#hence the fanny pack
ihopethisendswell · 2 years
Here's The Princess from the random story I posted earlier. It's her after she leaves.....whatever place she was in.
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Could have tried to find something for her Tower arc but eh. That's for later.
I used this which was made by @ummmmandy
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blufox234isadumbname · 5 months
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first pass of qbadboyhalo, yes he is basically naked and has big tiddy
this is kinda playing on bayonetta rules, if yall dont know bayonetta's clothes are all made of her own hair, so this is kinda that except he is all fur?? kinda?? its like candy floss or dragon's beard type texture, because of that he's kidna wispy at the ends, a transition form solid to gaseous immedietly. also a lot of ribbons
its so i can make the hood make sense with all the strands from rambutan and keep that shape. bbh is always kinda emitting a smokey smell because of being from hell (nether), hence the smoke ring (hehehe halo) also that fanny pack idea was from tincanpenguin because i love that idea that bbh is that kinda dad. also he does have reading glasses, he kinda needs it but he only uses it to read, like yknow when your grandpa wants to read smth so he whips out his glasses, that type beat
(also idk abt post purgatoyr, i do wnat to develop more the post purgatory design because i feel itd be mroe tatered and also teh fuckign greeen mould should be there somehwere)
bonus booby vvvv
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glitch-pep · 18 days
BIG thank you/shout-out to @beesofink for helping me with the design of this oc, Bee came up with the fanny pack! 🩵
CJ Intro
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[Character info is under the cut.]
CJ is a character that would be introduced in a hypothetical Season 3 of Making Fiends, as Charlotte's older brother who, unknowingly as to what's going on in Clamburg due to not receiving any letters or calls from his grandma or sister since Vendetta doesn't allow it outside of Clamburg, moved to Clamburg after finally being done with, according to Charlotte, "Space Camp".
CJ has the same happy and optimistic attitude that both of his other family members have, but unlike Charlotte, he's fully aware about Vendetta's intentions. Instead of telling her about it or trying to convince her of the truth, for the sake of Charlotte's fragile heart, he decided to play along with the situation, while making sure that everyone and especially Charlotte, survive Vendetta's traps.
He usually does this throughout coming up with some sorta plan, that usually seems like utter nonsense that won't work at first.
He keeps the most random of objects in his fanny pack, some useful others nonsensical. It's an ongoing gag that he pulls out objects out of it that wouldn't realistically fit into it, or the exact random object that is needed at that moment.
For the residents of Clamburg his arrival was first met with, "There's two of them now??" but eventually people grew to appreciate his efforts, making him well liked by almost everyone.
To lighten up the mood, he often says dad jokes and puns that are silly enough as to where they can at least put a smile on your face if nothing else. Sometimes he's also the "straight" man for whatever kinda shenanigans Charlotte is up to.
The main gag regarding his character is that he's a pretty normal guy reacting to this very weird town, who doesn't know any better besides just rolling with whatever new anomaly he sees today.
A giant red cat just casually sitting there? Alright I guess that's a thing now good to know.
His optimism is seemingly endless, he always finds at least something to be happy about no matter how bad the situation, but he never makes it up.
Still, not everything goes according to plan.
Not every joke lands.
He has a bit of a "saying things he didn't mean to say out loud out loud" problem.
Some social interactions can get pretty awkward when he runs out of ideas.
Vendetta obviously doesn't like him and subjects him to the things SHE finds funny out of spite since he's breaking the "No jokes." rule and probably many other rules. Usually him getting hurt in some way.
His luck generally ain't the best, he tends to get hurt on sheer accident, hence why he always has bandages on random areas of his body. Another gag would be that he gets hit with Vendetta's attacks even if they couldn't have logically hit him of all people in the room.
But, hey. He has to make the most of it since he's not getting out of the town anytime soon, so he gets up and keeps on a smile, for everyone's, and especially Charlotte's sake.
And now that he's finally here again, new hijinks shall ensue!
Here's the transparent versions of the drawings:
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box-of-chaooos · 3 days
Haven’t seen anyone mention this yet but roger gives so much autistic adhd vibes off.
Think about it, chews metal? Stimming, the little fanny pack he always wears with his camera could be a comfort thing. The constant photos of really random things could be him wanting to remember them and collect them because their interests of his.
If you listen closely he makes little noises in the background little hmms, ohs and eee noises.
The ukelele playing could be stimming or a way to communicate better by making up a song of how he feels or a way to focus better by creating songs on the task he’s doing.
The raptor tentacles? Hello?!! He constantly walks with 2 of his tentacles in a raptor position.
He shakes the maraca when he gets excited about the hardware store and than goes to say he has ANOTHER interest in retail? And he’s interested in the way that the scream pump thingy sunny uses works, knows the whole layout of monsters Inc. hyperfixation?
He doodles on his clipboard with crayons when doing his checklist on ‘leaky leaks’
You can see when he gets paint on him he really frantically tries to get it off this could also be not only him wanting it off because it makes him look guilty but the feeling of sticky dry spray paint on his tentacles makes him uncomfortable hence why he ends up crying in the end he’s overstimulated by the paint and the vandalism and the fact he’s scared of being guilty.
