#he didn’t tell anyone he was breaking in
the-faggot-brackets · 13 hours
Round 1, poll 1
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@its-arson-time @gayoticbeing
propaganda under the cut
- "i dont even change my url for pride because my name is in it and im already a faggot"
- "aroace lesbian is pretty cool"
- "he/him lesbian call me the convention breakerrr"
- "im also on my period so like. pls"
- "transmasc"
- "pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls"
- "i will draw you a little guy if you vote for me"
- "i have a diary entry which is 20 pages of yearning and pining for a girl i'd never talked to we just made eye contact a few times"
- "i used to pretend to be percy jackson in the playground with my friend who pretended to be annabeth chase and we used to pretend to be dating"
- "also some guy accused me of having a crush on a boy when i was 9 and i beat him up
- literally called GAYotic being
- "Uhhhh I’m still friends with my ex and we’re really friendly and we still hang out despite breaking up 6 months ago"
- "when we were dating we literally looked at apartments together (we were 15)"
- "genderqueer as fuck no one knows what my next move will be"
- "like. Almost every post I make is about liking women or being gay"
- "my first date with my ex girlfriend we baked cookies and listened to Boygenius"
- "I had a “boyfriend “ for 3 days on holiday when I was 12 and I didn’t touch him or anything I just asked him out so he’d play football with me"
- "I had a 6 (maybe longer) year obsession with my primary school best friend who was homophobic"
- "when i was a kid me and my friends kissed at a sleepover and then made a pact never to tell anyone"
- "also i'm on my period and it makes me sad. so. vote for me."
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267 notes · View notes
yestrday · 6 hours
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— BLUSH BLUSH ! anemo | hydro | geo | pyro
⤷ yan! hybrid! neuvillette, diluc, thoma, bennett, gaming, lyney
summary ! a connection to fire doesn't ultimately mean hot-headed, but these hybrids are equally passionate in their love for you. like a moth to a flame, you are taken in by their warmth, not noticing when the heat starts to sear.
content ! overprotectiveness; mentions of múrder; mention of breaking your limbs
notes ! oh and there's neuvillette too ig
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for such a hybrid of his nature, the way you encountered NEUVILLETTE was entirely… ordinary. you were just out on a walk with zhongli to the village below after offering to run some errands. it was purely out of the desire to stretch your legs instead of being cramped in that manor, but that decision had led you to encounter one of the rarest beings alive… scooping water out of the nearby river and tasting it. you had gawked at him, eyes darting from the river to the sediments floating in his… wine glass? silently, he made a toast to you and sipped from the water. “earthy,” he had said, with all the refinement of a wine connoisseur. 
you had been ecstatic when NEUVILLETTE introduced himself to you as a dragon hybrid, making that the fourth of the mythical hybrids you’ve met so far. zhongli was less than pleased, pursing his lips and choosing to say one or two curt greetings for the sake of basic politeness. you’re not as dense as the others make you out to be, but even if you were, anyone could tell that something was going on between the two hybrids. the way they exchange glances, human eyes turning into territorial slits for a few seconds before going back to normal as they entertain you… yeah, something’s up. 
NEUVILLETTE had already caught wind of a benevolent young master who had one too many hybrids under their roof, so he had no qualms about introducing himself as a hybrid to you. something about you had already captivated him first-hand. perhaps it’s your eyes, filled with the naivete of a sheltered child but unafraid of knowing the curiosities of the world. or maybe it’s how your expression turned to that of glee when he introduced himself as a hybrid, overjoyed rather than fearful of his mythical status. when you walked him back to your manor, it was clear how well you took care of your hybrids with the way they greeted you warmly and clung to your side. … perhaps, this was the peaceful harmony between humans and hybrids that he had always longed to see.
except the longer he stayed in your manor, the more he could sense that something sinister was brewing underneath the surface. it didn’t come from the human housestaff or the human… you. you, who was as fallible as any human, was not the cause of this unease he was feeling. the more he observed your hybrids, the more he unraveled the image of this so-called found family. some of them touch you far too inappropriately for human standards, others sway you with carefully crafted words laced with sweet smiles, and gentle tones, and there are the occasional slip-ins to your drink and food when you glance away. all this he watches from afar, still too estranged from the others to make any comment about it. he realizes that rather than a house made for them, this was a cage they had created to be yours.
he had ought to bring this up with you, about the things they do to you. NEUVILLETTE could not see any of their actions as anything other than a strange displacement of obsession and it was only just that you become aware of it, if you hadn’t already. but one day you were called to your father’s in the city, and a week later you had come back looking a little blank and dead. your eyes were puffy from crying too much yet you forced yourself to smile (albeit shakily and weakly) whenever the hybrids had asked about your welfare. aether led you back to your room, shooting them all a glance before they all shared the same knowing glance and dispersed. it was only later that he realized the precarious position you were born into, with a father who could care less and high society’s eyes on you.
NEUVILLETTE is soft and gentle when he handles you. he speaks in that firm yet endearing voice, gentlemanly in all his conduct, and not once seeming to take advantage of you. he’s part of the education team, teaching you about language arts and sometimes even judicial subjects that would aid you should you ever step back into high society. those subjects are there for you to use for your own… agenda, but NEUVILLETTE doesn’t exactly have the heart to raise you to be a conniving manipulator, so he quietly leaves that to ayato. 
NEUVILLETTE hasn’t felt a strong desire for anything in his long, long life, but that has changed ever since had met you. one smile from you was enough to break down the walls that had been built up over the centuries, enough to make him want you. to have you wrapped in his embrace, to hold your hands in his, to wipe away the tears caused by the harsh society you were born in. he wants to treat you gently, believe him, but it’s so hard to do when instincts are creeping up on him— to bruise your wrist whenever you try to let go, to trap you in this manor to protect you, to have so prettily dolled up in the treasures of the world that you’d never want to go anywhere else… 
… but having you here right now, laughing at the cream on his nose, is more than enough. the hybrids do well to protect you and he does his best too. he hopes that this domestic bliss with you all will never end and that those monstrous instincts that want to… do things to you… will forever be kept in the dark.
RELATIONSHIPS: zhongli is a bit more fearful of him than he lets on, but the territorial instinct within him always tries to rile up neuvillette whenever they meet. neuvi isn’t one to lose to another dragon so easily. but on a lighter note, he enjoys tea time with wriothesley and aether and advises the younger hybrids whenever they need it.
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DILUC is a peregrine falcon who has been skulking in the shadows of city life ever since he escaped from his previous owner. aether had come across him while he was on one of his stakeouts and after seeing the horrible state the hybrid was in, invited him to your manor. for the first weeks, he was obviously apprehensive, but seeing how well the hybrids were being taken care of, eased up you over time.
DILUC lives a relatively quiet life in your manor, helping out in the kitchen or going out on patrols whenever needed. he’s quite famous among the hybrids and servants for his bartending skills, and when the night calls for it he can be found stirring behind the counter to entertain some of the more liquor-inclined hybrids. venti is one of his usual patriots, strumming on his lyre for the entire manor. DILUC is a bit fearful of serving you alcoholic drinks, especially in a manor full of hybrids ready to pounce on you at any time, so when you order one he tends to leave out the alcohol and just let the placebo effect run its course.
one of the strongest from your non-mythical hybrids, he gets pestered by the others to clean up their messes. he looks irritated and will scold them for their incompetence, but he cleans up after them nonetheless. sometimes, you can catch him sparring with the younger hybrids as he instructs them on their posture and strategy. his words are harsh, but you can tell by how he pats their head and how fondly he thinks of them.
when it comes to you, however, DILUC noticeably becomes softer. he speaks to you softly rather than grumpily, and you often find yourself blushing with how tender he treats you sometimes. he’s quite patient with your mistakes and is happy to guide you through them. there’s nothing more he wants than to see you grow into a splendid and pure person, untouched by the corruption of society. he wishes that your eyes will stay the same, naive and innocent, that you won’t ever have to be burdened by your status as heir. alas, he knows that it’s nothing more than wishful thinking.
he’s taught himself how to suppress his hybrid traits, feeling nothing but distaste for them as they were the one thing his previous owner coveted so much. his wings were nothing more than a symbol of his inferiority, the natural chirps that’d come with his speech embarrassing, and his animal form a vulnerability that could be easily targeted. indeed, he’s been living most of his days as a human rather than a hybrid, but that couldn’t possibly be healthy for him. you try to encourage him to let himself go, and although he’s long forgotten how to turn back into his animal form or chirp, he sometimes lets his wings unfurl whenever he’s alone with you. he finds comfort in how your gentle hands preen and pet his feathers— so careful and tender, unlike his previous master.
should you stay inside the manor for the rest of your life, DILUC would be more than pleased. he’s ready to let everything go just for the sake of simple domesticity with you and the others. literally no red flags will be popping up because he’s satisfied with sheltering you from the dangers of the outside world. however, such an outcome is unlikely, and you taking up your father’s seat is the more likely scenario here. in that case, DILUC cannot help but swear to be by your side forever, watching over you and making sure that you do not go to the deep end.
danger lurks in every corner and DILUC just might go insane watching you teeter on such a perilous situation. he might consider dragging you away from that life and force you back into the safety of your manor. you don’t need to do all that, right? you don’t actually need to run the company by yourself— that’s what your hybrids are here for! he’s on his knees, begging you to come back to a life of safety. you can dress up fancy once in a while, and enjoy yourself at those galas, but you’ll be less of an owner and more than a face. who cares, really? being a puppet doesn’t sound all that bad, not when you’ll be dolled up and pampered and cared for for the rest of your life.
RELATIONSHIPS: kaeya and venti are always badgering him for another drink, which he icily ignores. he’s a bit of a lone wolf, but with the rest of your security team, their silent camaraderie allows them to carry out missions in the dark and protect you whilst lurking in the shadows.
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it was by pure coincidence that you guys found THOMA. the handsome gentleman who’s always been helping out the villagers has always greeted you with a smile and offered to eat chicken skewers whenever you stopped by to visit and hence has been one of the things you looked forward to whenever you visited the village. whilst on a trip to the village with ayato, he took one look at the blonde man and with a coy smile greeted him like they were old friends. which they probably were, because ever since that day THOMA has been a part of your hybrid family as your resident dogboy.
THOMA seems to be able to do it all! the servants love him for his help around the house and his cheerful and easygoing personality. sometimes he’s cooking with the chefs, other times he’s scrubbing the tiles with the maids, or he’s trimming the garden with the gardeners. you often fret that maybe he’s pushing himself too hard, but he always laughs it off and assures you that he loves what he does. you don’t quite get the appeal, but he’ll distract your worries with a dessert that he’s whipped up just for you. 
ayato doesn’t usually command him but whenever he does, THOMA is quick to follow. you don’t quite exactly know their past relationship, other than the fact that ayato was his superior, but THOMA says that ayato isn’t as bossy as he used to be. perhaps it’s because you’re the master of this house already. you don’t have to worry about making conflicting commands with ayato (because ayato would ensure that he’s lovingly brainwashed you enough to always agree with him), but if he ever does prioritize ayato’s commands, it’s only for your own good.
it puzzles you a lot, but THOMA seems to enjoy serving others, most especially you. he is happiest whenever he sees your delighted face at waking up to a platter of your favorite food for breakfast. he finds comfort in brushing your hair and weaving flowers in between the strands. whenever you’re sad, it is his utmost pleasure to poof into his dog form and curl up into your lap, letting you stroke his golden fur as you sob your feelings out. he wants nothing more than to treat you right, to be there by your side as you try to navigate the world and its complex intricacies.
he’s fiercely loyal to you and the hybrids, so much so that he’s blinded by it. he does not care about whether or not you have done something wrong; it will always be the outsiders who need to be eliminated. THOMA is a different person whenever he finds out that a subordinate of yours has betrayed you. he can’t even fathom it. who in their right mind would betray you? what is there about you to drag through the mud? THOMA only views it as a mere clean-up whenever he kills off one of the bastards. were it not for the blood that’s been carelessly splattered on his clothes, no one could even guess that your smiling gentleman had killed someone.
THOMA is a selfless and devout worshipper, and he gives everything that he is to you. should you proceed on inheriting your right, he will do everything in his power to spread your influence and good name. ayato usually calls on him whenever you need something special done, simply because of his vast network of connections. you’re a bit frightened when THOMA casually mentions an assassin he knows. he reassures you though, that this is all for your good! he says it so gently, as if he doesn’t have his fingers in multiple dangerous resources.
on a more domestic issue, THOMA has a guilty pleasure of seeing you sick. he knows it’s bad to wish harm upon someone as sweet and dear as you, but it fills him with such sick pleasure to be the one to look after your vulnerable state. he dotes on you a lot more, and if you weren’t so sick you could see the sweet obsession on his face as he wipes your sweat away. he thinks of asking one of the more science-y hybrids to slip a little something into your food now and then (he knows they’re more than willing to. hell, he knows they’ve already been doing that), but he thinks better of it. he loves you more when you’re smiling, sitting side by side with him without a care in the world.
RELATIONSHIPS: thoma is friends with everyone, even the villagers down below! if he’s not by your side, he’s at ayato’s, indulging him in his eccentric whimsies and often being the victim of his pranks. aether is often pestering him to rest, so when he’s not doing any chores, he’s often found taking a nap in the garden in his fluffy dog form.
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you found BENNETT injured and alone outside of your house one day and you, already used to this song and dance, hurriedly ran with the bunny in your arms to the first aid kit. the poor thing had small nicks and scars all over its body, ash-gray fur matted with dried blood and mud. it took a lot of days for the bunny to recover enough to wake up, but when it did, it was already bounding with limitless energy and a sunny disposition. upon seeing you again, it bounded up to you, and with a poof!, BENNETT’s boyish grin greeted you in his hybrid form. “thanks for helping me out! i’m bennett, mind letting me stay here?”
how could you not say no to that charming smile? you found out that BENNETT had been abandoned by his previous owner after the unluckiness he had brought them— termites in their walls, couch eaten by moths, etc.— which seemed like a cruel joke because they had explicitly bought him for luck. you also realize that BENNETT finds some shame in his whole animal form, finding its scarred appearance ugly, and he often flattens his ears against his head to hide the cuts. he wishes that he could take a fully human form but alas, it seems that he’s still not skilled enough to reach that level.
BENNETT really tries his best but whatever he does seems to end up in failure. he doesn’t let this get him down though! he believes that eventually, he’ll run out of his unluck and be able to live a normal life. of course, this still spells trouble for everyone around him, so servants don’t usually ask him to do anything. he’s understanding of it, but it does make him a bit glum. thankfully, you’re here to cheer him up! making him run errands to the village shouldn’t trigger too much of his unluckiness… right?
he’s really touch starved, but he’s afraid to be near you let alone touch you. although he knows it's irrational, he can’t help but be paranoid that maybe just touching you is enough for his bad luck to rub off on you. you’ve already been kind enough to take in a mess like him, so he doesn’t want to make things worse by affecting you of all people. your sincerity and concern are enough to have him falling all over again for you, but when you catch him off guard and scratch his floppy ears, he melts into a contented puddle and into your touch.
BENNETT gets needier the more affection and touch you shower him with, but he tries his best to distance himself (though he fails). your kind eyes have been his only saving grace in a world where he was born to be sold and abandoned and the cycle repeated. you, who are so different from his sneering masters who saw him as nothing more than a pesky hybrid, have given him reason to power through all the pain he’s been feeling. whenever he does something successful, he gets all quiet and squirmy as he awaits your praise. when he doesn’t get it, he’s sent into a spiral of gloom and self-doubt.
should there be a dangerous mission that needs to be executed, the best candidate for the job is BENNETT who will do his utmost to make the job succeed no matter what. it doesn’t matter if his bad luck is getting in his way— he has to finish the job so he can make you happy. even though he’s wrapped up in bandages and suffering near-fatal injuries, he shoots you a thumbs-up and a happy grin as guilt settles in your heart. it’s painful, but what is a little pain compared to helping you succeed and rise to the top?
all of his motivations are spurred by the need to be acknowledged by you and to stay by your side. he’s already used up his luck in finding you, and he doesn’t want that to run out anytime soon. a deep fear encompasses his whole being; a fear that one day you might abandon him like the rest of them. but that won’t happen! because BENNETT sucks up whatever life throws his way, fatal or not, and continues to charge forward. if he makes himself useful, then surely you’ll still allow him to stay by your side, no?
