#highest hopes foundation
vengeancevixen · 6 months
When I think about when Brendon was streaming and what a beautiful community he created, it sometimes doesn’t feel real. Like he hung out with us for hours at a time talking to us, answering questions, being our biggest cheerleader with his positivity. He taught us about different aspects of creating music, he shared his own struggles and helped us with ours, he joked, he sang for us/with us, he shared honestly and with humor and sometimes too much, lol. He’d be the first to admit he is an over sharer and an open book. He took us on tour with him and streamed before every show. I miss just listening to music with him on those days we’d go down a rabbit hole of older music, him introducing us to new music and some of his favorites. I loved how excited he would get talking about it and him sharing bits I never knew about these songs. Truly his passion. I was always learning something from him. It was a safe space filled with love and positivity. If you were there, you know. Friendships were made from hanging in the chat. Friendships that I still have and even got to meet these friends on the VLV tour. I am so grateful for that!! I miss him and his light.
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patiencesinners · 1 year
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(via highesthopesfoundation) 
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unpretty · 5 months
please imagine these bullet points as a series of posts made over the course of a semester in 2015, copied from the tumblr tag i made specifically to bitch about my econ/business government and society professor:
lmao econ prof arguing against the fda
we are also supposed to subscribe to the wall street journal for this class ahahaha like hell
I spoke up about this godawful climate change article and about how literally every fact I tried to check was wrong, he tried to argue that wasn’t the point of the article but it totally was
“Does anyone watch Fox News” this class in a nutshell
the professor in the class i hate is talking about how jesus would love capitalism because it has lifted so many people out of poverty
he’s complaining about progressive income tax lmao god i hate this class
LET THE FREE MARKET DECIDE unless the free market makes an anti-corporate decision, then consumers have been misinformed and the activists responsible should be ashamed of themselves
I hope everyone’s ready for Shitty Class Liveblogging because now he’s claiming that gas prices will never go back up and gas will always be cheap from now on and also peak oil is a lie
Now he’s talking about the story of Jonah and the whale as relates to this article he saw in the Wall Street Journal. Across the class, I see a girl squint into the middle distance and mouth the word, “what.”
“is it okay to fire a pizza delivery person who doesn’t want to drive to a bad neighborhood”
this is the literal worst and most bullshit explanation of utilitarianism I have ever experienced oh my god. for the purposes of this class we are supposed to ignore ‘for the greatest number’ as an aspect of utilitarianism. just. completely altering the basic foundation of utilitarianism as an idea. apparently the free market didn’t like the actual definition so they changed it.
“I don’t think we have very many people in the United States dying because they couldn’t afford medication” actual quote from this professor right now
lmao i’m in the class i hate, he’s complaining about net neutrality now
This just in: poor people are poor because they make bad decisions, the wealth gap can be eliminated by teaching poor people how to play the stock market. This is a real thing that he apparently gives presentations about. He gets paid to tell people this.
Shitty professor isn’t going to be there tomorrow but he wants us to come in anyway to listen to a lecture on CD. Not one of his, just generally. Like, a home learning thing he bought. We asked if he could just put it on Blackboard but he said he didn’t know how to put a CD on Blackboard.
lmao I fucking knew this was the great courses. this professor is off at a conference telling people to teach the poor to trade stocks and he’s just having us sit here listening to an audiobook course he paid for about philosophy.
shitty professor is arguing the necessity of child labor in third world countries because otherwise the children would starve and be prostitutes. yes those are definitely the only two options.
oh my god he just argued that the rich are a minority protected by the constitution
I was really embarrassed about getting a 67 out of 85 on this Business, Government, and Society test but then it turned out the class average was 40 and I got the highest grade in the class. My strategy of always picking the answer I find most morally reprehensible is going well for me.
Monopolies aren’t actually that bad! Also, unions are monopolies, which is bad. (i was the only one who got a lot of the essay questions right so I had to read them in class it was awful)
libertarian economist professor gets really emotional about animals and i think he just argued that if elephants were privately owned they wouldn’t be poached because no one poaches cows
It’s my last week in the class I hate before finals and I’m pretty sure he’s arguing that the Enron scandal happened because there was too much government regulation
oh my god he’s arguing that enron was trying to do california a favor by pointing out a flaw in their system (by exploiting it) h my god he’s not even addressing the fraud in their accounting this whole class has been leading up to his passionate defense of fucking enron
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txttletale · 6 months
niceys positive anon!! i don't agree with you on everything but you are so clearly like well read and well rounded that you've helped me think through a lot of my own inconsistencies and hypocrises in my own political and social thought, even if i do have slightly different conclusions at times then u (mainly because i believe there's more of a place for idealism and 'mind politics' than u do). anyway this is a preamble to ask if you have recommended reading in the past and if not if you had any recommended reading? there's some obvious like Read Marx but beyond that im always a little lost wading through theory and given you seem well read and i always admire your takes, i wondered about your recs
it's been a while since i've done a big reading list post so--bearing in mind that my specific areas of 'expertise' (i say that in huge quotation marks obvsies i'm just a girlblogger) are imperialism and media studies, here are some books and essays/pamphlets i recommend. the bolded ones are ones that i consider foundational to my politics
friedrich engels, principles of commmunism
friedrich engels, socialism: utopian & scientific
karl marx, the german ideology
karl marx, wage labour & capital
mao zedong, on contradiction
nikolai bukharin, anarchy and scientific communism
rosa luxemburg, reform or revolution?
v.i lenin, left-wing communism: an infantile disorder
v.i. lenin, the state & revolution
v.i. lenin, what is to be done?
