so fudging. They’re just using u Riquet…. :(
Listening to Chloe and Rustica duo is way more funny than just reading it. Rustica is so HAHAHAHA helpless, really <3 they’re just so funny I love them
When Figaro showed up. Made me 🥹🥹🦶🦶🦶🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🫶🫶🤬🤬🤬😠😠😠 he evoked so many emotions it’s unreal. But the Flores brothers 🥹 Mitile wants to defend his nii sama
Mitile: What about you, Dr. Figaro? Is there anything cool about you? Rutile: Hey. Don’t be rude, Mitile.
This part is so funny im gonna cry. Also Yknow how Rutile telling Figaro it's not a good hobby to keep secrets? Yet he doesn't mind if he keeps them, if that what makes him happy bc to Mitile and Rutile.. Figgy was the on who took care of them and so they care about him genuinely.. i need figgy to wake up and see it and accept it adkjfg SECOND ANNIV SCREWED ME UP WHEN SMTH ALONG THESE LINES GET BROUGHT UP. anyway. Lenno!!
Ch6 when Murr said
“Just as I can love the < Great Catastrophe > when it gently illuminates the night sky, but must push it back when it gets too close.”
He had a change of tone where there’s a hint of old murr towards the end when he talks about the moon…. I loved it so much bc no matter what, no matter how his soul shatters, it’s still Murr, the eccentric philosopher who loved the moon as if it’s his everything.
This part makes me wonder so much
Snow: Take a closer look. White: Our shadows are still stuck within the frame.
Our shadows? White still has shadows? Isnt he a ghost? Does it not count if he’s in the frame?
Bradley calling himself Bradley sama is so funny to me bc I can definitely see back then why I wasn’t that interested in him in the first place. If he had continued acting that way, he wouldn’t have shoot up so high my my favourites right now.
+ Akira saying their impression of Bradley initially the older brother with quick temper but guess they were wrong AKDNSKAK NOOOO Akiraaaaa cling onto ur judgement!!! He is!!! He’s just a little hot headed bc it’s only in the introduction phase!!!!
ch 7
Arthur: I’m thinking of setting aside a day of national celebration, and calling it "National Mixer Day". Akira: P-perhaps you should come up with a different name for a national holiday? Arthur: You think so? Akira: Y-Yes.
Help this part Arthur but hes a good kid really!! Anything he comes across, he takes notes of them and see how he could use it to improve the country and how he takes the sage words seriously... how he trust people so much... oz... how did u raise such a good kid.....
As for Akira.... Akira really rolling with everything the previous sage said, not correcting anything, trying to save his image CRYING the previous sage should thank Akira.
ch 8
Shylock: No worries. I'm quite familiar with lunatics.
ok. when shylock says it. its kinda nice. when murr says it. he sounds so akfdsjfbhj do u wan a slappnsd
Snow: We’ll introduce the remaining three. White: Bradley — absent. Snow: Owen — absent. White: Mithra — also absent. That’s all.
I love mhyk's sanbaka
also i love how practically everyone knows Figaro. Northern wizards? Self explanatory. Arthur? Figaro is like an uncle to him. Nero? He's from the North. Faust? Former mentee. Murr and Shylock? Please, the whole snow and white drama.
MMMMM I have a lot of things to say from onwards but I finished reading and wow damn I did forget many stuff
Bradley telling Mitile he might be able to get by in the North is so KUSA knowing he has a Northern wizard blood running through him and if he was trained properly he would definitely be strong af… (also with how later on Brad does mentor Mitile here and there occasionally)
shino and heath little argue and the fact that they didn’t actually recoiled but somehow just fell back to being friends again
BRADNERO FUDGING QUESTION WHERE WERE U ON THE NIGHT I GOT CAUGHT… he genuinely seems worried and if not a little hurt by the fact Nero was not there with him in the moment of distress. I am hurt. for Bradley, Nero was someone he considered his partner, someone who he could trust his hopes on. He was still daydreaming…. (FUGDE Y SECOND ANNI) Bradley being real serious with the way he said it’s not because of Nero he got caught so don’t worry. Nero can’t reply. Because he was indeed the reason Bradley got caught.
Fugding hell Old MurrShy is the thing ever. I love the knives they throw at each other which CUTS because they know each other too well. The Love and Hate Shylock has for Murr for over close to a thousand years. The ruthlessness of both.
Chloe asking Rustica not to take their friendship to the extreme like Murr and Shylock 😭😭
Shino pointing at the hill and Faust talking about the execution hill like he Knows too well… FAUST… failed heroes becom criminals… FAUST…..
Shino back at it again saying he wants to make it big so he can brags about Heath to everyone, so he can proudly say this is my Lord and no one will look down on Heath and he can proudly say Heath is his friend and Heath can have confidence in himself and and to shino, HEATH IS A MAN WORTHY OF EVERYTHING AND HE WILL GRANT HIM THATSHDJNDMDMD
Faust wanting to leave and Figaro said there’s no one else more responsible than Faust and the way it went like “ Faust went: Snow and White. Figaro: Are you joking. Look at how me and Oz turned out “ I know figgy said futago sensei careless, they were his and Oz’s master but yeah. same thing. kusa
Faust blizzard injury being his dream and his desire.. while he was out to stake to be burn… Figaro being there too…. when in actual reality Figaro long ditched them…. he just wants his mentor was with him till the last moment eueududjjfjksksm HE STILLS WANTS HIS MENTOR TO BE WITH HIM
Figaro cursing Faust with plain words of things that are stating the obvious bad outcomes if Faust leaves so it will rings in Faust head if anything bad happens and the regret will curse him THAT THING IS SO GOOD DESPITE HOW TWISTED IT WAS because words hold so much power and Figaro.. even if he’s a coward… he knows how to speak when he wants…. Also cursing the knowledge Figaro might die soon. And not being able to tell anyone or do anything.
chloe actually crying in ch 17 :( i had no idea he cried cried uuuuuu I want to hug him and tell him he’s the nicest person ever, I want to be his friend!! Anyone who doesn’t is their lost!!
