#his backstory still kills me everytime
poemgender · 1 year
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But I told him. " Papi, I'm sorry, I'm going farther. I'm getting on a plane. And I'm going to change the world someday! "
And he slapped my face. He stood there, staring at me. " Useless. "
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dunmeshistash · 4 days
Literally right after I saw one of ur Milsiril posts today I saw another person doing a Mithrun analysis with a huge focus on Milsiril only helping him bc of ulterior motives and it makes me sad :( She’s such a soft mum that would teach her children anything. If anything she’s less overbearing than my Chinese mother
What are the arguments? I don't really get what she gets from helping Mithrun. I guess the thing she would be able to get is making him fight the demon.
But like, she's no longer a canary and there isn't really much to hint that's what she wants. This is her part in Kabru's version
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My boy really fairy tale-fied his backstory, it just ends with "And from that point onward Mithrun lived only to slay demons. He ate even though he had no desire to eat. He lived on, even though he had no desire to live."
Which is objectively false, in this version it really seems like she lets him live cause he can still be used, but he can't.
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This doesn't really look like a killing machine that can be used to fight demons does it. Kabru as usual oversimplified what happened cause as he said "the world doesn't need to know personal things like that"
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Again with his timeline vs Kabru's
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Utaya started and ended while he was still recovering, 20 years from being saved to being appointed as a captain again. I know elves see time differently but even if we do the divided by 5 that's still the equivalent of 4 years of his life if he was a tallman. I don't think that's a negligible amount of time and honestly I'm happy Ryoko Kui considered that recovery from something so traumatic isn't fast or easy.
I said Milsiril only started to help with his rehabilitation after she retired because of this bit. "Mithrun. I saw a demon in Utaya" the situation from arrival to destruction was at most one year, I can't imagine she was able to leave in the middle of it just to visit Mithrun?
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So I always assumed she did it after retiring (perhaps one of the first things she did since she's still in canary uniform)
Even if she left in the middle the earliest this could have happened is 498 so at most from his 20 years of rehabilitation Milsiril was with him for 2. At the most.
To me her smile here is cause she's seeing a way to motivate him to eat
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Doesn't really look like someone sinister or with ulterior motives to me, she has her eyebrows slighty furrowed and a forced tight smile. To me it looks like she's worried. The other point is that right before this scene this is what she says
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Here she has a soft smile as she remembers that he was someone similar to her. I think she didn't kill him because she saw herself in him, and I think she tried to help him for a similar reason. "It was such a warped, convoluted place built from inferiority jealousy lies and anger" "We might have hit it off pretty well"
She isn't saying that to judge him she's saying that and acknowledging he was just like her. I don't think the fact she relates to him would have been set up right before she tries to motivate him to eat to show "ulterior motives".
If anything I think the ulterior motive she has is that she sees herself in him, and wants to help him to help herself. Which as 'ulterior motives' go I think it's fine.
Everytime I talk about Milsiril I end up with a huge text lmao, I think I might be repeating myself too but I wish I understood the arguments for a sinister Milsiril using Mithrun. I don't really see anything in the extras that could indicate that. And the biggest "proof" is a intentionally abridged version of Mithrun's backstory told by Kabru that ignores all of his interpersonal relationships in favor of a easy to understand cautionary tale.
Oh yeah, and Mithrun's bitchy past self that didn't trust or like anyone saying it,
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alannybunnue · 10 months
Ok, Imagine: Muzan Kibutsuji with a Wife
Don't question it, ya'll asked for this
But i doubt you imagine something like this...Anyway, enjoy my nonsense :3
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The Demon Queen
= The Backstory =
(I get it, the title is not original, but it makes more sense than anything)
So Muzan is a arrogant little shit and everyone knows it.
But imagine him being married to a unbreakable sunshine
So everything began 1000 years before the main events, in the Heian Era, when Muzan was still a human.
Political marriages were pretty common back then, so you may be asking "Who in their sane minds would marry their daughter to a man on the brink of death?!" Well, our dear reader's shitty parents :3 (Which technically...her mother is me 0-0)
It obviously wasn't a very enjoyable marriage, especially with Muzan's depressing and negative personality, but his wife never change her demeanor, it didn't matter how many times he would cuss at her, she remained at his side everytime with kind smile on her face.
Muzan honestly saw her as a stupid woman who settled down for a impossible dream (Which was them living a normal married life)
So in his mind, he couldn't understand what made her stay with him day and night, waiting for the moment he somehow would be cured from his disease.
She even kept her mouth shut when he killed that Doctor :|
...But then he began to change
And it wasn't impossible to notice, he seemed more energetic, didn't stayed in bed all day like before.
However, he no longer stayed away for shades, his poor wife only found Muzan where the Sun couldn't touch him.
Which made her confused to the extreme, and the poor thing couldn't handle curiosity for long, even if her bitch of a husband wouldn't say a thing...until that one night.
At first, Muzan was going to kill her, at least he was, until she saw him walking towards her normally and became extremely emotional, and went up to her husband and hugged like her life depended on it. (No, she didn't notice the bodies nor the blood)
And as annoying as that would be to the Demon King, he indulged on it for a while, until his brain began to work and he remembered all the times this woman stayed by his side when he was at his worse.
So he transformed her :)
= Muzan as a Yandere + Some details =
One thing that must be made clear, is the detail that Muzan is not in love, he sees his darling more of a living possession than someone he is infatuated with. Using her ultimate devotion for his mere benefit.
Of course, the other reason is because he is already used to his wife's shiny personality and having to look for another woman to disguise himself among humans is too much work.
And yes, after some centuries, he begins to feel bothered whenever she isn't around him, or whenever someone else is with close to his wife.
But that isn't love! It's more like if another child stole his favorite toy.
Surely enough, he won't punish the poor woman too much, she is naive, he knows that...so giving her the silent treatment is enough to make the bubbly sweetheart cling onto him for attention. It still annoys him? Yes. But does he also finds it endearing? Also yes.
Now, does she sees his cruelty and lack of empathy? Yes, however, she is now a demon, she lived centuries with her husband telling her not to mind what they do to humans, nowadays she just can only focus on how much she loves him (My child, wtf-)
Now with demons...it's another story, you see, since she was a human, she always wanted children, but considering the man she got married to...yeah, that was impossible :D
So in her mind, the demons are her children, so whenever Muzan is agressive with them...she is really upset (Let's not comment about when he killed the Lower Moons...my baby cried all night) However, she doesn't say anything, because she can't.
Whenever Muzan can't stay with his wife, he only trusts two demons to take care of her properly
Yeah that's right, Mister Six Eyes and Basketball Man, Kokushibo and Akaza
Both are the most responsible in the group anyway, so they are more than enough to keep the woman in one place...
...But they don't stop her when she wants to stay with others too, except Akaza when she wants to visit Douma.
And Muzan can't complain much, cuz she is safe and sound when he returns, so why bother? (Or that is what she tells him, so he won't lash out on her kids •-•)
So in resume, Muzan is a bitch to everyone but his sunshine wife, but he is not in love- Or that is what he tells himself? :)
A/N: This honestly is kinda funny and cute somehow?? Muzan is one of the characters that i most despise and i still gave him a Wife...and i gave the Demons a Mom. Hope y'all enjoyed
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lonnitamongus · 9 months
A look at the victims of tcmg
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With the new release of Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Game, we have been exposed to a terrifying and tense world with lovely brand new characters in addition to the iconic Sawyers. The victims, all original to the game, are just fantastic. Each of them has a rich backstory to them and more so, clear personalities!