aijaz ahmed, iraq, afghanistan, and the imperialism of our time
albert memmi, the colonizer and the colonized
che guevara, on socialism and internationalism (ed. aijaz ahmad)
eduardo galeano, the open veins of latin america
edward said, orientalism
fernando cardoso, dependency and development in latin america
frantz fanon, black skin, white masks
frantz fanon, the wretched of the earth
greg grandin, empire's workshop
kwame nkrumah, neocolonialism, the last stage of imperialism
michael parenti, against empire
naomi klein, the shock doctrine
ruy mauro marini, the dialectics of dependency
v.i. lenin, imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism
vijay prashad, red star over the third world
vincent bevins, the jakarta method
walter rodney, how europe underdeveloped africa
william blum, killing hope
zak cope, divided world divided class
zak cope, the wealth of (some) nations
antonio gramsci, the prison notebooks
ed. mick gidley, representing others: white views of indigenous peoples
ed. stuart hall, representation: cultural representations and signifying pratices
gilles deleuze & felix guattari, capitalism & schizophrenia
jacques derrida, margins of philosophy
jacques derrida, speech and phenomena
michael parenti, inventing reality
michel foucault, disicipline and punish
michel foucault, the archeology of knowledge
natasha schull, addiction by design
nick snricek, platform capitalism
noam chomsky and edward herman, manufacturing consent
regis tove stella, imagining the other
richard sennett and jonathan cobb, the hidden injuries of class
safiya umoja noble, algoriths of oppression
stuart hall, cultural studies 1983: a theoretical history
theodor adorno and max horkheimer, the culture industry
walter benjamin, the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction
angela davis, women, race, and class
anna louise strong, cash and violence in laos and vietnam
anna louise strong, the soviets expected it
anna louise strong, when serfs stood up in tibet
carrie hamilton, sexual revolutions in cuba
chris chitty, sexual hegemony
christian fuchs, theorizing and analysing digital labor
eds. jules joanne gleeson and elle o'rourke, transgender marxism
elaine scarry, the body in pain
jules joanne gleeson, this infamous proposal
michael parenti, blackshirts & reds
paulo freire, pedagogy of the oppressed
peter drucker, warped: gay normality and queer anticapitalism
rosemary hennessy, profit and pleasure
sophie lewis, abolish the family
suzy kim, everyday life in the north korean revolution
walter rodney, the russian revolution: a view from the third world
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lilithienne · 1 month
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Inquiry: "How can I become more self-confident?"
Welcome to my PICK A LIPSTICK reading.
💄⎯reading info;
Three piles (lipsticks) to choose from, pick which one you are most drawn to.
Each pile will give advice and help to those who are looking to become more self-confident.
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lipstick one
cards: the tower, 6 of wands, ace of swords, 7 of wands
Embrace change and transformation as opportunities for growth and renewal (The Tower). Sometimes, what feels like a disruption or upheaval in your life can lead to positive outcomes and a stronger sense of self-confidence. Use these moments to reassess your beliefs, let go of limiting beliefs or habits, and embrace the potential for new beginnings.
Celebrate your successes and achievements, no matter how small they may seem, as they contribute to building your self-esteem and confidence (6 of Wands). Recognize and acknowledge your strengths, talents, and past accomplishments. This acknowledgment can boost your confidence and provide a foundation for facing challenges with courage and determination.
Use clear communication and mental clarity to assert yourself in challenging situations (Ace of Swords). Express your thoughts, needs, and boundaries confidently and assertively. Trust in your ability to navigate through obstacles and conflicts while maintaining integrity and honesty.
Stand your ground and defend your boundaries with confidence (7 of Wands). Don't be afraid to speak up for yourself and assert your needs. Remember that self-confidence also comes from knowing and valuing your worth, so prioritize self-respect and self-care as you navigate through life's challenges.
💄⎯self care: Meditation, journaling, exercise, any creative expression, spending time in nature.
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lipstick two
cards: death, judgement, the world, 8 of cups
Embrace the transformative power of change and release any fears or doubts holding you back (Death). Allow yourself to let go of old patterns, beliefs, or situations that no longer serve your growth and well-being. Celebrate phases of transition as an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth.
Reflect on past experiences and lessons to gain insights and make informed decisions (Judgement). Use your wisdom and knowledge to evaluate your life path and make choices that align with your values and aspirations.
Welcome new opportunities and step into your full potential (The World). You are capable of achieving great things, and this card encourages you to expand your horizons, pursue your dreams, and embrace the journey ahead with confidence and optimism.
Take a journey of self-discovery and emotional healing by letting go of attachments that no longer serve your highest good (8 of Cups). This may involve releasing emotional baggage, relationships, or situations that drain your energy and hinder your self-confidence. Trust in the process of transformation and renewal, knowing that each step forward brings you closer to greater self-assurance and fulfillment.
💄⎯self care: Yoga, reading, painting, volunteering, writing or blogging.
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lipstick three
cards: the high priestess, the star, page of swords, the hanged man
Tap into your inner wisdom and trust your instincts (The High Priestess). You possess deep intuition and insights that can guide you towards greater self-confidence and clarity. Take time to connect with your inner voice through meditation, introspection, or journaling.
Embrace hope, inspiration, and positivity to guide you forward (The Star). Cultivate a mindset of optimism and possibility, focusing on the bright side of life even in challenging times.
Use clear communication and intellect to address challenges and gather information (Page of Swords). Be curious, ask questions, and seek understanding in your interactions and endeavors.
Be open to new perspectives and surrender to the present moment to gain insights and clarity (The Hanged Man). Sometimes, letting go of control and embracing a different viewpoint can lead to breakthroughs and a deeper understanding of yourself and your path.
💄⎯self care: Mindfulness practices, listening to music, gardening, cooking, bubble baths.
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theoccultz · 9 months
Which star quality of your's makes you admirable?
Happy Cancer season to all
General reading ,take what resonates leave what doesn't
Short reading /intuitive reading
Pics not mine credits to their rightful owners, i do not own any pictures
Note-i'm just here to deliver what you need to know not what you want to hear so please respect my space+tarot is not to be replaced with legal or medical advice its upto you how you take decisions and use it for your highest goods .
Decision is always yours i'm not responsible for it ,see ya at your pile!!
Take a deep breath and choose your pile (:
Pile 1 . Pile2.
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Pile3. Pile4
Pile 1 : (Neptune)
Leader quality
Ok you guys big dick energy-
I'm getting this vibe from , the type of individuals who dont give others false hopes,you pull them out of their shells in the best way possible,you guys are not that leader who just do whatever they feel like you guys are the one's who's listening to others ideas , letting people express themselves and building the stable foundation within them through your actions and your words .
Others feel ...you are like a coconut ,tough exterior on the outside soft in the inside its quite wholesome if you ask me ,i'm getting you guys could be very innovative with your ideas & your solutions and how you use them in your daily life ,you guys teach them to be yourself not what others told them to be .
I dont see you guys being hopeless or dissapointed for the longest time you guys rise above your challanges and thats admirable,its like you guys have so much little good things about you but you're still humble.
>Random signs:
August ,lemona ,strike ,sugar ,smile i feel like you guys have this beautiful smile ,C ,9 ,2 , big fans of football, recently purchased a purse or suit ,likes vintage things ,9h &3 h placements , intimidating,initimacy others might find you intimidating in the initial meetingz , zero tolerance,public , school, B country? Cancer sun ,virgo moon ,leo rising ,neynar ,west hollywood, short hairs ,shiny eyes ,gold ? , J,h,S,D,A, gemini placements.
> "People" song because i feel like you are the one who recognise others presence so they dont feel invisible like "people"
Pile 2 : (Heart)
Ok my power rangers
you guys are present when others need you the most , you're having a panic attack? I'm here , you're afraid to walk alone? I'm coming ...you guys are THAT people its like randomly you guys apoear in others life and make it meaningfully ,i feel like you guys attract a lot of broken people , others admire you for your generosity, you give them strength by just being there ,i feel like you guys are gonna meet someone *Random* but i feel like this person could be taurus or aquarius they are coming in with a offer which will help you expand your inner circle.
