lilithienne · 18 hours
ɴᴇᴡ ᴀꜱᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ɪɴ ᴍᴀʏ. ♡
ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ, ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡꜱ, ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢꜱ.
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lilithienne · 7 days
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Astrology x Alchemy: Lilith Synastry
Alchemy is not just about transmuting base metals into gold; it is also a spiritual and psychological journey of self-discovery and transformation. Lilith's presence in alchemical symbolism signifies the necessity of confronting and integrating the darker aspects of the self in order to achieve wholeness and enlightenment.
In Alchemy, the concept of Lilith* can be interpreted through the lens of transformation and the reconciliation of opposites. Alchemy, at its core, is a philosophical and spiritual tradition seeking to transmute base elements into higher forms, often symbolized by the pursuit of turning lead into gold. Lilith, with her rebellious and untamed nature, can symbolize the chaotic and raw material that undergoes transformation in the alchemical process.
* h13/True Lilith.
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Lilith Synastry in relation to the alchemical process lies in the archetypal symbolism and alchemical parallels associated with both Lilith and Alchemy.
Archetypal Symbolism: Lilith, in astrology, is often associated with themes of rebellion, independence, sexuality, and the darker, unconscious aspects of the psyche. It represents the raw, primal energy within us that seeks expression and liberation. These themes resonate deeply with the transformative stages of alchemy, where the journey involves confronting and integrating the shadow aspects of the self.
Alchemical Parallels: The four stages of alchemy—nigredo, albedo, citrinitas, and rubedo—mirror the stages of psychological transformation and individuation. Similarly, relationships undergo a process of evolution and growth, often involving conflict, reflection, integration, and transcendence. Lilith Synastry aligns with this process by revealing the different stages of relationship dynamics and the potential for personal and spiritual development.
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Due to how intense and transformative Lilith is in Synastry, it can be associated with the Magnum Opus in Alchemy and the original four-stage process.
Nigredo (Blackening): In Alchemy, Nigredo represents the initial stage of transformation, symbolizing dissolution, decay, and putrefaction. In the context of Lilith in Synastry, this stage may manifest as a period of intense confrontation and shadow-work within relationships. Lilith, often associated with the darker aspects of femininity and the subconscious, may bring to light hidden tensions, power struggles, and unresolved issues between partners. This phase encourages individuals to confront their inner darkness and acknowledge the aspects of themselves and their relationships that need purification and transformation.
Albedo (Whitening): Albedo follows nigredo and represents purification and enlightenment. This stage symbolizes the emergence of clarity, purification, and spiritual illumination. In Lilith Synastry, the albedo stage may signify a period of reflection, healing, and integration within relationships. Partners may undergo a process of cleansing and renewal, letting go of past grievances and embracing a newfound sense of harmony and understanding. Lilith's influence during this phase can facilitate deep insights into the dynamics of power and sexuality within relationships, leading to greater empathy and connection between partners.
Citrinitas (Yellowing): Citrinitas represents the stage of enlightenment and intellectual illumination in the alchemical process. It symbolizes the dawn of awareness and understanding, as well as the integration of opposing forces. In Lilith Synastry, the citrinitas stage may manifest as a period of intellectual exploration and expansion within relationships. Partners may engage in meaningful conversations, exchange ideas, and cultivate a deeper sense of intellectual compatibility. Lilith's influence during this phase can stimulate profound insights into the mysteries of human nature and the complexities of desire, fostering a sense of intellectual synergy and mutual respect between partners.
Rubedo (Reddening): Rubedo is the final stage of the alchemical process, representing the culmination of transformation and the attainment of spiritual perfection. It symbolizes the union of opposites and the realization of the philosopher's stone. In Lilith Synastry, the rubedo stage may signify a period of profound spiritual union and transcendence within relationships. Partners may experience a deep sense of emotional alchemy, transcending ego boundaries and merging their souls in a sacred union. Lilith's influence during this phase can catalyze profound spiritual awakening and transformation, leading to a state of divine union and blissful harmony between partners.
