overandundertarot · 1 month
Hey! I'm open for personal readings! If you'd like to purchase one you can take a look at my private readings post or send me a dm!
Hope to see you soon!
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overandundertarot · 3 months
pick a tattoo; message for you
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pile 1; Queen of hearts, The Hermit reversed, Ace of swords.
Pile 1 I feel you are taking time to cultivate a specific state of mind. Stillness, being present while at the same time appreciating such intense aspects of human emotions and meeting them with kindness and love. Right now, you are considering pursuing a solo journey, it's not something everyone will understand or that you can even explain. This can be physical or mental; you want to incorporate a potent source of creativity and connection to source in your daily experience. Keep at it, you're still wondering how to go about it. It feels like a half formed idea in your conciousness but let it marinate. You will arrive at a conclusion soon. For some there is something to do with cutting it off with/reaching out to another person. I heard making the best decision for both of you; do what you know and feel is right.
pile 2; 10 of cups, Ace of cups, Ace of swords.
Wow Pile 2! Romance is in the air! You have a romantic prospect right now(or several!) and are trying to be discerning. If not one is coming towards you very soon. You want to protect your heart, but are a secret hopeless romantic! You want in your deepest of hearts to get lost in the feeling and go crazy with love; experiencing the joys and exhileration of being with another person. You hope your partner can be an escape from reality for you, if not a soothing balm to the exhausting end of your day. You want a partner, a family and domestic bliss. Message for you is to give them a chance; let them show you how good it can be. Say yes to that movie or that trip! It seems too good to be true, but it's all you deserve. Enjoy it. So much happiness in in store for you pile 2! Ahhhh I wanna hug you, my heart is feeling full with it.
pile 3; Queen of pentacles, 9 of wands, King of wands.
Pile 3, how're you feeling? It's important to check in with yourself every now and then. You're working hard on a journey but you need to give yourself appropriate time to rest. I'm hearing that you romanticise the suffering. Not to a toxic degree but to make it all the more bearable. You likely already know your message. Keep going. You're doing wonderfully. This pile reminds me of Victoria Monet's words at the recent grammy awards. To paraphrase she explained that her receiving that award last night was a process years in the making; she was growing roots, laying ground. And she's finally begining to sprout. It's the same for you. You are patient with yourself, tending to to your work that you know will put you at the top one day. You have this regal air about you, keep your head held high. Some of you are facing a decision, I'm hearing to go with the shocking option lol.
pile 4; 6 of wands reversed, Queen of cups reversed, Ace of swords.
Things are very much upside down for you pile 4. There's been a thwarted victory(or a hollow one at the very least). It left you feeling empty. I get the feeling like you're crying out to the universe for help but it seems like no one is listening. You're keeping all these things bottled up; refusing to open up. There are people in your life who want to reach out to you but you are not trusting them, very guarded though i feel like its not obvious. Many people may not even know that you are struggling; they think everything is going great for you. The message for you is basically what you just read; you didn't know how to pinpoint what you were feeling. Reframe the situation; are you satisfied with those conditions? That's a no, open up to the people around you, or find a channel to process these emotions. Let yourself bloom again. There's also a big theme of turning your pain into profit. Perhaps use your experience to create art or to find a new persepctive in your work. There are solutions available to you. Use them.
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overandundertarot · 3 months
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overandundertarot · 3 months
On Loop 🔄
What's the cycle you keep perpetuating, and how can you finally break free?
pick a picture(1-2,3-4) to select your pile.
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PILE ONE: King of Pentacles, Knight of Wands reversed, Ace of pentacles reversed, Knight of pentacles reversed.
I get the sense that this pile is a succesful pile of people. If someone looks at your life from an outsiders perspective they'd think its all chocolate and rainbows. You work hard and play hard. The fruits of your labour are obvious. You love to adorn yourself with your success. But despite this there's always a sense of what else? What's next? Is this it? You work towards success. Material gains. But you don't work towards your own satisfaction. You don't know your passions, your creative talents. You've neglected them. Sometimes you may find yourself sick of the people and environment around you. It feels like there's no deeper meaning. Make money and go out, next day repeat. This is the pile of people who may go on to have a life story such as being a successful business person who made a six figure salary but quit it all to become a bookseller in rural Italy.
How can you break out of this cycle?
