#his hat looks a little janky
labyrinthprops · 7 months
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Another little series I have going on at the moment is humanising internet animals. We’re starting off with Minion the dog.
If anyone has any suggestions for who to draw next, please do tell. I only have four on my list right now.
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thewriterg · 8 months
𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐮𝐭...
pairing(s); john price x gn!reader, 141 x reader
summary; trying to find as most comfort as you could in your predicament youd do what any rational person would… bake, but it was a bit difficult when you had six foot rodents in your kitchen —flufftober day; 4—
word count; 1.0k+
warning(s); readers callsign is peach, papa price, small argument price just cares, fluff, kisses, pet names, and language
playlists; lover, you should’ve come over by Jeff Buckley
A/n:—GIFs; @madesh & @campesine-moved—
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When you step towards the door you made sure to knock on the old wood in the rhythmic order agreed on so you wouldn’t be gunned down where you stood or dead before you had a chance to hit the floor
When the door creaked open a gun was put in your line of sight before it was took away so you were able to take a step into the old safe house immediately bombarded with questions as you put down the crate of goods down you body layered in a thin sheet of sweat under all of the clothes essentially tuning out your surroundings after being hyper aware for your hourlong journey
You stripped of one of Ghosts many balaclavas, Prices god awful bucket hat, Soaps pair of sunglasses, and Gazs too big gloves as you began tune back into the conversation that suddenly wasn’t as loud as it was while Price stood in front of you his voice demanding and gruff
“Where were you Peach? I won’t ask again don’t make me pull rank.” You sucked in a sharp breath using your fingers to crack your knuckles at your side before taking in another breath way smoother than the first before you responded
“I want to a market a few miles from here you wouldn’t have to worry so much if you read the note I left on the fridge” You responded voice void of emotion and it was Prices turn to suck in a a breath
“You could’ve been followed, someone spotted you and made the connection and use you as leverage, You had no backup! And no team!” The brunette that was beginning to grey began to get louder his voice carrying a pitch Price hated to yell at you anyone but you but right now it was one of those times where he had to be you captain rather than your lover
“I think you forgot I used to work alone. If it was one of the boys would you react like this please tell me!? We were running outta of food and safety percussion is that you don’t go out for the first 72 hours after locating in a safe house it’s been 96 excuse me for looking after my team Captain” With a snatching of the crate from its position on the floor you stormed through what you all deemed to be the living room with the harder than rocks couch and worn down wood coffee table making your way into the kitchen
Price ran a stressed hand through his hair before making his way out to the porch his boots thumping against the creaking hardwood floor as he went before lighting up a cigar
There wasn’t much for you to work with in the kitchen it wasn’t the worst shelter you’d been in but it certainly wasn’t the best but you appreciated the small things lying around like an old cutting board, a small eating bowl, one stray pan and even a janky but working oven
You cut down on the apples with a little more force than needed using your combat knife as a kitchen utensils after you had washed it god knows how many times to rid of any… unwanted extras in your treat
“You need something Captain?” You questioned and John mentally grimaced at the title as you dumped a small bag of brown sugar over your cut fruit he knew after things like that you needed time but 40 minutes was all he could stand it was one of those rare situations he had to be your captain and your lover even though he strictly preferred being one or the other
“I wanted to apologize I didn’t mean to yell at you but, I need you to understand that that call was risky and not the safest route” The greying brunette stated his voice soft yet still had that gruff underlying accent
“Maybe so, but it’s deeper than that if it was anyone else you wouldn’t have reacted the same… You would’ve praised them for sharp thinking” You shook your head with a the twitch or your lips downward Price straightened up his stance now entering the kitchen fully
“Come one Peaches that’s not true, I would’ve reacted the same for any other it was a risky thing to do and I needed to call you out on it as your Captain the situation at hand just had a little more emotion involved” John just about pleaded for you to understand as you sighed stopping your motion of roughly mixing the apples and sugar together
“I just… want you to know that I don’t need protecting John I’m just as capable on my own than with anyone else” You mumbled turning to put the sugared fruit in the pan the burning eye on the stove giving it heat to cook down before a pair of arms wrapped around your waist eyes peering over your shoulder
“And I know you are, I never doubt you. I do however worry about you because I love you and care for your safety” His tone now matched yours your and he began to smile when you leaned back into him
“I know, I’m sorry for worrying you” You whispered and Price pressed a kiss to the crown of your head in response as you stirred the filling gently momentarily having a second to yourselves before the sound of whisper shouting made its way through the room
“We were wondering if you needed a hand?” Soap questioned bashfully Gaz standing at his side while Ghost stared at the the two from his position at the small dining table with the roll of his eyes
“Tempting boys but, we all know how that would work out” You playfully rolled your eyes and Price chuckled from beside you his heart warm in his chest even if you were younger than Soap and Ghost you still referred to all of them as “the boys”
“Oh come on, that was Soaps fault!” Gaz pleaded and you snickered as the Scott let out an offended noise before the pair began to bicker with one another of who did it as you smiled and giggled at the sight Price watched you with love in his eyes
The sight was as sweet as apple pie.
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©2023 thewriterg spooktober do not copy, translate, or modify.
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sam24 · 5 months
Chicken Butt
Summary: It was supposed to be a good deed. Really, it was. Tony had woken himself and the team up at ass o'clock to get ready for your morning birthday surprise, barking out orders like a dad on the morning of a road trip. Everything was supposed to be perfect. But a 6 foot something blond super soldier laying in your bed was not part of the plan.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader
Tony crept down the hall, motioning for the rest of them to follow his lead through the silent hallway.
His janky ass team clearly didn’t care as much as he did, grumbling loudly, their arms full of birthday kazoos and party horns that Tony had shoved into their hands earlier.
“I don’t think she’s gonna appreciate you waking her up by tooting horns in her face, Tony.” Natasha fixed the party hat that was sliding over her eyes. “Taking her out to breakfast would have been so much nicer.”
“Breakfast is temporary, carrot top. The memory of us working hard to surprise her and make her birthday morning special is permanent,” Tony whispered.
“I don’t know about that, Tony.” Sam piped in. “Those hash browns down the street are pretty damn memorable.”
“I don’t think this is a good idea.” Bucky’s lips were pressed tight together, looking a little nervous and queasy, like he ate a couple moldy hot dogs before hopping on a roller coaster. But Tony didn’t have time to call out the cyborg, especially when you could wake up any minute now.
“When did you suddenly start caring about birthdays?” Clint looked suspicious. “For my birthday you gave me a half drunk coffee.”
“Don’t be selfish, Barton. I was tired that day.” Tony dramatically turned his head to peer down the hallway, making a weird sweeping motion with his hand.
He turned around to see everyone staring at him questioningly.
“It means all clear, you imbeciles. Has no one seen Die Hard?”
“Oh, I have!” Peter raised his hand and let go of his balloon, and Bucky snatched it before it could float off with a roll of his eyes. “But it’s kinda more like this, Mister Stark-”
Peter tried to demonstrate but Tony silenced him with a glare. “Guys, you’re ruining the whole thing. I’m trying to be nice and surprise our friend without you chihuahuas waking her up before we even get to the door.”
“Why are you trying so hard to be nice, Tony?” Natasha shook her head. “It doesn’t suit you.”
“C’mon, are you doubting me? I love being nice. It’s my favorite hobby.”
Natasha was unimpressed. “Pepper told you to be nicer, didn’t she?”
Tony grumbled, choosing not to reply.
Okay, so maybe Pepper did want him to be a little kinder, especially after he sent a few too many interns home crying.
”It’s not my fault they don’t understand my humor!” Tony had insisted.
Pepper had just given him a firm look and told him that he had to put more effort into expressing his appreciation for other people.
Tony was offended, but he knew his wife was right (as always). He didn’t exactly know the right way to express his love, growing up in a house with minimal affection.
He had tried multiple techniques: saying kind words, giving out compliments like candy, and even going as far as squeezing in random hugs, but none of them felt natural to him.
His love language was remembering the little things, Pepper had told him after she saw Tony give you a full-sized cardboard cutout of Channing Tatum after you had mentioned that the Jump Street movies were your absolute favorite.
However, some didn’t appreciate his little gifts as much as you did.
Helen Cho was not very thrilled to see thermal underwear for hands, no, not gloves, on her desk after whining that the medical wing was always cold.
Tony had decided to change his affection tactics to something everyone could enjoy. Everyone likes surprises. Right?
He liked to act like he didn’t care about anything other than AC/DC and whiskey, but he honestly did. He loved his team to pieces and would do anything for them.
Plus, it would be some practice for his incoming child. His future daughter would probably prefer hugs and playtime with her daddy rather than a chicken butt magnet (but considering it was Tony’s kid, the chicken butt might have a chance.)