Playing the game and playing a good amount with each victim, I have noticed some clear markers of personality in every character through their dialogue.
Sonny, my main, is a anxious yet steadfast kind of guy. He speaks timidly as a mouse, commenting quietly about how horrifying things are while trying to keep brave. Although in stature he is smaller than the other victims, Sonny is brave despite his greatest fears. He constantly amps himself up, urging himself to not loose hope and to get out of tough spots. I really love how Sonny, alongside Ana, are the friends that try to bring peace of mind to everyone else. Sonny isn't a leader but he is strong support to the other survivors and that fact shows even more in his ability to hear other survivors and the killers from far distances. He's a sort of lookout for the group, staying cunning and brave despite clearly being scared. Another thing I have to point out with Sonny is his connection to Maria. Sonny, alongside Ana, clearly want to find Maria the most out of anyone. Sonny constantly talks about how he recognizes the family members from his investigations. Sonny likely spied on the family members and is likely the one who figured everything out, connecting Maria's disappearance to the family. Sonny clearly was adamant on finding his friend and helping Ana out, he's a true friend.
Then there is Julie and... she is a completely different type of character but I love her for that. She isn't a resilient survivor or a strong willed person. In fact, Julie is like an innocent girl stuck in the worst place she could possibly be. Julie is probably the least hopeful victim in tcmg, she constantly comments on how they are all probably going to die and that there is no hope of them escaping. She is extremely fearful about everything happening and that's the dominant emotion that controls what she does. Julie may be extremely scared but that doesn't change the fact that she's way more adept towards survival than she might think. Her extreme fear helps her as because of it she is much more cautious and stealthy than any other victim. Julie is one of the more tragic victims in this game I feel, she always cries extremely hard when she gets killed and I hate whenever she dies. Julie is a sweet soul and the other survivors comment on that when they find her dead body. Connie for example says "Oh sweetie what did they do to you..." Julie to me is clearly a girl who is a sweet soul and wanted to help find her missing friend but she never thought it would go somewhere so horrible. Out of all the victims, she is the only one who regrets coming her and constantly says that they never should of come here. Julie is also super caring! She asks if the other survivors are hurt and she tells each other to stick together. I also love how she casually calls everyone babe, I think it's just a small detail since she is from California but I still think it's cool. She is an extremely scared person but still has a kind and caring heart.
Ana is probably my favorite character, she is just so extremely bad ass and is for sure the final girl of the game. Not only is she the youngest in the group but she is also the toughest. Not just because her toughness stat is crazy high but because Ana herself is a tough person. Out of all the victims, I'd say she is the most fearless and she uses that to her advantage completely. She fearlessly stands up to the family and she has such devotion for her friends and her sister. Everytime she attacks a family member she screams "This is for Maria" or "What did you do to my sister?!" She is a badass in everyway frankly and I love her for it. Her ability shows that too, SHE LITERALLY IGNORES PAIN BECAUSE HER RESOLVE IS SO STRONG. I mean seriously, talk about final girl. If Ana was armed with more dangerous weapons than just bone knives, she would bring hell upon the family I'm sure.
Okay now we have Leland, who is all around a pretty cool guy. He's loyal, strong, and caring. Leland however, is not tough. He literally whimpers on low health, if you want Leland whimper audio just play him for one game and there you go. Leland has a low tough stat and that shows in his personality too. Leland's voicelines suggest he isn't a very brave person but when worst comes to worst, bravery springs up in Leland when he would least expect it. He does great fighting back against family members better than he does sneaking around hoping they won't find him. I feel like Leland is a little self consious about himself, he doesn't think he has what it takes to survive when it actuality he does. He has a true heart of gold and wrecklessly, yet bravely shoulder charges those killers head on despite his fear.
Last but not least, Connie is our last victim. She's crafty and picks locks faster than Bubba can rev his chainsaw, we all know it and we love her for it. Connie is another character I love, although I think her true personality is dulled down a little in such a tense situation. Some of Connie's voice lines suggest she is a kind hearted and witty woman but most of the time she is completely focused on getting the hell out of here. Connie switches from being a kind friend to a girl with more survival potential than anyone could have guessed. Connie, like Sonny, is scared but at the same time she has the strength to mostly ignore it so she can focus on getting out. Perhaps sometimes too much however as her ability makes her too focused on locks to escape to realize the family is around her. I really like this about her though, it really shows how she gets in a tense situation.
Overall I have been loving the tcm game and it's victims are wonderfully fleshed out. It's really refreshing to see these characters, know their motives for being here and their vastly different personalities. It's really refreshing and it just adds onto the intensity of the game. I want the victims to survive and I feel horrible when they don't because they are all so likeable 😭 tcm is just a great game so far and I'm hopeful that the game will continue going strong and just keep improving.
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demoiselettes · 2 years
Hello there Nanako Dear! may i request kyojuro, giyuu and tanjiro with demon darling thhat instead of eating humans like a normal demon they eat... STRAWBERRIES ( yes strawberries )
It's my first time requesting in your acc!
Hope it isnt to much
( the idea is similar to something i have read! )
- ✨ anon
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Pairing(s): Kyojuro x reader, Tanjiro x reader, Giyuu x reader
Category: fluff, crack
Warning(s): gn! Reader
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Kyojuro Rengoku
•Throughout his years as a Demon Slayer, he’s seen many things.
•He’s watched people die left and right, seen demons devouring dead corpses of what had once been happy humans
•And as a Demon Slayer, his job was to kill them
•It was already very taxing of him to allow Nezuko to live and to believe that she wouldn’t eat humans..but a demon that eats strawberries?
•Muzan is getting creative, he thinks as he watches you stare up at him from the little strawberry bushes that spring up in the fields.
•You do nothing as you look at him. You don’t even try to attack him. And this just makes him feel bad in trying to kill you
•So, without sheathing back his sword, he crouches down in front of you and proceeds to have a staring contest with you.
•Nah he really just stares at you owlishly before be goes ‘HELLO THERE WHY ARE YOU NOT EATING HUMANS’
•You’ll then just look up at him like wtf and question your his sanity.
•Like: why is there a person with fire for hair yelling at me to eat humans.
•You just sort off ignore him and pop another strawberry in your mouth and he almost drops dead on the spot because did a demon just ignore him????