This one’s a stretch but he makes ALOT of facial expressions and seems to move his tentacles when he talks, many autistic and adhd people move their hands and make a lot of facial expressions as means o better communication I know I do
Another stretch take this with a grain of salt here but when he’s eating a donut he chooses the plain one out of all of them, green icing, chocolate icing etc etc he goes for the plain one could be that he prefers plain foods rather than strongly sweet things and him taking really small bites to minimalise how sweet it tastes in his mouth
His optimism and childlike behaviour could be hyperactivity or a trauma coping from his dad or both! I don’t think he doesn’t have trauma not at all poor boy has ptsd for sure the way he shakes when sunny entered says SOMETHING and how quickly he gets up after being knocked out like it was nothing? Sir… what happened to you??
Anyways!! That’s just a speculation and a few little things I noticed that I find similar to me and autistic adhd people in general. Don’t have to agree with me but In my eyes he’s 100% audhd
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sepublic · 2 years
TOH Gallery Nucleus Info!
            All right! The Gallery Nucleus livestream just ended, so here’s some info and trivia I found relevant!
         When asked what they would’ve liked to see in S3 that they couldn’t fit in, JBO said “more dates”, while Cissy replied merely “Detention”. Sarah wanted to see the kids go to school, and Shawn Responts suggested one of the demon kids visisting the doctor, and us learning about demon physiology that way.
         JBO continued his answer, saying he’d like to see the kids explore more via a road trip, with so many options; Maybe Maine where they’d be trapped in a lighthouse, or a haunted, mossy Charleston. The group joked about Hunter driving, or Vee disguised as an adult.
         Sam Bosma would’ve liked to see them visit a comic con and see some Cosmic Frontier stuff, especially for Camila!
         Cat Harman Mitchell suggested a grocery store; In exploring concepts for the Thanks to Them end credit illustrations, one idea was thrown out of Amity and Hunter looking suspiciously at a banana; Which, I guess that means the Demon Realm having bananas was retconned, Amity is also really sheltered, and/or Demon Bananas are much deadlier than human ones, hence Amity’s distrust. Gus and Willow would’ve been stoked by a bottle of mustard, which I find connects nicely to Gus’ ‘mustard ravioli’ recipe that he thought Camila loved!
         Eden Riegel said she’d like to see King visit the human world and become a youtuber!
         Amity’s witch outfit from the S3 montage was designed after Vivian from Paper Mario… Vivian is a trans girl, could this mean…?
         The Duolingo homage initially looked too much like Garfield, so they had to change it.
         In designing the Boiling Isles, they looked to Flemish and Dutch architecture, avoiding Gothic because it was too obvious and also complicated; Hieronymous Bosch paintings served as inspiration. The one thing that was too gross even for Dana was Latissa, AKA the Titan’s armpit, which initially had a lot more hair follicles.
         It was confirmed that in designing the Boiling Isles, they had this idea of the Titan trying to regenerate, hence all of the fleshy masses, body parts, too many bones, etc.! Which can I say, as someone who guessed and analyzed all the way back in Season 1A… I CALLED IT!!!
         JBO also mentioned that in early drafts, the show’s sixth episode (of S1) would’ve had Camila in the Demon Realm!
         Likewise, he revealed that Belos wasn’t always Emperor; Originally, there was going to be an insect ruling family, with the current ruler being Emperor Pupa. However, they were stuck in their cocoon and had yet to emerge because of Belos, who claimed to be the only one who understood why the cocoon screamed; They changed the idea as it was too complicated and weird. VERY reminiscent of the Titan’s will, the implication he’s still alive and trying to regenerate, showing glyphs, not to mention the giant heart in the throne room…
         Vee is around Luz’s age, at about 15-ish! All the kids would be entering Sophomore year, while Hunter is a Junior!
         According to Rebecca, Dana said the timeskip was a few months, and the exact number didn’t matter, because in the end the characters would still act the same. Tbh, I respect that; Writing the main story and keeping in mind what matters, really does take precedence over the little details in the back imo.
         Luz’s palisman egg is in her fanny pack!!! She took it with her into the Demon Realm!
         In regards to the QnA, the first question asked that for writing a show like TOH, where everything comes full-circle, what was solidified?
         JBO said that the main and only thing (and this can change!) is knowing exactly who the characters are. One of Dana’s great strengths is the cast, and having believable characters that you could know what they’d do in a situation. One thing that’s hard about TOH but helps make it what it is, is that the writers had to throw out a lot of stuff to get to what they felt was real and right. You go in with characters and think you know what they want and need, but that can change; It’s really about knowing what feels real. JBO also said that Dana had certain visuals/images she wanted for the ending of the show from the start!
         When asked what surprised them for making it in, even if it was too gross; Andy Garner-Flexner brought up the magic shop the kids visited and all of the references, like the Ness shirt. They also put some Pokemon Team Aqua and Magma costumes in some boxes too! Fun fact, Andy’s husband asked him to hide a bunny for him in the background of S2 near the ending.
