#headcanons upon headcanons upon headcanons
Belle: When did you stop believing in Father Christmas?
Rumple: I never believed in any fathers
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misc-obeyme · 2 days
Mer!MC Headcanons - Older Brothers
I said I'd write 'em, so here we are. They were getting stupidly long, so this is just the three older brothers.
The concept is that MC is a merperson from the human world who somehow found their way into the Devildom.
If people like these, then I may do the rest of the brothers.
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GN!mer!MC x Lucifer, Mammon, & Leviathan
Warnings: none
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He first notices you at Diavolo's private beach. After a lot of pestering, Lucifer finally agreed to take a break there, but insisted on going alone. He's looking out across the sparkling ocean in a place where the artificial sunlight creates a soft glow. And that's when he sees you. First, just a tail, shimmering. And then the top of your head, hair and skin glistening as the ocean water drips from you. He feels your eyes on him, even though you're far out in the waves.
Lucifer stands on the shore, letting the waves trickle around his ankles. He won't go too far. He's waiting for you to come to him. He knows you will. And in the end, you do. Swimming in slow, large circles, each round bringing you closer and closer to where he waits. You're wary of him - you're from the human world and you aren't familiar with demons. But this one looks strong. When you get close enough, he smiles, completely disarming you.
And he will take the time to find out who you are and where you came from. He asks about your life in the human world, how you ended up in the Devildom. When he deems you harmless, he finds himself focusing more on how entrancing you are. The way you bob in the water, the brightness of your scales, the delicate magic that hums beneath your skin.
Lucifer comes back over and over to the private beach. The others are surprised, but they don't question it because he so rarely takes breaks. But Lucifer only wants to see you. He'll ask you if you want to come back with him. He's found a spell that will allow you to have legs. He will accept your decision either way and in the end, he knows you'll always need to return to the sea. But for now, will you take his hand, MC?
He heard that there was a treasure chest at the bottom of one of the Devildom's many deep dark lakes. So he goes diving with an underwater breathing spell and nearly has a heart attack when he finds you instead. You hide behind a large rock, just as frightened of him, then peek around it as Mammon recovers himself. You both stare at each other for a long time, neither one feeling brave enough to come closer. But Mammon can't talk to you like this.
He swims to the surface, breaking into the Devildom air. Your head slowly rises from the water a few feet away from him. He asks you who you are. Mammon wants to know how you got here and where you're from. He's treading water as best he can, but he's losing strength. So you swim over and take it upon yourself to escort him to shore. He blushes profusely as you grab hold of his waist and use your powerful fin to propel him out of the deep water.
Mammon is dripping on the shore of the lake, just talking to you. You spend so much time chatting, he completely dries out. He finds a kindred spirit in you - shiny treasure is something you enjoy, too. And you can tell that he's interested in your tail. You get as close to the land as you dare, flopping out the end of your tail beside him. He touches it carefully, the rings on his fingers catching your eye as he moves them across your scales. You shiver at the touch.
When Mammon comes back to the lake, he finds you waiting on the shore, your tail wrapped around a large treasure chest. He falls to his knees in front of you. You lean across the chest and tell him you found what he had been looking for in the lake. He takes your hands. Don't ya know that he already found the treasure in this lake, MC? You're more precious to him than any chest. He still takes the chest, but not before he takes out the shiniest jewel to give to you, along with a promise to return.
It's at Siren Beach where Levi first meets you. He's there to visit Lotan, of course, but before he has a chance to say hello to his old friend, he spots you there in the water. You're immediately interested in him. Something about him makes you want to come closer. He's cautious about you, not sure what a merperson like you would be doing here at this beach.
Despite the pull he has on you, you're skittish about getting too close. But Levi doesn't wait around for you to come to him. He's concerned about you and what you're doing in Lotan's area. He takes the initiative to swim out toward you. His swimming skills impress you. The ocean is calm here, but his arms are strong and steady. He reaches you easily.
You can't help getting playful with him, swimming around him in circles before he finally manages to get you to slow down a little. He gets you to tell him who you are and where you're from. He's a little baffled about a human world merperson getting all the way out here. But he's distracted when Lotan arrives and it's clear right away that you've already befriended the great sea beast.
The three of you play together in the ocean for hours. Levi comes back to visit Lotan, but he finds himself looking forward to seeing you, too. As he gets closer to you, he starts to think you'd be better off back in your own home. He brings it up to you one day. He can find a way to bring you back to the human world. When you shut that idea down and tell him you'd rather stay in the Devildom with him and Lotan, he gets flustered. Y-you don't have to stay just for him, MC! You wrap your tail around him and pull him close so he understands why you have no plans to leave. You enjoy the way his blush deepens.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 2 days
1–900 – you don’t want this shit.
or, that’s the first and last time they ever touch you, featuring: bofurin + shishitoren
a/n: I’ve been listening to this song (1-900 by speed gang) on repeat for the past day, and even tho it doesn’t fit the theme of the song I can’t help but imagine scenarios of the windbre boys becoming possessive because a man gets too handsy with their girl while listening to it.
note: I’m also trying out a new headcanon format so I can try to fit more characters in by using umbrella descriptions (won’t make sense until you actually see it). this format was actually inspired by @penny-for-thots. I swear I’m not trying to steal your style babes, your formatting just looked so compact and tidy and I adored it! if it bothers you pls let me know. I don’t want to make you uncomfy or make you feel like I’m stealing from you!
c/w: fem!reader, touchy!creeps, jealous!boys, possessive/protective!boys, language, established relationships, headcanon blurbs (some are longer than others, oops)
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↳ hands thrown. no hesitation. no explanation. he’s blinded by pure possessive rage. you touched what’s his, and now you’re dead.