You guys are the type of person who stand up for other people if someone is making snarky comments you are the first one to interrupt them and make them realise how they are choosing to behave is wrong,you guys are my power speakers , people feel a deep connection with you its like someone finally understands them ,your energy is very comfortable to be around,you have a big heart is what others feel about you .
people might remember you as someone who has helped them in their lowest ,when they just needed one push to achieve their goals ,you guys provide them with guidance and thats what is admirable nor everyone is ready to invest their time or check up on people ,you dont overreacting and you understand their situation and where they are coming from.
>Random signs:
Leo placements,9h , cancer 2nd house ,6th virgo ,m , sticker ,april ,sweets?, Ferry ,glue ,tan ? ,Veron vasu? ,F ,9,5,8,4 significant dates ,watched Rapunzel recently, sold out tickets , education,aries 5h ,pluto 12h ,3h , recently broke up ,likes braids ,wears baggy black clothes ,red? Significant here ,quick to react/respond.
>Kitsch because i feel you guys shine bright but don't give yourself enough credits ,So Kitsch is here to hype you up:
Pile 3: (teddy )
I love your liberal thinking,you guys are the type of individuals who understand other people,community ,things on a deeper level you are not quick to draw judgements by listening to one side of the story ,you guys might be silent observer's?
Others feel comfortable around you ,they can be themselves on the other hand you guys realise the importance of respect and accepting people,i wont be surprise if you guys are that friend who's always including everyone, listening to each person ,etc.
Your words hold weight they just dont come from nowhere or you're not talking in the air ,i'm sensingthe star quality here where others are naturally drawn to your empathic nature in hopes of finding a feeling of home , others feel like you are a gift like a good thing after a long period of destruction.
Other signs:
Z , Champaign, Artist ,leo on the ascendant,had a rebirth ,isa writer? Cats ? Lips others might gossip abt you , Engineer crew , corazon , sandeigo , M actor? Spider , 489 ,515 ,606 ,virgo in the 3rd , Neptune influence, libra ? , Justin , summer, lgbtq , dancer , taurus2nd , saturn11th house ,demonology ,fire dominant.
>Calm down because you guys touch people's soul which your energy ,which is unforgettable because others remember your presence lifetime :
Ik its a sexual song but in this song sel is singing about being intoxicated by her lovers energy thats why i included.
Pile 4: (Fishy)
Backbone of society
This might be my fav pile i feel like you guys make things happen,you could be very good at manifesting? You guys are probably connected to nature in some way i feel like people are naturally drawn to your aura and your personality ,what you present or put out there ? You could be content creators,others feel a sense of calmness with you its like they can relax they feel light talkin'with you ,i feel like people wonder abt you a lot they see you have been through some tough challanges but you still have proven everyone wrong by your hardwork , its like a quality of inner strength
people find you very friendly and soft like a person they'd wanna have a drink with,they remember your words for the longest time ,others appreciate your presence they feel like you are extremely keen on details a good worker who can get them ahead ,you might even encounter possesive individuals .i feel like you dont go by the flow at all you are just comfortable being w/yourself.
Honestly this might be my famous pile people love how groundound and relient you are its like you remind them of their sweet childhood memories,they find you very vibrant and the way you talk is uplifting in some kind of way ? ...i feel like people click with you because of your similiar interests however i get the feeling you guys might be introverted or shy its like you are just so damn noticable, people want to talk to you or get to know you better ,they see your potential .
They feel like you guys are transformational and it makes others shook to the core i feel like you guys have this brilliant ideas that you keep hidden . People admire your ability to inspire believe it or not (: others notice random things about you ? ,They feel like you are in deceptive relationships and that you need better judgements about others
Random signs:
Eagle ,posts ,cruel ,place to be ,sandwitched drama ? , Finding you , carnival,jet pilot , blackberry ,taurus rising moon ? entertertainer ,cant trust you , scorpio 10 or 7th house , genx , movie marathon ,red bike , weekly news , lover by taylor swift ,818 ,655 asteroid, Givenchy, grunge aesthetic, silver jewels ? ,Essay .
As it was cause people reminse about you or how you made them feel :
Thanks for reading!!!
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overandundertarot · 1 year
What kind of love do you crave?
This reading is interested in finding out the kind of love you crave; what exactly does that entail?
piles 1 -5
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Cards; Page of swords, Justice.
You are some one who is closed off in love. You have been afraid to get to know someone deeply and intimately, yet this is what you crave. You crave a love where you can be open and honest with your person. For them to see the real you and lay themselves bare in return. Healthy communication too, a love that can provide a foundation and support in your daily life. A love that can carry you through the dark times, ease you when you are stressed. The kind of connection where you spend all night talking to each other and have comfortable silences as well.
Cards; Queen of swords, 4 of cups reversed.
A new, exciting love. One that can help you move on from from past hurts and heartbreak. You have resolved not to let past experiences in love hold you back, and are determined to enjoy life to the fullest extent that you are able to. A new love that feels tender and sweet, even maybe somewhat innocent.
Cards; 5 of wands reversed, 8 of swords reversed.
A fighting dramatic love, one that can help you overcome your battles, or rises along with them. Heavy banter, snarky, witty. Enemies to lovers type of love. An active love, exercising together, competing toghether. There is this kind of tension where you can't quite put your finger on it and its giving you a rush of adrenaline. The kind of love that makes you change and challenges you to think differently. A lot of mental and intellectual stimulation, physical passion too. A couple thats coming to mind is Devi and Ben from Never Have I Ever.
Cards; High Priestess, 7 of swords, 7 of pentacles.
The love you crave is one that compliments your life. You quite value the material world you have built and you want a love that can enable you to stand in your full power. You dont want a lover that would hold you down, as you are independent and feel that you need to have your breathing space. Fear not, with healthy communication it is entirely possible to achieve this. There are also messages that the type of love you crave may not be socially acceptable/ you feel you may have to keep it secret. Or the secrecy excites you. The energy of this pile is quite feminine, but heavily dominating. You may want to dominate your partner and dont care to conform to society's gender roles. Like a powerful blackwidow who guards her web and devours her conquests.
Cards; High Priestess reversed, 2 of swords reversed.