RELATIONSHIPS: a hybrid on the younger side, he’s often playing with razor and the other youngins. since the hybrids all have their own unique dispositions, no one’s quite bothered by the disastrous aftereffects that his unluckiness brings. he’s often sparring with kaeya as he learns how to fight from him.
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when GAMING first arrived, he gave everyone quite a fright. it was a peaceful day out, only for it to be ruined by one of the maids screaming. when you rushed out to see what was going on, you were greeted by a lion cub yawning on a big warm rock, unbothered by the stares directed at it. peeking one eye open, it finally saw the pairs of eyes on him until it met yours and with a grin (the maids shrieked again, mistaking it for bared fangs), he jumps from the rock and poofs into his hybrid form. a cute boy with twitching ears and sparkling eyes gazed up at you with an eager look on his face.
you all warmed up to the lion cub pretty quickly. GAMING was both cheerful and calm, and overall a pleasant boy to hang around with. you heard that he’s made fast friends with the villagers downhill and every time he comes back he always brings treats to share with everyone. to you, he personally sees to it that you eat the little treats he brings home. you think he likes to watch you eat, with how earnestly his eyes follow your hands’ every move and the excited wagging of his tail as he watches your expression. you try to feed him too, but he insists that you eat it because he bought it just for you.
he’s so charismatic and sincere that you find yourself blushing at the simplest of his actions. like when you walked into the hybrids taste testing the head chef’s newest treat, he quickly offered up a spoon for you to eat from. as he eagerly awaits you to eat from the spoon, you start blushing with how close GAMING is to your face and coupled with his earnest expression as well. the other hybrids drill into the back of his head with his deathly stare, so much so that the head chef decides to nope out of the situation and escape into the next room. he’s just a natural gentleman, you suppose, though it does attract some irked glances your way. 
however, he’s not as composed when it’s your turn to shower him with affection. one time, you decided that it was nice enough weather to eat your teacakes outside. not one to pass up on snacks, GAMING quickly took you up on the offer to accompany you and your mind suddenly thought of taking revenge on him by teasing him with a teacake. it took a long time for him to realize, but when he finally processes the slowly closing gap between you and him, he makes a startled yelp and scrambles back. you sit back, amused at his steaming face and panicked eyes, before laughing at his expression and finally handing him the snack. your giggles continued to ring throught the garden as he very adorably pouted and whined you to not surprise him like that.
GAMING is very overprotective of you. understandably so, since you are the naive heir of a multmillionaire company squirreled away in the boonies who’s never experienced the real world. he has no problem killing off outsiders— he’s got no emotional attachment to them, so he slices through them quickly and easy like knife and butter. but he’s at a loss when you hurt yourself. it’s a given that you might get overexcited when you’re let out into the outside world, but sometimes that makes you a little bit reckless. his eyes widen and his breaths go uneven when he spots the bloody scrape on your knee, but he swallows it down and quickly tends to it like a good big brother. he scolds you lightly, but there is something… unsteady… underneath that brotherly smile.
the more you move up to the world, the more at odds he is with himself. he realizes more and more that it’s becoming nigh impossible for him to protect you. soon, the world’s eyes will be on you, and there will be no place for an insignificant beast like him to insert himself in. he argues with the other hybrids to stop this, to stop you, because sooner or later all this money and fame will kill you. others empathize with him, then others support your rise. GAMING grows more unstable as he watches you put yourself in more and more dangerous situations all for the sake of duty.
there are more powerful hybrids in this house, so GAMING can’t possibly act on his wishes, but he prays that he can just break that leg of yours or leave you incapacitated enough that you are unable to inherit your rights. it’s your father, isn’t it? shackling you down with a life you never asked for. he wishes that you’d never have to live a life so burdened by the decisions of your father, that you’d continue eating dimsum and cakes with him and the others like before. but all he can do is join the fight to protect you, the only thing he can do as a humble beast.
RELATIONSHIPS: gaming is often spotted enjoying snacks with chongyun and xingqiu or taking out the other security team members to a nice food stall in the village. because aether is a cat, he often asks him for tips on how to fight, believing that he could learn from a stronger feline. he is also often seen staring wide-eyed at zhongli and getting shy when the mythical dragon greets him.
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LYNEY approaches you on one of your visits to your father’s building, with a charming smile on his face and endless magic tricks to entertain you with. you are quickly drawn in by his charisma, but when you’re held back by a frowning and apprehensive aether, you decide to behave yourself. aether is often never wrong in his assumptions about people, and perhaps there is more to the friendly boy than meets the eye. LYNEY, however, plays the pity card, slightly raising his hat and showing off the pair of twitching cat ears on his head. he puts it down and pleads his case— a hybrid on the runaway from his abusive owner. you gasp and aether falters, and after enough pleading with him, you’ve added another catboy to your collection of hybrids.
half of the house is torn about LYNEY. the more naive ones welcome him into the fray, eager to have another hybrid and harem member to play with. meanwhile, the wiser ones can sense that something is… off about him. none of them have definite proof to back up their suspicions, so none of them bother to tell you. if you’re perceptive, you can sense how on edge they are, but if you’re not then you’re also easily taken in by him as well. no one can deny that LYNEY treats you like you ought to be treated— delicate yet playful, serving you like you’re royalty and him the servant.
although LYNEY treats you like a friend, there are times when he feels immeasurably distant from you. you often catch sight of his darkened gaze directed at you, but when you ask him what’s wrong, he just shakes his head and forces a smile. you think that his eyes look at you with some sort of sadness, but you never push it. you ask the other hybrids if they know LYNEY well, and though they regale you with tales of his magic and friendliness, they never say anything more than that. you wish that he’d come to find his manor as his home… though when you bring this up to neuvillette, he just shakes his head and pats you. “some things just cannot be replaced,” he says, and you wonder if the magician had left something behind at his old place.
when he got this job, LYNEY thought that it would be an easy one. a spoiled rich kid with numerous hybrids at their every call… it sounded just like the slavers he abhorred so much. his apprehension was shattered when he met you in the building lobby, fiercely protected by aether like you were some sort of precious treasure. he recalled the way your eyes widened in compassion upon hearing his story and his conflicted feelings only grew stronger when he entered your home and was surprised at how… happy everyone was. all the hybrids he’d seen, including himself, were miserable. they could be lucky enough to not get an abusive owner, but that didn’t change that they were essentially slaves. here, however, everyone was free. the only thing that tethered them to this place is because they wanted to be with you.
ever since he’s stepped into this manor, it’s been lies upon lies upon lies. LYNEY never really lets himself get too close to the others, and he’s also well aware of the way the more guarded ones look at him. when it comes to you, however, he wishes that he didn’t have to wear such a facade. if it’s you… then maybe you’d accept him, madness and all. instead, he continues to feed you half-truths— his past abuse, his loneliness, the loss of his siblings— and delights in the affection he receives. he can’t get enough of your attention, even if it is directed towards a half-fiction version of him. but he curls up in your lap nevertheless, purring contentedly as you pet him and ease wallow in the bitterness of his life.
… he thought it’d be easy, but LYNEY thinks this is the hardest mission he’s been ever given. the knife is already pressed to your throat, so what’s stopping him from slitting it? his hands can’t budge, and guilt and desire only overwhelm him as he watches your sleeping face. you’ve given him more love than he deserves, and he can’t seem to get enough of it. you’re so gullible and naive, falling for his tricks and lies, feeding him information that could lead to your downfall… what could you possibly do when he leaks everything? right… that’s right… your entire life depends on him. that night, he curls up to your bed, pressing kisses to your cheek and whispering all the betrayals he’s done to you. he’s still torn about whether to continue lying or to bare his entire soul to you, but either way, you’ll still be the captivating thing he’s laid his eyes on.
RELATIONSHIPS: the moment freminet arrives, he’s ecstatic. aside from his usual magic shows and entertainment, he never sticks around the others for far too long. he’s only spending time with freminet and you, though he and aether have a quiet solidarity as cat hybrids.
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enzenwriting · 1 day
7 days- without a week (5.8k words)
Jake sim x reader. #childhood friend to stranger #angst
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Unfortunately, you’re stuck on a cliche “childhood best friend turned into crush” :( - but can you help it? It’s Jake Sim we’re talking about here.
You literally grew up with this silly boy- from nursery school to now- last year of your university. Despite having different interest and class majors, you both got in the same university and have the time to see each other in between. (How? You’ll never know🤷‍♀️)
Your crush in question is quite the entertainment amongst your friends. Not that you’re obnoxious with your gestures/feeling, but it’s no secret to anyone that you like Jake.
Jake has basketball practice after school? You take ice cream for him and his friends when you pass by the school store!
Jake’s favourite football and basketball team game is airing? yeah you’re watching that with Jake.
(And Jake brings your favourite snacks and cuddles too<3)
Your friends says you’re absolutely down bad for the boy, but you’d like to think you’re just affectionate in nature - it’s not like you don’t show affection towards your own friends too.
“Let me guess, your MBTI is an F?” - Jungwon first time meeting you. “No, I’m pre-T, cu-T-” y/n … shut up please
It’s not like Jake doesn’t return the affection half of the time? Man is touchy. Arms around your shoulders, biting your shoulder when he can’t win an argument with you and sharing food? (not that you mind…. You really don’t…. please continue…… forever)
“That’s because we’re best friends” He tells Sunghoon with a tsk when Hoon gets tired of third wheeling. The eyerollll he gets from Hoon every time fr is enough to say stfu.
The guys just want to *bonk* him. Wake up Sim!
You realise this cycle had been as what it had always been since you realise your feelings but you know enough not to push the boundaries between the two of you to make it awkward and destroy you friendship
So today isn’t really any different except Jake gets benched for a day because he wouldn’t shut up about fishing instead of practising. This is never good because Jake Sim is PASSIONATE about his hobbies and sports.
The team also has an important game in a couple of weeks so wasting this time on the bench very counterproductive.
You do you your daily visit, ready to share your snacks with Jake and the rest of the boys and that’s when you notice his small frown and bitten bottom lips.
“Jakey, you okay? Want to talk somewhere? ” You test the water because a moody Jake Sim is a land mine sometimes. it takes talking to get him out from his danger zone
“No” you’re not fazed at his abrupt answer but it breaks your heart to see him like this. He mumbles something along of “I’m fine” but nonetheless your stubborn self didn’t believe him. His happiness was your happiness, after all.
“Come on Jakey, let’s go somewhere to talk-“
“Oooh baby Jakey, talk to your girlfriend to calm your ass down. Maybe you can cuddle it out right girlfriend?” One of the guy yells across the court, laughing boisterously.
“Come on guys, it’s not like that. We’re not dating” you respond, trying to dismay the guys not to provoke Jake further.
“Yet!” Heeseung winks. “You’ve got to try harder y/n!”
“I guess” you whispered, just wanting them to lose interest at both of your business and focus on cheering Jake at the very moment.
You sigh, look falling towards Jake when all too sudden, you feel his fingers arms around your forearm, quietly dragging you out of the court and a couple of room away from the place.
“What was that bout?” he exclaimed, voice barely above whispered, a slight growl evident in his deep voice.
“What are you talking bout?” you raised your brow, tugging on the sleeves of your hoodie nervously as you feel the tension between the two of you.
“Don’t act dumb y/n. You know what you were doing with all the girlfriend talk and trying to be more than what we are”
“Is it that bad to try? I care about you as friend too. My intentions aren’t all motivated by trying to be more than that.” Your attempt to explain yourself was futile when Jake interupts you
“What fuck y/n? You know I hate it when you talk about trying to be more than my friend!”
“I didn’t start it! I didn’t even mean just that too! I’m trying to make you feel better-“
“Still!!” He exclaimed and you can see the frustration in his expressions. “You ran with it and you’re motivating them”
“I just thought… I thought it would shut them up”
“Well you thought wrong” Jake ran his hand through his hair in frustration, backing away from you. “You have no idea how it feels to have your friend and strangers constantly nagging you to do and what not to do!”
“Jakey, you should just accept poor y/n’s feelings! don’t reject her so much! You two are definitely more than friends!!” He mimicked comments you’ve heard many times from others too. His voice was getting deeper as words kept coming out. His fists were clenching every second. The image of the golden puppy boy was gone. “I’ms tired of it, y/n!” he yelled.
“I’m sick and tired of you constantly forcing me to act like a couple!” You held your breath, trying to stay strong at Jake’s eyes starring straight into yours coldly. His finger poking, pointing towards you. “It’s so fucking annoying to have your own best friend push and whine every single day of your life. No matter how many times I fucking turn you down as gently as possible but your stubborn self couldn’t see how annoying this whole thing is for me. I call you best friend every day for heaven sakes!”
You felt your chest tighten with every passing second, you felt like you were bout to burst. Second after seconds, Jake felt very unfamiliar and the situation felt like a nightmare. Not until the following words woke you up in this reality and shattered your remaining resolve
“I don’t like you like that and I never fucking will. I mean it y/n”
Without a second wasted, you slipped out of Jake’s presence and jogged of the stairs, trying to keep your tears in. You felt like your heart had been crushed into pieces. A heart break without the love.
⠀ ׄ  ۪ 𓂃 ੭୧ 𓂃 ۪ ׄ
an/ scream for part 2!!!! because I just broke my own heart with this🤣💔🫵 . Sorry I got too carried away but Jake was VERY mean on this wtf!!!
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captainreecejames · 3 hours
Can't Have a Good Thing || LS2 smau
summary you go from dating an american footballer to an american driver
pairings ex!christian pulisic x reader, logan sargeant x reader
warnings probably a little anti pulisic but i still love my baby
notes pictures are from pinterest so thank you to all those lovely users (as I wrote this my english teacher from 11th grade came into my job and it was not fun!)
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May 2023 ynusername posted -------
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liked by cmpulisic, reece and others
ynusername final chelsea game of the season, love you guys
chelseafc awww we love you too yn ❤️ by author
cmpulisic always love having you there ↳ ynusername wouldn't want to be anywhere else
username1 look at my girl dawg, chelsea is embarrassing her ↳ username2 please, christian didn't even play
reece once a blue always a blue ↳ username3 NAH WHY IS THIS SO CRYPTIC ↳ username4 you can't say shit like this then leave DUDE
username5 that chrisyn interaction screams for help ↳ username6 i wouldn't be surprised if they're not dating anymore but trying to keep up appearances ↳ username7 breakup statement incoming ↳ username8 can we get fabrizio to comment on wag breakups please!! ↳ username7 lol can you imagine a here we go! breakup is official! peak comedy
cesarazpilicueta 💙 ↳ ynusername love you too capitan!
July 2023 real life ---------
It’s been a rough few months in the house for the two of you. Christian’s time at Chelsea was most likely coming to an end, and you had just started a new project at work, so your time was filled with that. Nights spent making dinner and laughing together turned to plates left in the microwave and lights out early. Mornings started with short wake up kisses to hardly whispered goodbyes.
In fewer words, the relationship was falling apart. You barely knew what was going on in each others lives anymore, it’s no surprise when he tells you he’s leaving Chelsea.
Chris is still in Florida with his family, enjoying the last few days off before preseason. You had been with him for the 4th of July, but needed to fly back to London almost immediately for a new project and you’re exhausted. When he Facetimes you it’s almost 11:30 at night and your still sitting in your home office, but with how excited Chris is, he can’t tell that you’re operating on extremely low levels of energy. You want to be excited for him, but you can see the writing on the wall.