Overall, exploring Lilith Synastry through the lens of alchemical stages can provide a rich framework for understanding the complexities of relationships and the potential for profound personal and spiritual growth. It invites us to embrace the darkness within ourselves and our relationships, knowing that it is through this integration that true transformation and wholeness can be achieved.
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Let's take an example of a man's Lilith conjunct a woman's Sun and how it can manifest in relation to the alchemical process.
Nigredo: At the beginning of the relationship, the man's Lilith conjuncting the woman's Sun may trigger intense emotions and power struggles. The woman's Sun represents her core identity and vitality, while the man's Lilith brings forth his shadow desires and subconscious tendencies. Initially, the man may feel drawn to the woman's radiance but also challenged by her strong sense of self. This stage may involve confrontations and clashes as both partners navigate the darker aspects of their psyches.
Albedo: As the relationship progresses, the woman's impact on the man becomes clearer. Through her influence, he begins to see his own shadow more clearly and confronts his hidden desires and fears. The woman's Sun illuminates the man's Lilith, bringing awareness to his deepest desires and insecurities. This stage involves honest communication and self-reflection, as both partners strive for greater understanding and acceptance of each other's complexities.
Citrinitas: In this stage, the woman's impact on the man becomes transformative. Through their interactions, they find a balance between their contrasting energies. The woman's Sun energizes and revitalizes the man's Lilith, inspiring him to embrace his passions and express himself authentically. Together, they explore new possibilities and avenues for growth, blending their energies in creative and harmonious ways. This stage is marked by a sense of mutual empowerment and collaboration.
Rubedo: Finally, as the relationship matures, the woman's impact on the man leads to profound spiritual and emotional growth. Their union transcends individual egos, and they experience a deep sense of connection and intimacy. The woman's Sun merges with the man's Lilith, igniting a fire of passion and purpose within both partners. Together, they embark on a journey of mutual transformation, supporting each other's evolution and embracing the full spectrum of their desires and vulnerabilities.
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Lilith in synastry can be one of the most difficult aspects to understand and deal with over the long term because of the nature of what Lilith brings. You will not be the same after having a relationship that has a lot of Lilith.
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lilithienne · 27 days
Sending everyone boops. This is so stinking cute.
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lilithienne · 1 month
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All my creations.
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🌑 NATAL: ⚸ Lilith.
🥀 SYNASTRY: ♡ Lilith.
🖤 TRANSITS: ☽ coming soon.
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🎴 SELF: ♤ pick a ride - advice for those feeling stuck in life. ♤ pick a lipstick - help feeling more self confident.
💋 LOVE: ♡ pick a kiss - current energy of relationship.
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coming soon.
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lilithienne · 1 month
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The Osculating Lunar Apogee, also known as True Lilith or Black Moon, is a significant point in astrology that represents a deep and transformative aspect of the self. Unlike the Mean Lunar Apogee, which is the average distance between the Earth and the Moon's apogee, the Osculating Lunar Apogee is the actual point of the Moon's farthest orbital distance from Earth at any given time.
This is an in-depth post covering True Lilith. It contains the following sections:
Brief explanation of what True Lilith is.
Meaning of True Lilith.
Significance in a Natal Chart.
Alchemical Significance.
How to find True Lilith.
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Figure I.
It is important to remember that this is not a physical body like some say. This is a point. For instance, those who have their Moon conjunct True Lilith means that their Moon was the furthest away from the Earth at the time of their birth, thus conjunct this point.
It is also essential to note that True Lilith is distinct from the asteroid Lilith (1181 Lilith), which is also used in astrological analysis but represents different themes related to feminine power, independence, and assertiveness.
However, True Lilith, as the name says - is the "True" point of Lilith.
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In Astrological terms, True Lilith (Osculating Lunar Apogee) is associated with themes of hidden desires, primal instincts, and subconscious drives. It represents the shadow self, the aspects of our personality that we may repress or deny but which hold immense power and potential for transformation once acknowledged and integrated.
Depending on what sign your True Lilith falls into will determine how it manifests in your chart, as well as if True Lilith is direct or retrograde.