Oz’s small smile after he walked away helping Arthur… when he finally got a good look at Arthur’s face and thinks about how much Arthur has grown. And Arthur realising Oz has been avoiding him to protect his place in the castle and his reputation. I AM FOIJG TO CRY GOING TO CRY
Kizu Owen is the cutest thing ever his voice is so cute. I can hear a little bit of Leo in there ajxhjsk anyway he is the cutest. Owen’s Knights complex shines a lot with Kizu Owen. Him wanting to be saved by a knight. Him being trapped all alone in his childhood left with a half torn muddy picture book about Knight. The only thing that gave him hope. Maybe Kizu Owen is Owen’s personality before he became twisted. He does feels like a hopeful child way back…. I want to give him so many cakes
MITHRA THINKING BACK ABOUT TILETTA….. making a promise to Tiletta bc he wants to make her happy at least once before she passes away… and to him, Tiletta’s happiness is worth putting all his magic on the line.
Mithra does complain a lot about Tiletta. Oh this rude women oh wild women but But at the end of the day, she’s still the most important figure in his life, she’s still the one who raised him, taught him magic, taught how to live. He does respect and care about her. The only constant in his life and grounds him for the world. When Mitile told him he feels sorry that Mithra has not yet found anyone precious him his life… all I want to say is… my boy.. it’s your mother…..
the relationship between Tiletta and Mithra going from “this boy handsome, will make him my lover” to “he grown up to be pathetic, so I decided against it”
Arthur displaying his authority as the crown prince to Vincent GOD THE VOICE ACTING WAS GOOD!!!CHILLS ITS ALSO THE SAME WHEN HEATH DID IT TO NICHOLAS (shino: heh) so proud of both of them !!
Oz and futago sensei standing there like 🧍🖼️ at night bc they’re useless. Love them
NERO AND BRADLEY. They’re both so Uncle core u don’t understand 😭😭😭 they still very buddy buddy when it comes to these things it’s so funny. U could tell they used to spend a lot of time in each other’s company by how they act (when Nero slips)
Some wizards are already starting to catch on… no… even Mitile himself starting to caught on how Figaro only teaches him weak spells and the way his spell is hard to say….. I didn’t realise it was that early on…. Holy shit…..
The whole Mitile asking BradNero to save Rutile from Mithra only to be in the way of defeating the actual villain and them arguing and Nova standing there🧍
SANBAKA TOGETHER FINALLLYYYYYY. Bradley calling a Mithra an Idiot. Cant say much. Bradley is the smartest there.
Mithra dumping Nova in a magma reservoir. Closing it without hearing Nova’s grand exit and reveal. Everyone: …. Mithra: wanna eep (ISNT THAT WHY U REALISE UR PROMISE ALMOST TOO LATEKAJDJS)
All Northern wizard recognising Oz’s reverse lightning except Nero 😭😭😭😭
Nero trying to be poetic and Brad went u ass what the fudge u going on about is like the most buddy thing. It’s like seeing ur friend trying to be a romantic staring out the window trying to act as if they’re in an MV and u giving the what the fudge face
so maybe Layers to Shylock eating Murr’s shard instead of feeding it back to Murr. Because he despise Murr and does not want OG Murr to come back? Because he loves Murr that he wants part of Murr to always be with him? Because he wants to taste Murr??????? SHYLOCK????? The longing and yearning yet hating is insane with MurrShy
Re to what I said in (1) I think the previous sage does come to a realisation with what he wrote in the manual but at that point it became too late to get to know them on a deeper level. He still thinks Northern wizards are always difficult to deal with when they can be real simple at times if put in effort talking to them.
Nova no having that many lines is the funniest shit ever
The voice acting for Shino is so damn good I can’t wait to hear 2nd anni voice bc there’s a lot of desperation in the arc. When worried Shino called out the Kizu Heath like it pains him a lot. GOD. He is so worried and he’s doesn’t want to hurt Heath
important stuff I like getting reminded about
>Breaking a promise results in the wizards losing their magic. Because it means betraying your own heart, betraying the you who made that promise. Words hold lots of power after all (common theme which I really like. The importance and the impact of what you say to others)
>Promise is what moves the heart, the resolved in your heart and this your heart is what binds the promise. It’s shows that even if this world is uncertain at least there’s someone you can trust no matter what. An anchor.
>Mana stones hold the respective wizard’s magic powers. Magical technology uses it to fuel
>Murr was the one who founded Magical science technology which cause uproar in the West. Causes Shylock’s hometown to be contaminated and creatures go extinct. ( hunt down magical creature till extinction for the mana stones.?? I’m sure I read this somewhere)
>Owen gains power from human’s emotion. Fear. He can talk to beast what a Disney Princess he is <3333 bc he’s a huntsman bc ignore that
>Figaro feels he’s gonna die soon. Mitile is the prophecy child who will destroy all Southern wizards.
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dr4cking · 3 years
draco malfoy x reader | smut | fluff
"miss y/n, this is getting horrible, you have been failed at my class so many times, your grades isnt doing better, now all i can do is to suggest you by getting a tutor" professor slughorn sighed handing y/n her last test disappointedly.
"im sorry professor, i promise i will try harder and get better" y/n took her paper and going back to her seat.
"im sure you're a great student, you just need some help. uhm- mr. malfoy? do you mind tutoring your classmate here, miss y/n? its only you who is the bestest in my class" the professor asked to one of the best students, the famous draco malfoy, y/n gulped and waiting nervously for his answer. she had this little crush on him since they always had classes together and she's in the same house as him, but they were not exactly 'close'.
"oh i dont mind, professor. its my pleasure" draco answers politely, taking a look at y/n making the girl look down and blush, a smile appeared to his face. little did she know, he has a big crush on the lovely girl who seemed clueless about all the hints he gave her almost everyday.
professor slughorn just nodded and dismissed the class, everyone packed their things and left, y/n look at draco who's already staring at her with a genuine smile plastered in his face, motioning her to follow him. she feels like her heart jumped out of the place, she follows him behind as draco walking them to his room.
as they arrived in draco's room, y/n admires the design, it was elegant and neat. typical rich slytherins room.
"it looks nice" y/n said opening the conversation.
"thanks, put my hardest work to make it look the best. here, take a seat beside me" draco patting the side of his couch, there's a small table in front of the couch.
y/n took a seat beside him, and placing her books to the table, the tension was so awkward that she wished she was a talkative person.
draco started the lesson, y/n learned faster from the way draco explained it than in the class, but she would be lying if she said she hasnt lost her focuses a few times to studying draco's face, he's just so beautiful. she thinks he didnt noticed, but he did, he just keep it to himself.
after hours studying, y/n feels like her head will going to explode in a minute, she decided to take a break.
"god can we take a break, draco? this is so stressing, why cant i just be smart like you, dont get me wrong you're a great tutor but im just too dumb" y/n protested, massaging her head and rubbing her face in frustration.