Well, the answer is pretty obvious. You have to stop prioritisng money and monetary gain. You are too attached to money, so much so that you LIVE for money. You just can't let go of the comfort it gives you, the esteem, the safety. You are also too attached to 'productivity'. You may be really into hustle culture. If you're not working, who are you? To break out of this cycle you need to separate your identity from productivity, finances, career. Who are YOU? What do you like to do to relax? How do you indulge yourself? If you had a whole month purely to yourself, no obligations, what would you do? How would you spend your time? Essentially you need to start devoting your time and energy to yourself RADICALLY. Even if it makes no sense, even if it feels scary, even if it makes you feel lazy.
PILE TWO; Death, Queen of cups, Two of swords.
This is funny to me because usually when people have to break out of a loop, change is involved. They have to break out of something, introduce a new habit and do something different. However for you the loop you have been perpetuating is the change. Particularly of a healing type. I feel like youre always trying to climb the mountain to look into the horizon; whats next for me? How more can I improve? How more can I heal? What spiritual practice should I look into next? I feel like this is not even a distraction tactic, its just in your nature to always be curious; to always be applying yourself. But this loop is bringing dissatisfaction in your life. The energy from this pile is calm and inspiring, like a refreshing dive into a lake, or the sound of rushing water. You may be the therapist friend in your friendgroup or the one that always seems to have got it together. Also, for a lot of people in this life, you jump from relationship to relationship too quickly, you fall in love easily but also fall out of love easily. The relationships end amicably and it seems that you remain friends with these people long after.
How can you break out of this cycle?
Whatever the change may be; love, location, hobbies, healing and growth. You should allow yourself to grow roots somewhere, at the very least you should think about it. What are your requirements for setting up station in a place? What is needed for you to be somewhere long term in a way that can still appeal to your needs? Allow yourself to think about this, allow yourself to grow. By changing so constantly you did not allow yourself to reach the full potential of what you applied yourself to do. There's something here about backward procceses as well. Let me use the example of finding love, travelling to get away from that love and then doing the whole process again in the new location. But on top of that, going to the starting point again and renewing the whole process. Kind of like running in circles. There is something at the core that you are looking for in all these changes. And you just have to dig a little deeper to find it; it is with you and closer than you might have ever expected. There are somethings around you that you are not seeing or taking for granted.
PILE THREE; King of wands, Two of wands reversed, Ace of wands, Five of wands reversed.
This is a fiery, ambitious pile. You could be leos or have a strong solar influence. Pile three you are ambitious, but that ambition feels like it leads you nowhere. The cycle you're perpetuating feels like its out of your control. I feel you change your ideas to accomodate other people, trying to make them more appealing to others. Maybe you feel that other people don't understand your point of view and you want to make it digestable to them. You feel that you should be a leader or you feel constantly pushed in that direction without actually being able to measure up. Well, you have these inspiring qualities, but you are focusing too much on your reception and other people. Has any of the work you've produced appealed to you truly? You're meant to shine, if other people don't understand you, maybe that's part of your appeal. There is a lack of momentum, a blockage of the flow. The cycle is that no matter how much you try; you do not produce results.
How to break out of this cycle?
The ace of wands is obvious enough. Get inspired! Be somebody you are proud of. Do things that please and appeal to you regardless of what other people think. Be the first person to credit yourself, and if necessary don't feel ashamed to be the only person to do so. The opinion of other people is important to you, because you crave the spotlight, you want to be seen and appreciated but you have to get comfortable with the reality that this will not always be the case. There are internal blocks to work through. You'll have to be in conflict with yourself. Everytime you doubt yourself or think of what you are capable of as too simple or 'basic', you have to fight yourself. Loudly dissaprove of that, show even the simplest of your work and gass yourself up for it. Let's take an example of an artist. To you, you may be the worst artist in the world but to someone else, your art has value. In this situation don't change your artsyle to fit the mainstream or hinder yourself from showcasing your art and showing it to other people, sending it to magazines etc just because you hate it. They may love it and it could be the thing that propels you to fame. Or maybe it was a drawing that only took 5 minutes to draw so you think it needed more effort than the time it took so you scrap it. But it was a good drawing that was suitable for presentation. You have to treat yourself like you're the shit!! Affirmations may work for you. I feel that something as simple as; 'I am awesome' may have an effect on you. 'I am beautiful.' 'I am amazing.' 'I am kind.' 'My work is good.' 'I did great!' Do you even tell yourself these things? Build self confidence, don't be ashamed to be perceived as pridefull.
PILE FOUR: The moon, Knight of pentacles, The lovers, Seven of cups.