         Surprisingly, some stuff would be gross or messed-up, and they’d make it even worse, only for the execs to love it; Like Flapjack’s death scene! Oof…
         The crew had to avoid religious connotations for background books, so a D&D manual called “Advanced Sinning” was cut. Showing guts was fine, but no Donald Duck; Shawn wanted to put in a Donald Duck easter egg, for the implication he visited the Demon Realm or was even from it. Copyright was the hardest thing to get past execs in general… They tried to get Disney’s version of Hades on Luz’s wallpaper, but had to settle for the videogame instead. Cat can’t believe they got away with Hollow Mind and Lilith’s ice cream scene.
         In regards to favorite fan theory? Sarah Nicole-Robles explained she didn’t know the plot in advance, so when she got the scripts for S2, she wondered if Hunter would be a homewrecker for Lumity, but was relieved and confirmed that no, he’s a SIBLING. Rebecca loved the Collector Luz theory, and JBO joked about the “Lego Eda” theory being right, their plans for a spin-off of her… Not to take it too seriously but this does remind me of my theory about the Collector turning everyone into toys…
         In regards to a premise for a TOH spinoff, Sarah said she’d love an MTV cribs one-off of the Owl House, a tour of the rooms. Cat wanted a Lilith show about her historian adventures; Maybe a How I met your Mother style flashback show for the adults as teens, and how they got to the point they are now.
         Andy wanted a Raeda prequel; JBO wanted to explore the deep past of the Demon Realm and the world beyond the isles. The characters would be unconnected to TOH’s on the surface; Different characters in a different part of the world. Rebecca joked about a Hooty spin-off.
         In regards to the hardest character to work on; For JBO it was Belos… He was hard to write because he’s from so many different places and lived lots of lives in the Demon Realm, they had to ask does he have a set slang, a way he talks? Does he talk like a colonist? Likewise, Belos’ plans and motives are a secret for a good portion of the show, so it was tricky figuring out how much to reveal and when throughout the show.
         Andy said that because he asked Dana, they changed the way they did glasses in side-profiles! This change can also be seen in Them’s the Breaks, Kid; Was he responsible for that too?
         For Cat, one challenge was how short King was; They had to go for the shortcut of him riding on shoulders. This is because they’d want to do shots of characters, but not show their feet, but King was so short he’d be cut-off; So they went for the “Pikachu solution” to keep him in-frame.
         When asked what their palismen would be, Sam Bosma said a penguin; Rebecca wanted a deer/elk, anything with antlers to stab with and use as a melee weapon in conjunction with magic. Andy went for a mole (which is also his fursona), JBO asked if anyone had a moth palisman? Shawn said he’d be a giant ground sloth, about the size of the Bat Queen, that he’d have to drag around.
         Cissy went for a honey badger, since it could get stuff done; Be mean for her when she’s too nice. Sarah brought up a puppy, dragon, octopus (this last one reminds me of Thanks to Them!), Cat would be a puffball cat; The opposite of Ghost’s sleekness, just fuzz and eyes.
         When asked what Hunter’s first day at Hexside would be like, JBO said that he’d simply “turf out”. Rebecca said he’d get eaten by a locker, as did Sarah; Rebecca explained Hunter would make the mistake of putting food into his locker, so the next time he opened it…
         Cissy of course said detention. Cat said Hunter would get lost; Rebecca said Flapjack would have to help, and everyone cringed because y’know, JBO said that was too soon.
         Someone asked how they approached fleshing out Camila through a dream sequence? JBO explained that from the start, they KNEW she was a good mom and wanted what was best for Luz, and not in a super wrong-headed way either. But at the start of the show, all we had was that she sent Luz to camp, so it was hard to reconcile this take with that action. It took a lot of thought, how did this happen? Everyone had their own experiences with their moms worked in.
         In the end, the writers realized they’re all at that part of life where you realize your parent is their own person and doesn’t feel any older than anyone else. So when they looked at Camila as her own person and not just Luz’s mom, that helped them make their breakthrough on her character.
         Andy brought up as another bit of Camila characterization was the background, and all of the queer community books she was reading; Not only does she support in one way, but she’s learning. And in regards to what Camila went through after Manny passed…
         In the background, you can see signs of things being unfinished in the house; A lot of things incomplete, boxes not yet unpacked. It’s like a stand-still in time; Camila couldn’t keep going with some of these things. There were still boxes at the end of the hall with the family photos, it was half-painted. Given the short runtime, they really used the background and environmental storytelling to flesh out Camila this way.
         When asked what coven they would be, Andy mentioned he thought of this answer in anticipation of that type of question, on his way to the event. He considered Oracle or Construction but decided on being a wild witch. Rebecca went for Abominations or Beastkeeping; JBO also wanted Abominations, so he could get to the bottom of what this thing is that he’s making, and talk to it; Is it bad to have it blown up every other second? Someone jokingly suggested what if Abominations were just Titan boogers.
         Cat chose Illusions, Shawn opted for Potions and Oracle. Sam Bosma went for a smaller coven from Covention, like the Tiny Cat Coven. Sarah decided Bad Girl Coven was a cop-out answer, so considered Plant or Beastkeeping, ended up really feeling the former today. Lilith would be Emperor’s Coven; Just kidding, it’d be beast-keeping to keep all eight-legged friends far away. Eden chose Bard Coven.
         When asked about the human outfits they liked, Bosma mentioned he loved the Cosmic Frontier ones; They always had the red and yellow in mind as a DS9 reference, but he still experimented with other colors.