True Lilith's natural ruler is the sign of Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which governs emotions, instincts, and the subconscious mind—all areas strongly linked to Lilith's themes. Cancer is a sign that represents nurturing, sensitivity, and the home, reflecting Lilith's association with deep-seated emotions, maternal instincts, and the darker, hidden aspects of the psyche.
Additionally, Cancer is known for its protective nature, especially regarding family and loved ones, resonating with Lilith's themes of protection and defense of one's authentic self. The nurturing and intuitive qualities of Cancer align with Lilith's role in guiding individuals toward emotional healing, self-discovery, and empowerment.
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When someone has their True Lilith in the same sign as their Sun or Moon, it intensifies the influence of that sign on their personality.
The reason why the luminaries, Sun and Moon, conjunct or in the same sign as True Lilith is considered the most powerful is because the Sun represents the core essence of the individual's identity, vitality, and life purpose, while the Moon symbolizes emotions, instincts, and subconscious patterns.
When either of these luminaries is closely conjunct or in the same sign as True Lilith, it amplifies the impact of True Lilith's energies on the individual's psyche and life experiences. The combination of conscious identity (Sun) or emotional expression (Moon) with the raw, primal energies of True Lilith creates a potent and transformative influence that can profoundly shape the person's life journey, challenges, and evolution.
When it comes to luminaries, because of how sensitive and personal these two planets are in addition to the nature of Lilith's movement, Lilith does not need to be conjunct. Being in the same sign is more than enough. However, for the Ascendant and other personal planets, True Lilith does need to be exactly conjunct especially since birth times are not always accurate.
Natal Sun Conjunct True Lilith:
This aspect indicates a strong connection between the core identity (Sun) and the primal, instinctual energies of True Lilith. Individuals with this placement may have a deep awareness of their authentic self and a strong drive to express their unique identity without conforming to societal norms.
Natal Sun conjunct True Lilith can also suggest a person who is fiercely independent, rebellious, and unafraid to challenge authority or traditional values. They may feel a constant tension between their need for personal freedom and the expectations of society or family.
Creativity and self-expression are often heightened with this aspect, as the individual may tap into their raw, uninhibited creativity and channel it into art, writing, or other forms of expression that defy convention.
On a psychological level, this aspect can indicate a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where the individual confronts and integrates their shadow self (represented by True Lilith) to fully embrace their authentic nature.
Natal Moon Conjunct True Lilith:
This aspect highlights the emotional and nurturing aspects of the Moon in conjunction with the primal, instinctual energies of True Lilith. Individuals with this placement may have intense emotional experiences and a deep connection to their subconscious mind.
Natal Moon conjunct True Lilith can suggest a person who experiences emotional extremes and may struggle with integrating their darker emotions or desires into their conscious awareness. There can be a sense of inner conflict between the need for emotional security and the desire for freedom and independence.
Family dynamics and childhood experiences may play a significant role in shaping the individual's emotional landscape with this aspect. They may have experienced early disruptions or challenges that contribute to their complex relationship with emotions and intimacy.
Despite the challenges, this aspect can also bring profound emotional depth, intuition, and psychic sensitivity. The individual may possess a strong intuitive understanding of hidden truths and a deep empathy for others' emotional struggles.
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In Alchemy, the process of transformation is central, where base elements are metaphorically transmuted into higher states of consciousness and being.
When it comes to True Lilith, there are various ways it can relate to Alchemy and the alchemical process at large. Such as:
Alchemical Shadow Work: True Lilith represents the shadow self in Astrology, reflecting the aspects of our psyche that we often repress or deny. In Alchemy, the shadow is seen as the unacknowledged and darker aspects of our personality, including fears, traumas, and repressed desires. Working with True Lilith involves engaging in alchemical shadow work, which is the process of consciously exploring and integrating these hidden aspects to achieve psychological wholeness.