•He’ll probably keep pestering you with questions and seeing you refuse to attack him even after he threatens you’ll be what gets him to bring you back to the corps for a trial to become the potential nezuko 2.0
•And you do except that you don’t sleep to energize, you eat strawberries like a baddie
•Safe to say, his estate is always packed with those, and he’s taken to planting them in his courtyard
•The kakushis hate it. senjuro loves it
•Him and Mitsuri(who’s immediately taken a liking to you) often try to come up with recipes so that you aren’t only eating mundane strawberries
•He likes to bring you to the market too, to buy strawberries(take a shot everytime i type strawberries) and though he’s quite oblivious to the weird stares he gets from lugging around someone with a bamboo muzzle on
•He’s probably given you a strawberry pattern kimono/haori
•He tries to get you to eat daifukus which contain strawberries on the inside but you don’t seem to like those as much as the actual thing :(
•So he’ll just settle to watching this cute lil’ demon devours tons of strawberries in utter admiration
•Shinjuro, at this point, is so tired of hearing Kyojuro and you go ‘UMAI’ and ‘HM-HMPH’ while eating sweet potatoes and strawberries respectively
Tanjiro Kamado
•Yay! Nezuko has a friend!
•This dude will cry if a demon has a sad backstory, and like he once told Sanemi, it’s important to be able to differentiate a good demo from a bad demon.
•So if he sees you, a demon without the smell of blood and rotting flesh on you, he’s not going to kill you.
•He will be wary, but he’ll settle for questioning you.
•Even if you aren’t able to communicate properly, he’ll still make up his mind and kindly ask you to follow him to headquarters.
•He’s going to be so considerate too, asking you if you’re alright with walking the way back, if you’re tired or if you want to shrink so he can carry you like a child. Sobs.
•But then, while walking, you suddenly run off in a different direction and Tanjiro finds himself chasing after you, afraid that you’re about to eat a human
•But you’re not eating human flesh. You’re eating strawberries. Why’re you eating strawberries?
•Tanjiro is so confused he’s practically just frozen, watching you stuff the sweet things into your mouth
•He’s always thought demons were incapable of eating human food, but here you are
•So he gently kneels down to your height and pats your head, asking you if you like strawberries in a voice that’s almost whispery
•With your assent, something clicks in his mind. Nezuko sleeps to regain energy. Maybe you eat strawberries instead of humans. That’d explain why you don’t smell of blood. And why you smell of strawberries
•So after your trial and receiving the approval of the very confused and intrigued Master, Tanjiro asks for Shinobu’s consent that you remain at the Butterfly Estate because he can’t carry another demon with him, Nezuko being his top priority in spite of everything
•He visits you as often as possible, and always lets Nezuko out of her box to play with you
•Whenever he’s back, he brings as many strawberries as possible with him and Aoi has taken such a secretive liking to you that she’s taken to planting them in the garden
•Tanjiro knows you’re in good hands and he trusts you fully to not eat anyone, but he still makes you wear a muzzle in case things take a wrong turn
•He often asks Inosuke where he can find the sweetest strawberries for you and the boar man is more than happy to show off his extensive knowledge which he gained from being raised by boars.
Giyuu Tomioka
•I’d be so shocked if he didn’t outright kill you.
•Just because he’s spared one demon girl doesn’t mean he’s fond of it
•But since when do demons eat strawberries? He questions, watching you happily chew the red berries.
•You haven’t even noticed him yet, too content with the delicacy you’re feasting on
•He’ll simply assume that you’re trying to trick him and he will try to fight you
•Then he realizes you’re not attacking him outwardly, but rather taking to the defensive while trying to protect yourself
•This’ll raise further questions in his mind and he’ll finally interrogate you with the point of his sword merely seconds away from piercing into your throat
•Whether you can talk or not, he’ll be able to tell something’s different about you. Which’ll cause him to hesitate on his next move: kill or nah?
•He ultimately decides to give you a chance even though he’s certain he’s gonna regret it
•So, he takes you back to corps with his sword still at your neck. what a gentleman
•He’s gonna feel extremely self-conscious with explaining your predicament and he’ll most likely receive tons of insults from some of his fellow hashiras one of which has white hair and lots of scars
•But eventually, if you’re docile enough, the Master might ask you to be put on trial + under observation to test whether or not you’re dangerous
•What they find is certainly unexpected: you eat strawberries. to gain energy
•And now the hashiras are going rampant and questioning reality while Kagaya’s just chilling in the middle of it all
•They eventually very reluctantly learn to let it sink, and Giyuu takes full responsibility of you
•So spoiler alert: he doesn’t find himself regretting his decision to let you live
•You reside in the estate alongside him and are..surprisingly docile? Like you never attack, go ballistic???
•You just wanna. eat strawberries???
•He makes sure you have an abundant supply of those
•I don’t see him as the kind to have them planted, so he’ll most likely go buy them at the market
•Y’all should see the look on the merchants’ faces when he arrives to buy almost all of their stock. and he’s doing it with the most unassuming, unamused face ever
•He finds himself growing fond of you. The kakushis often find him sitting on his engawa and just watching you eat your strawberries. Neither of you speak, it’s just comfortable silence punctuated by your munching
•He’s very reluctant to bring you on missions and therefore prefers to leave you at home, but you are never far from his mind
•And everytime he sees strawberries, he feels inclined to buy them, you’ve basically just- made them your symbol
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reine-uls · 2 days
if I had a nickel for everytime someone said douma was never wronged in his life, I would actually be able to afford a car
I'm trying so hard not to fight with these tiktok kids
who knew no one there actually knows what "child abuse" or "dehumanizing" means
like you can't be a muzan defender and say douma is the true evil 💀 girl-
I can only rely on Cold Affections during these dark times 😭 I love your fic so much and the way you write douma ❤️‍🩹
take all the time you need n goodluck with your studies <33
Ok. Lemme rant for this. Well it’s not surprising the haters would say that because Douma is a literal sociopath that they assume that he was born as one.
But that’s not true it’s because of how he was raised. People would not care for Douma being abused because it appears that he isn’t, but the truth is, he was abuse and dehumanized. All because of his parents. It was never his fault that he grew up like that. It was the parents. The moment they decided for Douma to be a god figure because of his looks, that’s when you’ll know shit is about to go down. They never treated Douma as a normal human being to begin with.
Especially when the mother killed the father and then the mother kills herself in front of Douma??? Not to mention when he was a child??? Like… did she not consider the idea that a child witnessing all that would traumatized Douma? No. Never. Even though it did not affect Douma that much, but still, they never see Douma as a human since birth. Which is fucked up. And sad.
I see why people view Douma being “pure evil” because he doesn’t feel anything. But he isn’t. Defining pure evil is that you have no sense of morality and mercy. Douma has morality and mercy of a sort because he spent decades “saving” people from tragedy and cruelty of the world. Because he PITIES them, even though he doesn’t feel anything and that he views humans as stupid. He thought eating them and keep them inside of him would be the greatest form of mercy he could offer to his people or anyone he comes across. If he is pure evil, he would NOT stick to his “divine principles” of “saving” people, he wouldn’t be a cult leader to this day if he is pure evil.
Each of the demons have their own struggles and they wouldn’t be the way they are now because of several reasons. Kokushibo wouldn’t be like the way he is because of his father, Douma because of his parents, Akaza because of poverty, Hantegu because of mental illness? I’m not sure, and Daki and Gyutaro because of poverty. Enmu idk… he’s a scammer and a hoe from the train. Rui? I will DEFEND that child. That child is my son.
I can sort of understand… why Muzan is like that because of his illness but brother it’s impossible to defend him to the next track record he did. Like brother did NOT care for anyone but himself. I feel like he has some sort of mercy because he “saves” people like him (Tamayo and Rui) but Muzan is sort of pure evil. Sort of… Man is a douchebag.