"oh y/n dont say that! we can take a break of course, but to make you feel better, i promise you, you're doing so great now, you've improved a lot, im so proud of you" draco said cheering her up, his hand goes to tucked her hair behind her ear reassuring her.
y/n look up to draco, giving him a sweet shy smile and her cheeks turns red as draco keeps complimented her, before they know it they were leaning into each other and their lips met, the kisses were soft and lovely, draco cupped her cheeks caressing it gently while y/n wrapped her arms around the back of his neck pulling him closer tugging at his hair deepening the kisses making both of them let out a small moans.
as the kisses turn into a full makeout and got heated, draco lays her down gently on the couch placing soft wet kisses on her neck, sucking on it, marking her causing her to let out a soft moan, he placed one of his hand on her thigh rubbing small circles until his hand got higher, he pulled away.
"do you wanna take this further, love? we can stop now if you dont want to" draco asked and y/n shakes her head no and put his hand back to her inner thigh.
"no draco please keep going i want you, i need this" draco groans and he continues rubbing her clit from her panties feeling the wetness that already make a spot on her panties, soft whines escaped her lips as draco keep teasing her clit, he pushes her panties aside and insert one finger inside her making y/n let out a constant squeal and she covered her mouth quickly, her eyes rolled back at the pleasure.
y/n's moans were muffled by her hand, draco cant help but getting harder by looking at her expression, he still cant believe he finally got the girl he always adored like this, he added another fingers into her cunt, curling them inside her making the girl squirmed under his touch.
"dont cover your mouth, let me hear your beautiful voice, show me how good i make you feel, love" draco said as he takes her hand off of her mouth and intertwining their hands instead with his free hand while his fingers still working their way in and out of her tight hole getting faster each time, he stares at her in awe, how gorgeous she looks right now, mouth hung open, eyes rolled back in pleasure and all because of him, he feels butterflies filling his stomach.
"yes- yes draco, oh god.. you make me feel so good" draco go down to her pussy, pulling off her panties, putting her thighs on his shoulder and positioning his face in front of her glistening cunt and started to eat her out making y/n a moaning mess, he let out a moan too at the taste of her, getting addicted to it, he can even eat her out for all day if she let him.
"do you like the way my tongue plays with your pretty pussy, love? mhmm you taste so fucking delicious baby" draco keeps sucking on her clit, its like he was making out with it, his tongue going in and out of her hole his fingers going with the same pace as his tongue.
"ah- yes draco i love it, oh- please im so close" y/n keep moaning uncontrollably while her hand grasping tightly onto his hair.
"yes baby, let it out, cum on my tongue, let me taste you, darling" draco wants nothing more than to pleasure her right now, making this moment unforgettable for both of them, and within seconds y/n screams his name and cumming hard on his mouth, laying breathlessly still steadying her breath after her intense orgasm.
draco pulled away and y/n blushing madly looking at his face, his mouth covered in her juices, he smiles proudly at her, sucking his fingers clean, and hovered over her, reconnecting their lips, y/n hummed at the taste of herself on his tongue. draco started to unbuttoned her shirt, taking her bra off too and throw them to somewhere, he hungrily kissing her breasts, playing with her nipples causing y/n to get wetter while her hands working on his belt and taking his pants off, his erected dick slapped up to his lower stomach, she took it in her tiny hand and stroking it massaging the tip, making him groans.
"god.. you're so beautiful y/n.." y/n mumbles a quick 'thankyou' at the compliment getting impatient, wanting nothing more than to be taken by the blonde guy.
"draco, please, i need you so bad" she cant take it anymore, she wanted to feel him, wrapping him inside her tightly, she whimpers at the feel of his hard dick rested on her thigh.
"your wish is my command, princess" draco lining up his dick on her cunt, rubbing his tip up and down on her clit lubricate it before slowly pushing in, they both moaning each other names out loud at the sensation, both of their heads thrown back and eyes screwed shut in pleasure, y/n wrapped her legs on his waist pulling him deeper, draco paused a moment as he was fully inside her, letting her adjust to his size.
"you can move draco, god you're so big" y/n dug her nails onto his back as he slowly made a move, pulling out until its just his tip inside and slamming it back again, making y/n bites her bottom lip.
draco started to pick up his pace, pushing her legs to her chest making more access as he continues to thrust in and out deeper and faster inside her, he put his hands next to the side of her face to support his weight, y/n runs her hands on his chest, scratching it, her breasts bouncing up and down under him.
"merlin, you're so tight baby feels so good, fuck- how can someone feels this good-" draco said as he kissed her lips, his lips trembling against hers, he bites softly on her bottom lip to hold his scream as he feels her walls clenching around him, squeezing him tighter.
"oh my god- draco, right there, holy-" y/n cant even finishes her words as she screams louder when draco keeps hitting her spot, going deeper and faster each time, bringing her to her high.
"baby, are you close?" y/n nodded at his question, cant even answer him as she was too focused as the coil started to tighten in her stomach.
"good baby, cause i cant hold it much longer, now cum love, cum for me" draco rubbed a circle on her clit, his thrusts getting sloppier, y/n screamed his name out loud seeing the stars as she finally hit her orgasm, harder than the first one and draco cant help at the feeling of her walls clenching really hard around him after her high, he spilled his thick cum inside her, painting her walls white non stop, making both of them groans, his vision going blurry, he collapsed on top of y/n, burying his face on her hair, running out of breath, their bodies started to shake.
"fuck y/n that was amazing, you are too good for me, love" draco kiss her lips again as he finished, he pulls out gently, but before he can stand up he falls to her side, both of them laughs.
"look at what you did to me, y/n" draco laughed as he slowly standing up to get the towel and clean her up.
"if this is how the tutoring ends, i wouldnt mind doing it again" y/n said, smirking to him confidently as draco helped her up to his bed, giving her a cheeky grin.
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What about Geralt discovering how awesome and safe it feels to be the little spoon? Any pairing is good, but I do have a weakness for Jaskier/Dandelion helping Geralt learn how to let himself be taken care of.
what about me projecting so hard im not even sure if this makes any sense? more likely than you think.
Warnings: i went with geraskier, idk why this is a warning but im rolling with it, biiiiiig self depreciation on Geralt's part, jask goading geralt into asking for things he wants/needs, snuggles? idk. i should just start using ao3 tags here lol
Geralt hadn’t realized just how much Jaskier held back in his presence until he saw the bard with a lover for the first time. Not in a libido sort of way, though Geralt could smell that well enough, but in his affinity for touching and holding.