So, that’s how Tony ended up here, searching his pocket for the keys to your room that he bribed borrowed from the floor’s housekeeper.
He made a mental note to fire the lady for dangerously handing out keys to anyone who asked.
“Wow, Tony. Look at you. Breaking into girls’ rooms,” Wanda snorted. “That’s a new low.”
“Quiet, before I burn you at the stake.”
“I still don’t think we should do this.” Bucky shifted his weight uncomfortably.
“You know, I would’ve expected Steve to say something, he’s being weirdly quiet. Something like, Anthony, respect her privacy-” Tony looked up from the lock. “Wait, where is he?”
Bucky cleared his throat. “Uh I dunno.”
“You don’t know?” Tony raised his eyebrow. “I thought you two were telepathically connected or something.”
Bucky looked down, suddenly very interested in the carpet under his feet. “Um I don’t know but I think we should go-”
“Whatever, he’s probably running an ultramarathon right now for some senior citizen charity, doesn’t matter. We’ll save some cake for him. But make sure someone has a glucose monitor. I don't think Cap can handle too much sugar.”
Tony inserted the key, the lock settling with a satisfying click as he turned it. He slowly opened the door, bringing his kazoo closer to his mouth.
What he was not expecting was that the same Steve who he thought was probably helping an old woman cross the finish line right now was lying in your bed.
You thought you heard the creak of your door, but you mentally waved it off, classifying it as the creak of your fan.
You turned, not bothering to open your eyes, your hand feeling for your human pillow, who was unusually soft and an excellent cuddler for being built like a wall of muscle.
Your palm landed smack dab on Steve’s chest, and you buried yourself into his side with a smile creeping across both your faces.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart.” You felt Steve sleepily pressing his lips into your hair and all across your face.
Fuck, his morning voice was so hot.
You were glad you had him to yourself for a little while before you two had to act like colleagues. It was a mutual choice between you two to keep it from the team. Some of them could be just a tad bit dramatic, and you two wanted a quiet relationship before it went public.
Bucky already knew, because he knew Steve more than Steve knew himself, and you suspected that Natasha knew as well because she’s Natasha and knows everything.
Everyone else probably didn’t know, and you’d like to keep it that way for a little bit before Tony would inevitably scream "PDA! PDA!" everytime yours and Steve’s shoulders grazed.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he buried his head into yours.
You mumbled something along the lines of “thank you” as you pressed kisses into his hair.
“I love you so much.” Steve lined kisses on your bare shoulder.
You heard a gasp followed by extremely violent shushing.
Your eyes flew open and Steve turned around in a split second, looking for the intruder.
You both were met with the team standing wide-eyed in your room, Tony in the lead looking like he was either about to pass out or throw the cake in his arms to the ground.
Steve tried his best to cover you with his body from his nosy team, trying to keep the blanket from slipping down his waist at the same time.
All eyes turned to Bucky, who was wearing a glittery-pink polka-dotted party hat that, by looking at the dents in it, seemed like it was wrestled on by someone.
He blew his party horn with a pathetic puff of air, smiling nervously at Tony. “Surprise?”
Thor launched his arms into the air. “SURPRISE!”
The commotion started.
“C’mon Cap,” Sam whined in the corner. “I thought I was your friend! How could you not tell me?”
“Knew it.” Natasha grinned cheekily.
“You two are so cute!” Wanda gushed. “Right Vis?”
Vision nodded, sending Steve an awkward thumbs up.
Bruce coughed, trying to respect your privacy by looking down at his shoes.
“Always thought you had a little crush on him,” Clint smiled.
“This is so cool! Wait, if you have a kid can I babysit please? I love babies. Oh my god, is it going to be a super baby?” Peter was bouncing with excitement. “Crap, I’m sorry, Mr. Steve. I didn’t mean to call your baby an ‘it’. I swear, I don’t see your baby as an object, I’ll be a great sitter.”
“Um, yeah, sure, kid-” Steve started.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” Tony finally jolted out of his paralysis state. “How the hell did I not see this?”
“Are you telling me that the whole time I was trying to set you up with Matthew from logistics, you were getting pounded by Ol’ Captain here?”
“Jesus, Tony.” You grimaced. “Why would you put it like that?”
“So, this is why Steve was extremely against my brilliant idea of locking you and Matthew in the bathroom together? That jealous bastard!”
“Your what-” You choked.
“That wasn’t the only reason why, Tony.” Steve huffed. “That’s just plain weird.”
“You know what else is weird, Cap?” Tony narrowed his eyes. “The fact that you’re hoeing around with a girl who’s literally a baby compared to you.”
“I’m not ‘hoeing around’, Tony. I love her.”
Tony’s eyes danced between you and Steve until his face finally relaxed.
He sighed, coming around to your side of the bed and planting a kiss on your head.
“Happy birthday, kid. I would hug you but I’m pretty sure you’re naked under there.” He turned to face Steve again. “If you break her heart, hang onto your dentures, 'cause I’m blasting your dusty ass back into the ‘40s, got it?. ”
“Got it, Tony.” Steve smiled.
“Ew, don’t smile at me like that.” Tony made a face and looked back at you. “I had a backup present, just in case the whole surprise thing went to shit.”
Tony fished out something from his pocket, placing it into your hand.
"You mentioned something about how you loved to use that stupid chicken butt joke when you were a kid," Tony mumbled.
It was a chicken butt magnet.
You loved it.
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creaturecomfxrts · 1 year
↟ ⚘ 𖥧 South Park college headcanons 𖥧 ⚘ ↟
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excuse my janky ass formatting and disorganized notes 😭
✦ pansexual
✦ body count is insane he just thinks its funny though
✦ actually really really sweet and considerate
✦ never fixed his gap tooth 🫶
✦ always remembers birthdays
✦ scars everyyywhere like Everywhere
✦ haphazard wolfcut that he trims himself bc hashtag no money
✦ full ride scholarship, works his ASS off on schoolwork and two jobs and yet still has time to party
✦ literally nobody knows how he does it
✦ still loves wearing big jackets, doesnt get a lot of new clothes often so almost all of his shit is hand patched up
✦ supremely unlucky (trips and shatters phone screen ass shit)
✦ angel wing tats on shoulderblades
✦ LOVES weed. does not drink at all
✦ probably has done LSD and shrooms
✦ parents are extremely proud of him, he doesn’t go home very often but keeps in touch
✦ got them a phone so that they can text him!!! he saved up for a whole year to get it bc he missed his sister
✦ pierced his own ears also gave himself snake bites
✦ pierced stans ears (stan cried)
✦ small smattering of freckles! only come out in the summer
✦ doesn’t hang out with stan as often on his own bc he doesnt like how bad his drinking has gotten :(
✦ loves decimating cartman in call of duty
✦ listens to BROCKHAMPTON and doja cat (and ABBA but only with butters)
✦ raging alcoholic
✦ existential + clingy drunk
✦ grows stubble really fast, shaves when he feels like it
✦ eyebags for dayysss
✦ beauty marks! has a lot on his face and shoulders
✦ smokes weed w/ kyle and kenny (cartman isn’t invited anymore bc he hogs the blunt)
✦ only gets his schoolwork done wasted because he cant get himself to do it sober
✦ PTSD + severe depression
✦ bisexual as fuck my god
✦ emo LMFAOOOO wears a lot of muted tones, ripped jeans, sweaters, hoodies. so many beanies
✦ also smokes nic 😔
✦ probly a business major
✦ tried hookups, doesnt really care for them
✦ plays bass!!