Pile 5 you may have a tendency to enter toxic relationships and lose your sense of self, maybe using relationships as a form of escapism. The love you crave is earthshattering, one that can make you feel extreme highs and lows. However it is important for you to retain your sense of self and priorities, boundaries( and not just boundaries with other people but boundaries with yourself as well) may feel restrictive and tough in the beginning but they are ultimately for your highest good. It may be easy to be swept up and absolutely enamoured with your lover, and want them to be obsessed with you as well, this usually isn't the case and most people who present themselves this way may be looking to deceive you. Dont lose hope though. You can still experience wondrous, passionate and all consuming love, it might just take a little bit of self reflection and shadow work to reach a healthy balance of nurturing yourself and nurturing your relationship.
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sleeplesssmoll · 5 months
Sonetto and Vertin weren't supposed to meet in chapter 1
And other easily forgotten tidbits.
It's Sonetto's fault. Sonetto's crew was in charge of finding Regulus. When they were captured by the pirate Captain, she tried to call for back up but botched it, accidentally summoning Vertin instead. Poor Timekeeper manifested unconscious and unprepared. She was not the first choice.
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Thanks, Sonetto.
Vertin's only duty was record keeping until Sonetto dragged her into her mission. When there is a Storm within 24 hours, Vertin is given the highest authority. The manual states she is supposed to help her colleagues in these events, which is how Sonetto convinced Vertin to assist her. Of course, we know Vertin had her own personal mission too. She was trying to find a way for others to brave the storm.
Sonetto was promoted to Vertin's assistant and drops this on her:
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Once again, everyone thank our favorite puppy. Although, this isn't her fault as much as it is Madam Z seeing through Vertin lol. Vertin has a lot more work now. She also has a roommate, who happens to be her former deskmate.
Vertin sucks at Arcanum. This one is hard to forget because they keep saying it throughout story. Her lack of skill is partly the Foundation's fault.
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Vertin has a very strong understanding of arcanum and is known for her perception (as stated by Sonetto). This interaction reveals she stopped getting the same training as Sonetto and the others. It makes sense because she is the only Timekeeper, but what did they decide to teach her instead? Strategy? Theory? Other forms of combat? Foresight? Constantine wants Vertin to grow into what she needs for the Foundation but Vertin also needs skills that would benefit her as the Timekeeper. Just another thing to ponder.
Arcane skills can be placed on items.
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I hope we see more fun stuff with this. There is so much potential! Vertin also carries around arcanum gadgets.
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It's shaped like a ball so I assume it's meant to be yeeted under normal circumstances.
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The only person who could say this without instilling fear.
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thehomeofplatonicfics · 6 months
Hi I recently discovered your account and I’m obsessed your writing is amazing and I don’t know if you’re still doing Tudor!reader Fics but if you are I have a request. So reader is Anne Boleyn’s eldest daughter and had to watch her mothers execution (for the storyline reader was 12 or so years old) and never forgave her farther so when she’s like 15 (maybe the day after Catherine Howard’s execution) she overthrows him as revenge. I hope you understand what I’m trying to say total understand if you don’t want to right it. Have a good day/night❤️
A/N: I love how kooky the timeline would have to be warped for this to be possible but I absolutely love the idea of this! So sorry for taking so long to write this, real life does enjoy getting in my way :(
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Someone had to stop King Henry VII, your father, from his increasingly brutal reign. Lady Mary, your half-sister, seemed unable to do anything without the counsel of her precious Ambassador Chapuys. Elizabeth was of course just a child, too young to rule. Edward was a mere baby. It seemed to you that the responsibility of saving the realm fell solely on your shoulders. It was a burden you were glad to take.
You were grateful that you’d had enough time being raised by your mother Anne Boleyn, that you had learnt how to be as cunning and manipulative as she had once been. Of course, having Mary as an older sister helped solidify those ideals, as Mary was able to inspire a great deal of loyalty in others when she wanted to.
It had been a long, arduous task to slowly turn the King’s courtiers against him. An entire year had passed before the perfect opportunity had finally arisen. Only two days had passed since poor Queen Catherine Howard had been executed on your father’s orders. Though you hadn’t been the greatest fan of the silly child, she was just like you… an innocent girl. Too many young women’s lives had been destroyed on the whims of an undeserving King, and the unrest among the populace seemed at its highest. It was the perfect time to strike.
The foundations you had laid throughout the year, telling little white lies here and there, promising things that you’d never do in order to gain the loyalty of the courtiers, would serve you well. The King had noticed some changes but could never trace them back to you. Often you would have agents loyal to you do the work that needed to be done while you were at home with Elizabeth in the country, creating a wonderful alibi.
Knowing that the King seemed to be favouring Catherine, the Lady Latimer, as his potential sixth wife, you realised that she would be the perfect distraction for your coup. You knew she wanted to be with Thomas Seymour so she would be likely to help you, especially as you had always had a good relationship with her growing up. Elizabeth, of course, was easy to manipulate into playing the part that you needed her to.
You dressed in your most regal black dress, deliberately picking out jewels and a French hood that made you look like a true ruler. You took a deep breath in and out to try to calm your nerves and your trembling hands before you went into the court. You gave a subtle nod to Catherine Parr who, along with Elizabeth, went up to the King to talk to him and distract him.
As soon as the King had begun discussing something with them both, you gave the signal to your loyal people who captured his guards and those you knew were still loyal to him, discreetly dragging them away.
You gave a sly, satisfied smile as you secretly prepared your weapon behind your back. You knew that your father’s greatest fear was getting sick, so you poured a poison on your blade before walking up to him, curtsying, and then holding the blade tightly against his throat. “Y/N! What is this?!” King Henry asks incredulously, clearly not believing one of his daughters could pull this off, his face grew white as he saw all the people loyal to you with their weapons drawn.
“I am now your Queen. You will take orders from me, and no one else.” You call out to the people in the court, who begin to cheer. You smile smugly to yourself as you see your father’s world crashing down around him.
“Why, Y/N? Just… why?” You give an incredulous laugh, sneering at him. “Why, father? For my mother.” You lean forwards, your breath touching his face as you snarl your words.
You turn to your guards, and give a sweet smile. “Throw him in the tower.” You command, pushing your father towards them. You sit on the throne, looking around at your successful coup. Allowing yourself a few moments to gloat in your glory, you immediately turn to your advisors. The Queen had work to do.
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robertreich · 1 year
How the Corporate Takeover of American Politics Began
The corporate takeover of American politics started with a man and a memo you've probably never heard of.
In 1971, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce asked Lewis Powell, a corporate attorney who would go on to become a Supreme Court justice, to draft a memo on the state of the country.
Powell’s memo argued that the American economic system was “under broad attack” from consumer, labor, and environmental groups.
In reality, these groups were doing nothing more than enforcing the implicit social contract that had emerged at the end of the Second World War. They wanted to ensure corporations were responsive to all their stakeholders — workers, consumers, and the environment — not just their shareholders.