sakura haruka is sending the creep flying before you can even blink. he’s never been good at reigning in his emotions, especially those that are intense; and seeing that man put his hands on you so brazenly, with absolutely no consideration to who you are as a person or that you clearly weren’t interested set him off like nothing else. so don’t be surprised if you have to tend to his split knuckles because he ended up whaling on the creep even after he was knocked out by his initial blow. you also may have to step out of sakura’s earshot and call the local morgue to ensure they hadn’t received any new bodies — just in case.
choji tomiyama will beat his ass with a smile on his face. it’s difficult to tell what choji is feeling at any moment because that smile seems to be permanently etched onto his lips, even in moments that anyone else would have taken a much different expression — but one simple look at his eyes and the way he moves can tell you everything. upon seeing someone else put their hands on you, choji’s eyes darken and his body moves faster, and there’s far more force and malice behind his punches and kicks than normal. his blows are connecting with the sole goal of knocking the life out of the creep, and if it wasn’t for the fact that he could see your face out of the corner of his eye — horrified, worried, needing him — choji would most certainly succeed in that goal. he most definitely beat the man to an inch of his life, though.
ren kaji’s beloved strawberry sucker is dropped to the ground just as fast as the creep is. kaji’s in motion immediately, overcome by a rage so fierce that he fears he won’t be able to reign it in — he knows he looks like a monster, whaling on the man and screaming insults, but he can’t help it. he’s never been so enraged; and he’s never felt so satisfied and comfortable letting that side out. he’s protecting what’s his, reminding not only the creep but everyone else in the vicinity that you’re his, and that you are under the protection of a monster. the only thing that stops kaji’s assault of the man is your soft hands placing his headphones atop his head and your warm chest pressing into his back as you embrace him from behind after.
↳ violence is most definitely considered, but barely held back. he’ll give the creep one chance to back off; but if he doesn’t, he’ll be praying he took the mercy when it was offered.
hajime umemiya can barely restrain himself from from absolutely ripping the man apart. the second he saw the man’s hand connect with your supple flesh, umemiya’s vision was colored red — but he’s not the type to start a brawl in the middle of town, especially not for something that he knows many would consider so trivial. but rest assured, it is in his mind, eddying beneath his muscles and causing his grip on the man’s wrist to be harsh enough to break bone. umemiya’s voice is smooth and calm when he asks (demands) the man to back off, but it’s also dark and threatening; enough so that the man nearly pisses himself and stumbles a few times trying to scamper away.
suo hayato is calm individual. he’s unfazed by many things, and he’s an absolute expert at ruffling feathers — and for the most part, this demeanor of his isn’t even forced. it just comes to him naturally, comfortably, as if he’d been doing it since he was born. but when he sees those grubby fingers wrap around your dainty wrist and watches the man try to pull your supple body into his, that easy-going demeanor of his changes instantly. his calm is still completely natural, but it’s dangerous now. sharper. threatening. the smile on his face is off putting rather than gentle as he slaps the man’s hand away by the wrist.
“I’ll ask you politely to please not touch people without their permission.” suo drawls smoothly, almost kindly; but he’s in no way asking. suo is commanding the man to step away. despite having a few inches over suo in terms of both height and width, the man cowers back from the aura pouring out of your boyfriend. although suo did greatly desire to assault the man, he was ultimately glad that the man backed away. suo didn’t want you to see that side of him; it was quite ugly and scary.
hiragi toma is mildly impressed with himself when he just barely manages to refrain bowling the man down with a carefully aimed punch. the absolute rage he felt inside had only just lost to his desire to remain a pillar of justice and strength in the eyes of the community — and in your eyes. but hiragi had no qualms with verbally lashing at the man, even shouting and threatening him to never touch you again unless he wants to lose his hands. above all else, hiragi doesn’t want to scare you; he just doesn’t see how much you like witnessing this jealous, protective side of him.
↳ that prick doesn’t even get the chance to touch you. he’s stepping in the second the man’s hand reaches out to you.
jo togame is a possessive person. he hates the term, but the protectiveness he feels for you is too close to extreme to be labeled as anything else. when you aren’t in his sight, togame starts to go crazy. his mind whirrs and his muscles tingle, screaming out to him to locate you and safeguard you. he just needs to know you’re safe, and, on a deeper and more insecure level, needs to know that you’re still his. so it’s only natural that when you’re out and about, togame is right there. for the most part, togame’s sheer size and formidable build discourages any man from getting too close to you, but there are some that are ballsy enough to approach — such as the one who decided he could try his luck at grasping your hand to ‘get a closer look at your pretty bracelet.’ togame’s own hand is shooting out before his brain can even register he’s doing it, knocking the man’s outstretched hand away harshly.
“you can look at it from there.” togame deadpans, emerald eyes glaring daggers at the man in front of him. the man is obviously put off by togame’s aggression but also trying desperately to feign indifference. he gives a halfhearted, sloppily blubbered excuse as to why he needs to get going, and when he scampers off, it’s with a tad more haste than what you were sure he meant to showcase.
togame had succeeded in keeping unwanted hands off of you, but now he has to spend the next hour listening to you gush and tease him about how cute he is when he’s jealous.
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maxtermind · 3 days
Hey 👋
I want you to post a mafia Lando x reader moodboard
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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mafia!lando who never really believed in being 'sappy simp,' as he gracefully likes to put it till he started coming over to barista!reader's cafe.
it was a simple day where he was too frustrated to have coffee at home when he stumbled upon your cafe, then he started frequenting till one day, he finally saw you and it was like the world stopped for a second.
barista!reader who already knew what work lando did for a living and was secretly shaking behind the counter once he walked in with his bodyguard. mafia!lando who failed to notice the flicker of fear in your eyes because he was too busy admiring you.
barista!reader who took too long to take lando seriously, you told him to befriend you and stay clean if he was serious about taking you out when he walked in with a bouquet and a charming smile on his face and he simply had no choice but to oblige.
mafia!lando who would change routines and come to your cafe every time he was free, even if he only had twenty minutes free. " just couldn't wait to see my pretty girl." he would drop you off and pick you up in the evening. you guys were already living together as far as he was concerned.