“Hey babe.” You know what’s coming, but it doesn’t make the shock any less. “I’ve got some big news.” He waits for you to say something, but all you do is blink and nod. “AC Milan are going to sign me.” He waits again for you to say something. “Did you hear me? I’m leaving Chelsea.”
“Yeah, I heard you.” Your lack of enthusiasm confuses Christian.
“Then why aren’t you excited?”
Your apathy turns to frustration quickly and you shift in the chair. “Because, Christian, I’m not just going to blow up my life in London to follow you to a new city. I’ve got a job here and it’s going well. I don’t want to have to start all over again. Not to mention learning a whole new language. Have you considered how isolating that would be for me?”
“So what, I just rot at Chelsea because you don’t want to move?” He is now just as defensive as you, words biting at the holes that have formed in your relationship, making them grow.
“I didn’t say that!” You sit up even straighter, putting your phone down against the computer so it stands on it’s own.
“Well it sounds like you don’t want to leave.”
“I don’t want to pack up my life and move to a new country where I don’t know anyone.”
You could see the fight leave his body as he came to the same realization you did. “What’s going to happen to us?”
“I think we’re done Chris.” You can feel your heart break that last little bit with the words you say. You love Christian, but with everything you’ve gone through, it’s not enough.
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September 2023 real life ------
In one hand you held your phone, looking down at the details of your train back to London, in the other a hot chocolate to warm you up in the brisk wind of Oxford. It’s how you missed the body in front of you and ended up falling straight on your ass because of it, hot chocolate splashing onto your shirt.
“Fucking hell,” you whispered, pulling your shirt away from your body so it didn’t burn.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” said an American accent. You groaned in your head, not wanting to deal with this. “I should’ve been looking where I was going.” They put a hand in your face, gesturing to help you up, which you took. 
“No, it was my fault, I was staring at my phone,” you told them as they pulled you up. He was strong, and also probably a little awkward as he was still holding your hand.
“Me too, so I really won’t let you take the blame.” His awkward smile was also cute, but you tried not to think that, it wouldn’t agree with your ‘no boys agenda.’ “Do you need another hot chocolate?” The cup was empty at your feet, making you wince. 
“Yeah, probably another shirt too.” It’s at that point that he realizes he’s still holding your hand, and he drops it.
“Let me get you one.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You’re still very early for the train, but travel anxiety is terrible and you want to leave soon.
“I insist.” Something about his smile and red cheeks makes you say yes to him, and you’re really not sure why. “I’m Logan, by the way.” He’s leading you back into the line of the cafe, smiling at you still.
“I’m YN,” you tell him.
ynusername posted ---------
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liked by logansargeant, benchilwell, and others
ynusername exploring oxford finally
bsfinstagram babe you run into any quidditch players ↳ ynusername bitch you know i'm swearing off athletes
username7 damn why are you so beautiful
samkerr 💞 ↳ ynusername ugh bestie i love you
pulisick10 'SWEARING OFF ATHLETES?' Christian mate pulisic what did you do!?! ↳ username8 that is so fucking harsh though like pulisic really did a number on our girl here ↳ pulisick10 ben chilwell still in the likes tho ↳ username8 nah her and ben are friends, like ben was always close with christian and just cause he left doesn't mean that she can't be friends still ↳ username8 also she's still good friends with the women's team ↳ pulisick10 well that's cause the women are better ❤️ by ynusername and bsfinstagram ↳ username8 NOT HER LIKING THAT but also won't argue with that
logansargeant at least the weather was good ↳ ynusername youre right, thank you english sun who comes out once in a blue moon ↳ bsfinstagram I'm questioning things ↳ ynusername well you shouldn't
username11 she's sworn off athletes but has a formula 1 driver in her comments... ↳ username12 fake bitch ↳ username13 two people can be friends right? ↳ username12 she breaks up with christian because of the distance but is talking a driver like he isn't gone more than half the year, she's definitely fake for that ↳ username13 how do you know that's why they broke up ↳ username14 she doesn't she's just being a hater ❤️ by ynusername ↳ username11 damn all this fighting on my comment thread?
username12 not yn liking so many comments, do you read them ↳ ynusername gotta appreciate a good laugh ↳ username13 yn stalks her comments like a real one should
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yn's messages -----------
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November 2023 yn's messages ------------
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real life --------
Your hotel room is kind of a mess, with clothes thrown around and various pieces of paper on the floor. It’s not really a surprise to Logan, even though he hasn’t known you very long.
After a long day exploring New York City in fairly okay weather, the two of you are relaxing in your hotel room before dinner. “Can I ask you something?” Logan asks. He’s currently sitting in the desk chair, feet propped up on the desk and head hung back. 
“Go ahead.” You’re on your bed, laying like a starfish.
“Would you say yes to going on a date with me?” You sit up straight, staring at him with wide eyes as he doesn’t move.
“Are you asking me on a date?”
“No, I’m asking if you’d say yes to me asking you on a date.” His clarification makes you narrow your eyes, but he still doesn’t move. 
“I don’t think it’s a good idea right now.”
That gets him moving, turning the chair to look at you. “So would you say yes or no?”
“I’d say no right now.”
“What about in a month?”
“In a month, when we’re both back in England, I’d probably say yes.”
“Cool,” he shrugs, going back to putting his feet on the desk. “Then I’ll ask you again in January.”
ynusername posted ---------
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liked by logansargeant, alexalbon and others
ynusername look who came to visit
lilymhe booooo bring me next time ↳ ynusername you're welcome whenever, he invited himself ↳ logansargeant literally not true you asked me to come ↳ ynusername stop lying! i wanted thanksgiving but you have this job that makes you fly across the world to drive a stupid car or something
oscarpiastri look at him jumping for joy for you ↳ ynusername yeah well, what can i say, I'm a dream come true
bsfinstagram ahhhh just under 2 weeks until you come home!! ↳ ynusername I missed you so much ↳ bsfinstagram debrief over wine incoming!
username18 nope she is definitely dating this driver ↳ username19 it's so weird cause like if she really broke up with christian because of distance then isn't this just so much worse ↳ username20 i don't think they broke up just because of distance, things were probably weird for a couple of months before hand cause she wasn't going to as many mens games, she was definitely going to the women's games though.
timothyweah did you get a hotdog from the hotdog guy? ↳ ynusername yes... why? ↳ timothyweah cause they're good and i just want to make sure that you did ↳ ynusername okay timmy
chelseafcw don't stay too long we miss you ↳ ynusername aww, i miss you guys too
May 2024 ynusername posted--------
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and others
ynusername Miami you can be pretty but you're on my shit list
landonorris no whyyyyy ↳ ynusername idk might have something to do with my boyfriend dnfing at his home race. ↳ landonorris oh, okay ↳ ynusername but i guess congrats on your win ↳ landonorris thanks ynnnnn! ↳ oscarpiastri someone is still drunk
logansargeant ohhh he's handsome ↳ ynusername yeah and he's got a jealous ass girlfriend so beware ↳ logansargeant love you too babe
username23 finally confirmed that they're dating only seven months later
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sunshineandspencer · 2 days
Idiot (Iridescent, Part 7)
Let me stress, this is not Maeve from the show, but my own Maeve just named the same to send Spencer into hell whenever he thinks about it.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!OC.
Summary: Spencer Reid, in the face of his own emotions, crashes and burns.
Word Count: 888
Warnings: swearing, spencer is an ass™
Parts: Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5, Pt6, Pt8
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Spencer is back in Penelope’s office not even a week later.
In the middle of the breakroom, he’d snapped, loud and harsh, at Ava. Then let her storm off and clock out of work to go home early.
Since realising his emotions, he did the only realistic thing and distanced himself from Ava immediately. Of course she had noticed, but didn’t take it too personally, just giving him the extra time to get back to whatever he deemed as normal.
But by Friday, she’d had enough and had gently started prodding him for answers in the morning. His irritation, and fear of being caught out, caused him to finally lash out.
Once Penelope found out what he’d done, considering how quickly word spread, she had dragged him back to the cave. For a much worse conversation than the one they’d had the week before.
He doesn’t even get a plush this time, just shoved into a chair as she stood over him, hands on her hips.
“What did you say to her?”
She watched, gleefully, as he squirmed in his seat. Wanting to break through that thick, somehow genius brain of his. God, he just wanted to talk about Ava, but not like this - emotions are hard.
“That.. she’s a brown-nosed suck up who needs to stop fishing for things to do, because nothing she agrees to do will get people to like her.”
In his defence, it was supposed to come from a good place, but his meaning got lost in the translation and irritation from the morning. Along with the original reason he’d blown up in the first place.
Ava is a pushover, they both know that, most people do, which is why she gets used so often by people who don’t want to do their own work. She’s far too sweet for her own good, and whenever anyone asks her to do their work, she does. When someone came up in the breakroom to get her to finish off some reports, he finally exploded.
It was for her own good, wanting her to take care of herself and focus on her own work rather than other people’s. He’s right, he just.. chose the wrong words.
“I just.. Penelope, she already has too much on her plate, but she keeps accepting work from people. She should learn to say no to people, even if I didn’t say it in the.. best way.”
From the way Penelope’s hand twitched, he’s suddenly very glad that Penelope doesn’t like violence, or would have definitely been slapped by now. Shifting slightly as she pinches the bridge of her nose.
But, in her defence, it was finally hitting him just how bad he’d fucked up.
In his head, he had been sorting out his thoughts, and knew he would’ve eventually had a perfect way to bring up his concerns with Ava. But he’d been overly stimulated and lashed out.
He was going to address Ava’s issues, and he did, in a roundabout way. At the time, unable to think properly, it seemed like the best way to deal with it, directly telling her what he found wrong with what she did. Not liking that she spread herself so thin for people who cared so little.
It felt like the wrong words for the right situation.
Until he was met with a glaring Penelope and zero way out.
“Are you telling me that you’d finally come to terms with liking her, and the first thing you did was insult her.. to her face?!”
“Would you have preferred it if I said it behind her back?”
“I would prefer for you to start using at least one of your 187 IQ points!”
Okay, he definitely deserved that, and he was trying to resist the urge to sulk and pout, because he knew it definitely wouldn’t help his case. But he really felt like he was being scolded by his mother.
It is working, however.
All he could think about was the way Ava’s eyes had immediately widened. Letting him see in heartwrenching detail, the way each and every golden speck around her pupil dull with shock and embarrassment.
Her lips pursing as she shoved the files to his chest with a terse “you fucking do it then, since clearly it won’t make them like me”, before she stormed off to Emily’s office.
Penelope had watched the realisation dawn on his face, quickly flooding that emotion over with shame and guilt. Intervening right before he slipped from apologetic to wallowing.
She has a solution.
Ushering him up and out of her office, not paying attention to his spluttering as she practically shoved him out. Twittering happily as she felt her plans falling into place.
“Flowers - lilacs - and a card, oh, and you best get some wine. Rosé is her favourite. I’ll put through your paperwork for a day off and let Emily know, do not mess up with the first woman you’ve liked in years.”
For a few moments, they just stood facing each other, Spencer taking it all in and Penelope grinning at him. But then his smile ticked up until it matched her own, leaning in to quickly smush a kiss to her cheek and then turn to half-sprint down the corridor. Calling out over his shoulder.
“Thanks Pen! I owe you one!”
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Want more?! Good!
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keyaho · 1 day
◣the gridiron.3◢
summary: told in flashbacks and the present the gridiron follows chanel dawson and joseph anoa'i's relationship from college football to the NFL and all that is in between.
content warnings⚠️: mentions of sexual assault word count: 1309
◤chapter three: revelations◥
Chanel woke up how she knew she would. Joseph’s arm was thrown over her waist and his head was buried in the side of her neck. She embraced the warmth as she always did. Snugging back into his arms she turned her head into her pillow and sighed as he rubbed his hands across her stomach. 
“You were supposed to be sleeping in the guest bedroom,’ Chanel whispered. 
She was glad he was in their bed and after crying herself to sleep last night she wanted him to hold her but she still wanted him to listen to her and give her space. 
“You expect me to ignore you crying?” 
She lifted her head from the pillow just as Joseph sat up on his arm and rolled Chanel over to face him.
“You heard me?”
After she told him to sleep in the guest room he went downstairs to eat but something didn’t feel right. So he sat outside the bedroom listening to his wife cry. It was the first time she cried because of something he had done and he felt like shit for it. Joseph wanted to go inside the room and throw himself at her over and over. He wanted to beg for forgiveness but he just sat outside the door until he heard her stop. That’s when he went inside and got in bed with her. He’d been there the whole night while she sniffled and shuddered from the aftershocks of crying so hard. 
“Yeah I did.  I don’t care how many times it takes. I'm going to keep apologizing for it. It was nothing you did to make me make that choice. I want you to know that, bunny.” 
After sixteen years together, this wasn’t going to break up their family. She loved Joseph with all of her heart and still did. Chanel went to duck her head when he fitted her chin between his fingers and made her look up at him. 
“I’m not going to love anyone else the way I love you. I fucked up.” 
Maybe it was being a masochist, but rumors, jokes, and everything under the sun was about to drop on them. Chanel wanted to be seven steps ahead. 
“I know. I want to know what happened. Both times.” 
He knew his wife was a control freak. She liked things a certain way, done a certain way, and perceived a certain way. Not that she was a perfectionist but Chanel didn’t do well when she didn’t have control. Running the house and her business was like watching a well oiled machine. She could give his Coach a run for his money when it came to keeping things organized. 
“I don’t want her to control the story. I want to know from you what really happened.”
Joseph scratched the back of his neck and stared over his wife’s shoulder to avoid eye contact. He felt her hands smooth up his chest as she waited for him to respond to her. The details were there. He remembered both nights. Not because they were anything to brag about but because of the embarrassment he felt thinking about it. 
“What will me telling you that do?” 
“I just want to know. I don’t want to read about it. I want to hear it from you.” 
It was a tough situation to be in. He knew what he was going to say was going to hurt because it hadn’t meant anything in the end. He didn’t care about that girl enough to even remember her name. He wasn’t even sure how she had his number to contact him as much as she had. The first call should have been when he told Chanel the truth, but he thought it would go away on its own. 
“I don’t want any more humiliation, Joe. I just…...it’s too much to know people are talking about you and it’s out of your control. I want the control back. I nee-’ 
“Okay,’ he said. He saw her getting worked up and he didn’t want the added pressure on her. As Chanel sat up, Joseph rolled to his back. With his arms behind his head he sighed when the light of the bedside lamp turned on and hit his eyes. 
“It was after an away game last season. The week after you came to see me in New York.. We were in one of the guy’s suites playing back some of the footage when they came in. The cheerleaders normally fly out before we do so I didn’t know they were coming.” 
Chanel could feel her teeth starting to grind together. She stilled them before picking at the stray lint on the bed sheets. “Who brought them?” 
She practically knew every one of the main players. It had to be one of them if Joseph was with them. 
Kissing her teeth, Chanel rolled her eyes. Seth Rollins, currently a receiver on the team and honestly one of the few people Chanel disliked and she tried her best to be open and nice to everyone but there was something about Rollins that didn’t sit right with her. Chanel even tried befriending his wife, Rebecca, but that was a dead end she ran into each season. As head of the Wives Association she had to collaborate on a lot of things with the other wives and girlfriends. Rebecca didn’t respect the seniority and thought her two years would level her up. Humble pie had to be served and Chanel dealt with her because she had to and only when necessary. 
“So what happened after that?” 
“I didn’t care if they were there. I was focused on the tapes. She came to me. I was friendly. I’m not gonna be rude but I thought I made it clear I wasn’t into what they were doing.” 
“So how did you end up fucking her?” 