The one demon who is pure evil is Gyokko. Like hello? Have you HEARD of his backstory? That’s why I don’t like him. He has this sick sense of fetish of his “art” like he is fascinated with corpse and carcasses in jars. He even killed a child because he’s curious to see his corpse in a jar.
Like… what?
I also don’t like Kaigaku he’s such an asshole… like don’t get me started with that bitch.
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lakesparkles · 13 days
Why do you like Gideon x Julie so much?/genq I'm not hating, but I've always really hated goosepowers (mainly bc both characters were really really mischaracterized and their writing was half-assed and rushed (esp Gideon) and the backstory for them was stupid and rushed in my opinion), but I'm really curious about what you see in it to like it so much/gen
First thing, thank for asking this in such a nice way! I'm glad you want to know my opinion about them and I'm sorry for how long my answer will probably be lmao
Okay, I think the best way to start is explaining about how I feel about the different adaptations of the characters:
Ramona is one of the only ones I prefer a version 200% times than the others (everytime I talk about her, pls assume I'm talking about comic Ramona). The other characters I kinda can see good sides in all different versions. Like Julie. To me she is the same in all of them?? (The different being the amount of screentime she has). Sometimes I see people saying "I like Julie in the anime but I can't stand her in the comics" and I'm very confused because?? She's the same character to me? But I love rude and evil women. Julie is the one character I would block someone for openly not liking because it'll hurt me.
Now Gideon. I love Gideon so much that sometimes I forget we don't know much about him. The thing is that he's an almost complex character to me and this is the reason I can't stop drawing and writing this dude. I need to understand his mind. And the way I like doing so is taking parts I like of every version of him and creating a Gideon in my mind that makes sense to me. And somehow this is what makes me like Goosepowers too.
All Gideons have their own flavor, but something that tends to be the same is that he's alright as long as everything is under his control. Things being out of his control makes him upset, and he would do anything to make sure it won't happen - I mean, his whole reason for almost killing two people in the comics as because Ramona broke up with him and how dare she?? (This is why I like his backstory in the anime. He truly doesn't know how to deal with being rejected)
I like to think this is the reason he's so "not himself" during his Gordon Goose episodes in the anime. He's just wondering who he even is now that he has nothing. All his biggest fears became true so he doesn't care anymore.
And Julie is just... Everything that he dislikes in that sense: she yells at him, bosses him around and he has to do what she says because he's at her house now. I swear I wrote a whole fanfiction about this, to try to see how he felt in that moment. Maybe he likes Julie because she makes him feel free from all of that thoughts. Or maybe he doesn't like her at all and, inside, is just waiting for a moment he'll be able to change her as he wishes. Maybe he doesn't know himself, he doesn't even know who he is.
And another thing is that Gideon dating Julie doesn't make him a better person. It's the opposite, it's makes him worse because he's sudenly such a good boyfriend and it shows that he was always able to change. He could've been a nice and loving boyfriend for Ramona this whole time and the only reason he wasn't is because he didn't want to. And I'm still crying about how good this plot could've been in the anime if Ramona didn't stop sudenly caring about Gideon or how badly he treated her and how Julie, her friend, is dating him even knowing exactly how he is. The potential this plot had,,
I have a lot more to say about Goosepowers (and the Julie part of it, but that is a totally different story and I already wrote too much) This is the way I see their relationship and feel totally free to disagree. These are mostly my headcanons, after all!
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felikatze · 10 months
rereading the ember knight (again) and picking up on more stuff because i actually remember more character names (i can successfully tell myusa and wadrin apart now!) and when i got back to laurun's backstory arc i felt so stupid because like
at the veeeeeeery beginning, nagyunn says najin suddenly became stronger after nagyunn got sick when they were kids. and then laurun says najin approached him when nagyunn was sick. and najin was apparently part of the dragon's descendants. and the dragon's descendants have a ritual that grants power equivalent to the knights' geas, which can also be performed by outsiders (as shown by laurun himself performing it!!)
so yeah duh. najin joined them for power when he felt the most powerless (with nagyunn, his protector, being extremely ill). he was probably so strong because he went through the ritual. HOWEVER we've seen that the power granted by the ritual is tied closely to the chief, and the chief has to give permission to use full power, as we saw when lyamin asked laurun for permission to go fight the apprentices again, so it really is exactly like the conditions placed on knights through the geas.
and like, quaring's sudden power up is also after she makes a vow to the dead jiroon, so promises are just fucking like. All Powerful, but Restricting. this overlap is probably why laurun used to research the geas with the komaeda look alike and zius. i forgot his name. LEGIA. WHITE CROW LEGIA. that bitch. yeah.
obviously there are still Many Questions. like. how does The Actual Dragon factor into this. didn't he call the dragon's descendants posers.
oh also sidenote. rereading laurun's backstory just made everything so much clearer cuz i got REALLY confused when i read it the first time cuz all the names are so similar. we have laukan, laurun's adoptive dad, his unnamed mother, and lauzun, his little brother. the old chief of the descendants is gonna kick the bucket, as is the old mother of dragons.
so the conflict is between who's gonna be chief between laukan and lushul. lushul is luyan's dad, who has a "will they won't they" thing with laurun, and is slated to be next mother of dragons.
laurun would be the perfect chief candidate if not for his status as an outsider, which leads to extra squabbling between laukan and lushul as both families have one super promising kid each.
we also see lyamin's dad!! he was one of laukan's supporters, apparently, and we also have mention of kallan, the super smiley one who murdered jiroon.
lushul killed the old chief and laukan. laurun arrived to the scene after his talk with luyan, and retaliated by killing lushul as well as lushul's whole group. then, the knights show up and demand an agreement, but laurun sends them off cuz lushul did that, and fuck lushul, he's dead now.
before the fighting broke out, laukan told lauzan to run away, cuz lushul would also kill him. that's gonna be how lauzan ended up in woodion, since it's now established that the two settlements were close to each other.
so close, in fact, that when laurun searches for his brother, he runs into najin in the woods.
the knights r also super suspicious here. the way they talk abt the mother of dragons makes me suspect she was their end goal in massacring the descendants, since we saw who we now know as luyan in their custody in the capital city before. laurun probably doesn't even know she's still alive.
it's all super interesting!! everytime i read this series i understand more!!
and like yeah a lot of this is because all the names are so similar and it takes a reread to untangle them all, but it's also just well crafted. like when nagyunn meets up with the first special class, one of em perks up when he mentions being from woodion. this is just ONE thought bubble, but it's notable because this knight is later revealed to he tyr's older sister! she honed in on it cuz she's also from woodion! or at least because her brother lived there.
anyways. read the ember knight. it's good.