         At one point, Dana couldn’t decide between two Gus shirts; So she flipped a USB drive instead of a coin, and with that opted for his Dinosaur shirt! Cat said Hunter’s wolf shirt was a vibe; Andy mentioned they ‘tortured’ Matthieu Cousin by asking for more and more costume variations, until he said he needed a break for his wrist. Andy said Amity’s fits were good, Sarah concurred that Amity looked so hot and was killing it.
         When asked if Flapjack ever tried flapjacks, Sarah said objectively yes. Rebecca figured he probably did; Andy suggested it was because of Camila, and Flapjack was told he was eating flapjacks too, but didn’t know if they were good.
         (This led to a question among the group of whether palismen had taste buds, which they figured only Dana could answer. We know palismen hate the taste of goreberries, so the answer is yes!)
         When asked what the characters’ zodiac signs would be… Dana prepped Rebecca with an answer ahead of time for this; She told Rebecca to tell them that Earth’s astrological calendar didn’t exist in the Demon Realm, they didn’t even have the same number of months. It’s a much more confusing system and they can’t answer that question; There’s thirteen months and 666 days, and the animals associated with each month are worms or other tube-shaped creatures.
         (Andy did say he HC’ed Willow as a Virgo since he was one too and related to her. This isn’t canon however.)
         When asked what anime the kids would like, Andy brought up My Hero Academia, Naruto, Yuyu Hakusho (which inspired his fashion choices). JBO said Gus would really get into a show about some dude addicted to gambling but also GREAT at it, always finding a way to pull it off; Like a mahjong anime.
         In regards to their favorite creature/demon, it was the skin-eating fairy from the first episode for Cissy, whom Eden voiced! Cat said Hooty was a disgusting work, Rebecca liked the little version of the Owl Beast and had a plush on hand of it! For Andy, it was Titans. Bosma liked the detention guards, and…
         Shawn said he liked the Bat Queen; And in their discussion, JBO revealed she wasn’t the Titan’s palisman (pointing out he was too big for her), she just belonged to a giant who lost her. Shawn liked her story of becoming a ruler after that incident.
        And that’s it! Very illuminating stuff about production. Very sad to hear the Bat Queen’s backstory here, since it likely means we won’t have it addressed in S3, nor will the writers retcon her as the Titan’s to fit it into the remaining storyline. Thrilled about what we heard of the Titan’s regeneration and Belos’ original story concepts, especially since I WAS correct in likening him to a beetle in Season 1B, after all! Between this and Titan King, my earliest S1 theories have been getting vindicated, babey!
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goblininawig · 25 days
Part 5 of 7 @endlesshistoriesfest
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The Children's Crusade (or When Destruction Began to Question His Function)
Destruction of the Endless confronts Nicholas of Cologne about his Children's Crusade, in a vain attempt to stop him.
Rated T | 670 Words | A03 | Masterpost
While there are two events in history that are both called the Children’s Crusade, this story deals with the one that started in Cologne, Germany in 1212 by Nicholas of Cologne. This was not a church-sanctioned crusade, but a spontaneous youth-led movement. My information came from the Encyclopedia Britannica, and The History of Cologne podcast.
Destruction's fit is a pastiche of Middle Ages German clothing, because I really wanted to give him this fanny pack/sword combo that the fellow in blue is modeling.
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“Grü�� Gott,” Destruction said, greeting the young man formally. “I have heard of you, Nicholas of Cologne. Might I offer you some repast?”
“Thank you, sir,” Nicholas replied, looking up at the tall, red-haired stranger.
From where the young man sat at his evening campfire, the lordly man seemed huge as a hazel tree. His bright carmine mantle and yellow tunic with swooping bell sleeves bespoke a wealthy man. The sword belted at his side showed his familiarity with war. Perhaps he’d come to pledge himself to the cause, as many others had done before him.
Destruction settled himself across the fire and produced a loaf of bread and a joint of lamb. He offered them both to Nicholas, who accepted, hungrily. Leading a crusade was a glorious responsibility, but a hungry one.
Destruction looked over him, at the ragged encampment beyond, where other fires sheltered the children, women, and young men who had all taken Crusader’s vows to Nicholas to the Holy Land. He let Nicholas eat his fill and quench his thirst with a waterskin before he began to question him.
“You have gathered quite a following. What is it you’ve been saying to make them join you?”
“Merely the truth of what I have experienced.”
“And what is that?”
Nicholas smiled, his face grew beatific in the firelight. He had been telling this story since receiving his vision, and the words now came easily as breathing.“Such a dream I had: Jesus Christ himself showed me a vision of the True Cross.”
“A dream?” Destruction scoffed. “You base this all on a dream ?”
“Indeed I do. In my vision, the cross was shaped just so,” he added, patting the Tau-shaped cross that had become his emblem. It was about the length of a knightly sword, crafted from beechwood. “And I knew that I was meant to find it in the Holy Land, and bring it back again. Not with violence, but with purity of vision.”
“And can your purity of vision provide food and shelter for all the people following you?”
“They felt the calling, same as I. We are all willing to sacrifice for the cause.”
“What cause ?” the stranger growled. “You are merely stealing people away from learning a craft and building their fortunes. There is nothing to your dream but a fantasy .”