Jaskier would cradle his love of the week and stroke their cheek and run his fingers through their hair every second he could. And what confused Geralt even more, was how the object of his affections preened under his attention, even when said attention was absent-minded and automatic. He’d known this particular fling to be rather standoffish, very much the gritted teeth and harsh glaring type when people attempted flirting or any sort of casual touching.
When Geralt asked them about it after Jaskier had made his dramatic exit, they smiled wistfully and shook their head, “Ask him. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to explain it to you of all people…”
That, of course, meant shit all to Geralt, but after weeks of biting his nails and working up the courage, he asked Jaskier how he managed to get so close, so intimate with people.
He just received a confused look in return, “Well… the same as with you?”
Geralt could only frown and sit down on a stump across the fire from his bard, his silent request for an explanation. He was never close with other people. The most intimate he got outside of some meaningless sex here and there was letting Jaskier tend his wounds.
“Trust. And respect I guess… why do you ask?”
“No reason…” Geralt muttered, staring into the flames as an embarrassed blush crept up his neck. The self-consciousness that had delayed him asking for so long rushed back over him and he began to regret saying anything. Come to think of it, Jaskier had probably just misunderstood him. Considering he’d insinuated Geralt had ever been intimate with… oh. His frown deepening, Geralt stared even harder into the fire as he came to the first realization of the night. Jaskier had meant ‘the same way I’m intimate with you’.
The bard was at his side without making a sound, joining him on a stump with their thighs just barely touching, “Ask me,” he whispered, pausing to give Geralt a chance to do so before adding a soft, “Please?”
“It’s not the same, is it? You don’t- ...you don’t hold me like that…” Geralt wasn’t sure his voice could come out any smaller if he tried, and he was certainly trying to sound casual. He hadn’t realized he was jealous. Hadn’t realized the reason he ached wasn’t that he was tired or dehydrated, but because he yearned to be treated so gently.
“No, it’s not,” Jaskier confirmed. The hand resting on his thigh right next to Geralt’s twitched in indecision before Jaskier hooked his pinky around Geralt’s where it rested on his knee, “I’m far more careful with the people I couldn’t stand to lose.”
The subtle but intentional touch had Geralt’s heart racing as he stared at where their fingers were interlocked. He’d gone over reason after possible reason in his head that Jaskier would keep his distance, but the truth was almost incomprehensible. Of all the things Geralt had been to people over the years, irreplaceable wasn’t one of them. He may have been special to the mages at Kaer Morhen, but to be treated with such care that he didn’t even realize he was being protected and kept close? It almost made him dizzy.
“If you asked,” Jaskier whispered, his own puls racing almost in double time with Geralt’s, “I would hold you closest and dearest. I’d give you everything I have.”
Slowly, so as not to send the wrong message, Geralt turned his hand over and laced his fingers between Jaskier’s, “I’d- I think I’d like that…”
As Jaskier pulled him over to a bedroll and laid so Geralt was pressed with his back against Jaskier’s chest, the witcher thought he’d never been so selfish in his life. When Jaskier cradled his head in the crook of his arm and hooked the other arm over Geralt’s waist to hold him impossibly closer he started to feel guilty. He was warm and comfortable and he’d never felt safer with someone at his back, but he couldn’t help feeling like he was taking something that wasn’t meant for him.
Almost in answer to his thoughts, Jaskier murmured into his hair, soothing and gentle, “I’d hold you for hours and hours if it made you believe you were worth the love I have for you.”
It took longer than he’d like to admit for Geralt to realize why his breathing was ragged and his face felt wet, “I’m- I’m not sure that’s fair of me to ask of you.”
“Then don’t ask. I’ll give it freely if you’ll take it,” Jaskier hummed, brushing Geralt’s hair back from his cheek so he could place a light kiss there, “I want to make you feel safe and loved.”
Geralt grit his teeth and fought the fresh well of guilt bubbling up in his chest. Here his bard confessed his love, practically pledged to heal his crumbled heart, and all Geralt could do was cry. Even when he tried, he couldn’t make the words he longed to say pass his lips.
“I cant- Jask I can’t say it-”
“Shhhh,” Jaskier squeezed him tight as he placed another kiss at the back of Geralt’s jaw, “You don’t have to. We’ll get there… This is enough. You are enough.”
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realm-of-rosie · 3 years
✎ A Human's Desperation | Genshin Impact
↠ ❗Angst❗
↠ Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Tohma × Reader
↠ Hurt No Comfort | Scenarios
↠ Before You Read:
at first, i only had prompts that i thought of, and i managed to muster some semblance of a small plot :)
↠ Rules for Requesting | Masterlist
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• diluc
love, to you, was interesting.
not every single relationship you have witnessed in your life was perfect and that only made the pull to find your so-called 'true love' that much more enticing.
you didn't expect the arranged marriage contract to fall into place, and since stupid part of you thought that, with time, with effort, with patience, he would learn to love you as your foolish heart quickly learned to care for him.
but that wasn't the case for master diluc had a heart of stone and hardened ash that wouldnt break under the pressure of the adoration you attempted to give him.
"can't you at least pretend to love me? just once?" you rub your forehead in frustration at the man sitting across you, "you aren't the only one who was forced into this predicament,"
"this isn't a fairy tale where both protagonists fall for each other, you know?" diluc calmly flipped through his book, ignoring the anger and hurt pulsing through you.
"how would we know if you don't even want to try?"
"if it's love youre looking for, im not the one you should be talking to,"
• kaeya
"im busy, i told you,"
helplessly, you watch kaeya hurry past you into the confines of his locked office.
with a heavy sigh, you trudged after him, jiggling the knob open with the key you borrowed from jean, and locking it again when you pushed inside the room.
"kaeya, we need to talk,"
"and i told you that i was busy," he angrily throws a stack of paper back into his table, "cant this wait?"
"you know, you can't keep pretending it didn't happen! because guess what genius, it did!"
"well, i didn't mean it because i was drunk!"
"drunk words are sober thoughts," your facade breaks slightly when he stands up, laughing and approaching you and trapping you against the door.
"are they now?" kaeya chuckles coldly, so coldly that a chill of fear shot up your spine, "are you sure you're not just desperate for a reason to believe that the drunken kiss i gave you meant something to me? because it doesnt,"
• zhongli
"you look like you're about to turn inside out just thinking," zhongli's baritone voice travels into your ears, sending you back into the world of the living and conscious, "what's got you thinking so hard?"