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whumpslist · 1 year
A bunch of answers 5 and recap
Hi everyone,
With the summer season and the ending of many series, I’m finally catching up with old whumps’ lists, in particular:
* As already stated here, I’ve completed the final seasons of The Flash, Titans and Endeavor and updated the whumps lists; I’ve completed Carnival Row as well and it’s online;
* the lists from current, but not broadcasted at moment, series are all updated; The Blacklist’s tenth and final season is airing and updated to the last episode as well;
* I have to update the second season of Tale of the Nine-Tailed which is currently being aired under the name “1938″ as a prequel and I will binge watch it once fully broadcasted;
* I have done a whumpslist for the first season of Will Trent and the books by Karin Slaughter the TV show is based on, I'm still undecided whether to publish it or wait to complete them all. What would you prefer?;
* I’ve recently posted some new K-lists: Insider, Doctor Lawyer and updated Taxi Driver with the second season; I’ve also (FINALLY) completed the list for The K2, it will be posted in a couple of days; viceversa, it’s already online the whumpslist of Citadel but I really didn’t liked the show itself, many things were off...
As my plans for future binge watching and whumps’ lists:
* Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan new season will be released soon as the third season of The Witcher (I promise I have started to watch the second season of it and updating the list) which will be the last one I will do if it is true that Henry Cavill will no longer wear the clothes of Geralt of Rivia;
* I have The Musketeers list to complete (only a bunch of episodes left to review), and two seasons and half of The Last Ship;
* i have selected many K-dramas I want to watch this summer, I don’t know if any of them are worth of a whumpslist but I certainly hope so!
You can find all the lists and the links into the Whumpslist’s links Sheet here. Plus, I've made another sheet to include all my gifs, short clips and audios posted as Tumblr allows only a certain amount to links into a single post.
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Meanwhile I’ve received many messages, I’ll gather the answers here.
Not sure if you've done this show yet, but, Queen of the South, it's on Netflix, has some great whump for character James Valdez 👌
Hi Anon, yes, I’ve seen some gifsets here and there but I’m not sure I would like the series itself. Still evaluating it.
Do you have a whumplist for Covert Affairs? Especially Auggie!
Maybe, @sharimae, but surely not in the foreseeable future, as I’ve already watched it back in the days.
Has the whump community gotten a hold of Lockwood and Co yet? if not y’all need to run to netflix rn!!!Anthony Lockwood is the PERFECT whumpee, but plenty goes around! not to mention there’s found family, hurt/comfort, angst, self sacrifice, tragic backstories, reckless boy with no self care, torture, electrocution, sword fights, ghosts can and will kill you (or put you into a coma), girl who can save the world and the boy who would die for her, gunshot wound, collapsing and needing to be supported, unconsciousness, powers are a burden… i could go on honestly
He’s cute, indeed, I’ll consider it.
brothers whump
Sorry, @s610ela, care to elaborate??
Hi!! I was wondering if you have any plan to continue the list for Jack Ryan? Thank you!
Hi there! As said above, I will certainly continue the list for this show.
Your Remington Steele gifs of 4x01 are an actual gift to the tiny Remington Steele fandom! Where did you get the episodes to use?! (If you don’t mind me asking lol)
Ah, my little me was SO in love with Remington Steele and enjoyed the sporadic whumps everytime they popped up! I made the gifs a while ago, I’m sorry I don’t remember where I retrieved the episode to do the gifset.
That’s all, folks!
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sakuraoora · 2 years
I'm here for your follower event! My name is Mint nice to meetcha!
Regarding the event here my request.
Character: Kazuha
Song: Carousel (Melanie Martinez)
Lyric: "Why did you steal my cotton candy heart? You threw it in this damn coin slot."
Plot: Reader has an unrequited crush on Kazuha. Everytime they get try to tell him, he responds by saying" You're such a good friend to me." Reader is disheartened by this but doesn't want to give up trying to win Kazuha's heart. So Reader is stuck in a loop trying to win something that will never be theirs. (Also Kazuha is the type to me to not get attached romantically to someone. All people the man had loved has died so I think someone loving him will make him anxious)
Sorry I should have double checked if you can do angst. If you can't and need me to do a happier theme dm me☆
Hage a nice night or day!
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Ships..? Kazuha x Reader
Warnings. Hurt / No comfort, angst, rejection. inazuma archon quest & kazuha backstory spoilers!
A/N. Hi Mint!! I hope this fic I wrote is good enough for your brilliant idea ♥. Also, don’t worry about the angst!! This is practically an angst blog at this point anyways LMFAO
This was originally going to be a modern au but I think this works better :)
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Why couldn’t he see how much you loved him?
Every time you tried opening up to him, tried confessing your feelings for him, he… turned you down.
You understood his pain, of course. You were just as good a friend to Tomo as he was. You had felt just as much pain when he died to… well, that part isn’t very important.. But… this was too far, even for Kazuha. Kazuha was destroying himself in his grief for someone that was… gone, no matter how much he mourned. Attempts at comfort were pushed away, Kazuha being scared that he would lose whoever was with him.
Every time you saw him, a sense of dread filled your chest as he stopped being his past self.
It was terrible; and affected anyone and everyone who knew him.
Every time he boarded the Crux again, you saw him. You saw him, looking better, but still with something missing from his past self.
Beidou couldn’t have noticed. She didn’t know him before the incident happened. She noticed your caution and hesitance around him, though, yet… still didn’t question it. She knew you two had things that you had experiences that she couldn’t understand in the past, so she… left the problem to you, but you knew you could always talk to her if necessary.
Day after day after day, Kazuha became better at hiding his pain… until suddenly, one day he met an anomaly.
The Traveler, who could wield whatever element they chose, without a vision… could possibly awaken the dead vision of his lost friend. A spark awakened in Kazuha’s eyes… but was quickly extinguished when he realized they didn’t need to use any vision..
You were with him, Beidou and the Traveler when they made the long journey across the ocean to the land of your birth-- and long lost memories in the land of Eternity, where you would see the omnipresent god who killed your friends- one his life stolen from him, the other one the light in his mind, the glimmer in his eyes.
God, you hated him so much.
So why did you keep returning to him?
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reblogs help more than likes!
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childotkw · 1 year
First, let me apologize for the size of this monster ask. Sorry.
The POTC fic ate my brain. I can think of nothing else now. Just... the sheer possibilities, ya know?
With Tia Dalma, I always thought Jack, though fond and always respectful, was mindful to maintain a certain distance between them, careful to not pay any offence. With fem!Jack though I see their relationship being much, much closer. Close as sisters perhaps? Or even a mother-daughter relationship (where is Jack's mother in this AU? Still a mumified head being carried around in Teage's pocket?). How does she react to Jack's deal with Davy Jones? Is she mad that her former lover is once again trying to chain a woman to his side? Or does she laugh, because the man has clearly not learned his lesson?
And Davy Jones himself is a whole other can of worms. Does he look at this bright, wild young woman, clearly favored by Calypso, and wants to claim her as the best addition to his crew in decades or simply as a way to get vengeance on the goddess? Or worse, does he look at her and think of a child that never was, a bittersweet what-if that could have been if only Calypso had waited for him on land all those centuries ago...
As for Barbossa, I want to see this man have Regrets (TM). I want him, cursed and desperate, to see Jack alive and well after abandoning her on an island and feel... things. Outrage, anger, disbelief. Amusement. Immense relief. Want him, back and alive again, to long for that short, fond, teasing 'Hector' instead of the cold, indifferent 'Barbossa' that greets him everytime. Does he lie awake at night, a part of him, no matter how small, yearning for that time when he sailed the Black Pearl under the banner of the Captain Jack Sparrow?