Confusion, illusion. You're hopping from one idea to the next. I think you're the type of person who has very good ideas. And you work on them, in the beggining but then abandon them for your next one. You want something that is going to sustain your attention. Something that will feel like your true calling. It seems you feel that you can only work when motivated. There is a lack of discipline. Some of you are talking to people? Or hoping for communications from people and you are working very hard for them to help you. But its for nothing, their promises are lies. I have a feeling you know this but are still holding on to the hope. For some of you, this looks like constantly signing up for dating apps or websites and being ghosted. Also, being a people pleaser and trying so hard for people who don't care about you. Either way, there is self deceit involved in your situation. You don't have a clear view of your reality and are operating on grounds of your assumptions being true when they are not.
How can you break out of this loop?
Keep dreaming, but be more discerning about it. When you find yourself held within one of your hyper fixations, know that this is not the end all be all. Possibly, keep working on all those things at the same time. You will eventually come to see that one of them is one that you can do well and enjoy at the same time. The one that strikes the perfect balance. Keep the fact that you always have other options available at the back of your mind. Also, there is advice to put in the work, but the slow boring, grueling work. Particularly when it comes to a project or a person. Steady progress is what will help break you out of the cycle because its something you haven't seen much of. For those who are going through this cycle with romantic interests, the partner who makes you feel steady and is reliable is the best one for you. Even though they may not necessarily be the most 'exciting' option. This isn't to say that you should settle with someone just because they fit the description. But assess your partners more keenly and look past passion and into what you actually need from a relationship and who can provide that.
That's all! I haven't posted a PAC in a while so it felt really good to work on this and post this. If you liked the reading feel free to like the post and reblog! If you'd like to book a private reading with me, send me a dm or check out my private readings post in my masterlist pinned on my page!
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overandundertarot · 4 months
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hey omg so much has changed for me its insane, i hope everyone is doing super well. This is very much a self care oriented pick a card. Enjoy!
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This is definitely talking about forward movement and releasing unwanted emotional blockages, I definitely see here this is a pile of people who are very dominant personalities. People who may be seen as inspiring, independent, and passionate. Even if you yourself arent feeling this way I do feel others percieve you this way. I heard something about a slump. Some of you may be experiencing body aches & illness of some kinds. Physical movement will help those of u who are feeling stagnated energy. You'll want to do a reversal and protection work to be honest. Itll speed up this process of releasing. Some people are insecure about the idea of being released or left behind. Just remember your decisions are valuable and solid. It only matters how YOU feel about your decisions. I see that your ancestors are trying to help you relax your mind so that you can apply the lessons that you've learned over the past year I'm hearing. Something I find interesting is this page of pentacles card has 3 swords in it. Which obviously makes me think of the 3 of swords, the 6 of swords also has 6 swords piercing a heart. This is deep emotional pain that you have had to begin moving on from. Now with the page of pentacles having the 3 swords I see this as you needing to apply the lessons you've learned from your heartbreak into the world around you in order to teach others and improve yourself. It's funny bc strength came out 2 times and the first one was a zombie woman then it was clarified by the 4 of pentacles and then a more regular depiction of strength. I feel like this represents your conscious and subconscious mind having a battle between modes of self protection. You may be releasing outdated thought patterns. I feel that this pile has a tendency for detachment. Aquarius/libra/pisces/sag energy? Maybe???
You may have some kind of news about romance or a romantic offer coming in soon? Please stop worrying and fixating. Recognize that you must love yourself unconditionally and that is part of the challenge you've been given in this lifetime. Self love has always been a struggle for you, dont let the struggle continue.