✦ internalized homophobia but its okay hes growing
✦ had/has a phase where he’ll bleach and dye his hair and the rest of the gang look forward to it bc its always something new (always keeps the black roots)
✦ really bitter about just. everything
✦ STILL hates medical shit and hospitals got alcohol poisoning and REFUUSSEDDD to go kyle was frantic
✦ so many random ass tattoos including a paw + date memorial tattoo for sparky :((
✦ gets really anxious when not drunk
✦ listens to tally hall, will wood and mother mother
✦ keeps his hair at a tameable length bc he tried growing it out a little in highschool and it just went up and outward. never again
✦ got fed up one day in senior year and completely buzzed it. it was that week stan realized he was bi 💀
✦ not reeaaallly jewish anymore respects tradition but rlly could care less
✦ pale asf burns if he sees sunlight
✦ flushes TOMATO red when he gets even a little flustered or nervous and its so funny
✦ occasionally will accidently speak like his mom (whatwhatWHAAAT) and proceed to death glare anyone who looks like theyre going to comment on it
✦ hides his face in his hands when he gets embarrassed to replace his hat which he used to use the side flaps to bury his face in (it makes him feel hidden)
✦ weekly facetime calls with ike to see how he is because he misses him so much
✦ undeclared for like half the college experience
✦ uncomfy at parties, ends up usually tailing stan and kenny to them but only if stan comes
✦ childhood crush on stan he still hasnt gotten over 😔
✦ really likes working w/ kids but you would NEVER guess by looking at him
✦ massive fucking growth spurt hes an absolute 6’5 twig
✦ ADHD as fuck gets overwhelmed by schoolwork a lot, stan helps but hes really bad at directions when hes drunk so it doesnt really go anywhere
✦ anger issues, still HATES cartman, only tolerates him around bc hes funny sometimes to laugh at also hes rich and all of them could benefit from that lmao
✦ gets into fights still, got into a lot in highschool and less so in college but still seen as a hothead
✦ not buff but can absolutely hold his own
✦ still likes painting :) does it in his own time bc he feels like a sissy (his own words) stan loves them and has like 3 of his paintings either at home or in his dorm
✦ college dropout LMFAOOOO
✦ his family is just. rich
✦ his mom remarried this fucking crazy rich dude so he still lives w/ his mom
✦ forced to go to community college
✦ actually has lost weight! not too much but he got fed up with it and is at a healthier size, his mom keeps trying to push mlm diets on him though 💀
✦ twitch streamer, keeps getting banned for slurs, not necessarily a lolcow, closest example i csn think of would be like uhhh jake paul mixed with schlatt? he has a pretty genuine following but. SO many haters
✦ kenny occasionally joins him in streams over the summer when he doesnt have schoolwork (chat LOVES him)
✦ has every console
✦ has also probably broken every console
✦ a LITTLE more compassionate, gives the rest of the gang fat checks for their bdays (probably to make himself feel like he has a moral compass after how much hes bullied kenny for being poor)
✦ still listens to kanye west 💀 and to drake or any other popular rapper
✦ obsessed w space + NASA
✦ majoring in that field, always busy with like. hardddd work (finds it interesting though he speeds thru it. autism is one helluva drug)
✦ plays so much minecraft. probably has built an accurate scale solar system on there
✦ autistic as fuck
✦ voice is less nasally but he has a flat affect
✦ ceiling stars in his college dorm. he put them up the first day
✦ one of the only kids to still wear his hat, or at least a new hat thats so similar to his old one
✦ beanies will suffice if chullo is dirty
✦ unlike stan, he actually has soft and not gross hat hair
✦ space tattoos + a woodstock tattoo (they remind him of tweek so much he had to (tweeks matching))
✦ still dating tweek, right out of college they move in together
✦ smuggled a cat into his dorm junior year
✦ def listens to tv girl
✦ that one hot quiet dude in every class and when girls find out hes dating tweek (its so obvious he has them as his lockscreen and his picture in his wallet) they are absolutely gobsmacked
✦ completely unphased by this, kenny had to tell him that girls were into him for him to notice
✦ follows space discovery news like a boomer with politics, if a new planet is discovered he will not shut UP abt it
✦ knows a suspicious amount about astrology despite saying he doesnt care abt it
✦ to match w craig tweek has a TINY snoopy tattoo he almost cried while getting bc he was so nervous
✦ severe OCD, CPTSD, and anxiety from his entire living situation
✦ found out abt the meth situation in middle school, massively traumatizing
✦ lived w/ craig for a while while court proceedings happened
✦ had to go to rehab after the arrest bc he went thru withdrawal
✦ substance free for the last 5 years!
✦ took him a long time to seperate coffee and meth as sononymous, drinks decaf and sweet coffees now bc he does like the taste
✦ incredibly easily scared and really jumpy, calms down completely only around craig and is at ease with all of his friends, with strangers he gets overwhelmed so quick
✦ hes pretty bad paranoia over poisoning in his food and drink, craig usually will take the first bite or sip to help him feel better
✦ got into cooking so he can make his own meals from scratch, loves meal prep! (hes rlly rlly good. so tastey)
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rararazaquato · 9 months
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Valentine, you're a
(rain code pony au. design notes under the cut!)
just as a note, i haven't seen my little pony since i was like. 11. and also i don't think i watched beyond twilight becoming an alicorn. my knowledge of later seasons mostly comes from horsecomix. so if i say anything that contradicts the Horse Lore, sorry about that.
ok now for individual designs.
yuma is a unicorn, mostly because mystery labyrinths require him to be able to hold a sword and talk at the same time. in addition to his memories, he lost his cutie mark in the pact, so everyone who sees him is like "damn you're an amnesiac AND a blank flank? pick a struggle". he doesn't have any accessories by default, but he probably gets a little hat in the rain + his cape in the mystery labyrinth. he was the first pony i drew, so his face looks a little janky. i struggled with drawing the ponies from any angle other than a perfect sideview, and the snouts/mouths were the hardest parts by far. the front view i did for yuma was a bit easier than the 3/4 view i did for most of the cast, but it was still tougher than i expected. pony artists who mimic the style of the show have all of my respect.
shinigami's spirit form was changed a little bit, although it was already so abstracted compared to a real human that i didn't feel i needed to change much in order to make her fit into the pony universe. i just swapped her horns out for wings and gave her a horn. i also removed her thumbs and made her colors closer to her human (er, pony) form. she's no longer a "death god" in the traditional sense, now being the "princess of death" in the same way twilight is the princess of friendship or cadence is the princess of love. she was sealed away because she was shit at her job (just killed a fuckton of people for no reason) but anypony who stumbled across the book she was sealed in can make a contract w her just like in rain code canon. obvi this is a little dark for the actual mlp universe, they wouldn't be putting a trigger-happy murder princess in their rated y cartoon, but this is the same fanbase that made fuckin. cupcakes and rainbow factory and a whole slew of others that make the main characters of mlp infinitely more fucked up than canon shinigami ever was. so i feel like we can have a little suspension of disbelief here.
shinigami's true form is an alicorn, obvi. she's a god princess, she's gonna be an alicorn. i tried to refrain from giving the characters too many accessories to better mimic the simpler mane 6 designs, but shinigami looked so naked with just the crown. so she also got her flower and little necklace. i didn't even attempt to put her hair in braids, since drawing her face at that angle was such a challenge already. upon posting this, i also realize i forgot to give her a tail. just imagine any tail you want on her. pin the tail on the shinigami. her cutie mark has the same dark void effect as nightmare moon's, although i can't remember if luna also has it as well. regardless, it's a visual tie-in to nightmare moon, who has a similar "princess banished to an inanimate object" thing going on. the actual cutie mark itself is two bones, representing death in a cutesy cartoony fashion. i was gonna do a skull and crossbones but then i realized. no one knows what a human skull looks like. there's no people. and i am NOT about to draw a fucking horse skull. so, bones it is.
yakou is probably the one i'm proudest of! i feel like i really captured the essence of the background pony in him. i feel like i could see him hanging out with lyra heartstrings and dr. whooves and i wouldn't bat an eyelash. his hair is a little longer than in the original design but i think it looks cute so it's fine. his cutie mark is an umbrella because his calling as a detective leads him to protect others like an umbrella protects you from the rain, plus kanai ward has its whole Thing. and he can be kind of a gloomy person at times, very pessimistic. he's an earth pony because he's just a normal guy, no forte in canon and stuff like that.
makoto was probably the trickiest to actually design. the element of mystery is super important in the original character design, but he was able to still have some skin exposed since almost all of the character designs in that game have a skintone of "homestuck white". in mlp, where coat colors can be any color of the rainbow (and the colors outside of the rainbow), makoto would lose that element of mystery. so, while i generally try to avoid putting the ponies in clothes, makoto kind of needed them. he's got his full suit and a set of gloves and white shoes for his hooves. instead of being a sort of "paper plate" mask, he's got a rubber halloween mask that extends past his neck instead. don't ask how the mane comes out of the mask. we don't ask how canon makoto's mask stays on with no straps, so don't ask about this one. the mask goes over his horn, so it blocks out most powerful magic, but basic spells like levitation are still possible with a bit of effort. the pants of his suit hide his cutie mark, and when asked about what it is, he gives a different answer each time.
kurumi isn't a super complicated or in-depth design. just a cute lil earth pony with a cutie mark of a speech bubble, since she does a lot of information gathering via talking to others. in hindsight, i should've given her freckles in the same color as her body outline. imagine she has freckles please. thank you.
fubuki is the design where i actually got the courage to attempt a braid. no idea if it looks good, i didn't use a reference and my hair is too short to braid it myself. i wanted an earth pony in the core group of nda members, and i was sort of torn between her and desuhiko. however, i'm a personal believer in the "all ponies can use magic on some level" theory, and that theory posits that earth ponies have a tendency to be able to use the intrinsic magic of their planet in subtle ways. applejack can enhance her physical strength without really doing anything consciously, and most importantly, pinkie pie can bend the laws of reality for The Bit. i think time travel is kinda like bending the laws of reality for The Bit. plus, desuhiko's disguise ability is kinda like an illusion, which feels like more of a unicorn ability. her cutie mark is a clock. because. uh. you know.