And Becket and Salazar! I have no words for these two, everything about their relationships with Jack fascinate me.
In the movies, the tension was THICK between Jack and Becket. I always thought those two had Real Respect for each other in the beginning. Jack who thought he had found a Actual Good Man to work under. Becket who thought he had found someone who, with a little time and polishing, could stand just behind him at the top of the world, the closest to an equal a man like him could get (tolerate?). Which really, only makes the betrayal from both sides even worse. Jack, who finds out the man he thought was good was actually even worse than the scoundrels he grew up with ("People aren’t cargo, mate"). And Becket, who finds out his little protégé, whom he had such high hopes for, actually has morals and a free will that don’t (and never will) align with his plans/worldview.
I wonder, with this fem!Jack au, were there rumours of Jack being the future Lady Becket? I wonder, later, after all's said and done, when Jack is tied to a burning ship with Becket looking on in the distance, is there a ring somewhere on Jack? On Becket?
And even later, when whispers of the Black Pearl start cropping up in the docks and inside darkned pubs, along with her Captain, does Becket have to sit down (with anger? Relief?) or does he stand and stares out the window of his office, towards the wide open sea and tries to imagine where his wayward (friend, enemy, lover? His, certainly) pirate is and how he might get her back, this time permanently
... did this just turn into a Davy Jones and Calypso ver. 2.0??
As for Salazar, I loved the idea of him from the get go. After we got the backstory of his and Jack's first (and last) meeting I was gone for this spanish ghost. The chase, the obsession. The way this encounter marked and changed both of them, one literally died and had to spend decades waiting in purgatory for a chance at revenge while the other spends this same amount of time forever know by the name coined by El Matador del Mar, the Spaniard's little bird who flew away...
Does Jack being female in this AU change anything for Salazar? In the minutes before being tricked and killed, did he think of her less as a pirate and more like a young woman led astray, perhaps even forced into this life? Does he think of himself as a savior for Jack (lol)?
Also. I'm all for a threesome happening between Jack, Elizabeth and Will. I think they deserve a threesome.
No don't apologise - this is great!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who's excited for this one 🤣 I'm going to break this up so I can keep my replies on track!
For Tia Dalma and Jack - that respect and wariness is definitely still a core component of their relationship! But you're right in that they'll be a lot closer in this AU than in canon. While it might not quite be a full mother-daughter dynamic, there will be maternal aspects to how Tia Dalma treats Jack. Jack's mum is still technically alive for most of the story, even if Jack doesn't see or talk to her. Once the movie timelines come through, that's probably when I'd say Jack's mother died.
But Tia Dalma is uber pissed when she sees Jack for the first time after her deal with Jones. She goes quiet and wrathful, staring at the unseen mark on Jack's soul - the brand that shows her debt to Jones for anyone with the talents to see. And Tia Dalma mourns Jack long before she dies because even with all her power, not even she can break a soul-deep deal.
As for Davy Jones - it's six of one, half a dozen of the other. He genuinely wants Jack's skills on his ship, and knows she's unparalleled as a helmsman. But he also is a petty, bitter man, and knowing that Calypso thinks Jack as hers also plays into his decision. It's very 'you like this thing so I'm going to take it from you' mentality. (Though I am intrigued at the potential and completely fucked up implication of Jack-as-a-stand-in-daughter. I'd need to think on that!)
And oh do I have plans for Barbossa! He definitely ends up having something maybe like regret!
One of the things I rambled about in discord was wanting the Black Pearl crew to suffer some consequences for mutinying against Jack. After all, Jack is a Pirate Lord, and though it isn't widely known, the daughter of the Keeper of the Code. She is a good captain, respected, and generally well-liked, and mutiny is serious fucking business for pirates. A lot of people are angry at Barbossa for what he did, and in those ten years after the mutiny against Jack, the Black Pearl crew were considered persona non grata. They weren't really welcome at any pirate stronghold, and a lot of the older generation were chomping at the bit to avenge Jack.
The only reason no one did anything was because Jack, essentially, spread the word that if anyone was going to kill Barbossa, it was her. And they respected that.
And because Barbossa and his crew were scorned by most of the other pirates in the Caribbean, they didn't exactly know that Jack survived and was gunning for them.
So, the first time Jack and Barbossa see each other, his shock is genuine - as is the strange rush of adrenaline he gets because Jack's presence is still electrifying and keeps him on his toes. It's his irritation at her calling him 'Barbossa' catches him off guard, and it takes him a minute to remember that Jack was the last person to call him Hector - because he crew would never be that familiar with him - and he hates the part of him that mourns that. He had liked Jack during the brief time they had sailed together, found her engaging and brilliant, but his ambition had always been stronger than any affection he might hold for other people, and so this was where they ended up.
And Beckett. Oh, Beckett...you're absolutely right in that the tension between them was *chef's kiss*
Even without the deleted scene, you could tell that those two had history the second Jack stepped in the room. And I think, for me, the most telling aspect that these two knew each other and knew each other well was that Jack didn't even try to be a fool in front of Beckett. Yeah, sure, there was some joking and posturing - but it was so half-hearted in comparison to other interactions Jack has.
Jack's masks were stripped back when speak to Beckett, and I find that fascinating. So, in this AU, there will definitely be a hell of a lot of implications between them.
There's respect, naturally, and an acknowledgement that they're intellectual equals. Beckett doesn't underestimate Jack (as even Barbossa and Will and Elizabeth are still prone to do despite knowing Jack's track record), and Jack doesn't insult Beckett by pretending to be something she's not.
But there's also that very acute bitterness and betrayal between them. Because Beckett tried to turn Jack into something she wasn't, tried to get her to compromise on her morals, and he burned her ship; and Jack broke Beckett's belief that he'd finally found someone who could understand and accept every facet of his being.
There's disappointment as well - that their partnership didn't work out. Because they had liked each other, and admired each other, and though they never progressed beyond a 'professional' relationship, Beckett knows that if he were to marry a woman it would have been Jack.
And that sense of ownership Beckett has over Jack is incredibly dangerous - because in his eyes if he can't be the one holding Jack's leash, than no one could. Jack was too big a threat to remain free, so she had to die.
It's all very poignant. Behold:
And Jack knew what men typically wanted from her. They saw the wildness in her dark eyes and the tangles of her hair and the freedom in her blood and it made them itch. It made them want a taste of it for themselves - or drove them mad enough to want to take it from her.
Put her in a cage and clip her wings and to crow as if they had tamed the sea itself.
But Beckett was different. He didn’t want to tame her. He was too clever to think he could. That anyone could chain her for long.
Cutler Beckett wanted to break her, if only so he could put the pieces back together in the way he wanted.
For Salazar, I don't think I'd change it much from canon. I don't think Jack being female would change his perspective much. He'd still be enraged at being beaten as he was by this slip of a pirate girl. The obsession would remain, the impact they had on each other would remain - Jack as the ultimate 'prey-that-got-away', and Salazar being the one that completely redirected Jack's path in life, propelling her into captain-hood and giving her her name.
Either way, they haunt each other.