I see that this pile has had deep struggle with vulnerability and intimacy. Part of why your manifestations arent coming in is bc you're getting lost in your mind. Let shit unfold, trust the universe has your back. Trust that everything will be just fine. :3
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his is about perseverance, not letting things take away your happiness. I'm thinking of sisyphus, it's like you guys have been carrying this burden for sooooo fucking long. It's just that I see that some of you need to possibly come to terms with the role you play in perpetuating this burden. A lot of you are quick to point the finger or self blame. I heard shame, there could be a fear of lack or conflict here. I heard low testosterone? Idk if that means something for anyone. In my mind I see this pile as being forced to take things into their own hands. Being forced to show themselves they can be victorious and do not need to rely on outside sources in order to sustain themselves or their success. Certain people in this pile could on the flip side be hyper independent and have lessons coming in that teach about accepting help & showing you that your people in your life truly love you. Someone needs to be careful driving esp if the vehicle is something big. Take your time learning something, you need to assure that everything is ready by the time this shift clicks into place. I see travel or moving for some people in this pile. I heard assured success, and I heard voyage. Which are the keywords for the world card. Some of you may want to check out pile 1. You are being asked to have patience and kindness with yourself. Remember that in due time all things will come. You want a knight in shining armor but yet you know in your current state youd push this person away. Some of you may already be pushing this person away. There is a need to be more rational here. Allow your mind to rest, let go of the idea of loss and deprivement. You are not being deprived babe, I promise. The reason i say this is because you're not ready and the circumstance isnt ready. Just be patient my love, it's all going to be okay. You've been through so much, I dont think you even understand how beautiful things are becoming for you. Have faith and reignite your passion.
You are fighting for a state of comfort and stability. I feel like ironically this 5 of wands is actually about fight or flight mode, especially bc its clarified by the 2 of pentacles. So to me this is like centering your nervous system and maybe doing practices that promote self security and mental stability. You are entering a space in your life where you dont need to be in fight or flight. Let go and see how the universe provides. Be aware blessings can come in disguise. Be weary of people with Ill intentions. Directed at you? This may be a teacher or an authority figure of some kind. Someone with a tendency towards jealousy and secrecy? Getting scorpio energy, I'm feeling like this is a past energy?? Past situation? Hold the fuck on bro. Someone definitely wants you to be bogged down by your past mistakes and situations. What's kind of crazy is this person doesnt really realize that your judgements weren't so bad. I feel like this person may be speaking very Ill of you with other people. I sense the energy of someone being very upset about how you're being spoken of.
Who knows.
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Firstly: and this isnt for everyone but someone or some people here need to stop shit talking. Like this was a stark message that came up. Someones spirit guides or ancestors are getting very frustrated with their continued actions towards others. If you dont solve it soon it's very likely those same words you speak about others & those same things u wish on others will begin to unfold in your own life. You've been given ample opportunity for growth and while uve taken a lot of it you've ignored the main issue. You reap what u show :<
Anyways, I see that you're planting a lot of subconscious seeds of chaos and that some of you may tend to move in ways that are lowkey inappropriate and hide your handw while doing it? I see that for those who dont do that- that your perseverance is paying off. You've put in so much hard work and passion towards what you love and what makes you feel empowered. Spirit says allow yourself to mentally rest, allow yourself room to breathe. Even for those struggling with gossip or manipulative tendencies the same applies to you. Allow yourself rest, give yourself permission to be truly content and to release the modes of thinking and resentment that you harbor. There is a sense of jealousy or bitterness I sense within this pile. For some of you it could be another person who feels this energy towards you. Someone who projects their worst traits onto you. For others I believe that you may not be recognizing a person you despise for the mirror they are serving as. I see here that there is the desire for acknowledgement. To be seen and heard and respected and revered. However, its necessary that you recognize how your actions interact with that desire. Now is the time to step back and find a new perspective regarding something. Most of this is very internal energy. Internal pains, I feel that some people in this pile genuinely struggle to validate or Express their emotions. It's like the desire is to just rationalize rationalize rationalize and you're not realizing how miserable this is making u. It's time to rest, it's time to be alone. Most importantly it's time to give up the cycles of negative social interaction and power dynamics. Good luck pile 3 💗💝
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overandundertarot · 4 months
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Hello there! Welcome to my updated personal readings post. You can book a personal reading with me if you like my reading style and want to receive a reading personalised to you and your energy!
pre-announcement post with a little more info.
I have three main categories to choose from that differ in terms of price.
1. Quick Guidance/Single Question Reading:
As the name suggests this is a relatively short reading meant to answer a single question or provide some quick clarity on a matter. It is 1-2 paragraphs long. Expect to receive this reading in 1-2 days.
Price: 3 USD
2. Comprehensive General Reading:
This reading dives deeper to provide you with thorough and insightful analysis of your chosen topic. It is at the least 1 and half pages long. You can choose from any of the following categories of love, career, self development and spirituality, as well as outcomes and predictions. I recommend looking at the sample questions on my previous personal readings post here. Feel free to check them out as well as develop any questions of your own! You can expect to receive this reading in 3-4 days.