desuhiko is a unicorn for reasons i mentioned in fubuki's notes. his backpack is worn like a saddle, but he can still use it to disguise himself like in rain code canon. his cutie mark is the bag with a star on it, hinting that there's a superstar (him) in the bag. not much to say about him other than that.
vivia is a pegasus. since his forte allows him to fly, it makes sense for him to be able to fly in his base form as well - he'd get used to the flight powers inherent to his ability a lot quicker if he could already do it. he's definitely more of a fluttershy than a rainbow dash in terms of how he uses his ability to fly. he prefers to walk, but if his legs get tired, he'll switch to flying for a little bit. but then both his legs and his wings get tired and he takes a little nap. that's what the pose is meant to be, altho it does look a bit like he's flying. his cutie mark is a disappearing flash shape, as his spirit form is invisible and he tends to disappear into the background in general. someone in the rain coat server told me he looks like stoney pony and i haven't been able to get that out of my mind.
halara was the last pony i drew, because i love them and wanted to get as much pony-drawing experience as i could before turning them into an equine. can't have my pookie bear looking like shit! they are also a pegasus, but not for forte reasons like vivia. rather, they just do impressive feats of athleticism on the reg, and i feel like they would be a great flyer as a result. imagine the scene where yuma calls for help while being detained by seth and the peacekeepers. a blue and purple bursts onto the scene from the fucking clouds and halara is divebombing the peacekeepers. that'd be sick as fuck. their cutie mark is an eye, because postcognition is all about sight.
erm ok thats everyone!!! i'm bad at pony names so if anyone has any ideas leave them in the comments or the tags ☺️
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jonquilyst · 4 months
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Ty all for the makeover suggestions!! I had a lot of fun making my own versions of the townies, which I have never done before.
As you can see their appearance is pretty faithful to their original. I consider my style to be a more realistic and enhanced version of the EA style. While it's not super obvious (aside from Baby Ariel), I did tweak their facial features and bodies a bit since frankly... EA can make their sims look pretty wacky.
Anyway, I hope you like them!! Full-body screenies and explanations for each townie are below the cut.
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Nancy Landgraab (suggested by @plumbobpaparazzi)
I never really liked Nancy's OG look. I feel like she doesn't look classy enough for her status as head of the Landgraab family/company, so my goal for her was to really make her live up her to status. Her hairstyle pays homage to her sims 3 incarnation and frankly, I think she looks better with her hair up than down.
As for her facial features, her eyebrows her tweaked to be less janky-looking but still looking like she could fire you any time. They were also darkened because you cannot for the life of me see them in her OG look. Her nose, lips, and chest were also tweaked to look extra perfect/plump to really emphasize that she's had some procedures done 🤭 I also redid her makeup.
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Maaike Haas (suggested by @micrathene-w)
Maaike is seriously an underrated sim and I wish they did her better. I started off by tweaking her facial features because they looked really janky (esp her eyes, I gave her a new preset entirely), so I softened them up and now she looks so much better (while retaining her overall OG look) I also widened her waist because it looked too narrow for her body shape.
I think EA wanted to go for an academia look for her, but the problem with that back when Get Together released was that there really wasn't a lot of academia-esque clothes. The blazer she wears made her look older and the skirt she had was frankly a little too long, so my goal with Maaike was to really give her that cute academia look. I think she turned out amazing and I like her a lot more because of it! I hope you think so too 💖
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Baby Ariel (suggested by @akitasimblr)
My biggest problem with Baby Ariel is that the sim looks nothing like her, so she got the appearance biggest tweaks out of everyone. I did a total revamp for her so that Baby Ariel could look more like her real life self. Besides that, I updated her look so she could look more like her present self.
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Catarina Lynx (suggested by @chaoticpixls)
I think my goal for our favorite cat-lover here was to make her less... tacky? I still wanted her to be recognizably herself; bouncy and obviously a cat-lover, but cuter and more put-together, if that makes any sense. I also wanted her to appear a bit younger.
I think the biggest sin EA did with the cats/dogs pack is not include a cat/dog beanie. This girl totally rocks it and although that brimmed cap she wore was cute, I think she looks a lot better with a hat that has makeshift cat ears (and not that hair that has the cat headband).
I also made her lipstick a lighter, because her OG shade is just way too dark for her. Sorry.
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Knox Greenburg (suggested by @mustanoita)
Ok, my biggest question about how EA did Knox was why he looks so trashy for someone who is big about climate change, going green, recycling, etc. So my goal for Knox was to make him look less trashy and more outdoorsy. I also wanted to make him look younger because he just... looks really old lol. So I gave him a new eye preset, made his cheeks fuller, and gave him a slightly different hair color. I also gave him a new hairstyle that's similar to his OG to really give him that handsome flair because... honestly, EA did him dirty.
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Penny Pizzazz (suggested by @ashubii)
Penny's OG look is alright by itself, but I don't think it works that well for Penny since she's meant to be a fashionista who knows what's trending. Also her earrings and shoes did not match with that dress at all. So I gave her a cute trendy outfit that still screams "classy." I also changed her hair because I never liked it and I HC her hair texture to be wavy/curly and not straight so I went with a curlier and more voluminous hairstyle with braids because Penny absolutely slays with braids.
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voorvore · 7 months
>be me
>14-year old inner party NEET
>spend most of life playing vidya in room at night, sleeping during the day
>parents barely fucking care about you, work nearly 24/7 as shit like sales reps for "consumers for christ" or soulless drones of the state
>your only light at the end of the tunnel is a little flash game called paraphore
>one day, log on to templeOS telescreen, find out that paraphore has been permablocked by the thoughtpolice
>oh shit.webp
>depressed, parents have probably either already been executed or told about your degeneracy
>think camus is bullshit, so obvious solution is suicide, to settle the ledger and wipe all the debts
>run out into street on foggy, rainy day.gif
>get hit, don't die immediately
>eventually die from blood loss
>wake up, isekai'd to pakistan
>december 2009
>standing in the middle of nowhere, see compound in the distance
>start heading toward it, starving, feel filthy
>old man walks out wearing white robes and hat, camo jacket, and long gray beard
>oh shit it's osama bin laden.png
>get nervous, don't know what to fucking say
>he starts speaking in perfectly fluent english with an american accent
>he welcomes me and says i should come into the compound with him
>confused and scared.yif
>he reassures me of his intentions, says he will only harm me if i support the american empire
>calm down, osama leads me inside comfy cave bunker
>has giant leather gaming couch, monster energy, and gaming laptops galore
>tells me to get comfortable
>sit down, he calls in some other guys
>assume they're just other al-qaeda members
>turns out to be ted kazynscki, terry davis, nick land, and hypnotist sappho
>wtf based.bitmap
>they all sit down, osama gets out the mountain dew and doritos, hands out the gaming laptops
>we play counterstrike together
>best night of my life.png
>this life continues for several months
>it's fucking great, we all feel like one little village underground, we barely ever go outside
>all we do is game, watch anime and movies, and discuss how to destroy the american imperial dog state and zionist israeli pigs
>terry keeps the glowies off our asses and pirates shit for us, ted tells us stories of life in the woods while gaming, nick writes shit for our online blog and gives us meth, osama provides everything, and sappho is our discord mommydom and we're her kittens
>paraphore is still eating at my brain.wojak
>try to see if para exists in this universe, look it
>oh shit it's popular.vrml
>9.9/10 on steam, multiple reviews in kotaku
>numerous vidya essays on it
>next day.naplps
>ask the others about paraphore
>say they haven't heard of it
>pirate it onto my gaming laptop, get a janky projector onto the back wall of the cave
>live"stream" a seven-hour playthrough of it for them
>they all watch intently
>we all laugh at the jokes
>we all share our theories
>we all cry at the mynt ending
>all of them thank me for showing them it when the credits roll, say it's the best video game story and lore they've ever seen
>far better than any triple-a game
>matpat from game theory uploads a shitty theory of it the next day, terry doxxes him
>he gets tortured and eaten alive in bohemian grove during a 72-hour long purge night and march across america
>it's been 17 months.tiff
>best 17 months of my entire life
>feel like family
>chilling out in cave bunker one day, hear knocking from above
>osama goes to check it out, opens door and gets shot
>oh fuck oh shit.jiff
>heaven's gate cultists wearing UN bluehelmets storm the compound with stg-44s
>heaven's gate was incorporated as part of the now powerful UN-'involved in peace' "peace"keepers
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Jaune when he arrives: visibly tired, breathing hard, disoriented and vocalizing his questions.