When Nicholas did not react, he pressed on.
“How do you expect they will react when you reach the sea and have no boats for them to cross it?”
“The Lord will part the seas for me, as he did for Moses,” Nicholas responded peacefully. “All will see that this is his divine will.”
The burly stranger looked beyond Nicholas to the campfires of his followers. His face darkened. “You will lead these people to their death.”
Nicholas looked at him pityingly, but said nothing.
Destruction stood, strode back and forth, mumbling to himself. When he finally stopped again, he held out a purse of money. It was full of silver bracteates.
“This is yours, if you turn back, and lead these young people home again.”
For the first time, Nicholas lost his warm demeanor. A scowl crossed his otherwise charming face. “I see you truly now, demon ,” he stated calmly. “Get thee hence! You shall deter me from my quest, for Christ himself has chosen me.”
“But he hasn’t, you dalcop! You’ve made it all up, and these poor sods will pay the consequences!”
Nicholas took up his cross and thrust it towards the red-haired stranger.
“I say, begone, foul fiend!”
Growling with frustration, Destruction left the circle of firelight and strode off into the darkness.
He had instigated one religiously-motivated conflict in 1096, and it never seemed to end. The humans had taken the idea and run wild. And now this Nicholas had weak, unprotected young people following paths that had led fully-armored warriors to their own ruination. Destruction did not know what to think. He only knew that the world was changing, in ways that he could not fathom.
A/N: Bracteates are archaic German coins that began to be used around 1130
Dalcop is an archaic word for “dull head”
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 years
ok so fresh is not a dragon but if he was do you a an idea if what he might look like ? (i really like fresh .-.)
This was meant to be really fast, just-for-fun doodle, but then I got attached WHEEZE. I blame Inky for enabling me—
ANYWAY, Fresh drago is not in TTS, but if he was:
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Similar to Dream’s slight fluff, Fresh’s ecto forms slight feathers all over his body. He is Much Bigger, one of the biggest of the dragons, but not the biggest, that’s still Error. However, he can stand taller than Error, which Fresh finds highly amusing.
No, his fanny pack/glasses did not grow with him (hence the bottom right doodle lmao), Ink had to make him new ones XD I kinda think he’d jazz up in other accessories too, but for now it’s just the pack and glasses.
... Also if you want my stupid horrible weird alternative coloring, ya can have that one too wheeeze--
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So this was the kinda palette and pattern I went with at first, before remembering I have an ecto-only rule in TTS designs lmao, BUT...
I... I’ve always wanted to redesign the Dragon Balance crew as if they were fleshy dragos just for funsies, see what their designs would look like then. So I kinda just. Went with that here. So no skull face, like usual. 
He kinda looks like rainbow barf, or those overly colored Mary Sue OCs, but I don’t really care it was still fun XD
(And don’t mind me taking notes for Fresh’s wings in Winged Multiverse there a bit--)
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avionvadion · 11 months
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The New Outfits, finalized. And a single draw the squad meme.
I had absolutely no idea what the design on Blue's sygna suit top was supposed to be, but I tried to make it as close as possible. Also, I fixed his pockets a little because they looked silly poofing out the way they did. I also gave him a silver fanny pack. Not illustrated is Brock's gigantic freaking backpack because I didn't have the strength to draw that, lol.
El's left arm is all funky because it broke several years back and never healed properly. It's purposeful, I promise. XD Her right arm is covered in burns from when Mewtwo exploded the Viridian Forest Team Rocket HQ. Hence the black garment.
Ansem is an absolute gremlin of an Eevee and he knows it.
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cornyonmains · 10 months
As someone with mild OCD, mine manifests two ways. The first is the very common nail biting, but the second, more annoying one, is the constant fear I've lost my phone. This is such a problem for me, especially when traveling, I had to buy a fanny pack just so I can periodically check if my phone is still on me without having to stop what I'm doing. I get constant anxiety about losing it, because I can't work without it, and I couldn't get a grip on it. I had to figure out a way to indulge the compulsion to check on my phone without disrupting my life, hence the fanny pack.
The reason I'm saying this is because Top's issue reads way more like OCD than PTSD to me. But that's just my two cents.
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What's acid wash? And how does one acid wash? I am once again gleaning at your etsy store and marvelling in the cool things there
Thanks! To answer your question...
"simply, acid washing is the process of purposefully exposing various types of clothing to chlorine bleach (though muriatic acid was also frequently employed in the early days, hence the term “acid wash”). This deliberate discoloration gives them a blotchy, faded, no-funks-given kind of panache."
Kind of like tie dye but more extreme and without any real pattern/fucks given. Super easy, cheap and anyone can do it. You basically fuck up your clothing with bleach, then you can dye the bleached splotchy item with a color to give it more style. I use a spray bottle of bleach or just splatter it directly on the fabric, helps to put the clothing in a wadded up pile to create creases and areas unbleached. Very much part of punk culture for decades and a huge "fad" during the 80's and 90's.
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Vintage acid wash 👆
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Some of my diy "acid washes" 👆
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And me wearing a diy acid wash fanny pack with Levis acid wash pants, lol.