"i wouldnt want you to be offended by my thoughts sir," you duck your head behind the files zhongli - your boss - handed you to read over, "a job as your assistant is good for the experience, you're very knowledgeable,"
"well, i think that not expressing what you think can decrease efficiency because you're thinking about your thoughts instead of work,"
"i think you're just scared to let go of the past and be happy, youre scared to come to terms with the fact that guizhong is dead,"
"wrong, now, would you like pasta or a salad for lunch?"
"you're deflecting again,"
"or maybe youre the one who just can't accept the fact that im not happy with you," his words shoot right through you before they register in your head.
"hmm," you laugh pathetically, "maybe,"
• tohma
"i love you, tohma,"
"...im sorry,"
"i have a duty to fulfill, i have no time for this-"
"you love her, don't you?"
he hung his head in shame, tears of guilt and frustration filling his eyes because he did want to.
desperately, he wanted to love you like you loved him, someone who tohma could have and not the unattainable princess in inazuma he was tasked with protecting.
"then don't force yourself to love me," you say through broken sobs, "because i don't want to be who you settle for just because you cant have her,"
"what does that mean?"
"forget that i said id ever love you, and eventually, i'll do the same,"
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actualbird · 3 years
Been watching a video of a former art thief and a detective rating art heist scenes in movies and one that was shown was in a film called The Thomas Crown Affair. A thief steals a priceless Monet painting and its handled ROUGHLY, broken outta it's frame and BENT. IN. HALF to fit in a suitcase. It made me wince so hard and I can only imagine how much rage Marius would have felt at seeing such a scene a h a
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UR RIGHT THO!! marius values art so fuckin much, he would BEYOND wince, he may just stop watching the show out of spite. you cant just show him a piece of art (a MONET!!!!) being mishandled like that without any warning!!!! whats the tv show equivalent of a rage quit? he does that if he sees this scene.
my brain went in another direction now tho, forgive me, but im thinking bout how precious art is to marius. not just his own, but like, all of it.
if anybody ever gave marius ANY piece of art, he would cherish it SO MUCH
a little doodle from mc goes on his fridge, pinned by a magnet. whenever she comes over she sees it and groans like "come on, i can draw you something better, take it down!!" and hes like "nope! if it's on the fridge, it stays forever! it's special now! ;)" and he pointedly does not tell her just how much that doodle matters to him, as silly and casual as the doodle is. it's on the fridge, it's special, he cant help but smile whenever he sees it.
luke gives him a tiny action figure that luke made himself and the action figure is now on marius' office desk at PAX. marius is not sure if this action figure has a button that makes it shoot a tranq dart, any gift from luke has the POSSIBILITY to be a fucking weapon somehow. still, he keeps it at his desk, making sure to get rid of any dust that gathers. feels as if theres a little soldier here now, protecting him from anybody who wants to go for marius' throat
vyn has never given marius a tangible thing but one time during one of their tutoring sessions, when marius was dead tired from lack of sleep and frustrated with how he couldnt think, vyn had gone to the piano in the study room and played a gentle melody to calm marius down. when marius asked what song vyn played, vyn shrugs and said it was a piece he was trying to write. marius has never forgotten the melody. he hums it to himself when hes stressed.
artem cant make most art at ALL but when marius voiced that he wanted to learn how to cook, artem had sent him a bunch of his own recipes. all of them take SO MUCH SKILL and marius is like I DONT KNOW WHAT SOME OF THESE WORDS MEAN but he knows that artem is trying, in his own weird way. and maybe marius likes the challenge. he keeps the recipes and laughs at artem's side comments about the cooking steps, and marius wonders if artem knows just how much of himself he's revealed in these words
art takes a lot of forms. the definitions of art just broaden even more when you yourself are an artist, and marius welcomes that.
is it a bad thing, to want to cherish more and more things? maybe. but if theres one thing marius will always believe in, it'll be art. and art from people he cares about is some of the most valuable shit in his life.
if u give marius art, hes basically never gonna leave u ever. good luck getting rid of him now, team!!!!
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moistmailman · 3 years
SCP AU part 2
*Jaune is pushed into a room with a bag over his face before the door shuts on him*
Jaune, slightly muffled: H-HEY! I SAID LET ME GO DAMNIT! *cautiously reaches for bag and touches it before ripping it off*
Jaune, immediately turning to the door and banging on it: I SWEAR TO GOD YOU GUYS BETTER LET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW! WHAT KINDA FUCKED SOCIAL EXPERIMENT IS THIS?! *continue banging*
Pyrrha: I can hear you.
*Jaune squeaks loudly before getting in a karate stance while turning to see a tall redhead girl around his age with vivid green eyes sitting on a bed*
Jaune, internally: What the fuck?! How long has she been here?!
Pyrrha, awkwardly waving: Hello.
Jaune, awkwardly waving back: Uh..hi.
*an awkward silence fall on the two, with the blonde slightly blushing and the redhead staring at him with interest*
Jaune, internally: Holy shit, she’s pretty. My god, she absolutely stunning. She has got to be the prettiest girl I’ve seen in my li— Wait Wait, Jauney-Boy, you're getting side tracked. What the fuck is going on in here, and why did those guys put me in a room with a very hot girl with really long and smooth legs— GAH, HORMONES THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT MATTERS TO ATTEND TO!
Pyrrha: *giggles while slightly blushing*
Jaune, terrified:......w-was I t-talking out loud?
Pyrrha: Hmm? Oh no. *smiles teasingly* Why? What were you thinking about?
Jaune, voice cracking: N-nothing. Nothing at— *clears throat* H-hey, I’m Jaune.
Pyrrha, smiling: Pyrrha, charmed.
Jaune, internally: Wow, even her name is pretty.
Pyrrha: *snickers cutely*
*Jaune looks around to see what she’s snickering at to see nothing*
Jaune, shrugging it off: So uhm....they tricked you with the social experiment, huh?
*Pyrrha thinks for a moment, before a coy smile gets plastered on her lips*
Pyrrha: Yeah, you can say something like that.
Jaune: Damn. Who the hell are these people, and you have any idea what they even want from us?
Pyrrha, shaking her head: Your guess is as good as mine.
Jaune, sighing: Great. Isn’t today just wonderful. Should’ve known that offer was too good to be true. *slide his back against the wall until he’s sitting* Teach me not to read documents people tell me to sign.