Ruby: just fuckin gets up and walks i guess
More episode reactions under the cut because I can't be bothered to make separate posts.
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I hate this so much. Your entire kingdom is gone, you've just left yet another place in ashes, and you're now getting the hots for Jaune because he's 20-or-however-many years older? Right after Jaune is tearing up at their reunion?
Tonal consistency, writers. Learn it.
Also, they make such a big deal about how they "got everyone out safely." Uh...
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Ruby: "What good is saving anybody if Salem just destroys the world anyway?
Yang: "That's how Ironwood thought. You don't mean that."
Hilarious that they're still throwing Ironwood under the bus. Also, Yang, that doesn't refute Ironwood's line of thinking at all. Every time, literally every time Ruby questions herself or her groups' actions, someone reassures her that they can stay the course. That's not character development, that's stagnation in a fancy hat!
Blake and Yang's little bridge show...literally just shimmy along the ropes, they didn't look frayed at all. Blake, you have a bladed weapon with a long ribbon attached that you have used as a grapple point before. Yang, you've used your gauntlets to launch yourself.
"I just don't get how the story is both real and not" This just in: Ruby seemingly does not understand the concepts of lying, omission, and misremembering.
Why does Jaune's dialogue remind me of the Exo Stranger from Destiny 1? "We don't have time for this" > "I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain." Just fuckin say what you need to say dude. Also, why is Jaune on such a hair trigger?
I do like the twist of the tree/cat being antagonists. That's neat.
I'm glad they finally confirmed Bees, even if the scene itself was very janky (those two kissing is more important than figuring out how to get and save the world? okay). I love when characters just tell each other what they like about each other rather than us as the audience being able to see that appreciation over time /s. Yang's "you've never been intimidated by me" -> smash cut to back in the village auction when that was absolutely not the case.
It's been painful watching them write those two in a seemingly never-ending mating dance. Maybe now there will actually be room for them to have interactions with characters besides each other.
Ruby's almost panic attack when seeing her weapon was interesting. Are they treating CR like the mantle of responsibility? I.e., if Ruby takes it, she's gotta bear the weight again? I want them to do more with that. We keep getting right on the cusp of Ruby's full-on breakdown but never actually tipping over.
Odd that Neo wasn't mentioned at all.
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cartoonemotion · 2 years
top ten (or however many you want) fethry pics, if you don't mind :3
im so glad you sent this you have no idea what youve unleashed. this is gonna be a long post... so in mostly no order !
fethry hugging and cuddling creatures compilation
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2. fethry blep !
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3. sticky hand bestowal
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4. this, which is a little plain but i consider the ultimate fethry image like its so simple but just so cute. like hes just a little duck in a hat when you really think about it
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5. i like your hat :] !
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7. uncle time !
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8. this shot where hes not hunched over or doing raptor hands for once so he looks weirdly long and kind of janky ? but i love it (+uncle time 2 since its immediately after)
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9. THIS 🥺🥺🥺
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10. jumpscare
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honorable mention to this picture; hate to see fethry frown, do LOVE to see him turning into oobleck and gladstone exerting probably the most physical effort he's ever exerting in his life to keep him away from Awkward Family Drama
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i think the hotdog's doing most of the lifting in this actually but its the thought that counts :v] he cares about him
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure (Manga) - Vol. 1
This is the manga (or manhua) adaptation of the original Digimon Adventure anime. I got my copy from the library and you can borrow it for free on Archive.org!
Manga adaptations of anime are typically cheap money grabs that just copy-paste from the anime, removing some of the soul of the original along the way. As such, I'm not expecting much from this.
Ch. 1
-You can almost always tell when a manga isn't drawn by a Japanese artist, it's just a certain vibe (I know this is technically a manhua). That being said, the art is competent enough. Yuen Wong seems to struggle most when it comes to faces. A lot of the faces look really janky and off model for both the digimon and the digi-destined. The only other thing that's kind of off is that the text boxes are very heavily lined and take up a lot more space than I'm used to.
-When Sora is drawn in chibi-mode she has the straps of her hat up like a rabbit. At first the silhouette was so unfamiliar that I had no idea who it was lol.
-So they covered two episodes in one chapter (up until the Shellmon battle). Let's see if the pace stays that way...
Ch. 2
-This definitely has a similar vibe to most manga adapted from anime that I've read. I wonder if it will diverge from the original material at any point, too soon to judge.
-Tai says to Agumon "I'll do anything but a teeth buffing" and I have nooo idea what that means? (Is he saying "don't eat me?") Also in chapter one Izzy said "baby blue, how emasculating!" when talking about the digivice. I don't think Koushiro would ever say that tbh. I feel like spotting these weird dialogue choices is going to be the most entertaining part about reading this.
Ch. 3
-I guess we're now going at a pace of one episode per chapter, which is fine. Somehow the content still seems a little condensed with a lot of the emotional beats cut out. I feel like the setting changes every two seconds which is giving me whiplash.
-Some weird quirks: the digi-destined call their digimon by their rookie names, even when they're in champion form. Also, the artist really really likes drawing smiley faces as stand-ins for the actual characters. That's like a step below chibification lol
-I think manga like this is perfect for if you wanted to watch Digimon Adventure 02, but you didn't want to catch up on a 50+ episode anime. It's a lot faster to read than to watch. (Although probably not as satisfying overall).
Ch. 4
-More cheesy dialogue. Izzy says "don't mess with an elite hacker" to Tai lol. Koushiro is way more likeable in the original Japanese because localizations loved to make nerds insufferable in the 90s.
-It's funny, I've never thought of Tentomon as robot-like, but in this chapter he said his parts were "short circuiting" and I was like "oh yeahhh...I guess he does have metallic features"
-Did we really need that close-up crotch shot of Andromon?
-You would think that the plot point of there being editable code laying around in random areas of the digital world would have come up again, but I can't remember another time it was really used to the kids' advantage.
Ch. 5
-This panel made me laugh:
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(something about this phrasing and the expressionless chibis is so funny).
-And then Izzy never manually triggered a digivolution again...for some reason? (I feel like this was definitely explained in the anime, but I can't remember what they said).
-They didn't censor the poop this time! As usual, you can get away with more in print than you can on the screen B)
-They confirm that you can repel Numemon with sunlight...and then immediately the kids get attacked by more Numemon in broad daylight. Quickest continuity error ever!
-Another chuckle worthy moment:
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Ch. 6
-Okay, but this one had me die laughing. Just a really good dad joke:
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-Going from Adventure 02 back to the early Adventure days the stakes really do feel lower. No existential conundrums or human/humanoid villains to contend with. Just rampaging digis that can be easily cured.
Ch. 7
-Maybe it's just a translation thing, but sometimes the digimon act like there's one of each digimon species. Like Gomamon says "Unimon's a nice guy!" as if there's one Unimon in the world. Pretty confusing for kids. I wish mon series would just use names (they do sometimes, but it's not the status quo).
Yep, that was pretty generic. I wish they had thrown some more personality in there to make this a unique experience. I would have loved to read some final thoughts from the mangaka or to have gotten an omake of some sort. Ohhh welll...
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Gorgeous: a Jebrex Flash Fic
a/n: I know I'm sorry it's taken me this long. Just dont judge too hard, okay? The beginning is a little janky cause I didn't know how to start it but this came to me in a fit of inspired passion so I'm passing it along to you. Also, happy two years to Borderline Forever! This release synced up perfectly.
Based on the Taylor Swift song of the same name, no major warnings, but there's a weird POV change tho if you're not into that sort of thing. Also, language. Enjoy!
It’s not fair. Why does he have to look… like that.
There he is, the big dork. Looking really funny in his bright red shirt. A mismatched pair of khakis and brown loafers that look just a tad too small. Messy hair (I’m shocked he’s not wearing a hat), tapping and twirling along to the bashful bubblegum beat.
I inhale sharply and decide to sit down with Scott. He’s laughing at something Jerry said.
“Where’s Terry?” they ask.
Another sigh. Where indeed did my boyfriend disappear off to? “The club, I think. Who knows what he’s doing.”
“Not you.” Rex slides into the booth at my side. My breath stops in my throat and I look directly ahead. Out the window, a beautiful sunset. It’s vibrant shades of orange and red, matching his button up. Oh gosh why’d it have to look like that.
Whiskey is served. Normally I don’t drink too heavily, but this night all bets are off. My fingers lock on the bottle and have the cap unscrewed before Scott can sit up and thank the waiter.
“Hot damn. Someone’s thirsty,” says Jerry.