Nigredo and the Black Moon: In Alchemy, the Nigredo stage symbolizes the initial phase of the alchemical process, where the alchemist confronts the darkness within themselves. This stage is often associated with the Black Moon or True Lilith energy, representing the dissolution of old patterns, illusions, and limitations. Just as the alchemist undergoes a process of breaking down the prima materia (raw material) in Nigredo, individuals working with True Lilith delve into their deepest fears and shadows for transformation.
Integration and Transmutation: As the alchemical process progresses, the Nigredo stage leads to the Albedo (whitening) and Rubedo (reddening) stages, symbolizing purification and spiritual enlightenment. Similarly, integrating True Lilith's energy involves transmuting the darkness into wisdom, healing, and empowerment. This alchemical transformation aligns with the journey of confronting and embracing the shadow self to achieve greater self-awareness and inner balance.
Integration of Opposites: Alchemy often deals with the integration of opposing forces or dualities within the self. True Lilith embodies the tension between the conscious and unconscious, the known and unknown, the light and dark aspects of human nature. By embracing and integrating the energy represented by the Black Moon, individuals engage in a process of psychological and spiritual integration, harmonizing the polarities within themselves.
By viewing True Lilith through the lens of Alchemy, we can gain insights into its role as a catalyst for inner alchemical processes, urging individuals to confront their inner darkness, transmute it, and ultimately attain a higher level of self-understanding and spiritual integration.
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I prefer to use astro.com as I find their software to be the most accurate.
However, other astrology software can show True Lilith as the Lilith glyph with a "T". Figure 1 on the top of this post shows the example in the bottom right corner.
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I will be posting more content in the future regarding Lilith that will include data and real world examples to give more thorough details and information about the nature of this point in both the natal chart, synastry, composites, as well as transits.
This is simply an introductory post to help as a stepping stone into Lilith.
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lilithienne · 1 month
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Inquiry: "How can I become more self-confident?"
Welcome to my PICK A LIPSTICK reading.
💄⎯reading info;
Three piles (lipsticks) to choose from, pick which one you are most drawn to.
Each pile will give advice and help to those who are looking to become more self-confident.
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lipstick one
cards: the tower, 6 of wands, ace of swords, 7 of wands
Embrace change and transformation as opportunities for growth and renewal (The Tower). Sometimes, what feels like a disruption or upheaval in your life can lead to positive outcomes and a stronger sense of self-confidence. Use these moments to reassess your beliefs, let go of limiting beliefs or habits, and embrace the potential for new beginnings.
Celebrate your successes and achievements, no matter how small they may seem, as they contribute to building your self-esteem and confidence (6 of Wands). Recognize and acknowledge your strengths, talents, and past accomplishments. This acknowledgment can boost your confidence and provide a foundation for facing challenges with courage and determination.
Use clear communication and mental clarity to assert yourself in challenging situations (Ace of Swords). Express your thoughts, needs, and boundaries confidently and assertively. Trust in your ability to navigate through obstacles and conflicts while maintaining integrity and honesty.
Stand your ground and defend your boundaries with confidence (7 of Wands). Don't be afraid to speak up for yourself and assert your needs. Remember that self-confidence also comes from knowing and valuing your worth, so prioritize self-respect and self-care as you navigate through life's challenges.
💄⎯self care: Meditation, journaling, exercise, any creative expression, spending time in nature.
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lipstick two
cards: death, judgement, the world, 8 of cups
Embrace the transformative power of change and release any fears or doubts holding you back (Death). Allow yourself to let go of old patterns, beliefs, or situations that no longer serve your growth and well-being. Celebrate phases of transition as an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth.
Reflect on past experiences and lessons to gain insights and make informed decisions (Judgement). Use your wisdom and knowledge to evaluate your life path and make choices that align with your values and aspirations.
Welcome new opportunities and step into your full potential (The World). You are capable of achieving great things, and this card encourages you to expand your horizons, pursue your dreams, and embrace the journey ahead with confidence and optimism.
Take a journey of self-discovery and emotional healing by letting go of attachments that no longer serve your highest good (8 of Cups). This may involve releasing emotional baggage, relationships, or situations that drain your energy and hinder your self-confidence. Trust in the process of transformation and renewal, knowing that each step forward brings you closer to greater self-assurance and fulfillment.