But Powell and the Chamber saw it differently. In his memo, Powell urged businesses to mobilize for political combat, and stressed that the critical ingredients for success were joint organizing and funding.
The Chamber distributed the memo to leading CEOs, large businesses, and trade associations — hoping to persuade them that Big Business could dominate American politics in ways not seen since the Gilded Age.
It worked.
The Chamber’s call for a business crusade birthed a new corporate-political industry practically overnight. Tens of thousands of corporate lobbyists and political operatives descended on Washington and state capitals across the country.
I should know — I saw it happen with my own eyes.
In 1976, I worked at the Federal Trade Commission. Jimmy Carter had appointed consumer advocates to battle big corporations that for years had been deluding or injuring consumers.
Yet almost everything we initiated at the FTC was met by unexpectedly fierce political resistance from Congress. At one point, when we began examining advertising directed at children, Congress stopped funding the agency altogether, shutting it down for weeks.
I was dumbfounded. What had happened?
In three words, The Powell Memo.
Lobbyists and their allies in Congress, and eventually the Reagan administration, worked to defang agencies like the FTC — and to staff them with officials who would overlook corporate misbehavior.
Their influence led the FTC to stop seriously enforcing antitrust laws — among other things — allowing massive corporations to merge and concentrate their power even further.
Washington was transformed from a sleepy government town into a glittering center of corporate America — replete with elegant office buildings, fancy restaurants, and five-star hotels.
Meanwhile, Justice Lewis Powell used the Court to chip away at restrictions on corporate power in politics. His opinions in the 1970s and 80s laid the foundation for corporations to claim free speech rights in the form of financial contributions to political campaigns.
Put another way — without Lewis Powell, there would probably be no Citizens United — the case that threw out limits on corporate campaign spending as a violation of the “free speech” of corporations.
These actions have transformed our political system. Corporate money supports platoons of lawyers, often outgunning any state or federal attorneys who dare to stand in their way. Lobbying has become a $3.7 billion dollar industry.
Corporations regularly outspend labor unions and public interest groups during election years. And too many politicians in Washington represent the interests of corporations — not their constituents. As a result, corporate taxes have been cut, loopholes widened, and regulations gutted.
Corporate consolidation has also given companies unprecedented market power, allowing them to raise prices on everything from baby formula to gasoline. Their profits have jumped into the stratosphere — the highest in 70 years.
But despite the success of the Powell Memo, Big Business has not yet won. The people are beginning to fight back.
First, antitrust is making a comeback. Both at the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department we’re seeing a new willingness to take on corporate power.
Second, working people are standing up. Across the country workers are unionizing at a faster rate than we’ve seen in decades — including at some of the biggest corporations in the world — and they’re winning.
Third, campaign finance reform is within reach. Millions of Americans are intent on limiting corporate money in politics – and politicians are starting to listen.
All of these tell me that now is our best opportunity in decades to take on corporate power — at the ballot box, in the workplace, and in Washington.
Let’s get it done.
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scarletttries · 9 months
Dad! Roman Roy x Reader Headcanons:
Pairing: Dad! Roman Roy (Succession) x Pregnant! / Parent Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Author's Note: We're back to sweet and sad Roman Roy over here 💕 I've written a couple of headcanons and fics about the moment Roman finds out his partner is pregnant, so for everyone that requested a follow up to that, here are some Roman as a dad headcanons 😊🌸
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During the Pregnancy:
- This is life changing news for any couple, but when you grew up as sheltered and neglected as sweet, broken Roman Roy, this cracks open your universe all the way to its foundations. He will be in a constant state of panic and sarcasm as he tries to rebuild his world view by your side, but he'll make sure you know that he never has any doubts about you and your future together, his fears land squarely on his shoulders and his abilities to love this new tiny human. But he used to think he'd never love someone the way he loves you, so that fills him with hope that he can surpass his own expectations again.
- He's never had to take responsibility for his actions before in any meaningful way, so don't be surprised if he's a little bit useless when it comes to making plans and getting organised. He'll need help making it to every appointment on time, but by god will he be there, holding your hand and staring at the little screen with an uneasy look in his eye, like he can't quite fathom that there's a life starting inside you.
- Kendall is so excited that his brother is becoming a father that he tries to give him all his best advice, even though most of it is borderline insane. In the end Kendall recommends some 'galaxy brain parenting podcasts' to Roman, and you come home to find them echoing through the penthouse's sound system, Roman scribbling notes like he's trying to cram for an exam at the last minute.
- Prepare to have the absolute highest end luxuries that money can buy for your nursery, a room bigger than your first apartment and that looks like something straight out a catalogue. Sometimes when you're up at night because the wriggling baby inside you won't let you sleep, you'll find Roman sat up in the corner rocking chair, just doing his best to feel at home in this new space, trying to see himself as the kind of father he wants to be.
- Every word he utters for the full nine months is soft, gentle, calm, even when he doesn't feel any of those things. It's like he's trying to make sure this new life doesn't hear the sound of anger or ridicule at any point in its existence, starting as soon as possible in his desperate efforts to be less and less like his father by the day.
- When the time comes for the delivery, Roman has to keep running in and out of the delivery room, struggling to keep still or take a full breath. Finally when it's the moment of truth, he'll be there. Clutching your hand, wailing into your shoulder in a mixture of fear and being completely incapable of seeing you in pain without it eating him alive, and in a flash you two are cradling a little life in your arms, and your time to get ready is up.
- From the moment your child is laid in Roman's arms for the first time, fighting every instinct to keep himself physically detached and just let you handle the touchy-feely stuff, he knows this is going to break him, then piece him back together stronger than ever. He knows he's never going to want to put this little one down, the sheer innocence painted across their face and wonder in their eyes as they stare up at him, it's the only way he ever wants to be looked at again. It reminds him of the first time you smiled his way and suddenly he felt like he could be forgiven all his sins.
- Roman is immensely protective, leaving it weeks until any of the family are allowed to visit, not wanting to put either of you at risk, and not wanting anything to burst the bubble of those perfect weeks at home. Yes, it's exhausting and draining and everything feels like you're doing it wrong, but it's easily the happiest Roman's ever felt in his life.
- Conner and Willa appear first thing when visitors are finally allowed, bringing a generally appropriate gift for a newborn and genuine excitement to be a part of your little one's life. Next up is Ken, who brings the latest in baby technology, claiming it will practically raise the child for you, a sentiment that leaves Roman reluctant to even let his brother hold the newborn. Finally Shiv arrives, her gift of a vintage Mercedes parked downstairs for the minute your little one is old enough to drive, a time Roman claims will never come because they're definitely staying a tiny perfect baby forever.