Price: 5 USD
3. Specific In-depth Readings:
These are specific readings for particular topics. They are super in depth and are designed to look at the topic from all angles to get as much insight and information as possible! These are limited to the options already laid out below;
3.1 Path to Abundance
This reading is intended to provide a step by step guidance for you to reach your ideal of abundance. We'll cover everything from how to pace yourself on your journey, unconcious and concious blocks you may have, areas of opportunity you have yet to tap into, where to best begin, hard truths you have to face and more!
3.2 Road To Your Future Spouse
This reading covers your journey to your future spouse. We'll cover issues such as what foundations need to be in place for union between you and your future spouse, the circumstances of your meeting, major obstacles to work through( yourself or them), why haven't you met them yet, signs and syncronicities to look out for and more!
3.3 Happily Ever After; Life After Marriage With Your Future Spouse
As the title suggests, this reading takes a peak into your married life with your future spouse! We'll look into how you two will cohabitate and your dynamic, future children, your lifestyle during the marriage, your inlaws and much more!
3.4 Who are they? Future Spouse Personality Reading
This reading is all about your future spouse and their personality! Who are they? What are their main character traits? Their likes and interests? Their history, their reputation, what you'll like most about them, what you will like least about them and more!
Price(for all the above); 10 USD
These readings take more time and energy to do so expect to recieve any of the above readings within this category after a week.
How To Book A Reading?
You can book a reading by sending the payment through this paypal link, and then dm me the screenshot with your email and your question! I will then send the reading as a pdf to your email. Feel free to elaborate more on the matter in your message though, this is a collaborative experience!
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overandundertarot · 4 months
Hello! I'm finally opening my private readings back up again! And I've made a few changes to my reading style and format. They're detailed below:
Some information about how I read;
I used to charge for readings based on the amount of cards I use in the reading. For example, a 3 card reading and a 5 card reading having different prices. However I was not so comfortable with this as it came to feel very limiting for me. I felt like I couldn't channel the information to a degree that I would feel satisfied with to provide my clients with an in depth reading.
I've decided to sort my pricing categories according to the length of the reading and how deep we dive into the matter instead.
For example;
For my first price category I have a single question/ quick guidance reading. Like the title suggests it's limited to a sigle question and it will be about a paragraph or two long. Its mainly intended for quick and simple guidance.
The second category will be more in depth and around a page and a half. It may be limited to one question, but the focus is mostly on getting to the core of the issue so we can discuss and see in which direction we should steer the reading.
The third category is the most in depth category. There are specific readings in this category that will be indicated in my updated private readings post! This will be at the very least a three page reading.
All the readings will be sent via email as a pdf file as usual.
Super excited about this! I feel like it will be a much better experience for both me and anyone who wants to book a reading!
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overandundertarot · 5 months
Message for you 💌📞
Pick a picture for a message you need to hear right now.
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PILE ONE: Knight of pentacles, The Lovers, Death reversed.
Pile one the thing or person you're obssessed with is not as bad for you as you think it is/they are. They're serving as inspiration for you to work harder. You've been resisting change and wanting help for a long time and this thing could be the catalyst that pushes you past the threshold. For a lot of you this is a lover/deep friendship connection who pushes you to develop yourself and work on your goals.
PILE TWO: Knight of swords reversed, Nine of cups reversed, Three of cups.
Pile two you can't do it all alone. You've been dissapointed by people before but that doesn't mean that the right person to help you succeed won't come along eventually. You're feeling frustrated because you have so much inspiration and creativity but you may feel like you can never channel it properly. There's dissatisfaction at your current state in life. You feel like you have all the tools but somethings just not right. You may find yourself asking; It's supposed to work out so WHY ISN'T IT? What you're missing is collaboration and a broader perspective. Allow people to lift you up.
PILE THREE: The Sun, King of Pentacles
Pile three you're someone who can see the ugly parts of life but shrug them off like water down your back. You know how to live with the evil parts of the world and how not to let them affect your life. The message for you is that you've been doing great! You're wroking hard towards your 'Mission.' I'm getting that you want a better future for your community and specifically for your children and family. You want to bring them up to a higher level through any means necessary. You're an earthy and sociable person pile 3, you're a hustler, a modern day warrior. Keep it up!
That's all! I'd love to know how the messages are received so feel free to comment any feedback you have!
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overandundertarot · 6 months
pick a picture; something positive in your life rn!
Hello. There is always something in our lives that we can appreciate more, something that we may not notice but it can brighten our day! This reading aims to shine some light on that and hopefully raise your spirits!