And for the ship - there might be elements of Jack/Elizabeth/Will, but it's not gonna be a prominent thing, unfortunately. I already have a main pairing in mind for Jack for this one 😂
(And no, it's not Norrington.)
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bladeoftruths · 11 months
ok so while im at it i guess i'll just share my thoughts on ff16's story overall since i have a fair share of yays, nays and other abt it. SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!
the yays:
- the prologue is still a banger no matter how many times u watch it. it was such a solid opening.
- cid's arc is a banger, even tho im sad that he died halfway thru the story but this is final fantasy. your cid can either live or die so that mid could run, or vice versa.
- jill's arc is my favourite. killing your abuser is ok but again, i have a bias with her.
- i like that they give each of the main cast a time to spend with clive in respective arcs.
- kaiju battles. yes i am a sucker for that. i grew up watching tokusatsu so this is nothing new to me. titan fight is my favourite among all, bahamut second.
- clive and jill's slowburn romance is just AUGHENSKSKDKS I FRICKIN LOVE IT. the mutual pining, the slowburn and the payoff just feels... AUGHHHHHH GRAAAAHHHHH SO EFFING GOOD I CANT DESCRIBE IT IN WORDS *eats a brick everytime i see them hold hands, hug or kiss*
- the worldbuilding is also good especially in the sidequests.
- i like how they portrayed dion and terence's relationship. its not everyday u get to see a well written gay relationship that didnt feel fetishized. we need more of this. also they are both childhood pals to lovers so it hits a soft spot on me.
- the side characters are also loveable in their own right!! enough to be in the top 10 even.
- i think im lowkey glad that they decided to go for an all white/white passing cast for the game bcos god some parts of the game is super fucked up esp wrt the bearers and how the ppl of valisthea treated them. i cannot imagine the sheer backlash yoshiP and his team will get if they have a brown/black/asian character in especially if they are bearers/dominants :')
- i didnt like how benedikta just comes and goes at the same arc. like i really wish we get to know her more or at least, after she went berserk she could at least be saved so that cid could take her in and we get to know her more. GIVE US A DLC, CBU3!!!
- waloed arc to me is my biggest downer. i want to know more abt waloed. i want to know more about barnabas and how did he get influenced by ultima. the part after jill gives away shiva's power to clive at the shadow coast just... drops and until they arrived at drake's spine it just feels... eh to me. kinda like the idyllshire/hinterlands arc in HW (given that ff16 story is written by the same guy who wrote HW in FFXIV, i am not even surprised).
- i understand that they want to make waloed and origin arc the time where clive and joshua finally gets to bond together but damn i wish they didnt just leave out jill like that in the last two arcs. poor girl, let her fight even tho she can no longer use her eikon power anymore.
- i know i have beef with waloed arc but god, odin fight is so underwhelming. no kaiju battle??? i sleep.
- i want to know more abt the rest of the dominants apart from the rosfield bros!! jill's life before she was sent to rosaria, dion in general, kupka's backstory and his relationship with benedikta, cid in general, benedikta again and again, barnabas. hell, i also wanna know more abt leviathan. GIVE US THE DLC OR FIT IN THEIR LORE IN THE ULTIMANIA!!!
- i think most of us agree that the sidequests were better at telling the worldbuilding and character insight more than the msq itself. the msq focused a little too much on clive over how he and the comrades react to the world around them.
- i think we also agree that we need more characters bantering over each other especially the dominants. im sad that dion didnt get to interact with clive and jill more, nor even we get to see the rosaria trio bantering and reminiscing the good times together at the hideaway.
other thoughts:
- i'm very mixed abt the ending tbh. i like the ambiguity and open endedness a la FF tactics but at the same time WTF??? i was high on copium when i first see thru the ending but now that i looked back my brain is just on hopium. im just gonna cling to the subtle hints that were mentioned in the game where they point out clive, dion and joshua SOMEHOW survived.
- i dont get people saying that ff16 didnt feel like final fantasy... like all FFs are different in its own right?? ff15 is like contemporary modern meets fantasy, ff6 is steampunk fantasy, ff4 is fantasy with airship... the settings are different sure but as long as you have crystals being the core part of the story, as well as anime fights with giant monsters and summons plus its own unique FF-schtick its still a final fantasy.
- i also dont get the hate on 16 for being more game of thrones-ish... like this is not the first FF to have gone this route. you have effing FF tactics being the first one to do that. the only difference is how they present it. i personally feel that 16 deserves the M-rating so much bcos of how technological advances gives you more creative freedom on how u want to tell the story. back in the day you could only work with what u have so yasumi matsuno really had to restrict with how he want to write the story for tactics. also his writing inspired the ff16 writing team a lot if u notice. and while this is not the first final fantasy game to get an M-rating (FFO did it first) it is the first mainline to get one.
overall i think the game isnt bad nor is it perfect. it manages to hit the right spot but at the same time i have my fair share of nitpicks. i just hope that it makes enough sales on ps5 and wait for the announcement of a pc release bcos god i would still love to play this game even if i probably suck at action rpg games.
omake: my favourites among the cast overall:
boys (top 5):
- dion, clive, cid, joshua, gav (bonus: byron)
girls (top 5):
- jill, mid, tarja, martha, isabelle 'the dame' (im so sorry benedikta u deserved better :'))
all (top 5)
- jill, dion, clive, cid, joshua
i have a soft spot for jill bcos she is very much reminded me of ysayle and im weak to ice coded ladies, and dion is just aymeric but a dragoon and bahamut fucker. i know what u did there CBU3
and this comes to no surprise but i fucking love clive/jill. i am weak to childhood pals to lovers with a mix of mutual pining and angsty slowburn romance, and they just hit the right spot for me. im so glad they managed to pull off an adult slowburn romance for them so well auuughhhhhh
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opens-up-4-nobody · 11 months
Naruto shippuden things that made me lose my mind (ep 424-season 20 ep 30):
Madara just shot a laser out of his mouth?
Madara: he can see my limbo???
Madara sailing thru the air: I'll be taking that *rips Kakashi's eye out of his skull*
Madara, casually: sasuke sure is quick *gets sliced in half by sasuke*
Kakashi, thinking abt young team 7: I misunderstood you all then, in some ways I probably still do (Kakashi, u just said it was sakura's job to pull sasuke from the darkness, that is the most fundamental misunderstanding of team 7 u could have)
*apocalyptic things happening* shikamru: I think something bad's happening over there (thanks, dumbass)
Tenzo's dream is for team 7 to accept him as their captain 😭
Sasuke getting purple snake goo spit in his face made me laugh aloud
Madara, talking abt chakra: I will get rid of this curse upon humanity (do it, king!)
This is from a filler english dub episode but: Christmas exists in naruto -> ninja Jesus confirmed
It's so unbelievable in tenten's mind that she could protect and be valuable to her friends and village that the infinite tsukuyomi put her into the Menma AU. That's fucked up.
Jesus. Karin's backstory. Pretty fucked up that she's gonna end up working for orochimaru forever.
Tsunade's infinite tsukuyomi dream: I would like to join the audience in watching the TV show Naruto
I feel like it says a lot that senju tsunade set a huyga at the center of the Akatsuki plan instead of a uchiha
Everytime they talk about neji, the more you can feel how hard they fucked up by killing him
Fuck sasuke being a cop. I hate it. But also sasuke is the type of person who would become batman. He ran around calling himself an avenger. I hate it but it doesn't feel wrong. It is funny tho that instead of joining orochimaru, sasuke's evil arc is becoming a cop.