“Yeah, thirsty for something,” Rex teases. Fuck, I shouldn’t have glanced at him when he said that. A bite of the lip and a flirty wink. Why does he have to be like this?
I down the bottle. Then the second. The waiter brings out more. How many have I had now? I can’t tell, Jerry keeps clearing them away before I can count them. They don’t seem to pay much attention to me, laughing and checking out the other partygoers. Rex comments on the pretty brunette. I’ve had enough.
“You’ve got. *gulp* The worst vocabulary I’ve ever heard.”
I get a few weird glances from the table.
“Honestly. Dumpy?? That’s the best word you can think of? Dumbass?”
“Oh yeah? What word would you have used?”
“And your drawl. ULGH it makes me sick.” Or maybe it’s just the whiskey. I hate whiskey. Why did I have so much?
“You’re drunk.”
“And you’re mean.”
“What did I do this time?” Rex stands, exasperated. “You’re the one insulting me.”
“Payback for Thursday,” I growl, also rising out of the booth.
Jerry puts his hands up in a gesture of calming. “Hey guys, why don’t y’all just…”
“SHUT.” The two of us say in unison. It makes me look back at his dumb, gorgeous face. I can’t stand it.
“Look, if you can’t handle being without me for one night…” Rex starts, almost sleazily.
“You told me you would be at my apartment at 5:00!” I yell, turning heads. “So I waited, and waited. And waited. And by the time it was 11 all I got was a dumb text saying you wouldn’t show up; how can you do that to a person?? Your communication skills…”
“Hey, uhh, why don’t we head outside?” suggests Scott. I try to protest but before I know it the four of us are in the parking lot and Scott’s sitting me in his passenger seat. He shouldn’t have rolled the windows down; I give Rex a middle finger as we drive away. I get a violent honk in response.
“What is going on with you two?” asks Scott, turning off the radio.
“I don’t know,” I whine, the sting of tears gracing my eyes.
“Look. I know things haven’t been great with you and Terry lately, and I know you’ve always cared about Rex…”
“I love him, Scott,” I sob, choking on my spit as tears start to free fall. “Why do I have to love him?”
“Have you always?”
“I don’t know. No. Yes. I don’t…” I wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my sports coat, which if you’ve ever tried to do that you’d know that that’s like trying to dry your eyes with a countertop. Not extremely effective.
“Then why’d you ask out Terry?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I was hoping…”
“To make Rex jealous?”
I cough. “Sure.”
We drive down the cold open Ohio road in silence for what seems like forever. When lights start to appear on the horizon, Scott takes a deep breath. “Break up with Terry.”
“Break up with Terry. I think he’d rather be just friends anyway. And then maybe… I think you’d be surprised by Rex’s reaction.”
“What, like he’d notice? Dumbass wouldn’t know if a snake bit him on the nose.”
Scott gives me a side eye. “You’re smiling.”
“Am not.”
“Sleep on it. Think about it. But… I do think that would be the right decision.”
I’m sure Scott is right. He always is.
The seasons pass. Jeb and Terry break up; its for the best, to be honest. I never thought they were good together, and they're both still friends. I don't think Jeb could handle the communications issues, and Terry wasn't 100% in it. Oh well.
The hardest part was seeing my best friend look so down. He didn't talk for days. He finally started to brighten back up after the first month, but still... something's off. I can sense it.
There he is, in a gecko green button up. Almost four hours have past at this stupid party and he's chatted it up with everyone here, except me. When Employee and I came to say hi, all I got was a quick handshake before he dashed to the dessert table and snarfed up all the cookies and a glass of champagne. Here we go. He's never had that good alcohol tolerance, this night is going to be a mess...
I sit, a little dejected, at an empty table. He walks by; I catch his eye. There's a flash of a little something... terror? Sadness? Guilt? I give him my best soft smile. He stops in his tracks. His smile says he's happy, but his eyes say he's drowning. Fuck, why can't I get anything right? It's like no matter how I talk to him or look at him, I've hurt him. I motion for him to join me. He obeys.
"What's up with you?" I ask him as he takes a seat.
He looks at me with a blank stare. "What?"
"You're not yourself. Is Terry still bothering you?"
He winces. "No. I'm fine. I've gotten over him."
"Then what is it. I've known you for years, Jeb, and I..."
When I speak his name, his back straightens. "It's fine, Rex. I'm okay." He gives me his best fake smile. "Life of the party, right? I'm having fun."
He goes to get up, but I grab his hand as it caresses the tablecloth. He jolts, half standing. I get up and gently take his hand in mine, looking him right in the eye.
"Jeb. You can't keep doing this. Don't keep ignoring me."
"I'm not..."
"Yes, yes you are. I know it, Scott knows it, hell even Jerry noticed, and he never notices anything."
He chuckles lightly, and even though the smile is slightly pained it puts a smile on my own face. I haven't seen him chuckle like that in what feels like forever.
But the moment doesn't last; I feel his hand yank out of mine and he stumbles past me. "My cats need me. I have to get home."
Record scratch. "You got cats?"
He looks back at me, smiling a little bit. "Yeah, right after I moved out of Scott's.
Perfect opportunity. "Can I meet them?"
His face drops for a moment, but then a grin creeps onto his face. "Don't you want to stay here?"
"I'd much rather be with you."
A glint graces his eyes. "Come along, then."
Since we took separate cars to get here, I tell him I'll meet him at his place and I let Employee know he'll have to get a ride with someone else. He understands.
After I ensure that he secures transportation with Scott, I head to my car and ignore all laws of traffic to get to Jeb's apartment as quickly as I can. Music blasts on the stereo; some vibrant pop number. Something about ocean blue eyes.
I park on the street next to Jeb's new apartment. I've only been here once, to help him move in. He never invited me over after that. He's been dodging all my calls and questions. Hopefully tonight I'll be able to get to the bottom of why.
I tentatively rap on the door and wait for it to open. It creaks cautiously, and behind it Jeb stands, still in his formal getup.
"Welcome to my humble home," he says, escorting me inside.
Its clean. Way too clean. You ever walked into a new house or apartment for sale and it's clear that no one lives inside it? That's what his little studio feels like. Nothing has been touched, not a knife in the kitchen or the fabric of the couch. This raises a few alarm bells in my head; clearly, Jeb has not been living. At least, not really. There's one thing to have a clean place that's lived in, and then there's another to have a home completely devoid of life.
"What do you do all day?" I ask.
There's a flash of... something in his eyes. "Sleep, play with my cats. Play some Gex. Work."
"You don't have any hobbies? Nothing you're doing?"
"But like. You're not staying productive? At all?"
The concern in my voice raises his emotional barriers. "You're not my mom. I'm fine. I didn't invite you in here to tell me how to live my life. Come see my cats."
I want to press the matter more, but I don't. He leads me to the back of his apartment, where his bed is set up. He gets down on the floor and looks underneath it. "Look, there they are. They like to hide here."
I get down and lay prone, sniper style. Indeed, two tabby cats; one lithe and orange, the other burly and brown.
Normally, I'm not a huge cat person, but I feel the need to encourage my clearly distraught friend. "They're so cute! Wha'dge you name them?"
He blushes. "Gex and Stanley."
I laugh; some warm feeling spreads throughout my chest. "Perfect names. Which one's which?"
"Stanley is the bigger one."
I keep looking at the cute little cats for the moment, but then I realize how close we are. Jeb's lying next to me, our faces inches apart. I look over at him, and his eyes catch mine. My chest tightens.
"Jeb?" I whisper.
"Why've you been so distant, buddy?" My throat tightens. "I've missed you."
His eyes start to cloud. "I. Well. I don't know."
I sit up. "That's not good enough. I know something's hurting you, you've been bothered for a while now. I always thought you would come to me with anything, and usually when something's bothering you I'm the first one you go to. But ever since you and Terry broke up..."
"It's you, okay?" Something snaps in him and the tears start to fall freely. "I. I can't stand being around you all the time."
Initially, a little anger and hurt rises to the top of my brain, but he rolls on.
"You're too perfect, it actually hurts. We've always been close, and I've always loved that, but... I don't know. It's become too much. You make me so happy it just turns back to sad. And I know you're always off looking for some girl to pick up..."
Too far. "Hey hey hey, I never just pick up girls. I haven't had a date in months."
He sniffs. "Wait, really?"
I shrug. "Maybe you're not the only one with a crush."
His head, perhaps subconsciously, cocks to the side. "What?!"
"Jeb, I've always loved you. Me playing around... that's always just been a joke. And seeing you in pain all these months... it's driven me nuts. I hate it when you're sad. I've just been trying to make you happy and reach out and see if, well. Since you broke up with Terry, I thought maybe we'd have a chance..."
"Wait wait. You wanted to ask me out after Terry?"