Pick a picture; (1-4)
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Pile 1;
Pile 1 you have your culture! I get that your culture is very community based and lively. You just have to go outside to feel the rythym of your nation. Scenes coming to mind are music on the street, public celebrations where the whole neighbourhood comes in to rejoice. If you're not in a place to have direct acces to your culture you can definitely seek it out online! Through videos and popculture content, your mood would definitely improve! The nostalgia and love for your nation shines through. Some of you definitely come from cultures of melanated people; Africa, South America, even the diasporas in america or western countries. You have recently been ruminating on past mistakes and actions. You probably already know by now that your inner thoughts and self talk have a huge impact of your daily reality, constant self deprecation can have adverse effects on your mental health. I',m getting that you really don't need me to tell you this and it's somehting that weighs you down on top of everything else. oouuf. For some in this pile, you are simply feeling nostalgic and thinking about the what could have beens because you've made a big move/change(could be physical relocation) or are about to and are feeling a sense of trepidation. Either way, it's good to forget about your problems for a while right now. Indulge in your culture and nostalgia, reminisce about all your childhood experiences growing up in your community, the quirky habits of your family members. Think about and lean into the times that you were happy in the past!
Pile 2;
Hi pile 2, you need to lean into your fun and crazy friends. People with whom you can be accepted fully. Your individuality! Playful expression of your authentic self especially when you feel like you have to stifle it to produce a more easily digestible persona for other people. They don't understand the genius behind what you do and call it weird, but so what!? Something positive in your life right now is that you have the chance to express yourself and have fun! Don't waste it, go be silly with your friends, make childish art. Be playful and dumb. Distilling every step of your creative process to make it more palatable to other people is robbing you of your joy and doing nothing for your art! You may be working with some people at work or school or whatever aspect it may be in your life. I'm seeing that its specifically on something intended for public viewing/presentatipn and while you may have initially been excited about it you feel suffocated by the other peoples influence now. Release this frustration by allowing yourself to have your own creative release and nurturing time alone. Make sure you are giving to yourself, and producing work that YOU are satisfied with, no matter anyone else's opinion on the matter!
Pile 3;
Hello lovely pile threes. You have the fruit of your hard work to appreciate in your life right now! You're breaking out of old habits and starting to look on the bright side of things! For some of you, you've recently gotten out of a relationship that was draining you for a while and you're feeling a HEAVYYY sense of relief. For others, its an issue of self worth that you're finally feeling like you're letting go of. Baggage has been released! Life has been good for you lately, you've been going out, having fun, talking with friends long into the night, laughing more. Definitely, you've seen an improvement in your friendships. There's lighter energy. You've stopped taking things so seriously. I feel like this pile has been feeling such a sense of appreciation for seemingly mundane things that you used to gloss over. Your cup of tea in the morning, the food you eat, the trees outisde your house. Everything is beautiful for you right now and carries hope. You're playful and looking to enjoy life, no strings attached!
Pile 4;
Hello Pile 4, you seem so weary. You may have been drawn to pile 3, so check it out if you feel exceptionally drawn to do so! Pile 4, you defer from pile 3 in that you have not yet broken out into the hopeful, joyous state of release. What you have to look forward to is hope. Hope that things will get better for you. It seems at every turn, its just gotten worse. Things only work out for other people and for you its perpetual suffering right? WRONG! Thats not true. You're in a depressive state right now and you may be leaning into self pity heavily from time to time because that feels like the only way you can get release. However, you keep working towards a better future and IT'S COMING! Keep holding on! This pile reminds me of the song Please,Please,Please, Let Me Get What I Want by the Smiths. Give it a listen I feel like the people in this pile may resonate with it. There are some difficult things you need to do to get out of this limbo and experience real change. You've been putting them off for so long, but you need to go through with them. There's a concept in psychology known as impact bias.(look into it!)Its basically where we overstimate our reaction to future events. In this case its a perceived negative event in the future. Trust me when you do it you'll feel more glad than sad, you'll find that when you're living through the moment you'll feel much less worse than you expect yourself to do. And don't forget the after, there's a reason you have to go through whatever it is that you're procrastinating and it'll result in a happier you.
That is all :) I loved doing this reading I feel like it lifted my spirits too! If it resonated, don't hesistate to tell me. Feel free to leave any feedback here under this post or in a reblog. If you liked the post please like it and reblog! :) Hope you have a wonderful day and see you in the next reading!