Cinder, sighing: Wow, great plan, Roman. We are learning things about her so fast.
Roman: This takes patience, Cinder.
Cinder, frustrated: The boy haven’t even said anything to her for the past 5 minutes! He’s just sitting his ass on the floor. The boy is socially handicapped!
Roman: That’s not my fault! You're the one who pick him!
Cinder: Well you were the one to make this stupid plan in the first place! How will the boy even ask her about her powers in the first place if he doesn't even know that he needs to ask?!
Roman: Geez, I don't know! How did I know about you being an only child?
Cinder: Be—
Roman: Because I asked you as a curious person who wants to know about my friend! Now believe it or but if I got under the assumption that you started reading my mind, you bet your ass I would ask you about it, especially if I was trapped in a small room with you!
Cinder: But why would SCP-312 answer the question if she knows what we're trying to—
Roman, urgently: Hush! Something's happening!
Jaune: *has been moving uncomfortably on the floor for the past 5 minutes*
Pyrrha, scooting in her bed: Hey, you wanna sit next to me? The floor looks pretty uncomfortable.
Jaune: Really? You're alright with that?
Pyrrha, smiling warmly: Of course. The bed's large enough. *Pat beside her* Here.
Jaune, slightly blushing: O-oh, Uh, sure then. Thanks.
*Jaune walks over to the bed before sitting down, his cheeks crimsoning*
Pyrrha: There, is that better?
Jaune: Y-yeah. T-thanks.
Pyrrha: Youre welcome:
*Once again the room fall to silence as the boy looks everywhere but at the very attractive girl he's shoulder to shoulder with*
Jaune, internally: God, what's wrong with me?! I just got kidnnapped yet I'm more worried about this super hot girl sitting next to me! I can barely form coherent sentences around her! Damn, my hands are all sweaty too! She's so close! I can feel her body warmth! Just calm down, Jauney. Calm down already. Take a deep breath, and try to strike up a conversation with her. This silence is deafening.
Jaune, taking a deep breath: So, what—
Pyrrha: *Facing Jaune with a warm smile*
Jaune, voice wavering: —y-y-your.......*turns away in embarrassment*
Jaune, internally: For god sake! I can’t get used to that smile! It’s like beautiful personified. God damnit. I need to keep a conversation going, at least until those guys come back! Okay think! What did mom tell me about talking to girls?
A memory starts playing inside Jaune’s head with his mother’s voice: Remember Sweetie, women love wedding rings, but they love babies more.
Jaune, internally:.....is...is that it?! Really?! That’s literally the only advice my mother has ever given more for girls. How the hell is baby propaganda supposed to help me in this situation?! What kinda— okay, calm down. I have another parent. What did dad tell me?
Another memory starts playing in Jaune’s head, this time with his father’s voice: Son, I have absolutely no idea how I managed to make your mother fall for me. I am not the man you should be asking. You’ll probably have a better shot asking the stars that question.
Jaune, internally:.........I’m going to die alone, aren’t I? My parents managed to make the opposite sex so completely alien to me, despite me having 7 sisters! What he actual fuck?! This is an absolute disaster! This can’t get any worst!
*Jaune then remembers one crucial detail of the predicament he’s in*
*Suddenly Jaune’s nerves instantly drop and a calm aura surrounds him, almost like it just completely disappeared and got replace with an warm and inviting energy*
Jaune, confused: Huh?
*The weight on Jaune’s hand then became evident, as he looked down and found Pyrrha’s hand gently lying on his, almost reassuringly*
Jaune, slightly blushing:.........
Pyrrha, in soothing tone: So, tell me about yourself.
Jaune, no longer feeling nervous for a reason he doesn’t know why:...........well, I just graduated from college.
Cinder, frantically: WRITE THAT DOEN, WRITE THAT DOWN!
Roman, equally as frantic: I AM! I AM!
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princecharmingwinks · 3 years
i cant believe you said you dont write for fandoms!! these are ending up AMAZING! have another fail date for you to make better: we went four-wheel driving over the dunes out bush, we took my car but he drove because he's done the route before. we were the second car in the convoy and because my car is a little smaller than the others it couldnt make it up the last dune! it nearly made it over before sliding back into the sand and ended up half buried! (1/2)
(2/2) the rest of the group had to drag and push us out with planks and chains etc while we were stuck inside because no way in hell i was opening the door to let the sand in! so three wheels in the sand, waiting on our rescue, irl it was a bit awkward but im hoping you'll rewrite a better ending <3
Awww concussed dragon, you are sooo sweet! Thank you! Your unique failed dates are great to work with. Alrighty, let's get into this one! So the pack got big in this one and while most don't have lines, I liked the idea of everyone being there (or almost for anyone I missed haha). I left some of the couple combos up to interpretation so feel free to ship at your leisure.
The pack, after much pestering from a certain human/spark, were finally going on their camping trip. The alpha had finally conceded when Stiles had shot him a pout and hopeful eyes. Derek had reluctantly agreed and ignored the snickering of his betas in the corner of the room.
On the morning of the trip, everyone was pairing up into groups of drivers and passengers so no one drove alone and there were less cars.
Derek and Stiles were the last members out of the rebuilt Hale House. Derek had been locking up and Stiles was finishing off some wards to ensure there were no unwanted visitors while they were away. He was still learning to harness his spark but small wards of protection were easy enough. Defensive magic was easier, offensive was another story.
Stiles threw his bag into the back of the jeep and glanced around.
"So, who's joining Roscoe and me?"
Erica snickered, "Derek."
"What?" Stiles and Derek snapped in unison. Well at least Stiles had a punctuation mark, Derek's not so much.
"I'm with Danny, Lydia and Jacks." Kira spoke up. "Scott, Malia, and Isaac are with Allison."
"I'm obviously with my boy." Erica jumped onto Boyd's back, who was used to his girlfriend's antics and easily caught her. "And Theo is meeting us there after picking up Liam from work. Everyone's paired up so that just leaves you two."
Stiles felt his heart flutter but managed to keep his voice even as he spoke, "Alright Alpha My Alpha, let's get going."
Derek didn't say a word as he slid into the passenger seat of the jeep. Everything would be fine.
Everything was not fine. Stiles was definitely going through a quarter life crisis at the realisation most of the pack were in couples. How did he not realise that? When had it become a prerequisite to start dating a pack member? And now it was just Stiles and the alpha. The alpha he had been in love with for years. Great...