mafia!lando who would be the first to apologise after arguments because he was just so scared of losing you. barista!reader who didn't like that and confronted him about it. "baby, I don't care who apologises first as long as I go to bed with you in my arms."
mafia!lando who only four months in is already obsessed with the reader and despite your reassurance makes sure he knows where you are at all times. he would have a guard posted outside your cafe and despite your prior reservation, you wouldn't lie that having someone there helped you calm down.
mafia!lando who would help you the day you are understaffed because both of your coworkers got viral. barista!reader who would focus more on his tattooed arms under folded sleeves as he helped her out order after order. barista!reader who would realise it at that moment that this was love. you were in love.
mafia!lando who never really got the appeal of slow, tender and endearing sex till he had it with you. "feel like you were made for me," he would gasp softly against your lips. "tailor made for me, y/n."
barista!reader who would have never cared of the stares you would get when your scary mafia would lean over the counter to kiss you. barista!reader who buys an initial necklace for mafia!lando who in return would never take it down. the necklace would be losing color but he wouldn't ever take it off,"it's how people will know I'm yours baby." and you would feel so in love that all there's left to do is kiss him and show him just how much you are his too.
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( masterlist \ drop a request ) a/n :: i loved this request so much!! need more drabble, headcanon, moodboard requests lol ©maxtermind // do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
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lurochar · 2 days
A Daily Stroll
Based on the Alastor comic
Warnings: I am really really bad at writing at headcanons it seems
It was a daily routine for you and Alastor to go on strolls around the streets of Hell. Despite the fact you and Alastor having been together for almost the entirety of his reign as an Overlord, Sinners still have trouble seeing the sadistic Radio Demon in any part of a romantic relationship.
You were Alastor’s assistant in life, but never married. Of course, there were questions about your exact role, as there were scandalous rumours flying about. Alastor paid you well enough that you could support yourself.
You were murdered about five years after Alastor’s own death by one of his victim’s family members, believing you were his accomplice.
It was one of his few regrets, not confessing to you. He just didn’t want to drag you down with him if he did ever get caught for his crimes. He’s honestly surprised to find you in Hell, but now he has his second chance and he isn’t wasting it.
You accept and so your daily life as the wife of the Radio Demon begins.
Everyday, you and Alastor go to the same cafe with the same shaky nervous waiter. Alastor just ‘tsks’ at you when you throw a few crumbs of your meal at those hungry-looking birds watching your every move. “Darling, don’t waste food on those filthy scavengers.” It doesn’t take him long to join you if the food isn’t to his liking, though.
Next on your stroll, is a park where naturally flowers bloom, which is a rarity in Hell. In life, Alastor had given his mother flowers on the regular and you red roses in particular. Now, he can no longer touch any flower without them immediately wilting, which is quite the shame.
You had long since noticed his annoyed sneer when yet another rose withered in his fingers and you smiled, reaching into your coat. “It took me a while, but I finally learned to make this!” You said excitedly. “Please, bend down for me!”
Alastor’s eyes gain a curious look, but he does as you ask and bends down. A brow raises when he feels you tying something around one of his ears and watches as you stand back and seem to stare at him proudly. “Now what is this?” He reaches up to feel what it is.
You reach into your coat again. “Paper flowers.” You hold one out for him to see. “I know, it’s not as pretty as the real thing. But… but I thought I should try something?”
“It’s lovely, Darling.” 
And so is your proceeding smile.
Cannibal Town is both charming and daunting. Your tastes are not the same as Alastor’s and it’s always a bit unpleasant to see a group of Sinners feasting upon some poor soul unfortunate to wind up as their dinner, but this is Hell and you are no judge.
“Morning, Alastor~♡!” 
It was a swarm of women with hearts in their eyes and blood dripping down their faces and Alastor politely bows his head in return. “Good morning, ladies.” His ear, with the paper rose still tied around it, twitches at your laugh. He’s only being a gentleman, after all. He can’t ignore a greeting from a lady. “Give Rosie a hello from me!”
“Popular as ever, I see.” You say teasingly as Alastor veers you away, not wanting to deal with flirting women when he was out with his wife. “I guess that’s what I get for marrying a celebrity, hmm?” 
He’s content you’re secure enough not to be jealous – he couldn’t even fathom the thought of ever straying from you.
“Speaking of celebrities…” You cough, noting the demons who are just staring blankly into the windows of the stores you both are passing. You grimace and Alastor sneers at the sight of Vox on the TVs. “Is he still…?”
“Madly obsessed with the both of us? Very much so.” Alastor grips his microphone cane harshly, his voice breaking the hypnotizing spell on the two Sinners standing there. “There really is nothing good on these picture box shows, hmm?” The demons instantly run. “Come, Darling. No need to waste time here. A new meat shop has opened and I would like to try it.”
You both stroll along until you reach the meat shop Alastor was talking about. There was a boar butcher, who looked nervous at the sight of the famous Radio Demon. “My good man. I do hope you have fresh venison! My wife and I are partial to it, you see!” Alastor grins and the butcher shudders.
The meat is packed quickly and you and Alastor are on your way out of the shop, passing a lamb Sinner. It only takes a moment, but screams are heard and you both stop and you can see Alastor’s smile is tense. That butcher was a fool, it seemed. You both are back in the shop to see the lamb being choked by the butcher.
“You know, I do really hate those who can’t show a little more respect to those of fairer means.” Alastor is shifting into his more demonic form and you are left to comfort the lamb. “It’s rather distasteful. LIKE BAD MEAT.” Now the butcher is the one screaming and you usher the crying lamb out of the shop.
It’s not long at all before Alastor exits with a bloody bag in hand. “It’s not as tasty as venison, but won’t boar do for tonight’s dinner, Darling?” He grinned and you laughed nervously, blinking when the lamb shyly pulled on your arm with tears in her big eyes.
“T-thank you for saving me!” She squeaked. “How can I repay you? This happens to me a lot.” She confessed. “I’ll give my soul for protection.” 