Hope that helps! Give it a try! ✌️
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victoriajamessl · 2 years
La La Land
Featuring Wasabi, Lyrium, EQUAL and Luas I went exploring to find a sim that would compare to the image I had in my head and knew I found it when I visited Lost Angeles….hence the title of this post. Everything I am featuring today can be found at the new round of The Fifty which opened yesterday. The jogging outfit including fanny pack and visor are from Luas, Kelsy Sunglasses from EQUAL,…
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stuarthull2 · 28 days
Designer Replica Fanny Pack Belt Bag Sling Bag
Their best promoting items may be the petite designer handbag that may be super attractive and appears great and is strong at the same time. The vendor hasn't outlined all their solutions and if you wish to see far more of their assortment, you'll be able to concept them and inquire them For additional item images. Certainly, I haven’t managed to write an evaluation for every invest in — everyday living and get the job done preserve me really fast paced. Irrespective of who you decide to invest in from, there are a few vital points to bear in mind On the subject of shopping for replicas which I've shown under. When I was getting auths it absolutely was so easy to tumble into your state of mind that shelling out $5000 with a bag is often a “steal” for any typical flap. Or maybe getting aaa luxury replica handbags ” of spending $10,000+ over a Birkin. It’s genuinely head-boggling! With replicas, I get insanely high quality for any portion of the worth. And that i am absolutely free to pick what I in fact like without having cost doing away with choices from the start. Disclosure: This article may possibly include affiliate back links, indicating we receive a commission if you choose to generate a obtain by our inbound links, without charge to you personally. Please read through our disclosure for more information. Usage of this web page has become denied because we consider that you are utilizing automation instruments to search the website. This may happen as a result of the subsequent: Javascript is disabled or blocked by an extension (advert blockers one example is) Your browser won't help cookies You should make sure that Javascript and cookies are enabled in your browser and you are not blocking them from loading. Reference ID: #3cdfac1c-f977-11ee-bb15-29e07316444b Powered by PerimeterX , Inc. Some designer bags are produced in confined quantities or are difficult to find, building them inaccessible to the standard customer. We don’t all have stylists on velocity dial waiting to track down distinct layouts of luxurious objects so a replica can be quite a terrific alternative when you want a difficult to find item with no essentially breaking the bank or experiencing the difficulty of monitoring down the initial. Stay in advance of The style sport and join my blog subscription to unlock unique bag assessments, design and style traits, and even more. They have some quite remarkable backpacks for Females which seem cute and are super strong. Their pricing is Tremendous reasonable and very affordable. They make PU leather-based bags which are pretty brilliant. In general, that is a great keep to obtain some good replica bags. Popular manner houses for instance Givenchy, Fendi, and Prada endeavor to be certain you will find designer bags for almost every situation. Conversely, our designers are dedicated to ensuring that there are substantial-top quality replicas for each of those bags.  Airport security isn’t there to check In case your Chanel bag is genuine or not; they’re largely focused on protecting against such things as terrorism and drug smuggling. Many patrons believe these items are actually the fake handbags everyone seems to be talking about. Purchasers should not hassle with them as They may be the bait bags that happen to be normally poorer high-quality. Over the bait bags, the logos are actually modified Hence the handbag would not seem like copying a specific designer brand. This tends to make them properly authorized on the street. The Loro Piana medium reversible leather tote characteristics navy blue leather-based and burgundy-purple cashmere which has a removable zipped pouch. Other variations resemble bags from Marc Jacobs and Tory Burch, among Some others. You can purchase merchandise from J.Crew in retailers, more than the cell phone, or on line. louis vuitton replica handbags might be returned or exchanged for around thirty days, whilst on the web and cellphone orders get a little bit more time with 60 times. In the event you spot an buy inside of a J.Crew keep to generally be shipped later on, you can also have 60 days to make your final choice.
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emeaentrepreneur · 3 months
Mathilde Le Gagneur: Sacs in the Hauts-de-France at Atelier Le Gagneur
Totes, Clutches, Crossbody, Duffel, Fanny Packs, Beach, Saddles, Backpacks, Satchels, Briefcases, and many more different types of bags – designed, crafted, and hand-stitched even to provide an authentic, genuine, hand-made touch with premium materials, fibers, yarns, threads, and leather.
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From collectors of designer and branded bags to fashion enthusiasts who just love matching bags with different wardrobe styles for every occasion and place. It has to match! It has to just go along with it! And most times the wardrobe styles have to be decided around a particular bag. 
At the same time, when speaking about creating or bringing anything into existence in this day and age, every strategy, action, and goal is considered on how to reduce pollution, waste production, and harm to the biodiversity and the ecosystem by incorporating and integrating sustainable innovations in the making.     
Hence, efforts are taken by people in all industries as well as entrepreneurs to think highly about encouraging sustainability in their works and operations.
In the fashion and apparel industry, sustainability can be encouraged by – not harming the inhabitants of biodiversity and the ecosystem, reducing enormous waste production, reducing the use of natural resources by opting for sustainable approaches and methods, and more. 
Therefore in this article, we will be talking about the story of one such entrepreneur who climbed high and reached the skies of the Hauts-de-France (region in France) in designing and handcrafting her very own feminine handbags or ‘sacs’ for women by a more sustainable fashion.