- His family can tell that something has shifted in Roman as he smiles and plays affectionately with little baby Roy, like a warm, loving part of him that had been beaten into a corner and stifled by his father had finally been allowed to break free again and thrive in the light. When Caroline turns up two weeks later, her gift to you a full time nanny that neither of you asked for, Roman sends her away, wanting to take on this role, using his immense privilege to be there for his child in every moment rather than letting a stranger provide help and reduce that responsibility.
- The fact that you brought this light into his world, only makes Roman look at you with even more reverence, truly the greatest gift he could ever hope for. He's not shy in telling you how amazing what you did was, how incredible you already are as a mother, how lucky he and your child are to have you in his life. While he kept himself pretty PG during your pregnancy, prepare to constantly be called a Milf, and to have him slide up behind you when the baby is sleeping, unable to keep his hands off you and asking when you think you should expand your family to include a few siblings.
- As your little one starts toddling, Roman wouldn't want to keep them as locked in an ivory tower as his childhood felt, taking walks through the local park and meeting the other local parents, trying to just be a regular person and normal father for his baby's sake. Watching how easily they can make a new friend and connect him with others feels completely unbelievable when only a few years ago he wasn't sure he'd ever even have a friend of his own, let alone a family full of love.
- When he has to go into Waystar, you best believe 'the world's smallest executive' is coming in too, toddling hand in hand with their father all across the top floor. By the time they're finished for the day, Gerri's bought them an ice cream, Franks brought a balloon and Carolina is looking up how to get a carousel installed in the lobby. And every one of them is so proud of Roman, the picture of growth and stability (or at least trying so hard to be), far from the man they used to worry about on a daily basis.
- It's challenging for any new parents, but Roman still tries to prioritise having the occasional night as just the two of you, spending some time in an adult establishment with adult beverages, even if half your conversations circle back to how incredible your child is, and how hilarious it is that Roman's taught them to call cousin Greg a monster and run away every time he walks in a room, and how you never needed to worry about taking this step together, because you make a perfect team. As long as you work together, you two can really make it through anything, and your growing family is the best thing yet.
- A couple of years later, when you start to realise the feeling inside you is familiar, you aren't even a little bit scared. You'll come running out the bathroom at the little blue tick on a plastic strip and Roman will erupt into cheers like the two of you just single handedly won the superbowl, tackling you to the ground and covering your face in tears and kisses as he realises this is exactly where, and who, he was meant to be.
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vengeancevixen · 11 months
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Miss this beam of light ❤️
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patiencesinners · 1 year
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(Via highesthopesfoundation)
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lwh-writing · 11 months
I've been rewatching the Hunger Games movies with some friends, and I have many, many thoughts. I seriously need to reread these books because it's been years and Suzanne Collins is a literary genius, but I digress.
Anyway, there's a quote in Catching Fire where President Snow says "If head game maker Seneca Crane had any brains at all, he would've blown you to bits then and there." This is in reference to Katniss and Peeta almost eating the poison berries and getting out of the arena as co-Victors rather than them turning on each other, thus giving the rebels hope that they can stick it to the Capitol. It is Snow's belief that killing one and/or both of them would have solved the problem before it BECAME a problem.
But the thing is.... it really wouldn't have. If anything, it would have made the rebel problem worse.
Let's say Crane killed both Peeta and Katniss. For the first time in decades, the Hunger Games would have had no Victor. There would be no victory tour, no new kid to pimp out to the Capitol's highest bidders, and no new distraction until the next games roll around. And on top of that, it would have shown the entire world how little the Capitol actually cares about them. The game makers changed the rules halfway through to allow for two Victors, and then they took that away at the last second because two Victors emerging from the arena would have destroyed the very foundation of the Hunger Games. If Crane had truly shot down Katniss and Peeta, the fallout of the 74th Hunger Games would have been a wake-up call to both the Districts and the Capitol that Haymitch was 100% correct in saying that there are no winners of the Hunger Games, only survivors. The bright-eyed Capitols would have been forced to face the reality that the games were fundamentally unfair, and the Districts would have been shown that if even the Victors, the people guaranteed wealth and luxury weren't safe, that if their small beacons of hope could still be killed off without those in power batting an eye... then why even bother playing to the Capitol's tune in the first place? And the Rebels? They've got two new martyrs for their cause, and a newly discontent populous ready to fight for them.
Now, alternatively, let's say Crane did nothing. Let's say he let Katniss and Peeta eat the berries and they both die in the arena by suicide. Well, that won't be as drastic as Crane shooting them down, but the results are still mostly the same. The 74th Hunger Games still has no Victor. There's no one left to play distraction and convince the people of Panem not to look behind the curtain and catch a whiff of its political rot. And it's still the two-Victor rule change and the immediate retraction of such that doomed their favorite star-crossed lovers. It's still a wake-up call to the Capitols and the Districts that the Hunger Games are unfair, and that those in charge are willing to change the rules at their discretion no matter how it affects the general public. The people are still pissed, and the rebels still have their two martyrs.
Well, okay, what if Crane only killed ONE of them. Let's say Crane sees what's happening and decides to shoot only Peeta or only Katniss, it doesn't matter which. The 74th Hunger Games has a clear Victor, but that doesn't help a thing. Once again, it's still the rule change and retraction that got one half of Panem's OTP killed. It's still a clear signal to the people that those pulling the strings don't care. There's still discontent in the Capitol and the Districts because the Capitols lament their failed romance, and the Districts just saw an almost-should-have-been Victor get shot down on live TV. Not to mention it shows that the games are rigged beyond belief when the game makers, quite literally, chose the Victor. The Rebellion still gets a martyr. And on top of that, they get a mouthpiece stirring up shit.
You cannot look me in the eye and tell me that if Peeta or Katniss walked out of that arena without the other, the one that survived would have taken that lying down, consequences be damned. You cannot tell me that Peeta "If it wasn't for the baby" Mellark wouldn't have been playing the press and the political scene like a fiddle and knocking down Snow's regime like a line of dominos. You cannot tell me that Katniss "Girl on Fire" Everdeen wouldn't have been itching to take a quiver of arrows and massacre all occupants of the Presidential Palace. A Peeta without Katniss or a Katniss without Peeta would have Snow's worst political nightmare, and if he killed them after the fact, then the riots in the streets would have only gotten worse.
Seneca Crane's fatal mistake wasn't letting Katniss and Peeta live; it was allowing the two Victor rule change to happen. The SECOND that happened, the foundation of the games-- the image of the sole Victor shining above the rest --was shattered. Nothing could have fixed that, not even the hasty second rule change later on. There was absolutely no situation where Snow and company walked away the winners. Absolutely none. And Crane choosing to let Katniss and Peeta live was honestly the best choice in a string of horrible choices that could have been made. And the fact that Snow doesn't see that highlights exactly how out of touch he is with the human element that drives people to do the things they do.