You are taken back by her blunt offer, but Alastor is used to this sort of thing and it’s clear he does not see any worth in the lamb’s bid and he summons a card out of the air to hand to the lamb. “My dear, go to Cannibal Town and ask for Rosie. Perhaps she can be of some assistance to you? Do keep that card on you, otherwise you will end up as mutton.” Alastor sends the lamb off on her way.
“So kind of you, Alastor~”
It was just another daily stroll with your Radio Demon.
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infinizero · 18 hours
Demon Twin AU but Damian has been seeing ghostly visages of his twin slowly growing up with him
So, the Danny Damian Twin AUs! They're fun!
But what if, when Danny fakes his death/is killed, he actually dies and becomes a halfa as a kid? Danny because he is Danny, has the great idea to live a double life upon figuring out he can be both ghost and human!
As a human, he goes to America where he gets adopted by the Fentons and live as Danny Fenton
I headcanon that halfas are very adaptable and basically get powers according to their needs. So he figures out how to portal.
As a ghost, Danny stays around Damian and helps him out. Sometimes he slips up and Damian sees Phantom right next to him.
To Damian, this is the Pit Ghost of his brother who has come back to haunt him, made even worse when he realizes that Danny is also growing exactly at the rate he was despite being dead. He thinks that Dannys last wish was to grow up with Damian that's why he's doing that.
It gets even worse for Damian when he realizes the ghost of his dead twin brother has been helping him invisibly the entire time and it's possible that that's why Danny's staying around
Now, I need you to picture one of the Batfam seeing Danny
Imagine them asking him about it
Imagine Damian having to explain that the ghost of his dead brother sometimes accompanies him
Of course, on Danny's human side of things, the Fentons finally made that portal and he has to take up being a hero in Amity Park. Meaning he has less time to look over Damian.
What does this look like to Damian?
It looks like his brother is fading away slowly because Danny's decided Damian is now in a safe place
This all comes to a head when Danny disappears for a long time, long enough for Damian to think he's gone gone
And then Danny comes back and he's injured or maybe he has a baby Ellie and for the first time in years actually talks to Damian and asks for help
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mango-mya · 21 hours
Woe, pride headcanons be upon ye
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sisididis · 3 days
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A comfort headcanon of mine ('comfort' is up for interpretation here) is Suguru leaning close enough to Shoko to hear the shock mingled with hope in Satoru’s voice upon finding out that she met him in Shinjuku. What could he have told her? “Hold him up until I get there.” “No way, I don’t want to die!” Everything about the KFC breakup is criminal. Everyone from the animators to the voice actors did everything in their power to make us understand that Satoru could no longer keep up with Suguru in any respect. It’s why Satoru looks so uncharacteristically young and desperate while Suguru looks so much older and colder. That part where Satoru almost 'hollow purples' Suguru? The visceral sound he makes like he's choking from the inner turmoil of having to decide whether to kill his best friend or not? Criminal. Absolutely criminal!
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youwerethedefeated · 2 days
Headcanon that, over time, Kageyama builds up some tolerance to Hinata complimenting him. He still gets pretty flustered, mind you, but he's no longer short-circuiting every time it happens.
So, imagine a few years down the line, when they’re playing together again in the national team. Hinata realises his compliments aren't really getting to Kageyama like they used to, and it pisses him off a bit, because it's like he's lost his edge. So one day, during practice, Hinata just decides to go all out until he can get a reaction.
So he just... absolutely showers Kageyama in compliments. "That toss was amazing!" and "what an awesome serve!" and a barrage of incredible, stunning, wonderful. Hinata throws everything he's got at Kageyama, and yet he doesn't crack.
Never one to give up, though, Hinata still has one last card up his sleeve. So he waits patiently until Kageyama has let his guard down, and then when the opportunity arises in the form of a truly perfect toss, Hinata unleashes his dazzling smile upon Kageyama and says, "That was amazing... Tobio."
And poor Kageyama just fucking. Blacks out.
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starsoftheeye · 1 day
this doesn't rly mean anything, but I like to headcanon that Celia, upon realising she was leaving her house in the middle of the night and that it was starting to become a regular thing, she took the Joshua Gillespie route and froze her keys in a block of ice. Unfortunately, not only did this not work, but when Georgie came by to look after Jack that day, she found the frozen keys and had to listen to Celia make up some bullshit excuse to explain why she had randomly decided to freeze the keys to her house in a block of ice
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percyjackson-post · 2 days
A few random Solangelo headcanons in honor of Pride Month!
Both of them are incredibly good cooks. Will grew up learning southern recipes from his mother, and even though he doesn’t cook often, his brisket is incredible. Nico was only taught some basics by Maria and Bianca, but he’s a natural at cooking, even though he refuses to admit it. 
Will has taken it upon himself to educate Nico on all modern media; at least, that’s what he used to say to describe their weekly unofficial dates. Now, months later, their Friday movie dates are an integral part of their weekly schedule.
Naomi absolutely adores Nico. Will was expecting her to have a slight apprehension about the fact that her son was dating the son of Hades, but she accepted him without even a second thought. Despite her busy schedule, she and Will exchange letters almost weekly, and she always leaves a note to check in on Nico.
Speaking of positive family bonds, Hazel and Will have become an incredible duo. Even though they’re on separate sides of the country, they always make time to chat while they’re visiting their respective camps. These hangouts are usually in the form of cafes, and once they get talking, it's almost impossible to drag them away from one another.
Both of them have taken up the tradition of learning small nick-knacks around camp for each other. Neither knows who started the gift exchange, but at least once a week Nico will find a small candy or particularly interesting rock or sea shell left on the windowsill of his cabin or in one of the many pockets of his coat. Will, on the other hand, is constantly finding small wildflowers or small hand-made crafts in his bunk or in the medic cabin.