“We didn’t fuck…..she just sucked my dick. It wasn’t in front of everyone. I had gone to the bathroom and when I came out she pushed me back in. I didn’t fight her. I knew what could have happened if I tried fighting. It would have been this huge scene so I just let it happen.” Joseph glanced at his wife and then back to the ceiling. “After about five minutes of her fumbling around I made her stop.” 
She took in the information. Pushy girl and by nature her husband wasn’t forceful. She wasn’t saying it was okay, because it wasn’t no matter how it happened, but it put things into perspective.
“The second time was at the birthday party for Jerry. She cornered me. She threatened to tell you and make a big scene about what happened in the hotel room. Exactly what I knew would happen. Chanel I didn’t enjoy it. I didn’t want to do it…...there is no way that kid is mine. I wasn’t even aroused…” 
There was a panic in Joseph’s voice and it was the conviction she needed to know he wasn’t lying to her. 
“You mean to tell me she put you in a position where you no longer had a choice.” 
Joseph rubbed his hands down his face. He knew what she was getting at. He just didn’t want to say it.
“Let me handle it?” 
It wasn’t a question but he nodded. 
“I’m taking her for a pregnancy test in a few hours. I will deal with Rebecca tomorrow at the meeting.” Rolling out of the bed she walked to his side and kissed his forehead. 
She was leaning away when he wrapped his arms around her waist. “I don’t want that to get out Chanel. You needed to know but I don’t,’ he looked up at his wife and she assured him with a hug. "No one can know that."
“I got you baby."
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virgincels · 6 hours
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ft. og4!leon s. kennedy x fem!reader x og4!ashley graham
tags. intoxication, dub-con/non-con idk atp, ffm threesome, unrequited love (leshley), leon is the one that gets dub-conned, very unsatisfying sex and smut, oral
note. @rigorwhoring hi you beautiful beautiful girl happy birthday sorry this is so late!!! i hope u enjoy this and i hope u have the best day ever!!! not my best work but forgive me im writers blocked to hell and back… this is edited but if u see a mistake please ignore… my excuse for excessive repetition and simplicity is 😇 ashley pov 💪💯 I LOVE U EM <3 this got so long winded and boring I’m sorry I didn’t mean for all of this 😓😓
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When Leon lets it slip that he’s got a girlfriend, Ashley thinks her life might be over amidst this sweaty crowd with her nose powdered in more ways than one. Her smile breaks in half, the plump of her bottom lip taken between lipstick-smeared teeth as she tries to put on her big girl face.
“I’m so happy for you,” Ashley says with eyes too wide to be genuine, her voice cracks and her hands drop from his shoulders where they fit so nicely, the initial excitement of him showing up tonight dims. She’ll have to retire those fantasies and rely on that hairbrush she calls Leon for the rest of her life.
“Ashley—“ Leon’s voice is muffled, it might be the bass or the blood rushing in her ears.
“No, this is totally so fun, Leon, this is—Like, gosh, I’m so happy for you, you wouldn’t even believe how happy I am, I’m like literally squealing to myself, oh my gosh, like, like—“ She thinks she’s going to cry.
“Ashley.“ His scowl deepens, the severity in his eyes is wounding her, like, oh my god, doesn’t he know not to look at her that way? Gosh, the way Leon breathes could set Ashley off, like, why are you huffing at her? Why did you use that tone of voice? Why, why, why? She’s not stupid, Ashley is like a master at reading body language.
“Why did you show up, Leon?” Ashley cuts him up once more, she feels light on her feet all of a sudden, it could be the high or it could be enlightenment. “Like, you never—you never come when I ask you to show up.” Did he come to rub it in her face? That he’s got a girlfriend and that means Ashley has even a less of a chance with him than she did before.
“You called me,” Leon tells her, and he’s trying to be loud over the music, but it feels like he’s shouting at her. He is shouting at her. He’s using this party invite as an excuse to be mean, to get away with how he truly feels about her. Leon never shouts so he must be mad—He wants her out of his life, that’s what he’s going to tell her.
Ashley, you’re an annoying little bitch, and nobody actually likes you, they stick around because you pay for everything and that’s the only real reason anyone would ever want to be around you. Anyway, I have a girlfriend and she’s a hundred times hotter than you, and she’s not a kid, she’s my age. By the way, I remember when you kissed me in my sleep on the flight home from Spain, you’re a fucking creep and I would never waste my time with a little girl like you, can you even wipe your own ass or wild your boyfriend have to do that for you too?
Yes, Leon, I can wipe my ass! Do you want to watch? It’s a date.
With this newfound clearheadedness clutched at her side like a holy book, Ashley stills her quivering lip. “I always invite you to parties,” she points out, “so why did you show up today?”
“You called me,” he repeats, “I don’t answer texts ‘cause I don’t get what you mean, I thought—I mean, I just thought you were pressing the buttons—I didn’t know they meant anything.“ Leon shakes his head to reset his jumbled thoughts. “You never call, I got worried, I thought you needed help.”
“Oh my god, don’t do this to me right now, Leon!” She struggles to get away from him, the walls are closing in on her and there’s too many people to move an inch.
“I’m not trying to do anything, I thought you were hurt—“ Leon follows her movements closely. He’s good at that - shouldering past whoever’s in Ashley’s way, parting a crowd like the Red Sea just so she can make her way through. It’s only because she’s his responsibility—well, not anymore, Ashley hasn’t been his responsibility for six months, but still, it makes her feel special.
It’s so unfair, it’s so not fair. This is like emotional cheating, she read about that in the cosmopolitan. Like, where your mind says one thing and your heart says another, if Leon seriously liked his girlfriend, would he be chasing around after Ashley right now? He’s leading both of them on—They’re in this together, personally victimised by Leon S. Kennedy.
“Yeah, well, I’m not,” Ashley sniffles, she is so hurt his stupid boy brain couldn’t even comprehend the spiking levels of hurt inside of her right now, “so, like, can you go now?”
“Ashley,” he says her name again, is that all he has to say to her? Ashley, Ashley, Ashley—If he gave her the chance, he could be saying it in bed. Please, Leon, she could pop his hip out of place if he let her get on top. “Are you drinking?”
“Yes, duh, Leon, oh my gosh, I am doing a lot more than that!” She recalculates her path to the nearest possible exit, skin going pink with the gust of wind that has her skirt flying up. Leon smooths it back down for her, and then he spins her around to face him. And it’s so dangerous to be this close to him, Ashley really might do something bad. Like, like, she might have to get her dad to cover up a criminal record if Leon doesn’t get off of her right now. Every governing body is made up of sex pests anyway. It’s not like it would be a big deal.
“What is up with you?” His brows are knit with concern. She counts all of his freckles.
You have a girlfriend and everything is ruined. You have a girlfriend and everything is worse now. You have a girlfriend and now I can’t get off to you without feeling guilty and jealous and sick to my stomach. Did Spain mean nothing to you? You hugged me and you held my hand. Why don’t you answer my texts? How can you pretend nothing happened between us?
Instead of saying anything mildly intelligent or moving, Ashley hiccups and then keels over to vomit on his shoes. She narrowly misses them. Leon makes it all worse by rubbing her back and telling her to let it all out. Because he’s just like that. He’s a really good guy and it’s way too easy to fall in love with him.
When he offers to drive her home, Ashley whimpers out a ‘no’ but clings onto him anyway. Leon does her seatbelt up, and he puts the heaters on to warm her up. He switches the radio station from rock to KIIS-FM and then he squeezes her hand over the gearshift.
Leon gets out to talk to security even when they recognise his car as he pulls up, and he insists on dropping Ashley right inside even when she brushes him off and says it’s fine.
Really. It’s so fine, Leon. This is embarrassing enough as it is, I don’t want you to see mom and dad scold me like I’m a kid in front of you—Like, seriously, Leon, there’s no need to do that, or drop me off to bedroom—I’ve got it from here, I don’t want you to see my bedroom, I still have stuffed toys and I can’t even make my own bed and I can’t even pick my clothes up off the ground.
Of course, Ashley says none of this, and she doesn’t have the energy to lift her head and see her daddy’s fallen face, she just lets Leon take her to bed. He doesn’t come in thank god, but he kisses her forehead at the door and then leaves for good.
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“Wow,” is all Ashley has to say when she meets you for the very first time. She hasn’t seen a skirt that short since daddy pulled her out of that Catholic boarding school. She hasn’t seen tits like that since she checked hers out in the mirror this morning.
Why are you cool? It’s not supposed to go like this. Ashley isn't ready to face someone like you. Oh my god, it’s like the universe is against her, you look like the whole world rolls over when you ask it to.
Neither you or Leon have spotted her yet, so she hides behind one of her casually dressed security guards. Ashley looks at the text she sent.
Ashley: HAI LEON !! u still up 2 meet 2mrw?? :3
Ashley: OMG vry excited 2 c u 2day. LMK if u want 2 cum over 2! BYOB though !! *laughing emoji*
Ashley: Only jk Leon :3 We have W/E beer u like! Anyway G2G TTYL wen I c u there ^-^
Ashley: OMW RN leon B4N ;)
Ashley: Oops >_<
Ashley: :)****
Leon: Okay, Ashley.
Leon: :)
Oh my god, desperate much? He didn’t even respond to her prior texts and she just kept going. The smiley face must mean he’s not mad.
Her phone beeps, she dreads to open it.
Leon: Hey, you here yet?
Leon: :)
Ashley blinks at her screen and wonders if it’s worth showing face. But, her dad is so going to ask how it went down later, and Ashley is awful at lying and she’ll burst into tears and get sent right back to that awful therapist with the stuffy nose. So she takes whatever insecurity she has and shoves it up her ass, it can fix itself like intestines after a surgery.
“Leon!” She springs herself on him from behind, and he’s not much taller than her, but he manages to not topple over, his hands settle over hers as she squeezes his middle tight.
“Ashley.” That’s a smile in his voice, she hopes. She traces a heart on his shoulder blade before she removes herself from his space. It’s very hard to have self control when you’ve never been told no.
“Sorry I’m late, Leon, there was traffic, and then I lost my handkerchief and then I dropped my phone and it wasn’t working for a minute and—Oh.” She lies to Leon ‘cause it’s easy to lie to a guy you want to look cool in front of, someone you want to impress, it’s not easy to lie in front of daddy. “Is this your girlfriend, Leon?”
She pretends her heart doesn’t lurch when he wraps an arm around your waist to draw you closer to him. “Yeah, uh, babe this is Ashley.”
Ashley looks you up and down for anything she can pick on, anything that she does better than you. But her data scan finds nothing of the sort. You’re perfect and Ashley has never felt more homicidal in her life—Apart from that time she was plagas-riddled.
Unfortunately, you are really fucking cool, and you make her feel more comfortable than Leon ever has, you take the edge away and she’s finally able to relax in front of him.
You work at an office part time, but you spend most of your time out and about, making connections that get you free designer handbags and you have acrylics and ankle-breaking heels and a lip combo she would die for. You are everything she wants to be if it wasn’t for this presidency bullshit. Ashley wants nothing more than to wear a skirt that covers less than half her ass, that flashes everyone in a ten mile radius anytime she takes a step.
“I thought he was ignoring me, I didn’t know he couldn’t read them!” Her texts aren’t that bad, she knows people who don’t even leave a space between their words.
“I wouldn’t ignore you,” Leon mumbles, his lips pressed together in what might be the closest thing to a pout
“Oh em gee, you’re like not even that old, Leon,” she giggles, covering her mouth because she has never liked the way her two front teeth are a little bigger than the rest, and she doesn’t need Leon to pick up on that.
“He doesn’t even know how to make a smiley, I did it for him,” you tell her, “he barely answers my texts, I have to call him every single time.”
You tell her insider info about Leon that she couldn’t even get if she stalked him everyday for the rest of her life. Ashley really likes you, and she can see why Leon really likes you too, and she can’t lie, it kind of makes her really distraught, but if Leon is happy, Ashley is happy.
Oh, who is she kidding?
It doesn't work like that.
Ashley’s selfish. It doesn’t matter if you make Leon happier than he’s ever been, she still wants him to be hers. Not that he would ever even consider anything between the two of them, but him being happy won’t stop Ashley from being unhappy.
“We should go out tonight,” you offer a little while later, and Leon shakes his head immediately.
“She’s twenty,” he murmurs into your ear.
“So?” You seem to do that a lot - ignore everything Leon says in favour of what you want. “You drink, right, Ashley?”
“Yeah, duh, of course I do!” Ashley nods so fast she gives herself whiplash.
You give her a time, place, dress code and a kiss on her cheek. Ashley promises that she’ll be there on time, fake ID in hand.
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Ashley finds both of you huddled in a booth, your arm is around Leon’s waist and his face is pressed into your neck, looking awfully small as he speaks. “She’s a kid, it’s illegal.”
“Everyone drinks, Leon, have you never been to a party? Nobody waits until they’re twenty-one, I mean, only you did that.” You use your free hand to card your fingers through his hair. “She really likes you, y’know?”
“Yeah, I know,” Leon huffs like a pouty toddler, “it drives me crazy.”
She holds in a noise. While Ashley has made her attraction to Leon clear, while he rejected her attempt at flirting, at what might’ve been solicitation when she looks back at it, he’s never expressed annoyance at it. Oh god, he finds her annoying. Mega annoying. Like one of those silvery bugs college dorms can’t get rid of. Or rats in the New York subway.
Oh my gosh, she’s a fucking bed bug!
“I think it’s cute.” You kiss his forehead tenderly, and Leon’s light lashes dust your cheeks like spiked plumes. “She could be fun, I bet she’s a virgin too.”
Ashley’s cheeks warm. Is it that obvious? Why is her virginity a topic of discussion anyways? Biologically speaking, like, like hymen-wise, Ashley tore that shit up like a sheet of baking paper the moment she got back from Spain. So she’s not technically an actual virgin, just by, like, modern day standards. Like she’s never let another guy touch her ‘cause they’re not Leon, and it might be childish, but she really wants it to be Leon. She’s kissed a couple girls, but only at sleepovers and only in a friendly way.
“No, god, no fucking way.” He sits up, and she watches him shrug off his jacket like he’s started to overheat. Ashley wishes she could see his face from here. “She’s a kid, babe, I’m not… I can’t do that to her.”
“She’s not a kid, Leon, kids do not have tits like that, I promise you.” You pluck the cherry from his drink. “And she likes you, I don’t see the big deal.”
“She’s… She trusts me, it doesn’t matter if she likes me, she trusts me, and if we do that with her—I can’t have her thinking that I want to date her, I can’t do that to her, she’s a kid, man.”
Ashley wonders if the two of you are looking to find a cute, young girl to kill.
“You’ll change your mind,” is what you tell him, and then you knock back only half of your drink before passing it off to Leon. It’s either that he can’t say no to you or no to a drink, but he takes it and he doesn’t leave a drop.
She hesitates to make herself known. But when else is she going to get the chance to see Leon? He’s busy, and so is she, well, sort of, with parties and sorority and daddy nagging at her.
“Hi.” Ashley slides into the booth and faces you, Leon’s back straightens and he nods at her. Too pissed off to even give her one of his cute smiles.
“Ashley, you look so cute, oh my gosh.” It’s kind of scary how you’re able to fall in and out of speech patterns, putting on your best airhead voice to communicate with Ashley.
“Thanks, so do you!” Ashley thinks brand clashing is tacky, but you pull off Baby Phat jeans and a Von Dutch top pretty effortlessly. You press the sole of your heel to her shin and give her a smile worth dying for.
You don’t dance because Leon refuses, and you say that it’s boring to go on your own, and Ashley knows she’ll be in dire trouble if anyone catches her out here. So you talk, and Ashley listens, and Leon dozes off with his eyes closed. He accepts every drink you give him, and he finishes off all of Ashley’s too. By the end of it, his cheeks are pink and his eyes are glassy like two blue marbles. You make her feel like she needs to fit in, like she needs to keep up and Ashley has never felt that way before.