Note: edited to fix "Capital" into "Capitol"
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getcardedtarot · 8 months
September Monthly PAC
Hello, lovelies! I'm back with another monthly reading. Take a deep breath, relax, and let your intuition guide you to the reading meant for you.
If you would like to tip me or book a personal reading, you can do so in my shop. I'm also having a sale in my shop, right now a 10 card reading is only $5!
Remember that my readings are for entertainment. Your choices are your own.
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Your energy during the month ahead Ace of Cups
Your energy this month is a pure and genuine desire for love and real emotion. You’re ready for new relationships, be they romantic or platonic. Your feelings are overflowing, things feeling intense this month. This is a good time to focus on your relationships with loved ones. 
Your social life this month The Lovers
This month is all about partnerships for you. Partnerships with your loved ones, perhaps a new romantic relationship. Try to bring balance and harmony to your life this month, don’t let relationships be your only focus. 
Something you should pursue this month Three of Cups
Make time to celebrate your life with friends. If you have an opportunity for a gathering, take it. Have fun and enjoy the last days of summer before things get cold and dreary.
Something you should be cautious of this month Death
While you are prioritizing relationships and emotion, don’t be tempted to let things change too much. Your emotions may run high this month, but don’t make any sudden, drastic choices. 
How you can practice self-care this month The Star
Find balance and harmony amidst the chaos of the month. You may need rejuvenating before the month is over. Take time for yourself. Be understanding with yourself as you would with someone else. This month could take you on an emotional rollercoaster, so be prepared to ride it out and be patient and kind with yourself. 
How you can be in alignment with your highest self this month Five of Cups
As chaotic and emotionally charged as this month may get for you, don’t forget all the good you have in your life. It can be hard to see when times are rough, but the good things are still there. Remind yourself of the things that make you happy, things you’re grateful for.
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Your energy during the month ahead The Moon
Something in your life is not what it seems and it’s up to you and your intuition to see through it. Trust yourself and your gut this month. 
Your social life this month Nine of Wands
You’ve had a hard time lately, and now is the time to seek support from your loved ones. They will give you the energy and strength to get through this final stretch before things improve. 
Something you should pursue this month The Sun
Pursue what makes you happy this month. With everything going on in your life, you should seek out what joy you can find. Keep pushing forward, everything will turn out fine. You just need to enjoy the little pleasures along the way to keep up morale. 
Something you should be cautious of this month Justice
While searching for the truth in your life, try not to be overly judgemental, towards yourself or others. Everyone goes through hard times and it’s best not to start a witch hunt over what may be a simple misunderstanding. 
How you can practice self-care this month The Tower
Make sure that your foundations are strong. Find your center and be sure that you stay as grounded as possible. Things are so close to improving, you’re in the final stretch. Be sure that you’re centered on a solid foundation for the next stage of your life. 
How you can be in alignment with your highest self this month Four of Pentacles
Keep your joys close to your heart. The things that you enjoy can get you through the hardest of times. Keep your gratitude in mind, and your hopes for the future close. Remember that when things feel difficult and overwhelming, there is good out there, and there is a future to hope for. 
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Your energy during the month ahead Ten of Pentacles
Your energy this month is one of abundance. You’re doing well and want to share it with your close circle. Times are good for you, your needs are tended to and happiness is yours. 
Your social life this month Seven of Pentacles
You’ve worked hard on your relationships with those around you, and now your effort is paying off. There are good times to go around and those around you appreciate the time and space you’ve made from them. 
Something you should pursue this month Seven of Swords
This month is about you! You’re in a good, comfortable place. It’s time to spring for that crazy idea you have! That plan you’ve been mulling over is primed and ready to be undertaken. Even if things don’t go perfectly, you still have a lot of success to look forward to. 
Something you should be cautious of this month Queen of Pentacles
Don’t hand out money to just anyone this month. While you’re doing well and may be inclined to be generous, look after your own interests first. Don’t hand out money you need back. Some people may like to take advantage of you. 
How you can practice self-care this month Ace of Swords
Let your mind run wild! Now is the time to brainstorm your next project. You’re in a comfortable place, and you can afford to dream up a new vision to realize. This is also a good time for breakthroughs. Now is the time to look for clarity regarding your place in life and how you view the world. 
How you can be in alignment with your highest self this month King of Wands
Be in total control of your life. You know what you want and where you’re going. You’re in a good position to captain your own ship. If you have ideas you want to bring to fruition, or passions you want to pursue, do it!
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sunspearesque · 8 months
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The Bereaved Dunes
In the Bereaved Dunes, where shadows weep, A tale of love and sorrow, bound to keep. Elia, my sun, in your memory I tread, Through sands of despair, where tears are shed. I should've taken you far away, my dear, To Dorne's warm embrace, where skies are clear. But fate had other plans, a cruel twist of hand, In the Bereaved Dunes, where sorrows expand.
A/N: I've often wondered, 'How did Oberyn receive the news of Elia's death? How did his mind grapple with such a profound tragedy?' This curiosity served as my inspiration for writing this piece. It is crucial to delve into the pivotal event that laid the foundation for all of his subsequent actions. This prologue marks the genesis of my upcoming series, 'Whispers of Vendetta,' wherein Elia's death remains canon (and I made use of some famous lines from ASOIAF books), though I've allowed myself creative freedom in depicting Oberyn's reaction and the events that follow. Big thanks to my sweet, sweet friend @palioom for her unwavering support <3 I hope this piece meets your liking xoxo
Rating: M
CW: angst; canon character death (Elia Martell); grief/mourning; sibling loss; brief description of death/injury
WC: 1.6K
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283 AC
"We cannot simply remain still… spineless, awaiting news of her safety and that of her children!" Oberyn's voice rang out, filled with fervor, as he directed his words at his elder brother.
Doran, vexed by his brother's persistence, hissed back in retort, "I've entrusted four of our most skilled soldiers with her protection, Oberyn! They will ensure her safety. Cease your incessant hovering!"
Oberyn's eyes bore into Doran's, smoldering with anger and worry, "They had better return with her unharmed, or I shall part their heads from their bodies myself!"
Twelve agonizing hours passed without any word of Elia. Silence hung heavy in the air, and Oberyn's unease deepened. He understood that the Dornish princess was not their highest priority, knowing that no one would make her safety their concern—not even her husband, the father of her children.
Her husband, that fucking bastard.
I should have spirited her and her two children away to Dorne the moment she sent for me. The instant he crowned that Stark girl as the queen of love and beauty, forsaking his own wife. I should have sensed the despair in her ever-saddened eyes. She sat there, abased and broken, her belly swollen with his child. Those smudged words in her letter, likely stained by her tears, should have served as reason enough to bring her back to Dorne, where she truly belonged among her people and her land.