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jennifer-jeong · 3 days
can we get a headcanon of the lads boys' (raf, Zayne & Xavier) reaction when MC bought her little sister that resembles a lot to her (MC) I'm dying for some fluffs here where the boys interact with a kid 😂🥰
HI ANON SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG JFDKLA;JFDLSA; THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR ASKK it’s so fluffy and funny heheh I had fun with this one
NOTE that reader’s sister is around 12 years old in this
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[Fluff + Crack] [F!Reader] Little Sister?
CONTENT Fluff, crack, shitposting LOL, implied feminine reader
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Your sister definitely bullies him at first just like you do (LMAO) and he will pout and turn away in annoyance and she’ll do the same but then you’ll look away for 2 seconds and they’ll be best friends.
At first when you invite Rafayel over, your sister is probably a bit scared, hiding behind you holding onto you. He probably comments on how she’s kind of your “mini-me” and your sister hits him with the “I’m not mini!” and he’ll reply “well you look pretty mini to me.” Then she’ll kick him in the shins (not too hard just a warning kick). He’ll gasp and then dramatically cross his arms, turning away while pouting, she’ll do the same. Of course you’re just giggling at the antics not helping because you know they’ll get along quickly.
“Okay okay you two, go play some games while I finish making dinner for everyone,” you mediate before heading off to the kitchen. So the two stand there for a second before side eyeing each other and scrambling to the TV to see who is the champion at Mario Kart because that is extremely important information. Of course you can hear their screaming and laughter from the kitchen: “WHY DID YOU THROW THAT BANANA AT ME” you hear Rafayel scream, “IT’S YOUR FAULT FOR BEING THERE” you hear your sister reply.
Rafayel definitely yells as if he’s actually driving a car so if he crashes he’ll actually act like he crashed and it makes your sister laugh until her cheeks hurt.
Later on you find out Rafayel placed 6th out of 12 and your sister smoked him for 1st place LMAOOO. They tell you some of the funny moments and it’s all filled with laughter and a bit of banter but they’re practically best friends at this point. You even join them for a few games after dinner and it’s hilarious.
From then on, there isn’t a single moment where your sister isn’t braiding his hair/putting it in pigtails, putting clips on his bangs, play fighting with him, or just having fun with him.
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Basically your sister is dead terrified of him when she first sees him but since Zayne is surprisingly good with all patients, kids included, he’s actually very good with your sister as well.
When you bring your sister to your shared apartment with Zayne, her eyes are literally wide open with fear upon seeing him and when you tell her to come inside, she shakes her head. So you tell her “aw are you scared of him?? He’s harmless, look he’ll even do a dance.” So Zayne looks at you, still deadpan, looks back at your sister, and shimmy’s his arms back and forth a bit. That man is STIFF doing this move but at least he tried.
Her fear hasn’t quite gone away at this point but now it’s just confused fear?? But she agrees to come inside. You walk off to go make dinner and tell them to start a puzzle together and you’ll all finish it after dinner, comforting your sister and reassuring her that Zayne is very sweet. She sits down in the living room with him and they dump the pieces out.
Zayne pauses, staring at the puzzle pieces before asking your sister “what do you call a dancing puzzle?” and she is mildly mortified before actually thinking about the question. She responds “I don’t know, what is it called?” and he, fully deadpan, replies “a jiggy-saw.” Something about the way this stoic man said “jiggy” was just absolutely hilarious despite the awful pun and your sister lets out a snort and Zayne gives a short chuckle. He suggests they begin on the puzzle and they start chatting to get to know each other, occasionally stopping to make fun of some of the funny looking puzzle pieces.
When you call them over for dinner, Zayne holds out his hand for a high five and your sister excitedly obliges before “racing” him to the table, to which he of course loses. They then continue their yapping into dinner as your sister opens up more.
At the end of dinner Zayne has to offer your sister a classic doctor’s office candy and her face lights up, accepting it and running off. You all work on the puzzle and chat, your sister occasionally going over to you and Zayne to tie your hair into matching ponytails that make you look like unicorns with her pink scrunchies.
When it came time for your sister to leave however, she definitely clings onto Zayne’s leg telling him to not let them take her away. But Zayne of course knows how to handle this and says “hey, there will always be next time, and if you promise to be good, you can have two candies, one now, and one the next time we hangout, okay? I’ll even hold on to this scrunchie to remember,” and she agrees to the deal. Needless to say, they were besties now.
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Your sister is probably very confused and kind of intimidated when she meets him and Xavier has no clue what to do but he’ll do something cool with his sword or light evol and she’ll never stop being amazed.
When you call Xavier to your apartment for dinner and to meet your sister, he did not expect you to have a tiny doppelganger. What YOU expected even less was for him to literally shake her hand and say “nice to meet you.” Like he fully pulled out the businessman handshake to greet her but she followed along and also hit him with the “nice to meet you too.” Then he walks in as if nothing happened while you and your sister just stand there, watching him walk away before looking at each other and giggling.
You tell them you’re going to finish making dinner and for them to watch a short movie or an episode of a show which they wait. Your sister, being your sister, of course suggests that they watch the new episode of Demon Slayer. Xavier is caught up because you suggested it to him and he agrees, saying he finds the fighting really cool. They watch a bit until the first fight scene and Xavier is like “yoooo check this out” and pulls out his wooden sword LMAO.
He does the same slashing move the character in the scene does and he even uses his light evol to make it look like he has the same powers. He looks back and your sister’s jaw is on the actual floor while he just stands there like the standing person emoji, not sure what to do next.
2 seconds later and he’s teaching her how to hold the sword properly and how to do some basic movements. Her eyes are full of sparkles and she finds him so freaking cool !!! He’s literally a demon slayer character!!!
Xavier of course sees another fight scene and copies a few of the movements. However, he’s too busy watching the screen to see what’s in front of him… Your vase of flowers now sits on the floor. Xavier and your sister literally get on the ground praising the heavens for the vase being plastic and not glass before laughing. Quickly they hear a “WHAT DID YOU KNOCK OVER” from the kitchen and they simultaneously yell “NOTHING” while both hitting the standing person emoji pose.