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overandundertarot · 6 months
Pick a Ghibli Couple; Your fictional crush's first impression of you.
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Pile 1
Cards; Knight of Cups, Knight of Swords, Ace of pentacles reversed, Queen of wands reversed, Temperance, King of pentacles.
Well Pile one. Your fictional crush is quite the....frilly, character. They're someone with a flair for the theatrics. They're probably a noble in their fictional universe. They're highly respected and have good social standing, they're quite prone to showing their emotions too. They may be moody or are prone to visible bouts of anger/frustration. They're comfortable with having people's attention and sometimes even demand/prefer it. They could have long flowing hair. Like to wear detailed outfits. Yes, they like to be well put together and they value their taste and often curate whatever they can to fit their style regardless of if they're rich or poor. This fictional world may be historical, if not this person very much focuses on tradition or 'culture' as a way of assesing someones respectability. They love having a good time surrounded by 'good' company no matter if they may be introverted or extroverted. I'm seeing for some people, their fictional crush is quite introverted and nonchalant but best beleive that this is all running through their head! This is supposed to be a reading about their first impression of you, but all that's coming through is them soo. Very proud person, very fixed in their ways. Big ego.
On to their impression of you. At first glance, they dismissed you as someone poor. You're not on the same level with them. No money, no prospects. Upon interacting with you, they'd think that you are a crafty kind of individual, one who's not above getting their hands dirty to reach your goals. It seems that they have a very clear categorisation of people in their heads; people like them, born to the high life and have gold and riches as their birthright and then the unworthies; people born poor who have to struggle to reach their level. Wooow, this person is very classist. It seems that to them no matter how much you may prove to be an amazing person, you're still not worthy in their eyes because you don't have the riches/highbirth. This character may be a contender in a struggle for power type of situation in their world, and recognises you as someone who would use your relations with them to better your own cause. They think you ambitious and balanced, despite all their reservations, they can recognise that you have what it takes. They particularly like your strategic approach, lying in wait, setting the perfect trap without letting anyone else know(damn, pile one!) and coming to collect your gains when the time is right. Later on, once they've come to know you better, they will grudgingly acknowledge you and all that you've managed to build for yourself. This would definitely be a sloooowww burrnnnnn.
Pile 2
Cards; Strength reversed, 9 of pentacles, The Moon reversed, 6 of Pentacles, The Hermit, 4 of Pentacles.
Hello Pile 2!! Your fictional crush is someone with a lot of responsibilty upon their shoulders, but they just want to have fun! They often shirk they're official duties to go out to the city and partake in their idea of fun. They're an easygoing person who appreciates a lot of what life has to offer. They could pay attention to the little things that nobody cares about, like they may have a special interest or a very limited attention span and keep constantly getting excited by things in their environment.
Their first impression of you is that you have nowhere to hide. Whoa! That's quite an assumption to make. Your ficitonal crush definitely thinks that they can see right through you at first glance. You could be a people pleaser, and put so much empahsis on catering to other peoples needs that you lose sight of who you are. You don't have a strong impression of exactly who you are. You feel this changes from time to time. The foundations you built your self concept on keep changing. Your fictional crush would see all of this. More accurately, they would see that this is the way you feel about yourself. They think that you are a withdrawn, intorverted person who holds tight to what they love. They would think that you are afraid of losing the people around you, and think you possessive over your owned items. As they get to know you more, they would think that you are someone with many hopes and dreams. This may sound strange to say, but they like to be inside your head. Thinking like you calms them, they may unconciously seek out your presence for this reason. I think you would become good friends. They could tend to use your feelings for them to their own advantage.
Pile 3
Cards; 10 of wands, 8 of cups, Knight of wands reversed, 7 of pentacles, The Magician reversed, The Emperor reversed, 6 of wands.
Welcome to your reading Pile 3! Your fictional crush is someone who is a hard worker. They've been burdened with purpose, all the while dealing with severe emotional heartbreak and loss. They have been at something for so long, they don't know who they are without it. They definitely give of soldier, leader and right hand man vibes. Dedicated to a cause. They may see themselves more of a tool than a person, or could be in the process of shedding such a mindset. Either way, they're tired and a lot of things are dependant on them; people, activities, institutions. They don't want to let anyone down. They could have a large frame and a blunt haircut.