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kyyall · 2 years
Could they be a villain - Green Lanterns
*for the sake of my sanity, it’s only the earth lanterns 
Hal Jordan - 2/10
It’s been done before and they will never achieve it again, except for in elseworlds or outside mainstream which does it pretty well. Doing it again would only feel cheap, so everyone look out for 2024′s Green Lantern comic run in which Hal Jordan murders the Justice League, but it turns out that he was just possessed by the ghost of geoff johns.
Kyle Rayner - 4/10
I feel like it’s been done before, but it’s a lot lesser known than Parallax, so Kyle gets a boost over Hal. I know he’s been possesed by Parallax and he was Ion for a bit, but Kyle seems to be nerfed everytime he gets some sort of godlike-power in comics, so he’d be a pretty underwhelming villain. However, if done right and with the right supporting cast it would be mildly interesting, but there are no gods here and therefore no hope.
Guy Gardner - 0/10
They can’t even give Guy a decent constant characterization, and you expect me to trust DC in making him a villain? Hey wait, I’ll save you the trouble of making a storyline, DC. Guy is jealous over some absurd reason or retcon, and finds the mcguffin of evil and uses to try to take out justice league/ erase green lantern corps/take over world/kill hal jordan. Hal Jordan must unite the corps to take him down, and at least one person says that they knew Guy would do something like this. Tom King’s Human Target is somehow made canon and Blue Beetle and Booster Gold will still have that Homoerotic-But-Ultimately-Platonic relationship because an OOC JLI will be there. Batman is there. Hal is conflicted. Simon and Jess get exactly two lines. Hal is conflicted. Kyle and John are there. Guy is one-dimensional. Sinestro is turned into a good guy. Hal kills Guy and angsts over it until he and carol get back together for the six hundredth time. 
Did I get it right, DC? Did I?
John Stewart - 7/10
He’d be absolutely amazing, and with a good writer and good art it could be absolutely devastating. He’s got a lot of depth, and there’s a lot in his backstory that never really gets explored. He tends to get sidelined a lot in comics and only brought out when needed, but this recent comic run was pretty good for him. Of course, he’s “dead” right now, but that’ll last, I’m sure. My only big hang-up is that I have no faith in DC to give John a good reason to become a villain, and I would rather have him on the sidelines with intact characterization than front and center and have decades of character development stripped away for sake of plot.
Simon Baz - 3/10
I read the New-52 Green Lantern run which Simon debuted in and the best part of it was Simon. He’s a character who works best as a hero, and that’s all I have to say on that. He’d be slightly more interesting to watch than Kyle, but anything’s more interesting than Kyle with powers that he will undoubtedly lose by the next ten issues.
Jessica Cruz - 8/10
If I’m not mistaken, she’s a yellow lantern right now and Simon doesn’t know. So while I couldn’t see her as a like a full-on evil villain, she’d be a very good anti-hero. The parallels between simon and jess would be absolutely perfect and I would really want to see their relationship be brought to the spotlight in a story like that. Jess is a character who would have to have a good motivation, but most villains do so I’m sure DC will be able to deliver on this.
Jo Mullein - 10/10
I barely know anything about this woman, but she looks like Janelle Monae and she would have better style than Sinestro, so she could do it. I believe in her. 
Alan Scott - 4/10
Meh. Better than evil mainstream hal, but I think making him evil is stupid. The only upside is that if he went evil, then there might be a new JSA book, but that’s about it.
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beevean · 1 year
Part of me almost wants to commend Ellis for at least being honest about not being familiar with the series and just wiki brousing…
….but another much bigger part of me is just screaming at the fact that he’s laughing about barely having done any research about the material he was adapting, which absolutely shows in the final product, and yet his work is still hailed as the “greatest adaptation ever”.
You don’t have to be a fan to write for a series, in fact being a fan can give you a bias (just look at Flynn), but you need to do your fucking research, even if you’re not good at videogames, I’m sure as fuck not expecting even the most competent of writers to have the ability to beat Castlevania 3, that’s no excuse to simply go on Wikipedia and calling it a day
Reply: yeah, on one hand, I almost prefer his honesty over someone like Flynn who says he’s a veteran Sonic fan where everything proves that he’s actually an Archie Sonic fan, which is not the same thing.
And okay. Not everyone is good at games. Not everyone can even play games. I’m not even asking him to play SoTN which is super easy and it clearly influenced the core conflict of S1 and S2 anyway. This is why Youtube is a wonderful thing.
But still, whatever wiki browsing he did was clearly done in 5 minutes, because the things he messed up are pretty bad - again, Trevor did not kill Dracula, that is like. the basis. of the series. belmonts that kill dracula. hello? And how did he miss that Mathias Cronqvist was Dracula’s human name?? And again, the only vaguely faithful season was S1 which was 1) super short, and 2) supervised by Igarashi. S2 is basically a lot of standing around for the heroes until the epic finale and a complete mangling of CoD’s backstory on the villains’ side, and S3 and S4 don’t even try to be Castlevania anymore outside of a vague “bad guys want to resurrect Dracula again” plotline.
And as you said, it wouldn’t even be a problem (I’m perfectly okay with adaptations that recognize that they want to do their own thing), if fans didn’t hail NFCV as not only faithful to the series, but superior to it. I still have to understand how NFCV is faithful, because everytime I read an article about it, they just shit on the games :V
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spaciebabie · 2 years
You should totally ramble to me about peepaw I wanna hear what goes on in ya brain
it all goes back ta fnaf 3. spacie was 11-12 years old and they saw this weird rabbit thing and were like; mmh! interesting. what if i simped for that. now, this was b4 we knew anything abt william afton n who springtrap actually was but there was just something abt him.
now fast forward ta weeks ago when i succumbed ta the springtrap fever of my youth n let me say, what we know now enhances his character a lot for me. i love how dastardly yet dumb this idiot is. how he designed his robots so that they would kidnap n kill kids w/out any1 knowing. how everything was effortlessly planned out and yet this dumbass made the mistake of not watching over his daughter n ending up getting her killed.
love that despite aaaall this prep ta make sure he could keep his hobby a secret and also protect his kids from his robots he fucking fails. and better yet, he fucking pays. ho ho ho!! fallen victim ta his own design flaws in a fursuit (and ta his victims no less). and then he has the nerve ta continue living. its admirable in a way....ta b so full of kill kill murder energy that you trancend death. and it got even better w/glitchtrap like!!! fucking virus afton infecting vanessa!! what an evil douche!! like bros still out here tryin ta get jiggy w/it and creating a cult!! whoa dude!! his character builds so good imo until security breach
i mean most of what i like abt him boils down ta the fact that he's just downright evil w/no backstory or explanation as ta why. he's fucking irredeemable. love that abt him. i think hes such a cool character. like i hate him so much i wanna kiss him yk?
my fave iteration is springtrap tho like,,,,,thats the GUY right there. thats his Iconic Form™ there's just somethin abt that design that hits different.
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