You put them in timeout together as a joke (you left them there for like 10 seconds and then you all laughed).
During dinner they caught you up on the episode and after eating you finished it together. You all talk about how good it was until you joke that you’ve become a demon yourself and they need to slay you !!! So Xavier and your sister tackle you while you all giggle.
From that day on, your sister never stops talking about how cool her bestie Xavier is and how she wants to train her “demon slaying skills” with him again.
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Thank you for reading!
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teojira · 1 day
(Planet of the apes) Please can you give me anything about Caesar like head cannons a fanfic anything please I am just in the mood for Caesar :(
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[Assortment of Caesar headcanons]
Summary: Just random headcanons for Caesar x reader <3
Warnings: Monster/Human romance, angst, can't think of anything else!
A/N: Caesar my BELOVED, I hope these are okay anon! You didn't specify if you wanted romantic or platonic so I'll do a mix of both that you can read as either or! I love my man sm
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Caesar is an old man at this point, he's tired. This being said, he is not above pinning you down and resting his entire fucking body weight on you.
You can struggle all you want, you cannot lift him up and you just have to sit there and let him do what he wants. And what he wants is to have 5 minutes of quiet with his favorite human, okay? Let him have this.
Caesar also takes it upon himself to help groom you, parting your hair, scratching at your scalp and checking you for anything, taking your face in his hands and twisting and turning your head every which way.
Very very huge worrier, he worries for you so much and it comes out as anger. He's not mad at you for doing what he seems stupid shit, he's mad because he's scared of you getting hurt and he can't fix it.
He usually won't leave you alone without at least one ape he trusts in the beginning, he's worried about another ape like Koba emerging, so for his sake, please stick around with Maurice.
Maurice loves you by the way, and so does Nova. Since you're immune to the sickness, you're able to freely interact with her, so whenever you're not with Caesar or Cornelius, you're with them.
Caesar watches you alot when you're not looking, especially when you're laughing and smiling with the young girl. It fills his heart with warmth, even more so when you include other apes in on your jokes.
Give him hugs, he'll never admit just how touch starved he is, the only apes he has physical affection with often were Cornelia, Blue eyes and Koba. He won't admit it that he misses it, but he gets a little huffy if you go on to hug Rocket and not him.
You make him feel younger, almost like how he used to be when he was with Will. Yes, he's a leader and he will always predominantly be the collected and righteous leader, but he has his little shit tendencies that come out when he's around you.
I don't care what anyone says, Caesar is asshole at his core, he's just repressed it because he's a leader. He's the kind of person to have a bug in his hand, and gesture for you to open your palm.
"Open your hand."
"...I don't trust you."
"You do trust me, now open."
And then you have a centipede in your hand and you screech and he just smirks and huffs out a laugh.
I've said it before but he is so overprotective, you will not leave the confines of the colony if he can help it.
He knows you're a grown adult, and that you are capable of holding your own but he doesn't care. He much rather have you here when he can keep an eye out for you.
That being said, he will go with you if you're insistent, he has to teach Cornelius how to hunt and fish anyways, so you come with. It's a family day trip:)
Caesar doesn't like guns, but he gives you a pistol, it's a huge sign of trust due to losing his wife and son by them, by being shot by them, and you know he's trusting you with his life.
Speaking of trauma, he littered with it. Sleep doesn't come as easy to him anymore, he's too anxious, to the point you're scared he'll have a heart attack.
The only way you've found that he'll relax enough to sleep is when you and Cornelius are by his side, his arms wrapped around the both of you.
He finds it hard to tell you about Cornelia, especially since you're both teetering on the verge of something more, he feels like he's betraying her, but you reassure him you'll wait for him as long as he needs. Never overstepping any boundary he has.
He loves you, truly he does, he didn't think he could continue on, even with getting everyone to relative safety, but you've always been there, loving not only him, but everyone else around you. He doesn't know what he'd do without you.
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 9 hours
i was wondering how togame, sakura and unemiya (if you can) would react to someone else flirting with the reader😭 and p.s i just wanted to say your writing is chefs kisses 🫶🏻
she’s mine (just not officially)
or, someone is flirting with you, and they can’t deal, featuring: haruka sakura, hajime umemiya, jo togame, suo hayato, kiryu mitsuki
a/n: I actually sort of combined two similar requests into one — just felt it would be easier for everyone! tbh I loved writing this. jealous boys are yummy ~ and thank you so so much for your kind words babes, they mean so much to me! <33
note: first time writing for pretty boy kiryu!! ooh nooo he’s actually kinda cute eeeeee
c/w: fem!reader, crushes, headcanon blurbs, language, jealousy, pre-relationship
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the instant that sakura haruka registers that someone’s flirting with you, he’s clenching his teeth so hard that his gums start to ache.
there’s many things that crop up in his mind and threaten to spill from his lips — but he holds them back, because none of them would truly make sense in the situation.
you can’t very well tell someone to back off of your girlfriend when she’s not your girlfriend.
it irritates sakura to no end to watch the way your cheeks flush prettily at every lame-ass compliment the slooze offers you; they aren’t even that good, simply mediocre at best, and it’s very clear that all the dude wants is to get in your pants — and sakura can’t even fathom how you can’t see that.
your giggles, normally so pleasant to his ears, grate like nails on a chalkboard when they’re evoked by someone else.
sakura knows he’s more than likely overreacting, but he can’t help it. every fiber of his being is screaming at him to yank the douche away from you, to separate your bodies that are drawing way too close for comfort, to drag you off to some darkened corner and show you that he’s the one that’s worthy of your attention — that all he wants is to receive it and offer you his own.
but he can’t — and that’s the worst part of it. all these things he wants to do, all the things that sleazeball is currently doing, are the things that sakura is too scared to do.
maybe one day, he’ll pluck up the courage to put himself in that place; and if only he could see the yearning glances you send his way, then he would realize there is no need to fear rejection.