💄⎯self care: Yoga, reading, painting, volunteering, writing or blogging.
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lipstick three
cards: the high priestess, the star, page of swords, the hanged man
Tap into your inner wisdom and trust your instincts (The High Priestess). You possess deep intuition and insights that can guide you towards greater self-confidence and clarity. Take time to connect with your inner voice through meditation, introspection, or journaling.
Embrace hope, inspiration, and positivity to guide you forward (The Star). Cultivate a mindset of optimism and possibility, focusing on the bright side of life even in challenging times.
Use clear communication and intellect to address challenges and gather information (Page of Swords). Be curious, ask questions, and seek understanding in your interactions and endeavors.
Be open to new perspectives and surrender to the present moment to gain insights and clarity (The Hanged Man). Sometimes, letting go of control and embracing a different viewpoint can lead to breakthroughs and a deeper understanding of yourself and your path.
💄⎯self care: Mindfulness practices, listening to music, gardening, cooking, bubble baths.
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lilithienne · 1 month
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Inquiry: Advice for those feeling stuck in life.
Welcome to my PICK A RIDE reading.
🍸⎯ reading info;
Three piles (rides) to choose from, pick which one you are most drawn to.
Each pile will give advice and help to those who are feeling stuck in life.
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ride one
cards: king of wands, 3 of pentacles, ace of wands, knight of pentacles
Embrace your passion and take decisive action (King of Wands) by channeling your inner fire and enthusiasm into projects or ventures that inspire you. This card encourages you to lead with confidence and conviction, trusting your abilities to manifest your desires. Collaborate with others and leverage your skills (3 of Pentacles) by seeking support from colleagues or mentors who can offer valuable insights and contribute to your success. Working together with a shared vision can lead to greater achievements and recognition for your efforts.
Seize new opportunities and ignite your creativity (Ace of Wands) by staying open to fresh ideas and possibilities that can fuel your passion and drive. This card invites you to embrace the spirit of innovation and enthusiasm, tapping into your creative potential to bring your aspirations to life. Stay grounded and persistent in pursuing your goals (Knight of Pentacles) by maintaining a disciplined approach and focusing on steady progress. This card advises you to be patient and dedicated, as consistent effort and attention to detail will lead to long-term success and fulfillment.
🍸⎯ music for your ride: Rock, Experimental, Alternative Rock, Folk Rock.
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ride two
cards: page of swords, the moon, king of pentacles, 9 of cups
Use your intellect and communication skills to gain clarity and perspective (Page of Swords) by engaging in meaningful conversations and seeking information that can help you understand your situation better. This card encourages you to be curious and open-minded, exploring different viewpoints to expand your awareness. Confront your fears and explore your subconscious (The Moon) by delving into your emotions and innermost thoughts. This card invites you to trust your intuition and confront any hidden anxieties or uncertainties holding you back.
Harness your financial stability and practical abilities (King of Pentacles) by focusing on creating a stable foundation for your future. This card suggests taking a practical approach to managing your resources and responsibilities, ensuring long-term security and success. Focus on emotional fulfillment and gratitude (9 of Cups) by appreciating the blessings in your life and cultivating a sense of contentment and happiness. This card reminds you to celebrate your achievements and cherish moments of joy, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life.
🍸⎯ music for your ride: Ambient, Dream Pop, Jazz Fusion, Soul/R&B.
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ride three
cards: 4 of swords, 9 of swords, page of cups, the star
Prioritize self-care and relaxation to restore mental clarity and inner peace (4 of Swords) by taking time for rest and rejuvenation. This card advises you to step back from stressors and obligations, allowing yourself space to recharge and regain perspective. Seek support to address anxiety and worries (9 of Swords) by reaching out to trusted friends or professionals who can offer guidance and reassurance. This card reminds you that it's okay to ask for help and that sharing your concerns can lead to solutions and relief.