“Have you fucked a girl before?” You ask her like you’re asking about classes or something so mundane—Not if she’s a fucking lesbian or not.
“What? No, oh my gosh, I’m not like a lesbian,” she mouths the word ‘cause, y’know, that’s weird.
“Have you fucked a guy then?” You tilt your head to the side like you know something, and when Ashley goes to lie she makes the mistake of looking into your eyes.
“No…” Ashley shakes her head slowly, she plays with the hem of her pleated skirt. “I mean like, like, like—“
“It’s totally okay, Ashley.” You wave off her nerves. “Do you want to fuck me?”
“What?” Her eyes bulge out of her skull so fast she gives herself Graves’ disease. “What? Oh my god, like, what?”
Leon is completely disengaged at this point, using a pink straw to stir around melting ice in his cocktail glass. His eyes are dropping, and when he looks up, he gazes at her through his lashes.
“Okay, well, do you want to fuck Leon?”
What is this, like, an interrogation? Ashley hasn’t done anything wrong, not yet at least. Lord, she promises, she hasn’t tried anything funny on Leon—Only once, on the flight back to Spain, and it barely qualifies as a kiss, like she just brushed his lips, it wasn’t anything major.
“Well, well, like, well—“ Ashley stammers for a minute or so, and you look at her all like, ‘take your time’ ‘cause you’re weirdly calm when you say weird fucking things and make her feel weird.
“I don’t mind if you want to fuck him, I’m asking because I think he wants to fuck you.” You’re lying to her face, ‘cause Ashley heard what Leon said, a very clear no, but she believes you anyway ‘cause she wants to believe that Leon wants her. “And I want to fuck you too.”
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“I’ll drive,” you tell Leon who doesn’t even look coherent, he slumps back in the passenger seat and looks like he did on the way home from Spain. With his hair falling in his eyes, his lips parted and his hands curled into tight fists. Babies sleep like that.
You make eye contact with Ashley in the rear view mirror and give her a smile so pretty the reflection is blinding enough, she can’t imagine what it looked like up close. She feels like an ant under the burning glow of a magnifying glass. She feels your teeth in her neck. She’s going to feel Leon’s dick inside of her tonight. It might not be entirely legal, but when you’re a girl in a male-dominated world, you have to do what you have to do.
Leon’s house, Ashley thinks as she walks inside, her heels clacking in time with yours.
Leon’s house, Leon’s coat rack, Leon’s plain interior design, Leon’s couch. Leon’s bedroom, Leon’s bed, Leon’s pillow, Leon’s scent. Leon’s girlfriend. Leon Leon Leon.
He’s on his front in bed, still fully clothed, boots and all. You take them off for him and put them to the side, you hang his jacket in his wardrobe, and you begin to take off his jeans. Leon makes a noise of protest in the back of his throat, it’s soft and whiny, the sort of noise a distressed dog makes, and it’s so unlike him she feels something thrumming between her thighs.
“C’mon, baby, lift your hips, it’s just me,” you hum, slipping your hands up his shirt and rubbing circles into his sides, “don’t make a fuss, Leon.”
A second or two pass, and Leon lifts his hips, you wrestle with his jeans and toss them on the floor. No fucking way. No fucking way. There is no way in hell Leon has a nicer ass than her. There is no way in hell Leon doesn’t wear boxers under his jeans, and there is no way in hell this is Ashley’s real actual serious life right now. Like, none of it adds up.
“Oh,” Ashley says softly when she sees his dick. It’s small. Not big. Just—It’s just sort of there. Maybe it’s the angle he's at. Laying on his front, dick laid out on the bed like it’s a toy or something. He would look cute in a jockstrap.
“It’s cute, right?” You pinch his thigh and Leon’s toes curl in his socks. She doesn’t know if you mean his ass or his dick or his balls, they’re pretty cute too. Like. Round and everything balls should be. It’s just—It’s just a little underwhelming. “Roll over, baby.”
He listens like a good dog, rolls onto his back and pants into your mouth when you kiss him. He’s fucking out of it—This isn’t even Leon anymore, Ashley’s not sure if she likes this or not.
She’s not sure if this is how she wants him. It’s not how she’s thought about him on top of her, guiding her, holding her hips and slowing her down when she got ahead of herself.
“Do you want his face or…?” You gesture to his dick and her lust rears its ugly head, she’s willing to overlook the state she’s in to get that dick inside of her. Where it belongs. All four inches tucked away for no one to find. “Ash?”
“Oh… I don’t really know.” Ashley’s bottom lip juts out, because she has always known what she’s wanted, and she always gets what she wants—And now that it’s right in front of her, she can’t even verbalise that yes, she wants his dick so bad, she wants to die and come back to life on that tiny little thing.
“Hey, it’s okay.” You pat the space beside you and she sits, curling into your side as Leon sucks on the tip of your thumb like he's a pin-up girl. “I know it’s not much, but it’s not his fault, I was upset too when he showed me for the first time—“
“No, no—It's not that, oh my god, I’m just, like, nervous.” Ashley shivers as you trail your fingers up and down the jagged edge of her spine, like you’re swiping a credit card. Like you’re trying to open a locked door from the outside.
“Aw, Ashley, you don’t need to be nervous,” you coo, and then you grope her tit so hard she doesn’t have the time to feel nervous, she just feels out of her wits, “he totally likes you, like, I promise, just lay back, ‘kay?”
“Um, okay, I just don’t feel like I should be doing this if Leon is, like, really drunk—“ Ashley yelps as you push her back into the pillows, they’re both flat and blue and they smell like Leon.
You bunch up her skirt above her belly button, toying with the waistband of her panties as you urge Leon to press his face against her puffy pussy. When he sort of slumps into her, head flopping onto her padded thigh, you take him by the hair and force his face into her panty-clad cunt. He’s a fish hooked on a line.
“Good boy,” you praise, hooking your fingers in Ashley’s pink panties and sliding them over the swell of her perky ass and down her legs.
His tongue flicks over her swollen clit, and Ashley lets out a quiet whimper, muffled into the cupped palm of her hand, like she’s trying to keep a secret.
You busy yourself with her tits, telling her that you’ve been waiting to get your hands on them since she wandered into your peripheral. That you noticed them first, and that she shouldn’t be ashamed to show them off. It doesn’t matter what her daddy says.
You’ve got ‘em for a reason, Ashley!
She’s never had her tits played with. Duh. Like, she’s tried pinching her nipples and it’s never done much, but this—Her pussy flutters each time you pop off her hard nipples, leaving your mouth both pinker than they went in.
When her back bows off the bed, none of it is Leon’s doing, his sloppy tongue in her sloppy pussy, giving languid licks up and down her slit from her clit to her hole—It’s you and your quick tongue and your hands on her tits and oh my god, what is wrong with her?
Ashley is not a lesbian and she really likes Leon. She doesn’t know much, but she went into this threesome knowing that, and now you’ve gone and thrown it all up into the air.
She wants someone firm, and you’re giving her all that she needs. You’re kissing her mouth, dribbling your spit onto her tongue and she’s eating it up like a fucking baby bird—What is she doing?
What is Leon doing more importantly? He’s using her pussy as a fucking pillow.
“Baby, are you kidding me? Again?” You whine as you roll him over. “Leon, hello? Leon?” He’s passed out cold, and his fists curl tightly, like a baby. “You always do this to me, Leon, it’s so embarrassing, get up!”
With your spit coating her lips, and the faint tingle of aftershocks, the ghost of Leon’s lips on her clit, Ashley thinks she has a lot of things to figure out. Like, is she a lesbian? And is Leon really like that in bed? Does he even know how to, like, do things without your help? Would she have to guide him?
Ashley’s, like, so not experienced enough to guide him, and she doesn’t even know how lube works. Like, do you put it on the pussy or the dick? And is she meant to put the condom on Leon, or is he meant to do it for her?
All she knows is that you’ll be there to help her along the way, but she’s totally not a lesbian and she totally still likes Leon. Like. Seriously. Cross her heart and hope to die.
(Are all guys like that in bed? Or is it because he’s drunk? Is this legal? Is legal sex better? Would legal sex with Leon make him a little better at it?)
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toxycodone · 10 hours
IM A WEIRDO SORRY but anyways imagine beastkin reader having that one spot on their back they can never reach that drives them up the wall with how itchy and uncomfortable it can get. they've tried all the suggestions and tips in the book, but every "solution" is either A) too weird and humiliating or B) requires an extra set of hands, but they'd honestly rather die than ask anyone for help with it...
until one night, while he's on night watch duty and reader is sleeping right next to him on their back, of course Laios can't help but reach out a little helping hand. rewarded by a low, pleased groan, he takes that as an invitation to press harder, bit by bit, and really gets into it. Soon, he's even got two hands working on their back and he's surprised no one's woken up with how much noise they're making.
when reader wakes up a little bit later, tail wagging/purring up a storm, their brain's just too foggy with all kinds of happy chemicals to even consider swatting away his hand. from then on, reader decides that maybe it's not an entirely bad idea to ask him for help sometimes, as long as no one else sees...
(ALSO IMAGINE LETTNG HIM STROKE AND SCRITCH THE BASE OF YOUR TAIL....... laying across his lap chastising him like "DO NOT press too hard. DO NOT abuse it. DO NOT-" but you just melt in a puddle as soon he starts off gently rubbing a thumb against it. the way you sigh in pleasure, whimpering for a break when it gets a little too much... can you really blame him for getting hard???)
God Laios is so…with a beastkin reader, he just lacks boundaries and tact interacting with them. His excitement to meet you and interact with you trumps anything that may be in the back of his mind telling him to reel it in (or even his fellow party members).
If you lay on him it’s OVER. It doesn’t matter how much you tell him not to toy and tease with you he’s doing it anyways because “he knows best”.
He knows animals. And he’s learning monsters. He’s fixated on them since he was a kid. You’re no exception.
He’s putting all the same moves he used to do on his dogs in his childhood and it WORKS. He’s petting you and massaging in all the right places. And when you purr or sigh in pleasure a WAVE of pride hits him. You didn’t have to warn him, he knows just where to touch you.
(And when you whimper and such…Laios can’t help but get a little into it. Are you sure you need a break? Surely you can tough out a little more so he can keep trailing his fingers over your soft fur and tell you how good you are, right?)
Sometimes he’ll pet you in front of others and usually you’d smack his hands away but once he knows your spots….you just melt into him and it’s SO embarrassing.
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haikyu-mp4 · 1 day
Applying with Hoshiumi! I’m outgoing and driven
hello dear anon, anyone who requests Hoshiumi is an immediate hire;)
Got your back
Hoshiumi is your coworker and protects you from a rude customer, for the now hiring! event
word count; 445 – f!reader
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Your day was going so well. The boss had accidentally put more than enough people on shift for the busy hours in the cafe, the customers were mostly behaving and, most importantly, Hoshiumi had complimented your baking after stealing a little something for his lunch break. Everything was great.
Of course, your ex chose this day to come in and sour your mood. You didn’t even see him until he was at the register, and the smile felt like it was slapped off your face. He smirked, raising an eyebrow and leaning one hand on the counter to tell you what he wanted to order.
Even though you felt uncomfortable, you followed normal procedure and finished his order, suspicious of why he hadn’t said anything nasty yet. After handing the to-go cup with the order details on it over to Hoshiumi and smiling weakly at how his fingers brushed against yours, you turned away from him completely to shake off the nerves and take a deep breath. The show must go on.
The peace didn’t last. You had pretty much recovered when a familiar voice rang out and your ex seemed to be walking quickly towards you. He harshly put the cup down and you cringed, glancing at the next customer in line who took a step back. “This coffee tastes like shit,” he complained, and the way he said it made you imagine some unruly dog baring its teeth. “Make me another one!”
You held your breath when it looked like he might throw the coffee at you, but your ex froze on the spot when a shrill voice came from beside you and a white head of hair popped out from behind the coffee machine. “hUH?”
The breath you held slowly eased between your lips and you focused on Hoshiumi instead, bold as ever as he glared up at your ex. He was much shorter, but his unyielding confidence made him seem as immovable as Hirugami when they played volleyball.
“Do you have a problem with my coffee?” he asked, nose scrunched up in disapproval.
“You- You made this?” your ex stuttered, eyebrows furrowed as he picked the coffee back up. He pointed at you while still looking at Hoshiumi. “Not her?”
Hoshiumi scoffed and looked at you. “Do you know him?” he asked.
“Unfortunately,” you said under your breath.
“You’re holding up the line, so I suggest you leave if there’s no real problem,” Hoshiumi concluded, clapping you encouragingly on your back as your ex angrily hurried out of the restaurant. He would probably return at some point, but it was easier to get into your groove knowing Hoshiumi had your back.
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cassie48 · 7 hours
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𝘗𝘢𝘶𝘭 𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
When a Fremen warrior shows up to Paul’s throne room, with a slave. But his reaction was unexpected to say the least..
More here
“My lord!” Paul heard a voice yell from the doors in front of him, he was sat on his throne. He rolled his eyes, wanting to be left alone.
“What” he snapped, wanting to be rid of this man already.
“I was passing by the temple, and I-I thought you might like a gift. In return, you award me some land” he said.
Paul’s curiosity got the better of him. “What do you offer me?” He asked in a dark tone.
The man said nothing as he roughly shoved you in front of him. You looked tired, your clothes were ripped, revealing your beautiful tanned skin. There were tears in your eyes, you felt sick.
Paul thought you looked beautiful, majestic even. “Bring her to me” He demanded.
The man grabbed your forearm roughly, dragging you at an unnecessary speed, before shoving you onto your knees, in front of Paul’s throne.
Paul admired you for a moment, placing his hand on your chin gently, your heart was pacing.
Paul stood up swiftly, making his way towards the man that offered you. Moving his smiling face away from your own, a glare coming onto his face looking at the man.
“My lord I would like this piece of land her-“ the man started.
Paul didn’t let him finish though, as he swiftly slit the man’s throat, blood flicking onto his face.
He walked back to you, putting his hands on either side of your waist helping you get up, you were shaking.
“Are you going to kill me” you cried shaking in his arms.
“No sweetheart. What is your name?” he said, cupping your cheek, then kissing your forehead.
“(Y/N) my lord.” Your shaking voice replied. Usually you would back away from a total stranger kissing your head. But there was something about him that made you feel safe and comfortable.
“Why are you not going to kill me?” You whispered with confusion written on your face.
“You shall be my wife” he told you, playing with some of your lose hair.
“W-What?” You asked, now completely confused. You found yourself leaning into his touch, unsure why.
“You will rule beside me, bear my children, and keep the bloodline strong” he said pulling you a little closer to him.
You nodded after a moment. It was completely out of fear, I mean he was the emperor and you were just a slave girl.
“Come” he said, taking your hand, and bringing you over to his throne. He sat down before pulling you onto his lap.
“Tell me, who has anyone ever treated you badly?” He said his finger tracing your cheek.
“Many, my owner died last week, I thought I was free. But then that man took me” You said, tears beginning to fall as you looked towards the man’s dead body.
Paul took your chin gently in his hands. “You must look at things that aren’t worth your view. You are to be empress.” He said looking into your eyes intensely.
After an hour or so of talking with Paul on the throne, you had eventually fallen asleep against his chest. Paul smiled down at you.
He stood, lifting you up bridal style and then walking into a room full of expensive clothes. Once placing you on a chair, you woke, and as soon as you did your eyes widened, looking at all the luxurious dresses around you.
“Wow, who owns these?” You asked looking at all the silks.
“You” Paul smirked.
“What?” You gasped smiling and running up to them happily.
Paul walked up to you as you admired the dresses and turned your head. He placed a gentle kiss onto your lips. You smiled. You actually smiled. Being a slave, smiling is not something you do often.
A man walked in, making the two of you break apart. The man looked at you with disgust, looking you up and down.
He spoke Fremen to Paul, you placed a hand on Paul’s arm making him smile at you. You knew a few languages similar to Fremen so you believed the man was asking who you were.