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truth be told, you won’t even know hajime umemiya is jealous, because he knows how to (mostly) play it cool.
he’s long since learned to smother negative emotions with ones that are positive — and if he simply can’t smother them, he will act as if they aren’t even there, and proceed with his day like normal.
this process is no different when he feels that green snake curl up in his heart.
of course, he’s outwardly calm, but on the inside he’s seething over every interaction you have with the man. umemiya is taking note of every single pick-up line and compliment the man is throwing at you, and discreetly judging them — that one was way too cheesy, or that one delivered way too lazily, and really, when is the whole “did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” schtick going to die out?
umemiya couldn’t blame him for asking that question though; you were purely angelic, what with that soft smile and those beautiful eyes and that silky hair — he could go on and on about every angelic quality about you.
umemiya does his best to keep his nose out of these situations, but the second he hears the man suggest a date, umemiya is springing to your side with a bright smile.
he’ll apologize to the man and launch into an explanation about how you have plans already (plans of which you weren’t aware of until just now), and only once he’s secured you away from your suitor will he smile sheepishly and say, “I totally forgot to let you know about that. just figured you’d want to come along.”
umemiya never once stops to wonder why you never refute his claims of agreed-upon plans, or why you never question the fact that those same plans turn out to be very rushed and obviously cooked up on the spot; or why he only springs them on you when you’re being hit on.
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when someone is flirting with you, jo togame has to find a way to occupy his hands — by fiddling with his ramune bottle, fixing the collar of his jacket, or even in some cases, by simply shoving them in his pockets.
because, nine times out of ten, when someone starts flirting with you, togame is right there beside you; and his hands begin to tremble with the urge to place themselves somewhere on your body. he wants to sate that protective and possessive growl in him by showing a subtle claim over you by a well-placed hand on your hip.
but togame doesn’t hold that claim over you; because although he’s head over heels for you, you have absolutely no idea about it — and sometimes, togame doubts you’d ever hold the same depth of emotion for him too, even if you did know.
so he sits, and he waits, and he seethes. and he yearns. and he thinks.
thinks about what it would feel like if he could do the very thing his mind was screaming at him to; wonders how good it would feel to have your body tucked against his, to be able to look at the guy and say, “I’m sorry, but she’s taken,” all the while you smile up happily at him. like he’s the only man on earth.
togame thinks about all these things — completely unaware that, in that same moment, you are too.
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whenever a man enters a conversation with you, suo hayato very subtly injects himself into it and then takes complete control of it. though it’s fairly obvious the man only wanted to talk to you, suo somehow manages to get him roped into a conversation with him as well.
suo is never straight-up rude — but it’s not hard to discern if one bothers to read between the lines. his voice is as calm and unaffected as ever, even bordering on genuinely conversational at times, but there’s this hint of something else beneath it; almost like a threat of some sort.
any and all topics pertaining to you are steered in another direction, the turns always orchestrated by suo himself — sometimes you find yourself wondering why the guy is even still there, why he’s actually conversing with suo when you could clearly feel that he was interested in you.
the man knows why. he feels the silent commands that suo sends his way, feels the aura from him.
of course, you can’t really detect that — but the man flirting with you certainly can. whatever metaphorical language suo is speaking in the man understands clearly, and before you know it, his interest in you is deflected (forced) away.
and every time, you’re left wondering why you don’t feel disappointed about it; and why it just feels more natural for it to just be you and suo.
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kiryu mitsuki is what you’d call a man of few expressions. it isn’t that he’s emotionless or incapable of feeling, it’s just that it’s difficult to tell what he’s feeling. his expression is always soft, eyebrows relaxed and eyes even more so, his lips always pulled into a smile as if he’s heard a joke that only he understands. if anything, you’d say kiryu looks content with life — it’s actually a quite charming look.
but when someone’s flirting with you, kiryu looks anything but. his brows are furrowed and the smile is wiped from his mouth. his eyes, a kind, gentle green, burn like twin peridot in hellfire.
kiryu can’t even hide it; can’t be bothered too. he’s shown his affection towards you in ways that are too blatant to be considered merely-friendly. he may not have ever verbally confirmed his feelings for you, but he doesn’t really have to. kiryu shows them.
of course, he’s well aware that you haven’t reciprocated these feelings; and he won’t force you to — if it happens, it’ll happen naturally.
it’s because of this philosophy that he won’t ever interject himself or disrupt the flow of your conversation with the man, but after it’s all said and done with, kiryu will be just a tad clingier towards you than before — and secretly, selfishly, hope that you’ll reciprocate his feelings soon, so that he can finally call you his and he can say all the things he wants to to guys that flirt with you.
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wordy-little-witch · 3 days
Hiiii PLS 🙏 wordy plssssz i need more transfem buggy headcanons like i love ur post but i need more🥹🤲 like the hc and scenarios that shook the seas,,, wat r crossguilds reaction n shanks n other pirates reaction uahxiskzkzs shes gonna b so hot dksk ive seen fanart and fembuggy looks so HOTTTT
Hiiiii honeybun!!! I got you, dw ♡♡
• he finds out through news coos and bounty posters. It's no secret that the redhair pirates keep careful tabs on bounties, new and old faces alike in the game, but there's special attention to black haired rubber boys and blue haired clowns when it comes to bounties and reports. The crew knows this and supports it. So when they get a paper, when Benn reads through it and does a spit take with his coffee, everyone cones scurrying, especially when he yells for their captain.
• (romantic) Shanks, upon seeing the bounty and story, is left reeling. Buggy had always been breathtaking to him, had always been the epitome of everything he finds beautiful and attractive. Shanks adores Buggy, head to toe, inside out, and even then he could always see the little chinks in the other's armor, the discomfort and uncertainty that stained the clown's cells. It's in the microexpressions, he knows, and those signals are suddenly gone in these pictures. He's breathless. He's swooning. He needs to see Buggy in person.