I inhale. "Before Terry."
The corners of his mouth turn up and the tears stop. "Oh."
I smile sheepishly. "Maybe you shouldn't have assumed you couldn't have me and should have asked me instead."
He bites his lip and takes a few deep breaths before letting out a pained laugh. "I'm so stupid."
I grin. "No stupider than me."
"Gosh, why couldn't this have happened like a normal couple. Why couldn't have we, I don't know. Gone to the river and asked each other out in a normal way instead of..."
"Crying on the ground covered in cat hair?" I laugh. "That's not us Jeb. This was never gonna happen normally. And I'm glad. It's more memorable this way.
He laughs, for real this time. "Yeah. I suppose it is."
We're still close on the floor, even though we're both sitting up now. I stare lovingly into his eyes. They're still a little glassy, but the honey brown is clearer now. He smiles softly, and so do I.
"You're gorgeous, you know that?"
Pining playlist for your consideration that inspired this post
Thanks for reading!
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mr-independent · 1 year
'its been a while bud,' you might be saying, 'whereve you been?'
Doing stuff. My life is busy as all hell lately, but hey at least i got a free neon yellow fitbit out of the deal. Ironically, yellow is one of my favourite colours and also one of the 2 (two) colours that i can't really see. Yes, I have tritanomaly. No, I don't understand how those two things can both be true, either.
Anyways it's Christmas in May, dear 4 followers that love these posts, so let's crack open a cold one for the boys and get right into it.
S2e4, Coach Santa:
-- why is Colin wearing a turkey hat? I thought that was an American Thanksgiving thing? (Edit: apparently people eat turkey on Xmas. I grew up so decolonized i asked my mom once why my friend Baz wore a t necklace when his name started with a B. Turns out it was a cross. All I know of Xmas comes from Santa depictions and Christmas themed tv show episodes lmao)
-- Isaac's Santa outfit is fucking Iconic
-- Keeley and the Diamond Dogs is such an underrated dynamic i love them so much
-- the immediate teamwork to put together the gift for Jamie is a cute little moment 🥰
-- the title callback to the weird claymation short thing is also a nice touch. Can you tell i love Xmas episodes bc i do. I'm also Jewish lol. And I love irony.
-- I keep forgetting Roy's sister is a surgeon. Also Sexy December 28th is hilarious, i really hope they stuck with it
-- what in the world is the Higgins kid doing with a surfboard in England???
-- the fact that nobody used to show up for Higgins Christmases until Ted showed up 🥰
-- the fact that Henry got his dad a dartboard, Ted's favourite thing to do with his own dad when he was Henry's age, hurts my heart
-- Everyone is wearing shoes indoors. Is that like. An English thing? Ted is too, is that also an American thing? I am. Horrified
-- 'this one is pre-cheekied' I love u Dani
-- Richard is like The French Stereotype and I love that for him lol
-- Roy is lactose intolerant and ate so much ice cream he shit his pants? Relatable king. Also his birthday was three weeks before christmas, making him a Sagittarius, for those so inclined to know
-- Dani and Zoreaux acting like they're gonna die in the trenches over a nerd gun war are such fucking nerds
-- how long, do y'all think, has Rebecca been doing this? I'd like to think it was a sneaky little tradition she hid from Rupert for years
-- 'theres two white people at the door and they're smiling' you go babe tell it like it is
-- look i get Keeley has long nails but pressing a doorbell with your whole palm is unhinged behaviour
-- 'let me fix my knee' *just fucking punches it into place* gotta say, Roy's getting more relatable by the minute. I too have fixed my janky knee by simply shoving it back into place
-- Keeley is wearing a crop top in December. Gotta love the commitment. Also Ussie guy has such long hair now wtf
-- gotta say i completely forgot Christmas Poppers were a thing. That's uh. Not what immediately comes to mind when someone uses the word poppers around me but hey that's just me
-- i forgot we so often get answers to our questions in this show. Rebecca has been doing this for years. I love when I'm right
-- Ted's 'right I'm the one with the accent here'... Ive lost track of how many times I've had that exact thought lmao
-- Love Actually! Good movie, love that Roy thought of that
-- Ted thinks singing is just talking an octave lower. Not surprising but funny nonetheless. And before you say it, yes i understand that was Jason Sudekis' solution to trying to sing in a different accent so he doesn't sound like Jason Sudekis but also. Adorable.
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boneforts · 1 year
callisto isn't a terrible game but like...idk here's my criticisms thus far (i'm not done but relatively close to the end so spoilers)
the dodging system is booty ass. like i hate it. couple it with how janky the moving mechanics are and it's a nightmare. there've been times where i'm like six, seven feet from an enemy and they swipe at me and bc the dodge mechanic is so dominant in the game i STILL GET INJURED when they were nowhere near me. like come on!
there's one boss fight they basically copy paste into the very next segment and legit half of it is repeatedly dodging over and over. dodge shoot dodge shoot wallop the boss, wash rinse repeat.
there's a tooon of dead space (🥁) that LOOKS cool but is just...empty. devoid of anywhere to interact. it's just spooky and There. i don't need every little nook and cranny to worldbuild but there's so little of it here it has almost a soulless feeling to it.
i know this was like...the spiritual successor to dead space. but it feels like they laid the base comparisons and then made the bare minimum effort to make it their own after that. if that makes sense. it's like writing a love letter without any heart!
the dialog can sometimes be great and other times you're like why...would he say that. he's also trauma bonding with npcs which is understandable but they are SPEEDRUNNING that shit and it's so forced at times. there's never any REAL discussion with dani about them boarding his ship and getting his first mate killed and jacob imprisoned - probably bc they separate you CONSTANTLY. which is annoying and it happens over. and over. for the stupidest shit.
i Will. admit the falling scene after the ship is exploded was cool. but it's so frustrating that he'll shuffle and slide and craaaawl to where he needs to be and them they'll be like (◡‿◡✿) jacob lee go fall down again hehe. like it just happened AGAIN and it's lost all of its shine i'm just irritated.
he often rubs at his neck thing, the core? w/e and at first i thought it was a neat idle, but he does it so. fucking. much. and at the worst times. i wish they'd done more than just the one idle animation and didn't beat you to death with it.
the sightless creatures in arcus are cool and obvs like a hat nod to tlou but they're kinda lame ngl 🥴 like clickers are scary af these guys i'm literally shimmying beside them and my britches are dry. mid af.
i also died once bc during a boss fight and all of the loot dropped from the enemies i'd killed in the first half (it checkpoints after the first half) just. absolutely fucked off. like damn it's already hard af out here, got no monies to spend at the reforge, and then you steal my shit?! bitch 😩
OH ANOTHER DEAD SPACE THING like obvs this is another dooms day death cult thing but dead space made it a THING, it was pervasive and cool, and here they're doing something similar but again without the LOVE. like there's that conference room you just stumble on with ONE vague audio file. jacob had visions and they're stress induced partly but like it's never...talked about, really. :-| come on.
i'm not sure if the ferris situation will resolve but him popping up behind jacob and elias while cool was very ??? and if it DOESN'T get addressed i'll be irritated. may update this bullet if it gets resolved.
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opbackgrounds · 3 years
What do you think about the logo for the One Piece live action that was just revealed?
The logo was revealed? Lemme go look…
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That isn’t bad, the little Luffy in the nose of the skull is a nice touch since having his silhouette for the I would have looked a little janky.
It’s going to take a lot of getting used to seeing realistic versions of everything. So used to the cartoony skull and crossbones, the skull wearing an actual straw hat is throwing me off haha
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babanillustration · 3 years
I would LOVE to know more about your WM and SR
Ooo yeah! I'll just dump a bunch of scribbles I haven't posted before. They're WVPM and ARSS ship babies that squabble like siblings. They tie in a lot to @chericawrestledabear 's Trolls and kids also.
- Prince(ss) of Void - Likes to collect people's secrets, then weaponises them. You probably won't have an issue with her unless you piss her off. - Ruined many a nice piece of furniture as a baby. She was one you needed oven mitts to handle. - Very stereotypical bitchy preppy kid, has way too many sparkly charms on her phone that she is on constantly. - Dark navy blue and pink colour scheme. Basically the classic Jack Willis stripes colour scheme. acid green/yellow too,later in GT design. - Likes to steal auntie Roxy's clothes because of this. Not that they usually fit very well. - Thinks that Terezi is hugely embarrassing but envies how clever she is. - Sisterly to WM, in a normal way but also an 'only i'm allowed to bully him' sort of way. - Her dads insist she learns to use weaponry but she thinks it's below her. She probably already knows enough to blackmail you with if necessary. It's pretty embarrassing if you handle things so badly you have to resort to weaponry, right? _ That said, she is not above trying to intimidate anyone with the family dog. - Taller than both AR and Slick.