Mathilde Le Gagneur – Founder, Designer, and Entrepreneur:
Having always had a passion for the field of arts and design, Mathilde Le Gagneur developed a liking for and was very soon smitten with her entrepreneurial enthusiasm from a very young age to do something different that bridged the gap between her identity and something that she would love working on. 
She took to drawing very quickly in school and was sure along with her family that she was destined to be a part of the fashion industry in one way or another.
Mathilde Le Gagneur left her hometown in Normandy, in the northwest of France, and traveled to Paris for her enrollment and studies at the National School of Applied Arts – Olivier de Serres, when she peaked at 18 years of age. 
Soon after a short study and experience at Decorative Arts School – Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs (ENSAD), Mathilde Le Gagneur left for London to enroll in a public art school – Central St. Martins. This place is where she blossomed and started to quickly gain experience from this impactful phase of her life. 
With an interest in clothing, a teacher back at Central St. Martine in London helped Mathilde Le Gagneur lock a job opportunity down in the famously known Louis Vuitton.
Here, she designed and worked on a variety of pieces as a French Fashion Designer for Leather Goods and designed wallets, clutches, purses as well as jewelry for bags. 
Her hands-on experience working in a huge reputable and popular place like Louis Vuitton, Mathilde Le Gagneur became pregnant and had at the same time bought a house back in her hometown Normandy. After moving there for her pregnancy, she was motivated and driven to do something that would launch her into the industry landing her on a bigger and recognizable platform. 
This is where Atelier Le Gagneur was founded and established.
For more interesting reads, visit The Europe Entrepreneur.
Atelier Le Gagneur:
A self-made and handcrafted leather goods company named – Atelier Le Gagneur was founded by Mathilde Le Gagneur in the year 2017. The company and its business operations were established in the founder’s hometown – Normandy, Northwest France. 
With the experience of living amongst a vibrant and aesthetic culture and lifestyle that felt comfortable and truly like home for Mathilde Le Gagneur, she soon started designing quality feminine handcrafted bags or Sacs (French for ‘bags’) for comfortability, functionality, elegance, rawness, and all with a touch of sophistication. 
Atelier Le Gagneur – Made in France, Designed in Normandy, was hand-made and designed with utmost care and passion. 
Raw materials such as raw linen canvas are used going through a meticulous treatment of water-repellent. The OEKO-TEX Label is partnered up with Atelier Le Gagneur in testing their materials for 350 chemical exposures before giving the all-good signal. 
The raw linen canvas is sourced from Masters of Linen and Ecotex, where the linen is woven in Belgium. 
The leather material is sourced from Vegetable-tanned French cattle collars. These leather materials are sourced from French Tanneries of Arnal and Sovos-Grosjean. Leather naturally softens over time and hence the founder provides solutions as to how to care for her leather bags more carefully. 
Her bags are either upcycled or recycled in her mission to lead an environmentally sustainable business. Satin, Denim Upholstery material, and Wool are some of the items used as an eco-friendly strategy. 
Currently, Mathilde Le Gagneur is on a temporary journey to finding a partner in marketing to help her continue to the next chapter of Atelier Le Gagneur. 
The right color, utility, fashion sense, durability, origin, material, feel, smell, and especially the designer who made it, are the factors that every woman would consider and research when planning to purchase any bag. A form and symbol of accessory statement in the fashion world, bags are designed in different styles for various occasions – be it casual and day-to-day, or for glamour and luxury. French Designer of Leather Goods – Mathilde Le Gagneur has made her dreams and passions come true with Atelier Le Gagneur, and is excitedly waiting for the next chapter to begin!
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/mathilde-le-gagneur-sacs-in-the-hauts-de-france-at-atelier-le-gagneur/
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Guaranteed: Your Mom Will Love Leather Fanny Pack Bag
Are you still looking for a mother’s day gift for your mom? Go ahead and spoil the special woman in your life. You can treat her to dinner or you can wrap Misch’s leather fanny pack bag. It’s a practical bag that’s guaranteed to make your mom smile.
Leather Fanny Pack Bag as Mother’s Day Gift
Your mother deserves to be spoiled every day. However, when Mother’s Day comes around, it’s time to shower her with fun family activities and gifts she’ll surely love. It doesn’t matter what gift you shower her with. Mothers appreciate anything their children will give them. However, this year though, consider surprising her with a leather bag. Even if you think she has a huge collection of bags in her closet, a leather bag will still be a great addition.
“Greta” Bag
Our Greta Fanny Pack Bag comes with metal hardware and is secured with a top zipper. Its exterior is made of coated canvas leather while the interior is made of cowhide leather. She’ll surely appreciate it considering that it’s made entirely in the USA. It’s a polished pack bag that can carry her mobile phone and some essentials. It’s definitely a gift you would want your mother to receive.
Leather Backpack “A backpack for my mother?” Yes, why not? Even if your mother is in her 60s or 70s, a backpack is still the right bag for her. It’s not about fashion but it’s all about being practical. A backpack may also be seen on the back of youngsters. But times have changed and older adults now are carrying bags on their backs.