Trust your intuition and explore creative outlets or spiritual practices (Page of Cups) by tapping into your emotional insights and imaginative abilities. This card encourages you to express yourself authentically and connect with your inner wisdom through artistic or spiritual pursuits. Maintain hope, healing, and renewal (The Star) by staying optimistic and believing in the possibilities ahead. This card symbolizes hope, inspiration, and a sense of renewal, guiding you towards brighter days and new opportunities for growth.
🍸⎯ music for your ride: Meditation, Ambient Electronic, Indie Folk, New Age.
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lilithienne · 1 month
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Inquiry: "What is the current energy of this relationship?"
Welcome to my PICK A KISS reading. Please note this reading mentions Astrology along with Tarot. If you are not too familiar with Astrology, you may skip over that part. However, it provides extra context into the energies at play.
💋⎯ reading info;
Three piles (kisses) to choose from. pick which one you are the most drawn to.
Each pile goes over the current energies of the two people involved. you can be a couple or this can be someone you have an emotional connection with.
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kiss one
cards: the devil, page of cups, wheel of fortune, 7 of wands
This relationship is currently navigating through a complex terrain marked by temptations and potential pitfalls (The Devil). These two may be facing challenges related to addictions, unhealthy attachments, or codependency, which are testing the strength of their bond. Despite this, they are exploring new emotional depths and creative possibilities together (Page of Cups). They are in a period of emotional growth and development, where they are learning to express their feelings more openly and connect on a deeper level.
The relationship is also experiencing significant shifts and changes (The Wheel), indicating a phase of transformation and evolution. This could bring both opportunities and challenges as they adapt to new dynamics. Despite the challenges, these two are determined to defend their relationship and stand their ground (7 of Wands), showing resilience and determination in overcoming obstacles and maintaining their connection.
💋⎯ astrological synastry: Mars conjunct Pluto, Venus opposite Pluto, Neptune square Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars, Venus in Partner's 8th house.
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kiss two
cards: the sun, the empress, 8 of cups, king of wands
This is a relationship that radiates happiness, positivity, and vitality (The Sun). These two bring out the best in each other and enjoy a sense of joy and fulfillment in their partnership. The relationship is nurturing and abundant in love and creativity (The Empress), fostering a supportive and harmonious environment.
However, they may be at a crossroads where they are contemplating making changes or seeking deeper meaning (8 of Cups). This suggests a period of introspection and evaluation, where they may be reevaluating their priorities or considering new directions for their relationship. Despite this, they are led by passion, creativity, and strong leadership qualities (King of Wands), indicating a dynamic and inspiring partnership where they take charge of their shared journey and pursue their goals with enthusiasm and determination.
💋⎯ astrological synastry: Sun conjunct Moon, Saturn trine Moon, Venus trine Jupiter, Lilith conjunct Moon, Sun/Moon in Partner's 7th house.
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kiss three
cards: the lovers, ace of pentacles, knight of wands, 3 of wands
The relationship between these two is a deep and meaningful connection, marked by love, harmony, and mutual understanding (The Lovers). They are at a pivotal point in their relationship where important choices and decisions lie ahead, shaping the course of their partnership. The relationship is entering a phase of growth, stability, and material abundance (Ace of Pentacles), symbolizing new beginnings and opportunities for prosperity and security.
They approach life and their relationship with a sense of adventure, enthusiasm, and excitement (Knight of Wands), embracing new experiences and challenges with passion and courage. These two are optimistic about the future and focused on building a successful and fulfilling partnership (3 of Wands), indicating a shared vision and determination to create a rewarding and meaningful life together.
💋⎯ astrological synastry: Mars/Venus conjunct Jupiter, Venus trine Uranus, Venus conjunct North Node, Mars in Partner's 5th house.
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lilithienne · 2 months
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⛓️ lilithienne
💋 ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴs; ᴀʟᴄʜᴇᴍʏ, ᴀsᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏ, ᴊᴀᴢᴢ, ᴛᴀʀᴏᴛ, Qᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ ʟᴜxᴜʀʏ.
🪡 ᴀᴛᴇʟɪᴇʀ; ᴀʟʟ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴs
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