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WM - Heir of Life - His personality is so chill that others tend to go to him for answers and direction, which he has very little interest in providing. - He just does what he does without too much concern for what other people think. His animals are more important to him. - He likes animals! Keeps frogs and has a cat. Wants to have lots of animals. - Fairly quiet and reserved, just wants to go run about in the woods. WV tries to get him to help in the communal veggie patch, but he's usually too busy petting the animals in the neighboring field. - Likes to hang around with John and Jade since they're his adoptive siblings. - Likes to act annoyed by SR's bullying but he appreciates the protection. He's never had any bullying problem that wasn't resolved immediately. - Just dresses in work clothes, doesn't take kindly to having to dress nicely. The best he can do is a hoodie and a waistcoat. Also hates trousers, they get muddy and caught on vegetation way too much for his liking. - He's medium marbled (small patch on his leg, one on the side of his head, and across his tummy. - Wears that orange hat because it looks like a pumpkin. - Shorter and skinnier than SR. He's in between WV and PM's height.
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There's also a HBMP ship baby called HP (Hefty Plumpkin)
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I have some janky sprites of them that I was experimenting with too. Mixing the style of carapacians and kids/trolls is difficult. Also Plumpkin needs more work lol.
You can find more stuff on them by looking at the tags on here, I have drawn them a few times before! I should probably draw more daft stuff with them but they're not very relevant atm.
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kimistorm · 3 years
Dancing in the rain [Bang Chan]
Fandom: Stray Kids
Pairing: [Chan x GN! Reader]
Warnings: mentions of thunder, but it's depicted in a more serene view and not scary
Word count: 1.5 k
Requested by: SKZ8BLACKPINK4 on Quotev
Prompts: “Thanks, it's the insomnia."
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Chan blinked awake when he heard the soft closing of the door to your shared room. He tiredly reached a hand towards your side of the bed and came up empty, but still slightly warm. It was one of those miraculous nights where the two of you were able to fall asleep at the same time, but it seemed like you had other plans.
He let out a yawn before sitting up in bed and looking around through nearly-closed eyes as he tried to figure out what was happening. It was still dark, and turning on his phone (through even more squinted eyes) told him it was a little after 4 am. He let out a groan from the fatigue still weighing down on his bones before falling face-first into his pillows. He was sure you’d come back, you were probably just getting water.
His eyes closed fully and he readjusted himself to get more comfortable, but it was no good. His mind was already awake. Felix said he was going to swing by later to drop off some cookies. And he needed to pester Changbin about sending him a sample of the rap he was putting together. What were you doing? He couldn’t hear the sounds of anything awake in the rest of your shared apartment. A cool beat started playing in his head and he tried to commit it to memory to transpose once he woke up. Maybe it was a beat that Han could use, he could imagine Han doing some lyrical rapping to it. Were you okay? It’s been a while. Oh, and is that thunder outside?
A groan of defeat emitted from his throat as he sat up fully and pulled himself out of bed. If he was awake, may as well try and do something productive. The carpeted floor was soft against his feet as he pulled open the door to the bedroom and headed out into the living area. He was going to head into the kitchen to grab a drink, but he noticed the door to the patio open, and that stopped him in his tracks.
He nearly let out a shriek when he saw someone on the balcony, but his brain caught up at the last second and realized it was just you. There was a warm smile on his face as he crossed the living room to see you on the balcony. Aided by the fact you left the door open, he silently slipped his arms around you and rested his chin on your shoulder in a back hug. “Sorry,” you rubbed at his arms that were around your waist, “did I wake you up?”
“It’s okay,” he murmured back in his warm, low voice. “What are you doing out here? It’s like 4 am.”
“As if you can argue against that,” you teased with a smile, “Mr. disastrous sleep schedule.”
He rolled his eyes at your jab, “thanks, it’s the insomnia. But,” he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, “I’m still asking.” There was a flash of light followed by a rolling rumble that made him realize that yes. It was thunder storming outside.
“It’s raining.” He hummed in agreeance and nuzzled his face into your neck, “it’s wonderful.” You took in a deep breath and smiled as you inhaled the wet earth smell. The gentle pittering of the rain interrupted by thunder was all you could hear as down below, there was hardly a car on the street. There was another flash of lightning and you gasped as you saw it fork through the sky before there was a crack of thunder. “I kind of want to dance in it.”
That got Chan to open his eyes fully as he looked at you with concern and shock barely illuminated on his face. “You want to dance in it?” he repeated, not sure that he heard it in his still-waking-up state.
You stuck a hand beyond the balcony to let raindrops cover it and you were pleased to find it cool, but not hard. “It’s not bad. And tomorrow’s Saturday anyway.” Chan himself wasn’t super keen on getting wet in his clothes, especially because it was cold and he was definitely not going to wear swim trunks out there. “Do you want to dance with me?” But he was totally whipped for you. “It’ll be less than five minutes...probably.” He couldn't say no.
“Right now?” he couldn’t help but ask as he glanced down at his outfit to confirm that he was shirtless and in a pair of sweatpants.
You glanced at him with a bit of a spark in your eye as you nudged him, “after you put on a shirt.” You turned back to the rain wistfully, “it might pass soon.”
He gently tugged you back inside and you looked at him in confusion, “grab your keys.” You grinned at his small confirmation as you hurried to put on one of the light jackets you had left on the couch and your keys from the little box at the door. Chan emerged from your room with a light jacket covering his bare chest and the two of you slipped out of your apartment.
When you got outside, you let out a giggle of delight as you spun around under the downpour. It may have gotten harder, but you didn’t mind. Your sandal-clad feet stepped in several puddles and your joyful shouts seemed out of place in the otherwise silence of the night. You noticed Chan still standing apprehensively under the overhang in front of your apartment complex, “may I have this dance?” you asked as you extended a hand out to him.
His face melted into a smile as he looked at you nearly perfectly illuminated under one of the streetlights. “Can’t leave you hanging, can I?” he asked as he confidently stepped out to take your hand, “that wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me.”
You smiled as the two of you did a janky version of the waltz under the falling rain. Your feet were soaked as you breezed through puddles and the sky continued to be punctuated with bursts of lightning and thunder. “Thanks Chan.” You murmured as you leaned into his chest, the two of you swaying in place.
“Anything for you babe.”
It was a gust of wind that caused you to sneeze that finally pulled the two of you back into the safety of the building. Your fingers were cold and clumsy as you shoved the key into the lock to gain access to your apartment and you couldn’t help but burst into laughter once the door shut.
“What?” Chan asked gently as he pulled you into another wet hug.
“Nothing.” You smiled, “just happy.”
Chan felt a smile grow on his face as well, your joy was just infectious like that. “I’m glad you’re happy.” He started pulling the two of you to the bathroom, “but let’s get dried off.”
It wasn’t long until the two of you were in dry, warm clothes and back in bed. You cooed as you ran your hand through his hair, as it got curly from the rain and the somewhat aggressive towel dry. “Felix is coming by later today.” Chan reported as the two of you cuddled and began to drift into sleep.
Luckily for Chan, he was able to fall asleep. Though it felt like only minutes as he was woken up by rapid knocking and his phone vibrating wildly.
“Is that Felix?” you squinted as you stared at his phone. Your room was a lot brighter now that the sun had risen.
“Probably.” Chan groaned as he pulled himself out of bed. “You can go back to bed,” he protested when he noticed you were also crawling out.
“I’ll make breakfast.” You smiled as the two of you emerged from your room to answer the door.
“Took you long enough,” Changbin couldn’t help but bite in annoyance when Chan finally opened the door.
"You're not Felix."
Changbin scoffed, "feeling the welcome."
“Sorry,” Chan replied as he rubbed his face. "I thought Felix was coming over today."
“He is," Changbin agreed, "he was baking enough cookies to feed an army earlier today. Hey (y/n)!” your guest waved his hand as he noticed you in the kitchen making coffee.
“Hey Changbin, how’ve you been?”
“Did the two of you just wake up?” he asked as he looked between the two of you with slight eye bags and general ‘I just woke up’ vibes.
“Yeah.” Chan replied as he searched through the apartment for his laptop.
“Rough night?” Changbin asked with a smirk.
“Seo Changbin!” you shouted and threw a pot holder at him who easily ducked and ran away laughing.
AN: Oops, I did not mean to disappear for over a month. I'm sorry!! Haha but inspiration struck (as usual) in the middle of the night, so apologies if this is a little messy as it's completely unedited (I didn't want to leave you guys hanging ^^;). On another note more related to skz, NOEASY! So excited!! I'm loving Felix's big hat and Chan's been getting way too comfortable with crop tops. Are you sure you're foive sir?? xD
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