Of course, you don’t want your mother to experience back pain after carrying a huge heavy bag in her back. All of Misch’s leather backpacks are lightweight. Thus, they are perfect for the backs of older adults. They won’t cause Dowager’s Hump. What’s great about having this bag is that they leave your mother’s hands-free. If she has a dog, for instance, she can easily walk him to the park or wherever. She can use one hand to hold the leash while the other hand is free.  
Small Coin Pouch If you think your mom isn’t open to the idea of carrying a backpack, then pretty sure she’ll love Malcolm small coin pouch. It’s not too small, though. It measures 14.6cm x 3.8 cm x 3.9. Hence, she can put her old smartphone inside or her lipstick or her sanitizer or whatever small items she wants. It’s available in three different colors so you’re guaranteed you can pick one that fits your mom’s style and preference.
Duffle Bag You can also choose J Lewis duffle bag. This is perfect if your mother loves to travel. She can put her travel essentials and more. It’s durable enough to carry some of her important documents and things for her travel.
Are you ready to surprise your mother? Buy this leather fanny pack bag now or browse our collection here.
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its-opheliasgarden · 2 years
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A Sims 4 Lookbook and Story Meet Billie Likeke. An island native of Sulani (Mua Pel'am), Billie is as strong headed as she is stubborn hence her childhood nickname, Pōhaku. Raised by her Aunty Polunu and late maternal grandmother, Tutu Lani since she was 5 years old, Billie has always felt out of place like she didn’t fully belong. She couldn’t help but wonder if it had to do with being orphaned at such a young age.
I mean she did technically have a ‘father’, but Tutu Lani rarely ever talked about him. He supposedly was this mainlander who swept her mother off her feet only to later leave her heartbroken. Guess the island fantasy ran its course and he had to return back to reality. Talk about super cliché...
Billie stopped searching and waiting for him to come back years ago. She’s now focused on three things: (1) survive her insufferable job at the Sapphire Resort, (2) save enough money to buy her dream boat and sail across Sulani, and (3) avoid entanglements/commitment like the plague especially with those mainlanders. She absolutely has no time for distractions and unnecessary complications...none. 
Little does she know that this upcoming summer is about to rock her world as she finds herself falling hard for her first love...
(1) raven hair v2 ( @aharris00britney) / IL top (@maxis) / summertime shorts (@emmibouquet) / accessory tied shirt (@tamosim) / IL necklace (@maxis) / jelly platform sandals (@trillyke) / hip flower tattoo (@kore-sims)
(2)  raven hair v2 ( @aharris00britney) / kayle top (@serenity-cc) /  vintage simlish logo decal (@persimmods​) / IL necklace (@maxis) / rebel chipped nails (@arethabee) / irma sneakers (@its-adrienpastel) / hip flower tattoo (@kore-sims) 
(3) raven hair v2 ( @aharris00britney) / flannel shirt (@serenity-cc) / orange bra acc (@ikari-sims) / summertime shorts (@emmibouquet) /  IL necklace (@maxis) / rebel chipped nails (@arethabee) / folded socks (@liliili-sims) / irma sneakers (@its-adrienpastel) / hip flower tattoo (@kore-sims)
(4) raven hair v2 ( @aharris00britney) / casual basics hoodie (@divinecap) /  vintage simlish logo decal (@persimmods​) / denim shorts (@kumikya) / IL necklace (@maxis) / rebel chipped nails (@arethabee) / folded socks (@liliili-sims) / irma sneakers (@its-adrienpastel) / fanny pack (@jwofles-sims) / hip flower tattoo (@kore-sims) / 
(5) raven hair v2 ( @aharris00britney) / tie-dyed tank top (@nucrests) / summertime shorts (@emmibouquet) / IL necklace (@maxis) / accessory tied shirt (@tamosim) / irma sneakers (@its-adrienpastel) / hip flower tattoo (@kore-sims)
(6) raven hair v2 ( @aharris00britney) / crop top (@maxis) /  summertime shorts (@emmibouquet) / IL necklace (@maxis) / accessory tied shirt (@tamosim) / folded socks (@liliili-sims)/ irma sneakers (@its-adrienpastel) / hip flower tattoo (@kore-sims)
This has been sitting in my queue for weeks. Just was lazy to find all the cc to link accordingly but it’s been a minute since I’ve posted an OG post so here is Billie, who I adore so much!
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yourclownpal · 3 years
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It's fineally finished my osmp drawing is finally finished after weeks im free from the pain-
Now time for me to gush about headacnnons and shit-
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Ranboo first! No headcannons that differ from dsmp ranboo so ill focus on his design more i drew this begore my most recent ranboo design so thats why its so different, i do like it though
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Tubbo! He's a bee! I wanted his design to be evil mad scientist inspired! Hence the goggles and industrial gloves, not to mention the gloves help him not sting anyone
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Tommy! He has a toatal of 5 pairs of wings! Why? Because i think it looks cool!
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Anyone following me know my intense love for Charlie slime so this design doesnt change except i gave him a fanny pack
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Wilby scoot is a ghost that is all
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Its thw crow father! Philza minecraft! The flowers on his hat reference the others in the sbi
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I dont have muhc about fundy other then his eyes are weird
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SHE. IS. AN. AXOLOTL. That is all
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Sneeg...... The little man......
I hate that i have to split this into two posts i am in pain
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