Paul knew that you wouldn’t know the language, most slaves were brought in from other countries.
“She needs dresses. One will be a wedding dress” Paul spoke in English.
“Who would marry such a slave” the man said laughing.
Paul visibly tensed, you looked at him as he walked over to the man. You now know why people spoke of him with fear. As soon as he reached the man he grabbed him by the throat.
“She’s is marrying me. If you 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 disrespect her again I will kill you, slowly and painfully.” He said before letting go and dragging you out of the room.
“You must never let anyone treat you like that, do you understand?” He said cupping your cheeks.
You swallowed thickly and nodded at him.
“Good. You rule over all these people, don’t ever forget it my love” he said kissing you again.
Fair to say you were treated not as a slave girl, but as a queen.
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cringe-but-proud · 3 days
Mommy’s home 👅👅👅👅💦💦💦💦💦💦💋💋💋💋💋💋
Please, don’t hate me.
Regulus Black x gn!muggleborn!Reader
Warnings!!!: Implied abusive family, Regulus gets the dark mark and sort of hates himself for a bit, guilt, self harm??? (Regulus scratches at his skin, but no mentions of blood or anything extreme), crying, I think that’s it idfk
A/n: That’s right bitches, I’m back after MONTHS of being gone. And I’m coming back with a little bit of angst because fuck it, why not. Fret not, there’s a happy ending. Anyways, requests are open, PLEASEEEEEEE send them in, I wanna get back into posting on here.
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The first day back from break had been horrible.
Regulus didn’t know what time it was, and it didn’t matter to him. He didn’t want to leave his room anytime soon.
Over winter break, he had been given the dark mark. The whole thing was sort of blurry. In the moment, Regulus had tried to take in as little as possible in hopes that he wouldn’t remember it so vividly. He remembered the burning sensation on his arm as the ink imbedded into his skin. He remembered his mother telling him how proud she was. And he remembered crying in his room afterward, clawing at his own skin in a desperate attempt to get rid of the mark.
You were going to hate him. That was all he could think of.
You, his best friend, one of the only people who made him happy, the person he’d fallen in love with. You were going to hate him.
He felt like an idiot, because he knew this would happen eventually. Hell, when the two of you started getting close, it was one of the first things he’d told himself. One day, he’d get the dark mark. And since you were a muggleborn, you would have every right to despise him for it.
So, why was he so devastated?
He knew why.
Before you left the train station, you’d wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug and whispered a quick “I love you.” Before pulling away and running to meet your parents.
That was the last thing you’d said to him, and the minute you found out he got the mark, that statement wouldn’t be true anymore.
He couldn’t handle that.
He couldn’t handle losing you, because you were the only person that he always saved a seat for during his meals. You were the only person who he’d slip an answer to during class. You were the only person who knew he was still afraid of thunder, and you were the only one who had held his hand during a particularly bad storm at Hogwarts.
You were the only person that had ever actually loved him.
That’s why he was refusing to leave his room. He didn’t want to see you, even though he needed your comfort right now.
He sat, curled up in bed, and he didn’t look at his left forearm, because he knew he’d start crying all over again if he did.
He’d stay here forever. He’d stay here until you just forgot about him.
Knock, Knock, Knock
He knew who it was. Who else would it be? Hardly anyone other than you had ever even been in his dorm.
He didn’t answer and he hoped to the gods that you would just go away. But, it was you. So, of course you stayed.
“Regulus?” Your voice called out softly. “Are you in there?”
He didn’t reply.
“Regulus, I’m really worried about you….” You said as you tried knocking again. “Please, if you’re in there, say something… Regulus, please.”
His stomach twisted and he felt like he was going to vomit. You were going to see him sooner or later. So, he replied.
“Y/n, I…. I’m not feeling good.”
He heard you sigh in relief before speaking again. “I’m sorry, I just…. Can I come in, please? I wanna see you.”
He closed his eyes and pulled his blanket over his form. “Door’s unlocked.” He muttered from under his covers.
For the first time since he’d arrived back at Hogwarts, his door opened. “Regulus?” You spoke softly as you entered his room. He stayed silent. “Regulus.” You said his name again and he shifted under his covers to glance at you. You really did look worried. Of course you did.
“Hey….” He mumbled.
“What’s wrong?” You sat on the edge of his bed, movements careful and slow. As if you’d scare him by moving too fast, as if he were the most fragile thing in the world.
“I’m sick.”
“No, you’re not.” You chuckled dryly. “The last time you were sick, I skipped class to stay with you. You didn’t put up a fight to have me around then.”
“Well, you got sick after that.” He reminded you. “Don’t want you getting sick again.”
“Can you please just tell me what’s actually wrong?” You shifted closer to him. “You’re making me nervous.”
He stayed silent.
“…. Regulus.”
His voice came out sounding pitiful. It was quiet and almost broken sounding. “Please, don’t hate me.”
You blinked, surprised. “What?“ You asked. “Why would I—?” But, before you could get out that sentience, Regulus had sat up, lip trembling, eyes big and watery.
“Please.” He repeated.
“Regulus, why would I hate you?”
“You should! You should, I’m horrible!” He began to sob.
“Regulus—“ You shifted closer and laid a hand on his shoulder. “What are you talking about?”
He finally lifted his head. For a moment he considered just not telling you, keeping things the way they were before he’d gotten this damned mark. But, he knew better. You didn’t deserve to have something like this kept from you. It would only make this worse.
He tried his best to calm his breathing and straightened up a bit, holding out his wrist.
You almost gasped at the sight. The dark mark etched into your best friend’s skin. You stared in silence.
“I didn’t want it.” He said shakily. “You have to believe me, I didn’t want it, Y/n. It was my family. You know how they are, they-“
“Why are there scratch marks?” You asked, interrupting him.
He paused. “What?”
“Around the mark,” You gently took his arm and looked closer. “Scratch marks. What happened?”
“I….” He didn’t understand. Why weren’t you screaming at him or crying or— Something other than this. “I was hysterical, Y/n. I tried to get rid of it, I thought-“
“You did this to yourself?” You asked worriedly.
He couldn’t believe it. He was still waiting for you to suddenly burst into a fit of rage or despair. “Well…. Yeah.”
“Regulus, please don’t hurt yourself over this.” You said softly, gently rubbing a thumb over the skin where the mark was. He blushed at the show of affection.
“You’re….” He tried to find the right words. “Aren’t you upset?”
You shook your head. “I mean, I’m upset for you. It’s sad. I’m really sorry that they made you get this.” You replied, moving your hand to interlock fingers with him. “But, no. I’m not upset at you.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re my best friend, Regulus. And I know that this mark doesn’t reflect anything that you feel or think.” You brushed your thumb over his knuckles.
“I thought….” He sniffled. “I thought you were going to hate me.” He admitted. “I was so scared.”
“I don’t know why.”
“It’s a hate symbol. Y/n!” He started. “A hate symbol against people like you, and I-“
“I know all of that. But, you don’t hate muggleborns, do you?”
“No, of course not.”
“Exactly. So, that mark doesn’t mean anything to me. Cause I know you.” You squeezed his hand gently. “And I love you, Regulus. Always will.”
Those words made him relax. It felt so good to hear. He (reluctantly) let go of your hand and wiped away his tears. “Thank you.” He said quietly.
“For what?”
“Loving me.”
You chuckled softly. “You don’t need to thank me for doing something that comes naturally.”
He smiled a bit and a comfortable silence fell over the two of you. “You’ll really always love me?” He asked.
He sighed and leaned against you. “Good.”
You laid your head on top of his and shut your eyes. “Good.” You agreed.
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jnnul · 1 day
the right side of wrong. (part two)
TAGS ▸ uh like mentions of glass breaking, and food eating??, this chapter is pretty tame lol
PLAYLIST ▸ yosemite - travis scott, back - jey, stay - ari abdul, element - pop smoke, dirty laundry - blackbear
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ didn't want this part to be too long since i'm trying to stick to my end word count of 40k lol. next chapter is gonna move things along for sure though! this one is just plot + world building. quick note: feedback, comments, etc. GREATLY encourage writers! if you felt any sort of way (in a good or bad way!) about this fic, pls leave feedback!
TAGLIST ▸ @hybeboyenthusisast
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[march 19, 20XX, 11:48 a.m.]
[mount justice, happy harbor, rhode island]
“you’ve never watched television before?” soojin asks incredulously, staring at y/n. she shrugs, looking at the remote in her hand with a curious look. 
“i mean, television is harder to warp since it could be live broadcasted. magic takes a lot of energy, and i don’t think anyone cared about me enough to warp television day in and day out. i mostly just read books. fiction.” jay lets out a low whistle as he puts the baking tray into the oven. 
soojin and jay had taken it upon themselves to be ‘den mothers’ for y/n since she didn’t really have anyone else to connect with, and since they were the only ones who lived at mount justice.
“really? well, at least now you’ll never be bored. when i was on mars, watching television from earth is practically the only thing i ever did,” soojin says and smiles when she sees jay make his way to the television set in the other room, picking out dvd’s of old movies to start y/n with.
“yeah. i mean, it was pretty boring since i could only do things that were already vetted by my dad. i could only read the books he wanted me to. i could only eat the foods that he brought me. i could only learn the things in textbooks that he conjured. it was a life that felt like prison,” she explained, her voice trailing off as she reminisced not-so-fondly about her life in the other dimension.
“you know, i hate to say it, but usually people come out of solitary confinement totally mistrustful and don’t reveal anything to the people around them because of their time. i know that your case was a little different but i just - ” soojin is cut off by y/n, who’s eyes have grown hard and full of fire.
“but i don’t seem depressed or psychotic. in fact, i look and speak like a pretty normal girl, don’t i?” y/n says, her voice cold and emotionless. a shiver runs down soojin’s spine. this is what she had expected from someone who had no one but the light to grow up with. someone who was ready to fight at any given moment; a cold and ruthless killer.
“i’m sorry,” soojin says and just as quickly as y/n had slipped into the persona, she slips out of it.
“no, don’t apologize. i understand the confusion. it’s a mix of two things: my father may have been controlling my environment but he never actually tried to control me. he said that my powers and my face was all his, but that my personality and my brain was all of my mother’s. my father loved me very much, and locking me up to ‘protect me’ was his insane way of showing it. so i know what it’s like to be warm, trusting, and affectionate. it’s not as though i never knew the emotion. and as easy as it would be to live my life without ever trusting you guys, i just don’t think i want to live like that again. that’s how i’ve been living ever since i found out the truth about this dimension.” y/n sighs, crossing her arms over her chest and hugging them close to her body, as if to trap the heat into the depths of her skin. “but also - even with all of that love - i’ve lived a better life in the past two days than i have in the past twenty years. people here tell me the difference between reality and fiction. everyone in that dimension just told me whatever i wanted to hear. or whatever i needed to hear to stay in their grasp. i wasn’t really a child to look after to anyone else in the light. i was more like a harmless puppy.”
“that’s why they didn’t train you in combat either?” soojin asks and y/n nods, shrugging.
“it’s hard to keep a puppy under control when she’s been taught to bite.”
jay, who’d come back to the kitchen with a myriad of genres to explore sighs. “you know, that kind of reminds me of my time at cadmus.”
“what’s a cadmus?” y/n asks, and jay is silent for a moment, picking and choosing his words wisely.
“it’s a prison of its own. i was made as superman’s clone and raised in a facility to have the powers of superman but no mind of my own. i was literally created to be a rabid dog just barely on a leash,” jay says, and when he looks up at y/n, he doesn’t see the pity that he usually gets (and hates). instead, he just sees solidarity and for some reason, it feels as though she truly understood what exactly he’d gone through.
“but enough of the sad past talk. we’ve got to get you caught up on cinema and there’s nothing but time, right now! so what do you say, y/n? are you feeling mystery? romance? comedy? romantic-comedy?” soojin says, clapping her hands. y/n peruses her options before picking a movie, unable to tear her eyes away from the cover.
“i don’t think i know what love is but whatever it is, it’s gotta be this right now. who is this fine man?” y/n asks, staring at the man on the cover of the dvd and soojin giggles. 
“that’s henry cavill, and trust me, we all think that way,” she says, winking at jay, who just rolls his eyes with a grin.
“well then, the immortals, it is,” jay says, leading them all to the living area, where the television was.
“oh, i hate to bring up cadmus again but you said something that i thought i should clarify,” y/n says suddenly, her face serious and contemplative. jay and soojin exchange a look.
“what is it, y/n? do you remember something else about the light?” soojin asks worriedly.
“no. no - i just wanted to ask…what the hell is a superman?”
“oh boy.”
[march 19, 20XX, 11:48 a.m.]
[palo alto, california]
yujin checks her phone for the third time in the span of thirty seconds, her knee bouncing as she waited in the courtyard of stanford university for her boyfriend. she stares down at her phone impatiently, waiting for jake when she’s offered a short reprieve from the california sun beating down on her as a shadow casts across her face.
“you know, you really need to start caring more about your boyfriend and less about this new girl you have a crush on,” says the person who deprives yujin of her vitamin d.
“i don’t have a crush on her. but i do really need to check something out in gotham,” yujin says, looking up at jake. “and i need you to come with me.”
jake frowns, checking his watch. “is it serious? we have the pottery painting double date with the colemans at five.”
“no, it’s not serious. it’s just strange. and i don’t know, i just don’t want to investigate alone. figured i would put your forensics degree to use,” yujin replies.
“forensics? are we talking about a dead body here?” jake asks and yujin shakes her head, looking back down at her phone. she turns the phone screen so that jake could see what had her so on edge and gasps, taking the phone from her and examining carefully.
the image on yujin’s phone wasn’t gory or grotesque like jake had expected. instead, the image was (relatively) straightforward: someone had broken into ace chemical factory - literally. everything made of glass in the image was shattered to pieces, and the old stone building was suffering some serious cracks.
“this looks like some sort of sonic weaponry type damage. i see why this is sad and disturbing for gotham city history enthusiasts but i’m still not seeing why a forensics analysis is necessary. does sunghoon know about this?,” jake says, frowning as he examines the picture.
yujin swipes to the next picture, and jake’s frown grows even deeper as he looks at the picture.
“it looks like the same person who broke into ace chemicals also did some serious property damage to the yacht bridge. this has got to be at least twenty to forty million dollars in damage,” jake says, his eyebrows furrowed. “i still don’t see how this is an issue for forensics though.”
“check the timestamps. sunghoon wants us to do a little analysis for the team while he carries out the investigation on the legal side. you know, since superpowers are probably involved,” yujin says and jake swipes back and forth, checking the timestamps of the pictures.
“these pictures indicate that the damage was done at the same exact time. how the hell is that possible? i didn’t know that sonic weaponry was that easy to find,” jake says cynically, swiping back and forth once more.
“yeah. but check this: the damage looks the exact same. as if it were done by the same weapon,” yujin says, pointing out the shape of the glass shards that were scattered across the floors of each of the buildings. jake looks closer until he notices something that rubs him the wrong way, zooming in to show yujin too.
“look at this, though. in the picture of the yacht bridge, there’s clear indications that the weaponry used was barely functional; i mean the glass shattered but the shatter isn’t nearly as finely ground as the glass here, in the ace chemical factory picture. it’s not as identical as we think it is,” jake explains. “and this is just a hunch, but it seems like the motives are different too - i mean, i can’t think of a single reason why anyone would voluntarily go to ace chemical factory at eight in the evening. that place has been shut down for years, and it was never producing anything too valuable in the first place.”
“but the yacht bridge would mean that some rich people are moving some big amounts of money in the next couple of days,” yujin says slowly. “especially with the weather growing warmer, more and more people are getting their boats ready to take out onto the waters.”
“and when did you say icicle sr. was at the bank?” jake asks, mentally committing the picture to memory. 