"What's wrong?"
Stiles was pulled out of his internal panic by said alpha's soothing voice. Derek had softened over the years, showing care and concern for each member of the pack. He now bought scent-free nail polish for Erica (so the acid smell didn't upset all the were's noses), stocked Isaac's favourite gummybears and even hugged Kira willingly at her university graduation. Derek Hale was a softie.
"I'm fine, nothing wrong here, no sir." Stiles prattled. Even he heard the blatant lies without supernatural healing. He glanced to his side and was greeted by raised eyebrows.
"Ok, so I may have just realised how paired up everyone in the pack really is."
"Except us."
"Yeah," Stiles sighed. "Except us. Do you ever think about that? Like, why you haven't dated anyone since..." He trailed off. Derek didn't have the best track record for his love interests but he hadn't even been on a date for more than 3 years.
Derek looked out the window at the scenary, they were driving into the sand dune part of the journey, and for a moment Stiles thought he wasn't going to answer.
"I've been waiting."
Stiles blinked. Huh?
"For someone so smart, you're really clueless sometimes." Derek huffed, glancing back at Stiles.
"What have you been waiting for?" Stiles dared to ask. They had paused to allow Allison's four-wheel-drive to roll up the last sand dune, waiting for their turn. Roscoe would be the last time to make the climb.
"I thought it was my imagination at first but then you kept coming around and..."
It was Roscoe's turn now and Stiles slowly prepared for the final climb of the dune. He tried to keep focused on the task at hand, allowing Derek to speak his thoughts. You never rushed the alpha when he was being vulnerable.
"I know you kind of like me?" Derek voiced it as a question but all Stiles heard was sirens in his brain. Derek knew? Stiles' foot slid off the peddle and they immediately started rolling backwards, fast.
"Shit! Shit, shit shit." Stiles acted quickly but it wasn't enough. Roscoe descended the sand dune and sank, refusing to move. Sand on either side of them blocked the bottom of their doors. They were officially stuck.
Stiles rested his head on the steering wheel and slowed his breathing. There were multiple crises going on but most had solutions.
The others would work out they hadn't made the climb soon enough or Theo and Liam would find them on their way through. So either way, Roscoe being stuck wasn't a massive deal. The real dilemma was Stiles' outed feelings for Derek.
The same Derek that was eyeing Stiles with concern as he called Kira to request some assist. Stiles heard him hang up before the sound of a door handle being jiggled. He snapped his head up.
"Whoa there sourwolf, there is to be no sand storm in this car, thankyouverymuch." He reached out and tugged the alpha's hand away from the door.
"I figured me getting out and pushing was the preferred option to sitting here with you in a state of panic at my assumption."
Stiles pulled his hand back. "What?"
"Look, we can just forget I ever said anything, alright? I get I'm not the most desirable crush to have. It's probably just familiarity and your sense of loyalty that's fueled your scent around me anyway. Don't worry about it."
Stiles shook his head, "Oh no you don't. You opened that can of worms and I'm no coward." The spark met Derek's gaze. Had he been planning on ignoring his feelings for the alpha? Sure. But was he going to run away from a moment like this? Nope. Stiles Stilinski was a lot of things but after running with wolves and other supernaturals for most of his life, he knew when he needed to tackle something head on.
"Now, before you go down your rabbit hole of I'm-not-good-enough crazy talk, I've got something to say."
Derek nodded like the soft alpha he was and turned to face Stiles more fully.
"You, Derek Alexander Hale, are amazing. A little on the martyr side but that's because you are so protective of your pack. I'd be crazy to not fall in love with you. That's right, love not like. I've been in love with you for years but how was a kid like me going to catch the alpha's eye? I didn't want to ruin our friendship. This," He gestured between them. "This is important to me. I don't want to ruin it."
Derek released a sigh of relief? Stiles couldn't read his eyebrows which was disappointing when he was the most expert at interpreting the alpha's facial expressions.
Then Derek was darting forward and claiming Stiles' lips in a searing kiss. Stiles went with it, almost unbelieving that any of this was happening.
Derek eventually pulled back and rested his forehead against Stiles'.
"Worth the wait." The alpha whispered, grinning, bunny teeth all on display.
"Two way street here. You could've said something too. How long have you liked me?"
Derek blushed and it was only because they were so close that Stiles saw the pink of his cheeks and ears.
"I've always liked you, even if I didn't always show it. But love? I think I've loved you since you woke me up on an elevator floor by punching me. You could have left without me but you didn't."
Stiles pouted, "Since then?"
Derek raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong?"
Stiles pushed Derek back and clumsily crawled across the gear stick to straddle the alpha's lap.
"We could have been having the best sex of my life for years, Derek! Years! We've got a lot of making up to do." Stiles dove in to kiss Derek this time. The alpha happily drew Stiles in closer, curling his arms around the spark's slim waist.
A knock on the window, interrupted their make-out session. Boyd's face appeared with judging eyebrows to rival Derek's.
"Heard you needed a hand." Boyd spoke loudly with a smirk as Derek's hand moved away from Stiles' ass to rest safely on his back.
"What's Erica doing?" Stiles asked, leaning over Derek to squint at the blonde chatting wildly on the phone. Derek focused his hearing.
"Turns out I'm not the only one who was waiting." Derek grinned, "And everyone apparently owes Lydia money."
They did eventually get Roscoe out of the sand dune thanks to the advantages of going camping with multiple supernatural creatures. By the time everyone was settled in the camp and Erica had informed Theo and Liam on the events of the day, Lydia was a very rich woman.
Stiles couldn't complain though. Not when the alpha was snuggled between his legs as Stiles sat on the log and Derek roasted them marshmallows. Apparently no one trusted Stiles near an open flame following the incident with that vampire clan. Stiles combed his fingers through Derek's hair and looked around at the pack. This camping trip was the best idea ever.
Ok so I must confess I do not camp like...ever and have no idea how four-wheel-driving works so please forgive any major errors in that department. I tweaked things a bit from your prompt sorry. I just couldn't imagine Stiles letting anyone else drive Roscoe. Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for popping in!
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amazingphilza · 3 years
study buddies :: cc!multiple x reader
fluff , platonic , gender neutral ! some headcanons if the mcyts were trying to help you do hw :D
cc’s included in order: tommyinnit , tubbo , ranboo , wilbur soot , philza , technoblade
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i feel like he’s the type to be in a long discord call with you whilst you both try to finish your work
mans uses the screensharing feature like there’s no tomorrow
“y/n watch my stream on discord and help me guess the answers”
“tommy no! i haven’t even taken a film class before”
“your guess is good as mine”
“just cheat and google the answers!!!”