• (platonic) similar to the above, Shanks keeps tabs on his precious people. And Buggy, his beloved baby brother, his beloved best friend, is among those he looks out for from afar. Seeing Buggy so different, so bright, seeing the way his - her - smile finally reaches her eyes and eyebrows and cheeks, it makes him melt a little. He's proud, so proud, so happy that Buggy looks happy and healthy, and he's.... he wants. By the Seas, he wants to see her. He wants to see and meet his sister.
• Depending on the time frame when the change happens, Crocodile either meets Buggy for Cross Guild as a woman or deals with the transitional phase with the business. If it's the latter, he actually makes a point to try affirming what he believes is Buggy's gender identity in vague terms. Then, when Buggy begins to shy away from them, he moves to more neutral monikers, heavy on the Clown and Fool.
• upon being told that Buggy identifies as a woman, he just rolls with it. He has to fight the trans urge to make "we traded genders" jokes, which he blames proximity to the clown for. He's not going to cause a ruckus about it. He will however cause bodily injury if someone else has an issue with that.
• he's absolutely livid, btw, that he finds the clown attractive like this. It's not the body, not exactly - Croc doesn't really care one way or another about the configuration downstairs of his partners - but he is attracted to intelligence, confidence, power, and how pretty someone is when they cry. Sue him, he has a type. It just so happens that Buggy, newly confident, newly steady, is branching out into all of his standards while staying so utterly charming. He's so mad about it. He wants to kiss her. He's going insane.
• he doesn't stick to labels. They're boring. He doesn't care. He will admit however that the majority of those who held his interest were men. The Clown was an exception - though not because of her gender. He's typically drawn to people by their Haki signatures, and he has noticed a common trend in those he enjoys - Shanks with his firey volcanic energy, Crocodile feeling akin to the desert lands he called home, even Roronoa Zoro's antiquated cliffside mountainous energy. He finds earthy energy to be the most comfortable, emotional aspect be damned. The Clown is very much a different element, liquid and mutable and dynamic. It is reflective, overtly bright and rippling uncontrollably. Odd, he admits, but not investing.
• it's when Buggy calms, when she blooms, that Migawk sees the ripples calm, sees the sharp reflections soothe themselves, and sees that the seemingly shallow pond of energy is but a cover which leads into a fathomless sinkhole. The shores are quaint, smooth, beautiful, and lead gradually further and further in towards a sharp drop which casts the Blues into blacks and the blacks into abyssal shade. It's strange, it's unusual, it's delicious.
• it especially helps that Mihawk finds Buggy to be rather good company. Without her forced shrill demeanor and loud hypervigilance, she's actually a wonderful conversationalist. He enjoys her company. It's unexpected.
More romantic aspects bc I am absolutely melting over it-
Cross guild
• Buggy has always been rather touchy-feely, something she constantly fights with because of her past and experiences. She adores cuddles, holding hands, casual touches, and the like. Her boyfriends aren't exactly the types to love PDA or to seek out physical touch. They do allow her to indulge, however, and they each have their preferred manners of doing so.
- Mihawk
- - in public, will pull a full chivalrous move, offering her his arm, his hand when she climbs up or down, a casual yet respectful hand on her waist to guide her.
- - in private, he will cuddle against her back when he is amenable to touch, chin over her shoulder as they both read a book, one arm wrapped around her waist, fingers caressing the soft skin of her soft sides, other hand tangled with one of her own. If not that, he will become a cat in human form, wordlessly smacking whatever was in her hands away to burrow into her stomach or chest, going limp yet clinging in a mess of contradictions. It never fails to earn a slightly annoyed snicker from her.
- Crocodile
- - in public, he and Mihawk seem to share a general demeanor insofar as the types of touches. He does however take it further by occasionally just plucking her up into his arm, treating her as a dainty little thing, casual touches peppered throughout that imply a level of possessiveness, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, a drag of fingertips or hook along her shoulder, a curl of a hand at her hip.
- - in private, the touches come and go, but the emotion behind them remains. Sometimes he will simply trail fingers over her spine or shoulders, absent and affectionate. Sometimes he will drag her into the cage of him limbs to have and hold her close, a cheek pressed to her chest, hand cupping the other breast in a simple gesture.
• only thinks "uncle buggy -> auntie buggy"
• does not care, Buggy is Buggy.
• is happy that Buggy is happy!!!
• will throw hands if anyone is mean to his aunt, his hands are rated E for Everyone.
• for a long time, didn't even know. Finds out by rumors in a random bar which he is Hella confused by and so fact checks. Has a mild moment when he realizes his baby boy is in fact a baby girl now. Wild. Decides to go see his daughter because What The Fuck Buglet
• no he doesn't cry when he sees Buggy. He just.... got sand in his eye. He did not get emotional when he saw his youngest child beam at him with a smile so like Roger's, in bold colors which suited her, so bright, so joyful, so free -
• he remembers the trembling, scrappy little being who would huddle between him and Roger after bad fights, so uncertain, so scared, so far removed from the young woman before him today, and Rayleigh just smiles, bonks her on the head and calls her princess.
• and if he pulls her aside later on and they sit together on the beach, drinking together, well.... when he says Roger would be so proud of her, he means it. And when she cries? Well. He won't tell anyone about it. It's a private moment between father and daughter.
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asukiess · 1 day
sometimes I get a little emotional about how you can trace eras of a media through the fanfic, rings on a tree. certain season-specific jokes, headcanons built on information only expounded upon later in canon or never at all, leaving behind a special care and detail to a storyline/plot point; early or mid-seasons characterization; AUs that lasted for a while. journal-entry authors notes about school or mental health or three am writing session or how they wrote one of the most influential stories of your life in a fast casual joint, on a park bench on their phone. sometimes I see similarities in how I read a character in a fic from 5, 10 years ago and I feel like we're having a dialogue, connection through our stories. sometimes I look at the posted date and imagine what my life was like then, when I had no idea this would be something I'd love later. fanfic!!!
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