“not even fifteen minutes later. the bank is pretty close to ace chemicals but it’s on the other side of gotham. unless it was you or the flash, i’m not sure that anyone could make it from the yacht bridge to the bank in time. but from ace chemicals, there’s more than enough time to do so,” yujin says, swiping to the next picture, where she’d circled the three locations.
“well, i’m not sure how much help i’m gonna be but i’ll check out all three of the locations with you if that’s what you need me to do,” jake says, handing yujin back her phone and she pockets it quickly, checking her watch.
“well then, i’m gonna have to borrow the powers of kid flash to complete this recon mission,” she says, a teasing glint in her eyes and jake flashes her a megawatt smile.
“kid flash, at your service, ma’am. now, let’s not keep the colemans waiting for too long.” 
[march 19, 20XX, 11:48 a.m.]
[gotham city, southern tip of new jersey]
“detective park? we have some people inquiring about the simultaneous break-ins at ace chemicals and the yacht bridge from yesterday. is the field team ready to go to the site?” byun euijoo, the station’s pretty boy and correspondent/representative asks, looking haggard from having to respond to entitled rich people all day.
“yeah. we’re ready,” sunghoon says, nodding at the team that he’d assembled to investigate the break-ins. he had a sneaking suspicion that yujin and jake would have better luck in finding the source of the issues but he had a job and appearances to keep up anyway.
“right. i’ll tell them that our team’s on site working on the case and that we’ll find the perpetrators as soon as possible,” euijoo says, typing away on his little ipad, murmuring something under his breath. “even though it’s most likely that the justice league’s gonna handle this anyway. or whoever the hell they send to take care of things secretly.”
“what’d you say?” sunghoon says, unbuttoning the buttons on the cuffs of his sleeves to roll them up, hanging the detective badge over his neck.
“nothing. it’s just - does our station ever really do anything? it feels like we just get anonymous intel that solves the entire case for us. not that you’re not a great detective and you’ve definitely been vital to solving cases and putting everything together. but, you know, it just feels pointless when the justice league or whatever team they’ve put together for undercover missions does everything for us anyway,” euijoo huffs, hugging his ipad to his chest.
sunghoon rests his hand on euijoo’s shoulder, slinging his jacket over his own shoulder. “this station is the face of every case that comes to this city. no matter what kind of anonymous tips we get - or however timely or true those tips might be - we deliberate the truth and we have to search and give the people an answer. our job is no less important because whoever is helping us has gotten involved.”
“but you don’t ever get curious about who exactly is helping us?” euijoo asks, somewhat shamefully.
“hm. maybe? but if they want to reveal themselves, they will. no point in looking a gift horse in the mouth, right?”
euijoo doesn’t have much to say to that and sunghoon just smiles, passing him to lead the team to first the yacht bridge, and then ace chemicals. yujin and jake would be checking ace chemicals first so it would be easier for them to examine things in peace if the detective team (and the horde of reporters that would be sure to follow) headed to the yacht bridge first.
plus, rich people were impatient. and pushy.
“alright,” sunghoon begins, clapping his hands. “let’s find these assholes.”
the motorcycle ride to the yacht bridge wasn’t that far. maybe twelve or thirteen minutes at maximum. but those thirteen minutes felt like absolute torture all the way through.
sunghoon preferred motorcycles because he liked feeling the wind whipping his jacket and at his hair when he wasn’t feeling like following rules. he loved the feeling of feeling superhuman in his speed and agility as he raced down the streets of gotham. it also could have been the time that sunghoon had spent with eunwoo rubbing off on him, now that he thought about it. 
but now, with all of these reporters hot on his heels, hounding him with questions that they were screaming over the howling winds, it was absolute torture. sunghoon could barely concentrate on the road in front of him from the sheer multitude of questions that he was being barraged with. 
sunghoon’s thoughts lead him to ardor, as a way to distract himself from the questions that he was pretending he couldn’t hear. 
she was probably spending time with jay and soojin around this time, wasn’t she? maybe catching up on the current events that she’d missed out on in all of her time trapped in that dimension? or possibly eating foods that she didn’t even know existed? knowing soojin, she was definitely showing ardor some sort of show or movie. jay was probably just happy to be around soojin and soojin was always happy to welcome new people into the den, since the only two permanent residents of the den were jay and soojin.
his mind goes back to something that eunwoo had said as sunghoon was on his way out.
eunwoo was a relatively stoic person and wasn’t shaken or moved by much. he didn’t really have intense highs but he also didn’t have intense lows, and while that had annoyed sunghoon when he was looking for affection that eunwoo simply couldn’t provide, it proved to be helpful and necessary every time sunghoon found himself shaking with the intensity of his emotions when he was going through his teenage years.
so for eunwoo to grab sunghoon’s elbow as he’s on his way out of the cha manor, his eyes downcast and contemplative… it was definitely a cause for concern for sunghoon.
“i don’t want to reveal too much because i’m not sure that it’s my place to share anything with the team when it’s a justice league issue but if what y/n is saying is true, the possibility that the justice league has a mole is quite frankly, worryingly high. i can’t tell you how to run the team and i’ll carry out my investigation as discreetly as possible but as someone in this field for longer than you have, i have some requests and some advice. first, i suggest that you keep y/n as close to you as possible. if word of the investigation leaks, the light will not hesitate to hurt her or maybe even kill her, depending on how desperate faust is. i trust the team but i trust you the most, sunghoon. second, this is my request, but you might consider adding her to the team. pyrokinetics are not a joke - and her flame doesn’t kill, which is even better. not to mention that if you take her on missions - ”
“we might discover something that she’s been keeping from us, intentionally or not,” sunghoon finished with a sigh, rubbing his hand over his face.
“you know?” eunwoo asked incredulously.
“not really, to be honest. but miss martian mentioned something about how she’s keeping something important from us. i’m pretty sure that not even she knows though. according to miss martian, it’s something that she knows is important but it’s behind a mental block - can’t tell if it’s a block from a magician or an emotional block. combat is pretty primal though; it unlocks parts of us that we don’t even know exist. so maybe after some training and survival techniques, ardor could be a good addition to the team. or maybe it’ll be a good way to release the stress or whatever mental blocks she has in her mind.”
eunwoo was quiet, watching sunghoon before shaking his head. “you really grew up too fast.”
“you’re still only a couple years older than me,” sunghoon replied but when he looked at eunwoo, he doesn’t see a scolding or discomfort welling up in his eyes - just unadulterated pride and joy in sunghoon’s growth.
“yeah. i know.”
sunghoon snaps out of his thoughts, parking the bike in front of the entrance into the yacht bridge, flashing his detective badge at the attendant in the front - although he’s pretty sure he doesn’t need to, since there’s only one detective that was always called upon in strange cases like this: him. 
“show me the way,” he says, trying his best to offer a charming smile. the attendant just sneers, pressing a button to open the gates into the yacht bridge with an unimpressed look, distrust swimming in his eyes and sunghoon does it best to keep it from affecting him.
today was going to be a long day.
[march 19, 20XX, 6:59 p.m.]
[mount justice, happy harbor, rhode island]
sunghoon collapses on the sofa in the living area of mount justice, a defeated look on his face, a wet cloth draped over his face to release the heat that he felt was practically coming off of him in waves after getting off of work just prior to using the zeta tubes to reach mount justice.
“gotham city giving you some trouble?” soojin asks, sliding a plate of cookies over to where the heaping lump of sunghoon was.
“not really,” sunghoon sighs before taking the wet cloth off of his face. “never mind. yeah, it seems like one of our cases is a little more complicated than i had anticipated. don’t mind me though. are yujin and jake here yet?”
“they said something about a double date earlier so i doubt that they’ll get back until at least eight.” soojin munches on the cookies, nose crinkling in satisfaction as she analyzes the taste. “wow, y/n’s a good baker. can’t believe she didn’t share how talented she was before.”
“y/n made these?” sunghoon asks, staring at the cookies apprehensively. they’re a perfect golden-brown, with chocolate chips added generously to each one. “they honestly look store bought.”
“nope. i made them from scratch,” says a new voice in the room. y/n looks somewhat shy as she enters the room, carrying two plates of dinner served in each of them. “i’m learning like pyrokinetics are useful for cooking - and easier to use than stoves. i don’t really understand them.”
“you made dinner? with fire power?” sunghoon gawks, his stomach growls betraying him as he takes in the smell of the dinner that y/n had made. his arms reach out instinctively, and y/n hands him the plate gingerly, handing the other plate to soojin.
“i had a lot of help,” she says, hiding her hands behind her back to keep sunghoon from seeing the number of bandages on her hands from her clumsy first trials with using knives. knives = weapons in the dimension she was from, so she didn’t exactly have too much practice with them until now.
“don’t be humble. i didn’t do anything,” jay says, entering with two more plates of food. “i just showed her how refrigerators and garbage disposals worked.”
“you didn’t have refrigerators?” sunghoon says, turning to y/n, mixing the curry into the rice.
“no. i ate on a day to day basis so i never really needed one,” y/n says with a shrug, but sunghoon can see the sadness in her eyes. he takes a bite of the curry, as if to divert her attention and immediately, his eyes grow wide as he stares down at the plate.
how could curry even taste this good? was it even possible for chickpeas to taste like this? were these even chickpeas?
his eyebrows furrow as he analyzes the curry, trying to figure out exactly what she’d had added to make it taste so heavenly.
y/n take his silence in the opposite way that he meant it, however, and her face falls as she watches his reaction. “you don’t like it? i’m so sorry, i’m sure that soojin has some leftovers from lunch!”
sunghoon shakes his vigorously as she starts to move out of the room to heat up leftovers. “no! i mean, i love it. i genuinely was just taken aback by how good it is. i had no clue that you could cook like this, y/n.”
she blushes, the prettiest color rising in her cheeks. “it’s just some stuff that i’d picked up whenever i got bored. cookbooks are surprisingly easy to memorize and fun to read.”
“well whatever you did, you have got to teach me,” soojin says, her face scrunched up in pleasure. “this is so good, i feel like i’m gonna cry.”
“no kidding,” jay agrees, eyebrows furrowed in what looks like anger at just how good the dinner was.
“you guys are too sweet,” y/n says with a shy laugh, falling back into her seat when she’s met vehement protests at her humility, comparing her to some guy (gordon ramsey?) she’s not quite sure of.
“this is incredible,” sunghoon says, and his eyes shine when they meet with hers, causing her to avert her own eyes, his gaze heavy on her face.
“oh, i really hope there’s enough for yujin and jake when they get here. although, i kinda wanna get seconds. or thirds,” soojin says with a sigh of satisfaction.
“yujin’s coming?” y/n asks, perking up at the mention of artemis. “i haven’t seen her all day today.”
“yeah, they’ve been busy for the past couple days but jake’s been complaining that he’s lost his girlfriend to the new girl at mount justice. apparently yujin’s been worried about how you’re holding up, all the way on the other side of the country.” jay’s words cause y/n to descend into another flurry of bashful denial, smiling when she hears that her new friend would be returning to mount justice.
“speaking of those two, has jake talked to you guys about the proposal plans yet?” sunghoon asks, chewing slowly, as if that would make the food’s flavor last longer in his mouth. jay’s eyes dart between him, soojin, and y/n as if to ask silently if it was okay to let y/n in on secrets such as these - even if they weren’t exactly damning evidence for crucial missions.
we can trust her. i’ll explain later but for now, just know that whatever you could say to the team, you can say to her, sunghoon explains through the mindlink.
“oh yeah,” soojin says excitedly, clapping her hands. she turns to y/n with an excited twinkle in her eyes. “jake, yujin’s boyfriend and our resident speedster, is planning on proposing to yujin soon! he recruited our help to help make sure the whole day goes perfectly.”
y/n leans forward, equally enthusiastic as soojin. “really? that’s going to be so wonderful; i can’t even imagine how that would look like! gosh, i’m so excited.”
“has he decided on a date yet?” jay asks, the tension from before having evaporated when sunghoon confirmed that y/n was allowed to be privy to such information.
“he said something about a june date? after they graduate in may, for sure, and on a day when it’s sunny and calm out. he wants that to be the one day that things go according to plan,” sunghoon says with a snort, shaking his head at the antics of his best friend.
“can you blame him? it seems as though having things go according to plan is a luxury we do not experience very often in our field,” says a new voice, and the four of them turn to see heeseung enter the room with a motorcycle helmet in hand. “your helmet was about to become a chew toy for wolf, so i figured that i’d bring it to safety.”
y/n checks the entryway, perhaps as if to see if wolf, jay’s wolf friend and resident snuggle buddy, would follow his recently confiscated chew toy but it seemed that wolf had found satisfaction in other toys.
she’d seen him bite straight through concrete with unbridled enthusiasm the other day, so all she could hope was that his toy for the day wasn’t going to be her door. which was bulletproof metal, but she wasn’t exactly sure what that wolf was capable of.
“thanks heeseung. wanna grab dinner? y/n made it and it’s absolute heaven,” sunghoon says, pointing at the plate that he’d practically licked clean. heeseung nods, and the two of them head out of the living area to the kitchen to serve themselves.
“here, let me come with you. i can get dessert started too,” y/n says, standing up. “i got excited after learning how an oven worked - though i kinda ended up, uh, getting creative with my fire because that was faster - so i ended up making brownies too. anyone up for brownie ice cream?”
soojin and jay’s hands shoot up almost unbelievably quickly.
“wow, those speeds would put kid flash to shame,” sunghoon quips and soojin and jay just ignore him, scrambling to their feet as all of them make their way into the kitchen.
“just wait. you think this dinner and these cookies were good? those brownies put them all to shame,” jay says, pacing back and forth in the kitchen, not looking too unlike his canine companion.
“it seems that you have won the hearts of many, y/n,” heeseung says, a knowing twinkle in his eyes.
y/n just looks at him, trying to decipher the meaning behind his words. heeseung was the person that she was the least close to - bar sunghoon, but she was warming up pretty quickly to the ‘pretty boy detective’ as jay called him. heeseung, however, wasn’t around mount justice over the past few days that she’d been there for too long and it seemed like he always knew something that no one else did.
he probably did know, though. there was just some aura around him that made him seem incredibly all-knowing and wise.
“uh, y/n? are the brownies in the oven or in the fridge?” sunghoon asks, and y/n is successfully distracted, rushing over to the fridge to pull out the brownies she’d made earlier, flitting from the counter and the fridge to assemble the brownie ice cream.
once everyone had been served their portion (jay was a special exception to the only one brownie rule; super strength required special food sizes was his explanation), the five of them headed back to the couch area, soojin excitedly recounting jake’s proposal plan as well as she could through a mouthful of brownie and ice cream.
“she’s charged up,” sunghoon comments, leaning over to whisper in y/n’s ear. “she’s been pretty excited about this whole proposal thing.”
“i’m not sure if i’m right but it seems to be a hint to jay; i think she’s waiting for him to propose too,” y/n whispers back and sunghoon looks at her with wide eyes.
“really? does jay know that?” he asks and y/n shrugs, spooning ice cream into her mouth.
“i doubt it. i doubt that even soojin knows that how she’s coming across to others. or just me, i guess. it must be a ‘woman’s intuition’ type thing,” she explains, nodding along to whatever soojin was saying so as to appease her excitement.
“speaking of intuition, i have to ask you something, but i’ll ask you later, when there’s no one else here. i don’t want you to feel obligated or pressured into giving an answer because of people being around you,” sunghoon says under his breath, just loud enough for y/n to hear. he looks out of the corner of his eye to see her reaction but she’s surprisingly stoic, nodding just the slightest before jumping back into the conversation.
the little exchange goes unnoticed by jay and soojin but heeseung makes eye contact with sunghoon and tilts his head, almost imperceptive to the untrained eye. sunghoon just blinks and heeseung is appeased. nothing serious. just want to ask her something.
sunghoon was pretty sure that as the most quiet members of the team, heeseung and sunghoon could conduct entire conversations without a single word.
sunghoon had picked that up from eunwoo and heeseung was just…heeseung.
the conversation is interrupted when the zeta tubes announce the presence of the missing team members, jake and yujin.
they hear jake and yujin conversing in low tones before joining the group, setting down their duffel bags (team gear) and backpacks (school gear) before taking a seat on the loveseat opposite sunghoon and y/n.
heeseung looks around the room, with all of the loveseats fully occupied before looking down at his armchair, a soft laugh escaping his lips. and so he was in the armchair. alone. while the loveseats were occupied with duos and couples. huh.