Elia was no viper; she was more akin to a dove—gentle, serene, fragile yet resplendent, graceful, and generous to a fault. She was too generous for the rapacious beasts that surrounded her. Here in Dorne, she walked among vipers, none of them would ever harm her. In King's Landing, she had found herself surrounded by dragons and lions… who had torn her asunder, both figuratively and literally.
Every hour drifted by like a languid stream, sowing a tempest of dread deep within Oberyn's core. Why does no one share in my fear? Neither her kin, nor our people dwelling here. Why does the world remain unperturbed? Am I truly the only one who understands the depth of their malice? Their hatred for us? For her?
Oberyn paced his brother's solar ceaselessly, a restless specter, his sword ever-present at his side, primed for any declaration. Doran, seated nearby, muttered words beneath his breath, prayers? curses? who knows; their nature concealed in the shroud of his quiet contemplation.
Suddenly, the reverberation of frantic footfalls pierced the air, accompanied by the panting of a disheveled soldier. "My... My Princes, Your Highness," the soldier stammered, his voice trembling as tears welled up in his eyes. Words eluded him, his courage shattered. "They have… they've killed the King... they've taken the Princess's life... and her children's." Oberyn lunged forward, seizing the young man by the throat, his rage ignited like wildfire, "I will sever your vile tongue if such words pass your lips again!" he hissed, fury coursing through every fiber of his being. How dare he utter such blasphemy?
Doran shouted at him, a frantic plea to prevent his brother from inflicting harm. Oberyn's grip on the soldier's neck tightened, threatening to snap it in half, "how dare you speak her name with such lies!" Oberyn's face was but a hair's breadth away from the man's.
"Oberyn!" Doran's voice boomed louder now, snapping his brother from the abyss of his wrath.
Reluctantly, Oberyn released the man, who fell to his knees, coughing and gasping, muttering apologies amidst his tears, "I apologize, my prince... I apologize... I apologize," he babbled frantically, his form trembling.
Oberyn stood frozen in place, the world around him becoming a cacophony of muffled sounds. Blood surged in his ears and pounded in his head, rendering his limbs feeble and numb. The frantic movements of those around him and his older brother's inquiries and orders blurred into obscurity, leaving only the sensation of his own scalding skin, burning him alive. He longed to rip his garments from his body, to tear his flesh asunder, as the air grew oppressively thick and sweltering, suffocating him as if he were submerged beneath water. The tingling sensation in his fingertips and the throbbing pain in his right eye pierced his consciousness. It was as though he were aflame from within, feeling the molten flow of his blood beneath his searing skin.
Their shared life flashed before his eyes in an instant. He remembered her fragility, how he cradled her in his arms and heart. Those days when he pushed her wheelchair with gusto, eliciting laughter from her. She was a year his senior, yet her fragility and ailment demanded his physical protection. In turn, she fortified his spirit, offering solace in a world that sought to alter him. He visited her chamber daily, sharing tales of their parents and elder sibling, and she listened, offering comfort and understanding. He was her bastion, and she was his serenity. He was her army, and she was his peace. They were inseparable, and the notion of existence without one another seemed unfathomable.
The sun no longer bathed Dorne in its usual warmth on the day her remains returned to their homeland. That Dornish sun, once radiant, now dawned upon a lifetime burdened by sorrow. She had been his sun, his compass… and he, the unwavering sunflower, had turned to follow her every step. But now, he stood alone, adrift in a sea of grief and rage.
The maesters had begged him to avert his gaze, especially from her visage—or what remained of it, to be precise. They wished to preserve her memory, to shield the image of her serenity from the abhorrent tragedy she had endured. Oberyn, however, bore the weight of her demise squarely upon his own shoulders. He harbored the belief that it was his heedlessness, his momentary acquiescence to his brother’s commands, that had led to her tragic end. And as penance, he needed to engrave the gruesome sight of her shattered skull and broken mandible to his brain, so that the searing memory might forever scar his psyche.
He craved the pain, the unrelenting thirst for vengeance, for it was this anguish that would serve as a relentless reminder. He needed her tragic fate etched into the very fiber of his being, so that if ever a trace of empathy for these monsters dared to creep into his thoughts, the vivid memory of what they had stolen from him—the essence of his sweet Elia—would rip through his soul, leaving him wounded, but resolute in his pursuit of justice.
The absence of a sibling is an ineffable experience… alexithymic; one that defies the boundaries of expression. You see, a person's existence in this world is akin to that of a tree; the parents, the grandparents, and all the ancestors serve as the unwavering stem, the robust trunk that grounds and anchors one's very being. Your children, they are the intricate roots, extensions of your essence that traverse the world, existing as a continuation of you, and you, in turn, live life through them. But siblings... they are the branches.
To lose a sibling is to lose a part of yourself, a limb perhaps, one that may not kill you but certainly inflicts the agony of phantom pain. It lingers, this spectral ache, an ever-present reminder that punctuates your happiest moments, like a persistent thorn in your side, incessantly prodding you to remember what you have forfeited. It leaves behind a lingering melancholy, not potent enough to suffocate you to death, yet substantial enough to hinder the prospect of living life to its fullest.
But how does one even go about living life in the semblance of normalcy?
For a sibling is more than a mere bearer of shared genes; they are witnesses to your enduring connection with stubborn parents, companions in the labyrinthine maze of childhood, fellow travelers through the terrain of trauma. They are the ones who have beheld every facet of your being, every iteration of your existence.
In the years that followed, he embarked on a ceaseless flight, fleeing from her shadow, from the haunting memory of their love. Her name, once a melody on his tongue, now tasted acrid, too laden with pain to be cherished or recollected. His heart, once a sanctuary of devotion, was now filled with a venomous brew of hatred, anger, and an insatiable thirst for retribution. He yearned to hunt down every man across the Seven Kingdoms, to rend their flesh from bone with his own bare hands. Yet, deep within, he nurtured a more profound loathing—for himself, for his own frailty and cowardice.
Her death had sapped his strength, of that he was certain. He could no longer gaze upon the sun without wincing, nor could he behold the graceful palm trees that adorned every corner of Dorne without feeling his gut wrenching, as though it were on the verge of rupture. Even the taste of figs, her favored fruit, had become an agony to bear. And when he cast his eyes upon his own brother, he could not help but wish it had been he who suffered such a wretched fate, rather than his sweet Elia.
On bended knee, he knelt beside her sandstone tomb, on the eve of his departure from Dorne, where he would spend the impending years in solitude, far removed from the land they had once shared. Whispering amidst tears that welled in his eyes and his aching heart, And unbowed, unbent, and unbroken, you must rest, my Sun.
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