“fuck you”
he actually just wants your attention because he’s bored out of his mind doing homework
five minutes later of asking you to help him guess questions he’s like
“hey y/n”
“what now?”
“let’s play bedwars”
“oh my god shut up!!!”
if tommy has to speedrun something before a deadline, it is a whole different story tho; he will be so focused on completing that he won’t hear what you’re saying
if you’re struggling in math, you’re on your own
“math is shit, only numbers i need is my primes and youtube analytics” says tommy any time you complain about math
besides the fact he isn’t good at solving math problems, you can’t even read his handwriting if he did try showing you how to do a problem
“okay, y/n, it’s simple, just look” he says in his kareninnit voice and everything
you’d be like “is the variable a G or a 9??”
“fuck you that’s a 4!!!”
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i don’t know if tubbo ever talked about school before but something about him makes me think he’s actually pretty good at math
like he can explain a few things when it comes to math / algebra
no geometry or calculus though, anything past algebra will go bad
if tubbo is doing homework with you, he will definitely tune you out
“hey tubbo can you help me on this question?”
you don’t get a response until like 20 minutes later
“oh yeah, what was it y/n?”
like now you answer? i just got the answer myself after so long, forget you smh
“oh nothing tubbo, nevermind!”
but you’re still grumbling in your head because if he answered just a bit earlier you wouldn’t have gone through the work of finding the answer online
i can also imagine if you’re taking chemistry tubbo is like ;
“oh you’re taking chemistry? let’s make some bombs!” /lh
tubbo would definitely pull an all-nighter with you to finish your projects together
if you had a group project, he would make you do the writing part while he does the drawing part
“we definitely aced this project”
“of course we did, if i made you draw we would’ve ended up with stick figure diagrams”
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okay i know ranboo said he isn’t a theatre or band kid (unless im wrong and forgetful) but i feel like he’d be somewhat educated in the topics nonetheless
half the time he’s great moral support, helping you stay motivated !
the other half is him making fun of you
“i cant believe you’re failing, that is so sad, can’t be me”
“it’s literally an honors class, ranboo! it’s supposed to be hard!!”
“taking an honors class willingly? also cant be me AHAHA”
i honestly can’t see ranboo going to school like i know he’s a minor and said he had zoom calls before and plays volleyball but like did i miss something? has he dropped out yet? like something about ranboo does not scream “student” /lh
besides that, i’m not sure what subject he would actually be good in,,, but something about nutrition/health sciences,, he knows a few things
don’t get me wrong, i don’t think he actually likes the subject but somehow remembers what he learned from the class
also gives me the type of energy of the type of person to take a first aid class to be a certified person to do cpr on someone just to kill time during his lunch breaks for a while or something
“i am a certified cpr person”
“my life in ranboo’s hands? oh god please no”
you two would probably joke about the ‘bad’ people in your classes or talk shit about your schools than actually doing anything homework related ngl AHAHAH
“you think your school is down bad? mine went back to campus full time after like 6 months into quarantine because they were running out of money”
“what the hell y/n? your school is a scam, drop out”
“arghhhh i knowww”
“i bet i make more money than your teachers combined AHAHAH”
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wilbur soot
he doesn’t seem like the best person to ask for help for homework but can info dump you on very specific historical events + a bit of geography
i kinda see him as the person you can ask to proof read an essay for you and would help it improve immensely
who needs a thesaurus when you have vocabulary boy wilbur?
i dunno if it’s an american thing only or at all, but if/when you get to studying hamilton in your english class, he will get so fucking excited
“no wilbur it isn’t fun! imagine listening to lin-manuel miranda rap ‘alexander hamilton’ at the white house from like 2009 on repeat for over an hour whilst trying to write an analysis about it!! it was so distracting”
“well clearly someone has a personal problem with mr lin-manuel. if i were you, i’d be singing the whole thing”
is this last bit personal and complete spite from my freshman year english class? yes. i do not care? no. /hj
unrelated but i actually scribbled nice guy ballad lyrics and other songs on my english scratch papers in freshman year but anyway
probably isn’t the best person to be in a call to do homework with but wilbur doesn’t mind you ringing him occasionally sometimes
i dunno i can just see him easily get bored of the silence or something but also doesn’t want to bother you too much
but he is genuinely proud of you whenever you tell him you aced a big test you were studying for :D
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this man’s bad advice is as bad as him trying to help you on any subject
he’s an old man so /hj
but like honestly, he hasn’t been at school for so long, phil can probably only help with the most basic things when it comes to school
if you have a wack teacher that makes you collect data through surveying people, phil would be one of the best people to ask! straightforward and won’t take too much of your time compared to other people ahem,,
statistics things ! sobs
if you ever complain a lot about your classes and contemplating dropping out and stuff, he will def scold you hard
“ugh phillllllllll can i just like,, never go to school again?”
“do not drop out”
“argh fine, i won’t just ‘cause philza minecraft said so”
honestly if you get a high score in a big test like your sats/gcse’s (whatever you’re taking from wherever you are) he’d probably order you a small meal or something to celebrate :D
like how phil bought ranboo bought him food to his house, it would start as a joke but when you get your test scores back he’s like “YOOO GOOD JOB Y/N”
expect a left meat pizza coming to your house .
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like wilbur, techno is also helpful when it comes to history!
def knows a decent bit of literature too
besides that i don’t really see him being that helpful
even if he was supposed to be an english major
he will just get mad at the school system for teaching you useless things
“being in school is good but why do you need to know how to know if something is a triangle or not? i can obviously see with my eyes that it’s a triangle”
“i dunno! ask the person that made up geometry”
“just look at a kaleidoscope and be over with it, it isn’t that hard”
“that isn’t how it works—”
if you’re looking for the person to call while doing homework, he is not the person /lh
it’s either like 0 or 100 with techno
he can just completely not say anything and ignore you or go on a full rant about whatever class or homework you have
if you have an essay you need written, it will take a lot of bribing but he might take the opportunity if you are rich
“techno i’ll paypal you $10 please help me”
“no. i can make 10 times that amount in 5 minutes if i just started streaming right now”
“techno i don’t have that kind of money! pleaseee”
“no. instead of complaining, you can use that time to actually start you work”
“you’re the worst”
then you speedrun the essay and get an A just to spite him
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