“how is everyone doing today?” yujin asks, breaking the silence that had fallen over the group.
“good! oh, you guys need to try y/n’s cooking - she made dinner and it’s absolutely heavenly,” soojin says, ushering jake and yujin into the kitchen. jake and jay follow her (the latter most definitely going for another helping) but yujin stops when she reaches where y/n is sitting, extending her hand to clasp y/n’s gently.
“hope you’re adjusting well?” she asks and y/n nods, honey practically dripping from her eyes.
“yeah. jay and soojin have been really welcoming. and sunghoon! and heeseung, of course,” y/n adds the last two names hurriedly, bowing her head at the two men. “everyone has been really kind.”
“that’s good to hear,” yujin says with a soft grin before her gaze shifts to sunghoon. “captain? i think that we’ve got a few things that we need to discuss.”
she looks down at where y/n is still holding her hand and reluctantly lets go. “and i think that y/n should be there too. classification omega.”
sunghoon is taken aback. the events of the yacht bridge and chemical factory were strange, most definitely, but he’d expected something along the lines of arkham asylum’s inmates staging some level of a robbery. something more novel. classification IV, at most.
classification omega? that really only meant sunghoon, yujin, and heeseung could be in attendance. not that they couldn’t trust the rest of the team but classification levels were more based on just how much members were willing to give for the team. classification levels were more for the safety of the members, rather than anything else.
so information at that classification level made sunghoon worry but yujin’s expression seems more puzzled than grim so sunghoon just nods, offering y/n an appeasing smile when she looks between the three of them, searching for answers.
“i’ll explain when we get a chance to talk,” yujin says, her gaze fixed on y/n and it’s obvious that the words are meant to put y/n at ease, rather than offer any hints to either of them about what she could’ve possibly discovered in gotham. it seems to work when y/n’s shoulder descend from their tensed state just the slightest.
the other three return, with jake holding an extra plate of dinner for yujin as well and the air in the room turns lighthearted once more. both yujin and y/n seem to turn off the serious mindset they were simmering in as if it were a light switch. but sunghoon is unable to take his mind off of yujin’s words.
his questions are answered even without an explanation when he hears y/n scream just twenty-six minutes later.
[march 19, 20XX, 8:26 p.m.]
[belle rêve prison]
“you heard what?” one of the inmates asks incredulously. icicle sr. shivers, almost as if a chill had run down his spine, and shakes his head, suppressing any sign of fear as he restates what he’d heard that night.
belle rêve prison wasn’t exactly known for its hospitality but there were very few conditions when it came to cold weather that startled icicle sr. - but the reason why it felt as though there was a cold air in the room had nothing to do with temperature.
“i heard the canary scream. cry. whatever those justice freaks call it. but when we got to ace chemical factory, there was nothing there. no canary, nothing. not a single feather on the ground,” icicle sr. grinds out, and to the other inmates, it seems as though he’s angry that he had to repeat himself. but to icicle jr., his son and the newest addition to belle rêve’s top gang, he can see that the grit in his teeth is from pure, unadulterated fear.
which made icicle jr. want to piss his fucking pants.
there was very little that scared his father. so if it scared his father, it sure as hell scared him.
“you heard the cry but you didn’t see the bird?” another inmates says with a cocky expression. his words don’t carry the pomp he tries to convey them with since his voice trembles a bit too much to take him seriously.
“she’s not usually in gotham unless there’s a fight to pick with someone,” another inmate points out. icicle sr. is silent as the prison cafeteria breaks out into a cacophony of different people trying to give their input on what exactly had happened for black canary to appear in gotham all of a sudden.
“dad? you’re kinda quiet,” icicle jr. says and his father side-eyes for a long moment before shaking his head.
“it’s not her. it can’t be her.”
“because…it wasn’t her voice. not that voice means anything when that goddamn scream is so loud. but it’s just not her. i know that.”
which meant that there was someone else in gotham who could utilize the canary cry.
[march 19, 20XX, 8:26 p.m.]
[mount justice, happy harbor, rhode island]
sunghoon and yujin burst into a sprint the moment they can. that is, the moment that y/n stops screaming. sunghoon’s thoughts are all over the place as he tries to recon what had just happened.
the team had dispersed into different locations after dinner. jay and soojin had decided to leave mount justice to catch a late night movie while jake had with them when yujin broke the news that some of their findings were classification omega. he’d sulked at first (mostly about having to part from yujin again) but jay had enticed him into coming with them with promises of buying popcorn at the movie theater - as though they hadn’t just had three servings of dinner.
it was just yujin and sunghoon standing in the kitchen while heeseung went to make a call to a friend from atlantis (sunghoon had no clue that atlantis had cellphone reception). the two of them were silent, even though there were many words that had to be shared. it was as though neither of them knew how to share them and they were stuck in a standstill as they waited for y/n to return from the restroom for a quick shower and heeseung from his phone call.
sunghoon had just turned to yujin to ask her what she had found when an ear-piercing scream erupts from where the restroom across y/n’s room was. sunghoon and yujin both stumbled backwards, trying to regain their balance before setting off into a sprint, too many questions in their minds to think straight.
which brought sunghoon to the current moment, where y/n was standing next to her bed, clutching something shiny in her hands, wolf beside her, curled up into a ball of guilt and shame, his ears drooping as he looked up at the grief-stricken y/n.
her lips were still shaped as an ‘o’ as though she wanted to scream but she couldn’t find it within her to do so.
it takes less than three seconds for sunghoon to understand the situation: a) wolf had broken into her room while y/n was showering and had unknowingly destroyed something valuable to her. b) she possessed something valuable to her; something from the other dimension. c) she also had the canary cry - something that sunghoon had never heard of anyone else having besides black canary. d) the glass filled with water on her nightstand had shattered to pieces.
e) y/n faust was in gotham the night of the yacht bridge and ace chemical factory break ins. 
what the hell were they going to do now?
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yanderecrazysie · 1 day
Could you write something with yandere porco with a reader from paradis and he kidanapps her in liberio thanks
I hope this turned out alright, it felt blah
Title: Liberio Liebling
Pairings: Porco Galliard x Reader
WARNINGS: yandere themes, heavy spoilers
Summary: Why must he feel this way about an island devil?
The aftermath of the attack on Liberio had left all of the warriors feeling drained and broken. Most of the survivors had lost family and friends and all of them were feeling the loss of prodigy beast titan holder Zeke.
Porco was plagued with something different than the others. Sure, he felt the pain of loss and grief, but there was something else, something he couldn’t tell anyone else. There had been a moment where all of the other soldiers had faded away, leaving one particular soldier in his sights. 
You looked so beautiful with your hair blowing in the wind, suspended in midair with your maneuvering gear. You were ethereal to him, landing so gracefully on the rooftops, your boots barely making a sound. You looked gorgeous in all-black, but he wondered what you’d look like in civilian’s clothes. Like Levi, you wore the wings of freedom cape, which billowed behind you like angel’s wings.
Porco was sure his heart had stopped once he had spotted you for the first time. Even with Eren to fight, his eyes strayed, looking for you. When he was forced to break through the crystal with his teeth, his gaze locked on you.
Your gaze had been so pitying and sad, unable to look away from the terrible sight, even as Lara Tybur was turned into a human smoothie for the dreaded Attack Titan. You showed no hint of victoriousness, just a deep, deep sadness.
You were an island devil, a disgusting, horrible creature since birth. And, yet, despite all of Porco’s loyalty, he couldn’t help but dream about you every night.
His dreams varied, but all were romantic to a fault. Cuddling, dating, marriage, children… he wanted to deny that he wanted these things, but his dreams and daydreams betrayed him.
As awful as it was, he was in love with a devil.
Porco waited patiently as the merchant took his money in exchange for a loaf of bread. Something was off- he could feel eyes boring through his back. He turned around suddenly and his eyes went wide as he spotted you.
Your eyes went just as wide and you quickly brought a newspaper to your face. He stared at you, taking in your presence. You wore nice clothing and an Eldian armband, obviously trying to fit in. If you had been any other soldier, he wouldn’t have recognized you.
You were an island devil. You were spying on him and his home. He should be furious, vengeful… but instead he was excited, his heart pounding with anticipation as he approached you.
Your heart pounded too, but for an entirely different reason. You could hear him approaching you in the nearly-empty street. You tried to keep your composure, reminding yourself of your mission. Gather intelligence after the brutal attack on Liberio.
The intensity of his gaze unnerved you, but the fact that his armband was red scared you more. He was probably a titan shifter! He could transform into one of those terrifying titans you had seen months ago and eat you right here and now!
You were supposed to blend in and go unnoticed- after all, you were a low-ranked soldier and no one worthy to note. Yet, here was a warrior, walking towards you with an expression you couldn’t identify.
He stopped in front of you, his low and rough voice asking, “Isn’t it a little late to be reading the news?”
You lowered the newspaper and forced a friendly smile, “Just catching up on current events!” Your voice was supposed to sound cheerful, but it wavered in the middle of your sentence.
He didn’t smile back and a shiver shot up your spine as you finally recognized him from the many pictures you had been shown back in Paradis. This was Porco Galliard, the current holder of the Jaw Titan.
His eyes raked over you almost hungrily, taking in every detail. “You seem familiar,” he said softly, taking a step closer to where you sat on the bench, “Have we met before?”
You tried to think quickly, “Oh, I don’t think so. I just moved here recently.”
Porco’s eyes narrowed, “What’s your name?”
“(Y/n),” the name slipped out of your mouth before you could even think of lying.
“(Y/n),” he repeated, as though he were testing the sound of it on his tongue, “Nice to meet you, I’m Porco.”
He didn’t sound accusatory or angry, so you figured he hadn’t figured out who you were yet. You had to get away before he grew too suspicious, “Nice to meet you too. I should really get going. It’s getting dark.”
Porco’s hand shot out and grabbed your wrist firmly, “I think we should talk.”
Your heart stopped, “About what?”
He glanced around the empty square and his voice dropped to a whisper, “You’re from the island, aren’t you?”
You tried to pull your wrist free but his grip tightened, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
His hazel eyes softened, but his grip remained firm, “Don’t lie, I recognized you from the battle. You were there.”
Panic surged through you- your cover was completely blown and you were screwed, “Please, let me go.”
He shook his head slowly, a strange smile curling his lips, “No can do. You’re coming with me.”
He was on you in a flash, covering your mouth and pulling you down a side alley. The sky had darkened and no one was around. He was toned with the strength of a warrior and, despite you being stronger than the average girl, you were still at his mercy.
“Cooperate,” he grunted as you slammed your elbow into his chest, “Or I’ll turn you in as an island devil.”
You went limp in his hold, frustrated and helpless tears leaping to your eyes. This man could transform into a titan and swallow you whole or turn you in and let you be tortured for information, yet he didn’t seem to want to do either, so you reluctantly let him drag you down the streets. He led you to a small house and dragged you inside. It was empty, except for the two of you. 
He released your wrist and you turned on him, asking, “Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?”
Porco didn’t answer, instead moving to a nearby table and picking up the loaf of bread he had bought earlier. He tore it in half and offered it to you. “Eat, you’re probably hungry.”
You stared at him, “You just kidnapped me and you think I’m going to eat?”
He sighed and set the bread down on the table, “I’m not going to hurt you. I just need to understand.”
“Understand what?” you snorted, “Why I’m here? It’s because I’m a soldier. I’m on a mission.”
“That’s not what I mean,” he said, voice soft, “I need to know why I can’t get you out of my head.”
You blinked in surprise, then asked, “Are you going to let me go or turn me in?”
Porco looked up, a haunted expression on his face, “I really should turn you in, but I can’t.”
Curiosity flooded your mind, “Why not? I don’t understand.”
“I think…” Porco swallowed hard and looked away bashfully, “I think that I love you.”
You made a move for the door and he grabbed your wrist again. When he turned his face back to you, it was serious and hardened. A shudder ran down your spine.
“You’re not leaving. Not under my watch.”
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dclovesdanny · 29 days
DcxDp prompt
Danny had always been a bit of an inventor. It was a hobby he kept as he grew, something he could do when he was stressed and needed a break. When he moved for his new job, he immediately set up a little lab in his new apartment. He continued building, working on several projects at once.
He wasn’t expecting Robin to break in and turn all the machines on defense mode! Now he had to save the kid before Batman double killed him.
Meanwhile, Robin was investigating his first solo case, an inventor who seemed like a rogue in the making.
…he may have made an error.
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kicktwine · 6 months
oh so alisaie’s exaggerated bully behavior is 80% fanon. saying this she casually picks up a large rock
#say one thing wrong to me and you will have a wonderful few days with the rock#if angry silly girls have 100 fans etc if they have 0 fans i have died#sorry i saw a YouTube meme i vehemently disliked on principle and got mad at the only child behavior-#kipspeak#she is just short tempered and uses anger to mask other more ‘shameful’ emotions!!! alphy did the same thing with just deciding not#to express them. which is still not good and I think why he breaks and ends up teary so often now#this shortness does not translate to actually being mean to people. she only uses being mean as a shield for herself and being snarky#Is just fun for her. it’s fun for Me. you have to inconsequentually tease people or they’ll never learn to laugh at themselves#the twins and thancred 🫵 do this thing where they have big emotions but they don’t want anyone to SEE they have big weird emotions#so alphy pretends he doesn’t have them under a veneer of dignity and alisaie pretends the emotions are Something Else. thancred is#just so emotionally constipated he has trouble expressing anything. he’s got enough baggage for a flatbed#anyways. alisaie is such a compassionate and kind girl and she learned how to make snarky jokes and went ham. and she hates appearing sad o#weak or vulnerable so she blocks it off with an unapproachable emotion so no one pities her and they maybe get on with the plot#it is in fact also great at getting ppl to move away from the sad or embarrassing topic. even if the tradeoff is being more offputting#she would never (grabs youtube meme) she would never seriously bully her brother. this is sibling ribbing only. Cain instinct#just leave her be she is learning how to snark humor and she loves it she loves being sharp. alphy has wit he just keeps it close#my brother didn’t learn how to tell or receive a joke until he was 14 he took everything so seriously. he can do it now though and he’s#HILARIOUS. Don’t tell him I said that. my man knows exactly where the funny points are even if he hasn’t learned when to stop yet#too many tags. Whatever. jokey snark alisaie who sometimes compliments is happy alisaie grouchy snappy angry alisaie is way too stressed#very easy way to tell between the two. even alphy can tell between the two I believe! He tends to rib back in protest if they’re having fun#and try to stop her if they’re not having fun. case in point ‘what is that supposed to mean?!’ vs ‘alisaie ryne was only trying to help.’#I know they’re twins but that’s such an intensely older sibling thing to do that it reels me#LONG TAGS AND THREE EDITS TO ADD ON SHORT I resent this stereotype taken too far into ooc behavior. it happened with nya#It will happen again and as a postscript let me regale you with Things U Can Notice About Character Motivation and Actions—#I’m not done let me s#she and raha are friends now I decree. ‘haha you like me’ SPUTTERING PROTEST FROM BOTH
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bleuneptune · 7 months
hey anyone else thinking about limited life and joel wanting to sacrifice himself so jimmy wasnt first out?? anyone also thinking about how lizzie died this season by doing what she said she would to help joel?? joel inadvertently breaking the curse but at the cost of losing his wife first??? is that anything???
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