Their first impression of you is quite shifty. It seems that they wouldn't know what to make of you. On the one hand, they may have information about you on paper, such as what you do, your wealth etc. But this paper impression of you is so different to meeting you in real life for them, its shocking. First of all, they see you as impatient, reckless and lacking the displine and commitment to follow through with your plans/promises. But then they also know that you have proof of your success because of your impressive track record. You may have unorhtodox methods of doing things that don't add up with them. I just heard stubborn old man so this fictional character could be an older person, and they don't understand your younger ways. For example, according to them to get rich you must get a degree build your network and invest a lot of time but you know your way around social media/the modern day interent and could get the same amount of money/influence much faster. They don't undertand that. Yes, they think you're misusing your skills. They'd also think you're a proud person. They think you're a lot to handle, you could also be connected to a certan lineage or something if you were in their universe and broke away so they see you as a bit of rogue. You break away from the structure. As they get to know you more, your different approaches to life would make them uncertain of who they are and what they've been standing for. They'll question things a lot more and will come to appreciate you unique take on things. They'll feel like taking back their initial slightly negative and judegemental impression of you and would try to really get to know you. To see who you truly are.
That's all! If you liked this reading please consider rebloging and liking this post. Any feedback you have will also be very appreciated! Have a wonderful time wherever you are, until the next reading...bye!
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overandundertarot · 7 months
Hey its N here. Thank you so much for the answer. I kind off feel it too. But he's good (at the moment) and yes he has already given me too many heart fluttering moments. Thank you so much for the reading 🫶🏻
You're very welcome! I'm glad I could provide some clarity :)
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overandundertarot · 7 months
Just found your blog please make more fictional reading if u don't mind 🥹 I really love it!
Hey, sure thing! I even have some currently in the drafts hehe.
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overandundertarot · 7 months
Hello my name is Sam :) I'm a Capricorn Sun, Aries Moon and Gemini Rising! Fun fact I love reading! If you are available I would like to do the yes/no game! My question is, will I pass a kpop audition this year? Thank you so much 💕
Hi Sam!
It seems you already know the answer to this question. It's a no. It seems that this whole experince has wisened you in some way. You're very honest with yourself! I'm going to end this here before i start rambling lol. You have a lot of abundance to look forward to, career wise!
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overandundertarot · 7 months
Name - Ananya
My zodiac sign is - Aquarius
My question is that - Will I go to Australia in 2024 ?
Hope you are doing well.Have a good day.
Love and lights to you.
Hi Ananya!
Its a yes to your question! But it's not guaranteed yet. You're almost there though! You just need to keep moving at the same pace you have been doing and for sure you'll go. You should be proud of yourself! Theres's gonna be a lucky opportunity showing up for you soon, don't hesitate to cease it and take advantage of the moment.
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overandundertarot · 7 months
hey, i’d like to participate in your game! my nick name is kyra & i’m a virgo w/ blonde hair rn 🤭
my question: will i meet j around 25’-26’?
thanks for your energy 💕
Hi Kyra!
Your answer is a no. I'm sorry! I know you dont want to hear this because its clearly indicated in the cards how much this answer will hurt you. Advice coming through for you is to make sure to maintain your connection with the earth, your friends and your family. Don't be afraid of and don't hate the mundane. The family and fulfilling outcome that you wish for is guaranteed :)
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overandundertarot · 7 months
Hiii dear hope ur fine
U can call me jan
I am libra sun taurs rising and scorpio moon
I am day dreamer type of person and i love helping peopel and i love coffe and sunny day i hope this information is enough
I have my exam coming on 5 may which is very important gor me will i pass that
Thanks in advance
Hi Jan!
Your answer is a maybe. It seems that right now, it's too early to decide. You feel that you have the capability to pass your exam but doubt yourself because you 'can't be sure'. You may have been in a very bad mental place recently due to worrying about this exam or other factors, but you feel that you are recovering and are happier and more hopeful lately. You're being told to keep working towards passing your exam. Sorry, I know its not the concrete answer you wanted. Take it to mean that you have a great opportunity to utilise your time well and pass!
0 notes
overandundertarot · 7 months
Hello there! Can I please know are S and I meant to be together or in other words is he my fs?
A little info about me is I love, love white chocolate ✨
It's a maybe leaning towards a yes for your answer. You went through a rough patch with this person, maybe you feel/felt abandoned by them. Either way you're looking for your 'north star' so to speak. Something to guide you and make life a little more worth living. Which is actually yourself. I know this is weird lol, but once you are in a more stable position it will be clear to you if YOU want to marry S. You may even have other options than S right now!
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